Portofolio ipc

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Fact Sheet Profile Indonesian Parliamentary Center (IPC) is a non-­‐government organization (NGO) focusing on the issues of parliament, election system and political parties. While maintaining its political independence, IPC works include providing technical assistance and capacity building for the parliament to support the institutional positions and roles of the parliament. Since IPC started on 8 July 2005, it takes t h e p o s i t i o n a s partner to legislative institutions, engage in partnerships set u p p r o g r a m s t o support reform in legislation bodies, election system and political parties, and networks with individuals and organizations with integrity and dedication for such change.

This has resulted in a good relationship between IPC and MPs and politicians throughout Indonesia. MPs in regions where IPC has worked in the past will proactively approach IPC when in need of technical assistance on various issues. IPC has built a strong nationwide network spanning more than ten provinces and even more districts throughout Indonesia. Moreover, it now accumulates portfolio of works carried out outside the border of Indonesia – namely Timor Leste. Years of experience of working with parliamentarians have equipped IPC with the capacity to identify unifying themes and issues in the sector of parliamentary in different political contexts. It should be taken into consideration that IPC fully recognizes the importance of local know-­‐how and greatly values partnerships with diverse stakeholders.

IPC has become a well established and well-­‐respected NGO based in Jakarta. Its special expertise is in the realm of Parliamentary capacity building and promoting political reform for improved democracy, and improved accountability of MPs and other public representation State agencies in Indonesia. IPC has been carrying out technical assistance (TA) and/or capacity building programs for MPs and for MPs’ Expert Staff. They have also created an innovative program to provide TA to sub-­‐national MPs throughout the country by training cadres of fresh university graduates and local NGO activists to serve as interns to ‘support starved’ local MPs.

Donors and partners supporting IPC work in the past have included the EC, NDI, TIFA Foundation, and the Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia. IPC has also been a member of PWYP-­‐Indonesia since its inception in November 2007. IPC is also is a key player in various networks such as Freedom of Information, Freedom of Assembly, Election and Public Services.


IPC Vision & Mission


To become the credible center for parliament advocacy, studies and information.

Mission • • • •

To support political parties on the issues of articulation, aggregation, education, regeneration, openness and independence. To support parliament in implementing openness and independence and in capacity building on parliament representative, legislation and oversight functions. To support openness, fairness and effectiveness of election system. To support public awareness raising on the issues of parliament and political party functions.

IPC Programs Youth Parliament 2005-­‐2006 Location: Jakarta -­‐ Indonesia Donor Agency: Partnership for Governance Reform (PGR), National Democratic Institute (NDI), European Commission (EC). IPC envisions effective and efficient parliament in carrying out their roles in representating the public. One of the key stakeholders in the public is the youth community e.g. university students. Based on active learning principles, this program comprises of 7-­‐day delivery of materials on Indonesian political context and comparative studies with other countries, parliament simulation such as caucus building and contestation, canvassing and constituent outreach, campaign and mock election.

Internship in the Parliament for Fresh Graduates February 2007-­‐April 2008 Location: Jakarta -­‐ Indonesia Donor Agency: National Democratic Institute (NDI) This is a continuation from IPC’s previous program of Youth Parliament. This is done through providing direct, technical assistance to support MPs by appointing interns. Interns carry out their day-­‐to-­‐day works in parliamentary-­‐ related activities such as media relation, legal drafting, research etc.

Capacity Building for National Parliament & the Government in the Discussion for Political Law Package Revision through the Strengthening of Public Initiatives September 2007-­‐December 2008 Location: Jakarta, Semarang, Bali, Gorontalo and Bengkulu -­‐ Indonesia Donor Agency: Partnership for Governance Reform (PGR) IPC carries out a series of activities ranging from critical analysis on legal substances of the laws to formulating recommendations and draft acts to be shared to MPs so these proposed substance can be incorporated into the revised laws. This is done in participatory manners through public discussions and focus group discussions (FGD) in a number of regions in the country.

Youth Parliament Orientation & “Parliament for Beginners” Book December 2008-­‐May 2009 Location: Bandung and Malang -­‐ Indonesia Donor Agency: TIFA Foundation A continuation from IPC annual program of Youth Parliament, this activity expands its scopes to reach key cities outside the capital city of Jakarta. “Parliament for Beginners” book is designed to cater the needs of the public so they would be able to better understand the working of the parliament. 2

Enhancing CSO Roles and Participation in Monitoring KPU (Election Management Body) February 2009-­‐July 2009 Location: Jakarta -­‐ Indonesia Donor Agency: Partnership for Governance Reform (PGR) In this activity, IPC scrutinizes the works of KPU to ensure its compliance with the existing laws e.g. voter registration. This is carried out to ensure that each and every citizen is able to fulfill his or her political right to vote.

Enhancing Political Representation & Participation to Improve Participation & to Enhance Responsiveness & Accountability of the Political System within the Context of Local Elections or Leading up to National Election in 2009 January 2009-­‐July 2010 Location: Semarang, Pontianak, Bali, Makassar and West Sulawesi -­‐ Indonesia Donor Agency: European Commission (EC) Lessons learned from IPC Youth Parliament conclude that youth engaged by political parties are key stakeholders for parliamentary reform. IPC engages political parties, creates buy-­‐in from them and set up partnerships solidified by Memorandum of Understandings with them. This partnership takes shape in 7-­‐day of training program.

Participatory Monitoring on the 2009 Presidential Election July 2009 Location: 16 Districts/Cities -­‐ Indonesia Donor Agency: Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) As a newly-­‐established State agency, Bawaslu was in its infancy to carry out its oversight function. IPC sets up an Memorandum of Understanding with Banwaslu to provide technical assistance to collaborate in the designing of election monitoring manual, to carry out election monitoring in sampled areas by ensuring effective recruitment of monitoring officers in 16 districts.

Developing Civil Society Organization Networks for Access to Public Information December 2009-­‐December 2010 Location: Serang, Semarang, Malang, Garut, Pontianak, Bali, Padang, Bengkulu and Palu -­‐ Indonesia Donor Agency: TIFA Foundation Access to Public Information Law guarantees public’s right to access information. In this program, IPC uses this law by requesting information to a number of public information from various public bodies. Results of this activity are proposed to Central Information Commissions and the general public to improve State guarantee for the public to access information they need.

Consultation with Political Parties to Obtain Commitment to Reform, Conduct Rapid Assesment for the Revision of Law no. 22/2007 on Electoral Management Body January 2010-­‐May 2010 Location: Jakarta – Indonesia Donor Agency: Partnership for Governance Reform (PGR) Political laws stipulate that political parties should equip their members so they can be ready to serve their functions as MPs. In partnership with political parties, IPC sets up capacity building initiatives and provides technical assistances in terms of consultancy and intensive communication. This is later on adopted by political parties and incorporated into their articles of association.


Public Advocacy for the Amendment of the Political Law Package (5 Different Laws Packaged as One) September 2010 – August 2011 Location: Jakarta -­‐ Indonesia Donor Agency: Partnership for Governance Reform (PGR) IPC serves as grant-­‐making organization to fellow non-­‐government organizations to carry out critical analysis of the law package and to formulate recommendation for improvement to be included in the revised version of the law.

Training Program for NGO Representatives to Provide Technical Assistance & Building to Indonesia & Timor Leste MPs November 2010-­‐May 2011 Location: Bogor -­‐ Indonesia nor Agency: Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) IPC provides tecnical assistance to parliamentary support systems in order to equip them with skills and knowledge on extractive industries. This takes shape in training sessions and strategic plannings to mobilize effective supports to MPs e.g. internship, public education, research.

Enhancing Public Participation on the Implementation of Law no 14/2008 on Public Information Disclore December 2010-­‐June 2011 Location: Surabaya, Bandung and Solo – Indonesia Donor Agency: Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and The Pacific (ANSA-­‐EAP) Adopting ANSA’s social accountability in housing, education and other public service sectors, IPC uses Public Information Disclosure Act to request information from public bodies. The findings are incorporated in recommendation for future improvement.

Enhancing Representation Function of Local Parliaments (DPRD) Members through Civic Education for Youth Political Party Cadres & Building Relation between DPRD Members & their Constituents December 2010-­‐March 2012 Location: Makassar, Bali, Mataram and Semarang -­‐ Indonesia Donor Agency: European Commission (EC) Lessons learned from IPC engagement by youth political parties lead to a program combining 7-­‐day training programs (‘basic’ civic education) in newly-­‐ established provinces and disctrics and 3-­‐to-­‐5-­‐month constituency outreach technical assistance (‘advanced’ civic education).

Training for Trainers on Timor Leste Petroleum Fiscal Regime & Government to Propose for Diversification of Petroleum Revenue (An Intensive Capacity Building for Civil Society) February 2011 Location: Dare -­‐ Timor Leste Donor Agency: Democratic Republic of Timor Leste EITI candidacy status. Highlighted in this exchange of experience are the dynamics of engaging various multi-­‐ stakeholders and involving participation of NGOs, CSOs, MPs and the government.

Internship - Building the Bridge between Constituents & MPs May 2011-­‐November 2012 Location: Jakarta and Serang -­‐ Indonesia Donor Agency: National Democratic Institute (NDI) IPC recruits fresh graduates to work as parliament interns, equips them with parliamentary-­‐related issues and incorporates their technical assistance for MPs with other IPC programs e.g. Revision of Oil and Gas Act. 4

Building NGO Capacity to Provide Access to Information & Capacity Building to Support the Parliament July 2011-­‐December 2011 Location: Jakarta, Bojonegoro and Tuban (East Java), Riau Province, Samarinda (East Kalimantan), Sumbawa and West Sumbawa (West Nusa Tenggara Province) -­‐ Indonesia Donor Agency: Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) A continuation from strategic planning set up in IPC’s previous activity with RWI, this activity ensures the implementation of those plans. IPC continues to provide technical assistance and consultancy throughout the process.

Training for Parliamentary & Advocacy Session in Extractive Industry Transparency Secretariat of State for Natural Resources Timor Leste October 2011 Location: Jakarta -­‐ Indonesia Donor Agency: Democratic Republic of Timor Leste IPC serves as resource persons and facilitators in sharing Indonesian experience in engaging with MPs in policy-­‐ making process. This participatory approach, through engagement with local NGOs, academic institutions and other key stakeholders, is to ensure that policies made by MPs reflect the needs of the public.

Global Conference on the Role of Parliament in the Governance of Oil, Gas & Mineral November 2011 Location: Accra – Ghana Donor Agency: Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) IPC serves as resource person in ‘Seeing the Money – Legislating for Revenue Transparency’ Panel Discussion in Ghana. IPC presents the experience undertaken by Indonesian NGOs in advocating for EITI candidate status. IPC also strengthens its network with MPs participating in this event and exchanges ideas on how parliamentarians play key roles in extractive industries transparency initiatives in different political contexts.

Consultant for the Continuation of a Decree Law for Timor Leste: Extractive Industry Transparency Initiatives (TL-EITI) November 2011 – now Location: Jakarta -­‐ Indonesia Donor agency: Democratic Republic of Timor Leste IPC provides assistance in drafting laws on the implementation of their EITI compliance statues. In this program, IPC identifies common themes and topics between Indonesia and Timor Leste parliaments and mobilizes consultancy on the legal drafting process in Timor Leste.

A Southeast Asian Partnership for Better Governance in Extractive Industries: Translating the Indonesian Civil Society Experience in Advocating Transparency & Accountability in the Oil, Gas & Mineral Sectors February 2012 – now Location: Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam Donor agency: USAID – Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) IPC collaborates with NGO partners in Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam in the advocacy of transparency in extractive industries. In this program, IPC exchanges the experience undertaken in Indonesia, works together with partners to strengthen national advocacy for EITI.


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