Winter Ministry Guide 2015

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WELCOME ack in 1985 when the Lord began to burden my heart for the birthing of a new congregation in this area, three things from the Word of God were clearly revealed to me in regard to worship:

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Unhurried praise and adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord, and the Head of this church. This includes a regular time for breaking of bread at the Lord’s Table.

Prayer and intercession as an expression of our utter dependence on our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ in all things.

Bold proclamation that is relevant and instructive. Because we believe that the Bible is God’s

self-revelation and therefore contains all the answers to all of man’s problems and needs,

we preach it with all of its authority. MICHAEL YOUSSEF, PH.D.

Founding Rector The Church of The Apostles


Children’s Ministry


Student to Student


College-Age Ministry


Impact/Young Adults


Women’s Ministry


Men’s Ministry


Small Groups


Adult Bible Communities


Community Outreach


Congregational Care


Trusting His Lead By Dr. Michael Youssef


Christianity Examined


Operation Outreach By STS

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Who We Are he Church of The Apostles has never been just another church. God has guided and sustained this church through a vision that was made clear to the Rector even before the church began. We conclude from this that God has something unique in mind for this church body and we operate our ministry according to a God-given core ideology. So as you attend Apostles, what can you expect to experience in the life and ministry of this church?

Our Vision Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.

Core Values • We are here to lift up Jesus at all times in everything we do. The Bible says that Jesus

came to the earth that He might have preeminence in all things and that includes The Church of The Apostles. This ministry is not about us.

• We are constantly searching for opportunities and ways to make God’s awesome message of salvation clear to as many people as

possible. We want to ensure that people have the chance to hear the message and see the heart of Jesus in a true light that is compelling and clear. • We also strive to present every person complete in Christ. The highest purpose of life on earth is to make joyful progress in our spiritual for-

mation, which is becoming like Jesus. Therefore, all of our ministry activity here at The Church of The Apostles converges on this focal point.

• Apostles is a church that is busy with Holy Spirit directed ministry activity that is executed with excellence. We firmly believe that excellence

is Heaven’s first law and if we cannot do ministry with excellence to the glory of God, we simply don’t do it.

• Finally, we speak the truth in love without compromise. Through the Bible, God reveals Himself as the fountain of truth and love. We

declare His truth in love without compromise or apology.

Sundays At Apostles, we have the “Gathering of the Communities” (Sunday School) from 9:00-10:15 on Sunday mornings. This is a time when our children, youth, and adult communities meet for grounding, learning, connecting, and training in the wisdom and ways of the Lord. These communities gather together around Jesus, the living Word of God, and the Scripture, the written Word of God. There is also an early worship service in the chapel during this hour. At 10:30, we have the “Gathering of the Body” in our main sanctuary from 10:30-12:00 on Sunday mornings. This is a time for celebration and communion, praise and prayer, evangelism and proclamation. Our heart’s desire is to lift up the resurrected Jesus in all of His saving power and glory. The sacrament of Baptism is practiced on the second Sunday of the month and the sacrament of Communion is practiced on the first, third, and fifth Sundays of the month.

Wednesday Nights On Wednesday evenings at 6:15 we offer pro-

grams for everyone in your family. The Hour of

Power is our midweek service that includes a


time of worship and an extended time of prayer. Come early at 5:00 for a family dinner

(no reservations are needed) and then stay for the Hour of Power and for our great programs for children and students!

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Since its inception, reaching the lost has always been part of the vision of The Church of The Apostles. Nothing we do is as important as following Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:14: “And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations.” In fact, throughout our history as a church, 20 per cent of every dollar that comes in goes to a group of Christ-centered, Gospel-focused ministries that are prayerfully selected by the Missions Committee each year (see page 24). Many of you know the story of the early history of the church and our departure from the Episcopal denomination. (If you don’t, I encourage you to read my book Trust & Obey: A Story of God’s Faithfulness.) What might be less familiar are the series of events surrounding the start of Leading The Way, the international ministry arm of the church. Since Leading The Way is one of the ministries that Apostles regularly supports, I wanted to take this opportunity to share this story with you as a source of encouragement of how God can use unlikely people and circumstances to further His Kingdom. All we need is the willingness to trust and obey His leading.

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An excerpt from Trust & Obey


program to fulfill His global evangelical vision for The Church of The Apostles. I decided to give it a try. Through the help of a friend who was a minister of music, I recorded 60-second spots and was able to get them broadcast on Peach FM in Atlanta. Three years after my friend first mentioned that idea, we had started the radio ministry that today is known as Leading The Way. Soon we were able to get my messages broadcast on a handful of radio stations in Atlanta and the Southeast. Among those was a radio station in the Raleigh/Durham/Cary area of North Carolina. Cary happened to be the headquarters for Trans World Radio (TWR), an organization I was very familiar with. I had grown up listening to TWR Radio Monte Carlo. One of their executives, Bill Damick, listened to my messages and saw an opportunity. More than once, he called Joe Emmett—Leading The Way’s Executive Director and first fulltime employee—with a simple request: “I feel led to approach you to consider translating and broadcasting Michael’s radio messages into the Arab-speaking world.” My immediate response was, “No way.” Again, I felt like this new idea was somebody else’s vision and not from God. I had experienced enough pain in my life by following the plans of man and not God that I never wanted to do that again. I only wanted to follow His perfect will and to experience the incomparable joy of knowing I was trusting and obeying God, of knowing that I was following His GPS. So I was typically cautious. I wouldn’t immediately follow a new road if I wasn’t sure about God’s involvement. But I had two other reasons for saying no to TWR’s invitation. First, I understood enough about languages to know that literal translations of my sermons preached in the US would only make sense to a few mature Christians in the Middle East. My heart wanted to focus on explaining the Gospel to those who had a totally confused picture of it. Second, I felt the dreaded limitation of time and money. But after Bill Damick called again, I found myself on my knees asking, “Lord, am I missing something? Am I wrong in waiting for a better time? Am I fearful of the sacrifices of time and resources that I will have to make?”

nce we became unshackled from the Episcopal bonds, we were free in every way. Free to focus our Vestry time on prayer and planning for future evangelism. Free to use our resources for biblical and missionary causes. Free to seek to please the Lord alone and seek to trust and obey Him. Free to be the church of Jesus Christ, pure and simple, without the chain of hollow and pharisaic rituals. But that freedom brought with it other challenges. Now that we were free to pursue our own vision, we had to make sure we stayed focused on it. Every time we faced one of those challenges, the Vestry immediately closed ranks around me and ensured that we looked neither to the right nor to the left, but upward in trusting and obeying God’s global vision for us. In one case, however, someone suggested a new idea that I rejected at first, but later reconsidered. One year after Apostles opened its doors, my friend, Bill, kept talking to me about starting a radio ministry. But I had several problems with the idea. First, we did not have the level of members or resources necessary to start such a ministry. Second, I felt strongly that there were many fine radio ministries already on the air. And third, my time as the only pastor on staff did not afford me the luxury of the extra time needed for such a ministry. But Bill would not give up. He believed that radio listeners were used to hearing the Gospel and biblical teaching from Baptists, Evangelicals, and Pentecostals, but to hear sound biblical teaching from an Episcopalian would be something new and exciting. I granted him that. But still, the prematurity of such a ministry made me uneasy. Furthermore, I wanted to focus on world evangelism, not just having a media ministry here in America. But as God had done many times before, he was once again working and speaking to me through others. The vision for a radio ministry grew on me, but I still didn’t know if the idea was from God or just from a well-meaning friend who had a wonderful plan for my life. For several years, I avoided the vision of a radio ministry until God finally broke through. During prayer, I felt him pushing me to do it. What God understood, but I couldn’t see at the time, was that He would use a radio


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An excerpt from Trust & Obey Despite the fast growth of Leading The Way, the global vision for The Church of The Apostles had yet to make its most dramatic turn—a turn that no one could’ve predicted, including me. For many years, I had half-seriously said, “I will never go on television. I have a face for radio.” My impression of Christian television was that to hold people’s attention you had to be half-comedian, half-gymnast. I didn’t believe Christian television audiences would respond to the serious-minded preaching of the Word of God.1 My wife, on the other hand, used to say, “You will be on television over my dead body.” She had a slightly different reasoning from mine. She felt the over-exposure that television created actually reduced the effectiveness of a ministry. Well, what happened on a Friday morning in October 1999 would make us both eat our words. It was about 10 a.m. when Brenda Williams, my administrative assistant, told me that Ben Haden was on the phone. Ben Haden was the Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Chattanooga for 23 years, and he was a pioneer in Christian radio and television. I said to put him through right away. One Sunday earlier that year, Ben had attended worship at Apostles. When I spotted him afterward in the receiving line, I left my place up front and pulled him out of line and greeted him warmly. He was choked up at first and could not talk. But then he said, “You will hear from me later.” When I got on the phone, Ben said in his typical humility, “This is Ben Haden. Does the name mean anything to you?” “Of course, Ben. You were here a few months ago. Furthermore, I have followed and admired your ministry and integrity for many years.” He immediately said, “I need to see you.” “Well, let me check my calendar—” “You don’t understand. I’m in the car and passing Dalton, Georgia, on my way to see you now.” “No problem, Ben. Come on in.” I immediately scrambled to reschedule my lunch appointment and arranged to have lunch provided for Ben and me. When Ben arrived, he again was emotional. Being an emotional man myself, I empathized with his state and thought he must be facing a crisis. I felt honored that he would come and see me about it. But it turned out to be a

A short time later I read some statistics about the Middle East from the BBC. The bottom line of those statistics was as follows: Seventy-five percent of the population of the region is under 15 years old. And they all want to learn English. When I read that, I felt the Lord say, “Here’s the answer to your reluctance to broadcast into the Arabic-speaking world.” So I went to Joe Emmett with an idea. I asked him to call Bill Damick and propose a program where I prepared culturally relevant messages, then sat in a studio with a translator, spoke one sentence in English, and had the translator speak that same sentence in Arabic. That way listeners could learn English, hear the Gospel explained, and have their questions answered at the same time. But when TWR ran that concept by the folks who operated the Arabic division in Monte Carlo, they gave it a thumbs-down. Although part of me was relieved—I did not cherish the thought of all that preparation and time it would take—part of me was disappointed. “Well, I have done my part,” I said to Joe. “Obviously God is not in this.” But that perception didn’t last very long. About six weeks later, Bill Damick called back. “The folks in Monte Carlo decided to give it a shot. Just broadcast a few programs and we’ll see what happens.” The response was phenomenal. After the first few broadcasts, hundreds of letters poured in to the Egyptian office of TWR. College professors and high school teachers wrote that they were asking their English language students to listen to the program as part of their class assignments. Still, the growth in funding for Leading The Way was slow at first. Sometimes, I wondered if we had started too soon and moved ahead of God’s timing. The road was not always smooth. But as word began to spread about our dual language program, requests came from other media outlets in Asia and elsewhere. We launched broadcasts in Mandarin, Indonesian, Turkish, and Persian. Leading The Way had taken off, and eventually, the funding came. Today, we broadcast in more than 24 of the world’s most spoken languages, covering nearly 4 billion people. It has been an amazing accomplishment, but I cringe every time someone gives the credit to me. They do not understand that all I did was trust and obey—reluctantly at that.


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An excerpt from Trust & Obey have our own television channel dedicated to the preaching of the Gospel 24/7. Today, Leading The Way’s satellite channel THE KINGDOM SAT is now broadcasting biblical Truth on nine satellites worldwide, covering the globe in three main languages: Arabic, English, and French. With the recent launch of THE KINGDOM SAT in Indonesia, this channel now reaches into the largest Islamic nation in the world. We host many wonderful teachers, evangelists, and

crisis of a different kind. “I won’t prolong this. I want to get to the point of why I’m here. For the past two and a half years, the Lord has been telling me to give you my radio and television ministry, Changed Lives. Every time I resisted or thought of somebody else, the Lord kept putting your name in front of me.” I tried to lighten up the situation by attempting a joke, but Ben didn’t laugh. Then I told him how Elizabeth had

A few years after the television ministry started, I felt vindicated in that opinion when a Hollywood consultant told me that I needed to “lighten up.” apologists. But to start and grow the television ministry, we had to rely on the infrastructure put in place by Leading The Way. The trust and obedience needed to start that radio ministry led to further obedience in regards to THE KINGDOM SAT. The story of The Church of The Apostles, of Leading The Way, and of THE KINGDOM SAT is a story about God and His faithfulness. It is a story about His search for people who are willing to trust and obey. If you are going through a time of questioning or uncertainty, let me encourage you. Although God does not deal with two people in the same way, His character is unchangeable. He is still looking for those who will say, “I will go anywhere, do anything, as long as I know that You are in it.”

said for years that I would be on television “over her dead body.” At that, Ben got up without touching his lunch. “That’s your problem. I have delivered the message.” As he sped toward the door, I ran after him. I walked to his car with him and said, “I really need time to pray about this. I need to be sure this is what the Lord wants me to do.” After Ben left, I immediately walked into the office of Dana Blackwood. Dana represented me on the building committee for the new sanctuary we were building. Those who know Dana know he is a jack-of-alltrades. He is a fantastic singer, and he understands buildings, wires, and electronics. He had once worked in a church with a mega-television ministry before it went defunct because of moral failure, so he understood my reluctance about television. When Dana saw the panic on my face, he asked me what was wrong. I told him what Ben had said. Then I asked, “If this is of the Lord, could we film without turning the sanctuary into a television studio?” I could never preach where cameramen were running around all the time. It would be too distracting, plus I just wanted to preach to the flock, not to the camera. If a broadcast of my normal preaching could be used to bless others, then that was well and good. Dana said the new sanctuary was already equipped with conduits through which wires could be run, and it wasn’t too late to have those conduits utilized for robotic cameras. And once again, the rest was history. Thanks to Ben’s obedience and Dana’s know-how, The Church of The Apostles was soon on the air. God was continuing to fulfill His global vision for our church. Eventually, we would

God gave Michael Youssef the vision that The Church of The Apostles would be a light for Christ upon a hill to the nations—and God is continuing to fulfill that vision through Leading The Way. Through global broadcasting to more than 190 countries, personal on-the-ground follow-up, and our Help The Persecuted ministry, Leading The Way is able to minister the Gospel in hard-to-reach places. With the recent launch of THE KINGDOM SAT Indonesia, new Arabic-English broadcasting in Boston, and a growing network of trusted partners on the ground, God is continuing to open doors for us to share the Gospel here at home and around the world—particularly in the Muslim world, where many missionaries cannot go. Leading The Way is always on the move finding creative ways to obey the Great Commission. To learn more, please visit our website:


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Our vision for the children’s ministry at Apostles is to reach children for Christ and to equip them to do the work of the ministry at a young age.

Important Dates

Sunday 10:30 to Noon

Communicant’s Class

Infant – Age 3

January 11, 18, 25, and February 1, 2015

Toddler and preschool teachings include mission moments, puppets, drama (“Wee Worship”), and lesson themes that amplify what has been taught during the 9:00 a.m. hour.

VBS 2015 THE KING IS COMING: Make His Name Known June 8-12

Age 4 – 5

Registration begins in February

Teaching and a worship service for fours and kindergarteners (“Kingdom Kids”) that includes music, large group Bible teaching, mission moments, and small group activities.

Sunday 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. Infant – Age 2 3rd Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk Loving Nursery Care and Bible Stories

Age 2 – 3 3rd Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk Children will hear stories of God’s faithfulness through the Old and New Testaments.

Age 4 – 5 3rd Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk The children will discover the wonder of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit by studying His attributes in the Old and New Testaments.

2nd Grade 5th Floor Faithful to All His Promises

Room 423

3rd Grade 5th Floor In the Beginning . . . Jesus: A Chronological Study of Redemptive History

4th Grade 5th Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk To Be Like Jesus: A Study for Children on Following Jesus

Room 309 Special Needs Children

1st Grade 4th Floor The ABCs of God: A Study for Children on the Greatness and Worth of God

First through fourth graders are encouraged and discipled in their faith through worship, teaching, outreach opportunities, and a “journey” to experience missions moments and heroes of the faith. Kid’s Connection will not meet on December 21 & 28 due to the holidays.

Wednesday Night Infant – Fours

Apostlelot (2nd – 4th Grade) Special Stones

Kid’s Connection

Children gather together at the end of Sunday morning classes for Assembly where they visit the land of “Apostlelot.” Kingdom characters (and the kids!) learn how to work through real life dilemmas. The drama presentation focuses on the lives of faithful men and women throughout history and the godly character evident in their lives. Church members also visit Apostlelot and share their testimonies of God’s faithfulness in their lives.


6:00 – 7:15 p.m. | 3rd Floor Check-in

Running Church Kindergarten – 4th Grade 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. | 4th Floor Check-in Both preschoolers and elementary children enjoy this midweek time of Bible teaching and fun activities on the playground, in the gym, and on “the green.” Come for family night supper, which begins at 5:00 p.m.

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f you are unsure of where you are in your relationship with the Lord or are new to the church or to faith, we highly recommend participating in Christianity Examined or Christianity Examined “EXPRESS.” Many others attending will be sorting through issues of faith and you will have a chance to get to know and share the

experience with them. Christianity Examined runs for 4 consecutive weeks, whereas Christianity Examined “EXPRESS” is in a 1-day format. Both formats are designed to walk participants through an investigative process that carefully examines the evidence for the truthfulness of Christianity and explains how one can have an authentic personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

“The coming of Jesus into the world is the most stupendous event in human history.” Malcolm Muggeridge, former atheist CHRISTIANITY EXAMINED


4 consecutive weeks (6:30 p.m.)

1-day format (9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)

Winter Session Begins: Tuesday, January 13

Saturday, January 24

Spring Session Begins: Monday, April 13

Saturday, February 28 Saturday, April 18


The Uniqueness of Jesus

Session 2

The Reliability of His Word

Session 3

The Good News of His Gospel

Session 4

The Transformational Power of Faith in Him

If you have questions, or would like to register, please call 404-591-1988 or email

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Our passion is to equip students to live the Gospel in their homes, schools, and neighborhoods and to share the love of Christ wherever they go. STS is an exciting place for students to grow in their relationships with God and with each other, develop a lifestyle of passionate worship of the Lord, and discover a life of ministry to others. We have a variety of weekly activities, from small groups to large-group worship services, and from in-depth equipping classes to service projects.

Wednesdays 6:15 – 7:15 p.m.

For more information on STS events and for online registration go to

5th & 6th grade students will be served breakfast in “The Den” and 7th-12th grade students will be served in The Café area.

Small groups meet every week and are organized by grade and gender. These groups are designed for students to get together with other students for fellowship, Bible study, prayer, and service.

7th-12th Grade Winter Mission Project

5th – 6th Grades:

Join us for dinner from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $6.

7th-12th Grade Girl’s Retreat

5th – 6th Grade “Rush Hour”

Date To Be Determined

Sundays 8:45 – 10:20 a.m. Every Sunday morning a pancake breakfast is served for all 5th-12th grade students.

The Den After breakfast, 5th & 6th grade students go to their classrooms (below) for Bible Study and Small Groups led by adult volunteers.

The Loft

7th – 8th Grade Fellowship STS

5th-12th Grade Bass N’ Blast Father-Son Retreat

9th – 12th Grade Guys

March 11 – 14 and April 8 – 11

5th Grade Girls

Room 240

5th Grade Boys

Room 230 B

The Den

6th Grade Girls

Room 230 A

9th – 12th Grade Girls

6th Grade Boys

Room 231

7th – 12th Grades: The Loft After breakfast, worship, and teaching, middle and high school students will have their discussion groups led by staff and adult volunteers.

January 16 – 18

Room 230-A

5th-6th Grade Spring Retreat April 24 – 26

NOTES *There will be NO STS Wednesday night activities on December 24 or December 31.

Special Events & Trips

Sundays 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Sunday evening activities are a unique opportunity for STS students to fellowship and build community. Check our online calendar for updates at

NOTES *There will be no activities scheduled for Sundays December 14, 21, 28 or January 4.


9th-12th Grade Guatemala Mission Trip June 20 – 27 *Applications available in January

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or the past four years, the student ministry has partnered with Operation Christmas Child for a shoebox gift packing party. This year, as a part of The Big Give, the student ministry and the widows of Apostles united together for the special project. Sunday, November 16th, STS was filled with bins of donations and piles of empty shoeboxes. All 5th through 12th grade students had been bringing donations of school supplies, hygiene products, and toys for weeks. Now came the time to fill the shoeboxes!


Some students spent the whole hour writing special notes and cards to go in each box while others helped the staff categorize and organize the boxes and donations. Whether they were sorting donations or packing one of the 200 shoeboxes, students and volunteers worked sideby-side, excited to be a part of such a uniquely special ministry. The widow’s ministry came alongside STS by raising funds (over $1,000) to cover the shipping costs of each shoebox. Many of the women were able to come, observe, and join in during the packing party. The whole morning was a beautiful picture of the unity of the body of Christ. We’re so blessed to be part of such a generous and loving community.

“For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” ROMANS 12:4-5

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Community. It’s a word that many talk about but is so hard to find. That is especially true for those who are 18-25 years old. With the network of friends that high school provided gone, students find themselves lost in a big world. So we long for community. For Christian students, community isn’t just important—it is essential. More than any other time in our lives, we need the Church body, but finding how to connect is often difficult. College-Age Fellowship at The Church of The Apostles is a Gospel-centered community, and if you are in the area, we would welcome you to join us Sunday mornings for our college class or evenings for our Evensong Bible study.



Sunday Mornings

Sunday Nights

9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. | Room 245

6:45 p.m. | STS Loft

Sunday mornings, before the worship service we have a time of community around the Word where we discuss topics that are important to our growth in grace.

The evening begins with a gathering time of fellowship. At 7:00 p.m. we enter a season of praise followed by a time of Bible study. At the end of the study (around 8:30 p.m.) we typically have some time for optional activities in the gym or just hang out talking. At 9:00 p.m. many in the group will head to a local restaurant for an extended time of fellowship.

If you would like more information about, the Sunday Morning Community, Evensong, or the college ministry, please contact Zack Carden at

Young Professionals Age 25 through 30s Living and working in greater Atlanta as a young professional can be fun, but it can also be hectic and nerve-racking. It’s all too easy in today’s crazy-busy culture to feel disconnected and alone. Impact Atlanta exists to help post-college young adults age 25 through 30s purposely connect each week to explore the things in life that really matter. At Impact, virtually every week of the year, there are opportunities to gather with your peers to develop meaningful relationships and grow spiritually. We gather every Sunday night throughout the year (with the exception of a few holidays) here at The Church of The Apostles. Our evening gathering is from 7:00pm to 8:30pm with a complimentarily dinner served, followed by a time of fellowship, worship, a devotional, and other activities. Just follow the signs up to the 6th floor to join us! More information about our ministry can be found in our free app. Download our app today to hear our sermons, sync your calendar with our social events, meet our staff, read what we are all about, and see what to expect before you visit our ministry gatherings! (plug in graphic for app and info on where to find it) Contact Dave Hubbard at or Rachel Felker at for more information.


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Equipping women to know, love, and serve the Lord The heart of Women’s Ministry at Apostles is for women to understand God’s high calling, to continually grow in His grace, and to be equipped to reach others for Christ through knowing and obeying God’s Word.

WOMEN OF THE WORD 2015 Beginning in January Do you ever long to see life more from God’s perspective? Are you interested in a plan to make God’s Word a higher priority in your life in 2015? Join us in 2015 as we unite to read through the Bible and to memorize Romans chapter 8, for God’s glory and for our joy!

Here is our plan: 1. Read daily through the Bible systematically. Consider using a chronological Bible or the online Chronological Bible Reading Plan available on the Women’s Ministry website. Sequential Bible reading plans are also available. 2. Memorize Romans 8:1-39, one verse per week with periodic weeks for review. A schedule is available on the Apostles website at Sign up for encouragement and camaraderie on this journey at or get more information by contacting Susan Hooker at or (404) 842-0200, ext. 308.

GENUINE WISDOM A Monthly Gathering of Ladies in their 20s & 30s Your 20s and 30s can be such a transitional and challenging season of life. Have you been longing to find older women to walk alongside you, but don’t know where to find that support? Beginning Thursday, February 12, from 6:30-8:30 p.m., we are excited to offer a monthly opportunity to interact inter-generationally! Come enjoy a special evening of connecting with each other through desserts, community, and presentations from godly mentor-aged women living a lifestyle of genuine wisdom. Using God’s Word as our basis, we will explore relevant topics such as our identity, beauty, suffering, thankfulness, careers, relationships, and more. This event is designed for single or married women in their 20s and 30s. Spring meeting schedule: February 12, March 19, April 16, and May 21. No childcare will be provided. Registration required. For more information, contact Amber Wilson at


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OUTREACH AND MINISTRIES Operation Christmas Child Crafting Joan Friedman, Lay Leader Would you like to be involved in outreach for needy children around the world? Join us twice a month as we make dolls and other items to pack in shoeboxes to send to children through Operation Christmas Child! No special skills are required. For meeting schedule and more information, contact Joan Friedman at

ONGOING BIBLE STUDIES Women’s Bible studies are offered weekly at a variety of times to encourage women to study God’s Word and develop community with other women. Winter/spring classes begin the week of January 25. To register for classes visit our website at Contact Amber Wilson at

Single Hearts for Christ

The Close-Knit Flock

Jan Blakeslee, Lay Leader

Anne Hayes, Lay Leader If you enjoy needlework and the fellowship of Christian women, you are invited to reach out to others with the love and encouragement of Christ. These ladies meet twice per month to knit baby hats for Cobb Pregnancy Center. They knit an average of 40 hats per month. No experience necessary. They will teach you!

Single Hearts for Christ is a women’s fellowship that brings single Christian women together to enjoy, enrich, and support one another. What better place to be than with a group where people know you, pray for you, and encourage you in your faith? As we see it, every single, divorced, and widowed woman has different needs, worries, hopes, and dreams. But it is certain that each one offers a plethora of experiences, perspectives, challenges, and gifts. In Christ, we have all that we need for life and ministry. If you are 40 years old or beyond and looking to connect with other Christian women, we have an open invitation for you. Our goal is to provide a secure place for you to grow in Christ and to establish friendships with other single women at The Church of The Apostles. Join us!

Contact Anne Hayes at

Contact Jan Blakeslee at

Widow’s Network Marion Sharp, Lay Leader The Widow’s Network has helped many find solace in times of grief, as well as brought a sense of connection to other women. On six Sundays a year and at Christmas, special luncheons are held to honor the widows. The group plans other activities and service projects as well. Contact Marion Sharp at


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Following Hard After God Through The Psalms Part II

Becoming A Woman Of Beauty & Strength: Esther January 27 – March 17 (8 weeks)

January 27 – March 31 (10 weeks)

Becoming a Woman of Beauty and Strength: A Study of Esther spotlights a woman for whom God is first in her heart and the ultimate priority in her life. This study by Elizabeth George is from her series “A Woman After God’s Own Heart.” Join us for a biblical look at Esther, the famous Old Testament queen who exhibited character and courage. Esther takes us through a story in Jewish history, which has been revered and which we anticipate exploring!

The Book of Psalms is the hymnal of the Bible. Calling us to worship God, Psalms were meant to be memorized, to be communicated by singing, and to spread the good news of God from person to person. In ten lessons, we will take each of the seven types of Psalms (i.e. thanksgiving, praise, lamentation, etc.) and study how they lead us to see Christ, to discover how God Himself is revealed to us, to hear the Word of God, and to see how the Psalms amplify all the ways God works in our lives. We will learn one Psalm each week together, pray through that Psalm during the week, and sing others. May God bless us with a deeper understanding of Himself as we are drenched in His songs.

Leader: Carolyn Caswell & Lori Harris | Room: 246 | Fee: $20.00 Childcare NOT available.

Tuesdays 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Leader: Vicki Gillespie | Room: 237 | Fee: $20.00 Childcare Available, $50 per family. Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 12. NO WALK-INS.

The Book Of Zechariah January 27 – March 17 (8 weeks) “They shall be my people, and I will be their God.” What will happen on the day when the Lord is King over all the earth? There is a time of restoration coming for the righteous. Are you ready? You are invited to join us as we unfold what the prophet Zechariah, whose name means “The Lord remembers,” was told about the future fulfillment of the promises made by Jehovah, the Covenantkeeping God, to His people.

MOM TO MOM: Teaching Them Young, by Dr. Chuck Betters, part two and Peacemaking Women January 27 – March 31 (10 weeks) Teaching Them Young is a challenging, yet rewarding journey through the first nine chapters of Proverbs, with the goal of extracting and applying these core values God wants your children to learn. Parenting principles from chapters 6-10 of this book will be taught and completed during weeks 1-5 of the winter semester.

Leader: Anne Hayes | Room: 201-203 | Fee: $30.00 Childcare available, $50 per family. Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 12. NO WALK-INS.

We will begin the book Peacemaking Women: Biblical Hope for Resolving Conflict during weeks 6-10. Women have a strong desire for relational connections. Relationships between women can be especially enriching, but when conflict arises, they also can be especially damaging. Too many women approach conflict as if they were unbelievers with gossip, spiteful actions, bitterness, and even hatred. In Peacemaking Women, Tara Klena Barthel and Judy Dabler offer a meaningful, lasting message to lead women out of conflict to a state of peace where they can live as representatives of Christ to one another as well as unbelievers. With advice that is firmly rooted in Scripture, the authors bring sound, practical help for women who want to know what the Bible says about conflict resolution and how to achieve peace in their relationships with God, self, and others.

The Amazing Collection: The Later Minor Prophets January 27 – March 10 (7 weeks) The Amazing Collection is a video Bible study for women taught sequentially, book by book. Each 45-minute DVD gives an overview of one book of the Bible. The main characters and theme of each book come alive with dynamic teachings, original music videos, and personal testimonies. Each set contains a companion workbook to enhance the teaching and to encourage further study. Your spiritual walk and biblical knowledge will be greatly enriched by investing in The Amazing Collection as we study the Later Minor Prophets, Nahum through Malachi.

Leader: Connie Musselman | Room: 620-623 | Fee: $20.00

Leader: Sandra Dixon | Room: 229B | Fee: $20.00

Childcare Available, $50 per family. Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 12. NO WALK-INS.

Childcare available, $50 per family. Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 12. NO WALK-INS.

For more information contact Connie Musselman at or 404.591.1969. To register go to


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Wednesdays 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.

Thursdays 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Living A Life Of Worship: A Study In The Psalms

A Study of Ephesians: God’s Glorious Display

January 28, February 11 & 25, March 11, April 15, & May 6 (6 classes)

January 29 – March 12 (7 weeks) The glory of the Lord abounds in the book of Ephesians. This book is actually a letter written to the Christians in Ephesus by the Apostle Paul. In it we learn of our Father’s great love for us, who we are as His children, our purpose in life, and how to remain in victory. He has given us every spiritual blessing in Christ, and we enjoy them by looking to the One from whom they come. It’s in knowing the love of Christ that we may be filled with all the fullness of God. We will bask in His love and truth during this six-week verse-byverse study through Ephesians, where we will hear our rescue story that never gets old.

Reading the Psalms is like reading David’s journal, allowing us to peer into the heart of a man who lived a life of worship even in the midst of his battles, struggles, doubts, times of blessings, and times of depression. In the midst of everything David went through, he remained confident in the fact that God loves, cares for, and protects His own, and that He always keeps His promises. How, as Christian women, do we live lives of worship and purpose that glorify God in the midst of the everyday struggles, burdens, joys, and blessings? We have much to learn from David through the Psalms about how to worship the God who loves us and cares for us. He desires for us to offer our lives to Him as a fragrant offering that draws our friends, husbands, children, co-workers, and neighbors to Him.

Leader: Charlotte Travis | Room: 201-203 | Fee: $20.00 Childcare Available, $50 per family. Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 12. NO WALK-INS.

Leader: Rebecca Peet | Room: 4th Floor Landing | Fee: $20.00

A Wife After God’s Own Heart

Childcare NOT Available.

January 29 – April 2 (10 weeks) “A Wife After God’s Own Heart” is a 10-week marriage-focused Bible study designed to align our hearts and wills with God’s Word through prayer, study, and authentic community. Is “A Wife After God’s Own Heart” for me? Yes, if the following statements describe your heart: 1. The Lord has been stirring, inspiring, or convicting you in the area of marriage. You desire to study His Word in order to grow in grace and truth in this area of your life; 2. You are willing to be authentic and transparent so that God might be honored in your marriage; 3) You are willing to be an agent of transformation in your marriage; and, 4) You can attend most classes, complete weekly homework, and participate in group discussions. Each week, we will learn biblical concepts through teaching and discussion, with topics including God’s design for marriage, God’s roles in our marriages, communication, intimacy, and practical ways to live out being a godly wife. There will be homework every week that includes praying for your husband, keeping a “thankful” list, studying God’s Word, and answering application questions that are heart-probing and action-oriented. Leader: Toria Peterson | Room: 246 | Fee: $20.00 Childcare Available, $50 per family. Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 12. NO WALK-INS.


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We have several opportunities for men to connect for growing spiritually, becoming accountable, and building friendships. In Men’s Fraternity, we meet in a large group for a challenging lesson and then break up into small groups for discussion. Small groups are a place where you can join others to grow, share, and reach out. You will grow through the discussion and application of God’s Word. You will share life with all of its joys and challenges. You will reach out to others using your spiritual gifts. Come and find your place to belong. We also offer men’s mentoring called The Path. This is one-on-one mentoring tailored to each individual.

Men’s Fraternity Men’s Fraternity is a program designed to equip men to live and to lead as God intended, training men to press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. The church, the nation, and the world are suffering mightily from a lack of godly, masculine leadership. As traditional masculine virtues are assaulted and undermined in our modern culture, too many men either capitulate or seek satisfaction from counterfeits that are often selfish, juvenile, and destructive. We men are called to something higher, nobler, and truer. We know this, and we crave this, but too often flounder because we lack training and the fellowship of like-minded brothers. Men are in a battle against a ruthless and relentless enemy – personal, cultural, and societal forces that seek to alienate and confuse men at every age and in every walk of life. AUTHENTIC MEN understand the genesis of their manhood and are grounded in timeless principles and bedrock values. They are resolute and decisive, qualities that modern western culture discourages, not because they have no value, but because such men are a threat to the prevailing norms and standards. AUTHENTIC MEN understand the need to learn, continually evaluate themselves, and train in the company of like-minded men. We invite all men of Apostles and our larger community to answer this call by joining us in the STS Gym on Friday mornings at 5:55 a.m. We meet for coffee and a light breakfast, followed by a presentation and small group discussion. We will endeavor to conclude no later than 7:40 a.m., but you are welcome to leave earlier if you need to.

Men’s Small Groups Weekday Mornings Marriage, children, work, home, faith—the challenges abound. In today’s world it’s tough to be who God has called us to be. How do we follow Him and lead others? How do we balance the demands at work with the responsibilities at home? How do we love our wives like Christ loved the Church? God did not intend for you to discover the answer to these and all the other important life questions by yourself. You were created to live in community with other men who are wrestling with the same issues, and who desire to live godly lives that count for God, but have not yet “put it all together.” Come join other men who meet here at the church on a weekday morning to study Scripture and apply it to real life. Share your life with other men who will help you see God’s truth more clearly and who will help you sharpen your focus on Christ. Contact Rhonda Saduddin at or 404-564-3152.


The Path: Men’s Mentoring The Path is a lay ministry at The Church of The Apostles that seeks to facilitate mentoring partnerships between men who desire to have accountability for their lives. The Bible is our primary source of guidance. We strive hard not to create our own “program” but instead to let the Holy Spirit guide in this effort. As a reference for our mentors, we use a book called The Heart of Mentoring by David A. Stoddard. Dave has worked closely with our core team, helping us fully grasp the Ten Powerful Principles of Effective Mentoring laid out in his book. The overriding theme is that mentoring is a process facilitated by a relationship. Each partnership is unique and tailored to the needs of the younger partner. Mentors are willing to open their lives, letting the partner see how the mentor succeeded or failed, and above all, learned from his experiences. Mentors are good listeners. They don’t have an agenda or want to change their mentoring partners. They want to help their mentoring partners navigate the narrow path of a Christian life. Contact Rhonda Saduddin at or 404-564-3152.

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Come find a place where you can connect with God and others in deeper ways. Our Small Groups are a great environment to develop authentic, caring relationships while discussing how God’s truth intersects life. They help us in our journey of becoming more like Christ… together. Small Groups usually meet in homes every week or every other week, featuring lively, interactive discussions on God’s Word and how we live it out. Small Group members share life with all of its joys and challenges. You’ll pray for one another and receive encouragement. Together, your Small Group will help you live out your faith while impacting others. For more information about joining a Small Group, visit or contact T.J. Diamond at with any questions.

Multiple Locations



Henry County

Sandy Springs


Johns Creek








College Park


Villa Rica

East Cobb


West Cobb

Grant Park

Powder Springs



Mixed Groups Men’s Women’s Young Families

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Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own gathering together… - Hebrews 10:24, 25 We have the “Gathering of the Communities” from 9:00-10:15 on Sunday mornings. This is a time when our children, youth, and adult communities meet for grounding, learning, connecting, and training in the wisdom and ways of the Lord. These communities gather together around Jesus, the living Word of God, and the Scripture, the written Word of God. In order to assist you in your search for a class that is the highest and best fit for you and your family, we have grouped the classes as follows:




Training Classes

Entry Level classes for those who are new to the faith or new to Apostles

Community or Life Stage classes which promote relational connection with others of similar age and stage of life

Study Classes with a learning emphasis or maturing your knowledge of the Bible

Developing Life Skills which enable us to be wise and discerning in practical matters of life

Contact Rhonda Saduddin with any inquiries at or 404-564-3152.

Grounding Entry Level Classes Membership Class

Starting Point - Walking with Christ

John Horton and Greg Smith

Timothy Wilson and Tim Holt

Room 201-203

Room 239

This is a class designed to orient newcomers to the life and ministry of The Church of The Apostles. The class covers an overview of the history, mission, vision, ministries, and facilities of our church. This class is a requirement for church membership. Please contact Melanie Poole at 404-564-6673 or if you have any questions. The next start dates are January 4, February 1, March 1, and April 12.

Starting Point is a conversational small group environment where you can explore and grow in your experience of the Christian faith in a safe and nurturing community. If you desire to learn more about the basics of your spiritual foundation, come and join us on Sunday mornings this fall for Starting Point. This is a class for new Christians or for Christians who have never studied the Bible. This class is specifically for the recent graduates of the Christianity Examined course.


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Connecting Community or Life Stage Classes Breakthrough Living - The Book of Galatians Craig Lemasters Room 237ABCD Please join us for a wonderful time of prayer, fellowship, and discussion as we study the book of Galatians. We will reference Dr. Michael Youssef’s commentary entitled, “Leading the Way through Galatians...Discover the TRUE FREEDOM that is yours in Christ.”

Family Foundations John Whitney Room 616

Praying for the Next Generation

Family Foundations is comprised largely of married couples, mostly in their mid-30s to 50s, with children from preschool to high school. The group strives to build a faith-based foundation for the development and strengthening of our individual families and church family bonds through the study of God’s Word in a sharing and participatory environment.

Tim Geary and Jed Sorensen Room 607 This class utilizes topical Bible teaching, mutual encouragement, prayer, and discussion for those who seek to walk together shepherding the hearts of adolescents through the college years. We will be discussing the same texts that our student ministry (STS) uses as well as receiving weekly prayer requests from the STS students and teachers. It is a great opportunity to meet the spiritual needs of the next generation.

Young Families - A Larger Story Anthony Burnett Room 617 Many Christians are very unclear about their calling and their place in the unfolding story God is telling. We’ll begin our journey in the book of Acts and watch as the church takes form. As we walk forward into other New Testament writings, our desire is to help you find your place in the Kingdom God is building. Breakfast for the whole family will be served in Room 620-623 at 8:45 a.m., and then teaching will start at 9:10 a.m. in Room 617.

Journey Steve Peterson, Jordan Broggi, and T.J. Diamond Room 621-622 We’re on a journey . . . a journey toward Christlikeness, a journey that takes us through the gap. This gap is the differential between where we want to be in our walk with God and where we really are. True life-change happens on this journey. This new Sunday morning community will combine solid biblical teaching with authentic table discussions about how we live out God’s truth. We’ll explore Paul’s epistles and other books of the Bible, with time for honest, application-oriented conversation about the challenges and joys of the journey.

Young Families Community Class Jim and Melissa Harper Room 620 & 623 Come and enjoy a time of community around a variety of Scripture topics. Jim Harper, who currently leads Men’s Fraternity, will be the presenter. Breakfast for the whole family will be served at 8:45 a.m., and then teaching will start at 9:10 a.m.


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Learning Study Classes with a Learning Emphasis Ephesians: The Richness of Our Position in Christ and Its Practical Implications

The NT Book of Hebrews

Jimmy Goolsby

Room 229BC

Room 612-613

It has been said that Hebrews could be thought of as a great portrait of Christ with the Old Testament as its canvas. Hebrews is important to the entire Bible as a road map of the history of redemption. There is no letter in the New Testament that tells us more about Christ and His work, revealing Christ as the key to understanding the Old Testament. We will examine the significance of Moses, Aaron, the prophets, priests, and angels in the completed work of Christ. We will be encouraged as we look at the faithful men and women in Hebrews 11 and how they lived before the “founder and perfecter of our faith” came to earth.

J.C. Poole

This Ephesians study will explore the depth of our inheritance in Christ and its practical impact in being victorious in the evil days in which we live. We will learn how our new life in Christ impacts our speech, morality, and relationships. Paul also gives us the keys to Spirit-controlled living and being an overcomer of the spiritual forces of darkness by putting on the armor of God. If you are looking for insight on these issues then Ephesians is the book for you.

First Things: Genesis and Exodus Lee Holston

The NT Book of Romans

Room 246

Baker Smith

Besides looking at Genesis and part of Exodus chapter by chapter, we will spend time pointing out and discussing first things - like the first mention of God’s names, the first occurrence of a sacrifice, the first mention of a plan of redemption, etc. First occurrences often help us understand later occurrences in Scripture. Also, come prepared to re-experience your first love and holy fear of our Father as He begins to reveal Himself to the Patriarchs and the Children of Israel.

Room 248 Where did the Reformation begin? Long before Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the Cathedral door in Wittenberg, the Reformation began in his heart. What prompted the change in Luther’s heart? Through Paul’s letter to the Romans, God gave Luther and millions of others a new heart at peace with Him. How did Luther find assurance of salvation? In Romans he discovered the “very pure Gospel” including the doctrine of justification by grace through faith in Christ alone without works. In this questionand-answer epistle, Paul methodically reveals to us God’s plan of salvation through Christ’s work on the cross. Drawing upon other Scriptures, this interactive study will encourage you and strengthen you in your faith.

The Gospel of John Monte Johnson Room 611 An in depth, verse-by-verse study, with application for today!

The Gospel of Mark Mike Sessoms Room 244 Fanny Crosby’s desire in her great hymn was very simple: “Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my heart every word; tell me the story most precious, sweetest that ever was heard.” Jesus Himself commissioned us to tell that story when He said, “Go…..and report what great things the Lord has done for you and how He has had mercy on you.” Join us in this study of Mark as we see Jesus, the Christ, the Lord, the One full of mercy and able to meet our every need.


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Training Classes Developing Life Skills ently and discover what the indispensable aspect of love is for each of them as we walk through the study, Love & Respect.

Compass - Money and Marriage Dave Neale Room 236

What the Bible Really Says

Orientation Required on Sunday, January 25 at 12:15 p.m. in Room 229.

Stan Carder Room 243

This is a 10-week small group study which equips people to learn God’s financial principles as contained in the Bible, build a healthier marriage, improve your communication on finances and resolve conflicts, get on the same page about your finances, set financial and marriage goals, build your financial foundation, and prepare for a family or personal financial crisis. Class meets Sunday mornings February 8 – April 12, from 9:00 to 10:15, with a mandatory Student Orientation class at 12:15 p.m. on Sunday, January 25 in Room 229. The cost is $39 for couples or $29 for singles.

“Spirituality” - as the term pops up in conversations with friends or neighbors, what is our response? What is our belief about “spirituality?” It seems every person has their own interpretation and meaning of the word. How does this term “spirituality” relate to our Christian faith? As believers in Christ, we must be grounded in the truths and concepts of God’s Word in order to be able to assist our friends in coming to the realization that true “spirituality” is found in Jesus Christ who truly is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life. This class will clearly present the crucial beliefs and doctrines of our Christian faith, as well as how we are to apply these truths to our everyday living as we seek to honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Knowing and Doing God’s Will Bobby Mitchell, Sr. Room 229 A

Whose Worldview?

The continuing study of how to know and do God’s will, using Paul and his journeys as a model for us today. This year we’ll use some of the kings of the Old Testament to expand the study, while continuing to search out some of life’s foundational questions related to walking with God, such as: Does God call us today? Are we listening? How do we recognize God’s voice and respond in obedience? Can I really walk with God in the turmoil of America today? How can I make a difference? This study addresses these and many other questions and is all about practical applications in today’s world.

David Nicholas and Dal Sumrell Room 614-615 The lack of a Godly worldview has caused the church, our nation, and the world to suffer extensively. Yet the Bible says, “Where the Spirit of the Lord IS, there is Liberty.” The goal of this course is to re-discover and re-infuse God’s worldview into our personal lives. Join us as we examine the Scriptures, as well as sessions from the Truth Project, and elements of our National Archives to re-establish the foundations for the worldview and life system that God intends to govern every area of our existence. Our purpose is to help equip each of us to more effectively address current worldview issues in a very practical way that starts with our personal morality and works its way out to cultural issues and into the more far reaching implications of the government of our country.

Love & Respect (Marriage Building) David and Brenda Martin Room 610 When the reality of marriage sinks in to the routines and habits of a bride and groom, they become acutely aware that life together will be quite an adjustment from life apart. Issues such as communication, work schedules, social calendars, and household responsibilities rise to the surface. In the middle of treating those symptoms, though, is the heart of the question that fuels a successful marriage: How am I showing love/respect to my spouse? What does the Bible teach about husbands and wives? How do a husband and wife feed the health of their marriage? We are going to be talking about how husbands and wives perceive love differ-


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There are year-round opportunities for people to get personally involved in helping the local ministries supported by Apostles, as well as ministering to those whom these ministries serve. It is our prayer that everyone will live generously by investing more of their time and recourses in service to others in need. To get involved go to

Atlanta Union Mission (The Potter’s House)

Atlanta Pregnancy Center

Robert Thrasher

Daphne Nicely



The Potter’s House is a ministry of Atlanta Union Mission. TPH is a Christ-centered, Bible-based discipleship program for chemically addicted men who express a sincere willingness to change. It is the mission of TPH to advance the Kingdom of God by providing: 1) safe environments through which chemically addicted men have an opportunity to begin their Christian growth on their road to recovery, and 2) a program with the time, tools, motivation, accountability, and guidance to facilitate the individual’s success in recovery, the progression towards a functional relationship with God, self, and others, and the successful re-entry to society. The Potter’s House philosophy of ministry is taken from the Bible in Jeremiah 18:1-4 when the potter, rather than discarding a flawed vessel, sees its value and reshapes it into something completely new. They believe that at TPH, God reshapes men’s lives so they may be productive and useful for the Kingdom of God.

Atlanta Pregnancy Resource Center’s mission is to share the truth and compassion of Jesus Christ, support life-affirming choices, and promote healthy relationships by serving and caring for women and families in pregnancy-related circumstances. This is accomplished by providing free and confidential pregnancy tests, pregnancy options consultations, screening for and offering limited obstetrical ultrasounds, referrals to life-affirming community resources and Earn As You Learn Program, Fatherhood Program, and post-abortion healing and restoration.


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Atlanta Youth Academy

Cobb Pregnancy Services

Peter Rooney

Lori Parker



Mission: The Atlanta Youth Academy exists to advance the Kingdom of God by offering an excellent Christ-centered education to low-income urban communities.

Cobb Pregnancy Services is a Christian non-profit pro-life organization that assists women and men who are experiencing unplanned pregnancies by offering them positive alternatives other than abortion through practical, emotional, and spiritual support. They believe all life is sacred and deserving protection. To this end they also offer abstinence programs in local high schools.

Vision: To equip our students, the disinherited youth of Atlanta’s inner city, with the academic tools, social skills, and high character traits necessary to afford them the opportunity of a post high-school education and a purposeful, productive, and Spirit-filled life. Additionally, the vision is to create a learning environment that emulates the precepts and principles of Jesus.

Cru Military Joe Ludwikowski 678-332-6841

Atlanta Youth Project

Larry Teem


Cru Military’s goal is to win people to Christ, build them in their faith, and send them out to win, build, and send others. We believe our part is to focus on the global military community, which includes Active duty, Guard, Reserve, veterans, retirees, and family members all around the world. Cru mobilizes and trains churches, counselors, and communities across America and around the world to minister to military members, veterans, and families in their midst. Mission: To present Jesus Christ to urban youth, to disciple urban youth, and to provide safe, easy access for volunteers wishing to serve in the inner city. Statement of purpose: Facilitate programs to evangelize, disciple, and develop urban youth into leaders. History: Founded in 1991 by Larry Teem to stand in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30) and reach out to youth who were not being reached for Jesus Christ. Larry Teem was Apostles’ first staff Youth Pastor.

Feed My Lambs Jessica Young 770-795-9349

Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of Atlanta

Tom Mason

Feed My Lambs provides tuition-free Christ-centered preschool education to homeless and impoverished children locally and internationally. Our program serves infants to children five years old. We serve two meals daily and share the message of Christ’s love through Bible-based curriculum. Our mission is to help empower at-risk children spiritually, academically, physically and socially, and to impact families and communities. Please come be a part of one of our wonderful schools by donating your time and talents. Everyone has something to offer.

404-688-0795 Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center is an urban outreach committed to reaching unplanned pregnant mothers and fathers, and those who think they might be expectant, with counseling and support in an environment of Christian love, including a presentation of the hope and forgiveness of the Gospel. They encourage life by presenting the truth about the alternative of abortion, but also truth about the other alternatives of parenting and adoption.


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Fellowship of Christian Athletes

HeartBound Ministries

Adrienne Saxon

Andrea Shelton



Fellowship of Christian Athletes presents to athletes and coaches and all whom they influence the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church. Adrienne works in inner city Atlanta teaching Bible studies, disciplining, and mentoring to coaches. She and her team are directly involved in outreach events, sport training, and coaching to enhance their growth in Christ impacting the inner city and the community. Adrienne is a member at Apostles.

HeartBound Ministries is a Christian outreach ministry that funds and equips Georgia prison chaplains and ministers to the physical and spiritual needs of the prison community – staff, inmates and their families – changing the culture from one of crime and incarceration to hope and restoration through Jesus Christ. HBM serves over 54,000 inmates annually, with an emphasis on evangelistic outreach. HBM brings in professional athletes, musicians, Christian speakers, and dramatists to minister within Georgia’s 31 state prisons. They also minister to chaplains and inmates through prison adoption, books, Bibles, and video distribution, greeting card distribution, holiday care bags, indigent hygiene, after care, and various other means. Andrea Shelton, an Apostles’ member, is the founder and director of this ministry. Their website is

Good Samaritan Health Center of Cobb Ashley Garrison 770-419-3120 ext 16

Kindred Spirit

Carol Covington

The Good Samaritan Health Center of Cobb’s mission is to spread the love of Christ through quality health care to those in need. It is the only full time primary care safety net clinic in Cobb County providing easily accessible, affordable, and comprehensive, highquality healthcare, prescription medications and health education for the uninsured, working poor. Patients pay on a sliding scale based on household income and family size.

404-314-4159 Mission: To welcome pregnant teens with the unconditional love of Jesus Christ and receive them into a safe, supportive, and nurturing residential home environment, where they can experience God in all aspects of life. Working with community partners, we will focus on educational fulfillment, training, parent and birth training, faith development, and life planning to assist young women as they grow into the next phase of their journey in God’s grace.

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Leading The Way 404-841-0100

Revival USA and Sports Fan Outreach International

Bill Adams

Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef began in 1988 as a local radio broadcast. It has now grown into an international multimedia ministry focused on passionately proclaiming the uncompromising Truth of the Gospel in 24 languages to more than 200 countries. Leading The Way is broadcast more than 3,300 times per week by radio, television, the Internet, Leading The Way’s Navigator and THE KINGDOM SAT satellite television channels to more than 3.9 billion people worldwide. The ministry partners internationally with in-country follow-up teams to encourage new believers in their faith, helping God’s Kingdom to grow around the world.


In addition to weekly broadcasts, Leading The Way produces DVD and CD teaching series, books, and a monthly devotional magazine - My Journal - from Michael Youssef’s solid biblical teaching taught at The Church of The Apostles. Revival-USA is a Christ-centered, kingdom-minded, Bible-based mission fulfilling the Great Commission by proclaiming Christ (Phil. 1:18) at major outdoor community events like major sporting events, festivals, and concerts for the glory of God. Practically speaking this means we go to these events to tell the people about Jesus. This happens through one-on-one conversations, the distribution of literature that explains the Gospel or some aspect of it, and by open air preaching. The ministry is primarily best suited for men who have discerned an evangelistic or prophetic calling from God. No experience is required to participate and training, if needed, is done on site.

Revival-USA operates Sports Fan Outreach International which is a short term mission agency that specializes in mission trips to major sporting events like the Super Bowl, Final Four, World Cup, Olympics, MLB and NBA All-Star Celebrations, Rugby World Cup, and college and pro football games. Some trips are one day, some three days, and others ten days.

Bill has been a member of Apostles since 2006.

Love Thy Neighbor In Service Al Elmore 770-310-1887

Love Thy Neighbor in Service exists to share Christ and assist in the spiritual growth of homeless people in the Five Points area of downtown Atlanta. They also provide tangible help to these people in need. They assist with meeting the physical needs of the homeless people they reach as a part of their ministry.

Mike McCoy Ministries Mike McCoy 706-654-5802 Mike McCoy Ministries uses Mike’s platform as a former Notre Dame and NFL Football Player to reach students in Catholic Schools with the message of Hope and Encouragement. We believe the Catholic student is in as much risk as a public school student because of our culture. The school assembly program is used as the means to connect with students along with the comment cards they fill out at the end of assembly. Mike also ministers.

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The Jonah Project

Wears Valley Ranch

Cynthia Bachman

Jim Wood



The Jonah Project is a Christ-centered program designed to help school dropouts and immigrants needing to enhance their use of English, improve their economic well-being and quality of life, and that of their family, community, and society. TJP exists to help students discover that they are created and loved by God, and that God has a plan and purpose for their lives. As they fulfill their Godgiven potential, we encourage them to help others do the same. TJP is strategically located in the intersection of Jimmy Carter and Peachtree Industrial Boulevards providing God’s hope, help, and second chances. Cynthia Bachman, an Apostles’ member, is the founder and director of this ministry.

Wears Valley Ranch is a ministry to children from crisis family situations. At the Ranch, children find hope and healing from the past as they live in Christ-centered homes and receive ongoing counseling. Each student also receives a tutorial education, tailored to his or her individual needs. Many of these children receive Christ and begin to follow Him wholeheartedly as they experience His love through the family at Wears Valley Ranch. The Ranch is located in the Smoky Mountains near Sevierville, Tennessee.

Wycliffe Bible Translators Beth Merrill

The LEAD Institute

Wycliffe translators have taken the life-changing Word of God to hundreds of language groups around the world, but there are still over 1,000 languages which definitely need the Scripture. Wycliffe missionaries live among the people, learn their language, and translate the Scripture so that all peoples can have the life-giving Word of God in their native tongue. Beth Merrill, an Apostles’ member, lives in Oaxaca, Mexico and is actively translating the Bible into Zapotec and other indigenous languages.

Chris York 404-502-3314 The LEAD Institute’s mission is to build strong, successful, faithbased ministries through training, mentoring, and coaching. Graduates of the ten-month program are leading Christian ministries that incorporate evangelism that leads to conversions and discipleship.

Young Life – Africa Expeditions Drew Voyles

Vision 9:38



A non-denominational Christian ministry that reaches out to adolescents through volunteers, staff, club meetings, and camps by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and introducing and building meaningful relationships and by helping them grow in their faith.

Byron Johnson VISION 9:38 desires to see more minority laborers sent in the harvest field. They will provide financial assistance to minority missionaries to enable them to labor unhindered, confidentially, consistently, and efficiently in the harvest field. Roughly 25-30% of the time will be spent evangelizing and discipling students at Morehouse College and 70-75% will be spent developing the fund raising component for other minority missionaries.


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Winter-Spring 2015 Opportunities for Growth Congregational Care is continually seeking to provide opportunities that will enable every member to live their lives more effectively. Therefore, we are privileged to offer the following ministries for this winter/spring. For more detailed information or to register and pay online, please go to the church’s website at may also contact the Congregational Care office at 404-564-3159 or email

Compass – Money and Marriage


Sunday mornings, February 8-April 12

Tuesday evenings, January 13-April 7

9:00 to 10:15 a.m.

7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

Room 236

Room 614

There is a mandatory student orientation class at 12:15 on January 25 in Room 229.

Cost: $15. A safe and confidential place to experience grace and truth and find meaningful answers to questions you may have about your relationships or sexual addictions. No matter how broken or hopeless we may perceive ourselves, God upholds us in hope. In this crosscentered community, God is restoring broken hearts, broken pasts, broken relationships, broken sexuality, and broken identity. Each week includes worship, teaching, testimony, and same-gender small groups. Come and experience the hope and taste the joy of overcoming strongholds, healed relationships, and intimacy with God. This 8-week class begins Tuesday, January 27 – March 17, from 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. Course book $10 optional. STS Den

Cost: $39 for couples or $29 for singles A 10-week small group study which equips people to learn God’s financial principles as contained in the Bible, build a healthier marriage, improve your communication on finances and resolve conflicts, get on the same page about your finances, set financial and marriage goals, build your financial foundation, and prepare for a family or personal financial crisis.

DivorceCare - Most people will tell you that separation and divorce are the most painful and stressful experiences they’ve ever faced. It’s a confusing time when you feel isolated and have lots of questions about issues you’ve never faced before. DivorceCare is a 13-week video and small group discussion course designed to assist, comfort, and support individuals as they go through this most difficult time.

GriefShare Tuesday evenings, January 13 – April 7 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Room 613 Cost: $15 Grieving the loss of a loved one, whether recently or in the past, is one of the most emotionally wrenching experiences one can go through. If one tries to deal with the varying waves of emotion on their own, the grief experience becomes even more distressing. GriefShare is a 13-week video and small group discussion course designed to assist, comfort, and support individuals as they go through this most difficult time.


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Volunteer Ministry

Living Waters, Restoring Relational Integrity through the broken body of Christ

GraceTouch Meals shares the grace and love of our Lord by providing a meal and a personal contact to those in our midst in need of refreshment, care, and encouragement. You may cook meals to be taken to families who have a need, cook meals to bring to church to be put in the freezer for emergency help, or deliver meals to the families.

Tuesday evenings, October 7, 2014 – April 28, 2015 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. STS Loft Cost: $500

Military Outreach provides opportunities to participate in service projects with various organizations to assist and support military individuals and their families as they faithfully serve our country.

Living Waters is an in-depth ministry for any Christian seeking healing in areas of relational and/or sexual brokenness. Each meeting of this 7-month journey, we gather for worship, teaching, testimony, ministry time at the cross, and small groups focused on confession and listening prayer. Living Waters helps Christians resume the call to becoming whole gifts to each other through the body of Christ. Applications are accepted beginning August 1st. Check out the video testimonies at

Prayer Ministry involves the expansion of God’s Kingdom through intercession for others. Intercessors may come to the church during the week and pray for the requests that have been received, or they may receive requests via email at home. PrimeTimers is a service-oriented fellowship for those over 50 serving the Body of Christ in a variety of ways, including visiting the homebound. They also sponsor luncheons focused on vital issues for seniors.


Ushers serve once a month during the 9:00 or 10:30 services. This includes passing out the bulletin, helping people get seated, taking up the offering, etc.

By appointment only. A biblically-based life and work assessment course designed to provoke thinking and foster strategic renewal, personally and professionally. The cost of the course is $70 to cover the purchase of a workbook and required personality profiles.

Stephen Ministers are lay persons in our congregation who are trained to provide confidential care for those who are facing a difficult situation. For information about Stephen Ministry, call our referral coordinators, Sylvia Mosley at 770-987-1929 or Jim Kranzusch at 770-565-1650. If interested in any of these ministries, please contact the Congregational Care office at 404-564-3159.


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What does the Bible tell us about terror, Islam, the Middle East and the state of the world in the days ahead?! Dr. Youssef answers critical questions that Christians and Non-Christians alike are asking about Islam, jihad, caliphates, end times and more! Could it happen here? Is world domination really Islam's end game? What is the book about?! Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events. What does the threat of Islamic extremism mean in terms of Biblical prophecy? What do today’s turbulent events in Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Russia mean in prophetic terms? Jesus, Jihad & Peace provides answers that are concise and biblically accurate, helping readers to understand who is attacking us, how these events fit into the flow of prophecy and how we’re called to respond as Christians.

Who is it for? Christians and interested non-believers wanting to know what Biblical prophecy says about the current state of the world, including events in the Middle East Anyone wanting to cross-reference and understand the way the world’s major religions’ understanding of end times overlap and/or differ Christians desiring information/analysis on Islam from the perspective of a man who grew up in the Middle East, as a Christian

Why is it relevant?! The Middle East is on fire as never before and a radical transformation is undeniably taking place in the region. Geopolitically, the world is as unstable as it’s been in many years. Terror’s tentacles continue to spread into previously free and Christian communities and nations. Religious liberties continue to erode. Living our non-Muslim faiths openly increasingly endangers our lives. How much worse will it get? When will it stop? What is the aim of the enemies of Christianity and Judaism? These are questions tens of millions ask daily. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all feature parallel accounts of the ‘end times,’ and all three accounts feature a messianic Savior, an apocalyptic final war between good and evil and a central role for the city of Jerusalem. Do these three ‘end times’ scenarios intersect in some way? Again, millions around the world strive to answer this question daily. Do today’s events confirm that we are living in the ‘end times’?

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Who wrote it? THE ESSENTIALS ON: DR. MICHAEL YOUSSEF, PHD! • Born and raised in Egypt, in the Coptic Orthodox Church. His heritage, history, Christian faith and decades of education and training afford him a unique crosscultural and religious perspective. • Pastors one of the largest evangelical churches in America and leads an international ministry that reaches into more than 190 countries. • Vast media experience across multiple platforms, national outlets. • Well traveled. 40+ times around the globe, evangelizing and teaching church leadership. • Possesses a masters degree in theology and a doctorate in social anthropology. • Still has family in the Middle East, is there frequently and is fluent in Arabic. • Many decades of real life experience in Middle East and countless personal relationships there. Not relying on second hand-information, speculation or knowledge learned in books when speaking about conflict between Arabs, Jews, Muslims, Christians and extremist/terrorist groups. • Writes exceptionally and voluminously. Has penned almost 40 books and written for multiple national outlets.

Coming Soon! Inside, you'll find! • What is jihad? • What is the 'global caliphate' and what does it mean for all non-Muslims? • What is the difference between ISIS, ISIL and IS? And, can the brutality we're seeing in the media really happen here? • What is the Islamic State's next step? • What does Islam tell us about end times and how does it compare to the Biblical story? • Islam's goal: world domination and nothing less? • Are Allah and Jehovah the same God? • How does radical Islam fit into Biblical prophecy? • Are we living in 'end times'? How is God displaying His character and purpose in world events today?

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HOW TO CONTACT US Phone: 404.842.0200 Email:

WORSHIP Sunday The Gathering of the Body 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday Hour of Power 6:15 p.m.

DISCIPLESHIP Sunday: 9:00 a.m.

LEADING THE WAY with Dr. Michael Youssef PO Box 20100 | Atlanta, GA 30318 Phone: 404.841.0100 Order: 1.800.337.5323 Web:

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