Fall 2010
Our Vision What ABC aspires to be, by God’s grace. From the President’s Heart
New Faculty for Mission Major ABF News 3 Anywhere He Leads In Search of Servants 4 The Need for Vision A Closer Look 6
from the
President’s Heart
o you ever sit and daydream? I suppose that can be seen as a waste of time in a lot of settings. However, I do believe there is great benefit in spending time envisioning what could be done! I invite you to sit down with me for a few moments with this issue of Introspect and share Our Vision. The details of Our Vision have been prayerfully crafted by our Board of Directors and strategic planning staff. I believe that God has guided our efforts as we blended the insights provided through the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of these dedicated servants of the Lord. Since a vision statement is the description of what we would ideally be if we were fulfilling our Mission, we have sought to convey, through our vision statement, what it is we aspire to be, by God’s grace. Our vision is to be a quality, fundamental ministry of biblical higher education by creating, by providing, by securing, by expanding and by assuring. These terms of action guide and guard our entire ministry. For example, “creating a quality future-driven learning environment” has governed our newly revised curriculum which we initiated this fall. Our faculty and students are excited about this affirmation of Our Vision through our curriculum. The ultimate purpose of these curriculum actions is to better prepare servants for the Church. Another illustration of the advancement of Our Vision is the securing of quality members for our missionary team. God’s provision of Phil and Cindy Peterson affirms Our Vision. Their training and ministry experience in local and global missions superbly provides the skill and dedication needed to advance Our Vision with
excellence. We are committed to sustaining them in that task. Throughout the past few months, we have aggressively developed our website. Likewise, our various Alpine programs over the past summer complimented our efforts to expand our student body. We have experienced significant increase in regional and international contacts as a result of these developments in our website and Alpine Ministries. By God’s grace, I believe our best days are before us as we educate and equip servants for the harvest fields of His Church around the world. Assuring financial and physical resources that support current and long-term ministry plans remains an ever-present challenge for accomplishing our mission. Economic conditions certainly affect our ministry, but God’s people have responded in amazing ways. The completion of needed facilities provides a wonderful campus for pursuing Our Vision. We have the tools for training servants. We are diligently seeking those who will invest their resources to efficiently utilize these facilities in the equipping of servants for the church of tomorrow. Thank you for partnering with us in this vital component of Our Vision. I appreciate the opportunity to “sit and share” with you, my friend, as we dream together. Keep praying that the Lord of Harvest will truly be the governing Guide for Appalachian Bible College as we train servants …because life is for service.
Daniel L. Anderson, Th.D., President —Psalm 84:11, 12
Our vision is to be a quality fundamental ministry of biblical higher education by:
Securing and sustaining a qualified team of missionaries and support members dedicated to achieve our mission with excellence.
Creating a quality future-driven learning environment and academic experience that prepares servants to effectively fulfill Christ’s mission for His Church.
Expanding our student body and increasing our outreach and ministry among all people that we serve.
Providing Christ-centered opportunities, which nurture the whole person to maturity.
Assuring financial and physical resources that support current and long-term ministry plans.
Appalachian Bible Fellowship
Missionaries Training Missionaries
he Lord has led to Appalachian Bible Fellowship countless individuals committed to fulfilling our mission with excellence. The most recent addition to ABF is the Peterson family. Phil and Cindy, along with three of their five children: Julia (16), Kiki (13), and David (11), arrived on campus August 2. As the new Program Coordinator of the Missions Major, Phil will be providing leadership and guidance for our missions students. The Peterson’s story began at Pillsbury Baptist Bible College in Minnesota where Phil graduated in 1983 with degrees in Bible and History as well as Secondary Education, and Cindy in 1985 with degrees in Bible and Home Economics. Following their wedding in 1985 they determined to serve the Lord wherever He should lead. That decision eventually led them to pursue cross-cultural missions in 1992, a year-and-a-half after their oldest daughter, Kari, was born (‘90). During training and deputation, God blessed Phil and Cindy with Stefan (‘92) and Julia (‘94); six weeks after arriving in Jönköping, Sweden, Kiki (‘96) was born. God used the Petersons to help in a church planted by an ABC graduate and to begin a Bible Institute. However, it was not long after their youngest child, David (’99), was born that God closed the door to Sweden by allowing the government to refuse their visas in 2001. Undeterred, Phil and Cindy immediately refocused their efforts on Berlin, Germany, where they helped plant an international church, with the goal of training leaders for future church plants in Germany and around the world. In the plan of God, this, too, was to be short-term.
In 2005, the Lord directed the Petersons to Biblical Ministries Worldwide, an organization that the Petersons hoped would be able to assist them in returning to Sweden. When the door to Sweden remained closed, the Peterson family moved to Glasgow, Scotland, where they served Christ through the spring of 2010. At that time God led the Petersons back to the States to serve as home missionaries with ABF through the ministry of Appalachian Bible College. Phil recalls that he sought counsel regarding his next step. Many encouraged him to pursue teaching missions at a Bible college. He immediately thought, “What Bible college doesn’t have their missions professors already lined up?” God’s timing was perfect.
New Support A couple from Elyria, OH $50 a month to Burrer support A couple from Wellington, OH $75 per month to Burrer support Piney View Bible Church, Piney View, WV $25 a month to Bethel support
One-time gifts A couple from Princeton, WV to Knicely support A couple from Lexington, SC to Knicely support
Increases in Support An individual from Paintsville, KY $5 a month increase to Knicely support A couple from Douglasville, GA $5 a month increase to Knicely support Elkview Baptist Church Elkville, WV $50 a month increase general fund
Memorials In memory of Kathy Powell Mr. & Mrs. William Maletzky Larry Haydon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Poerschke Bonnie Doolittle Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McCord Bonnie Powell Chad Powell Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Holter David Powell Mr. & Mrs. Scott Jefferson In memory of Hugh Apple Gayle Apple In memory of Helen Montgomery Anis Lawrence Ann Allen Jane Cox Capt. & Mrs. Stephen Radcliffe Marylin Burdette Nathan & Marsha Saucier Mr. & Mrs. William Hill
As the Petersons now advise students seeking to serve the Lord as missionaries, they are able to see that their experiences in a variety of mission fields was God’s preparation to be the best servants possible here at Appalachian Bible College.
hen I first stepped onto the ABC campus, I didn’t know what to expect. As I walk away each summer, I leave with my head full of knowledge, my Facebook full of new friends, and the months ahead full of ministry opportunities. This summer I put the knowledge gained from my missions courses to the test as I set out on a trip to France with four other ABC students.
Although we saw the usual tourist highlights of Paris, our team also visited multiple missionaries and pastors throughout our three week visit. Each location contained its own unique set of challenges related to ministry. However, these difficulties did not nurture discouragement in the heart of the missionaries. In fact, their passion for the people of France overflowed. Though many French citizens are satisfied with their lives, see no need for a Savior, and do not take the Bible literally, the Christians of France continually share the love of Christ.
My interaction with the believers in France was contagious. Their ministries manifested a genuine love for the Lord and a desire to serve Him. It is my mission, like theirs, to encourage fellow believers and share the gift of Christ with the lost people of France. I’m excited to be preparing for that here at ABC. —Josh Allinger, Senior
“Twice a day I would teach English as a Second Language to female nurses in Pakistan. I was blessed by the girls and women that I taught. God has broken my heart for the Pakistani people and I am longing to return.”
“I traveled to the Holy Land with the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministries. I learned a great deal about God’s chosen people by touring the nation and volunteering in a local hospital.” —Michael Dunkerton, Senior
—Esther Larkins, Senior
“I served in Guatemala teaching at a Christian school, helping at an orphanage, and working with an early stage church plant. God has burdened my heart and I am planning to return as a church-planter among the unreached, indigenous Kekchi people group.” —Jay Brown, Senior
“I really appreciate ABC’s stance on the Missions Internship being 6 weeks long. There are many things that you learn in six weeks that you may never see on a more glamorous two-week trip.” —Elizabeth Pickard, Senior
BC has fueled my passion for missions in such a way that it has ignited a similar passion in my own family. After sharing with my parents a desire to take a family missions trip, I returned home at the end of last semester to find my family’s summer plans were just that. We came in contact with a camp ministry, Adventure Learning Center (ALC), on Nassau Island, in the Bahamas. We learned of their need for staff to run a VBS-like program and we accepted the mission. As a family, with our own resources and some camp curriculum, we embraced the historical setting of the Bahamas for our theme, “Pirates Gone Good.” Our ministry focused on fifty campers of various ages, grade levels, and perhaps most noticeable of all, social status. While some of the campers were U.S. citizens and only
Recruiting Hearts for God lived in the Bahamas for the summer, others lived in an orphanage. Some talked about their satellite television, while others were forced by necessity to share a towel with two other “brothers or sisters” when swimming. The level of poverty in some of these children’s lives devastated me, but what caught me off-guard was their level of thankfulness. They have so little, yet their prayers are filled with thanksgiving and praise to God. I was challenged to keep my own spirit thankful. What a blessing to see four campers trust Christ as Savior! —Rick Thompson, Junior
Report from Admissions
ith 86 new students arriving on campus, the Admissions Department has been busy. Last year’s focus on recruiting in West Virginia yielded a 43% growth in the number of in-state students. In addition, the total first-time freshmen population has increased from 31 freshmen in 2009 to 60 freshmen this fall. Not only has ABC’s new website been a major factor in these positive statistics, it has also led to an increase in international interest. God has led over a dozen international students to apply including prospective students from India and Central African countries. As we continue to beseech God for hearts that are academically and spiritually strong, we are convinced He will lead quality students here in the future as He has done this year. Please consider a campus visit with your youth group or family member.
Closer Look
The Need for Vision Charles Bethel, Ed.D.
I have a little piece of paper with an anonymous quote on my computer that I look at every day. It says, “You will only become what you are becoming now!” This helps me realize that I am the only person, with the Lord’s help, who is responsible for the vision of what I can become.
ave you ever imagined what it was like for the Apostle John to see the future as he received The Revelation of Jesus Christ? The glory and magnitude of those visions from God must have been overwhelming.
The Role of Vision for ABC The Vision statement of Appalachian Bible College is obviously not a special revelation from God that tells us exactly what the future will look like. We would affirm that individuals today do not experience visions in the same manner that John did in Revelation. However, Our Vision does play a key role in the ministry of ABC. It is our view of what we would look like if we successfully accomplished our mission.
The Vision statement is our ideal picture of Appalachian Bible College in five key areas of institutional planning—curriculum, co-curriculum, personnel, impact, and resources. Together, these five areas guide Appalachian Bible College in an annual cycle of assessment and planning. The goal is for balanced and healthy growth toward Our Vision.
The Need for Vision in Life and Ministry Generally, it is understood that a successful endeavor requires a vision, that is, a specific goal or aim. Historically, vision could mean the ability to see things with “unusual competence in discernment or perception,” or “intelligent foresight” (American Heritage Dictionary). Churches and ministries are looking for leaders with intelligent foresight.
An individual’s ability to anticipate and prepare for the future reveals a great deal of discernment. This is the big idea behind “vision” today. In this manner, a vision statement is crafted to define a church’s or individual’s purpose as it relates to their values. Values are guiding beliefs about how things should be done. A vision pushes us to accomplish our goals, objectives and overall mission. Everybody needs a little push once in a while, and a vision acts as that push. We desperately need an elevated vision of what it truly means to serve Christ. We need greater goals (what can be done) and greater objectives (how it can be done) in order to achieve the greater mission (the Lord’s will for our lives.) Look at the extraordinary vision of our Lord
Jesus: the redemption of souls! (Mt 9:36-38; Jn 4:35) We too need to have a vision that is worthy of the King of kings and Lord of lords. What can help us to elevate and enlarge our vision in the Lord’s service? First, seeing the need for vision changes our perspective on serving the Lord. The following five points from O.S. Hawkins’ book, The Pastor’s Primer, help to guide us in seeing the need for vision.
1. Vision brings Definition When we truly capture the vision for what God wants the Church and the individual believer to be, it serves to define our task.
2. Vision brings Design Understanding God’s vision for the Church and the individual helps to design how the church will minister.
3. Vision brings Dynamic God’s vision for the Church and the individual brings a sense of boldness to the work of the ministry.
Dr. Charles Bethel has served as ABC’s Vice President for Academics for over 15 years. His leadership has brought significant quality improvements to student education at ABC, including the successful completion of multiple accreditation reviews and the recent enhancement of ABC’s Bible and Theology curriculum.
art thou Lord?” However, it was immediately followed by a question of vision, “What wilt thou have me to do?” Or “What is your plan for my life?” God and His word must be the source of our vision. Psalm 119:11 says, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Finally, seeing the responsibility for vision will change our perspective on serving the Lord. It is my responsibility to search out and follow God’s vision for me and for my family. No one else can do it, and it will require work. Proverbs 2 says, in part, that I am to seek after the
Lord’s understanding and knowledge as if I was seeking for treasure. Who wouldn’t put their full effort into looking for a treasure containing the Wisdom of God for the future of me and my family? Some of the Apostles in John 6:28 put it this way in a question to the Lord, “What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?” When is the last time you asked yourself that question? When is the last time you asked that question to your family, your spouse and children? When is the last time your church asked that question? What is your vision?
4. Vision brings Direction God’s vision for the Church and the individual provides a new sense of purpose and direction.
5. Vision brings Dependence God’s vision for the Church and the individual should be so God-sized that there is no way to accomplish the vision unless God intervenes. Second, seeing the source of vision changes our perspective on the serving the Lord. Today, we are used to the fact that organizations and churches have mission statements. These statements guide and inspire us to a noble cause. If we are who our mission statement says we are, then our vision is what got us there, i.e., vision is what the future should look like.
Master of Arts in Ministry January 3–7, 2011 • Winter Module
PT 502 Biblical Servant Leadership Dr. Daniel L. Anderson instructs this vital course on servant leadership. His passion for servanthood has been captured in ABC’s motto, “Because Life is for Service”, and more importantly in his own life. The course will review various leadership styles and contrast them to the Biblical Servant Leadership model. Students will discover the essential principles and practices identified with Servant Leadership, and participate in an original research project.
When the Apostle Paul saw a vision of the Lord, his response was, “Who
Alpine Alert
Alpine Bible Camp Alpine Bible Camp exists to be a Christcentered environment where camper growth is encouraged through both counselor relationships and challenge activities.
s we embarked on our 50th summer of ministry, Alpine’s challenge to teens, juniors, and families was to “Get a Clue: What Are You Doing Here?” God used speakers, counselors, and even games and activities to challenge campers to grow in their walk with the Lord and to realize that God has a purpose for them today, not just 10 or 20 years down the road. As campers flocked to Alpine Bible Camp, their mission was to solve a puzzling mystery – they even interrogated suspects and investigated scenes! But in between all that hard work, they had plenty of time to hang out in the new game room, fly on the adventure swing, conquer the climbing tower, and take part in many other exciting adventures. Alpine has changed in many ways over the past 50 years, but our passion for campers has not faded. This summer alone, nearly 50 young people accepted Christ as their Savior and over 70 received assurance of their salvation. Hundreds of other campers made spiritual decisions.
“Thank you for a wonderful weekend! I really enjoyed going down the rapids and seeing God’s mighty hand at work! ...I am walking away from this trip with many lessons to apply.” —Guest “Thanks for understanding ministry. Alpine provides us [with] a ministry to share Christ in a fabulous activity. We bring nonbelievers, but through this ministry kids have come to Christ, and other’s lives have changed. We’re great partners.” —Group Leader
Alpine Adventures
long with all the mystery and intrigue of the Bible Camp, over 3,000 guests visited Alpine to embark on white water rafting, paintball, high ropes, and a variety of other adventure activities through Alpine Adventures. The Lord truly did a work in the hearts of the campers, guests, and staff of Alpine Ministries. We look forward to 50 more years of service to the Lord!
Catching UP
Grad Glimpse: Fern Coberly Psalm 16:8, “I have set the LORD always before me: because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
hile God answers prayers and gives us “the desires of our hearts,” His path may not always be what we think it should be. Fern Coberly, a 1980 graduate, praises God for the journey in which He has guided her during the past 82 years. Shortly after her wedding in 1947, Fern was introduced to Christ in a small country church. In April of 1952, she recognized Jesus loved her and gave His life on the cross to pay for her sins. Twenty-two years later, God called Fern to a seemingly insurmountable task; her husband of twenty-seven years went home to Heaven. She answered God’s call and dedicated herself to the Lord for full-time ministry.
Alumni Return Home
ove over, Alex Trebek; Ken Lilly is preparing for your job on Jeopardy. The Alumni Homecoming weekend opened with a fun-filled evening reviewing facts about ABC in a gameshow format with Vice-President for Business and Alumnus Ken Lilly hosting the game. Throughout the two days, alumni from around the country were encouraged and exhorted to be faithful “Servants of the Lord” with messages from Dr. Jim Efaw as well as a session with a panel of experienced servants. While the adults were feasting on the Word, the teens and other children of alumni were involved with activities and sessions structured especially for them. The teens enjoyed a special trip to Charleston for a high-speed game of Laser Tag, a cookout at Grandview State Park, and devotionals from staff members, Matt Nagel and Benjamin Cale. The children’s programing focused on developing Fruits of the Spirit and featured crafts, games, songs, and special Bible lessons prepared by our Elementary Education department. The weekend concluded with an enriching evening of delicious food, fun fellowship, acknowledgement of special people, and a final exhortation from the Word. Be sure to mark your calendars to join us next year on October 6-7, 2010, with speaker, Dr. John Greening.
After faithfully serving in her church as a Sunday school teacher and youth assistant, God led Fern to ABC in 1976. God then molded her to fill the position of Dean of Women following her graduation in 1980. After nearly ten years of nurturing the hearts and lives of young women, she replaced the staff of guidance for the pen of poetry. Her diligence has produced three books and a regular newsletter, Golden Gems. Fern’s leadership in gathering and organizing historical information led to the publication of her first book, Because Life is for Service, chronicling ABC’s 50 years of ministry. Two books of Christian poetry, Moments of Meditation and Morning Moments with my Master, reflect her own personal studies and meditations upon God’s Word.
Fern was the honored recipient of the Diakonos Award in 2007. The Diakonos award is presented to an individual with an exemplary testimony of service in their local church.
Looking back she recognizes “God was answering my prayers and fulfilling my dreams. Anything I may have accomplished has been for His glory.” Looking forward, she says, “I am trusting Him to lead me the rest of my journey.”
Catching UP
Back to the Beginning After their two-day tour of the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum, ABC freshman can officially say they have been “back to the beginning.” Each exhibit in the state-of-the-art, 70,000 square foot facility engaged one of their five senses. Throughout the museum, students could touch the skin of dinosaurs, see the life-size construction of Noah’s ark, hear relevant lectures regarding biblical creation, enjoy the food at the Lakeside Grill, and even savor the aroma of the zonkey (zebra and donkey) and zorse (zebra and horse) in the petting zoo. Their time also included specialized lectures ranging from Genetics and DNA with Dr. Purdom to Defending a Biblical Worldview with Dr. Riddle. These special features broadened students’ understanding of the scientific support for creation. This first annual trip to the Creation Museum, as part of the freshman course, Apologetics, lays the foundation for the biblical worldview of a well-equipped servant.
Ladies Auxiliary Review “Pruning or Punishment?” posed June Ladies Conference speaker, Reba Bowman, and elaborated Fall Luncheon speaker, Carol Williams. Often we are quick to assume that troubles in our lives occur because God is trying to correct us. The attendees of the 2010 Ladies Auxiliary events were encouraged to consider the fact that God prunes His children to enable them to bear “Fruit...More Fruit...Much Fruit.” Sessions focusing on John 15, delicious banquets, a basket-weaving class, and uplifting fellowship with godly women from around the country were just a few of the highlights of the year. 2011 promises to be another edifying year, beginning with the Ada Spangler seminar on February 11 with Sheri Finkbeiner, wife of Calvary Baptist Seminary professor, Doug Finkbeiner; continuing with Ladies Conference on June 24–25 featuring the author of “Finding God’s Grace is Life’s Wilderness,” Sue Fallin; and concluding with Fall Luncheon on October 8 with Reba Bowman of “Dare for More Ministries.” Visit our website www.abc.edu for more information about our events and how you can participate in our ministries.
As a result of increased interest in the unique handbell ministry of Jubilate we have extended their travel to two weeks, May 8-22, 2011, visiting churches in Pennsylvania and New York. The Gospel Heralds (June 5–August 7, 2011) will travel to Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, and Kentucky. They will also spend a week in Missouri serving at Whispering Winds Bible Camp. If you are interested in any of these groups presenting their ministry at your church please contact, Jarod Burrer, Director of Public Relations or visit us online at www.abc.edu and request a group by going to Church Ministries.
esus exhorted his disciples to not be like the Pharisees who “ministered” for the attention and adulation they received, but instead to be a humble servant. No one has exemplified this humble, behind-the-scenes servant attitude as effectively as Rev. Robert Spradling. After 26 years of experience and ministry at Bible Center Church in Charleston, WV, the Lord led Rev. Spradling to begin providing leadership in vision and in growth planning to local churches. Rev. Spradling shared, “It was designed from the beginning not to be seen. Only those who benefited knew.”
The ABC Chorale will travel through West Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana during the College Spring Break, March 6–14, 2011.
ABC’s music ensembles will travel the eastern U.S. to “edify the church of today.” Each of our three music teams—Chorale, Jubilate, and Gospel Heralds—are currently looking for places to serve during their spring and summer tours.
Serving Outside the Spotlight
Student Ministries Coming to a Church Near You
During these last 15 years as a church consultant, Rev. Spradling and his wife have served nearly 300 churches in 19 states and Canada. Their ministry in behalf of Appalachian Bible College concluded this year. The ABC family is grateful for the Spradling’s service to the churches across our country and for modelling our motto “...because life is for service.”
Events Dec. 4–5
Christmas Concert
Dec. 18–Jan. 10
Christmas Break
Jan. 12
Classes Begin
Jan. 24–26
Pinter Lecture Series
Jan. 27–29
Winter Preview Retreat
Feb. 11
Daniel L. Anderson Leadership Symposium/ Women’s Seminar
Mar. 6–14
Spring Break/Chorale Tour
Mar. 31–Apr. 2
Spring College Preview
Apr. 1–2
Spring Music Festival
Apr. 11–15
Expository Preaching Week
April 22–23
Youth Impact 2011
2011 Prayer Calendar
ooking for a unique way to pray for ABC? The Ladies Auxiliary is again offering you the ABC Prayer Calendar. The 2011 calendar is designed to give you a glimpse of the motto, “Because Life is for Service” throughout the year. See photos of faculty, students, and staff, as well as the campus ministries and other aspects of ABC for which you can continually pray. Pray while keeping track of your own schedule on a calendar that financially supports student scholarships and school projects. Order your own 2011 Prayer Calendar when you visit us at www.abc.edu.
Appalachian Bible College
161 College Drive, Mount Hope, WV 25880
Introspect is published through the Public Relations Department of Appalachian Bible College, Mount Hope, WV 25880. Phone: 304-877-6428 Fax: 304-877-5082 Admissions: 1-800-6789-ABC E-mail: abc@abc.edu admissions@abc.edu Web Page: www.abc.edu
President: Dr. Daniel Anderson Editor: Rev. Jonathan Rinker Managing Editor: Mr. Jarod Burrer Circulation: Mrs. Donna Chesley
ALPINE MINISTRIES Phone: 304-877-6427 Fax: 304-877-5046 Reservations: 1-800-806-2180 Web Page: www.alpineministries.com