Winter / Spring 2016 Ministry Guide

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2016 WINTER + SPRING MINISTRY GUIDE WELCOME Back in 1985 when the Lord began to burden my heart for the birthing of a new congregation in this area, three things from the Word of God were clearly revealed to me in regard to worship:


Unhurried praise and adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord, and the Head of this church. This includes a regular time for breaking of bread at the Lord’s Table.

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Prayer and intercession as an expression of our utter dependence on our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ in all things.

Bold proclamation that is relevant and instructive. Because we believe that the Bible is God’s self-revelation and therefore contains all the answers to all of man’s problems and needs, we preach it with all of its authority.

Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Founding Rector The Church of The Apostles

Table of Contents


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Children’s Ministry Student to Student College-Age Ministry 20s & 30s Small Groups Women’s Ministry Men’s Ministry Adult Bible Classes Congregational Care


Wonderful Counselor


By Dr. Michael Youssef

Springs In The Desert


Leading The Way Updates From The Field

A Letter from the Director

By Ryan Garrett, director of Student Ministries

2] • Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.

2016 WINTER + SPRING MINISTRY GUIDE WHO WE ARE The Church of The Apostles has never been just another church. God has guided and sustained this church through a vision that was made clear to the Rector even before the church began. We conclude from this that God has something unique in mind for this church body and we operate our ministry according to a God-given core ideology. So as you attend Apostles, what can you expect to experience in the life and ministry of this church?


Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. CORE VALUES • We are here to lift up Jesus at all times in everything we do. The Bible says that Jesus came to the earth that He might have preeminence in all things and that includes The Church of The Apostles. This ministry is not about us. • We are constantly searching for opportunities and ways to make God’s awesome message of salvation clear to as many people as possible. We want to ensure that people have the chance to hear the message and see the heart of Jesus in a true light that is compelling and clear. • We also strive to present every person complete in Christ. The highest purpose of life on earth is to make joyful progress in our spiritual formation, which is becoming like Jesus. Therefore, all of our ministry activity here at The Church of The Apostles converges on this focal point. • Apostles is a church that is busy with Holy Spirit directed ministry activity that is executed with excellence. We firmly believe that excellence is Heaven’s first law and if we cannot do ministry with excellence to the glory of God, we simply don’t do it. • Finally, we speak the truth in love without compromise. Through the Bible, God reveals Himself as the fountain of truth and love. We declare His truth in love without compromise or apology.

SUNDAYS At Apostles, we have Bible Classes (Sunday School) from 9:00-10:15 on Sunday mornings. This is a time when our children, youth, and adults meet for grounding, learning, connecting, and training in the wisdom and ways of the Lord. These classes gather together around Jesus, the living Word of God, and the Scripture, the written Word of God. There is also an early worship service in the chapel during this hour. At 10:30, we have our worship service in our main sanctuary from 10:30-12:00 on Sunday mornings. This is a time for celebration and communion, praise and prayer, evangelism and proclamation. Our heart’s desire is to lift up the resurrected Jesus in all of His saving power and glory. The sacrament of Baptism is practiced on the second Sunday of the month and the sacrament of Communion is practiced on the first, third, and fifth Sundays of the month.

WEDNESDAY NIGHTS On Wednesday evenings at 6:15 we offer programs for everyone in your family. The Hour of Power is our midweek service that includes a time of worship and an extended time of prayer. Come early at 5:00 for a family dinner (no reservations are needed) and then stay for the Hour of Power and for our great programs for children and students! Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. •



BY DR. MICHAEL YOUSSEF od, the sovereign Creator, had the ability to choose any titles He wanted to tell the world about His Son Jesus. Seven hundred years before Jesus was born, the very first title God chose to describe His Son to the prophet Isaiah was this: Wonderful Counselor. Jesus Christ is a Wonderful Counselor—a listener, a Truth-teller, and a heart-healer. In Him is “hidden all of the treasures of wisdom” (Colossians 2:3). He does not only possess some wisdom; He possesses all of the treasures of wisdom. His expertise in providing guidance for our lives is unrivaled. The wisdom Jesus gives when we come for His counsel is “first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere” (James 3:17). Christ’s wisdom is not marred by human logic or reasoning; He does not see things from faulty perspectives. He is Truth. His counsel is not stained with a desire to manipulate—it is pure. So before you talk to anyone else about what is going on in your life, seek the Wonderful Counselor. Let His wisdom pour peace into your troubled heart. Let His wisdom overcome the disturbance that sin may have brought into your life. Let His wisdom elevate you above the turmoil of doubt by His gentle assurance. Sit in His presence and listen—for He alone has all wisdom for any and every problem that you bring to Him.


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

s God told Isaiah 700 years before the Messiah was born, Jesus is a Wonderful Counselor. As all-knowing, omnipotent God, Jesus knows every detail about the future—including everything you are going to face. When you meet with the Wonderful Counselor, He speaks to you through His Spirit. God’s Word says, “No one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. . . . But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:11, 16). Jesus, by the Spirit, lets you in on “the deep things of God” (1 Corinthians 2:10)—spiritual realities that He wants you to know. If you need insight or guidance in a situation, there is no better counsel to seek. The Wonderful Counselor gives His matchless counsel freely. He promises to share this all-knowing wisdom with whoever requests it of Him. We need only ask. For when we come to Him, He says, “I know all of your problems before you even experience them, and I already have the answer for you. I have been waiting for you to come. I have been waiting for you to ask.” Is the Wonderful Counselor the first person you seek out for help?


4] • Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” (James 1:5) esus is a Wonderful Counselor—the best counselor of all—because His work is supernatural. Jesus is the only One who has the ability to see clearly into the depths of our hearts—and He is the only One who can heal where we are broken. Jesus is the only One who knows everything about us, even our deepest longings. And then only He can satisfy those longings. Jesus is the only One who knows all of our secrets. And then only He can forgive our secret sins. Jesus is the only One who knows every dark chamber in our hearts. And then only He can shine His light in those dark corners and lead the way out. Only the Wonderful Counselor can heal; it is a supernatural work. He isn’t limited to changing hearts; He can also change circumstances and situations. And when we go to Him, miracles happen, transformation takes place, and supernatural power goes into effect. Jesus longs to heal you. He longs to step into situations in your life and make them better. Like He asked the invalid who had come to the fountain for 38 years, He also asks you: “Do you want to get well?” (John 5:6).


“LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.” (Psalm 30:2)


he Wonderful Counselor offers His perfectly wise counsel to you anytime—not just when you are broken and hurting. He lives inside you through His Spirit, so no appointments are necessary; Jesus is always in session with you. Through His Spirit inside you, our Wonderful Counselor has the ultimate open-door policy. Jesus tells us, “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit . . . will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (John 14:26). He also encourages us, saying, “[The Spirit of truth] will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you” (John 16:13-14). Before Christ came, a thick veil separated the Jews from God's presence in the temple. Only the high priest could enter beyond that veil. Now, because of Jesus, that veil of separation is torn. We now have "confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus" (Hebrews 10:19). Christ came so that He could give you His very Spirit—the Holy Spirit who leads, guides, and speaks to you. Receiving the Counselor’s wisdom from the halls of heaven itself is simply a matter of tuning your heart to Him. Can you hear Him?


“And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.” (Ezekiel 36:27)

he Wonderful Counselor has come and is yet to come. While Jesus reigns now, there is coming a day when He will usher in His Kingdom completely, once and for all.


In the Old Testament, a counselor was the king’s royal adviser. Wise and just, a counselor would advise the king on matters of the kingdom. But with Jesus, the king is the royal adviser. He is the source of wisdom and the wise ruler. He is the Wonderful Counselor. And one day, He is coming back to bring every aspect of the universe under His wise rule, as it was meant to be. Everyone will stand before the wise Wonderful Counselor. He will judge using His perfect and complete wisdom. Everything will be laid bare before the King. God gave Isaiah a glimpse into how the Wonderful Counselor will judge: “He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked” (Isaiah 11:3-4). Perfect wisdom and righteousness will become the law of the land as Jesus takes His rightful throne.

“Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist.” (Isaiah 11:5)

hen the Wonderful Counselor comes again, He will judge the world with wisdom, justice, and righteousness. The works of evil, the sting of sin, the pain of injustice—these don’t fit in the Kingdom of the Wonderful Counselor. When Christ returns again, He will put an end to all evil, and we will echo the sentiments of the multitude in heaven who declare, “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments” (Revelation 19:1-2). When the Wonderful Counselor ushers in His eternal Kingdom, we will live forever under His just, wise reign. He will govern with perfect wisdom. And we will be like Him: “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2). Praise to the Wonderful Counselor, perfectly wise! Praise to the Wonderful Counselor who will redeem all things! Let us seek His counsel now until we see Him face to face.


“You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.” (Psalm 73:24)

Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. •



[ Updates from the Field ]

hrough evangelistic events, global broadcasting, and personal follow-up, God continues to use the ministry of Leading The Way to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ into spiritually dry places. From the spiritually unengaged in Australia to the unreached people groups of Algeria, God is transferring hearts from death to life in Christ as the Word of God is proclaimed globally through Dr. Michael Youssef.


From Australia...

fter over a year in the making, Dr. Youssef returned to Australia for a three-city evangelistic tour in Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth. The heartbeat of the tour was to reach the lost and those who had fallen away from church. Taking the lead from Dr. Youssef, the Australia team set about executing events where salvation through Christ alone would be unambiguously and passionately proclaimed. Thanks to seed funding received in 2014, the Leading The Way team was ambitious in raising the quality of the production and experience


“We are also thankful to Church of the Apostles for having a global vision for ministry. Not many churches would release their senior pastor for such an endeavor. It is a sure sign of a spiritually healthy church that enables this to happen.” – Chris M. …to Algeria LEADING THE WAY AUSTRALIA

for the audience. With large venues, professional production, and the star power of Grammy winner Rebecca St. James, our prayer was for the production, music, and worship to lay the spiritual groundwork for the proclamation of God’s Word. By God’s grace, this happened. Dr Michael Youssef’s Value of Your Soul message resonated in every city. Hearts and minds were prepared to hear God’s Word and respond. At least 120 people—5 percent of the total audience—gave their lives to Christ during the three events. Prayer teams from local churches were available to meet with these folks and direct them to a local church or pray with them. One couple in their 20s sprang up from their seats in response to Dr. Youssef’s invitation. They said they had never heard the love of God explained in such a powerful way. The husband was a former drug dealer who now wants to tell all his former drug contacts about Jesus. A harvest like this is not usual in the Australian cultural context. The prayers of many across the world were answered. We rejoice in the souls saved!

6] • Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.

wo days—that’s how long it took Leading The Way’s follow-up coordinator Basheer to reach Mohamed, the first known Muslim convert from the Tuareg tribe, in a desert town in Algeria. Just months before, Mohamed had turned on the TV and stumbled upon Leading The Way’s 24/7 satellite television channel, THE KINGDOM SAT. Peace, rest, spiritual transformation—the things they spoke of, Mohamed longed for. The more he heard the name Jesus Christ in the program, the more he began to wonder, “Is this Jesus the right way to God?” And the more he watched the channel, the more the emptiness within his heart became apparent. Mohamed needed someone to talk to. After a friend advised him to stop watching the channel, he decided to call the follow-up team with



God of the Impossible s we pray and plan for 2016, we thank God for all He has done through Leading The Way’s ministry efforts in 2015. Only through the help of thousands of partners around the world are we are able to sow the seed of the Gospel in places near and far—and only through God’s divine work are hearts transformed. Through the simple proclamation of the Gospel, God is doing the impossible both here at home in the Western world and in closed countries. May the harvest be plentiful in 2016. The Church of The Apostles plays a vital role in this outreach effort. If you would like to deepen your personal partnership with Leading The Way, please contact us to receive more information or give a gift:


Leading The Way PO Box 20100, Atlanta, GA 30325 Website: Phone: (404) 841-0100 Email:

his questions. With no access to Bibles, churches, or other believers, Mohamed knew this was his only option. On the other end of the phone was Basheer, who traveled the long journey to meet with Mohamed in the middle of the desert—all to tell him more about Christ. And in March 2015, our team rejoiced after hearing this report: “Mohamed declared with his mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believed in his heart that God raised him from the dead. Please pray for his protection and for all those he is sharing the Gospel with.” As the first known Christ-follower in his tribe, Mohamed has his work cut out for him—but his passion for Christ sustains him. “Mohamed wants more than anything else to serve the Lord among his people,” our team reports. “His wish came true for there are four people in his area seeking the Lord. . . . This will be the first church of five members placed in the Algerian desert.” Basheer continues to disciple Mohamed through Skype calls, and our team has provided him with the resources he needs for the challenges ahead. “He has to mature in the Lord quickly,” our team reports, “for he is the first known Christ-follower in the desert.”

COMING SOON from Dr. Youssef

n his highly-anticipated new book, End Times and the Secret of the Mahdi, Dr. Youssef unpacks the book of Revelation and brings Biblical clarity to what we’re seeing in the world today. You’ll be shocked at the eye-opening parallels between the Antichrist and the prophetic figure in Islam known as the Mahdi—and filled with hope as you see the unfolding of God’s master plan for eternity.


Pre-order your copy beginning January 1st at and receive a free digital pre-order package.

Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. •



Children’s Ministry

Our vision for the Children’s Ministry at Apostles is to reach children for Christ and to equip them to do the work of the ministry at a young age.



SUNDAY 9:00 - 10:15 A.M. Infant – Age 2

3rd Floor Visitor Check-in at Kiosk Loving Nursery Care and Bible Stories

Age 2–3

3rd Floor Visitor Check-in at Kiosk The children will hear stories of God’s faithfulness through the Old and New Testaments.

Age 4-5

3rd Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk The children will discover the wonder of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit by studying His attributes in the Old and New Testaments.

Special Stones Room 309

Special Needs Children

1st Grade 4th Floor

The ABC’s of God: A Study for Children on the Greatness and Worth of God

8] • Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.

2nd Grade

5th Floor

Faithful to All His Promises

3rd Grade 5th Floor

In the Beginning . . . Jesus: A Chronological Study of Redemptive History

4th Grade 5th Floor

To Be Like Jesus: A Study for Children on Following Jesus

Apostlelot (2nd – 4th Grade)

Children gather together at the end of Sunday morning classes for Assembly where they visit the land of “Apostlelot.” Kingdom characters (and the kids!) learn how to work through real life dilemmas. The drama presentation focuses on the lives of faithful men and women throughout history and the godly character evident in their lives. Church members also visit Apostlelot and share their testimonies of God’s faithfulness in their lives.



Toddler and preschool teaching and activities in a small group setting accompanied by large group puppets and drama (“Wee Worship”) and lesson themes that amplify what has been taught during the 9:00 hour. Each child will experience the love of God and others and learn themselves how to express their love for Jesus.

Sundays January 10, 17, 24, and 31 10:30 a.m.

Age 4-5

Small group Bible teaching and interactive activities including a large group worship service (“Kingdom Kids”) with music, teaching, and mission moments. Children will begin to discover who God is, praise Him because of those attributes, and be taught to implement their love for Him in their lives.

Communicant’s Class

Please e-mail for registration link. We recommend that children be in the 3rd grade and older for this class.

VBS 2016 June 6-10

Kid’s Connection

VBS 2016

Room 423

Kid’s Connection is available for any 1st through 4th grader as an alternative to attending the 10:30 worship service with their family. Kid’s Connection is our worship service offered to elementary children until parents determine their child is ready to sit in the main sanctuary with them for church. During our time together, we sing praises to God through our worship and seek to honor and know the Lord through our main lesson and small group interaction. This year’s theme is The Fruit of the Spirit. Children often think in terms of being good enough or not good enough to please Jesus. Our study of Galatians 5:22 will focus on fruit of the Spirit as something Jesus does in us. We will look at all nine fruits, describing what each one looks like in the daily life of a believer. Our prayer is that each child who attends Kid’s Connection will gain an understanding that developing fruit is to abide in Christ. (John 15:5). We want children to know at a young age the difference between works of the flesh and fruit of the Spirit.


6:00 p.m. 3rd Floor Check-in

Kid’s Quest Catechism Club for 3s and 4s Beginning Kids’ Quest Catechism Club is an opportunity to teach our preschoolers stories from the Bible of God’s work in the world. What a joy it is to help the children understand God’s character and theological truths. Music, games, art, written activities, and a lot of repetition reinforce the teaching and help the children memorize the answers to the catechism questions.

Running Church

Kindergarten – 4th Grade 6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. 4th Floor Check-in Both preschoolers and elementary children enjoy this midweek time of Bible teaching on Covenants and Promises followed with recreation in the gym, and on “the green.” Come for family night supper, which begins at 5:00 p.m. Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. •



Student Ministry CONTACT US 404-591-2470


Please visit our website or contact us for information on weekly Bible studies, special events, and trips.

STS or Student to Student is the ministry for 5th-12th grade students at Apostles. We are passionate about middle and high school students loving God with their whole heart, reaching others with their whole life, and making disciples with the whole Gospel. Through each of our Bible studies, worship services, teaching times, service projects, and special events, our desire is that students would fall madly in love with the Father and understand the huge plan He has for their lives.

SUNDAY 8:45 – 10:20 A.M.

WEDNESDAY 6:00 – 7:15 PM

Every Sunday morning a pancake breakfast is served for all 5th-12th grade students.

The Commons • 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Weekly, 5th & 6th grade students will study Teach Me Your Way, a study about the Sermon on the Mount, in small groups led by volunteers.

Family Dinner

Wednesday Evening Studies

Room 240

Our hope, through our Wednesday evening studies, is that our students will be equipped to love God more. Every week, during Hour of Power, large group teaching and/or small group Bible Study are offered for every grade level. All 5th-12th grade students worship together in The Loft at 6:00 pm before going to their small groups (listed below).

Room 230 B

The Den

After worship and teaching time in The Loft, 7th-12th grade students go to discipleship groups led by adult volunteers. These groups are split by grade and gender (listed below).

5th Grade Girls 5th Grade Boys 6th Grade Girls Room 230 A

6th Grade Boys Room 231

7th-12th Grade Discussion Groups STS Gym

From the Director of STS

5th-6th Grade Guys & Girls 7th-8th Grade Guys Room 230B

7th-8th Grade Girls Room 230A

9th-12th Grade Guys The Loft

9th-12th Grade Girls Room 228 (Parlor)


want to start by saying how privileged I am to be not only a part of STS but also a part of the Apostles family! I am so honored that God has called my family and me here to serve! Our main focus this year is that our students would LOVE GOD with everything they have. The STS Staff understands that students are pulled and tugged in so many different directions, and the enemy does his best to take their focus off of the Savior. Our hope and prayer is that our students would have such a deep relationship with the Father that He is the first thing they think about when they wake up and the last one they talk to before they go to sleep. God has such a huge plan for their future, but we don’t want to neglect where He has them now. My desire is that as we grow closer to the Father, we will grow closer to each other and impact the Kingdom of Heaven right where we are! May God continue to move and shake in the midst of STS!

Ryan Garrett

Director of Student Ministries

10 ] • Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.


Apostles College Fellowship

Apostles College Fellowship is a ministry for college and college-age students. We believe that the deepest possible joy and satisfaction in life can be found exclusively in knowing, loving, and trusting Jesus Christ. At ACF, we desire to be a place for college students to find encouragement, joy, rest and strength in Jesus. As a part of this, we want to find creative ways to embrace the full council of Scripture, as well as to be a community that provides an opportunity for discipleship. We would love for you to join us as we gather once a month Sunday evenings and twice a month Tuesday evenings.

2nd Sunday

Tuesday Dinner

2nd Sunday of the month 7:15 p.m. STS Den 2nd Sunday is a monthly gathering for college students to worship, learn, and fellowship together.



A biweekly gathering for college students to come together and build community over a meal and authentic conversation. The restaurant for each Tuesday Dinner is posted on our Facebook page: Apostles College Fellowship.

Discipleship Opportunities We would love to meet you!

If you are interested in getting involved in the college ministry at Apostles, please contact us at

20s & 30s at Apostles Singles & Young Marrieds

A gathering place for post-college young professionals in their 20s & 30s

Thursday Nights

20s 30s CONTACT US

7:00 – 8:30 p.m. 6th Floor

Living and working in greater Atlanta as a young professional can be fun, but it can also be hectic and nerve-racking. It’s all too easy in today’s crazy-busy culture to feel disconnected and alone. Our gatherings exist to help post-college young adults purposely connect each week to explore the things in life that really matter. Within our 20s & 30s ministry, there are opportunities to spend time with your peers while developing meaningful relationships and growing spiritually.


From 7:00 – 8:30pm, we have a relaxed time of fellowship, worship, and a devotional. Just follow the signs from the church’s main entrance to join us in our space on the 6th floor. Contact Dave Hubbard at or Rachel Felker at for more information. Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. •

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Small Groups



Come find a place where you can connect with God and others in deeper ways. Our Small Groups are a great environment to develop authentic, caring relationships while discussing how God’s truth intersects life. They help us in our journey of becoming more like Christ… together. Small Groups usually meet in homes every week or every other week, featuring lively, interactive discussions on God’s Word and how we live it out. Small Group members share life with all of its joys and challenges. You’ll pray for one another and receive encouragement. Together, your Small Group will help you live out your faith while impacting others. For more information about joining a Small Group, visit or contact T.J. Diamond at with any questions.


Multiple Locations

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Grant Park

Powder Springs


Gwinnett County



Henry County

Sandy Springs


Johns Creek


College Park






Douglas County


West Cobb

East Cobb


Woodstock • Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.

Mixed Groups Men’s Women’s Young Families


Women’s Ministry

Equipping women to know, love, and serve the Lord The heart of Women’s Ministry at Apostles is for women to understand God’s high calling, to continually grow in His grace, and to be equipped to reach others for Christ through


knowing and obeying God’s Word.



Operation Christmas Child Crafting Joan Friedman, Lay Leader

Would you like to be involved in outreach for needy children around the world? Join us twice a month as we make dolls and other items to pack in shoeboxes to send to children through Operation Christmas Child! No special skills are required. For more information, contact Joan Friedman at

Single Hearts for Christ Jan Blakeslee, Lay Leader

Single Hearts for Christ is a women’s fellowship that brings single Christian women together to enjoy, enrich and support one another. What better place to be than with a group where people know you, pray for you and encourage you in your faith. As we see it, every single, divorced, and widowed woman has different needs, worries, hopes and dreams. But it is certain that each one offers a plethora of experiences, perspectives, challenges and gifts. In Christ, we have all that we need for life and ministry. If you are 40 years old or beyond, and looking to connect with other Christian women, we have an open invitation for you. Our goal is to provide a secure place for you to grow in Christ and to establish friendships with other single women at The Church Of The Apostles. Join us! For more information contact Jan Blakeslee at

Widow’s Network

Marion Sharp, Lay Leader The Widow’s Network has helped many find solace in times of grief, as well as brought a sense of connection to other women. On six Sundays a year and at Christmas, special luncheons are held to honor the widows. The group plans other activities and service projects as well. For more information,contact Marion Sharp at

Calling All Cooks!

Nikki Klein, Lay Leader The SAY Yes! Center, a Christ-centered after-school program in midtown Atlanta, is in need of simple, nutritious meals throughout the school year. Volunteer today to prepare dinner for approximately 15 children on a one-time basis or even once a month. This is a great service project for all ages and stages and a perfect small group activity. Not a cook? Consider donating the cost of a meal. View the online schedule and sign up to take a meal via For more information, contact Nikki Klein at or 404-324-7810. Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. •

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2016 WINTER + SPRING MINISTRY GUIDE APOSTLES WOMEN BIBLE STUDIES In our pursuit of God, we want to be intentional in studying God’s Word. So this winter there are a number of group studies from which to choose. Online registration is available until one week prior to the commencement of each class and insures that your study materials will be available for you by the first day of class. Registration by phone is possible after online registration closes.

TUESDAY MORNING STUDIES Ezra and Nehemiah January 19 – March 22

The Old Testament tells the story of the deportment of God’s people from Jerusalem to Babylon in the book of Daniel; the continued story of some of God’s people in Medo-Persia in the book of Esther; and the return of the exiles to Jerusalem in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. The tenacious struggle of God’s people to rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem proclaims the importance of right worship and the need to endure patiently in the face of difficulty. By studying Ezra and Nehemiah, we have a true testimony of how God sovereignly works through people to accomplish His redemptive purposes. Please come and enjoy this journey with us!

Leaders: Carolyn Caswell and Lori Harris Time: 6:45 – 7:30 a.m. Location: Room 246 Cost: $12 No childcare available.

Acts, Part 2 Precept upon Precept (Chapters 13-28) January 19 – March 22 (10 weeks)

Paul, Jesus’ Witness to the Gentiles: Jesus promised His disciples that they would take the Gospel to the remotest parts of the earth. Observe Paul’s transformation from persecutor of the church to preacher. Join him on his journeys across the Roman world to proclaim the saving message of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles. Learn how to witness and how to live an authentic Christian life in all circumstances in the power of the Holy Spirit. Learn to be like Paul, to be bold in proclaiming the name of Jesus and to trust our sovereign Lord who enables us to endure persecution and suffering at the hands of those who hate Jesus...and therefore, hate us.

Leader: Anne Hayes Time: 9:30 – 11:45 a.m. Location: Room 201-202 Cost: $25 Limited childcare available. $50 per family for Apostles members. Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 5. NO WALK-INS.

14 ] • Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.

Surprised by Suffering? A Study of 1 and 2 Peter (Part 2) January 19 – March 29 (no meeting February 23)

Today the world is in a state of heightened conflict, both at home and abroad. Christians are being martyred in historic numbers internationally and marginalized and isolated in America. How do we as Christians reconcile this reality with the hope of the Gospel of Christ, the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, and the promise that our God reigns both now and in the future kingdom? Where is Jesus when suffering rains down on Christian heads, when evil seems to sit on the throne? Come with us to sit at Peter’s feet and to hear this chief of Jesus’s apostles address the issues of suffering and evil, a mere 30 years after Jesus conquered death.

Leader: Vicki Gillespie Time: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Location: Room 237 Cost: $15 Limited childcare available – $50 per family for Apostles members. Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 5. NO WALK-INS.


What Does the Bible Teach About Being a Woman in 2016? January 19 – March 29

God has a divine plan for womanhood. He has given us the elements that are necessary to accomplish that purpose. And what is that purpose? The goal is not just so our lives can be easier or work better. According to Isaiah 43:6-7, God created sons and daughters for the purpose of displaying His glory. His divine design reflects profound truths about His character and about the gospel of Christ. You have a purpose. Your womanhood has a purpose. The Lord wants you to discover the beauty of His plan for manhood and womanhood and to experience the joy and fulfillment of being exactly who He created you to be. He wants to arrange the interior of your heart and life that you might best accomplish the purpose for which you were made. He invites you to participate with Him in that grand undertaking. Come join the journey to better display His divine design of His female creation.

Leader: Linda McEntire Time: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Location: Room 623 Cost: $20 No childcare available.


8 Weeks in Romans 8: The Verdict Is In

Abraham and Israel and the Jews…current news or dusty antiquity? Is there any serious pertinent connection to us today? Is Jesus even in the Old Testament anyway? Is detailed Bible history important or just a matter of growing head knowledge? How does it all hang together—or does it? Do ancient specifics enrich contemporary facts that much? Come and find out as we pick up the book of Genesis with Abraham’s life of faith and the patriarchal line. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The homework is doable, questions insightful, fellowship sweet—you’re invited!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is good news! Prepare to know you are loved and created for great purpose as we journey verse-by-verse through this important chapter in Romans. In Christ, our verdict is in: No condemnation! And we cannot be separated from the very love that saved us. These points of security bookend the wonderful truths in Romans 8 that speak of our adoption, inheritance, the power of the Holy spirit, our life circumstances working for good, and so much more. Gazing at one life-changing wonder after the next, we will see that the good news of Jesus and His plans for us just keep getting better. Glory to God. He has done great things!

January 7 – May 5 (Spring break TBD)

January 21- March 17

Leader: Denise Nyberg Time: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Location: Room 231 Cost: $30 (total fee for the 28 week study) Limited childcare available – $50 per family for Apostles members. Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 5. NO WALK-INS.

Leader: Charlotte Travis Time: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Location: Room 201 Fee: $20 Limited childcare available – $50 per family for Apostles members. Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 5. NO WALK-INS.

Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. •

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2016 WINTER + SPRING MINISTRY GUIDE SATURDAY MORNING STUDY Faith in Life Series: Communication Four weeks: February 27 March 5 March 12 March 19

Jeanine Dungan, Church of The Apostles counselor, will lead a Christ-centered, gospel approach to considering the issue of communication on four Saturday mornings. More info will be available at

Genuine Wisdom

A Monthly Gathering of Ladies in their 20s & 30s Every third Thursday of the month

Come and enjoy a special evening of connecting with each other through desserts, community, and presentations from godly mentoraged women living a lifestyle of genuine wisdom. Using God’s Word as our basis, we will explore relevant topics such as thankfulness, relationships, beauty, careers, and more. This event is designed for single or married women, ages 20s and 30s. Find more information and the schedule at!

Every third Thursday of the month 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. No childcare will be provided. For more information, contact Amber Wilson at

Women of the Word 2016

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. – 2 Peter 3:18 Do you ever long to see life more from God’s perspective? Do you desire to make God’s Word a higher priority in your life? Join us as we unite to read through the Bible and to memorize John 15, for God’s glory and for our joy! We are following a plan to do both of these things through 2016, and you are welcome to jump in at any time. We have daily Bible reading plans available to help you stick to a schedule, as well as a weekly plan for memorizing the 15th chapter of John. Visit for plans, freebies, and other helpful resources.

16 ] • Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.

Leader: Jeanine Dungan Time: 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. Location: Room 237 No childcare available.


Men’s Ministry

We have several opportunities for men to connect for growing spiritually, becoming accountable, and building friendships. These include Men’s Fraternity, small groups, and mentoring opportunities


Men’s Fraternity is a program designed to equip men to live and to lead as God intended, training men to press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. The church, the nation, and the world are suffering mightily from a lack of godly, masculine leadership. As traditional masculine virtues are assaulted and undermined in our modern culture, too many men either capitulate or seek satisfaction from counterfeits that are often selfish, juvenile, and destructive. We men are called to something higher, nobler, and truer. We know this, and we crave this, but too often flounder because we lack training and the fellowship of likeminded brothers. Men are in a battle against a ruthless and relentless enemy – personal, cultural, and societal forces that seek to alienate and confuse men at every age and in every walk of life. AUTHENTIC MEN understand the genesis of their manhood and are grounded in timeless principles and bedrock values. They are resolute and decisive, qualities that modern western culture discourages, not because they have no value, but because such men are a threat to the prevailing norms and standards. AUTHENTIC MEN understand the need to learn, continually evaluate themselves, and train in the company of like-minded men. We invite all men of Apostles and our larger community to answer this call by joining us in the STS Gym on Friday mornings at 5:55 a.m. We meet for coffee and a light breakfast, followed by a presentation and small group discussion. We will endeavor to conclude no later than 7:40 a.m., but you are welcome to leave earlier if you need to.






Weekday Mornings

Marriage, children, work, home, faith—the challenges abound. In today’s world it’s tough to be who God has called us to be. How do we follow Him and lead others? How do we balance the demands at work with the responsibilities at home? How do we love our wives like Christ loved the Church? God did not intend for you to discover the answer to these and all the other important life questions by yourself. You were created to live in community with other men who are wrestling with the same issues, and who desire to live godly lives that count for God, but have not yet “put it all together.” Come join other men who meet here at the church on a weekday morning to study Scripture and apply it to real life. Share your life with other men who will help you see God’s truth more clearly and who will help you sharpen your focus on Christ. For more information, contact Rhonda Saduddin at or 404-564-3152.

The Path is a lay ministry at The Church of The Apostles that seeks to facilitate mentoring partnerships between men who desire to have accountability for their lives. The Bible is our primary source of guidance. We strive hard not to create our own “program” but instead to let the Holy Spirit guide in this effort. As a reference for our mentors, we use a book called The Heart of Mentoring by David A. Stoddard. Dave has worked closely with our core team, helping us fully grasp the Ten Powerful Principles of Effective Mentoring laid out in his book. The overriding theme is that mentoring is a process facilitated by a relationship. Each partnership is unique and tailored to the needs of the younger partner. Mentors are willing to open their lives, letting the partner see how the mentor succeeded or failed, and above all, learned from his experiences. Mentors are good listeners. They don’t have an agenda or want to change their mentoring partners. They want to help their mentoring partners navigate the narrow path of a Christian life. For more information, contact Mike Slaughter at

Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. •

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Adult Bible Classes


At Apostles, Adult Bible Classes meet from 9:00-10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings for grounding, learning, connecting, and training in the wisdom and ways of the Lord. These classes gather together around Jesus, the living Word of God, and the Scripture, the written Word of God.


January through May • 9:00 – 10:15 a.m.


GROUNDING • Entry Level Classes

Faithful Living in Difficult Times • 1 and 2 Peter Roger Hill Room 237 B, D

64 A.D. was a tough time for Christians! Nero was now the Roman Emperor. Now, discrimination, persecution, and the killing of Christians were legal! Believers in Jesus were being targeted solely for believing in Jesus. How did the Christians of the first century hold on? More importantly, how do Christians today hold on with more of the same, whether it comes from ISIS or from any government not “tolerant” of believers? This is what we see from 1 and 2 Peter: the “how to” on faithful living in difficult times.

First Dimension Mike Slaughter Room 620, 623

If you are new to the church or to the Christian faith, we highly recommend you participate in our First Dimension Adult Bible Class. There will be many others attending who will be studying foundational issues of faith, whom you will have a chance to get to know and with whom you will share the experience. First Dimension will give you a solid foundation of biblical knowledge to help propel you forward in your spiritual journey with Christ and empower you to press on to spiritual maturity.

Membership Class

John Horton and Greg Smith Room 201-203 This is a class designed to orient newcomers to the life and ministry of The Church of The Apostles. The class covers an overview of the history, mission, vision, ministries, and facilities of our church. This 4-week class is a requirement for church membership. Please contact Mike Slaughter at 404-591-1971 or if you have any questions. The next start dates are January 10, February 7, and April 3.

Starting Point • Walking with Christ Timothy Wilson and Tim Holt Room 244

Starting Point is a conversational small group environment where you can explore and grow in your experience of the Christian faith in a safe and nurturing class. If you desire to learn more about the basics of your spiritual foundation, come and join us on Sunday mornings for Starting Point. This is a class for new Christians or for Christians who have never studied the Bible. This class is specifically for the recent graduates of the Christianity Examined course.

18 ] • Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.


Breakthrough Living: The Book of James

The Journey

Please join us for a wonderful time of prayer, fellowship, and discussion as we study the book of James. We will reference Dr. Warren Wiersbe’s commentary entitled, “James: Be Mature, Growing up in Christ.” This is a practical study of how to grow in our faith.

We’re on a journey . . . a journey toward Christ-likeness, a journey that takes us through the gap. This gap is the differential between where we want to be in our walk with God and where we really are. True life-change happens on this journey. This Sunday morning class will combine solid biblical teaching with authentic table discussions about how we live out God’s truth. We’ll explore the book of James, with time for honest, application-oriented conversation about the challenges and joys of the journey.

Craig Lemasters Room 237A, C

Family Foundations John Whitney Room 612

Family Foundations is comprised largely of married couples, mostly in their mid-30s to 50s, with children from preschool to high school. The group strives to build a faith-based foundation for the development and strengthening of our individual families and church family bonds through the study of God’s Word in a sharing and participatory environment.

In Step with the Next Generation Tim Geary and Jed Sorensen Room 238

Steve Peterson, Jordan Broggi, and T.J. Diamond Room 621, 622

Young Families: A Larger Story Anthony Burnett Room 613

Many Christians are very unclear about their calling and their place in the unfolding story God is telling. We’ll begin our journey in the book of Acts and watch as the church takes form. As we walk forward into other New Testament writings, we’ll also look at the life of Jesus and how He navigates His journey. Our desire is to help you find your place in the story and learn to enjoy God…more.

We are a group dedicated to praying for our next generation and STS—its students, teachers, and ministers. We will be encouraging each other through Bible study that is aligned with STS teaching, prayer, and sharing of each other’s experiences. It is for all who want to make a difference in this next generation through prayer—STS parents, Young Families, Singles, anyone.

Single Women ABC Laurie Graffo Room 614

Sometimes we can feel that though we can be “smart,” we are not always wise. What does it mean to have real wisdom and apply it daily? We are an interactive true community of single, divorced, and widowed women partnering in the Word, relationships, fellowship, prayer, and bearing each other’s burdens with the purpose of being what God intended the body of Christ to be. Come join us.

Young Families Fellowship Jim and Melissa Harper Room 607-610

The Young Families Fellowship class will study 1 John. Along with in-depth study, we will also have time for discussion and prayer. Jim Harper, who currently leads Men’s Fraternity and his wife, Melissa, will be the presenters. Breakfast for the whole family is served at 8:45 a.m., and the teaching starts at 9:15 a.m. This class meets year round and offers social events throughout the year.

Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. •

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2016 WINTER + SPRING MINISTRY GUIDE LEARNING • Study Classes with a Learning Emphasis


The Book of Romans

“What did you say? I was not listening. Please say it again.” Does this sound familiar? Deuteronomy is the second giving of the law. It deals with listening, hearing, and obeying. God, speaking through Moses, reviews where the Israelites have been and His faithfulness to them, and He gives instructions on how to move forward. Deuteronomy is a very practical book for Christians today. As we study the many truths packed into this book, we will be asking ourselves the following question: Am I listening to the Father, and am I willing to obey Him?

Have you ever struggled to understand your faith or to clearly express it to unbelievers? In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he sets out God’s plan for the Gospel and the righteousness that comes from God, which can be received only by faith in Jesus Christ. His simple and direct, objectionand-answer format cleared up confusion for many people who were laboring to reach heaven but felt they were unable to please God. For this reason, Romans was an eyeopener for Christian leaders like Augustine, Martin Luther, and John Wesley. As a result, they discovered that Romans was God’s key to the rest of Scripture, His plan for the church, and its impact on world history. Join us in this study, and expect to be encouraged and strengthened in your faith.

Chris Kitchens Room 245

Parables of the Kingdom J.C. Poole Room 616

It has been said that Jesus could turn people’s ears into eyes as He taught about the Kingdom of God through parables. As we study the parables, we will see what Jesus taught about: Entering God’s Kingdom Growing in God’s Teaching Living in God’s Kingdom Finishing in God’s Kingdom The parables will teach us how to live the Kingdom life while here on earth.

The Armor of God - Ephesians 6 & 1 John Jimmy Goolsby Room 617

Baker Smith Room 248

The Day of the Lord Lee Holston Room 246

We will look at Old and New Testament references to The Day of the Lord, and other related passages, that provide some glimpses into the second coming of Jesus and the events surrounding that day.

The Epistles of 1, 2 & 3 John Monte Johnson Room 611

An in-depth, verse-by-verse study, with application for today!

We conclude our study of Ephesians with the Armor of God. If we walk worthy of our calling in Christ as Paul taught in the previous chapters, we should expect Satan’s attack. The Armor of God is the biblical principle for victory for the inevitable spiritual battle. We will transition to a study of 1 John. Why study this small epistle? John gives us 4 purposes for his penning of this powerful letter: 1) Promote complete joy in Christ (1:4) 2) Prevent Christians from committing sin (2:1) 3) Protection from false teachers and doctrine (2:26) 4) Provide assurance of salvation in Christ (5:13)

20 ] • Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.

2016 WINTER + SPRING MINISTRY GUIDE TRAINING • Developing Life Skills ADULT BIBLECLASSES COMMUNITIES CONTINUED Knowing and Doing God’s Will Bobby Mitchell, Sr. Room 239

This is the continuing study of how to know and do God’s will, using Paul and his journeys as a model for us today. This year, we’ll use some of the kings of the Old Testament to expand the study, while continuing to search out some of life’s foundational questions related to walking with God, such as: Does God call us today? Are we listening? How do we recognize God’s voice and respond in obedience? Can I really walk with God in the turmoil of America today? How can I make a difference? This study addresses these and many other questions and is all about practical applications in today’s world.

Love & Respect (Marriage Building) David and Brenda Martin Room 242

When the reality of marriage sinks in to the routines and habits of a bride and groom, they become acutely aware that life together will be quite an adjustment from life apart. Issues such as communication, work schedules, social calendars, and household responsibilities rise to the surface. In the middle of treating those symptoms, though, is the heart of the question that fuels a successful marriage: How am I showing love/respect to my spouse? What does the Bible teach about husbands and wives? How do a husband and wife feed the health of their marriage? We are going to be talking about how husbands and wives perceive love differently and discover what the indispensable aspect of love is for each of them as we walk through the study, Love & Respect.

What the Bible Really Says

Whose Worldview?

“Spirituality”—as the term pops up in conversations with friends or neighbors, what is our response? What is our belief about “spirituality”? It seems every person has his or her own interpretation and meaning of the word. How does this term “spirituality” relate to our Christian faith? As believers in Christ, we must be grounded in the truths and concepts of God’s Word in order to be able to assist our friends in coming to the realization that true “spirituality” is found in Jesus Christ, who truly is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life. This class will clearly present the crucial beliefs and doctrines of our Christian faith, as well as how we are to apply these truths to our everyday living as we seek to honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The lack of a Godly worldview has caused the church, our nation, and the world to suffer extensively. Yet the Bible says, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.” The goal of this course is to re-discover and re-infuse God’s worldview into our personal lives. Join us as we examine the Scriptures, as well as sessions from the Truth Project, and elements of our National Archives to re-establish the foundations for the worldview and life system that God intends to govern every area of our existence. Our purpose is to help equip each of us to more effectively address current worldview issues in a very practical way, which starts with our personal morality and works its way out to cultural issues and into the more far reaching implications of the government of our country.

Stan Carder Room 243

David Nicholas and Dal Sumrell Room 615

Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. •

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Congregational Care



Congregational Care is continually seeking to provide opportunities that will enable every member to live their lives more effectively. Therefore, we are privileged to offer the following ministries for this fall. Please visit the church’s website,, to register and pay for classes. Detailed information is also available online, or you may contact the Congregational Care office at 404-564-3159 or email

CrossCurrent: Beyond Brokenness 8-week class Tuesday, January 26 - March 15 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. STS Den Course book cost: $10 (optional)

No matter what age, gender, background, or spiritual experience, we all have broken places inside that need healing. Those on the CrossCurrent team know the struggle for truth and grace, and we are honored to point you to the hope that we share in Christ. In this safe and confidential community, God is restoring broken hearts, broken pasts, broken relationships, broken sexuality and broken identity. Secure in the Father’s love, we can begin loving others well. Each week includes worship, teaching, testimony and same-gender small groups.


Tuesday evenings January 5 –March 29 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Room 614 Cost: $15 Most people will tell you that separation and divorce are the most painful and stressful experiences they’ve ever faced. It’s a confusing time when you feel isolated and have lots of questions about issues you’ve never faced before. DivorceCare is a 13-week video and small group discussion course designed to assist, comfort, and support individuals as they go through this most difficult time.


Tuesday evenings January 5 – March 29 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Room 613 Cost: $15 Grieving the loss of a loved one, whether recently or in the past, is one of the most emotionally wrenching experiences one can go through. If one tries to deal with the varying waves of emotion on their own, the grief experience becomes even more distressing. GriefShare is a 13-week video and small group discussion course designed to assist, comfort, and support individuals as they go through this most difficult time.

22 ] • Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.

2016 WINTER + SPRING MINISTRY GUIDE Financial Peace University

OnPath for Seniors

Seven out of 10 Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck - that statistic goes up to 8 out of 10 families in affluent neighborhoods. That is why we are offering Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class. This is a practical and fun opportunity to learn about money. Each weekly session starts with Dave Ramsey teaching on video and is followed by a small group discussion. If you are one of the few who isn’t struggling, you will still benefit from this powerful material. You will learn how to apply biblical principles in the management of all the resources God has given you. The cost is $95.00 per couple or individual, which covers 9 weeks of teaching, resource materials, and a life-time membership to FPU.

Every day, 10,000 people enter into retirement, and by 2020, 36% of America’s population will be made up of Baby Boomers. The question that faces each retiree is “Now what?” Utilizing a workbook and an online personality profile, the On Path for Seniors class will help Boomers to reassess, realign, and refocus their lives in order to fulfill God’s purposes for them. OnPath is a biblically-based life and work assessment course designed to provoke thinking and foster strategic renewal, personally and professionally. The cost of the course is $70 to cover the purchase of a workbook and required personality profiles. By appointment only.

Tuesday evenings February 2 - March 29 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Rooms 201-203 $95.00 per couple or individual

Tuesday evenings February 2 – March 29 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. Room 607 Cost: $70 per person or $100 per married couple (includes workbook and required personality profiles)

VOLUNTEER MINISTRY GraceTouch Meals shares the grace and love of our Lord by providing a meal and a personal contact to those in our midst in need of refreshment, care, and encouragement. You may: Cook meals to be taken to families who have a need. Cook meals to bring to church to freeze for emergency help.

Prayer Ministry involves the expansion of God’s Kingdom through intercession for others. Intercessors may come to the church during the week and pray for the requests that have been received, or they may receive requests via email at home.

PrimeTimers is a service-oriented fellowship for those over 50 serving the Body of Christ in a variety of ways, including visiting the homebound. They also sponsor luncheons focused on vital issues for seniors. If interested, please contact the Congregational Care office.

Stephen Ministers are lay persons in our congregation who are trained to provide confidential care for those who are facing a difficult situation.

Ushers serve once a month during the 9:00 or 10:30 services. This includes passing out the bulletin, helping people get seated, taking up the offering, etc.

Information: Rebecca Wise Referral Coordinator (770) 435-4867 John Wise Referral Coordinator (678) 358-5701.

Deliver meals to the families. Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. •

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HOW TO CONTACT US Phone: 404.842.0200 Web:


9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday Hour of Power 6:15 p.m.

ADULT BIBLE CLASSES Sunday: 9:00 a.m.


with Dr. Michael Youssef PO Box 20100 | Atlanta, GA 30318 Phone: 404.841.0100 Order: 1.800.337.5323 Web:

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