WICE Annual Report 2018

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Annual Report 2018

Annual Report 1. Business

1.1 Vision, Mission, Corporate Value 1.2 Message from Board of Directors & CEO 1.3 Important Financial Information 1.4 Business Profits 1.5 Conclusion of Performance 1.6 Assets used in business operations

2. Management and Corporate Governance

2.1 Securities and shareholders information 2.2 Management Structure 2.3 Corporate Governance 2.4 Report of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee 2.5 Social Responsibility 2.6 Internal Control and Internal Audit 2.7 Risk Management 2.8 Transactions between related Companies

3 Financial status and operating results

3.1 Report of the Board of Directors’ Responsibilities for Financial Report 3.2 Audit Committee Report 3.3 Analysis of operating results and financial position for 2018 3.4 Independent Auditor’s Report 3.5 Statement of financial position

4. Information and other important information

4.1 Reference 4.2 Basic information for Investors


Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

2 4 11 12 18 46 49 51 77 104 105 113 115 117 123 124 127 139 144 194 195

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Vision “To be the Leader in Innovative Logistics Services and Solutions Provider Company for the Technology Industry

Missions “WICE is Specialized in Providing Innovative Logistics Services and Solutions with Intelligence and Trustworthy.”

in Asia Pacific”


Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Corporate Value A





Mutual Support


Service Excellence


Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Message from Board of Directors

Dear Shareholders, General economy of all regions across the globe in 2018 shone brightly merely in the first half year as the second half of 2018, other than economy of the United States of America, many countries encountered economic recession simultaneously until it had become “synchronized slowdown” which constituted pressure to the world economy in general. If we reviewed the export overview of Thailand in 2018, it was found that expansion of export was still high during the first early year before becoming in the second half of the year in accordance with trading circumstances due to high challenged factors such as the aggravation of trade war between the United States of America and China which commenced in July 2018 as the consequence of Trade War affected directly both Thai products in the United States of America’s market and product-in-process in production in of Chinese goods, economic and financial fluctuations in Emerging Markets due to modification of financial policy in many countries and effects of high export base in some

Mr. Ekaphol Pongstaporn Chairman of Board of Directors

product group. However, the growth rate of an overview of Thai export in 2018 was 6.7% which was deemed as expanding in 3 consecutive years and the export value was 2.52 trillion U.S Dollar which was the highest record but it was lower than the expected target of 8%.


Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Although the aforementioned export overview will be

However, the most important mission of the company

supportive factor in growth of logistics business directly and

is encouragement of Thai logistic company to be an

the company is not affected by Trade War between the United

International Logistics Services and Solutions Provider of

States of America and China, the company, therefore,

Asia. In 2019, the company makes alliance in other countries

operates business in accordance with its vision and strategic

in branding WICE to be recognized in international level as

plan by expansion of trade routes, investment, creation of

well as moving forwards in expanding its networks into main

alliance networks in strategic positions of the important

business cities continuously.

transportation in Asia to support goods transportations and

Lastly, on behalf of Board of Directors of WICE Logistics

services as well as creation of the sustainable growth base in

Public Company Limited would like to express gratitude to

the future.

shareholders for your trusts in the company’s performances

During preceding period, WICE has increased competence

and thanking all patrons for regular support, the company

in competitiveness, expansion of alliance networks by

would deeply appreciate to receive your honour and good

integrating and changing the invested companies to be WICE

support continuously.

Logistics (Hong Kong) Ltd., WICE Logistics (Singapore) Ltd.

The company will abide by management under good

and the company has established joint venture called

governance by emphasis on all elements in order to constitute


balance of benefits for all related stakeholders whether

2018 in order to conduct Cross-Border Transport Services to

shareholders, trade partners, allies, society, environment and

increase an important opportunity for WICE in international

employees of the company in concurrence with the growth of

market by providing Cross-Border Transport Services between

the company’s performances.

China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia in Cross Border Model

And I would like to take this opportunity to express

along One Belt One Road initiated by China which is the

thanks to our executives and all employees in participation

prominence and the important driving in international trades of

in working with diligence and responsibility which is the

China in the future as well as being well prepared to support

important part in strengthening the company’s performance

the expansion of E-commerce in part of international services

and rendering the company’s stability and sustainable growth

in the future.

in accordance with the organizational goals.


Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Message from Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Dear Shareholders, WICE Logistics Public Company Limited (WICE) has become a listed company in Stock Exchange of Thailand in July 2015. During the past 4 years, the company had developed significant business and supported potential implementation continuously which reflected determination and intention of management team and all employees. For the last 2018, it was an important period as the company had operated for 25th anniversary which was the good year of the company. Logistic business had higher demand in accordance with the expansion of export rate which was 6.7%, it was rather good expansion despite world economy slowdown and Trade War between the United States of America and China. Therefore, in 2019, it is still good continual year of WICE to formulate strong growth both in Organic Growth and Inorganic Growth as the company is currently available to provide integrated services to customers in expanding

Dr. Araya Kongsunthorn Chief Executive Officer

services in the existed customer group as well as expanding new customer base both domestically and internationally, expansion of import-export services both by Sea Freight, Air Freight, Customs Formality service,


Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

internal and international transportation services, warehouse

I believe that our abilities and missions will be

management service and Cross-Border Transport Services.

challenged throughout this year and I ask all shareholders

Moreover, the company works concurrently with

to encourage management team and working teams of the

strong allies in main ports in Asia such as WICE Logistics

company to overcome problems and obstacles and

(Hong Kong) Ltd., WICE Logistics (Singapore) Ltd. and

leading our business to the sustainable progress and

lately in September 2018, the company has established

growth which is the most important objective of management

joint venture called EUROASIA TOTAL LOGISTICS CO.,

team and all team works of WICE. The company still

LTD. to conduct Cross-Border Transport Services) to

maintain full determination and intention of management

increase an important opportunity for WICE in international

under good governance to constitute profits to shareholders

market by providing Cross-Border Transport Services

in return.

between China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to all

However, the company still determine to create alliance

shareholder, business allies, customers and patrons for

networks continuously to enhance all businesses of the

believing, trusting and supporting the company regularly

company covering main transportation routes of the world

and most importantly, thanking management team, working

to support customer’s requirements in all dimensions by

teams and operating teams of all departments for hard

seeking allies who have the same visions to enhance

work and dedication as well as being well prepared to

business potential for the sustainable growth in the future

adjust and encounter all situations until they have become

as well as supporting WICE to become an International

our organizational culture and strength in participation

Logistics Services and Solutions Provider of Asia in accordance

in leading our organization moving forwards to the strong

with the set goals.

and sustainable goals.


Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Board of Directors

Mr. Ekphol Phongstabhon Chairman of the Board/ Independent Director

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruth Banomyong Chairman of the Audit Committee/ Independent Director

Mr. Wichai Xiao Audit Committee/Independent Director/ Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee/ Audit Committee/Independent Director -8-

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn Chief Executive officer/ Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn Director – Business Development

Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn Chairman of the Risk Management Committee / Managing Director - Support

Ms. Busarin Tuanchaem Risk Management Committee/ Director of Accounting and Finance Information Technology -9-

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited


Ms. Saovadee Asavamana General manager

Mr. Naruechit Ruangchaiprakarn General Manager Air freight business development and operations department

Mr. Chokchai Phuttisan General Manager Warehouse

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Important Financial Information WICE Logistics Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries







Service income






Costs and Expenses






Including Dividends from Subsidiaries (EBITDA)






Profit for The Year






Total Income Statement (Million Baht)

Profit Before Financial Costs, Income Tax, Depreciation and Amortization

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (Million Baht) Asset




695.60 1,067.16 1,103.82 1,419.80 94.82 204.88 204.06 462.61

Total shareholders’ equity






Equity attributable to owners of the company






Shares (Million Baht)






Book value per share (baht)






Profit attributable to equity holders of the company






Dividend per share (baht)
















Return on equity ratio (%)






Return on assets (%)






Cash flow rate (EBITDA) per asset (%)






Debt to equity ratio (times)






Market price per share per earnings per share (times)






Net debt to operating cash flow (EBITDA) (times)






Financial ratio

Dividend payment rate, profit for the year (%) Profit margin for the year on service revenue (%)

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Business Business ProfitsProfits WICE Logistics Public Company LimitedLimited and its subsidiaries WICE Logistics Public Company and its subsidiaries Logistics 20%

Logistics 19%

Sea Freight 33%

Proportion of service revenue in 2018

Proportion of profit for the year 2018

Air Freight 46%

Air Freight 47%

EBITDA Unit : Million Baht

Service Income Unit :Million Baht 1,832.1


1,396.4 681.5





Profit for the year Unit : Million Baht 158.5


1,022.5 670.2

Sea Freight 35%













1,067.2 1,103.8












Earnings per share Baht/Share 0.16 0.12















Debt ratio Net per operating cash flow (times)





















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Dividend payment rate, profit for the year

Dividend payment Baht/Share



Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider


76.56% 77.22%






Annual Report 2018

The Overview of Business Performances

Logistics Service and Solution Provider with expansion of networks and branches covering Asia Pacific Region as well

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited is an integrated

as having business expansion plan to related businesses in

International Logistics Service and Solution Provider which

order to maintain the sustainable growth rate to support the

provides mainly in import and export services both Sea

increased requirements of customers in the future.

Freight and Air Freight, Customs Formality service, internal

2. The company emphasizes on providing service of

and international transportation services, warehouse

Logistics Solutions to meet various requirements of customers

management service and Cross-Border Transport Services

and maintaining the current customer base, supporting

as well as there are leading subsidiary companies in many

expansion of new customer base, supporting Eastern

countries to support customer’s requirement rapidly and

Economic Corridor (EEC) Project and Thailand 4.0 Strategy


Plan of Thai Government which constitute the company growing in sustainability in the future. 3. The company has set service provision plan which

Objectives of the Company WICE Logistics Public Company Limited has set objectives in business performances for the next 3 years as follow:

constitutes good gross profit in order to maintain ability of gaining gross profit in competitive level in the industry and

1. Being a leading company of the integrated International

creating more investment returns for shareholders.

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Background and Important Developments of the Company Background of the Company

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited (“the Company”

November 2013, the Company conducted reorganization of

or “WICE”) is an initial of Worldwide Industrial Commercial

the Company Group by amalgamation between Wice Freight

Enterprise) (the former name is Wice Freight Services

Services (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Prompt Freight and Logistics

(Thailand) Co., Ltd.), commencing international transportation

Co., Ltd. and Wice Logistics Co., Ltd. and established the

service in 1993 by emphasis on Sea Freight service with the

new company which still used the same name as Wice Freight

main shipping route Thailand - the United States of America.

Services (Thailand) Co., Ltd.) with registered capital and

The Company had registered capital totally 1.00 million Baht

paid-up capital totally 15.00 million Baht and the office was

which was a joint venture between Thai investors totally 70%

located at Laem Chabang Port. Moreover, in December 2013,

and Wice Group which was a well-known foreign corporation

the Company increased registered capital and paid-up capital

in Freight Business located in Singapore and Hong Kong

to 180.00 million Baht and holding shares of Sun Express

Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of

(Thailand) Co., Ltd. totally 99.99% and conducted registration

China, totally 30%, later the Company expanded services

and transformation into Public Company Limited and

covering Customs Formality Service.

changing the name to be WICE Logistics Public Company

In 2002 and 2004, Group of Mrs. Araya Konsunthorn

Limited with registered capital totally 300,000,000 Baht

which is a major shareholder of the Company, purchased the

(paid-up capital totally 225 million Baht). Later the Company

Company’s shares from Hong Kong Partner Group and

purchased 700 Ordinary Shares of Sun Express Logistics Pte.

Singapore Partner Group respectively which constituted the

Ltd. (SEL) in Singapore by using Share Swap and cash

Company having 100% of Thai shareholders. In order to

payment as well as increase capital by offering shares in term

increase efficiency of management and administration, in

of Private Placement (PP) totally 51,899,500 shares with

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Par Value 0.50 Baht per share which rendered the registered

with various cargo flight to meet customer’s requirements

capital of the Company to 325,949,750 Baht (paid-up capital

throughout 24 hours. The office and warehouse are located in

totally 325,949,750.00 Baht)

Changi Free Zone Airport and being entitled to use ULD-Unit Load Device which is very convenient and rapid in loading cargos. (www.sunexp.com.sg)

Information of Subsidiary Companies

• Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (“SUN”) was

• WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) (formerly called

established on 21 October, 2002 with registered capital

Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited (“UWT”) was

totally 3.00 million Baht by joint venture between Thai investor

established in 1992, providing Air Freight and Sea Freight

group totally 60% and Singaporean and Hong Kong investor

services under supervision of Master Air Waybills and Ocean

group totally 40% to conduct international transportation

Bill of Ladings covering Europe, East Asia including China

services including Customs Formality service which emphasized

from Hong Kong, its sub branches were located at

on Air Freight service. Its branch is located at Suvarnabhumi

Guangzhou and Shanghai. On 4 January, 2018, WICE

Airport. The Company is currently the major shareholder

Logistics Public Company Limited purchased was entered

99.99% of paid-up capital, SUN currently has registered and

into Ordinary Shares Purchase Contract with Universal

paid-up capital totally 54.00 million Baht.

Worldwide Transportation Limited (“UWT”) totally 80,000

• WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (formerly

shares with Par Value 10 Hong Kong Dollars per share which

called Sun Express Logistics Pte. Ltd. (“SEL”) was established

was calculated as 80% of all Ordinary Shares. The investment

on 5 January, 2002 which located in Singapore, Group of

value in purchasing Ordinary Shares was approximately

Mr. Lim Meng Pui was the major shareholder which consisted

3,379,677 U.S Dollars or equivalent to 115,030,686.372 Baht

of Mr. Lim Meng Pui, Mr. Lian Hok Lung and Miss Zu Yi Nodge


totally 700,000 shares with Par Value 1 Singaporean Dollar


per share which was deemed as 100% of Ordinary Share.

Venture), on 14 September, 2016, WICE invested in

On 15 August, 2016, WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

establishment new joint venture in order to conduct Cross

purchased Ordinary Share of Sun Express Logistics Pte. Ltd.

- Border Transport Services between China, Hong Kong and

(“SEL”) totally 70% of all Ordinary Shares and being directors

Southeast Asia with Mr. Lee Yik Chieh (Malaysian) and Miss

of the company while former executives of SEL still being

Kritchawan Suecharoenchai as WICE invested in proportion

executives of SEL for 4 years after the agreed date.

of 40% and being responsible for financial control.

WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. is a leading company providing an integrated international transportation services

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Important Development of WICE

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Shareholding Structure of the Group As at December 31, 2018, the Company has a shareholding structure in subsidiaries as follows:

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited 99.9%




Sun Express (Thailand) Company Limited

WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) Ltd.

Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd. (Joint Venture)

Guangzhou WICE Logistics Ltd.


Guangzhou WICE Logistics Ltd. (Shanghai Branch)



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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

1.5 Conclusion of Performance Income Structure Income Structure divided by type of service The Company and subsidiary companies gain income from conducting main businesses as follow:

TYPE OF INCOME 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Million % Million % Million % Million % Million % Baht Baht Baht Baht Baht INCOME OBTAINS FROM SERVICES 1. SEA FREIGHT 377.29 55.75 396.17 57.46 503.93 48.66 635.03 45.28 610.64 33.00% 2. AIR FREIGHT 170.57 25.20 152.37 22.10 293.76 28.37 465.59 33.20 854.74 46.20% 3. WAREHOUSE, CUSTOMS 122.34 18.08 132.99 19.29 224.79 21.70 295.75 21.09 366.73 19.82% AND TRANSPORT TOTAL INCOME OBTAINS 670.20 99.03 681.53 98.85 1,022.48 98.73 1,396.37 99.57 1,832.11 99.02% FROM SERVICES OTHER INCOME** 6.57 0.97 7.94 1.15 13.15 1.27 5.96 0.43 18.00 0.98% GRAND TOTAL INCOME 676.77 100.00 689.47 100.00 1,035.63 100.00 1,402.33 100.00 1,850.12 100% Remark: ** Other income such as profit of exchange rate, interest receivable, profit-loss on disposal of investment etc

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Detail of Product and Services

etc. The Company and subsidiary companies are Freight

Type of Service Provision

Forwarders with Non-Vessel Operation Common Carrier or

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited and subsidiary

N.V.O.C.C and the Company and subsidiary companies will

companies are integrated International Logistics Services

provide vessel or air plane from transportation operators

and Solutions Provider both import and export by Sea

which mean shipping lines and airlines which are appropriate

Freight (both full container load and less container load)

for providing services to customers as well as coordination

and Air Freight, Customs Formality service and domestic

with Oversea Agent who is deemed as Business Partner of

transportation to support various requirements of customers

the Company in other countries in transporting goods to

including Door to Door Transportation which means providing

recipient safely within the defined period of time. International

transportation service from the factory of source customer

transportation services of the Company and subsidiary

until the factory of destination customer as Exporter is

companies can be divided as follow:

International Logistics Flow Chart

responsible for all transportation costs and Ex-work

1. Sea Freight: The Company is Freight Forwarder

Transportation which means transportation service that

which emphasizes on Sea Freight Service as the Company

Importer is responsible for transportation costs from

will provide vessel and container from the leading, renowned

Exporter’s factory until the destination recipient.

and reliable shipping line. The Company will consider in making

The Company and subsidiary companies are Freight

contract with the shipping liner and negotiation and reservation

Forwarders both import and export by Sea Freight and Air

of vessel which is appropriate for the requirement of each

Freight covering more than 100 countries by highly skilled

customer as the Company has expanded networks by

and experienced team work in logistic system who is well

participation in associate members such as CGLN under

prepared to be consultant and providing suggestions in

WCA Family Network rendering the Company can currently

international transportation management as well as planning

provide Sea Freight service covering main ports in important

and design transportation route being consistent to

trade zones in many countries and the major market is still

customer’s requirement to constitute the most efficiency

the United States of America market as the Company has

by considering time period of transportation, cost of

highly experienced and skilled in shipping route Thailand

transportation, type/character of transported goods,

– the United States of America initially and followed by

convenience of customer in transportation management

these major markets; China, Japan and the Philippines.

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Quantity of Sea Freight of the Company and Subsidiary Companies in 2013 – 2018 Unit: TUE*

Type of Services

Quantity of Containers per year

2013 2014 2015 22016 2017 2018




3,235 3,529 5,917 6,150 8,527 8,777



6,315 11,645 15,268 18,870 18,590

9,844 17,562 21,418 27,397 27,367

Remark: *Twenty Foot Equipment Unit

Great number of goods can be loaded in each Sea

goods are loaded until container is full, the container is not

Freight and transportation cost is cheaper than Air Freight

opened until it is arrived at its destination. The Company will

which is appropriate mainly for non-urgent goods such as

implement from contact with shipping line, negotiation of

electronic products (finished goods), automotive parts, steel

freight charge, reservation of vessel, providing appropriate

structure and construction materials and canned food etc.

container for goods, design shipping routes, goods delivery

In Sea Freight, goods will be loaded in container which is

for loading as well as following up goods status until arrival

convenient and rapid for removal, container is divided into 2

at Port of Discharges, preparation of Customs Formalities

main sizes such as 20-foot container which is appropriate

and coordination with foreign agent in delivering goods to

for heavy goods with less quantity and 40-foot container

recipient. Most customers in this type are importers-exporters.

which is appropriate for light goods in much quantity.

Less than Container Load (LCL) means goods

Moreover, there many forms of container as follow: Dry

that loaded in the container belong to more than one

container, temperature-controlled container (Reefer) and

customer and area of the same container is divided for

Open Top container etc. to respond customer’s demand

co-using of each customer who has insufficient quantity

and being appropriate for type of transported goods.

of goods to rent container to load its goods specifically. The Company will be responsible for collecting goods from

Sea Freight is divided into 2 types as follow: Full Container Load (FCL) means goods that

each customer to be loaded in the container by calculating

loaded in full container belong to merely one customer, the

area for goods arrangement and preparing Control Plan

container is not used concurrently by other customers. It is

and sending to goods loader at the port in Container Freight

appropriate for transporting great number of goods. After


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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

2. Air Freight: The Company and subsidiary companies

Management of international Air Freight emphasizes on

are Freight Forwarder which emphasizes on Air Freight

rapidity and product skills particularly goods in Electronics

Service as Air Freight is highly potential transportation which

Group as subsidiary companies can provide urgent delivery

is appropriate for the international transportation that

service within 24 hours from Singapore to Thailand in form

requires rapidity within limited period of time, it is highly

of Door-to-Door which is deemed as value added service.

flexible transportation responding changing and time with

Moreover, subsidiary companies still provide supplement

higher cost Sea Freight. Most goods transported by Air

service for customer in case of emergent transportation

Freight are less quantity or high value products which

such as Hand Carrier within 24 hours from Chiangmai -

require special carefulness. Subsidiary companies will

Bangkok - Shanghai etc. Apart from the aforementioned

contact and making reservation of the airline in accordance

transportation, subsidiary companies still provide consultation

with flight schedules and requirements as defined by

service in management of logistic system by seeking logistic

customer by considering rapidity, punctuality and customer

system managing method concurrently with customer in

saving cost. The Customer can provide Air Freight covering

order to save transportation cost for customer in term of

important trade zones in many countries where main

Combined Cargo from many suppliers of each customer for

markets are in Asia regions such as Singapore, Hong Kong

simultaneous transportation to save transportation cost for

and China and most goods are electronic parts.

such customer.

Quantity of Air Freight in 2013 - 2018 Unit: ton

Type of Services

Quantity of Transportation per year

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


1,583 1,664 1,182 1,185 2,634 9,016


4,474 3,448 3,049 3,530 4,290 8,597


6,057 5,112 4,231 4,715 6,924 17,613

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

3. Customs Broker and Transport: The Company has

in 2016 according to the action plan and privileges of

policy in providing Customs Formality service concurrently

Customs Broker in AEO Standard are available as follow:

with domestic transportation.

exception from good inspection, exception from sampling of exported goods, guarantee of Customs Broker in AEO

Standard can be used as to substitute payment or guarantee

Customs Broker

International import or export requires Customs

of transporter etc. which constituted rapidity of Customs

Formalities before loading goods up/into ship/airplane and

Formalities and goods discharge and creating reliability

subsidiary companies provide Customs Formality services

to the Company and subsidiary companies.

and Customs Broker service in goods discharge including preparation of related documents and suggestions of tax


benefits of import-export for customer. The aforementioned

The Company provides domestic transportation to

services require expert in Customs Formalities who has

support international transportation business for facilitation

good knowledge in rules and regulations of import-export,

of customers, the Company provides domestic transport by

any company which provides Customs Formalities, must

using Dump Truck, 6-wheel truck and 4-wheel truck etc.

have at least one expert in Customs Formalities working

Transportation service is provided from port/airport to

permanently in the office and successfully passing

the destination defined by customer such as customer’s

examination at Customs Department. The Company and

factory or warehouse or loading goods from the factory or

subsidiary companies currently have 7 experts in Customs

warehouse to port/airport.

Formalities and Senior Consultant who is former Director of

As customers who use the aforementioned service must

Customs Formalities (who is currently retired).

be customers who use international transportation services

Quantity of Customs Formalities in 2013 - 2018


Quantity of Customs Formalities per year






Quantity of Shipment






Quantity of containers






Customs Broker is divided into 2 types which is

of the Company and subsidiary companies because the

Custom Brokers in general standard and Authorized

Company and subsidiary companies consider that the

Economic Operator (AEO), the Company has Customs

foregoing service will increase facilitation for customers in

Broker in AEO Standard which is recognized in international

removing goods from port/airport to the destination. The

level. Elevation of AEO Standard requires qualifications

Company and subsidiary companies are responsible for

which are accepted by criteria defined by Customs

providing appropriate transporting vehicles to provide

Department and the status will be reviewed in every 3 years.

transportation service to customers, the Company currently

The Customer elevated Customs Broker in AEO Standard

has transport service unit at Laem Chabang and subsidiary

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Number of Trucks in 2014-2018 Unit: truck


Number of Trucks

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Dump Truck 17 27 27 27 31 Trailer Truck 23 37 37 37 45 6-wheel Truck

4 4 4 4 2

4-wheel Truck

6 6 6 6 4

Total Number

50 74 74 74 82

Quantity of Domestic Transportation in 2014-2018 Unit: container


Quantity of Transport per year

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Number of containers






company has its branch at Suvarnabhumi Airport. The

safety without any damage of customer’s assets. All trucks

Company has transportation trucks in conclusion as follow:

of the Companies and subsidiary companies are in standard


as defined by laws, truck inspection must be made before

Safety Standard of Truck Transportation

using and preparedness of driver must be inspected before

The Company and subsidiary companies emphasize on

driving. The Company is certified Service Quality Standard

safety standard in transport provision as the first priority

for Truck Operation (Q MARK) from Department of Land

concurrently with punctuality as the Company and

Transport, Ministry of Transport as well as GPS system is

subsidiary companies are well aware of using high

used in implementation and efficient management of

performance trucks as well as selection qualified personnel

vehicles. GPS is equipped to truck body for tracing its

as an important part in implementation in accordance with

location during working in recording and speed control for

the set target and delivery to the defined destination in

appropriate driving etc.

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

4. Warehouse Service: in order to expanding as an

customer such as being warehouse located in the area

integrated logistic service, the Company has expanded

defined by customer which may be close to customer’s

warehouse service to cover customer’s requirements as the

factory or close to its customers or designed to respond

Company currently provides warehouse service in 3 forms

other requirements of customer depending on conditions

as follow:

and agreements between and the customer.

4.1 Multiusers Warehouse is used to store goods in

4.3 Onsite Warehouse Management as the Company

term of raw materials or finished goods for storage and

provides warehouse management on customer’s site by

delivery to manufacturing factory, delivery goods to client of

designing procedural steps in warehouse, personnel

customer or used to store finished goods of customer

planning in warehouse, recruitment of operating personnel

waiting for delivery to internal customer or for export.

and working control in customer’s warehouse according

4.2 Dedicated Warehouse is designed for specific

customer in order to respond the requirement of such

to Key Performance Indicators (KPI) agreed mutually with customer.

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

5. Cross Border Service (CBS)

Laos. In current, there is an additional transportation

As Thailand has connected borders with neighboring

development to the countries where their borders are

countries such as Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar

connected each other such as cross border transportation

where there is border trades and delivery normally. Later

to China via Vietnam and Laos. The Company can currently

there is an increase of transportation development to the

provide transport service from Singapore to China by

countries where their borders are connected each other

receiving goods from Singapore and transporting via

such as there is cross border transportation to Singapore

Malaysia, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam before entering to

via Malaysia, cross border transportation to Vietnam via


Regular Transportation Routes of the Company in current

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

The Company emphasizes transport service in this route

Moreover, this route is the main route connected

because it is the region where main markets of customers

transportation between Group of ASEAN Countries – China

are located as well as there were some problems in Sea

and transportation in this route can connect directly to

Freight within the preceding period whether weather

China Railways Express to other countries in Europe under

conditions or density of container quantity constituted

One Belt, One Road (OBOR) of China.

delay intransportation, therefore, Cross Border Service (CBS) is another option of the Company’s customers.

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Cross Border Service in form of FTL, Thailand-China Route The Company currently emphasizes on Cross Border

Cross Border Service (CBS) in form of Full Truck Load

Service (CBS) both in form of Full Truck Load (FTL) and Less

(FTL) of the Company is different from other service providers

than Truck Load (LTL) via two main routes:

in the market as follow:

1. Thailand - China 2. Thailand - Myanmar

1. Cargo container which goods are loaded into by

goods delivering customer at the source factory

is the same container which goods receiving

customer at the destination.

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Cross Border Service in form of FTL, Thailand - Myanmar Markets and Competition

2. The Company uses Lift on, Lift off (LoLo)

Charges in each border in lifting container from

Marketing Strategies

one truck to another truck without Transload or

Unload goods from one container loading into

companies have high experiences, knowledge and skills in

another container at the border to prevent goods

international transportation business both by Sea Freight

from damage.

and Air Freight including domestic transport service by

3. Air Suspension system is installed in the

As executives of the Company and subsidiaries

dump truck-trailer truck, therefore, the Company can be

Company’s trucks in order to reduce vibration

developed and recognized widely and being one of Freight

throughout transportation route, the system can

Forwarder with quality in standard, integrated services both

reduce damage of product.

diversity of types of service and covering transportation

4. The Company emphasizes on goods safety by

routes in many countries as well as management system of

using Smart Log system which containers of

Freight Forwarder is certified by ISO9001: 2015 Standard

the Company cannot be opened from exterior

from TUV NORD and the Company has policy in maintain

by any other person.

good relationship with customers and business allies

5. The Company uses system in inspection and

regularly and the Company has competitive strategies in

management transportation routes of truck by

maintain the existed customer base and increasing market

Command Center throughout 24 hours.

share of the Company as follow:

It can be seen that Cross-Border Service (CBS) of the

Company is another service which customers are satisfied with it.

(1) Providing various Forms of Service

The Company and subsidiary companies provides various forms of service by provision of international trans-

- 28 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

portation both import and export markets by Sea Freight

charges, coordinating with Oversea Agent, preparing all

(Full Container Load and Less than Container Load) and Air

transportation documents correctly and rapidly as well as

Freight to support various requirements of customer which

providing consultation and solving problems for customer

is providing service covering reservation of ship within the

that is why the Company has been trusted by both internal

best cost, providing Customs Formalities both at port of

customers and international customers continuously. In

shipment and port of discharges, providing warehouse and

order to control quality of service provided for customers,

distribution services, preparing all transportation documents,

correction of document in significance and to render

providing transport truck for receiving-delivery of goods,

efficiency of service provision process, the Company has

other services such as preparing packaging (in case of

developed IT system which can increase potential and

requested by customer), providing goods insurance etc.,

reducing repetition of work by receiving Certificate on

providing consultation of import-export, supervising and

Elevation of Business Management Quality under Logistics

following goods status until arriving at port of discharges as

Quality Standard issued by Department of Business

well as coordination with Oversea Agent in arranging and

Development, Ministry of Commerce in 2013 and Certificate

delivery goods to recipient in safety within the defined

of Logistics Quality Standard Assessment in “Good Level”

period. In provision of the foregoing integrated services is

issued by Department of Business Development, Ministry of

value added service and providing facilitation for customer,

Commerce in 2012. Moreover, the Company has received

reducing cost and steps of communications of many related

National SMEs Excellence Award in Logistics Group from

organizations as the Company emphasizes on Door to Door

Office of Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion (OSMEP)

service which is providing transportation service from

in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

customer’s source factory until delivery to customer’s factory at the destination and Ex-work service is transportation

(3) Expansion of Branches in Overseas

service which importer is responsible for transportation

Businesses of the Company cover service provision

cost from the factory of exporter until delivery to recipient at

both internally and internationally, therefore, foreign branches

the destination.

constitute the Company’s competence in competition and providing services to customer rapidly particularly in ASEAN

(2) Provision of Quality Service

countries which are potential markets and growing continuously.

The Company and subsidiary companies emphasize

on quality of services presenting to customer responding

to customer’s requirements with rapidity, correction and

The Company has geographical proficiency and

reliability by studying customer’s requirements, preparing

expertise in Sea Freight in Thailand - the United States of

the appropriate transportation form and route by presenting

America shipping route for more than 20 years which can

at least 3 forms of transportation for customer’s option.

receive and deliver goods to every states of U.S.A. both in

After customer has decided to choose, the Company will

form of Door to Door, Full Container Load (FCL) and Less

contact shipping line/airline for reservation/negotiation freight

than Container Load (LCL). The U.S Government imposes

- 29 -

(4) Geographical Proficiency

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Logistic Business Control Law and Parole Bond totally

the Company has prepared Annual Training Plan as each

150,000 U.S. Dollar must be paid to FMC Regulation

employee must attend at least 5 training courses or 48 hours

(Federal Maritime Commission) to protect consumer who is

per year in order to provide knowledge, ability and working

affected by damage due to transportation which is different

skills for employees as well as evaluation working

from other markets where the similar law is not imposed.

performances for determination and consideration of the

The Company has already paid Parole Bond to FMC, it is

appropriate remuneration to formulate morale and

deemed as an advantage of the Company because

encouragement in working and the average working year of

competitors are reduced. Moreover, using shipping liner in

employees of the Company and subsidiary companies is 5

Thailand-U.S.A. shipping route, either exporter or goods

years. Moreover, international transportation and management

delivery company, Services Contract must be entered into

service requires better knowledge and understanding in

with the shipping liner prior using services. The Company

rules and regulations of import/export, therefore, the Company

currently make Services Contract with shipping lines in

and subsidiary companies prepare qualified personnel to

Thailand-U.S.A. shipping route totally 7 companies as well

provide services to customers. Employees who receive

as having agent in U.S.A. being responsible for coordination

License of Customs Specialist working permanently with the

and providing Custom Formality service when goods are

Company and subsidiary companies totally 6 persons in

arrived at the port as well as delivery goods to recipient at

providing suggestions to employees in other departments.

the destination, the foregoing Oversea Agent has been working with the Company for more than 20 years, moreover, our

subsidiary companies have high experiences and skills in Air

Business of the Company grows mainly due Sea

Freight in Southeast Asia region and China.

(6) Formulation of Business Alliance

Freight management service by having considerable expertise in Thailand-U.S. A route for more than 20 years which

constituted good relationships with shipping liners in the

(5) Preparedness of Qualified Personnel

As transportation management business is one of

foregoing route. Later the Company expands its service in

service business, therefore, personnel is deemed as an

other routes and relations among other shipping liners

important factor and highly experienced and skilled personnel

increases. In current, the Company can provide shipping

are required in working correctly, precisely and being flexible

from shipping liners more than 15 companies. While

in providing services and being service minded which

business of subsidiary companies grows mainly due to Air

constitute confidence and satisfaction of service provision

Freight which constituted good relationships with airlines

among customers. The Company has prepared personnel

more than 10 companies. Moreover, Oversea Agent who is

and knowledge and skills development plan to be consistent

deemed as an important business ally or business partner,

to expansion of business by emphasis on recruitment of

acting as an agent of the Company and subsidiary companies

personnel who have qualifications corresponding to the

in coordination in providing international transportation service

Company’s requirements as well focusing on personnel

in the country where each Oversea Agent being responsible.

development by organizing employee trainings continuously,

In current, the Company has Oversea Agent covering more

- 30 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

than 100 countries across the globe, moreover, the

consisted of maintaining quality of service, facilitation in

Company and subsidiary companies participate in Associate

communications, on-time delivery and the Company will

Member both internally and internationally such as TIFFA,

prepare Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire in order improve

TAFA, CGLN under WCA Family Network.

better quality of services.  

(7) Ability in Cost Administration

As the Company and subsidiary companies are

(9) Expansion of Service Provision

The Company has prepared service increase plan in

entrepreneur in conducting international transportation and

term of service enhancement in any specific service such as

management service for long period of time and our

provision of import-export service or providing Sea Freight

businesses grow continuously with regular transportation

service concurrently with Air Freight service including

quantity. The Company and subsidiary companies prepare

Customs Broker and transportation service or expansion of

planning and reservation of shipping/airline in great quantity

Port area. Moreover, there is an expansion of related

which results the Company and subsidiary companies can

business such as warehouse service as the Company

negotiate price with shipping liners/airliners in order to

considers that this is business opportunity and adding value

administer cost of freight charges which is the main

of service as well as expanding its branches in overseas

cost, the aforementioned cost administration increases

when there is an appropriate business opportu nity including

competitiveness of the Company and subsidiary companies

expanding customer base to new markets to support

in presenting an appropriate quotation to customer which

requirements of customers in each different industry by

can reduce cost of transportation for customer likewise.

preparing website of the Company and subsidiary companies at www.wice.co.th to publicize services of the Company

and subsidiary companies for general public and customer

(8) Maintaining Existed Customer Base

Existed customers are customer base which creates

to access conveniently.

main income of the Company; therefore, the Company and subsidiary companies emphasize on maintaining the

Customer Target Group

foregoing customer base as much as possible by focusing

Customer target group of the Company and subsidiary

on creation of good relations between the Company and the

companies is medium size and large size entrepreneurs by

aforementioned customer base. Employees of the Company

consideration of quantity of service usage and registered

make contact with the existed customers regularly both by

capital as well as ability of gaining profit. Customers of the

personal visit or by telephone contact enquiring about using

Company and subsidiary companies are dispersed in other

and presenting services to keep abreast of the requirement

industries and the main goods which the Company and

as most of customers are importers-exporters who require

subsidiary companies have provided international

using regular service and trying to make group of existed

transportation such as electronic products, automotive part

customers to increase quantity of service usage compre-

products which are divided into type of service usage of

hensively. Strategy in maintaining this customer base is

customers as follow:

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Type of Services

Type of main Products

Main import-export countries

Sea Freight Service

Electric appliances and office equipment

/computer, automotive parts, canned

food, steel and construction materials

Air Freight Service

Electronic parts, automotive parts

U.S.A, Japan, China, and ASEAN Countries

China, Hon Kong, Singapore

Moreover, the Company and subsidiary companies can

for using Full Container Load, therefore, it is necessary to

provide international transportation and management

use both Full Container Load and Less than Container Load

service for customers in other industries such as chemical

services of the Company. This customer group is deemed

industry, garment industry and plastic industry etc. The main

as business ally of the Company which is calculated as 13%

customers of the Company and subsidiary companies are

of service income in 2018.

divided as follow:

The Company and subsidiary companies are transport

(1) Importer & Exporter is the main customer of the

service provider by dump truck and trailer truck as the

Company and subsidiary companies which is calculated as

aforementioned service will support merely the international

87% of service income in 2018.

transportation and management service. Therefore, customers

(2) International Co-Loader is customer who conduct

of the Company and subsidiary companies must be continual

the same business as the Company, it means providing Sea

customers in using international transportation and

Freight service without making Service Contract with ship

management service of the Company or subsidiary companies

liner or being company which goods quantity is insufficient

and the Company and subsidiary companies will provide an

Customer Group 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Million % Million % Million % Million % Million % Baht Baht Baht Baht Baht Customer uses integrated

481.30 71.81 503.93 73.94

814.08 79.62 1,097.12 78.57 1,514.38 77.28

services* Customer Group uses other services** 1. Customer uses merely

146.62 21.88 153.60 22.53

154.55 15.12

209.40 14.97

53.85 5.26

89.85 6.46

288.85 14.74

Freight service 2. Customer uses Warehouse,



24.00 3.53



100 1,959.6


Custom & Transport services Total Service Income


100 681.53



100 1,396.37


*Customer uses integrated services means customer who uses Freight service and other services such as Door-To-Door/

Door-To-Port/Port-To-Door Services)

**Customer uses other services mean customer who uses any specific service such as Freight, Warehouse, Custom &

Transport Services

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

appropriate truck to receive goods from the customer’s

goods etc. The Company and subsidiary companies will

factory and transporting to the port for export or receiving

calculate service charges according to type/character of

goods form the port to deliver to the customer’s factory in

service provision as follow:

case of import etc. which is value added of service and

Pricing Policy is as follow:

providing facilitation of customer in integration. The Company

1. Pricing is defined by customer’s budget by

has proportion of income from the integrated service as follow:

presenting services which are consistent

Customers of the Company and subsidiary companies

to customer’s requirement under budget

are dispersed in other industries without depending on any

defined by customer.

specific customer as the first 10 ranks of customer in 2018

have the approximate proportion of income 41% of total

appropriate Gross Profit Margin in compliance

service income and there is not any customer has proportion

with supply and demand in the market by

of income more than 10% of total service income.

pricing must be competitive in the market.

2. Pricing is defined by cost price plus the

3. Pricing in comparison with competitors by

Pricing Policy

presenting superior services by consideration

The company and subsidiary companies have pricing

of the actual cost and business opportunity

policy which is appropriate for customer by consideration of

to obtain new customer base as factor in

form of service provision and conditions. The process of

making decision.

Type of Service Provision


Calculation of Service Charges

FCL: calculating according to number and size of containers and transportation route LCL: calculating according to capacity (cubic meter) or by weight (ton) depending on which number is higher Calculating by weight (kilogram) or by capacity (cubic meter) depending on which number is higher Calculating according to number of Bill of Lading, number of containers and type of goods


Calculating according to type of truck and distance


Calculating according to usage space, handling cost and period of time

providing both internal and international transportation

As the Company will consider pricing from competition

services will be adjusted consistently to the requirement of

of the market at the moment and requirement of each

each customer. Main factors used in consideration of service

customer simultaneously.

charges will be form of transportation, transportation route, transportation period of time, goods quantity and types of

- 33 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Distribution and Distribution Channels

the Company to take care customers of such Oversea

Distribution channels of the Company and subsidiary

Agent in providing transportation in Thailand likewise.

companies are divided into 2 channels as follow:

As the Company has participated as Associate

1. Direct Contact with Customers: it is the direct

Members both internally and internationally such as TIFFA,

contact with customers via Sales Team of the

TAFA, CGLN under WCA Family Network which is deemed

Company and subsidiary companies or contact

as another publicizing channel for the Company being

via website of the Company and subsidiary

recognized by trade partners and customers.

companies at www.wice.co.th. Service provision

by making direct contact with customers is an

Industrial Conditions and Competition

Industrial Conditions

average proportion of 80% of service income as

Sales Team of the Company is responsible for

“Logistics Management means other working processes

contact and visiting customers to present service

which are related to planning, implementation and working

which is appropriate for customer after the Company

control of the organization including management of

has received an opportunity to provide service,

information and related financial transactions in removal,

the customer always uses our services continuously.

storage, collection, distribution of goods, raw materials,

The main responsibilities of Sales Team of the

component parts and service to reach the most efficiency

and effectiveness by consideration of requirements and

Company are as follow:

Taking care of Active Clients, responding

satisfaction of customer in significance” (Resource:

customer’s requirements including creation

goods relations with customers and trying

Logistics of Thailand Report in 2015 indicated that cost

to present services to customers for more

of logistics in Thailand in 2017 was totally 1.91 trillion Baht

usage in order to increase market share in

increased 1.9% from 2014 or it was calculated as 14.00%

existed customer base.

of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which was reduced from

Emphasis on expansion of new customer

definition of Council of Logistics Management)

14.20% from 2014. Cost structure of logistics is consisted

base in the defined target market to support

of cost of goods transportation, cost of inventory storage,

requirements of customers in each different

and logistic administration cost and cost of goods


transportation is the main element of the total cost of Thai

logistics which is approximately 53.50% of the total logistic

2. Contact with Customers via Oversea Agent: it is

cost, followed by cost of inventory storage and administration

an average proportion 20% of service income as Oversea

cost is 37.40% and 9.10% of the total logistic cost respectively

Agent is responsible for coordination in providing transportation

and 3 elements are calculated as 7.5%, 5.2% and 1.3% of

service in the country where each Oversea Agent being

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) respectively (Information

responsible on behalf of the Company and subsidiary

source: Information Technology and Communications

companies. Oversea Agent is deemed as business partner

Center, Office of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport).

as Oversea Agent will provide suggestions and authorized

Thailand has Import and Export Values as indicated in the

- 34 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

(Unit: trillion Baht)


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Trade Value

11.97 13.69 14.89 14.57 14.72 14.13 14.45 15.64 16.19

Export Value

6.11 6.71 7.08 6.91 7.31 7.23 7.53 8.01 8.09

Import Value 5.86 6.98 7.81 7.66 7.41 6.90 6.90 7.63 8.10

Resource: Information Technology and Communications Center, Office of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce by the cooperation of Customs Department following Table:

concluded as follow:

As Thailand is an Open Economy country which means

Due to information in the foregoing Table, it indicates that

being the country making contact in trading goods and

in 2018, Thailand has the most export value to China to

services with neighboring countries. Therefore, international

replace U.S.A which used to be 1 Rank in 2015 and 2016,

trading plays a leading role in development and driving the

followed by Japan and Vietnam respectively.

expansion of national economy and the 5 top ranks of

Structure of export goods of Thailand is consisted of

export market of Thailand with the most export value is

industrial goods, agricultural goods, agro-industry goods

Unit: trillion Baht



1 China 2 U.S. A 3 Japan 4 Vietnam 5 Hong Kong

Export Value 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 0.82 0.86 0.80 0.83 0.96 0.97 0.69 0.77 0.81 0.86 0.90 0.89 0.67 0.70 0.68 0.72 0.75 0.79 0.22 0.25 0.30 0.33 0.39 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.42 0.40

Resource: Information Technology and Communications Center, Office of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce by the cooperation of Customs Department.

- 35 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

and mining products and fuel. In 2018, the top 5 ranks of

most export value are as follow: 1) Crude oil 2) machinery

export goods with the most export value are as follow:

and equipment 3) Electric machine 4) Chemical supplies 5)

1) Automobile, equipment and components 2) Computer,

Jewelry, gem stones, silver bars and gold.

equipment and components 3) Jewelry and accessories 4)

Logistics Business Trends

Rubber products 5) Polyethylene Resin.

In 2018, it is expected that Logistics business in

The top 5 ranks of main import markets of Thailand are

Thailand grows continuously as there is slight expansion of

consisted of China, Japan, U.S.A, Malaysia and Taiwan with

economic condition due to investment of government

Unit: trillion Baht



1 China 2 Japan 3 U.S.A 4 Malaysia 5 United Arab Emirates

Import Value 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1.16 1.25 1.40 1.49 1.51 1.62 1.26 1.16 1.06 1.09 1.10 1.14 0.45 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.51 0.49 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.39 0.40 0.43 - - 0.21 0.25 0.25 0.34

Resource: Information Technology and Communications Center, Office of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce by the cooperation of Customs Department. the following import values as follow:

sector and export trends to grow continuously.

Structure of import goods of Thailand is consisted of raw

Investment of government sector in 2018 trends to

material and semi-finished goods, capital goods, fuel,

increase continuously and the disbursement of budget

consumer goods and automobile and transportation equip-

which government sector hastens to approve in the second

ment. In 2018, the top 5 ranks of import goods with the

half of 2017 as well as export sector of Thailand will

By estimation of value as follow:

Logistics Business

Road Transportation Business Warehouse Business Freight Forwarder Business Parcel Post and Delivery Service

2017 Value Expansion rate (million Baht) (%) 137,700.00 71,700.00 57,700.00 28,100.00

6.20 6.20 1.60 8.70

2018 Value Expansion rate (million Baht) (%)

145,100 - 147,300 75,500 - 76,700 58,000 - 58900 30,800 - 31,300

Remark: Value of logistics business is calculated under concept of national income of Thailand Resource: Kasikornbank Research Center - 36 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

5.30 - 7.00 5.30 - 7.00 0.50 - 2.10 9.60 - 11.30

Annual Report 2018

increase next year, although it is slowdown in increase, its

Forwarder profession in the following principles:

role can support economy to grow continuously which constitutes Thai logistics sector grows in the same

1. Implementing in professional level to protect

direction accordingly.

benefits of service users.

2. Competition is made based on justice and

Logistics business in 2016 appears to grow considerably

among intense competition of entrepreneurs.

Trends in using technology to assist in logistic services

3. Non-disclosure trade secret of oneself, competitor’s

seems to increase to respond requirement of cost of

respecting rights and benefits of others.

or service user’s.

4. Compliance with laws, regulations of national

logistics efficiently and being consistent to trends of change

association and other countries’ which makes

into digital economy. Therefore, competition of logistic

contact with.

service provider will be very intense next year.

5. Respecting international principles in conducting

Organizations related to Freight Forwarder

Freight Forwarder Business.

Moreover, the Company is legally liable for consequential

FIATA or “International Federation of Freight Forwarders

loss and damage of transportation operator under insurance

Associations” was established in Vienna, Austria on 13 May,

contract in coverage of indemnification under various forms

1926 which is Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), it is

of consequential liability as defined by Multimodal Transport

an international organization which is the center of Freight

Act B.E. 2548 as well as creating confidence of service

Forwarder supported by United Nations (UN) and

users that they will be compensated if there is any damage

governments of member countries. FIATA is currently

arisen from transportation.

representative of group of transportation and logistics

business more than 40,000 companied across the globe.


Main objective of this organization is integration of businesses

Office of the National Economic and Social Development

in transportation industry around the world as a unity and

Board (NESDB) has divided structure of logistics service in

being representative in promoting and protecting benefits of

Thailand into 5 types such as goods transportation goods

transportation industry by participation as consultant and

storage, Customs Formality service and parcel and postage

specialist in the meeting of other international organizations

service. In current, it is found that there are 5 main groups

in transportation matter as well as development of quality in

of logistics entrepreneur in Thailand as follow: Road

transportation service of companies in transportation

transportation entrepreneur, water transportation entrepreneur,

business by developing and promoting transportation

air transportation entrepreneur, shipping entrepreneur and

documents and transportation standard to be the same

warehouse entrepreneur totally more than 10,000 companies

system all across the globe as members must support

and more than 80% of these entrepreneurs are small

objective of FIATA and in compliance with related rules and

and medium size entrepreneurs or SMEs (Resource: www.



The Company and subsidiary companies are members

Due to data base statistics of BOL (Business on Line),

of TIFFA (Thai International Freight Forwarders Association)

number of newly registered juristic persons in type of

and TIFFA is member of TIFFA which will be complied with

transportation business and warehouse business in

professional ethics to maintain good reputation of Freight

Thailand during 2012-2014 is totally 2,582 persons, 2,596

- 37 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

persons and 2,405 persons respectively which indicates

competitor companies.

business growth of each year. New competitors can enter to

In providing Sea Freight Service, importer-exporter can

compete in this business easily as small size business can

select to use service of shipping line directly or using service

be started by rather small amount of investment and

of shipping agent. However, most shipping line provides

depending on good relations with customers and shipping

Port-to-Port service with big transported quantity while

lines/airlines and integrated logistics service providers

shipping agent can provide more flexible service, therefore,

are mostly Multinational Company or Thai large size

import-export trends to use service shipping agent

entrepreneurs merely.

increasingly. In case of Air Freight, as airlines have no direct

Management of the Company has estimated value of Freight Forwarder business from the income of

transportation service, importer-exporter has to use service of Carrier Agent instead.

entrepreneurs who are members of TIFFA which is approximately 100,000 million Baht. Although logistics

Advantage in Competition

market is big, competition is high in accordance because

The advantage of competition in transportation business

entrepreneur in each group of logistics business has specific

of the Company is potential in providing good quality

skill. Competition in the business is emphasis on expertise

services covering requirements of customer with safety and

in transportation routes and type of goods, rapidity of

punctuality as well as availability of personnel and vehicles.

transportation, quickness in responding to customers as

Knowledge, skills and experiences constitute the Company

well as quality of networks and flexibility of service provision

to be well prepared in competition. Our management

with reasonable price and meeting customer’s requirements.

believes that the Company has advantages in competition

Group of Freight Forwarder is divided into 2 main groups

as follow:

such as group of Multinational Company and Joint Venture

1. Long experiences of international transportation

and group of Local Company. Entrepreneur in group 1

business, expertise in business and being reliable

dominates the market due to the advantage of size and

and trusted by customers for more than 20 years.

networks but entrepreneur in group 2 has more flexibility in

providing service and the Company is one of the leading

for customers by providing international transportation

companies in providing international transportation service

service both in import and export, both Sea Freight

among Local Company. In current, entrepreneurs who are

(Full Container Load and Less than Container

deemed as major and direct competitors of the Company

and subsidiary companies are 5-6 multinational companies

Door to Door Transportation and Ex-work

as their business sizes are bigger than the Company and

Transportation and consultation in logistic man

subsidiary companies. However, the Company considers

2. Providing various services and One Stop Service

Load) and Air Freight and Customs Broker including

agement system to save cost of customer.

that ability in flexibility of service provision of the Company

3. Qualified personnel with knowledge, ability and

and subsidiary companies including the integrated service

skills in responsible duties such as Customs

of the Company can be competitive with the foregoing

Specialist providing consultation in Customs

- 38 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Formalities and benefits in international import

(1) Provision of Ship/Airplane’s Hold

As freight charges of ship/airplane is the main cost of

and export.

4. Having good networks of shipping lines/airlines

international transportation and management business,

and Oversea Agent who are important business

the Company and subsidiary companies will prepare

allies as well as the Company is member of

reservation of ship/airplane plan which cost can be managed

both internal and international association of

most efficiently. In reservation of Thailand-United States of

international transportation such as TIFFA, TAFA,

America shipping route, Service Contract will be entered

CGLN under WCA Family Network.

into with ship liner which must be renews every year which

5. Amalgamation of Sun Express Logistics (SEL)

specifies an agreement on freight charges under Minimum

located in Singapore by being Freight Forwarder

Quality Commitment (MQC). The Company will estimate

emphasized on providing service global major

quantity of work from the past information as well as estimating

manufacturer in group of electronic products and

trends of work to be obtained before signing the contract to

having expertise in Air Freight which can enhance

ensure that ship’s hold can be sold as defined by the contract

the company’s competitiveness in Air Freight.

as reservation of large amount of ship’s hold, freight charges

6. Developing IT system to assist working process

can be negotiated and cost of the Company can be

in order to increase potential and reducing

competitive. However, the price specified in the contract

can be changed as ship liner must notify at least 30 days in

repetition of work.

7. Having potential for cost management in order

advance. In case of reservation of ship’s hold in other

to increase competitiveness by reservation of

shipping routes and reservation of airplane’s hold, there is

large number of containers which the price can

not any service contract, therefore, the Company will

be negotiated with shipping lines for presenting

consider information of customer’s using service in preceding

competitive price to customers which can reduce

period before making reservation of ship’s hold in advance,

transportation cost for customer likewise.

when customer contact the Company to make reservation ship’s hold, the Company can confirm the customer’s

Provision of Services

reservation immediately as the Company will select ship

Providing Source of Services

liner/airline which is appropriate for customers. In some

International Transportation Business

cases, the Company and subsidiary companies will coordinate

International logistics transportation and management

with Oversea Agent to assist the Company in providing

business requires knowledge and experiences in management

ship’s hold if the Company provides transportation service in

of working system efficiently. Important factor of process of

other countries, in each year, the Company and subsidiary

international transportation and management is consisted

companies provide ship/airplane’s hold from transportation

of provision of ship/airplane which is the main cost of

entrepreneurs 15 persons and 10 persons respectively.

transportation service of the Company and coordination with Oversea Agent in order to provide services to customers

with in the following detail:

Selection of Ship Liner/Airline/ Co-Loader Policy 1. Providing transportation route required by

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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

customers and transportation schedules responding

Network which is the association that its

customer’s requirements.

members are entrepreneurs in international

2. Being reliable service provider.

transportation business in other countries

3. Service provider who present competitive cost.

which any member will be publicize among

4. Service provider work tracing system which can

other members for recognition, the company

to be participated in membership must be

reliable and inspected by the association.

follow up transportation of goods.

(2) Oversea Agent In case the Company has to provide transportation in


Other Oversea Agents which are group company

foreign countries, the Company will coordinate with an

which the Company has been working with

agent who is business ally in other countries to assist in

for more than 10 years by making Agency

providing the service efficiently as well as assisting the

Agreement mutually.

Company in collecting service charges if customer has

The Company and subsidiary companies will select

specified to make Freight Collect in foreign country.

Group 1 and Group 2 mainly as both Groups have

Therefore, the selection of Oversea Agent is an important

reliability and responsibility by consideration from working

thing as Oversea Agent will be entrepreneurs in transportation

performances, rapidity in responding question, work

business in other countries who have experience, skills and

monitoring and efficient working cost.

reliability in providing the business. The aforementioned agent is deemed as important ally and business partner

Domestic Transportation Business

as the agent can select the Company as its agent in

Domestic transportation service of the Company and

coordinating and providing service in Thailand likewise.

subsidiary companies is provided to support the international

Group of the Company has policy in selecting Oversea

transportation business of the Company which requires

Agent as follow:

knowledge and experiences in management of working

Policy in Selecting Oversea Agent: Oversea Agent is

divided into 3 main groups as follow:

process to render efficient service and high safety standard. Main factors of the quality transportation are as follow:

1. Ally Group Company such as Sun Express

Group which is consisted of companies in 6

countries such as Thailand, Singapore, Hong

Kong, United States of America, Vietnam and

Important vehicles used in transportation are

Malaysia with global networks in more than

consisted of dump truck and trailer truck as the Company

100 places and Ally Group Company is important.

will purchase from reliable manufacturers or dealers by

2. Conference which the Company has participated

consideration of quality of trucks as defined by laws, the

as member such as CGLN under WCA Family

(1) Provision and Maintenance of Vehicles in

Transportation Process

Company currently purchases the aforementioned trucks

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Annual Report 2018

from manufacturers or dealers as well as providing First

Vehicle (NGV) and fuel and the Company and subsidiary

Class Insurance for all trucks and insurance transported

companies use PTT Fleet Card of Kasikorn bank Public

goods which sum insured is higher than damage that

Company Limited as if credit card in paying fuel cost within

may occur.

the limited financial amount. This card specifies license

The Company and subsidiary companies’ inspection of

number of each truck and pass word must be identified for

valid mileage of dump truck and trailer truck in accordance

payment as the Company and subsidiary companies can

with inspection schedules as planned as well as

calculate fuel using rate in comparison with the actual using

maintenance and replacement of damaged parts according

rate in order to control fuel usage in transportation.

to valid mileage as trucks can be functional perfectly and

having long useful life. The Company has made Hino Truck

Maintenance Hiring Contract with Hino Motor Sales

The Company will provide transportation service of

(Thailand) Co., Ltd. for repair and maintenance.

(4) Provision of Truck Transportation Outsource

dump truck – trailer truck to customer by own except in

some cases which number of trucks is insufficient for

(2) Provision and Training Drivers

providing service to our customers, the Company will

Drivers are important personnel for safety transportation

contact Truck Transportation Outsource in providing

service; therefore, the Company and subsidiary companies

additional service to support sufficient demand of truck

emphasize on selection of qualified drivers for working with

transportation service. In current, the Company has Truck

the following main criteria recruitment:

Transportation Outsource in Approved Vendor List

Drivers must have experiences in driving

of company and having good transportation service is the major business as well as insurance of truck goods at least

and Bus Class 3 and 4. Drivers must successfully pass the

Transportation Outsource is being service provider in term

trucks at least 2 years. Drivers must have driving license of Truck

approximately 3 companies, the criteria of selection of Truck

1,500,000 million Baht including service ability, quantity and quality of vehicles responding to the Company’s

Company’s test.

After being promoted as Driver, all Drivers must

requirements. For the efficiency in management of service provision

attend training before actual working.

process, the Company has developed IT system to assist

(3) Provision of Fuel

All of the Company’s trucks utilize Natural Gas for

working potential and reducing repetition of work as well as

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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Steps of Service Provision Conclusion of Steps in International Transportation Service – Export

Studying customer’s information and requirements, presenting transportation route, transportation forms and methods which are appropriate for customers at least 3 options for considering as customer can select the most appropriate transportation plan.

In case of FCL and airplane: reservation of ship/airplane’s hold after customer is confirmed In case of LCL: reservation of ship’s hold in advance and offering customer for sales Sending confirmation documents of transportation to customer for inspection and appointment of goods delivery

In case of Full Container Load Goods will be loaded into container at customer’s site and delivered to the company at the port

In case of Less than Container Load Customer will deliver goods to the Company at the port for loading into container on ship

In case of Air Freight Customers will deliver the product at the airport.

Bill of Lading: B/L or Airway Bill: AWB) The company sends the B / L received from the shipping line or AWB received from the airline to receive the goods.

In case of customer is responsible for receive goods at the destination Delivery of the bill of lading document to the customer and issuing the invoice

In case of customer assigned the Company as Customs Broker and delivery at the destination 1. Sending B/L, AWB to customer and issuing invoice in collecting service charges 2. Sending B/L, AWB and Invoice & Packing List to Oversea Agent 3. Coordinating Oversea Agent to provide Customs Formalities service as well as inspection goods and delivery to recipient at the destination 4. Agents confirm delivery of products to the company and make a settlement

The Company will coordinate with Oversea Agent in following up goods status until arrival at the destination port

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Annual Report 2018

Conclusion of Steps in International Transportation Service – Import

Study the needs of customers, importers, and offer alternatives to import products. Customer confirms using import service If Exporter is Customs Broker and delivery goods to the shipment port/airline (Port to Port)

If Oversea Agent is Custom Broker and receiving goods at Exporter site (Ex-Work)

Oversea Agent will coordinate with ship line/airline in notifying shipment schedules to Exporter and Importer customer as well as appointment of the date loading goods into ship/airplane (Loading) Oversea Agent issues B/L, AWM to the source Exporter after goods have departed from the shipment port Coordination with Oversea Agent in following up goods status and notifying importer customer in advance before goods arrival at the destination (ETA) in order to prepare import documents

In the case that the exporter is the customs official and the goods are to be delivered at the port / origin airport (Port to Port)

If agent of importer customer is Customs Broke and transporting goods to importer customer site (Door)

The Company will notify goods arrival at the destination to importer customer and coordination in delivery Order (DO) to importer customer and collecting service charges

The Company will notify goods arrival at the destination to importer customer and coordination in receiving Delivery Order (DO0 from ship liner/airliner in implementing Import Customs Formalities Appointment with importer customer for delivery at importer customer site and collecting service charges

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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

efficiency measuring system to inspect working period in

WCA is the big transportation service networks which

each department in compliance with quality target as

has members more than 5,700 companies in 189 countries.

defined by the Company.

Conclusion of Participation in Membership of Internal and International Conference

Association Name Symbol Member Membered Member company date expiry Internal Associations Thai International Freight Forwarders WICE 6 Feb.02 Indefinite expiry Association (TIFFA) Thai Airfreight Forwarders Association (TAFA)



31 Jan. 19

The Customs Broker and Transportation Association of Thailand (CTAT)


12 Feb. 14

11 Feb. 22


17 Aug. 10 Indefinite expiry


The Thai Chamber of Commerce Member ship)

International Associations Leading the World in Logistics Partnering WICE 26 Oct. 05 25 Oct. 19 Remark: In participation as member, it requires paying annual membership fee

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Annual Report 2018

WCA is consisted of a great deal of networks and expertise

5. Environmental Impacts

in service provision.

The Company has neither any dispute regarding

Benefits of Member

environment issue nor fault records against environmental

1. Name of member will be listed which is convenient

regulation and laws imposed by government authorities.

in searching and usage.

For truck transport service, environment may be affected in

2. Financial Protection Plan is presented to cover

term of air pollution due to exhaust fumes of trucks, the

the outstanding debt of debtor member to creditor

Company and subsidiary companies are well aware of such

member totally 50,000 USD.

impacts, therefore, technicians are notified in supervision

3. Organizing annual conference for member countries

for meeting and negotiating business mutually in

and inspection vehicles condition regularly in compliance with regulations of government authorities.

form of Workshop to enhance relations and

6. Benefits of Promotion Certificate issued

cooperation as each country can make an appointment for negotiation in order to reduce

by Thailand Board of Investment

travelling cost for negotiation in each country.

- None -

4. Dispute between members can be settled.

7. Non-delivery of work


- None –

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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

1.6 Assets used in business operations As at December 31, 2018, the fixed assets that the company uses for business operation have net value after accumulated depreciation is 223,528,841 million baht. Details of fixed assets are as follows:



Net value


after accumulated depreciation



Permanent asset 1 Land







Title deed No. 69738 Land area 6 rai 0 ngan 70 square wah Location: Nong Kham Sub-district, Sriracha District, Chonburi Province 2 Buildings and improvements

Parking place and container


placement 3 Furniture and office equipment




4 conveyance




As a tenant



(finance lease)

Total 223,528,841

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Annual Report 2018

In addition to the assets used in the business operations of the companies mentioned above The company rented office space. With details of the lease agreement as follows

Rental agreement

Details of the contract

1. Land lease agreement for building

Renter : WICE


Lessor : Mrs. Araya Kongsoonthorn and

Title deed No. 53901, land number 376, survey page

Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn (Being a


director and shareholder of the company)

Chong Nonsi Subdistrict, Yannawa District, Bangkok

period of time : 1 July 2014 - 30 June 2034

1 piece of land, 70 2/10 square wah

Rent : Year 1 - 2, 92,674 baht per month

Year 3 – 5, 101,941 baht per month

Year 6 - 8, 112,135 baht per month

Year 9 - 11, 123,349 baht per month

Year 12 -14, 135,684 baht per month

Year 15 -17, 149,252 baht per month

Year 18 -20, 164,177 baht per month

Total rental amount 30,539,586 baht

Objective: To be used as the company’s headquarters

2. Land and building lease agreement **

Renter : WICE

- Title deed No. 164087, land number 5612, survey

Lessor : Mrs. Araya Kongsoonthorn and

page 32222 Surasak Subdistrict, Sriracha District,

Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn

Chonburi Province

(Being a director and shareholder of

Land area 42 square wah

the company)

- Commercial building on the said land, 3 floors,

period of time : 1 January 2018 - 30 June 2018

2 booths

Rent : 35,000 baht per month

** The company has purchased such land and buildings.

Objective : To be used as a service unit of the

From a connected person on 10 July 2018

company at Laem Chabang

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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Rental agreement

Details of the contract

3. Land lease agreement



- Title deed no. 53902, volume 540, page 2,


: Mrs. Araya Kongsoonthorn and

land number 977, survey page 9146, Chong Nonsi,

Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn

yannawa, Bangkok

(Being a director and shareholder of the company)

1 piece of land, 70 2/10 square wah

period of time : 30 June 2018 - 30 June 2019 Rent

: 35,000 baht per month


: For use as a parking lot for employees



- Room in the building, air freight agent


: Airports of Thailand Public Company

Suvarnabhumi Airport


- AO3 Building No. 11 (4th floor)

period of time : 1 July 2018 - 30 June 2019

4. Office lease agreement Suvarnabhumi Branch

Rental area

: 51.25 square meters


: 17,937.50 baht per month


: For use as a branch of a subsidiary

Intangible assets used in business operations As at 31 December 2018, the intangible assets that the Company uses in its business operations consist of 1 Customer relationship With net book value equal to 244,591,230 million baht 2. Right to buy additional shares with net book value equal to 1,764,141 million baht 3. Computer software with net book value equal to 9,819,046 million baht

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Annual Report 2018


Management and Corporate Governance

2.1 Securities and shareholders information

financial statements However, the dividend payment may be changed. Which will depend on the investment plan, liquidity,

Company securities

necessity and other appropriateness in the future as the Board

Registered capital 325,949,750 baht

of Directors and / or the shareholders of the Company. To

Issued and fully paid capital of 325,949,750

propose to the shareholders’ meeting on April 25, 2018 to approve the dividend payment at the rate of Baht 0.12 per

baht, consisting of 651,899,500 ordinary shares

Ordinary shares of 0.50 shares per share

share, representing 76 percent of the profit for the year

The company does not issue shares other than

according to the financial statements

ordinary shares.

Shareholder The first 10 shareholders ( as of January 30, 2019)




Ratio (%)


Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn




Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn




Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn




Ms. Pornpalioa Tantikulsunthorn




Mr. Patadon Kongsoonthorn




TISCO Mid / Small Cap Equity Fund












Ms. Sasithorn Tantikulsunthorn








Other shareholders





Dividend payment policy of the company and subsidiaries


for dividend payment policy of subsidiaries Which the company holds 99.99% of shares, the company considers

The company has a policy to pay dividends to shareholders

the operating results and considering the structure and

at a rate of not less than 50 percent of net profit, corporate

financial status And there is no policy that causes manipulation,

income tax deduction. And legal reserve for the Company’s


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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Dividend payout ratio for each year in the past 3 years


Interim dividend

Annual dividend



Dividend payout ratio *

(Baht/share) (Baht/share)


















* Net profit - profit for the year attributable to shareholders of the parent company.

**The Board of Directors resolved to propose to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 25 April 2018 to approve

the annual dividend payment for 2017 at the rate of 0.12 baht per share.

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Annual Report 2018

2.2 Management Structure (January 1, 2019)

Board of Directors Nominating and Remuneration Committee

Risk Management Committee

Executive Board

Audit Committee

Chief Executive Officer Internal Auditor

Company Secretary

Managing Director of Business Development

Managing Director - Support

Human Resource



SBU 1 Sea Freight


SBU 2 Air Freight SBU 3 Logistics Service & Solution Provider SBU 4 Distribution Center - 51 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Director of Accounting and Finance and Information Technology Information Technology

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Management Structure









Board of Directors comprise 8 directors as follows:

policy by co-operating with top executives to plan short-term

1. Mr. Ekphol Phongstabhon

and long-term operations as well as determining financial


2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruth Banomyong Independent Director

policies, risk management and organization overview, be an

3. Mr. Wichai Xiao

important role in governance and monitoring to be as planned,

Independent Director

4. Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha Independent Director


5. Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn


6. Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn


directors namely, Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn or Mr. Chudet

7. Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn


Kongsoonthorn or Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn or Ms. Busarin

8. Ms. Busarin Tuanchaem


Tuanchaem jointly signed.

All 8 Board of Directors do not have the following prohibited qualifications: 1. Have no criminal offense record in relation to property which has been done dishonestly.

The authorized directors of the company are 2 of 4

5 of non-executive directors

3 directors from the management department

3 directors who are directors of major shareholders,

namely, Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn, Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn and Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn

2. Have no transactions record that may cause conflicts of benefit with WICE in the past year.

4 Independent Directors namely, Mr. Ekphol Phongstabhon, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruth Banomyong, Mr. Wichai Xiao and Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha are half of the total

Composition of the Board of Directors

number of directors.. By 4 independent directors are qualified

The Board of Directors consists of persons with knowledge

according to the qualifications of independent directors of the

and skills, be an important role in determining the company’s

company and according to the principles of SEC.

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Annual Report 2018

Table of holding a position in Sub-committees

No. Board of Directors Audit Committee Nominating and Risk Management (3 persons) Remuneration Committee Committee (3 persons) (3 persons)


Mr. Ekphol Phongstabhon





Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruth Banomyong





Mr. Wichai Xiao





Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha





Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn





Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn





Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn





Ms. Busarin Tuanchaem





Director No. 1-4 is a director who is qualified as an independent director according to the qualifications of an independent director of the company.

Miss Somjai Purachako is Risk Management Committee.

Meeting of the Board of Directors

total number of meetings. In each meeting, the supporting

Directors shall attend the Board of Directors’ meetings

documents for each agenda had sent to each director for 7

regularly to acknowledge and make decisions in the business

days in advance before the meeting date in order for the

operation of the company. The meeting is held at least 6 times

directors to have sufficient time to study the information in

per year which defined the meeting schedule in advance every

various matters.

year and inform each director from the beginning of the year

In considering various matters the Chairman of the board

to allocate time to attend the meeting and may have special

is the Chairman of the meeting allocated sufficient time for the

meetings to consider urgent matters.

meeting and allow the directors to freely express their

In the meeting, Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer

opinions. The resolution of the Board of Directors’ meeting

jointly set the meeting agenda and consider matters to be

shall be passed by a majority vote with one director having

included in the agenda of the Board of Directors meeting.

one voice and directors who have a conflict of benefit will not

By allowing each director to propose various matters to be

attend the meeting and/or not exercising the right to vote on

considered as a meeting agenda.

that matter. If the votes are equal, the chairman of the meeting

In 2018, the Board of Directors held 6 meetings, which

will vote for one more vote as final.

were scheduled in advance 6 times for a whole year, by the

In the Board of Directors meeting, the management also

entire Board of Directors attending the meeting 100% and

attended the meeting to provide useful information and

each director attending the meeting more than 95% of the

acknowledge the policy directly in order to be able to perform

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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

effectively but in some agenda, the meeting will have only the

to the Board of Directors for approval in the first agenda of the

directors or non-executive directors for the independent to

next meeting and the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall

considering various matters.

sign and certify the accuracy of such information request to

In addition, the Board of Directors places importance on

amend the minutes to be the most accurate. The minutes of

the management of conflicts of interest of related parties in a

the meeting will be certified systematically in the form of

prudent, fair, and transparent manner. In the case that any

documents and stored in electronic documents, together with

director has a vested interest in the matter being considered

supporting documents for the meeting for easy searching.

Directors with vested interests must not participate in the decision on that matter.

In addition, the company held a meeting between non-executive directors without the management team

At the end of the meeting, the company secretary is responsible for preparing the minutes of the meeting, proposing

attending the meeting and allow non-executive directors can express their opinions freely.

Meeting schedule of the Board of Directors Year 2018 (1 January 2018 - 31 December 2018)

List of directors

Board of


Nominating and








Committee with





Year 2561

Management Committee

Amount of

Amount of

Amount of

Amount of

Amount of

Amount of

8 persons

3 persons

3 persons

3 persons

6 persons

8 persons

Number of

Number of

Number of

Number of

Number of

Number of

meeting for

meeting for

meeting for

meeting for

meeting for

meeting for

a year 6 times

a year 5 times

a year 1 time

a year 4 times

a year 1 time

a year 1 time

1. Mr. Ekphol Phongstabhon



2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruth Banomyong





3. Mr. Wichai Xiao






4. Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha






5. Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn




6. Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn



7. Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn





8. Ms. Busarin Tuanchaem





Remark: 1. 4 Independent Directors are Ordinal No. 1 – 4 2. 3 Audit Committees are Ordinal No. 2 – 4 3. 3 Nominating and Remuneration Committees are Ordinal No. 3 – 5 4. 3 Risk Management Committees are Ordinal No. 7 – 8

and Ms. Somjai Purachako, the management, resigned from the company on December 31, 2018

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Annual Report 2018

History of the Board of Directors As of 31 December 2018

Mr. Ekphol Phongstabhon Age 55 Year (Being a director who is qualified as an independent director (From 31 July 2014)

Position: Chairman of the board

Director of Tipco F and B Company Limited Director of Tipco Retail Company Limited Director of Tipco Biotech Company Limited

Date of being a director

31 July 2014 Work experience


Master degree, MBA (Finance & Marketing), Bachelor of Science (Engineering Chemistry),

of Chairman Forum (R-CF 1/2018) on

“Digital Transformation – A Must for all Companies”

Role of the Chairman Program (RCP) Class 40/2017 Anti-Corruption for Executive Program (ACEP) Company Secretary Program (CSP) Class 41/2011 Directors Certification Program (DCP) Class 141/2011

WICE Logistics Public

Year 2012 - present

Managing Director of Tipco Foods Public Company


Year 2009 – 2012

Managing Director of Thai Film Industries Public

Company Limited

Year 2006 – 2012

Acting Managing Director of

Thai Copper Industry Public

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed

Chairman of the board of

Co., Ltd.

Class 12/2014

Pte. Ltd., Singapore

Thai Institute Of Directors

WICE Logistics (Singapore)

Training courses for directors and seminars/


Year 2014 – present

Chulalongkorn University

Chairman of the board of

Northwestern University , USA

Year 2016 – present

Company Limited

Number of ordinary shares (As of December 31, 2018) My own: None

companies at present (1) Managing Director of Tipco Foods Public Company Limited

Spouse/underage children: None

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other

Family relationship between directors and executives: None

companies at present (5) Chairman of WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd, Singapore Director of Tipco Pineapple Company Limited

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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruth Banomyong Age 52 Year (Being a director who is qualified as an independent director (From 31 July 2014) Position : Chairman of the Audit Committee

Work experience Year 2014 – present

Date of being a director

31 July 2014

Year 2014 – 2018


of WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd. Chairman of the Audit Committee

C.P.L. Group Public Company


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) International Logistics,

Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, Wales,

Chairman of the Audit Committee

Year 2001- present

United Kingdom

Chairman of the Audit Committee of Sea Oil Public Company Limited

Year 1996 – present

Director of Global Insight

degree, Maitrise en Droit des Affaires

Company Limited

Internationales (L.L.M International Business Law),

Director of Living Head Quarter

Universite de Paris I ,Pantheon-Sorbonne, France

Company Limited

Year 1995 – present

Consultant of United Nations

Economics and Social Commission


Bachelor’s degree, Licence en Droit International

(L.L.B International Law), Universite de Paris I, Pantheon – Sorbonne, France

Training courses for directors and seminars/Thai Institute Of Directors

Director Accreditation Program (DAP)

Class 44/2004

Audit Committee Program (ACP) Class 13/2006 Director Certification Program (DCP)

for Asia and the Pacific

(UN-ESCAP): transport division

in Bangkok

Year 1993 – present

lecturer, Faculty of Commerce

and Accountancy, International

Business Logistics and


Thammasat University

Class 103/2007 Number of ordinary shares (As of December 31, 2018) My own: None

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed

Spouse/underage children: None

companies at present (1) Chairman of the Audit Committee of Sea Oil Public Company Limited

Family relationship between directors and executives: None

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other companies at present (2) Director of Global Insight Company Limited Director of Living Head Quarter Company Limited

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Annual Report 2018

Mr. Wichai Xiao Age 52 years (Being a director who is qualified as an independent director (From 31 July 2014) Position : Audit Committee

Work experience

Year 2014 – present Chairman of the Audit Committee

Nominating and Remuneration Committee

of WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Date of being a director

Nomination and Remuneration

Committee of WICE Logistics

Public Co., Ltd.

31 July 2014


Year 2013 – present Finance and Accounting Director

of Triton-Is Co., Ltd.

Year 2015 – 2017

Finance and Accounting Director

of Pursuit Arm (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Bachelor of Business Administration, Accounting,

Bangkok University

Year 2015 - present Finance and Accounting Director

Training courses for directors and seminars/Thai Institute Of Directors

Director Accreditation Program (DAP),

Class 111/2014

Graduate Diploma, Taxation, Class 2 Training in Accounting Course of Continuing

Professional Development Program

of Triton Film Co., Ltd.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)/

Director Triton-X Co., Ltd.

Year 2543 – present

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)/

Director of Triton Co., Ltd.

Year 2556 – 2558

Consultant of New Sri Thai Group

Year 2005 – 2557

Partnership of Trinity Auditor Office

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed companies at present (None)

Number of ordinary shares (As of December 31, 2018) My own : None Spouse/underage children : None

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other companies at present (4) Chief Financial Officer (CFO)/Director of Triton Co., Ltd. Chief Financial Officer (CFO)/Director Triton-X Co., Ltd.

Family relationship between directors and executives : None

Finance and Accounting Director of Triton Film Co., Ltd. Finance and Accounting Director of Triton-Is Co., Ltd.

- 57 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha Age 69 years (Being a director who is qualified as an independent director (From 31 July 2014) Position : Audit Committee

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other

Chairman of Nominating and Remuneration

companies at present (None)

Committee Work experience Date of being a director

Year 2014 – present

Audit Committee of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Chairman Nominating &


Remuneration Committee of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Year 2002 – 2013

Vice President of Logistics,

Utac Thai Company Limited

31 July 2014 Bachelor of Science, Industrial Computer Technology King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang

Training courses for directors and seminars/Thai Institute Of Directors

Number of ordinary shares (As of December 31, 2018)

Risk Management Committee, Class 11 Director Accreditation Program (DAP),

My own: 15,000 shares Spouse/underage children: None

Class 111/2014

High Vocational Certificate, Telecommunication,

Family relationship between directors and executives:

King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang


Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed companies at present (None)

- 58 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn Age 54 years

Position : Chief Executive Officer

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other

Nominating and Remuneration Committee

companies at present (4)

Director of Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd.

Date of being a director

Director of WICE Logistics ((Hong Kong) Ltd.,

Hong Kong

Director of WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd,

31 July 2014



Ph.D. Doctor of Business Administration,

Director Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Industry Development and Human Resources Faculty of Business and Industrial Development,

Work experience

King Mongkut’s University of Technology North

Year 2018– present

Director of Euroasia

Total Logistics Co., Ltd.


Master of Management,

Year 2018 – present Director of

Faculty of General management,

Management College, Mahidol University

Bachelor of Accounting, Financial,

Training courses for directors and seminars/Thai Institute Of Directors

Research Alliance 2018 (R-RA 1/2018) Collective Action Against Corruption Conference

(C-Conference 1/2018)

Hong Kong

Year 2016 - present Director of

The University of the Thai Chamber Commerce

WICE Logistics ((Hong Kong) Ltd.,

Seminar the 15th Logistics People Family Business Event (M-FBE 3/2017) Directors Certification Program (DCP),

WICE Logistics (Singapore)

Pte. Ltd. Singapore

Year 2014 – present

CEO of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Nominating and Remuneration

Committee of WICE Logistics

Public Co., Ltd.

Year 2006 - present Director of Sun Express

Class 181/2013

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed companies at present (None)

- 59 -

(Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Year 1993 - 2014

Managing Director of

WICE Freight Services (Thailand)

Co., Ltd.

Year 2006 – 2013

Managing Director of

Prompt Freight and Logistics

Co., Ltd.

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn Age 55 years

Position : Managing Director of Business Development

Director of WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.,

Singapore Date of being a director

31 July 2014

Director of Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Work experience Education

Bachelor of Commerce, Merchant Marine,

Thammasat University

Institute Of Directors

Director Accreditation Program (DAP),

Class SEC/2014

Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd.

WICE Logistics ((Hong Kong)

Ltd., Hong Kong

WICE Logistics (Singapore)

Pte. Ltd., Singapore

Year 2014 – present

Managing Director of Business

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed companies at present (None)

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other companies at present (4)

Year 2016 - present Director of

Top Executives of Capital Market Academy (CMA),

Class 24 /2017

Director of

Year 2018 – present Director of

Training courses for directors and seminars/Thai

Year 2018– present

Director of Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd. Director of WICE Logistics ((Hong Kong) Ltd.,

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Year 2006 - present

Director of

Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Year 2006 - 2014

Managing Director of

WICE Freight Services (Thailand)

Co., Ltd.

Hong Kong

- 60 -

Development of

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn Age 53 years

Position : Managing Director of Business Support

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed

Chairman of the Risk Management Committee

companies at present (None)

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other

Date of being a director

31 July 2014

companies at present (1) Director of Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.


Master Degree, Journalism, Sriprathum University Bachelor of Business Administration, Finance,

Work experience

The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce

Year 2016– present

Director of

Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Training courses for directors and seminars/Thai Institute Of Directors

Seminar the 15th Logistics People HCM Forum ““People strategy is business strategy” Seminars of Next Step Thailand: EEC Thai strategy

connecting the world

Ethical Leadership Program (ELP) Class 10/2017 Anti-Corruption the Practical Guide (ACPG)

Class 42/2017

Year 2014 – present

Managing Director of

Business Support of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Chairman of the Risk

Management Committee of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Year 1994 - 2014

Director/General Manager of

WICE Freight Services (Thailand)

Co., Ltd.

Director Accreditation Program (DAP)

Class SEC/2014

- 61 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Ms. Busarin Tuanchaem Age 44 years

Position : Director

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed

Risk Management Committee

companies at present (None)

Director of Accounting and Finance and

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other

Information Technology

companies at present (None) Date of being a director

22 February 2018

Work experience Year 2018– present

Director of


WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Risk Management Committee of

Master of Business Administration, Finance (MBA),

Ramkhamhaeng University

Bachelor of Business Administration, Accounting,

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Director of Accounting and

Ramkhamhaeng University

Finance and Information

Technology of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Year 2015 – present

General Manager of Accounting

and Finance of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Year 2002 - 2014

Deputy of Accounting and

Class 148/2018

Finance of

WICE Freight Services (Thailand)

Co., Ltd.

Bachelor of Economics, Business Economics,

Sukhothai Thammathirat University

Training courses for directors and seminars/Thai Institute Of Directors

Director Accreditation Program (DAP) Company Secretary Program Class 65/2015

- 62 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Top Executives of WICE As of 1 January 2019








1. Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn


2. Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn

Managing Director of Business Development

3. Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn

Managing Director of Business Support

4. Ms. Busarin Tuanchaem

Director of Accounting and Finance and Information Technology

5. Mr. Naruechit Ruangchaiprakarn

General Manager Air freight business development and operation

6. Ms. Saovadee Asavamana

General Manager

7. Mr. Chokchai Phuttisan

General Manager Warehouse

The list of top executives of WICE above is in accordance

WICE’s senior management has been assigned authority

with the definition of “Management” according to the Notification

to operate under the policies, strategies and goals set by the

of the SCE No. TorJor. 23/2008.

Board of Directors which the Board of Directors has approved

All 7 top executives do not have the following prohibited qualifications:

transparency and have the flexibility to work appropriately. In

1. No record of criminal offense in relation to property

committed fraud.

the preparation of the authority to set clear boundaries for

addition, there is a duty to control expenses and investment budget according to the scope approved by the Board in

2. No transaction history that may be caused a conflict

of benefit with the company in the past year.

the annual plan. Implementing personal policies, resolving problems or conflicts that affect the organization and maintain effective communication with stakeholders.

- 63 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

History of Top Executives of WICE Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn Age 54 years

Position : Chief Executive Officer

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other

Nominating and Remuneration Committee

companies at present (4)


Ph.D. Doctor of Business Administration,

Director of Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd. Director of WICE Logistics ((Hong Kong) Ltd.,

Hong Kong

Industry Development and Human Resources

Director of WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.,


Faculty of Business and Industrial Development, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

Master of Management,

Work experience in the past 5 years and/or important

Faculty of General management,


Management College, Mahidol University

Bachelor of Accounting, Finance,

The University of the Thai Chamber Commerce

Institute Of Directors

Director of

Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd.

WICE Logistics ((Hong Kong)

Ltd., Hong Kong

Year 2016 - present Director of

Research Alliance 2018 (R-RA 1/2018) Collective Action Against Corruption Conference

(C-Conference 1/2018)

Year 2018– present

Year 2018 – present Director of

Training courses for directors and seminars /Thai

Director of Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Seminar the 15th Logistics People Family Business Event (M-FBE 3/2017) Directors Certification Program (DCP)

Class 181/2013

WICE Logistics (Singapore)

Pte. Ltd., Singapore

Year 2014 – present

CEO of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Nominating and Remuneration

Committee of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Year 2006 - present Director of Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed

companies at present (None)

- 64 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Annual Report 2018

Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn Age 55 years

Position : Managing Director of Business Development

Director of WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.,

Singapore Education

Bachelor of Commerce, Merchant Marine,

Thammasat University

Director of Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Work experience in the past 5 years and/or important position

Training courses for directors and seminars /Thai Institute Of Directors

Top Executives of Capital Market Academy (CMA),

Class 24 /2017

Director Accreditation Program (DAP)

Class SEC/2014

Director of

Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd.

Year 2018 – present Director of

WICE Logistics ((Hong Kong) Ltd.,

Hong Kong

Year 2016 - present Director of

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed companies at present (None)

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other companies at present (4)

Year 2018– present

Director of Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd. Director of WICE Logistics ((Hong Kong) Ltd.,

Hong Kong

- 65 -

WICE Logistics (Singapore)

Pte. Ltd., Singapore

Year 2014 – present

CEO of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Nominating and Remuneration

Committee of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Year 2006 - present

Director of

Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn Age 53 years

Position : Managing Director of Business Support

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed

Chairman of the Risk Management

companies at present (None)

Committee Holding a position of Director/Executive in other companies at present (1)


Master Degree, Journalism, Sriprathum University Bachelor of Business Administration, Finance,

Director of Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Work experience in the past 5 years and/or important

The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce

position Training courses for directors and seminars /Thai Institute Of Directors

Seminar the 15th Logistics People HCM Forum ““People strategy is business strategy” Seminar of Next Step Thailand:

EEC Thai strategy connecting the world

Ethical Leadership Program (ELP) Class 10/2017 Anti-Corruption the Practical Guide (ACPG)

Class 42/2017

Director Accreditation Program (DAP)

Class SEC/2014

- 66 -

Year 2016– present

Director of

Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Year 2014 – present

Managing Director of

Business Support of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Chairman of the Risk

Management Committee of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Year 1991 - 2014

Director/General Manager of

WICE Freight Services (Thailand)

Co., Ltd.

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Ms. Busarin Tuanchaem Age 44 years

Position : Director

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other com-

Risk Management Committee

panies at present (None)

Director of Accounting and Finance and Work experience in the past 5 years and/or important

Information Technology

position Education

Master of Business Administration, Finance (MBA),

Ramkhamhaeng University

Bachelor of Business Administration, Accounting,

Ramkhamhaeng University

Bachelor of Economics, Business Economics,

Sukhothai Thammathirat University

Training courses for directors and seminars /Thai Institute Of Directors

Director Accreditation Program (DAP)

Class 148/2018

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed companies at present (None)

- 67 -

Year 2561– present

Director of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Risk Management Committee of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Director of Accounting and

Finance and Information

Technology of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Year 2015 – present

General Manager of Accounting

and Finance of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Year 2002 - 2014

Deputy General Manager of

Accounting & Finance

WICE Freight Services (Thailand)

Co., Ltd.

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Mr. Naruechit Ruangchaiprakarn Age 46 years

Position : General Manager Air freight business

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed

development and operations department

companies at present (None)

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other


MBA Logistics Management,

companies at present (None)

Southeast Bangkok College

BBA Accounting, Southeast Bangkok College

Work experience in the past 5 years and/or important position Year 2018– present

General Manager Air freight

business development and

operations department

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

organized by TAFA & Japan Airlines

Year 2017

Deputy General Manager

Desktop Applications Programming,

Air freight business development

College of Innovative Education,

and operations department

Thammasat University

Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Year 2015

Deputy General Manager

Air Freight & Sea Freight

Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Year 2014

Senior Manager of Air Freight


Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Year 2010

Manager of Air Freight department

Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.


Basic Cargo Tariff, organized by TAFA &

Cathay Pacific Airways / Thai Airways

Dangerous Goods Regulation Course,

Air Cargo Course, NICS Institute of Languages

and Airline Business

Shipping & Import-Export Course,

NICS Institute of Languages and Airline Business

Director Training Program of Thai Institute of Directors (None)

- 68 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Ms. Saovadee Asavamana Age 48 years

Position: General Manager

Training courses for directors and seminars /Thai Institute Of Directors (None)


Master Degree of Public and Private Management,

companies at present (None)


Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed

Bachelor Degree of Humanities,

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other

Ramkhamhaeng University

companies at present (None) Seminars

Creative Thinking from Creativity Center by

Teacher. Rassamee Thanyathon

Work experience in the past 5 years and/or important position

Strategic Thinking from SBDC by Assoc. Prof.

Dr. Somchai Pakapakwiwat

THE BOSS from Management &

Psychology Institute

Internal Quality Audit for ISO9001:2015 from

BIG-Q Training by Teacher. Udomsak Jitsangom

Professional Management Model from TLAPS by

Teacher. Manu Panphliwan

- 69 -

Year 2518 – present

General Manager of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Year 2513 - 2518

General Manager of

Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Year 2010 – 2013

Executive Director of

Maritime Alliance Co., Ltd.

Year 2004 – 2009

General Manager

Maritime Alliance Co., Ltd.

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Mr. Chokchai Phuttisan Age 46 years

Position : General Manager Warehouse

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other listed companies at present (None)


Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical Engineering,

Holding a position of Director/Executive in other companies at present (None)

Northeastern University

Work experience in the past 5 years and/or important


TS16949, OHSAS 18001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001


Director Training Program and Seminar/Thai Institute of Directors (None)

- 70 -

Year 2015– present

General Manager of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Year 2005 - 2014

Warehouse manager of

Echo Autoparts (Thailand)

Co., Ltd.

Year 2004 - 2005

Planning and Control Production

Manager of Molten Asia Polymer

Products Co., Ltd.

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Report of changes in holding of positions of directors and executives No.

Name - Surname

Ordinary shares (number of shares)

As of 1 January



During the fiscal year

Mr. Ekphol Phongstabhon




Spouse and underage children




Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruth Banomyong




Spouse and underage children




Mr. Wichai Xiao




Spouse and underage children




Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha














Spouse and underage children

Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn


Spouse and underage children

Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn


As of 31 December Increase/(Decrease)

Spouse : Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn




Spouse and underage children


Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn




Spouse and underage children




Ms. Busarin Tuanchaem

















Spouse and underage children

Mr. Naruechit Ruangchaiprakarn


Spouse: Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn

Spouse and underage children


Ms. Saovadee Asavamana

Spouse and underage children





Mr. Chokchai Phuttisan




Spouse and underage children




Remark: 1. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Thor Jor. 23/2551, the term “executive� means the manager

or person holding the first four executive positions, counting from the manager down. Those who hold positions equivalent to all four

executive level positions And shall include those who hold executive level positions in accounting or finance departments that are

department managers or higher or equivalent. 2. According to the structure of the WICE Company, executives according to SEC have a total of 11 persons at above. 3. Principles of the SEC, ordinary shares of the company held by directors and executives, including ordinary shares held by spouses and

also underage children.

- 71 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Company Secretary Profile Ms. Poramaporn Chamnongsuk Age 30 years

Position : Company Secretary

Fundamentals for Corporate Secretaries

1/2016, Thai Listed Companies Association Education

Bachelor of Laws, Rattana Bundit University

Strategic CSR Management Program, Class 3, SET CSR for Corporate Sustainability Program,

Class 6, SET Training on Company Secretary Role:

Effective Minutes Taking (EMT) Class 42/2018

Thai Institute Of Directors (IOD)

Work experience in the past 5 years and/or important position

Board Reporting Program (BRP)

Class 26/2018 Thai Institute Of Directors (IOD)

Company Secretary Program (CSP)

Class 84/2017 Thai Institute Of Directors (IOD)

Company Reporting Program (CRP)

Class 19/201 7 Thai Institute Of Directors (IOD)

Thai Intelligent Investors Program (TIIP-17)

Thai Investors Association

Advances for Corporate Secretaries 1/2016,

Thai Listed Companies Association

- 72 -

Year 2015 - present

Company Secretary of

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd.

Year 2015

Company Secretary of TS Flour

Mill Public Company Limited

Year 2013 – 2015

Secretary/Lawyer assistant of

Parinya RML Company Limited

Year 2012 – 2013

Legal coordinator of

Eastern Water Resources

Development and Management

Public Company Limited

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Company Secretary

well as the performance of the company and proposed for

The Board of Directors resolved to appoint Ms. Poramaporn

approval at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to

Chamnongsuk is the company secretary to manage the Board

pay remuneration to the Board of Directors.

of Directors meeting, Sub-committee and shareholders’ meeting including preparing the minutes of the Board of

Remuneration for the Board of Directors

Directors meeting, Minutes of the shareholders meeting,

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for 2018, on

Annual report as well as storing documents as required by

25 April 2018, approved the remuneration and bonus for

law. The Company Secretary appointed by the Board of

directors by paying remuneration per attendance for the

Directors, which the Board deems appropriate to have

bonus, the resolution was approved for consideration of oper-

knowledge and ability in managing the company secretary

ating results and not more than 1% of net profit. In 2018,

to comply with various laws and regulations as well as

bonus was paid to directors in the amount of 897,000 baht at

responsible for overseeing corporate governance Corporate,

the date of approval from the general meeting of shareholders

Social Responsibility (CSR).

onwards until the shareholders’ meeting resolves otherwise.

In addition, the company has promoted the company

In addition to monetary compensation the company does

secretary, receiving training and continuous knowledge

not provide other benefits to those sub-committees according

development in law or performing company secretary duties

to Clause 32 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the

and the history has been revealed qualifications and experience

Board of Directors is entitled to receive remuneration.

of the company secretary in the annual report.

However, in order to comply with good corporate governance principles, the Board of Directors resolved to propose

Remuneration for the Board of Directors

remuneration for all patterns of directors at the Annual

Policy on Remuneration for Board and the

General Meeting of Shareholders and define agenda of


remuneration for the Board of Directors, being an agenda for

The company sets appropriate remuneration for the Board

approval every year which the Annual General Meeting of

of Directors by considering the comparison with the

Shareholders for 2018, resolved to approve the remuneration

remuneration of directors of leading companies in the Stock

and bonus for directors, including the remuneration for

Exchange of Thailand and in the same industry group as

sub-committees at the same rate.

- 73 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Remuneration for Board and Sub-committees

Remuneration Type Amount 1. Meeting allowance for Board (Baht/Meeting) - Chairman


- Director


2. Meeting allowance for Audit Committee (Baht/Meeting) - Chairman


- Director


3. Meeting allowance for Nominating and Remuneration Committee - Chairman



- Director

4. Meeting allowance for Risk Management Committee - Chairman



- Director

- 74 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Remuneration for the Board of Directors and the Sub-committees for 2018 (1 January-31 December 2018)

List of director

Remuneration (Baht)

Board of








Management Committee

Remuneration Committee




Mr. Ekphol Phongstabhon


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruth Banomyong



Mr. Wichai Xiao




Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha 120,000



Bonus for






From the

Meeting operating of

from 2017

Management Shareholders Committee 2018




40,000 112,125 392,125







20,000 112,125 392,125



20,000 112,125 397,125



Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn





20,000 112,125 272,125

Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn





20,000 112,125 252,125

Ms.Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn




Miss Pornpairor Tantikulsunthorn







75,000 -

25,000 -

20,000 112,125 352,125 -



(Resigned 21 February 2018) Ms. Busarin Tuanchaem

Total remunaration




60,000 20,000 20,000 - 200,000 135,000





Remark: Ms. Somjai Purachako is a Risk Management Committee received remuneration of 80,000 baht in 2018 (resigned from the company, 31 December 2018)

- 75 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Top Executives Remuneration of WICE

There is no other bonuses.

Policy and Criteria for payment of Executives Remuneration

Executive Directors, 14 Executives from company and

The company measures the performance of executives

subsidiaries received remuneration for the operating results in

every year by using KPI: Key Performance Indicator to

2018 in the form of salary and remuneration, totaling a million

evaluate the executives and employees at all levels and


comparing KPI that is defined as a target with performance to consider wage adjustment and annual bonus.





Number of executive

13 persons

13 persons

14 persons

39.92 MB

47.32 MB

55.80 MB




Total remuneration of executives (MB) Remuneration form

- 76 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

2.3 Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Policy

Received a survey result of Corporate Governance

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited operates

Report of Thai Listed Companies for 2018 by

its business with responsibility, transparency and fairness,

Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) as

observes the principles that have been practiced through

very good.

generations and are outlined in Code of Conduct by

Received 100 points from quality assessment of

adhering to good corporate governance principles and

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for 2018

recognizing the importance of good corporate governance

(AGM Checklist) by the Thai Investors Association.

which will help promote the organization’s potential of competitiveness in both short and long term. In addition,

1. Rights of Shareholders

good corporate governance also helps to create confidence

The company has the policy to support, promote, and

for investors, financial institution, business partner and all

facilitate every shareholder including institutional investors


to ensure that shareholders, both as investors and owners

In operate its business that will lead to increase the

of the Company, are entitled to all basic rights meeting

value of shareholders and the balanced benefits of those

widely accepted and reliable standards, which include the

involved with the company and Board of Directors, therefore,

right to freely trade or transfer their own shares, the right to

it had determined policy of management mechanisms,

receive dividends from the Company, the right to attend

operations and governance systems on good corporate

Shareholders’ Meetings, the right to propose in advance

governance principle which adheres to transparency,

the Meeting agenda, the right to nominate a person to be

responsibility for all stakeholders including adhering to

a director, the right to express opinions independently, and

social responsibility to be a business operation guideline

the right to make decisions on important affairs of the

for directors, executives and employees of the Company.

Company, e.g., the election of directors, the appointment

Thus, Board of Directors has always reviewed and improved

of auditors and determination of the audit fee, amendment

the corporate governance principle to be up-to-date.

of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association

The company has consistently adhered and practice

to good corporate governance principles both being

of the Company and an approval of significant transactions influencing the Company’s direction.

domestic corporate governance principles such as good

Apart from the abovementioned rights of the shareholders,

corporate governance principles for listed companies of

The Company has also operated other matters to encourage

the Securities and Exchange Commission and of the Stock

and facilitate shareholders to exercise their rights as follows:

Exchange of Thailand including the criteria under the

1.1 Provide important and necessary information for

Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies -

shareholders about the business operations clearly and on

CGR of the Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD).

time by disclosure information through the company website

In 2018, the company has evaluated the results of

and the SET.

corporate governance as follows:

- 77 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

1.2 To allow all shareholders to receive clear

1.5 The Company held the Annual General Meeting

information, sufficient and have time to study in advance

of Shareholders of 2018 at Sathorn 1 Room, M Floor,

before the shareholders’ meeting. The company has

Anantara Hotel, Bangkok, and Sathorn which is easily

disseminated information about the date, time, location

accessible due to close Narathiwat Ratchanakarin Road

and agenda of the shareholders’ meeting as a clear matter

and located not far from the Bus Rapid Transit or BRT

by disseminating such information in both Thai and English

Station Arkan Songkhro.

about 30 days in advance before the meeting date.

1.6 The company has registered with the barcode

For the meeting invitation letter, the company has

system that shows the registration number of each

provided detailed of each agenda with an explanation,

shareholder that has been printed on the registration form

reason and the opinion of the Board of Directors by the

and the proxy form so that the registration process is fast.

Company has disseminated the invitation letter with related

In addition, the company has provided a document

documents such as registration form, documents and

checkpoint in a case give a proxy to other persons to

evidence that the attendees shall display before entering

attend the meeting instead and provide a revenue stamp

the meeting, proxy procedures, registration and proxy

for affixed on a proxy form as service to proxies who have

forms in the company website both in Thai and English 30

registered to attend the meeting with the concierge staff

days in advance before the meeting date and deliver the

throughout the registration by the company will open for

above documents to the shareholders at least 7 days prior

registration at least 2 hours before the meeting start.

to the meeting date.

1.7 The company has provided for using voting

1.3 The company provides an opportunity for

ballots for every agenda that requires resolution, for trans-

shareholders to appoint a representative, e.g., an independent

parency and can be checked by voting in each agenda.

director or other person, to act as proxy at the meeting by

The chairman will ask the meeting whether the shareholders

using any proxy form that the company sent with Invitation

or proxies who disagree or abstain shall raise their hands

Letter which is a pattern that shareholders can define the

and vote in voting ballots and signed then the officer will

voting direction according to the form prescribed by the

record score by scanning barcode at voting ballots along

Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce

with collecting such cards. For the shareholders who agree

also information of independent directors assigned by the

shall vote and sign on the voting ballots without to raise

company to be proxies from shareholders.

their hands and will collect all voting ballots that agree at

For shareholders who are institutional or foreign

the end of the meeting. For shareholders who are proxied

investors and appointed a custodian in Thailand as a

to an independent director, the company will vote,

depositor and protect stocks, the company has coordinated

agree, disagree or abstain according to the wishes of the

documents and evidence that shall be presented in


advance before the meeting date to make registration more convenient and faster on the meeting date.

1.8 For details of voting result for each agenda, shall

be collected and informed to the meeting after the voting

1.4 In 2018, all directors attended the Annual

has been completed for each agenda.

General Meeting of Shareholders.

1.9 The company has provided independent

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lawyers to act as examiners counting vote throughout

directors and the management department who attended

the meeting and a volunteer representative from the Thai

the meeting, procedures and methods of voting, resolution

Investors Association to participate in the observation.

of the meeting, voting results for each agenda, including

1.10 The company has given shareholders the right

questions, explanations and opinions of the shareholders

to attend the meeting after the chairman opened the

proposed at the meeting and prepared the Minutes of the

meeting can vote in the agenda that is under consideration

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2018 within 14

and has not yet been voted and counted as a quorum from

days from the date of the meeting and submitted them to

the agenda that had been attended onwards, which it may

the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Ministry of Commerce

cause to have difference score in each agenda by voters.

within the period as stipulated by law. They were also

1.11 During the shareholders’ meeting, the chairman

disseminated on the Company’s website.

allowed the shareholders to express their opinions, suggestions or inquiry on various agenda independently

2. Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

before voting on any agenda to provide shareholders

The Company is fully aware of its duty to protect the

receive information and sufficient details on such matter. In

benefits of every shareholder, every group whether it is a

the agenda that shareholders have questions or inquiries,

minor shareholder, an individual shareholder, investors,

the Company has prepared relevant personnel to provide

Thai shareholder as well as foreign shareholder to receive

answers under the responsibility of the Board of Directors.

the rights, fairly and equitable treatment entirely for the

1.12 In the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

maximum benefit of the shareholders as follows:

for 2018, the meeting considered various matters

Providing the opportunity of Minority Shareholders to

respectively in the agenda specified in invitation letter that

nominate candidates to be elected as a director beforehand

sent to the shareholders in advance without changing

before the meeting date.

the order of the said agenda and without requesting the

The company determined the criteria and procedures

meeting to consider other matters besides that specified in

for granting shareholders the right to propose an agenda to

shareholders’ invitation letter. In addition, after the meeting

the meeting of shareholders and nominate persons to be

considered various matters according to agenda completely,

considered for election as directors in place of those who

the Chairman will give the shareholders an opportunity to

are due to retire by rotation during the 3 months period

ask further questions regarding matters that are of benefits

until the end of the annual accounting period of the company

before the meeting ends.

by the company has disseminated such criteria via the SET

1.13 The company disclosed the resolutions of the

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2018, as well

Portal system of the Stock Exchange of Thailand including the company website.

as votes for each agenda, are disclosed via SET Portal of

The annual general meeting of shareholders for 2018,

the Stock Exchange of Thailand and published on the

the company allows the shareholders to propose the agenda

Company’s website after the Annual General Meeting.

and nominate persons to be considered as a director from

1.14 The company has recorded the minutes as

October 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018, which can be

fully, comprises important information such as the list of

submitted form for proposing agenda and/or nomination

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forms for consideration as directors with prescribed

securities’ price and has not disseminated to shareholders,

documentary evidence through the company secretary by

investors or the general public. Therefore, using internal

the following criteria:

information of the company is important to properly manage

Proposal of the agenda, the company gives the right to

to prevent information leaking that may be used in

one or many shareholders who hold shares on the date of

misappropriate and is taking advantage of other people

proposing the agenda which the total not less than 5% of

which besides to being a legal offense also affecting the

the total voting shares of the company. Propose agenda in

reputation of the company as well.

advance by the Nomination Committee will scrutinize

In addition, the Board of Directors has also reviewed

before proposing to the Board of Directors for considering

the measures of Blackout Period related to internal

to be contained in the agenda and the company will notify

information to comply with the Securities and Exchange

in invitation letter that it is the agenda specified by the

Act., amended version B.E. 2559 and to elevate the operational

shareholders but if Board of Directors refuses to accept the

of the company to be in accordance with good guidelines

matters proposed by the shareholders to be contained in

that the SEC and the SET recommend are as follows:

the agenda, the company will explain the reason to the annual general meeting of shareholders for knowing.

The Company’s Directors, executives, and all

employees (including their spouses or de facto partners)

In addition, the company gives all shareholders the

shall not trade in the securities of the company within 7

rights to nominate persons to be elected as directors in

days before the disclosure of quarterly financial statements

advance by the Nomination Committee will be a person

and annual financial statements, and within 24 hours after

who considered for recruiting with other persons according

the disclosure of such financial statements.

to the criteria for recruiting people to be directors, after that will propose names of persons who deem appropriate to

relevant person to know the Blackout Period in advance.

Board of Directors considering before proposing to the shareholders’ meeting for further approval.

The Company Secretary will notify in writing to the

The company defined to have regularly reviewed the

trading of securities of related persons always and prohibit

In the past year, have no shareholder proposing the

employees involved preparing financial statements and

agenda or nominating a person to be elected as a director

disclose to other persons who are not involved preparing

in advance before the meeting date for 2018 in accordance

financial statements in the period from the closing date of

with such principles and procedures.

the financial statements to the date of disclosure of such financial statements. In addition, in a case that any

Prevention of internal information usage

information is known which has not been disclosed yet,

The company places importance on a matter of using

it may affect the securities’ price of the company. Shall not

internal information of the company that has not disseminated

trade the company’s securities until 24 hours after the

to the public yet or information that may affect the securities’

disclosure of all information to the public.

price of the company to seek benefits for themselves or

Directors and executives according to the

others improperly. In the course of business, directors,

definition of the SEC (“Top Executive”) shall report the

executives, employees and related parties shall consider

holding of the company’s assets when being appointed to

and acknowledge various information which may affect the

be the director or top executive of the company for the first

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time (Form 59-1) by submitting to the SEC within 30

transactions with third parties and considering the best

working days from the date of holding the position and

benefits of the company.

report changes in the holding of securities of the company

Directors who have a conflict of benefits shall not

when buying, selling, transferring or accepting the transfer

take part in considering the transition that they have

of the company’s securities (Form 59-2) within 3 working

conflicts of benefits.

days from the date of change.

In a case of a connected transaction that does

In addition, the Board of Directors will monitor all

not comply with general trading conditions according to

required actions in accordance with the related measures

the principles approved by the Board of Directors which

by determining to have a report the change of holding of

may cause conflicts of interest, shall be reviewed and

such securities to the meeting of the Board of Directors

commented by the Audit Committee before proposing for

every time and disclose the number of shares held at the

approval from the Board of Directors or shareholders (as

beginning of the year, year-end and which are traded

the case may be).

during the year of directors and top executives both directly and indirectly in the annual report. In the past of 2018, not

3. Roles of Stakeholders

appear the director’s offense, top executives and employees

The company has an ideology in conducting business

involved with using internal information in any way.

with morality and hold on to social responsibility, Conduct business by adhering to the principles of creating mutual

Preventing Conflicts of Benefits

value between organizations and all stakeholders for

The company is aware of the importance of managing

sustainable mutual benefits. By the Board of Directors is

conflicts of interest among stakeholders which means the

supervisor to provide the implementation of the laws and

Board of Directors and employees. Therefore, providing

policies as well as ensuring that such rights are protected

the policy to conduct business with honesty, truthful,

and treated with equality strictly.

openness, transparency and fairness by requiring all directors, executives and employees conduct as follows:

In 2018, the Board of Directors approved the reviewing and improvement policies and guidelines for various groups

Do not operate or engage in businesses that

of stakeholders in order to have policies, strategies,

compete with the company, avoid making transactions

guidelines and a comprehensive management process

that are related to oneself or persons/related juristic person

which will help to reduce the risk of reputation and corporate

that may cause conflicts of benefits with the company.

image which can be summarized as follows:

The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring

that the Company complies with principles, methods and

3.1 Shareholders

disclosure of connected transactions as strictly defined by

The company places importance on shareholders

the law or regulatory agency.

as the owner of the company and therefore requires the

In a case that it is necessary to make a connected

Board of Directors as a representative of shareholders,

transaction, the transaction shall be in accordance with

including executives and employees of the company

general trading conditions according to the Board of Directors’

having the duty to operate the business for maximum

approval with transparency and fairness as if doing

benefits and increase value to shareholders in long-term.

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The company respects the rights of shareholders and

focusing on various welfare providing to all groups of

recognizes the duty of caring for shareholders equally both

employees appropriately and fairly by reviewing welfare

the basic rights stipulated by law and Company’s Articles

providing to be consistent with the economic conditions

of Association such as the right to attend the shareholders’

and social changing. The provision of welfare for employees

meeting, proposal of the agenda in advance, election of

will cover every period from entry to retirement and will

Directors, the right to receive a fair return including giving

cover in all aspects, from welfare of work (such as

shareholders the right to make suggestions about the

allowances, travel expenses, uniforms), health benefits (eg.

business operations of the company through independent

annual health check-up) and welfare for living or helping


employees in various cases (eg. provident funds, health and accident insurance, opportunity grants).

3.2 Employees

Labor and human rights

Long-term employee care

The company operates the business with morality

The company has a policy of continuous long-term

by adhering to social responsibility and all stakeholders

employee care by providing a provident fund (membership

according to the company’s code of conduct, protection of

pay monthly contributions to the fund at 2 - 15 percent rate

human rights according to law and without violation of

of the employee’s wages and the company will pay a monthly

human rights.

contribution to the fund at 2% of the employee’s wage according to the employee’s duration of employment.

Employee care

Remuneration Management

The company has defined a strategy for learning and developing employees by requiring employees to

The company has clearly defined the employee

attend both internal and external training for a minimum of

remuneration management policy and procedures with

48 hours per year in order to practice and develop

disclosure in the personnel management regulations,

themselves for work practices. The company has also

determining an appropriate remuneration structure for each

provided training by inviting lecturers who have specific

position. The company defines a budget of remuneration

knowledge and skills from outside to regularly educate

management that comply with the company’s operational

employees and has tested the knowledge of employees

both in the short and long-term. The short-term remuneration

such as TOEIC test, measuring knowledge, abilities of

payment is based on the company’s operational each year

language, etc.

such as sales, net profit and EBITDA. For long-term, it will

In 2019, the company plans to prepare for an

consider the operational according to the long-term business

environmental policy and promote the education and

plan such as business expansion, profit growth rate, market

training of employees on environmental issues further.

share and continuously improve the efficiency of operations.

3.3 Customers The company focuses on creating maximum

Welfare management

The company has clearly defined the employee

satisfaction for customers by taking care and responsible

remuneration management policy and procedures,

for customers, provide services to customers based on the

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standard, keep customers secret and do not disclose

with the framework of laws and guidelines for sustainable

customer information if not authorized by the customer.

development in order to achieve the objectives of the joint

The company has a system and agency that accepts

venture Joint venture.

customer complaints, having guidelines for consideration in order to expedite the process of finding a settlement with

3.6 Creditors

fairness and resolving such complaints as soon as possible.

The Board of Directors will concern the equality of

all parties involved integrity in business and adhering to

3.4 Business Partners

building credibility and treating creditors fairly with policies

The company complies with a competition framework

and guidelines for treating creditors as follows:

that honestly, transparent by adhering to comply with the

Make a contract with all types of creditors legally,

commercial conditions and the contract that is strictly

equality, fairness and transparency without taking

specified with the business partner by considering price

advantage of the parties.

and fairness. Awareness to the reasonableness of price,

Not using corruption or conceal any information

quality and service obtained, determining regulations for

or important facts that may cause creditors to be

procurement and various operations clearly, not request or


accept any property or benefits from partners, supporting

Comply with various contract terms that have

environmentally friendly procurement and do not operate a

been done with all types of creditors strictly,

business with business partners with unlawful behavior.

correct and straightforward.

The company has defined guidelines for managing

The company has a policy of continuous long-term

and selecting partners by clearly defining the supply policy

employee care by providing a provident fund (membership

and selecting, qualification, procedures to conducting

pay monthly contributions to the fund at 2 - 15 percent rate

business systematically, fairly, transparently and supporting

of the employee’s wages and the company will pay a monthly

business partners who conduct business with ethics,

contribution to the fund at 2% of the employee’s wage

responsible for society and the environment and the company

according to the employee’s duration of employment.

will not conduct transactions with individuals or juristic

The company has defined a strategy for learning

persons who have committed illegal actions or have

and developing employees by requiring employees to

behaviors that appear fraudulent.

attend both internal and external training for a minimum

of 48 hours per year in order to practice and develop

3.5 Joint Venture Partners

themselves for work practices. The company has also

The company respects the rights of joint venture

provided training by inviting lecturers who have specific

partners, not taking advantage of the joint venture as well

knowledge and skills from outside to regularly educate

as cooperate with the investors in order to promote and

employees and has tested the knowledge of employees

support the operation of the joint venture to be strong,

such as TOEIC test, measuring knowledge, abilities of

supporting the exchange of ideas, suggestions and jointly

language, etc.

consider the business plan, jointly allocating benefits

In 2019, the company plans to prepare for an

appropriately, transparently includes monitoring and push

environmental policy and promote the education and

forward the operation of joint ventures to be in accordance

training of employees on environmental issues further.

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3.7 Sociaty, Community and Enviorment

Policies and guidelines on anti-corruption

The company adherence to operating a business under

The company is aware of adherence to conducting

the ethical principles and complying with the laws and/or

business with morality, having a social responsibility and all

regulations related to the protection of company’s operations

stakeholders according to the principles of good corporate

which causing damage to the quality of life in society,

governance and business ethics which is to support the

community and environment. Creating a good interaction

sustainable growth of the company. On 13 July 2016, the

with the communities which the company is located,

company signed a declaration of intention to become a

supporting projects and activities that are beneficial to the

Collective Action Coalition: CAC): which is a government

community and society regularly.

project and the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NCC) cooperate with 8 organizations, namely

3.8 Competitors

Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thai Institute of Directors

The company comply within a competitive context by

(IOD), International Chamber of Commerce, Thai Listed

being fair, maintain competition norms and will not find

Companies Association, Thai Bankers Association, Federation

confidential information of business competitors in a

of Thai Capital Market Organizations, Federation of Thai

dishonest or unethical as well as not destroying the business

Industries and Tourism Council of Thailand push forward

reputation of competitors by accusing them of malice.

for anti-corruption measures in the private sector. Therefore, the company is certified as a member of the Collective

3.9 Government

Action Coalition on 10 November 2017.

The company provides to cooperate and support government policies for the benefit of the nation under

Whistleblowing Policy

relevant laws and principles and entering a project or

In order to give rights to various stakeholders in

guideline for anti-corruption including supporting activities

monitoring the operation of the company or affiliated

that encourage and instill all employees to comply with the

companies to be effective, efficient and transparent. The

law and related regulations.

Board of Directors and affiliated companies provide to have channels for whistleblowing and complaints about

3.10 The Media

the company’s operations or affiliated companies that are

The company stresses the importance of disclosing

deemed illegal including those that may be in conflict with

information to the media quickly, accurately, and transparently

related parties.

so that media can communicate the information to the

The company has set up a channel to report clues or

public accurately and rapidly. Moreover, to establish good

complaints of corruption, offense or ethics, inaccurate

relationships with the media such as inviting to join the

financial report, infringement, corruption or defective

press conference or activities organized by the company

internal control system through the following channels:

including creating good relations with the media, exchange

Company’s Websit : www.wice.co.th

ideas between each other to achieve development or


supporting the academic activities of the media.


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: Audit Committee

Annual Report 2018


Methods and procedures for complaint


(1) Before proceeding to the complaint process,

Company Secretary

employees should consult with the supervisor


directly first, and all supervisors should give


priority to employee problems, no matter how

WICE Logistics Public

little, shall not leave the problem and must try to

Company Limited

solve it quickly.

: Audit Committee

88/8 Chong Nonsi Road, Chong Nonsi Sub-district,

(2) If the employee’s problems are not resolved in a

reasonable time or are a problem with supervisors

directly, employees may complain by their own

with the superior level in writing by clarifying the

Remark: Shall not disclose names of stakeholders who

complete cause and information within 7 days

report clues or complaints in anyhow and the Audit

from the date of the conflict and the supervisor

Committee will check information or facts based on the

shall hurry to investigate the complaint, make a

person who reported a clue or complaint and submitted to

decision and report the result within 20 days

the Board of Directors for acknowledgment within 30 days

from the date of receiving the complaint to the

from the date of receipt notification.

complainant with an explanation by verbal

readiness and a record of reasoning in the

expression by the complainant signing the

acknowledgment the result, consideration or

The company defines the principles for grievances

diagnosis in a written statement, as the case

for employees. In a case that employees having opinions

may be.

Yannawa District, Bangkok 10120

The process of dealing with matters that employees complain which may be an offense.

or conflicts regarding employment conditions, working, benefits, duties and responsibilities of employees with the

Protection for complainants and related parties

following principle for complaint is as follows:

Definition and scope of complaint

(1) Complaints will be considered with fairness, not

bullying, relocate or any punishment unless it is

a complaint with a dishonest intent.

(1) The complaints shall be about work, not a

(2) Employees who testify or participate in the

personal matter unless the matter is related

investigation will be protected, not bullying,

to work.

relocate or any punishment in anyhow unless

the employee intends to make a bias, incriminate,

(2) The complaints of the employee shall be about

the opinion or conflicts on systems or methods

false or not cooperate in the investigation

of working, benefits, contract or employment

process to find the truth.

condition, conduct and fairness of employees.

(3) The complaint shall not be a requesting for

(3) Consideration of punishment of employees from

the suspension period and complaints. The

the appointment, transfer, terminate, lay off,

Chief Executive Officer will appoint a committee

dismissal by a person.

to consider from time to time and will terminate

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as soon as the punishment or consideration of

the complaint ends.

The company adheres and comply with laws, principles and rules prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Stock Exchange of Thailand and

The company provides suggestions, complaints and comments of employees as follows:

is disclosed correctly and as a guarantee for shareholders


: CEO araya@wice.co.th


: Audit Committee

to believe in transparent of business operations, such as 4.1 Prepare various reports according to the


follow up the changes regularly to ensure that the information

Comment Box : 2nd Floor, 3rd Floor and 5th

law relating to the position of director and top executives and report to the SEC.

Floor, Office Building

4.2 Establish policies for directors and top executives shall report their own benefits and related

If the employees deem themselves not receiving a fair

persons which is a vested interest in the management of

or has found a risk point or any action that may affect the

the business of the company or subsidiary in accordance

company then they can complaint via such channels.

with the principles, pattern and methods prescribed by the

Therefore, the complaint process and investigation to find


facts, the company clearly stated in the employee manual for all employees to acknowledge and strictly follow.

4.3 Establish policies for directors to disclose trading report, holding shares of the company to the meeting of the board of directors to acknowledge the

Policies or guidelines for protecting employees or who informers of wrongful conduct

meeting time including the shareholding of spouses and minor children of such persons to the Board of Directors

In complaints that may be related to the violation of

every quarter and disclose the number of shares held at

the business ethics of employees, the company will conduct

the beginning of the year, year-end and which are traded

an investigation in accordance with the procedures and

during the year in the annual report.

records of the investigation in writing without disclosing the

4.4 Prepare the report of the Board of Directors’

name of the whistleblower including the collection of

responsibility for financial reports and presented with the

complaints to protect the impact that may occur to those

auditor’s report in the annual report.

who report such clues.

4.5 Disseminate the invitation letter for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and annual reports within

4. Disclosure and Transparency

120 days from the end of the fiscal year.

SCG recognizes the importance of information disclosure because it greatly affects decision-making of

4.6 Disseminate the latest general meeting minutes on the company website.

investors and stakeholders. It is necessary, therefore, to

4.7 Disclose the roles and duties of the Board

define and administer measures concerning the disclosure

of Directors and sub-committees, the number of meetings

of information, both financial and non-financial as stipulated

and the number of times each director attended each

by laws and shall be complete, sufficient, reliable and

meeting individually.


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4.8 Disclose date, month, year appointed as a director in the annual report. 4.9 Disclose the method of nomination of directors and how to evaluate the performance of the board. 4.10 Disclose the remuneration policy for directors and top executives including pattern, nature and amount of remuneration that each director has been appointed as a member of the sub-committee on an individual basis. 4.11 Disclose information about attending the

Interview “Look at the world, look at us� on Channel 3SD, number 28, broadcast on 25 April 2018

training courses of directors organized by the Thai Institute

4.12 Disclose the operating structure and investment

activities of the company on a regular basis.

in subsidiaries, associates, jointly controlled entities and

Press release on quarterly operating results for

investors and analysts.

other companies clearly.

Press release on quarterly operating results

including news of investment projects and important

of Directors Association (IOD) on an individual basis.

4.13 Disclose audit fees and service fees besides

Holding activities to meet investors and

stakeholders both in Thailand and abroad.

audit fees in the annual report. 4.14 Disclose the Memorandum and Articles of

Disseminate news via mass media in various

patterns such as news releases, news, articles, advertising

Association of the company on the company’s website. 4.15 Disclose important investment projects and

media and various media.

the impact on the investment project by disclosing information through the SET Portal of the SET and the

Disseminate information about employees via

electronic media such as internet, email and social media.

company website for shareholders, investors, media and

Disseminate information through the website

related parties to receive information accuracy, across the

www.wice.co.th www.facebook.com/wice logistics public

board and transparent.

company limited

Investor Relations Unit

Channels for dissemination the company information

The Board recognizes that company information, both

The company gives importance to the disclosure of

financial and non-financial affects the decisions of investors

information that is accurate, complete, transparent both

and stakeholders of the company. Therefore, shall reiterate

financial information, operational results and other information

the management to proceed with matters relating to the

relevant. Besides disclosure information in accordance

disclosure of information that is complete, reliable, consistent

with the duties under the regulations of the law, the company

and timely, which the management of the company has

has also developed channels for communicating information

always given importance and adhered to as for the investor

and news through various media to benefit stakeholders

relations work. The company provided an investor relations

such as

unit specifically by assigning the Managing Director - Business

Provide an investor relations unit to be direct

contact with investors.

Development and Company Secretary acting to communicate with institutional investors, shareholders, analysts and

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relevant government sectors which investors can contact for company information at 02-681-6181 ext. 3501 or E-mail: Secretary2@wice.co.th. Activities in 2018, Managing Director and administrative department including investor relations, company secretary had conducted investor relations activities in various pattern which can be categorized as follows: 1. Holding activities for listed companies to meet investors and the Stock Exchange of Thailand (Opportunity day) once per a quarter to report quarterly operational results. 4. Interviews on TV program and by phone for 10 times.

5. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

5.1 Composition of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors comprises nationally respected,

knowledgeable and competent persons who are responsible for drawing up corporate policy and collaborating with the top executives in making operating plans, both short-term and long-term, including financial policy, risk management policy, and organizational overview. The Board plays an important role in overseeing, monitoring and evaluating the

2. Seeing the executives by making an appointment

from investors and securities analyst to inquire about

performance of the Company and top executives on an independent basis.

company information (Company Visit) for 12 times.

3. Seeing securities analyst of sub-group for 2 times.

Board of Directors Consists of 4 executive directors,

namely the Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director Business Development, Managing Director - Corporate Support, Director of Accounting and Finance and 4 non-executive directors whose non-executive directors have work experience related to the major business of the company, details appear in the Director’s history in the annual report.

The company has 4 independent directors, which is

half of the total number of directors. The independent directors will be responsible for monitoring the working of the management department, suggest and comment, support policies that are beneficial to shareholders or

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oppose guidelines that may cause injustice or not

operations with concern for safety and responsibility of

transparent, which may affect the benefits of shareholders

social, environmental as well as the development of

and various groups of stakeholders. Overseeing to ensure

company’ s employees.

the company determines and discloses the policy on

6. Directing the Company’s operation in compliance

overseeing the connected transactions to ensure that it is

with the laws, objectives, the Company’s Articles of

the best benefits of the company and shareholders.

Association, resolutions of the Board of Directors and resolutions of Shareholders’ Meetings in good faith, with

Scope of Authority of the Board of Directors

responsibility and care to preserve the maximum benefits


The Board of Directors has the following authorities:

1. Acting in the best benefits of shareholders

7. Governance and supporting the creation of innovations

(Fiduciary Duty) by observing the following 4 main practices;

that create value to the company as well as benefit all

1.1 Performing its duties with responsibility and

of the Company and fairness to all involved parties.


all due circumspection and caution (Duty of Care).

8. Governance and monitoring IT management and

1.2 Performing its duties with faithfulness and

the implementation of the IT security system.

honesty (Duty of Loyalty).

9. Determine risk management policies and governance

1.3 Performing its duties in compliance with laws,

to ensure effective risk management systems together with

objectives, the Company’s Articles of Association, the

reviewing and assessing the systems periodically and in

resolutions of the Board of Directors and resolutions of

the wake of a change in risk levels.

Shareholders’ Meetings (Duty of Obedience).

10. Governance and developing the company’s corporate

1.4 Disclosing information to shareholders

governance to keep it consistent with international standard

accurately, completely, and transparently with verifiability

to provide guidelines for business operations while monitoring

and timeliness. (Duty of Disclosure)

compliance and being a role model in complying with the

2. Defining and reviewing the structure of the Board of Directors, the number of directors and proportion of

principles of good corporate governance and the company Code of Conduct.

independent directors as well as Board diversity and director

11. Encouraging staff at all levels to be conscious of

qualifications to align with the company’s business operations.

ethics and morality and comply with the company’s principles

3. Directing the company’s visions, missions, and

of corporate governance, the company Code of Conduct

business strategies, with an annual revision and approval.

and the Anti-corruption Policy while promoting awareness

4. Considering the major operating plan, budgets,

of the importance of internal control system and internal

business goals, and business policies and enhancing the

audits to reduce the risk of fraud and abuse of authority

capabilities of the company to reach a globally competitive

and prevent any illegal act.


12. Overseeing and monitoring the company’s liquidity

5. Overseeing and monitoring the implementation of the Company’s strategies and monitoring on performance

and debt service coverage together with emergency plans and mechanisms in case of when problems arising.

measurement with regular performance reports including

13. Governance and monitoring to ensure that the

policies for the development and improvement of business

preparation of financial statements and disclosure of

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material information is accurate, sufficient and timely,

notify the Chairman or the Secretary to the Board in

and are in compliance with the relevant regulations and

advance of the meeting.


19. Monitoring and managing any potential

14. Overseeing to ensure that shareholders’ involvement

conflicts of benefits between the company and the

in the decision making of the company’s important matters,

management department or shareholders as well as

respecting the rights of shareholders, ensuring the equitable

governance to prevent misuse of the company’ s assets

and transparent treatment of all shareholders and stakeholders,

and transactions with those who are related to the company

conducting the business transparently, disclosing information

in an inappropriate manner

accurately and adequately, establishing a clear process

20. Develop knowledge and ability in continuing

and channels for receiving and handling complaints from

duties, attend training or participate in courses related to

informants or stakeholders, and ensuring an opportunity

the performance of directors or seminar activities that

for every stakeholder to contact or lodge complaints about

enhance the knowledge continually.

potential issues directly to the Board of Directors.

In performing its duties, the Board of Directors may ask

15. Considering top executive development plans

external consultation from independent consultants or

and the succession plan for the CEO or Managing Directors

experts in various fields, as deemed necessary and

and governance to ensure the effective performance


evaluation of top executives on an annual basis and determining appropriate remuneration in line with the

5.3 Roles of the Chairman of the Board of Directors

company’s operating results to provide both short-term

The Chairman of the Board of Directors has the

and long-term incentives.

following authorities:

16. Evaluating the performance of the Board of

1. Sets Board meeting agenda in consultation with

Directors annually by performing 2 types of evaluations,

the CEO and oversees to ensure Board members receive

namely overall performance evaluation of the Board of

accurate, complete, timely, and clear information prior to

Directors and self-evalution each individual with monitoring

the meeting to assist in their decision making process.

the evaluation results of the Board and its Sub-committees to consider together in the Board of Directors and regularly

Directors and chairs meetings of the Board.

review the performance evaluation form of the Board of Directors.

2. Provides leadership and direction to the Board of

2.1 Conducts a Board meeting according to the agendas, the Company’s Articles of Association, and

17. Governance and monitoring to ensure the

applicable laws.

selection and nomination process of a director is carried

2.2 Encourages and allocates sufficient time to

out transparently and the remunerations for directors and

each Board member to discuss and express their free and

Sub-committee members are determined appropriately.

frank opinion with due circumspection and concern for all

18. Devoting sufficient time to perform their duties,


attending all meetings of the Board of Directors and Shareholders’ Meetings, except in unavoidable circumstances.

2.3 Summarize the Board meeting resolutions and the actions to take clearly.

The directors who are unable to attend a meeting must

2.4 Determining a Board meeting without the Directors from management department.

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Annual Report 2018

3. Chairs meetings of shareholders according to the

agendas, the Company’s Articles of Association, and

5.5 Separation of the Roles of the Board of Directors

and the management department

relevant laws by allocating time appropriately along with

The company defines clear roles and responsibilities

providing opportunities for shareholders to express their

regarding the Board of Directors and the management

opinions equitably and ensuring that shareholders’

department by the Board shall be responsible for determining

inquiries are responded to appropriately and transparently.

the policies and governance of the management department

4. Supports and be a role model in compliance with

to comply with the specified policy. Therefore, the Chairman

the principles of good corporate governance and the

and CEO of the Company shall not be the same person,

company Code of Conduct.

and each must be nominated and elected by the Board in

5. Fosters a positive working relationship between

order to ensure their appropriateness. Furthermore, the

the Board of Directors and the management department

Board is responsible for determining a succession plan

and supports the performance of the duties of the CEO

covering the top executives, which is subject to annual

and the management department in accordance with the

review by the meeting between non-executive directors

company’s policy.

without the management department attending the meeting

6. Governance to ensure the transparent disclosure

on such an agenda.

of information and management in the event of conflicts of

The Chairman shall not be a member of the


management and shall not participate in the management

of the company; nor shall the Chairman be authorized to

7. Governance to ensure the Board of Directors has

appropriate structure and composition.

sign binding agreements on behalf of the company. This is

8. Governance that the Board of Directors as a

to clearly define separate roles between supervision of the

whole, members of sub-committees, and each individual

company’s overall policy, and management of the business.

director perform their duties effectively and efficiently.

For the management department that has been as-

signed the authority to operate under various policies that

5.4 The Board of Directors’ Authorization

are responsible for the overall performance, control ex-

The Board of Directors is empowered to authorize

penses and investment budget to the extent approved by

various matters in accordance with the scope of authority

the Board in the annual plan. Implementing based on per-

stipulated by laws, the Company’s Articles of Association,

sonal policy to solve problems or conflicts that affect the

the Board of Directors charter, and the shareholders’ meeting

organization and maintain effective communication with

resolutions. Such matters include defining and reviewing


corporate vision, missions, operating strategies, operating plans, risk management policy, annual budget and business

5.6 Directors’ Term of office on the Directors

plans, and medium-term business plan. Added to this is

Duration of each term

the definition of the target operating results, following up

The Company’s Articles of Association stipulates

and assessing the operating results to ensure they are

the Directors’ Term of Office on Directors in accordance

consistent with the plan, and overseeing capital expenditure,

with the provision of the Public Limited Companies Act

material connected transactions, merger and acquisition,

B.E. 2535. At the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

corporate spin-off, and joint venture deals.

each year, one-third of the total directors must retire from

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office. If it is not possible to divide the total number of

position as director in other companies (Listed company

directors evenly by three, the number closest to one-third

and limited company) for a total not exceed 5 companies

must retire from the office. In choosing those directors who

which approved by the Board of Directors.

retire, the length of service on the board should be considered, so that those who have served longest are most eligible to

5.8 Performance Evaluation and Knowledge

Enhancement of the Directors

retire. Currently, the Board of Directors consists of 8 members,

whose term of office is 3 years. Nevertheless, a retiring

The company provides a performance evaluation

director is eligible for re-election.

Performance evaluation of Directors

and reviews the performance evaluation of the Board of Directors and sub-committees every year at least 1 time

Consecutive term of independent directors

per year by dividing the evaluation into 2 types include the

Independent directors can hold a position no more

performance evaluation as a whole and self-performance

than 3 consecutive terms (9 years) or as appropriate with

evaluation which the evaluation results the Board of Directors

the first term starting on a date the Board of Directors

has analyzed and found conclusions to determine measures

approved on 31 December 2014 and the end of each term

to improve the working efficiency of the Board of Directors.

on the date of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

For the performance evaluation process of the

in which they are due to retire by rotation. The Board of

Board of Directors as a whole and self-performance evaluation,

Directors may nominate their names to be re-elected at the

the Nomination and Remuneration Committee will consider

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders as deemed fit, in

both the performance evaluation form of the Board of

which case they will no longer be considered independent.

Directors and sub-committees including the questionnaire for information desired, to enhance knowledge and ability in

5.7 Policy for limiting the number of listed companies

of Directors for consideration.

of directors and top executives

Determination the number of listed companies

The company secretary has delivered the evaluation

form to all directors for evaluating the performance of the

that directors will hold a position as a director

performing duties of directors before proposing to the Board

The Board of Directors has defined a policy to determine

Board of Directors and the sub-committees that they hold

the number of listed companies that the directors will hold

positions. After that, the company secretary will summarize

a position as director in order for the company to receive

the results and present the results to the Nomination and

the most benefit when the directors can devote time for

Remuneration Committee and the Board of Directors for

performing their duties efficiently. The Board of Directors

an acknowledgment before submitting the evaluation

has defined a policy for directors to hold positions in other

results to the Chairman of Committee and Chairman of

listed companies for a total not exceed 5 companies. In


addition, the company has guidelines in a case that Chief Executive Officer or the Managing Director will hold a

In 2018, the performance evaluation of the commit-

tee and the sub-committee can summarize as follows:

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Annual Report 2018


Performance evaluation of

Self- performance

the Board of Directors

evaluation (percent)

as a whole (percent)

1. Board of Directors


2. Audit Committee


3. Nomination and Remuneration Committee


4. Risk Management Committee



Director and Top Executives Development

increase knowledge related to the duties and responsibili-

The Board of Directors agreed to hold activities that will

ties of the directors continuously as follows:

Attending development and training program of each director in 2018

LIST OF DIRECTORS 1. Mr. Ekphol Phongstabhon

DESCRIPTIONS - Participated in the Chairman Forum on Digital Transformation–A Must for

all Companies 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruth Banomyong

- None

3. Mr. Wichai Xiao

- None

4. Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha

- None

5. Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn

- Participated in the 15th Assembly Logistics held by Logistics Thailand


- Attending the CEO CLUB 2018 on “The Game is on!”

- Attending the semina on “Research Alliance Dialogue on Corporate

Governance 2018” held by IOD 6. Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn

- None

7. Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn

- Participated in the 15th Assembly Logistics held by Logistics Thailand


- Attending the seminar on “People strategy is business strategy” held by

Human Capital Management Club, Thai Listed Companies Association

- Attending the semina on “Next Step Thailand: EEC Thai strategy connect

the world “ held by Bangkok Business 8. Ms. Busarin Tuanchaem

- Training Semina, Director Accreditation Program (DAP) 148/2018 held

by IOD

- Attending the seminar on “CFO Getting Together 2018” held by SET

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In addition, the company also encourages directors

(DCP) of Thai Institute of Directors which the SEC requires

and top executives attending seminars for the courses that

directors to register at least one course of training, which is

are useful for performing duties including meeting and

Director Certification Program (DCP), Director Accreditation

exchanging opinions of the Board of Directors and top

Program (DAP) and Audit Committee Program (ACP) in

executives of various organizations are always. Both courses

order to bring knowledge and experience to develop the

held by independent organizations or governance agencies

organization further.

of government such as Director Certification Program

Training courses attended for directors that held by the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD)




Certification Accreditation

Role Of The





Committee Corruption Leadership Secretary Corruption

Program Program Chairman Program (DCP)



Program Program


(DAP) Program (ACP) Practical (ELP) (CSP) Executive

(RCP) Guide Program LIST OF (ACPG) (ACEP) DIRECTORS 1. Mr. Ekphol Phongstabhon

DCP 141/2011

RCP 40/2017

CSP 41/2011

ACEP 4/2012

ACEP12/2014 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruth Banomyong DCP 103/2008


3. Mr. Wichai Xiao


4. Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha


5. Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn

ACP 13/2006

DCP 181/2013

6. Mr. Chudet Kongsoonthorn

DAP SEC/2014

7. Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn

DAP SEC/2014

8. Ms. Busarin Tuanchaem


ACPG 42/2017

ELP 10/2017 CSP65/2015

For supporting the performance of the Board of

Committee and Risk Management Committee for

Directors, the company secretary acts as a coordinator

sustainable development, to perform specific duties and

between the directors and the management department

proposing matters to the Board of Directors for consideration

and also coordinate the relevant laws, regulations including

or acknowledgment by providing a charter for sub-

overseeing activities of the Board of Directors, implementation

committees to determine duties and responsibilities and

of coordination for compliance with the Board of Directors’

disclosed such charter on the Company’s website as well.


In addition, the Board of Directors may appoint other subcommittees for specific matters as appropriate for the


changing situation.

The Board has established Sub-committees, namely the Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration

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Annual Report 2018

1. Audit Committees

system and disclosure information in financial

Comprises 3 independent directors and all directors

statements in accordance with financial reporting

have a full understanding of, and experience in, accounting

standards and encourage to develop the financial

or finance which are well accepted by Mr. Wichai Xiao

reporting systems to be in line with international

whom an Audit Committee who has sufficient knowledge

financial reporting standards. 2. To consider related transactions, acquisition or

and experience to review the reliability of financial statements. The Audit Committee’ duties are to review operations to

disposition assets or transactions that may have

ensure that they have been carried out in accordance with

conflicts of benefits in accordance with the law,

the policies, company’s articles of association as well as the

requirements of the SEC and SET. 3. To review the Company to have a risk management

laws, regulations and requirements of compliance-related agencies. Moreover, the Committee is committed to promoting

process, work processes, controlling, governance

the advancement of financial and accounting report system

of operational and information technology and

to meet international standards and to ensure that the

maintaining data security and effective communication

company has an appropriate, modern and efficient internal

network systems conform to international standards. 4. To review the company to have anti-corruption

control system, internal audit system and risk management system. The Audit Committee acts and expresses opinions

process in accordance with the guidelines of various


governance agencies as effectively, including the

The Board of Directors will hold a meeting with the

Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition

auditor, without management department to attend the

Against Corruption (CAC), Thai Institute of Director

meeting at least once a year to request comments from

(IOD) and the National Anti-Corruption Commission

auditors on various matters.

starting from promoting and raising awareness,

Audit Committee comprises

internal control risk assessment, creating a preventive

1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruth Banomyong Chairman of the

work system, reporting the offense, audit until the

Audit Committee

self-assessment form regarding anti-corruption

2. Mr. Wichai Xiao

Audit Committee

measures as audited and evaluated.

3. Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha

Audit Committee

5. To review the company to have control and monitoring

process in accordance with the securities and

Audit Committee’s term of office

exchange laws, regulations, rules and other laws

The Audit Committee has a term of 3 years with completed

related to the business of the company. 6. To review the company to has an appropriate and

its term on the date of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting upon expiration of the term of office, they may be

effective internal control and internal audit system in

considered to be appointed to continue their positions.

accordance with generally accepted methods and

standards and consider the “Internal Control System

Scope of Authority of Audit Committee

Sufficiency Assessment Form” which reviewed and

The Audit Committee shall have the following authorities:

evaluated, to ensure that the company has adequate

1. To review the company to have a financial reporting

internal control systems and propose to the Board

of Directors for consideration.

- 95 -

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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited 7. To review the summary of fraud investigation and

department, department head or employees of the relevant

define preventive measures within the organization.

company give an opinion, attend meetings or submit

including reviewing the company’s internal processes

documents that deem necessary. The Audit Committee

regarding clues and complaints.

performs duties within the authorities and responsibilities

8. To review the company to have a preventive system

as ordered by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors

and being a benefit the organization to increase

is responsible for the company’s operations directly to

efficiency and effectiveness in the operation.

shareholders, stakeholders and the general public.

9. To consider for selecting, nominate, appointment or

termination persons who are independent to act as

Responsibilities of the Audit Committee

auditors of the company including the remuneration

1. After the Audit Committee acknowledged in a case

of the auditor of the company and evaluate the

that the auditor found suspicious circumstances

performance of the auditor.

that the director, manager or person responsible for

10. To prepare the report of the Audit Committee by

the company’s operation committed the offense

disclosure in the annual report which the report

under the Securities and Exchange Act, Section

shall be signed by the Chairman of the Audit

281/2, paragraph two, Section 305, Section 306,

Committee and have opinions on various matters

Section 308 Section 309, Section 310, Section

according to the requirements of the SET.

311, Section 312 or Section 313, the Audit

11. To review and comment on the performance of the

Committee shall audit and report the preliminary

internal audit office and coordinate with the auditor

audit results to SEC and the auditor within 30 days

and hold a meeting with the auditor without the

of receiving notice from the auditor.

management department to attend the meeting at

least once a year.

2. For the perform on duties of the Audit Committee If

found or have doubts as to whether or not the

12. To consider approving the internal audit plan, budget

following transactions or actions which may have a

including giving an approved for appointment,

significant impact on the financial position and the

removal, transfer or termination of internal audit officer.

company’ operating results, the Audit Committee

13. To consider the independence of the internal audit

shall report to the Board of Directors in order to

unit by considering the performance on duties and

improve within the time that the Audit Committee

reports including the command line and review an

deems appropriate.

evaluation of the audit in accordance with interna

(1) Transactions that cause conflict of benefits.

tional standards.

(2) Corruption or irregularities or significant defects

14. To review the Audit Committee to evaluate the

overall performance of the Audit Committee and

evaluating their own performance every year.

(3) Violation of the law on securities and stock exchange, regulations of the Stock Exchange of

15. To perform any other acts as required by law or is

in the internal control system.

assigned by the Board of Directors.

Thailand or laws related to the business of the company

For the perform on duties under the scope of authority,

If the Board of Directors or the management depart-

the Audit Committee has the power to order the management

ment will not proceed to provide the amendment within the

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Annual Report 2018 time specified by the Audit Committee, one of the Audit Committee may report such transaction or action to the

Scope of Authority of Nomination and Remunera-

tion Committee

SEC or the SET.

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall

have the following authorities:

2. Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Comprises 3 directors, by 2 in 3 are independent

1. To determine the scope and policy for nomination

directors and not being an executive director and the

of directors to propose to the Board of Directors.

2. To consider and review the appropriateness of

Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

being a director of the company in a case that

is an independent director, responsible to present, review

there are changes related to the qualifications of

and governance the recruitment of those who are eligible

the director.

to be appointed as directors to replace those whose term

3. To suggest performance, evaluate methods of

has expired or other cases. Review the performance evaluation

the directors and various sub-committees and

system of the Board of Directors and sub-committees and

prepare a plan for succession of directors, chief executive

annually including monitoring and summarizing

officer or managing director also study, consider and monitor

the evaluation results to the Board of Directors in

the changes and trends in the remuneration of the Board of

order to improve performance efficiency and

Directors to propose to be remuneration policy that being

enhance the knowledge and capabilities of the

able to motivate as well as being able to maintain talent


and integrity people to remain with the organization.

the Chairman of the Board of Directors by reviewing

4. To determine the qualifications of the person who

Nomination and Remuneration Committee comprises

will hold the position of directors in accordance

1. Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha

Chairman of the

with the company’s business strategy and

Nomination and

determine the nomination process for directors


to replace the directors whose term has expired


by recruiting directors with diverse qualifications

Nomination and


competencies that are useful to the company.


2. Mr. Wichai Xiao

3. Dr. Araya Kongsoonthorn

in terms of skills, experience, gender and specific

5. To consider and nominate qualified persons to be

Nomination and

directors of the company to replace those who


have completed their terms or other cases by


considering the diversity in the structure of the Board of Directors to propose to the Board of

Nomination and Remuneration Committee’s term of


Directors And the shareholders’ meeting for consideration.

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has

6. To prepare the succession plan for the Chief

a term of 3 years with completed its term on the date of the

Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting upon expiration of

to the Board of Directors for consideration.

the term of office, they may be considered to be appointed to continue their positions.

7. To propose guidelines and methods to pay remu

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Executive Officer or Managing Director to propose

neration to the Board of Directors and various

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

sub-committees that appointed by the Board of

years with completed its term on the date of the Annual

Directors which includes annual bonuses and

General Shareholders’ Meeting upon expiration of the term

of office, they may be considered to be appointed to con-

meeting allowance.

8. To consider the remuneration of the Board of

tinue their positions.

Directors compare with other leading listed

companies who are the same business and propose

to the Board of Directors for acknowledgment.

1. Having a duty to consider policies, strategies,

9. To consider the reviewing and suggested if there

Scope of Authority of Risk Management Committee

risk management structures and operations to

are any changes about the charter. The Nomination

ensure that the proposed strategic plan conform

and Remuneration Committee will propose to the

to risk ratings that the company accepted and

Board of Directors for approval, adjustment to be

according to the needs of the stakeholders.

appropriate and up to date always.

2. Supporting

10. To perform other duties as assigned by the

Board of Directors.






Management Committee at the practitioner level.

3. Monitoring and evaluating the efficiency and

For the perform on duties under the authority and

effectiveness of overall risk management.

responsibility of the Nomination and Remuneration

Committee, it has the authority to order the management

department, department head or employees of the

of the organization and can ensure that those

relevant company gives an opinion, attend meetings or

risks have been dealing up to the level that the

submit documents that deem necessary.

company accepted.

3. Risk Management Committee

4. Understanding and be able to assess the risks that may affect the achievement of the objectives

5. Providing advice and approve of risk management

Recruitment and appointment of directors and top ex-

Comprise 2 directors and 1 person from management


department to determine the risk management policy and operation guidelines, risk prevention guidelines in order to

Independent Director

run the business continually.

The company determines the proportion of directors

Risk Management Committee comprises

who are qualified as independent directors to be not less

1. Ms. Thitimar Tantikulsunthorn Chairman of the

than half of the total number of directors. At present, the

Risk Management

company has 4 independent directors, namely Mr. Ekphol


Phongstabhon, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruth Banomyong,

Risk Management

Mr. Wichai Xiao and Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha

2. Ms. Busarin Tuanchaem 3. Miss Somjai Purashago

Committee Risk Management

Qualifications of Independent Directors


Company’s independent director shall be a director

with the following qualifications:

Risk Management Committee’s term of office

The Risk Management Committee has a term of 3

Holding shares not exceeding 1% of the number

of shares that have voting rights in the company,

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Annual Report 2018

master company, subsidiary, associates or juristic

terminated for not less than 2 years before being

person that may have conflicts which shall also


include the shareholding of the related persons of

such independent directors.

Not being or having been a professional service

provider which includes providing services as a

Not being or used to be a director who is involved

legal advisor or financial advisor which receives

in the management of work, employees, consultants

service fees in excess of 2 million baht per year

who receive regular salary or regulator, master

from the company, mater company, subsidiary

company, subsidiary, same rank subsidiary or a

company or juristic person that may have conflicts.

juristic person that may have conflicts unless it

In a case that a professional service provider is a

has been terminated for not less than 2 years

juristic person, including being major shareholder,

before being appointed.

directors who are not independent directors,

Not being a person who has a relationship by

executives or managing partners of such professional

blood or by legal registration in a manner of

service providers unless it has been terminated

father, mother, spouse, sibling, and child. Including

for not less than 2 years before being appointed.

spouse of the child, executives, major shareholder,

Not being a director appointed to represent the

regulator or a person who will be proposed to be

company director, major shareholders or

an executive or regulator of the company or

shareholders who are related to the major


shareholders of the company.

No or have had a business relationship with the

Not operating a business that is the same busi

company and subsidiaries, master company or

ness and is a significant competition with the

juristic person that may have conflict in a manner

business of the company or subsidiary or not a

that may interfere with his independent judgment

significant partner in the partnership or being a

including not being or having been a major

director who is involved in the management of

shareholder, non-independent director or executives

work, employees, employees, consultants who

of those who have a business relationship with

the company and its subsidiaries, master company

the total voting rights of other companies which

or juristic persons that may have conflicts unless

operates businesses that is the same business

it has been terminated for not less than 2 years

and are competing with the business of the com

before being appointed.

pany or subsidiaries


being or having been an auditor of the

receive regular salary or holding more than 1% of

No other characteristic that makes impossible to

company, master company, subsidiary or juristic

give independent opinions about company’s

person that may have conflicts and not being a


major shareholder, non-independent directors, executives or managing partners of the audit

to make decisions in matters independently.

office which has an auditor of the company, master company, subsidiary company or juristic

Be able to attend the Board of Directors’ meeting Be

able to take care of the benefits of all

shareholders equally.

person that may have conflicts unless it has been

- 99 -

Be able to take care of not causing conflictbenefits.

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Independent directors may be assigned by the Board

selected from experts who have background and expertise

of Directors to make decisions on business operations of

from variety of careers, having leadership, sweeping visions,

the company, master company, subsidiaries, same rank

being a moral and ethical person, having transparency

subsidiaries or a juristic person that may have conflicts by

work history and unblemished including having the ability

making decisions in the form of a group.

to express opinions independently. - Guidelines on scrutinizing nominees as directors

Nomination for Directors and Top Executives

In scrutinizing the names of those who have been

Guidelines on nomination for Directors

nominated as members of the Nomination Committee,

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is re-

should determine the guidelines that will be used to con-

sponsible for recruiting qualified persons to be appointed

sider by focusing on the following elements:

as directors of the company to replace the directors whose

1. The desired characteristics in each director

term has expired or in other cases and propose to the

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Board of Directors to consider the person who will be nom-

should consider and determine the individual characteristics

inated to be elected from the shareholders’ meeting. The

of those who are selected to nominate as directors in

guidelines for the nomination of directors will consider from

various areas such as; - Having morality and responsibility


- Decisions with information and reasons

- Able to devote time and benefit to the company.

- Having the maturity and stability, being a good

- Having a work history of honesty, integrity, transparency

and qualifications as a director under the SEC’s

listener and dare to express opinions differently and independently. - Adhere to work with principles and standards


as professional

- Having experience of organization managemen

- Other characteristics that the Nomination

- Having an idea and follow up the changes of the

Committee considers are important

modern world at all times - Having





specialized skills that can enhance the efficiency,

knowledge and experience of the committee that

still lack.

2. The desired knowledge and expertise to have in

the Board of Directors Nomination Committee should consider defining specific elements of knowledge and expertise required in the

- Not doing business or being a director or executives

“committee to allow the Board to determine strategies and

in organizations which doing business compete with

policies including governance the implementation based

the company.

on strategies effectively.

- Dare to speak and express opinions reasonably.

3. Diversity of Directors

- Having ideology, able to work as a team and have a

Besides to defining the above two elements, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee may also

culture with directors. Selection of the Board of Directors according to the

consider determining guidelines for a variety of other qualifications of the entire board such as the coming from

recruitment guidelines The Nomination and Remuneration Committee will be

various stakeholders and basic education, age, gender, etc.

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In addition, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

expired is as follows:

has nominated directors by focusing on the knowledge

1. Each director is allowed to nominate the appropriate

and expertise necessary that still lack in the board. Either

person to be a director of the company to replace the

knowledge, expertise or management experience, specialized

director whose term has expired. By the directors who

expertise (Law, Marketing, Accounting/Financial Literacy

have retired by rotation should not nominate themselves to

which shall knowledge and understanding in financial

be directors.

statements, accounting standards or being/used to be

2. All directors shall evaluate their knowledge and

an Audit Committee of financial listed companies and

expertise in order to provide information for consideration

information technology.

of the nomination of directors who are due to retire by rotation.

Principles and procedures to select persons appointed as directors

3. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee, excluding the interested directors who are not in the

1. The nomination of a person to be elected at the

meeting, will consider and scrutinize the names and

shareholders’ meeting to be a director in place of the

proposals received from the directors and shareholders to

director who has retired by rotation and is the right of all

nominate the right person to the Board of Directors to

shareholders equally to nominate other persons. For the

consider proposing to the shareholders’ meeting.

power to consider who is the director is the power of the shareholders.

4. The Board of Directors, excluding the interested directors, carefully considered the qualifications of the

2. Shareholders have votes equal to one share per one vote.

nominees individually and nominate the appropriate person to be a director of the company to replace the

3. In the election of directors, shall vote to elect directors individually and the shareholder has the right to

director who has retired by rotation to be elected at the next general meeting of shareholders

elect the person nominated as a director not exceeding the number of directors to be elected at that time by not dividing votes.

Nomination and Succession Plan for Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director

4. The person who receives the maximum votes in

The company has put in place a proper and transparent

descending order will be elected as a director equal to the

nomination process for key management positions at every

number of directors to be elected at that time. In a case

level to be appropriate and transparent in order to ensure

that the persons elected in the next order have equal votes

that all of the top executives are professionals. By the

which causing to exceed the number of directors to be

Nomination Committee prepared a succession plan for the

elected at that time, the chairman of the meeting shall be

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director to propose

another vote to obtain the number of directors to be

to Board of Directors for consideration. The nomination

elected at that time.

process commences with the process of recruiting candidates

Board of Directors by the recommendation of the

who possess both talent and integrity and young talents

Nomination and Remuneration Committee has defined the

are the focus of recruitment so that they can be groomed

guideline for nominating the right person to be the director

to become leaders in the future. Qualified high potential

of the company to replace the director whose term has

employees will undergo an assessment and pursue

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development courses following individual career develop-

with the principles and procedures under an announcement

ment plans. These talents will be assigned challenging

of the Stock Exchange of Thailand that prescribed and ap-

tasks, and their positions will be rotated periodically in or-


der to further develop their leadership skills and all-round.

Remuneration of Audit

Operation governance of subsidiaries and associates

The company and its subsidiaries paid audit fees to

The Board of Directors has defined a governance

EY Office Limited, which is the auditor’s office for 2018, in

mechanism including management control of subsidiaries

the past fiscal year at amounting of 1,940,000 baht,

and associates by decentralizing the power to a partnership

excluding the audit fees paid by the associated company.

to be the regulator instead and report the results to the Board of Directors for acknowledgment.

The company that is the audit office and the auditor

has no relationship or any benefits with the company/ex-

In addition, providing to determine the scope of authority, duties and responsibilities of directors in subsidiaries and

ecutive/major shareholder or related to a person with such person.

associated companies that have invested both in Thailand and abroad, governance the disclosure information of

Audit fee for 2018

financial status and operations result, transaction between

1. Audit fee for annual financial statements and reviewing

subsidiaries and/or the company cooperate with related

fees for quarterly financial statements of the company and

person, acquisition or disposition of assets or making

consolidated financial statements in the amount of

important transactions correctly. This shall be in accordance

1,860,000 baht

Audit fees of company 1. Audit fees of annual financial statements

1,110,000 Baht

2. Reviewing fees for quarterly (Total 3 quarters)

750,000 Baht

Total audit fees of the company

1,860,000 Baht

2. Annual audit fees of subsidiaries and reviewing fees for quarterly financial statements of subsidiaries

Audit fees of subsidiaries (1 company) 1. Audit fees of annual financial statements

80,000 Baht

2. Reviewing fees for quarterly (Total 3 quarters)

Total audit fees of the company

80,000 Baht

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Implementing good corporate governance principles


for listed companies in 2017 to be applied

The company has a policy to conduct business

In 2018, Board of Directors had considered applying

with morality by adhering to social responsibility and all

the principles of good corporate governance for listed

stakeholders according to good corporate governance

companies in 2017 or the Corporate Governance Code

and business ethics as well as policies and guidelines for

(CG Code) issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission

treatment of various groups of stakeholders and to ensure

to be used by considering and recognizing the role as the

that the company has a responsibility policy, practice

organization’s leader. By all directors have carefully

guidelines along with the appropriate implementation

considered such practices and understand the benefits

requirements to prevent corruption against all business

and importance of implementing of CG Code in each

activities and to provide decisions and business operation

clause to ensure that the operations are in line with such

that may have a risk of corruption obtains considered and

practices as appropriate of company business and is the

practiced carefully to be a guideline for conducting

most beneficial to the company such as the Chairman of

business and develop into a sustainable organization. The

the Board of Directors is an independent director which

company joined the signing of the intention to become a

currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors is an

Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition

independent director and the determination of the number

Against Corruption: CAC which is a government project

of terms to hold the longest consecutive positions of

and the Office of National Anti-Corruption Commission

directors such as not exceed 3 consecutive terms and

(NCC) cooperate with 8 organizations, namely Thai Chamber

determine the number of terms to hold the longest

of Commerce, Thai Institute of Directors (IOD), International

consecutive positions of sub-committees including to

Chamber of Commerce, Thai Listed Companies Association,

determine the independent directors having terms not

Thai Bankers Association, Federation of Thai Capital Market

exceeding 9 years from the first date of independent

Organizations, Federation of Thai Industries and Tourism

director position. At present, the company has started an

Council of Thailand push forward to have anti-corruption

action plan for independent directors which must have a

measures in the private sector. Therefore, the company

term of not more than 9 years if will provide to hold position

that has been certified as a member of Thai Private Sector

next shall consider such need.

to against corruption on 10 November 2017.

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2.4 Report of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has

2018 and the Board of Directors that has been reviewed

performed its duties as assigned by the Board of Directors

every year in order to get the qualified directors to hold

under the duties and responsibilities defined in the Charter

a position as the Company’s directors in place of the

carefully, fair and reasonable. Recruitment of persons to fill

directors who have retired by rotation and

the vacancy in 2018 and the expiration of the term in 2018

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee also

by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee held the

considers remuneration compared to listed companies

meeting No. 1/2018 on 13 February 2018 to consider and

and other leading companies in the same industry or

nominate a person to replace the vacant director position

similar size. In 2018, the Nomination and Remuneration

to propose to the Board of Directors for consideration

Committee held 1 meeting to consider the remuneration of

2017. The company gives an opportunity for all shareholders

the Board of Directors and various sub-committees before

to be able to nominate persons to be considered for

proposing to the Board of Directors and shareholders for

election as directors in place of those retiring by rotation

further approval.

before the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year On behalf of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Mr. Charoenkiat Huthananuntha Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

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2.5 Social Responsibility General Policy

The Company will conduct business of the Company with

The Company mostly emphasizes and focuses on

responsibilities towards society, environment and Stakeholders

Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) and being deemed as

in accordance with 8 policies as specified in Guidelines of

first priority of main objectives of the Company as the

Corporate Social Responsibility of Stock Exchange of Thailand

Company has set policy and preparing many projects which

as the Company has defined policy and practice as part of

are beneficial for society whether elevating environment

CSR-in-Process as follow:

conditions for better living, elevation of standard of living and good heath of people in communities as well as Thai cultural

1) Business Conduct with Fairness

continuation as type such activity may promote and support

Conducting business with fairness constitutes confidence

social activities, charity donation, community assistance

to related persons, the Company and subsidiary companies

volunteering. In each activity, the Company will set the target

emphasize on conducting business with ethics towards

by combination of utilizing both internal and external resources

competitors rendering fair competition with the following

of the organization concurrently in order to obtain the


effectiveness of each activity which is not merely donation

1. Compliance with rules of goods competition,

but emphasis on participation of both employees in the

promotion of free trade competition, avoidance of cronyism

organization and cooperation of external organizations

practice or collusion.

including cooperation communities likewise. In internal implementation of the organization, the Company has established Committee in prepare projects

2. Do not seek for confidential information of competitor

by dishonest or inappropriate methods such as paying briery to competitor’s employee.

implementation plan which is consisted of personnel from

3. Do not defame competitor’s reputation by slander.

other departments in brainstorm in structural design which is

4. Do not support any act which is deemed as

collection of ideas, communications, and implementation in

infringement of intellectual property by using goods and

order to determine form of each activity as follow:

services with legal copyright.

1. Design in order to determine activity which means

each project will be defined including objective and outcome

2) Human Right Esteem

obtained from implementing such project.

Human right esteem means treating stakeholder,

2. Implementation of activity is the determination of

communities and neighboring society with human value

implementing steps, budget, personnel to be participated and

respect without violation of their fundamental rights. The Company

external organizations to be participated will be defined.

and subsidiary companies have an intention in respect and

3. Monitoring and evaluation, after implementing

non-violation of human rights with the following practices:

activity, evaluation will be made whether it is subject to the set

1. Support and respect for protection of human rights

objective or not or how and making internal communications

by inspecting the business not to involve violation of human

in the organization and society for acknowledgement as well

rights such as do not support forced labour or child

as coordinating the activity as part and accepted by the society.

labour etc.

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2. Promotion in compliance with requirements of

3. Promotion, rotation, rewarding and punishment of

human rights in its business and encouragement in complying

employees will be made in good faith, equality and based on

with human rights principles in accordance with international

knowledge, ability and suitability of employee.


4. Providing and supervision of working environment

being safety for employee’s life and property’s.

3) Workforce Fair Treat

The company has policy in treating all employees with equality and fairness, supervising livelihood, safety and

increasing work potential by providing opportunity for employees for learning comprehensively and regularly.

hygiene in workplace as well as promotion of learning in organizational level and personnel development to upgrade

5. Developing employees in order to practice skills and

6. Compliance with laws and regulations which are

related to employees strictly.

working level of employees professionally, development of

7. Avoidance of any unfair act which may affect to

working system and creation of innovative organization with

stability of employees’ career as well as treating employees

the following practices:


1. Preparing conditions of fair employment and

providing employees to obtain remuneration which appropriate

The Company organizes activities in 2018 as follow:

for employees’ potential.

1) Basic Fire Suppression Training, Violent Fire Suppression

2. Providing and supervision welfare appropriately for employees such as providing Annual Leave, reasonable overtime

Training, 2018 Annual Fire Drill and Evacuation (arranging pictures appropriately)

working, medical treatment as required and appropriate etc.

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2) Organizing Annual Sport Day to formulate unity, sportsmanship, and good relations among employees and colleagues. 3) Organizing Annual Songkran Festival

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4) Mr. Ekaphol Pongstaporn, Chairman of Board of Directors, Dr. Araya Kongsunthorn, CEO, preside over 2019 Annual Meeting in order to formulate morale and encouragement as well as to enhance harmony in the Company.

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4. Consumer Responsibility

The Company determines to provide service with good quality and standard, in reasonable price, maintain confidentiality

of customer strictly and regularly, finding methods to increase benefits for customers continuously and as well as complying with conditions as defined by customers strictly with the following practices:

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1. Providing services with good quality and standard

responding to customer’s requirements under fair conditions.

and environment regularly.

2. Developing service provision continuously in order

6. Participation in Society and Community

to increase value of business and benefits for customers.

3. Providing information of service provision which is


correct, sufficient and not exaggerated as customer will have sufficient information in making decision.

The Company has policy in supporting utilization of business process for benefits in development of quality of life,

4. Maintaining confidentiality of customer without

using either for oneself or related persons wrongfully.

creating economy and strength of communities and society with the following practices:

5. Environmental Conservation The Company is well aware of the importance of environment conservation without making pollution problems including

are affected. Therefore, the Company has set policy not to

1) Support employment in communities.

2) Finding opportunity to support initiative society and

school located near office area and blood donation etc.

3) Creating consciousness in social and environmental

responsibilities among employees in all levels.

perform any act that caused damage to national resources and environment with the following practices:

community activities such as supporting scholarship for

Global Warming which quality of life and ecological system

3. Support activities which participate in social initiatives

4) Strict control in compliance with intendment of law

and regulations imposed by regulatory authorities.

1. Using resources efficiently, energy saving measures

and consideration of renewable resources such as the

In 2018, The Company participated in promotion and support the following activities:

Company has policy in using paper worthily or REUSE to

1. WICE Logistics Public Company Limited participated

reduce Global Warming, saving electric energy campaign by

in 2018 National Children Day by encouraging people to

turning on-off electricity and air conditioner according to

be aware of the importance of children in emphasis on the

working hours etc.

importance of children which is an encouragement of children

2. Developing goods and services without any impact

to participate in social and national responsibilities. 

on environment but safe usage.

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7. Implementation and preparation of Report

9. Activities which are beneficial for society and

The Company has prepared one report which includes

environment (After process)

Annual Registration Statements (Form 56-1) and Annual Report (Form 56-2).

In 2018, The Company has adjusted society and environment activities plan which is preparing sustainable development plan and the Company is still aware of social

8. Business operation which affects to social

sharing and environmental conservation as always.

responsibility - None -

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2.6 Internal Control and Internal Audit Internal Control

parties who have conflict of interest.

Board of Directors, Audit Committee and Enterprise Risk Management Committee have defined internal control of the

Internal Audit

Company in compliance with Internal Control Framework of

Audit Committee will supervise implementation of audit

COSO 2017 (The Committee of Sponsoring Organization of

unit in to be independency, justice, ethics and proficiency in

Treadway Commission) as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is

professional level as defined by Profession Auditing Standard

responsible for assessment of sufficiency of internal control

as Charter of Audit Committee has defined scope of work,

system of the Company in accordance with Assessment Form

duties, authority and responsibilities as well as guidelines in

issued by Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and

implanting audit clearly and there is a regular review annually

reporting to Enterprise Risk Management Committee for

for suitability.

consideration and approval prior presenting to Audit Committee. In Audit Committee Meeting No. 1/2562 on 25 February, 2019


Risks Assessment

which is consisted of 4 Independent Committee and 3 Independent Committees attend the meeting.

The Company uses Enterprise Risk Management Concept as executives and related employees participating in indicating

Board of Directors has considered all topics in Assessment

risks and analysis of risky factors both risky opportunity and

Form by enquiring information from Audit Committee and

their impacts in order to determine control measures. The

Enterprise Risk Management Committee before making

Company has established risks management unit in preparing

decision that internal control system of the Company is

risks management plan, monitoring management outcome in

efficient, suitable, sufficient for conducting the Company’s

order to reduce risk level in the acceptable level as well as

business in compliance with applicable laws and regulations

reviewing risky factors before present to Enterprise Risk

as well as supervision of assets and utilizing resources

Management Committee every quarterly for consideration and

efficiently there is not significant deficiency in the internal

making decision to constitute continuity of risk management

control system.

process of the Company. Moreover, the Company conveys

The Company has encourage management department,

policy and guidelines of risk management to all employees

supervisors and employees to be aware of supervision, risks

for acknowledgement and compliance with as part of the

management, working performance and internal control.

organization culture which all employees can participate

Board of Directors has considered and agreed that the

in supervise the organization simultaneously through the

Company has sufficient personnel in implementing the

corresponding risk management process. Moreover, the Company

foregoing system as well as sufficiently internal control system

has prepared Business Continuities Plan (BCP) continuously.

in monitoring and supervising implementation of subsidiary companies in protection of assets of Company and subsidiary

Working Control

companies’ due to wrongful or unauthorized usage of director,

The Company has announced regulations and guidelines

administration department or management department

in purchase, budget, accounting and finance etc. The Company

including conducting transactions with persons and related

has defined scope of duties, authority, responsibilities and

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financial amount approved by management department being

order to receive complaints from outsiders as well as Investor

consistent to good internal control principles including

Relations being responsible for making contact and organizing

delegation of work and inter working check up by separating

activities concurrently with shareholders and investors including

duties of approval, accounting entry record, IT data record

special communication channels for employees and external

and property collecting duty. Moreover, the Company receives

organizations for notifying information and complaints against

certification of ISO 9001:2015 which the Company is defined

the Company.

to prepare manuals and procedures as referent standard in working as well as training employees to understand and

Monitoring System

being able to work correctly, being consistent to working steps and procedures as defined by the Company.

The Company emphasizes on internal audit to add value of the organization by using internal information risk assessment

If there are transactions and related party between the

accompanying in planning Risk Based Audit and Inspection

Company and subsidiary companies including stakeholders,

Department will assigned to double check efficiency and

they must be presented for consideration and approval

effectiveness of internal control system outcomes of all working

correctly and clearly, if there is any implicit transaction and

processes and reporting to executive and Audit Committee in

related party, Inspection Department, Audit Committee,

every quarterly to render Board of Directors and Management

Management Department and Auditor will consider carefully

Department in confidence in efficiency and effectiveness of

and implementing in accordance with the requirement of Stock

internal control system of the Company as well as precision

Exchange of Thailand (SET) as well as specifying in notes to

and reliability of IT information both in financial information and

financial statement and reporting to Office of Securities and

information technology used in implementation. Inspection

Exchange Commission for acknowledgement. Moreover, in voting

Department will monitor and improve in accordance with issues

in the resolution of transactions and related party, the interested

which are found and suggestions of Audit Committee and

directors must abstain in voting in the foregoing resolution.

present to Audit Committee for consideration continuously. Moreover, there is monitoring process of working performance

Information Technology System and data Communications

through internal monitoring system of quality system and environment as defined by ISO 9001:2015

The Company will apply and develop information

The Company has monitored performances of subsidiary

technology system and internal data base system continuously

companies continuously by presenting progress report and

by determination as policy of using information technology and

performances of each subsidiary company to Board of

communications in Good Governance Policy of the Company

Directors and specific working unit is assigned in monitoring

as employees will understand internal medias under good control

working outcome according to the resolution suggested by

such as using internet, E-mail and communication medias such

Board of Directors including policy coordination for all companies

as telephone, facsimile etc. including communicating personnel

implementing in the same direction and being consistent to

of the Company to understand and compliance with information

policy defined by Board of Directors. Moreover, Secretary of

technology law such as Official Information Act, Electronic

the Company is assigned in supervision in laws and compliance

Transaction Act to prevent from violation of laws.

to supervise implementation of the Company being consistent

The Company has prepared Complaint Box and e-mail in

to laws and related regulations.

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2.7 Risk Management The company believes risk management is a critical

which will help the company to grow sustainably.

element of the organization that makes an organization achieve business goals, helping an organization to have a

Risk management framework

readiness to adapt quickly for supporting changes and various risk factors that are more complex and intense.

The company has Risk Management which Risk Management framework consists of:

In addition, the company also gives significance to raising

awareness about risk management for everyone in the

The company has established explicit objectives

company continuously including commit to providing risk

and risk appetite in managing risks to ensure

management to become effective from the level of strategic

consistent risk management practice across the

planning, performing and investment decisions to run new


businesses to create additional value for the organization, shareholders, society, communities and various stakeholders

1. Strategy Establishment

2. The company Risk Management Structure and Responsibilities

The organization structure of risk management is illustrated below:

Board of Directors

Risk Management Committee

Audit Committee

Internal Audit

Risk Management Working Group

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Board of Directors and Audit Committee

manager in each department by a manager of the business support serves as the Committee Chairman which has the

The Audit Committee acts on behalf of the Board of

following core responsibilities:

Directors to establish risk management policies and supervising the risk management process of the company

1. Determine risk management structure and assign accountabilities for risk management.

also evaluates the risk management to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and compliance with established guidelines.

2. Consider and approve risk management policies,

strategies, framework, and plans.

3. Review and monitor risk management.

Internal Audit is responsible for conducting an audit of operating unit

Risk Management Process

and other supporting functions to provide assurance on the

The company risk management framework is applied in

efficiency and effectiveness of risk management also reports

four areas, namely strategic risk, financial risk, operational

the audit outcomes to the Audit Committee. Additionally,

risk, compliance risk management and organization

the Unit provides consultation and communicate comments

binding requirements by dividing the 4 main steps are

from the Audit Committee to the working team and operator

1) Risk / Opportunity Identification, 2) Risk Assessment,

for further improvement.

3) Risk Response and Key Risk Indicators and Key Performance Indicators which are the leading and lagging

Risk Management Committee and Risk Management Team

indicators in order to anticipate risk events and to manage risks to be in line with the targets), 4) Risk Reporting

It consists of managing director, business support department, Director of Accounting and Finance and

to Risk Management Committee, Audit Committee and Board of Directors respectively.

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2.8 Transactions between related Companies Board of Directors emphasizes on consideration and

Moreover, the Company has defined practices in

approval of transactions and related companies or related

consideration and approval the process of transactions

party or transactions which may have conflict of interest,

and related companies, or related party or transactions

therefore, transactions policy is defined as follow:

which may have conflict of interest to constitute maximum interest to the Company under criteria as defined by laws

Transactions between the Company and Subsidiary Companies

as directors and executive will notify interest to the Company

As WICE Logistics Public Company Limited is consisted

transaction requires approval according to criteria and legal

of many subsidiary companies and those companies has to

steps, Management Department will present the matter to

conduct inter-transactions, service usage, financial assistance,

Board of Directors or shareholders’ meeting as well as

technical or personnel support etc. Therefore, business

disclosing the information to investor openly and transparently

operations or implementations which are inter-transactions

as directors or executives who are stakeholders, will not

of those companies must be complied with laws, regulations

participate in consideration and approval of such transaction

and implementing authority of the Company including the

in any case.

and the Company will consider any transaction, if the

defined criteria and conditions.

Policy or Trends of Transactions and Related Party

Transaction of the Third Party In conducting transactions or the third party must be

Transactions and related party of the company in the

complied with criteria and process as defined by laws,

future will be normal transactions by negotiation policy in

regulation of the Company and policy of the Company as well

accordance with using pricing mechanism of logistics

as it will be approved according to implementing authority of

market and there is not any interest transfer between the

the Company strictly. Moreover, it must be complied with

Company and related businesses or parties.

conditions which are agreed honestly, being transparent and being inspected by avoiding transactions which may cause

Transactions and Related Party

troubler or damage to either the Company or the third party.

The Company has policy in compliance with criteria as

The Company has defined Stakeholder Engagement

defined by the Announcement of Capital Market Supervisory

Policy and practice of groups of stakeholder as the Company

Board on Criteria of Preparation Transactions and Related

is defined to comply with honest trade competition,

Party and the Announcement of Securities and Exchange

consideration of reasonable and fair sell price and reasonability

Commission Thailand on Disclosure of Information and

of price, quality and service to be obtained as well as the

Operations of List Company in Transactions and related

appropriate justification when there is any inspection.

party as well as laws, regulations, announcements or related orders strictly.

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Details of Transactions and Related Parties and Related Companies

Person/Juristic Relations Type of Value of Outstanding Person who may transactions transactions amount (Baht) (Baht) ended at ended at 31 Dec. 18 31 Dec. 18 1,526,979


Explanation of executive in be conflicted necessity and reasonability

1. Dr. Araya


Land rental

The company has leased the land


director and

cost (Head

from We lend Group (by director and

2. Mr. Chudet



shareholder concurrently which is


of the

Mrs. Araya Kongsunthorn and Mr.


Chudet Kongsunthorn) to construct building and used as the location of Head Office as specified in Title Deed No. 53901 with the area 1 Ngan 70 2/10 square meters which is located at Chong nonsi Sub-district, Yannawa District, Bangkok. Lease Contract has been entered into for the period of 20 years from 1 July, 2014 – 30 June, 2034 by pay monthly rental as follow: Year 1-2, 92,674. - Baht Year 3-5, 101,941. – Baht Year 6-8, 112,135. - Baht Year 9-11, 123,349. - Baht Year 12-14, 135,684. - Baht Year 15-17, 149,252. - Baht Year 18-20, 164,177. - Baht Total rental cos is 30,539,586. - Baht The foregoing rental is evaluated by Independent Valuer for public purpose and being the company is in name list approved by SEC which is Agency for Real Estate Affairs Co., Ltd. Rental




acknowledge of rental equally every month by Straight-line Method as the company has accounting record in accordance with Accounting Standard No. 17.

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Person/Juristic Relations Type of Person who may transactions

Value of Outstanding transactions amount (Baht) (Baht) ended at ended at 31 Dec. 18 31 Dec. 18

Explanation of executive in be conflicted necessity and reasonability

1. Dr. Araya


Land and


director and

building rental

two 3-storey commercial buildings

2. Mr. Chudet


cost (at Laem

used as location of Laem Chabang


of the

Chabang- part

Service Unit as specified in Titled


of office)

No. 164087, the area is 42 square



The company has leased land and

Wah located at Surasak Sub-district, Sriracha District, Chonburi Province from 1 August, 2017 – 1 August, 2020, the rental is 35,000. – Baht per month, the foregoing rental rate is evaluated by Independent Valuer for public purpose and the company is in name list approved by SEC which Agency for Real Estate Affairs Co., Ltd. (lease is expired in July, 2018) 1. Dr. Araya


Land rental


director and


2. Mr. Chudet


specified in Title Deed No. 53902


of the

Volume 540 Page 2 Parcel No. 977


Sub-district No. 9146 located at



The company has leased the land as parking lot for employees as

Chong nonsi Sub-district, Yannawa District from 1 July, 2018 - 30 June, 2019, the rental is 35,000. - Baht per month. The rental rate refers the estimate price of land lease where the company’s office building is erected as the is connected land Being




director and

land and

and two 3-storey commercial buildings


building (Laem

used as location of Laem Chabang

of the


service unit as specified in Titled No.


of office)

164087, the area is 42 square Wah

The company has purchased land

located at Surasak Sub-district, Sriracha District, Chonburi Province on 31 July, 2018 in the cost of 8,050,000. – Baht, the purchased price is estimated by Independent Valuer and the company is in name list approved by SEC which Agency for Real Estate Affairs Co., Ltd.

- 119 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Person/Juristic Relations Type of Person who may transactions

Value of Outstanding transactions amount (Baht) (Baht) ended at ended at 31 Dec. 18 31 Dec. 18

Explanation of executive in be conflicted necessity and reasonability

WICE Logistics

Being a

Income from




is an Oversea Agent of the company

Pte. Ltd.



being responsible for coordinating to



WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.,

(WICE holds

provide service in foreign country in

shares 70%)

its responsible area and collecting service charges according to marketing rate. The company is an Oversea Agent of WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. being responsible for coordination in providing service in Thailand which transaction of service charges and related companies will be conducted which is deemed as income obtained from service of the company likewise and Agency Agreement will be entered into with WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Cost of service/





Certification cost of Agent



Director Fee Income collected by

account payable Certification cost/Other creditors Director Fee Income

the company as service charge on monthly basis in the rate of 1,000 SGD starting from September 2016 onwards.








subsidiary company as subsidiary


company made Declaration of Dividend Payment on 17 March, 2018 totally 2,660,431 SGD which is Dividend Received of the company 70% equally to 1,866,502 SGD which is defined to pay dividend in Mar. / Jul. and Nov. 2018.

- 120 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

Person/Juristic Relations Type of Person who may transactions

Value of Outstanding transactions amount (Baht) (Baht) ended at ended at 31 Dec. 18 31 Dec. 18

Explanation of executive in be conflicted necessity and reasonability

Sun Express

Being a


(Thailand) Co. Ltd.,



123,437. – Baht and fuel cost of


cost-fuel cost /

6-wheel truck totally 56,858. – Baht.

(WICE holds

Other debtors



Being consumable cost totally

shares 99.99%)




Being income obtained from service


in account management and


preparation for efficient working by


collecting account management and preparation service in the rate of 10,000 per year by using Allocation Cost



Interest payable



WICE Logistics (Plc.) has made loan from Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd. used as investment fund in Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd. Loan period is commenced from 21 August, 2018 to 21 August, 2019, for the period of 1 year and the interest rate is 7.12% by referring MRR of Kasikornbank at 31 December, 2018 and such loan has been already repaid.




It is dividend received from subsidiary companies as subsidiaries make


Declaration of Dividend Payment on 23 March, 2018 and dividend is paid on 30 March, 2018.

- 121 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Person/Juristic Relations Type of Person who may transactions WICE Logistics (Hong Kong)

Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd.

Being a subsidiary company WICE holds 80% from 4 January, 2018. Relation is a subsidiary company

Being a subsidiary company (WICE holds shares 40%) from 14 September, 2018 onwards. Relation is a subsidiary company

Income from service / Account receivable

Value of Outstanding transactions amount (Baht) (Baht) ended at ended at 31 Dec. 18 31 Dec. 18 768,618


Explanation of executive in be conflicted necessity and reasonability

WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) is an Oversea Agent of the company being responsible for coordination in providing service in foreign country under its responsibility and service charges will be collected according to market price and the company is an Oversea Agent of WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) being responsible for coordination in providing service in Thailand which transactions of service charges and related company will be conducted which is deemed as income obtained from service of the company likewise and Agency Agreement will be entered into with WICE Logistics (Hong Kong).


Cost of service/ Account payable


Income from service/Account receivable



Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd. is an Oversea Agent of the company being responsible for coordination in providing service and service charges will be collected according to market price and Agency Agreement will be entered into with Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd.

Cost of service/ Ac count payable



Income from account management service charge/ Other debtors



Being income obtained from service charges in accounting and financial management system for efficiency of working system by collecting service charges in the rate of 60,000. – Baht per month from 1 October, 2018 – 1 October, 2019 by using Allocation Cost.

Other income



Being travelling cost totally 19,400. – Baht and Container Guarantee Fee totally 87,000. - Baht

- 122 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018


Financial status and operating results

3.1 Report of the Board of Directors’ Responsibilities for Financial Report The Board of Directors is responsible for the financial

accounting records are accurate, complete, timely and

statements of Wise Logistics Public Company Limited and its

sufficient to maintain the assets, as well as to prevent any fraud

subsidiaries which is created in accordance with financial

or significant irregular operations. by the Board of Directors has

reporting standards under the Accounting Act, B.E. 2000 and

appointed the Audit Committee which consists of independent

the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission on

directors to supervise the financial statements, evaluate the

the preparation and presentation of financial report under the

internal control system and internal audit to be efficient and

Securities and Exchange Act, B.E. 1992 by considering the

effective. by the opinion of the Audit Committee appears in the

selection of appropriate accounting policies and consistently

Audit Committee report which has already been presented in

including adequate disclosure in the notes to the financial

this annual report.

statements. The auditor has reviewed and audited the financial

The Board of Directors has a comment that the internal

statements and expressed opinions in the auditor’s report

control systems and internal audit of the company can build


confidence that the financial statements of WICE Logistics

The Board of Directors is responsible for supervising and

Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries will show financial,

developing corporate governance, code of conduct, anti-

operation results and cash flow correctly and appropriate in

corruption including providing and maintaining which the risk

significance based on financial reporting standards.

management system and internal control to ensure that the

Mr. Ekphol Phongstabhon Chairman of the board of Directors

Dr. Araya Kongsoonthon Chief Executive Officer

- 123 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

3.2 Audit Committee Report The Audit Committee performs its duties independently

that the preparation of the financial statements including

according to the scope as stated in the Audit Committee Charter

disclosing the notes in the financial statements according to the

which is reviewed in compliance with the current situation and

legal requirements and financial reporting standards. Therefore,

approved by the Board of Directors every year. In 2018, the

approved such financial statements that the auditor had

Audit Committee emphasized the role of being the Strategic and

reviewed and verified which it’s an unconditional opinion report.

Monitoring Audit Committee to review the corporate governance,

In addition, the Audit Committee held a meeting with the auditor

strategic planning, performing, and monitoring to achieve the

without the management for freely discuss in receiving

goals specified and conduct business sustainably. In order to do

information, verifying important information in the preparation of

so, the management and employees shall have morality, ethics,

financial statements and disclosing information in accordance

understand their role, authority and responsibility and work

with financial reporting standards and being useful to users of

under the integration of both supervision, risk management,

financial statements, Key Audit Matters including suspicious

supervision of operations and internal control.

circumstances under Section 89/25 of the Securities and

In 2018, the Audit Committee held 5 meetings, with the

Exchange Act, B.E. 1992, amended by the Securities and

Audit Committee attending the meeting to constitute a quorum

Exchange Act, (No. 4) B.E. 2008 for 2018, the auditor did not

every time. The Board of Directors evaluated the operation

have any significant observations and did not find any suspicious

results of the Audit Committee as a whole and self-assessment

circumstances. In addition, in order to ensure that no found such

at every ending year, which the results are in the satisfactory

suspicious circumstances, the Audit Committee shall review also

level, close to the previous year. Assessment topics include

and the consolidated financial statements of the company must

readiness of the Audit Committee, meeting of the Audit

be reliable, transparent, conform to standards, the auditor is

Committee, a summary of overall comments, a performance of

independent and can be verified.

the Secretary of the Audit Committee and the performance of the audit office.

2. Review on the related transactions, acquisition and disposition transactions or the transactions possibly having

The main point could be summarized as follows:

the conflict of interest The Audit Committee has reviewed on the related transactions

1. Review of financial statements The Audit Committee reviewed the important information of

and the transactions possibly having the conflict of interest, report

the quarterly and annual financial statements of 2018 of Wise

of related directors and disclosure of information to the Securities

Logistics Public Company Limited, the consolidated financial

and Exchange Commission accurately within the time limit.

statements of the company and subsidiaries which have been prepared based on Thai Financial Reporting Standards which

3. Review the good corporate governance

conforms to international financial reporting standards by

WICE Logistics Public Co., Ltd. is committed to conducting

reviewing important issues, special matters and receiving

business in accordance with the principles of the Stock Exchange

clarifications from the auditor, the management until satisfied

of Thailand and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

- 124 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

and the Thai Institute of Directors. The Audit Committee

6. Internal Audit

reviewed the efficiency and effectiveness of good corporate

The Audit Committee has reviewed the Charter of the Audit

governance, it was found that the directors, the management

Committee on an annual basis to consistent with the risk and

and the company has implemented anti-corruption policies that

current situation of the company. In 2018, considered and

were defined and be used seriously and expand to business

approved action plan, annual budget as well as supporting and

partners and co-practice concurrently with corporate governance

encouraging the Audit department to work independently and

that considering social and environmental as concrete, apart

operation more efficient, therefore determined the audit department

from the legal requirements.

having a chain of command direct to the Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee, comply with laws, regulations

4. Review the risk management assessment system

and internal controls of the company and its subsidiaries in

The Audit Committee reviewed the efficiency and

foreign countries.

effectiveness of the risk management process by having the Risk Management Committee is responsible for considering structure, policy, risk management framework, risk management plan also

7. Considering to nominate and appoint an auditor for 2018

reviewing risk and monitoring risk management of the company

In 2018, the Audit Committee considered the proposal to

as monthly and quarterly. By having a risk management working

provide audit service to the company and subsidiaries both

group is responsible for preparing risk reports and jointly

domestically and internationally from the auditing office of EY

consider significant risks and likelihood that will occur in the

Co., Ltd. being an audit office of the Company and its subsidiaries

future. The working group has prepared support measures by

for 2018. The Audit Committee proposes to the Board of

defining a period plan, annual plan and considering risks for

Directors to consider and propose to the shareholders’ meeting

various investment projects.

for approval. 1 Mr. Sophon Permsiriwanlop

5. Review the internal control system The Audit Committee reviewed the results of the internal control system assessment, both the operating system and the

2 Ms. Rungnapa Lertsuwankul

information technology system. Including the assessment according to the assessment form of the adequacy of the internal

3 Ms. Rodsaporn Dej-Akom

control system of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) found that it is sufficient and suitable for the business of

4 Ms. Sumana Panpongsanon

the company and conform to the auditor’s opinion who reporting that there are no significant defects which affects the financial

5 Ms. Aorrawan Tachawattanasirikul

statements of the company.

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Certified Audit with License No 3182 or Certified Audit with License No 3516 or Certified Audit with License No 5659 or Certified Audit with License No 5872 or Certified Audit with License No 4807

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

EY Office Limited is the company’s auditor of 2018 and

financial statements, a total amount of 1.9 million baht, including

approves the audit fee, annual financial statements of 2018

acknowledgment of audit fees for financial statements of

and review quarterly financial statements and consolidated

subsidiaries of 2018.

On behalf of the Audit Committee

Assoc. Prof. Dr.Ruth Banomyong Chairman of the Audit Committee

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

3.3 Analysis of operating results and financial position for 2018 Milestone during the year

Period Milestone Quarter 1

Investments in subsidiaries

The company has purchased 80,000 ordinary shares of Universal Worldwide Transportation

Limited with a par value of 10 HKD per share, representing 80 percent of the total number of

ordinary shares.

Dividend Receivable

From Sun Express (Thailand) Company Limited at the rate of 433.83 Baht per share, totaling

23.43 million Baht.

From Sun Express Logistics Pte Ltd. at a rate of 5.47 SGD per share, totaling 1.88 million SGD

or equivalent to 44.39 million Baht which the company received some dividend in the amount

of 14.79 million Baht

Quarter 2

Dividend Payable

The company paid dividends from the annual operating results of 2017 to shareholders at 0.12

Quarter 3

Baht per share, totaling 78.23 million Baht

Investments in subsidiaries

The company has invested in ordinary shares of Euro Asia Total Logistics Co., Ltd., totaling

2,800,000 shares with a par value of 10 Baht per share, representing 40% of the total number

of ordinary shares.

Dividend Receivable

The company received dividend from Sun Express Logistics Pte.Ltd. in the amount of 0.63

Quarter 4

million SGD or representing the amount of 14.79 million Baht.

Dividend Payable

The company received dividends from Sun Express Logistics Pte.Ltd. in the amount of 0.62 million SGD. or representing the amount of 14.81 million Baht.

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Analysis of operating results and financial position for 2018 can be summarized as follows:

2018, the company purchased the ordinary shares of WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited in the proportion of 80% of the total ordinary shares and on 14 September 2018, the company

Revenue from the company’s services for the year ended 31

purchased the ordinary shares of Euro Asia Total Logistics

December 2018 and 31 December 2017, equal to 1,832.11

Company Limited in the proportion of 40% of the total ordinary

million Baht and 1,396.37 million Baht, respectively. Increased

shares. Therefore the company shall recognize revenue that

by 435.74 million Baht or 31.21 percent, due to the increase in

enters into the financial statement which resulting in increased

service revenue from the company’s strategy and on 4 January

service revenue that can classify income as follows:

From the consolidated financial statements, business operations can be classified as follows:


2018 2017

Unit: ML

Revenue from service

For the three

For the three


months ended

months ended


31 December 2018

31 December 2017


Sea freight





Air freight








Total revenue from services


- 128 -


Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

70.98 24.00



Annual Report 2018

1. Revenue from sea freight for the year ended 31 December

million baht or 24 percent, respectively, compared to last

2018 and 31 December 2017 is 610.64 million baht and

year, partly as a result of the revenue recognition of WICE

635.03 million baht respectively, decreasing by 24.39

Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited and Euro Asia Total Logistics

million baht or 3.84 percent, respectively. Major customers

Company Limited for this year and resulting from increased

change the use of sea freight services like air and land

revenue from warehouse services such as customers in

transportation to make the product reach its destination

the automotive parts segment which these customers

faster thus resulting in a decrease in revenue from sea

will use a full range of services, including customs clearance

services and land transportation services together with

2. Revenue from air cargo for the year ended 31 December

the large customers changing the use of services from

2018 and 31 December 2017 was 854.74 million baht

the sea freight services to become a land transportation,

and 465.59 million baht, increasing by 389.15 million

therefore, resulting in increased revenue from logistics

baht or 83.58 percent, respectively, compared to the


previous year as a result of the revenue recognition of

WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited for this year and the

Compare the proportion of revenue from services after the

company got the project work from customers in new target

company starts to recognize revenue from WICE Logistics (Hong

groups which are customers in the group electrical machine.

Kong) Limited. The proportion of revenue has changed with the

3. Revenue from logistics services for the year ended 31

proportion of revenue from air freight added significantly which


December 2018 and 31 December 2017 is 366.73

million baht and 295.75 million baht, increasing by 70.98

can summarize changes in proportion as follows:

2018 Logistics, 366.73, 20%

2017 Sea Freight, 610.64, 33%

Air Freight, 854.74, 47%

Logistics 21%

Air Freight 33%

- 129 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Sea Freight 46%

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Other Income

20.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00

Unit : Million Baht




2018 Other income of the company for the year ended 31 Decem-

202.01 percent. This year, recognized gains from the sale of

ber 2018 is 18.00 million baht, compared with 5.96 million baht

temporary investments more than the previous year which sold

in the same period last year, an increase of 12.04 million baht or

less investment than this year.

Service of cost Unit : Million Baht

800.00 700.00 600.00 500.00

2018 2017

681.21 477.06







200.00 100.00 0.00 1. Sea Freight

2. Air Freight

- 130 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider


Annual Report 2018

The total cost of services for the year ended 31 December

of 477.06 million baht and 463.72 million baht,

2018 and 31 December 2017 is 1,454.71 million baht and

respectively, increased by 13.34 million baht, an increase

1,054.28 million baht respectively, increasing by 400.42 million

of 2.88 percent.

baht, an increase of 37.98% due to recognition cost of services

2. Cost of air cargo management services for the year

according to the proportion of WICE Logistics (Hong Kong)

ended 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017 the

Limited and from the cost of services that generate more

amount of 681.21 million baht and 330.47 million baht

revenue compared to the previous year therefore increasing

respectively, increased 350.74 million baht, an increase

the cost of services in proportion Which is in accordance with

of 106.13%.

the plan. 3. Cost of logistics management services for the year ended Service of cost can be classified according to the types of

31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017 at the

amount of 296.44 million baht and 260.09 million baht

1. Cost of sea freight services for the year ended 31

respectively, increased by 36.35 million baht, an increase

December 2018 and 31 December 2017 in the amount

of 13.98 percent.

income-generating activities as follows:

Gross Profit Unit : Million Baht





300.00 250.00 200.00




2018 2017

173.53 135.12





0.00 1. Sea Freight

2. Sea Freight

3. Logistics


Unit: ML

Gross Profit






Sea Freight





Air Freight









Logistics Total gross profit

70.29 377.40

35.66 342.09

- 131 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Unit: ML

Gross profit ratio



Increase (Decrease) %

1. Sea Freight




2. Air Freight




3. Logistics




Total gross profit ratio




The gross profit of the company for the year ended 31

The gross profit margin decreased by 5.10% due to the higher

December 2018 and 31 December 2017 the amount of 377.40

freight rates that caused the rate decreasing profitability which

million baht and 342.09 million baht, respectively, increased by

in the next year, such conditions should adjust to normal

35.31 million baht, an increase of 10.32% due to a recognition of


revenue and service costs according to the proportion of WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited in this year Increased cost and

Gross profit of air cargo services for the year ended 31

due to the increase in the company’s operating results that

December 2018 and 31 December 2017 at the amount of

resulting in increased gross profit which can be classified by

173.53 million baht and 135.12 million baht, an increase of 38.41

activity type, income as follows:

million baht, an increase of 28.43 percent with a gross profit margin. For the year ended 31 December 2018 and 31

Gross profit of sea freight services for the year ended 31

December 2017 is equal to 20.30% and 29.02%. The gross

December 2018 and 31 December 2017 at the amount of

margin decreased by 8.72% due to the recognition of profit from

133.58 million baht and 171.31 million baht respectively,

WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited by the majority of revenue

decreased by 37.73 million baht, a decrease of 22.02 percent.

will be the revenue from air cargo services in Hong Kong which

The gross profit margin for the year ended 31 December 2018

is quite competitive, the gross profit margin rate is around

and 31 December 2017 is 21.88% and 26.98%, respectively.

12-15%, thus making the gross margin of air cargo services this year decrease.


2018 2017




150.00 100.00 50.00


46.13 4.88

0.00 Selling Expense

Administrative Expense

26.23 23.25 0.18

Financ Expense

- 132 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Income Tax Expense

Annual Report 2018

Gross profit of logistics services for the year ended 31

Allocation) of WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited with intangible

December 2018 and 31 December 2017 and the amount of

assets that have to be amortized in the amount of 1.87 million

70.29 million baht and 35.66 million baht, respectively, increased

baht, resulting in an increase in administrative expenses

by 34.63 million baht, an increase of 97.11 percent. The gross

this year.

profit margin for the year ended 31 December 2018 and 31

The financial expenses of the company for the year ended

December 2017, equal to 19.17% and 12.06%, respectively.

31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017, equal 4.88 million

Gross profit margin increased by 7.11% due to cost

baht and 0.18 million baht, respectively, increased by 4.69

management of operating units in excess cost management

million baht or 2,550.49 percent due to the interest repaid from

that is managed by using the speed of management, eliminating

the accrued investment resulting from the Purchase Price

the need to pay additional costs resulting in lower costs.

Allocation of WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited and the

Unit: ML



2560 Increase %


Selling expenses

Administrative expenses

Financial expenses

Corporate Income Tax

















Selling expenses of the company for the year ended 31

company has interest paid from financial leases in the purchase

December 2018 and 31 December 2017 at the amount of 41.96

of the tractor trailers for investment in Euro Asia Total Logistics

million baht and 46.13 million baht, respectively, decreased by

Co., Ltd.

4.18 million baht, a decrease of 9.06 percent due to the lower gross profit of the company and commission has decreased, varying with lower profits.

Income tax expense for the year ended 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017 at the amount of 26.23 million baht and 23.25 million baht, respectively, increased by 2.98 million baht,

Administrative expenses for the year ended 31 December

an increase of 12.81% due to increased profits.

2018 and 31 December 2017 at the amount of 208.62 million baht and 170.92 million baht, respectively, increased by 37.70

Net profit for the year ended 31 December 2018 and 31

million baht, an increase of 22.05 percent as a result of

December 2017 amounted to 96.19 million baht and 89.70

recognition. Administrative expenses of WICE Logistics (Hong

million baht, respectively, increased by 6.49 million baht, an

Kong) Limited for this year which increases in accordance

increase of 7.24 percent. Caused by the recognition of profits

with the proportion of income according to the specified plan.

from WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited, which recognized this

In addition, the company has measured Purchase Price

year. In addition, the investment in Sun Express Logistics Pte. Ltd. has a gain of 17.67% from the previous year.

- 133 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Net Profifit Unit : Million Baht

120.00 100.00



80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00



Financial Status Analysis of 2018

Statement of financial position




financial financial

statements statements

31 Dec.2018

31 Dec.2017



Amount Percent


Current assets

Cash and cash equivalents





Temporary investment





Trade and others account receivable





Short-term loans





Other current assets













Total current assets Non-current assets

Bank deposits that are pledged as collateral

Property, plant and equipment - net










Intangible assets - net





Deferred income tax





Other non-current assets





Total non-current assets









Total assets

- 134 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018



increased by 80.20 million Baht or 55.96 percent,

The company has total assets as of 31 December 2018 and

cause of the company purchased towing trailer to

31 December 2017, equal to 1,419.80 million baht and 1,103.82

be used in the land transportation which is more

million baht respectively, increasing by 315.98 million baht

expanding and in the past year, the company

or 28.63 percent, which has increased with the following

invested in shares of Euro Asia Total Logistics


Company Limited, which is the company has a main

service of land transport crossing the border,

1.1 Trade accounts receivable as of 31 December 2018

and 31 December 2017 is 442.46 million Baht and

therefore shall be purchased assets tractor trailers

300.00 million Baht respectively, increasing by

for use in business, thus the assets in this year

142.46 million Baht or 47.49% from the increase in


revenue resulting in an increase in receivables.

However, such accounts receivable are debtors

2017 is 139.84 million Baht and 99.40 million Baht,

with normal repayment ability.

respectively, increased by 40.44 million Baht or

40.69 percent caused by the company having a fair

1.2 Property, plant and equipment as of 31 December

1.3 Goodwill as of 31 December 2018 and 31 December

2018 and 31 December 2017 equal 223.53 million

Purchase Price Allocation of WICE Logistics (Hong

Baht and 143.33 million Baht, respectively,

Kong) which has goodwill arising.

- 135 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Financial Status Analysis of 2018

Statement of financial position




financial financial

statements statements

31 Dec.2018

31 Dec.2017



Amount Percent


Current liabilities

Trade and others account payable





Long-term loans from financial institutions





due within one year

Finance lease liabilities due within one year





Accrued income tax





Other current liabilities





Total current liabilities





















Non-current liabilities

Long-term loans from financial institutions –

net of portion due within one year

Finance lease liabilities – net of portion

due within one year

Liabilities awaiting payment from

purchasing investments in subsidiary

Accrued interest from purchasing

investment in subsidiary

Reserve long-term employee benefits





Deferred income tax





Other non-current liabilities





Total non-current liabilities





Total Liabilities





- 136 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

The company has total liabilities as of 31 December 2018

revenue and cost increase also follow in proportion when cost

and 31 December 2017 equal 462.61 million Baht and 204.06

increases, therefore increasing trade account payable in the

million Baht respectively, increasing by 258.55 million Baht

financial statement.

or 126.71 percent arise from the company have more

The company has shareholders’ equity as of 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017 equal 957.19 million Baht and

899.77 million Baht, increasing by 57.43 million Baht or 6.38 percent due to operating profits.

- 137 -

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Cash Flow Statement 2018 Unit : MB 200 167.56 150 100 50 0 -50

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Cash Flows from Operating Activities -64.77




The appropriateness of the capital structure

The liabilities to equity ratio as of 31 December 2018 and

of 139.96 million Baht and increased in trade and others account

31 December 2017 is 0.48 time and 0.23 time. The liabilities to

payable in the amount of 104.94 million Baht and increased in

equity ratio increased by increasing liabilities as current liabilities,

trade account payable in the amount of 57.90 million Baht.

which are increased trade accounts payable in the financial

Net cash flow from investing activities for 2018 is negative

statements. At present, the liabilities to equity ratio is still at a

95.80 million Baht due to the company pay cash to purchase of

relatively low level due to the company has the policy to use most

fixed assets which the most purchase towing trailer, computer

of its business capital from shareholders causing low financial

equipment and computer software in the amount of 82.36 million

risk without financial costs and flexibility in business operations.

Baht. Net cash flow from financing activities for 2018 is negative


64.77 million Baht, due to the company pay dividend 97.89

Cash flow liquidity

million Baht and pay liabilities under the financial lease

Net cash flow from operating activities for 2018 is positive

agreement in the amount of 6.79 million Baht and cash

167.56 million Baht due to profit before income tax in the amount

receivable from the capital increase of 42.00 million Baht.

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

3.4 Independent Auditor’s Report To the Shareholders of WICE Logistics Public Company

I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion.



Emphasis of Matter

I have audited the accompanying consolidated financial

I draw attention to Note 11 to the consolidated financial

statements of WICE Logistics Public Company Limited and its

statements, which describes the acquisition business of the

subsidiaries (the Group), which comprise the consolidated

Company. In January 2018, the Company purchased ordinary

statement of financial position as at 31 December 2018, and the

share of Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited, a company

related consolidated statements of income, comprehensive

incorporated in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the

income, changes in shareholders’ equity and cash flows for the

People’s Republic of China. The Company purchased 80,000

year then ended, and notes to the consolidated financial

ordinary shares at par value of HKD 10 each (80% of Universal

statements, including a summary of significant accounting

Worldwide Transportation Limited’s ordinary shares). As at the

policies, and have also audited the separate financial statements

date of acquisition, the Company recognised and measured the

of WICE Logistics Public Company Limited for the same period.

assets acquired and liabilities assumed at their fair value by

In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above

applying the purchase price allocation method, and recognised

present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of

goodwill and liabilities from acquisition investment in subsidiary

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries

by applying the acquisition method into the consolidated

and of WICE Logistics Public Company Limited as at 31

statements of financial position. My opinion is not modified in

December 2018, their financial performance and cash flows for

respect of this matter.

the year then ended in accordance with Thai Financial Reporting

Key Audit Matters


Key audit matters are those matters that, in my professional

Basis for Opinion

judgement, were of most significance in my audit of the financial

I conducted my audit in accordance with Thai Standards on

statements of the current period. These matters were addressed

Auditing. My responsibilities under those standards are further

in the context of my audit of the financial statements as a whole,

described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the

and in forming my opinion thereon, and I do not provide a

Financial Statements section of my report. I am independent

separate opinion on these matters.

of the Group in accordance with the Code of Ethics for

I have fulfilled the responsibilities described in the Auditor’s

Professional Accountants as issued by the Federation of

Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section

Accounting Professions as relevant to my audit of the financial

of my report, including in relation to these matters. Accordingly,

statements, and I have fulfilled my other ethical responsibilities in

my audit included the performance of procedures designed to

accordance with the Code. I believe that the audit evidence

respond to my assessment of the risks of material misstatement

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Business combination and goodwill

of the financial statements. The results of my audit procedures, including the procedures performed to address the matters below,

Business combination

provide the basis for my audit opinion on the accompanying financial statements as a whole.

I have focused on this business acquisition since it is material to the financial statements as a whole, and management was

Key audit matters and how audit procedures respond for each matter are described below.

required to exercise substantial judgment when appraising the fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed. Therefore, there is a risk with respect to the recognition and

Revenue recognition

measurement of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed,

Since the revenue from service is the most significant amount

including recognised goodwill.

in the income statement and is also the key indicator of business

I reviewed the terms and conditions of the agreement and

performance. In addition, the Group has services with a number

inquired with management as to the nature and objectives of

of customers and there are a variety of commercial term.

the acquisition in order to evaluate whether the acquisition

Moreover, the trends of import - export of automobile, parts and

business meets the definition of a business combination under

accessories, electrical appliances, and construction material

Thai Financial Reporting Standard 3 (Revised: 2015) Business

industries have directly resulted in more intense competition in

combinations. In addition, I checked the value of the acquisition

the import - export service providers. I have therefore focused on the

to supporting documents and related payments to assess

audit of the actually occurring and timing of revenue recognition.

whether it reflected the fair value of the consideration transferred.

I have examined the revenue recognition of the Group by

I also assessed the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities

Assessing and testing the Group’s its internal controls

assumed specified in the documentation of measurement under

with respect to the revenue cycle by making enquiry

the acquisition method by considering the methods and

of responsible executives, gaining an understanding

significant assumptions used in calculating the fair value of

of the controls and selecting representative samples

assets and liabilities, reviewing the components of the financial

model, comparing significant assumptions with the Company’s

to test the operation of the designed controls.

Applying a sampling method to select service income

historical information and industry and related economic

transactions during the year to assess whether revenue

information with the Company’s financial costs and industry and

recognition was consistent with the conditions, and in

testing of the calculation of the fair value and reviewing the

compliance with the Group’s policy.

disclosures related to the business combination in the note to

On a sampling basis, examining supporting documents

for actual sales transactions occurring near the end of

the accounting period.

Reviewing credit notes issued after the period-end. Performing analytical procedures on disaggregated

consolidated financial statements.

Goodwill I have focused my audit on the consideration of the impairment of goodwill which acquired in a business

data to detect possible irregularities in sales transactions

combination, as discussed in Note 4.7 to the consolidated

throughout the period, particularly for accounting

financial statements, because the assessment of impairment

of goodwill is a significant accounting estimate requiring

entries made through journal vouchers.

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Annual Report 2018

management to exercise a high degree of judgment in identifying

My opinion on the financial statements does not cover the

the cash generating units, estimating the cash inflows that

other information and I do not express any form of assurance

are expected to be generated from that group of assets in the

conclusion thereon.

future, and setting an appropriate discount rate and long-term

In connection with my audit of the financial statements, my

growth rate. There are thus risks with respect to the amount of

responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so,

goodwill and intangible assets.

consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent

I assessed the identification of cash generating units and the financial models selected by management by gaining an

with the financial statements or my knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

understanding of management’s decision-making process and

When I read the annual report of the Group, if I conclude that

assessing whether the decisions made were consistent with

there is a material misstatement therein, I am required to

how assets are utilised. In addition, I tested the significant

communicate the matter to those charged with governance for

assumptions applied by management in preparing estimates of

correction of the misstatement.

the cash flows expected to be realised from the assets, by

projections to actual operating results in order to evaluate the

Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements

exercise of management judgment in estimating the cash flow

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair

projections. I also evaluated the discount rate applied by

presentation of the financial statements in accordance with Thai

management through analysis of the moving average finance

Financial Reporting Standards, and for such internal control as

costs of the Company and of the industry and involving internal

management determines is necessary to enable the preparation

expert to assist in the assessment of this information, tested the

of financial statements that are free from material misstatement,

calculation of the realisable values of the assets using the

whether due to fraud or error.

comparing those assumptions with information from both internal and external sources and comparing past cash flow

selected financial model and considered the impact of changes

In preparing the financial statements, management is

in key assumptions on those realisable values, especially

responsible for assessing the Group’s ability to continue as

changes in the discount rate and long-term revenue growth

a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to


going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Group or to

Other Information

cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

Management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprise the information included in

Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Group’s financial reporting process.

annual report of the Group, but does not include the financial statements and my auditor’s report thereon. The annual report of the Group is expected to be made available to me after the date

Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

of this auditor’s report.

My objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about

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whether the financial statements as a whole are free from

based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a

material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to

material uncertainty exists related to events or

issue an auditor’s report that includes my opinion. Reasonable

conditions that may cast significant doubt on the

assurance is a high level of assurance,but is not a guarantee

Group’s ability to continue as a going concern.

that an audit conducted in accordance with Thai Standards on

If I conclude that a material uncertainty exists, I am

Auditing will always detect a material misstatement when it

exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are

related disclosures in the financial statements or,

considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could

if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify my

reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions

opinion. My conclusions are based on the audit

of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

evidence obtained up to the date of my auditor’s

required to draw attention in my auditor’s report to the

report. However, future events or conditions may As part of an audit in accordance with Thai Standards on Auditing, I exercise professional judgement and maintain

cause the Group to cease to continue as a going concern.


professional skepticism throughout the audit. I also:

the overall presentation, structure and

Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement

content of the financial statements, including the

of the financial statements, whether due to fraud

disclosures, and whether the financial statements

or error, design and perform audit procedures

represent the underlying transactions and events in a

responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence

manner that achieves fair presentation.

that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a

Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding

basis for my opinion. The risk of not detecting a

the financial information of the entities or business

material misstatement resulting from fraud is

activities within the Group to express an opinion

higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud

on the consolidated financial statements. I am

may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,

responsible for the direction, supervision and

performance of the group audit. I remain solely

misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant

responsible for my audit opinion.

to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the

I communicate with those charged with governance

purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness

regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing

of the Group’s internal control.

of the audit and significant audit findings, including any

Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies

used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates

and related disclosures made by management.

significant deficiencies in internal control that I identify during my audit. I also provide those charged with governance with a

Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s

statement that I have complied with relevant ethical requirements

use of the going concern basis of accounting and,

regarding independence, and to communicate with them all

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Annual Report 2018

relationships and other matters that may reasonably be

public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely

thought to bear on my independence, and where applicable,

rare circumstances, I determine that a matter should not be

related safeguards.

communicated in my report because the adverse consequences

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, I determine those matters that were of most

of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. I describe these

I am responsible for the audit resulting in this independent auditor’s report.

matters in my auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes

Orawan Techawatanasirikul Certified Public Accountant (Thailand) No. 4807 EY Office Limited Bangkok: 25 February 2019

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of financial position As at 31 December 2017

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries

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Annual Report 2018

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries Statement of financial position As at 31 December 2018 (Unit: Baht)




financial statements

financial statements





Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents






Current investments






6, 9









Other current assets





Total current assets









Trade and other receivables Short-term loans to related parties


Non-current assets Restricted bank deposits


Investments in subsidiaries






Property, plant and equipment












Intangible assets






Deferred tax assets


Other non-current assets Total non-current assets Total assets

















The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Wice Logistics Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries Statement of financial position (Continued) As at 31 December 2018 (Unit: Baht)




financial statements

financial statements





Liabilities and shareholders' equity Current liabilities Trade and other payables

6, 14









Current portion of long-term loans from bank Current portion of liabilities under finance lease agreements


Income tax payable Other current liabilities Total current liabilities

























Non-current liabilities Long-term loans from bank - net of current portion Liabilities under finance lease agreements - net of current portion


Liabilitity from acquisition investment in subsidiary






Provision for long-term employee benefits






Deferred tax liabilities










Total non-current liabilities

Other non-current liabilities





Total liabilities

















Shareholders' equity Share capital Registered 651,899,500 ordinary shares of Baht 0.50 each Issued and paid-up 651,899,500 ordinary shares of Baht 0.50 each Share premium Retained earnings Appropriated-statutory reserve













Equity attributable to owners of the Company





Non-controlling interests of the subsidiary






Unappropriated Other components of shareholders' equity

Total shareholders' equity Total liabilities and shareholders' equity













The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

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Annual Report 2018

Wice Logistics Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries Income statement For the year ended 31 December 2018 (Unit: Baht) Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements






Service income





Dividend income

6, 11

Profit or loss: Revenues

Other income


Total revenues






















Expenses Cost of services


Selling expenses Administrative expenses


Total expenses Profit before finance cost and income tax expenses Finance cost













(4,877,970) 139,958,625

Profit before income tax expenses Income tax expenses

(184,040) 130,806,396

(4,135,814) 121,560,582

(184,040) 112,557,830









Equity holders of the Company





Non-controlling interests of the subsidiary














Profit for the year Profit attributable to:

Earnings per share


Basic earnings per share Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company Weighted average number of ordinary shares (shares) The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

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Wice Logistics Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries Statement of comprehensive income (Continued) For the year ended 31 December 2018 (Unit: Baht)




financial statements

financial statements

2018 113,725,170

Profit for the year

















Other comprehensive income: Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods Exchange differences on translation of financial statements in foreign currency



Gain (loss) on changes in value of available-for-sale investments Less: Income tax effect






Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods - net of income tax


Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods: Actuarial loss


Less: Income tax effect






(4,654,006) 930,801


Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods




Other comprehensive income for the year


Total comprehensive income for the year











Total comprehensive income attributable to: Equity holders of the Company



Non-controlling interests of the subsidiary





The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

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Annual Report 2018

Wice Logistics Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries Cash flows statement For the year ended 31 December 2018 (Unit: Baht) Consolidated


financial statements 2018

financial statements




Cash flows from operating activities Profit before tax









Adjustments to reconcile profit before tax to net cash provided by (paid from) operating activities: Depreciation and amortisation Reversal on allowance for doubtful accounts





(Gain) loss on sales of equipment





Gain on sales of current investments





Long-term employee benefits expense












Unrealised (gain) loss on exchange Interest income


Dividend income













Trade and other receivables





Other current assets







Interest expenses Profit from operating activities before changes in operating assets and liabilities Operating assets (increase) decrease

Other non-current assets



Operating liabilities increase (decrease) Trade and other payables


Other current liabilities


Provision for long-term employee benefits


Other non-current liabilities Cash flows from operating activities Cash paid for corporate income tax Net cash flows from operating activities

10,418,067 (1,245,742) -























The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

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Wice Logistics Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries Cash flows statement (Continued) For the year ended 31 December 2018 (Unit: Baht) Consolidated


financial statements 2018

financial statements




Cash flows from investing activities Decrease in current investments Decrease (increase) in restricted bank deposits Increase in short-term loans to related parties






Acquisition of building and equipment Acquisition of intangible assets


(38,099) -

38,592,638 (1,928,250) -









Proceed from sales of equipment and intangible assets





Interest income





Dividend income Proceed from sales of current investments Cash paid for acquisition of current investments












Cash paid for acquisition of investment in subsidiary


Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities








Cash flows from financing activities Cash receipt from long-term loan from bank





Repayments made on liabilities under finance lease agreements


Acquisition of non-controlling interest





Decrease in non-controlling interest





Interest expenses








Dividend paid





Net cash flows used in financing activities











Decrease in translation adjustments Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents



Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year





Cash and cash equivalents at end of year (Note 7)





















Supplemental cash flows information Non-cash items consist of Acquisitions of motor vehicles under finance lease agreements Accrued provision for long-term employee benefits Liability and accrued interest from acquisition investment in subsidiary The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

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- 151 -

from acquisition of investment in subsidiary


The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

Balance as at 31 December 2018

Dividend paid

to statutory reserve

Unappropriated retained earnings transferred


Total comprehensive income for the year












Other comprehensive income for the year

Increase in non-controlling interests of subsidiary




Balance as at 1 January 2018

Profit for the year





Balance as at 31 December 2017







Share premium


Dividend paid

transferred to statutory reserve

Unappropriated retained earnings


Other comprehensive income for the year

Total comprehensive income for the year


share capital





Issued and

Profit for the year

Balance as at 1 January 2017

For the year ended 31 December 2018

Statement of changes in shareholders' equity

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries

































Retained earnings
















foreign currency

statements in
































common control

combination under

Surplus on business
















in subsidiary


in percentage

Surplus on change

Other components of equity


in value of

translation of financial

Surplus on changes

differences on


Other comprehensive income

Equity attributable to owners of the Company

Consolidated financial statements

Total other


















components of

























the subsidiary

interests of

to non-controlling

Equity attributable






the Company

to owners of


Total equity
















shareholders' equity


(Unit: Baht)

Annual Report 2018


share capital

Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

- 152 -

17 23

Total comprehensive income for the year

Unappropriated retained earnings transferred to statutory reserve

Dividend paid


Unappropriated retained earnings transferred to statutory reserve

Dividend paid

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.







Total comprehensive income for the year




Other comprehensive income for the year

Balance as at 31 December 2018



Profit for the year



Balance as at 1 January 2018









Share premium

Balance as at 31 December 2017



Other comprehensive income for the year




Issued and

Profit for the year

Balance as at 1 January 2017

the year ended 31 December 2018

Statement of changes in shareholders' equity (Continued)For

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries































Retained earnings

















in value of

on changes


















components of

Total other

Other components of equity Other comprehensive income

Separate financial statements


















(Unit: Baht)

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Annual Report 2018

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries Notes to consolidated financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2018 1.

General information WICE Logistics Public Company Limited (“the Company”) is a public company incorporated and domiciled in Thailand. The Company is principally engaged in an international air and sea freight forwarding, customs broker, inland transportation, cross-border transport, multimodal transport operator, warehousing service and all freight related services for imports and exports. The registered office of the Company is at 88/8 Nonsee Road, Chong-nonsee, Yannawa, Bangkok.


Basis of preparation


The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Thai Financial Reporting Standards enunciated under the Accounting Professions Act B.E. 2547 and their presentation has been made in compliance with the stipulations of the Notification of the Department of Business Development dated 11 October 2016, issued under the Accounting Act B.E. 2543. The financial statements in Thai language are the official statutory financial statements of the Company. The financial statements in English language have been translated from the Thai language financial statements. The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis except where otherwise disclosed in the accounting policies.


Basis of consolidation a)

The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of WICE Logistics Public Company Limited (“the Company”) and the following subsidiary companies (“the subsidiaries”):

Company’s name

Sun Express (Thailand) Company Limited

Nature of business

Freight forwarder and all

Country of

Percentage of


shareholding 2018










freight related services for imports and exports

Euroasia Total Logistics Company Limited

Cross-Border Transport Services

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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Company’s name

WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

Nature of business

Freight forwarder and all

Country of

Percentage of


shareholding 2018







Hong Kong









freight related services for imports and exports

WICE Logistics

Freight forwarder and all

(HongKong) Limited

freight related services

(Formerly known as

for imports and exports

“Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited”) Guangzhou WICE

Freight forwarder and all

Logistics Limited

freight related services

(Formerly known as

for imports and exports

“Guangzhou Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited” 100% held by WICE Logistics (HongKong) Limited) Euroasia Total Logistics (M) Sdn Bhd (40% held

Cross-Border Transport Services

by Euroasia Total Logistics Company Limited and 60% held by major shareholders’ Euroasia Total Logistics Company Limited)


The Company is deemed to have control over an investee or subsidiaries if it has rights, or is exposed, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee, and it has the ability to direct the activities that affect the amount of its returns.


Subsidiaries are fully consolidated, being the date on which the Company obtains control, and continue to be consolidated until the date when such control ceases.


The financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared using the same significant accounting policies as the Company.

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The assets and liabilities in the financial statements of overseas subsidiary companies is translated to Baht using the exchange rate prevailing on the end of reporting period, and revenues and expenses translated using monthly average exchange rates. The resulting differences are shown under the caption of “Exchange differences on translation of financial statements in foreign currency” in the statements of changes in shareholders’ equity.


Material balances and transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries companies have been eliminated from the consolidated financial statements.


Non-controlling interests represent the portion of profit or loss and net assets of the subsidiaries that are not held by the Company and are presented separately in the consolidated profit or loss and within equity in the consolidated statement of financial position.


The separate financial statements present investments in a subsidiaries under the cost method.


New financial reporting standards (a) Financial reporting standards that became effective in the current year During the year, the Company and its subsidiaries have adopted the revised financial reporting standards and interpretations (revised 2017) and new accounting treatment guidance which are effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2018. These financial reporting standards were aimed at alignment with the corresponding International Financial Reporting Standards, with most of the changes and classifications directed towards disclosers in the notes to financial statements. The adoption of these financial reporting standards does not have any significant impact on the Company and its subsidiaries’ financial statements. (b) Financial reporting standards that will become effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2019 in the future The Federation of Accounting Professions issued a number of revised and new financial reporting standards and interpretations (revised 2018) which are effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2019. These financial reporting standards were aimed at alignment with the corresponding International Financial Reporting Standards with most of the changes and clarification directed towards disclosures in the notes to financial statements.

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The management of the Company and its subsidiaries believe that the most of the revised financial reporting standards will not have any significant impact on the financial statements when they are initially applied. However, the new standard involve changes to key principles, as summarised below. TFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers TFRS 15 supersedes the following accounting standards together with related Interpretations. TAS 11 (revised 2017)

Construction contracts

TAS 18 (revised 2017)


TSIC 31 (revised 2017)

Revenue - Barter Transactions Involving Advertising Services

TFRIC 13 (revised 2017)

Customer Loyalty Programmes

TFRIC 15 (revised 2017)

Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate

TFRIC 18 (revised 2017)

Transfers of Assets from Customers

Entities are to apply this standard to all contracts with customers unless those contracts fall within the scope of other standards. The standard establishes a five-step model to account for revenue arising from contracts with customers, with revenue being recognised at an amount that reflects the consideration to which an entity expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring goods or services to a customer. The standard requires entities to exercise judgement, taking into consideration all of the relevant facts and circumstances when applying each step of the model. The management of the Company and its subsidiaries believe that this standard will not have any significant impact on the financial statements when it is initially applied. (c) Financial reporting standards related to financial instruments that will become effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2020 During the current year, the Federation of Accounting Professions issued a set of TFRSs related to financial instruments, which consists of five accounting standards and interpretations, as follows: Financial reporting standards: TFRS 7

Financial Instruments: Disclosures


Financial Instruments

Accounting standard: TAS 32

Financial Instruments: Presentation

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Annual Report 2018

Financial Reporting Standard Interpretations: TFRIC 16

Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation


Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments

These TFRSs related to financial instruments make stipulations relating to the classification of financial instruments and their measurement at fair value or amortised cost (taking into account the type of instrument, the characteristics of the contractual cash flows and the Company’s business model), calculation of impairment using the expected credit loss method, and hedge accounting. These include stipulations regarding the presentation and disclosure of financial instruments. When the TFRSs related









interpretations and guidance which are currently effective will be cancelled. The management of the Company and its subsidiaries is currently evaluating the impact of these standards to the financial statements in the year when they are adopted. 4.

Significant accounting policies


Revenue recognition Rendering of services Service revenue is recognised when services have been rendered. Interest income Interest income is recognised on an accrual basis based on the effective interest rate. Dividend income Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive the dividends is established.


Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand and at banks, and all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less and not subject to withdrawal restrictions.


Trade and other receivables Trade and other receivables are stated at the net realisable value. Allowance for doubtful accounts is provided for the estimated losses that may be incurred in collection of receivables. The allowance is generally based on collection experience and analysis of debt aging.

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Investments a)

Investments in available-for-sale securities are stated at fair value. Changes in the fair value of these securities are recorded in other comprehensive income, and will be recorded in profit or loss when the securities are sold.


Investments in subsidiaries are accounted for in the separate financial statements using the cost loss impairment losses (if any).

The fair value of investment unit is based on the net assets value of investments at the end of reporting period. The weighted average method is used for computation of the cost of investments. On disposal of an investment, the difference between net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the investment is recognised in profit or loss. 4.5

Property, plant and equipment/Depreciation Land is stated at cost. Buildings and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and allowance for loss on impairment of assets (if any). Depreciation of buildings and equipment is calculated by reference to their costs on the straight-line basis over the following estimated useful lives: Buildings and yard

20 years

Furniture, fixtures and office equipment Computers

5 years 3 - 5 years

Motor vehicles

5 - 10 years

Container ana container equipment

10 years

Depreciation is included in determining income. No depreciation is provided on land, and assets under installation. An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on disposal of an asset is included in profit or loss when the asset is derecognised. 4.6

Intangible assets Intangible assets acquired through business combination are initially recognised at their fair value on the date of business acquisition while intangible assets acquired in other cases are recognised at cost. Following the initial recognition, the intangible assets are carried at cost less any accumulated amortisation and any accumulated impairment losses (if any).

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Annual Report 2018 Intangible assets with finite lives are amortised on a systematic basis over the economic useful life and tested for impairment whenever there is an indication that the intangible asset may be impaired. The amortisation period and the amortisation method of such intangible assets are reviewed at least at each financial year end. The amortisation expense is charged to profit or loss on the straight-line basis over the economic useful life as follows: Useful lives Customer relationship


10 years, 25 years

Stock rights option

4 years

Computer software

3 - 5 years

Goodwill Goodwill is initially recorded at cost, which equals to the excess of cost of business combination over the fair value of the net assets acquired. If the fair value of the net assets acquired exceeds the cost of business combination, the excess is immediately recognised as gain in profit or loss. Goodwill is carried at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill is tested for impairment annually and when circumstances indicate that the carrying value may be impaired. For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated to each of the Company’s cash generating units (or group of cash-generating units) that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination. The Company estimates the recoverable amount of each cash-generating unit (or group of cash-generating units) to which the goodwill relates. Where the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit is less than the carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss. Impairment losses relating to goodwill cannot be reversed in future periods.


Related party transactions Related parties comprise individuals or enterprises that control, or are controlled by, the Company, whether directly or indirectly, or which are under common control with the Company. They also include associated companies and individuals or enterprises which directly or indirectly own a voting interest in the Company that gives them significant influence over the Company, key management personnel, directors, and officers with authority in the planning and direction of the Company’s operations.


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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited 4.9

Long-term leases Leases of property, plant or equipment which transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases. Finance leases are capitalised at the lower of the fair value of the leased assets and the present value of the minimum lease payments. The outstanding rental obligations, net of finance charges, are included in long-term payables, while the interest element is charged to profit or loss over the lease period. The assets acquired under finance leases are depreciated over the useful life of the leased asset. Leases of property, plant or equipment which do not transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as operating leases. Operating lease payments are recognised as an expense in profit or loss on the straight-line basis over the lease term.

4.10 Foreign currencies The consolidated and separate financial statements are presented in Baht, which is also the Company’s functional currency. Items of each entity included in the consolidated financial statements are measured using the functional currency of that entity. Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into Baht at the exchange rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Baht at the exchange rate ruling at the end of reporting period. Gains and losses on exchange are included in determining income. 4.11 Impairment of assets At the end of each reporting period, the Company performs impairment reviews in respect of the property, plant and equipment and other intangible assets whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that an asset may be impaired. The Company also carries out annual impairment reviews in respect of goodwill. An impairment loss is recognised when the recoverable amount of an asset, which is the higher of the asset’s fair value less costs to sell and its value in use, is less than the carrying amount. In determining value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. In determining fair value less costs to sell, an appropriate valuation model is used. These calculations are corroborated by a valuation model that, based on information available, reflects the amount that the Company could obtain from the disposal of the asset in an arm’s length transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties, after deducting the costs of disposal. An impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss.

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4.12 Liability from acquisition investment in subsidiary The Company recognised liability from acquisition investment in subsidiary, which calculated the price that would have been expected to be payment as specify in share purchase agreement, and discounted to the present value. The above liability was presented as non-current liability in the statement of financial position, including the interest expenses from the acquisition investment in subsidiary. The liability will be reassessed every accounting period and the difference will be recognised to profit or loss. 4.13 Employee benefits Short-term employee benefits Salaries, wages, bonuses and contributions to the social security fund are recognised as expenses when incurred. Post-employment benefits and other long-term employee benefits Defined contribution plans The Company and its subsidiary in Thailand and its employees have jointly established a provident fund. The fund is monthly contributed by employees and by the Company and its subsidiary. The fund’s assets are held in a separate trust fund and the Company and its subsidiary’s contributions are recognised as expenses when incurred. Defined benefit plans and other long-term employee benefits The Company and its subsidiary have obligations in respect of the severance payments it must make to employees upon retirement under labor law and other employee benefit plans. The Company and its subsidiary treat these severance payment obligations as a defined benefit plan. In addition, the Company and its subsidiary provide other long-term employee benefit plan, namely long service awards. The obligation under the defined benefit plan and other long-term employee benefit plans is determined by a professionally qualified independent actuary based on actuarial techniques, using the projected unit credit method.

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Actuarial gains and losses arising from post-employment benefits are recognised immediately in other comprehensive income. While actuarial gains and losses arising from other long-term employee benefits are recognised immediately in profit and loss. 4.14 Provisions Provisions are recognised when the Company and its subsidiaries have a present obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. 4.15 Income tax Income tax expense represents the sum of corporate income tax currently payable and deferred tax. Current tax Current income tax is provided in the accounts at the amount expected to be paid to the taxation authorities, based on taxable profits determined in accordance with tax legislation. Deferred tax Deferred income tax is provided on temporary differences between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts at the end of each reporting period, using the tax rates enacted at the end of the reporting period. The Company and its subsidiaries recognise deferred tax liabilities for all taxable temporary differences while they recognise deferred tax assets for all deductible temporary differences and tax losses carried forward to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which such deductible temporary differences and tax losses carried forward can be utilised. At each reporting date, the Company and its subsidiaries review and reduce the carrying amount of deferred tax assets to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the deferred tax asset to be utilised. The Company and its subsidiaries record deferred tax directly to shareholders' equity if the tax relates to items that are recorded directly to shareholders' equity.

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4.16 Fair value measurement Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between buyer and seller (market participants) at the measurement date. The Company and its subsidiaries apply a quoted market price in an active market to measure their assets and liabilities that are required to be measured at fair value by relevant financial reporting standards. Except in case of no active market of an identical asset or liability or when a quoted market price is not available, the Company and its subsidiaries measure fair value using valuation technique that are appropriate in the circumstances and maximises the use of relevant observable inputs related to assets and liabilities that are required to be measured at fair value. All assets and liabilities for which fair value is measured or disclosed in the financial statements are categorised within the fair value hierarchy into three levels based on categorise of input to be used in fair value measurement as follows: Level 1 -

Use of quoted market prices in an observable active market for such assets or liabilities

Level 2 -

Use of other observable inputs for such assets or liabilities, whether directly or indirectly

Level 3 -

Use of unobservable inputs such as estimates of future cash flows

At the end of each reporting period, the Company and its subsidiaries determine whether transfers have occurred between levels within the fair value hierarchy for assets and liabilities held at the end of the reporting period that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis. 5.

Significant accounting judgements and estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with financial reporting standards at times requires management to make subjective judgements and estimates regarding matters that are inherently uncertain. These judgements and estimates affect reported amounts and disclosures; and actual results could differ from these estimates. Significant judgements and estimates are as follows:

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Consolidation of subsidiary that the Company holds less than half of shares The management of the Company determined that the Company has control over Euroasia Total Logistics Company Limited, even though the Company holds 40% of shares and voting rights that is less than half of shares and voting rights. This is because the Company is a major shareholder and has the ability to direct the significant activities. As a result, Euroasia Total Logistics Company Limited is deemed to be a subsidiary of the Company and has to be included in the consolidated financial statements from the date on which the Company assumed control. Allowance for doubtful accounts In determining an allowance for doubtful accounts, the management needs to make judgement and estimates based upon, among other things, past collection history, aging profile of outstanding debts and the prevailing economic condition. Goodwill and intangible assets The initial recognition and measurement of goodwill and intangible assets, and subsequent impairment testing, require management to make estimates of cash flows to be generated by the asset or the cash generating units and to choose a suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present value of those cash flows. Deferred tax assets Deferred tax assets are recognised for deductible temporary differences and unused tax losses to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences and losses can be utilised. Significant management judgement is required to determine the amount of deferred tax assets that can be recognised, based upon the likely timing and level of estimate future taxable profits. Post-employment benefits under defined benefit plans and other long-term employee benefits The obligation under the defined benefit plans and other long-term employee benefit plans are determined based on actuarial techniques. Such determination is made based on various assumptions, including discount rate, future salary increase rate, mortality rate and staff turnover rate.

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Related party transactions During the years, the Company and its subsidiaries had significant business transactions with related parties. Such transactions, which are summarised below, arose in the ordinary course of business and were concluded on commercial terms and bases agreed upon between the Company and those related parties. (Unit: Million Baht) Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements




Transfer Pricing Policy


Transactions with subsidiaries (eliminated from the consolidated financial statements) Service income





Close to market price

Rental income and other service





As stipulated in the agreement

Dividend income





As declared

Cost of services





Close to market price

Acquisition of fixed assets





Close to market price

Interest expenses









Interest rate 7.12% per year

Transactions with management and directors Land and buildings rental expenses

As stipulated in the agreement

As at 31 December 2018 and 2017, the balances of the accounts between the Company, and those related parties are as follows: (Unit: Thousand Baht) Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements





Trade and other receivables - related parties (Note 9) Subsidiaries





Total trade and other receivables - related parties










Related individuals (Management and directors)





Total trade and other payables - related parties





Trade and other payables - related parties (Note 14)

Short-term loans to related person or related party The short-term loans to related person or related parties carried interests at rates of 1.5% - 2% per annum. These loans are due for repayment on demand and no security guarantees.

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As at 31 December 2018 and 2017, the balance of loans between the subsidiary and related person and and related party and the movement are the follows: (Unit: Thousand Baht) Consolidated financial statements Balance as at Loans to related parties Mr. Lee Yik Chieh

Subsidiary’s director Related company

(Shanghai) Limited

Increase during

Decrease during

31 December


the year

the year


Related by

Euroasia Total Logistics

Balance as at

1 January -












(related by common shareholder)


Loan from related party As at 31 December 2018 and 2017, the balance of loan between the Company and the related company and the movement are presented the follows: (Unit: Thousand Baht) Separate financial statements Balance as at Loan from related party

Balance as at

1 January

Increase during

Decrease during

31 December


the year

the year


Related by

Sun Express (Thailand) Company Limited











Directors and management’s benefits During the years ended 31 December 2018 and 2017, the Company and its subsidiaries had employee benefit expenses payable to their directors and management as below. (Unit: Thousand Baht)

Short-term employee benefits Post-employment benefits Total



financial statements

financial statements

















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Annual Report 2018


Cash and cash equivalents (Unit: Thousand Baht) Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements

2018 Cash








Bank deposits










As at 31 December 2018 and 2017, bank deposits in saving accounts carried interests between 0.15% and 0.38% per annum. 8.

Current investments (Unit: Thousand Baht) Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements











- Fair value





Fixed deposits









2018 Investments in open-end fund - Cost


Add: Unrealised gain on changes in value of investments Investments in open-end fund

Total current investments

During the year ended 31 December 2018, the Company and its subsidiaries sold available-for-sale securities with book values totaling Baht 426.9 million (2017: Baht 10.3 million) and recognised gains on the sales amounting to Baht 2.3 million (2017: Baht 0.1 million) in profit or loss. This amount included losses transferred from loss on valuation of available-for-sale securities in other comprehensive income, amounting to Baht 0.3 million (2017: Baht 0.1 million).

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Trade and other receivables (Unit: Thousand Baht) Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements





Trade accounts receivable - related parties Aged on the basis of due dates Not yet due





Up to 3 months





3 - 6 months

















3 - 6 months





6 - 12 months





Over 12 months









Past due

Total trade accounts receivable - related parties Trade accounts receivable - unrelated parties Aged on the basis of due dates Not yet due Past due Up to 3 months

Total Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts





Total trade accounts receivable - unrelated parties, net Total trade accounts receivable - net

































Other receivables Advance receivables - related parties Advance receivables - unrelated parties Other receivables - related parties Other receivables - unrelated parties Total other receivables Trade and other receivables - net


Restricted bank deposits These represent fixed deposits pledged with the banks to secure a fuel credit card and bank guarantees issued by bank on behalf of the Company and its subsidiary to secure cargo usages, as disclosed in Note 24.3.

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Investments in subsidiaries

11.1 As at 31 December 2018 and 2017, details of investments in subsidiaries as presented in separate financial statements are as follows: Dividends received Company’s name

Paid-up capital 2018

Shareholding percentage



during the year

















Sun Express (Thailand) Company Limited

Baht 54 million

Baht 54 million


Baht 70 million



SGD 0.7 million

SGD 0.7 million


SGD 0.8 million
























Euroasia Total Logistics Company Limited


WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte.


WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited


(Formerly known as “Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited”) Total

On 9 November 2017, the Board of Directors of the Company had a resolution to approve a restructuring of Sun Express (Thailand) Co., Ltd. to discontinue its operations with all costumers and transfer to the Company since 31 December 2017 onwards. On 4 January 2018, the Company purchased ordinary share of Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited, amounting to 80,000 ordinary shares with par value of HKD 10 each (80% of Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited’s ordinary shares). The Company made a partially payment by cash, amounting to Baht 39.86 million. In addition, the Company received shares transfer of Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited from acquisition and registered the change in shareholders’ list on the same date. According to share purchase agreement, the Company will pay the remain value of acquisition shares not exceed USD 2.21 million, which calculated from the actual operating results of such company as from the acquisition date to the year 2022.

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Fair value and book value of net assets of Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited at acquisition date are summarised below. (Unit: Thousand Baht) Fair value

Book value

Assets Cash and cash equivalents



Trade and other receivables













Provision for long-term employee benefits



Deferred tax liabilities



Total liabilities



Total net assets



Other current assets Equipment Intangible assets - customer relationship Total assets Liabilities Trade and other payables

Shareholding percentage (%)


Net assets from purchasing of subsidiary


Excess of cost of acquisition over net assets


Cash paid for acquisition of investment in subsidiary


Less: Cash and cash equivalents at the acquisition date of subsidiary


Contingent liability from acquisition investment (40,557)

in subsidiary Net cash paid for purchasing of subsidiary

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Annual Report 2018

At the acquisition date, the Company estimated the liability from acquisition share capital of that company. The remaining amount was presented as liability in the statement of financial position under the caption of “liability from acquisition investment in subsidiary” were as follows. (Unit: Thousand Baht) 2018 Liability from acquisition investment in subsidiary Add: Interest expense from acquisition investment in subsidiary Total

40,557 2,514 43,071

Details of acquisition of Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited are as follows: (Unit: Thousand Baht) Purchase price - cash paid


Fair value of net assets received




Baht 40.4 million of goodwill is the business value of customer relationship of Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited to move the business forward and generate profit to the shareholders. As at 31 December 2018 and 2017, the book value of goodwill are presented below. (Unit: Thousand Baht) Balance as at 31 December 2017


Increase during the year


Balance as at 31 December 2018


Operating results of the subsidiary from 4 January 2018 (acquisition date) to 31 December 2018 is gain from operation amounting to Baht 11.3 million. These transaction already included in the consolidated financial statements. On 24 January 2018, Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited has processed to change its name to “Wice Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited”. In addition, its subsidiary has changed its name from “Guangzhou Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited” to “Guangzhou Wice Logistics Limited”.

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On 21 August 2018, the Board of Directors’ Meeting of the Company resolved to enter into a joint venture agreement to establish a new joint venture company that operates cross-border transportation services among China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. Subsequently on 22 August 2018, the Company entered into the joint venture agreement to establish the new joint venture company under the name of “Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd.”, which is engaged in cross-border transport services among China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, with registered share capital of Baht 70 million, comprising 7,000,000 ordinary shares of Baht 10 per share. The Company has 40% interest in this company, comprising 2,800,000 ordinary shares of Baht 10 per share, totaling Baht 28 million. The remaining shares of Baht 42 million, or approximately 60% of registered capital belongs to other shareholders. Such company registered the issued and paid-up share capital with the Ministry of Commerce on 14 September 2018. Moreover, the management considered that the Company has controlled and direct various operating activities including financial policy. The management therefore considered the above company to be a subsidiary company. On 24 September 2018, Sun Express Logistics Pte. Ltd is a subsidiary company, changed its name to “WICE Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.” The new name comes into effect from 28 September 2018 onward. 11.2 Details of Euroasia Total Logistics Company Limited as a subsidiary that have material non-controlling interests. (Unit: Million Baht) Profit/loss allocated to

Company’s name

Proportion of equity interest held

Accumulated balance of

non-controlling interests

Dividend paid to non-controlling

by non-controlling interests

non-controlling interests

during the year

interest during the year

Euroasia Total

















Logistics Company Limited

11.3 Summarised financial information of Euroasia Total Logistics Company Limited that based on amounts before inter-company elimination about a subsidiary that has material noncontrolling.

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Summarised information about financial position. (Unit: Million Baht) 2018 Current assets


Non-current assets


Current liabilities


Non-current liabilities


Summarised information about comprehensive income. (Unit: Million Baht) For the year ended 31 December 2018 Revenue




Total comprehensive income


Summarised information about cash flows. (Unit: Million Baht) For the year ended 31 December 2018 Cash flow from operating activities


Cash flow from investing activities


Cash flow from financing activities

72.3 6.8

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

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Property, plant and equipment (Unit: Thousand Baht) Consolidated financial statements Container and




Furniture and



and yard




Motor vehicles



Cost 23,800









1 January 2017


















Translation adjustment











31 December 2017







Increase from acquisition of subsidiary























Transfer in (out)





Translation adjustment 31 December 2018




(30) -



(4,477) 1,300 (1,274)

(1,300) -

(4,507) (1,842)

















Accumulated depreciation 1 January 2017 Depreciation for the year








Depreciation on disposals










Translation adjustment









31 December 2017









Increase from acquisition of -








Depreciation for the year










Depreciation on disposals







Translation adjustment


31 December 2018









31 December 2017









31 December 2018
















(4,479) (558)

Net book value:

Depreciation for the year 2017 (Baht 9.6 million included in cost of services, and the balance in selling and administrative expenses)


2018 (Baht 11.5 million included in cost of services, and the balance in selling and administrative expenses)


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Annual Report 2018

(Unit: Thousand Baht) Separate financial statements


Buildings and

Furniture and






Motor vehicles


Cost: 23,800








1 January 2017




























31 December 2017 Additions













1 January 2017








Depreciation for the year








Depreciation on disposals






31 December 2017












Disposals 31 December 2018



(4,477) 247,948

Accumulated depreciation:



Depreciation for the year






Depreciation on disposals






31 December 2018








31 December 2017








31 December 2018








Net book value:

Depreciation for the year 2017 (Baht 8.5 million included in cost of services, and the balance in selling and administrative expenses)


2018 (Baht 11.2 million included in cost of services, and the balance in selling and administrative expenses)


As at 31 December 2018, the Company had motor vehicles and equipment under finance lease agreements with net book values amounting to Baht 58.3 million (2017: Baht 40.4 million). As at 31 December 2018, certain equipment items have been fully depreciated but are still in use. The gross carrying amount before deducting accumulated depreciation of those assets amounted to approximately Baht 36.9 million (2017: Baht 33.5 million) (The Company only: Baht 13.9 million, 2017: Baht 16.1 million).

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Intangible assets The net book value of intangible assets as at 31 December 2018 and 2017 is presented below. (Unit: Thousand Baht) Consolidated financial statements Customer

Stock rights






As at 31 December 2018: Cost





Less: Accumulated amortisation





Net book value










Less: Accumulated amortisation



Net book value



As at 31 December 2017: (868) 8,179

(18,700) 248,664

(Unit: Thousand Baht) Separate financial statements Customer

Stock rights






As at 31 December 2018: Cost





Less: Accumulated amortisation





Net book value










Less: Accumulated amortisation



Net book value



As at 31 December 2017:

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(868) 8,178

(868) 8,178

Annual Report 2018

A reconciliation of the net book value of intangible assets for the years 2018 and 2017 is presented below. (Unit: Thousand Baht)

Net book value at beginning of year Additions in computer software



financial statements

financial statements

































Increase from acquisition of investment in subsidiary Disposals of computer software Amortisation Adjustment Net book value at end of year


Trade and other payables (Unit: Thousand Baht)

Trade accounts payable - related parties Trade accounts payable - unrelated parties Other payables - related party Other payables - unrelated parties Total trade and other payables

- 177 -



financial statements

financial statements

























Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited


Liabilities under finance lease agreements (Unit: Thousand Baht) Consolidated / separate financial statements 2017

2018 Liabilities under finance lease agreements


Less: Deferred interest expenses

790 (8)





Less: Portion due within one year





Liabilities under finance lease agreements - net of current portion

The Company has entered into the finance lease agreements with leasing companies for rental of motor vehicles and equipment for use in its operation, whereby it is committed to pay rental on a monthly basis. The terms of the agreements are generally between 1 and 4 years. Future minimum lease payments required under the finance lease agreements of the Company were as follows: (Unit: Thousand Baht) Consolidated / Separate financial statements As at 31 December 2018 Less than 1 - 4 years

1 year Future minimum lease payments


Deferred interest expenses



Present value of future minimum lease payments


Total 11,219


(1) 11,218

(Unit: Thousand Baht) Consolidated / Separate financial statements As at 31 December 2017 Less than 1 - 4 years

1 year Future minimum lease payments


Deferred interest expenses


Present value of future minimum lease payments

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

15 (1) 14

Total 790 (8) 782

Annual Report 2018

Significant actuarial assumptions are summarised below: Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements





(% per annum)

(% per annum)

(% per annum)

(% per annum)


2.30 - 2.40







0 - 49

0 - 34

0 - 49

0 - 34

Discount rate Future salary increase rate Employee turnover rate (depending on age)

The result of sensitivity analysis for significant assumptions that affect the present value of the long-term employee benefit obligation as at 31 December 2018 and 2017 are summarised below: (Unit: Million Baht) As at 31 December 2018 Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements

Increase 1% Discount rate Salary increase rate Turnover rate

Decrease 1%

Increase 1%

Decrease 1%













(Unit: Million Baht) As at 31 December 2017 Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements

Increase 1% Discount rate Salary increase rate Turnover rate

Decrease 1%

Increase 1%

Decrease 1%













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Significant actuarial assumptions are summarised below: Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements





(% per annum)

(% per annum)

(% per annum)

(% per annum)


2.30 - 2.40







0 - 49

0 - 34

0 - 49

0 - 34

Discount rate Future salary increase rate Employee turnover rate (depending on age)

The result of sensitivity analysis for significant assumptions that affect the present value of the long-term employee benefit obligation as at 31 December 2018 and 2017 are summarised below: (Unit: Million Baht) As at 31 December 2018 Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements

Increase 1% Discount rate Salary increase rate Turnover rate

Decrease 1%

Increase 1%

Decrease 1%













(Unit: Million Baht) As at 31 December 2017 Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements

Increase 1% Discount rate Salary increase rate Turnover rate

Decrease 1%

Increase 1%

Decrease 1%













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On 13 December 2018, The National Legislative Assembly passed a resolution approving the draft of a new Labour Protection Act, which is in the process being published in the Royal Gazette. The new Labour Protection Act stipulates additional legal severance pay rates for employees who have worked for an uninterrupted period of twenty years or more. Such employees are entitled to receive compensation at a rate of not less than that of the last 400 days. This change is considered a post-employment benefits plan amendment and the Company and its subsidiaries have additional liabilities for long-term employee benefits of Baht 3 million (The Company only: Baht 3 million). The Company and its subsidiaries will reflect the effect of the change by recognising past services costs as expenses in the income statement of the period in which the law is effective. 17.

Statutory reserve Pursuant to Section 116 of the Public Limited Companies Act B.E. 2535, the Company is required to set aside a statutory reserve at least 5% of its net profit after deducting accumulated deficit brought forward (if any), until the reserve reaches 10% of the registered capital. The statutory reserve is not available for dividend distribution.


Expenses by nature During the years ended 31 December 2018 and 2017, significant expenses classified by nature are as follows: (Unit: Thousand Baht) Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements

















Salaries and wages and other employee benefits Depreciation and amortisation Rental expenses from operating lease agreements

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Income tax Income tax expenses for the years ended 31 December 2018 and 2017 are made up as follows: (Unit: Thousand Baht) Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements





Current income tax: Current income tax charge for the year









Deferred tax: Relating to origination and reversal (627)

of temporary differences


Income tax expenses reported in the statement of 26,233

comprehensive income


The amounts of income tax relating to each component of other comprehensive income for the years ended 31 December 2018 and 2017 are as follows: (Unit: Thousand Baht) Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements





Deferred tax relating to gain (loss) on changes in value of available-for-sale investments Deferred tax relating to actuarial loss

183 931 1,114

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(240) (240)

(14) 931 917

(27) (27)

Annual Report 2018

The reconciliation between accounting profit and income tax expenses for the years ended 31 December 2018 and 2017 are as follows: (Unit: Thousand Baht)

Accounting profit before tax Applicable tax rate



financial statements

financial statements









8.25% - 25%

17%, 20%





Accounting profit before tax multiplied by income tax rate



Effects of: Non-deductible expenses









Non-taxable incomes


















Additional expense deductions allowed

Total Income tax expenses reported in the statement of comprehensive income

The components of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are as follows: (Unit: Thousand Baht) Statements of financial position Consolidated


financial statements

financial statements





Deferred tax assets Allowance for doubtful accounts

























Allowance for impairment of assets Provision for long-term employee benefits Deferred rental expenses Accumulated depreciation - Motor vehicles Total deferred tax assets Deferred tax liabilities Unrealised gain on changes in value of available-for-sale investments Intangible assets - Customer relationship Total deferred tax liabilities Deferred tax assets (liabilities) - net

















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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

WICE Logistics Public Company Limited


Earnings per share Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing profit for the year attributable to equity holders of the Company (excluding other comprehensive income) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. The following table sets forth the computation of basic earnings per share: Consolidated financial statements For the years ended 31 December

Profit for the year

Weighted average


number of ordinary shares

per share





















Basic earnings per share Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company



Separate financial statements For the years ended 31 December

Profit for the year

Weighted average


number of ordinary shares

per share





















Basic earnings per share Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company




Segment information Operating segment information is reported in a manner consistent with the internal reports that are regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision maker in order to make decisions about the allocation of resources to the segment and assess its performance. For management purposes, the Company and its subsidiaries are organised into business units based on its services and have three reportable segments were sea freight, air freight and logistics.

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Annual Report 2018

The chief operating decision maker monitors the operating results of the business units separately for the purpose of making decisions about resource allocation and assessing performance. Segment performance is measured based on operating profit or loss and total assets and on a basis consistent with that used to measure operating profit or loss and total assets in the financial statements. The basis of accounting for any transactions between reportable segments is consistent with that for third party transactions. The following tables present revenue, profit and total assets information regarding the Company's and its subsidiaries’ operating segments for the years ended 31 December 2018 and 2017. (Unit: Million Baht) For the year ended 31 December 2018

Sea freight

Air freight


Total reportable segments

Adjustments and eliminations


Service income Revenue from external customers Inter-segment revenue

610 21

855 48

367 3

1,832 72


1,832 -

Total revenue










Operating results Segment profit 134 Other income Depreciation and amortisation Selling and administrative expenses Finance cost Profit before income tax expenses


389 18 (33) (229) (5)

Income tax expenses

140 (26)

Profit for the year


Segment total assets Unallocated assets


Total assets


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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

(Unit: Million Baht) For the year ended 31 December 2017


Total reportable segments

466 18

296 9

1,396 41


1,396 -











Sea freight Service income Revenue from external customers Inter-segment revenue

634 14

Total revenue Operating results Segment profit Other income Depreciation and amortisation

Air freight

Adjustments and eliminations



351 6 (28) (198)

Selling and administrative expenses Profit before income tax expenses Income tax expenses

131 (23)

Profit for the year


Segment total assets Unallocated assets


Total assets


Geographic information During the years ended 31 December 2018 and 2017, revenue from external customers is based on locations of the customers. (Unit: Thousand Baht) 2018


108,066 254,179 76,296 361,357 7,373 121,380 903,462

298,213 268,844 163,935 149,136 516,240



Non-current assets (other than financial instruments, deferred tax assets, net defined benefit assets and rights arising under insurance contracts) Thailand Singapore Hong Kong Malaysia

540,558 709 1,411 48,666

495,186 707 -




Revenue from external customers Thailand Singapore Hong Kong China Malaysia United State of America Others Total

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider


Annual Report 2018

Major customers For the years ended 31 December 2018 and 2017, the Company and its subsidiaries have no major customer with revenue of 10% or more of an entity's revenues. 22.

Provident fund The Company and its subsidiary in Thailand and its employees have jointly established a provident fund in accordance with the Provident Fund Act B.E. 2530. Both employees and the Company and its subsidiary contribute to the fund monthly at the rate of 5% of basic salary. The fund, which is managed by TISCO Assets Management Co., Ltd., will be paid to employees upon termination in accordance with the fund rules. The contribution for the year 2018 amounting to approximately Baht 3.04 million were recognised as expense in consolidated financial statement (Separate financial statements: Baht 2.9 million) (2017: Baht 2.9 million, Separate financial statements: Baht 1.88 million).


Dividends Dividend declared during the years ended 31 December 2018 and 2017 consisted of the followings. Approved by


Final dividends



Total dividend

per share

payment date

(Million Baht)


Annual General Meeting of

for 2016

shareholders on 20 April 2017

Total dividends paid in 2017 Final dividends








16 May 2017

Annual General Meeting of

for 2017

shareholders on 25 April 2018

Total dividend paid in 2018



16 May 2018

Commitments and contingent liabilities

24.1 Capital commitment As at 31 December 2018, the Company had capital commitment of approximately Baht 10.9 million (2017: Baht 0.65 million), relating to the leasing of Prime mover and trailer for business operation.

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WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

24.2 Operating lease and long-term service commitments The Company and its subsidiaries have entered into several lease agreements in respect of the lease of land, office building space and long-term service agreements. The terms of the agreements are generally between 1 and 20 years. Future minimum lease payments required under these non-cancellable operating leases agreements and long-term service agreements were as follows. (Unit: Million Baht) As at 31 December 2018


In up to 1 year



In over 1 and up to 5 years



In over 5 years




24.3 Guarantees As at 31 December 2018 and 2017, there were outstanding bank guarantees of approximately Baht 2.1 million, SGD 0.4 million and HKD 1.8 million issued by banks on behalf of the Company and its subsidiaries in respect of certain performance bonds as required in the normal course of business. 25.

Fair value hierarchy As at 31 December 2018 and 2017, the Company and its subsidiary had the assets and liabilities that were measured at fair value using different levels of inputs as follows: (Unit: Million Baht) Consolidated financial statements As at 31 December 2018 Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Assets measured at fair value Available-for-sale investments Investment units









Liability for which fair value are disclosed Derivatives Foreign currency forward contracts

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

(Unit: Million Baht) Consolidated financial statements As at 31 December 2017 Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Financial assets measured at fair value Available-for-sale investments Investment units





(Unit: Million Baht) Separate financial statements As at 31 December 2018 Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Assets measured at fair value Available-for-sale investments Investment units









Liability for which fair value are disclosed Derivatives Foreign currency forward contracts

(Unit: Million Baht) Separate Financial Statements As at 31 December 2017 Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Assets measured at fair value Available-for-sale investments Investment units






Financial instruments

26.1 Financial risk management The Company's and its subsidiaries’ financial instruments, as defined under Thai Accounting Standard No.107 "Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentations", principally comprise cash and cash equivalents, current investments, trade and other receivables, short-term loans, restricted bank deposits, trade and other payables, long-term loans from banks and liabilities under finance lease agreements. The financial risks associated with these financial instruments and how they are managed is described below.

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider


WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

Credit risk The Company and its subsidiaries are exposed to credit risk primarily with respect to trade and other receivables and short-term loans. The Company and its subsidiaries manage the risk by adopting appropriate credit control policies and procedures and therefore does not expect to incur material financial losses. In addition, the Company and its subsidiaries do not have high concentrations of credit risk since they have a large customer base. The maximum exposure to credit risk is limited to the carrying amounts of trade and other receivables and short-term loans as stated in the statement of financial position. Interest rate risk The Company and its subsidiaries’ exposure to interest rate risk relates primarily to its cash at banks and short-term loans and long-term loans from banks. Most of the Company and its subsidiaries’ financial assets and liabilities bear floating interest rates or fixed interest rates which are close to the market rate. Significant financial assets and liabilities classified by type of interest rate are summarised in the table below, with those financial assets and liabilities that carry fixed interest rates further classified based on the maturity date, or the repricing date (if this occurs before the maturity date). (Unit: Million Baht) Consolidated financial statements As at 31 December 2018 Fixed interest rates Within



Non- interest

1 year


interest rate


Average Total

interest rate (% per annum.)

Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Current investments Trade and other receivables






0.15 - 0.38






0.35 - 0.90












1.50 - 2.00






0.35 - 1.00

















3.25 - 11.07






Short-term loans to related person or related parties Restricted bank deposits

Financial liabilities Trade and other payables Liabilities under finance lease agreements

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

(Unit: Million Baht) Consolidated financial statements As at 31 December 2017 Fixed interest rates Within



Non- interest

1 year


interest rate


Average Total

interest rate (% per annum.)

Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Current investments






0.15 - 0.38






0.35 - 1.00

Trade and other receivables






Restricted bank deposits


























0.35 - 1.00

Financial liabilities Trade and other payables


Liabilities under finance lease agreements

4.29 - 11.07

(Unit: Million Baht) Separate financial statements As at 31 December 2018 Fixed interest rates Within



Non- interest

1 year


interest rate


Average Total

interest rate (% per annum)

Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Temporary investments Trade and other receivables






0.25 - 0.38





























3.25 - 11.09






Financial liabilities Trade and other payables Liabilities under finance lease agreements

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider


WICE Logistics Public Company Limited

(Unit: Million Baht) Separate financial statements As at 31 December 2017 Fixed interest rates Within



Non- interest

1 year


interest rate


Average Total

interest rate (% per annum)

Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Temporary investments Trade and other receivables






0.25 - 0.38









0.90 - 1.00




















4.29 - 11.07






Financial liabilities Trade and other payables Liabilities under finance lease agreements

Foreign currency risk The Company and its subsidiaries’ exposure to foreign currency risk arise mainly from sales and purchase of services that are denominated in foreign currencies. The balances of financial assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are summarised below.

Foreign currency

Financial assets

Financial liabilities

Average exchange rate

as at 31 December

as at 31 December

as at 31 December









US dollar







HK dollar







SG dollar
















(Baht per 1 foreign currency unit)

As at 31 December 2018, the outstanding foreign exchange contracts of the Company are summarised below. Foreign currency

US Dollar

Bought amount

Contractual exchange rate - bought


(Baht per 1 foreign currency unit)


32.33 - 33.22

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Contractual maturity date

21 February - 3 July 2019


Annual Report 2018

As at 31 December 2018, the Company would has unrealised loss approximately Baht 0.06 million, if the Company recorded the forward contracts at fair value. 26.2 Fair values of financial instruments Since the majority of the Company and its subsidiaries’ financial instruments are short-term in nature or carrying interest at rate close to the market interest rates, their fair value is not expected to be materially different from the amounts presented in statement of financial position. 27.

Capital management The primary objective of the Company's and its subsidiaries’ capital management is to ensure that it has appropriate capital structure in order to support its business and maximise shareholder value. As at 31 December 2018 and 2017, the Group's debt-toequity ratio was 0.48:1 and 0.23:1, respectively (the Company's was 0.20:1 and 0.09:1, respectively).


Events after the reporting period The meeting of the Company’s Board of Directors held on 25 February 2019 passed a resolution to propose to the Annual General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders of the year 2019 for an approval of a dividend payment from the operations for the year 2018. The Company will pay a cash dividend at Baht 0.13 per share, or equivalent to amount of not exceed Baht 84.75 million. Dividend will be paid and accounted for after the approval of the Annual General Meeting of the Company's shareholders.


Approval of consolidated financial statements These consolidated financial statements were authorised for issue by the Company’s Board of Directors on 25 February 2019.

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider


WICE Logistics Public Company Limited


Information and other important information

4.1 Reference Registrar

Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited


93 Ratchadaphisek Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400, Thailand


0 2009-9000


0 2009-9991

E-mail SETContactCenter@set.or.th Website



E Y Office Company Limited by

Miss Orawan Techawatanasirikul (Certified Public Accountant No. 4807) or

Mr. Sophon Permsirivallop (Certified Public Accountant No. 3182) or

Miss Rungnapa Lertsuwankul (Certified Public Accountant No. 3516) or

Miss Rosaporn Decharkom (Certified Public Accountant No. 5659) or

Miss Sumana Punpongsanon (Certified Public Accountant No. 4872)


Lake Ratchada Office Complex Building No. 193 / 136-137, 33 Floor,

Ratchadapisek Road ,Khlong Toei District, Bangkok 10110


0-2264-0777, 0-2661-9190

Fax 0-2264-0789-90 E-mail


Internal auditor

Well Planning Solution Company Limited by

Miss Woralak Limsookprasert and Miss Hussaya Jaijutsak


11 Soi 6 Borommaratchachonnani Road, Bang Bumru, Bang Phlat,

Bangkok 10700





Bondholders’ representatives None Financial advisor

Phillip Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited

Consultant or manager under the management contract None

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Annual Report 2018

4.2 Basic information for Investors Name

WICE (Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand)

Registration Number 0107558000156 Business type

International Logistics Service and Solution Provider

Website www.wice.co.th Year of establishment 1993 The first day of trading

28 July 2015

at the stock market Head Office

88/8 Nonsee Road, Chong-Nonsee, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120

Registered capital

325,949,750 baht

Paid-up capital

325,949,750 baht Consisting of 651,899,500 ordinary shares

Par value

Ordinary shares at 0.50 baht per share

Preferred shares None Accounting period

1 January - 31 December

Contact Info Head Office

Suvarnabhumi Airport Branch Office

Tel 02-681-6181

303 Building, Room 412, Free-Zone-Suvarnabhumi Airport,

Fax 02-681-6123

999 Moo 7

E-mail info@wice.co.th

Tambon Racha Thewa, Amphoe Bang Phli, Province Samut Prakan 10540

Laem Chabang Branch Office

Tel 02-134-2275-6

999 / 30-31 Moo 9 Surasak Subdistrict Sriracha District

Fax 02-134-6446

Chon Buri Province 20110 Tel 038-480-393

Company Secretary / Investor Relations

Fax 038-480-383

Tel 02-681-6181 ext. 3501

E-mail lcbsales1@wice.co.th

Fax 02-681-6123 E-mail secretary2@wice.co.th

Laem Chabang Cargo Yard 35 / 6-7 Moo 1, Tambon Nong Kham, Amphoe Si Racha, Chon Buri 20230 Tel 038-481-165 Fax 038-481-164 E-mail lcbtransport1@wice.co.th

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Innovative Logistics Service and Solution Provider

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