“A short, straight back with typically one less vertebrae than other breeds, a deep chest and well-sprung ribs” are characteristics described in the Arabian breed standard. Just as owners select a halter to set off the classic Arabian profile, riders take equal care to select a saddle that fits his back for comfort and performance.
The sometimes paradox of finding a saddle to fit the short yet wide back of the Arabian horse was addressed in 1990 by fifth-generation saddler, Steve Lovatt, of Lovatt & Ricketts Saddles in Walsall, England. Lovatt’s development of an Arabian saddle and the Arabian Saddle Company, which he founded with his wife, Janet, started with conversations. “Back in the United Kingdom, some endurance rider friends had Arabians and Half-Arabians, and we always had to tweak the trees to fit their horses’ backs,” remembers Janet Lovatt. “Steve decided to go back to the drawing board. Arabians have wider barrels and shoulders along with shorter backs — especially those with Polish or Russian breeding. As soon as someone says the breeding, we know we need to get a wide tree saddle. Owners can take the measurement of the withers and the topline so we know if we need a wide or extra wide tree. The wither measurement is most important unless you have a horse with an unusual topline. Generally, the only medium and medium-wide
trees we sell go to endurance riders as they have very fit, The Arabian Saddle Company’s Louisville athletic horses.” Ultra cutback saddle is popular with saddle seat riders due to its flexible tree, adjustDespite the able stirrup bars and variety of seat sizes. need to know what type of tree a horse requires, there’s not a need for a truly customized saddle. “You can find something that fits the horse and fits you. You just need to know what you are looking for — it can be something that fits your horse but might fit other horses too. Make sure it fits level, the tree is wide enough and that it doesn’t rub the horse,” says dressage trainer Jamie Lawton.
A flap length of 16 inches is standard for most English saddles, but depends on the rider’s height. The flap should hit mid-calf so that the rider has contact with the horse.
English saddle sizes are measured from the front button to the back of the cantle, while western saddle seat size is determined by the distance between back of the pommel to the cantle.
Modern arabian horse • Issue 5 / 2014
Fit the Horse “I’m a believer of fitting the saddle to both the horse and rider — a saddle may feel great to you at a shop but may not feel good on the horse. You fit it to the horse