Kanyaw Dictionary General

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A A handful Aback Abacus Abandon Abase Abashed Abate Abattoir Abbey Abbreviate

Abbreviation Abdicate Abdomen

Abduct Abet Abeyance Abhor Abide Abiding Ability

Abject Ablaze Able Able Able-bodied Abnormal Aboard Abode Abolish Abominable Abominate Aborigine Abort

Abortion Abortive Abound About About Above board Above Abrade Abrasive Abreast Abridge

Abroad Abrupt Abs- Abscess Abscond Abseil Absent Absentee Absent-minded Absolute Absolutely

Absolute-zero Absolution Absolve Absorb Absorbent Abstain Abstemious

Acquaint Acquit Actor Actress Ad hoc Advantages Aero polis Agent, intelligent operative Agree Airport Also Amalgamate

Ambition Ambush Angel Ankle Annihilation Annoying Antenatal clinic Anxiety Anxious Anything but Apparently

Apple Apprentice Architect Argue Arm Arrow Arson Ask Assassin Athletic Attic Back Bail

Bake Baker Balcony Bald Bang Barber Barking Bath Bathroom Bayonet Bayonet-base bulb Beach

Beak Beans Beard Beautiful Bedroom Bee Begin Bias Bib Bit Bitch Black eyed beans Black

Bless you Bloodbath Blue Blunt Boil Bone Book Branding Brave Bray Break Breast

Bribe Bribery Bricklayer Bright Broad beans Brown Bruisin Brush Bucher Bulb Burglar Burping Bus station

Businessman Butcher By the same token Calf Call Careful Carpenter Carpet Carrion Carrot Casualty Cellar

Chatter box Chauvinist Cheap Cheap Cheek Cheeky Cheep Cheered Cheerful Chemist Chest Chewing the cud Chick Chicken

Children’s wardÎÕ Chimney Chin Choose Chop Cinema Cleaner Clearly Cliff

Climax Clinic Clip Clothes Cluck Coal Cock Cock-a-doodle-do Cockerel Cockroach Coitus Interruptus Coitus

Colloquial Coma Come Computer programmer Concentration Condemning Confirmed Confirmed Consent Consideration Consternation Constipation

Context Cook Cooker Cordially Corps Corpse Corpse Corruption Cost Cough Countable Courageous Courgette Cow Coward Crawl Creature Crèche Crime Criminal Crow Crow Crow Crowd Crowed

Cry Curly hair Customs and excise Cut Cut Cylinder Date Day dream Decision Definitely De-fragmentation Defunct Deliberate

Deliberately Demanded Dental Dented Dentist Depot Depressed Designer Destination Destroy Deterrent Device

Dew Diarrhoea Diet Difficult Dining room Disadvantages Disagree Disappear Disclose Dizzy Dock leaf Doctor Dosage

Dragonfly Draw Dream Drink Dust Dustman Dwarf Dwelling Dyed-in-the-wool Eat Eclipse

Egg Egg white Egg yolk Ejaculation Elbow Election Electrician Embarrassed Ember Emotional Employed ÉEncouraged Enormous Envelops ÉEnvironment Epilepsy Escalation Escape Estate agent Exchange Expand Expensive Experience Express Extractor

Eyelid Fabric Fair hair Fair Farmer Farm Fast pulse Fear to death Fire place Fit Flea Flea market Flee

Flogging Flour Flower Fly Foal Forget Fragmentation Fraud Freak Freckles Fry Full

Function room Furniture Fuss Gagging Gallows Game Gardener Gardening Gather Geriatric ward Get rid Give Gnaw Go Goat Goatee Grasshopper Gravel Gravity Green Grill Grin Grow Hail Hairdresser

Hand beater /rotary whisk Hand Happy Has a leg in the grave Hat Hatch Hate Have Headache Headscarf Hedgehog Hen heretic

Hermaphrodites Hiker Hippie Hive Hold Holy place Homicide Honourable Hoover Horse Horseshoe Huge

Hurts Idol Illegible Impatient Important Impossible impossible in fairness Incisor Index infamy Ê Infiltration infrastructure Injure Insect instil fear Instruction Intelligence Intensive care Intention Invent Iron Ironing Jacket Jeans

Jeopardy Journalist/Reporter Kayak Kick Kidney Beans Kind face Kitchen Knee Know Laboratory Landed Laying the carpet

Leap Left Left Leg Length Lenient Let Lick Lie Lift Lip

Live coal Livid Living room Look Loud Louse Lovely Mala in se (Latin) Mala prohibita(Latin) Manslaughter Marble Martyr Mash Maternity ward Matter Measles Melon Melting pot Mermaid Mew öMigraine öMilk Milk way Misleading

Mix Modern Molar Monster More Mortar Moth Mountain Moustache Mouth Mucus Mud Murder Museum Museum Musician Mutilation Narrative Narrow Nectar Neigh Neighbour Nervous Nettle Next to

Nip Nipple NOTARY Numb Number Odour Offer ongoing cycle Open Operation theatre Opposite Opposition Orgasm Outstrip Owl Ox Pale parade Partridge Pea Peace Peaceful Pear Pedestrian Peel

percolate Perfume Pet Petition Petrol station Pharmacy Photographer Physical Therapy Pig Piglet Pilot Planet Play Plumber Plural Point Police station Pork Possible Post office Potent Powerful Practice Predestined Prime minister

Promotion Proprietor Pros and cons Prosperity Proxy Pumpkin

Purification Put Put Quiet Race Rainbow Raisin

Random Ransom Rash Raw Read Reason Reception Reckless Record


Refine Refrigerator

Regard ÆRelationship Relaxing Remand Remember Repercussion Reprimand Reprisal Rescue Resin Resources reverberated Æ evolving door R Rib Right ÆRing Rise ÆRiver Road Roar Roast Rob Rock Ruddy

Run Salvia Sand Savage Say Scarf Scary Scenery Score Screw base bulb Secretary Sedition Seduction

See Seed Segregation Sense Sensible Serve Shallow Shape Sharp Sheep Sheet Shirt

Shiver ÇShivering Shocking Shoelace ÇShopping centre ÇShopping Shout Shower Sick-Vomiting sieve Silly Sing Single º Single-handed Sit Skull Skyscarappers Slang Sleet Slice Çsmashing Smile smithereens

Sneeze Sniff Snot Soldier Sole Sorts Sparrow Speak Spectrum Spend a holiday Spinal Cord splinter Squeeze

Stall Statue Steal Stereotype Sterilising department stick the tongue at Stir Stolen Stomach ache Stones Store Straight hair

Strangle Sugar Sultana Surgeon Survey Swap Swear Sweating ÇSweep Swim Sword Take Take Tangles Teacher Teeth Teeth on edge Tent Theft Thief Threat Thug Tickle Tile Tin

Tip of the iceberg Tip To do the washing To lay the table To make the bed Toddler Together Tooth Toothbrush Top Tourists Towel Traditional

Train Travel agent Treat Trespass Tribe Tripe Tripod

T-shirt Tumour Turkish cock Turmoil

Turnip, Swede Uncountable Understand University Untidy Until Unusual Up side down Valuable Virtually ÖÖ Waist Wake Walk

Want Ward Wardrobe ÅWash up Wasp Watermelon watershed Wave Waved Weak Wear Weed

Whale While Whip Whipping Whispered Whispered White Wig Window shopping Window Witch Wondering

Wrist Write Wrong way round X ray department X-ray department Yellow Zebra Zoo



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