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McKenzie Shail - Accounting Analyst

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2022	Fall	Pitches

2022 Fall Pitches

Being a member of the Bowden Investment Group has been the most impactfulandempoweringexperience Ihave everhad. Asa membermy favorite part was watching not only myself, but all of my friends, grow tremendouslybothpersonallyandprofessionally.ThatisallthankstoDr. Hadley and Mr. Poole who have a unique ability to simultaneously instill con idence and the desire to constantly learn& improve yourself. Among everything I gained from being in Bowden the most impactful lesson has been learning from Dr. Hadley and Mr. Poole the importance of always beinggratefulandpayingyoursuccessforward,astheydoforuswithno incentive.Iwillbeforeverthankfulforthisindelibleexperience.

Steven Testa - Vice President


My time at Appalachian State University taught me the value of hard work,butmyexperiencewithTheBowdenInvestmentGrouppushedme to my limits. Over the past year, I've learned to work harder than I ever thought possible, to believe in myself and my abilities, and to keep moving forward even when things get tough. These are skills that will serve me well not only in my future career, but in all areas of my life. Bowden taught me more than just skills. It taught me the importance of teamwork, collaboration, and positivity. I am grateful to Dr. Hadley and Mr. Poole for their unwavering support, belief in me, and leadership. Their positivity and enthusiasm was constantly shown and they never failedtokeepourheadsup.ThankstoBowden,Ihavegrownnotonlyasa professional but as a person. I am more con ident and adaptable than everbefore.IameagertotaketheselessonswithmeasIembarkonthe nextphaseofmyjourney.

Ian White - Economic Analyst

JoiningtheBowden Investment Group hashadthe greatestimpactonmy college journey. The blend of practical training and career advancement opportunitiesthatBIGprovidesisunparalleledwithintheWalkerCollege of Business. Through Bowden, I have gained valuable abilities and selfassurance that will serve me well in my future profession. Bowden has givenmetheskillsandcon idencetobesuccessfulinmyfuturecareerand IamextremelygratefulfortheopportunitiesthatBowdenhasofferedme.

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