Key Elements of ABC's Mission

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a ministry of Appalachian Bible Fellowship

Our 60th Year of Preparing Servants for Christ

Issue 2, 2009

As ugh Introspect. ro th u s, d yo n h ie it Fr w Dear f sharing icing in the the blessing o ar, we are rejo ye ic em ad Thank you for ac t for a this generation in ! Let me reflec y! er tr th is o in an m n f o ai we tr 60th year the Lord – our ter faithfulness of hfulness. leading, Dr. Les you on His fait ’s h d it o w G r ts fo en r m ye o few m tended pra ily and 1950. After ex eir young fam th ed er th The year was ga ed , been precipitat r wife, Gretchen ad ea h d is ey h rn d u an jo r in Pipk ginia. Thei ho yearned ettus, West Vir wife, Nancy, w is h d an h ic el journeyed to P the call Gu eople. Ponder Pastor Robert p f o g n n u o si yo as n p ia e h by th r Appalac n students. school for thei with just seve an eg b ey th to have a Bible as ers e founding lead ugh . of faith of thes ing pains. Thro itute was born w st o In gr le d ib ce B fa n , ia Appalach d nately called it was affectio achian wrestle al as p I, p B A , A , d o 6 5 G 9 y 1 ge b By ed thom the coura ces orchestrat Fa . an ia st n m gi u ir V rc t ci f es a series o Bradley, W nished ls of moving to where the unfi ai rm et d fa e ry th ai d gh e u cr t body thro llege to a 95-a owing studen co gr a a te ed ca m lo co re el of faith to ining room w e incomplete d th d an s ay lw many hal urred not too cc o e . ts eg ll en o d C u le st of forty achian Bib eled from uction to Appal mily as we trav d fa o y tr m in n ed w in o y jo M ur tent ld, I time to pitch o As a 13 year o . in 3 d 6 9 ve 1 ri in ar r e te years la to college. W l site we y oldest sister near the initia m as g w n ri n o b ti to ca a lo hian Iow Dr. Pipkin. That ers of Appalac y ad b le ed y d rl vi ea ro e p at a site llege. I r Gazebo wher farm for the co unders’ Praye ry Fo ai e d th is ll th ca ly w p me p no king God to su g introduced to n as ei b er th as ge w to fe t li had knel s of my e rest of my impacting year nowing that th k st f o o m e ay re w o th n e had I began th hian. ve years later, ent at Appalac that day, for fi d u st palachian a e am ec the staff of Ap n ing – I b o n g ai in tr rv y tr se f is o in those m ars the mission of vilege of 32 ye at ri p th e re th la r ec te d af Now confidently e the 60 years. Whil can boldly and I r fo e, y eg gl ll n o C vi le er e Bib continued unsw er the years, th as ov h s ed n er fi ad re le n g ee b ave foundin y evolved and afted words h el cr at y ri ll p u ro ef p ar C ap . ed steadfast wording has on has remain si is m r u o f o essence mission. iends and to convey our our dearest fr , d u re yo tu h p it ca w n n o ee b missi n amplify that I’d like to agai : h a biblical mission states rvants throug se partners. Our s ip u eq e In Search of Servants Service Bible Colleg ided Christian u g d n a Appalachian s ic em iveness in f quality acad A Closer Look ading to effect le curriculum o er ct ra a ch unity. st-like m ri m h C co s h re rc u u rt u ch that n ndamental Catching Up serving the fu ly te a n io ss a p continued next


3 4-5 6

News and Events



















• The President’s Itinerary January 2-11, 2009 – Ministry in India January 17, 2010 – Fellowship Baptist Church, Barboursville, WV January 25-26, 2010 – ABC Board of Directors Meeting January 29 -February 6, 2010 – Ministry in Uruguay February 12, 2010 – Daniel L. Anderson Servant Leadership Symposium, ABC February 18-20, 2010 – Association for Biblical Higher Education, Orlando, FL February 25, 2010 – The Friends of Israel Board Meeting, NJ March 2-5, 2010 – Teaching Ministry, Word of Life Bible Institute, FL March 9-12, 2010 – Teaching Ministry, Word of Life Bible Institute, NY

Enroll now for the 2010 Master of Arts in Ministry courses and take advantage of special discounts. For more information visit us online at

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Winter Module Jan. 4-8, 2010

March Module March 8-12, 2010

Department of Appalachian Bible College, Bradley, WV 25818.

t Th.D. Presiden 2 Psalm 84:11, 1


Phone: 304-877-6428 Fax: 304-877-5082 Admissions: 1-800-6789-ABC E-mail: Web Page:

ALPINE MINISTRIES Phone: 304-877-6427 Fax: 304-877-5046 Reservations: 1-800-806-2180 President: Dr. Daniel Anderson Editor: Rev. Jonathan Rinker Managing Editor: Mr. Jarod Burrer Photography: Mr. Bruce Cook Circulation: Mrs. Donna Chesley



















In Search of Servants

Recruiting Hearts for God: Admissions at ABC

This past year the Admissions team focused on challenging young people to evaluate their relationship with Christ and consider “laying up treasure in Heaven” by serving Him. God’s faithful work in calling lives to serve him was evident. ABC witnessed God’s provision by an increase in fall enrollment. We were excited and encouraged to welcome 86 new students to campus. Our Admissions team remains dedicated to their mission—challenging prospective students with the compelling call to serve Christ. Will you join them? Visit or call, 1-800-678-9ABC, if you know someone interested in a life devoted to serving Christ.

From left to right: A.J. Runkles (Representative). Scott Ross (Director), and Rebekah Sahl (Assistant).

Creative Stewardship

Since it’s founding in 1950, Appalachian has sought to provide students with an inexpensive yet excellent education. It was not until 1973 that students began paying tuition - $225 for 12 or more credit hours. While the College depends on many faithful donors to provide scholarships, students still must work hard. “Creative stewardship”, that is, seeking scholarships outside ABC’s financial aid, is one way that students see God’s provision. This involves both creativity and genuine effort. When asked, current students were excited to share how God has provided for them. One student, Jared Meisel shared about the many hours he spent his senior year searching the internet for scholarships. Following the search were numerous scholarship applications. Yet in the midst of this process Jared and others witnessed God’s guiding hand. Freshman Sara Shelton shared, “I am so glad that I was bold about my faith in each essay…. My Sovereign God made it possible for me to attend ABC.” For a list of scholarship and financial aid information, visit

Freshman Sarah Jackson “I prayed when filling out the many applications…. I just kept remembering that God is ALWAYS in control.”

Junior Meghan Ward “I was completely surprised. The Lord abundantly provided this scholarship, and He greatly used it to bring me to ABC.”

Sophomore Eric Tucker “Wow!!! I knew God’s provision was a sure sign that I was meant to be at ABC.”


The Biblical Worship of Servants

A Closer Look


















by Tim Hontz, head of ABC’s Music Program

Tim and Michelle Hontz first met at Appalachian Bible College, where their common love for music brought them together. In addition to their major in Bible and Theology, Tim focused on pastoral studies, choral conducting, and piano, while Michelle studied piano. After graduation in 2000 they were married and served with churches in Virginia, New Hampshire, and West Virginia, leading in music ministry. They also continued their education at Marshall University, where Tim received an M.A. in Choral Conducting and Michelle an M.A. in Piano Performance. Since 2007 Tim has served as ABC’s Music Program Coordinator and has enjoyed Michelle’s assistance as Music Faculty. Together, they find great satisfaction in shaping students for effective music ministry in the body of Christ. Tim and Michelle are also blessed with two lovely children Kate, 2 years old, and Ethan, 9 months.

Appalachian Bible College’s Music Program exists to equip students to conduct music ministries in the local church with proficiencies in choral conducting, keyboard, instrumental or vocal performance. The desire of our music program is to train musicians to lead others in the worship of God. This desire characterized the earliest music classes taught by Mrs. Gretchen Pipkin at the school’s founding and has continued through the years. In the Psalms alone, there are 56 references to the word “sing” and 132 verses which mention “praise.” Why is God interested in music? Is it not enough to know theology and Bible content? The answer lies in the definition of worship. As one studies worship through the scriptures he will


see that worship is active; it is a response to God or His actions. It is one thing to know that God is holy, or good, or merciful; it is another to actively praise or thank Him for these characteristics – to worship. Music has long played a vital role in the ministry here at Appalachian. Teaching students how to worship and effectively use music as one part in leading worship is the passion of ABC’s music faculty. Through music ensembles and a consistent focus on servanthood, Appalachian’s musicians are taught the importance of God-centered worship. Leading others in worship is one way to be a servant to Christ and the local church. For a musician, there is no greater joy than to use the Lord’s gifts to bring glory back to Him.

This grand gift of music enables us to better worship. We need skillful musicians, technically secure, so that the message is not marred by distraction. We need musicians rooted in the knowledge of the Bible as well as music in order that their “performance” is not about self glorification, but about bringing glory to the Lord. I believe ABC’s music program does this. Certainly, not everyone is blessed with a beautiful voice or musical talent, but I believe the words of John Newton could easily awaken the heart of any Christian as we are all called to worship. Weak is the effort of my heart

And cold my warmest thought But when I see Thee as Thou art I’ll praise Thee as I ought (Sung to the tune of “Amazing Grace”)





Highlights of Gospel Herald’s Travel














Appalachian Bible College Gospel Heralds 2009

The process of nurturing hearts extends out of the classroom and into hands-on ministries that mold effective servants for Christ. This past summer the Gospel Heralds, ABC’s touring vocal ensemble, traveled as far north as Michigan and as far west as Nebraska. The regular exchange between the students and the staff that oversee them proved to be a spiritually challenging opportunity through prayer, devotions, and reflection on God’s work. To the glory of God, the Gospel Heralds were not the only ones reflecting upon God’s work as they ministered in local churches. Share in praise as you read a few of the individual and church testimonies from this past summer.

• Local Church Member: “I have been a member… for decades and heard many choirs and groups. This group from West Virginia surpassed anything I’ve ever heard. What a heavenly sound.” • Local Church Member: “Lyrics, style and quality very scriptural. Our Folks enjoyed the program, and it was a worshipful experience for all present.” • Whispering Winds Bible Camp: “Can they come back next year? They were more than a blessing!”

• Pastor, Calhoun Baptist Church: “We are always delighted to have your school represented at our church. Your students are very well prepared for ministry. Every year is a new experience and blessing.”

• Local Church Member: “While at our church, the Gospel Heralds went to a faithful church worker’s home and, standing on her porch, they serenaded this lady as she was dying of cancer. The words to the songs, the blend of voices and the beautiful harmonies, the ringing of the bells, were like a heavenly choir. It brought tears to our eyes and joy and comfort to our hearts. Their ministry made an impression on our family that will never be forgotten. Thank you so much.” The elderly lady mentioned in this testimony went to glory a few days later.

Back row: Benjamin Rogers, Valerie Cook, Ryan Willis, Liesel Elwell, Tony Glass, Abby Stiles Front row: Nate Robins, Rebekah Barrios, Nate White

Chorale Tour 2010 The ABC Chorale, our 40-member choir, will be traveling to Florida March 7-14, 2010. If your church or school is in NC, SC, AL, GA, or FL and you are interested in scheduling Chorale, please call Jarod Burrer, 800-678-9ABC, or e-mail,

Jubilate Tour 2010 Jubilate, our five-octave handbell choir, will be traveling May 9-23, 2010. If your church or school is in IN, MI, IL, WI, or MN and you are interested in scheduling Jubilate, please call Jarod Burrer, 800-678-9ABC, or e-mail,



















catching up

Homecoming Report Twenty-Five years have gone by since our first Alumni Homecoming and the times together continue to get sweeter. This year was blessed by the ministry of the Word in Isaiah 6 through ABC’s dear friend, Dr. Daniel Davey, President of Central Baptist Seminary of Virginia Beach. The fellowship throughout the weekend affirmed in our hearts that the Lord is “sitting upon His throne, high and lifted up” sovereignly guiding the affairs of this world. What a blessing it is to serve this King! The weekend concluded with Cynthia Heald as the speaker for the Ladies Auxiliary Fall Luncheon. Her ministry focused on “Learning to Be” from 2 Corinthians 5:17

A New Chapter

On a cold afternoon, hearts were warmed with excitement at the dedication of the new residence hall, Hoops Hall. Family, friends, community and state leaders gathered for the special event Tuesday, September 29, 2009. Individuals who worked diligently to complete the task were recognized. Thanks was given to those led by God to financially give toward the construction and furnishings of Hoops Hall, most notably Jeff and Trish Hoops. The event also acknowledged “that only people can be dedicated to God not buildings.” Dean of Students David Childs Left to right: Doug (Contractor, Landmark Construction) and Becky Patton, Dr. Daniel expressed, “This building is and Rosalie Anderson, Jeff and Trish a welcoming building. More Hoops (Donors), Julianne Hannah and students will be able to come Josh Steiner (Head RA’s) here and be touched by God. More lives, more servants, more service, more glory to God; all because of more brick and mortar. Ahh… What God can do with little things.” The significance of this building in God’s final evaluation will be measured not by its cost or beauty, but by the dedication of the servants who will live, work, study, pray, and grow in it. The dedication of Hoops Hall marks the completion of fifteen years of campus development guided by Dr. Anderson and the Board of Directors and the beginning of a new chapter in the story of Appalachian Bible College. Before students, staff, faculty, friends, and donors is the call to dedicate ourselves anew to live for Christ...Because Life is For Service.


This years honored alumni. Back row: ·Mr. Romie Mundy (Delta Epsilon Chai), William and Ruth Stoll (Diakonos Award), Sande Minturn (Service to Alumni) Dr. John Miller (Honorary Alumnus of the Year) Front Row: Ruth Knicely (Servant of the Year), Ted and Sandy Ball (Alumni of the Year)

Adventures at Alpine Thousands of guests were challenged in their relationship with God through Alpine Ministries this summer. Among the hundreds of campers that attended Alpine Bible Camp twenty-five made professions of faith in Jesus Christ, fifty received assurance of their salvations, and many others made decisions that transformed their life for Christ. Nearly 3,000 guests enjoyed Alpine Adventures as they participated in teambuilding, rappelling, whitewater rafting, high ropes, paintball, and caving. Only eternity will tell the true benefits of ministry this summer but guests were quick to convey their appreciation for Alpine’s staff. “I was so appreciative of the staff. [. . .] From the time we walked onto the campus, until we headed North, our experience was warm with a staff intent on ministry.” Youth Pastor As winter approaches groups continue to take advantage of Alpine Ministries’ retreat and adventure opportunities. While on campus they will notice construction of the new Outdoor Education Building. The Outdoor Education program provides another avenue for groups to experience God’s handy work and learn what it means to glorify Him as their Creator. Join us this year and schedule a retreat for your church, school, or family with Alpine Ministries and experience God’s creation through adventure! Teens can sign up now for Winter Camp, Feb. 5-7, 2010. Visit us at www.alpineministries. com or contact us by phone (1-800-806-2180).












ABC Connect - Online courses now available! Appalachian Bible College now offers ABC Connect! You, your family, and your friends can be part of our campus each semester by enrolling in our accredited online classes. Develop your biblical knowledge in the place and time convenient for you! Become “connected” through ABC Connect! Visit or email for more information.

Missionary Support and Memorials One Time Gifts

A couple from Edmond, WV to Skaggs support A couple from Matthews, NC to Kemper support An individual from Hico, WV to the Skaggs support A couple from Ansted, WV to the Skaggs support A couple from Amherst, OH to the Skaggs support A couple from Smithton, IL to the Kemper support A couple from Nallen, WV to Skaggs support A couple from Millwood, WV to Skaggs support An individual from Huntington, WV to the Kemper support A couple from Port Angeles, WA to the Kemper support An individual from Saint Albans, WV to the Skaggs support An individual from Harrisburg, PA to Chesley support

New Monthly Support A couple from Goldsboro, VA-$50 for Anderson support A couple from Elyria, OH-$100 for Burrer support An individual from Elyria, OH-$25 for Burrer support An individual from Elyria, OH-$100 for Burrer support A couple from Princeton, WV-$35 for King support An individual from Columbus, OH-$100 for Skaggs support A couple from Ansted, WV-$25 for Skaggs support A couple from Princeton, WV-$25 a month to King support A couple from Mt. Nebo, WV-$50 a month to Skaggs support A couple from Hico, WV-$25 a month to Skaggs support An individual from Brooksville, FL-$100 a month for Golden support A couple from Princeton, WV-$50 a month for King support Sunday Road Baptist Church, Hico, WV-$259 a month to Skaggs support Lighthouse Worship Center, Ansted, WV-$100 a month to Skaggs support

Increased Support Glen View Indep. Baptist Church, Crab Orchard, WV-$10 a month increase to Malanick support Johnston Chapel Baptist Church, Princeton, WV-$10 a month increase to King support A couple from Zanesville, OH-$5 a month increase to Knicely support Westchester Bible Church, Westchester, IL-$100 a month increase to Rinker support Bethel Bible Church, Winamac, IN-$18 a quarter increase to Childs support A couple from Goshen, IN-$100 a month increase to Chesley support Cottageville Evans Baptist Church, Cottageville, WV-$50 a month increase to General Fund

Memorials In memory of Don Ross

from John & Rachelle Brandon from Robert & Marla Hansen In memory of Wilma Clifton from F.A. Roberts & The Office of Citizens with Dev. Disabilities For the State of LA In memory of Jack Davis (1959 alumnus) from Dale & Pat Oliver from Doug & Lois White from Bob & Margaret Robinson from Casey Stribling from Collins Hill Baptist Church from Gretta Davis from Van & Becky Romine from Charles & Arlene Walls from Ruth Schwager from Charles & Jean Harris from Ronnie & Janet Nance from Larry & Paula Davis from Cross Lanes Bible Church from Twin City Bible Church from Calvary Baptist Church

Upcoming Events • December 5&6, 2009 Christmas Concert • January 27-29, 2010 Pinter Lecture Series, Ken Ham, speaker • January 28-30, 2010 Winter College Preview, Ken Ham, speaker • February 12, 2010 Daniel L. Anderson Servant Leadership Symposium, Alex Montoya, speaker • February 12, 2010 Ada M. Spangler Seminar, Favy Montoya, speaker • April 8-10, 2010 Spring College Preview, Spring Music Festival • April 23-24, 2010 Impact Youth Weekend, Dr. Daniel Anderson, speaker






Appalachian Bible Fellowship New Missionaries

Jarod and Melanie Burrer Jarod and Melanie are both graduates of ABC (’08). Immediately following graduation, Jarod served as the Assistant Director of Admissions. During this past summer, he transitioned to the Director of Public Relations. Jarod is currently working toward his Master of Divinity from Calvary Baptist Seminary in Lansdale, PA, while Melanie tends to the responsibilities of a new home and two young boys, Gavin (2) and Logan (9 months).

Alumni News Future Students Emmalyn Grace Bare, born to Michael and Amy (Staff) Bare on June 18, 2009. Elisabeth Rose Gibson, born to Ashe and Leah (’00) Gibson, September 3, 2009. Rachel Elizabeth Roberts, born to Chris (‘01) and Sarah (‘09) Roberts on October 8, 2009.

Weddings November 7, 2009, Karissa Barton (staff child) to Aaron Wilson. June 6, 2009, Elizabeth Hodge (’10) to Keith Pickard (’09). July 25, 2009, Danae Fountain (’09) to Caleb Frink (’09).

Deaths Paul Lee Bailey (’80), father of three and faithful servant, music pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Prosperity, WV, entered glory on May 2, 2009. Jack Davis (’59), faithful missionary to Guam, entered glory on June 12, 2009. Dr. Charles Sheers (’58) entered glory on October 15, 2009. Together with his wife Cathy, he was a faithful missionary in Columbia for over 30 years. Helen Shepard, wife of Lucky Shepard and former staff member, entered glory on November 7, 2009.

Campus News 2010 Prayer Calendar Wondering how to pray for ABC? Continually missing scheduled appointments? Ladies Auxiliary offers a tool that allows you to effectively pray for ABC and help student scholarships and projects all while keeping track of your own schedule. The 2010 Prayer Calendar features photos of current students and staff, along with campus ministries and events, and much more. Join us in this great mission as we bathe God’s work in prayer. Visit to purchase your 2010 Prayer Calendar.


news & events


Appalachian Bible College


P.O. Box ABC Bradley, WV 25818-1353




















Pinter Lecture Series and Winter Preview

4 Days · 2 Events · 1 Speaker

with Ken Ham

Friends, churches and prospective students are invited to join speaker Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum for these special events. Learn truths that shape a biblical worldview. Visit for more information


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