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Dear Apostles Family,


irst of all, I would like to deeply thank all of you who faithfully serve and volunteer as a part of the body of Christ. I trust that you and your families are experiencing the blessings that come from being in-

volved in ministry. In 1 Corinthians 12, God’s Word describes the church as one body that is made up of many parts – all of which are valuable. “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27). As you know, the mission statement of The Church of The Apostles is reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry. In the pages following you will find the many opportunities that exist to serve, and every one of them contributes to fulfilling this mission. Remember that by volunteering, you are not serving The Church of The Apostles, but the body of Christ. In doing so, I’m confident that you will enjoy the true sense of joy that comes from knowing that you are being used by God.

Michael Youssef, Ph. D.


First impression ministry


Christianity examined


Children’s ministry


sts (student ministry)


impaCt (young adults)


young Families


small groups


adult BiBle Classes


Women’s ministry


men’s ministry


Congregational Care


administrative | general






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Are all of the volunteer roles in this guide currently unfilled? Many of the roles are already filled, but some are not. Many people continue to serve in the same role. The numbers represented indicate the potential number of volunteer roles that can be utilized in this ministry.

What if I’m not a member of this church? All volunteer roles are for church members. If you’d like to pursue membership, please attend the next First Look class. Information on First Look can be found at

What’s the process for volunteering? Either fill out the response card and turn in at church, or go online to and fill it out electronically. You can express interest in several opportunities. Within a few weeks, you’ll hear back from staff or ministry leaders about the next steps.

Does filling out a card guarantee I’ll be able to serve in the role I request? Not necessarily. The roles may already be filled. Also, many leadership roles involve a selection, application, or referral process.

What are the most critical needs? Each ministry area has determined the roles that have the greatest need for filling, and are designated by a

What if I’m already serving in a role and plan on continuing? You don’t need to fill out a card. But if you want to pursue additional opportunities you certainly can. If and when you decide to stop, please let the ministry leaders know your plans.

Is this the only time of the year to sign up to serve? No. Members can request information on volunteer roles year-round. You can always contact the church’s Membership Volunteer Coordinator, Melanie Poole, at

I want to serve, but not sure where. I’m also not sure what my spiritual gifts are. What should I do? Our Membership Volunteer Coordinator has valuable resources, tools, and information to help you. Contacting her at would be a great next step.


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parking greeter (40) > Bridge people from the parking lot into the building in a warm and welcoming way

Front door greeter (56) > Warmly greet all who enter the church building > Prepared to answer any directional questions

WelCome Center greeter (64) > Serves as the information “nerve center” of the church > Knowledgeable and always prepared to answer informational and directional questions

sanCtuary greeter (56) > Warmly greet visitors as they enter the various sections of the Sanctuary prior to the service, during the congregational greeting in the service, and as they leave the service > Invite and welcome visitors to the Visitor Reception

visitor reCeption greeter (20) > Following the 10:30 A.M. worship service, greet and welcome visitors in the Visitor’s Reception > Take care of any specific needs and answer any individual questions

FareWell greeter (40) > Greet and pray for those who are exiting the church with the goal of making sure their visit to our church ends well


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greeters (4) > Warmly greet guests and participants as the enter the building and proceed to the sign-in table

WelCome taBle volunteers (8) > Warmly greet guests and participants as they sign-in for Christianity Examined > Assist with making sure everyone wears a name tag > Answer any questions that they may have regarding the church or Christianity Examined

team leaders (40) > Organize and supervise team activities

team memBers (160) > Recruiter - mobilize team to inventory relational networks > Communications - organize team communications > Follow-up - track and coordinate all guest follow-up efforts > Prayer - Initiate and coordinate all prayer efforts

prayer team (20) > Behind-the-scenes prayer gathering to pray for Christianity Examined while in session

set-up/Wrap up (4) > Assist with setting up team tables before each weekly session > Assist with breaking down team tables after each weekly session

FolloW-up (8) > Small group facilitators for the discipleship for new believers






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sunday sChool teaChers (38) > Lead teacher for Sunday school to children (Ages two through 4th grade – runs from 8:50 to 10:15 a.m.) > Teach children curriculum that relates to a larger vision of what we hope to impart to children as they mature. > Attend teacher trainings and enrichment opportunities offered two times per year > Volunteer needs: once-a-week teachers during the school year > Volunteer needs: once-a-week teachers during the summer

speCial stones (SPEciAL NEEdS chiLdREN) TEAm (8) > Teach / assist with our special needs ministry by loving and nurturing each individual according to need > Serve as an integral part of our special needs ministry team > Volunteer needs: once-a-month

First hour nursery volunteers (8) > Caregiver during early Sunday morning nursery for Infants, Crawlers, and Walkers (Ages infant -two and runs from 9:00 to 10:15 a.m.) > There is an “educational” and “prayer” component which means volunteers are more than babysitters > Volunteer needs: once a month or once a quarter

seCond hour nursery volunteers (24) > Caregiver during Sunday morning nursery for Infants, Crawlers, and Walkers (Ages infant - two and runs from 10:00 a.m. to end of morning worship service) > There is an “educational” and “prayer” component which means volunteers are more than babysitters > Volunteer needs: once a month or once a quarter

kingdom kids: adults (6) > Serve as lead storyteller for four-year-olds as they gather for their own worship on Sundays at 10:45 A.M. (children learn what an adult worship service is like on a kid-friendly level) > Help “Covenant Keepers” lead by using drama, storytelling, and puppets (Kingdom Kids is led by this group of elementary students) > Assist children’s staff as adult drama “characters” on an as-needed basis Volunteer needs: Music and drama adult and teen leaders

Covenant keepers: students (48) > Lead preschoolers during Kingdom Kids through drama, puppets, and music > Attend a Wednesday night practice that prepares for the following Sunday’s Kingdom Kids presentation > Be equipped in building leadership skills while learning the value of commitment to ministry in serving children younger than you > Volunteer needs: Elementary children (3rd grade and up) to serve once a month

nursery shepherds (2’s & 3’s) (52) > Lead a classroom one time per month from 10:00 a.m. to end of morning worship service > Lesson preparation is minimal and crafts/activities are provided in the classroom > Lessons for Sunday mornings revolve around the lesson in Wee Worship, the assembly for two’s and three’s > Volunteer needs: once a month from 10:00 a.m. to end of worship service


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presChool shepherds (32) > Lead a classroom one time per month. > Lesson preparation is minimal and crafts & activities are provided in the classroom > Lessons for Sunday morning revolve around the lesson in Kingdom Kids, the assembly for 4-year-olds > Volunteer needs: once a month from 10:00 a.m. to end of worship service

Wee Worship (32 student leaders) > Co-lead with other high school students as children (ages 19 months through three) gather to sing and enjoy puppets and drama as they learn more about worship > Adults (4) to lead teams of student-leaders once a month > Wee Worship is for twenty minutes on Sunday mornings during the 10:30 a.m. worship hour > Volunteer needs: Students and adults serve once a month

parent rotation (28) > Assist other lead teachers/shepherds in the classroom by engaging with the children > Volunteer needs: serve once a month in one of their children’s classrooms during the 10:30 a.m. hour

“apostlelot” (10) > Elementary children (2nd – 4th grade) gather for thirty minutes of “Apostlelot” worship each Sunday morning at the end of the 9:00 a.m. Sunday School hour > Children join our own “Apostlelot” characters in a weekly ‘dilemma,’ which leads to opening the “story book” and a dramatic presentation about a hero of the faith > Volunteers needs: drama cast, storytellers, worship leaders to serve weekly or once a month (Job descriptions vary depending on the story told and are on an as-needed basis)

kids ConneCtion 1 (k & 1st) (48) > Kid’s Connection 1 is for Kindergarten – 1st graders and meets during the 10:30 a.m. hour on Sunday mornings > Goal is that children would learn to worship our great God > Volunteer needs: worship leaders, small group leaders, teachers to serve once a month from 10:15 a.m. to end of worship service

kids ConneCtion 2 (2nd – 4th) (28) > Kid’s Connection 2 is for 2nd – 4th graders and meets during the 10:30 a.m. hour on Sunday mornings > Goal is that children would learn to worship our great God > Volunteer needs: worship leaders, small group leaders, teachers to serve once a month from 10:15 a.m. to end of the worship service

Wednesday evening running ChurCh (12) > Lead boys or girls small group, or assist with recreation every Wednesday evening during the school year > Help coordinate this opportunity for midweek involvement at church, a time when special relationships are formed and truths that last are reinforced > Volunteer needs: small group leaders, recreation volunteers, and large-group teachers


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CrossWalk (5th-6th grade) (22) Sunday School claSS Teacher (12) > Classes are split up by grade and gender; volunteers commit to one class of students > Commit to teaching with another adult volunteer, curriculum provided weekly for one school year (September – May) > Develop relationships with students in order to encourage students in their relationship with the Lord > Commit to pray for students in class

championS Training FaciliTaTor (2) > Based on recommendation by Church staff, a father of a 5th or 6th grade boy commits to coordinating a Father-Son Bible study, independent of STS Crosswalk staff > Commit to coordinating and facilitating a group meeting once a month for two years > Personally goes through provided study with their own son

roSe oF TruTh FaciliTaTor (2) > Based on recommendation by Church staff, a mother of a 5th grade girl commits to coordinating a Mother-Daughter Bible study, independent of STS Crosswalk Staff > Commits to coordinating and facilitating a group meeting once a month for two years > Personally goes through provided study with their own daughter

WedneSday nighT diScuSSion FaciliTaTor (6) > Assist STS Crosswalk staff with activities & recreation > Commit to facilitating, with another adult volunteer, discussions based on the material that was taught by STS Crosswalk staff > Commit to at least twice a month, year round > Develop relationships with students in order to encourage students in their relationship with the Lord

middle sChool (7th-8th grade) (19) diScipleShip group leader (4) > Discipleship groups are split up by gender; volunteers commit to one group of students for at least one school year (September – May) with potential for committing to multiple years > Coordinate with Middle School staff to meet weekly for fellowship and discipleship > Develop relationships with students in order to encourage and mentor students in their relationship with the Lord > Pray for students in discipleship group

WedneSday nighT diScuSSion FaciliTaTor (3) > Assist STS Middle School staff with activities & recreation > Commit to facilitating, with another adult volunteer, discussions based on the material that was taught by STS Middle School staff > Commit to at least twice a month, year round > Develop relationships with students in order to encourage students in their relationship with the Lord


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Sunday morning diScuSSion FaciliTaTor (12) > Lead discussion group of students following large group teaching > Commit to one group of students for at least one school year (September – May) with potential for committing to multiple years > Arrive before STS worship service begins to spend time fellowshipping with students > Commit to weekly facilitate discussion, with another adult volunteer, based on the material or topic that was taught by STS staff > Develop relationships with students in order to encourage students in their relationship with the Lord

high sChool (37) Sunday morning diScuSSion FaciliTaTor (18) > Lead Sunday morning discussion group of students following large group teaching > Commit to one group of students for at least one school year (September – May) with potential for committing to multiple years > Arrive before STS worship service begins to spend time fellowshipping with students > Commit to weekly facilitate discussion, with another adult volunteer, based on the material or topic that was taught by STS staff > Develop relationships with students in order to encourage students in their relationship with the Lord

WedneSday nighT high School BiBle STudy (4) > Commit to facilitating, with STS high school staff, Bible Study and discussions based on the material or topics chosen by STS staff > Commit to at least twice a month, year round > Develop relationships with students in order to encourage students in their relationship with the Lord

guy’S BaSkeTBall (4) > Play basketball with high school guys on Sunday night and build relationships with them

FelloWShip (3) > Come to STS every Sunday night to participate in recreation and fellowship time with high school students > Help STS staff build community and relationships among students


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diScipleShip group leader (8) > Discipleship groups are split up by gender; volunteers commit to one group of students for at least one school year (September – May) with potential for committing to multiple years > Coordinate with High School staff to meet weekly for fellowship and discipleship > Develop relationships with students in order to encourage and mentor students in their relationship with the Lord > Pray for students in discipleship group

general (70) pre-STS SeTup and preparaTion (4) > Commit to at least one Sunday morning per month > Assist STS staff in making sure that The Loft, The Den, the Gym, and The Café are clean & prepared for the worship service and discussion groups > Volunteers assist STS staff by making sure meeting areas for discussion groups have all the necessary materials

pancake BreakFaST (3) > Commit to every Sunday morning arrive an hour and a half before STS begins > Set up eating areas, cook pancakes, and clean up after STS begins

greeTer (3) > Sunday mornings, for 20-30 minutes before STS begins stand in STS entryway or on outside curb and assist staff in making students feel welcome > Commit to at least two Sunday mornings a month > Learn the names of students in the ministry and write them a nametag > When visitors attend, introduce student and parents to STS staff and other students

Special evenTS (STS reTreaTS and ouTreach projecTS) (5) > Commit to a whole special event or retreat, usually Friday – Sunday > Assist staff with transportation, event facilitation and scheduling, and making sure students are safe and having fun > Pray for the event and student participants

evenT hoST (10) > Provide accommodations for small or large groups of students and volunteers throughout the year for off-campus events (movie night, small group night, cook-out, etc)

prayer Team (25) > Commit to twice a month, year round > Meet with other STS Volunteers before and/or during STS to pray over students, staff, and specific prayer requests given by students > Commit to confidentiality of prayer requests

menTor (15) > Commit to mentor one student; to pray for and disciple them for an indefinite period of time

adminiSTraTive (5) > Be willing to assist STS staff, upon request, with administrative projects during the week (organization, preparing mailers, preparing print projects)


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small groups (24) Small group leader (4 Female & 4 male) > Mature believers with small group experience and a heart specifically for individuals in their 20’s and 30’s > Utilize facilitation skills more than teaching skills > Serve as shepherds for group by caring for members, facilitating transformational Bible study discussions, and guiding group toward authentic biblical community > Potential new small group leaders are usually asked to lead upon recommendation of their own group leader or a pastor or staff member

Small group co-leader (4 Female & 4 male) > Qualifications are similar to that of the Small Group Leader with a heart specifically for individuals in their 20’s and 30’s > Serve as an assistant or back-up facilitator, when leader is unavailable > Co-Leaders are usually asked to take this role upon recommendation of their own group leader or a pastor or staff member

Small group hoST (4 Female & 4 male) > Host small group in your home (weekly, bi-monthly or on rotation) > Use hospitality to help create a warm and welcoming environment

sunday evening roles (30) prayer leader (10) > Comes one hour before service and participates in corporate prayer, covering the service, teacher, visitors, worship, and needs of ministry > One year commitment > Helps with set up after prayer with putting out names tags, food, pens, first time visitor cards > Greets guests at front door

emcee (2) > Welcomes the group, give announcements, explains schedule of the evening, welcomes and instructs first time visitors to fill out visitor card, opens in prayer


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ScripTure reader (2) > Reads the scripture passage of that evening’s teaching.

hoST (10) > Invites people to dinner after service > Seeks to meet all new visitors and connect them to members > Follows up during week with visitors

SupporT (6) > Set-up and take down > Handouts on tables

young adult sunday sChool roles (5) hoST (5) > Reaches out to new visitors > Invite visitors to sit together at 10:30 service > Invite visitors to the 7pm Impact service






young Families soCial team (10) > This team exists for the purpose of gathering young couples together for fellowship and connection > Strengths in detail, administration, planning and hospitality are important for this team

young Families apostlesliFe team (10) > This team leads Young Families by involving young couples in our evangelistic efforts such as Christianity Explored

young Families missions team (12) > Works with our small groups to plan service emphases throughout the year > Coordinates with other ministries for large-scale service events


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small group leader (80) > Mature believers with small group experience > Utilize facilitation skills more than teaching skills > Serve as shepherds for group by caring for members, facilitating transformational Bible study discussions, and guiding group toward authentic biblical community > Potential new small group leaders are usually asked to lead upon recommendation of a pastor or staff member as well as their own group leader

small group Co-leader (80) > Qualifications are similar to that of the Small Group Leader > Serve as an assistant or back-up facilitator, when leader is unavailable > Co-Leaders are usually asked to take this role upon recommendation of their own group leader or a pastor or staff member

small group hosts (80) > Host small group in your home (weekly, bi-monthly or on rotation) > Use hospitality to help create a warm and welcoming environment

small group outreaCh Captain (80) > Point leader in your group for outreach opportunities and participation > Promote options such as community outreach, service, and ApostlesLife strategies and resources (e.g. Christianity Explored, ToolBox Training)

small group prayer Captain (80) > Point leader in your group for prayer > Works with group leader to ensure that prayer plays a vital role in each small group > Often keeps a prayer log or sends out prayer requests via email

Small group Social capTain (80) > Point leader in your group for social gatherings > Works with group leader to ensure that a group’s experience of community goes beyond regular group meetings > Coordinates seasonal opportunities for fun and meaningful connections


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groupConneCt (13) evenT (Bi-annual) SeT-up and Tear-doWn (4) > Distribution and gathering of easels and signs (2) > Help with tables and other set-up needs (1) > Clear tables of materials after event (1)

regiSTraTion and hoST Team (4) > Sign-up non-registered guests (1) > Welcome guests and guide them to their name tag (1) > Greet guests at door (2)

meal Team (5) > Guide guests to buffet tables (2) > Help set up food on buffet tables, replenish as needed (2) > Clean up leftover food after event (1)

small group ministry misC. needs (5) STudy guideS aSSemBly (2) > Occasional need for collation and binding of printed Bible Study guides

leader appreciaTion luncheon Team (3) > Set tables and polish flatware for annual Sunday lunch event


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leader (23) > Responsible for the leadership functions of the class > Usually teaches the Scriptural lesson > Coordinates the overall class team

assistant leader (23) > Assists the class leader and teaches in leader’s absence > Emcees the class and makes announcements > Takes prayer requests for and from class members

apprentiCe teaCher (23) > Teacher-in-training

host/hostess (23) > Welcomes class visitors > Introduces visitors to other class members > Records attendance

outreaCh (apostlesliFe) Coordinator (23) > Keeps the class informed about the outreach initiatives of the church such as Guest Month and Christianity Explored as well as outreach initiatives of the class

small group ContaCt (23) > Serves as the contact point for the involvement of class members in Apostles small group ministry > Promotes small group opportunities such as GroupConnect in class

Care leader (23) > Keeps class informed of special needs (i.e., illnesses, loss of loved one, etc.)

soCial organizer (23) > Helps generate fellowship with class members > Arranges for refreshments > Plans and coordinates class socials


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BiBle studies (64) Teacher (12) > Prepare and present a weekly lesson > Meet church leadership requirements > Teachers are usually recommended by leadership team of Women’s Ministry

co-leader (12) > Assists teacher in leading class > Teaches class when primary teacher must be absent > Communicates information from Women’s Ministry to class

greeTer (10) > Ensures that all class members receive a warm welcome > Spends extra time connecting with new attendees > Seeks to introduce new attendees to other members

hoSpiTaliTy coordinaTor (9) > Oversees class materials/copies > Coordinates snack participation

regiSTraTion (6) > Assist with the check in process

Small group leader (15) > Lead weekly small group for assigned Bible class > Contacts absentee members of the small group

cloSe kniT Flock kniTTer (15) > Meet twice per month to knit baby caps for Cobb Pregnancy Center > Take on special projects seasonally > Pray for the babies that will receive the caps

heart to heart group mentoring (41) menTor (11) > Realizes call to be a Godly role model to younger women > Lead and coordinate meetings with the mentees > Meet with mentors semi-monthly or monthly > Commit to the program for three years

menTee (30) > Young ladies that desire mentors from women who are mature in the Lord > Meet semi-monthly or monthly > Commit to the program for one year; curriculum offered for three years







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Quilting For Christ – QFC (10) > Meet twice per month to quilt (first and third Thursday of each month) > Take on special projects seasonally > Donate the quilts to Atlanta-based ministries and ministries around the world

single moms (1) leader (1) > Teach the Sunday class discussion from each book/materials selected > Mentor for the single moms > Plan the yearly calendar > Meet once per quarter for a luncheon > Coordinate the reading materials/book for each period

WidOW’S NETWORK (20) leader (1) > Plan the luncheons seven months per year > Supervises calling committee > Oversees the funds received from the luncheons

greeTer (2) > Welcome everyone who attends events > Assists with check-in table

call commiTTee group (6) > Call widows to remind them of the luncheons > Call widows on their birthday > Send encouraging cards and/or birthday cards each month


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prayer Warrior (10) > Widows who are dedicated to pray for the Nation

decoraTing commiTTee (1) > Decorate tables at each luncheon > Help leader develop themes for luncheons > Organize and coordinate decorating efforts

single hearts For Christ (8) leader (1) > Fellowship with single, divorced, widowed women that are 40 and older > Coordinate the committees > Organize events and plan logistics

prayer Warrior (2) > Pray for the ladies involved in Single Hearts for Christ > Pray over all the fellowship and connections that the ladies form > Uphold the leader as she coordinates events and activities

commiTTee Team (5) > Assist and help the leader as she assigns different roles Plan events and activities Run events and activities by taking leadership in roles that they have been given

Christmas teas (247) hoSTeSS/decoraTor (100) > Formulate a plan for their table > Decorate table with the Christmas Tea theme > Host a group of ten ladies

SeT-up (30) > Assist all the hostesses with their items as they bring them in > Help set up room decorations > Be the backup should the hostesses need anything for their tables

BreakdoWn (30) > Assist all the hostesses with their items as they bring them out > Help clear and clean room when event is done > Load up carts and vehicles of the hostesses

hoSpiTaliTy Team/greeTer (10) > Assist guests as they arrive and depart during the event > Cover each entry way and door to help anyone who needs it > Welcome everyone warmly, as you may be the first face they see

gueST Speaker hoSTeSS (1) > Assist the guest speaker throughout the entire time they are with us > Prepare the Bridal Room for the guest speaker with all their amenities > Take the guest speaker to dinner or lunch


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packeT aSSemBly (12) > Assist in organizing the materials for the teas > Place the programs and materials together for the guests > Collect any tickets or items that may be needed during the event

Tea planning commiTTee (7) > Assist in arranging and planning the event > Coordinate the different teams and be the contact for all the groups

regiSTraTion Team (4) > Organize all the hostesses and guests table placement > Be in charge of the funds > Distribute tickets to the hostesses and guests > Keep track of all logistics of the event

Server (45) > Volunteers from the male staff and husbands of the hostesses > Helpers of the hostesses and catering staff > Being a friendly face and helper in case the hostesses or guests need assistance

TaBle hoSTeSS For The ouTreach miniSTrieS (8) > Set up tables with materials of the items to display > Be on hand to talk, sell or inform about items > Breakdown the set up after the event

ConFerenCes and retreats (95) BreakdoWn (30) > Assist with taking down items and making sure the room is as it was before event > Help clear and clean the room when event is done > Load up carts and vehicles with used items that need to be taken from the venue


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greeTer (10) > Welcome everyone warmly, as you may be the first face they see > Assist guests as they arrive and depart during the event > Man the entry ways and doors and help anyone who needs it

prayer Warrior (12) > Be the intercessors of the event > Pray over guest speakers and performers > Pray over event and all the details that come with it

hoSpiTaBiliTy Team (1) > Assist guests as they arrive and depart during the event > Be the table hostesses during the event

gueST Speaker hoSTeSS (1) > Assist the guest speaker throughout the entire time they are with us > Prepare the room of the guest speaker with all their amenities > Be available to dine with the guest speaker

packeT aSSemBly (12) > Assist in organizing materials > Assemble folders or bags with conference or retreat materials

planning commiTTee (10) > Assist in the arranging and planning of the event > Coordinate different teams and be the contact person for all the groups

regiSTraTion Team (4) > Organize all the guests registration and check in > Oversees the funds > Distribute the packets as guests arrive for check in > Keep track of all the logistics of the event

small group leader (15) > Lead a small group > Serve as point person for the small group for entire conference or retreat

ouTreach/communiTy Service (20) Assist and donate toward projects and drives held for the following ministries: > Atlanta Youth Academy, Jonah Project, S.A.Y. Yes! Center (school supply drives) (8) > HeartBound Ministries (prison ministry) (1) > Cobb Pregnancy Center (volunteers, baby clothes, supplies) (5) > Atlanta Mission (volunteers to work thrift stores, donate household items) (4) > Women’s Prison Ministries (donate clothes, toiletries, supplies) (2)


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the path mentoring (80) menTor (80) > Mature believers willing to invest in younger men > Must be willing to be available to the younger man you are mentoring > Must be willing to share your life experiences > Requires completion of a four week training course

men’s Fraternity (49) greeTer (8) > Welcome men to the weekly meeting > Encourage the men to fill out and wear a name tag > Handout the weekly lesson

TaBle leader (25) > Facilitate the weekly small group discussion after the lesson is presented > Contact the men at your table each week to encourage them > Be available to pray for the men at your table

SeT up Team (8) > Come in early once per month to assist with making the coffee and setting up the tables for breakfast > Replenish the tables as needed

clean up Team (8) > Stay a few minutes late once per month to put the leftover food away and to pickup any trash left on the tables


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> Cook meals to be taken to families who have a need


> Provides a meal and a personal contact to those in need of refreshment, care, and encouragement



graCetouCh meals (35)


> Cook meals to bring to church to be put in freezer for emergency help > Deliver meals to the families

military outreaCh (25) > Provides opportunities to participate in service projects with various organizations to assist and support military individuals and their families > Deliver supplies to USO > Assist in serving meals and greeting return Military at airport

prayer ministry (75) > Involves the expansion of God’s Kingdom through intercession for others > Intercessors may come to the church during the week to pray for requests > Intercessors may receive request via email at home

primetimers (20) > Is a service-oriented fellowship for those over 50 > Outreach to the Homebound with cards, and special holidays > Help deliver flowers/gifts to Homebound on appropriate occasions > Set-up and assist various events > Sundays, selling tickets and working registration table

stephen minister (40) > Stephen Ministers are lay persons in our congregation who are trained to provide confidential care, oneto-one support and prayer for those who are facing a difficult situation > Application process required as well as 10-week training > Must be member for one year

usher (200) > Serve once a month during the 9:00 or 10:30 services and 5:00 service > Pass out the bulletins, help people get seated, take up the offering, etc. > Emergency Training

memorial/Funeral serviCes (15) > Hostesses: Direct guests, hand out bulletins, and monitor guestbook > Sometimes help with reception

living Waters/CrossCurrent (75) > Administrative help in preparation for new class: Assembling Living Water packets, copying, and stuffing and nametags > Help on Tuesday nights with food set-up and clean-up from 5:25 – 6:30 > Setting and decorating tables for Christmas Dinner and End-of-Year Banquet > Sundays: sell books and work registration table


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reCeptionist desk (5) > Answer phone for receptionist from 11:15 – 12:30 Monday – Friday > Answer incoming calls and direct to appropriate personnel > Monitor visitor access and announce visitors > Receive and sign for packages and deliveries > Comfortable using a Walkie-Talkie radio

Wednesday night dinner (16) > Help serve on the main serving line > Help serve at children’s table > Help serve at dessert table > Can be done on a rotating schedule, whenever available

speCial events (12) > Help with special events such as working at the information or sign up tables in the foyer > Help work at the book and CD tables on Sunday mornings when we have special guests > Help set tables for luncheons and dinners.

administrative support (10) > Provide general administrative help during the week as needed > Examples include help with assembling binders, mailings, and preparing for special events

leading the Way resourCe Center (25) > Serve monthly for approximately 30 minutes after church service > Assist with the sale of books, sermon or music CDs, and other resources > Assist with the duplication of sermon CDs > Interact with visitors and church members about resource materials






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hoW To conTacT uS Phone: 404.842.0200 Fax: 404.266.0656 E-mail: Web:

WorShip Sunday: The Gathering of the Body 9:00 A.M. & 10:30 A.M. Sunday Evening: 5:00 P.M. Wednesday Hour of Power: 6:15 P.M.

diScipleShip Sunday: 9:00 A.M.

Leading The Way WiTh dr. michael youSSeF 1570 Northside Drive NW #100, Atlanta, GA 30318 Phone: 404.841.0100 Order: 1.800.337.5323 Web:

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