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Security(social risk reduction
from Brand Identity
by Abby yang
Why Emotional Marketing is Powerful in New Econnomy?
Recently, more and more companies has been moving their marketing strategies from functional benefits to emotional benefits, which is an interesting phenomenon to discuss about. In my opinion, the function-wise of a product (for instance, smartphone, clothing, houseware) from every brand reaches the level that meet users' need, which is, in the other words, to great extend we are purchasing the same thing. Functional benefits are the most straightforward factor that influences consumers' wellingness, but it is hard for users to tell the subtle difference between different brands when the function benefits of different brands are neckto-neck. Therefore, what makes consumers decide to buy brand A instead of brand B is the emotional benefits in new economy. The Power of Storytelling Research on advertising shows that emotional response to an ad influences consumers’ intention to buy much greater than the ad itself. Comsumers get connected by the brands they feel emotional to. Therefore storytelling are the match point for a brand in marketing to win their potential consumers. In Art Direction subject, we learn how brands shape their tone of voice and look and feel to influence the emotion of consumers. For instance, Google's tone of voice is energetic with a sense of houmor, protraying a young and cheerful lifestyle for audience. Although Google's products were controverial in collecting users' data, however a lot of consumers still purchase Google's products because they were moved by the vision given by Google. The storytelling would be more convincing and emotional connected if the narritive starts from user's point of view. Airbnb is a good example using mouth-of-word in their marketing. For instance, Airbnb Citizen is a community a community of hosts, guests and other believers in the power of home sharing to help tackle economic, environmental and social challenges around the world. Their advertisments are composed of the stories from differnt guests and hosts about the reason why they started using Airbnb. For a company which makes the experience of "connection" between people as their products, storytelling is extra important because experience is all about emtional feeling. Interestingly, the visual equitiy of Airbnb itself is an emotional storytelling to the consumers- love is the connection between people and Airbnb help you to build up the connection.
Sum Up We are living in a materialism society made up of countless and miscellaneous products and cool stuffs. As a member of z generation grew up in the beginging of the 21th century, I felt like the rapid advancement in technology satisfied our needs and desires day by day but our hearts are getting empty. The fulfillment of material are getting saturated to an extend and now people started to focus on the spiritual and emotional fulfillment. This could be the reason why "experience" is a trend in marketing now. I'm not good at writing and kind of resited to it. However, it is inevitable to equip the related skills. As a visual designer, the abilities to design aesthetically is a must but we are not only visualizing the story in our mind. We need to explain and tell the story behind the design to clients and then deliver the whole picture to consumers thorugh copywriting and visual advertising. Each step requires different way of storytelling and communication skills. Therefore, I hope I can keep improving in the coming semesters.
[Top] From the meaning of Airbnb's logo, we can find a lot of emotional message inside of it. "Does it (Google) know what I want ... " "...before I know what I want it?"