2013 Winter Ministry Guide

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ack in 1985 when the Lord began to burden my heart for the birthing of a new congregation in this area, three things from the Word of God were clearly revealed to me in regard to worship:

1. Unhurried praise and adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord, and the Head of this church. This includes a regular time for breaking of bread at the Lord’s Table. 2. Prayer and intercession as an expression of our utter dependence on our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ in all things. 3. Bold proclamation that is relevant and instructive. Because we believe that the Bible is God’s self-revelation and therefore contains all the answers to all of man’s problems and needs, we preach it with all of its authority.

Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Founding Rector The Church of The Apostles
































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he Church of The Apostles has never been just another church. God has

guided and sustained this church through a vision that was made clear

to the Rector even before the church began. We conclude from this that

God has something unique in mind for this church body and we operate our ministry according to a God-given core ideology. So as you attend Apostles, what can you expect to experience in the life and ministry of this church?

MISSION: To reach the lost and equip saints for the work of ministry. CORE VALUES:

• We are here to lift up Jesus at all times in everything we do. The Bible says that Jesus came to the earth that He might have preeminence in all things and that includes The Church of The Apostles. This ministry is not about us.

• We are constantly searching for opportunities and ways to make God’s awesome message of salvation clear to as many people as possible. We want to ensure that people have the chance to hear the message and see the heart of Jesus in a true light that is compelling and clear.

• We also strive to present every person complete in Christ. The highest purpose of life on earth is to make joyful progress in our spiritual formation, which is becoming like Jesus. Therefore, all of our ministry activity here at The Church of The Apostles converges on this focal point.

• Apostles is a church that is busy with Holy-Spirit directed ministry activity that is executed with excellence. We firmly believe that excellence is heaven’s first law and if we cannot do ministry with excellence to the glory of God, we simply don’t do it.

• Finally, we speak the truth in love without compromise. Through the Bible, God reveals Himself as the fountain of truth and love. We declare His truth in love without compromise or apology.

SUNDAYS At Apostles, we have the “Gathering of the Communities” (Sunday School) from 9:00-10:15 on Sunday mornings. This is a time when our children, youth, and adult communities meet for grounding, learning, connecting, and training in the wisdom and ways of the Lord. These communities gather together around Jesus, the living Word of God, and the Scripture, the written Word of God. There is also an early worship service in the chapel during this hour. At 10:30, we have the “Gathering of the Body” in our main sanctuary from 10:30-12:00 on Sunday mornings. This is a time for celebration and communion, praise and prayer, evangelism and proclamation. Our heart’s desire is to lift up the resurrected Jesus in all of His saving power and glory. The sacrament of Baptism is practiced on the second Sunday of the month and the sacrament of Communion is practiced on the first, third, and fifth Sundays of the month.

WEDNESDAY NIGHTS On Wednesday evenings at 6:15 we offer programs for everyone in your family. The Hour of Power is our midweek service that WEDNESDAY NIGHTS AT 6:15 P.M.

includes a time of worship and an extended time of prayer. Come early at 5:00 for a family dinner (no reservations are needed) and then stay for the Hour of Power and for our great programs for children and students!





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ur mass culture is increasingly causing individuals to be isolated from each other. In this highly technologically advanced culture of ours, we are quickly losing the personal touch, and yet, everything that I see and read tells me that in the midst of their isolation, most people are longing in their heart for genuine fellowship and relationship. There was a major study conducted by the Gallup organization that concluded that the number of people living in isolation and loneliness has increased in far greater proportion than any time in the past. Certainly these people are longing to break away from that loneliness and isolation, but they don’t know how to go about it. This isolation knows no limit in terms of age, gender, or marital status. There are teenagers, single adults, and married couples who are all living in loneliness and isolation. They all feel deeply the pain of isolation and loneliness, and yet they seldom know how to remedy the problem. The church community is supposed to be that type of close fellowship and friendship. Being in close communion with other believers, being in a small group or an adult Bible community, is not only vital for our spiritual growth, it is thoroughly biblical. Living in isolation was never God’s plan for His humanity. Living in isolation was never God’s purpose for His children. Living in isolation was never God’s will for the believers in the church of Jesus Christ. Coming to church, singing, listening to the messages, sitting in the pew and then going back to isolation – this is not the plan of God for the believers. To resist the deceitfulness of sin, every one of us needs to be in a community with other believers so that when temptation comes knocking at the door, trying to tempt us to sin, others will say, “Don’t do it. Think of the consequences. Think of your testimony.” I believe that is what these ministries that take place in homes and at church throughout the week and on Sunday morning are all about. They are not doing it just for the sake of having a small group or having a Sunday community. It is so that we may, according to Hebrews 3:13, “encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” In our life, that warning means that as long as we are encouraging one another, as long as our lives are lived life-on-life, as long as we are within a godly community of men and women who exhort us to righteousness, our heart will be kept malleable and our mind teachable. Otherwise, our heart will harden if left alone. Alone, none of us will be able to resist the deceitfulness of sin because temptation will come after you again and again in different forms, different ways. Whenever you find a man or a woman who distrusts themselves, there is a man or woman whose heart is right with God. Whenever you find a man or a woman in a place of utter dependence on God and on one another, there is a heart that is seeking to please the Lord above all else. So get involved in one of our Sunday morning community groups or contact T.J. Diamond to get plugged into a small group.

Michael Youssef, Ph.D.




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To resist the deceitfulness of sin, every one of us needs to be in a community with other believers so that when temptation comes knocking at the door, trying to tempt us to sin, others will say, “Don’t do it.”




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n the midst of the unrest we see in the world today, overt persecution of those who call Jesus Lord is at an all-time-high. An estimated 200 million believers have

been sent home to their Lord by persecutors over the past 100 years, more than in any other century. As Christians suf-

fer for the name of Jesus, the kingdom of God ushers in new believers, strengthened in their faith by the witness and testimony of those who are willing to sacrifice all for the glory of God.




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2013-14 WINTER MINISTRY GUIDE Daily, Leading The Way is shining the light of Christ into and physical ramifications of their conversion if we are able the darkest part of this world through radio, television, the In- to do so. Thankfully, we are positioned to help. Our on-theternet, THE KINGDOM SAT, Leading The Way Navigators, ground follow-up teams and relationships in regions where and our on-the-ground follow-up teams. For quite some time, Christians are actively persecuted offer us the infrastructure Leading The Way has received letters, emails, and phone calls to help and we will continue to do so with whatever resources for help from believers persecuted for their faith—those who the Lord entrusts to us for this purpose.” have come to Christ through our outreach and those who are In this past year, Help The Persecuted has had several opstrengthened daily by the biblical teaching they receive. Their portunities to aid persecuted believers. In Egypt, many stories are both thrilling and heartbreaking. A professed faith churches, homes, and businesses of Christians were burned in Christ can result in social rejection, shunning from friends by Muslims. More than a dozen believers were killed beand family members, job loss, imprisonment, and much cause of their faith in Christ. One young man suffered burns worse. on 70% of his body and was denied medical treatment due to In the beginning, Leading The Way was limited by how financial insufficiency. Help The Persecuted was able to pay much we could financially help the persemedical bills and assist the families of cuted when the majority of our resources If you would like more information the victims as they try to rebuild their were committed to broadcasting. However, on Help The Persecuted, or desire to lives and their ministry. We were also we continued to prayerfully consider how able to reach out to Iraqi and Syrian partner directly with Leading The Way, please contact us: to meet the needs of the persecuted. In Febrefugees in Lebanon–Christians driven ruary 2011, a generous donor granted us a from their homes with nothing but the Leading The Way PO Box 20100 | Atlanta, GA 30325 seed gift to form Help The Persecuted, enclothes on their backs. www.leadingtheway.org abling us to respond to the financial and These are just two examples of the Phone: 404-841-0100 physical needs of the persecuted around many needs of the persecuted met by Email: giving@leadingtheway.org the world. gracious supporters of Leading The Way. When asked about the importance of The needs continue to pour in, so we ask Help The Persecuted as a part of Leading The Way’s global out- you to join with us in praying for wisdom as we consider the reach, Joshua Youssef (Executive Vice President) com- many requests for assistance. mented, “We have a sense of responsibility to persecuted We also want to thank you for your part in this vital work Christians in the regions where we are ministering. As we of the Gospel through the partnership The Church of The share the Gospel and lead people through the conversion and Apostles has with Leading The Way. You are truly blessed to discipleship process, we must address the social, financial, be a blessing.





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WHO WE ARE Our vision for the children’s ministry at Apostles is to reach children for Christ and to equip them to surpass us in the knowledge of God, in faith, in righteousness, in fruitfulness, and in commitment to world evangelization. Our mission is to declare the whole counsel of God in all ministries


to and among children. We take ministry to chil-

February 9

dren seriously and earnestly desire to see them

VBS registration opens for Apostles members.

become mighty men and women of faith. It is our desire that they will put their trust in Christ at an

March 2 – April 13

early age. Our team of children’s workers joins

VBS registration is open to all.

with parents in nurturing the faith of their children. We aim to accomplish this in a safe, God-

June 9-13

centered, Christ-exalting environment, and trust

VBS 2014

that every time they come to this place, they will be reminded that they are a part of a bigger kingdom and in the presence of the King of Kings. We have special programs for children on Sunday mornings, on Wednesday evenings with “Running Church,”

and on Tuesdays and

Thursdays during women’s ministry activities. Special events throughout the year are wonderful opportunities for families to work, serve, play, and worship together.

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SUNDAY 9:00 - 10:15 A.M. Infant – Age 2

3rd Grade

3rd Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk Loving Nursery Care and Bible Stories

Age 2 – 3

5th Floor In the Beginning . . . Jesus: A Chronological Study for Children of Redemptive History

Kindergarten and First Grade Kid’s Connection 1

4th Grade

3rd Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk Two- and three-year-old children can learn and grow in truth! Our children will be taught over 36 lessons from the Bible this year. Stories of God’s creation, promise, and plan will be told along with many accounts of Jesus’ life.

Age 4 3rd Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk The children will discover the greatness of God through His attributes. They will hear how faithful and good God is as they discover His promises through the chronological teaching of the Word of God. Stories from the Old and New Testaments will reveal God’s redemptive plan to rescue His people that they may be with Him forever!

day mornings! Each week the children will go to chapel for worship through singing and the Word. Lively Kingdom Storytellers share God’s Word with the aid of our 3rd-5th grade students!

5th Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk To Be Like Jesus: A Study for Children on Following Jesus

Apostlelot (2nd – 4th Grade) Children gather together at the end of Sunday morning classes for an assembly where they visit the land of “Apostlelot.” Kingdom characters (and the kids!) learn how to work through reallife dilemmas. The drama presentation focuses on the lives of faithful men and women throughout history and the godly character evident in their lives. Church members also visit and share their testimonies of God’s faithfulness in their lives.

Room 416 Kid’s Connection 1 is a worship service for kindergarten and 1st graders that includes music, large group Bible teaching, mission moments, and small group activities.

Second – Fourth Grade Kid’s Connection 2 Room 423 Kid’s Connection 2 is a worship service for 2nd–4th graders that is designed to help prepare children to participate in “Big Church” with their parents. The service includes music, Bible teaching, and small group activities. We will study “God's Grace in the Law” January - May 2014.

Special Stones Room 309 Special needs children have lessons from the Special Buddies Curriculum.

And Jesus took the children in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them. – MARK 10:16


SUNDAY 10:30 TO NOON Infant – Age 4 Kindergarten & 1st Grade 4th Floor “Jesus, What A Savior!” A Study for Children on Redemption

2nd Grade 5th Floor “Faithful to All His Promises” A Study for Children on the Promises of God

Check in at Kiosk for classroom placement Preschool teachings include missions moments, puppets, drama, and lesson themes that amplify what has been taught during the 9:00 a.m. hour. • Two- and three-year-olds head to Wee Worship for songs and special skits designed to reinforce truths that are taught in the classroom. Our STS students are trained to lead the children in songs, Bible memory, drama, and puppets. • Four-year-olds have their own place of worship in Kingdom Kids on Sun-



3rd Floor Check-in: Nursery opens at 5:45 p.m. Nursery and preschool children enjoy our laid-back, midweek atmosphere with lessons that reinforce Sunday stories along with “Kid’s Quest Catechism” lessons. Children will also enjoy fun activities and playground time.

“Running Church” K – 4th Grade 4th Floor Check-in: 6:00-7:15 p.m. Elementary children enjoy this midweek time of Bible teaching and fun activities in the gym and on “the green.” We are learning lessons from “God’s Wonderful Library,” which will include catechism and memorization. The goal is that children will understand that the Bible teaches them how to love and obey God. Come for family night supper, which begins at 5:00 p.m.



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WHO WE ARE Our passion is to equip students to live the Gospel in their homes, schools, and neighborhoods and to share the love of Christ wherever they go. STS is an exciting place for students to grow in their relationships with God and with each other, develop a lifestyle of passionate worship of the Lord, and discover a life of ministry to others. We have a variety of weekly activities, from small groups to large-group worship services, and from in-depth equipping classes to service projects.


Sharing The Gospel The Lord instructs His children to share the good news of the Gospel. Once we have heard the Gospel and believed it for ourselves, we are to share it with others and not keep it a secret. The STS staff had the opportunity to share the Gospel with many students during the Middle and High School Fall Retreats. The retreats offered STS students the chance to bring their friends who may not know the Lord as their personal Savior to hear the truth of God’s Word and to have a fun weekend in godly community. More than 20 non-churched students attended the retreats and our prayer is that the Lord will grip their hearts and change their lives forever. Below are testimonies from some of our STS students who attended the retreats. “This year for the High School Fall Retreat, we drove to Camp Arrowhead up in the mountains of North Carolina. Almost half of the students who attended the trip were kids who have never been to the church before, so that was exciting. That’s kind of the whole point of fall retreat though; to minister to all of us, STS students as well as others. Throughout the weekend, we spent time together–getting closer to our friends and meeting new ones. We also played games such as paintball, launched water balloons at the leaders, and explored the surrounding woods. It was all so much fun!” ~ GABI BOOK (10th grade)



“A lot of people go on church retreats because they think that they’ll be fun and social. The STS fall retreat gave us a lot more than we bargained for! Throughout the weekend we did activities such as tennis, pickle ball, geo cashing, campfires, teaching sessions, and of course, prank war. Overall we enjoyed fellowship with our STS friends and had a wonderful time! The teaching that we received this weekend was thought provoking and many of us were convicted. One of the main things we discussed was the reliability of Christianity and how instead of man trying to get to God, God gets to us. Other religions have to worry about being good enough or being afraid of messing up, but our God offers forgiveness. The leaders shared their own experiences, making us realize how things like this can be used in real life. Thank you, STS staff, for making this a great retreat!” ~ MARY KATE PETERSON (8th grade)


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SUNDAY MORNINGS 8:45 – 10:20 A.M. * There will be NO STS on Sunday, December 29 due to the New Year’s holiday * There will be NO STS on Sunday, April 20 due to the Easter holiday * Every Sunday morning a pancake breakfast is served for all 5th-12th grade students. 5th & 6th grade students will be served breakfast in “The Den” and 7th-12th grade students will be served in The Café area.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. – ACTS 1:8

SUNDAY EVENINGS 5:00 – 7:00 P.M.

5th – 6th Grade “Rush Hour”

Sunday evening activities are a unique opportunity for STS students to fellowship and build community. Check our online calendar for updates: stsatlanta.org/calendar.

“The Loft”


NOTES 5th – 6th Grades “The Den” After breakfast and teaching, 5th & 6th grade students go to their classrooms (below) for Bible study and small groups led by adult volunteers. 5th Grade Girls – Room 230 A 5th Grade Boys – Room 230 B 6th Grade Girls – Room 240 6th Grade Boys – Room 231

7th – 12th Grades “The Loft” After breakfast, worship, and teaching, middle and high school students will have their discussion groups led by staff and adult volunteers.

7th – 8th Grade Bible Study

*There will be no evening activities scheduled for Sundays December 15, 29, or January 5.

9th – 12th Grade Guys


9th – 12th Grade Girls

Small groups meet every week and are organized by grade and gender. These groups are designed for students to get together with other students for fellowship, Bible study, prayer, and service. Join us for dinner from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Cost is $6.

The Parlor

The Den

NOTES *There will be NO STS Wednesday night activities November 27th, December 25th or January 1st.

SPECIAL EVENTS & TRIPS For more information on STS events and for online registration go to www.stsatlanta.org.

7th-12th Grade Winter Mission Project January 17 – 19

7th-12th Grade Girls Retreat

5th-12th Grade Bass N’ Blast Father-Son Retreat April 2 – 5 and April 9 – 12

5th-6th Grade Spring Retreat

March 21 – 23

April 25 – 27

9th-12th Grade Guatemala Mission Trip June 21 – 28 Applications available in STS office.





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WHO WE ARE Community. It’s a word that many talk about, but is so hard to find. That is especially true for those who are 18-25 years old. With the network of friends that high school provided gone, students find themselves lost in a big world. So we long for community. For Christian students, community isn’t just important, it is essential. More than any other time in our lives, we need the Church body, but finding how to connect is often difficult. College-Age Fellowship at The Church Of The Apostles is a Gospel-centered community and if you are in the area, we would welcome you to join us Sunday evenings for our Evensong service. Please contact us for more information about college ministry. ZACH CARDEN zcarden@apostles.org


After Evensong

Sunday Evenings 6:45 – 8:15 p.m. At 6:45, we meet for fellowship. At 7pm we begin our time of praise which is followed by a short introduction of the Scripture passage we are studying. There is then a small group study of Scripture followed by a short message that sums up the key points and application of the passage.

Following the Evensong service, there is another opportunity for fellowship as we either meet in a home for dinner, go to a local restaurant, or participate in a group activity.

Other Opportunities There is always something going on! There are various small groups and events that connect students from a variety of campuses. Go to apostles.org/college and find the links to get connected to our social media updates so you know when new events are coming up!




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help post college young adults in their 20s and 30s purposely connect each week, to explore the things in life that really matter. At Impact – virtually every week of the year – there are opportunities to gather with your peers to develop meaningful relationships, and grow spiritually. Please contact us for more information on weekly small groups, monthly social activities, and service projects. DAVE HUBBARD dhubbard@apostles.org | RACHEL FELKER RFelker@apostles.org.

Deeper Impact Sunday Morning Gathering

Impact Atlanta Sunday Evening Gathering

9:00 - 10:15 a.m. Room 610 Breakfast Served

6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Room 623 Dinner Served




Post College 20s & 30s

Living and working in greater Atlanta as a young professional can be fun, but it can also be hectic and nerve racking. It’s all too easy in today’s crazy-busy culture to feel disconnected and alone. Impact Atlanta exists to



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Remember how amazing it was when man set foot on the moon? How much more amazing was it when God set foot on the Earth? This has profound implications for the big questions of life.




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f you are unsure of where you are in your relationship with the Lord or are new to the church or to faith, we highly recommend participating in Christianity Exam-

ined. This is a four-week course that is designed to walk participants through an investigative process that examines carefully the evidence for the truthfulness of Christianity and explains how one can have an authentic, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

“The coming of Jesus into the world is the most stupendous event in human history.” MALCOLM MUGGERIDGE, former atheist

COME AND EXPLORE THE IMPLICATIONS OF: • Who Jesus is • The core values Jesus lived by while on this earth • What distinguishes Jesus as the most unique figure in history • How the history-changing life of Jesus could change your life

“I went to Christianity Examined to deepen my knowledge of the Christian faith. I gained an understanding of the love of Jesus Christ. I know that through the course, I gained a framework I can build a foundation on which to grow. I knew of Jesus, I believed in Jesus, but now I trust in Jesus. I had questions about the Christian faith which were not only answered, but the knowledge instilled in me a peace that can never be bought. This course was the best thing I could have ever done to broaden my knowledge and faith in such a way that I will cherish forever. “ CLINT, 2013 participant

You will have a chance to get to know and share the experience of sorting through issues of faith with others attending. During 2014, this four-week course will be held in February, April, August, and October. Dinner is provided throughout the course.

January 30 February 6 February 13 February 20 February 27

WINTER DATES Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Introductory Dinner Featuring Dr. Youssef’s Testimony Session 1 The Uniqueness of Jesus Session 2 The Reliability of His Word Session 3 The Good News of His Gospel Session 4 The Transformational Power of Faith in Him

If you have questions, or would like to register, please call 404-591-1988 or email jblakeslee@apostles.org.





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WHO WE ARE Come find a place where you can connect with God and others in deeper ways. Our Small Groups are a great environment to develop authentic, caring relationships while discussing how God’s truth intersects life. They help us in our journey of becoming more like Christ . . . together. Small Groups usually meet in homes every week or every other week, featuring lively, interactive discussions on God’s Word and how we live it out. Small Group members share life with all of its joys and challenges. You’ll pray for one another and receive encouragement. Together, your Small Group will help you live out your faith while impacting others. For more information about joining a Small Group, visit apostles.org/smallgroups or contact T.J. Diamond at tjdiamond@apostles.org with any questions

They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. – ACTS 2:42 MULTIPLE LOCATIONS

• Atlanta • Buckhead • Canton • Chamblee • Dunwoody • East Cobb • Henry County • Johns Creek • Lilburn • Mableton


• Marietta • Midtown • Powder Springs • Sandy Springs • Smyrna • Tucker • Vinings • West Cobb • Villa Rica • Woodstock



• Mixed Groups • Men • Women • Young Adult Singles • Young Families


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We have the “Gathering of the Communities” from 9:00-10:15 on Sunday mornings. This is a time when our children, youth, and adult communities meet for grounding, learning, connecting, and training in the wisdom and ways of the Lord. These communities gather together around Jesus, the living Word of God, and the Scripture, the written Word of God. In order to assist you in your search for a class that is the highest and best fit for you and your family, we have grouped the classes as follows:

Grounding Entry Level classes for those who are new to the faith or new to Apostles

Connecting Community or Life Stage classes which promote relational connection with others of similar age and stage of life

Learning Study Classes with a learning emphasis on maturing your knowledge of the Bible

Training Classes Developing Life Skills which enable us to be wise and discerning in practical matters of life Contact Rhonda Saduddin with any inquiries at rsaduddin@apostles.org or 404-564-3152.

Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own gathering together… – HEBREWS 10:24, 25






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GROUNDING Entry Level Classes

CONNECTING Community or Life Stage Classes

First Look

Young Adults (Impact) The Life of Peter

John Horton/Greg Smith Room 201 This is a four-week class designed to orient newcomers to the life and ministry of The Church of The Apostles. The class covers an overview of the history, mission, vision, ministries, and facilities of our church. The First Look class is a requirement for church membership. Please call Melanie Poole at 404-564-6673 if you have any questions. Please choose from the following start dates: January 5, February 2, March 2, and April 6.

Starting Point Design for Discipleship (3-year curriculum) Year 1: Tim and Jane Holt | Room 250 Year 2: Timothy Wilson | Room 239 Starting Point is a conversational small group environment where you can explore and grow in your experience of the Christian faith in a safe and nurturing community. If you desire to learn more about the basics of your spiritual foundation, come and join us on Sunday mornings this fall for Starting Point. This is a class for new Christians or for Christians who have never studied the Bible, and uses a three-year curriculum entitled Design for Discipleship. This class is for the recent graduates of the Christianity Examined course.

Dave Hubbard Room 610 The Apostle Peter was one of the most prominent disciples. He is one of a unique few in the Bible whose name was changed by God. Peter knew both great personal failure and the greatness of God’s mercy, for Jesus not only restored Peter after he denied Him, Jesus also commissioned Peter to be one of the first leaders of the church. Peter's life teaches us that those who have been forgiven much, will also be those who love much. In this character study on the life of Peter you will get to know Peter like never before. As we shine the light on Peter’s life we will also illuminate things in our own lives that need to be examined and changed, in order to become all that God wants us to be.

Young Families Parents of Pre-schoolers Do You Want to Get Well? Anthony Burnett Room 621 When Jesus asked the lame man at the pool of Bethesda if he wanted to get well, there was certainly an aspect of physical healing in the question. However, Jesus was appealing to a deeper, more complete healing that we all need. Jesus was awakening a desire in the man’s heart for soul healing, complete healing that only Jesus provides. This amazing gift is true for all of us. Jesus wants to heal us and free us from the sin that cripples us. This healing allows us to live the abundant life of a soul set free.

Young Couples Engaged and Young Marrieds: Love and Respect David and Brenda Martin Room 622 When the reality of a new marriage sinks in to the routines and habits of a bride and groom, they become acutely aware that life together will be quite an adjustment from life apart. Issues such



as communication, work schedules, social calendars, and household responsibilities rise to the surface. In the middle of treating those symptoms, though, is the heart of the question that fuels a successful marriage: How am I showing love to my spouse? What does the Bible teach about husbands and wives? How do a husband and wife feed the health of their marriage? This winter, we’re going to be talking about how husbands and wives perceive love differently and discover what the indispensable aspect of love is for each of them as we walk through the study, Love and Respect.

Young Families Community Class: Your Spiritual Physical David Watson Room 623 If we’re following doctor’s orders, we find ourselves in the office about the same time every year for an annual physical, composed of a series of tests and examinations. The protocol for the visit is to assess our level of health and to notice what changes have set in since our last trip. Sometimes we call this a check-up, and there are several observable, physical traits the physician uses to discern our level of health. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to do that with our faith, a spiritual physical? But what would we observe and measure? Paul gives us the list in Galatians 5 in what we call the fruit of the Spirit. This spring, we’ll be assessing our spiritual health by understanding what the fruit of the Spirit is supposed to look like in the life of the believer.


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Young Families Parents of Elementary Children: The Journey Robin Burruss Room 617 We are a Young Families class for married couples in their 30s and 40s with elementary children. Our Bible studies are topical studies with rich, authentic dialogue. Discussions are driven by Scripture, with emphasis placed on the truth of God’s Word experienced in the lives of those in the group.

Parents of Teenagers (Coordinated with STS) Zack Carden Room 607 Parent to Parent is designed for parents of teenagers in the student ministry. The class utilizes topical Bible teaching, mutual encouragement, prayer, and discussion for those who seek to walk together in shepherding the hearts of their children through adolescence and into the college years.

Breakthrough Living: 1 Peter Craig Lemasters Room 237 ABCD Please join us for the study of 1 Peter. What a wonderful encouragement for those of us who are going through challenging times. We will reference Warren Wiersbe’s commentary entitled Be Hopeful, How to Make the Best of Times Out of the Worst of Times.

cussions will be anchored in the Scriptures and geared to the times with the aim of re-establishing God’s core ideology for the institution of the family. To find out more information on this class and a class outline, email James Saxon at jsaxon@apostles.org.

Psalms will look at various Psalms by each of the authors to examine how they struggled and how they found in the Lord the answer to their need as well as a cause to rejoice.

First Things: Genesis and Exodus

Monte Johnson Room 611 An in-depth, verse-by-verse study, with application for today!

Lee Holston Room 246 In addition to looking at Genesis and part of Exodus chapter-by-chapter, we will spend time pointing out and discussing first things–like the first mention of God’s names, the first occurrence of a sacrifice, the first mention of a plan of redemption, etc. First occurrences often help us understand later occurrences in Scripture. Also, come prepared to re-experience your first love and holy fear of our Father as He begins to reveal Himself to the patriarchs and the children of Israel.

A Sampler from the Psalms Mike Sessoms Room 248 The Psalms are an exquisite tapestry interweaving the portrait of needy man with the portrait of the sovereign and supreme Lord. A Sampler from the

The Gospel of John

The Book of Hebrews J.C. Poole Room 229 BC It has been said that Hebrews could be thought of as a great portrait of Christ with the Old Testament as its canvas. Hebrews is important to the entire Bible as a road map to the history of redemption. There is no letter in the New Testament that tells us more about Christ and His work, revealing Christ as the key to understanding the Old Testament. We will examine the significance of Moses, Aaron, the prophets, priests, and angels in the completed work of Christ. We will be encouraged as we look at the faithful men and women in Hebrews 11 and how they lived before the “founder and perfecter of our faith” came to earth.

LEARNING Study Classes with a Learning Emphasis God’s Paradigm for Marriage and the Family: A Core Ideology for Family Life James Saxon Room 516 The class will involve a thorough examination of the most prominent passages in the Bible which define God’s foundational design for marriage and family. The class approach will be driven by an in-depth study of fundamental, timeless biblical concepts in a question and answer, interactive atmosphere. The presentations and dis-




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TRAINING CLASSES Developing Life Skills

Compass: Finances God’s Way Set Your House in Order

Kingdom Living Here and Now Ron Ervin, Stan Carder, and Brian Maxwell Room 616 Combining over a century of pastoral ministry, Ron Ervin, Stan Carder, and Brian Maxwell invite you to join them on a new venture. This adult Bible class will address issues in the Christian’s life, using principles, purposes, and perspectives from God’s Word. Topics such as Anger, Friend or Foe, Fighting the Good Fight, and A Time to Gather will be addressed.

Knowing and Doing God’s Will Bobby Mitchell Sr. Room 229 A Does God call us today? If God is calling, are we listening? How do we recognize God’s voice and respond in obedience? What do we do, and how do we do it? Can I really walk with the Lord in twenty-first century America? Do I have to do it in all aspects of my life–work, marriage, family, friends, etc.? Who can help me? What is a council of advisors? How did others do it? This study addresses these and many other questions and is all about practical applications in today’s world.

Room 244 A 10-week small group study which equips people to learn God’s financial principles as contained in the Bible, organize important financial information in one place, better manage current finances, provide continuity for your loved ones, prepare for an economic or personal financial crisis, and plan your estate and prepare your legacy. This course is a good “next step” for those who have already taken a course from Compass, Crown Financial Ministries, or Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. Class meets Sunday mornings February 9 – April 13, from 9:00 to 10:15, with a required Student Orientation on January 26 at 12:15 in Room 229. The cost is $35 for couples or $25 for singles. Class size is limited.

Compass Finances God’s Way – Money and Marriage God’s Way Room 236 A 10-week small group study which equips people to learn God’s financial principles as contained in the Bible, build a healthier marriage, improve communication on finances and resolve conflicts, get on the same page about



your finances, set financial and marriage goals, build your financial foundation, and prepare for a family or personal financial crisis. Class meets Sunday mornings February 9 – April 13, from 9:00 to 10:15 in Room 236, with a required Student Orientation on January 26 at 12:15. The cost is $39 for couples or $29 for singles. Class size is limited.

Whose Worldview? David Nicholas and Dal Sumrell Room 614 The lack of a godly worldview has caused the church, our nation, and the world to suffer extensively. Yet the Bible says, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” The goal of this course is to re-discover and re-infuse God’s worldview into our personal lives. Join us as we examine the Scriptures as well as sessions from the Truth Project, and elements of our National Archives, to re-establish the foundations for the worldview and life system that God intends to govern every area of our existence. Our purpose is to help equip each of us to more effectively address current worldview issues in a very practical way that starts with our personal morality and works its way out to cultural issues and into the more far reaching implications of the government of our country.


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friendships. In Men’s Fraternity we meet in a large group for a challenging lesson, and then break up into small groups for discussion. Small groups are a place where you can join others to grow, share, and reach out. You will grow through the discussion and application of God’s Word. You will share life with all of its joys and challenges. You will reach out to others using your spiritual gifts. Come and find your place to belong. We also offer men’s mentoring called The Path. This is one-on-one mentoring tailored to each individual.

Men’s Fraternity Atlanta

Men’s Small Groups

Men’s Fraternity is a program designed to equip men to live and to lead as God intended, training men to press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. The church, the nation, and the world are suffering mightily from a lack of godly, masculine leadership. As traditional masculine virtues are assaulted and undermined in our modern culture, too many men either capitulate or seek satisfaction from counterfeits that are often selfish, juvenile, and destructive. We men are called to something higher, nobler, and truer. We know this, and we crave this, but too often flounder because we lack training and the fellowship of like-minded brothers. We invite all men of Apostles and our larger community to answer this call by joining us in the STS room on Friday mornings beginning in January. We meet for a light breakfast, followed by a presentation and small group discussion. We will endeavor to conclude no later than 7:40 a.m., but you are welcome to leave earlier if you need to. To find out more about Men’s Fraternity, please visit apostles.org/men.

Weekday Mornings Marriage, children, work, home, faith—the challenges abound. In today’s world it’s tough to be who God has called us to be. How do we follow Him and lead others? How do we balance the demands at work with the responsibilities at home? How do we love our wives like Christ loved the Church? God did not intend for you to discover the answer to these and all the other important life questions by yourself. You were created to live in community with other men who are wrestling with the same issues, and who desire to live godly lives that count for God, but have not yet “put it all together.” Come join other men who meet here at the church on most weekday mornings to study Scripture and to apply it to real life. Share your life with other men who will help you see Scripture more clearly and who will help you sharpen your focus on Christ. To find out more about men’s small groups, contact Rhonda Saduddin at rsaduddin@apostles.org or 404.564.3152.

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. – PROVERBS 27:17

The Path: Men’s Mentoring The Path is a lay ministry at The Church of The Apostles that seeks to facilitate mentoring partnerships between men who desire to have accountability for their lives. The Bible is our primary source of guidance. We strive hard not to create our own “program,” but instead to let the Holy Spirit guide in this effort. As a reference for our mentors, we use a book called The Heart of Mentoring by David A. Stoddard. Dave has worked closely with our core team, helping us fully grasp the Ten Powerful Principles of Effective Mentoring laid out in his book. The overriding theme is that mentoring is a process facilitated by a relationship. Each partnership is unique and tailored to the needs of the younger partner. Mentors are willing to open their lives, letting the partner see how he succeeded or failed, and above all, learned from his experiences. Mentors are good listeners. They don’t have an agenda or want to change their mentoring partners. They want to help their mentoring partners navigate the narrow path of a Christian life. To find out more, please contact Rhonda Saduddin rsaduddin@apostles.org or 404.564.3152.





WHO WE ARE We have several opportunities for men to connect for growing spiritually, becoming accountable, and building


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WHO WE ARE God wants you to know His purpose for your life.

He desires for you, as a

woman, to serve and reach others for Christ, whether you are a long-time member, regular attendee, or visitor. Events such as retreats/conferences, the Christmas teas, and several ministry opportunities are scheduled throughout the year for fellowship and outreach. Additionally, the women’s ministry supports women through the Heart-toHeart mentoring ministry, Widow’s Network, the Single Moms ministry, Single Hearts For Christ (single women over 40), Quilting for Christ, Close Knit Flock, and several community service projects throughout the year.

Equipping women to reach hearts for Christ! A variety of Bible studies are offered for women weekly (daytime and evening) to encourage women to study God’s Word and develop community with other women. Winter classes will start the week of February 4. For more information, visit our website at www.apostles.org/women.

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Tuesday Morning 6:45 - 7:30 a.m. DANIEL Be Resolute: Determining to Go God’s Direction February 4 - March 18 (8 weeks) Part II of this study begins with Chapter 6 and reviews the ways Daniel dared to be different. Instead of bending like a reed, he stood like a mighty oak, rooted in the Lord and defying the storms of change that raged about him. This is the study of the Old Testament book of Daniel. We hope that working women as well as other women seeking to study God’s Word will join us. We endeavor to encourage open discussion and participation of the members of our group. We want to reach to all who are looking for a study of depth into God’s Word, as well as fellowship with other Christian women. Leaders: Carolyn Caswell & Lori Harris Room: 246 Fee: $20.00 Child care not available

Tuesday Morning 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. HEBREWS Precept upon Precept February 4 - April 18 (11 weeks) When doubts assail you, when trials encompass you, and you are weary of running the race, there is only one answer! It is found in drawing near to the throne of grace, to Jesus your High Priest who can be touched with the feelings of your infirmities. This study will reveal to us that Jesus Christ is superior to and preeminent over everyone and everything. We will discover the clear distinction between the Gospel, the New Covenant in Christ, and the forms, ceremonies, and patterns of the Old Covenant, which foretold the ministry of the Messiah. Hebrews will give us a great confidence in the One whom we have believed, and will inspire us to live our lives to His glory. The study will be taught in three parts 1.) Fall 2013, 2.) Winter/Spring 2014, 3.) Fall 2014. Leader: Anne Hayes Room: 201 - 203 Fee: $30.00 Child care available, $50 per family Children MUST be pre-registered for child care by January 15, as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

THE AMAZING COLLECTION Old Testament February 4 - April 15 (11 weeks) The Amazing Collection is a video Bible study for women taught sequentially, book by book. Each 45-minute DVD gives an overview of one book of the Bible. The main characters and theme of each book come alive with dynamic teachings, original music videos, and personal testimonies. Each set contains a companion workbook to enhance the teaching and to encourage further study. Your spiritual walk and biblical knowledge will be greatly enriched by investing in the Amazing Collections as we study the Old Testament: I Chronicles to Song of Solomon. Leader: Sandra Dixon Room: 229 Fee: $20.00 Child care available, $50 per family Children MUST be pre-registered for child care by January 15, as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

ROMANS February 4 - April 8 (10 weeks) What do we do when life’s storms hit? How do we stand in the harsh winds of illness, economic crisis, broken relationships, and death? Jesus said, “…everyone who hears these Words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house upon a rock” (Matthew 7:24). The Apostle Paul must have had this in mind when he wrote his letter to the church at Rome to ensure their spiritual foundation was sound–so that they were built on the rock of the words of Jesus in every circumstance. Join us as we too discover these great teachings that show us how to live. Leader: Vicki Gillespie Room: 237 Fee: $20.00 Child care available, $50 per family Children MUST be pre-registered for child care by January 15, as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

HOW TO PRAY February 4 - April 29 (12 Weeks) Would you like to know more about prayer? This study will answer many



questions about prayer, including the following: What is the focus and purpose of prayer? What is the most difficult part of prayer? What is the most important part of prayer? What is the central work of prayer? What is the promise of prayer? What part does faith play in prayer? How can we keep our channels open so we can hear from God? The Bible itself is the text for this insightful course, along with wisdom and teachings from Michael Youssef, E.M. Bounds, Henry Blackaby, Andrew Murray and many others. Leader: Janice Blalock Room: 231 Fee: $20.00 Child care available, $50 per family Children MUST be pre-registered for child care by January 15, as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

MOM TO MOM Proverbs Tuesdays, February 4 - April 8 (10 weeks) In Mom to Mom we consistently reference the powerful tool of Proverbs. By request, this Winter/Spring we will be studying the Proverbs through the book, A Proverbs Driven Life: Timeless Wisdom for Your Words, Work, Worth, and Relationships written by Anthony Selvaggio. The book addresses: foundations (wise living and speech), work ethic, wealth, friends, marriage, and children. Selvaggio reminds us that Proverbs is “about life as God intends us to live it…to grow ever closer to the God Who is Wisdom.” This study will guide us in living out wisdom as wise mothers. Leaders: Connie Musselman Room: 620-623 Fee: $20 (Includes the book) Mom to Mom registration and childcare information available online at apostles.org/momtomom

Tuesday Evening 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. GET TO KNOW THE LIVING SPIRIT February 4-April 1 (8 Weeks) John, the disciple of Jesus, is called “John the Evangelist.” In this book, we see that Jesus’ first words when calling His disciples were “What do you want?” or “What are you seeking in life?” Our study will focus on getting to know and


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2013-14 WINTER MINISTRY GUIDE trust the living Jesus. Ken Baugh raises the question “What is the one thing you will not be able to do in Heaven?” He says that you will not be able to be an evangelist in Heaven. In this study, we will learn together to use Jesus’ own words to overcome our fears and lack of knowledge to draw others to Him. The question for each of us is, ”What will you do with Jesus?” Leader: Fran Patterson Room 237 Fee: $20 Child care not available

Thursday Morning 9:30-11:30 a.m. A FOCUS ON CHRISTIANITY THROUGH THE BOOK OF MATTHEW PART II February 6 - April 10 (10 Weeks) We will be going verse by verse through the book of Matthew, keeping our eyes on Jesus. Part II of this study offers five daily lessons each week and begins with Matthew 16. Have you ever asked, “What would Jesus do?” We can’t possibly know unless we dive into His Word. So in our study, we will listen to what Jesus says, how He says it, and how He handles all kinds of situations. We will watch what He does and how He treats people. We will enjoy the view and aim to become more like Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. Leader: Charlotte Travis Room: 201-203 Child care available: $50 per family Children MUST be pre-registered for child care by January 15, as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

ONGOING CLASSES The women’s ministry at The Church of The Apostles desires to be a place where women of all ages and stages can come together to be equipped to use their Godgiven gifts to minister to the Church and the world. For more information, visit our website at www.apostles.org/women.

Close Knit Flock Anne Hayes, Lay Leader If you enjoy needlework and the fellowship of Christian women, you are invited to reach out to others with the love and encouragement of Christ. These ladies meet twice per month to knit baby hats for Cobb Pregnancy Center. They knit an average of 40 hats per month. No experience necessary. They will teach you! Contact Anne Hayes at awhayes12@gmail.com for more information.

Heart-to-Heart Group Mentoring The goal of Heart-to-Heart is to teach women to be life givers by understanding their biblical womanhood. The mentoring ministry helps women establish covenant relationships with godly women who will encourage and equip them to live for God’s glory. Each group has one to two spiritual mothers (mentors) and six to eight mentees. Women sign up for a convenient time and location. Groups meet monthly in the home of the mentors or at the church. For more information, visit our website at www.apostles.org/women.

QFC – Quilting For Christ GOD’S TRUTH FOR TODAY’S PROBLEMS February 6-March 27 (7 Weeks) This class provides biblical insight and practical solutions for some of the most common problems Christians face. Each week a new topic will be addressed: conflict resolution, anger, fear, anxiety, boundaries, forgiveness, perfectionism, chronic discontent, and loss. This course will inspire you and equip you with practical wisdom to help you help others. Leader: Jeanine Dungan Room: 237 Fee: $20.00 Childcare available: $50 per family Children MUST be pre-registered for child care by January 15, as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

Julee James, Lay Leader Quilting for Christ meets the first three Thursdays of each month. No experience is necessary, as the experienced are blessed to teach others. Quilts are sewn for the Cobb County Pregnancy Center, Atlanta Union Mission, Feed My Lambs, Bridge Ministry, and orphanages. Please contact Julee James by email at juleejames@earthlink.net.

Single Hearts for Christ Jan Blakeslee, Lay Leader Single Hearts for Chris is a fellowship for single, divorced, and widowed women 40 and beyond. This women’s



fellowship group brings single Christian women together to enjoy, enrich, and support one another. Come join us by contacting Jan Blakeslee at jblakeslee@apostles.org.

Single Moms Connie Miller, Lay Leader The Single Moms Ministry offers a place for you to belong, to share similarities, and to pray with each other through a Sunday morning Bible study class. The focus is on your spiritual growth and your heart, while your child is also hearing God’s Word in their class. Throughout the year there are luncheons and opportunities for fellowship to further encourage you through this season of life. Please contact Connie Miller at conniemiller10@gmail.com.

Widows Network The Widows Network has helped many find solace in times of grief, as well as brought a sense of connection to other women. On six Sundays a year and at Christmas there are special luncheons held to honor the widows. There are other activities and service projects also. Please email Marion Sharp at memum@bellsouth.net.

Mom-to-Mom Mom-to-Mom is an intergenerational discipling ministry intended to come alongside mothers desiring to grow in (1) their knowledge of God’s Word, (2) their ability to apply God’s Word to their lives, and (3) their ability to apply God’s Word in their parenting. Each session will include 30 minutes of teaching and an hour of small-group interaction with mentor-moms and fellow-moms that will encourage, challenge, and build lifelong relationships. For more information, visit our website at www.apostles.org/children/ or contact Shae Smith at ssmith@apostles.org.


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Congregational Care is continually seeking to provide opportunities that will enable every member (to agree) to live their lives more effectively. We are privileged to offer the following ministries for this winter. To register, please go to the church’s website at www.apostles.org for more detailed information, or you may contact the Congregational Care office at 404-564-3159, or email gwiley@apostles.org.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves. – 2 CORINTHIANS 4:7






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Compass: Finances God’s Way Set Your House in Order February 9 – April 13 9:00 to 10:15 a.m. Room 244 Set Your House in Order is a 10-week small group study which equips people to learn God’s financial principles as contained in the Bible, organize important financial information in one place, better manage current finances, provide continuity for loved ones, prepare for an economic or personal financial crisis, and plan their estate and prepare their legacy. This course is a good “next step” for those who have already taken a course from Compass, Crown Financial Ministries, or Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. There is a required Student Orientation on January 26 at 12:15 in Room 229. The cost is $35 for couples or $25 for singles. Class size is limited.

Compass Finances God’s Way – Money and Marriage God’s Way February 9 – April 13 9:00 to 10:15 a.m. Room 236 A 10-week small group study which equips people to learn God’s financial principles as contained in the Bible, build a healthier marriage, improve your communication on finances and resolve conflicts, get on the same page about your finances, set financial and marriage goals, build a financial foundation, and prepare for a family or personal financial crisis. There is a required Student Orientation on January 26 at 12:15 in Room 229. The cost is $39 for couples or $29 for singles. Class size is limited.

CrossCurrent January 28 – March 18 (8 weeks) 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. STS-Den Course book: $10 (optional) A safe place to experience grace and truth and find meaningful answers to questions you may have about your relationships or sexual addictions. No matter how broken or hopeless we may perceive ourselves, God upholds us in hope. He can’t help it! His love for us never fails. In this cross-centered com-

munity, God is restoring broken hearts, broken pasts, broken relationships, broken sexuality, and broken identity. Each week includes worship, teaching, testimony, and same-gender small groups. We will study: Unfailing Love, Getting Real, Getting Saved, Getting Clean, Getting Healed, Secure in the Father’s Love, Loving Others, Beyond Brokenness. Come and experience the joy of overcoming strongholds, healed relationships, and intimacy with God.

DivorceCare January 14 – April 8 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Room 614 Cost: $15 A 13-week course which covers many different aspects of one’s life as it is impacted by either separation or divorce.

Financial Peace University January 21 – March 18 (9 weeks) 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Room 237 Cost: $95.00 per couple or individual Seven out of 10 Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. That statistic goes up to 8 out of 10 families in affluent neighborhoods. That is why we are offering Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class. This is a practical and fun opportunity to learn about money. Each weekly session starts with Dave Ramsey teaching on video and is followed by a small group discussion. If you are one of the few who isn’t struggling, you will still benefit from this powerful material. You will learn how to apply biblical principles in the management of all the resources God has given you.The cost of the class covers 9 weeks of teaching, resource materials, and a life-time membership to FPU. For more information, call Stan Carder at 404-564-3146 or email him at scarder@apostles.org.

LivingWaters October 1 – April 22, 2014 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. STS Loft A 28-week spiritual journey that includes worship, teaching, testimony, and small group prayer in a safe and confidential environment for those dealing with deep hurt and sinful, addictive habits. Application required. For more information about LivingWaters please contact Brian Maxwell at bmaxwell@apostles.org.

OnPath A biblically based life and work assessment course designed to provoke thinking and foster strategic renewal, personally and professionally. This class combines the application of Scriptural principles, processes, and tools with prayer in a one-on-one setting. The cost of the course is $70 to cover the purchase of a workbook and required personality profiles. By appointment only.

VOLUNTEER MINISTRY GraceTouch Meals A ministry that shares the grace and love of our Lord by providing a meal and a personal contact to those in our midst in need of refreshment, care, and encouragement. You may: • Cook meals to be taken to families who have a need. • Cook meals to bring to church to be put in the freezer for emergency help. • Deliver meals to the families.

Military Outreach Provides opportunities for you to participate in service projects with various organizations to assist and support military individuals and their families as they faithfully serve our country.

GriefShare January 14 – April 8 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Room 613 Cost: $15 A 13-week course support group designed to assist those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, whether recently or sometime in the past.



Prayer Ministry Involves the expansion of God’s Kingdom through intercession for others. Intercessors may come to the church during the week and pray for the requests that have been received, or they may receive requests via email at home.


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Stephen Ministers


A service-oriented fellowship for those over 50 serving the Body of Christ in a variety of ways, including visiting the homebound. They also sponsor luncheons focused on vital issues for seniors. If interested, please contact the Congregational Care office.

Lay persons in our congregation who are trained to provide confidential care for those who are facing a difficult situation. For information about Stephen Ministry, call our referral coordinators, Sylvia Mosley at 770-987-1929 or Jim Kranzusch at 770-565-1650.

Ushers serve once a month during the 9:00 or 10:30 services. This includes passing out the bulletin, helping people get seated, and taking up the offering.


Living A Rich Life


he doesn’t remember the exact moment when life stopped working. Probably before he walked out— probably. That might not have been the moment, but it certainly didn’t help. Whenever it happened, life had begun to feel like a free-fall with no net. She’s a single mother raising two teenagers, sifting through the wreckage of abandonment, working to keep the family afloat, and struggling to make the checkbook balance. She doesn’t remember the exact moment when life stopped working, but she can remember another moment. The moment she began to have hope. That moment came after participating in a Compass course. “At the end of the course she said, ‘I now have hope,’” says Bob Brackin. “And it was not just about how to balance the checkbook. It was real, genuine hope. She could begin to see a path by which her life could turn around.” The story of this single mother is repeating again and again with different names and faces. It’s the story of the countless lives being changed through Compass courses like those being offered at The Church of The Apostles. Compass is a non-profit interdenominational ministry specializing in teaching people how to handle their resources based on the principles of the Bible. Their primary, proven teaching method utilizes 9-10 week courses which allow people to learn in a small-group format. Since people find themselves in all kinds of personal and financial situations, Compass offers a variety of courses. Their courses range from introductory to “graduate level.” No matter where you find yourself, a Compass course will benefit you. Compass’s basic course (Navigating Your Finances God’s Way) teaches introductory principles for financial health and responsibility. Money and Marriage God’s Way helps spouses learn to communicate with each other in all areas of life— with a special emphasis on finances. Still another course,


called Set Your House in Order, prepares those with established financial health for difficult circumstances. Compass courses give people practical ways to handle their wallets and budgets. This includes developing communication skills, guidance in goal-setting, and how to eliminate and avoid debt. Each course, however, emphasizes more than mere financial pragmatics. All of Compass’s ministry is meant to help people understand how God would have us handle every aspect of our lives. Their teaching aims to have people align their hearts with God’s heart. At the heart of all the financial studies is Bible study. “God wants us to live rich lives,” explains Brackin. “That doesn’t mean it’s name-it-and-claim-it prosperity gospel, but if you do what God tells you to do, you will tend to better than people who don’t do what God tells you to do. That applies to your finances as well as other parts of life.” Many emerge from Compass courses with a renewed appreciation for the Gospel. They begin to clearly see the generosity of the God who became poor so that we might become rich. (2 Cor 8:9) Brackin tells the story of a couple of empty- nesters who— after attending a Compass course—realized that a larger house and another boat could not scratch the itch of discontentment they were feeling. They determined to discover contentment where they were and to begin opening their home to ministers who travel to Atlanta. Like many other people, they began to recognize that the best and truest life is found in trusting and imitating the generosity of the crucified God. (1 Tim 6:17-19) One of the most amazing things about a Compass course is not that it simply benefits you. No matter where you find yourself, it benefits those around you. You become a conduit of life, blessing, and generosity. The moment you begin to taste this sort of life will be the moment you’ll have hope.



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Phone: 404.842.0200 Fax: 404.266.0656 Email: apostles@apostles.org WORSHIP

SUNDAY The Gathering of the Body 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. WEDNESDAY HOUR OF POWER 6:15 p.m. DISCIPLESHIP

Sunday: 9:00 a.m. LEADING THE WAY

with Dr. Michael Youssef PO Box 20100 | Atlanta, GA 30318 Phone: 404.841.0100 Order: 1.800.337.5323 Web: www.leadingtheway.org

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