SOFTEX’S history goes back to 1936. By 1974 Softex paper was a leader in the Greek tissue market. In 2016, the historic brand name Softex was bought by INTERTRADE HELLAS S.A. the biggest tissue paper converter in Greece.
CONTACT DETAILS SOFTEX S.M.P.C. A: 3 Mesogiti Str., Metamorfosis 14452, Attica Greece T: +30 210 2811998, +30 210 2811999 F: +30 210 2856949 E: info@softex.g W:
A new company was established called SOFTEX under the umbrella of mother company, reinvigorating the historic brand and redefining its leading position in the Greek market. The company operates in the toilet paper, kitchen towel, napkin, facial and handkerchief with high quality products that meet customers’ needs. In 2019 two new product categories, with the high quality of Softex, were introduced in the market: Baby Diapers and Incontinence Products. SOFTEX with its great quality, its leading and stablished brand and its strong image has managed to become again fist ranked tissue brand in large retail chains.