Winter 2012–13
from the
President’s Heart
believe the pulse of our campus can be measured by the effectiveness of our chapel services. ABC holds Chapel every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as a means of nurturing the spiritual fabric of our entire campus family. The services are designed to inspire, to incorporate, to inform, and to invite God’s work in our lives. My own heart was deeply impacted this past year by one of these chapel services. Our guest speaker was focusing our attention on declaring the goodness of the Lord. God used this challenge to convict me that in my fear of boasting I had been negligent to adequately declare His goodness in behalf of our ministry. I confessed this failure to the Lord and vowed to faithfully exalt and declare His goodness. Let me share some examples of God’s goodness over these recent months.
prayed for a mild winter—incidentally we did experience one of our warmest winters on record with only one significant snowfall!
Declare the goodness of the Lord! I must further declare His goodness in the unusual ways He provided for us. Precious friends gave generously to compensate for our reduced enrollment revenues. These unnamed friends will never fully know how they were used to remind us of the goodness of the Lord. In fact, God marvelously timed the home-going of two of His saints who had wisely planned gifts for ABC at their deaths through their estates. I marveled at God’s divine plan orchestrating the timing of these investments by His children at the exact moment they were most needed for His work here.
Declare the goodness of the Lord! As we began our 63rd year of training servants this fall, we have again seen the goodness of the Lord. Our diligent prayers have focused on the urgent need for servants for the harvest fields around the globe. Our world desperately needs what we are preparing! To the praise of the Lord, we have enrolled our largest group of new students in our history!!
Declare the goodness of the Lord!
First, I would reflect on God’s goodness through difficulty. The Psalmist declares,“It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I might learn thy statutes (Ps. 119:71).” Our “affliction” this past year was to experience tremendous challenge financially as we faced a lower than expected enrollment. Days before classes began for Fall 2011, we received word from nearly 20 students indicating they were unable to enroll due to the economic difficulty our nation was experiencing. But like the Psalmist declared, our affliction was God’s goodness as it led to wonderful times of praying and fasting for God’s care. Our Board of Directors and our staff rallied together in trusting God as we took measures to reduce cheerfully our expenses and to seek special gifts. We even boldly View Dr. Anderson’s itinerary online by visiting Office of the President at
I could continue sharing God’s goodness in so many other ways, but I trust that these examples will encourage you to join me in declaring His goodness. The reflections of God’s goodness abound as you review the pages of Introspect, whether it is the goodness of our ministries like Alpine or the goodness of our heritage as reflected in the life of our dear Bill Hanmer. I would like to encourage you to join our campus family for our Chapel Services. You are certainly welcome to do that in person, but for most of you that is not feasible. Enjoy our Chapels by visiting our website ( and listening there. Let’s declare the goodness of the Lord. . .because life is for service. His Servant,
Daniel L. Anderson, Th.D., President —Psalm 84:11, 12
Appalachian Bible Fellowship Kemper Couple from Tygart, OR $50 Eastview Baptist Church in Belleville, IL $30 per month Grace Bible Church in Asbury, WV increase of $50 per month Knoblet Glenfork Baptist Temple $100 per month to Knoblet Support
God’s Gracious Gifts Missionary Support Anderson Berean Baptist Church in Fayetteville, NC $400 per month Landmark Baptist Church in Elkins, WV $100 per month McCalla Bible Church $100 per month Best Couple from Grove City, OH $100 per month Couple from Lewis Center, OH $25 per month
Lilly Fellowship Baptist Church in Riner, VA $100 per month Malanick Brushville Baptist Church increase of $25 per month Rinker Individual from Downers Grove, IL $5 per month Individual from Freeport, IL $25 increase Rowe Couple from Archdale, NC $40 per month Skaggs Couple from Lookout, WV, $100 per month Individual from Hico, WV $20 per month Individual from Hico, WV $20 per month
Couple from Orient, OH $50 per month
Couple from Canton, TX $1000
Couple from Suffolk, VA $100 per month
Couple from Charleston, WV $50
Dover Bible Church $140 per month
Individual from Ansted, WV $25
Individual from Orient, OH $5 per month
Individual from Summersville, WV $25
Couple from Columbus, OH $300
Couple from Mt. Sterling, OH $50
Couple from Canterbury, CT $15 per month
Individual from Clinton, MD $50 Individual from Clinton, MD $50 Burrer Couple from St. Clair, MI $25 per month to Burrer Support Childs Couple from Winimac, IN increase of $50 per quarter Dunkerton Individual from Pickerington, OH $10 per month
General Fund Eccles Community Church increase of $10 per month Individual from Freeport, IL $25 increase
Alpine Fund Elkview Baptist Church in Elkview, WV $10 per month
Individual from Port Allegany, PA $25
Individual from Smethport, PA $140
In memory of Carla Renee Thomas: Gift from Arthur and Ozalia Thomas
Individual from Wellsboro, PA $50 Hanshew Chestnut Grove Bible Church in Keedysville, MD $840 per year Emmanuel Baptist Church in Fayetteville, WV $100 Fellowship Bible Church in Charleston, WV $150 per month Independent Bible Church in Martinsburg, WV $100 per month Holloway Couple from Taylors, SC $100 Couple from Birdsboro, PA $30 Knicely Couple from Ansted, WV $25 Couple from Bradley, WV $12 per month Individual from Seminole, FL $50 per month
In memory of Mel Efaw & Jack Keeney: Gift from Jerry & Janet Aldridge In memory of Sarah Opal Monday: Gift from Gary Monday In memory of Lloyd Matics: Gift from Jeff & Connie Matics in honor of granddaughter In memory of Edith Snuffer: Gift from Rebekah Davis & from family of Edith Snuffer In memory of Arley Underwood: Gift from Thomas & Cheyann James Gift from Aladdin Food Service In memory of Connie Blake: Gift from Aladdin Food Service In memory of J. Samuel Rasnake: Anonymous gift
Chesley Retirement
d Chesley’s headline could read “Local Boy Finishes Well.” Born in Oak Hill, WV, Ed Chesley graduated from ABC in 1972 and joined the staff after graduation to serve in the General Education department. For 40 years, Ed taught classes, served on academic committees, managed the library, and used aardvarks to teach English Composition. Meanwhile, his wife, Donna, faithfully served as Assistant to the Executive Vice President and worked in the Communications Department, managing gift income and institutional mailings. In honor of the years Ed spent committed to training the next generation of servants, the computer lab in the Van Puffelen Library was officially named The Chesley Computer Lab. As future students train to serve in the mission fields of the world, they will continue to be influenced by the Chesley legacy.
McGrew Retirement
ost people dream about retiring once; few get the opportunity to retire twice! Wes and Ellen McGrew are one such couple. After raising a godly family, serving faithfully in Maranatha Bible Church in New Kensington, PA, and completing a successful career in research at Alcoa Aluminum, Wes McGrew took early retirement. The McGrews relocated to West Virginia and spent the next 25 years faithfully volunteering at Appalachian Bible College. Wes served as the Executive Assistant to the President, during which time he cataloged Dr. Anderson’s extensive library and attended and took notes for each Administrative Committee meeting. Meanwhile, Ellen served in another library – the Van Puffelen library laminating, shelving, and generally filling any needs she could. Not only did the McGrews serve at ABC, they also served in their new local church, Piney View Bible Church. Wes sang in the choir; Ellen served in the children’s ministries. Their consistency and dedication to serving the Lord during a time when many other couples would have “seen the world” or “bought a home in Florida” is a powerful embodiment of ABC’s motto - …because Life is for Service!
Admissions A
BC saw the blessing of God this semester as we welcomed the largest incoming class in our history—108 servants-in-training! God is continuing to move in the hearts and minds of young men and women committed to serving Him; over fifty percent of incoming students indicated that they did not apply to any other college. With over 500 campus visitors last year and an elevated interest in ABC throughout the surrounding states, people are continuing to see the unique role ABC can play in their training. Some of our distinctive are: 1. Double Majors (The number of class hours in Bible & Theology at ABC still models a national standard while the second major ensures that students are thoroughly equipped.) 2. Accreditation (ABC carries both national & regional accreditation.) 3. Low cost (Still lower than most comparable colleges of like faith.) 4. Amount of Financial Aid students are receiving (About 90% of our students receive some form of assistance.) If you or someone you know are interested in scheduling a campus visit or learning more about ways ABC can help prepare you for a life of service, visit or call the Admissions Department at (800) 678-9ABC.
Contact the Admissions Department at or call (800) 678-9ABC.
New Academic Offerings Missions: Nursing Throughout His time on Earth, Jesus not only taught the people, He ministered to their physical needs – healing the sick and feeding the hungry. Following His example of using the avenue of physical care to provide opportunity for spiritual change, ABC offers a Nursing concentration within our Missions Major. Students are taught to heal the sick while sharing the cure for sin-sick souls, a relationship with the Great Physician, Jesus Christ.
Biblical Counseling Concentration For those who feel the Lord’s calling to share the words of life in a more direct way, the Youth and Family Ministry Major now offers a Biblical Counseling concentration. In John 6:68, Simon Peter asked a most profound question, “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.” Those words of eternal life are as vital today as they were 2000 years ago, yet so many turn to other experts and outlets for instruction and direction. ABC believes in the sufficiency of the Scriptures to meet each human need. For more information, visit
Chaplaincy Update ABC is pleased to announce that the first course in the new Chaplaincy Concentration of the Pastoral Ministry Major will be offered during the 2013 spring semester. Register today for “Foundations of Chaplaincy Ministry!”
ne of ABC’s more unique ministry teams, the Jubilate English handbell choir, travelled for two weeks after Commencement, covering over 1,500 miles and sharing twenty concerts in fourteen churches and five Christian schools. Along with the handbell numbers, concerts featured vocal and instrumental songs as well as an engaging drama utilizing the handbells to tell the story of “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man.” Listeners and performers alike were blessed during the Jubliate’s tour.
Gospel Heralds
One student testified, “It was a privilege to be able to encourage one of our host families to study God’s Word for themselves and to learn how they can apply God’s Word in every situation of their lives.”
lexibility was the name of the game for the Gospel Heralds, ABC’s travelling vocal ensemble. Ministering in camps and conferences as well as traditional concerts, the Heralds got to put into practice the theme of their summer concerts,“Trusting God on the Journey.”
Another shared, ”I was really encouraged by the time we spent doing devotions together, realizing that each day is a gift from God.” God used the engaging nature of a handbell concert to develop the team members and encourage believers in the Southeastern United States.
One member shared their experience, “Throughout the summer, I grew closer in Christ to my fellow team members and got to see many other bodies of believers working together as we ministered in various churches. The meaning of the songs we sang will impact me for a lifetime.” Another praised God for the decisions made, “It was amazing to see how God used the message of our concert to bring people to a saving knowledge of Him as well as encourage hearts of other believers too!” We praise God for opportunities such as the Gospel Heralds ministry to train future servants for the Church.
Coming to a State Near You! A
s part of our mission to edify the church of today, ABC sends out three music teams each year to visit local churches - encouraging believers in the faith and sharing information about the ministry of ABC. If your church would like to host one of our teams, please contact Tim Gonzales at 800-678-9ABC.
Gospel Heralds
our 40 member choir
our English handbell team
our 9 member ensemble
March 2–10 in PA
May 4–19 in AL, TX, TN, and KY
June 2–August 4 in PA, NJ, VA, WV, OH, IL, WI, MN, IA, and IN
Closer Look
ur theme this year is “Servants of Righteousness.” Dr. Anderson introduced the theme during our first chapel and in doing so proposed a practical definition of righteousness as “Right like God Sees It.”1 When the Bible uses the term righteousness, or one of its cognates2, a fundamental idea that it carries is the existence of a standard. Two related terms are of interest here, righteous and righteousness. The term righteous means that one’s behavior is in line with those standards and obligations which are required, while the concept of righteousness is twofold: (1) it is the quality of a righteous person, and (2) it is the standard by which things and people are judged or measured.3 A possible way to summarize what it means to be righteous and what righteousness is, is to simply state that it is following or obeying the standard. However, we should note that the righteousness of which we are speaking does not stand alone but is qualified by the phrase “of God.” So while the term “righteous/righteousness” inherently carries the idea of the existence of a standard, when we qualify these terms making them a possession of God or coming from God we elevate the idea of standard to an absolute standard. The reason for this is as follows: Since God is God—the Supreme Being— the Creator—the Sovereign of all, His standards are by definition absolute. While we live in an individualistic and relativistic society, the absolute standard of God is still in place. God’s standard is not based upon it being recognized or obeyed; it is based upon the person of God Himself. To say it another way, God’s standards are absolute because of who God is, whether or not anyone recognizes or follows them as such. A key to understanding what it means to be righteous, what is means to live right like God sees it, is to understand that the Bible alone contains the absolute standard which God has revealed to man. It is the absolute standard of the Bible that reveals to man how to be saved and how then to live righteously as a child of God. Any wavering as
to the absoluteness of God’s standard in the Bible opens us up to relativism. Relativism leads to believers rationalizing God’s standard to fit what we want and like. If we do this, we commit idolatry and false worship by replacing God and His standard with ourselves and our standards. To live right like God sees it does not happen automatically or easily. In fact, it is a process that requires several steps.
➢➢ First, one must place their trust in Jesus Christ as one’s personal Savior. All attempts at righteous living before this happens are nothing but self-righteousness.
➢➢ Second, one must be committed to the fact that God is supreme and sovereign.
➢➢ Third, one must believe that the Bible is God’s perfectly revealed absolute standard for all of life.
➢➢ Fourth, one must be committed to the labor of studying the Bible so as to know exactly what God’s revealed standard is.
➢➢ Fifth, one must decide that they are going to follow what they have learned.
➢➢ Finally, one must put into action those things he or
she has learned and decided to do. When we distill this down for the believer we see that to live right like God sees it means that one must know right, commit one’s heart to do right, and then act on this decision.
Daniel Hanshew serves as the Vice President for Academics at Appalachian Bible College. He holds degrees from Appalachian Bible College and Capital Bible Seminary. Over the years he has served in the Marines, as a pastor, and Bible College instructor and administrator. He and his wife, Elizabeth, have four children. “tsade” (Hebrew) and “dikē” (Greek) H. Seebass & C. Brown, “Righteousness, Justification,” NIDNTT 3:352-77.
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Alpine Alert
Senior Saints Fall Outdoor Education Foliage Retreat
Bible Camp This past summer Alpine Bible Camp welcomed over 800 campers from 14 different states to experience “The Road Less Traveled.” As campers embarked on the various challenges, they learned that no matter how difficult life may get, our Lord will walk with us every step of the way and He will never, never give us more than we can handle. There were 42 recorded salvation decisions and 6 rededications. Over 100 other decisions were made such as putting God first in their life, having a stronger devotional life, or becoming a bold witness. “I realized that the spiritual life is no joke and I need to start living it!” “I have learned so much from Dawn Patrol (early morning Bible study). I was changed because I realized how important God’s Word is and how we need to share it more.”
Servant’s Retreat September 10–12, Alpine was privileged to host pastors and their wives at our 2nd annual Servant’s Retreat. This free retreat allowed guests to relax and refresh themselves through encouraging messages from Dr. Anderson and Dean Childs, fellowship, and participation in Alpine activities.
Held Oct 18-20, the Senior Saints Fall Foliage Retreat was a chance for seasoned believers to enjoy fellowship with one another while spending time in God’s Word. The leaves in our area reached their peak just in time for our foliage tour of Carnifex Ferry State Park, near the Gauley River. Mark your calendars for next year Oct. 17–19. Who says camp is just for kids?!
Alpine Adventures / Retreats
God is continuing to richly bless Alpine’s Outdoor Education ministry with new and returning groups. Since its humble beginnings in 2007, Outdoor Education has served 1,987 people from 98 groups with biblically based outdoor science field trips.
“This gave the students the opportunity to see nature firsthand. Pictures in books are fine, but there’s nothing like seeing animals and plants up close.”
With over 2,000 guests from over 100 groups hosted by Alpine Adventures, “I am so glad we can bring our students ABC’s campus was far from empty to a science trip where the Word of God is during the summer months. From clearly taught.” March to September, Alpine Adventures took 2400 people down the New and Describing the goal of our ministry Gauley Rivers. Still more enjoyed wild Truth Revealed through Environmencaving, rappelling, and other adventure tal Education, the T.R.E.E. House, our activities. But it’s not just about the thrill beautiful new outdoor education cabin, of the activity. Alpine Advenis a big hit with students and teachtures utilizes the experience ers alike. This year, we’ve provided a to direct our guests’ attention home for four turtles, several snakes, to our great Creator God. toads, a living beehive, an injured bat, a baby opossum, and the favorite of “Thanks for an incredible week. many students: a flying squirrel named . . our students and staff had a Waldo.
blast. The most important thing is we all experienced spiritual growth.” — Youth Pastor, IL “I am very impressed with Alpine. You run a very friendly and professional organization. You and your staff were a pleasure to work with." —Camp Director, WI
We praise the Lord for the hundreds of students and adults who encountered truth about God and His creation on Outdoor Education field trips this year.
Upcoming Events The early snow reminds us that Alpine’s Teen Winter Camp is coming. February 1–3, 2013, will be a weekend of fun in the snow, powerful messages from God’s Word, and exciting adventure and games. For more information, check out If you can’t make Winter Camp, plan your own ski retreat! With Winterplace Ski Resort just 20 miles down the road, Alpine is a great place to hold your youth group’s retreat. Alpine offers housing in either the Alpine Lodge or our bunkhouse cabins. Meals and meeting rooms are available as well as opportunities for gym rentals. Call 1-800-806-2180 for rates and availability. For groups interested in a winter field trip, consider Alpine’s Outdoor Education. Every February, we offer an indoor Star Lab Planetarium show, where students see the wonders of God’s handiwork displayed in the stars projected on the inside of a huge inflatable dome. Contact to bring your class, church group, or home school group to Alpine Outdoor Education for a stellar experience!
Catching Up
2013 June Conference & 50th Anniversary Celebration
ifty years ago, women familiar with a fledgling Bible college in the hills of Appalachia chose to come alongside and help train young people to serve the Lord. The Appalachian Bible College Ladies Auxiliary is still committed to assisting ABC in its mission to “equip the church of tomorrow” through scholarships and the Heart-to-Heart program “while edifying the church of today” through our conferences and retreats. Join us on June 21–22, 2013, for our Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration. Be encouraged by Joy Rice Martin from Joyful Christian Ministries, Reba Bowman from Dare for More Ministries, and Lisa Potter with Glam Girls. Bring your daughter or another special young lady for sessions and activities just for her as well as for the two of you!
As we celebrate our past, we look to the future and another fifty years of faithful service. Be a part of a legacy that makes a difference for eternity! Watch for more information at
M arch 2012
August 2012
J une 2012
O ctober 2012
Uruguay Missions Trip
Germany Missions Trip
Ladies Conference
Ladies Fall Luncheon
During ABC’s Spring break in March, 2012, a group of 7 students and 3 staff members traveled to Paysandu, Uruguay, to serve in churches and at Campamento Union de Centros Biblicos. They had the opportunity to preach at local churches, host a youth retreat at the camp, and complete several work projects. The team cleaned up from the summer camps, made benches for the fire pit, built several team-building initiatives, and updated the camp playground. While there, they got to enjoy exotic foods, a Uruguayan soccer game, and piranha fishing. What an opportunity to live out what they are learning … Life is for Service!
On August 6, Phillip & Cindy Peterson, Benjamin & Kristen Cale, Rachel Delavan, and Isaiah Thompson set their sights toward Stuttgart, Germany for ministry with Biblical Ministries Worldwide. The opportunity to serve at the annual conference for European missionaries had presented itself only a month earlier in July. By August the team had assembled, landed, and was caring for babies, running a VBS for children, leading in teaching and activities for teens, and participating in a few silly skits. The time was short and they returned to campus exhausted, but encouraged.
Beginnings determine direction. Future growth depends upon its foundation. The most crucial foundation is found in Genesis and was the theme for the 2012 June Ladies Conference— “In the Beginning…God.” Dr. Georgia Purdom from Answers in Genesis explored the implications of Genesis for biblical womanhood, parenting, and viewing suffering. Along with the main sessions, three workshops were offered. With fun activities like a trip to the New River Gorge or a basket-weaving class, and most of all, a concentrated focus on God’s Word, the Conference was a great time to refresh souls.
Running the race can be an exhausting endeavor; it’s human nature to want to take a break. Fortunately, as believers we have a new nature that enables us to press on. We also have the record of those who have gone before us - Joseph, Ruth, and Job. In October, speaker and Bible-study author, Juanita Purcell shared about these “Faces of Perseverance” at the Ladies Fall Luncheon. Whether it was the choice to forgive, to not worry, or to face trials with faith, others have succeeded; so can we.
William Hanmer, Jr. 19 28–20 12
Pettus Baptist Church where Bill Hanmer pastored
Front: Lester Pipkin and Gretchen Pipkin Back: John Van Puffelen and Bill Hanmer
Reverend Bill Hanmer conducting an open-air street meeting.
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” 2 Timothy 4:7
ike Paul, William Hanmer, Jr. was a committed servant of the Lord who spent his life actively serving in whatever task the Lord gave him. Reared in Pennsylvania and graduating from Moody Bible Institute, Bill had a burden for evangelism. He and a friend started the Rural Evangelism organization and ministered for five years throughout the South.
The Hanmers settled in West Virginia when Bill took the pastorate of the Pettus Baptist Church in 1954. This church facility was doubling as classrooms for the newly formed Appalachian Bible Institute. During his tenure at Pettus Baptist Church, Bill was approached by Dr. Lester Pipkin with the invitation to join ABI. Bill joined the ABI family and served faithfully for the next 28 years as accountant and later Chief Business Officer. He also taught Personal Evangelism, Missions, Bible Geography, and Accounting. On Sundays, Bill filled pulpits, held evangelistic services, or served as an interim pastor. After the death of his first wife, Jeanne, Bill married Lois Wegner. In 1983, the Hanmers concluded their time with ABC. In 1985, they joined Gospel Furthering Fellowship and spent time in Kenya before moving from West Virginia to Pennsylvania to be closer to the GFF main office. For the next 25 years, Bill continued to serve the Lord through teaching, preaching, and serving in interim pastorates. Bill devoted his life to the Lord’s service. This last September, Bill was received into the courts of Heaven where he is without a doubt praising God and rejoicing in His presence.
Homecoming Recap / Awards The 2012 ABC Homecoming weekend was packed with activities and opportunities for fellowship and spiritual nourishment. Thursday evening began with a testimony time in the Alumni lounge, followed by an evening of entertainment at the Alumni Campus Coffee House, concluding with a challenge from guest speaker, Pastor J.O. Purcell. The Friday morning activities included a piano concert by 1995 graduate, Jeremy Yowell and a corporate time of worship around the Word with Pastor Purcell. The delicious banquet Friday night was a fitting conclusion. Pastor Purcell exhorted alumni from I Peter 4:7-10 to pray always, love fervently, and use hospitality. Several people were honored; the recipients were Ralph Keys (Diakonos Award), Bill & Elaine Garrett (Honorary Alumni), Janice Owens (Servant of the Year), and Van Marsceau (Alumnus of the Year). Dr. Anderson shared God’s work on campus over the last year and asked alumni to pray, promote, and pay by joining the Alumni Association and granting scholarships to current students. To update your information or to participate in the Alumni Association, please visit our website
Missions Conference The challenge to “love thy neighbor” is as necessary today as it was 2000 years ago. Pastor Alberto Marquez shared with our ABC family from his years of experience planting churches in Mexico and the southwestern United States. Other missionaries were also on campus to direct students’ eyes to “the fields white unto harvest.”
UPCOMING Events Jan. 7–11
MA Module: Biblical Servant Leadership
Jan. 28–30
Pinter Lecture Series
Feb. 1
Senior Music Recital
Feb. 8
Leadership Symposium / Spangler Seminar
Mar. 2–10
Spring Break / Chorale Tour
Mar. 4–8
MA Module: Foundations for a Text-Based Ministry
Mar. 25–29
Heritage Week
Apr. 4–6
Spring Preview Weekend
Apr. 5
Parents/Grandparents Day
Apr. 5–6
Spring Music Festival
Apr. 8–12
Expository Preaching Week
Apr. 29–May 1
Final Exams
May 2–3
Spring Bible Conference
May 4
May 4–20
Jubilate Tour
May 6–10
Summer Term
Pinter Lecture Series Dr. Renald Showers will be the guest lecturer for the Pinter Lecture Series. Dr. Showers has served as a pastor and Bible teacher for many years. He has also written several books including What on Earth is God Doing?, The Pre-Wrath Rapture View: An Examination and Critique, and Spiritual Gifts. Come be challenged as Dr. Showers addresses our theme “Servants of Righteousness” January 28–30, 2013.
Symposium / Seminar Attorney David C. Gibbs III and his wife Carin will be the speakers at the 2013 Daniel L. Anderson Leadership Symposium and Ada Spangler Women’s Seminar. Attorney Gibbs serves as a part of the Christian Law Association and as General Counsel for Homeschool Legal Advantage and has authored five books. Serving alongside her husband all across the country, Mrs. Gibbs is a gifted speaker who communicates truth and wisdom.
For more information go to
Introspect is published through the Public Relations Department of Appalachian Bible College, Mount Hope, WV 25880. Phone: 304-877-6428
President: Dr. Daniel Anderson
Fax: 304-877-5082
Editor: Rev. Jonathan Rinker
Phone: 304-877-6427
Admissions: 1-800-6789-ABC
Managing Editor: Mr. Jarod Burrer
Fax: 304-877-5046
Writer: Mrs. Sarah Rinker
Reservations: 1-800-806-2180 Web Site: Web Page:
Appalachian Bible College
161 College Drive, Mount Hope, WV 25880
Spring Preview
April 4–6, 2013
ABC realizes that a student is just one member of a family. We want to get to know those who began the training process, the Eunice’s and Lois’s, the parents and grandparents of our students as well as those of prospective students. We invite all those considering attending ABC and their parents to join us for a special preview weekend. Talk to those who are walking where you may go. Visit classes; meet faculty. Come discover what makes ABC special.
Spring Festival
April 5 & 6, 2013
Our God is consistent and faithful, yet He interacts with individuals in a variety of ways. Join us for the 2013 Spring Music Festival, “Experiencing God,” as we look at the way God worked in the lives of Bible characters as well as how He works today.