AHA Candidates Speak

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Arabian Horse World presents

A H A C a n d i d at e s

by anita enander

In November, our breed (and our country) will hold elections at a most critical moment in our history. There is, perhaps, more at stake than ever before. What can stop the decline and improve the future for the Arabian horse? Discussions within these pages (see “Where Have All the Arabians Gone? Your Turn” in the September 2012 issue, page 130) and through online forums and chat groups are filled with ideas. Who can bring together the diverse views and wide-ranging interests of breeders, owners, and trainers from a multitude of disciplines and set AHA on a path for growth? Next month, delegates to the annual AHA convention will have a choice of two candidates for President: Dale Harvill, currently AHA Vice President, and Cynthia Richardson, currently Chair of the Registration Commission and Region 8 Director.

Arabian Horse World invited Dale and Cynthia to share their thoughts about the breed, and their plans for leading AHA if elected.

How did you become involved with Arabian horses? Describe some of the highlights of your involvement since then. Dale Harvill: My son, Chase, after seeing “The Black Stallion” movie, insisted that I get him an Arabian horse. We bought two Arabian horses from Robert Vickers shortly after that, one for Chase and one for me. Chase and I spent many years together traveling and showing horses. We have much family enjoyment watching Chase, his clients, and others show. I love challenges and after many years away from horses practicing law, I showed in western pleasure, reining, and cutting as an amateur. We own, breed, and show 15 horses of our own, plus Chase trains horses for clients. I enjoy the beauty, intelligence, and great talent of Arabians and Half-Arabians, in many different disciplines. A special joy is how our horses bond with us as we go about caring for them. Cynthia Richardson: My mother always said my first word was “horse” and, honestly, I can’t remember a time when horses were not a huge focus of my life. I was hooked on Arabians from reading all of Walter Farley’s “Black Stallion” books and I made it a major goal to someday own an Arabian. As many did in the 60s, I started with a Half-Arabian and went on from there to become involved in all activities with my Arabians (training and showing, race conditioning, distance riding, club/regional/ national events, etc.) Please note that when I say Arabian, I mean all of our horses including the purebreds, Half-Arabians, and the Anglo-Arabians. Do you currently own Arabian horses and, if so, what activities do you enjoy with them? Dale Harvill: Yes, caring for them and pleasure and trail riding. We enjoy watching kids in our area interact with Arabian horses and introducing grandkids and other kids to learning to ride our Arabian horses. Our preacher’s wife says, if there were such thing as reincarnation, she would want to come back as Debbie Harvill’s horse. Cynthia Richardson: I have two geldings that I bred. Starovin (*Piaff PASB x Star Of Sonya) is five years old and competing in western

1 b ARABIAN HORSE WORLD b october 2012

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