Urban Design- Semester 1

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THRESHOLDS AND TRANSITIONS | In between the public and private realm. Building Threshold, Liminality and Public Space. Planned and unplanned outdoor spaces have always been a part of human settlements. The scale of an open urban space and the way it is used, however, has undergone massive changes over time. From medieval times to modern, the urban outdoor space has been permitting continuous adjustments and adaptations, in turn effecting the physical environment in which the city functions.

Defining the Transition between Public and Private. Establishing transition from Implicit to Explicit. Basic human needs often extends beyond the boundaries of the individual living unit. Hence it is needed that the shared communal areas should be another extension of living.

Designing the Public Realm. The design of spaces between the buildings is akin to designing a complex of outdoor rooms, with different sometimes overlapping, but well- defined functions. The idea was to manifest in a network of sheltered, safe accessible spaces with different functions and a clear definition between public, semi – public and private. Existing landscape elements will be maintained to reinforce these aspects and will give the development a sense of place and local identity.

Project Definition

Project 4: Thresholds and Transitions: In between the Private and the Public Realm. Lake Precinct.

Shivani Shrivastava URP2910

Source: Google pro

The Site: Lake edge and Neighborhood

Issues and Concerns 1. 2. 3. 4.

Synergy is Ambiguous between private- semi- private and public spaces. Neighborhood spaces is under used. Absence of public realm. Social capital is more important to neighborhood which was neglected.

Documentation and Issues of Site

Project 4: Thresholds and Transitions: In between the Private and the Public Realm. Lake Precinct.

The quality of life, the livability of a city, is not measured at the skyline, but at ground level- the streets, parks, and plazas that makes up what is known as “Public Spaces�. These spaces, whether publicly or privately owned, are some of the most valuable land resources we have.

Shivani Shrivastava URP2910

Lakota Lake

Existing Site Plan

Proposed Site Plan 5 10

25 Meter

Source: Google earth and site surveys

Site Plan

Project 4: Thresholds and Transitions: In between the Private and the Public Realm. Lake Precinct.

Shivani Shrivastava URP2910

Providing Neighborhood shops Creating Neighborhood communal spaces.

To create sympathetic neighborhood enclosures which provide socialization and recreation so, enhancing the usage of open spaces.

Revitalizing streets, Side walks and Bicycle Tracks.

Creating access to Lake for feeding fishes. Like crabs, humans like to live near water. Water bodies also provide infinite pleasure. And Lake is a natural resource which by the rights is for human being.

Alleys ways play an imp. Role to create focal points. Paving the Alleys.

Sidewalk leading to Public open and green space .

5 10


Project 4: Thresholds and Transitions: In between the Private and the Public Realm. Lake Precinct.

Shivani Shrivastava URP2910

25 Meter


1.Connecting the Sidewalk to the Building Exterior spaces bridge the gap between the building and the surrounding sidewalks. Depending on how this critical transition is treated, the flow from public zone to semi-public zone may seem smooth and seamless or abrupt and intimidating. 2.Providing Focal Points One way of welcoming the public into a building’s exterior spaces is to provide functional focal points such as kiosks, sculpture, or benches, where people can meet before entering or after leaving the building. 3.Image and Identity Exterior public spaces offer a prime opportunity to put forth a strong image and identity for a public building. Through the use of elements such as fountains, gardens, and public art, these spaces can become recognizable destinations and seasonal draws and attractions. 4.Programming and Management A building’s semi-public spaces require more management than other areas. Therefore, they require sophisticated management in order to both successfully program events and maintain security

Objectives, and Principles.

3D View


Human Scale Elements located at the base of the building should be of a scale that is accessible for viewing by pedestrians. Windows and doors should beckon to passersby rather than intimidate them by their size or impenetrability, and decorative features, like lighting, flags, or flower boxes, should be located at eye level. Active Ground Floor Uses Ideally, the base of a building should have destinations and things to do, not just objects to look at. A small information center, bookshop, or café is often a good fit for public buildings because it can usually remain open after the rest of the building closes. Such continuous and interesting ground floor uses are essential to making sure that the building is a connector along the street and not an interrupter. Transparency A transparent building base provides the dual benefit of allowing pedestrians to see the activity occurring inside the building – a signal that encourages foot traffic – while providing more “eyes on the street” where people inside the building can see out onto, and act as a security presence for, the public and semi-public zones outside

Project 4: Thresholds and Transitions: In between the Private and the Public Realm. Lake Precinct.

Shivani Shrivastava URP2910

3D View

Revitalizing Streets:

3D View

“In a Hindu community, the traditional street is a social space and primarily an area of communication and social exchange. It is an extension of the house to be used during different periods of the day and season for various purposes� . During festivals and weddings, neighborhood otlas are richly decorated with rangoli (sand painting) and symbolic decorations, many of which are considered to be auspicious. `

Defining the Transitional layer from Private to Semi-public space: Otla Although an otla generally consists of a platform across the entire front of the house, one finds a multitude of variations within this basic form. The depth of the otla often relates inversely to the size of the house: a smaller house will have space for a deep otla in front, and a larger house will have a narrower otla.8 As the otla generally creates a transition from public space to private space, so it is important to consider it . The otla play an important role in a neighborhood's social activities. As mentioned earlier, otla become highly social spaces at times of water collection. During the day, women chat on the otla while keeping an eye on children playing in the street. At times of festivals or other celebrations, an overhead canopy unifies the street and its otla, turning both into a large outdoor room in which activities take place.

Objectives, and Principles.

Project 4: Thresholds and Transitions: In between the Private and the Public Realm. Lake Precinct.

Shivani Shrivastava URP2910


Section at BB’

Alleyways leading to Open space hence also creating a vista and Lake as a focal point.

Sidewalk leading to Public open and green space . Parking


Source: Google earth and site surveys


Section at AA’

Key Plan: Not to the scale. Meter Meter

Design Details

Project 4: Thresholds and Transitions: In between the Private and the Public Realm. Lake Precinct.

Shivani Shrivastava URP2910


3D View

Alleyways leading to Open space hence also creating a vista and Lake as a focal point.

Sidewalk leading to Public open and green space .


Source: Google earth and site surveys



Lake 3D View

Key Plan: Not to the scale. Meter

Design Details

Project 4: Thresholds and Transitions: In between the Private and the Public Realm. Lake Precinct.

Shivani Shrivastava URP2910


3D View

3D View The otla “acts as a transitional element where socializing and neighborly interaction takes place on [a] day-to-day basis across the street.



Source: Google earth and site surveys

The entrance space as a transitional zone is an important concept. A transitional space, open or semi-enclosed, is an essential component of the dwelling in the Indian context. It should be viewed in its plurality. At one level, it is an architectural solution to the problem of connecting the dwelling to the street. At another level, it is full of social meanings symbolizing welcome, auspiciousness and status. This necessary in-between realm is also an indirect form of passive control that shapes peoples behavior on a day to day basis. Meter

Section at CC’

Design Details

Project 4: Thresholds and Transitions: In between the Private and the Public Realm. Lake Precinct.

Key Plan: Not to the scale.

Shivani Shrivastava URP2910

Section at D D’


Key Plan: Not to the scale.

3D View


3D View

Design Details


Project 4: Thresholds and Transitions: In between the Private and the Public Realm. Lake Precinct.

Meter Source: Google earth and site surveys

Shivani Shrivastava URP2910

Model Views (Site Model)

Project 4: Thresholds and Transitions: In between the Private and the Public Realm. Lake Precinct.

Shivani Shrivastava URP2910

Model Views (Detail model)

Project 4: Thresholds and Transitions: In between the Private and the Public Realm. Lake Precinct.

Shivani Shrivastava URP2910

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