A quarter of a century is a long time. Long enough for a man to go through college, raise a family, and even start his son or daughter through college. As a matter of fact, some of the members of President Wells' "last" freshman class have parents who were part of his "first" freshman class. Within this span of time, a great many things have happened to Indiana University. Physically, academically, and culturally, I. U. has improved and expanded. In June, 1937, a map of the whole University at Bloomington could be included with room to spare on one page of the University catalogue. Today, the Bloomington campus can not be completely shown even on a
double page spread. Beginning with the present Business and Education Buildings and the Auditorium, and continuing through the recently completed Geology Building and the Fine Arts and Radio and Television Building, Indiana University has been engaged in a constant program of construction and renovation on the Bloomington campus. Similarly, the number, size, and distribution of I. U. extension centers has also expanded. Under the guidance of President Wells, the University has made just as rapid strides in its academic aspects. Since 1937, many new departments and subjects have been added to the total curriculum. Comparative literature, library science, additional physical and applied sciences,
Herman B Wells A Quarter-Century at I
and more languages have become an established part of the University. Coupled with this has been a shift in emphasis from a program of purely West European studies to one more world-wide in scope, making Indiana University truly international in scope. The University's facilities and opportunities for research have become some of the best in the nation. Even more important has been the development of an atmosphere particularly favorable to research and innovation. It is perhaps this special atmosphere which has induced so many outstanding professors to join the I. U. faculty. Since 1953 the most outstanding of these men have been given further recognition by the establishment of the Distinguished Service Professorship list. In the sci-
ences, men such as Hermann J. Muller (a 1946 Nobel Prize winner and recipient in 1955 of the Kimber Genetics Award), Tracy Sonneborn, and Ralph Cleland have extended I. U.'s fame around the world. In English and government, there have been outstanding professors like Herbert J. Muller, John Moore, William Parker, and C. S. Hyneman. Other Distinguished Service Professorships have been named in mathematics, economics, medicine, law, and speech and theatre. But a university is not merely a place for faculty research; it also has a high obligation to prepare its students for their futures, both in their chosen professions and in their personal lives. To help both the student and the University in this great undertaking, President Wells led the
development of the present system of counseling and guidance programs, other programs for student health and hospitalization, and still others for student employment. The past 25 years have also seen the inauguration of the Auditorium and Celebrity Series, Little Theatre productions, Pop Concerts, special convocations, and increased presentations of operas, concerts, and recitals by the School of Music. President Wells and his corps of many able assistants during the last 25 years have indeed built a great university. I. U. is fortunate that President Wells is not leaving the University entirely; but that as President of the I. U. Foundation, he will continue to serve and help lead the University towards ever greater achievement in the coming years. 3
table of contents
a University
administration ҟ narrative ҟ queens ҟ stage productions ҟ communications ҟ seniors ҟ sports ҟ organized residence ҟ independent residence ҟ organizations ҟ acknowledgments ҟ index ҟ
32 82 150 162 172 186 240 280 340 396 464 465 5
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Astronaut John Glenn made U. S. history with his orbital flight, but six "Shelternauts" made I. U. and civil defense history with their week's stay in a fallout shelter.
Local recording artists, a new "beat," and the drive to he uninhibited cultivated the "twist" craze.
1961.4 96 2 • • •
an orange class card . . . a football game . . . a dance . . . a grade report . . . a repeat second semester —and then, tassels proudly swaying in the breeze tacked on a mortar board. A year's history . . . history of a midwestern university so like other institutions of its size, yet so different in the story it has to tell. ATER, two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen . . . it trickled green as someone celebrated St. Patrick's Day at the expense of the Jordan w River . . . it gushed from fire hoses in the Auditorium as the curtains caught fire . . . it gurgled from dolphins as a man-made Venus came to life in the center of culture . . . and it splashed as the swimming team added victory after victory to its ever-expanding collection. OMPETITION, an age-old gleam directing eyes toward a world of unfought wars and peaceless arbitrations . . . it sent the Peace Corps c scurrying abroad . . . it called classmates into the service of their country . . . it followed an American astronaut into space, and it watched curiously as I. U.'s shelternauts emerged from a week's confinement in a fallout shelter .. . it bounced along the highway as fraternity men dribbled a basketball to Purdue . . . and for a fleeting moment, it seemed rewarding—until the student realized his high cumulative average was based on the 4.0 system. RADITION, changeable as the weather, fell into decay as Alpha Hall bowed gracefully in the face of progress . . . it was altered as I. U. stuT dents realigned their political beliefs . . . only the future can tell what tradition has been built. ADNESS, never wanted yet somehow always accepted . . . it covered the campus as Purdue returned to Lafayette with the Old Oaken Bucket . . . s it was mixed with gay laughter as faculty members presented a boress play to honor a retiring president . . . it stood next to tragedy as a basketball player returned to school in a wheelchair—and as two spelunkers drowned in a cave in southern Indiana. 1961-1962. . Indiana University . . The story . . 7
The hands shake . . . a battle to produce a champion, But the battle is not won until the hands shake again.
The AOPi Pirates pit themselves against the senior varsity athletes in a basketball game.
Lending his support to the Fightin' Hoosiers is mascot Ox.
National Intercollegiate Coed Billiard Champ Ann Sidlauskas keeps up on her game at the IMU billiard room.
A constructive channel for intellectual activity was the Campus Quiz Bowl.
I. U. KDR's braved the elements to promote school spirit as they dribbled a basketball to West Lafayette prior to the first I. U.-Purdue match.
With a mighty "Heave Ho," residents of MRC fought a tug of war across the Jordan.
After many years of service first as the original women's dormitory and then as the office space for the HPER School, Alpha Hall gracefully bows in the face of progress.
The old and the new an endless cycle of altered traditions.
Work on the new chemistry annex, a companion for Ballantine Hall, was begun. 12
It's nice to have new quarters, but oh that moving day.
New classrooms are accompanied by expanding dormitory facilities.
Dedicated this year, the new HPER building is now in full use.
These hands hold the keys of survival for them the door to life is half unlocked.
And the blood of history shall run diluted through the veins of man today.
All will search the worth of life, but who can count the falling snow?
1 A magic hand touches the campus and one feels lost in the splendor of a winter world.
Solitude walks softly but leaves the deepest footprint . . .
In the middle of campus, a place to pause and think.
A perfect memory here displayed; thoughts unburdened; notes in pea feet pitch.
Only the mind has the power to shake the world of dormancy
Nurses capping—an eventful step on the road to a life dedicated to working for others
And t he cows roamed our campus one day.
New students learned why it's called the "Melon Mess."
A cycle of dreams turned by perseverance• every voke will beat the rim; each turn gets longer.
"If variety
is the spice, I'd rather be unseasoned!"
The natives adapt to the "Monsoon season."
t `. .. and furthermore, my business law prof. said specifically that public usage of public streets is guaranteed to all citizens . . .
So that's what they call fine art!
In today's world how could one operate without The Machinery? to the click of the clock, to the hum of an engine it goes round . . the never ceasing dum, dum, dum, the constant thudding . . . The best working engine is not manmade but made of man: The Machinery . . . 35
LEFT TO RIGHT: Willis Hickam, Stewart Riley, Mrs. Mary Rieman Maurer, Robert F. McCrea, Fenwick T. Reed, Merrill S. Davis, Donald C. Danielson, Roy C. Thomas. (Not pictured, C. Walter McCarty.)
Board of Trustees Buys, Sells 1 U Real Estate As the chief governing body of Indiana University, the Board of Trustees has the responsibility of buying and selling real estate, making decisions on rules concerning student and faculty safety, and appointing nonacademic personnel. Under the leadership of Fenwick T. Reed, who was appointed as secretary of the board in 1951, the present concern of the board is in future planning for the expansion of the University. Composed of eight members elected for three-year terms, the board was set up in a statute of the state legislature in 1852. By this act, the board was to consist of 11 members; it was amended to the present eight in 1855. Another stipulation was added in 1931, stating that the board should consist of three alumni members and five members elected from the State Board of Education, subject to the Governor's approval.
SEATED (left to right): Ralph L. Collins, Leo C. Fay, Smith Higgins, David F. Mitchell, Charles J. Vitaliano, Wilfred C. Bain, John W. Ashton. STANDING: Charles L. Howell, John P. Brogneaux, Robert H. Shaffer, Ralph E. Broyles, C. Leonard
Lundin, Robert B. Failey, Markham C. Wakefield, Eberhard Reichmann, John P. Lewis, Robert W. Richey, Philip D. Appleman, Gerald 0. Haffner, Leon H. Wallace, Henry B. Veatch, Arthur M. Weimer, J. Jeffery Auer, Karl F. Schuessler.
Faculty Council Studies Housing Situation Non-University housing, University-sponsored activities, and civil defense preparations on campus were subjects studied extensively by the Faculty Council this year. The council also reviewed the I. U. Bookstore and policy taken on students called into military service. Presently a council committee is studying loyalty oaths for foreign students studying at I. U. President Wells, Vice-Presidents John W. Ashton and Ralph L. Collins, and the deans of the nine schools comprise the 13 permanent members of the council. The remaining 20 members are elected for two-year terms by the entire faculty at Bloomington, the Medical Center, and other University Centers. Elections are staggered so that ten new members are admitted to the council each year. No faculty member may serve more than two terms on the council. 37
Soon to be "President Emeritus," Herman B Wells takes his place alongside other I. U. greats such as William Lowe Bryan.
President's Office The President's Office will see some new faces next year, not only as a result of the retirement of President Herman B Wells, but also with the retirement of his assistant for the last several years, A. Peter Fraenkel. Mr. Fraenkel left in March to take a position with the Ford Foundation. One of several persons who worked to establish the Peace Corps on a national basis, Mr. Fraenkel also worked to create interest in the project among Indiana University students. Through President Wells, the administrative head of the University, the policies of the Board of Trustees are put into effect. Under his leadership over the last 25 years, Indiana University has expanded both physically and academically. Many buildings have been constructed or enlarged, and the range of courses available to students has been greatly increased. President Wells will assume the directorship of the I. U. Foundation when his retirement goes into effect in June, 1962.
Mrs. Catherine Royer, secretary to the president
A. Peter Fraenkel, assistant to the President, resigned in March to take a position with the Ford Foundation.
A chair and a desk ... symbols of an era soon to be changed with the retirement of President Herman B Wells. Who will occupy them in the future? At the time of this book's publication, the Indiana University Board of Trustees is still deliberating on the selection of a new president. Perhaps by the time this is read, a new president will have been named. Should the next 25 years bring as much to the University as the last have, the new president may some day vacate his desk and chair with the same dignity and pride as our beloved Dr. W ells.
Dean Samuel E. Braden
Vice-President and Dean for Undergraduate Development The Division of Undergraduate Development was established in 1959 under Samuel E. Braden, its first and only dean. The purpose of this division is to foster improvement in all aspects of the University's undergraduate program: in the preparation of entering students, study conditions and academic atmosphere throughout the campus, the educational aspects of campus activities, curriculum, and the faculty and facilities that help students learn. Engaged in carrying out these purposes are the various offices in the division, the Junior Division, the Registrar's office, the Office of the Dean of Students, the Health Center, the Honors Program, and the Office of Women's Educational Programs. Equally important are the deans and faculties of the undergraduate schools, for whose activities the Office of Undergraduate Development has an advisory relationship.
Recent developments illustrate the work of this division. Incoming freshmen will meet new deadlines for applying for admission in 1962, and new standards of preparation for 1964. In that year, all freshmen will have completed a college preparatory curriculum and, by class standing or test scores, will have demonstrated their willingness and ability to do college work. As a part of a move to revamp the record keeping and grade processing in the Registrar's Office, the University changed from a three point "A" to a four point "A" in October. This move eliminates the need to subtract points for an "F" and simplifies the change over to greater efficiency in keeping records. The Honors Program has been greatly expanded and is now housed in its own suite of offices and study rooms in the east wing of the Student Building.
Dean John W. Ashton
Vice-President for Graduate Development and Dean of the Graduate School Indiana University's Graduate School is growing at a faster rate than any other school on campus, with an increasing proportion of these graduate students seeking doctoral degrees. Surpassing all previous records, the Graduate School enrollment for the fall semester of 1961 was 2,030. Ranked today as one of the top 22 graduate schools in the United States, the I. U. Graduate School is directed by John W. Ashton, Vice-President for Graduate Development and Dean of the Graduate School. The chief responsibility of the Division of Graduate Development is to counsel graduate students by discussing course changes, new curricula, and programs of study. The division works closely with Dean Ashton and his staff to co-ordinate graduate programing. The Graduate School was formally initiated at Indiana University in 1904; the office of dean was created four years later. Dean Ashton has served Indiana University for 16 years, the past four at his present position as Dean of the Graduate School, and the previous 12 as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Joseph A. Franklin, Vice-President and Treasurer
Vice-President and Treasurer Selling concessions and erecting multi-million dollar buildings are representative of the wide range of functions administered by the Indiana University business offices. Headed by Joseph A. Franklin, Vice-President and Treasurer, the business offices manage the University's overall budget after it has been approved by the Board of Trustees. Included in the office's overall administration of financial affairs are the construction and maintenance of all campus buildings, real estate transactions, the Indiana Memorial Union, the University printing plant, and the Ticket Office. Also under the office's control are funds and grants for research. Indiana University is financed through state support, general University income, student fees, gifts, and grants, and the business offices must tabulate and account for all this money. 44
Dean Ralph L. Collins
Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Established in 1940, the Office of the Dean of Faculties serves as a channel from the academic divisions to the President and the Board of Trustees. Under the direction of Ralph L. Collins, who became Vice-President and Dean of Faculties in 1959, the office supervises all faculty and personnel associated with Indiana University and the I. U. Centers. Among the office's main responsibilities in connection with academic personnel are making faculty appointments, making faculty promotions and salary increases, and planning detailed budgets with the deans of the various schools. Working with committees on campus such as space assignment, academic equipment, improvement of teaching, and schedule of classes adds to the office's responsibilities. The Office of the Dean of Faculties also represents Indiana University in such organizations as the Committee for Institutional Co-operation of Big Ten Universities and the Commission on Colleges and Universities of the North Central Conference. 45
Four Faculty Members Named Distinguished Service Professors Indiana University's highest honor to a faculty member, Distinguished Service Professor, was given in 19611962 to Hubert C. Heffner, Charles S. Hyneman, Robert C. Turner, and Henry B. Veatch. Dr. Heffner, speech and theatre, was previously associated with Stanford University as head of the department of speech and drama. A member of the famed Author's Club of London, he has written A Guide for the Director of Amateur Plays. Dr. Hyneman, government, has a distinguished record of service to the national government, including assistance in the Bureau of the Budget, office of Provost Marshal General, and the FCC. His publications include Bureaucracy in a Democracy. One of the country's outstanding economists, Dr. Turner, business ecomonics and public policy, was granted leave from I. U. to serve as assistant director of budget in 1961. He has served as economic adviser to the White House and on President Truman's Council of Economic Advisers. A native Hoosier, Dr. Veatch, philosophy, received the first Frederic Bachman Lieber Award for Distinguished Teaching in 1954 and received the Sigma Delta Chi "Brown Derby" as the most popular professor at I. U. in 1952. He has publishedIntentional Logic. TOP TO BOTTOM: Henry B. Veatch, Hubert C. Heffner, Robert C. Turner, Charles S. Hyneman.
At Founders' Day ceremonies, several faculty members and graduate asssitants received awards for outstanding teaching.
Four Administrators and Faculty Members Die Four distinguished Indiana University administrators and faculty members died during 1961-1962. Dr. Wendell W. Wright, former Vice-President and Dean of the School of Education, became a member of the University faculty in 1925. Dr. Wright was appointed Dean of the Junior Division in 1942, Education in 1946, and Vice-President in 1952. He retired in 1959. Former Dean of the School of Medicine, Dr. Willis D. Gatch has been called "Indiana's foremost surgeon." From 1931 to 1946 Dr. Gatch directed both the Indianapolis and Bloomington medical divisions. Recipient of the Frederic Bachman Lieber Award for distinguished teaching in 1961, Dr. Marjorie P. Phillips had been honored nationally for her work in women's physical education. She joined the I. U. faculty in 1941. Dr. Richard L. Webb served as chairman of the Department of Anatomy from 1948 to 1958. His research on regulation of blood flow through microscopic blood vessels brought him national notice.
TOP TO BOTTOM: Dr. Marjorie P. Phillips, Dr. Willis D. Gatch, Dr. Richard Webb.
Dean Wendell W. Wright
University Center Directors
Smith Higgins, Dean of Extensions
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TOP ROW (left to right): Robert N. Huff, Director of the Earlham CollegeIndiana University Center, and Ralph E. Broyles, Director of the Fort Wayne Center. SECOND ROW: John C. Buhner, Director of the Gary Center, and Virgil Hunt, Director of the Indianapolis Center. THIRD ROW: Victor M. Bogle, Director of the Kokomo Center, and Jack J. Detzler, Director of the South Bend-Mishawaka Center. BOTTOM ROW: Byron F. Laird, Director of the Southeastern Center, and J. Howard Hill, Director of the Vincennes Center.
University Centers Provide Off-Campus A grove of maples provide a shady frame for one of the buildings at the Kokomo Center.
Educational Opportunities in Every Section of State Indiana University Centers offer educational opportunities to students in every section of the state. At present there are centers at Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, East Chicago, South Bend-Mishawaka, Kokomo, and Gary. In addition, there are two cooperative centers, one with Earlham College at Richmond and the other at Vincennes in co-operation with Vincennes University. A Bloomington Center conducts classes in nearby towns and offers graduate programs in education and health, physical education, and recreation at Evansville College. The first extension program was established at the Downtown Center in Indianapolis in 1916. In addition to the usual courses offered at extension centers, the Downtown Center provides liberal arts courses for freshman nursing students of Marion County General Hospital and courses required for upperclassmen at the Indianapolis Medical Center. the Fort Organized in 1917, Wayne Center was enlarged in 1937
and is now awaiting the completion in 1963-1964 of a combined IndianaPurdue center. Calumet Center at East Chicago was established in 1932. Students may study under 12 full-time professors or under a number of part-time faculty members. In May, 1959, a new campus was completed for the Gary Center, which was established in 1948. Administrative officials at the Gary Center are proud that they provide as much as possible a miniaturization of of the Bloomington campus in the development of both academic and cultural pursuits. A student community theatrical program, musical concerts, and art exhibits are co-ordinated with the center's activities. Students may also participate in Student Council, service organizations, a marksmanship club, and a Scholarship Achievement Society. The South Bend-Mishawaka Center has added a new building with a 900-seat auditorium and 23 classrooms in addition to laboratories, of-
fices, a bookstore, a library, and student-faculty lounges. The center, which has been offering classes since 1922, had a 20 per cent increase in enrollment over the last year. There are about 60 faculty members teaching credit courses and an extensive adult education non-credit program. Four buildings make up the Kokomo Center, housing classrooms, administrative offices, science facilities, and an art studio, Carriaje House. Established in 1945, the center has eight full-time and about 30 parttime faculty members. Plans are underway for a new center building. Earlham Center, one of the smallest extensions, is jointly operated by I. U. and a private institution, Earlham College. At Richmond, Earlham operates in two buildings. The center was established in 1946. The Vincennes Co-operative Center, set up in 1950, utilizes the campus of Vincennes University. A new gymnasium has recently been added to the campus. All faculty members are part-time educators.
Life at University Centers Varies Little From Student Life at the Bloomington Campus
I. U. sweatshirts are as popular at the centers as they are at the Bloomington campus.
The quest for knowledge is common to all divisions of the University.
Most education courses, except methods, are offered at the University's centers.
A professor's advice proves helpful in lab experiments.
The newly built Gary Center extends the opportunity for higher education to some 2,000 students.
Gary students learn the molecular make-up of their lifeblood—steel.
A rustic shelter provided a perfect study atmosphere.
One of I. U.'s newest extensions, the Gary center is increasing in enrollment each year.
Fort Wayne may go down in the annals of history for bringing arch-rivals Indiana and Purdue together at their new extension.
Someone may go broke during this study break!
The folklore laboratory helps students understand older writings.
Ford Grants Aid Arts and Sciences Advancement Dean Frank T. Gucker.
According to Dean Frank T. Gucker, the biggest developments in the College of Arts and Sciences in 1961 were a result of Ford Foundation grants. With the aid of these grants, the college has developed work in non-Western studies, concentrating on the Asian study development and the new African study program. The grants have also helped the college add new faculty fellowships for graduate study, send faculty members abroad, bring visiting scholars to I. U., improve the library series, and develop training in modern foreign languages. With the hope that more fully qualified language students will be attending the University, the College of Arts and Sciences is initiating a new honors program for high school students. Under the plan, 40 or 50 advanced students planning to take four years of language in high school will be sent abroad to study during their junior year. The College of Arts and Sciences, founded in 1820, is the original Indiana University. Now one of the more than 20 divisions of the University, the college offers a rich program in literature, philosophy, the arts, the social sciences, and the natural sciences; it has one of the largest enrollments and faculties of any college in Indiana.
The beta ray spectrograph provides an insight into the realm of nuclear physics.
Dean Arthur M. Weimer
New Building for School of Business May Be at Tenth Street and Fee Lane Aspirations for a new building for the School of Busness have now become a reality. The new fullyequipped edifice may be located on Tenth Street and Fee Lane. Along with the construction plans other activities and projects were initiated during the year. On December 8 the School of Business, in accordance with the Indiana Bankers Association, conducted a career conference to acclimate I. U. students who are interested in the banking profession. Earlier in the year a convocation was given for all undergraduate students in business. The students became familiar with the physical aspects and curriculum of the school. The spring advisory committee presented a seminar to supplement the previously existing summer program for undergraduates and to orient students to new business developments. The school's extra curricular programs are supported by the Senior Board of Directors. The group reviews the suggestions of the students for consideration by the faculty. All programs and activities are considered and directed by Dean Arthur M. Weimer.
After four years of study in real estate or management comes the search for a job. The Placement Bureau helps.
Creative skill is put to use in an art methods class.
In her first classroom situation, the student teacher gains her pupils' confidence.
School of Education Plans New Lab School The biggest advancement made in the School of Education, according to Dean Harold G. Shane, is the plans for the new laboratory school to be erected just south of the golf course driving range. The new school will provide facilities for grades one through twelve as well as facilities for educable and trainable emotionally disturbed children. The new lab school will also provide for nearly 100 positions for student teachers, nearly twice the number now available. The school should be finished by 1963 or 1964. I. U.'s School of Education is believed now to be the largest in the country with instructional staffs in Korea, Nigeria, and other outlying areas. In co-ordination with the School of Education is the Division of Library Science. The range of curricula offered to graduates in library science has grown in the last three years; particular effort is now being made toward the training of college and university bibliographers and cataloguers in Slavic-language and Asianlanguage materials. Miss Margaret Irene Rufsvold is director of the Division of Library Science.
Dean Harold G. Shane
Dean Arthur S. Daniels, Willis Hickam, president of the Board of Trustees, Dean Samuel E. Braden, and Fritz Ryan, general contractor, took part in key-swapping ceremonies at the HPER dedication.
New HPER Building Dedicated in December, 1961 Possession of the basketball isn't too desirable when three opponents are closing in.
Dedication of the new Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Building took place December 8, 1961. The annual Big Ten Conference was on the Indiana University campus in conjunction with the dedication. The new building, an annex of the old fieldhouse, houses an Olympic swimming pool, a diving pool, three large gymnasiums, classrooms, and laboratories. Plans for further improvement include remodeling the old fieldhouse and the men's gymnasium this summer. After remodeling, the old fieldhouse will be used as a center for an expanded intramural program. Included in the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation are seven departments offering service programs and graduate professional curriculums in these fields. Along with the new building and the remodeling programs, the school's staff, headed by Dean Arthur S. Daniels, has begun revamping the undergraduate curriculum to allow majors a broader study of the arts and sciences. In addition, long-range planning for the development of the school has resulted in more emphasis on research in the reorganized graduate program.
Exercises in a body dynamics class were done with extra fervor as the swimming suit season approached.
Instructor Ken Church used an Elgin table to test Avery Harvill's back muscles.
We work hard, play hard, and hardly sleep. 64
School of Law Initiates Comparative Law Program With a modest approach consisting of individual lectures, the School of Law has begun working toward a development program in comparative law. According to Leon H. Wallace, Dean of the School of Law, the program gives recognition to systems of law developed in other countries and world areas. Law students and faculty members moved into the Law Building on Indiana Avenue near Third Street in September, 1956; the building was dedicated in October, 1957. In 1944 the University took over the privatelyowned Indiana Law School in Indianapolis. Although there are law school divisions in both Bloomington and Indianapolis, they compose only one school. The Bloomington school is for full-time students living on campus; the Indianapolis division conducts only evening classes. In addition to acquiring the new division, the Law School faculty has tripled in the last twenty-five years. It has risen from eight to 14 faculty members on campus, and 10 members were added when the Indianapolis division was acquired. The School of Law has no departments such as are found in other schools of the University, although there have been a number of courses added to the school's curriculum. Some of these courses are in the fields of federal income and estate taxation, administrative law, labor law, and trade regulation.
Dean Leon H. Wallace
Music Building Annex Dedicated in March, 1962 Dean Wilfred C. Bain
Under the direction of Wilfred C. Bain, who became dean in 1947, the School of Music realized one of its major goals when the new annex to the Music Building was dedicated on March 18, 1962. The annex houses a recital hall and practice rooms. Even as this phase of development was being completed, the staff was planning a new wing of classrooms and a new opera house. The music school is one of the leading institutions of its kind. It offers the student rich experiences in every field of music. Outstanding musicians and reknown guest artists are available to the music student, and the Berkshire Quartet has been in residence on the Indiana University campus since 1947. Student participation is encouraged, and any musical interest can be satisfied. The school has a large number of orchestras, bands, ensembles, and singing groups, many of whom are well known. For the student wishing to teach music, requirements in both graduate and undergraduate programs meet those of almost any state, so that the student may teach immediately upon graduation.
The School of Music's new building is complemented by the new organ.
Division of Optometry in Tenth Year at 1. U In 1951 a mandate from the state legislature created the Indiana University Division of Optometry. The division's program was begun in 1952 with one faculty member. Having grown rapidly in its nine years on campus, the division now occupies space in six buildings and has 22 persons serving on the research, clinic, and office staffs. Plans are underway to construct an optometry building.
It is estimated that the optometry clinic in Foley House serves 1,200 persons yearly with orders for glasses, orthoptics, special visual tests, and contact lens fittings. One interesting trend in the clinical program has been the remarkable increase in contact lens usage. In the last three years, 600 patients have been fitted. The first optometry class was graduated in June 1956. To date about 120 students have received degrees through the Division of Optometry. Of these graduates, about half are now practicing in Indiana while the remainder are enaged in practice in the military service, in other states, and sundry appointments.
Director Henry W. Hofstetter
Intricate equipment aids the division in diagnosing and correcting eye problems.
A microscope is necessary to detect the tiniest flaws in contact lenses.
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University's Medical Center "OK, boys! get the eggs ready! Here they come." The time was 1957, the last of the Med-Law boresses. The next fall, all freshmen medical students joined their upperclassmen at the newly expanded Medical Center in Indianapolis. The I. U. School of Medicine was established on the Bloomington campus in 1903; but in 1909, the school and a number of other colleges in Indianapolis combined under one name to form the I. U. Medical Center. In 1947 John D. Van Nuys became Dean of the School of Medicine, after the retirement of Dean Willis D. Gatch. Dr. Gatch, who had been dean of the Indianapolis division since 1931, assumed the additional guidance of the Bloomington branch during the 1940's in order to assure continuity of training. During his career, he invented a number of medical aids, such as the adjustable hospital bed. In January, 1962, death came to a man often called, "Indiana's foremost surgeon." During the summer of 1961, the School of Medicine received the largest grant in Indiana University history. The grant of over four million dollars, given by the National Heart Institute, will be used to study prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of major types of heart diseases and their related disorders. The school also received two other grants: one to study heart and lung 70
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Established in Indianapolis in 1909 stresses in space travel, and the other for research on early childhood schizophrenia. Three years ago, an experimental program in medical education was launched on the Bloomington campus. This is a graduate-level program designed to interest people in, and train them for, a career in medical teaching. However, the program is set up so that a student can get a degree in pure medicine if he wishes. In 1914 the I. U. Training School for Nurses was established as part of the Medical Center. In 1950 the School of Nursing began its switch from a three-year preparatory program to a four-year collegiate program. Under the direction of Miss Emily Holmquist, dean since 1957, the school recently received accreditation for this program from the National League for Nursing. Indiana University bought the Indiana Dental College in 1925, and, in 1934, it was moved to the Medical Center. Since then, it has been growing constantly. In the spring of 1962, dedication ceremonies were held for the school's new building. Under the guidance of Dean Maynard K. Hine since 1945, the School of Dentistry has had one of the most active and wide-spread research programs in the University. It has been instrumental in the development
of such things as a new filling material and several oral hygiene products. The Division of Allied Health Sciences, directed by Aaron Louis Andrews, was formed in 1959. Undergraduates study at Bloomington—graduates at Indianapolis—in preparation for careers in physical and occupational therapy, dental hygiene, and other fields closely related to medicine. The Division of Social Service is the only school in Indiana to offer professional education in social work. The two-year, graduate program involves both classroom and field work. Under the directorship of Miss Mary Houk, the school gives preparation for work in both public and voluntary social services. In September, 1953, the Student Union and Food Service building was dedicated. Its director, Raymond A. Dault, presides over the complex of housing, cafeterias, conference and recreation rooms, and swimming pool. Most activities center around the Union and the Union Board, which is made up of two representatives from each of the Indiana University schools at Indianapolis. The group sponsors dances, intramural sports, a concert series, and an International Relations Lecture Series featuring guest speakers from the American University Field Staff, Inc.
01' TO BOTTOM: Aaron Louis Andrew, Director of the Division of Allied Health Sciences; John Ditmars VanNuys, Dean of the School of Medicine, and Maynard Kiplinger Hine, Dean of the School of Dentistry.
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Miss Emily Holmquist, Dean of the School of Nursing, and Miss Mary Hammond Houk, Director of the Division of Social Service.
A nurse's critical eyes and a mother's loving eyes watch a nursing student prepare a baby for its bath.
The first steps toward rehabilitation are gratifying to both therapists and patient.
Dental students get their lessons by way of mouth.
A map of Indianapolis helps a social service student find where she might be working.
Physical therapy students must learn to carefully measure the temperature of the whirlpool.
Medical records must be filed according to their own system. 77
Summer camp training included instruction in how to handle captives.
Flying conditions are duplicated in the mock-up training cockpit.
Long shadows are cast as the cadet corps form for a parade late on a fall afternoon.
1150 Men Enrolled in 1961-1962 Program Of Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Advanced cadets were taught methods of survival in water on a hot summer day.
It is the purpose of the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps to develop leadership qualities in the college men who participate in the program. In 19611962, there were 1,150 men enrolled in the AFROTC program at I. U. Qualified students who participate in the two-year advanced program are commissioned as second lieutenants in the Air Force Reserve upon graduation. Cadets in AFROTC study military courtesy, air science, including aerospace power, and the organization and operation of the military arm of the United States Government. These courses combine drill, laboratory periods, and classroom instruction. Flight training is part of the advanced program. A number of trophies, awards, and decorations are presented each year to outstanding cadets. The awards are presented during a suitable military ceremony and are often given by noted military and civilian leaders.
Extracurricular activities of the Air Force ROTC program include a band, a basketball team, and a precision drill team. 79
Classroom knowledge of communication methods is tested during summer maneuvers.
Success of infantry attack depends upon the leadership ability of the cadet officer.
The command was "Pass in Review" at the Army ROTC parade.
Early risers at summer camp get a chance to relax with a game of volley ball after their day's tasks are done.
Interest in Army ROTC Runs High As Military Crises Arise Around World During simulated battle operations, cadets practiced the use of mortar fire to support the attacking troops.
Interest in military affairs ran high this year in Army ROTC primarily due to the unsettled world affairs and the Berlin situation. As a result of the crisis in Germany, Army Reserve forces were partially mobilized. As the training program for reserve officers has become more established, the Indiana plan has come into increasing use as witnessed by the Department of History assuming responsibility for a former ROTC subject, American Military History. Another new facet of the training program this year was reducing contact hours for freshmen cadets from three hours to two hours each week. With each ROTC cadet on the drill field for 30 hours in leadership laboratory, competence in basic military concepts and procedures will be developed to a fuller extent. Through this combination of military training with academic emphasis, our student citizens of today will be better prepared for tomorrow's military affairs.
The student:
caught, involved in a dizzying, stimulating life.
The magnet: it draws him near, pulls him to that chemical in the lifeblood of the University. It says, "drink; I offer you life . . ." and he does. 83
Orientation Week Activities of 1961 Make Yesterday's Dolt-Yourself System Passe Signs, student leaders, registration workers, and friendly upperclassmen point the way for the newcomer at Indiana University. In the early days of the University, the new student was left to orientate himself to I. U. as best he could. But today's Orientation Week activities are a far cry from the old do-it-yourself system. The University itself conducts a combined testing and counselling program; the YWCA and YMCA cosponsor a student leader program, and the Y's and Junior Division offer 200 freshmen an opportunity to attend Freshman Camp and get a preview of academic, social, and cultural life at I. U. On Wednesday evening of Orientation Week, Union Board and Student Government present Activities Night, when students can learn about the various student clubs and organizations on campus. After registration on Friday and Saturday, the new student gets into full swing as he starts his first semester of classes at I. U.
How did I get three classes at the same time?
It's the end of the line, but . . .
New students learn about extracurricular activities during Activities Night.
The Kappa Pickers provided the entertainment and the Sigma Chis contributed the melons for the year's first social event.
Melon Mess Starts Year With Seeds and Music Cars move, a crowd collects, and the fun begins each fall when the Sigma Chis sponsor their campus and community Watermelon Mess. Bright, Greeklettered sweatshirts dart through the milling hundreds. Sorority pledges are on the job. The sleepy little street corner at Indiana and Kirkwood, ablaze with lights and slippery with seeds, set the stage for an all-campus talent show. Don Scott introduced entertainment to eat watermelon by—the homegrown arrangements of the Kappa Pickers and his own brand of humor. Wanda Wallace's flaming batons lit up the sky, and Lou Ann Cochran, the Sweetheart of Sigma Chi, charmed her audience. A few adventurous dancers performed the twist to the music of Vic Knight's Combo. Miss Cochran joined VIP's in the traditional melon eating contest. Seeds flew and onlookers cheered while watermelons disappeared inside Robert H. Shaffer, Dean of Students; President Herman B Wells; Claude Rich, Alumni Secretary; Mayor Thomas L. Lemon; Phil Dickens, head sop football coach, and Branch McCracken, head basketball coach. Miss Cochran was named winner. Sigma Chi pledges dissected more than 1,000 melons for students, faculty, and townspeople. It was the first week of classes. Everybody ate. They had fun. 87
Street Dance Draws 3000 for Back to School Fling
Crowded conditions at the Delt Street Dance gave students ample opportunity to practice the twist.
The glow of street lights, a backdrop of brilliant foliage shadowed in the twilight, and music that shouted "Let's dance!" invited students to the annual Delt Street Dance on Friday, September 22. The return to school became a reason for fun and frolic, and Delta Tau Delta fraternity roped off the block from the corner of Eighth and Indiana to Fess for the twelfth annual celebration. For 3,000 students it was back to campus, back to fun, back to dancing. Arnie Goldberg's Band played the gamut from "Peanut Butter" to "The Saints," and the crowd applauded. They appreciated. They learned the twist. Curbs became sidewalk resting places, and during intermissions visitors toured the Delt house. A new season had begun. It was fall on campus, time for new friendships, picnics in Brown County. A time for a new beginning, for dancing in the streets.
Intermission found groups getting together to rehash the summer's events.
Arnie and His Soul Brothers introduced their recording of "The Prune." WV .►0
The plans, preparations, and final countdown included a bit of monkey business.
Daughters enjoyed a paternal serenade during Dad's Weekend.
Speedy halfback Mary Woodson scoots around the Wisconsin line behind his blocker, Byron Broome.
Hi VIP' Echoes Over Campus for Dad's Weekend "Hi VIP!" echoed through dormitories, fraternities, and sororities alike when students welcomed their fathers to Indiana University September 22 for Dad's Weekend. Dads joined thousands of cheering Hoosiers and the Marching Hundred at the first pep rally of the season on Friday evening. Later, the University Theatre's opening performance of "Three Men on a Horse" lived up to its reputation established at the Brown County Playhouse in the summer and delighted dads and students. During the opening ceremonies of the Indiana-Wisconsin game, fathers of the football players were introduced and all fathers were officially welcomed to the campus festivities. Food, handshakes, and decorations created an atmosphere of Hoosier hospitality during the open houses in the student residences. Pinmen were ignored Saturday night when coeds escorted their favorite dates, their fathers, to the Buddy Hackett show, one of the programs in the Pop Concert series. A grande finale of hayrides, dances, and exchange teas sent the dads away smiling and the students back to their textbooks. 91
Looks like more kibitzers than workers, but it all got done on time.
Carnival Lives Up to Predictions as Record-Breaker In a serious moment at the carnival two coeds sign the gigantic birthday greeting for Ray Pavy.
"Come one, come all to the 1961 Fall Carnival! I tell you true, Ladies and Gents, this year's Fall Carnival is going to break all records!" And true to predictions, Fall Carnival broke records not only in profits, but in attendance, participation, and solicitations as well. The once barren fieldhouse was animated with all the gala trimmings of a spectacular jubilee. The bright lights, games of chance, cotton candy, college Joes as carnival barkers, and coeds as dance hall girls were all a part of the carnival fairy land. The crowd was tense as it awaited the midnight announcement of the trophy winners. New carnival champions were: Alpha Chi Omega and Phi Delta Theta, best show; Chi Omega and Chi Phi, best game of chance; Kappa Alpha Theta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, originality and design for show; Landis House and Dodds House, originality and design for game of chance; and Alpha Epsilon Phi and Sigma Nu, best prepublicity among all entries.
"Maybe if I stay up here everyone will think I'm busy."
1111 • Cheerleaders, Coach Dickens, and the Marching Hundred whipped up Homecoming enthusiasm.
Myriad Activities Make Homecoming Outstanding "Touchdown!" screamed cream and crimson clad cheerleaders. 'Touchdown!" was the excited echo from thousands of alumni attending the Indiana-Ohio State football game, the high point of the 1961-1962 Homecoming Weekend. Convertibles rolled around the grassy football field, and fans cheered as Governor Matthew E. Welsh stepped to the 50-yard line. Bright sweaters sparkled. A chosen few smiled at the audience. One smile glowed brighter than the rest, and a queen was crowned. Textbooks were traded for hammers and crepe paper weeks before the command performance. And there were results. Decorated lawns and a parade of Homecoming floats welcomed the alumni to a campus they hardly recognized. To win is everything to the housing units. To enjoy is the intent of returning alumni. Energy is not solely possessed by the young. The alumni danced at a blanket hop, visited the variety show. They toured their University, stopped at familiar landmarks and remembered. They came home.
Furious line play kept the scoring down in the Ohio State game.
President Wells was presented a copy of a song dedicated to him by the Marching Hundred.
Lambda Chis made use of the historic date in their float.
Members of former years' squads were honored at Homecoming festivities.
Couples strolled under an arch of colored leaves to enter "Autumn Gold," the Freshman Tyronian.
Winter Outside and Autumn Gold' Inside Set the Scene for Freshman Tyronian Dance Winter's touch—a leaf-shaped carving of ice—gave "Autumn Gold," the Freshman Tyronian dance, an extra touch of glamour November 17 in Alumni Hall. A latticed arch woven with colored leaves served as the entrance to the dance; students strolled under the arch and voted for king and queen candidates before the dancing began. Diana Ballenger, Read Center, and Randy Roberts, Beta Theta Pi, the royal victors, received their crowns from Mike Cooper and Priscilla Logan, freshmen. Escorting the royalty during the fall frolic were members of the court—Lynn Alexander, Morrison Hall and Wells Quad; Leslie Armstrong, and Alice Camplejohn, Read Center; Suzanne Shott, Tower Center; Dennis Krueger, Sigma Phi Epsilon; Donald Pletcher, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Rich Burns, Phi Kappa Psi, and Marty Lebowitz, Zeta Beta Tau. The voice of soloist Ann Houston and the music of Al Cobine's 14-piece band buoyed the freshman enthusiasm during the first class dance.
Diana Ballenger and Randy Roberts reigned over Tyronian festivities.
Though Jawn Purdue Goes Up in Flames, His Ghost Comes Back to Claim the Bucket Jawn Purdue writhed in agony at his annual cremation Tuesday night before the annual Old Oaken Bucket football game. University students were going home to Thanksgiving turkey. He had to die. Jawn's ghost enjoyed the battle Saturday when his Boilermakers spoiled Hoosier appetites for the rest of the semester. The Bucket went back to Purdue. Jawn yawned peacefully in his grave. And the University thought hopefully of its powers with spherical weapons. The Oaken Bucket, which has swung up the Monon 25 times, was rescued from an old Indiana well 37 years ago when the battle first began. School rivalry, manifested in the alumni, first burst onto the gridiron in 1925 when alumni groups concocted the series. Fightin' Hoosiers fought. Ox encouraged them from the sidelines. The cream and crimson clan had its own six-feet-ten-inch Winston-Fairfield style "Golden Girl." But the Hoosiers were forced to retreat, and they lost. Dizzy from the battle, fans saw double when Purdue's band appeared in twin formations during half-time. But
Unfortunately Bob Cook's story of the massacre of Ole Jawn Purdue proved to be a fairy tale.
the Marching Hundred rallied and launched a rocket in its cold war attack set aflame. Music blared a challenge. Onlookers knew the glory of war. Tension relaxed to formal cordiality at the open house for diplomats sponsored by junior classes of the two universities. It was a time for talk, a time for debate. Representatives of the two wings laughed, chatted, pretended. The flames receded. Cold war reigned again. 99
m Helminiak and Woody Moore combine to pull down Purdue's piledriving Roy Walker.
Post-game tension eased during a reception given by the junior classes from I. U. and Purdue. 100
The Purdue game was highlighted by the appearance of I. U.'s version of the Golden Girl and a friend.
The discussion of national affairs has widened the scope of the Student Senate.
Student Government Comes Long Way Since First Student Council of 1942 Student government at Indiana University was begun in 1942 with the establishment of a Student Council. Composed of 12 persons, the group was set up to maintain arbitrary equal ity between men and women and organized and independent students. Members of the governing board were elected by the entire student body, and, in turn, the 12 representatives elected student officers from their own number. In 1944, the Student Council organized the first class governments for the purpose of promoting unity and spirit within the classes. In general, however, the Student Council did not achieve as much as was expected. The forced equality of its organizational form would not allow it to act as decisively and effectively as was sometimes necessary. Final proof of the perils of its equal representation came in 1947. That year the Student Council president was elected by the flip of a coin, since the vote remained split along the line of social affiliation. Students also decided that the 12-
man board was too small to operate effectively and that one of the major goals of the Student Council, student representation on University committees, was not likely to be soon accomplished. A group of students gained permission to formulate plans for a new form of student government. In 1948 a University-approved constitution was presented to the Student Council at a mass meeting of students who formally accepted it. The new system of student government, was based on the Federal and Indiana State Legislatures, following their three-part system of legislative, judicial, and executive divisions. The present form of student government is essentially the same as in 1949 when Bill Powell was elected the first student government president. The Student Senate, especially, has widened in scope since its beginnings. From problems of student representation on the Faculty Council, development of an honor system, and solution of the ever-present parking
problem, it has moved on to considerations of national affairs. One of the longest and most bitter battles was waged over the question of Indiana University's entrance into the National Students Association. In December, 1960, a long-standing need for co-ordination of student activities was fulfilled with the creation of the Committee for Student Activities. The University committee is composed of 13 student, 6 faculty, and 7 administration members who are entrusted with maintaining a balanced activities program. Throughout its existence, the Senate has had three major purposes: to represent student thought and opinion to University officials about student-concerned matters, to train students in the techniques of democratic leadership, and to bring improved conditions to students through Senate legislation. Its members have accomplished this so well that President Wells ranked it with the Faculty Council, the Staff Council, and the Board of Trustees as one of the four major groups contributing to University policy.
The efforts of campaigning are judged as the ballot is cast.
The State of the Campus Address was delivered to the Student Senate by the President of the Student Body, Jim Taylor.
Long Ago and Far Away' Medieval Life Recreated for Opening of Formal Dance "Long Ago and Far Away" there prevailed alegendary land of kings, queens, crusades, and dragons. The Age of Chivalry was recreated for the Opening of Formal dance in Alumni Hall complete with a tapestry of valiant King Arthur's era. Kings and queens, princes and princesses entered the courtyard of the palace over a medieval moat. Maidens of the court admitted the guests and gave rose corsages to the ladies. The gala ball, held in the courtyard, assumed the magical atmosphere of gaiety and festivity. Banners bearing the royal coat of arms decorated the court walls in colorful profusion. Entertainment was furnished, not by the court jester, but by the voices and orchestra of Peter Palmer. Even in the days of King Arthur parties ended, music stopped, and merry-makers left. But it was more than a party ending, it was a land of "Long Ago and Far Away" drifting back into the pages of history.
Formal or not, the twist is here.
Peter Palmer's orchestra played for the Opening of Formal Dance.
A new student from the North Pole extension brings Christmas greetings to President Wells.
Christmas Season Brings Flurry of Activities The refrain of "Peace on earth, good will to men" echoed across the world, the country, the state, the campus. Once again tensions eased and smiles brightened as Christmas came to Indiana University. Observances of the Christmas holidays have grown from small groups of carolers who alerted the campus with cheerful songs in the early part of the century to well-organized celebrations in 1961. In 1939 the YWCA and the YMCA combined with other groups to herald the Christmas season, and today the Chimes of Christmas is presented annually under direction of the Y's. Christmas Eve on Campus includes the Chimes program and a campus-wide dance with Santa Claus Herman B Wells as special guest. Among the many traditional musical productions of the campus holiday season are the "Nutcracker Ballet" and "The Messiah," both presented by the School of Music. Parties for Exchange Home children demonstrate the students' holiday spirit.
Home for the vacation with a big TGIF smile . . .
The ATO party reminds us that Christmas belongs to the young
Beneath the glitter, the reason why . . .
Alumni Hall becomes a banquet room from an old English castle as costumed pages serve the Madrigal Dinner.
Large tree, small, the joyous season shines forth.
A little late for a White Christmas, snow covered the campus..
I U Finals' Performance Shows Proof Of Increased Work and Concentration "Hey, Sally, how about a coke break?" "Are you joking? I have to reread my entire psychology book! Finals are next week!" Yes, finals. After months of coaching and directing, the players are on their own. The last curtain call has been given and the players are nervously awaiting the opening curtain for the semester's grand finale. Even the stage itself has changed in the immediate weeks of preparation before the last act. The library buses as well as the libraries are overflowing with conscientious actors studying their lines. Every quiet or even noisy corner is filled with thespians memorizing their part or intently devising illegal prompting sheets. Each trouper assumes a role. The comedian, who breaks up the troupe, plays his role by ear, but makes work hard for the others. The dramatist is, as always, overplaying his part with the usual coffee and all-night stands. The ingenue is not quite familiar with the routines and is taken in by every new method. The final act is given. The reviews show failure for some, success for others. "The play's the thing . . ." during final week on campus.
At least 340 pages to read and no classic comics on "ethnological attitudes of Babylon."
"Contrast and compare Oedipus Rex to Tom Sawyer."
Informal chats serve to give the lowdown at rush parties.
Methods of Rushing Changed Since 1916 Sorority rush has changed a lot since 1916 when sorority actives met trains and buses coming into Bloomington, selected their rushees, and whisked them off to the Dean of Women's office to sign a pledge card. Because Indiana University sororities operate on a deferred rushing system, freshman women cannot pledge until second semester. In 1961, however, rushees found themselves involved in preliminary rush activities which began in September and October. Coke parties were next on the agenda. With a background of skits and refreshments, sorority women and rushees had a chance to become better acquainted. On the heels of semester break came formal rush. During the four days of rush, coeds and sororities made their choices. Finally the day of silence ended as Panhellenic delivered final pairings and pledgeship was begun for 419 coeds. 113
"Rural Rhythm," by the Lambda Chi Alphas, was acclaimed tops in the men's choral division as well as the best overall presentation of the 1962 I. U. Sing.
Memories burned anew as the Alpha Xis proved that "The Melodies Linger On."
All on Key' Theme Followed Through As Lambda Chi Alphas Win I. U Sing Under the shadow of a space-age piano keyboard, housing groups sang "A-OK" at the I. U. Sing February 23 to 24, with all rockets firing "All On Key." Lambda Chi Alpha social fraternity opened the spaceman judges' eyes with their rollicking "Rural Rhythm" and won awards for men's choral and best overall performance. Peter Pan fluttered as high as the rocket in the winning production number, "Visions of Disney," staged by Alpha Phi sorority and Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. Delta Delta Delta sorority and Sigma Nu fraternity sang a "Tribute to Indiana Songwriters" and won their own tribute, the trophy for mixed choral. Kappa Delta sorority rolled back a black curtain of time to the prespace-age days of the Civil War with "Centennial Tribute" and earned the women's choral trophy. Tower Center won the small group award with "Purdue Enters the I. U. Sing." And when the dust had settled and the rocket was safely back on its launching pad, the judges smiled; the audience clapped. I. U. was in harmony; the students were A-OK.
Lambda Chi Alpha copped the coveted travelling trophy for the best overall performance this year.
The Tri Deft-Sigma Nu "Tribute to Indiana Songwriters" won first in the mixed choral division.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs gained the spotlight in the "Visions of Disney" that took top honors in the production category for Alpha Tau Omega and Alpha Phi.
"Purdue Enters the I. U. Sing" gave the trophy for first place in the small group division to Tower Center.
Alpha Chi Omega won second place in the small group division with "I've Got You Under My Skin."
The old Deep South came to life in the Kappa's production of "Minstrel Magic."
"Centennial Tribute" by the Kappa Deltas won first place in women's choral.
With "Songs of the South," Delta Zeta won second place in women's choral.
A swinging version of Mitch Miller Goes Greek" won the Betas second place for men's choral.
With swaying black gowns, Mortar Boards prepare to march tip and down aisles in search of worthy members.
Outstanding Coeds Honored at A W S Mass Meeting The Auditorium was the scene of mixed emotions on March 20 during the AWS Mass Meeting that honored outstanding coeds for their services to the school and to various organizations. Jane Marie Thompson, AWS; Caroloy Clevenger, Panhellenic Council; Betty Beck ort, TRHA; Pam Menke, YWCA, and Sue Hubbard, WR A, each told the functions of their organizations and either introduced the new officers or candidates for the offices. The Kappa Pickers entertained while the women elected Ruth Silver for president of AWS. The latest pledges of Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Lambda Delta were read. Later the presidents of the other honoraries—Angel Flight, Enomone, Pamarada, and Pleiades—announced their new members. Mortar Boards tapped 25 new members to the national honorary for senior women.
Newly tapped Mortar Boards receive congratulations from the "old regime."
AWS members cast their ballots for new officers.
"Your first assignment is to find out the meaning of the 'B' in Herman B (no period) Wells."
Faculty Members Let Down Their Hair As They Pay Tribute to President Wells Coach Phil Dickens serves at a coffee break because "I need all the breaks I can get."
"Let down your hair," someone said. So they did! From vice-presidents impersonating janitors to a coach serving at a coffee break, the University Club enthralled both President Wells and other faculty members with a boress play in tribute to the retiring President. "All's Wells That Ends Well," mocked the campus parking situation, poked a gentle jab at the athletic predicaments, and made fun of the elevator situation in Ballantine Hall. The theme revolved around two Daily Student reporters who were sent off in search of the meaning of the "B" in Herman B (no period) Wells. Well entertained during their journey, the college "Joe" and"Jill" discovered eventually that the "B" meant "Be Yourself." During the finale the University Club presented to Dr. Wells and his mother, Mrs. Granville Wells, honorary memberships to the club and gold keys to the clubrooms.
Prof. Norwood Hanson makes a crash landing when his plane runs out of gasoline.
Policy has been reversed in Ballantine Hall. There is an elevator "for students only."
And it's 0-77 for the Unhurryin' Hoosiers! (Maybe they need a break, too.)
A few members of the cast got carried away with their renditions of the Twist.
Vice-presidents (otherwise known as "veeps") dust, sweep, answer phones, and lay cornerstones.
An impressive burst of speed climaxes a tight race. Before the race the pit crew makes a last minute check-up.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Wins Teke Chariot Race Campus Greeks returned to classic entertainment during the annually celebrated Greek Week when fraternity men plummeted toward a finish line dragging their chariots behind them. Grecian goddess Annette Denning of Kappa Delta piloted the winning "horses," members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, to victory. During the week, originally planned to promote understanding and helpfulness among fraternities and sororities, Greek badges sparkled a little more than usual, and the Greek houses clung together. Working toward goals set by the founding Falcon Club, the Interfraternity Council sponsored a workshop for an exchange of ideas among the brothers . . . and the sisters. And down on the Jordan, Delta Upsilon and Delta Tau Delta exchanged tugs and pulls in the first Grecian Pull. The DU's won the tug 'o war and hurried off to get ready for a dance where rhythm from the Leon "Blow Joe" Evans and Al Cobine bands rapped out the week's swan song. 127
With drawn sabers an honor guard salutes Barbara Einstandig, Military Ball Queen.
Amid Military Might, Barbi Einstandig Reigns as Queen of 1962 Military Ball Pershing Rifles and the Air Force ROTC Drill Team saluted, but the Army got the girl when Cadet Col. John S. Gall, senior, Army ROTC, escorted the University's new Military Ball queen through a saber arch February 16. Barbi Einstandig, freshman, who represented Alpha Epsilon Phi and Read Center, smiled at her uniformed subjects and led her court at Military Ball, the dance for royalty and regalia. The future guardians of the nation stood in their shiny brass and admired while the crown was slipped onto her majesty's head, for the coronation was an allwoman affair. Members of the court—Leola Eklund, Libbie Gray, and Madelon Milhone, sophomores, and Sharon Brown, junior—appraised the symbol of authority as 1961 queen Jan Slagle, senior, granted it to the new ruler. And the men in uniform stood taller, brass buttons gleaming obediently. They saluted, and they awaited orders. This was not the time for a leave of absence. Beautiful Barbi was the queen and the new C. 0.
After Pledgeship 'Get That Phone!' Emerges Into a Hearty 'Welcome, Brother!' "Pledge! Get that phone! Pledge! Snap it up there! Pledge! Pledge." And the freshman tastes the first demands of a fraternity. Line-ups, dress-up days, a closely guarded study table, the wearing of the pod— yet a pledge must make his grades. He studies—a little —he works—a lot. Dirty clothes, unshaven face, no dates, a week of hell—and the lowly pledge earns the greeting "Welcome, brother!" He is an equal now, and the pledgeship seems a small price for the fun and friendship.
The flame of the pledge pod burning brings a warm glow to the hearts of soon-to-be actives.
Together the brothers train a team for the Little 500, cram for finals, back a beauty for campus queen. They plan political strategy—for men must learn for the future—and they go singing in the rain to greet a new pinwoman and her sorority. Joined by a common bond, they solve the world's worries together, and laugh together, and go TGIFing. The new initiate, the new brother laughs, and helps plan a rushee smoker. Soon he will be shouting, "Pledge! Get that phone! Pledge! Snap it up there! Pledge! Pledge!"
Organized life has its advantages, but getting pinned sometimes proves hazardous!
13 0
Grades, Research, Educational Progress Share Recognition Spotlight on Founder's Day Scholastic achievement, progressive research, and educational endeavor share the spotlight on the day of recognition—Founder's Day. An address by Dr. Maynard K. Hine, Dean of the School of Dentistry, reviewed the progress of the research program of his school and its importance in medical science to the student body, the state, and the nation. Then the audience dismissed thoughts of research and scholarship as they heard a premiere performance of Act III from "The Scarlet Letter." Honor students and members of honorary scholastic organizations were introduced by Dr. Ralph L. Collins, Vice-President and Dean of Faculties. Presentation of the Frederic Bachman Lieber Memorial Award for distinguished teaching to Professor Marjorie Phillips, Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, bestowed recognition upon Professor Phillips for her dedication to teaching and concern with research. Indiana University Foundation awards for distinguished teaching were presented to Professor Charles M. Hewitt, business, and Professor Frederick C. Schmidt, chemistry, in acknowledgement of outstanding classroom teaching. Wreaths were placed on former President Wylie's grave on Founder's Day.
13 2
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1961 Little J00 a Record-Breaker In Qualifications and Scholarships Records snapped from start to finish of the 1961 Little 500. On the first day of qualifications the Sigma Nus took the inside front row and a record as well by setting the fastest time ever for the pole position. Not to be surpassed, the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority won the "Minnie" and the Alpha Gamma Deltas took first place in the costume contest. Race day was filled with edge-of-the-seat excitement. The Acacia riders met the challenge, and, cheered on by their Alpha Phi sponsors, peddled their way to victory and a kiss from the "500" Sweetheart, Joanie Summers. The Little 500 Variety Show, with Miss Summers, Pat Boone, and the Four Freshmen, was a complete sellout. Fun and frolic capped the weekend with the Acacia Ice Cream Social and the Wright Quad Sprocket Hop. On October 31, 1961, the last unyielding barrier to progress shattered when the Student Foundation awarded more scholarships than ever before from proceeds of "The World's Greatest College Weekend."
A new Little 500 champion is declared as an Acacia rider crosses the finish line.
Distinguished guest Yogi Bear gets a royal welcome from two I. U. coeds.
Enjoying 500 festivities were President Herman B Wells and Governor Matthew Welsh.
A little liquid refreshment is in order after a hard run race.
Tricycles inspected .. .
.. . and parade finished .
. . . around and around the "Mini Miles Abroad" on three wheels go the coeds in quest of the female 500 trophy.
Kappa Kappa Gamma's are all smiles as they accept the Mini trophy.
13 9
The last round before summer vacation . . .
Final Week Finds Students Caught Between Spring's Lures and Books Spring is here! Tennis racquets, golf clubs, and picnic baskets are hurriedly snatched from musty corners as Brown County presents a campus-wide distraction. But! Finals are also here. The outlook is gray, blue books are multiplying, and the library fights a losing battle. It is a beautiful Saturday afternoon before a more beautiful Sunday. The convertible sitting in the parking lot, the tennis court's invitation, the insistent ringing of the phone make concentration difficult. It is also the final Saturday afternoon before a more final Sunday. There are books laying on the desk, a Monday French final is threatening, and you have to study. Caught between spring fever and final delirium, the student finds himself facing many hard decisions. Accept a date, or study? Make a date, or study? Refuse a date and sleep, or study? The largest percentage of the student body is usually reasonable and succeeds in making the wisest choice—they merely try doing them all. The tension increases during final week as drugstores run out of No-Doze and coffee pots boil into the early hours. The tension finally is eased, books are dropped, and summer begins.
Pomp and Circumstance' Brings Contemplation, Congratulations, and a New Beginning As the majestic strains of "Pomp and Circumstance" commence, the graduating class of 1961 slowly proceeds. Each graduate is in a world of his own. Each is obsessed with deep contemplation . . . contemplation about the future, past, and only a dim awareness of the present. An invocation induces meditation. Each graduate realizes the world is ready, but wonders if he is ready to meet its challenge. For some the challenge is to complete a degree . . . others face a job, marriage, raising a family. Greetings from the State conveyed by Governor Matthew E. Welsh sharpen each graduate's awareness of the ever-present challenge. Thoughts of the future are dismissed for warm memories of the past as the graduates rise to sing "Hail to Old I. U." A few warm tears come with reminiscence, for these memoraable years can never be relived. After the inspiring charge to the class by President Wells, degrees and honorary degrees are conferred. As the tassels turn, history changes. Footsteps from the trek across the plain echo in the distance . . . then cease. The mountain remains to be conquered. A handshake between Governor Welsh and President Wells signifies the binding between society and the student.
Spirited discussion and friendly conversation prevail at the Emeritus Club barbeque preceding graduation ceremonies.
Suntans, surfboards, and studies comprised a summer's day at Beechwood Heights.
Slower Pace of Summer Session Allows Students
The walk to classes seemed especially long on sunny, inviting days.
The summer sky was ablaze with an Independence Day fireworks display. 144
Time for Lake Lemon and Bridge Games as Well as Classes "Come on! Let's go for a swim!" is the cry that clears the Commons and sends half the campus out for a welcome study break. It's summer, and life sets its favorite pace. Classes, assignments, term papers remind the student that school is in session, but there is time for relaxation, too. Ballantine Hall seems a little closer to the Education Building, and students don't have to hurry between classes. Sun-spangled walks become the library halls, and trees offer nature's lighting effects for studious adventurers. Conventions, clinics, the lure of graduate degrees or extra credit hours draw students to the campus. The Hoosier sun invites them to bring along bermudas and sunglasses; Hoosier cloudbursts demand a raincoat. A blur of color in sunshine, a mass of khaki in rain, the students travel their campus walks, a little more relaxed, a little friendlier, a little happier. They dream a little more, hope a little higher. It's summer!
The audience recalls the golden days of the river boat.
'Showboat's a Comin'
Sounds of the calliope tell people along the river Showboat's a comin.'
"4114 Cast members apply final touches before lights go offand curtain goes up.
Echoes Up and Down the Ohio River Shrill music from a steam-powered calliope was a familiar sound in towns along the Ohio River last summer, as Indiana University's Showboat Majestic presented its second season of floating summer stock. The Majestic opened the season at Madison, Indiana, on June 8 with a performance of "Peg Of My Heart," chugged up the river to Cincinnati, and then played one-night stands in Ohio River towns down to Shawneetown, Illinois. Productions on the Majestic, sponsored by the Department of Speech and Theatre, were directed by Professor William E. Kinzer. In addition to the eight staff and crew members, thirteen I. U. students lived on board the Majestic to earn six hours academic credit through lectures and the productions. Besides acting, the students sold tickets, prepared meals, washed decks, and did the numerous other jobs necessary to keep the showboat running. Capacity crowds attended most of the performances in the 423-seat floating theatre. After each performance of "Peg" or "The Old Soak," the cast presented a variety show and an old-fashioned candy sale. After Labor Day performances in Louisville, the Majestic and its tugboat, "The I. U.," when into dry dock at Jeffersonville, Indiana, their winter home; and the students returned to a rather staid life after their summer on the showboat.
The stage was set for a fateful singing contest.
Faculty and students alike combined to delight the audience with Wagner's comedy opera "Maestersingers."
Opera Theatre Debuts Wagner's Maestersingers' Musical history was made at the University on July 29 and August 5 when "The Maestersingers of Nuremberg," Wagner's comedy opera, made its debut on campus. This was the first time the opera had been presented by any university group. "Maestersingers" was directed by Tibor Kozma, conductor of the University Philharmonic Orchestra and the Opera Theatre. Both students and faculty members participated in what Prof. Kozma termed "Wagner's most difficult opera to perform." In this opera Wagner turned from the gods and heroes of his earlier works to flesh-and-blood people of 16th Century Nuremberg, with the characteristics of real people in any era. The story of "Maestersingers" is Wagner's own. It tells the story of the young knight who had fallen in love with the daughter of the richest member of Nuremberg's guild. The smitten young man must win a singing contest to have his lover. This he does. Love conquered, the audience smiled, applauded, and approved.
Tibor Kozma directed the Opera Theatre's production of "Maestersingers."
The setting of Wagner's difficult "Maestersingers" was sixteenth century Germany.
Autumn's garden snow-decked trees .. . beauty, yes, and greatly celebrated so. But, something is lacking: the human element— a face that shines, the flash of a smile . . . unchanged by the seasons.
Karen Kline Sophomore Karen Kline won the title of Queen of Indiana University when she was chosen 1962 Arbutus Queen. A member of Pi Beta Phi social sorority, Miss Kline was named Miss Fascination last year at the annual dance sponsored by Skull and Crescent, activities honorary for organized sophomore men. Miss Kline was crowned at Christmas Eve on Campus.
Charlene Sarka A junior representing Chi Omega social sorority, Charlene Sarka is majoring in speech and hearing therapy and is president of her sorority.
Charlene Greenberger A member of Sigma Delta Tau sorority, Charlene Greenberger is an elementary education major who was active in the Panhel-IFC Big Ten Conference.
Sally Carmichael A former Cream and Crimson queen, senior Sally Carmichael is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. She is majoring in merchandising.
Diana Ballenger Queen of the Freshman Tyronian, Diana Ballenger represents Beck House of Read Center in the Arbutus Queen's court.
Diana Ballenger
Marjean Maxwell homecoming
Sally Carmichael
cream and crimson
Barbi Einstandig
military ball
The theatre:
more complicated than a key signature, a painted set, memorized lines, or even a combination of these.
These three are but a part of the mirror that reflects the soul, the soul seeking answers and finding only: deviation . . . 163
In a light-hearted parody of campus life, the 1962 Jordan River Revue, "Thunder Over Indiana," centered around the selection of a new president for Indiana University.
The I. U. Opera Theatre pleased audiences with the fairy magic of "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
"An Evening of Ballet" was presented in the form of a modern ballet concert by the I. U. Ballet.
Carol Channing delighted her audience at an IMU Pop Concert.
In Brigadoon Julie Wilson catches her man, Jack Sheehan.
The faces of the cast members reflected the drama in Don Carlos.
Gilbert Reed and his wife Nancy performed in the Nutcracker Suite Ballet along with Melanie Hunt and the mice.
Tragic emotions ran high when Tosca murdered the tyrant Baron Scarpia in the Opera Theater's pressentation of Puccini's Tosca.
The native dances of the Ceylon National Dancers offered a glimpse of a far away culture.
The San Francisco Ballet gave a graceful performance to an enthralled audience.
In their show to liven up the snowbound scene, the characters ofBus Stop found some unsuspected talent.
Light Up the Sky, a rolicking slapstick comedy centering on the volcanic ups and downs of "show biz," proved that there's still no business like show business.
An atmosphere of gloom prevailed with the recreation of the Salem witch hunts in Arthur Miller's play The Crucible.
The well-travelled Singing Hoosiers of I. U. have sparked many social occasions with a merry chorus.
There they sit: the pen, the camera, the typewriter . . They sit alone and wait, wait for those two vital forces, the mind and the word. The tools, yes, instruments to transfer facts, buttresses to strengthen dreams— But without the mind, the word, they are nothing . . . 173
Stories in, copy edited, reporters gone—it's time for a night editor to decide on front page makeup.
Lee Wotherspoon suffered through the late hours with the night editors as he checked proof for The Daily Student.
Daily Student Keeps Campus Informed In Spite of Late Hours, Hectic Schedules A bleary-eyed night editor trudges into French class ten minutes late. Another editor buried his alarm clock under a pillow and forgot about his psychology lecture. Late hours again take their toll, but The Indiana Daily Student is in the hands of its readers. Produced by a staff that seldom sleeps, the campus newspaper relates the news of a nation, a city, the outside world. A giant fed by effort, it demands, and it receives. When classmates turn toward the Commons after a day's classes, IDS reporters heed the constant order, "Cover your beat!" Information in hand, they converge on the City Room, and there is action. A report to the city editor, the click of a typewriter, and there is news. Here in the City Room the dream of reporting, of writing, of seeing for the world, grows. And for some, it dies. The city room is a laboratory, The Student, an experiment. Here writers develop. Editors learn. Mistakes are made, but everyone gives, and their brainchild informs. The Student serves the community that is the campus.
The first copy off the press gets close scrutiny for typography.
When a photographer needs assistance, there's always a reporter around to help on cutlines.
Wire services— vital contributors to a local paper.
A sports editor, with his page about finished, wonders what to put in that little space at the bottom of the page.
Amid coke bottles, cigarettes, and used layout sheets, staff members "shoveled" out their cabby holes.
More Than 200 Students Work to Create Arbutus A coffee cup marked with lipstick, a smouldering cigarette, and a weary "Try another lead" set the midnight scene in an office on campus where more than 200 minds work for "the cause." Members of the general staff, major staff, and the Big Four join in the attempt to capture in words and pictures the people, the events, and the spirit of a college year. They contribute, they create. Inevitably, they capture. Rated All-American by the Associated Collegiate Press three years in a row, the Arbutus has become a record of the campus, preserving its people, its setting, its events. The family album of more than 15,000 students, the Arbutus is the product of a staff's late hours, of a business manager's headaches, and of an editor's elation when the telegram arrives—it's another All-American book, an All-American year. 178
After the presentation of the1961 Arbutus, the personalized Arbustus made its debut at the annual awards banquet. t t
Deep concentration and a makeshift typing table produce WGCY (World's Greatest College Yearbook).
. . . a view that doesn't easily slip from an Arbutus worker's memory .. . 181
Training for the television cameraman is given through actual practice.
Important behind the scenes technical knowledge is stressed by the Department of Radio and Television.
Department of Radio and Television Operates Full Broadcast Schedule Over WTTV and WFIU A long, low-slung building, bordering on the meandering Jordan, is the base of operations for the Department of Radio and Television and the Indiana University Radio and Television Service. From here the department operates a full broadcast schedule, including seven half-hour television shows, seen weekly over WTTV, Channel 4, Indianapolis, and ten and one-half hours of radio, heard daily over one of the most powerful educational FM stations in the State. The department also operates the Indiana University Sports Network, which feeds over 20 radio stations during the football and basketball seasons. Students take an important part in the broadcast operations, gaining rewarding though nerve-wracking experience in television directing and valuable on-theair experience in announcing and newscasting over WFIU. They also work in the areas of radio production, newsfilm, and engineering. This year the Indiana University Radio and Television Service has taken on a new job—broadcasting classroom lectures via closed circuit. The professor, lecturing to students in Studio B of the Radio-TV building, simultaneously is able to teach groups in Ballantine Hall and the Indianapolis extension. Another impressive undertaking has been televising operas as they are performed on the Indiana University campus.
Good lighting techniques are essential to good programming.
I NI, 11411)1 11tiollii '"' ' 1011) ohm MN). oiiii► 11)110ҟ mitҟ 1 X)1111!'111111. ҟ )) 111110ҟ mis Miniҟ !111!1ilik
limoi The finishing of the new Fine Arts building completed I. U.'s "art plaza."
A sea of black swaying to the song of a graduation and so it goes year by year: always the same—and yet a little different. For the sea is an individual thing, formed of separate waves: waves born in the depths of learning, nurtured by a friendly moon . . . waves which must disintegrate the sea of black to beat the rocks of life: and so it goes year by year. 187
ҟ Indianapolis B. S. Public Healthᵬ Baer, Raymond John Newman Club.
B. S. Medical Tech. Valparaiso Batchelor, Richard Henryҟ Newman Club.
B. S. Medical Records North Manchester Bender, Bernadineҟ Chi Omega; YWCA.
Bockstahler, Ann Louiseҟ B. S. Medical Tech. Indianapolis Alpha Delta Theta; Alpha Lambda Delta; YWCA.
ҟ R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Indianapolis Bonnet, Lorna Jeanne Dental Board.
ҟ B. S. Medical Tech.ᵬ Kendallville Bostwick, Linda Laura Delta Delta Delta, v-p. ; Alpha Delta Theta; I. U. Foundation; Young Republicans.
ҟ B. S. Physical Therapyᵬ Bowie, Sandra Lyon Muncie YWCA.
Brown, Carolyn Mary B. S. Medical Records Davenport, Iowa Allied Health Council.
Chow, Ruby May Luen B. S. Medical Tech. Hong Kong, China Arbutus; I. U. Orchestra; Cosmopolitan Club; Singing Hoosiers.
Cohen, Barbara Leeҟ R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Indianapolis Conboy, B. Rayҟ B. S. Physical Therapyᵬ Wanatah Draper, Hila Janeҟ R. D. H. Dental Hygieneᵬ Indianapolis Dreher, Carol Lee Phi Mu.
Earnest, June Arlene Evans, Patricia Rae Tower Quad., gov.
B. S. Occupational Therapy
R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Mooresville B. S. Physical Therapyᵬ Hobart
Findley, Phyllis Jeanҟ B. S.ᵬ Medical Tech. ᵬ Muncie Alpha Kappa Alpha; Junior Panhellenic Council.
Flory, Marcia Catherineҟ B. S. Physical Therapy Indianapolis Campus Christians.
Gordon, Patricia Annҟ B. S. Medical Tech.ᵬ North Salem Contest Alumni on Campus; YWCA.
Gotsch, A. R. B.S. & R.D.H. Pub. Health & Dent. H.ᵬ Brownsburg Griswold, Patricia Annҟ B. S. Occupational Therapy Washington YWCA.
Hastings, Maryҟ B. S.ᵬ Pub. Health & Dent. Hygiene Indianapolis Hillman, Betty Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Medical Tech.ᵬ Elkhart Alpha Chi Omega.
Kielbasa, G. B.S. & R.D.H. Pub. Health & Dent. H.ᵬ East Chicago
Alpha Phi; Newman Club; Junior Amman Dental Hygiene Association, pres.
Kudirka, Geneҟ B. S.ᵬ Medical Recordsᵬ East Chicago Lamble, Marybethҟ R. D. H. Dental Hygieneᵬ Greencastle MacAllister, Evelyn Marieҟ B. S. Medical Tech. Indianapolis Manny, Bonnieҟ B. S.ᵬ Occupational Therapy Cranford, N. J. Masbaum, Karen Sueҟ R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Ft. Wayne McCoskey, Karen Sueҟ R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Indianapolis Meyers, Georgene Maryҟ B. S. Medical Recordsᵬ Hammond Arbutus; Newman Club; YWCA.
B. S. Medical Tech.ᵬ Mogilner, Barbara Joҟ Indianapolis University of Colorado: Sigma Delta Tau, rush chair.; President's Council; Panhellenic Council; Student Senate.
Myers, Jeanne Louiseҟ R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Greenwood Phi Mu; Junior American Dental Hygiene Association.
B. S. Physical Therapyᵬ Perrin, Jeanҟ Muncie Sailing Club, treas.
Connersville B. S.ᵬ Medical Tech.ᵬ Price, Lois Annҟ Alpha Delta Theta, pres., treas.
B. S. Physical Therapyᵬ Clay City Randolph, Mary Ruthҟ Student American Physical Therapy Association; Wesley Foundation.
B. S. Medical Tech. Bloomington Ringgenberg, Shirley Ireneҟ
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Alpha Lambda Delta; I. U. Foundation; Panhellenic Council.
ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Robertson, Kay Binninger R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Indianapolis Physical Therapyᵬ Ft. Wayne B. S.ᵬ Saurer, Janice E.ҟ
Jeffersonville B. S. Medical Tech.ᵬ Schimpff, Susan Marieҟ Alpha Gamma Delta; Alpha Delta Theta; Young Republicans; YWCA.
R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Monon Schoonover, Ramona Louҟ Junior American Dental Hygiene Association.
Richmond R. D. H. Dental Hygieneᵬ Shields, Darlene Sueҟ Junior American Dental Hygiene Association, v-p.
R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Indianapolis Shrum, Sandra Louҟ Junior American Dental Hygiene Association.
R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Franklin Simon, Clarellen Monaҟ Junior American Dental Hygiene Association.
B. S. Public Healthᵬ Indianapolis Snow, Robert Howardҟ
Spivey, Judith Brandon R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Carlsbad, Calif.
Gamma Phi Beta; Junior American Dental Hygiene Association; YWCA; Senatorial Assistant; Allied Health Student Council.
R. D. H.ᵬ Medaryville Dental Hygieneᵬ Stevens, Lois J.ҟ Medical Center Union Board.
R. D. H. Dental Hygieneᵬ Marion Stevens, Wanda Jeanҟ
Indianapolis Taylor, Judy Kayҟ B. S. Medical Tech.ᵬ Alpha Delta Sigma; Wesley Foundation.
Shelbyville Medical Tech.ᵬ Thorpe, Joyceҟ B. S.ᵬ Alpha Delta Theta; Hoosierettes.
Tough, Judith Maryҟ B. S. Physical Therapy Battle Creek, Mich. Kappa Alpha Theta; Arbutus; YWCA.
Tufteland, Carol Jean R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Inglewood, Calif. West, Carol Annҟ R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Reed City, Mich. Whitford, Barbara Anne R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Bloomington Junior American Dental Hygiene Association.
Wills, Carolyn Beatriceҟ R. D. H. Dental Hygiene Newburgh Wills, Susieҟ R. D. H.ᵬ Bethesda, Md. Dental Hygieneᵬ Alton, Ill. B. S. Medical Recordsᵬ Wilson, Nancy Joanneҟ Zeta Tau Alpha; Westminster Foundation; YWCA.
Winchester, Karen Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ Occupational Therapy Indianapolis YWCA.
Indianapolis Woollen, Jerry Alanҟ B. S. Public Health Ed.ᵬ
ARTS AND SCIENCES Abdon, Richard Louisҟ A. B. Zoologyᵬ Indianapolis Sigma Chi.
Adams, Carol Lynneҟ A. B. English Lit.ᵬ Jeffersonville Ade, Ann Louiseҟ A. B.ᵬ English Lit.ᵬ Huntington
Social Service Club; Student Elections Commission; Modern Dance Club.
Adler, Marilyn Ruthҟ A. B. Government New York, N. Y.
Sigma Delta Tau, rush chair.; Panhellenic Council, rush chair.; Hillel Foundation.
Albright, Michael Rushҟ A. B. Economicsᵬ Colfax Acacia; Cosmopolitan Club; I. U. Foundation; I. U. Foundation Steering Committee; Scabbard and Blade; YMCA.
Allen, David C.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Police Ad.ᵬ Munster Lambda Alpha Epsilon, v-p.
Alyea, Constance Joanҟ A. B. Botanyᵬ Hebron Delta Zeta; Wesley Foundation, sec.; YWCA.
Andis, Gretchen Aliceҟ Vincennes A. B. Bacteriologyᵬ Delta Delta Delta, treas.; YWCA; Alpha Delta Theta; Alpha Lambda Delta.
ARTS AND SCIENCES Anglin, Dennis Davenportҟ B. S. Psychologyᵬ Ft. Wayne Phi Eta Sigma; Philosophy Club; YMCA; Psi Chi.
ᵬ Atkinson, A. Jayҟ B. S.ᵬ Physics Indianapolis Physics Club; Campus Quiz Bowl.
ᵬ Atkinson, Sara Jeanҟ A. B.ᵬ History Zionsville
Atneosen, Gail Adeleҟ A. B. Mathematics
Terre Haute
Alpha Lambda Delta.
Averill, Lawrence H. Jr.ҟ A. B. History Birmingham, Mich. Ayers, Sandra Kayҟ A. B.ᵬ English Lit.ᵬ Indianapolis Kappa Delta; Hoosierettes.
Bain, Norman Haroldҟ A. B. Medical Scienceᵬ East Chicago Baker, Donald Wayneҟ A. B. Chemistryᵬ Bloomington Beta Theta Pi; Singing Hoosiers.
Baker, Sue Annҟ A. B.ᵬ Philosophyᵬ New Castle
Little U. N., sec.-gen.; Mortar Board; Alpha Lambda Delta; Delta Sigma Rho, pres.
Banks, Richard Allenҟ A. B. Zoologyᵬ Circleville, Ohio Tower B, pres.
Baranko, Paul Victorҟ A. B. Medical Scienceᵬ Gary Alpha Chi Sigma; Alpha Delta Sigma.
Barger, James Haroldҟ A. B. Anthropologyᵬ Shelbyville IRHA Judicial Board, chief justice; Student Conduct Committee; Young Republicans; Student Supreme Court; Anthropology Club.
Barger, Joyce E.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Home Economicsᵬ Evansville I. U. Foundation; Student Athletic Board; Young Republicans; YWCA; Coronation Ball Steering Committee, chair.
Barrett, William Daleҟ A. B. Governmentᵬ Wheatfield Beasley, Roger Evanҟ A. B. Slavic Lang. and Lit. Griffith Slavic Club.
Bechert, Carolyn Sueҟ A. B. Biologyᵬ Indianapolis Delta Gamma, rush chair.; Organized Party, treas.; Panhellenic Council; President's Cabinet; YWCA.
I. U. Foundation;
Becker, Bonnie Jeanҟ A. B. German
Deerfield, Ill.
Kappa Delta; Alpha Lambda Delta; AWS Council; Junior Class, female dir.; Mortar Board; I. U. Foundation.
Beckley, Kenneth Arnoldҟ B. S. Radio and TVᵬ Lynnville Kappa Delta Rho, pres., sec., treas.; Sigma Delta Chi; Radio and TV Club; Producer's Guild; Intramural Athletics.
Beeson, James Haroldҟ B. S. Chemistry
Lambda Chi Alpha; Arnold Air Society; Marching 100; Kappa Kappa Psi; YMCA.
Bell, John Martinҟ B. S.ᵬ Botany
Beltz, Lynda Anneҟ A. B.ᵬ American Lit. Debate Team; Delta Sigma Rho, sec., treas.
A. B.ᵬ Home Economicsᵬ Bender, Constanceҟ Richmond Zeta Tau Alpha; Junior Class, sec.; Mortar Board; Panhellenic Council; I. U. Foundation; Union Board.
Benham, Anneҟ A. B.ᵬ Anatomy and Phys.ᵬ Terre Haute Kappa Kappa Gamma; Oceanides; YWCA.
Hammond Benson, Marc B.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Economicsᵬ Finance Club.
Bente, Thomas A. B. Spanish & Latin-American Studies Ft. Wayne Cosmopolitan Club; Spanish Club.
A. B. Frenchᵬ Indianapolis Berry, Virginia Baileyҟ Curry House Judicial Board, pres.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Le Cercle Francais. Hanover College: Kappa Alpha Theta.
Indianapolis A. B. Latinᵬ Bicknell, Martha Juanitaҟ Kappa Delta, v-p.; Pleiades; Belles; Enomene; YWCA.
A. B. Social Service Cincinnati, Ohio Bierbaum, Carole Jeanҟ Gamma Phi Beta, pres., corres. sec.; Panhellenic Council; Social Service Club, chair.; Pleiades.
Walkerton A. B.ᵬ English Lit.ᵬ Bierly, Bonnie Joҟ Yardley, Pa. A. B. Musicᵬ Bledsoe, George Earlҟ Beta Theta Pi; Canterbury Club; University Singers; Singing Hoosiers; YMCA; Young Republicans.
South Bend A. B. Historyᵬ Bohan, Richard Timothyҟ Lowe House, gov., vice-gov.; Democratic Student Party, Collegiate Democrats; JAWQ Board of Gov.
exec. board;
Charlestown A. B. Governmentᵬ Bourne, James Edwardҟ Upper Linden, goy.; Freshman Class, pres.; University Scholarship Committee; Student Senate; Trees Center Board of Gov.
Indianapolis Anatomy and Phys.ᵬ A. B.ᵬ Bolinger, Gary Leeҟ Alpha Epsilon Delta; Tomahawk.
Scottsburg Historyᵬ A. B.ᵬ Boyd, Carl Leroyҟ Pi Kappa Phi, sec.; South Maple, go y.; I. U. Foundation.
A. B. Mathematics West Lafayette Bramble, Anne Searleҟ Alpha Chi Omega; WRA, I. U. Foundation; YWCA.
treas.; Junior Class, treas.; Mortar Board;
Indianapolis A. B. Journalismᵬ Brennan, Michael Johnҟ Phi Delta Theta; Indiana Daily Student, ed. in chief, chief ed. writer, city ed., night ed.; Sigma Delta Chi, sec.; President's Committee on Building Names.
19 0
ARTS AND SCIENCES A. B. Journalism Bloomington Brogneaux, Patricia Jeanneҟ Delta Gamma; Arbutus, narrative ed.; AWS, v-p.; Indiana Daily Student, Enomene; Pleiades; Theta Sigma Phi, sec. women's ed., night ed.;ҟ
A. B.ᵬ English Lit.ᵬ Gary Brown, Mollie Annҟ Alpha Epsilon Phi; Student Senate; Hillel Foundation; YWCA.
Eaton A. B. Governmentᵬ Brown, Penelope Anneҟ Oak Hall, sec., treas.; AWS Representatives Council.
Gary A. B. Medical Scienceᵬ Camarata, James Charlesҟ Alpha Epsilon Delta.
Marion A. B. Economicsᵬ Browne, James Ralphҟ Sigma Chi; Scabbard and Blade; Spanish Club; Cosmopolitan Club.
Anthropologyᵬ Bloomington A. B.ᵬ Buehrig, Edward M.ҟ Anthropology Club; Cosmopolitan Club.
Bloomington B. S. Physicsᵬ Canada, Thomas Robertҟ Lansing, Ill. A. B. Economicsᵬ Canning, Arthur Josephҟ SAM; Alpha Kappa Psi; 1-Men's Club; Dodds House, vice-goy., sec.;ҟ Varsity Athletics.
A. B. Government Carl, Edward Timҟ
A. B. Sociology Carlson, James Wesleyҟ
Lambda Alpha Epsilon.
Acacia; Sociology Club; SAM; YMCA.
Louisville, Ky.
A. B. French Carpenter, Julie Bethҟ Le Cercle Francais.
Chicago, Ill. A. B. American Lit.ᵬ Cellini, Beatrice Louiseҟ
Delta Gamma; Young Republicans; Sailing Club; IMU Hospitality Corps.
A. B. Psychologyᵬ Ft. Wayne Chaney, Richard Paulҟ Phi Kappa Psi.
A. B. Medical Science East Chicago Chmiel, Andrew Josephҟ Kappa Delta Rho; Alpha Chi Sigma; Alpha Epsilon Delta.
Knightstown A. B. English & Latinᵬ Clark, Franklin Davidҟ Jackson Club; Young Democrats; Eta Sigma Phi.
Ft. Wayne A. B. Sociologyᵬ Clevenger, Carolyn Joҟ YWCA Council, sec.; Mortar Board;ҟ Delta Delta Delta; Panhellenicҟ Freshman Commission, chair.; Alpha Lambda Delta.
Fine Artsᵬ Springfield, Va. A. B.ᵬ Coffee, Barbara Jeanҟ Sigma Kappa; Arbutus, art ed.; I. U. Foundation; Pleiades.
Oak Park, Ill. Spanishᵬ A. B.ᵬ Coffey, Janice Susanҟ
Pi Beta Phi, sec.; Alpha Lambda Delta; I. U. Foundation; Mortar Board: Oceanides; Union Board.
Louisville, Ky. A. B.ᵬ Chemistryᵬ Cohen, Stuart Marcҟ Zeta Beta Tau; Hillel Foundation; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
Evansville A. B.ᵬ Governmentᵬ Collins, Keith Edisonҟ Judicial Law Club, v-p.; Wellsҟ Quadҟ treas.;ҟ Alpha Phi Alpha, v-p.,ҟ Board.
Mishawaka Home Economicsᵬ Conner, Judith Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Phi Mu; Home Economics Club; Angel Flight; Newman Club, v-p.
A. B. Social Service Bessemer, Ala. Cook, Patricia Lenardaҟ Delta Sigma Theta, treas.; Social Service Club; YWCA.
Plymouth, Mich. A. B. Sociologyᵬ Cooper, David Charlesҟ Beta Theta Pi, rush chair.; Marching 100; Sphinx Club.
B. S. Chemistryᵬ Marion Cornell, James Sutherlandҟ v-p.; Phi Eta Sigma;ҟ IMUҟ Amateur Forest Hall, sec.; Wellsҟ Quad,ҟ Radio Club, pres.
Chemistryᵬ Coyner, Karl Dennisҟ A. B.ᵬ Dugger Phi Kappa Tau; Symphonic Band; Marching 100; Kappa Kappa Psi.
Craw, Kenneth William Jr.ҟ B. S. Geologyᵬ West Lafayette Delta Tau Delta; Arnold Air Society.
A. B. Comparative Lit.ᵬ Crawford, Linda Annҟ Bedford Contest Alumni on Campus; Eta Sigma Phi.
Cuttino, David Dicksonҟ A. B. Historyᵬ Bloomington Daniels, Eugene B. Jr.ҟ A. B. Philosophy
College of Wooster: Delta Phi Alpha.
Davis, Phyllis Kayҟ A. B.ᵬ French & English
Rantoul, Ill.
New Albany
Sigma Kappa, pres.; I.ҟ U.ҟ Foundation; Panhellenic Council; Pleiades; YWCA Commission.
B. S.ᵬ Davis, Sonya Anneҟ Nursing
Terre Haute
Davisson, Alice Janeҟ B. S.ᵬ Home Economics Lawrenceburg Kappa Alpha Theta.
Dean, John Edwinҟ A. B. Historyᵬ Rushville
Indiana Daily Student, asst. ed., night ed.; Kappa Kappa Psi; Marching 100; Phi Eta Sigma; Student Senate.
Deaux, Edward Bessorҟ A. B. Psychologyᵬ Evansville Psi Chi.
Demas, Ronald Charlesҟ A. B. Medical Scienceᵬ Muncie Alpha Epsilon Delta; Arbutus; Young Republicans.
Dennis, Richardҟ A. B.ᵬ Philosophyᵬ Indianapolis Slavic Club; Philosophy Club; YMCA; Cosmopolitan Club.
ARTS AND SCIENCES A. B. Zoologyᵬ De Villez, Richard Louisҟ Tell City A. B.ᵬ Dice, Ronald Louisҟ Germanᵬ Bloomington Delta Phi Alpha; Slavic Club; EUB Student Foundation.
A. B. English Lit.ᵬ Bloomington Dickey, Julia Edwardsҟ DePauw University: AWS; Young Republicans; Westminster Club.
Dickson, William Edwardҟ A. B. Economicsᵬ Ft. Wayne
A. B. History & Economics Owensville Dike, Thomas Arthurҟ B. S. Home Economicsᵬ Ft. Wayne Dildine, Mary Elizabethҟ Delta Gamma; Home Economics Club; Hoosier Hostess; YWCA.
A. B.ᵬ Oakland City Mathematicsᵬ
Dougan, Jerry Lee
Jenkins House, sec.; Marching 100.
Sociology & Psychologyᵬ Indianapolis Dowling, Dianaҟ A. B.ᵬ Phi Mu; Belles; Canterbury Club.
A. B. Psychology Memphis, Tenn. Drileck, Roberta Adrienneҟ Hillel Foundation.
A. B. American Lit.ᵬ South Bend Drout, DewAnn Carolҟ Delta Gamma, pres.; Enomene; I. U. Foundation; Pleiades.
Mishawaka B. S. Chemistryᵬ Druelinger, Melvin Leroyҟ Alpha Phi Omega; Cosmopolitan Club; Intervarsity Christian Fellowship; Phi Eta Sigma.
South Bend A. B. Chemistryᵬ Dunn, Michael Louisҟ
Big Ten Residence Halls Conference, co-chair.; Tower B, v-p.; NSA, asst. co-ordinator.
Osgood A. B.ᵬ Historyᵬ Eaton, Larry Leonҟ Alpha; Little 500. Lambdaҟ
A. B. Historyᵬ Bloomington Edgerton, Susan Conradҟ AWS Board of Standards; Fhi Alpha Theta; Student Senate; Pleiades.
B. S. Chemistryᵬ Indianapolis Edmondson, Keith Allenҟ Laurel Hall, sec., treas.; Arbutus; Alpha Chi Sigma, treas.
A. B. Speech and Hearing Speedway Edwards, Marcia Janeҟ
Alpha Chi Omega, pledge trainer; Sigma Alpha Eta, pres.; YWCA; Belles; Enomene; I. U. Foundation.
Hobart Historyᵬ A. B.ᵬ Edwards, Robert L.ҟ Indianapolis A. B. History & Geography Eggert, Donald Paulҟ IUCLU; Fair Play for Cuba Committee.
Eisert, Janet Lee
Logansport Frenchᵬ A. B.ᵬ
Alpha Omicron Pi, v-p., rush chair.; Alpha Lambda Delta; I. U. Foundation; Le Cercle Francais; Pleiades; Phi Eta Sigma.
Gary A. B.ᵬ Mathematicsᵬ Eley, Roberta Jeanҟ Alpha Lambda Delta; YWCA; Enomene.
Evansville A. B. Frenchᵬ Elliott, Sharon Dianeҟ Class, sec.; Senior Class, v-p.; Sophomoreҟ Kappa Kappa Gamma;ҟ Mortar Board; I. U. Foundation; Alpha Lambda Delta.
Joliet, Ill. B. S. Chemistryᵬ Elyea, Willard Oswaldҟ Phi Gamma Delta; Varsity Athletics; YMCA; I. U. Foundation; I-Men's Club; Alpha Epsilon Delta.
Bloomington A. B. Mathematicsᵬ Engle, Richard Francisҟ Pershing Rifles; I. U. Foundation; Senatorial Assistant.
Scottsburg Home Economicsᵬ B. S.ᵬ Everitt, Lillian Ednaҟ Home Economics Club.
Prentiss, Miss. B. S. Social Serviceᵬ Fagan, Thomas Leroyҟ Social Service Club.
Gary Slavic Lang. and Lit.ᵬ A. B.ᵬ Feczko, Lois Jeanҟ Alpha Gamma Delta; Slavic Club; Newman Club; YWCA.
Chicago, Ill. Spanish & Frenchᵬ A. B.ᵬ Feldman, Debra Sueҟ Spanish Club; Strikettes, treas.
Evansville A. B. Spanish & Englishᵬ Felker, Lillian Caroleҟ Alpha Gamma Delta; SNEA; Wesley Foundation; Young Republicans, sec.; YWCA.
A. B. Speech and Theatre Weirton, W. Va. Ferber, Edith Ellisҟ Arbutus; Hillel Foundation.
Fowler A. B. Chemistryᵬ Ferguson, John Alanҟ
Alpha Tau Omega; Sophomore Class, treas.; COPE; Phi Eta Sigma; Westminster Foundation.
Flora, Ill. A. B. Governmentᵬ Findley, Joyce Kathrynҟ Gary A. B. Sociologyᵬ Fisher, Alfred Jeromeҟ NAACP; Spanish Club.
A. B. Mathematicsᵬ Bloomington Flanigan, John Mauriceҟ Cosmopolitan Club; NAACP; YMCA; Spelunking Club.
Boonville A. B. Governmentᵬ Fleming, Daryl Cranorҟ LaGrange, Ill. Governmentᵬ Fletchall, Annҟ B. S.ᵬ
Kappa Alpha Theta, rush chair.; Union Board; Mortar Board; Senatorial Assistant; YWCA.
A. B. Mathematicsᵬ LaCrosse Florer, Ronald Williamҟ
ARTS AND SCIENCES Foley, Ralph Mortonҟ A. B. Governmentᵬ Martinsville Beta Theta Pi, pledge class pres.; I. U. Foundation; Student Elections
Commission; Senatorial Assistant; YMCA.
Tower Quad, gov.; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Eta Sigma; Westminster Foundation; YMCA.
Forrest, Donald Reidҟ A. B.ᵬ History
Foster, Jack Vanceҟ A. B. Economics
Ft. Branch
Collegiate Democrats.
Lambda Chi Alpha; Pre-Law Club; Young Republicans.
O4 i A.0...ҟ .:( 4 q tҟ
Foreman, Charles A. T.ҟ A. B. Medical Science Crown Point
Frankel, Larry Allenҟ A. B.ᵬ Governmentᵬ Muncie Sigma Alpha Mu;ҟ Littleҟ U. N., sec.-gen.; Radioҟ Senatorial Club;ҟ Assistant; President's Cabinet.
Frenz, Paul D.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Germanᵬ Bloomington
Cosmopolitan Club, pres.,ҟ v-p.,ҟ treas.; Delta Phi Alpha; Junior Interfraternity Council; Scabbard and Blade; Little U. N. Steering Committee.
Friedlander, Ezra H.ҟ A. B.ᵬ History & Gov.ᵬ Newark, N. J.
Zeta Beta Tau; NAACP; Hillel Foundation; Singing Hoosiers; Sphinx Club.
Danville, Ill. Friedman, Carol Louiseҟ A. B. Spanishᵬ Sigma Delta Tau; Arbutus; Hillel Foundation; Spanish Club.
Friedman, Sharon Leahҟ A. B. Spanishᵬ Hammond Hillel Foundation.
Friel, William Francisҟ A. B. Botany
A. B.ᵬ Gacic, Mir janaҟ Slavic Lang. and Lit. ᵬ Gary Camera Club; Slavic Club.
A. B.ᵬ Galanos, Diogenes K.ҟ Police Ad.ᵬ Gary Pi Kappa Phi; Lambda Alpha Epsilon, pres.; Spanish Club.
Gall, Judith Anneҟ A. B. English Lit.ᵬ Claypool
Delta Zeta, v-p.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Panhellenic Council; Phi Beta Kappa.
Galloway, Gary Eugeneҟ A. B. Journalismᵬ Bloomington Indiana Daily Student, sports ed., night ed.; Sigma Delta Chi.
Ganz, Marilyn Caroleҟ A. B.ᵬ Psychologyᵬ Marion Sigma Delta Tau; Hillel Foundation.
Gerde, Jerome Woodsҟ A. B. Governmentᵬ Crown Point I. U. Conservative League; Young Republicans, pres., v-p., treas.; IRHA House of Representatives.
Gergesha, Edward Alexҟ A. B. Chemistryᵬ East Chicago Alpha Chi Sigma; Alpha Epsilon Delta.
Gilman, David Ellisҟ A. B.ᵬ Governmentᵬ South Bend Hillel Foundation; Badminton Club, sec.
A. B. Chemistryᵬ Chicago, Ill. Gordon, Michael Louisҟ Varsity Athletics.
Graves, William Howardҟ A. B. Mathematicsᵬ Vincennes Delta Upsilon; Collegiate Democrats.
Green, David Lotҟ A. B.ᵬ Medical Scienceᵬ Rushville
Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Epsilon Delta; I. U. Foundation; Phi Eta Sigma; Sailing Club; YMCA
ҟ Greenman, John Jacob Hewlett, N. Y. A. B. Biologyᵬ
Dodds House, sec., treas.; Flame Club; I. U. Foundation; Sailing Club, vice-commodore; Varsity Athletics.
Greenwald, Mary Annҟ A. B. Fine Artsᵬ Wabash A. B. Historyᵬ Grenert, Robert Louisҟ South Bend Phi Kappa Tau; I. U. Foundation; Wesley Foundation; Young Republicans; SNEA.
Grins, Dagnija Vijaҟ B. S. Medical Tech.ᵬ Westfield Alpha Delta Theta.
Groch, Donald Leeҟ A. B.ᵬ Psychologyᵬ Michigan City
Notre Dame: Student Senate. University of New Mexico: Newman Club.
Groth, Peter Franzҟ A. B.ᵬ Chemistryᵬ Indianapolis Singing Hoosiers.
Habecker, Cheryl Lynnҟ A. B. Social Serviceᵬ Ft. Wayne classҟ Kappa Delta, pledgeҟ pres.; Junior Panhellenicҟ Council;ҟ Social Service Club; YWCA.
Hanaghan, Dennis Michaelҟ A. B. Government Dayton, Ohio Alpha Tau Omega; Collegiate Democrats; YMCA.
Hancock, Wanda Jeanҟ A. B. American Lit.ᵬ Paoli Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Sigma Iota; Contest Alumni on Campus.
Hanning, Frank Robert Jr.ҟ A. B. Governmentᵬ Marion Sigma Chi, pres.: Board of Aeons; I. U. Foundation; Sphinx Club; Union Board, pres.; Student Senate.
Hardsaw, Elizabeth Annҟ A. B. Journalismᵬ Corydon Delta Zeta, pledgeҟ classҟ pres.;ҟ Junior Panhellenic Council;ҟ Arbutus, copy ed., managing ed.; Indiana Daily Student, night ed.; Theta Sigma Phi; Pleiades; Strikettes.
Harris, Dean A.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Germanᵬ Columbia City Hash, Linda Vondaleeҟ B. S.ᵬ Home Economics Bloomington Home Economics Club; Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.
Hawes, Rebecca E.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Home Economicsᵬ Bloomington Home Economics Club, sec., treas.; Westminster Foundation.
Heinbaugh, Joy Lynneҟ A. B. Spanishᵬ Columbia City Phi Sigma Iota;ҟ Varsity Band;ҟ AWS Council, chair.;ҟ Spanish Club; SNEA.
ART AND SCIENCES A. B.ᵬ Chemistryᵬ Hendrey, William B.ҟ Wilmette, Ill. NAACP;ҟ Young Republicans;ҟ Treesҟ Center Judicial Channing Club;ҟ Board.
A. B.ᵬ American Lit.ᵬ Park Forest, Ill. Hercules, Carol Annҟ
Heritage, Suzanne Elisabethҟ A. B. Social Service Indianapolis 1. U. Foundation; Social Service Club; YWCA. Herkless, John Lindseyҟ A. B. Historyᵬ Knightstown
Rater House, gov.; Wright Quad Judicial Board, chief justice; JAWQ Board of Gov.; Phi Alpha Theta.
Hibner, Paul D.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Historyᵬ Indianapolis Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Arbutus; NAACP; YMCA; Young Republicans.
Hilger, J. Greggҟ A. B.ᵬ Governmentᵬ Bloomington
Bowlingҟ Stateҟ University: Sophomoreҟ Class,ҟ treas.;ҟ Freshman Greenҟ Class, treas.; Newman Club; Pershing Rifles.
A. B.ᵬ Governmentᵬ Phoenix, Ariz. Himelstein, E. Markҟ Sigma Alpha Mu;ҟ Sphinxҟ Club;ҟ Junior Interfraternity Council; I. U. Flying Club; YMCA; IUCLU.
Hodges, Thelma L.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Psychologyᵬ Culver Delta Sigma Theta.
A. B.ᵬ Creative Writing & Phil.ᵬ Scottsburg Holwager, Josephҟ Varsity Athletics; YMCA.
Hoover, Ernest Victorҟ B. S.ᵬ Social Serviceᵬ South Bend Social Service Club.
Hoppes, Stephanie Ann A. B.ᵬ Journalism & Sociology Anderson Kappa Alpha Theta;ҟ Indiana Daily Student, Foundation.
women'sҟ ed.;ҟ I. U.
A. B. & B. S. Home Economics Wakarusa Horein, Joyce Maryҟ Omicron Nu, sec.; Alpha Lambda Delta; YWCA.
A. B. Psychologyᵬ House, Marjorie Louiseҟ Indianapolis Zeta Tau Alpha; Alpha Lambda Delta; Psi Chi; YWCA.
B. Sᵬ Physicsᵬ Hong Kong, China Hsue, Sin Taoҟ Chinese Student Club; Phi Eta Sigma; Physics Club.
B. S. Chemistryᵬ Kokomo Huffman, George Williamҟ Rollinsҟ vice-gov.;ҟ Alpha Chi Sigma;ҟ Alphaҟ Phiҟ House,ҟ Omega; Spelunking Club; Tomahawk.
Lowell Hunter, James Rondalҟ A. B. Biologyᵬ SNEA; Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.
Hurst, Stephen Steigerҟ A. B.ᵬ Medical Scienceᵬ East Chicago Sigma Alpha Mu, v-p.; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Sailing Club; ҟ Basketball Manager.
A. B.ᵬ Chemistryᵬ Hong Kong, China Ip, Kaiҟ
Jaksa, Geraldine Louiseҟ A. B. Speech and Hearingᵬ Gary
A. A
Kappa Delta; SNEA; Sigma Alpha Iota.
A. B.ᵬ Slavic Lang. and Lit.ᵬ Jaksich, Dorothyҟ Gary
Jarrell, Willoughby Gwenҟ A. B. Governmentᵬ Plymouth IRHA Judicial Board; Senior Class, female dir.; Young Republicans.
A. B.ᵬ Johnson, Joe Phillipҟ Sociologyᵬ Ft. Wayne Phi Sigma Kappa; Intramural Athletics.
A. B.ᵬ English Lit.ᵬ Kachel, Charles Albertҟ South Bend IRHA Judicial Board; Academic Board of Review; Spanish Club; Phi Eta Sigma.
A. B. Journalism & Gov. Indianapolis Kagan, Harvey Morrisҟ
Sailingҟ Club; Arbutus; Indiana Dailyᵬ Student; Hillel Foundation;ҟ Spelunking Club; Tomahawk; Young Democrats.
Economicsᵬ A. B.ᵬ Kahn, Fred Sobleҟ South Bend Sigma Alpha Mu;ҟ Arbutus,. Foundation.
Council;ҟ Hillel Junior Interfraternityҟ
Karpilow, Judith Soniaҟ A. B. Frenchᵬ Bridgeport, Conn. Hillel Foundation; NAACP; Slavic Club.
A. B.ᵬ Medical Scienceᵬ Indianapolis Karsell, Philip Readҟ Chemistryᵬ Kask, Anne Maiҟ A. B.ᵬ Indianapolis Cosmopolitan Club.
Kaylor, Becky Kayҟ A. B.ᵬ Home Economicsᵬ Martinsville Alpha Gamma Delta, rush chair.; Queens; YWCA.
A. B.ᵬ Kayser, Kathy Jeanҟ French & Germanᵬ Terre Haute Kappa Kappa Gamma.
A. B. Historyᵬ Kellermann, Thomas Albertҟ Bethesda, Md A. B. Frenchᵬ Kendrick, Barbara Anneҟ Lancaster, Ohio Delta Gamma, treas.;ҟ I.ҟ U.ҟ Foundation; Juniorҟ Panhellenicҟ Council; Enomene; YWCA.
A. B.ᵬ History Kent, Douglas Albertҟ
Crown Point
Delta Tau Delta; Falcon Club; Marching 100; Interfraternity Council; Junior Interfraternity Council; Skull and Crescent
English Lit.ᵬ Kern, Joanne Francesҟ A. B.ᵬ Ft. Wayne Phi Mu; Wesley Foundation.
Biology Kern, Patrica Mayҟ B. S.ᵬ
Zeta Tau Alpha; Panhellenic Council; Student Athletic Board; WRA; YWCA; Miniature 500 (rider).
A. B.ᵬ History Kiess, Patricia Elreanҟ Delta Zeta; Sailing Club.
Hinsdale, Ill.
ARTS AND SCIENCES Kilpatrick, Stephen L.
A. B. Economicsᵬ Evansville
A. B. Governmentᵬ Saigon, Vietnam Kim-Sa, Tran Thiҟ Cosmopolitan Club.
Speedway A. B. Medical Scienceᵬ King, Jerry Noelҟ I. U. Young Republicans; YMCA.
King, Kenneth Eugene Arnold Air Society.
Indianapolis A. B. Mathematicsᵬ
Kendallville A. B. English Lit.ᵬ King, Thomas Lockwoodҟ Eta Sigma Phi; Theta Alpha Phi.
A. B.ᵬ History Klaer, Thomas Lynnҟ Alpha Tau Omega, pledge trainer; Sphinx Club.
A. B. Government Klezmer, Michael Irvingҟ Sigma Alpha Mu; Skull and Crescent.
A. B. Chemistry Knoess, Hans-Peterҟ
West Lafayette A. B. Historyᵬ Knoll, John Philipҟ Singing Hoosiers.
A. B. Chemistryᵬ Chesterton Konicke, Thomas Phillipҟ
Gary Radio and TVᵬ B. S.ᵬ Kother, Ruth-Annҟ I. U. Conservative League.
Indianapolis A. B. Speech and Theatreᵬ Kovac, Jean Marieҟ Alpha Chi Omega, pres.; Showboat Majestic;Theta Alpha Phi, pres.;
I. U. Foundation; Pleiades.
Louisville, Ky. A. B. English Lit.ᵬ Kraft, Carolyn Leeҟ schools and dir.,ҟ rec.ҟ sec.; Arbutus, personnelҟ Kappa Alpha Theta,ҟ administration ed.; Alpha Lambda Delta;I. U. Foundation; YWCA.
A. B. Social Serviceᵬ Warren Kriegbaum, Kay Ellenҟ Pi Beta Phi; Enomene; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pleiades; Student Senate.
A. B. Historyᵬ West Lafayette Krywobok, Natalie V.ҟ A. B. Chemistryᵬ Indianapolis La Follette, James Warrenҟ Alpha Tau Omega; Sphinx Club.
A. B. History Lane, Brad Williamҟ
A. B. French Lapin, Kira Pamelaҟ
Kappa Delta.
A. B. Economics Larmore, Philip H.ҟ
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; YMCA.
A. B. Speech and Theatre Leckie, Jean Anneҟ
Kappa Alpha Theta; YWCA; I. U. Foundation.
A. B.ᵬ Home Economics North Manchester Leifer, Leah Kayҟ Home Economics Club.
B. S. Journalismᵬ Leve, Ronald Irwinҟ Indianapolis
Levinson, Sanfordҟ Jayҟ A. B. Sociologyᵬ Indianapolis Sigma Alpha Mu; Hillel Foundation; Spanish Club.
Liddil, Nancy Leeҟ A. B.ᵬ Indianapolis English Lit.ᵬ
Sigma Kappa; Channing Club; Sailing Club; Senatorial Assistant; Young Republicans.
Lillard, Leo F.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Chemistryᵬ Peru Newman Club; I. U. Orchestra; Senatorial Assistant; Student Senate.
Lilly, Arlene A.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Historyᵬ Brooklyn, N. Y. Sigma Kappa, pledgeҟ trainer; Young Republicans;ҟ WRA;ҟ Senatorial Assistant; Campus Quiz Bowl.
Lind, John Davidҟ A. B.ᵬ Chemistryᵬ Columbus West Hall, treas.; Alpha Chi Sigma; I. U. Flying Club.
Littman, Minna Louiseҟ A. B. Speech and Theatre Warren, Ohio Cosmopolitan Club.
Lloyd, Jerry Duaneҟ B. S. Radio and TVᵬ Terre Haute Arbutus; Producer's Guild, co-chair.
Lloyd, Ura Myrtleҟ A. B. American Lit.ᵬ Bloomington A. B.ᵬ Journalism & Historyᵬ Long, Gary Leeҟ Lafayette Kappa Delta Rho, corres. sec.;Indiana Daily Student, ed. in chief, sports ed., city ed., night ed.; I. U. Foundation Steering Committee;Scabbard and Blade; Sigma Delta Chi, v-p., pres.
Long, Steven Daleҟ A. B. Chemistry & Mathematics Dillsboro Varsityҟ Sigma Phi Epsilon;ҟ Band; Falcon Club; Alphaҟ Chiҟ Sigma; Little 500 ( rider).
Longcamp, John Stierҟ A. B. Medical Science
Delta Tau Delta; Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Epsilon Delta.
Zoology Lucus, Robert Dihlҟ A. B.ᵬ
Acacia, v-p., rushҟ chair.;ҟ Alpha Phi Omega; Junior Council, treas.; Westminster Foundation.
Lundquist, John F.ҟ A. B. Government
Indianapolis Interfraternity
Delta Upsilon; I. U. Foundation; Scabbard and Blade; YMCA.
Lusis, Ieva A.ҟ A. B.ᵬ English Lit.ᵬ Monroeville Alpha Omicron Pi; Delta Phi Alpha.
ARTS AND SCIENCES Madding, Gary Dean
Bloomington B. S. Chemistryᵬ
Pershing Rifles; Phi Eta Sigma.
Mahan, John Jefferson Jr.
A. B. Journalism Bloomington
Phi Kappa Psi, corres. sec.; Indiana Daily Student; I. U. Foundation.
ҟ Indianapolis A. B. English & Frenchᵬ Maher, Marcia Elaine Kappa Kappa Gamma.
ҟ Gary A. B.ᵬ Spanishᵬ Mahorney, Peggy Ann YWCA.
South Bend A. B.ᵬ English Lit.ᵬ Mamula, Joyce Marieҟ Kappa Delta; Arbutus; YWCA.
Bloomington Slavic Lang. and Lit.ᵬ A. B.ᵬ Mangold, Joy Ernestҟ Terre Haute English Lit.ᵬ A. B.ᵬ Manson, Barbara Ellenҟ treas.; Delta,ҟ sec.; Enomene; Alpha Lambdaҟ Delta Gamma, corres.ҟ I. U. Foundation; Mortar Board, pres.
Indianapolis Frenchᵬ Marrs, Linda Edithҟ A. B.ᵬ Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Sigma Iota; Junior Class Newsletter.
Marshall, Charles Richard A. B. Anatomy and Phys. Evansville
Skull and Crescent; Senatorial Assistant; Lambda Chi Alpha; YMCA;ҟ I. U. Foundation; Little 500 (rider).
Decatur, Ala. B. S. Chemistryᵬ Marshall, James Lawrenceҟ Tau Kappa Epsilon; Sphinx Club.
Biologyᵬ Connersville A. B.ᵬ Martin, Judith Annҟ Pi Beta Phi; Young Republicans; Panhellenic Council.
Sociologyᵬ Owensboro, Ky. A. B.ᵬ Martin, Sarah Gilmourҟ Alpha Omicron Pi.
Frankfort A. B.ᵬ Fine Artsᵬ Mason, Betty Louҟ Alpha Lambda Delta; Pi Lambda Theta; YWCA.
Mason, Prudence Gowen A. B. Spanish & History Shreveport, La.
Concert Band; Cosmopolitan Club; Alpha Lambda Delta; Spanish Club; Westminster Foundation.
New York, N. Y. A. B. Spanishᵬ Matusow, Lynne Barbaraҟ Alpha Epsilon Phi; Cosmopolitan Club;Indiana Daily Student, night ed.; Theta Sigma Phi, treas.; Board of Student Publications.
Highland English Lit.ᵬ Maxwell, Marjeanҟ A. B.ᵬ Alpha Clinic;ҟ Belles;ҟ rushҟ chair.; AWS Charmҟ Delta Delta Delta,ҟ Lambda Delta; YWCA; Homecoming Queen.
Indianapolis B. S. Social Serviceᵬ Maxwell, Susan Marieҟ Pi Beta Phi; Little U. N.; Social Service Club; YWCA.
Oakwood, Ohio English Lit.ᵬ A. B.ᵬ May, Mary Lynnҟ Weatherwax, v-p.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Delta Phi Alpha.
Speedway Governmentᵬ McAllister, James C.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Lambda Chi Alpha, pledge trainer.
Princeton A. B. History & Spanishᵬ McCarty, Susan Janeҟ Spanish scheduling ed.; YWCA;ҟ Alpha Chi Omega,ҟ treas.; Arbutus,ᵬ Club.
McFeely, Marlene Sueҟ A. B. Speech and Theatreᵬ La Porte Alpha Xi Delta, rush chair.; Debate Team; Student Speakers Bureau.
A. B.ᵬ McHugh, Susan Carolҟ English Lit.ᵬ Riverside, Ill. Kappa Alpha Theta, v-p.; I. U. Foundation; Enomene; Pleiades; President's Cabinet.
Mcllroy, Richard Harry Jr.ҟ A. B. Chemistryᵬ Pueblo, Colo.
Student Elections Commission; YMCA. Phi Gamma Delta, rec.ҟ sec.;ҟ
Mcllwain, Patricia A.ҟ A. B. Fine Artsᵬ Logansport AWS Board of Standards; I. U. Foundation; Student Senate, clerk.
McKelvey, David Arthurҟ A. B. Governmentᵬ Newtown Arnold Air Society; I. U. Foundation; MRHA Exec. Board, sec.; President's Cabinet; Trees Center Board of Gov., pres.
McNaughton, Michael Josephҟ A. B. Economics Indianapolis Sigma Alpha Epsilon;ҟ Varsityҟ Athletics; Freshman Council;ҟ Cosmopolitan Club; Skull and Crescent; Scabbard and Blade.
McNeely, Hugh Morrisҟ A. B.ᵬ Germanᵬ Mitchell Delta Tau Delta, rec. sec.; Interfraternity Council; Skull and Crescent.
McNeil, Rosettaҟ A. B.ᵬ Bloomington Sociologyᵬ Alpha Delta Phi Alpha; Der Deutsche Verein; Alpha Kappa Delta;ҟ Lambda Delta.
A. B.ᵬ Spanishᵬ Medbourn, Sally Anneҟ Culver Delta Delta Delta; Oceanides.
A. B. American Lit.ᵬ Indianapolis Menke, Pamela Glennҟ Kappa Alpha Theta; Enomene; Alpha Lambda Delta; Mortar Board; Pleiades; YWCA, pres.
Psychologyᵬ A. B.ᵬ Messick, James Robertҟ South Bend Alpha Tau Omega,ҟ rush chair.;ҟ Interfraternity Council, pres.; Falcon Club.
A. B. Philosophyᵬ Metivier, Donald Nelsonҟ Griffith
Michelson, Caroleҟ A. B.ᵬ English Lit.ᵬ Des Moines, Iowa Alpha Epsilon Phi, treas.; Hillel Foundation.
Migliazza, Ernest Cesarҟ A. B. Linguistics Minneapolis, Minn. Anthropology Club; Cosmopolitan Club; Spanish Club.
Miles, Richard Josephҟ A. B.ᵬ Philosophy
Mathematics Club; Philosophy Club, pres.; NAACP.
A. B. Speech and Theatre Bloomington Milisen, Valerie Ellenҟ Alpha Omicron Pi; YWCA; Social Service Club.
19 6
ARTS AND SCIENCES A. B.ᵬ Chemistryᵬ Greensburg Miller, Charles G.ҟ I. U. Foundation.
Vincennes Governmentᵬ Miller, David Lyleҟ A. B.ᵬ Phi Kappa Psi, sec., v-p.; Pre-Law Club, pres.; Sphinx Club.
A. B. Sociologyᵬ Indianapolis Miller, Linda Karenҟ Chi Omega.
Newburgh A. B.ᵬ Social Serviceᵬ Miller, Sara Gaunttҟ Kappa Alpha Theta; Social Service Club; Senatorial Assistant; YWCA.
B. S. Historyᵬ Princeton Miller, Virginia Helenҟ
Senatorial rush chair.; AWS Council;ҟ pres.,ҟ Alpha Gamma Delta,ҟ Assistant.
South Bend B. S. Physicsᵬ Miller, Wilson J.ҟ Phi Eta Sigma.
Moline, Ill. A. B. Journalismᵬ Mills, Julie Annҟ Pi Beta Phi, corres. sec.; Theta Sigma Phi, v-p.;Indiana Daily Student, night ed.; Enomene; I. U. Foundation.
Bloomington A. B. Governmentᵬ Minnick, Thomas Albertҟ t.hi Phi; Roger Williams Fellowship; Young Republicans.
A. B. Spanishᵬ Seymour Mitchell, Mary Janeҟ
Student corres. sec.; Phi Sigmaҟ Iota;ҟ rushҟ chair.,ҟ Alpha Xi Delta,ҟ Athletic Board.
Ft. Wayne Governmentᵬ Monn, Larry Neilҟ A. B.ᵬ Phi Gamma Delta, v-p.; Falcon Club; YMCA.
New Harmony A. B. Spanishᵬ Moody, Marvin Daleҟ Gary A. B.ᵬ Journalismᵬ Moore, Hugh Lynchҟ Acacia, rec. sec., pledge trainer; Indiana Daily Student, managing ed., city ed., night ed.; Skull and Crescent; I. U. Foundation.
Bethesda, Md. A. B. Historyᵬ Morgan, Carolyn Suzanneҟ Zeta Tau Alpha, rush chair.
Monticello Governmentᵬ A. B.ᵬ Morris, Stanley M.ҟ Pershing Rifles; Scabbard and Blade; Young Republicans.
Indianapolis Medical Scienceᵬ Moser, Arthur Leeҟ A. B.ᵬ Phi Eta Sigma.
Latinᵬ Indianapolis A. B.ᵬ Moss, Mary Joҟ Eta Sigma Phi, national sec.; Wells Quad, v-p.
Journalismᵬ Richmond A. B.ᵬ Moss, Max Eugeneҟ Lowe House, sec.-treas.; Alpha Phi Omega, pres.;Indiana Daily Student, editor-in-chief, sports ed., night ed.; Sigma Delta Chi; Tomahawk.
Indianapolis A. B.ᵬ Dieteticsᵬ Murch, Linda Janeҟ Memorial Hall, It. gov.; Home Economics Club; Young Republicans.
Indianapolis Radio and TVᵬ Myers, Ruth Evelynҟ B. S.ᵬ Delta Zeta; Christian Science Organization.
Nafari, Nasser A. B. & B. S. Physics & Mathematics Tehran, Iran Bloomington A. B.ᵬ Classical Lang. and Lit.ᵬ Nagy, Gregoryҟ Eta Sigma Phi, pres.; Phi Eta Sigma, sec.
Michigan City A. B. Psychologyᵬ Mackin, Gerald Lewisҟ Alpha Epsilon Pi, rush chair.; Young Republicans; I. U. Foundation; Hillel Foundation.
A. B.ᵬ PhysicsᵬGary Nawrocki, A. Davidҟ Alpha Epsilon Delta; 1-Men's Club; Philosophy Club; Varsity Athletics.
Gary B. S. Social Serviceᵬ Nawrocki, Barbara Fayneҟ Club;ҟ I. U. Pamarada; Social Serviceҟ IRHA, treas.; Mortarҟ Board;ҟ Foundation.
Newman, Nancyҟ A. B. American Lit.ᵬ Evansville Alpha Epsilon Phi, sec.; YWCA; Pleiades, sec.; Hillel Foundation.
Nicklas, Harold Hugo Jr.ҟ A. B. Gov. & History South Bend Alpha Phi Omega; Scabbard and Blade.
Nikolich, Biljanaҟ A. B. Slavic Lang. and Lit.ᵬ Gary Slavic Club; Cosmopolitan Club.
Nilsson, Kim G.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Slavic Lang. and Lit. Helsinki, Finland Cosmopolitan Club.
Noble, Brenda Leeҟ A. B.ᵬ English Lit.ᵬ Vevay
IRHA Executive Board; Queens; Pamarada; Young Republicans; SNEA.
B. S.ᵬ Noel, Mary E.ҟ Social Serviceᵬ Fortville Morrison Hall, gov.; YWCA.
Nolte, Joyce Marieҟ A. B.ᵬ Biologyᵬ Indianapolis Zeta Tau Alpha; YWCA.
Noveroske, James Williamҟ A. B. Zoologyᵬ Michigan City Kappa Delta Rho.
A. B.ᵬ Ober, Eleanor Veeҟ Fine Artsᵬ Indianapolis Phi Mu, rush chair.; I. U. Foundation.
Oblouk, Marian J. A. B. Slavic Lang. and Lit. Evergreen Park, Ill. Slavic Club, sec.
O'Dell, Harold G.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Historyᵬ Indianapolis Fergason House, vice-gov.; Pre-Law Club; Young Republicans.
Okon, Betty Jeanҟ A. B. Fine Artsᵬ Indianapolis Indiana Daily Student; I. U. Foundation; Independence Party Exec. Council.
ARTS AND SCIENCES Alexandria, Va. A. B. English Lit.ᵬ Oliver, Eleanor Patriciaҟ Michigan City A. B.ᵬ Mathematicsᵬ Olson, Judith Roseҟ Zeta Tau Alpha; Strikettes; YWCA; I. U. Foundation.
Winamac Olson, Kenton Carlҟ A. B.ᵬ Biologyᵬ Alpha Tau Omega.
Michigan City Oram, Richard Kentҟ A. B.ᵬ Historyᵬ
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; JAWQ Board of Gov.; Pershing Rifles; Student Athletic Board; Interfraternity Council.
A. B. Economicsᵬ Washington, D.C. Orgel, Harold Jeromeҟ Sigma Alpha Mu; Phi Eta Sigma; Hillel Foundation.
A. B.ᵬ Governmentᵬ Francesville Orr, Dennis Markҟ
Arnold Air Society; I. U. Foundation; InterPhi Sigma Kappa, v-p.;ҟ fraternity Council, v-p.; Young Republicans.
A. B. Home Economics Kendallville Ortstadt, Kathrena Langҟ Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Jeffersonville A. B.ᵬ Sociologyᵬ Oster, Sue Annҟ Chi Omega, sec.; Oceanides; Social Service Club.
Clarksville A. B. Zoologyᵬ Owens, William Irvinҟ Sigma Chi.
Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B.ᵬ Governmentᵬ Pastore, Marie D.ҟ Sigma Kappa; NSA, co-ordinator; President's Cabinet; Senatorial Assistant; Little U. N.
Bloomington Patrick, Leonard Anthonyҟ A. B. Zoologyᵬ Varsity Athletics.
Acton A. B. Biologyᵬ Patterson, Richard Wilsonҟ Sigma Nu.
Knox B. S. Radio and TVᵬ Pawlik, Robert Altenlohҟ Hoosiers; trainer; Falcon Club; Singingҟ Sigma Phi Epsilon,ҟ pledgeҟ Young Republicans.
Journalism & History Des Moines, Iowa Pearlman, Caryl A. A. B.ᵬ Indiana Daily Student; Gamma Alpha Chi; Alpha Epsilon Phi, v-p.;ҟ Hillel Foundation; Junior Panhellenic Council.
A. B. Zoology Pearson, Donald Leeҟ A. B. Psychology Perry, Roger Williamҟ
Monticello East Chicago
Board,ҟ pres.;ҟ I. U. Alpha Phi Alpha; Interfraternity Council Judicialҟ Orchestra.ҟ
A. B. Journalism & English Evansville Pfingston, Roger Carlҟ Indiana Daily Student, night ed.; Marching 100; Arbutus.
B. S. Psychology San Bernardino, Calif. Phillips, Charles Wayneҟ Bloomington A. B. Sociologyᵬ Phillips, Linda Kellerҟ Student Council; Cercle Francais; Protestantҟ Alpha Kappa Delta;ҟ Leҟ Westminster Foundation, v-p.; YWCA.
Kokomo Physicsᵬ B. S.ᵬ Pierce, David Leeҟ IRHA Judicial Board, pres.; Tomahawk; YMCA;Arbutus.
English Lit.ᵬ Indianapolis A. B.ᵬ Pigman, Judith Araҟ Sociologyᵬ Indianapolis A. B.ᵬ Polk, Kitty Marieҟ Campus Christians; Freshman Class, treas.; Enomene; Pamarada.
Governmentᵬ Oaktown Polk, James Rayҟ A. B.ᵬ pres.; Freshman Class, v-p.; Sophomore Class,ҟ Phi Kappa Psi, pres.;ҟ Indiana Daily Student, campus ed.; Student Senate.
Michigan City A. B. Governmentᵬ Pollock, Robert Clayҟ Council;ҟ Young chair.;ҟ Junior Interfraternityҟ rushҟ Theta Chi, pres.,ҟ Republicans.
Slavic Lang. and Lit. Allen Park, Mich. Pomeroy, Paul R.ҟ A. B.ᵬ
Phi Gamma Delta; Student Body, v-p.; Board of Aeons; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Student Senate; Phi Eta Sigma; I. U. Foundation.
Poon, Yiv-Cheongҟ B. S.ᵬ Chemistryᵬ Hong Kong, China Chinese Student Club; Cosmopolitan Club.
B. S.ᵬ Home Economicsᵬ Ft. Wayne Poplett, Susan Joanҟ Spanishᵬ South Bend A. B.ᵬ Porter, Linda Leeҟ Alpha Kappa Alpha; NAACP; I. U. Foundation; Spanish Club; Student Senate.
Mishawaka B. S. Geologyᵬ Proudfit, Robert Leslieҟ Arnold Air Society.
Zoologyᵬ Salem Radcliffe, Charles Wilsonҟ Tomahawk, v-p.; Cosmopolitan Club.
A. B. Speech and Theatre East Chicago Radich, Mary Dianneҟ Eta Sigma Phi.
A. B.ᵬ Chemistryᵬ Centerville Rau, Richard M.ҟ Sigma Chi.
Read, Margaret Louiseҟ A. B. Anthropology North Vernon Alpha Xi Delta; Protestant Student Council.
Richardson, Mary Estellaҟ A. B. American Lit.ᵬ Reelsville Wesley Foundation; SNEA.
A. B.ᵬ Germanᵬ Gary Richiger, Linda W.ҟ
AWS, v-p.; rec.ҟ sec.;ҟ AWS Board of Standards;ҟ Alpha Chi Omega,ҟ Delta Phi Alpha; Enomene.
English Lit.ᵬ Chicago, Ill. Riedell, Phyllis Annҟ A. B.ᵬ Alpha Phi, v-p.; Enomene; Alpha Lambda Delta; Queens.
19 8
ARTS AND SCIENCES Chemistryᵬ Monticello B. S.ᵬ Ring, David Francisҟ Alpha Tau Omega.
A. B. Spanish Chicago Heights, Ill. Rinkenberger, Renata Raeҟ AWS Council; Eta Sigma Phi; Spanish Club.
Highland Park, Ill. Spanishᵬ A. B.ᵬ Riskind, Donald J.ҟ Zeta Beta Tau, pres., v-p.; Falcon Club; I. U. Foundation.
Munster Mathematicsᵬ A. B.ᵬ Ritter, Penny Janeҟ Lowell Frenchᵬ A. B.ᵬ Roberts, Linda Kayҟ Pi Beta Phi; Phi Sigma Iota; Little U. N.
Newtown A. B. Fine Artsᵬ Robinson, Judith Sueҟ Young Republicans.
Rensselaer A. B. Historyᵬ Robinson, Schuyler Leeҟ Beta Theta Pi, rec. sec.; Phi Alpha Theta, v-p.; Young Republicans.
Glezen Medical Scienceᵬ A. B.ᵬ Ropp, Wendell Fredҟ Alpha Epsilon Delta; YMCA.
Gladwyne, Pa. A. B.ᵬ Spanishᵬ Rothrock, Joanҟ Kappa Kappa Gamma, sec.; YWCA.
Ft. Wayne A. B. Sociologyᵬ Rousseau, Mark Owenҟ Student Supreme Court; Le Cercle Francais; Student Elections Commission; Tomahawk; Alpha Kappa Delta.
English Lit.ᵬ Akron A. B.ᵬ Royer, Sharon Sueҟ Morrison Hall, gov., It. goy.; Alpha Lambda Delta.
A. B. Governmentᵬ Chesterton Rucker, Kenneth Jamesҟ Phi Delta Theta; Young Republicans.
A. B. Bacteriologyᵬ Hammond Rueth, Franklin Donaldҟ Singing Hoosiers; Intramural Athletics.
Speech and Theatreᵬ New Castle A. B.ᵬ Rush, Carolyn Kayҟ Collegiate Democrats.
Canton, Ohio Physicsᵬ B. S.ᵬ Russ, James Stewartҟ
Chi Phi, pres., v-p.; Phi Eta Sigma, treas.; Board of Aeons, pres.; Interfraternity Council, sec.; Student Senate.
Bloomington B. S.ᵬ Home Economicsᵬ Russell, Carol Rushҟ Home Economics Club, corres. sec.
American Lit.ᵬ Highland Park, Ill. A. B.ᵬ Sachs, Susanҟ Alpha Epsilon Phi; Hillel Foundation.
Chemistryᵬ East Chicago A. B.ᵬ Saczawa, John S.ҟ
Clinton A. B.ᵬ Governmentᵬ Savage, James Louisҟ Collegiate Democrats; Tomahawk.
Sawtelle, Roger Allan A. B. Slavic Lang. and Lit. Wyoming, Ohio Wesley Foundation; YMCA; Protestant Student Council.
Schmitt, Bibiana Annҟ B. S. Home Economicsᵬ Jasper Omicron Nu,ҟ pres.;ҟ Newmanҟ Club; Home Economicsҟ Club, treas.; SNEA.
A. B.ᵬ English Lit.ᵬ Richland, Wash. Schneiter, Diane M.ҟ
Alpha Omicron Pi, pres.; Panhellenic Council; I. U. Foundation; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pleiades.
Schubert, Philip Chandlerҟ A. B. Medical Science Indianapolis Schuetz, Karen M.ҟ A. B.ᵬ American Lit.ᵬ Indianapolis Kappa Kappa Gamma; Enomene; Alpha Lambda Delta; YWCA.
Schulman, Sarah Anneҟ Louisville, Ky. A. B. Bacteriologyᵬ
Alpha Epsilonҟ Phi,ҟ v-p.,ҟ pledge trainer; Panhellenicҟ Council; Hillei Foundation; Pleiades.
Schultz, Dale Allenҟ B. S.ᵬ Geologyᵬ Michigan City Sigma Gamma Epsilon.
Schumacher, James Allenҟ A. B. Medical Science Woodburn Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Epsilon Delta.
Sclamberg, Edward Lazardҟ A. B. Medical Science South Bend
Zeta Beta Tau; Student American Medical Association; Phi Eta Sigma; Varsity Athletics; Alpha Epsilon Delta, pres.
Scott, Connie Leeҟ A. B.ᵬ FrenchᵬMarion
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Junior Panhellenic Council, v-p.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Enomene; I. U. Foundation Steering Committee.
Scott, Janice E.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Historyᵬ Indianapolis Seelig, Carol Nancyҟ A. B. Comparative Lit. Highland Park, Ill. Sigma Delta Tau;ҟ Jordanҟ River Revue; Enomene;ҟ Muҟ Phi Epsilon; Singing Hoosiers.
Segal, Judith Louiseҟ A. B.ᵬ English Lit.ᵬ Indianapolis Sigma Delta Tau, pres.; Senatorial Assistant; Hillel Foundation.
Seibel, Mary Susanҟ A. B.ᵬ American Lit.ᵬ Defiance, Ohio
Alpha Gamma Delta; Canterbury Club; YWCA Exec. Board; Senatorial Assistant; Protestant Student Council.
Selman, Mary Elizabethҟ A. B. American Lit.ᵬ Angola Kappa Alpha Theta.
Shallers, Alvin Paulҟ A. B.ᵬ English Lit.ᵬ New Albany Phi Beta Kappa.
Shannon, Nick Haroldҟ A. B. Medical Scienceᵬ Roachdale Beta Theta Pi; Student American Medical Association;ҟ Alpha Epsilon Delta, treas.; Phi Eta Sigma.
ARTS AND SCIENCES Elkhart Social Serviceᵬ A. B.ᵬ Shearer, Joan M.ҟ
IRHA Judicial Board; Young Republicans; Wesley Foundation; Social Service Club.
Ft. Wayne A. B.ᵬ Anatomy and Phys.ᵬ Sherritt, Wallace W.ҟ Fergason House, vice-gov.; JAWQ Board of Gov., pres., v-p.; MRHA Exec. Board; I. U. Foundation; Student Elections Commission.
A. B.ᵬ Psychologyᵬ Bloomington Shields, Curtis Reedҟ Hall House, gov.
A. B. Psychologyᵬ Indianapolis Shoemaker, David Michaelҟ I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
Government Short, Gary Wilsonҟ A. B.ᵬ Acacia.
Shrader, Homer Leeҟ A. B.ᵬ Chemistry
Chess Club; Little 500; Intramural Athletics.
Biology Shuter, Rita Annҟ A. B.ᵬ Alpha Lambda Delta.
Sieber, Sue Annҟ A. B.ᵬ Spanish
Alpha Phi; Spanish Club; Junior Panhellenic Council; YWCA.
St. Louis, Mo. Silbergeld, Alan Markҟ A. B. Governmentᵬ
Senate; Little U. N.; Independence Party, Studentҟ chair.; IRHA Residents' Assembly.
Silverstein, Anita Gailҟ A. B. Social Service Cincinnati, Ohio Cosmopolitan Club; NAACP; Hillel Foundation; Social Service Club.
A. B. Classical Lang. and Lit. Ligonier Simmons, Carol Isabelleҟ EUB Student Foundation, v-p.
Simmons, Joan Adeleҟ A. B. Fine Artsᵬ Ft. Wayne Kappa Alpha Theta; YWCA; Oceanides; Senatorial Assistant.
Simpson, David Josephҟ A. B. Psychologyᵬ Vincennes Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Pershing Rifles; Newman Club; Psi Chi.
A. B. Psychologyᵬ Connersville Sizemore, Alice Carolҟ Indiana Daily Student; Young Republicans.
B. S.ᵬ Home Economicsᵬ Boonville Skelton, Bonnie Leeҟ Delta Zeta; Angel Flight; Home Economics Club, pres.
A. B.ᵬ Anthropology Skomp, David Claudҟ
Anthropology Club; Slavic Club; Young Republicans.
Smiley, Olive Annҟ A. B. Historyᵬ Rochester Sigma Kappa; Collegiate Democrats; Sailing Club.
Smith, Karen Dianeҟ A. B. Spanishᵬ Greenwood
Sigma Kappa, rush chair.; Theta Alpha Phi, v-p.; Alpha Lambda Delta; YWCA.
Smith, Nancy Shannonҟ A. B. English Lit.ᵬ Columbia City Kappa Alpha Theta;ҟ Deltaҟ Phi Alpha; Alpha Lambdaҟ Delta,ҟ pres.; I. U. Foundation.
A. B. Latin & Anthropology Wadesville Snively, Marjorie Aleneҟ
Snyder, Linda Marieҟ A. B. English Lit.ᵬ Danville IRHA Residents' Assembly,ҟ sec.; WRHA Exec. Board,ҟ sec.,ҟ treas.; Mortar Board; Student Senate; Student Supreme Court.
Soellinger, Patrick Bruceҟ A. B. Historyᵬ South Bend I. U. Foundation; Senatorial Assistant; Wells Quad, treas.; SNEA.
Sparks, John Keithҟ A. B. Journalismᵬ North Vernon
Pi Kappa Phi, rush chair.; Indiana Daily Student, business mgr.; Interfraternity Council; Westminster Foundation; Young Republicans.
Spisak, Emery Johnҟ A. B. Chemistryᵬ Gary Sigma Nu, pledge trainer; Varsity Athletics.
ᵬ Splittorff, Charles W.ҟ A. B. Zoology Boonville Craft Club; Rifle Club; Anthropology Club; Der Deutsche Verein.
ᵬ Spurgin, Kathryn Mayҟ A. B. History Columbus
Zeta Tau Alpha; YWCA, treas.; Eta Sigma Phi ; Alpha Lambda Delta; AWS Board of Standards; Pleiades.
Stark, Mary Louiseҟ A. B. Spanish
Delta Gamma, v-p.; I. U. Foundation Steering Committee; Young Republicans.
Stark, Robert Lee Jr.ҟ A. B. Mathematicsᵬ Charlestown Alpha Tau Omega, pledgeҟ trainer; Pershing Rifles;ҟ Varsityҟ Athletics; I-Men's Club; Physics Club; Philosophy Club.
Steere, Marcia Leeҟ A. B.ᵬ Home Economicsᵬ Ft. Wayne Chi Omega; Student Athletic Board; I. U. Foundation; Pleiades; YWCA.
Sterling, Margaret Maryҟ A. B. Historyᵬ Hammond Newman Club.
Sternstein, Jerry Donҟ A. B. Government Madisonville, Ky. Sigma Alpha Mu; Spanish Club; Hillel Foundation.
Steuer, Robert K.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Economicsᵬ Munster
Sigma Alpha Mu; Senior Class, male dir.; Falcon Club; I. U. Foundation; Hillel Foundation, pres.
A. B. English Lit.ᵬ Stewart, Joyce Annҟ Vincennes
Panhellenic Council; Panhellenic Council; Chi Omega, pres.; Juniorҟ Indiana Daily Student, associate ed.; I. U. Foundation; Theta Sigma Phi; Pleiades.
Stine, William Rolandҟ A. B. Journalism & History Shelbyville
Indiana Daily Student; Young Republicans; I. U. Conservative League; Sigma Delta Chi.
A. B. Governmentᵬ Mishawaka Stroup, Kathleen Maeҟ Kappa Delta; YWCA; Wesley Foundation;Arbutus.
A. B. Medical Science Huntingburg Struckman, John Scottҟ YMCA.
ARTS AND SCIENCES A. B. French New Rochelle, N. Y. Styles, Constance Annҟ Phi Sigma Iota; Canterbury Club, sec.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pamarada.
A. B. Comparative Lit. Suyemasa, Marilynҟ Alpha Lambda Delta; Arbutus; Little U. N.; SNEA.
A. B. Journalism Talmadge, Nancy Annҟ Indiana Daily Student; Theta Sigma Phi.
B. S. Physics Tang, Seung Munҟ Chinese Student Club.
Logansport Singapore
Gary A. B. Zoologyᵬ Taylor, James Selwynҟ Alpha Senate;ҟ Board of Aeons; Studentҟ v-p.;ҟ Student Body, pres.,ҟ Epsilon Delta; Phi Eta Sigma.
Thomas, Morton Stanley III A. B. Medical Science Hamilton Delta Chi.
Sheridan A. B. Historyᵬ Thompson, Don K.ҟ
Upper Linden, sec.; I. U. Foundation; Phi Alpha Theta; Tomahawk; Scabbard and Blade.
B. S. Home Economics Winchester Thompson, Jane Marieҟ
Landes House, goy .; I. U. Foundation; Mortar Board; Pamarada; Student Senate; AWS, pres.
B. S. Home Economics Worthington Thompson, Linda Jeanҟ Hammond A. B. Governmentᵬ Thornton, Larry Jayҟ JAWQ Board of Gov.; Flame Club; American Society of International Law.
Washington A. B. Geologyᵬ Tilton, Bruce Patrickҟ South Maple, goy.
Ft. Wayne Psychologyᵬ B. S.ᵬ Tipton, Terry Leeҟ Flame Club, pres.; Alpha Phi Omega; Young Republicans.
Vincennes A. B. Chemistryᵬ Tolson, Mary Aliceҟ
Vincennes University: Phi Theta Kappa; Delta Psi Campus Christians.ҟ Omega; Student Christians Association.
Ft. Wayne Zoologyᵬ A. B.ᵬ Tonges, Jane E.ҟ Sigma Kappa, sec.; Alpha Delta Theta; Arbutus.
Sharpsville A. B. Zoologyᵬ Tranter, Margaret Susanҟ Gary A. B. Chemistryᵬ Trinoskey, Verne Leeҟ A. B. English Lit. Binghamton, N. Y. Truesdell, Katherine A.ҟ
Delta Delta Delta; Collegiate Democrats; Enomene; Westminster Foundation; YWCA.
Bloomington A. B. Chemistryᵬ Tucker, Wendell Rayҟ Forest Hall, goy .; Little 500 (rider); Flame Club; Intramurals.
Bloomington A. B. Historyᵬ Turner, Alice Carolҟ Delta Gamma; Senatorial Assistant; YWCA.
Ft. Wayne A. B. English Lit.ᵬ Tyndall, Ruth Ellenҟ A. B. Governmentᵬ Indianapolis Udell, Jerry Gardnerҟ Phi Gamma Delta, corres. sec.; I. U. Foundation.
Hoopeston, Ill. A. B.ᵬ Sociologyᵬ Unger, E. Paulҟ Wesley Foundation, treas., pres.
Dunkirk A. B. Mathematicsᵬ Urmon, Patricia Annҟ Pi Beta Phi, v-p., treas.; YWCA.
Indianapolis A. B. Medical Scienceᵬ Vanderbosch, Leonard J.ҟ Wyoming, Ohio B. S. Geologyᵬ Votaw, Robert Barnettҟ A. B. Sociologyᵬ Monroeville Wagner, Reginald Leeҟ Anthropology Club; Sociology Club; Young Democrats.
Social Serviceᵬ Ann Arbor, Mich. A. B.ᵬ Wagner, Susanҟ v-p.,ҟ treas.;ҟ Social YWCA; Oceanides, pres.,ҟ Gamma Phi Beta, v-p.;ҟ Service Club; I. U. Foundation.
A. B. Governmentᵬ Hammond Walters, Daniel Wadeҟ Collegiate Democrats; Marching 100; Spanish Club.
A. B. Zoologyᵬ Indianapolis Warren, Lawrence Alanҟ I. U. Foundation.
Gov. & Radio and TVᵬ Bloomington Warring, Jeromeҟ A. B.ᵬ
Young RepubPershing Rifles; Wesley Foundation;ҟ Marketing Club;ҟ licans; Alpha Delta Sigma.
Chemistry & Physicsᵬ Bloomington Waters, Robert L.ҟ A. B.ᵬ Phi Epsilon Pi; IUCLU.
Weaver, Luzetta Ann A. B. Journalism & Government Columbus
Alpha Gamma Delta; Indiana Daily Student, associate ed.; Theta Sigma Phi; I. U. Foundation; Pleiades.
A. B. Fine Artsᵬ Cincinnati, Ohio Weiffenbach, Jean Edithҟ Kappa Alpha Theta.
Ft. Wayne A. B. Radio and TVᵬ Welke, James Williamҟ Harvey, Ill. A. B. Mathematicsᵬ Wetmore, Judy Maeҟ Tower E, gov.; Newman Club; IMU Recreational Council.
A. B. Economicsᵬ Logansport Wheatley, Stephen B.ҟ
Sigma Nu; Freshman Class, male dir.; Student Athletic Board; Student Senate; I. U. Foundation; Skull and Crescent.
ARTS AND SCIENCES Muncie Whitcomb, Jean Carolynҟ A. B. Fine Artsᵬ Zeta Tau Alpha; YWCA Cabinet; Strikettes.
Philosophyᵬ Roanoke White, Eugene Marvinҟ A. B.ᵬ I. U. Conservative League; Spelunking Club; Wesley Foundation; Young Republicans.
Gary Whitley, Bonnie Annҟ A. B.ᵬ Social Serviceᵬ Delta Sigma Theta; Social Service Club; Spanish Club.
Indianapolis Whittemore, Mary Annҟ B. S. Radio and TVᵬ Newman Club; Spanish Club. University of Florida: Alpha Delta Pi.
Collinsville, Ill. Mathematicsᵬ Wilhoit, Ernie Lewisҟ B. S.ᵬ Alpha Tau Omega; Varsity Athletics; I-Men's Club.
Shirley Wilkinson, Gary Bruceҟ A. B. Economicsᵬ Spelunking Club; Sports Car Club.
Indianapolis A. B.ᵬ Anatomy and Phys.ᵬ Williams, Joseph F.ҟ
Lambda Chi Alpha; MRHA Exec. Board, treas.; MRC Board of Gov., pres.; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Senatorial Assistant.
Evansville A. B. Historyᵬ Wilson, Theodore Allenҟ Trees Center Board of Gov.; Phi Alpha Theta; Tomahawk, pres.
Indianapolis A. B. English Lit.ᵬ Winckelbach, Edna Annҟ Alpha Chi Omega; Alpha Lambda Delta;Arbutus; I. U. Foundation Steering Committee; YWCA.
ҟ Indianapolis Winstanley, Laurence Timmis A. B. Chemistryᵬ Alpha Phi Omega; Cosmopolitan Club.
A. B. Anatomy and Phys. Bloomington Woods, Phyllis Aldridgeҟ Kappa Alpha Theta; Oceanides.
A. B. Economics Bloomington Woods, Winton deRuyter Jr.ҟ Sigma Nu; Sports Car Club.
ҟ A. B. English Lit. Indianapolis Woodworth, Nancy Eleanor
Ft. Wayne Zaitzeff, Serge Ivanҟ A. B.ᵬ Spanishᵬ Spanish Club.
ҟ A. B. Fine Arts & French Lowell Zatorski, Christine Paulette ҟ
chair.; Newman Club; Le Cercle Francais; Alpha Omicron Pi, rushҟ YWCA.
B. S.ᵬ Ziel, Edward Alanҟ Radio and TV
Gary A. B. Slavic Lang. and Lit.ᵬ Zudak, Lawrence Stephenҟ
BUSINESS B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Indianapolis Ackerman, Warrenҟ Zeta Beta Tau; Accounting Club.
Adams, Harvey LeRoyҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Gary SAM.
Indianapolis B. S. Marketingᵬ Adelman, Harold Davidҟ Marketing Club; Hillel Foundation.
Allen, Richard Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ Indianapolis Marketingᵬ Marketing Club.
Altman, William Emersonҟ B. S. Marketingᵬ Mooresville
I-Men'sҟ Club; I. U. Foundation;ҟ Studentҟ Athletic Board; Varsity Athletics.
Anderson, Judith Maryҟ B. S. Management Homewood, Ill.
Alpha Xi Delta, pres., sec.; Business Senior Board; Management Club; Mortar Board, v-p.; Omicron Delta; SAM, v-p.
B. S. Marketingᵬ Armstrong, Thomas F.ҟ Michigan City Sigma Nu; Junior Interfraternity Council; Marketing Club; Sphinx Club; YMCA; Young Republicans.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Arnold, Frederic Elmerҟ La Porte Chi Phi, corres. sec.; Falcon Club, pres.; Interfraternity Council Judicial Board; Sphinx Club; Varsity Athletics.
Arvin, Gerald Josephҟ B. S. Accountingᵬ Loogootee Accounting Club.
B. S.ᵬ Austin, Carl Rayҟ Transportationᵬ Bloomington
Babb, James Lowell Jr.ҟ B. S. Real Estate Ad.ᵬ Elwood Newman Club; Sailing Club; Young Republicans.
Baehler, Gary Rogerҟ B. S.ᵬ Transportationᵬ Ft. Wayne Lambda Chi Alpha; Transportation Club; Delta Sigma Pi; SAM.
Vincennes B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Ballard, Richard S.ҟ
Delta Upsilon; Marketing Club; SAM; YMCA; Young Republicans, pres., v-p.
Gary B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Ballarino, Joseph A.ҟ
Trees Center Board of Gov.; Alpha Kappa Psi; Accounting Club; Flame Club; Tomahawk.
Anderson B. S. Marketingᵬ Ballinger, Larry Eldenҟ Arbutus; Kappa Kappa Psi; I. U. Foundation; I. U. Foundation Steering Committee; Marketing Club.
Lafayette Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Balsbaugh, Ronald Byronҟ Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Blue Key; Falcon Club; I. U. Foundation, pres.; I. U. Foundation Steering Committee; YMCA, pres.
iiii ./4
Paoli B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Barksdale, David Leeҟ Marketing Club; YMCA.
Elkhart B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Barnhart, Ronald Leeҟ Sigma Pi; Accounting Club.
Salem Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Barrett, Larry Kentҟ Tau Kappa Epsilon, v-p.; Interfraternity Council.
Gary B. S. Accountingᵬ Bartholomew, William Edwardҟ Accounting Club; Finance Club; Management Club; Marketing Club.
Morristown Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Bass, Jerold Duaneҟ Athletics; Student Athletic Board; Varsityҟ Club;ҟ Sigma Nu; I-Men'sҟ Wesley Foundation; I. U. Foundation.
Elkhart B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Basse, Marvin V.ҟ Accounting Club.
Marengo B. S. Business Ed.ᵬ Batman, Roberta Janeҟ Finance Club; SAM, sec.; Student Elections Commission; Wesley Foundation; Young Republicans; Tower B, gov.
Evansville Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Bauer, Raymond Michaelҟ Marketing Club; Senatorial Assistant; Air Force Drill Team, comdr.
Portage B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Baum, David Samuelҟ Alpha Kappa Psi.
Tipton Accountingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Beach, Lanny Jayҟ
Delta Upsilon, treas.; YMCA; Sphinx Club; Scabbard and Blade; Accounting Club; Delta Sigma Pi.
Bloomington Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Benckart, Robert Georgeҟ Palmer, Iowa Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Beneke, Linda Janeҟ Chesterton Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Billings, Warren Geraldҟ Jenkins House, treas., vice-gov.; Cosmopolitan Club; Delta Sigma Pi.
Bloomington B. S. Marketingᵬ Bissey, William Eliotҟ Columbus B. S.ᵬ Financeᵬ Bissey, William Karlҟ JAWQ Board of Gov.; Finance Club; Alpha Kappa Psi; Student Senate.
Marion Insuranceᵬ B. S.ᵬ Bleke, Carl H. Jr.ҟ
Tower Center, pres.; Pershing Rifles; Young Republicans; Scabbard and Blade; Roger Williams Fellowship; I. U. Foundation Steering Committee; Alpha Kappa Psi; Independence Party Exec. Board.
Martinsville B. S. Marketingᵬ Blunk, James Harrisonҟ Bloomington B. S. Managementᵬ Bodkin, David Arthurҟ Alpha Kappa Psi; Management Club; SAM.
Boehne, Edward B. S. Bus. Econ. and Public Policy Bloomington Collegiate Democrats, pres.; Speakers Bureau; Debate Team.
Evansville Accountingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Boesche, Paul Frederickҟ Accounting Club.
Marion, Ohio Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Bolds, Richard Alexanderҟ Beta Theta Pi; Marketing Club; SAM; YMCA.
Marion Textile Mrchndsing.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Bonge, Joyce Anneҟ Marketing Club.
Elkhart Accountingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Booth, Frank Reynolds IIҟ Theta Xi, pres., v-p.; Accounting Club.
Portage Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Borrowmen, Williamҟ Pershing Rifles.
B. S.ᵬ Financeᵬ Gary Bradach, James J.ҟ Phi Epsilon Pi, v-p.; Finance Club, treas.; Newman Club.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Stamford, Conn. Bradley, Robert Jamesҟ pledge trainer; I-Men'sҟ Club;ҟ I. U. sec.,ҟ treas.,ҟ Sigma Phi Epsilon,ҟ Foundation; Varsity Athletics.
Managementᵬ B. S.ᵬ Gary Brady, Margaretҟ Memorial Hall, treas.; SAM.
Chesterton B. S. Managementᵬ Brotemarkle, Todd Russellҟ Delta Tau Delta; SAM; Sphinx Club; Delta Sigma Pi.
Shipshewana B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Brouwer, Fred Perryҟ Phi Kappa Psi.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Gary Brown, David Bruce Jr.ҟ Acacia; Alpha Kappa Psi.
Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Brown, Samuel Fredҟ Bloomington pres.; Marketing Club;ҟ Juniorҟ InterPhi Sigma Kappa,ҟ pledge classҟ fraternity Council.
Transportationᵬ Munster B. S.ᵬ Brown, Theodore Wadeҟ Fergason House, vice-gov.; JAWQ Board of Gov.; Young Republicans; Transportation Club.
BUSINESS Indianapolis B. S. Marketingᵬ Brown, Thomas Jacksonҟ Alpha Kappa Psi; Marketing Club.
Gary B. S. Managementᵬ Bucheck, Donald Johnҟ Kokomo B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Buckingham, Donald Leeҟ Sailing Club.
New Haven B. S. Accountingᵬ Buhr, Donald Frederickҟ Accounting Club.
B. S. Marketing Burck, James B.ҟ
Burgan, Jack A.ҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.
Marketing Club.
I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
B. S. Finance Burger, Dale Edwardҟ Forest Hall, treas.; Finance Club.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Burris, John Stephenҟ Cosmopolitan Club; Finance Club.
North Judson New Castle
Kokomo B. S. Managementᵬ Busby, Edward Vintonҟ Spencerville Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Butler, Kernҟ Accounting Club; SAM; Wesley Foundation.
Reading, Pa. B. S. Marketingᵬ Canine, Michael Clarkҟ Chi Phi, rush chair.; Falcon Club, pres.; I. U. Foundation; Marketing Club; Varsity Athletics.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Palatine, Ill. Carlino, Ralph Anthonyҟ Finance Club; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Evansville Carmack, Douglas Wrightҟ MRHA Exec. Board; Varsity Athletics; Intramural Athletics.
B. S. Managementᵬ Bloomington Carmichael, Doyle Keithҟ
Pi Kappa Phi; Delta Sigma Pi, sec.; Accounting Club; Management Club.
B. S. Textile Mrchndsing. Valparaiso Carmichael, Sally Annҟ Kappa Alpha Theta.
Gary B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Carrabine, John Josephҟ Chi Phi; Sphinx Club.
B. S. Transportationᵬ Geneva, Ill. Casey, James Stephenҟ Phi Kappa Psi, pres., v-p.; Transportation Club; Sphinx Club.
Hammond Accountingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Cataldi, Pia Marieҟ
Omicron Delta; Enomene; Accounting Club; Zeta Tau Alpha, treas.;ҟ I. U. Foundation Steering Committee.
Marketingᵬ Bloomington B. S.ᵬ Cerri, William Taftҟ Sigma Chi; Delta Sigma Pi.
Bloomington Real Estate Ad.ᵬ Chase, Gary Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ
Delta Tau Delta; Real Estate Club; Alpha Phi Omega; Falcon Club; Junior Interfraternity Council; Marketing Club.
Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Chizum, Larry Leeҟ Knox Management Club; Marketing Club.
Chulock, Karen Hopeҟ B. S. Accountingᵬ Gary Alpha Lambda Delta; AWS Council; Hillel Foundation.
Clarkson, Georgia Louҟ B. S. Managementᵬ Indianapolis Kappa Delta, v-p.; Belles; I. U. Foundation; Omicron Delta.
Clifford, Merle Wayneҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Sandborn Accounting Club; Marketing Club; Delta Sigma Pi.
B. S.ᵬ Mark etingᵬ Cluley, James R.ҟ Indianapolis Sigma Alpha Epsilon;ҟ Arnoldҟ Air Society; Marketingҟ Club;ҟ SAM; YMCA; Young Republicans.
Coffey, Floyd Williamҟ B. S. Managementᵬ Kokomo Management Club; Delta Sigma Pi.
Collins, Stephen H.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Tipton Falcon Club; Management Club; SAM; Student Athletic Board.
Conaway, Phillip Davidҟ B. S. Public Utilities Michigan City JA \X'Q Board of Gov.; Student Athletic Board; Student Senate; Wesley Foundation.
Conn, Joseph Edwardҟ B. S. Accountingᵬ Brook Pershing Rifles; Scabbard and Blade.
Cook, Phyllis Joanҟ B. S.ᵬ Business Ed.ᵬ Crawfordsville Accounting Club; Jordan River Revue; SNEA.
Cook, Thomas Royҟ B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Bloomington Chi Phi; Accounting Club; I. U. Foundation; Young Republicans.
Cooley, William Andrewҟ B. S. Marketingᵬ Rochester Crittenden, Stephen Jamesҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Bremen Sigma Pi, v-p.
B. S. Marketingᵬ Indianapolis Crosbie, Mac Herbertҟ Sigma Alpha Epsilon,ҟ rushҟ chair.; Falcon Club; I.ҟ U.ҟ Foundation; Scabbard and Blade; Sphinx Club.
Cunliffe, Albert Edwardҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Cincinnati, Ohio Cuppy, Frederick M.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Managementᵬ Indianapolis Lambda Chi Alpha; Delta Sigma Pi; SAM.
BUSINESS B. S. Marketing Czimer, Arthur Danielҟ
Crown Point
Theta Chi; Marketing Club; Sphinx Club.
B. S. Marketing Davis, Gary Bruceҟ
Hazelwood, N. C.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; I-Men's Club; I. U. Foundation; Varsity Athletics.
B. S. Transportation Manchester, Mich. Davis, James Arthurҟ Phi Eta Sigma; Sailing Club.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Davis, Patricia Annҟ
Management Club.
B. S. Real Estate Ad. Davis, Richard Barrettҟ
Real Estate Club.
Davis, Ronald Leeҟ B. S. Marketing
La Porte
Marketing Club.
B. S. Management Demas, Donald Jamesҟ
Denmure, Douglas Renterҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.
Christian Young Republicans;ҟ Intervarsityҟ Alpha Kappaҟ Psi; SAM;ҟ Fellowship; I. U. Conservative League. Kappa Delta Rho, sec.; Forest Hall, sec., treas.
B. S. Real Estate Ad. Hammond DeRosa, Arsenio Anthonyҟ Cosmopolitan Club; Real Estate Club; Newman Club.
B. S. Accounting Dinius, Linda Eleanorҟ
Accounting Club; Omicron Delta; YWCA.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Indianapolis Distelhorst, John Williamҟ B. S. Accounting
Doll, Rosemary E.
Accounting Club; Newman Club.
Doolittle, Robert P. Jr.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.
Doom, Gwendolyn Lou
B. S. Business Ed.
B. S. Business Ed.
Skull and Crescent; YMCA; Young Republicans.
Omicron Delta, pres.; Senatorial Assistant; Delta Delta Delta; Belles;ҟ YWCA.
Doom, Jacquelyn Sue
Athletic Board; Omicron Delta; Studentҟ Delta Delta Delta; Belles;ҟ YWCA.
Douglas, Michael Worthҟ B. S. Management
Doyle, Lewis B. S. Bus. Econ. and Public Policy Drew, James Ellis B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.
Washington Huntington
Management Club; SAM.
Falcon Club; Interfraternity Council, v-p.; Skull Delta Upsilon,ҟ pres.;ҟ and Crescent; Sphinx Club. B. S. Gen. Bus. MRC Board of Gov., pres.; Newman Club.
Dubiak, Albin Steve
East Chicago
B. S. Marketing & Bus. Law Wabash
Duker, Douglas Dee
Junior Interfraternityҟ Council; Kappa Sigma,ҟ sec., pledge classҟ pres.;ҟ Skull and Crescent, treas.
Duncan, Charles Terhune
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Indianapolis
Sigma Chi, pledge trainer; Marketing Club; Skull and Crescent.
B. S. Accounting Dunn, Lewis Ronaldҟ Accounting Club; Intramural Athletics.
Makes, Walter Robert
Louisville, Ky.
B. S. Marketing
Accounting Club; Marketing Club; SAM. Tower Center,ҟ sec.,ҟ treas.;ҟ
B. S. Management Dye, James Alvinҟ
Dyer, John Williamҟ B. S. Insurance
New Albany
Marketing Club; SAM; Intramural Athletics.
Easterbrook, Ruthannҟ B. S. Bus.-Statistics
Pine Hall, gov.; I. U. Foundation; Omicron Delta; Trees Center Board of Gov.
Eggleston, Larry Gordonҟ B. S. Marketing
Management Club; Marketing Club.
Eilbacher, Leonard Eugeneҟ B. S. Real Estate Ad. Sailing Club.
Ellis, Timothy D.ҟ B. S. Marketing
B. S. Marketing
Marketing Club.
Elrod, Thomas E.
Management Club; Marketing Club; YMCA; Young Republicans.
Endsley, James Williamҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. English, Charles Richardҟ B. S. Finance
Richmond Lebanon
Epperson, Earl Eugeneҟ B. S. Marketing
Everett, Dennis Edwardҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.
South Bend
Marketing Club; Management Club.
Ewald, Robert Charlesҟ B. S. Finance I-Men's Club; Skull and Crescent.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Ewing, Bill D.ҟ Management Club.
Louisville, Ky. Bloomington
BUSINESS B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Loogootee Farrell, James Michaelҟ B. S. Accountingᵬ Martinsville Farren, Ronald Eugeneҟ Accounting Club.
B. S. Financeᵬ Gary Fawcett, William Alanҟ Committee. Alpha Kappa Psi,ҟ pledgeҟ trainer; SAM; Student Trafficҟ Purdue U.: Beta Theta Pi.
Financeᵬ Indianapolis Fearrin, Don Rayҟ B. S.ᵬ Finance Club.
B. S.ᵬ Management Highland Park, Ill. Feinberg, Jay Martinҟ
Zeta Beta Tau; Hillel Foundation; Management Club; Senatorial Assistant; Arbutus, treas.
Fennewald, Leroy F.ҟ Transportationᵬ B. S.ᵬ Hamlet Transportation Club.
B. S. Marketingᵬ Clarksville Ferguson, James Williamҟ Management Club, pres.
Jamestown Ferguson, Williamҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Kappa Delta Rho; Marketing Club; SAM.
Fiege, James Everettҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Indianapolis Kappa Sigma, sec.; Falcon Club; Marketing Club; Young Republicans.
Marketingᵬ Indianapolis Fife, John Josephҟ B. S.ᵬ
Marketing Club; Newman Club; Scabbard Sigma Chi; I-Men's Club; ҟ and Blade; Varsity Athletics.
B. S. Financeᵬ Filippo, Charles Edwardҟ Wanamassa, N. J. Kappa Delta Rho; Spanish Club; Sphinx Club.
Indianapolis Finn, Jeffrey Keithҟ B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ
Club; Hillel Foundation;ҟ Skull and Sigma Alpha Mu;ҟ Accountingҟ Crescent; YMCA.
Fortville Flanagan, Charles Bruceҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Indianapolis Fleming, Michael Edwardҟ B. S. Marketingᵬ Collegiate Democrats; Marketing Club.
Gary B. S. Financeᵬ Floyd, Donald Josephҟ Finance Club.
B. S. Accountingᵬ Indianapolis Folkening, Dale Thomasҟ Accounting Club.
Muncie B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Ford, Jerry Leeҟ Tower Center, gov.; Alpha Kappa Psi; Senior Class, male dir.; I-Men's Club; President's Cabinet; IRHA, treas.
Bloomington Foster, Samuel Kayҟ B. S.ᵬ Managementᵬ Management Club; SAM.
B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Indianapolis Francis, Jack Clarkҟ
Council; Skull and Crescent;ҟ SAM,ҟ v-p.; Theta Chi; Interfraternityҟ Sphinx Club, pledge trainer; Student Athletic Board.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Evansville Freudenberger, Kent Watsonҟ B. S.ᵬ Frisbie, Duane Leeҟ Accountingᵬ Anderson Accounting Club.
Fruechtenicht, Thomas Ericҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Ft. Wayne Sigma Nu; Alpha Kappa Psi; I. U. Foundation; SAM.
Gall, John Steveҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Highland Newman Club; Pershing Rifles; Scabbard and Blade, V.P.
Gallagher, Richard Francisҟ B. S. Accountingᵬ Gary Sigma Phi Epsilon, v-p.; Accounting Club; Alpha Kappa Psi; Management Club; SAM; YMCA.
Ganns, Richard Josephҟ B. S. Marketingᵬ South Bend Management Club; Marketing Club.
Gecowets, Robert Eugeneҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Bloomington Management Club; Wesley Foundation; Real Estate Club.
Geneteau, Roberto AlejandroB. S. Management Colon, Panama Alpha Kappa Psi; Cosmopolitan Club; Spanish Club; Varsity Athletics.
Gerke, Richard Daleҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Ft. Wayne Management Club; Marketing Club; SAM.
German, Robert Michaelҟ B. S. Marketingᵬ Valparaiso Zeta Beta Tau, rush chair.; Indiana Daily Student; Hillel Foundation; Marketing Club; Skull and Crescent;Arbutus, personnel director.
Giacoletti, Robert R.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Clinton Accounting Club, v-p.; Phi Eta Sigma.
Gibbons, Jane Elizabethҟ B. S. Bus.-Statistics Willow Branch
Sigma Kappa, treas.;ҟ Alphaҟ Lambda Delta; Beta Gamma Sigma; Senior Class, sec.; I. U. Foundation; Pleiades.
Gilbert, Gordon Walterҟ B. S. Management Sherrill, N. Y.
Theta Chi, v-p.; Arnold Air Society; Falcon Club; I. U. Foundation; SAM; Sphinx Club.
Gimlich, Earl Frederickҟ B. S. Accountingᵬ Wadesville Tower Center Board of Gov.; Towers Center Judicial Board; Accounting Club, treas.; Alpha Kappa Psi.
Ginzel, Bryon Eldonҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Ossian B. S. Marketingᵬ Goldberg, Arnold Edwardҟ South Bend business manager; Blue Key, treas.; Scabbard Zeta Beta Tau: Arbutus,ᵬ and Blade; Skull and Crescent.
Gary Goldberg, Joseph Michaelҟ B. S. Marketingᵬ Skull and Crescent; Zeta Beta Tau, pledge trainer; I. U. Foundation;ҟ Sphinx Club; Student Senate.
BUSINESS Port Chester, N. Y. Financeᵬ B. S.ᵬ Golden, Iris Juneҟ Finance Club; Tower E, gov.; Enomene;ҟ treas.;ҟ Alpha Epsilon Phi,ҟ Senatorial Assistant.
East Chicago B. S. Accountingᵬ Goldsmith, Marshall Jayҟ Accounting Club; Hillel Athletics.
Varsity sec.;ҟ Foundation; I-Men's Club,ҟ
Shelbyville B. S. Marketingᵬ Graham, James Kermitҟ Sphinx Club; Phi Delta Theta; Marketing Club; Skull and Crescent;ҟ Young Republicans.
Kokomo B. S. Marketingᵬ Grainger, Phillip Rexҟ Chicago, Ill. B. S. Accountingᵬ Granich, Joseph Augustҟ ҟ Marketing Accounting Club: Cosmopolitan Club; Management Club; Club; Newman Club.
Shoals Business Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Graves, Janice Kayҟ Omega Delta.
Coal City B. S. Marketingᵬ Graves, Wendell Keithҟ Indianapolis B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Gray, Arthur L. Jr.ҟ Delta Upsilon.
Mitchell B. S. Marketingᵬ Green, Jerome Francisҟ Phi Kappa Theta, rush chair.; Marketing Club; Newman Club.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Highland Park, Ill. Greenberg, Allen Royҟ
Zeta Beta Tau; Beta Gamma Sigma; Hillel Foundation; Scabbard and Blade; Senatorial Assistant.
Walnut Ridge, Ark. Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Greer, Robert Jayҟ
Finance Club; Flying Club; Management Club; Marketing Club; Young Republicans.
Pittsboro B. S. Marketingᵬ Gregory, Gary Robertҟ Marketing Club; I. U. Conservative League.
Jeffersonville B. S. Marketingᵬ Groth, Kenneth Geneҟ Alpha Tau Omega, pledge class pres., pledge trainer; I. U. Foundation: v-p.; Skull Club,ҟ Council, treas.; Managementҟ Junior Interfraternityҟ and Crescent; Sphinx Club.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Indianapolis Groves, William Georgeҟ Delta Tau Delta, sec.; Delta Sigma Pi.
Guggenheimer, Richard SylvanB. S. Marketing Lowell, Mass. Student Theatre.
Lafayette B. S. Financeᵬ Gullion, Thomas H. Jr.ҟ Acacia; Alpha Phi Omega; Finance Club; YMCA.
Ashtabula, Ohio B. S. Business Ed.ᵬ Gustafson, Jean Ellenҟ Sigma Kappa, v-p.; Enomene; Omicron Delta; YWCA;Arbutus.
Hall, Charles Gilbertҟ B. S. Accounting
Terre Haute
B. S. Management Hammond, Harold D.ҟ Hanna, Don Evanҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.
Bloomington Roachdale
Accounting Club; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
Beta Theta Pi, pres.; Falcon Club, treas.; Sphinx Club.
Hannum, Robert Lee Transportation Club.
B. S. Transportation
Haralson, Donald Huff
B. S. Transportation
Hardamon, Donald Lee
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.
Management Club.
Harding, Robert Reuben Finance Club.
Harris, Charles Edward
I-Men's Club; Varsity Athleti cs.
B. S. Finance B. S. Accounting
Harris, Ronald Sidneyҟ B. S. Marketing Zeta Beta Tau; Hillel Foundation.
Indianapolis Indianapolis Hammond
Harris, William Russellҟ B. S. Marketing
Management Club; Marketing Club; Skull and Crescent.
B. S.ᵬ Hawkins, Sandraҟ Bus. Econ. and Public Policy Shelbyville Management Club; Newman Club; Omicron Delta; Young Democrats.
Hayes, Cornelius C. Jr.ҟ B. S. Marketing North Syracuse, N. Y. Phi Delta Theta.
Hayes, Dennis Ryanҟ B. S. Accountingᵬ Mattoon, Ill. Tau Kappa Epsilon; Accounting Club; Newman Club; Sailing Club.
Hayes, Gary Maxҟ B. S. Financeᵬ Danville
Delta Chi, treas.;ҟ Falcon Club; Finance Club; Interfraternity Council; Little 500.
Hebert, Gerald Blakeҟ B. S. Marketingᵬ Gary
Delta Sigma Pi; Flying Club; Marketing Club; SAM; Young Republicans.
Hedges, Jerry Deeҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Marion Elliott House, vice-gov.; I-Men's Club; Baseball Senior Manager.
Hedman, Brian Rolandҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ South Bend Delta Sigma Pi; Arbutus.
Heinrichs, Nelson W.ҟ B. S. Marketingᵬ Indianapolis Finance Club; Marketing Club.
Hemelgarn, Donald Leeҟ B. S. Accountingᵬ Indianapolis Accounting Club.
BUSINESS B. S.ᵬ Hendricks, Jack L.ҟ Financeᵬ Indianapolis B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Hersch, Joel Waydeҟ Gary Alpha Epsilon Pi, treas.; Hillel Foundation; Marketing Club.
Hershberger, Jon Deeҟ B. S.ᵬ Financeᵬ Logansport Kappa Sigma, pres., treas., rush chair.; I. U. Foundation; Scabbard and Blade; Sphinx Club,ҟ v-p.;ҟ Fallҟ Carnival Steeringҟ Committee,ҟ chair.; YMCA.
di A
Hershberger, Terry Richardҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Logansport Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Blue Key; Senior Class, pres.; I. U. ҟ Foundation; President's Cabinet; Union Board.
Hetherington, John Davidҟ B. S. Management Chatham, N. J. Kappa Delta Rho; Skull and Crescent; SAM; Young Republicans.
B. S.ᵬ Hiatt, John Davidҟ Marketingᵬ Indianapolis
chair., pledge trainer; Alphaҟ Kappa Psi, Lambda Chi Alpha,ҟ rushҟ pledge trainer; Junior Interfraternity Council, pres.; Skull and Crescent.
ᵬ Marketing Richmond Hignite, Charles Reedҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketing Club.
Accounting Hill, Maurice Geneҟ B. S.ᵬ
ᵬ Ft. Wayne
Hilligoss, Phillip S.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ McCordsville Kappa Delta Rho; Accounting Club; Junior Interfraternity Council.
Elkhart Himes, Charles Howardҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Indianapolis Hinsch, Joanneҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Business Delta;ҟ Alpha Omicron Pi,ҟ v-p.;ҟ Marketing Club; Omicronҟ Senior Board; YWCA.
Indianapolis B. S. Accountingᵬ Hobbs, George Wayneҟ Accounting Club.
Valparaiso B. S. Marketingᵬ Hofferth, William Delmarҟ Indianapolis B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Holaday, Mary Loisҟ Marketing Club; YWCA.
B. S. Bus. Econ. and Public Policy Terre Haute House, John Mackҟ ᵬ Columbus B. S.ᵬ Management Howard, Ralph Maxҟ Pi Kappa Phi, pledge trainer.
South Bend Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Hoyt, Daniel Dexterҟ B. S.ᵬ Club, trainer; I. U. Foundation;ҟ Sphinxҟ Alpha Tau Omega, pledgeҟ treas.; Student Athletic Board.
Salem Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Hudson, Morris Rayҟ Marketing 100;ҟ Airҟ Society; Marchingҟ Arnoldҟ Lambda Chi Alpha;ҟ Club; Skull and Crescent.
Indianapolis Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Hume, Dale Edwardҟ Marketing Club; Spelunking Club.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Hunt, Thomas Edwardҟ Phi Sigma Kappa, pledge trainer; Young Republicans.
West Lafayette B. S. Managementᵬ Huron, William Elbertҟ Management Club.
Logansport Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Iles, Charles Emersonҟ Danville Financeᵬ B. S.ᵬ Ingle, John Davidҟ Singing Hoosiers; Skull and Crescent; Delta Chi; Cosmopolitan Club;ҟ Sphinx Club; Young Republicans.
Plymouth Accountingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Jacox, Larry Sanfordҟ Skull and Club; Management Club;ҟ Accountingҟ Theta Chi, sec.;ҟ Crescent; SAM.
Falmouth, Me. B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Jenness, Charles Wareҟ Sigma Chi; Varsity Athletics.
B. S. Business Ed.ᵬ Paoli Joehrendt, Oleeta Carolynҟ Strikettes,ҟ pres., chair.; Omicron Delta;ҟ Board,ҟ Read Center Referralҟ rec. sec.; Tau Beta Sigma, pres., treas.
Indianapolis B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Johnson, Donald Edwardҟ Newman Club; SAM.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Terre Haute Johnson, George Frederickҟ Skull and Council; I. U. Foundation;ҟ Kappa Sigma; Interfraternityҟ Crescent; Newman Club; Marketing Club.
Bloomington B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Johnson, John Marionҟ Marketing Club; Scabbard and Blade.
Hammond Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Jones, Robert Martinҟ Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Juerling, James Robertҟ Alpha Kappa Psi, pres., v-p.
Rensselaer B. S. Marketingᵬ Kanne, Michael Stephenҟ Interfraternity Arnold Air Society, v-p.;ҟ pres.;ҟ Lambda Chi Alpha,ҟ Council; Sphinx Club.
.1, . . I
I Oft .14. - :
Shelbyville B. S. Insuranceᵬ Kaufman, Barton Lowellҟ Zeta Beta Tau; I-Men's Club; Insurance Club; Student Athletic Board; Varsity Athletics; Young Republicans.
Elkhart B. S. Financeᵬ Keller, David Lawrenceҟ Delta Upsilon, pres.; I. U. Foundation; Interfraternity Council; Scabbard and Blade; Sphinx Club.
Sunman Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Kemp, Calvin Leeҟ Acacia, v-p.; Arnold Air Society; I. U. Foundation; Skull and Crescent; Student Athletic Board.
Crown Point Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Kerth, Philip Williamҟ Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Marketing Club; SAM; YMCA.
BUSINESS Lafayette Transportationᵬ B. S.ᵬ Kessler, Richard L.ҟ Transportation Club.
Marketingᵬ Columbus B. S.ᵬ Kestner, Elmer Nicholasҟ Beta Theta Pi; Indiana Daily Student; Marketing Club.
Greenfield Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Killian, Rex Phillipҟ JAWQ Board of Gov.; I. U. Foundation; Marketing Club.
Bloomington Accountingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Kimball, Robert Edwardҟ Accounting Club.
La Porte B. S. Marketingᵬ Kimmel, Richard Daleҟ Accounting Club; Management Club; Marketing Club.
Spencer B. S. Accountingᵬ Kinney, Stanley Howeҟ Phi Sigma Kappa; Delta Sigma Pi.
Frankfort Managementᵬ B. S.ᵬ Kite, Donald Paulҟ Sigma Pi; SAM; Square and Compass Club.
Gary Accountingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Klein, David Miltonҟ
InterAccounting Club;ҟ Juniorҟ treas.;ҟ trainer,ҟ Kappa Sigma, pledgeҟ fraternity Council; JAWQ Board of Gov.; Skull and Crescent; YMCA.
Martinsville B. S.ᵬ Business Ed.ᵬ Klopp, Ruth Annҟ Weatherwax, gov.
Klotz, John Edward
B. S. Accounting
Dewey House, vice-gov.; Accounting Club; Marketing Club; Newman Club.
Klotz, Robert William Accounting Club.
Knartzer, Edward John
Bloomington B. S. Accountingᵬ B. S.
Indianapolis Accountingᵬ
Chi Phi, pledge trainer; Accounting Club; Falcon Club; Newman Club; Sphinx Club.
Evansville B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Kramer, Larry Richardҟ Hammond B. S. Marketingᵬ Krawczyk, Gerald Donaldҟ Marketing Club; Newman Club.
Accountingᵬ Lafayette B. S.ᵬ Krueger, Jerome Richardҟ Accounting Club; Beta Alpha Psi; Tomahawk; Intramural Athletics.
Union Mills B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Krull, Sharon Graceҟ B. S. Management Kukoy, Stephen Jeanҟ
Canterbury Club; SAM; YMCA.
Bluffton B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Kyle, William K.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Management Labolt, Charles A.ҟ
Elkhart B. S. Marketingᵬ LaCounte, Earl Lewisҟ Marketing Club.
LaDuke, Ray Edwardҟ B. S. Accountingᵬ New Albany Accounting Club; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
B. S. Accountingᵬ Laing, Michael Richardҟ Logansport
Lancaster, Russel Charlesҟ B. S. Marketingᵬ Jeffersonville Landon, William LeRoyҟ B. S.ᵬ Transportationᵬ Wawaka I-Men's Club; Transportation Club; Varsity Athletics.
Lash, Russell Earl B.ҟ B. S. Marketingᵬ Indianapolis Marketing Club; Varsity Athletics.
Laskowski, Robert Terranceҟ B. S. Transportation East Chicago Transportation Club.
B. S.ᵬ Lawson, Dennis Leoҟ Marketingᵬ Shelbyville Pershing Rifles.
B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Shelbyville Lawson, Gerald Roscoeҟ ᵬ
Leake, William Pinkerton Jr.ҟ B. S. Marketing Sigma Chi; Marketing Club.
B. S.ᵬ Leonard, Thomas S. Jr.ҟ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Ft. Wayne Finance Club; Management Club; Young Republicans; Real Estate Club.
B. S.ᵬ LeVan, Ronald Menardҟ Financeᵬ Indianapolis Blue Key; Finance Club; Management Club; SAM.
Levenberg, Robert Davidҟ B. S. Real Estate Ad.ᵬ Gary Lewellen, Douglas Williamҟ B. S. Real Estate Ad. Bloomington
Forest Hall, v-p.; MRHAҟ Exec. Board; Varsity Athletics;ҟ Real Estate Club, sec.-treas.
B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Lewis, Mary Lynnҟ Paragon
Gamma Phi Beta, treas.; Accounting Club, sec.; Omicron Delta; YWCA.
B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Michigan City Lieber, Frederick Edwinҟ
Zeta Beta Tau, rush chair., pledge trainer; Hillel Foundation; Scabbard and Blade.
Lister, Richard Wayneҟ B. S. Accountingᵬ Lafayette Beta Alpha Psi; Accounting Club.
BUSINESS Transportationᵬ South Bend B. S.ᵬ Lizzi, Thomas Charlesҟ Transportation Club.
Syracuse Locke, Kathryn Jayneҟ B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Accounting Club; Panhellenicҟ Council; Phi Mu, corres. sec., treas.;ҟ YWCA; Hoosierettes.
B. S. Managementᵬ Muncie Locke, Malcom Frederick Jr.ҟ Alpha Tau Omega; Management Club; Scabbard and Blade; SAM.
Terre Haute Loeser, Juliusҟ B. S.ᵬ Financeᵬ
Zeta Beta Tau, sec.; Beta Gamma Sigma; Blue Key, pres.; Junior Class, male dir.; Scabbard and Blade, sec.
Crawfordsville Long, Donald Albertҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad. ᵬ Mishawaka Long, John Rayҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ
Phi Kappa Tau, pres.; Interfraternity Council; Kappa Kappa Psi; Marching 100; Singing Hoosiers.
Indianapolis B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Loser, Robert W. IIҟ Skull and Foundation; Scabbard and Blade;ҟ Phi Delta Theta; I.ҟ U.ҟ Crescent; YMCA.
B. S. Marketing Lowe, Stephen Garyҟ
Lambda Chi Alpha; Delta Sigma Pi; Marketing Club.
Ft. Wayne
South Bend Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Lower, Thomas Michaelҟ Alpha Tau Omega, v-p., sec., pledge trainer; I. U. Foundation Steering Committee; Marketing Club; SAM.
Accounting B. S.ᵬ Luther, Dale Bernardҟ
Beta Alpha Psi; Accounting Club; Alpha Kappa Psi.
La Porte
Gary B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Mackanos, Tarry Paulҟ Marketing trainer; Managementҟ Club;ҟ Sigma Alpha Epsilon, pledgeҟ Club; Newman Club.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Indianapolis MacLeod, John Sutherlandҟ
Delta Chi, v-p., sec.; Interfraternity Council; Skull and Crescent; Sphinx Club.
Columbus B. S. Marketingᵬ Mahoney, Donald Wayneҟ Marketing Club.
Insurance and Actuarial Sci. Michigan City Mann, Donald B. S.ᵬ
Logansport Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Marocco, William Louisҟ Alpha Kappa Psi; Flying Club; Skull and Crescent.
Mishawaka Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Marsh, Blaine Edwardҟ Chi Phi; Falcon Club; Newman Club.
New Augusta B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Martenet, David Langeҟ Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Kappa Psi.
Corydon B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Martin, Max Mansonҟ Interfraternity Club; Finance Club;ҟ Accountingҟ Sigma Phi Epsilon;ҟ Council; Marketing Club; Business Senior Board.
Indianapolis B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Martin, William Rogerҟ Beta Theta Pi; Management Club; Marketing Club; Sailing Club; Sphinx Club; Young Republicans.
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Accounting Club; Newman Club; I. U. Conservative League.
B. S. Real Estate Ad. Cincinnati, Ohio Mayer, Theodore A.ҟ I. U. Estate Club; Interfraternityҟ Council;ҟ Realҟ Sigma Alpha Mu;ҟ Foundation Steering Committee; Sphinx Club; Young Republicans.
Union City B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ McClurg, Michael Rossҟ Beta Theta Pi, v-p.; Falcon Club; Marketing Club; Skull and Crescent; Sphinx Club.
B. S. Bus .-J ournalism Indianapolis McElhiney, Larry Davidҟ
Indiana Daily Student; Finance Club; Insurance Club; Marketing Club; SAM.
Paoli Business Ed.ᵬ McIntosh, Beverly Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Panhellenic Foundation Steering Committee;ҟ I.ҟ U.ҟ Pi Beta Phi, pres.;ҟ Council; Student Elections Commission; Mortar Board.
McMahan, Thomas Michaelҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Ft. Wayne Phi Delta Theta; Marketing Club; YMCA; Young Republicans.
McMahon, Terry W.ҟ B. S. Accountingᵬ Hammond McNemar, Charles Galeҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ East Gary Meguschar, Allanҟ B. S.ᵬ Managementᵬ Spencer Acacia; Delta Sigma Pi; Management Club; Skull and Crescent; Student Athletic Board; SAM.
Meister, Edward Louisҟ B. S.ᵬ Managementᵬ Gary Management Club; Newman Club.
Menges, Lyle Duaneҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Bristol Marketing Club.
Meyer, Jon Frederickҟ B. S.ᵬ Managementᵬ Indianapolis Management Club.
Meyer, Mark Barkleyҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Ft. Wayne Alpha Tau Omega; Marketing Club.
Michel, Ralph Vernonҟ B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Dale Accounting Club.
Mikuta, Patricia Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Business Ed.ᵬ Griffith Omicron Delta, v-p.
Business Ed.ᵬ Miller, James Earlҟ B. S.ᵬ Scranton, Pa. Phi Sigma Kappa; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
Miller, Richard Darrellҟ B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Wanatah Chi Phi, treas.;ҟ Accountingҟ Cosmopolitan Club;ҟ Club;ҟ Scabbard and Blade.
Miller, Ronald Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketing
Miller, William Richardҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketing
West Lafayette
Phi Gamma Delta; Indiana Daily Student; Marketing Club; Scabbard and Blade.
B. S.ᵬ Milobar, Peter Johnҟ Accounting
Sigma Nu; Accounting Club.
Mirda, Louisҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Mishawaka Phi Kappa Theta, v-p., treas; Sphinx Club
Mitchell, Glenda Louҟ B. S. Business Ed.ᵬ Bedford Weatherwax, treas.
A. B.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Moore, James Earlҟ Peru
Accounting Club; Interfraternity Council;ҟ Skull and Theta Chi, treas.;ҟ Crescent; SAM.
Rushville B. S. Managementᵬ Moore, Philip Wyattҟ Sigma Chi, treas.; I. U. Foundation; SAM; Varsity Athletics.
Morton, Jerry Cliftonҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Indianapolis Collegiate Democrats.
Mount, Stuart Edwardҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Bloomington Mumma, Patrick Josephҟ B. S.ᵬ Management Alexandria, Va. chair.;ҟ I. U. Phi Kappa Theta, pres.,ҟ v-p.,ҟ pledgemaster, sec., rushҟ Foundation; Newman Club; Skull and Crescent; SAM.
Murvihill, Dennis Allenҟ B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Valparaiso Accounting Club.
B. S.ᵬ Mutz, Moffett Daleҟ Accountingᵬ Edinburg Beta Theta Pi, pledge trainer; Accounting Club.
B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Kokomo Neal, Gerald Leeҟ
Skull and Sigma Chi; Interfraternityҟ Council; Senatorial Assistant;ҟ Crescent; Sphinx Club; Student Elections Commission.
Bloomington Neawedde, James Allenҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Adᵬ Kappa Kappa Psi; Marching 100; Spelunking Club.
Neely, Jerome Charlesҟ B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Trevlac Alpha Tau Omega.
Marketingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Nelson, Elliottҟ Indianapolis Zeta Beta Tau; Marketing Club; YMCA; Collegiate Democrats.
Ligonier B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Nelson, Homerҟ Marketing Club; SAM.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Morristown, N. J. Nesty, Philip Brooksҟ Kappa Delta Rho; Alpha Kappa Psi.
Garrett B. S. Marketingᵬ Nixon, John Jeromeҟ JAWQ Board of Gov.; JAWQ, sec.
Marketingᵬ Elwood B. S.ᵬ Noble, Dan Allenҟ Alpha Tau Omega, sec.; I. U. Foundation; Scabbard and Blade; YMCA.
B. S.ᵬ Business Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis Orme, Lucinda Marieҟ Union Foundation; Mortar Board; Pleiades;ҟ Delta Delta Delta; I. U.ҟ Board.
Osanya-Nyyneque, A.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Financeᵬ Via Kisumu, Kenya Cosmopolitan Club; Phi Eta Sigma; YMCA.
Oster, Donald Vernonҟ B. S.ᵬ Accountingᵬ Georgetown Accounting Club; Varsity Athletics; Young Republicans.
Owen, George Nicholsonҟ B. S. Marketingᵬ Indianapolis Marketing Club.
B. S.ᵬ Oyler, Daniel Steffenҟ Managementᵬ Muncie Alpha Tau Omega; I-Men's Club; Scabbard and Blade; SAM; Varsity Athletics.
Pack, Ralph Williamҟ B. S.ᵬ Managementᵬ Marion Phi Kappa Psi; Management Club; Varsity Athletics.
Pappas, Harry Johnҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Hammond Parker, John Thomasҟ B. S.ᵬ Transportationᵬ Bloomington Parson, Earl Kennethҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Muncie Phi Gamma Delta; 1. U. Conservative League.
Patcheak, Donald Lee Clintonҟ B. S. Accountingᵬ Jasper Accounting Club.
Patterson, Jack Deanҟ B. S. Marketingᵬ Thorntown Sigma Chi; Marketing Club; Singing Hoosiers; Sphinx Club.
Patterson, Justin P.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Jasper Pi Kappa Phi; Arnold Air Society; Interfraternity Council; Flying Club; Newman Club.
Pearce, John S.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Carmel Pearson, Dan Duaneҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Ft. Wayne Sigma Nu, pres.;ҟ I. U.ҟ Foundation; Falcon Club, v-p.;ҟ Sphinx Club; YMCA.
Pegram, Charles Wesleyҟ B. S. Transportationᵬ Princeton B. S.ᵬ Transportationᵬ Pence, Thomas Georgeҟ Ft. Wayne Phi Delta Theta; Arnold Air Society, treas.; Young Republicans.
BUSINESS Perry, Judith Thomasineҟ B. S. Managementᵬ Bloomington Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Perry, Warren Earlҟ B. S.ᵬ Columbus Theta Chi; Junior Interfraternity Council; Sailing Club; SAM.
Peters, Kenneth W.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ New Albany Insurance Club; SAM; Young Republicans.
B. S. Marketingᵬ New Castle Pope, Thomas Jamesҟ
Management Club; Marketing Club; Finance Club; SAM; Young Republicans.
Bloomington B. S. Marketingᵬ Preissler, Samuel Edgarҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Terre Haute Price, Jerry Morrisҟ Delta Sigma Pi; Marketing Club.
Columbus A. B.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Pulse, Earl Burtonҟ I. U. Foundation; Junior Interfraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon,ҟ treas.;ҟ Council; Skull and Crescent; YMCA.
Columbus B. S. Accountingᵬ Pumphrey, Robert Larryҟ Arnold Air Society; Collegiate Democrats.
Elkhart B. S.ᵬ Marketingᵬ Putt, Richard Wendellҟ Management Club; Marketing Club.
Indianapolis B. S. Marketingᵬ Racer, Charles Michaelҟ Chi Phi; Marketing Club; Sphinx Club.
Indianapolis B. S. Accountingᵬ Redmond, David Jeromeҟ Newman Club; Accounting Club.
Ft. Wayne B. S.ᵬ Managementᵬ Reece, John Davidҟ Elliott House, treas.; Alpha Kappa Psi; SAM.
B. S.ᵬ Reynolds, David T.ҟ Transportation East Lansing, Mich. Delta Sigma Pi; Sphinx Club; Sailing Club.
Rider, David Curtisҟ B. S.ᵬ Accounting Birmingham, Mich. Accounting Club; Varsity Athletics; Young Republicans; YMCA.
Roark, George Michaelҟ B. S. Marketing Haddonfield, N. J. Beta Theta Pi; Marketing Club; Sailing Club; SAM; YMCA.
Rogers, Judith Annettaҟ B. S. Managementᵬ Elkhart Accounting Club; Omicron Delta; SAM, sec.; Senatorial Assistant.
B. S.ᵬ Rose, William C.ҟ Financeᵬ Plymouth
Sigma Chi, pres.; I. U. Foundation; Phi Eta Sigma; Sphinx Club; Fall Carnival Steering Committee, chair.
B. S. Financeᵬ Ross, Harry Stegner Jr.ҟ Washington Chi Phi, v-p., treas.; Finance Club; I. U. Foundation.
B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Ruge, James Davidҟ Chesterton Newman Club; Young Republicans.
Rush, Tom Davidҟ B. S.ᵬ Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Monticello
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, pres., v-p.; I. U. Foundation Steering Committee; Scabbard and Blade; Skull and Crescent; Sphinx Club.
Sager, Russell Ardenҟ B. S.ᵬ Managementᵬ Sullivan Alpha Tau Omega; SAM.
B. S. Marketingᵬ Sailor, Flawn Lamarҟ Elkhart JAWQ Board of Gov.; Flame Club; Marketing Club.
Salzarulo, William Peter Jr.ҟ B. S. Managementᵬ Richmond University of Dayton: Management Club; Accounting Club.
B. S. Marketingᵬ Schaub, Joseph Carlҟ Bloomington Phi Kappa Psi; Management Club; Marketing Club.
Scherrer, Paul Andrewҟ B. S. Marketingᵬ Indianapolis Phi Kappa Theta.
Schischka, August Albertҟ Hammond B. S. Business Ed.ᵬ Phi Sigma Kappa.
Schnier, Roy Ronaldҟ B. S.ᵬ Marketing & Economics Columbus Alpha Kappa Psi: Arbutus; Indiana Daily Student; Marketingҟ Club; SAM.
Schulman, Benjaminҟ B. S. Real Estate Ad.ᵬ Gary Zeta Beta Tau; Hillel Foundation.
Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Scott, Fred Jewelҟ B. S.ᵬ Muncie Management Club; Marketing Club.
Transportationᵬ Elkhart Scoville, Jerry Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ
Seegers, Glenn Clarenceҟ B. S. Accountingᵬ Cedar Lake Accounting Club; Delta Sigma Pi.
Financeᵬ Milton B. S.ᵬ Seely, Charles E.ҟ
Finance Club; Sailing Club; Wesley Foundation; Cosmopolitan Club:ҟ YMCA.
Seifert, Thomas Lloydҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Sigma Nu; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
B. S. Marketing Seward, Bruce Emersonҟ Delta Tau Delta; Sphinx Club; YMCA.
Finance Sharpf, Allen Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ B. S. Marketing Shearer, Larry Deanҟ Marketing Club; SAM.
Ft. Wayne Philadelphia, Pa. Peru Elkhart
BUSINESS Shinneman, Jack Douglasҟ B. S. Management
South Bend
Kappa Delta Rho,ҟ v-p.;ҟ Club; I. U.ҟ Foundation;ҟ Falconҟ Skull and Crescent; SAM; YMCA.
Bicknell B. S. Business Ed. Simpson, Samuel Bruceҟ Birmingham, Mich. Sintz, Peter V.ҟ B. S. Management Phi Delta Theta; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics; Oceanides.
B. S. Marketing Skillman, Donald Rexҟ
B. S. Marketing Slabaugh, Nicholas E.ҟ
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Sladek, Roger Williamҟ
Riverside, Ill.
Kappa Sigma, v-p., pledge class pres.; Delta Sigma Pi; Marketing Club; Senatorial Assistant; Sphinx Club; Interfraternity Council. Marketing Club. Delta Chi.
B. S. Bus.-Law St. Petersburg, Fla. Smallwood, Thomas H.ҟ Union U. Foundation;ҟ Blueҟ Key, v-p.; I.ҟ Phi Gamma Delta,ҟ treas.;ҟ Board, v-p.; YMCA.
B. S. Economics & Journalism Smith, Cecil Pierreҟ
sports ed.; Alpha Omega Alpha, sec.; Arbutus,ᵬ Alpha Tau Omega;ҟ Indiana Daily Student, sports ed.; Phi Eta Sigma; Scabbard and Blade; Sigma Delta Chi, treas.
B. S. Marketing Smith, Deane Karstenҟ
Kappa Sigma; Marketing Club; SAM; Young Republicans.
B. S. Marketing Smith, Don Paulҟ
Smith, Jean Evansҟ B. S. Marketing
Marketing Club; Newman Club; Sailing Club; Singing Hoosiers.
Alpha Kappa Alpha; Landes House, treas.; Marketing Club; NAACP; YWCA.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Smith, Jerry DuWayneҟ
Laurel Hall, gov., sec.-treas.ҟ
B. S. Marketing Smith, John Martinҟ
Collegiate Democrats; Marketing Club; SAM; Sphinx Club.
B. S. Transportation Smith, Ken Alanҟ
Butler Frankfort
Club;ҟ YMCA; Society;ҟ Sailingҟ sec.;ҟ Arnold Airҟ Phi Sigma Kappa,ҟ Young Republicans.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Smith, Richard Morganҟ
Delta Upsilon; Marketing Club; SAM.
B. S. Marketing Smith, Thomas Ronaldҟ
JAWQ Board of Gov.; Delta Sigma Pi; Marketing Club.
B. S. Management Smitherman, Shirley Annҟ
Michigan City Mooresville
Beta Gamma Sigma; Omega Delta; SAM; Young Republicans; YWCA.
B. S. Management Snodgrass, Richard C.ҟ Varsity Athletics.
B. S. Transportation Sparling, Ronald Leeҟ Transportation Club.
B. S. Marketing Spencer, Robert Eddieҟ Marketing Club.
B. S. Accounting Springer, Ross Eugeneҟ
Crown Point Osgood Plainfield Ft. Wayne
Delta Sigma Pi; Accounting Club; I. U. Lambda Chi Alpha, treas.;ҟ Foundation; Management Club.
B. S. Management Stants, Norma Elizabethҟ
Zeta Tau Alpha, pres., sec.; Enomene; I. U. Foundation; Mortar Board; Omicron Delta.
B. S. Bus.-Statistics Starr, Howard D.ҟ
Phi Kappa Sigma; Finance Club; Marketing Club.
Stephenson, Gorham Bradyҟ B. S. Management Bloomington Arnold Air Society; Management Club.
B. S. Marketing Stephenson, Paul Ronaldҟ
Beta Theta Pi; Accounting Club; Marketing Club, V.P.
B. S. Marketing Stevenson, David Lewisҟ
Leavenworth Whiting
JAWQ Board of Gov.; Arnold Air Society; Marketing Club. De Pauw University: Phi Gamma Delta.
Stewart, Terry Joҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.
Phi Sigma Kappa; Insurance Club; Pershing Rifles.
Stone, Carl Anthonyҟ B. S. Management
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Stoner, Dannie Delbertҟ
Management Club.
Elliott House, sec.-treas.
Stowers, Rochelle Annҟ B. S. Management
Strubbe, Thomas R.ҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.
Ft. Wayne
Lambda Chi Alpha; Delta Sigma Pi, v-p.
Stuart, W. Stanley Jr.ҟ B. S. Marketing
Beverly Shores
Sum, William Francisҟ B. S. Accounting
Swenson, Carl Johnҟ B. S. Marketing
Phi Delta Theta; Alphaҟ Deltaҟ Sigma, pres.;ҟ Deltaҟ Sigmaҟ Pi, v-p.; Marketing Club, pres.
Delta Upsilon; Falcon Club; Marketing Club; Scabbard and Blade; Skull and Crescent; Sphinx Club.
Swoverland, Katherine Millerҟ B. S. Business Ed. Bloomington Delta Zeta; Omicron Delta; Westminster Foundation.
Tankersley, Daniel Southworthҟ B. S. Finance South Bend Delta Chi, pres.; I. U. Foundation; Sailing Club; Skull and Crescent.
BUSINESS B. S. Marketing Terrill, Philip Richardҟ
Ft. Wayne
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; I. U. Foundation; Marketing Club; YMCA.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Thomas, Robert Haroldҟ
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Tinker, Ernest Leoҟ
JAWQ Board of Gov.
B. S. Business Ed. Titus, Janice Darleneҟ
B. S. Marketing Toensing, Trent Davidҟ
North Vernon
Alpha Xi Delta, treas.; Cosmopolitan Club; Omicron Delta; YWCA.
Alpha Tau Omega; I-Men's Club; Newman Club; Varsity Athletics.
B. S. Marketing Traeger, Norman Lewisҟ
South Bend
Zeta Beta Tau; Blue Key, sec.; Board of Aeons, sec.; Phi Eta Sigma; Junior Interfraternity Council, v-p.; Union Board.
B. S. Accounting Jacksonville, Ill. Tyrrell, David Williamҟ Accounting Club.
B. S. Accounting Umbach, Albert Johnҟ
B. S. Accounting Uptegraft, Larry Leeҟ
Accounting Club; Alpha Kappa Psi, treas.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Utter, Jon Channingҟ
Pershing Rifles; I. U. Conservative League.
B. S. Finance VanBuskirk, Thomas Deanҟ
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. VanDorn, Joe Williamҟ
Sigma, sec.; Etaҟ Betaҟ Gamma Sigma; Phiҟ Phi Delta Theta, treas.;ҟ Student Athletic Board, pres.; Young Republicans, pres.
B. S. Management VanLue, Robert Leeҟ
B. S. Marketing Vogler, Dorran Francisҟ
South Bend
B. S. Marketing Von Tobel, Paul Johnҟ
Francesvi Ile
Management Club; SAM.
Marketing Club; Newman Club.
B. S. Marketing Voreis, William Leeҟ
Marketing Club.
B. S. Management Waite, Ronald Eugeneҟ
B. S. Business Ed. Walker, Linda Maxineҟ
Arnold Air Society; Marching 100; SAM; Radio Club. Omicron Delta; Senatorial Assistant; SAM.
B. S. Accounting Walter, Gerald Kennethҟ
Chi Phi, pledge trainer; Cosmopolitan Club; Newman Club.
Waltman, David Johnҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. . Park Ridge, Ill. Young ReDelta Tau Delta, pledgeҟ classҟ pres.; I. U. Foundation;ҟ publicans.
B. S. Accounting Walton, Duane Norvalҟ
Accounting Club; Blue Key; I-Men's Club; SAM; Student Senate.
B. S. Management Ward, Albert Gilesҟ
Ft. Wayne
Delta Tau Delta, corres. sec.
Warrum, Dallas Murlҟ B. S. Management
Kappa Kappa Psi; Marching 100; SAM.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Watson, Richard Deckerҟ
Phi Delta Theta; Delta Sigma Pi, pres.; Marketing Club; Young Republicans.
B. S. Marketing Wetzel, Williamҟ
Chi Phi; Finance Club; Marketing Club.
B. S. Marketing Whisler, Robert Jayҟ
Buffalo, N. Y.
Phi Kappa Psi; Marketing Club, v-p.; Sphinx Club, treas.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Ft. Wayne White, William Thompsonҟ
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, pres.; Interfraternity Council; Skull and Crescent; Westminster Foundation; YMCA.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Columbia City Whiteleather, John W. Jr.ҟ
Senatorial trainer; Collegiate Democrats;ҟ pledgeҟ Assistant.
B. S. Marketing Whitlock, Deannaҟ
Rising Sun
Young ReMarketing Club; Omicron Delta;ҟ Clark House, vice-gov.;ҟ publicans.
B. S. Management Williams, John E. Jr.ҟ SAM.
B. S. Management Williams, Ralph Herbertҟ Acacia, treas.; SAM.
Bloomington Kokomo
B. S. Finance Williams, Roy Richardҟ
B. S. Marketing Wilsey, Mita Louiseҟ
Delta Upsilon; Finance Club; Young Republicans.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Wilson, Leland Wayneҟ
Acacia; Cosmopolitan Club; Finance Club; SAM; YMCA; Young Republicans.
B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad. Winslow, James Walkerҟ Phi Epsilon Pi, treas.
B. S. Accounting Wolf, Malcolm LeRoyҟ Accounting Club.
Kokomo Walton
BUSINESS B. S. Financeᵬ Indianapolis Wright, Clifford Rayҟ B. S. Gen. Bus. Ad.ᵬ Young, Raymond Geneҟ Elkhart Tau Kappa Epsilon, treas.; Interfraternity Council; Sphinx Club.
B. S. Marketingᵬ Gary Yudt, Edward Allenҟ Murray State College: Sigma Chi.
La Porte B. S. Accountingᵬ Zygmont, Jane Marieҟ Accounting Club; Newman Club.
DENTISTRY Portage D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Amos, William Craigҟ Alpha Epsilon Delta; Delta Sigma Delta; Phi Eta Sigma.
Beech Grove D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Bales, Jimmie Freemontҟ Delta Sigma Delta; Young Republicans; Junior American Dental Association.
Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Barb, Richard Edwardҟ Psi Omega.
Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Bauermeister, Donald Earlҟ Oaklandon D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Benefiel, Dale Allenҟ Delta Sigma Delta, v-p.
Indianapolis A. B. and D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Beratis, Harryҟ
Phi Kappa Tau; Cosmopolitan Club; Psi Omega; Trowel and Brush; Junior American Dental Association.
A. B. and D. D. S. Biology Poseyville Boren, David Wesleyҟ Delta Sigma Delta.
Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Bowling, Richard Paulҟ B. S. and D. D. S. Dentistry Evansville Bromm, James Alanҟ Delta Sigma Delta; Junior American Dental Association.
Fremont D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Brooks, Jack Duaneҟ Delta Sigma Delta.
Lima, Ohio D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Buchanan, Richard Stuartҟ Psi Omega.
Washington D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Cavanaugh, John Robertҟ Collegiate Democrats; Delta Sigma Delta; Newman Club.
Chamberlain, Norman Ellis D. D. S. Dentistry North Manchester
Delta Sigma Delta, treas.; Dental Senior Class, treas.; Junior American Dental Association.
Dentistryᵬ Indianapolis D. D. S.ᵬ Davidson, Ernestҟ D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Gas City Day, Richard Leroyҟ Spanish Club; Varsity Athletics; Xi Psi Phi; SNEA; Junior American Dental Association.
Indianapolis D. D. S.ᵬ Dentistryᵬ Ford, James Allanҟ Xi Psi Phi, pres.
Frey, James Douglasҟ D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Brownsburg Alpha Epsilon Delta; Psi Omega; Senatorial Assistant.
Garoutte, Horace Jr.ҟ D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Bristol Xi Psi Phi.
D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Gross, Michael Jonathanҟ Indianapolis Alpha Omega.
Hallingsworth, David Lawrence D. D. S. Dentistry Indianapolis Xi Psi Phi.
Harris, David Jamesҟ D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ La Porte Dental Freshman Class, treas.; Delta Sigma Delta; Newman Club.
Haslem, John Robertҟ D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Indianapolis D. D. S.ᵬ Hasler, John F.ҟ Dentistryᵬ Indianapolis Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Eta Sigma; Psi Omega.
Hohlt, William Fredrickҟ D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Indianapolis Psi Omega.
Horn, John Philipҟ D. D. S.ᵬ Dentistryᵬ Indianapolis Delta Sigma Delta.
Hopping, Michael D.ҟ D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Indianapolis Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Psi Omega; YMCA; Young Republicans.
Imboden, Howard Lowell IIҟ D. D. S. Dentistry Dayton, Ohio Psi Omega; Junior American Dental Association.
D. D. S.ᵬ Irwin, Robert R.ҟ Dentistry
Psi Omega, v-p.; Junior American Dental Association.
Marion Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Jackson, Earl Wayneҟ Brownsburg Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Jackson, Lloyd C.ҟ Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Jinks, James Cliffordҟ Lizton Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Jones, Gene Alanҟ Junior American Dental Association.
Plymouth Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Jones, Larry Danҟ Beta Theta Pi.
Indianapolis Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Kasle, Myron J.ҟ Dental Interfraternity Council; Junior Americanҟ Alpha Omega, pres.;ҟ Association.
Indianapolis Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Kelley, Louis Edwardҟ Xi Psi Phi.
Dentistry Camden D. D. S.ᵬ Kerklove, Vernard Charles Jr.ҟ Psi Omega.
Indianapolis Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Ketner, Vernҟ Psi Omega.
Freelandville D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Kirchoff, David A.ҟ
Delta Sigma Delta; JAWQ Board of Gov.; Junior American Dental Association.
D. D. S. Dentistry Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii Kitajima, Noritakaҟ Delta Sigma Delta; Junior American Dental Association.
Monroe City D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Klein, Herbert Raymondҟ Delta Sigma Delta; Junior American Dental Associationu.
New Albany Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Knable, Alfred L.ҟ Xi Psi Phi.
Patoka D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Kolb, Phillip Williamҟ Ft. Wayne Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Lebamoff, Nick Jamesҟ Collegiate Democrats; Philosophy Club; Psi Omega.
Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Lux, David Josephҟ Newman Club; Xi Psi Phi; Junior American Dental Association.
Browns burg D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Martin, Bob Alonzaҟ Terre Haute Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Martin, Paul W.ҟ Junior American Dental Association.
Indianapolis Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Martin, Rodger Alanҟ Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Mead, William R.ҟ Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Neville, John Edward Jr.ҟ
Sophomore Class, v-p.; Junior American Dentalҟ Delta Sigma Delta;ҟ Dental Association.
D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Indianapolis Newbauer, Bernard Allenҟ
Sigma Alpha Mu; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Alpha Omega; Interfraternity Council; Junior American Dental Association.
Terre Haute Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Nichols, John L.ҟ Evansville D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Parkinson, Robert Leslieҟ Psi Omega.
Indianapolis Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Ramos, Jose I.ҟ Delta Sigma Delta. Butler U.: Sigma Nu.
Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Ring, John MacKayҟ Delta Sigma Delta; Dental Senior Class, sec.;
Paoli Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Roberts, J. Keithҟ Delta Sigma Delta.
Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Rodgers, Harold Thomasҟ Bringhurst Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Rodkey, John Danielҟ Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Eta Sigma; Psi Omega; Singing Hoosiers.
Indianapolis Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Rollins, Richard Readҟ Hagerstown Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Russell, John Thomasҟ Alpha Epsilon Delta; Pershing Rifles.
Honolulu, Hawaii D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Sakurai, Edwin H.ҟ Psi Omega.
Hazleton D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Sanders, Fred Vernonҟ Dental Senior Class, pres.; Psi Omega.
Brownsburg D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Schultz, William Fredrickҟ
Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Epsilon Delta, pres.; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Eta Sigma; Junior American Dental Association.
Indianapolis Dentistryᵬ D. D. S.ᵬ Scott, William Bruceҟ Junior American Dental Association.
Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Sheller, Donald Fosterҟ
DENTISTRY Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Sherman, Thomas Leeҟ Psi Omega, treas.
Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Shideler, Peter Lurtonҟ Student Senate; Psi Omega; Junior American Dental Association.
Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Shupe, James Aaronҟ Delta Sigma Delta; Newman Club; Junior American Dental Association.
D. D. S. Dentistry Buffalo, N. Y. Staggs, Stephen Douglasҟ Phi Gamma Delta; Psi Omega.
Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Stamper, Stephen Willardҟ Psi Omega.
Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Ullrich, Thomas Williamҟ Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Wentz, Clarence Eugeneҟ Mishawaka D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Witham, Robert Jamesҟ Delta Sigma Delta.
Converse D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Wolfe, Nelson LaVerneҟ Junior American Dental Association.
Indianapolis D. D. S. Dentistryᵬ Wright, Robert Antonyҟ Delta Sigma Delta; Junior American Dental Association.
EDUCATION Freedom B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ
Abrell, Rachel Anniseҟ
ACE; Roger Williams Fellowship, treas.; SNEA.
B. S. Biology Abrell, Robert Josephҟ Acacia.
New Albany B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Adams, James Virgil Jr.ҟ
Management Club; Marketing Club; SNEA; Christian Science Organization, pres.
Bedford B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Alesia, James Ronaldҟ Indianapolis B. S. Language Artsᵬ Allen, Phyllis Jeanҟ Alpha Phi, sec.; Queens; Student Athletic Board.
Ft. Wayne B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Altekruse, Michael Kentҟ Phi Sigma Kappa; Freshman Class, v-p.; Sphinx Club; SNEA; History Club.
Evansville B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Altheide, Sandra Janeҟ Sigma Kappa; Arbutus; ACE; Senatorial Assistant; SNEA; YWCA.
Munster B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Anderson, Jane Leeҟ Kappa Alpha SNEA; Young Republicans; YWCA. Hanover College:ҟ Theta; Epsilon Mu Delta.
Ft. Wayne B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Anderson, Julia Nellҟ Alpha Gamma Delta; Belles; Enomene; Junior Panhellenic; Fall Carnival Steering Committee; Union House Council; YWCA.
East Chicago B. S. Mathematicsᵬ Anderson, Melvyn R.ҟ Cosmopolitan Club; Flame Club; SNEA.
Ft. Wayne B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Arnold, Nancy Janeҟ YWCA.
Terre Haute Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Aten, Mary Janeҟ Delta Gamma; YWCA; ACE; SNEA.
B. S. Chemistry & Mathematics Nashville Ault, Fredrick Keithҟ Delta Upsilon.
Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ South Bend Austin, Linda Leeҟ Alpha Xi Delta; Newman Club; SNEA.
Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Southport Ayers, Elva L.ҟ ACE; SNEA; Young Republicans.
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis Baggett, Shanda Fayeҟ Assistant; SNEA,ҟ v-p., sec.,ҟ treas.; HoKappa Delta, sec.;ҟ Senatorialҟ osierettes.
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Gallatin, Tenn. Bailey, Mattie Fayeҟ B. S. Elementary Ed. Campbellsburg Baird, Carolyn Purkhiserҟ YWCA.
B. S. Biologyᵬ Greensboro, N. C. Baker, Barbara Annҟ
Alpha Phi; Arbutus; Cosmopolitan Club; Wesley Foundation; YWCA; Little U. N.
New Castle B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Balph, Cecelia Catherineҟ Alpha Chi Omega; Newman Club; Pi Lambda Theta.
EDUCATION B. S. Language Arts Flossmoor, Ill. Bambace, Rosemary Carolҟ Alpha Gamma Delta; YMCA.
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed. ᵬ Hammond Baran, Jean J.ҟ Collegiate Democrats; Newman Club; SNEA.
Beaman, Nancy Aliceҟ B. S. Elementary Ed. ᵬ Speedway Alpha Lambda Delta; Newman Club; Pamarada.
B. S.ᵬ Social Studies Beckner, Dorisҟ
Beeker, Stephen D.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Indianapolis Biological Scienceᵬ Sailing Club; Skull and Crescent; YMCA.
Fairmount Behr, Betty Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursing Ed.ᵬ B. S. Fine Arts & Music Brownstown Beickman, Joseph Merleҟ Sinfonia, Kappa Kappa Psi;ҟ Marchingҟ 100, twirler; Phi Mu Alphaҟ treas.; Air Force ROTC Band, drum major.
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis Berterman, Susan Marieҟ ACE; I. U. Foundation; Sailing Club; SNEA.
Plymouth B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Bixel, Beverly Annҟ SNEA.
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Anderson Black, Judith Annҟ Alpha Phi; SNEA.
Indianapolis Blish, Virginia Stuartҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Logansport Booher, Sharon Elaineҟ Pi Beta Phi; WRA; YWCA.
Highland B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Bossard, June Elaineҟ Gamma Phi Beta; Hoosierettes; Symphonic Band.
Elementary Ed. ᵬ Sikeston, Mo. B. S.ᵬ Boyer, Cecilia Annҟ AWS Legislative Board; ACE; SNEA.
B. S.ᵬ Speech and Hearing Boyle, Bonnie Joҟ
Alpha Phi; YWCA; Sigma Alpha Eta; Little U. N.
Language Artsᵬ Liberty B. S.ᵬ Brendel, Thomas D.ҟ Tau Kappa Epsilon; Cosmopolitan Club; Junior Interfraternity Council.
New Castle Brenner, Beverly Annҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Jeffersonville B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Brewer, Doris Fayeҟ Phi Mu; SNEA; Little U. N.
Sand bor n Brewer, Vera Deanҟ B. S.ᵬ Biologyᵬ Indianapolis Brooks, Karen Dianeҟ B. S. Radio and TVᵬ Chi Omega; Senatorial Assistant; Theta Alpha Phi; Producers Guild.
Brown, Dennis Johnҟ B. S. Historyᵬ La Porte Brown, Enid H.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Phys. Ed. & Speech and Hearing Bremen
Hillel Foundation, sec.; PEMM Club; Sigma Alpha Eta; Sigma Delta Eta.
Brown, Susan Marieҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Logansport Delta Delta Delta, corres. sec.; Arbutus; YWCA.
Buckleh, Georgine A.ҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Flora, Ill. e
Alpha Phi, pledge trainer; ACE; Newman Club; YWCA.
Bunnell, Carolyn Louiseҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Jeffersonville Phi Mu; Belles; Little U. N., treas.; Young Republicans; Union Board.
Burkle, Carolyn Annҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis Belles; YWCA.
Burnett, Mary Jeanҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis Burnham, Natalieҟ B. S.ᵬ Speech and Theatreᵬ East Chicago Bush, Carol Sueҟ B. S.ᵬ Speech and Hearingᵬ Columbus Zeta Tau Alpha; YWCA; Sigma Alpha Eta.
Carbon, William Leeҟ B. S. Social Studiesᵬ La Porte Alpha Tau Omega; Little 500 (rider).
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Carlile, Judith Annҟ Otterbein Delta Zeta; ACE; Queens; SNEA; Wesley Foundation; YWCA; Miniature 500.
Elementary Ed.ᵬ Case, Jamia Jasperҟ B. S.ᵬ Indianapolis Kappa Kappa Gamma; Cosmopolitan Club; Enomene; I. U. Foundation; YWCA; Union Pop Concerts Committee, chair.
Childs, Donna Jeanҟ B. S.ᵬ Language Artsᵬ Tipton Alpha Gamma Delta, rec. sec., v-p.; Panhellenic Council; Senior Class, female dir.; Enomene; Mortar Board; I. U. Foundation; Pleiades.
Christman, Kenneth Ivanҟ B. S. Arts and Crafts Huntington Newman Club.
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Pekin Churchman, Joellen Mayҟ
Cimesa, Dianeҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Gary
EDUCATION B. S. Social Studies Indianapolis Clark, Lindley Edward Jr.ҟ Sigma Chi, pres.; Falcon Club; Skull and Crescent; Young Republicans.
Vincennes B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Cobb, Arthur Thomasҟ Sigma Alpha Epsilon, v-p., pledge trainer; Scabbard and Blade, pledge trainer; Cosmopolitan Club; Collegiate Democrats; Sphinx Club; Young Republicans.
South Bend Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Cohen, Ina Leeҟ
Alpha Epsilon Phi, pres.; ACE; Panhellenic Council; Hillel Foundation; SNEA.
B. S. Elementary Ed. Richmond
Coleman, Claire Thomlinson
Zeta Tau Alpha; ACE; Canterbury Club.
Gary Business Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Collins, Ann Marieҟ Kappa Kappa Gamma; AWS Charm Clinic.
Collins, Nancy Lyda
Batesville Social Studiesᵬ B. S.ᵬ
Phi Mu; YWCA, cabinet; Pleiades.
Munster Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Cornwell, Donna Leeҟ Zeta Tau Alpha; ACE; YWCA.
Lafayette B. S. Language Artsᵬ
Cragg, Patricia Karen
Alpha Gamma Delta; Enomene; I. U. Foundation; Pleiades; YWCA.
Arlington, Va. Social Studiesᵬ A. B.ᵬ Creel, Rachel Anneҟ Delta Delta Delta, v-p.
New Albany Social Studiesᵬ B. S.ᵬ Creps, David A.ҟ New Albany Language Artsᵬ B. S.ᵬ Creps, Joy Annҟ Southeastern Extension: Student Council, sec.; Alpha Delta Kappa.
Cunningham, Maureen L.
B. S. Language Arts Crown Point
Danner, Erla Marguerite
Indianapolis A. B. Language Artsᵬ
SNEA; Arbutus; Indiana Daily Student, asst. ed., women's ed.; YWCA.
Delta Delta Delta; Oceanides; YWCA.
Mentonc Social Studiesᵬ B. S.ᵬ Davis, Glen Deverlҟ Clearwater, Fla. Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Dean, Marty Leeҟ Kappa Kappa Gamma, pres.; Panhellenic Council; YWCA.
B. S. Language Arts Badin, N. C. DeBoalt, Frederick Davidҟ Theta Alpha Phi; Wesley Foundation; YMCA.
DeWees, Carol May
Elkhart Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ
Kappa Alpha Theta, pledge class pres.; Panhellenic Council, pres., sec.; Mortar Board; I. U. Foundation; Queens; YWCA, cabinet.
Anderson Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Diggs, Kay Sandraҟ Dinkledine, Warren Raymond B. S. Social Studies Mishawaka Donahue, Margaret Agnes
Danville, Ky. B. S. Nursingᵬ
Coulter Hall, v-p.; Cresset Club; Newman Club; Pi Lambda Theta.
B. S. Art Education Dowell, Deanna Roseҟ
B. S. Elementary Ed. ᵬ Ft. Wayne Druart, Dorothy Annҟ Chi Omega.
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Mishawaka Druelinger, Judy Maxineҟ Chemistry Wives Club.
Language Artsᵬ Amboy B. S.ᵬ Duncan, Avalyn Sueҟ Zeta Tau Alpha; SNEA.
B. S.ᵬ Language Artsᵬ Duncan, Judith Annҟ Anderson
Kappa Alpha Theta,ҟ treas.;ҟ I. U. Foundation Steeringҟ Committee; YWCA.
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Dye, Bonnie Lucilleҟ South Bend Sycamore Hall, treas.; SNEA; ACE.
Edgington, Bettyҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Hobart ACE; SNEA.
Ehrman, Barbara Jean
B. S. Elementary Ed. ᵬ Kokomo
Delta Gamma; YWCA; Oceanides, sec.
Eley, Frederick Johnҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.
Lambda Chi Alpha; Pershing Rifles 3rd Regimental Headquarters, exec. officer; Collegiate Democrats; Scabbard and Blade.
B. S. Elementary Ed. Ellison, Sandee Lynneҟ
Chi Omega, v-p., rush chair.; Arbutus; I. U. Foundation.
Michigan City
Ernst, Heidiҟ B. S.ᵬ Business Ed.
Pi Beta Phi, rec. sec.; Enomene; Oceanides; Omicron Delta.
B. S. Elementary Ed. Ervin, Joan Elaineҟ ACE.
Terre Haute
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ South Bend Eshelman, Nancy Annҟ Alpha Gamma Delta; Pleiades; Senatorial Assistant; YWCA.
Evans, Barbara Merritt B. S. Elementary Ed. Clifton Forge, Va. Pi Beta Phi; AWS Charm Clinic; YWCA.
B. S. Elementary Ed. Evanston, Ill. Evans, Susann Elizabethҟ Alpha Gamma Delta; Junior Panhellenic Council; SNEA.
Everitt, Thomas James
Forest Hall, pres.; YMCA.
B. S. General Science Bloomington
EDUCATION B. S. Speech and Theatreᵬ Elkhart Eyer, Ann Christineҟ Chi Omega, treas.
Elementary Ed.ᵬ Gary B. S.ᵬ Fekete, Donaldҟ Little 500 ( rider).
South Bend B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Fergus, Mary Leannҟ Forest Hall, treas., sec.; ACE; Newman Club; SNEA.
B. S.ᵬ Nursing Ed. St. Mary, Jamacia, West Indies Ferguson, K.ҟ
Fill, John J.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Social Studiesᵬ South Bend I. U. Conservative League.
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Chicago Fink, Nancy Sueҟ Hillel Foundation.
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Anderson Fischer, Beverly Yvonneҟ Alpha Gamma Delta; Arbutus; Singing Hoosiers; YWCA.
Fisher, Marilyn Sueҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Evansville Alpha Omicron Pi, corres. sec.; Angel Flight;Arbutus; ACE; YWCA.
B. S. Speech and Hearingᵬ Bedford Fitzpatrick, Mary Annҟ Sigma Alpha Eta.
Fox, Linda Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Bloomington Wesley Foundation.
Elkhart Frame, Carolyn Louҟ B. S. Russian & Englishᵬ Phi Mu, v-p.; Arbutus; I. U. Foundation; Pleiades.
B. S. Language Artsᵬ Terre Haute Frandzel, Malka Raeҟ Alpha Epsilon Phi; AWS Council; Arbutus; Hillel Foundation.
Bloomington Franklin, Judith Annҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ ACE; SNEA; YWCA.
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed. Highland Park, Ill. Freeland, Barbaraҟ
Delta Gamma, rec. sec.; ACE; I. U. Foundation; SNEA; Union Board; YWCA.
Kendallville Friend, Hallis Virginiaҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Delta Zeta, rec. sec.; AWS Council; Pleiades; YWCA.
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Sellersburg Fry, William Hiltonҟ B. S.ᵬ Social Studiesᵬ Spencer Frye, Myron E.ҟ
Accounting Club; Arnold Air Society; Logan Esarey History Club; SNEA.
B. S.ᵬ Business Ed.ᵬ South Bend Fuson, Julienneҟ Canterbury Club; SNEA; YWCA.
Terre Haute B. S. Frenchᵬ Geary, Kathryn Sueҟ Republicans; Gamma;ҟ Alpha Lambda Delta; Youngҟ Kappa Kappaҟ YWCA.
B. S. Elementary Ed. Columbia City Geyer, Marjorie Maxineҟ B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Gilbert, James Larryҟ Sellersburg
Gilhooly, Judith Raeҟ B. S. Language Artsᵬ Noblesville Indiana Daily Student.
Gilkey, Charles Morrisҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Gary Glover, John Michaelҟ B. S. Germanᵬ Danville Goodus, Donna Jeanҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ East Chicago Gamma Phiҟ Beta; Junior Panhellenic Council; Newman Club; ACE; SNEA.
Goos, Sydney Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Hamilton, Ohio Kappa Kappa Gamma, v-p.; Enomene; I. U. Foundation; Oceanides.
Graham, Lucy Brentҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Columbus Phi Mu, pledge trainer; YWCA.
Gray, Conna L.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Spencer ACE; SNEA.
Green, Barbara Leslieҟ A. B. Elementary Ed. Levitttown, N. Y. Sigma Delta Tau; Hillel Foundation.
Gregoline, Bonitaҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Gary ACE; SNEA.
Gross, Carol Jeanneҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Gary Sigma Delta Tau.
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Gust, Donna Lindleyҟ Gary Chi Omega.
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Ft. Wayne Guthrie, Jack Allenҟ SNEA.
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Gary Guzik, Lorene Dianeҟ
Gyi, Shirleyҟ B. S.ᵬ Chemistry & Mathematics Rangoon, Burma B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Plainfield Hadley, Janet Annҟ Delta Zeta; Arbutus; Wesley Foundation; YWCA.
EDUCATION Derby B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Hall, Anna Maryҟ Newman Club; SNEA.
B. S.ᵬ Speech and Hearing Jeffersonville Hammel, Patricia Annҟ Kappa Delta, rush chair.; Sigma Alpha Eta.
B. S. Elementary Ed. Dayton, Ohio Hanaghan, Patricia Annҟ Delta Gamma; SNEA; ACE.
Chicago, Ill. Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Hara, Francineҟ
Sigma Delta Tau; Enomene, treas.; Hillel Foundation; Panhellenic Council; Pleiades.
La Porte B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Harayda, Carol Louiseҟ ACE; SNEA.
La Porte Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Hargrave, Ruth Annҟ Protestant Student Council; Roger Williams FelAlpha Omicron Pi;ҟ lowship; YWCA.
Bloomington B. S. Language Artsᵬ Harrell, Jane Hudsonҟ Kappa Alpha Theta, rush chair.; YWCA.
Frankfort B. S.ᵬ Language Artsᵬ Harris, Martha Janeҟ Alpha Omicron Pi; Indiana Daily Student, asst. ed.; Queens; Singing Hoosiers; YWCA.
Gary B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Harris, Patricia Jeanneҟ East Chicago Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Harris, Theresaҟ ACE; SNEA.
B. S. Social Studies New Alban^ Harrison, Sharron Yvonneҟ
Marion B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Hartley, Russell Allenҟ Kappa Kappa Psi; Marching 100.
B. S. English & French Louisville, Ky. Harvath, Patricia Leeҟ Pi Beta Phi.
B. S. Elementary Ed. Hatrak, Andrea Julieҟ ACE; SNEA.
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed. Hayes, Matinaҟ Phi Mu; Little U. N.; SNEA.
B. S. Business Ed. Hedden, Carolyn Ruthҟ
Hammond Plainville
Lafayette B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Henderson, Mary Elizabethҟ Alpha Chi Omega, v-p.; Arbutus; YWCA; ACE.
Scottsburg B. S. Language Artsᵬ Henry, Sue Christieҟ Alpha Gamma Delta; Young Republicans; YWCA.
Sunman B. S. Mathematicsᵬ Herbert, David Josephҟ Varsity AthAcacia, pres.; lnterfraternity Council; President's Cabinet; ҟ letics.
Connersville B. S. Mathematicsᵬ Highfield, Robert Keithҟ Tower Quad, gov.
B. S. Russian & Englishᵬ Hobson, Patricia Louiseҟ Modoc Pine Hall, vice-gov.; Pamarada, treas., pres.; Alpha Lambda Delta.
B. S.ᵬ Speech and Hearingᵬ Chicago, Ill. Holtzman, Phoebe C.ҟ Sigma Delta Tau; Sigma Alpha Eta; Hillel Foundation.
Hommel, Jo Anneҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Beech Grove Belles.; YWCA.
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Hood, Rebecca Louiseҟ Winamac Pi Beta Phi; SNEA.
Hoople, Mary Elizabethҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Plymouth Alpha Omicron Pi; ACE; Pi Lambda Theta; YWCA.
House, Barbara Pfauҟ B. S.ᵬ Business Ed.ᵬ Jeffersonville Kappa Kappa Gamma; I. U. Foundation.
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Howard, Galeeta Annҟ New Albany Language Artsᵬ Howard, Judith Gayҟ B. S.ᵬ Hammond Alpha Omicron Pi; Arbutus; Indiana Daily Student; Young Republicans.
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Howland, Sandra Leeҟ Clarksville ACE; SNEA.
Huddleston, Janet Lynnҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis Alpha Phi; Belles; YWCA.
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Crothersville Huff, Mary Annaҟ
Hunt, C. Dianeҟ B. S.ᵬ Business Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis Alpha Chi Omega; I. U. Foundation.
Inman, Glen Edwinҟ B. S.ᵬ Social Studiesᵬ Indianapolis Protestant Student Council; SNEA.
Janicki, Rita Joҟ B. S.ᵬ Speech and Hearingᵬ East Chicago Sigma Alpha Eta; SNEA; ACE.
Business Ed.ᵬ Johnson, Don Philipҟ B. S.ᵬ Warren Tau Kappa Epsilon; Interfraternity Council; Junior Interfraternity Council.
Johnson, Judith Anneҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ New Albany ACE; SNEA.
EDUCATION B. S. Language Artsᵬ Knox Johnson, Nancy Kayҟ Sailing Club; YWCA; SNEA.
Karsell, Catherine Monroe B. S. Elementary Ed. Bloomington Kappa Kappa Gamma; Pi Lambda Theta; SNEA; Sailing Club.
Keeton, Arnitaҟ B. S.ᵬ Language Arts Cleveland Heights, Ohio Alpha Kappa Alpha; ACE.
B. S. Speech and Hearingᵬ Mishawaka Keiser, Janet Hopeҟ Zeta Tau Alpha, v-p.; Arbutus; YWCA.
Kelly, Arleen M.ҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.
B. S. Elementary Ed. Kemper, Anne F.ҟ
ҟ Kempler, Rosalind Jo B. S. Business Ed.
Delta Gamma.
Alpha Chi Omega; Arbutus; YWCA.
Elementary Ed. Kent, Julie Kayҟ B. S.ᵬ Delta Zeta, treas.; SNEA, V.P.
B. S. Elementary Ed. El Cerrito, Calif. Kepper, Diane Lenoreҟ Gamma Phi Beta, pres.; YWCA; ACE; SNEA.
Williams B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Kern, James G.ҟ Logansport B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Kimes, Marjorie Annҟ Alpha Gamma Delta, corres. sec.; Newman Club.
Petersburg B. S. Biologyᵬ Kinman, David Wendellҟ Marching 100.
Kinnett, Larry Williamҟ B. S. Language Artsᵬ Rising Sun Jordan River Revue; Young Republicans; SNEA.
Elementary Ed. ᵬ Attica Kirkman, Julienneҟ B. S.ᵬ Alpha Omicron Pi, v-p.; YWCA.
Auburn B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Klock, Anneҟ Pi Beta Phi, rush chair.; I. U. Foundation; Senatorial Assistant.
Hammond Kocal, Annette Lorraineҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Queens.
, iiiik
Kollintzas, Mary Georgiaҟ B. S. Social Studies East Chicago B. S. Social Studies Krueger, Richard Leeҟ
Forest Hall, vice-gov.; Singing Hoosiers.
East Chicago
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Munster Kula, Richard Walterҟ Singing Hoosiers.
Greentown Lake, Barbara Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Lake, Jack W.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Social Studiesᵬ Greentown Lake, Patricia Bakerҟ B. S.ᵬ Business Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis Lavengood, Susan A.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Wabash Alpha Phi; YWCA.
Leachman, James D.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Social Studiesᵬ Terre Haute Debate Team; Roger Williams Fellowship; Senatorial Assistant.
Lee, John Davidҟ B. S.ᵬ Business Ed.ᵬ Plainfield Leibson, Marjorie Sammyeҟ B. S. Special Ed. Louisville, Ky. SNEA; ACE; Bald Foundation; Strikettes.
Levy, Judith A.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Language Arts Cleveland Heights, Ohio Sigma Delta Tau.
Liechty, Lucille Yvonneҟ B. S. Language Artsᵬ Berne Delta Delta Delta; SNEA.
Lierman, Linda Bethҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis Young Republicans; YWCA; ACE; SNEA.
Lindman, Kay Aliceҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Munster Kappa Delta, sec.; Westminster Foundation; YWCA; SNEA; ACE.
Linner, Joanne Hildaҟ B. S. Biological Scienceᵬ Connersville Litterst, Joyce Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Art Educationᵬ Peoria, Kappa Delta; I. U. Foundation.
B. S.ᵬ Long, Victoria Annҟ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Columbus Alpha Chi Omega; Senior Class, treas.; I. U. Foundation Steering Committee; Mortar Board; President's Cabinet; YWCA Exec. Council.
Lowe, Judith Marleneҟ B. S. Speech and Hearingᵬ Evansville Sigma Alpha Eta, treas.; Pamarada, v-p., pres.; SNEA.
Luthi, Pauline Juneҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Valparaiso ACE.
Lynch, Annette Cecileҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Whiting ACE; Newman Club; SNEA.
EDUCATION Huntingburg Maxey, Marilyn E.ҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Sigma Kappa; ACE; SNEA; YWCA.
Mallett, Karen Anneҟ B. S. Arts and Crafts
B. S. Speech and Theatre Westport, Conn. Marchese, Marcia L.ҟ
Alpha Phi, pres.; Enomene, pres.; Freshman Class, sec.; Pleiades; Presidents Cabinet; YWCA.
B. S. Social Studies Massa, Paul Peterҟ Phi Sigma Kappa, treas.
Gary Mattingly, Jacquelyn Kayҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Kappa Delta, pres., treas.; Panhellenic Council; I. U. Foundation; ACE; SNEA.
Winona Lake Matula, Darleneҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Hammond B. S.ᵬ Social Studiesᵬ Maya, James Meadҟ Tau Kappa Epsilon; Cosmopolitan Club; Indiana Daily Student; Junior Interfraternity Council; Sailing Club; Singing Hoosiers.
B. S. Business Ed.ᵬ Galveston McCauley, James Henryҟ Phi Delta Kappa.
B. S. Elementary Ed. Springfield, Ohio McCleary, Ann Louiseҟ B. S. Physics & Mathematics Jeffersonville McCullum, Gerald E.ҟ Campbell House, vice-gov.; SNEA; YMCA; Young Republicans.
ҟ Elkhart B. S. Elementary Ed. ᵬ McDowell, Susan Jane YWCA.
ҟ McGarey, Martha Jane B. S. Elementary Ed. Sun City, Ariz. Findlay, Ohio McGarvey, Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed. ᵬ
Kappa Kappa Gamma; AWS Council; AWS, sec.; Enomene; I. U. sec.;ҟ Pleiades. Foundation Steering Committee, v-p.; Mortar Board,ҟ
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed. ᵬ Bloomington McGrayel, Leahҟ Gamma Phi Beta; Little U. N.; YWCA; SNEA.
B. S. Social Studies McKinney, Edward Leeҟ
South Bend
McMillan, Patricia Annҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ South Bend Delta Zeta, treas.; Arbutus.
Terre Haute McPherson, Saundra Louҟ B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Clark House, treas.; Queens; SNEA.
Meistrich, Linda Susanҟ B. S. Elementary Ed. Little Silver, N. J. Alpha Epsilon Phi; Hillel Foundation.
Warsaw B. S.ᵬ Menzie, Sabraҟ Social Studiesᵬ Indianapolis Metz, Linda Annҟ A. B.ᵬ Biologyᵬ Delta Gamma; Young Republicans; YWCA.
Miller, Nancy Lewisҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Speedway Alpha Chi Omega; Arbutus; ACE; Belles; YWCA.
Miller, Nancy Louҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Columbus Alpha Lambda Delta.ҟ Hanover College: Kappa Alpha Theta.
Minnis, Nancy Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis ACE; SNEA; Tau Beta Sigma; Hoosierettes.
Mohlke, Barbara Annҟ B. S. Business Ed.
Gamma Phi Beta; Sophomore Class, female dir.; WRA.
Moore, Ann Elizabethҟ B. S. Language Artsᵬ Portage SNEA.
Moore, Jerry Stewardҟ B. S. Mathematicsᵬ Shelbyville Moritz, James Williamҟ B. S. Language Artsᵬ Mar ion Westminster Foundation; Singing Hoosiers; YMCA; Young Republicans.
Mosier, Carol Ruthҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Pekin Mosier, Esther Albertaҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Bloomington Kappa Delta; SNEA; WRHA Exec. Board.
Mountz, Pamelaҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Garrett
ACE; I. U. Foundation;ҟ SNEA; YWCA. Hillsdale College:ҟ Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Musselman, Katharine Sueҟ B. S. Language Arts Jeffersonville Belles; I. U. Foundation; SNEA.
Musselman, Noelle Glenҟ B. S. Speech and Hearing Rochester Speech and Hearing Club; Sigma Alpha Eta.
Musson, Linda Louiseҟ B. S. Elementary Ed. Fremont, Ohio Delta Gamma; ACE; SNEA; Young Republicans; YWCA.
Myers, Patricia Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis Alpha Kappa Alpha; NAACP; ACE; SNEA.
Naylor, Bettye Louiseҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Bloomington Neal, Nyla Elaineҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Martinsville ACE; Young Republicans; YWCA.
EDUCATION Nelson, Geraldine A.ҟ B. S. Language Artsᵬ Hammond SNEA; Wesley Foundation; YWCA.
B. S.ᵬ Social Studies Nemcek, Gloriaҟ
Phi Mu, v-p.; Newman Club, sec.; SNEA.
Elementary Ed.ᵬ Neubauer, Freddaҟ B. S.ᵬ Indianapolis Alpha Epsilon Phi; Hillel Foundation; SEA; ACE; Hi-Fi Club.
Newman, Harrietҟ B. S.ᵬ Business Ed.ᵬ Miami Beach, Fla.
Sigma Delta Tau,ҟ treas.;ҟ AWS Council, treas.; Pleiades;ҟ Student Senate; Little U. N.
Nix, Mary Elizabethҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Gary ACE; SNEA.
Noble, Rochelle Annetteҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Tipton Alpha Gamma Delta; YWCA, V.P.
Nuzum, Myrna Anitaҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Anderson Alpha Chi Omega; ACE; YWCA.
Odom, Vernon Jr.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Language Artsᵬ Chesterton Arbutus; SNEA; Gamma Delta; Young Republicans.
Odusch, John M.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Biologyᵬ South Bend Phi Kappa Psi, v-p.; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
O'Hara, Susan Barrҟ B. S. Elementary Ed. Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Gamma Phi Beta; Sailing Club; Student Athletic Board.
Ohl, Constance R.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Language Artsᵬ Evansville Pi Beta Phi; Enomene; Jr. Panhellenic Council; YWCA.
B. S.ᵬ Palmer, Polly Annҟ Huntington Social Studiesᵬ Alpha Phi, treas.; Newman Club; YWCA.
Parks, Mary Louҟ B. S.ᵬ Delphi Elementary Ed.ᵬ Alpha Phi, sec.; Belles.
Passwater, Robert Deltonҟ B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Ft. Wayne Delta Tau Delta; SNEA.
Peasley, Cynthia Joҟ B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Stronghurst, Ill.
Pi Beta Phi, rush chair.; Enomene; I. U. Foundation; Young Republicans; YWCA.
Pepper, John E.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ New Albany Arbutus,. Flame Club; Student Senate; Varsity Athletics.
Phillips, Thomasҟ B. S.ᵬ Social Studiesᵬ Portage Place, Marilyn Kayeҟ B. S. Biological Science Hettering, Ohio Alpha Omicron Pi; WRA; YWCA.
Plaskett, Naomi Blumeҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Florence Hanover College: Alpha Delta Pi.
Plotkin, Phyllis Joyceҟ B. S. Speech and Hearing South Bend Sigma Delta Tau; Hillel Foundation; Sigma Alpha Eta, v-p.
Poling, Carol Joҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Bloomington Kappa Kappa Gamma; ACE; Young Republicans; YWCA.
Poorman, Allen L.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Business Ed.ᵬ Ft. Wayne Marketing Club; YMCA.
Porter, Lillian Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ Fine Artsᵬ South Bend Alpha Kappa Alpha.
Prugh, Sharon Kayҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Hammond SNEA.
Purcell, Loretta Kayҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Bloomington Zeta Tau Alpha; ACE; SNEA; Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.
Rambo, Phillip Deanҟ B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Decatur ACE; SNEA.
Ratts, Vicki Goreҟ B. S.ᵬ Language Artsᵬ Indianapolis Sycamore Hall, treas.; Enomene; YWCA; Home Economics Club, sec.
Reeves, Linda Sueҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Jeffersonville Reininga, Ellen D.
B. S.ᵬ Biological Scienceᵬ Evansville PEMM Club; Referral Board.
Roelke, Patricia Lynnҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ South Bend Alpha Xi Delta, v-p., sec., pledge class pres.; Jr. Panhellenic Council; Pi Lambda Theta; Pleiades; Sports Car Club, sec.
Roof, Texas K.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Social Studiesᵬ Ft. Wayne SNEA.
Rosenau, Doris Elaineҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Munster Zeta Tau Alpha; ACE.
Ruchman, Harriet Sueҟ B. S. Speech and Hearing Ft. Wayne Alpha Epsilon Phi, v-p.; AWS Board of Standards; Sigma Alpha Eta.
B. S.ᵬ Rucker, Judithҟ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Valparaiso Pi Beta Phi.
Rushworth, Paula Jeanҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Aurora Alpha Gamma Delta; YWCA.
Ryall, William Fondrenҟ B. S. Social Studiesᵬ New Albany
Sigma Alpha Epsilon;ҟ Interfraternity Council Judicialҟ Board, chair.; I. U. Foundation; Scabbard and Blade, pres.; Skull and Crescent; YMCA, cabinet.
EDUCATION Schnitzler, Mary Carrollҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Gary Chi Omega; YWCA.
B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Bluffton Schultz, Frederick Marshallҟ
Batesville Schutte, Juliann Elizabethҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ SNEA; YWCA.
Speech and Hearing Chicago, Ill. Schwartz, Rae Nanҟ B. S.ᵬ Sigma Delta Tau, v-p.; Hillel Foundation; Sigma Alpha Eta.
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Munster Schwartz, Sandra Kayҟ Sigma Delta Tau, sec.; Junior Panhellenic Council.
Brazil B. S.ᵬ Social Studiesᵬ Scofield, Nancy Annҟ SNEA. Hanover College: Kappa Alpha Theta.
B. S.ᵬ Arts and Crafts Scott, Vivian Annҟ Latin & English Seal, Charles J.ҟ B. S.ᵬ
Phi Kappa Theta, sec.; Newman Club; SNEA.
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Washington Seal, Marilynҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Pi Beta Phi; Senatorial Assistant.
B. S. Speech and Hearing Chicago, Ill. Seaman, Roberta Dianeҟ
Sigma Delta Tau; Hillel Foundation; Senatorial Assistant; Sigma Alpha Eta, sec.; YWCA.
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed. Rolling Prairie Sears, Norma Louiseҟ Campus Christians; Marching 100, twirler; Pamarada; Tau Beta Sigma.
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Hammond Sebahar, Patricia Raeҟ ACE; SNEA. Purdue U.: Phi Mu; Junior Panhellenic Council; Newman Club.
New Castle Selke, Dianeҟ B. S.ᵬ Language Artsᵬ Hanover College: Junior Panhellenic Council; Kappa Alpha Theta.
Shrago, Phyllis C.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Munster Sigma Delta Tau; ACE, treas.; Enomene; Hillel Foundation.
Sharvelle, Cynthia Elizabeth B. S. Elementary Ed. West Lafayette Alpha Gamma Delta; SNEA.
La Porte B. S. Speech and Theatreᵬ Shepherd, Judith Anneҟ Belles; Newman Club.
Sicks, Jane H.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Fairmount Siegesmund, Sharon Ellen B. S. Elementary Ed. Fort Carson, Col. Chi Omega; Angel Flight; Hoosier Hostess.
Silence, Jerry Lycurgasҟ B. S. Biologyᵬ Kokomo
Acacia; Interfraternityҟ Council;ҟ Pershing Rifles; Wesleyҟ Foundation; YMCA.
Silverman, Manuel S.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Language Artsᵬ South Bend Sigma Alpha Mu; Hillel Foundation; Varsity Band.
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Simpson, Judyҟ Flossmoor, Ill. Alpha Epsilon Phi; ACE; Hillel Foundation; SNEA.
Sims, Cheriseҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ East Chicago Smith, Barbara Aliceҟ B. S.ᵬ Language Artsᵬ Butler Sigma Kappa; Arbutus, office mgr.; Little U. N. Secretariat.
Singer, Doris Goldsteinҟ B. S. Speech and Hearing East Chicago Hillel Foundation; Sigma Alpha Eta.
ҟ ᵬ Smith, Marcella Ellen B. S. Nursing Ed. Aurora, Ill
ᵬ Smith, Sarah Jeanҟ B. S.ᵬ Social Studies Beloit, Wis. Alpha Gamma Delta, v-p. ; YWCA.
Souders, Ann Jeanetteҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Bloomington ҟ Sparks, Miriam Kay B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Stanford ACE; SNEA.
Spurgeon, Jeraldine Leeҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Chicago Ill. Alpha Phi, rush chair.; ACE; AWS Council; YWCA.
B. S.ᵬ Steele, Judith Annҟ Speech and Hearingᵬ Valparaiso Sigma Alpha Eta; Cosmopolitan Club; YWCA.
Stephan, Karen Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Ft. Wayne Kappa Delta, pledge class pres.; SNEA; Arbutus; Angel Flight; Junior Panhellenic Council; YWCA.
Stephenson, Sally Elaineҟ B. S. Language Artsᵬ New Haven Memorial Hall, sec., treas.; Angel Flight.
ҟ Stewart, Tamara Kay B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Bloomington ACE; SNEA.
Stidham, John E. SNEA.
B. S.ᵬ Spanish & Englishᵬ Richmond
Stockton, Janice Bain
B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Martinsville
Smithwood I, gov.; ACE; Pamarada; SNEA.
Stone, Susan Annҟ B. S. Elementary Ed. Delta Gamma; ACE; SNEA; YWCA, cabinet.
Evansville 225
EDUCATION Anderson Biologyᵬ B. S.ᵬ Stoner, Robert Geneҟ Alpha Tau Omega; Singing Hoosiers; SNEA.
Ft. Wayne Social Studiesᵬ B. S.ᵬ Storck, John Keeferҟ Little 500 (rider).
Speech and Hearingᵬ Munster B. S.ᵬ Stuart, Karinҟ Zeta Tau Alpha; Sigma Alpha Eta; YWCA.
B. S. Elementary Ed. Indianapolis Sullender, Charles Edwardҟ
Student Athletic Board; Student Senate; Union Board; Varsity Athletics; YMCA.
B. S.ᵬ Business Ed.ᵬ Swartz, Judie Jeanҟ Gary Chi Omega; YWCA.
Swathwood, James A.ҟ B. S. Social Studiesᵬ South Bend University Singers.
Swisher, Brenda Elizabethҟ B. S. Social Studies Winnetka, Delta Delta Delta; Wesley Foundation; YWCA.
Taber, Robert Josephҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Jasper Taylor, Lyla Nancyҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Bloomington Chi Omega; ACE; SNEA.
Taylor, Mary Joanneҟ B. S. Business Ed.ᵬ Laurel Sycamore Hall, v-p., pres.
Thompson, Kenneth A.ҟ B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Bloomington SNEA; Basketball Mgr.; YMCA
Tillery, Rollie Lynnҟ B. S.ᵬ General Scienceᵬ English Phi Gamma Delta; Rifle Club; American Chemical Society; SNEA.
Tower, Thomas Joeҟ B. S.ᵬ Biologyᵬ Leavenworth SNEA.
Trout, Catherine Janeҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Lafayette Arbutus; YWCA; Miniature 500.
Tucker, Cynthia McGahanҟ B. S. Elementary Ed. Bloomington
Alpha Chi Omega; Alpha Lambda Delta; Enomene; YWCA; Christian Science Organization, treas., v-p.; Pi Lambda Theta.
Tynan, Mary Virginiaҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis YWCA.
Vance, Virginia Ruthҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Marengo SNEA.
Voigtschild, Norma Jeanҟ B. S. Elementary Ed. Bloomington VonBurg, Paul Thomasҟ B. S. Political Science Indianapolis Phi Beta Sigma; Campus Christians; Collegiate Democrats; YMCA.
Waggoner, Phyllis Anneҟ B. S. Elementary Ed. Bloomington Kappa Delta; AWS Council; YWCA; Hoosierettes.
Wallace, Wanda Hopeҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Bloomington
Alpha Xi Delta; Junior Class, female dir.; Oceanides; Pleiades; Student Senate; Phi Sigma Iota, sec., treas.
Ward, Wilma Maeҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ South Bend Waters, Ronald Russellҟ B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Indianapolis YMCA; Sphinx Club.
Waymire, John W.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Physics & Mathematicsᵬ Frankton Acacia; Cosmopolitan Club.
Weldy, Sandra Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ South Bend SNEA. Hanover College: Kappa Alpha Theta, treas.; Panhellenic Council; Choir.
Westfall, Marilyn Jeanҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis ACE; SNEA; Young Republicans; YWCA.
Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Whaley, Judy K.ҟ Bloomington Chi Omega, sec.; YWCA; SNEA.
Whitacre, Judith Annҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis Kappa Alpha Theta; Senatorial Assistant; AWS Charm Clinic.
B. S. Language Artsᵬ Whitelock, Janet Ruthҟ New Haven Alpha Xi Delta; Hoosierettes; SNEA.
B. S. Language Artsᵬ Muncie Whitlock, Julie Evansҟ Purdue University: Alpha Delta Pi, pres., pledge trainer; Theta Sigma Phi; Debris, junior ed.
B. S. Social Scienceᵬ St. Joe Wilder, Robert Lehrҟ Kappa Kappa Psi, v-p.; Marching 100; JAWQ Board of Gov., pres.; Young Republicans; I. U. Conservative League.
Wilkins, Marilyn Elaineҟ B. S. Language Arts Beech Grove Delta Delta Delta; Belles; Young Republicans.
Bloomington B. S. Social Studiesᵬ Williams, Joseph Fordҟ Collegiate Democrats; Marching 100; Wesley Foundation.
Converse B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Wolfe, Elizabeth Anneҟ Zeta Tau Alpha; ACE; SNEA; YWCA.
Greensburg Nursing Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Wonn, Doris Ellenҟ Cresset Club, treas.
Valparaiso Elementary Ed.ᵬ B. S.ᵬ Worstell, Eileenҟ ACE; SNEA; YWCA.
EDUCATION B. S. Biological Scienceᵬ Wright, Leslie Rayҟ Borden Tower Quad Board of Gov.; Intramural Athletics; Collegiate Democrats; SNEA.
B. S. Elementary Ed. & English Osgood Wright, Marie Brownҟ B. S.ᵬ Social Studiesᵬ Pendleton Younts, Sara Bethҟ Queens; SNEA; Wesley Foundation; YWCA.
Zaranka, Maryҟ B. S. Speech and Hearingᵬ East Chicago Pamarada; Sigma Alpha Eta.
B. S.ᵬ Elementary Ed.ᵬ Zimek, Louise F.ҟ Gary Arbutus; WRA; ACE; SNEA.
Zimmerman, Sara Gwendolyn B. S. Elementary Ed. Mishawaka
Gamma Phi Beta, pres.; I. U. Foundation; Junior Panhellenic Council; YWCA; Christian Science Organization.
Zukerman, Pearl Estelleҟ B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis B. S. Elementary Ed.ᵬ Zvonar, Kathleen Roseҟ Whiting ACE; Newman Club; SNEA.
HPER Allen, Mary Elinorҟ B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis
Delta Gamma, v-p.;ҟ American Recreation Society; I. U. Foundation; PEMM Club; WRA, sec.; IMU Hospitality Corp.; YWCA.
Braun, Terrence Josephҟ B. S.ᵬ Recreationᵬ Elkhart Phi Kappa Theta.
B. S.ᵬ Buchanan, Mary Judithҟ Recreationᵬ Madison American Recreation Society.
Caldwell, Eloin T.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed.ᵬ South Bend Kappa Alpha Psi,ҟ sec.-treas.;ҟ Tower D, pres.; I-Men'sҟ Club; I. U. Foundation; Varsity Athletics.
Campi, Richard E.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed. & Fine Artsᵬ Logansport
Varsity Athletics; Arnold Air Society; Air Force Rifle Team; Air Force Drill Team.
ҟ Cindrich, Joseph Matthew B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Bloomington ҟ Cleveland, John William B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Princeton I-Men's Club.
ҟ Collins, Harrison Dean B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed.ᵬ Mitchell Criswell, Donel Jamesҟ B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Monticello Alpha Tau Omega; Newman Club; Varsity Athletics; YMCA.
Dickens, Margaret Ellisҟ B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed.ᵬ Bloomington Kappa Alpha Theta; I. U. Foundation; PEMM Club; YWCA; Freshman Camp Steering Committee.
B. S. Physical Ed. Michigan City Ferguson, Marjorie Susanҟ
Pi Beta Phi, pledge trainer; PEMM Club; WRA Exec. Board; Young Republicans; YWCA.
Fiscus, Linda Louҟ B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis PEMM Club; Strikettes; WRA.
Fournier, Kenneth Thomasҟ B. S. Physical Ed. Bloomington I-Men's Club; Newman Club; Sailing Club; Singing Hoosiers; Varsity Athletics.
Goldfarb, Joseph M.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis Sigma Alpha Mu; Phi Epsilon Kappa; Varsity Athletics.
Goll, Phyllis Mardellҟ B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis PEMM Club, sec.; WRA.
Gumz, Terry H.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Health and Safetyᵬ South Bend Beta Theta Pi; I-Men's Club; I. U. Foundation; Varsity Athletics.
Hafron, Charles Frederick IIIҟ B. S. Recreation South Bend American Recreation Society; Varsity Athletics.
Hallberg, Ronald Charlesҟ B. S. Recreationᵬ Valparaiso Phi Eta Sigma; American Recreation Society, pres.
Hao, Lawrence Kaholoҟ B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed.ᵬ Hilo, Hawaii Cosmopolitan Club; Hawaiian Club; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
Harding, Karen Weigandҟ B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis Kappa Alpha Theta; PEMM Club.
Hill, Gary Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed. I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics; SNEA.
Hubbard, Sue Elaineҟ B. S. Physical Ed. PEMM Club; Strikettes; WRA Exec. Board.
Kitchell, Richard W.ҟ B. S. Recreation Phi Kappa Psi; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
B. S. Physical Ed. Kocsis, James Gregoryҟ Newman Club; YMCA; Varsity Athletics.
Bloomington Centerville Kokomo Mishawaka
HPER B. S. Physical Ed. Kovich, Maureen Juneҟ
B. S. Physical Ed. McCammon, L. Clarkҟ
Mortar Board; Pamarada; PEMM Club, pres.; WRA, pres. Delta Chi, rush chair.; Varsity Athletics.
B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed. McDaniel, Janet E.ҟ
Bloomington Westport
B. S. Physical Ed. Meadows, Roger Codyҟ Roger Williams Fellowship.
B. S. Recreation Meguschar, Judy Annҟ
Miller, Amy Joanҟ B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed. Oceanides; PEMM Club; Strikettes; WRA.
Indianapolis Plainfield
B. S. Physical Ed. Misner, William Donaldҟ
Sigma Nu; Phi Epsilon Kappa, sec.; Varsity Athletics.
Physical Ed. Moore, Judy Joҟ B. S.ᵬ
Muffie, Peter Frankҟ B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed.
Chicago, Ill.
Murphy, Roselyn C.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed.
PEMM Club; Strikettes.
I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
Sigma Kappa; Cosmopolitan Club; PEMM Club; Senatorial Assistant; WRA; YWCA.
B. S. Physical Ed. Norton, Marjorie Ruthҟ Memorial Hall, gov., sec.; PEMM Club; WRA.
A. B. Physical E d.ᵬ Olsaysky, William Jamesҟ Filbert, Pa. Beta Theta Pi; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
Recreationᵬ Columbus O'Neill, Danny Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ
Pentino, Anthony Louis B. S. Phys. Ed. & Bus. Ed. St. Louis, Mo. I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
Phillips, Donald J.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Recreationᵬ Bloomington American Recreation Society, treas.; Westminster Foundation.
Phipps, Anthony L.
B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed.ᵬ Bloomington Newman Club; Varsity Athletics; I-Men's Club.
Quinter, William H.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed. Silver Springs, Md. 1-Men's Club.
Reynolds, Larry Jamesҟ B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Loogootee Schmits, Fred Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed.ᵬ Princeton Trees Center Board of Gov., v-p.; Newman Club, pres.; SNEA.
Schroder, Sandra Jeanҟ B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Osgood Zeta Tau Alpha; Hoosierettes; PEMM Club; WRA, pres.; Pom Pon.
Skidmore, Constance Joҟ B. S. Recreationᵬ Evansville American Recreation Society, v-p.; Cheerleader; I. U. Foundation; Mortar Board; Pleiades; YWCA, v-p.; Enomene; Freshman Class, female dir.
Smith, Frank Geneҟ B. S.ᵬ Recreationᵬ Ft. Wayne American Recreation Society.
B. S.ᵬ Recreationᵬ Smock, Judy Annҟ Plainfield Delta Gamma; American Recreation Society; AWS Council.
Stonerock, Emily Luiseҟ B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Winchester PEMM Club.
B. S.ᵬ Physical Ed.ᵬ Stuckey, Larry Deanҟ Bloomington Acacia; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
Teboe, Allen McKinzieҟ B. S. Health and Safetyᵬ Muncie Phi Sigma Kappa, pledge trainer, pres.; Interfraternity Council; Marching 100; Student Athletic Board.
Thompson, Terry Leeҟ B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Bloomington Varsity Athletics.
Trombetta, Alexander D. B. S. Physical Ed. Mingo Junction, Ohio Varsity Athletics.
Underwood, Alice Annҟ B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Indianapolis PEMM Club, sec.; WRA.
Vail, Nancy Margaretҟ B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Ft. Thomas, Ky.
Kappa Alpha Theta; I. U. Foundation; I. U. Foundation Steering Committee; Student Athletic Board; Cheerleader.
Physical Ed.ᵬ Wason, Robert P.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Indianapolis Lambda Chi Alpha; Intramural Athletics; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Watts, Beverly Jayneҟ Aurora Zeta Tau Alpha; PEMM Club; WRA.
B. S.ᵬ Recreationᵬ West, Roy Leeҟ Helmsburg Sigma Pi; American Recreation Society.
B. S. Physical Ed.ᵬ Madison Whitehead, Edward Elliottҟ Kappa Alpha Psi; I-Men's Club; Varsity Athletics.
B. S. Recreationᵬ Bloomington Winston, John Thomasҟ Sigma Chi; American Recreation Society.
LAW J. D. Law Artz, James Williamҟ Phi Delta Phi, sec.; Student Bar Association.
L. L. B. Law Barger, George Williamҟ
South Bend Bloomington
L. L. B. Law Barney, John Richard Jr.ҟ
L. L. B. Law Bradshaw, Leslie Arnoldҟ
Delta Theta Phi; Young Republicans; Law School Honor Committee.
Arnold Air Society, sec.; Phi Delta Phi; Student Senate; Wesley Foundation, pres.; International Court of Justice, pres.
L. L. B. Law Brown, James Eugeneҟ
L. L. B. Law Brune, William Johnҟ
L. L. B. Law Burgett, John Michaelҟ
Phi; Phiҟ Deltaҟ Insurance Club;ҟ Delta Sigma Pi;ҟ Todd House, gov.;ҟ Young Republicans.
Law Club.
L. L. B. Law Byron, Dan Pierceҟ
North Vernon
Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Delta Phi; Student Bar Association.
L. L. B. Law Case, Frank Andrewҟ Sigma Delta Kappa, pres.
L. L. B. Law Chiappetta, Donald D.ҟ Phi Delta Phi; Student Bar Association.
Indianapolis Bloomington Noblesville
L. L. B. Law Cloe, Rafe Heathҟ L. L. B. Law Cone, Carroll Thomasҟ
J. D. Law Cremer, Charles F. Jr.ҟ
Phi Delta Phi.
J. D. Law Dabagia, Lee Warrenҟ Delta Theta Phi; I. U. Law Day, exec. chair.
L. L. B. Law Dailey, Thomas Alfredҟ Delta Theta Phi; Law Club.
L. L. B. Law Dale, David Clarkҟ
Michigan City Bloomington South Bend Anderson
J. D. Law Davisson, Daniel Stevensҟ Phi Delta Phi.
L. L. B. Law Dean, Russell J.ҟ L. L. B. Law Dietz, George Edwinҟ
Indianapolis Bloomington South Bend
J. D. Law Dunfee, Jack Clinton Jr.ҟ
Foundation; Interfraternity Council, pres.; I. U.ҟ Sigma Alpha Epsilon;ҟ Student Bar Association; Indiana Law Journal.
L. L. B. Law Elliott, James Williamҟ Phi Delta Phi; Student Bar Association.
Liberty, N. Y.
J. D. Law Ellis, Alva Owenҟ
Fetta, Frederick Arthurҟ L. L. B. Law
Beech Grove
Sigma Delta Kappa; Young Republicans. Phi Alpha Delta.
Flynn, Martin Johnҟ J. D. Law
Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi;Indiana Law Journal, ed. in chief.
Foley, David Williamҟ L. L. B. Law
L. L. B. Law Gamble, Daniel Jeffersonҟ
Law Club.
Gatchel, John Kennethҟ L. L. B. Law
Tell City
L. L. B. Law Geddes, Robert Williamҟ
Phi Delta Phi; Management Club; Young Republicans.
Gourley, John Phillipҟ L. L. B. Law
Graebe, Ralph Eugeneҟ L. L. B. Law
Grafton, Carol E.ҟ L. L. B. Law
Alpha Tau Omega, pres., v-p.; Phi Delta Phi.
Grolimund, Joseph Moritz Jr.ҟ L. L. B. Law Phi Delta Phi.
L. L. B. Law Guerrero, Manuel Paulҟ
L. L. B. Law Haase, William Charles Jr.ҟ
L. L. B. Law Hattendorf, Janice Kayҟ
Ft. Wayne
L. L. B. Law Henthorn, Charles Rexҟ
ҟ Greencastle J. D. Law Houck, James McPherson ҟ J. D. Law Bloomington Huffman, Rosemary Adams ҟ Crawfordsville L. L. B. Law Husted, Edgar Selwyn Mora, Minn.
J. D. Law Johnson, Robert V.ҟ
L. L. B. Law Johnson, Stephenҟ
Keller, Sherman Jackҟ L. L. B. Law
South Bend
J. D. Law Kias, Michael Jeromeҟ
Kreegar, Richard Earlҟ L. L. B. Law
Phi Delta Phi.
Phi Delta Phi.
J. D. Law Lawson, John Wesleyҟ Phi Delta Phi.
New Whiteland Aurora
L. L. B. Law Lehner, Charles Warrenҟ L. L. B. Law Levy, Joelҟ
South Bend
L. L. B. Law Linder, Charles Williamҟ
Phi Delta Phi.
Delta Theta Phi.
J. D. Law Lorber, John Judeҟ
L. L. B. Law Lyons, Herbert Leeҟ
J. D. Law Marshall, William Frankҟ
Alpha Epsilon Delta; Flame Club; Phi Delta Phi;Indiana Law Journal.
Phi Delta Phi; Student Bar Association.
Phi Delta Phi; Young Republicans; Law Club, treas., pres.
L. L. B. Law Martz, Hugo E.ҟ Phi Delta Phi.
Columbia City
Indianapolis ҟ Peru L. L. B. Law Maugans, John Conradҟ L. L. B. Law Mattox, Richard L.ҟ Phi Delta Phi.
L. L. B. Law McCain, William Reidҟ Law Club; Sigma Delta Kappa.
L. L. B. Law McClane, Clarence Josephҟ
McGaughey, Jerry Josephҟ L. L. B. Law
Phi Delta Phi; Young Republicans.
Student Bar Association; Newman Club; Phi Delta Phi.
Milan, Richard L.ҟ J. D. Law
Indiana Law Journal; Phi Delta Phi; Law Club.
Milun, Sidney T.ҟ L. L. B. Law
Mishkin, Sidneyҟ J. D. Law
Donora, Pa.
L. L. B. Law Moore, Joseph Cliffordҟ
L. L. B. Law Moses, Earl Richard Jr.ҟ
L. L. B. Law Moss, Gerald Leonҟ
South Bend
L. L. B. Law Neff, John Franklinҟ
L. L. B. Law Newman, Phyllis Roseҟ
Phi Delta Phi.
Phi Alpha Delta.
Phi Delta Phi; Indiana Law Journal; Student Bar Association, pres. Phi Delta Phi.
Young Republicans; Law Club.
Owens, Vernon Jeanҟ L. L. B. Law GRC, pres.
Oakland City
Pardieck, Margarett Stahlҟ L. L. B. Law J. D. Law Pasmas, Arthur Johnҟ
Sheridan Indianapolis
Delta Theta Phi, pres.;ҟ Student Bar Association, v-p.; Indiana Law Journal; Advocates Club.
Philips, William Pitt Jr.ҟ L. L. B. Law Greenville, Texas Student Bar Association; Young Republicans.
Prater, Keith Francisҟ L. L. B. Law Student Bar Association.
L. L. B. Law Price, Frank Johnҟ J. D. Law Rabb, Josephҟ
Franklin Indianapolis
Indiana Law Journal; Young Republicans, pres.; Law Club.
LAW L. L. B. Lawᵬ Indianapolis Reed, Robert Earlҟ L. L. B. Lawᵬ Logansport Richardson, Robert Rayҟ Phi Delta Phi; Student Senate.
L. L. B. Lawᵬ Crown Point Root, Clayton Dyer IIIҟ Phi Delta Phi; Student Bar Association.
Kentland L. L. B. Lawᵬ Sammons, William Fenwickҟ Phi Delta Phi.
La Porte L. L. B.ᵬ Lawᵬ Schumm, Gerald E.ҟ Delta Theta Phi; Student Bar Association.
ᵬ Indianapolis J. D.ᵬ Law Secrest. James M.ҟ ᵬ Mishawaka J. D.ᵬ Law Selis, John L.ҟ ᵬ Indianapolis J. D. Law Snyder, William F. Jr.ҟ Phi Delta Phi.
J. D.ᵬ Lawᵬ Steele, Gary Eugeneҟ New Paris, Ohio Stilwell, James W.ҟ L. L. B.ᵬ Lawᵬ Indianapolis Indiana Law Journal, assoc. ed.; Law Club, v-p.; Young Democrats.
J. D. Lawᵬ Tulley, Richard G.ҟ Indianapolis L. L. B. Lawᵬ Van Mele, Richard Johnҟ South Bend Phi Delta Phi; Newman Club.
VerBeek, Carl Edwardҟ J. D. Lawᵬ Bloomington J. D. Lawᵬ Wade, Robert Williamҟ Indianapolis Wallace, Larry Jayҟ L. L. B.ᵬ Lawᵬ Indianapolis Phi Delta Phi.
Wedding, David Stevensonҟ L. L. B. Lawᵬ Shelbyville Student Bar Association.
Wichser, John Griffithҟ L. L. B. Lawᵬ Indianapolis Phi Delta Phi.
Willsey, Filmore Wayneҟ L. L. B. Lawҟ Indianapolis Winter, Doyle Geneҟ L. L. B. Lawᵬ Bloomington Wireman, Lewis Talmadgeҟ L. L. B. Lawᵬ Medaryville Delta Theta Phi.
Wurster, William F.ҟ L. L. B. Lawᵬ Indianapolis Phi Delta Phi.
L. L.B.ᵬ Lawᵬ Evansville Ziemer, Ted C. Jr.ҟ Delta Theta Phi.
MEDICINE Anderson, Garland DeWayneҟ A. B. Medicine Indianapolis Phi Chi.
A. B. Medicine Arnold, Thomas Leeҟ
Sigma Alpha Epsilon;ҟ Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Etaҟ Sigma; Junior Interfraternity Council; YMCA.
M. D.ᵬ Baker, Charles Robertҟ Medicine
Phi Chi; Medical Junior Class, v-p.
Barnes, Gilbert H.ҟ M. D. Medicine Phi Chi.
Barrett, Lisa Katherineҟ M. D. Medicine
Alpha Epsilon Delta; Student American Medical Association.
Bauman, Richard Leeҟ M. D.ᵬ Medicine Phi Chi; Student American Medical Association.
Becker, Lowell Ervinҟ M. D. Medicine
West Lafayette Woodburn
Beer, Alan Earlҟ M. D.ᵬ Medicine Kano, Nigeria, West Africa Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Eta Sigma; Christian Medical Society, pres.
MEDICINE M. D. Medicine Begley, Robert Williamҟ
Nu Sigma Nu; Medical Senior Class, pres.; Senior Council; Student American Medical Association.
M. D. Medicine Belcher, Alan Devonҟ
M. D. Medicine Bennhoff, David Frederickҟ
Ft. Wayne
Al. D. Medicine Berkebile, Dale Eugene Jr.ҟ
Phi Gamma Delta; Nu Sigma Nu; Phi Beta Kappa.
Nu Sigma Nu, pres.
Richmond, Ky. M. D. Medicineᵬ Blue, Max Ewart Jr.ҟ Phi Chi; Student Union Board.
Indianapolis M. D. Medicineᵬ Boha, Maria A.ҟ Indianapolis M. D. Medicineᵬ Boha, Rudolph L.ҟ Ft. Wayne AL D. Medicineᵬ Boseker, Edward Herbertҟ Phi Chi.
Sheridan Al. D. Medicineᵬ Bower, Warren Henryҟ Phi Chi; Phi Eta Sigma; Medical Sophomore Class, v-p.
Elkhart Al. D. Medicineᵬ Boyer, Stanley Wadeҟ Association; Student American Medicalҟ Phi Chi; Senior Class, pres.;ҟ Senior Council, pres.
Goshen Al. D. Medicineᵬ Brooks, Kenneth Herbertҟ Marion M. D. Medicineᵬ Cain, Delver R.ҟ Nu Sigma Nu; Student American Medical Association.
Kentland M. D. Medicineᵬ Cast, William Ronaldҟ
Sigma Nu, pres.; Student Senate; Blue Key; Board of Aeons; Nu Sigma Nu.
Munster M. D. Medicineᵬ Chip, Jerold Normanҟ Sigma Alpha Mu, treas.; Falcon Club.
Elwood M. D. Medicineᵬ Copher, David E.ҟ M. D. Medicine Indianapolis Corpening, William Sidney Jr.ҟ M. D. Medicine Cox, Alfred Charlesҟ
Phi Chi; Student American Medical Association.
M. D. Medicine Crane, David Goodrichҟ
M. D. Medicine Crates, Gordon Colvinҟ
Croddy, Robert Wayneҟ M. D. Medicine
Delta Sigma Delta; Epsilon Delta Alpha. Phi Chi.
Phi Chi; Student American Medical Association.
Brownsburg Crosby, Reid Clippҟ Al. D. Medicineᵬ Evansville Cusick, James Alanҟ Al. D. Medicineᵬ Alpha Epsilon Delta.
M. D. Medicineҟ South Bend Cutner, Lawrence Paulҟ Phi Chi; Student American Medical Association; Medical Senior Class, treas.
A. B. Medical Scienceᵬ Remington Dauler, Thomas Pearceҟ Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Eta Sigma; Singing Hoosiers.
M. D. Medicineᵬ Argos Davis, Margaret L.ҟ
Alpha Epsilon Delta, sec.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Wesley Foundation; Student American Medical Association, sec.
M. D. Medicineᵬ Indianapolis Dayson, Louie Ottieҟ Al. D. Medicineᵬ Troy Dersch, David Matthewsҟ Phi Chi; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Student American Medical Association; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Eta Sigma.
M. D. Medicineᵬ Michigan City DeWitt, Dexter Darwinҟ Student American Medical Association; Varsity Band.
M. D. Medicine Dietz, David Jacksonҟ
Phi Chi; Student American Medical Association.
M. D. Medicine Dodge, R. Edward Jr.ҟ Christian Medical Society.
Indianapolis Speedway Marion
M. D. Medicine Doles, Ted Scottҟ
Phi Chi; Student American Medical Association.
M. D. Medicine Dragomer, Andreiҟ
East Chicago
M. D.ᵬ Medicine Egger, Ross L.ҟ
M. D. Medicine Penney, Martin Thomasҟ
Student American Medical Association.
Newman Club; Phi Chi; Student American Medical Association.
M. D. Medicine Ferguson, Stephen C.ҟ
Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Chi, treas.; YMCA; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Interfraternity Council, pres.; Phi Eta Sigma.
M. D. Medicine Foster, John Arthurҟ Phi Beta Kappa.
MEDICINE Pendleton M. D. Medicineᵬ Franklin, Thomas Daleҟ Pi Kappa Phi; Phi Chi; Alpha Epsilon Delta.
French Lick M. D. Medicineᵬ Gerkin, David Georgeҟ Phi Chi; Student American Medical Association.
M. D. & A. B. Medicine Bloomington Gibbs, Charles Parkerҟ Speedway M. D. Medicineᵬ Goodin, Walker Douglasҟ
Lawrenceburg M. D. Medicineᵬ Gresham, Edwin Leeҟ MRHA Exec. Board; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Chi.
Ft. Wayne M. D. Medicineᵬ Gugel, Lorenz Walterҟ Silver Lake M. D. Medicineᵬ Haney, James Albertҟ
North Hall, goy .; Alpha Epsilon Delta; MRC Board of Gov.; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Eta Sigma.
M. D. & A. B. Medicine Indianapolis Haygood, Thomas A.ҟ Bloomington M. D. Medicineᵬ Hensley, Kevin Charlesҟ South Bend M. D. Medicineᵬ Henson, Thomas Eugeneҟ Alpha Epsilon Delta.
Indianapolis M. D. Medicineᵬ Higgs, Lawrence Michaelҟ Alpha Epsilon Delta; Student American Medical Association; Pershing Rifles; Phi Chi.
Hammond M. D. Medicineᵬ Hinesley, Roger Kentҟ Student American Medical Association; Phi Chi.
Indianapolis M. D. Medicineᵬ Holden, Gary Reeseҟ Indianapolis M. D. Medicineᵬ Hunt, Karl Raymondҟ Alpha Omega Alpha; Phi Chi.
Rockport M. D. Medicineᵬ Jackson, Howard C.ҟ Bloomington Medicineҟ M. D.ᵬ Jay, Arthur C.ҟ
M. D. Medicine Johnson, Albert C. Jr.ҟ
M. D. Medicine Kershner, Charles R.ҟ
Phi Chi.
Phi Chi.
M. D. Medicine Kessler, Leonardҟ
Detroit, Mich.
Gary M. D. Medicineᵬ King, John Thomasҟ
Student American Medical Association; Interfraternity Council; Newman Club; Phi Chi.
M. D.ᵬ Knochel, Wayne Leeҟ Medicineᵬ Kentland Student American Medical Association; Phi Chi.
M. D. Medicineᵬ Attica Kochell, Richard Leeҟ Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Chi.
Balboa, Canal Zone Medicineᵬ Kourany, Edgarҟ M. D.ᵬ M. D.ᵬ Medicineᵬ Balboa, Canal Zone Kourany, Oscarҟ Kuntz, James Francisҟ M. D. Medicineᵬ Indianapolis Lawrence, Leonard Eugeneҟ M. D. Medicineᵬ Indianapolis Alpha Epsilon Delta.
Leahey, Jerome Martinҟ AL D. Medicineᵬ Union City Lewis, Wallis Bruceҟ Al. D. Medicineᵬ Frankfort Phi Kappa Tau; Phi Chi.
Longnecker, Lance E.ҟ M. D. Medicineᵬ Richmond Phi Chi.
Lowe, John Charlesҟ M. D.ᵬ Medicineᵬ Greensburg
Medical Junior Class, pres.; Medical Sophomore Class, treas.; Phi Chi, pres.; Senior Student Council;ҟ Student American Medical Association.
M. D. Medicineᵬ Lucas, John Thomasҟ Hammond Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Chi; Wesley Foundation.
Lumm, Arthur Benjaminҟ M. D. Medicineᵬ Wabash Interyarsity Christian Fellowship;ҟ sec.-treas.; Christian Medical Society,ҟ Student American Medical Association.
Markstone, David Haroldҟ M. D. Medicineᵬ Griffith Nu Sigma Nu.
Matsis, John Peterҟ Al. D.ᵬ Medicineҟ Gary Student American Medical Association; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Chi.
McCarthy, Daniel Francisҟ M. D. Medicineᵬ Indianapolis Phi Chi.
McCurdy, Robert Williamҟ M. D. Medicineᵬ Alexandria Student American Medical Association.
MEDICINE M. D.ᵬ Medicineᵬ Findlay, Ohio McGarvey, William K.ҟ Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Epsilon Delta: Young Republicans; Nu Sigma Nu; Student American Medical Association.
Indianapolis McNutt, Cyrus Charlesҟ Al. D.ᵬ Medicineᵬ Indianapolis Moore, Thomas S.ҟ M. D.ᵬ Medicineᵬ Phi Delta Theta; Nu Sigma Nu.
Pappas, Nicholasҟ A1. D.ᵬ Medicine
Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Student American Medical Association.ҟ
Parson, Ronald C.ҟ M. D.ᵬ Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta.
Petoe, Georgeҟ M. D.ᵬ Medicine Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Chi.
Medicine M. D.ᵬ Poncher, John R.ҟ M. D.ᵬ Prentiss, Harold B.ҟ Medicine
Ransburg, Robert C.ҟ M. D. Medicine
Ft. Wayne
Student American Medical Association; Nu Sigma Nu.
Riley, Paul D.ҟ M. D.ᵬ MedicineᵬMonroe
Alpha Epsilon Delta; Marching 100; Phi Eta Sigma; Westminster Foundation; Student American Medical Association.
M. D.ᵬ Medicineᵬ Gary Roger, Burtonҟ Zeta Beta Tau; Alpha Epsilon Delta, treas.; Skull and Crescent.
Greencastle Rountree, Clydeҟ Brananҟ Al. D. Medicineᵬ Alpha Tau Omega.
Medicineᵬ Evansville Ruff, Jerard Goekeҟ M. D.ᵬ Sigma Nu; Student American Medical Association; Little 500; YMCA.
M. D.ᵬ Medicineᵬ Indianapolis Ryan, C. Davidҟ Nu Sigma Nu.
M. D. Medicineᵬ Falmouth Schneider, Marvin Charlesҟ Medical Association; Association of American PhyStudent Americanҟ sicians and Surgeons.
Huntington Schneider, William Arthurҟ M. D. Medicineᵬ Anthropology Club; Alpha Epsilon Delta.
M. D. Medicine Schrier, Robert Williamҟ Alpha Omega Alpha.
Medicine Schulman, Miltonҟ M. D.ᵬ
Student American Medical Association; Phi Chi.
M. D. Medicine Searight, John Lewisҟ
M. D. Medicineᵬ Terre Haute Shriner, William Cuppyҟ Omega Alpha Delta; Student American Medical Association.
Shuck, William A. Jr.ҟ M. D. Medicineᵬ Madison Phi Gamma Delta; Nu Sigma Nu; Student American Medical Association.
Sims, Larry Wayneҟ Al. D.ᵬ Medicineᵬ Odon Al. D.ᵬ Sixbey, Maurice Deanҟ Medicineᵬ Rochester Slough, Richard R.ҟ Al. D.ᵬ Medicineᵬ Bourbon Smith, Lawrence Johnҟ Al. D.ᵬ Medicineᵬ Indianapolis Al. D. Medicineᵬ Smith, Stephen Mauriceҟ Huntington Phi Kappa Psi; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Nu Sigma Nu.
Snyder, Clarence Emilҟ Al. D. Medicineᵬ Vincennes Sobat, William Samuelҟ M. D. Medicine.ᵬ Gary Phi Chi; Student American Medical Association.
Spurgeon, Charles Haddonҟ Al. D. Medicineᵬ Berne Stanley, Laurel Jeanҟ Al. D. Medicineᵬ Westfield Senior Class, sec.
M. D. Medicineᵬ Stouder, Stephen Robertҟ Bloomington Alpha Epsilon Delta; Nu Sigma Nu.
Strickland, James Whiteheadҟ M. D. Medicine Indianapolis
Sophomore Class, treas.; Blue Key; I. U. Foundation; Nu Sigma Nu, v-p.; Phi Eta Sigma; Student Senate.
Sullivan, Daniel Richardҟ M. D. Medicineᵬ Goshen Student American Medical Association; Phi Chi.
Al. D.ᵬ Afedicine Kapoa, Kawai, Hawaii Takenoto, Wayne S.ҟ
Alpha Epsilon Delta; Student American Medical Association; Nu Sigma Nu; Hawaiian Club.
Al. D.ᵬ Medicineᵬ Tate, James Alanҟ Vincennes
Student American Medical Association; Medical Junior Class, sec.; Phi Chi.
AI. D. Medicineᵬ Troeger, Thomas Albertҟ South Bend Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Eta Sigma.
MEDICINE Medicineᵬ M. D.ᵬ Indianapolis Uhl, Richard Robertҟ
Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; Skull and Crescent.
Medicineᵬ Terre Haute M. D.ᵬ Walters, Linda Raeҟ M. D. Medicineᵬ Centerville Wambo, John M.ҟ
Lambda Chi Alpha; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Eta Sigma.
Cleveland, Ohio M. D. Medicineᵬ Ward, Charles Josephҟ Newman Club.
M. D. Medicineᵬ Hagerstown Weber, David R.ҟ
Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Eta Sigma; Nu Sigma Nu; Student Senate; Alpha Epsilon Delta.
M. D. Medicineᵬ Ft. Wayne Wehrenberg, Richard A.ҟ Nu Sigma Nu.
Wellington, David P.ҟ M. D. Medicineᵬ Indianapolis Nu Sigma Nu.
ҟ Wright, Benjamin Edgar M. D. Medicine North Manchester Student American Medical Association.
Ft. Wayne Yonkman, Gerhard Florianҟ M. D. Medicineᵬ Phi Chi; Student American Medical Association; Newman Club, treas.
MUSIC B. M.ᵬ French Hornᵬ Norman, Okla. Adair, Cretha Jeanҟ Alpha Lambda Delta; I. U. Orchestra; Tau Beta Sigma.
Galveston B. M. E. Music Ed.ᵬ Adkinson, Lois Marcelleҟ Sigma Alpha Iota, treas.
B. M. and B. M. E. Music Ed. Bedford Anderson, Judith Annҟ I. U. Orchestra; Mu Phi Epsilon.
B. M. E. Music Ed.ᵬ Wabash Bent, Michael Edwardҟ Wells Quad Judicial Board; I. U. Orchestra.
Veedersburg B. M. E.ᵬ Trumpetᵬ Boggs, Jon Williamҟ Alpha Tau Omega; I. U. Orchestra; Symphonic Band.
Elmhurst, Ill. Voiceᵬ B. M. E.ᵬ Bond, Nancy Jeanҟ Kappa Delta; Belles; Mu Phi Epsilon; Opera Theatre.
B. M.ᵬ PianoᵬPortland Bright, Beth Annҟ University Singers.
Brown, Karen W. B. M. and B. M. E. Piano & Music Ed. Butler
Pamarada; Sigma Alpha Iota; Pi Kappa Lambda; Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, sec., v-p.
Tell City Clarinetᵬ B. M. E.ᵬ Byrd, Barry Neilҟ I. U. Orchestra; Kappa Kappa Psi; Marching100. Byrd, Lynda Rae B. S. Voice & Radio and TV Ardmore, Okla. Arbutus; I. U. Foundation; Mu Phi Epsilon, rec. sec.; Little U. N.
Greenfield, Iowa B. M. E. Voiceᵬ Campbell, Sue Annetteҟ Pamarada; Foundation; Mu Phi Epsilon;ҟ Sycamore Hall, pres.; I. U.ҟ Queens; Student Senate.
Dallas, Texas B. M. E Voiceᵬ Davenport, Elizabeth Aliceҟ Jordan River Revue; University Singers; Opera Theatre.
Davis, Gilbert Eugeneҟ B. M. Voiceᵬ Norfolk, Va. Madrigal Singers; Opera Theatre.
Demaree, Robert W. Jr. B. M. Music Composition Greenwood Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia; Singing Hoosiers.
Edwards, Mary Catherineҟ B. M. E. Music Ed. Smithfield, Va. Eggelhof, Nancy B. M. and B. M. E. Music Ed. & Voice Indianapolis Read Center, v-p.; Sigma Alpha Iota; University Singers.
Elkins, Judith Anneҟ B. S.ᵬ Voiceᵬ Indianapolis Delta Delta Delta; Belles; Sigma Alpha Iota.
Foster, Sharon Gayleҟ B. M. E. Pianoᵬ Evansville Belles; Mu Phi Epsilon.
Galik, Claudia Daleҟ B. S.ᵬ Music & Businessᵬ Gary Alpha Lambda Delta; I. U. Orchestra; Mu Phi Epsilon, treas.; Young Republicans.
Ghent, Suzanne Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ Balletᵬ Detroit, Mich. Alpha Gamma Delta; Sigma Alpha Iota; I. U. Ballet; Usher Corps.
MU SIC B. Al.ҟ Haddad, Diana Claireҟ Piano & Voiceᵬ Houma, La. Newman Club; Madrigal Singers.
Harlow, Janet Glennҟ B. M. E. Alusic Ed.ᵬ Littleton, N. C. Mu Phi Epsilon.
Hepler, Frederick Monroeҟ B. M. E. Voiceᵬ Bremen Phi Kappa Tau, sec.;ҟ Singingҟ Hoosiers, pres.;ҟ YMCA;ҟ Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.
Himsel, Judith Annҟ B. M. E.ᵬ Voiceᵬ Jasper Pi Beta Phi; Belles.
Hublar, Dwan Vincentҟ B. M. E. Music Ed.ᵬ New Albany Kappa Kappa Psi, sec.; Marching 100; Symphonic Band.
B. M. E. Music Ed.ᵬ Hughes, Gary Wayneҟ Monticello Kappa Kappa Psi, sec., pres.; Marching 100; Roger Williams Fellow. ship; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.
Olney, Ill. B. M.ҟ Jackson, Carolyn Sueҟ Voiceᵬ
Sigma Kappa; Alpha Lambda Delta; Belles; Sigma Alpha Iota; Madrigal Singers.
Johnson, William Vannҟ B. M. E. Music Ed. Crossville, Tenn. Wells Quad, pres.; I. U. Foundation; Kappa Kappa Psi; Marching 100.
Julian, Winifred Annҟ Mitchell B. M. E. Music Ed.ᵬ King, Roselyn Charleneҟ B. M. E. Voiceᵬ Greensburg Alpha Xi Delta; Junior Panhellenic Council; Queens; Wesley Foundation; YWCA.
Pianoᵬ B. Al.ᵬ Gary Kozar, John Mitchellҟ
Newman Club; Singing Hoosiers; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, pres.; Madrigal Singers.
Lewis, Richard Gregory I. U. Orchestra.
B. M. E. French Hornᵬ Lafayette
B. AI. Pianoᵬ Wilmette, Ill. Litherland, Martha Janeҟ
Kappa Alpha Theta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pi Kappa Lambda; Sigma Alpha Iota; YWCA; Board of Academic Review.
B. Al.ҟ Organᵬ Rocky River, Ohio Lord, Ann Watsonҟ Alpha Lambda Delta; Mu Phi Epsilon, pres.; Pi Kappa Lambda, v-p.
B. Al.E.ᵬ Voiceᵬ Grayson, Ky. Malone, Carol Annҟ Belles; Sigma Alpha Iota; YWCA; Opera Theatre.
Harpᵬ Evansville May, Alice Marilynҟ B. M. E.ᵬ
Delta Gamma; Belles; Flying Club; I. U. Orchestra; Sigma Alpha Iota, rush chair., corres. sec.; Young Republicans.
Valparaiso B. M. E. Organᵬ McCallum, Margaret Jeanҟ Alpha Omicron Pi; Queens; Chimes of Christmas Steering Committee.
B. S. Music Therapyᵬ Monticello McClure, Elizabeth Janeҟ
Gamma Phi Beta, pledge trainer; Mu Phi Epsilon; Queens; WAGS Band; Symphonic Band.
New Castle B. M. Music Therapyᵬ McDaniel, Barbara Sueҟ Alpha Lambda Delta.
Mills, C. Stephen
Waukegan, Ill. B. Al.ᵬ Clarinetᵬ
Page, Diana Lee
B. M. E.ᵬ Pianoᵬ Sullivan
Gamma Delta; I. U. Orchestra.
Alpha Omicron Pi;ҟ Alpha Lambda Delta; Mu Phi Epsilon, v-p.; Pi Kappa Lambda; Pi Lambda Theta.
Partridge, Sarah Carsonҟ B. Al. Pianoᵬ North Vernon
Belles; I. U. Orchestra; Mortar Board; Pi Kappa Lambda; Sigma Alpha Iota.
B. M. E.ᵬ Pianoᵬ Peck, Judith Carolҟ Riverton, Wyo. Alpha Lambda Delta; Belles; Cosmopolitan Club; Sigma Alpha Iota.
Predd, Mary Joҟ B. M. E.ᵬ Voiceᵬ La Porte Alpha Chi Omega; Belles; Mu Phi Epsilon, v-p.
Renne, Mary Annҟ B. M.ᵬ Voiceᵬ Pontiac, Ill.
Alpha Xi Delta; Cosmopolitan Club; Mu Phi Epsilon; Queens; Singing Hoosiers; Westminster Foundation; Opera Theatre.
Ricks, Stanley Howardҟ B. Al. E. Alusic Ed.ᵬ Greenfield Kappa Kappa Psi; Marching 100; Phi Eta Sigma; Pi Kappa Lambda.
Shattuck, Margaret Annҟ B. M. E. Voiceᵬ Brazil Kappa Delta; Queens; Singing Hoosiers; University Singers; SNEA.
Shaw, Karenҟ B. M.ᵬ Pianoᵬ Norwalk, Conn. Chi Omega; Mu Phi Epsilon.
B. S. Music & Speech and Theatre Bluffton Shoup, Carol Annҟ Belles; Queens; Sigma Alpha Iota; Theta Alpha Phi.
B. Al.ҟ Voiceᵬ Auburn, III. Shutt, Cynthia Maeҟ Alpha Xi Delta; Mu Phi Epsilon; Young Republicans; Opera Theatre.
Slagle, Janice Louise
B. M. E. Voice Kappa Delta; Belles; YWCA.
Percussion Smyle, Irvingҟ B. M.ᵬ
ᵬ Argos
ᵬ Hempstead, N. Y.
I. U. Orchestra; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.
B. M. E. Alusicҟ Morgantown Stockton, James Douglasҟ Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.
Bloomington Voice & Sociologyᵬ Thomas, John W.ҟ B. S.ᵬ I. U. Orchestra; NAACP; University Singers; Opera Theatre.
B. Al. Pianoᵬ Bloomington Trinkle, Howard Bruceҟ I. U. Orchestra.
B. M. E. Music East Cleveland, Ohio Wesley, Jane Jordanҟ Gamma Phi Beta, sec.; Arbutus,. Mu Phi Epsilon; Opera Theatre.
NURSING Abbott, Judith Dianneҟ B. S. Nursingᵬ Huntington Medical Center Choraliers; Wesley Foundation; WRA; YWCA.
Ammerman, Mariellenҟ B. S. Nursingᵬ Knightstown Medical Center Choraliers; National Student Nurses Association.
Baker, Beverly Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Beech Grove
National Student Nurses Association; Medical Center Choraliers; Sigma Theta Tau.
Berkebile, Ruth Elizabethҟ B. S. Nursingᵬ Rochester Medical Center Choraliers.
Frankfort Bowen, Karen Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ National Student Nurses Association; Medical Center Choraliers.
Bloomington Brown, Martha Noreneҟ B. S. Nursingᵬ National Student Nurses Association; Medical Center Choraliers; Sigma Theta Tau; YWCA.
B. S. Nursingᵬ Frankfort Buchanan, Susan Lynneҟ National Student Nurses Association;Sound Waves, ed.; Sigma Theta Tau; Nurses Senior Class, pres.
B. S. Nursingᵬ Speedway Campbell, Sharon Sueҟ National Student Nurses Association; YWCA.
Nursingᵬ Anderson B. S.ᵬ Carr, Carolyn Sueҟ Nurses Senior Class, v-p.
B. S. Nursingᵬ Mobile, Ala. Carter, Charlotte Sueҟ
National Student Nurses Association; Alpha Lambda Delta; Sigma Theta Tau.
B. S. Nursingᵬ Anderson Chopson, Marilyn Anneҟ Sound Waves, asst. ed.
Indianapolis B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Cook, Judith Annҟ Medical Center Choraliers; Westminster Foundation; Basketball Team.
B. S. Nursingᵬ Indianapolis Cortese, Gloria Jeanҟ
Medical Center Association of Student Nurses;ҟ Alpha Omicron Pi;ҟ Choraliers; Newman Club.
Donahue, Victoria Peckҟ B. S. Nursingᵬ Evansville Alpha Lambda Delta; Newman Club.
Nursingᵬ Mooresville Enlow, Marcia Jeanҟ B. S.ᵬ Alpha Omicron Pi.
Nursingᵬ New Palestine Fox, Jayne Annҟ B. S.ᵬ
National Student Nurses Association; Medical Center Choraliers, pres.; Wesley Foundation; WRA; YWCA.
Logansport B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Fry, Doris Marleneҟ
National Student Nurses Association; Alpha Lambda Delta; Sigma Theta Tau.
Indianapolis Fults, Phyllis Janeҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ National Student Nurses Association; Basketball Team;Sound Waves.
Shelbyville Gaines, Julie Joҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ National Student Nurses Association.
Princeton B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Gilbert, Patricia Jeanҟ Medical Center Choraliers; Cresset Club.
Nursingᵬ B. S.ᵬ Grable, Sharon Sueҟ Kokomo
Medical Center Choraliers; National Student Nurses Association; Wesley Foundation.
Grist, Roberta Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Greenfield
Memorial Hall, v-p.; National Student Nurses Association; Nurses Junior Class, pres.; Junior Variety Show.
Guernsey, Linda Aliceҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Paoli
Strikettes; YMCA; National Student Nurses Association; Medical Center Choraliers; Sigma Theta Tau.
B. S.ᵬ Hardin, Betty Joanҟ Nursingᵬ Ellettsville Medical Center Choraliers; National Student Nurses Association.
B. S. Nursingᵬ Harmon, Roberta Louiseҟ Marion School of Nursing, exec. council; National Student Nurses Association.
Hohl, Carolyn Sueҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Indianapolis National Student Nurses Association; Medical Center Choraliers.
B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Hudnut, Jean Steffanҟ Portland Medical Center Choraliers; National Student Nurses Association;Sound Waves.
Huffor, Sharon Diningerҟ B. S. Nursingᵬ Danville National Student Nurses Association.
Jackson, Priscilla Margaretҟ B. S. Nursingᵬ Indianapolis Student Council, exec. committee; National Student Nurses Association; AWS Council; Enomene; Sigma Theta Tau.
Krueger, Gretchen Elizabethҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Bloomington Nurses Sophomore Class, pres.; Queens.
Nursingᵬ Linn, Judith Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Indianapolis Phi Mu.
B. S.ᵬ Lovell, Lonna Leeҟ Nursingᵬ Indianapolis
Alpha Gamma Delta; Medical Center Choraliers; National Student Nurses Association.
B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Royal Center Lucas, Bonnie Joanҟ
National Student Nurses Association; School of Nursing, exec. council, treas.; Campus Christians.
B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Indianapolis Lysaght, Mary Louҟ Kappa Delta; Newman Club; AWS; YWCA; Oceanides.
Nursingᵬ B. S.ᵬ West Lafayette Mayo, Margaretҟ
Nurses Sophomore Class, v-p.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Sigma Theca Tau; National Student Nurses Association, rec. sec.; Student-Faculty Government, v-p.
B. S.ᵬ Sheridan Nursingᵬ Miller, Marilyn K.ҟ Delta Gamma; Medical Center Union Board.
NURSING B. S.ᵬ Miller, Melindaҟ Nursingᵬ Vincennes Medical Center Choraliers; National Student Nurses Association.
B. S. Nursingᵬ Edgerton, Ohio Moffett, Catherine Aliceҟ Medical Center Choraliers; National Student Nurses Association;Sound Waves.
Nursingᵬ Nesbitt, Mary Evaҟ B. S.ᵬ Gas City
Elkhart Nusbaum, Janice Lynneҟ B. S. Nursingᵬ Nurses Junior Class, v-p.; National Student Nurses Association.
Park, Yvonne Jeanҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Crawfordsville
Alpha Omicron Pi; National Student Nurses Association; Alpha Lambda Delta; Sigma Theta Tau.
B. S. Nursingᵬ Indianapolis Parsons, Carroll Georgeҟ Sound Waves; Little U. N.; Wesley Foundation; YWCA.
Phillips, Leanneҟ Gary B. S.ᵬ and G. N. Nursingᵬ Lancaster, Ohio B. S.ᵬ Raikes, Verna Marieҟ Nursingᵬ Student-Faculty Government, pres.; National Student Nurses Association; Sigma Theta Tau.
Ft. Wayne Reim, Nancy Eleanorҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ
Kappa Delta; National Student Nurses Association; Nurses Sophomore Class, sec.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Queens; Sigma Theta Tau.
Huntington Ridgeway, Hollyҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ National Student Nurses Association; Medical Center Choraliers.
Indianapolis Riggs, Judith Lynnҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ
National Student Nurses Association; National Paraplegic Foundation; Nurses Junior Class, sec.
Bloomingdale Ritchey, Phyllis Jeanҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ
National Student Nurses Association; YWCA; School of Nursing, exec. council.
Roby, Camilleҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Anderson National Student Nurses Association; Wesley Foundation; YWCA.
B. S. Nursingᵬ Roush, Judy Hollingsworthҟ Indianapolis Sound Waves; Campus Christians; Tau Beta Sigma; Wesley Foundation.
B. S. Nursingᵬ Siefker, Barbara Jeanneҟ Greensburg School of Nursing,ҟ exec.ҟ council; Sound Waves;ᵬ National Student Nurses Association; Alpha Lambda Delta; Sigma Theta Tau.
NursingᵬElkhart Sommer, Diannaҟ B. S.ᵬ National Student Nurses Association.
Staggs, Linda Shuckҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Corydon
National Student Nurses Association; Nurses Junior Class, treas.; Sigma Theta Tau.
Templeton, Sandra Joҟ B. S. Nursingᵬ Hillsboro
School of Nursing, exec. council, sec.; National Student Nurses Association; Medical Center Choraliers.
B. S.ᵬ Tesch, Phyllis C.ҟ NursingᵬMuncie Medical Center Choraliers; National Student Nurses Association;Sound Waves.ᵬ
• Thomson, Marilyn Ruthҟ B. S. Nursingᵬ Pendleton Cresset Club; Medical Center Choraliers; National Student Nurses Association.
Timmerman, Cynthia Sueҟ B. S. Nursingᵬ Indianapolis National Student Nurses Association; Nurses Senior Class, treas.
B. S.ᵬ Tustison, Judy Marieҟ Nursingᵬ New Haven
National Student Nurses Association; Medical Center Choraliers; Nurses Sophomore Class, treas.; Sigma Theta Tau.
B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Van Buren Weber, Judy Annҟ Brownstown B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Weddell, Elaineҟ Medicalҟ Center Hoosierettes; Nationalҟ Studentҟ Nurses Association;ҟ Choraliers.
B. S. Nursingᵬ Bloomington Wentworth, Nancy J.ҟ
National Student Nurses Association, v-p.; Alpha Lambda Delta; YWCA.
Williams, Ruth Annҟ B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Indianapolis National Student Nurses Association; Cresset Club.
B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ West Lafayette Wisen, Linda Hanesҟ Nurses Senior Class, sec.; Oceanides.
Shelbyville B. S.ᵬ Nursingᵬ Wolf, Rebecca Ruthҟ Foundation; Nursesҟ Association; YWCA; Wesleyҟ National Studentҟ Basketball Team.
Nursingᵬ Indianapolis B. S.ᵬ Yates, Joanneҟ Sycamore Hall, referral board; School of Nursing, exec. council.
OPTOMETRY Seymour Optometryᵬ M. O.ᵬ Abner, Linton D.ҟ Richmond Optometryᵬ B. S.ᵬ Ashman, John Greggҟ Omega Delta.
Bloomington M. 0 .ᵬ Optometryᵬ Black, Jack Leeҟ Tipton B. S. Optometryᵬ Burkhart, Thomas Caseҟ Omega Delta.
Optometryᵬ Roanoke M. 0.ᵬ Carman, Richard Leeҟ Omega Epsilon Phi, pres.; Optometry Class, v-p.
M. O. Optometry Cincinnati, Ohio Carroll, Elmer Howardҟ Omega Epsilon Phi.
New Castle Optometryᵬ M. 0 .ᵬ Curry, Chester H.ҟ Omega Epsilon Phi, v-p.; Optometry Student Council.
Plymouth M. 0 . Optometryᵬ Decker, Theodore Frederickҟ Omega Epsilon Phi, sec.
Bloomington A. B.ᵬ Optometryᵬ Dunlap, Keith Ormanҟ Omega Delta.
Washington M. 0.ᵬ Optometryᵬ Greene, Karl Phillipҟ Omega Epsilon Phi.
Ft. Wayne M. 0. Optometryᵬ Huguenard, Ronald Danielҟ Poseyville M. 0 . Optometryᵬ Markee, Donald Wayneҟ Delta Upsilon, sec., rush chair.; Omega Epsilon Phi; Optometry Student Council. DePauw University: Varsity Athletics.
Jeffersonville B. S. Optometryᵬ Obremskey, Michael Janҟ Omega Delta.
Optometryᵬ South Bend Reisman, Miltonҟ B. S.ᵬ Omega Epsilon Phi; Optometry Student Council.
B. S. Optometryᵬ Yorktown Robbins, Thompson Neelҟ Omega Delta.
B. S. Optometryᵬ Rockport Schertzinger, Johnҟ Charlesҟ Omega Delta.
B. S. Optometryᵬ Indianapolis Schmidt, Carl Heinrichҟ Delta Upsilon; Omega Delta.
Optometryᵬ St. Joseph, Mich. Sisson, Gary Geneҟ B. S.ᵬ
Omega Delta; Eat and Speak Club; Alpha Phi Omega; Sailing Club; Optometry Student Council.
Optometryᵬ South Bend Snyder, Ronald Leeҟ B. S.ᵬ Omega Delta.
M. 0 . Optometryᵬ Jasper Stemle, Miriam Helenҟ Optometryᵬ B. S.ᵬ Arcola Stump, Monte R.ҟ Delta Upsilon; Omega Epsilon Phi; Pershing Rifles; Sailing Club.
Tillman, Stanley M.ҟ B. S.ᵬ Optometryᵬ St. Meinrad Omega Delta.
B. S. Optometryᵬ Mishawaka Turner, Kenneth Larenceҟ Omega Delta, treas.; Marching 100.
Van Cleve, Stephan Allanҟ B. S. Optometryᵬ Bloomington Omega Delta.
B. S.ᵬ Wessar, James LeRoyҟ Optometryᵬ Bloomington Omega Epsilon Phi.
Wilhite, James Kirkmanҟ M. O. Optometryᵬ Bedford Phi Gamma Delta; Omega Delta, pres.; Eat and Speak Club.
The lights flash,. a gaudy neon shouts the score. The moving mass that is a crowd cries again . . funny, funny how sounds are constant: a tide of crunching popcorn, gurgling cokes, muffled voices . . . They change only with the neon. 241
I. U.'s assistant and head athletic directors, Robert Dro and Bill Orwig, were pleased that the Big Ten probation \■ as lifted this year.
Athletic Department Has Successful Year J. W. (Bill) Orwig, who took over as athletic director in June, 1961, from retiring Frank Allen, has had an eventful first year at the helm of the I. U. Athletic Department. Robert Royer Pool, the HPER Building's olympic pool, was dedicated in March in honor of the former head swimming coach at I. U. At the same time, I. U.'s hustling swimming team won the Big Ten championship for the second consecutive year to climax a perfect record for the 1961-1962 season. Coach Gordon Fisher, head track coach for 18 years, announced his retirement. Jim Lavery, assistant coach, was named to fill the vacancy. And, a bright spot on the year's record books, the big Ten probation imposed on I. U. in1960 was lifted.
Gordon Fisher, who retired after 18 years as head track coach at I. U., was honored at a banquet.
Hoosier swimming speedster Chet Jastremski at Christmas received an unusual telegram greeting from the editor of the Moscow newspaper,
Soviet Sport.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Joy Utley, Joyce Barger, Marcia Steere, Sally Kirkpatrick. BACK ROW: Joe Van Dorn, Richard Pletcher.
Athletic Board Purchases "Crimson Crate"
Reorganization of the football card section into an effective all-freshman project and the acquisition of a rally wagon to lead parades—appropriately named the "Crimson Crate"—and prefootball game pep sessions highlighted the operations of the Student Athletic Board in 1961-1962. The Student Athletic Board co-ordinates the activities of the porn pon girls, the Hoosier Hostesses, the Card Section, the cheerleaders, and the Marching Hundred. Serving as a liasion between the Athletic Department and the Student Body, the board also recommends ticket policies and other ideas pertaining to sports, students, and school spirit to the department. The nine members of the Student Athletic Board are appointed each spring by President Herman B Wells on recommendations from the Athletic Department. Students are chosen on the basis of leadership.
I-Men's Club
FRONT ROW (left to right): Ralph Pack, Arthur J. Canning, Robert Bradley (Vice-Pres.), Jerold Bass (Pres.), William Altman (Treas.), R. Edward LaDuke, Richard Kitchell, Forrest Jones. SECOND ROW: James Woodward, Ronald Wines, Lawrence Hao, Robert Wason, Gerald Flanagan, David Smith, Charles Fawcett, Virgil Ecton. THIRD ROW: Albert C. Shaw, Jim Bailey, Dan Prickett, Fred Lautar, Francis Coufalik, Barton Kaufman, John Walker, Roy John Lovstedt, Kenneth Nakasone.
FOURTH ROW: Daniel Oyler, Robert Ewald, Thomas Verth, Donald Cromer, John Odusch, Michael Troy, James Larry Clinton, Jack Holder, David Shoemaker, Frank Brunell. BACK ROW: James E. Miller, Ralph Rochlo, Thomas Seifert, Berigan Cooper, Willard Elyea, Douglas Dove, Winston Fairfield, John H. Johnson, Charles G. Hall, William Olsaysky, Gary Hill, William Quinter, Alan Somers.
Athletes Become I.-Men at May Banquet At the Cream and Crimson Day banquet in May, Indiana University athletes proudly accepted their varsity letters and became members of I-Men's Club. United by a common goal—to encourage unity among athletes and promote school spirit—they represent I. U. in varsity competition and sponsor several spirited and worthwhile campus events. I-Men's major project, Cream and Crimson Day, provides funds for the organization and previews the coming fall's football team in a varsity intrasquad game. In addition, underclassmen challenge the varsity teams to contests in all major sports, and queens are chosen by each varsity team. Climaxing this busy day, more than 200 I-Men and their dates attend the annual I-Men's Dance. Assisting the I-Men with Cream and Crimson Day, the I-Men's Dance, and other projects is Robert C. Dro, faculty adviser and assistant director of athletics.
Numeral Club
FRONT ROW (left to right): David Cousino, Timothy Haley, James Sutton (Vice-Pres.), John Bellino (Pres.), Lary Schulhof (Sec.-Treas.), Lynden Nishi. BACK ROW: Edward Doerr, Philip
Hester, William Nelson, Richard Sparks, Ronald Stansifer, Donald Brown, Thomas Marvin.
Hoosiers Improve Despite Weak Record
Hoosier Captain Bill Olsa y sky drags his opponent to the dirt with a mighty bear hug.
The Fighting Hoosiers of 1961 showed a great improvement on the gridiron and against their opponents over their 1960 showing. Although the 2-7 record was a disappointment, there were bright spots throughout the season. Overall the Hoosiers scored more points and held their opponents to fewer than in the 1960 season. Indiana improved their total offense by 500 yards and reduced their opponents' total by about 700 yards. In the season opener at Kansas State, the Hoosiers just couldn't get the offense rolling and lost, 14-8. Against Wisconsin, the Hoosiers' first Big Ten opponent and the home opening game, Indiana showed a lot of improvement and played a bruising, hard-fought defensive battle in the first half. Mary Woodson kicked a field goal as the gun sounded to end the first half in a 3-3 deadlock. The second half was practically a repeat of the first. But in the fourth quarter the Badgers penetrated deep into Hoosier territory. Indiana's defense held, and Wisconsin was forced to kick a field goal which proved to be the margin of victory. Iowa's experienced Hawkeyes had too much class for the Hoosiers and won, 28-7. Undefeated when they met I. U., Michigan State's Spartans showed the Hoosiers how they maintained their record by trouncing the crimson-clad team, 35-0. At home against Washington State for Band Day, the Hoosiers' offense clicked to pull off a 33-7 victory. Behind at the half, Indiana came back to run over West Virginia's Mountaineers, 17-9. A heart-breaking loss was dealt the Hoosiers by Northwestern's Wildcats. I. U. fumbled on the Wildcats' 10-yard line and had a touchdown called back which certainly would have produced a different score. As it was, the Hoosiers lost, 14-8. Although the Hoosiers lost 16-7 to Ohio State, I. U. played a good game against the nationally ranked Buckeyes. In the final game of the season, I. U. and arch rival Purdue tangled for the Old Oaken Bucket. Hoosier effort was useless, and Purdue completely routed the Cream and Crimson, 34-12.
"I want to go that way, Bill," Nate Ramsey seems to say as he points the way to teammate Bill Olsaysky.
You're goin' nowhere, for there's help on the
The famous Marching Hundred march, play, and write.
:."4 -444■Nr444C44.,
The spectacular opening of High School Band Day was followed by a sweet victory over Washington State, 33-7.
I. U.'s hefty line prepares to smother a Wisconsin line play.
Ok, now let's go!
Highlighting the festivities before the Old Oaken Bucket game was the ceremonial cremation of Jawn Purdue.
Pert yelleader Jane Hufford sparks the fightin' spirit in Hoosier gridiron fans.
FRONT ROW (left to right): William H. George, Kenneth Fournier, Woody Moore, James Ronald Lewellen, James Helminiak, James Haas, Larry Coleman, Jeffrey Slabaugh. SECOND ROW: Paul Osmon, Jerry Anderson, Michael Lopa, Charles Fawcett, Michael Wasdovich, Francis Coufalik, Lloyd Byron Broome, John Fife, Alexander Trombetta. THIRD ROW: Capt. William Olsavsky, Fred Lautar, Howard I. Martin, William Quinter, Robert Lyon, Gene W. Johnson, Jack Holder, Jack Janney, Richard Czerneda, Donald Cromer. FOURTH ROW: Kenneth Ellis, Mar-
After plowing his way through the Washington State line, halfback Woody Moore (25) scores another touchdown for Indiana.
y in Woodson, Ronald Roemer, Richard Wervey, Charles Rocco, David G. Martin, Barry Boulanger, David Holland, Gregg Orth, John H. Johnson, Douglas Dove. FIFTH ROW: Robert Fiorini, Nathan Ramsey, Ralph Poehls, James Kerekes, Steven Obremskey, William E. Miller, William Scalzo, Tom Trainer, Douglas Lackey, Virgil Horne, Robert Vecchio, John Giangiacomo. BACK ROW: Paul Kuchuris, William Seach, Carmen Bencivenni, David Reda, James Bailey, Nicholas Stellavato.
1961ϗ SEASON SCORES Kansas State 14 Indiana 8 Wisconsin 6 Indiana 3 Iowa 28 Indiana 7 Washington State 7 Indiana 33 Michigan State 35 Indiana 0 Northwestern 14 Indiana 8 ϗ ϗ Ohio State 16 Indiana 7 ϗ .West Virginia 9 Indiana 17ϗ Purdue 34 ϗ Indiana 12ϗ
With his back to the goal line quarterback Byron Broome searches for his receiver.
At the new stadium the press box offers a good view of the whole field of action.
A host of Ohio State tacklers converge on ball carrying Hoosier Nate Ramsey (44).
FRONT ROW (left to right): William Lambert (Manager), Charles Harris, William Landon (Capt.), Russell Lash, Larry Stuckey, Thomas Burke (Manager). BACK ROW: Assistant Coach
AMORE Jim Lavery, Charles Umbarger, Robert Steptoe, Art Campbell, Stephen Hibler, Kenneth Inman, Coach Gordon Fisher.
Harriers Repeat as Big State Meet Champs 1961 SEASON SCORES Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana
19 Miami (Ohio) 36 Notre Dame 35 ҟ 20ҟ ҟ Ohio State 39 16 Western Michigan 25 30 first inҟ Bigҟ Stateҟ meet third in Big Ten meet
Indiana's cross-country team turned in a record identical to last season's successful squad. Despite the loss of Captain Bob Fell because of a pre-season knee operation, the harriers won three of four dual meets, captured first place in the Big State Meet, and third place in the Big Ten Meet. Led by the "Big C's"—sophomore Charley Urn barger and senior Charley Harris—Coach Gordon Fisher's men romped over Miami of Ohio, Notre Dame, and Ohio State before losing to Western Michigan. Umbarger and Harris finished one-two against Miami and Ohio State. In the latter meet, the Hoosiers missed a perfect score by only one point. I. U. also dominated the Big State meet, as all five of its performers finished in the top ten. Besides Umbarber and Harris, sophomore Art Campbell finished fourth, and seniors Russ Lash and Bill Landon were fifth and seventh, respectively. These five runners formed the nucleus of the 1961 squad. Indiana finally met its match against Big Ten competition in the last meet of the year. The Hoosiers battled hard but had to settle for third place behind Iowa and Michigan State.
Coach Gordon Fisher congratulates Russ Lash after a well-run race.
Near the end of the run, Charlie Umbarger pulls ahead for another Indiana victory.
Charlie Harris and Charlie Umbarger let Ohio State's No. 13 pace them before their final dash to victory.
Ili 3,
AgAll hitt a.
Jimmy Rayl is all smiles after scoring 56 points against Minnesota.
Jimmy Rayl Leads Hurryin' Hoosiers To Record-Shattering 1961-1962 Season Indiana's basketball record book got one of its most sweeping revisions this past season at the hands of high-scoring Jimmy Rayl and his Hoosier teammates. Rayl accounted for nine new all-time Indiana records, four for single games and five for season play, and the team established four. The Kokomo junior's 39 shot attempts, 56 points and 20 field goals against Minnesota were all new Indiana records, as well as setting new Big Ten records for scoring in one game and tying the field goal mark for a single game. His 15-for-15 free-throw shooting against Michigan tied the Indiana high. Over the season, Jimmy erased Don Schlundt's 661point season record with 714 points, although he had two less games in which to do it; set a new high in season field goals with 254 and Big Ten field goals with 152, and took a total of 580 shots, also a new Indiana University mark.
"Wait here, I'll go get it," says Jerry Bass to Charlie Hall.
The 454 points Rayl scored in Big Ten play, only five short of the Conference leadership, also was tops for any Indiana player for the 14-game season. Schlundt scored 459 in 1953 but accomplished it over an 18game Conference schedule. The Hoosiers were the highest scorers in school history, totaling 2,089 points for an 87-point per-game average. On their way to that total they scored 51 field goals against Notre Dame, a one-game record; hit 810 times from the field, a season record, and connected on free throws at a .732 rate, another season record. Indiana's Big Ten record was 7-7, while the Hoosiers were 13-11 in overall competition. The .418 shooting performance for the season was the second-best ever achieved, being surpassed only by the .444 mark of the 1960 outfit. A final tribute should be given to the five graduating seniors: Charlie Hall, Jerry Bass, Gordon Mickey, Ernie Wilhoit, and Bill Altman.
The new Fieldhouse echoes with the assurance "Indiana, we're all for
FRONT ROW (left to right): Dick Sparks, Gordon Mickey, Winston Fairfield, David Granger, Charley Hall. SECOND ROW: Lou Watson (Asst. Coach), Tom White, Ernie Wilhoit,
William Altman, Tom Bolyard, Dave Porter, Branch McCracken (Head Coach). BACK ROW: Jim Sutton, Charles Roush, Marshall Goldsmith (Manager), Jimmy Rayl, Jerry Bass.
While Dave Granger looks on, Tom Bolyard battles for a rebound with an Iowa Hawkeye.
1961-1962 SEASON SCORES Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana
81 74 78 76 92 94 70 90 122 76 100 98 105 72 85 93 94 72 86 85 89 88 104 65
Drake 90 New Mexico State 68 Kansas State 88 North Carolina 70 ҟ ҟ Detroit 84 Arizona State 88 Iowa State 83 ҟ ҟ Loyola 95 Notre Dame 95 ҟ Michigan State 71 Minnesota 104 DePaul 89 Minnesota 104 Northwestern 71 Illinois 96 Purdue 105 ҟ ҟ Wisconsin 105 Iowa 69 Michigan 77 Michigan State 97 Michigan 110 Purdue 71 Illinois 92 Ohio State 90
With play getting a little rough under the boards, Charlie Hall finds two points hard to come by.
Tom Bolyard's determination makes up for his lack of form in hauling in a rebound.
Another defensive specialist bites the dust as Rayl scores an easy lay-in.
No one minds being tossed in after taking the Big Ten title twice in a row.
Team spirit prevailed when Lary Schulhof tied the 200 yard butterfly record held by Mike Troy.
1962 SEASON SCORES Indiana 641/2 Indiana 70 Indiana 71 ...... Indiana 69 Indiana 66 Indiana 69 Indiana First in Big Ten Meet
Michigan State Cincinnati Southern Ilinois Minnesota Iowa Purdue
401/2 24 33 36 33 36
Tankmen Smash Eight Conference Records To Repeat as Big Ten Title Holders I. U.'s swimming team, under the guidance of Coach Jim (Doc) Counsilman, proved their 7-0 season record wasn't any quirk of fate when they captured the Big Ten championship in March. In one of the top performances of the year, I. U. swimmers easily outdistanced the field to win nine of a possible 16 first places in the Big Ten Meet. Hoosier tankmen broke eight Big Ten records to score 2131/4 points to runner-up Michigan's 146. Alan Somers, Mike Troy, and Chet Jastremski each scored two first places in the meet, and the three swimmers accounted for five of the record breaking times turned in by the Hoosiers. Tom Stock, Ted Stickles, and the medley relay team—Stock, Ken Nakasone, Lary Schulhof, and Pete Sintz—smashed other records. Climaxing the Big Ten Meet for Indiana was the dedication on March 3 of Robert Royer Pool. In the new HPER Building, the pool is named in memory of the former I. U. swimming coach. This was the first time in the 52-year history of the Big Ten Meet that it met at I. U.
World record holder Chet Jastremski receives hearty congratulations after chipping a few more seconds off one of his breastroke records.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Roy John Lovstedt, Lynden Nishi, Ronald Davitt, Thomas Dinsley, Richard Kitchell. SECOND ROW: Karl Sutter, Chester Jastremski, Peter Sintz, Michael Troy, Lary Schulhof, Frank Brunell, Keith Craddock. THIRD ROW: Hobie Billingsley (Diving Coach), Fred Schlich-
ting, Richard Schroder, C. Thomas Stock, John Walker, Cary Tremewan, Kenneth Nakasone, Jim Counsilman (Head Swimming Coach). BACK ROW: William Cass, William Friedman, H. Clayton Hebb, Ted Stickles, Thomas Verth, W. Claude Thompson, Alan Somers, Thomas Hayden.
Maroni Shines for McDaniel's Wrestling Squad John Maroni became the first Hoosier wrestler to go undefeated since Charlie Pancou turned the trick in 1953. Maroni finished the season with a 12-0 dual meet record. In addition to this he won the Big Ten meet in the 177-pound weight. Coach Charlie McDaniel's grapplers compiled a 4-7-2 dual record and placed seventh in the Conference meet. Lack of depth and injuries to an already undermanned staff seriously hurt the Hoosiers throughout the campaign. Ralph Carlino and Don Schultz were both plagued by knee injuries shortly before the Conference meet. Ron Hutcherson, one of the better performer this year, tore a knee cartilage in the Conference meet. In addition to Maroni and Hutcherson, Randy Galvin also proved to be a capable Big Ten wrestler. Tom Marvin improved tremendously toward the end of the season's campaign.
With the referee watching intently . .
1961-1962 SEASON SCORES Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana
18 26 11 14 17 14 37
Indiana 16 Indiana 12ϗ ϗ Indiana 8 ϗ Indiana 11 Big Ten
Indiana State 8 Notre Dame 0 Illinois 14 Michigan 16 Wisconsin 8 Michigan State 14 Purdue 54 Minnesota 48 Ohio State 48 Northwestern 13 Purdue 12 Iowa 20 Ohio State 19 Finished Seventh
Tim Haley starts this fall on top.
Ronald Hutcherson, Ronald Black, Terry Thompson, Donald FRONT ROW (left to right): John Rossero, William Galvin,ҟ ҟ John Maroni, Thomas Marvin, Timothy Haley. BACK ROW: Schultz, Ralph Carlino.
Ron Hutcherson tries for a take down.
Riding his Michigan State foe is veteran I. U. grappler John Maroni.
Virgil Ecton, second leading scorer, shows off his graceful form on the parallel bars.
Gymnastics Team Turns in 3-9 Dual Record
Flying through his routine on the horizontal bar is John Burkel.
Despite what Coach Otto Ryser calls the greatest team to represent Indiana, the Hoosier gymnastics team could only manage a 3-9 dual record and a seventh place finish in the Big Ten Meet. Most of the gymnastics praise this year went to Jim Woodward. Woody set the all-time single-season scoring record for I. U. as he tallied 2561/2 points. He surpassed the previous record of 2151/2 points held by Ron Walden. Woodward, as did the other members of the numerically light I. U. team, performed in several events. Both he and Virgil Ecton participated in six of the seven events on the schedule on many occasions. Injuries and bad breaks hurt the Hoosiers during the year. Ecton's contribution was severely curtailed near mid-season when he injured a knee. Nevertheless he finished second to Woodward in total points. He totaled 117 1/2 points, just barely edging out John Burkel with 1151/2.
Tumbling demands
skill, co-ordination, and strength.
1961-1962 SEASON SCORES Ball State 39 Indiana 72ҟ Navy Pier 62 Indiana 50 ҟ ҟ Indiana 331/2 ҟ Southern Illinois 771/2 Indiana 701/2 ҟ Wisconsin 401/2 Indiana 471/2 ҟ Michigan State 641/2 Indiana 49ҟ ҟ Minnesota 63 ҟ Indiana 49ҟ Chicago 63 Indiana 43ҟ ҟ Ohio State 68 ҟ Illinois 80 Indiana 32ҟ Indiana 82'2ҟ Central Michigan 251/2 Indiana 37ҟ ҟ Michigan 75 Indiana 44ҟ ҟ Iowa 68 Big Tenҟ Finished Seventh
FRONT ROW (left to right): Dennis MacPherson, Thomas J. Woodward, Arthur J. Canning, Robert Lilly, William Misner. BACK ROW: Kenneth T. Porter Jr. (Manager). John Burkel,
Timely advice from the coaching staff is given Bob Lilly.
Robert Wason, Sigmund Toth (Freshman Manager), Virgil Ecton, Ronald Wines, Coach Otto Ryser.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Gordon Lane, Forrest Jones, Berry Cooper, Jerry Williams, David Pelz, Jim Vitou, Jerry McRae.
Golfers Upset Big Ten Champ Ohio State The Indiana University golf team, under the able guidance of Coach Robert Fitch, compiled a record of 4 victories and 10 losses during the the 1961 season. Led by Jim Vitou, with an average of 74.4 strokes per round, and Forrest Jones, with a 77.4 average, the Hoosier linksmen make a commendable showing in the always-tough Big Ten Conference. The big victory of the regular season came early in the season when the Hoosiers upset powerful Ohio State. OSU went on to win the 1961 Big Ten Championship, which took place on the I. U. course. The home squad, paced by fourth-place winner Jim Vitou in the individual ratings, finished a firm fifth in the tournament. I. U.'s Forrest Jones and Dave Pelz tied for 17th place. 1961 SEASON SCORES
Chipping out of the rough is I. U. linksman Jerry Williams.
Purdue 917 Indiana 933 Illinois 964 Indiana 933 Indiana 933 Northwestern 934 Iowa 1148 Indiana 1127 Michigan State 545 Indiana 551 Michigan 460 Indiana 488 Ohio State 461 Indiana 488 Purdue 467 Indiana 488 Ohio State 947 Indiana 950 Michigan State 919 Indiana 950 Purdue 912 Indiana 950 Notre Dame 736 Indiana 746 Purdue 730 Indiana 746 1712 Ohio State 181/2 Indiana Indiana fifth in Big Ten Meet
FRONT ROW (lett to right): Michael Cashman, Jerry Ford, Danny Bausback, Richard Hunt. BACK ROW: Capt. R. A. Leach, Thomas Lawson, Richard Fries, Jay Youngflesh.
Rifle Team Could Take Big Ten Championship When the 1962 Arbutus went to press, the I. U. rifle team had completed two of its three regional
Jerry Ford demonstrates the kneeling position.
matches. A victory over Michigan State, Wisconsin, and Iowa preceded a third-place finish behind Ohio State and Michigan State. The combined record placed Indiana second in the Big Ten ranks at that time. Under the direction of Captain Robert Leach of the Army ROTC Department, the 1961-1962 marksmen exhibited balance and consistency during the first two contests. With only one regional meet and the Big Ten finals remaining, the Hoosiers have a good chance of placing well in the conference championship battle. Two of the top five Big Ten shooters fire for I. U.'s squad. In preseason competition, Indiana won seven of eight matches against outstanding colleges and universities. A mere three points prevented a perfect preseason record. 269
Broad jump specialist Ted Jackson grabbed another first place for I. U. with this mighty leap.
Indiana 52ҟ
Notre Dame 51 1/2ҟ Indiana 76ҟ Indiana 87ҟ Purdue 25 1/2ҟ
Iowa 53 Miami (Ohio) 38 Ball State 34 Indiana 41ҟ Missouri 62 I Indiana 63ҟ Chicago Track Club 58 ҟ Indiana 75 1/2ҟ ҟ Ohio State 65 1/2ҟ Indiana 91 1/2ҟ . Purdue 65 1/2 Indiana 45ҟ ҟ Michigan State 58 1/2 Notre Dame 77 1/10 ҟOklahoma 54 1/2ҟ Indiana Second in Big Ten Meet Indiana Seventh in Big Ten Meetҟ Indiana Third in Big State Meet
FRONT ROW: Neil Brooks, Russ Lash,Bill Landon, Charles Harris, Larry Clinton, Dan Oyler, Dave Shoemaker, John Drozdowski. BACK ROW: Head Coach Jim Lavery, Bob Steptoe, Ken
Inman, Jim Walker, Karl Erb, Steve Hibler, Bob Chaffee, Charles Umbarger, Art Campbell, Cornelius Miller, Ted Jackson, Tom Burke (Sr. Manager), Wilton Wright (Assistant).
Cindermen, Undefeated in Outdoor Meets, Turn in 2-2 Record in Indoor Competition Coach Gordon Fisher, who retired this year as head track coach, saw his cindermen turn in a fine outdoor record, 5-0, and a fair indoor record, 2-2. The trackmen placed second in the Big Ten championships in outdoor performances and seventh on indoor work. Eddie Miles, Reggie Sheppard, Reggie Laconi, Larry Clinton, Gene Graham, Ray Spivey, and Ted Jackson were standouts for the outdoor team. And Clinton pulled an indoor victory through for the Hoosiers when he crossed the line one step ahead of the Ohio State runner in the last event of the meet. Graham placed first in the Big Ten outdoor meet in the 660, and Cornelius Miller brought home I. U.'s only first place in the indoor meet. Miller is a high jumper. Hampered by the flu epidemic and injuries, the indoor team won their triangular meet with Purdue and Notre Dame by a half-point margin. Again, the last event—mile relay—gave winning honors to I. U. as well as setting a Fieldhouse record.
Larry Clinton passes the baton to Gene Graham for the last leg of the mile relay.
1961 SEASON SCORES Indiana 7ҟ
Ohio Wesleyan 2
Indiana 9ҟ George Washington 0 Georgetown 2 Indiana 7ҟҟ Indiana 4 ҟ
The Citadel 5
Indiana 8 ҟ
DePauw 0
Indiana 9 ҟ
Ball State 0 ҟ
Indiana 9 ҟ
Junior I. U. netter Bob Ewald takes a few warm-up swats at the ball.
Indiana 3ҟ
Michigan 6
Indiana 7ҟ
Northwestern 2
Indiana 8ҟ
Purdue 1
Indiana 4ҟ
Notre Dame 5
Indiana 6ҟ
Wisconsin 3
Indiana 8ҟ
Illinois 1
Indiana 7ҟ
Minnesota 2
Indiana 7ҟ
ҟ Iowa 2
ҟ Michigan State 4 Indiana 5ҟ
Returning the ball with a powerful backhand shot is Stuart Cohen.
Ohioҟ State 0
FRONT ROW (left to right): Coach Bill Landin, Stuart Cohen, Gary Baxter, Bernard Stein, Richard Martin. Charles Jenness, Fred Wenstrom, Dennis Lortz, Michael Gordon, Robert Ewald,ҟ Donald Thorne.
I U. Netmen Place Second in Big Ten Ranks Indiana University's tennis team posted a 13-3 record in the 1961 season. An 8-1 mark in Big Ten competition placed the squad in the runner-up spot, their only loss coming at the hands of champion Michigan.
Second man on the Hoosier squad, Gary Baxter displays his forehand form.
Early in the year Indiana competed in the Cherry Blossom Tournament in Washington, D. C., and was edged out in the final round by The Citadel, 5-4. Conference competition started shortly after the tournament, and the Hoosiers ended the Big Ten season with a fivematch winning streak. In the post-season Big Ten Meet at East Lansing, Coach Bill Landin's men placed third. Don Thorne's steady and aggressive style helped him win consistently at the number one singles spot. Other outstanding underclassmen were Gary Baxter, Stu Cohen, and Dick Martin, who held down the second, third, and fourth positions, respectively. Thorne, Baxter, Cohen, and Chuck Jenness also performed ably in the doubles. These men, along with reserves Fred Wenstrom, Bernie Stein, and Mike Gordon, provide the nucleus of next year's team.
Displaying the form that kept him undefeated in Big Ten play, Paul Deem fires a fastball to a Michigan hitter.
It looks like Bill Elyea's hit may be good for extra bases.
Deem stretches to beat the toss to first base.
I. U Baseball Squad Ranked 11th in Nation 1961 SEASON SCORES
Indiana's baseball squad amassed its finest record in the last 13 years with 21 victories against only 5 defeats and one tie in 1961. An 11-3 mark in Big Ten competition gave the Hoosiers a third-place conference finish and a respectable rank as 11th in the nation. In nonconference action, the team won 10 of 12 games. A seven-game winning streak early in the season accounted for most of the victories. Inability to beat the top teams hindered Coach Ernie Andres' men in the Big Ten as the first and second-place teams, Michigan and Minnesota, dealt I. U. two of their three conference losses. Several players on the squad turned in outstanding performances throughout the year. Senior pitcher Paul Deem had a 6-1 overall record and won four while losing none in Big Ten games. Junior outfielder Bart Kaufman placed second in the Big Ten in batting with a .452 average. First baseman Max Bailey and outfielder Jim McMillan led the Big Ten in fielding in their respective positions. Sophomore pitcher Bobby Marr topped the team's hurlers in innings pitched with 66 and in the earned runs department with a 1.50 average. The team itself had several firsts in Big Ten averages, including a first place in hitting with a .322 average and a tie for first in fielding with a .960 average.
Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana
FRONT ROW (left to right): Gerald Flanagan, Robert Blacknell, Charles Hafron, Robert Reinhart, Jerry Gates, Barton Kaufman, William Gross. SECOND ROW: Richard Persinger, Anthony Phipps, Paul Deem, Robert Bradley, Robert Kyff, Dan Prickett, Russ Maddick, Dennis Robinson. BACK ROW: Coach Ernie
Andres, George Ronald Heath, Ralph Pack, Gary Hill, Ray Edward LaDuke, James Kincaid, Robert Marr, Ernie Wilhoit, William Bonhert, Max Bailey, James McMillan, Richard Mayo, Fred Campbell, Ronald Hutcherson, Assistant Coach Paul Michaels.
Eastern Kentucky 4 3 Eastern Kentucky 5 7 Illinois 0 6 ҟ Southernҟ Illinois 3 3 ҟ Southernҟ 8ҟ ҟSouthern Illinois 7 State 0 Ballҟ 5 ҟ Ballҟ State 4 5 ҟ Depauw 1 6 Notre Dame 5 7 Notre Dame 5 ҟ 3 Illinois 1 12 Purdue 2 19 Purdue 2 3 Minnesota 3 2ҟ ҟ Iowa 2 9 ҟ Iowa 6 ҟ 8 ҟ Miami (Ohio) 1 2 24 Michigan 5 Michigan 2 3 Indiana State 2 8 Ohio State 0 2ҟ Ohio State 8 14 Ohio State 6 7 Butler 0 10ҟ ҟ ҟ Wisconsin 5 0 Northwestern 2 5 ҟ Northwestern 4 6 ҟ
I. U. catcher Bill Bohnert leaps high as a Michigan player makes his bid for home.
Butler coach Tony Hinkle awaits a close play at home.
Bohnert rounds third in an attempt to run up the score.
Intramurals Provide Needed Diversion Indiana University's complete intramural program, under the direction of Robert Stumpner, provides a needed diversion from the scholastic "grind." Competition is keen among the various fraternities and housing units as they strive to win the all-campus sports trophy. The trophy is awarded annually to the unit that acquires the most points over the entire school year. Last year Sigma Alpha Epsilon finished first in the race for the trophy with Sigma Nu second. The participants in intramurals are fortunate enough to be provided with excellent facilities, and the events are played under official game conditions and rules. About 25 sports are offered. Highlights of the year included touch football, with 93 teams participating; a pre-holiday basketball tournament, including 120 teams; fall and spring golf meets; a swimming meet; softball leagues, with about 100 teams, and a track meet. 277
FRONT ROW (left to right): Charley Hall, Bill Walaitis, Blair LeRoux, Don Simon, John Lysandrou, Gauteia Diatezulwa, Larr) Kobel. SECOND ROW: Bruce Baker, Fred Norris, Steve Hoetzer, Peter Tagalakis, Nick Russos, Jack Jensen, Bob Campbell,
Don Nixon. BACK ROW: Bruce Corey, Phil Welsh, Gregg Yepremian, Jorge Figueroa, Dave Thomason, Jim Purvis, John Greenwald, Roupen Berberian, Fred Wellandt, Coach Terry Jackson.
Jackson Coaches Soccer Club in First Season In its first season under Coach Terry Jackson, the soccer club finished strongly, winning two of its last three contests. While only a club sponsored by the Department of Physical Education for Men, it is nevertheless run in the same manner as any of the school's other athletic teams. Led by the play of senior Ridha Zoubedi, who displayed both excellent dribbling and shooting, the team won over Calvin, Ohio State, and Illinois. Zoubedi was named to both the Mid-Western Conference all-star team and the all-midwest all-star team. Three other I. U. players were named to the all-midwest team—Niki Diamandouros, Peter Tagalakis, and Blair LeRoux. Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana
1961 SEASON SCORES 2 Dayton 5 2 Earlham 9 1 St.ҟ Louis 8 1 Washington 5 0 Michigan State 10 4 ҟ Calvin 3 3 Indiana Tech 4 2 State 8 ҟ Ballҟ 4 ҟ Ohio State 3 ҟ Illinois 2 6 ҟ Purdue 8 2 ҟ
FRONT ROW (left to right): Howard Mandell, Michael Diamond, David Gage, Jeffrey Neirmann, Barry Liss. BACK ROW: Coach Dandelis Halamandaris, Captain Rick Sweney, Martin
Hubbard, William Holland, Walter Hathaway, Robert Wait, Fred Zell.
Fencing Team Places Sixth in Big Ten Meet
Indiana's fencing team had an unsuccessful season, but placed sixth in Big Ten competition. Although not winning any meets, the team is expected to do much better next year, because of the experience gained this season. Fencing is not recognized as a varsity sport at I. U., but it is sponsored by the Physical Education Department for Men. Graduate student Pandelis Halamandaris served as coach this season. Rick Sweney captained this year's • squad and was the team's most consistent point producer. Walter Hathaway, Bill Molland, and Dave Gage also spurred the team. 1961 SEASON SCORES Indiana 5 ҟ Notre Dame Indiana 11 Iowa Indiana 6 Illinois Ohio State Indiana 5 Indiana 2 Air Force Indiana 10 Wisconsin Indiana 12 Chicago Indiana 9 Michigan State Indiana 9 Detroit Indiana 4 Wayne State
22 16 21 22 25 17
15 18 18 23
So much more than a mere decoration, not merely a jeweled show-piece .. . The pin: identification of sorts, but even more: a token— life by choice, dedication of heart ingrained in moulded metal. 281
FRONT ROW (left to right): Ina Cohen, Francine Hara (Treas.), Carol DeWees (Pres.), Kathryn Simmers (Vice-Pres.), Dianne Brandt (Corres. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Nelda Dyer, Carolyn Bechert, DewAnn Drout, Diane Schneiter, Joan Rothrock, Judith Segal. THIRD ROW: Judith Gall, Jacquelyn Mattingly, Beverly
Stanton, Joyce Stewart, Susan A. Baker, Donan Childs, Jean Kovac. BACK ROW: Anna Marie Davisson, Virginia Miller, Carole Bierbaum, Phyllis Springer, Judith Mary Anderson, Norma Stants, Demetra Williams, Constance Bender.
Panhellenic Hostess for Big Ten Conference
Indiana University's Panhellenic Association co-operated with Interfraternity Council to host the 1962 Big Ten Conference April 6, 7, and 8. At the conference, attended by fraternity delegations from all of the Big Ten schools, problems of the Greek system were discussed; outstanding speakers participated in the program. Panhellenic, the governing body of all I. U. sororities, compiles rules pertaining to scholarship, rush, pledging, contest campaigning, and social activities. Sororities achieve general uniformity of policy through co-operation in workshops. These workshops better intersorority relations and raise standards in certain fields through discussion and recommendation. Panhellenic of I. U. provides rush counselors who live in the dorms during rush week to inform women students about rushing regulations.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Mary Susan Rocke (Treas.), Susan Backus (Vice-Pres.), Maryanne Bucha (Pres.), Valerie Kain (Sec.), Phyllis Springer (Adviser). SECOND ROW: Jean Fox, Susan Evans, Linda Brown, Betty Ann Phillips, Beverly Lane, Barbara
Gordon. THIRD ROW: Nancy Lehran, Nancy Rodgers, Carolyn Poindexter, Karen Nuske, Carolyn Young. BACK ROW: Beth Bailey, Diana Mast, Jean Springsteen, Judith Whiteleather, Ann Cannon, Alice May Smith, Susan Bell.
Junior Panhel Hears University Speakers
The Junior Panhellenic Council of Indiana University is a social and philanthropic group composed of the pledge class presidents of all sororities on the campus. The local chapter of the national organization meets every two weeks when their discussions are guided by an adviser from the Panhellenic Council. Once each month, the program of the meeting includes a prominent guest speaker from the University faculty or staff. Members of the council share and discuss ideas for the improvement of the pledge system and the maintenance of high scholastic standards, and they plan co-ordinated social programs in which all sorority pledges participate. The council supports an "adopted" Greek orphan. Each fall, the sorority pledges contribute time to work in the Bloomington Cancer Drive, and at Christmas they give foodbaskets to the Senior Citizen House.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Frank Lewis (Judicial Board Chair.), James Whitehead (Adviser), Ronald Morgove (Sec.), James Messick (Pres.), Patrick Roberts (Vice-Pres.), Arthur Kalleres (Treas.). SECOND ROW: James Owens, Donald Henry, Richard Kent Oram, Terry Grimm, Wilbur Payne, Lee Weiss, Larry Barrett. THIRD ROW: John Stephen Talley, Calland
Carnes, Robert J. Burdett (Rush Chair.), Jay Allen, Michael Cunningham, Jack Keller, Douglas Kent, John Norris. BACK ROW: Joe Nagle, Roger Perry, Robert Miller, Jerry Mayes, Gerry Brodsky, Christopher Kleinhenz, Thomas Bowers, Frederic Arnold, Ronald Thomas.
IFC Works to Better Fraternity System
Representatives from all fraternities on the I. U. campus compose the Interfraternity Council, a body in which organized men co-operate to better the fraternity system. Among its duties are the resolution of inter-chapter problems, the maintenance of high scholastic standards and good University-fraternity relations, and the imposition of penalties for infractions of University or IFC rules. Throughout the year, IFC undertakes various projects. The organization is responsible for rush registration. To all male applicants to Indiana University, IFC mails brochures containing information about the campus fraternity system. In addition, the council sponsors a smoker at which fraternity men meet menbers of the faculty and the school administration. 285
FRONT ROW (left to right): Robert Trowbridge, Michael Purvis (Sec.), Gary Lozow (Vice-Pres.), Samuel Peter Shuler (Pres.), John Gilliam (Treas.), Richard Best. SECOND ROW: Dale Terry, Thomas Ireland, James Kellock, Jerry Rush, Douglas Bar-
ton. BACK ROW: Robert Lang, Philip Nasser, Stephen Blakley, Larry Varmo, Robert Wiesen, David Ruby, John Sherman, John Barbour.
Junior IFC Serves as Training Ground
Serving as a training ground for future Interfraternity Council members, Junior Interfraternity Council, through both philanthropic and social activities, tries to improve relations between the pledges and the initiated members of the fraternities. One of the main objectives of Junior IFC is to provide opportunities for the members of the pledge classes to become better acquainted. A smoker for the pledge classes is presented annually. In the spring of the year, a tug of war across the Jordan River between pledges and fraternity sophomore actives decides the fate of the pledges' green pods. If the pledges win, the pods are burned that night, but if the sophomores triumph, the pledges must wear the pods longer. Another of the aims of Junior IFC is to improve scholarship among the pledges and to improve the entire pledge program. 286
FRONT ROW (left to right): Ralph Williams (Treas.), Gary Fulk (Pledge Trainer), David Schoon (Sec.), David Baum, David Herbert (Pres.), Robert Lucus (Vice-Pres.), Hugh Moore (Rec. Sec.), Jerry Silence. SECOND ROW: Barry L. Chapman, Dave Coate, Steve Confer, Bruce Wagoner, William Carbon, David Blocker, Charles Barnett, Leo William Applegarth, Robert Sena, Larry Franks, Daniel Roby, David Hull. THIRD ROW: James Rice, Robert J. Abrell, John Cantwell, John Pullen, Jerry L. Coles, Eddy Greenwalt, Don A. Young, James Sutton, Don Nixon,
Lonnie Woods, John David Lutz, Leland Wayne Wilson. FOURTH ROW: James Palmer, Robert Forney, William Rhynearson, Thomas Harmeson, Ernest Rapp, John Waymire, Michael Shane, Wayne Herman, Thomas Everett, Phillip Rinker, Earl LaCounte, John Morgan. BACK ROW: Stephen Stipp, Denver White, Calvin Kemp, Orien McDaniel, Ernie Wilhoit, James Carlson, John Kixmiller, Jerry Mayes, David Powell, Robert Cravens, Michael Albright, Lawrence Craig Fulmer, Harold M. Hindman.
Acacia Riders Pedal to Little J00 Victory Founded at University of Michigan-1904 Indiana Chapter established at I. U.-1920 46 National Chapters Victorious in the 1961 Little 500, the men of Acacia entertained more than 6,000 persons at their annual Little 500 Ice Cream Social after the race. Both Pat Boone and Joanie Summers, Little 500 Sweetheart, made appearances at the social after the variety show in the Auditorium. "Roaring Twenties" was the theme of the Acacia fall pledge dance. The chief social function of the year, however, was the formal-dress event, "Spring Colonnade," which was based around life in the Old South. The event included lawn games, a dinner, and the dance. As they have done in previous years, the men of Acacia honored foreign students at Indiana University by sponsoring their annual International Coffee Hour in December.
Even after a hard race, Acacia cyclists weren't too tired to celebrate their Little 500 victory. 287
FRONT ROW (left to right): Ronald Carter (Sec.), Arthur McElwee (Vice-Pres.), John Sherman (Pres.), Leslie Coyne (Pres.), Lynn Smith (Vice-Pres.), Ronald Bond (Sec.). SECOND ROW: James Michael Downey, Billy Paul Asbury, Richard Helm, Martin Morrison, Robert Smith, George Potter, John Dyar, Gregory Caldwell, Roy Green. THIRD ROW: Lynden Nishi, Gary Short, James Lucus, Paul Malarik Jr., Claude Reeck, Jerry
Hilligoss, Phillip Koss, Bruce Farthing, Glenn Pate, Alan Hedstrom. FOURTH ROW: Bill Roeder, Dave Conner, Jim Coffin, Jim Riddle, Steve Lewis, William Bowie, Joseph DeBrota, Michael Boedeker, William Ruddell. BACK ROW: Paul Bender, William Vaughan, Thomas Waits, Kenneth Turpin, Ernst Nims, John Siegel, Stephen Redenbaugh, Brad Beiswanger, Harry F. Otterman, Juris Jansons, Rodger Merriman.
Acacia pledges found Christmas decorating more fun thancleaning house.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Anne Bramble, Judith Stevens, Susan McCarty (Treas.), Mary Henderson (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. F. H. Miner (House Mother), Linda W. Richiger (Rec. Sec.), Phyllis Springer (Corres. Sec.), Judith Thom (Rush Chair.). SECOND ROW: Nancy Elliott, Pamela Hare, Judith Hendricks, Linda Dorntge, Rosalind Kempler, Diane Hunt, Karen Painter, Patricia Elliott, Jodie Boggs, Suzanne Maxwell, Dianne Reiff. THIRD ROW: Karen Shibe, Frances Judith Gray, Jeanne Stewart, Sandra Schultz, Patricia MacLaren, Judith Henderson, Linda Hanson, Mary Susan Rocke, Cynthia Potter, Constance Linari, Margot
MacDonald, Joan Doughty, Marjorie Nixon. FOURTH ROW: Joy Utley, Mary Jo Egnatz, Patricia Benner, Anne Jeffery, Marcia Williams, Betty Prange, Mary Curry, Randi Palmer, Catherine Caranasios, Mary Jo Predd, Carolyn Woods, Marilyn Regester, Lorna Dallas, Betsy Castle. BACK ROW: Janice Witmer, Peggy Louis, Barbara Jones, Myrna Nuzum, Vicki Schnell, Sandra Manley, Nancy Kraft, Sharon Bemis, Ann Edmonds, Linda Muston, Cynthia Bemis, Sharon Repking, Barbara Dillon, Vicky Richardson.
Alpha Chi Omega Takes Top Carnival Honors Founded at DePauw University-1885 Alpha Mu Chapter established at I. U.-1922 98 National Chapters First place trophy for the best show in the 1961 Fall Carnival was presented to Alpha Chi Omega sorority and Phi Delta Theta fraternity for their booth, "Jordan River Queen." In December the Alpha Chis entertained faculty women at their annual Christmas dinner party and collaborated with the Beta Theta Pis to sponsor a Christmas party for underprivileged children. The women also participated in I. U. Sing, and they backed Lambda Chi Alpha in Little 500. The 65 members of Alpha Chi Omega contribute to the national cerebral palsy fund and help support Star Studio in Maine's MacDowell Colony, a private institution for the development of the arts. A semiannual house function is the Red Carnation Banquet at which the member who has made the greatest contribution to the sorority is honored.
Dancers refreshed themselves at an Alpha Chi tree-decorating party in December.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Carole Michelson (Treas.), Joyce Bachmann (Rec. Sec.), Harriet Ruchman, Ina Cohen (Pres.), Mrs. Katherine Bostwick (House Mother), Irene Zalkin (VicePres.), Diane Corenman (Rush Chair.), Mollie Brown (Corres. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Janet Sachs, Barbara Gordon, Gail Luzar, Suzan Tash, Sarah Anne Schulman, Myra Franklin, Sharon Diamond, Susan Goodman, Suzanne Schechter, Marianne Schapiro, Nancy Newman, Lynne Matusow, Helene Topp. THIRD ROW: Joan Novitsky, Kathryn Goodman, Betty Rabinowitz, Reeva Sheelruff, Fredda Neubauer, Janet Berkman, Anne Lev,
Janet Satinsky, Clarice Kurtz, Judith Goldfarb, Linda Meistrich, Margot Brady, Marlene Raff. FOURTH ROW: Lorraine Cohen, Faith Polay, Sally Korff, Nancy Schneider, Judith Simpson, Lois Levine, Elaine Feist, Jill Moses, Sherry Mervis, Bonnie Fischer, Marilyn Bassler, Rochelle Herbst, Marilyn Ostroff, Marlene Duman. BACK ROW: Sara Schwartz, Iris Golden, Judith Keen, Ann Deckelbaum, Lynne Liebschutz, Malka Frandzel, Susan Sachs, Bonna Ross, Susan Pastor, Mary Libby Trotter, Caryl Pearlman, Elinor Wetter, Diane Feldinger.
Alpha Epsilon Phi to Open New Home in Fall Founded at Barnard College-1906 Epsilon Epsilon Chapter established at I. U.-1958 52 National Chapters A home of their own is in the offing for the members of Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority. Their new house on North Jordan Avenue is scheduled for completion in September, 1962. Since the sorority was established at Indiana University in 1958, the women of Epsilon Epsilon Chapter have rented a house from the University on East Tenth Street. Awards were on the agenda this year as the AEPhis worked with the Sigma Nus to win first place for prepublicity and second place for originality and design of their Fall Carnival booth, "Think Pink." The women also won first place honors for their variety show presented in the annual Hillel Stunt Show. New pledges of Alpha Epsilon Phi received corsages as well as ribbons at their pledge dinner.
The women of Alpha Epsilon Phi sponsor a Parents' Weekend at the time of the Dad's Day football game in the fall and have a formal dance in the spring.
FRONT ROW( left to right): Nelson Behar (Sec.), David Goldstein (Vice-Pres.), Jerome Kohn (Pres.), Joseph Nagle, Joel Hersch (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Frank Shapiro, Gerald
Natkin, Jeffrey Barnett, Samuel Sankstone, Louis Soloman, Phillip Berkowitz. BACK ROW: Spencer Clarke, Richard Rochman, Michael Schwartz, Jay Solomon.
Alpha Epsilon Pi Begins Construction of New House
Founded at New York University-1913 Beta Iota Chapter established at I. U.-1956 73 National Chapters The plans are drawn up and have been approved, the contract is let, and the men of Alpha Epsilon Pi social fraternity plan to move into their new house next fall. This year Beta Iota Chapter entertained the AEPi chapter from Purdue during the annual Little Oaken Bucket Weekend. On Saturday afternoon the chapters participated in their own gridiron battle for the "Bucket," and later in the evening held a dance and a banquet. A miniature oaken bucket was presented to the winning team. Other house activities included the fall Bohemian Dance, and a pledge dance, pajama dance, and Mardi Gras dance in the spring. Among the alumni of Alpha Epsilon Pi's national organization are comedian Jerry Lewis and newspaper columnist Walter Winchell.
With the groundbreaking ceremonies completed, construction was begun on the new AEPi house. 29 1
FRONT ROW (left to right): Mary Ann Ertel (Rush Chair.), Ann Dwyer, Charlotte Rome (Treas.), Susan Seibel, Virginia Miller (Pres.), Mrs. Emma Lutz (House Mother), Donna Childs (Vice-Pres.), Anne Jacobs, Becky Kaylor (Rush Chair.), Helen Thornton (Corres. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Bessie Nees, Rita Biddle, Dorothy Erne, Nancy McCabe, Sharon Longnecker, Virgina Thompson, Jane Ready, Rosemary Bombace, Patricia Fisher, Catherine Cunningham. THIRD ROW: Alena Grecco, Deanna Allen, Sara Ellis, Lynn Davis, Sharon Kay Bayless, Rosalie
Church, Nancy Stouder, Priscilla Prince, Paula Rushworth, Ellen Day, Judith Perrotta. FOURTH ROW: Susanne Evans, Gwen Ferguson, Nancy Barbara Cone, Mary A. Padget, Luzetta Weaver, Emilie Williamson, Sandra Nering, Louise Adamson, Karen Kuntz, Suzanne Ghent, Lillian Zahrt, Lois Feczko. BACK ROW: Roselyn Gast, Salome Bartos, Susan Jane Fitch, Diana Fisher, Sarah Jean Smith, Sandra Grybeck, Connie Ward, Suzanne Fudge, Tara Jo Veeck, Jean Colette LaBerge, Melinda Gibbons.
Gamma Deltas to Occupy New Home Founded at Syracuse University-1904 Beta Delta Chapter established at I. U.-1941 90 National Chapters Construction has begun on a new house, and the Alpha Gamma Deltas will be moving to the corner of North Jordan Avenue and 17th Street next fall. December was a busy month for the women of Alpha Gamma Delta this year. As their altruistic project for the year, the Alpha Gams entertained children with cerebral palsy at a Christmas party. The sorority's fall house dance, also in December, was planned with Christmas in Mexico as its theme. Decorations included a tree in old Mexican style and Mexican costumes.
A quartet of Alpha Gams take a study break. 292
Last spring the Alpha Gams won first place for their costumes in the Miniature 500. Working with Acacia to present "1961 World Serious," the women participated in Fall Carnival and entered I. U. Sing.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Lillian Porter, Lyndia Green (VicePres.), Thelma Robinson (Sec.), Beverly Stanton (Pres.), Jean Smith (Corres. Sec.), Claudia Brown (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Evelyn Wall, Nettalyn Simms, Anita Watkins, Edith Holland, Loretta Piggee, Irene Kimble, Prudence Banister. THIRD ROW:
Edith Sanders, Linda Porter, Eleanor Peterson, Julia Palmer, Linn Hariston, Rose Wilson, Mary Phillips, Melba Brown. BACK ROW: Arnita Keeton, Beverly Ovelton, Elizabeth Harmon, Delorise Barnes, Margaret Smith, Betty Jean Courtney, Patricia Myers, Dixie Waugh, Carolyn Jones, Alice Smith.
Alpha Kappa Alphas Live in Read Center Founded at Howard University-1908 Tau Chapter established at I. U.-1922 106 National Chapters At present Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority has its local residence in Daniel Read Center, since Tau Chapter has no house. There are about 30 women in the local membership. During the spring the women compete with other campus housing units in the Miniature 500 Tricycle Race. Last year they placed second in the costume competition. A spring fashion show was also presented. Canned goods of food were collected at the annual Can-Can Dance during the Christmas season. One of the main social activities of the sorority, the dance also provides food for needy families in Monroe County. December is the month for other activities including the Activation Dance and a caroling tour for the patients at Bloomington Hospital.
Alpha Kappa Alphas promote intra-sorority relations each Sunday when they go to church together.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Marilyn Fisher (Corres. Sec.), Diane Carey (Treas.), Diane Schneiter (Pres.), Mrs. Lura Berry (House Mother), Janet Eisert (Vice-Pres.), Julienne Kirkman, Betty Jo McFarren (Rec. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Linda Choplin, Carole Oxenrider, Geraldine Geller, Holly Gooding, Maridee Vendes, Susan Hart, Janet Strubbe, Carol L. Miller, Mary Whitelock, Ann Lumbattis, Janet Smith, Ruth Seiman. THIRD ROW: Caroline Baker, Joanne Hinsch, Paula Davenport, Kathleen Bahler, Dorothy Bettis, Marilyn Place, Linda Brown, Cynthia Brown, Carole Rines, Mary Lois Holaday, Judith Milisen, Carolyn
Lloyd, Karla Krughoff, Joan Bare. FOURTH ROW: Donna Rea, Jayne Tegeler, Patricia Young, Marcia Mosel, Nellie Anne Sidlauskas, Sandra Sue Valentine, Nancy Scecina, Linda Woodruff, Nancy Thompson, Mary Lausch, Sarah Martin, Carol East, Barbara Bastin, Karen Mueller. BACK ROW: Linda Higdon, Colleen Finik, Norma Nelson, Sharon Yoho, Sandra Cooper, Marilyn Fowler, Judith Horton, Nancy Feldt, Marcia Renegar, Julie Emmert, Glee Barber, Ieva Lusis, Sammie Coffman, Ruth Hargrave, Christine Zatorski, Kathleen Hogan.
Alpha Omicron Pi Plays Basketball for Charity Founded at Barnard College-1897 Beta Phi Chapter established atI. U.-1916 67 National Chapters The basketball game between the Pirates of Alpha Omicron Pi social sorority and the senior athletes has become an annual event at Indiana University.Proceeds for the game are given to the Christian Center in Bloomington to be used to help underprivileged children in the area. The AOPis' Senior Christmas Dance was presented in the Frangipani Room in the Union Building. In the spring the women presented their annual pledge dance, entered I. U. Sing, and, to climax the year, backed the Chi Phis in Little 500. To help further intersorority relations, the AOPis had a breakfast with the women of Alpha Gamma Delta in the fall. The AOPis beat Santa Claus at his own game with their gigantic Christmas stocking.
Beta Phi's chapter house, located on East Tenth Street, was built in 195 3.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Diana Walters (Treas.), Georgine Buckleh (Pledge Trainer), Sue Ann Sieber, Phyllis Riedell (VicePres.), Mrs. tone Camp (House Mother), Marcia Marchese (Pres.), Mary Lou Parks (Corres. Sec.), Bonnie Boyle, Jeraldine Spurgeon (Rush Chair.). SECOND ROW: Sue Smith, Doris Bonacorsi, Sharon Brown, Gerry Schwestka, Patricia Brown, Metta May Wondrack, Judith Black, Elinore Eley, Judith Curtis, Judith Warring, Suzanne Whaley, Phyllis Allen (Rec. Sec.). THIRD ROW: Rhonda Olsson, Marcia Sanford, Carol Prekowitz, Judith Troxel, Janice Diek, Georgene Brunell, Jayne Durlauf, Diane
Myers, Helen Beneville, Nancy Groverman, Judith Cramer, Linda Martin, Karen Essex. FOURTH ROW: Carol Runner, Susan Lavengood, Linda Parrish, Natalie Burnham, Judith Tieman, Jermayne Fritzen, Sarah CaJacob, Andrea Baker, Pamela Armstrong, Jan Redden, Constance Ross, Linda Kaltenbach, Nancy Crossland, Polly Palmer. BACK ROW: Susan Bell, Carol Deckard, Jeanie Piper, Susan Carto, Mary Temple, Sara Hindman, Matrha Lysaght, Kay Pattengale, Carol Szink, Linda Romine, Margaret Schwartz, Sandie Shank.
Alpha Phis Open New Wing to House Founded at Syracuse University-1872 Beta Tau Chapter established at I. U.-1947 73 National Chapters Inside and out the appearance of the Alpha Phi house on East Third Street was changed this year. A dining hall and additional study rooms for the women are included in the house's new wing which was completed in September, 1961. The sorority's major charitable activity of the year was the cardiac aid fund drive. The women conducted a door-to-door campaign to collect donations for the annual drive. The Alpha Phis were the first sorority to request an intersorority conference which eventually became the National Panhellenic Conference. Seasonal dances, I. U. Sing, and Fall Carnival, for which they worked with Beta Theta Pi fraternity, were among the year's campus activities for the women of Alpha Phi sorority.
Opened in September, the new wing of the Alpha Phi house makes a pretty frame for four sisters. 295
FRONT ROW (left to right): David Fisher (Sec.), Keith E. Collins (Treas.), Roger W. Perry (Pres.), Neil R. Brooks (VicePres.). SECOND ROW: Ellis S. Bell, Warren G. Blackmon,
Mickey Steptoe, Ronald Walters, Franklin Breckenridge. BACK ROW: James Bradley Higgins, Finis Anderson, Warren L. Bailey, Robert Blacknell.
Alpha Phi Alphas Plan for House in 1962
Founded at Cornell University-1906 Gamma Eta Chapter established at I. U.-1947 248 National Chapters Since the establishment of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity on the Indiana University campus, the members have been living in dormitories, private housing, and other rooming facilities. Now the pledges and actives are working with their adviser and national officers on a plan to move into a house in September, 1962. If their plans congeal, the Alpha Phi Alphas will be the second Negro fraternity to occupy a chapter house at I. U. Alpha Phi Alpha was the first national social fraternity for Negroes in the United States.
Alpha Phi Alphas study architectural styles in planning for their new house. 296
For the past few years the local fraternity has attempted to place greater emphasis on academic achievement. Numerous dances, intramural activities, help week, and exchanges with sororities were on the chapter's social calendar for the year.
FRONT ROW (left to right): James Messick, Thomas Lower, Donald Pebworth, Malcolm F. Locke, David Ring, Kenneth Groth, Daniel Oyler, Cecil Smith, Robert Francis (Pledge Trainer), John Ferguson, Thomas Klaer, Donel Criswell, John Whiteleather. SECOND ROW: John Beswick, Herman Paul Maier, Paul Goss, William Eggleston (Vice-Pres.), Alois Buchheit, Thomas Lytle, Felix Summitt, Jeffrey Espich, Thomas Ryan, Larry Junker, Michael Allan, Duane Hicks, John La Follette, Stephen Matthews, Craig Farnsworth, Robert Pearce, Peter Wright, Stephen Kukoy. THIRD ROW: Steven Clark, Robert Wetzel, John Marosky, James Carpenter, Michael Ankony, Robert Zwerner, David Townsend, Michael Leavitt, John Glover, Robert Burdett (Sec.), Richard Busch, Phillip Bainbridge, Milton Kellum, Stephen Corman, Jim Harrold, Stanley Heine, Thomas
Montgomery, John Gedrick, Robert Downs. FOURTH ROW: Robert Dennis Orr, Don Stauffer, Jack Terry Miller, Wallace Knapp, Paul Zwerner, Howard Turner, Gary Miller, John Nelson, Ronald Duch, Michael West, Gilbert Walter, John Baldwin, George Leinenweber, Julian D. Pace, Albert Szal, Andrew Tynan, Kent Hedman, Thomas Lewinski, James La Follette, Mark Meyer, Robert Enoch. BACK ROW: Edward Bollhoffer, James Cook, Larry Coddens, William Toney, Murray Munger, Richard Groff, Samuel Shuler, Max Barrick, Joseph Stepich, John Dinkel, Lawson Clark, Scott Mahan, John Lahart, William Nelson, John Butcher, Thomas Opre, William D'Amico, Robert Anderson II, Terry Lindenberg, Robert Stark Jr., Jack B. Clark.
Alpha Tau Omega Renews Powder Puff Bowl Founded at Virginia Military Institute-1889 Delta Alpha Chapter established at I. U.-1915 117 National Chapters Renewal of the Powder Puff Bowl in October was made possible by Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. In the flag football game, Kappa Alpha Theta defeated Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Planned by the pledges, the annual renunion of the Virginia Military Institute is held by the fraternity in the spring. During the winter the pledges also participate in Help Week, during which they offer their services to the city of Bloomington to aid in forming a better community. The ATO's received honorable mention for their prepublicity for their Fall Carnival booth which they created with the women of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Traditional events they participate in are the chapter's Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day, I. U. Sing, Little 500, and the annual Little 500 Brunch.
Block's College Shop was bursting with ATOs when the men gave their house mother a surprise serenade. 297
FRONT ROW (left to right): Patricia Roelke (Corres. Sec.), Janice Titus (Treas.), Mary Jane Mitchell (Rush Chair.), Mrs. Cora Plew (House Mother), Judith Mary Anderson (Pres.), Dianne Brandt (Pledge Trainer), Sara Sanders (Rec. Sec.), SECOND ROW: Judith A. Myers, Nancy Richards, Sharon Marlene Bloye, Judith A. Martin, Janet R. Bailey, Beverly Cole, Margaret Read, Janet Whitelock. THIRD ROW: Georgene Fabiyanic, Mary Jo Shakespeare, Barbara Tindall, Gayle Posselt,
Katherine Locpke, Marilyn Nieman, Barbara Keuneke, Phoebe Hamilton, Linda Austin. FOURTH ROW: Shelly Hutchinson, Rita Stewart, Mary Boxell, Vera Stillabower, Mary Stewart, Wanda Wallace, Betty Booth, Cynthia Shutt, Roberta Yoho, Sandra Richert. BACK ROW: Jean Springsteen, Mathilde Loker, Judith Kanning, Theresa Hirtzel, Linda Rethmeyer, Roselyn King, Marlene McFeely, Carole Morgan, Kathryne Sue Sleppy, Mary Ellen Blaisdell.
Alpha Xi Delta Activities Use Seasonal Themes Founded at Knox College-1893 Beta Pi Chapter established at I. U.-1946 81 National Chapters The women of Alpha Xi Delta planned a number of house activities around the various holidays. During the Halloween season, a lighted pumpkin was placed in every window of the sorority's house on Third Street as a result of a pumpkin decorating party in which the entire house participated. Setting the Christmas mood was "Snowflake Whirl," a dinner-dance at the Bloomington Country Club. The Alpha Xis also went caroling with the men of Phi Kappa Tau, and, in addition, they entertained the local Alpha Xi Delta alumnae chapter at the annual alumnae Christmas dinner.
An Alpha Xi Santa thanked her house mother with gifts at Christmas. 298
A project initiated by Beta Pi Chapter this year was a weekly guest night at the sorority house, which consisted of dress-up dinners and some form of special entertainment, such as special music or skits.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Ralph Foley, Paul R. Stephenson, James D. Fox, Michael R. McClurg (Vice-Pres.), Don E. Hanna (Pres.), Ronald Ault (Treas.), Terry Gumz, Moffett Mutz (Pledge Trainer), David C. Cooper, John Gutowsky. SECOND ROW: Frank E. Gustafson, William M. Wilke, Philip Oyer, Michael Perine, Thomas Potts, John Green, Winfield Moses, Milliam Hoover, Craig Briggs, Robert Eaglesfield, William Carmichael, Thomas Skidmore, Michael Hostetter, Richard Wagner, Nick Williams, Stephen P. Johnson, George M. Roark. THIRD ROW: Martin Hansen, Thomas Thomas, James Greenlee, John Gronemeyer, Robert Lehman, Cole McCombs, John Norris, Larry Cunningham, Steven Mowrer, W. Randolph Moore, Joseph S.
Shellabarger, Kenneth Hallfrisch, Trent Patterson, William Capestany, Ronald C. Davis, Kurt Hiner, John Gilliam. FOURTH ROW: John Prough, Erik Jensen, Richard Osborn, Richard Sprinkle, Jack Dailey, Tom Highland, Larry Nellans, Bill Lambert, Stephen M. Smith, John Bierbower, Frank Urbahns, Brad Blair, Randy Roberts, John O'Donnell, Richard Pletcher, Elmer N. Kestner, William R. Martin. BACK ROW: Judson Costlow, William Wassman, Brock Blosser, Larry Ansbaugh, Chris Knowles, John King, Robert Hedges, Dan McConochy, Ron Peyser, John Hall, John Fidipowski, Sydney Stevens, Brian Bailey, George E. Curtis, Michael Link, Jerry Rosner, David Cranor.
Beta Theta Pi First Social Fraternity at I U Founded at Miami University-1839 Pi Chapter established at I. U.-1845 98 National Chapters A first among social fraternities is Beta Theta Pi which claims the honor of being the first fraternity to be established west of the Allegheny Mountains. Pi Chapter also was the first fraternity to be established at Indiana University. Well-known Betas in the world of politics are Wendel Wilkie, former Vice-President of the United States, Paul V. McNutt, former Governor of Indiana, and Charles Halleck, present Republican Minority leader of the House of Representatives. Campus activities for the year included "The School of Hard Rocks" at Fall Carnival, I. U. Sing, and Little 500. Together with the Sigma Chis and the Phi Delta Thetas, the Betas sponsored the Miami Triad, a traditional dance celebrating the founding of the three fraternities at Miami University.
Reviewing activities of last year helps the Betas plan for those to come. 299
FRONT ROW (left to right): Eleanor Rynearson (Rush Chair.), Dorothy Druart, Carolee Tomlinson (Treas.), Joyce Stewart (Pres.), Mrs. Ruth Erwin (House Mother), Sandee Ellison (VicePres.), Sue Ann Oster (Sec.), Charlene Sarka, Carolyn Danner. SECOND ROW: Rachel Keith, Carolyn Boys, Karen Kraay, Kathryn Wilson, Margery Price, Penelope Jones, Judith Misner, Susan Fernandes, Karen Shaw, Monica Weilemann. THIRD ROW: Susan McCullough, Beverly Harnisch, Mary Combs, Leola Eklund, Sandra Wagner, Judith P. Olson, Nancy Minnis,
Linda K. Miller, Jean Fox, Phyllis Scaturo, Maureen Moore. FOURTH ROW: Sharon Hardin, Martha Richards, Joan Ely, Donna Fitzwater, Linda Medley, Sue Dahl, Sharon Siegesmund, Nancy Kaufman, Sonjia Camesasca, Mary Schnitzler, Judy Bulza, Gail Miller. BACK ROW: Carol Adams, Lorraine Urban, Marilyn Pierce, Karen Lundin, Melody Mis, Mary Lee Deuschle, Sandra Lucas, Ann Bulleit, Carol Jenkins, Sarah Jolly, Linda Wightman.
Chi Omegas Give Party for Foreign Students Founded at University of Arkansas-1895 Theta Beta Chapter established at I. U.-1922 128 National Chapters Foreign students on campus were entertained again this year at a Christmas party presented by Chi Omega sorority. Their cosponsors for 1961 were the men of Sigma Nu fraternity. The Chi 0 pledges raised money in the fall by sponsoring a candied-apple sale, the proceeds of which were donated to the Exchange Home. Keeping an eye out for grades, the Chi Omegas have a traditional scholarship dinner when those who have improved academically feast on steaks and those who did not eat beans.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Armstrong enjoyed themselves at a Chi 0 faculty dinner. 300
Among other traditional internal activities of Indiana University's Theta Beta Chapter are the big and little sister dance, a senior banquet, the waiter's turnabout dinner, and Eleusinia, observed in the fall and spring in honor of Chi Omega's founding.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Richard Fogle, William Montgomery, Joseph Goeller (Sec.), Jerry Gaines (Vice-Pres.), James Russ (Pres.), Richard D. Miller (Treas.), Gary Smith, Paul DePaulo, Frederic Arnold. SECOND ROW: Thomas Hodson, William Bruce, Gene Johnson, Kenneth Baumann, Mardon De Michele, Angelo Kostas, John J. Anulies, Ron Wiehe, Theodore Wilkins, Charles Michael Racer. THIRD ROW: Stephen Ricke, William Jones, James Day, Jerry Minnis, Charles Robinson, Robert Bransford, Charles Keirn Rush, Larry Criss, Paul Gifford,
Gordon Gouveia, Edward Knartzer. FOURTH ROW: Robert Dorst, David Frye, Robert Schenk, Harry Ross, Richard Gribble, Thomas Butters, Chuck Milisen, Blaine Marsh, Edward McClure, Jack Hawkins, Jerry Smith, George Connell. BACK ROW: Paul Morsey, Richard Davis, Ray Snapp, Jerry Orberg, Larry Simpson, Gerry Walter, John Carrabine, John Miller, Philip Kinsel, Tom Mayhew, David Fosnaugh, Larry Davis, William Combs, Franklin Cox, Tom Rupert.
Chi Phis Raise Money for New House
Founded at Princeton University-1824 Iota Delta Chapter established at I. U.-1957 32 National Chapters Various fund-raising drives were conducted and construction was begun this year on the Chi Phi's new fraternity house. To be situated on new Fraternity Row, the house is to be completed and ready for occupancy by September 15,1963. The Fall Carnival best game of chance award was presented to the "Arm Pit" entry of the Chi Phis and their coed sponsors, Chi Omega sorority. The fraternity also won the Class B intramural football championship. Major social activities of the year for the Chi Phis included the Spring Formal, the annual Roman Holiday Dance, and a pledge dance. The men participated in I. U. Sing, working with Gamma Phi Beta social sorority, and in the Little 500, sponsored by Alpha Omicron Pi social sorority.
Chi Phis study plans as they look forward to moving into their new house. 301
FRONT ROW: Gary Hayes (Treas.), Michael Cunningham (Rec. Sec.), John MacLeod (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. June Bruner (House Mother), Robert Cellini (Pres.), Jerry Robinson (Corres. Sec.), Daniel Tankersley. SECOND ROW: Robert Boyd, Robert Oliver, David Michael Perry, Karl Wolff, William Precht, Lewis Clark, L. Clark McCammon, Larry Walker. THIRD ROW: David Mabey, Charles Frederick Coleman Jr., Kenneth Tkindt,
Roger William Sladek, James E. Roush, John Campbell, James Flockencier, J. Mike Keiter, John Ingle. BACK ROW: William Logan, John Wilson, Larry Hendrickson, Sam Warren, James Banther, Ralph Lueders, Charles Morrell, Larry Wright, George Worthington, Harry L. Bolton, Robert Brookshire, Richard David Poe.
Delta Chis Plan to Adopt European Orphan Founded at Cornell University-1890 Indiana Chapter established at I. U.-1925 48 National Chapters Arranging for the financial adoption of an European orphan was one of the major events of the year for the men of Delta Chi fraternity. Working with Wing III of Daniel Read Center, the Delta Chis presented the "Way-Out House" at Fall Carnival. They also entered I. U. Sing and Little 500. For their Homecoming decorations, the men used 48,000 tissues to "flush the Buckeyes." A tradition of Indiana Chapter is a banquet presented to honor a member of the Indiana University faculty whom the chapter feels has done outstanding work.
Happy children's faces were thanks enough for Santaplaying Delta Chis.
Social activities of the chapter included Saturnalia, an autumn dance with a Roman theme, a Christmas dance, and their spring Blue Champagne Formal in honor of their pledges.
FRONT ROW (left to right: Lucinda Marie Orme, Carolyn Jo Clevenger, Marjean Maxwell (Rush Chair.), Sandra Lois Ulbrich (Pres.), Mrs. Henrietta Hanna (House Mother), Rachel Anne Creel (Vice-Pres.), Gretchen Alice Andis (Treas.), Brenda E. Swisher, Mary Louise Uebele (Rec. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Marianne Birgit Wahlen, Gwendolyn Lou Doom, Margaret Ann Bond, Carol Louise Smith, Mary Ann Kelso, Judith E. Thompson, Sandra Ann Furtick, Mary Margaret Bentley, Elizabeth Ann Abell, Sandra Jane Webster, Laurie Sue Stoner, Sherry Lynn Perkins. THIRD ROW: Sarah Harrold, Carolyn Jean Kitchell, Judith Dee Manlove, Sara Hopkins, Janet E. Alleman, Katherine
A. Truesdell, Diana Beverly Seglin, Marcia Lynne Simpson, Peggy Miller, Jacquelyn Sue Doom, Kathleen Ann Currey, Jacqueline V. Seglin. FOURTH ROW: Susan Patricia Arnold, Louann Eileen Tiernan, Geraldine E. Anulies, Sally Ordway, Elizabeth Buchanan, Linda Bauer, Mary Ann Mentendiek, Jerry Shields, Marcia Elizabeth Meyer, Karin Blake, Anne Carol Sosenheimer, Sally Ann Applegate. BACK ROW: Suzanne Hardin, Phyllis Anne Garrison, Nancy Jayne Lehman, Susan Colby, Susan Marie Brown, Nancy Anne O'Neill, M. Joanne Norman, Arla Jeanne Smith, Virginia Kay Rollins, Karen Lee Lass, Judy Ellen Bonnett, Virginia C. Savidge, Melinda Kay Brougher.
Delta Delta Delta Honors Campus Scholars Founded at Boston College-1888 Delta Omicron Chapter established at I. U.-1917 65 National Chapters The traditional Pansy Breakfast in recognition of campus women who rank high scholastically was presented again this year by Delta Delta Delta social sorority. Cosponsored by the men of Phi Gamma Delta, the Tri Delts presented their annual service project during the Christmas season. The two groups had a Christmas party for needy children in Bloomington. Among the Tri Delts' social events were I. U. Sing, for which they worked with Sigma Nu, and Fall Carnival, with Zeta Beta Tau. The chapter also presented an East-West Berlin Dance and a dinner for members of the faculty. In addition the Tri Delts had their annual Charter Day and Founder's Day, the latter in honor of the sorority's three founders.
A Tri Delt trio makes sure Santa Clause will have no doubt as to whose chimney he has descended. 303
FRONT ROW (left to right): Mary Elizabeth Dildine, Sharon Goodwin (Corres. Sec.), Mary Allen (Vice-Pres.), Mary Louise Stark (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Addison Parry (House Mother), DewAnn Drout (Pres.), Barbara Manson, Carolyn Beckert (Rush Chair.), Maryann Bell. SECOND ROW: Patricia Ann Etter, Sue Ann Potter, Linda Prather, Alice Turner, Nancy McManus, Barbara L. Freeland, Julia Louise Carr, Mary Balis, Anne Kemper, Elizabeth Everett, Susan Fox, Susan Kroener, Sally Diane Turley. THIRD ROW: Lynda Eggert, Judith M. Jones, Kathy Burch, Ellen Hollingshead, Kay Reiff, Marion Libbie Gray, Mary Jane Fields, Gabriella Ceccarelli, Connie Kay Keppler, Barbara L.
McGinnis, Margo Lockwood, Judith Ann Smoch, Linda Lierman, Mary Jane Aten. FOURTH ROW: Patricia Ann Hanaghan, Susan Pettijohn, Linda B. Fobes, Roses Toner, Susan Parmater, Barbara Ehrman, Carol Oja, Susan O'Malley, Judy Kay Kamman, Mary Ann Summerland, Linda Louise Musson, Jane E. Steinbeck, Carmalieta Dellinger. BACK ROW: Gillian Kimble, Linda Metz, Susan Stone, Pequita Troxell, Meredith Keras, Marilyn Westfall, Ruthanne Newman, Anne Berg, Judith A. Whiteleather, Patricia Day, Beatrice Cellini, Susan Lancaster, Betsy Bass, Kay Sturgeon, Judith Fay.
Delta Gammas Engage in Aid to Blind Project Founded at Oxford College-1873 Theta Chapter established at I. U.-1898 88 National Chapters Aid to the blind is a national project of Delta Gamma sorority begun last year. The local chapter participated this year by reading material to a blind student at University School. Second place award for Fall Carnival prepublicity was presented this year to the DGs. In addition to Fall Carnival, the women participated in the Miniature 500, I. U. Sing, Senior Citizen's Tea for persons from the Bloomington area, and the Fiji-DG coffee hour. For the second consecutive year, an exchange student from Italy lived at the sorority house, and the DGs hope to make the program a tradition of Theta Chapter.
A foursome of DGs relieve some of the pre-finals tension with a bridge game.
Mrs. Ralph Showalter, who contributed the funds for Showalter Fountain and the revolving globe in Ballantine Hall, is an alumna of I. U.'s Theta Chapter of Delta Gamma.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Patricia Faulkner (Vice-Pres.), Andrea Lacy (Rec. Sec.), Demetra Williams (Pres.), Dorothy Taylor (Corres. Sec.), Patricia Reid (Rush Chair.), Patricia L. Cook (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Greer Dawson, Dorothy Reynolds,
Connie Hunter, Rene Jones, Bonnie Whitley, Charmaine Williams, Mattie Cameron. BACK ROW: Shelia Yates, Thelma Hodges, Joyce Kuykendall, Gloria Taylor, Hazel Goodman, Carolyn Young, Earlean Johnson, Emma Swarn.
Delta Sigma Thetas Aid Disabled Veterans Founded at Howard University-1919 Gamma Nu Chapter established at I. U.-1947 209 National Chapters Sending gift packages to numerous hospitals during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays was a part of a new project for disabled veterans conducted by Delta Sigma Theta sorority. Gamma Nu Chapter also rendered service to several community churches and worked with the cancer drive and the blood bank. The women assisted at the Bloomington Hospital and campus exchange home, and pledges provided Christmas music in Beck Chapel. Panhellenic council's scholarship trophy for the most academic improvement was presented to the Delta Sigma Thetas for the second time in 1961. The Peppermint Ball, Delta Sigma Theta's annual formal, was presented in April, and red and white decorations were used to carry out the theme of the sorority's dance.
A Sunday afternoon song fest is a good time for sisters to get together. 305
FRONT ROW (left to right): Lawrence Warren, Todd Brotemarkle, Thomas Freed, Edward J. Rubush (Treas.), Douglas Rae (Pres.), John M. Clark (Vice-Pres.), Douglas Kent, Bruce Seward (Rec. Sec.), Albert Ward (Corres. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Dan Carrington, Christopher Dant, Gary Pershing, Preston Breunig, Tom Chase, James C. Booth, Douglas Offutt, Larry Hannah, Daniel McPheron, James Rosebrough, Kenneth Craw, Raymond Nutty. THIRD ROW: Robert Castaldi, John Byrne, David Federico, L. Gordon Shouse, Hugh McNeely, Gary Martin, David Reynolds, Michael J. Murphy, Malcolm Duncan, Robert Dennis Sizemore, Harvey Sigmond, William Meek, Paul Edward Haider-
man, Eric Frey, David Waltman. FOURTH ROW: Timothy Feczko, William Cromwell, Dennis Gillen, James Morrison, Charles Bowden, James Riddet, Joseph Paxton, David Epperson. James Richard Jackson, Stephen Brady, Jerry McClarren, John Heaton, Stephen Myers, John Michael Cooper. BACK ROW: Robert Lang, Milton Conway, Philip Ross, John Cook, James Price, Agris Petersons, Frank Pollard, Leland Matthews, Fred Hupp, Charles W. Thomas, Edward Peter Johnson, Derald Ellinghausen, Michael E. Smith, Guy E. Morrison Jr., Stuart Jewell, Charles M. Dawson.
Delta Tau Delta Street Dance Attracts 4000 Founded at Bethany College-1858 Beta Alpha Chapter established at I. U.--1870 89 National Chapters A record crowd of about 4,000 persons danced and were entertained in September at the annual Delta Tau Delta Street Dance, which was cosponsored by the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma. The Delt pledge dance, "Playboy Playmates," was also presented in the fall. In the spring the Delts joined the Alpha Gamma Deltas for their I. U. Sing number. Former Indiana Governor Harold W. Handley, Leon Wallace, Dean of the School of Law, and Senator William Jenner are a few of the famous alumni of U.'s Beta Alpha Chapter, the oldest Delt chapter in the state.
Brotherly assistance makes prefinal studying easier at the Delta Tau Delta house. 306
The fraternity's house, which was built in 1936, is on North Indiana Avenue and is now occupied by about 75 members. Plans are underway to add a new wing to the house in the near future.
FRONT ROW (left to right): John Lundquist, George Giebert (Pledge Trainer), Dan E. Prickett, James Drew (Pres.), David Stoecker (Vice-Pres.), Larry Beuch (Treas.), Gary Gardner, Jeff McQuinn. SECOND ROW: John Turner, James Shais, William Folds, Van Cuskey, Barry Hottle, C. A. Smith, Arthur L. Gray, Robert Macpherson Jr., Larry Howard, Nick Arnold, Randall Yenerich, James Leman, John Biersdorfer, William Graves. THIRD ROW: Winston Fairfield, Donald Eugene Miller, Gigi Laffoon, Frederick Browder, Peter Emberheart, James Denney, Bill Gross, Patrick Jenkins, Jeffrey Wells, Ronald Snodgrass,
Clibern Morris, Gene Finke, Gordon Raeburn, George Smock, Green Freshman. FOURTH ROW: Edward Wort, John Wainwright, John Osborne, Ronald Currier, Terry Clapacs, Stan Hoover, Thomas Grennes, Walter Woodburn, Daniel Nichols, Terrance Emmons, Franklin Rudolph, Forman Skinne, John Grill, Kirk Smith, Leon Chandler. BACK ROW: Dennis Cheatham, David Keller, Earl Shaker, John Nester, W. Gaylen Allsop, Gaylord West, David Jordan, Stephen Blakley, H. J. Reed, Thomas Bowers, Michael Cooney, Riley Whitman II, Robert Osborne, Gregg Hilzer, James Cook, Jerome Drew.
Red Firetruck Tradition of Delta Upsilon Founded at Williams College-1834 Indiana Chapter established at I. U.-1915 92 National Chapters A red firetruck loaded with couples, the house decorated to look as if it were on fire, a real blaze burning behind the house with a waterhose close by—these things are typical of Delta Upsilon's annual spring dance, Firemen's Fling. The firetruck itself has become a tradition of Indiana Chapter of Delta Upsilon as it has with the other 91 DU chapters throughout the United States. The present truck is the third owned by Indiana Chapter and often is used to pick up the DU's dates for dances. The men of Delta Upsilon entered the 1962 I. U. Sing with the women of Alpha Omicron Pi and the Little 500 with the women of Alpha Phi as cosponsors. The only nonsecret fraternity in the National Interfraternity Council, Delta Upsilon counts Joseph P. Kennedy and Bob Hope among their membership.
The final schedule received serious contemplation by studious DUs. 307
FRONT ROW (left to right): Sharon Smith (Corres. Sec.), Judith Gall (Vice-Pres.), Anna Marie Davisson (Pres.), Mrs. Louise Neel (House Mother), Luella Woody (Rec. Sec.), Patricia McMillan (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Patricia Kiess, Mary Sue Franklin, Linda Gorseline, Rowena Degan, Judith Carlile, Carol Augustus, Sharon Morelock. THIRD ROW: Bonnie Rydell, Ruth Myers, Barbara Mooney, Carrie-Ann Norris, Patricia Nadine
Hicks, Carole Spindler, Sharon Elmore, Constance Alyea. FOURTH ROW: Elizabeth Gotshall, Sue White, Mia Peterson, Caroline Kay Girkin, Jane Ellyn Cook, Barbra Anne Strite, Dorothy Purser, Sue Ellen Johnson, Bonnie Lee Skelton. BACK ROW: Madonna Mills, Sharron Duncan, Roberta Wilson, Beth Bailey, Linda Dorbecker, Barbara Maier, Liz Hardsaw, Jean Summers, Hallis Friend.
Delta Zetas Redecorate House in Sorority Colors Founded at Miami University-1902 Epsilon Chapter established at I. U.-1909 136 National Chapters A beautifully redecorated house brightened the year for the women of Delta Zeta. Sorority colors of Old Rose and Vieux Green, complemented by accessories in gray, black, and beige, were used to set off the French provincial furniture. Service projects for the year included a Christmas party for the children at Exchange Home. Epsilon Chapter's off-campus philanthropic project was a trip to Madison State Hospital where they visited with patients in A ward.
Boress gifts held the attention of the DZ waiters at the turnabout Christmas party and dinner.
Activities for the DZ's this year included the traditional Ski Lodge Dance and Spring Pledge Formal and the Steak and Beans Dinner for scholarship. In 1962 the Delta Zetas presented "Songs of the South" in I. U. Sing, backed Tau Kappa Epsilon in Little 500, and initiated a Little Sister Weekend.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Georgia Ann Orbaugh (Corres. Sec.), Vera Linette Hinton (Rec. Sec.), Susan Wagner (Vice-Pres.), Carole Bierbaum (Pres.), Judith Neddo (Vice-Pres.), Nancy McDonough (Rush Chair.), Marilyn Thiel (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Barbara Lynn, Jodelle Bechtold, Barbara Klein, Marian McCoy, Carole Bringle, Mary Horn, Sharlene Heupel, Kathleen Cavanaugh, Martha Baker, Mary Alice Allwein, Susan O'Hara, Jacqueline Thompson. THIRD ROW: Sharon Duggan, Pamela Allen, Mary Lynn Lewis, Nancy Bush, Sally Shaw, Donna Goodus, Patricia Bachaleda, Jane Bergerman, Barbara Ewer,
Carol Ellingwood, Barbara Rogers, Leah McGrayel, Ann Harper. FOURTH ROW: Wendy Sikich, Joyce Marzotto, Karen Nuske, Linda Lewis, Marcia Johnson, Carolyn Hollis, Delia Karen Gwaltney, Roberta Reder, Arvilla Erdmann, Margaret Jane McClain, Margaret Pock, Allice Gutschick, Carole Danbury, Barbara Carson, Audrey Hofelich. BACK ROW: Diane Murray, Robin Kramer, Nancy Sowden, Elizabeth Ahlemeyer, Barbara J. Surber, Sally Femal, Diane Keppen, Lynne Gilliatt, Elnora Bredenberg, Judy Glock, Barbara Mohlke, Lynn Prendergast, Martha Wilder, Paula Winterfeldt, Mary Lucile Canter.
Gamma Phi Beta Receives Mrs. Wells' Pin Founded at Syracuse University-1874 Beta Phi Chapter established at I. U.-1957 76 National Chapters At the dedication of Agnes E. Wells Quadrangle in the fall, Beta Phi Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta sorority was presented with Mrs. Wells' sorority pin. A former Dean of Women at Indiana University, Mrs. Wells worked for years to establish a chapter of the sorority on campus. "Moonology" was the Gamma Phi and Chi Phi's entry in the production division of the 1962 I. U. Sing. Working with Kappa Delta Rho, the women presented "Plunge in Paradise" for Fall Carnival, and in the spring they backed the Sigma Alpha Epsilon team for the Little 500 Race. The first women's social organization to be known as a sorority, Gamma Phi Beta was also one of the original eight founding sororities of the National Panhellenic Council.
The Gamma Phi house mother accompanies her girls as they sing at an after-hours party.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Arthur Carter Jr., Virgil Ecton (Keeper of Records), Roosevelt Warren (President), Alvertis Wall (Dean of Pledges), Andre Goutier Diatezulwa. SECOND ROW: Ronald Little, Arbie L. Jamerson, Herman West, Anthony Reyn-
olds, Raymond Shontee, Charles Hale. BACK ROW: Thomas Jamerson, Edward L. Williams, Ronnie Ward Finnel, Kenneth Ellis (Keeper of Exchequer), James Butler, Lloyd Lyons, Lester Thompson.
Kappa Alpha Psi Opens New House on Jordan
Founded at Indiana University-1911 Alpha Chapter established at I. U.-1911 301 National Chapters At the corner of East Seventeenth Street and North Jordan Avenue, the new home of Kappa Alpha Psi social fraternity is the first Negro fraternity house to be built on a Big Ten Campus. The new limestone building, which has a terrace overlooking the football stadium, has a capacity of 60 men. Named the Elder Watson Diggs Memorial in honor of one of the fraternity's founders, the house was dedicated during the weekend of February 2 to 4, 1962. Kappa Alpha Psi is the only social fraternal organization ever founded at Indiana University that has gone on to become a national organization. Final touches for the new Kappa Alpha Psi house ineluded a replica of the fraternity's crest.
Earl Faison, an alumnus of Alpha Chapter, was voted Rookie of the Year of the American Football League for the 1961-1962 season.
ROW (left to right): Carolyn Kraft (Rec. Sec.), FRONT ROW Stephanie Hoppes (Corres. Sec.), Susan McHugh (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. A. W. Rodecker (House Mother), Barbara Metzner (Pres.), Judith Duncan (Treas.), Ann Fletchall (Rush Chair.), Jane Harrell (Rush Chair.). SECOND ROW: Pauletta Walker, Bette Rattner, Constance Phillips, Nancy Vail, Virginia Sawin, Joan Simmons, Betsy Traylor, Carole McNear, Martha Jane Litherland, Linda Kitzmiller, Nancy Good, Sara G. Miller. THIRD ROW: Bonnie Winslow, Patricia Lou Smith, Sharon McHugh, Janice Ramsay, Sandra Chilcott, Judith Ann Brown, Bonnie
Blakely, Linda Marrs, Nancy Baumgartner, Ann Crawford, Carole Shepherd, Pamela Fitzpatrick, Diana DeHart. FOURTH ROW: Jacqueline Harrell, Jean Leckie, Jeanne Foulkes, Miriam Perry, Christy Clements, Annabelle Parry, Marian Kaylor, Judith Whitacre, Carol Moore, Mary Elizabeth Selman, Jen Ellenberger, Carol DeWees, Joan Barnes. BACK ROW: Virginia Wieschhoff, Barbara Dukelow, Ann Cannon, Suzanne Struckman, Pamela Menke, Virginia Blish, Alice Hunter, Virginia Winston, Margaret Dickens, Nancy Shannon Smith, Linda Lukens, Phyllis Nita, Sarah Carmichael, Madelon Millhone.
Kappa Alpha Theta First Sorority at I. U Founded at DePauw University-1870 Beta Chapter established at I. U.-1870 86 National Chapters The first social sorority established at Indiana University was Kappa Alpha Theta, and since its establishment in 1870, Beta Chapter has developed many local traditions. Among these are the annual kite flying for pledges in the spring and the steak and beans scholarship dinner. Working with Sigma Alpha Epsilon, the Thetas won the first place trophy for originality and design of their Fall Carnival booth, "Follies de la Mer." Other activities of the year included the International Coffee Hour for foreign students, presented in December and cosponsored by the Acacias. In the Powder Puff Bowl, renewed this year by the men of Alpha Tau Omega, the Thetas defeated the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma in a flag football game in Dunn Meadow during October.
The KAT's turned into mice to entertain rushees. 311
FRONT ROW (left to right): Kathryn Simmers, Judith Emily Ogle (Vice-Pres.), Barbara Ann Meissner (Corres. Sec.), Mrs. Gladys M. Oldham (House Mother), Jacquelyn K. Mattingly (Pres.), Patricia Ann Hammel (Rush Chair.), Linda Lou Hicks (Treas.), and Deborah Pierson. SECOND ROW: Linda Lee Heist, Gail Zimmerman, Linda Greaf, Cyntha Ann Wright, Elizabeth Luther, Georgia Lou Clarkson, Darnell Jo Beatty, Barbara Allen Phillips, Barbara Ann Phillips, Nancy Diane Gullic. THIRD ROW: Linda Lou Williams, Geraldine L. Jaksa, Elaine Joan Bielewicz, Susan Lee McCord, Olivia Rae Cleland, Bonnie Jean Becker, Annette Denning, Barbara K. Bailey, Mary Kay
Stephenson, Judith Ann Shoemaker, Nancy Carol Chew. FOURTH ROW: Sharon Lynn Armstrong, Judith Bendix, Dianne Marie McMullen, Betty Ann Phillips, Jerilyn Schwier, Caryl Romberg, Dorothy Ann Wolfe, Sandra Kay Ayers, Mary Louise Koehler, Janice Slagle, Karen Miene, Sandra Knoke, Judith Knilans, Lynn Dowd. BACK ROW: Susan Silcher, Elizabeth Miller, Myrna Oliver, Victoria Sheldon, Joyce Ann Litterst, Susanne Weickel, Virginia Link, Joyce Mamula, Sandra Davidson, Janet C. Vaksdal, Beverlee Kratsch, Lucinda H. Scott, Susan Kay Harrison, Diane Decker, Cheryl Lynn Habecker.
Deltas Recognized for Scholarship Founded at Longwood College-1897 Sigma Upsilon Chapter established at I. U.-1923 101 National Chapters Indiana University's Sigma Upsilon Chapter of Kappa Delta sorority was singled out for recognition at their national convention in Roanoke, Virginia, in June, 1961. The local chapter officially received their plaque for the "Progress Award" for academic achievement at their fall retreat at McCormick's Creek. The KD's acknowledged the Christmas season with many social and philanthropic activities. Among these were their annual Christmas dance and a holiday party for crippled children in the Bloomington area, which they cosponsored with the men of Tau Kappa Epsilon.
Before the Homecoming Variety Show, the KD's rehearsed their winning number from the 1961 I. U. Sing.
The Kappa Delta list of social dinners included three for members of the University faculty and a scholarship dinner, honoring members of the sorority who maintained a 3.0 or better grade average.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Philip B. Nesty, James Noveroske, Gary L. Long, John Connelly (Treas.), Jack D. Shinneman (VicePres.), Kenneth Beckley (Pres.), Edward Spray (Vice-Pres.), Denny Keohlige, Bruce Flanagan, Douglas Denmure, Charles Filippo. SECOND ROW: John Blair, Peter Tagalakis, David Alwood, Richard Jones, Steven Hornyak, Michael Dunn, Martin Joachim, Grover B. Davis, John Balha, James L. Williams, James K. Owens, Stephen Knoop, Thomas Fiesel, David Huston. THIRD ROW: Thomas McGlasson, David Salene, Charles Mark Tompkins, Raymond Brandell, Tim McCoy, David Vigren, Thomas Long, Harry Ramsey, Steven Black, Robert Michael
Barnard, Ray Slaby, Mickey Hudson, Ronald Gehring, William Hardesty. FOURTH ROW: Thomas McClure, Terry Gorsuch, Larry Hesson, Richard Tebik, David Kinser, Richard Reynolds, Allan Parrish, Philip Gerry Ravenscroft, Ray Little, Rex Kirts, Joseph Ziegler, William Piepenbrink, John Thomas, Michael Jackson, George Madinger. BACK ROW: James Scheid, Phillip Hilligoss, Richard Schreiber, John Chapman, William Butz, James Wood, Larry Varmo, Thomas Wickman, Wesley Skogan, Brian Reppert, Charles Vonesh, Donald Mentzer, William Harting, Edward T. Jansen, Clayton McMullan, William Ferguson.
Kappa Delta Rhos Dribble Basketball to Purdue Founded at Middlebury College-1905 Nu Chapter established at I. U.-1926 26 National Chapters In an attempt to arouse more school spirit before the Indiana University-Purdue University match on the hardwood floor in February, the men of Kappa Delta Rho dribbled a basketball from Bloomington to West Lafayette. Nu Chapter then challenged the Purdue KDR's to equal the feat when the teams met at I. U. on March 3. As a special event during Little 500 Weekend, the KDR's sponsored a public lawn concert featuring Buddy Baker, once a member of the Stan Kenton band, and the I. U. Jazz Ensemble. Begun in 1960, the concert was presented this year in addition to a rodeo dance. Other activities of the men of Kappa Delta Rho included their "Plunge in Paradise" booth at Fall Carnival, I. U. Sing, and "Mistletoe Magic," the house's winter formal dance.
From all the KDR pine omen, Linda Lierman was chosen the house sweetheart.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Ann Collins, Karen Schuetz, Kathryn Geary, Sydney Goos (Vice-Pres.), Martha Dean (Pres.), Ann McGarvey (Rush Chair.), Joan Rothrock (Corres. Sec.), Connie Scott (Pledge Trainer), Roberta Eley (Rec. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Virginia Conner, Kathryn Hindmarch, Rebecca Hall, Jean Elliott, Kathryn Welsh, Susan Rogers, Mrs. Estelle S. Cheseldine (House Mother), Martha Hay, Marsha King, Jeannie Gutrie, Jean George, Nancy L. Miller, Rebecca Reed, Kathrena Ortstadt. THIRD ROW: Margaret Leahy, Susan Brannan, Barbara McCrea, Marcia Maher, Susan Backus, Susan LieVan, Jane Ferrara, Karen Lemasters, Susan Templeton, Judith Eister-
hold, Judith Ellet (Treas.), Phyllis Moosey, Genevieve Hopkins, Donna Sue Sites. FOURTH ROW: Janet Lawry, Janet Welsh, Linda Nein, Kristan Reichart, Carmen Bagwell, Anne Benham, Constance Skidmore, Jane Benham, Becky Fisher, Pamela Mountz, Carol Culbertson, Bonnie Gordon, Jane MacLennan, Jerilyn Jones, Anita Bumb. BACK ROW: Dolores Kay Zimmerman, Karen Kilgore, Anne Brink, Judith Schmoyer, Elizabeth Cresson, Carol Ensign, Sue VonGrossmann, Susan Fowler, Kathy Kayser, Barbara Pfau, Linda Hirt, Mara Beth Goins, Sandra Leach, Susan Vetter, Leslie Manifold, Carole Schueof, Sharon Elliott.
Kappa Kappa Gamma Musicians Release Record Founded at Monmouth College-1870 Delta Chapter established at I. U.-1872 89 National Chapters "Keyed Up Kappa Pickers" is the name of the long playing record released in 1962 by a vocal and instrumental group from Indiana University's chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Working with the men of Phi Delta Theta, the Kappas gave a Christmas party for underprivileged children in the area. In February the Kappas sponsored with the women of Pi Beta Phi the traditional Monmouth Duo dinnerdance in recognition of the founding of the two sororities at Monmouth College. Other social activities included a faculty buffet and the annual pledge dance.
After a class-filled day, Kappas find an hour or so of television relaxing.
Chosen by Alpha Tau Omega to participate in the fraternity's renewal of the Powder Puff Bowl, the Kappas were defeated in the flag football game by the women of Kappa Alpha Theta.
FRONT ROW (left to right): James Fiege, Robert Ewald, Gary Blackman (Sec.), Robert Ebert (Pres.), Jon Hershberger (Treas.), Ronald Pink, Lauren Cutner. SECOND ROW: Wendel Baker, Terrance Rea, Joseph Rocchio, Jerry Dingle, Steven Weber, Howard Smith, Charles Reisert, Verne Trinoskey, Robert Leonard. THIRD ROW: Ronald E. Kastner, Donald Skillman, Nicholas G. Brown, Calland F. Carnes, James Morris, Richard Spencer, Kenneth J. Randolph, James Cornell, Charles A. Ruck-
man, Stephen Adair. FOURTH ROW: John R. Leininger, Thomas Burke, Donald Weber, Tom Wolton, Douglas Hickey, John McCammon, Bryan Grubb, Frank Ferdon, Grover W. Davis, George Hass, Jack Thompson. BACK ROW: David Klein, Jay McKee, Roger Pink, Philip Nasser, Robert Matunas, George Johnson, Joseph Drozda, William A. Howard, John Kwiatkowski, Michael Dixon, Richard Wilson, Ronald Reas.
Kappa Sigma Largest International Fraternity Founded at the University of Virginia-1869 Beta Theta Chapter established at I. U.-1900 134 National Chapters The largest international social fraternity, Kappa Sigma was originally founded at the University of Bolgna, Italy, in 1400. In addition to chapters in the United States, the fraternity also has chapters in Canada. The Kappa Sigs participated in I. U. Sing and Little 500 this year. Included on the fraternity's social calendar were the Grainery Ball, Underworld Ball, a costume dance, and the Stardust Ball, a spring formal named in honor of Hoosier songwriter Hoagy Carmichael, a Kappa Sig. George Bernard Dog II, a playful St. Bernard puppy, moved into the Kappa Sig house this year. Among the members of Kappa Sigma are Branch McCracken, I. U. basketball coach, and Edward R. Murrow, head of the U. S. Information Agency.
Both of the Kappa Sig mascots reflect attitudes of patient understanding.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Stephen Lowe, John Hiatt (Pledge Trainer), Jerry Ramp (Vice-Pres.), Charles Purdy (Rush Chair.), Michael Kanne (Pres.), Ross Springer (Treas.), Robert Martin, Carl Sect (Sec.), Christopher Geesman, Ronald Toth. SECOND ROW: Kenneth R. Ockermann Jr., Gregory Murphy, Ronald Klene, Wallace Baker, Kenneth Rupe, Jerry Waak, Larry Eaton, Gary Baehler, Thomas Strubbe, Jack Baxter, James McAllister, John Spahr, James E. Lake, Jerry Fink, Joseph Kent Canine, David Carter, Michael Cummings. THIRD ROW: James Curtis, Jerry Doty, Edgar Phillips, Gary Wilbur, John Peters, Jack Lehman, Richard Pavel, Robert Wason, Gary Homer, James Anthony, John Anthony, Mike Louck, Dennis Carter, Richard
Schaden, Charles A. Spencer, John Hawkins. FOURTH ROW: Douglas Roland, William Embry, Thomas F. Schneider, Richard Douglass, John Acheson, Joseph Simonetto, Edward Turner, James High, John Crane, Richard Culbetrson, Richard L. Carter, James Bliss, Morris Hudson, Robert Ryan, Robert Judah II, David Lybrook, James Beeson, Murray McBurnie. FIFTH ROW: Leon Pickens, Jack Foster, Henry Hudson, Richard Briggs, Jerry Miller, C. Richard Marshall, Martin Williams, James Warren, Edward Kanne, Steven Tracy, David Phillips, Richard Engle, Charles Ralston, John Barbour, Steve Hougland, Jay Allen, Michael Brady, Richard Haag, Fredrick Ramp.
Lambda Chi Alphas Present Easter Egg Hunt Founded at Boston College-1909 Alpha Omicron Chapter established at I. U.-1917 151 National Chapters
Where is the concentration, on books or radio? 316
An Easter egg hunt was one of the major events for the men of Lambda Chi Alpha social fraternity in the spring. Five to six thousand children from the Bloomington area participated in the hunt. In the fall the Lambda Chis presented a lawn concert featuring a jazz combo from Evansville. The allcampus event was to honor all 1961 fraternity and sorority pledge classes. Working with the women of Delta Gamma, the Lambda Chis did a take-off on Maxwell Hall for Fall Carnival. They also took part in I. U. Sing and were backed by the Alpha Chi Omegas in Little 500. Other activities included a winter formal and their traditional White Rose Formal in the spring, at which they crowned their Crescent Girl from among the Lambda Chi pinwomen.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Theodore Jackson, Michael McGee, Wilbur Mitchell Payne Jr., John Webb. SECOND ROW: Robert Sanders, Robert G. Buckner, Luke George,
Nathan Ramsey, Lawrence E. Howard. BACK ROW: Harlee Campbell (Vice-Pres.), Eugene Graham (Pres.), Cornelius T. Miller (Treas.), Will A. Knight, Andrew L. Williams.
Omega Psi Phis Active in Intramural Sports
Founded at Howard University-1911 Beta Epsilon Chapter established at I. U.-1953 140 National Chapters Sports played an important role in the lives of the men of Omega Psi Phi this year. They placed third in the intramural football league and were strong contenders in the A divisions of both football and basketball competition. The annual semiformal dance was given in October. While others suffered from spring fever, the Omega Psi Phis were busily preparing for their annual spring formal presented in April. The 24 members of Omega Psi Phi are looking forward to the house which they plan to start building in 1964. At present the men live in Agnes E. Wells Quadrangle. Dr. James Holland, professor of embryology at the University of Wisconsin, is an alumnus of Beta Epsilon Chapter of Omega Psi Phi.
One of the greatest rewards after winning a race is the brother's handshake that says "I'm proud of you." 317
FRONT ROW (left to right): Norman Hertzer (Rush Chair.), Jay Newbern (Sec.), Jerry Robertson, Donald Jackson, Joe Van Dorn (Treas.), Mrs. Glenn Bays (House Mother), Jim Linville (Pres.), Thomas Pence, Robert Polikowski, Jacque Foust, Thomas McMahan. SECOND ROW: James Rush, Richard Pflanzer, J. Peter Johnson, John A. Glover, Michael Purvis, Michael Pasquale, Timothy Hunter. THIRD ROW: James Manier, David Wheeler, William Jenner, Charles Soderquist, Bruce Ludwig, John Dyer, Terence Dungworth, D. Kent Bouslog, Thomas Lapp, Anthony Ard, Robert Chapala, Dennis Dommeyer, Donald Linson, Robert Taylor, Dennis Wright, Brent McCormick, Richard
Scott. FOURTH ROW: William Mlynski, James Wayco, David Rickar, Dallas Peters, Craig Koenig, Peter Leivinger, James Orr, Walton Francis, Kent Mack, James Driesbach, Wayne Wenzel, James Bonewits, Thomas Suegener, Michael Atkinson, Thomas Elrod, Steven Nasser, Richard Schroeder. BACK ROW: Richard Watson, Stanley Watson, Stanley Stuart, Philip Bennett, Thomas Walder, Charles Sharp, Philip Cramer, Loundle Joe Perdue, Joseph Clinch, Walter Chapala, Steven Kabel, Richard Voreis, Karl Kottlowski, Larry Brown, Edward Poison, Robert Alexander, Steven Jackson, Robert Stoppenhagen, David Wegehoft.
Phi Delta Theta's Booth Best in Fall Carnival Founded at Miami University-1848 Indiana Alpha Chapter established at I. U.-1849 122 National Chapters Working with the women of Alpha Chi Omega, the Phi Delta Thetas won first place trophy for the best show in the 1961 Fall Carnival with their presentation of "Jordan River Queen." The Phi Delts have won at least one of the top prizes in Fall Carnival in five out of the last six years. In co-operation with the Pepsi Cola Bottling Company, the Phi Delis again sponsored the Miss I. U. Pageant to select a candidate to participate in the Miss Indiana Contest and possibly the Miss America Contest. Activities of the year for the Phi Delts included the annual She Delta Theta Weekend, the Beachcomber Dance, with a Polynesian theme, and the Miami Triad, in co-operation with Beta Theta Pi and Sigma Chi. A prized possession at the Phi Deli house is the trophy for the best Fall Carnival show of 1961.
Members of Phi Delta Theta have included Lou Gehrig, Van Heflin, and Benjamin Harrison.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Byron Steele (Vice-Superior), James J. Bradach (Superior), Gerry Brodsky (Treas.), Gary W. Mize (Sec.). SECOND ROW: Michael Stuart Pratter, Richard L. Abrams, Thomas F. Snell, Paul Stanley, Paul Sammann, Jay
Keehley. BACK ROW: James Winslow, John Burkel, Robert Mutch, Tom Hobdy, John McHugh, Fred Schlichting, David Wright.
Phi Epsilon Pi Newest Social Fraternity at
Founded at City College of New York-1904 Beta Eta Chapter established at I. U.-1961 52 National Chapters Organized as a local fraternity in 1960, Sigma Sigma became a national organization when it affiliated with Phi Epsilon Pi in the fall of 1961, to make Phi Ep the newest fraternity on the Indiana University campus. Phi Epsilon Pi is nonsectarian and stresses the cultural and academic aspects of college life. This year Beta Eta Chapter asked members of the University faculty to give lectures to the house on various topics of cultural significance. In February, 1962, the Phi Eps completed arrangements to purchase the Zeta Beta Tau house on Park Street. Several parties were given throughout the year, with the White Carnation Formal in the spring as the major event on the Phi Ep social calendar.
A poetry lover emerges to join an impromptu jam session at the Phi Ep house.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Jerry Udell, Paul K. Pomeroy, Robert Doolittle, Kenneth Parson, Robert Proudfit, Steven Long (Corres. Sec.), Larry Monn (Vice-Pres.), Jay B. Hunt (Pres.), Thomas Smallwood (Treas.), Richard Mcllroy (Rec. Sec.), Frank Lewis, William R. Miller. SECOND ROW: William B. LaSalle, Albert M. Donato, Stanley M. Kremp, William H. Diggins, Jack E. Lowden, Robert F. Koss Jr., Charles D. Storms, John 0. Worth, Ronald 0. Williams, Charles Davis, Robert J. Lewis Jr., Charles Otte, Richard Frederick, Richard C. Buck, Richard Brantner, Howard Mayne, Charles Waggoner, James Turner. THIRD ROW: Philip Hester, Stephen Byers, Jay Atherton, Henry Bilsland, Dennis Anglin, Richard Telle, David Ruby, Philip Broughton, John Shank, Richard Ashenfelter, Dave Dunlap, Robert
Thompson, James Gothard, Lewis Warford, George Royster, Elbert Kram, Lawrence Maurer. FOURTH ROW: Robert Sebring, John Mallon, James Snyder, Dave Perks, John Konowitz, Henry Salzarulo, Fred Henoch, John Hess, Robert Royster, John Feagler, William McCarthy, Norman Pfau, Vernal Layton, Dwight Tigges, William Dixon, Max Orr, Keith Kenney, Thomas Keith. BACK ROW: John Backs, Stanley Fox, Marc Bleecker, David Koenig, Hayes Hatfield, Harry Lamberson, Leslie Williams, James Binkley, Robert Glazier, Alvin Koestring, Henry Fechtman, William Lentz, Willard Elyea, Peter CaJacob, Warner Paige, Jay 0. Roesner, Bertil Loftman, Alfred Plummer, Kenneth McGlon.
Phi Gamma Delta Places Second in 1961 '500' Founded at Jefferson College-1848 Theta Chapter established at I. U.-1871 86 National Chapters
Even the house's mascot sits in on a Phi Gam buzz session.
After a fast and furious race, the riders from Phi Gamma Delta crossed the finish line to win second place honors in the 1961 Little 500. Garbed as boys living in 1900, the Phi Gams presented "Corks n' Curls" at Fall Carnival. In February they joined other campus groups in the I. U. Sing. In the field of athletics, the fraternity's B team won the eighteenth intramural championship trophies in both football and volleyball. Another honor came to the chapter when Theta received the Beta Graduate Cup as the outstanding Phi Gam chapter in Indiana. Among traditional activities of Phi Gamma Delta are the Pig Dinner for graduates and alumni, the Purple Garter Dance, and the pledge dance. Members of Phi Gamma Delta include Ross Lockridge and former President Calvin Coolidge.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Michael Troy, Larry Gleaves Miller, John Mahan (Corres. Sec.), John James Perkins (Rec. Sec.), Tom Huston (Pres.), Alan Somers, William Marks, Joseph Quigley, Stephen K. Smith. SECOND ROW: Carl Phillipoff, Robert Wilkinson, Thomas Schneider, Herbert Elliott, Robert Tyrell, Dennis O'Neill, Robert Whisler, William Reveley, Green Freshman, Karl Sutter, Kenneth Nakasone, John Bell, Walter Kitchell. THIRD ROW: James Gay, Thomas Verth, Richard Burns, Steven Babbidge, Kelly Harrington, Victor Streib, Dean Lecklitner, Robert Christopher Jr., James Kellock Jr., John Martin, David Gelb, Donald Emenhiser, James R. Polk, James
Gregory, John Frederic Kolhouse, John Pell. FOURTH ROW: Terry Lehr, Michael Grubb, John McClure, David L. Miller, Stewart Crossland, Martin Douglas Gemmer, James Lukins, Charles Casper, George King, David Holt, William Hanger, Robert Huppert, David Dill, Basil R. Walton, John Jones, John Bitner. BACK ROW: John White, Richard Chaney, James Wright, Terrill Ellis, Roger Shurr, Robert Goodf, Fred Weber Schmidt, James L. Edwards, Michael Fehr, Lee Wotherspoon, Green Freshman, Craig Johnson, Jan Richard Reineke, Steven York, Stephen Hutchens, Peter Groth, Green Freshman.
Phi Kappa Psi Has Arabian Nights Dance Founded at Jefferson College-1852 Indiana Beta Chapter established at I. U.-1869 64 National Chapters The Arabian Nights Dance is the novelty dance presented each year by the men of Phi Kappa Psi. The men, dressed in Arabian costumes, announced the dance in dining rooms of women's residence halls and used novel modes of transportation to pick up their dates for the dance. Other on-campus activities for Indiana Beta Chapter included I. U. Sing, Fall Carnival, Little 500, a fall pledge dance, and a spring formal dance. Since 1869 more men have been initiated into Phi Kappa Psi than any other social fraternity in the country. Last year Phi Psi was ranked first in the nation in scholarship. Nationally known alumni of Phi Kappa Psi have included former President of the United States Woodrow Wilson and Hoosier James Whitcomb Riley.
A Phi Psi brother points with pride to a picture of Mike Troy which graced a national magazine.
FRONT ROW (left to right): John Stidham, Robert Grenert, Frederick Hepler (Sec.), Joseph Chan (Pres.), Paul Bruner (VicePres.), Frederick Trippel (Treas.), Robert Horner. SECOND ROW: Ray Stamper, Tarry Bash, Richard Whitlow, Vic Williams, Timothy Kinach, David Ober, Charles Rapier, Thomas Lemons. THIRD ROW: David Finney, Boyd Co[glazier, Curtis
Rossow, James Warring, Jon Hedman, Michael Edwards, David LePage, Ward Fritzen, Michael McClead. BACK ROW: John R. Long, Norris Lohman, James Stack, Thomas U. Denning, Paul Jan Kotula, Michael J. Kimberlin, B. Glenn Moore, Robert Marte Roth, Robin R. Dunkle, David R. Jones, William Melton, Karl Coyner.
Phi Kappa Taus Win Scholarship Trophy Founded at Miami University-1906 Beta Lambda Chapter established at I. U.-1949 82 National Chapters An efficient scholarship program paid off for the men of Phi Kappa Tau fraternity when they won the traveling trophy for the highest scholastic average among social fraternities at Indiana University for the spring semester of 1960-1961. During the fall the Phi Taus put their creative ability to work to win second prize among organized housing entries in the Homecoming float contest. Activities of the past year included the annual Steak and Beans Dinner, I. U. Sing, Little 500, a Halloween dance, Christmas dance, and the annual Spring Formal.
The IFC trophy for the highest grade average made its home at the Phi Tau house.
Phi Kappa Tau was the fourth of five national fraternities to be founded at Miami (Ohio) University and the second fraternity to construct a building devoted exclusively to executive offices.
FRONT ROW (left to right): David Feinstein, Kent Baker (Rush Chair.), Charles Seal (Sec.), Paul Scherrer (Pres.), Patrick Mumma (Vice-Pres.), Jerry Todd (Treas.), Terrence Braun, James McGuire. SECOND ROW: Sam Conkright, Robert Pictor, Larry Strange, Jerry Bentele, Erwin Walz, Carl Torrella, James Bajgrowicz, John Veding, John C. Roberts. THIRD ROW:
John Lilly, Robert Merchen, Joseph Froehle, William Melrose, George Wetzel, Thomas Swindeman, Raymond Dembinski, Andrew Harvey, Thomas Michaels, Duwan Tagtmeyer, Thomas Ernst. BACK ROW: Stephen Hoetzer, Jerome Green, Jon Schmoll, Frank Kramer, Thomas Schaefer, Robert Wiesen, David Debes, David Schimmel.
Phi Kappa Theta 1. U. Catholic Fraternity Founded at Brown University-1889 Alpha Alpha Chapter established at I. U.-1939 55 National Chapters In 1938 Phi Kappa Theta became the first federation in the United States to affiliate with Pax Romana, an international movement of Catholic students; Phi Kappa Theta is the only social fraternity for Catholic men at Indiana University. In March, 1961, delegates from Alpha Alpha Chapter attended the National Regional Fraternity Conference in Chicago. Among the campus activities in which the Phi Kaps participate are Fall Carnival and Little 500. Internal activities of Alpha Alpha Chapter include Founder's Day, the Lamp Lighters Ball, a pledge dance, and the Spring Formal. Alumni of Phi Kappa Theta include President John F. Kennedy, Gene Kelly, Dennis Day, Gene Krupa, and Senator Michael Mansfield.
Everyone gets in the act at a jam session at the Phi Kappa Theta house.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Kathryn Locke, Barbara Duncan (Sec.), Sue Ann Baker (Pres.), Mrs. Lynne Bonnett (House Mother), Gloria Nemcek (Vice-Pres.), Barbara Harrison (Treas.), Lucy Graham (Pledge Trainer). SECOND ROW: Katharine Musselman, Carolyn Scheibler, Jeanne Sapper, M. Sandra Musgrave, Joanna Smith, Kara Wike, Carolyn Frame, Martha Goeller.
"THIRD ROW: Diana Dowling, Nancy Sue Herring, Aurgella Oseer, Karen Stuebe, Louise Hillas, Patricia Edmonston, Judith Conner, Kathi Musgrave, Patricia Rodgers. BACK ROW: Eleanor Ober, Carol Schille, Nancy Rodgers, Doris Brewer, Nancy Thompson, Carole Horn, Patricia Joanston, Nancy Collins, Carolyn Bunnell, Mitina Hayes.
Phi Mu Receives Award for House's Scrapbook
Founded at Wesley College-1852 Delta Alpha Chapter established at I. U.-1920 87 National Chapters When the women of Phi Mu went to the University of Illinois for the sorority's spring district convention, Delta Alpha Chapter received an award for the house's scrapbook. Working with the men of Theta Chi, the Phi Mus won first place with their chariot race costumes during the 1961 Greek Week. Begun in the fall of 1960, the Phi Mu tea for all sorority pledge classes on campus has become a tradition of Delta Alpha Chapter. Among the activities of the local Phi Mu chapter are a service project given for children in the University's speech clinics, I. U. Sing, Little 500, and a Christmas and spring dance. A mosaic crest was given to the active chapter ofPhi Mu social sorority by the group's pledges.
An addition was built to the Phi Mus' home on Jordan Avenue in 1955, 29 years after the original house was erected.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Patrick McColly, Donald Henry, Thomas Lanine (Vice-Pres.), Allen Teboe (Pres.), Kenneth A. Smith (Sec.), William Christy (Treas.), James E. Miller. SECOND ROW: Frederick Weddle, Douglas Gillie, John Pruitt, Frank Roller, Michael Duling, Fred Sanders, Terry Stewart, Michael Mahnensmith, Phillip Burkhart, James Saladino, Oliver Harris III, William H. Ahaus. THIRD ROW: Perry Leggett, William Tanner, Dennis Orr, Robert Zerbe, Philip Roth, Stanley Kinney, Michael Gurley, David Gage, John Webber, Michael J. Sunny
Jr., James Murdock, James Cuttings, Stephen Whisler. FOURTH ROW: James Short, Ronald Ballenger, James Malone, Theodore Reiter, Zach P. Smith Jr., Paul Massa, Ralph Borysiak, Michael Altekruse, Jerry Lackey, Louis Fred Hamacher, Sherrill Modlin, Morris McKee, Jack A. Voisard, Danny Hill. BACK ROW: Howard Renick, Jerrold Smith, Joe Johnson, Gerald McEwen, John Gaskill, Thomas Hunt, Robert Walton, Ronald Bennett, Terry McCollister, Stephen Huse, August Schischka, John Stephen Schechter, John Dyer, Phillip Unger, William Moke.
Phi Sigma Kappa Starts New Study Program Founded at University of Massachusetts-1873 Sigma Theta Chapter established at I. U.-1949 72 National Chapters A new honors scholarship program was initiated during the second semester by the men of Phi Sigma Kappa. The aim of the program is to provide positive attitudes toward scholarship by utilizing the house's counseling service, faculty, and movies to promote management and guidance based on an honors study code. The Phi Sigs started the school year by successfully competing in the "Yell Like Hell" contest sponsored by the Student Athletic Board. During second semester they entered Little 500 and I. U. Sing. The fall Macabre Madness Pledge Dance, Playboy Winter Formal, and Moonlight Girl and Polynesian Paradise dances in the spring were the main social functions for the men of Phi Sigma Kappa.
"I knew you took my girl to the big dance last year!"
FRONT ROW (left to right): Janice Coffey, Julie Mills (Corres. Sec.), Heidi Ernst, Patricia Urmon (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. F. A. Smith (House Mother), Beverly McIntosh (Pres.), Cynthia Peasley (Rush Chair.), Judy Chapline, Suzy Ferguson (Pledge Trainer). SECOND ROW: Rebecca Hood, Barbara Mohr, Judith Himsel, Maryanne Bucha, Nancy Vanes, Katheryn Sconce, Marilyn Scott, Joyce Horein, Ann Rudicel, Constance Ohl, Susan Maxwell, Lynne Umphrey, Janet Lungren. THIRD ROW: Patricia Harvath, Roberta Evans, Linda Mugg, Karin Grimsley, Nancy Wynn, Judy Rice, Martha Firestone, Ann Shroyer, Julie Rees, Cherie
Evans, Susan Bonsib, Karen Kline, Kay Kriegbaum, Kay Burgess. FOURTH ROW: Marilyn Harrington, Janet Hays, Lorna Lide, Ann Bartholome, Nancy Balsbaugh, Susann Cochran, Susan C. Stanton, Nancy Schuetz, Cathie Duck, Judi Browning, Carol Roehm, Deborah Moss, Linda Roberts. BACK ROW: Charlcye Jo Smith, Merle Baldwin, Ginny Shaw, Glee Ann Rhyne, Jean McDavid, Diane Luzar, Paulann Hosler, Ann Lyons (Treas.), Pat Osborne, Nancy Kesler, Nancy Sherman, Judy Martin, Cynthia Sexson, Carolyn Ream.
Pi Beta Phi Rushees Make Gifts for Children Founded at Monmouth College-1867 Beta Chapter established at I. U.-1893 107 National Chapters Rushees attending coke parties at the Pi Beta Phi house helped make gifts for underprivileged children. Another innovation was the Pi Phi's pledge class project—shining shoes at the various fraternity houses for only 25 cents a shine. The money earned this way by the spring pledges was then used to purchase materials for a mosaic of the Pi Phi crest which is now on display in the sorority's chapter room. For Fall Carnival the women of Pi Beta Phi presented "Cattin' Manhattan" with the men of Alpha Tau Omega. They entered the TKE Chariot Race with Sigma Alpha Epsilon and backed Phi Delta Theta in the 1962 Little 500 Race. Springs pledges presented the active chapter a mosaic of the Pi Beta Phi crest. 326
Other activities throughout the year included two faculty banquets, cultural programs with after dinner speakers, and the annual Monmouth Duo.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Raymond Brassart, Carl L. Boyd (Sec.), Frank Nicaise (Pres.), Justin P. Patterson (Treas.), Jerry Higgens. SECOND ROW: Robert W. Burdett, Richard N.
Gooldy, Donald Lee, Louis James Fiala, Tom Bohland, Roger Kinney. BACK ROW: Terry Ryser, Bruce Tilton, Frank Bowen, Wayne Stearns, John Maroni, Keith Carmichael, Kenneth Inman.
Pi Kappa Phis Reorganize for Men Over 21
Founded at University of Charleston-1907 Alpha Psi Chapter established at I. U.-1947 53 National Chapters Re-established this year as a fraternity for men 21 years old and older, Pi Kappa Phi sold their old house on Eighth Street and are now occupying a house on East Third Street which they rent from the University. The reorganization of the fraternity is an attempt to attract to the group upperclassmen who will have more similar interests than men whose ages vary to a great extent. The Pi Kappa Phi intramural football team placed second in their division in 1961. Other activities included the annual Rose Ball, a formal dance in the spring, and Las Vegas Night. Members of Pi Kappa Phi have included George B. Timmerman Jr., Governor of South Carolina, and "Luke" Sewell, former manager of the Cincinnati Reds.
With the help of friendly kibitzers, a Pi Phi chess player prepares for a checkmate. 327
FRONT ROW (left to right): Earl B. Pulse (Treas.), Richard Boultinghouse, David D. Porter (Rush Chair.), Arthur Thomas Cobb (Vice-Pres.), William White (Pres.), William Conner, Timothy Cobb (Sec.), William Atz (Pledge Trainer), Robert Kent Ryan. SECOND ROW: Robert Bryan, John Trittschuh, David Cousino, Stephen Price, Peter Bannon, Robert Davidson, Ronald Gerow, Ronald Blue, Stephen Tackitt, Thomas Oram, Thomas Ross, Gerald Rush, Larry Schulhof, Thomas VanArsdale. THIRD ROW: Gary Cooper, John Myrton Johnson, Gene Stout, Jack Holder, John Raeburn, Bruce Peters, Robert DuComb, Daniel Seitz, James Applewhite, Robert Latimer, Joseph Innes,
James R. Stewart, Steven Craig Long, Charles Delts, Philip Larmore. FOURTH ROW: Dave Parker, Philip Terrill, William F. Ryall III, Mac Crosbie, Jerry Sparks, James Leffel, Ronald Balsbaugh, James Cluley, Curtis Linke, Robert Marchino, Stephen Orr, W. Claude Thompson Jr., Michael Fulkerson, Charles Swander, Eugene McClellan, Thomas Rush, Carl E. Johnson. BACK ROW: Max Rogers, E. Joseph Kremp, James Light, Stanley Dittmer, Thomas Garling, Robert Votaw, Richard VanArsdale, Jon McGlocklin, Don Pletcher, Jeffrey Dauler, Charles Hanshaw, Tom Trainer, Terry Hershberger, James L. Kennedy, Robert Bolyard.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Alumni Serve University Founded at University of Alabama-1856 Indiana Gamma Chapter established at I. U.-1907 141 National Chapters With 141 chapters in 46 states, Sigma Alpha Epsilon is known as the largest national social fraternity in the United States. Among alumni of Indiana Gamma Chapter are Samuel E. Braden, Dean of the I. U. Undergraduate Development Division; Phil Dickens, head I. U. football coach, and Ernie Pyle, distinguished journalist and war correspondent. Working with Kappa Alpha Theta social sorority, the SAE's won first place for the originality and design of their Fall Carnival booth, "Follies de la Mer." The Winter Formal, Pledge Dance, Gypsie Dance, Apple Polishers' Ball, and Little 500 Reception, presented after the race, were among the top social events of the year. Organized music sessions can prove financially profitable as well as entertaining and relaxing.
For the past 10 years, the SAE's have maintained a grade average above the all men's average.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Fred Kahn (Pledge Trainer), Jerry Sternstein, Manuel S. Silverman, Lawrence Joseph (VicePres.), Philip Fine (Pres.), Robert Steuer, Jeffrey Keith Finn, Samuel R. Gershan. SECOND ROW: Howard Friedman, Larry Broun, Mark Langman, Lawrence M. Levitan, Joseph Weinraub, Peter Alan Rothberg, Arnold Paul Baratz, Dennis Joel Magid, Gerald Lawrence Minkow, Douglas Edward Cohen, Dennis Barton, Larry B. Stone, Edwin Barry Goldberg. THIRD ROW: Robert Alan Garelick, Arih Jack Hertz, Douglas Harvey Barton, Benjamin R. Goldstein, Michael Barton, Bernard Stein, Michael Turken, James Frederick Forman, Green Freshman, James Stephen Karp, Kenneth Allen Krebs, Jerald Joel Simons. FOURTH
ROW: Norman Steven Snow, Ronald Lee Sagalowsky, Gary Jay Goldberg, Edward Alan Kaplan, Jack Klezmer, Ronald Allan Silverman, Lawrence M. Simkin, David Steiger Hurst, Howard Garry Gardner, Edward Sherwood, Harold Smith, Jerald Irwin Ancel, Martin Lewis Gelman, Lee Arthur Weiss, Danel H. Spitzberg, Lawrence Pazol. BACK ROW: Jerome Lee Gershman, Theodore M. Sosin, Lonnie Levenberg, Philip Allen Brodey, James Spear, Stanley Robert Fish, Jay Michael Brodsky, David Alan Lynn, Thomas Edward Schwartz, Melvin L. Anspach, James Alan Caplin, Edward E. Yosowitz, Jerald Irwin Wolff, Barry Mark Alpert, Robert Silbert.
I. U Sigma Alpha Mu Chapter Tops in Nation Founded at Brooklyn College-1909 Sigma Zeta Chapter established at I. U.-1922 52 National Chapters For the fourth year the Indiana University chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu social fraternity was voted the outstanding chapter in the nation. They were presented with the Founders' Cup which they will keep permanently. Another trophy now at the Sammy house is that for outstanding Homecoming decorations among organized units on campus. The Sammy display depicted an opposition football player being spun in a huge mixing bowl. "Rags to Riches" was the theme of the Homecoming dance this year. Other dances included a beatnik party and the Florida Fling given in preparation for spring vacation. Formal dances were given by the Sigma Alpha Mus in both the winter and the spring semesters.
Co-operative study sessions helped the Sammys retain the national fraternity's Founders' Cup.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Jim Browne, Lindley E. Clark, John Winston, James Kra11 (Vice-Pres.), William Rose (Pres.), Philip Moore (Treas.), Jerry Duncan (Pledge Trainer), Jack Fife, Fred Samsan. SECOND ROW: Terry Dilts, James Keller, Robert Ferris, Burke Mendenhall, Dale Feick, John Blutenthal, James Noggle, Leif Hendricksen, Joseph J. Donnellan, Larry Laird, John Cunningham, Steve Emmert, Richard Rau, Robert Mason, Jack Patterson. THIRD ROW: Alan Graham, Larry Weimer, John S. Bender, Dave Davisson, Frank R. McCracken, Lawrence Brafford, John Keller, David Smith, Russell J. Hubartt,
Arthur Meng, Thomas Ireland, William Smith, Robert Lybrook, Robert Marr, Charles Mangus, Michael Murdock. FOURTH ROW: John Wurtz, Alfred Finley, Jon Gast, William Furry, Thomas DeWeese, James Harris, Dennis Roof, William Owens II, James Oliver Steele, John Reader II, Stephen Berkey, Robert Majors, Stephen Bash, Gary Sullivan, Ed Snell, Thomas Latz. BACK ROW: Fred Gumz, Brian M. Jones, Paul Gumz, Stephen Wildermuth, William Cherry, William Nolan, Richard Heger, Robert Merrill Reese, Richard Osborne, David Gibson, Frederick Wielandt, Frank Hanning, James Vanderbark, Claay Hushaw.
I U Sigma Chis Oldest Continual Chapter Founded at Miami University-1855 Lambda Chapter established at I. U.-1858 136 National Chapters "We are the oldest continual chapter of Sigma Chi" is the cry of Ifidiana University's Lambda Chapter. Alumni of the local unit include University personnel Charles E. Harrell, Registrar, and Frank W. Anderson, Athletic Department. The men began the year with their sixteenth annual Melon Mess. In September an estimated 4,000 persons stopped at the corner of Indiana and Kirkwood Avenue to consume about 1,000 watermelons.
Sigma Chis wonder if the Katzenjammer creator used one of their brothers for a model.
Other activities for the men of Sigma Chi included "Poof," their Fall Carnival booth cosponsored by Kappa Kappa Gamma, a pledge dance and formal Christmas dance, and I. U. Sing and Little 500. Lambda Chapter worked with Phi Delta Theta and Beta Theta Pi to present the traditional Miami Triad to honor the three fraternities' founding at Miami University.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Francine Hara, Shirley Krug (Sec.), Rae Schwartz (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Sue Mendes (House Mother), Judith Segal (Pres.), Lynn Block (Vice-Pres.), Harriet Newman (Treas.), Carol Seelig. SECOND ROW: Bonnie Jo Glatt, Pamela Whinston, Elinor Moss, Leslie Davidson, Nancy Lozow, Sally Berebitsky, Sherry Gurewitz, Carol Smith, Phoebe Holtzman, Pinkie Schwartz, Janet Mann. THIRD ROW: Roberta Seaman, Nanette Sirkus, Phyllis Plotkin, Linda Bormaster, Ruth
Silver, Sandra Rosenberg, Rochelle Tamenhaus, Valerie Kain, Jan Dee Broida, Gail Steinitz, Claudia Swartz. FOURTH ROW: Barbara Gore, Karen Jacobson, Nicolis Kaplan, Ilene Eppenstein, Toby Maidenberg, Felice Goldfarb, Ellen Daochin, Susan Slutzky, R. Janie Friedman, Paula Lois Finkelstein, Janet Gross. BACK ROW: Lois Tishkoff, Charlene Greenberger, Harriet Rosenfield, Marilyn Ganz, Jacqueline Glass, Judy Pollock, Marylin Adler, Ellen Myers, Sonya Rapoport, Carole Jean Arker, Harriet Horn.
Sigma Delta Taus Move Into New House Founded at Cornell University-1917 Upsilon Chapter founded at I. U.-1940 37 National Chapters The period between semesters was filled with excitement and anticipation as the members of Sigma Delta Tau moved into their new house on the North Jordan extension. After maintaining the highest grade average among sororities at I. U. for three consecutive semesters, the SDT's retired the scholarship trophy in the fall. A scholarship banquet with faculty speakers was given each semester to honor members making a 3.0 or better. Fall Carnival with the Phi Gamma Deltas, the "Witch of the Week" contest, the senior skit and banquet, and Little 500 with the Alpha Tau Omegas were some of the SDTs' activities this year. The theme of the winter formal was appropriately titled "Arevederchi Homa," the last dance in the old house.
There's lots of space for bridge players and kibitzers in the Sigma Delta Taus' new house on North Jordan.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Karen Smith, Arlene Lilly (Pledge Trainer), Nelda Dyer (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Ruth Wooton (House Mother), Phyllis Davis (Pres.), Jane Gibbons (Treas.), Jane Tonges (Sec.), Sara Victors (Rush Chair.). SECOND ROW: Cynthia Bottorff, Janet McClain, Carol Logan, Beverly Lane, Linda Richardes, Marie Pastore, Sherry Sawyer, Charlo Spannuth, Helen Fowler, Cora Mae McDaniel, Carol Jo Ozier, Janet Kill. THIRD ROW: Celia Ropp, Mary Gustafson, Judith Bohn, Pamela Jane Hargrove, Sandra Hudson, Nancy Hlavek, Barbara Coffee, Marsha Himler, Billie Elaine Smith, Mary Barbara Dagen-
hard, Geraldine Batman, Kay Cunningham, Jean Gustafson FOURTH ROW: Florence Buzinski, Phyllis Wyrick, Carolyn Poindexter, Margaret Frye, Margaret Neff, Theresa Ann Mullin, Gretchen Wirts, lantha Zeman, Marilyn Burge, Gloria Senesac, Lynne Carlson, Olive Ann Smiley, Barbara Hauck, Glenda Marshall. BACK ROW: Patricia Parnell, Pamela Quinn, Carol Parker, Sharon Reiter, Barbara Bosco, Mary Alice Hargrave, Karen Swank, Sandra Waegner, Marilyn Maxey, Sally Strong, Roselyn Murphy, Kay Baird, Joanne Miller, Nancy Liddil, Sandra Altheide.
Sigma Kappas Entertain Borrowed Time Club Founded at Colby College-1874 Tau Chapter established at I. U.-1918 100 National Chapters "The Littlest Angel" was the outstanding event of the year for the women of Sigma Kappa. The play was presented as Christmas entertainment for members of the Borrowed Time Club, an organization for older people in and around Bloomington. Other activities included the traditional faculty buffet, I. U. Sing, and the Minnie. The sorority's national philanthropic project is the Maine Seacoast Mission, an organization designed to give aid to needy people living on islands off the coast of Maine.
The glow of an open lire and thesmell
of freshly cut pine meant Christmas at the Sigma Kappa house.
Indiana University's Independent Literary Society petitioned the oldest panhellenic group which was not represented at I. U., and in 1918 Tau Chapter of Sigma Kappa social sorority was established at Bloomington.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Stephen Wheatley, Thomas Seifert, Thomas W. Johnson, Terry Wick (Treas.), Arthur Kalleres (Lt. Commander), Dan Pearson (Commander), James Thomas, David Bosselmann, Thomas Fruechtenicht, William Altman. SECOND ROW: John Armstrong, Michael McDonald, Joseph Clendenin, Thomas Barnes, Terry McMillan, Michael Owen, Jerold Bass, Cary Tremewan, Thomas Armstrong, Larry Stohler, Jack Shaw, William L. Wilson Jr., David Chapman, Philip Roby, Richard Best, Stephen Pohl. THIRD ROW: Ormin Brown, Robert Duncan, George Waters, David Bastin, John Biteman, William Brite, David Briney, Jeffrey Miller, Stephen Watson, Harvey Phillips, Alan Gambill, Danny O'Laughlin, Phillip Detamore, William Vogel, Leland Butler, Don Sharer, John Harris, William
Harper, Roger Harned. FOURTH ROW: John Altman, Jeffrey Krueger, Larry Berning, Michael Lehman, Julian Pawlowski James Seal, Edwin Janney, Thomas Maher, Richard Gohman, Joel Montgomery, William Wylie, Ronald Guthier, David Miner, Larry Suciu, James P. Moore, Richard Teeters, Donald S. McLean, Donald Yoder. BACK ROW: Clark Harrison, Ray Gangush, Peter Milobar, William L. Johnson, John D. Bergerson, Richard Woosham, John Wimmer, Richard T. Young, Gary Hill, Stephen Haynes, David Peters, Emery Spisak (Pledge Trainer), Larry Whiteman, Stewart Kenderdine, Jerry Stohler, David Bessire, Charles Roush, Richard Huggins, James Danby, Robert Frauhiger.
Sigma Nus Take Carnival Prepublicity Prize Founded at Virginia Military Institute-1869 Beta Eta Chapter established at I. U.-1892 128 National Chapters Herman B Wells, President of Indiana University, Dr. Frank Beck, I. U. religious adviser and one of Beta Eta Chapter's six charter members, and many other distinguished men have proudly displayed the crest of Sigma Nu fraternity. Hours of hard work for their Fall Carnival booth brought the Sigma Nus and their cosponsors, Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority, a first place for prepublicity and a second place for the originality and design of their -Think Pink" booth. For weeks before the Carnival, Sigma Nu and AEPhi pledges paraded around campus wearing placards, and the groups had a pink submarine and a pink automobile touring campus. The annual Barroom Brawl, foreign students' Christmas party, White Rose Formal, and Voo Doo Dance were sponsored again this year by the men of Sigma Nu.
A new record was set for Little 500 Qualifications in 1961 by the riders of Sigma Nu.
Prather, Ervin Zavada, Ronnie Lee Kuykendall, Dennis Dodds, Dennis Willard Krueger. FOURTH ROW: Kenneth Lee Andrews, James Twyman, David Guilliom, Michael Ray Bourn, Joe Magaraz, Gerald Burkhart, Charles Wilt, Paul Dubiel, Fred Prall, John R. Buonfiglio, Thomas Peck, Lendon Underwood Jr., William E. Saltzman. BACK ROW: Ronald Lee Thomas, John Boehm, Herman Neff Jr., Jerry Hildebrand, Frank Radwan, Joseph Urbanski, Thomas Bauer, James Bleeke, David A. Jenkins, Thomas Felger, Larry Sugar, John Mallas.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Thomas Tarman (Corres. Sec.), Robert Pawlik, Dennis Minick (Vice-Pres.), Walter F. Campbell (Pres.), Robert Bradley (Treas.), George Bernhard, Jerome Niemiec. SECOND ROW: Dale Ettel, David Weed, James Shutt, Frank Philip Venezia, Thomas Ingmire, William Frank Lanhim, Richard M. Eisenman, Bill Berg, Gerald Romero, Frank Michael Venezia, Robert Trowbridge. THIRD ROW: Fred Nori, Phillip Kyle Westfall, Thomas Edler, Lavon R. Blankenbaker, Larry Richard Sheets, Steven Long, Robert L. Phillips, Robert
Sigma Phi Epsilons Compete for 'Scrub Bucket' Founded at Richmond College-1901 Indiana Beta Chapter established at I. U.-1931 154 National Chapters A parody game of the old oaken bucket contest was played the morning of November 25 as the Sigma Phi Epsilons of Indiana University matched the Purdue Sig Eps in the annual "scrub bucket" contest. The Sig Eps participated in their annual Founder's Day Banquet, attended by many alumni and University officials, and the Queen of Hearts Dance in February, with the most popular pinwoman reigning. Other activities for the men of Sigma Phi Epsilon included two pledge dances, the "limbo" at Fall Carnival, a pajama dance, and a Hawaiian luau. Sigma Phi Epsilon is the second largest social fraternity in the United States, and the novel red door is a trademark of Sig Ep chapters throughout the nation. Among members of the fraternity are Woody Herman, Ted Mack, and Tom Ewell.
A Sig Ep chess player debates half-way through a move— should I? or shouldn't I?
FRONT ROW (left to right): Phil Thrasher, Bruce Chappel (Sec.), Steve Crittenden (Vice-Pres.), Patrick Roberts (Pres.), Roy West, Larry Overholt (Treas.), Mike Haines. SECOND ROW: John Richard Sims, Larry Joe Smith, Michael Havert, John
Karnes, John W. Wilson, Jere A. Wendt, Charles F. Ehase, Steve Gray. BACK ROW: Alan Hizer, George Case, David James, Donald Carswell, Max Lieberenz, John Crittenden, Karl Schramm.
Sigma Pi Founded at Vincennes College
Founded at Vincennes College-1897 Beta Chapter established at I. U.-1924 67 National Chapters One of the few national social fraternal organizations founded in the state of Indiana, Sigma Pi is also one of the oldest national fraternities at Indiana University. Former President of Vincennes College, Walter A. Davis helped found the fraternity at the school in southern Indiana in 1897. Beta Chapter was not established at I. U., however, until May 31, 1924. The Sig Pis are making plans for a new house on the North Jordan extension of Fraternity Row. The building should be completed and the men moved in within two years. Activities of the year for the men of Sigma Pi included the Little 500 Race; Dad's Weekend; "Club 527," the pledge dance; the Orchid Formal, and a football homecoming and a basketball homecoming for alumni of Indiana's Beta Chapter.
Bright cards and carols brought the Christmas mood to the Sigma Pi house. 335
FRONT ROW (left to right): Gordon Scott Johnson, Anthony Flores, Thomas Ratts, Larry Barrett (Vice-Pres.), Paul Mobley (Pres.), Anton Jirsa, Robert Hill (Treas.), David L. Harpold (Sec.). SECOND ROW: John J. Sanfilippo, Nicos Roussos, Dale Terry, Thomas R. White, Ralph W. Alexander Jr., Robert D. Toney, C. James Walker, James Greene. THIRD ROW: Stefan Tuhy, Richard Eder, Michael A. Zimmerman, Ronald Hand,
Larry E. Armstrong, Gerald H. Stokes, Dave Kaska, Glen Francis, Thomas Brendel. FOURTH ROW: Wayne Lander, James Marshall, Stephen Keith, Ronald Swelstad, James E. Beck, Lewis Elliott Bloom, Bruce Burkett, Richard W. Fox, Edward Adrain, Jim Barroquillo. BACK ROW: James Maya, Bert Mullins, Raymond Young, Dale Weller, John Sundholm, Stanley Nisevick, Robert Allman, Don Johnson.
Tau Kappa Epsilon Moves to Home on Jordan Founded at Illinois Wesleyan University-1899 Gamma Kappa Chapter established at I. U.-1949 180 National Chapters During semester break the men of Tau Kappa Epsilon moved from their house on Seventh Street to the Jordan Avenue house formerly occupied by the women of Sigma Delta Tau. The "new" home of the Tekes has facilities to accommodate more men than the old house. The Tekes participated in Fall Carnival, Little 500 with their coed sponsors, Delta Zeta, and I. U. Sing with Zeta Tau Alpha. Their pledge dances had themes of "Around the World" and "Polynesian Paradise."
During semester break, the Tekes moved from their Seventh Street house to the former SDT house.
Later in the year the annual Teke Chariot Race was given to raise funds for scholarships which are administered through the University's scholarship office. The race has become one of the major events of Interfraternity Council's Greek Week.
FRONT ROW (left to right): John Ganster, Christopher Kleinhenz (Pledge Trainer), Jack Ashby (Treas.), James Moore (Pres.), Larry Contos (Vice-Pres.), James Goodner (Sec.), Randall Tobias. SECOND ROW: Melvin Roschelle, Joe Keough, Joseph Madden, John Myran, Fredric Buckingham, Terry Tieman, Michael Thornburg, Roy McCubbins, Larry Jacox, Edward Osborn. THIRD ROW: Roger L. David, Thomas William Oglesby, Martin Thomas Barco Jr., William H. Brandenburg, Thomas B. Conway, David Leigh Barnett, Arthur D. Czimer, Clark R. McClain,
Steven F. Jacox, R. M. Brown, Robert A. Byron, John G. Forbes Jr. FOURTH ROW: David Gaskill, Thomas Scheetz, John Metts, Robert Taylor, Ronald Gillam, Robert Pollock, John Marynell, Warren Perry, Gene S. Nesbit, Thomas E. Hayburst, Ronald Crick. BACK ROW: Jack Calbert, Jerry Morton, Robert Russell, John Ashby Myers, John Pearce, David Zarth, Hollis Jeffrey May, Jack Clark Francis, David K. Oscarson, Steven Atkins, Ronald Byron, Donald Hope.
Theta Chi's Turn Rural for Annual Dance Founded at Norwich University-1856 Alpha Iota Chapter established at I. U.-1921 129 National Chapters With the house magically transformed into a barn and everyone who attended dressed in appropriate attire, the men of Theta Chi social fraternity presented their traditional Barn Dance in the fall. The Theta Chis and the women of Alpha Chi Omega cosponsored the Bicycle Bounce on the Friday evening before the Little 500 Race. The tennis courts adjacent to the Theta Chi house were the site for the free, campus-wide dance. Competing in the University's intramural athletics program, the men of Alpha Iota Chapter won trophies for their records in football and bowling. Theta Chi was the first national fraternity to include Mother's Day as part of its social calendar, and the fraternity also initiated the first organized observance of Greek Week at I. U.
Fighting Hoosier mascot Ox became the victim of an after dinner serenade at the Theta Chi house. 337
FRONT ROW (left to right): Samuel James Fishman, Robert H. Sulnick, Richard Mantel, Michael Seigel, Jerry Socol (Treas.), Donald Riskind (Pres.), John Greenwald, Richard Flagel, Arnold Goldberg, Irving Freedman. SECOND ROW: Barry Liss, Sandy Rosen, Harvey Wacksman, Russell Kohlman, Jerry Golner, David Baer, David Klain, Howard Borin, Ronald Bremen, Gary Auerback. THIRD ROW: Howard Wittenberg, Franklin Dee Goldberg, Samuel Schatz, Robert Bernhardt, Eugene Michael Feltman,
Larry Schuchman, Charles Pitzele, Edwin Steven Bluestein, Harvey Nelson, James King, Sidney Miller, Thomas Schloss, Michael Aronoff. BACK ROW: Richard Bard, Norman Mitloff, Michael Baer, Vladimir Mancl, Myron Shapiro, Robert Braman, Arthur German, David Berkson, Allan Berk, Gary Lozow, Frederick Rickles, Martin Lebowitz, Harvey Schuchman, Irving J. Regen streif.
Zeta Beta Tau to Build New House on Jordan Founded at City College of New York-1898 Beta Gamma Chapter established at I. U.-1947 50 National Chapters
The Zeta Beta 1 us unveiled plans for their new house.
Groundbreaking ceremonies took place in April, 1962, for the new Zeta Beta Tau house to be located at the end of North Jordan Avenue. The fraternity's new home will house 80 men in rooms designed for two occupants. A special feature of the house will be a huge, round fireplace in the center of the living room. Women invaded the ZBT house again this year for the traditional Big-Switch Weekend. The men let their dates have the house for one night, returning only for meals and the dance which the women gave for them. In the spring the Zeta Beta Tau pledges converted the house into a Japanese garden for the pledge dance. Other social functions included the annual spring formal, centered around the groundbreaking ceremonies, a Civil War dance, and a hoedown.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Sue Morgan (Rush Chair.), Patricia Kern, Hope Keiser (Vice-Pres.), Norma Stants (Pres.), Jean Breese (Corres. Sec.), Carol Sue Hemmerlein, Linda Young (Rec. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Joyce Nolte, Janice Bales, Phyllis Deaton, Elizabeth Wolfe, Beverly Watts, Mrs. Walter Stahlschmidt (House Mother), Sandra Mello, Bronlyn Hutchison, Ruth Martin, Barbara Deaton, Norma Wood. THIRD ROW: Linda Lomax, Karin Stuart, Judith Jentz, Judith Vernon, Margaret Wilke, Barbara Hayes, Jean Wilson, Doren Galandak, Kathy
Spurgin, Judith Olson, Sandra Schroder, Judy Marchick, Karen Simon. FOURTH ROW: Loretta Purcell, Sue Frederich. Lynne Brennan, Claudia Deeds, Constance Bender, Avalyn Sue Duncan, Janet Bunger, Marcia Harper, Barbara Frederick, Jean Whitcomb, Sandra McHugh, Sally Knarr, Claudia Litkenhous, Sue Taylor. BACK ROW: Linda Lovig, Cynthia Herderhorst, Diana Mast, Marlene Ross, Marjorie House, Sue Coplen, Linda Parkam, Diane Stoewer, Sherry Crider, Nancy Ryan, Rebecca Warnock, Claire Coleman, Dorothy Parker, Jacqueline Barley.
Zeta Tau Alphas Copy 'West Side Story' in Sing Founded at Longwood College-1898 Alpha Xi Chapter established at I. U.-1937 108 National Chapters Working with the men of Tau Kappa Epsilon social fraternity, the Zeta Tau Alphas presented a take-off on "West Side Story" for their entry in the production division of the 1962 I. U. Sing. For Fall Carnival, the Zetas turned to another Broadway hit musical to present "The Fox." Based on "Gypsy," the Fall Carnival booth was cosponsored by the men of Theta Chi. After the Minnie on Friday night, the Zeta Tau Alphas gathered at the old stadium Saturday to cheer on the men of Sigma Chi in the Little 500 Race. Among the traditional events of Alpha Xi Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha are a Christmas tree trimming party and dance, a scholarship banquet, and a turnabout banquet for the waiters and members of the kitchen crew at the sorority's North Jordan Avenue house.
Greek-lettered sweatshirts and other gifts welcomed the new pledges of Zeta Tau Alpha.
Work and play.. harder than one can imagine, keeping them equal . . But there must be a balance. The scale tips: that lost weekend, final week, And yet— the scale balances It must.
IRHA System Rarity in American Universities .11 ,
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Indiana University has one of the few residence halls organizations in the U. S. that governs both women and men under one constitution with all undergraduates who live in university housing coming under the system. Founded in the spring of 1960, the Inter-Residence Halls Association is a combination of the MRHA and the WRHA. IRHA contains three levels of government —hall, center, and inter-residence units. The hall or unit serves to help build unity in the residence. Regular corridor meetings are designed so that problems can be discussed and residents can become acquainted with unit and campus activities. Composed of an executive council and cabinet, the center government correlates the activities of individual units within the center. The inter-residence unit contains a legislature and a Judicial Board.
IRHA Residents' Assembly
FRONT ROW (left to right): Betty Beckort (Vice-Pres.), Harry Price (Vice-Pres.), James Grandorf (Pres.), Kathy London (Treas.), Sandra Dressel (Sec.). SECOND ROW: Anita Rosenthal, Judith Stahlhut, Susan Hecht, Linda Brookover, Carolyn
Kay Badallet, Emily Jane Carter. BACK ROW: Robert Wilder, Michael Donovan, Charles Gwaltney, Lawrence Giddings, William Vukowich, James L. Roberts, David R. Perry, Hal Swain.
Judicial Board
FRONT ROW (left to right): Lynn Scott, Mary McClellan, Willoughby Jarrell, Patricia Faulkner. BACK ROW: James Barger
4 (Chair.), David Pierce, Charles Kachel, Jack Leonhardt, Ashley Hastings.
Hummer House
FRONT ROW (left to right): John Lindsey, Ronald Gribble, Bobby Arrowsmith (Counselor), Anthony O'Bryan (Gov.), Pamelia Hammer (Sweetheart), Errol Beumel (Sec.-Treas.), David Gilman, Mark Sick. SECOND ROW: Frederick Cox, Harry Scott, Ronald Sexton, J. Robert Lyons, Stephen Beison, David L. Rodgers, Douglas Campbell, Ronald Shepherd, Forest Radding
Jr. THIRD ROW: Jerry Honda, Karl Swain, Dean Zollman, Philip Kelso, David Frederick, Robert Lively, Robert Lemen, Robert Kirkpatrick, John Michaels, Lance Harrison. BACK ROW: John Cullison, Philip Silcox, Stephen Ray Powell, Gary R. Holstrom, Lowell R. Weber, Cullen L. Athey, James Fleck, Aubrey Zoot, Robert C. Miller.
Hummer House Paper Carries Full-Color Cartoon
"Build and improve" can be the motto for Hummer House this past year. Last year represented a new beginning for them as a house, and they have had to work hard, to build and improve. Thus far this motto has paid off. They have raised their scholastic standing in the Quad and are the authors of the famous newspaper, the Hummer House Hammer. This newspaper is the first unit paper to have a full-color cartoon on the front page. And at Christmas they sent 2,000 issues of the Hammer in the form of a Christmas card. The activities of Hummer House include "The Spot" at Fall Carnival, Campus Quiz Bowl semi-finalists, exchange dinners, their April Fool's Frolic and other dances, dinners for such dignitaries as President Wells and Dean Samuel Braden, and intramurals with participation in football, basketball, baseball, and the league championship in bowling.
Dodds House
FIRST ROW (left to right): Terry Murphy, Larry Blossom (Sec.-Treas.), Henry Prebys (Alumni Sec.), Jeffrey Graves (Gov.), Stephen Peterson (Vice-Gov.), John Branham, James Schoemer (Counselor), James Woodward. SECOND ROW: David Shea, Ted Miltenberger, Sigmund Toth, George Turner, Kent Grainger, John D. Walker, Harold Edelman, Arthur J. Canning,
Ronald Wines. THIRD ROW: Robert Douglas, Donald Adams, James Barger, John Moore, Frederic Haman, John H. Georgi, Stephen Strole, Sanford Opperman, Vincent Yoder, Thomas Wright. BACK ROW: Matt Coolman, David Morrical, John Greenman, William Weaverling, Bruce Collier, David Chesney, Richard Goul, Roland Fines, James Borse, Larry Miller.
Dodds House Wins Trophies in Three Sports The men of Dodds House in Wright Quadrangle hastened in 1961 to put to use their newly purchased trophy case. Dodds House teams won the billiards, fall bowling league, and football championships. Dodds House men participated in and received honors from several other campus activities, including Fall Carnival. Working with Curry House, the men created the "Pink Garter Saloon," which was rated highest in originality and design in the game of chance category. "Showoody Fountain," the Dodds House entry in the Homecoming display contest, won a first prize. And one of the unit's teams advanced to the semi-finals in the Campus Quiz Bowl. Unit social functions also kept Dodds House men busy during the year. Among the main events on their social calendar were the annual Harold's Club Casino, a picnic with the women of Read Center, and an informal Valentine's Day dance.
Lowe House
FRONT ROW (left to right): George Bergin (Counselor), Terry Smith, John Liverseidge, John Kingsbury, Theodore Mager (Treas.), Theodore Sobol (Gov.), Mary E. Selman (Sweetheart), Thomas Kruger (Vice-Gov.), Brent Neff, Stephen Gregory, Peter M. Pferrer, Russell Palmer. SECOND ROW: Wayne Hinkel, Frank Vargo, Alan Sprinkle, Vincent Master, Richard L. Walker, Ernest Miller, Raymond Modesitt, John Whitmore, Thomas Ranck, Ronald Swygart, Dave Barksdale, Vincent Katz, Richard
Crawford. THIRD ROW: John i'horman, Dennis Bryerton, Robert Dybel, Steven Hubbard, Eugene Klinker, Jeffrey Demby, Jack Kellerman, James Foster, Larry Hall, Edward Smithson, Charles Coburn, Duane Hobley, Donald Wertz, John Nixon. BACK ROW: Don Patcheak, Frederic Nix, Larry Wilson, Milo Nadler, Richard Bass, Dale A. Richmond, Melvyn A. Estey Jr., Larry A. Fox, Clarence A. Mumford, Wallace Kalb Jr., Charles Heinsen, J. Charles Cain, Robert Bargmeyer.
Lowe House Puts Up All-Quad Christmas Wreath The all-Quad Christmas wreath put up annually on the south side of Wright Quadrangle is placed there through the efforts of the men of Lowe House. Hanging the wreath has become a tradition of the unit. In Fall Carnival Lowe House's booth won second place for originality and design. Other honors included the JAWQ tug-of-war championship and a first place in intramural bowling. The unit also participated in Little 500 and entered the Homecoming decorations competition, and they included open houses, date dinners, and dances on the social calendar. In regard to dances, the men of Lowe House sponsored more dances during the first semester of the 1961-1962 school year than during the entire preceding year. On the sports scene, the men entered teams in intramural competition in basketball, football, handball, and softball, in addition to volleyball.
Parks House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Cliffard Ryan, James Lake, Jack Leonahrdt (Gov.), Kari Aldrich (Sweetheart), William Lafever, Edward Enghaus (Sec.-Treas.), William Tower. SECOND ROW: John Martin Johnson, Alan Harden, Douglas Hughes, Keith Patrick, James Booth, Harve Harris, John Baker, John Schaffer.
THIRD ROW: Wayne Larson, Michael Richards, Ronald Brecker, Ross Faris, Barry Macy, Barry R. Niemann, Samuel Parker. BACK ROW: Ron Finkbiner, Gerald Jendreas, Keith Miser, Walter Buchanan, Flavius P. Rhodes, Larry Wright, James Pridgeon, Robert Bratton.
Parks House Named Outstanding Unit in JAWQ Voted the outstanding house in Wright Quad for 1960-1961, Park House received many other awards at the annual awards banquet for JAWQ units. Among the other honors were awards for outstanding house newspaper, outstanding community service, and outstanding governor. Among the traditions of Parks House are annual competition between freshmen and upperclassmen in softball, football, and basketball. And the annual Battle of the Tin Bucket takes place each year against the men of Cary Hall-D from Purdue. The men of Parks House entered Fall Carnival, presented their annual Christmas semiformal dance, and, in addition to picnics, hayrides, and other dinners and dances, presented Parks House Week. The week is devoted to activities exemplifying the entire year's activities of the unit.
Fergason House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Richard Ecklebarger, Lyle Dickes, Robert Cooper, Robert Duthie, David Robinson. SECOND ROW: Charles Whittenberger, Jerry Judy, Calvin Nigh, R. Bruce
Boley, Thomas H. Hopkins, Joseph Spradlin. BACK ROW: Robert Bley, Gary Willey, Harold O'Dell (Vice-Gov.), Theodore Brown (Gov.), William Johnson, Glenn Cardwell, Donald Buhr.
Stockwell House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Dr. Fred Mills (Faculty Associate), Norbert Wessel (Sec.-Treas.), Glen Chambers (Counselor), Billy Walden (Gov.), Sharon Thomson (Sweetheart), John Burson Jr. (Vice-Gov.), Tom Gruber, Willard Travis, Kenneth Barker. SECOND ROW: Paul Goralski, Nolan Pahud, Richard Hoffert, James Carpenter, Robert Swan, Gene Van Deman, Joel Rose, Robert Wilder, Ronald Shoemaker, Gary Signorino. THIRD
ROW: Bruce Whitham, Paul Mosele, Paul Langley, Joseph Beickman, Michael Brown, Kenneth Baldwin, William Ewan, Robert Fowler, Paul Steven Owen, Russell Hartley, Archie Adams. BACK ROW: Ronald Shaner, Jerry Hildebrand, James Leeper, Allen King, Phillip Pate, Stephan Storms, Ivan Jahns, Donald Ray Cushman.
Dunn House
FRONT ROW (left to right): William K. Bissey, Robert Rockwell Gracoletti, Gerald Bremer, William Frederick (Vice-Gov.), Tom F. Broadley (Gov.), Gordon Harter (Sec.), Melvin Charles Moll, Jarrett B. Pence, Dino Antonelli. SECOND ROW: Robert Beesley, James Marks, Jeffrey Wilson, Thomas Elias, Terry Perigo,
Jack May, Andris Baltpurvins, Martin Gelman. BACK ROW: Robert J. Campbell, Roger Holdcraft, Lawrence Voorhees, Fredrick Boese, John Mahoney, Larry Joe Shields, Max Keaffaber, Michael R. Clark, Charles W. Boylen.
Elliott House
FRONT ROW (left to right): John Rumple, Orlend F. Schroeder, Ronald Bailey, Douglas Hensley, Richard Cicenas (Sec.-Treas.), Verne Victor Owen (Gov.), Frank Kominowski (Counselor), Don Morton (Vice-Gov.), William Righeimer, Joe Heath. SECOND ROW: Ivan Portnoy, Dennis Hartmann, Donald Forrest, Ronald McColly, William Cieadlo, Donald Brown, Donald Bodenberg,
Gerald Bitner, Randall Smith, Max Clay, Donald Appelquist. BACK ROW: Don Meyer, Stephen L. Wilson, James Patton, Wayne Plump, John Cowan, Nick Engels, Charles Saunders, Bruce Bonner, Thomas Streeter, William Lloyd, Robert B. Alexander, David Walsman.
Harding House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Gary Myers, Robert Gentry (Counselor), Robert Goss, Harvey Kagan (Sec.-Treas.), Stanley Hamilton, Raymond Pheifer, Michael Brugos (Gov.). SECOND ROW: Phillip Conaway, Paul Schneider, James Lavanchy, William McGill, Michael Machlis, Charles Stephens, Ivan Joe Brown,
Raymond Zeigler. BACK ROW: Phillip Gibbs, Ronald Nicholson, William Grimes, Ronald Dunn, George Lassiter, David Yegerlehner, Maurice E. Crosby, Michael Aaron Roy, Kenneth Webb, Stephen Henley.
Rollins House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Samuel Gumbel, William Melton (Sec.-Treas.), Judy Bonnett (Sweetheart), Frederick Cass (Gov.), Jerry Very (Vice-Gov.). SECOND ROW: Darrell Cook, McDawson Lee Burton Jr., Robert G. Greiwe, William Brigham, James Ferguson, Carl Douglas Weaver, James L. Whiten.
THIRD ROW: Jeff Dye, William D. Black, John Huffman, Samuel Stephens, James Holland, Robert Eastburg, Alfred Turner, Don Gindelberger. BACK ROW: Barry Quimby, Michael Blombach, Karl Lohse, George Huffman, Thomas Solomon, Brian O'Connor (Counselor), Jay Saul.
Hall House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Kenneth Miller (Gov.), John Szymoniak, James Edwards (Treas.), Robert Meinzer, Michael McCarthy, Dennis Szot (Vice-Gov.). SECOND ROW: Allen Austin, Thomas Samuel, John Joseph Foncannon, Kenneth Petyo,
Robert Cicenas, David Stevenson, Wallace Mills. BACK ROW: James Kennedy, Jack Bowers, Juris Lasmanis, Robert P. Messersmith, Michael Otto Hemphill, William Stephen Brown, Phillip Balasa, Thomas Fraser, Larry Graves, Kenneth T. Porter.
Dewey House
FRONT ROW (left to right: Norman Boske, Robert Schumm, Manley Scheurich (Treas.), Larry Richards, Marshall Waller, Donald Demas, Daniel Reeve, Roupen Berberian, Robert Lilly, Clayton Seth. SECOND ROW: Paul Knachel, Ron Adley, Ronald D. Johnson (Gov.), Jerry Hetrick, John Geberin (Counselor),
Kenneth Lukenbill, Mark Sears, Morris Elstien, E. Edward Gutwein. BACK ROW: Paul Von Tobel, Wayland Hicks, John Klotz, Paul D. Gutwein, Marvin Gutwein, William Barrett, Adam Kocal, David Seufert, Louis Hall, Clement Sniadecki (Vice-Gov.).
Harney House
FIRST ROW (left to right): George Maxton Sowers, Terry Quinn, William Mallatt (Vice-Gov.), Larry Kaseff, Francis Martin, Kyle Tschaen, Stephen Martin, Thomas Rose. SECOND ROW: Larry Chen, Robert Reynolds, Warren Boyd, Joe Hughes,
FRONT ROW (left to right): Wendell Rose, Berndt Mann (Sec.-Treas.), Wesley Bucher (Gov.), Tommye Glaze (Sweetheart), Jimmie Thurston (Vice-Gov.), Robert Blessing, John David Lee. SECOND ROW: Grover Bishop, Leo Schlotter, Robert Wright, Michael Tanner, Raymond Rodriguez, George Kitzinger, Tom Harker, John Zahn. THIRD ROW: William Haley, William
John Adkinson, Thomas Presbys, Neil Stahl (Sec.-Treas.), Robert Chesebro (Counselor), Frank Shepard. BACK ROW: Lawrence Huber, William Reiber, Gary Mullins, Richard Money, William Cordell, Auburn Kit Turner, James Marshall, Richard Graf.
Renner, Andrew Caruso, Alan Bode, Paul Romey, John Merrill, Frederick Zahrt, Boyd Baker, Gerald Herche. BACK ROW: Jeffrey Kennedy, William M. Love, William F. Kirkman, John A. Trumbull, Don Fearrin, David Case, Larry D. Arthington, Don Loftus, Gary Hahn, Harold J. Thompson, Robert Hadley, Donald W. Ernest.
Campbell House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Ronald Van Sessen, Robert Moore, Timothy Ravencroft, Larry Davis (Vice-Gov.), Ronald Waugh (Treas.), Leif Nulsen (Gov.), Darcie Simpson (Sweetheart), John Boyce, William Claymon, Merrill Demaree, Paul Stoffer (Counselor). SECOND ROW: Richard Holden, Norman Pozner, William Herring, Ted Moore, John MacDonald, Donald E. King, Michael Carroll, Thomas Wheeler, Robert D. Hollingsworth, Shephen Allen, Paul Harkness. THIRD ROW: Thomas Hallett,
Earl Bruning, Harold Hyden, Charles Harris, David Ricker, David Lash, Gerald McCullum, George Walker, Harry Metzger, Dean Jung, Andrew Richter, Charles La Bolt. BACK ROW: Kenneth Johnson, John Lain, Donald Stafford, Jerry Hedges, Loren Martin, Ted Nicholas, Richard Brammell, Thomas Crouch, Robert Sawicki, Kenneth Button, Robert Koepke, John Barth, Timothy Havey.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Susan J. Davis, Carole White, Cynthia Sazama, Sally Sweitzer. SECOND ROW: Carolyn Nash, Patricia Fry, Dorothy Jane McCaffrey, Almeda Harger, Jean Smith, Donna Stull, Sigrid Trombley, Lynda Coy. BACK ROW: Mary Ruth Taylor, Mary Rothert, Sara Adair Main, Susan Tripp, Frances Lindley, Phyllis Petscher, Sharon Ofsaiof, Barbara Kline.
Mary Ruth Taylor (Communications), Karen Chulock (Activities), Beverly Walker (Sec.), Susan Tripp (Pres.), Carolyn Nash (Treas.), Anita Rosenthal (Recreation), Rebecca Louise White (Social), Barbara Burgdoerfer (House Manager).
LEFT TO RIGHT: Carolyn Nash, Susan Tripp, Beverly Walker.
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Read Center's Orientation Program Successful "Four Queens and a King," standing for the four wings and Daniel Read, was the theme of a successful orientation week at Daniel Read Center, the largest dormitory for women at Indiana University. Included in the program was an out-of-doors mixer with the men of Wright Quadrangle. The mixer centered around a Japanese theme.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Mary Frichie, Judith Edwards, Rebecca Martin, Janice Rumph. BACK ROW: Miss Lou Pontius (Adviser), Marla Miller (Chair.). Ti
Tips from a model, a style show, and a panel discussion on morals and manners constituted social education week, which prepared the women for such formal occassions as their "Man of My Heart" Valentine's dance in the Frangipani Room of the Union Building. Other activities of the center included Mothers' Weekend, a Homecoming float, and a spring open house. The four houses of Read Center—Beck, Clark, Curry, and Landes—individually participated in exchange and scholarship dinners, intramural sports, choirs, Christmas parties, Pixie Week, Fall Carnival, and Little 500. 355
Beck House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Patricia Ervin, Patsy Pennington, Sharilee Bayless, Donna McKinley, Darlene McGregor. SECOND ROW: Leslie Heyward, Dianne Beams, Ruth Barr, Barbara
Purdue, Nancy Paras, Susan Hendricks. BACK ROW: Brenda Noble, Constance Brown, Linda Bower, Paulette Rubin, Karen Nash.
Beck House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Ramona Lynn Pheifer, Carole Eva Bell, Carol Augustus, Rebecca Russell, Roberta Russell, Alice Livingston, Linda Gorseline, Susan Bargholz. SECOND ROW: Myra Hamilton, Louise Schneiderman, Sandra Jackson, Susan Wheaton, Judith Anne Stanley, Sally Sweitzer, Sherry Weller, Jill White, Martha Engel, Juanita Rivers, Gail Gritzbaugh. THIRD ROW: Rita Scott, Elizabeth Kendall, Barbara Joyce
Fronczak, Carolyn Tidd, Cynthia Foster, Louise Newhard, Carol Alter, Susan Bovenschen, Sondra Ruston, Julia Dianna Dennis. BACK ROW: Sandra Harvill, Suetta Kehrein, Dixie Clark, Mary Susan Stutsman, Jade Simon, Patricia Russell, Joan Reising, Virginia Carter, Cynthia Patterson, Mary Jane Rothert, Colleen Jill. Wilson.
Beck House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Ramona Lynn Pheifer, Carole White, Aleta Shumaker, Karen McClung, Marilyn McClure, Phyllis Wiseman, Sandra Goldstein. SECOND ROW: Kathie Schilling, Carol Butler, Sally Butz, Mila Robinson, Sonya Gwynn, Julianna Miller, Jos Ann Moser, Betsy Green. THIRD ROW: Susan Thompson, Rebecca Martin, Irene Evertts, Carol Traub,
Nancy Martin, Martha Hinkle, Susan Peterson, Carole Kuester, Joan Wilson. BACK ROW: Sherrill Mullikin, Linda Knapp, Linda Murbach, Carol Romine, Patricia Kinnett, Janice Heemstra, Tamara Steinmetz, Ann Eberhart, Anita Kindred, Betty McGregor.
Clark House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Paulette Foremming, Nancy Mills, Sylvia Ehrman, Alice Stiles, Sally Dill, Carol Morton, Donna Stull.
BACK ROW: Linda Bulson, Sheran Koetje, Carolyn Sue Wilson, Gloria Crick, Lee Weninger, Jane Ingram, Sally Hasselmann.
Clark House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Marsha Frazier, Carolyn Baumgartner, Patricia Boswell, Linda Watkins, Sara Adair Main, Judith Bessire, Prudence Banister. SECOND ROW: Joyce Peace, Janice Kay Percifield, Janice Kreiselmeyer, Judith Robertson, Phyllis Bettge, Dorothy Jane McCaffrey, Mary Jo Thompson, Marsha Zeitlin. THIRD ROW: Donna Stull, Susan Hines, Elizabeth
Steele, Janice McMillin, Sondra Kay Beineke, Susan Mangel, Norma Said, Phyllis Hunt, Ellen Schaper, Carol Tice, Karen Sue Johnson. BACK ROW: Mary Jane Niness, Marcia Shadley, Mary Frischie, Joan Hargis, Patricia Young, Susan Tripp, Maryellen Frazier, Betty Jean Carroll, Gerry Sue Wilson, Judy Pifer, Sandra McNaughton.
Clark House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Treva Davis, Karyl Widen, Carole Miller, Judith Morris, Nancy Arnold, Camille Watkins, Nancy Starks. SECOND ROW: Diana Haddad, Barbara Timmerman, Sharon Ann Harpring, Louise Nagusky, Barbara Hess, Joan
Bruno, Caryl Green, Kay Boughman. BACK ROW: Judith Keresztury, Janet Goodpaster, Eileen Schaeffer, Bonnie Therriault, Margaret Jarrard, Sharon Berry, Lillian Cichon, Barbara Jasinowski, Susan Pyle, Elizabeth Bunner, Edith White.
Curry House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Barbara Bell, Carol Theobald, Margery Resnick, Brenda E. Paul, Sandra Shuster, Sidenia Maines, Mary Linda Shehorn, Cossette Jarvis, Patricia Foale. SECOND ROW: Karen Lineback, Patricia Losiniecki, Patricia Owens, Margaret Gray, Sue Holliday, Carole I. Harris, Sandra Bean, Donna Berns, Noelle Musselman, Nancy Young. THIRD ROW: Janet Day, Linda Schwallie, Mary Kay Sieber, Emily
Cronau, Pamela Morris, Ruth Ann Brown, Ellen Joseph, Karen Francke, Susan Siegel, Ann Paulsen, Mary Ann Thomas. BACK ROW: Ann Hobson, Patty Jo Bowman, Charlotte Pfluger, Catherine Dolzall, Mary Lee Seibert, Mary Jean Burnett, Susan Jane Davis, Sue Ellen Wilkinson, Suzann Hengstler, Sigrid Trombley.
Curry House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Susan Pace, July Lyons, Linda Price, Karen Hunt, Karen Stout, Elizabeth LieVan, Shirley Applegate, Janet Eberle, Marilyn Myers, Julie Parrott. SECOND ROW: Judith Forney, Ann Bound, Reva Seale, Mary Ann Fitzpatrick, Carolyn S. McCullough, Sue Wagner, Linda Roth, Ruth Miller, Victoris Owen. THIRD ROW: Jane Jackson, Barbara
Fenton, Dottie Holland, Sara Dyer, Susan Warwick, Jean Hurt, Diane Wielend, Linda Jean Miller, Sharon Bratina, Judith Juncker. BACK ROW: Marsha Wiggam, Patricia Meek, Rebecca Parmenter, Mary Dugdale, Sandra Singer, Karen Bloom, Diane Tellman, Frances Sue Merchant, Janet Mizer, Carolyn Smith, Rebecca Newsom.
Curry House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Pamela Davis, Linda Anne Miller, Mary Ann Spahr, Barbara Kline, Susan Elliott, Heather Whittemore, Sherrard Mowry. SECOND ROW: Ruth Ake, Susie Imel, Joan Callahan, Beverly Porter, Janice Schurch, Rebecca Collins, Diana Davidson, Sandra McMullen. THIRD ROW: Tamra McCready, Mary Lynn Wiese, Jo Anne Knable, Judith Ulerich,
Mary Jane Goodson, Judith Ireland, Rebecca Grimes, Mary Mahan, Sharon Winslow. BACK ROW: Barbara Sprague, Linda G. Scott, Diane Wiggins, Wanda Hash, Quindaro Groth, Ruth Ann Jung, Merrily Severin, Harriett Hyatt, Caroline Stafford, Carolyn Chapin.
Landes House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Mary Kay Teboe, Joanne Reiff, Sylvia Sloker, Jane Marie Thompson, Irene Ingalls, Judith Shepherd, Pamela Krabbenhoft, Lynne Wickerham, Lynn Davis, Mary Lou Grigsby, Pamela Jan Fuller. SECOND ROW: Donna Ranich, Diane Bauer, Sharon France, Bonnie Bierly, Marcella Schahfer, Virginia McLeay, Jane Nelson, Janet Bradford, Sue Ann Deems, Betty Huffman, Marcia Merkle, Rachel Hancock. THIRD ROW: Christina Burgess, Carol Bair, Anne Hughes,
Cathy Lass, Suzanna Rossell, Barbara Macy, Nancy Shepherd, Kathy Rush, Mary Ann Craig, Martha McKeehan, Carolyn Terfler, Mary Jo Brant, Lois Klintworth. BACK ROW: Elizabeth Porter, Elizabeth Engebretson, Lynda Beltz, Marybeth Furr, Gretchen Bothast, Constance Gill, Mary Barter, Pat Graves, Shirley Smitherman, Julie Johnson, Sharon Bobb, Mary L. Burdick, Mary Myers, Nadine Naughton, Letitia Ligocki.
Landes House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Sandra Ghere, Patricia Fitch, Beverly Tucker, Carolyn Tracy, Rita Reynolds, Susan Munger, Sharon Durr, Carolyn Robinson, Margaret Radigan, Marsha Hunt, Sandy Cooper. SECOND ROW: Helen Hoffmann, Kay Maley, Nancy Macy, Natalie Hershon, Donna Zweiban, Elaine Bishop, Catherine Mallett, Johanna Wright, Janet Janson, Rita Cellini, Karen Squier, Penny Nichols. THIRD ROW: Jamie
Barlowe, Joanna Ross, Susan Davis, Carol Quackenbush, Beverly Walker, Mary Herrin, Mary Behen, Mary Kay McGlaughlin, Terry Morrison, Andrea Hatrak, Sharon Lebo, Bonnie Stolp, Carol Mattingly. BACK ROW: Sandra Torok, Karen Thomas, Norma Nelson, Carole Jane Jackson, Mary Joyce Simpson, Pamela Wilhelm, Frances Lindley, Pamela Best, Nancy Oliver, Mary Nix, Patricia Sebahar, Joan Gahimer, Alice Strange.
Landes House
FRONT ROW (left to right): Marilyn Simon, Carolyn Brooks, Linda Vandenbark, Mary Taylor, Barbara Robertson, Margaret Nesbit, Sheilah Talbert, Carol Scott. SECOND ROW: Kathryn Sanders, Terri Pean, Barbara L. Shaw, Marcia Shanks, Linda Smeltzer, Marsha Unger, Sue Witt, Pat Lowenhart. THIRD ROW: Bonita Bauer, Constance Beard, Lana Pursley, Marcia
Mondary, Phyllis Lowery, Karen Greiner, Alice Ann Fox, Barbara Badertscher, Sue Ryker. BACK ROW: Jane Jacob, Nancy Dyer, Karen P. Campbell, Mary Hamilton, Susan Metzner, Pat Fry, Priscilla Logan, Mary Kay Robbins, Barbara Krueger, Sara Williams, Diane Mages, Victoria Foster.
Men's Residence Center Reopened as Dormitory Reopened this year as a residence center after use as an Air Force dorm, the Men's Residence Center is largely a freshman dormitory. There are three units in MRC, Smith, Cravens, and Edmondson Halls. The MRC Executive Council spent much of its time first semester in writing a constitution, and now, a board of governors has been established as well as a judicial board and hall co-ordinators. A center newspaper, "The Tower," was also started, and, since the beginning of this year, the center has formed a library of about 5,000 books. Men's Residence Center sponsored two dances, a Christmas dance and "The Roaring Twenties." On the unit level, the men joined with women's residences for mixers and exchange dinners. FRONT ROW (left to right): Philip Hempleman, William Michael Hartman, William Busse. BACK ROW: George H. Murphy Jr., James Baird, Jon Brown, David Maxwell.
Now working on plans for next fall's Orientation Week, the center is preparing a booklet to help acquaint new students with Indiana University and MRC.
Executive Council
LEFT TO RIGHT: Dale Tarnowieski, Nikiforos P. Diamandouros, David Molnar, Dean Wright, Hal Swain, William Vukowich.
Craven's Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Glenn Hackel, Jerry Haberman, Kenneth Waugh, Lawrence Mann, Joshua Brady. SECOND ROW: Stanley Adsit, Roger Swinford, William Mullin, Richard Conaway, Donald Bennett, Thomas Pawloske, Marvin Dellinger, William N. Mbote (Treas.). BACK ROW: Thomas Peters,
Cornelius T. Miller (Vice-Gov.), William Busse (Gov.), William Robert Martin, Richard L. George, Earle L. Ciaglia, Bernard Hoffman, Robert Garfield Buckner III, Richard Dean.
Craven's Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Max E. Martin, Jesse Martinez, Ralph W. Stacy, Henry Labhart, Dale Spangler, Lawrence Sprengelmeyer, James LeRoy Morgan, Guy Parcel. SECOND ROW: Carl Johnson, Jerry Real (Vice-Gov.), Stanley Augs-
burger, David Wieggel, James Kramer, Frederick Hummert, Paul Hempfling Jr. BACK ROW: John Pritchard, Thomas Wolfe (Sec.-Treas.), Michael Wertz, Gary Darnell, James Queen, Alvin Watkins, Philip Hempleman (Gov.), Roger D. Spickler.
Edmondson Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Dean Wright, Raymond Doyle, William Rieck (Gov.), Michael McLaughlin (Sec.-Treas.), Ray Auble. SECOND ROW: John W. Moore (Counselor), Victor Brotko, Gordon Mullikin, Michael L. Graf, Richard L. Keach,
Jerry L. Huston, Jerome Gerde. BACK ROW: Peter Schmidt, Jeffrey Orr, Donald Kamerer, Arnold Cole, Thomas Plikuhn, William Paige, Richard Yeager.
Edmondson Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Richard Henning, Michael Humphrey, Tony Shelvis, Richard J. Maxwell, Rodolphe Rouhana. SECOND ROW: Ronald K. Anness, Daniel Walters,
Jon Brown, Michael Heyns, Larry Jones, Robert Martin. BACK ROW: Richard Swain, William Paige, Carl Hunteman, Richard Summers, Larry Geddings, Stan Wilson, Larry Siesky.
Edmondson Hall
4&4. FRONT ROW (left to right): Robert Walker, Al-Khalisi Hussain, William Johnson, Victor Brotko. SECOND ROW: Larry Hardesty, David Blackwell, Charles Runner, Richard Lecklitner,
Richard Gilbert. BACK ROW: Michael Perine, Theodore Reiter, Robert Van Nest, Lynn Garrett, Cyril Mehringer, Robert Barry (Counselor).
Smith Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Roscoe C. Clark Jr., William E. Sterrett, James L. Baird (Gov.), John L. Wyre, David L. Martin. SECOND ROW: Robert L. Gorman, Michael W. Yocum, Edward
L. Shuter, John R. Michael (Sec.-Treas.), Thomas L. Narron, Michael Cornfeld. BACK ROW: Philip Furber, Donald Lee (Vice-Gov.), Ronnie Wade, Walter Haislip, Leland Baxter.
Smith Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): James M. Gromer, Charles Pine, Frank Kasle, Barrie Zimmerman, Charles L. Davis, Allan Jones, Larry Thaxton. SECOND ROW: Joseph Lovasko, John Michael Cooper, Michael Jessin, Charles William Ertel (Vice-Pres.), Ronald
Jongsma, Michael Sims, W. Warren Wood, Gary F. Davis Jr. BACK ROW: Daniel Leaman, Robert E. Smith, Thomas Niedermeier, William Michael Hartman (Gov.), James McDonald, Richard L. McDonald. Kenneth Kerr (Counselor).
Smith Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Keith Kingman, John Plunkett, Richard Leon Edwards (Vice-Gov.), George Murphy Jr. (Gov.), Joseph Songer (Treas.), Richard Herre, Robert Atherton, Norman E. Wade. SECOND ROW: Harold Hinds, David Ellmore, Rich-
and Hagenston, Paul Borden, John Eisel, Peter Walter, Gerald Peters. BACK ROW: John Hiigli, Thurman Gladden, Edward Pearson, James J. Humphrey, Arnold Cole, Steven Lunsford, Richard Bradshaw, James P. Best.
Wells Center Council
FRONT ROW (left to right): Wesley Davis (Treas.), James Cornell (Vice-Pres.), Judith Stahlhut (Pres.), Barbara Wilson (Sec.). SECOND ROW: Jane Carter, Sally Kiefer, Karen Grif-
fey, lnga Watson, Jacqueline Glaze. BACK ROW: Mary Jane Reilly (Adviser), Marcia Warnke, Ronnie Hancock, Robert Taber, Eugene Jongsma, Sue Campbell.
Forest Hall Only Men's Unit in Wells Quadrangle Memorial, Morrison, Sycamore, Forest, and Weatherwax Halls are the University dormitories making up the Wells Quadrangle housing unit. Except for Forest, which is a men's unit, all the housing units of Wells Quad are women's dormitories. Seniors are honored annually when each hall sponsors a recognition banquet for their outstanding academic work and activity participation. All the units also participate in the Fall Carnival and Little 500, either as separate units or on a center basis. Intramural sports, such as swimming or basketball, take place among the women's dormitories. The annual Christmas dance takes place in the Frangipangi Room of the Indiana Memorial Union. Other social activities in which the units participate together are exchange dinners and open houses. An informal program is presented every Wednesday night for one half hour by the center. It consists of a student talent show, although sometimes faculty members participate.
Forest Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Danny Littell, Mike Pate, Richard Balakir, Robert Taber, Ronald Hancock (Governor), Alfred Fisher, Frank Budreck, John Pope. SECOND ROW: William Dudding, Phillip Kinman, Warren Blackmon, William Berry, Charles Mann, Wesley Davis, Richard Whitlow, Deane Smith, David Ober, Stan Keller, Robert Phillips, Jerry Krueger. THIRD ROW: George Steineberger, Allen Lewis, James Swinson, David Lockhart, Stephen Mills, James Haskett, Robert Keyes, Terry
Fleshman, Joseph Ford Williams, Samuel K. Gwin, Stephen Hartgrove. FOURTH ROW: Jerry Moore, Edward Clausen, Eugene Jongsma, John Yoder, Edward Miesel, Kurt Gloger, Rodolfo Lozano, John Peters, David Harris, Donald Pearson, Jerry Price. BACK ROW: Norris Lohman, James Yockel, Robert Brookshire, James Stack, David Flinn, John Knoll, William Fawcett, Edsel Reeves, Charles Plost, Roger Sawtelle, James Cornell, William Vann Johnson, Maurice Benton.
Memorial Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Patti Waggoner, Mar) Ware, Aurelia Pasko, Kathleen Helton, Gloria Hartman, Carol Oshiro, Carolyn Hershman. SECOND ROW: Sue Gerrard, Grace Manous, Nancy Woodworth, Karen Sue Kjelstrom, Christine Moudy,
Carol Neal, Joyce Lee Klaiber, Sharon Lee Thompson. BACK ROW: Nancy Ann Starkel, Nancy Lynne Holloway, Sandra Lou Nelson, Sarah McIntyre, Jacquelyn Craig, Martha Jane Koelling, Beverley Davis, Jeanette Ross, Corinne Johnson.
Memorial Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Sandra Martin, Tran Thi Kim-Sa, Cheryl Gates, Cynthia Langdon, Judith R. Miller, Suzanne Linkhart, Sandra Higa, Mattie Camerson. SECOND ROW: Nancy Peters, Carole Sosby, Linda Thompson, Frances Sarger, Diane
Gindelberger, Judith Brown, Pauline Pierson, Sara Stone, Maryellen Rozcicha. BACK ROW: Alona Kessler, Barbara Tankersley, Shirley Pond, Janet Hoffman, Gwendolyn Stewart, Sally Myers, Elizabeth Harmon, Carol Rafert, Sue Fetters.
Memorial Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Carolyn Beck, Carol Lynne Adams, Rosemary Orr, Elaine Weiss, Lucinda McClwain, Christine Counterman, Rosemary Chappell, Betsy Williams. SECOND ROW: Mary Alice Tolson, Ellen Hill, Joyce Brosey, Ann Chard,
Patti Donnelly, Bonnie Bucha, Beverly Means, Susan Finch, Nancy Brown. BACK ROW: Arlene Dickover, Lindsay Mitchell, Myrna Reynolds, Sheila Anderson, Jane Caseley, Janet Canada, Patricia Greene, Colleen E. Bailey.
Morrison Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Sandra Fritz, Linda Hocard, Judith Smedley, Carole Wiggington, Loretta Piggee, Karen Wilson, Charlotte Robbins, Judith M. Fields. SECOND ROW: Penny Ritter, Karna Hoffman, Marilyn Craig, Nancy Baltes, Judith
Leipnitz, Rebecca Kindred, Carole Ann Johnson, Lynda Bell, Janet Good. BACK ROW: Carole Brunson, Ruth Tyndall, Emily Stonerock, Mary Judith Buchanan, Carol Panicucci, Sandra Cotton, Ida Lou Klingele, Diane Zehring.
Morrison Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right: Jeanne Niji, Patricia Faulkner, Cheryl Dille, Eugenia Forst, Elizabeth Braden, Nancy Miller, Enid Brown, Janet Foy, Laura Mae Watkins. SECOND ROW: Kathryn Hindmarch, Kathie Harsh, Beverly Bain, Sharon Bianco, Marilyn Lentz, Lenora Lasley, Jo Ann Dobccki, Marianne Doyle,
Sharon Simth, Alayne Cook. BACK ROW: Diane Hamilton, Lana Braddock, Glenda Ganny, Carolyn R. Jones, Marcia Warnke (Lt. Gov.), Judy Overbeck, Lynda Byrd, Phyllis Mills, Sandra Conti, Barbara Henry.
Sycamore Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Rosalia Serardi, Roberta Leifer, Sharon Motts, Amy Miller, Judy Vincent, Donna Smith, Marcia Griffin, Mary Stockamp. SECOND ROW: Jacqueline Sayag, Jane May, Judith Giecho, Nancy Lukens, Margaret Oliver, Lynn Warner, Melba Brown, Nancy Newman, Carolyn Young. THIRD ROW: Cynthia Myers, Romona Finnell, Darlene Peters, Evelyn
Leininger, Shirley Frain, Sally Kiefer, Ann Windell, Jackoline Tolle, Elaine Murphy, Ann Jaksich. BACK ROW: Janis Ungerer, Leah Kay Leifer, Alice M. Smith, Linda Fiscus, Barbara Finley, Lynn Moss, Conna Gray, Nancy Bridges, Cynthis Sprong, Shirley Werner, Sharon Hinchman.
Sycamore Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Rebecca Hostetler, Beverly Krick, Inga Watson, Jean Cook, Sue Foster, Diane Keisling, Jacqueline Glaze, Elaine DeBold. SECOND ROW: Sandrajean Henderson, Barbara J. Rice, Abigail Hall, Peggi Gamble, Susan Durfee, Faye Speller, Penny Gilbert. THIRD ROW: Pauletta Sue Cole, Betsy
Nick, Janet Glick, Ellen Holmann, Carol Corley, Sarah Evans, Judith Tenison, Victoria Antonini. BACK ROW: Jacqualyn Jeffers, Carolyn Gralfe, June Krug, Debra Feldman, Diane Horwath, Judith Lowe, Jane Parker.
Sycamore Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Aileen Tanaka, Madge Reising, Patricia Saarinen, Sharon Darko, Dawn Wood, Darleen Butler, Judith Lee, Linda Baffo, Sandra Dressel, Judith Reed. SECOND ROW: Betsy Bendorf, Kathleen Bresnahan, Martha Goode, Sandra Fleener, Barbara Jenkins, Vicki Sithen, Melinda Morrow, Janice Bremer, Petra Manning, Marilyn Rush, Janice Luke. THIRD ROW: Karen Buschman, Judy Booker, Joan Sherby,
Patricia Morgan, Phyllis Plummer, Barbara Shook, Alice Eicholz, Suzanne Siegesmung, Rose Ellen Messerschmidt, Annette Lynch, Sandra Shirock, Kathleen Zvonar. BACK ROW: Carolyn De Vore, Martha Williams, Arlene Matis, Oma Birl, Anne Sherbondy, Carol Hall, Patricia Lavis, Joyce Cain, Nadara Zima, Marcia Oddi, Judith Zellers.
Sycamore Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): E. Linda Canfield, Lydia Brasher (Sec.), Joneth Emerson (Vice-Pres.), Sue Campbell (Pres.), Margaret Frye, Margie Wysong, Judith Stahlhut. SECOND ROW: Sue Landon, Peggy Burns, Rebecca Sprunger, Rebecca Joanne Weir, Beverly Rutz, Loralee Pahl, Linda Bocaton, Mary Quin.
THIRD ROW: Mary Kocher, Linda Higgins, Kay Lee Wilson, Julie Carpenter, Kathryn Seulean, Marian Clarouist, Jean Kelley, Gayle Posselt, Sherry Hostetler, Sue Piper. BACK ROW: Diane Benson, Julie Groscost, Janis Milligan, Anne Doty, Carol Chidester, Donna Person, Bonnie Cadwalader, Barabra Goldberg.
Weatherwax Hall Once a Social Sorority House Formerly a social sorority house, Weatherwax Hall is now a women's dormitory considered a part of Wells Center. Named after a former I. U. professor, the house provides living quarters for 31 undergraduate women. The residents of the women's co-operative dormitory took time out from house work and classes to bring honors to their unit. The I. U. tennis trophy was won by one of the residents in the fall, and the unit worked together to donate the most blood from any one housing unit during the blood drive. Women of Weatherwax live in a diversified atmosphere for the residents are from Great Britain, Yugoslavia, and Germany, as well as the United States. Among the social events sponsored by the unit are a Valentine's Day dance and a Christmas party. In the spring, the women of Weatherwax forgot about classes for a day when they gave a date-affair picnic at McCormick's Creek State Park.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Ann McKeown, Sandra Stone, Judy Clark, Carol Chapman, Bette Patterson, Patricia Hasler. SECOND ROW: Ruby Burgess, Nancy Beaman, Cathie Coan, Arlene Hamot (Sec.-Treas.), Sharon Jacques, Lois Rolf, Donna Harris.
BACK ROW: Karen Griffey (Gov.), Barbara Skapa, Elvera Kleinschmidt, Geraldine Keeley, Glenda Mitchell, Judy Martin (Lt. Gov.), Amber Bevers.
Mason Hall Brings Trees Center Units to Eight With the opening of Ruby Mason Hall in September, the facilities of Trees Center were expanded to include eight units. Planned as a co-operative unit, Mason has been operated this year as a regular women's dormitory. The new dorm on Seventh Street and Union Street houses about 80 women at present. Although many of the units in Trees are scholarship halls—the residents have residence scholarships from the University—center-wide and unit activities throughout the year emphasize the social as well as academic side of university life. For example, in the fall the center presented the "Mid-term Bawl," and in the spring a center-wide dance was given. Trees Center also participated in Fall Carnival with their game of chance, "Pillow Pitch." The Trees Center Judicial Board, now in its second year of operation, makes all major decisions concerning center activities.
Executive Council
FRONT ROW (left to right): Barbara Jane Williams, Yvonne Chang, Penny Sacopulos, Betty Guthrie, Greer Dawson. BACK ROW: D. Wayne Crowley (Treas.), Charles Gwaltney (Pres.),
Michael Donovan, James Bourne, David Moore, Jerry DuWayne Smith, Larry Lee Davis.
Oak Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Greer Dawson (Gov.), Mary V. Frank, Judy Iverman, Sharon Petrie, Carol Olson, Beverly Railsback. BACK ROW: Harriet Walker, Hazel Goodman, Sharon
Hoy, Mary Kathryn Huston, Pamelia Hammer, Marilyn Hostetler, Patricia Smith.
Oak Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Margaret Conroy, Nancy Ralstin, Bonnie Whitley, Martha Brandenburg. SECOND ROW: Diana Alvarez (Sec.), Donna Alexander, Margaret Kunkel (Treas.), Jan
Reeta, Linda Gering. BACK ROW: Judith Voght, Marjorie Dunn, Sandy Sokola, Lynda Davis (Vice-Gov.), Kay Dickey, Sharon Stultz.
Pine Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Gwendolyn Radcliffe, Frances DiNoto, Melinda Hendry, Betty Guthrie (Gov.), Kitty Kelley (Sec.), Jo Nell Ramey (Vice-Gov.), Beverly Whitinger, Nancy Monaghan, Jennifer Lee. SECOND ROW: Patsy Smith, Gatha Wesner, Carol Struewing, Judy E. Fields, Beth Ann Robinett,
Christine DeWulf, Katharine Chueden, Rita Callecod, Janet Donaldson. BACK ROW: Anna Caroline Schildroth, Gail Sermersheim, Nancy Southwood, Rosemary Tuesley, Carol Sue Turner, Kathy London, Dixie Webb, Carolyn Galik, Elinor Parker, Vickie Wagner.
Mason Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Lynda Jane Reeves, Patricia Lewis, Rebecca Ann White, Sandra Cooper (Sec.), Carolyn King, Nancy Bohren, Betty Woehler, Suzanne Thomas. SECOND ROW: Patricia West, Roberta Marner, Sandra Rose, Holly Wilson, Sharon Richardson, Carolyn Rosenberger, Barbara Hvale, Sue Barnes, Sarah Eldridge. THIRD ROW: Carol Wilkinson, Carol
Ludlow, Penny Sacopulos (Gov.), Judith Eisenhut, Barbara Leminger, Mary Ferkins, Sharon Gardner, Anne Cooper (Vice-Gov.), Donna Dee Buckles. BACK ROW: Patricia Bayly, Judith McQueen, Martha Cleveland, Cheryl Pontius, Shannon DeLaney, Diane Wallick, Karen MacMurray, Judith Myers, Suellyn Solliday, Nancy Lucas, Michael Carolyn Walter.
Laurel Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Michael Rogers, Warren Spencer, Robert Evans, Dale Terry, William Hendrey, S. John Kaldahl, Jerry Holtray, Robert D. Jones. SECOND ROW: Gerald Flanagan, Richard Dennis, Craig Hinshaw, Jack Hartman, Edward Kuespert, James V. Adams, Robert Jarnecke, Jerry Duwayne
Smith (Gov.), Jay Montgomery. THIRD ROW: Michael Lynch, John Storck, Keith Edmonson, Dennis Jeray, Verlin Mossman (Sec.-Treas.), John Huston, Michael Ormiston, David H. Williams, Mike Eskitch, Carl Stone.
Upper Linden Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Lawrence Burket, Jerry Dougan, James Justic, Floyd McWilliams, Ronald Hofer, William Edward Wilson, Harold Kittrell. SECOND ROW: Wayne De Armon, David Strohmier, William Carter (Vice-Gov.), Thomas J. Kennedy, Larry Bartel, James Stebbins, William Godfrey, Donald Shortridge. THIRD ROW: Ronald Florer, Joel Firme, Michael
Phillips, Michael Hunt, George James Boeglin, William Reynolds, Ardee Helm. BACK ROW: Michael Donovan, Andrew Rowlas, James E. Bourne (Gov.), Daniel L. Davis, Robert L. Kluesner, James J. Harris, Robert L. Wantland, Lawrence B. Fluhr.
Walnut Hall
FRONT ROW (left to right): Richard Chappelle, Randolph Clarke, Gary Tuehl, Charles Baker, Walter A. Kalberer. SECOND ROW: David Nicholls (Vice-Gov.), Charles Nichols, James
Schnell, Philip Ferguson (Gov.), David Moore (Gov.), Barrett Shelvis. BACK ROW: Glen Davis, Ronald Campbell, William Yarber, Glen Kooy, Garland Kent Dunbar, Joseph Wenzel.
Tower Quadrangle A Successful Experiment for I U
Tower Quadrangle I U. First Coed Dormitory Indiana University's first experiment in coeducational living was Tower Quadrangle. Opened three years ago, Tower was intended to have four buildings for men and one unit for women. Because of the increased female enrollment, however, the University has altered the setup to maintain three units for women and one for men. The Center Council, which provides over-all government for the center, co-ordinates the activities of the individual units and halls into an effective governing system for the center. Facilities at Tower Quadrangle include both coed and non-coed recreation rooms, a center library, and a proctored study table system. The libraries contain reference books and recreational materials. Starting second semester off right, Tower's entry in the small group division of I. U. Sing won first place for their presentation of "Purdue Enters the I. U. Sing."
Towers A
FRONT ROW (left to right): Thomas Hofer, Charles W. Beck, Fred Smith, Ralph Minton, Gerald Paloski, Richard Hudson, Gordon Lewis, Donald A. Lackovitch. SECOND ROW: Stanley Pequignot, Graydon Miars, Phillip Simpson, John Stephen
Schechter, Stephen Kelly, Gerald Scheltens, Paul Dickover. BACK ROW: David R. Perry, Carl T. Johnson, Michael Trueman, Harry Hensley, James D. Bailey, James M. McKown, Richard Thorn, Ronald L. Ellis.
Towers A
FRONT ROW (left to right): David Alwood, Steven Lumm, Vaughan Hankins, John Wiley, Byard Herrman. SECOND ROW: Larry Hand, Larry Schneider, David Spence, RobertClark, Rich-
and Farrar, David Adams. BACK ROW: Craig Holmes, John S. Race, David Pray, William Peters, John James Mallas, Richard Guggenheimer, Vern Idom.
Towers A
FRONT ROW (left to right): Terry Collings, Stuart M. Lefkowitz (Counselor), Kenneth Sears, Steven Anschel, Charles Jackson, Jerry Smedley. BACK ROW: Mike Waldron, Warren
Williams, William E. Anderson, William Pletka, Michael Sullivan, Larry Coe, James Drummond.
Towers A
FRONT ROW (left to right): Donald Wynne, Gene H. Johnson, Thomas Danielson, Ian Weiss, Charles Hafron, Joseph Dickey, Michael Judd, Thomas Kramer, Michael Heath. SECOND ROW: Robert Carpenter, Thomas Parrett, Howard Jones, James Short,
Charles Casper, Paul Darlington, David Mercurio, Galen Lutz. BACK ROW: Richard Weirick, Wayne Palmer, Timothy Shrewsbury, John Kallenberg, John Lierman, David Sunny, Charles Miller, Robert Humphrey, Richard Lemmon.
Towers A
FRONT ROW (left to right): Gregor Preston (Gov.), Richard Bowman, Ricky VanLue, Carlos Thompson, Michael L. Fisher. SECOND ROW: Lawrence Friend, Edward Samper, Frank Den-
zinger, Dennis M. Lambert, Robert Ashbaugh, Richard Snodgrass. BACK ROW: John Peckham, John Yoars, Ronald White, Ned Farry, Thomas Tolbert, Gary Leips, Thomas Strait.
Towers D
FRONT ROW (left to right): Larry Coleman, Douglas Robert, David Swager, Walter Corbin, Stanley Kremp, Joseph Kennedy. SECOND ROW: Charles Denzinger, Walter J. Schaefer, Lawrence
Clifford, Melvyn Kaczmarek, Ernest Kochis, Patrick D. Crain, Charles Mascus.
Towers B
FRONT ROW (left to right): Charlotte S. Wasmuth, Judy Floretta, Merry Ring, Aida E. Creer. SECOND ROW: Kathy Costello, Connie Oldham, Connie Moore, Judith Baker, Bonnie
Brouwer. BACK ROW: Mary Ann Clark (Gov.), Rebecca Scudder, Mary Ann Shumann, Carolyn Wall, Donna Moots, Elaine Daugherty.
Towers B
FRONT ROW (left to right): Eleanor Snyder, Paula Dodd, Carol Sampson, Mary Barnes, Ronda Kay Brinkley, Marilyn Roeske, Frieda Fordzce. SECOND ROW: Carol Klepfer, Kathy Hutchins, Judy Alleman, Katherine Ware, Violet Lowe, Mary
Carrabine, Shirley Flannery, Wilma Kay Welch. BACK ROW: Nancy Arch, Sandra Miller, Sarah Bavender, Linda Burns, Karen McCarthy, Charlotte Bell, Susan Spiers, Ruth Ellen McCallister, Lori Watson.
Towers B
FRONT ROW (left to right): Georgia Nagai, Catherine Darst, Jane Atkinson, Sherrill Kennedy, Mary Jane Rick, Christine Gabel, Gail Ewing, Roberta Helfrich. SECOND ROW: Marcia Myers, Vivian Lowe, Ellen Chrispyn, Carolyn Davis, Martha Sni-
der, Jane Baas, Mary Sadner, Elaine Kirsh, Claire Malis. BACK ROW: Kay Kitchen, Barbara Blount, Judith Quillen, Donna Klyn, Barbara Bauge, Linda Bradrick, Christine Copeland, Julia Ann Fraze.
Towers B
FRONT ROW (left to right): Barbara Burley, Sharon Curtis, Vicki Green, Sue Hinchman, Martha Lochridge. SECOND ROW: Cynthia Polhemus, Patricia Talbert, Billibet Rush, Judith
Mishler, Judith Swank, Phyllis DeVeary. BACK ROW: Janet Walquist, Sarah Lang, Sara Rugenstein, Deanne Dailey, Rita Carpenter, Nancy Gould, Judith Guy.
Towers B
FRONT ROW (left to right): Brenda Short, Judith Jensen,ҟ er, Linda Bohren, JoAnn Karesh. Gracie de LaPena. BACK ROW: Patricia Horner, Susan Spring-
Towers C
FRONT ROW (left to right): Karen Clark, Bertie Miller, Brenda Lankford, Ilka Jane Aronson, Donna F. Miller, Constance Richards, Janet Christner, Paulette Nemeth. SECOND ROW: Karen Findley, Barbara B. Melcher, Linda Stewart, Karen Neal, Lis-
beth Osgood, Mary K. Wyczawski, Marcella Schahfer, Nancy Shinneman, Catherine Diane Sagers. BACK ROW: Carol Lynn Mitchell, Rita Kolanko, Judy-Jo Dye, Bernice Statman, Judith Wilt, Barbara Baker, Judith Costello, Susan Dodd.
Towers C
FRONT ROW (left to right): Sue Smith, Joan Exford, Karen Amstutz, Betty Sue Wilson, Linda Hawkins, Sandra Orr, Jamie Raber. SECOND ROW: Mary Ann Miner, Lynda Rehm, Linda Lawson, Evelyn Szczerba, Carol Fraze, Sharon Marsh, Dorothy Weninger, Karen Yeager. THIRD ROW: Barbara Lindblom,
Olga Litwinko, Martha Robinson, Barbara Foltz, Mary Anne Gilmer, Starr Soltmann, Barbara Wallace, Ruth Souder, Marlene Slavin. BACK ROW: Donna Bergstrom, Marcia Mithoefer, Mary Vinquist (Counselor), Nancy Sell, Diane Hippensteel, Ann Hubertz, Stephanie Thomas, Wanda Bailey.
Towers C
FRONT ROW (left to right): Darlene Be Miller, Linda Faris, Faythe Stevenson, Kathryn Proper, Jacqueline Gordon, Malinda Turpin. SECOND ROW: Jacqueline Wilhite, Darcie Simpson, Carole Carter, Karen Lucas, Cherie Chidester, Judy Summers,
Becka Herrmann. BACK ROW: Sarah Ingram, Sue Margedant, Lynda Arnholt, Patricia Thorne, Sara Hoff, Myra Duckworth, Hope Hanko, Susan Cole.
Towers C
FRONT ROW (left to right): Gail Wake, Doris Mueller, Dixie Neville, Ruth Ann Bales, Carole Troyer. SECOND ROW: Sandra Kroczek, Teresa Eyer, Suetta Spangler, Kay Krider. BACK ROW:
Sandra Barto, Susan Ruebush, Elizabeth Chapman, Jean Hamm, Joyce Schrader.
Towers E
FRONT ROW (left to right): Susan Nelson, Linda Arnold, Beth Curley, Barbara Elliott, Caroline Burmeister, Sally Lied. SECOND ROW: Sharon Forsberg, Susan Simms, Monika Hesse, Barbara Yanney, Betty Bates, Lana Ewing, Cynthia Ferguson. THIRD ROW: Susan Ulrich, Betty Beckort, Sue Schenkel,
Marilyn Wilson, Constance Symonds, Phyllis Neidigh, Kathleen Nagy, Vonya Cantwell. BACK ROW: Yvonne Singer, Sara McDonald, Patsy Yoder, Carolyn Ridenour, Nancy Legare, Jacquelyn Smith, Karen Merkey, Margaret Baluk.
Towers E
FRONT ROW (left to right): Connie Ritchie, Judith Cline, Barbara Cummings, Sharon Fuller, Connie Arnold, Betty McBride, Vivian Gluck, Jeanie Sawchick. SECOND ROW: Ruth Milhous, Kirsten Boyd, Carol Tullis, Barbara Chadwick, Janeann Parks, Andra Van Abeele, Carolyn BonDurant, Judith Fawley, Sandra
Drake, Judith Green. BACK ROW: Joyce Turner, Jane Haefele, Alice Jean Heuck, Sandra Sauvain, Patricia Kellison, Elizabeth Powers, Sharon Berta, Wanda Slipher, Rose Marie Burton, Linda Chapman.
Towers E
FRONT ROW (left to right): Sharon Merk, Sylvia Gall, Kathie Hinchman, Bonnie Thrush, Joann Young. SECOND ROW: Carol Johnson (Sec.-Treas.), Laura Favarato, Judy Leipnitz,
Margaret Robbins (Gov.), Ruth Nedderman, Linda Moulder. BACK ROW: Nancy Malone, Janice Lutz, Deborah Bernd, Linda Jackson, Ann O'Malley.
Towers E
FRONT ROW (left to right): Patricia Allen, Virginia Dunlap, Anne McCormick, Glenda Gray, Susan Dufrane, Carol Herrmann, Ruth Fisher, Katharine Kendrick. SECOND ROW: Janet Haines, Darla Divietro, Juanita Talbott, Susan Butz, Nancy Tompkins, Merrilee Pate, Georganne McDonald, Gladys Hilda
Webber, Marsha Baird. BACK ROW: Janice Toney, Linda Richardson, Judith Kernohan, Helen Bibbee, Mary Swartout, Kay Costello, Karen Hostetler, Carolyn Wastjer, Lynn Benson, Mary Rupp.
Towers E
Jurkiewicz, Marilyn Hicks, Glorianne Curtis, Margaret 1 lart. FRONT ROW (left to right): Barbara Eaglen, Linda Stoner,ҟ Phyllis Sheetz, Susan Pollock. BACK ROW: Mary Abrell, Mary
The feet trample .. . on and on they go—to and fro; a never-ending march keeps time. The feet: just count the steps, an astounding number on a purposeful journey. Sometimes there is a reward; sometimes not .. . But the faithful feet march on. 397
Phi Bette Kappa June 1961 Hans Peter Brewer Sondra Lee Dahlstrand Susan Bare Graul Janet Elizabeth Luther Gloria Joyce Moo-Pen Janet Kay Storer Lawrence Allan Strait Judith Oldham Williams
September 1961 Katherine Jo Anne Pyne
June 1962 David Edward Beckner Constance Bender David Edward Berckmueller Carole Jean Bierbaum Vince Peter Campite John Alan Ferguson Harriet Lee Greene John Stier Longcamp Barbara Ellen Manson Rosetta McNeil Jo Ann Flora Mendelson Charles G. Miller Gregory John Nagy James Stewart Russ Jacqueline Sayag Alvin Paul Shallers
Bette Gamma Sigma Walter Montgomery Austin Earl N. Bailey Clinton Alan Baker James Calvin Baker Henry Charles Bartlett Winfield Scott Bauman Thomas A. Bausch David W. Beal William K. Bissey John Adolph Bizal Forrest Bertin Bowman Norman Ned Bowsher Thomas E. Brendle Jack Lee Browning James Howard Burgin Alicia Gayle Bush Donald Raymond Chapman Karen H. Chulock Gilbert A. Churchill David J. Clinch Robert E. Collings James Parkhurst Cotton Larry L. Cummings Benjamin M. Cragun Bruce Michael Dann Richard Hugh Dyer Emerson Clayton Erb John H. Essex Joel F. Fleming Marvin James Frank James M. Fremgen Donald W. Fulcher Robert R. Giacoletti Jane Elizabeth Gibbons Joseph A. Granich Carl W. Graning Clifford F. Gray Allen Roy Greenberg Robert William Greenleaf Lowell Dennis Grissom William Calvin Grosvenor Jean Ellen Gustafson Wendell Lincoln Ham Harold D. Hammond Raymond F. Hammond Jr. Frank P. Harben Robert G. Harter Richard Irving Hartman Philip Duane Heinold Susie J. Hess William Hughes Harlan Baker Hume Alan Ray Isley Stanley J. Jonekos Jr. William George Kemp Donald P. Kern John R. Kerr Dennis S. Kindsvater Ruth A. Klopp John E. Klotz Robert George Kokat Jerome R. Krueger
Richard W. Lister Julius Loeser Paul F. Lombardi Dale B. Luther James Patrick McCarthy Thomas L. McCarthy Robert Bruce McFarland Charles R. McHenry Norton E. Marks Joseph Franklin Marling Stephen Dale Messner David E. Michels Fred Arthur Morley Jerry Eaker Morton Robert Eugene Moulton Gordon Robert Munson Thomas Herbert Naylor Richard Gerald Newman Donald A. O'Keefe Bruce Harry Olson Nyyneque A. Osanya William C. Perkins James William Pfister Robert Charles Pickhardt Samuel E. Preissler Richard E. Priebe Henri Charles Pusker Gerald Arthur Ramsey Clifford Harrison Readout William J. Richardson Jr. Norman Leslie Ritter James M. Robinson James Thomas Rock David Walton Rose Van E. Rothrock Thomas D. Scofield Brian 0. Shannon Peter Richard Sherman Harold E. Singer Mary Ann Sloan Shirley Ann Smitherman Merlin C. Spencer Ralph H. Sprague Howard D. Starr Jr. Paul R. Stephenson John N. Taylor Ronald William Terry James Arthur Thacker Norman L. Traeger Thomas Alan Trosin James Russell Turpen John C. Utter Joseph William Van Dorn Clarence Eugene Vincent Verling Alastair Votaw Roberta A. Warner William Jack Wasmuth Norma J. Wells Paul W. Willey John Edgar Witcher Charles Jasper B. Wood Hubert Zelechowski
Board of Aeons
Hopkins. BACK ROW: Paul Pomeroy, Stephen Moberly, JayB. FRONT ROW (left to right): Chester Jastremski, William Eg-ҟ Hunt, Frank R. Hanning, John Raeburn, Thomas Huston. gleston, James Russ, Norman Traeger, Frank Vargo, Georgeҟ
Board of Aeons Hand-Picked by President
Indiana University's Board of Aeons, the highest men's honorary service organization on the campus and the male counterpart of Mortar Board, is a select group of 12 junior and senior students who are chosen on the basis of scholarship and leadership by President Herman B Wells. The organization of outstanding men serves as an advisory board to the President. Acting as a link between the University administration and the student body for more than 40 years, it considers and studies the problems and the needs of both the faculty and the students of the University. The board is often called upon to voice its opinions and suggestions regarding all phases of campus life, from social to scholastic.
A new breed of doctors?
Being placed in the position of "go-between," the Board of Aeons can see both sides of important issues and thus can make its decisions fairly, with proper consideration given to all involved.
Mortar Board
FRONT ROW (left to right): Ann Fletchell, Norma Stants (Treas.), Judith Mary Anderson (Vice-Pres.), Barbara Manson (Pres.), Ann McCarvey (Sec.), Sarah Carson Partridge. SECOND ROW: Mrs. Ralph Collins (Adviser), Linda Snyder, Lucinda
Orme, Bonnie Becker, Victoria Long, Constance Bender, Donna Childs, Jane Marie Thompson. BACK ROW: Carol DeWees, Beverly McIntosh, Anne Bramble, Maureen Kovich, Pamela Menke, Constance Skidmore, Susan A. Baker, Carolyn Clevenger.
Mortar Board Taps 25 Women at A WS Meeting
Each year Mortar Board selects 25 outstanding junior women at the Association of Women Students' Mass Meeting in March. These women are chosen on the basis of their superior achievements in scholarship, leadership, and service to the University. A retreat is planned each fall so the senior women's advisory board can meet to discuss projects and activities for the coming year. A campus-wide candy sale and a flower sale during Mothers' Weekend are two of the annual projects. The proceeds from the sales are used for a scholarship which Mortar Board presents to a worthy student. Special projects of Mortar Board conducted during the 1961-1962 academic year included a study of the honors program and the Great Issues Project. Mortar Board also conducted research for Dean Eunice C. Roberts concerning the qualities of outstanding professors at Indiana University. 401
Enomene sophomore scholastic and activities honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Clara Degen, Sandra Furtick, Claudia Swartz, Sybil Goldberg, Barbara McCrea, Betsy Traylor, Bette Rattner, Jean Gutru. SECOND ROW: Judith Hendricks, Linda Mugg, Suzan Bonsib, Karen Kline, Judy Rice, Janice Ramsay, Judith Brown, Judith Jones, Maryanne Bucha. THIRD ROW: Sandra Rosenberg, Margaret Leahy, Linda Nein, Susan
Lie Van, Linda Brown, Judy Sickafus (Treas.), Marcia Meyer, Connie Keppler, Patricia MacLaren, Sharon McHugh. BACK ROW: Mara Beth Goins, Linda Hirt, Sara Schwartz, Virginia Rollins, Diane Ritchey, Susan Fowler, Ann Berg (Vice-Pres.), Sandra Manley (Pres.), Judith Whiteleather, Virginia Shaw, Linda Medley, Rosemond Toner, Constance Brown.
Pleiades junior scholastic and activities honorary
1; FRONT ROW (left to right): Harriet Newman, Diana Walters (Treas.), Phyllis Moosey (Vice-Pres.), Sally Shaw (Pres.), Mary Margaret Bentley, Suzanne Schechter. SECOND ROW: Judith E. Chapiine, Karin Grimsley, Phyllis Scaturo, Joyce Stewart,
Judith Gall, Nancy Baumgartner, Genevieve Hopkins. BACK ROW: Wanda Wallace, Cynthia Sexson, Carole Bierbaum, Diane Stoewer, Elizabeth Hardsaw. Christy Clements, Meredith Keras, Kathryn Simmers.
Sphinx Club senior social honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Joseph Goldberg (Sec.), Jon Hershberger (Vice-Pres.), James Mark Rogers (Pres.), Robert Whisler (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Charles Michael Racer, Todd Brotemarkle, Lindley Edward Clark, Dan Pearson, Gordon Gilbert, Green Freshman, Robert Francis, Thomas Lower, Green Freshman. THIRD ROW: Thomas Klaer, Thomas Burke, Don-
Blue Key
ald Henry, Thomas Rush, Bruce Seward, Mac Crosbie, Frank Lewis, Joseph Votaw, James Stephen Casey, David Miller. FOURTH ROW: Edward Knartzer, Richard Watson, W. Stanley Stuart, Thomas Armstrong, Emery Spisak, Frank Hanning, David Cooper, Dave Reynolds. BACK ROW: Sherrill Modlin, Michael Altekruse, William Christy, Frederic Arnold.
upperclass activities honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Norman Traeger (Rec. Sec.), Elbert Kram (Corres. Sec.), Julius Loeser (Pres.), Thomas Smallwood (Vice-Pres.), Arnie Goldberg (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Larry
Franks, James Russ, F. Roberts Hanning, John Greenman, Jay B. Hunt, Gerald Bass. BACK ROW: James Grandorf, Donald Riskind, Jon Hershberger, Terry Hershberger.
Flame Club upperclass independent men's honorary
J. Canning. BACK ROW: Thomas Lancaster (Adviser), Robert FRONT ROW (left to right): Terry Tipton (Pres.), William HenPoole, Karl Lohse, Kenneth T. Porter (Sec.), Melvyn Anderson. drey, John Greenman (Treas.), Flawn Sailor (Vice-Pres.), Arthurҟ
Business Senior Board
FRONT ROW (left to right): Janet Strubbe, Jane Gibbons (Sec.), Judith Mary Anderson (Vice-Pres.), Max Martin (Pres.), Julius Loeser (Treas.), Kathryne Sue Sleppy, Joanne Hinsch, Diana
Walters. BACK ROW: Robert Klotz, Ray Slabby, Jack Shinne man, Kenneth Groth, Joe Van Dorn, David Baum, James Owens.
Accounting Club
FRONT ROW (left to right): Ronald Dunn, Robert Giacoletti (Vice-Pres.), Earl Gimlich (Treas.), Helaine Stein (Sec.), Robert Klotz (Pres.), Ronald Ault (Vice-Pres.), Arnold Cole, Robert Fox. SECOND ROW: Marshall Goldsmith, Jane Zygmont, Barbara Williams, Linda Dinius, Linda Hicks, Winifred Hogg, Karen Chulock, Pia Cataldi, Robert Sullivan, Kern Butler. THIRD ROW: Ronald Farren, Leo Schlotter, Larry Miller, Lawrence Coulter, Jerry Ford, L. N. Esmoer Jr., Larry Richards, James Moore, Dale Luther, Larry Jacox, Larry Uptegraft. FOURTH
ROW: Joseph Ballarino, Thomas Freed, Elmer Dulong, Malcolm Wolf, Robert W. Milroy, Alva David Allgier, Ross Springer, William Sum, Dennis Ciboch, Joe Hughes, Robert Forney, David W. Tyrrell. BACK ROW: Donald Latcheak, David Klein, Thomas W. Taylor, Michael S. Mackall, Dennis Hayes, Clarke Crizer, Gerald Bremer, William E. Bartholomew, Edward J. Rubush, Gary Willey, Charles Mascus, Floyd Coffey, Richard Fries, James Grandorf.
Accounting Club Supplements Theory With Contacts About 165 graduate and undergraduate students make the Accounting Club one of the largest organizations in the School of Business. Outstanding businessmen who spoke at club meetings this year were C. C. Slain, head of the Auditing Department of International Harvester; John W. Hicks, Comptroller of I. U., and Raymond P. Snow Jr., certified public accountant with the firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, & Company. Through its monthly meetings and field trips to various business organizations, the club carries out its objective of supplementing classroom theory with actual business contacts. In addition, the club serves its members by acquainting prospective employers with the students in accounting at I. U. Members must be at least sophomores and must have a minimum accumulative average of 2.0. All Accounting Club members becomes associate members of the American Accounting Association.
Omicron Delta
upperclass women's business honorary
IWO* niSia •-••• 1,110= V. a"
FRONT ROW (left to right): Jacqueline Doom (SecretaryTreasurer), Patricia Mikuta (Vice-President), Mrs. Esther Bray (Sponsor), Gwendolyn Doom (President.) SECOND ROW: Linda Young, June Popp, Janice Bales, Carolyn Joehrendt, Betty McCallum, Georgia Clarkson, Janis Graves, Sandra Weisenauer, Jane Batman Tillery, Diana Walters, Patricia Davis. THIRD ROW: Judith Rogers, Mary Whitelock, Sharon Smith, Carole Schulthise, Nancie Boardman, Cynthia Brown, Ann Harper,
Alpha Delta Sigma
Nancy McDonough, Sharon Goodwin, Patty Fiscus, Kathryn Wilson, Jennie Taylor. FOURTH ROW: Karen Chulock, Sally Carmichael, Susan Brenton, Shirley Smitherman, Cynthia Edwards, Judith Schmoyer, Joann Morris, Barbara Harrison, Linda Hicks, Kathryne Sue Sleppy, Diane Carey. BACK ROW: Lucinda Orme, Deanna Whitlock, Sandra Shank, Sandra Meeriemer, Gretchen Bothast, Mary Durkin, Connie Oliver, Carol Steinkamp, Karen Langdon, Judith Horton, Ann Dwyer.
national professional advertising fraternity
Stuart (Pres.), Gerald Schultz, Stephan Storms (Treas.). FRONT ROW (left to right): Jerome Warring (Vice-Pres.),ҟ Stephen Stuart (Sec.). BACK ROW: Dennis Lawson, W. Stanley
Alpha Kappa Psi
business honorary
IRON] ROW (left to right): William K. Bissey, John D. Hiatt, John R. Cunningham (Vice-Pres.), James R. Juerling (Pres.), Dennis L. Koehlinger (Sec.), Larry L. Uptegraft (Treas.), Thomas J. Brown. SECOND ROW: John D. Reece, Ray Slaby, Carl H. Bleke Jr., Maurice Benton, Earl Gimlich, Jerry Ford, Jerry Scoville, James Owens. THIRD ROW: James Holthaus, David
Kappa Kappa Psi
Vigren, William Piepenbrink, Terry Gorsuch, Donald Kern, David Zaun, David Kinser, Curtis Boland, John Peters, William Edward Wilson. BACK ROW: Melvin Anspach, Philip Nesty, David Bodkin, Thomas Fruechtenicht, William Fawcett, Jere Young, Donald Mentzer, David Baum, Edward Yudt, James Grandorf, Thomas W. Taylor.
honorary band fraternity
FRONT ROW (left to right): Karl Pingle, Frederick Cox, Steven Hartgrove, Kenneth Webb (Treas.), Stanley Ricks (Pres.), Dwan Hublar (Sec.), Robert E. Wilson (Vice-Pres.), Kenneth Buckner. SECOND ROW: Kenneth Gooldy, Derold Delor, Wayne Hinkel, David LePage, Larry Ludwig, Bruce Smith, Jay Montgomery, John E. Krueger, John C. Burne. THIRD ROW: Michael Mc-
Clead, William Vann Johnson, Dudley Gregory Murphy, Karl Coyner, Jon Hedman, Dallas Warrum, John R. Long, David Gelb, Dave Debes, Dennis Gregory. BACK ROW: Joseph Beickman. Michael Butterfield, Keith Meiser, James Neawedde, Robin Dunkle, Richard Ardrey, Russell Hartley.
Mu Phi Epsilon
national women's music honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Diane Mitchell, Diana Haddad, Sharon Gayle Hansel, Benny Jane Ketcham, Mary Critelli, Diana Page. SECOND ROW: Susan Kokes, Carmen Bagwell, Marcia Simpson, Linda Woodruff, Lynette Williams, Ann Lord (Pres.),
Sigma Alpha Iota
national women's music honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Susan Salm, Carol Winzeler (Sec.), Lois Adkinson (Treas.), M. Joanne Norman (Pres.), Kathryn Seulean (Vice-Pres.), Tommye Glaze, Rebecca Pike, Nancy Kozak. SECOND ROW: Vivian Elaine DeBold, Suzanne Ghent, Emily Jane Carter, Lorna Dallas, Beth Robinett, Karen
Gwen I erguson (Treas.). BACK ROW: Sharon Duggan, Sue Campbell, Jeanette Berger, Andrea Lacy, Lynda Byrd (Rec. Sec.), Stephanie Wayland. Rebecca Anderson, Sharon Foster.
Wilkison, Shirley Flannery, Mary Ann Wesner, Claudia Rontucci. BACK ROW: Jacqueline Glaze, Gayle Losselt, Martha Grawemeyer, Janet Walguist, Nancy Myers, Bonnie Cadwalader, Beverly McGahey, Ann Williams, Carol Ann Malone.
Tau Beta Sigma
women's band honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Carolyn Joehrendt (Treas.), Nancy O'Reilley (Vice-Pres.), Carlagene Plummer (Pres.), Jean Cook,
Jacqueline Glaze. BACK ROW: Elaine Weiss, Jane Carter, Oma Birl, Lorna Lent, Marcella Schahfer.
Sailing Club
FRONT ROW (left to right): Doretta Watkins, Richard Buckingham (Commodore), Carolyn Ridenour, Gary Sisson (Rear Commodore), Judith Sowers (Corres. Sec.), Thomas Marshall (Vice-Commodore), Vonya Cantwell (Rec. Sec.), Steven Stone (Fleet Capt.), Judy Welsh. SECOND ROW: Jerry Mosser, Bar-
bara Wallace, Victor McConnell, Carl Lundberg, Deanne Dailey, Nelson Behar, Joseph Spradlin, Rosalie Church, Mia Peterson. BACK ROW: James Gosnell, Dino Antonelli, Richard Ecklebarger, Brent Kelsey, John Greenman, William Barrett, David Goldstein, Wesley Davis, Jerry Smedley.
Alpha Delta Theta
medical technology honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Elizabeth Gotshall, Rebecca L. White (Vice-Pres.), Eva Bell (Pres.), Audrey Hofelich (VicePres.). SECOND ROW: Carole Bringle, Patricia Losiniecki,
Alpha Epsilon Delta
1 I I I Ms III
m ei
national premedical honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Judy Eger, Deborah Pierson, Geraldine Anulies, Janet Johns. SECOND ROW: Ralph Stewart, Charles Barrett, James Greenlee, William Atz, Manley Scheurich,
Faith Polay, Carol Norquest, Pamela Hare. BACK ROW: Carol Ellingwood, Carolyn Eastridge, Janet Hoffman, Patricia Lavis, Luella Woody, Karen Callahan.
Edward Samper. BACK ROW: Dave Ebert (Pres.), Harry Price (Treas.), Charles Pitzelle, Leland Matthews, Lawrence Ansbaugh, Jerry L. Coles, John R. Feagler.
Omega Delta
national optometry honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Jerry Zucker, Kenneth Turner (Treas.), Ronald Snyder, Thomas Burkhart, James Wilhite (Pres.), Ronald Everson. SECOND ROW: James Studebaker,
Omega Epsilon Phi
Joseph Moore, David Seifert, Gary Sisson, Keith Dunlap. BACK ROW: Thomas Minder, John Bausback, James Carmichael, Phillip Richardson, Stanley Tillman, John Ashman.
international optometry honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Chester Curry (Vice-Pres.), K. Phillip Greene (Treas.), William E. Collins, Theodore Decker (Sec.), John Coffey, Richard L. Carman (Pres.). SECOND ROW: Steven Peden, James Wessar, Monte Stump, Linton Abner, Elmer
Carroll. BACK ROW: Stephen White, Arnold Voglesong, John Rutan, Gary Blackman, Ronald Huguenard, David William Miller.
Social Service Club
FRONT ROW (left to right): Susan Maxwell, Nancy Kaufman, Anita Silverstein, Mary Jo Owens (Pres.), Jill White (Sec.), Diane Corenman. SECOND ROW: Mary McClellan, Eileen Schaeffer, Karen McCarthy, Barbara Nawrocki, Patricia L. Cook. BACK
Alpha Phi Omega
national service honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Donald Eckerty, Harold Nicklas, Milton Lane, Kenneth Inman (Vice-Pres.), John D. Carter. SECOND ROW: Mark Wakefield (Faculty Adviser), Dennis Smith, Richard Fox (Treas.), James Schnell, Paul Hempfling,
ROW: Miss Evelyn von Herrmann (Adviser), Frank J. Lucas, Thomas Carmichael, Neal Benner, Thomas L. Fagan, Miss Theodora Allen (Adviser).
Jerry Ford, William Mallatt. BACK ROW: Marshall Waller, David Morrical, David Seufert (Pres.), John Utz, Thomas Wolfe, John Herbst (Vice-Pres.), David Williams.
Student Education Association
FRONT ROW (left to right): Mark Cline, Ronald Swelstad, Thomas Tolbert, Rebecca Reed (Sec.), Paul Bruner (Pres.), Donna Rea (Vice-Pres.), David LePage (Treas.), Irene Evertts. SECOND ROW: Patricia Hanaghan, Sharon Prugh, Kathleen Zvonar, Sandra Gray, Rebecca Martin, Annette Lynch, Pauline Luthi, Linda Gorseline, Rachel Abrell, Tamara Stewart. THIRD ROW: Carole White, Nancy Lou Miller, Linda Lierman, Martha Williams, Carol DeWees, Linda Musson, Susann Evans, Nancy Martin, Mary Jane Aten, Shanda Baggett, Mary Richardson, Barbara Evans, Judith Arnett. FOURTH ROW: Mary Jo Brant, Georgia
Ann Orbaugh, Donna Goodus, Barbara Jean Williams, Mary Henderson, Sally Sweitzer, Linda Highfield, Rochelle Annette Noble, Dorothy Litterio, Lily Arlene Isaacs, Judith Ann Franklin, Mary Louise Koehler, Cynthia Tucker, Arlene Matis, Andrea Hatrak. BACK ROW: Patricia Sebahar, Mary Nix, Constance Gill, Judith Robinson, Connie Oliver, Myrna Nuzum, Barbara Meissner, Sandra Howland, Beverly Bixel, Diane Selke, Carole Jane Jackson, Sandra Weldy, Jane Anderson, Suzanne Hengstler, Saralee Harvey, Susan Stone.
Pi Lambda Theta women's education honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Patricia Killian, Shanda Baggett, Jane McGarcy, Betty Mason, Thelma Cooper (Rec. Sec.), Maysel Baker. SECOND ROW: Marilyn Svejda, Electa Duncan, Maxine Dunfee (Faculty Adviser), Susan Dudas, Elaine Oeush, Phyllis
Perkins, Marjorie Beyers. BACK ROW: Eldenna Evertts, Jane Lease, Margaret Donahue, Barbara Frey (Pres.), Helen Wincent, Carol Hirsch, Pat Roelke, Helen Berry.
41 3
Nurses' Executive Council
FRONT ROW (left to right): Kay Dunn (Faculty), Patricia Morrison, Phyllis Fults, Martha Long (Treas.), Barbara Mallett (Vice-Pres.), Verna Raikes (Pres.), Sandra Templeton (Sec.),
Dean Emily Holmquist, Sally Reichert, Dorothy Youtz (Faculty), Miss Dorcas Rock (Director of Counseling and Activities). BACK ROW: Judy Lynton, Dorothy Gonski (Faculty).
Junior Class Nurses
FRONT ROW (left to right): Linda Vehling, Betty Yarling, Rebecca Taylor, Rosemarie Stauffer, Sally Reichert, Ann Anderson, June Kirk, Alice Mehne, Betty Palmore, Nancy Hauck. SECOND ROW: Jane Pierce, Marabeth Webb, Dinah Tyler, Barbara Mallett, Sylvia Holloway, Angela Costantino, Elizabeth Blain, Linda Dresbach, Joyce McCutchan, Paula Burk, Sandra Symons. THIRD ROW: Janice Gray, Suzanne Forkner, Jane
Wesner, Lois Robinson, Sarah McDonald, Marylu Becht, Nancy Commons, Janet Banta, Jenny Peck, Phyllis Hockaday. FOURTH ROW: Cheryl Ashbaucher, Mary Zellars, Kay Kleifgen, Barbara Jacobs, Judith Albrecht, Mary Ann Stroble, Marlene Maxwell, Stachia Enochs, Rita Miller, Sue White. BACK ROW: Sue Johnson, Maxine Bradrick, Martha Long, Margaret Cory, Judith Seddelmeyer, Linda Murray, Nancy Rule, Anita DeArmond.
Sophomore Class Nurses
FRONT ROW (left to right): Judy Gollnick, Dixie Linville, Judy Lynton, Phyllis Ummel, Pamela Murdock, Marjorie Lind, Ann Friday, Janis Hoggatt, Shirley Whipple, Rose Ann Schuler, Nancy Lackey, Jacqueline Neudorff, Margo May, Patricia Morrison, Jean Scott, Dorothy Campbell, Barbara Crowe. SECOND ROW: Patricia Mallory, Roberts Swartzell, Nancy Roemke, Joann Richardson, Nancy Karrer, Jane Crozier, Ruth Roose, Judy Hatfield, Jane Rice, Christine Olsen, Karen McKay, Carol Alfs, Leanell Rettinger, Carole Rodda, Susan Shaver, Linda Logan, Mary Brown. THIRD ROW: Marilyn Fetterhoff, Ruth Anne Storaasli, Karen Romine, Kathryn Rauktis, Marilyn Jacobson, Ieva Sijats, Margaret Hathaway, Louise Franz, Nancy Esarey,
Ev elyn Draschil, Kay Kilpatrick, Idris Monroe, Patricia Knight,
Kathryn Kren, Carol Krengel, Susan Crane, Sharon Anshutz. FOURTH ROW: Beverly Wilson, Elizabeth Nickel, Eva Davis, Cynthia Flaugher, Patricia Dunham, Kathe Wiggam, Gail Baker, Sandra Dersch, Darla Wade, Astrid Stoppe, Carollyne Gross, Marjorie Bauer, Patricia Hill, Mary Catherine Himsel, Deneen Kucinski, Carolyn Surface, Mary Gring. BACK ROW: Kathy Shafer, Suellen Long, Martha Peverly, Gayle Dorsey, Nancy Myers, Kathryn Hunt, Ethel Marie Fowler, Sally Katzenberger, Delight Rodgers, Joyce Fleener, Jane Lundquist, Nancy Ann Tielker, Sandra Kuhlman, Carol Ann Melenchuk, Peggie Reid, Mandy Kopelwitz, Joyce Fuhrman, Marilyn Mapes.
Nurses' Basketball Team
FRONT ROW (left to right): Patricia Dunham, Mary Gring, Gelaine Listenberger. BACK ROW: Sue White, Nancy Rule, Barbara Jacobs, Phyllis Fults (Captain), Ieva Sijats, Judy Sed-
delmeyer, Margaret Cory, Rebecca Wolf, Joyce Fuhrman, Rose Ann Schuler.
Cresset Club nursing honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Narciso Tenorio, Helen Berry. Francisca Gayo, Mary B. Lenz. SECOND ROW: Marie DiVincenti, Margaret E. Moore, Dixie Frey, Carol Hirsch. BACK
ROW: Anne Whiteman, Gaylord Snyder, Isma Bishop, Francis Gean LeBlanc, Mary Jane Schwartz.
dental fraternity ' XI. Psi Ph lnational
FRONT ROW (left to right): David L. Hollingsworth, Ronald E. Copeland, Donald C. Roberts, Stuart R. Loft, Thomsas V. Doty, Alfred L. Knable. SECOND ROW: Richard L. Day, Charles A. Hollar, Thomas D. Van Osdol, Hank Garoutte, Wil-
Liam B. Risk (Pres.), J. C. Muhler. THIRD ROW: Robin Roberts, Harold Rodgers, James W. Bayley (Treas.), Louis E. Kelley. BACK ROW: R. A. Fontaine, Dale Cain, John Rake, Keith E. Yoder, Rodney W. Springer.
Sig ma Theta Tau
national nursing honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Brown, Raikes, Carter, Peck, Shuck, Mayo. SECOND ROW: Langman, Youtz, Rheiner, Vincent, Polk, Beamon, Killian, Payton. THIRD ROW: Williamson, Gaunt, Siefker, Vines, Traub, Brooks, Buchanan, Fry, Triplett, Kord, Svejda, Grossman, Baker, Froebe. STANDING (left end):
Erwin, Henderson, Ludwig, Gramza, Miller. FOURTH ROW: Lynch, Ottosen, Killams, Woodle, Smith, Wojciehoski, McDermott, Graves, Tastison, Reim, Howard. BACK ROW: Hayes, Jackson, Powers, Guernsey.
Sigma Theta Tau Established at I. U in 1922 The nation's only national honorary society for women in nursing, Sigma Theta Tau was established at I. U. in 1922. The honorary uses the proceeds from an annual card party to maintain a scholarship fund for students in the University's nursing programs. Sigma Theta Tau initiates new members in May at a formal banquet. Prospective members are selected from students in the basic professional nursing program leading to a baccalaureate degree with a major in nursing—and from nurses enrolled in graduate study in nursing leading to the master's degree. Since its founding, Sigma Theta Tau has designed all its programs, from its scholarship fund to its regular meetings, to promote high professional standards, to foster creative work, and, as much as possible, to emphasize the growing importance of research in nursing. 417
Delta Sigma Delta
dental ental fraternity f
FRONT ROW (left to right): David Boren, Norman Chamberlain (Treas.), William F. Schultz, James A. Shupe, Robert Martin, John Cavanaugh, Jimmie F. Bales, James C. Jinks (Pres.), Michael Ternisky, Walter W. Y. Ching (Worthy Master), John Sawin, William Amps. SECOND ROW: Jon A. Walker, William Current, David A. Kirchoff, Wayne Smith, John Osborne, Robert Lindsay, Tom Rocke, Jim McDonald, Bill Thompson, John Schymik, Robert Becknell, Al Corns. THIRD ROW: H. Raymond Klein (Sec.), Jack D. Brooks, Jim Lowdermilk, Philip Catey III,
Fred E. Robbins, Hal King, David L. Morgan, Joseph E. Ellis, Dean Rucinski, Nori Kitajima. FOURTH ROW: Joseph L. Fox, Keith Higgins, Dave Willits, J. R. Hudson, Jonathan Comer, Charles Epperson, David Bojiab, Joe Hudson, Gene Long. BACK ROW: Don Abel, Richard Cowan, Robert J. Witham, Robert A. Wright, Michael King, James A. Jammelmar, Cecil Alumbaugh Jr., Ermal Wilkinson, John Horn, Walter Wilson, John Neville.
Delta Sigma Delta Has Dental Laboratory One of the largest organized dental fraternities in the United States is Delta Sigma Delta. I. U.'s chapter, located at the Medical Center in Indianapolis, provides educational, laboratory, and social activities to further the dental student's scope of the dental profession and education. Some of the various projects of the fraternity include monthly dances and the annual Christmas faculty reception at the fraternity house. In the spring Delta Sigma Delta holds its annual Golf Tournament. The wives of members are especially active during the Christmas season gathering baskets of toys and food for underpriviledged children. At Delta Sigma Delta meetings, special speakers are invited to discuss various topics. Speakers this year included Dr. George W. Crane, men from different branches of military service, and dental laboratory speakers from outside the University.
Psi Omega dental fraternity
FRONT ROW (left to right): D. Gosling, James Myer, J. R. Hurley, W. H. Foy, E. S. Eggers, Dr. David Bixle (Faculty Adviser), Dick Fox (Pres.), Donald Sheller (Sec.), Tom Sherman (Treas.), Robert Irwin (Vice-Pres.), Dick Rollins, Stephen Stamper. SECOND ROW: Robert D. Bartels, R. S. Buchanan, Eugene L. Dellinger, Tom Weinzapfel, Nicholas Narcowich, John Hosler, M. D. Hopping, William F. Hohlt, Donald Decks, John Mayhall, Jon S. Michael, John Hoerath, J. Douglas Badell. THIRD ROW: Edwin S. Robertson, Kenney Helm, Patrick O'Hara, Anthony M. Grasso, Kent Hartman, Ross Lawrence, Bernard Kerkhove Jr., Dodd Edington, Richard Seib, Arnold Richey, John Reimer, Wallace F. Chang, Charles Myers, Robert
A. Steobauer, Michael A. Urbanek, David W. Myers. FOURTH ROW: Nick Lebanoff, Harry Beratis, Steve Staggo, Bob Rock, Rick Barb, Peter L. Shideler, John Parsons, Michael F. O'Halloran, Robert L. Parkenson, N. Marc Davisson, Richard M. Chentruk, John Legier, Dave Esakson, Richard Osburn, C. Howard Chapin, V. Eugene Rusinger, Dale L. Sering. BACK ROW: Fritz Fishier, Tom Saimer, Larry Grabhorn, Ed Sakurai, Richard L. Fisher, John W. Nyberg, James P. Edwards, Hub Hougland, Howard L. Inboden, Rod Swantko, David Lee Gauss, Charles Byer, John Lund, Bradley A. Baetsle, Jan Silagi, Dan Reuwald.
Psi Omega Largest Dental Fraternity in World The largest Greek-letter dental fraternity in the world, Psi Omega now has 36 school chapters and 47 alumni chapters. The fraternity was founded in Baltimore, Maryland, by William Sprigg Hamilton in 1892 at the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Since then, more than 32,000 members have been initiated. Providing living facilities for 20 students, the Psi Omega fraternity house is across from the Indiana University Medical Center in Indianapolis. The purpose of the organization is to provide a social as well as an educational medium for its members. The fraternity places emphasis on the welfare of the student and provides programs for the benefit of the brothers in the areas of chapter house loans, student loans, scholastic achievement, individual guidance and assistance, and insurance programs. The social program of Psi Omega offers a variety of events for its 60 members.
Oceanides swim honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Sandra Dressel, Amy Miller, Joan Simmons, Margaret Leahy (Sec.), Sue Wagner (Pres.), Carole Schulhof (Vice-Pres.), Janis Milligan (Treas.), Cynthia Langdon, Patricia Etter. SECOND ROW: Michaela Collins, Beverly Osborn, Jan Clarke, Marion Libbie Gray, Sally Korff, Kriston Reichart, Lynda Moelmann, Carole Sosbe, Donna Berns, Maril n Ostroff. THIRD ROW: Barbara Tankersley, Theresa Mullin.
Elizabeth Flanders, Barbara Lane, Jane Benham, Paulette Rubin, Judith Fay, Linda McDonald, Merrily Severin, Beverly McGahey, Susan Merchant. BACK ROW: Suzanne Weickel, June Krug, Priscilla Logan, Susan Fowler, Sally Fenal, Elnora Bredenberg, Nancy Kesler, Marilyn Thiel, Judy Glock, Judy Bonnett, Ellen Hoemann.
Oceanides, Swim Honorary, Open to All Coeds Any coed enrolled at Indiana University is eligible to try out for Oceanides, I. U.'s organization for female swimmers. Try-outs are held annually in the fall; girls are judged by the officers on skills of stunts and strokes and on basic knowledge of swimming. During the school year the members meet weekly at Royer Pool. Meetings include current business and activities in the water, varying from water volleyball and speed races to individual groups practicing new skills. This year the IAAA Conference will be held at I. U. in May. This conference will bring together members of girls' swimming clubs from colleges and universities all over the United States. The most time-consuming and entertaining project of Oceanides each year is their water show, the 1962 version called "Water Words."
Contest Alumni on Campus
FRONT ROW (left to right): Ronald Max Brown (Vice-Pres.), Linda Rethmeyer (Sec.Treas.), William Lee Sharp (Pres.).
Lambda Alpha Epsilon
FRONT ROW (left to right): Richard J. Lease (Adviser), John Shipley (Treas.), David Allen (Vice-Pres.), Diogenes Galanos (Pres.), Patrick Lamey (Sec.), John Ballard. SECOND ROW: Stephen Hartgrove, John Hollingsworth, Walter A. Kalberer,
police administration honorary
Richard Mantel, Hal Swain, William L. Spider, Jane Cook BACK ROW: Paul Braselton, Bernard Kuhn, Kenneth Sears Joe Tripp, John Carpenter, Marshall Brooks, L. Alan Walters Hillard J. Trubitt, James Reeder, Robert F. Borkenstein.
Society for the Advancement of Management
FRONT ROW (left to right): John Kanzler, Kathryne Sue Sleppy, Judith Anderson, Robert VanLue, James Ferguson (Pres.), Kenneth Groth (Exec. Vice-Pres.), Carolee Tomlinson, Jane Tillery (Sec.), Ronald Waite. SECOND ROW: Stephen Collins, Donald Demas, Richard Ganns, John Reece, Byron Ginzel, Elmer Dulong, Jon Meyer, Charles Ehase, Earl Epperson, William Righeimer. THIRD ROW: Charles La Bolt, Donald P. Kite,
Frederic Arnold, William Melton, Floyd Coffey, Samuel Foster, Frederick Cuppy, John Gall, Leonard Heinlein, Morris Watson, Don English. BACK ROW: Warren Perry, James Dye, John Williams, Danny Littell, David Baum, William Fawcett, Larry Chizum, John Kent Peters, Larry Sugar, Verne Victor Owen, Michael Douglas, Edward Boehne, Carl Stone.
Business Executives Address Management Group Upperclass men and women in business, economics, and engineering have an opportunity to meet and to learn from prominent business executives through membership in the Society for the Advancement of Management, for leaders in management frequently speak at the meetings of this group. The program of the Indiana University chapter of SAM includes research and discussion by the members. Thus the organization serves as a medium for an exchange of information concerning the problems and policies involved in industry and management. Community projects also are sponsored by SAM. A further advantage which membership in SAM provides to students is the opportunity to participate in planning and directing the activities of an organization dedicated to the promotion of their chosen field. The Indiana University Chapter of SAM is affiliated with the national association.
Marketing Club
FRONT ROW (left to right): Deanna Whitlock, Steven Lowe, Ronald Stephenson (Vice-Pres.), W. Stanley Stuart (Pres.), Robert Whisler (Vice-Pres.), Stephan Storms (Treas.), Thomas Everett, Judith M. Anderson. SECOND ROW: Michael Fleming, Michael Pasquale, Lynn Smith, Keith Stanton, Michael Canine, Ian Michael Weiss, Earl Epperson, Donald Henry, Roy Schnier. THIRD ROW: Joseph Goldberg, Richard Ganns, Richard Gooldy, Donald Skillman, Dorran Vogler, A. A. DeRosa, Deane Smith, Thomas J.
Marketing Club One
Brown, Donald Felton. FOURTH ROW: William Ferguson, Michael Hansen, Walter Durkes, Dennis Lawson, Fred Dunn, Ray Slaby, Mac Crosbie, Lendon Underwood Jr., Kenneth Tate, James Hulthas, Richard D. Gerke. BACK ROW: Richard Watson, Richard Putt, Robert Jurgens, Larry Chizum, Thomas Stevens, Jerome T. Warring, Paul Scherrer, Thomas Lanane, George Owen, Leonard Frank Wilson.
of Business School's Largest
With over 180 members, the Marketing Club is one of the largest clubs in the School of Business. Its purposes are to concern itself with the individual welfare of its members; to acquaint them with practical situations in the marketing field; to encourage research in the areas of advertising retailing, and sales, and to promote fellowship among marketing students and the sponsors of the organization, the Department of Marketing faculty. Meetings of the Marketing Club feature talks by distinguished representatives from the field of marketing such as Edward Bartley, Market Research Director for B. F. Goodrich Company, pertinent films, and discussions. This year, the club started a newsletter which is to be published once each semester and distributed to all club members. Men and women in the Marketing Club become student members of the American Marketing Association.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Paul Ronald Stephenson (VicePres.), W. Stanley Stuart (Pres.), Robert Whisler (Vice-Pres.), Stephen Storms (Treas.).
Alpha Lambda Delta
freshman scholastic honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): Sarah Lee Miller, Sylvia Dygert, Judith Whiteleather, Sandra Manley, Sybil Goldberg, Eileen Terry, Nancy Lehman, Nancy Ranschaert, Nancy Lee Slack. SECOND ROW: Nancy Chew, Carole White, Kara Wike, Marilyn Ostroff, Barbara Gore, Judith Rice, Helen Hofmann, Mary Alice Allwein, Carol Norquest, Betsy Traylor, Mary Ann Kelso, Bette Rattner. THIRD ROW: Victoria Antonini, Maryanne Bucha, Karen Kline, Beth Robinett, Carolyn Kitchell, Janet Alleman, Mary Lausch, Ilene Eppenstein, Marlene Cooreman, Joan Barnes, Connie Kiess, Rita Biddle, Jean Gutru. FOURTH ROW: Linda
Kitzmiller, Sharon Armstrong, Marilyn Jones, Sandra furtick, Ann Bartholome, Judy Sickafus, Linda Medley, Marcia Meyer, Leslie Manifold, Emily Cronau, Susan O'Malley, Louise Adamson, Lynett Solomon, Carmalieta Dellinger. BACK ROW: Claudia Swartz, Bonnie Cadwalader, Julie Johnson, Sylvia Volkman, Susan Fowler, Hazel Cuffey, Karen Lee Smith, Diane Ritchey, Suzanne Mae Whaley, Sandra Grybeck, Kathy London, Carol Parker, Pamela Best, Myrna Oliver (Sec.), Elizabeth Anne Miller, Carolyn Nash.
Alpha Lambda Delta Chooses Members on Grades Membership in Alpha Lambda Delta is based entirely upon scholastic achievement. Freshman women who obtain a 3.5 accumulative average in their first semester on campus or the entire year are offered the privilege of pledging. Pledging and initiation ceremonies are held in the fall and in the spring in conjunction with those of Phi Eta Sigma, the corresponding honorary for freshman men. The program of Alpha Lambda Delta was begun this year with a reception, planned in co-operation with Phi Eta Sigma, for freshman scholarship holders. Dr. Gerking of the Department of Biology spoke. This year Alpha Lambda Delta initiated a new philanthrophy by sponsoring two $125 scholarships. The scholarships will be given to members of the group to be used in their junior year of study. The organization hopes that the giving of the scholarships will set a precedent for subsequent members of the group. 424
Phi Eta Sig ma freshman scholastic honorary
Left to right: Norman Hertzer, Jack Gossard, James Binkley, Henry Salzarulo, Paul Harkess, William O'Connell, Stephen K. Smith.
Phi Eta Sigma Convention Set for 1.
Indiana University will be host for the 1962-1963 national convention of Phi Eta Sigma, national scholastic honorary for freshman men. This will be the second time the convention has met here. Men with a grade average of 3.5 or higher for the first semester or combined first and second semesters of their freshman year will attend the convention. An annual service of Phi Eta Sigma is the reception for scholarship holders given each fall in the Union. At this event outstanding students become acquainted with University faculty members and the present Phi Eta Sigma members. Another function is the distribution of study guides to freshmen. Through this service Phi Eta Sigma encourages scholarship and provides a goal for conscientious students. At the spring initiation banquet, eligible freshmen join Phi Eta Sigma as old members become inactive. 425
Skull and Crescent
sophomore honorary for organized men
FRONT ROW (left to right): James Owens, Ronald Blue, William Meek (Vice-Pres.), Jack Cooper (Treas.), Brian Bailey (Pres.), Dickinson McGaw, Stephen Ricke, Larry Hannah. SECOND ROW: Richard T. Schroeder, Steven Mowrer, Ronald Ballenger, Ronald Gerow, John Metts, Thomas Hayhurst, Phillip
Bainbridge, David Blocker. BACK ROW: Terry Gorsuch, Larry M. Davis, Jerry Sparks, Robert Polikowski, John Dinkel, Ronald Bennett, Barry Chapman, Rick Jackson, Thomas Walder, Randall Tobias.
Skull and Crescent Works for School Loyalty A national organization established to further and strengthen interfraternity relationships, Skull and Crescent also works to instill a feeling of loyalty in its members by acquainting them with the traditions and customs of Indiana University. This organization encourages higher scholastic attainments, fosters a feeling of understanding between students and faculty, and supports measures concerning the welfare of the student body. It also encourages active school spirit by cooperating with other organizations and individuals with these common goals, and aids all incoming freshmen in orienting themselves to college life. Having a class standing of sophomore, being a member of a fraternity, and having an accumulative grade average of 2.0 after the first semester of the freshman year are requirements for membership. The Indiana University chapter has 65 members and is sponsored by Professor G. W. Starr.
Pamarada honorary for independent women
(115 .,
i di
FRONT ROW (left to right): Barbara Nawrocki, Shirley Smith, Nancy Beaman, Elaine Weiss, Betty Guthrie (Treas.), Sandra Dressel. BACK ROW: Kathryn Seulean, Inta Argals, Carolyn
.- . \
Wastjer, Mary Zaranka, Marietta Cassle (Vice-Pres.), Judith Lowe, Karen Boling.
Tomahawk sophomore honorary for independents
FRONT ROW (left to right): Melinda Hendry, Judith Mangas (Sec.), Nicki Holton (Treas.), Karl Pingle, Patricia Corner (Pres.), Edna Fay Hardin. SECOND ROW: Ann Boksenberg, Carolyn Nash, Gerald Bremer, William Brigham, Joneth Emerson, Leslie
Heyward. BACK ROW: Neil Stahl, Frederick Cass, Karl Swain, Norbert Wessel, Wallace Williamson, Verlin Messmann, James Lochary (National Adviser), Ralph Stewart.
Sigma Delta Chi
national professional journalism honorary
ҟ FRONT ROW (left to right): Chester Justice, Richard Yoakam Keand, Gary Long (Pres.), Jay Newbern, Kenneth Beckley (Vice(Adviser), Max Moss. BACK ROW: Cecil Smith, Patrick Mc-ҟ Pres.), Jerry Lloyd, Gary M. Gray, Roland Stein, Gary Schultz.
Theta Sig ' ma Phi
national professional journalism honorary
FRONT ROW (left co right): N1argaret Jarrard, Karen Brooks,ҟ Sally Shaw, Luzetta Weaver, Joyce Stewart,Kill 'Ir .,ҟ rs, Julie Ann Mills (Vice-Pres.), Dianne Johnston. BACK ROW:ҟ Barbara Fiechter (Pres.), Sharon Serie.
Sigma Alpha Eta
speech and hearing club
FRONT ROW (left to right): Karin Stuart, Enid Brown, Janet Hope Keiser (Sec.), Phyllis Plotkin (Vice-Pres.), Marcia Edwards (Pres.), Judith Lowe (Treas.), Roberta Seaman, Phoebe Holtzman. SECOND ROW: Suzanne Parker, Janet Hershberger, Mary Ann Fitzpatrick, Charlene Sarka, Rita Janicki, Judith Steele, Geraldine Jaksa, Doris Singer, Harriet Ruchman. THIRD ROW:
Scabbard and Blade
Sally Diane Turley, Diane McFarland, Jo Faye Luck, Patricia Hammel, Rebecca Erdel, Bonnie Boyle, Mary Joanne Cameron, Judith Milisen. BACK ROW: Judith Juncker, Lynn Block, Susan Sandberg, Joan Littlejohn, Mary Zaranka, Rae Schwartz, Sonya Rapoport, Shirley Krug, Romona Finneel.
military honorary
FRONT ROW (left to right): William R. Miller, Joseph E. Conn, John Gall (1st. Lt.), William Ryall (Capt.), Julius Loeser (Sgt.), Joseph Goeller, William Morell. SECOND ROW: Morris McKee, Dan Noble, Carl Bleke, Rex Green, Milton Lane, Harold Nicklas, Allen Lewis, Stephen Collins. THIRD ROW: James
Flockencier, William Melton, Thomas Rush (Chaplain), Stanley Morris, Donald Parsons, David Keller, Thomas Deputy, Jon Hedman, John Daniel Cunningham. BACK ROW: Jon Channing Utter, Dennis Orr, Melvyn A. Estey Jr., Alvin Koestring, Paul Frenz, Terry Hershberger, Jay M. Feinberg, James L. Kennedy.
Distinguished Military Students
FRONT ROW (left to right): William C. Rose, Charles T. Duncan, David L. Keller, John S. Gall, Jon D. Hershberger, Thomas D. Rush. BACK ROW: Julius Loeser, Jerry L. Ford, Willie F.
Ray, Cecil P. Smith, Joseph E. Conn, Lanny J. Beach, Douglas W. Carmack.
Commissioning ceremonies are even more enticing when brigade sponsor Jan Slagel participates.
Army ROTC Flight Training
FRONT ROW (left to right): Richard Kitchell, Douglas Car mack, Stephen Wheatley. BACK ROW: Mac Crosbie, Frank Radwan, Wendell Tucker.
ROTC Cadet Command FRONT ROW (left to right): Cadet Col. John S. Gall, Cadet Lt. Col. Thomas D. Rush. BACK ROW: Cadet Lt. Col. Joseph E. Conn, David L. Keller, Willie F. Ray.
Arnold Air Society and Angel Flight
FRONT ROW (left to right): Charlotte Rome, Thomas Armstrong, Carolyn Terfler (Treas.), Justin Patterson (Cmdr.), Karen Miene (Cmdr.), Thomas Pence, Mary Sandra Musgrave, Morris Hudson, Patricia Fitch. SECOND ROW: Janice Slagle, Karen Stephan, Katherine Loepke, Kathleen Hogan, Nancy Scecina, Nancy R. Thompson, Pamela Best, Carol Schille, Judy Sickafus, Ann Lumbattis. THIRD ROW: Judith Hamilton, Diana Dowling,
Ken Crow, Byron Sutton, Dennis Orr, David Stevenson, Jack Leonhardt, Kenneth King, Jack Cunningham, Marcia Johnson, Sharon Uchimura. BACK ROW: Mary Hartmann, Georgia Clarkson, Robert Proudfit, John M. Thompson, John Richard Boergert, Robert Helt, David McKelvey, William Lambert, Michael Kanne, James Vint, Karin Olson.
Arnold Air, Angel Flight Sponsored by USAF Arnold Air Society was established to better prepare advanced Air Force cadets for active military life and to create a closer relationship among advanced cadets. Each year Arnold Air Society, together with Scabbard and Blade of the Army ROTC, sponsors a formal dance, the Military Ball, at which a Military Queen is elected. She reigns over all social military activities for the following year. Angel Flight is a national organization sponsored by the United States Air Force to advance and promote interest in the Air Force and to aid in the progress of Arnold Air Society. Membership is open to any interested women who have a two point grade average in a minimum of twelve semester hours. Angel Flight and Arnold Air Society are brothersister organizations, and they plan and conduct many activities jointly throughout the year.
FRONT ROW (left to right): John Osborn, 2nd Lt. John D. Walker, 2nd Lt. Robert L. Wantland, Karen E. MacMurray (Hon. Spon.), Capt. Michael E. Hunt, Capt. Barbara Einstandig (Hon. Spon.), 2nd Lt. Verne R. Chapman, 2nd Lt. Larry G. Kaseff, 1st Sgt. James E. Smith. SECOND ROW: John Rumple, Jerry Reed, Thomas Decker, William Huffman, William Herring, Robert Augspurg, Harry Scott, David Grosch, Joseph Abbott,
Douglas Nesbit. THIRD ROW: David Swager, Bruce Frey, Charles Lamb, Robert Sinclair, Pat Van Valer, John Aldriedge, Jon Hedman, Richard Elkins, Robert Kirkpatrick, Robert E. Dowden, Samuel E. Etienne. BACK ROW: Steven Allison, James Diehl, Michael Dimitroff, Loren Hooper, John Demaree, Larry Helsel, Melvyn Kaczmarek, Phillip Tumey, Ronald Smith, James Bailey, David Schubert, Philip Furber, Lowell Wilkins.
Third Regimental Headquarters
Capt. David Fosnough. BACK ROW: Cpl. Vincent Yoder, FRONT ROW (letf to right): Capt. Alvin Koestring, Capt. Michael Diamond, Stephen Sobat, Sfc. Charles Beal, Ray Gines. ҟ Charles Dughi (U.S. Army), Col. John S. Gall, Maj. Joseph Conn,
Frank Roberts Hanning President
James Campbell Program Co-ordinator
Ann Fletchall Secretary
Thomas Smallwood Vice-President
Elbert J. Kram Clubs
Union Board of Directors
William Briggs Recreation
ҟ Carol Culbertsonҟ ҟ Lucinda Orme ҟ ҟ Nancy Baumgartner ҟ Constance Bender Social Cultural University Services House Management
ҟ ҟ Michael Mehr ҟLee WotherspoonҟStephen Moberly Public Relations Campus Programs Special Services
Union Board members and their dates stopped backstage to visit with Johnny Mathis.
IMU Insignia Represents Myriad Activities Degsined for and by University Students The IMU insignia on blazers, advertising, and posters has become the symbol of myriad activities presented for students by students. Serving as the central activities organization of the Indiana Memorial Union, the Union Board of Directors sponsors and promotes about 600 activities annually, including such giants as Fall Carnival and the IMU Pop Concerts. The board also directs 11 clubs which appeal to smaller special interest groups. During the 1961-1962 year the Union Board inaugurated the Invitational Dinners where students and faculty members met for dinner and to hear guest lecturers from the faculty.
Each member of Union Board must pass through an elaborate screening process. For appointment, he must have junior or senior standing, a 2.6 grade average, and at least 100 service hours for Union activities. The selection committee for the board includes, among others, the Dean of Students, Union Board chairman, President of the Student Body, and the president of AWS. Union Board consists of seven appointed members one of whom must be a senior; two members must be elected by the Student Body. The Dean of Students and President of the University are also members of the Union Board of Directors. 435
IMU Cultural Committee
Good, James Greenlee, Stephen Pohl, Michael Cornfeld, Kathryn FRONT ROW (left to right): Bessie Nees, Ann Lumbattis,ҟ Simmers. Nancy Baumgartner, Starr Soltmann. BACK ROW: Nancyҟ
Fall Carnival Steering Committee
SEATED: William Rose (General Chair.). STANDING: Christy Clements, Randall Tobias, Jean Gutru, Robert Roth, Mary Margaret Bentley, Michael Mehr, Marjorie Nixon, William
Eggleston, Jon Hershberger, Jeanne Hopkins, James Greenlee, Sandra Schultz.
Student Government Introduces Great Issues A new phase of student government called the Great Issues Forum marched onto the campus this year and dedicated itself to stamping out student apathy toward world problems. Headed by Brad Mintener Jr., grad., the forum culminated in a model senate session May 4, 5, and 6. One hundred students, designated as United States Senators and assigned to political parties and states, met in committee sessions during the spring to discuss issues which were later considered in the Senate session. The senators served on one of five committees, and some of them worked in one of two sub-committees. In committee, they discussed issues of current importance in international headlines. The forum, designed as an educational project, was created by the Student Senate in the fall at the suggestion of Jim Taylor, senior, President of the Student Body. On the international scene, 100 University students joined 200 others from Midwest colleges and universities to debate topics in the Little United Nations Assembly February 28 to March 3. Secretary-General in charge of supervisory headaches was Larry Frankel, senior. In the area of student government, this has been one of the most exciting semesters since politics came to campus. The old system of separating political parties according to organized and independent housing units crashed. One party died, and two sprang to take its place. By the April 5 election, three parties—the Independence, United Students, and All Campus Party— were vying for votes. The Student Senate during the year passed many bills which were passed on to the administration for consideration. The Senate also discussed the fate of the judicial branch of local government, the Student Supreme Court, and they participated in activities on a national scale in the National Student Association. TOP TO BOTTOM: James Taylor, President of the Student Body; Susan Tripp Rose, Student Government secretary; Paul Pomeroy, Vice-President of the Student Body.
Student Senate
FRONT ROW (left to right): Lorraine Cohen, Wanda Wallace, Mary S. Head, Diane Ritchey, Susan Hecht, Jacqueline Seglin, Judy Jones. SECOND ROW: Mohammed Arif Hayat, George Hopkins, Richard Pletcher, Jerry Miller, Stephen Moberly, Norman Hertzer, Robert Roth, James Roberts. BACK ROW:
Phillip Kinman, Paul Hempfling, Michael Donovan, Philip Ferguson, Steve Smith, Terry Hershberger, Ardee Helm, Thomas Huston, Frank Vargo.
ҟ Randall Jehs, Wil Briggs, Walton Francis, John Isr. l .t, FROM I ROW (left to right): Margaret Bond, Susan McHugh, Jeanne Wellborn, Martha Reuter, Judith Knilans. BACK ROW:
Supreme Court
,ii,seau. ҟ FRONT ROW (left to right): Linda Snyder, David Lawhead, Barbara Metzner. BACK ROW: James Barger, Mark ()
Academic Board of Review
FRONT ROW (left to right): Rebecca Reed, Wally M. Vendes, Jacqueline Seglin, Judith Buddenbaum, Jeanne Wellborn (Chair.), Marilyn Myers (Sec.), Judith Shriber. BACK ROW:
Bonnie Becker, Kathy London, Richard Spencer, Leo Fay (Faculty Adviser), John James Perkins, Suzanne Whaley, Judith Schmoyer, Judy Edwards.
L UNA and Great Issues
FRONT ROW (left to right): Sharon McHugh, Jackie Seglin, Brad Mintener, John Branham, Dennis Orr, David Fredrico, Marilyn Regester, Diana Seglin. SECOND ROW: Sandra Furtick, Marilyn Craig, Karen Chulock, Bonnie Becker, Patricia
Edmonston, Carol Runnder, Christy Clements, Judith Jones. BACK ROW: Carole McNear, Mary Vendes, Larry Fraenkel, Jerry Miller, Mark Silbergeld, Charles Pitzel, Ruth Silver, Mary Whitelock, Linda Bowton.
Student Elections Commission
FRONT ROW (left to right): Michael Thornburg, Mary Whitelock, Peggy Louis, Nancy Kesler, Susan Hecht (Leadership Chair.), Judith Keen, Kathleen Currey. BACK ROW: Karl
Pingle, Linda Vandenbark, Sandra Manley, James R. Cooke, Henry Prebys (SEC Chair.), Diana Mast, Karen Chulock, Randall Tobias.
National Student Association
FRONT ROW (left to right): Martha Reuter, Janet Vaksdal, John M. Cooper, Ronald Walker, Jacqueline Seglin, Margaret Bond. BACK ROW: Kathryn Simmers, David Brubeck, Susan
Hecht, William Briggs (Chair.), Judith Anderson, Stephen Moberly, James Owens.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Susan Hecht, Walton Francis,ҟ BACK ROW: Jacque Foust, Christy Clements, Jon Hershberger, Ernestine Eppenger, Jacqueline Seglin, Mohammed Arif Hayat.ҟ John King, Nancy Rodgers, John Ferguson, Sue Ann Potter.
Class of 1962
ҟ Terry Hershberger (Pres.), Jerry Ford (Male Dir.), Robert FRONT ROW (left to right): Jane Gibbons (Sec.), Willoughby Steuer (Male Dir.). ҟ Jarrell (Female Dir.), Donna Childs (Female Dir.). BACK ROW:
Seniors Seek I. U. Inclusion in 'Who's Who' The Class of 1962 began the groundwork this year for having the National Who's Who of Colleges and Universities recognize outstanding students at I. U. The book is produced by a national organization of member colleges and universities; until now I. U. had no representation in it. In the spring outstanding students were honored at a recognition banquet. With the assistance of the Alumni Association, the seniors chose their Baccalaureate speaker and planned their graduation ceremony. In addition to carrying out new ideas and projects, the class sponsored traditional senior activities as well. Senior Class Day, in the spring, was a day when the graduating seniors were honored at a tea given by President Wells. Also in the spring was the Senior Class Picnic. As a farewell gift, the class presented shrubbery to the University.
Class of 1963
FRONT ROW (left to right): George Hopkins, Christy Clements, Michael Mehr. BACK ROW: Stephen Brady, James Grandorf, Stephen Moberly (President).
Juniors Give Open House After Purdue Game
The Junior Class carried out a full and varied program of activities during the last year. In co-operation with the junior class at Purdue University, the class sponsored an all-campus open house after the I. U.-Purdue football game in November. The class made a donation of $50 to the Ray Pavy Trust Fund to help defray medical expenses for the former I. U. varsity basketball player, who was injured in an automobile accident last year. Three scholarships of $50 each were given by the class of 1963 to deserving juniors. The recipients were selected on the basis of high scholarship and need. Legislation that was being discussed currently in the Student Senate was also discussed at the class executive council meetings in order to get the opinions of the juniors on various campus issues. In addition, the junior class officers also investigated the possibility of a new all-class Constitution.
Class of 1964
FRONT ROW (left to right): Patricia Fisher, Sara Hopkins (Treas.), Suzanne Weickel (Female Dir.), James Ownes (VicePres.), Steven K. Smith (Pres.), John Branham (Male Dir.), Diane Ritchey (Sec.), Linda Williams. SECOND ROW: Sandra Rosenberg, Carolyn Terfler, Eugenia Forst, Sandra Richert, Diana Mast, Linda Brown, Karen Merkey, Mary Linda Shehorn. THIRD
ROW: J. Anne Walter, Kenneth Waugh, Lance G. Harrison, Lowell Spencer, David Zaun, David Wright, Gerald Scheltens, Joseph Chan, Pamela Hare. BACK ROW: Karen Swain, Robert Galm, Byron Grubb, Cullen Athey, Terry Gorsuch, Jack Cooper, William Hoover, John Norris.
Sophomores Establish Representatives Council In addition to the executive cabinet, the Class of 1964 formed a council of representatives. The council, composed of 59 students from all housing units, voice opinions for their fellow class members, carry out class programs, and take back to their respective units information about class and Student Government activities. The council meets every other week with the members of the class cabinet. The cabinet takes heed of council opinion from which it makes policy, implements programs which benefit class members, and carries on regular administrative tasks. The cabinet meets weekly. Goals of the Sophomore Class executive group are to encourage and organize participation in campus activities and to co-ordinate class opinion so that it might be given due respect in the Student Senate and other representative campus groups.
Class of 1965
FRONT ROW (left to right): Judith Reed, Rebecca Shuel, Terry O'Brien, Walter Haislip, Joan Sherby, Ardee Helm (Pres.), John M. Cooper, Bonna Ross, Susan Layton. SECOND ROW: Donna Dee Buckles, Claire Malis, Sue Ann Deems, Louise Newhard, Martha McKeehan, Marcia Watts, Winifred Vaughan, Virginia White, Marilyn Holmes, Martha Berry. THIRD ROW: Dorothy
Vial, Judith Clark, Ann Burton, John Whitmore, Tom Broadle), Paul Hemmeter, Charles Deets, David Federico, Terri Penn, Sharon Forsberg, Priscilla Colville. BACK ROW: John Michael, Martin Gelman, Ronald Crick, Joel Ferme, Donald Loftus, Samuel P. Shuler, Raymond Modesitt, George Silca, C. Steven Lumm, Victor Brotko, Galen Lutz.
Class of 1965 Largest Yet to Enter University The Class of 1965 is the largest class to this date to enter Indiana University. Ardee Helm, President of the Freshman Class, inaugurated and organized the first Freshmen Council. The advisory group meets every two weeks and consists of 40 members who represent the entire Freshman Class. The purposes of the council are to promote a better organization of the class and to discuss such topics as bills that are before the Student Senate and activities of the class as a whole. The Class of 1965 sponsored the annual Freshman Tyronian and elected a Tyronian King and Queen. In the spring the class presented the annual Honors Banquet where deserving students were recognized for their scholastic achievements and the spirit they had shown in campus activities and in athletics. At the end of the year, the class published the Tyronian Newsletter.
I U Foundation Members Work `To Help Those Who Help Themselves' To help those who help themselves" is the purpose of the I. U. Foundation. Two hundred seventy-five committee members, chosen for activities, scholarship, interest in the Foundation, and willingness to work, plan and present the Little 500 Weekend each year to provide scholarships for deserving students. William S. Armstrong, in his tenth year as executive director of the Foundation, appoints the 275 members from the junior and senior classes. Together they direct 500 festivities, called "The World's Greatest College Weekend." At 3:30 p.m. on May 12, festivities for 1962 started with the annual golf jamboree. That night women's housing units competed on tricycles in the colorful Mini. Climaxing a busy Friday, the Extravaganza drew a capacity crowd. Saturday the big day officially began for race fans at 1 p.m. when the riders broke starting formation and began the exhausting 50 miles to the finish line. After the race and a rest, students and visitors watched The Four Lads at the Variety Show. But the real benefit of Little 500 will come next fall when 132 outstanding students receive Foundation scholarships to help them further their education.
Directing activities for the 1962 Little 500 were Ronald Balsbaugh and Ann McGarvey, cochairmen, and William S. Armstrong, I. U. Foundation director.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Nancy Vail, Victoria Long, Piaҟ ROW: Thomas Rush, Connie Scott, Gary Long, Mary Lou Stark, Cataldi, Judith Duncan, Ronald Balsbaugh (cochairman). BACKҟ Carl Bleke, Ann McGarvey (cochairman), Thomas Lower.
I. U Foundation
FRONT ROW (left to right): Linda Marrs, Catherine Jane Trout, Cynthia Foster, Ruthann Easterbrook, Joyce Bonge, Constance Skidmore, Bonnie Jean Becker, Anita Rosenthal, Diane Mitchell, Sandra Dressel. SECOND ROW: Joyce Grandorf, Constance Bender, Susan Hecht, Marilyn Ganz, Karen Chulock, Anne Bramble, Judith Mary Anderson, Barbara Anne Koenig, Sharon Elliott, Judith Chapline. THIRD ROW: Jane Marie Thompson, Linda
Snyder, Robert Whisler, Jack Shinneman, William N. Piepenbrink, Curtis Simic, James W. Noveroske, John Connelly, Arthur Kalleres, Tom Chase, Ann Fletchall. BACK ROW: Ray Slaby, Daniel Tankersley, Edward Spray, William Weaverling, James Grandorf, Bruce Seward, William Altman, Kenneth Beckley, Jay Feinberg, James Thomas, Robert Cellini, Stephen Knoop.
I. U Foundation
FRONT ROW (left to right): Carole McNear, Nancy Newman, Jane Terrell, Kathryn Ann Crawford, Carol Prekowitz, Bonnie Boyle, Nancy Baumgartner, Judith Knilans, Sandra Chilcott, Stephanie Hoppes, Bonnie Winslow. SECOND ROW: John K. Sparks, Robert Grenert, Judith Black, Patricia Mcllwain, Janet Santilli, Louann Tiernan, Margaret Dickens, Jean Leckie, Carolyn Kraft, Inta Argals, Elizabeth Ann Sargent, Willoughby Jarrell, Harold Kittrel. THIRD ROW: Malcolm Frederick Locke,
Arnold Goldberg, Edward Ziel, Sam I. Botch, Ronald Morgove, Richard Pletcher, Jim Linville, Howard Turner, Patrick Mumma, William B. Eggleston, Don K. Thompson, George Bledsoe. BACK ROW: John Mahan, Cecil Smith, Philip Moore, Elliott Levin, Kenneth Groth, Joe Van Doren, John Butcher, William Toney, Paul Scherrer, William Briggs, Thomas Burke, Allan Meguschar.
I. U Foundation
FRONT ROW (left to right): Susan Tripp, Tom Smallwood, Pamela Quinn, Jerry Udell, Sara Victors, Donald Riskind, Joyce Ann Litterst. SECOND ROW: Edna Ann Winckelbach, Nancy Elliott, Dianne Reiff, Katheryn Sconce, Harriet Newman, Barbara Coffee, Ruth Silver, Sandra Schultz, Susan Kroener. THIRD ROW: Roberta Seaman, Karen Grimsley, Charlene Sarka, Joyce Stewart, Kathryn Simmers, Carol Diane Hunt, Jean Kovac, Betty
Beckort, Constance Linari, Diane Johnson. FOURTH ROW: Nancy Balsbaugh, Cynthia Sexson, Linda Fobes, Jane Gibbons, Meredith Keras, Linda Ann Edmonds, Pequita Troxell, Janice Witmer, Rosalind Kempler, Judi Browning, Carol Roehm. BACK ROW: Jimmie Barroquillo, Jeffrey Coulter, Ronald Gardner, Ernest Rapp, Jerry Mayes, Roger Perry, David Baum, David Brown, Gerald Bass, Julius Loeser, Larry Franks, Norman Traeger.
I. U Foundation
FRONT ROW (left to right): Carole Schulhof, Sally Shaw, Sarah Zimmerman, Sarah Martin, Judith Milisen, Judith Stahlhut, Jeanne Hopkins, Annita Bumb, Donna Cornwell, Linda Lomax, Phyllis Moosey, Joan Rothrock, Martha Dean. SECOND ROW: Anne Jacobs, Harlean Jean Breese, Karen Kilgore, Judith Schmoyer, Syndey Goos, Emily Wernecke, Diane Stoewer, Nancy Ryan, Nancy Scecina, Tim Hinton, Judith Neddo, Bonnie Gordon. THIRD ROW: Patrick B. Soellinger, Jerry Doty, Alan Mark
Silbergeld, George M. Royster, John Raeburn, James 0. Turner, Louis Weil, Elbert J. Kram, Dale Pontius, Arthur J. Canning, Jack Cunningham, Kenneth Canine. BACK ROW: Frank Lewis, Jay B. Hunt, Mac Crosbie, Philip Terrill, Frank R. Hanning, Terry R. Hershberger, David Porter, Charles Michael Cummings, Jerome T. Warring, Kenneth Thomas Porter, Richard Engle, John Greenman, William Ryall.
YWCA Executive
FRONT ROW (left to right): Diane Mitchell, Phyllis Moosey (Sec.), Constance Skidmore (Vice-Pres.), Pamela Menke (Pres.), Judith Chapline (Vice-Pres.), Katheryn Sconce. BACK ROW:
Judith Warring, Karen Grimsley, Jeanne Wellborn, Linda Prather, Adair Main, Constance Linari.
YWCA Adds Coffeeorum to List of Activities FRONT ROW (left to right): Karen Kline, Susan Templeton, Nancy Havran, Nancy Raiser, Heather Whittemore, Barbara Hochschild, Elizabeth Powers.
The Coffeeorum, which provided an opportunity for informal discussion of such topics as current events, poetry, and folksinging, was one of the new activities sponsored this year by the Young Women's Christian Association. The Y also stressed work in the area of human relations, setting up a workshop on the interracial question. A national and international organization boasting 200 members on campus, the Y strives to provide free discussion and to promote personal relationships. The Y encourages members to express their beliefs through action, as well as to take on activities of a less personal nature. Among the better known activities of the YWCA are the I. U. Sing, the student leader program, Chimes of Christmas, and Freshman Camp, all of which are cosponsored by the YMCA. Although the Y cosponsors many activities with the YMCA, it is largely autonomous. Almost all of its committee work is carried out separately.
FRONT ROW (left to right): Cossette Jarvis, Pamela Hare, Judi Browning, Jen Ellenberger, Sandra Chilcott, Judy Brown, Rita Biddle, Barbara Mohr. SECOND ROW: Patricia Elliott, Karen Kline, Judith Hendricks, Vicky Richardson, Barbara Jones, Sue Holliday, Linda Dorntge, Patricia MacLaren, Peggy Stollenmeyer. THIRD ROW: Carol Runner, Karen Painter, Carolyn Terfler,
Ann Paulsen, Linda Brown, Martha Richards, Susan Templeton, Janice Ramsay, Cynthia Sexson. BACK ROW: Linda Medley, Lorna Lide, Nancy Kesler, Mary S. Head, Beverly Ovelton, Jean McDavid, Ann Burton, Karen Merkey, Nancy Edwards, Susan Bell.
Live -Wires
FRONT ROW (left to right): Judith Reiff, Libbie Gray, Mary Ann Craig (Sec.), Barbara Hochschild (Treas.), Sylvia Ehrman, Jean George, Sherrard Mowry. BACK ROW: Barbara Fenton,
Susan Crouch, Susan Ruebush, Marie Kuchuris, Mary Head, Glee Ann Rhyne, Karen Kuntz.
Executive Board
ҟ (Board Rep.), Thomas Hayhurst (Sec.). FRONT ROW (left to right): Larry Franks (Pres.), Robert Davidson (Treas.), John Connelly (Vice-Pres.), James Stewart
Works to Develop Individual
A program in the areas of Social Action, Community Service, Religious Emphasis, and Foreign Student Affairs is provided by the Young Men's Christian Association in order to promote personal development of the individual through rewarding fellowship and worthwhile service. In addition to helping at the Exchange Home and co-operating with the Bloomington Hi-Y clubs, the Y expanded the community service program to include the Boys' Clubs and the Christian Center. With the YWCA they co-sponsor I. U. Sing, Freshman Camp, Chimes of Christmas, the student leader program, and foreign student hospitality programs at Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Y handles the sales of Redbooks, makes solicitations for the Campus Chest, and publishes a complete Foreign Student Directory free of charge.
AWS Executive Board
FRONT ROW (left to right): Alice Gutschick, Harriet Newman (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Meredith Gayle Keras
(Sec.), Jane Marie Thompson (Pres.), Linda Richiger (Vice-Pres.). BACK ROW: Susanne Schilling (Adviser).
AWS Has Served Women at I U Since 1895 For more than 65 years, since its formation in 1895, the Association of Women Students has served the women of Indiana University. AWS hopes to increase the I. U. coed's abilities and desires to fulfill the role of educated and competent women in a democratic society. The association also is responsible for rules and regulations in regard to conduct for all women students at the University. These rules and regulations include closing hours, signout procedures and special permissions, dress regulations on campus, social regulations, and rules with regard to serenades. One of the most important jobs of AWS is orienting new and freshman students with University life. During Orientation Week, the president speaks to a mass meeting to explain the purposes of AWS. The association also publishes a freshman handbook which includes information on extracurricular activities open to freshmen, academic information, rules, information about the YWCA, AWS committees, and honoraries for freshman women.
Included in the structure of AWS are the executive board, composed of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and judicial representative; the legislative board, which is made up of representatives from Panhellenic, Inter-Residence Halls Association, and town women, and the program board, including the campus contact committee, education and cultural committee, the social and recreational committee, town women committee, and publicity and public relations committee. The judicial workshop steering committee is responsible for training members of standards or conduct boards of housing units with respect to handling various student conduct decisions. AWS also sponsors a rush etiquette style show, several faculty teas, and a scholarship tea. At the annual AWS Mass Meeting campus honoraries announce their new pledges and AWS, YWCA, and Women's Recreation Association officers are elected.
A WS Program Board
FRONT ROW (left to right): Kathleen Cavanaugh, Jane Marie Thompson (Pres.), Linda Richiger (Vice-Pres.), Meredith Gayle Keras (Sec.), Nancy Edwards. BACK ROW: Mary S. Head, Diane
Stoewer, Suzanne Whaley, Susanne Schilling (Adviser), Linda Prather.
A WS Legislative Board
WM '
FRONT ROW (left to right): Mary Ellen Mcllwain, Harriet Newman (Treas.), Jane Marie Thompson (Pres.), Suzanne Schechter, Ruth Silver. BACK ROW: Marceta Binkley, Ann
Bartholome, Judy Sickafus, Kathy London, Lucy Kraft, Betty Beckort.
A WS Committee
FRONT ROW (left to right): Mary Linda Shehorn, Martha Hay, Jennifer Fields, Susan Backus, Susan Templeton, Linda Dorntge, Patricia Fisher. SECOND ROW: Marcia Sanford, Maryanne Bucha, Betty Beckort, Ann Burton, Anne Brink, Sue White,
Vicky Richardson, Marsha King, Mary Balis. BACK ROW: Patricia Edmonston, Susan Fowler, Lorraine Urban, Karen Lundin, Kathy London, Patricia Crist, Mara Beth Goins, Diana Mast, Nancy Lehman.
Forensic Club
FRONT ROW (left to right): Julia Deffendahl, Patricia Johnston, Julian E. Pawlowski, Elizabeth A. Myette, Larry J. Kruszewski, Martha Susan Johnson, Marcia Jo Brittan. SECOND ROW: John Rumple, Ronald Aungst, Larry Hand, Calvin Bellamy, Raymond
Modesitt, Charles L. Davis, William Graves, Richard Best. BACK ROW: Joel Rose, Charles Goodloe Jr., Thomas Juster, John Lama, W. Michael Hartman, Robert J. Delaney, Charles Marlin.
Christian Science Organization
FRONT ROW (left to right): Sharon Bratina, Jane Hammond, Cynthia Tucker (Vice-Pres.), Ruth Myers, Irene Evertts (Corres. Sec.), Gail Rietze. SECOND ROW: Galeeta Ann Howard, Jeanne Colette LaBerge, Rosalie Raney, John Ruby, Richard Bass, Bar-
tiara Kirk, Roselyn Gast, Jane Jackson. BACK ROW: James V. Adams, Jerry Scoville, Brad Lane, Conrad Bruderer, Michael Jordan, Andris Baltpurvins, Milton Lane.
Cosmopolitan Club
FRONT ROW (left to right): Nicos Roussos (Vice-Pres.), Carolyn Burch, Harish C. Jain (Pres.), Mary Jane Rick, Elissa Rock (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Kathryn Goodman, Nancy Schneider,
Wanda Wallace, Dorothy Litterio, Christy Clements, Judith Rosenberg. BACK ROW: George Hopkins, Stephen Moberly, Dr. Walter Burnham (Adviser), Stephen Brady, Michael Mehr.
ҟ FRONT ROW (left to right): Lorraine Cohen (Sec.), Howard Sec.). BACK ROW: Barbara Weinstein, Douglas Cohen, Rabbi Feldman (Vice-Pres.), Jerome Kohn (Pres.), Enid Brown (Corres.ҟ Rackowsky, Norman Traeger, Elinor Weeter.
Wesley Foundation
FRONT ROW (left to right): Donald Ploch, Rita Stewart, Elizabeth Scholl, Karen Swank, Constance Alyea (Sec.), Judith Carfile, Paul Unger (Pres.). BACK ROW: Stephen Folts, Ronnie
Hancock (Treas.), Donald Eberly (Vice-Pres.), Donald Kessler, Roger Sawtelle, Eugene White.
Max Moss, editor in chief
Gary Gray, chief editorial writer
The Indiana Daily Student NIGHT EDITORS (left to right): Sally Shaw, Margaret Jarrard, Kathryn Simmers, Nancy Sowden, Elizabeth Hardsaw.
Julie Mills, managing editor
PHOTOGRAPHERS (left to right): William Delaney, Richard Horwitz (Photo Editor), William R. Miller, Ronald Schnier, Jeffrey Lash (Photo Editor).
LEFT TO RIGHT: Patrick McKeand (City Editor), Gary Schultz (Sports Editor), Paul Borden (Sports Editor), Frances Lindley, Jean Ann Mauger, Barbara Keuneke (Women's Editor).
FRONT ROW: Jani Waggener. BACK ROW (left to right): Sandra Baxall, Patricia Noonan, Holly Gooding, Thomas Bowers, Jody Schlemmer, Barbara Bosco, Bryan Quarles.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Ernestine Eppenger, Janet Eberle, Janet Vaskal, Clara Degen, Myrna Oliver, Janet Alleman, Patricia Miller.
1962 Arbutus
Nancy Sowden Editor in Chief
Liz Hardsaw Managing Editor
Arnie Goldberg Business Manager Bob German Personnel Director
Jim Bredle Cutlines Editor Marcia Renegar Schools and Administration Editor Sandy Rosenberg Residence Editor
Ann Mauger Assistant to the Editor Jay Feinberg Treasurer Cecil Smith Sports Editor
Doris Bonacorsi Office Manager Emily Cronau Senior Editor Karen Anderson Copy Editor
Sue Davis Art Editor Judy Stevens Assistant to the Editor Myrna Oliver Narrative Editor
Elliott Levin Contracts Manager Jim Turner Publicity and Promotions Director Nancy Bohren Organizations Editor
Arbutus General Staff
FIRST ROW (left to right): Catherine Vioni, Karen Yeager, Carole Augustus, Anne McCormick, Darnell Beatty, Linda Gorseline, Nancy Young, Sandra Sherman. SECOND ROW: Karen Wheeler, Sandra Bean, Jill White, Rochelle Herbst, Susan Hines, Kathleen Costello, Carolyn Baumgartner, Diane Thomas, Susan Bargholz. THIRD ROW: R. Janie Friedman, Susan McCul-
lough, Mary Rupp, Martha Duncan, Constance Brown, Paula Davenport, Kathe Wiggam, Janet Walquist, Margaret Gray, Ellen Crowder. BACK ROW: Arlene Hamot, Constance Moore, Linda Jackson, Jerry Baker, Charles Mascus, William Butz, Douglas Robert, Patty Bowman, Janet Vaksdal, Susan Crouch.
Arbutus General Staff
FRONT ROW: Carol Gellner, Carrie-Ann Norris, Sarah Jay. BACK ROW: Lana Colman, Helen Bibbee, Reeva Shulruff.
1962 Arbutus Staff Editor in Chief Nancy Sowden
Asst. to the Editor Ann Mauger Judy Stevens
Managing Editor Liz Hardsaw
Business Manager Arnie Goldberg
Personnel Director Bob German
Publicity and Promotions Manager Jim Turner STAFF Jerry Baker Jill White Art German Dee Goldberg Bonnie Jo Glatt Mike Seigal
Jay Feinberg STAFF Keith Balser Ray Powell
Circulation Manager LEFT TO RIGHT: Bill Delaney, Mark Sick, Jeff Lash, Richard Hagenston.
Jim Turner STAFF Elaine Feist Sheryl Glasbert Becky Parmenter Sybil Polsky Lana Coleman Carol Gillner Lois Levine Bernice Statman
Contracts Editor Elliott Levin STAFF Shelly Herbst Janice Landy
Scheduling Managers
Acknowledgements, For their co-operation and help during the production of the 1962 Arbutus, we would sincerely like to thank John Stempel, our faculty adviser; Marilyn Cross, our secretary; the Board of Student Publications; Dick Merriman and Howard Belschwender of the C. E. Pauley Company, our printers; Dick Brier and Owen Marsh of the Associates Engraving Company, our engravers; Jack Bundy of the S. K. Smith Company, our cover suppliers, and Jerry Carlon of the DexheimerCarlon Studios, our senior photographer. Nancy, Liz, Arnie, and Bob
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Index A
Bendorf, Betsey Jeanҟ Bannon, Peter Fredricҟ ҟ ҟ 374 Armstrong, John Ricksҟ ҟ 328 333 203 Beneke, Linda Jane ҟ Armstrong, Larry Edgar ҟ Banther, James Marion ҟ 302 336 Benham, Anne ҟ 314 295 Baran, Jean Josephineҟ ҟ 218 Armstrong, Pamela Sue ҟ ҟ Benham, Janeҟ 312, 424 Baratz, Arnold Paul ҟ 329 198, 314, 420 Armstrong, Sharon Lynnҟ .ҟ 412 ҟ Abdon, Richard Louisҟ Barber, Gleeҟ Benner, Neal Urlҟ ҟ ҟ 294 Thomas F..202, 333, Armstrong,ҟ 403 197 289 Benner, Patricia Joanҟ ҟ Abell,ҟ Elizabethҟ Barbour, John Raymond ҟ Ann ҟ Arnett, Judith Rae ҟ 413 316 303 294 ҟ Bennett, Donald Charlesҟ 365 Abner, Linton Douglasҟ Bare, Joan Rayҟ ҟ . . 239, 411 Arnholt, Lynda Carolҟ ҟ 391 318 229 Bennett, Phillip Leeҟ ҟ Abrams, Richard Louisҟ ҟ 319 Barger, George Williamҟ ҟ Arnold Air Societyҟ ҟ 432 426 ҟ 325, Barger, James Haroldҟ Bennett, Ronald Leeҟ Abrell, Rachel Annise ҟ ҟ 217, 413 ҟ 198, 439 Arnold, Connie Joҟ 393 374 Acaciaҟ 392 Benson, Diane Lynnҟ ҟ Bargmeyer, Robert Wayne ҟ 346 ҟ 288 Arnold, Linda Marie ҟ 198 Academic Board of Reviewҟ Benson, Marc B. ҟ ҟ 439 Barker, Kenneth Ralph ҟ 348 Arnold, Nickey Lee ҟ 307 235 Bent, Michael Edward ҟ Accounting Club ҟ ҟ Barksdale, David Leeҟ 203, 346 405 Arnold, Susan Patriciaҟ ҟ 303 198 ҟ Ackerman, Warren ҟ 390 Bente, Thomas Oteyҟ 202 Barlowe, Jamie Rebeccaҟ ҟ 362 Aronson, Ilka Janeҟ ҟ Bentley, Mary Margaret .303, 402, 436 Adair, Cretha Jeanҟ Barnard, Robert Michael ҟ ҟ 313 235 Arthington, Larry Dean ҟ 352 ҟ 370, 407 229 Benton, Maurice Leoҟ Adair, Stephen Woodҟ ҟ Barnes, A. Deloriseҟ ҟ Artz, James William ҟ 315 293 351 ҟ Berberian, Roupenҟ Adams, Archie Davidҟ 202 Barnes, Joan Elinorҟ ҟ ҟ 348 Arvin, Gerald Josephҟ ҟ 311, 424 329 ҟ Berebitsky, Sally Annҟ Adams, Carol Lynneҟ ҟ Barnes, Sue Ann ҟ ҟ 288 378 197, 371 Asbury, Billy Paulҟ 402 304, ҟ Berg, Ann Ceciliaҟ Adams, Harvey L.ҟ ҟ 202 Barnes, Thomas Charlesҟ 386 ҟ 333 Ashbaugh, Robert Murrayҟ 334 Berg, Bill Dean ҟ 291 Barnett, Jeffrey Alanҟ Adams, James Virgilҟ 320 ҟ .ҟ Ashenfelter, Richard P.ҟ ҟ 217, 379, 455 408 ҟ Berger, Jeanette E.ҟ Adamson, Louise Fayҟ ҟ 292, 424 229 Barney, John R. Jr.ҟ ҟ Ashman, John Greggҟ ҟ 239, 411 309 ҟ Bergerman, Jane Pearlҟ Ade, Ann Louiseҟ ҟ 197 Barnhart, Ronald Leeҟ ҟ 203 Association of Women Students . 453 ҟ 333 Bergerson, John Douglasҟ Adkinson, John Edwardҟ ҟ Barrett, Charles Lutherҟ 410 352 217, 304, 413 ҟ Aten, Mary Janeҟ ҟ 346 ҟ Bergin, George Wilburҟ Adkinson, Lois Marcellaҟ 320 Barrett, Larry Kentҟ ҟ ҟ 235, 408 ҟ Atherton, Jay Robertҟ 203, 336 391 Bergstrom,Donna D. ҟ Adler, Marylin Ruthҟ ҟ Barrett, William Daleҟ . 198, 351, 409 197, 331 Atherton, Robert Daleҟ ҟ 368 330 ҟ Berkey, Stephen H.ҟ Adley, Ronald Russell ҟ 444 Barrick, Max Bloomҟ ҟ 297 351 Athey, Cullen Lamar Jr ҟ 290 Berkman, Janet Marsha ҟ Adrian, Edward Haroldҟ ҟ Barroquillo, Jimmie Leeҟ Atkinson, A. Jay ҟ 198 336 .336, 449 291 ҟ Berkowitz, Phillip T.ҟ Adsit, Stanley Leonҟ ҟ Barry, Robert J.ҟ ҟ 365 Atneosen, Gail Adele ҟ 367 198 ҟ 393 Bernd, Deborah Leeҟ Ahaus, William Hoffmanҟ ҟ Barter, Mary Frances ҟ 325 ҟ 362 Atz, William Albertҟ 328, 410 334 Bernhard, George Karb ҟ Ahlemeyer, Elizabeth J.ҟ ҟ Barth, John Arthur ҟ 309 366 Auble, Ray Eugeneҟ ҟ 353 333 ҟ Berning, Larry Deanҟ Ake, Ruth Anneҟ ҟ 361 ҟ Bartholome, Ann Leeҟ . .326, 424, 454 Augsburger, Stanley W.ҟ 365 360, 420 ҟ Berns, Donna Daleҟ Albright, Michael R.ҟ ҟ Bartholomew, William E.ҟ 308 197 Augustus, Carole Annҟ ҟ .203, 405 413 ҟ Berry, Helen Janice Alesia, James Ronaldҟ ҟ 217 217 Barto, Sandra Jeanҟ ҟ Ault, Fredrick Keithҟ ҟ 392 445 Berry, Martha Janeҟ ҟ Alexander, Donna Ellenҟ 329 ҟ Barton, Dennisҟ ҟ 377 Ault, Ronald Lee ҟ 299, 405 198 ҟ Berry, Virginia Baileyҟ Alexander, Ralph W. Jr.ҟ 329 Barton, Douglas Harveyҟ ҟ 336 Aungst, Ronald Lee ҟ 455 370 Berry, William H. Jrҟ Alexander, Robert Allen 318, 349 Barton, Michaelҟ ҟ 329 Austin, Allen Alfredҟ ҟ 351 ҟ 393 Berta, Sharon Anneҟ Allan, Michael Ames ҟ 297 Bartos, Salome Eveҟ 202 ҟ 292 Austin, Carl Ray ҟ 218 ҟ Bertermann, Susan Marieҟ Alleman, Janet E.ҟ ҟ 303, 424 Bash, Stephen Estalҟ 217, 298 ҟ Austin, Linda Leeҟ ҟ 330 333 ҟ Bessire, David Williamҟ Allen, David Custerҟ ҟ Bash, Tarry Charles ҟ 197, 421 Averill,ҟ Lawrence H.ҟ Jrҟ 198 322 368 ҟ Best, James Purvisҟ Allen, Deannaҟ 292 ҟ 217 Bass, Betsy Anneҟ ҟ Ayers, Elva Louise ҟ 304 362, 424, 432 Best, Pamela Ruth ҟ Allen, Mary Elinorҟ ҟ 227, 304 Bass, Jerold Duane Ayers, Sandra Kayҟ ҟ 198, 312 333, 455 ҟ 309 Best, Richard Edwardҟ Allen, Pamela Virginiaҟ ҟ 203, 246, 333, 403, 449 297 Beswick, John Lee ҟ Allen, Phyllis Jeanҟ 217, 295 Bass, Richard Emmettҟ ҟ ҟ 346, 456 399 Beta Gamma Sigma ҟ Allen, Stephen Dean ҟ Basse, Marvin V.ҟ ҟ 203 353 119, 299 ҟ Allgier, Alva Davidҟ Beta Theta Piҟ 405 ҟ Bassler, Marilyn Louiseҟ ҟ 290 294 Bettis, Dorothy Rose ҟ Allman, Robert Lynnҟ ҟ 336 Bastin, David Joseph ҟ 333 375 ҟ Bevers, Amber Joҟ Allsop, William Gaylenҟ ҟ Bates, Betty Eileenҟ ҟ 307 392 372 Bianco, Sharon Maree ҟ Allwein, Mary Aliceҟ ҟ Batman, Geraldine Lynnҟ 309, 424 ҟ 332 463 ҟ 329 Bibbee, Helen Marie Alpert, Barry Mark ҟ Batman, Roberta Jane ҟ 203 198 202 Babb, James Lowell Jr. ҟ ҟ Bicknell, Martha J.ҟ Alpha Chi Omega ҟ 117, 289 Bauer, Diane Leeҟ ҟ 362 ҟ 321 Babbidge, Steven Robertҟ 292, 424, 451 Biddle, Rita Jane ҟ Alpha Delta Sigmaҟ ҟ 406 Bauer, Linda Lee ҟ 303 312 Bachaleda, Patricia J.ҟ ҟ 309 ҟ Bielewicz, Elaine Joanҟ Alpha Delta Thetaҟ ҟ 410 Bauer, Thomas Michaelҟ ҟ 334 320 198, 362 Backs, Vincent Johnҟ ҟ Bierly, Bonnie Joҟ ҟ Alpha Epsilon Deltaҟ ҟ 410 Baum, David Samuel 307 Backus, Susan Ridgley ..284, 314, 455 Biersdorfer, John Ford ҟ Alpha Epsilon Phiҟ ҟ 290 203, 404, 407, 422, 449 203 ҟ Badertscher, Barbara A.ҟ 363 ҟ Billings, Warren G.ҟ 291 Alpha Epsilon Piҟ ҟ Baumann, Kenneth Eugene ҟ 301 202, 316 320 Baehler, Gary Rogerҟ ҟ ҟ Bilsland, Henry Knapperҟ Alpha Gamma Delta ҟ Baumgartner, Nancy Ann 292 320, 425 Baggett, Shanda Fayeҟ ҟ 217, 413 ҟ Binkley, James Lloydҟ Alpha Kappa Alphaҟ ҟ 402, 311, 436, 448 293 454 Bagwell, Carmen Annҟ ҟ 314, 408 ҟ Binkley, Marceta J.ҟ Alpha Kappa Psi ҟ 407 Bausback, Jon Robertҟ ҟ 411 294 Bahler, Kathleen Joҟ ҟ 374, 409 Birl, Oma Jeanette ҟ Alpha Lambda Delta ҟ 424 Baxter, Gary Zacharyҟ ҟ 273 362 Bailey, Barbara K. ҟ 312 ҟ Bishop, Elaine Ruthҟ Alpha Omicron Pi ҟ Baxter, Jack Robert ҟ 294 316 352 Bailey, Beth Holbrookҟ 284, 308 ҟ ҟ Bishop, Grover C.ҟ Alpha Phiҟ ҟ 116, 295 Baxter, Leland Claireҟ ҟ 367 407 Bailey, Brian Reedҟ ҟ 203, 349, 299, 426 Bissey, William Karlҟ Alpha Phi Alphaҟ ҟ 296 Bayless, Sharon Kayҟ ҟ 292 Bailey, Colleen Ellen ҟ 371 ҟ 333 Biteman, John Edwardҟ Alpha Phi Omega ҟ 412 Bayly, Patricia Jeanҟ ҟ 378 321 Bailey, James Danielҟ ҟ 246, 384 ҟ Bitner, John Baldwinҟ Alpha Tau Omega ҟ 116, 297 Beach, Lanny Jayҟ ҟ 203 218, 413 Bailey, Janet Rosalineҟ ҟ 298 ҟ Bixel, Beverly Annҟ Alpha Xi Delta ҟ 114, 115, 298 Beale, Charles David ҟ 433 239 Bailey, Wanda Sueҟ ҟ 391 ҟ Black, Jack Leeҟ Altekruse, Michael Kent Beaman, Nancy Aliceҟ ..218, 375, 427 Bailey, Warren La Rue ҟ 296 218, 295, 448 Black, Judith Ann ҟ 217, 325, 403 Bean, Sandra Carolҟ ҟ 360 264 ҟ Bain, Beverly Revaҟ 372 ҟ Black, Ronald Haroldҟ Altheide, Sandra Janeҟ ҟ 217, 332 Beard, Constance Diane ҟ 363 350 Bainbridge, Phillip E.ҟ ҟ 297, 426 Black, William Dahl ҟ Altman, John Thomas ҟ Beasley, Roger Evanҟ ҟ 198 333 ҟ 362 ҟ 315, 411 Bair, Carol Annҟ Blackman, Gary Lesterҟ Altman, William Emerson Beatty, Darnell Jo ҟ 312 Baird, James Lee ҟ 296, 370 364, 367 Blackmon, Warren G. ҟ 202, 246, 333, 448 Bechert, Carolyn Sue ... 198, 282, 304 296 Baird, Kay Lynnҟ ҟ 332 ҟ Blacknell, Robert Louisҟ Alwood, David Rogerҟ ҟ 313, 385 Bechtold, Jodelleҟ ҟ 309 367 Bajgrowicz, James J.ҟ ҟ 323 ҟ Blackwell, David S.ҟ Alyea, Constance Joan .. 197, 308, 457 Beck, Charles W. 3rdҟ 384 313 295 ҟ ҟ Baker, Andrea Mae Blair, John Raymondҟ Amstutz, Karen Joҟ ҟ Beck, James E.ҟ ҟ 391 336 299 ҟ 217 Baker, Barbara Annҟ Blair, W. Bradley 2ndҟ Ansel, Jerald Irwin ҟ 329 Beck, Judith Carolyn ҟ 371 298 ҟ ҟ Baker, Barbara Ellenҟ 390 Blaisdell, Mary Ellenҟ ҟ 296 Anderson, Finisҟ Becker, Bonnie Jean 303 ҟ Baker, Boyd Jr.ҟ 352 ҟ Blake, Karinҟ Anderson, Jane Lee ҟ 217, 413 198, 312, 401, 439, 440, 448 311 198 Baker, Donald Wayne ҟ ҟ Blakely, Bonnieҟ Anderson, Judith Ann ҟ 235 Beckley, Kenneth Arnold 307 309 Baker, Martha Ann ҟ Blakley, Stephen Earl ҟ Anderson, Judith Mary 198, 314, 428, 448 ҟ334 Baker, Susan Annabelle Blankenbaker, La Von R.ҟ 202,282,298,401,404,422, Beckner, David Edwardҟ ҟ 398 448 198, 282, 324, 401 Bledsoe, George Earl ҟ 423,441,448 Beckort, Betty Jane 320 ҟ Bleecker, Marc Anthonyҟ Anderson, Melvyn Royҟ ҟ 217, 404 Baker, Wallace Robertҟ ҟ 316 392, 449, 454, 455 334 ҟ Bleeke, James Morrisҟ ҟ Baker, Wendel Leeҟ ҟ 315 Anderson, Rebecca C.ҟ 408 Beeker, Stephen Donaldҟ ҟ 218 203, 407, 429 Balakir, Richard A.ҟ ҟ Bleke, Carl H. Jr. ҟ Anderson, Robert F. 2nd 370 Beeson, James Haroldҟ 297 ҟ 198, 316 352 ҟ Blessing, Robert Howard Balasa, Phillip Johnҟ ҟ Anderson, Sheila M.ҟ ҟ 351 Behar, Nelsonҟ ҟ 291, 409 371 218, 311 ҟ 297 Blish, Virginia Stuartҟ Baldwin, John Lawrence ҟ Andis, Gretchen Alice ҟ 197, 333 Behen, Mary Jane ҟ 362 316 ҟ Bliss, James Williamҟ Baldwin, Kenneth Josephҟ ҟ 346 Andrews, Kenneth Leeҟ ҟ334 Beickman, Joseph Merle 331, 429 ҟ Block, Lynn Fayeҟ ҟ 198, 320 ҟ 326 Baldwin, Merle Sebreanҟ Anglin, Dennis D.ҟ 218, 348, 407 426 ҟ Blocker, David Alanҟ ҟ 297 Bales, Janice Diane ҟ 406 Ankony, Michael Jamesҟ Beiswanger, Bradҟ 288 ҟ 350 ҟ Blombach, Michael K.ҟ ҟ Bales, Ruth Ann, ҟ Anness, Ronald Kentҟ 296 392 Bell, Ellisҟ Samuel Jr. ҟ 356 361 ҟ Bloom, Karen Lynҟ Ansbaugh, Lawrence E.ҟ ҟ 299, 410 Balha, John Thomas ҟ 313 Bell, Eva Kathrynҟ ҟ 410 336 ҟ Bloom, Lewis Elliottҟ ҟ 304, Anschel, Steven Williamҟ Balis, Mary Margaretҟ 455 .. .ҟ 385 Bell, John Martinҟ ҟ 198, 321 299 ҟ Blosser, Brock Lowellҟ 412 Anspach, Melvin L.ҟ ҟ 329,407 Ballard, John Oliverҟ ҟ Bell, Lynda Patriciaҟ ҟ 371 298 ҟ Bloye, Sharon Marleneҟ Anthony, James Richardҟ ҟ 316 Ballard, Richard S.ҟ ҟ 203 284, 295, 451 Bell, Susan Judithҟ .ҟ 403 ҟ Blue Key Antonnelli, Samuel T.ҟ ҟ349 Ballarino, Joseph A.ҟ 203, 405 Bellamy, Calvin Edwardҟ ҟ 455 328, 426 Blue, Ronald Wayne ҟ Antonini, Victoria Lee ҟ Ballenger, Diana Kayҟ ҟ 247 373, 424 Bellino, John Battistaҟ ҟ 97, 157 203 ҟ Blunk, James Harrisonҟ 426 Anulies, Geraldine E.ҟ ҟ Ballenger, Ronald Gayleҟ ҟ 198, 362 303, 410 Beltz, Lynda Ann ҟ ҟ 203, 325 Blutenthal, John Edward ҟ330 Anulies, John Josephҟ ҟ Ballinger, Larry Eldenҟ 301 289 Bemis, Cynthia Kaye ҟ 400 ҟ Appelquist, Donald L.ҟ ҟ 349 Balsbaugh, Nancy Kayҟ 326, 449 Board of Aeons ҟ 289 Bemis, Sharon Deeҟ ҟ Applegate, Sally Annҟ ҟ 303 Balsbaugh, Ronald Byronҟ ҟ 203, 328 406 ҟ Boardman, Nancie S.ҟ Bender, Constance ҟ Applegate, Shirley Jean ҟ 361 Baltes, Nancy Annҟ 371 352 ҟ Bode, Alan Douglasҟ 448 198, 282, 398, 401, ҟ ҟ Baltpurvins, Andris A.ҟ Applewhite, James R.ҟ 328 349, 456 349 Bodenburg, Donald W. ҟ 330 Bender, John S. 2nd ҟ Baluk, Margaret Anne ҟ Ard, Anthony Earl ҟ 318 392 203, 407 Bodkin, David Arthur ҟ ҟ 288 Bender, Paul Arthurҟ ҟ 218 407 Bambace, Rosemary Carolҟ Ardrey, Richard Leeҟ ҟ 288 ҟ Boedeker, Michael Alanҟ Bendix, Judith Juneҟ ҟ 312 Banister, Prudence Annҟ ҟ 293 Argals, Intaҟ ҟ407
391 Chidester,ҟ Cherieҟ Lee ҟ 218, 428 Brooks, Karen Dianeҟ ҟ ҟ 334 Boehm, John Henryҟ Chilcott, Sandra Mae.. .311, 448, 451 421 Brooks, Marshall Ronald ҟ ҟ 203 Boehne, Edward Georgeҟ Childs, Donna Jean 296 Brooks, Neil R. ҟ 432 Boergert, John Richardҟ ҟ 218, 292, 401, 282 Brookshire, Robert A.ҟ ҟ Boese, Fredrick Charlesҟ ҟ 348 302, 370 Chi Omega ҟ300 Cadwalader, Bonnie Jean Broome, Lloyd Byronҟ ҟ Boggs, Jodie 289 91 Chi Phi ҟ 301 374, 408, 424 Brotemarkle, Todd R.ҟ 203, 306, 403 ҟ Boggs, Jon Williamҟ 235 Chizum, Larry Lee ҟ Cain, Jerrold Charles ҟ 204, 423 346 198 Brotko, Victor Stanleyҟ 366, 367, 445 Bohan, Richard Timothy ҟ Choplin, Linda M.ҟ 294 Cain, Joyce Elaineҟ374 ҟ Brougher, Melinda Kay ҟ 303 Bohn, Judith Arleneҟ ҟ 332 Christianҟ CaJacob, Peter M. Science Organization ҟ 456 ҟ 320 320 Broughton, Philip M.ҟ ҟ Bohren, Linda May ҟ 390 218 CaJacob, Sarah E. ҟ Christman, Kenneth Ivan ҟ 295 Perry ҟ Brouwer, Fredricҟ 203 Bohren, Nancy Lynn ҟ 378 Christner, Janetҟ 390 Caldwell, Elvin T. ҟ ҟ 227 ҟ Brown, Claudia Ireneҟ 427 293 ҟ Boksenberg, Ann Maryҟ 321 Christopher, Robert Jr. Caldwell, Gregory Leeҟ ҟ ҟ 288 ҟ 40 Brown, Constance Annҟ 407 Boland, Curtis Arnoldҟ ҟ Christy,ҟ Williamҟ Banks .ҟ Callahan, Joan Ellynҟ ҟ 361 .325, 403 ҟ 203., 449 Brown, David Bruceҟ Bolds, Richard A.ҟ ҟ 203 Chueden,ҟ 410 Katharine L. ҟ Callahan, Karen Kayҟ 378 218 Brown, Dennis J.ҟ ҟ Boley, Robert Bruceҟ ҟ 348 Chulock, Karen Hope Callecod, Rita Louise ҟ 378 247, 349 427 Brown, Donald Rayҟ ҟ ҟ Boling, Karen Colleenҟ 429 204, 354, 440, 405, 406, Cameron, Mary Joanne ҟ 448 305, Brown, Enid Hinda ҟ 297 Bollhoffer, Edward H.ҟ Church, Rosalieҟ ҟ 292, 409 Campbell, Harlee ҟ 317 218, 372, 429, 455 302 Bolton, Harry Lee ҟ Cicenas,ҟ Richardҟ Aҟ Campbell House ҟ 349 353 350 Brown, Ivan Joeҟ ҟ ҟ 328 Bolyard, Robert Daleҟ Cicenas, Robert John ҟ 351 Campbell, John Milton ҟ 302 364, 366 Brown, Jon Michael ҟ 259 Bolyard, Thomas Edwardҟ Cimesa, Dianeҟ 218 Campbell, Karen P. ҟ 363 ҟ Brown, Judith Annҟ .311, 402, 451 . 295 Bonacorsi, Doris Janeҟ Clapacs, John Terryҟ Campbell, Robert J. Jrҟ 307 349 ҟ 318 441 Brown, Larry Keith . . .303, 438, Bond, Margaret Annҟ Clark, Jack Bryant ҟ Campbell, Sue Annette 297 235 Brown, Linda Sue Bond, Nancy Jean ҟ Clark, Johnҟ Miller ҟ 306 235, 369, 374, 408 284, 294, 402, 444, 451 288 ҟ Bond, Ronald Stewartҟ Clark, Judith Kay ҟ 375, 445 Campbell, Walter Fҟ330 293, 373 318 Brown, Melba Jeanetteҟ ҟ ... Bonewits, James Charlesҟ Clark, Karen Sue 227 ҟ Campi, Richard Edward 390 ҟ 346 Brown, Michael Davidҟ 203, 448 ҟ Bonge, Joyce Anneҟ Clark, Lawson Jack 2nd ҟ Campiti, Vincent Peter ҟ 297 398 199, 290 348 Brown, Mollie Annҟ ҟ . Bonner, Bruce Edwardҟ Clark, Lewis L.ҟ ҟ ҟ . . Canada, Janet May 371 .302 371 Brown, Nancy Elaineҟ ҟ Bonnett, Judy Ellen .ҟ 303, 350, 428 Clark, Lindley E. Jr.. . .219, 330, 403 198 Canada, Thomas Robert 324 315 Brown, Nicholas G.ҟ ҟ ҟ Bonnett, Lynne W.ҟ Clark, Michael Robert ҟ 349 Canfield, Eleanor Linda . 374 ҟ 295 Brown, Patricia Sueҟ ҟ 326, 402 Bonsib, Susan Geneҟ Clark, Robert John ҟ Canine, Joseph Kentҟ ҟ 316, 449 385 421 ҟ Brown, Ronald Maxҟ 298 Booth, Betty Louise ҟ Clark, Roscoe C. Jrҟ Canine, Michael Clark ҟ 204, 423 367 203 Brown, Ruth Ann ҟ 360 Booth, Frank R. 2nd ҟ Clark,ҟ Stevenҟ 297 Canning, Arthur Joseph Leeҟ ҟ 203 ҟ 306 Brown, Samuel Fredҟ Booth, James Coleҟ ҟ 291 198, 246, 267, 404, 449 Clarke, Spencer Roy ҟ 295 368, 459 Brown, Sharon Alice ҟ Borden, Paul Albert Jr. ҟ ҟ 284,311 Clarkson, Georgia Lou Cannon, Annҟ 218, 303 Brown, Susan Marie ҟ 331 ҟ Bormaster, Linda Susanҟ Canter, Mary Lucileҟ ҟ ҟ 309 204, 312, 406, 432 203, 348 203 Brown, Theodore Wade ҟ Borrowman, Williamҟ Clarquist, Marian E. ҟ Cantwell, Vonya Anne ҟ 392, 409 374 204, 423 Brown, Thomas Jackson 325 ҟ Borysiak, Ralph Alfredҟ 299 Clausen, Edward Lҟ Capestany, William Dҟ 370 332 Brown, William Stephen 351 ҟ Bosco, Barbara Antoninaҟ Clay, Max Robert ҟ Caplin, James Alanҟ ҟ 329 198, 330 349 333 Browne, James Ralphҟ ҟ Bosselmann, David Brown Claymon, William Caranasios, Catherine Mҟ 289 I. 353 .326, 449, 451 362, 406 Browning, Judi Leeҟ Gretchen I.ҟ ҟ Bothast,ҟ ҟ 218 Cleland, Olivia Raeҟ Carbon, William Leeҟ ҟ 312 441 332 Brubeck, David Haugheyҟ ҟ ҟ Bottorff, Judith Annҟ Clements, Christy Ann Cardwell, Glenn Josephҟ 348 301 Bruce, William R.ҟ 328 2nd ҟ ҟ Boultinghouse, Richardҟ .ҟ 294, 406 Carey, Diane Elizabethҟ 311, 402, 440, 436, 441, 456 456 361 Bruderer, Conradҟ ҟ ҟ Bound, Ann Elizabethҟ Clendenin, Joseph Grierҟ Carl, Edward Tim ...ҟ .ҟ 199 333 350 334 Brugos, Michael Johnҟ ҟ ҟ Bourn, Michael Rayҟ Cleveland, John W. ҟ Carlile, Judith Ann . . .2 8, 308, 455 227 362 198, 376 Brunell, Frank 0.ҟ ҟ ҟ Bourne, James Edwardҟ Cleveland, Martha Ann .ҟ Carlino, Ralph Anthony . . . .204, 264 .ҟ 378 318 ҟ 295 Brunell, Georgene A.ҟ ҟ Bouslog, Darrell Kentҟ 199 Carlson, James Wesleyҟ Clevenger, Carolyn Jo . .199, 303, 401 322, 413 327 Bruner, Paul Ronaldҟ ҟ ҟ Bowen, Frank Richardҟ ҟ 332 Clifford, Lawrence Wҟ Carlson, Lynne Marieҟ 387 351 Bruning, Earl Henry Jrҟ 352 ҟ Bowers, Jack Wilfordҟ 204, 431 Cline, Judith Ann ҟ Carmack, Douglas Wright .ҟ 328 307 393 Bryan, Robert Eugeneҟ ҟ ҟ Bowers, Thomas A.ҟ 239, 411 Cline, Mark Edward ҟ Carman, Richard L. ҟ 413 288 346 Bryerton, Dennis P.ҟ ҟ ҟ Bowie, William Marshҟ 411 Clinton, James Larryҟ Carmichael, James Sҟ 246 360 371 Bucha, Bonnie Ann ҟ Bowman, Patty Jo ҟ Cloe, Rafe Heath ҟ Carmichael, Sarah Ann 229 386 Bucha, Maryanne Paula ҟ Bowman, Richard Edgarҟ Cluley, James R. 156, 160, 311, 406 ҟ 204, 328 440 284, 326, 402, 424, 455 ҟ Bowton, Linda Darleneҟ Coan, Cathie Lynn ҟ 410 Carmichael, Thomas Fҟ 303 375 353 Buchanan, Elizabeth A. ҟ Boyce, John Franklinҟ Cobb, Arthur Thomas ҟ 299 Carmichael, William P. ҟ 219, 328 198, 327 227, 372 Buchanan, Mary Judith ҟ Boyd, Carl Leroy ҟ Cobb, Timothy Scott ҟ 315 Carnes, Calland F. ҟ ҟ 328 204 ҟ 393 Bucheck, Donald Johnҟ ҟ Boyd, Kirsten V.ҟ Coburn, Charles Deanҟ 297, 348 Carpenter, James Daleҟ 352 346 302 ҟ Bucher, Wesley Greggҟ ҟ Boyd, Robert Leeҟ Coddens, Larry Lee ҟ 412 Carpenter, John Burgessҟ 297 ҟ 352 297 Buchheit, Alois Peterҟ ҟ Boyd, Warren Arthur Jr.ҟ Coe, Larry Michael ҟ Carpenter, Julie Beth ҟ ҟ 374 320 385 ҟ 218, 295, 429, 448 Buck, Richard Craigҟ Boyle, Bonnie Joҟ Coffee, Barbara Jean ҟ 386 349 Carpenter, Robert Hҟ 332, 449 ҟ204 ҟ Buckingham, Donald Leeҟ Boylen, Charles Williamҟ Coffey, Floyd Williamҟ 304 204, 405, 422 Carr, Julia Louise ҟ ҟ 409 300 Buckingham, Richard E. ҟ Boys, Carolyn Jeanҟ Coffey, John Roger ҟ 411 204, 301 Carrabine, John Joseph ҟ 218, 295 203, 319 ҟ Buckleh, Georgine A.ҟ ҟ Bradach, James J.ҟ Coffin, James Larry ҟ ҟ 306 Carrington, Dan Glennҟ 288 372 378, 445 ҟ Buckles, Donna Deeҟ ҟ Braddock, Lana Jeanҟ Coffman, Sammie Jҟ 294 Carroll, Elmer H. ҟ 239, 411 407 371 Buckner, Kenneth Glenn Braden, Elizabeth Anne ҟ Cohen, Douglas Edward ҟ ҟ 353 . 329, 455 Carroll, Michael A. 362 . . 365 ҟ 317, Buckner, Robert G. Bradford, Janet Kayҟ Cohen, Ina Leeҟ . ҟ 309 ..219, 282, 290 Carson, Barbara Janeҟ 439 203, 246, 334 Buddenbaum, Judith M.ҟ ҟ Bradley, Robert Jamesҟ Cohen, Lorraine Ruth . . 290, 438, 455 ҟ 335 Carswell, Donald George 229 370 ҟ ҟ Budreck, Frank Josephҟ Bradshaw, Leslie A.ҟ Cohen, Stuart Marc . . . .199, 272, 273 310 Carter, Arthur Lloyd Jr ҟ 199 368 ҟ ҟ Buehrig, Edward M.ҟ Bradshaw, Richard C.ҟ Colby, Susan Jean ҟ 303 Carter, Carol Ann ҟ 391 365 300 ҟ Bulleit, Ann Lorraine Brady, Joshua Jamesҟ Cole, Arnold Lee ҟ ҟ 316 366, 368, 405 Carter, David Raymondҟ 290 314, 449 ҟ Bumb, Anita Marieҟ ҟ Brady, Margot Janeҟ Cole, Beverly Dee ҟ 316 298 Carter, Dennis Earl ҟ 316 218, 234 Bunnell, Carolyn Louise Brady, Michael Dean ҟ Cole, Pauletta Sue ҟ 408 Carter, Emily Jane ҟ 456 373 306, 456 ҟ Burch, Carolyn Annҟ Brady, Stephen Weeks ҟ Cole, Susan Elaine ҟ 412 ҟ 391 Carter, John Dale E.ҟ 304 330 ҟ Burch, Kathyҟ Brafford, Lawrence M. ҟ Coleman, Charles F. Jrҟ ҟ 316 Carter, Richard Lloydҟ 204 302 ҟ Burchfield, Marion G.ҟ Bramble, Anne Searle Coleman, Claire Tҟ 288 219 Carter, Ronald Eugeneҟ 297, 327 198, 289, 401, 448 Burdett, Robert Wallace Coleman, Larry Austin ҟ ҟ 295 387 Carto, Susan Meredithҟ 362 ҟ ҟ Burdick, Mary Lynneҟ Brammell, Richard A.ҟ 353 Coles, Jerry Lynn ҟ 410 204 352 Caruso, Andrew Thomas ҟ ҟ Burgan, Jack Albertҟ ҟ 377 Brandenburg, Martha R.ҟ Colglazier, Boyd Lee ҟ 352 322 Case, David Ronald ҟ 354 ҟ Burgdoerfer, Barbara L.ҟ ҟ 282, 298 Brandt, Dianne Louiseҟ Collings, Terry Richard ҟ Case, George Bailey ҟ 335 332 385 ҟ ҟ Burge, Marilyn Talenaҟ 438, 444 Branham, John Forestҟ Collins, Ann Marieҟ ҟ 371 204 219, 314 Caseley, Jane ҟ ҟ ҟ 314 Burger, Dale Edwardҟ Brannan, Susan Beechҟ Collins, Harrison Dean ҟ 348 227 Cashman, Michael D. Arcyҟ 362 ҟ Burgess, Christina Annҟ 301 Bransford, Robert W.ҟ ҟ Collins, Keith Edison ҟ 199, 286 321, 386 326 Casper, Charles Ray Jrҟ 314 Burgess, Rosalind Kay ҟ Brant, Mary Joҟ ҟ Collins, Michaela Rҟ 350, 427 420 Cass, Frederick Lyle ҟ 375 Burgess, Ruby Jeanҟ ҟ ҟ 320 Brantner, Richard Leeҟ Collins, Nancy Lyda ҟ 427 219, 324 Cassle, Marietta Maeҟ ҟ ҟ 421 Burke, Thomas William Braselton, Paul Miltonҟ 289 Collins, Stephen Hardy 204, 422, 429 448 411, Castle, Betsy Lynn ҟ 403, ҟ Brasher, Lydia Anneҟ 374 Collins, William Edwardҟ 411 204, 405 Cataldi, Pia Marie ҟ ҟ 327 Burkel, John Richardҟ 266, 267, 319 Brassart, Raymond A.ҟ Colman, Lana Marilyn ҟ ҟ 309, 454 463 Cavanaugh, Kathleenҟ Phyllisҟ 361, 456 Burkett, Bruce Charlesҟ ҟ 336 . Bratina,ҟ Sharonҟ Colville, Priscilla ҟ 304 445 Ceccarelli, Gabriella ҟ ҟ 227, 323 Burkhart, Gerald Eugene ҟ Braun, Terrence J.ҟ 334 Combs, Mary Fayҟ ҟ 300 Cellini, Beatrice L..ҟ 199,304 ҟ325 Breckenridge, Franklinҟ ҟ 296 Burkhart, Phillip Wayneҟ Conaway, Phillip Davidҟ 362 .204, 350 Cellini, Rita Terese ҟ 420 ҟ Burkhart, Thomas Case ҟ Bredenberg, Elnora Idaҟ 239 Conaway, Richard Willisҟ 302, 448 365 Cellini, Robert Charles ҟ 449 ҟ Burmeister, Caroline A. ҟ Breese, Harlean Jeanҟ 392 Cone, Carroll Thomas ҟ 229 204 Cerri, William T. Jr .349, 405, 427 Bremer, Gerald Frankҟ Burnett, Mary Jeanҟ ҟ 218, 360 Cone, Nancy Barbaraҟ 292 393 Chadwick, Barbara Ellenҟ ҟ .218, 295 Bremer, Janice Lynnҟ 374 Burnham, Natalie Doria Conkright, Samuel R. ҟ 323 322, 444 ҟ Chan, Joseph Wei . . .218, 336 Brendel, Thomas Doyleҟ Burns, Peggy Jean ҟ 374 Conn, Joseph Edwardҟ 204, 429, 433 307 Chandler, Leon H. Jrҟ 218 ҟ 321 Brenner, Beverly Annҟ Burns, Richardҟ ҟ Connell, George Balfour . .. ҟҟ 301 ҟ 199,321 Chaney, Richard Paulҟ 406 ҟ Brenton, Susan Elaineҟ 348 Burson, John Jr. ҟ Connelly, John Philip ҟ 313, 448 318 Chapala, Robert Frankҟ ҟ ҟ 218, 324 445, 451, 455 Brewer, Doris Fayeҟ Burton, Ann Elizabeth .ҟ Conner, David Eugene ҟ 318 288 . ҟ Chapala, Walter Paulҟ 218 ҟ Burton, McDawson Lee ҟ Brewer, Vera Deanҟ 350 Conner, Virginia ҟ 314 361 Chapin, Carolyn Howardҟ ҟ 373 ҟ Bridges, Nancy E.ҟ Burton, Rose Marieҟ 393 Conner, William Josephҟ 328 Chapline, Judith Etta 297 Briggs, Craig Landisҟ ҟ Busch, Richard Edwardҟ 299 Conroy, Mary Margaret ҟ 377 326, 402, 448, 450 ҟ Briggs, Richard Allenҟ 316 Buschman, Karen Sueҟ 374 Contest Alumni on Campusҟ 421 Chapman, Barry Lutherҟ 426 ҟ 218 Briggs, William Edward Busch, Carol Sueҟ Conti, Sandra Janeҟ ҟ 372 Chapman, Carol Ireneҟ 309 375 438, 441, 448 Busch, Nancy Sharonҟ Cook, Alayne Amelia ҟ 372 Chapman, David Lee ҟ 333 Brigham, William Frank . . . .350, 427 Busse, William E. Jrҟ 364, 365 Cook, Blanche Jeanetteҟ 373 Chapman, Elizabeth C. ҟ 235 392 Bright, Beth Annҟ ҟ Butcher, John Orvilleҟ 297, 448 Cook, Darrell Lin ҟ 380 Chapman, Linda Lou ҟ ҟ Briney, Roger Davidҟ Butler, Darleen Roseҟ 393 333 374 Cook, James Wilburҟ 297, 307 Chappell, Rosemary Annҟ ҟ 371 Bringle, Carole Annҟ Butler, James Charles ҟ 310 309, 410 Cook, Jane Ellyn ҟ 308, 412 Chappell, William Bruce ҟ 314 ҟ 335 Brink, Anne Corbettҟ Butler,ҟ Kern ҟ 204, 405 306 Cook, John Howard . . .ҟ .ҟ Chard, Ann Elizabethҟ 371 Brink, Phyllis Annҟ ҟ 455 407 Butterfield, Michael Jҟ Cook, Patricia Lenarda .199, 305, 412 Chase, Gary Lee ҟ 204 Brice, William Bradleyҟ ҟ 333 Butters, Thomas Williamҟ301 204 Cook, Thomas Roy ҟ Chase, Tom Morrison ҟ 306, 448 Button, Kenneth F. ҟ 353 Brittan, Marcia Joҟ ҟ 455 Cheatham, Dennis Harold ҟ 307 313 Butz, William Powellҟ 440 Cooke, James Robert ҟ Broadley, Tom Forrestҟ ҟ 349, 445 Chen, Larry ҟ 352 332 Buzinski,ҟ Florence T. ҟ Cooley, William A. Jrҟ 204 329 Brodey, Philip Allenҟ ҟ 330 Cherry, William Lee ҟ ҟ 320 Byers, Stephen Wesley ҟ Cooney, Michael Barlet 307 319 ҟ Brodsky, Gerry Davidҟ Chesebro, Robert C. ҟ 352 235 Byrd, Barry Neil ҟ Cooper, Anne Elizabethҟ 378 329 Brodsky, Jay Michaelҟ ҟ 312, 424 Chew, Nancy Carol ҟ 235, 372, 408 Byrd, Lynda Rae ҟ 246 Cooper, Berigan McCain ҟ 331 229 Broida, Jan Deeҟ ҟ Chiappetta, Donald D. ҟ 306 Byrne, John Charles ҟ 299. 403 Cooper, David Charles ҟ Chidester, Carol Jean ҟ 374 229 ҟ 363 Byron, Dan Pierce ҟ Brooks, Carolyn Kayҟ
Eckerry,ҟ Gayle ҟ ҟ 289 Donaldҟ 199 219 Dillon, Barbara Showersҟ 412 Danner, Erla M. ҟ Cooper, David Charles ҟ Dilts, Terry Edgar ҟ Ecklebarger,ҟ Richardҟ D.. . . .348, 409 Dant,ҟ Christopher Call ҟ 330 306 Cooper, Jack Lawrenceҟ 426, 444 315 Dingle, Jerry Allen ҟ Ecton,ҟ Virgilҟ Darko,ҟ Sharon Leeҟ ҟ Edward . .246, 266, 267 374 Cooper, John Michael Dimas, Linda Eleanorҟ 205, 405 Eder,ҟ Richard Joseph ҟ ҟ Darlington,ҟ Paulҟ E. ҟ 386 336 306, 368, 441, 445 Dinkel, John William Jr. 297, 426 Darnell,ҟ Edgerton, Susan Cҟ ҟ 200 348 Gary Richards .. ..... 365 Cooper, Robert Thomas ҟ DiNoto, Frances Rosaҟ 378 Dauler,ҟ Jeffreyҟ Carl ҟ Edgington, Bettyҟ ҟ ҟ 219 362 328 Cooper, Sandra Lee ҟ Distelhorst, John Wҟ 205 Paula E.ҟ ҟ 294 Davenport,ҟ Edler, Thomas Allen ҟ ҟ Cooper, Sandra Sue ҟ 378 334 Dittmer,ҟ Stanley James ҟ 328 ҟ 361 Davidson, Diana Kathrynҟ Edmonson, Larry Eugene ҟ ҟ ҟ Cooper, Sondra Beth .ҟ 294 379 Dixon, Michael Stewartҟ 315 Davidson, Leslie Dale ҟ Edmonston,ҟ Patricia R..324, 440, 455 424 331 Cooreman, Marlene Helen ҟ 320 Dixon, William Cook ҟ 328 Edmunds, Linda ҟ ' 289, 449 441 Davidson, Robert Cҟ COPE 372 Dobecki, Jo Annҟ ҟ Davidson, Sandra Leeҟ 312 406 Edwards, Cynthia Lynn ҟ 387 ҟ Corbin, Walter Clarkҟ 390 Dodd,ҟ Susan Martin ҟ Davis, Beverley Jean ҟ 321, 351 Edwards, James Larkin ҟ 352 370 Cordell, William Arthurҟ Dodds, Dennis Ray ҟ 334 Davis,ҟ Charlesҟ Havensҟ .290, 412 Edwards, Judy Ann ҟ ҟ 320 Corenman, Diane Joyceҟ 355, 439 247 Doerr, Edward Ruhl ҟ Davis, Charles Leo 2nd 297 Edwards, Marcia Janeҟ ҟ 429 368, 455 Corman, Stephen Douglasҟ 205 Doll,ҟ Rosemaryҟ Eleanor ҟ 205 Davis, Gary Bruce ҟ 315 Edwards,ҟ Mary Catherine ҟ ҟ 235 Cornell, James F...... 360 Dolzall, Katharineҟ ҟ Davis, Gary Francis Jr. ҟ 368 199, 369, 370 Edwards,ҟ Michaelҟ Joel ҟ ҟ 322 Cornell, James S. ҟ 219, 413 Donahue, Margaret Agnes 235 427 Davis, Gilbert Eugeneҟ Nancyҟ Kathrynҟ Edwards,ҟ 451, 454 Corner, Patricia M. ҟ Janet Claireҟ ҟ 219 Donaldson,ҟ 378 Davis, Glen Deverl ҟ Edwards, Richard Leon ҟ ҟ ҟ 308 367, 436 Cornfeld, Michael Iraҟ 320 Donato, Albert Mario Davis, Grover Burton ҟ 199 219, 449 313 Edwards, Robert L. ҟ ҟ Cornwell, Donna Lee ҟ Donnellan, Joseph J. 3rdҟ 330 456 Davis, Grover W. Jr. ҟ 315 410 Eger, Judy Annҟ ҟ ҟ Cosmopolitan Club ҟ ҟ 371 390 Donnelly, Patti Lynnҟ Davis, James Arthur ҟ 205 Eggelhof, Nancy Lee ҟ ҟ 235 Costello, Judith Ann ҟ Donovan, Michael Wҟ 376, 438 299 Davis, Larry Lee ҟ 376 200 ҟ Eggert, Donald Paul ҟ ҟ Costlow, Judson Jamesҟ 205, 320 Doolittle,ҟ Robertҟ P.ҟ ҟ 426 Davis, Larry Marvin ҟ 372 Eggert, Lynda Jean ҟ ҟ 304 Cottom, Sandra Lou ҟ Doom, Gwendolyn Lou 205, 303, 406 246 Davis,ҟ Larryҟ Robertҟ ҟ 205 Eggleston, Larry G.ҟ ҟ ҟ 353 Coufalik, Francis J. ҟ Doom, Jacquelyn Sueҟ 205, 303, 406 449 Davis, Linda Jane Murch 377 Eggleston, William B. Coulter, Jeffrey Kentҟ Linda Leeҟ . .ҟ 308 405 292, 362 Dorbecker,ҟ Davis, Lynn Mary ҟ 297, 400, 436, 448 Coulter, Lawrence A. ҟ 289, 451, 455 Dorntge, Linda Louise .ҟ 361 371 Davis, Pamela Rose ҟ 289 Egnatz, Mary Jo Teresa .....ҟ Counterman, Christine Kҟ .ҟ 301 Robert Harold ҟ 205, 406 Dorst,ҟ 293 Davis, Patricia Ann ҟ Courtney, Betty Jean ҟ Ehase, Charles Frank ҟ 335, 422 Anne Claudiaҟ ҟ 374 Doty,ҟ Davis, Phyllis Kay ҟ 247, 328 219, 304 Ehrman, Barbara Jeanҟ Cousino, David Jamesҟ 199, 332 316, 449 ҟ Doty, Jerry Leroyҟ ҟ 205 451 Davis, Richard Barrettҟ 349 Ehrman, Sylvia Ann ҟ ҟ Cowan, John Thomas ҟ 200 299 Jerryҟ Leeҟ ҟ 301 Dougan,ҟ Davis, Ronald Clark ҟ Eichholz,ҟ Aliceҟ ҟ ҟ 374 Cox, Franklin Hughҟ 289 407 . ҟ ҟ 205 Doughty, Joan Marieҟ ҟ 205 Eilbacher, Leonardҟ E.ҟ ҟ ҟ Cox, Frederick Earl ҟ Davis, Ronald Leeҟ 205, 422 354 360 Douglas, Michael Worth Davis, Susan Jane ҟ 161 Einstandig,ҟ Barbaraҟ ҟ A. ҟ Coy, Lynda Lee ҟ 246 ҟ 288 Dove, Douglas Jamesҟ 362 . Davis, Susan Lynn ҟ ҟ 368 Eisel, John Anthony ҟ Coyne, Leslie James .ҟ 312 Dowd, Lynn Florence ҟ Davis, Susan Patriciaҟ 354 199, 322, 407 378 Coyner, Karl Dennis .ҟ Eisenhut, Judith Ellenҟ ҟ ҟ 219 . 370 Dowell, Deanna Roseҟ Davis, Wesley Leroy .ҟ Richardҟ M. ҟ ҟ 334 Craig, James Robertҟ 369, 370, 409 Eisenman,ҟ . . .200, 324, 432 Dowling, Diana M.ҟ Davisson, Alice Jane ҟ 199 372, 440 Eisert, Janet Leeҟ ҟ 200, 294 Craig, Marilyn E. ҟ 288 282, 308 Downey, James Michael ҟ Davisson, Anna Marie ҟ 362, 451 Eisterhold,ҟ Judith Ann ҟ ҟ 314 Craig, Mary Ann ҟ 297 229 Downs, Robert Dean ҟ 387 300 Davisson, Daniel Sҟ Eklund, Leola Janeҟ ҟ Crain, Patrick Desmond ҟ 205 ҟ Doyle, Lewis Eugeneҟ Davisson, David Leslie ҟ 295 330 Elbert,ҟ Paul Richardҟ ҟ ҟ 315 Cramer, Judith Pamela ҟ 372 ҟ 377 Doyle, Marianne Sarahҟ 318 Dawson, Greer Marie.ҟ 376, 305, Eldridge,ҟ Sarah Anne ҟ ҟ 378 Cramer, Phil Alan ҟ 366 Doyle, Raymond Eugeneҟ 316 Ellenҟ ҟ292 Day,ҟ Crane, John Bryant ҟ Elinore E.ҟ ҟ ҟ 295 Hey,ҟ 393 299 9 301 Drake, Sandra Sue ҟ Day, James Franklinҟ Eley,ҟ Cranor, David Arthur ҟ Roberta Jeanҟ ҟ 200, 314 360 Dressel,ҟ Sandraҟ Lee 349 365 Day, Janet Sue ҟ Elias,ҟ Thomasҟ Henry ҟ ҟ Cravens Hall ҟ 304 Day, Patricia Ann ҟ 199, 306 Craw, Kenneth W. Jrҟ 374, 420, 427, 448 Elkins,ҟ Judithҟ ҟ Anne ҟ 235 199 311, 448 Dean, John Edwin ҟ Ellenberger, Jenҟ ҟ 311, 451 Crawford, Kathryn Ann . .ҟ Drew, James Ellis ҟ 205, 307 199 219, 314, 449 Dean, Martha Leeҟ Ellet, Judith Janneҟ ҟ ҟ 314 Crawford, Linda Ann ҟ Drew, Jerome Charles ҟ 307 346 365 Dean, Richard Edward ҟ Ellinghausen,ҟ Derald G. ҟ ҟ 306 Crawford, Richard James . Driesbach,ҟ James Lee ҟ 318 199 ҟ 219, 303 Deaux, Edward Bessorҟ 309, 410 Ellingwood, Carol Ann ҟ Creel, Rachel Anne ҟ Drileck,ҟ Roberta A.ҟ ҟ 200 219 Debes, David Frederick 323, 407 Elliott, Barbara Annҟ ҟ ҟ Creps, David Anthony ҟ 392 Drout, Drew Ann Carol 219 219 DeBoalt, Frederick Dҟ ҟ ҟ 349 Elliottҟ Houseҟ Creps, Joy A. ҟ 200, 282, 304 229 DeBold, Vivian Elaine ҟ 373, 408 ҟ ҟ Elliott, James Williamҟ Cresset Club ҟ416 Drozda, Joseph Michael ҟ 315 314 295 Deckard, Carol Ann ҟ 314 Jeanҟ Ann Elliott,ҟ ҟ ҟ Cresson, Elizabeth Ann ҟ Druart, Dorothy Ann ҟ 219, 300 445 290 289, 449 Deckelbaum, Annҟ ҟ Elliott, Nancy Leeҟ ҟ Crick, Ronald Frederickҟ Druelinger, Judy Maxine ҟ 219 301 312 Decker, Diane Carol ҟ 289, 451 Elliott,ҟ Patricia Annҟ ҟ Criss, Larry Gene ҟ Druelinger, Melvin L. ҟ 200 455 239, 411 Decker, Theodore Fҟ 200, 314, 448 Elliott,ҟ Sharonҟ Dianeҟ Crist, Patricia Lynn ҟ Drummond, James Arthurҟ 385 362, 445 227, 297 ҟ ҟ ҟ 361 Deems, Sue Annҟ Elliott,ҟ Susanҟ E.ҟ Criswell, Donel James ҟ Dubiak, Albin Steve ҟ 205 408 445 ҟ Deets, Charles Robertҟ ҟ 309 Ellis, Kenneth Anthonyҟ ҟ Critelli, Mary Frankieҟ Dubiel, Paul John ҟ 334 Juliaҟ E.ҟ ҟ 455 335 Deffendahl,ҟ 384 Ellis, Ronald Leon ҟ ҟ Crittenden, John Marsh . Duch, Ronald Victor ҟ 297 308 292 204, 335 Degan, Ida Rowena ҟ Ellis, Sara Loui seҟ ҟ ҟ Crittenden, Stephen Jҟ Duck, Catherine Ann ҟ 326 405 402 321 Degen, Clara Ellis,ҟ Terrillҟ Frank ҟ ҟ Crizer, Daucy C. 3rd ҟ Duckworth, Myra Kaye ҟ 391 246 311 ҟ 205 Deliart, Diana Raeҟ ҟ ҟ Ellis, Timothy D.ҟ Cromer, Donald Lee ҟ DuComb, Robert James ҟ 328 306 455 ҟ 219, 300 Delaney, Robert Johnҟ Sandee Lynne ҟ Ellison,ҟ Cromwell, William Lee ҟ Dudas, Olga Susanҟ ҟ 413 378 DeLaney, Shannon Kayҟ 368 360, 424 Ellmore, David A.ҟ ҟ ҟ Cronau, Emily Louise ҟ Dugdale, Mary Lynn ҟ 361 390 DeLaPena, Gracie M.ҟ ҟ 308 ҟ Elmore, Sharon Elaine ҟ Crosbie, Mac Herbert Duggan, Sharon Louiseҟ 309, 408 424 304, 205, 318 Dellinger, Carmalieta Elrod,ҟ Thomas E.ҟ . ҟ 204, 328, 403, 423, 431, 449 Dukelow, Barbara Jean ҟ 311 365 Dellinger, Marvin Lyleҟ ҟ 351 Elstien, Morris Josephҟ ҟ Crosby, Maurice Edwardҟ 350 Duker, Douglas Dee ҟ 205 . 302 Delta Chi Ely, Joan Kent ҟ 295 Crossland, Nancy Lҟ Duling,ҟ Michael Arthur ҟ 325 115, 303 ҟ Oswald 200, 246, 320 Delta Delta Deltaҟ Willardҟ Elyea,ҟ 321 Crossland, Stewart H. ҟ Dulong,ҟ Elmer Francis ҟ 405, 422 304 321 Delta Gamma ҟ ҟ 451 Emenhiser, Donald L.ҟ Crouch, Susan ҟ 290 Duman, Marlene Joyҟ 418 Deltaҟ ҟ .374, 427 Delta Sigmaҟ Louise.ҟ Emerson,ҟ Jonethҟ 353 Crouch, Thomas Arthurҟ 219 Duncan, Avalyn Sue ҟ 305 294 Delta Sigma Theta ҟ ҟ Emmert, Julie Deanne ҟ 424 Cuffey, Hazel Ritaҟ 205 Duncan, Charles Tҟ 306 ҟ ҟ ҟ 330 Delta Tau Deltaҟ Emmert, Steven Arismanҟ 314 Culbertson, Carol ҟ Duncan, Electa Clay ҟ 413 307 ҟ ҟ 307 Delta Upsilonҟ Emmons, Terrance Lee Rҟ 316 Culbertson, Richard D. ҟ Duncan, Judith Ann ҟ 219, 311 119, 308 205 ҟ ҟ ..ҟ Delta Zetaҟ . Endsley, James William ҟ 325 Callings, James Davidҟ Duncan, Malcolm Schudelҟ 306 , 353 362 ҟ ҟ Demaree, Robert W. Jr. Engebretson, Elizabethҟ 393 Cummings, Barbara Joҟ Duncan,ҟ Sharron Lila ҟ 308 205, 351, 422 349 ҟ Demas, Donald Jamesҟ 449 Engels, William N. Jr. ҟ Cummings, Charles M. ҟ Dungworth, Terenceҟ ҟ 318 323 Richard Francis 200, 316, 449 292 Dembinski, Raymond J. ҟ Engle,ҟ Cunningham, Catherine A.. Dunlap, Dave Edward ҟ 320 205 346 ҟ Demby, Jeffrey Davidҟ ҟ ҟ English, Charles R.ҟ .330, 429 Cunningham, John Danielҟ 239, 411 Dunlap, Keith Orman ҟ 205 422 Denmure, Douglas R. ҟ English, Don Wyatt Cunningham, John R.. .407, 432, 449 423 Dunn, Fred Seward ҟ 307 297 Denney, James Robert Jr. ҟ ҟ Enoch, Robert Bruce ҟ 332 Cunningham, Kathleen Mҟ Dunn House ҟ 349 312 402 . Annetteҟ .ҟ Denning,ҟ Enomeneҟ .ҟ .ҟ .ҟ ҟ ҟ Cunningham, Laurence J. ҟ 299 Dunn, Lewis Ronald ҟ 205, 405 441 322 Denning, Thomas Urban ҟ ҟ 219 Eppenger, Ernestine Dҟ Cunningham, Maureen Lou ҟ Dunn, Marjorie Irene ҟ 377 ҟ387 331, 424 Denzinger, Charles Kostҟ Eppenstein, Ilene Mҟ 302 Cunningham, Michael W.. Dunn, Ronald Lee ҟ 350 386 306 Denzinger, Frank Wayne ҟ Epperson, David Rayҟ Cuppy, Frederick M. ҟ 204, 422 205, 423 Durkes, Walter Robertҟ 301 Earl Eugene . .205, 422, 423 DePaulo, Paul Sҟ Epperson,ҟ Curley, Beth Eileen ҟ 392 406 Durkin, Mary Catherine ҟ 429 429 Deputy, Thomas Michaelҟ ҟ Erdel, Rebecca Helenҟ Currey, Kathleen Annҟ 303, 440 295 Durlauf, Jayne Kronҟ ҟ 309 205, 423 ҟ ҟ DeRosa, Arsenio A.ҟ Erdmann, Arvilla Cҟ 307 Currier, Ronald Kent ҟ Duthie, Robert Williamҟ 348 ҟ 333 352 Detamore, Phillip E. ҟ Ernest, Donald Warren ҟ Curry, Chester H. ҟ 239, 411 Dwyer, Marylyn Ann ҟ 291, 406 219, 326 300 Deuschle, Mary Lee ҟ Heidiҟ ҟ Ernst,ҟ Curry House ҟ 360 288 Dyar, John William ҟ 199 323 ҟ DeVillez, Richard L. ҟ Ernst, Thomas John ҟ Curry, Mary Marston ҟ 289 Dybel, Robert Matthewҟ 346 374 368 William ҟ ҟ 299 DeVore, Carolyn Sue ҟ Charlesҟ Ertel,ҟ Curtis, George Edward ҟ 219 Dye,ҟ Bonnie Lucille ҟ 292 ҟ ҟ DeWees,ҟ Carolҟ May Ertel, Mary Annҟ Curtis, James Lowell ҟ 316 205, 422 Dye, James Alvin ҟ 219 Elaineҟ ҟ ҟ 282, 311, 401, 413 Joanҟ Ervin,ҟ Curtis, Judith Ann ҟ 295 Dye, James C.ҟ ҟ 350 219 315 Eshelman, Nancy Ann ҟ DeWeese, Thomas Lenpha 330 Cutner, Lauren David ҟ Dye, Judy-Joҟ ҟ 390 379 Dewey Houseҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 199 Eskitch, Mike Johnҟ ҟ Cuttino, David Dicksonҟ 331 Dyer, John Williamҟ 205, 318, 325 405 ҟ DeWulf, Christine M.ҟ ҟ Esmoer, Laurie Neilҟ 205 378 Czimer, Arthur Daniel ҟ Dyer, Nancy Hardy ҟ 363 297 Keller ҟ ҟ Diamandouros, Nikiforos Jeffreyҟ Espich,ҟ 364 Dyer, Nelda Sue ҟ 282, 332 295 ҟ Diamond, Michael David Karen Elizabeth ҟ 279, 433 Essex,ҟ Dyer, Sara Leeҟ ҟ 361 346, 429 Diamond, Sharon Ann ҟ 290 Estey, Melvyn Adams Jr.ҟ 424 Dygert, Sylvia Anne ҟ 334 Edward ҟ ҟ Diatezulwa, Gautier A. ҟ 310 Daleҟ Ettel,ҟ 304, 420 ҟ Patricia Annҟ Louisҟ Dice, Ronaldҟ ... .. 200 Etter,ҟ 219, 413 Merritt ҟ Dickens, Margaret Ellis 227, 311, 448 Barbaraҟ Evans,ҟ 379 ҟ ҟ Evans, Robert Byronҟ Dickes, Lyle Thaddeus ҟ 348 373 Elizabeth ҟ ҟ Sarahҟ Dickey, Joseph M. ҟ 386 Evans,ҟ 229 Dabagia, Lee Warren ҟ Dickey, Julia Edwards ҟ 200 Evans, Susann Elizabeth Dagenhard, Mary B. ҟ 332 219, 284, 292, 413 Dickey, Kay Karen ҟ 377 Dahl, Susie Patricia ҟ 300, 398 ҟ 205 Dickover, Alita Arlene ҟ Everett, Dennis Edward ҟ 371 409 Dailey, Deanne Carol ҟ Dickover, Paul Ward ҟ Eaglesfield,ҟ Robertҟ 3rd ҟ 299 Everett, Elizabeth Anneҟ ҟ 304 384 289, 408 Dallas, Lorna Janeҟ Dickson, William Edward 200 ҟ East, Carol Elizabethҟ 294 ҟ 423 Everett, Thomas Stewartҟ ҟ Eastburg, Robert Wardҟ 350 D'Amico, William C ҟ 229 Dietz, George Edwin ҟ 297 200 Everitt, Lillian E.ҟ ҟ ҟ Easterbrook, Ruthann ҟ 205, 448 Danbury, Carole ҟ 309 Diggins,ҟ William Haroldҟ ҟ 320 219 ҟ Everitt,ҟ Thomas James ҟ 410 Eastridge, Carolyn Sueҟ Danby, James Clayton ҟ Dike, Thomas Arthurҟ ҟ 200 333 413, 456 Evertts, Irene Mary ҟ Easton, Larry Leon ҟ 200, 316 Dildine,ҟ Maryҟ Daniels, Eugene B. Jrҟ Elizabeth . 200, 304 199 Ewald, Robert Charles Eberle, Janet Marieҟ ҟ 361 Danielson, Thomas E. ҟ 386 Dill, David Lawrence ҟ 205, 246, 272, 273, 315 321 Eberly,ҟ Donaldҟ Willis ҟ 457 Danner, Carolyn Jeanҟ 300 Dille,ҟ Cherylҟ Elaine ҟ 410 Ewan, William Kenneth ҟ ҟ 348 Ebert,ҟ Robertҟ ҟ 372 Williamҟ
Gordon, Michael Louisҟ Gambill, Paul Alan ҟ ҟ 193, 201 James W. ҟ 302, 429 333 Flockencier,ҟ Gore, Barbara Joy ҟ 331, 424 Gamble, Peggi Annҟ 200 373 Florer, Ronald Williamҟ Gorman, Robert Lazarusҟ 367 309 Gamma Phi Beta ҟ Anthonyҟ Flores,ҟ ҟ 336 Sue ҟ Gorseline,ҟ Lindaҟ 308, 413 Ganns, Richard Joseph .206, 422, 423 206 Floyd,ҟ Donaldҟ Joseph ҟ Gorsuch, Terry Lee... .407, 426,444 ҟ 229 Ganny, Glenda Faye 372 Flynn, Martin John ҟ 409 Gosnell, James W. ҟ Ganz, Marilyn Carole Foale, Patricia Ann ҟ 360 Goss, Paul Vernon ҟ 297 193, 201, 331, 448 304, 449 Fobes, Linda Bҟ Gothard, James Arthurҟ 320 Gardner, Gary Paul ҟ 307 Fogle, Richard Paul ҟ 301 Gotshall, Elizabethҟ ҟ 308, 410 Gardner, Howard Garry ҟ 329 Foley, Ralph Morton . . .193, 201, 299 Gouveia, Gordon Elliot ҟ 301 449 206 Gardner, Ronald Shearerҟ Folkening, Dale Thomas ҟ Graf, Michael Leeҟ 366 Gardner, Sharon Lynneҟ ҟ Foltz, Barbara Sueҟ 378 391 Graf, Richard Jamesҟ 352 Garelick, Robert Alanҟ ҟ 329 Johnҟ Joseph ҟ 351 Foncannon,ҟ Graham, Alan Martinҟ 330 Garling, Thomas Johnҟ ҟ Ford, Jerry Lee. . .206, 405, 407, 412 328 Graham, Eugeneҟ ҟ 317 Garrett, Lynn Douglas ҟ ҟ ҟ 367 Forensic Clubҟ 455 Georgene S. ҟ Fabiyanic,ҟ 298 Graham, James Kermitҟ 207 Garrison, Phyllis Anne ҟ ҟ 303 Forestҟ Hallҟ ҟ 369, 370 Fagan, Thomas Leroyҟ 200, 412 Graham, Lucy Brent ҟ 220, 324 325 Gaskill, John Joseph ҟ ҟ James Frederickҟ 329 Forman,ҟ Fairfield, Winston L. ҟ 246, 307 Grainger, Phillip Rex ҟ 207 Gast, Jon Stuart ҟ ҟ Forney, Judith Ann ҟ 361 330 Faris, Linda Janeҟ 391 Grandorf, James Norman 292, 456 Gast, Roselyn Ann ҟ 405 Forney, Robert H. Jrҟ Fransworth, Craig Leeҟ 297 403, 405, 407, 448 ҟ 229 Gatchel, John Kenneth ҟ Forrest,ҟ Donaldҟ Reid.193,201,349 Farrar,ҟ Jamesҟ Richard ҟ 448 385 Grandorf, Joyce Baileyҟ ҟ Gates, Cheryl Louise ҟ 371 Forsberg, Sharon Jeanҟ 392, 445 Farrell, James Michaelҟ 206 Granger, David Wayneҟ 259 Gay, James Allen ҟ ҟ 321 Forst, Eugenia Loweyҟ 372, 444 Farren, Ronald Eugeneҟ 206, 405 Joseph August ҟ 207 Granich,ҟ Geary,ҟ Kathrynҟ Sue...ҟ 220, 314 Fosnugh, David Irvin ҟ 301,433 Farry, Ned Oliver ҟ 386 207, 406 Graves, Janis Kay ҟ 448 Geberin, John Phillip ҟ ҟ Foster, Cynthia Gudgelҟ 351 Farthing, Bruce Allen ҟ 288 Graves, Larry Wayne ҟ 351 Vance. . ..193,201.316 Gedrick, John Paul Jr ҟ ҟ 297 Foster,ҟ Jackҟ Faulkner, Patricia Annҟ 305, 372 Graves, William Howard Geesman, Christopher Sҟ ҟ 316 ҟ 346 Foster, James Stanhope ҟ Favarato, Laura Marieҟ ҟ 393 193, 201, 307, 455 Gelb, David Bruceҟ 321, 407 Foster, Sharon Gayle ҟ 235, 408 246 Fawcett, Charles C.ҟ ҟ 408 Grawemeyer, Martha ҟ Geller, Geraldine Lynnҟ ҟ 294 Foster, Sue Ellen ҟ 372 Fawcett, William Alan Gray, Arthur L. Jr. ҟ 207, 307 Gellner,ҟ Carolҟ Joan ҟ ҟ 463 Foster, Victoria Jayneҟ 363 206, 370, 407, 422 220, 373 Gray, Conna Leigh ҟ 311 Gelman, Martin Lewis . . 329, 349, 445 Foulkes, Jeanne Frances ҟ Frawley, Judith Annҟ Gray, Frances Judith ҟ 289 Gemmer, Martin Douglasҟ 227 321 Fournier, Kenneth Tҟ 393 Fay, Judith Ann ҟ 428, 458 Gray, Gary Milner ҟ 206 Geneteau, Roberto A. ҟ ҟ 304, 420 318, 441 Foust, Jacque Eugene ҟ Feagler, John Raber ҟ 360, 464 Gray, Margaret E. ҟ 294 ҟ 320, 410 Gentry, Robert Frey ҟ 350 Fowler, Marilyn Ann ҟ Fearrin, Don Ray ҟ 304, 420, 451 Gray, Marion Libbieҟ 206, 352 332 George, Jean Susan ҟ 314, 451 Fowler, Mary Helenҟ Fechtman, Henry Logan ҟ Gray, Steven Leslie ҟ 335 320 348 George, Richard Leeҟ ҟ 365 Fowler, Robert Alan ҟ Feczko, Lois Jean ҟ 312 Great, Linda Jane ҟ 292 Gerard, Susan Joan ҟ ҟ 370 Fowler, Susan Carnes Feczko, Timothyҟ ҟ 292 Grecco, Alena Marieҟ 200, 306 Gerde, Jerome Woods . .193, 201, 366 244, 314, 402, 420, 455 Federico,ҟ David Albert ҟ 220 Green, Barbara Leslieҟ 306, 440 Gerke, Richard Dale ҟ 206, 423 Fox, Alice Anne ҟ 363 Fehr, Michaelҟ ҟ 284, 300 206 Green, John Charles ҟ 299 321 ҟ German, Robert Michaelҟ ҟ Fox, Jean Ellenҟ Feick, Dale Edward ҟ 346 Green, Judith Ann ҟ 330 Gerow, Ronald Kent ҟ 328, 426 393 Fox, Larry Allen ҟ Feinberg,ҟ Jayҟ Martin ҟ 206, 429 220 Green,ҟ Lyndiaҟ Ann ҟ 293 Gershman, Jerome Leeҟ 329 Fox, Linda Ann ҟ Feinstein, David A. ҟ 329 288 323 Green, Roy Vincentҟ Gershman, Samuel R. ҟ 336, 412 Fox, Richard Williamҟ Feist, Elaineҟ ҟ290 207 220 405 Greenberg, Allen Royҟ Fox, Robert Franklin ҟ Geyer, Marjorie Maxineҟ ҟ Fekete,ҟ Donaldҟ ҟ 220 329 320 Greenberg, Edward J. ҟ Anderson ҟ Ghent,ҟ Suzanne Lee.ҟ .235, 292, 407 Stanleyҟ Fox,ҟ Feldinger,ҟ Diane Lois ҟ 290 304 362 Greenberger,ҟ Charlene B....155, 331 Ghere, Sandra Maeҟ Fox, Susan May ҟ Feldman, Debra Sue ҟ 200, 373 372 Greene, James Arnold Jr ҟ 336 Janet Louise ҟ Giacoletti, Robert R.ҟ .206, 349, 405 Foy,ҟ Feldman, Howard Eugene ҟ457 239, 411 Greene, Karl Phillip ҟ Frain, Shirley Louiseҟ Gibbons, Jane Eҟ 373 .206, 332, 404, 449 Feldt, Nancy Annҟ ҟ 220, 324 Greenlee, James Robert .299, 410,436 294 ҟ 292 Frame, Carolyn Lou ҟ Gibbons, Melinda Kayҟ Felger, Thomas Allen ҟ 362 Kay ҟ ҟ ҟ Greenman, John Jacob 334 Sharonҟ Gibbs, Phillip Stoneҟ 350 France,ҟ Felker,ҟ Lillianҟ Carole ҟ 200 336 193,201,403,404,409,449 Gibson,ҟ David Dan ҟ 330 Francis, Glen Ray ҟ Felton, Donald Charlesҟ 193, 201 423 206 Greenwald, Mary Annҟ Francis, Jack Clark ҟ Giecko, Judith Jo ҟ ҟ 373 ҟ Femal, Sallyҟ 220 309, 420 297, 403 Bonitaҟ ҟ Gregoline,ҟ Paulҟ Alan ҟ 301 Francis, Robert Alan ҟ Gifford,ҟ Fennewald, LeRoy F. ҟ 206 467 J..ҟ 318, 438, 441 Dennis Allen ҟ Waltonҟ Gregory,ҟ Gilbert, Penny K. ҟ ҟ Francis,ҟ 373 Fenton, Barbara Irene ҟ 207 361, 451 Gregory, Gary Robert ҟ 360 ҟ Gilbert,ҟ Richard Walter ҟ ҟ 367 Francke, Karen Eliseҟ Edithҟ Ellis ҟ Ferber,ҟ 200, 315 321 220, 290 220 Gregory, James Allen ҟ Frandzel, Malka Rae ҟ Gilhooly,ҟ Judithҟ Rae ҟ ҟ Fergus, Mary Leann ҟ 220 346 ҟ 377 220 Gregory, Stephen Wayneҟ Frank, Mary Virginia Gilkey, Charles Morris ҟ ҟ Ferguson, Cynthia Sueҟ 392 Louise ҟ 363 193, 201 Karenҟ Gill, Constance Jeanne ҟ Greiner,ҟ Frankel, Larry Allenҟ 362, 413 Ferguson, Gwen Ann ҟ 292, 408 220, 413 Greiwe, Robert George ҟ 350 Franklin, Judith Annҟ Gillen,ҟ Dennisҟ Allen ҟ ҟ 306 Ferguson, James Walterҟ 350 Louis 308 Robertҟ John David ҟ Franklin, Mary Susanna ҟ Gilliam,ҟ 299 Grenert,ҟ Ferguson, James William ҟ206 403, 449 193, 201, 322, 448 Larry Carleton ҟ Franks,ҟ Gilliatt, Lynne Warnerҟ ҟ 309 Ferguson,ҟ Johnҟ Alan 307 351 Grennes, Thomas Jamesҟ ҟ 325 Fraser, Thomas Lee ҟ Gillie, Edwin Douglas ҟ 200, 297, 398, 441 301 333 Richardҟ Lee ҟ Frauhiger, Robert Wayne 193, 201 Gribble,ҟ Gilman, David Ellis ҟ ҟ Ferguson, Marjorie S. ҟ Griffey, Karen Louiseҟ 369, 375 Fraze, Carol Sue ҟ 391 227 Gilmer, Mary Anneҟ 391 320 373 ҟ Ferguson, Philip C. ҟ Frederick, Richard L. Jr.ҟ Griffin, Marcia Jeanҟ 438 Gimlich, Earl F. ҟ 206, 405, 407 349 362 ҟ Ferguson, Susan Kaye ҟ Frederick, William G. ҟ ҟ Grigsby, Mary Louiseҟ 326 Gindelberger, Diane Lou ҟ 371 361 306, 405 Ferguson, William ҟ Freed, Thomas Jon ҟ Grimes, Rebecca Sue ҟ 206, 423 Gindelberger, Donald Wҟ 350 220, 304 ҟ 350 Ferkins, Mary Helen ҟ Freeland, Barbara L. ҟ Grimes, William Arnoldҟ Gines, Ray 3rd ҟ 433 378 Fernandes,ҟ Susanҟ Jane ҟ Frenz, Paul Dҟ ҟ 308 300 Girkin, Caroline Kay ҟ Grimsley, Karin Evelyn 9, 193, 201 206 Ferrara, Janeҟ ҟ Freudenberger, Kent Wҟ 368 314 Gladden, Thurman Howard ....ҟ 326, 402, 449, 450 413 Ferris, Robert Owen ҟ Frey, Barbara Ruthҟ ҟ 330 Glass, Jacqueline Lois ҟ ҟ 331 Groch, Donald Leeҟ 193. 201 Fetters,ҟ 306 Mary Sue ҟ Frey, Eric Alan ҟ Groff, Richard Michael ҟ 371 Glatt, Bonnie Jo ҟ ҟ 331 297 Fiala,ҟ Louisҟ James ҟ ҟ 193, 200 Friedlander, Ezra H. ҟ 229 Glaze, Jacqueline Carol Grolimund, Joseph M. Jr.ҟ 327 193, 201 Fiechter, Barbara Ann ҟ Friedman, Carol Louise ҟ 229 428 Gronemeyer, John Robert ҟ 369, 373, 408, 409 329 Fiege, James Everett ҟ Friedman, David Howard ҟ 206, 315 352, 408 Glaze, Tommye Lou ҟ Groscost, Julie Annҟ 374 Fields,ҟ Jenniferҟ Rae ҟ 320 331 455 Friedman, R. Janie ҟ Glazier, Robert Allenҟ ҟ Gross, Bill Sannerҟ ҟ 307 193 Fields,ҟ Judithҟ Marlene ҟ ҟ 372, 378 Friel, William Francisҟ ҟ Glick, Janet Louise ҟ 373 Groth, Kenneth Gene 220, 308 Fields, Mary Janeҟ Hallis Virginia ҟ Friend,ҟ 304 309, 420 Glock, Judy Ann ҟ 207, 297, 404, 422, 448 405 Fife, John Josephҟ ҟ 206, 330 Fries, Richard Aldenҟ ҟ 370 Gloger, Kurt Franz ҟ Groth, Peter F.ҟ ҟ 193, 201, 321 206 206 Filippo, Charles Edwardҟ 297, 318 Frisbie, Duane Lee ҟ Glover, John Albert Jr. ҟ Groth, Quindaro Anneҟ ҟ 361 372 Finch,ҟ Priscillaҟ Susan ҟ 220 371 Fritz, Sandra Annҟ Michael ҟ ҟ Glover,ҟ Johnҟ Groverman, Nancy Jo ҟ 295 295 Findley, Karen Anneҟ 390 Fritzen, Jermayne A. ҟ ҟ ҟ Gluck, Vivian Marieҟ 393 Grubb, James Michaelҟ ҟ 321 322 Fine,ҟ Philipҟ Eliot ҟ 329 Fritzen, Ward Alden ҟ 301, 429 Goeller,ҟ Joseph Victor ҟ Grubb, Merritt Byronҟ ҟ 315 Finik, Colleen Kayҟ 324 Froberg, Brent Malcolm ҟ 294 ҟ 9 Goeller, Martha Kay ҟ Gruber, Tom Francisҟ ҟ 348 Fink, Jerry Bruce ҟ 316 Fruechtenicht, Thomas E. Gohman, Richard Louisҟ ҟ 333 Grybeck, Sandra Kayҟ ҟ 292, 424 220 Fink,ҟ Nancyҟ Sue ҟ 206, 333, 407 314, 402, 455 Goins, Mara Beth ҟ Guggenheimer, Richard S.ҟ . .207, 385 Finke, Gene Douglas ҟ 307 Goldberg, Arnold Edward Fry,ҟ Patricia Ann ҟ 354, 363 Gullic, Nancy Diane ҟ 312 Lois ҟ Paulaҟ Finkelstein,ҟ 331 Frye, David Alan ҟ 89, 206, 403, 448 301 Gullion, Thomas H.ҟ ҟ 207 Finley,ҟ Alfredҟ Arthur ҟ 330 Goldberg, Barbara Anne ҟ ҟ Frye, Margaret Ellen ҟ 374 332, 374 Gumbel, Samuel Edwardҟ ҟ 350 Finley, Barbara Jҟ 373 Goldberg, Edwin Barryҟ ҟ 329 Frye, Myron Earl ҟ 220 Gumz, Frederick Danielҟ ..ҟ 227, 330 Finn,ҟ Jeffrey Keith ҟ 206, 329 Goldberg, Gary Jay ҟ ҟ 329 Fudge, Suzanneҟ ҟ 292 Gurevitz, Sherry Jeanҟ ҟ 331 Finnell, Ronnie Wardҟ 310 328 Goldberg, Joseph M.ҟ Fulkerson, Michael Cҟ .206, 403, 423 220 Gust, Donna Lindley ҟ Finney, David Dorsey Jr.ҟ322 Golden, Iris June ҟ Fuller,ҟ Pamela Jan ҟ 207, 290 362 299 Gustafson, Franc Edwardҟ ҟ Firestone, Martha Sue ҟ 326 Goldfarb, Felice Hinda ҟ ҟ Fuller,ҟ Sharonҟ Margaret ҟ 331 393 Gustafson, Mary E.ҟ ҟ 332 220 Fischer, Beverly Yvonne ҟ Goldfarb, Joseph Mҟ ҟ Furber, Philip Craig ҟ 227 367 ҟ Guthier, Ronald Edwardҟ 333 Fiscus, Linda Lou ҟ 227, 373 Goldfarb, Judith Ann ҟ ҟ 290 Purr,ҟ Maryҟ Elizabeth ҟ 362 Guthrie, Elizabeth Mayҟ .376, 378, 427 Fiscus, Patty Jo ҟ 406 Goldsmith, Marshall Jay .ҟ Furry, William Howell ҟ .207, 405 330 Guthrie, Jack Allenҟ 220 ҟ Fish,ҟ Stanley Robert ҟ 329 Goldstein, Benjamin R. ҟ ҟ Furtick, Sandra Ann 329 Gutowsky, John Gordonҟ ҟ 299 Fisher, Alfred Jeromeҟ 200, 370 Goldstein, David H. ҟ 291, 409 303, 402, 424, 440 . .402, 424, 436 Gutru, Jean Elizabethҟ Fisher,ҟ Becky Ann ҟ 314 Goll,ҟ Phyllisҟ Mardell ҟ ҟ 227 Gutschick, Alice A.ҟ ҟ 309, 453 Fisher, David Roger ҟ 296 Good,ҟ Janet Kay ҟ 370 351 Gutwein, Emil Edwardҟ ҟ Diana Catherine ҟ 292 Fisher,ҟ Good, Nancy Frying ҟ '311, 436 Gutwein, Marvin R.ҟ ҟ 351 220, 294 Fisher, Marilyn Sue ҟ Goode, Martha Lee ҟ 374 ҟ Gutwein, Paul D.ҟ 351 292, Patriciaҟ Ann ҟ Fisher,ҟ Goode, Robert James ҟ 321 ҟ Gwaltney, Charles W.ҟ 376 Fitch,ҟ Patricia Ann. . . .362, 432, 444 Gooding, Holly ҟ ҟ 294 ҟ Gwaltney, Delia Karenҟ 309 292 Susanҟ Fitch,ҟ Jane ҟ Goodloe, Charles Jrҟ ҟ 455 Gwin, Samuel Kenneth ҟ 370 Fitzpatrick, Mary Ann . .220, 361, 429 Goodman, Hazel Doretha . . .305, 377 Gyi, Shirleyҟ ҟ220 Gacic,ҟ Mirjanaҟ ҟ 193, 201 Fitzpatrick, Pamela Annҟ 311 Goodman, Kathryn E. ҟ 290, 456 Gage, David Lee ҟ 279, 325 Flame Clubҟ ҟ404 290 Goodman, Susan Janetҟ Gaines, Jerry Garnetҟ ҟ 206 Charles Bruce ҟ Flanagan,ҟ 9, 301 Goodson, Mary Janeҟ 361 Galanos,ҟ Diogenes K.. .193, 201, 421 Flanagan, Gerald Wayne 246, 379 Goodus, Donna Jean . . .220, 309, 413 Galik, Claudia Daleҟ 420 235 Flanders, Elizabeth A. ҟ Goodwin, Sharon Ann ҟ 304, 406 Gall, John Steve . .206, 422, 429, 433 408 Flannery, Shirley Joyce ҟ Gooldy, Kenneth Joe ҟ 407 Gall, Judith Anne Fleener, Sandra Lucille ҟ 374 Gooldy, Richard Newell . . . .327, 423 193, 201, 282, 308, 402 Fleming, Daryl Cranorҟ 200 220, 314, 449 Goos, Sydney Ann ҟ . .206, 423 Fleming, Michael Edwardҟ Haag, Richard Josephҟ ҟ 316 Gall, Sylvia Annҟ ҟ 393 Gordon, Barbara Deborah...284, 290 Fleshman, Terry Leeҟ Habecker, Cheryl Lynn .193, 201, 312 370 Gallagher, Richard F. ҟ 206 Gordon, Bonnie Jean ҟ 314, 449 ҟ Fletchall,ҟ Annҟ .ҟ .200, 311, 401, 448 Haberman, Jerry Robertҟ 365 Galm, Robert Woodsҟ 444 ҟ Flinn, Jon David ҟ 370 Hackel, Glenn Frankҟ 365 Galvin, William R. ҟ 264 Gordon, Jacqueline M. ҟ ҟ 391
Ewer, Barbara Lee ҟ 178, 309 Bill Dҟ 205 Ewing,ҟ Ewing, Lana Joy ҟ 392 Exford, Joan Marie ҟ 391 220 Eyer, Ann Christine ҟ Lou ҟ Eyer,ҟ Teresaҟ 392
ҟ Harvill, Avery Hamptonҟ ҟ Haddard, Diana Claireҟ 236, 408 Hill, Gary Lee ҟ Hughes, Anne Marie ҟ 362 63 227, 246, 333 Hughes, Gary Wayne ҟ Hadley, Janet Ann ҟ 220 Hill, Maurice Gene ҟ 208 236 Hash, Linda Vondalee . .193, 201, 370 Hadley, Robert Vernon ҟ Hillas, Louise Anne ҟ Hughes, Joe Francis ҟ Hash, Wanda Lou ҟ 352 324 352, 405 361 Haefele, Jane Kay ҟ Hillel Foundation ҟ Haskett, James Albert ҟ Huguenard, Ronald D. ҟ 239, 411 370 393 457 Hafron, Charles F. 3rdҟ 208 Hasler, Patricia Anne ҟ ҟ Hilligoss, Jerry Ray ҟ Hume, Dale Edward ҟ 227, 386 288 375 Hagenston, Richard E.ҟ ҟ Hilligoss, Phillip Sҟ Hummert, Fredrick R. ҟ Hatfield, Hayes H. ҟ 320 368 365 208, 313 Hahn, Gary James ҟ Himler, Marsha Sue ҟ Humphrey, James Justice ҟ Hatrak, Andrea Julieҟ 221, 362, 413 352 332 368 Haines, Michael William ҟ Himsel, Judith Ann ҟ Humphrey, Michael F. ҟ 366 Hattendorf, Janice Kayҟ ҟ 229 236, 326 335 Haislip, Walter M. 2ndҟ . Hinchman, Kathie Lynn ҟ Hauck, Barbara Jean ҟ ...367, 444 Humphrey, Robert Clark ҟ 386 332 393 Halderman, Paul Edward ҟ Hinchman, Sharon E.ҟ ҟ Hunt, Carol Diane . . . 221, 289, 449 Havert, Michael Jamesҟ ҟ 306 373 335 Hale, Charles Richardҟ ҟ Hindman, Sara Lyn ҟ 295 Hawkins, Jack Lee ҟ Hunt, Jay B.ҟ 310 . . .320, 400, 403, 449 301 Haley, Timothy James ҟ Hindmarch, Kathryn Beth ҟ 247, 264 Hawkins, John Richardҟ ҟ 316 Hunt, Karen Sue ҟ 361 314 Hall, Abigail Douglasҟ ҟ Hawkins, Linda Anne ҟ Hinds, Harold Francisҟ ҟ 368 Hunt, Marshaҟ ҟ 362 373 391 221 Hall, Anna Mary ҟ Hawkins, Sandra Diane ҟ 207 Hineman, Kay Jeanneҟ ҟ 372 Hunt, Ralph Roberts ҟ ҟ 9 Hiner, Kurt Allen ҟ 299 Hall, Carol Jean ҟ Hay, Martha Jean ҟ 314, 455 Hunt, Thomas Edward ҟ 208, 325 374 Hayat, Mohammed Arifҟ ҟ438, 441 Hinkel, Wayne Ralph ҟ Hall, Charles G. 3rd ҟ 346, 407 366 207, 246 Hunteman, Carl Edgar ҟ 311 Hall House ҟ351 Hayes, Cornelius C. Jr.ҟ ҟ 207 Hinsch, Joanne ҟ 208, 294, 404 Hunter, Alice Eleanor ҟ Hall, John Robert ҟ 299 Hayes, Dennis Ryan ҟ 207, 405 Hinshaw, Craig Trentҟ ҟ 305 379 Hunter, Constance Kay ҟ Hall, Larry Joseph ҟ 346 Hayes, Matina ҟ Hinton, Vera Linette ҟ 309 318 221, 334 Hunter, Tim Lee ҟ Hall, Louis Scott ҟ Hayhurst, Thomas Eldon ҟ 426 Hippensteel, Diane Kay ҟ 306 Hupp, Fred Edward Jr. ҟ 351 391 321 Hall, Rebecca Jane ҟ Hirsch, Carol Jean ҟ 326 413 Hays, Janet Lou ҟ Huppert, Robert Eugene ҟ 314 Hallett, Thomas William ҟ 438, 451, 454 Hirt, Linda Jean ҟ 208 314, 402 353 Head, Mary S. ҟ Huron, William Elbert ҟ 299 329 Hallfrisch, Kenneth Leeҟ ҟ ҟ Hirtzel, Theresa K. ҟ 298 Heath, Joe Fletcher Jr.ҟ 349 Hurst, David Steiger ҟ Hamacher, Louis Fred ҟ 325 Heath, Michael Spickardҟ ҟ 386 Hlavek, Nancy Lee ҟ 332 361 Hurt, Jean Esther ҟ 319 Hamilton, Diane ҟ Hobdy, Tommy Alvine ҟ 372 Hebert, Gerald Blake ҟ 207 330 Hushaw, Claay Benton Jr. Hamilton, Judith Maeҟ ҟ Hecht, Susan Anne Hobley, Duane Alan ҟ 432 346 230 Husted, Edgar Selwyn ҟ Hamilton, Mary Francesҟ ҟ 360 Hobson, Mary Ann ҟ 363 438, 440, 441, 448 313 Huston, David Lee ҟ Hamilton, Phoebe Louҟ ҟ 221 221 298 Hedden, Carolyn Ruthҟ ҟ Hobson, Patricia Louiseҟ 366 Huston, Jerry Lewis ҟ Hamilton, Stanley Kerryҟ ҟ 207 451 350 Hedges, Jerry Dee ҟ Hochschild, Barbara Ann ҟ Huston, John Kendall Jr. 379 Hamm, Alma Jean ҟ 207 Hodges, Thelma L. ҟ 194, 305 392 Hedman, Brian Rolandҟ 377 Huston, Mary Kathryn ҟ Hammel, Patricia Annҟ .221, 312, 429 301 Hedman, Jon Ray ҟ 322, 407, 429 Hodson, Thomas Wayne ҟ Huston, Tom Charles . .321, 400, 438 420 Hammer, Pamelia Annҟ ҟ Hoemann, Ellen Louise ҟ 264, 265 377 Hedman, Kent Ronaldҟ ҟ 297 Hutcherson, Ronald K. ҟ Hammond, Jane Edithҟ ҟ 288 ҟ 456 Hofelich, Audrey Janeҟ 309, 410 298 Hedstrom, Alan Ralphҟ ҟ Hutchinson, Shelley Lee ҟ Hamot, Arlene Violet ҟ 384 361 375 Haley, William Leeҟ 352 Hofer, Thomas Roser ҟ Hyatt, Harriett Jeanne ҟ Hanaghan, Patricia Ann Hoff, Sara Elizabeth ҟ Heger, Richard Georgeҟ ҟ 330 391 353 Hyden, Harold Victor Jr.ҟ ..221, 304, 413 193, 201 Hoffert, Richard R. ҟ 348 Heinbaugh, Joy Lynneҟ . . . .ҟ 208 Hancock, Rachel May ҟ Hofferth, William D. ҟ 362 422 Heinlein, Leonard Moody ҟ Hancock, Ronnie Jimmy 207 Hoffman, Bernard Wayne ҟ 365 Heinrichs, Nelson W. ҟ 410 Hoffman, Janet Elaine ҟ 369, 370, 457 Heinsen, Charles Edward -ҟ 346 193, 201 350 Hancock, Wanda Jeanҟ ҟ 312 Hoffman, John Martinҟ ҟ Heist, Linda Lee ҟ 372 Hoffman, Karna Kay ҟ Hand, Larry Dee ҟ 385, 455 Helm, Ardee Jr 438, 445 424 ҟ Hand, Ronald Myron ҟ Hofmann, Helen Louise 336 288 Helm, Richard Ayres ҟ 294, 432 100 321 Hanger, William Joseph ҟ Hogan, Kathleen Zoe ҟ Helminiak, James Leon ҟ Ierardi, Rosalia Joanne ҟ 373 405 Hankins, Vaughan Leeҟ ҟ 385 432 Hogg, Winifred M. ҟ Helt, Robert Carroll ҟ 208 Iles, Charles E. 3rd ҟ 391 208, 294 Hanko, Hope ҟ Holaday, Mary Lois ҟ Helton, Kathleen Fayeҟ ҟ 370 ҟ 361 Imel, Mary Susan ҟ 349 Hanna, Don Evan ҟ 207 Holdcraft, Roger Leroyҟ Hemelgarn, Donald Leeҟ ҟ 207, 299 458 Indiana Daily Student ҟ 426 Hanna, Larry L. ҟ Holden, Richard Duane ҟ 445 353 Hemmeter, Paul Edmund W.ҟ 436 Indiana Memorial Union ҟ Hannah, Larry Joe ҟ Holder, Jack Johnson Jr. . . . 246, 323 306 Hempfling, Paul Roy Jr. 448 Indiana University Foundationҟ 361 Hanning, Frank R. Jr. 365, 412, 438 Holland, Dottie ҟ 362 Ingalls, Irene K. ҟ 293 193, 201, 330, 400, 403, 449 351 Holland, Edith Alcinda ҟ Hemphill, Michael Otto ҟ 208, 302 Ingle, John David ҟ 408 350 Hansel, Sharon Gayle ҟ Holland, James C. P. ҟ Hempleman, Philip Jayҟ .364, 365 334 Ingmire, Thomas John ҟ 299, 423 ҟ 360, 451 Hansen, Michael Paul ҟ Holliday, Sue Kathrynҟ 289 Henderson, Judith Annҟ ҟ 391 Ingram, Sarah Elizabeth ҟ Hanshaw, Charles Warren ҟ 328 304 .221, 289, 413 Hollingshead, Ellen Mae ҟ Henderson, Mary E.ҟ 221 Inman, Glen Edwin ҟ Hanson, Linda Christine ҟ 289 Hollingsworth, Robert D. ҟ 353 ҟ Henderson, Sandrajeanҟ 373 .327, 412 Inman, Kenneth Albert . .ҟ 370 227, 246 194, 404 Hao, Lawrence K. ҟ Holloway, Nancy Lynne ҟ Hendrey, William B. ҟ 328 Innes, Joseph Crist ҟ 221, 282, 331 385 Holmes, Craig Marshall ҟ Hara, Francine ҟ Hendricks, Judith S. ...289, 402, 451 277 Intramurals ҟ 445 207 Haralson, Donald Huffҟ ҟ Holmes, Marilyn P. ҟ 330 Hendricksen, Leif Royҟ 194 Ip Kai ҟ 221 302 321 Harayda, Carol Louise ҟ Holt, Joseph David ҟ Hendrickson, Larry Neal ҟ 361 Ireland, Judith Irene ҟ 407 Hardesty, Larry Edwinҟ ҟ ҟ 367 378, 427 ҟ Holthaus, James Louisҟ Hendry, Melinda Annҟ 330 ҟ Ireland, Thomas Leon 313 427 Hardesty, William Lynn ҟ Hengstler, Suzann Lynneҟ ҟ360, 413 Holton, Nicki Jean ҟ 413 Isaacs, Lily Arlene ҟ 427 Hardin, Edna Fay ҟ ҟ 350 379 Holtrey, Jerry Ivan ҟ Henley, Stephen Arthurҟ 300 331, 429 Hardin, Sharon Lyn ҟ 366 Holtzman, Phoebe...221, . Henning, Richard Lee ҟ 320 194 Harding House ҟ ҟ Holwager, Joseph R. ҟ 356 Henoch, Frederick Evanҟ 227 221 Harding, Karen Weigand ҟ Hommel, Jo Anne ҟ 372 Henry, Barbara Mae ҟ 221, 326 207 Harding, Robert Reuben ҟ Hood, Rebecca Louise ҟ .325, 403, 423 Henry, Donald Deanҟ 194 349 Hardsaw, Elizabeth Ann Hoover, Ernest Victor ҟ Hensley, Douglas S. ҟ 307 ҟ 384 Hoover, Stanley Victorҟ 174, 179, 193, 201, 308, Hensley, Harry Thomasҟ ҟ 236, 322 402, 458, 462 Hoover, William Harvey ...299, 444 Hepler, Frederick M. ҟ 429 221 Hare, Pamela Anne Hope, Donald Lewis ҟ ҟ Herbert, David Josephҟ Jackson, Carole Janeҟ ҟ 362, 413 290, 412 Hopkins, Genevieve L. 289, 410, 444, 451 Herbst, Rochelle Ann ҟ Jackson, Carolyn Sue ҟ 236 314, 402, 436, 449 352 Harger, Almeda Frances ҟ Herche, Gerald Allen ҟ 354 Jackson, Charles Edgarҟ ҟ 385 ҟ400, 456 Hargrave, Mary Alice ҟ 194 Hopkins, George Arthurҟ Hercules, Carol Ann ҟ 332 Jackson, James Richardҟ ҟ 306 303, 444 194 Hargrave, Ruth Anne ҟ Hopkins, Sara Kaye ҟ 221, 294 Heritage, Suzanne E. ҟ Jackson, Jane ҟ 361,456 194 348 Hargrove, Pamela Janeҟ ҟ ҟ Hopkins, Thomas Joseph ҟ Herkless, John Lindseyҟ 332 Jackson, Linda Lea ҟ 393 368 Harker, Thomas Beckman ҟ Hoppes, Stephanie Anne Herre, Richard Louis ҟ 352 Jackson, Stephen Thomas ҟ 318 324 Harkess, Paul Lee ҟ 194, 311, 448 Herring, Nancy Sue ҟ 353, 425 Jackson, Theodore Allen ҟ 317 Harlow, Janet Glenn ҟ 353 Horein, Joyce Mary ҟ 194, 326 Herring, William C. ҟ 236 ҟ Jacob, Jane Elaine 363 Harmon, Elizabeth Rose . . . .293, 370 385 ҟ Horen, Harriet Joy ҟ Herrman, Byard Gayleҟ 331 Jacobs, Anne Elizabethҟ ҟ 292, 449 Harned, Roger James ҟ Horn, Mary Louise ҟ 309 391 333 Herrmann, Becka Lynn ҟ ҟ Jacobson, Karen Myraҟ 331 208, 290 Harney House ҟ Horner, Patricia Anneҟ ҟ 352 Hersch, Joel Wayde ҟ 390 Jacques, Sharon Lee ҟ 375 Harnisch, Beverly Annҟ 322 ҟ Homer, Robert Dale ҟ Hershberger, Jon Dee 300 ҟ Jahns, Ivan James 348 Harper, Ann Bernadette . .. .309, 406 Hornyak, Steven Andrew ҟ 313 208,315,403,429,436,441 456 Jain, Harish Chand ҟ Harper, William Douglas ҟ 294, 406 Horton, Judith Grace ҟ Hershberger, Terry R. 333 194, 312, 429 Jaksa, Geraldine L.ҟ Harpold, David Lawrence ҟ Horwath, Diane Louiseҟ 336 373 208,328,403,429,438,449 Jaksich, Ann ҟ 373 Harrell, Jacqueline ҟ Hosier, Paulann M. ҟ 326 311 Hershon, Natalie Sue ҟ 362 Jamerson, Arbie Lee ҟ 310 Harrell, Jane Hudson ҟ ҟ 221, 311 Hostetler, Marilyn Kayҟ Hertz, Arih Jack ҟ 329 377 221, 429 Janicki, Rita Jo ҟ Harrington, Kelly M. ҟ Hostetler, Rebecca L. ҟ 321 373 Hertzer, Norman Ray . .318, 425, 438 Janney, Edwin Lee ҟ 333 Harrington, Marilyn D. ҟ 326 Hostetler, Sherry Gay ҟ 374 Hess, John Lee ҟ 320 288 Jansons, Juris ҟ Harris, Carole Irene ҟ Hostetler, Michael G. ҟ 299 360 Hesse, Monika ҟ 392 Jarnecke, Robert Henryҟ ҟ 379 Harris, Charles Edwardҟ ҟ Hottle, Karl Barry ҟ 207, 353 Hesson, Larry Ray ҟ 307 313 Jarrard, Margaret Annҟ ҟ 428, 458 Harris, Dean A. ҟ Houghland, Paul H. ҟ 316 193, 201 Hester, Philip Lyle ҟ 247, 320 Jarrell, Willoughby G.ҟ 194, 448 Harris, Donna Sue ҟ 208 House, John Mack ҟ Hetrick, Jerry Lynn ҟ '375 351 Jarvis, Cossette Joy ҟ 360, 451 Harris, James F. Jr. ҟ House, Marjorie Louiseҟ ҟ 194 Heuck, Alice Jean ҟ 330 393 243, 400 Jastremski, Chester A.ҟ ҟ Harris, John Stephen ҟ 221 Howard, Judith Gay ҟ Heupel, Sharlene ҟ 309 333 Jay, Sarah Louise ҟ 463 Harris, Martha Jane ҟ 221 Howard, Larry Josephҟ ҟ 307 Hems, Michael Garrett ҟ 366 Jeffers, Jacqualyn Sue ҟ 373 Harris, Oliver H. 3rdҟ ҟ 325 Howard, Lawrence E. ҟ 317 Heyward, Leslie Ardenҟ ҟ 427 Jeffrey, Frances Anne ҟ 289 Harris, Ronald Sidneyҟ ҟ 208 207 Howard, Ralph Max ҟ Hiatt, John David . . .ҟ 208, 316, 407 ҟ Jehs, Randall Wesley 438 Harris, Theresa ҟ 221 Howard, William Allen ҟ 315 Hibner, Paul D. ҟ 194 ҟ Jenkins, Barbara Judithҟ 374 Harris, William Russell ҟ Howland, Sandra Lee ҟ 207 221, 413 Hickey, Douglas Lee ҟ 315 ҟ Jenkins, Carol Ruth 300 Harrison, Barbara Sue ҟ 324, 406 194 Hicks, Duane Josephҟ ҟ Hsue, Sin Tao ҟ 297 Jenkins, David Allen ҟ 334 Harrison, Lance G. ҟ 444 Hubartt, Russell J. Jr.ҟ ҟ 330 Hicks, Linda Lou ҟ 312, 405, 406 ҟ Jenkins, Patrick Ryan 307 Harrison, Susan Kay ҟ 312 Hicks, Patricia Nadineҟ ҟ Hubbard, Martin Lynnҟ ҟ 308 279 318 Jenner, William Edwardҟ ҟ Harrold, James Robertҟ ҟ Hubbard, Steven Leeҟ ҟ Hicks, Wayland Ray ҟ 297 346 351 Jenness, Charles Wareҟ ҟ 208, 273 Harsh, Kathie Irene ҟ 372 227 Higa, Sandra Mae ҟ Hubbard, Sue Elaine . . ...ҟ 371 299 Jensen, Erik John ҟ Hart, Susan Elizabeth ҟ ҟ Huber, Lawrence Anthonyҟ 294 Higdon, Linda ҟ 294 352 Jensen, Janet Kepner ҟ 362 Harter, Gordon Vaughn ҟ 349 Hubertz, Ann Scott ҟ Higgins, James Bradley ҟ 296 391 Jensen, Judith Lee ҟ 390 Hartgrove, Stephen Ray .370, 407, 421 ҟ Higgins, Jerry L. ҟ Hublar, Dwan Vincentҟ 236, 457 327 Jeray, Dennis Martin ҟ 379 Harting, William B. 3rd ҟ 313 Huddleston, Janet Lynn ҟ 221 Higgins, Linda Lee ҟ 374 Jessen, Michael Georgeҟ ҟ 368 Hartley, Russell Allen . .221, 348, 407 ҟ 316 High, James Russel ҟ Hudson, Henry Collinsҟ 316 Jewell, Stuart Alan ҟ 306 Hartman, Gloria Jane ҟ 370 Highfield, Linda Lou ҟ 416 Hudson, Mickey Eugene ҟ 313 Jirsa, Anton Joseph ҟ 336 Hartman, Jack Edwardҟ ҟ Highland, Thomas C.ҟ ҟ 299 Hudson, Morris Ray . . .208, 316, 432 379 313 ҟ Joachim, Martin Deweyҟ Hartman, William M. . .364, 368, 455 Hignite, Charles Reedҟ ҟ 208 Hudson, Richard Edward ҟ 384 Joehrendt, Oleeta C. . . .208, 406, 409 Hartmann, Dennis W.ҟ ҟ 349 Hiigli, John Arden ҟ 368 Hudson, Sandra Nanҟ ҟ 332 410 Johns, Janet Susan ҟ Harvath, Patricia Lee ҟ 221, 326 Hildebrand, Jerry Lee ҟ Huffman, Betty Jean ҟ 334, 348 362 Johnson, Carl E. Jr. ҟ 328 Harvey, Andrew Burkeҟ ҟ 323 Hilger, J. Gregg ҟ 194 Huffman, George Williamҟ ..194, 350 Johnson, Carl Lee ҟ 365 Harvey, Saralee ҟ Hill, Danny Ray ҟ 325 413 Huggins, Richard Earlҟ ҟ Johnson, Carl Thorildҟ ҟ 384 333
Johnson, Carol Lynneҟ ҟ Keith, Stephen Larkinҟ ҟ Kocal, Adam Jamesҟ ҟ 393 336 351 Larmore, Philip H.ҟ ҟ 195, 328 Johnson, Corinne Emilyҟ ҟ Keith, Thomas Aldredҟ 370 ҟ 320 Kocher, Mary Katherineҟ ҟ LaSalle, William B.ҟ 374 ҟ 320 Johnson, Craig Malcolmҟ ҟ 321 Keller, David Lawrence Kochis, Ernest Johnҟ ҟ Lash, David Rayҟ 387 ҟ 353 Johnson, Donald V. Jr.ҟ ҟ 336 208, 307, 429, 431 Koehler, Mary Louiseҟ ҟ 312, 413 Lash, Jeffrey Markҟ ҟ 464 Johnson, Earlean ҟ Keller, James D.ҟ ҟ 305 Koehlinger, Dennis Leeҟ 330 ҟ 407 Lash, Russell Earlҟ ҟ 209 Johnson, Edward Peterҟ ҟ Keller, John Donaldҟ 306 ҟ 330 Koelling, Martha Janeҟ ҟ 370 Laskowski, Robert T.ҟ ҟ 209 Johnson, Gene Howardҟ ҟ Keller, Sherman Jack ҟ 386 230 Koenig, Barbara Annҟ ҟ 448 Lasley, Lenora Gailҟ ҟ 372 Johnson, Gordon Scottҟ ҟ Kellerman, John Leonҟ 336 ҟ Koenig, Craig Walterҟ ҟ 346 318 Lasmanis, Jurisҟ ҟ 351 Johnson, James Peterҟ 318 Kellermann, Thomas A.ҟ ҟ 194 Koenig, David Frederickҟ ҟ 320 Lass, Cathy Anneҟ ҟ 362 Johnson, John Howardҟ ҟ 246 Kelley, Jean Allynҟ ҟ 374 Koepke, Robert Richard Lass, Karen Leeҟ ҟ 353 303 ҟ Johnson, John Myrtonҟ Kelley, Kitty Sueҟ 328 ҟ 378 Koestring, Alvin Louisҟ .320, 429, 433 Latimer, Robert Wesleyҟ ҟ 328 Johnson, Johnny Marion ҟ 208 Kellison, Patricia Annҟ ҟ Kohn, Jerome Andrewҟ ҟ 291, 457 Latz, Thomas Michaelҟ ҟ 393 330 Johnson, Julie Ann ҟ Kellock, James Angus Jr.ҟ 362, 424 Kokes, Susan Janeҟ ҟ 321 408 Laurel Hallҟ ҟ379 ҟ Johnson, Kenneth S.ҟ . Kellum, Milton Thomasҟ . 353 ҟ 297 Kolanko, Rita Sueҟ ҟ 390 Lausch, Mary Elizabethҟ ҟ 294, 424 Johnson, Marcia Juneҟ ҟ Kelly, Stephen Douglasҟ 309, 432 ҟ Kolhouse, John Frederic 384 Lautar, Fred Allan 321 ҟ ҟ 246 Johnson, Martha Susanҟ Kelsey, Brent L.ҟ ҟ ҟ 455 409 Kollintzas, Mary G.ҟ ҟ 222 Lavanchy, James Arnoldҟ ҟ 350 Johnson, Ronald Douglas ҟ 351 Kelso, Mary Annҟ ҟ ҟ Kominowski, Frank T.ҟ ҟ 303, 424 349 Lavengood, Susan A.ҟ ҟ 222, 295 Johnson, Stephen ҟ 230 Kemper, Anne Francesҟ 222, 304 Konicke, Thomas Phillipҟ ҟ195 Lavis, Patricia Annҟ ҟ 374, 410 Johnson, Stephen Paulҟ ҟ 299 Kempler, Rosalind Joҟ 222, 289, 449 320 Konowitz, John Edward Lawhead, David Anthonyҟ ҟ 439 Johnson, Sue Ellen .ҟ 178, 308 . Kenderdine, Stewart M.ҟ ҟ Korff, Sally ҟ 290, 420 Lawry, Janet Carolҟ 333 . . . .ҟ . 314 Johnson, Thomas Webber ҟ 333 Kennedy, James Joseph 351 Koss, Robert F. Jr.ҟ ҟ 320 Lawson, Dennis Leoҟ . . .209, 406, 423 Johnson, William L.ҟ ҟ Kennedy, James Lorneҟ ҟ 301 333, 348 Kostas, Angelo Andrewҟ ҟ 328, 429 Lawson, Linda Kayҟ ҟ 391 Johnson, William R.ҟ ҟ Kennedy, Jeffrey Josephҟ 367 ҟ 195 Kother, Ruth Ann ҟ 352 Layton, Susan Jayneҟ ҟ 445 Johnson, William Vann Kennedy, Joseph Charlesҟ ҟ Kottlowski, Karl M. 387 318 ҟ Layton, Vernal Davidҟ 320 Kenney, Keith Miltonҟ 236, 370, 407 ҟ 195, 282, 449 .ҟ 320 Kovac, Jean Marieҟ Leachman, James Davisҟ .. 222 Johnston Patricia Annҟ ҟ 455 Kent, Douglas Albertҟ ҟ 194, 306 228, 401 Kovich, Maureen Juneҟ ҟ Leahy, Margaret Annҟ . .314, 402, 420 Jolly, Sara Elizabeth ҟ Kent, Julie Kayҟ 300 ҟ ҟ 408 222 Kozak, Nancy Carolҟ Leake, William P.ҟ ҟ 209 Jones, Alan Eric ҟ 368 Keppen, Diane Lenoreҟ ҟ ҟ Kozar, John Mitchellҟ 222, 309 236 ҟ Leaman, Daniel Geneҟ 368 Jones, Barbara Ellen ҟ 289, 451 Keppler, Connie Kayҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 304, 402 Kraay, Karen Maurineҟ 300 ҟ Lease, Jane Ettaҟ 413 Jones, Carolyn Ann ҟ 293 Keras, Meredith Gayle Krabbenhoft, Pamela B. Leavitt, Michael Leeҟ ҟ 297 Jones, David Richardҟ ҟ 322 304, 402, 449, 453, 454 .195, 311, 448 Kraft, Carolyn Leeҟ Lebo, Sharon Deeҟ ҟ 362 246 Jones, Forrest Thomasҟ ҟ Kern, Donald Painterҟ ҟ 407 Kraft, Lucy Janeҟ ҟ 454 Leckie, Jean Anneҟ .ҟ 195, 311, 448 Jones, Howard ҟ 385 Kern, James Glen ҟ 222 Kraft, Nancy Caroleҟ ҟ Lecklitner, Richard D.ҟ ҟ 289 367 449 Jones, James Horace ҟ Kern, Joanne Francesҟ ҟ 194 Krall, James Stephen Lee, Donald George ҟ 330 327, 367 Jones, Jerilyn Lee ҟ Kern, Patricia Mayҟ 314 ҟ 194 Kram, Elbert J.ҟ Lee, John Davidҟ ҟ 222, 352 ҟ 320, 403, 449 Jones, John Cecil ҟ ҟ ҟ 321 Kerr, Kenneth Millerҟ ҟ Kramer, Frank Georgeҟ ҟ 323 Lee, Judith Annҟ ҟ 368 374 Jones, Judith Mildredҟ 304, 402, 440 Kerth, Philip William 208 Kramer, James Josephҟ ҟ Leeper, James Wesleyҟ ҟ 348 365 Jones, Judith Paula ҟ 438 Kesler, Nancy Lee 326, 370, 440, 451 ҟ 209 Kramer, Larry Richardҟ Leffel, James M.ҟ ҟ 328 Jones, Larry Alan ҟ 366 Kessler, Donald Prestonҟ ҟ Kratsch, Beverlee D.ҟ ҟ 457 312 Lefkowitz, Stuart Milesҟ ҟ 385 Jones, Marilyn Jeanneҟ ҟ 424 Kessler, Richard L.ҟ ҟ 209 Krawczyk, Gerald Donaldҟ ҟ209 Legare, Nancy Raeҟ ҟ 392 Jones, Penelope Kay ҟ Kestner, Elmer N. 3rdҟ 300 ҟ Krebs, Kenneth Allenҟ ҟ Leggett, Perry Howardҟ 209, 299 329 ҟ 325 Jones, Richard Ovid ҟ 313 Ketcham, Benny Janeҟ ҟ 408 Kremp, E. Josephҟ ҟ Lehman, Michael F.ҟ ҟ 328 333 Jones, Robert Delanoҟ ҟ 379 Keuneke, Barbara Marieҟ Kremp, Stanley Martinҟ ҟ 320, 387 Lehman, Nancy Jayneҟ .. 303, 424, 455 298, 459 Jones, Robert Martinҟ ҟ 208 Keys, Robert Clinton ҟ 299 370 Krick, Beverly Jeanҟ Lehman, Robert Frankҟ ҟ 373 Jongsma, Eugene Allenҟ ҟ Kiefer, Sally Jeanҟ ҟ 369, 370 392 369, 373 Krider, Rebecca Kayҟ ҟ Lehner, Charles Warrenҟ ҟ 230 Jongsma, Ronald C. ҟ 366 Kiess, Connie K.ҟ ҟ 424 321 Kriegbaum, Kay Ellen ҟ Lehr, Terry Vaughan ҟ 195, 326 Jordan, Michael Ross ҟ 456 Kiess, Patricia Elreanҟ ҟ 194, 308 392 222 Kroczek, Sandra Leeҟ ҟ ҟ Leibson, Marjorie S.ҟ Joseph, Ellen Maxine ҟ 360 Kilgore, Karen Sueҟ ҟ 304, 449 314, 449 Kroener, Susan Harlanҟ ҟ Leifer, Leah Kayҟ ҟ 195, 373 Joseph, Lawrence Arnold ҟ329 Kill, Janet Louiseҟ ҟ Krueger, Barbara Jeanҟ ҟ 363 Leifer, Roberta Joҟ ҟ 332 373 Judah, Robert E. 2ndҟ ҟ 316 Killian, Patricia Annҟ ҟ 413 ҟ Krueger, Dennis Willardҟ 334 Leinenweber, Georgeҟ ҟ 297 Judd, Michael Warrenҟ ҟ 386 Killian, Rex Phillip ҟ 209 Krueger, Jerome Richard 209, 370 ҟ Leininger, Evelyn L.ҟ 373 348 Kimberlin, Michael Jchnҟ Judy , Jerry Sites ҟ ҟ 222 322 Krueger, Richard Leeҟ ҟ 315 Leininger, John R.ҟ ҟ ҟ 208, 407 Juerling, James Robertҟ Kimble, Gillianҟ ҟ 313, 420 304 ҟ Krug, June Annҟ Leipnitz, Judith Annҟ ҟ 372, 393 ҟ Julian, Winifred Annҟ 236 Kimble, Irene E.ҟ ҟ 331, 429 386 Krug, Shirley Rose 293 Leips, Gary Leeҟ ҟ Juncker, Judith Kayҟ ҟ 361, 429 Kimes, Marjorie Annҟ ҟ 307 222 Kruger, Thomas Edwardҟ ҟ 346 ҟ Leman, James Robertҟ Jung, Dean Davis ҟ Kimmel, Richard Daleҟ 353 ҟ 209 294 Krughoff, Karla Janeҟ ҟ ҟ 314 Lemasters, Karen Anneҟ Jung, Ruth Ann ҟ 361 Kim-Sa, Tran Thi 378 Kruszewski, Larry J.ҟ ҟ 455 ҟ ҟ ҟ Leminger, Barbara Jeanҟ 195 Junior Panhellinic Council ҟ 284 Kinach, Timothy Louisҟ ҟ 322 195 322 Krywobok, Natalie V.ҟ ҟ Lemons, Tommy Lee ҟ 297 Junker, Larry Eugeneҟ ҟ Kindred, Rebecca Deeҟ ҟ 409 451 372 Kuchuris, Paul G. Jr.ҟ ҟ ҟ Lent, Lorna Maryҟ Justice, Chester Ray ҟ 428 King, Allen Theodoreҟ ҟ 348 ҟ ҟ 372 Kuespert, Edward F.ҟ 379 Lentz, Marilyn Jeanҟ King, Carolyn Sueҟ ҟ 421 320 378 ҟ Kuhn, Bernard Josephҟ Lentz, William Charlesҟ ҟ King, Donald Paulҟ ҟ 315 ҟ 353 ҟ 209, 297 Leonard, Robert F. Jr. ҟ Kukoy, Stephen King, George D.ҟ ҟ 209 321 222 ҟ Kula, Richard Walterҟ Leonard, Thomas S. Jr.ҟ ҟ King, John Stephenҟ 432 377 ҟ . .299, 441 Kunkel, Margaret ҟ Leonhardt, Jack Harveyҟ King, Kenneth Eugeneҟ ҟ 195, 432 292, 451 ҟ Kuntz, Karen Sueҟ LePage, David Anthony..322, 407, 413 King, Marsha Leeҟ . .ҟ ..ҟ 314, 455 ҟ 290 Kurtz, Clarice Marciaҟ Lev, Anne Susanҟ ҟ 290 King, Roselyn Charleneҟ .ҟ 305 236, 298 Kuykendall, Joyce Annҟ ҟ Leve, Ronald Irwinҟ ҟ 195 King, Thomas Lockwoodҟ ҟ 334 ҟ ҟ ҟ Kuykendall, Ronnie Lee 195 Levenberg, Lonnie M. 329 Kabel, Stephen Hamilton ҟ 318 Kingman, Keith Leighҟ ҟ 315 368 ҟ Kwiatkowski, John Allenҟ Levenberg, Robert Davidҟ ҟ 209 Kachel, Charles Albert ҟ 194 Kingsbury, John Dayҟ ҟ 346 Levin, Elliott Dordekҟ ҟ 448 Kaczmarek, Melvyn Lee ҟ 387 Kinman, David Wendellҟ . 222 Levine, Lois Susanҟ 290 ҟ Kagan, Harvey Morris ҟ 194, 350 Kinman, Phillip Brammerҟ .370, 438 ҟ 195 Levinson, Sanford Jayҟ Kahn, Fred Sobleҟ ҟ 194, 329 Kinnett, Larry Williamҟ ҟ 222 Levitan, Lawrence Mayerҟ ҟ 329 Kain, Valerie Myrna ҟ 284, 331 Kinney, Roger Jacksonҟ ҟ 327 Levy, Joelҟ ҟ 230 Kalb, Wallace W. Jr. ҟ 346 Kinney, Stanley Howe . ҟ 209, 325 Levy, Judith A.ҟ ҟ 222 Kaldahl, S. John ҟ ҟ 379 Kinsel, John Philipҟ ҟ 301 ҟ 209 Lewellen, Douglas W.ҟ Kallenbach, Linda Gayle ҟ 295 Kinser, David Kennethҟ ҟ 313 Lewinski, Thomas Josephҟ ҟ 297 Kallenberg, John K. ҟ 386 LaBerge, Jeanne Cҟ Kinsey, David Royҟ 292, 456 ҟ 407 429 Lewis, Allen Lutherҟ ҟ 370, Kalleres, Arthur Peter ҟ 333, 448 Labhart, Henry Albert H. Kirk, Barbara A.ҟ ҟ 365 456 Lewis, Frank Tappҟ . . . .320, 403, 449 Kamerer, Donald Louis ҟ 366 LaBolt, Charles Aҟ Kirkman, William F.ҟ 209, 353, 422 ҟ 352 Lewis, Gordon Hughstonҟ ҟ 384 Kamman, Judy Kay ҟ 304 Lackey, Jerry Wayne ҟ Lewis, Linda Joyceҟ Kirkpatrick, Meredith K.ҟ ҟ 244 ҟ 309 Kanne, Edward Allen ҟ 316 Lackovitch, Donald A.ҟ ҟ Kirts, Rex Wayneҟ ҟ 313 389 ҟ 209, 309 Lewis, Mary Lynnҟ Kanne, Michael Stephen Lacy, Andrea Jacquelineҟ . . 305,408 Kitchell, Carolyn Jeanҟ ҟ 303 Lewis, Patricia Annҟ ҟ 378 208, 316, 432 LaDuke, Ray Edward ҟ 209,246 Kitchell, Richard W. Lewis, Richard Gregoryҟ ҟ 236 Kanning, Judith Elaine ҟ 298 LaFollette, James W.ҟ ҟ 195,297 227, 424, 431, 446 Lewis, Robert Jamesҟ ҟ 320 Kanzler, John Charles ҟ 422 LaFollette, John A.ҟ ҟ 297 Kite, Donald Paulҟ ҟ 209, 422 ҟ 288 Lewis, Steven Craigҟ Kaplan, Edward Alan ҟ 329 Lain, John Lelandҟ ҟ Kittrell, Harold Deanҟ 353 ҟ 448 Liddil, Nancy Leeҟ ҟ 195, 332 Kaplan, Nicolis ҟ 331 Lake, Jack Williamҟ ҟ 222 Kitzinger, George W.ҟ ҟ 352 Lide, Lorna Virginiaҟ ҟ 326, 451 Kappa Alpha Psiҟ ҟ 310 Lake, James Edwardҟ ҟ Kjelstrom, Karen Sueҟ 316 . .ҟ .. 370 209 Lieber, Frederick Edwinҟ ҟ Kappa Alpha Theta ҟ 311 Lake, Patricia Bakerҟ ҟ 222 Klaer, Thomas Lynnҟ .195, 297, Lieberenz, Max Florenҟ ҟ 403 335 Kappa Delta ҟ 118, 312 Lama, John Eugeneҟ ҟ Klaiber, Joyce Leeҟ ҟ 455 370 Liebschutz, Lynne L.ҟ ҟ 290 Kappa Delta Rhoҟ ҟ 10, 313 Lamberson, Harry P.ҟ ҟ 320 Klein, Barbara Annҟ ҟ 309 222, 304, 413 ..ҟ Lierman, Linda Bethҟ Kappa Kappa Gamma 117, 314 Lambda Alpha Epsilonҟ ҟ 421 Kleinschmidr, Elveraҟ ҟ 375 Lievan, Elizabeth W.ҟ ҟ 361 Kappa Kappa Psiҟ ҟ 407 Lambda Chi Alphaҟ ҟ 114,316 Klene, Ronald Edwardҟ ҟ 316 ҟ ҟ Lievan, Susan Eloiseҟ 314, 402 Kappa Sigma ҟ 315 Lambert, William C.ҟ ҟ Klezmer, Jack 299,432 329 ҟ ҟ 328 Light, James Melvinҟ ҟ Karesh, Jo Annҟ ҟ 390 Lamey, Patrick T.ҟ ҟ 421 Klezmer, Michael Irvingҟ . . 195 Lillard, Leo Francis ҟ ҟ 195 Karp, James Stephen ҟ 329 Lanane, Thomas Micheal ҟ 423 Kline, Barbara Louҟ ҟ 354, 361 Lilly, Arlene Annetteҟ ҟ 195, 332 Karpilow, Judith Sonia ҟ 194 Lancaster, Russell C.ҟ ҟ 209 Kline, Karen Dianne Lilly, John Early ҟ ҟ 323 Kaseff, Larry Gene ҟ 352 Lancaster, Susan Geneҟ ҟ 304 22, 152, 153, 326, 402 Lilly, Robert Frankҟ .ҟ 267, 351 Kask, Anne Mai ҟ 194 Lancaster, Thomas Scottҟ ҟ 404 424, 450, 451 Linari, Constance M.ҟ 289, 449, 450 Kaska, David Joseph ҟ 336 Lander, Wayne Allenҟ ҟ Klingele, Ida Louҟ ҟ 336 372 Lindblom, Barbara Jeanҟ ҟ 391 Kasle, Frank M. ҟ 368 Landes House Klinker, Francis Eugene ҟ 362 346 Lindenberg, Terry Leeҟ ҟ 297 Kastner, Ronald Edwin ҟ 315 Landon, William LeRoy ҟ 209 Klintworth, Lois Ellenҟ ҟ 362 Linder, Charles W. Jr.ҟ ҟ 230 Katz, Vincent Lindley ҟ 346 Lane, Barbara Ruthҟ ҟ Klock,ҟ 420 ҟ Anneҟ 222 Lindley, Frances S.ҟ . . . .354, 362, 459 Kaufman, Barton Lowell 208, 246 Lane, Beverly Annҟ ҟ Klopp, Ruth Ann 284,332 209 Linman, Kay Aliceҟ ҟ 222 Kaufman, Nancy Kay ҟ 300, 412 Lane, Brad Williamҟ ҟ Klotz, John Edwardҟ 195,456 209, 351 Lineback, Karen Thayerҟ ҟ 360 Kaylor, Becky Kay ҟ 194, 292 Lane, Milton H.ҟ ҟ 412 429,456 Klotz, Robert Williamҟ 209, 404, 405 Link, Michael Thomasҟ ҟ 299 Kaylor, Marian Judith ҟ 311 Lang, Robert Flackҟ ҟ 306 Knable, Jo Anne ҟ ҟ 361 Link, Virginia Louҟ ҟ 312 Kayser, Kathy Jean ҟ 194, 314 Knachel, Paul Russellҟ Langdon, Cynthia Maeҟ ҟ ҟ 371,420 351 Linke, Curtis Glennҟ ҟ 328 Keach, Richard Lyndon ҟ Knapp, Wallace H. Jr. 366 297 Langdon, Karen Sueҟ ҟ Linkhart,ҟ Suzanneҟ C. ҟ 406 371 Knartzer, Edward John 209, 301, 403 Keaffaber, Max Delmar ҟ Linner, Joanne Hildaҟ ҟ 222 349 Langley, Paul Edwardҟ ҟ 348 Knilans, Judith Annҟ ..312, 438, 448 Linson, Don Allenҟ ҟ 318 Keen, Judith Anne ҟ 290, 440 Langman, Mark Ellisҟ ҟ 329 Knoess, Hans Peterҟ ҟ 195 ҟ Linville, Jim Joҟ 318, 448 Keeton, Arnita ҟ 222, 293 Lanham, William Frankҟ ҟ 334 Knoke, Sandra Sueҟ ҟ 312 Liss, Barry Davidҟ ҟ 279 Keiser, Janet Hope ҟ 222 Lankford, Brenda Jeanҟ ҟ 390 Knoll, John Philipҟ ҟ 195, 370 209 Lister, Richard Wayneҟ ҟ Keiter, John Michael ҟ 302 Lapin, Kira Pamelaҟ ҟ 195 Knoop, Stephen Johnҟ ҟ 313, 448 Litherland, Martha Janeҟ ҟ 31, 236 Keith, Richael Jane ҟ Knowles, Christopher G.ҟ ҟ 299 300 Lapp, Thomas Henryҟ ҟ 422 Littell, Danny Laneҟ 318 ҟ 370,
Medley, Linda Kay 309 Maidenberg, Toby Lee ҟ McClain, Margaret Janeҟ ҟ 331 ҟ413, 456 Litterio, Dorothy L.ҟ Maier, Barbara Mae ҟ 308 300, 402, 424, 451 ҟ McClarren, Jerry Dwainҟ 306 . .. .222, 312, 449 Litterst, Joyce Annҟ Maier, Herman Paulҟ ҟ Meek, Patricia Ann ҟ ҟ 297 361 McClead, Michael Alanҟ .322, 407 Little, Ronald Jeromeҟ ҟ 310 Main, Sara Adair ҟ 354 Meek, William Robert ҟ 306, 426 429 McCleary, Ann Louiseҟ ҟ Littlejohn, Joan Louise 223 Maines, Sidenia Joyҟ ҟ Meguschar, Allan ҟ 360 210, 448 McClellan, Eugene V.ҟ ҟ Littman, Minna Louise 328 195 Majors, Robert Brossҟ ҟ Meguschar, Judy Ake ҟ ҟ 227 330 McClellan, Mary Aliceҟ ҟ Litwinko, Olgaҟ ҟ 412 391 445 Malis, Claire Suzanne Mehr, Michael Jay ҟ 436, 456 Liverseidge, John Jamesҟ ҟ McClure, Edward Allanҟ ҟ 346 301 Mallas, John Jamesҟ ҟ 334, 384 Mehringer, Cyril Eugene ҟ ҟ 367 210 McClure, Elizabeth J.ҟ ҟ Lizzi, Thomas Charlesҟ ҟ 236 Mallatt, William F.ҟ ҟ 352 Meinzer, Robert Leonard .......ҟ 351 McClure, John Robertҟ ҟ Lloyd, Carolyn Sueҟ ҟ 294 321 Mallett,ҟ Catherine J.ҟ ҟ 362, 412 Meissner, Barbara Annҟ . .312, 413 Lloyd, Jerry Duaneҟ ҟ McClure, Thomas R. 195, 428 313 Mallett, Karen Anneҟ ҟ 223 Meister, Edward Louisҟ ҟ ҟ 210 Lloyd, Ura Myrtle ҟ195 McClurg, Michael R.ҟ ҟ 210, 299 Mallon, John M. Jr ҟ 320 Meistrich, Linda Susan ҟ 223, 290 Lloyd, William Carlҟ ҟ 349 McCollister, Terryҟ ҟ 325 Malone, Carol Annҟ .236, 408 Melcher, Barbara Emma ҟ ҟ Lochary, James H.ҟ ҟ 427 McColly, Ronald F.ҟ ҟ 390 349 Malone, James Richardҟ ҟ 325 323 Melrose, William Leslie ҟ ҟ Locke, Kathryn Jayneҟ ҟ 210, 324 McCombs, Cole Joseph ҟ 299 Malone, Nancy Kay 409 ҟ ҟ Melton, William Henry 393 210, 297, 448 McConnell, Victor Ianҟ ҟ Locke, Malcolm F. Jr. Mandel, Howard Matthew ҟ 279 322, 350, 422, 429 ҟ McCord, Susan Lee ҟ Lockhart, Davidҟ 370 312 Mangas, Judith Arlee ҟ 427 Memorial Hall ҟ ҟ 370 304 McCoy, Tim Ivan ҟ Lockwood, Margo Ann 313 ҟ Mangold, Joy Ernestҟ 196 Mendelson, Joan Flora R. .ҟ .ҟ 398 McCracken, Frank R. 3rd 298 Loepke, Katherine J. 330 Mangus, Charles Alanҟ ҟ 330 Meng, Arthur Earl ҟ ҟ 330 McCrea, Barbara Ellenҟ 314, 402 Loeser, Julius .ҟ Manier, James Frank ҟ 318 Menges, Lyle Duane ҟ ҟ 210 210, 403, 404, 429, 432, 449 McCready, Tamra Jo ҟ 361 Leslie Janeҟ Manifold,ҟ 314, 424 320 Menke, Pamela Glenn Loftman, Bertil Armin McCullough, Carolyn S.ҟ ҟ 361 289, 402, 424 Manley, Sandra Annҟ 196, 311, 401, 450 McCullough, Susan Loftus, Donald Gregory . .. .352, 445 300 Manlove, Judith Deeҟ ҟ 303 Men's Residence Center ҟ ҟ 364 Logan, Carol Jeanҟ ҟ332 McCullum, Gerald E. Jr.ҟ .223, 353 210 Mann, Donald Elridge ҟ ҟ 363 Mentendiek, Mary Annҟ . . . .ҟ 303 Logan, Priscilla E.ҟ McDaniel, Barbara Sueҟ ҟ 236 Mann, Janet Claire ҟ ҟ 331 . ҟ 302 Mentzer, Donald Mauriceҟ .. 313, 407 Logan, William Vernon McDaniel, Cora Maeҟ ҟ 332 Mann, Lawrence Virgilҟ ҟ 365 ҟ 322, 370 228 Menzie,ҟ Sabraҟ ҟ ҟ 223 Lohman, Norris Percyҟ McDaniel, Janet E.ҟ ҟ Manning, Petra Agnes ҟ 374 ҟ 350, 404 McDavid, Martha Jeanҟ Merchant, Frances Sueҟ ҟ ҟ 361 Lohse, Karl Haleҟ ҟ 326, 451 Manous, Grace ҟ 370 298 Loker, Mathlde Transou ҟ McDonald, James Robertҟ Merchen, Robert Thomasҟ ҟ 323 .368, 418 449 Manson, Barbara Ellen Mercurio, David Josephҟ ҟ ҟ Lomax, Linda Jayneҟ ҟ ҟ McDonald, Linda Annҟ 420 386 196, 304, 398, 401 393 .ҟ . . .424, 439, 454, 455 McDonald, Richard L. Jr.ҟ ҟ 368 Merk, Sharon Kayҟ London, Kathyҟ Mantel, Richard Morrisҟ .... 421 10, 195 McDonald, Sarah C.ҟ ҟ Merkey, Karen Elaine, .392, 444, 451 Long, Gary Lee ҟ 392 Marchese,ҟ Marciaҟ Lynneҟ . . .223, 295 ҟ . _313, 428 McDonough, Nancy Lou .ҟ . 309, 406 Merkle, Marcia Cay ҟ 362 Long, Gary Vincent Marchino, Robert Elmerҟ ҟ 328 210 ҟ ҟ 210, 322, 407 McElhiney, Larry Davidҟ ҟ Merrill, John Cutlerҟ 352 Long, John Rayҟ ҟ Margedant, Susan E.ҟ ҟ 328 391 . .ҟ ҟ McElwain, Lucinda Janeҟ ҟ Mervis, Sherryҟ ҟ ҟ 371 290 Long, Steven Craigҟ 423 Marketing Clubҟ ҟ ҟ 288 ҟ ҟ ҟ McElwee, Arthur H. Jr.ҟ Messerschmidt, Rose E.ҟ 195, 334 374 Long, Steven Daleҟ Marls, Marsha Linҟ ҟ 448 ҟ Long, Victoria Annҟ ҟ222, 401 McEwen, Gerald Noah Jrҟ 325 Messersmith, Robert P. ҟ 351 Markee, Donald Wayne ҟ 292 239 429 196, 297 Longenberger, Sharon A.ҟ ҟ McFarland, Diane E.ҟ ҟ Messick, James Robertҟ Marks, James Matthew ҟ 349 294 Messmann, Verlin Martinҟ ҟ 427 Lorber, John Judeҟ ҟ 230 McFarren, Betty Jo Marks, William Akinҟ ҟ 321 236, 408 408, 420 Metivier, Donald Nelson ҟ ҟ 196 ҟ McGahey, Beverly Annҟ ҟ Lord, Ann Watsonҟ Marmer, Roberta Sueҟ ҟ 378 .ҟ .ҟ 210 Metts, John James ҟ ҟ 426 Loser, Robert W. 2nd McGarvey, Annҟ . . . .223, 314, 401 210 Marocco, William Louis 223, 304 ҟ 360, 410 ҟ 230 Metz, Linda Ann ҟ McGaughey, Jerry J.ҟ Losiniecki, Patricia A.ҟ ...264, 265, 327 Maroni, John Jamesҟ 316 426 Metzger, Harry A.ҟ 353 Louck, Michael ҟ McGaw, Dickinson Lambҟ ҟ 297 Maroon, Mary Angela ҟ ҟ 289, 440 McGill, William Johnҟ ҟ 350 Metzner,ҟ Barbaraҟ Stoneҟ 311, 439 Louis, Peggy Suzanneҟ 196, 311 Marrs, Linda Edithҟ ҟ ҟ 368 McGinnis, Barbara L.ҟ ҟ 304 Metzner, Susan F.ҟ ҟ ҟ 363 Lovasko, Joseph H.ҟ ҟ 210, 301 Marsh, Blaine Edwardҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ McGlasson, Thomas M.ҟ ҟ Meyer, Don Eugeneҟ 352 313 349 Love, William Michaelҟ Marsh, Sharon Anne ҟ 246 391 ҟ 210, 422 ҟ 328 Meyer, Jon Fredҟ Lovstedt, Roy John Jr. McGlocklin, Jon Paulҟ 196, 316 Marshall, Charles R.ҟ ҟ 320 ҟ 210, 297 320 Meyer, Mark Barkleyҟ Lowden, Jack E. McGlon, Kenneth Allen ҟ Marshall, Glenda Sueҟ 332 384 Miars, Graydon Edwardҟ McGrayel, Leah L.ҟ ҟ Lowe, Judith Marlene 233, 309 196 Marshall, James Lawrence ҟ 367, 419 ҟ Michael, John Robert ҟ 222, 373, 427, 429 McGuire, David Oliverҟ 323 Marshall, James L.ҟ ҟ 336 319 ҟ ҟ 445 McHugh, John Francis Michaels, John F.ҟ Lowe House ҟ346 Marshall, Jamesҟ ҟ 352 323 . . .210, 316, 423 McHugh, Sharon Ann . . 311, 402, 440 Michaels, Thomas P.ҟ ҟ ҟ Lowe, Stephen Garyҟ Marshall, Thomas Leeҟ ҟ 409 196, 290 Caroleҟ ҟ McHugh, Susan Carol.196, 311,438 Michelson,ҟ Lower, Thomas Michael 210 ҟ Martenet, David Langeҟ 312,432 ҟ Miene, Karen Joyceҟ Mcllroy, Richardҟ H.ҟ J r.. . . .196, 320 210, 297, 403 Martin, Charles H.ҟ ҟ 455 ҟ 451 Miesel, Edward Claytonҟ ҟ ҟ 370 McIlwain, Mary Ellenҟ Lowery, Phyllis Annҟ ҟ 363 367 Martin, David Lee ҟ 196, 448 Migliazza, Ernest Cesarҟ .ҟ 196 Mcllwain, Patricia A.ҟ ҟ Lozano, Rodolfoҟ 370 ҟ 352 Martin, Francis Ritchieҟ 210, 406 .210, 326, 401 Mikuta, Patricia Annҟ ҟ McIntosh, Beverly Annҟ Lozow, Nancy Barbaraҟ ҟ 331 321 ҟ Martin, John William ҟ ҟ 196 ҟ 370 Miles, Richard J.ҟ McIntyre, Sarah N.ҟ Lucas, Karen Kayҟ ҟ391 Martin, Judith Annҟ ҟ 196, 375 428, 459 ҟ Milhous, Ruth Ellenҟ ҟ ҟ 393 McKeand, Patrick J.ҟ Lucas, Nancy Annҟ ҟ 378 ҟ 298 Martin, Judith Annҟ 301 ҟ Milisen, Charles Robertҟ McKee, Jay Paulҟ 315 429 Luck, Jo Fayeҟ ҟ 326 ҟ Martin, Judy Annҟ 294, 429, 449 Ann . .ҟ 325, 429 Milisen, Judithҟ McKee, Morris Cabell ҟ Lucus, James Dahlҟ ҟ 288 ҟ 295 Martin, Linda Lou 445 196 Milisen,ҟ Valerieҟ .. .ҟ 362, E.ҟ McKeehan, Martha Lynneҟ 195 Lucus, Robert Dihl 353 Martin, Loren Gene ҟ .... 228, 373, 420 Miller, Amy Joanҟ 196 McKelvey, David Arthurҟ Ludlow, Carol Annҟ ҟ 378 ҟ 365 Martin, Max Edwin ҟ ҟ 375 Miller, Berne Janeҟ 390 McKeown, Meredith Ann ҟ ҟ Ludwig, Larry Kentҟ 407 210, 404 Martin, Max Manson ҟ 294 L.ҟ ҟ ҟ Carolҟ 223 Miller,ҟ McKinney, Edward Lee ҟ Lueders, Ralph J. Jr. ҟ 302 413 Martin, Nancy Lou ҟ 197, 398 384 Miller, Charles G.ҟ ҟ McKown, James Michael ҟ Luke, Janis Ileneҟ ҟ374 413 355, Martin, Rebecca Joҟ ҟ 386 ҟ Miller, Charles Raymondҟ 366 McLaughlin, Elizabethҟ Lukenbill, Kenneth H.ҟ ҟ 351 366, 418 Martin, Robert Ele ҟ ҟ Miller, Cornelius T.ҟ 317, 365 333 McLean, Donald Steven ҟ Lukens, Linda Louҟ ҟ 311 . 371 Martin, Sandra Ellenҟ 403, 411 362 ҟ ҟ Miller, David William McLeay, Virginia Grace Lukens, Nancy Louiseҟ ҟ 373 Sarah Gilmour .196, 294, 449 ҟ 307 Martin,ҟ 304 Miller, Donald Eugene ҟ McManus, Nancy Jane ҟ Lukins, James Douglas .ҟ . 321 352 ҟ Martin, Stephen Allanҟ ҟ 390 223, 308 Miller, Donna Frances ҟ McMillan, Patricia Annҟ Lumbattis, Ann Carver .294, 432, 436 313 365 312, 424 Martin, William Robert ҟ Miller, Elizabeth Anneҟ McMullan, John Clayton ҟ Lumm, C. Stevenҟ ҟ 385, 445 210 ҟ 346 Martin, William Rogerҟ 312 H.ҟ ҟ ҟ Ernestҟ Miller,ҟ McMullen, Dianne Marie ҟ 409 Lundberg, Carl Normanҟ ҟ 365 297 Martinez,ҟ Jesseҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 361 Miller, Gary Leeҟ McMullen, Sandra Joan ҟ Lundin, Karen Edaҟ ҟ 300, 455 230 196 Martz, Hugo Eugene ҟ ҟ 210, 325 Miller, James Earlҟ McNaughton, Michael J. 195, 307 Lundquist, John F.ҟ ҟ 247, 264 246 Marvin, Thomas P.ҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ Miller, James Elliottҟ McNear, Carole Marcia 311, 440,448 Lungren, Janet Elaineҟ ҟ 326 309 196, 306 Marzotto, Joyce Lee ҟ ҟ 333 Miller, Jeffrey Georgeҟ McNeely, Hugh Morrisҟ Lunsford, Steven Lewisҟ ҟ 366 405 387, 316 Charles Anthonyҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ Mascus,ҟ Miller, Jerald Deanҟ 196, 398 Rosettaҟ McNeil,ҟ 195, 294 Lusis, leva A. .ҟ ҟ 196, 413 440 ҟ Mason, Betty Lcuҟ ҟ ҟ 306 Miller, Jerry Leeҟ McPheron, Daniel Scott ҟ 210, 406 Luther, Dale Bernardҟ ҟ 376 438 ҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 223 Mason Hallҟ Miller, Jerry M.ҟ McPherson, Saundra Lou ҟ312 Luther, Elizabethҟ 196 332 Mason, Prudence Gowen ҟ 378 Miller, Jo Annҟ ҟ ҟ McQueen, Judith Ann ҟ Luthi, Pauline Juneҟ ҟ 222, 413 ҟ ҟ 371 330 Mason, Richard Josephҟ Miller, Judith Rae ҟ ҟ 307 McQuinn, Jeffrey A.ҟ Lutz, Galen Richardҟ ҟ 386, 445 223, ҟ 325 351 Massa, Paul Peter Jr.ҟ ҟ ҟ Miller, Kenneth Lutz, Janice Kayҟ ҟ 393 321, 405 Mast, Diana Davidson Miller, Larry Gene ҟ 326 Luzar, Diane Clariceҟ ҟ 361 282, 440, 444, 455 Miller, Linda Anneҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 316 Lybrook, David Rossҟ 346 197, 300 Master, Vincent P. Jr Miller, Linda Karen ҟ Lybrook, Robert E.ҟ ҟ 330 210 355 ҟ Matacale, Gene Robert Miller, Marla Kayҟ .222, 374, 413 Lynch, Annette C. 372 ҟ ҟ ҟ 374, 413 Matis, Arlene Jo Annҟ Miller, Nancy Janeҟ ҟ 307 Lynn, Barbara Jeanҟ 410 ҟ ҟ 303 ҟ 306, Matthews, Leland Rayҟ Miller, Peggy Louiseҟ ҟ329 Lynn, David Alanҟ 297 210, 301 Miller, Richard Darrellҟ Matthews, Stephen Allen ҟ ҟ 326 Lyons, Ann Louiseҟ Mabey, David Stanleyҟ ҟ 211 302 362 ҟ ҟ Mattingly, Carole Ruthҟ Miller, Ronald Lee ҟ ҟ 230 Lyons, Herbert Leeҟ MacDonald, John Alan ҟ 361 ҟ ҟ 353 Miller, Ruth Annҟ Mattingly, Jacquelyn K. 310 Lyons, Lloyd Carsonҟ ҟ MacDonald, Margot Jean ҟ 197, 311 289 ҟ 223, 282, 312 Miller, Sara Gaunttҟ 295 Lysaght, Martha Janeҟ ҟ Machlis, Michaelҟ ҟ 424 350 Miller, Sarah Leeҟ Matula, Darlene Rellaҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 223 297 Lytle, Thomas Judson Mack, Kenneth Stuart ҟ 318 Virginia Helen 197, 282, 292 Matunas, Robert William ҟ Miller,ҟ 315 Mackall, Michel Sam ҟ 405 Matusow, Lynne Barbara Williamҟ R. Miller,ҟ Mackanos, Tarry Paulҟ . 210 196, 290, 176 211, 320, 429, 459 MacLaren,ҟ Patriciaҟ E.ҟ .289, 402, 451 Maugans, John Conradҟ .ҟ . 230 Miller,ҟ Wilsonҟ Jameson. .. .197, 311 MacLennan, Jane Lee ҟ 314 Stephenҟ ҟ ҟ Mauger, Jean Ann 176, 179, 459, 462 Mills,ҟ C.ҟ 236 210, 302 MacLeod, John S. ҟ Maxey,ҟ Marilyn Elaine ҟ Mills, Julie Ann 223, 332 MacMurray, Karen E.ҟ ҟ 378 Maxwell, David E.ҟ ҟ 175, 197, 326, 428, 459 364 MacPherson, Dennis H.ҟ ҟ 267 ҟ ҟ Maxwell, Marjeanҟ ҟ 196, 303 Mills, Phyllis Mayҟ 372 MacPherson, Robert B. Jr.ҟ ҟ 307 211, 333 Peter Johnҟ ҟ ҟ Maxwell, Richard Jayҟ Milobar,ҟ McAllister, James C.ҟ 196, 316 .. 366 Macy, Barbara Ann ҟ 362 405 Maxwell, Susan Marieҟ 196, 326, 412 Milroy, Robert William ҟ ҟ McBride, Betty Annҟ ҟ 393 Macy, Nancy Sue ҟ 362 ҟ ҟ Maxwell, Suzanne Kay ҟ 289 Milun, Sidney T.ҟ 230 McBurnie, Robert J. 316 Madding, Gary Dean ҟ 196 411 Minder,ҟ Thomasҟ Edward ҟ May, Jane Elizabeth ҟ 373 292 McCabe, Nancee L.ҟ ҟ Mager, Theodore F. Jrҟ 396 Miner, David Raubҟ ҟ ҟ May, Mary Lynn ҟ 196 333 ҟ McCaffrey, Dorothy J.ҟ 354 329 . Magid, Dennis Joelҟ 391 ҟ May, Richard Lee ҟ Miner, Mary Annҟ 349 McCallum, Margaret J.ҟ ҟ Mahan, John J.ҟ Jr..... 196, 321, 448 236, 406 Minick, Dennis Alfredҟ ҟ ҟ Maya, James Mead ҟ 223, 336 334 Mahan, Mary Helen ҟ 361 ҟ 210 Minkow, Gerald Lawrence ҟ ҟ 329 McCammon, John Leeҟ 315 Mayer, Theodore A. ҟ 449 Minnis, Gerald Leeҟ ҟ ҟ 301 Mayes, Jerry Lynn Mahan, Scott Palmer ҟ ҟ 228, 302 McCammon, L. Clarkҟ 297 223, 300 ҟ Minnis, Nancy Leeҟ Mayhew, Thomas Ortonҟ 301 Maher, Marcia Elaine ҟ 196 ҟ 412 McCarthy, Karen T.ҟ ҟ ҟ 440 Mintener, J. B. Jr. Mayne, Howard Andrew ҟ 320 Maher, Thomas William ҟ ҟ McCarthy, Michael F.ҟ 333 351 ҟ Minton, Ralph Albert ҟ 384 Mbote, William N.ҟ ҟ 365 Mahnensmith, Michael S. ҟ 325 McCarthy, William J. 320 ҟ ҟ 211 228 Mirda, Louis Jr.ҟ Meadows, Roger Cody ҟ 210 Mahoney, Donald Wayneҟ 196, 289 McCarthy, Susan Jane Mis, Melody Sue ҟ ҟ 300 Means, Beverly Jeanҟ ҟ 371 223 349 Mahoney, John Richardҟ McCauley, James Henryҟ ҟ 230 Mishkin, Sidney ҟ ҟ Medbourn, Sally Anne ҟ 196 196 Mahorney, Peggy Ann ҟ 332 McClain, Janet Lydia
236, 408 Page, Diana Lee ҟ 414 Nurses ҟ 289 Muston, Linda Hefner 300 Mistier, Judith Ann ҟ 348 Pahud, Nolan Ornan ҟ 306 Nutty, Raymond Johnҟ ҟ 319 Mutch, Robert Elliottҟ Mistier, William Donald . . . .228, 267 ҟ 366 Paige, William Michael Nuzum, Myrna Anita 224, 289, 413 ҟ 211, 299 Mutz, Moffett Daleҟ Mitchell, Carol Lynn ҟ 390 ҟ 289, 451 Painter, Karen Captolia 419 ҟ Myers, Charles Julianҟ ҟ 408, 448, 450 Mitchell, Diane 293 Palmer, Julia Anne ҟ Myers, Cynthia Anne 373 211, 375 Mitchell, Glenda Lou ҟ 224, 295 ҟ Palmer, Polly Ann 295 Myers, Diane Kay ҟ Mitchell, Lindsay Trone ҟ 371 289 Palmer, Randy Sherrill ҟ Myers, Ellen Dee ҟ331 Mithoefer, Marcia Ann ҟ 391 ҟ 346 Palmer, Russell Jay 350 Myers, Gary Von ҟ Mize, Gary Williamҟ 319 386 Palmer, Wayne Michael ҟ 419 Myers, James Oscar ҟ 361 Mizer, Janet Sue ҟ 384 Paloski, Gerald ҟ 298 Myers, Judith Annҟ ҟ Moberly, Stephen C. Pamarada ҟ 427 Myers, Judith Carol ҟ 378 400, 438, 441, 456 282 ҟ Panhellenic Council 439 Myers, Marilyn Ann Mobley, Paul Wayne ҟ 336 Oak Hall ҟ 377 372 Panicucci, Carol Louise ҟ 362 Mary Priscillaҟ ҟ Myers,ҟ Modesitt, Raymond Harry Ober, David Phillip ҟ 322, 370 211 Pappas, Harry John ҟ ҟ408 Myers, Nancy L.ҟ 346, 445, 455 ҟ Oblouk, Marian June 197 ҟ 365 Parcel, Guy Steven 223, ҟ 293 Myers, Patricia Ann 223, 309 Mohlke, Barbara Annҟ ҟ 239 Obremskey, Michael J. ҟ 332, 424 Parker, Carol Ann ҟ 197, 308, 456 Myers, Ruth Evelyn 326, 451 Mohr, Barbara Ann ҟ 445 ҟ O'Brien, Terry John ҟ 328 Parker, Dave Maxwell Myers, Sally Ann ҟ371 Moke, William Henry ҟ 325 Oceanides ҟ 420 378 Parker, Elinor Clyde ҟ 306 Myers, Stephen Ray ҟ ҟ 349 Moll, Melvin Charlesҟ ҟ ҟ 316 Ockermann, Kenneth R. Jr. ҟ 373 Parker, Jane Ellen ҟ 455 Myette, Elizabeth Annҟ 364 Molnar, David Paul ҟ 350 ҟ O'Connor, Brian Richard 211 ҟ Parker, John Thomas Monaghan, Nancy Carol ҟ 378 Oddi, Marcia Jeanne ҟ 373 429 Parker, Suzanne G. ҟ Mondary, Marcia Jean ҟ 363 197, 346 O'Dell, Harold Guilford .ҟ 393 Parks, Janeann E. ҟ Money, Richard Warren ҟ 352 224 Odom, Vernon Jr. ҟ 304 Parmater, Susan F. ҟ 197, 320 Monn, Larry Neil ҟ 299 O'Donnell, John Francis ҟ 361 Parmenter, Rebecca Sue ҟ 379, 407 Montgomery, Jay Ellis ҟ 224, 246 Odusch, John Martin ҟ 332 Parnell, Patricia Ann ҟ Montgomery, Joel E. ҟ 333 306 Offutt, Douglas Carterҟ 386 Parrett, Thomas Clayton ҟ Montgomery, Thomas M. ҟ 297 354 Ofsaiof, Sharon B. ҟ 313 Parrish, Allan Douglas ҟ Montgomery, William S. ҟ 301 312 ҟ Ogle, Judith Emily 295 ҟ Parrish, Linda 197 Moody, Marvin Dale ҟ 224, 309 ҟ O'Hara, Susan Barr Nadler, Milo William ҟ 346 361 Parrott, Julie Ann ҟ Mooney, Barbara Ellenҟ ҟ 308 224, 326 ҟ Ohl, Constance Rose 197 ҟ 311 Nafari, Nasser Parry, Annabelle ҟ Moore, Ann Elizabethҟ ҟ 223 304 Oja, Carol Virginia ҟ 291 211, 320 Nagle, Joseph Harold Parson, Earl Kenneth ҟ Moore, Baxter Glenn Jrҟ 322 197 Okon, Betty Jean ҟ 429 Nagy, Gregory John 197,398 Parsons, Donald Alva ҟ 311 Moore, Carol Lee ҟ 406, 413 Oliver, Connie Rae ҟ 401 Nagy, Kathleen Ruth ҟ 392 Partridge, Sarah E. ҟ Moore, David Matthew ҟ 376 198 Oliver, Eleanor P. ҟ 246,321 370 Nakasone, Kenneth H. Pasko, Amelia May ҟ Moore, Hugh Lynch ҟ 197 ҟ Oliver, Margaret S. 373 ҟ 367 230 Narron, Thomas Lee ҟ Pasmas, Arthur John 211 Moore, James Earl ҟ Oliver, Myrna Sue 318, 423 Nash, Carolyn Jean . . ҟ 354,424,427 Pasquale, Michael J. ҟ Moore, James Proctorҟ ҟ 333, 405 178, 179, 312, 424, 462 290 ҟ Nasser, Philip Anthony 315 Pastor, Susan Kay ҟ 223, 370 Moore, Jerry Steward ҟ 362 Oliver, Nancy Jean ҟ ҟ 318 Nasser, Stephen C.ҟ 198, 332 Pastore, Marie D. ҟ Moore, John William ҟ 366 302 ҟ Oliver, Robert Philip 411 National Student Association Patcheak, Donald Lee C. . ҟ211, 346 411 ҟ Moore, Joseph Glennҟ 228, 246 Olsaysky, William James . .ҟ 197,291 288 ҟ Natkin, Gerald Lewisҟ Pate, Glenn Stephen ҟ 228 Moore, Judy Jo ҟ 377 Olson, Carol Jean ҟ Naughton, Nadine A.ҟ ҟ 362 348 Pate, Phillip Roberts ҟ 300 Moore, Maureen Doak ҟ 300 ҟ Olson, Judith P. 198 197 Nawrocki, Aloysius D. Jrҟ ҟ Patrick, Leonard A. Moore, Philip Wyattҟ 211, 330, 448 198 Olson, Judith Rose ҟ Naylor, Bettye Louise ҟ 233 295 Pattengale, Kay Lynne ҟ Moore, Robert Keith ҟ 353 432 ҟ Olson, Karin Emily ҟ 39 70 375 Neal, Carol Elizabeth ҟ Patterson, Bette L. Moore, Ted W. ҟ 352 198 Olson, Kenton Carl ҟ Neal, Karen Ann ҟ30 Patterson, Justin P.. . . . 211, 327, 432 299 Moore, W. Randolph ҟ 295 Olsson, Rhonda Jill ҟ 299 Neal, Nyla Elaine ҟ 223 Patterson, Trent M. ҟ 100 Moore, Woody Windel Jr. ҟ 393 O'Malley, Ruth Ann ҟ 211,407 349 Neawedde, James Allen Patton, James Curtis ҟ Moosey, Phyllis Ann 304, 424 ҟ O'Malley, Susan Mary 360 Nedderman, Ruth Ann ҟ 393 Paul, Brenda Emily ҟ 314, 402, 449, 450 411 Omega Delta ҟ 307,449 360, 451 Neddo, Judith Ann ҟ Paulsen, Ann Carol ҟ Morell, William Rex ҟ 429 411 Omega Epsilon Phi ҟ ҟ 211 316 Neely, Jerome Charles Pavel, Richard Dale ҟ Morelock, Sharon Louiseҟ 308 317 Omega Psi Phi ҟ 198, 334 Nees, Bessie Lou ҟ292 Pawlik, Robert Altenloh .ҟ Morgan, Carolyn S. ҟ 197 406 ҟ Omicron Delta ҟ . . . 365 346 Neff, Brent Edward Pawloske, Thomas Georgeҟ Morgan, James LeRoyҟ 365 228 O'Neill, Danny Lee ҟ ҟ 332 333, 455 Neff, Margaret Walker Pawlowski, Julian E. ҟ Morgan, Patricia Belle ҟ 374 321 ҟ O'Neill, Dennis Michael 329 Neidigh, Phyllis Ann ҟ 392 ҟ Pazol, Lawrence Z. Morgove, Ronald Everett ҟ 448 303 O'Neill, Nancy Anne ҟ 314,402 211 Nein, Linda Elizabethҟ Pearce, John S. ҟ Moritz, James Williamҟ ҟ 223 297 Opre, Thomas Edward ҟ 297 ҟ 299 Nellans, Larry Wayne Pearce, Robert Richard ҟ Morrell, Charles E. Jr. ҟ 302 198 ҟ 211 Oram, Richard Kent 198, 290 Nelson, Elliott ҟ Pearlman, Caryl Ann ҟ Morrical, David Lee ҟ 412 Orbaugh, Georgia Ann .... 309, 413 224 ҟ Nelson, Geraldine A. Pearson, Dan Duane .. 211, 333, 403 Morris, James Thomas ҟ 315 303 211 Ordway, Sally Ann ҟ 198, 370 Nelson, Homer ҟ Pearson, Donald Lee ҟ Morris, Joann Elizabeth ҟ 406 409 ҟ O'Reilley, Nancy Lou 362 368 ҟ ҟ Nelson, Jane A. Pearson, Edward Albin Morris, Pamela C. ҟ 360 198 Orgel, Harold Jerome ҟ 27 224, 326 Nelson, John Arnold ҟ Peasley, Cynthia Jo ҟ Morris, Stanley M. ҟ 197 Orme, Lucinda Marie 294,36 92 236 Nelson, Norma Jean ҟ Peck, Judith Carol ҟ Morrison, Guy E. Jr. ҟ 306 211, 303, 401, 406 370 334 ҟ ҟ Nelson, Sandra Lou Peck, Thomas Edward Morrison Hall ҟ 372 Ormiston, Michael Rollaҟ 379 386 ҟ 392 Nelson, Susan Elizabeth Peckham, John Denison ҟ Morrison, James E. ҟ 306 411 Orr, Dennis Mark 247,297 Nelson, William James ҟ Peden, Steven Roy Morrison, Martin Andrewҟ 288 224,324 211 198, 325, 429, 432, 440 Nemcek, Gloria ҟ Pegram, Charles Wesley ҟ Morrison, Terry Ann ҟ 362 Orr, Dwight Maxwell ҟ 321 ҟ Nemeth, Paulette Ann 320 39 0 Pell, John Ruh ҟ Morrow, Melinda ҟ 374 292 Orr, James Richard ҟ 349 311 Nering, Sandra Kay ҟ Pence, Jarrett Covalt ҟ Morsey, Paul Josephҟ ҟ 301 ҟ Orr, Jeffrey Kent ҟ 363 Nesbitt, Margaret Ann 366 Pence, Thomas George .211, 318, 432 Mortar Board ҟ 401 307 Orr, Robert Dennis ҟ 297 Nester, John Gilbertҟ ҟ Penn, Terri Ann ҟ 445 Morton, Don Sidney ҟ 349 ҟ 211,313,407 Orr, Rosemary ҟ Nesty, Philip Brooksҟ 228 371 Pentino, Anthony Louis ҟ Morton, Jerry Cliftonҟ ҟ 211 224,290 Orr, Sandra Sue ҟ Neubauer, Fredda ҟ 391 224 Pepper, John Elliott ҟ Mosel, Marcia Jeanneҟ ҟ 294 392 Orr, Stephen Robert ҟ Neville, Dixie LaVerne ҟ 328 Pequignot, Stanley E. ҟ 384 Mosele, Paul Arthur ҟ 348 318,428 Ortstadt, Kathrena Lang ҟ ҟ 198, 314 Newbern, Jay Douglas Perdue, Loundle Joe ҟ 318 Moses, Jill Evelyn ҟ 290 Osanya, Nyyneque Arthur ҟ 211 Newhard, Louise ҟ 445 Perigo, Terry Allen ҟ 349 Mosier, Carol Ruth ҟ 223 Osborn, Beverly Jensen ҟ 420 Newman, Harriet Penine, Michael Clay ҟ 299, 367 Mosier, Esther Alberta ҟ 223 Osborne, John Frederick.ҟ 299, 418 224, 331, 402, 449, 453, 454 Perkins, John James ҟ 321, 439 Moss, Elinor Ann ҟ 331 ҟ Osborne, Richard Lee 330 Newman, Nancy . . 197, 290, 373, 448 Perkins, Sherry Lynn ҟ 303 Moss, Gerald Leon ҟ 230 Osborne, Robert Lee ҟ Newman, Ruthanne ҟ 304 307 Perks, David Ray ҟ 320 Moss, Mary Jo ҟ 197 Osgood, Lisbeth Carolyn ҟ Newsom, Rebecca Dee ҟ 361 390 292 Perrotta, Judith Ann ҟ Moss, Max Eugene . . . .197, 428, 458 ҟ Oshiro, Carol ҟ 370 Nicaise, Frank F. 327 Perry, David Michael ҟ 302 Moss, Rae Lynn ҟ 373 211 Oster, Donald Vernon ҟ Nicholas, Ted R. ҟ 9, 384 353 Perry, David Robert ҟ Mosser, Jerry Lee ҟ 409 198, 300 Oster, Sue Ann ҟ Nichols, Daniel Clement ҟ 307 212 Perry, Judith Thomasine ҟ Molts, Sharon Elaine ҟ 373 ҟ 362 Ostroff, Marilyn Sue . .290, 420, 424 Nichols, Rachael J.ҟ Perry, Miriam Ellen ҟ 311 Moudy, Christine ҟ 370 320 Otte, Charles Seng ҟ Nicholson, Ronaldҟ ҟ 350 Perry, Roger William.. 198, 296, 449 Moulder, Linda Sueҟ ҟ 393 Ovelton, Beverly C. ҟ Nick, Betsy ҟ 293, 451 Pershing, Gary Lee ҟ 373 306 Mount, Stuart Edward ҟ 211 Overbeck, Judy Ruth ҟ 372 Nicklas, Harold Hugo Jr. Person, Donna F. ҟ 374 Mountz, Pamela Teeters .ҟ 223, 314 Overholt, Larry D. ҟ 335 Peters, Bruce ҟ 328 197, 412, 429 Mowrer, Steven Michael .ҟ 299, 426 Owen, Frances Victorisҟ 361 Niedermeier, Thomas P. ҟ Peters, Dallas M. Jr. ҟ 318 368 Mowry, Sherrard Pollard . . . 361, 451 Nieman, Marilyn Raeҟ ҟ Peters, Darlene Kay ҟ 298 211, 423 373 Owen, George Nicholsonҟ Mu Phi Epsilon ҟ 408 Nigh, Calvin Reidҟ ҟ Peters, David Jeffrey ҟ 348 333 Mueller, Doris Lanelle ҟ 392 Owen, Michael W. ҟ 333 Niji, Jeanne Kumiko ҟ Peters, Gerald Edward ҟ 368 371 Mueller, Karen L. ҟ 294 Owen, Paul Steven ҟ 348 Nikolich, Biljana ҟ Peters, John Kent . . . 316, 407, 422 197 Muffle, Peter Frank ҟ 228 422 Owen, Verne Victor ҟ Nilsson, Kim Gottfridҟ ҟ 197 Peters, John Paul ҟ 370 Mugg, Linda Lou ҟ 326, 402 Owens, James Kent 212 Nisevich, Stanley J. Jr. ҟ Peters, Kenneth W. ҟ 336 Mullikin, Gordon Leeҟ ҟ 366 313, 404, 407, 426, 441, 444 Nishi, Lynden Kenichi ҟ 371 247, 288 Peters, Nancy Virginia ҟ Mullin, Theresa Anneҟ 332, 420 412 Owens, Mary Josephineҟ Nita, Phyllis Ann ҟ 365 311 Peters, Thomas Dean ҟ Mullin, William Lewis ҟ 365 Nix, David Patrickҟ ҟ 384 346 Owens, Patricia Ann ҟ 360 Peters, William George ҟ Mullins, Bert Jeffersonҟ ҟ 336 293 Nix, Mary Elizabethҟ 224, 362, 413 Peterson, Eleanor ҟ Mullins, Gary Edmund ҟ 230, 349 352 Owens, Vernon Jean ҟ Nixon, John Jerome ҟ 211, 346 Peterson, Mia Lindsay ҟ 308, 409 Mumford, Clarence A. ҟ 346 Owens, William I. 2nd ҟ 'ҟ 198, 330 Nixon, Marjorie Ann ҟ Petersons, Agris ҟ 289, 436 306 Mumma, Patrick Joseph 299 Oyer, Philip Edward ҟ Noble, Brenda Lee ҟ 197 Petrie, Sharon Rose ҟ 377 211, 323, 448 Oyler, Daniel Steffen 211, 246, 297 Noble, Dan Allen ҟ 211, 429 Petscher, Phyllis ҟ 354 Munger, Murray Lynn ҟ 297 332 Ozier, Carol Jo ҟ Noble, Rochelle A. Hullҟ 224, 413 Pettijohn, Susan ҟ 304 Munro, John Miller ҟ 362 Noggle, James Edward ҟ Petyo, Kenneth Nicholas ҟ 330 Murdock, Michael ҟ 351 325, 330 Nolan, William R. 2nd ҟ Peyser, Ronald Gaylord ҟ 330 299 Murphy, Dudley Gregory . ҟ316, 407 ҟ Nolte, Joyce Marieҟ 197 Pfau, Norman Edward Jrҟ 320 Murphy, George H.ҟ Jr..ҟ . ҟ364, 368 ҟ Nori, Fred Joseph 334 Pferrer, Peter Michael ҟ 346 Murphy, Michael Janҟ ҟ 306 Norman, M. Joanneҟ ҟ 303, 408 Pfingston, Roger Carl ҟ 198 Murphy, Roselyn ҟ 228, 332 Pflanzer, Richard Gary ҟ 318 ҟ410, 424 Norquest, Carol Elaineҟ Murphy, Ruth Elaineҟ ҟ 373 Pfluger, Charlotte F. ҟ ҟ 360 Norris, Carrie Ann 308, 463 Murray, Diane Frances ҟ 309 Pheifer, Raymond Nelsonҟ 299, 444 350 Murvihill, Dennis Allen ҟ Norris, John Hart ҟ 211 297 Phi Beta Kappa ҟ ҟ 228 Pace, Julian D. ҟ 398 Norton, Marjorie Ruthҟ Musgrave, Mary Sandra ҟ 324, 432 Phi Delta Theta ҟ 361 318 Pace, Susan Jane ҟ Noveroske, James W.. .197, 313, 448 Musselman, Katharine S.. . .ҟ223, 324 Phi Epsilon Pi ҟ 319 Pack, Ralph W. ҟ 211, 246 290 Novitsky, Joan ҟ Musselman, Noelle Glen . . ҟ223, 360 Phi Eta Sigma ҟ 292 425 Padgett, Mary Abigail ҟ Nulsen, Leif Eric ҟ 353 Musson, Linda Louise . .223, 304, 413
Phi Gamma Delta ҟ 292 Repking, Sharon Darlene ҟ 289 Ross, Thomas Guy ҟ 328 Prince, Priscilla Ann ҟ 320 '313 Reppert, Brian Josephҟ ҟ Rossero, John Stephen ҟ Phi Kappa Psi ҟ Pritchard, John Williamҟ ҟ 365 264 321 Proper, Kathryn Louiseҟ ҟ Resnick, Margery ҟ Rossow, Curtis Harold ҟ Phi Kappa Tau ҟ 360 391 322 322 Roth, Linda Sue ҟ Phi Kappa Theta ҟ Rethmeyer, Linda Ruthҟ 298, 421 Proudfit, Robert Leslieҟ .198, 320, 432 361 323 Reuter, Martha Louiseҟ Roth, Robert Marte ҟ ҟ 438, 441 Phi Lambda Theta ҟ Prough, John P. ҟ 299 322, 438 413 Phi Mu ҟ 324 Reveley, William G. Jr.ҟ ҟ 321 Roth, Robert Stuart ҟ Prugh, Sharon Kay ҟ 224, 413 432 Reynolds, Anthony Earlҟ ҟ 310 Rothberg, Peter Alan ҟ Phi Sigma Kappa ҟ Pruitt, John Robert ҟ 329 235 325 Rothert, Mary Jane ҟ Reynolds, David Thoman 212, 306, 403 Philips, William P. Jr. ҟ Pulse, Earl Burton ҟ 212, 328 230 354 Pumphrey, Robert Larryҟ Phillipoff, Carl ҟ ҟ 212 Rothrock, Joan . . 199, 282, 314, 449 321 Rouhana, Rodolphe ҟ Reynolds, Dorothy Jeanҟ ҟ 305 Phillips, Barbara Allen ҟ Purcell, Loretta Kay ҟ 224 366 312 ҟ Reynolds, Lawrence J. ҟ ҟ 228 Roush, Charles Edward ҟ Phillips, Barbara Ann ҟ Purdy, Charles McCord ҟ 316 312 333 Reynolds, Myrna Lynn ҟ 371 Rousseau, Mark Owen ҟ Phillips, Barbara Sue ҟ Purser, Dorothy Ann ҟ 308 199, 439 282, 312 Reynolds, Richard Drew ҟ 313 Roussos, Nicos T. ҟ Pursley, Lana Kay ҟ Phillips, Charles Wayne ҟ 363 198 336. 456 Reynolds, Rita Rose ҟ 362 Roy, Michael Aaron ҟ Purvis, Michael F. ҟ Phillips, Constance Ada ҟ 318 350 311 Reynolds, Robert C. ҟ 352 Royer, Sharon Sue ҟ Putt, Richard Wendellҟ ҟ 212, 423 Phillips, David Merrill ҟ 199 316 326, 451 Rhyne, Glee Ann ҟ Royster, George M. 3rd ҟ Phillips, Donald J. ҟ 320 228 Rice, Judith Gayleҟ .326, 402, 424 Royster, Robert Allyn ҟ Phillips, Edgar H. Jr.ҟ 320 316 390 Richards, Constance N.ҟ ҟ Rozcicha, Maryellen F. ҟ Phillips, Harvey E. ҟ 371 333 Richards, Larry Neal ҟ 351, 405 Rubin, Paulette Aline Phillips, Linda Keller ҟ ҟ 420 198 Richards, Martha Jo ҟ 300, 451 Rubush, Edward J. Jr. ᵬ Phillips, Mary Anita ҟ 306, 405 293 298 Richards, Nancy Ann ҟ Ruby, David Harold ҟ Phillips, Robert L. ҟ 320 334 Richardson, Mary E. ҟ 198, 413 Ruby, John Edward ҟ Phillips, Robert Melvin ҟ 456 370 411 Richardson, Philip Geneҟ ҟ Ruchman, Harriet Sue .224, 290, 429 Phillips, Thomas ҟ 224 Quackenbush, Carol L.ҟ ҟ 362 231 Richardson, Robert Rayҟ ҟ Rucinski, Philip R. ҟ Phipps, Anthony L. ҟ 228 418 Queen, James Royce ҟ 365 Richardson, Vicky Louҟ .289, 451, 455 Pi Beta Phi ҟ Rucker, Judith Ellen ҟ 224 326 Quigley, Joseph W. ҟ 321 298 Richert, Sandra Jane ҟ Ruckman, Charles A. Jr. Pi Kappa Phi ҟ ҟ 315 327 Quimby, Barry James ҟ 350 Richiger, Linda W. Ruddell, William J. ҟ Pickens, Leon Frank ҟ 316 288 Quin, Mary Elizabeth ҟ 374 Rudicel, Elizabeth Ann ҟ Pictor, Robert Ray ҟ 198, 289, 453, 454 323 326 322, 449 Quinn, Pamela Ann ҟ Richmond, Dale Alan ҟ Rudolph, Franklin G. Jr. ᵬ Piepenbrink, William N. 346 307 Quinn, Terry James ҟ 352 Richter, Andrew Carl ҟ Ruebush, Susan Anne ҟ 353 392, 451 313, 407, 448 Quinter, William H. ҟ 228, 246 Rick, Mary Jane ҟ Pierce, David Lee ҟ Rueth, Franklin Donald ҟ 456 198 199 Ricke, Stephen Gregoryҟ Pierson, Deborah Jane ҟ 301, 426 Ruge, James David ҟ 272 312, 410 Ricker, David John ҟ Rumph, Janice Martha ҟ Pierson, Pauline A. ҟ 318, 353 371 355 Piggee, Loretta F. ҟ Ricks, Stanley Howardҟ Rumple, John Robert ҟ ҟ 236 349, 451 293, 372 Pigman, Judith Ara ҟ Riddet, James David ҟ Runner, Carol Meredith 198 306 Pike, Rebecca Hunt ҟ Riddle, James Edwardҟ ҟ 288 408 295, 440, 451 Pine, Charles Leroy ҟ Ridenour, Carolyn Sueҟ ҟ Runner, Charles Cyril ҟ 392, 409 368 367 Pine Hall ҟ 378 Rider, David Curtis ҟ Rupe, Kenneth Allen ҟ 212 316 Rieck, William H. Jr. ҟ Rupert, Thomas Jearl Pingle, Karl Kenneth ..407, 427, 440 ҟ 366 301 ҟ Raber, Jamelyn 391 Pink, Roger Arnold ҟ Riedell, Phyllis Ann ҟ Rush, Carolyn Kay ҟ 198, 295 315 199 Rabinowitz, Betty Sue ҟ 290 Pink, Ronald Addison ҟ Rietze, Gail Lynn ҟ Rush, Charles Keirn ҟ 315 456 301 Race, John Stephen ҟ 9, 385 Piper, Jeanie ҟ Righeimer, William Johnҟ Rush, Gerald Lynn .349, 422 ҟ 328 295 Racer, Charles Michaelҟ .212, 301, 403 Pitzele, Charles Eden ҟ Rush, James Edgar ҟ Rines, Carole Ann ҟ 410, 440 294 318 Radcliffe, Charles W. ҟ 198 Place, Marilyn Kaye ҟ Rush, Kathy Ann ҟ 224, 294 Ring, David Francis ҟ 199, 297 362 Radcliffe, Gwendolyn S. ҟ ҟ 378 Plaskett, Naomi Blume ҟ Rush, Marilyn June 224 Rinkenberger, Renata R. ҟ 199 ҟ 374 Radigan, Margaret Annҟ ҟ 362 Pletcher, Richard L. Rush, Thomas David Riskind, Donald Jay . . . 199, 403, 449 Radwan, Frank Paul ҟ 334, 431 Ritchey, Diane . . .402, 424, 438, 444 244, 299, 328, 438, 448 212, 328, 403, 429, 431 Rae, Douglas Whitingҟ ҟ 306 Pletka, William George ҟ Rushworth, Paula Jean ҟ 224, 292 Ritchie, Connie Sue ҟ 385 393 Raeburn, Gordon Calwell ҟ 307 Plikuhn, Thomas August ҟ Russ, James Stewart 366 Roark, George Michaelҟ ҟ 212, 299 ..328, 400, 449 Raeburn, John Hay . Plost, Charles I. ҟ 370 Robbins, Charlotte Raeҟ ҟ 9, 199, 301, 398, 400, 403 372 Rafert, Carol Elizabethҟ ҟ 371 Plotkin, Phyllis Joyce . .224, 331, 429 Russell, Carol Rush ҟ Robbins, Margaret J. ҟ 199 393 Raff, Marlene Sandra ҟ 290 Rutan, John Andrew Plummer, Alfred H. 3rdҟ ҟ 411 Robbins, Mary Kay 320 ҟ 363 Railsback, Beverly D. ҟ 377 Plummer, Carlagene ҟ Ruter House ҟ 409 Robbins, Thompson Neel ҟ 352 239 Raiser, Nancy Claire ҟ 450 Plummer, Phyllis R. ҟ Rutz, Beverly Diane ҟ 374 Robert, Douglas William ҟ 374 387 Ralstin, Nancy Lee ҟ 377 Plump, Wayne Edward ҟ Ryall, William Fondren 349 Roberts, James LaVerneҟ ҟ 438 Ralston, Charles Edward ҟ 316 Plunkett, John Ross ҟ 368 224, 328, 429, 449 Roberts, John Randolph ҟ 97 Rambo, Phillip Dean ҟ 224 Pock, Margaret E. ҟ Ryan, Nancy Ann ҟ 309 449 Roberts, Linda Kay ҟ 199, 326 Ramey, Jo Nell ҟ 378 Poe, Richard David ҟ Ryan, Robert Burke 302 ҟ Roberts, Patrick Josephҟ ҟ 316 335 Ramp, Fredrick Louis ҟ 316 Pohl, Stephen Eric ҟ Ryan, Robert Kent Jr. ҟ 333, 432 328 Robertson, Barbara A.ҟ ҟ 363 Ramp, Jerremy Myresҟ ҟ 316 Poindexter, Carolyn J. ҟ 282, 332 Ryan, Thomas Lynn ҟ 297 Robertson, Jerry Otis ҟ 318 Ramsay, Janice Anne ҟ 311, 402 Polay, Faith Dyer ҟ 290, 410 Ryker, Sue Ann ҟ Robinson, Carolyn Annҟ 363 ҟ 362 ҟ Ramsey, Harry Wayneҟ 313 Polikowski, Robert E. ҟ 318, 426 Rynearson, Eleanor ҟ 300 Robinson, David William ҟ 348 Ramsey, Nathan Lee ҟ 317 Poling, Carol Jo ҟ Ryser, Terry Armin ҟ 327 224 Robinson, Jerry LaMarҟ ҟ 302 Ranck, Thomas Lee ҟ 346 Polk, James Ray ҟ 198, 321 Robinson, Judith Sue ҟ 199, 413 Randolph, Kenneth Joe ҟ 315 Pollack, Judith Ann ҟ 331 Robinson, Martha Annҟ ҟ 391 Raney, Rosalie Adamsҟ ҟ 456 Pollard, Frank Roger ҟ 306 Robinson, Schuyler Leeҟ ҟ 199 Ranich, Donna Elaine ҟ 362 Pollock, Robert Clay ҟ 198 Robinson, Thelma E. ҟ 293 Ranschaert, Nancy Kay ҟ 424 Poison, Edward Wesley ҟ 318 Roby, Philip Brian ҟ 333 Rapier, Charles Ronney ҟ 322 Pomeroy, Paul Robert 315 Rocchio, Joseph Anthony ҟ Rapoport, Sonya ҟ 331, 429 198, 320, 400, 437 Rothman, Richard S.ҟ ҟ 291 Rapp, Ernest William ҟ 449 Pond, Shirley Ann ҟ 371 Rock, Elissa ҟ 456 Rattner, Bette Jeanne ҟ 311, 402 Saarinen, Patricia M. ҟ 374 Pontius, Cheryl Lee ҟ 378 Rocke, Mary Susan ҟ 284, 289 Ratts, Thomas Ellsworth 336, 424 ҟ Sachs, Janet ҟ 290 Pontius, Dale Edward ҟ 449 Rodgers, Nancy Annҟ ҟ 284, 324 Rau, Richard M. 2nd ҟ 198, 330 Sachs, Susan ҟ 199, 290 Poole, Robert Graham ҟ 404 Rodgers, Patricia Jeanҟ ҟ 324, 441 Ravencroft, Timothy A. ҟ 353 Sacopulos, Penny ҟ 376, 378 Poon, Yiu Cheong ҟ 198 Rodriguez, Raymondҟ ҟ 352 ҟ Ravenscroft, Philip G.ҟ 313 Saczawa, John S. Jr. ҟ 199 Poorman, Allen Leroyҟ 224 ҟ Roeder, William Calvinҟ 288 Ray, Willie Fredrick ҟ 431 Sagalowsky, Ronald Lee ҟ 329 Pope, John Morton ҟ 370 Roehm, Carol Ann ҟ 326, 449 Rayl, James L. ҟ 256 Sager, Russell Arden ... .. .ҟ 272 212 Pope, Thomas James ҟ Rea, Donna Jeannine ҟ Roelke, Patricia Lynnҟ . .224, 298, 413 294, 413 Sagers, Catherine Diane ҟ 390 Popletr, Susan Joan ҟ 198 ҟ Roesner, Jay Overmyerҟ 320 Rea, Terrance Lee ҟ 315 Sailing Club ҟ 409 Popp, June Annette ҟ 406 Rogers, Barbara Janeҟ ҟ 309 Read Center ҟ 354 Saladino, Jimmie James ҟ 325 Porter, Beverly Anne ҟ 361 Rogers, James Mark ҟ 403 ҟ 198, 298 Read, Margaret Louiseҟ Salzarulo, Henry H. ҟ 320, 425 Porter, David Denning ҟ 328 Rogers, Judith Annettaҟ ҟ 212, 406 Ready, Martha Jane ҟ 292 Salzarulo, William P. Jr. ҟ 212 Porter, David Lee ҟ 449 ҟ Rogers, Max Arthur 328 Real, Jerry Lee ҟ 365 SAM Club ҟ422 Porter, Elizabeth Lee ҟ 362 Rogers, Michael K. ҟ 379 326 Ream, Carolyn Cameron ҟ Sammann, Paul Nathian ҟ 319 Porter, Kenneth Thomas Rogers, Susan Jan ҟ 314 Reas, Ronald Edwin ҟ 315 Sammons, William F. ҟ 231 267, 351, 404, 449 Roland, Douglas Clarkeҟ ҟ 316 Redenbaugh, Stephen H. ҟ 288 Samper, Edward Ronald . . .386, 410 Porter, Lillian Lee ҟ 224, 293 Rolf, Lois D. ҟ 375 Reder, Roberta Janet ҟ 309 Samson, Fred Burton ҟ 330 Porter, Linda Lee ҟ 198, 293 Rollins, Virginia Kayҟ ҟ 303, 402 Reece, John David . . . .2 2, 407, 422 Samuel, Thomas W. ҟ 351 Portnoy, Ivan Lee ҟ 349 Romberg, Caryl Louiseҟ ҟ 312 Reeck, Claude C. Jr. ҟ 288 Sandberg, Susan Mary ҟ 429 Posselt, Gayle L. ҟ 298, 374 292 Rome, Charlotte Annҟ ҟ Reed, Harold Joseph ҟ 307 Sanders, Edith A. ҟ 293 Potter, Cynthia Ann ҟ 289 Romero, Gerald Merwyn ҟ 334 Reed, Judith Sharron ҟ 374, 445 Sanders, Fred Carl ҟ 325 Potter, George Richard ҟ 288 Romey, Paul K. ҟ 352 Reed, Rebecca Aliceҟ .314, 413, 439 Sanders, Kathryn Louise ҟ 363 Potter, Sue Ann ҟ 304, 441 Romyanondha, Uhnaҟ ҟ 295 Reeder, James Randolph ҟ 421 Sanders, Robert Levi ҟ 317 Potts, Thomas Sloan ҟ 299 Roof, Dennis Keith ҟ 330 ҟ 326 Rees, Julie Petree Sanders, Sara Ellen ҟ 298 Powers, Elizabeth Maryҟ 393, 450 ҟ 224 Roof, Texas K. Reeve, Daniel Hart ҟ 351 Sanfilippo, John Joseph ҟ 336 Pozner, Norman Carl ҟ 353 Root, Clayton Dyer 3rd ҟ 231 224 Reeves, Linda Sue ҟ Sanford, Marcia Ann ҟ 295, 455 Prall, Fred Worden ҟ 334 Ropp, Celia Louise ҟ 332 Reeves, Lynda Jane ҟ 378 Sankstone, Samuel R. ҟ 291 Prange, Betty Jean ҟ 289 Rose, Joel Samuel ҟ 348. 455 289, 440 Regester, Marilyn Sue ҟ Sanrilli, Janet Marion ҟ 448 Prather, Linda Winstonҟ 304, 450 Rose, Sandra Jean ҟ 378 391 Rehm, Lynda Danelle ҟ Sapper, Jeanne Louise ҟ 324 Prather, Robert Larry ҟ 334 Rose, Susan Jean Trippҟ 354, 437, 449 314 Reichart, Kristan L. ҟ Sargent, Elizabeth Ann ҟ 448 Pratter, Michael Stuart ҟ 319 Rose, Thomas Vance Jr. ҟ 352 305 Reid, Patricia Ann ҟ Sarka, Charlene Ann Pray, David Earl ҟ 385 ҟ Rose, Wendell G. 352 289, 449 Reiff, Dianne Lynn ҟ 154, 300, 429, 449 Prebys, Henry John ҟ 440 Rose, William C. ҟ 212, 330, 436 362 Reiff, Joanne Lea ҟ Satinsky, Janet Louise ҟ 290 Prebys, Thomas Anthony ҟ 352 Rosebrough, James ҟ 306 ҟ Reiff, Kay Dianne 304 Saul, Warren Jay ҟ 350 Precht, William T. ҟ 302 Rosenau, Doris Elaineҟ ҟ 224 Reineke, Jan Richard ҟ 321 Saunders, Charles W. ҟ 349 Predd, Mary Jo ҟ 236, 289 .331, 402, 444 Rosenberg, Sandra Raeҟ 224 Reininga, Ellen ҟ Sauvain, Sandra Sue ҟ 393 Prekowitz, Carol F. ҟ 295, 448 Rosenberger, Carolyn A. ҟ 378 Reisert, Charles E. Jr. ҟ 315 199 Savage, James Louis ҟ Prendergast, Lynn F. ҟ 309 Rosenfeld, Harriet E.ҟ ҟ 331 Reising, Madge J. ҟ Savidge, Virginia C. ҟ 374 303 Preston, Gregor Ashjian ҟ 386 ҟ Rosenthal, Anita Julesҟ 354, 448 Sawchik, Jeanie ҟ 393 Price, Harry Roger ҟ Reisman, Milton ҟ 410 239 Rosner, Jerry Augustҟ ҟ 299 Sawicki, Robert Stephan ҟ 353 Price, James Neal ҟ 332 290, 445 Reiter, Sharon Lee ҟ Ross, Bonna R. ҟ 306 311 Sawin, Virginia Lee ҟ Price, Jerry Morris ҟ 212, 370 Reiter, Theodore A. Jr.ҟ Ross, Constance B. ҟ 295 .325, 367 Sawtelle, Roger Allan . .199, 370, 457 Price, Linda Gail ҟ 294 ҟ 212, 301 Renegar, Marcia Lynn ҟ Ross, Harry Stegner Jr.ҟ 361 Sawyer, Sherry ҟ 332 Price, Margery Lynn ҟ Renick, Howard Jr. ᵬ 325 300 Ross, Jeannette Ann ҟ 370 Sayag, Jacqueline ҟ 373, 398 ҟ Price, Stephen George ҟ Ross, Joan Drakert ҟ 236 362 Renne, Mary Ann 328 Sazama, Cynthia Marye ҟ 354 429 Scabbard and Blade ҟ Renner, William Ralph ҟ Prickett, Dan E. ҟ Ross, Philip Charles ҟ 325, 306 352 296, 307
Scaturo,ҟ Phyllis Marieҟ ҟ 300, 402 Sexson, Cynthia Ann Sims, Grace Cherise ҟ ҟ 225 329 Sosin, Theodore M. ҟ ҟ Scecina, Nancy Rosalieҟ .294, 432, 449 Sims, John Richardҟ ҟ ҟ 326, 402, 449, 451 Souder, Ruth Ellenҟ ҟ ҟ 335 391 Schaden, Richard Thomasҟ ҟ316 ҟ Sims, Michael Starling ҟ Shaker, Earl Williamҟ ҟ 307 368 Southwood, Nancy Sueҟ ҟ 378 Schaefer, Walter J. Jr. 387 Shallers,ҟ Singer, Doris Goldsteinҟ 225, 429 Alvinҟ Paul ҟ Sowden, Nancy Sue 199, 398 412 392 Schaeffer, Eileen E. Singer, Yvonne Marieҟ ҟ ҟ Shaner, Ronald Raymond ҟ ҟ 348 179, 309, 458, 461 Sintz, Peter Vaughanҟ ҟ ҟ Schahfer, Marcella I.ҟ .ҟ 362, 390, 409 213 Shank, John Gaylord ҟ ҟ Sowers, George Maxton ҟ 320 ҟ 352 ҟ 212 Schaub, Joseph Carlҟ Sirkus, Nanette Bethҟ ҟ ҟ Shank, Sandra Lee ҟ 331 295, 406 Sowers, Judith Ann ҟ ҟ 409 Schechter, John Stephenҟ . . . .325, 384 Sisson, Gary Geneҟ . . .ҟ 239, 409, 411 ҟ ҟ Shanks, Marciaҟ Spahr, John F. 3rd ҟ 363 ҟ 316 ..290, 402, 454 Sithen, Vicki Annҟ ҟ ҟ Schechter, Suzanne C.ҟ 374 Sharer, Don Allenҟ ҟ ҟ 333 Spahr, Mary Ann ҟ ҟ 361 ҟ 313 Sizemore, Robert Dennis ҟ ҟ 306 Scheid, James Edwardҟ Sharp, Charles W.ҟ ҟ ҟ 318 Spankler, Dale Stevanҟ ҟ ҟ 365 . .. .384, 444 Skapa, Barbara C.ҟ ҟ ҟ Scheltens, Gerald V. Jr.ҟ 421 375 Sharp, William Leeҟ ҟ ҟ Spangler, Suetta Kayҟ ҟ ҟ 392 ҟ Skidmore, Constance Jo 301 Schenk, Robert H.ҟ Sharpf, Allen Lee ҟ ҟ 212 Spannuth, Charlo Ann ҟ ҟ 332 228, 314, 401, 448, 450 Schenkel, Sue Lynnҟ ҟ 392 Shattuck, Margaret Ann ҟ ҟ 236 Sparks, Jerry Dukeҟ 328, 426 299 Skidmore, Thomas Roy ҟ Scherrer, Paul Andrew Shaw, Albert Charles ҟ ҟ 246 Sparks, John Keithҟ ҟ 200, 448 .213, 315, 423 212, 323, 423, 448 Skillman, Donald Rexҟ ҟ Shaw, Barbara Lynn ҟ Sparks, Miriam Kay ҟ ҟ 363 225 .ҟ 239 Skogan, Wesley Gordonҟ ҟ ҟ ...... Schertzinger, John C.ҟ 313 Shaw, Jack Ryan ҟ ҟ 333 Sparks, Richard Lee ҟ ҟ 297 ҟ 200 Skomp, David Claud ҟ .... 351, 410 Scheurich, Manley Kingҟ 236, 300 Shaw, Karenҟ ҟ Sparling, Ronald Lee ҟ ҟ 213 426 378 Skull and Crescent ҟ ҟ ҟ Schildroth, Anne C.ҟ Spear, James Arthur ҟ ҟ Shaw, Sally Sue 329 432 Slaby,ҟ Ray A. ҟ Schille, Carol Anneҟ Speller, Fayette Noelҟ ҟ ҟ 309, 402, 428, 449, 458 373 313, 404, 406, 423, 448 453, 454 ҟ Schilling, Susanneҟ Spence, David Fraser ҟ Shaw, Virginia Lee ҟ ҟ ҟ 326 385 424 ҟ ҟ Slack, Nancy Leeҟ ҟ Schlichting, Fred W.ҟ 319 Spencer, Charles A.ҟ Shearer, Joan Mayҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 200 316 . . . .213, 302 Sladek, Roger Williamҟ ...ҟ Schlotter, Leoҟ .. 352, 405 Spencer, Lowell Harry ҟ Sheets, Larry Richardҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 334 444 .236, 312, 432 ҟ 239 Slagle, Janice Louise.ҟ Schmidt, Carl Heinrichҟ Shehorn, Mary Lindaҟ Spencer, Richard Daleҟ ҟ . .360, 444, 455 315,439 321 ҟ ҟ 391 Slavin, Creta Marleneҟ ҟ Schmidt, Fred Weberҟ Sheldon, Victoria Gayleҟ ҟ ҟ 312 Spencer, Robert Eddieҟ ҟ ҟ 213 ҟ366 Sleppy, Kathryne Sue Schmidt, Peter Champlinҟ Shellabarger, Josephҟ S.ҟ ҟ ҟ 299 Spencer, Warren Richard ҟ ҟ 379 228 298, 404, 406, 422 ҟ Schmits, Fred Leeҟ Sphinx Clubҟ Shelvis, Tony Barrettҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 403 366 199 Slipher, Wanda Jeanҟ ҟ ҟ 393 ҟ Schmitt, Bibiana Annҟ Spindler, Carole Janetҟ ҟ ҟ 308 Shepard, Frank G. Jr.ҟ ҟ ҟ 352 331 Slutzky, Gail Sharonҟ ҟ ҟ Schmoyer, Judith Rae Spisak, Emory Johnҟ Shepherd, Carole Toddҟ ҟ ҟ 311 200,333,403 .ҟ 314, 406, 439, 449 Smallwood, Thomas H. Spider, William Leslie ҟ Shepherd, Judith Anneҟ 225, 362 ҟ 421 .ҟ 385 ҟ 213, 320, 403, 449 Schneider, Larry Leeҟ ҟ ҟ Spitzberg, Daniel H. ҟ ҟ Shepherd, Nancy Hodgeҟ 362 329 290, 456 Smedley, Jerry Morgan ҟ ҟ Schneider, Nancy B.ҟ 385, 409 Splittorff, Charles W.ҟ ҟ ҟ Sherbondy, Anne Louise ҟ ҟ 374 200 350 ҟ Smedley, Judith Ann ҟ ҟ Schneider, Paul Edwardҟ 372 Spradlin, Joseph E. ҟ Sherby, Joan Marieҟ ҟ 374, 445 348,409 321, 316 ҟ Smeltzer, Linda Sue ҟ ҟ Schneider, Thomas F.ҟ 363 Sprague, Barbara Karenҟ ҟ ҟ Sherman, John Carleton ҟ ҟ 288 361 199, 282, 294 Smiley, Olive Ann ҟ 200, 332 Schneiter, Diane Marieҟ Spray, Edward Audley ҟ Sherman, Nancy Carolҟ ҟ ҟ 326 313,448 412 ҟ Smith,ҟ Alice Mayҟ . .ҟ 284, 293, 373 Schnell, James Arthurҟ 329 ҟ ҟ Sprengelmeyer, Lawrenceҟ Sherwood, Edward Arthur .365 289 Smithҟ Hallҟ ҟ Schnell, Vicki Louiseҟ ҟ 367, 368 289 Springer,ҟ Phyllis Ann . .282, 284, 289 Shibe, Karen Annҟ ҟ ҟ Smith, Arla Jeanneҟ ҟ ҟ 212, 359, 423 303 Schnier, Roy Ronaldҟ Curtis Reedҟ 200 Springer, Ross Eugene . .213, 316, 405 Shields,ҟ ҟ ҟ 225, 300 Smith, Barbara Aliceҟ ҟ ҟ 225 Schnitzler, Mary C. ҟ Shields, Jerry Kayҟ ҟ ҟ 303 Springer, Susan Janeҟ ҟ ҟ 390 457 Smith, Billie Elaineҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 332 School, Elizabeth L.ҟ Joeҟ .ҟ Springsteen, Jean E.ҟ ҟ 284, 298 Shields,ҟ Larryҟ .. . .ҟ 349 392 ҟ Smith, Bruce Richardҟ ҟ ҟ 407 Schrader, Joyce Carolҟ Sprinkle, Alan Leslieҟ ҟ ҟ Shinneman, Jack Douglas 346 335 Smith, Carol Jeanҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 331 Schramm, Karl Johnҟ Sprong, Cynthia Leeҟ ҟ ҟ 213, 313, 404, 448 373 313 ҟ Smith, Carol Louiseҟ ҟ ҟ 303 ,chreiber, Richard K.ҟ Shinneman, Nancy Diane ҟ Sprunger, Rebecca L. ҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 374 390 228 ҟ Smith, Carolyn Ava ҟ ҟ 361 SC:iroder, Sandra Jeanҟ Spurgin, Kathryn May ҟ ҟ 200 Shipley, John Leighton ҟ ҟ 421 349 ҟ Smith,ҟ Cecilҟ Pierre Schroeder, Orlend F.ҟ Squier, Karon Sue ҟ ҟ Shirock, Sandra E.ҟ 362 ҟ ҟ 374 318, 426 ҟ Schroeder, Richard T.ҟ 213, 297, 428, 448 Shoemaker, David M.ҟ Stack, James Edward Jrҟ ҟ 322 ҟ 200, 246 199, 314 Smith, Charlcye Joҟ ҟ ҟ Schuetz, Karen Mitchell 326 Shoemaker, Judith Ann ҟ ҟ Stacy, Ralph William ҟ ҟ 365 312 326 ҟ Smith, David Thornton ҟ Schuetz, Nancy Leeҟ 246, 330 Shoemaker, Ronald Harryҟ ҟ ҟ Stafford, Carolineҟ ҟ ҟ 361 348 420, 449 ҟ Smith, Deane Karsten.. 213, 270, 423 Schulhof, Carole Janeҟ Shontee, Raymond T. ҟ ҟ Stafford, Donald Bruce ҟ ҟ 353 310 247, 328 ҟ Smith, Dennis Francisҟ ҟ ҟ Schulhof, Lary Alanҟ 412 Shook, Barbara Ellen ҟ ҟ ҟ Stahlҟ Neilҟ 352, 427 374 212 ҟ Smith, Don Paul ҟ ҟ Schulman, Benjamin S.ҟ 213 Short, Brenda Gaye ҟ ҟ Stahlhut, Judith Louise .369, 374, 449 390 199, 290 ҟ Smith, Donna Jeanneҟ ҟ ҟ Schulman, Sarah Anneҟ 373 Short, Gary Wilsonҟ ҟ Stansifer, Ronald Kentҟ ҟ ҟ 297 200, 288 406 ҟ Smith, Frank Geneҟ ҟ ҟ 228 Schulthise, Carole Raeҟ 282, 293 Short, James Lesterҟ ҟ Stanton, Beverly Susanҟ ҟ 325, 386 ҟ 199 Smith, Fred Edward ҟ ҟ 384 Schultz, Dale Allenҟ Shouse, Lynn Gordon ҟ Stanton, Keith Lynnҟ ҟ ҟ 423 306 225 ҟ Smith, Gary Wayne ҟ 301 Schultz, Frederick M.ҟ Shrader, Homer Lee.ҟ Stanton, Susan Caroleҟ ҟ ҟ 326 ҟ ҟ 200 Smith, Harold Allenҟ .... 177, 428, 459 ҟ ҟ Schultz, Gary Alanҟ 329 200, 304 Shrago, Phyllis Cecileҟ ҟ ҟ Stark, Mary Louise ҟ 225 406 ҟ Smith, Howard Warde ҟ ҟ Schultz, Gerald Ervinҟ 315 Stark, Robert L. Jr. ҟ 200, 297 Shriber, Judith Dianeҟ ҟ ҟ 439 ...289, 436, 449 Smith, Jacquelyn June ҟ ҟ Schultz, Sandra Leeҟ 392 Starkel, Nancy Annҟ ҟ ҟ Shroyer, Ann Cady ҟ 'ҟ 326 370 231 Smith, Janet Kay ҟ ҟ 294 Schumm, Gerard Edgar ҟ Starr, Howard D. Jr. ҟ ҟ 213 Shuel, Rebecca Warringҟ ҟ 445 ҟ351 Smith, Jerrold Rexҟ ҟ ҟ Schumm, Robert Williamҟ 325 Shuler, Samuel Peter ҟ Sratman, Bernice Joyceҟ ҟ 297, 445 390 360 Smith, Jerry Deanҟ ҟ ҟ Schuster, Roseannҟ 376, 379 Shulruff, Reeva N. ҟ ҟ Stauffer, Don Richardҟ ҟ ҟ 297 463 225 ҟ Smith, Joanna Adaleneҟ ҟ 324 Schutte, Juliann E.ҟ Shultz, Donald Eugene ҟ ҟ Stearns, Keith Eugeneҟ ҟ ҟ 327 264 360 ҟ Smith, John Martinҟ ҟ ҟ 213 Schwallie, Linda Annҟ 319 Shurr, Roger Eugeneҟ ҟ ҟ Steele, Byron Wellsҟ ҟ ҟ 321 295 Smith, Karen Diane ҟ ҟ 200, 332 Schwartz, Margaret E.ҟ 231 Shuter, Edward Leeҟ ҟ Steele, Gary Eugene ҟ ҟ 367 291 ҟ Smith, Karen Lee ҟ ҟ 424 Schwartz, Michael M.ҟ Shuter, Rita Ann ҟ ҟ 200 James Oliver ҟ ҟ 330 Steele,ҟ Smith, Ken Alanҟ . . . .225, 331, 429 ҟ ҟ 213 Schwartz, Rae Nanҟ 225, 429 Shutt,ҟ Mae ҟ ҟ Cynthiaҟ Steele, Judith Annҟ 236, 298 290, 402 325 Smith, Kenneth Allenҟ ҟ ҟ Schwartz, Sara Lois ҟ 200, 244 Shutt, James Lewisҟ Steere, Marcia Lee ҟ ҟ ҟ 334 ҟ 329 Smith, Larry Joeҟ ҟ ҟ Schwartz, Thomas Edwardҟ 335 273, 329 Sickafus,ҟ Judy K. 402, 424, 432, 454 Stein, Bernard Abram ҟ 312 Smith, Lynn Burdette ҟ ҟ 288, 423 Schwier, Jerilyn Bebeҟ 405 Sidlauskas, Nellie Anne ҟ 9, 294 Stein, Helaine Sharonҟ ҟ ҟ 225 ҟ ҟ Smith, Michael Edwardҟ 306 ҟ Scofield, Nancy Annҟ 304 ҟ Sieber, Mary Kay ҟ 360 Steinbeck, Jane E.ҟ ҟ ҟ Smith, Nancy Shannonҟ 200, 311 Sconce, Katheryn Louise ҟ ҟ 406 Sieber, Sue Annҟ ҟ 200, 295 Steinkamp, Carol Louiseҟ Smith, Patricia Beachҟ ҟ ҟ 326, 449, 450 377 ҟ Siegel, John Arthur ҟ 288 Sremle, Miriam Helen ҟ ҟ 239 Smith, Patricia Louҟ ҟ ҟ 311 ҟ363 Scott, Carolҟ 225, 432 Siegel, Susan Arvahҟ ҟ ҟ 360 Stephan, Karen Annҟ ҟ Smith, Patsy Darlene ҟ ҟ 378 ҟ 199, 314 Scott, Connie Leeҟ 225, 300 ҟ 350 Siegesmund, Sharon E.ҟ ҟ Stephens, Charles E. ҟ Smith, Randall Scottҟ ҟ ҟ 212 349 ҟ Scott, Fred Jewelҟ ҟ 350 Siegesmund, Suzanne Louҟ Stephens, Samuel A. 2nd ҟ ҟ 374 213 Smith, Richard Morganҟ ҟ ҟ 312, 361 ҟ 213 Scott, Linda Gailҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ Siesky, Larry Leeҟ Stephenson, Gorham B. ҟ 366 Smith, Robert Allenҟ ҟ ҟ 318 288 ҟ Scott, Richard K.ҟ 312 Sigma Alpha Epsilon ҟ ҟ ҟ 328 Stephenson, Mary Kay ҟ 225 Smith, Robert Eugene ҟ ҟ 368 ҟ Scott, Vicky Annҟ 429 Sigma Alpha Eta ҟ Stephenson, Paul Ronald Smith, Sarah Jeanҟ ҟ 225, 292 212, 407, 456 Scoville, Jerry Leeҟ Sigma Alpha Iota ҟ 408 213, 299, 423 Smith, Sharon Roseҟ ҟ 308, 406 ҟ 225, 323 Seal, Charles Josephҟ 225 Sigma Alpha Mu ҟ 329 ҟ ҟ Stephenson, Sally E.ҟ Smith, Shirley Joҟ ҟ ҟ 427 333 ҟ Seal, James Arthurҟ 297 ҟ Sigma Chiҟ ҟ ҟ Stepich, Joseph George ҟ 330 225 Smith, Stephen Kendall ҟ Seal, Marilynҟ 200, 329 ҟ 331 Sigma Delta Tau ҟ Jerry Donҟ ҟ Sternstein,ҟ 361 321,425,427,438,444 ҟ Seale, Reva Jeanҟ ҟ 332 367 Sigma Kappa ҟ Sterrett, William E.ҟ ҟ ҟ Smith, Stephen Miloҟ 299 ҟ ҟ Seaman, Roberta Diane 200, 329 ҟ 115, 333 Sigma Nuҟ Steuer, Robert Karl ҟ Smith, Sue Elayneҟ ҟ 225, 331, 429, 449 295, 391 179, 289, 462 Epsilonҟ ҟ ҟ Judith Ann . .ҟ Sigma Phiҟ 334 Stevens,ҟ Smith, Terry Eugene ҟ ҟ ҟ 385, 421 346 Sears, Kenneth Maxҟ 299 335 ҟ Sydney Louise ҟ Sigma Piҟ Stevens,ҟ ҟ 351 Smith, Thomas Ronaldҟ ҟ ҟ 213 Sears, Mark Wellsҟ ҟ 423 Sigma Theta Tauҟ ҟ 417 Stevens, Thomas Carl ҟ 225 Smith, Zach Park Jr.ҟ ҟ ҟ Sears, Norma Louiseҟ ҟ 325 Sigmond, Harvey Worth ҟ 306 Stevenson, David Lewis 320 Smitherman, Shirley Ann Sebring, Robert Hugh ҟ 213, 351, 432 ҟ ҟ Signorino, Gary Lynnҟ 348 212 ҟ Seegers, Glenn Clarenceҟ 213, 362, 406 391 ҟ ҟ ҟ Sikich, Wendy Louҟ 309 Stevenson, Faythe Jean ҟ ҟ Smithson, Edward Lee ҟ ҟ Seelig, Carol Nancyҟ 199, 331 346 371 Silbergeld, Alan Markҟ 200, 440, 449 ҟ Stewart, Gwendolyn Eҟ 212 ҟ Smock, Judith Ann ҟ 228, 304 Seely, Charles Eugeneҟ 328 Silbert, Robert K.ҟ ҟ ҟ 329 Stewart, James Ramsay ҟ 316 Smyle, Irvingҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 289 Seer, Carl Wilsonҟ 236 Silca, George Nicholas ҟ ҟ ҟ ҟ 445 Stewart, Jeanne Annҟ 199, 282, 331 Snapp, Ray Todd ҟ ҟ .ҟ 301 Segal, Judith Louiseҟ Silcher, Susan Corinne ҟ ҟ 312 Stewart, Joyce Ann ҟ 303, 440 Sniadecki, Clement W. ҟ ҟ Seglin, Diana Beverlyҟ 351 Silver, Ruth Carol 331, 440, 449, 454 200, 282, 300, 402, 428, 449 Snively, Marjorie Aҟ ҟ 200 Seglin, Jacqueline V. 225, 329 Silverman, Manuel S. ҟ Stewart, Linda Dianeҟ ҟ ҟ 390 Snodgrass, Richard W. ҟ 44, 303, 438, 439, 441 213, 386 Silverman, Ronald Allanҟ 329 Stewart, Mary Janet ҟ ҟ 298 Snow, Norman Steven ҟ ҟ Seibel, Mary Susanҟ ҟ 329 199, 292 200, 412 Silverstein, Anita Gail ҟ 410, 427 Stewart, Ralph William . .ҟ Snyder, James Louis ҟ ҟ Seibert, Mary Leeҟ ҟ 320 ҟ 448 Simic, Curtis Raymond ҟ Stewart, Rita Jean ҟ 298, 457 Snyder, Linda Marie Seifert, Thomas Lloydҟ 212, 246, 333 329 Simkin, Lawrence M.ҟ ҟ ҟ Stewart, Tamara Kay ҟ 225, 413 Seiman, Ruth Annҟ ҟ 200, 401, 439, 445 294 .282, 312, 402, Simmers, Kathrynҟ 225, 322 Stidham, John Edmund ҟ Snyder, Ronald Lee ҟ Seitz, Daniel Bruceҟ ҟ 239, 411 328 428, 436, 441, 449, 458 Stillabower, Vera Mae ҟ ҟ 298 Sobat, Steven Nickҟ ҟ ҟ Selis, John L.ҟ ҟ 433 231 200 Simmons, Carol Isabelleҟ 200 Stine, William Roland ҟ ҟ Selke, Dianeҟ ҟ Sobol, Theodore Joseph ҟ ҟ 346 225, 413 Simmons, Joan Adele. .200, 311, 420 Stockamp, Mary Lou ҟ ҟ 373 Social Service Clubҟ ҟ ҟ 412 Sell, Nancy Annҟ ҟ 293 ҟ Simms, Nettalyn Rae ҟ 391 Stockton, James D.ҟ ҟ ҟ 236 Soderquist, Charles R.ҟ Selman, Mary Elizabeth ҟ ҟ 318 Simms,ҟ Susanҟ ҟ ҟ Janice Bain ҟ 392 Stockton,ҟ ҟ 225 Soellinger,ҟ Patrickҟ B. ҟ 200, 449 ҟ Simon, Marilyn Elaine ҟ 363 Stockwell House ҟ ҟ 199, 311, 346 348 Sokola, Sandra Ann ҟ Senior Business Boardҟ ҟ 404 ҟ ҟ ҟ 316 377 Simonetto, Joseph A.ҟ Stoecker, David Thomasҟ ҟ ҟ 307 ҟ Solliday,ҟ Suellynҟ ҟ ҟ Senesac, Gloria Jeanҟ 329 332 378 Simons, Harriet Roseҟ 449, 454 ҟ Sroewer, Diane Lynnҟ Solomon, Jay Harry ҟ ҟ Serie, Sharon Eileenҟ ҟ 428 ҟ 291 Simpson, Darcie B.ҟ 353, 391 Scoffer, Paul Raymondҟ . .ҟ .ҟ 353 Solomon, Louis B.ҟ ҟ ҟ 291 ҟ ҟ 200 Simpson, David J.ҟ Stohler, Jerry Deanҟ ҟ ҟ Sermersheim, Gail F.ҟ ҟ 333 378 Solomon, Lynett ҟ ҟ 424 225, 290 Simpson, Judyҟ ҟ Stohler, Larry Gene ҟ Seth, Clayton Eugeneҟ ҟ 333 351 Solomon, Thomas Lee ҟ ҟ 350 ҟ Simpson, Larry Dean ҟ 301 ҟ ҟ ҟ Stokes, Gerald Henryҟ Seufert, David Alanҟ 336 351 Soltmann,ҟ Starrҟ ҟ 391, 436 Simpson, Marcia Lynneҟ 303, 408 451 Stollenmeyer, Peggy Jҟ ҟ Seulean, Kathryn Annҟ 374, 408, 427 246, 321 Brounell ҟ Somers,ҟ Alanҟ Simpson, Mary Joyce ҟ ҟ 362 Stolp, Bonnie Jean ҟ ҟ 362 ҟ Severin, Merrily Geneҟ 361, 420 Songer, Joseph Michaelҟ ҟ ҟ 368 Simpson, Phillip Bertҟ ҟ ҟ 384 213, 422 Stone, Carl Anthonyҟ ҟ Seward, Bruce Emerson Sosbey, Carole Sueҟ ҟ ҟ 371 212, 306, 403, 448 Simpson, Samuel Bruce ҟ ҟ Sosenheimer, Anne Carolҟ 213 ҟ Stone, Carol Elaineҟ ҟ ҟ 303 379
329 Stone, Larry Bass ҟ Taylor, Mary Ruth ҟ Truesdell, Katherine A.ҟ .ҟ 201, 303 354, 363 ҟ Stone, Sandra Kay ҟ Taylor, Robert Leonardҟ Trumbull, John Allen ҟ 375 318 352 Stone, Sara Lucindaҟ ҟ 371 Taylor, Thomas Williamҟ 405, 406 Tschaen, Kyle Chenowethҟ ҟ 352 Stone, Steven ҟ 409 Tebik, Richard Stanley ҟ Tucker, Beverly Adele ҟ 362 313 Waak, Jerry Clinton ҟ 225, 304, 413 Teboe, Allen McKenzieҟ Stone, Susan Ann ҟ 316 228, 325 Tucker, Cynthia M.ҟ . .226, 413, 456 Wade, Norman Eugene ҟ 368 ҟ 213 Teeters, Richard Eugene ҟ Stoner, Dannie Delbertҟ 333 Tucker, Wendell Ray ҟ 201, 431 Wade, Ronnie Dean ҟ Tegeler, Linda Jane ҟ 294 367 Stoner, Laurie Sue ҟ Tuesley, Rosemary ҟ 303 378 Waegner, Sandra Lindleyҟ 332 226 Telle, Richard ҟ Stoner, Robert Gene ҟ Tullis, Carol Lynne ҟ 320 393 Waggoner, Charles A. ҟ 320 318 Stoppenhagen, Robert P. Tellman, Diane Kay ҟ 361 Turken, Michael Arnold ҟ 329 Waggoner, Patti Lynn ҟ 370 Storck, John Keeferҟ ҟ 226, 379 Temple, Mary Elizabethҟ 304, 429 295 Turley, Sally Diane ҟ Waggoner, Phyllis Anne ҟ 226 Storms, Charles Dirk ҟ 320 Templeton, Susan Jon Turner, Alfred H. ҟ 350 Wagner, Reginald Lee ҟ 201 Storms, Stephan Sutter 348, 406, 423 314, 450, 451, 455 Turner, Alice Carol ҟ 201, 304 299 Wagner, Richard Leon ҟ 292 Tenison, Judith Ann ҟ Stouder, Nancy ҟ Turner, Auburn Kit ҟ 352 373 Wagner, Sandra Clare ҟ 300 328 Terfler, Carolyn M. Stout, Gene Franklin ҟ Turner, Carol Sue ҟ 378 Wagner, Sue Frances ҟ 361, 420 361 362, 432, 444, 451 Stout, Karen Lea ҟ Turner, Edward Harris ҟ 316 Wagner, Susan ҟ 201, 309 213 448 Stowers, Rochelle Ann ҟ Terrell, Jane Ann ҟ Turner, Howard Andersonҟ 297, 448 Wagner, Vickie Marie ҟ 378 386 Terrill, Philip Richard 214, 328, 449 449 Strait, Thomas William ҟ Turner, James Oliver ҟ Wahlen, Marianne Birgit ҟ 303 ҟ 323 Terry, Dale Raymond ҟ Strange, Larry Joeҟ Turner, John Patrick ҟ 336, 379 307 Wait, Robert Frederick ҟ 279 424 Terry, Eileen Carole ҟ ҟ 349 Streeter, Thomas Wayne ҟ Turner, Joyce Ann ҟ 393 Waite, Ronald Eugene ҟ 214, 422 321 239, 411 Streib, Victor Lee ҟ Thaxton, Larry Wayne ҟ 368 Turner, Kenneth Larenceҟ Wake, Gail Ann ҟ 392 308 Strite, Barbra Anneҟ ҟ Theta Chi ҟ 337 Turpin, Kenneth Stevens ҟ 288 Walden, Billy Ray ҟ 348 200 428 Stroup, Kathleen Maeҟ Theta Sigma Phi ҟ Turpin, Malinda Lu ҟ 391 Walder, Thomas Georgeҟ 318, 426 294, 404 Theobald, Carol Ann ҟ 360 297 Strubbe, Janet Kay ҟ Tynan, Andrew Heron ҟ Waldron, Michael S. ҟ 385 213, 316 226 ҟ 309,420 Thiel, Marilyn Joann ҟ Strubbe, Thomas R.ҟ Tynan, Mary Virginia ҟ Walker, Beverly Annҟ 354, 362 378 289 Struewing, Carol Marieҟ ҟ 372 Thom, Judith Lynn ҟ Tyndall, Ruth Ellenҟ Walker, Charles James ҟ 336 ....... 226, 429 201 Stuart, Karin ....ҟ Thomas, Charles W. ҟ 306 Tyner, William Layton ҟ Walker, George Milton ҟ 353 214, 405 448 Stuart, W. Stanley Jr. Thomas, James Hilliard Tyrrell, David W. ҟ Walker, Harriet Jean ҟ 377 321 236,313 Thomas, John W. ҟ Tyrrell, Robert Emmett ҟ 213, 318, 403, 406, 423 Walker, John Sterner ҟ 246 Stuckey, Larry Dean ҟ Thomas, Judith Ellen ҟ 303 228 Walker, Larry Dale ҟ 302 362 Studebaker, James Daleҟ ҟ Thomas, Karen Lee ҟ 411 214 Walker, Linda Maxine ҟ ҟ 360 Student Education Association .ҟ 413 Thomas, Mary Ann Walker, Pauletta Jo ҟ 311 214 Thomas, Robert Harold ҟ Student Government ҟ 437 Walker, Richard Lee ҟ 346 Thomas, Stephanie K. ҟ Stull, Donna Jean ҟ 391 354 Walker, Robert Thomas ҟ 367 Stultz, Sharon Annҟ ҟ Thomas, Suzanne Jo ҟ 378 377 ҟ 441 Walker, Ronald William ҟ 299 Stump, Monte Raeҟ ҟ Thomas, Thomas Joseph 239, 411 310 Wall, Alvertis Chester ҟ 386 Sturgeon, Kay Frances ҟ Thompson, Carlos Eugene ҟ 304 293 ҟ Wall, Evelyn Carrol ҟ 201,448 201 Styles, Constance Annҟ ҟ Thompson, Don K. Uchimura, Sharon Hiromi ҟ 391, 409 Wallace, Barbara Jean ....ҟ 432 ҟ 352 Sullender, Charles E.ҟ ҟ Thompson, Harold Joseph 226 Udell, Jerry Gardner . . .201, 320, 449 Wallace, Wanda Hope ҟ 309 Sullivan, Gary Joe ҟ 330 Thompson, Jacqueline S. Uebele, Mary Louiseҟ ҟ 303 226, 298, 402, 438, 456 ҟ 333 Sullivan, Michael G. ҟ 385 Thompson, James Travis Ulbrich, Sandra Loisҟ ҟ 303 Waller, Marshall Bruce . . . .351, 412 Sullivan, Robert Devonҟ ҟ 405 Thompson, Jane Marie Ulerich, Judith Jo ҟ 361 Wallick, Diane ҟ 378 Sum, William Francis ҟ 213, 405 201,362,401,448,453,454 Ulrich, Susan Kay ҟ Walquist, Janet Louise ҟ 302, 392 408 Summerland, Mary Annҟ Thompson, John Michael ҟ 304 432 Umbach, Albert John ҟ 214 Walsman, David Quirin ҟ 349 Summers, Jean Ruth ҟ 308 Thompson, Kenneth A. ҟ 226 Umphrey, Lynne E.ҟ ҟ 326 Walter, Gerald Kenneth . .ҟ 214, 301 Summers, Judy Elaine ҟ 391 Thompson, Lester Walkerҟ . .ҟ ҟ 310 228 Underwood, Alice Ann ҟ Walter, Gilbert George ҟ 297 Summers, Richard James ҟ 366 201, 371 Thompson, Linda Jean ҟ Underwood, Lendon A. Jr.ҟ 334, 423 Walter, Jo Anne ҟ 444 Summits, Felix Glen ҟ 297 Thompson, Nancy Annҟ ҟ294, 324 ҟ Unger, Elmer Paulҟ 201, 457 Walter, Michael Carolyn ҟ 378 Sundholm, John Phillip ҟ 336 Thompson, Nancy Ruth ҟ 432 Unger, Marsha Dee ҟ 363 Walter, Peter Alan ҟ 368 ҟ Sunny, David Leeҟ 386 320 Thompson, Robert Irwin ҟ Unger, Phillip Stephenҟ Walters, Daniel Wade ҟ 201, 366 325 Sunny, Michael J. Jr. ҟ 325 228, 264 Thompson, Terry Lee ҟ Ungerer, Janis ..... ҟ ...ҟ ҟ Walters, Diana Sue 373 Supreme Court ҟ 439 292 Thompson, Virginia Lee ҟ Uptegraft, Larry Leeҟ 214, 405, 407 295, 402, 404, 406 Surber, Barbara J. ҟ 309 328 Thompson, W. Claude Jrҟ 421 Urbahns, Franklin Allenҟ Walters, Louis Alan ҟ 299 Sutter, Karl Vernon Jrҟ 321 Thomson, Sharon Lee ҟ 348 Urban, Lorraine Kaeҟ ҟ 300, 455 321 Walton, Basil R. Jrҟ Sutton, Byron Kent ҟ 432 346 Thorman, John Harry ҟ Urbanski, Joseph Andrew....ҟ 334 Walton, Robert Duane ҟ 325 247 ҟ Sutton, James Warrenҟ 384 Thorn, Richard Roy ҟ 201, 326 Urmon, Patricia Annҟ ҟ ҟ Waits, Thomas Harlan 288 201 Suyemasa, Marilyn ҟ 440 Thornburg, Michael Owen ҟ 323 Utley, Joy Dianeҟ ҟ 244, 289 Walz, Erwin John ҟ 413 Svejda, Marilyn Joyceҟ ҟ Thorne, Patricia Ann ҟ 391 214, 429 214, 306 Utter, Jon Channingҟ ҟ Ward, Albert Giles ҟ Swager, David Bruce ...ҟ ҟ 387 292 Thornton, Helen E. ҟ 412 226 Utz, John Aldon ҟ Ward, Wilma Mae ҟ 364, 421 Swain, Hal Warren ҟ 201 Thornton, Larry Jay ҟ ҟ Ware, Mary Eleanore 370 427, 444 Swain, Karl Davis ҟ 335 Thrasher, Philip C. ҟ 320 Watford, Lewis ҟ 366 Swain, Richard Everett ҟ 393 Thrush, Bonnie Jean ҟ Warnke, Marcia Lyn ҟ 369, 372 348 Swan, Robert Stevensonҟ 352 Thurston, Jimmie Lee ҟ 316 Warren, James Eugene ҟ 328 .ҟ Swander, Charles Edwardҟ 303, 448 Tiernan, Louann Eileenҟ 201, 306 Warren, Lawrence Alanҟ Swank, Karen Janeҟ ҟ 332, 457 320 Tigges, Dwight Blake ҟ ҟ 310 Warren, Roosevelt 305 226 Swarn, Emma Mae ҟ ҟ Tillery, Rollie Lynn 302 Warren, Sam ҟ Swartz, Claudia Ann . . .331, 402, 424 239, 411 Tillman, Stanley M. ҟ ҟ 322 Warring, James Lew 226 Swathwood, James Aquilaҟ 201, 327 Tilton, Bruce Patrick ҟ Warring, Jerome T. ҟ 354, 413 Sweitzer, Sally Janeҟ 298 Tindall, Barbara Ann ҟ Vail, Nancy Margaret ҟ 228, 311 201, 406, 423, 449 336, 413 214 Swelstad, Ronald Leeҟ ҟ Tinker, Ernest Leo ҟ 312, 441 Vaksdal, Janet C. ҟ 295, 450 Warring, Judith Kay ҟ 279 201, 404 Sweney, Richard Colin ҟ Tipton, Terry Lee ҟ 294 Valentine, Sandra Sueҟ ҟ 214, 407 ҟ Warrum, Dallas Murl 213 Swenson, Carl John ҟ 331 Tishkoff, Lois Judith ҟ ҟ VanAbeele, Andra J.ҟ 393 361 Warwick, Susan Louise ҟ 323 Swindeman, Thomas Eҟ . .ҟ 302 Tkindt, Kenneth Leonҟ VanArsdale, Richard A.ҟ ҟ 328 Wason, Robert P..228, 246, 267, 316 365 ҟ Swinford, Roger P.ҟ 426, 436, 440 Tobias, Randall Lee . .ҟ VanArsdale, Thomas A. ҟ 328 299 Wassman, William Robertҟ 370 ҟ 323 Swinson, James Alvinҟ Todd, Jerold P. ҟ VanBuskirk, Thomas D. ҟ 214 427 Wastjer, Carolyn ҟ 226, 303 214 Swisher, Brenda E. ҟ Toensing, Trent David ҟ ҟ 226 Vance, Virginia Ruth ҟ 333 Waters, George E. Jr. ҟ 396 Swygart, Ronald Ervin 386 ҟ Tolbert, Thomas Carterҟ ҟ VanCleve, Stephan A.ҟ 239 201 Waters, Robert L. ҟ 373, 374 Sycamore Hall ҟ 373 Tolle, Jackoline Eileen ҟ ҟ 348 VanDeman, Harvey E. 226 ҟ Waters, Ronald Russell 392 Symonds, Constance Ann ҟ 201, 371 Tolson, Mary Alice ҟ Vandenbark, James A. ҟ 330 365 Watkins, Alvin F. Jr. ҟ 297 Szal, Albert Henry ҟ Tomahawk ҟ427 Vandenbark, Linda Lou ҟ 363 293 ҟ Watkins, Anita Levanna 391 ҟ Szczerba, Evelyn Juneҟ 300, 422 Tomlinson, Carolee ҟ VanDorn, Joe William 409 Watkins, Doretta Mae ҟ 295 ҟ Szink, Carol Lynnҟ 313 Tompkins, Charles Mark ҟ 214, 244, 318, 404, 448 372 Watkins, Laura Mae ҟ 351 Szot, Dennis Lawrence ҟ 304, 402 Toner, Rosemond Eve ҟ VanLue, Ricky V. ҟ 386 ҟ Watson, Inga Arndt 369, 373 351 Szymoniak, John Albert ҟ 336 ҟ Toney, Robert Dale VanLue, Robert Lee ҟ 422 422 Watson, Morris Traver ҟ 297, 448 Toney, William Ward ҟ VanMele, Richard John ҟ 231 Watson, Richard D. 201, 332 Tonges, Jane E. ҟ VanNest, Robert Davidҟ ҟ 367 214, 318, 403, 423 290 Topp, Helene Iris ҟ VanSessen, Ronald A.ҟ ҟ 353 Watson, Stephen Clair ҟ 333 362 Torok, Sandra Gayle ҟ Vargo, Franklin Joseph 346, 400, 438 ҟ 228 Watts, Beverly Jayne 323 Torrella Carlos R. ҟ Varmo, Larry Victorҟ ҟ 313 ҟ 445 Watts, Marcia Lynne 316 Toth, Ronald William ҟ Vaughan, Winifred M. ҟ 445 288 Watts, Thomas M. ҟ 267 Toth, Sigmund ҟ Veeck, Tara Jo ҟ 292 Waugh, Kenneth Georgeҟ 365, 444 Tower Quadrangle .... 116, 382-395 Vendes, Wally Maridee .294, 439, 440 Taber, Robert Josephҟ 226, 369, 370 ҟ 226 Waugh, Ronald Joe 353 ҟ Tower, Thomas Joe VerBeek, Carl Edward ҟ 231 Tackitt, Stephen Wright ҟ 328 318 Wayco, James Edward ҟ 297 Townsend, David M. ҟ Verth, Thomas Williamҟ 246, 321 Tagalakis, Peter T.ҟ ҟ 313 408 Wayland, Stephanie C. ҟ 316 Tracey, Steven Edward ҟ Very, Jerry Dean ҟ 350 Tagtmeyer, Duwan Fred ҟ 323 226 ҟ Waymire, John Wendell 362 Tracy, Carolyn Jean ҟ Vetter, Susan Lee ҟ 314 Talbert, Sheilah M.ҟ ҟ 363 350 Weaver, Carl Douglas ҟ Traeger, Norman Lewis Vial, Dorothy Annҟ ҟ 445 Talmadge, Nancy Ann ҟ 201 Weaver, Luzetta Ann . .201, 291, 428 214, 400, 403, 449, 457 Victors, Sara Jo ҟ 449 Tanaka, Aileen Takayo ҟ 374 448 Weaverling, William Rayҟ 328 Trainer, Tom Frank ҟ Vigren, David Lawrenceҟ 407 Tanenhaus, Rochelle L.ҟ ҟ 331 Webb, Dixie Joan ҟ 378 . ҟ 348 Travis, Willard Lewis ...ҟ Vincent, Judy Kay ҟ 373 Tang, Seung Mun ҟ 201 350, 407 Webb, Kenneth Dale ҟ Traylor, Betsy Ellen . . . 311, 402, 424 Vinquist, Mary Ann ҟ 391 Tankersley, Barbara J.ҟ ҟ 371, 420 317 Webb, William ҟ Tremewan, Cary P. ҟ 333 Vint, James Edward ҟ 432 ҟ 325 Tankersley, Daniel S.ҟ Webber, John Maxwell 213, 302, 448 .ҟ Trinkle, Howard Bruceҟ ҟ 236 Vogel, William Ewing ҟ 333 Weber, Steven A. ҟ 315 201, 315 Trinoskey, Verne Lee ҟ Tanner, Michael Elmo ҟ 352 Voght, Judith Karen ҟ 377 315 Webster, Donald Spencer ҟ 421 Tripp, Joe Lee ҟ Tanner, William Dale ҟ 325 411 Vogelsong, Arnold B. ҟ 303 Webster, Sandra Jane ҟ 322 Trippel, Frederick 3rd ҟ Tarman, Thomas Dee ҟ ҟ 226 Voigtschild, Norma J. 334 231 Wedding, David S. ҟ ҟ 328 Trittschuh, John R.ҟ Tarnowieski, Dale Hҟ 424 Volkman, Sylvia Marieҟ 364 325 228 Weddle, Frederick W. Trombetta, Alexander D.ҟ Tate, Kenneth Robert ҟ 423 226 VonBurg, Paul Thomas ҟ 334 Weed, David Franklin ҟ 354, 360 Trombley, Sigrid Ann ҟ Tau Beta Sigma ҟ 409 312, 420 Vonesh, Charles Dudley ҟ 290 313 Weickel, Suzanne E. ҟ Trotter, Mary Libby ҟ 201 Weiffenbach, Jean-Edith ҟ Tau Kappa Epsilon ҟ VonGrossmann, Sue Lҟ 314 226, 448 Trout, Catherine Jane ҟ 336 449 Weil, Louis Arthur 3rd ҟ Taylor, Dorothy Lamour ҟ 305 VonTobel, Paul John ҟ 214, 351 Trowbridge, Robert E. ҟ 334 ҟ 300 Weilemann, Monica L. 305 Taylor, Gloria Jeanҟ ҟ Voorhees, Lawrence C. ҟ 349 Troxel, Judith Lynn ҟ 295 Weimer, Larry George ҟ 330 ,Taylor, James Selwynҟ 103, 201, 437 ҟ Voreis, Richard Douglasҟ 304, 449 318 Troxel, Pequita Ann ҟ 329 Weinraub, Joseph David ҟ 406 246, 321 Votaw, Joseph Wilber ҟ 403 Taylor, Jennie Leeҟ ҟ Troy, Michael Francisҟ Weinstein, Barbara L. ҟ 457 226 Votaw, Robert Barnettҟ 201, 328 Taylor, Lyla Nancy ҟ Troyer, Carole Louiseҟ 374 392 Weir, Rebecca Joanne ҟ 386 Weirick, Richard Ronald ҟ Vukowich, William T. ҟ Taylor, Mary Joanneҟ 226 364 Trueman, Michael Ray ҟ 384
Weisenauer, Sandra G.ҟ ҟ 406 Whittemore, Mary Ann ҟ 202 Weiss, Elaineҟ ҟ Whittenberger, Charlesҟ ҟ 371, 409, 427 348 Wick, Terry Eugene ҟ Weiss, Ian Michael ҟ 386, 423 333 329 Wickerham, Lynne E.ҟ ҟ Weiss, Lee Arthur ҟ 362 Weldy, Sandra Lee ҟ Wickman, Thomas Richard 226, 413 313 Wieggel, David Walter ҟ Welke, James Williamҟ 201 365 Wiehe, Ronald K. ҟ 301 Wellborn, Jeanne Marie Wieland, Diane Rae ҟ 438, 439, 450 361 Wielandt, Frederick M.ҟ ҟ Weller, Herbert Dale ҟ 330 336 Wieschhoff, Virginia A. ҟ 311 Wells, Herman B ҟ 2, 3, 46, 95, 107, 125, 137, 142 Wiese, Mary Lynn ҟ 361 323 Wells Center Councilҟ ҟ Wiesen, Robert John ҟ 369 Wiggam, Marsha Louise ҟ 361 Wells, Jeffrey Maynardҟ ҟ 307 Welsh, Janet Marie ҟ Wiggins, Diane Rose ҟ 314 361 409 Welsh, Judy Annҟ ҟ Wigginton, Carole ҟ 372 324, 424 Welsh, Kathryn Louise ҟ 314 Wike, Kara Elene ҟ 316 Wendt, Jere Allenҟ ҟ Wilbur, Gary Eugene ҟ 335 391 Weninger, Dorothy Marieҟ Wilder, Martha Kay ҟ 309 226, 348 Wilder, Robert Lehrҟ ҟ Wenzel, Wayne William ҟ 318 Wernecke, Emily Ann ҟ Wildermuth, Stephen W. ҟ 330 449 Werner, Shirley Ann ҟ Wiley, John Duncan ҟ 385 373 346 Wertz, Don Charles ҟ Wilhelm, Pamela Colley ҟ 362 365 ҟ Wilhite, Jacqueline Sueҟ Wertz, Michael James ҟ 391 457 239, 411 ҟ Wilhite, James Kirkman Wesley Foundationҟ 202 ҟ ҟ 236 Wesley, Jane Jordanҟ Wilhoit, Ernie Lewisҟ 408 299 Wesner, Mary Ann ҟ Wilke, William Maxwell 226 239, 411 Wessar, James LeRoyҟ Wilkins, Marilyn Elaineҟ 427 301 348, Wessel, Norbert Gene ҟ Wilkins, Theodore M. ҟ 307 378 West, Gaylord Alan ҟ Wilkinson, Diane C.ҟ ҟ 310 321 ҟ West, Herman ҟ Wilkinson, Robert A.ҟ 297 360 West, Michael Alan ҟ Wilkinson, Sue Ellenҟ ҟ 378 348, 405 Patricia Ireneҟ ҟ West,ҟ Willey, Gary Lee ҟ 228, 335 317 West, Roy Lee ҟ Williams, Andrew LeVon 226, 304 376 Westfall, Marilyn Jeanҟ Williams, Barbara Jane ҟ ҟ 334 Westfall, Phillip Kyleҟ Williams, Barbara Jean ҟ 405, 413 201 Wetmore, Judith Mae ҟ Williams, Betsy Carol ҟ 371 290 Wetter, Elinor Susan ҟ Williams, Carol Anneҟ ҟ 408 323 Wetzel, George C. ҟ Williams, Charmaine Jon 305 214 ᵬ Wetzel, William Jr.ᵬ 379, 412 Williams, David Henry ҟ 226 Whaley, Judy Kay ҟ Williams, Demetra F. M... 282, 305 424, 439, 454 Whaley, Suzanne Maeҟ Williams, Edward Lҟ 310 295 Whaley, Suzanne Marie ҟ Williams, James Loy ҟ 313 ..201, 333, 431 Wheatley, Stephen B.ҟ 214, 422 Williams, John E. Jr. ҟ 318 Wheeler, David Wagner ҟ 202 Williams, Joseph F. ҟ 353 Wheeler, Thomas Michael ҟ 226, 370 Williams, Joseph Ford ҟ ҟ 331 Whinston, Pamela K.ҟ 320 Williams, Leslie M.ҟ ҟ Whisler, Robert Jay 312, 444 Williams, Linda Louҟ 408 214, 321, 423, 448 Williams, Lynette S.ҟ ҟ Whisler, Stephen Wayne. . . .325, 403 289 Williams, Marcia Jean ҟ Whitacre, Judith Annҟ ҟ 226, 311 Williams, Martha Jean ҟ 374, 413 202 Whitcomb, Jean Carolyn ҟ Williams, Martin Dean ҟ 316 ҟ White, Carol Annҟ 354, 413 Williams, Nicholas Kentҟ 299 202, 457 White, Eugene Marvin ҟ Williams, Ralph Herbert ҟ 214 Jillҟ ҟ412 White,ҟ Williams, Ronald Orlҟ ҟ 320 White, John Barkley ҟ 321 Williams, Roy Richard ҟ 214 White, Judith Jean ҟ 424 Williams, Sara Ann ҟ 363 White, Rebecca Ann ҟ 378 Williams, Warren Keithҟ ҟ 385 White, Rebecca Louise ҟ 354, 410 Williamson, Emilie Annҟ ҟ 292 411 White, Stephen S. ҟ Williamson, Wallace F.ҟ ҟ 427 White, Sue Ellen ҟ 308, 455 Wilsey, Mira Louise ҟ 214 445 White, Virginia Lynne ҟ Wilson, Barbara Ann ҟ 369 White, William Thompson Wilson, Betty Sue ҟ 391 214, 297 Whiteleather, John W. ҟ Wilson, Holly Ann ҟ 378 Whiteleather, Judith A. Wilson, Jeffrey Hobbs ҟ 349 284, 304, 402, 424 Wilson, John Glandon ҟ 302 Whitelock, Janet Ruth ҟ 226, 2 98 Wilson, John Walter ҟ 335 Whitelock, Mary Frances .ҟ .406, 440 Wilson, Julie Kay ҟ 166 Whiten, James Lee ҟ 350 Wilson, Kathryn Maryҟ 300, 406 Whitham, Bruce Evan ҟ Wilson, Kay Lee ҟ 348 374 Whitinger, Beverly Jeanᵬ ᵬ ҟ 378 Wilson, Larry Earlҟ 346 Whitley, Bonnie Ann . .202, 305, 377 214 Wilson, Leland Wayneҟ Whitlock, Deannaҟ . . . .214, 406, 423 Wilson, Leonard F.ҟ ҟ 423 Whitlow, Richard Hal ҟ 322, 370 Wilson, Marilyn Eileenҟ ҟ 392 Whitman, Riley H. 2ndҟ 307 Wilson, Richard Misnerҟ ҟ315 Whitmore, John M. Jr. ᵬ Wilson, Robert Eugene ҟ 346, 445 407 Whittemore, Heather A.ҟ ҟ 361, 450 Wilson, Roberta Lillianҟ 308
Wilson, Rose Marie ҟ 293 Wilson, Stephen Leeҟ 349 Wilson, Theodore Allenҟ202 Wilson, William Edward 407 Wilson, William L. Jr ҟ 333 Wilt, Charles W. Jrҟ 334 Wilt, Judith Ann ҟ 390 Wimmer, John Cleve ҟ 333 .202, 449 Winckelbach, Edna Ann Windell, Ann Margaret ҟ 373 246, 267 Wines, Ronald Lee ҟ 311, 448 Winslow, Bonnie Jean ҟ Winslow, James Walker . .214, 319 Winslow, Sharon Lynn ҟ 361 202 Winstanley, Laurence Tҟ Winston, John Thomas .228, 330 Winston, Virginia Anneҟ311 Winter, Doyle Gene ҟ 231 309 Winterfeldt, Paula C.ҟ ҟ 408 Winzeler, Carol Ann ҟ 332 Wirts, Gretchen Lynn ҟ Witmer, Janice Lucile ҟ 289, 449 Witt, Susan Kayҟ ҟ 363 Woehler, Betty Lou ҟ 378 214, 405 Wolf, Malcolm LeRoy ҟ ҟ 312 Wolfe, Dorothy Annҟ 226 Wolfe, Elizabeth Anneҟ 365, 412 Wolfe, Thomas Johnҟ 329 Wolff, Jerold Irwin ҟ 302 ҟ Wolff, Karl Alfredҟ 295 Wondrack, Metta May ҟ 374 Wood, Dawn Diane ҟ 313 Wood, James Nolan ҟ 368 Wood, Walter Warren ҟ 307 Woodburn, Walter F. 3rd Woodruff, Linda Ann ҟ 294, 408 Woods, Carolyn N. ҟ 289 Woods, Phyllis Aldridge ҟ 202 Woodson, Marvin Lewis ҟ 91 Woodward, James Edward ....ҟ 246 Woodward, Thomas J. ҟ 267 202, 370 Woodworth, Nancy E. ҟ Woody, Luella Jean ҟ 308, 410 Woosham, Richard Edward 333 ҟ 226 Worstell, Eileenҟ 320 Worth, John Oliverҟ ҟ Worthington, George F.ҟ ҟ 302 Wotherspoon, Leeҟ ҟ 174, 321 214 Wright, Clifford Ray ҟ 312 Wright, Cynthia Ann ҟ 319, 444 Wright, David Dencil ҟ 364 Wright, Dean Arthur ҟ 318 Wright, Dennis Robert ҟ 321 Wright, James Evans ҟ 362 Wright, Johanna Joyceҟ 302 Wright, Larry Alan ҟ 227 Wright, Marie Brown ҟ 297 Wright, Peter Carroll ҟ 352 Wright, Robert Aaron ҟ 330 Wurtz, John Anthony ҟ K. ҟ Wyczawski, Maryҟ 390 Wylie, William Henry ҟ 333 326 Wynn, Nancy Jane ҟ ҟ 386 Wynne, Donald Francisҟ 367 Wyre, John Louis ҟ 332 Wyrick, Phyllis Lynn ҟ 374 Wysong, Margie Pearl ҟ
Xi Psiҟ Phiҟ ҟ416
Y Yanney, Barbara Jeanҟ ҟ 392 Yates,ҟ Shelia Adellҟ ҟ 305 Yeager, Karen Louise ҟ 391 Yeager, Richard Eugeneҟ ҟ 366 Yegerlehner, David A. ҟ 350 307 Yenerich, Randall Jamesҟ Yoars, John Phillip ҟ 386 Yockel, James Edwinҟ ҟ 370 Yocum, Michael Winston ҟ 367 Yoder, Donald Francis ҟ 333 Yoder, John Maurice ҟ 370 Yoder, Patsy Ruth ҟ 392 Yoder, Vincent Lynn ҟ 433 Yoho, Helen Roberta ҟ 298 Yoho, Sharon Lee ҟ 294 York, Steven Henley ҟ 321 Yosowitz, Edwardҟ ҟ E.ҟ 329 Young, Carolyn Frances 284, 305, 373 Young, Jere Kay ҟ 407 Young, Joann Marie ҟ 393 Young, Linda Ann ҟ 406 Young, Nancy Ellenҟ ҟ 360 Young, Patricia C.ҟ ҟ 294 Young, Richard Thomasҟ ҟ 333 Younts, Sara Bethҟ ҟ 227 Yudt, Edward Allenҟ ҟ 407 YWCA ҟ 450
Zahn, John Hermanҟ ҟ 352 Zahrt, Frederick Knarrҟ ҟ 352 Zahrt, Lillian Fayҟ ҟ 292 Zaitzeff, Serge Ivanҟ ҟ 202 Zalkin, Ireneҟ ҟ 290 Zaranka, Maryҟ ҟ 227, 427, 429 Zatorski, Christine P.ҟ ҟ 202, 294 Zaun, David Ronaldҟ ҟ 407, 441 Zavada, Ervin Leoҟ ҟ 334 Zehring, Dianna Francisҟ ҟ 372 Zeigler, Raymond Clarkҟ ҟ 350 Zell, Frederick Charlesҟ ҟ 279 Zellers, Judith Annҟ ҟ 374 Zeman, Iantha Joҟ ҟ 332 Zerbe, Robert Lynnҟ ҟ 325 Zeta Beta Tau ҟ 338 Zeta Tau Alphaҟ ҟ 339 Ziegler, Joseph Georgeҟ ҟ 313 Ziel, Edward Alanҟ ҟ 202, 448 Zima, Nadara Nancyҟ ҟ 374 Zimek, Louise Francesҟ ҟ 227 Zimmerman, Barrie Lewisҟ ҟ 368 Zimmerman, Dolores Kay ҟ 314 Zimmerman, Gail Elaineҟ ҟ 312 Zimmerman, Sara ҟ 227, 449 Zucker, Jerry I. ҟ 411 Zudak, Lawrence S.ҟ ҟ 202 Zuckerman, Pearl Estelle ҟ 227 Zvonar, Kathleen Rose 227, 374, 413 ҟ Zweiban, Donna Barrieҟ 362 297 Zwerner, Paul F. 2ndҟ ҟ Zwerner, Robert Kentҟ ҟ 297 Zygmont, Jane Marieҟ ҟ 215, 405