Our members enjoy networking opportunities by participating in a wide range of events and activities:
• Forums, Conferences
• Workshops and Roundtables
• B2B Meetings (live and virtual)
• Business Delegations to the Arab world
• Exhibitions
Our Chamber publishes:
~ Bimonthly Economic Bulletin exclusive for our members with upcoming events in the Arab world
~ Bimonthly Magazine with news of our members and other events and activities of our Chamber in Greece and the Arab world, distributed electronically and in hard copy format to a strong database of recipients in Greece and the Arab countries, to the Arab Federations and Chambers of Commerce and to professional business societies
~ Directories of its Members in Greece and the Arab world
Our Chamber also provides:
~ Information on Companies in the Arab World upon request of its members
~ Statistical Information on Trade Balance between Greece and the Arab World in various sectors
~ Checking of commercial documentation related to Greek exports to the Arab world and rendering services to its members by undertaking, on their behalf, the whole legalization procedure
~ Translation from/to Greek, Arabic and English and vice versa
~ Introducing of business proposals from the Arab or Greek companies looking for contacts in Greece or in the Arab countries
Our members can have exposure by appearing in our magazine, our Directories, or when they sponsor our events.
For further information, please visit our website at www.arabhellenicchamber.gr or contact us at chamber@arabgreekchamber.gr
Foreword 4
Save the Date: Pita-Cutting & Networking Event 2023 ............. 5 11th Arab-Hellenic Economic Forum testimonials ................... 8
Algeria Celebrates its National Day 2022 ............................... 12
The United Arab Emirates Celebrate their National Day 2022 13 Qatar Celebrates Its National Day 2022 ................................. 14
New Chairman of Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry 15 The Two New Vice-Chairmen of Oman Chamber of Commerce & Industry 16 New President for the Yemeni Business Club 17 New President of Jordan Chamber of Commerce .................. 18 Hussein Shreim, President of Zarqa Chamber ........................ 19
Participation at Greek Real Estate Agent’s Federation event 20
NEWS FROM THE ARAB-FOREIGN JOINT CHAMBERS ABLCC: Multisectoral Egyptian Business Delegation .............. 21 Joint Chambers Coordination Meeting 22 Our Secretary General at the Arab – British Economic Summit 2022 23 Hilda Al-Hinai, New Secretary General of CASCI 24
NEWS FROM THE ARAB WORLD Exhibitions in Iraq 25 Exhibition in Jordan 26 Exhibitions in Morocco
27 Exhibition in Tunisia
While we are bidding farewell to 2022 and getting ready to step into 2023, we are full of new hopes, zeal and aspirations, sincerely wishing that the New Year will come with peace and prosperity for all. It is also an occasion for reviewing, evaluating and highlighting last year’s goals and accomplishments and drawing useful lessons for further development. The Chamber has been very successful in all its activities and has even marked an increase in the number of its memberships which is probably due to a new approach of open policy to assist members and non-members in Greece in opening new business channels with their Arab counterparts.
We are also happy with the feedback we received about the events we organized, the selection of topics and sectors for deliberations, and last but not least, the active and successful networking and the diversity of business participation from the Arab world and Greece.
The first event, the Business Gathering “Greece and 5 Mashriq Countries” was held in Athens on March 23-24, 2022. Even though Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Greece have many things in common, they are yet to take advantage of their geographical proximity and to unleash the tremendous potential in all business domains contained there. This event was timely convened and was a true success.
On June 01, 2022, we convened the first “Greece and Egypt” Business Gathering, which drew its significance from the fact that the two countries have maintained impeccable relations throughout history and in recent years, they have made big strides towards the strategical cooperation on several fields. At this event, there was significant participation by Cairo’s Chamber of Commerce, the Greek Community in Cairo and other Egyptian companies as Sponsors of this event which was particularly pleasing.
United Arab Emirates was the Guest of Honor at the 86th Thessaloniki International Fair held from 9 to 18 September 2022. Based on the initiative of the UAE’s Embassy in Greece, we co-organized the “Ministerial High Level Round Table Discussion” which took place on the opening day. The discussion was between H.E. Abdullah Bin Touq Almarri, Minister of Economy and H.E. Adonis Georgiadis, Minister of Development and Investments and it was moderated by our Secretary General Mr. Rashad Mabger. The second event during this International Fair was the first “Greece-UAE” Business Gathering co-organized by our Chamber and by the management of Thessaloniki International Fair and was held on September 15th, 2022.
We concluded our activities with the convening of the Chamber’s flagship event the “11th Arab-Hellenic Economic Forum” which took place on October 25-26, 2022 and comprised two major activities within its program, the 2nd Business Gathering “Greece and the GCC Countries” and the 4th Business Gathering “Meet the Arab Ambassadors”. The topics and sectors selected for deliberations, the closed-door business meetings, the networking and B2B meetings, have all enhanced the Chamber’s positive image and proved again its ability to open channels of communications between Arab Businessmen and their Greek Counterparts. The events witnessed high-level participation and contributed to a potential increase in trade balance and the mutual flow of investments.
Building on our traditional pita-cutting and member-to-member networking event which opens the series of events of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber for the new year, this year the event will be convened in person at the Divani Caravel Hotel, on February 1st, 2023.
As a starting point for our events, we aim at building on our close relationship with our member companies and creating the necessary dynamic for our 2023 events.
At the same time, this relaxed gathering allows for all of us to know each other, exchange views and open dialogue among our members.
The celebratory event will include cocktails, appetizers, as well as many gifts offered by some of our member companies. We
More information will follow.
are expecting to see you all there!
“It was my pleasure to take part in the 11th Arab-Hellenic Economic Forum. The level of organization and the diversity of topics and the wide participation of Greek and Arab businessmen are all indications of the success of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber in coming up always with well-designed events in every aspect. Congratulations.”
“The 11th Forum was rich in the topics it tackled and the sectors it presented. The sessions have been professionally balanced in dealing with the most challenging business matters. I commend on the Executive Management of the Chamber for their outstanding and impressive organization of this Forum. Congratulations.”
The “11th Arab-Hellenic Economic Forum” added another important and positive element to the project of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, by opening new channels of communication between Greece and the Arab World. The participants had the opportunity to attend important lectures and presentations by selected speakers, but also to network and meet their counterparts from all Arab countries. We can say without a doubt, that this year’s exceptional program and the direct meetings brought one step closer to positive developments at all business levels.”
Nicholas VlachakisManaging Director, NEOKEM S.A. & Board Member, Arab-Hellenic Chamber, Greece
“The Forum was indeed a forwardthinking and stimulating brain feed by thoughtful minds over inspiring solutions and visions for future progress in strategic economic relations between Greece & the Arab world. We greatly appreciate the invaluable role of the Arab Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Development and its commitment for an everflourishing Arab – Hellenic economic partnership.”
“The 11th Arab-Hellenic Economic Forum was, by all means, a successful event. The presentations were interesting, engaging the audience in a fertile dialogue with the speakers that will, hopefully, lead to tangible results. Especially in the energy session, the domain I work in, I had the pleasure to moderate a group of pioneering, high-ranking personalities.”
CEng. Ilias Savvakis Director of Operational Development, DEDA S.A. & Board Member, AHCCD, Greece“The 11th Arab-Hellenic Economic Forum has provided an ideal opportunity for the business community in the UAE and Greece to upgrade their economic integration, and explore ways to benefit from each other's economic visions. It also introduced the private sector of both nations to their economic visions in order to boost their cooperation, partnership, and mutual investments. The event has provided participants with an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences, and discuss ways of cooperation in many economic fields.”
Owais Chairman, Sharjah Chamber & Vice Chairman of Emirates Chambers, UAE“It was a special pleasure for me to attend the 11th Arab-Hellenic Economic Forum in Athens and to deliver a speech on the occasion of this enormously important format. The Arab-Hellenic Chamber plays an essential role in promoting and deepening not only Arab-Greek but also Arab-European economic relations, which is why it is a matter close to my heart to support it in all future activities.”
Abdulaziz Al-MikhlafiCoordinator General, Arab-Foreign Joint Chambers & Secretary General, Arab-German Chamber ofCommerceandIndustry(GHORFA),Germany
Τhe 11th Arab-Hellenic Economic Forum held on 25th & 26th October 2022 set a new record as to the number of visitors and participants with over 250 businessmen from 18 Arab countries and 122 representatives of Greek companies. I would like especially to thank the Secretary General, Mr. Rashad Mabger, for the opportunity to present the competitive advantages of Greece, such as the rich cultural heritage, the natural beauty and the geographical diversity of the Greek Tourism ecosystem that has in recent years attracted significant investments, strengthening the image of the country both as tourism destination of global scope and a market with excellent investment opportunities.”
Olympia Anastasopoulou Secretary General for Tourism Policy & Development Ministry of Tourism, Greece“It was my honor to participate in the 11th Arab Hellenic Economic Forum in Athens on 25-26 October 2022, representing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its economy. I highly commend you on the outstanding organization of the forum and the distinguished speakers and the high number of the audience attended. Subjects were selected carefully and successfully and they were current and up-to-date. Once again I thank you for hosting me and I wish you future successful events.”
Eng. Omar A. Bahlaiwa Founder & President OptimumBusinessConsultingBureau(OBCB),SaudiArabia“Thank you for the opportunity to chair the session on the agrifood sector in the 2nd Business Gathering "Greece and the GCC countries". The conference provided great opportunities to network and share issues and ideas while all the speakers were insightful and informative. Your support and the organization of such an event are very important especially for the agrifood sector being a key sector nowadays that the world is facing all kinds of challenges. Thank you for all of your hard work to provide such a well-organized and informative event.”
Ioulia DrossinouHead, Department of International Affairs Directorate of Agricultural Policy Documentation & International Affairs Ministry of Rural Development & Food, Greece
“I wish to express my gratitude for your personally and to the Arab-Hellenic Chamber for hosting the “11th Arab-Hellenic Economic Forum” and for your kind hospitality, treat and for creating the proper climate for the success of this Forum. I also seize this opportunity to express my deep thanks for giving me the floor to address the esteemed audience from Greece and the Arab countries to speak about the energy activity in Libya and to enhance the cooperation between our countries. I thank you for this success and hope to meet soon in such Forums.”
“We were very much impressed by the organization of the scientific events and the fruitful B2B meetings, and the discussions and deliberations had a wonderful impact on the audience not to mention the dinner which took place in a friendly environment for the exchange of business cards and to get acquainted among the businessmen and invitees respectively. We thank you very much for this wonderful meeting.”
“It was an honour to be invited to speak at the session of the GCC business gathering focused on the knowledge and opportunities offered between the two sides in the food-processing industry. By attending this efficiently structured forum we have shared our multidimensional experiences so we can effectively further upgrade the traditional Arab-Hellenic cooperation in the Food sector. An excellent opportunity to gain learning and to establish or enforce connections.”
Antonis Rokakis President, Chania Chamber of Commerce & Industry &ManagingDirector,“CreteFish”/RokakisS.A.“
It was my pleasure to be a speaker at the Arab Hellenic economic forum, talking about the future of pharmaceutical manufacturing in Iraq and the region, and the prospective cooperation in this sector between the Greek and Arabic sides, as we pursue a thriving growth of the pharma manufacturing to serve our country and the region.”
“On behalf of Durostick S.A., I would like to congratulate Mr Rashad Mabger & the whole organization team, on the great performance of their recent twoday conference. The value of cooperation for business activities & the cultural bonding in order to lead for higher creativity, between Arab & Greek attendances was a huge success.”
“The 2022 Arab-Hellenic Economic Forum showcased how strong, supportive and constructive the Arab-Hellenic cultural and economic relations are. The occasion also demonstrated the AHCCD’s leadership’s deep appreciation of its Secretariate dedicated work. The women who organized the AHCCD's Forums and events received beautiful bouquets and special recognition from the Secretary-General for cultivating fruitful synergies between these two worlds.”
Anthi Kalomiri Communications Department Head, Assistant Professor Corporate Partner Admissions Counselor Webster AthensOn November 3rd , the esteemed Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria hosted a ceremony to celebrate the 68th anniversary of its independence in a central hotel of Athens.
It was a pleasant evening, with many dignitaries from the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, other governmental organizations, companies, and distinguished guests. H.E. Mr. Mahieddine Djeffal, Ambassador of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to the Hellenic Republic, delivered his keynote address, commemorating the heroes of the Algerian struggle for independence. He also referred to Algeria’s positive steps in terms of geopolitical influence as well as business openness, culminating in the adoption of a “very promising investment law which offers incentives and guarantees to local and foreign investors alike.” He also mentioned Algiers hosting the 31st Arab League Summit on 1st & 2nd November 2022, a major success for Algeria and the Arab leaders. With regard to the Greek – Algerian relations, His Excellency assured the Greek side of Algiers’ best of intentions to work closely with Athens in an effort to enhance and diversify the bilateral cooperation between the two countries.
The Arab-Hellenic Chamber would like to assure Mr. Djeffal of its firm intentions to cooperate with the Embassy of Algeria in order to promote Greek – Algerian business and trade relations and to wish the Algerian people many happy returns.
On December 2nd 2022, the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates hosted a celebratory gathering in commemoration of the country’s 51st National Day at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, perfectly suitable for such an important occasion.
The event was attended by the Greek Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Panagiotis Pikrammenos, the Greek Minister of Investment and Development, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis, the Dean of the Arab Ambassadors, Mr. Ahed Sweidat, and Arab Ambassadors, high-level Government officials, businessmen, friends and partners of the United Arab Emirates. The Secretary General of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, Rashad Mabger, was among the distinguished guests who celebrated the 51 years of the United Arab Emirates.
In his welcoming speech, the Emirati Ambassador, Mr. Sulaiman Al Mazrouei, referred to the accomplishments of his country throughout their 51 years of existence, including developments in the fields of peaceful nuclear energy, large ports, aviation, tourism, free zones, railroads, and general infrastructure, the UAE’s mission to Mars, an Arab world first, the EXPO 2022 and the forthcoming major event the UAE are set to host in 2023, the COP 28.
With regard to his country’s bilateral relations with Greece, Ambassador Mazrouei referred to the boosted economic ties due to the recent exchange of high-level visits culminated by the visit by the President of the UAE to Greece. At the moment, Greece and the UAE enjoy excellent intragovernmental relations, with more than 50 agreements and a joint fund of more than 4 billion dollars. His Excellency did not neglect to mention the honouring of his country at the 86th Thessaloniki International Fair and the participation of 60 major business groups and
All in all, it was a prestigious event that showcased the successful path the United Arab Emirates are on and their promising future under the wise leadership of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. We, at the Arab-Hellenic Chamber would like to seize this opportunity to express our best wishes to H.E. Ambassador Mazrouei and to the Emirati people for more achievements and many happy returns.
On December 8th , the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Athens celebrated its National Day for 2022 in the presence of high-level dignitaries from the governmental and private sectors in Greece, as well as distinguished personalities from the academic and business world.
Among the high-ranking officials who attended the ceremony was Mr. Konstantinos Fragkogiannis, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Economic Diplomacy and Openness.
In his greeting, H.E. Mr. Waleed Al-Emadi, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to the Hellenic Republic, welcomed all distinguished guests to the National Day of the State of Qatar under the slogan “Our Unity Source of our Strength” showing cohesion, solidarity and unity of the people of Qatar, revealing the pride for homeland and loyalty to ancestors and fathers and honor to the wise leadership of H.H. Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar, the leader of the process of achievements, development and a promising future.
Moreover, His Excellency, the Ambassador, pointed out that the Qatari-Greek relations are witnessing tangible prosperity based on the support of the two countries in international fora in the context of common values, ideas, activities, goals and vision.
H.E. the Ambassador added: “The celebration of Qatar National Day this year has special significance as it coincides with Qatar’s hosting of the 2022 World Cup – the first time it has been hosted in an Arab country – and which highlights to the world the unity and culture of the Qatari people”.
We, at the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, congratulate H.E. Waleed Al-Emadi for Qatar National Day and assure him of our utmost intention to work closely with him towards enhancing the existing friendly relations between Qatar and Greece in all business domains.
On November 28th, Sheikh Faisal Abdullah Said Al-Rawas was elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Oman Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Sheikh Al-Rawas holds one of the familiar names among the business community in Oman, with the core business on real estate, and military and medical procurement.
Sheikh Faisal has had, to his credit, other professional associations for the years 2005 to 2020 in many companies, including as Member of the Board of Directors of al-Rawas Holding Group, Omani packaging company, Member of the Board of Directors of Salalah Mills Company and Member of the Board of Directors of Kunooz Oman Holding Company.
Sheilkh Al-Rawas holds a Bachelor of Commercial Decision Management, University of Bedfordshire, UK.
The Arab-Hellenic Chamber enjoys a close and impeccable association with the Chamber of Commerce of Oman and he have joined forces in several events promoting Oman as an investment hub and business destination. We would like to seize this opportunity to congratulate Sheikh Faisal on his new assignment and assure him of our level-best to further enhance our relations in future joint events.
Congratulations, Mr. Chairman.
On November 28th , Mr. Rashid Al Musalhi, renews his term as first Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Administrative and Financial Affairs of Oman Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Mr. Al-Musalhi also chairs over several organizations and companies, Intech Global, Oman, Al-Ahlam Palace Contracting, Middle East Printing Press and Al Musalhi United Company. He also serves as Vice-Chairman of Majan University College and Al-Khaldiya Tourist Resort.
Mr. Rashid has an extensive professional association with various Committees of Oman Chamber of Commerce and other business entities.
Mr. Al Musalhi was born in 1979 and he is married.
On another note, the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, is delighted to express its congratulations to its Board Member, Eng. Hamood Salim Mohammed Al Saadi for his election as second Vice Chairman of Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Hamood has impressive academic qualifications. He holds an MBA, University of Hull, UK, 2016 and a Bachelor in electronics and communication engineering, University of Leeds, UK, 2005.
His career extends for a period of over 15 years, ranging from engineering and senior management positions. He is currently Chairman of Al Batinah South Governorate Chamber's branch, CEO of Al-Burj Company for Cement Products, CEO of Al-Malada Line Trading Company, CEO of Al-Ritaj Al-Jadida Trading Company and Chairman of Al-Sakhaa Investment Company LLC. He was born in 1982 and he is married.
The Arab-Hellenic Chamber would like to congratulate Messers. Al-Musalhi and Al Saadi for their new assignments at Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry and we look forward to working closely with them.
On November 17th , 2022, elections were held at the Yemeni Business Club and a new President was elected, Mr. Mohammad Abdullah Al-Ansi. Mr. Mohammed is a familiar businessman in Yemen and abroad. He is the CEO of Al-Jeel Group for Trade, Industry, and Investment, with 18 branches covering Yemen. The group works in printing and publishing all kinds of books, manufacturing and importing office and school supplies and stationery using the latest technologies.
In addition to this, Mr. Mohammed heads several several commercial companies, including Islamic Insurance Company, African Insurance Company, Modern International Schools and Al-Hayat Health Insurance Company.
The Yemeni Business Club was established in November 2002, by a group of young Yemeni ambitious businessmen in the likes of Ahmed Abu Bakr Bazara, Vice-President of AMTC (Automotive & Machinery Trading Yemen), the exclusive agent of TOYOTA Motors in Yemen, Fathi Abdulwasa Hayel, Regional Manager of Hayel Group, a well-known business house, Mohammed Al-Basha, Yemeni businessman, and many other young businessmen who dreamt of contributing to the Yemeni society and economy and the creation of an organization that would actively support their objectives.
It is worth mentioning that the Secretary General of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, Rashad Mabger, was among those who witnessed the establishment of this Club.
Despite the harsh conditions Yemen is going through, the Business Club managed to remain on its course and continue its mission in every way possible. We would like to seize this opportunity to express our congratulations to Mr. Mohammed Al-Ansi and to the Board Members of the Club and wish them to continue on their path in ensuring the objectives of the Club are achieved. The Arab-Hellenic Chamber has, on several occasions, invited the members of the Club to participate in our events. We pride ourselves on the good relations we maintain with the Yemeni Business Club and its members.
As a result of the nationwide elections for the Boards of Directors of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce that took place back in November 2022, Khalil Mohammad Elhaj was elected President of Amman Chamber of Commerce. Following this result, President Khalil was by acclamation selected as the new President of Jordan Chamber of Commerce, for the term 2022 – 2026.
President Khalil is a well-known name among the business community in Jordan. He has been the Chairman of the General Association for Foodstuffs Merchants since 2015. He serves as Chairman of the National Coalition of Economic Activities and as Member of Higher Commission for Food. Mr. Khalil is also the Former Chairman of Employers’ Associations Union. This is among his other activities in Jordan Professional Associations.
President Khalil holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the Faculty of Commerce, Zagazig University, Egypt. We, at the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, pride ourselves on the long-friendly cooperation with Jordan Chamber of Commerce and other Jordanian Chambers.
The Jordan Chamber of Commerce has always been an active participant in all our events. On this occasion, we look forward to continuing these exemplary relations and intensifying the participation of Jordan Chamber of Commerce, the umbrella of all Jordanian Chambers of Commerce, under the Presidency of Mr. Khalil Mohammad Elhaj.
We would like to seize this opportunity to express our congratulations to President Khalil and to the Presidents of other Jordanian Chambers on the results of their elections.
The result of the election of Jordan Chamber of Commerce has been released and we are delighted to receive the news of the re-election of our dear friend Hussein Saad Eldine Shraim. He was re-elected for another term as President of Zarqa Chamber of Commerce. Hussein has been with us at the Board of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber for several terms as a Representative of Jordan Chamber, he is one of the supporters of the Chamber’s events and activities and he almost attends every event of the Chamber.
The business expertise and career extend over four decades, he is currently the Chairman of Petrochemical Industrial Intermediary and the Executive Manager at the family business “Saad Eldine Shraim” for building material. He is also currently Member of the Board of Trustees of the Hashemite University. Hussein’s experience extends to several entities and several professional associations the most famous of them is as President of Zarqa Chamber of Commerce for several terms. To his credit he has a long list of active participation in various organizations in Jordan and particularly in his city Zarqa as a Board member of many of these entities. His business and personal profile is quite rich. We, at the Arab-Hellenic Chamber would like to express our utmost delight for the re-election of Hussein as the President of Zarqa Chamber of Commerce and as a Board member of Jordan Chamber. We are particularly thrilled that he will stay with us as a Board member representing Jordan Chamber.
We would like to seize this opportunity to say congratulations to Hussein and to assure Jordan Chamber and Zarqa Chamber of our utmost intention of working and cooperating closely with them in all common issues.
On Saturday, December 3rd , 2022, at the NJV Athens Plaza Hotel, the Secretary General of our Chamber, Rashad Mabger, participated as a guest speaker at the conference entitled "Today's and Tomorrow's Market" which was curated by the Greek Real Estate Agent’s Federation (OMASE), and the Athens Chamber of Tradesmen (EEA) under the auspices of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen, and Merchants (GSEVEE).
After the opening speeches by Mr. Konstantinos Tzaros, President, and Mr. Dimitris S. Biniaris, Secretary General of OMASE, respectively, the floor was given to the distinguished keynote speakers to address the audience of the event.
Rashad Mabger’s brief speech was a pleasant intervention from the side of a Joint Chamber which provides a foreign gaze regarding the investment atmosphere here, in Greece, and acts as an intermediary between the Greek and Arab businesses.
The Greek Minister of Investments and Development, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis, then took the stage to deliver his keynote address on real estate and the related tourism sector. Mr. Georgiadis referred to the progress made during the current Administration and he promised to reach tangible results by the end of the term of the current Government.
The Arab-Hellenic Chamber is pleased to have participated in the said event on the real estate sector. In our own events, real estate has always been a main topic in our sessions, in an attempt to boost one of the most active and significant sectors of the Greek economy. We look forward to more active cooperation in the future with OMASE.
On 24 October 2022, the Arab-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (ABLCC) had the pleasure of welcoming the Egyptian Belgian Business Association (EBBA) headed by Mr.Rafik ATTIA, Chairman of EBBA. On this occasion the ABLCC, in collaboration with the Embassy of Egypt in Brussels, Hub.brussels, and BECI (Brussels Enterprises Commerce & Industry) organized an “Egypt and Belgium Multisectoral Business Forum” with keynote speakers H.E. Dr. Badr ABDELATTY, Ambassador of Egypt to Belgium, Luxembourg & the E.U, and H.E. Mr. Rachid MADRANE, President of the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region. The forum was then followed by a networking Lunch and B2B meetings.
In his welcome remark, Mr. Secretary General, Qaisar HIJAZIN, shed the light on the fact that this is the 10th visit of the EBBA Delegation to Brussels and underlined the important development of the Egyptian Economy in all sectors.
In their speeches, both HE Badr ABDELLATY and Dr. Rasha GALAL, Minister Plenipotentiary Head of the Economic and Commercial bureau of the Embassy of Egypt in Brussels, pointed out a significant boom in trade exchanges between Egypt and Belgium during the first six months of this year.
HE Badr ABDELLATY highlighted the importance of the Economic reform undertaken in Egypt in order to diversify its economy, which is one of the major strategic objective of the Egyptian economic policy.
Mr. Rachid MADRANE, recalled the long history of friendship between Egypt and Belgium which can be traced back as early as Belgium’s independence. Nowadays many Belgian companies are active in Egypt in a wide range of sectors - such as Transport, Logistics, Energy, Construction, etc. - and are involved in big construction sites, the Grand Egyptian Museum, for instance.
The participants then had the opportunity to learn more on Investment Climate & Business Opportunities thanks to a comprehensive presentation of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI).
Mr. Ghislain BREYDEL, area Manager MENA at Hub. Brussels, highlighted the success of the Belgian Multisectoral economic Mission to Egypt the week before and the numerous opportunities offered by the Economic development in Egypt to Belgian's Companies.
Mr. Philippe DESSOY, General Manager – BESIX, and Mr. Amedeo PEYRON, Area Director Middle East – DEME, shared with us their successful experience in Egypt.
Source: Arab-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce
On October 25th , 2022, during the convening of the “11th Arab-Hellenic Economic Forum” in Athens, Greece, our Chamber hosted the coordination meeting of the Secretaries General of the Arab-Foreign Joint Chambers, with the agenda of issues related to the work and objectives of these Chambers.
The meeting was attended in part by the President of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, Mr. Harris Geronikolas, who delivered a short speech, welcoming our guests, the Secretaries General, and commented on the role of these Chambers in their host countries. The meeting was also attended by Mr. Mohammed Abdo Saeed, President of the Federation of Yemen Chambers of Commerce, Board Member of the Union of Arab Chambers, and Board Member of the Arab-Hellenic Chambers.
The meeting started with an introduction by Dr. Khaled Hanafy, Secretary General of the Union of Arab Chambers, followed by a brief speech by the Coordinator of the Arab-Foreign Joint Chambers and
Secretary General of the Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GHORFA) Mr. Abdulaziz Mikhlafi. Then the participants touched upon the issues of the agenda and expressed various opinions and feedback. The meeting was concluded with a feeling of mutual understanding and appreciation of the role of the Joint Chambers in their host countries and the call for frequent coordination meetings to discuss and tackle their issues of concerned.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Qaysar Hijazin, Secretary General of the Arab-Belgium-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Dipl. Ing. Mouddar Khouja, Secretary General of Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce, Abdullah Al-Bandar, CEO and Secretary General of the Arab-British Chamber of Commerce, Tamer Mansour, Tamer Mansour CEO and General Secretary of Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, Pietro Paolo Rampino, Vice President of the Joint Italian Arab Chamber of Commerce and Huda Kachtan, Director of Arab & Joint Chambers Affairs, Union of Arab Chambers.
On Wednesday, November 2nd , our sister-Chamber, the Arab – British Chamber of Commerce (ABCC), organized a grand-scale conference and exhibition, its 2nd Arab-British Economic Summit under the theme “Shaping a Shared Vision,” at the HILTON London Metropol. Our Secretary General, Rashad Mabger, attended the prestigious event with other high-ranking dignitaries and businessmen from the United Kingdom and the Arab world.
The Conference included well-tailored topics and high-level speakers who engaged in a lively and active discussion with the audience.
This event is proof that the ABCC is in fact enhancing its position as one of the most active Chambers in the United Kingdom and it is considered, throughout its journey, as one of the major and instrumental players in enhancing Arab-UK relations in all business domains.
The Arab-Hellenic Chamber seizes this opportunity to express to our dear friend, Bandar, the CEO and Secretary General of ABCC, and his staff-members congratulations for a job well done.
Abdullah Al-Bandar, CEO and Secretary General of ABCC, delivering his speech Rashad Mabger, Secretary General of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, with Dr. Ghassan Ejjeh, Senior Vice-President, BESIX Group & BESIX SANOTEC S.A. and international expert in water management issues, BelgiumMiss Hilda Al-Hinai was assigned by the Union of Arab Chambers as the new Secretary General of the Arab-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CASCI).
Hilda has a long and outstanding career that stretches over two decades. Her last assignment was as Deputy Permanent Representative of Oman to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Director of the Sultanate of Oman office to the WTO. She has in-depth experience in various international organizations and has extensive knowledge of negotiations, especially at the WTO. She is accredited with the establishment of Oman’s office and participated in Oman’s accession negotiations to the WTO. Among the positions she has held was as a researcher at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in Oman as Management Researcher, Director of the office of Undersecretary of Industry, Director of Industrial Inspection Department and Director of Industrial Development Department.
Hilda has also other associations to her credit, among which is being member of the World Trade Organization Experts to provide technical support and advice to the acceding countries. She is also a member of the WTO Trade for Peace Initiative. In 2006, with the approval of the late Sultan Qaboos bin Said, she was decorated for being one of the “Distinguished Arab Women” by His Majesty the King of Bahrain during the first Arab Women Summit under the Arab League in Manama, Bahrain.
In 2022, she was decorated for her achievements in Public Services and Human Resources development, by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Hilda is an Omani citizen born in Zanzibar and holds a BA in Political Science and Economics from the University of Jordan.
We, at the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, would like to seize this opportunity to congratulate Hilda on her new assignment and assure her of our full support.
All the best, Hilda.
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For more information, please contact: E: info@homeland-events.com, alwatan.land@gmail.com T: +9647702582895, +9647807777771
General Health Expo, 9-11 March 2023
For more information, please contact Al Hayba Company: E: info@prestige-iq.com T: +9647822269111, +9647722269111
Iraq Exhibition for Agriculture and Food
Basra Municipality, 15-18 February 2023
For more information, please contact: E: info@dur-alfayha.iq / W: www.bg-iq.net T: +9647740566660, +9647735066660
RWANGA Foras Exhibition
Baghdad International Fair, 20-22 February 2023
For more information, please contact: E: forasjobs@rwanga.org / W: www.rwanga.org T: +9647725927676, +964 75 0592 7676
11th Iraqi Exhibition for Security, Defense, and War Industry
Baghdad International Fair, 4-7 March 2023
For more information, please contact: E: info@unitedevents.iq / W: www.unitedevents.iq T: +9647807777771, +9647806666661
Agricultural Week Exhibition for Machinery Equipment and Agricultural and Livestock Production and Food industries
Baghdad International Fair, 14-21 March 2023
For more information, contact: E: info@bg-iq.net / shahal2016@gmail.com W: www.bg-iq.net T: +9647905984770, +9647712782919
Basrah International Fair Ground, 16-19 March 2023
For more information, please contact: E: iraq@pyramidsfaireg.com W: https://basraoilandgas.com T: +9647802073000, +9647733480491
International Food and Technology Expo 2023, will be held in Amman, Jordan, from the 10 th of August, 2023 till the 13th of August, 2023. The exhibition will be held at the Jordan International Exhibition Center Mecca Mall for the second time in the kingdom and will be organized by Pulse International for Organizing Exhibitions and Conferences. With the cooperation of the Syndicate of food traders in Jordan, there will be 100 leading companies in the sectors exhibiting locally and internationally.
For more information, please contact: E: info@inftexpo.com, W: www.inftexpo.com T: +962 795 598 184 / +962 06 551 60 18
Under the auspices of the Moroccan Ministries of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development and Higher Education, Scientific Research & Innovation, the 11th “Solaire Expo Maroc” is being organized in Casablanca from 21-23 February 2023.
The exhibition is an annual event, one of the most important in the region and gathers, in a total surface of 5,000 sq.m., local and international exhibitors in the solar energy and energy efficiency sectors.
The Moroccan energy policy prioritizes the development of the alternative sources of energy and energy security. With the high solar radiation potential (2,600 kWh/m2/year) and its connection with the Spanish electrical energy network (with two lines of 400kV/700 MW), Morocco offers interesting investment opportunities in the area of thermodynamic and photovoltaic systems.
For more information, please visit: https://solaireexpomaroc.com/ For the current tenders in renewable energy sources, interested parties can visit the website of the Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy: https://www.masen.ma/fr
Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, operators in the fishing, seafood processing and aquaculture sectors will meet in Agadir for the 6th edition of the Halieutis Fair, from 1-5 February, 2023. Morocco, with a coastline of more than 3,500 km and an annual catch of about 1.5 million tons, is the leading fish producer in Africa, as well as the leading producer and exporter of sardines in the world. The country aims at the sustainable development of the said sector, through its national strategy under the name "Halieutis."
The visitors come from various sectors, such as Fish Transformation, Logistics, Naval Construction, Institutional organization, Equipment Packaging Conditioning, IT, Specialized Press, Production Sea-borne Services and Aquaculture.
The dynamic rise of the fishing and aquaculture sector of Morocco can offer significant potential for related Greek products, as well as investment opportunities for Greek businesses.
For more information, interested parties can visit http://www.salonhalieutis.com/ For the current tenders and the establishment of aquaculture units, interested parties can visit the website of ANDA (Agence Nationale pour le Développement de l’Aquaculture): https://www.anda.gov.ma
Source: Embassy of the Hellenic Republic in Morocco, Economic & Commercial Affairs Office
The "Sfax Chamber of Commerce and Industry" (Tunisia) will be holding the 17th edition of the Mediterranean Building Exhibition (MEDIBAT) from 08 to 11 March 2023 at the International Exhibition Center of Sfax, in Tunisia.
Despite exceptional sanitary circumstances, the 2021 edition of MEDIBAT recorded the participation of more than 150 exhibitors, both Tunisian and foreign, as well as the impressive attendance of 25000 delegates.
Building upon the success of past editions and the ever-growing interest of professionals in the construction industry in the MEDIBAT exhibition, the 2023 edition will comprise four main segments: an economic forum, a scientific forum, a business forum and an innovation forum, in addition to workshops and multiple opportunities for business meetings.
With a special focus on the theme of intelligent and sustainable buildings, MEDIBAT 2023 will offer an ideal platform for construction professionals from all over the world to network, keep track of the latest developments in the sector and exchange views about current and future challenges to the industry.
Please find enclosed a participation file for MEDIBAT 2023, and we invite all interested parties to visit the following website for further details on this event: https://www.salon-medibat.com/en/
Contact Person: Alkiviadis Thomas
CEO Althom Group
Μ: +49 (0) 40 4 13 07 98 19
Τ: +30 2610 333 816
E: thomas@althom.de W: www.althom.eu
ALTHOM is a high performing service provider in the fields of engineering, technical documentation (manuals), Quality Management and Process, Methods and Tools consulting.
ALTHOM was found in 2010 by its CEO Mr Alkiviadis Thomas, has presence in Patras, Greece and Hamburg, Germany and offers optimized services and processes in terms of quality, costs, flexibility and delivery punctuality tailored to any special need.
ALTHOM covers a wide range of specialized mechanical, civil, industrial, and electrical engineering services, such as design, development, validation and verification within the fields of aerospace & defense, renewable energy, plant engineering and construction.
In addition, we provide technical manuals for civil, military, aviation and industrial clients for over 13 years in compliance with all applicable technical regulations and appropriate international specifications & standards (S1000D/S2000M, ATA iSPEC2200 etc.), as a key supplier for main customers of the global market.
ALTHOM, consisted exclusively by engineers (mechanical/electrical/ civil/aerospace etc.), has an extensive experience in a wide range of commercial software tools.
ALTHOM is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015 and EN/ AS 9100: 2018
Contact Person: Georgios T. Spagakos
Managing Director Europe: +306942617125 (GR) Viber Middle East: +97430115888 (QA) WhatsApp
A: PERISTERI 12133 Athens Greece
E: info@exportera.gr
W: www.exportera.gr
EXPORTERA is focusing on B2B (Business to Business) International Fresh Fruits & Vegetables, Food & Beverage, wholesale distribution.
Performing at the highest potential while continuously utilizing and adopting new & innovative technologies
Available 24/7 - 365 days per year instant quotations via our online platform / request form.
Offering huge variety on BIO-ORGANIC & CONVENTIONAL Seasonal Fruits & Vegetables, Food & Beverage and BIO Gastronomy wholesale products, meeting our Customer’s specific delivery needs and product specifications & standards.
We offer in bulk all our products to interested companies who are whiling either to uses the products internally for production or resell.
Our exports’ compliance is based on the latest United Nations Economic Commission, Europe UNECE Standards, or equivalent standards for Non EU countries. We ensure all our stakeholders meeting minimum requirements on following recognized standards and best practices:
* Organic (BIO) Agriculture Europe, IFS, GLOBAL G.A.P IFA / CfP, ISO 22000, EOS “Ecocert Organic Standard”, SGS Agriculture and food, HACCP, SQF
6 continents - Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, North America, and South America.
59 International Countries with Economic and Commercial interest promoting Greek products.
A: Voreios Paradromos Ethnikis Odou Souda, 73200, Chania, Greece
T: +30 28210-47435
M: +30 6970452019
E: info@aether-aeronautics.com
W: www.aether-aeronautics.com
Aether Aeronautics PC is a Greek company based in Chania, Crete, Greece.
Within the framework of its activities, Aether Aeronautics is active in the following sectors:
• Research and design of aerial targets, unmanned aerial vehicles and light aircrafts.
• Manufacturing of aerial targets, unmanned aerial vehicles and light aircrafts.
• Manned and unmanned flight tests.
• Provision of services with manned and unmanned aircrafts.
• Maintenance and repair services for manned and unmanned aircrafts.
• Technical consulting services.
Aether Aeronautics holds a complete Operations Team that can provide Target Drone missions land or maritime anywhere in the world, under any given environment or condition. The company’s aim is to deliver next generation, affordable solutions. Flexibility, customization of products and provision of turnkey services according to customer requirements are some of the vital assets of the company.
AETHER is continuously expanding its global reach across all continents, addressing ever-changing tactical requirements with highperformance and reliable mission-ready solutions.
• NATO supplier with NCAGE number G2718 and with a DUNS number 525025710.
• Products Safety Validation Certificate by NAMFI (Nato Missile Firing Installation).
• Security clearance for NATO Secret, EU Secret, National Secret.
• Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015
• Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015
Contact Person: Mr. Mohamed Jomaa Mohamed, Chairman of the Board
A: Headquarters: 1, Shatti Bek – derives from Iqbal – Saraya Capital Building –Apartment No. 208
A: Cairo’s Offices: Madinat Nasr 12- Omar Lutfi Street – Al Zehour district – Apartment No. 102 – Cairo – Egypt M: +201 00 403 6420
Alex Marine Engineering is considered one of the most wellknown in marine services, genal contracting and industrial imports. Established 2017, seeking development and the use of modern methods and technology in offering its services. Its main target is the delivery of projects on time and with high quality and efficiency in all of Egypt and the Middle East.
Alex Marine is considered a pioneer in maritime services for all types of vessels and projects and covers all Egyptian ports.
Contact Person: Nikolaos Simou nikos.simou@be-accurate.com
Vasilis Fragopoulos vasilis.fragopoulos@be-accurate.com Konstantina Maria Kalamara maritina@be-accurate.com
A: 113 Filonos Str. 18535 Piraeus, Greece
T: +30 2160030250/252 W: www.be-accurate.com E: info@be-accurate.com
With success, continuous upward trajectory, recognition in special and 'difficult' Logistics Projects, the Greek company Be Accurate Ltd, is a new member of the Hellenic-Arab Chamber.
Be Accurate was founded in 2015 by executives with an academic background and excellent experience of more than 30 years in the field of transportation and logistics. It is based in Piraeus, the largest port in Greece. Its location allows it to have direct access to partners, customs, and public authorities for better customer service. At a distance of 15 kilometers from the main industrial and logistics zone of Attica in Aspropyrgos, BE ACCURATE maintains its warehouse for the organization and processing of national distribution needs, while the international airport of Athens is connected by road in 45' from the company's main office, meeting the needs of air shipments. The company provides road, sea, and air transport services. The key point that has made the company famous, in addition to the many years of experience of its executives, is the assumption of risk in the so-called "special" transport projects. The company specializes in the transport of dangerous goods ADR/IMO/ DGR of transport. BE ACCURATE holds SAMEE for road transport, while it has certified training from IATA for the management of dangerous goods by air transport. The management of BE ACCURATE invests in continuous staff training for these "special" loads, gaining the trust of the market, becoming a distinct "player" in the Greek market, as it cooperates with several ports in Asia and the Middle East.
Contact Person: Mrs. Dimitra Vogiatzi
A: 2 Vassileos Alexandrou Ave 16121, Athens Greece
T: +30 210 7207000 E: dvogiatzi@divanis.com
W: www.divanicaravelhotel.com
Instagram profile: divanicollection
Facebook profile : divanicollection
Winter Garden City Lounge of Hotel Grande Bretagne brings its grandiose brunch experience to the heart of the city. Weekends at Winter Garden, curated by Executive Chef Asterios Koustoudis, returns featuring a renewed menu with fresh baked goods created daily basis in the new in-house bakery of the historic hotel.
The journey begins with a lavish breadbasket including handmade sourdough creations inspired by talented Pastry Chef Alexandros Koufas. Freshly baked butter and chocolate croissants, brioche with oriental spices and fermented baguettini make a perfect match with the local fresh butter, homemade jams, vanilla and chocohazelnut praline flavored creams as well as the Greek strained yogurt. These elegant delicacies excellently accompany a cup of coffee or tea or a glass of fresh juice.
The experience is followed by an exquisite selection of special and signature dishes uniquely prepared by the hotel’s culinary team; starring smoked and marinated salmon with caviar and quail egg, spinach tart with gorgonzola and forest mushrooms, omelette with aged kasseri cheese, Florina pepper and prosciutto, homemade fresh pasta filled with veal, truffle sauce and bechamel with goat cheese as well as the all time favourite organic farm-fresh eggs ‘benedict’ with lobster, asparagus and ‘hollandaise’ sauce. A glass of French champagne under the soft sounds of Winter Garden’s warm embrace crafts the finest harmony while the masterpiece dessert creations of the menu seal the experience in the most delightful way. Sharing moments of relaxation and warm gatherings with friends and family has found refuge in Weekends at Winter Garden.
HOTEL GRANDE BRETAGNE, ATHENS SATURDAY & SUNDAY | 11.00-14.00 grandebretagne.gr
Our company proudly presents our new collection which was launched during the "Athens International Jewellery Show" 25-28 February 2022 with great success.
An impressive collection which will excite your esteemed clients and will also differentiate you from your competitors
“The glamour of coloured gemstones will give uplift to any outfit casual or formal and help you make your own style statement. However, they are worn, coloured gemstones will bring any outfit to life with their vivid hues and inimitable character. Each and every gemstone is as unique as the person who wears it.”
Kouzoupis Jewellery S.A was founded in 1947 and is the leading Greek designer and manufacturer in the field of top quality, handmade, exclusive gold 18K jewellery with precious stones. Our company uses the various Greek historical periods as a point of reference and inspiration for the firm’s jewellery. All our 62 collections are handmade creations by highly experienced, skilled, talented and dedicated craftsmen in the field of top-quality jewellery. The Greek jewellery is not only esthetically unique and beautiful, but carries also a 6000 years manufacturing tradition. Our objective is to expand our export activities by offering top quality handmade creations, long lasting style, unique design, timeless elegance, prompt delivery and very competitive prices.
A: 2, Parnassou Street 105 61 Athens Greece
T: +30 210 3228018 E: info@kouzoupis.gr W: www.kouzoupis.gr
Meet RAFARM’s new R&D Centre: the project that gives innovation a home and inspires progress, creativity and excellence.
Our client: RAFARM is a well-established European manufacturer highly specialized in the research, development and supply of a wide range of complex pharmaceutical products with a specific focus on sterile forms, in particular ophthalmic products (solutions, suspensions and emulsions) and complex injectable products. RAFARM was established in 1974 and is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Greece.
The project: Transforming Rafarm’s warehouse into an impressive, human-centred, multi-functional workplace involved a series of strategic, design and executional decisions that our team successfully took.
The exterior design of this project is defined by ‘functional creativity’. Playful colourful details communicate the
unique and innovative identity of our client, while the materials and angle of their placement ensure that plentiful light enters in office areas, while limiting light and heat in all Lab areas.
The interior design that our team developed redefines what a working space looks and feels like, by ensuring high employee satisfaction levels through user experience design. The strategic combination of different spaces (open-plan offices, private offices, closed booth areas, social zones, decompression zones, Labs) ensure that all needs are met and enable for meaningful collaboration and deep concentration. The space creates the ideal balance between minimal and colorful, reflecting the corporate values and identity.
What was once a simple warehouse was transformed through our innovative, state-of-the-art, functional design and consistent and continuous project management, into a landmark building for RAFARM!
Is your workplace designed for True Prosperity?
Contact Person:
Elena Athanassoulas – Kyrnassiou
E: elena.a@stirixis.com
M: +30 697 8333 555
LinkedIn: Elena Athanassoulas – Kyrnassiou
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