2022-23 SM A publication of the Apple Hill Growers Association

Discover the best fresh products and amazing service, in-store and online. Shop raleys.com for curbside pickup or contactless delivery. Discover the best fresh products and amazing service, in-store and online. Shop raleys.com for curbside pickup or contactless delivery. Discover the best fresh products and amazing service, in-store and online. Nourishing Our Communities Since 1935 Shop raleys.com for curbside pickup or contactless delivery.

Farm Listings Ranches page 7 Wine/Hard Cider page 14 Christmas Trees page 16 Harvest Schedule Apple Hill Grower special events page 19 You-pick & fruit ripening dates pages 20-21 Community projects page 33 Bake Shops page 34 Hard Cider Trail page 36 Kid Specific Activities For the whole family Inside back cover Grower Locations Map Map of Apple Hill Farms Back cover fold-out Calendar of Events Apple Hill Event information Back cover Contents Apple Hill Growers President: Chris Delfino Marketing Committee Chairperson: Christine Delfino Noonan. Members: Christa Campbell, Lisa Crummett, Jane Harris, Pam Harris-Olivarez, Seana Hartsell, Kandi Tuso Produced for the Apple Hill Growers by Image Factory – imagefactorydesigns.com Thanks to our advertisers and Apple Hill member growers for making this publication a success. Copyright © 2022 Apple Hill Growers Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of maps, listings or editorial content is prohibited without written permission. Neither the advertiser nor the publisher is liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors which may appear in this publication. Apple Hill® is a registered trademark of the Apple Hill Growers, Inc. The Apple Hill Cider Press is published annually by the Apple Hill Growers, Inc. The Cider Press is the only authorized guide of the Apple Hill Growers. It may be found at Apple Hill ranches, selected merchants, El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce offices and locations along the Highway 50 corridor. For advertising or sponsorship information contact the Apple Hill Growers at (530) 644-7692, P.O. Box 494, Camino, CA 95709 or e-mail us at info@applehill.com If you would like to order copies of The Apple Hill Cider Press please include your address along with $2.00 per copy requested to cover postage costs. An online version of the Cider Press is also available at www.applehill.com. Connect With Us! @applehillofficial Representing the 50+ Apple Hill Farms! Look for the sign of quality.

See Apple Hill local farm map on back pages of Cider Press Always look for the sign of quality. major routes Apple Hill Farms

Thank you, Chris Delfino
applehill.com5 Official Apple HillSM Grower app Download the Official Apple Hill Grower app TODAY! www.applehill.com/#app Welcome to Apple Hill! We hope you enjoy the over 50 farms of our association - each farm is unique, but connected through being farm families of this beautiful area of Camino. Since the 1960s (some farms well before that), we have tended to the orchards, vineyards, berries, lavender, Christmas trees and much more! It is very rewarding watching all of you enjoy the fruits of our labor for the last half of a century.
20 22
Being the son of one of our co-founders of the Apple Hill Growers Association brings responsibility and pride. Many men and women have worked very hard for our family farms to be generational and our visitors each year have helped make that possible. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for visiting year over year and hope that continues for many more generations to come. As always, our advice is to drive around our scenic roads and check out new farms you may not have visited before as well as your family favorites to embrace the difference that each farm brings to this beautiful place. We will see you soon!

Apple Hill Wine/HardRanchesfarmspage7Ciderpage14ChristmasTreespage16

is now open year round! Second and third generation Delfinos are honored to continue the Delfino legacy- a devotion to agriculture and creating fresh products from fruit grown here on the farm. Come enjoy our warm Walkin’ Pies from Joan’s Apple Bakery, Henrietta Stich Hard Cider, and now, Edio Vineyards wine! We look forward to hosting you! Edio Vineyards open Thurs-Mon 11-5 YEAR ROUND Joan’s Apple Bakery open Fri-Mon 10-5, Sept 2 thru Nov 21 and Nov 23 for Thanksgiving special orders. Check @delfinofarms for seasonal open dates. 3205 North Canyon Road, Camino • 530-622-0184 Delfinofarms.com • hello@delfinofarms.com
High Hill Ranch - High Hill Ranch - Over 155 Acres, High Hill Ranch well
Apple Barn & Bakeshop - Come and visit the longest family owned Apple Hill Growers farm. You’ll find over 20 varieties of apples along with pears, grapes, dried fruits, juices and more. Our bakery is full of treats! Specialty pies, turnovers, dumplings and much more. Daily lunches are available from our deli. Visit the Larsen Family Farm Museum and Park for a special adventure. Park available to rent. Sun-Fri 9-5, Sept 4 thru Nov 27, Closed Saturdays. 2461 Larsen Drive, Camino • 530-644-1415 (Barn) Larsenapplebarn.com • lynn@larsenapplebarn.com Rainbow Orchards - Home of the world famous HOT APPLE CIDER DONUTS! We have pies, cobblers, crisps, tarts, jams, butters, syrups, vinegar, caramel apples. Apples, pears, blueberries, blackberries, peaches, nectarines, pumpkins, winter squash and ornamental corn. Homemade Corn Dogs. Fresh Cider Mill. Hard Cider, Wines, Weekends Tri Tip BBQ and Wine/Hard Cider tasting. Grassy Orchard Picnic/Play Area with HAY BALE HOP A CROOKED MILE. Voted Readers’ Choice Best Donuts and Best Apple Pie. Family owned since 1977. 9-5 Sept 3,4,5, Sept 10-Nov 5 • 9-4 Nov 6 - Nov 27, Dec 3,4 2569 Larsen Drive, Camino • 530-644-1594 rainboworchards.net • rainboworch@gmail.com YR
applehill.com7 YR ranches 1 5 9 See ad p. p.SeeSee29adp.28,34,36ad27,34 10 See ad p. 34,24,36
Delfino Farms - Edio Vineyards
known for being the largest farm of the Apple Hill Growers. Family Owned & Operated since 1960, we continue to offer you the Largest Selection of Family Activities, the Largest Craft Fair in Northern CA, and the bestselling Apple Pies, Donuts & Fritters! Our mission is to serve up top quality family recipes to each and every one of our customer’s plates. Mon-Fri 9-5, Weekends 8-6, Aug 13 thru Dec 24 2901 High Hill Road, Placerville • 530-644-1973 highhillranch.com • applehill@highhillranch.com
8 applehill.com YR 11 12 14 ranches See ad p. 32 15 YR Ponderosa Ridge A Bed & Breakfast - This delightful Bed & Breakfast is nestled on 11 acres. There are 3 acres of apples that overnight guests only may pick, take home and enjoy. Every room has their own private bath. There are paths to enjoy, an arbor with an outside dining table and an enclosed gazebo with a hot tub to relax in after you have explored a day at the Apple Hill Growers, surrounding area, and historic downtown Placerville. Open Year Round 2360 Union Ridge Road, Placerville • 530-344-9220 ponderosaridgebnb.com • bonnie@ponderosa.email Sloan Winters Mountain Orchard & GardenExperience Sloan Winters, USDA-CCOF Certified Organic fruits and vegetables. We offer 21 types of jams, honey, dehydrated fruits and more. Come enjoy a picnic, our majestic view and educational tractor hayride tours. Select wholesome produce & enjoy a magical day on the hill (Birthday parties, school tours and overnight lodging times may be reserved). Sat-Sun 10-4, Aug 27 thru Nov 11 • Wed - Fri (By appointment only). 3121 Snows Road, Camino • 916-860-9207 sloanwintersorchards.org • sloan.t@sbcglobal.net Denver Dan’s Apple Patch - We are friendly and enjoy kids. Family friendly orchards and you pick apples (call for picking dates). Featuring Apple Crisp Sundaes and Pumpkin Rolls (best sellers) and tastings of our jams and jellies on weekends. Call for Kids Activities info. Come See Us!! Daily 9-5, Sept 2 – Dec 15 4354 Bumble Bee Lane, Camino • 530-644-6881 denverdansapplepatch.com • dale.patmartin@yahoo.com 24Carrot Farm - A “certified organic” farm. We grow exceptional fruits, vegetables, and flowers on our small-scale market garden and established apple orchards. Visit our farmstand and enjoy our seasonal you-pick options: flowers, tomatoes, strawberries, blackberries and pumpkins. Our produce can also be found at local grocers and restaurants. We are committed to sustainable and restorative farming techniques. Come experience the local food movement with the next generation of small farms! Jan-Mar: Thurs & Sat, 10-5; April-August: Thurs – Sat, 10am-5pm Sept - Nov: Open Daily, 10am-5pm 2731 Jacquier Road, Placerville • 530-391-8582 24carrotfarms.com • 24carrotfarms@gmail.com
applehill.com9 YR 16 18 17 20 ranches See ad p. p.See26ad22,2334Seeadp.34 Patrick’s Berry Farm & Garden - Third generation farmer offers distinctive and antique varieties of berries and vegetables. Our produce can be found at Farmers’ Markets, local restaurants and you-pick at the farm (in season). We strive to ensure quality and freshness of our produce. Mountain produce - taste the difference! Check Instagram (PatricksGardens) for you-pick dates & ripening info (at the farm) and for Farmers’ Markets locations and information. 4455 Pony Express Trail, Camino patricksberryfarmandgarden@gmail.com Grandpa’s Cellar - Home of the now “Famous Coffee Flights!” Our unique farm setting offers our bakery, gift shop, and our new Flight Shack. The Bakery and Gift Shop offers a variety of homemade in house baked items, jams, honey, butters, sauces, no sugar added alternatives, unique gift items and Gluten Free options with original recipes. Come picnic in our picturesque apple orchard and enjoy our seasonal pastries and Coffee/Drink Flights! Thur - Mon, 9 - 4, Sept 2 –Dec 18 2360 Cable Road, Camino • 530-644-2153 grandpacellar.com • grandpacellar17@gmail.com O’Halloran’s Apple Trail Ranch - Established in 1968 on 30 acres on the Golden Apple Trail. We produce and sell 16 varieties of apples, pears, cut your own pumpkin off the vine and cut your own Christmas trees. We have a Nature Trail, picnic area, apple cider, apple butter, applesauce, Indian corn and Mon-Sun,squash.9-5, Sept 3 – Dec 11 2261 Cable Road, Camino • 530-644-3389 Ohalloranranch.com • laurelohalloran@yahoo.com Apple Ridge Farms - We are open daily with full menus in our BBQ House and Bakery, with covered seating available. Our Country Store is filled with homemade fudge, chocolates, jams and jellies, and great gift ideas. Fresh picked apples, frozen pies and pastries, apple cider and Christmas Boutique take center stage in our Apple Barn. Kids’ activities include gemstone mining, hay maze and a nature trail. And don’t forget to come for your pumpkins in October. Mon-Fri, 10-5 & Sat/Sun 9-6, Aug 27 – Nov 6 Mon-Fri, 10-5 & Sat/Sun 9-5, Nov 7 – Dec 4 1800 Larsen Drive, Camino • 530-647-0613 Appleridgepies.com - appleridgepies@gmail.com
10 applehill.com YR 22 30 ranches See ad p. 25 Goyette’s North Canyon Ranch - A second generation of Goyettes are turning the ranch into a vineyard. We bid a fond farewell to the apples, pears, pumpkins and picnics that brought so much happiness to our customers and extended family. Now it’s time for Mourvedre, Syrah, Primitivo, Roussanne and Viognier to bring us beauty and joy. Not open to the public. 3825 North Canyon Road, Camino • 530-622-9299 Goyettetwentyone@gmail.com Argyres Orchard - Pick your own apples and Concord grapes. Apples sold in half-bushel boxes (20 pounds), grapes in 5 pound pails. Weights approximate. No scale. Fill as much as you like and eat fruit while picking. Beautiful mature trees, some over 70 years old. CASH or Checks ONLY. Sat-Sun 10-4, First weekend October until fruit is all picked 4220 North Canyon Road, Camino • 530-644-3862 maargyres@comcast.net Hidden Star Camino - Relax and enjoy some of the tastiest hard ciders at our 16 tap craft cider bar! Panoramic view. Cider sunsets every Friday during the season with extended hours. Jarred goods. Pies and donuts made by local favorite Shorty’s Doughnuts. Kid’s Town. Crafters. Picnic tables. Blacksmithing. Dog Openfriendly.YearRound. Jan-Apr Fri-Sun 10-5; May-Aug, Thur-Mon 10-6; Sept-Dec Daily 9-6 2740 Cable Road, Camino • 530-622-6885 hiddenstarcamino.com • hiddenstarcamino@gmail.com Barsotti Family Juice Company - Our freshly pressed juices and ciders are available at many Apple Hill Growers ranches during the season - and year round at supermarkets and cafés throughout California and Nevada. We have proudly been family owned and operated since 1976. Enjoy! No Retail Outlet, Wholesale only. 2239 Hidden Valley Lane, Camino • 530-622-4629 barsottijuice.com • walter.mathews@barsottijuice.com 23 See ad p. 31, 36 21 YR
applehill.com11 YR 37 38 ranches See ad p. See34adp.34 Bill’s Apples & Felice’s Dolls - Open exclusively for weddings, Bill’s Apples offers guests the opportunity to host their wedding on a farm in the Apple Hill Growers area. Known for its flower gardens, Bill’s Apples also includes a kitchen, ceremony, and reception area to host your wedding event. Email us to schedule a free tour of the venue. Open 7 days a week (by appointment) Apr 1 – Dec 1 2234 Cable Road, Camino • 530-644-1973 facebook.com/billsapples • applehill@highhillranch.com Apple Pantry Farm - Visit our corner and relax in the shade. Enjoy our delicious, carefully handcrafted pies, crisps and turnovers. We have vegan items and our bakeshop is “nut free.” Open Mid Sept - Mid Nov: Sept, Sat-Sun, 10-4; Oct-Nov, Thur-Sun 10-4 Corner of North Canyon and Hassler Rd • (530) 318-2834 Applepantryfarm.com • applepantryfarm@hotmail.com Abel’s Apple Acres - Our four generation family ranch offers outdoor fun for all ages from pond and picnic areas, Kids Activities including Mining (daily) and Maze and Horse Rides (weekends). Enjoy the Craft Fair, Apple Barn with Bake Shop, Candy Counter, Apple Pantry, Gifts, Book Nooks, Deck and Terri’s Country Cuisine & BBQ with view and dining tables. Daily 8-5:30, Labor Day Weekend-Nov 30 Daily 9-4:30, Dec 1- 23 Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve 2345 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-626-0138 abelsappleacres.com • Facebook us for info@AbelsAppleAcres Goldbud Farms - World renowned grower of Extra Fancy tree fruit including Plums, Pluots, Nectarines, Peaches, Apples and Pears. Storefront is open daily between 4th of July and Thanksgiving. Daily 10-5, July 4 – Nov 26 2501 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-626-6521 goldbudfarms.com • info@goldbudfarms.com Fudge Factory Farm - A candy store plus more! We offer handmade chocolates and fudge, 27+ types of candy coated apples, homemade jams, fresh baked hand pies, frozen pies, organic apples, raspberries, blackberries & blueberries (seasonal), also featuring raspberry, blackberry and apple wine. All made and grown right here! We also have a kids play area and farm animals. Sept 1-Oct 31, Daily 9-5; Nov 1-30, M-F10-5 & Sat-Sun 9-5; Dec 1-17, Fridays 10-4 & Sat-Sun 9-5 2860 High Hill Road, Placerville • 530-644-3492 fudgefactoryfarm.com • jean@fudgefactoryfarm.com 35 39 40
12 applehill.com YR 46 ranches Pine-O-Mine Ranch - Home of apple picking, pumpkins, apple cider shakes, and much more. We have plenty of outdoor seating and picnic areas for families large and small. Offering local beer, hard ciders and delicious food! Come visit us with family and friends to enjoy our third generation family-owned farm. Follow us on Instagram @pineomineranch for updates! Open Year Round. Feb-June, Sat-Sun 10-6, July-Dec, Thur-Sun 10-6 or check seasonally for days and hours. 2620 Carson Road, Placerville • pineomine.com Instagram @pineomineranch Windmiller Farm We will be closed for the 2022/2023 season. We are working on new and exciting things! Please visit our website for updates. Closed – check back next year. 2453 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-622-5590 windmillerfarm.com • kim@windmillerfarm.com Collina di Mela - Collina di Mela is an award winning, certified organic, extra virgin olive oil produced in the Sierra Foothills. It is a Tuscan blend and is the first Apple Hill Growers olive oil. We also sell lavender and a variety of lavender products. We are open to the public by appointment only, but you can find our olive oil at a variety of retail outlets locally. See our website for more details. Open to the public by appointment only. 1925 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-417-6602 collinadimelaoliveoil.com • rjsbragia@sbcglobal.net Goodness Orchard - Twelve antique apple varietiesare grown on our property for picking. Call for availability of items you want to pick. Advance reservations are required due to limited parking. Please call for reservations. Ranch is open Aug 12 - Nov 6, Tues-Sat 9-4:30, Sun 12:30-4:30 4341 Pony Express Trail, Camino • 530-644-6448 (Call for reservations, information & directions to ranch).
Bluestone Bluestone Meadow
Meadow -
is a lavender farm and wedding venue. We open for our annual Lavender Blue Harvest Days the last two weekends in June with U-pick lavender, crafts, seminars and more. Check our website for details and additional open dates. Our wedding venue is ideal for couples who want a unique setting for their special day. We have 3 ceremony sites and can accommodate 175 guests. Check website for details Sat-Sun, 9-4, June 18-26 2025 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-621-1830 bluestonemeadow.com • info@bluestonemeadow.com 44 41 48 56
Familiar with our award winning pies? Or just looking for a fun day on the Farm? Well then put your boots on and come spend the day with us. We promise the Beer and Cider will be cold, the wine will be pourin’ and the food will be hot!
Wed/Thur/Sun, 10-5 & Fri/Sat 10-7, Aug 15-Nov 7; Wed-Sun, 10-5, Nov 9-Dec 23 2315 Cable Road, Camino • 530-363-8393 facebook.com/bodhaines.at.drewbeanfarms/ nina@drewbeanfarms.com
Ridge may not offer You Pick Blueberries in 2022. Check Rainbow Orchards facebook, email rainboworch@gmail.com, or call 530-644-1594 (messages only) for availability of berries. 3010 Snows Road (Snows Rd. @Fuji Ct.), Camino. 530 644-1594 messages only. Smokey Ridge Ranch & Winery - We pride ourselves in offering an authentic, laid back farm experience. You’ll find you-pick chestnuts, flowers & pumpkins, 17 varieties of treeripened apples, gourmet preserves & condiments, and farm made wine & hard cider. Enjoy relaxing on the patio, sipping wine & hard cider and taking in the view or even a leisurely walk around the orchards. You can’t get any more down-toearth than Smokey Ridge Ranch & Winery! Open May 7-Nov 20: May-Aug, Sat-Sun 11-5 & Sept-Nov Fri-Sun, 9-5 2160 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-626-5077 smokeyridgeranch.com • smokeyridgeranch@gmail.com 68 100 84 See ad p. 32, 34 See ad p. 36 133 See ad p. 34
Bodhaine’s at Drew Bean Farms - Hungry on The Hill?
Harris Family Farm - Visit our peaceful historic farm (150+ years, 7 generations), the farthest east Apple Hill ranch away from the congestion and traffic. Seasonally we have you-pick berries, flowers, apples & pumpkins. We also have apple cider, vegetables, fresh eggs, and a Bake shop with pies, turnovers, strudel and jams. Enjoy the picnic area in the orchard and nature trail through the woods. Christmas trees and freshly made wreaths. Inquire about our camping. Thur-Sun and Monday holidays, 9 - 4:30, June 2 - Dec 24 and off season by appt. 2640 Blair Road, Pollock Pines • 530-644-2194 harristreefarm.com • harristreefarm@hotmail.com
Rainbow Camino Ridge - Located at 3010 Snows Rd., Camino (Snows Rd. at Fuji Ct.), Rainbow’s Camino Ridge hosts a natural setting and panoramic foothill views. Part of the Rainbow Orchards farm family, Camino Ridge offers both You Pick and We Pick blueberries. Varieties include Duke, Chandler, Legacy, Liberty, Blue Crop, Ozark Blue, Elliot, Titan, Toro. Rainbow Camino Ridge blueberries are also available at Farmers Markets in the Bay Area and South Lake Tahoe area. Due to late spring freeze, Rainbow Camino
applehill.com13 ranches
14 applehill.com YR 6 25 26 YRYR YR See ad p. See36adp.30 wine/hard cider Madroña Vineyards - Established in 1973, Madroña Vineyards expresses the essence of farming and winemaking as it has always been in El Dorado County - honest and rewarding. It is a place where time slows to the rhythm of nature and where the traditions of grape growing and winemaking are yours to discover. We embrace the balance that our high elevation vineyards express, specializing in Malbec, Cabernet Franc, Riesling and Zinfandel. Our exceptional wines are a reflection of this special place and are meant to be enjoyed at table with family and friends. Daily 11-5, year round except for Major Holidays 2560 High Hill Road, Placerville • 530-644-5948 madronavineyards.com • winery@madronavineyards.com Wofford Acres Vineyards - “Come for the Wine and Stay for the View!” Wofford Acres Vineyards makes just 1,100 cases each year, sold only through our Sales Room. Reservations recommended (and required on October weekends). Walk-in guests seated as space allows. Contact us for reservation information. Hours change seasonally. Dogs welcome on a supervised leash, and children welcome with parental supervision. Photographers welcome during open hours. COVID regulations followed. Open Year Round, Days change seasonally Please contact or check social media for information. 1900 Hidden Valley Lane, Camino wavwines.com • info@wavwines.com Lava Cap Winery - The Jones family welcomes you to sample our wines in our tasting room daily from 10-5 and enjoy a picnic in the gardens overlooking the vineyards. We are dedicated to producing premium estate bottled wines that include Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache, Petite Sirah, Barbera and Syrah. Open daily, 10-5, year round. Closed major holidays. 2221 Fruitridge Road, Placerville • 530-621-0175 lavacap.com • info@lavacap.com North Canyon Cider Company - Award Winning Hard Cider! Every batch begins with our very own freshly pressed Barsotti’s apple cider. We gently ferment, age and can at our mountain cider house. We invite you to explore your favorite - Dry, Semi-sweet, Pineapple Ginger or a new seasonal variety. Food trucks available onsite, weather permitting. Games also available. Come for a taste, stay for a visit! 11-5, Sat & Sun, Sept 10- Nov 13 - check website for details. 3541 North Canyon Road, Camino • 650-520-4349 northcanyoncider.com • matt@northcanyoncider.com 31 See ad p. 36
applehill.com15 YR 32 50 YR YRYR wine/hard cider Boeger Winery - One of the most historic and enchanting wineries in the Sierra foothills, Boeger Winery has been pioneering unique varietals and artisan blends since 1972. Friendly, knowledgeable tasting room staff, beautiful setting on a historic gold-rush era homestead, gift shop features nibbles for picnicking. Join us in our intimate tasting room or enjoy our gardens and outdoor seasonal tasting bar. Daily 10-5, Open Year Round. Closed New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. 1709 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-622-8094 boegerwinery.com • info@boegerwinery.com Fenton Herriott Vineyards - At Fenton Herriott Vineyards we have long held a great passion for wine, and it is for this reason that we chose to plant our vines amidst the steady sun and rich soil of Placerville. We believe that our sincere appreciation for the noble grape is reflected in the complex yet infinitely drinkable wines that we create. Daily 11-5, year round, except major holidays. 120 Jacquier Court, Placerville • 530-642-2021 fentonherriott.com • winery@fentonherriott.com Starfield Vineyards - At Starfield Vineyards we believe great wines are sourced from “Star Fields” – unique sites where the most optimally balanced grapes are grown. This property is truly special and we look forward to sharing it with you! Open by prior reservation we offer an array of experiences ranging from tastings, lunches, picnics, nature trails and events. Join us for wine, food, adventure and gorgeous mountain views! Reservation required. Open by prior reservation 7 days a week, 11am-4pm. To book a reservation, please go to starfieldvineyards.com/visit. 2750 Jacquier Road, Placerville • (530) 748-3085 ext. 500. starfieldvineyards.com/visit Rucksack Cellars - Comfortable and worn, a rucksack embodies our desire to discover life away from the ordinary. It is with this same spirit of discovery that we produce our wines, each an expression of the variety, climate and soils of the Sierra Foothills appellation. Check the website for Special Events. Open Seasonally May to December, please check our website for days, hours and events. 3030 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-647-2113 RucksackCellars.com • Winery@RucksackCellars.com 60 57
Madrone Tree Hill - Family owned since the 1960’s, Madrone Tree Hill is a 40 acre tree farm with some of the tallest Christmas trees around. We are hidden away and don’t get the big crowds. Wander our forest and cut your perfect tree. All our trees are “natural growth,” they are not pruned or manually “shaped.” Lots of new things planned including hay rides! You can even spend the weekend in our Airbnb miner’s cabin!
• info@madronetreehill.com
Open Nov 25 – Dec 4, Fri-Sun, 10-4 2600 Barkley Road, Camino • 916-835-9600
Silverthorn Meadows - Beautiful grounds with gardens and waterfall for your wedding or special event. Christmas tree farm open the day after Thanksgiving. Walk the forest to pick your special tree and join us for hot cocoa, coffee and cookies. Private vacation room rental with access to the serene grounds. Find more information on our website. Venue tours by Dayappointment.afterThanksgiving, Sat & Sun, 10-Dusk, until sold out. 3101 North Canyon Road, Camino • 530-621-2379 silverthornmeadows.com • silverthornmeadows@gmail.com 82 trees
16 applehill.com
Hillside Tree Farm - You choose the perfect Christmas tree and we will cut it for you, or help you cut your own tree. We provide the saw. Fri-Sun, 8:30-4:30, Day after Thanksgiving until sold out. 2881 North Canyon Road, Camino • 530-621-2053
Open the day after Thanksgiving until sold out. Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 12-4; Sat, Sun 9-4. Closed Tues. 2721 Mace Road, Camino • 530-644-2475
Apple Country Christmas Trees - Choose and cut Christmas tree farm in a natural setting on 50 acres. Dog Friendly. Picnic tables. Local apples, walnuts, cider, frozen pies and honey. Please see our website for more information.
49 81
Wreaths Always look for the sign of quality. 83
Crystal Creek Tree Farm - Twelve acres of trees with 8 varieties to choose from. Wooded setting with nature trails and picnic area. Freshly made wreaths. Visit our website for current information.
Open Nov 19, daily 9am to 4:30/Dusk every day until sold out, Closed Thanksgiving Day. 2019 Cable Road, Camino • 530-417-6097
caminotrees.com • dkobervig@gmail.com
Rapetti Farms - Established in Yolo County in 1914, Rapetti Farms has a longstanding regional farming history. Rapetti Farms was the first to introduce the wildly popular Nordmann Fir to California in 1999. Rather than “stump culturing” from existing limbs, Rapetti Farms replants new seedlings and personally handcrafts each tree for the best quality product. Due to popular demand and limited supply, Rapetti Farms is not currently accepting new customers. Replanting efforts are underway to expand future supply. Weddings available, too.
rapettifarms.com •
by appointment for a minimal fee. Thu-Tue (closed Wednesdays) 9-4:30 Open November 19, 2022 until sold out. Please visit our website. Reservations required for certain days. 3800 North Canyon Road, Camino • 530-622-4087 indianrocktreefarm.com • info@indianrocktreefarm.com Hacienda Orchards - Hacienda Orchards is a 10-acre Christmas Tree Farm, founded in 1998, and features rolling, scenic topography. Although it is more labor intensive, we meticulously hand trim every tree for perfect shape and density. This gives our trees a natural appearance and texture. Our eco-friendly farm management ensures that your tree is naturally Mon-Sungrown.9-5,Day after Thanksgiving thru Dec. 24 or when sold out. 2900 Barkley Road, Camino • 408-657-6568 haciendaorchards.com •haciendaorchards@yahoo.com 89 90 91 christmas trees Wreaths 92
Open by Appointment Only. Call for wedding availability Fruitridge Road, Camino • 530-919-7126 rapettifarms90@gmail.com
Indian Rock Tree Farm - We have 33 acres of jaw dropping beauty. Our ranch boasts park-like forests, Indian grinding rocks, a mountain of Christmas tree plantations and a year round stream where you can view large Rainbow Trout. Our property offers beautiful settings for outdoor weddings. Photographers are welcome

19 Mark your calendar for these fun Apple Hill Grower events! Visit applehill.com for details June 18 & 19, 25 & 26 Kick off Summer with early harvest treats of funbakedlavender,berries,fresh-goodsandactivities! July 30-31 Celebrate the bounty of berries, stone fruit and hard cider at select Apple Hill Ranches. August 13 Join us for a unique dining experience on the wholesomefeaturingfarmfarm-fresh,fare. March 18 & 19, 2023 Don’t miss the special tastings, events experiencesand as our celebratewineriesSpring! S

u-pick ranches Please refer to the harvest information on the next page when planning your trip around youpick activities. We strongly recommend contacting individual ranches before your trip to ensure they’re open and that their products are available. 24Carrot Farm - flowers, tomatoes, strawberries, blackberries & pumpkins 2731 Jacquier Road, Placerville • 530-391-8582 24carrotfarms.com • 24carrotfarms@gmail.com Argyres Orchard - apples & concord grapes 4220 North Canyon Road, Camino • 530-644-3862 maargyres@comcast.net Bluestone Meadow - lavender 2025 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-621-1830 bluestonemeadow.com • info@bluestonemeadow.com Denver Dan’s Apple Patch - apples 4354 Bumble Bee Lane, Camino • 530-644-6881 denverdansapplepatch.com • dale.patmartin@yahoo.com Goodness Orchard - apples, pears, plums Reservations required in advance. Call for availability. 4341 Pony Express Trail, Camino • 530-644-6448 Harris Family Farm - berries, flowers, apples & pumpkins 2640 Blair Road, Pollock Pines • 530-644-2194 harristreefarm.com • harristreefarm@hotmail.com O’Halloran’s Apple Trail Ranch - off-the-vine pumpkins 2261 Cable Road, Camino • 530-644-3389 Ohalloranranch.com • laurelohalloran@yahoo.com Patrick’s Berry Farm & Garden - berries 4455 Pony Express Trail, Camino patricksberryfarmandgarden@gmail.com Pine-O-Mine Ranch - apples 2620 Carson Road, Placerville • pineomine.com Instagram @pineomineranch Rainbow Camino Ridge - blueberries 3010 Snows Rd. (Snows Rd. @ Fuji Ct.) Camino Check Rainbow Orchards Facebook, email rainboworch@gmal.com, or call 530 644-1594 (messages only) for 2022 availability of berries. Smokey Ridge Farmstand & Winery - apples, chestnuts & pumpkins 2160 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-626-5077 smokeyridgeranch.com • smokeyridgeranch@gmail.com

JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC SUMMERFlowersLavender FRUIT ChristmasPinkFujiGrannyWinesapPippinHoneyRedEmpireMutsuRedPaulaMcIntoshGoldenGalaGravensteinAPPLESBlackberriesRaspberriesBlueberriesPlums,NectarinesPeachesCherriesPluotsDeliciousRedDeliciousGoldCrispSmithLadyTrees Approximate Harvest Dates The following information provides a general guideline for harvest dates. These dates can vary by a few weeks in any given year so if you’re looking for something specific it’s always good to call the farms before visiting. Visit us at applehill.com for more information and refer to the ranch listings and map in this guide for details and locations. harvest calendar

Bakery Made from scratch daily Fresh baked pies • strudels Caramel apples • turnovers Apple cider donuts • fruit blossoms Apple dumplings w/caramel sauce Cinnamon rolls • crumb cakes & more Apple Ridge BBQ Smoked pulled pork sandwiches Gourmet sausage sandwich with onions/peppers • All beef hot dogs Hamburgers • Veggie burgers Grilled chicken sandwiches Smoked turkey legs (Sat/Sun) Homemade chili • Salads French fries • Kids meals Country Store & Fudge Shop Homemade jams • Five pepper jelly Apple butter • pumpkin butter Fresh made fudge and chocolates Fresh popped kettle corn Frozen pies and pastries Kitchen/Home decor •Apple peelers Fundraisers Available Year Round. Unbaked frozen pies or our delicious kettle corn make a great and profitable fundraiser for your group. email appleridgepies@gmail.com for more information. FULL MENU DAILY

Apple Ridge Farms 530-647-0613 • 1800 Larsen Drive, Camino Aug. 27 thru Dec. 4 (Closed Thanksgiving Day) Bus and RV parking available appleridgefarms.com 20 Flower & Butterfly Trail September is the perfect time to visit our new flower trail. Thousands of flowers will be in full bloom for that perfect photo. Don’t forget to take a picture with our giant butterfly wings. Attractions Farm maze with photo ops- open daily Nature trail (wear your walking shoes) Covered seating • picnic area Photo ops throughout the farm PUMPKIN PATCH Opening Saturday, September 24th ARTISAN CRAFTERS Visit our website for schedule Gem Mining Choose from a variety of mining bags filled with gems, fossils and arrowheads. Use the running sluicebox to pan your ore and take home all your found treasures Apple Barn Fresh picked apples -rotating varieties Frozen pies, strudels and crumb cakes Fresh pressed apple cider Our own BBQ sauces CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE filled with unique holiday and gift items VISIT SANTA Fri, Nov. 25th- Sun 27th OPEN DAILY! FAMILY FUN NEW

24 applehill.com ˜Rainbow644-1594oRchaRds˜ b a R kley & l a R sen dR ., c amino R ainbowo R cha R ds . ne T bake shoP homemades HOT Cider Donuts Peach, Nectarine, Berry & Apple Cobblers, Pies, Apple Crisp Apple Cream Cheese Tart Jams, Butters, Syrups, Vinegars aPPle baRn Blueberries, Blackberries, Peaches, Nectarines, Apples, Pears, Heirloom winter squash, pumpkins, and ornamental corn. bbQ Weekends, Sept. 24th – Oct. 30th (weather permitting) PRemium wines haRd cideR Tasting Weekends, Sept. 17th – Oct. Thank You for Voting Us DonutsBESTBESTApplePie sunday: Blossom Hill, Campbell, Clement St., Divisidero, Fort Mason, Inner Sunset, Marin, Martinez, Montclair, Moraga, Mountain View, Newark, Palo Alto, Stonestown Galleria, Temescal, Walnut Creek Tuesday: Concord wednesday: Castro, SF Civic Center ThuRsday: Daly City, Ferry Plaza, Marin, San Rafael FRiday: Old Oakland saTuRday: Alemany, Diablo Valley, El Cerrito, Ferry Building, Grand Lake, Pleasanton, Santa Clara, San Mateo, San Leandro, Saratoga, Sunnyvale home of the hoT apple cider donut FResh aPPle cideR mill in oPeRaTion! Picnic and Play on hay-bale-hop and hole lot of donuts under the appleRainbowtrees. oRchaRds ceRTiFied FaRmeRs’ maRkeTs hoTTesT on The hill! Family owned since 1977 MountainDemocrat 10

26 applehill.com APPLE TRAIL RANCH to Welcome O’Halloran’s (530) 644-3389 2261 Cable OhalloranRanch.comRoad • Nature Trail • Picnic Area • Apples • Pears • Apple Cider • Applesauce • Apple Butter • Indian Corn • Winter Squash • Cut your own Christmas Trees • 2 acre U-Pick Pumpkin Patch An ideal spot for your family outing! We offer a variety of activities for the whole family. We hope you’ll stop in for a visit. Open 9am - 5pm Daily September 3 through December 11 Our pumpkins are grown right here on our ranch and are waiting for you to cut them off the vine! 18

We sell only our locally grown fruit! Apples Red Delicious • Golden Delicious • Winesap Rome Beauty • Pippin • Granny Smith • Braeburn Jonathon • Gala • Fuji • Paula Red • Pink Lady Arkansas Black • Honey Crisp • Mutsu Locally Grown Mountain Fruit Fresh Cider • Honey • Pears Peaches • Nectarines • Seedless Grapes Cafe & Bake Shop “Home of the Original Apple Turnover on the Hill” Indoor & Outdoor Dining – Lunch served daily Desserts, Sandwiches & Salads Frozen & Baked Desserts Available Large Grassy Picnic Area Three acres of groomed lawn with Waterfall and the oldest apple tree in El Dorado County. Picnic area available by reservation. Private wedding area available by reservation Visit the Larsen Pioneer Museum Seven generations of family history on display Pet Friendly! 9 Opening Labor Day Sunday (Closed Saturdays) Open 8am-5pm • 2461 Larsen Drive, Camino, CA 95709 (530) 644-1415 sales barn • 530-644-8166 bakery


WINERY Lava Cap tasting room or picnic in our gardens. the grandeur of the Sierra Nevada Foothills and decided to put down roots in Apple Hill. Here, they discovered the exceptional volcanic soils weathered from volcanic ash, and Lava Cap Winery was born. For over 35 years our family has produced stellar wines from our Estate Vineyards and we welcome you to enjoy yourselves in our 95667 | 530.621.0175 | WWW.LAVACAP.COM Apple Hill Grower #26 7 DAYS A WEEK YEAR AROUND, 10AM - 5PM


32 applehill.com (530) 344-9220 • ponderosaridgebnb.com 2360 Union Ridge Rd. • Placerville, CA Explore, Escape, Enjoy. 11 DemocratMountain 2019 Best Bed Breakfast!& HARRIS FAMILY FARM Pie EscapeEventspumpkinsflowersYouShopPickberriesapplesChristmastreesthe Crowds www.harristreefarm.com • Open June through December

Farm Day – These are fun, hands-on field trips where lessons of agriculture and its role in our everyday lives, our county, and its economy are taught to 3rd graders in the context of local farms, ranches, forests, and watersheds. Visit agintheclass-edc.org/programs-resources/farm-day/ for more information.
Apple Hill Harvest Run – This is one of the oldest runs in California. All proceeds of the run directly benefit the students of Camino Union School District. Since 1996, as beneficiary, Camino School has received more than $200,000 from the run. Find out more at applehillrun.org.
The Apple Hill Growers and our positivebyinneedsfocuscommunity.togivingbelieveranchindividualmembersinbackourlocalWeontheofyouthourareaprovidingexperiences and resources that cultivate a connection between agriculture, food, and natural resources. Here are just a few of our community projects and partners:
Norma Brubaker Scholarships – Since 1986 Apple Hill Growers have awarded more than 100 scholarships through the Norma Brubaker Scholarship program, named for the First Secretary of the Apple Hill Growers. The scholarship is funded by the Apple Hill Growers and the Brubaker family.
El Dorado County Ag in the Classroom – This local, grassroots, charitable organization provides quality agriculture-related educational resources, programs, and training opportunities to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of agriculture in our lives.

Camino Exit Carson ExitRoad PinesPollock 57Exit daoRyelkraB lssaH re R o a d daoRnoynaChtroN Carson Road L a r s e n D r ive liarTsserpxEynoP 50 50 GroveCedar 54ExitdaoRelbaC MaceRoad daoRelbaC Nhtro C a n y on Road Gilmore Rd. LakeTo Tahoe dReliMthgiE . Carson Road SHOPBAKELARSEN 530-644-8166 DriveLarsen2461 CELLARGRANDPA’S 530-644-2153 RoadCable2360 FARMFAMILYHARRIS 530-644-2194 RoadBlair2640 DAN’SDENVER PATCHAPPLE 530-644-6881 ATBODHAINE'SLaneBeeBumble4354 FARMSBEANDREW 530-363-8393 CaminoRoad,Cable2315 b ORCHARDSRAINBOW 530-644-1594 DriveLarsen2569 BlairRd evirDnesraL FARMFACTORYFUDGE 530-644-3492 RoadHillHigh2860 FARMSDELFINO 530-622-0184 RoadCanyonNorth3205 FARMSRIDGEAPPLE 530-647-0613 DriveLarsen1800 FARMPANTRYAPPLE 530-318-2834 Hassler&CanyonNorthcorner,corner,NorthCanyon&Hassler 40RoadHillHigh2860 5 10 9 14 68 37 23 2017 84 5 p.8 13p. p.13 p.9 p.9 11p. p.11 7p. d p.7 p.7 p.7

applehill.com35 offer.ShopsBakeHillAppleourGoodsBakedFarm-FreshtheinQualityandVarietyDiscover®HillAppleCake Combine2cupssugar, eggs2andoilcup⁄12 applesdicedcups4Add Delicious)GoldenHill™(Apple salt,tsp.1flour,cups2togetherSift cinnamon,tsp.2 nutmeg,tsp.1 sodabakingtsp.2 ingredientsdrysiftedAdd intoPourmixture.appleto pancakegreased13”x9” ainhour1forbakeand 35preheated0°oven. andtastymanytheircompiledhaveGrowersHillAppleThe availableareThesebooks.recipethreeintorecipestime-tested towritemail:byorderToFarm.HillApplefavoriteyouratpurchasefor nameyourleaveOr95709.CACamino,494,BoxP.O.Growers,HillApple 50thOurform.orderanyousendwe’lland644-7692(530)ataddressand details.moreforapplehill.com/shopVisitavailable.isCookbookAnniversary

ExitRd.CarsonExitCaminoPointView Exit Schnell School dRoa High Hill dRoa LarsendRoa CableRoad 50 nesraLdaoR Union Ridge Road FruitridgeRoaddRlssaHeroa yelkraBdaoR Hidden LanealleyV htroNdaoRnoynaC CarsonRoad RoynChtNorand. JacquierFlatSmithAWOFFORDCRES VINEYARDS LaneValleyHidden1900 wavwines.com @wofford.acresvineyards info@wavwines.com CNORTHANYON CCIDEROMPANY RoadCanyonNorth3541 northcanyoncider.com matt@northcanyoncider.com 650-520-4349 FELFINOARMS RoadCanyonNorth3205 nofarms.comdelfi nofarms.comhello@delfi 530-622-0184 ORAINBOWRCHARDS DriveLarsen2569 rainboworchards.net rainboworch@gmail.com 530-644-1594 SMOKEYRIDGERANCH RoadCarson2160 smokeyridgeranch.com smokeyridgeranch@gmail.com 530-626-5077 CHHAPPLEILL®ARDIDERTRAIL ,LACOLNIW-DRAWANINGHARD CIDERS CHARDIDERTRAILOPENING SEPTEMBER12TH.LOOKFORSPECIAL !THISEVENTSOFFERSANDWEEKEND CSHIDDENTARAMINO RoadCable2740 Hiddenstarorchards.com info@hiddenstarorchards.com 530-622-6885

Open from 10 am to 5 pm Monday through Saturday. Open on Sunday between Labor Day and Christmas
WoodMetal10amMon-SatHoursto5pmNostalgicCandyEnameledWallArtCanvasandWallArtWindChimes BES T WESTERN PlacervillePLUSInn • 2 Miles from Red Hawk • Complimentary Hot Breakfast Buffet • 105 Rooms • Lobby Lounge with Business Center Open 24 hrs. • Free High Speed Internet in All Rooms • Guest Fitness Center • Pet Friendly • Outdoor Pool & Hot Tub • Banquet & Meeting Facilities Each Room Features: • Refrigerator and Microwave Oven • Coffee Maker • Free Local Calls • HBO and ESPN Channels • Iron & Ironing Board 3 Diamond AAA ratingFor all of your Lodging Needs 6850 Greenleaf Drive, Placerville • 530-622-9100 bestwestern.com/placervilleinn
The Camino Emporium is a Gift and Home Décor store that is located at 4123 Carson Rd, across the street from the Camino Post Office. We carry a variety of gift and home décor items along with homemade craft items from local Nowcrafters.you can shop locally for your gift and décor items. Come in and browse. Talk with us and let us know what you would like to see us carry.
The Camino Emporium is a Gift and Home Décor store that is located at 4123 Carson Rd, across the street from the Camino Post Office. We carry a variety of gift and home décor items along with homemade craft items from local crafters. Now you can shop locally for your gift and décor items. Come in and browse. Talk with us and let us know what you would like to see us carry.
Open from 10 am to 5 pm Monday through Saturday. Open on Sunday between Labor Day and Christmas. Store

glass Featuring handblown THREE THOUSAND and over more! pumpkins, gourds, acorns follow us on Instagram @2BGlass for more info! www.handblownglasspumpkinpatch.com

WE CARRY A WIDE SELECTION OF … Fertilizers • Herbicides Quality Tools • Organic Fertilizers Irrigation Equipment • Fencing Water Tanks • Wood Stove Pellets Friendly, Expert Advice & Much More! Premium Orchard & Vineyard Supplies Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm Sat 9am-1pm 4600 Missouri Flat Road Placerville • (530) 622-2640 Open tO the public! ublic!

ANGIE CAROCCI Realtor® | DRE#: 01947556 (530) www.PlacervilleLiving.comAngiePattonRealtor@gmail.com306-8837 Angie knows Apple Hill and the surrounding areas Use her local knowledge to your advantage for the "where to's" and "know how's" for foothill life, or for any of your real estate needs! (530) 644-2199 3590 Carson Road, Camino Open 5am - 11pm daily • Pumps open 24/7 Wine Country Station El Dorado County HeadquartersWine Local Pies & CleanNoveltiesRestrooms We are proud to work with a fair-trade coffee roaster who ethically sources the highest quality of beans. Lighthouse Coffee Co. roasts our coffee in small batches to ensure freshness in every cup. The coffee we serve is organic, single origin, with no oils or preservatives and the quality shows in the taste. Blondie’s Coffee House offers a variety of grab-and-go items like fresh bakery items (including gluten free muffins), frittata, quiche, breakfast burritos, and croissant breakfast sandwiches. Daily items change and everything is cooked fresh so we might run out of something. You can call a day ahead if there is something you want and we will make sure to have it ready for you. Our normal hours are 6 am to 1:30 pm Monday through Saturday with expanded afternoon hours in September and October. CoffeeOur itemsmenu 4077 Carson Rd, Camino, Ca (530) 303 - 3956 blondiescoffeehouse.com

Sacramento Municipal Utility District Powering forward. Together. ® Let’s power the great outdoors. Hiking trails, camping, water sports and other fun can all be found in the Crystal Basin Recreation Area. Learn more smud.org/CrystalBasinat ® A service mark of Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. ©0059-21_4.25x9.25 z

Partnering for a future.healthy–andtheApple Hill Growers –When you visit our Apple Hill Farms this year you’ll find recycling bins provided by El Dorado Disposal. Please do your part by placing your recyclable items in these containers. Thank you! Look for recycling bins at ranches with this symbol:

Picnics, Trick or Treat (Oct 28-31), Bonfire & S’mores (Nov 25)
Pumpkins, Melons, and Vegetables; Family Tractor Rides, family picnics, Birthday parties, school tours #133 Smokey Ridge Ranch (530) 626-5077 You Pick Flowers, Apples, Pumpkins & Chestnuts, Corn Hole & other games
#17 Grandpa’s Cellar (530) 644-2153
2: FOURTH OF JULY BBQ: #50 Fenton Herriott Vineyards, 642-2021
BERRY FARMS OPEN: Check individual farms for dates and availability: #15, #16, #48, #84, #100 FRIDAYS: CIDER SUNSETS 6-9pm: Hidden Star Camino, 622-6885
#23 Hidden Star Camino (530) 622-6885
#40 Fudge Factory Farm (530) 644-3492
#20 Apple Ridge Farms (530) 647-0613
10: HARD CIDER TRAIL OPENS: Check applehill.com for participating farms, details and offerings on Events & Activities page
Hiking Trails, Scavenger Hunt, You-Pick Berries, Apples & Pumpkins, Gem Mining, Rock Painting
Mining Zone, Amazing Maze, Photo cut-outs
#5 Delfino Farms (530) 622-0184
#14 Denver Dan’s Apple Patch (530) 644-6881
Hayrides, Pony Rides, Fishing, Pumpkin Patch, Face Painting #91 Indian Rock Tree Farm (530) 622-4087 Indian Hut (in season) #9 Larsen Apple Barn (530) 644-1415
#18 O’Halloran’s Apple Trail Ranch (530) 644-3389
#38 Abel’s Apple Acres (530) 626-0138
Picnics, You-Pick Pumpkins & Christmas Trees, Johnny Appleseed Tree, Nature Trail #41 Pine-O-Mine Ranch You Pick Apples, Kids Play Area, Outdoor Room to Explore #100 Rainbow Camino Ridge (530) 644-1594
You-Pick Blueberries (check for availability)
4: PICNIC IN THE ORCHARD (Benefits Images of Hope): #10 Rainbow Orchards, 644-1594 4,18,25: SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: #26 Lava Cap Winery, 621-0175
4: 19TH ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: #25 Wofford Acres Vineyard, 626-6858 Please contact individual farms to verify event information. More details and additional events throughout the year at applehill.com/events and the official Apple Hill app. All area codes 530 unless noted otherwise.
4: HIGH TEA IN THE ORCHARD: RSVP Required, #84 Harris Family Farm, 644-2194
17,18: 25th ANNUAL KIDS WEEKEND & JOHNNY APPLESEED DAY: #5 Delfino Farms, 622-0184
8: BLACKBERRY JAM MAKING CLASS: RSVP Required, #84 Harris Family Farm, 644-2194
Kid’s Town Play Area, Hay Bale Pyramid, Pumpkin Patch, Apple Slingshot #1 High Hill Ranch (530) 644-1973
Farm Maze, Gemstone Mining, Nature Trail, Pumpkin Patch, Santa (Nov 25-27) #22 Argyres Orchard (530) 644-3862
Jam Tasting Weekends, U-Pick Apples
Self-guided tours, Larsen Family Farm Museum, Large Picnic Area #81 Madrone Tree Hill (916) 835-9600
#12 Sloan Winters Mountain Orchard & Garden (916) 860-9207
You Pick apples and Concord grapes
Please check with ranches to confirm activity status. Some activities have fees. More details at applehill.com
5: HIGH TEA IN THE ORCHARD: Reservations Required. #84 Harris Family Farm, 644-2194 4,11,18,25: FOLK ON THE FARM - MUSIC SERIES 6-10PM: #5 Delfino Farms, 622-1084 18-19 & 25-26: LAVENDER BLUE HARVEST DAYS: See applehill.com for participating farms on Events & Activities Page: #56 Bluestone Meadow and many others
#84 Harris Family Farm (530) 644-2194
Acres, 626-6858 1: WINEMAKERS DINNER: #50 Fenton Herriott Vineyards, 642-2021 1,2: ART TO APPLES: #81 Madrone Tree Hill, (916) 835-9600 2: GIRL SCOUTS SCARECROW CONTEST, #84 Harris Family Farm, 644-2194 15,16,22,23,29,30: HAUNTED FOREST HAYRIDES: #81 Madrone Tree Hill, (916) 835-9600 20: WREATH MAKING & WINE TASTING: Smokey Ridge Ranch & Winery, 903-6470 28: NEVADA DAY SPECIAL: Complimentary a la mode with any pie piece purchase for Nevada residents: #5 Delfino Farms, 622-0184 28-30: NEVADA DAYS SPECIALS: See applehill.com for participating farms on Events & Activities Page 28-31: TRICK OR TREATING: #17 Grandpa’s Cellar (check for details), 644-2153 10: WREATH MAKING & WINE TASTING: Smokey Ridge Ranch & Winery, 903-6470 11: VETERANS’ DAY SPECIALS: Complimentary a la mode with pie piece purchase & 10% off for service members, #5 Delfino Farms 622-0184; Free Donut to all Service Persons, #10 Rainbow Orchards 644-1594; Special Discount, #12 Sloan Winters Mountain Orchard & Garden, (916) 860-9207 19: HOLIDAY SIP & STROLL: #32 Boeger Winery, 622-8094 19 & 20: BONFIRE, CHILI & CORNBREAD AND S’MORES: #84 Harris Family Farm, 644-2194 25: BONFIRE AND S’MORES: #17 Grandpa’s Cellar, 644-2153 25: OPENING DAY OF MOST APPLE HILL GROWER CHRISTMAS TREE FARMS: See individual tree farms for dates and availability, some open sooner 25-27: SANTA VISITS: #20 Apple Ridge Farms, 647-0613 (weather permitting) DECEMBER EVENTS: More details and events at applehill.com/events 3: DUST OFF THE BOTTLE LIBRARY WINE EVENT: #26 Lava Cap Winery 621-0175 March 18,19: WELCOME SPRING AT APPLE HILL WINERIES: See applehill.com for participating farms on Events & Activities Page Events, continuedKids’ Activities 2022 Event calendar SEPTEMBERJUNE NOVEMBEROCTOBERAUGUSTJULY 2023DECEMBER
FRIDAYS: CIDER SUNSETS 6-9pm: Hidden Star Camino, 622-6885
You-Pick Organic Pears, Apples, Plums,
10,11: LOCALS WEEKEND: Check applehill.com for participating farms and offerings for El Dorado County Locals on Events & Activities page
Haunted Forest Hayrides (October 15-30)
Farm Animals (ducks, babydoll sheep, rabbits, chickens), Nature Trail, Beautiful Acre Lawn, Pumpkins/gourds
13: APPLE HILL GROWERS FARM TO FORK DINNER: Check applehill.com for details on Events & Activities page 27: LUAU IN THE VINEYARDS: #50 Fenton Herriott Vineyards, 642-2021 27,28: BAKESHOPS possible soft opening (verify with individual farms): #1 High Hill, #5 Delfino Farms, #9 Rainbow Orchards, #17 Grandpa’s Cellar, #20 Apple Ridge, #23 Hidden Star Camino, #38 Abel’s Apple Acres, #40 Fudge Factory, #68 Bodhaine’s at Drew Bean Farms, #84 Harris Family Farm and others 27-31: FLOWER TRAIL: #20 Apple Ridge, 647-0613 1-30: FLOWER TRAIL: #20 Apple Ridge, 647-0613
Mineral Mining, Ranch Animals, Play Area, Candy Eating
BERRY FARMS OPEN: Check individual farms for dates and availability: #15, #16, #48, #84, #100 FRIDAYS: CIDER SUNSETS 6-9pm: Hidden Star Camino, 622-6885 1,8,15,22,29: ENCHANTED FRIDAY EVENINGS: #32 Boeger Winery, 622-8094
18: JOHNNY APPLESEED DAY: See applehill.com for participating farms on Events & Activities Page PUMPKIN PATCH OPENS: #20 Apple Ridge Farms, 647-0613 HAND BLOWN GLASS PUMPKIN PATCH: #5 Delfino Farms, 622-0184 COMMUNITY NIGHT ON THE FARM: #133 Smokey Ridge Ranch & Winery, 903-6470 CIDER SUNSETS 6-9pm: Hidden Star Camino, 622-6885 BARREL SAMPLES (Cancer Support Fundraiser): #25 Wofford
2: FARM TRAILS QUILT TRAIL PAINTING CLASS: #10 Rainbow Orchards, 644-1594 3,10,17,24: ENCHANTED FRIDAY EVENINGS: #32 Boeger Winery, 622-8094
10: HIGH TEA IN THE ORCHARD, RSVP. #84 Harris Family Farm 644-2194 2,9,16,23, 30: FOLK ON THE FARM - MUSIC SERIES 6-10PM: #5 Delfino Farms, 622-0184 30-31: SUMMER HARVEST DAYS: Check applehill.com for details on Events & Activities page BERRY FARM OPEN: Check for dates and availability: #84 FRIDAYS: CIDER SUNSETS 6-9pm: Hidden Star Camino, 622-6885 5,12,19,26: ENCHANTED FRIDAY EVENINGS: #32 Boeger Winery, 622-8094 6, 7: SANGRIA WEEKEND: #50 Fenton Herriott Vineyards, 642-2021 6,14,20,27: BLACKBERRY JAM MAKING CLASS: RSVP. #84 Harris Family Farm, 644-2194 3: OPENING DAY: # 1 High Hill Ranch, 644-1973
#10 Rainbow Orchards (530) 644-1594
Grassy Orchard Picnic/Play Area with Hay Bale Hop-a-CrookedMile, Fresh Cider Mill in operation

32 133 11 392644 90 82 835 30 21 91 22 6 1 910 CaminoExit Carson Rd. ExitFive Mile Rd. Pollock Pines Exit 57 SchnellSchoolExit48 Point View Exit 49 12 100 18 35 20 17 49 84 14 OʼHalloranʼsAppleTrailRanch GoodnessOrchard TChristmasCountryApplerees Bill’s Apples and Felice’s Dolls FarmsRidgeAppleAppleDenverDan’sPatch Grandpa’sCellar Sloan &MountainWintersOrchardGardenRidgeCaminoRainbow OrchardArgyres Goyetteʼs North Canyon RanchBarsottiFamilyJuiceCo. MeadowsSilverthornDelfinoFarmsHillsideTreeFarmRapettiFarms LavaWineryCap RanchSmokeyRidgeandWinery PonderosaRidgeABed&Breakfast GoldbudFarms WindmillerFarm Abel’s 24CarrotAcresAppleFarm BoegerWinery VMadroñaineyards 60 HighRanchHill LarsenAppleBarnRainbowOrchards Hassler Road qcaJuierRd SmithFlat RoadBroadway Carson Road NorthCanyonRoad Carson Road Larsen Drive iDnesraLrve PonyExpress Trail IndianRock Tree Farm 50 50 daRialBro HarrisFarmFamily Cedar Grove Exit 54 CableRoad MaceRoad RlbCaeoad dReromliG To Sacramento ToTahoeLake 40FudgeFactoryFarm 81MadroneTreeHill 25Wofford Acres Vineyards 68 Bodhaine’s at Drew Bean Farms 89 CreekCrystalTreeFarm 31 N 48 50 57HerriottFentonVineyardsStarfieldVineyards CellarsRucksack 16PatrickʼsBerryFarm&GardenEightMileRd DanaherMt.Rd. 56 46 15 38 diCollinaMeadowBluestoneMela FruitridgeRd CarsonRoad NorthCanyonRoad 92OrchardsHacienda CiderCanyonNorthCo. BarkleyRd. HiddenLaneValley 37PantryAppleFarm Hidden23StarCamino41-OPine-Mine P.O.www.applehill.comAppleHillOfficeBox494,Camino,CA95709info@applehill.com530-644-7692 Apple HillSM Growers 1. HIGH HILL RANCH 2901 High Hill Road, Placerville • 530-644-1973 5. DELFINO FARMS 3205 North Canyon Road, Camino • 530-622-0184 6. MADROÑA VINEYARDS 2560 High Hill Road, Placerville • 530-644-5948 9. LARSEN APPLE BARN 2461 Larsen Drive, Camino • 530-644-1415 10. RAINBOW ORCHARDS 2569 Larsen Drive, Camino • 530-644-1594 11. PONDEROSA RIDGE, A BED AND BREAKFAST 2360 Union Ridge Road, Placerville • 530-344-9220 12. SLOAN WINTERS MOUNTAIN ORCHARD & GARDEN 3121 Snows Road, Camino • 916-860-9207 14. DENVER DAN’S APPLE PATCH 4354 Bumble Bee Lane, Camino • 530-644-6881 15. 24CARROT FARM 2731 Jacquier Road, Placerville • 530-391-8582 16. PATRICK’S BERRY FARM & GARDEN 4455 Pony Express Trail, Camino 17. GRANDPA’S CELLARS 2360 Cable Road, Camino • 530-644-2153 18. O’HALLORAN’S APPLE TRAIL RANCH 2261 Cable Road, Camino • 530-644-3389 20. APPLE RIDGE FARMS 1800 Larsen Drive, Camino • 530-647-0613 21. GOYETTE’S NORTH CANYON RANCH 3825 North Canyon Road, Camino • 530-622-9299 22. ARGYRES ORCHARD 4220 North Canyon Road, Camino • 530-644-3862 23. HIDDEN STAR CAMINO 2740 Cable Road, Camino • 530-622-6885 25 WOFFORD ACRES VINEYARDS 1900 Hidden Valley Lane, Camino • 530-626-6858 26. LAVA CAP WINERY 2221 Fruitridge Road, Placerville • 530-621-0175 30. BARSOTTI FAMILY JUICE COMPANY 2239 Hidden Valley Lane, Camino • 530-622-4629 31. NORTH CANYON CIDER COMPANY 3541 North Canyon Road, Camino • 650-520-4349 32. BOEGER WINERY 1709 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-622-8094 35. BILL’S APPLES AND FELICE’S DOLLS 2234 Cable Road, Camino • 530-644-1973 37. APPLE PANTRY FARM corner of North Canyon & Hassler, Camino • 530-318-2834 38. ABEL’S APPLE ACRES 2345 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-626-0138 39. GOLDBUD FARMS 2501 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-626-6521 40. FUDGE FACTORY FARM 2860 High Hill Rd., Placerville • 530-644-3492 41. PINE-O-MINE RANCH 2620 Carson Road, Placerville 44. WINDMILLER FARM 2453 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-622-5590 46. COLLINA DI MELA 1925 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-417-6602 48. GOODNESS ORCHARD 4341 Pony Express Trail, Camino • 530-644-6448 49. APPLE COUNTRY CHRISTMAS TREES 2721 Mace Road, Camino • 530-644-2475 50. FENTON HERRIOTT VINEYARDS 120 Jacquier Court, Placerville • 530-642-2021 56. BLUESTONE MEADOW 2025 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-621-1830 57. STARFIELD VINEYARDS 2750 Jacquier Road, Placerville • 530-748-3085 60. RUCKSACK CELLARS 3030 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-647-2113 68. BODHAINE’S AT DREW BEAN FARMS 2315 Cable Road, Camino • 530-644-1686 81. MADRONE TREE HILL 2600 Barkley Road, Camino • 916-835-9600 82. HILLSIDE TREE FARM 2881 North Canyon Road, Camino • 530-621-2053 83. SILVERTHORN MEADOWS 3101 North Canyon Rd., Camino • 530-621-2379 84. HARRIS FAMILY FARM 2640 Blair Road, Pollock Pines • 530-644-2194 89. CRYSTAL CREEK TREE FARM 2019 Cable Road, Camino • 530-417-6097 90. RAPETTI FARMS 2585 Fruitridge Road, Camino • 530-622-7229 91. INDIAN ROCK TREE FARM 3800 North Canyon Road, Camino • 530-622-4087 92. HACIENDA ORCHARDS 2900 Barkley Road, Camino • 408-657-6568 100. RAINBOW CAMINO RIDGE 3010 Snows Road, Camino • 530-644-1594 133. SMOKEY RIDGE RANCH & WINERY 2160 Carson Road, Placerville • 530-626-5077 – Apple Hill Farm – Apple Hill Winery/Hard Cider Co. – Apple Hill Christmas Tree Farm – Wholesale only or by appointmentDownload the Official Apple Hill Grower app informationPleasewww.applehill.com/#appwww.applehill.com/#appTODAY!seedetailedgrowerstartingonpage6