MACO: Annual Report 2012

Page 1

วิสัยทัศน์ / Vision ĶđðŨîñĎšîĞć×ĂÜđĂđßĊ÷êąüĆîĂĂÖđÞĊ÷ÜĔêšĔîĂčêÿćĀÖøøöÿČęĂēÛþèć õć÷îĂÖìĊęĂ÷ĎŠĂćýĆ÷ĒúąïĆîđìĉÜ ìĊęöĊîüĆêÖøøö ĒúąđìÙēîēú÷ĊìĆîÿöĆ÷ õć÷ĔîðŘ 2558ķ Ķ5P CF UIF 4PVUI &BTU "TJBO -FBEJOH $PNQBOZ JO 0VU PG )PNF "EWFSUJTJOH .FEJB XJUI JOOPWBUJPO BOE DVUUJOH FEHF UFDIOPMPHZ JO 2 15ķ

1. îĞćĒîüìćÜðäĉïĆêĉìĊęéĊìĊęÿčé×ĂÜïøĉþĆìßĆĚîîĞćìĆęüēúÖöćðøą÷čÖêŤĔßšĒúąøĆÖþćÙüćöđðŨîñĎšîĞćĔîðøąđìý To apply the best operating approaches from other leading companies worldwide for our company and maintain the company as a leader in our country. 2. ïøĉþĆìÝąêšĂÜöĊĂĆêøćÖćøđÝøĉâđêĉïēêđóĉęö×ċĚîìčÖðŘ The company will continually increase its growth rate every year. 3. đóĉęöÙčèÙŠćĔĀšĒÖŠúĎÖÙšć ēé÷ÖćøðøĆïðøčÜñúĉêõĆèæŤéšü÷ÖćøîĞćđìÙēîēú÷Ċ ĒúąîüĆêÖøøöĔĀöŠė öćðøą÷čÖêŤĔßš đîšîÖćøïøĉÖćøìĊęöĊÙčèõćóĂ÷ŠćÜêŠĂđîČęĂÜêćöÙüćöêšĂÜÖćø×ĂÜúĎÖÙšć đóČęĂøĆÖþćåćîúĎÖÙšćđÖŠćĒúą×÷ć÷åćî úĎÖÙšćĔĀöę Value added to customers by product development from new technology and innovation. In addition, the company would continually concentrate in good quality services according to customer’s needs as for maintaining old customer base as well as expanding new one. 4. đóĉęöÙčèÙŠćĔĀšÖĆïÿĆÜÙöĒúąðøąđìýßćêĉ ēé÷ÖćøÝšćÜÜćî ÖćøÿŠÜĂĂÖ ĒúąÖćøóĆçîćÿČęĂēÛþèćõć÷îĂÖ ìĊęĂ÷ĎŠĂćýĆ÷ĔĀšđðŨî 4USFFU 'VSOJUVSF ìĊęöĊÿŠüîĔîÖćøêÖĒêŠÜđöČĂÜĔĀšÿü÷ÜćöĂ÷ŠćÜĀîċęÜ Value added to our society and country by employment, exporting, and outdoor advertising media development to become a Street Furniture which absolutely decorates our city in a part. 5. đðŨîýĎî÷ŤÖúćÜđÙøČĂ׊ć÷ ךĂöĎú ׊ćüÿćøìćÜíčøÖĉÝÿČęĂēÛþèćõć÷îĂÖìĊęĂ÷ĎŠĂćýĆ÷ To be a center of out of Home Media business information network. 6. øĉđøĉęöÙüćöÙĉéÿøšćÜÿøøÙŤêŠćÜė đóČęĂĔĀšđÖĉéöĎúÙŠćÿĎÜÿčéÖĆïúĎÖÙšć×ĂÜïøĉþĆì To be creative as to generate the best value for our customers. 7. ÿøšćÜêøćÿĉîÙšćĒúąõćóúĆÖþèŤĔĀšđðŨîìĊęøĎšÝĆÖĂ÷ŠćÜÖüšćÜ×üćÜ To create brand and image as to be well know worldwide. 8. óĆçîćìøĆó÷ćÖøöîčþ÷ŤĂ÷ŠćÜêŠĂđîČęĂÜ ĂĆîîĞćĕðÿĎŠÖćøóĆçîćêîđĂÜĒúąĂÜÙŤÖøĒĀŠÜÖćøđøĊ÷îøĎš To develop our human resources continually that leads to self development and learning organization.

สารบัญ 02 สารจากประธานกรรมการบริษัท

70 การควบคุมภายใน

03 สารจากประธานกรรมการบริหาร

72 ปัจจัยความเสี่ยง

04 ประวัติคณะกรรมการและผู้บริหาร 17 ข้อมูลทางการเงินโดยสรุป

74 คําอธิบายและการวิเคราะห์ ฐานะการเงินและผลการดําเนินงาน

22 ข้อมูลทั่วไปของบริษัท

82 รายงานของคณะกรรมการตรวจสอบ

23 ลักษณะการประกอบธุรกิจ 30 โครงสร้างการถือหุ้นและการจัดการ

83 รายงานความรับผิดชอบของ คณะกรรมการต่อรายงานทางการเงิน

44 รายการระหว่างกัน

86 งบการเงิน

52 การกํากับดูแลกิจการ








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ชื่อ - สกุล



สัดส่วนการ ความสัมพันธ์ ถือหุ้นในบริษัท ทางครอบครัว ระหว่างผู้บริหาร (%)

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ประสบการณ์การทํางาน ชื่อหน่วยงาน / ประเภทธุรกิจ

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7 , ,5 25, , 25, , 25, , 25, , . . . 7 . 7 .


โครงสร้างรายได้ Revenue Structure Revenue


14% 86%

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Non MACO Space


539 476



00 00 255






28 2553 / 2010

37 2554 / 2011

39 2555 / 2012

00 0

67 2551 / 2008

30 2552 / 2009

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151 2555 / 2012



อัตราส่วนทางการเงินที่สําคัญ Raitio Analysis 20




















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2004 2005





2011 2012 6.






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25 19.78




ROE 22.5








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ฝ่ายนวัตกรรม และการผลิต

ผู้ช่วยประธาน เจ้าหน้าที่บริหาร



สำนักงาน ตรวจสอบภายใน



ผู้ช่วยประธาน เจ้าหน้าที่บริหาร


ผู้ช่วยประธาน เจ้าหน้าที่บริหาร

ประธานเจ้าหน้าที่บริหาร / กรรมการผู้จัดการ



ผู้ช่วยประธาน เจ้าหน้าที่บริหาร


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ส่วนโครงการ 3 (NIB)

ส่วนโครงการ 2 (Event)

ฝ่ายพัฒนาธุรกิจและ นวัตกรรมสื่อโฆษณา

ผู้ช่วยประธาน เจ้าหน้าที่บริหาร


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31 ธ.ค. 2555 (คน)

31 ธ.ค. 2554 (คน)

31 ธ.ค. 2553 (คน)

2 0 8 7 2 129

5 5 27 0 2 130

2 8 2 5 5 2 2 100

éšćîÙŠćêĂïĒìî ïøĉþĆìĕéšÖĞćĀîéĔĀšöĊÖćøÝŠć÷ÙŠćêĂïĒìîĔîÖćøìĞćÜćîĔĀšÖĆïóîĆÖÜćîĂ÷ŠćÜđĀöćąÿö êćöÙčèüčçĉ ÙüćöøĎšÙüćöÿćöćøëĒúą ðøąÿïÖćøèŤĔîÖćøìĞćÜćî ĒúąđðŨîĕðêćööćêøåćîìĊęøĆåïćúÖĞćĀîé øüöëċÜÖćøÖĞćĀîéĔĀšöĊÖćøóĉÝćøèćðøĆïđóĉęöĂĆêøćđÜĉîđéČĂîðøąÝĞćðŘ ĔĀšĒÖŠóîĆÖÜćîðŘúą ÙøĆĚÜ ēé÷÷ċéêćöñúÖćøðäĉïĆêĉÜćî×ĂÜóîĆÖÜćîìĆĚÜîĊĚ ïøĉþĆì ĕéšîĞćøąïï #alance Score $ard Ēúą ,1I öćĔßšđðŨî đÙøČęĂÜöČĂĔîÖćøóĉÝćøèćÝćÖñúÖćøðäĉïĆêĉÜćî×ĂÜóîĆÖÜćîĒúąĀîŠü÷Üćî êćöĀúĆÖÖćøÝŠć÷ñúêĂïĒìîĒïï 1ay for 1erformance đĀöČĂîđߊîĔîðŘìĊęñŠćîöćøüöëċÜ ÖćøóĉÝćøèćÝŠć÷ēïîĆÿðøąÝĞćðŘêćöñúðøąÖĂïÖćøðøąÝĞćðŘ×ĂÜïøĉþĆìĒúąêćöñúÜćî×ĂÜóîĆÖÜćî ÖĘĔßšĀúĆÖÖćøđéĊ÷üÖĆî

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ปี 2555

58, 5 ,502. 7 , 7,8 .00 5 2,5 7. 0 0, 8 , .07

ปี 2554

2,88 ,0 7. 7 , . 5, . 8 44,035,817.88

ปี 2553

,7 ,0 .27 5, .00 , 8.88 42,355,471.15

ปี 2552

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งบการเงินรวม 2555


งบการเงินเฉพาะของบริษัท 2555



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งบการเงินเฉพาะของ บริษัท

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78 สภาพคล่อง กระแสเงินสด

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งบการเงินเฉพาะของบริษัท 2555


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79 ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

งบการเงินรวม 2555

งบการเงินเฉพาะของบริษัท 2554




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[5] đÜĉîÿéĒúąøć÷ÖćøđìĊ÷ïđìŠćđÜĉîÿé [ ] đÜĉîúÜìčîßĆęüÙøćü úĎÖĀîĊĚÖćøÙšć [7] úĎÖÙšćìĆęüĕð ÿčìíĉ [7,8] ïøĉþĆììĊęđÖĊę÷üךĂÜ [8] úĎÖĀîĊĚĂČęî ïøĉþĆììĊęđÖĊę÷üךĂÜ úĎÖĀîĊĚÙŠćĀčšî×ĂÜïøĉþĆì÷ŠĂ÷ ïøĉþĆììĊęđÖĊę÷üךĂÜ [ ] ÿĉîÙšćÙÜđĀúČĂ ÙŠćĔߚ݊ć÷ÝŠć÷úŠüÜĀîšć [8] ÙŠćĔߚ݊ć÷ÝŠć÷úŠüÜĀîšć ïøĉþĆììĊęđÖĊę÷üךĂÜ [8] đÜĉîĔĀšÖĎš÷ČöĒÖŠïøĉþĆììĊęđÖĊę÷üךĂÜ [8] đÜĉîðŦîñúÙšćÜøĆï [ 0] ÿĉîìøĆó÷ŤĀöčîđüĊ÷îĂČęî ÿčìíĉ


2 2,502, 5 220,0 , 2 2 8, 0 ,777 77,82 ,7 55, 8 , 5 , 0, 8, 7, 2 7, ,80 , 0, , 20, 0 55, 7 ,87 ,8 5,22 27, , 8 0 , 0 ,8 8 , ,070 7,5 8 ,255 5 ,207 855, 5 ,7 2 ,7 20 , , 0 , ,5 ,025 2, 50,0 0 8, 72,027 7, 8 , 0 ,5 2,2 5,8 , 55 , ,8 2 5, 70, 80 5, 8 ,08 7, , 2 , 2 , 7 , ,00 8 ,552 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5 , , ,275,2 8, 2 ,70 8,252, 22, , 7 2 , 8 ,55 50 ,7 ,7 , 08,527 5,272,5 ,87 , 0 , 0, 88


đÜĉîúÜìčî ïøĉþĆì÷ŠĂ÷ ïøĉþĆìøŠüö ÿčìíĉ đÜĉîòćÖíîćÙćøìĊęöĊךĂÝĞćÖĆéĔîÖćøĔßš ĂćÙćøĒúąĂčðÖøèŤ ÿčìíĉ ÙĂöóĉüđêĂøŤēðøĒÖøö ÿčìíĉ ĂčðÖøèŤÙÜđĀúČĂøĂÖćøĔßšÜćî ĂÿĆÜĀćøĉöìøĆó÷ŤđóČęĂÖćøúÜìčî ĂčðÖøèŤĕêøüĉßĆęîÙÜđĀúČĂøĂÖćøĔßšÜćî ÿčìíĉ ÙŠćÿĉìíĉĔîÖćøĔßšóîČĚ ìĊēę ÛþèćÝŠć÷úŠüÜĀîšć ÿčìíĉ ÙŠćÙüćöîĉ÷ö ÿĉîìøĆó÷ŤĕöŠĀöčîđüĊ÷îĂČęî ÿčìíĉ


[ ] [ ] [ 2] [ ] [ ] [ 5] [ ] [ 7] [ 8] [ 5] [ ]



, 2 , 5 , 52,05 75,588, 8 2,228,707 2,5 ,05 5, ,8 7, 7,0 5 20, 82, 7 ,0 0,727 2 , 5,2 7 2 , 0 , 8

2,5 5, 5, 5 , 77 87,22 , 8 ,8 , 25, ,02 5, ,8 20, ,7 8,7 , 5 ,0 0,727 , 5,85 27 ,07 ,028

2 ,222,75 5, 5 , 77 2 , 50,5 2,7 8,202 2 , 8 , 5 5, ,8 20, ,7 , , ,0 0,727 0, 7 ,8 0 2 8, ,

8 ,0 8, 8 2 , 7 , 75 2, 52,05 7,8 , 0 2, 82, 8 ,2 ,55 5, ,8 , ,0 7 ,78 , 2

8 ,0 8, 8 2 , 7 , 75 2, , 77 20, 2 ,8 ,7 8,50 2 ,2 , 5, ,8 8, 87,25 20 , ,887

745,870,428 720,684,555 633,716,209 619,665,553 523,464,075

87 บริษัท มาสเตอร์ แอด จํากัด (มหาชน) บริษัทย่อย และกิจการร่วมค้า

งบแสดงฐานะการเงิน ณ วันที่ 31 ธันวาคม 2555 และ 2554

ĀîŠü÷ ïćì





งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท 2553



(ปรับปรุงใหม่) (ปรับปรุงใหม่)

ĀîĊĚÿĉîĒúąÿŠüî×ĂÜñĎšëČĂĀčšî ĀîĊĚÿĉîĀöčîđüĊ÷î đÝšćĀîĊĚÖćøÙšć ñĎšÙšćìĆęüĕð ïøĉþĆììĊęđÖĊę÷üךĂÜ øć÷ĕéšøĆïúŠüÜĀîšć úĎÖÙšćìĆęüĕð ïøĉþĆììĊęđÖĊę÷üךĂÜ đÝšćĀîĊĚĂČęî ïøĉþĆììĊęđÖĊę÷üךĂÜ đÝšćĀîĊĚÙŠćàČĚĂìøĆó÷Ťÿĉî đÜĉîÖĎš÷Čöøą÷ąÿĆĚîÝćÖïøĉþĆììĊęđÖĊę÷üךĂÜ đÝšćĀîĊĚêćöÿĆââćđߊćàČĚĂìĊęëċÜÖĞćĀîéßĞćøą Ĕî ðŘ õćþĊđÜĉîĕéšÙšćÜÝŠć÷ ÙŠćĔߚ݊ć÷ÙšćÜÝŠć÷ õćþĊ×ć÷ìĊę÷ĆÜĕöŠëċÜÖĞćĀîéßĞćøą đÜĉîðŦîñúÙšćÜÝŠć÷ ĀîĊĚÿĉîĀöčîđüĊ÷îĂČęî øüöĀîĊĚÿĉîĀöčîđüĊ÷î ĀîĊĚÿĉîĕöŠĀöčîđüĊ÷î đÝšćĀîĊĚêćöÿĆââćđߊćàČĚĂ ÿčìíĉ ÿĞćøĂÜĀîĊĚÿĉîñúðøąē÷ßîŤóîĆÖÜćî ĀîĊĚÿĉîĕöŠĀöčîđüĊ÷îĂČęî øüöĀîĊĚÿĉîĕöŠĀöčîđüĊ÷î

[ ] [8] [8] [8] [8] [2 ]

[2 ] [8, 22]



5 ,87 , 0 8,70 , 0 55,2 , 5, 7,25 ,500,88 5,27 , 78 8,0 5,855 ,25 ,755 7,22 , 5 , , 2 5, 0 , 2 0, , 7 28 , 0 2 ,8 2,8 ,2 7 2 ,020, 5 2,000,000 5, 72 ,505,7 5, 20, 5 2, 22,772 , , 7 ,8 0 ,580,880

,5 8,205 ,75

5,8 5, 28 0,5 ,208 287, 575,8 7 2 , 57 2 , 2 ,20 , 00

2 ,7 , 70 28,085,58 0,8 , 7 , 5 7, 2,2 7 85,0 2,75

,2 ,027 8, 2 ,0 0 7, 5, ,0 8, 5 20, 0,8 7,8 5,070 ,722,585 8, 05, , 2,75 ,2 ,85 , 7 , 5 ,070, 7 ,052,2 8 ,5 2, 0 ,755, 5 8 ,075, 7 2 ,0 0, 70

2 , 8 0, 70, 5 ,72 , 0 , 88, 7 2,0 2, 7 , 25,28 ,78 , 7

, 22, 20 8, 72,8 550,777 2,5 , 07 ,88 ,8 5 550,777 ,8 ,727 0,2 2,

151,006,166 196,876,718 137,306,736 100,942,064 133,323,631

88 บริษัท มาสเตอร์ แอด จํากัด (มหาชน) บริษัทย่อย และกิจการร่วมค้า

งบแสดงฐานะการเงิน ณ วันที่ 31 ธันวาคม 2555 และ 2554

ĀîŠü÷ ïćì





งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท 2553



(ปรับปรุงใหม่) (ปรับปรุงใหม่)

ĀîĊĚÿĉîĒúąÿŠüî×ĂÜñĎšëČĂĀčšî êŠĂ

ÿŠüî×ĂÜñĎšëČĂĀčšî ìčîđøČĂîĀčšî ĀčšîÿćöĆâ öĎúÙŠćĀčšîúą ïćì ìčîÝéìąđïĊ÷î 75,000,000 Āčšî ðŘ 255 25,000,000 Āčšî

[2 ] ìčîđøČĂîĀčšîìĊęĂĂÖĒúąøĆïßĞćøąĒúšü 7 , ,5 Āčšî ðŘ 255 25,000,000 Āčšî

ÿŠüîđÖĉîöĎúÙŠćĀčšîÿćöĆâ ÖĞćĕøÿąÿö ÝĆéÿøøđóČęĂÿĞćøĂÜêćöÖãĀöć÷ [25] ÷ĆÜĕöŠĕéšÝĆéÿøø [22, 2 ] ĂÜÙŤðøąÖĂïĂČęî×ĂÜÿŠüî×ĂÜñĎšëČĂĀčšî [ 5] ÿŠüî×ĂÜñĎšëČĂĀčšî×ĂÜïøĉþĆì ÿŠüîĕéšđÿĊ÷ìĊęĕöŠĂ÷ĎŠĔîĂĞćîćÝÙüïÙčö øüöÿŠüî×ĂÜñĎšëČĂĀčšî

7,500,000 2 0, 8 ,7 0 2 ,8 , 58 5 ,8 8,2 ,0 5, 8 5 ,8 ,2 2


7 5,870, 28 720, 8 ,555 ,7 ,20 , 5,55 52 , ,075


75,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000 75,000,000 25,000,000 7 , ,5 25,000,000 25,000,000 7 , ,5 25,000,000 7,08 ,8 7,08 ,8 7,08 ,8 7,08 ,8 7,08 ,8 2,500,000 , 25, 2 , 07,008 522, 7,005 , 0,8 2 52 ,807,8 7

2,500,000 7, , 5 22, 8, 0 , 7, 08 2,0 ,8 5 , 0 , 7

7,500,000 57,05 ,27 2,085,820 5 8,72 , 8 5 8,72 , 8

2,500,000 8 ,280, 5 ,275, 0, 0, 0, 0,

89 บริษัท มาสเตอร์ แอด จํากัด (มหาชน) บริษัทย่อย และกิจการร่วมค้า

งบกําไรขาดทุนเบ็ดเสร็จ สําหรับปีสิ้นสุดวันที่ 31 ธันวาคม 2555 และ 2554 ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

งบการเงินรวม หมายเหตุ

øć÷ĕéšÝćÖÖćøĔĀšïøĉÖćøĒúąÝćÖÖćø×ć÷ êšîìčîÖćøĔĀšïøĉÖćøĒúą×ć÷ ÖĞćĕø×ĆĚîêšî øć÷ĕéšÙŠćîć÷Āîšć éĂÖđïĊĚ÷øĆï øć÷ĕéšđÜĉîðŦîñú øć÷ĕéšĂČęî ÙŠćĔߚ݊ć÷ĔîÖćø×ć÷ ÙŠćĔߚ݊ć÷ĔîÖćøïøĉĀćø ×ćéìčîÝćÖÖćøéšĂ÷ÙŠć×ĂÜđÜĉîúÜìčîĔîïøĉþĆìøŠüö êšîìčîìćÜÖćøđÜĉî ÿŠüîĕéšđÿĊ÷ĔîÖĞćĕøÿčìíĉ×ĂÜïøĉþĆìøŠüö ÿčìíĉ ÖĞćĕøÖŠĂîõćþĊđÜĉîĕéš õćþĊđÜĉîĕéš ÖĞćĕøÿčìíĉÿĞćĀøĆïðŘ

[8, 2 ] [8, 28] [8] [8] [8, 27] [8, 28] [8, 28] [ , 28] [8] [ ] [2 ]



งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท 2555


7 2, 0, 7 5,5 , 2 50 ,027, 7 0,508, 8 7 ,5 5,5 7 0 ,502, 0 2 7,508, 5 2 , 08,827

52,875,070 2 ,0 0,7 2 2 5,5 ,052 2 8,8 ,85 8,782, 2 8, , 7 ,705,0 2, , 70 ,05 ,0 0 , 70,225 05, ,88 2 , , , 27 ,5 0,2 5, 0, 0, 2 , , 75, 7 , 7 , 88 8,02 ,075 5,780, 55

28,5 ,055 20,8 ,0 2 5,5 5,22 8 ,5 5,7

2 ,70



, 5


, 0, , 2, 2 80,78 ,5 2 ,5 , 0 22 ,0 , 25 0 ,7 8,527 ,7 7,758 , 5,5 2 27,522, 55 ,250, 8

,0 8,80 7, 7,8 8 ,522, 70 78,5 7,8

ÖĞćĕø×ćéìčîđïĘéđÿøĘÝĂČęî ÖĞćĕøìĊę÷ĆÜĕöŠđÖĉé×ċĚîÝøĉÜÝćÖÖćøüĆéöĎúÙŠć đÜĉîúÜìčîđñČęĂ×ć÷ [ ] ÖĞćĕøìĊęđÖĉé×ċĚîÝøĉÜÝćÖÖćø×ć÷đÜĉîúÜìčîđñČęĂ×ć÷ [ ] ÖĞćĕø×ćéìčîđïĘéđÿøĘÝĂČęîÿĞćĀøĆïðŘ øüöÖĞćĕø×ćéìčîđïĘéđÿøĘÝÿĞćĀøĆïðŘ

8 0, 57 7 , 07

7 7, 50 ,805, 5

788, 8 788, 8 8,20 ,2

8 0, 5 8 0, 5 7, 2,52

7 ,7 5 7 ,7 5 7 ,2 2, 08

ÖćøĒïŠÜðŦîÖĞćĕø ×ćéìčî ÿčìíĉ ÿŠüîìĊęđðŨî×ĂÜïøĉþĆì ÿŠüîĕéšđÿĊ÷ìĊęĕöŠĂ÷ĎŠĔîĂĞćîćÝÙüïÙčö ÖĞćĕøÿčìíĉÿĞćĀøĆïðŘ

,5 , 8 ,8

,0 8,80

7, 88, 57 ,0

7, 7,8 8

,522, 70 ,522, 70

78,5 7,8 78,5 7,8

ÖćøĒïŠÜðŦîÖĞćĕø ×ćéìčî đïĘéđÿøĘÝ ÿŠüîìĊęđðŨî×ĂÜïøĉþĆì ÿŠüîĕéšđÿĊ÷ìĊęĕöŠĂ÷ĎŠĔîĂĞćîćÝÙüïÙčö øüöÖĞćĕø×ćéìčîđïĘéđÿøĘÝÿĞćĀøĆïðŘ

0,250,7 8 ,8

,805, 5

8,777, 2 57 ,0

8,20 ,2

7, 2,52 7, 2,52

7 ,2 2, 08 7 ,2 2, 08

ÖĞćĕøêŠĂĀčšî×ĆĚîóČĚîåćî ÖĞćĕøÿŠüîìĊęđðŨî×ĂÜïøĉþĆìêŠĂĀčšî ïćì

ÝĞćîüîĀčšîÿćöĆâëĆüđÞúĊę÷ëŠüÜîĞĚćĀîĆÖ Āčšî

0.80 7 , ,5

0.5 7 , ,5

. 2 7 , ,5

0. 5 7 , ,5

[ .20]


ÿŠüîđÖĉî öĎúÙŠćĀčšî

ÿĞćøĂÜêćö ÖãĀöć÷

÷ĆÜĕöŠĕéš ÝĆéÿøø


[ ] [ ] [2 ] [25] [2 ] [2 ]

[ ] [2 ]


8, 08, 2

25,000,000 7,08 ,8 2,500,000 5 , 5,7 2 ,757, 8 5 0,70 7 ,7 5 2, ,500

7, 88, 25,000,000 7,08 ,8 2,500,000 , 25, 2 ,757, 8 ,275, 8 0, 5 , ,5 5,000,000 5,000,000

8,7 , 2

, , 00

,5 , 8 7 , ,5 7,08 ,8 7,500,000 2 0, 8 ,7 0 2 ,757, 8 2,085,820

5 0,70 2 ,88 , 8 7 , 07 7 , 07

2 ,88

72 2 5 587 0 0


ÿŠüîĕéšđÿĊ÷ ñĎšëČĂĀčšî ìĊęĕöŠĂ÷ĎŠĔî ×ĂÜïøĉþĆì ĂĞćîćÝÙüïÙčö


ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

22, 8, 0 788, 8 2 , 07,008 8 0, 57 7 , 07

2 ,8 , 58

8, 08, 2

8, 08, 2

8 ,0 , 7 2,0 ,8 5 88, 0 ,0 788, 8 788, 8 2, ,500

2, ,500

7, 88, 57 ,0 7, 7,8 8 522, 7,005 , 0,8 2 52 ,807,8 7 8 0, 57 8 0, 57 7 , 07

7 , 07

, ,5 , ,5 8,7 , 2 50

8,7 , 2

, , 00

, , 00

,5 , 8 ,8 ,0 8,80 5 ,8 8,2 ,0 5, 8 5 ,8 ,2 2

,277,88 8 , 0 ,88 2,0 ,8 5 8 , 8,7 ,0 0,727 ,0 0,727 ,0 0,727

ĂČęî×ĂÜÿŠüî ÖćøëČĂĀčšîĔî ïøĉþĆì÷ŠĂ÷ ×ĂÜïøĉþĆì ×ĂÜïøĉþĆì÷ŠĂ÷ ×ĂÜïøĉþĆìøŠüö ×ĂÜñĎšëČĂĀčšî ðøĆïðøčÜĔĀöŠ

องค์ประกอบอื่นของส่วนของผู้ถือหุ้น ÿŠüîúéÝćÖ กําไรที่ยังไม่เกิดขึ้นจริง จากเงิน ÖćøđóĉęöÿĆéÿŠüî ลงทุนในหลักทรัพย์เผื่อขาย øüöĂÜÙŤðøąÖĂï øüöÿŠüî×ĂÜ


25,000,000 7,08 ,8 2,500,000 7, , 5 8,7 , 2 [ 5] ,0 0,727


÷ĂéÙÜđĀúČĂ è üĆîìĊę 1 öÖøćÙö 2554 êćöøć÷ÜćîðŘÖŠĂî ÝĆéðøąđõìøć÷ÖćøÙŠćÙüćöîĉ÷öđðŨîÿĉîìøĆó÷Ť ñúÖøąìï×ĂÜÖćøđðúĊę÷îĒðúÜîē÷ïć÷ÖćøïĆâßĊ đÖĊę÷üÖĆïñúðøąē÷ßîŤĔîĂéĊê×ĂÜóîĆÖÜćî ÷ĂéÙÜđĀúČĂ è üĆîìĊę 1 öÖøćÙö 2554 ìĊęðøĆïðøčÜĒúšü ÖĞćĕøìĊę÷ĆÜĕöŠđÖĉé×ċĚîÝøĉÜÝćÖđÜĉîúÜìčîĔîĀúĆÖìøĆó÷ŤđñČęĂ×ć÷ đÜĉîðŦîñúÝŠć÷ ÖĞćĕø ×ćéìčî ÿčìíĉÿĞćĀøĆïðŘ ÷ĂéÙÜđĀúČĂ è üĆîìĊę 31 íĆîüćÙö 2554 ÖĞćĕøìĊę÷ĆÜĕöŠđÖĉé×ċĚîÝøĉÜÝćÖđÜĉîúÜìčîĔîĀúĆÖìøĆó÷ŤđñČęĂ×ć÷ øĆïøĎšÖĞćĕøìĊęđÖĉé×ċĚîÝøĉÜÝćÖÖćø×ć÷đÜĉîúÜìčîĔîĀúĆÖìøĆó÷ŤđñČęĂ×ć÷ đóĉęöìčîÝćÖÖćøÝŠć÷ĀčšîðŦîñú ÝĆéÿøøÿĞćøĂÜêćöÖãĀöć÷ đÜĉîðŦîñúÝŠć÷ ĀčšîðŦîñú ÖĞćĕø ×ćéìčî ÿčìíĉÿĞćĀøĆïðŘ ÷ĂéÙÜđĀúČĂ è üĆîìĊę 31 íĆîüćÙö 2555


ìčîđøČĂîĀčšîìĊę Āöć÷đĀêč øĆïßĞćøąĒúšü

สําหรับปีสิ้นสุดวันที่ 31 ธันวาคม 2555 และ 25534


บริษัท มาสเตอร์ แอด จํากัด (มหาชน) บริษัทย่อย และกิจการร่วมค้า



÷ĂéÙÜđĀúČĂ è üĆîìĊę 1 öÖøćÙö 2554 êćöøć÷ÜćîðŘÖŠĂî ñúÖøąìï×ĂÜÖćøđðúĊę÷îĒðúÜîē÷ïć÷ÖćøïĆâßĊ đÖĊę÷üÖĆïñúðøąē÷ßîŤĔîĂéĊê×ĂÜóîĆÖÜćî ÷ĂéÙÜđĀúČĂ è üĆîìĊę 1 öÖøćÙö 2554 ìĊęðøĆïðøčÜĒúšü ÖĞćĕøìĊę÷ĆÜĕöŠđÖĉé×ċĚîÝøĉÜÝćÖđÜĉîúÜìčîĔîĀúĆÖìøĆó÷ŤđñČęĂ×ć÷ đÜĉîðŦîñúÝŠć÷ ÖĞćĕøÿčìíĉÿĞćĀøĆïðŘ ÷ĂéÙÜđĀúČĂ è üĆîìĊę 31 íĆîüćÙö 2554 ÖĞćĕøìĊę÷ĆÜĕöŠđÖĉé×ċĚîÝøĉÜÝćÖđÜĉîúÜìčîĔîĀúĆÖìøĆó÷ŤđñČęĂ×ć÷ đóĉęöìčîÝćÖÖćøÝŠć÷ĀčšîðŦîñú ÝĆéÿøøÿĞćøĂÜêćöÖãĀöć÷ đÜĉîðŦîñúÝŠć÷ ĀčšîðŦîñú ÖĞćĕøÿčìíĉÿĞćĀøĆïðŘ ÷ĂéÙÜđĀúČĂ è üĆîìĊę 31 íĆîüćÙö 2555


[ ] [ ] [25] [2 ] [2 ]

[ ] [2 ]



สําหรับปีสิ้นสุดวันที่ 31 ธันวาคม 2555 และ 2554

25,000,000 25,000,000 , ,5 7 , ,5


ทุนเรือนหุ้น ที่รับชําระแล้ว


บริษัท มาสเตอร์ แอด จํากัด (มหาชน) บริษัทย่อย และกิจการร่วมค้า

7,08 ,8 7,08 ,8 7,08 ,8

7,08 ,8


2,500,000 2,500,000 5,000,000 7,500,000


สํารองตาม กฎหมาย

7, 8 ,8

8,2 ,802 2, ,500

78,5 7,8 8 ,280, 5 5,000,000

8,7 , 2

, , 00

,522, 70 57,05 ,27

75, 2 , 8



5 0,70 7 ,7 5 ,275, 8 0, 5 2,085,820

5 0,70

กําไรที่ยังไม่เกิดขี้นจริง จากเงินลงทุนใน หลักทรัพย์เผื่อขาย

องค์ประกอบอื่นของ ส่วนของผู้ถือหุ้น

7, 8 ,8

7 , 7, 7 ,7 5 2, ,500

78,5 7,8 0, 0, 8 0, 5 , ,5 8,7 , 2

, , 00

,522, 70 5 8,72 , 8

80,5 7,202


ĀîŠü÷ ïćì


92 บริษัท มาสเตอร์ แอด จํากัด (มหาชน) บริษัทย่อย และกิจการร่วมค้า

งบกระแสเงินสด สําหรับปีสิ้นสุดวันที่ 31 ธันวาคม 2555 และ 2554

ĀîŠü÷ ïćì


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งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท





80,78 ,5 2

,5 , 0

22 ,0 , 25

0 ,7 8,527

,8 8,757 2,27 ,7 7 77, 2

2, 7 , 0,


2,70 , 2


, , , 8, 5 27, 8 , ,58 25,28

5,7 ,0 7 , 0

5 2,2 , 2, 2

5,0 8,850 2, 78, 2 5,207,000 27, 8 ,08 ,7 2 85,78

7, 8, 07 0,5 2, 75 2, 72,22

05, ,88

2 7, 2

,5 , 5

0,7 , 7 2, 8 , 2 ,

5 0,8 2 ,70 00, 0 ,85

20 ,77 ,

8 , 7 ,725

2 ,28 ,0

2 ,2 7,27



2, 5, 0 ,8

2,588,008 ,082, 7 , , 0 ,52

2, ,8

22,00 ,

08,25 ,5 7, 87

, 0, 0 ,8 ,

77 , 25 , 58, 8

5 ,5 0

, , 20

,55 , 88

2,0 5,287 , 7

2 , 88 ,008, 05 2, ,2 5

20,222, 7

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8 2,255 , ,5 5

,5 ,88

, 5 ,775

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5 , 00

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5 , 5,

2, , 75

7,280,7 , 20, 2 ,

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5, 0 ,7

7, ,

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, 5 ,275

2 , 2, 05,7 , 2,875 , 80, 72

2 8, 00

5 ,2 2 , , 5 5

7, ,8 8

7 ,5 , 2

,805, 52 ,88 ,7 2, 8 ,8 7, 888,82 , 78, 0 755,5 ,2 7,570 5 , 8

8, 58, 8

5,0 ,8

93 บริษัท มาสเตอร์ แอด จํากัด (มหาชน) บริษัทย่อย และกิจการร่วมค้า

งบกระแสเงินสด สําหรับปีสิ้นสุดวันที่ 31 ธันวาคม 2555 และ 2554

ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

งบการเงินรวม 2555

งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท




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502,50 8, , 0

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2, 22 5 , 5 ,7 2

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5 , , 8,202,75

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2,000,000 2 ,020, 5

87, 2


8,757, 8

2, 5,8

2, 50,0 0 ,7 ,8

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72, ,78

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, ,8 2 8, 0 ,777 220,0 , 2

2 ,8 8,077 55, 8 , 5 77,82 ,7

, ,0 2 5 , 7,5 55, 8 , 5

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94 บริษัท มาสเตอร์ แอด จํากัด (มหาชน) บริษัทย่อย และกิจการร่วมค้า

หมายเหตุประกอบงบการเงิน ณ วันที่ 31 ธันวาคม 2555 และ 2554

1. ךĂöĎúìĆęüĕð ïøĉþĆì öćÿđêĂøŤ ĒĂé ÝĞćÖĆé öĀćßî ĕéšøĆïÖćøÝéìąđïĊ÷îÝĆéêĆĚÜÖĆïÖøąìøüÜóćèĉß÷ŤđðŨîïøĉþĆìÝĞćÖĆéđöČęĂüĆîìĊę 8 ÖčöõćóĆîíŤ 25 ĒúąđךćđðŨîïøĉþìĆ ÝéìąđïĊ÷îĔîêúćéĀúĆÖìøĆó÷Ť đĂĘö đĂ ĕĂ ĒĀŠÜðøąđìýĕì÷ĔîðŘ 25 ïøĉþìĆ éĞćđîĉîíčøÖĉÝøĆïÜćîēÛþèć ĔĀšđߊćĂÿĆÜĀćøĉöìøĆó÷Ť ĒúąàČĂĚ ×ć÷ĂčðÖøèŤðćŜ ÷ēÛþèćéšü÷øąïïĕôôŜćĒúąëČĂđÜĉîúÜìčîĔîïøĉþìĆ ÷ŠĂ÷ĒúąïøĉþìĆ øŠüö ïøĉþìĆ öĊìĂĊę ÷ĎŠ êćöìĊÝę éìąđïĊ÷îĕüš đú×ìĊę ßĆîĚ ìĊę àĂ÷úćéóøšćü ëîîúćéóøšćü Ē×üÜÝĂöóú đ×êÝêčÝÖĆ ø ÖøčÜđìóöĀćîÙø ðøąđìýĕì÷ è üĆîìĊę íĆîüćÙö 2555 Ēúą 255 ïøĉþĆìöĊñĎšëČĂĀčšîøć÷ĔĀâŠéĆÜîĊĚ ร้อยละ รายชื่อ

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งบการเงินเฉพาะของบริษัท 2555


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งบการเงินเฉพาะของบริษัท 2555 2554

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งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท 2555 2554


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55, 7 ,87

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งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท 2555


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งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท






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งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท





5,08 ,2 ,287,7 8, 72,027

, , ,555,2 0 7, 8 , 0

,87 ,28 2, 7 5,8 , 55

, , 7, , ,8 2

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งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท





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, 7,25 , 7, 85 , , ,85 ,87

, , 0 5, 07,8 8 5,852, 25 , 70,70

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2, 58, 8 , 20, 5, 2 , 8 5, 00


, , 7,788,82 8, 2 ,70 8, 2 ,70

7,208, 0 2 , , 7 50,000

22, , 7

, 2 ,587 2 , 8 ,55 2 , 8 ,55



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งบการเงินรวม สัดส่วนเงินลงทุน



(ร้อยละ) ทุน ประเภทกิจการ

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2, 85







2, 85 , 2 ,2 5



8.87 , 5 , 5 2 , 0 2 , 5

75,000 5,000

. 50.00

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, 80 , 80 , 2 2,5 5

110 è üĆîìĊę öĊîćÙö 2555 ïøĉþĆì ĒöĘÖàŤ ÙøĊđĂìĊô ÝĞćÖĆé ĕéšøŠüöúÜìčîÖĆïïøĉþĆì Āîčöćî ÝĞćÖĆé ĔîÿĆéÿŠüîøšĂ÷úą 70 0 đóČęĂ ÝĆéêĆĚÜïøĉþĆì ìćüîŤ ĒïøîéŤéĉĚÜ ÝĞćÖĆé ìčîÝéìąđïĊ÷î 5 úšćîïćì đóČęĂéĞćđîĉîÖćøñúĉêĒúąĔĀšïøĉÖćøÿČęĂēÛþèć ĀîŠü÷ óĆîïćì

งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท สัดส่วนเงินลงทุน


(ร้อยละ) ทุน ประเภทกิจการ

đÜĉîúÜìčîĔîïøĉþĆì÷ŠĂ÷ ïøĉþĆì öćÿđêĂøŤ ĒĂîéŤ öĂøŤ ÝĞćÖĆé ïøĉþĆì öćēÖš ĕøìŤàć÷îŤ ÝĞćÖĆé ïøĉþĆì ÖøĊî ĒĂé ÝĞćÖĆé

ชําระแล้ว 2555

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20,000 00.00 00.00 7 ,5 7 ,5 5,000 80.00 80.00 ,000 ,000 5,000

5 .00

5 .00

,000 0,000 75,000 5,000

. 8.87 . 50.00

. 2, 85 2, 85 8.87 , 5 , 5 . 25,000 25,000 50.00 2,500 2,500 , 80 , 80 25,000 25,000

2 , 80 2 , 80

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2,550 2,550 8 ,0 8 ,0

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งบการเงินรวม 2555

øćÙćêćöïĆâßĊêšîðŘ àČĚĂđÜĉîúÜìčîđóĉęö ÿŠüîĒïŠÜÖĞćĕøÝćÖđÜĉîúÜìčîêćöüĉíĊÿŠüîĕéšđÿĊ÷ ÿŠüîĒïŠÜ×ćéìčîÝćÖđÜĉîúÜìčîêćöüĉíĊÿŠüîĕéšđÿĊ÷ øć÷ÖćøðøĆïðøčÜ×ćéìčîÝćÖÖćøúÜìčî

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งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท 2555


2,5 5, , , 5, 7

2 ,222,75 2,500,000 ,587, 02 2, 7 , 8

2 , 7 , 75

, 0 , 7 2,500,000

0 , ,

, 2 , 5

2 5 2 ,

2,5 5,

2 , 7 , 75

2 ,70

2 , 7 , 75

111 ךĂöĎúìćÜÖćøđÜĉîìĊęÿĞćÙĆâ×ĂÜïøĉþĆìøŠüö ÿøčðĕéšéĆÜîĊĚ ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

สําหรับปีสิ้นสุดวันที่ 31 ธันวาคม

ÿĉîìøĆó÷Ť ĀîĊĚÿĉî øć÷ĕéš ÖĞćĕø ÿčìíĉ



2, , 02 78,2 5,808 0,25 , 7 7, 0, 0

58,5 , 8 , 7 , 50 0, 85, 8 , ,255

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งบการเงินรวม 2554

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øüö ĂćÙćøĒúąĂčðÖøèŤ ÿčìíĉ





,7 2, 50, 07, 750,0 , 08, 7 , 5 , 50 58,0 7 8,200 8, 5, 2 25,2 2 5, 0 20 , , 0,070 5, 8, 5,887,870 , 80 8,80 ,5 ,7 7,825 ,55 ,070 5, 7 50, 7,0 ,85 , 0,7 5,5

, ,0 8 ,770, 8

8, ,5 0

,7 2, 7,2 , 0 ,5 ,2 7 7,855, 2 2 , 72, 0 , 22,850 8,8 ,7 2,857, 5 , 0 ,2

,777,778 2 7, 08 ,5 8, , 82, 5 ,5 ,2 0 ,50 , 2 5,5 5,5 8 7, , 78 287, 5 5, 28 20 , 8, 7 0, ,528 5, 8, , 5, 55 , 02,0 7 , 0, 52 2 0, 2 5, 2 , 87,0 8 5,20 ,05 0,577, 0

2,0 ,88 ,208, , 5 , , 85, 85 20 ,220, 5,0 7, 72 2,7 ,28 2 8, 5,

87,22 , 8

75,588, 8

112 ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

งบการเงินเฉพาะของบริษัท 2554



0,8 5,0 7 , 58, 8 ,0 , 2 , 7 , 5,887,8 8, ,5 0 , 5,070 ,78 ,005

, 8 7,000 , 8 , 0 , 7

, 8 ,707 8,200 5, 8, 5, 7 ,5 8,72


, , 8 ,8 , 07 5,28 ,2 ,7 5,27 , 5, 5 , 2 , 5 7 , 5 , 2

2,78 ,228 ,8 0 2 , 7 , 8, 2 , 02,0 , 2 5,5 , 8

, 2 ,77 5,5 8 5, 8, 5, 2 , , 77

ĂčðÖøèŤ ı ÿčìíĉ

20, 2 ,8

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8, ,5 0

8, ,5 0


8, 77,72 ,8 0, 8 ,0 , 2 28,22 , 50 , 22,850 2,7 , 5 8 , , 0 2, ,8 5 ,75 ,5 5,5 8, 5 27,585,70 5,0 7, 72 2, 8 ,08 75, , 7,8 , 0

ÙŠćđÿČęĂöøćÙćìĊęøĆïøĎšĔîÜïÖĞćĕø×ćéìčîđïĘéđÿøĘÝ öĊéĆÜîĊĚ ĀîŠü÷ ïćì


êšîìčîÖćøĔĀšïøĉÖćøĒúąÝćÖÖćø×ć÷ ÙŠćĔߚ݊ć÷ĔîÖćøïøĉĀćø øüö

งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท





0, 0,2 ,2 5,8 5,20 ,05

, 88, 8 ,8 2, 8 ,55 , 5

2,00 , 28 ,522, 5 5,5 , 8

5,8 , 8 ,875, 0 , ,727

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113 14. ÙĂöóĉüđêĂøŤēðøĒÖøö ı ÿčìíĉ ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

งบการเงินรวม 2554

ÙĂöóĉüđêĂøŤēðøĒÖøö ı øćÙćìčî ÙĂöóĉüđêĂøŤēðøĒÖøö ÙĂöóĉüđêĂøŤēðøĒÖøöøąĀüŠćÜÖćøóĆçîć

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øüö ÙĂöóĉüđêĂøŤēðøĒÖøö ı ÿčìíĉ





, 5 ,0 255,000 ,7 ,0

, 5 ,0 255,000 ,7 ,0

5,872, 08 5,872, 08 ,8 ,

, 2,70 , 2,70

7, 85, 2 7, 85, 2 2,228,707 ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

งบการเงินเฉพาะของบริษัท 2554

ÙĂöóĉüđêĂøŤēðøĒÖøö ı øćÙćìčî ÙĂöóĉüđêĂøŤēðøĒÖøö ÙĂöóĉüđêĂøŤēðøĒÖøöøąĀüŠćÜÖćøóĆçîć

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8,578, 2 255,000 8,8 , 2

5,0 5, 5,0 5, ,7 8,50

,58 , 2 ,58 , 2

8,578, 2 255,000 8,8 , 2 , 5 ,55 , 5 ,55 2, 82, 8

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งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท





,7 ,070 , 57, 5 , , 2 2,5 ,05

, , 55 , 5, 8 ,5 , 0 25, ,02

,25 , 5 , 57, 58 5 ,2 2 ,2 ,55

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2 ,8 5,05 , 0 ,52 , ,

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งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท 2555


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งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท





5, , 8 ,8 2,225

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5, , 8

8,78 , 8

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8 . 5 5. 2


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2 . .

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8, 08, 2 8, 08, 2 , , 8 ,72 , 0

งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท 2555

8, 72,8 8, 72,8 ,2 8,20 2 8, 00

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งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท




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0.27 0. 0 0. 7 0.20

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จํานวนหุ้น (หุ้น)

วันที่จ่าย เงินปันผล

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สําหรับปีสิ้นสุดวันที่ 31 ธันวาคม 2554 2555

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งบการเงินเฉพาะ ของบริษัท 2555


7 , 8 ,25 0, 8 , 82,2 8, 2 0,8 8,0 2 ,8 8,757 , 80, 2 ,78 , 70 2, ,7 5 2, 0,000

7 , , 8 7,0 , 02 2 ,70 ,2 0 7 , 5,8 5,7 ,0 5 , 7 ,0 2 2, , 0 5,80 ,2 8 2,2 0,000

27,8 0,7 0, 8 , , 25,57 7 , 82, 20 7, 8, 07 28,52 ,5 2,7 , 0 ,705, 5 2, 0,000

27, 0 ,8 0 7,0 , 02 5,8 2, 7 5 , 0, 0 0,7 , 2 ,7 2, 2,2 ,70 , ,875 2,2 0,000

0, 5,7 0 2,27 ,7 7 20,58 , 7

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5, 05,7

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สําหรับปีสิ้นสุดวันที่ 31 ธันวาคม 2554 2555


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8 .

7. 2 . .5 20. .77

2. 5

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2 , ,778 5,000 , 52,05

31 ธันวาคม 2555 มีอัตรา ดอกเบี้ยคงที่ ไม่มีดอกเบี้ย


858, 7 7, 0,


2 2,502, 5 , 0, 5,000 , 52,05 ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

งบการเงินรวม มีอัตรา ดอกเบี้ยลอยตัว

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2 7,8 ,7 2 5,000 5, 5 , 77

31 ธันวาคม 2554 มีอัตรา ดอกเบี้ยคงที่ ไม่มีดอกเบี้ย

2, 8, 0 8, 7, 2


220,0 , 2 8, 7, 2 5,000 5, 5 , 77

121 ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

งบการเงินเฉพาะของบริษัท มีอัตรา ดอกเบี้ยลอยตัว

ÿĉîìøĆó÷ŤìćÜÖćøđÜĉî đÜĉîÿéĒúąøć÷ÖćøđìĊ÷ïđìŠćđÜĉîÿé đÜĉîúÜìčîßĆęüÙøćü đÜĉîĔĀšÖĎš÷ČöĒÖŠïøĉþĆììĊęđÖĊę÷üךĂÜ đÜĉîòćÖíîćÙćøìĊęöĊךĂÝĞćÖĆéĔîÖćøĔßš

77,00 , 8 5,000 2, 52,05

31 ธันวาคม 2555 มีอัตรา ดอกเบี้ยคงที่ ไม่มีดอกเบี้ย


82 ,550 7, 0,


77,82 ,7 , 0, 5,000 2, 52,05 ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

งบการเงินเฉพาะของบริษัท มีอัตรา ดอกเบี้ยลอยตัว

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5 ,8 2,578 5,000 2, , 77

31 ธันวาคม 2554 มีอัตรา ดอกเบี้ยคงที่ ไม่มีดอกเบี้ย

2, 5 ,078 , 20, 0


55, 8 , 5 , 20, 0 5,000 2, , 77

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,827,700 7, 0, 5,000

31 ธันวาคม 2555 1 - 6 เดือน 7 - 12 เดือน

88, 7 ,75 2,000,000 , 52,05


2 2,502, 5 , 0, 5,000 , 52,05


0.75 2. 0 .50 8.25 . 0 2. 5 ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

งบการเงินรวม เมื่อทวงถาม

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31 ธันวาคม 2554 1 - 6 เดือน 7 - 12 เดือน

, 7 , 07 08, 2,5 8, 7, 2 5,000 5, 5 , 77


220,0 , 2 8, 7, 2 5,000 5, 5 , 77


0.75 2. 0 8.25 .00 . 0

122 ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

งบการเงินเฉพาะของบริษัท เมื่อทวงถาม

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0 , 8, 5 7, 0, 5,000

31 ธันวาคม 2555 1 - 6 เดือน 7 - 12 เดือน

7 , 7 ,0 8 2,000,000 2, 52,05


77,82 ,7 , 0, 5,000 2, 52,05


0.75 2. 0 .50 8.25 . 0 2. 5 ĀîŠü÷ ïćì

งบการเงินเฉพาะของบริษัท เมื่อทวงถาม

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, , 0 , 20, 0 5,000

31 ธันวาคม 2554 1 - 6 เดือน 7 - 12 เดือน

8 , 7 ,5 2, , 77


55, 8 , 5 , 20, 0 5,000 2, , 77


0.75 2. 0 8.25 .00 . 0

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Contents 126

Message from Chairman of the Board of


Corporate Governance



Internal Control

Message from Chairman of the Executive


Risk Factor



Management Discussion and Financial Analysis


Director and Management Team


Audit Committee’s Report


General Information


The Board of Directors’ Responsibilities


Nature of Business


Shareholding & Organizational Structure


Connected Transaction


in Respect of the Financial Statements 200

Financial Statement


Message from the Chairman %FBS 4IBSFIPMEFST, 0verall economic of the past year, which was the :ear of the (olden Dragon, was outstanding. In many of the maKor events related to the global economy, including the changes of the leaders in many countries, the global economic slowdown that occurred relatively early and deep down to all economic groups, as well as the international institutes continued reducing economic growth. In 20 2, the world saw an intensive monetary policy phenomenon with many countries inKecting massive amounts of liquidity into the economy. Many economic analysts predicted that the year 20 will see a recovery in the economy of many countries. &ven the 6.S. that has been facing the ųscal cliff, it would make a return to conųdence and start to recover. &uro zone crisis will still persist. However, the economy will grow slightly in "sia, particularly $hina and "S&"/ will enKoy the growth as well as the economy of #3I$S that would return to growth again. For Thailand, the (olden Dragon year was the year with political stability and good economic resulting in the growth of the automotive industry which was noted by the order for new cars in the motor shows. In addition, a number of public sector proKects to correct and prevent the Ŵood and investment in infrastructure, would inKect more money, as well as the "&$ scheme that would alert all the "S&"/ countries and that will beneųt the economy, society and politics of the country. The year 20 2 is considered the golden year of M"$0 since it is the ųrst year we have enKoyed the highest business growth in 20 years with total revenue of 7 2. million #aht and a net proųt of .5 million #aht. It is the ųrst year we have been awarded with ij"sia’s 200 #est 6nder a #illion’ by Forbes magazine, and the ųrst year for the ij$ompany 1erformance "wards’ from Set "wards 20 2. "ll the "wards, I would like to share them with all employees as an encouragement due to your dedication and performance of everyone. For the year 20 , M"$0 has prepared a strategic plan for years to support the launch of the "S&"/ &conomic $ommunity "&$ concerning the readiness of the personnel, capital and alliances. 8e believe that in the next years all "S&"/ countries will face strong competition and only the one who is ready will be more competitive. 3egarding the marketing plan, M"$0 has seen that the operation with customer’s satisfaction in view is a part for success, and the positive trend of the economy and the political will help M"$0 to reach the target easily. 0n behalf of the #oard, the management and every employee of Master "d 1lc $o., -td., we are all committed to working together to develop and promote a sustainable organization under the principles of good corporate governance so that the $ompany will have a sustainable growth. 0n behalf of the #oard, I wish to use this opportunity to thank all of you for the support and continuous cooperation with of the $ompany.

1PM. 4VC. -U. ,SJBOHTBL -PIBDIBMB $hairman of the #oard of Directors


Message from the Chairman of Executive Committee and Chief Executive OfďŹ cer %FBS 4IBSFIPMEFST. In 20 2, it is the 25th year of our operation. M"$0 is like a youth who has experienced and been proud as well as delighted because this year is truly the (olden :ear for us. "s to the $hairman, M"$0 has won numerous awards to the extent that it has made a record as the 0HM company who received most awards in the a year, including the #est $&0 "wards from the Set "ward 20 2 as well. This year, all the staff of each unit has worked professionally and with responsibility in order to reach the goal. It works out to be satisfactory to the #oard and the shareholders with the net proĹłt of .5 or 2. 8 over 20 . For the year 20 , it would be a challenge to M"$0 team, because . 8e need to retain the championship and 2. 8e need to reach the goal. This year the #oard has a policy plan for the "S&"/ &conomic $ommunity "&$ . Therefore, in 20 the M"$0 team has to work times harder. #ut everyone will not be indefatigable to move forward, under the slogan ÄłMaximize $onnecting the Moving -ife.’ The goal for us this year is that we have to invade the "S&"/ market, and more importantly, Master "d 1lc. $o., -td. will remain committed to doing business under transparency and can be veriĹłed. 0n behalf of Master "d 1lc $o., -td., I wish to thank the shareholders, the investors, the analysts and the media, including the agencies both public and private sectors, in supporting us, for your trust and conĹłdence in the $ompany’s vision after all these years.

.S. /PQQBEPO 5BOTBMBSBL $hairman of &xecutive $ommittee $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer


2. .S. 1BSBNFT 3BDIKBJCVO 57 none


% of share Relation holding : among family within the Company :




Name – Last Name

Director’s ProďŹ le

D"1 57 0

Äť #" Faculty of -iberal "rts History , Thammasat 6niversity. Äť Honorary Doctor of "rts Degree, Sripatum 6niversity. Äť Training course Thai Institute of Directors I0D

Äť Director "ccreditation 1rogram

D"1 07 0

Äť Master of 1ublic "dministration, ,ent State 6niversity, 6S" Äť Doctor of 1ublic "dministration, 6niversity, 200 3amkhamhaeng Äť #achelor of -aws, Thammasart 6niversity Äť 5SBJOHJOH DPVSTF: 5IBJ *OTUJUVUF PG %JSFDUPST *0%

Äť Director "ccreditation 1rogram


1resent 1resent 1resent 1resent 2002 200 2000 200 7 2000 2 7 87 2

1resent 2000 2002 0 2000

1resent 1resent 1resent

1resent 1resent

1resent 1resent 1resent




" 1lus &ntertainment 1lc.

Master "d 1lc.


#ureau of the $rown 1roperty ,rungthep Thanakom $o., -td. 3aKapraKanugroh Foundation under the 3oyal 1atronage Member 3uk Muangthai Foundation 1resident of the 6niversity 3aKamangala 6niversity of $ouncil Technology Tawan ok $hairman $hildren Discovery Museum Director MaKor $ineplex (roup 1lc. Independent Director and 1richa (roup 1lc. "udit $ommittee Independent Director ,anyong &lectric 1ermanent Secretary #angkok (overnor Deputy 1ermanent #angkok (overnor Secretary Vice $hairman of the Master "d 1lc. #oard of Director Turnaround Focus $o., -td. $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer, /ueanabun $o., -td. $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer, The "dvertising "ssociation of Thailand Honorary $hairman, Turnaround $o., -td. $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer Dentsu :oung 3ubicam 1resident Dentsu :oung 3ubicam 1resident $ustomer Dentsu :oung 3ubicam 3elationships Director Dentsu :oung 3ubicam (eneral Manager $lient Service Director

$hairman of the #oard of Director $hairman of the #oard of Director $onsultant $onsultant Member


Working Experience



Name – Last Name




Age % of share Relation holding : among family within the Company :

Äť Äť



Äť Äť Äť Äť Äť Äť




Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. Take a -ook $o., -td. Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. Master and More $o., -td. Maco 3ite Sign $o., -td. Master "d 1ublic $o., -td.

"dvertising and Sign 1roduction "ssociation 3etails Management $ourse, $1 "ll 1ublic $o., -td. 5IBJ -JTUFE $PNQBOJFT "TTPDJBUJPO

(reen "d $o., -td. $apital Market "cademy "lumni "ssociation $apital Market "cademy "lumni "ssociation

M"I Stock &xchange School of 1olitics and 1ublic "dminis tration, ,ing 1raKadhipok’s Institute Five 1rovinces #ordering Forest 1reservation Foundation Town #randing $o., -td. "ssociation of /ational Defence $ollege 3etails Management $ourse, $1 "ll 1ublic $o., -td. Max $reative $o., -td. Taokaenoi Food Marketing 1ublic $o., -td.

Working Experience

20 1resent "dvisor &ngineering. 6niversity of 20 1resent $hairman of 13 and Southwestern -ouisiana 6S". Members 3elations, $lass 5 M#", Thammasat 6niversity 20 2 1resent Sub committee on 13 and &ngineering #achelor Degree, "ctivities Survey. $hulalongkorn 6niversity 20 2 1resent Director Director "ccreditation 1rogram 20 1resent Secretary, $lass 2 D"1 7 0 20 1resent $hairman of the $ommittee Director $ertiĹłcation 1rogram "3M $-6# D$1 0 20 1resent Director T-$" &xecutive Development 20 1resent Independent Director and 1rogram 2 &D12

"udit $ommittee "dvanced Diploma for &xecutives 20 0 1resent Director on 1olitics and (overnance in 20 0 1resent Director Democracy, $lass 5, School of 20 0 1resent $hief of Secreatary Team, 1olitics and 1ublic "dministration, $lass 0 ,ing 1raKadhipok’s Institute 20 0 1resent Honorary "dvisor "dvanced Security Management 2008 1resent $hairman of the Students $ourse, $lass 2, "ssociation of $lass 255 "3M

/ational Defence $ollege 2008 1resent $hairman of the Students "dvanced $ourse for &xecutive, $lass 2 255 &D12 , T-$" $lass 0, $apital Market &xecutive Development "cademy 1rogram 2 "dvance 3etail Management

200 1resent &xecutive $ommittee $lass $1 "ll 1ublic $o., -td. 200 1resent Director Successful 200 1resent Director Formulation &xecution the 1resent Director Strategy SF& $lass 20 0 1resent Director 88 1resent $&0

Äť Master in &ngineering. Structural




Name – Last Name

Age % of share Relation holding : among family within the Company :


82 8

2 2008 8 200 8 2008 8 87

20 200




200 2007

200 2007

2008 200 2007 20 0

2008 20 0 2008 200 2008 200 2008 200 2008 200

20 2

20 2



School of 1olitics and 1ublic "dminis tration, ,ing 1raKadhipok’s Institute $hairman of Fund 3aising and School of 1olitics and 1ublic 3evenue Management, $lass 5 "dminis tration, ,ing 1raKadhipok’s Institute &xecutive Director Vice president #angkok Sports $lub Division Subcommittee $hairman #angkok Sports $lub 13 #angkok Sports $lub Vice president "dvertising and Sign 1roducitn "ssociation Vice president #angkok Sports $lub Director and $hairman of Thai -isted $ompanies "ssociation "udit $ommittee 1resident "dvertising and Sign 1roduction "ssociation "S1"

Vice president "dvertising and Sign 1roduction "ssociation Subcommittee on 1ublic SufĹłciency &conomy Subcommittee 3elations "dvisor to the Sub $ommittee Transportation $ommission. House of 3epresentatives "dvisor to the $hairman of the 1ublic 3elations Senate Director House of the Senate Secretary Ink +et Images Thailand $o., -td. "dvertising and Sign 1roduction "ssociation "S1"

Director -andy Development $o., -td. Director Dai Ichi $orporation 1ublic Director -andy Home $o., -td. &ngineer &xpressway and 3apid Transit "uthority of Thailand &ngineer -$$ -im $haroen $o., -td.

$hairman of 13 and Members 3elations, $lass 5


Working Experience







5. 8






Age % of share Relation holding : among family within the Company :


Name – Last Name

1resent 1resent 1resent 1resent 1resent 8 1resent



Äť Äť Äť Äť Äť

Äť Äť Äť Äť


&xpressway and 3apid Transit "uthority of Thailand &T"

Master "d 1lc.

-andy Development $o., -td. &sso Standard Thailand $o., -td. Siam $ity $ement 1ublic $o., -td.

Thai "ppraisal Foundation "lumni "ssociation of the Faculty of &ngineering, $hulalongkorn 6niversity Dai Ichi $orporation 1lc. Master and More $o., -td. Master "d 1lc.

-andy Home Thailand $o., -td. Hitachi ;osen $o., -td.

/ikko 1lanning Development $o., -td. /ikko Thonburi $o., -td. Master and More $o., -td. InkKet Images Thailand $o., -td. Take " -ook $o., -td. Master "d 1lc.

Working Experience

Managing Director Managing Director Director Director Director $hulalongkorn 6niversity Director &xecutive 5SBJOJOH DPVSTF : 5IBJ *OTUJUVUF PG $ommittee 88 1resent Managing Director %JSFDUPST *0%

Director "ccreditation 1rogram 8 88 Structural &ngineer for D"1 05 the hanging bridge Master of #usiness "dministration, 1resent Director Thammasat 6niversity 1resent Director MSc Structural &ngineer , "sia Technology Institute 1resent Managing Director #Sc &ngineering , $ivil 1resent Director 8 1resent Director &xecutive &ngineering, $hulalongkorn 6niversity $ommittee 5SBJOJOH DPVSTF: 5IBJ *OTUJUVUF PG 2 2002 Director 87 88 1roKect &ngineer %JSFDUPST *0%

Director "ccreditation 1rogram 85 87 1roKect &ngineer D"1 7 0 Director $ertiĹłcation 1rogram D$1 5 05 Mini M#", Thammasat 6niversity 8 1resent Director &xecutive $ommittee "ssociate Degree , 3aKamangala 6niversity of Technology, 8 Director of building #angkok Technology $ollege maintenance and cleanliness

Äť MSc &ngineering , $ivil &ngineering, Tokyo 6niversity Äť Master of #usiness "dministration, Thammasat 6niversity Äť #Sc &ngineering , $ivil &ngineering,



52 none

55 none


Äť Äť Äť Äť Äť Äť Äť Äť Äť



Director "ccreditation 1rogram D"1 05 none M#", 6niversity of 8isconsin, Madison, 6S" #." in &conomics, $hulalongkorn 6niversity 5SBJOJOH DPVSTF : 5IBJ *OTUJUVUF PG %JSFDUPST *0%

Director $ertiĹłcation 1rogram D$1 20 02 none High Diploma in "uditing, $hulalongkorn 6niversity #", in "ccounting, $hulalongkorn 6niversity 5SBJOJOH DPVSTF : 5IBJ *OTUJUVUF PG %JSFDUPST *0%

Director "ccreditation 1rogram D"1 7 08

Age % of share Relation holding : among family within the Company :



Name – Last Name Position

State 3ailway of Thailand


Star1etroleum 3eĹłning $o., -td.

Minerva Development $o., -td. 1epsi $ola Thai Trading $o., -td.

Sony Thai $o., -td.

S#$ 8arburg 1remier Securities

6S, "nti Dumping on Frozen Shrimp Thai Strategic $apital $o., -td.

"sian Seafoods $oldstorage 1ublic $o., -td. Dai Ichi $orporation 1lc. Imco Foodpack $o., -td.

$oncept Training and $onsultant $o., -td. Managing Director Independent Director and $apital /omura Securities 1lc. "udit $ommittee

200 1resent Vice 1resident 2008 1resent Director 200 1resent "dvisor Financial "ccounting 2005 20 0 "dvisor 8 200 Director Äą Financial $ontroller 8 "ssistant Managing Director 2 $orporate 1lanning and $ontrol Division Manager 200 Managing 1artner "rea $ontroller Äą Southeast "sia 2 ManagerÄą"ccounting, Treasury Tax

1resent 1resent

8 $hief, #angkok location


Working Experience





Name – Last Name



Äť #achelor of "ccounting, Thammasart 6niversity Äť #achelor of -aws, Thammasart 6niversity Äť Master of 1ublic "dministration,


Äť Äť Äť Äť Äť Äť

Äť Äť Äť Äť Äť

/ational Institute of Development "dministration Master of "rts, $hulalongkorn 6niversity 5SBJOJOH DPVSTF : 5IBJ *OTUJUVUF PG %JSFDUPST *0%

Director "ccreditation 1rogram D"1 80 0 M#" of Financial, 6niversity of none the Thai $hamber of $ommerce #achelor of "ccounting, Sukhothaithammathirat 0pen 6niversity 5SBJOJOH DPVSTF : 5IBJ *OTUJUVUF PG %JSFDUPST *0%

Director "ccreditation 1rogram D"1 7 2008 Finance for non Ĺłnance Director 0UIFS 5SBJOJOH $orporate Secretary 1rogram 2 2005 Financial for non Finance Director 20 0



% of share Relation holding : among family Age within the Company : Position

2000 8 0 8 8 8 8

200 200

2005 200

1resent 1resent 20 0 20 2

1resent 1resent 1resent

Director $ompany Secretary "sst. $&0 "ccounting Financial Director Director "ccounting Financial Director Deputy "ccounting Financial Director "sst. "ccounting Financial Director "ccounting Manager "ccountant "sst. "ccountant "sst. "ccountant

20 1resent Independent Director "udit $ommittee 200 1resent $onsult 200 200 Special Instructor 200 $onsultant 77 200 "uditor



Mavster "d 1lc. 6mnart "ssociate $o., -td. Vissavasahaphan $o., -td. $entury $ycle $o., -td

Master "d 1lc.

Master "d 1lc.

Master and More $o., -td. InkKet Images $o., -td. Master "d 1lc.

Master "d 1lc. Master "d 1lc. Master "d 1lc.

Thai Dairy Industry $o., -td. #angkok 6niversity Standard $hartered nakornthon 1lc. 3evenue of Department

Master "d 1lc.

Working Experience






Name - Last Name





"dministration 1olice $adet School Finance for non Finance &xecutive ,M School 2008

ĝ #achelor’s Degree in 1ublic

"rt &ducation Hons. $hulalongkorn 6niversity

Äť #achelor of &ducation

$hulalongkorn 6niversity

Äť #achelor of "rts


Executive Management’s ProďŹ le




Amount of Share (%) Position

$hief Innovation 0fĹłcer (eneral Manager $reative Director $reative Director $reative (roup Head Senior $opywriter $opy 8riter $opy 8riter "sst. $&0 #usiness Innovation $erative &vent 20 1resent &xecutive Director 20 1resent Director 200 20 0 $onsultant 200 20 0 $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer 200 20 0 $hief &xecutive $onsultant 200 2007 $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer 200 200 Managing Director 2002 200 $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer 200 200 $&0 2000 200 Managing Director Vice 1resident M,T

5 Marketing Sale Manager Deputy Managing Director "ccount Director 85 2 1ropagandist "ssistant $&0 #usiness 3elation 1resent (eneral Manager 8 200 Manager 0 8

1resent 200 200 200 200 200 0 85 0 8 85 82 8 1resent



Max $reative $o., -td. (reen "d $o., -td. /arai 1hand $o., -td. IT 1rofessional $o., -td. Health food $o., -td. &lite 1roperty $o., -td. Dueyklao $o., -td. "head Marketing $o., -td. " 1lus (roup $o., -td. #angyai $oncrete 1roduct $o., -td. 3iver ,wai International 1lc. 3angsit 1laza $o., -td. /uovo &ntertainment $o., -td. Victor $hiem $o., -td. Siam $ement 1lc. Master "d 1lc. "irline #usiness School 1aciĹłc -eather $o., -td.

Master "d 1lc. Dentsu 1lus $o., -td. #ezz $o., -td -ow 8orld 8ide $o., -td. Fareast "dvertising $o., -td. -eo #ernet $o., -td. Fareast "dvertising $o., -td. $1 S "dvertising Master "d 1lc.

Working Exeperience






Name-Last Name



Äť Äť

administration DhurakiK 1undit 6niversity #achelor of History, ,asetsart 6niversity 2uality and Standard, Thailand 1roductivity institue The Master of #usiness "dministration in (eneral Management, $ollege of Management, Mahidol 6niversity The #achelor of #usiness "dministration in Marketing, "ssumption 6niversity

Äť Master degree of public


Executive Management’s ProďŹ le



Amount of Share (%)

1resent 20 20 200 2000 7

20 0 20 2 200 200 2000 7 2



1roduct Manager 1roduct Manager Marketing "ssistant Department Head

"ssistant $&0 Marketing Sales #rand Manager Senior #rand Manager

"ssistant $&0 "dministration Human 3esource "dministration Director "cting "dministration Director Deputy "dministration Director "dministration Manager "ccountant



Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. The Swatch (roup Thailand $o., -td. Diageo Moet Hennessy Thailand

-imited I$I 1aints Thailand $o., -td. Sara -ee Thailand -imited 3emy Thailand -imited $encar $o., -td.

Master "d 1lc. Master "d 1lc. Master "d 1lc. Master "d 1lc. Technology Source International

Master "d 1ublic $o., -td.

Working Exeperience


1, ID "1, ID D, &$, $&0 & & & ID, "$ ID, $ ID, $ D, S, "

Master Ad Plc.


Take A Look Co., Ltd.

Associate Inkjet Immages (Thailand) Co., Ltd.




Green Ad Co., Ltd.



Max Creative Co., Ltd.



Maco Rite Sing Co., Ltd.


Master & More Co., Ltd.


1 $hairman, "1 Vice $hairman, D Director, ID Independent Director, "$ $hairman of the "udit $ommittee, $ "udit $ommittee, &$ $hairman of The &xecutive $ommittee, & &xecutive $ommittee, $&0 $hief &xecutive 0f킬cer, S $ompany Secretary, " "ccountin Financial Director

1ol. Sub. -t. ,riengsak -ohachala Mr. 1arames 3atchKaibun Mr. /oppadon Tansalarak Mr. 1hiched Maneerattanaporn Mr. Tawat Meeprasertskul Mr. Vichit Dilokvilas Mr. 1rasert Virasathienpornkul Mr. 1ornsak -imboonyaprasert Mrs. 6bolrat #hokamonwong Miss Tamonwan /arintavanich

/PUF :

. 2. . . 5. . 7. 8. . 0.


Detail the #oard of Directors and Management of Master "d 1lc. Subsidiaries and associates as of December , 20




: Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited M"$0

: 0 075 000 : 1roviding advertisement services through the supply of 0ut of Home Media and engagement in the Ĺłled fo &ntertainment : 75,000,000 #aht : 7 , ,5 #aht $omprised of 7 , ,5 ordinary shares : #aht



Master More $o., -td.

00.00 From paid up $apital

1rovide service and production of small sized billboard Maco 3ite Sign $o., -td. 1roduce Tri vision equipment drastically -andy Development $o., -td 0fĹłce rental business Take " -ook $o., -td. #usiness pertaining to electronic billboard InkKet Images Thailand $o., -td. #uilt up in order to offer computerized advertising graphics 1roviding advertisement services through the (reen "d $o., -td. supply of Tree wall panel. Max $reative $o., -td. &vent creative and management service to the market.

80.00 From paid up $apital 8.87 From paid up $apital . From paid up $apital . From paid up $apital 5 .00 From paid up $apital 50.00 From 1aid up $apital


: th th Floor Soi -adphrao , -adphrao 3oad, +omphol, $hatuchak, #angkok, 0 00 5FMFQIPOF : 0 2 8 88 Fax. 0 2 8 8 8FCTJUF : http *OWFTUPS 3FMBUJPO BOE $PSQPSBUF 4FDSFUBSZ %FQBSUNFOU : Tel. 0 2 8 88 &xt. 87 Fax. 0 2 8 8 &NBJM "EESFTT : ir! 3FGFSFODF %VUJF PG 4FDVSJUJFT 3FHJTUSBS : Thailand Securities Depository $o., -td. TSD 2 The Stock &xchange of Thailand #uilding. Tel. 0 222 2800 $all $enter 0 222 288 "VEJUPS (rant Thornton $ompany -imited by Mr. Somckid Tiatrakul and Mrs. Sumalee $hokede anun "EESFTT : 8th Floor $apital Tower "ll Season 1lace 87 8ireless 3oad, #angkok 0 0 5FMFQIPOF : 0 2 5 0 'BY : 0 2 5


Nature of Business


&stablished in 88, by Mr. /oppadon Tansalarak, with a registered capital of #aht 00,000 Master "d $o., -td. aimed to primarily provide services and production of advertising media and entertainment signs, targeting at 0ut of Home "dvertising Media. The early main products of the $ompany were advertising and public relation billboards. -ater, a foreign technology called Trivision with a prism technique Äą rotating pictures on one sign was applied in large and small signs depending on clients’ requirements and locations. Today, Master "d has developed technology to respond to any clients’ requirements under the concept of Äś0HM Solution 1rovider in line with its slogan ÄśThe -eader in 0HM Solution 1rovider.ġ Outstanding Developmental Highlights

Introducing the device with new driving technology which allowed of displaying three slides per billboard as well as customizing turnover in all directions. For instance, Tri vision billboards of both large and small sizes could be Ĺ´ipped over from left to right and top to bottom to serve speciĹłc purposes and sites.

Increasing the $ompany’s issued and paid up capital to ,000,000 baht. Introducing the applications of engineering technology to billboard creation through the construction of Mono 1ole and Double 1ole in place of Steel Truss.


Increasing the $ompany’s issued and paid up capital to ,000,000 baht.

$o investing with InkKet Images M SD / #HD $ompany -imited Malaysia in establishing InkKet Images Thailand $ompany -imited. The Koint venture produced billboard both indoors and outdoors in various forms. $o investing with Master $lear $hannel International $ompany -imited, a #ritish leading billboard company, to form Master and More $ompany -imited. Master "d 1$- held 5 shareholding, valued at 0.20 million baht in capital. The purpose of this company’s inception was to produce the billboard of smaller than 0 square meter in area.


&xpanding its business to cover other billboard types to provide its customers with a wider variety of technological options, such as Dyna Vision, Focus Display, $ity vision, #alloon, "irship, etc.


Increasing the $ompany’s issued and paid up capital to 00,000,000 baht. 1ioneering the application of IS0 00 2000 granted by the 6nited 3egistrar of Systems -imited 63S , &ngland, into its billboard business operation in Thailand under the slogan, Äś$reate Media with 2uality.ġ


Increasing the $ompany’s issued and paid up capital to 25,000,000 baht. The $ompany was, then, transformed into a public company, expressing its readiness for selling its shares to the general public and being listed in the M"I stock market. The corporate shares were ųrst distributed among investors on September 2 , 200 .


+ointly investing with 3ite Sign 0/M Sweden "b, Sweden in order to set up Maco 3ite Sign $ompany -imited with a starting capital of 5,000,000 baht. In the Koint venture, Master "d 1$- owned 80 of the entire shares. The establishment of Maco 3ite Sign $o., -td. was mainly aimed to manufacture Tri vision driving mechanism in place of importing such devices. For the beneųts of Master "d 1$-, 50 of its capital for importing the tri vision driving system decreased, whereby, Master "d’s market shares and incomes automatically increased. 1urchasing and holding 8.87 shares of -andy Development $ompany -imited. The beneųt gained from such shareholding was the deployment of the new real estate proKect located at the entrance of Soi -ad 1hrao . +ointly investing in Take " -ook $ompany -imited with 25 shareholding. 2005

Increasing the investment in Take " -ook $ompany -imited by purchasing additional shares, thereby, increasing its shareholding from 25 to . .


Focusing on market and customer base expansion by creating value added and innovative speciųcally in terms of services in the new media, marketing promotions and activities, coupled with development of its service quality and existing advertising media to be accepted among and fully satisfy customers in collaboration with both local and overseas business partners. 6pgrading its IS0 00 2000 to IS0 00 2008, resulting in a more straight forward performances and more efųcient and effective application to the corporate Kobs. Developing Master "d personnel to strive for the highest standard so that their $ompany can become a leading company under the slogan, ĜTotal Solution 1rovide.ġ

20 0

1urchased 50,000 shares of Master More $o., -td. from $lear $hannel 1aciĹłc 1te. -td. making the $ompany the shareholder in Master More $o., -td. of 2,000,000 shares, representing 00 equity. +oint venture with 8e #ig $o., -td. to operate (reen "d $o., -td. providing advertising services and contract manufacturing for on wall plants panel advertising media for both external and internal the residents, with a registered capital of 5 million #aht, divided into ,000,000 ordinary shares of 5 #aht each. Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. held 5 and 8e #ig $o., -td. held another of shareholding.


+oint venture with Index $reative Village 1ublic $o., -td., to set up Max $reative $o., -td. to provide promotional services and production of advertising media for both in and out of home advertisings, with a registered capital of 5,000,000 #aht divided into 50,000 shares of 00 #aht each. Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited holds in the proportion of 50 and Index $reative Village 1ublic $o., -td., holds another 50 stake. In association with Index $reative Village 1ublic $o., -td., Design 0 International $o., -td. and Design 0 $o., -td. To set up a Koint venture company named +oint Venture Index D 0 Marco to handle a contract made with the Department of Marine and $oastal 3esources, Ministry of /atural 3esources and &nvironment to design and arrange the exhibition area for Thailand in the Ĝ:eosu International &xposition 20 2ġ at the city of :eosu, the 3epublic of ,orea during the period from 2 May 20 2 till 2 "ugust 20 2. Master "d holds 20 stake.

140 Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. received the S&T’s Top $orporate (overnance 3eport "wards, in S&T "wards 20 , as a listed company in mai with the highest score on good governance report. Improving the $ity Vision media at 20 #TS stations, a total of 88 signs with modern style to create a better distinction and add value to the advertising and the products and advertising. Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. was selected as one of "sia’s 200 #est 6nder a #illion, resulted from the search of top 00 companies across the "sia 1aciųc region with the growth in both sales and earnings from 5 million ,000 million 6S dollars. Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. has won two prestigious awards, including the #est $&0 "wards, and the #est 1erformance "wards in M"I Stock &xchange at the S&T "wards 20 2, organized by the Stock &xchange and the #anking and Finance +ournal on /ovember 22, 20 2. Overview of Entrepreneurship of the Company’s Group


Master Ad Public Company Limited 10

Master and More e Co., Ltd.


80 %

Marco Right Sign Co., Ltd. 33 .

Inkjet Images 33% (Thailand) Co., Ltd.



87 Landy % Development Co., Ltd.


Green Ad Co., Ltd.


Max Creative Co., Ltd.

Take A Look Co., Ltd. 50





.BTUFS "E 1VCMJD $P., -UE. &stablished to provide advertising services and production of advertising signs, media and large billboards, Master "d’s primary revenue today comes from the rent of advertising signs and production of advertisements Ĺ billboards, malls, made to order. Today, Master "d provides fully integrated services as the -eader in 0HM Solution provider. .BTUFS BOE .PSF $P., -UE. &stablished to provide services and produce advertising media, Master and More sets priority in small advertising boards such as #TS $ity Vision, $ity Vision Flyover, $ity (rip -ight, #TS 8alkway, Morchit, Siam Square #illboards, etc. Master and More is a co investment between Master "d and $lear $hannel International $o., -td., producer of leading advertising media in &ngland with long experience in the business at the ratio of 7.5 to 2.5 In 20 0, Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. bought all the Master and More’s shares from its partner and subsequently Master "d today holds 00 stake in Master and More. However, $lear $hannel International $o., -td. remains a good business partner for overseas advertising business through $lear $hannel International’s network as well as overseas advertising information support.

141 *OLKFU *NBHFT 5IBJMBOE $PNQBOZ -JNJUFE This subsidiary is built up in order to offer computerized advertising graphics with inkKet printer. 1resently, InkKet Images Thailand $ompany -imited provides customers with quality devices including Vutek 1rinter 8 Dpi, Salsa 1rinter 00 Dpi, Vutek 1rinter 00 720 Dpi, Motoh Value +et, H1 Design +et, and H1 Scitex 912 00. These printers can print out advertising graphics on to the following three types of material. Äť Vinyl Vinyl is plastic mixed with other compounds to increase Ĺ´exibility, to endure gravity, and to gain more strength. This type of material is suitable for graphics on billboard. Äť Sticker Vinyl This substance is appropriate especially for Tri vision billboard media. Äť 1erforated Sticker Vinyl This material suits graphics on mirrors, e.g. mirrored building walls, mirrored doors, etc. InkKet Images has Ĺłrst introduced H1 Scitex 912 00, which is a printer with high speed and great clarity, making Master "d’s work pieces more beautiful and more real. This new printer not only creates good images to the clients’ products but also disposes of its ink smell, thereby powerfully reducing air pollution in the surroundings of the factory. In 200 the inkKet image Thailand has expanded its branches at Soi -azarn 5 in order to enhance the competitive operation of the print. .BDP 3JUF 4JHO $PNQBOZ -JNJUFE This company was founded in order to run businesses in relation with production and provision of Tri vision equipment for both local and overseas clients. In this regard, Master "d 1$- gains huge beneĹłts from cost retrenchment due to diminution of importing driving winding mechanisms required for the Tri vision system. -BOEZ %FWFMPQNFOU $PNQBOZ -JNJUFE This company was set up in order to provide ofĹłce rent. Master "d is renting an ofĹłce of -andy Development $o., -td. on -at 1hrao 3oad, Soi -at 1hrao , as Master "d is of the opinion as its beneĹłts gained. 5BLF B -PPL $P., -UE. Take a -ook $o., -td. was established by Samart Info Media -imited and Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. to do business regarding electronic display billboard called -&D #illboard. -&D #illboard has been sold to $entral 8orld (roup and Take a -ook has no additional business after the Sales Mangement and Media $ontract expired. The shareholders, currently, are considering operation plans for the future. (SFFO "E $P., -UE. &stablished by co investment between Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. and 8e #ig $o., -td., (reen "d $o., -td. provides advertising services and production of plant wall advertising media both out of home and in home, highlighting vertical gardens to sustainably copy with global warming in community and society. Äś&OWJSPONFOUBM 4USBUFHJFTġ have been applied to the theme of Äś/BUVSBMMZ *OOPWBUJWFġ. The initiatives have led to advertising market expansion to meet every customer demand. .BY $SFBUJWF $PNQBOZ -JNJUFE Max $reative 1ublic $ompany -imited is a Koint venture between the $ompany and Index $reative Village 1ublic $o., -td. to provide services and contract manufacturing for advertising media as well as promotional activities for both inside and outside home advertisings with the obKectives to increase the market share in the out of home media 0HM and event markets, and to enhance the growth of the organization for "S&"/ in terms of ideas, and creativity in advertising and public relations.

142 Revenue Structure

3evenue structure of Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. and its Subsidiaries 6nit million #aht

Revenue structure

3evenue from services 3evenue from production 3evenue from sales 0thers Total










2 .8 0. 8 0.02 7. 2 7 .7

82. 5 .7 2. 00.00

5 . .57 0. 8.87 . 0

8 . 2 .20 0. 0 . 8 00.00

.2 8 . 8 . 508.

8 . 8 . .8 00.00

Our Objective:

Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited is the leader in out of home advertisements solution provider as well as consultancy, planning and production of 2 principal 0HM as follows 1. ."$0 4QBDF Äť #illboard Äť Street Furniture Äť Transit 2. /PO ."$0 4QBDF Äť Made To 0rder Äť &vent Investment Policy in Subsidiaries and AfďŹ liates

$oncerning investment policy in subsidiaries and afĹłliates, the $ompany will invest in businesses related to the 0HM both directly and indirectly. 8e will consider the proportion of each investment based on business trends. If it has a chance to succeed and can support the current business operations, then the $ompany will invest in a substantial proportion to enable the $ompany to get involved with the management and setting policies. Industry trends and competitive conditions in the industry

In 20 2, the industry has grown with more stability based on the expansion of the economy, more spending on consumption and competition of the business sector that requires advertising to boost sales and supporting the creation of new products as well as brands. In the meantime, the government has been expected to spend the budget to promote proKects in order to stimulate the economy. The advertising industry in 20 2 was valued at . 7 billion #aht, which is an increase of 2. 2 comparing to 20 or up over . billion #aht. The ad spendings in all media ihas increased except those for the magazine.

143 6nit Million #aht Type of Media





Changes in

% of Growth


TV 3adio /ewspaper Magazine $inema Internet 0ut of Home Media Total

8, 05,05 , 8, 27 5, 82, 70 5,220,5 2 2, 2, 5 572,502 0,2 7,205 7,75 ,5

57.8 2,2 8,07 5. 5, 7, 5 2.8 ,5 ,0 2 . 5,82 ,258 0.2 7,22 ,0 2 0. 70,007 8. 8 8,5 ,07 00 0 ,75 , 82

5 . 5. 5 .88 5.5 . 0 0. 5 8. 5 00

5,8 , 8 ,27 ,578 0 ,72 ,888, 22 02, 5 , 78, ,005,

. 7.2 . 0. 7 7. 7 2 .8 . 5 2. 2

3FNBSLÇ° Ç°5PUBMÇ°*OEVTUSZÇ° Ç°&YDMVEFÇ°4FDUJPOÇ° Ç°$MBTTJĹłFE Ç°)PVTFÇ°BET Ç°3FGFSFODF Ç°5IFÇ°/JFMTFOÇ°$PNQBOZÇ° 5IBJMBOE Ç°-UE The growth of out of home media 0HM advertising in 20 2 is . 5 of 20 with a total of 0,2 7 million #aht or , 78 million #aht more comparing with a total of 8,5 million #aht in 20 . The overview growth of the 0HM in 20 2 grew 7.2 over the advertising industry covering all types of media, including billboards, both large and small at ,52 million #aht or 5.7 increase, transit of 2, 5 million #aht or . increase, and in store media 2,7 2 million #aht or 8.85 increase respectively. Such growth of the 0HM was resulted from economic growth and the peaceful political situation. The products and brands have spent the budget in advertising and marketing communications to generate sales and encourage consumers’ buying power consistently. The automotive industry, the real estate sector, and consumer products, in particular, are the primarily groups using the 0HM. The increased expenditures during the Ĺłrst half resulting in the overall growth. During the year, the telecom business which launched ( technology also played a maKor role in the use of the 0HM as well. "nother key factor to the growth of the 0HM in 20 2 was because of creative ideas have been becoming more available than ever before including the combination of digital media to present ÄśTalk 0f The Townġ work piece to attract the targets. Therefore, various products have turned to the 0HM to create brand awareness in order to reach the consumers instead of using the mainstream media. The 0HM with new innovations all the time has become a favorable choice. It is expected that the advertising industry in 20 as a whole will be more stable. There are aspects that contribute to such stability . 8age increases will result in consumer spending. 2. (overnment will spend more budget in advertising that will stimulate the consumer market. . The opening of "S&"/ &conomic $ommunity or "&$ will result in foreign investors to do more business in Thailand. Moreover in 20 , the most interesting media is digital media. -ifestyle of the consumers of Thai people is becoming more privacy but they still need an online society. There are more than one platform used by the consumers. :ounger people also want to spend their life outside the home. Therefore, digital media, in store media, and 0HM continue to grow. The marketers need to respond to the market to cover all consumers’ needs. "lso, digital 0HM is gaining more popularity, especially the -&D. MaKor roads in #angkok will have more -&D monitors in the very near future including the interactive billboard of the -ocation based "dvertising which will be used in the areas where there a lot of activities to meet the demand of the new generation. The 0HM has been well accepted not only by the marketers in #angkok but also by the marketers in the maKor provincial areas which have similar infrastructure like #angkok, i.e. modern trade, airport, real estate and others. The opening of "S&"/ &conomic $ommunity or "&$ will stimulate not less than 0 provincial cities soon to be connected to neighbouring countries. There will be expansion for shopping malls, hyper markets, fastfood chains, home furnitures centres. "ll these will affect the life styles of local consumers and will result in more growth for 0HM in these provinces.

144 The "&$ policy will turn the maKor and secondary provinces into the maKor cities in developing the regional economic zone as transportation corridor and trade links with neighboring countries in the near future, such as Tak, ,anchanaburi, 1hitsanulok, 6bon 3atchathani, 6don Thani. Friendship #ridges will be the maKor channel to connect the economic areas between Thailand and neighbouring countries. 8ithin "&$’s framework, the high speed train will also be a megaproKect for the region’s economic growth and connection. These factors will give the people in the provinces with higher purchasing power. (rowth of modern trade to the provinces will also make the people live more in the local because the facility is no different from the capital. Therefore, the products and brands need to set the communications strategy to reach rural consumers through more 0HM. Due to this trend, the 0HM both billboards, in store media, including mobile media in the provicial areas will have growth based on the economic development policy. It is expected that during these years until "&$ in 20 5, the growth will be at a rate of 25 0 continuously every year. In 20 2, Master "d $o., -td. 1ublic has focused on the role of the cutting edge technology together with being creative and innovative as well as event marketing. More attention has been paid to the needs and consumer behavior so that the 0HM can offer a breakthrough presentation with even more value. The $ompany has seen things differently about the innovation of the 0HM. The 0HM is not limited to space like other types of media and does not have any Ĺłx rule in the production but is limited by the budget in relation to communication ideas. It is obvious that many outstanding 0HM ads have been created beyond the rules concerned by other media. "n outstanding feature of the 0HM is that it is visible and tangible thus enable the 0HM to deliver Äś3eliabilityġ, ÄśSatisfactionġ, and ÄśIntention to #uyġ for a strong brand and long term success. Success is depended on how effective the media can reach and attract the consumers. Therefore, innovative technology is a powerful choice to interact with the consumers.


Shareholding & Organizational Structure

Share holding structure


"s of +anuary 20 , the $ompany recorded registered capital of TH# 75 million, comprising 7 . million common shares at registered value of TH# per share. .BKPS TIBSFIPMEFST MaKor shareholder’s report as of 20 prepared by Thailand Securities Depository $o., -td. Paid Up Capital Shareholders

. 2. . . 5. . 7. 8. . 0.

/oppadon 1hiched Tawat Vichit $honlada Taweerat /uchvaree ,itiya Supaporn 0ther 5PUBM

Tansalarak Maneerattanaporn Meeprasertskul Dilokvilas Fuwattanasilpa 1rungpattanasakul "tchanapornkul $hantaranima +indamaneeroK


5,5 ,7 .00 ,5 , 2.00 , 8 ,702.00 , , 7 .00 7, 0 ,220.00 ,502,000.00 2,572,500.00 2,527,7 .00 2,27 ,200.00 57,2 7,5 .00 7 , ,5 .00


20. .7 . 5. 8 . 8 2.00 . 7 . . 0 2.7 100.00

%JWJEFOE 1BZNFOU 1PMJDZ The company establishes dividend payment policy to the shareholders at the rate of not less than 50 of net proųt after corporate income tax and legal reserves. However, this depends signiųcantly on the economic status and the future operations as well. %JWJEFOE 1BZNFOU 1PMJDZ 0G 4VCTJEJBSJFT The company establishes dividend payment policy to the shareholders at the rate of not less than 50 of net proųt after corporate income tax and legal reserves. However, this depends signiųcantly on the economic status and the future operations as well.

Chief Innovation Officer

Innovation & Production Dept.


QMR. Committee


Accounting & Financial

Asst. Chief Executive Officer

Business Relation

Internal Audit

Audit Committee

Asst. Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer

Executive Committee

Board of Director

Asst. Chief Executive Officer


Risk Management Committee

Asst. Chief Executive Officer

Organization Chart

Project 3 (NIB)

Project 2 (Event)

Business Innovation Development Dept.

Asst. Chief Executive Officer


147 Management Structure


The $ompany’s management structure features three #oards #oard of Directors, #oard of "uditors and &xecutive

4USVDUVSF PG UIF #PBSET $PNQPTJUJPO PG UIF #PBSE PG %JSFDUPST The composition of the #oard of Directors follows the rules of the 0fĹłce of Securities and &xchange $ommission S&$ as follows Äť Having Independent Directors at least one third of the total number of Directors, but not less than three persons Äť Having at least three "udit Directors %FĹłOJUJPO PG UIF #PBSE PG %JSFDUPST &YFDVUJWF %JSFDUPS refers to a person who has management authority, receiving monthly salary and appointed as a Director. /PO FYFDVUJWF %JSFDUPS refers to a director who has no managerial position in the $ompany, and no monthly salary *OEFQFOEFOU %JSFDUPS refers to a Director who has no managerial position but shall have qualiĹłcations as speciĹłed by S&$ and S&T. The structure and scope of duties and authorities of each #oard are detailed as follows Board of Directors

Directors are responsible for making operative decisions beneĹłcial to the $ompany, shareholders and interested parties. They specify vision, policy and budget in the operation Kointly with the management. They must have qualiĹłcations and not possess characteristics forbidden by the 1ublic $ompany "ct, and not have characteristics indicative of untrustworthiness to manage a public company as announced by the S&$. The number of Directors to be elected in a general meeting of shareholders shall not be less than Ĺłve and not more than 5. "t least one half of the Directors of the #oard shall be residents of the ,ingdom of Thailand. $urrently, the #oard features 0 Directors as follows . &ight /on executive Directors inclusive of Ĺłve Independent Directors 2. Two &xecutive Directors who are $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer and Finance and "ccounting Director.

148 -ist of #oard of Directors and their shareholdings as of +anuary , 20 Name - Last Name

. 1ol. Sub -t. ,riengsak -ohachala

2. Mr. 1arames 3achKaibun . Mr. /oppadon Tansalarak . Mr. 1hiched Maneerattanaporn 5. Mr. Tawat Meeprasertskul . Mr. Vichit Dilokvilas 7. Mr. 1rasert Virasathienpornkul 8. Mr. 1ornsak -imboonyaprasert . Mrs. 6bonrat #hokamolwong 0. Miss Tamonwan /arintavanich



$hairman of the #oard of Directors Independent Director Vice $hairman Independent Director Director $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer /on &xecutive Director /on &xecutive Director /on &xecutive Director Independent Director Independent Director Independent Director Director Deputy Director of the Finance and "ccounting Department

Appointment Lastst Shareholding Proportion of Date Appointment Shareholdeing Date (%)

"pril 22, 08 "pril 22,


May , 0 "pril 27, 2


May , 0 "pril 27, 2

5,5 ,7


May , 0 May , 0 May , 0 "pril 22, 08 "pril 22, 08 "ugust 8, "pril 22, 08

,5 , 2 , 8 ,702 , , 7 /one /one /one , 8

.7 . 5. 8 0.02

"pril 22, 0 "pril 22, 0 "pril 27, 2 "pril 22, 0 "pril 22, 0 "ugust 8, "pril 22,

. Including individuals associated with as deųned in 2 of the deųnition of Ĝrelevant personġ in Section 8

of the Securities and &xchange "ct and the related entity as deųned in the deųnition of Ĝrelevant personġ in Section 8 of the Securities and &xchange "ct, to continue serving as an independent director. 2. The number of shares including those held by related ordinary persons as in 2 of the deųnition Ĝrelated persons in "rticle 8 of the Securities "ct and related Kuristic entities as in of the deųnition Ĝrelated persons in "rticle 8 of the Securities "ct . Directors in the rd and 0th items are executives who have Koined in the &mployee +oint Investment 1rogram &+I1 .

Authorized Director on the Company’s Behalf

The two directors who are authorized signatories on behalf of the company are Mr. /oppadon Tansalarak and Miss Tamonwan /arinthavanich whose signatures are both required together with the $ompany stamp.

149 Scope of Authority and Responsibility

The board members shall have the following authorities and responsibilities. . Manage the $ompany by deploying their best knowledge, capability, and experience for the best interest of the $ompany’s business operation. Such management shall prudently abide by the $ompany’s regulations, obKectives, by laws, and the shareholder’s meeting resolution, in order to retain the best interests of the $ompany and to assume its responsibilities for the shareholders. 2. 3eview and approve the $ompany’s operational policies and directions proposed by the &xecutive $ommittee, except for issues which require approval of the shareholder’s meeting, including other issues which are required by the law to be assented by the shareholder’s meeting. . 0versee the &xecutive $ommittee to efĹłciently adhere to the stipulated policy. "dditionally, the #oard shall inform the &xecutive $ommittee to present issues in substance to the $ompany’s operation as well as connected transactions, among many others, in conformity with the regulations and bylaws of the Securities and &xchange $ommission S&$ and the Stock &xchange of Thailand S&T . "s for the signiĹłcant decision for the business operation, the board members may seek specialized professional advice or comment from external consultants. . Supervise the $ompany adopting efĹłcient internal control systems and internal audits. In addition, the #oard has rights to decide and oversee overall operations of the $ompany, except for the following issues for which they require the approval from the shareholders’ meeting before operation. a. Issues which are required by the law to pass the shareholders’ meeting resolution Ĺłrst. b. Issues of connected transaction as stipulated by the rules and regulations of the Stock &xchange of Thailand on criteria, approach, and disclosure of a registered company’s connected transaction. c. The purchase and sales of important property shall conform to the S&T rules and regulations on criteria, approach, and disclosure of receipt and disposal of a registered company’s asset. DeďŹ nition of Independent Directors

refers to directors who have qualiųcations pertinent to independence as required by the announcement of the Stock &xchange of Thailand S&T on 2ualiųcations and Scope of 8ork of the "udit $ommittee, who can watch over all shareholders’ highest beneųts on an equitable basis whilst averting conŴicts of interest, and who can attend the board meeting and provide overtly commentary. Independent directors of the $ompany shall have the following qualiųcations. . Hold no more than 0.5 of the entire voting shares in the $ompany, conglomerates, its subsidiaries, Koint ventures, or Kuristic persons with potential conŴicts of interests, implicitly including related persons’ shares. 2. Do not participate in the management are not employees, workers, consultants with salary and are not person with authority over the $ompany, conglomerates, its subsidiaries, Koint ventures, or Kuristic persons with potential conŴicts of interests at the present time and for at least two years before appointment . . Have no close natural relationships or registration in terms of parents, spouses, siblings, and children including children’s spouses with the management, maKor shareholders, authorized persons or persons who used to be nominated as management or authorized persons of the $ompany or its subsidiaries. . Have neither business connection nor beneųts or vested interests, both explicitly and implicitly, in terms of ųnance and management of the $ompany, its subsidiaries, afųliates, Koint ventures, or persons, which may potentially lead to preKudice. 5. Have never been "uditor of the $ompany, conglomerates, subsidiaries, Koint ventures, or Kuristic persons who may have potential conŴicts of interests, nor maKor shareholders, non independent directors, management or management partner of an auditor ofųce which provides audit consultancy to the $ompany, conglomerates, subsidiaries, Koint ventures, or Kuristic persons who may cause conŴicts of interests, except for losing such status for no less than two years counting from the application date to the ofųce.

150 . Have never been or was any professional adviser including legal or ųnancial consultant whose fee is more than two million #aht a year for the $ompany, conglomerates, subsidiaries, Koint ventures, or Kuristic persons who may cause conŴicts of interests. In the event of Kuristic professionals, nonetheless, this clause shall include maKor shareholders, non independent directors, management or management partner of such professionals, except for losing such status for no less than two years counting from the application date to the ofųce. 7. Have never been appointed to represent the $ompany’s director, its maKor shareholder, or shareholder who has connection with the maKor shareholder of the $ompany. 8. Having not more than consecutive terms of ofųce or years. If the terms have been fulųlled, the #oard of Directors will consider whether he would qualify to continue serving as an independent director. . 1ossess any other qualiųcation which may hinder him or her from independently commentating on the $ompany’s operation. Appointment, resignation and termination of Directors

The $ompany’s "rticles of "ssociation say that Directors shall be appointed in a shareholders’ meeting. The number of Directors shall not be less than ųve and one half of the Directors shall be local residents. In the event there is a vacancy from reason other than end of ofųce term, Directors shall elect a qualiųed person to replace him her in the next #oard Meeting. If a Director wants to resign, he she shall offer a notiųcation in writing and the resignation will take effect as soon as that notiųcation arrives at the $ompany. In each "nnual (eneral Meeting, one third of Directors shall retire. If the number cannot be divided in a round number, the retired number shall be closest to the one third. However, the retired Director can be reelected. 0ther than retirement at the end of ofųce term, a Directorship may be terminated by Death, 2 3esignation, -ack of qualiųcations or having forbidden characteristics per "rticle 8 of the 1ublic $ompany "ct #.&. 25 5 2 , Shareholders vote for termination in a shareholders’ meeting per "rticle 7 of the 1ublic $ompany "ct #.&. 25 5 2 , 5 Termination by a court order, 0ther than termination by the speciųcations of the 1ublic $ompany "ct, a Director shall be terminated when he she demonstrates inappropriateness to receive conųdence in the management with the public as shareholders per "rticle 8 and shall not hold the Directorship any longer "rticle 8 of the Securities "ct #.&. 255 2008 . Integration or Segregation of Posts

The $ompany has conspicuously separated the authority, duty, and responsibility of the $hairman of the #oard of Directors from those of the $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer $&0 so that neither parties gain unlimited power. In this regard, the $hairman shall be an independent director and have no connection with the management. Recruitment of Directors

Since Master "d has no #oard of 3ecruitment, the #oard of Directors has speciĹłed a method of recruitment by allowing shareholders to nominate qualiĹłed persons based on their qualiĹłcations, experience and expertise in the branch which the $ompany is doing business, to be elected by the #oard on the one part, and on the other part reinstatement of Directors whose term ends based on their performance.

151 The #oard of Directors evaluate and select persons with appropriate qualiųcations and presents their names to the shareholders to elect as Directors in the "nnual (eneral Meeting of Shareholders by maKority votes of at least one half of shareholders with voting rights presented in the Meeting. In the event there is a vacancy of Directorship for reasons other than retirement by term, such as death or resignation, the remaining Directors may select a qualiųed person to replace him her in the following #oard meeting, without calling a shareholders’ meeting. #ut if the remaining term of the vacated Director is less than two months, the #oard shall not elect a new Director and shall wait for another shareholders’ meeting. The resolution of the #oard of Directors in the selection of the said additional Director shall be passed by three fourths of the number of the remaining Directors and the person who replaces him her shall be in ofųce only equal to the remaining term of the Director whom he replaces. Structure of Sub-Committee

The #oard of Directors appointed the following three sub committees to perform different duties in lieu as follows 1. Audit Committee

The "udit $ommittee of Master "d 1$- is appointed from the board members who have qualiĹłcations in accord with the announcement of the Securities and &xchange $ommission S&$ . There shall be at least three committee members. "t least one "udit $ommittee member thereof shall be highly knowledgeable and experienced in accounting and Ĺłnance enough to verify the reliability of the Ĺłnancial statements. "s at December , 20 2, the "udit $ommittee of the $ompany comprises three independent committee members as follows Name - Last Name



. Mr. 1rasert Virasathienpornkul

$hairman, Independent Director "udit $ommittee 2. Mr. 1ornsak -imboonyaprasert $ommittee Member Independent Director, knowledgeable about accounting and ųnance . Mrs. 6bolrat #hokamolwong $ommittee Member Independent Director, knowledgeable about accounting and ųnance 4DPQF PG "VUIPSJUZ BOE 3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ The "udit $ommittee has the following scope of authorities and duties. . 3eview the $ompany’s ųnancial statement to verify its sufųcient accuracy and disclosure by collaborating with the external auditor and the executive who is responsible for the quarterly and annual ųnancial reports. 2. Verify that the $ompany has appropriate ad efųcient internal control and internal audit systems by reviewing these systems with the external auditor and the internal auditor. . &nsure the $ompanyijs operation is compliant with S&T and S&$ rules, regulations as well as other laws related to the $ompany’s business. . 3eview the $ompany’s disclosure of connected transaction or a certain transaction which may creates conŴict of interest to be accurate and comprehensive. 5. Take any other responsibilities assigned by the #oard of Directors and agreed upon by the "udit $ommittee, for example, reviewing ųnancial management policy, reviewing the management’s business code of conduct, and collaborating with the management in reviewing important reports to be publicly disseminated as stipulated by the law, e.g. executive summary.

152 . 3eview the nomination, the appointment, and the remuneration package of the external auditor. 7. 1repare the "udit $ommittee’s activity report for disclosure in the $ompany’s annual report which shall be signed by the $hairman of the "udit $ommittee. Such report shall include the following information. 7. " remark on the production and disclosure procedure in the $ompany’s ųnancial report to ensure its accuracy, completeness, and reliability. 7.2 " comment on the sufųciency of the $ompany’s internal control system. 7. " ground for the appropriateness of the external auditor’s reappointment. 7. " comment on the $ompanyijs operation compliant with S&T and S&$ rules, regulations as well as other laws related to the $ompany’s business. 7.5 "ny other report deemed the shareholders or general investors should know under the authorities and responsibilities assigned by the #oard of Directors. /onetheless, the "udit $ommittee is disallowed to approve any transaction in which there are potential connections, equity, or conŴicts of interests between them or a third party and the $ompany or its subsidiaries. 5FSN PG 4FSWJDF "udit $ommittee members shall hold the ofųce as long as their terms as the $ompany’s directors. 2. Executive Committee

The &xecutive $ommittee consists of the entirety of four members who shall be in ofĹłce for four years per term. The terminated committee member may be re elected. "t December , 20 2, the &xecutive $ommittee comprises four persons as follows Name - Last Name

. Mr. /oppadon Tansalarak 2. Mr. 1hiched Maneerattanaporn . Mr. Tawat Meeprasertskul . Mr. Vichit Dilokvilas



$hairman, &xecutive $ommittee Member of $ommittee Member of $ommittee Member of $ommittee

&xecutive Director /on &xecutive Director /on &xecutive Director /on &xecutive Director

4DPQF PG "VUIPSJUZ BOE 3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ In order to adhere to the #oard’s policy, the &xecutive $ommittee shall assume the following authorities and responsibilities in managing the $ompany’s operation. . $ontrol the $ompany’s management by which the &xecutive $ommittee shall operate in accord with the policy speciųed by the #oard. The &xecutive $ommittee shall periodically report the $ompany’s performance results to the #oard of Directors. More than half of the &xecutive $ommittee members shall attend the &xecutive $ommittee meeting. The &xecutive $ommittee’s resolution shall be made by maKority vote, which shall be over half of the committee votes. The &xecutive $ommittee may deem appropriate to change or add, now and then, its meeting process, quorum determination, and voting procedure. 2. $onsider the annual budget, budget allocation for each work unit, each employee’s authority and duty, and process of each work unit in their budget spending, and submit these ųnancial reports to the #oard, and oversee the expenditures in accord with the budgetary plan approved by the $ompany. . &valuate each work unit’s performance results, determine the performance evaluation approach and process, as well as acknowledge the performance evaluation clariųed by the responsible personnel related to a particular work line.

153 . 1eruse and adKust the business plan to suit the current economic situation for the best interest of the $ompany. 5. "pproval of investment and allocate investment budget of no more than 50 million #aht. . $onsider the $ompany’s business engagement, or asset purchasing contract, or any action to obtain rights for the maximum beneųt of the $ompany. The budget shall not exceed the amount speciųed in Item 5 above. The &xecutive $ommittee is also required to stipulate the process and negotiation approach in entering into such contract. 7. $onsider making a contract involving money, loan, warranty, credit issuance within the budget of not more than 00 million #aht. The &xecutive $ommittee is also required to stipulate the process and negotiation approach in entering into such contract. 8. "mend or terminate the contract in substance as the &xecutive $ommittee deems appropriate. . $ompound with creditors, arbitrator, and court proceedings. 0. $onsider the transfer of the $ompany’s rights and assets to another party, which is not the $ompany’s regular trades, and submit such case to the #oard for perusal. . $onsider the transfer of the $ompany’s rights and assets for liabilities with the third party, and submit such case to the #oard for perusal. 2. $onsider and submit the issue on the $ompany’s proųts, losses, and annual dividend payment for the #oard’s perusal. . $onsider the business diversiųcation or end to submit for the #oard’s consideration. 1erform any action to support such operation or to abide by the #oard’s recommendations or the #oard’s authorization under the #oard’s policy. In this regard, the &xecutive $ommittee is unable to approve any transaction in which there are potential connections, equity, or conŴicts of interests between them or a third party and the $ompany or its subsidiaries. . 1ropose any issue which requires any resolution and or approval from the &xecutive $ommittee meeting, and submit it to other regulatory bodies, e.g. Securities and &xchange $ommission S&$ and the Stock &xchange of Thailand S&T and the Ministry of $ommerce. The &xecutive $ommittee shall be unable to approve items or people with vested interest or conŴicts of interest or any conŴict types against Master "d or its subsidiaries. &YFDVUJWF $PNNJUUFF .FFUJOH The &xecutive $ommittee shall organize or call for meetings as deemed appropriate. In such committee meetings, there shall be at least three committee members in attendance to constitute a quorum. The &xecutive $ommittee’s resolution shall be made by maKority vote. In this regard, directors who have conŴicts of interests are not allowed to participate in consideration on a certain agenda item or are ineligible to vote. In the year 20 2 have 5 total meeting time. 5FSN PG 4FSWJDF The &xecutive $ommittee members shall be in ofųce for three years nonetheless, the terminated directors can be re elected.

154 3FNVOFSBUJPO PG UIF #PBSE PG %JSFDUPST The #oard Kointly considers remuneration of Directors and "uditors by comparing with companies in the S&T and competitive industries, before presenting it to the shareholders for approval in an "nnual (eneral Meeting. The remuneration is divided into two types meeting allowances, paid to all Directors attending the meeting and the annual remuneration paid only to Independent Directors. Master "d maintains a policy of disclosure of individual Director’s remuneration for transparency. 3FNVOFSBUJPO UP %JSFDUPST JO UIF :FBS 2012 .POFUBSZ SFNVOFSBUJPO

6nit #aht

Executive Board Audit Meeting Comittee Committee Meeting Allowances Meeting Allowances Allowances

Name-Last Name



. 1ol. Sub -t. ,riengsak -ohachala




2. Mr. 1arames





. Mr. /oppadon





. Mr. 1hichet





5. Mr. Tawat





. Mr. Vichit





7. Mr. 1rasert






8 Mr. 1ornsak





2 0,000.00

. Mrs. 6bonrat





2 0,000.00

0. Miss Tamonwan Total


0,000.00 50,000.00


0,000.00 0,000.00 ,5 0,000.00 2, 0,000.00


6nit #aht

Remuneration Persons

Meeting "llowances #onus 0ther Total

0 5

2012 Remuneration

0,000.00 ,5 0,000.00 /one 2, 0,000.00


0 5

2011 Remuneration

7 0,000.00 , 50,000.00 /one 2,2 0,000.00


0 5

2010 Remuneration

5,000.00 , 25,000.00 /one 2, 20,000.00

155 3. Risk Management Committee

The #oard appointed the corporate 3isk Management $ommittee consisting of at least ųve members, of which at least one shall be the $ompany’s director. "t December , 20 2, the 3isk Management $ommittee comprises 0 persons as follows Name - Last name

. Mr. /oppadon 2. Mr. "nant . Mr. "pisit . Mr. :anis 5. Mr. $huchai . Mr. +utha 7. Mrs. 3odKana 8. Miss Tamonwan . Mrs. 6raiwan 0. Mr. /arath

Tansalarak Siripasraporn $huenchompoo Tiparkorn Suwanpuchai +aruboon Trakulkoosri /arinthavanich #oonyarataphan 1ayakaniti


$hairman Vice $hairman Member of $ommittee Member of $ommittee Member of $ommittee Member of $ommittee Member of $ommittee Member of $ommittee Member of $ommittee Member of $ommittee

4DPQF PG "VUIPSJUZ BOE 3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ #elow are the authorities and duties of the 3isk Management of Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited. . $ompile the 3isk Management Handbook of Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited 2. Devise a plan for risk prevention or reduction. . 1ropose the $ompany’s risk management policies to the #oard for consideration before implementation. . Support the high ranking executives’ management by establishing a structure of risk management to comprehensively cover the overall organization, as well as adopting the risk management strategy into practice by issuing regulations and encouraging investment in an appropriate system. 5. &xamine, analyze, and assess existing or potential risks and trends which may affect the organization both internally and externally. . &valuate, prepare, and submit a report on adequacy of risk system and control to the &xecutive $ommittee and the #oard. 7. Function as the hub of managing signiųcant risks reported by risk management coordinators. 8. 3eview the report on risk management and enhance efųciency in management performance in order to deal with unacceptable risks. . Inaugurate an integrated risk management system and link it to the $ompany’s information system. 0. $arry out any other task pertinent to the $ompany’s risk management policies as assigned by The #oard. 5FSN PG 4FSWJDF The 3isk Management $ommittee members shall be in ofųce for three years nonetheless, the terminated directors can be re elected.

156 3JTL .BOBHFNFOU $PNNJUUFF .FFUJOH The 3isk Management $ommittee shall organize or call for meetings on a monthly basis or as seen appropriate. In such committee meetings, there shall be at least three committee members in attendance to form a quorum. The &xecutive $ommittee’s discretion shall hold maKority vote as the meeting resolution. Corporate Secretary

In compliance with good government of registered companies on the responsibility of the #oard of Directors, and in accordance with the stipulation of the Securities and &xchange "ct /o. #.&. 255 2008 , Miss Thamonwan /arinthavanit, Director and "ccounting and Finance Director was appointed as $orporate Secretary. Her duties are shown in the prescriptions of the Securities and &xchange "ct /o. #.&. 255 2008 as follows $PSQPSBUF 4FDSFUBSZĴT EVUJFT BOE SFTQPOTJCJMJUJFT 1reparing and keeping the following documents a 3egister of Directors, b /otice letters and Minutes of the #oard of Directors’ Meetings, and the $ompany’s "nnual 3eports, c /otice letters and Minutes of Shareholders’ Meetings 2 ,eeping reports on gain and loss as reported by the #oard of Directors and the Management, Doing other things as prescribed by the Stock &xchange $ommittee, Delivering copies of reports on gain and loss as reported by the #oard of Directors and the Management or other related persons, which is the gain and loss pertaining to the operation of the $ompany’s business, or its subsidiaries, to the $hairman and the $hairman of the #oard of "uditors, within 7 days from the date which the $ompany receives the said reports, 5 1erforming the duty with due responsibility, care and honesty and also observe the -aws, obKectives and regulations of the $ompany, resolutions of the #oard of Directors, inclusive of the resolutions of the Shareholders’ Meetings, and to apply mutatis mutandis the Securities and the Stock &xchange "ct #.&. 25 5 2 "rticle 8 8 2 3esponsibility and care , "rticle 8 0 Honesty , "rticle 8 2 and "ctions in disagreement with the company’s interest and "rticle 8 8 "ction or inaction causing others to gain unKust interest . 5IF $PNQBOZĴT 4FDSFUBSZĴT 2VBMJųDBUJPOT . Have comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the $ompany’s business, including roles and duties related to the work of the $ompany’s secretary, for instance, duties of the #oard and the $ompany, having sound knowledge of related laws and regulations, including the continuous pursuit of knowledge and follow up of data and information for the development of work implementation. 2. 1erform duties in accordance with laws, rules and the $ompany’s regulations, with responsibility, caution, integrity and determination, including lending support for the $ompany’s operation, based on the $ompany’s principles of good corporate governance and code of ethics, so that the $ompany may fulųll its goal. . Strictly adhere to virtue and morality, as well as take into account all groups of stakeholders, while not acting in a way that will cause damage to the $ompany’s reputation and good image. . /ot aim at self interest out of the $ompany’s business opportunities, and well maintain the $ompany’s secrecy. 5. Have good human relations and an ability to coordinate with other work units or agencies both inside and outside the $ompany.

157 Chief Executive OfďŹ cer

The $hief &xecutive 0fųcer is the highest position in the management, appointed by the #oard of Directors to manage the $ompany, according to the operation plan and budget approved by the #oard of directors, in strict, honest and careful observation of the obKectives and regulations of the #oard resolutions, withholding principally the $ompany’s and the shareholders’ interest, within the authorities and duties of the $hief &xecutive 0fųcer as assigned by the #oard. Scope of CEO’s Authority and Responsibility

4DPQF PG "VUIPSJUZ BOE 3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ PG $IJFG PG &YFDVUJWF $PNNJUUFF / $&0 The $hief &xecutive 0fųcer $&0 has authority and duties in conducting the business of the company as assigned by the #oard of Directors for the best interest of the company. $&0, then, shall strictly perform such duties in accord with the plan or budget approved by the #oard with honesty, ethics, and due care. $&0 shall completely protect the beneųt of the $ompany and its shareholders. The authority and responsibilities of $&0 are as follows . Make the $ompany’s critical Kudgements formulate mission, obKectives, guidelines, policies as well as supervise the overall operation, productivity, customer relations, and responsibility for the #oard of Directors. 2. Hire, appoint, and relocate personnel as deemed appropriate in terms of number and necessity to be executives or employees of all posts. The $&0 also plays a key role in identifying reasonable scopes of authorities and responsibilities, remuneration, as well as in discharging, dismissing, ųring employees as deemed appropriate. . Stipulate trading terms and conditions, e.g. amount of credit, payment period, sales and purchase contract, amendment of trading terms and conditions, etc. . "pprove expenditures of a proKect approved by the #oard of Directors. &ach expenditure or payment shall not exceed ten million #aht. 5. 1eruse the investment in different proKects including asset sales and purchase. . Implement and represent on behalf of the $ompany when contacting outsiders in related business in the $ompany’s interests. 7. "pprove the appointment of professional consultants critical to the $ompany’s operation. 8. $arry out tasks related to overall administration of the $ompany. /ot with standing, exercising power or making decision of $hief of &xecutive $ommittee $&0 is not allowed, for his own interest, whether directly or indirectly, in such matter. Policies on CEO’s holding the director position in other companies:

. #eing the Director of not more than companies listed on the Stock &xchange of Thailand. 2. $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer shall serve as a director or consider a qualiĹłed executive to be the director in the company that the $ompany has its shareholdings.

158 Management

/ame of &xecutive Management as of +anuary , 20 No.

. 2. . 5. . 7. 8.

Name - Last Name

Mr. /oppadon Mr. :anis Mr. "pisit Mr. +utha Miss. Tamonwan Mrs. 6raiwan Mr. /arath

Tansalarak Tiparkorn $huenchompoo +aruboon /arinthavanich #oonyarataphan 1ayakaniti


$hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer $hief Innovation 0fĹłcer "sst. $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer "sst. $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer "sst. $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer "sst. $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer "sst. $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer

Remuneration for the Management

$&0 in cooperation with the management has established the ,ey 1erformance Indicators ,1Is on an annual basis. The ,1Is will be guidelines for business conduct as well as the performance evaluation measures for $hief of &xecutive $ommittee $&0 and the management of all levels. "s at December , 20 2, the remunerations of ten top management including $hief of &xecutive $ommittee $&0 of master "d 1$- and its subsidiaries were valued at 25,2 ,2 8.7 baht as detailed below. 6nit #aht

Remuneration No. of Executive

Salary and other $ontribution 1rovident Fund &+I1 5PUBM

7 7

2012 Amount

0, , . 7 0 , 8.00 50 ,770.80 31,273,833.27

No. of Executive

8 8 5

2011 Amount

2 , 50, 0 . 28 , 8 .00 50 ,80 . 0 25,244,298.76

No. of Executive


2010 Amount

, 7, . 28 ,0 .00 2 0,0 .20 14,686,242.84

/PUF : The #oard of Directors approved the &mplyee +oint Investment 1rogram on +uly , 20 0.


Connected transactions The $ompany has signiųcant business transactions with its related parties related by way of common shareholders and or director and mutual management . Such signiųcant transactions, which have been reŴected in the $ompany’s ųnancial statements on the terms and bases determined by the $ompany and those companies, which bases might be different from the bases used for transactions with unrelated companies, are summarised below 3elated companies 8e #ig $o., -td. D"I I$HI $orporation 1ublic $ompany -imited -andy Home Thailand $o., -td. Index $reative village 1ublic $ompany -imited

3elationship Shareholder of (reen "d $o., -td. $o director $o director Shareholder of Max $reative $o., -td. and partner of Index D 0 M"$0 +oint Venture 1artner of Index D 0 M"$0 +oint Venture 1artner of Index D 0 M"$0 +oint Venture 1artner of Town #randing $o., -td. that subsidiaries of Max $reative $o., -td.

Design 0 International $o., -td. Design 0 $o., -td. Hanuman $o., -td.

6nit Million #aht

Transactions with related companies

Pricing Policy

Consolidated f/s 2012 2011

Separate f/s 2012 2011

#illboard rental income Subsidiary company "ssociated company 3elated companies

1rice and term of payment approximate term granted to general customers


0. 2 0.28

.07 0.2

.88 0. 2 0.28

$ommission income Subsidiary company

5 of collection which approximates rate granted to general customers



0 .00 . 0

0. 0



0.70 0.05

0. 0.



2.78 0.5

2.88 0.5



.70 0.

.5 0.2

Dividend income Subsidiary company "ssociated company $onsulting and accounting service income Subsidiary company "ssociated companies 0fĹłce rental income Subsidiary company "ssociated companies 0ther income Subsidiary company "ssociated companies

Mutually agreed prices

Market price $ost

160 6nit Million #aht

Transactions with related companies

Consolidated f/s Pricing Policy

$osts of services $ost Subsidiary company "ssociated companies 3elated companies Selling expenses $ost Subsidiary company "dministrative expenses $ost Subsidiary company "ssociated companies ,ey management personnel Short term employee beneĹłts 1rovision for post employment beneĹłts 1rovision for other long term beneĹłts Financial cost ,ey management personnel

Separate f/s





5. 5 0.

0.50 0.7

.22 . 2 0.

.0 0.05 0.7




2. 0

0. 0 2.7

0.02 2. 0

8. 0



2 .88



0. 8






0. 7


0. 7

0. 5

"s at December 20 2 and 20 , the outstanding balances of the above transactions are separately presented in the statement of Ĺłnancial position as follow 6nit #aht

Consolidated f/s 2012



"TTPDJBUFE DPNQBOZ Max $reative $o., -td

+PJOU 7FOUVSF I/D&9 D 0 M"$0 +oint Venture 0VUTUBOEJOH CBMBODF BOE QPSUJPO PG PUIFS +PJOU 7FOUVSF QBSUOFS I/D&9 D 0 M"$0 +oint Venture 5PUBM 0UIFS SFDFJWBCMFT Äą SFMBUFE DPNQBOJFT 4VCTJEJBSZ DPNQBOJFT Master More $o., -td. Maco 3ite Sign $o., -td. (reen "d $o., -td.

Separate f/s 2012




, 5

, 5

2 , 20

2 , 20

2 , 20

7,5 7,5

8 ,255

5 ,207

855, 5

2,787, 5 7 ,52 7,822 ,00 ,70

2,8 5 0,08 82, , 55,282

161 6nit #aht

Consolidated f/s 2012

"TTPDJBUFE DPNQBOJFT InkKet Images Thailand $o., -td. Take " -ook $o., -td.

1SFQBJE FYQFOTFT SFMBUFE DPNQBOZ 3FMBUFE DPNQBOZ Index $reative Village 1cl. -PBOT UP SFMBUFE DPNQBOZ "TTPDJBUFE DPNQBOZ Take " -ook $o., -td. 6OFBSOFE EJWJEFOE 4VCTJEJBSZ $PNQBOZ Master More $o., -td. 5SBEF BDDPVOUT QBZBCMF SFMBUFE DPNQBOJFT 4VCTJEJBSZ DPNQBOJFT Master More $o., -td. Maco 3iteSign $o., -td. "TTPDJBUFE DPNQBOZ InkKet Images Thailand $o., -td. 3FMBUFE DPNQBOZ V #ig $o., -td. -andy Home Thailand $o., -td. 5PUBM *ODPNF SFDFJWFE JO BEWBODF SFMBUFE DPNQBOZ 4VCTJEJBSZ DPNQBOZ Master More $o., -td. 0UIFS QBZBCMFT 3FMBUFE DPNQBOJFT 4VCTJEJBSZ DPNQBOZ Master More $o., -td. Maco 3ite Sign $o., -td. "TTPDJBUFE DPNQBOJFT InkKet Images Thailand $o., -td. -andy Development $o., -td.


, , ,7 2 ,7 2


Separate f/s

0,27 , ,7 ,7



, , ,7 2 , 0 ,

0,27 , ,7 ,5 ,025

8 ,552





5 , ,

2, 70, 8 2, 5 2, 7 , 0

,082,55 0,7 , 7 ,2 5



7, 5,5

2 ,8

27, 5 5 0,52 ,75

2 , 2

5 0,52 50, 7


575,8 7

, 0 2, ,5 7

5, 08 8, 2 , 0

5 , 0 ,000 250, 0

5 ,85 20 , 0 2 ,8

0,8 0 ,000 22 ,8 0

5 ,85 20 , 0 2 ,8

5,27 , 78

162 6nit #aht

Consolidated f/s 2012

3FMBUFE DPNQBOJFT 8e #ig $o., -td. Index $reative Village 1$-. 5PUBM

5, 5 7,5 8 2, 28 , 0

Separate f/s




2 , 57

2 , 2

2 ,8




5,07 ,77 8, 5

, ,2 8 7,5 7

,8 2,8 5 0 ,558

, , 2 8 ,8

-oans to Take a -ook $o., -td. and -andy Development $o., -td. were unsecured loans with an interest rate of p M-3 per year and a Ĺłxed rate by 2 per year respectively, and would be repayable on demand. $urrently, the loan to -andy Development $o., -td. has been paid in full already. Short term loan from related company has been obtained without collateral and with interest rate of 5.25 percent per annum and is repayable in the near future.

InkKet Images Thailand

$o., -td.

Person/juristic entity who may have conicts

Mr. 1hiched Maneerattanaporn and Miss. Tamonwan /arinthravanich who is the company’s director, is its director


The company rent an ofųce on Vibhavadi 3angsit 3oad, with the space of 2,000 sq.m. in order to use it for advertising media and give 52.05 sq.m. to the Koint venture company to rent for years which will be ended on st +uly 20 The company hires the Koint venture company to produce some images to use on the company’s media

Type of items

The price is no different from other production house.

00 baht sq.m. month which is a higher price than what the company rent from the building owner which is at 7.50 baht sq.m. month because the company has renovated the rented space to be able to utilize with other facilities.

Details and Policy In ďŹ xing price

5. 5


Year 2012



Year 2011

Item value (million baht)

it is a normal business procedure. To let the Koint venture produce, allows the company to control the work quality as well the time.

To divide the renting space to the Koint venture company. #ecause there is some space left and able to split some space to rent to the Koint venture which helps to reduce the company’s cost.

Needs and reasons

For the past year, the company and its subsidiaries have some important business with the parties which may have conĹ´ict interest and have necessity and reason to do the items as follows


Connected Transaction (Additional)


-andy Development $o., -td.

Person/juristic entity who may have conicts

Shareholding by Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited holds 8.87 , -andy Home Thailand $o., -td. Holds 7. 8 , Dai ichi $orporationholds . 5 Mr. Vichit Dilokvilas who is the company’s director, is its director


#uilding 2 rent is 0 baht sq.m. month and electricity bill is around 00,000 baht month 3emarks 3ent means the rent and central expense. #uilding 2 rent ended March, 20 5

-oan guarantor according to the bank conditions in order to use the money to build a new ofĹłce building, with the shareholding amount of 8.87

The company rent building space of -andy Masterm building 2 with total space of 2,550.2 sq.m.

The company is the guarantor for the loan according to the shareholding

Type of items

Details and Policy In ďŹ xing price


Year 2012


Year 2011

Item value (million baht)

"ccording to the bank conditions as general business in order to create trust for the Koint venture company when borrowing money from the bank to build a new ofĹłce building.

3ent the space to do business. The rent is not different from other people.

Needs and reasons reasons


165 Measure or Process of Approval for Connected Transaction

The $ompany has speciųed its policy and process of approval and implementation of connected transaction and any conŴict of interests as follows . In the event that the $ompany enters into any contract engagement or any connected transaction with a company, its subsidiaries, Koint ventures, and or outsiders, the $ompany shall strictly peruse the necessity and appropriateness by solely adhering to the best interests of the $ompany and charging in accord with terms and conditions generally made with arm’s length customer at a reasonable market price. 2. The transaction, which is deemed connected as stipulated by the S&$ criteria, shall righteously and completely follow S&T and S&$ stipulations as well as passed the veriųcation process of the "udit $ommittee in the event that such connected transaction requires the #oard’s consideration. . " director with conŴict of interests in any issue shall refrain from voting on or attending the meeting on that agenda item. . In the transaction connected to normal business transaction or common business support transaction, within the management’s authority, the $ompany shall calculate the price as well as terms and conditions on the arm’s length basis. If there is no such benchmark, the $ompany shall compare the price of its products and services to outsiders’ under the same or similar terms and conditions. To assure that such price is reasonable for the best interests of the $ompany, the report prepared by an independent evaluator hired by the $ompany can be deployed to compare the price for critical connected transaction report. The authorized signatories shall not be the person who is authorized to approve a budget amount and the management who has self interests in such a transaction. 5. 1rovision of ųnancial support or guarantee of subsidiaries or connected people shall be cautiously performed for the best interest of the (roup. The charges, e.g. interest, guarantee fees, etc., shall be calculated with the market price on the date when the transaction takes place. . In the event that the connected transaction has the value which requires the shareholders’ ratiųcation by three fourths maKority vote, the maKor shareholders who are stakeholders are allowed to attend the meeting in order to complete the quorum, but do not have voting rights. The criterion on base of the vote calculation to approve the connected transaction, excluding stakeholders’ part, then, is irrelevant to the quorum and number of votes. Policy on Connected Transaction Between the Company & Its Subsidiaries and Directors or Their Connections

The connected transaction between the $ompany together with its subsidiaries on one hand and the directors, the management or their connected person on the other shall always require the #oard of Directors’ resolution, except for a transaction worth less than one million #aht. Instead, the $hief &xecutive 0fųcer $&0 is authorized to approve of such transaction and is required to report to the #oard of Directors within days after such resolution. The transaction shall conform to the terms and conditions of a standard price, or there is a public announcement on sale promotion price which is equitably available to other customers or can be compared to general market price. . To count the aforementioned value, the multiple connected transaction of the same type, feature, or condition, originated in six consecutive months by an individual or related people, or close relatives shall be treated as a single entity. In this regard, the $ompany shall abide by the laws, bylaws, announcements, orders, or stipulations on stock and securities, including the best practice on information disclosure of connected transaction as well as the receipt and purchase of the $ompany’s assets or its subsidiaries, as stipulated by the Stock &xchange of Thailand S&T . This policy becomes effective from September , 2008 onwards.

166 Policy on Connected Transaction of Futurity

The connected transaction among the $ompany together with its subsidiaries on one hand and the directors, the management or a connected person on the other shall always require the #oard of Directors’ approval, except for the transaction worth less than one million #aht. Instead, the $hief &xecutive 0fųcer is authorized to approve of such transaction and is required to report to the #oard of Directors within days after such approval. The transaction shall conform to the terms and conditions of a standard price, or there is a public announcement on sale promotion price which is equitably available to other customers or can be compared to general market price. . To count the aforementioned value, the multiple connected transaction of the same type, feature, or condition, originated in six consecutive months by an individual or related people, or close relatives shall be treated as a single entity. In this regard, the $ompany shall abides by the laws, bylaws, announcements, orders, or stipulations on stock and securities, including the best practice on information disclosure of connected transaction as well as the receipt and purchase of the $ompany’s assets or its subsidiaries, as stipulated by the Stock &xchange of Thailand S&T . policies.

"s for the connected transaction taking place at the present time, the $ompany has laid the following operational ofĹłce rent for subsidiary and Koint venture

graphic production

The $ompany expects to allow its subsidiaries and its Koint ventures to continually share the area rent at its ofĹłce on Vipavadee 3angsit 3oad. In the event of the graphic Kointly produced by the $ompany, the $ompany delivers such work for Ĺ´exibility of controlling performance and time in production.


Corporate Governance Master "d $ompany 1ublic $o., -td. is committed to operating under the principles of good corporate governance of the Stock &xchange of Thailand S&T and the regulations of the Securities and &xchange $ommission S&$ to ensure effective management leading to sustainable growth and add value for shareholders over the long term. The $ompany has viewed that corporate governance policy and business ethics is part of the business policy of the $ompany. The policy of corporate governance and business ethics has been made in writing. The #oard is responsible for policy and practice in such matters. The #oard also makes sure that the directors, the management and employees are to comply with strictly. The $ompany has reviewed its corporate governance policy and business ethics regularly. The full version of business policy, corporate governance and ethical business conduct has been published via the $ompany’s website In 20 2, the $ompany received the scores on $orporate (overnance as Äśvery goodġ Very (ood $( Scoring from the $orporate (overnance 3eport of the -isted $ompany for the year 20 2, for the sixth consequtive year. 1. Rights of the shareholders

The $ompany operates with transparency with respect to the rights of the shareholders equally. It has establish corporate governance policy with respect the rights of all shareholders equally, not taking any action to limit the opportunities of the shareholders. In 20 2, the $ompany performed the following .FFUJOH PG UIF TIBSFIPMEFST In 20 2, the $ompany held the "nnual (eneral Meeting of the Shareholders as follows Äť

(eneral Meeting of the Shareholders for the year 20 2 was held on Friday "pril 27, 20 2 at 2.00 pm. at $hao 1hraya #allroom, 2nd Floor, $hao 1hraya 1ark Hotel, 2 7 3atchadaphisek 3oad, Din Daeng, #angkok 0 00. with a total of participants. The total number of shares 8 , 7 ,5 0 shares, representing 7.58 percent of the shares sold by the $ompany. The #oard of Directors was in presence which included the $hairman of the #oard, the #oard of Directors and "udit $ommittee, totaled 0 persons with the executives and the company’s auditors attending simultaneously. The $hairman of the #oard served as $hairman of the meeting and conducted in full accordance with the law. The meeting was held with the following sequences


#efore the meeting. . The company released a letter to the shareholders through S&T system to inform the minority shareholders of the right to submit the issue to be placed on the agenda and to nominate the persons to be considered to be a Director of the $ompany according to the selecting process prior to the "nnual (eneral Meeting of the shareholders, months in advance before the end of the ųscal year in line with the conditions published on the $ompany’s website at http investor relation. In 20 2’s "nnual (eneral Meeting of the Shareholders, no one proposed any agenda or nominated a person to be an independent director of the the company. 2. "ll the shareholders shall be informed the "(M date, time and agendas via S&$ information system and the $ompany’s web site 0 days prior to the meeting date. . Sending invitation letters to the Meeting, stating place, date, time, agenda of the Meeting, with details to be presented to the Meeting, and the reason and opinion of the #oard of Directors in each agenda, with proxy letter, annual report and additional detail attached to the report. The said documents were sent to all shareholders whose names appeared on the shareholders registrar as of the closing date, days prior to the meeting date, and advertised in newspapers for three consecutive days,

168 . Shareholders who cannot attend the "(M themselves are allowed to appoint proxies, or delegate independent directors as their proxies to vote on their behalf.


0O UIF "(. %BUF

. The $ompany endeavors to accommodate all shareholders in an equitable manner. 3eceptionists are adequately provided for all shareholders’ disposal. The shareholders are allowed to register since 8.00 am, or 2.00 hours before the "(M. "ll board members, executives, and the external auditors attend the meeting preside over 2. 3egistration and voting via barcode system have been introduced to the meeting for the second year for the shareholders’ convenience. . The voting papers are provided in each agenda item for transparency and monitor. . #efore commencing the meeting, the chairperson shall announce the number of shareholders and proxies for the meeting’s acknowledgement. The $hairperson, then, clariųes the procedures of voting by ballot paper. The resolution depends on the maKority vote. 5. The $hairman of the Meeting conducted the Meeting according to the agenda in the invitation letter, without any change in the order of the agenda, and without requesting the Meeting to consider any matters not speciųed in the Meeting . The $hairman allowed explanation and discussion in each agenda, providing equal right to all shareholders in the examination of the company’s operation, asking questions and expressing their opinion and the $ompany recorded important matters in the Meeting Minutes for further examination 7. The exercise of voting right for approval in each agenda was on the maKority votes, in the format of Share Vote, except in agenda on approval of Directors’ remuneration for the year 20 , which was the resolution of the shareholders at two third of all the votes attending the Meeting and with voting right 8. #efore any voting in each agenda, the $hairman allowed shareholders to inquire for details and clariųcation, . The $hairman notiųed the Meeting to vote openly in each agenda 0. Shareholders were allowed to vote in the election of directors individually . During the Meeting if there were additional shareholders Koining the Meeting, the $ompany counted the number of shares and the new shares each time, and the newly arrived shareholders were given the rights to vote on agenda not yet voted. The $hairman summarized the voting result in each agenda for the Meeting to acknowledge 2. The $hairman announced the voting results in numbers of :es, /o and "bstain.



. "fter the meeting, the $ompany shall inform the details on resolutions and voting results of each agenda item to all its shareholders via its securities registrar, Thailand Securities Depository $o., -td. TSD for acknowledgement of all interested parties. 2. The minutes of meeting properly shall be recorded in written form, retained and disseminated within days on the $ompany’s website http investor relation. #ased on the high percentage of attendants at the "(M, Master "d 1$- was evaluated as ÄśVery (ood,ġ in the category of "(M organizing.

169 2. Equal treatment to all shareholders

Master "d treated all shareholders fairly and equally, whether they are in the management or not, including foreign shareholders, by observing the following 4IBSFIPMEFSTÄ´ .FFUJOH In 20 2, Master "d held the 20 2 "nnual (eneral Meeting of shareholders, and treated all shareholders equally as follows

Äť Äť Äť

Äť Äť

1SFTFOUBUJPO PG BEEJUJPOBM BHFOEBT BOE OPNJOBUJPO PG QFSTPOT GPS #PBSE FMFDUJPO JO UIF 2012 "OOVBM (FOFSBM .FFUJOH : In 20 2, Master "d sent out notiųcations to shareholders through the Stock &xchange system for minor shareholders to proposes issues for the Meeting and nominate candidates for Directorship under the selection procedures, prior to the "nnual (eneral Meeting according to the rule of the $ompany and publicized in the $ompany’s 8ebsite at investor relation "EEJUJPOBM BHFOEBT XJUIPVU QSJPS OPUJDF : In the 20 2 "nnual (eneral Meeting of shareholders, the $ompany did not have any additional agendas without prior notice 1SPYZ GPS UIF .FFUJOHT : For shareholders who could not attend the meetings, proxy was allowed by ųling a form in the proxy document Form # attached with the Meeting notice letters, on which shareholders could exercise their voting right. Further the $ompany offered an alternative by announcing the names of two Independent Directors for those shareholders who could not attend the Meetings to authorize them to vote for them. However in the 20 2 "nnual (eneral Meeting, " shareholder authorized Mr.1rasert Virasathienpornkul, $hairman of the "udit $ommittee and independent Director /one who attend and vote 7PUJOH CBMMPUT : Voting was done in the format of Share Vote, using voting ballots for transparency and examination "MMPXBODF PG TIBSFIPMEFST UP VTF UIFJS SJHIU UP FMFDU %JSFDUPST POF CZ POF : In the 20 2 "nnual (eneral Meeting, agenda 5, election of new Directors to replace those whose term ends, the $ompany allowed shareholders to use their right to elect Directors one by one, by collecting ballots from all shareholders who attended the Meeting, both for :es and /o ballots as well as abstain.

.FBTVSFT UP QSFWFOU UIF %JSFDUPST BOE UIF .BOBHFNFOU GSPN VTJOH UIF JOTJEF JOGPSNBUJPO GPS QFSTPOBM CFOFųU PS PUIFST JO BOZ VOMBXGVM XBZ "DDFTTJCJMJUZ UP UIF $PNQBOZĴT EBUB : Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. provides no privileges to any particular groups of shareholders. &very shareholder has equal rights to the $ompany’s open data through various communication channels, and shall receive sufųcient information as can be disclosed through the following channels

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Telephone 0 2 8 88 $onnection 87 8ebsite http Investor 3elations Division ir!

The $ompany shall not disclose signiĹłcant information that is not publicly available to unauthorized employees or any other person or group of persons including press and analysts until the information is disclosed to the public. If it is necessary to disclose information to business stakeholders such as auditor, #ank, the Ĺłnancial advisor, legal advisor, or other advisors, the $ompany will take steps to ensure that such persons will maintain conĹłdentiality. If there is information leak that should not be disclosed to the public, the $ompany will disclose such information to the public immediately. The $ompany will comply with the rules of the Stock &xchange on the news and other requirements, or if necessary,

170 the $ompany will inform the Stock &xchange to temporarily suspend trading in some situations. The information may sometime be put on hold to the public due to business reasons until it is the right time to disclose. If the members of the #oard of Directors of the $ompany have done any trading, the report must be made to the #oard of Directors for acknowledgement in the next meeting. 1FSJPE CFGPSF EFMJWFSZ PG ĹłOBODJBM TUBUFNFOUT Master "d avoids releasing information on operation results which affect its share price or which may be beneĹłcial to any special group during the period before the delivery of its Ĺłnancial statement to the Stock &xchange of Thailand, beginning from the end of each quarter until the $ompany releases its results ofĹłcially through the information system of the Stock &xchange. 3FMFBTF PG JOGPSNBUJPO PO HBJO BOE MPTT The #oard of Directors deems it appropriate to issue guidelines on gain and loss data of its Directors and the Management for transparency and prevention of conĹ´icting interest thus . Directors are to inform the $ompany without delay when they or persons in their families Koin or hold shares in any business which may have conĹ´icting interest, gain or loss, directly or indirectly in any agreements which the $ompany enters, or hold any securities in the $ompany or its subsidiaries 2. In the event an employee and persons in his family Koin or hold shares in any business which may have conĹ´icting interest with the $ompany, he shall inform the $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer in writing, and the Directors and the Management shall report the data to the $orporate Secretary and the #oard of Directors. #esides, the Directors and the Management who have the interest shall refrain from any discussions, giving opinions or voting on the said agenda. 3. Role of Stakeholders

The $ompany shall conduct its business by retaining the $ompany’s interest in conKunction with the interest, rights, and equitability of its shareholders and stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, creditors, rivals, as well as responsibilities for the society and the general public. The $ompany adheres to the following stakeholder treatment principles.


4IBSFIPMEFST In its business conduct, the $ompany keeps in mind the best interests of all shareholders and stakeholders in an equitable fashion. In particular, the $ompany put a strong emphasis on its sustainability and growth in order to promote the long run competitiveness and satisfactory returns. Further, the shareholders have rights to actively take part in acknowledging and making decision on vital issues concerning any change of fundamental business conduct.


&NQMPZFFT &very single employee is a component vital to the $ompany’s business conduct. The $ompany, therefore, stresses the importance of each employee in all work units without any discrimination. The $ompany always encourages its staff members to unify, trust, and treat each other in a courteous manner, without preKudice, and with respect for human dignity. In this regard, friendly work environment is created along with the provisions of safety, remunerations commensurate with work performance, good welfare, innovative for Kob burden alleviation, among many others. Most importantly, the employees have to be consistently trained for the betterment of their professionalism, thereby exuding conųdence in their own well being and work standard up to par with employees of other leading companies in the same ųeld.


4VQQMJFST 1laying an important role in purchasing process which is a signiĹłcant process to determine the cost, quality of goods and services to be used in operations. The $ompany has established the Supplier $ommittee to select the supplier fairly with the clear criteria for selection, giving the importance to the suppliers who would help in business operations and support one another, including respect the supplier as an equal partner on the basis of fair competition.



$SFEJUPST The company has practiced itself as a good debtor by taking into account the best interests of both parties, i.e., avoiding the situation that causes a conŴict of interest, having payment policy to meet deadlines, and strictly abiding to the creditors including releasing a guarantee of repayment upon the creditor’s request and treating the creditors as the partnership.


$VTUPNFST The $ompany is committed to everlasting capture the largest of mind with cutting edge technology and innovation applications. The $ompany will emphasize the consistent quality service for customer satisfaction in order to maintain its existing customers as well as attract prospective customers. To accomplish this, the $ompany shall consistently maintain its quality service along with fulųlling its customer requirements with effectiveness and efųciency, under the slogan Ĝ$reate Media with 2uality.ġ To strengthen close relationship with its customers, the $ompany provides interesting activities with an emphasis on warmth, thereby inculcating both employees and customers with a sense of familial unity.


3JWBMT The $ompany abides by the standard business competition with equitability and ethics, as well as follows the trading competition laws. The $ompany shall avert fraudulent means to discredit its competitors. The $ompany shall not defame competitors by a malign force, nor violates its competitors’ rights.


4PDJBM BOE &OWJSPONFOU Master "d 1lc $o., -td. has put a lot of focus on the creativity and marketing communication activities. The main obKective is to establish communication between the organization, customers, suppliers, shareholders and the general public. So they all will have an understanding of the business operations of the organization. It also led to the development of the industry of 0HM to go forward unceasingly. In addition to our commitment to the principles of $orporate (overnance with transparency and fairness for the maximum customer satisfaction, Master "d 1lc $o., -td. have committed to social responsibility and the environment by supporting the activities and initiating various community and social proKects without gain as one of the real organizations with responsibility to society. 4. Information disclosure and transparency

Master "d maintains its policy of information disclosure and transparency in the monitor and control of the $ompany. In 20 2, the $ompany disclosed information pertaining to the $ompany, Ĺłnancial and otherwise completely, clearly and within due time, according to the prescription of the S&$ and S&T as follows

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1rovision of 3eports to S&$ and S&T within speciųed time on ųnancial and other matters, such as changes of Directors and Directors’ securities holdings. Disclosure of ųnancial status and others, such as types of business operation, competitive situation, business risk, securities holding of Directors and the Management, related matters, and operation according to the policy of business control, in the annual reports and in Form 5 Disclosure of ųnancial status and others correctly and completely in the $ompany’s website IUUQ://XXX.NBTUFSBE.DPN/JOWFTUPS.IUNM Meeting with investors, securities analysts and reporters on the registration date, organized by S&T once and organized $ompany visit once to explain the $ompany’s operating results as well as answering questions of investors



The $ompany maintained an Investor 3elations Division for shareholders and any persons to contact at *OWFTUPS 3FMBUJPOT %JWJTJPO Ms. Tamonwan /arinthavanich $orporate Secretary Ms. SukKai Virunmas I3 $oordinator Tel. 02 8 88 ext 87 Fax. 02 8 8 I3! & NBJM 8FCTJUF http investor.html -FUUFS $orporate Secretary Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. /o , th th Floor, Soi -at 1hrao , -at 1hrao 3oad, $hom 1hon Subdistrict, $hatuchak District, #angkok 0 00

$POUSPM PG UIF VTF PG JOTJEF JOGPSNBUJPO The company has set up a system to prevent and detect the use of inside information for personal gain in any unlawful way. The #oard of Directors has passed a resolution that the directors of the company must report any change in shareholding of the $ompany to the Securities and &xchange $ommission S&$ . The directors, executives and employees of companies must not get involved in the disclosure of such information to any third party or person who is not related, including prohibiting directors and employees of the companies to be involved in the preparation of ųnancial statements or other information related to purchase or sell of securities of the $ompany before the ųnancial statements. The $ompany will use the maximum penalties if the executives have been found using the inside information, or conduct themselves in a way that may cause damage to the $ompany or the shareholders. %JTDMPTVSF PG SFNVOFSBUJPO PG UIF EJSFDUPST BOE FYFDVUJWFT The remuneration for the Directors of the $ompany is in accordance with the resolution approved by the shareholders’ meeting. The #oard of Directors is authorized to determine the remuneration since the 3emuneration $ommittee has not been set up yet. The #oard of Directors will consider the remuneration of the Directors by comparing with other companies in the same industry, and present to the shareholders for approval. The Directors, the "udit $ommittee and the &xecutive Director will receive the remuneration only when attending the meeting with the amount for each position as follows. . $hairman of the #oard and $hairman of the "udit $ommittee will receive 20,000 #aht time each 2. Vice $hairman 5,000 #aht time . Directors of the $ompany and the "udit $ommittee 0,000 #aht time . &xecutive Directors 5,000 #aht time 5. 0nly Directors and "udit $ommittee who are independent Directors will receive an annual pension. The $ompany have disclosed details of remuneration for each individual page 5 director and the management page 58

1SFQBSBUJPO PG ųOBODJBM TUBUFNFOUT The #oard of Directors has appointed "udit Directors to audit the $ompany’s ųnancial statements, correctly and sufųciently disclosed. Directors also prepare reports on responsibility of Directors on the ųnancial reports, covering important matters as recommended by S&T for Directors of a registered company to observe. The #oard of "uditors has selected auditors who are independent and have no personal interest with the $ompany. The said "uditors are accredited by the S&$. The $ompany appointed auditors from (rant Thornton $o., -td as the "uditors for the year 20 2 the current "uditors of the $ompany according to the recommendation of the #oard of "uditors as follows

173 Mr. Somkit Tiatrakul, $ertiųed 1ublic "ccountant /o. 2785 2 Mrs. Sumali $hokedianand, $ertiųed 1ublic "ccountant /o. 22 The audit fee for the year 20 2 should not exceed 850,000 #aht, which was similar to those companies of the same size and type of business. The $ompany’s ųnancial statements were certiųed by the auditors and the auditors gave no conditional comments on the statements. 5. Responsibilities of Directors

0SHBOJ[BUJPO BOE DPNQPTJUJPO PG UIF #PBSE PG EJSFDUPST Their number shall not be less than 5 and not more than 2 Independent Directors shall not be less than one half of the total number of Directors They should be qualiĹłed on business and accounting and Ĺłnance.

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5IF #PBSE PG .BTUFS "E 1VCMJD $P., -UE. GFBUVSFT 10 %JSFDUPST : 8 /on executive Directors 5 Independent Directors or half of the total #oard

2 &xecutive Directors $hief &xecutive 0fĹłcer and "ssistant $hief &xecutive Director .

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1ol. Sub. -t. ,riangsak -ohachala, an Independent Director is the $hairman of the #oard and Mr. 1rasert Virasatienphonkul, Independent Director is the $hairman of the #oard of "uditors, Mr. 1honsak -imboonyaprasert and Mrs. 6bonrat 1hokamolwong, Directors are Financial &xperts. 2VBMJĹłDBUJPOT PG UIF %JSFDUPST 2ualiĹłed and not prohibited by 1ublic $ompany "ct. #eing the director in not more than 5 other listed companies. Independent Director must qualify as independent according to the Stock &xchange of Thailand on 2ualiĹłcations and Scope of 8ork of the "udit $ommittee. /ot been sentenced by Ĺłnal Kudgment to imprisonment, except as a punishment for an offense committed through negligence or a petty offense. /ever been Ĺłred or laid off from work because of malpractice.

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5FOVSF BOE UFSN PG PGųDF PG %JSFDUPST Master "d observes the 1ublic $ompany "ct by retiring one third of the Directors in the "nnual (eneral Meeting of shareholders, which is done every year. If the number of directors cannot be divided in whole by , it shall be closest to one third. 0utgoing Directors can be re elected. 0ther than retirement at the end of ofųce term, a Directorship may be terminated by . Death, 2. 3esignation, . -ack of qualiųcations or having forbidden characteristics per "rticle 8 of the 1ublic $ompany "ct #.&. 25 5 2 , . Shareholders vote for termination in a shareholders’ meeting per "rticle 7 of the 1ublic $ompany "ct #.&. 25 5 2 , 5. Termination by a court order, . 0ther than termination by the speciųcations of the 1ublic $ompany "ct, a Director shall be terminated when he she demonstrates inappropriateness to receive conųdence in the management with the public as shareholders per "rticle 8 and shall not hold the Directorship any longer "rticle 8 of the Securities "ct #.&. 255 2008 . %FųOJUJPO PG *OEFQFOEFOU %JSFDUPS BT QFS BT QBHF 149

174 4FQBSBUJPO PG UIF QPTJUJPO PG $IBJSNBO PG UIF #PBSE GSPN $IJFG &YFDVUJWF 0GųDFS To separate between the duties of policy formulation and routine management, and to enable Directors to monitor, control and measure operation results effectively, Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. has decided that the $hairman and $hief &xecutive 0fųcer shall be different persons. The $hairman of the #oard shall supervise the management of the executives, providing advice, assistance, but without intervening in the everyday management, but let the $hief &xecutive 0fųcer do that function under the extent of authority given by the #oard. #esides, the $hairman of the #oard shall possess leadership, making sure that Directors are not under the management’s inŴuence, chairing #oard and shareholders’ meetings in a fair and efųcient manner, supporting and encouraging participants to exercise their rights, and observing to the principle of maintaining good governance. 4VDDFTTJPO QMBOT GPS TFOJPS NBOBHFNFOU If the $hairman’s position is vacant, the #oard of Directors shall select a board member or a senior management of the $ompany to hold the ofųce. If no suitable candidates, the #oard may select a person of the third party. For the position of the $hief &xecutive 0fųcer, there have been the members of the senior management being appointed to prepare for to be the $hief &xecutive 0fųcer in succession as Deputy $&0, a total of 5 persons. In addition, for the position of senior management from the level of the directors onwards, the 1ersonnel Management Department has conducted the Successor 1roKect to prepare the mid level managers for the career advancement as well. "QQPJOUNFOU PG $PSQPSBUF 4FDSFUBSZ The #oard of Directors is responsible for appointment and recruitment of a $orporate Secretary and shall submit his her name to S&$ within 0 days of ųnding the responsible person. The Securities and Stock &xchange "ct 2, "rticle 8 5 says that the #oard shall assign a corporate secretary to be responsible in the name of the company or the #oard, with care and honesty, inclusive of operating according to law, obKectives and regulation of the $ompany and resolutions of the #oard and the shareholders’ meetings, and to apply the Securities and Stock &xchange "ct #.&. 25 5 2 "rticle 8 8 2 3esponsibility and care , "rticle 8 0 Honesty , "rticle 8 2 and "ctions in conŴict with the company’s interest and "rticle 8 8 "ction or inaction causing others to gain unKust interest mutatis mutandis. 4VC $PNNJUUFF The #oard appointed the following Three sub committees "udit $ommittees, and &xecutive $ommittees. 1. "VEJU $PNNJUUFF The $ompany’s "udit $ommittee comprises at least three independent directors. The brief duties and responsibilities of the "udit $ommittee are to review the $ompany’s ųnancial statement, verify the $ompany’s internal control, appoint an external auditor, and review the $ompany’s disclosure of connected transaction or a certain transaction which may create conŴicts of interest in compliance with S&T notiųcations in order to ensure appropriateness of the transaction and for the best interest of the $ompany. 2. &YFDVUJWF $PNNJUUFF The &xecutive $ommittee is composed of four directors. This $ommittee has roles in and responsibilities for controlling and approving the $ompany’s management as authorized by the #oard as well as perusing and screening any matters to be submitted to the #oard for consideration. $urrently, Mr. /oppadon Tansalarak, Director and $&0, is functioning as the $hief of &xecutive $ommittee. He performs this Kob with high efųciency and always listens to all directors. 3. 3JTL .BOBHFNFOU $PNNJUUFF The #oard is responsible for appointing top management to be on the corporate 3isk Management $ommittee, of which at least one shall be the $ompany’s director. Its maKor duties are to devise the overall corporate risk management policies, evaluate potential risks, and formulate the corporate risk structure for risk management.

175 #PBSE PG %JSFDUPSTĴ SPMF, EVUJFT BOE SFTQPOTJCJMJUJFT The #oard of Directors’ duties include considering and approving signiųcant matters pertaining to the $ompany’s operation as follows . To listen to and provide recommendation on the annual business plan, in which the #oard had supervised and monitored the management to follow the set policy and plan effectively. 2.

To provide effective internal control both in Ĺłnancial statements and operation according to rules, regulations and policies, by having an Internal "uditor 0fĹłce from IV- "udits 0fĹłce to perform internal audit and control of the $ompany and to report the result to the #oard of "uditors directly for independent performance of duty.

. To set up a risk management committee and set forth policies on risk management covering the total organization, so as to reduce business risk and support efųcient operation of the business. . To provide good governance policy, business ethics, in writing, for Directors, executives and employees to observe and also publicize in the $ompany’s website at investorrelation 5. To consider conŴict of interest by setting clear guidelines beneųcial to the company and shareholders principally, setting prescriptions on information disclosure on items which may have conŴict of interest as follows




1SFQBSBUJPO PG SFQPSUT PO KPJOU JOUFSFTU PG %JSFDUPST, FYFDVUJWFT BOE SFMBUFE QFSTPOT, In 20 2, Master "d prescribed that a report form be made to report on Koint interest of Directors, executives and related persons, as basic information in the monitor and control of the said Koint interest. The reports were kept by $orporate Secretary to be used in the audit and control of conŴict of interest if there was any change in the interest, the executives were required to report the changes to the $orporate Secretary for acknowledgement 3FQPSUJOH DIBOHFT PG UIF TFDVSJUJFT IPMEJOH To regulate the use of inside information, the $ompany has determined that the #oard of Directors and management, including the spouse and children who are minors, when there are changes in securities holding of Master "d 1ublic $o., -td., they must notify the $ompany and report to the Securities &xchange $ommission under Section 5 of the Securities and &xchange "ct of #.&. 25 5 2 , within days from the date of sale or transfer and are obliged to report of the purchase sale of shares shares of the company in the next meeting. #y the end of the quarter and year end, the $ompany’s Secretary 0fųce will send a notiųcation to prohibit the directors and the departments involved not to disclose the information to the third party or persons not involved, as well as no trading of the $ompany’s stocks in the period of 5 days from the closing date of the ųnancial statements until the disclosure date of the ųnancial statements to the public, in order to prevent the illegally use of inside information. During the past year, the #oard and the management adhered strictly to this measure. 5IF CPBSE NFFUJOH The $ompany has scheduled the #oard Meeting in advance, and let each director know the schedule so that the directors can arrange the time to attend the meeting, as well as any special meetings as necessary. In each meeting, the company has set a clear agenda and sending notice of the meeting and details more than 7 days prior so that the #oard of Directors will have sufųcient time to study before the meeting. The written record of the meeting has also been arranged with proper record keeping of the Meeting 3eport that has been approved by the #oard of Directors, making it available for inspection review by the #oard of Directors and related parties.

In each meeting, the $ompany has allowed the non executive directors to hold a meeting among themselves, without the executive directors present at the meeting so that the non executive directors can freely offer suggestions are helpful to $ompany and beneĹłcial to the operations.

176 In 20 2 the #oard of Directors had times of the meeting among themselves, meetings of the "udit $ommittee, 5 meetings of the &xecutive $ommittee. &ach meeting took about hours, with details as follows "n enumeration of #oard Meeting "ttendance in the :ear 20 2 /o. of Times

Name-Last Name

. 1ol. Sub -t. ,riengsak 2. Mr. 1arames . Mr. /oppadon . Mr. 1hiched 5. Mr. Tawat . Mr. Vichit 7. Mr. 1rasert 8. Mr. 1ornsak . Mrs. 6bonrat 0. Miss Tamonwan

Board of




Director 10 Persons

Committee 3 Persons

Committee 4 Persons

General Meeting 10 Persons

5 Times :ear -ohachala 3achKaibun Tansalarak Maneerattanaporn Meeprasertskul Dilokvilas Virasathienpornkul -imboonyaprasert #hokamonwong /arinthavanich

Times :ear Times :ear 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

"pril 22, 20 2

5IF OPNJOBUJPO BOE BQQPJOUNFOU PG UIF %JSFDUPST The $ompany does not have a /omination $ommittee. The #oard of Directors will consider a person to be appointed as director, whether it is director who is a representative of the shareholders or independent, based on the appropriateness of skills and experience that will strengthen the #oard. However, the appointment of new directors to replace the directors who have served full terms must be approved by the shareholders individually by a resolution according to the $ompany’s regulation, as follows . Individual of the shareholders will have his votes equal to the number of shares held, assuming one share one vote. 2. &ach shareholder will use all votes he has as per in selecting one or several directors but cannot split the votes to any person in particular. . Individual Director who has been nominated must have afųrmative votes of more than half of the total votes of the shareholders attending the meeting and entitled to vote. The company will present information to director and to the (eneral Meeting for consideration together with education background, work experience, as well as other business and legal disputes if any . In the case of a Director being re elected, there would be more information about the number of meeting attendance, including the work of the director during the past year for the consideration of the shareholders. . The $ompany has prepared a manual about the #oard of Directors and provided an orientation for the new director to get to know the nature of the business, policies and operations of the the $ompany. In 20 2, Master "d allowed shareholders to propose names for consideration to be Directors, but nobody proposed any appropriate names. The $ompany’s Directors proposed the names of three Directors whose term ended for reelection for another term, since during their tenure of ofųce they performed well, namely Mr. 1arames 3atchKaibun, Mr. /oppadon Tansalarak and Mr. Vichit Dilokvilas The assembly reelected them as proposed by the #oard of Directors. In the event there is a vacancy for whatever reason other than end of ofųce term, the #oard will propose a qualiųed candidate to the #oard for appointment as a Director in the following #oard Meeting, with maKority votes of three fourths of the remaining Directors selected Directors shall hold ofųce equal to the remaining term of the retired Director.

177 4FMG BTTFTTNFOU PG UIF #PBSE The $ompany evaluates the performance of the #oard annually. "n evaluation form of the individual Self assessment consists of six topics, namely the structure and qualiĹłcation of the #oard, roles and responsibilities of the #oard, the #oard of Directors’ meeting, the duties of the director, development of the director and executives. This is to be compared to the director’s results of a comparative evaluation in each of the years in order to improve the performance of the directors. The evaluation can be concluded that the director is qualiĹłed and has performed the duties with responsibilities in accordance with the guidelines of the director. 3FNVOFSBUJPO PG UIF #PBSE PG %JSFDUPST The #oard Kointly considers remuneration of Directors and "uditors by comparing with companies in the S&T and competitive industries, before presenting it to the shareholders for approval in an "nnual (eneral Meeting. The remuneration is divided into two types meeting allowances, paid to all Directors attending the meeting and the annual remuneration paid only to Independent Directors. Master "d maintains a policy of disclosure of individual Director’s remuneration for transparency. %FWFMPQNFOU PG %JSFDUPST BOE &YFDVUJWFT The $ompany has a policy to promote knowledge to develop the directors and its executives as follows . 1roviding an orientation to the #oard members who have been newly appointed with the Director’s Manual, so they will be acknowledged of the roles and responsibilities of being the $ompany’s director. The $ompany’s Secretary is responsible for explaining the business operations of the $ompany to the #oard. 2. The new Director of the $ompany has to be trained in the course ÄśDirector "ccreditation 1rogram D"1 .ġ . If there is any Director interested in the course ÄśDirector $ertiĹłcation 1rogram D$1 ġ or others, the $ompany will be responsible for the costs. In addition, the #oard of Directors has been encouraged to participate Thai Institute of Directors’ courses as well as other courses related to the development of the #oard. In 20 2, Miss Thamonwan /arinthavanich, the director and secretary of the $ompany has been trained on T-$" &xecutive Development 1rogram &D1 $lass , organized by Thai -isted $ompanies "ssociation. 5SBJOJOH DPVSTF GSPN UIF 5IBJ *OTUJUVUF PG %JSFDUPST *0%

Training Courses Name-Last Name

. 1ol. Sub -t. ,riengsak -ohachala 2. Mr. 1arames 3achKaibun . Mr. /oppadon Tansalarak . Mr. 1hiched Maneerattanaporn 5. Mr. Tawat Meeprasertskul . Mr. Vichit Dilokvilas 7. Mr. 1rasert 8eerasatienpornkul 8. Mr. 1ornsak -imboonyaprasert . Mrs. 6bonrat #hokamolwong 0. Miss Tamonwan /arintavanich

Directors CertiďŹ cation Program Directors Accreditation Program (DCP)


0 5 05 20 02

07 0 5 0 07 0 05 07 0 05 7 08 80 0 7 08

178 $POŴJDUT PG JOUFSFTUT In order to prevent conŴicts of interests, the $ompany has set guidelines for the #oard, executives and employees as follows 1PMJDZ SFHBSEJOH UIF VTF PG JOTJEF JOGPSNBUJPO . 1rohibit the #oard from entering in any operation or a partnership or a shareholder in any entity in the same business nature and in competition with the business of the the $ompany, unless the meeting of the shareholders has been informed prior to the appointment. 2. &xecutives and employees shall not use inside information to their advantage in trading the $ompany’s shares or disclose the inside information, which may cause damage to the shareholders, to the parties involved. To prevent the purchase or sale of shares using the inside information and to avoid scandal about the appropriateness of the purchase or sale of shares by insiders, the executives and the staff involved in the trading must do as follows ĝ

If the #oard has to buy Äą sell or there is any change in the shareholding of the $ompany, a report must be made everytime to the meeting of the #oard.


&xecutives or employees involving in trading or any change in the stock holding are be required to report to the Secretary of the $ompany within days after the change.

. &xecutives and employees should not do the trading of the $ompany’s stocks before the release of the ųnancial statements or other information related to the $ompany’s status including other important information. The trading by both executives and employees should be done at least a period of 2 hours after the public disclosure has been made. . &xecutives and employees should not take advantage or use the information from being the executives or the employees of the $ompany in doing any business that is competing or related to the business of the $ompany. 5. In the event that the $ompany and its subsidiaries have connected transactions or the $ompany’s important property trade, the directors and the management shall oversee the practices to abide by the perusal process. To accomplish this, there shall be a meeting to consider and stimulate the guidelines on comprehensible transactions, which shall pass the audit committee’s careful perusal ųrst. The audit committee shall peruse the transaction by according the greatest importance to the best interest of the $ompany and its shareholders. The directors or the stakeholders who are involved in the matter shall leave the meeting. "fter the resolution is carried out, the directors shall supervise the adherence of such stipulations as well as the information dissemination via different channels so that all stakeholders are comprehensively and equitably informed. 1PMJDJFT JO HJWJOH PS SFDFJWJOH B HJGU, PS FOUFSUBJONFOU . &mployees shall not receive or agree to receive any money or any other beneųt from the persons doing business with the company. 2. &mployees may receive or give a gift as traditions. In giving or getting a gift, it must not affect the decision of the receiver. The gift should be something that is not worth much and should not be cash or cash equivalent. . If employees receive a gift that is worth more than the conventional norms from those having the business with the company, they should report the matter to the supervisors in charge. . (iving or getting a gift may be done with transparency, or in the open, or can be disclosed.

179 %JTDMPTVSF PG USBOTBDUJPOT QPTTJCMZ XJUI DPOŴJDUT PG JOUFSFTU Master "d has prescribed that Directors and &xecutives shall disclose items which may have conŴicting interest with Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. considering it as an internal control process, inclusive of prescribing the Internal "uditing 0fųce to monitor and solve conŴicting interests and report directly to the #oard of "uditors. In the past, such problems never arose. "XBSET BOE 3FDPHOJUJPO In 20 2, Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. has been awarded as follows Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. was selected as one of "sia’s 200 #est 6nder a #illion, resulted from the search of top 00 companies across the "sia 1aciųc region with the growth in both sales and earnings from 5 million ,000 million 6S dollars. Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. has won two prestigious awards, including the #est $&0 "wards, and the #est 1erformance "wards in M"I Stock &xchange at the S&T "wards 20 2, organized by the Stock &xchange and the #anking and Finance +ournal on /ovember 22, 20 2. #eing evaluated on corporate governance ranking as favorably with the average score by 8 . #eing evaluated on the (eneral Meeting of Shareholders for the year 20 2 and was rated as &xcellent with the highest score of 00 points.

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The above award reŴects the #oard of Directors’ commitment and dedication in order to increase the value to the $ompany’s business through management, corporate governance and conducting the business with social responsibility for the beneųts of the $ompany and the shareholders. Human resources

From the beginning of conųdence to the recognition for more than 25 years in the 0HM, the $ompany has adhered to management policy and advanced quality standards under the IS0 00 2008, the ųrst one in Thailand. 8e also have combined the concept of human resource management by being Smart, $reative Innovative to the continuous development to upgrade and increase the capacity of staff skills, knowledge and ability as well as building positive attitudes to create a culture of creative collaboration. 8e are committed to meet the organization’s Maximize $onnecting the Moving -ife. 8e believe that employees with potential is the most important mechanism that enables organizations to grow continuously and steadily. /umber of employees of Master "d 1ublic $o.,-td. by main business lines No. of employees Main Job line

. &xecutive Department 2. Marketing Department . Sales Department . 1roduction &ngineering Department 5. "ccounting and Financial Department . "dministraion Department 7. #usiness Innovation Development Department 8. -egal Division Total

No. of employees

No. of employees

December 31, 2012 December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010

2 0 8 7 2 129

5 5 27 0 2 130

2 8 2 5 5 2 2 100

180 3FNVOFSBUJPO The $ompany has its policy to pay appropriate remuneration to the employeesaccording to qualiĹłcations, knowledge and work experience. The $ompany has conducted a review for salary adKustment on a yearly basis based on the performance of the employees. The $ompany has adopted #alance Score $ard and ,ey 1erformance Indicators ,1Is

approaches to determine the performance of the employees and departments according to the Äś1ay for 1erformanceġ compensation scheme as same as we did in the past year. The annual bonus is paid according to the $ompany’s annual Ĺłnancial results and the performance of employees on the same basis. Details of $ompensation to the employees &xcluding &xecutives


Salaries and other employee expenses $ontributions to the 1rovident Fund &+I1 5PUBM


58, 5 ,502. 7 , 7,8 .00 5 2,5 7, 0 60,181,943.07


2,88 ,0 7. 7 , . 5, . 8 44,035,817.88


,7 ,0 .27 5, .00 , 8.88 42,355,471.15


2,7 ,22 . 5 50,5 .00 43,189,782.35

"dditionally, the $ompany has arranged various sales awards to promote and stimulate continuous sales namely, /ew Sales Star of the :ear "ward, /ew $ustomers Sales "ward, Top Sales "wards for individual and team, 0utstanding Sales "wards for individual and team, and Top Made to 0rder Sales "ward. 8FMGBSFT In addition to the monthly salary, the $ompany also provides welfares for its employees appropriately according to economic and living conditions. They are as follows

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1rovident fund. This year, the $ompany has increased the proportion the employers to the provident fund for every employee. Full incentive for the employees who work regularly throughout the month. Scholarships for the postgraduate study in order to raise the educational level of the employees. (ifts in various occasions such as birthday, graduation, marriage or having a new born child. "n incentive to promote and maintain the staff working with the $ompany for a longer period of time i.e. 0 years, 5 years, 20 years and it Kust has been extended to over 25 years, 0 years and 5 years respectively. Health and welfare beneĹłts for the employees inclusive with life insurance and accident insurance. -ife insurance is for employees who work outside the ofĹłce, health insurance to reduce the treatment costs for both outpatients and inpatients. From last year, the $ompany has added health insurance coverage to the employees at all levels and arranged for an annual physical check up. Furthermore, the $ompany has also added to the health check up list for the executive level to increase surveillance and reduce the risk of illness among them. "ctivities to promote unity among the staff such as an annual trip, sporting events, fairs and parties on various occasions, including the /ew :ear, so that the employees can do things together and in the same time they would be relaxed from the stress in the workplace as well. The $ompany has also arranged the traditon of water sprinkling for the executive on Songkran Festival in order to preserve Thai tradition. 8elfare in case of emergencies such as emergency welfare for Ĺ´ood victims as well as the welfare to assist the victims of other natural disasters.

3FDSVJUNFOU BOE 1FSTPOOFM 4FMFDUJPO The $ompany has paid a lot of attention on the process of selecting and recruiting new personnel. 0ur focus is to select the good and high caliber person to Koin the $ompany. In addition to the selection of qualiĹłed personnel, the $ompany also has a process to select the staff that suits the organization and the team. The $ompany has established a procedure to test and measure competency, attitude and ability to work in each position as well as focusing on providing the employees with the skills and enKoyment while performing the Kob. In the past year, the $ompany executed the

181 proactive for recruitment by building relationships and arranging activities with leading institutions, including cooperative education programs, the contest of the design work and ĜM"$0 (0T T"-&/T Finding 1roKect Management Traineeġ, a program that allows young people to Koin us to show their potential before being selected to work with the $ompany which is another way to irecruitme more quality persons to work with $ompany. 1FSTPOOFM BOE &GųDJFODZ %FWFMPQNFOU 8e are conųdent that personnel development by various methods is important to encourage people with potential and performance to maximize their knowledge and skills that will help strengthen the competitiveness of the organization. The program is divided into training and development for both new staff and the existing ones. 1. 5SBJOJOH BOE EFWFMPQNFOU UIF OFX TUBGG

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0rientation for new staff a training that provides knowledge and understanding to new personnel from the Ĺłrst step of Koining the company in order to understand the organization’s basics and enable him to spend the work life with the $ompany. The $ompany provides the on the Kob training for each Kob position in cooperation with his department and related departments. It includes basic instruction, i.e. 1roduct ,nowledge, Taxing for #illboards, basic knowledge about IS0 00 2008 standard, $ore $ompetency courses and others courses based on the performance of each position until the end of the trial period. This is to ensure that new staff will have new knowledge to be applied in practice in their Kob and in line with the nature of the $ompany’s business. 8e also provide other training such as basic welfare of the employees according to the law, safety training courses, ĹłreĹłghting training and Ĺłre evacuation courses. ÄśThe $&0 meeting with the staffġ activity has been conducted to let the employees understand working concept, policies and corporate culture through direct communication from the $&0. The staff have been impressed and realized of their important role in Koining the $ompany.

2. 5SBJOJOH BOE EFWFMPQNFOU GPS UIF FYJTUJOH TUBGG The $ompany has established a plan for personnel development individually to encourage employees to meet the operational goals as well as to prepare them for the Kobs transfer, promotion, and modiĹłcations. These include the framework of development as follows

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Development according to Training 3oadmap by the position and years of service so the employees will be equipped to handle management for each position according the the $ompany’s expectations. 1ersonnel development according to the Individual Development 1lan ID1 which is designed to enhance the performance of individual employees so they would be able to fulųll their individual’ goals including the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes based on the procedures as follows In house Seminar , the experienced staff from various aspects will be assigned to be the trainers. &ach department will select the competent personnel as the trainers to share the skills and expertise to the others.

There are also seminars handled by the experienced outside speakers who are expert and knowledgeable in certain subKect, in order to share the concept in management to the supervisor level. For example, ,nowledge of Finance and Investment by ,hun 1rasert Virasathienpornkul Finance for /on Finance by ,hun ,amonwan $hunhakasikarn, #usiness "dvisor of ,1M( 1hoomchai $o., -td. and How to 3ight a #usiness 1lan by Dr. :anyong Thaicharoen, $hief Strategist, 0rganization Strategy 6nit, #ank of Thailand, etc.

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Sending the staff to attend seminars outside the $ompany. Sending the staff to visit leading companies and trading partners both domestic and abroad for knowledge and technology exchange.



The $ompany recognizes the effectiveness in applying the knowledge in various ways. Therefore, we have arranged a monitoring and follow up process through the supervisor of the trained staff. This process of personnel development has been carried out seriously with all levels and will be reviewed on a yearly basis for suitability and updating.

The $ompany has set the framework to develop the $ore $ompetency and continuously communicated 7 items of the $ore $ompetency to the employees. "s for this year, the $ompany will continue to use the $ore $ompetency to assess individual potential. It would be a 0 decree assessment by having the related staff do the assessment of each other Ĺ the supervisors, the subordinates, the colleague, the customers and self assessment. "fter the assessment process, the $ompany has sent the scores back to each individual employee and department so that all will be aware of the result and carry on the improvement for him and the team as well as to use the score as a part of performance evaluation for remuneration and annual bonus reviews. To handle this, the $ompany has utilized the 0 decree online evaluation to facilitate the process and be paperless as well. This assessment is in parallel with promoting the understanding and encouraging the behavior which is in consistent with the $ore $ompetency. It is a new way to create a culture of collaboration, i.e. exchanging the cards with each other among those who fulųll the $ore $ompetency as well as giving the award for those who get the right card at the right time. This activity has got a very good cooperation from the management and staff at all levels in the $ompany. The 7 items of the $ore $ompetency are set as the policy and serve as the guidelines for all staff so that the $ompany will be able to achieve the vision, the mission and the goals. They are 1. "DDPVOUBCJMJUZ : ability to perform duty under one’s responsibility and connection, so as to reach the goal within the speciųed time, inclusive of performance report which can be veriųed, 2. 5FBNXPSL : ability to work with others to reach the same goal of the group by sharing skill, knowledge and experience, inclusive of ability to present guideline to work together creatively, 3. $POUJOVPVT *NQSPWFNFOU : ability to develop work, including method, concept and result continually, in order to obtain better method, concept and result, 4. 4FSWJDF .JOE : customers service mind, with good reaction to meet customer’s need, so as to provide maximum satisfaction to customers, 5. &OUSFQSFOFVSTIJQ : participation in the work, as if the work one is working on is his own, that he would be responsible for the best performance, 6. (PBM 0SJFOUBUJPO : determination and endeavor to work for success according to the obKective and speciųed goal, 7. $PNNVOJDBUJPO : ability to communicate and help others to acknowledge and understand rightly and effectively through listening, speaking, reading and writing. 4UBGG %FWFMPQNFOU GPS $BSFFS "EWBODFNFOU In addition to training and staff development, the $ompany also takes in to account to provide the employees with career advancement by covering personnel preparedness for the advancement of individual personnel along with the success of the organization. The company has focused on improving weaknesses and enhancing strengths from the supervisor’s assessment, so the staff can have skills and ability for future responsibility as well as being aware of the opportunities for advancement. During the past year, the $ompany has developed the organization’s successor program by assigning various proKects for the staff to do together including assigning them to attend the meeting with the leaders to learn and work at the same time. They also have the opportunity to present their skills in the areas such as capacity building and preparing the subordinates to move into higher positions. 8e have found that this is a way to keep the personnel to continue being with the $ompany.

183 0SHBOJ[BUJPOÄ´T %JSFDUJPO BOE $PNNVOJDBUJPO The $ompany realizes the importance of communication because communication is essential to help the staff of all levels have the same vision and gold. Therefore, the $ompany has conducted various meetings to review and summarize the results for each quarter in all units so that they could make the improvement to meet the target as planned. In addition, we have also arranged an activity to communicate the operational results on a quarterly basis across the organization throughout the year to allow employees at all levels to be aware of the operation and the performance of the $ompany and departments including the obstacles or impacts that might occur in each quarter. This will lead to further improvement and knowledge sharing with other departments resulting in a smoother operation and better team work. The $ompany’s management and the Successors of each unit have Kointly prepared a strategic plan for the operation of the $ompany anization under the policy direction and goals from the #oard of Directors. The $ompany opens an opportunity for the staff of early management level or Äśsuccessorsġ to get involved from the beginning in planning and translating the direction to various units, from strategy to business and budget planning in the same harmony and direction. During the past year, the $ompany made some chages in communicating business plan and operation plan. The whole staff were invited to participat in the programme, for example, the $ompany arranged the contest on presenting the operation report for 20 2 and 20 of each department and shared the result to others in various departments, which helped everyone understand the goal and contribute to a better cooperation. From this activity, we arranged for an overall summary poster contest among various departments as well, which help explain to the staff at all levels the direction that corresponds to the efĹłciency and effectiveness resulting from participation and understanding of the same goals. The management and staff of all levels have also set up the obKectives and the ,1Is that are translated from organizational level to the department and the staff levels. Such obKectives and the ,1Is would be used as the criteria for performance assessment which leads to remuneration and annual salary adKustment reviews. 4USFOHUIFOJOH PG HPPE DPSQPSBUF SFMBUJPOTIJQ Master "d encourages activities among executives, employees, and between employees and the company, by arranging recreational activities in various forms, such as regular parties for close friendship and understanding. -ast year, the $ompany also held activities to promote teamwork, so that everyone could work together without distinction of levels, which lead to improved cooperation and understanding. #esides, the $ompany also provides communication feed back from employees through an employees satisfaction survey in various aspects. This helps the $ompany and the executives know and understand employees requirements. The $ompany is certain that good communication and exchange of ideas between the management and the employees will lead to good relationships and Koint attainment of the $ompany’s goal. .BJOUFOBODF PG XPSLJOH FOWJSPONFOU Master "d has improved its ofĹłces and working environment for employees, aiming at creating the feeling of being a second home, so that the working place and its environment are conducive to business operation. The $ompany is mindful of physical health, cleanliness and safety of the staff’s lives and property it therefore organizes 5 Sor activities in the ofĹłces on a continual basis. There is a quarterly competition on 5 Sor areas in the $ompany. It also provides safety ofĹłcer at the executive level, professional safety ofĹłcer, and Safety $ommittee on health and environment in the working place, to take care of welfare and safety in the ofĹłce and the $ompany. The $ompany’s also Koins the 8hite Factory 1roKect of the Ministry of -abour and Social 8elfare, to show its intention to make a work place free of narcotics on a continuous basis.


Internal control Internal control system

The company has recognized the importance of continuous internal control. The #oard has entrusted to the "udit $ommittee to review and evaluate the internal control system to ensure its adequacy and appropriateness to the business, effectiveness and efųciency of operations, the use of resources, property maintenance to prevent or minimize the damage, leakage or wastage and corruption, accounting and ųnancial reporting in an accurate and reliable manner, as well as abiding to laws and regulations relating to the business. The "udit $ommittee functions and comments freely. The "udit 0fųce of the "uditor IV- $o., -td. will audit the $ompany’s internal control system to ensure its effectiveness and being up to date, by monitoring the internal control systems as follows . Sales and revenue collection system 2. Media production and advertising costs system . (eneral procurement and property control systems . H3 system 5. Financial, accounting, budget and taxation systems, and additional investigation of the information system twice times a year Risk Management

Master "d 1lc $o., -td. and its afųliates have recognized and focused risk management in order to mobilize the $ompany efųciently with stability, ųnancial sound and be able to generate the satisfactory beneųt to the shareholders. 6nder the business’s complexity and continually changing, the #oard and directors of the $ompany have agreed to utilize of the risk management system in the $ompany as a tool to assist in determining the direction, strategy, and its business operations as well as enhance the capacity building, ceate business opportunities, as well as improve the processes continuously. The risk management system will also help the company to achieve its overall obKectives with good corporate governance and to create additional value for shareholders and stakeholders. #y adopting risk management as part of corporate culture, employees at all levels have been aware of their responsibilities in the risk management and Kointly set the risk management policies as follows . 3egarding any acceptable risk with the level of risk acceptable to the $ompany, the 3isk Management committee must give an approval prior to any implementation. 2. The risk management is the responsibility of staff at all levels. &veryone is to be aware of the risks that is taking place in each one’s department and the $ompany and everyone needs to focus on managing risks under the internal control system at adequate and acceptable level. . &ncourage and support the risk management as an important tool in personnel management. The staff at all levels must understand, cooperate, and use the risk management for a good image as well as strengthen good governance, management excellence, and create conųdence to the shareholders stakeholders of the $ompany. . 1romote and develop the use of modern information technology in risk management of the $ompany. 1ersonnel at all levelsmust be able to access to information concerning the risk management thoroughly as well as set a reporting system on risk management to the 3isk Management #ody and $ommittee effectively.


Risk Factors Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. has managed the risk according to the strategy of each business unit with a focus on maintaining a competitive position, investment for business expansion and creating more value to the business. In 20 2, risk factors were managed and controlled to a certain level. However, to manage risks from severe business competition and uncertainty in global economic, the $ompany has considered the risks that may prevent it from achieving the goals and strategy, at the same time the $ompany still maintains maKor risks as follows 1. Business Risks

The overall picture for 20 2, there were signiųcant events affecting the global economy and the Thai economy. The &uropean debt crisis with a great impact on the economy of various countries around the world making the economy in 20 2 expanded at a lower level than previously estimated. In Thailand, the issue of minimum wage policy of 00 #aht was a controversy and created concerns about rising product prices due to higher wages. However, with the growth of the automotive industry resulting from the cumulative production in 20 year due to the Ŵood. Thailand’s auto sales has grown like never happened before. Total sales was almost , 20,000 cars or a growth rate of 7 which has been considered as a very high growth. For Master "d 1ublic $o., -td., we put emphasis on doing the business with clear future that reŴects the investment opportunities and generate highest revenue to the $ompany, the shareholders and the society. The investment must be related to the yield. In 20 2, despit the rising wages of 00 #aht but M"$0 has not been affected because 5 of the employees already earn their wages exceeding 00 #aht. The minority who got the wage raise did not affect the $ompany signiųcantly. There was nothing different about the costs with the contractors, and M"$0 still got the same rate as usual. 0nly a few contractors that provided the service in small volume that increased the cost slightlyof about . The contractors that have adKusted the cost were Kust 0 of all the contractors. "s a measure to curb with the increasing cost in the production of advertising, M"$0 has bought shares in Ink +et Images Thailand $o., -td. in 20 representing the shareholding to 50 from . in order to control the costs and maximize the beneųts to the $ompany. 2. Financial Risks

#ank of Thailand’s monetary policy in 20 2 put focus on maintaining the stability of the economic in accordance with the world’s scenario. " slowdown in the global economy was an issue that needed to be monitored closely since it could affect Thailand’s economy. Meanwhile, the inŴation pressure which was supposed to be another risk factor for Thailand’s economy was less when compared to the year 20 . Therefore, the ųscal policy of the #ank of Thailand would focus on business growth and respond to Ŵuctuations in the world economy. In early 20 2, the Monetary 1olicy $ommittee M1$ of the #ank of Thailand decided to cut interest rates to 0.25 , from .25 to , in order to stimulate the economy back to normal. The maKor Ŵood in late 20 had caused damages to Thailand’s economy and the conųdence of investors considerably. However, Thailand’s economy has gradually recovered. 6ntil the end of 20 2, M1$ decided to reduce the interest rate again by 0.25 to 2.75 after maintaining the interest rate at since the beginning of the year. $oncerning the ųnancial risks in the past year, the $ompany was not affected at all since in 20 2 the $ompany did not invest in large amount and used mostly its own working capital. For exchange rate risk during the last year, the $ompany did not engage with the exchange rates. Therefore, no impact from currency exchange.

186 1ossible liquidity risk is that the customers may be unable to pay debts within time. To manage this risk, the $ompany has assessed the ųnancial viability of the customers from time to time. This year, the $ompany could effectively manage the customer accounts. This is noticeably when the account receivables did not grow in proportion to the growing revenues. This year’s debt reserve for doubtful debts decreased over the years 20 , and trade accounts receivable was Kust 72 days on average comparing to 20 which was 75 days. For 20 , the $ompany has requested the #oard of Directors in advance for debentures credit to prepare in case of there is any maKor proKects which require a large investment. In the amount not exceeding ,000 million #aht and will present to the shareholders for a resolution. This measure will prevent the risk if the ųnancial institutes would not grant the loan in full amount as required. It is also a management of ųnancial cost as well. 3. The Risks from Billboard Control Laws

In 20 2, the $ompany continued to maintain the policy of installing only the legal billboards. 8e have a team to catch up with legislation so that any future legal changes would not affect the $ompany’s operation. &very year, the $ompany has conducted the examination of the building and billboard structures that are registered with the Department of 1ublic 8orks and 6rban 1lanning. The $ompany continues to inspect and certify every of its billboard including coordination with the "dvertising and Sign 1roducing "ssociation to ensure the stability of the structures of all signs and billboards which are endorsed with the logo ÄśSafety 2ġ. 4.

A risk on Changes in the Age of Digital and Online Advertising

In 20 2, 0fųce of The /ational #roadcasting and Telecommunications $ommission /#T$. has ųnalized the bidding of ( Technology. $urrent consumer’s behavior has been changed by technology. Therefore, the expansion of online digital media and smart phones will play a very signiųcant role in the life and behavior of consumers. In 20 2, an overview of the advertising industry would grow by 2 and was estimated at 20,000 million #aht. TV is the lifeblood of 0 of the advertising budget. The overall industry trends and advertising this year was expected to grow at least 0 under the calm political conditions or no natural disasters. The beverage, automotive, consumer products and technology are among the highest ad spending this year, according to the 1resident of the "dvertising "ssociation of Thailand. M"$0 has viewed that the "ge of Digital and 0nline "dvertising has an increasingly important role in the advertising communications. #ecause customers want a fast response and to reach to the target audience extensively. They also want the audience to remember the product, so it is always necessary to introduce the billboard advertising in a form of digital media and online advertising, to keep the target remember the product as long as possible and reach to the purchase. M"$0 sees trends in the digital and online advertising. Therefore, we have brought in new 23 $ode technology 2uick 3esponse , "3 $ode "ugmented 3eality for the billboard and Made to 0rder advertising since 20 as interactive in the advertisements. "dditonally, M"$0 has set up a team to study and manage the Digital and 0nline "dvertising in order to remain advance and respond to the customers on the on going basis.


Audit Committee’s Report The "udit $ommittee has fulųlled its professional obligations under the scope of authority and responsibility as approved by the #oard of Directors. The $ommittee’s foremost duties include ensuring that the $ompany has reported its ųnancial statements with accuracy and adequate disclosure, 2 verifying that the $ompany has deployed appropriate internal control systems and internal audits in terms of both efųciency and productivity, as well as overseeing the $ompany’s well rounded supervision of its business operation in compliance with the good corporate governance. During the year 20 0, the "udit $ommittee has held 5 meetings. The key operations can be summarized are as follows 1. $PMMBCPSBUJWFMZ SFWJFX BOE EJTDVTT UIF $PNQBOZĴT ųOBODJBM TUBUFNFOU, including quarterly and annual ųnancial statement before submitting for the #oard’s consideration and approval. To achieve this task, the "udit $ommittee has held meeting with the $ompany’s authorized &xternal "uditor to gain explanation, remark, and recommendation. The "udit $ommittee considers that, the 200 ųnancial statements are accurately prepared, adequately disclosed, and strictly implemented in compliance with (enerally "ccepted "ccounting 1rinciples (""1 . 2. $POTJTUFOUMZ TVQFSWJTF UIF $PNQBOZĴT FGųDJFOU JOUFSOBM DPOUSPM TZTUFNT BOE JOUFSOBM BVEJUT. The $ompany asked that the Internal "udit 0fųce conduct internal control audits on a quarterly basis and directly report its audit results to the "udit $ommittee. "ll of the "udit $ommittee’s remarks will be perused and taken for further efųciency and productivity improvement on the internal control. In 200 , the internal audits additionally investigated the preventive measure against internal fraudulence. The 200 internal audits have shown that the $ompany possesses the appropriate internal control and management at the satisfactory level. 3. 3FWJFX PG DPOOFDUFE USBOTBDUJPOT. The $ommittee looked into connected transactions with The $ompany and those between business groups to ensure that these were conducted at arm’s length with complete and adequate information disclosure. 4. &OTVSJOH UIF *NQMFNFOUBUJPO PG (PPE $PSQPSBUF (PWFSOBODF The "udit $ommittee has its role to monitor the $ompany be in compliance with the Securities and the Stock &xchange -aw, other relevant laws and regulations, particularly with regard to transactions and transactions that may have a conŴict of interest in order to conform to the principles of good corporate governance. In 20 , the "udit $ommittee agreed that the $ompany has complied effectively with the principles of good corporate governance. "s a result, the $ompany received an evaluation on good governance from Thai Institute of Directors I0D as excellent including S&T "wards 20 for the #est $orporate (overnance 3eport as well as an evaluation result on the quality of the "nnual (eneral Meeting of Shareholders for the year as very satisfactory. 5. 1SVEFOUMZ TFMFDU UIF 2012 FYUFSOBM BVEJUPS by perusing the scope of service, remuneration, as well as S&$ announcement pertaining to stipulations on auditor and others. The "udit $ommittee has submitted its resolution to the #oard of Directors. In such resolution, the #oard is requested to ask the shareholders’ meeting to ofųcially approve Mr. Somckid Tiatrakul and or Mrs. Sumalee $hoke anant from (rant Thornton to be the $ompany’s 20 2 external auditor. The "udit $ommittee considers that the $ompany’ management accords vital importance on the business operation under the good corporate governance and efųcient internal control.

.S. 1SBTFSU 7JSBTBUIJFOQPSOLVM $hairman of "udit $ommittee


Management Discussion and Financial Analysis An overview of the operation

In 20 2, the &uropean debt crisis with a great impact on the economy of various countries around the world making the economy in 20 2 expanded at a lower level than previously estimated. In Thailand, the issue of minimum wage policy of 00 #aht, but Master "d 1lc $o., -td. was not affected at all. "dvertising media is the business the product owners are relying on to enhance the brand value. In the same time, the customers want to reach to the targets extensively so the consumers will be reminded of the products not to switch to use the competitor’s goods. In 20 2, Master "d 1lc $o., -td. got a income of 7 2. million #aht, up 5.2 from the year 20 , with a net proųt of .5 million #aht, up 2. 8 from 20 , as well as 7 5.87 million #aht in total assets, total liabilities were 5 .0 million #aht and shareholders’ equity was 5 .8 million #aht. From the growth in 20 2, Master "d 1lc $o., -td. would like to give additional details as follows Operating results

The operating results and the Ĺłnancial status of Master "d 1lc $o., -td. in 20 2 can be summarized as follows Revenue :

In 20 , the (roup earned 7 2. million #aht from services and sales in total an increase of 5.2 over .8 million #aht in 20 . The maKor revenue was from services and media production. 800 732

700 00 500 00

M MACO Space

636 476











00 0






Revenue Non MACO Space





86% 69%

."$0 4QBDF


189 The revenue from services and media production can be categorized in 2 groups, namely, M"$0 Space which generated a percentage of 8 and /on M"$0 Space which contributed of the revenue. M"$0 Space consists of the media such as billboards, street furniture, and transit. /on M"$0 Space consists of the media in the range of &vent and Made to 0rder. In 20 2, M"$0 Space had the growth in revenue of 5 and /on M"$0 Space had the growth of . "lso in 20 2, there was a recognition of revenue from the Index M"$0 D 0 Koint venture for another million #aht. The growth 20 2 was the result from the $ompany’s adKusting its sale strategies, utilizing more technology with the media as well as being more creative in the work and services. The outstanding sales in 20 2 came from, for example, $oke’s D Mapping, /issan’s launch of S:-1H: car using "3 $ode "ugmented 3eality, the production of "mbience $oke with massive digital gateway and the Mock 6p stand for -evi’s Keans, etc. Costs and expenses

In 20 2, the (roup’s sales and services costs were 80 million #aht, increased from 20 by 2 .82 as resulted from the increased rental fee for M"$0 Space, softdrink using the transit media as well as depreciation cost from the improvement of the media. 3egarding Street Furniture media and $ity Vision #TS media, there was an increase in billboard taxes due to increasing advertising space. The increase in revenues from the Made to 0rder had a variable cost related to the revenue incurred. The cost from the Index M"$0 D 0 Koint venture also added to the total amount of the expenditures. 800




00 500




00 00

380 285




200 00


0 :Ĵ08



39 :Ĵ09





In 20 2, the costs of sales and services were amounted to 5 .82 of its revenue from the service and sales. "ccording to the nature of the business of the $ompany in providing the service and production of billboards, the main costs of sales and service consists of depreciation of the billboards, rental fee of areas for billboards, as well as maintenance cost of the billboards, which amounted to approximately 80 of its sale and service costs. CONSOLIDATE F/S 2011

Selling expenses "dministrative expenses Financial cost Income Tax

7 , 7 , 88 20,8 ,0 2 85,78 , 5,5 2


. 7 .02 0.0 7.2

, 75, 28,5 ,055 25,28 ,7 7,758

Change 12-11

8. 7.5 0.0 5.70

0, 8, 7,702, 2 ,505 , 27,8

. 5 . 7 2.08 . 0

In 20 2, the (roup spent million #aht in sales, 28 million #aht in management, 0. million #aht for ųnancial cost, and million #aht for income tax, making a total of expenses for sales, administration and others at 2 million #aht, which is about 2 of service and sales revenue. Such cost in sales decreased about . 5 due to less spending on sales promotion and a reduction in provision for doubtful accounts. However, the expenses on the management increased . 7 due to training and the salaries of the staff as well as the incentive for the staff according to the annual salary adKustment. "dditionally in 20 2, the corporate income tax was reduced from 0 to 2 due to the government’s tax policy, as a result the corporate tax decreased by . 0 .

190 ProďŹ t

In 20 2, the (roup registered a gross proĹłt of 52 million #aht, with the gross proĹłt rate at 7.25 over that of 20 . The net proĹłt for the year 20 2 was million #aht, an increase of million #aht over the previous year. Consolidated f/s 2011

(ross 1roĹłt /et income for the year /et income attributable to the $ompany per share #aht


Change 12-11

2 ,0 0,7 2 5 .77 52,875,070 8. 8 7, 7,8 8 5. ,0 8,80 8. 0.5

2 ,8 , 8 7.25 , 50, 0 2.75


0.2 2. 8

In 20 2, the $ompany’s gross proųt increased by 7.25 over 20 , and the net proųt increased 2.75 against net revenues from services and sales at 8. , due to the increase in the revenue from sale and services in 20 2, administrative costs in the production at reasonable prices, and effective management of accounts receivable. Therefore, the decreasing reserve for doubtful accounts. The $ompany also had a return on equity 30& for 20 2 at 25 with earnings per share of 0.80 baht, while in 20 the 30& was only .5 . Assets

$PNQPTJUJPO PG "TTFU The current assets and non current assets of the (roup were in the ratio of 0. 7. #y the nature of the business of the (roup, most of the current assets were cash, cash equivalents. and trade receivables. 8hile the /on $urrent "ssets were estate, building and equipment, most of which were the billboards. 6nit #aht

Consolidated f/s 2012


Separate f/s 2012



"SS&TS Total $urrent "ssets Total /on $urrent "ssets T0T"- "SS&TS

50 ,7 ,7 2 , 0 , 8 7 5,870, 28

, 08,527 27 ,07 ,028 720, 8 ,555

,87 , 0 7 ,78 , 2 , 5,55

, 0, 88 20 , ,887 52 , ,075

In 20 2, the (roup had total assets of 7 5.87 million #aht, divided into current assets of 50 .7 million #aht, which accounted for 7. of total assets, an increase of . 8 over 20 . The primary reason was due to an increase in accounts receivable resulted from revenue increased and short term investments from the increased depositing cash in the ųxed accounts. "lso, in 20 2, the (roup had cash and cash equivalents of 2 2 million #aht or . 7 of the total assets, an increase from 20 , accounting approximately 0.5 of the total assets. The $ompany’s trade receivables was accounted for 20.85 of total assets, an increase of . 5 from 20 , while the revenue from sales and services increased to 5.2 . In 20 2, the (roup had /on $urrent "ssets of #aht 2 . 0 million, accounting for 2.0 of total assets, a decrease of . from 20 , primarily due to the sale of equipments held in the inventories of million #aht. Furthermore, it was a result from the transfer of work in progress to be the cost of sales to reŴect the revenues for 20 2, including the use of prepaid consulting services for research and development proKects that may arise in the future.

191 2VBMJUZ PG "TTFU "s for the quality of assets, the (roup maintained a trade receivable payment policy of not more than 0 days. "s of December , 20 2, 20 and 20 0, receivable turnovers of the (roup were 72, 75, and 8 days respectively. $ollection period in 20 2 was longer than the policy of Master "d 1ublic $o., -td. Therefore, the $ompany has managed the account receivables closely, strating from open the sale to closing the sales, deliveries, after sales service, even to the collection stage together with the Sales Department, in order to manage the receivable with better efĹłciency. 0verdue receivables were sent by the "ccelerated Debts Division to the -egal Section for action, and the $ompany set reserves for bad debts as appropriate on a case by case basis. "s at December 20 2 and 20 , the aged analysis of accounts receivable are as follow 6nit #aht

Ages of receivable

Trade accounts receivable Äą general customers /ot yet due 1ast due -ess than months months 2 months 0ver 2 months Total -ess "llowance for doubtful accounts Trade accounts receivable general customers net

Consolidated f/s

Separate f/s





, ,525

,572, 2

2, 8,

58,72 , 25

,28 , , 8, 0 2, 5 ,2 0 7, 2 , 5 ,282,5 8 5,802,

55, 7 ,87

25,8 ,02 8,0 0, 5 2, 0 , ,2 0,2 8 7 ,8 8, 5 7, 7 ,27

,8 5,22

2 , 22, 5 ,285, , , 8 20,825,7 20,57 ,77 8, ,

0 , 0 ,8

8, 5, 2 , ,00 ,52 ,058 20, 7 , 5 05,8 ,5 , ,

8 , ,070

"ging of receivables can be summarized as follows of total Äť $urrent Äť 8ithin months 28 Äť 0ver months 8 During the year, the movements in allowance for doubtful accounts are as follows 6nit #aht

Consolidated f/s

#alance as at +anuary 20 2 "dd "dditional allowance during the year -ess #ad debt -ess #ad debt recoveries #alance as at December 20 2

7, 7 ,27 ,7 ,8 5 22, 52

, , 7


Separate f/s

, , ,255, 5 22, 52


8, ,

For the year 20 2, the doubtful accounts can be returned for an amount of . million #aht.

192 Liquidity

$BTI 'MPX 6nit #aht

Consolidated f/s 2012


Separate f/s 2012


$ash Ĺ´ows from operating activities Income before income tax $ash provided from operating activities before changes in operating assets and liabilities /et cash provided from operating activities /et cash provided from used in investing activities /et cash used in Ĺłnancing activities

80,78 ,5 2

,5 , 0

22 ,0 , 25

0 ,7 8,527

20 ,77 , 2, , 75 7,22 ,52

2, 5,8

8 , 7 ,725 7, , 5 , 0 ,

,2 ,88

2 ,28 ,0 7 ,5 , 2 8,202,75 72, ,78

2 ,2 7,27 5,0 ,8 , 0,877

,7 ,8

/et increase in cash and cash equivalents $ash and cash equivalents beginning of the year $ash and cash equivalents end of the year

2, 8,8 0 220,0 , 2 2 2,502, 5

, ,8 2 8, 0 ,777 220,0 , 2

2 ,8 8,077 55, 8 , 5 77,82 ,7

, ,0 2 5 , 7,5 55, 8 , 5

In 20 2, the principal source of fund for the (roup came from its net proųt, and when considered together with working capital, the (roup had a cash Ŵow from the operation of 2. million #aht. Such cash Ŵow was used to facilitate th operation and other general expenses. In 20 2, the company paid a dividend to its shareholders an amount of 8.7 million #aht resulting in the (roup’s cash Ŵow used in ųnancing activities totaled 2. 7 million. $oncering the cash Ŵows from the (roup’s various activities, the (roup had net cash of #aht 2. 7 million. In 20 2, the $ompany had a policy on management and cost control as well as measures of ongoing account management, in order to get more cash into the business and to support the future growth of the company. The $ompany had cash Ŵows from the investments in ofųce equipment as purchasing the equipment and computer programs, an amount of 8. million #aht to prepare for any unexpected situations and allow the employee to work at home using the /ote #ook. In addition, the $ompany has deposited the surplus cash from investing activities in ųed account with the #ank to increase revenue for the companywith no risk for 2 million #aht. In 20 2, the $ompany had cash and cash equivalents totaled 2 2.50 million #aht. -JRVJEJUZ In 20 2, the (roup had a current ratio and quick ratio of .7 and . 5 respectively, increasing from 2. 8 and 2. 5 respectively in 20 . The reason was from the increase in cash, cash equivalents and short term investments as well as the increase in bill collection of potential customers and accounts receivables. "t the same time, revenues from sales and services increased while current liabilities decreased because some payable from the improvement and development of the $ity Vision #TS which was to be due in 20 2. In addition, corporate income tax was reduced from 0 to only 2 . The $ompany had cash in hand to achieve returns at low risk, together with the cost control of the service, all contributed to the $ompany’s having cash and cash equivalents as well as short term investments to generate the business in large amount accounted for 0. of the total assets.

193 6nit #aht

Consolidated f/s 2012

$BTI BOE DBTI FRVJWBMFOUT FOE PG UIF ZFBS Temporary investments Total $urrent "ssets 5PUBM $VSSFOU -JBCJMJUJFT T0T"- "SS&TS

Consolidated f/s




2 2,502, 5 .7 220,0 , 2 . 77,82 ,7 0. 55, 8 , 5 . , 0, .27 8, 7, 2 , 0, 5.72 , 20, 0 .55 50 ,7 ,7 , 08,527 ,87 , 0 , 0, 88 ,580,880 85,0 2,75 8 ,075, 7 2 ,0 0, 70 7 5,870, 28 720, 8 ,555 , 5,55 52 , ,075

*OWFTUNFOU In 20 2, the investment was mainly in the purchase of equipments and computer programs to prepare for any unexpected situations, to accommodate future expansion, and allow the employee to work at home. This year, there was no investment in the form of the proKect to support the growth of income because of the limitations in terms of competition and prices on the acquisition of the concession. 4PVSDFT PG $BQJUBM 'VOE The structure of the capital fund and working capital of the (roup in 20 2 came mainly from its operating proųt. Its debt equity ratio of the shareholders between 20 2 and 20 showed an increase of 0.25 and 0. 8 respectively. In 20 2, the shareholders’ equity decreased due to the payment of dividend for 20 , details as follows Annual shareholders /Board of director meeting

Type of payment

Payment rate per share (Baht)

$ash Stock Total $ash

0.27 0. 0 0. 7 0.20

,7 ,7 0 2 , ,000 22 May 20 2 , ,5 2 , ,000 22 May 20 2 8 ,7 ,2 , ,7 2 7 , 8,5 7 Sep 20 2

20 0



,2 ,750 2 , ,000 0 May 20

Interim 20



,2 ,750 2 , ,000 December 20

Meeting date

Dividend for the year

20 2 Shareholder

27 "pril 2


20 2 #oard of director

20 Shareholder

5 20 #oard of director

8 "ugust 2

Interim 20 2

22 "pril 8 /ovember

Amount (Baht)

No. of Common share (Shares)

Payment date

194 -JBCJMJUJFT In 20 2, the (roup had current liabilities of .58 million #aht, non current liabilities of . million #aht, total liabilities 5 million #aht, a decrease from 20 by 5,87 million #aht over the year, primarily resulted from the payment of accounts payable operations of .8 million #aht, other creditors and the development of the $ity Vision #TS media of 2 .2 #aht, and reduced corporate tax of .2 million #aht. 6nit #aht

Consolidated f/s 2012

T0T"- -I"#I-ITI&S T0T"- "SS&TS Debt &quity

5 ,00 , 7 5,870, 28 20.25



,87 ,7 8 720, 8 ,555 27. 2

Separate f/s 2012


00, 2,0 , 5,55 .2

, 2 , 52 , ,075 25. 7

Such decrease made the debt ratio to total assets of the (roupv of 27. 2 in 20 reduced to 20.25 in 20 2, which was considered as a low rate debt. The $ompany also viewed that the ųnancial risk was still low. If there was any additional investment in 20 2, and the $ompany did not have enough fund for investment, it still would have a high potential to generate debts and hight ability to repay the debt to the ųnancial institutions. &RVJUZ The equity of the (roup in 20 2 was 5 .8 million #aht, an increase from 20 by 7 .0 million #aht or .57 , mainly due to the capital increase, and paying dividend in form of ordinary shares to the shareholders as at the (eneral Meeting of Shareholders of 2555 on 2 "pril 20 2, making a capital stock increase from 25 million #aht to 75 million #aht. The $ompany had a cumulative gain increased from performance and the reduction resulting from the dividend payment, making a proųt increase of 5.7 points, or 8. 0 . "t the year end of 20 2, the $ompany had retained earnings after deducting legal reserve about 2 0. million #aht. For more details, please see Statements of changes in shareholders’ equity In the Financial Statements on page 5 and page .


Audit Fee The "udit Fee for the company and subsidiaries paid comparison as of December . No.

2 5 . 7.

Paid by

Master "d 1ublic 1lc. Master and More $o., -td. InkKet Images $o., -td. Maco 3ite Sign $o., -td. -andy Development $o., -td. (reen "d $o., -td. Max $reative $o., -td. 5PUBM /on "udit Fee



Audit Fee 2011


850,000 5,000 220,000 5,000 0,000 0,000 5 ,000 1,931,000

8 0,000 55,000 220,000 5,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 2,000,000

8 0,000 55,000 220,000 0,000 2 5,000 0,000 1,870,000


Audit Committee’s Report as approved by the #oard of Directors. The $ommittee’s foremost duties include ensuring that the $ompany has reported its ųnancial statements with accuracy and adequate disclosure, 2 verifying that the $ompany has deployed appropriate internal control systems and internal audits in terms of both efųciency and productivity, as well as overseeing the $ompany’s well rounded supervision of its business operation in compliance with the good corporate governance. During the year 20 0, the "udit $ommittee has held 5 meetings. The key operations can be summarized are as follows 1. $PMMBCPSBUJWFMZ SFWJFX BOE EJTDVTT UIF $PNQBOZĴT ųOBODJBM TUBUFNFOU, including quarterly and annual ųnancial statement before submitting for the #oard’s consideration and approval. To achieve this task, the "udit $ommittee has held meeting with the $ompany’s authorized &xternal "uditor to gain explanation, remark, and recommendation. The "udit $ommittee considers that, the 200 ųnancial statements are accurately prepared, adequately disclosed, and strictly implemented in compliance with (enerally "ccepted "ccounting 1rinciples (""1 . 2. $POTJTUFOUMZ TVQFSWJTF UIF $PNQBOZĴT FGųDJFOU JOUFSOBM DPOUSPM TZTUFNT BOE JOUFSOBM BVEJUT. The $ompany asked that the Internal "udit 0fųce conduct internal control audits on a quarterly basis and directly report its audit results to the "udit $ommittee. "ll of the "udit $ommittee’s remarks will be perused and taken for further efųciency and productivity improvement on the internal control. In 200 , the internal audits additionally investigated the preventive measure against internal fraudulence. The 200 internal audits have shown that the $ompany possesses the appropriate internal control and management at the satisfactory level. 3. 3FWJFX PG DPOOFDUFE USBOTBDUJPOT. The $ommittee looked into connected transactions with The $ompany and those between business groups to ensure that these were conducted at arm’s length with complete and adequate information disclosure. 4. &OTVSJOH UIF *NQMFNFOUBUJPO PG (PPE $PSQPSBUF (PWFSOBODF The "udit $ommittee has its role to monitor the $ompany be in compliance with the Securities and the Stock &xchange -aw, other relevant laws and regulations, particularly with regard to transactions and transactions that may have a conŴict of interest in order to conform to the principles of good corporate governance. In 20 , the "udit $ommittee agreed that the $ompany has complied effectively with the principles of good corporate governance. "s a result, the $ompany received an evaluation on good governance from Thai Institute of Directors I0D as excellent including S&T "wards 20 for the #est $orporate (overnance 3eport as well as an evaluation result on the quality of the "nnual (eneral Meeting of Shareholders for the year as very satisfactory. 5. 1SVEFOUMZ TFMFDU UIF 2012 FYUFSOBM BVEJUPS by perusing the scope of service, remuneration, as well as S&$ announcement pertaining to stipulations on auditor and others. The "udit $ommittee has submitted its resolution to the #oard of Directors. In such resolution, the #oard is requested to ask the shareholders’ meeting to ofųcially approve Mr. ,aKornkiat "roonpirodkul and or Mr. $harnchai $haiprasit from 1ricewaterhouse$ooper "#"S -imited 18$ to be the $ompany’s 20 external auditor. The "udit $ommittee considers that the $ompany’ management accords vital importance on the business operation under the good corporate governance and efųcient internal control.


The Board of Directors’ Responsibilities in Respect of the Financial StatementsTo Shareholders, The #oard of Directors is responsible for the separate ųnancial statements of the Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited and the overall ųnancial statements of the $ompany together with its subsidiaries including information which appears in this annual report. The aforementioned ųnancial statements have been prepared in accord with (enerally "ccepted "ccounting 1rinciples by deploying accounting policies which is appropriate and have been consistently adopted by the $ompany. Important information has been adequately disclosed in the notes supplemented to the ųnancial statements for the beneųts of the shareholders and general investors in a transparent manner. To accomplish this task, the #oard of Directors has appointed the "udit $ommittee to verify the accounting policy and the quality of quarterly ųnancial statements before submitting for the #oard’s acknowledgement. The "udit $ommittee’s comments on these issues are included in the "udit $ommittee’s 3eport shown in this "nnual 3eport. Speciųcally, the "udit $ommittee remarks on both the $ompany’s and its subsidiaries’ ųnancial statements in the "udit $ommittee’s 3eport that the $ompany’s ųnancial status, performance results and cash Ŵow are deemed substantially accurate in accord with the (enerally "ccepted "ccounting 1rinciples. #ased upon such supervision and practices, the #oard of Directors believe that the overall ųnancial statements and the $ompany’s separate ųnancial statements prepared for the year ended December , 20 , have shown accurate, reliable ųnancial status, performance results, and cash Ŵow conforming to the (enerally "ccepted "ccounting 1rinciples and the related laws, regulations and announcements.

1ol.Sub.-t. ,riengsak -ohachala $hairman of the #oard of Directors

Mr. /oppadon Tansalarak $hairman of the &xecutive $ommittee $hief &xecutive 0fųce


Report of Independent Auditor 5P UIF 4IBSFIPMEFST PG .BTUFS "E 1VCMJD $PNQBOZ -JNJUFE I have audited the accompanying consolidated ųnancial statements of Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited, its subsidiaries and Koint venture comprising of the consolidated statement of ųnancial position as at December 20 2, and the related consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in shareholders’ equity and cash Ŵows for the year then ended including notes disclosure summarizing signiųcant accounting policies and others. I have also audited the separate ųnancial statements of Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited comprising of the separate statement of ųnancial position as at December 20 2, and the related separate statements of comprehensive income, changes in shareholders’ equity and cash Ŵows for the years then ended including notes disclosure summarizing signiųcant accounting policies and others. .BOBHFNFOUĴT SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ GPS UIF ųOBODJBM TUBUFNFOUT The $ompany’s management is responsible for the preparation and the fair presentation of these ųnancial statements in accordance with Thai Financial 3eporting Standards. This responsibility includes the establishment of necessary internal controls relevant to the preparation of ųnancial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. "VEJUPSĴT SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ My responsibility is to express an opinion on these ųnancial statements based on my audit. I conducted my audit in accordance with Thai Standards on "uditing. Those standards require that I perform the audit under ethical requirements which include planning and performing procedures to obtain reasonable, but not absolute, assurance whether the ųnancial statements are free from material misstatement. "n audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidences for the amounts and disclosures in the ųnancial statements. The selected audit procedures depend on the auditor’s assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the ųnancial statements, whether due to fraud or error. "s part of risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and presentation of the ųnancial statements as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. "n audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall ųnancial statement presentation and disclosure. I believe that the audit evidences that I have obtained are sufųcient and appropriate to provide a reasonable basis for my opinion on the ųnancial statements.


0QJOJPO In my opinion, the ųnancial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated ųnancial position as at December 20 2 and the consolidated results of operations and cash Ŵows for the year then ended of Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited, its subsidiaries and Koint venture, and the separate ųnancial position as at December 20 2 and its results of operations and cash Ŵows for the year then ended of Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited in accordance with Thai Financial 3eporting Standards. &NQIBTJT NBUUFS The $ompany reclassiųed goodwill and discount from the increment of investment in subsidiary for proper presentation of ųnancial position in the consolidated ųnancial statements as discussed in /ote 5 to the ųnancial statements. The reclassiųcation affected the increases of the assets and equity by #aht .0 million in the consolidated statements of ųnancial position as at December 20 and 20 0, presented herewith for comparative purpose, with no effect on net income and earnings per share for the year 20 and 20 0. I have veriųed such reclassiųcation and noted that they were properly made. $PNQBSBUJWF ųOBODJBM TUBUFNFOUT The consolidated ųnancial statements of Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited and its subsidiaries and the separate ųnancial statements of Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited for the year ended December 20 and 20 0 were audited by Mr. Somckid Tiatragul, an auditor in the same ofųce as mine, who expressed an unqualiųed opinion thereon on his report dated 22 February 20 2, with an emphasis on the adoption of the new and amended accounting and ųnancial reporting standards. The restated consolidated, as discussed in /ote 5 to the ųnancial statements, and the separate statements of ųnancial position as at December 20 and 20 0, presented for comparative purpose, are an integral part of such audited ųnancial statements.

.ST. 4VNBMFF $IPLEFFBOBOU $ertiųed 1ublic "ccountant 3egistration /o. 22 #angkok, Thailand 8 February 20

200 Master ad public company limited, its subsidiaries and joint venture

Statements of ďŹ nancial position As at 31 december 2012 and 2011 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S Note




Separate F/S 2012


(Restated) (Restated)

"44&54 $633&/5 "44&54

$ash and cash equivalents Temporary investments Trade accounts receivable general customers net related companies 0ther receivables related companies Share subscription receivable of subsidiary related $ompanies Inventories 1repaid expenses 1repaid expenses related companies -oans to related company Dividend income receivable 0ther current assets net

[5] [ ]

2 2,502, 5 220,0 , 2 2 8, 0 ,777 77,82 ,7 55, 8 , 5 , 0, 8, 7, 2 7, ,80 , 0, , 20, 0

[7] [7,8] [8]

55, 7 ,87 ,8 5,22 27, , 8 0 , 0 ,8 7,5 8 ,255 5 ,207 ,7 2 ,7 20 , , 0 ,

[ ] [8] [8] [8] [ 0]


8 , ,070 855, 5 ,5 ,025

2, 50,0 0 8, 72,027 7, 8 , 0 ,5 2,2 5,8 , 55 , ,8 2 5, 70, 80 5, 8 ,08 7, , 2 , 2 , 7 , ,00 8 ,552 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5 , , ,275,2 8, 2 ,70 8,252, 22, , 7 2 , 8 ,55 50 ,7 ,7 , 08,527 5,272,5 ,87 , 0 , 0, 88

/0/ $633&/5 "44&54

Investments subsidiaries associated companies net 3estricted deposits with banks #uildings and equipment net $omputer software net &quipment held for usage Investment property Tri vision equipment held for usage net 1repaid right for billboards installation net (oodwill 0ther non current assets net

5PUBM /PO $VSSFOU "TTFUT 505"- "44&54

[ ] [ ] [ 2] [ ] [ ] [ 5] [ ] [ 7] [ 8] [ 5] [ ]

8 ,0 8, 8 8 ,0 8, 8 , 2 , 5 2,5 5, 2 ,222,75 2 , 7 , 75 2 , 7 , 75 , 52,05 5, 5 , 77 5, 5 , 77 2, 52,05 2, , 77 75,588, 8 87,22 , 8 2 , 50,5 7,8 , 0 20, 2 ,8 2,228,707 ,8 , 2,7 8,202 2, 82, 8 ,7 8,50 2,5 ,05 25, ,02 2 , 8 , 5 ,2 ,55 2 ,2 , 5, ,8 5, ,8 5, ,8 5, ,8 5, ,8 7, 7,0 5 20, ,7 20, ,7 20, 82, 7 8,7 , 5 , , ,0 0,727 ,0 0,727 ,0 0,727 2 , 5,2 7 , 5,85 0, 7 ,8 0 , ,0 8, 87,25 2 , 0 , 8 27 ,07 ,028 2 8, , 7 ,78 , 2 20 , ,887 745,870,428 720,684,555 633,716,209 619,665,553 523,464,075

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Ĺłnancial statements.

201 Master ad public company limited, its subsidiaries and joint venture

Statements of ďŹ nancial position As at 31 december 2012 and 2011 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S Note



Separate F/S




(Restated) (Restated)

-*"#*-*5*&4 "/% 4)"3&)0-%&34Ä´ &26*5: $633&/5 -*"#*-*5*&4

Trade accounts payable general suppliers related companies Income received in advance general customers related company 0ther payables related companies "ccounts payable purchase of assets Short term loan from related company $urrent portion of hire purchase agreement payable "ccrued income tax "ccrued expenses 6ndue output V"T "ccrued dividends 0ther current liabilities

[ ] [8] [8] [8] [8]

5, 0 , 2 0, , 7 28 , 0 2 ,8 2,8 ,2 7 2 ,020, 5 2,000,000 5, 72 ,505,7 5, 20, 5 2, 22,772 , , 7 ,8 0 ,580,880

,5 8,205 ,75

5,8 5, 28 0,5 ,208 287, 575,8 7 2 , 57 2 , 2 ,20 , 00

2 ,7 , 70 28,085,58 0,8 , 7 , 5 7, 2,2 7 85,0 2,75

,2 ,027 8, 2 ,0 0 7, 5, ,0 8, 5 20, 0,8 7,8 5,070 ,722,585 8, 05, , 2,75 ,2 ,85 , 7 , 5 ,070, 7 ,052,2 8 ,5 2, 0 ,755, 5 8 ,075, 7 2 ,0 0, 70

Hire purchase agreement payable net [2 ] 2 , 8 3eserve for employee beneĹłts obligation [8, 22] 0, 70, 5 ,72 , 0 0ther non current liabilities , 88, 7 2,0 2, 7 5PUBM /PO $VSSFOU -JBCJMJUZ , 25,28 ,78 , 7

, 22, 20 8, 72,8 550,777 2,5 , 07 ,88 ,8 5 550,777 ,8 ,727 0,2 2,


[2 ]

5 ,87 , 0 8,70 , 0 55,2 , 5, 7,25 ,500,88 5,27 , 78 8,0 5,855 ,25 ,755 7,22 , 5 , , 2

/0/ $633&/5 -*"#*-*5:

505"- -*"#*-*5*&4

151,006,166 196,876,718 137,306,736 100,942,064 133,323,631

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Ĺłnancial statements.

202 Master ad public company limited, its subsidiaries and joint venture

Statements of ďŹ nancial position As at 31 december 2012 and 2011 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S Note




Separate F/S 2012


(Restated) (Restated)

-*"#*-*5*&4 "/% 4)"3&)0-%&34Ä´ &26*5: $POUJOVFE

4)"3&)0-%&34Ä´ &26*5:

Share capital common share at #aht par value 3egistered 75,000,000 shares :ear 20 25,000,000 shares [2 ] Issued and paid up 7 , ,5 shares :ear 20 25,000,000 shares

$ommon share premium 3etained earnings "ppropriated for legal reserve [25] 6nappropriated [22, 2 ] 0ther components of equity [ 5]

75,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000 75,000,000 25,000,000 7 , ,5 25,000,000 25,000,000 7 , ,5 25,000,000 7,08 ,8 7,08 ,8 7,08 ,8 7,08 ,8 7,08 ,8

T0T"- SH"3&H0-D&3S’ &26IT:

7,500,000 2 0, 8 ,7 0 2 ,8 , 58 5 ,8 8,2 ,0 5, 8 5 ,8 ,2 2

T0T"- -I"#I-ITI&S "/D SH"3&H0-D&3S’ &26IT:

7 5,870, 28 720, 8 ,555 ,7 ,20 , 5,55 52 , ,075

4IBSFIPMEFSTĴ &RVJUZ PG UIF $PNQBOZ /on controlling interests’ equity

2,500,000 , 25, 2 , 07,008 522, 7,005 , 0,8 2 52 ,807,8 7

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Ĺłnancial statements.

2,500,000 7, , 5 22, 8, 0 , 7, 08 2,0 ,8 5 , 0 , 7

7,500,000 57,05 ,27 2,085,820 5 8,72 , 8 5 8,72 , 8

2,500,000 8 ,280, 5 ,275, 0, 0, 0, 0,

203 Master ad public company limited, its subsidiaries and joint venture

Statements of comprehensive income For the years ended 31 december 2012 and 2011 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S Note

Services income and sales $osts of services and sales (SPTT QSPĹłU $ommission income Interest income Dividend income 0ther income Selling expenses "dministrative expenses -oss from impairment of investment in associated company Financial cost &quity in net proĹłt of associated companies net /FU JODPNF CFGPSF JODPNF UBY Income tax /FU JODPNF GPS UIF ZFBS



Separate F/S 2012


[8, 2 ] 7 2, 0, 7 5,5 , 2 50 ,027, 7 0,508, 8 [8, 28] 7 ,5 5,5 7 0 ,502, 0 2 7,508, 5 2 , 08,827

52,875,070 2 ,0 0,7 2 2 5,5 ,052 2 8,8 ,85 [8] 8,782, 2 8, , 7 ,705,0 2, , 70 ,05 ,0 0 , 70,225 [8] 05, ,88 2 , [8, 27] , , 27 ,5 0,2 5, 0, 0, 2 , [8, 28] , 75, 7 , 7 , 88 8,02 ,075 5,780, 55

[8, 28] 28,5 ,055 20,8 ,0 2 5,5 5,22 8 ,5 5,7

[ , 28] [8] [ ]

2 ,70


, 0, 80,78 ,5 2 ,7 7,758

,0 8,80


, 2, 2 ,5 , 0 , 5,5 2

7, 7,8 8

, 5

22 ,0 , 25 27,522, 55

,522, 70


0 ,7 8,527 ,250, 8

78,5 7,8

[ ]

8 0, 57

788, 8

8 0, 5

7 ,7 5

[ ]

7 , 07

[2 ]

05)&3 $0.13&)&/4*7& */$0.&

6nrealized gain on revaluation of available for sale investments 3ealized gain from sale of available for sale investments

7 7, 50 ,805, 5

788, 8 8,20 ,2

8 0, 5 7, 2,52

7 ,7 5 7 ,2 2, 08

,5 , 8 ,8

,0 8,80

7, 88, 57 ,0

7, 7,8 8

,522, 70 ,522, 70

78,5 7,8 78,5 7,8

0,250,7 8 ,8

,805, 5

8,777, 2 57 ,0

8,20 ,2

7, 2,52 7, 2,52

7 ,2 2, 08 7 ,2 2, 08

/et income attributable to the $ompany per share #aht

0.80 8eighted average number of common shares shares

[ .20] 7 , ,5


. 2

0. 5

7 , ,5

7 , ,5

7 , ,5

0UIFS DPNQSFIFOTJWF JODPNF GPS UIF ZFBS 505"- $0.13&)&/4*7& */$0.& '03 5)& :&"3 "--0$"5*0/ 0' /&5 */$0.& -044

1ortion of the $ompany /on controlling interests


"--0$"5*0/ 0' 505"- $0.13&)&/4*7& */$0.& -044

1ortion of the $ompany /on controlling interests


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Ĺłnancial statements.

[ ] [ ] [2 ] [25] [2 ] [2 ]

[ ] [2 ]


[ 5]


25,000,000 7,08 ,8 2,500,000 25,000,000 7,08 ,8 2,500,000 , ,5 5,000,000 7 , ,5 7,08 ,8 7,500,000

25,000,000 7,08 ,8 2,500,000


5 0,70

8, 08, 2

5 , 5,7 2 ,757, 8 5 0,70 7 ,7 5 2, ,500

7, 88, , 25, 2 ,757, 8 ,275, 8 0, 5 5,000,000

8,7 , 2

, , 00

,5 , 8 2 0, 8 ,7 0 2 ,757, 8 2,085,820

7, , 5 8,7 , 2 ,0 0,727

2 ,88 , 8 7 , 07 7 , 07

2 ,88

72 22, 8, 0 2 5 788, 8 587 2 , 07,008 0 8 0, 57 7 , 07

0 2 ,8 , 58

72 ,277,88 ,0 0,727

8, 08, 2

8, 08, 2

8 ,0 , 7 2,0 ,8 5 88, 0 ,0 788, 8 788, 8 2, ,500

2, ,500

7, 88, 57 ,0 7, 7,8 8 522, 7,005 , 0,8 2 52 ,807,8 7 8 0, 57 8 0, 57 7 , 07

7 , 07

, ,5 , ,5 8,7 , 2 50

8,7 , 2

, , 00

, , 00

,5 , 8 ,8 ,0 8,80 5 ,8 8,2 ,0 5, 8 5 ,8 ,2 2

8 , 0 ,88 2,0 ,8 5 8 , 8,7 ,0 0,727 ,0 0,727


6nit #aht


Other components of equity Unrealized gain on

Shareholders’ Equity of the Company

Retained earnings

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Ĺłnancial statements.

#BMBODF BT BU 1 +BOVBSZ 2011 BT QSFWJPVTMZ SFQPSUFE 3eclassify (oodwill to assets &ffect of change in accounting policy for employee past service beneĹłts obligation "EKVTUFE CBMBODF BT BU 1 +BOVBSZ 2011 6nrealized gain on available for sale securities Dividend payment /et income loss for the year #BMBODF BT BU 31 %FDFNCFS 2011 6nrealized gain on available for sale securities 3ealized gain from sale of available for sale investments $apital increased from stock dividend "ppropriation for legal reserve Dividend payment Stock dividend /et income loss for the year #BMBODF BT BU 31 %FDFNCFS 2012

$0/40-*%"5&% '/4



For the years ended 31 december 2012 and 2011

Statements of changes in shareholders’ equity

Master ad public company limited, its subsidiaries and joint venture


[ ] [ ] [25] [2 ] [2 ]

[ ] [2 ]


25,000,000 25,000,000 , ,5 7 , ,5



The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Ĺłnancial statements.

#BMBODF BT BU 1 +BOVBSZ 2011 BT QSFWJPVTMZ SFQPSUFE &ffect of change in accounting policy for employee past service beneĹłts obligation "EKVTUFE CBMBODF BT BU 1 +BOVBSZ 2011 6nrealized gain on available for sale securities Dividend payment /et income for the year #BMBODF BT BU 31 %FDFNCFS 2011 6nrealized gain on available for sale securities $apital increased from stock dividend "ppropriation for legal reserve Dividend payment Stock dividend /et income for the year #BMBODF BT BU 31 %FDFNCFS 2012

4&1"3"5& '/4


7,08 ,8 7,08 ,8 7,08 ,8

7,08 ,8


2,500,000 2,500,000 5,000,000 7,500,000



7, 8 ,8

8,2 ,802 2, ,500

78,5 7,8 8 ,280, 5 5,000,000

8,7 , 2

, , 00

,522, 70 57,05 ,27

75, 2 , 8


5 0,70 5 0,70 7 ,7 5 ,275, 8 0, 5 2,085,820






Unrealized gain on

Retained earnings

Other components of equity

Paid - up

For the years ended 31 december 2012 and 2011

Statements of changes in shareholders’ equity

Master ad public company limited, its subsidiaries and joint venture

7, 8 ,8

7 , 7, 7 ,7 5 2, ,500

78,5 7,8 0, 0, 8 0, 5 , ,5 8,7 , 2

, , 00

,522, 70 5 8,72 , 8

80,5 7,202


6nit #aht


206 Master ad public company limited, its subsidiaries and joint venture

Statements of cash ows For the years ended 31 december 2012 and 2011 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012

$BTI Ĺ´PXT GSPN PQFSBUJOH BDUJWJUJFT : 80,78 ,5 2 Income before income tax "EKVTUNFOUT UP SFDPODJMF JODPNF CFGPSF JODPNF UBY UP OFU DBTI QSPWJEFE GSPN VTFE JO PQFSBUJOH BDUJWJUJFT : Depreciation and amortization ,8 8,757 -oss from impairment of tri vision equipment held for usage 2,27 ,7 7 -oss gain on sale of equipment 77, 2

&quipment and computer software written off 2, 7 &quity in net gain of associated companies , 0,

(ain on sale of temporary investments ,882

3eversal of long outstanding liabilities 2,70 , 2

Dividend income "llowance for doubtful debt and bad debt net bad debt recovery ,722,258

"mortization of prepaid right for billboards installation , , "mortization of deferred consulting fee , 8, 5 "mortization of deferred billboard proKect expenses 27, 8 -oss from impairment of investment in associated company 1rovision for employee beneĹłts obligation , ,58 Interest expense 25,28 $BTI QSPWJEFE GSPN PQFSBUJOH BDUJWJUJFT CFGPSF DIBOHFT JO PQFSBUJOH BTTFUT BOE MJBCJMJUJFT 20 ,77 , $IBOHFT JO PQFSBUJOH BTTFUT BOE MJBCJMJUJFT : %FDSFBTF JODSFBTF JO PQFSBUJOH BTTFUT : Trade accounts receivable ,077,77

0ther receivables Äą related companies 2,

Inventories 2, 5, 0 1repaid expenses ,8

0ther current assets 2,588,008 &quipment held for usage ,082, 7 Tri vision equipment held for usage , 1repaid right for billboards installation , 0 ,52

0ther non current assets 2, ,8 *ODSFBTF EFDSFBTF JO PQFSBUJOH MJBCJMJUJFT : Trade accounts payable ,5 ,88

Income received in advance , 5 ,775

0ther payables related companies ,58 "ccrued expenses 7, , 6ndue output V"T 2,08 , 0ther current liabilities 2,870, 07

3eserve for employee beneĹłts obligation 5 , 00

0ther non current liabilities , 2 , 00 $BTI QSPWJEFE GSPN PQFSBUJOH BDUJWJUJFT ,280, 80 Interest paid 25 ,5 2

Income tax paid 5 , 5,


Separate F/S




,5 , 0

22 ,0 , 25

0 ,7 8,527

5,7 ,0 7 , 0

5 2,2 , 2, 2

5,0 8,850 2, 78, 2 5,207,000 27, 8 ,08 ,7 2 85,78

7, 8, 07 0,5 2, 75 2, 72,22

05, ,88

2 7, 2

,5 , 5

0,7 , 7 2, 8 , 2 ,

5 0,8 2 ,70 00, 0 ,85

8 , 7 ,725

2 ,28 ,0

2 ,2 7,27

22,00 ,

08,25 ,5 7, 87

, 0, 0 ,8 ,

77 , 25 , 58, 8

5 ,5 0

, , 20

,55 , 88

2,0 5,287 , 7

2 , 88 ,008, 05 2, ,2 5

20,222, 7

, 5 , ,

,257,85 , 8,7 8

8 2,255 , ,5 5

7,280,7 , 20, 2 ,

,0 7, , 8,87 ,27 ,5 ,5 ,5 0 8 ,280,2 5 , 8

5, 0 ,7

7, ,

,8 , 7

, 5 ,275

2 , 2, 05,7 , 2,875 , 80, 72

2 8, 00

5 ,2 2 , , 5 5

7, ,8 8

7 ,5 , 2

,805, 52 ,88 ,7 2, 8 ,8 7, 888,82 , 78, 0 755,5 ,2 7,570 5 , 8

8, 58, 8

5,0 ,8

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Ĺłnancial statements.

207 Master ad public company limited, its subsidiaries and joint venture

Statements of cash ows For the years ended 31 december 2012 and 2011 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012


Separate F/S 2012



"cquisition of temporary investments 2,000,000


1roceeds from sales of temporary investments 2, 5, 58 $ollection of loans repayment from related company 800, 82

0, 82

"dditional investments in subsidiary and associated companies 2,500,000

5,0 , 0

1roceeds from sales of equipment 502,50 2, 22 ,8 0 5, 77 "cquisition of equipment and computer software 8, , 0 5 , 5 ,7 2 , 0 , 7 2, 8 ,5

Dividend received from subsidiary and associated companies , , 2 , 5 , , 2 , /FU DBTI QSPWJEFE GSPN VTFE JO JOWFTUJOH BDUJWJUJFT 7,22 ,52 5 , 0 , 8,202,75 , 0,877


Increase in short term loan from related company $ash payment for accounts payable purchase of assets $ash payment for hire purchase agreement payable $ash receipt from share capital of subsidiary Dividend payments to non controlling interests Dividend payments


2,000,000 2 ,020, 5

,20 , 00

87, 2

2, 50,0 0 50

8,757, 8 ,7 ,8 8,757, 8 ,7 ,8

2, 5,8 ,2 ,88 72, ,78 ,7 ,8


2, 8,8 0 , ,8 2 ,8 8,077 , ,0 2 220,0 , 2 2 8, 0 ,777 55, 8 , 5 5 , 7,5 2 2,502, 5 220,0 , 2 77,82 ,7 55, 8 , 5


. 3ecognized reserve for employee beneųts obligation as at +anuary 20 by adKusting the past service cost with retained earnings 2. 3ecognized increase decrease in fair value of temporary investments by recording in shareholders’ equity The $ompany and subsidiary 8 0, 5 The associated company 0 . 3ecognition of realized gain from sale of temporary investments 7 , 07

. 3eclassify equipment to inventories and equipment held for usage , 27, 0 5. Issuing stock dividend , , 00 . "ccrued stock dividend 7 7. 8rite off bad debt during the year 22, 52 8. "cquiring assets which have not been paid 2,8 ,2 7 . "cquiring assets under hire purchase agreement 578,7 2

8, 08, 2 788, 8 2 5

8 0, 5

7, 8 ,8 7 ,7 5

, 20 2 ,020, 5

, 27, 0 , , 00 7 22, 52

, ,20 , 00

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Ĺłnancial statements.

208 Master ad public company limited, its subsidiaries and joint venture

Note to ďŹ nancial statements As at 31 december 2012 and 2011

1. (&/&3"- */'03."5*0/ Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited was registered with the Ministry of $ommerce as a limited company on 8 February 88 and listed in the M"I under Stock &xchange of Thailand in 200 . The $ompany is engaged in advertising, leasing of property and purchases sales of electricity billboard and holding investments in subsidiary and associated companies. The $ompany’s registered head ofųce is located at th th Floor, Soi -at 1hrao , -at 1hrao 3oad, $homphon, #angkok, Thailand. "s at December 20 2 and 20 , the $ompany has maKor shareholders as follows Percentage of Shareholding Name

Mr. /oppadon Tansalarak Mr. 1hiched Maneerattanaporn D $orp (roup -imited Miss :anisa Tansalarak Mr. Tanpong Tansalarak Mr. Vichit Dilokvilas



7. 2.7 0.00 . 0 . 0 5. 8

. 2.7 0.00 . 0 5. 2

2. #"4*4 0' '*/"/$*"- 45"5&.&/5 13&1"3"5*0/ "/% 13*/$*1-&4 0' $0/40-*%"5*0/ 2. #asis of Ĺłnancial statement preparation The accompanying Ĺłnancial statements have been prepared in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles issued under the "ccounting "ct #.&. 25 , and accounting standards issued under "ccounting 1rofession "ct #.&. 25 7, and the regulations promulgated by the Securities and &xchange $ommission and the Securities &xchange of Thailand concerning the preparation and the disclosure of Ĺłnancial information, under the Securities and &xchange "ct #.&. 25 5. The Ĺłnancial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis except as, otherwise, disclosed speciĹłcally. The Ĺłnancial statements are ofĹłcially prepared in Thai language in accordance with statutory requirement with accounting standards enumerated under the "ccounting 1rofession "ct #.&. 25 7. The translation of these statutory Ĺłnancial statements to other language must be based on the Thai Ĺłnancial report.

209 During the years 20 2 and 20 , the Federation of "ccounting 1rofessions has announced the new and amendments to some accounting standards and ųnancial reporting standards, which are effective for the accounting periods beginning on or after +anuary 20 and +anuary 20 . The $ompany has applied those standards which are effective for the accounting periods beginning on or after +anuary 20 in this ųnancial statements. However, effective +anuary 20 , the $ompany has to apply Thai "ccounting Standard /o. 2 ĜIncome Taxesġ which impact the ųnancial statements for the year 20 by increasing assets and net income from recording deferred income tax assets. The $ompany has to restate the ųnancial statements for the year 20 2 for comparison with the ųnancial statements for the year 20 as follow 6nit Million #aht

Consolidated F/S

Separate F/S

.77 .77

7.02 7.02




"ssets Deferred income tax assets 3etained earnings

Increase Increase


Income Tax Increase decrease deferred income tax Increase expenses

&arnings per share


2.2 1rinciple of consolidation The consolidated ųnancial statements have been prepared under the accounting standard /o. 27 Ĝ$onsolidated and Separate Financial Statementsġ which comprise the ųnancial statements of Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited and subsidiaries and +oint Venture in which Master "d 1ublic $ompany -imited has investments as follows Percentage of Shareholding 2012


Type of businesses

Subsidiary companies Master and More $o., -td.




M"$0 3ite Sign $o., -td. (reen "d $o., -td.

80.00 5 .00

80.00 5 .00

+oint venture I/D&9 D 0 M"$0 +oint venture

1roduce and providing outdoor advertising media services 1roduce and sell of tri vision equipment 1roviding advertising services through the supply of tree wall panel



1roposing design and management in :eosu International &xposition 20 2

210 "s at December 20 2 and 20 , the total assets of subsidiaries and +oint Venture represent 2.2 percent and . percent, respectively, of the total assets in the consolidated statements of Ĺłnancial position, and total revenues of subsidiaries and +oint Venture for the year ended December 20 2 and 20 represent .5 percent and 28.0 percent, respectively, of the total revenues in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income. "s at 0 +une 20 , Index $reative Village 1ublic $ompany -imited, Design 0 International $o., -td., Design 0 $o., -td. and the $ompany, entered into +oint Venture agreement under the name of ÄśI/D&9 D 0 M"$0 +oint Ventureġ, which is established to propose design, execution and management of presentation in ,orea &xposition. The $ompany’s portion in Koint venture is 20 . The consolidated Ĺłnancial statements included such +oint Venture’s Ĺłnancial statements proportionately for the Ĺłrst time in 20 2. The consolidated Ĺłnancial statements as at December 20 2 included the proportion of the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the Koint venture, the balances of which are as follows Thousand Baht

Consolidated F/S As at 31 December 2012

$urrent assets $urrent liabilities 3evenues &xpenses

2, 0 2,0 2 For the year ended December 20 2 ,78 ,

2. SigniĹłcant inter company transactions with subsidiaries and Koint venture included in the consolidated Ĺłnancial statements have been eliminated. 2. The consolidated Ĺłnancial statements have been prepared with the same accounting policies as for the separate Ĺłnancial statements for the same accounting transactions or accounting events. 3. 4JHOJĹłDBOU "DDPVOUJOH 1PMJDJFT The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these consolidated and the separate Ĺłnancial statements are set out below . $ash and cash equivalents $ash and cash equivalents represent cash on hand, deposits with Ĺłnancial institutions with maturities of less than three months, and short term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less, without restriction of usage or obligation.

211 .2 Investment in available for sale security Investments intended to be held for an indeĹłnite period of time, which may be sold in response to liquidity needs or changes in interest rates, are classiĹłed as available for sale and are included in non Äą current assets unless management has expressed the intention of holding the investment for less than twelve months from the Ĺłnancial statement date or unless they will need to be sold to raise working capital, which are classiĹłed as current assets. 1urchases and sales of investments are recognized on the trade date, which is the date that the $ompany commits to purchase or sell the investments. $ost of investment includes transaction costs and the unit cost is determined by average method. "t the end of year, the $ompany and its subsidiaries recognized the changes in fair value of the investments as part of other comprehensive income. . Trade accounts receivable Trade accounts receivable are carried at anticipated realizable value. #ad debts are written off during the year in which they are identiĹłed. . Inventories Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value. $ost is determined on the Ĺłrst in, Ĺłrst out basis. /et realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs necessary to make the sale. 1rovision is made, where necessary, for possible loss on decline value of slow moving and defective inventories. .5 Investments in subsidiary and associated companies Investments in associated companies are accounted for in the consolidated Ĺłnancial statements by the equity method of accounting. Investment in subsidiary and associated companies are accounted for in the separate Ĺłnancial statements by the cost method of accounting. 1rovisions for impairment are taken up in the accounts to adKust the value of investment when there is an indication of impairment. . 1lant and equipment #uilding and equipment are stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation is calculated using the straight line method over the estimated useful lives of the related assets as follows

212 #uilding 0fĹłce decorations and equipment Tools and equipment Vehicles #illboards 0thers

20 20 5 5 5 5

years years years years years years

(ains and losses on disposal of equipments are determined by reference to their carrying amounts and are recognized as part of the statement of comprehensive income. &xpenditures for expansion, renewal and betterment, which result in a substantial increase in an asset’s current replacement value, are capitalized. 3epair and maintenance costs are recognized as expenses when incurred. .7 $omputer software $omputer softwares are stated at historical cost less accumulated amortization. "mortization is calculated on the straight line method over their estimated useful lives of 5 years. .8 &quipment held for usage &quipment held for usage mainly includes steel, tri vision equipment and other equipment which has been used in operations. They are stated at carrying costs at transferred date from building and equipment when they have not been used in operations. The $ompany discontinued calculating depreciation of this asset at the date of transfer and will write them off upon disposal. . Investment property The $ompany’s land not used in operations is considered as investment property which is measured initially with its cost, including transaction costs. Moreover, after recognition, it is measured at cost net of allowance for impairment if any . . 0 Tri vision equipment held for usage Tri vision equipment held for usage is stated at historical cost and presented at amount net of allowance for impairment. Depreciation is calculated when it is installed and ready for use and will be written of upon disposal. . (oodwill (oodwill represents the excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair value of the net anticipated assets of acquired company. (oodwill is presented in the statement of ųnancial position at cost less impairment loss, if any.

213 . 2 Impairment of assets 1roperty and equipment and other non current assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate the recoverable amount of asset less than its carrying amount. "n impairment loss is recognized as an expense in the statement of comprehensive income for asset carried at cost, or treated as a deduction of revaluation increment, in the case that the asset is carried at revalued amount, to the extent that the impairment loss does not exceed the revaluation increment formerly accounted for on the same asset. " reversal of impairment loss is recognized as income or treated as a revaluation increment when there is an indication that the impairment loss recognized for the asset no longer exists or had decreased. Such a reversal should not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined net of amortization or depreciation had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years. . Discount on increment of investment in subsidiary company Discount on increment of investment in subsidiary company occurred from the $ompany paid acquisition cost lower than the fair value of the subsidiary’s net assets book value . Discount on increment of investment in subsidiary company is presented under shareholders’ equity and will be reduced if the $ompany disposes or reduces its portion of investment in subsidiary. . -ong Ĺ term leases Ĺ where the $ompany and subsidiaries are the lessee -eases of equipment where the $ompany assumes substantially all the beneųts and risks of ownership are classiųed as ųnance leases. Finance leases are capitalized at the estimated present value of the underlying lease payments or the present value of the lease payments, whichever is lower. &ach lease payment is allocated between the liability and ųnance charges so as to achieve a constant rate on the outstanding balance. The lease payment obligation under the lease agreement, net of ųnancial interest payment, is recorded as liability under ųnance lease. The interest element of the ųnance charge is charged to operations over the lease period. The equipment acquired under ųnance lease contract is depreciated over the useful life of the asset. -eases of assets under which all risks and beneųts of ownership are effectively retained by the lessor are classiųed as operating leases. 1ayments made under operating leases are charged to statement of income on a straight Ĺ line basis over the period of the lease. 8hen an operating lease is terminated before expiry date of the lease period, any payment required to be made to the lessor by way of penalty is recognized as an expense in the period in which termination takes place. . 5 -ong Ĺ term leases Ĺ where the $ompany and subsidiaries are the lessors "ssets leased out under operating leases are included in buildings and equipment in the statement of ųnancial position. They are depreciated over their expected useful lives on a basis consistent with other similar building and equipment owned by the $ompany. 3ental income net of any incentive given to lessee is recognized on a straight Ĺ line basis over the lease term.

214 . 3evenue and expenses recognition Sales are recognized when delivery has taken place and transfer of risks and rewards has been completed. Service income is recognized when service has been rendered and invoiced and the amount of the revenue can be measured. 0ther income and expenses are recognized on an accrual basis. . 7 Income tax The $ompany, subsidiaries and Koint ventures account for income tax based on the conditions described in the 3evenue $ode. . 8 3elated companies 3elated parties comprise enterprises and individuals that control, or are controlled by the $ompany, whether directly or indirectly, or which are under common control with the $ompany. They also include associated companies and individuals which directly or indirectly own a voting interest in the $ompany that gives them signiųcant inŴuence over the $ompany, key management personnel, directors and ofųcers with authority in the planning and directing the $ompany’s operations. . Foreign currency translation Foreign currency transactions during the year are translated into #aht at the exchange rate on transaction date. The balance of foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities at the end of year are translated into #aht at the rates prevailing at that date. &xchange gains or losses are included in the statement of comprehensive income. .20 #asic earnings per share The earnings per share is determined by dividing the net income for the year by the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year. In case of issuing stock dividends, the $ompany will recalculate the number of shares outstanding before issuing stock dividends to the proportionate change in the number of shares outstanding as if the issuing stock dividends have occurred at the beginning of the earliest period reported. During the year 20 2, the $ompany issued stock dividends of 50 million shares. "s the results, the $ompany recalculated the weighted average number of shares outstanding for the year 20 from 25 million shares to 75 million shares. This would make basic earnings per share information be comparable.

215 .2 1rovident fund The $ompany and subsidiaries have established registered provident fund which are contributed to by employees and by the $ompany and subsidiaries for which assets are held in a separate trusteed funds and managed by fund manager. The $ompany and subsidiaries contributions are charged to the statement of comprehensive income as incurred. .22 &mployee +oint Investment 1rogram Ĝ&+I1ġ

The $ompany and subsidiaries’ contributions to the &+I1 members are charged to the statement of comprehensive income in the year to which they relate. .2 1ost Ĺ employee beneųts and other long term beneųt of employees The $ompany and subsidiaries recognise the employee beneųts obligation for employees retirement in compliance the Thai labour law and other long term beneųts for employees which have long service. The deųned beneųts obligation is measured, using the proKected unit credit method. The employee beneųts expenses are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income to allocate the expense throughout the hiring period. "ctuarial gains or losses arising from changes in actuarial assumptions are recognised as other income or expenses in statement of comprehensive income as occurred. .2 6se of accounting estimates The preparation of the ųnancial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumption that affect the reporting amounts of revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. The actual results may differ from those estimates. .25 1rovisions for liabilities and expenses, and contingent assets 1rovisions are recognized when the $ompany, its subsidiaries and Koint venture have present legal or constructive obligations as a result of past events with probable outŴow of resources to settle the obligation, and where a reliable estimate of the amount can be made. The contingent asset will be recognized as a separate asset only when the realization is virtually received.

216 4. $3*5*$"- "$$06/5*/( &45*."5&4, "446.15*0/ "/% +6%(&.&/5 "/% $"1*5"- 3*4, ."/"(&.&/5 . $ritical accounting estimates, assumption and Kudgments a. Impairment of receivables and loan The $ompany, its subsidiaries and Koint venture provide allowances for doubtful accounts to reŴect impairment of trade accounts receivable and loan which customers and borrowers do not have ability to make required payments. The allowances are based on consideration of historical collection experiences couple with a review of outstanding receivables at the end of year. b. "llowance for obsolete, slow moving and defective inventories The $ompany and subsidiaries provide allowances for obsolete, slow moving and defective inventories to reŴect impairment of inventories. The allowances are based on consideration of inventory turnovers and deterioration of each inventory category. c. 1lant and equipment and computer software Management determines the estimated depreciation and amortization method, useful lives and residual values of plant and equipment and computer software at the end of the year, and revise the depreciation and amortization charges where the depreciation and amortization method, useful lives and residual values previously estimated have changed or subKect to be written down for their obsolescences or if they are no longer in use. d. Impairment of goodwill The $ompany tests annually whether goodwill is impaired. The recoverable amount of cash generating units are determined based on value in use based on the estimation of the management. e. -eases In determining whether a lease is to be classiųed as an operating lease or ųnance lease, management is required to use Kudgment whether signiųcant risk and rewards of ownership of the leased asset has been transferred to the $ompany, taking into consideration of terms and conditions of the arrangement. f. Impairment of assets The $ompany treats asset as impaired when there has been a signiųcant or prolonged decline in the fair value below its cost or where other obKective evidence of impairment exists. The determination of what is Ĝsigniųcantġ or Ĝprolongedġ requires management Kudement. g. 1ost Ĺ employee beneųts and other long term beneųt of employees The employee beneųts obligation for employees retirement in compliance with the Thai labour law and other long term beneųts of employees are computed by the "ctuary, using the proKected unit credit method in accordance with "ctuarial Technique for the present value of the estimated future cash outŴows, based on salary, turnover rate, mortality rate, length of service and others, based on the interest rates on government securities, with similar terms and period of maturity.

217 SigniĹłcant assumptions for the estimation of reserve for employee beneĹłts obligation are as follows Discount rate, based on government bond with term to maturity of 8 years . 0 Incremental rate of employee beneĹłt /umber of employees 2 persons in the consolidated Ĺłnancial statements 0 persons in the separate Ĺłnancial statements 3etirement age 0 years -ong Service "ward 0, 5 and 20 years, of services are entitled to receive solid gold weighted .5 5.0 #aht

.2 $apital risk management The $ompany’s obKective in the management of capital is to safeguard its ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide returns for shareholders and beneųts for other stakeholders, and to maintain an optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital. In order to maintain or adKust the capital structure, the $ompany may adKust the amount of dividends for shareholders, return capital, issue new shares or sell assets to reduce debt. 5. $"4) "/% $"4) &26*7"-&/54 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012

$ash on hand $ash at banks

$urrent accounts Saving accounts Fixed deposit accounts for months Total


Separate F/S 2012


2 ,0 7

, 28

2 , 2

00, 0

5,20 , 8 8, 55,27 88, 7 ,752 2 2,502, 5

,2 ,2 08,0 , 8 08, 2,5 220,0 , 2

5, 87,50 ,0 ,70 7 , 7 ,0 77,82 ,7

,25 , 8 2,75 ,52 8 , 7 ,5 55, 8 , 5

"s at December 20 2, the $ompany’s and subsidiaries’ deposits with banks carry interest at the rates ranging between 0.75 2. 0 percent per annum 20 rates ranging between 0.75 2. 0 percent per annum .

218 6. 5&.103"3: */7&45.&/54 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S

Fixed deposits for 5 Äą months "vailable for sale security at cost "dKustments for changes in value of available for sale securities

1art of the $ompany 1art of subsidiary company "vailable for sale security at fair value

Separate F/S





2,000,000 5,0 5,

7,08 ,2

2,000,000 5,0 5,

5,0 5,

2,085,820 , 0,

,275, 7 , 07 8, 7, 2

2,085,820 , 0,

,275, , 20, 0

"s at December 20 2 and 20 , the $ompany and its subsidiaries have investments in an open end Ĺłxed income fund which is held as available for sale securities and presented as part of current assets with fair value. Morever, as at December 20 2, the $ompany invested in Ĺłxed deposits with interest at the rates percent per .50 annum. During the year, the movements in temporary investments are as follows 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S

#alance as at +anuary 20 2 Fixed deposit for 5 months Fixed deposit for months "dKustments for changes in value of available for sale securities 1roceeds from sales of available for sale securities 3ecognized gain from sale of available for sale securities #alance as at December 20 2

Separate F/S

8, 7, 2 5,000,000 7,000,000

, 20, 0 5,000,000 7,000,000

8 0, 5 2,0 ,07

8 0, 5

7 , 07

, 0,

, 0,

3elated transaction of temporary investments in the statement of comprehensive income are as follows 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012

(ains on remeasurement of available for sale investments

7 7, 50


788, 8

Separate F/S 2012

8 0, 5


7 ,7 5

219 7. 53"%& "$$06/54 3&$&*7"#-& "s at December 20 2 and 20 , the aged analysis of accounts receivable are as follow 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S Ages of receivable

Trade accounts receivable Äą general customers /ot yet due 1ast due

-ess than months months 2 months 0ver 2 months Total -ess "llowance for doubtful accounts Trade accounts receivable general customers net Trade accounts receivable related companies Subsidiary companies /ot yet due 1ast due

-ess than months "ssociated companies /ot yet due



Separate F/S 2012


, ,525 ,572, 2 2, 8, 58,72 , 25 ,28 , , 8, 0 2, 5 ,2 0 7, 2 , 5 ,282,5 8 5,802,

55, 7 ,87

25,8 ,02 8,0 0, 5 2, 0 , ,2 0,2 8 7 ,8 8, 5 7, 7 ,27

,8 5,22

2 , 22, 5 ,285, , , 8 20,825,7 20,57 ,77 8, ,

0 , 0 ,8

8, 5, 2 , ,00 ,52 ,058 20, 7 , 5 05,8 ,5 , ,

8 , ,070


, 50

2, 8 ,287


, 5

, 5

2 , 20

2 , 20

+oint Venture

I/D&9 D 0 M"$0 +oint Venture /ot yet due 1ast due

0ver 2 months Trade accounts receivable Äą related companies Trade accounts receivable Äą net

7,5 7,5 7,5

2 , 20 2 , 20 2 , 20 2 , 20 8 ,255 5 ,207 855, 5 55,577, 0 , 5 , 7 02, 2 ,070 87, ,52

During the year, the movements in allowance for doubtful accounts are as follows 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S

#alance as at +anuary 20 2 Add Additional allowance during the year -ess #ad debt -ess #ad debt recoveries #alance as at December 20 2

7, 7 ,27 ,7 ,8 5 22, 52

, , 7


Separate F/S

, , ,255, 5 22, 52


8, ,

220 8. 3&-"5&% 1"35: 53"/4"$5*0/4 The $ompany has signiųcant business transactions with its related parties related by way of common shareholders and or director and mutual management . Such signiųcant transactions, which have been reŴected in the $ompany’s ųnancial statements on the terms and bases determined by the $ompany and those companies, which bases might be different from the bases used for transactions with unrelated companies, are summarised below 3FMBUFE DPNQBOJFT V #ig $o., -td. DAI I$HI $orporation 1ublic $ompany -imited -andy Home Thailand $o., -td. Index $reative village 1ublic $ompany -imited

3FMBUJPOTIJQ Shareholder of (reen Ad $o., -td. $o director $o director Shareholder of Max $reative $o., -td. and partner of Index D 0 MA$0 +oint Venture 1artner of Index D 0 MA$0 +oint Venture 1artner of Index D 0 MA$0 +oint Venture 1artner of Town #randing $o., -td. that subsidiaries of Max $reative $o., -td. 6nit Million #aht

Design 0 International $o., -td. Design 0 $o., -td. Hanuman $o., -td.

Transactions with related companies

#illboard rental income

Subsidiary company Associated company 3elated companies $ommission income

Subsidiary company

Consolidated F/S Pricing Policy

1rice and term of payment approximate term granted to general customers

5 of collection which approximates rate granted to general customers

Separate F/S






0. 2 0.28

.07 0.2

.88 0. 2 0.28



0 .00 . 0

0. 0



0.70 0.05

0. 0.



2.78 0.5

2.88 0.5

Dividend income

Subsidiary company Associated company

$onsulting and accounting service Mutually agreed prices income

Subsidiary company Associated companies 0fĹłce rental income

Subsidiary company Associated companies

Market price

221 6nit Million #aht

Consolidated F/S

Transactions with related companies

0ther income

Pricing Policy





.70 0.

.5 0.2

5. 5 0.

0.50 0.7

.22 . 2 0.

.0 0.05 0.7




2. 0

0. 0 2.7

0.02 2. 0

8. 0 0. 0.02

28.77 0. 0.02

2. 0. 8 0.02

2 .88 0. 0.02

0. 7


0. 7

0. 5


Subsidiary company Administrative expenses



Subsidiary company Associated companies 3elated companies Selling expenses



Subsidiary company Associated companies $osts of services

Separate F/S


Subsidiary company Associated companies ,ey management personnel Short term employee beneĹłts 1rovision for post employment beneĹłts 1rovision for other long term beneĹłts Financial cost

,ey management personnel

As at December 20 2 and 20 , the outstanding balances of the above transactions are separately presented in the statement of Ĺłnancial position as follow 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012


Separate F/S 2012




Trade accounts receivable related companies Subsidiary company

Master More $o., -td. Associated company

Max $reative $o., -td

, 5

2 , 20

, 5

+oint Venture

I/D&9 D 0 MA$0 +oint Venture

2 , 20

2 , 20

222 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012

Separate F/S




8 ,255

5 ,207

855, 5

2,787, 5 7 ,52 7,822 ,00 ,70

2,8 5 0,08 82, , 55,282

0utstanding balances and portion of other Koint venture partners

I/D&9 D 0 MA$0 +oint Venture Total

7,5 7,5

0ther receivables Äą related companies Subsidiary companies

Master More $o., -td. Maco 3iteSign $o., -td. (reen Ad $o., -td.

Associated companies

InkKet Images Thailand $o., -td. Take A -ook $o., -td. Total

, , ,7 2

0,27 , ,7

, , ,7 2

0,27 , ,7

,7 2


, 0 ,

,5 ,025

1repaid expensesÄą related company 3elated company

Index $reative Village 1$-.

8 ,552

-oans to related company Associated company

Take A -ook $o., -td.





6nearned dividend Subsidiary company

Master More $o., -td.

5 , ,

2, 70, 8


2, 5


2, 7 , 0

, 7 ,2 5

5,27 , 78



7, 5,5

Trade accounts payable Äą related companies Subsidiary companies

Master More $o., -td. Maco 3iteSign $o., -td. Associated company

InkKet Images Thailand $o., -td.

223 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S

Separate F/S





5,27 , 78

27, 5 5 0,52 557, 8,0 5,855

7,22 , 5

5 0,52 5 0,52 , , 2


575,8 7

, 0 2, ,5 7

5, 08 8, 2 , 0

0,8 0 ,000 22 ,8 0

5 ,85 20 , 0 2 ,8

3elated companies

V #ig $o., -td. -andy Home Thailand $o., -td. Total Income received in advance related company Subsidiary company

Master More $o., -td. 0ther payables Äą related companies Subsidiary companies

Master More $o., -td. Maco 3iteSign $o., -td. Associated companies

InkKet Images Thailand $o., -td. -andy Development $o., -td.

5 , 0 ,000 250, 0

5 ,85 20 , 0 2 ,8

3elated companies

V #ig $o., -td. Index $reative Village 1$-. Total

5, 5 7,5 8 2, 28 , 0

2 ,8

2 , 57

2 , 2

Short term loan from related company 3elated company

Index $reative Village 1$-.


5,07 ,77 8, 5

, ,2 8 7,5 7

,8 2,8 5 0 ,558

, , 2 8 ,8

3eserve for employee beneĹłts obligation ,ey management personnel

1ost employee beneĹłts 0ther long term beneĹłts

224 -oans to Take A -ook $o., -td. and -andy Development $o., -td. have been granted without collateral and with interest at M-3 percent per annum and Ĺłxed rate of 2 percent per annum. These are due at call. Short term loan from related company has been obtained without collateral and with interest rate of 5.25 percent per annum and is repayable in the near future. 9. */7&/503*&4 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S

8ork in process Finished goods


Separate F/S





5,08 ,2 ,287,7 8, 72,027

, , ,555,2 0 7, 8 , 0

,87 ,28 2, 7 5,8 , 55

, , 7, , ,8 2

10. 05)&3 $633&/5 "44&54 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S

Advances 3efundable value Äą added tax 0ther receivables 1repaid rental $urrent portion of prepaid right for

billboards installation 0thers

Total -ess Allowance for non collection of others receivables


Separate F/S





, 7,25 , 7, 85 , , ,85 ,87

, , 0 5, 07,8 8 5,852, 25 , 70,70

, 08, 20 ,07 , 7 , 0 ,2 8 ,870, 05

2, 02,058 ,7 , 5,0 8,0 8 5, 58, 0

2, 58, 8 , 20, 5, 2 ,

, , 7,788,82 8, 2 ,70

7,208, 0 2 , , 7

, 2 ,587 2 , 8 ,55

8 5, 00


8, 2 ,70


22, , 7

2 , 8 ,55

225 11. */7&45.&/54 */ 46#4*%*"3: "/% "440$*"5&% $0.1"/*&4 /&5 6nit Thousand #aht

Consolidated F/S Percentage of Investment

At Cost

Equity Method

Paid up Nature of business capital

Investment in associated companies InkKet Images Thailand

1roduction of $o., -td. advertising media and billboard -andy Development 3ental of ofĹłce $o., -td. building Take a -ook $o., -td. Advertising service Max $reative $o., -td. 1roduce and providing advertising media services Total investments in associated companies





2, 85






2, 85 , 2 ,2 5



8.87 , 5 , 5 2 , 0 2 , 5

75,000 5,000

. 50.00

. 25,000 25,000 50.00 2,500 2,500


, 80 , 80 , 2 2,5 5

As at March 20 2, Max $reative $o., -td. entered into Koint investment with Hanuman $o., -td. at the portion of 70 0 percent to establish Town #randing $o., -td. with registered capital of #aht 5.00 million to produce and providing advertising media services. 6nit Thousand #aht

Separate F/S Percentage of Investment

Cost Method

Paid up Nature of business






*OWFTUNFOU JO TVCTJEJBSZ DPNQBOJFT Master and More $o., -td. 1roduce and providing outdoor 20,000 00.00 00.00 7 ,5 7 ,5 advertising media services MA$0 3ite Sign $o., -td. 1roduce and sell of tri vision 5,000 80.00 80.00 ,000 ,000 equipment (reen Ad $o., -td. 1roviding advertising services through the supply of tree 5,000 5 .00 5 .00 2,550 2,550 wall panel Total investments in subsidiary companies 8 ,0 8 ,0 Investment in associated companies InkKet Images Thailand $o., -td. 1roduction of advertising media ,000 . . 2, 85 2, 85 and billboard -andy Development $o., -td. 3ental of ofĹłce building 0,000 8.87 8.87 , 5 , 5

226 6nit Thousand #aht

Separate F/S Percentage of Investment

Cost Method

Paid up Nature of business



Take a -ook $o., -td. Max $reative $o., -td.

Advertising service 75,000 1roduce and providing 5,000 advertising media services Total investments in associated companies -ess Allowance for impairment of investment in Take a -ook $o., -td.





. 25,000 25,000



Investments in associated companies Äą net

2,500 2,500 , 80 , 80 25,000 25,000

2 , 80 2 , 80

During the years ended December 20 2 and 20 , the movements in investments in associated companies are as follows 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012

0pening balance Additional investment Share of proĹłts on investment equity method Share of loss on investment equity method AdKustment for unrealized loss on investment Dividend income Impairment of investment #alance at end of year

2,5 5, , , 5, 7

0 , ,

, 2 , 5

Separate F/S


2 ,222,75 2,500,000 ,587, 02 2, 7 , 8

2 5 2 ,

2,5 5,



2 , 7 , 75 2 , 7 , 75

, 0 , 7 2,500,000 2 ,70

2 , 7 , 75

The signiĹłcant Ĺłnancial information of the associates in the aggregate amounts are summarized as follows

6nit #aht

For the years ended 31 December

Assets -iabilities 3evenues /et income



2, , 02 78,2 5,808 0,25 , 7 7, 0, 0

58,5 , 8 , 7 , 50 0, 85, 8 , ,255

227 12. 3&453*$5&% %&104*54 8*5) #"/,4 As at December 20 2 and 20 , the $ompany’s and subsidiary’s ųxed deposits totaling #aht . 5 million and #aht 5 .5 million, respectively, for the consolidated ųnancial statements, and #aht 2. 5 million and #aht 2. million, respectively, for the separate ųnancial statements, have been placed with banks as collaterals for bank guarantees issued on behalf of the $ompany and subsidiary. 13. #6*-%*/( "/% &26*1.&/5 /&5 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2011

#VJMEJOH BOE FRVJQNFOU Äą $PTU #uilding 0fĹłce decorations and equipment Tools and equipments Vehicles #illboard stands 0ther medias 8ork in process 0thers

5PUBM "DDVNVMBUFE EFQSFDJBUJPO #uilding 0fĹłce decorations and equipment Tools and equipments Vehicles #illboard stands 0ther medias 0thers






,7 2, 50, 07, 750,0 , 08, 7 , 5 , 50 58,0 7 8,200 8, 5, 2 25,2 2 5, 0 20 , , 0,070 5, 8, 5,887,870 , 80 8,80 ,5 ,7 7,825 ,55 ,070 5, 7 50, 7,0 ,85 , 0,7 5,5

, ,0 8 ,770, 8

8, ,5 0

,7 2, 7,2 , 0 ,5 ,2 7 7,855, 2 2 , 72, 0 , 22,850 8,8 ,7 2,857, 5 , 0 ,2

,777,778 2 7, 08 ,5 8, , 82, 5 ,5 ,2 0 ,50 , 2 5,5 5,5 8 7, , 78 287, 5 5, 28 20 , 8, 7 0, ,528 5, 8, , 5, 55 , 02,0 7 , 0, 52 2 0, 2 5, 2 , 87,0 8 5,20 ,05 0,577, 0

2,0 ,88 ,208, , 5 , , 85, 85 20 ,220, 5,0 7, 72 2,7 ,28 2 8, 5,

87,22 , 8

75,588, 8

228 6nit #aht

Separate F/S 2011

&RVJQNFOU Äą $PTU 0fĹłce decorations and equipment Tools and equipments Vehicles #illboard stands 0ther medias 8ork in process 0thers

5PUBM "DDVNVMBUFE EFQSFDJBUJPO 0fĹłce decorations and equipment Tools and equipments Vehicles #illboard stands 0ther medias 0thers

5PUBM &quipment net



0,8 5,0 7 , 58, 8 ,0 , 2 , 7 , 5,887,8 8, ,5 0 , 5,070 ,78 ,005

, 8 7,000 , 8 , 0 , 7

, 8 ,707 8,200 5, 8, 5, 7 ,5 8,72

, , 8 ,8 , 07 5,28 ,2 ,7 5,27 , 5, 5 , 2 , 5 7 , 5 , 2

2,78 ,228 ,8 0 2 , 7 , 8, 2 , 02,0 , 2 5,5 , 8

, 2 ,77 5,5 8 5, 8, 5, 2 , , 77


8, ,5 0

8, ,5 0

20, 2 ,8


8, 77,72 ,8 0, 8 ,0 , 2 28,22 , 50 , 22,850 2,7 , 5 8 , , 0 2, ,8 5 ,75 ,5 5,5 8, 5 27,585,70 5,0 7, 72 2, 8 ,08 75, , 7,8 , 0

Depreciation in the statement of comprehensive income are as follows 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S

$ost of service and sales Administration expenses Total

Separate F/S





0, 0,2 ,2 5,8 5,20 ,05

, 88, 8 ,8 2, 8 ,55 , 5

2,00 , 28 ,522, 5 5,5 , 8

5,8 , 8 ,875, 0 , ,727

As at December 20 2 and 20 , the gross carrying amount of fully depreciated equipment which are still in use amounted to #aht 2 7.5 million and #aht 2 2. 0 million, respectively, for the consolidated Ĺłnancial statements, and #aht 8. 5 million and #aht 2. 8 million, respectively, for the separate Ĺłnancial statements. As at December 20 2 and 20 , the $ompany and its subsidiaries have assets on leasehold with book value of #aht 2 7.7 million and #aht 80. million, respectively, for the consolidated Ĺłnancial statements, and #aht 2 . million and #aht 2 .2 million, respectively, for the separate Ĺłnancial statements. After the expired date, those assets will have to be dismantled from leasehold by the $ompany and subsidiary or sold at mutually agreed prices.

229 14. $0.165&3 40'58"3& /&5 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2011

$PNQVUFS TPGUXBSF $PTU $omputer software Software under development

Total "DDVNVMBUFE BNPSUJ[BUJPO $omputer software





, 5 ,0 255,000 ,7 ,0

7, 85, 2 7, 85, 2 2,228,707

, 5 ,0 255,000 ,7 ,0 5,872, 08 5,872, 08 ,8 ,

, 2,70 , 2,70


6nit #aht

Separate F/S 2011

$PNQVUFS TPGUXBSF $PTU $omputer software Software under development

Total "DDVNVMBUFE BNPSUJ[BUJPO $omputer software





8,578, 2 255,000 8,8 , 2

, 5 ,55 , 5 ,55 2, 82, 8

8,578, 2 255,000 8,8 , 2 5,0 5, 5,0 5, ,7 8,50

,58 , 2 ,58 , 2


Amortization for the years ended December 20 2 and 20 amounted to #aht . million and #aht . million, respectively, for the consolidated Ĺłnancial statements, and #aht .5 million and #aht . 0 million, respectively, for the separate Ĺłnancial statements which are presented in the statement of comprehensive income in the part of administration expenses. 15. &26*1.&/5 )&-% '03 64"(& 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S

Tri vision equipment Steel and aluminium structure 0ther Total

Separate F/S





,7 ,070 , 57, 5 , , 2 2,5 ,05

, , 55 , 5, 8 ,5 , 0 25, ,02

,25 , 5 , 57, 58 5 ,2 2 ,2 ,55

, 7 ,0 0 , 5, 8 0 , 5 2 ,2 ,

During the year 20 2, the $ompany sold equipment held for usage of #aht million to 2 companies at approximate cost.

230 As at December 20 2, the $ompany’s management reassessed the value of equipment held for usage by comparing with the last quotation of the similar speciųcation from the vendor. The last quotation is higher than cost in the book. The management is conųdent that the said equipments are not to consider for its impairment. 16. */7&45.&/5 1301&35: As at December 20 2 and 20 , investment property represents land not used in operations with a total value of #aht 5. 2 million, which the fair value, appraised by independent appraisers with market approach as at 2 and +anuary 20 0, is #aht . 2 million. The $ompany has mortgaged unused land as collateral for bank overdraft, promissory notes and bank guarantee credit facilities extended by a commercial bank totaling #aht 0 million. 17. 53* 7*4*0/ &26*1.&/5 )&-% '03 64"(& /&5 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S

Tri vision equipment -ess Allowance for impairment /et



, 7 ,7 2 2,27 ,7 7

7, 7,0 5

20, ,7 20, ,7

Separate F/S 2012


As at December 20 2 and 20 , the $ompany’s management reassessed the value of tri vision equipment held for usage by comparing with the quotation from the vendor for the similar speciųcation of the subsidiary’s assets. The management has plan for using all of Tri vision equipment with the group companies’ proKects in the year 20 . 18. 13&1"*% 3*()5 '03 #*--#0"3%4 */45"--"5*0/ /&5 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012


Separate F/S 2012


1repaid right for billboards installation

0pening net book balance 1aid during the year 3ecorded as expense during the year $losing net book balance -ess $urrent portion


2 ,8 5,05 , 0 ,52 , ,

22, , 8 2, 58, 8 20, 82, 7

, , , 58, 8 2, 78, 2

2 ,8 5,05 , , 8,7 , 5

231 1repaid right for billboards installation is prepaid expense under agreements with remaining term of 0 years. The $ompany will gradually amortize this to expense in fully amount in the year 2022. 19. 05)&3 /0/ $633&/5 "44&54 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S

Deposits for billboards rental 1repaid consulting fees Deferred expenses billboards proKect (oods and services under #arter Trade agreement which can be utilized more than year 0thers Total -ess Allowance for doubtful debt of goods and services under #arter Trade agreement which can be utilized more than year /et

Separate F/S





5, , 8 ,8 2,225 0, 8 ,720

8,78 , 8 , 8, 5 2,78 , 0 , 0 ,720

5, , 8 0, 8 ,720

8,78 , 8 , 0 ,720

7,508, 25,50 ,5 7

, ,008 8, 85, 7

, 8 , 5 20,5 5, 5

,2 0, 8 2 , 7 ,57

, , 20

2 , 5,2 7

,78 , 20

, 5,85

, , 20

, ,0

,78 , 20

8, 87,25

As at December 20 2 and 20 , the values of rights to consumer goods and services under #arter Trade agreement which can be utilized more than year are totalling #aht . 2 million. These rights occurred from barter of advertising services with a unit of condominium which the $ompany will obtain the transfer of right in second quarter of 20 . As at December 20 2, the fair value sale price plus direct cost of condominium is #aht .58 million. 20. $3&%*5 '"$*-*5*&4 As at December 20 2 and 20 , the $ompany and its subsidiary have credit facilities for bank overdrafts, promissory notes, letters of guarantee and short term loans from Ĺłnancial institutes, with unused balance as follow 6nit Millon #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012

Total facilities 6nused facilities

7.50 70. 2


8 . 5 5. 2

Separate F/S 2012

2 .50 0.27


2 . .

$redit facilities of #aht 0 million are collateralized by the mortgage of investment property as mentioned in /ote . The remaining credit facilities are free of collateral.

232 21. )*3& Äą 163$)"4& "(3&&.&/5 1":"#-& Äą /&5 The outstanding balances for hire purchase agreement payable as at December 20 2 are as follows 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012

Vehicle -ess Accumulated depreciation /et


578,7 2 ,2

55 ,

Minimal payment for hire Äą purchase agreements payable as at December 20 2 are as follows #aht 2012


Hire purchase agreements payable

Due within one year Due later than one year but not over Ĺłve years Total -ess Deferred interest 1resent value of hire purchase agreement payable -ess $urrent portion of hire purchase agreement payable Hire purchase agreements payable net

5, 72 8 , 0 520,07 7, 0

02, 70 5, 72

2 , 8

22. 3&4&37& '03 &.1-0:&& #&/&'*54 0#-*("5*0/ Äť

Impact from the ųrst time adoption of new accounting policy which is effective in the year 20 , concerning Ĝ&mployee #eneųtsġ, which the $ompany chose to recognise the past service costs for employee beneųts obligation up to December 20 0 by adKusting to the retained earnings as at +anuary 20 totalling #aht 8. million for the consolidated ųnancial statements, and #aht 7. million for the separate ųnancial statements, to comply with an option under the adoption of this standard.


For the years ended December 20 2 and 20 , the $ompany and subsidiaries have following movements in reserve for employee beneĹłts obligation

233 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012

0pening net book balance &ffect of change in accounting policy for employee past service beneĹłts obligation AdKusted opening net book balance $urrent cost recognized in the statements of comprehensive income 1aid out during the year $losing net book balance


,72 , 0


Separate F/S 2012

8, 72,8


,72 , 0

8, 08, 2 8, 08, 2

8, 72,8

7, 8 ,8 7, 8 ,8

, 80, 2 5 , 00

0, 70, 5

, , 8 ,72 , 0

,2 8,20 2 8, 00

, 22, 20

, 82, 50 8, 72,8

The employee beneĹłt expenses were recorded in the statements of comprehensive income as follows 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012

$urrent service cost Financial cost


, ,58 ,0 7 , 80, 2

Separate F/S




,08 ,7 2 2 , , , 8

,5 , ,2 8,20

00, 0 282,5 , 82, 50

23. 4)"3& $"1*5"At annual general meeting of the $ompany shareholders for the year 20 2 hold on 27 April 20 2, the shareholders passed a resolution to increase the registered capital from #aht 25 million to #aht 75 million by issuing 50 million new common shares of #aht per share, totaling #aht 50 million to support stock dividend. The $ompany has registered the increased capital with Ministry of $ommerce on 0 May 20 2.

234 24. %*7*%&/% 1"*% At the meetings of the $ompany, there are resolutions to pay dividends from the separate Ĺłnancial statements to shareholders as follows Annual shareholders /Board of director meeting

Dividend for the Meeting date


27 April 2


20 2 Shareholder

20 2 8 August 2 #oard of director

20 22 April Shareholder

5 20 8 /ovember #oard of director

Type of payment

Payment rate per share (Baht)


No. of Common share





$ash Stock Total $ash

0.27 0. 0 0. 7 0.20

,7 ,7 0 2 , ,000 22 May 20 2 , ,5 2 , ,000 22 May 20 2 8 ,7 ,2 , ,7 2 7 , 8,5 7 Sep 20 2

20 0



,2 ,750 2 , ,000 0 May 20

Interim 20



,2 ,750 2 , ,000 December 20

Interim 20 2

25. -&("- 3&4&37& 6nder the provision of 1ublic $ompany Act #.&. 25 5, the $ompany is required to set aside as a statutory reserve at least 5 percent of its net proĹłt, net of deĹłcit if any , at each dividend declaration until the reserve reaches 0 percent of the registered capital. This reserve is not distributable for dividends. During the second quarter of 20 2, the $ompany appropriated proĹłt as legal reserve totaling #aht 5 million to cope up with the increase registered capital. 26. 4&37*$&4 */$0.& 1art of service income for the years ended December 20 2 and 20 were incurred from the barters of goods or services for the following values 6nit Million #aht

$onsolidated Separate F S



. 8 .08

25.7 8.20

235 27. 05)&3 */$0.& 6nit Million #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012

3eversal of allowance for doubtful debt Service income 3eversal of long outstanding liabilities 0thers


Separate F/S

For the years ended 31 December 2011 2012 2011

. 2.7 2.7 .8 .

0.7 2.55 .25 .5

2.00 7. 0 2. 7 2.7 5.

0. 7. .78 0. 2

28. &91&/4&4 #: /"563& SigniĹłcant expenses by nature are as follows 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012

3ental and services 3ental for billboard stands 0ther costs Salaries and other employee beneĹłts Depreciation and amortization Sales promotion 6tilities Allowances for doubtful debts and debt written off Director remuneration and meeting fee Amortization of deferred consulting fee and deferred expenses on billboard proKect -oss from impairment of investment -oss from impairment of tri vision equipment 0thers


Separate F/S 2012


7 , 8 ,25 0, 8 , 82,2 8, 2 0,8 8,0 2 ,8 8,757 , 80, 2 ,78 , 70

7 , , 8 7,0 , 02 2 ,70 ,2 0 7 , 5,8 5,7 ,0 5 , 7 ,0 2 2, , 0

27,8 0,7 0, 8 , , 25,57 7 , 82, 20 7, 8, 07 28,52 ,5 2,7 , 0

27, 0 ,8 0 7,0 , 02 5,8 2, 7 5 , 0, 0 0,7 , 2 ,7 2, 2,2 ,70

2, ,7 5 2, 0,000

5,80 ,2 8 2,2 0,000

,705, 5 2, 0,000

, ,875 2,2 0,000

0, 5,7 0 2,27 ,7 7 20,58 , 7

, , 8 22, 2, 0

5, 05,7

2 ,70 7, 8,8

236 29. */$0.& 5"9 6nit Million #aht

Consolidated F/S 2012

/et income after tax Income tax /et income before income tax Add Items that have to be added back under the 3evenue $ode -ess Tax exempted income /et taxable income Income tax 2

Income tax 25

Income tax 0

Separate F/S

For the years ended 31 December 2011 2012


.07 .72 80.7 . 7

7. 2 . .5 20.

.52 27.52 22 .0 .

78.55 .25 0 .80 .


8 .


2. 5





.72 .72

27.52 2.50 . .


2.50 8.75 .25

30. 1307*%&/% '6/% 0n 2 +une 2005, the $ompany and subsidiaries and their employees Kointly established provident fund plans as approved by the Ministry of Finance in accordance with the 1rovident Fund Act #.&. 25 0. The funds are contributed to by employees and the $ompany and its subsidiaries at the rates of 2 5 percent of salaries. The provident funds will be paid to the employees upon termination of employments in accordance with the rules of the funds. The funds are managed by Ayudhya Fund Management $o., -td. During the years ended December 20 2 and 20 , the $ompany and subsidiaries contributed to the fund totalling #aht .77 million and #aht .00 million, respectively separate F S #aht .52 million and #aht 0.8 million, respectively . 31. &NQMPZFF +PJOU *OWFTUNFOU 1MBO &+*1

0n +uly 20 0, the $ompany entered into a memorandum of understanding with employees in management level of the $ompany for the &mployee +oint Investment 1rogram Ĝ&+I1ġ . The period of the &+I1 is for three years commencing +uly 20 0 until +uly 20 . &+I1 members shall contribute not over 5 of their monthly basic salaries on a speciųc date every month. The fund is managed by 1hilip securities Thailand

1ublic $ompany -imited. &+I1 members shall receive from the $ompany 80 of such contribution amount. An &+I1 members’ contribution and the $ompany contribution shall be used to purchase MA$0 common shares on the Stock &xchange of Thailand within the speciųed determined dates. During the year ended December 20 2 and 20 , the $ompany and subsidiaries contributed to the fund totalling #aht .07 million and #aht 0. million, respectively, Separate F S #aht 0. million and #aht 0.7 million, respectively .

237 32. %*4$-0463& 0' '*/"/$*"- */4536.&/54 Financial assets and Ĺłnancial liabilities carried on the statement of Ĺłnancial position include cash and cash equivalents, restricted deposits with banks, trade and other accounts receivable and payable, loans and investments. The accounting policies on recognition and measurement of these items are disclosed in the respective accounting policies in /ote to the Ĺłnancial statements. -iquidity 3isk -iquidity risk arises from the possibility that customers may not be able to settle obligations to the $ompany within the normal terms of trade. To manage this risk, the $ompany periodically assesses the Ĺłnancial viability of customers. $redit 3isk $redit risk refers to the risk that counterparty will default in its contractual obligations resulting in a Ĺłnancial loss to the $ompany. Management believes that the $ompany has no signiĹłcant concentration of credit risk with any single counterparty or group of counterparties since the $ompany has large number of customers. Interest 3ate 3isk The interest rate risk is the risk that the value of a Ĺłnancial instrument will Ĺ´uctuate due to changes in market interest rate. The signiĹłcant Ĺłnancial assets classiĹłed by interest rate types are as follows 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S Floating rate

Financial assets $ash and cash equivalents Temporary investments -oan to related company 3estricted deposits with banks

2 , ,778 5,000 , 52,05

31 December 2012 Fixed rate None - interest


858, 7 7, 0,


2 2,502, 5 , 0, 5,000 , 52,05 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S 31 December 2011 Floating rate

Financial assets $ash and cash equivalents Temporary investments -oan to related company 3estricted deposits with banks

2 7,8 ,7 2 5,000 5, 5 , 77

Fixed rate

None - interest

2, 8, 0 8, 7, 2


220,0 , 2 8, 7, 2 5,000 5, 5 , 77

238 6nit #aht

Separate F/S Floating rate

Financial assets $ash and cash equivalents Temporary investments -oan to related company 3estricted deposits with banks

77,00 , 8 5,000 2, 52,05

31 December 2012 Fixed rate None - interest


82 ,550 7, 0,


77,82 ,7 , 0, 5,000 2, 52,05 6nit #aht

Separate F/S Floating rate

Financial assets $ash and cash equivalents Temporary investments -oan to related company 3estricted deposits with banks

5 ,8 2,578 5,000 2, , 77

31 December 2011 Fixed rate None - interest

2, 5 ,078 , 20, 0


55, 8 , 5 , 20, 0 5,000 2, , 77

Financial assets with Ĺłxed interest rates and maturity, from the statements of Ĺłnancial position date of December 20 2 and 20 , are as follows 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S At call

Financial assets $ash and cash equivalents Temporary investments -oan to related company 3estricted deposits with banks

,827,700 7, 0, 5,000

31 December 2012 1 - 6 months 7 - 12 months

88, 7 ,75 2,000,000 , 52,05


2 2,502, 5 , 0, 5,000 , 52,05

Interest rate

0.75 2. 0 .50 8.25 . 0 2. 5 6nit #aht

Consolidated F/S At call

Financial assets $ash and cash equivalents Temporary investments -oan to related company 3estricted deposits with banks

31 December 2011 1 - 6 months 7 - 12 months

, 7 , 07 08, 2,5 8, 7, 2 5,000 5, 5 , 77


220,0 , 2 8, 7, 2 5,000 5, 5 , 77

Interest rate

0.75 2. 0 8.25 .00 . 0

239 6nit #aht

Separate F/S At call

Financial assets $ash and cash equivalents Temporary investments -oan to related company 3estricted deposits with banks

0 , 8, 5 7, 0, 5,000

31 December 2011 1 - 6 months 7 - 12 months

7 , 7 ,0 8 2,000,000 2, 52,05


77,82 ,7 , 0, 5,000 2, 52,05

Interest rate

0.75 2. 0 .50 8.25 . 0 2. 5 6nit #aht

Separate F/S At call

Financial assets $ash and cash equivalents Temporary investments -oan to related company 3estricted deposits with banks

, , 0 , 20, 0 5,000

31 December 2012 1 - 6 months 7 - 12 months

8 , 7 ,5 2, , 77


55, 8 , 5 , 20, 0 5,000 2, , 77

Interest rate

0.75 2. 0 8.25 .00 . 0

Fair Value of Financial Instruments Fair value is deųned as the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between knowledgeable willing parties on an arm’s length basis. Fair values are obtained from quoted market prices or discounted cash Ŵow models. The following methods and assumptions are used to estimate the fair value of each class of ųnancial instruments. ĝ

$ash and cash equivalents, temporary investments, restricted deposits with banks and accounts receivable the carrying values approximate their fair values due to the relatively short term maturity of these Ĺłnancial instruments.


-oans to related companies carrying a Ĺ´oat rate Minimum -oan 3ate, which is considered to be market rate the carrying values approximate their fair values.


Accounts payable the carrying amounts of these Ĺłnancial liabilities approximate their fair values due to the relatively short term maturity of this Ĺłnancial instrument.

240 33. $0..*5.&/54 As at December 20 2, the $ompany and its subsidiaries have the following outstanding commitments and contingent liabilities $ommitments with third parties . The $ompany and its subsidiaries have agreements with government agency for space rental for the installation of billboards and electricity usage, totalling approximately #aht 27. 8 million Separate F S #aht .2 million . The $ompany and its subsidiaries have adequately taken up accrued rent proportionately based on the rent period. These agreements are cover by bank guarantees of local banks. .2 The $ompany and its subsidiaries have commitments under long term lease and service agreements, mainly relating to the rental of space for advertising business. Summarised below are the future rental and service fees under the agreements 6nit Million #aht


20 20 20 7 20 8 onward


Consolidated F/S

Separate F/S

2 .25 22. 0 2. 5 2 .00

8.2 28. 7 2 . 0

SigniĹłcant conditions are as follows Äť Monthly payment of rent are month deposit that will be refunded when agreement is terminated. Äť 0ption to renew agreements every years with rental adKustment at market condition. . The $ompany has commitments based on the portion of shareholding in the associated company under the -&D Screen sale contract of Take A -ook $o., -td., associated company, for the value of #ath 7 million received by cash of #aht .50 million and advertising right of #aht 27.50 million for year period. 6nder the contract, the associated company has to comply with the condition, such as the maintenance of equipment, whereby the $ompany has to be responsible for any damage if any

expiring on December 20 2. . As at 22 December 200 , the $ompany guaranteed debt of -andy Development $o., -td., associated company, with a bank at #aht 8 million and -andy Development $o., -td. guaranteed debt of the $ompany and or DAI I$HI $orporation 1ublic $ompany -imited and or -andy Home Thailand

$o., -td., with a bank at #aht 7 million. As at December 20 2, the $ompany is contingently liable for debt of -andy Development $o., -td., based on its portion of shareholding, of #aht .8 million.

241 34. -*"#*-*5: '30. -&("- %*4165& During the year 200 , the $ourt of First Instance had ordered the subsidiary to pay indemniĹłcation to a supplier for the service fee and lease of advertising media amounting to #aht 7.55 million. The subsidiary had recorded this indemniĹłcation amounting to #aht 5. 8 million as expenses during the year 200 . Starting the rd quarter of the year 20 0, the subsidiary had recorded addition indemniĹłcation including interest expense amounting to #aht 5.7 million. The management of subsidiary believes that this is adequate. Such subsidiary had appealed to dispute the verdict and currently is under considering of the Appeal $ourt. The $ompany has already placed bank guarantee amounting to #aht . 5 million with the $ourt of Appeal. As at December 20 2 and 20 , these liabilities are presented as trade accounts payable general suppliers totaling #aht . 2 million and #aht 0.5 million, respectively, for consolidated Ĺłnancial statements that expected to be repaid after twelve months. 35. 3&$-"44*'*$"5*0/ The $ompany reclassiĹłed goodwill and discount on increment of investment in subsidiary for separate presentation in the consolidated Ĺłnancial statements. This reclassiĹłcation affected only the presentation in the consolidated statements of Ĺłnancial position as at December 20 which has no effect on net income and earnings per share for the year 20 as follows Statements of ďŹ nancial position

Million Baht


/on current assets Increase in goodwill Shareholders’ equity Increase in other components of equity

.0 .0

(oodwill occurred from acquisition of Master and More $o., -td. at the portion of 7.50 from a company in the year 200 . 36. "11307"- 0' '*/"/$*"- 45"5&.&/54 These Ĺłnancial statements have been approved by the #oard of directors of the $ompany on 8 February 20 .

MACO Activities 2012 กิจกรรมของ บริษัท มาสเตอร์ แอด จํากัด (มหาชน)

ปี 2555

ŕ¸œ฼ภารประŕš€ลินภารภŕš?าภูบดู๠ลภิŕ¸ˆภารท฾ŕšˆŕ¸”฾ Corporate Governance

Ă°Ĺ˜ 2549 2555 ïøÄ‰ĂžÄ†ĂŹÄ•ÊťøĆïÖćøðøąđÜĉÎÖćøÖĞćÖĆïÊĎÖĉĂ?ÖćøĂ?ćÖÿÜćÙÜÿŠĂœÄ‘ÿøĉÜÿÍćïĆÎÖøøÜÖćøïøĉÞĆÏĕÏá *0% Ä‚áÄŽĹ Ä”ÎøąÊĆïÊĊÜćÖ In 200 20 2, the $ompany has been evaluated $orporate Governane by the Thai Institute of Directors I0D to be Very Good $G Scoring

ŕ¸œ฼ภารประŕš€ลินคุณภาพภารŕ¸ˆูดประชุลสาลูŕ¸?ŕ¸œบŕš‰ŕ¸–มอญุŕš‰ŕ¸™ Annual General Meeting Ă°Ĺ˜2550 255 ïøÄ‰ĂžÄ†ĂŹÄ•ÊťøĆïùúÖćøðøąđÜĉÎÙÄ?èþćóÖćøĂ?ĆÊðøÄ…Ă&#x;Ä?ÜÿćÜĆâùÄŽĹĄĂŤÄŒÄ‚Ä€Ä?ťÎðøÄ…Ă?ÄžÄ‡Ă°Ĺ˜Ă Ä‹Ä™ĂœĂ?ĆÊēÊáÿÄžÄ‡ĂŽÄ†Ă–ĂœÄ‡ĂŽ Ă™èÄ…Ă–øøÜÖćøÖĞćÖĆïĀúĆÖÏøĆóáŤÄ’úąêúćÊĀúĆÖÏøĆó፠Ă–úê. øŠßÜÖĆïÿÜćÙÜÿŠĂœÄ‘ÿøĉÜùÄŽĹĄĂşĂœĂŹÄ?ĂŽÄ•Ïá ĒúąÿÜćÙÜïøĉÞĆÏĂ?ĂŠĂŹÄ…Ä‘ĂŻÄŠáÎ Ä‚áĎŠĔÎđÖèÌŤ ĂŠÄŠÄ‘áÄŠÄ™áÜ In 2007 20 , the $ompany received an appraisal of very good for the organing of its Annual (eneral meeting from the Securities &xchange $ommission, the Thai Investor Association, and the -isted $ompanies Association. Ă°Ĺ˜ 2555 ïøÄ‰ĂžÄ†ĂŹÄ•ÊťøĆïùúÖćøðøąđÜĉÎÙÄ?èþćóÖćøĂ?ĆÊðøÄ…Ă&#x;Ä?ÜÿćÜĆâùÄŽĹĄĂŤÄŒÄ‚Ä€Ä?ťÎðøÄ…Ă?ÄžÄ‡Ă°Ĺ˜Ă Ä‹Ä™ĂœĂ?ĆÊēÊáÿÄžÄ‡ĂŽÄ†Ă–ĂœÄ‡ĂŽĂ™èÄ…Ă–øøÜÖćøÖĞćÖĆïĀúĆÖÏøĆóáŤÄ’úą êúćÊĀúĆÖÏøĆó፠Ă–úê. øŠßÜÖĆïÿÜćÙÜÿŠĂœÄ‘ÿøĉÜùÄŽĹĄĂşĂœĂŹÄ?ĂŽÄ•Ïá ĒúąÿÜćÙÜïøĉÞĆÏĂ?ĂŠĂŹÄ…Ä‘ĂŻÄŠáÎ Ä‚áĎŠĔÎđÖèÌŤ ÊĊđúĉý In 20 2, the $ompany received an appraisal of excellent for the organing of its Annual (eneral meeting from the Securities &xchange $ommission, the Thai Investor Association, and the -isted $ompanies Association. Ă°Ĺ˜ 255 ïøÄ‰ĂžÄ†ĂŹÄ•ÊťøĆïøÄ‡ĂœĂźÄ†Ăş S&T Awards ÊťćÎÖćøøćáĂœÄ‡ÎïøøÞĆÏþĉïćúÊÄŠÄ‘áÄŠÄ™áÜ Top $orporate (overnance 3eport Awards ðøÄ…Ä‘þÏ ïøĉÞĆÏĂ?ĂŠĂŹÄ…Ä‘ĂŻÄŠáÎĔÎêúćÊĀúĆÖÏøĆó፠Ä‘Ä‚Ä˜Ăś Ä‘Ä‚ Ä•Ä‚ ÏĊęÜĊÙąĒÎÎÊťćÎÖćøøćáĂœÄ‡ÎïøøÞĆÏþĉïćúÿÄŽĂœĂżÄ?ĂŠ 3ecently, MA$0 wins S&T A8A3D 20 in Top $orporate (overnance 3eport Awards. Awards given to companies having excellent corporate governance reports in MAIi listed company. It is the Award of Honor for MA$0 which has been outstanding in terms of performance, Good corporate governance reports Ă°Ĺ˜ 2555 ïøÄ‰ĂžÄ†ĂŹÄ•ÊťøĆïøÄ‡ĂœĂźÄ†Ăş S&T Awards 2 øÄ‡ĂœĂźÄ†Ăş Ä•ĂŠĹĄÄ’Ă–ŠøÄ‡ĂœĂźÄ†úùÄŽťïøĉĀćøÿÄŽĂœĂżÄ?ÊáÄ‚ĂŠÄ‘áÄŠÄ™áÜ #est $&0 Awards Ēúą øÄ‡ĂœĂźÄ†úïøĉÞĆÏĂ?ĂŠĂŹÄ…Ä‘ĂŻÄŠáΠÏĊęÜĊùúÖćøÊÄžÄ‡Ä‘ĂŽÄ‰ĂŽĂœÄ‡ÎáÄ‚ĂŠÄ‘áÄŠÄ™áÜ #est 1erformance Awards Ă Ä‹Ä™ĂœĂŽÄ†ĂŻÄ‘ðŨÎøÄ‡ĂœĂźÄ†ĂşÄ‘Ă–ÄŠáøêĉáýÄ’Ä€Ĺ ĂœĂ™ĂźÄ‡ÜÿĞćđøĘĂ?Ă—Ä‚Ăœ MA$0 ĂŹÄŠÄ™ïøĉĀćøĂœÄ‡ĂŽÄ‚áŠÄ‡Ăœ ÜĊßĉÿĆáÏĆýÎŤ ĒúąáċÊĀúĆÖÖćøÖĞćÖĆïÊĎĒúÖĉĂ?ÖćøÏĊęÊĊÜćēÊáêúÄ‚ĂŠ &WBMVBUJPO SFTVMUT PO $PSQPSBUF (PWFSOBODF In 20 2, the $ompany has won two prestigious awards, namely the #est $&0 Awards, and the #est 1erformance Awards. It is the real honour of success for MA$0 on its visionary management and abiding to corporate governance principles.

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