ABC's Best Kept Secret

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New Alpine Pavilion ABC's Best Kept Secret New Missionaries Give Camp for Christmas

from the

President’s Heart

program expanded to include camping-related activities such as whitewater rafting, rock climbing/rappelling, and other unique adventure opportunities. To facilitate those activities, Alpine Adventures was formed as an additional service of Alpine Bible Camp. Eventually, winter options were added, utilizing the resource of a local ski resort.


n 1950, when Dr. Lester Pipkin led in the formation of Appalachian Bible College in Pettus, WV, he also envisioned the introduction of a camp and conference ministry to assist local churches. The Pipkins knew the impact and importance of camps from their previous pastoral ministry, and their burden to provide this opportunity was evident long before they owned camp facilities. Appalachian’s camping ministry initially occurred as our “school workers” provided regular Bible lessons to public school students. As motivation for participation, a system of rewards was instituted, including the chance to earn a free week of summer camp if students completed the lessons and memory verses. Since we did not own our own camp facility, local campgrounds were rented. Is it any wonder that our founding leaders were so excited to explore the opportunity to acquire the 95 acre “dairy farm” in the Beckley area in 1956? The potential seemed perfect! With courage and great faith, those early leaders knelt in the pasture where they envisioned a camp facility and promised to use this property for God if He would give it to them. That promise was kept; construction was undertaken, including a small lake, access roads, and cabin sites. Because our mountainous region was sometimes known as “the little Switzerland,” the camp was developed around the name “Alpine.” Thus Alpine Bible Camp was officially born as the camping arm of Appalachian Bible Fellowship.

A major expansion of our Alpine ministries occurred in 1994 with the addition of the Alpine Lodge, a motel-type structure. Recognizing our ability to now provide year-round ministry for churches, Christian schools, and a variety of other groups, we determined to structure the entirety of Alpine activities into a division of Appalachian Bible College called “Extension Ministries.” We were truly fulfilling our stated mission to extend services to the fundamental church community. Currently, our Extension Ministries serves thousands of guests annually. These ministries provide wonderful partnerships for our constituent friends. Furthermore, our students are given opportunity to develop their camping skills as they serve as counselors, guides, and various leaders. In fact, our Camping Major at Appalachian Bible College stands as one of the finest in the world because of its excellence in academic training coupled with the ready access to implementation of that training through Alpine events. As I reflect on God’s blessing upon Appalachian Bible College, I am immediately reminded of His goodness over our various ministries. Today we enjoy benefits far beyond the vision of Dr. Pipkin. Every year scores of decisions are made for Christ in the lives of Alpine guests. Every year students are directed to enroll in ABC because of their time at Alpine. Every year our dear church partners experience growth and impact in their ministries because of their time at Alpine. To God be the Glory —Alpine is another example that Life is for Service. I invite you to join us and see for yourself. His Slave,

In those early years, camping activities were limited primarily to the summer season when the college was not in session. Over time, our

View Dr. Anderson’s itinerary online by visiting Office of the President at

Daniel L. Anderson, Th.D. President Psalm 84:11, 12

Alpine Alert

What They're Saying About


New Alpine Pavilion Dedication


hether working in a children’s ministry or teaching in the local nursing home, Frank Welker embodied a servant’s heart. His wife, Reva, served alongside him, even opening her home to a missionary kid while his parents were on the field.

—Youth Pastor

“The thing that sticks out in my mind is how competent and welltrained your Adventure Staff is. I was also very impressed by their interest in talking with the teens.” —Sponsor

On October 19, the Welker Pavilion was dedicated. With testimonies from Dr. Anderson, Pam Lung, Dave Holloway, and Tim Barton, the service brought honor not only to the Welkers but also to the God they so faithfully served. With seating for 150, shower and laundry facilities, and a full kitchen, the Welker Pavilion will be effective in ministering to Alpine Adventure groups and will further Frank’s and Reva’s passion to see people, young and old alike, spiritually edified.

To learn more about Alpine Ministries visit:

“This week was the first time I’ve ever been to camp. I was glad to learn so much more about God than ever before. The speaker was inspiring and so were the amazing, hard-working counselors!”

“Ministering at Alpine this past summer really solidified the things I have been learning in class, such as the application of various knots or even using soft skills to counsel campers.”

In addition, the Welkers were committed to the ministry of ABC, sending two of their children here as students, participating in work projects, and faithfully attending campus events. Even after Frank’s death, Reva continued to attend the Ladies Conference, the Senior Saints Fall Foliage Retreat, and other events. Greg and Pam Welker Lung wanted to honor the faithful service of Pam’s parents. Her dad’s aptitude with construction and her mom’s enjoyment of events like the Senior Saints Retreat made Alpine’s new pavilion the perfect project.

“Thanks for an incredible week. . . our students and staff had a blast. The most important thing is we all experienced spiritual growth.”



In Search of Servants


ondering how “camping” could be a college major? Or how it can be used to reach individuals for Christ? The answer to both questions is found in ABC’s regionally accredited Camping Ministry Major that offers academically rigorous courses rooted in the Word of God and taught in the beauty of His creation. Students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to begin, manage, and conduct a successful camping ministry designed to impact lives for eternity. In addition, students are prepared to communicate the Gospel clearly in a Christian camping or adventure setting.

A camping student with a burden for missions? Great! Christian camps are becoming increasingly popular overseas and need qualified leaders.


Closer Look

lpine Ministries is one of West Virginia’s and ABC’s “best kept secrets.” While some think of ABC as only a Bible College, thousands of guests are served each year through its extension ministries. When founder, Dr. Lester Pipkin, moved the college to its current location, he envisioned using the property to host a summer Bible camp. The fulfillment of that vision, Alpine has been a leader in camping and adventure ministry for over fifty years, continuously providing high quality, biblically-based outdoor experiences that share the Gospel and influence lives for eternity. Not only ministering to campers, Alpine also greatly enhances the college’s mission to “educate and equip servants for the church of tomorrow while edifying the church of today.” Allow me to share how God used Alpine to equip me personally

as a servant leader and how it continues to complement the college’s mission. I grew up close to ABC in a small coal mining town in the heart of the whitewater rafting and rock climbing tourist industry. While I loved hunting, fishing, and spending time outdoors, I never pursued adventure recreation activities, nor had I ever heard much about Appalachian Bible College or Alpine Ministries. My dream was to get a good paying job as a civil engineer where I could support a family while still enjoying time in the great outdoors. During my senior year of high school I met a student from ABC who told me a little about the college and the one-year Bible certificate. God lead me to commit to attending ABC for one year. During that year God used a camping class to redirect my life into full-time camp ministry.

John Skaggs is chair of the Camping Major at ABC. He has a great burden to use the outdoors to point people to Christ.

My first exposure to Alpine was through working at a winter retreat my freshman year; it would not be my last. Since that first year, I have served every summer in various capacities such as camp counselor, head counselor, adventure guide, wilderness trip leader, program director, or camp speaker. Through these various opportunities, Alpine had a tremendous impact in my life as it taught me valuable ministry skills, deepened my spiritual walk, and gave me occasions to practice what I was I don’t know of any other learning in my Bible and institution that provides camping classes. I even the quality of Bible training met my wife at Alpine!

and leadership development opportunities that ABC and Alpine Ministries does.

Alpine also had an integral part in preparing me to be an effective servant leader. When I was given opportunities to replace those in leadership who had mentored me, it was only natural to invest in others as I had been taught. Through the years, I have been encouraged as former campers, staff, and colleagues go on to attend ABC and serve God all over the US and around the world. As the Camping Ministry Major Chair at ABC, I appreciate all that Alpine offers to enhance leadership development for both camping major students as well as other students. I especially encourage Youth and Family Ministry Major students to consider serving one summer at Alpine to develop their youth ministry skills.

• • • • •

Why Alpine Ministries is Great for ABC

Alpine assists the college in accomplishing its purpose of “educating and equipping” students through hands-on ministry and leadership development. Alpine assists the college in accomplishing its purpose of “edifying the church of today” by providing churches a place to come apart from the world and experience biblically based outdoor ministry. Alpine introduces thousands of potential college students to ABC. Alpine staff enhance the camping major by providing quality instruction from those serving on the front lines of Christian camping. Alpine provides quality camp facilities as a classroom for camping major students.

ABC emphasizes “Thinking Biblically, Living Godly, and Serving Practically.” In a classroom setting, it is easy to focus on thinking biblically. Alpine enhances the college experience by providing supervised hands-on opportunities to put that knowledge into practice. James says to be “doers of the word and not hearers only.” Without an outlet to put into practice all that I was learning at ABC, I believe much of that knowledge would have been lost. I praise God for those that invested in me as a student and allowed me to serve at camp. I don’t know of any other institution that provides the quality of Bible training and leadership development opportunities that ABC and Alpine Ministries does. If you have experienced the life-changing impact of Alpine, don’t keep it a secret. Organize a group from your church; volunteer your time, money, or resources; or make a decision to pray faithfully for all the ways Alpine touches lives. If you have never experienced this great ministry, consider learning more about how you could be a part of what God is doing at Alpine.

Why ABC is Great for Alpine Ministries

• • • • •

The college is a source for quality seasonal and full-time staff. The college residence halls and dining room are available to Alpine year-around. ABC Alumni have influence in promoting and using Alpine in their ministries. Students in the camping major help Alpine with group facilitation and maintenance through camping, Christian service opportunities, and course projects. ABC strengthens the theological foundation of Alpine and fosters trust among churches.


Dr. Paul C. Reiter 1929–2013 MISSIONARY SUPPORT Burch


Couple from Honduras $50 per month

Individual from Gardners, PA, $50

Individual from Burkburnett, TX, $35 per month



Anonymous gift of $100 per month


Anonymous gift of $1,000

Couple from Mount Lookout, WV, $25 per month


Couple from Smethport, PA, $50 per month

Individual from Hico, WV, $50

Couple from Bradenton, FL, 25



Couple from Middletown, NY, $100

Grace Gospel Church, Huntington, WV, $ 200 per month


Couple from Winston-Salem, NC, $35

Monthly Support Bluestone Baptist Church, Jumping Branch, WV, $30


Cornerstone Baptist Church, Fayetteville, NC, $150

Couple from Salem, MO, increase $5 per month

Fifth Street Baptist Church, Lowell, MA, $90.33 The Grace Community Church at Bigelow, Portsmouth, OH, $250

MEMORIALS In memory of Warren & Faye Ross:

Couple from Chambersburg, PA, 25

Gift from Joseph & Anna Czelusniak

Couple from Mount Ulla, NC, 40

In memory of Jo Stone:

Couple from Fayetteville, NC, 50

Gift from the Stone Family

Couple from Crab Orchard, WV, 25

In memory of Paul D. Blackburn:

Couple from Mount Hope, WV, $20

Gift from Mr. and Mrs. Wilson J. Hall





Couple from Wheelersburg, OH, $100 Couple from Winston-Salem, NC, $20 Couple from Honolulu, HI, $50 Couple from Fayetteville, NC, $50 Individual from Beckley, WV, $75 Individual from Laredo, TX, $25 Individual from Fayetteville, NC, $70 Individual from Sebring, FL, $50 One-time Gifts Temple Baptist Church, Asheville, NC, $300 Couple from Carmel, IN, $100

E. Spencer & Linda Hammons

Couple from Fort Belvoir, VA, $200

J. Dale & Patricia Oliver

Couple from Tinton Falls, NJ, $50

Perry & Sheila McKinney

Couple from Danville, PA, $100

Wesley & Ellen McGrew

Couple from Chesapeake, VA, $300 Individual from Wheelersburg, OH, $100


Individual from Martinsburg, WV, $60


Couple from Highlands Ranch, CO, 100 $

Couple from McComb, OH, $250

During his thirty-five years of service at Appalachian, Dr. Reiter filled a number of roles. He began by providing leadership to our Academic division; with a combination of discipline and loving demand, he was used to develop areas of expansion within our curriculum. He was well-known as the head of our Pastoral program, working to fashion the next generation of pastors. The pinnacle of Dr. Reiter’s influence in many ways was his articulate and comprehensive teaching of the Pauline Epistles. Students have been impacted in lasting ways by his thorough and convicting teaching of these books. One final observation about Dr. Reiter was his conviction about being a diligent steward of the material resources God entrusted to him. Through classes, workshops, and a variety of other opportunities, he dogmatically proclaimed the importance of planning and giving for the Lord’s work. He even declared the belief that providing for the Lord’s work was so critical that he made plans to direct his resources to various ministries after his death. We as a college as well as all those touched by his years of service have been richly blessed by the life and ministry of Dr. Paul Reiter. May God raise up a generation of like-minded servants to follow in his train.

Ruth Knicely

Couple from Smithfield, VA, $500


Gifts in Memory of Dr. Paul C. Reiter


hen reflecting upon the life and ministry of Dr. Paul Reiter, one can quickly and easily delineate a range of thoughts. He was passionate about the Lord and about the Bible. He was dedicated to pouring his life into others as he prepared them for ministry. He was a man of conviction, willing to take a stand even at the expense of acceptance or approval by others. He loved the Church.

Alice Sand Lawrence & Lisa Pack Timothy & Shirley Dillon Charles & Mary Helen Cobb Albert & Sara Leach Jerry & Mary Robinson

Mailing Address

Mrs. Lou Reiter

Mrs. Lou Reiter 594 Elizabeth Dr. Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 396-1093

Appalachian Bible Fellowship

ABF Welcomes New Missionaries Roger & Cheryl VanMaasdam


oger VanMaasdam is no stranger to dairy farms. Not only did he grow up on one, the campus of his first ministry was built on a former dairy farm. He is no stranger to music education either; the VanMaasdams have served in schools in New Hampshire, Illinois, Missouri, and West Virginia during their almost four decades of ministry. Mr. Van, as he’s known on campus, felt the Lord’s leading into ministry at eleven years old. After completing his music education degree, he was called to serve as Music Minister / Youth Minister at Collinsville Bible Church. Soon after, he began teaching at Dublin Christian Academy. The pattern of serving in dual ministries of church and school was to characterize the VanMaasdams’ ministry life. This unique perspective fuels Mr. Van’s passion to develop ministry-minded musicians who will serve the Church whether it be in an official pastoral capacity or as lay-persons in their local churches as they pursue other musical endeavors. His many

years of experience brings depth and practicality to his teaching. Cheryl VanMaasdam’s heart is for people. She has faithfully served alongside her husband in each of their ministries as well as in rearing their three children. Her characteristic smile and infectious warmth touch many individuals as she serves as ABC’s Receptionist. While West Virginia is very different from the Minnesota farms on which they both grew up, their desire to serve the Lord continues to characterize these new additions to the ABC family.

Spencer & Linda Hammons


ven before salvation, God directed Spencer and Linda Hammons, preparing them for future ministry. Linda grew up on a college campus; in high school she became interested in spiritual things and began reading through the gospel of Mark. It was not until college, as she pursued a nursing degree, that she was saved. Spencer attended church as a child, but it was another Navy sailor who challenged him to make a personal decision for salvation. After marriage, God led them to ABC where Spencer graduated with his B.A. and Linda took several Bible classes. In part because of Spencer’s time in the Navy, they were called to serve military families in Fayette-

ville, NC, at Fort Bragg. Spencer led Bible studies and discipled individual men while Linda served in more of a support role. The attack on September 11th changed their ministry. Not only were there more security restrictions, most of the soldiers were deployed. Suddenly, the Hammons’ ministry roles were reversed. Linda began to hold Bible studies and counsel the wives who were left on base while Spencer’s ministry was less structured. In the summer of 2013 the Hammons joined the ABC family. Spencer is acting Director of Practical Christian Service; Linda teaches classes on campus and online, is advisor to the Missions-Nursing students, and helps to facilitate the Student Wives Fellowship. The Hammons are blessed by the opportunity to challenge young adults to grow into biblical leaders.

Introspect is published through the Public Relations Department of Appalachian Bible College, Mount Hope, WV 25880. Phone: 304-877-6428

President: Dr. Daniel Anderson


Fax: 304-877-5082

Editor: Rev. Jonathan Rinker

Phone: 304-877-6427

Admissions: 1-800-6789-ABC

Managing Editor: Mr. Jarod Burrer

Fax: 304-877-5046


Writer: Mrs. Sarah Rinker

Reservations: 1-800-806-2180

Web Site:

Web Page:

Appalachian Bible College 161 College Drive, Mount Hope, WV 25880

run out of batteries, What can you give that won’t shelf, or be sold at break in a week, be put on thehin a year? a garage sale wit

e! A week of Bible Camp at Alpin

to sow spiritual seed Let your gift be used by God you love. in the lives of those Recieve a FREE Alpine t-shirt and certificate to place under the Christmas tree. • 800-806-2180 Guidelines & Cost Teen ($269), Junior ($269), and High Adventure ($350) Camps only. Camper can select 1-of-3 adventure activities at no additional cost (Paintball, High Ropes, Scuba). Full payment required. Transferable to any individual within 1 year. No refunds.



M aster of A rts in Ministry

Equipping You for Service

Nov. 23–Dec. 1

Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 7–8

Christmas Concert

Dec. 19–Jan. 6

Christmas Break

Jan. 6–10

MA Module

Jan. 27–29

Pinter Lecture Series

Feb. 7

Spangler Seminar / Anderson Symposium

Mar. 1–10

Chorale Tour

Mar. 17–19

Servant’s Retreat

Mar. 21–22

Alpine Advance

Mar. 24–28

Heritage Week

Apr. 3–5

Spring Preview

Course Semester: May 5–July 3, 2014 On-Campus: June 2–6, 2014

Apr. 4–5

Spring Music Festival

Apr. 7–11

Expository Preaching Week

Research & Writing Dr. Charles Bethel

Apr. 18–19

Impact 2014

Course Semester: July 7–September 5, 2014 On-Campus: August 4–8, 2014

Apr. 28–30

Final Exams

ABC’s Master of Arts in Ministry is a 36-hour

accredited graduate degree developed for individuals actively involved in ministry. Learn more at Biblical Servant Leadership Dr. Daniel L. Anderson Course Semester: December 9, 2013–February 7, 2014 On-Campus: January 6–10, 2014

Church Staffing & Personnel Issues Dr. John King Register today at



Spring Preview Bring your young people or your family to visit campus during Spring Preview. They'll get a taste of campus life, classes, and enjoy ABC's Spring Music Festival. To register visit,

Impact 2014 Experience Scriptured-centered sessions with guest Rand Hummel and uplifting fellowship designed to encourage teens in their spiritual life. Register your youth group today by visiting,

Did you know that you can complete an accredited Bible Certificate entirely online through ABC Connect? Whether you ar a high schooler preparing for college, a lay person wanting to know the Bible better, or a Christian worker desiring a refresher course, ABC Connect is for you. Find out more at

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