Spring 2011
Think. Live. Serve. Our Three Ingredients to Student Ministry From the President’s Heart 2 New Academic Offerings In Search of Servants 4 ABC’s Approach to Character Training A Closer Look 6
from the
President’s Heart
s I have visited with you through our Introspect over these past issues, I have been sharing our college Mission, Vision, and Core Values. Your partnership in our commitment to these essential statements which define our task is an empowering blessing to me. The fleshing out of our Mission, Vision and Core Values is most evidently expressed in the lives of our dear students and alumni. Unless we positively affect these precious lives, we have failed. But, praise God, we are effectively training servants. We have intentionally designed this task by centering our ministry to students around three key ingredients: Think Biblically, Live Godly, and Serve Practically. Let me amplify these ingredients.
Think Biblically The starting point for all spiritual behavior must be the Bible. Our faith is based on the Word of God. The process for aligning our lives with God’s Word requires the renewing and conforming of our minds to that Word. We must Think Biblically! Our pledge to you and to our students is to guide each student to “let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5). Our Mission, Vision, and Core Values reflect this goal of providing mindforming habits based upon the absolute authority of the Bible; therefore, the launching pad for our spiritual journey is THINK BIBLICALLY.
Live Godly With our foundation in place, the next task is to Live Godly. Elements of our Mission, Vision, and Core Values emphasize our dedication to assuring that the application of Thinking Biblically results in Living Godly. In a day
that promotes information and knowledge as the measure of success, we firmly believe that we have not succeeded unless our students practice godliness. Our understanding of living godly is that we will seek to faithfully live like God! As our secular culture deteriorates and our Christian culture increasingly accommodates, we must fervently commit our hearts and lives to exercise God-like living. When we think properly, we can then know how to live properly. Culture and customs must not define us. Our unchanging holy God demands that we abide by His unchanging standards for life. What a privilege to guide students to apply the truths that they have learned. We must let our light so shine that our world may see our good works and glorify our Father which is in Heaven (Matt. 5:16). Our goal is prepared students who LIVE GODLY.
Serve Practically Currently the world of academics is focused on the outcomes of education. We at Appalachian Bible College welcome this scrutiny. From the launching pad of Think Biblically with the directional coordinates of Live Godly, we arrive at the destination of Serve Practically. This third ingredient in our task of fulfilling our Mission has become our most frequently identifiable distinctive. We are passionate about servanthood!! As our Mission declares, we give great energy and attention to the task of serving our Lord and His Church around the world. Through a host of opportunities, every student at ABC engages in guided Christian Service activities—youth, music, preaching, teaching, visitation, internships, evangelism and many more. Our alumni demonstrate this passion as the vast majority of them serve the Church around the world. SERVE PRACTICALLY. Thanks for joining me in this exciting journey. Would you encourage students to “get on board” this thrilling adventure—Think Biblically, Live Godly, Serve Practically …because Life is for Service. His Servant,
Daniel L. Anderson, Th.D., President —Psalm 84:11, 12 View Dr. Anderson’s itinerary online by visiting Office of the President at www.abc.edu.
Appalachian Bible Fellowship
Appalachian Bible Fellowship Welcomes New Missionary Family
f you were to ask the average person to describe a missionary, you would most likely get words like “foreign country” or “preacher.” What you would probably NOT hear is “accountant.” Yet, as the Smith family shows, there are many ways to serve God as missionaries. Growing up as a military kid in Fredericksburg, VA, Chris Smith was involved in church and made a profession of faith at a young age. However, the knowledge from his head had not impacted his heart. Meanwhile, God was sowing seeds in Mary’s Karlee, Mary, Chris, and Cary Smith heart through the influence of her grandmother. It wasn’t until after they had met in college, graduated, and married, that the seed from their early lives would reach fruition. While Chris worked as an accountant, Mary got a job teaching Math as well as coaching girls sports at a high school in Maryland. Mary began coming home from work, asking Chris questions about the Bible. A co-worker was watering the seeds her grandmother had planted, and in July 1997, Mary surrendered her life to the Lord. Four days later, Chris also realized his need for a personal Savior. The Smiths became involved in their local church, growing spiritually and ministering to the youth group. In 2005, after a missions trip to Sweden, Chris felt the Lord calling them to full time Christian service. In January 2007, Chris began his education at ABC in the Pastoral program. Mary was asked to teach Math classes at ABC and eventually to coach the women’s basketball team. Chris began teaching the Intro to Business class in the fall of 2007 and in January 2009 began working part-time for the business office. Later that year, he transitioned into first an interim and then permanent role as Business Manager. Overcome with God’s goodness, Chris shared that “the Lord knows what He is doing. He uses every facet of our character, personality, and experiences. I wanted to be a missionary or pastor and thought the Lord would remake us at Bible college. Instead, He took what He had already done and added to that. So, here we are, missionaries serving through accounting, teaching, and coaching!” For Chris, ABC’s motto is his heart’s passion . . . because Life is for Service.
New Support A couple from Taylors, SC, $250 a month for Holloway support Independent Bible Church, Martinsburg, WV, $550 a month for Smith support
One-time gifts A couple from Mohnton, PA, to Holloway support A couple from Suwanee, GA, to Holloway support and Alpine Ministries An individual from Beaver, WV, to Joel Pinter support A couple from Tigard, OR, to Kemper support A couple from Birdsboro, PA, to Holloway support
Increases in Support A couple from Narvon, PA, $5 a month increase to Sharp support A couple from Eleanor, WV, $30 a month increase to General fund An individual from Paintsville, KY, $5 a month increase to Knicely support Beckley Regular Baptist Church, Beckley, WV, $50 a month increase to Pinter support
Memorials In memory of Arthur & Pauline Larch Christina Walsh In memory of Dorothy Cadwallader Evelyn Wilkinson In memory of Mary Grace Pollock Charles Pollock In honor of Bill Hanmer Thomas Blount
Watch Your Mailbox!
In an ongoing effort to keep you informed and praying knowledgeably for our mission, Appalachian Bible Fellowship is proud to announce the first annual ABF newsletter. Watch your mailbox this summer for your copy!
Preparing Servants
Biblically W hat is a difference between the Admissions Team at Appalachian Bible College and the teams at most other colleges and universities? More than wanting students to attend ABC, our team desires the will of God and His direction in the life of every prospective applicant. With a focus on pursuing what God wants each individual to do instead of just getting names on a dotted line, ABC has been a refreshing change for many parents and other leaders taking their students on a college tour.
Academic Offerings
Our continued prayer is that God will guide those students to ABC who desire to commit their lives to the study of the Word and serving others around them.
Chaplaincy T
he word “pastor” originally meant “shepherd.” The Christian pastor-shepherd is entrusted with the tending of Christ’s sheep, believers. While the majority of this shepherding takes place within the structure of the local church, there are those who need special nurturing. It is for the care of these “special sheep” that ABC is pleased to introduce a new pastoral concentration - the Pastoral-Chaplaincy program. Along with core pastoral courses like Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, students in the Chaplaincy concentration will study specific courses like Foundations of Chaplaincy Ministry, two levels of Crisis Counselling, Principles and Practices of Chaplaincy, and Leadership Practicum in Chaplaincy Work. These classes will equip the graduates to serve as institutional chaplains in hospitals, police departments, fire departments, or rescue missions. Furthermore, while military chaplaincy requires a graduate degree, the Pastoral-Chaplaincy degree at ABC will be excellent preparation for our students who wish to pursue military chaplaincy. Joining ABC’s staff to help train these future shepherds is Captain Mike Allen. A graduate of ABC with 10 years pastoral experience, Chaplain Allen is thoroughly qualified to prepare the next generation of chaplains. He has served as a U.S. Army Chaplain for 16 years and will continue to be a part of the Military Chaplaincy Corp here in West Virginia with the WV National Guard. Chaplain Allen is highly respected for his work in West Virginia as well as for his work overseas in the Iraq War.
Online Bible Certificate N
ot everyone is able to live in a dorm and attend Bible college full-time. Appalachian Bible College understands that there are dedicated lay people who want to further equip themselves with biblical understanding while remaining in their current setting. We also know there are Christian workers who want to “brush up” on their theology without leaving their ministry. To this end, we are pleased to offer a complete Online Bible Certificate through ABC Connect. With 32 hours of courses focusing on Bible and Theology, this accredited Certificate will enable believers from around the world to be sharpened spiritually and prepared to serve the Lord more effectively. The core of the program consists of Bible Survey classes, general Bible doctrine classes, and a Bible study methods class. Each student may select 6 hours of electives to tailor the program to fit their interests. Whether a mature Christian adult wanting to add spiritual meat to their daily walk, a high school senior desiring to lay a good foundation before college studies, or a church member interested in a quality, affordable, and accredited Bible Certificate, ABC Connect wants to equip believers to serve effectively in church-related ministries.
ABC is thrilled to be able to offer this new pastoral concentration beginning this Fall as we continue our mission to prepare shepherds for the sheep and servants to the Church.
Closer Look
ABC’s Inside-Out Approach to Character Training by David Childs, Dean of Students
saw John coming toward me and tensed up. I knew what he would ask me: “Has the Lord taught you anything today?” I was in college, and John was a good friend. Too good. He was the best kind of friend who wouldn’t let me slide and kept on me to keep my spiritual life strong. But on those days I didn’t spend time with the Lord and in His Word, I was embarrassed because I couldn’t give a good answer to his question. But John’s persistence helped me develop spiritual discipline and is one reason I am convinced we need to help build character in each other. Here at Appalachian Bible College we have organized our Student
“This system of identifying outward actions as symptoms of inward need for development of character has brought wonderful results!” Services division to help our students develop Biblical character, to learn how to Live Godly. We do not have a demerit system at our school; instead, we seek to focus on the biblical truth that actions flow from what’s in our heart. Years ago when Dr. Anderson was the Dean of Students, he redesigned our student handbook so that every rule we had fell under one of nine character traits; he named it The Servant’s Staff referring to something on which you could lean, like a shepherd’s staff. Still today, our rules remind the students to develop 1) humility, 2) virtue, 3) deference, 4) discernment, 5) courtesy, 6) orderliness, 7) stewardship, 8)
hospitality, and 9) responsibility. Our handbook is divided into these nine traits and every policy is listed under one of those sections. If a young lady does not keep her room clean she is told that this is a matter of orderliness. The Servant’s Staff defines orderliness as “preparing myself and my surroundings so that I will achieve the greatest efficiency.” A person of high character will demonstrate order in her life as it says in 1 Corinthians 14:40, “Let all things be done decently and in order.” This student will receive a written infraction for her untidy room and, if it is a persistent problem, the Dean of Women will notice the accumulated infractions and have a talk with the student about this area of her life. If a young man wears clothing to class that is not as professional as our standards require he is told this is a matter of deference. Deference is explained as “limiting my freedom in order not to offend the tastes of those God has called me to serve.” We explain that God may call him to minister in a more professional setting where this dress is expected and that to wear more casual clothing in that setting may close doors of ministry instead of opening them. The Dean of Men is always available to further explain a rule or give counsel to young men on these issues. This system of identifying outward actions as symptoms of inward need for development of character has brought wonderful results. It allows us to fine tune our discipleship of students to address areas of greatest need, first with a soft reminder such as a written infraction, and
later, as necessary, with a personal caring talk with a dean. In fact, these talks have been given the title “carefrontation.” To confront an issue in a caring way reflects how God deals with us. Often these talks will uncover additional areas of a student’s life that would benefit from the wisdom the deans are able to provide. In addition, students will help each other. Each year, through our Resident Assistant’s program as well as Check-mate programs, upperclassmen help the younger students adjust to the policies on campus and challenge them to mature spiritually as evidenced through their actions. Many of the students are living away from home for the first time in their lives and the initial sense of freedom needs to be tempered with reminders that the way they live affects others—like their roommate! They find that living with another person they did not grow up with introduces them to different cultures, standards, habits, perspectives, and sometimes, smells! Their little world has suddenly expanded and some will adjust well while others struggle with these changes.
Dean Childs David Childs serves as the Vice President for Student Services at Appalachian Bible College. He holds degrees from Bob Jones University and Grace Theological Seminary. During the past 32 years he has served in various roles as a pastor, missionary, and Bible College instructor and administrator. His wife, Linda, currently serves with him as Dean of Women at ABC. They have four children.
It takes character to live lovingly among others in a community setting. At Appalachian Bible College we try to highlight that the issue is character. The issue is the heart. Outward conformity has its place, but if we don’t develop character it is only a veneer that will crumble at the worst time. Living godly is not easy, but it is important. Sometimes students do not initially respond well to rules, but patience and love go a long way. It is our greatest joy to see the change that takes place during the years a student is with us here at ABC. Many give testimony at graduation of this transformation. Please pray for Appalachian Bible College; that God will work in our lives, students and staff alike, changing us to be more like Him.
“Outward conformity has its place, but if we don’t develop character it is only a veneer that will crumble at the worst time.”
Alpine Alert
Prepare to defend your treasure in “Discover Riches Untold!” The small town of Alpineville has attracted the attention of greedy pirates who covet the treasure troves of the town. The call for help has gone out. Will you respond? Camp Schedule June 6–10
Day Camp I
5–12 year olds
June 13–18
Junior Camp I
8–12 year olds
June 13–18
High Adventure (BASE)
12–14 year olds
June 27–July 2
Teen Camp II
7th Grade–’11 Grads
June 27–July 2
High Adventure (TREK)
14–17 year olds
July 4–9
Family Camp
July 4–8
Day Camp II
5–8 year olds
July 11–16
Teen Camp III
7th Grade–‘11 Grads
July 18–23
Teen Camp IV
7th Grade–‘11 Grads
August 1–6
Junior Camp III
8–12 year olds
Camp Workers
Senior Saints Retreat
ppalachian Bible College has one of the top camping ministry majors in the country. Each summer, current students, graduates, and other college age young men and women are given the opportunity to hone their skills and use what they’ve learned in the classroom. Alpine Bible Camp provides interaction with campers of all ages from Day Campers (5–8 year olds), Juniors (8–12 years old), and Teens (12–18 years old) to adults and seniors through our annual Family Camp! Whether working in the Camp kitchen, leading Adventure activities, or counseling one-on-one with a member of their cabin, spending a summer at Alpine is a way to bring glory to God while having a great time. If you are interested in being part of our team, visit our new Alpine Ministries website at www.alpineministries.com
ho says camp is only for kids? Each Fall, during the colorful changing of the leaves, senior saints from around the country gather for a weekend structured specially for them. With a bus tour to the magnificent New River Gorge; shopping at Tamarack, the local artisan center; making crafts; working puzzles; or playing games; this weekend is anything but boring. The highlight of the retreat, however, is the time spent in the main sessions sitting under the teaching of a man of God and feasting upon the unchanging Word of God. Lodging options include rooms in the Alpine Lodge, RV hookups, or a local hotel (must be reserved by the guest). Join us October 13–15 for this wonderful opportunity to fellowship with like-minded believers and to enjoy our special speaker, Van Marsceau, senior pastor of Fellowship Bible Church. Visit www.alpineministries. com for more information.
Family Camp
he zenith of God’s creation in Genesis was the creation of man and woman—the first family. Originally designed to reflect God’s glory and be a picture of Christ and His Church, marriages and families today are under attack from Satan. Alpine Ministries’ desire is to strengthen the home, thereby strengthening the Church. To this end, we offer a week-long Family Camp. With activities for each member of the family as well as planned Family Activities, Family Camp is a great way to grow together as a family while taking some time away in a beautiful setting.
our High Ropes Course or by running the rapids on the New River. Make memories that will last a lifetime. Take a week to renew your family in the fight for the home. For more information visit www.alpineministries.com
Jim Newcomer and Family
Let us cook and clean for you. Sit and study God’s Word with guest speaker, Jim Newcomer. Test your nerve on
“Here am I; send me.”
aved at an early age, Sarah Cole was reared in a missions-minded family. Encouraged by her parents to pray for missionaries and challenged by the stories of her grandparents’ short-term missions trips, Sarah first felt the Lord calling her to serve Him as a missionary while on a trip to the Philippines in high school. A trip to South America the following year further cemented that burden. Desiring more Bible knowledge, this shy, country girl from Indiana attended Word of Life Bible Institute in New York. While there, God began to focus Sarah’s general burden for missions into a more specific burden for the people of China. During her two years at Word of Life, Sarah met ABC’s president, Dr. Daniel Anderson, who encouraged her to consider attending ABC after she finished Word of Life. Others in her life also suggested ABC, so Sarah applied and was accepted. She decided to pursue a degree in Elementary Education. “I loved every aspect of teaching and I loved kids. I also felt like it would be a tool to allow me access to countries, like China, where traditional missionaries weren’t allowed,” Sarah recalled. While at ABC, the Lord appeared to open a door to a missions trip to China. Unable to raise the needed funds, Sarah reluctantly accepted that the trip was not God’s will for her. During the weeks she had hoped to be China, there was a serious accident involving her brothers; Sarah saw how God shut the door to China allowing her to be at home to help her family. Following graduation, Sarah submitted her teaching application to several schools, including one in China.
Although things looked promising, the Chinese school did not hire her. As the months wore on, Sarah applied to other schools. The first to respond this time was a principal in Cambodia. “I didn’t even know where Cambodia was!” Sarah laughed. After much prayer and research, Sarah accepted the position as first grade teacher at Logos International School.
Catching UP
Grad Glimpse: Sarah Cole
Now finishing her second year at Logos, Sarah testifies to the ways God has worked in the lives of her students as well as in opportunities outside school. She has been able to lead children in her class to the Lord; they, in turn, are witnessing to their Buddhist parents. Sarah also teaches a Bible study on Sunday afternoons; the growth in those children’s lives has been encouraging. As she anticipates working a third year in Cambodia, Sarah is excited about the opportunity to fellowship with a Chinese church in her city. Sarah plans to focus on mastering the Chinese language and witnessing to the many Chinese people in Cambodia. “What a blessing to be able to share Christ freely with the Chinese people without fear of persecution here,” Sarah reflected. Her heart beats for China though, “Maybe next year . . .” Sarah has learned that God’s timing is best and is content to wait until He finally opens the door for her to serve in China.
News and
April 11–15
March 21–25
Heritage Week
March 25–26
Alpine Advance
March 31–April 2
Spring Preview
April 1, 2
Spring Music Festival
April 11–15
Expository Preaching Week
April 22–23
Impact 2011
April 23
Senior Music Recital
April 25–26
Spring Board Meeting
May 5–6
Spring Bible Conference
May 7
May 7–22
Jubilate Spring Tour
June 6–10
M. A. Module: “Exegesis in Romans,” Dr. Daniel Davey
June 24–25
June Ladies Conference
Aug. 18–19
Staff / Faculty Convocation
Aug. 27
New Students Arrive
Aug. 31
Fall Classes begin
Sept. 2
All School Reception
Sept. 26–27
Fall Board Meeting
Sept. 30
Grandparents Weekend
Oct. 3–7
M. A. Module: “Cooperative Biblical Relationships,” Dr. Rick Gregory
Oct. 6–7
Oct. 8
Ladies Fall Luncheon / Ada Spangler Seminar
Oct. 13–15
Senior Saints Fall Foliage Retreat
Oct. 24–28
Prayer Emphasis Week
Catching UP
Des Plaines Hall Renovations After many years of service, Des Plaines Hall has received some updates externally as well as internally. No longer sporting a flat-top, Des Plaines was re-roofed over the winter months with a durable metal roof. Church work teams, ABC staff, and students worked diligently to enhance this building that has housed many servants-in-training. In January, two semi-trucks pulled onto campus full of quality beds, dressers, desks, and chairs to spruce up the inside of Des Plaines. Through a gracious provision of the Lord, ABC received furniture for 57 rooms. Bundled in hats, coats, and gloves, students cheerfully unloaded trucks and carried in furniture. We are grateful to our God and to His generous servants who share their resources to enable ABC to continue to “educate and equip the servants of tomorrow.”
Expository Preaching Week A highlight of our Spring semester is Expository Preaching Week when three students have the opportunity to preach in a corporate chapel. Preaching in front of the ABC campus family allows students experience in the pulpit while encouraging the student body from God’s Word. Oct. 6–7
Homecoming Relive “the glory days” by attending Homecoming 2011! With activities for the whole family; our special speaker, John Greening; and an opportunity to see what the Lord has been doing in others’ lives, ABC is the place to be October 6–7. Visit www.abc.edu for more information and to register. Oct. 8
Ladies Fall Luncheon With a background in coaching and a passion for God, Reba Bowman from “Dare for More Ministries” delivers a spiritual shot-in-the-arm. This one day event includes a special meal, uplifting music, vendors, and several hours of focused Bible study. You don’t want to miss this October 8, 2011! Visit www.abc.edu for more details.
June 24–25
Ladies Conference In the Bible, “the wilderness” was often a place of testing or training. On June 24–25, we invite women to come learn how to “Blossom in the Wilderness.” Our guest speaker, Sue Fallin, desires to offer encouragement to women dealing with difficult circumstances in their life. She will share from the Bible how to grow spiritually no matter your surroundings. Guests will have the choice of three exciting workshops: “Away from the Wilderness,” ideas, tips, and tricks to planning a great vacation; “Avoiding the Wilderness,” instruction regarding etiquette and interaction with others; and “Alone in the Wilderness,” ways to minister as a single or widowed woman. With fun activities like a trip to the New River Gorge or a basket-weaving class, vendors, delicious food, fellowship with godly women, and most of all, a concentrated focus on God’s Word, the June Ladies Conference is a great time to refresh your soul. NEW: To make our conference more accessible to all women, we have restructured our Conference schedule to include TWO registration times. Check-in during EARLY registration at 9:00 am to enjoy the free time activities, shopping, and fellowship with other women or check-in at 11:45 am during REGULAR registration before the heart of our Conference begins, the first session with Sue Fallin. For more information on our new format or to register online visit www.abc.edu or email ladiesaux@abc.edu
Living Pure On February 11, at the Ada Spangler Women’s Seminar and Daniel L. Anderson Leadership Symposium, students, staff, and guests were challenged concerning “Living Pure.” Dr. Doug and Sherri Finkbeiner shared biblical examples of people who faced temptation. The men studied passages in Proverbs as well as the life of David, while the ladies contrasted the two women of Proverbs—the Virtuous Woman and the Proverbs 7 Woman. Three workshops focused on specific areas of temptation. “Ethics in Finances” dealt with handling our money personally and within the church. “Exemplary Church Copyright Practices” explained legal requirements regarding the use of music, art, and digital media both as an individual and in our ministry. “Etiquette in the Ministry” encouraged believers to examine their testimony as they interact with others. At the end of the day, all who attended were better equipped to “be an example of the believers … in purity.” (I Tim. 4:12)
Ministry Team Tours Coming to a church near YOU . . . one of ABC’s student ministry teams! Visit www.abc.edu and follow the link Church Ministries to view the itineraries for the Gospel Heralds, our small vocal ensemble, or the Jubilate, our English Handbell choir.
View each team’s itinerary online at www.abc.edu.
Scripture, Truth, and Culture The Joseph K. Pinter Lecture Series was designed to provide quality, fundamental lectures on critical issues facing today’s biblical servant. Dr. Michael Stallard, Dean of Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, shared in three corporate sessions and addressed the timelessness of Scripture no matter the culture in which it is used. You are invited to join us for next year’s series held January 23–25, 2012. You can listen to this year’s three main sessions online at www.abc.edu.
Introspect is published through the Public Relations Department of Appalachian Bible College, Mount Hope, WV 25880. Phone: 304-877-6428 Fax: 304-877-5082 Admissions: 1-800-6789-ABC E-mail: abc@abc.edu admissions@abc.edu Web Page: www.abc.edu
Appalachian Bible College
161 College Drive, Mount Hope, WV 25880
President: Dr. Daniel Anderson Editor: Rev. Jonathan Rinker Managing Editor: Mr. Jarod Burrer Lead Writer: Mrs. Sarah Rinker Circulation: Mrs. Donna Chesley
ALPINE MINISTRIES Phone: 304-877-6427 Fax: 304-877-5046 Reservations: 1-800-806-2180 Web Page: www.alpineministries.com