Summer Ministry Guide 2014

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ack in 1985 when the Lord began to burden my heart for the birthing of a new congregation in this area, three things from the Word of God were clearly revealed to me in regard to worship:

Unhurried praise and adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord, and the Head of this church. This includes a regular time for breaking of bread at the Lord’s Table. Prayer and intercession as an expression of our utter dependence on our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ in all things. Bold proclamation that is relevant and instructive. Because we believe that the Bible is God’s selfrevelation and therefore contains all the answers to all of man’s problems and needs, we preach

it with all of its authority. Michael Youssef, Ph.D. Founding Rector The Church of The Apostles

TABLE OF CONTENTS MINISTRIES AND BIBLE STUDIES 06 Children’s Ministry 08 STS Ministry 10 College-Age Ministry 10 Impact 12 Small Groups 13 Women’s Ministry 15 Men’s Ministry 16 Adult Bible Communities 18 Congregational Care FEATURES 04 The Importance Of Godly Teaching 05 The Refuge For The Refugee 09 Letters From The Ladies Of STS 11 Easing Their Transition Home 14 A Testimony From Single Hearts THE CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES



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he Church of The Apostles has never been just another church. God has guided and sustained this church through a vision that was made clear to the Rector even before the church began. We conclude from this that God has something unique in mind for this

church body and we operate our ministry according to a God-given core ideology. So as you attend Apostles, what can you expect to experience in the life and ministry of this church?

OUR VISION Reaching the lost and equipping the saints for the work of ministry.

CORE VALUES • We are here to lift up Jesus at all times in everything we do. The Bible says that Jesus came to

the earth that He might have preeminence in all things and that includes The Church of The Apostles. This ministry is not about us. • We are constantly searching for opportunities and ways to make God’s awesome message of salvation clear to as many people as possible. We

want to ensure that people have the chance to hear the message and see the heart of Jesus in a true light that is compelling and clear. • We also strive to present every person complete in Christ. The highest purpose of life on earth is to make joyful progress in our spiritual

formation, which is becoming like Jesus. Therefore, all of our ministry activity here at The Church of The Apostles converges on this focal point. • Apostles is a church that is busy with Holy Spirit directed ministry activity that is executed with excellence. We firmly believe that excellence is Heaven’s

first law and if we cannot do ministry with excellence to the glory of God, we simply don’t do it. • Finally, we speak the truth in love without compromise. Through the Bible, God reveals Himself as the fountain of truth and love. We declare

His truth in love without compromise or apology.

SUNDAYS At Apostles, we have the “Gathering of the Communities” (Sunday School) from 9:00-10:15 on Sunday mornings. This is a time when our children, youth, and adult communities meet for grounding, learning, connecting, and training in the wisdom and ways of the Lord. These communities gather together around Jesus, the living Word of God, and the Scripture, the written Word of God. There is also an early worship service in the chapel during this hour. At 10:30, we have the “Gathering of the Body” in our main sanctuary from 10:30-12:00 on Sunday mornings. This is a time for celebration and communion, praise and prayer, evangelism and proclamation. Our heart’s desire is to lift up the resurrected Jesus in all of His saving power and glory. The sacrament of Baptism is practiced on the second Sunday of the month and the sacrament of Communion is practiced on the first, third, and fifth Sundays of the month.

WEDNESDAY NIGHTS On Wednesday evenings at 6:15 we offer programs for everyone in your family. The Hour of Power is our midweek service that includes a


time of worship and an extended time of prayer. Come early at 5:00 for a family dinner (no reservations are needed) and then stay for the Hour of Power and for our great programs for children and students!




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n his instructions to the church at Thessaloniki, Paul asks fellow believers to respect their pastors and teachers (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13). In fact, the Bible often speaks highly of those who faithfully preach the Word of God. What a pastor or teacher says matters. On the one hand, good teaching leads to good spiritual fruit. It helps people understand the

character of God, His love for His people, and what He expects of believers today. On the other hand, poor teaching leads to many of the errors and sins we see all around us, both in the mainline denominations and our secular culture. The gravity of right teaching is emphasized in James 3:1, which warns us that few should become teachers, as they will be judged more harshly than the rest. This is why Dr. Youssef always endeavors to invite speakers who believe and preach the whole truth of God.

10:30 A.M. GUEST SPEAKERS This summer, several godly men will preach during the 10:30 a.m. service. We encourage you to come and learn from them. June 29

JulY 13

Patriotic service

Dr. Bruce Lowe

Lieutenant Colonel Allen West

Dr. Bruce Lowe is a Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary and a member of The Church of The Apostles. Dr. Lowe will explain what Romans 6 and 7 have to say to believers when we feel overwhelmed and like giving up.

Lieutenant Colonel Allen West is a former United States Congressman and is retired from the U.S. Army. He is a Fox News Contributor, a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, and regular writer for numerous media outlets. Lt. Col. West will be our special guest speaker for this year’s Patriotic service.

JulY 20 & 27 Dr. R.T. Kendall

JulY 6

Dr. R.T. Kendall was the pastor at Westminster Chapel in London for 25 years. He has authored more than 50 books. On July 20, Dr. Kendall will be preaching on the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the Church can expect prior to the Second Coming (Matthew 25:1-13). On July 27, Dr. Kendall will discuss why he believes we are in the very last days and why we should be looking for the Second Coming soon (Matthew 24:42-51).

Pastor Jim Wood Pastor Jim Wood is the Founder and CEO of Wears Valley Ranch, a home and school for children in Sevierville, TN. Pastor Wood will be preaching on the Kingdom of God.

9:00 A.M. GUEST APOLOGISTS Teaching also prepares us for evangelism. In 1 Peter 3:15, God commands us to be "prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you." In other words, God always wants you to be ready to explain why you place your hope and trust in Jesus. During the month of July, we will have all the 9:00 adult Bible classes combined for these lectures. JulY 6 & 13

JulY 20 & 27

Dr. Bill Davis

Dr. Imad Shehadeh Dr. Imad Shehadeh is the Founder, President, and Professor of Theology for Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary, which reaches 22 Arabic-speaking countries of the Middle East, Arab Peninsula, and North Africa for Christ. Dr. Shehadeh will be speaking on the Trinity.

Dr. Bill Davis is Professor of Philosophy at Covenant College and Professor of Theology and Philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary. During his two Sundays with us, Dr. Davis will help explain why the idea of tolerance is so attractive and how we can effectively witness to our non-Christian friends in a world of religious pluralism.




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THE REFUGE FOR THE REFUGEE He does not consider himself Muslim anymore. He is reading his Kurdish Bible. He feels close to Jesus, and asked us for prayer.” The instability of world governments reminds us that it is ultimately Christ’s government that will reign. To a nation in crisis, we can proclaim that Jesus is the King of kings, the Prince of Peace, and the refuge for the Refugee. We can continue to put God’s Truth into the hands of those who need it.

omes reduced to ashes. Cities reduced to rubble. Family members reduced to casualties. Since 2011, civil war has been raging within Syria’s borders. But in the midst of the largest refugee crisis in history, God is moving—and Leading The Way has the opportunity to help. What is the syrian refugee crisis? In March 2011, anti-government protests in Syria spiraled into a violent civil war that has left over 9 million displaced. With a rising death toll of over 150,000 Syrian lives, the Syrian conflict has left millions of Syrians with no choice but to flee. Over 2 million Syrians have fled their home country as a result of the Syrian civil war. The U.N. is predicting that the number of Syrians fleeing the country will double by the end of the year, making it the largest refugee crisis in world history.

transforming a nation “These three countries—Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon—have relative degrees of freedom, and the mission field has just come to their backyard,” Joshua recently shared. “I think we have an opportunity to change an entire country, an entire nation for Jesus Christ.” Thank you for your support in our ongoing outreach to not only Syrian Muslims, but the 4 billion people in over 190 countries who have access to God’s Word through Leading The Way. As a member of The Church of The Apostles, a portion of your gifts are given to Leading The Way through the missions budget, which is vital in our efforts around the world.

But there is good news—God is moving in the midst of the turmoil. As millions of Muslim refugees pour into bordering towns, churches in neighboring countries like Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon are opening their doors. Recently, Dr. Michael Youssef and Joshua Youssef were able to visit one of these churches. “The church said when we arrived there, ‘You don’t need to go to the refugee camp—the church is packed with people looking for help,’” Dr. Youssef explained. “Many said, ‘If all this misery happened so we can come here and share about Christ, then it’s worth it.’” The Body of Christ is responding to those looking for the hope, peace, and comfort that only Christ can give. God is opening doors for ministry—and He has opened some of them to Leading The Way.

here are three additional ways you can join us in our efforts: Pray. We serve a gracious God who is not limited by finances, geography, or resources—and He loves to respond to the prayers of His children. As Leading The Way distributes Navigators to Syrian refugees, pray for the Gospel to go forth in these camps and transform hearts in Christ. volunteer. The local church we are partnering with needs volunteers to offer practical aid to the Syrian refugees in their town. If you are interested in using your gifts to serve those in need, we will be sharing more details about these volunteer opportunities in the fall.

We have an opportunity to help. Through our many relationships on the ground, Leading The Way has the opportunity to reach border towns in Syria’s neighboring countries. Over the last few months, we have been working to mobilize teams to distribute Leading The Way Navigators to refugees in these areas. These solar-powered radios provide access to the Word of God and Biblical teachings in remote areas, enabling not just individuals but entire families to hear the Gospel. In addition to distributing Navigators to Syrian refugee camps, we are continuing to see the impact of Leading The Way programming in the Middle East. Earlier in the year, we received several reports like this from our satellite channel, THE KINGDOM SAT: “A 52-year-old Syrian refugee living in Lebanon wants to learn about the Christian faith. We have scheduled meetings with him in Beirut.” “Someone from Kurdistan shared with us that after the civil war in Syria, he found so much love from Christians around him, starting from Syria and then at the refugee camp in Turkey and then in France.


Give. This summer, we have an amazing giving opportunity where every gift we receive in June—up to $350,000—will be matched through our fiscal year-end June Matching Challenge. This is a special opportunity to double your impact when you give to Leading The Way and support us in our global outreach.

If you would like to give a gift or to receive more information about Leading The Way, please contact us as follows: Leading The Way PO Box 20100, Atlanta, GA 30325 | Phone: 404-841-0100 Email:



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Our vision for the children’s ministry at Apostles is to reach children for Christ and to equip them to do the work of the ministry at a young age. all children will be promoted to new classes on sunday, september 7. our school-year Kid’s connection 1 and 2 (rising 1st – 5th grade “children’s church” that meets at 10:15 a.m.) will resume on september 7.



infant – aGe 2

Special Needs Children

9:00 a.m.

Room 309

3rd Floor

9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

Visitor Check-in at Kiosk

Students in Special Stones will use a hands-on activity guide called Heroes for Young Readers. They will learn about real-life missionaries in connection with character traits and the Gospel. They will have memory verses, coloring pages, and crafts.

Loving Nursery Care and Bible Stories 2 & 3-Year-olDs (Current children in this age group) 9:00 a.m. 3rd Floor


Visitor Check-in at Kiosk

NOTE: In the summer, elementary students meet during the 9:00 a.m. hour only.

GOD IS BIG! GOD IS STRONG! GOD IS GOOD! These are but a few of the biblical truths that our 2-3 year olds will be learning over ten weeks of summer Sunday school. Our little ones will learn about GOD’S plan and power as they hear the story of JERICHO or face the giant, GOLIATH! Bring your little ones to hear and experience the love of GOD through the lives of Old Testament saints! First and second hour will be the same.

neW this suMMer! cross traininG: “Get Your heart fit” eXPo! Preschool 4s (Rising K) – Rising 5th Graders Beginning on June 1 Room 420-423

neW this suMMer!

9:00 a.m. SHARP! (9:00 – 10:15 only )

current 4-Year-olDs (Rising Kindergarten)

Trainees’ are going to learn this summer what it means to strengthen our core—our heart! Parents are encouraged to attend the EXPO on June 1 as we kick-off the summer and then on August 24 as we celebrate our Cross Training experience. Children will be on teams (similar to VBS) with coaches! Our goal is to connect families, connect the generations, and study God’s Word together to get our hearts fit! We will make wonderful memories!

9:00 a.m. Room 420-423 See the “Cross Training” description to the right of this page for 9:00 a.m. class information. current 4-Year-olDs (Rising Kindergarten)

June 1 Kick-off and Family Expo at 9:00 a.m. in Room 423

10:30 a.m. Room 307-308 Preschool 4-year-olds (Rising K) will be called to ACTION as they study the works of Jesus through His apostles. AMAZING stories from the book of Acts will be shared. Your child will not want to miss out on this opportunity to hear and share the GOSPEL!


our school-year Kid’s connection 1 and 2 (rising 1st – 5th grade “children’s church” that meets at 10:15 a.m.) will resume on september 7.



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6:00-7:15 p.m.

vacation BiBle school

Both preschoolers and elementary children enjoy this mid-week time of Bible teaching and fun activities on the playground and in the gym. Come for family night supper, which begins at 5:00 p.m.

June 9-13, 9:00 a.m to Noon Pray for families in our church that host Backyard Bible Clubs, which will meet during June and July.

Get out your passports; we are traveling to the Holy Land! Shots are not needed, but be ready to MOVE! This summer elementary children we will take a weekly “trip” to the Holy Land via That the World May Know videos and discussion, providing even more reason to believe the Bible. Our stories will reveal keen insights into how people in biblical times understood God and Jesus’ teaching. Preschool drop-off on the 3rd floor Rising 1st - Rising 5th drop-off in the gym beginning May 28.




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ur passion is to equip students to live the Gospel in their homes, schools, and neighborhoods and to share the love of Christ wherever they go. STS is an exciting place for students to grow in their relationships with God and with each

other, develop a lifestyle of passionate worship of the Lord, and discover a life of ministry to others. We have a variety of weekly activities, from small groups to largegroup worship services, and from in-depth equipping classes to service projects.



NOTE: There will be NO STS on Sunday, May 11.

For more information on STS events and for online registration, visit us at

Every Sunday morning donuts will be served for all 5th-12th grade students in The STS Café at 9:00 a.m. All of us as Christians face a variety of tough questions and challenges to our faith. This summer we will be looking intently at some of those questions. Mark Johnston will be teaching 5th & 6th grade students & Brian Skaggs will be teaching 7th-12th grades.

7th-12th GraDe houseBoat retreat July 7 – 9

5th – 6th GraDes 9:15 – 10:20 a.m. in the Den

5th-6th GraDe atlanta Mission ProJect July 28 – 31

7th-12th GraDe GuateMala Mission triP June 21 – 28 Please be praying for our team!

7th – 12th GraDes 9:15 – 10:20 a.m. in the Loft

SUNDAY EVENINGS 5:00-7:00 P.M. Sunday evening activities are a unique opportunity for 7th-12th grade STS students to fellowship and build community. The STS staff will schedule a few special events on Sunday nights during the summer. For information about these events contact the STS office at 404-591-2470 or visit to check our online calendar for updates. Regularly scheduled Sunday night activities will resume Sunday, September 7, at 5:00 pm.

WEDNESDAY EVENINGS 6:15-7:15 P.M. Small groups meet every week and are organized by grade and gender. These groups are designed for students to get together with other students for fellowship, Bible study, prayer, and service. Join us for dinner from 5:00-6:00 p.m. ($6). 5th – 6th GraDe “rush hour” The Loft 7th – 8th GraDe felloWshiP & BiBle stuDY STS 9th – 12th GraDe GuYs The Den 9th – 12th GraDe Girls Room 230-A




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LETTERS FROM THE LADIES OF STS arch 21 – 23 the ladies of STS went to the picturesque town of Pine Mountain, Georgia, for a weekend of fellowship, Bible study, sightseeing, and adventure. We headed off with dinner at Atlanta's Cumberland Mall and arrived at the beautiful Mountain Top luxury cabins. We had game nights and movie nights in the evenings. Day trips included the Callaway Gardens where we zip lined, hiked, and saw the beautiful butterfly conservatory. Sunday's biggest highlight was the Pine Mountain Animal Safari. The girls enjoyed this because they got to feed and pet bison, camels, giraffes, zebras, and animals of all kinds while driving in the safari bus through acres of the preserve. The girls enjoyed shopping and eating at the quaint cafes and ice cream shops of this pretty little town. Morning devotions included Scripture study, questions, prayer time, and a great deal of sharing thoughts and reflections on truths about the girls' relationships with Christ and their gaining confidence in being daughters of the King. The girls meditated on God's grace, forgiveness, confession, and the destructive nature of sin. As a volunteer, it fills my heart to see how God's hand is at work through this staff and its resources. As a parent, I am grateful and blessed to see my daughters being discipled and brought up in a church that works alongside the parents to help children with their daily walk with Jesus.


uring the STS Girl’s Retreat, I really enjoyed hearing the girls share their heart for people's salvation, both family and friends, and how they've experienced grace in their lives through other people (family and friends). They also seem to have a good understanding of repentance, and I was convicted through the truths they shared! I also really enjoyed an opportunity to share about what God is teaching and has taught me with the group. The STS staff girls and volunteers are amazing and I really enjoyed getting to know them better and hearing their stories and how they got to STS/this place in their lives. sarah caulK STS Volunteer


anna seiD STS Parent & Volunteer




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EVENSONG SUMMER STUDY leaDinG froM a life in christ (Selections from 1 & 2 Timothy) God has called you as the next generation to be leaders in His Church, your family, and your community. Join us this summer as we look at selections from 1 & 2 Timothy and see how Paul equipped Timothy to be a Christian leader in his generation and what it means for Christian leadership in your generation. Sunday Nights 6:45 p.m. Beginning June 1 STS Loft Description of Evensong: The evening begins with a gathering time of fellowship. At 7:00 p.m. we enter a season of praise followed by a message and breakout group time. At the end of the study (around 8:30 p.m.) we typically have some time for optional activities in the gym or just hanging out talking. At 9:00 p.m. many in the group will head to a local restaurant for an extended time of fellowship.

MIDPOINT, SUMMER SMALL GROUP 6:00 PM – 7:00 p.m. beginning June 4 Room 237 Wednesday nights, during the Hour of Power, you are invited to join us for our Midpoint discipleship group. Facilitated by Zack Carden, this is a time of community around the Word where we discuss topics that are important to our growth in grace. If you’d like more information about Evensong and/or Midpoint, contact Zack Carden at

Living and working in greater Atlanta as a young professional can be fun, but it can also be hectic and nerve racking. It’s all too easy in today’s crazy-busy culture to feel disconnected and alone. Impact Atlanta exists to help post-college young adults in their 20s and 30s purposely connect each week, to explore the things in life that really matter. At Impact—virtually every week of the year—there are opportunities to gather with your peers to develop meaningful relationships, and grow spiritually. Please contact us for more information on weekly small groups, monthly social activities, and service projects. Contact Dave Hubbard at or Rachel Felker at for more information.



9:00 - 10:15 a.m.

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Room 610

Room 623

Breakfast Served

Dinner Served




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EASING THEIR TRANSITION HOME or college students, summer is an awkward time. As much as it seems like the light at the end of the tunnel for the stress they’re under in school, that reprieve comes with a lot of transition. They’ve just spent the last year becoming independent and suddenly, they are back home in a situation of dependence. They have gone from the loneliness of being dropped off at college, to making close friendships, to being lonely once again as their friends head back to their homes for the summer. Loneliness is just one of the troubles of transitioning back home for the summer. Another is a broken routine. They’ve spent the last handful of months on a fairly regular schedule. They’ve gotten themselves into a routine and that routine is no longer holding their days together. Unless they have a job to come home to, they will spend a few weeks trying to find a new routine. Why is all of this important to know? Because your routine hasn’t necessarily changed. In your mind, your child is coming home and family time will start back up just as it was before. So, you might be frustrated that your son or daughter doesn’t come bounding into the house, slipping back into the routine of family life. Instead, they might be a bit subdued and melancholy at first. What can you do to help them transition back in?






It’s not about you. They aren’t angry with you. They just need time to process the transition back to life at home. On a list of stressors, changes in different aspects of our daily life increase anxiety. Relocating your life for 2 or 3 months is comprised of a whole lot of little changes that combine into one big feeling of anxiety or sadness.

You probably aren’t going to pick up your relationship where you left off. Living away from home has changed your child. Their interest in summer traditions and family vacations has probably changed as well. If you expect that things are going to be like they were their senior year, then you are only going to be frustrated. Step back and adjust your expectations to the new family dynamic.



Questions you probably want to avoid: “How were your classes?” “What do you think you got in that class?” These types of questions make the child that just embraced a new level of independence feel like they are being checked up on. Are they important questions? Yes. However, you are going to get those answers in the mail eventually. So it is best to avoid them initially. Also avoid “Fine Questions.” Fine Questions are those questions that are so generic that they only elicit the response of “fine” or “okay” from your child. An example of a “fine question” is “How was freshman year (or sophomore year, etc.)?” Instead, you want to ask questions that are going to do two things: draw them out and probe their heart. An example: “What’s the hardest part of transitioning



back home for the summer?” “What do you miss most about college?” Then, when they answer, don’t try to try to fix it. Simply ask another question, “Is there any way I can help with that?”



Your child has had to make his or her own choices for almost a year. Coming back into an environment where all decisions have been made can be like jumping into a cold pool. Of course there are boundaries you want to set, but giving them options allows them to have some measure of decision in the process. For example, recognizing they miss their friends away at college you can proactively give them the option of inviting one of those friends for the weekend. Or even suggest the option of reconnecting with some of their friends from high school. Giving them options (especially ones that are sensitive to the transition back home) helps your child feel like they have some independence. During the summer, our college-age group continues to meet on Sunday nights and small group on Wednesday nights. These are some of the options they have for being encouraged by Christian fellowship. If you’d like me or one of our students to extend a personal invitation to your child, please feel free to contact me. Also, if you’d like to talk further about your child’s transition home for the summer, feel free to e-mail me at or call me at 404-591-2476.


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ome find a place where you can connect with God and others in deeper ways. Our Small Groups are a great environment to develop authentic, caring relationships while discussing how God’s truth intersects life. They help us in our journey of becoming more like Christ ... together.

Small Groups usually meet in homes every week or every other week, featuring lively, interactive discussions on God’s Word and how we live it out. Small Group members share life with all of its joys and challenges. You’ll pray for one another and receive encouragement. Together, your Small Group will help you live out your faith while impacting others. For more information about joining a Small Group, visit or contact T.J. Diamond at with any questions




East Cobb



Mixed Groups


Henry County


Villa Rica



Johns Creek

Powder Springs

West Cobb




Sandy Springs





Young Adult Singles Young Families



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MoM-to-MoM Mom-to-Mom is an intergenerational discipling ministry intended to come alongside mothers desiring to grow in (1) their knowledge of God’s Word, (2) their ability to apply God’s Word to their lives, and (3) their ability to apply God’s Word in their parenting. Each session will include testimony, teaching, and small-group interaction with mentor-moms and fellow-moms that will encourage, challenge, and build lifelong relationships. Activities begin again in September 2014

A variety of Bible studies are offered for women weekly (daytime and evening) to encourage women to study God's Word and develop community with other women. Summer classes will start the week of June 17. Please contact Amber Wilson at or visit our website at Qfc – QuiltinG for christ Julee James, Lay Leader

Please contact Connie Musselman at

Quilting for Christ meets the first three Thursdays of each month. No experience is necessary, as the experienced are blessed to teach others. Quilts are sewn for the Cobb County Pregnancy Center, Atlanta Union Mission, Feed My Lambs, Bridge Ministry, and orphanages. QFC will meet throughout the summer.


Please contact Julee James at for dates.

a stuDY on PraYer June 17, June 24, July 8, July 15, July 22, and July 29 (6 Weeks)

sinGle hearts for christ Jan Blakeslee, Lay Leader

What is prayer—really? What is the purpose of prayer? If God is sovereign, why is prayer so vital? Does God ever change His mind? What should be our focus in prayer? What does it mean to wait on God? Can I learn to listen to God better?

Single Hearts for Christ: A fellowship for single, divorced, and widowed women 40 and beyond. Single Hearts for Christ is a women’s fellowship group that brings single Christian women together to enjoy, enrich, and support one another.

Join us this summer as we study prayer together. Although there will be much studying the Scriptures on the subject, the object is practical in the sense that we are asking the Lord to make us into the women of prayer that He desires us to be. Come join us and let’s grow together.

Please contact Jan Blakeslee at sinGle MoMs Connie Miller, Lay Leader

Leader: Janice Blalock

The Single Mom's Ministry offers a place for you to belong, to share similarities, and to pray with each other through a Sunday morning Bible study class. The focus is on your spiritual growth and your heart, while your child is also hearing God's Word in their class. Throughout the year fellowship opportunities and luncheons are also provided to further encourage you through this season of life.

Room: 237 Fee: $20.00 Child care available, $50 per family. Children MUST be pre-registered for child care by June 6. NO WALK-INS.

Please contact Connie Miller at


WiDoW’s netWorK Marion Sharp, Lay Leader

the PoWer of GoD’s naMes

The Widow’s Network has helped many find solace in times of grief, as well as brought a sense of connection to other women. On six Sundays a year and at Christmas, there are special luncheons held to honor the widows. There are also other activities and service projects. Activities begin again in October 2014

June 18, June 25, July 9, July 16, July 23, and July 30 (6 weeks) Sure, life has problems, but GOD has a name for each and every one of them. Have you ever wondered how God revealed Himself as Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi, Adonai, etc? Together we will explore the richness contained in the names of God used in Scripture. You will learn

Please contact Marion Sharp at




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Women’s Ministry Continued


to know God’s character more fully, experience His power more deeply, rely on His promises, and live in His abundance as you see His character in His names! You will see God’s power in a new light as your Heavenly Father’s character becomes real to you in life-changing ways.


Leader: Aurelia Clark

“God sets the solitary in families….” -Psalm 68:6

Room: 237 Fee: $30

BY Karen Moncrief

Child care NOT available

he road that led me to The Church of The Apostles was not an easy one, but looking back, I see God’s hand guiding me to a place of love and healing in His presence with His people. My father had been my pastor since I was 12 years old. We served God together side by side for almost 20 years in the Techwood Community. After teaching 1st grade Sunday school, I became the youth leader for teenage girls and eventually the director of the summer camp program as a staff member with Atlanta Youth Project. In 2004, my world was shattered when my father was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died a year later. The church he pastored was ultimately disbanded. Though I continued the outreach ministry with teenage girls, I now needed to find a new church home. It was a very painful process, but step by step I learned how to lean on God as my Heavenly Father in new ways. Even so, as a single woman, I felt alone as I faced the uncertainty of the future, and it seemed like a burden that was too heavy to bear. God, in faithfulness to His promise, provided for me in ways I couldn’t even imagine. I found out about Single Hearts for Christ from a friend who attended the same small group and suggested that I participate in some of the activities. Though at 39, I fell a little short of the age group, they welcomed me with open arms! The Sunday afternoon lunches and fellowship events throughout the year are something I can look forward to after a long work week. This vibrant ministry has given me the opportunity to meet other women in similar walks of life and grow together as sisters in Christ with encouragement, love, and support for each other in the Lord and through His Word. For many of us who are single, the joyful, family-oriented church life all around us, as wonderful a blessing as it is, can be a constant reminder of the greatest source of our pain, disappointment, or loss that cuts deeply into our souls and impacts our lives in profound ways. As divorced, widowed, or women who have never been married like me, for whatever reason, the most special, loving relationships we desired for our lives have either been broken or have never come to be at all. We can feel isolated, rejected, on the outside looking in. Yet God has not forgotten us; He will not leave His children desolate and alone. We are daughters of the King and His precious treasure! In His kingdom family there is a place for everyone to belong, to love and be loved, and then go out to reach others in His name. “God sets the solitary in families…” This is what God, through Single Hearts for Christ, has done for me!


THURSDAY MORNING STUDY 9:30-11:30 A.M. Who he is: testiMonies of GoD’s love & Grace June 19, June 26, July 10, July 17, July 24, and July 31 (6 Weeks) In Revelation 12:11, we learn that we “overcome” by the word of our testimony. There is power, joy, and strength in hearing the redemption stories of fellow-believers, and this laid-back summer class will encourage your heart! The class will begin with a devotional on “Who He Is,” describing an attribute of God, and lead into one or two personal, powerful testimonies each week that will strengthen your walk with God as you see His personal, targeted dealings in the lives of women. Leader: Charlotte Travis and personal testimonies Room: 237 Fee: $20.00 Child care Available, $50 per family. Children MUST be pre-registered for child care by June 6. NO WALK-INS.

THURSDAY EVENING STUDY 7:00-8:30 P.M. a stuDY of the BooK of esther June 19, June 26, July 10, July 17, July 24, and July 31 (6 Weeks) This expositional study of the book of Esther will focus on the foundational character of God. His promises are unchanging to His people as the Unseen God! Esther was in the right place at the right time. When God's guiding hand made her queen over a foreign race, she used her influence to save her people. Women of every age and walk of life will discover how to cultivate an abiding trust in God, depend wholly upon God in prayer, and prepare for and persist in the assignments God gives through the book of Esther. Leader: Anne Hayes Room: 237 Fee: $20.00 Child care NOT available




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e have several opportunities for men to connect for growing spiritually, becoming accountable, and building friendships. In Men’s Fraternity we meet in a large group for a challenging lesson, and then break up into small groups for discussion. Small groups are a place where you can join others to grow, share, and reach out. You will grow through the discussion and application of God’s Word. You will share life with all of its joys and challenges. You will reach out to others using your spiritual gifts. Come and find your place to belong. We also offer men’s mentoring called The Path. This is one-on-one mentoring tailored to each individual.


Men’s fraternitY atlanta Men’s Fraternity is a program designed to equip men to live and to lead as God intended, training men to press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. The church, the nation, and the world are suffering mightily from a lack of godly, masculine leadership. As traditional masculine virtues are assaulted and undermined in our modern culture, too many men either capitulate or seek satisfaction from counterfeits that are often selfish, juvenile, and destructive. We men are called to something higher, nobler, and truer. We know this, and we crave this, but too often flounder because we lack training and the fellowship of like-minded brothers. We invite all men of Apostles and our larger community to answer this call by joining us in the STS Loft on Friday mornings at 6:15 a.m. We meet for coffee, followed by a presentation and small group discussion. We will endeavor to conclude no later than 7:40 a.m., but you are welcome to leave earlier if you need to. For more information visit

Men’s sMall GrouPs Weekday Mornings Marriage, children, work, home, faith—the challenges abound. In today’s world it’s tough to be who God has called us to be. How do we follow Him and lead others? How do we balance the demands at work with the responsibilities at home? How do we love our wives like Christ loved the Church? God did not intend for you to discover the answer to these and all the other important life questions by yourself. You were created to live in community with other men who are wrestling with the same issues, and who desire to live godly lives that count for God, but have not yet “put it all together.” Come join other men who meet here at the church on a weekday morning to study Scripture and apply it to real life. Share your life with other men who will help you see God’s truth more clearly and who will help you sharpen your focus on Christ. Contact Rhonda Saduddin at or 404.564.3152 for more information.

the Path: Men’s MentorinG The Path is a lay ministry at The Church of The Apostles that seeks to facilitate mentoring partnerships between men who desire to have accountability for their lives. The Bible is our primary source of guidance. We strive hard not to create our own “program,” but instead to let the Holy Spirit guide in this effort. As a reference for our mentors, we use a book called The Heart of Mentoring by David A. Stoddard. Dave has worked closely with our core team, helping us fully grasp the Ten Powerful Principles of Effective Mentoring laid out in his book. The overriding theme is that mentoring is a process facilitated by a relationship. Each partnership is unique and tailored to the needs of the younger partner. Mentors are willing to open their lives, letting the partner see how the mentor succeeded or failed, and above all, learned from his experiences. Mentors are good listeners. They don’t have an agenda or want to change their mentoring partners. They want to help their mentoring partners navigate the narrow path of a Christian life. Contact Rhonda Saduddin at or 404.564.3152 for more information.




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e have the “Gathering of the Communities” from 9:00-10:15 on Sunday mornings. This is a time when our children, youth, and adult communities meet for grounding, learning, connecting, and training in the wisdom and ways of the Lord. These communities gather together around Jesus, the living Word of God, and the Scripture, the written Word of God.

JUNE MINI-SERIES Begin June 1 and continue through June 29 at 9:00 a.m. the riGhteousness that coMes froM GoD Zechariah chaPter 3

claiMinG the victorY: lessons froM Joshua David Bottoms

Baker Smith

Room 201-202

Room 229 C

The Book of Joshua is replete with examples of God’s goodness and provision; however, the Israelites had to follow God and obey His commands in order to claim the victory He had in store for them. This fiveweek study will focus on victories (and challenges) within the Book of Joshua and the lessons we can learn as we strive to claim victory in our lives for the glory of God.

As believers, we stand before God clothed in the righteousness of Christ, not our own righteousness. In fact, God’s Word says none of us are righteous, not even one. Zechariah Chapter 3 paints a word picture of Christ taking away our filthy rags of sin and replacing them with new, quality clothes of righteousness. This interactive study will look at God’s mercy and grace, as well as how God helps us in our struggle with Satan and sin. Other New Testament and Old Testament passages, including Romans and the Psalms, will inform our study of Zechariah’s 3rd Chapter.

“i aM” stateMents in the GosPel of John Chris Kitchens Room 229 A The focus will be to consider how our strength, purpose, and identity come from Christ. We need to stay close to Him daily in order to live a productive life for the Kingdom. Toward that end, we will be doing an in-depth study of “I Am” statements of Jesus that are found exclusively in the Gospel of John.

the JourneY of faith Rowland Cocks Room 237 ABC During this overview of Hebrews Chapter 11, we will study how to follow the patriarchs’ example of having “pleased God” by living a life of faith. Starting with discovering God through His creation and ending with being willing to suffer for His sake, we will endeavor to become the kind of followers of Christ whom “God is not ashamed to be called their God.” Come join us on the Journey!

BehinD the curtain of soMe touGh life Questions Jimmy Goolsby Room 231 • Worldliness: I don't want to admit it but sometimes I do envy the world. • Suffering: I do wonder sometimes where God is at in all my suffering. • Christlikeness: I know it’s what I should pursue, but practically, how can I be more like Him?




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hosts an apologetics seminar in July. Parents are welcome to bring their children in for breakfast before taking them to their classes. Breakfast will be ready at 8:45; teaching will begin at 9:20. For more information, contact David Watson at

ON-GOING COMMUNITIES Start June 1 through June 29 at 9:00 a.m. first thinGs: Genesis anD eXoDus Lee Holston


Room 230 AB

During the month of July, we will have all the 9:00 a.m. adult Bible classes combined for lectures from Dr. Bill Davis & Dr. Imad Shehadeh about apologetics. Please see page 4 for more information about these lectures.

Besides looking at Genesis and part of Exodus chapter by chapter, we will spend time pointing out and discussing first things - like the first mention of God's names, the first occurrence of a sacrifice, the first mention of a plan of redemption, etc. First occurrences often help us understand later occurrences in Scripture. Also, come prepared to reexperience your first love and holy fear of our Father as He begins to reveal Himself to the Patriarchs and the Children of Israel.

AUGUST Begins August 3 and continues through August 24 at 9:00 a.m. MY liGht anD MY salvation: aDventures in the PsalMs

GoD’s ParaDiGM for MarriaGe anD the faMilY: a core iDeoloGY for faMilY life

Brian Maxwell Room 229 ABC

James Saxon

In this class we’ll read the Scripture with our mind’s eye, using passages from Israel’s hymnal to school ourselves in the pleasures of the imagination and the power of human emotion. Why does God reveal Himself so often in poems, pictures, and stories, and what difference does it make? Come and find out. For more information, contact Brian Maxwell at

Room 516 The class will involve a thorough examination of the most prominent passages in the Bible which define God’s foundational design for marriage and family. The class approach will be driven by an in-depth study of fundamental, timeless biblical concepts in a question-andanswer, interactive atmosphere. The presentations and discussions will be anchored in the Scriptures and geared to the times with the aim of re-establishing God’s core ideology for the institution of the family. To find out more information on this class, email James Saxon at YounG faMilies coMMunitY David Watson Room 620-623 Our class is a weekly meeting for married adults in their 20s and 30s where they can gather for biblical teaching and enjoy opportunities for community and fellowship over breakfast and the Word. This summer we’ll be looking at the doctrine of the Trinity in the month of June. The class will break for the summer following this session as Leading the Way




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ongregational Care is continually seeking to provide opportunities that will enable our members (to agree) to live their lives more effectively. We are privileged to offer the following ministries for this summerr. To register, please go to the church’s website at for more detailed information, or you may contact the Congregational Care office at 404-564-3159, or email

a suMMer GrouP for Men

enDinG the War With MYself (Women)

Tuesdays, May 13 – August 5 (No meeting week of July 4)

Tuesdays, June 3 – August 12 (No meeting week of July 4)

7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

On Tuesday evenings this summer men are invited to experience the goodness of God in the presence of brothers. Using a book based upon Scripture, we will apply the Word of God in our struggle against the world. The world encourages individuality, but the Word beckons us to community. The world wearies, but the Word refreshes. The world is temporal, the Word eternal. Be a part of something bigger and better this summer.

Accepting ourselves as God does is THE critical ingredient for our spiritual and emotional wholeness. We will explore: Our Identity in Christ; Grace vs the Law, God-esteem; Loving Ourselves with Boundaries; Dealing with Negative Self-talk; Strength in Weakness, Being Authentic with God; with Ourselves and with Others; Living in the Sabbath Rest of God. In spite of our weaknesses and failures, we must learn to accept ourselves as God does – His beloved children. This group will be led by Micky Land, LPC, author of Ending the War with Myself: Loving Myself as God Does. The book used in class is optional, but will be available for purchase for $15.00 in class.




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listeninG to truth, PuttinG on truth, anD BelievinG truth (Women)

VOLUNTEER WITH CONGREGATIONAL CARE Gracetouch Meals A ministry that shares the grace and love of our Lord by providing a meal and a personal contact to those in our midst in need of refreshment, care, and encouragement. You may:

Tuesdays, June 3 – July 29 (No meeting week of July 4) 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Come for Christ-centered teaching and class discussion. Come to listen and hear God for yourself. Come to share and practice praying in a small group setting.

Cook meals to be taken to families who have a need. Cook meals to be put in the church freezer for emergency help. Deliver meals to the families.

crosscurrent (Men and Women)

MilitarY outreach Provides opportunities for you to participate in service projects with various organizations to assist and support military individuals and their families as they faithfully serve our country.

Tuesdays, August 19 – September 30 (7 week class) 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. The STS Den. CrossCurrent is a Christ-centered support group for those seeking truth and grace in areas of sexual and relational brokenness. No matter how broken or hopeless we may perceive ourselves, God upholds us in hope. In this safe and confidential community, God is healing broken hearts, broken pasts, broken relationships, broken sexuality, and broken identities. Each week includes worship, teaching, testimony, and same-gender small groups. Chapters include: Unfailing Love, Getting Real, The Cross and the False Self, Getting Clean, Getting Healed, Becoming Secure in the Father’s Love, Loving Others, and Beyond Brokenness. Come and experience the hope of overcoming strongholds, healed relationships, and intimacy with God. Course book $10, optional.

PraYer MinistrY Involves the expansion of God’s Kingdom through intercession for others. Intercessors may come to the church during the week and pray for the requests that have been received, or they may receive requests via email at home. PriMetiMers A service-oriented fellowship for those over 50 who serve the Body of Christ in a variety of ways, including visiting the homebound. They also sponsor luncheons focused on vital issues for seniors. If interested, please contact the Congregational Care office. stePhen Ministers Lay persons in our congregation who are trained to provide confidential care for those who are facing a difficult situation. For information about Stephen Ministry, call our referral coordinators, Sylvia Mosley at 770-987-1929 or Jim Kranzusch at 770-565-1650. ushers Ushers serve once a month during the 9:00 or 10:30 services. This includes passing out the bulletin, helping people get seated, and taking up the offering.




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HOW TO CONTACT US Phone: 404.842.0200 Email:

WORSHIP Sunday The Gathering of the Body 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday Hour of Power 6:15 p.m.

DISCIPLESHIP Sunday: 9:00 a.m.

LEADING THE WAY with Dr. Michael Youssef PO Box 20100 | Atlanta, GA 30318 Phone: 404.841.0100 Order: 1.800.337.5323 Web:

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