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A Letter from the President
This year will de initely be one to remember – a year that started at the bottom of the mountain with uncertainty in the market, paired with a group of eager students ready to give their all to climbtothetopandreachthesummit.
I could not be happier to have had the opportunitytoleadthisprestigiousgroup.Joining theBowdenInvestmentGroupwasagoalofmine sinceIsteppedfootoncampusinthefallof2019. I learned about this group from a family friend and after some research, I was impressed with thehistoryandsuccessthathadbeenbuiltbythe priorgroups.IknewimmediatelythatIwantedto beapartofthisgroup.COVID-19hitinthespring of my freshman year and pushed us into virtual classes. Junior year then arrived out of nowhere and I knew that in the spring semester, I would have the opportunity to inally apply to this group.AssoonasIreceivedtheacceptanceemail, it felt as if all the effort I put into securing this opportunity had paid off. However, that was just the beginning. I was aware that much more was expected to help preserve and build the reputationoftheBowdenInvestmentGroup.
Starting in the summer, the group was tasked with developing the basic knowledge to successfully model a company, using Wall Street Prep as a guide. I remember the irst time I openeduptheLowes10-Kasitwasmy irsttime ever opening up a 10-K ever. My jaw dropped to the loor. It was very relieving when I consulted my fellow teammates and they had the same feeling. Throughout the summer, many of the group members completed internships, studied abroad, and traveled with their families, which led to Zoom meetings at odd times to work our way through this model. This is when I felt the group was starting to come together. This momentum led into the fall semester where we started to really get to know the personalities of oneanotheraswecompletedBIGday,traveledto NYC, and worked together outside of the classroom.
At the end of the fall semester, our group presented their inal stock pitch presentations. I felt so proud as I watched all the hard workweputin throughout the semester come tofruition.AsI mentioned previously, it wasn’ttoolong before then that many of us had never even opened a 10K. During those presentations, thecon idenceconnectedwiththeconvictionand passion of each member showed me just how invaluablethislearningexperiencehasbeen.
Thegrowthandknowledgegainedthisyearhave been immeasurable. As a team of eleven members, we have been able to grow closer togetherandIbelievethatwecanallsaythatwe have gained life-long relationships. The assignments provided throughout the year were very crucial and allowed this once-inexperienced group the ability to grow into the experienced group that we are today. We are so thankful for the help andsupport ofDr. HadleyandMr. Poole forpushingeachandeveryoneofustogrow,day inanddayout!
In conclusion, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our generous donors for their invaluable contributions, to the alumni who have blazed the path, and to our dedicated faculty advisors who have left a profound impact on our lives. Your unwavering support has made this journey a realityandweareforeverthankful.