Michael Byatt Arabians — Why We Do What We Do

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Michael Byatt


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4 b BYATT b world

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6 b BYATT b world

Essential to our happiness; to our souls, horses share our lives. The attention and love we offer them returns to us in their nickered greetings.

7 b BYATT b world

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Pure and clean, the essence of the country renews and energizes us. Open your eyes to the beauty of the flowers — inhale, exhale, enjoy their gentle offerings.

8 b BYATT b world

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9 b BYATT b world

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Innocent and loving — they remind us to live in the moment.

10 b BYATT b world

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11 b BYATT b world

The process, the preparation, the sport. The pleasure of participation. The thrill of victory.

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13 b BYATT b world

Relationships shared and trust formed. Laughter and play. A meal, conversation, camaraderie, travel — Lives enriched.

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14 b BYATT b world

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15 b BYATT b world

Experience the lifestyle.

Michael Byatt

w w w . M i c h a e l B y at t A r a b i a n s . c o m

7716 Red Bird Road N e w U l m , Te x a s 7 8 9 5 0 phone 979.357.2614 fax 979.357.2613 all photos: Conformation unaltered

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