Bluestone Meadow Lavender Farm #56: 2025 Carson Rd., Placerville
Experience the bloom and everything lavender. Pick your own bouquet, learn to make a wreath or wand and learn all about lavender from the “Lavender Answer Guy”. We have your favorite soaps and lotions available as well as some yummy lavender treats. Kids Zone - a play area specially designed for kids 2-10 (additional admission fee). For your best experience make an advanced reservation at bluestonemeadow.com $5 per car admission.
24 Carrot #15:
2731 Jacquier Rd., Placerville
Open Thursday- Saturday 10am-5pm Visit our farm stand to purchase organic lavender plants, fresh organic blueberries & strawberries, organic blueberry plants, and fresh baked goods. 24carrotfarms.com
Delfino Farms #5:
3205 North Canyon Rd. Camino
Come visit our Joan’s Apple Bakery and Edio Vineyards Tasting Room. Our bakery will be selling Strawberry Rhubarb, Strawberry, Cherry, and Blueberry desserts for Lavender Blue Days. Enjoy a wine tasting at Edio Vineyards and end your visit with a seasonal treat from Joan’s Apple Bakery. delfinofarms.com
Fenton Herriott Vineyards #50 120 Jacquier Ct., Placerville
Bottle Your Own wine from 12-4pm! Get an insider look into how we bottle our wines. No reservations required. Open 11am-5pm June 22, 23, 29, 30. fentonherriott.com
Grandpa’s Cellar #17
2360 Cable Rd., Camino
Please visit our website for details. grandpacellar.com
2024 Participating Ranches
Harris Family Farm #84: 2640 Blair Rd., Pollock Pines
We will be selling lavender mini donuts, lavender lemonade, slushies, and other lavender and blueberry pastries. Live music. harrisfamilyfarm.com
Hidden Star Camino #23: 2740 Cable Road, Camino
We will be highlighting both hard and fresh sparkling Blueberry-Lavender Cider, blueberrylavender cider donuts and raised donuts and blueberry crisps. hiddenstarcamino.com
Jack Russell Farm Brewery & Winery #36: 2380 Larsen Dr., Camino
Lavender Crusted Goat Cheese & Fig Pizza, Blueberry Ale and Hard Lavender lemonade Slushie jackrussellbrewery.com
Lava Cap Winery #26: 2221 Fruitridge Rd., Placerville
We invite participants to visit Lava Cap to enjoy a glass of wine in our Lavender covered garden! Live music from 5-8pm both Saturdays. Outside food is allowed, and picnic tables are available on a first come first served basis. For more info call (530) 621-0175. lavacap.com
Rainbow Camino Ridge #100: 3010 Snows Rd., Camino (at Fuji Ct.)
Open for You Pick blueberries on Saturdays & Sundays, 7am-1pm June 22, 23, 29, 30. Reservations required. rainboworch@gmail. com, rainboworchards.net
Smokey Ridge Ranch & Winery #133: 2160 Carson Rd., Placerville
Smokey Ridge Ranch will have our signature lavender sangria as well as lavender flower bouquets available. smokeyridgeranch.com
Rucksack Cellars #60: 3030 Carson Rd., Placerville
Rucksack Cellars will be Open 12pm to 5pm. Mention Lavender Days and receive a 2 for 1 tasting flight. RucksackCellars.com
Starfield Vineyards #57 2750 Jacquier Rd., Placerville Reservations required. starfieldvineyards.com/visit/reservation-request
Wofford Acres Vineyards #25: 1900 Hidden Valley Ln., Camino
Come enjoy a flight or glass of wine while gazing at our fabulous view of the South Fork of the American River canyon and our blooming iris knoll. If you mention you came by because of the Lavender Days event, you will receive a 15% discount on all wine purchases. Reservations are recommended but not required at reservations@wavwines.com
Pine-O-Mine Ranch #41: 2640 Carson Rd., Placerville
Come picnic at Pine-O-Mine, The ranch will be featuring live music, serving food, shakes and signature blueberry lavender lemon cocktail and mocktail that can be enjoyed in their picnic area. pineomine.com