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TheBowdenInvestmentGroupparticipatesin multiplecompetitionsthroughouteachyear,with anemphasisonre iningmembers’analytical, presentation,andteamworkskills.During2022, theBowdenInvestmentGroupparticipatedinthe CFAInstituteResearchChallenge,theUniversity ofGeorgiaStockPitchCompetition,andthe UniversityofMichiganENGAGEUndergraduate InvestmentConferenceStockPitchCompetition.

The CFA Institute Research Challenge of 2022


Each year a team of three to ive is selected to participate in the annual CFA Institute Research Challenge, this team is known as the Broyhill Fellows. In the 2021-2022 academic year, the team included Zack Marciniak Shoesmith, Zane Clark, and Brandy Crump

The Broyhill Fellows were assigned to do in depth equity research and analysis on Channel Advisors Corporation (NYSE: ECOM), an E Commerce company, headquartered in North Carolina. After months of hard work and dedication, the Broyhill Fellows were announced as the local champions of the 2021 CarolinaCFAInstituteChampionshipforthe11th time. After an outstanding irst round, The Broyhill Fellows advanced to the Southeast region of the U.S. They also placed irst place, makingusthemostsuccessfullocaluniversity.

The University of Georgia Stock Pitch Competition of 2022

For the 2021-2022 University of Georgia (UGA) Stock Pitch Competition the team consisted of Devan Rigdon, Ryan Critcher, Courtney

Stock Pitch of 2022

Next, the University of Michigan ENGAGE competition of 2022 included Bennett Batten, Edward Crowther, Matt Ramundo, and Eric Rhyne. The team pitched NextEra Energy (NYSE: NEE). Along with the competitions, boththe UGA team, and the University of Michigan ENGAGE teampitchedthesecompaniesforinclusioninthe Bowden Investment Fund, to diversify the holdings in consumer cyclical and utilities sectors. Everyone worked incredibly hard to represent the Walker College of Business, Appalachian State University, and the Bowden InvestmentGroup.

The CFA Institute Research Challenge of 2023

In the 2022-2023 CFA research challenge, the Broyhill Fellows were tasked to do an in-depth analysis of Kontoor Brands, a denim company, headquartered in North Carolina. The team is made up oftwoaccountants, Charlotte Rice, and McKenzie Shail, the BIG update editor, David Price,andoneeconomist, Jimmy Said.

Ourcon idenceandsuccesswouldnotbepossible without the guidance we have received from Dr. Hadley, Mr. Poole, Mr. Pavese, and all of our competition supporters. We want to extend a thank you to all of those who have served to prepare us and offer valuable advice. We are

Trips and Firm Visits

Spring Trip to NYC

The Bowden Investment Group had a successful triptoNewYorkCityduringthemonthofMarch. The purpose of the trip was to engage with inance industry professionals and gain valuable insights into the day-to-day operations of different irms to apply in the classroom. The group was invited to meetings with Evercore ISI, VanEck, and Barings, which provided unique opportunitiestonetworkandlearnfromindustry specialists. During these meetings, the group gatheredvaluableadviceonwhattoexpectinthe irst years of their careers after graduation. The incrediblyproudofthehardworkanddedication that every member of the BIG has demonstrated inthesecompetitions. experience the extensive culture of the city by visiting sites such as the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, the New York Stock Exchange, and the 9/11Memorial.TheBIGwouldliketoexpressits gratitude to Dr. Hadley, Mr. Poole, and all the irmsandalumniwhotookthetimetomeetwith thegroup,asthisexperiencewillberemembered foryearstocome.Overall,theNewYorkCitytrip was a tremendous success and served as a valuablelearningopportunityfortheBIG.

Spring Trip to Charlotte

In April, the current and incoming Bowden classes journeyed to Charlotte, NC, for visits to multiple inancial irms and to attend the annual alumni dinner honoring Dr. Delbert Goff’s impact on the Bowden Investment Group. The group had the opportunity to learn from the experiences of hosts at Wedge Capital Management, Dimensional Fund Advisors, and Truist Financial. During these meetings, the Bowden Investment Group acquired a deeper understanding of capital allocation strategies,theprinciplesoftheef icient market hypothesis, and the integration of cutting-edge technology into the inancial sector. This trip offered the incoming class their initial exposure into the inance industry, presenting them with opportunities to interact with industry professionals and ask questions, as well as providing them with a platform to further develop and deepen their inancial knowledge and understanding. The Bowden class also had the chance to bond and further develop relationships at TopGolf. The experience providedanopportunityforbothclassestogetto know one another and form new connections, creatingastrongfoundationforcollaborationand teamwork within the Bowden Investment Group. Finally, the Bowden Investment Group gathered with alumni and friends at RiRa’s of Charlotte to honor Dr. Delbert Goff, a founding member and signi icant contributor to the growth of the Bowden Investment Group. Dr. Goff's impactonthegroupcannotbeoverstated asheservedastheleadprofessorforover 20 years, teaching and mentoring hundreds of students. His dedication and passion for the group impacted countless students who went on to become successful professionals. The BIG expresses its deep gratitude for Dr. Goff’s contributions and for all those he has inspired.

Fall Trip to NYC

In late October of 2022, the 2022-2023 BowdenInvestmentGrouparrivedinNew YorkCityforanopportunitytomeetwith several inancial irms, and enjoy a great learning experience along the way. The group was hosted by Stan Shipley at Evercore ISI where they were privileged to sit in on Evercore’s morning meeting. Later that afternoon, the group visited Pzena Investment Management, hosted by Mr. Pzena himself. The group was fortunate enough to observe the team’s equity screening process in action as they evaluated an investment opportunity. Finally, on Friday morning the group were guestsatBaringswheretheyparticipatedin a conversation with Matt Burns and Julie Niedzwiecki.Ourhostshappilyansweredall of the group’s questions, and shed light on Barings’ unique investing strategies in private markets. Along the way, the group toured Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, the 9/11 Memorial, and Wall Street. The group also enjoyed a meal and entertainment together at Ellen’s Stardust Diner. All in all, it was a successful,learning- illed,andfunexperiencethat broughtthegrouptogether.Thegroupwouldlike to thank Stan Shipley and our guest speakers at Evercore ISI, Mr. Pzena and the team at Pzena Investment Management, and Matt Burns, Julie Niedzwiecki, and Barings’ group for the wonderful experiences they provided. Further, theBIGisincrediblygratefulforthecontributions that made it possible for the group to complete the trip. Finally, of course, the group thanks Dr. HadleyandMr.Pooleforputtingitalltogether!

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