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Academics Sports Organizations People Seniors
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When you've seen beyond yourself— then you may find peace of mind is waiting there— And the time will come when you see we're all one, and life flows on within you and without you. George Harrison 2
Which of us is not forever a stranger and alone? Thomas Wolfe
A mind forever Voyaging through strange seas of thought, alone. William Wordsworth
Yet they had met, Friend and dear friend and a planet's Encouragement. Wallace Stevens
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I live in the crowd of jollity, not so much to enjoy company as to shun myself. Samuel Johnson 13
No man is an island, entire of itself .. . . . . I am involved in Mankind. John Donne
We should endeavor to do something so that we may say that we have not lived in vain, that we may leave some impress of ourselves on the sands of time. Napoleon Bonaparte 20
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. Thoreau
Spring It is spring, and the timid dwellers of the woods, otherwise known as those students who did not brave the winter to attend classes, show their faces once again. And theirs is not the only rebirth as another annual beauty of the I.U. spring, the monsoon, brings the rhythm of raindrops on big black umbrellas. But, dear hearts, all is certainly not bleak. The rains do stop now and then, and nothing quite matches the thrill of barefooting it through the tall grass outside the dorm or sitting down to meditate on a green hillside. And thanks to the campus vistas Beck Chapel comfortably nestled in its greenery or a ripe spring interlacing the top of Woodburn—many a student knows that somehow he will make it through another year.
Summer Summer at I.U. is a time for relaxing, and a special relaxing spot is the University pool. In fact, the pool's therapeutic value has been compared to that of a Palm Springs health spa by scores of summer school students who found themselves hungover with "academic fatigue" after a night's study at Nick's. A favorite gathering spot for apartment dwellers who are short on credit hours and long on social aptitude, the pool proves not so healthy for them as they rationalize away another day's study time to talk to that tough blonde from Colonial Crest. But in the end, poolside provides an entertaining afternoon for students, adults, and kiddies alike, especially when an Indiana varsity diver drops by to put on an impromptu exhibition. In fact, by the time the lifeguard whistles you out of the pool, your Seaand-Ski soaked body makes you feel like you were in the Bahamas. But alas, as you uncover your eyes, all you see is your beachbag containing that unread astronomy book.
Little 500 Last year for the first time in Little 500 history the race had to be postponed one day due to the little pellets of moisture that were falling from the air. But Sunday the sun finally decided to shine a little light on the Weekend of Wheels as all systems were "Gentlemen, mount your Roadmasters" for the 18th annual Little 500 race. The contest began as if it were going to be a carbon copy of the previous year—namely a conglomerate mass of a dozen or more front-runners, each surging ahead and then falling behind with virtually every lap. But the Phi Kappa Psi's peddled to their sixth Little 500 championship in record-breaking time when they took the lead for keeps in the 60th lap of the 200 lap race, and finished with a 47 second lead over the second-place racers, Delta Upsilon. While the jubilant Phi Psi cheering section was chanting "We want six!" throughout the afternoon, the rest of the crowd dozed, talked, listened to their radios, and waited for a race to begin. Phi Kappa Psi had such iron-clad control of the event that the remaining 32 teams decided to wait a lap and run their own contest.
It seemed that everything was under control except the weather Friday as the Crimson team, sporting a Big-ten co-championship whipped the Cream, 28-7. The annual gridiron clash exhibited Coach Pont's 1968 team (the Cream) publically for the first time against the weathered veterans of Rose Bowl fame. World renowned golf pros Mike Souchak and Paul Hahn were featured at this years golf clinic and jamboree. Hahn kept the viewers well amused with his bag full of tricks and words of wisdom such as, "It takes two things to play golf, perseverance and perspiration." Well, it appeared that the Golf Jamboree had the necessary ingredients as Souchak showed the perseverance while Hahn provided the perspiration. Souchak was back for a return engagement and put in a par for the course performance on 1.U.'s championship greens and fairways. Besides the rain last year there was also another added attraction Friday night for I.U.'s viewing pleasure—a sit-in by approximately 75 black students near the Memorial Stadium track. The sitters were demanding that all presidents of the University's Greek houses sign notarized statements waiving any discriminatory clauses in either their local by-laws or national charters. Needless to say, after a multitude of meetings by a multitudinous amount of people, the militants finally decided to get up. The race, which had already been postponed by rain, was allowed to continue on Sunday.
The fastest 48 coed teams peddled their tricycles at top speed in the 1968 Minilympics, which saw Willkie V andVI cycle to victory in record time. Independent dominance characterized the Mini as the semifinalist heats put five independent and one Greek team, Gamma Phi Beta, in competition for the final prize. The Gamma Phis actually turned in the quickest time of the evening, but were eliminated from the finals by the highly-spirited Willkie quartet. In float competition Alpha Omicron Pi and Sigma Phi Epsilon were awarded first place for their clever entry in the opening pageantry. By the time the Minilympics were over in May, the big-time Summer Olympics in October seemed somewhat anti-climactical. The fourteenth Little 500 Variety Show went Up, Up, and Away with the Fifth Dimension, Vicki Carr, and I.U.'s own Singing Hoosiers riding in the beautiful balloon of entertainment. Boris Karloff, Ed Sullivan, and Jack Benny also appeared on the stage of the Auditorium in the person of Rich Little, a clever impressionist whose rendition of Robert Kennedy seemed to delight the audience most of all. The Fifth Dimension advised the audience to "Go Where You Wanna Go", but it was apparent from the response of the two capacity crowds that were happy where they were.
Although the spirit of the weekend was somewhat dampened by the Friday rains, the Student Foundation was able to make a big splash with the students on the preceding Sunday by launching its first annual Regatta. Greeks and independents were at it again, only this time testing their sea legs in specially built paddle boats designed specifically for the new water race. From the 33 starting teams, Phi Delta Theta unknowingly added a touch of irony to the entire weekend by taming the tempest-tossed waters of Lake Lemon to emerge as the event's first champions. Prodded along by their co-ed sponsors Chi Omega, the Phi Delts paddled their way across the finish line before a large crowd of I.U.-style beach bunnies and surfers. 1968 was a year of several noteworthy exchanges for the Little 500. The Foundation mailed in twenty-five cents and two corn flakes in exchange for the Box Tops, who appeared at the squeezein called an Extravaganza. The black students and the University administration exchanged words in what turned out to be the most significant event of the entire weekend. And yes, those unbelievable Phi Psis exchanged riders so well during the race that they made the Johnson runaway of 1964 look like a down-to-the-wire affair. Bill Armstrong tried to exchange the weather, but there are some things that even executive directors have no control over.
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Summer Opera Summer Opera has been a long-standing tradition at Indiana University, and this year was no exception as the School of Music presented two outstanding musicals—"110 in the Shade" and "The Boys from Syracuse." Of course the most lavish production was the four and three-quarter hour performance of "the Mastersingers of Nuremberg." The major opera for the summer is chosen one year in advance by the stage directors and designers to include the largest number of people and afford the greatest amount of experience for the students involved. Since the prime purpose of summer opera at I.U. is the education of prospective professional singers, the cast is composed of faculty members and students working together in a close relationship. Two casts are chosen so that no one has an excessive amount of work. All costumes and scenery are made here at I.U. for the opera performances. In this year's production of "The Mastersingers of Nuremberg," many new techniques were used including a slanted stage, and closed circuit television cameras to coordinate the backstage and pit orchestras. Indiana University can indeed be proud of its progressive and educational summer opera program.
Brown County Playhouse Up to their ears in greasepaint and hairspray, the cuties who play the female heroines in the Brown County Playhouse productions will tell you it's hard work. Not only do the actresses and their counterparts have to whip together three shows a season, they also must work "prop," which means they find their own costumes, scenery, properties, and other equipment. The idea behind the "old barn" theater is to allow the actor the opportunity to work in all phases of stage production. The finished product is the culmination of all the students' efforts. Although the lack of specialization is a wound of pride to many actors, last year's company said the experience was valuable. Last year's season included Tennessee Williams' "Summer and Smoke," but the theater likes to perform attractions designed for family audiences. The outdoor theater in an old converted barn may not be so romantic, but every year students, faculty, and residents of the area flock to the little town of Nashville to enjoy cider, popcorn, and the rustic aroma of Southern Indiana.
Freshman Camp Aren't these so-called dorms horrible? I found a mouse in my bed last night!" . . . "Hey, what buzz group are you in? My counselor is a doll!" . . . "You're in DeJoya 308? Ye gods, you're my roommate!" These were some of the sights and sounds of the brand new class of '72 at Freshman Camp. For three days the "greenies" were given a crash course in all facets of life at I.U. Student body president challenged Freshmen to get involved; John Pont appeared at a pep rally and psyched up the newcomers for their first I.U. game; and the freshmen themselves wowed everyone with a spectacular talent show. Representatives of the various academic departments came and advised the frosh as to requirements for graduation, while the counselors advised them as to what courses and profs to stay away from. The showdown of the weekend came with the annual campercounselor basketball game. The campers fought bravely, but the mighty upperclass spirit prevailed and carried the elders to victory. New friends and a lot of dates were made at the volleyball net, where Naptown House creamed Bloomington House in the final big tournament. The YMCA-YWCA Freshman Camp was deemed a great success as 450 freshmen button-holed their high school friends and told them, "Go to Freshman Camp; that's where it's at!"
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Construction Hoosiers don't have to wear ten gallon hats to know that the biggest things are found in Indiana. Under construction currently is I.U.'s new Assembly Hall, destined to be the largest in the Big Ten Conference. Being a multi-purpose building, it will have a seating capacity of 17,500 at basketball games; 20,000 as an auditorium; 8,000 as a theater; and will seat the entire population of Southern Indiana at an Ernest Tubbs concert. Cool is the only adjective for the grandiose meeting place, as it boasts the rare gift of air conditioning. Luxury does not stop with the interior; however, the architecture consists of cabled roofing and concave and convex structures. Construction is scheduled for completion in 1970, and rumor has it that Guy Loftman will be back on campus for the cornerstone dedication ceremony. Proud students, faculty members, and alumni are anxiously awaiting the day when I.U.'s first basketball game will be played on the colossal court. They can already hear the strains of the Indiana fight song and "Dr. 178, please call the X-change." echoing off the bald heads of the referees.
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Registration Just as Dante made his journey through the Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradisio, every I. U. student goes through the same three-part adventure at registration. One can imagine a large sign burned into the cement outside of the Old Fieldhouse reading "ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE". Inside, confused souls dart madly to and fro, searching for desired classes. Rumor has it that lurking in the dark shadows of the building is an old, gray-bearded man, still trying to get into an open W-131 class. Eventually, most students make it through, but not necessarily unscathed. A Saturday class in basketweaving or bait-and-fly casting is a typical punishment. Those who survive the Inferno ascend the stairs to Purgatorio, as sharp-eyed demons chastise those students with improper cards. Here, the student must divest himself of all his worldly goods, including his summer earnings. He meets the Spirit of Disdiscouragement, disillusionment, and distemper, who tells him that his scholarship has been cancelled. He must then plead his hopeless case before the final judge of Purgatorio, Minos (the Bursar). Finally, weary and alone, the student staggers out the rear door of the Fieldhouse into Paradisio, where he awaits the "sweet bliss" of term papers and final exams. He realizes, at last, that registration can be pure hell.
Football Weekends It's six o'clock in the morning. The sun has just risen over the College Mall as two or three couples who have been parked behind the stadium all night make their way home. The grounds keepers begin arriving, and one of them, who specializes in decorating end zones, touches up the "y" in Baylor with a bit of colored powder. An hour later a score of early morning entrepeneurs wander across 17th Street to wait patiently in front of the program booth for their Saturday afternoon material. John Pont is now awake and sipping his first cup of coffee. Another football weekend at Indiana University has begun. The sun is now high over Wilkie. The campus and the stadium area come to life with an entourage of red-capped alums and sweatered students. A trustworthy Boy Scout arrives early to man his solemn post at Entry 28. A caravan of buses pull up outside the new fieldhouse, and an army of trombones, flutes, and snare drums begins forming lines at the north end of the stadium. Newspaper reporters flash their credentials before entering the press box elevator, and a pretty coed flashes a smile at her date as they walk north on Fee Lane. "Buy a Pom-Pon! Vote for Nixon!" The crowds begin to swell at the gates on both sides of the stadium. An hour passes, and the cold grayness of the once-empty bleachers is now drowned in a fall-colored confetti of new clothes and eager faces. The last note of the national anthem drifts out of the stadium past the Stars and Stripes as a student trainer hands John Pont another cup of coffee.
The hot sun is hanging over the Monroe County Courthouse, and 50 thousand football fans are hanging onto their seats. It is fourth quarter with less than a minute to play in the game. Indiana is behind, but the never-say-die Hoosiers have the ball in the middle of the field. An exhausted Freshman whispers to his roommate "It's all over!" while a seasoned veteran of Rose Bowl vintage only watches Harry Gonso with prayerful concentration. Harry goes back to pass. A senior empties his flask of Jack Daniels. The ball soars from Harry's right hand and for a moment is lost in the blur of faces on the other side of the stadium. A pompon girl gasps and covers her eyes. Then, all at once everyone spies Jade Butcher running madly along the left side of the field. If the card section had been prepared, they would have flashed a giant "Ah ha!" Baylor was beaten, just as sure as that big, beautiful embrace between player No. 40 and the well-aimed pigskin. John Pont swallowed the last of his coffee, cup and all. Within a few seconds the air was exploding with streamers, programs, and half-eaten snow cones. The kick after the touchdown split the uprights with poetic justice, and the weary fans turned to watch a campus policeman chase a young souvenir hunter into the sunset.
Homecoming Since 1944, floats, lawn displays, football games, and queens have been a part of the Homecoming activities at Indiana University. But one part of the traditional festivities was missing from 1968 Homecoming: there was no queen. The selection of five queen candidates was declared invalid by the Joint Committee on Discrimination after five black applicants protested the decision of the judges. Cultural bias was presented as the basis for the black students' argument, and although the elimination of the contest came as a great surprise, there was very little reaction on the part of students or alums. In 1968 the monarchy of Homecoming came to an end. The royalist patriots may rally their forces and return the queen to her throne next year, but Indiana University will never be a Camelot. Another shadow crept over of the gala festivities at the football game, as a victory over Michigan was as invisible as the queen and her court. In the last quarter the Wolverines inched ahead of the Hoosiers to capture a 27-22 victory. The loss shattered I.U.'s hopes of taking over first place in the Big Ten Conference, and all John Pont could do was shake his head and watch the defense buckle up and the offense buckle under. Homecoming events were kicked off (literally) on Friday night with the Blanket Hop, featuring the world renowned Friend and Lover. Although the traditional Hop turned out to be pretty much of a wet blanket, the lawn display and float competition was still in existence, with Independents and Greeks striving for originality and first place trophies. For the third consecutive year, Read and MRC were overall winners, as they "poured it on" the other entries in the annual Saturday morning parade. Homecoming 1968 just wasn't what it used to be. There were still red-capped alums, showers of confetti, and screaming fans; but somehow Homecoming just didn't come home.
Marching 100 Hoosiers passing by the old stadium on weekday afternoons in the fall would often spy the red and white flag of the Indiana University Marching Hundred flying high above the field. Any passerby could catch a sneak preview of the following Saturday's musical fare, and could witness the rigorous "training program" that the one-hundred-plus membership was subject to before every routine was presented publicly. The side effects must not have been very serious, because the Marching Hundred always managed to come up with a lively assortment of pop tunes, classic marches, and clever field patterns for the creation of an indispensable air of spirit and excitement at I.U.'s gridiron showdowns. The offer of free 50-yard line seats for all home games convinced young men of all classes to join the nationally famous marching band. However, it didn't take any of them long to discover that these "free" seats cost a great deal of hours spent in extensive practice and drill. The pride of being a member of the Marching Hundred was paid for in blisters, sunburn, and frostbite, acquired on the football field, in parades, and at various special performances (including entertaining Freshmen). So men, "Take it from the double bar. And do it right this time—we may be here all night."
Dances It's getting so that nowadays at I.U. when you see or hear a word that you don't know the meaning to, it's either a new piece of grafitti or a campus dance—most likely the latter. Ah, those allcampus dances: THE GRUM, THE COB, THE TYRONIAN, THE BLANKET HOP, THE DELT STREET DANCE. Two thousand boys and half as many girls. CONCRETE, ASPHALT, DIRT, AND GRASS. No, that's not what you dance on, that's the name of the band. All that amplified bass drowning out those screaming voices that would sound atrocious if it weren't for the instrumental mutation. There are the non-swingers: freshman girls huddled in small groups looking forlorn and freshman boys standing in small groups looking for girls. Then there are the swingers: fruggers, tea-boxers, skaters, boog-a-looers, and the ever popular shing-a-lingers. You see campus cops dancing with house mothers, teaching assistants dancing with Angel Flight lieutenants, and sometimes the girls even dance with the boys. Yes, if you really want to meet people, go to a dance; but for gosh sakes, don't just do something—STAND THERE!
Pop Concerts
If this year's Pop Concerts didn't have any "soul", it wasn't that the Indiana Memorial Union didn't try. One of the big Motown groups, the Temptations, cancelled their November engagement and were replaced by a stand-up comedian by the name of ... what was it? ... oh yes, Bill Cosby. You know, the fellow that used to be a straight man on "I Spy". Well anyway, someone must have heard of him, because tickets were "souled" out even before they went on sale. There were reports that Cosby would bring his old friends, Cryin' Charlie and Fat Albert, with him, but as it turned out, his brother Russell, (whom he slept with) was the surprise attraction. Russell stole the show, which didn't bother Bill at all since he and Russ are as close as two brothers can possibly be on stage. There seemed to be general consent that the temptin' Temptations could not have compared to Cosby and Co. ... knock on wood. For those who missed the Detroit brand of soul, Peter, Paul, and Mary made there second appearance on the I.U. campus within six months to show everyone what soul is in the purest form. The trio belted out their moving songs with the kind of expression that makes them the most popular college performers today. Peter managed to express himself in other ways, not always to the political delight of everyone. He attempted to transform his views into a universal message through his music. But his words were no match for the lyric, because the song ... the song was love. John Davidson was another bright spot in this year's Pop Concert series. His fresh, simple singing style made for a totally enjoyable evening. His show was seasoned just right, although comedian Pete Barbutti may have added a little too much nutmeg. While the girls swooned, the boys smouldered, wishing they had taken their dates to see a Spencer Tracy movie instead. It's much easier to compete with ol' Spence for a girl's attention! Al Hirt and Herbie Mann attended the series, bringing New Orleans and Greenwich Village with them. The jazz was great, but the overall campus interest was nothing to blow your horn about. Singer Lou Rawles topped off the fall performances. He gave a fine show, but was somewhat of an anti-climax to the big names that had preceded him.
Great Issues On Friday, November 8th, Senator Birch Bayh proposed that the electoral college system be abolished. On Saturday, November 9th, the Senate passed a constitutional amendment that provided for just that. Of course, the Senate in question was not the United States Senate. Not even Everett Dirksen has that much influence—and he's a top recording artist. No, the historical amendment was a product of the 1968 Great Issues Forum. Stormy debate can erupt even in a model Senate like Great Issues, and the proposed Constitutional amendment was the highlight of a blatantly partisan session. The Republican Senators, who were ardently opposed to the bill, went so far as to walk out to try and prevent a quorum from being present when the vote was taken. Although they failed in their dramatically staged attempt, Strom Thurmond would have been extremely proud. Other controversial issues that were considered were (of all things) the Viet Nam war, gun control, and the Selective Service system. A strict gun control bill was passed, and provisions for a volunteer army were established. The Pentagon probably heaved a sigh of relief when proposals for phasing American troops out of Viet Nam floundered and eventually drowned. It was also reported that several of the students-turned-senator left for Canada after the session. There was definitely no shortage of "great issues" this year and very little difficulty in determining which ones the Forum would tackle. But as the youthful senators readily displayed: Republicans are Republicans and Democrats are Democrats and never the twain shall meet (unless George Wallace happens to appear).
You wake up on a gray winter morning at Indiana University. It's 6:30 a.m., time to get dressed and trudge downstairs for a cup of coffee and a stale donut before your 7:30 Chem lab. A white blanket of newly-fallen snow is covering the ground, the window sill, and your bed. That's right, your roommate, that fresh-air nut, left the window open again. The temperature is 103 degrees ... not outside, but in your body. You throw back the covers (including the two quilts and three army blankets that your mother sent) and try to stagger to your feet. It's then you realize you have no feeling in your legs. You take a deep breath, and your lungs sound like a set of poorly-tuned bagpipes. You try to grasp for the bottle of aspirin on your desk, but the pain from your aching joints nearly causes you to pass out. You now realize you are dying. Everything in the room is whirling before your bloodshot eyes, and as you look toward the window you think you see the words "HONG KONG DONG" frosted
in eerie letters on the pane. You call out weakly for your roommate, but you have forgotten that he goes jogging six o'clock every morning. You crawl out of the room and shout up and down the hallway for help. But remember? ... everyone on the floor is in the infirmary. You finally get to your feet and walk feebly back to your room. The radiator, as usual, is not working, so you light a match to keep warm. As the damp chill begins to creep up your body, and your mind begins to wander, the telephone rings. You make a mad lunge for the phone, hoping that it is a healthy friend with a car. But in your desperation, you trip over your roommate's barbells and hit your head against his scuba tank. Darkness. A few days later you wake up on a couch in the waiting room of the infirmary with a nurse standing over you. You mumble: "Do I have a chance?" She looks at her clipboard and then smiles: "Yes, we've finally been able to place you on the waiting list".
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Madrigal Dinners In days of yore when all Christmas trees were real and people burned candles instead of holes in their pocketbooks, the singing of carols was actually a groovy thing to do. Nowadays, all you need for a little holiday cheer is an Andy Williams Christmas album, an Arby's, some frozen egg nog, a bottle of spirits, and a nice warm TV set to curl up in front of. Then there's always the Madrigal Dinners. A large number of celebrants at Indiana University this year must have decided that it was time for a little Yorkshire pudding in their lives, and so they wassailed on over to Alumni Hall where students from the School of Music sang the Christmas carols that everyone loves but no one knows. The novelty of the songs is due, unfortunately, to the limited scope of the audience's knowledge of real Christmas music. If anyone expected to hear "Frosty the Snowman" or "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth", they were sadly disappointed. However, when the talented Madrigal singers invited the onlookers to join in the familiar strains of "Silent Night", everyone heaved a sigh of relief and gave credit to their ancestors for knowing something about Christmas after all. The Madrigals were not all "Phoom, Phoom, Phoom" and "Tra La La". The audience was invited to eat, drink, and be merry. To top everything off, there was flaming plum pudding, just like the kind Tiny Tim used to eat (not the Tiny Tim that everyone would like to forget, either). Wandering minstrels sang their own repertoire of Christmas tunes, and a skinny court magician bounced from table to table with so much spirit that everyone began to realize what had happened to all the rum that was supposed to be used for the plum pudding. The costumes of the singers, buglers, and servants were something out of Shakespeare. Satin cloaks, plumes, ruffles, and gaudy jewelry were made to appear in style once again ... the same was true for the ladies' fashions. The Madrigal Dinners have already become a well-established tradition on the I. U. campus, and after twenty years they are certainly worth a try ... that's right, even you, Ebenezer.
Nutcracker Ballet If Tchaikovsky had been a student at I.U. it is unlikely that he would have composed the "Nutcracker Ballet" while sitting in a booth at the Gables (no offense to Hoagy, of course). It is not that the atmosphere in the Gables is uninspiring (although they haven't sold a sugar-plum there in years), it is just that the fantasy of the ballet is more reminiscent of childhood dreams and faraway places. Whatever the imagery the "Nutcracker" may call to mind, nothing is better than witnessing its performance on stage. This year the I.U. Symphony Orchestra reproduced the beautiful Tchaikovsky melodies and the University's own ballet company displayed the grace of its many famous dances, eliminating any doubt that its beauty is virtually beyond words. The Ballet creates a unified feeling or impression that lingers with the beholder long after the performance. This winter's presentation was not only adorned with the traditional loveliness of costuming and scenery, but was endowed with outstanding talent in its dancers and a marvelous portrayal by two small children of its main characters, Clara and the Prince. The "Nutcracker" creates for its observers an adventure in fantasy ... the fantasy of a young child's mind at Christmastime, and at this time of year it's not difficult for even a twenty-year old, caught up in the web of college life, to push away thoughts of old problems and bad news and conjure up some slightly dusty memories of make-believe.
President's Ball There was no drinking of champagne out of ladies' slippers, no grand processional, and no fifty-piece string orchestra. Fit for a king? Well, maybe not. But this year's President's Ball was certainly fit for a new University chief-of-staff and all of his loyal subjects. Not since Cinderella got started off on the right foot at Prince Charming's big bash way back when the Union was still just a teepee, has there been the type of gala extravaganza where knights and monarchs let it all hang out. But the President's Ball has always been the next best thing, and President and Mrs. Sutton certainly seemed pleased with the chivalrous tribute that was held in their honor this year. Ah, chivalry, thou art not dead. One only has to walk into Alumni Hall on the night of the grand Ball to discover that chivalry really is something more than just a term in the glossary of a European history textbook. After all, how can anyone expect to find their fair lady or dashing prince while doing the four-corners down at the Dust?
Convocation Series Democrat? Republican? Conservative? Liberal? Whatever partisan or philosophic label you choose to fall under or choose to avoid, your mind would probably have become saturated with political rhetoric of all kinds had you run the gamut of fall convocations this year. Julian Bond would have told you about all the bad things that Lester Maddox stands for, and later Senator Mark Hatfield of Oregon would have convinced you of all the good things that Spiro Agnew represents (despite your better judgment). In a pseudo-debate, the darling of the conservatives, William S. Buckley Jr. accused the notorious professor Michael Scriven of beating a dead horse named "liberalism"; while Scriven retaliated with the claim that Buckley was talking about a horse of a different color. The audience left intellectually numbed and convinced that liberals and conservatives can coexist for yet another Presidential election. If you were not completely blinded by the aura of these nationally prominent political orators, you would have discovered that Eric Pavel paid a visit to I.U. to talk about "Florence and the Heart of Italy" and that Max Adrian brought playwright George Bernard Shaw back to life in his well-received convo, "By George". The second semester was greeted with the appearance of Leroi Jones, who entertained early-risers with black poetry in a 9:00 a.m. presentation, and Art Buchwald dropped by to share his humorous commentary with a responsive auditorium audience. It was a matter of how politically oriented you were this year. If you spent the summer fishing for jellyfish off the Yucatan peninsula and missed the national nominating conventions, you probably overlooked Julian Bond and the honorable Senator Hatfield and went to hear Thayer Soule tell about his love for Mexico. The convos at least provided a choice along with the echoes.
Mr. Gilbert Taylor, moderator for the Quiz Bowl, awaits the answer to a bonus question during tense competition.
IMU Campus Quiz Bowl A large University campus is always a likely place for a protest, and impassioned students will do anything from carry placards around Showalter Fountain to write articles in theSpectator, attacking the procedures of the IMU Quiz Bowl. This year's Quiz Bowl was a wild and woolly affair, with so many rematches being considered or demanded that two Quiz Bowls could have been scheduled (a slight exaggeration of course). Through all the tumult (including a six-page appeal submitted by Phi Kappa Theta), Alpha Epsilon Pi, brandishing a well-polished weapon that they called Marshall Lewis, emerged as the immortal and celebrated champion. In a final, tension-packed match against a "rugged" Theta Chi team, the AEPi's pulled away in the closing minutes through a series of "blitz" answers provided by the buzzer-happy (and quite learned) Mr. Lewis. The 1969 Quiz Bowl was not void, however, of the many faces of Tom Shriner who (as top member of the defending champion Chi Phi team) kept the audience in stitches with his side-show expressions. Nevertheless, the contortions of Mr. Shriner (a veteran Quiz Bowl participant) were not enough to put his team in the winning column in the consolation match against Cravens C, a surprising "dark-horse" contender. When all the sign-waving celebrating of the AEPi's had subsided, the trophies presented and the scholarships awarded, the Quiz Bowl committee selected an "All-Star" team, which humiliated its contenders in the "state championship" contest at Butler University. And who said I.U. is a party school?
If you look to your right you will see the General Assembly, where all member countries of the United Nations are in special session to hear a speech by the Jordanian ambassador to the United States, Dr. Abdul Hamid Sharaf. And now if you will follow me down this hallway, I will take you to the meeting room of the Security Council . . . A tour through the U.N. building in New York City? . . . No, a tour in February through the I.M.U. building in Bloomington. Although the Indiana Memorial Union did everything short of convincing the actual delegates of the authentic United Nations to come to I.U. for participation in its mid-western replica, they fell short of one important goal—attaining world peace. Despite this shortcoming, the Union Board (primarily through the efforts of President Al Field) was able to persuade (or incite) 400 students from twenty-nine colleges and universities and three high schools to spend four days at the Union discussing and taking action upon numerous world problems. The 1969 session of the Mid-American Model United Nations wasted no time in passing resolutions on such sticky dilemmas as the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia, the practice of apartheid in the Republic of South Africa, and the shipping of supplies to the rebel country of Biafra. The accent of the entire four days was the timely Middle-East crisis, and at the beginning of the final meeting of the General Assembly, the delegates were given the opportunity to hear from the "real-life" ambassador from Isreal and to make their own judgments on a problem that has plagued that area of the world for centuries. Although M.A.M.U.N. is extremely idealistic in its hyperactivity and problem-solving proficiency, it does serve as an excellent educational experience for its participants and as a unique promotional vehicle for the real U.N. and for the goals it is hoping to achieve.
Student Body Elections No matter what you may think of I.U. campus politics, the hoopla that is generated by its relatively concentrated core of participants and the rare moments that arise during the big Spring campaigns are at least noteworthy, and (by all means) an undeniable aspect of the kind of "wider" involvement that students at the University may wish to seek. What can be more picturesque than the image of indomitable Rock Winchell, last year's chairman of Impact Party, looming as the iron-fisted "kingmaker" in some smokefilled room on Third Street? Or what can be less picturesque than an advertisement showing the top two candidates of one of the parties wringing out dirty clothes in a sink with a caption: "Clean Up Student Government"? How could a really involved student help but run across one of the many outdoor forums conducted by both Ted Najam and Mark Oring? (It would have been easy if you always skipped that afternoon German class in Ballantine.) Or what was more memorable than the INDIANA DAILY STUDENT editorial staff endorsing one of the candidates and then running an article right beside it, explaining why they were not allowed to endorse him? What a rare moment when Impact's candidate for Sophomore class president was replaced only a couple of days before the election, leaving the masses to vote for a candidate who was even more obscure than the first. The rhetoric that poured forth last spring wasn't very kind to the administration and was even less flattering to student government. But the excitement was there, the hats were tossed, the speeches were made, and everything boiled down to those tension-packed hours on election night when everyone bit his fingernails and awaited breathlessly the early returns to discover whether Dennis (Santa Claus) Trott had engendered enough support among the uninvolved to carry him and the Neo-Pseudo Party past the front-runner Najam and into the executive office on the third floor of the Union. Mr. Trott lost, and somewhere in a lonely room on the outskirts of campus . . . a tear was shed.
Opera If you've never been to an opera at Indiana University, you certainly must be leading a sheltered life. Not even a night at Nick's can compare with the unique experience of a Verdi masterpiece like "La Traviata." Just think—on that Saturday night back in October when your date stood you up, you could have been sitting in the auditorium, enjoying Rossini's "Italian Girl in Algiers". Instead of spending three hours on the telephone, trying to make up with your "hometown honey" in Altoona, Pennsylvania (and running up a phone bill of $57.43), you could have spent the evening watching the Italian girl Isabella playing "hard to get" with some poor fool called Mustafa (while her boyfriend back in Naples was trying to get in touch with her by carrier pigeon). Or (if you're a girl) and you were worried that night when your blind date wanted to take advantage of "open visitation," you could have substituted your anxieties with a night of Mozart's "marriage of Figaro." Here you could have watched the distressing plight of Figaro and Susannah, two servants who just couldn't seem to live with the fact that their greedy master, the Count, was willing to extend open visitation privileges to Susannah and not to Figaro (Poor Figaro should have remained a barber). There is more to life at Indiana University than the wellhouse and the Pizzaria. If you didn't make any of the opera presentations this year, brush up on your allegros and make an attempt some other time.
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Indiana Theater Company Drunkards . . . militarists . . . homosexuals . . . prostitutes. A movie at the Von Lee? The front cover of a "true adventure" magazine? A Saturday morning cartoon program? No, they were all a part of "The Hostage," a satiric drama presented by the Indiana Theater Company in September and October of this year. This striking play blasted the Establishment (who doesn't nowadays?) with all the subtlety of a piece of grafitti on the front steps of the Indiana state capitol building. Brendan Behan's topical satire may have frequently evoked guffaws from its observers, but the message it had to convey was nothing to laugh about. Just as Pat (its main character) retorted in one scene: "No tomfoolery, sir; this is a serious play." And so it was. Almost every kind of human frailty and evil of that great monolith, the Establishment, of course, came under fire. Whether you agree with everything "The Hostage" had to say or not, you couldn't help but squint from the glare of the mirror that Behan had placed before his audience. The other major production of the Indiana Theater Company this past year was the French comedy by Moliere, "Tartuffe." This was another presentation with a great deal of social commentary—specifically leveled at hypocrisy and false piety. Although the setting was 17th century France, the implications for the present-day world were more than obvious. The Indiana Theater Company is to be commended for its selection of works.
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University Theater "The Blacks," written by Jean Genet, a presentation of the University Theater during this past season, was in great contrast to the black separatist ideas of writers like Leroi Jones. Genet, a white man, obviously had ideas about the "black revolution" that are 180 degrees from the rhetoric offered by Jones or militants like Stokely Carmichael. The play presented black people in their uniquely defined historic roles and in their "revolutionary" roles, as defined by whites. In their sadistic portrayal of their "white" roles, the blacks (as Genet saw them) were living only in the manner that whites chose to have them live. Although clearly out of step with the racial revolution of the real world, the play offered a point of view that cannot be overlooked in understanding the range of attitudes related to the black man's search for his identity. Genet's view of an imaginary black revolution presented, at least, an interesting observation in the midst of our highly complex social problem of race. Other presentations of the University Theater were "Enrico IV," "Prometheus Bound," and the popular "Threepenny Opera," making for a highly diverse and well-attended series.
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Auditorium Theater Two of the greatest musical plays to appear on Broadway within the last decade were brought to Indiana University this year as a part of the 1968-69 Auditorium Theater Series. The December showings of "Man of LaMancha" and the January production of "Fiddler on the Roof" were undoubtedly the highlights of the entire yearly program. The series also featured three other successful Broadway plays: Abe Burrow's hit "Cactus Flower," a highly popular comedy called "The Apple Tree," and a Neil Simon (of "Barefoot in the Park" fame) spectacular, "Star-Spangled Girl." However, there was no comparison to "LaMancha" and "Fiddler." "Aesthetic" is the best way to describe the beautiful music and prose in the Broadway adaptation of Cervantes' classic novel about the immortal tragicomic hero, Don Quixote. "Man of LaMancha" was performed so masterfully and evoked so much reaction and campus acclaim that it virtually stole the spotlight from the later presentation of "Fiddler on the Roof," billed as the "greatest musical ever." However, not even the heart-warming portrayals of the poor Jewish villagers in "Fiddler" could bring about the same emotional involvement that the tragic tale of the idealist, Don Quixote, was able to elicit. Picture once again the sight of the aging hero and his stubby squire, Sancho, galloping across the stage on their hilarious green horses, off to battle giants and villains that were in reality windmills and passive barbers . . . Or the beautiful Aldonza (Dulcinea to you dreamers) and her "storybook" transformation . . . Or the moving lyrics of "The Impossible Dream" and the striking effect created through the ironic mixture of music and plot in the final memorable scene. A great play . . . a great series . . . and a great opportunity to obtain something more from Indiana University than a textbook education. The Auditorium Series gets a gold star.
Singing Hoosiers Although the Singing Hoosiers were not able to make a return trip to California this year, they (like the football team) glided through another "winning season" under the direction of their able coach, Mr. Robert Stoll. The Hoosiers sacrificed traveling around the country for a more conservative tour of performances throughout the wild and wonderful state of Indiana, hitting such high spots as Muncie (the hometown of Peggy Goldwater) and Evansville (a suburb of Henderson, Kentucky). Occasionally they were able to cross state boundaries and perform in more civilized regions like Cincinnati. A group of over one-hundred talented men and women students, the Hoosiers have always been an attractive addition to such yearly campus presentations as the Chimes of Christmas program and the Foundation Variety Show. The singing and dancing of this well-known group is also featured in the annual Homecoming Pop Concerts, and this year they did everything but receive top billing in their commendable performance with Al Hirt. It is also a tradition for the Hoosiers to perform a spring concert, in which they highlight the songs and acts from their yearly tour. This past season, many of the singers participated in two locally staged Broadway musicals, "The Boys from Syracuse" in the fall and the early March presentation of Lerner and Lowe's renowned "Camelot". So whether the Singing Hoosiers are living extravagantly and spending six days in Los Angeles or whether they are "seeing Indiana first", they are an invaluable aspect of Indiana University.
The Briscoe Quad entry (top) won second place honors in production competition. (above) Sigma Nu joined forces with Pi Beta Phi in the annual I.U. Sing sponsored jointly by the YWCA and YMCA.
First place in small group competition went to Hummer House in Wright Quad who adapted songs from "West Side Story" into a potshot at Greeks claiming "When you're a Greek, you're a Greek all the way."
I.U. Sing Hear! I.U. Tribal Love Rock Sing may not have been as hairy or as hip as its Broadway counterpart, but it certainly was a convenient outlet for all the pent-up energies and untried talents of 1400 highly co-ordinated, harmonious college students. The YMCA-YWCA sponsored musical spectacle is a smash hit every February, and although critical opinion among the students may range from "just like high school" to "one of the best things going", there is no doubt that "Hear" was a worthwhile way to spend Thursday and Friday night—in the audience or on the stage. Much to the surprise of most I.U. Sing patrons, the Greeks (long branded as tone-deaf by the independents) were awarded first-place trophies in all divisions except one. In fact, the sororities and fraternities nearly made a "clean sweep" of the prize offerings, with only six positions being captured by independent entries. Hummer House of Wright Quad was presented the top prize in the small group category for its well-received satire of various student groups on campus, including a pot shot at who else . . . the Greeks. Phi Sigma Kappa and Kappa Delta were awarded second place in that division, with a small group entry from Foster Quad taking the third slot. Alpha Kappa Alpha repeated as first-place winners in women's choral, while Sigma Kappa and the I.U. School of Nursing captured second and third places respectively. The top spot in the men's choral division was awarded to Alpha Sigma Phi, who was followed by second-place Sigma Alpha Mu and Beta Theta Pi in third. Famed Kinsey Hollow was commemorated in the mixed choral presentation by Kappa Delta Rho and Alpha Epsilon Phi, who received a first-place trophy for their efforts. Second place in this division was presented to McNutt Quad for its portrayal of the black-white conflict, and Phi Gamma Delta and Alpha Phi climbed the ladder to third place for a unique musical message about love and the "Brotherhood of Man". Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Upsilon characterized the differences and struggles between the various cultures of the world, and then tied everything together to proclaim "There's a place for us" in a remarkable production number that won them first place in that category and the overall trophy for the "Sing". Two independent groups, Briscoe and Willkie Quadrangles followed up in that division with the second and third prizes. The Tribal Love Rock Sing was certainly not a mind-blowing experience, but it turned on the audiences both nights just enough to make them want to take another "trip" next year.
Kappa Delta Rho and Alpha Epsilon Phi combined forces to do a commentary on Kinsey Hollow. The act was awarded first place honors in the Mixed Choral presentations.
Phi Sigma Kappa and Kappa Delta combined for second place in the small group competition.
I.U. SING-STEERING COMMITTEE—FRONT ROW: Lucy Hartlove, Larry Shine. SECOND ROW: Linda Pence, Dee Woolsey. THIRD ROW: Cindy Rumple, Cheryl Eley, John Patton, Robert Husk. FOURTH ROW: Lynn Bayer, Sherry Bendure, Clarine Nardi, Ricky Kiovsky, Linda Larrick. FIFTH ROW: William Gregory, Lonnie Strauch, Linda Nagel, Mike Finley.
Over 1400 students participated in this year's I.U. Sing including this group entry from Pi Kappa Alpha. The Sing played to capacity crowds both nights.
Delta Upsilon and Alpha Chi Omega, showing the cultures and groups of the world through the colors blue, green and orange, won overall and first in production competition. Violence reached a peak and was then resolved with "There's a place for us."
Read Center, doing a take off on "Laugh In", started their act having heads pop out of windows with spot gags, only to close with songs that reflected the sadness of the world with assassins.
Beauty If eyes were made for seeing, then beauty is its own excuse for being. Ralph Waldo Emerson
As you are woman, so be lovely: As you are lovely, so be various .. . Robert Graves
Her smile was not meant to be seen by anyone and served its whole purpose in being smiled. Rainer Rilke
The light of love, the purity of grace, The mind, the music breathing from her face, The heart whose softness harmonized the whole— And oh, that eye was in itself a soul! Lord Byron
The beauty of the world has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder. Virginia Woolf
If there was any communications gap in academics during 1968-69, it certainly was not due to a lack of observation. In fact, people took a rather anxious look at the state of the University. In the administration, former President Elvis Stahr moved to the Audobon presidency, Interim President Herman B Wells exhibited nostalgic views of the past and constant, hopeful peeks for the appearance of his successor. President Joseph L. Sutton seemed to station himself with one eye on the campus and the other on the state legislature and the University budget. After joining the I.U. faculty as an instructor of government in 1953, advancements came steadily to Dr. Sutton. In 1954, he became an assistant professor, in 1956, an associate professor, and after serving as associate dean of the college of Arts and Sciences, he was appointed Jean of the College in 1965. One year later, he became Vice President and Dean of Faculties. Dr. Sutton, who hopes to maintain a close relationship with students, is an expert on foreign affairs, particularly on the world's current trouble spot—Southeast Asia. Dr. Sutton earned his A.B. in Oriental languages, his A.M. in Japanese studies, and his Ph.D. in political sciences, all from the University of Michigan. 109
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The communication gap between students and faculty was slowly closing this year. Student groups demonstrated, the Faculty Council opened its meetings, and faculty and student advisory committees were formed and began to function. Both faculty members and students played leading roles in achieving better communication. Acting as liaison, Dean of Students Robert H. Shaffer said he interprets "The views of the administration to the students, the students' views to the administration, and explain the whole business to the public." Robert Klawitter, assistant professor of English, described student and faculty government as being based on "mutual fear." Klawitter called for "people, not faculty, not students" to make decisions concerning University life. 111
"Take a prof home to dinner" became the motto of many sorority and fraternity houses and dormitories this year as housing units entertained faculty members for dinner. The programs were started in an attempt to draw faculty and students closer together in a large university—to help them get to know each other as people rather than social security numbers on IBM tests or hosts of televised lectures. The inevitable accident —calling a professor by his nickname or flipping a piece of meat across the table—served to remind students and faculty alike that each was only human.
Aware of many shortcomings in their various departments, students are assuming a more definite voice in determining their curricula. Most departments on campus have established student advisory committees to meet with faculty members to discuss problems and recommend possible changes in courses. The College of Arts and Sciences has even proposed allowing students to determine their own requirements with the approval of the College. Faculty-student-administration relations are becoming more complex as the three work together to operate and improve I.U. Students' active involvement also extends to concerns outside the university. Replacing the apathetic College Joe and Cathy Coed of the '50's, today's student is interested in Civil Rights, the war in Viet Nam, and poverty programs.
President The search for a new I.U. president ended November 15 when Dr. Joseph L. Sutton, Vice President and Dean of the Faculties for two years, was named chief administrator at a meeting of the Board of Trustees. Dr. Sutton, who formerly served as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and a member of the I.U. faculty for fifteen years, became the thirtieth president of Indiana University. He succeeded Elvis J. Stahr who resigned September I, 1968. On December 1, Dr. Sutton assumed the duties of the presidency replacing Chancellor Herman B Wells who had served as interim president since Dr. Stahr's resignation. A selected committee headed by William R. Breneman and composed of four trustees, seven faculty members, and one student, Student Body President Ted Najam, helped to choose the new head of the university. During his administration, Dr. Sutton faces such issues as university planning and reorganization, the open guest hours plan, student dissenters, the academic budget, and the role of students and faculty in forming administrative policies.
This was a year of reorganization with the appointment of a new president and the attempt to streamline the administration. Studies showed how to best fit the four vice presidents and their departments into the new chancellor-oriented administration of I.U.'s eight campuses. A fifth vice-president, John Ryan, who was in charge of regional campuses was added temporarily. Dean Joseph R. Hartley, who was appointed Acting Dean of Faculties in November, 1968, oversaw the academic portion of the university. Dean Joseph A. Franklin managed the business aspects of the university such as new construction, the physical plant, nonacademic personnel, and the operation of the Union Bookstore. Programs such as the Foster Project, the Arts College reorganization, the honors programs, and health service were included in the responsibilities of Dean John W. Snyder, who headed the Department of Undergraduate Development. Dean Lynne L. Merritt, Jr. directed faculty research, advanced studies and international affairs.
Meeting in the Board of Trustees room are Vice Presidents Joseph A. Franklin, John W. Snyder, Lynne L. Merritt, Jr., and Joseph R. Hartley.
Board of Trustees
The I.U. Board of Trustees, which assumes responsibilities for all operations of the University, is comprised of eight persons, five of whom are appointed by the Governor of Indiana and three of whom are elected by I.U. alumni. Adopting regulations governing students, contracting faculty and other personnel, and organizing the curriculum are duties of the Trustees. In 1968, the most important of their responsibilities was selecting a president, the chief liaison between the Board of Trustees and the University. November 15, 1968, the Trustees announced the appointment of Joseph L. Sutton as President of I.U.
The Trustees meet with two Vice Presidents and the President of I.U. Seated around the table, left to right, are Joseph R. Hartley, Vice Pres., Mrs. Richard G. lnskeep, Donald C. Danielson, Robert A. Lucas, Frank E. McKinney, Joseph L. Sutton, Pres., Judge Jesse E. Eschbach II, Carl M. Gray, Robert H. Menke, John E. Early, and Joseph A. Franklin. Vice Pres.
Chancellor Herman B Wells and Trustee Frank McKinney at their monthly meeting of the Board.
Chancellor Wells "One of the easiest things in the world is to say 'no' to change; one of the hardest, to provide for its reasoned and orderly occurrence," said Chancellor and Interim President Herman B Wells in his State of the University Address October 10, 1968. Dr. Wells has years of experience in organizing for change and expansion. He was professor of economics and later Dean of the School of Business before becoming Acting President of I.U. in 1937. The following year, Dr. Wells was appointed President and served in that office for twenty-five years. In 1962, he resigned and was appointed Chancellor and President of I.U. Foundation. Dr. Wells was the first person in I.U.'s history to hold the academic title of chancellor. After Dr. Elvis Stahr resigned, Chancellor Wells stepped back into his former office as Interim President, until Dr. Joseph Sutton assumed the office December 1, 1968. Chancellor Wells has maintained personal involvement with the university throughout his years of service. Keeping his fingers on the pulse of I.U., he mingles with students at The Gables and keeps his office open to all visitors. 119
I.U. Foundation
MEMBERS OF THE I.U. FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS ARE--FRONT ROW: Tom E. Cosgrove, T. Edwin Randall, William S. Armstrong (Exec. Dir.), E. Ross Bartley, John E. King. SECOND ROW: Walter Kay Daniels, Richard E. Hickam, Curtis R. Simic, Herman B. Wells (Pres.), Edward C. Von Tress, Paul E. Klinge, Martin I. Knudson. Harold F. Lusk.
The Indiana University Foundation has increasingly focused its attention on the sponsorship and supervision of University research programs. Such programs are made possible through grants and contracts made through the Foundation by government agencies, business, and industry. These programs made I.U. one of the country's leading research and international activities centers. Almost every aspect of the University has benefited through the Foundation. The initial purpose of this independent, nonprofit corporation when it was chartered in 1936 was to provide a channel for alumni gifts to the University. From these gifts the Foundation provides scholarships, supports athletic and cultural events, finances buildings, and obtains rare books and art treasures. A most popular program of the organization is the sponsorship of "Little 500 Weekend." This affair, hailed as the "World's Greatest College Weekend", raised money to provide more than 200 scholarships for students working their way through school.
With his pipe and a cup of coffee to keep him company, Frank Jones considers his responsibilities as Chairman of the Homecoming and Commencement Committees.
Alumni Office The Indiana University Alumni Association, organized in 1854, is one of the oldest in the country. It has a membership of over 174,000, half of whom are actual graduates of the University. The Association works to keep all alumni informed of what is happening at the University. It is also interested in the opinions of the alumni, and conveys these feelings to University officials. Present Secretary of the Alumni Association Frank Jones was appointed in May of 1968. Before that time he worked as an assistant secretary. The man who was secretary before him, Claude Rich, resigned to become director of the 1970 Sesquicentennial Celebration. Besides his position as Alumni Secretary, Mr. Jones was chairman of both the Homecoming Committee and the Commencement Committee this year. The Alumni Association participates in many activities on campus. The Homecoming celebration and the Founder's Day ceremony are its two major events. This year the Association worked with the Inter-Residence Halls Association, the Panhellenic Council, and the Inter-fraternity Council on the decoration of the different dorms, houses, and buildings. The Association also sponsors Alumni Clubs throughout the United States and oversees all the Alumni clubs of the different schools. In addition, the Association partially finances instructional trips made by members of the University faculty to other teaching institutes. Because of its comprehensive excellence in alumni programming, the Indiana University Alumni Association has received the Alumni Administration Award in past years. 121
Director George Olsen takes time out to consider the effects that the trend toward apartment living has had on the university housing residents.
Halls of Residence "Room for all" was the welcoming feeling of the Halls of Residence this year. Greeting the students was the recently completed Eigenmann Hall, the new graduate residence center. In contrast to the overcrowding of the Fall of 1967, the Halls of Residence adequately housed all students last year. The construction of Eigenmann Hall, the exodus to apartments and the growth of regional campuses all affected this change of situations. However, as the director of Halls of Residence, George Olsen, stated, "College isn't just the classroom." Following this line of thinking, Director Olsen attended a conference of the National Association of College and University Offices. The theme of the conference was "Involvement"—the places to get involved were the residence centers. 122
The 1125 residents of Eigenmann Hall find that their night life is sadly restricted—studying takes first priority in the graduate students' lives. However, grads also enjoy their study breaks at the Humpty Dumpty across the street.
Health Center Immunizations . . . physiotherapy . . . x-rays . . . Sound like a med school lecture? Its all in a day's work for the staff at the Health Center. Although understaffed with only eleven physicians, the Center did manage to contain and mend the students' sniffles, coughs, and occasional broken bones. The Health Center staff was aided by three psychiatrists, two social psychiatrists, two resident psychiatrists from the medical school, a clinical psychologist, and a newly-appointed physical therapist. Some graduate students and externs in medicine provided additional assistance. Services offered by the Health Center included a cold clinic, mental health consultation, physical therapy, free flu shots, and twenty-four hour emergency service. Dr. John M. Miller, M.D., director of the Health Center, is especially busy during the fall when many students are victims of colds, coughs, and sore throats.
H. H. Brooks, standing in front of the Physical Plant, looks toward the campus buildings for which he is responsible for maintaining.
Physical Plant The Physical Plant was responsible for the management of over 71 million dollars to be used for construction and remodeling of thirty University projects. New structures either begun or completed include the new library, the Assembly Hall, the Musical Arts Center, the School for the Mentally Retarded, and a food storage plant. Goodbody Hall and Myers Hall were renovated; a new air conditioning system was installed in the Law Building; the Auditorium was furnished with a new organ; the television station was equipped with electrical utilities, and Foster Quad's sidewalks were repaved. The Medical Center at the Indianapolis regional campus was allocated twenty million dollars for construction while Fort Wayne, Kokomo, and Gary campuses initiated building programs totaling three million dollars. Two major systems at the Bloomington campus were instituted —a remote control system that will monitor all mechanical and electrical facilities in every University building and an emergency phone network with lines to local fire and safety departments. 124
Athletic Administration The brilliant green of the football field on October's crisp, autumn days was not by coincidence, but by the supervision and management of I.U.'s Athletic Administration. Duties of the individual officials ranged from the Business Manager's preparing of formal contracts with other teams to the Athletic Director's acting as official host to all visiting coaches and teams. The Administration set up schedules of athletic events and kept the public informed of their athletic activities. Informing the public of the I.U. sports program, supervising the publication of articles and pictures, and overseeing broadcasts by radio and television were additional responsibilities of the administrative personnel, as well as maintaining precise statistical records of all athletic events. The members of the Administration also oversaw the recruitment of high school athletes, administered financial aid, and kept close contact with the high school coaches and athletic directors.
ATHLETIC ADMINISTRATION—Chris Dal Sasso, J. W. (Bill) Orwig, Robert Droe, Tom Miller, Frank Anderson.
Sensitive to opinions of students and their parents, Dean Robert Shaffer is busy dealing with reactions to the open visitation policy.
Student Personnel If the theme for open visitation was "Let's Get Together," then the Dean of Students, Robert Schaffer, was choirmaster. The chorus that he wrote said, "The University does not intend to be a babysitter." Events proved this to be an "idee fixe" of the 196869 school year and not just a passing ditty. With the abolition of women's hours and approved housing, many occasions that formerly would have resulted in a personal confrontation with the Dean of Students became nonlegal, nonmoral facts of everyday living. Students, with brains reeling from the streets of Chicago or from the TV screens and magazine photographs of the political conventions, returned to campus searching for intellectual or physical action. The administration worried about possible confrontations and demonstrations. The Student Personnel Office fretted, too, but saw, in all of the rhetoric and activities, signs of responsibility at I. U. 126
University Relations Providing an interpretation of Indiana University, the University Relations Office communicated campus news and activities to the general public. Maintaining offices at the regional campuses in Gary, South Bend, and Indianapolis, as well as in Bloomington, the PR office gathered information helpful to departments, schools, and individuals of the university. I. U.'s News Bureau released information about activities and events of campus life via hometown and national newspapers, radio, and television. To reflect the attitudes of the student, advice was sought in creating publications of activities. The PR office also provided news reporting workshops for the publicity chairmen of University clubs and organizations.
Faced with the task of covering university publicity across the state and nation are news bureau executives John Newland, Managing Editor; Earl Hoff, Editor, and Bernard Clayton, Business Manager.
The language labs give each student the opportunity to listen to and to correct the mistakes in his pronunciation of foreign phrases.
By conducting controlled experiments on various animals, psychology students can learn to recognize an animal's reaction to specific living conditions.
Arts and Sciences Using lab facilities, solving equations, attending large group lectures or small discussion seminars, experimenting, observing, participating . . . the College of Arts and Sciences provided the students with a large and varied curriculum of natural and physical sciences, history, and literature. Around 1820, the College offered Greek and Latin as its only studies. Today it includes forty departments and nine interdepartmental programs. A new addition this year was a program on Afro-American studies. Having the largest student enrollment and a larger faculty than any other department, the College of Arts and Sciences, under the direction of Dean Byrum E. Carter, may be considered the center of Indiana University. Most students find a large percentage of their classes in this academic division for it comprises 80% of the courses taught on campus. The College can also boast that 82% of its professors are recipients of Doctorate degrees or are distinguished faculty members. In the 1968-1969 school year, over 6,000 students were enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences, and this number is increasing each year. Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Sciences degrees were issued to 1,697 graduates at the June and September, 1968 graduation ceremonies.
Dean of Arts and Sciences, Byrum E. Carter oversees changes in the curriculum; proposed was a system allowing each student to decide his own requirements.
Dean W. George Pinnell sorts through papers concerning I.U.'s Master of Business Administration program, one of the best programs of its kind.
Business The School of Business has broad international teaching and counseling responsibilities. Indiana University co-operated with the Ford Foundation and Ljubljana University; the National Institute of Development Administration in Bangkok, Thailand; and the Institute of Business Administration at Dacca University in East Pakistan last year. Students and professors also distinguished the School through academic excellence and leadership in the University. Faculty members published 16 major books and more than 90 articles, book reviews and contributions to books. The School provides instruction rooted in a tradition of scholarship, yet encourages the generation of new concepts. In April the School of Business and alumni sponsored the Annual Business Conference which presented timely concepts in many areas of the business world. The School of Business, now embracing six departments and eight areas of specialization, was established in 1920 as the School of Commerce and Finance. 1927 brought the institution of Master of Business Administration and Doctor of Business Administration degrees. In 1962-1963, in cooperation with the regional campuses, the School of Business initiated a certified two year program. Looking toward the future, IU's School of Business is already planning its Golden Anniversary Celebration in 1970.
Who says studying is tedious? This couple in the Business Library know the way to make studying fun— together.
The student teaching program benefits both the student teacher and the children. While the children in her class receive extra attention, the I.U. student is able to apply the knowledge she has gained in education classes.
This year the School of Education recognized students in administrative decisions and in actual teaching assignments. By encouraging education majors to become involved and interested, the faculty trained more qualified teachers. Two student representatives were appointed to the School of Education policy council. These representatives, chosen from the student advisory groups, attended the meetings and worked directly with the administration. Through these meetings, students learned about the regulations and current rules first hand. Appointed students read and evaluated Student National Education Association bulletins before they were printed. In this way, the faculty discovered whether or not the students really understood the administration's ideas. Any section difficult to understand was rewritten. Student proof-reading assured the administration that ideas were presented without ambiguities. Again, Encore and Team Teaching programs were an integral part of teacher preparation. Actual teaching in addition to the classwork clarified the purpose of methods courses. Psychology and education courses were also put to practical use by student teachers in the public schools of Bloomington.
The Education Library proves to be a popular place to study for this couple. The room is almost always packed as education students read the materials put on closed reserve by their professors.
Under the direction of Dean David Clark, the expanding School of Education awarded teachers' certificates for the first time from the Kokomo Regional Campus.
Music The School of Music under the direction of Dean Wilfred C. Bain for the twenty-second year presented more doctorates to its graduates than any other musical institution, proving to some extent that I.U.'s School of Music was one of the largest in the nation. The School of Music provided a large portion of campus entertainment. The faculty of 138 full- and .part-time instructors— many of which were internationally recognized artists—and the approximately 1,500 students majoring in music presented nearly 600 performances last year. Musical productions included operas, such as The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart and La Traviata by Verdi, and lighter musical theater performances, such as110° in the Shade and The Boys from Syracuse. The band department of the School of Music supported a similar range of study, including bands ranging from "The Marching Hundred" to concert bands. For the four hundred students participating in the orchestra program, balance was achieved by equating the quality level of the three concert orchestras. Still another aspect of musical production was promoted by the ballet department which presented ballets including "An Evening of Ballet", "The Nutcracker Ballet", and "Cinderella". Variety, balance, and quality have characterized the curriculum of I.U.'s ever-expanding School of Music. Daily practice coaxes music from the delicate strings of the harp.
A musician in his own right, Dean Wilfred C. Bain oversees the education of the 1500 music students at I.U.
Recreation night conducted by the School ofHPER allows interested students and faculty members a chance to maintain top physical shape.
Badminton was only one of the twenty-two sports offered to freshman women this year.
HPER Like sports? . . . Then look into the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Required HPER courses, intramural activities, and special sports clubs were open to all students interested in health, sports, and recreational fields. Two semesters of HPER provided basic instruction for over 6,000 freshmen last year. In addition to these courses, undergraduate men and women interested in the field of sports elected a limited number of physical education courses for academic credit. A wide scope of electives enabled I.U. to offer a more complex field of study. Dean John R. Endwright headed the School of HPER, which is comprised of seven departments—the Departments of Physical Education for Men, Physical Education for Women, Health and Safety Education, Recreation and Park Administration, Athletic Professional Training, the Normal College of the American Gymnastic Union, and the Graduate School. For the first time this year, graduate students in HPER were able to earn a Ph.D. in human performance.
Dean John R. Endwright co-ordinates all HPER programs including freshman classes, courses for majors, and intramural activities.
Clasping his hands in thought, Dean William B. Harvey ponders changes in the Law School suggested by the Board of Student Advisors.
Law "Traditional, yet somewhat different" was the aim of the new innovations in the School of Law this year. A reflective re-examination technique encouraged the methods of the School to keep pace with changes in the demands of society. Faculty and students began renovations by attacking the enemy of change—the success of the traditional methods. The Law School administration not only allowed student involvement in these changes, but welcomed it. The Board of Student Advisors, comprised of selected representatives, related student views to the administration officers. The Student Bar Association and two law fraternities, which were social as well as educational, presented programs designed to orient students to their future legal careers. Due to the rising number of young men fulfilling their military obligations, recruitment through the School of Law placement service was greater this year. Competition for interview dates was keen as prospective employers vied for the top students. Representatives of law firms, governmental agencies, banks, and corporate legal staffs met with seniors and alumni seeking changes of employment. The placement service also assisted firms in securing summer clerkships for second and third year students.
The law annex often provides a welcome relief from the tedious studies which usually confront law students.
Students selected from the top 15% of the School of Law compose the staff of the Indiana Law Journal. These students edit and compile articles written by faculty members of both I.U. and other schools of law and by outstanding students.
Optometry The Optometry Division of I.U. petitioned to become a school in 1968. The growing enrollment, increasing number of faculty, and completion of the new optometry building initiated the change from a College of Arts and Sciences division to a separate school. Last year, 195'students enrolled in the optometry program, and, due to the expanded program of the six-year course, the first Doctor of Optometry degrees were awarded in June. For two years, pre-optometry students take courses similar to those required for pre-medical, pre-dentistry, and nursing students. They spend the final four years in optometrical studies and working with patients under supervised training. Most faculty members are involved in research carried on through grants from the military, federal government, and various foundations and health services. The division is considered a leading research center for visual problems related to automobile driving.
Optometry students often come up with many puzzling problems concerning the nature of the human eye.
Women have broken into the ranks of the Division of Optometry; eight girls challenged the masculine regime last year.
A friendly chat with Director Henry W. Hofstetter encourages students to work a little harder.
Junior Division
To encourage more high school students to go to college, Dean William A. Madden constantly considers new ways to improve the Junior Division.
The Junior Division was established in 1942 for the purpose of helping freshmen adjust to college life. It's main responsibility is to provide a program of guidance prior to and during the first year of college. The Junior Division shows a freshman the educational opportunities available at the University and assists him in choosing a field most suitable to his interests and aptitudes. The Junior Division has many programs designed to help a freshman. These include high school visitation, pre-college counseling, academic counseling, and progress evaluation by faculty members. It also conducts studies on the problems of a freshman, and sponsors the Summer Registration program for freshmen who want to come to the Bloomington campus during the summer. The Freshmen Advisory Commission, composed of upperclassmen and faculty, is part of the Junior Division. It helps in the orientation and registration procedures at the beginning of each semester. The commission also sponsors many tours of the campus for new students. The present Dean of the Junior Division, William A. Madden, was appointed in September of 1967. Dean Madden said that the Junior Division hopes to encourage more high school seniors to attend Indiana University. When asked what new plans are being made for the future, Dean Madden said: "Just to get better and better at what we're doing." The Junior Division was originally organized at the Bloomington campus, but now has offices at all regional campuses. This enables high school guidance counselors and teachers to easily get information about Indiana University.
For thousands of freshmen, summer pre-registration is their first experience on I.U.'s campus. Individual counseling, guest speakers, and discussion groups help to orient the Class of '72.
Associate Deans Joel A. Hunt and Foster W. Blaisdell Jr. work with Acting Dean Harry G. Yamaguchi to keep I.U.'s Graduate School one of the best in the nation.
Graduate Schools
There was great concern this year that increased student involvement in the U.S. Military Residential College in Vietnam would deplete the I. U. Graduate School, but the anticipated drop of up to 25% of the graduate population failed to happen. According to Dean Harry Yamaguchi, "There has been hardly any change in enrollment." In fact, the effect of the war was to hold the trend of increasing enrollment to five. Besides worrying about their I A's and 4F's, the grads struggled to earn their M.A.'s, M.S.'s, and Ph.D.'s in sixty-three departments. At times, the graduate system resembles an apprentice school with each student laboring under a master. However, graduates gained an increasing voice in the school as the Graduate Advisory Committee went into its third year of action.
Graduate teaching assistants made great strides this year by gaining membership on the Faculty Council.
Grad students find that lab research work is one of the best ways to prove their theories about science.
Robert W. Richey, Director of Summer Sessions, discusses summer curricula with Ralph W. Sinks, Assistant Director, as they contemplate problems confronting one of the Midwest's largest summer school enrollments.
Summer Sessions
Summer Sessions 1968 set a new record in the 1. U. campus history. For the first time, over 100,000 credits were earned by students during a summer program on the Bloomington campus. Indiana University's summer program, one of the largest in the nation, offered over 1200 different courses involving all schools and departments. Almost one-half as many students complete their degrees at the end of a summer session as in June. Last summer, 14,799 students took credit courses on the Bloomington campus while 22,807 participated in conferences, workshops, institutes, and clinics. Students from the high school level through the postdoctorate level as well as adults in various professions, businesses, and industries were involved. In addition, 1,384 students attended the medical, dental, and law centers located in Indianapolis, and 10,929 students earned credits at regional campuses. Not all university summer study takes place in the campus classroom. Indiana University also offers extensive and diversified cultural and recreational programs and several summer tours. The Student Leadership Tour to Europe for high school age student leaders was a new innovation in travel.
I.U.'s Woodland Campus, enhanced by the warm summer sun, lures students outside to study under the trees.
Smith Higgins, Dean of Regional Campuses, discusses the vast university reorganization plans of the regional campuses with Associate Dean Rufus Rieberg.
Regional Campuses Faculty members worked to create a traditional college atmosphere for the 18,000 students at the seven extension campuses. They encouraged and helped students establish student governments, student publications, athletic groups, academic clubs, scholarships, and social clubs. In the future, sororities and fraternities may even come to the extension campuses, although I.U. cannot sponsor them for lack of land. Mr. John Ryan was inaugurated as Vice President and Dean of Regional Campuses in August, 1968. Dean Ryan hoped to bring flexibility and better organization to the extension program in order to cope with the demand of education at these campuses. The extension division of I. U. began in 1914. By the 1930's, the first extension centers with resident facilities were opened in South Bend, Indianapolis, Northwest, and Ft. Wayne. Later campuses at Kokomo and Southeast were set up. With direct support since 1965, "a new era" was born for the extension campuses. 148
Students all over Indiana study and socialize in buildings similar to this one at the Medical Center.
Controlled studies of culture growth allows med students to investigate the genetic codes of life. Such experiments are being carried on constantly at the I.U. Medical Center.
Sports, some say, is a myriad of life. The Gonsos, Cookes, Hickcox', and Gibbens' all relate to real life through the "games" they play simply because they are a part of their lives. At Indiana University, a Big Ten school, one is inclined to forget about academics with the vast varsity and club sport program which surrounds the campus. Not only is there a chance to go watch the Fightin' Hoosiers in action with 50,000 other people, but also to participate in one of the most extensive intramural programs in the conference. The main reason why one participates in a sporting event, whether as a spectator or player, is to gain fulfillment and enjoyment from it. In a sense this is happiness. Although a vaguely definable term, happiness to many people at I. U. is getting an "A" on a theme or getting pinned. But to a Hoosier sports enthusiast happiness is: A Gonso to Butcher touchdown pass. Beating the SAE's in football. Watching Charlie Hickcox swim in the Olympics. Watching Charlie Hickcox win in the Olympics.
Beating Purdue—in anything. A swishing Joe Cooke jump shot. A jumping Joe Cooke shot block. Being John Pont's coffee cup carrier. Being John Pont. Blaming it on the refs.
Beating a fraternity team in intramurals (if you're independent). Catching mistakes on the Daily Student's sports page. Hitting a hole-in-one while the cross country team tramples over the green. Calling up your friends in Lafayette after you beat Purdue. Watching Monty McDaniel make his father look good. Beating your roommate in handball.
Driving to Michigan State to see I. U. win in the last minute. Knowing five men will show up for an intramural basketball game. Winning a rugby shield. A Gonso-Butcher-Isenbarger-Pogue backfield and knowing you have Pernell, Thompson and Fleming on the bench. Being a Briscoe Animalizer. Coed fencing.
Arriving for your intramural softball game in the fourth inning and hitting in the winning run. Getting your father a ticket and room for Dad's Day. Coed bowling. Going to a mid-week basketball game so you have a valid excuse for flunking a test. Dave Brown's showing in '68's conference tennis meet. Jade Butcher, I. U.'s only choice for all-Big Ten first team honors, gets congratulatory hug from Mid Burgher, probably the most loyal Hoosier sports fan, after helping beat Michigan State, at East Lansing, 2422. In that game Butcher caught eight passes.
Playing touch football—with girls. A Bill DeHeer shot block. Being demoted to the "B" team so you can play regularly. Getting a new crutch. Being at I. U. in 1969 so you can go to the Rose Bowl—again.
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1968 FOOTBALL TEAM—FRONT ROW: Mike Roth, Ken Long, Al Schmidt, Bob Douglas, Mike Perry, Jim Sniadecki, Tom Bilunas, Rick Spickard, Cal Snowden, Jerry Grecco, Al Gage, Al Kamradt, George Wortly, Nate Cunningham, Bob Moynihan, Gayle Robinson. SECOND ROW: Jay Mathias, Mike Baughman, Bob Nichols, Ben Norman, Jade Butcher, Harry Gonso, John Isenbarger, John Carlson, Rene Banks, Pat Egan, Eric Stolberg, Pete Thorn, Paul Kropf, Dick Waltz, Mike Adams, John Andrews. THIRD ROW: Clarence Price, John David, Ed Harrison, Bob Kirk, Bill Paulus, Bill Wolfe, E. G. White, Karl Pankratz, Don DeSalle, Mike Deal, Dave Hoehn, Bill Bordner, Don Warner, Steve Applegate, Don Silas, Bill Simon. FOURTH ROW: Vic Malinovsky, Dave Reider, Bob Zoss, Rick Thompson, Greg Brown, Bob Pernell, Bob Geers, Gary Brown, Larry Highbaugh, Charlie Murphy, Tom Fleming, Jerry Wiseman,
Jim Teter, Steve Canfield, Frank Canarecci, Ed Beeman. FIFTH ROW: Doug Finlayson, Ed Maguire, Steve Brown, Bob White, Bill Wood, Chris Morris, Hank Pogue, Jack Hienton, Bob Jones, Mark Stevens, Mike Ijams, Bob Scharnowske, Rick Kominiarek, Bob Johnson, Ernie Burnett, Bob Schmidt. SIXTH ROW: Dean Kleinschmidt (Asst. Trainer), Coach Charlie McDaniel, Coach Howard Brown (Head Freshman Coach), Coach Bob Baker, Coach Jake VanSchoyck, Coach Herb Fairfield, Coach Jay Fry, Head Coach John Pont, Coach Ernie Plank, Coach Nick Mourouzis, Coach Bob Hicks, Coach Al Voorhis, Tom Healion (Head Trainer). BACK ROW (Left Side): Managers— Mike Hanak, Tom Miller, Mike Skvara. (Right Side): Managers—Bob Farone, Dave Neff, John Bizzell.
It's not 9-1, but . . INDIANA 40 ҟBaylor 36 Indiana 20 ҟ KANSAS 38 INDIANA 28 ҟIllinois 14 INDIANA 38 ҟ Iowa 34 INDIANA 16 ҟ Arizona 13 Indiana 22 ҟ MICHIGAN 27 INDIANA 21 ҟ Wisconsin 20 INDIANA 24 ҟ Michigan State 22 MINNESOTA 20 Indiana 6 ҟ Indiana 35 ҟPURDUE 38 Big Ten record: 4-3 Season record: 6-4 Place in conference: fifth-place tie 157
Cal Snowden (61) pursues Purdue quarterback Mike Phipps and en route misplaces a Boilermaker helmet.
A disappointing 38-35 loss to Purdue ended the 1968 football season for the Hoosiers—a season where I. U., hit by numerous injuries, established itself as a Midwest grid power in compiling a respectable 6-4 record. The John Pont coached team wound up 43 in the Big Ten, good enough for a fifth-place tie with the Iowa Hawkeyes. Although the Old Oaken Bucket eluded Indiana's grasp, the Brass Spittoon was won again by the Cardiac Kids in an exciting 24-22 victory over Michigan State. The game, which probably best exemplified the I. U. last-minute style of winning, saw the Spartans take a 22-10 lead before the Hoosiers woke up. With quarterback Harry Gosno, halfbacks John Isenbarger and Bobby Pernell and fullback Hank Pogue injured, sophomore Greg Brown had to engineer the win, clinching it with a spectacular toss to split end Eric Stolberg on the Spartan one. In the Purdue game, the Hoosiers almost blasted the Boilermakers out of Ross-Ade Stadium right from the start with Bobby Pernell taking off on a 64-yard gallop for the first touchdown of the game. I. U. built its lead up to 18 points, 28-10, but the Boilermakers had too many aces left in the deck—and one of them was Mike Phipps. With Indiana leading 35-24 the Purdue quarterback lofted a 56yard touchdown bomb to Leroy Keyes on a broken play. Then, the score 35-31, Phipps completed eight passes in a row to set up the winning touchdown carry by Keyes. Jade Butcher, flanker, headed the list of individual stars as he was the only Hoosier named to the all-Big Ten first team. Butcher led the Big Ten in pass receptions, having 34 for 525 yards. Overall, the Bloomington native grabbed 44 passes for 713 yards and 10 touchdowns. His yardage mark breaks Bill Malinchak's record of 669. John Isenbarger, although he missed the last three games of the season, led all Indiana rushers with 669 yards in 130 chances for a 5.1 average. The Hoosier punter also threw seven passes, completing five for three touchdowns. His punting average was 40.8 yards. Blocking leader for I. U. was tight end Al Gage who was graded at 81 per cent. Tackle Rick Spickard and guard Don De Salle followed, both with 79 per cent. The coaching staff considers a grade of 70 per cent playing winning football. The defense, which started off the season in a shaky manner, finally settled down to gain respect from its opponents. One problem it had this year was the fact that it had to spend so much time on the field because of offensive errors. It was the year of the fumble at Indiana as the Hoosiers were losing as many as six of them a game. Individual leaders on defense were linebackers Jim Sniadecki, injured for part of the season, and Don Silas, and cornerback Nate Cunningham. Sniadecki led the Hoosiers in solo tackles with 65 and Silas, only a sophomore, had 97 tackles for the year to
lead I. U. Silas also called defensive signals. Cunningham broke up ten passes to lead the club and led the Big Ten in touchdown saves with five. But offense was the name of the game this year as the Hoosiers wound up with a total offense of 3,850 yards, breaking the previous I. U. mark of 3,420 set in 1942. At one point early in the season I. U. was the third ranked offensive team in the nation, averaging close to 500 yards per game. John Pont, 1967 Coach of the Year, told his seniors after the Purdue game to save their money for next year because he would not want them to miss the 1969 Rose Bowl game. Pont also thanked his veterans for getting the winning tradition started at Indiana. This was the first year since he came here in 1965 that the team was all his recruits. Quarterback Harry Gonso had his ups and downs during the year, but wound up setting two career records. His four touchdown passes in the Purdue game enabled him to set a career record at 21 and he is also the all-time leader in total offense with 2878. Four Hoosiers were invited to post-season all star games, and heading the list was defensive end Cal Snowden who had three invitations. Snowden, whose ambition is to play in the pros, played in the Hula Bowl game in Honolulu. Playing in the EastWest Shrine game in San Francisco were Sniadecki and Cunningham while Spickard saw some action in the North-South Shrine game at Miami on Christmas Day.
The Gonso to Butcher combination at I. U. has become as famous as Hanratty to Seymour and Phipps to Bierne in Hoosier football circles. This past season Butcher again caught 10 touchdown passes, tying his previous year's record, and led the Big Ten in receiving with 34 catches for 525 yards. Gonso, who came up through his freshman and sophomore years with Jade, was injured for the better part of the year, but led I.U. to its second straight winning season.
Nate Cunningham flies on top of Purdue end Mike Engelbrecht. One of the surest tacklers in the league, Cunningham led the Big Ten in touchdown saves.
Coach John Pont has more duties than just to make sure his ball club is running right. Here he breaks up skirmish which broke out in 1. U.— Minnesota game. Pont is trying to get center Steve Applegate (53) off of a Minnesota player.
Mike Adams (45) seems almost dared by Purdue fullback Perry Williams in the annual Old Oaken Bucket battle. Adams was converted from a defensive halfback to play a linebacking spot in the Hoosier's 4-4-3 defense.
Leroy Keyes finds he cannot swim away from I. U.'s Soph linebacking sensation, Don Silas, who led the club in tackles and also took over the job of calling defensive signals when Jim Sniadecki was placed on the injured list.
Cross Country 1968 CROSS COUNTRY TEAM— FRONT ROW: Harry Thompson, Jim Rehmer, Vern Jolgren, Bob Kennedy, Jim Press. SECOND ROW: Jack Hatfield (Mgr.), Bob Legge, Mark Gibbens, Bill Wells, Bill Pidhirny, Coach Jim Lavery.
Indiana's cross country team dropped to fifth in the Big Ten meet, but sparkled on the individual side as Mark Gibbens took a second in the conference meet and Bob Legge, just a sophomore, was four seconds behind Gibbens in third. The previous year, Coach Lavery's crew captured the Big Ten title, but only two of the expected five returnees came back to compete on the 1968 squad. These two were Gibbens and Bob Kennedy who ran most of the year in the fifth position for I. U. The two veterans were backed up by two other sophomores beside Legge. They were Jim Press and Vern Jolgren. Lavery was especially pleased with Press' work toward the end of the season. Another pleasant surprise was junior Jim Rehmer who worked his way into the top five in the latter half of the fall. This was the first year that all meets were run on a five mile course and the inexperience at this apparently hurt the former Big Ten champs. Winning the conference title was Ohio State, led by Doug Scovrar with a time of 24:49. Gibbens' second place time was 24:54. Outstanding for the freshman team was Scott Hiles who broke Legge's frosh record over the home four-mile course. He should be a valuable addition to next year's varsity who will miss the consistency of Gibbens.
Bill Wells (in front) and Bill Pidirny pace themselves: through a meet on the I. U. Golf Course. Though not among the top men Wells and Pidirny are the type of runners that can be admired for simply participating in the demanding sport.
1968 HARRIER RESULTS INDIANA 23 Indiana State 32 INDIANA first (tie) in Owensboro Invitational. Indiana 29 MICHIGAN STATE 28 INDIANA 24 Ohio State 32 INDIANA 24 Illinois 31 Indiana 37 MIAMI of Ohio 22 INDIANA 18 Notre Dame 43 INDIANA first in Big State Meet. INDIANA 24 Ball State 33 Indiana fifth in conference meet. Season record: 5-2. 165
1968 SOCCER TEAM—FRONT ROW: George Correa, Karl Schmidt, Steve Jaremko, J. Siassi, Rich Aljian (CoCapt.), Peter Kreger (Co-Capt.), George Bull, Bob Dowdy, Paul Stucky. SECOND ROW: Gordon Goldstein, Bob Cooley, Jeff Marlin, John Martin, Rick Stoeppler, John Dyke, John Dutilly. THIRD ROW: Ron Geil, Ron Brockman, Al Freeman, Lucio Bartolai, Abrahim Mannaa, Chris Hornbostel, Charles Miller, Attila Yaprak, Coach Jerry Yeagley. r
Steve Jaremko, I. U. soccer star and all-stater, practices balancing the ball—an important move in a game that stresses strength and finesse. Jaremko, along with allAmerican Karl Schmidt, were team leaders on offense.
The battle cry of the season was "Soccer it to 'em" as the Hoosiers played to an 8-3 record. Coach Jerry Yeagley described this year's team as the best ever and the competition as the toughest in his six years at I. U. The biggest victory of the season came in a 2-1 defeat over Purdue. Last year the score was reversed as Purdue took the Hoosiers in a disappointing upset. However, this year was not one for upsets as the I. U. team outplayed all of their opponents in the statistics except nationally rated St. Louis. Only other Hoosier losses came at the hands of Quincy and Earlham. Coach Yeagley pointed out that soccer is usually a strong sport in the smaller school because they usually do not have football teams to cheer on. Outstanding individual performances were offered this year by both offensive and defensive players. Karl Schmidt, an all-American as a junior, was the offensive leader. Al Freeman, sophomore, holds great potential for the next two years, according to Yeagley as does defensive star Bob Cooley next year. The coach noted that he will have a large number of seniors to replace in the lineup. The freshman soccer squad had a fine record of 4-1. Coach Yeagley believes that there are three or four boys who will fill in on the varsity team next year. The I. U. coach summed up his '68 season by saying, "I have enjoyed the men more than any other group in my six years of coaching at I. U. I. U. soccer player finds that getting ahead of the ball is what counts as he closes in to score against Ball State in a home contest.
SOCCER RECORD Goshen College 1 INDIANA 2 ҟ INDIANA 6 ҟBall State 0 University of Illinois 1 INDIANA 2 ҟ Southern Illinois 3 INDIANA 7 ҟ Eastern Illinois 1 INDIANA 4 ҟ Northwestern 0 INDIANA 5 ҟ Indiana 0 ҟ QUINCY 1 Indiana 0 ҟST. LOUIS 5 Indiana 0 ҟEARLHAM 1 Indiana State 1 INDIANA 4 ҟ INDIANA 2 ҟ Purdue 1 Season Record: Won 8, Lost 3.
1968 RUGBY TEAM—FRONT ROW: Scott Hanley, Neville Robertson, John Eltzroth. SECOND ROW: Tom Slama, Jay Tobias, Don May, Mike Monahan, Ron Folk, Mark Lee, Mike Somsel. THIRD ROW: Rudy Medlock, Gary Brown, Steve Kabisch, Dave Gettle, Joe Tegart, Tom Jackson, Bill Burnham. FOURTH ROW: Ernie Todd, Art
Yagodnik (Org. Ch.), Gary Gist (Pres.), Dan Dibble, Alan Hartman (Chaplain), Earl Luetzelschwab, Dick Linderman. FIFTH ROW: Steve Mastalerz, Alexander Shimkin, Paul Bognanno, Kip Bennett, Ken Boyer, Tom Greene, Pat Glynn, Pat Riley.
Disappointment lowered over the Rugby Club. With only a 2-5I record, this year was the Rugby Club's first losing season in four and a half years. Club president Gary Gist explained the defeats as a "product of bad breaks and inexperience." A blocked kick followed by a quick hit to Indiana's goal line pushed Illinois to the lead in the last 20 seconds of that game. The Wisconsin game was not so close as the Wisconsin surged ahead of Indiana with only 50 seconds to play. Despite these misfortunes, the team was invited to play with seven other teams at the Commonwealth Cup in Virginia. According to Dave Zimmerman, Rugby Club member, "This is some of the best competition in the East." The team also played in the Missouri Valley Tournament at St. Louis in the spring. President Gary Gist and treasurer Don May were selected to attend the Cornball, a Midwest All-Star Game. "The team was basically a new team, but nearly everyone should be back so we expect a good year" anticipated Zimmerman.
John Eltzroth presents "Spike" McManus a plaque in appreciation for the great job he has been doing in the training room for the ruggers. Spike also takes care of I. U's track and cross country teams.
No it's not a football or a soccer ball but the unorthodox pigskin used by the ruggers. The Rugby Club, with no formal affiliation with the I. U. Athletic Department, must schedule its own games and, often, provide its own transportation.
Judo The first annual Big Ten Meet at Illinois highlighted the Judo Club's agenda for the 1968-69 season. The club, headed by Ray Wood, consists of beginners up to the graded black belt level. In duplicating the ancient Japanese sport, the three aims of the club are to teach mental strength, physical strength and proficiency in competition. The members not only study throws and holds, but also the customs and courtesies of the art. Judo is learned as a sport and defensive judo is taught only to the older students. Later in the year it is taught to the female pupils. Members train for promotion by competition with other members and a general knowledge in both written and oral exams.
1968 JUDO CLUB—FRONT ROW: Akira Yamamota (co-instructor), John Hamilton (Sec.), Bill Snow (Treas.), Don Burns (Vice-Pres.), Ray Wood (Pres.), Kich Hayashi (co-instructor), Dave Lazar (co-instructor), Marshall Bullock (co-instructor), John M. K. Hinata (co-instructor). SECOND ROW: Bob Karn, Jeanne Fox, Brenda Regan, Susie Young, Karen Knutson, Linda Cline, Jim Devereaux, Lavon Lutes, Frank Skyfca. THIRD ROW: Carole Cornelius, Frank Witecki, Tom Clark, Terry Frazer, Alex Reinof, Devin Drake, Dana Mollenkopf, Bruce Conner. FOURTH ROW: Dave Parker, Steve Messman, Earl Schwerk, Dave Purdum, Dallas Dawson.
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1968 VARSITY CHEERLEADERS—(from left) Al Gatti, Kris Beasley, Ken Van Arsdall, Wendy Franey, Jim Lewis, Roberta (Red) Davies, Ned Beach, Marabeth Wells (Capt.), Pat Kivland, Peggy Kellum. Dave Thompson, Myra Gibson.
"Rip 'em up, tear 'em up, give 'em hell Hoosiers! Rip 'em up, tear 'em up, give 'em hell Hoosiers." This all-familiar yell from the stands led by our spirited cheerleaders inspired the football team to several exciting final-quarter victories. Who will ever forget the last 60 seconds of the Michigan State game when the Fightin' Hoosiers took the lead for the first time in the game to win it. Although the swinging ponytails and bouncy blondes may have forced a few spectators to miss one of Sniadecki's solo tackles, the cheerleaders were surely an added attraction to the games. In a year when student body enthusiasm ran high, the varsity cheerleaders encouraged a vigorous cry from the fans by performing new cheers and acrobatic skills during both football and basketball games. What other group of young, spirited people is able to unify 28,000 fans into one block of student power to boost the cream and crimson on to victory—none other than the cheerleaders of 1. U. 171
Basketball Indiana's basketball team missed the elevator on the way up this time and for the second straight year landed in the Big Ten cellar despite added scoring strength provided by Kenny "Goose" Johnson and "Jumpin' " Joe Cooke. Johnson and Cooke finished fourth and fifth, respectively, in the conference in scoring behind Purdue's Rick Mount, 35.2 points a game, and two centers, Michigan's Rudy Tomjanovich and Ohio State's Dave Sorenson. Johnson averaged 22.6 point a game and placed second to Tomjanovich in rebounding with a 12.2 average, and Cooke wound up with a 21.4 average. Johnson also led the conference in free throw attempts with 125, and made 91 of these, good enough for second-place behind Mount's 105. However, this silver lining indeed had its dark cloud and it seemed to be placed at the problem Coach Lou Watson had of trying to find a starting lineup. Watson went through at least 10 starting five-man quintets, but was unable to find a steady guard to pair up with Cooke. Among his candidates, all underclassmen, were 5-10 Larry Gipson, 4.6, 6-1 Rick Atkinson, 2.1, and 6-5 Ben Niles, who played in only seven conference games. Watson did find a more-than-adequate back-up man for center Bill DeHeer in junior college transfer Mike Branaugh. Branaugh, who proved to be very popular with the fans, averaged six points a game in his limited role and with DeHeer graduating, might find the center spot open if Joby Wright has trouble shifting to the varsity. Unfortunately for the Hoosiers, the Big Ten was exceptionally strong in basketball during the 1968-69 season and showed this by compiling a 70-3 non-conference record. Up to the start of conference competition, I. U. had a 4-5 record which stood last in the Big Ten. All other schools were above .500, Illinois 10-0 and Northwestern at 9-1. The high and low point of the year were gained against the same team, Purdue. The Boilermakers found the Hoosiers to be trouble in Bloomington and pulled out a 96-95 win. However, at Lafayette in I.U.'s last game, Purdue won by the largest margin recorded in the Big Ten during the season, 44 points, 120-76.
The Hoosiers posed one of the most powerful offensive threats in the Big Ten during the season and leading the charge was Joe Cooke (right) and Ken Johnson (above). Cooke and Johnson, both averaging around 22 points a game during the Big Ten season, each had their own patented shots.
1968-69 VARSITY BASKETBALL SQUAD—FRONT ROW: Jeff Stocksdale, Ric Atkinson, Larry Gipson, Kevin Bass, Gabe Oliverio, Joe Cooke, Asst. Coach Jerry Oliver. SECOND ROW: Coach Lou Watson, Bill Stenberg, Bill DeHeer, Mike Branaugh, Mick Szymanczyk, John Muirhead. THIRD ROW: Sr. Mgr. Don Knapp, Mike Niles, Earl Schneider, Mike Noland, Kenny Morgan. Ken Johnson, Ben Niles, Freshman Coach Tom Bolyard.
The I.U. season had both its ups and downs as is shown here by cheerleader Red Davies.
BASKETBALL RECORD OHIO UNIVERSITY 80 Indiana 70 Missouri 51 INDIANA 58 87 Indiana KANSAS STATE 83 North Carolina St. 62 INDIANA 77 83 INDIANA 88 Loyola NOTRE DAME 104 Indiana 94 Quaker City Tournament—Philadelphia Niagara 83 INDIANA 86 Indiana LASALLE 108 88 Indiana 80 72 ST JOSEPH'S Indiana 82 OHIO STATE 90 Indiana 87 MICHIGAN 89 Indiana 72 IOWA 91 INDIANA Northwestern 70 87 INDIANA 87 DePaul 66 INDIANA 79 Michigan State 76 INDIANA 65 Wisconsin 63 Indiana 83 MINNESOTA 89 Indiana 88 NORTHWESTERN 91 Indiana PURDUE 95 96 Indiana 79 MINNESOTA 83 INDIANA 101 Wisconsin 84 Indiana 64 ILLINOIS 77 Indiana 86 OHIO STATE 108 Indiana 76 PURDUE 120
It's time out for I.U. as Coach Lou Watson takes a breather from the hectic pace the Hoosiers set. The score in the background indicates that it was one of the coach's better moments—the Hoosiers lead, 48-44.
The Hoosier front line was usually foundin action somewhere under the boards. Mike Noland, 6-5 junior (above), looks in disbelief as the ref calls a jump ball. Denny Meadors of Ohio State tried to get in for a back door layup, but found Bill DeHeer, I.U.'s 6-9 center (above left) waiting with a bucket of water, socking it to the unfortunate Buckeye. Finally, Ken Johnson, 6-6 forward (to left) and leading rebounder in the Big Ten shows his skill against the Boilermakers.
Charlie Hickcox is probably the best swimmer in the United States, if not the world. Hickcox won three gold medals at the '68 Olympics in Mexico City, and led the Hoosiers to their ninth Big Ten title in a row.
Dave Perkowski, shivering here, is one of the fabulous corps of I.U. breaststrokers which captured 46 points in the event in the Big Ten Meet to boost 1.U. to its first place finish. Dave also swam in the Olympics at Mexico City.
1969 NCAA SWIMMING CHAMPIONS—FRONT ROW: John Zimmerman, Jim Henry, Jon Hahnfeldt, Win Young, Bob Matus, Jack Laughlin. SECOND ROW: Pete Dahlberg, Rich Anderson, George Smith, Dave Perkowski (Co-Capt.), Don McKenzie, Corky Gilmore, Bill Baird, Tom Geiman. THIRD ROW: Jack Pettinger (Asst. Coach), Frank McCullough, Ron Jacks, Fred Southward, Bryan Bateman, Charlie Hickcox (Co-
Capt.), Mark Spitz, Steve Ware, Jimmy Counsilman, Jim "Doc" Counsilman (Head Coach), Hobie Billingsley (Diving Coach). FOURTH ROW: Corby Sanders (Manager), Steve Borowski, Dave Marker, Tom Warburton, Mark Wallace (Manager), Al Kane (Manager).
Swimming What more can be said? New York had its Yankees, Green Bay had the Packers and Boston had its Celtics. Yet, another team has appeared on the scene to dominate sports like no one else has, unless you include the U.S. swim teams of the Tokyo and Mexico City Olympics. The Hoosier tankers, the most powerful aggregation of swimmers and divers one could find in any American college, is putting Bloomington, Ind., on the underseas map like no other sport ever could. One could go down the current list of names: Charlie Hickcox, Mark Spitz, Fred Southward, Don McKenzie, Pete Dahlberg, Bryan Bateman, Jim Henry and many others. Yet, when one comes down to the nitty gritty, the finger seems to stop at the two magic men: James "Doc" Counsilman and Hobie Billingsley. "Doc" and Hobie piloted their team to its ninth straight Big Ten title, a feat performed by no one else in the conference. Three double winners topped the list of I.U. notables. Charlie Hickcox
lost his crown in the 200-yard individual medley, but came on to take the 100- and 200-yard backstrokes. Jim Henry, probably the top diver in the U.S., took both the one and three meter titles and Fred Southward, ace freestyle distance swimmer defended his title in the 1,650-yard event, and also took the 500-yard distance. However, what contributed most to the 1.U. dominance of the meet was the team's depth in the breaststroke. In the 100-yard event held on Friday of the meet, I.U. took second, third and fourth behind Illinois' excellent Kip Pope, timed at 1:00.5. Pete Dahlberg came in at 1:00.88, Dave Perkowski finished at 1:00.99 and Don Mackenzie was right on Dave's back at 1:01.0. The 200-yard breaststroke was even more of a gold mine as once again Pope took a first place, but the Hoosiers coming on to take second, third, fourth, sixth and 12th for a total of 46 points, a large chunk of the 517 compiled by the I.U. team. 179
Chet Jastremski may be a little old at 28 for this year's I.U. swimming team, but the former I.U. great made it to the Olympic Games along with 11 other Hoosier swimmers.
SWIMMING RECORD Cincinnati INDIANA 85ҟ ҟ Indiana State INDIANA 75ҟ ҟ INDIANA first in the Big Ten Relays INDIANA 63ҟ ҟ Michigan Southern Illinois INDIANA 71ҟ ҟ Minnesota INDIANA 70 ҟ Michigan State INDIANA 79 ҟ INDIANA 83ҟ ҟ Purdue Ohio State INDIANA 94 ҟ Wisconsin INDIANA 66ҟ ҟ INDIANA 73ҟ Michigan ҟ Cincinnati INDIANA 66ҟ ҟ INDIANA first in the Big Ten Meet
28 38 60 33 53 44 45 29 57 50 46
Fred Southward not only defended his 500-yard freestyle crown in the Big Ten Meet, but also took top honors in the 1650 yard event 180
Hobie Billingsley, I.U.'s outstanding diving coach, also made the trip to Mexico City as coach for the U.S. team. Billingsley was also named as the top diving coach in the nation.
NCAA Swimming What's up, Doc? Indiana's swimming team took its second straight NCAA title as the Hoosiers placed men in every final except two, and won nine of the 18 titles offered at Royer Pool. Leading James "Doc" Counsilman's charge on the meet title was Mark Spitz, freshman from Santa Clara, California, who won three individual titles. Spitz took firsts in the 500-yard freestyle, 200-yard freestyle and the 100-yard butterfly. However, not to be forgotten was 1968's World Swimmer of the Year, Charlie Hickcox. The Mexico City Olympic star won firsts in the 200-yard individual medley, and the 200-yard backstroke. Charlie "Tuna" also took a second in the century backstroke, where he was beat by two-hundredths of a second by Stanford's Fred Haywood. Charlie's two titles gave him seven career NCAA meet titles, placing him in a tie for second behind Southern Cal's Roy Saari ('66) and Washington's Jack Medica ('36), each with nine. Diver Jim Henry also took two individual titles, off the one and three meter boards. In the three-meter finals Henry was given a "10" by one of the judges, almost unheard of in diving circles. Henry led a sweep of the one-meter board and Win Young followed him in the three-meter to give the Hoosiers 70 points from diving. The two other I.U. wins came from Don McKenzie's win in the 100-yard breaststroke and the Hoosier 400-yard medley relay team. In all, 11 NCAA and American records were broken, including two by Spitz, one by Hickcox, one by McKenzie and one by the I. U. Medley relay team. Probably the most dominating figure in the meet, besides I.U.'s Spitz and Hickcox, was Long Beach State's Hans Fassnacht. Fassnacht set American records (NCAA also) in the 400-yard individual medley and 1,650-yard freestyle, and tied Spitz's record in the 500-yard freestyle. He also turned in probably the most sterling performance of the meet when he swam away from the field in the 1,650 yard freestyle, breaking UCLA's Mike Burton's record of 15:59.4, with a 15:54.2. Making its presence felt very much in the meet was Southern California. The Trojans, very strong in the freestyle, finished second to I.U.'s 427 points, with 306. USC won both freestyle relays (I.U. placing second both times) and took one individual title. Every member of the I.U.'s 18-man team scored in the meet, including freshmen Jimmy Counsilman, George Smith, Bill Baird, Peter Dahlberg and Tom Warburton. It looks like the Hoosiers will have a team in contention again in the 1970 NCAA Meet at the University of Utah.
Mark Spitz (swimmer in upper lane) barely touches out Long Beach State star swimmer Hans Fassnacht in the 500-yard freestyle. Spitz (left) set an NCAA record with Fassnacht in the preliminaries of this event at 4:33.2, breaking the old mark by four seconds.
FINAL TEAM STANDING INDIANA Southern California Stanford Michigan Yale UCLA Long Beach State Ohio State Oregon Florida Princeton Michigan State Colorado Southern Illinois Minnesota Purdue Southern Methodist Wisconsin Ohio University North Carolina State
427 306 199 166 160 102 82 61 45 43 42 38 33 25 21 20 20 19 19 16 183
No one can be sure if Bugs Bunny had this particular coach in mind when he coined his famous expression, "What's Up, Doc?" but we can be certain that Coach James Counsilman would say, "My swimming team." "Doc" is probably the most admired swimming coach in the world as he has produced a swimming team that has not finished lower than third in the last six NCAA swim meets.
Although Indiana won the meet by more than 100 points, other teams did have their glory when Hans Fassnacht (above) and the Southern Cal freestyle relay team (kit) swept to record breaking performances. Fassnacht sped to ties of 4:07.7 in the 400-yard individual medley and a 15:54.2 clocking in the 1,650 freestyle. USC won both the 800 and 400-yard relays in American and NCAA record times.
It was diving that proved "Vive la Difference" as Jim Henry (center), Win Young (left), and Jon Hahnfeldt (right) went 1-2-3 in the onemeter and Henry and Young were 1-2 in the three-meter as Hahnfeldt dropped out after suffering a leg injury. At left is Henry in the three meter finals.
1968-69 GYMNASTICS TEAM—FRONT ROW: Asst. Coach Jim Brown, Bud Hunt, Al Gatti, Paul Graf, Gary Funke, Dwayne Wiser (Capt.), Chuck Earle. SECOND ROW: Jerry Collins, Fred Mann, Sam Cullison, Pat Kivland, Mel Jacobson, Bob Witmer, Coach Otto Ryser.
Gymnastics Indiana's gymnastic team was pretty much of a non-entity in the Big Ten during the 1967-68 season finishing last, but it came back this year to sport a 6-6 overall record and placed sixth in the Big Ten to cap Dr. Otto Ryser's coaching career at Indiana. Dr. Ryser is retiring after a 22-year career with I.U. Heading the Hoosier surge this year was all-around man Pat Kivland who set an I.U. record by topping the 1600 individual point total this past season. Kivland was aided by Captain Dwayne Wiser who is I.U.'s chief threat on the steel rings, but was hindered most of the year by tendonitis in his elbow. Wiser also helped Coach Ryser with his knowledge of technique and form. Coming back to help I.U. retain its new-found power arc sophomores Gary Funke and Chuck Earle, and junior Al Gatti. Funke will probably take senior Kivland's place in the all-around, while Earle's specialty is the rings. Gatti performs in the all-around and floor exercise. Gymnastics is not the only sport which some of the gymnasts are limited to. Kivland and Gatti were both cheerleaders as was Bob Witmer.
GYMNASTIC RECORD Illinois (Circle) 106 INDIANA 141 Ball State 127 INDIANA 141 Wisconsin 152 INDIANA 164 IOWA 178 Indiana 154 INDIANA STATE 151 Indiana 149 OHIO STATE 177 Indiana 172 Kent State 142 INDIANA 152 MICHIGAN 190 Indiana 167 MICHIGAN STATE 182 Indiana 167 Minnesota 155 INDIANA 160 Illinois State 135 INDIANA 139 Season record: 6-5 The rings are probably the most difficult apparatus to master, but here Gary Funke holds an "L" cross.
Pat Kivland, one of 1.U.'s top all-around men, holds an "L" on the parallel bars.
1968-69 WRESTLING TEAM—FRONT ROW:Ron Hanna, Steve Holdaway, Bob Keesey, Everette Barnard, Scott Sparks, Don Dotlich, Doug Schmidt. SECOND ROW: Mickey Janes, Sandy Tilton, Paul Langille, Rick Reel, Marty Rohrman, Jerry Estes, Jim Lentz (Capt.), Tony Ranieri. THIRD ROW: Coach Charley McDaniel, Ron Ramsey, Frank Canarecci, Mondy McDaniel, Chuck Wertschnig, Marty Hey, John Arbuckle, Ed Maguire, Larry Denker.
Coach Charlie McDaniel knew what he was saying at the beginning of the season when he said, "This is going to be pretty much of a rebuilding year." The I.U. wrestlers, riddled by injuries and hurt by inexperience, came off with a tie for seventh place in the Big Ten. However, shining through this dim cloud was senior Jim Lentz who captured the individual title at 145 pounds. Over the season Lentz was 15-3-1. Other top individuals were senior Sandy Tilton (10-4-4) and junior Everett Barnard (9-3). However, someone was injured at one time or another for the grapplers and this included juniors Scott Sparks and Ron Hanna and sophomore Dave Geiger. Coach McDaniel's problem next year seems to be finding a replacement for Lentz and keeping his team healthy.
WRESTLING RECORD Purdue 12 INDIANA 26 9 Illinois INDIANA 20 INDIANA STATE 16 Indiana 15 MICHIGAN 20 8 Indiana MICHIGAN STATE 31 Indiana 0 Wisconsin State 10 INDIANA 22 IOWA 24 Indiana 8 MANKATO STATE 19 Indiana 12 NORTHERN ILLINOIS 24 Indiana 12 Wisconsin 14 INDIANA 16 Minnesota 18 INDIANA 35 Illinois 10 INDIANA 22 Wisconsin 9 INDIANA 20 NORTHWESTERN 23 Indiana 10 OHIO STATE 18 Indiana 15 Indiana tied for seventh place in Big Ten Meet.
Senior Jim Lentz (left) sizes up his opponent as does sophomore Mickey Janes (below). Lentz was the Hoosiers' only individual champion in the Big Ten, taking the 145-pound crown.
Intramurals With over 6000 participants, I.U.'s intramural program ranks as one of the largest in the United States. The program was organized in 1922 and includes participation in 20 team sports and 15 at the individual level. Intramural basketball teams caught some of the spotlight this year as the top ones were chosen to play against I.U.'s frosh cage crop headed by 6-8 Joby Wright. The freshmen won all the exhibition games, but a few teams put up a good fight, those being from Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Alpha Tau Omega. Unfortunately, the head of the intramural program, Dr. Robert L. Stumpner, passed away this last year, but the reins were taken well in hand by his associates Dale E. Phelps and Randy Crites. Dividing the campus into three categories, Fraternity, Residence Hall and Independent, the intramural program includes both league play and post-season playoffs. From touch football to table tennis, the intramural department provides I.U. students with a wide choice of sports to supplement their studies.
Rifle Team Indiana's rifle team did not repeat their 1968 performance in aking the Big Ten crown, but they did take a third place in the neet with Tom Wilson leading the way. The Hoosiers, besides :ompeting in various dual meets, also were in the National Rifle kssociation sectionals where they placed second. Wilson took a second place in these sectionals and in ROTC :ompetition against eight teams from other schools in the midwest, took a first. The rifle team practices each day in the Union rifle range, and t is coached by Sgt. Jim North from the ROTC department. Howwer, the team is separate from the department.
1969 RIFLE TEAM—FIRST ROW: John Mitchell, Bruce Woodard, Phil Huffman. SECOND ROW: Capt. Joe Heird, Ralph Howes, Tom Wilson, Cliff Culloden, Sgt. Jim North.
Indoor Track
Gary Haupert and Mike Goodrich, I.U.'s two super sophs or the track, led the Hoosier cindermen to their best finish in the Bid Ten indoor meet in quite a while, placing second to Wisconsin Haupert jumped 6-10 to win his specialty, while Goodrich set ar I.U. record in the 300-yard dash at :30.4 in taking a first. Senior Paul Gaydos also came through in the pole vault as h( went 15-6 in taking conference honors. Highlight of the season came when Haupert, who set an I.0 record in the high jump as a freshman at 6-10, went over 7-1 i official competition. This, of course, set an I.U. record and estab• lished Haupert as one of the top jumpers in the nation.
1969 INDOOR TRACK SQUAD—FIRST ROW: Larry Highbaugh, Mike Goodrich, Jim Press, Vern Jolgren, Bob Kennedy, John Weldy. SECOND ROW: Jim Rehmer, Mike Coyle, Kevin Grimsley, Bob Legge, Jim Teter, Greg Blitz. THIRD ROW: Ken Lundgren, Wes Brooker, Mike Stout, Jim Pidhirney, Bill Wells, Hal Decker, Reed
Thompson. FOURTH ROW: Paul Gaydos, James Ricks, Don Crask, Terry Musika, Ken Hall, Mark Gibbens, Darrell Davis. FIFTH ROW: Kelvyn Moore, Bob Winchell, Gary Haupert, Chuck Taylor, Hal Decker, James Arbuckle, Rich Fuhs.
Gary Haupert thrilled I.U.'s indoor track fans by becoming the first Hoosier high jumper to clear the seven foot barrier. He later upped his record to seven feet one inch.
INDOOR TRACK RECORD NOTRE DAME Indiana 61 OHIO STATE Indiana 68 Purdue INDIANA 73 1/2 Murray State MICHIGAN Indiana 74 INDIANA 84 Michigan State Western Kentucky INDIANA 99 Indiana placed second in the Big Ten meet.
79 77 58 511/2 75 65 51
In the Hoosier's meet with Western Kentucky, just about everyone came home a winner, as did I.U.'s Mike Coyle here.
(*ex* 'ҟ 'AftigirV
'fittl7T t442.M . OUTDOOR TRACK SQUAD—INDIANA UNIVERSITY-1968—FRONT ROW: Don Crask, Mike Stout, Ken Lundgren, Eric Kirschner, Harry Thompson, Gary Chumbley, Larry Spivak, Bob Kennedy, Jeff Long, Jim Rehmer. SECOND ROW: Terry Musika, Wes Brooker, Dick Swift, Dave Atkinson, Bill Robinson, Bill Pidhirny, Ray Smith, Kevin Grimsley, Bill Wells, Mark Betner. THIRDҟ ROW:ҟ Jimҟ Headҟ Coachҟ Lavery,ҟ Charles Taylor, Bob White, Rich Fuhs, Ed Graham, Ken Hall, Co-Capt. Tom Keenan, Co-Capt. Mark Gibbens, Paul Gaydos, Halҟ Decker, Jim Arbuckle, Asst. Coach Bill Perrin.
East Tennessee State TENNESSEE Bowling Green Minnesota Iowa Illinois Michigan State Iowa
Big State Meet: Indiana placed second. Big Ten Meet: Indiana placed eighth. Outdoor record: 7-1
62 113 38 77 47 53 52 47
Outdoor Track Mike Goodrich has broken all freshman sprint records and highlights his times with a :06.9 clocking in the 70-yard dash, beating the world record holder Mel Pender. Mark Gibbens, a junior in the '68 track season, is I. U.'s distance ace. He has posted a time of 4:05.8 in the mile and 8:56.4 in the steeplechase.
Individuals and freshmen captured the spotlight of the '68 outdoor track team which finished a disappointing eighth in the Big Ten meet. Top performers during the year were Mike Goodrich, freshman sprinter; Mark Gibbens, varsity distance man, and Jim Arbuckle, I. U. record-holder in the shot put. Goodrich was at his best toward the end of the indoor season. He ran a :06.9 70yard dash and a :06.0 time in the 60, both times one-tenth of a second off the listed world records. These marks, of course, set new all-time Hoosier records. Other outstanding freshmen were Gary Haupert with a 6-10 high jump and Bob Winchell who broke Jim Arbuckle's freshman shot put record with a throw of 5491 Gibbens, who ran the mile indoors, switched to the steeplechase outdoors and set an all-time I. U. mark in the event at 8:56.4 for the 3,000 meter distance. He ran this in the Olympic Trials in Los Angeles and had the second best time by a collegian there. Jim Arbuckle, most consistent Hoosier performer, took the Big Ten shot put at 56-101/2 and later set an I. U. record at 59-101/2.
Playing on its own course, the I. U. golf team took the Big Ten championship for the second time in the team's 49-year history. The Hoosiers won their last title in 1962. With the home advantage, Coach Bob Fitch's team took a 13stroke lead after the first day of matches. I. U. held its lead on the second day with sixth man Bill Stinnett coming up with his best rounds of the season, 71 and 73. The Hoosier's total score was 1511, 12 strokes better than second place Michigan State's. I. U.'s Steve Cisco was able to capture second place in the meet after taking the first round's lead. On the first day Cisco shot rounds of 71 and 72 for a total of 143. However, he ended up with two 76's for a 295 and second place behind Minnesota's Bill Brask, 293. Rounding out the top five Hoosiers were Jim Cheney, 305, Ron Essenpreis, 307, and Danny May and Stinnett, 309. The Hoosiers posted a 24-3-1 record for the year, best yet by the golf squad. Coach Bob Fitch will have four of his top six men returning, Jim Cheney and Ron Essenpreis graduating from the '68 squad.
INDIANA UNIVERSITY GOLF TEAM-1968—FROM LEFT—Jim Cheney, Wayne McDonald, Dan May, Walt Osterberg, Ron Essenpreis, Steve Cisco, Rick Lee, Bill Stinnett, Coach Robert E. Fitch.
Danny May, I. U.'s fourth man during the 1968 season, blasts out of a trap on the rough Hoosier course. May finished the year with a 76.1 average and had a best round of 72.
Runner-up in the Big Ten meet held in Bloomington, I.U.'s Steve Cisco studies chip shot made onto green. Cisco was the Hoosier's second man during the season, but had spectacular rounds of 71 and 72 in the conference meet to take the top spot.
PLAYER Jim Cheney
Steve Cisco Ron Essenpreis Danny May Wayne McDonald Bill Stinnett
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INDIANA UNIVERSITY BASEBALL SQUAD—I968—FRONT ROW: Grant Gaalema, Ken Winston, Tim Grogg, Steve Durfee, Ben Harrod, Chris Shelton, Gary Gray, Mike Ward. SECOND ROW: Pete Duhamel, Larry Oliver, Ron Pritzke, John Lobus, Jim Cline, Harry Gonso, Gene Foldenauer, Gary Brown, Andy Tillitson (Sr. Mgr.) THIRD ROW: Bob Manuszak, Rich Schlib, Bob Woodward, Chuck Cline, Randy Lutterman, Tim Gardner, George Lanning, Jim Dowell, Pat Bender. FOURTH ROW: Head Coach Ernie Andres, Asst. Coach Jim Railey, Gary Sargent, Jim Lee, Thad Hodgdon, Mike Baughman, Jim Suskiewich, Bruce Miller, Larry Bishop, Steve Moore (Trainer).
Baseball Finishing with a 19-12 record, Ernie Andres' diamondmen far surpassed their previous year's record of 14-23. Pitching was the name of the game for I. U. as the mound staff, led by Bill Gifford and Gary Sargent, compiled a total earned run average of 1.97. I. U.'s opponents were much less effective against the Hoosier batsmen, racking up a 3.52 ERA. Leading the Hoosier hitters were Grant Gaalema, a sophomore without a grant-in-aid who earned a starting position at third base at the beginning of the season. Gaalema hit .297 and was followed by shortstop Bruce Miller and second baseman Benny Herrod, both at .284. All three return for the '69 season. Although the Hoosiers were seven games above the .500 mark overall, they dipped to a 5-8 mark in Big Ten play. They had a chance, when 4-7, to even up for the season or even go over the .500 mark, but they split with Illinois and their Purdue doubleheader was called off. Doing its best against in-state teams, the baseball squad won the Indiana Collegiate Conference title with a record of 8-0. One of those games included an amazing 25-8 victory over the Evansville Aces.
BASEBALL RECORD Butler 4 INDIANA 6 Pan America 2 INDIANA 5 PAN AMERICA 5 Indiana 2 PAN AMERICA 2 Indiana 1 Pan America 1 INDIANA 2 ST. MARY 2 Indiana 0 Trinity 4 INDIANA 5 Southwest Texas 3 INDIANA 4 SOUTHWEST TEXAS 5 Indiana 3 Earlham 1 INDIANA 2 Evansville 0 INDIANA 5 Evansville 8 INDIANA 25 Evansville 1 INDIANA 4 Butler 3 INDIANA 9 MINNESOTA 5 Indiana 0 MINNESOTA 4 Indiana 2 IOWA 2 Indiana 1 Iowa 3 INDIANA 5 DePauw 3 INDIANA 5 MICHIGAN STATE 4 Indiana 1 MICHIGAN STATE 2 Indiana 1 MICHIGAN 5 Indiana 1 Michigan 0 INDIANA 1 Minnesota 3 INDIANA 4 Ohio State 3 INDIANA 5 Ball State 2 INDIANA 4 Northwestern 0 INDIANA 6 NORTHWESTERN 4 Indiana 2 Indiana State 4 INDIANA 5 Illinois 3 INDIANA 4 ILLINOIS 2 Indiana 1
DePauw player jumps for joy as teammate scores and runner advances on the bases. However, the happiness was short-lived as I. U. eventually won the game, 5-3. The Hoosiers went on to take the Indiana Collegiate Conference crown with a perfect 8-0 record.
Season Record: Won 19, Lost 12 Big Ten Record: Won 5, Lost 8 Big Ten: Indiana 7th 199
TENNIS TEAM—INDIANA UNIVERSITY-1968—Coach Bill Landin, Darrel Snively, Chuck Parsons, Wes Spence, Dave Schumacher, Dave Brown, Mike Meis.
Led by Dave Brown who pulled the upset of the season in the conference, the Hoosier tennis team was able to take a fifth place in the tough Big Ten. I.U., 8-10 overall, finished third in 1967, but lost three of its top four players. Brown, unseeded in the championship meet, defeated first seed Pete Fishbach of Michigan, 3-6, 6-2, 8-6. The I.U. No. 1 man then went on to beat third-seeded Charles Brannard of Michigan State, 6-2, 6-3, to gain the finals. Facing Don Lutz of Northwestern, Brown saw his title hope fade as he fell to the tournament's No. 2 seed, 6-0, 6-0. Also helping I.U. gain fifth place was the play ofNo. 2 singles player, Chuck Parsons. Parsons took the consolation round to place third and teamed with Brown in theNo. 1 doubles to get to the semifinals. Coach Bill Landin will have all his netters back for the '69 campaign.
Darrel Snively shows his backhand style in practice for the I. U. tennis team. The netters placed fifth in the conference meet, though 8-10 in the season.
INDIANA Indiana 0 Indiana 0 Indiana 2 Indiana 0 Indiana 0 INDIANA Indiana 3 INDIANA INDIANA INDIANA Indiana 0 Indiana 1 INDIANA INDIANA Indiana 4 INDIANA Indiana 4
9 5 8 9 9 9 9
1 9 9 7 9 9 0 6 4 1 0 9 8 0 0 5 0 5
Season Record: Won 8, Lost 10 Big Ten Record: Won 3, Lost 5 201
I.U. STUDENT FOUNDATION STEERING COMMITTEE—FRONT ROW: Nan Nottingham (Vice Pres.), Bill Foley (Pres.). SECOND ROW: Cathy Sprenger, K. K. Whittemore (Sec.), Ann Halstead, Barb Pence, Pat Kollmar, Susie Sterner (Sec.). THIRD ROW: Suzi Harrison, Norm Peacock, Julie Ekblad, Anne Brafford, Gary
O'Neal, Donna Richwalski, Peg Stinson. FOURTH ROW: Denny Moeschl, Jack Ransom, Dale Stark, Larry Shine, Pat Callahan, Bruce Gobdel, Jean Ann Ford, Gary Winder. NOT PICTURED: Jackie Pletcher.
I.U. Student Foundation
"The World's Greatest College Weekend"—the Little 500— yielded nearly fifteen thousand dollars for the use of the I.U. Student Foundation. Receiving scholarships as a result of this money were those students working their way through college while keeping high academic standards. Along with developing the Little 500 weekend, the twenty-four seniors of the steering committee united the foundation's nearly six hundred fifty junior and senior members in such activities as the "Tutor Weekend"—designed to motivate underprivileged yet capable teenagers, and the "Junior Scholars Weekend"—designed to stimulate interest in I.U. among the top high school juniors. Another theme for many projects was the development through speeches of good relationships between Indiana University and Indiana's high schools and service clubs. Founded in 1951 from a private non-profit corporation—the I.U. Foundation—the Indiana University Student Foundation has concentrated on a better understanding of the I.U. Foundation and on the relationship between the faculty and students.
Student Foundation
Guests of the I.U. Student Foundation, Dean Snyder and his wife relax at the Little 500 banquet.
I.U. STUDENT FOUNDATION— FRONT ROW: Kris Sunderman, Jan Conwell, Cindy Winheim, Kit Field, Debbie May, Susan Cooper, Sandy Walden. SECOND ROW: Bob Ford, Pam Mailloux, Maureen Carey, Nancy Susatt, Barb Malott, Elise Suppan, Duane Huffer.
Student Foundation
I.U. STUDENT FOUNDATION— FRONT ROW: Tobey Benas, Sara Behrman, Sue Amick, Nancy Miller, Diane Bailey, Jane Farson, Peggy Bonfield, Barbie Butler, Kris Beesley. SECOND ROW: Chris Marsh, Judy Cole, JoBeth Jacobson, Susie Black, Sally Foley, Karen Berry, Debby Alles, Sara Whiteside. THIRD ROW: Steve Applebaum, Jason Boyawsky, John Boruff, Clarence Plisky, Dave Allard, John Borgmeier, Howard Barnhorst, Roger Bixby. FOURTH ROW: Larry Becker, Jack Murrell, Hugh Davis, Ralph Ayres, Steve Baumgartner, George Bewley, Rex Camp, David Shaw. FIFTH ROW: Gabe Oliverio, James Barr, Greg Carter, Dave Borcherding, Dan Fowler, Ira Berkowitz, Steve Gluff.
I.U. STUDENT FOUNDATION— FRONT ROW: Cheryl Eley, Michelle Conn, Linda Cotter, Judith Conn, Maribeth Cox, D. J. Dunn, Peggy Conley, Linda Dorsett, Kristen Keith. SECOND ROW: Debbie Barkhau, Susie Brown, Pam Pearson, Deborah Dome, Judy Caldemeyer, Cheryl Wheatley, Beverly Cade, Jeannie Christopher, Linda Burris, Terry Callahan. THIRD ROW: Brian Clevinger, David Fisher, Don Henry, Wendy Franey, Susan Cook, Becyk Drury, Gail Clippinger, Coe Anne Baker, Susan Deck man, Carole Brinkmann, Randy Bryan, Jim Davis, Roger Allen. FOURTH ROW: Bill Engebretson, Jacob Feichter, Ted Smith, Dog Cregor, Michael Conti, Paul Dyszkiewicz, Craig Davis, Jerry Egger, David Collier. FIFTH ROW: Cliff DeLaCroix, Jay Kirkpatrick, Dean Kleinschmidt, Thomas Grier, Harry Gonso, Zach Cornea, J. Michael Cripe, Tom Hunt, Robert Dingman, Jim Brown.
Student Foundation
I.U. STUDENT FOUNDATION— FRONT ROW: Mary Epple, Linda Steep, Joyce Simmons, Jill Howton, Shelli Williamson, Carol Harnisch, Dianne Diggins, Janet Ellis, Susie Chong. SECOND ROW: Judy Forkner, Mary Filippini, Ginny Frey, Sue Felker, Sharon Kane, Sue Reughe, Kathy Pomp, Shari Hargan, Cindy Nelson, Peggy Kellum. THIRD ROW: Vicky Jung, Cheryl Glaser, Christine Gazel, Cindy Springer, Jana Garrison, Carolyn Freeman, Kay Hoopingarner, Earl Hites, Larry Fast, Paul Helmke. FOURTH ROW: Pete Haviza, Steve Fushelberger, John Grant, Bonnie Fuson, Jane Curtin, Debbie Black, Judy Russell, Maddie Ellis, Judy Domkowski, Lynne Greenberg. FIFTH ROW: Ben Small, Wes Hildebrandt, Larry Kern, Max Irick, Steve Jackson, Mike Hawley, Lon King, Stephen Nagler, Jim Heubi.
I.U. STUDENT FOUNDATION— FRONT ROW: Louisa Lipps, Tina Kallimani, Nance Kaufman, Cindy Graper, Diane Keaton, Beverly Hurst, Carol Glass, Holly Bennett, Linda Gerald. SECOND ROW: Shirley Love, Ellen Hay, Diane Koeneman, Margee Oesch, Susan Highfill, Sandra Ptuchta, Wendy Maltby, Ellen Heston, Janet Strange, Shari Manley. THIRD ROW: Mike Johns, Jack O'Bryan, Dave Keckley, Don Kuhs, Mike Cook, John Martin, Kit Klingelhoffer, Robert Meeks, Greg Lindsey. FOURTH ROW: Ernie Yelton, Bob Husk, Bill McClintic, Dave Wright, Jerry Maburn, Mike Kidwell, Doug Meyer, Bill Johnson, Greg Huffman. FIFTH ROW: Alan Federoff, Jim Lisher, Jay Keithley, Ken Martlage, Jeff Marshall, Phil Ireland, Dannie Kline.
Student Foundation I.U. STUDENT FOUNDATION— FRONT ROW: Sandra Pope, Mitzi Sarantos, Janet Lear, Carol Singer, Leslie Schultz, Bonnie Williams, Sherry Osbon, Carol McDonald, Mary Moy. SECOND ROW: Marilyn Rhoades, Linda Lanam, Patricia Pape, Sandy Nunn, Linda Lange, Barb Moe, Charlene Malofsky, Jenny Pineur, Terry Rosenblatt, Linda Powell. THIRD ROW: Rodney Read, Charlie Richardson, Jackie Reynolds, Sherri Salner, Donna Lynn Vilet, Mary Ann Poracky, Nancy Wittenborn, JoAnne Rody, Steve Reisinger, Bill Renner, Tim Nusbaum. FOURTH ROW: Steve Kafoure, Byron Smith, Bill Reiners, Tom Nawrot, Kenneth Lissey, Greg Scott, Ted Najam, Mike Schatzlein, Scott Rieke (Chaplain), Bill Neale. FIFTH ROW: Dennis Talarek, Floyd Shewmake, Larry Reuben, Dennis Strini, Robert Shaffer, Richard Fess, Wally McOuat, Larry Mull, Rory O'Bryan.
I.U. STUDENT FOUNDATION— FRONT ROW: Sandra Wilkins, Jane Struckman, Susan Snyder, Nancy Wilder, Ginny Fisher, Jeri Whittenbaugh, Kiki Wayman, Mary Tiley, Claudia Collins. SECOND ROW: Judy Waterman, Sarah Wright, Helene Steinhauser, Carolyn Wilson, Marilee Smith, Cherie Dehn, Margaret Wingrove, Susan Sturzenberger, Jeff Smith. THIRD ROW: Jim DellaChiesa, Doyle Stephens, Frank Kyle, Tris Stonger, Jerry Rodeen, Jack Wickes, Fritz Steck, Phillip Wilson. FOURTH ROW: Rick Wells, Bill Skelton, T. C. Curres, Larry Steele, Richard Snow, John Vanderplough, Randy Wright, Russ Webb. FIFTH ROW: Denny Hinkle, Brandt Ludlow, Ed Volk, Tom Shriner, Steve Stoller, Dan Yates.
Student Foundation
I.U. STUDENT FOUNDATION— FRONT ROW: Gayle Thompson, Marcia Rickard, Carole Helfert, Linda Morris, Julie Leighty, Janey Willard, Linda Ruley, Jane Ax, Susan Kincaid. SECOND ROW: Suzy Ruppert, Sue Stoughton, Judy Benjamin, Sandy Simmons, Laura Rudolph, Susie Streicher, Barb Schisler, Cheryl Mullett, Mary Lynn Waters, Paulette Parnell, Sandy Errington. THIRD ROW: Susie Warner, Barbara Sipe, Donna Thomas, Peggy O'Connor, Judy Jordan, Mary Rumbley, Karen Rew, Nancy Shultz, Gale Lorenc, Gigi Pinnell. FOURTH ROW: Phil Wade, Jay Simpson, Charles Schalliol, Vic Thompson, Jim Wood, Jack Shirkey, Joseph Reiser, Bob Roache, Rich Searles, Craig Trees.
Union Board
UNION BOARD—Mandy McKee, Al Field, Dick Hanley.
John Davidson, Bill Cosby, and other top performers highlighted the Union Board's very popular Pop Concert Series. The Union Board also sponsored the free Film Series, providing free entertainment for students on Friday nights, and the Lycea Dinner Series, featuring outstanding speakers in various fields. The Union Board, founded in 1909, acts as the governing body for the Indiana Memorial Union. Concerned with providing the university community with varied programs of general interest, the 17-member board proves itself worthwhile. It makes available to students over forty different programs during the course of a year. During the year, the Board experiments with new programs, in addition to the regular ones. As another election year rolled around, it helped sponsor "Choice 68," a nation-wide student presidential preference primary. In order to improve student-faculty relationships, the Union Board initiated a Faculty Dinner Series whereby students invite a member of the faculty to dine with them at the Union. Another first was the Broadway Dinner Series. An evening from this series started off with dinner in a formal dining room followed by the performance of a Broadway musical produced in cooperation with the I.U. School of Music. The Union Board finances its programs through income collected the previous season and money allotted in the university budget.
UNION BOARD—Dan Daugherty, Pam Pearson, Bruce Fine.
UNION BOARD—Ann Seele, Joe Kosarko, Jan Strange.
UNION BOARD—Dave Handley, Kiki Wayman, Dave Fisher.
The Indiana Memorial Union Lounge Series offered free diversified entertainment presented by talented students. Lennie Kalikow performs with his guitar and folk singing.
Lycea Dinners featured such prominent speakers as F. Lee Bailey.
Activities Fair introduced students to the activities and opportunities available to them on campus.
MORTAR BOARD—FRONT ROW: Allyson Herzeg, Charlene Ratliff, Karen Thompson, Margaret Ballage, Pam Pearson, Anne Steele, Sharon Dunwoody. SECOND ROW: Gale Lorenc, Cathy Tingley, Marjorie Morris, Mandy McKee, Lynne Spicer, Donna Richwalski, Susie Sterner, Nancy Ellis, Nancy Tellman. THIRD ROW: Dale Stark, Nan Nottingham, Sally Warner, Kathy Whitham, Kathy Johnson, Ellyn Lanz, Anita Silvey, Cindy Springer, Anne Brafford, Carole Brinkmann.
Mortar Board
Escorting the 50-year "I" Men at Homecoming, Mortar Board members began their year of service to the university. Mortar Board membership honors outstanding senior women for their leadership, scholarship, and service. Publication of a "Guide to Graduate Study" containing information about requirements for graduate students and means for attaining the best graduate education occupied members' time during the fall semester. The pamphlet was then distributed throughout the university to aid students in planning post-graduate study. Each year Mortar Board combines with Blue Key to hold a spring leadership conference. Held at French Lick in March, the conference brought together seventy student leaders to discuss major problems on campus and possible solutions.
Examining the "Guide to Graduate Study" which they compiled, Adviso Mrs. Dorothy Collins discusses its attributes and possible improvements with Mortar Board officers Sally Warner, Sharon Dunwoody, Karen Thompson, Nan Nottingham, and Kathy Johnson.
Board of Aeons Behind an unmarked door on the second floor of the Union, the Board of Aeons carried on its work in the strictest confidence. Selected by a representative of the University President, the Dean of Students, and the Board itself, the twelve members served as the personal advisory board to President Sutton. With access to all university files and records, the Board of Aeons perhaps holds more power than any other campus student organization. The Board of Aeons' duty is to keep President Sutton informed of activities affecting campus business and to aid in decision-making about student affairs. The greatest controversy discussed by the board this year was over its existence. Several of the members felt that it should be abolished as an advisory committee, since its work allotted too much control to too few students, and suggested that it should become a purely honorary organization for those junior and senior men who distinguished themselves in service and academics during their university work.
BOARD OF AEONS—FRONT ROW: James Perry, Bill Wolf, Mike Schatzlein (Sec.), Scott Lerner (Pres.), Ken Armstrong (Vice-Pres.). SECOND ROW: Mike Agron, Charles Richardson, Jay Smith, Paul Helmke, Marty Zohn. NOT PICTURED: Ten Najam, Pat Conley.
Phi Beta Kappa
Members of Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest honorary in the nation, are selected from the top ten per cent of the juniors and seniors in the College of Arts and Sciences who are working for the Bachelor of Arts degree and have completed the 90-hour residence requirement. Phi Beta Kappa was the first Greek letter society established in the nation. Possession of the Phi Beta Kappa Key represents high intellectua capacity well-employed.
Linda Louise Aalto Diane Andry Michael Andry Susan L. Artusi Karen Louise Baer Margaret Jane Ballage Judy Carolyn Barnard Sally Elizabeth Baumann Susan Elizabeth Baumgartner Mark Jeffrey Belson Leslie Ching Byers Michael J. Chadwick Dietlind Radtke Coan John Delmonte Coleman Michelle Ava Collons Beverly Ruth Comingore Patrick Clay Conley Craig Robert Cowan Pamela Ann Davidson Jeanne E. Derbeck Martin David Dooley Joe C. Emerson John Marston Finley Sandra Gayle Freels
Gary Brian Fromm Richard Alan Fuhs Judith M. Galster Patricia Anne Gordon Jill Anne Graff Rebecca Sue Griffin Michael Daniel Gunther Jo Ellen Ham Richard Dwight Handley Leland D. Harding, Jr. Cynthia Jane Harroff Linda Lee Hawkins Linda Lou Hildebrand Susan Lynn Huelsebusch Lynda Sue Jens Judith K. Krier Peggy Joy Larsen Scott Allen Lerner David Daniel Lewallen Marsha Amanda McKee Judith Ann Miller Robin Kate Mills Edward William Najam, Jr. Roger C. Nottingham
Imogene Mae Nusbaum Margit M. O'Connor Iris Lee Paul Ann Elizabeth Pauley Sharon Lee Pinnick Norman Godfrey Poythress Thomas Lee Pytynia Alan Scott Ray Judith Gail Rust Marikka Elizabeth Rypa Marjory Savich Philip Daniel Schafer Roba Lee Schori Peter Lawrence Scott Sue Sherif Kathy Lynn Sluss Karen Sollars John Walter Stamper Susan Caroline Stoner Mervin Dale Terrell Karen Elise Thompson Sara Ann Whiteside Kathleen Kay Whitham Sandra Ann Williams David Manfred Wright
Beta Gamma Sigma Outstanding students in the School of Business are honored by membership in Beta Gamma Sigma, the School's scholastic honorary. Members are selected from the upper ten per cent of the seniors and the upper four per cent of the juniors in the School. Graduate students working toward a Master of Business Administration degree and the Doctor of Business Administration who were not previously selected are also eligible for membership. Jacques Louis Adam George M. Aldrich, Jr. Charles Theodore Andrews Charles Thomas Atkins Joseph D. Barnette James Robert Barnhart Benjamin C. Barns David Paul Baron Jorge Correia Bartolo Dan F. Bass Malcolm Keith Beckner Robert Dominik Bernardon Jerry William Blair Ellis Leehy Blevins William A. Bordner Scott W. Bradford Keith Edward Brauer Theodore A. Breckel James George Brown James L. Brown John J. Brown Charles Albert Bruning David Logan Buchanan Robert E. Carey Phillip Lee Carter Leland Hooker Cass David R. Chyla David Cooper Conine John Arthur Conley Charles Wesley Dane Peter E. F. Donohue Gregory M. Dunfield Donald Laurence Duvall Darrell Fields Ellis David Phillip Erickson Donald S. Ezzo M. David Fesko
John Fishel Daniel P. Friedman Douglas Alan Frost Louis Charles Gerecz Giovanni Giglioni David Gourley James D. Grant Michael W. Gretz D. Jacque Grinnell Gaylon Halverson Paul Terry Hardin John S. Harris William C. Haverkamp Roger Wayne Hill Ronald J. Hocker David Richard Hodson Richard I. Holowenko Patricia Howe Donald E. Hulton Peter Anthony Humphery Lynn Edward Hackson Robert A. Johnson William F. Johnson Markus Paul Kalejs Richard Kaplan James Allen Kayler Keith Kelly Lorna Dee Kelley Tim Holland Kilfoil Michael R. Kistler William Francis Kocher Robert T. Kusmierz Thomas Lee Landes Larry J. Lang Maurice Dale Lankford James R. Laymon Robert M. Leich
Robert Thomas Lenz Jules Levine Joe K. Lewis Gary Lee Lindsay Joseph D. Lingerfelt Richard Dale Little Jimmy Ray Long Cym H. Lowell Phillip Madsen Steve Allan Mains Thomas A. Malone Francisco Jose Menendea Richard Warren Metcalf Roger Leon Michels Robert Louis Miner Md Alimullah Miyan Robert E. Moll Russell Allen Morel Malcolm B. Morrison Dean David Murdock Rodney Ross Nash Chadwick Russell Nelson John A. F. Nicholls Wayne Dodge Nichols Samuel Parker Barry D. Parks Rickey R. Pate Donald J. Perfetto Daniel A. Reeves David Lee Reklau Patricia S. Rigdon Robert S. Rome Anita Louise Roschelle Charles E. Schalliol Donald 0. Schoolcraft Richard Conroe Scott Victor Allen Seewald
Randolph L. Seger Frank Michael Sekula James B. Shaffer Philip D. Whawver Raymond J. Smead Darrel D. Snively Sandra Kay Sojka William T. Springer Marianne E. Stanford Thomas Owen Stanley Lawrence Arthur Strommen Joseph J. Sum Gerald Estly Surface John Edward Swan Elizabeth A. Talley Philip E. Taylor Stuart A. Taylor Ann S. Thompson Jean Carolyn Thomson William G. Traver Frances X. Wagner Wendall L. Walker Robert James Waller Lawrence E. Walters John C. Waltman Thomas D. Wanner Betty A. Watts Ralph B. Weaver Larry Phillip White Roger M. Whitney, Jr. Patricia A. Wilfing Willard W. Witte, Jr. William H. Wolfe Terry Joe Wright Thomas A. Wroblewski David A. Young
BLUE KEY—FRONT ROW: Dave Fisher (Sec.), Charles Richardson (Pres.), Mike Agron (Vice Pres.). SECOND ROW: Ted Najam, Custer Ritchie, Chris Perry, Dan Pfleging, Jack Wickes. THIRD ROW: Marty Zohn, Jay Smith, Larry Shine, Pat Callahan, Bart Tretheway, Todd Kendall. THIRD ROW: Ken Armstrong, Scott Lerner, Jerry Maburn, Bruce Gobdell, Dick Handley, Bill Foley, Jeff Raff.
Blue Key Striving to develop leadership potential, Blue Key co-sponsored with Mortar Board a spring leadership conference for freshmen and sophomores. Each housing unit selected one person who showed the most potential as a leader in campus or housing unit activities. Held at French Lick, Indiana, the conference lasted two days and included discussion sessions, lectures, and renowned speakers. Blue Key, a national leadership fraternity, honored senior men meeting specific grade requirements and holding outstanding achievements in campus activities. The national chapter requires members to have a grade average above that of all men on campus. Each school's chapter establishes specific requirements, which vary from year to year. Besides the conference, Blue Key also held several joint meetings and social activities with the women of Mortar Board, their female counterpart.
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Casual discussions with Dean Shaffer and other prominent individuals afforded freshmen and sophomores at the Blue Key-Mortar Board Leadership Conference an opportunity to learn more about university administration and other topics of current interest.
ENOMENE—FRONT ROW: Clarine Nardi, Linda Ethridge, Ann Irwin (Sec.), Nichya Schlegel (Pres.), Susan Gangstad (Treas.), Nancy Eklund (Prog. Ch.), Cindy Rumple. SECOND ROW: Gail Ransom, Sally Hartman, Sally Dunn, Jan Jones, Corrine Colantonio, Leslie Oliver, Judy Mathews.
Enomene Pleiades
PLEIADES—FRONT ROW: Peg Noland (Vice Pres.), Susie Chong (Treas.), Joie Jacobson (Pres.), Judy Benjamin (Sec.), Linda Dorsett (2nd Vice Pres.). SECOND ROW: Becky Irvin, Sue Stoughton, Sharon Counts, Judy Caldemeyer, Janet Ellis, Connie Brazina, Marty Brauer. THIRD ROW: Linda Burris, Margee Oesch, Judy Jordan, Linda Lanam, Bobbie Vann, Sally Foley, Jan Strange, Sue Adley.
SKULL & CRESCENT—FRONT ROW: Mike Roman, James Carr, Larry McCart (Pres.), Rich Miko (Vice Pres.), Steve Tischendorf (Sec.), John Shore. SECOND ROW: Frank Hamilton, Dave Ashenfelter, Larry Brechbuhl, Bob Kraft, Stan Musial. THIRD ROW: John Buechler, Gary Schoof, Steve Babcock. FOURTH ROW: Alan Levy, Kevin Burk, Jeff Chambers, Tim Gibson, Lex Dalton.
Skull and Crescent Freshman Affairs Committee
FRESHMAN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE—FRONT ROW: Ann Irwin, Linda Ethridge, Marsha Finkel (Sec.), Kathy Meinzer (Ch.), Sylvia Lopp ("Code for Coeds" Ch.), Jill Marks, Madeleine Tewes. SECOND ROW: Jo Boughman, Nancy Paddleford, Susan Gangstad, Christine Lloyd, Valerie Scott, Leslie Oliver, Valerie Feldman.
ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA— FRONT ROW: Dianne Wolfe (Hist.), Margaret Keller (Treas.), Madeleine Tewes (Sec.), Nycha Schlegel (Pres.), Jo Boughman (2nd Vice-Pres.), Barbara McManus (Ist Vice-Pres.), Debbie Wisely (Boys' Club Rep.). SECOND ROW: Judy Geder, Kathy Keck, Linda Ethridge, Clarine Nardi, Judy Butz, Nancy Eklund, Myra Ping, Ann Schwinghammer. THIRD ROW: Susan Gangstad, Julie Sutherland, Ann Irwin, Sally Hartman, Jan Jones, Peggy Jo Milos, Gail Bass, Sherry Myers, Eleanor Ellis, Gail Ransom.
Scholastic Honor aries
PHI ETA SIGMA—FRONT ROW: John Bahr, William Silvers (VicePres.), Richard Swope (Pres.), Marvin Sacks (Sec.), Brent Clary (Treas.), Gary Collier. SECOND ROW: Michael Guest, Robert Hoerr, Gordon Robbins, Cliff Askinazi, Lee Pearson, Terry Rhodes, Donald Bicknell. THIRD ROW: Robert Shaffer, Richard Stilz, Rawson Atkin, Larry Lehrner, Ken Mickelson, Greg Larkin, Leonard Zeabart, Darrel Davis. FOURTH ROW: John Fisher, Darrell Hurd, Eric Baatz, Allen DeWitt, Donald Pelson, James Romanowsky, Tom Breed, Mark Stevens.
Student Body President Ted Najam
Student Government Headed by its twenty-first President, Edward W. Najam, Jr., the Student Government initiated several reforms for the social and intellectual growth of the university. A long-debated dream—the introduction of open visitation— finally became a reality. Also of outstanding importance was the elimination of women's hours regulations and the abolition of offcampus housing age requirements. For the first time, the strengths and deficiencies of the faculty members of the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business, and the School of Education were revealed. A new student assessment provided a budget of five figures, one third of which was used to publish this student evaluation of faculty performance. More than one hundred students worked on University Committees pertaining to the Student Health Center, curriculum development, student conduct, and the library. The Student Government was largely responsible for the student representatives on the committee to find a new Dean of Students and on the committee to help select a new University President. The Student Government also began investigating the possibilities of having a delegate sit on the Board of Trustees.
Vice President Paul Helmke
Debates between candidates for Student Body President—Ted Najam and Mark Oring—attempted to enlighten students as to the issues at stake and the positions of the candidates.
Student referendums informed student government and the administration of students' opinions, but also provided an added task for election workers.
Student Senate Highlighting this year's Student Senate activities was the passage of open visitation and an off-campus housing bill. Resolutions were introduced concerning the pass-fail system and gun control and the campus police. Another Senate resolution resulted in a five-year dollar contribution by the Student Government toward a scholarship program for underprivileged yet capable I.U. students. Committees were assigned to investigate student off-campus living conditions. Bloomington merchant price discrimination against the college student, and the procedure of final exams. The possibilities of the disassociation of the Indiana Daily Student from the Department of Journalism and improving the "Little 500" were also examined. Voting members of the Student Senate included thirty-two students elected from geographic districts, class Presidents, and the presidents of five campus organizations—Panhellenic, IFC, IRHA, Married Student Council, and Afro-Afro-American Student Association. Members of the Senate attended weekly meetings at various campus residence centers. They were also present at all individual committee meetings as well as at any special sessions called by the Senate. The Student Body Vice President Paul Helmke served as a speaker and had the tie-breaking vote. 228
STUDENT SUPREME COURT— Bob Rome, Roger Allen (Chief Justice), Nancy Miller.
Student Supreme Court Appointed by the President of the Student Body and ratified by a two-thirds vote of the Student Senate, nine members served Indiana University on the Student Supreme Court. The Chief Justice and each of his eight associate judges retains his office for the remainder of his undergraduate study unless he is impeached, resigns, or leaves I.U. All the judicial power conceded inthe Student Government Constitution is vested in the Student Supreme Court. The President of Indiana University appoints six of the nine Court members to the Student-Faculty Student Conduct Committee. This committee possesses the highest disciplinary powers of the University and has appeal jurisdiction over all disciplinary action taken by the Division of Student Personnel, the All-University Judicial Board, and the highest judicial bodies of the IRHA, IFC, and the Panhellenic. Appointed to the Traffic Appeals Court by the Student Body President are three members of the Court. A quorum, or two members, is given jurisdiction over all cases involving alleged infringements of University traffic regulations. Chief Justice and the Dean of Students decide the frequency of the Supreme Court meetings. The court must also meet within two weeks after a petition is presented to take it under consideration.
SENIOR CLASS COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Jerry Collins, John Derr, Robert Grant, Mike Banser, Jim Comerford, Mike Badell, Pat Callahan. SECOND ROW: Porncholee Achava-Amrung, Dee Benjamin, Ojetta Drake, Debbie Bratcher, Crickette Bender, Louanna Hartman, Sandra Hambleton, Jennifer Disler. THIRD ROW: Dee Woolsey, Marie Norris, Diane Bailey, Mary Lu Frey, Mary Susan Eichenseher, Linda Ingram, Becky Ganyard, Elizabeth Stronowicz, Mary Louise Brock. FOURTH ROW: Richard Dyson, Steve Fushelberger, Howard Mohler, Jeff Hilburn, Steve Douglas, Steve Anderson, Dave Bresler, Ike Batalis, Martin Hey, Pete Haviza. FIFTH ROW: Judd Cook, Cindy Griffin, Marcia Humbaugh, Mary Lang, Evelyn Deno, Christie Chaddock, Jennifer Hanna, Jane Curtin, Bob Emig, Larry Fast. SIXTH ROW: George Bewley, Allen Nolan, Mary Ann Poracky, Coe Anne Baker, Susan Cooper, Jerrie Baim, Debbie Black, Mark Dudley, Denny Harrold, Steve Baungartner.
Class of '69 Looking to the day when they would be alumni, the Senior Class Council and officers worked to make class members more responsible to the university. Five committees cooperated to organize class activities. Members of the Campus Service Committee headed the steering committees of the Tyronian Ball to aid the freshmen in organizing their first campus activity. Sending Christmas cards to the faculty and the collection of a class gift fund fell to the Faculty-Student Relations Committee. "The New Ruck," an eight-page tabloid, was published four times during the year by the Newsletter Committee. "Presenting I.U.," a program designed to interest prospective college students in Indiana University, sent speakers to high schools throughout the state. The Public Relations Committee also sent students to alumni clubs to keep them informed of student viewpoints.
SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS—FRONT ROW: John McDonald (Ind. Male Dir.), Denny Sutton (Treas.), Debbie Black (Sec.), Louisa Porter (Ind. Female Dir.), Brandt Ludlow (Pres.), Steve Fushelberger (Vice-Pres.). SECOND ROW: Jerry Maburn (Pub. Rel. Ch.), John Varis (Finance Ch.), Carol Channell (Org. Female Dir.), Beth Zimmerman (Newsletter), Robert E. Meeks (Campus Service Ch.), Jeffrey Milburn (Fac.-Stud. Rel.).
SENIOR CLASS COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Carol McDonald, Barbie Pence, Jerry Maburn (Pub. Rel. Comm. Ch.), Louisa Porter (Ind. Female Dir.), Brandt Ludlow (Pres.), Robert E. Meeks (Campus Service Ch.), Louisa Lipps, Linda Kuntz. SECOND ROW: Diane Novotny, Cheryl Mullett, Carole Johnson, Linda Inglis, Ann McCullough, Linda Lange, Barb Lacey, Chris Marsh, Sherry Osborn. THIRD ROW: Dennis Lamery, Ronnie McCloud, Jon Morrow, Larry Mull, John Lemen, Ron Poellein, Joseph Jarvis, Bob Jusk, Marilynn Myers. FOURTH ROW: Jamie Davis, Larry Becker, Nancy Klinkenberg, Diane Koeneman, Judy Pieschala, Cindy Winheim, Nan Nottingham, Bari Klein, Howard Janco. FIFTH ROW: Larry Kraay, David Kominiak, Steve Klepfer, Mike Kidwell, Mike Kramer, Ronald Michaels, Greg Huffman, Phil Kenney, Dean Kleinschmidt, Bob Lewis.
Class of '69 SENIOR CLASS COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Linda Morris, Mary Lynn Waters, Jeanne Tiber, Dottie Zeiss, Susan Pressler, Tina Sawyer, Kathy Sanders, Jo Ann Ripperger. SECOND ROW: Sally Ulrich, Carolyn Rader, Karen Rew, Sherri Salner, Karen Roodman, Rita Shapiro, Debbie Simmons, Mitzi Sarantos, Kathy Rowe, Donna Staff, Beth Zimmerman, Barbara Thompson. THIRD ROW: Ros Stovall, Dan Yates, Wally Toney, Dave Smith, Nich Vrouas, Warren Weaver, William Reiners, Tris Stonger, Larry Stickler, Jerry Rodeen, Terence Walts, Bill Van Landinghan, Richard Fess, Wally McOuat, Custer Ritchie. FOURTH ROW: Clark Snyder, Barry Polley, Gregg Vane, Richard Rutkowski, Charlie Richardson, David M. Wright, Denny Sutton, Jim Williams, Steve Reisinger, Bill Spangler, Ronald C. Morgan, Phil Wade, Gary Wilson, Randy Trebing.
JUNIOR CLASS COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Nikki Martin, Bev Fitzner, Chris Ritter, Patty Paper, Nancy Wittenborn, Donna Vilet, Linda Joseph, Linda Lanan. SECOND ROW: Susie Brown, Sue Felkner, Joni Demkovich, Mary Filippini, Susie Streicher, Barb Schenkel, Nan Girk, Barb Smith, Catherine Land. THIRD ROW: Judith Kapsa, Debbie Barkhau, Pamela Campbell, Judy Cole, Judy Russell, Peggy Bonfield, Susie Black, Mary Runbley. FOURTH ROW: Paula Schlossberg, Nancy Dale, Kathy Borne, Vicki Williams, Cindy Smith, Donna Thomas, Karen Berry, Lois Ritter, Mariann Wiltshire. FIFTH ROW: John Dahl, Stuart Rhodes, Charles Schalliol, Ernie Yelton, Ralph Ayres. SIXTH ROW: Tim Nusbaum, Rick Wells, Doug Meyer, Duane Huffer, Bill Coffman, Mike Finley, Doug Mitchell, Zach Cornea, Lon Ling, Mike McCord, Jack O'Bryan.
Class of '70 JUNIOR CLASS COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Michelle Koplow, Gayle Thompson (Org. Female Dir.). Shari Hargan (Sec.), Kerry Kaplan (Vice Pres.), Greg Scott (Pres.), Nancy Miller (Treas.), Dave Keckley (Org. Male Dir.), Nance Kaufman (Ind. Female Dir.). SECOND ROW: Tammy Penrose, Kristen Keith, Sue Amick, Cecelia Pursiful, Sharon Counts, Judy Muegge, Bonnie Williams, Christy Senes, Barbie Butler. THIRD ROW: Terry Rosenblatt, Barrie Katz, Suzy Sims, Karen Hungate, Jane Farson, Susie Susman, Charlene Malofsky, Jenny Pineur, Debbie Donovan, Mary Ellen Buechele, Susan Kincaid, Jacque Ackerman, Sandy Errington. FOURTH ROW: Loren Hunt, Larry Reuben, Greg Lindsay, William Hedge, Gilbert Gambill, Roger Jones, Jeff Marlin, Mike Fortuna, Dan Deyton, Bill Neale.
SOPHOMORE CLASS COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Pat Dailey (Ind. Male Dir.), Jan Richardson (Ind. Female Dir.), Tom Rucinski (Org. Male Dir.), Sandy Young (Sec.), Andy Mallor (Pres.), John Dick (Vice Pres.), Eric Kersey (Treas.), Herb Hughes (All-Class Council Rep.). SECOND ROW: Susan Garity, Margo Fasules, Joyce Arbetter, Kathy White, Linda Morgan, Patty Foellinger, Mary Anne Hoffner, Linda Combs, Linda Pence. THIRD ROW: Nancy Lopp, Clarine Nardi, Leslie Oliver, Karen Tucker, Valerie Feldman, Judy Jasperson, Marcy Rubinstein, Roberta Trattner, Chris Stollery. FOURTH ROW: Sally Dunn, Kathleen Acher, Debbie Miller, Lisa Benewanter, Laura Dorfman, Julie Sutherland, Barbara Duke, JoEllen Krane, Robin Sunday, Sue Bass, Marilyn Ritter, Ronda Nichols. FIFTH ROW: Kelly Leeman, Marc Wilchins, Bob Shapiro, Doug Deck, Jerry Potnick, Bill Silvers, Steve Moore, Judd Perko, Steve Jensen, Kirt Thompson, Phil Ponce, Charles Colyer, Larry Brechbuhl, Danny Stewart.
Class of '71 Changing the philosophy of the class council to increase the students' involvement in student government keynoted this year's activities for the Sophomore Class. Through the "Newsletter," interest was aroused toward the projects sponsored by the Sophomore officers and class council affiliates. Selling buttons for the Purdue football game was the first of a series of money-making ventures. The early part of February saw the "Bachelor of the Year" dance. Most of the money accumulated by the Sophomores for the purchase of the senior gift of 1971 was accounted for through this dance. Also helping enlarge the class treasury was a "Spring Car Bash." designed to allow anyone having twenty-five cents to release his hostile inner tensions. "Speaker Forums," initiated to promote better relations among the class members and Indiana University, gave Sophomores the opportunity to speak on topics of interest in many of the dorms.
FRESHMAN CLASS COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Glenda Hansen, Bob Peterson (Ind. Male Dir.), Hubler (Org. Male Dir.), Doug Berry (Vice Pres.), Wendy Watts (Org. Female Dir.), Pam Wegener (Ind. Female Dir.), Gary Tomlin (Treas.), Suzy Kaplan (Sec.). SECOND ROW: Jan Mattasits, Becky Lungren, Nancy Krieger, Jane Zimmerman, Penny Fortinberry, Sheri Lewchanin, Kim Mikkelsen, Sharon Werber, Jane Murray, Debbie Hartlage, Christi Johnston, Linder Lewis, Martha Groves. THIRD ROW: Bob Shoemaker, Geoff Grodner, Steve Hofer, Todd Raskin, Larry Haskett, Than Lenox, Dan Flanagan, Fred Yde, Tom Miller, Tom Compton, Steve Floyd, Bart Poland. FOURTH ROW: Niesha Marlowe, Elaine Lykins, Anne Denny, Georgia Cravey, Susan Slingerland, Janice Kotora, Julie Inskeep, Joyce Edwards, Debby Gehring, Bonnie Bird, Vicky McLean. FIFTH ROW: Ron Gyure, Danny Slaton, Jim Greathouse, Jim Dickson, Roy Burbrink, Kent Agness, Steve Jobes, Steve Bone, Dave Bussard, Jose Lira, Steve King. SIXTH ROW: David Culp, Kim Walker, Dave Petty, Tom Finnegan, Dave Byrne, Al Jenkins, Stephen Higgins, Art Daane, Ed Ede, Terry Borneman, Doug Porter, Dan Marias, Greg Staudt.
Class of '72
FRESHMAN CLASS COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Nyla Guess, Bob Peterson (Ind. Male Dir.), Howard Hubler (Org. Male Dir.), Doug Berry (Vice Pres), John Walda (Pres.), Wendy Watts (Org. Female Dir.), Pam Wegener (Ind. Female Dir.), Gary Tomlin (Treas.), Suzy Kaplan (Sec.). SECOND ROW: Connie Arbeiter, Melinda Mandell, Mandy Miller, Carol Powers, Sheryl Nelson, Rochelle Davis, Penny Freedman, Marilyn Gill, Margie Brazina, Sheryl Shipman, Pat Campbell, Robin Rasor. THIRD ROW: Theresa Wright, Barb Billings, Jane Vohden, Debra Gilbert, Marcia Welsch Brenda Ferguson, Diane Chiddister, Connie Wolfcale, Kamala Buckner, Bart Nickel. FOURTH ROW: Steve McNichols, C. D. Meyer, Ronall Moreland, Jerry Brown, Larry Koeneman, Gene Wilson, John Francisco, Millard Eisler, Max Lane. FIFTH ROW: Randy Scheidt, Lance Feighner, Chip Owen, Jim Ashby, David Jones, Jim Carr, Greg Crandall, William Dunn, Bob Nicholls. SIXTH ROW: Richard Johnson, Charles Kennedy, Jim Hall, John Keller, Ron Florjancic, Scott Allman, Rick Cohn, Rick Bucmaster, Bob Wyllie.
YMCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS —FRONT ROW: Joel Santos (International Affairs), Jerry Maburn (Pres.), Tom Earhart (Focus), Jack Murrell (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Alexander Barnes MacWatt (Exec. Roundtable Bus. Ch.), Jerry Allen (Exec. Roundtable Govt. Ch.), Harold Rudolph (Exec. Dir.), Arthur Banks (International Stud. Comm. CoCh.).
YMCA Designing co-curricular rather than extracurricular programs, the Young Men's Christian Association strove to provide meaningful opportunities for students in all areas of campus life. From Freshman Camp through Christmas to the end of the year, the YMCA sponsored projects that would add to education while at the same time being enjoyable. Two hundred fifty counselors helped introduce six hundred freshmen to I.U. at Freshman Camp early in September. Discussions of academic, cultural, and social life smoothed the transition from high school to college and instilled a sense of pride in a new home. In cooperation with the YWCA, the YMCA produced the twonight I.U. Sing in February and the Chimes of Christmas musical program. The YMCA published the Redbook, all-campus phone directory, and a directory of all foreign students. Outstanding leaders from government, business, education, religion, and the arts gave students an insight into various professions at the Y Forums, Focus, and Executive Roundtable. The Y also produced a series of radio programs dealing with issues of current interest.
Y.W.C.A. With Peace, Justice, Freedom, and Dignity as guidelines, the Y.W.C.A. sought to involve women in the world of today. Presenting programs concerning white racism, consumer spending, abortion, and birth control, the Y.W.C.A. tried to increase understanding of the woman's role in society. Concentrating on the elimination of white racism, the Y.W.C.A. moved away from the status of a social-oriented organization toward that of an issue-oriented association. The Focus program brought experts in various fields to the campus to speak to small informal groups of students. Involving themselves in life outside the university campus, Y.W.C.A. members volunteered for the Buddy-Tutor and the Head Start programs, nursing home visitation, and Girls' Club and nursery school work. Sponsorship of campus-wide events—Freshman Camp, Chimes of Christmas, the International Bazaar, and I.U. Sing—involved members in university activities. /#1/051/
Nancy Powers—President AIM Veysey—Vice Chairman of National Student Y.W.C.A.
Judy Frieberg—lst Vice President
Clarine Nardi—Secretary Sally Foley-2nd Vice President
Linda Pence—Treasurer
Y.W.C.A. EXECUTIVE BOARD—FRONT ROW: Susan Green, Betsy Gwynn, Judy Frieberg. SECOND ROW: Clarine Nardi, Sally Foley, Linda Pence. THIRD ROW: Elizabeth Feemster, Jade Westfall, Jean Moser, Caroline Turner, Nancy Powers.
IDS SPRING STAFF—FRONT ROW: Vicki Clark, Bruce Smith, Brian Milhoff, Hasmukh Shah, Karen Carle, Karen Smith, Julie Saiter, Susan Edwards. SECOND ROW: Art Berke, Dave Ashenfelter, Kris Kelleman, Rod Smith, Linda Deckard, Dianne Wolfe, Peggy O'Connor, Ron Miller, Lynn Sargent, Diane Keaton, Rita Corrado, Trudy Fennimore, Sarajane Smith, Mary Ellen Riddle, Jim Elliott. THIRD ROW: Juley Harvey, Wel-
John Fulton, IDS photographer, transmits a picture over Associated Press lines.
don Baird, Rich Hojnacki, Sandra Eisert, Joyce McMahon, Steve Fagan, Glen Sargent, John Hillery, Carla Scherib, Nikki Peck, Sharon Kane, Linda Chapman. Betty Sandretto, Monroe Anderson. FOURTH ROW: John Bard, Bernie, Jerry Hicks, Bill Turner, Jeanene Seeger, Dennis Wall, Judy Sandretto, Kathy Engdahl. FIFTH ROW: Don Pennington, Eric Greulich, John Fulton, Stan Levco, Arch Sutton, Ric Manning.
Indiana Daily Student
Existing on few meals and even less sleep, INDIANA DAILY STUDENT staff members covered state, national, and international happenings, as well as campus events. Including a wide range of information, from dormitory menus to the Mideast Crisis, the paper tried to serve twenty-nine thousand students and others. A laboratory newspaper for students enrolled in classes in the Department of Journalism, the IDS included as regular features the "Jordan River Forum," Bloomington movie listings, the "Gripe Vine," and announcements of campus events. The "Jordan River Forum" enabled IDS readers to voice their opinions on various issues. The "Gripe Vine" answered readers' questions and complaints on problems concerning university procedures and services. Taking a stand on such issues as the guns of the Safety Division, the burning of the Black Market, and student demonstrations, the STUDENT's editorial page gave indepth coverage of controversial issues.
Checking over the A.P. and U.P.I. releases as they come into the STUDENT is the responsibility of the reporting student assigned to "rewrite." IDS FALL STAFF—FRONT ROW: Jim Elliott, Kris Kelleman, Sharon Kane, Lynn Sargent, Carla Scherib, Diane Keaton, Joyce McMahon, Sarajane Smith, Peggy O'Conner. SECOND ROW: Bruce Smith, Juley Harvey, Nikki Peck, Bill Turner, John Bard, Rita Linda Deckard, Diane Wolfe, Susan Edwards, Julie Saiter. Downard, Cheryl Scott,ҟ THIRD ROW: Vicki Clark, Ron Miller, Rod Smith, Brian Millhoff, Lynda Kuntz, —INN 1110111111•1111111
Monroe Anderson, Sandra Eisert, Mary Ellen Riddle, Jeannie Campbell, Ric Manning, Kathy Engdahl, John Fulton. FOURTH ROW: Karen Carle, Art Berke, Rich Hojnacki, Mike Griffin, Judy Sandretto, Jerry Hicks, Jeannene Seeger, Steve Fagan, Arch Sutton, John Hillery, Don Pennington, Stan Levco, Bruce Gilley.
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Bruce Smith, night editor, looks at telegraph wire copy while performing his duties as night editor. IDS FALL TROIKA—Jerry Hicks (Editor-in-Chief), Ric Manning (Editorial Page Editor), John Fulton (Managing Editor).
Dianne Keaton, Assistant campus editor, ponders a story while the copy desk editors work on copy behind her.
IDS SPRING TROIKA—Rod Smith (Editor-in-Chief), Kathy Engdahl (Managing Editor), Ric Manning (Editorial Page Editor).
IDS SUMMER STAFF—FRONT ROW: Dan Egler, Beth Zimmerman. SECOND ROW: Karen Smith, Marilyn Off, Dinah Rockwell, Ron Miller, Michelle Koury, Glenn Sargent, Janet McKee, Tom Valler. THIRD ROW: Lynn Sargent, Pat Hartelroad, Sandra Eisert, Lynda Kuntz, Dan Mills, Brian Millhoff.
Steve Mayes—Editor-in-Chief
Custer Ritchie—Associate Editor
Involvement was not only the focus of the 1969 ARBUTUS; it came to be a way of life for the staff. It all started with the enthusiastic salesmen in Alumni Hall during the Activities Fair, strong-arming curious freshmen who usually answered the sales pitch with such encouraging remarks as, "Like to buy an R-what?" The undaunted editors (under the spell of wining and dining) had signed away their lives to printer's deadlines during the summer, but they returned to school resigning themselves, nevertheless, to a year of eleventh-hour efforts, which often are the most hectic kind of involvement. One thing the ARBUTUS did not "get involved" in was its customary beauty queen affair which was declared "no contest" in deference to another kind of involvement brewing on campus —charges of racial discrimination in other such queenly run-offs. For the most part, though, the involvement of the ARBUTUS staff in putting together the story of student involvement was less dramatic. It included tedious hours of typing, editing, re-typing, proof-reading, chain-smoking, and coffee-slurping. It also required a lot of counting (to ten, that is) whenever mistakes were made. All the involvement was not so serious. There
was the annual gala Christmas party where each staff member received a boress gift. Then, too, various members of the staff apparently were involved in undercover activities for the government, as they would not be seen around the office for weeks. (One, in fact, admitted to terrorizing a pamphlet-passer in the Ballantine courtyard by whispering in his ear, "I'm with the CIA.") When it really counted, though, everyone rallied round the ARBUTUS cause, though the sacrifices were great. Going without sleep for a day or two at a time, a staff member could be seen staring blankly through the windows of the office—his eyes transfixed on the rusty grey surface of an air conditioner—or mumbling incoherently something like "Keller, schmeller ... what a heller." As a tension-breaker one energetic staff member repeatedly advocated another way of getting involved, "Everyone take off thy clothes and jump in a pyle." The end-product of all this involvement was a deep sense of communal participation (nearly everyone caught the Hong Kong flu), and the dedication and sacrifice paid off in the end with the unleashing of something even more contagious—the 1969 ARBUTUS!
Pat Hartleroad—Managing Editor Marcel Katz—Business Manager
Alan Sutton—Sports Editor
Pat Carter—Academics Editor
Jim Blume—Index Editor 244
Carol Cottom—Residences Editor
Linda Nichols—Organizations Editor
Jenny Pineur—Seniors Editor 245
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ANNOPINWIrJanet Nelson—Layout Editor
Joe Kosarko—Narrative Editor 246
Lana Combs—Personnel Manager
Larry Rainey—Photo Editor
Kathy Theil—Office Manager
Mary Lou Herman—Copy Editor 247
Herb Hughes Scheduling Manager
Ann Bricker—Promotions Manager
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John Burgett—Treasurer
Becky Drennen—Sales Manager
Pam Wertz—Contracts Manager
ARBUTUS GENERAL STAFF— FRONT ROW: Jari Jasinoski, Jerry Malooley, Valerie Drozda, Judy Nisenbaum, Shari Lewchanin, Mary Ausich, Carol Koebbe, Jill Bettner, Ann Bricker. SECOND ROW: Kathy Vehe, Julie Groman, Carolyn Kepley, Jane Murray, Paula Schlossberg, Susan Jackson, Barb Aronson, Judy Ozborn, Mary Jo Wetzel, Nikki Martin. THIRD ROW: Carol Ballinger, Cheri Dunlap, Diane Demkovich, Doris Felsher, Jill Kliphardt, Cindy Eck, Clarine Nardi, Peggy Bonfield. FOURTH ROW: Jeff Marlin, Steve Long, Dave Koerner, Dave Byrne, John Gooch, Mike Timpe, Richard Hahn, Mac Heald, John Hoffman.
Varying from classical music on Sunday evening to pop music on Friday and Saturday, WIUS radio covered the range of musical types including jazz, English pop music, folk music, and show tunes. Besides musical entertainment, WIUS presented coverage of all Indiana basketball and football games, complete news service, and various programs of an academic nature. The year began with an expanded listening audience including the residents of parts of married housing and GRC listening to the year's hits. An eighty-member staff worked to present programs of interest to Indiana University students. WIUS, always interested in newcomers in the broadcasting field, provided an outlet for radio-oriented students to practice what they were taught in class—announcing, business, engineering, and production. A six-weeks' training program was offered by the station to orientate future staff members.
WIUS PROGRAMMING—FRONT ROW: Mona Hernandez, Betsy Reed, Debbie Purdum, Terry Meacham, JoEllen Krane, Mary Jane Popp, Elsa Ransom, Dee Benjamin. SECOND ROW: John Robinson, Dale Steinke, J. Bard Passage, Erick Sprunger, Bruce Wackowski, Geoff Grodner, Bentley Austin. THIRD ROW: George Crnovich, Jerry Hill, Mike McCarthy, Chris Hoosen, Richard Platt, Mike Ballard. FOURTH ROW: Bud Folsom, Bob Baiw, Mark Stephens, J. Rodger Peck, Dennis Spalazzi, Kenneth Day.
Programming WIUS WIUS Management
WIUS MANAGEMENT FRONT ROW: Mildred Henry, Sharon Hubers, Susan Buckler, Nancy Hensley, Melinda Henry, Sandy Shaw. SECOND ROW: Yvonne Jaynes, Nancy Badanes, Sargeant Pupper, Susan Wolf, Janice Fox. THIRD ROW: George Powell, John Butt, Tony McLaughlin, Ed Jaroll. FOURTH ROW: Rich Miko, Bruce Herrick, Neil Bolding, Byron Smith, Bill Rath.
RHO TAU SIGMA—FRONT ROW: Ken Ksobiech (Faculty Adv.), Dee Benjamin (Sec.), Rodney Read (Pres.), Bonnie Rollins (Treas.), Scott Gregg (Vice-Pres.). SECOND ROW: Elsa Ransom, Mary Jane Popp, Lynn Purky, Terry Jo Baringer, Sandy Shaw, Nadine Korich, Sandi Allen, Nancy Callaway. THIRD ROW: Lynda Fyte, Chris Gazel, Susan Caras, Tana Smith, JoEllen Krane, Janice Fox, Tracy Callaway. FOURTH ROW: David Morgan, Mike Ballard, Doris Pavlikaski, Martha Carroll, Tom Barker, Byron Smith, Erick Sprunger. FIFTH ROW: Wayne Gunn, Alan Oliver, Harvey Ellars, Ken Day, F. Cowdrey Langille, Jr., Dave Beck, Mike Whisler, Mac Heald.
Rho Tau Sigma Supplementing the student's formal education in radio and television, Rho Tau Sigma—a professional fraternity—serves as a means by which the faculty can learn from the students and the students can air their views to the faculty. Through a series of productions, Rho Tau Sigma investigated the functions and services of such institutions as the INDIANA DAILY STUDENT, the I.U. Foundation, and the Indiana Memorial Union. The Radio and Television Department—incorporating some of the finest facilities in radio and television education in the country—saw many of these programs done solely by the members of the fraternity. Besides being a service unit for WFIU and WTIU, Rho Tau Sigma provided for the closed circuit television used in classes, initiated an audio library, and allocated funds for the production of its members' ideas. In addition, they presented a scholarship to a deserving student, sponsored an advisory committee directly responsible to the chairman of the department—to present the ideas of the students, and helped raise money for the Jack Sheehan Memorial Fund. RHO TAU SIGMA OFFICERS—FRONT ROW: Rodney Read (Pres.), Dee Benjamin (Sec.), SECOND ROW: Bonnie Rollins (Treas.), Dave Dunne (Assoc. Member Coordinator). THIRD ROW: Ken Ksobiech (Faculty Adv.), Scott Gregg (Vice-Pres.).
CANDY STRIPERS—FRONT ROW: Suzie Lechner, Nancy Brownell (Pres.), Ann Knopp (Sec.-Treas.), Michelle Denesuk. SECOND ROW: Ellen Conner, Paula Koerner, Nancy Poling, Viann McIntire.
Candy Stripers Sailing Club
SAILING CLUB—FRONT ROW: Dave Orr, Janice Bennett, Margie Shuer, Ted Sputh, Jim Willett, Betsy Turner, Marla Fouch, Sandy Ptucha, Bill Stockholn. SECOND ROW: Max Baumer, Cliff Culloden, Sandy Stone, Richard Nix, Sue Larson, Sharon Diener, Jim Wall, Chuck Carlin, Mark Miller.
Theta Sigma Phi,
Sigma Delta Chi
THETA SIGMA PHI—FRONT ROW: Sara Silverman, Sharon Dunwoody (Pres.), Beth Zimmerman (Archivist), Janet McKee. SECOND ROW: Genie Campbell, Janet Fox, Cynthia Engle, Kathy Engdahl, Sandra Eisert, Kristen Anderson, Dottie Marsh.
SIGMA DELTA CHI—FRONT ROW: Richard Balough (Pres.), David Weaver, Weldon Baird, George Toth, Chuck Zondor. SECOND ROW: Monroe Anderson, John Fulton, Jim Hodson, Rod Smith, Jerry Hicks (Sec.), Hasmukh Shah. THIRD ROW: Bill Turner, Greg Trusty, John Hillery (Treas.). Not Pictured: Prof. Floyd Arpan (Adv.).
ALPHA EPSILON DELTA— FRONT ROW: George Babcock, Donna Harton (Sec.), Sue Diamond, Lawrence R. Barnes (Pres.), S. Michael Millbern (Hilt.). SECOND ROW: Robert Clayton, Seth Lowell, Stephen Fisher (Rep.), Stan Hamilton, Tim Hirons (Treas.), Drew Tuckman.
Pre-Med Honorary
BALLANTONIAN STAFF— SEATED: Ronald Brown, James Dorr (Editor-in-Chief), Terry Jeggle (Bus. Mgr.). STANDING: Diana Delph (Prod. Mgr.), Richard Pflum (Lit. Ed.), Richard Stim (Circ. Mgr.), Melisande Kopp, Betty Lou Ketchen (Managing Ed.), Albert Williams (Prod. Mgr.), Jay Williams (Music Ed.), Tom McNeil. NOT PICTURED: Klaus Troller (Cinema Ed.), Barry Liss (Opera Ed.), Mike Dolesh, Alfred Towell (Political Ed.).
PHYS. ED. MAJORS AND MINORS CLUB—FRONT ROW: Kathy Hoshaw, Julie Campbell (Treas.), Margi Creer (Pub. Ch.), Betty Cline (Vice-Pres.), Kofie Montgomery (Pres.), Karen Grubb (Sec.), Madeline Orr (Sr. Rep.), Shelley Klitzky (Jr. Rep.). SECOND ROW: Millie Williams, Karen Smith, Doris Prieur, Patricia Zimmerman, Regina Oglesby, Dottie Zeiss, Judy Bowers. THIRD ROW: Deanna Baker, Jill Forkner, Linda Cotter, Nancy Wilder, Gale Lorenc, Judy Brown, Phyllis Peck, Tereasa Miller, Kay Leinart, Jan Conwell, Ellen Early.
Phys. Ed. Majors and Minors Club Phys. Ed. Honorary
PHI EPSILON KAPPA—FRONT ROW: Donald Ludwig (Faculty Spons.), John Slavich (Treas.), Don Burns (Pres.), John Papacek (Hist.), Sam Newberg (Faculty Spons.). SECOND ROW: Dave Zimmerman, Lamar Peterson, Rick Kenyon, Donald Kline. THIRD ROW: Dean Kleinschmidt, Gene Monahan, Ted Baumgartner (Faculty Spons.), James Belisle (Faculty Spons.).
KAPPA KAPPA PSI—FRONT ROW: Gary Dowty (Vice-Pres.), Jon Lindemann (Pres.), Bill Stutsman (Sec.), Richard Brooks (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Mike Alexander, Rick Mlynarski, Tabor Stamper, Bruce Novak, Ben Miller.
Band Honorary Speech and Hearing Honorary
SIGMA ALPHA ETA—FRONT ROW: Beth Smiley, Gail Bodner (Vice-Pres. and Treas.), Wayne Segneri (Pres.), Cindy Graper (Sec.), Ginny Walsmith. SECOND ROW: Charlene Schemk, Mary Beth Foster, Karen Copeland, Suzy Rozzi, Peggy Beth Solomon, Kathy Hawblitzel, Leslie Swan, Paulette Johns.
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION—FRONT ROW: Charles Harvuot (Treas.), Karin Nilsson (Pres.), Steven Laycock (Vice-Pres.), Pat Morrill (Rec. Sec.), Mountfort V. Haas (Corr. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Becky MacKenzie, Florence Smith, Jeri Whittenbaugh, Helene L. Oatts, Laurie Wills, Ramona Leitner. THIRD ROW: Tom Bullard, Chuck Waggoner, Janice Williams, Sally Ulrich, Bill Rath, Mark Bishop, Duncan Charters.
Christian Science Organization Cosmopolitan Club
COSMOPOLITAN CLUB—FRONT ROW: Julanne McCarthy (Prog. Ch.), Attila Yaprak (Pres.), Irene Thorelli (Soc. Ch.). SECOND ROW: Roger Sawyer (Vice-Pres.), Pam McNichols (Sec.), David Ricks (Treas.).
ASSOCIATION FOR CHILDHOOD EDUCATION—FRONT ROW: Nancy Wittenborn, Diana Hunter (Vice-Pres.), Deedra Runyan (Pres.), Kathy Vollmer (Treas.), Marti Yoder, Shirley Rick. SECOND ROW: Barbara Worth, Susan Bella, Mary Gard, Beth Carlson, Candy Winters, Nancy Rus, Mary Francis Kapszukiewicz.
Association for Childhood Education Phi Omega
PHI OMEGA—FRONT ROW: Sue Glick, Martha Guy, Alan Kirtley (Vice-Pres.), Stephen Geller (Pres.), Dianne Sloan (Sec.), Claudia Hudson, Bob Goodin. SECOND ROW: Jerry Ulrich, James Hays, Greg Huffman, Dan Yates, Dick Kaplan, John Zimmerman, Joseph Brownlee, Carl Chapman. THIRD ROW: Steve Sparks, Stephen Zeilengold, K. M. Wilk, Warren L. Watts, Joseph Downing, Dave Young, John Reilly, Charles Spillman, Mark Piepenbrink.
STUDENT MARKETING CLUB— FRONT ROW: Marilyn Lidikay, T. C. Currens (Pres.), Robert Meeks (Treas.), Cheryl Mullett (Vice-Pres.), Phil Kenney (Vice Pres.), Robert Thompson (Vice-Pres.), Janice Mallik. SECOND ROW: David Dinn, Brent Haworth, Ronald Michaels, Jim Comerford, Mary Lynn Waters, Starke Gregory, John Magurean, Rich Fay. THIRD ROW: Mike Gretz, Mike Cook, Rob Kaade, Dale Conger, William Janowski, Richard Ernst, Jim Shea, Terence Walts, James West, Bill Van Lendingham.
Student Marketing Club Increasing nearly 175 student members, the Student Marketing Club stressed knowledge and understanding of the business world. The club, which was open to all University students interested in business operations, met once a month to listen to speakers and to plan travels to eastern United States business centers. Those invited to speak were from such organizations as Procter and Gamble, WIFE Radio, and PLAYBOY magazine. The guest speakers acquainted the club members with what was happening in their businesses and the kind of executives and employees for which they were searching. In preceding years trips were made to businesses in Atlanta, St. Louis, and other large cities. During the fall semester this year the club spent two days in Cincinnati visiting Burke Research, Shillitas Department Stores, Joseph E. Seagrams and Sons, Inc., and the W. S. Merrill Company.
STUDENT MARKETING CLUB OFFICERS—Robert Meeks (Treas.), Tim Currens (Pres.), Cheryl Mullet (Vice-Pres. for Special Affairs), Phil Kenney (Vice-Pres. for Pub.), Robert Thompson (Vice-Pres. for Placements Office).
ALPHA KAPPA PSI — FRONT ROW: Donald M. Lane, Alexander B. MacWatt, Albert Dewey (Pub. Rel.), Clarence Plisky (Treas.), Gerry Waterman (Prog. Dir.), William S. Renner (Sec.), Burt Kamin (Master of Rit.), Art Small (Vice Pres.), Steven Hess. NOT PICTURED: Philip Greenblatt. SECOND ROW: Richard J. Mlynarski, David Fisher, Thomas Earhart, Gary Messersmith, Ken Rader, Robert Hite, Larry Stern, Jim Applebaum, David Kleenman, Don Katz. THIRD ROW: Jerry Mutchler, David Bowers, Steve Mason, Randy Seger, Mary Weinberger, Robert Field, Gary Ertel, Tom Eastridge, Dennis Reedy, Bill Failey, Larry Dassel, Steve Muha, Ed Green.
Business Honorary
Alpha Kappa Psi Insurance Club
INSURANCE CLUB—FRONT ROW: Terence L. Bays (Pres.), Larry Glass (Vice Pres.), Jerry Shutt, Dave Tape (Treas.). SECOND ROW: E. Glen Roe, David Goodman, Larry Selig, John Ransel, Terry Ruckriegle.
DELTA SIGMA PI—FRONT ROW: James Olive (Treas.), James Kemper (Sen. V. Pres.), John Pfeifer (Pl. Tr.), Jim Forcum (Sec.), Larry Rankin (Pres.), Roy Law (Historian), Bill Bowden (Eff. Ch.), David Stewart (Chancellor), George Collins (Soc. Ch.). SECOND ROW: Steven Gaylord, Wayne Lewis, Tom Holaday, Michael Hamm, John Chen, Jim Martin, Richard Moore, John Wong, Frank Berziniz, Rickey Pate. THIRD ROW: Bill Kocher, Dan Kincaid, Don McGinnis, Mark Fritz, Kit Klingelhoffer, Gerry Lanigan, Joe Vandowski, Bill Minderman, Paul Liette, Ron Conner, James Connolly. FOURTH ROW: David A. Shockney, Terry J. Wright, Carl 0. Roach, John W. Gauck, David P. Coonrod, Daryl R. Brawthen (Pers. Dir.), William E. Chapel, David R. Killingbeck, Louis C. Lukemeyer, Ronald J. Grannan. FIFTH ROW: Joe Wheeler, Jay McQueen, Howard Greene, Jerry Campbell, Philip Kintzele, Dan Schoenherr, Rodney Popa, Mike Laymon, Dave Hallo, John Burns.
Delta Sigma Pi Omicron Delta School of Business Hostesses
OMICRON DELTA—FRONT ROW: Lorna Kelley, Linda Chambers, Beth Talley (Treas.), Jane Curtin (V. Pres.), Mrs. Ester Bray (Adv.), Wilma Teach (Pres.), Jean Howell (Sec.), Bobbie Hesselgrave (Prov. Ch.), Patricia Rigdon. SECOND ROW: Barbara Schankerman, Deborah Dome, Joyce Simmons, Linda Steep, Sue Snider, Cynthia Clements, Pamela Mathis, Nancy Bayer, Janyce Walz. THIRD ROW: Nancy Martin, Mary Jane Trinkle, Cheryl Wheatley, Julie Ekblad, Connie Flicker, Merrilynn Epst, Mary Lynn Cook, Debbie Black, Sherry Lammert, Judy Russell, Judy Domkowski, Carolyn Freeman.
MU PHI EPSILON—FRONT ROW: Beth Halevy, Beverly Wolf (Hist.), Rosemary Tristano (Alum. Sec.), Lee Doswell (Treas.), Donna Lively (Pres.), Linda Armet (Vice Pres.), Mary Hopping (Chaplain), Janet Bond (Rec. Sec.), Susie Chong. SECOND ROW: Barbara McManus, Gaye Newber, Elizabeth Harrison, Karen Landgren, Janet DeTona, Florence Smith, Debbie Goodrich, Susan Hanscom. THIRD ROW: Nancy Aukerman, Barbara Kilgore, Adabeth Herman, Paula Dexter, Karen Frass, Diana Shriner, Susan Stephens, Barbara Bailey, Donna Marovich, Jean Snapp.
Music Honoraries
SIGMA ALPHA IOTA—FRONT ROW: Nancy Lynch, Janie Hornung (Corr. Sec.), Nancy Lineburgh (Rec. Sec.), Jean Douglass (Vice Pres.), Dianna Krogman (Pres.), Mary Ellen Gould (Treas.), Paula Mast (Chaplain), Pamela Price (Ed.). SECOND ROW: Sara Mitchell, Susan Cooksley, Juliana Melnyk, Sandra Nicolai, Viki Steward, Laurie Laird, Sally Jorgensen. THIRD ROW: Randi Friis, Debbie Cooper, Linda Myers, Joan Eldredge, Marjorie Young, Alleyne Toppin, Carolyn Yeldell.
ANGEL FLIGHT—FRONT ROW: Rosenblatt (Chaplain), Joy Terryҟ Benschoter (Material), Patti Kishman (Inspector), Jean Ridgeway (Info. Services Off.), Janet Ellis (Exec. Commander), Jan Neary (Operations Off.), Nancy Busch (Comptroller), May (Drill Leader), Marty Debbiҟ Brauer (Pledge Tr.). SECOND ROW: Susan Stanley, Myra Gearet, Pornchulee Achava-Amrung, Gayle Unnerwood, Lyn Thorbecke, Lynn Middleton, Karen Hungate, Sally Cooper, Carenҟ Gangloff. Janetҟ Nelson,ҟ Lisa Benswanter, THIRD ROW:ҟ Nunn, Wendy Maltby, Edie Sandyҟ Hughes, Margo Fasules, Bette Weitzel, Peggy Kellum, Tina Kallimani, Murphy, Jo Ellen Jenkins, Linҟ FOURTH ROW: Michelle Conn.ҟ Becky Beauregard (Commander), Sue Jordan (Admin. Off.), Janice Brown, Ivey, Linda Merrill, Karen Lindaҟ Patterson, Susi Hertzberg, Brenda Hobley, Priscilla Turley, Mary Ellen Weitzel.
Angel Flight Crimson Cadettes
CRIMSON CADETTES—FRONT ROW: Lt. Barbara Burns, Lt. Cindy Neeley, Maj. Terrance Ryan, Capt. Cathy Crossman (Commanding Off.), Lt. Peggy Nally (Sec.), Lt. Cheri Dunlap. SECOND ROW: Cheryl Davis, Laura Getchell, Margaret Schneider, Judy Nisenbaum, Elizabeth Feemster, Kathee Papai, Sherry Stewart. THIRD ROW: Carole Cornelius, Regina Oglesby, Monia Johnson, Lana Smith, Jackie Thorne, Geraldine Hayden, Margo Carter. FOURTH ROW: Tina Nowak, Kathy Kennon, Marilyn Stanley, Donna Vilet, Terri Johnson, Karla Moore, Jeanne Marsh, Nancy Sharp, Nancy Kelley.
SCABBARD & BLADE—FRONT ROW: Dave Morris, Bob Kleymeyer, Earle Hites (Vice Pres.), Capt. Joseph Conn (Asst. Adv.), Maj. Stan Crawford (Adv.), Rich Smith (Pres.), Bob Munson (Treas.), Dean Carnahan. SECOND ROW: Bob Faraone, Mike Kramer, Craig Stevens, Dan Dull, Richard Schmitt, Steve Jordan, Nolan Allen, Alan Hartman.
Scabbard and Blade Arnold Air Society
ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY—FRONT ROW: Joseph Brownlee (Chaplain), Michael Conti (Comptroller), Michael Vosmeier (Admin.), J. William Weilemann (Operations Off.), James Perry (Exec. Off.), William Richards (Comm.). SECOND ROW: Robert Breece, Rory O'Bryan, Leland Harding, Robert Cox, Warren Weaver, Steven Lindle, Denny Harrold. THIRD ROW: Ronald Addy, James Clements, John Gray, Larry Fast, 0. C. Hope, John Martellaro.
COMPANY A-3—FRONT ROW: Capt. John Russell, Jan Salmon (Sponsor), Maj. Nelson Ringmacher, Ann Knopp (Sponsor), Charles Demos (Commanding Off.), Sherry Stewart (Sponsor), Jeff McKitrick (Exec. Off.), Linda Merrell (Sponsor), Marcus Powell (Sgt.). SECOND ROW: Frank Jakubowski, Phil Francik, Wesley Cinder, Allen Graf, 0. C. Hope, Dan Raschke, Dave Richardson (Finance Off.), Steven Shaw (Asst. Pledge Tr.), Steve Hammel (Asst. Finance Off.), Dave Ford (Supply Off.). THIRD ROW: Pete Gawthrop, Skip Tichewor (Pledge Tr.), Jack Humphrey, Mike Vosmeier, Bob Gines, Stephan Miller, Stephen Peterson (Adjutant), Dave O'Neal, Bob Hartley (Operations). FOURTH ROW: Richard Morra, Max Saylor, Rich Haynes, Mark Torrens, Bob Hood, John Lofland, Steve Wernicke, Scott Ingels. FIFTH ROW: Robert Grissom, M. D. Remington, Lloyd Hall, Michael Norton, Walter Anderson, T. E. Shank, Leroy Rhoderick, Telmage Clem, Greg Hanson, George Wood, Scott Hiles. SIXTH ROW: Michael Weimer, Gene Baker, Ronald Cochran, Patrick Cassidy, Darris Martin, Paul Harris, Tom Greenwell.
Pershing Rifles
Third Regimental Headquarters
THIRD REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS—FRONT ROW: Paul Saft (Commander), Peggy Rauch (Spons.), Henry Slagle (Exec. Off.). SECOND ROW: Brad Meador (Asst. Operations Off.), Michael Daily (Adjutant), Jim Davis (Finance Off.), Robert Englin (Pub. Info. Off.), Craig Holderbaum (Operations Off.).
COUNTER-INSURGENCY D E TACHMENT—FRONT ROW: Charlie Andrus (Adjutant), Michael Lytle (Cadet Sec. Lt.), Daniel Dull (Detachment Cmdr.), Keith Colljuer (Cpt. S-3), Stephen Clouse (Adv.). SECOND ROW: Eric Richards, Mike Gostola, Mike Bowman, Greg Bryant, Mark Geyer, Tom Roszkowski, Fred Hershberger, Ted Proctor. THIRD ROW: Terry Esserman, Lowell Swartz, Felix Barker, Jeff Long, Mike Albert, Bob Manalo, J. Alan Cartwright, Art Anders, Jim Rea, Kurt Meshberger, Joseph Raub.
CounterInsurgency Detachment I-Men's
I-MEN—FRONT ROW: Everett Barnard, Tom DerLoshon, Tom Bilunas (Treas.), Al Gage (Vice-Pres.), Dave Brown (Pres.), Bill Stenberg (Sec.), Rick Reel, Jerry Collins. SECOND ROW: Rick Atkinson, Jim Lentz, Wes Spence, Darrel Snively, Mark Toth, Danny May, Grant Gaalema, Mike Stout, Chuck Parsons, Gary Chumbley. THIRD ROW: Mike Adams, Uthant Cuttington, Phil Huffman, Paul Gaydos, Rich Fuhs, Wayne MacDonald, Mike Ward, John Lobus, Gary Brown, Mike Roth. FOURTH ROW: Clarence Price, Bob Kirk, Steve Cisco, Gabe Oliverio, John Muirhead, E. G. White, Cal Snowden, Jim Sniadecki, Bill Wolfe, Don DeSalle, Mike Perry, Jim Arbuckle.
OCEANIDES—FRONT ROW: Babs Huntington, Leslie Tieman, Chris Thorngate, Kris Sunderman, Carol Hopkins, Cindy Gorney. SECOND ROW: Janet Gardner, Sue Reuthe, Judy Mugge, Julie Campbell, Gale Lorene, Barb Stickels, Linda Bond, Susan Clark. THIRD ROW: Anne Simpson, Linda Triplett, Nancy Lange, Linda R. Brown, Susan Silver, Sandy Breeden, Lois Ritter, Sara Porter, Margy Sargent. FOURTH ROW: Margi Creer, Cindy Potter, Alice Hall, Sally Vradenburg, Mary Ausich, Judy King, Cindy Gerard, Gayle Rothhaar, Vicki Furlong.
OCEANIDES OFFICERS—Carol Hopkins (Sec.), Babs Huntington (Pub. Ch.), Linda Bond (Hist.), Linda R. Brown (Treas.), Sara Porter (Pres.), Kris Sunderman (Vice Pres.).
POM PON GIRLS—CENTER: Susie Shipe (Capt.). FRONT ROW: Dottie Nyland, Kitten Huston, Teresa Dale, Debbie Shumaker, Adelene Mabry, Susie Weaver, Susie Wachel, Jonnie Lauritzen, Georjean Carrico, Leslye Elliott. BACK ROW: Debbie Mayes, Janette Bricker, Sue Bilton, Linda Carrigan, Carol Davis, Susie Profitt, Claudette Booth, Susie Martin, Freddie Stevens, Pat Mosier, Marsha King.
Porn Pon Girls
SAB EXECUTIVE COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Linda Dorsett, Carole Helfert, Marabeth Wells. SECOND ROW: Maggie House (Vice Pres.), Karen Rew (Sec.). THIRD ROW: Bruce Landis (Adv.), Ed Dobrow, Randy Trebing (Pres.), Bob Roache (Treas.). FOURTH ROW: Ernie Yelton, Jon Lindemann.
Student Athletic Board Action is the child of careful thought and planning and the brains behind the plans for generating spirit at every Indiana University athletic contest is the Student Athletic Board. A student organization connected with the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, SAB is a ten-member committee made up of four executive officers, the Card Section president, the captain of the cheerleading squad, a representative of the Indiana Marching Hundred, and three other board-elected activities coordinators. Aiding the Board in its administrative problems this year were its advisors—Mr. Robert Dro, Assistant Director of Athletics, and Mr. Bruce Landis, representing the Student Activities Staff. Some of the "brainchilds" of this year's board included the unusual pep rally skits and parades plus the extravaganza of the season, the Jawn Purdue Affair. During the "See Red—Wear Red" campaign SAB members and volunteers sold red hats, shakers, and balloons before each football game. The Board also directed and helped produce the Olympic Banquet which was given in honor of the twelve Indiana University athletes who represented the United States in the Olympic Games at Mexico City last summer.
ALPHA PHI ONILOA—FRONT ROW: Dennis Dill (Pres.), Everett Koontz (1st Vice Pres.), Dennis Williamson (Pledge Master), Jon Abbott (Rec. Sec.), Lynda Goodman (Sweetheart), Clayton Koher (Treas.), Paul Doglione (Corr. Sec.), Dewey Jones (Sec.), Paul Hugentober (Sgt. at Arms). SECOND ROW: Richard Money (Grad. Adv.), Paul Irwin, George Dunn (Past Pres.), Steve Kirchoff, Tom Howenstine, Jim Blume (Hist.), Joel Santus, Brian Hugon, Herb Hughes (Soc. Ch.), Dan Isaacs (Adv.), William Fettig.
Alpha Phi Omega
Beginning its fortieth year of service at I.U., Alpha Phi Omega worked on campus, in the community, in the nation, and within the chapter. Any male student was eligible for membership in Alpha Phi Omega. The pledging program sought to promote leadership, friendship, and service, with service to others the keynote. On campus Alpha Phi Omega conducted tours, provided newspapers for the Union browsing room, decorated the Health Center for Christmas, and assisted at the polls in student elections. In the community, members gathered litter around the reservoirs and helped at the Christian Center. The chapter served the nation through the March of Dimes and work with the Peace Corps.
Hanging the Christmas wreath, Alpha Phi Omega members Dennis Dill and Lew Glassener put the finishing touches on the Student Health Center decorations.
SOCIAL SERVICE CLUB—FRONT ROW: Bonnie Hall (Community Proj. Ch.), Elaine Kaiser (Sec.), Cindy Smith (Treas.), Mary Louise Brock (Pres.), Pornchulee Achava-Amrung (International Ch.), Kathy Jones (Job Oppr. Ch.), Elaine Caldwell (Prog. Ch.), Eleanor Ellis (Pub. Co-Ch.). SECOND ROW: Roger Chrastil (Pub. Ch.), Peggy Bychinsky, Beverly Miller, Ceci Hathaway, Mary Davis, Sharon Foulke, Cindy Jerrel, Jan Briggs, Sandra Pride, Evelyn von Herrmann (Fac.), Pauline Ulrey. THIRD ROW: Charles Bailey, Mike Brian, Margee Foulke, Linda Lifschultz, Shirley Duncan, Kathy Clancy, Kathy Rittenhouse, Grace Bardes, Judy Wroblewski, Theodora Allen (Fac. Adv.), John Kristoff, Mike Phillips.
Social Service Club Society for Personnel Administration
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION— FRONT ROW: Bill Minderman (Vice Pres.), Joe Vandoski (Pres.), Cindy Winheim (Sec.-Treas.). SECOND ROW: P. G. Nachtigall (Educ. Tours Comm. Ch.), Gene Koehler (Hist.), Phil Reising (Membership Comm. Ch.), Rickey Pate (Speakers Comm. Co-Ch.).
ST. PAUL CATHOLIC CENTER, "dedicated on January 12, 1969, for the worship of God through meaningful Liturgy, dedicated to the service of the Catholic students as well as all the University Community whose participation in the religious, cultural, and social programs at the Center will help them Know and Live Christianity relevant to the needs of mankind in the twentieth Century.
St. Paul Catholic Center
St. Paul Catholic Center, formerly the Newman Foundation, has continued this year to enlighten many students of Indiana University through religious activities directed toward their spiritual enrichment. The main activity of the Catholic Center this year was the moving of its headquarters into the new ultra-modern building on 17th Street. Other activities pursued by the organization included basic theology courses for converts, pre-marriage conferences for Catholic students, and lectures conducted periodically by reputed individuals. Robert Theobald, a British economist, gave a series of lectures in the fall. The Center also presented a folk mass in the I.U. Auditorium at the beginning of the school year. An Ash Wednesday service was held to usher in the Lenten season.
BAPTIST STUDENT UNION— FRONT ROW: Susan Bugel (Pres.), Donna Hardymon (Vice Pres.), Sharon Perpingon (Cent. Ch.), Sharon McKinnis (Sec.), Richard Dazey (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Don Lollar, Paula Mast, Raenae Pickens, Karen Johnston, Patricia Close, Deanna Davenport, Donna Johnston, Carol Robertson, Gene Nicholls, Gregory Temple.
Baptist Student Union To attempt to find answers to many of the perplexing questions facing today's college student by helping him to find meaning in life through an everyday, personal encounter with God and by helping him to see Christianity as a practical, working force in his life and the world today is the main purpose of the Baptist Student Union. Organized in 1965 with seven active members, the Baptist Student Union now includes over fifty active members. The campus center at 504 South Highland affords a place for relaxation and recreation as well as study facilities and serves as a center for many of the group's activities. The Baptist Student Union sponsored the annual campus-wide Christmas Vesper Service. Other activities included monthly programs of a dramatic nature, such as "An Experiment in Candid Christianity," written and presented by members of the group.
Christmas carolling by Baptist Student Union members helped make Christmas this year more meaningful for others.
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Greeks Greek. That word alone makes one think of great things. Like the Acropolis, Homer, the fathers of democracy, North Jordan, rush, walkouts, boresses . . . For a sorority girl it means candlelights, sisters, and of course, a pin (sometimes two). A fraternity guy may no longer have a pin but he has memories of his beanie, 5 A.M. lineups, serenades, the night he turned 21, and the morning after . . . You're Greek if you "go back to the house" and dress for dinner, if you have study table or if the first item you hear about at every business meeting is the bill for your new home. Being a Greek means being socially active and concerned. From the houses' community projects and their increased concern about the elimination of discrimination in the system on the national as well as campus level to the weekly exchanges and parties, one realizes that Greeks are interested, involved young men and women with a definite role to play in the campus life of I.U.
PANHELLENIC EXECUTIVE COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Gail Clippinger (Corr. Sec.), Sue Stoughton (Treas.), Anita Silvey (Pres.), Jeannie Christopher (Ext. Vice-Pres.), Nancy Tellman (Int. VicePres.) SECOND ROW: Betty Marver, Linda Powell, Lynn Spicer, Anne Barrett, Sharon Counts (Rec. Sec.).
JUNIOR PANHELLENIC—FRONT ROW: Nycha Schlegel, Patty Foellinger, Leslie Oliver, Barb Malott (Pres.), Nancy Eklund (Soc. Chm.), Bobbie Zimmerman (Pres.). SECOND ROW: Lynn Spicer (Adv.), Margee Gora, Sally Ann Dunn, Karen Hansen, Barbara Baker, Jamie Elliott.
PANHELLENIC PRESIDENTS' COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Betty Marver, Linda Powell, Sharon Counts, Jeannie Christopher (Ext. Vice-Pres.),ҟ Anitaҟ Silveyҟ (Pres.), Nancy Tellman (Int. Vice-Pres.), Sue Stoughton (Treas.),ҟ Anneҟ Barrett. SECOND ROW: Katherine Wayman, Cindy White, Carolyn Marnisch, Lynn Spicer, Gail Clippinger, Susan Velker, Carol Singer, Linda Wright, K. K. Whittemore. THIRD ROW: Sherri Salner, Alice Howard, Pamela Roberts, Joan Mcllroy, Connie Loving, Peggy Diekmann, Carole Brinkmann, Nancy Ellis, Anne Brafford.
Panhellenic Panhellenic's most important duty of the year, welcoming rushees into the wonderful world of Greeks, began in early fall as nearly 1600 girls descended on the sorority houses for rush. All organized women on campus are members of Panhellenic and participate in the election of officers. The governing body consists of the Executive Council, elected by all members; the Presidents' Council, presidents of all houses, and Junior Panhellenic, presidents of all pledge classes. Panhel's main area of concern this year were improving scholastic attitude and decreasing racial discrimination.
IFC EXECUTIVE COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Frank Parrish (Adv.), Tom Shriner (Int. Len King (Sec.),ҟ Vice-Pres.), Jack Wickes (Pres.), Jim Heubi (Ext. Vice-Pres.), Larry Reuben (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Andy Mallor (Pledge Placement), Denny Minkle (Dir. of Rush), Ed Volk (PubLeonard Kalikow (Special lications),ҟ Affairs), Dave Anderson (Pub. Rel.), and Cul. Larry Gregg (Schol.ҟ (Self-Eval. Chrisҟ Perryҟ Affairs),ҟ Chm.).
Interfraternity Council With emphasis on service to member houses, the Inter-Fraternity Council provided organization on a University-wide level for the fraternity system. The Council aided each house in such areas as rush, pledge training, and self-evaluation as well as in co-ordinating campus programs and projects. In November the Council sponsored a Panhellenic workshop featuring speakers and an in-depth examination of the problems facing the Greek system. The traditional Greek Week was revived and revitalized by the Council in February. Outstanding individual leaders were recognized and the week was filled with cultural and social events.
IFC PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Maurice Miller, John Tzucker, Jacob H. Feichter Jr., David Friedlander, Greg Carter, Bob Rome, Walt Barton, Bob Duke. SECOND ROW: George Bewley, Russ Webb, Greg Huffman, Bob
Burkhardt, John Borgmeier, Steve Reisinger, Barry Schnakenburg, Jeff Taylor. THIRD ROW: Tom Buckley, Steve Hampshire, Dave Perry, Steve Mahoney, Charles Richardson, Jeff Webster, Jeff Raff, Mike Shepherd.
ACACIA—FRONT ROW: Ken Faut, Roger Winkler, Larry Brawley, John Meyers, Marmaduke, Todd Raskin, Jack Brinkman, Gary Williams. SECOND ROW—Steve Gruber (Pledge Tr.), Robin Humphrey (Pledge Tr.), Bob Caine (House Mgr.), Craig Trees (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Rice (House Mother), Greg Carter (Pres.), Jeff Barr (Soc. Ch.), Denny Harrold (Jr. Steward). THIRD ROW: Dan Fowler, Tom Hendryx, Mick Tuesley, Tim Gardner (Chaplain), Doug Meyer (Corr. Sec.), Mark Dudley (Rec. Sec.), Rex Camp, Jim Taborn, Clune McDermott, Mike Reed. FOURTH ROW: Tim McColly, Howard Mohler, Graig Kunkin, Butch Chapel, Steve McDonald, Gary Schoof, Jim
Schafer, Tim Gibson, Mark Vickery, Jack Hillenberg, Mark Morris, David Cornwell. FIFTH ROW: Kevin Burk, Mike Andreoli, John Stuckey, Larry Hendricks, Dave Holmes, Terence Walts, Bill Van Landingham, Frank Otterman, Stephen Tischendorf, Ed Badger, Glen Curtis. SIXTH ROW: Fred Jones, Chuck Harvuot, John Buechler, Bob Henley, Bill Johnson, Bob Nonte, Larry McCart, Donald Trigg, Nap Pozulp, Jeff Wolfcale, Bill Young. SEVENTH ROW: Jeff Chambers, Jim Logan, Ron Brown, Bill HoBars, Tom Heins, Mike Gillespie, Dave Waszak, Tom Bell, Brad Schuldt, John Klenfoth.
A new face reigned over the campus this year when the men of Acacia constructed a huge sphinx and turned the house into an Egyptian showplace for their spring "Night on the Nile" dance. But not all faces coming from the house were unfamiliar. Marmaduke seemed to be quite well-known, at least in the stores downtown where he did a great deal of shopping. The chapter had a most memorable year highlighted by the International Teas, the Iron Triangle Dance, Little 500 with the AOPis and I.U. Sing with the Tri Delts. The house received the award as the most outstanding chapter in Indiana and seemed to well deserve the honor.
All sororities have pledge walkouts, but very few have senior walkouts. Last fall the seniors of Alpha Chi walked out and took with them all of the shower curtains and call tags. It is also rumored that they had Coach Pont and the Sigma Nus worried when they organized a new football team. And they have the ATOs to thank for their landscaped lawn. The girls of Alpha Chi Omega do more than boress, though. Every year they work with the DUs to decorate the Boy's Club at Christmas. Occasionally cultural dinners are served. The chapter's own Kit Field was honored by being chosen Miss Indiana of 1968 and by placing well in the Miss America contest, too. FRONT ROW: Janice Brown (Rec. Sec.), Kathy Miller (Soc. ALPHA CHI OMEGAҟ Ch.), Nan Justice (Soc. Ch.), Holly Bennet (House Mgr.), Pam Hillery (House Mgr.), Carol Glass (Cult Ch.). SECOND ROW: Nan Nottingham (Pledge Tr.), Elise Claire Suppan (Rush Ch.), Kathy Didday (Schol. Ch.), Nancy Davis (1st Vice-Pres.), Doris Reynolds (House Mother), Alice Howard (Pres.), Sharon Granger (Corr. Sec.), Judy Jordan (Treas.). THIRD ROW: Barbara Bennett, Deborah M. Bartley, Kathy H. Vorm, Lucy Hartlove, Barb Delvecchio, Karen Krueger, Kit Field, Jane Schlanser, Kathy Massey, Linda Suitts, Cindy Winheim, Mary Rumbley, Robbie Yates, Susan Lavens. FOURTH ROW: Pam Dalhasen, Denee Jaggers, Dianne Hocker, Linda Gerald, Pat
Alpha Chi Omega
Werner, Cindy White, Barbara Banks, Barb Callinan, Linda Eberle, Kathy Dailey, Nancy Eklund. FIFTH ROW: Susan Maxwell, Brenda Biltz, Cheryl Anstett, Margo Fasules, Suzi Hall, Susie Rogers, Sally Kackley, Becky Hoeltje, Nora Westlake, Joyce Arbeiter, Kathy Wilhite. SIXTH ROW: Janice Bramlett, Sally Molder, Lynn Crider, Mary Lou Jamrose, Barb Smith, Shari Hargan, Martha Weber, Jean Widdis, Nancy Taylor, Wibby Thorn, Sue Stoughton. SEVENTH ROW: Suzy Ruppert, Valerie Scott, Anita Roth, Nan Girk, Shannon Skupas, Lin Murphy, Libby Couch, Ginger Engelbrecht, Janics Dolan.
Alpha Epsilon Phi
This year the girls of AEPhi came back to an enlarged chapter house. During the summer the addition was built to house a larger pledge class and provide a new library and lounge. Pledge class projects included such things as the sale of pumpkins at Halloween, and the production of a puppet show for the children at the exchange home. For the show, they wrote a script and made all the scenery and costumes. The Alpha Epsilon Phis are terrific workers. Last spring they formed a choir which worked with the people of the Educational Opportunities Fund this past year.
ALPHA EPSILON PHI—FRONT ROW: Susie Susman (Rec. Sec.), Sandy Johnston (Bus. Rush), Leslie Schultz (Soc. Rush), Sherri Salner (Pres.), Patsy Rosenberg (VicePres.), Buffie Kaufman (Treas.), Leslie Raskin (Corr. Sec.), Janice Cain (Soc. Ch.). SECOND ROW: Roberta Trattner, Lynne Greenberg, Wendy Flusser, Nadine Cunix, Marsha Weiner, Kathy Meinzer, Rita Deutch, Jana Garrison (Pledge Tr.), Karen Roodman (Schol. Ch.), Lynda Goodman, Daryl Gordon, Eloise Goldberg, Beverly Katz, Alison Antis, Dale Santock. THIRD ROW: Diana Leonard, Beth Goldboss, Debbie Farber, Ronni Frohlich, Harriet Gluckmann, Nan Klein, Judy Radow, Jill Marks,
Nancy Lynch, Roberta Caplan, Sue Goldberg. FOURTH ROW: Susie Brown, Judy Freiberg, Claire Gollub, Paula Glabman, Debbie Firestone, Jane Barker, Sandy Gentner, Adrienne Rosenberg, Carol Dennis, Abby Whiteman. FIFTH ROW: Lynn Becker, Kathy Loftus, Janet Paper, Ellen Cohen, Abbie Winerman, Barb Pomeranz, Anne Rivin, Toby Melchior, Becky Bassemer, Lynne Drohlich, Kathy Sigal. SIXTH ROW: Linda Norton, Dayle Friedman, Diane Teitel, Sandy Moyer, Beth Margolin, Rory Robin, Ellen Goldstein, Marjorie Morose, Ann Feldman, Valerie Feldman.
ALPHA EPSILON PI—FRONT ROW: Louis Rieser (Sec.), Stan Miles (Sent.), Philip Greenblatt (Treas.), Marty Rosenthal (Vice-Pres.), Mildred Dillow (Housemother), Wesley Gersh (Pres.), Stephen Merren (Pledge Mast.), Barry Levin (Rush Ch.), Rob Field (Rush Ch.). SECOND ROW: Mike Berger, Tom Friedmann, Stephen Nagler, David Schwartz, Larry Stein (House Serv.), Drew Tuckmann (Schol. Ch.), Marc Nussman, Marc Berger, Gerry Waterman, Maury Tasman. THIRD ROW: A. J. Rosmarin, Edward Hirschberg, Lester Smolensky, Don Katz, Rick Katz, Phillip Wilson, Martin Silverman,
Ron Engel, Wayne Myers, Steven Satz, Ira Weiss. FOURTH ROW: Gary Polland, William Schabler, Robert Fogel, Joseph Siegel, Marshall Kahn, Glenn Greene, Al Katzman, Jim New, Elliot Roth, Mark Stern. FIFTH ROW: Jay Davis, Chuck Schottenstein, Larry Sultan, Alex Csillag, Mark Bishton, Marshall Lewis, Ken Mason, Paul Abramowitz, Neil Heller. SIXTH ROW: Philip Ganz, Phillip Siegel, Larri Wolfson, Marty Galvin, Barry Hurwitz, Marvin Weinberger, Alan Bolotin, Michael Hric, Arch Sutton, Mason Goodman.
Once again Alpha Epsilon Pi's traditional presidential abduction ceremony was held with great success. This year AEPi received the body of beloved Wesley Gersh, covered from head to toe with shaving cream and tied to a table. AEPi's annual dance, The Cob (it's rumored that this affair was originally tagged the Cornflake), also met with much favor as the Cryan Shames played to a corn-eating crowd. Of course, life is not all fun and games for the guys of AEPi. Last semester they had the highest GPA of all the fraternities—something else of which to be proud.
Alpha Epsilon Pi
ALPHA GAMMA DELTA—FRONT ROW: Jennifer Disler, Marsha Kriegbaum, Becky Inebnit, Sandy Breitengross, Carol Griffith, Kathy Joyce, Marilynn Myers, Teddi Perkins, Karen Salek, Cheryl Dixon, Linda Miller, Gayle Mueller. SECOND ROW: Mary Gay Tiley (1st Vice-Pres.), Carolyn Rome (Rec. Sec.), Mary Kay Hilbrich (Activ. Ch.), Katherine Wayman (Pres.), Margaret Holliday (House Mother), Jane Tylichi (House Mgr.), Ginny Fisher (Soc. Ch.), Alice Straub (Corr. Sec.), Millie Elliott (Treas.). THIRD ROW: Sue Workman, Susan Mucci, Frankie Bedwell, Ginny Bucci, Betty
Alpha Gamma Delta
Billman, Karen Hansen, Marie Schaekel, Ann DeMik, Sharon Cox, Sue Murchie, Nancy Norman. FOURTH ROW: Connie Robinson, Judy Cammack, Robin Murphy, Claudia Collins, Candy Roberts, Earlene Harris, Jane Hixson, Sandy Sands, Carolyn Roth, Sandy Seals. FIFTH ROW: Joan Pontius, Pam Mauk, Donna Garvey, Mary Ann Riggs, Florence Barker, Cindy Swope, Jennie Shambaugh, Amy Slifer, Hallie White. SIXTH ROW: Kathy Luken, Cindy Rex, Chris Stollery, Cherie Dehn, Linda Sobeckie, Debbie Williamson, Jane Dyer, Sara Sage, Sharon Alltop, Diana Shriner.
This year a huge birthday party was held by the Alpha Gamma Deltas for the whole chapter, celebrating the 21 years since Alpha Gams were chartered at I.U. The Acacias, their partners for homecoming, serenaded the event. For Little 500 the girls were paired with the Delts. When the guys arrived at the house for one of their serenades, they were picked up by safety . . . ah, the heartaches chivalry can bring! Alpha Gam pledges had the distinction of being the first to be initiated, but before that, they managed to maraude most of the fraternities, and brought back numerous treasures to show for their efforts.
It seems that Alpha Kappa Alpha provided that much welcome break necessary to the sanity of so many freshmen going through the ordeal of formal teas. Hundreds of footsore and weary girls were warmly greeted at the Chi Phi house by the spirited tunes of the harmonic Alphas. It's no wonder the AKAs are so interested in I.U. sing. These girls are dangerous, too. This year the AKA pledges kidnapped an active and held her for ransom. Luckily she was found (in a McNutt incinerator room) before it was too late. Alpha Kappa Alpha's annual all-campus charity dance, "The Spirit of Christmas", was held with sponsor Kappa Alpha Psi to provide funds for various underprivileged groups.
Alpha Kappa Alpha
ҟ Adams, Charla Powell, Margo McCallum, Paulette Suggs, ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA—FRONT ROW: Gwen Croomҟ Sandra Pope. THIRD ROW: Kathryn Rowe, Cecelia Pursiful, (Mus. Ch.), Jacqueline Morgan (Corr. Sec.), Pamela Roberts Elaine Short, Carol Sneed, Linda Powell, Sharon Counts, (Pres.), Janice Brookins (Treas.), Shirley Love (Rec. Sec.).ҟ ҟ Cherilyn Lanier. SECOND ROW: Sandra Woods (Ed.), Ola Jones, Charlotte
Alpha Omicron Pi
"You had to be there" to really believe all the excitement the women of AOPi had this year. Decorating the house several times, the KDR's were doomed; the AOPi pledges repaid their hospitality by painting the KDR's sidewalk and taking their composite. The girls "took it in the mike" with the Acacias in 1968 when they swept away with second place in I.U. Sing. The two houses joined forces again this year during Little 500. With the ATO's in the Teke Chariot Race and the Delta Chi's in I.U. Sing, the AOPi's made 1969 a memorable year.
ALPHA OMICRON PI—FRONT ROW: Beverly Hurst (House Mgr.), Tina Sawyer (House Mgr.), Judi Massa (Soc. Ch.), Chris Marsh (Corr. Sec.), Jeanne Bolitho (Frat. Ed.), Laraine Dolen (Rec. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Bev Cade (Treas.), Susan Benford (Pledge Tr.), Mitzi Sarantos (Pledge Tr.), Carol Singer (Pres.), Yolanda Gallinger (House Mother), Judy Forkner (Vice-Pres.), Linda Munro (Soc. Rush Ch.), Karen Kelley (Bus. Rush Ch.), Barb Lacey (Schol. Ch.). THIRD ROW: Virginia Long, Gail Ransom. Pat Taseff, Janet Rhamy, Judy Waterman, Margie Gora, Jeanine Brooks, Jane Jarvis, Beverly Booton, Betty Hall, Carole Krug, Corinne Colantonio, Karen Foster.
FOURTH ROW: Julie Haller, Barb Aman, Sandy Simes, Lee Ann Foust, Karen Stewart, Pat Danda, Barb Goodman, Jackie Brenner, Patty Davidson, Darby Oliver, Patti Pole. FIFTH ROW: Diane Keaton, Patty Pope, Lana Richmond, Terry Callahan, Mary Susan Eichenseher, Lynn Anderson, Pat Howard, Sara Hunter, Janice LeDrew, Sandee Bartell. SIXTH ROW: Cheryl Kettler, Eugenia Christopher, Diane Schultze, Becky Acton, Susan Cramer, Marcia Thamann, Susie Leiter, Peggy Mayer, Barb Harrison, Kathy Sanders, Christie Chaddock, Linda Hunn, Nancy Paddleford.
ALPHA PHI—FRONT ROW: Nancy Arata (Corr. Sec.), Linda Campbell (House Mgr.), Maureen Carey (Soc. Rush Ch.), Caryl Squier (Personnel), Pam Mailloux (Soc. Ch.), Katie Lunsford. SECOND ROW: Janet Merrell (Efficiency Ch.), Susie Stanley (Rec. Sec.), Sandy Walden (Treas.), Karen Hudson (Pres.), Mrs. William E. Schmitz (House Mother), Jan Curtis (Schol. Ch.), Maureen Grueter (Pledge Tr.), Susan Morris (Bus. Rush Ch.), Cindy Pattengale (Standards Ch.). THIRD ROW: Kay Kendrick, Susie Baker, Janice Findlay, Susie Kruchten, Teri Monroe, Karen Goll, Cathy Holdt, Wendy Fields, Pam Winters, Christine Ciula, Luanne Wright. FOURTH ROW: Leslie Akers,
Sandy Singleton, Barb Malott, Janet Nelson, Marty Hinkle, Elizabeth Waller, Kathy Sterritte, Katy Wagner, Karen Jones, Shelley Crek. FIFTH ROW: Nancy Fields, Linda Robinson, Ginny Evans, Linda Pence, Anita Conrad, Diane Golden, Teri Martin, Robin Sue Bohrer, Judy Blackmore, Suzanne Fountaine, Janis McClintock. SIXTH ROW: Frona Murphy, Wendy Blodgett, Jo Baughman, Jennifer Kelsey, Julie Parrish, Elaine Webb, Vicki Woessner, Nancy Susott, Nancy O'Haber, Marlene Witt, Rita Schick. SEVENTH ROW: Kathy Krippner, Julie Scherer, Sharon Barnes, Susie Smith. Ann Duthie, Pam Wertz, Nanci Melone, Cindy Prather, Debbie May, Valerie Holdeman.
Will wonders never cease? At sunrise on the day of quals for the 1968 Little 500, the Betas served breakfast on the lawn of the Alpha Phi house. Not only this super service, but entertainment, too. Last summer two of the chapter members attended a national convention in the Bahamas for a week. At this convention they were given an award for having the outstanding pledge program of all the chapters. Alpha Phis found themselves popular targets for boresses and exchanges, and why not, with such royalty as Debbie May, Miss I.U., in the house?
Alpha Phi
ALPHA SIGMA PHI—FRONT ROW: Fred Kreiter (Con. Sec.), Ron Richardson (Sgt. at Arms), Tom Whitton (Marshall), Francis VanDermay (Vice-Pres.), Bob Duke (Pres.), Regis D'Artagnan (Mascot), Ron Maus (Treas.), John Chaney (Ed.), Ted Kreiter (Rec. Sec.), Vincent Houser (Schol. Ch.). SECOND ROW: David Newkirk, Leon Neddo, Gary Sergianni, Jerry Perkins, Dave Shockney, John Shuck, Charles Newmann, Ed Aunins, Mike Largey, Howard Jacobs. THIRD ROW: Robert Engle, Phillip Reed, Timothy Bloch, Phillip Francik, Donald Bicknell, Richard Avers, Ronald Jones, Paul
Alpha Sigma Phi
Butler, Craig Heavenridge, Mike Cook, Keith Bennett. FOURTH ROW: Byron Nugen, Allen Schieber, John Lahr, James Hobbs, Mike Spencer, James Hannah, Russ Cravens, John Boruff, Dan Egler, Dennis Schalliol. FIFTH ROW: David Richardson, Larry Chapel, Jeff Snyder, Jerry McLeish, Gordon Beeman, Daniel Sintich, Robert Lewis, Steve McClung, Steve Gordon. SIXTH ROW: Daniel Paulsen, Joseph Jarvis, Gerald Arthur, Danny Joe Lucas.
It was a big year for the Alpha Sigs, in everything from the big Black and White Formal to the first anniversary of the chapter's national chartering in February. This year the Alpha Sigs initiated a new Little Sister program, too. It is unique in that the girls, who help in fraternity rush and promotions, are rushed as pledges. The men went in with ZTA for the Homecoming festivities, and with Alpha Xis in sponsoring a spooky Halloween party for underprivileged children. Alpha Sigs and their dates also had fun at the traditional Cleo's Asp Dance.
Keeping a slanted eye, the ATOs transformed their Third Street home into China Town for their annual spring dance. Once again the yearly Blackfoot-Whitefoot dance was held with the Sigma Nus. Their "Help Week" project "did its thing" and made the house annex into a lounge. The pledges had a party for the Boy's Club and picked up some "loot" while taking them trick-ortreating. Events like Little 500 with the Thetas, I.U. Sing with the Chi Omegas, and a Christmas exchange with the Pi Phis each added to the picture making "Alpha Tau Omega 1969." ALPHA TAU OMEGA—FRONT ROW: Charlie Breeding, Bob Hevron, Denny Moeschl, Van Harlow (Cust.), Tom Gourley (Rit.), Bill Lingle, Bob Hunt, Jeff Blake. SECOND ROW: Robert Roache (Rush Ch.), Gerould Kern (Pub. Rel.), Terry Weber (Pledge Tr.), Roger Allen (Vice-Pres.), Mike Shepherd (Pres.), Everett (Mascot), Ivan Graham (Treas.), Donald Lamar (Sec.), Brian Clevinger (Rit.), Ted Najam. THIRD ROW: Stephen Friedman, Jeff Rhuland, Cab Logan, Hans Peter VanHorn, Dan Dunning, James Betz, Ben Schull, Steven Cisco, Bob Monroe, Bill Jones, Charley Landefeld, Jim Maggard, Robert Dougherty. FOURTH ROW: Don Farquharson, Tim Grogg,
Alpha Tau Omega
Dave Lorenz, Doug Ward, Gary Dyer, Tom Brooks, Bruce Briney, Greg Michalos, Nick Rader, Scott McLean, Jack Daley, Mike Feeney. FIFTH ROW: Ron Pritzke, Larry Kern, Bill Wethmueller, Gary Ault, Greg Blitz, Gary Bickhaus, Joe Reiser, Jeff Horan, Chipp Jamison. SIXTH ROW: Tony Miller, Mark Brandon, Eric Ahlvin, Robert Cisco, Michael McClain, Chip Footer, Steve Lamar, Mark Enoch, Steve McClain, Leo Bergum. SEVENTH ROW: Craig Wiechman, Lawrence Denning, Gregg Crawford, Ron Gyure, Harry Schull, Rich Fuller, Bob Nowak, John Casner, Jim Overmyer, Greg Staudt.
Alpha Xi Delta
No one can say that it was just a run-of-themill year for Alpha Xi Delta. September found the girls busier than ever and in October the Snus were frequently down on Third Street with wood and hammers trying to set up a Homecoming display while fighting off throngs of eager tissue paper stuffers. And then there was the cold winter night when the girls suddenly discovered most of their undies missing—funny they were found downstairs after a short visit by the house waiters!
ALPHA XI DELTA—FRONT ROW: Jean Howell (Treas.), Sharon Kane (Soc. Ch.), Sherry Yorkling (Memb. Ch.), Susan Felker (Pres.), Mrs. Overman (Housemother), Susie Brown (Vice-Pres.), Joni Demkovich (Corr. Sec.), Joy Howell (Pledge Tr.), Sally Hammersley (Rec. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Sue Fink, Carolyn Cergizan, Sandy Budzinski, Connie Huffman, Elaine Powell, Peggie Brannen, Frankie Harding, Nancy Tellman, Jackqui Catt, Sherry Lammert, Lynn Clark, Sue Holm. THIRD ROW: Lyn Record, Sandi Nickerson, Valerie Nelson, Marylou Nye, Bobbie Hesselgrave, Claudia Ryden,
Tere Ferris, Susan DuBois, JoAnne Czecowski, Mary Lynn Waters, Charlotte Oursler. FOURTH ROW: Cheryl Mullett, Janie Thompson, Linda McTaggert, Christie Howell, Deanna Nelson, Julie Oakes, Myra Gehret, Cyndi Terlep, Sonya Showley, Vicki Benedict. FIFTH ROW: Faye Stillabower, Debbie Bratcher, Donna Stewart, Mary Lou Herman, Barb Hamsley, Jo Ann Ripperger, Cathryn Thomas, Nancy Klinkenberg, Janis Conrad, Joanie Ostrosky, Carolyn Rader.
BETA THETA PI—FRONT ROW: Bob Nelson, Ross Poulos, Mark Stevens, Roger Truce, Mike Mattz, Jim Miller, John Craig, Pat Dunbar. SECOND ROW: Pat Bender, Jack Call, John Dick, Dave Collier (Treas.), Paul Rake (Sec.), Charles Richardson (Pres.), Tim Hirons (Vice-Pres.), Rick Reel, Chris Grossman, Dave Diehl, George Wortley. THIRD ROW: Bruce Pratt, Marshall Russell, Jim Roudebush, Steve Moore, Doug Spalding, Dan Jones, Steve Jensen, Phil Ponce, Jerry Egger, Tom Killins, Mike Fagan, Abbot Mills, Al Jensen, Scribner Ochsenschlager, Dennis Cloud, Sam Jacobs. FOURTH ROW: Bill Reel, Joe Butler, Dave Grossman, Art Foley, Tom Miller, Steve
McNichols, Tim McKay, Fred Pfenniger, Curt Thompson, Alan Ross, Jerry Butler, Ross Simmons, Al Goddard. FIFTH ROW: Jack Hienton, Don Houts, Tom Compton, Ken Williams, Phil McGovern, Glen Collier, Steve Durfee, Dewey Ballard, Rich Payne, Joe Irie, Tom Hollo, Craig Myers. SIXTH ROW: Dick Santoro, Jim McCord, Mark Lannigan, Jeff Myers, Mike Kleese, Greg Friend, Greg Dils, John Arbuckle, Mike BadeII, Dave Bartlett, Pat Hurrle, Brent White. SEVENTH ROW: Jerry Jones, Mike Werner, Mike Reckley, Jameson Mauzy, Steve Reckley, Casey Kroh, Rusch Mauzy, Steve Gast, Tad Drew, Dave Haniford, Jack Shirkey, Frank Malsbury.
Mother, apple pie, the flag, Beta. Ah yes. Those things so basic to the life of the oldest fraternity on campus were magnified this year as the Betas gained a housemother and better apple pie. Also, the "Lodge" continued its institution of serenading two sororities a week. But there is more to fraternity life than extra-curricular activities. Guest speakers from every conceivable school of thought spoke to the brothers each week, providing a well-rounded program. Other activities of the year included the Barn Dance, Christmas Party, and Roman Orgy.
Beta Theta Pi
CHI OMEGA—FRONT ROW: Ann McCullough, Marty Brauer (Soc. Ch.), Gayle Thompson (Treas.), Pat Neely (Sec.), Mrs. Huff (Housemother), Carolyn Harnisch (Pres.), Maggie House (Vice-Pres.), Jan Neary (Pledge Tr.), Kathie Kamm (Personnel). SECOND ROW: Karen McKeel, Karen Patterson, Mary Ellen Weitzel, Micki O'Hara, Darlene Gaines, Jan Ehman, Patricia Orsini, Kelli Mundy, Lynn Spicer, Sherry Stewart. THIRD ROW: Cheryl Winter, Maureen Davee, Debbe Smith, Mary Pat Mills, Linda Scheider, Linda Clarke, Pat Vance, Linda Combs, Amee Bordner, Karen Hungate, Lynn
Chi Omega
McDowell. FOURTH ROW: Terry Lisby, Jill Jensen (House Mgr.), Cyndy Rhetts, Jane Farson, Nancy Powers, Edie Atkins, Suzie Walton (Pub. Rel. Ch.), Bets Weitzel, Nancy Wagner, Pam Ketner, Linda Triplett, Linda Roeder. FIFTH ROW: Terry Tinsley, Rita Roberts, Mary Small, Carolyn Smith, Judy Stebbins, Carol Davis, Linda Hall, Marcia Welty, Vicki Stephens, Judy Florchak, Vicki MacKenzie. SIXTH ROW: Lin Welage, Brenda Bubenzer, Kris Sunderman, Marilyn Bacon, Marilyn Huffman, Jane Allenduff, Pam Briney, Debbie Madaras, Gay Silke, Peggy Kellum.
The Chi Omega's have undoubtedly had one of the busiest houses on campus. Last spring the house's honors included Queen of the Teke Chariot Race, first place with the Phi Delts in the Regatta, and second in the Mini. The whole house decided the Phi Delt sidewalks should be as colorful as the Chi O's Little 500 outfits and remedied the situation with gallons of pink, orange, yellow and white paint. Diane Melching held the dubious honor of being first in the FishFetching contest. And Jan Lovell proudly represented her sisters as Queen of the Rose Festival.
It was a "still" evening out in the woods when the pledges of Chi Phi fraternity moved their house to the Ozarks for the Midnight Moonshiner Dance. Hillbilly doin's and a real hog made the dance a blue ribbon winner. Men of Chi Phi fraternity from all over the U.S. returned November 15 for the tenth anniversary of Iota Delta chapter. Homecoming with the Sigma Kappas will long be remembered as a fired up event. After all, how often does a lawn display burn to the ground?
CHI PHI—FRONT ROW: Larry Flaten, Jeff Walsh, Ron Borto (Treas.), Dave Estes (Sec.), Walt Barton (Pres.), Tom Shriner (Vice-Pres.), Denny Hinkle (House Mgr.), John Wellman (Rush Ch.), Harry Pierce. SECOND ROW: Bob Hammond, Denny Ford, Dave Tellman, Allen Linnemeier, Don Padgett, Philip Lacy, Jeremy Jones, Jon Schwartz, Bill Willard. THIRD ROW: Greg Wahlman, Bob Lange, Jim Hoff, Mike
Chi Phi
Arnholt, Tom Dietz, Mark Wahlman, Scott Davis, David Schnur. FOURTH ROW: Don Allen, Don Wright, David Differding, Ronald Richards, Gary Proud, Randy Tunis, Peter Smart, Jeff Whitford. FIFTH ROW: Mike VanTreese, Bill Spletzer, Greg Murray, Tinsley Williams, Don Johnston.
Delta Chi
The Delta Chi's certainly found it hard to keep an eye on Read Center since the University erected a "Berlin Wall." With two house bands the guys find it pretty hard to concentrate on the books, too. One active was busy adding necessary comforts to the house with various machines. If the guys are lucky, maybe he'll think of a way to put a silencer on the guitars and drums. With such events as the "Blue Champaigne," the annual formal, and I.U. sing with the AOPi's, the year was brimmed full of fun and excitement.
DELTA CHI—FRONT ROW: Charles Wise (Schol. Adv.), Randall Burkhart (Sgt. at Arms), Bill Spangler (Treas.), Steve Reisinger (Pres.), Chris Watkins (Sweetheart), Hal Wyckoff (Vice-Pres.), Greg Lindsay (Corr. Sec.), Allan Murphy (Rec. Sec.), Dannie Kline (Pledge Coun.). SECOND ROW: Steve Brockman, Larry Mongin, Larry Fast, Carl Kowalski, Eddy VanGuyse, Richard Champion, Douglas Baumgardt, Robert Jones,
Tim Nusbaum, William Randolph, Norman Lewis, Jr., Peter Sherrill. THIRD ROW: John Taylor, Den Strini, Dick Weaver, Monte Richards, Gary Sanders, Eric Rodenberg, Tom Leland, T. A. Gronau, Donald Rodda, Rick Smith, Michael Hudson. FOURTH ROW: Mark Chapman, Jim Clavio, Mike Cooper, Mike Ackerman, Steve Klepfer, James Fenney, Greg Vane, Pat Callahan, Gene Wilson, Randy Reisinger.
DELTA DELTA DELTA—FRONT ROW: Sue Connolly (Rec. Sec.), Sonia Hardin (Schol. Ch.), Gayle Underwood (Soc. Ch.), Linda Graham (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Lewis (Housemother), Peggy Diekmann (Pres.), Ann Harmening (Rush Ch.), Michelle Conn (Corr. Sec.), Lynn Owens (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Carol Morreale, Merrilyn Epst, Sandy Lloyd, Nancy Hines, JoAnne Rody, Mary Kay Komasinski, Marilee Smith, Carol Purdun, Cindy Kuhlman, Sherry Bendure, Ellen Epst, Jane McLaughlin. THIRD ROW: Wendy Johnson, Roz Ritter, Susie Claybourn, Martha Brougher, Cindy Kanne, Susan
Shipe, Susan Hawke, Nancy Brougher, Jo Ann Houdeshel, Beverly Cook, Ellen Hawking. FOURTH ROW: Pat Murphy, Marcy Nordlund, Jayne Neucks, Beverlee Vance, Karen Scott, Cathy Richard, Katie Good, Kathy Greene, Pam Cox, Janet Beaver. FIFTH ROW: Carolyn Vorgang, Coreen Saxe, Jan Perkins, Connie Shinners, Becky Gurecki, Denise Matthews, Mary Kay Jones, Kathy Thiel, Pat Woodworth, Chris Rinne, Jan Strange.
This was the year for the women of Delta Delta Delta to plunge into things. First, into the WRA swimming competition where forty-six girls from the house splashed their way to fourth place. Then came Homecoming and a second place in the lawn display competition. The girls have the Fijis and "Hoosier Wizardry" to thank for that. And never let it be said that the Tri Delts don't know how to pull off a good boress. The Delts and Sig Eps will tell you that neither showers nor hay keep the Tri Delts away!
Delta Delta Delta
DELTA GAMMA—FRONT ROW: Shelli Williamson (Corr. Sec.), Linda Steep (Treas.), Gail Clippinger (Rit.), Pat Davis (Pledge Tr.), Leslie Ewing (Pres.), Mrs. Hubler (Housemother), Sally Duey (Standards), Sue Olson (Rush Ch.), Janet Ellis (Soc. Ch.), Dorothy Furst (House Mgr.). SECOND ROW: Laurie Smith, Pat Bundy, Laura Rudolph, Shirley Norman, Lynn Camferdam, Shven Gibson, Meg Sullivan, Karma Rodholm, Gloria Vehling, Mary Wilson, Jane Siegesmund. THIRD ROW: Kathi Keppler, Debbi Dyar, Ellen Younghaus, Pam Hartmann, Janet Ramsay, Patricia Murphy, Stephanie Owens, Paulette Parnell, Jill Whiteleather, Sue Jordan, Jean Ridgeway.
Delta Gamma
FOURTH ROW: Trish Walter, Mary Murphy, Jill Howtan, Jane Smith, Leslie Hopple, Jay Benschater, Tina Kallimani, Donna Waters, Jo Ellen Jenkins, Christie Litterst. FIFTH ROW: Jane Ann Potter, Cathy Cox, Lynda Woodrow, Lisa Warner, Kay Saxton, Cathy Brubeck, Ann Torcum, Kay Shipley, Sue Reuthe, Marianne Pfitzenmaier, Carolyne Boyd. SIXTH ROW: Mary Danielson, Red Davies, Lisa Contino, Patti Calvert, Karen Tucker, Michele Rackha, Maureen Flynn, Kathy Pomp, Sue Bass, Linda Corum.
What ever happened to the days of fraternity serenades resounding with the Alma Mater instead of "Well, it's beer, beer, beer . . . "? Delta Gamma decided that this was the year of the boress serenade; the Phi Delts brought water bags, the ZBTs shaving cream, and the KDRs managed to deck out the yard in tin cans, molasses and TP. These were all different things for the eyes and ears of new housemother Mrs. Hubler—what would you think of a psychedelic anchor and the sound of fifty loud and off key voices? Thank heaven the Kappa Sigs could really sing!
With over ninety men in the house and a striking red velvet-walled dining room, the look was definitely big and new at Delta Tau Delta. Things were so good that a dozen seniors scorned the gay, independent life of apartments to "live in." There were so many cars that parking slots were assigned and numbered. And the seniors treated the newly-twenty-one juniors . . . those extended TGIFs at Davy's, and the Oaks, and Nick's, and . . . The Delts found time to send the biggest delegation of counselors to freshman camp, to have in their ranks the chairman of LUNA, and to begin their own Fall Film Festival.
DELTA TAU DELTA—FRONT ROW: William Hunt, David Wynne, David Eberly, Tony Crayden, Michael Johns, Clark Snyder, Paul Yeoman, William Hebert, R. C. Woody. SECOND ROW: Lon King (Sgt. at Arms), Steve Paige (Kitch. Head), Michel Hawley (Pledge Tr.), Max Golden (Corr. Sec.), Buz Lorch (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Hart (Housemother), Phil Ireland (Pres.), Brad Warren (Treas.), Dave Corbin (Rush Ch.), Alexander Kirkpatrick (Bldg. Fund), Rick Kiovsky (Soc. Ch.). THIRD ROW: Jim Craig, Sam Davis, John Pfenninger, Jr., George Conley, Richard Lee, Loren Habeney, David Hobson, Kerry Hubartt, Robert Leach, Valdis Ozols. FOURTH ROW: Mark
Delta Tau Delta
Hogan, Chris Harlan, Dave Huffine, Bob Vignolo, Stan Worth, Robert Ward, Dave Robinson, Larry Hendricks, Than Lenox, Steve Smith, Steve Magel. Dan Robinson, Tim Higdon, G. D. Rayner, Tom Downs, Robert Gray II, Wayne Gillett, Jr., Bart Culver, Jerry Clapp, Gary Davis, Tom Anderson. SIXTH ROW: John Hickey, Tom Buschmann, Howard Hubler, Blaze Lucas, Richard Schwier, Harvey Sullivan, Rod Hersberger, W. T. Murphy, R. B. Hebert, Steve King, Don Stroud. SEVENTH ROW: Pat Hoehn, Jim Scanlon, John Primrose, Mark Elliott, Carleton Evans, Tom Miller, Todd Leininger, Dave Langfett, Scott Rogers, Jerome Miller, Jr., Tom Scott, Tom Baiz.
Delta Upsilon
The DU house turned over a few new leaves in the fall. The men came back to a renovated house, a rejuvenated firetruck (that can be heard at least a half mile away) and a new house mascot, Thor, donated by the DU Sisters of the Seven Stars. The DU's second place finish in the recordbreaking Little 500 did much to boost spirits, as did some fancy yard and house "work" done by sponsor Gamma Phi's pledges. And how many of the men (now 21) will forget those nights along the Jordan?
DELTA UPSILON—FRONT ROW: Craig Roberts (Schol. Ch.), Craig Flora (Pub. Rel. Ch.), Bruce Williams (Pledge Tr.), John Grant (Vice-Pres.), John Borgmeier (Pres.), F. Thor (Mascot), Steve Jarnecke (Soc. Ch.), Bob Martin (Treas.), Dave Hennon (Rush Ch.), Dave Allard (Vice Rush Ch.). SECOND ROW: Dave Simonds, Mike Darst, Tom Beyer, Dean Bruce, Craig Peterson, John T. McDurmon, Bob Bouvy, Patrick Ramsey, Cliff DeLaCroix, Jim Dowell, Mike McDaniel, Larry Scharlow, John Craft. THIRD ROW: Bob Manalo, Pete Yoder, Gary Reed, Mark House, Steve Moore, Gary Boggs,
Bruce Shreiner, D. Bruce Coles, John Smith, Christ Poole. FOURTH ROW: Max Dunn, Bob Lehr, Jim Davis, Bix Branson, Bill Kreegar, Steve Creasey, Alan McKibben, Jeffy Estes, Jim Hunt, Tom Gordon, Stephen Miller. FIFTH ROW: Mark Hancock, Dan Kuhn, Cliff Askinazi, Thomas Parker, Greg Stults, Bob Phillips, Larry Yinger, Paul Wethington, Mike Wooldirdge. SIXTH ROW: Michael Conti, Mark Stephens, Randell Anderson, John Fienning, Jason Liechty, Greg Sullivan, Dave Diesslin, Michael Livingston, Rick Aston, Larry Fagersten.
DELTA ZETA—FRONT ROW: Nancy Feltner (Rec. Sec.), Pam Miller (Soc. Ch.), Sue Nighfill (Sec. Vice-Pres.), Kathy Tamarbuchi (Sec. Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Wallace (Housemother), Nancy Ellis (Pres.), Sarah Wright (Pledge Tr.), Margee Oesch (Treas.), Peggy Bychinsky (Schol. Ch.). SECOND ROW: Phyllis Couch, Eleanor Ellis, Linda Bobo, Karen Peterson, Marty Higgins, Nina Hatfield, Mary Kay Serafin, Kathy Vollmer, Cheryl Kill, Patricia Walters. THIRD ROW: May Lee, Linda Becktold, Diana Hunter,
Connie Medlock, Shelley Venick, Theresa Stepanek, Elaine Riley, Susan Dowman, Nycha Schlegel. FOURTH ROW: Ginger Dagley, Bonnie Williams, Anita Hall, Linda Larson, Pam Wright, Linda Aker, Jan Yoedicke, Patte Foreman, Marilyn Beall, Lynda Overman. FIFTH ROW: Donna Finney, Trudy Bender, Nancy Bergdoll, Pam Modrowski, Peggy Milos, Gail Spoolstra, Jan Reynolds, Pat Gresham, Ruth Hickman.
Did Apache Indians really kidnap the DZ's pledge class? That's what the actives were led to believe when bows and arrows were left behind by the pledges when they walked out. The Delta Zeta pledge class wanted to do something for a service project, so during the summer they helped run a ferris wheel at the East Chicago Fair. The DZ's had a social program chocked full of such wild parties as a "Come as Your Favorite Candidate" party with the Alpha Sigs, and a pizza-slumber party for the DZ little sisters. They also sponsored the men of Theta Xi for the Little 500 weekend.
Delta Zeta
GAMMA PHI BETA—FRONT ROW: Jeannie Shaw (Pledge Tr.), Shelley Hoy (Corr. Sec.), Susan Kincaid (Treas.), Nancy Downing (House Mgr.), Jan Fritz (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Eckels (Housemother), Cindy White (Pres.), Kathy Erdel (Schol. Ch.), Debbie Hunt (Soc. Ch.), Charlene Ratliff (Rec. Sec.), Carol Crevistan (Rush Ch.). SECOND ROW: Mary Balaban, Suzanne Peyrot, Donna Fowler, Barbara McDonald, Molly Ilgenfritz, Kathy Leibrock, Nancy Adams, Charlynn Brandt, Marla McEachern, Ann Shafer. THIRD ROW: Sharon Smith, Celeste Latraverse, Peggy Pickard, Joyce Hamer, Sara
Gamma Phi Beta
Herrmann, Jane Johnson, Lark Lewallen, Karen Smith, Susie McKinney, Lorraine Chabot. FOURTH ROW: Joyce McMahan, Priscilla Polk, Cindy Gwyn, Karen Eldredge, Kathy Wilson, Elaine May, Claudia Nelson, Mary Groscost, Sarah Bartle. FIFTH ROW: Jamie Elliott, Susie Pihulic, Caren Gangloff, Elaine Alling, Jane Ax, Linda Clem, Mary Wilson, Sylvia Lopp, Sandy Errington, Mary Ellen Buechele. SIXTH ROW: Joan McHaffie, Karen Clark, Connie Tormolhlen, Jan Bates, Marcia Andrews, Marcia Mau, Carol Butz, Marsha Hancock, Sue Garity.
Since when did the Kappa Sigs give free showers to just any group on the street? That's the question a bunch of dripping Gamma Phis asked after they innocently serenaded the guys and got ambushed and thrown into the showers for their efforts. No one can say that the Gamma Phi Beta pledges weren't active. Upon return from their walkout the group picketed the house and then paraded down Jordan. Their initiation skit also showed some super-originality; "Gammalot" was a real production complete with elaborate costumes and programs. Companion Sig Eps showed their love for the girls at Homecoming with a giant heart on the lawn—anyone need some slightly used coat hangers? I.U.'s chapter was honored early in the year by a visit from Gamma Phi Grand President Mrs. Frank Hiscock.
Without a doubt there was SOUL at the Kappa Alpha Psi house this year. The house placed second in the Teke Chariot Race and won the Intramural-Basketball trophy. The annual dance with the Sammies over Little 500 weekend was once again a grand event. Their "daily bullet" sessions were most informative. The pledges ended up outnumbered by the actives, but that didn't bother them. The year was a great experience and events like the AEPhi dance and the Educational Opportunity Fund each contributed to the making of another swinging year.
KAPPA ALPHA PSI—FRONT ROW: Maurice Miller (Pres.), Samuel Brooks (VicePres.), Carl Chapman (Treas.), Lionel Brookins (Sec.), Kerry Phillips (House Mgr.), Lecester Jackson (Dean of Pledges), Pierre Spaulding (Keeper of Facts), Robert Hamm (Chief), Don Smothers (Chief). SECOND ROW: Dave DeFrantz, John Parhm, Bob Jones, Don Silas, Joby Wright, Al Gage, Michael Branaugh, Kenneth Johnson, Timothy
Kappa Alpha Psi
Roberson. THIRD ROW: Joe Cooke, Dick Lane, Willie Ward, Wilkie Garrett, Richard Harris, George Kelly, Carl Williams, Wendell Johns, Thomas Brittain, James Lawrence Taylor. FOURTH ROW: Denny Howard, Hardy Lanier, Cleve Brooks, Edwin Marshall, Ronnie Baines, Ronal! Moreland, Alandrous Harvey, Ronald Cochran, Emery Williams, Vincent David.
Kappa Alpha Theta
The Theta house took on a new appearance this year after summer workmen took out two big evergreens. But even without the trees the girls inside may have somewhat of a problem seeing out, thanks to a coat of paint applied to all of the windows by the Betas. Never fear, the girls got back at them. They managed to remove the pinlight and lawn furniture from the Beta house and felt understandably proud, being the first to ever master that treacherous feat. A victory in Little 500 with the Phi Psis added to the fun and psyched the girls up for another win this year with the ATOs.
KAPPA ALPHA THETA—FRONT ROW: Dottie Marsh (Schol. Ch.), Cheryl Love (Corr. Sec.), Nancy Fleischman (Rush Ch.), Ann Brafford (Pres.), Mrs. Rodecker (House Mother), Becky Eichhorn (1st Vice-Pres.), Jeanne Allman (House Mgr.), Carol King (Rec. Sec.), Molly Maloney (Courtesy Ch.). SECOND ROW: Sandy Starr, Debbie Rust, Sheri Freeman, Judy Cole, Maddie Ellis, Kathi Johnson, Jo Beth Jacobson, Marilyn Rhoades, Debbie Miller, Sue Greene. THIRD ROW: Suzanne Turgi, Nancy Ried, Sally Cooper, Sally Reed, Myra Ping, Judy Maute, Jill Foulkes, Beckie Wilson,
Kris Beesley, Letitia Lybrook. FOURTH ROW: Barbie Butler, Ann Irwin, Wanda Mock, Nancy Hatfield, Merrilee Mogle, Debbie Davis, Debbie Wisely, Caryn Crandell, Judy O'Hair. FIFTH ROW: Marcie Reichart, Julie Green, Pam Campbell, Rosemary Mylet, Debbie Andrews, Sandy Evernham, Jeanne Forste, Ann Steinkamp, Cindy Rumple, Lynn Rankin. SIXTH ROW: Susan Gangstad, Jane Gossard, Joyce Welib, Sally Foley, Janet Moeller, Sarah Sawin, Julie Sutherland, Joan Allison, Toni Uhl.
KAPPA DELTA—FRONT ROW: Susan Taylor, Marti Twynham (Asst. Treas.), Linda Hawkins (Sec.), Cheri Chamberlain (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Clarke (House Mother), Connie Loving (Pres.), Marie Norris (Rush Ch.), Mary Ann Poracky (Treas.), Susan Boyle. SECOND ROW: Ginny Gray, Linda McAllister, Margaret Trager, Anne Callen, Gatie Miller, Judy Krier, Joy Hilsmier, Kathy Weldon, Jane Curtin. THIRD ROW: Millicent Keeshan, Leenie Yurgilas, Jeanie Moser, Crissy Davis, Janet Fox, Barbara Ritter, Betsy Reed, Barb Sommer, Beth Rykhuizen, Mary Ewan, Beth Webber. FOURTH ROW:
Vicki Allen, Fran Heard, Cindy McClure, Marcia Collins, Donna Nelson, Anita Greenawalt, Betsy Pond, Christine Beelke, Barbara Hand, Chris Ritter. FIFTH ROW: Mary Sue Johnson, Cynthia George, Maria Diaz, Robin Mills, Jeri Whittenbaugh, Carol Wolfe, Brenta Vincent, Nancy Wittenborn, Donna Vilet, Bobbi Chapman, Martha Fox. SIXTH ROW: Linda Cooper, Bev Fitzner, Margaret Schneider, Susan DeWitt, Barbara Baker, Linda Mackett, Linda Joseph, Jane Syrk, Susan Caras, Rose Kelly, Lana Seguin.
"Hi, neighbor!" echoed down North Jordan as the 1(13s serenaded the Sig Eps, who promptly returned the musical welcome to school. To continue such neighborly feelings, the Sig Ep andKD pledges engaged in a spirited, if not professional, football game. The pledges then got down to work and did all kinds of slavish chores for the annual "rent-a-pledge" money-making project. Homecoming came up next and was a big success with the Theta Xis, even if the football game at the pre-Homecoming exchange was a bit soggy. At least the rain washed away the candy corn on the sidewalks!
Kappa Delta
KAPPA DELTA RHO—FRONT ROW: Jerry Walden, Brandt Ludlow, Gary Winder, Dave Sapp, Jim Williams, Judd Cook, Pete Schmitt, Randy Trebing, Jim Rakes. SECOND ROW: Bob Gregory (ProPraetor), Rick Baumgartner (Alum. Sec.), Mark Lundgren (Praetor), Ray Noppa (Centaurian), Ned Beach (Soc. Ch.), George Bewley (1st Vice-Pres.), Gary Wilson (Pres.), Ernie Yelton (2nd Vice-Pres.), Tom Dingman (Treas.), Fred Mosemiller (House Mgr.), Rich Miko (House Pontifex), Mark Bair. THIRD ROW: John Maurer, Martin Scott, Ron Cunningham, Scott Powell, Rober Vint, Larry Armstrong, Mike Stilabower, Mayer Mahoney, Len Templeton, Earl Simon, Daniel
Kappa Delta Rho
Delinger, Dave Petty, Donald Ford, Jim Chaney. FOURTH ROW: Dennis Wall, David Wood, Dave Semich, Allen Glover, Don Dotlich, John Kiernan, Mike Ryan, Bob Cummings, Dave Solan, Barry Mills, Fon Florjancic. FIFTH ROW: Pat Woodward, Greg Freshner, Gary Trent, Phillip Hadley, William Everett, Leo Hindsley, Wayne R. Glad, Greg Garrison, Tim Marlow, Stan Johnson, Greg Spiers. SIXTH ROW: Steve Wertheimer, Chris Herrington, Frank Hanou, Dave Edmonds, Nurmdi Cooper, Dave Tudor, Randy Kitterman, Robert Shaffer, Mickey Zink, Gary Pink, Tim Shambaugh.
Always known for their fine scholastic accomplishments, the KDRs proudly dedicated a new house library in honor of E. Mayer Maloney, one of their distinguished alums and past National President. The men also tore themselves away from the books to accompany the Alpha Gamma Deltas during Little 500 followed by the big Spring fling—Hawaiian Luau. The KDRs were quite proud of their national Sweetheart, Alpha Phi Barbara Edmonds, for a very special reason —she became the bride of house member Fred Florjancic. Individual KDR honors were sported by the President of I.U.'s Senior Class as well as Student Athletic Board President. The pledge class gladly accepted some much-needed clean-up duties at the Bloomington hospital.
The pledge class of KKG will never forget a certain October evening. It seems a few Sigma Nu's posed as "hatchet men" to creep through the Kappa house with a shocking announcement of initiation. The actives simply didn't believe the pledges' prior remodeling of the basement justified a super-papering of the entire grounds. The Kappas beamed with pride as they saw their singing Pickers on nation-wide television. Pity the network wouldn't allow them to sing some of the catchy melodies from their memorial Barn Dance. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA—FRONT ROW: Gail Krieble (Soc. Chm.), Kristen Keith (Sec. Vice-Pres.), Sharon Tomlin (Rec. Sec.), Marcie Telander (Personnel), Brenda Hobley (Treas.), Snowden Stookey (Schol. Chm.). SECOND ROW: Susan Deckman (House Chm), Cheryl Eley (Activ. Chm.), Carol Laswell (Pub. Rel. Chm.), Jane Whitehead (Rush Chm.), Susie Stidham (Pledge Tr.), Cathy Sprenger (First Vice-Pres.), Mrs. McClenahan (Housemother), Joan Mcllroy (Pres.), Lynn Rutherford (Corr. Sec.), Melissa Morris (Reg.), Peggy Jones (Marshal). THIRD ROW: Chris Closson, Sally Rietdorf, Cynthia Bertrand, Polly Tresselt, Polly Gamble, Melodee Meeks, Barbara Kelley, Jane Wallace, Jean Macaulay. FOURTH ROW: Kathy Rumple, Nancy Snyder,
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Lynn Middleton, Sue Rosebrough, Nancy Dillon, Linda Dorsett, Jan Quakenbush, Joan Woodard, Jane Proctor, Debbie Culloden, D. J. Dunn. FIFTH ROW: Nancy Lopp, Vicki Hansel], Janet Grigsby, Margie Myers, Barbara Crandall, Pam Glascock, Katy Kivett, Christine Lloyd, Suzette Slagle, Leslie Oliver. SIXTH ROW: Jean Weakley, Barbara Boyd, Fran Slagle, Jade Westfall, Kathy Kilrain, Judi Jankovich, Pam Bannon, Betsy Simpson, Jackie Pletcher, Sandy Givan, Jan Jones. SEVENTH ROW: Ann Bollei, Marilyn Ritter, Jane Whitehead, Jonni Jenkovich, Sally Adams, Nancy Schultz, Debbie Dunn, Diane Davis, Vivian Wilder, Linda Larrick.
Kappa Sigma
What could be a more perfect beginning for fall (besides school, of course) than a hayride? This was the general opinion of the men of Kappa Sigma as they chose that for their first social event. In the same spirit the Granary Ball, a somewhat modernized barn dance, was held the weekend before Homecoming. A Halloween exchange with AEPhi almost seemed like a welcome to winter, and a formal Christmas dance at the Poplars provided Kappa Sigs and their dates with above average entertainment in the mood of the season.
KAPPA SIGMA—FRONT ROW: James Bopp, Jeff Green, Jim Burns, Mike Zink, Scott Anderson, Chris Asdell, John Rufatto, Pete Roberts, Dick Summers, Jeff Blair. SECOND ROW: Bob Wildman, Rick Davies, John Platner, Randy Smith (Sec.), Bob Rome (Pres.), Dave Risner (Vice-Pres.), Gregg Summerville (M.C.), Thayne Sterling (Rush Ch.), Don Perfetto (Treas.). THIRD ROW: George Jackson, Thomas R. Ensor, Bob Hodgson, Glen Lubker, Robert Tierney, Kelly Leeman, Jack Dukie, Rick Lowes, Mike Wetzel, Richard Hindman, John Humphrey, Jack Burket, Jack Patrick, Len Peak, David Boll. FOURTH ROW: Brian Thomas, Steve Nicholas, Tom Wetzel, Bill Mc-
Elwee, Rich Beers, Grant Faris, Bart Starr, Tom Holaday, Art Oehmich, Jim Malooley, Jim Ruckman, Mike McNamara. FIFTH ROW: Jim Wilson, Jeff Miller, Miles Patrick, Paul Graf, Alan Hartman, Charles Nicholas, Tom Blythe, Rick Turley, Pat Sullivan, Walt Neary, Bob Gley, Russ Hundley. SIXTH ROW: Dick Harmon, Steve Johnson, Bill Gross, Robert Clegg, Terry Curnutt, John Hughes, John Winter, Howard Campbell, Brad Sargent, Laurence Beall. SEVENTH ROW: Kern Raymond, Pete Maydin, Gary Sullivan, Bernard Miller, Jon Hall, Mark Policinski, Phil Leman, Frank Aker, John McConnell, Gary Peterson, Bud Green.
LAMBDA CHI ALPHA—FRONT ROW: Tom Cannon (Soc. Ch.), Bill Lawrence (Pledge Tr.), Rex Horsewood (Sec.), David Fisher (Vice-Pres.), John Reid (Pres.), Roy Rice (Treas.), Zach Cornea (Rush Ch.), Stephen Browne (Pledge Tr.), Rex Cowan (Rit.), Ted Smith (Schol. Ch.). SECOND ROW: Duncan Hall, Scotty Hutton, Jon Gordson, Budd Fletcher, Steve Roberts, Tom Crandrall (Head Coach), Jade Butcher, Thorton Tatara, Barry Burnett, Bob Windell, Bart Starr. THIRD ROW: Robert Assiff, Joe Knauer, Tom Locke, Mike Hedden, Dennis Longer, Gary Gentry, Mike Smith, Bruce
Williams, Alex Emmans, Phil Smith, Bob Meeks. FOURTH ROW: Mark Hamm, John McDonald, Denny Knierim, Al Bennis, Gregg Rogers, Larry Koeneman, Matt Mepote, Gil Stagnard, Mike Kotora, Gerry Brown. FIFTH ROW: Jeff Fulmer, Ian Reynolds, Charlie Thompson, Mike Greener, Gary Schimmel, Jay Creveling, Bob Vance, Terry Paxson, Mike Starr. SIXTH ROW: Don Fehd, Rick Bartholomew, Steve Hantzis, Jeff Kotora, Kent Reed, Ted Chabraja, Greg Utken, Jon Lindemann, Steve Keeber, Tom Potts.
Campus organizations and community projects loomed large on the horizon for Lambda Chis this year. The men are proud to boast of their Easter egg hunt for the children of Bloomington and of their fund raising drive to help fight Multiple Sclerosis. The Lambda Chis have been active on campus too, having men on both the Union Board and the Student Athletic Board. Social life was never to be forgotten at "the house on the hill." An exchange at Cascades, a walkout to New Orleans, and the annual lawn party all show that Lambda Chis like to "live it like it is!"
Lambda Chi Alpha
OMEGA PSI PHI—FRONT ROW: Reginald Hayes (Basileus), Norman Werden (Keeper of Rec. and Seals), Butler Dowery (Grad. Adv.), Eugene McDonald (Keeper of Fin.), James Ricks
Omega Psi Phi
How can you lose the Teke Chariot Race when you have some of the fastest things on two feet pulling for you? This is what people were saying after the men of Omega Psi Phi chased in a first place at the late spring event. The guys seemed to do really well in the intramural field, too, and when you hear the strains of "Kill, Clarence, kill!" you can be sure that somewhere there are a few brothers in the stands (and maybe even down on the field). When the game is over the Omega Psi Phis usually find time for a little time for a soul type sing-along.
(Vice-Basileus). SECOND ROW: James Woodford, Jr. (Soc. Ch.), Michael Goodrich (Rush Ch.), Melville Yancey, James Holman (Pres. Aid), Lee Barnes (Ed.), Darryl Armistead.
Highlights of a grand year at the Phi Delt house bring to mind such occasions as the SheDeli pledge dance and the Beachcomber Ball. The renewal of the Miami Triad Dinner Dance added its own to the festivities. Having three brothers competing in the Summer Olympic Games in Mexico City and bringing back their medals was truly an exciting and proud occasion for the Phi Delts. The house enjoyed Homecoming with the Kappas and Little 500 with the Alpha Phis and with all these activities were still able to maintain their scholastic role. PHI DELTA THETA—FRONT ROW: Dale Conger, Charlie Asmus, Vic Malinovsky, Jerry Wiseman, Michael Cook, Rick Thompson, Chuck Johnson, T. C. Currens, Tom Warburton, Jim Counsilman, Steve Kautzman. SECOND ROW: Bob Geers, Loren Hunt, John Peacock, Rick Castle (House Mgr.), Al Vaughn (Pledge Tr.), Jeff Raff (Pres.), Eileen Bartholome (House Mother), Jim O'Neal (Vice-Pres.), Bob Fischer, Jim Anderson (Sec.), Steve Salge (Rush Ch.). THIRD ROW: Dave Marker, Rick Stover, Joe Kenworthy, Mike Bernacchi, Jerry Paxton, Jim McGaha, Larry McFall, Rick Reed, Dave Brunoehler, Chuck Hasbrook, John Coffman, Bill Baird, Dan Hylant. FOURTH ROW: Ron Hanna, Everette Barnard, John Nolan, Jim Johnson, Duane Medlock,
Phi Delta Theta
Chuck Miller, Ward Hey, Jack Francisco, Warren Dunn, Rick Canaan, Tom Geiman, Bill Moor, Marty Clift. FIFTH ROW: Gary Bouslog, Bob Duncan, John Warton, Bob Stevens, Rick Small, Joe Thomas, Corky Gilmore, Larry Steele, Earle Hites, Dave Mills, Dick Zimmerman, Dave Ardapple. SIXTH ROW: Paul Langille, Robert Miller, John Martin, Mike Finley, Mike McCroskey, Norman Peacock, George Sigler, Ted Lynch, Rob Kaade, Frank Huse, Pat Carney. SEVENTH ROW: Bill Paulus, George A. Long, Tom Williams, Bill Barthold, Dave Clifford, Jerry Miller with Erma, Tom Moore, Steve Bailey, Jeff Bugbee, John Burns, Steve Chase.
Phi Epsilon Pi
The Phi Epsilon Pi's big event of the year was the "Phi Ep Big Bamboo." It was their first all campus dance featuring the band, The Chosen Few. The Christmas semi-formal dance and a spring formal dance highlighted the Phi Ep social calendar. The men of Phi Epsilon Pi concentrated on intramurals, participating actively in baseball, basketball, football, and tennis. Another first for the Phi Eps this year was taking first place in the organized float competition at Homecoming. April brought not only spring showers, but also brought down the Phi Ep moms to enjoy the festivities of Mother's Weekend.
PHI EPSILON PI—FRONT ROW: John Scott, Gary Haymond, Bill Munse (2nd VicePres.), Dave Perry (Pres.), Jeff King (Ist Vice-Pres.), George Hahn (Treas.), Les Tyler (Sec.), Albert Dewey. SECOND ROW: Dale Tyree (Asst. Pledge Tr.), Jerry Long, Dick
Davis (Soc. Ch.), William Happe, Bill Bolinger, Tom Taylor, Jim Glock, Steve Richwine (Pledge Mast.), Mark Leffers. THIRD ROW: Ted Long, Steve Barnes, Art Small, Robert Sabol, Chris Gray, Paul Obringer, Malcolm Smith, Mike Lahne, John Lang.
PHI GAMMA DELTA—FRONT ROW: Jack Ransonn, Brian Farrell, Suzy Rosen, John Love, Allen Foley. SECOND ROW: Rick Fay, Carl Fischer, Peter Skafish (Rec. Sec.), Dick Handley (Pres.), Dennis Smith (Hist.), Mike Schatzlein (Treas.), Steve Pollom, Don Ammerman, Dave Westfall. THIRD ROW: W. C. Erdel, Bruce White, J R. Mathias, Howard Keller, Robert Warfel, Rich DeCamp, Tom Yoder, Don Bredle, Waldo Finlayson, Clarke Randall, Warren Woolcott, William F. Billman, Jim Teter, Dave Handley. FOURTH ROW: Randy Copeland, Steve Lyman, Steve Hockett, Scott
Ricke, Carl Vorhies, Ron Kerby, Jim Brauer, Steve Floyd, Greg Schomaun, Fritz Steck, Mark Wheeler. SIXTH ROW: Reed Miller, John Diekmann, Dave Reider, Tom Kelly, Bill Goodman, Paul Mannweiler, Tom Wilson, Joe Kosarko, Jimmy Wilson, Jim McGee, Wayne McDonald. SEVENTH ROW: Mike Griffin, Tom Swanson, Greg Kamp, Doug Moore, John Eckert, Craig David, Doyle Stephens, Jay Reynolds, Chuck Parsons, Sam Wade, Randy Price, Willie Deems.
The 1968-69 school year at the Fiji house was immediately marked with a mass proliferation of stereo component systems and TVs. Each room became an entertainment center (in more than one respect), as the men of Phi Gamma Delta anticipated, with open arms and closed doors, a University visitation policy. In a year that was characterized by revolutionary changes of campus, the Phi Gams kept pace by completely eliminating Sugar Frosted Flakes from their breakfast menu. Other, more significant decisions were made, too, and old traditions such as Fiji Isle and good intramural teams were part of the life of every Fiji.
Phi Gamma Delta
PHI KAPPA PSI—FRONT ROW: Ray Szarmach (House Mgr.), Mike Nolting, Steve Andrews (Pledge Tr.), Richard Nusbaum (Treas.), Jeff Taylor (Pres.), G. Balkema, George Strauss (Vice Pres.), David Shaw (Rec. Sec.), Mike Smith (Corres. Sec.), Paul Helmke (Pledge Tr.). SECOND ROW: Mike Spencer, Gary Laney, Kemp Harshman, Jim Weddell, Mike John, Mike Bolos, Dave Young, Steve Strawbridge, Brent Myers, Mark Malangoni, William Pechinpaugh. THIRD ROW: David Gettle, Tom Zeller, Tom Earhart, Royce Sheetz, Bert Dovo, Jeff Mauk, Jim Cenkle, Bob Matus, Peter Kirtland Marsh, James C. Perry, Gary Messersmith. FOURTH ROW: Kirk Wilhelmus, Mike
Phi Kappa Psi
Kiser, Bob Meeks, Brent Furbee, Mike Monahan, John W. Green, Tom Johnston, Jeff Long, Terry Beach, Doug Phillips, Don Hermann, Lincoln Baker. FIFTH ROW: Dave Varner, Jim Houghton, Mike Kramer, Dale Chattin, Paul Buchanan, Kent Agness, Timothy King, Dave Culp, Wilbur Phillips, Thomas Searcy, Paul Coulis. SIXTH ROW: Bob King, Steve Bowles, Terry Hornbacher, Will McMahan, Ted Pfeifer, Mark Piepenbrink, Mike Coppes, Steve Priddy, Tim Simmonds, Alan Obden, Rodger Wrege, K. G. Walker.
It was the beginning of a very hot calendar year this fall when the furnace blew up, sending scantily-clad Phi Psi's spilling into North Jordan in the middle of the night. What Alpha Gam could deny the soaring temperatures the night of the Dirty Dozen Boulder run, with I.U. linebacker Don Silas still laughing? But the warmest day of all couldn't be dampened by showers as Peaches, Cream, Twiggy, and Gluffer brought home the Phi Psi's sixth Little 500 trophy on the shoulders of Kevin, Ozzie, Tile, and Babbles.
45 40
35 I
35 40
Weather balloons were supposed to set the scene for Phi Kappa Tau's Homecoming Dance. But after several uncooperative balloons exploded they settled for their second choice-10,000 balloons spread throughout the house. A thick layer of leaves generously covered with syrup provided a beautiful, if somewhat sticky, exit for the pledges' walkout. Half the men swear to the fact that roaming their halls is a ghost, apparently a long-term tenant. Now the question is whether the ghost will follow them to their new house on North Jordan.
PHI KAPPA TAU—FRONT ROW: Norman Tapper (Kitchen Steward), Bob Frankowiak (House Mgr.), Dennis Talarek (Pl. Master), Bruce Smith (Sec.), Steve Kafoure (Vice Pres.), David Friedlander (Pres.), Robert Schoatz (Treas.), Walter Buchanan (Soc. Ch.), Dean Sterrett (Rush Ch.), Brian Clark (Chaplain). SECOND ROW: Charles R. Nicholls, Jr., Robert Banks, Dick Byrd, Dave Simstad, John Phelps, Sam Detmer, Doug
Phi Kappa Tau
Porter, John Belcher, Bill Hammack, Norb Matulis, Mike Kafoure. THIRD ROW: Harry Dearing Narciso Ortiz, John Tobin, Tom Haggerty, James Gallo, William Chambers, Robert Jeffrey, Anthony Gutzwiller, Tom Bennington, Cordell Hurd, Howard Bagan, Daniel Jackson, William Bamford.
Phi Kappa Theta
There certainly were enough pledges "running around" the Phi Kappa Theta house this year. The house had such a large class, in fact, that the Little 500 bike team was chosen from its members. With the increase in membership, the men began looking into plans to build a new house on North Jordan Avenue. The men were also busy "running" their social lives this year. Their calendar included Homecoming with the Delta Zeta, Little 500 with Alpha Gamma Delta, and the usual round of serenades.
PHI KAPPA THETA—FRONT ROW: Charles Colyer (Treas.), Curt Hayden (Ath. Dir.), John Kochis (Rush Ch.), Robert Benton (Soc. Ch.), Russ Webb (Pres.), Jim Chiesa (Vice Pres.), John Hutton (Sec.), Joe Evinger (Pledge Master), Gregg Werling. SECOND ROW: Bill Davenport, Joe Amaral, Jack D'Amato, George McCormick, Art Jacikas, Kenneth Long, Phil Glawe, Douglas Davis, William Ptak, Mac Ashby, Jack Wickes. THIRD ROW: Tom Garnier, Steve Hoffer, Hartsaw, Jack Ziegler, Howard
Vogel, Vince Volpe, Terry English, John Pacific (Schol. Ch.), Fran Schafer, Frank Hall (Schol. Ch.). FOURTH ROW: Mark Stevens, Bill Foster, Ivan Kerr, Jim Rehmer, Dick Yeoman, Ron Newton, Bill Fetsch, Joseph Horn, Frederick Wulff. FIFTH ROW: Lynn Workman, Mike Clayton, Dan Selvaggi, Paul Perconti, Ron Reinhart, Tom Obremski, Tom Rucinski, Dan Marias.
PHI SIGMA KAPPA—FRONT ROW: Don Cartwright (Rush Ch.), Don Sramek (Soc. Ch.), Dave Anderson (Cent.), Martin Reuille (Pres.), Harold Resmussen (Vice Pres.), Phil Huffman (Inductor), James Stowe (Treas.), Greg Huffman (Sec.). SECOND ROW: Steve Lawrence, John Fisher, Fred Bowman, Allen Austin (Chap. Advisor), John Bates (Pledge Tr.), Doug Harris, Wayne Gunn, Sean Jenkins. THIRD ROW: Jerry Mignogna, Wayne
Hubbard, Wayne Murray, Terry Stoermar, Bob Martindale, Steve Pettit, William Bailey (Auditor), John Reifeis, Larry Elkins. FOURTH ROW: Daniel Pfaff, Paul Bostrom, Joe Gilchrist, John Camp, James Anderson, James Rosenau, Robert Anderson, Lance Sandleben.
At the backfire of their first pinlight theft of the year, the men of Phi Sigma Kappa were hesitant about attempting a second such escapade. A hayride in October and a Swiss Dance in November kept the Phi Sigs socially active during the fall. Winter brought the Christmas season with the tree-trimming, the semi-formal banquet, and the "gag" gift exchange among all the house members. Spring semester was highlighted by a moonlight formal dance in April and I.U. Sing with the women of Kappa Delta. "The Song is Love" was the theme of the small-group production for I.U. Sing in March.
Phi Sigma Kappa
PI BETA PHI—FRONT ROW: Susan Sheehan (Schol. Ch.), Gale Lorenc (House Mgr.), Karen Thompson (Treas.), Ellen Hay (Rush Ch.), Ellen Heston (Vice Pres.), Helen Lemert (House Mgr.), K. K. Whittemore (Pres.), Ann Hoisted (Rec. Sec.), Gigi Pinnell (Soc. Ch.), Jan Henning (Corres. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Pam Holta, Winny Winter, Linda Hallworth, Vicki McQueary, Robin Sunday, Yvonne Satterblom, Wendy Maltby (Pledge Tr.), Julie Ekblad, Debbie Black, Sally Ann Dunn, Sheri Brownlee, Kenda Shank, Susie Black. THIRD ROW: Lynne Kahn. Sue Amick, Lenda Whitlow,
Pi Beta Phi
Janelle James, Susie Warner, Mary Whitlow, Debbie Shumaker, Diana Hague, Debbie Lindenschmidt, Debbie Childress. FOURTH ROW: Ann Schumacher, Sharon Hartley, Sally Hartman, Mary Weir, Crickette Bender, Nancy Heinsen, Becky Bailey, Jenifer Drew, Ann Walls, Nena Andorn. FIFTH ROW: Jill Grossman, Cheryl Wheatley, Janice Patterson, Kathy Whitham, Cendy Whitham, Suzy Zoeller, Sarah Lenox, Mary Osmon, Wendy Franey, Pat Scrivener, Candy Pholenz.
The Acropolis of Third Street was the sight for a traditionally Greek year—from athletic contests to beauty pageants. Mimi Littlejohn was crowned Queen of the Indianapolis 500 and there were two runners-up in the Miss I.U. contest. Mary Poppins "hit the Dust" in I.U. Sing and the Dad's Day cookie shine was made even more interesting by a little dance by the daddies. And seniors, remember being awakened very early one morning by the sentimental strains of the juniors serenading?
"Cinderella Strikes Again" was the theme of the lawn display which the Pikes and Thetas dreamed up this year and earned them best lawn display award at Homecoming. The men are also equally proud of their intramural football team; they managed a second place this year. By early December plans were finally complete for the Pi Kappa Alpha annual Dream Girl Dance and Dream Girl Crowning.
PI KAPPA ALPHA—FRONT ROW: Dan Dickey (Soc. Ch.), Bill Talkington (Pledge Tr.), Mike Flannagan (House Mgr.), Mike Allen (Vice Pres.), Kim Dunnick (Pres.), Perry Adair (Sec.), Fred Landis (Treas.), Ray Prosser (Rush Ch.), Dan Queener (Pledge Tr.). SECOND ROW: Carl Newton, Peter Guzinya, Hank Henry, Mike Keiser, Steve Mahoney, Jeryl Luegers, Tim Rohleder, Dwayne Hann, Douglas Kichler. THIRD ROW: John Luros, Gary Costa, Stephen Steinberger, Christian Rhetts, John Shore, Jeff
Pi Kappa Alpha
Ferguson, Bob Foster, Chris Norman, Gregory Lewis, Craig DeLaney, Charles Schlensker. FOURTH ROW: Jim Pielemeier, Jack Heavrin, Dave Hawk, Terry Sutton, Daniel Bates, Steve Hayes, Jim Killen, John Tallmadge, Doug Canell, David McCullough. FIFTH ROW: Bruce Sachnell, Doug Wissing, Mike Roman, Tom Pogue, Steve Mason, Duane Flannagin, Harrison Zoercher, John Potten, Rawson Atkin.
Pi Kappa Phi
The men of Pi Kappa Phi faced a perplexing problem this year—what to do with a slightly used casket, the gift of alumni. They considered keeping it, but none of the men had made any •reservations for that sort of thing. Of course there were those guys in Hepa Hall, struck by a plague of infectious hepatitis. The "boy Pi Phi's" received another honor this year—the Houser trophy for public service and improvement of their chapter. They vied for that honor with 65 other chapters.
PI KAPPA PHI—FRONT ROW: Randy Bryan (Soc. Ch.), Tom Hunt (Warden), Jack Fox (Treas.), Wm. Reiners (Hist.), Tom Buckley (Pres.), Larry Gregg (Chaplain), Mike McMurtrey (Sec.), Richard Bender (Rush Ch.), Dale Huffman (House Mgr.). SECOND ROW: John Peterson, Sam Power, Joe Keeler, Terry Russell, Bob Woodruff, Paul E. Bender, Jay Platt John C. Dahl, Jr. THIRD ROW: Gary Ormont, Dave Weber, Jim Wright, Richard Prather, William Sturgeon, Michael Kirby, Robert Briganti, Joe Vol-
Imer, Mike Sanders, Carl Harlan, Robert Kaufman. FOURTH ROW: Terry Steiner, Tom Arnold, Andy Loh, Richard Hall, Curtis Thompson, Warren Lindle, Barry Polley, John Lemen, Tom Flanagan, J. Chris Stanton. FIFTH ROW: Ken Guffey, Steve Zeigler, Rodney Frazier, John McDaniels, George Hofman, John A. Reilly, Bill McClintic, Mike Hensley, Scott Bryan, Stan Conway, Jim Montgomery.
SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON—FRONT ROW: David Schumacher, Bob Kleymeyer, John Byrd, Dan Weldy, Jeff Hilburn, Dennis Burgette, Bob Gibson, Richard Clops. SECOND ROW: Mike Wells, Tod Keithley, Jack O'Bryan (Rush Ch.), J. R. Long (Warden), Russ Standler, Randy Leerkamp (Pres.), Tom Atz (Vice Pres.), Walt Beaver (Chronicler), Douglas S. Walters, Dave Keckley (Chaplain). THIRD ROW: Denny Walsh, Bill Simon, Brett Keene, Lee Bezold, Mark Betner, Mike Miller, Ross Flaningam, Mike Mount, Dana Trier, Tom Greene, Jay Keithley, Ron Yary, Bill Bass, Hieny Mooney.
FOURTH ROW: Frand Bodwell, David Martin, Mike Mohrman, Mark Moore, Jock Heaton, Doug Cassman, Dave Lawson, Tim Kaehr, Jim Votaw, Bill Boyles, Don Marianos, Chuck Thomson. FIFTH ROW: Bruce Erhardt, Fred Mundy, John Graub, Ernie Nobbs, Eric Knudsen, Levi Mitchell, John Weldy, Jim Mohar, Dick Larmore, Bill Bordner, Don Simpson, Gordon Love. SIXTH ROW: Roosevelt Brady, Casey Simpson, Jeff Gage, Jeffrey Hodge, Spyridon Stratigos, Dave Gray, Steve Russo, Gary Pence, Bill Schuette, Todd Curran, Ron Stevens.
Throughout the year the SAEs pride themselves on the fact that they can turn any situation, good or bad, into a reasonably good time. This being an olympic year, the men excited passersby with the Gamma Olympics, where the whole house engages in a decathlon, including ice cream sandwich eating and chair balancing. Remember the time when the radio-TV building caught fire? The SAEs were the first one on the block to pitch in and aid the firemen. They were especially helpful when the firefighters decided to break out the windows. So remember, in case of fire, call SAE.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
SIGMA ALPHA MU—FRONT ROW: Steve Kriegshaber, Ron Grumbacher, Ken Hummel, Jerry Bronstein, Sam (Mascot), Mike Popkin, Don Fehr, Jim Bernstein, Dave Feigenbaum. SECOND ROW: Lowell Weiner, Barry Kahn, Barry Cohen, Marvin Fish, Steve Green, Wally Panikowski, Jim Callen, Bill Eastman, Bruce Beitman, Larry Hoffman, Dick Gould. THIRD ROW: Marty Saltzman, Lenny Kalikow, Jay Goldman (Treas.), Ron Levenberg (Vice Pres.), John Tzucker (Pres.), Donald Scheiber (Grad. Schol. Advisor), Barry Pearl, Larry Spovach, Marty Snyder, Ben Goldfarb. FOURTH ROW: Joe Leffel, Mark Bass, Marc Milgram, Rick Ormand, Rick Wiener, Skee Skurow, Steve Halper, Roger Mervis, Marc Hilton, James Novick, Bob Dumes, Mike Pleatman,
Sigma Alpha Mu
Paul Knopf, Rick Goldenberf, Rick Fry, David Zellinger, Jim Stefnik, Iry Wise. FIFTH ROW: Loren Lopata, Marty Levine, Don Bern, Andy Bogart, Bob Shapiro, Mark Cohn, Lonny Axelrod, Steve Dann, Jay Tobias, Kenny Gallinger, Rus Samel, Steve Friedman, Bob Borman, Tom Alexander, Les Goldboss, Bill Eastman, Bruce Beitman. SIXTH ROW: Paul Uslan, Bob Riskin, Alan Gassel, John Golper, Brock Bernstein, Gary Fuchs, Bob Malman, Neville Richter, James Goldberg, Randy Waldman, Dave Schwimer, Steve Schragman, Steve Weiss, Burt Jacobs. SEVENTH ROW: Jeffer3 Freemas, Michael Rose, Alan Linker.
The men of Sigma Alpha Mu can be quite proud of themselves having raised $800 in their Heart Fund "Bounce for Brats." Almost topping that was a second place in Homecoming float competition. The year wasn't all work and no play . . . the men did come up with a swinging Hippie Party in the fall and an out-of-sight Cave Dance second semester.
There's a rumor going around that "Contagious Cogitation" has infected the men of Sigma Chi. The diagnosis has been repeatedly substantiated with evidences of the symptoms: new ideas in fraternity recreation, service and self-improvement. The first signs came as the men initiated the Miami Triad with the Betas and Phi Delts, and continued to give active support to the Sigma Chi national project, Wallace Village, which helps hundreds of mentally retarded children each year. All suspicions were confirmed when no less than ten actives attended the annual workshop. Hopes are high that at some time Sigma Chis will have a chance to infect other Greeks and campus organizations. SIGMA CHI—FRONT ROW: Jim McIntire, Mike Jordan, Doug Klueh, John Harris. SECOND ROW: Mark Woolery (Rush Ch.), Hank Hawkins (Kustos), Larey Durr (Kustos), Bill Hamilton (Pledge Tr.), Sig Myers (Treas.), Steve Hampshire (Pres.), Alan Bailey (Vice Pres.), Jamie Buhr (Sec.), Michdel Bash (Pledge Tr.), Frank Hamilton (Rush Ch.), Dave Rimstidt (Soc. Ch.), Lex Dalton (Soc. Ch.). THIRD ROW: Steve Tushelberger, Tim Worthington, Brent Bramblett, Craig Beardshear, Steve Cooper, Tim Kennedy, Jeff Hampshire, Danny Stewart, Tom Houlihan, Rick Crnovich, Chris Claus, Paul Bognanno, John Rhoades. FOURTH ROW: John Roesch, Lawrence Smith, Robert
Sigma Chi
Zerbe, Kermit Botkin, Craig Hendel, Jeffrey Muir, David Wickland, Jon Vandivier, James Carr, James Kubley, Richard Kintigh, Mark Lee. FIFTH ROW: Sam Dberwein, Sharles Cal-r, Richard Kuhn, David Ashenfelter, Don Kuhs, Stephen Smith, Daniel Coplen, Hugh Conway, Kenny Knue, Tom Chatterton. SIXTH ROW: Larry Brechbuhl, Mike Hayes, Gene Renuart, Mick Linn, Gary Gonzenback, Steve Babcock, Scott Woolery, Roy Burbrink, John Firz, Tim McKinney, William Dunn. SEVENTH ROW: Jerry Lopez, Dan Catt, Dave Giltner, Francisco Almmafro, Dick Lopez, Stephen Huse, Greg Clark, Bruce Mundt, Bob Kraft, Jeff Hoffman, Bill Conkin, Jim Bowie.
Sigma Delta Tau
Let it never be said that the SDT's are lacking —with the exception, of course, of their composites, pinlight, and wooden crest which they rarely possess. The SDTs were missing quite a lot the morning after their pledge walkout . . . to explain where everything was hidden would be a long story. The actives avenged themselves successfully, it's told. This year's Homecoming was the year of the unfloat according to SDT and ZBT. The joint lawn display was just that. Two interesting dances included a picnic dinner in Brown County with Groovy and the Electras and a lawn dance with the men of Lambda Chi.
SIGMA DELTA TAU—FRONT ROW: Janet Smith (Rec. Sec.), Anita Dansker (House Mgr.), Patty Segal (Standards), Jill Friedman (Pres.), Mrs. Burkhart (Housemother), Betty Marver (Vice Pres.), Karen Smith (Corr. Sec.), Sue Fitterman (Rush Chm.), Marilyn Sass (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Jo Ann Eishman, Nancy Linderman, Roehelle Abramson, Madi Lundin, Janis Rochman, Jeanne Tiber, Bari Klein, Toby Silverman (Sco. Chm.), Ellen Menaker. THIRD ROW: Sherri Kamin, Ruthie Rosenblum, Sue Wagman, Bonnie Handler, Anne Bauer, Barbara Roth, Roz Goodman, Joan Herzberg,
Bonnie Ferner, Sharyn Goodman, Michelle Koplow, Rochelle Klitzky. FOURTH ROW: Carole He'fen, Renny Ruekberg, Joanne Silverstein, Pam Sumner, Laurie Magid, Paula Cytron, Eileen Pinkus, Judy Stern, Hazel Witte, Barrie Katz, Ann Brickman. FIFTH ROW: Rose Csillag, Suzy Rosen, Terry Rosenblatt, Wendy Monroe, Judy Benjamin, Susie Belker, Pat Patterson, Sally Greenwold, Julie Rosenthal, Dora Kerner, Bette Altman. SIXTH ROW: Lisa Binswanger, Jackie Barab, Beth Schiff, Teri Schuler, Brenda Fox, Lee Anne Bell, Marilyn Freed, Laura Dorfman.
SIGMA KAPPA—FRONT ROW: Sue Schalliol (Treas.), Linda Burris (Rec. Sec.), Mary Moore (Soc. Ch.), Sharon Dingle (Vice Pres.), Linda Wright (Pres.), Mrs. Bennett (Housemother), Rachel Philpot (Grad. Advisor), Debbie Donovan (Vice Pres.), Susie Slatterly (Corr. Sec.), Judy Bowerman (Schol. Ch.), Maribeth Cox (Rush Ch.), Judy Bowers, Anne Bednar, Pornchulee Achava-Amrung, Becky Beams, Susie Exner, Bobbie Zimmerman, Jull Hirschman, Etta Margason, Martha Robertson, Debbie Atz, Linda
Snyder, Nancy Oddi. THIRD ROW: Georgette Funk, Jan Thompson, Dianne Meeks, Beverly Wolf, Sori Stang, Julie Donner, Judy Mueffe, Babs Harrison, Judy Stoelting, Cindy Cornish, Debby Riester, Elaine Kaiser, Suzanne Cripper. FOURTH ROW: Sherry Hicks, Nancy Hicks, Nancy Canfield, Sandy Irmscher, Jacque Ackerman, Pam Colburn, Sharon Dunwoody, Linda Lanam, Sue Adams, Jean Parnell. Nancy Morris, Marty Sixsmith, Lynn Wheeler.
With their fifty year anniversary coming up this year, Sigma Kappa can look back with pride on all they've done in their half-century on the I.U. campus. On the national level the emphasis is on philanthropy. The I.U. chapter follows this policy by entertaining the Senior Citizens of Bloomington each year with a Christmas party. Their annual Christmas dance is thrown by the seniors. The night before the dance the girls decorate the house and then serenade the other girls with carols. The pledges took their walkout to Ball State— taking with them the phone mouthpieces and leaving behind a great slide made out of mattresses.
Sigma Kappa
SIGMA NU—FRONT ROW: Dan Pfleging, Dave Wright, Jim O'Connor, Bob Musk, Michael Etchison, Timothy Wade, Charles Tabor, Rick Morris, Bill Stenberg. SECOND ROW: Jerry Maburn, Gabe Oliverio, Mark Toth, Kevin Tam, Richard Searles, Larry Myers (Treas.), Mike Kistler (Pres.), Larry Greathaus (Pledge Tr.), Chuck Cline (House Mgr.), Bob Richmond (Recorder), Dan Blom. THIRD ROW: Scott McCrea, Rob Johnston, Jerry Srebalus, R. S. Scharnowske, Scott Townsend, Jim Campbell, E. G. White, Rock Coleman, Lowell Shonk, Rick Atkinson, Spike Abernathy, Jim Maddox, David Wilson, Gary Souders, Don Schramm, Jerry Babb. FOURTH ROW: Scott Sparks, Mickey James, Robert Geant, Wayne Shircliff, Bill Ellis, Jerry Babb, Steve
Sigma Nu
Mustin, Gary Moore, Randy Wright, Greg Long, Bob Waters, Spider Miller. FIFTH ROW: Gib Miller, Jeff Stocksdale, Steve Hanson, Fred Hoepker, Brad Zirkle, Craig Hopple, Jim Campbell, Bill Neale, Tim Shafer, Mark Bailey, Steve Rogers, Bart Hahn, Mickey Niles, Richard Johnson. SIXTH ROW: Dana Meyer, Bill Beck, Bill Curley, Charlie Weisbrod, Jeff Newburg, Greg Brown, Doug Deck, Mark Moseley, Mike Antrim, Greg Thomas, Bill Olds. SEVENTH ROW: Roger Maynahan, Dan Dro, Ruso Richardson, Jim Greathouse, Steve Barnett, George Nicholos, Bob Pegg, Randy Lutterman, Roger Bixby, Jeff Quinn, Mike Fitzgerald.
Everything's going great! ! With the intramural football championship under their belts, the men of Sigma Nu went on to greater things, like having some real honest to gosh football players, and no less than seven varsity basketball players. Undoubtedly one of the grooviest parties of the year was the "Bar Room Brawl"; the only close competition came from the campus renown "Voo Doo" dance in May. Earlier in the year the Snus sponsored a Halloween party for the children of the Exchange Home and a foreign students Christmas party. Another big event was the election of Herman B Wells as Sigma Nu national president.
An overflow crowd packed the North Jordan tennis courts as the Sig Eps and Tri Delts began the year by sponsoring the all-campus Grum. Later in the season a premature Ice Age failed to cool Sig Ep spirits as dinosaurs, cavemen and Tasmanian monsters roamed the premises at the fall pledge dance. After the partying, the Sig Eps sponsored Easter and Christmas dinners for underprivileged children of Bloomington and established a scholarship fund for needy students with I.U. Foundation. SIGMA PHI EPSILON—FRONT ROW: Wally McOuat, Jim Marian, Mart Mollman, Jim Lisher, Dave Geiger, W. John Sellins, Craig Buford, Phil Wade, Mark Johnson, Ron Poellein, Richard Prange. SECOND ROW: Richard Dyson, Richard Fess, John Miller (Chaplain), George Babcock (Recorder), Warren Weaver (Sec'y), Mrs. Ruth Young (House Mother), Jerry Rodeen (Pres.), James Sin (Adviser), Larry Mull (House Mgr.), Steve Jalovec, Jerry Collins, George Holinga (Soc. Chairman). THIRD ROW: Glenn Talbert, Bob Henderson, J. J. Cattar, Bill Prall, Ed Ede, Bruce Hodges, Craig Moore, Mark Kight, Keith Eschenbaum, Mark Mullee, Ed Schellsmith, Howard Wisher, Rick Lutterbach, Dave Bresler, Dave Tydeman, Roger Shaw. FOURTH ROW: Ken
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Myers, Chuck Earle, Tom Viesse, John Saier, Dick Bryant, Harlan Stratton, Mike Webb, Bill Spain, Dale Terrell, John Wrightman, Jeff Smith, Dave Danda, Bill Morton, Charles Talbert. FIFTH ROW: Terry Laymon, Terry Bornman, Larry Becker, Ron Thompson, Larry Longacre, Dick Clark, Tom Heard, Dale Fath, Rick Contino, John Derr, Mike Pfrang, Larry Dust, Mike Mathews. SIXTH ROW: Greg Levenduski, Jack Bailey, Ted Johnson, Rick Vogel, Larry Cox, Chip Owen, Steve Downs, Bill Larton, Bill Whitten, Dave Einhous, Craig Hamilton. SEVENTH ROW: Jeff Marlin, Chuck Welder, Dick Barnaby, Mark Wade, Dave Hooper, John Lehman, Mark Schauss, Ted Meek, John Bard, Ron Ernst, Jon Morrow.
Sigma Pi
Second semester came and the Sigma Pis picked up and moved into their new house far out on North Jordan. The pledges were quite busy painting the interior of the house with their helpful dads, and also seemed to find time to plaster stickers all over campus during their mock walkout. This year the men came through again with another successful Vietnamese Refugee clothing drive.
SIGMA PI—FRONT ROW: Joseph Barker, William Strueh, Ed Baran, Ed Cord, Rick Luff, Craig Hollenbeck, Jim Siegfried, Don Stover, Steve Lasher, Phil Reising. SECOND ROW: Bob Todd, Nick Joest (Alum Coun.), Mike Fortuna (Sec.), Mike Frederick (Vice Pres.), Don Headry (Pres.), Jeff Webster (Treas.), Richard Scott (Herald), Pete Jovanovich, John Esmay (Pledge Tr.). THIRD ROW: Dave Hathaway, David Phillips, Barry Hoffar, Larry Auble, Denny Thomas, Howard Weinraub, Tim Rasmussen, Patrick Webster, Richard Maloney, Dean Houser, Robert Decker. FOURTH ROW: Tom
Enochs, Ed Rogers, Charles Gristead, Edward Rosenwinker, Bob Phillips, Dennis Monroe, Rick Joy, Jim Norton, John Pawlowski, Hohn Faulkner, Bob Poehler, Mike Scott. FIFTH ROW: Pete Gawthrop, Bob Hoffman, John Nulton, Les Francis, Tom Clark, Phil Ellis, Jim Dunn, Jerry Mutchler, Lloyd Mobley, Dave Dolch, Harry Denson, Dan Wilcox. SIXTH ROW: Tom Shallington, Skip Dayhuff, Mark Richardt, Gregg Newman, Marty Braaksman, Bob Hass, Roger Addison, Rick Jones, Bob Bitzer, Dan Schwartz, Sam Deutsch, Tom Windier, Mike Kerr.
THETA CHI—FRONT ROW: Roger Long (Rush Ch.), Ray Burnett (Soc. Ch.), Bob Pampe (Rush Ch.), Mike Fruehwald (Treas.), Bruce Pennamped (Pres.), Tom Kocoshis (Vice Pres.), Mike Thomas (Sec.), Roger Peckham, Richard Simon, Mark Skarich. SECOND ROW: John Morgan, Dave Truitt, Paul Lillis, Steve David, Dan Drake, Jim Simpson, Steve Gorman, Greg Imboden, Bruce Nagel, John Harlan. THIRD ROW: Paul Refakis, Don Klusmeier, Eric Keasey, Steve Englert, Paul Dixon, Roby Barco, Larry Chitwood, Ken George, Richard Hinz, Duane Mercer, Chuck Quilty. FOURTH
ROW: Joe Jacoby, Dave Wetnight, Bruce Snow, Steve Mock, Bob Quilty, Dave Holt, Ed Koday, Ron Oakes, Dwight Rosenbarger, Jeff Hayes. FIFTH ROW: Gary Harper, Richard Nagel, Roger Deckard, John Bosse, Steven Kerr, Randy Studle, Jim Hoffman, Steven Miller, Terry Bechtel, Mike Boswell. SIXTH ROW: David Demorotski, Gregg Coffey, William Richards, Dan Jacoby, Jeff Hipskind, Dan Arthur, Bill Isenbarger, Tom Hoffman, Bill Salisbury, William Jackson, Dick Arnold.
This year was a landmark for the men of Theta Chi. With plans finalized for the move to North Jordan next year, the men still managed a full social schedule which included Homecoming with Ruter House in Wright Quad, I.U. Sing with AOPi's, and Little 500 with the Sigma Kappas. Highlighting the fall semester was the construction of the Homecoming Lawn Display, "Whip the Wolverines," with the Ruter House girls. University construction on their side lot hampered the Theta Chi's annual Bike Bounce during Little 500 weekend.
Theta Chi
FRONT ROW: John Rademaker (Hist.), Bret Pennington TAU KAPPA EPSILONҟ (Chaplain), Don Henry (Treas.), Darrel Scott (Pledge Tr.), Jay Feichter, Alex Smith (Pres.), Mike Pierson (Soc. Ch.), Christopher Bennett. SECOND ROW: Larry Lamp, John Mensch, Jim Wilson, Dan Flanagan, Bruce Goens, Jim Larrick, Gary Bierbaum, Dan Mossman. THIRD ROW: Steve Chenoweth, Lee Rohrer, Rick Coffman, Tom
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Haggard, Don Lieberum, Mark Tinsley, Terry Dittrich, Jack Shadwell. FOURTH ROW: Gym O'Brien, Dennis Voelker, Dan Ferrell, Bill Sobat, Dick Robley, Denny Ford, Ed Nemeth. FIFTH ROW: Scott Morrison, Rick Clark, Wayne Weinberg, Jeff Gravelle, Doug Kauffman, Tim Swoveland, Mike Kennedy, Bill Hill.
Lost: one brother of Tau Kappa Epsilon and his date. Missing since the TKE hayride in the fall when they jumped off the wagon. If found, please head in the direction of the chapter house. Found: a new record set by the men in B-team basketball. They lost by the most points ever in an intra-mural game-125-4. Wanted: plans for fall pledges' walkout. Who knows, maybe they'll make it next year as actives. Also, a suitable name for house pet Kinkajou. For Sale: one slightly used chariot and extra pro-
tection for intramural football opponents.
Teke Chariot Race Women and song (and more than likely a bit of wine, too) were combined with togas and chariots at last year's TKE Chariot Race. The men of Omega Psi Phi walked off with the trophy after breaking the record—they ran the 60-yard dash in seven minutes flat. The festivities, complete with a queen, Janet Lovell, began with the float competition won by Phi Delta Theta, proceeded with the race, and came to a smashing close with a dance featuring the Lovin' Spoonful.
Theta Xi
The actives of Theta Xi were surprised after the pledge walkout; it seemed that the pledges hadn't done a thing to the house . . . until they began to notice the absence of certain necessities like shower heads, silverware, toilet paper . . . In the recently started Little Sisters program the girls, like regular pledges, have to learn the history and mysteries of the house, and they also enjoy a boress or two—with the woman's touch of course. A tree decorating party highlighted their annual Christmas dance. Also in this spirit the Biram Exchange is held. Names are drawn and each guy gives the assigned brother a boress gift.
THETA XI—FRONT ROW: Gary Bell, Joe Greene (Schol. Ch.), Mike Singer, Al Micks (Vice Pres.), Hannibal (Mascot), Barry Schnakenburg (Pres.), Tom Williams (Treas.), Greg Messong (Sec.), Joe Reiswerg (Pledge Tr.). SECOND ROW: John Hillier, Michael Franceschini, Paul Burnore, Al Shumard, Walter Plant, Roger Ahlf, Steve
Stewart, Dan Kilgore. THIRD ROW: Ben Miller, Bob Murray, Ken Dwenger, William Bennett, Robert Solomon, Paul Fisher, Ivon Solomon, Larry Lewis, Dale Pleak. FOURTH ROW: Mike Archer, Rick Elston, Gary Uffman, Steve Dunn, Wayne Segneri, Steve Forsyte, Jim Davis.
ZETA BETA TAU—FRONT ROW: Larry Salilosky, Dave Felstein, Larry Reuben, Tony Maiclenberg, Bill Levin (Vice Pres.), Mrs. Erma Kaufman (Housemother), Mike Berelutsky (Pres.), Alan Potasnik (Hist.), Jim Savitz (Soc. Ch.), Alan Levy. SECOND ROW: Alan Weisberg, John Davidson, Tom Schneider, Mark Zuckerman, Keith Kauffman, Bob Wagner, Jeff Schulkin, Jorin Brown, Jim Trockman. THIRD ROW: Terry Silver, Edward Jacobson, Alan Katz, Gary Calderon, David Maidenberg, Bruce Gold-
berg, Dave Roskin, Don Simkin, Art Azen, Murray Passo, Sherm Goldenberg. FOURTH ROW: Steve Medwell, Barry Michael, Ron Rabin, Rick Linkimer, Rick Cochran, Larry Moses, Alan Newman, Ken Kleban, Mike Hatcher, N. J. Taslitz. FIFTH ROW: Steve Logan, Mark Cooper, Ed Golden, Harry Frank, Art Sagalowsky, Mark Stolkin, Mike Paul, Mike Friedman, Jack Snyder.
The ZBTs at I.U. triumphed both campus and nation-wide this year by winning the National Founders Trophy for having the best chapter in the U.S., by having a member rated the most outstanding ZBT in the nation, and by claiming junior class vice-president and treasurer of IFC as members of the chapter, too. Zeta Beta Tau also proudly claimed possession of the most sorority composites on campus and the origination of Homecoming's first unfloat. Most ZBT actives will readily profess that there are a few things they would rather have in their grape juice than methyl blue, despite the great effect.
Zeta Beta Tau
ZETA TAU ALPHA—FRONT ROW: Kathy Taylor (Rush Ch.), Bonnie Fuson (Treas.), Pam Pearson (Vice Pres.), Carole Brinkmann (Pres.), Mrs. Gladys Bryant (Housemother), Cindy Springer (Vice Pres.), Judy Pieschala (Rec. Sec.), Cindy Nelson (Hist.), Louisa Fair. SECOND ROW: Chris Gazel, Diane Koeneman, Sherry Myers, Chris Thorngate, Nancy Smith, Cassie Young, Susie Carroll, Chris Billips, Pat Carter, Jane Messman. THIRD ROW: Marilyn Ezri, Jan Getz, Linda Roscoe, Judy Caldemeyer, Kathy Keck, Cindy Wehrly, Susie Zobel, Beth Porter, Louise Leisey, Marilyn Born,
Zeta Tau Alpha
Patti Esposito. FOURTH ROW: Cheryl Slossom, Gretchen Smith, Patty Foellinger, Phyllis Wright, Jody Sollohub, Bobbie Fulton, Nancy Aukerman, Sondra Garrison, Edie Hughes, Barb Wilkinson. FIFTH ROW: Georgianna Marks, Marsha Humbaugh, Jenny Hanna, Ardella King, Mary Lang, Jan Hines, Wanda Board, Donna Simon, Cindy Smith, Vicki Alber, Linda Ingram. SIXTH ROW: Mary Louise Brock, Sue Bishop, Bonnie Sando, Marty Wright, Linda Lange, Sandy Garritson, Cheri Herman, Joanne Persinger, Kathy Bogner, Diane Whallon.
Z etas + waiters = parties + pranks E nter: Energetic Mother B. T he Mortgage Burning! First on the Row. "A Victory's A Brewin'" at Homecoming. T eas, coke parties, skits—a new pledge class. A t Christmas time—fire in the fireplace, mistletoe, and parties. U nity in walk-outs for pledges and seniors. A n increasing rapport founded at Faculty Dinners. L ambda Chi's made Little Five jive. P umpkins, popcorn, and pledges perform at the Hospitality House. H appiness is a Theta Xi-ZTA entrance in I.U. Sing. A nother rewarding year!
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Residence Halls
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Inter-Residence Halls Association
IRHA—FRONT ROW: Duane Huffer (Treas.), Ken Martlage (Vice-Pres.), Todd Kendell (Pres.), Jim May (Vice-Pres.), Pam Gentry (Vice-Pres.). SECOND ROW: Sue Martlage (Sec.), Cande Steckol, Marji Morris, Nancy Conard. THIRD ROW: Tom Hennessy (Adviser), Walter Johnson, Ron Jourdan, John Fisher, Greg Larkin, Mike Banta.
The Inter Residence Halls Association provided an organized, unified voice to the administration from all students living in the halls of residence. Every student living in a dorm was represented and thus had a voice in the IRHA government. The governing bodies of IRHA were split into three branches. The legislative branch is the Presidents' Council which is composed of the presidents of all housing units. IRHA Judicial Board served as an appellate body, hearing cases from center boards, and had original jurisdiction in cases between centers. The executive functions were carried out by IRHA President Todd Kendell and his cabinet. The IRHA tried to make residence hall living worthwhile and enjoyable and allow the residents as much self-government as possible.
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Briscoe Quadrangle Living at Briscoe means that you're always the first one on the 7:00 AM bus in the winter (that's security!), part of the biggest crowd at the basketball games, and could be a spectator at football games from your very own room. And if you're a PE major it means that guys from other dorms hate you as you run across the street to classes. For the girls it means lots of pledge serenades because of neighboring North Jordan or meeting your guy for dinner, two hours before your date, in rollers. The men and women of Briscoe enjoy working together on such projects as Homecoming, I.U. Sing and Campus Chest. 344
Board of Governors BRISCOE BOARD OF GOVERNORS—FRONT ROW: Elena Looper, Cathy Craig, Mary Jo Barnett, Mary Hardin, Margie Elston, Toni Beumer, Debbie Ladson. SECOND ROW: Dave Orr, Steve Hess, Ray Applegate, Rick May, Skip Havely, Gene Baker, Bill Kendall.
Executive Council BRISCOE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL —FRONT ROW: Sandra Johnson, Sherry Carmichael, Mary Denniston, Mame Moeller. SECOND ROW: Joseph Jones, Jeffrey Peterson, Jim May, Mike Schaum, Jerry Butzer.
Briscoe BRISCOE 413—FRONT ROW: Larri Wolfson, Ray Cooper, John Easterday, Bernard Bigham, Steve Hess (Gov.), Chris Lipkaman (Vice Gov.), Dave Williams. SECOND ROW: Greg Easterday, Al Frank, Dennis Walton, Scott Reller, Charles Downey, Dave Coffman, Terry Edserman. THIRD ROW: Dennis Collins, Ken Mason, Rick Raab, Bob Hodler, Paul Downs, Rick Zeiger, George Ross.
Briscoe BRISCOE SA—FRONT ROW: Saundra Thurman, Karen Shields (Vice Gov.), Elaine Knowlton (Gov.), Karen Cain, Peggy Brown, Marcia Miller. SECOND ROW: Phyllis Browder, Peg Koester, Melinda Childers, Alice Pendleton, Pat Ploski, Linda Smith, Julie Amsden. THIRD ROW: Sharon Kaelin, Carolyn Kaelin, Michele Principe, Florence Wares, Marilyn Brewer, Bev Monroe, Margaret Hollers, Jan Kamman, Brenda Hunter.
Briscoe BRISCOE I0A—FRONT ROW: Marionnette Bullock, Jackie Manor, Mary Harden (Gov.), Ginny Armstrong, Maxine Benmour, Pamela Kingsbury. SECOND ROW: Mona Ross, Ellen Wilson, Marsha Bryant, Sharon Hayes, Kathleen Sobieski, Mary Lou Meyer, Penny Nichols. THIRD ROW: Karen Emmelman, Linda Ivancich, Pam McCullough, Sherry Welch, Colleen Starck, Lois Overton.
Briscoe BRISCOE 11B—FRONT ROW: Gary Metz, Mike Dworecki, Dennis Reedy, Glenn Cripe, Jim Coe (Vice Gov.), Jeff Pilman, Alan Kado. SECOND ROW: Rick Burbee, Ronald Rothbauer, John Jodersky, Jerry Rose, Steve Willis, Mike Mullis, Burton Folsom, Phillip Frederick, Michael Bowman, Mike Niemeyer. THIRD ROW: Bill Sockrider, David Fetters, Gordon Robbins, Mack Stocksdale, Greg Patrick.
Forest Quadrangle Since its beginning Forest Quad has been known as one of the most active girls' dorms on campus. Orientation Week, 1968, Forest welcomed its hundreds of new students with a street dance, and later in the month an old-fashioned hayride was planned. One of Forest's major concerns this year was their "give a damn" program. The girls involved in the project sold buttons with the name of the program on them, gave tutoring to students in need of it and had a special program geared toward elderly people in the community. The girls also participated in the Wright-Forest Leadership Retreat and held a Valentine's Day dance at the Poplars. 348
Governors and Vice governors FOREST GOVERNORS AND VICEGOVERNORS—FRONT ROW: Kay Gilley, Cheryl Werner, Helene Steinhauer. SECOND ROW: Jan Conwell, Pam Flummer, Lynda Fasick, Cynthia Thomas.
Executive Council FOREST CO-ORDINATE AND EXECUTIVE COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Sara Behrman, Carol Boarman, Barbara Jo Tarrant. SECOND ROW: Candace Harrison, Revetta Perkins, Barbara Baumeister.
Arden ARDEN—FRONT ROW: Linda Ade, Beck Stafford, Mina Hohlen (Vice Gov.), Pam Flummerfelt (Gov.), Vicki Adams, Ann Kandrac, Phyllis Yost. SECOND ROW: Laura Robins, Regina All, Wanda Biggs, Nancy Jo Pinney, Karen Landgren, Nancy Langguth, Sally Scobee, Ginny Schroer, Jerry Grieger.
Argonne ARGONNE 2, 3, 4, 5—FRONT ROW: Barbara Baumeister, Shirley Rick, Sara Behrman, Kay Gilley (Vice Gov.), Barb McManus, Cynthia Kurtz, Barb Johnson, Kathleen Hain (Gov.), Nance Kaufman, Pam Fuehrer. SECOND ROW: Carolyn Borst, Danna Raitzin, Candy Rosen, Jane Curran, Jane Burcham, Valdena Vincent, Margaret Fink, Raenae Pickens, Rita Nebolsky. THIRD ROW: Carolyn Brooks, Candy Ridenour, Diane Atz, Gina Nelson, Mary Filippini, Kathy Allen, Misi Perkins, Stephanie Baumann, Sally Senzell, Delores Marik. FOURTH ROW: Natalie Perry, Carol Ann Martin, Barbara Hassill, Deanna Davenport, Linda Benter, Lily Kwee, Gayla Houze, Susan Smith, Mary Jane Luger, Andrea Mehlig, Cindy McKinley. FIFTH ROW: Linda Swaby, Sharalyn Davis, Sylvia Doyne, Mona Morris, Lynn Finke, Dianne Tracy, Susan Slingerland, Marcia Mrzlock, Sonja Hancock, Judy Russell, Becky, Rupright, Susan Stephens.
Birnam Wood BIRNAM WOOD—FRONT ROW: Sue Nance, Beth Halevy, Lynn Gerber, Cathy Connor (Gov.), Nancy Sullivan, Mariann Wiltshire, Lois Ritter (Vice Gov.), Vicky Bucher, Janet Woodward, Kris Behrman. SECOND ROW: Janet Close, Chris Sunderland, Leslie Kimbrall, Ann Schwinghammer, Debbie Stevens, Ryta Craig, Ellen Weinberg, Lucinda Graessle, Linda Hawkins. THIRD ROW: Sally Hampshire, Julie Cunningham, Betsy Turner, Sue Rawley, Mary Moser, Linda Sharkey, Karen Roberts, Debbie Holloway.
TANGLEWOOD—FRONT ROW: Patti Huddleston, Melody Niblock, Marcia Borodkin, Cheryl Oakes, Beth Bachman (Vice Gov.), Donna Fambrough, Jan Conwell (Gov.), Mary Lynn Schnarr, Nancy Mitchell, Allyn Lucas. SECOND ROW: Louise Farson, Linda Garnitz, Kaye Anderson, Joann Wasson, Jean Carbon, Margie Schnell, Christy Senes, Mary Macy, Cheryl Schepper, Connie Hilgedieck, Chris Yarovsky. THIRD ROW: Trudy Fennimore, Sharon Holsinger, Judy Ridenour, Cindy Draving, Patty Schaus, Pam Thomas, Jean Hunter, Kitty Bjorklund, Nancy Kracht, Charleen Browning, Jane Beauchamp. FOURTH ROW: Diane Heestand, Lucinda Lehman, Kathleen Ayer, Yvonne Jaynes, Ruth Piepenbrok, Jacque Bell, Jennifer Hood, Pat Caughey, Fran Weber, Kay Dauler, Jeanie Brandes, Jenny Lind. FIFTH ROW: Lisa Andrysiak, Sarah Dumas, Jeannette Baird, Lisa Sanders, Sarah Roach, Sauka Nenadic, Suzanne Amstutz, Jan Allemeier, Kathleen Christopher, Cindy Conwall, Lois Baum, Eula Seawood, Pat Russell.
Sherwood SHERWOOD 5 AND 6—FRONT ROW: Patricia Balnius, Margaret Finucane, Tammy Novachenko, Cynthia Thomas (Gov.), Sandra Thompson, Cheryl Robinson, Merrily Miller. SECOND ROW: Michelle Smith, Cyndee Molenda, Jayne Ikaua, Fiona Fortson, Linda Plummer, Ann Hager, Rickie Spurr, Suzette Lechner. THIRD ROW: Diana Stein, Donna Walle, Linda Ausman, Yvonne Phillips, Molly Smith, Pam Smith, Diane Wagner, Debbie Saffer, Kathy Torphy. FOURTH ROW: Diana Mills, Cathy Elbert, Sandy Bowen, Pat Gadzala, Jeanne McAloon, Phyllis Tapscott, Jane Kerr, Mary Livingood, Ellen Conner, Kathy Karwasinski. FIFTH ROW: Carol Boarman, Corene Jones, Jan Orme, Barbara Jo Tarrant, Karen Coggeshall, Kathy Kennon, Karyn Pierson, Niesha Marlowe, Pam Williams, Claire Mangers.
Sherwood SHERWOOD 7 AND 8—FRONT ROW: Jane Morris, Brenda Runcheon, Sherry Wollenberg, Helene Steinhauer (Vice Gov.), Barbara Barrows, Kathleen Roorda, Leslie Phelps. SECOND ROW: Luba Solgalow, Sue Lawson, Carole Rees, Sandie Akard, Marmie Tuerff Marian Schulein, Julie Groman, Debbie Engber, Jerry Malooley. THIRD ROW: Sandra Beers, Lynnette Huddleston, Beverly Sawell, Janan Warner, Revetta Perkins, Carin Schwartz, Diana Pierson, Melinda Miller, Connie Haberstick, Deborah Stanley.
VERDUN—FRONT ROW: Patricia Reed, Wanda Lough, Marcia Katz, Carol Reer (Gov.), Cheryl Werner (Vice Gov.), Susan Ralstin, Fran Loomis. SECOND ROW: Jackie Beaver, Joan Romick, Susan Hmurovik, Marilyn Steely, Nancy Poling, Pam Lewis, Carol Losiniecki, Cindy Hare, Betty Jo Haub, Nancy Scott. THIRD ROW: Mary Pendleton, Shirley Gunn, Janis Coffman, Kaye Fichman, Darle Groth, Jenny Lee, Pamela Brest, Sally Newhard, Sue Osterhaus, Mary Parker, Marcia Matthews, Trudy Cavallo.
Foster Quadrangle Not every residence hall can boast of its own coffee house on the premises, a snow slide in the back yard and a cemetery in the front yard. The one exception is Foster Quadrangle. At almost any time of the year you can expect to see guys playing football in the front of Shea, students of the Foster Quad program in small group discussions or enormous lines outside Gresham dining hall. And when winter comes the kids find there's nothing that unites a unit like a good snowball fight. These are all things that help to make Foster Quad a "Foster home" for many students on campus. 356
Board of Governors BOARD OF GOVERNORS— FRONT ROW: Joanne Altschuler, Janey Willard, Ginny Frey, Bonnie Winer, Sandy Nunn, Kathy Gerig, Susan Westman, Janey Sanders. SECOND ROW: Dennis Daily, Michael Robling, Greg Johnson, Paul Wendzonka, Craig Hlinka, Ron Tunis. THIRD ROW: Mike Hill, Roy Geffen, John Keller, Bruce Jennings.
Executive Council EXECUTIVE COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Donna Plymire (Sec.), Jim Logan (Pres.), Tobey Benas (Vice Pres.), Marc Wilchins (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Chuck Davis, Louise Booth, Bill Chapman, Susan Snyder, Dan Niles.
and Shea HARPER 2 AND SHEA 1—FRONT ROW: Janice Mallik, Tim Hovanec, Suzanne Genier (Vice-gov.), Craig Hlinka (Gov.), Sandy Nunn (Gov.), Bruce Ramsey, Gail Smith, Jim O'Brien. SECOND ROW: Linda Muskin, Huynh Thitruc Nuong, Stacey Wernick, Donna Wiley, Susie Price, Lynna Zabel, Jane Sachar. THIRD ROW: Tony Ranieri, Jeff Davidson, Red-dog Kirklin, Steve Corona, Edward Hake, Rick Wells, Martin Kocman. FOURTH ROW: Marlene Burnstein, Martha Wallace, Barbara Martin, Karla Boyd, Regina Oglesby, Joyce Holloman, Linda Myers. FIFTH ROW: Clint Pletcher, Jack Conner, Renee Allemann, Jan Gescheidler, Lynette Fisher, Ann Knopp, Chris Morr, Jennifer Welsh, Juanita Brittain, Tom Dorman, Larry Hobson.
and Shea
HARPER 3 AND SHEA 2—FRONT ROW: Stephen Roberts, John Fetters, John Bonacorsi, Tal Middleton, Rick Clifford, Pat Grandy, Doug Endsley. SECOND ROW: Larry Alport, Larry Johnston, Bruce Jennings (Gov.), Judy Zimmerman (Vice-gov.), Ginny Frey (Gov.), David Morgan (Vicegov.), Steve Haas, Doug Gwyn. THIRD ROW: Luann Graft, Donna Mahrwold, Beth Farekas, Penny Snow, Carla Bernon, Janet Horn, Carol Chrisman, Mary Houghton, Debbie Leman, Polly Roberts. FOURTH ROW: Griff, David Henesy, Jim McFadden, Ralph Howers, Nelson Bye, Dan Stout, Allen DeWitt, Dick Dickmeyer, Rob Sanders, Fred Hershberger. FIFTH ROW: Art Georgion, Jan Godfrey, Janet Snider, Linda Nagy, Elaine Ellison, Barbara Steffel, Ginny Walters, Kathy Clark, Lauri Jacobs, Keith Meredith. SIXTH ROW: Dom Forgianni, Robert Allen, Maureen Gaspar, Kathy Hoshaw, Nancy Wilder, Carol Slusser, Jerlyn Southwick, Bard Passage, Jerry Hill.
Harper HARPER 4 AND 5—FRONT ROW: Cheryl Glaser, Jan Plummer, Debbie Nosko, Joanne Altschuler (Gov.), Peggy Hush (Gov.), Sudy Goodrich, Susie Thews, Terry Waters. SECOND ROW: Janet Hermanson, Sandra Grabarek, Barb Green, Michelle Chambers, Mary Beth Haag, Linda Sue Emmerth, Shelley Brenner, Penny Fortinberry, Linda Utter. THIRD ROW: Sue Grovich, Sue Nemoth, Nancy Helmberger, Margy Kuntz, Mary Chappuis, Jackie Uecker, Milne Kintner, Juliet Goldschmidt. FOURTH ROW: Debbie Wohlford, Susi Snyder, Ann Starzynski, Ronda Miller, Roberta Halvorson, Lucretia Scammahorn, Marilyn Dumitru, Lisa Langohr, Teresa Dale, Carol Gilmore, Sally Pendergast. FIFTH ROW: Cinda McFall, Elaine Helt, Linda Phebus, Carol College, Polly Prude, Kathy Chatmon, Johan Coleman, Phyllis Peck, Joan Southerton, Ann Katterherny.
Harper HARPER 8 AND 9—FRONT ROW: Susan Howe, Mary LeClere, Joyce Tingley, Janey Willard (Gov.), Rhonda Ballentine, Linda Rice, Becky Brown, Sharon Kramer. SECOND ROW: Patricia Rigdon, Mary Chandler, Linda Kleibek, Virginia Earle, Jane Pruitt, Cheryl Coons, Jackie Dunn, Walda Ebert, Terry Geesken. THIRD ROW: Anne Harris, Beth Mahne, Jill Evans, Joyce DeDapper, Sue Ann Traster, Jeanne Larsen, Cindy Sahm, Donna Owens, Becky Pike, Sherry Bess, Betsy Walker.
JENKINSON 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Janice Morgan, Penny Gaither, Arlene Nierengarten, Margie Flowers, Bonnie Winer (Gov.), Joyce Bircheff, Karen Siskind, Susan Prince. SECOND ROW: Lynne Tatlock, Donna Dubinsky, Donna Aburn, Anne Berlin, Jennifer Bratton, Judy Manring, Nancy Sukup, Shirley Voliva, Lena Hays, Connie Whitaker, Nancy Krieger, Ilona Hess. THIRD ROW: Chrisann Walker, Linda Godwin, Nancy Brown, Margee Foulke, Teri Shorter, Nancy Wills, Sharon Kopinski, Sandi Simmons, Vicki Reiko, Carol Ballinger, Sandy Bergstrom, Pam Spradley. FOURTH ROW: Peggy Pearson, Jackie Kohl, Sally Steele, Sylvia Harper, Debi Keesling, Cheryl Raman, Judy Domkowski, Bev Rains, Marcia Welsch, Colleen Donaghe, Jackie Shue, Linda Nichols.
Martin MARTIN 3—FRONT ROW: John Gergacz, Jerald Hand, Jay Jackson, Charles Meador (Gov.), Charles Schalliol, Roy Geffen (Vice-gov.), Mark Schenk, Emerson Kanode. SECOND ROW: Sam Denning, Bill Jones, Reed Thompson, Gary Norman, Larry Tavel, Richard Frischkorn, Tim Duncan, Ward Weichert, Greg Pool, Don Newcomb, Richard Lake. THIRD ROW: Jeff Lentz, Mike Browne, Dave Robertson, Phil Zink, Tom Kennedy, John Hawkins, Bob Keller, Kent Hardin, Paul Sher, Ken Riney, Bill Chapman, Chuck Laheny, Ronald Trietsch.
GRC Center Council EXECUTIVE COUNCIL AND BOARD—FRONT ROW: John Lisher (Treas.), Walter Johnson (Pres.), Clarine Nardi (Vice Pres.), Brenda Horn (Sec.), Margie Arnold, Mary Epple. SECOND ROW: Janeann Pitz, Linda Landskroener, Larry Mangus (Adviser), Ron Danks, Kerry Perkins, Thomas Pytynia, Karen Edwards, Charlee Duney.
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Aydelotte AYDELOTTE—FRONT ROW: Becky Graves, Jennifer Evans, Judith Cocquyt, Patricia Kelly, Karen Lind, Carol Fuller, Barbara Leer, Nancy Mattingly, Cynthia McNamara, Frances Foy. SECOND ROW: Martha Guy, Claudia Hudson, Catharine Suthard, Margaret De Graff, Mary Hunt, Rosemary Lasota, Lydia Reese, JoAnn Zmirski, Marti Yoder, Nancy Tailor, Carol Ziering, Patricia Redden, Ellen Smith, Mary Jane Hostetler, Jane Morris, Pat Lukacsek.
HersheyStempel HERSHEY-STEMPLE—FRONT ROW: David Craig, David Lazarus, Pete Maviza, Linda Landskroener, Judy Madsall, Phyllis Morton, Jennifer Lee, Karen Cecil, Steve Applebaum, Gary Stair. SECOND ROW: Chris Nottingham, Steven Neoenschwander, Kristen Krathwokl, Vivian Gladden, Dorothy Manlief, Pam Brondage, Ramona Leitner, Ruth Ellen Heflen, Donna Horton, Sue Johnson, Sandy Davis, Janica Farian, Bill Truax, Roy Applegate. THIRD ROW: Russell Otte, Roger Chrastil, Dennis Lamey, Robert Philips, David Miller, James Easterday, Mike Garrett, Ralph Farmer, K. M. Wilk, Larry Stickler, John Sjoquist, David Richardson, Ken Wagner, James Kilmer.
Vos VOS—FRONT ROW: Cindy Gidley, Kathy Vehe, Sharon Neal, Margie Arnold, Gay Sutphin, Mary Lappie. SECOND ROW: Doris Feffer, Nancy Swickard, Lola McPheron, Judi Antkowiak, Sharon Weiler, Linda Crane, Debbi Misner, Kathy Makielski, Carol Lappie. THIRD ROW: Deborah Ferraro, Sandy Shapiro, Rita Brindley, Nancy Heck, Kathleen Ashcraft, Dianne McClure, Cynthia Palmer, Mary Katherine Newton, Terry King, Michele Reiling. FOURTH ROW: Doris Holmberg, Mari Jo Swartz, Cathy Brown, Sara McDaniel, Becky Drury, Angi Grobauskas, Niki Krisko, Tina Fagan, Carol Nelson, Eva Beach, Vicki Bauer, Marcia Hermann.
Specialties of McNutt Wheaties—breakfast of champions, served every morning to the many I.U. athletes living at McNutt.
McNutt Quadrangle
Coffee—served on special occasions (namely, the McNutt coffee houses), usually to the sounds of poetry reading and folk singing groups. Wassail—this specialty is served only during the Christmas season at the McNutt Madrigal Dinner. Order this item and you will be serenaded by the Choralairs. Sex—seminars, that is. Must be female to attend.
Board of Governors BOARD OF GOVERNORS— FRONT ROW: Steve Peterson (Student Gov't Adviser), Miss Reilly (Head Counselor), Mark Willoughby, Kathy Slaton, Chris Blomquist, Margie Morris, Ken Rader, Sandy Ziegler. SECOND ROW: Elana Levy, Nora Wolf, Debbie Dorsey, Mary Scifres, Sandy Gagel, Sue Celli ni. Nancy Carlton, Terry Eschenbach, Mary Jo Wetzel, Mike Mueller. THIRD ROW: Jay Kirkpatrick, Eileen Sullivan, Debbie Gore, Jary Sierkey, Mike Nichols, Bob Rudd, Steve Canfield, Marty Perez, Steve Parker, Randy Roller. FOURTH ROW: John Andrews, Greg Hary, Tom Navrot.
Executive Council EXECUTIVE COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Chris Blomquist (Vice Pres.), Margi Morris (Pres.), Ken Rader (Vice Pres.). SECOND ROW: Kathy Slaton (Treas.), Sandy Ziegler (Sec.).
Cabinet CABINET—FRONT ROW: Paula Noblet, Renee Francis, Claudia Pernell, Janis Kotora, Wendy Ratliff, Susan Smith. SECOND ROW: Nora Wolf, Jay Kirkpatrick, Terry Eschenbach, Tom Navrot, Sandy Gagel, Mark Willoughby.
Judicial Board JUDICIAL BOARD—FRONT ROW: Dave Miller, Mark Snelson, Bea Mould, Don Aripoli (Adv.). SECOND ROW: Dave Hathaway, Jim Ashby, Bob Braitman, Rick Thorgren.
Bordner BORDNER BASEMENT, GROUND AND 1—FRONT ROW: Bruce McDonald (Vice-Gov.), John Simpson, Richard Peach, John Williams (Gov.), John Treat, Jan Moorhead, Jim Pratt. SECOND ROW: Tom Barker, John Rasmussen, Patrick Rogers, Mark Fry, Stephen Zeilengold, Roger Pritzke, Greg Wasson, Bill Thistlethwaite. THIRD ROW: Steve Cassidy, Richard Gregorczyk, Terence Cooper, Steve Barlow, Steve Allen, David Bussard, David Chanley, Rob Sutherlin, Gary Sharp. FOURTH ROW: Mark Scherschel, Lew Rhinehart, Larry Duhamell, Sam Gardiner, Steve Gillner, John Kindig, Jon Long, Dennis Cook, Joe Cottingham.
Bordner BORDNER 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Dave Mather, Bill Coyle, J. P. Palguta, John Eagleson, Charles Geile, Richard Loverich, Barry Bateman. SECOND ROW: Ken Ferres, Mike McKnight, Mike Pampalone, Jim Stoneburner, Kathy Kingsley, Dan Cline (Gov.), Randy Kreizenbeck, Jamey Costino (Gov.), Gregg Hay. THIRD ROW: Ronald Schutz, Terence Cooper, Tom Sheneman, Jack Humphrey, John Lofland, John Gear, Gary Lohaus, Gruss Feuquay, Jim Hornaday, Sam Coburn, Gilbert Gambill. FOURTH ROW: Jim Anderson, Denny Turner, Chuck Hilbrich, Richard Friedberg, Eddie Kuklenski, John Schaefer, Roger Bass, Phil Ayer, Steve Muha, Wayne Young. FIFTH ROW: Jeff Randall, Raymond Booth, Tom Denney, Merrill Matlock, Steve Burries, Tom Mathis, Mike Messenheimer, Dennis Howett, Larry Hill.
Bocobo BOCOBO 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Sandy Wilson, Gaylene Goren, Doris Felsher, Georgia Henrie, Nancy Carlton (Gov.), Pat Olson, Eileen Sullivan (Gov.), Susan Leopold. SECOND ROW: Mary Ausich, Barb Bruno, Laurie Filderman, Merry Kime, Terri Tompkins, Lynne Ross, Susan Bella, Becky Spitznogle, Debbie Nagy, Theresa Brier, Jan Hachlica, Louise Racich. THIRD ROW: Veda Bonomo, Marilyn Gill, Judy Hershey, Ricky Gross, Sheila Poellein, Sherrill Whitney, Carole Watson, Renee Francis, Jackie Gonder, Charlene Serynek. FOURTH ROW: Kathy Arch, Ginny Shoup, Cheryl Schmidt, Ruth Klein, Judith Brennan, Ann Dougherty, Connie Watson, Linda Holsapple, Barb Schreiner, Dianna Bartholomew, Peggy Bonfield, Susan Jollief, Wendi Ratliff.
Bocobo BOCOBO GROUND & 1—FRONT ROW: Sara Porter, Kim Torgerson, Nancy Mahuren, Marion Moxely, Nancy Hamilton, Michele Johnson, Meg Barth, Nora Wolff. SECOND ROW: Linda Peyton, Carol Suroviak, Marji Morris, Claudia Perna], Mary Lou Johnston, Patricia Crary, Pam Wise, Nancy Konzelman, Mary Mohler, Carla Trager. THIRD ROW: Linda Blank, Sharon Cotton, Marcy Adler, Barbara Mullin, Sue Otlewski, Sue Boyce, Judy Earhart, Margaret Tinder, Marcia Hardesty.
Bryan BRYAN HALL—FRONT ROW: Tom Nawrot (Gov. II), Carl Dyszkiewicz (Wing Treas.), Tom Kruyer (Fire Marsh.), Mike Nichols (Gov. I), Stan Young (Couns.), John Walda (Frosh. Pres.), Jim Ashby (Jud. Brd. Mem.), John Patten (Fl. Couns.). SECOND ROW: Michail Cordry, Ray Johnston, J. D. Rench, Steve Cherry, Lewis Schloemer, Larry McCavley, Robert Shelby, Jesse Sickels, Bill Dahlkamp, Attila Yaprak. THIRD ROW: Farhan Shawaf, E. B. Hendrix, James Swonder, Charles Owen McCormick, Mike McKeon, Marc Maiatico, Tim Galuin, Dave Solomon, William Weichsel, Jim Youngman. FOURTH ROW: Brad Robison, Mark Brunfild, Ralph Conti, Marty Perez, Dave Arnold, Bill Rikard, Jeffrey Whaley, Bruce Dryer, Dennis Neuschwanger, Bill Rahe, Charles Flowers.
Crone CRONE BASEMENT & GROUND —FRONT ROW: Mike Mueller (Gov.), Patrick Miller (Communications), John Edkins (Soc. Ch.), Jay Kirkpatrick (Gov.), Michael S. Klaybor, Lee 0. Wagoner (Sec.), Bob Bubnovich (Asst. R.A.), Christian LeBris (Couns.). SECOND ROW: Mark Hanak, Gordon Doyle, Mark Doyle, Tom Leowakis, Mike Weimer, Bob Lehman, John Barksdale, Charles Washington, Max Carpenter, Andy Hudson, Ron Cochran, John Frushour. THIRD ROW: Doug Meissner, Kent Bell, Darwin Schmidt, Craig Barker, Ian Kirkpatrick, Gordon Bokelman, John Little, Terry Vaidek, Lance Feighner (Sec. Stud. Aff.), Steve Goodrum, John Beatty. FOURTH ROW: Alan Kluman, Robert Rush, Danny Slaton, Stan Hamilton. Gary Thompson, Dave Tiller, Den Shafer, Thomas Siather, Michael Wegner, Glenn Talbert, Kevin Weldy.
Crone CRONE II & Ill—FRONT ROW: John Gall, Al Jenkins, Keith Brauer (Fl. Couns.). SECOND ROW: Bernie Glim, Jim Ferguson, Ed Brooks, Carl Lagenaur, James Luetkemeier.
Dejoya DE JOYA G & I—FRONT ROW: Jean Skiora, Miriam Moy (Fl. Couns.), Janet Pingleton (Fl. Couns.), Mary Alice Arnold (R.A.), Teri Eschenbach (Gov. Gr.), Janet Lear (Couns.), Christina Kowalski (Treas.), Sally Cissel (Fl. Couns.). SECOND ROW: Kathy Kelly, Nancy Keller, Iris Trent, Sue Ice, Chris Elibasich, Louise Goss, Rita Webb, Donna Smith, Julia Ebert, Pamela Witt, Mary Patryas. THIRD ROW: Julie Himes, Ramona Robards, Beth Fushelberger, Beverly Dietrich, Marsha La Tourette, Pam Powers (Fl. Couns.), Donna Wadsworth, Sally Sheehan, Mary Jo Falvey. FOURTH ROW: Kathy Patterson, Sharon Peregrine, Jane Brenneman, Mary Anne Leer, Vicki Dearholt, Janet Garrott, Debbie Martin, Sherry Boone, Jayne Preston, Deanna Dewers, Deidre Koranda.
Dejoya DE JOYA 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Cheryl Behrendt, Shirley Katunick, Vonnie Wiesjahn, Jalna Wagoner (Gov. 3), Mary Seifres (Gov. 2), Nancy Crawford, Jane Brennan, Barb Harris. SECOND ROW: Sharon Krueger, Tonja White, Sherri Kress, Susan Taylor, Dottie Nyland, Jean Brennan, Patricia Szymczak, Linda Harlan, Valerie Drozda, Sherry Beals, Susan Desits, Janice Olszewski. THIRD ROW: Catherine Miller, Alyce Mart, Cindy Eck, Debbie Goar, Agnes Lannom, Linda Day, Lynda Petrie, Dianne Dimick, Cathy Medick. FOURTH ROW: Pat Mertel, Sally Young, Karen Gorman, Paula Baldwin, Kathleen Rosenwinkel, Kathy Gerometta, Ann Taylor, Kiki Zulick, Maureen Callahan, Norma Coffman, Priscilla Osovski, Lynn Vanatta. FIFTH ROW: Pam Brown, Ceci Hathaway, Linda Malik, Kathleen Slaton, Linda Schneider, Peggy Wally, Patty Moll, Kim Haseh, Diane Glogowski.
Delgado DELGADO GROUND—FRONT ROW: Nancy Ulm, Linda Jacobs, Patti Hendricks, Jan Elaine Hughes, Carol Kiep, Melissa Whisler, Bev Martin, Janet Capp. SECOND ROW: Cathy Philpott, Janet Schuer, Joy Klaucker, Beth Barrett, Susan Smith, Sandy Gagle (Gov.), Jill Moss.
Delgado DELGADO ONE—FRONT ROW: Karen Kay Kress, Janice Ritz, Fran Nudi, Mary Jo Wetzel (Gov.), Diana Lane, Donna King, Mary Bonczek. SECOND ROW: Gretchen Coleman, Kathy Lucas, Linda Claeson, Julia Bryant, Nancy Middleton, Karen Allen, Jenny Pineur, Joyce Etter. THIRD ROW: Nikki Martin, Barbara Witniki, Susie Ellis, Emily Swanson, Carolyn Jedd, Fran Rothehild. FOURTH ROW: Codylo Droza, Amy Taylor, Paula Noblet, Sue Helmken, Linda LaChapelle, Kathy Grabbe, Becky Hall, Katie Burford.
Delgado DELGADO TWO—FRONT ROW: Sue Berger, Verjie Llamas, Barbara Schisler, Debbie Dorsey, Joan Casper, Beth Hary, Marsha Crouse. SECOND ROW: Janet Gardner, Linda Maple, Verdell Anderson, Margie Shuer, Jan Briggs, Kathy Kingsly, Dawn Dorey, Suzanne Miller, Katie Lehman. THIRD ROW: Kathy Henderson, Connie Groeninger, Kathy Hartwell, Lynn Forster, Susan Tepas, Diane Moore, Diane Doll, Peggy Dunn.
Delgado DELGADO 3—FRONT ROW: Sue Cairns, Bev Skelton, Jeanette Stovall, Sandi Lehman, Elana Levy (Gov.), Gail Thrapp, Laurie Barrett. SECOND ROW: Mary Kompier, Pam Cunningham, Candy Kruse, Cynthia Lynch, Katie Alter, Paula Seybert, Rose Marie Skonieczny, Laurie Groves. THIRD ROW: Linda Ethridge, Christie Troup, Adele Cohen, Carol Needle, Ann Moore, Lucinda Muller, Marcia Griffin, Cathy Bajusz.
Rumors circulated through MRC this year that Smith Hall has a ghost. The men promptly organized clubs to search for the mystery creature, but, so far, to no avail. MRC also has the distinction of being the dorm on campus with a 100 to one ratio of cars to parking spaces—an equally trying experience for all those involved. Tradition seems to be what the men of MRC thrive on. Quiz bowls, trivia bowls, athletic contests and awards, and a consistently high academic standing round out the activities for the oldest housing unit on campus.
Men's Residence Center
Board of Governors BOARD OF GOVERNORS— FRONT ROW: William L. Stevens, Joseph M. Berman, John C. Fisher (Pres.), Jerry D. Allen, Rich Hattendorf. SECOND ROW: Bob Arrowsmith, Arthur Banks, Dennis Klemm, John Newman.
Cravens CRAVENS A AND C.—FRONT ROW: Bob Dailey, Ed Kleine, Rick Hattendorf (Gov.), Donald Lane (Vice-gov.), Dennis Riggs, David Mathias. SECOND ROW: Steven Angle, Millard Eisler, Jean-Pierre Shultz, Stuart Deuring, Roger Key, Larry Penrod, Christopher Greenleaf, Robert Blair.
Cravens CRAVENS B—FRONT ROW: Larry Ingram, Tim Shula, Eddie Daniels, Jr., Ronnie McCloud, Bill Marvin (Gov.), Steven Kellam, David Gray. SECOND ROW: Michael Gibson, Gary Coburn, Bill Thwing, Kyle Rarey, More Schulz, Barry Kessler, Manuel Heredia, Bill Waits.
Edmunson EDMUNSON 2—FRONT ROW: Hank Prebus, Nick Timm, Phil Elliott (Vice-gov.), Jerry Allen (Gov.), Samuel Jeffrey, Cary Frederick, Larry Graliczak, Rocky Gottman. SECOND ROW: Tom Stoller, Brad Cooper, Dietrich Snelling, Chuck Johnson, Henry Mierzwa, Jim Brunenkant, Milton Brandenburg, Dave Tanner. THIRD ROW: Gary Selfridge, Chris Babcock, Dick Sanders, Alex Gulaboff, Jon Brown, Charles Smith, Jay Burke, Dennis DeWell, Christopher Maternowski. FOURTH ROW: Jeff Whitesel, Gary Conner, Scott Custard, David Kennedy, Herbie Hughes, Stephen Long, Jim Bere, Dan Wendling, Jim McCormick.
Edmuns on EDMUNSON 3—FRONT ROW: Gerry Hollis, William Feller, Frank Leach, Joe Berman (Gov.), Steve Sukel, Terry Hannigan, Ralph Bruner. SECOND ROW: Gary Hinz, David Fruit, Alan Wilhite, Kurt Mishberger, Eric George, Mac Heald. THIRD ROW: Oliver Fields, Chris Fenwell, Marc Horn, Dobson Burton, Chuck Van Dyke, Jeff Anderson, Tom Enochs.
Edmuns on EDMUNSON 4 AND SMITH (FRONT ROW: John Newman, Rick Koleszar, Bill Stevens (Gov. 4), Steve Cronk (Vice-gov. 4), Phillip Neff (Gov. 1), Tom Wilhelm, Lawrence Kutt. SECOND ROW: Frank Mula, Terry Roberts, Tom Benedict, Alec MacWatt, Ruben Feliciano, Merritt Carlson, Frederick Ball. THIRD ROW: Allen Aukerman, Alexander Chai, Thom Gustayson, William Brunsman, Richard Balash, Gerald E. Taylor, Mike Fatula.
Smith SMITH 2—FRONT ROW: Arthur Banks (Gov.), Lucio Bartolai (Vicegov.), Dom Mangone, Jack Patton, John Moore, Bill Guber. SECOND ROW: Jim Sottong, Charles Dickinson, Marshall Jowers, Kenneth Hanig, Maurice Daniels, Terry Eldrid, Kurt Mayhew. THIRD ROW: Terry Persinger, Larry Mayhew, Charles Jessup, Kent VanValin, Ben Stafford, Dennis Hasting.
Smith SMITH 3—FRONT ROW: Gary Edwards, Mike Anderson, James Roessler (Vice-gov.), Ronnie Bishop, Tom Thamann, Lawrence Coman. SECOND ROW: Kirk Bigelu, Richard Mao, Tony Kohne, Ed Richardson. Steve Shultz, Andy Peschel, Dave Coughlen.
Read Center
With a little inspirational help fromH. J. Heinz, the winning combination of Read Center and MRC once again captured firstplace honors in the annual Homecoming float contest. This year's entry which urged the Hoosiers to "Pour It On 'Em" was the third consecutive winner of the two residence halls and so earned its creators the right to permanent possession of the traveling trophy. The nearly 1200 women of Read combined their talents and skills to organize such activities as a film series (the main attraction of which was that it was free), Little Sisters' Weekend, and the only three days in the year when all 600 rooms were simultaneously immaculate, Mothers' Weekend and Dads' Day. At the beginning of the year, upperclass residents volunteered to be "Big Sisters" to the influx of frazzeled freshmen who descended en masse for Orientation Week.
Center Council CENTER COUNCIL—FRONT (Vice-pres. ROW: Rona Alexanderҟ Programming), Sherry Daughtery (Exec. Sec'y), Cande Steckol (Pres.), Phyllis Roell (Curryҟ Vice-gov.), Ethel Finn (Soc. Co-chairman). SECOND ROW: Sue Van Hoy (Soc. Cochairman), Joyce Carlile (Curry Gov.), Karen Berry (Beck Gov.), Susie Lane (Landes Gov.), Susan Edwards (Landes Vice-gov.), Carol Snook (Center Comm. Coord.), Sue Adley (Clark Gov.).
Judicial Board JUDICIAL BOARD—FRONT ROW: Janet Armstrong, Bonnie Personett, Pamela Neal, Beth King. SECOND ROW: Ruth Hitchcock (Chairman), Joy Kay Hatfield.
Beck BECK 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Sandi Mitchell, Mary Sue Harrwell, Debbie Chamberlin, Kathy Mueller, Sharon Macke, Vicki Renz, Susan Cooksley. SECOND ROW: Debbie Goodwin, Grace Hamilton, Judy Yates, Judy Ferrell, Marita Sanders, Thetis Roudebush, Susan Engle, Charlotte Smith, Nancy Cripe.
Beck BECK 4, 5 AND 6—FRONT ROW: Sue Hall, Natalie Johnson, Peggy O'Connor, Donna Thomas (Vicegov.), Karen Berry (Gov.), Sharon Benton, Laurie Scheffers, Harriet Ann Levi. SECOND ROW: Cindy Hall, Melinda Wallace, Jeanne Meyer, Deborah Gallup, Jordan Hamm, Ann Trudeau, Louisa Lipps, Marsha Brooks, Laura Meyer, Maurita Elrod, Barb Singer, Mary Heiny, Carolyn Kepley, Martha Grodrian, Jayne Deeb, Sue Azevedo.
Clark CLARK 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Pat Hayes, Ethel Finn, Sherry Glass, Linda Alberty, Teri Senior, Teri Dillon, Beth Basanda, Janet Lundy. SECOND ROW: Christie Dable, Karla Organ, Marge Homan, Jane Ebbinghouse, Debby Ray, Sue Lang, Marsha Bowers, Jo Hensley, Kim Mikkelsen. THIRD ROW: Julia McCrosky, Susan Van Hoy, Susan Roth, Peggy Parmele, Janet Hardman, Connie Wolfcale, Susan Stout, Stephanie Meyers, Bonnie Gallivan, Kathy Cook, Loretta Horvath.
Clark CLARK 4, 5 AND 6—FRONT ROW: Susan Nethery, Lynn Mundy, Sally Ulrich, Julia Baker, Sue Adley (Gov.), Cari Small, Susan Fligeltaub. SECOND ROW: Tanya Fessler, Vikki Velkoff, Cheryl Gettinger, Janet Rippy, Karen Williams, Bonnie King, Judy Geder. THIRD ROW: Melinda Clark, Tomya McCarthy, Deborah Knight, Carolyn Hurst, Jo Peckat, Marjorie Sieb, Pat Hurley, Mary Jones.
Curry CURRY 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Berry Fitzner, Martha Nugent, Barbara Foltz, Carol Pendleton, Bonnie Hall (Gov.), Penny Freedman, Becky Drennen, Katy Lieber. SECOND ROW: Nancy Walters, Nita Hicks, Karen Bowen, Bonnie Newman, Sharon Pavach, Priscilla Tucker, Teresa Walker, Ann Elsner, Magda Csetenyi. THIRD ROW: Janice Frech, Janice Talbert, Elodee Hopper, Jan Lettelleir, Pat Lucas, Ann Bricker, Sherry Duffin, Andrea Haste, Denise Melton.
Curry CURRY 4, 5 AND 6—FRONT ROW: Lee Ann Oatess, Deborah Newby, Joyce Carli le (Vice-goy.), Pam Hamilton, Patti Ruppert. SECOND ROW: Mary Collins, Barbara Back, Pam Stevens, Connie Branch.
Landes LANDES 2, 3 AND 4—FRONT ROW: Diane Million, Debbie Harrison, Lynn Lisarelli, Carol Wolfe, Vickie Furlong, Ann Bundy, Lynn Rockwood, Susan Ehereenman. SECDND ROW: Judy Donohue, Debbie Grosenbacker, Janet Krampe, Ruth Rudie, Marcia Carney, Nancy Hitchison, Eileen Grosse, Beverly Holdcraft, Brenda Lualdi.
Landes LANDES 4, 5 AND 6—FRONT ROW: Julie Funkhouser, Bobbi Somers, Bonnie Gordon, Susan Edwards (Vice-gov.), Janis Dugle, Linda Nevel, Mary Markowicz, Barb Carroll, Barbara Best. SECOND ROW: Barbie Bonham, Carolyn Hester, Cathy Loman, Judy Anderson, Candice Lemen, Sara Vaughn, Ann Ricke, Jeanette Bennett, Cynthia Walton, Pama Jonner. THIRD ROW: Mary Menzies, JoAnne Dubec, Jeannie Bernikowicz, Diane Glowacki, Joy Kay Hatfield, Linda Morgan, Lois Leavitt, Cindy Philbrook, Anne Brooks. FOURTH ROW: Cheryl Schaekel, Brenda Ferguson, Beth Brinker, Deedra Rumyan, Mindy Miller, Sandra Ptucha, Linda Myers, Sharon Menshilwood, Theodotia Hartman, Becky Williamson.
Teter Quadrangle
In 1968-69 Teter Residents learned an enormous amount about nothing in particular and everything in general. For instance, did you know that open visitation works out even better in a coed dorm? you can spend an awful lot of money going to Crosstown each day? since Wright went co-ed the men of Teter spy on them, too? the cafeteria line is mostly guys in the mornings? (these are probably the ones who are first in line every night) there are rooms in the basement that even the janitors can't find? phone boxes are not the grooviest thing that ever happened? with a little bit of spirit and 1500 kids you ca get a lot done? —that's Teter this year. 386
Center Council TETER CENTER COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Jerry Fritz (VicePres.), Kathy Petrucce, Kathy Waite, Manci Yates, Mary Jane Breitenbach (Vice-Pres.), Greg Larkin (Pres.), Ken Martlage (Pres.). SECOND ROW: Linda Ryan, Joy Principat, Pat Wince, Melinda Sobraski, Jody Racine, Cheryl Lucas, Caryl O'Brien, Eileen Thacker, Jennifer Rinehart. THIRD ROW: Steve Dickhaus, Robert Connell, Steve Bowser, Joe Brenner, Randy Hammond, Bob Shaffer, Bob Weith, Bill Royalty, Russ Smith.
Executive Council TETER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Mona Hernandez, Mary Jane Breitenbach, Jane Fisher. SECOND ROW: Ken Martlage, Chester Bailey, Bill Erlacker, Greg Larkin.
Wissler WISSLER 2—FRONT ROW: Steve Griggs, Steve Messman, Steve Bowser (Gov.), Steve Peterson, Thomas Watson, Dan Munger. SECOND ROW: Robert Kleiner, Tom Eastridge, Dan Fridh, Mark Rickert, Roger Hall, Melvin Collins, Dave Dicus.
W issler WISSLER 3—FRONT ROW: Dick Kaplan, William McFarland (Vice Gov.), Kathy Healy (Sweetheart), Bob Shaffer (Gov.), Ken Mortlage, Robert Clayton. SECOND ROW: Erick Springer, Steve Pieper, Eric Richardo, Mark Esenwein, Jow Huff, Darrel Davis, Steve Kearney. THIRD ROW: David J. Cadwell, Greg Grummell, Bill WinsCott, Steve Clason, Dave Duffin, Dale Wynn.
Wissler WISSLER 5—FRONT ROW: Hifzi Mehmet Sarioglu, Richard J. Mlynarski, Paul A. Hugentober, Richard L. Messner, Thomas C. Frey. SECOND ROW: J. Mark Thomas, Michael P. Gorski, Dennis Dill, Steve Underwood, Bruce Novak.
Thompson THOMPSON 3 AND 5—FRONT ROW: Doug Lacey, Rod Cochran, William Royalty (Gov.), James Moore. SECOND ROW: Mel Jacobson, Ken Fife, Glen Sargent, Richard Gayle.
Thompson THOMPSON 4—FRONT ROW: Greg Larkin, Keith Kennedy, David Watters, Tim Seehausen, Larry Fisher (Vice Gov.), Bob Weith (Gov.), Dallas Bauman, Michael Albert, Gregory MacLennan, Jake Dunton. SECOND ROW: Randall Peters, Richard Yoder, Bill Thompson, Tom Allen, Greg Eaver, Jim Post, Craig Goodwin, Steve Warren, Ronnie Powell, Greg Matt, Stan Franklin. THIRD ROW: Mike Popescue, Neb Ellis, John Drabecki, Leonard Zeabart, Michael O'Connell, Stephen Hatfield, Thomas Cicarella, Ed Knoop, Rick Cooley, Roger Barker, Jim Jacobs. FOURTH ROW: Steve Spicer, Rod Beck, John Barnard, Ron Sullivan, Mike Lunsford, Steve Fouts, Issam Shaban, John Lienhart, Chet Bailor, Mark Catt, Dan Hogan.
Boisen BOISEN I AND 2—FRONT ROW: Rita Downard, Cindy Bohlen, Jannette Hendrickson, Cheri Colter (Vice Gov.), Jody Racine (Gov.), Eileen Thacker (Gov.), Susan Jackson, Nancy Sullivan. SECOND ROW: Margie Brazina, Pam Wentland, Bonnie Gardner, Libby Marschke, Jackie Hughes, Cathy Worthington, Suzanne Robey, Kathy Murray, Cheryl Davis. THIRD ROW: Mary Jo Schock, Susan Freiberger, Pam Martin, Carol Wright, Sally Stenholm, Karen Hall, Linda Williams, Carolyn Turnbaugh. FOURTH ROW: Joan Barrett, Judith Newberg, Barb Whitmore, Jo Sabkel, Jane Scholl, Sheilah Abramson, Debbie Richardson, Cheryl Burack, Liz Colby.
Boisen BOISEN 3 AND 4—FRONT ROW: Lynn Barrett, Cydney Finkel, Roberta Rakow, Cynthia Winters, Sandy Coffland, Andi Bryer, Marjorie Etchison, Diana Weiler, Cherri Merchant, Yvonne Lowe, Carol Nichols. SECOND ROW: Janie Mersereau, Karen Thompson, Kathleen Cooper, Carol Abdon, Marilyn Lewis, Susan Yokel, Jane Bender, Connie Bee (Vice Gov.), Jean Siders (Vice Gov.), Nancy Michael (Gov.). THIRD ROW: Rosie Rose, Yvette Grady, Jennifer Grimes, Beverly White, Marilyn Carroll, Sue O'Malley, Vera Langner, Carolyn Vaught, Vanita Clements, Maureen Dayton. FOURTH ROW: Roseanna Bothwell, Betty Ferguson, Barbara Swinney, Kathy Wilke, Jane Murray, Pam Wampler, Carol Sue Hall, Nancy Paris, Colleen Mercer, Susan Ware, Vernelle Bush. FIFTH ROW: Muffet Schumacher, Jill Kliphardt, Debbie Ringer, Peggy Martin, Paula Eley, Linda Wagonseller, Maureen Sullivan, Janis Nemeth, Evelyn Dabrowski, Irene A. Bafalowkos, Elizabeth Stronowicz, Nancy Powers.
Elkin ELKIN 1 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Mary Piepenbrok (Vice Gov.), Leslie Jamison, Tanna Boehm, Abby Tweedle, Katina Burgess, Debbie Heath, Tracy Lynch, Sarah Bapst, Shay O'Neil, Jill Oxley (Vice Gov.), Cheryl Lucas (Gov.). SECOND ROW: Pam Deputy, Lynette Walker, Debbie Paxton, Jan Jacks, Gail Shaffner, Chris Nicolle, Janice Bennett, Lana Smith, Stephanie Young, Jeanie Emery, Bev Schisler. THIRD ROW: Jenifer Waters, Cindy Restrick, Lisa Anderson, Sally Wakeland, Susan Glick, Marilyn German, Jeannie Ridinger, Marjorie Covell, Sylvia Partlowe, Lorraine Paskash. FOURTH ROW: Pat Gordon, Andrea Gutterman, Diana Dickensheets, Nancy Lange, Stephanie Gradolf, Sheryl Skillman, Susan Moffett, Momie Jennings, Linda Kalberger, Erma Stephens, Jena Anderson. FIFTH ROW: Sandy Irwin, Linda Stillabower, Linda Wagley, Susie Wallgren, Carolyn Olsen, Sue Wildman, Sue VanAntwerp, Lisa Vogel, Karen Williams, Bonnie Miller.
Elkin ELKIN 2—FRONT ROW: Martha Probst, Judy Jared, Anita Becht, Patricia Wince (Gov.), Rhonda Keller (Vice Gov.), Penni Johnson, Jan Mattasits. SECOND ROW: Linda Davis, Kathy Rittenhouse, Patricia Apostol, Marianne Moore, Kamala Buckner, Kathleen Clancy, Karen Lobert, Susie Wagner. THIRD ROW: Elaine Mitchell, Kathy Weber, Linda Schwartz, Bev Ripple, Donna Jean Hartke, Pat Dyer, Diana Miller, Jacqui Wise, Susie Kirkdorfer.
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Rabb RABB I—FRONT ROW: Terri Toole, Jan Gysin, Anne Denny, Linda Ryan (Gov.), Gail Eger (Vice Gov.), Alana Lundgren, Sherry Glaser. SECOND ROW: Becky Hueber, Carol Reusser, Jane Zimmerman, Jane McCallister, Cathy Hutchinson, Carol Huges, Jerry Herd, Nancy Wagner. THIRD ROW: Minnie Touser, Karen Bolen, Rosumund Abel, Judy Millar, Tammy Griffith, Linda Forbess, Sigrid Bolinder.
Rabb RABB 5 AND 6—FRONT ROW: Linda Slater, Susan Altum, Bernadette Sobeck (Vice Gov), Joy Principatlo (Gov), Doris Schornstein. SECOND ROW: Cindy McLaughlin, Becky Weimer, Julie Durnell, Ellen Earley, Sheila Scott, Carol Ann Nix, Marcia Woods, Linda Riley.
Willkie Quadrangle Willkie's a winner! After a Willkie-ite was crowned the 1967 Homecoming Queen and Willkie captured the 1968 I.U. Sing, a tradition of "winning big" was established. Continuing this precedent was the Willkie Mini Team who rode away from its competitors to a first place victory. Not letting all the success of the previous year go its head, Willkie tried even harder to maintain its Number One reputation by capturing first place for independent lawn displays at Homecoming. The display, "Hoosiers Will-Key Up To Victory", sent Willkie off on another banner year. 396
Center Council WILLKIE CENTER COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Barbara Ross, Karen Carpenter, Pam Gentry, Nancy Conard, Carolyn Coleman, Dorothy Bienko, Debbie Bishop, Kathy Fiandt. SECOND ROW: Barb Halten, Sandy Taylor, Laura Garrittson, Pam Roth, Gayle Dannoch, Sharon Walsh, Chris Szabo. THIRD ROW: Bill Coulehan, Ken Moscanello, Tim Brink, Bill Baron, Mark Lubow, Mike Hoyt, Stu Bloom, Stan Chen, Richard Lewis, Susie Chong, Madonna Nowviskie, Alan Davis.
Willkie WILLKIE NORTH 2—FRONT ROW: Karen Carpenter (Gov.), Jane Brooks, Debbie Schildcrout, Pat Young, Pat Pessemier, Sue Baillie. SECOND ROW: Yvonne Mason, Anne Schaffner, Glenna Crooks, Meg Sockrider, Jan Schulz, Glenda Rynearson. THIRD ROW: Nancy Green, Pam Coget, Diane Kami, Sue Livingston, Stella Kuwaye, Barbara Schankerman, Dee Ann Benjamin, Jeanne Stangle.
Willkie WILLKIE NORTH 3, SOUTH 3— FRONT ROW: Nancy Conrad, Pam Gentry, Sunni Matthews (Vice Gov.), Mark Lubow (Gov.), Gail Brachulis, Jon Goodman, Chris Szabo (Gov.), Alan Federoff. SECOND ROW: Becky Fraser, Linda Gajeda, Dale Scott, Garry Waltz, Mary Williams, Marty Moore, Richard Starr, Dave Greteneord, Steve Pock, Mark Shumard. THIRD ROW: Frances McCullough, Linda Overman, Becky Lungren, Suellen Jackson, Geraldine Niwao, Connie Neibert, Margie Conet, Maureen Widduck, Donna James, Joanne Maddock.
Willkie WILKIE NORTH 4, SOUTH (FRONT ROW: Nora Vega, Cheryl Flick, Cheryl Archer (Vice Gov.), Sue Anne Brewer, Bill Coulehan (Gov.), Ken Mickelson, Sam Passo, Albert Davis Woodward, Rhana Carnes. SECOND ROW: Craig Patrick Cassidy, James Gladden, Steve Heffelmire, Mark Hermes, Penny Norman, Dave Whit field, Tom Crowe, Richard Anthony Brown, Chuck Stewart, Dick Luchtman. THIRD ROW: Becky Shady, Janet Dutome, Jan Bryant, Betsey Millholland, Debbi Cutler, Susan Hinkle, Laura Springola, Lois McBride, Jamie Lisa Moss, Leslie Fielder, Sharon Carmichael. FOURTH ROW: Susan Herr, Sue Bennington, Barbara Andrews, Karen Frass, Carol Sheeta, Diane Carbro, Jackie Humphrey, Susan Miller, Larry Wilson, Fred Weatherford, Richard Ison.
Willkie WILLKIE SOUTH 4—FRONT ROW: Leon Hostetler, Bill Trowbridge, Chris Westland (Vice Gov.), Sue Baillie (Sweetheart), Michael Hoyt (Gov.), Joe Gennaro, Jim Trowbridge. SECOND ROW: Doug Murdock, Ron Lazar, Jim Linden, Dick Altman, Paul Eicher, Joe Meek, Bob Mueller, Greg Lowery. THIRD ROW: Ken Wilson, Dave Long, Russ Sonafrank, Mike Cooper, Lynn Mitchell, Chuck Chambers, Robert Hackbirth, Steve Hanna, James Brown. FOURTH ROW: Chris McReynolds, Stuart Franson, Alan Mattern, Jim Hemstreet, David Bechler, Tom Smith, Chuck Orr, Dave Trask.
Willkie WILLKIE NORTH 5, SOUTH 5— FRONT ROW: William Buchanan, Linda Tomlin, J. Patrick Glynn, Janet Meece, Steve Wibbler (Vice Gov.), Sandra Taylor (Gov.), Brian Millhoff, Teresa Rohrbaugh (Vice Gov.), John Bizzell. SECOND ROW: Joel Schapmeyer, Don Rogers, Charles Van Ausdall, Gary Wedow, Douglas Hulman, Lee Pearson, Phil Eversomon, Bob Roberts, Alex Williams. THIRD ROW: Mary Ann Rozdelsky, Bekki Douglas, Susie Chong, Debbie Lair, Wendy Louser, Judy Dean, Mary Ann Deniston, Linda Gardner, Pam Guy, Elaine Hohmann. FOURTH ROW: Dave Simanton, Beth Hill. Tom Crawford, Larry Goldstein, Mike Timpe, Denise Stevens, Jacqueline Jones, Sue Moehlmann, Barbara E. Turner, Marsha Franklin, Verlee Warfield.
Willkie WILLKIE NORTH 6 AND 10— FRONT ROW: Shirley Duncan, Linda Lifschultz, Linda Bell (Vice Gov.), Barbara Ross (Gov.), Kathryn Fiandt (Gov.), Sharon Schwietert (Vice Gov.), Julia Fullenwider, Barbara Thompson, Cheryl Nietfeldt. SECOND ROW: Susan Coburn, Diana Simpson, Diane Huren, Judy White, Rosemary Ingram, Joyce Konke, Jane Bullock, Barbara Beach, Sue Lampert, Polly Novak. THIRD ROW: Teresa Pence, Sandi Pockros, Linda Vest, April Arany, Sandy Smith, Debbie Plank, Julie Light, Sue Schwartz, Pamela Petry, Terry Jo Baringer, Beth Ann Jablonski. FOURTH ROW: Donna Biehl, Rita Zurawk, Patti Tomich, Sharon Hanna, Ann Mcllroy, Cheryl Stokes, Joan Auffart, Mary Jo Pickhardt, Cyndee Franklin, Jeanette Johnson. FIFTH ROW: Mary Catherine Wheeler, Meg Ellen Grandfield, Jane Douglas Berguson, Cheryl Ziegler, Claudia Chaney, Vicki Wolfcale, Sally Johnson, Lydia Kowalski, Jan Nattier, Pam Price, Jo Miller.
Willkie WILLKIE NORTH 7, SOUTH 7— FRONT ROW: Gregg Thompson, Rosann Cart, Rick Cary (Vice Gov.), Pamela Roth (Gov.), Ole Nelson (Gov.), Kate McNell (Vice Gov.), Mike Downard, Lucinda Miller, Donald Lang. SECOND ROW: Greg Crail, Dan Fox, Tom Mildala, David Brooks, Mike Lasko, Phillip Roth, Roy Boston, John Stafford, John Wuertz, Fred May. THIRD ROW: Janet Moore, Carol Reed, Sylvia Heckman, Carol Wendt, Sara Stoller, Margaret Roy, Deborah Plumb, Emily Allyn, Nancy Hay. FOURTH ROW: David White, Patsy Weber, Joan Torrieri, Sue Nolst, Sandy Haskell, Sharon Leffew, Shelly Scott, Steve Ruhl, Peggy Ploetner, Candi Magner. FIFTH ROW: Dianna Withers, Jane Melick, Carolyn Thompson, Sharon Comerford, Jane Vohden, Jennifer Hackworth, Barbara Ziara, Ron Moore, Craig Spaulding.
Willkie WILLKIE NORTH 8, SOUTH 8— FRONT ROW: Cathy Cohen, Carolyn Coleman, Kris Langdon, Barbara Bennett (Vice Gov.), Dorothy Bienks (Gov.), Richard Lewis (Gov.), Bill Volk (Vice Gov.), Rob Gond, Carl Henschen. SECOND ROW: Tom Webb, Morris Tubesing, Ken Sernberg, Sara Spur, Mary Moody, David Porter, Melinda Rodgers, Marilyn Musselman, Alleyne Toppin, Margaret Komisars. THIRD ROW: Penny Cockett, Gunta Augenbergs, Andy Roth, Diana Rzepka, Melinda Mandell, Sue Wolf, Darlene Ginder, Rosie Martin, Kathy Fairleigh, Mary Wright, Nancy Mayer. FOURTH ROW: Richard Friend, Joanne Moser, Melanie Hitchcock, Linda Tolmay, Pat Darnell, Judy Baughman, Patrick Walter, Mary Ann Koestner, Steve Hatfield, J. C. Bogan, Steve Pirkle, Bruce Fraser. FIFTH ROW: Jessica Hart, Robert Williams, Stephen Bibler, David Worth, Greg Devetski, Henry Hartman, Carlos Asay, Jon Howerton, David Koerner, David Haugk, Rick Buckmaster.
WILLKIE NORTH 9, SOUTH GROUND AND 1—FRONT ROW: Donna Sue McNair, Margatet Datzman, Deborah Herdman, Charlie Brochin, Janet Meyer, Pam Zeiher, Rick Smith, Nancy Kelley. SECOND ROW: Sharon Thompson, Ray McMann (Vice Gov.), Cindyҟ Gable (Gov.), Max Bessler, Pat Meeks, Stew Bloom (Gov.), Laura Garrettson (Vice Gov.), Chris Cullnane, Claudia Cannon. THIRD ROW: Marilyn Wissel, Joyce Brinson, Joani Thornburgh, Lynn Haiff, Deborah Conley, Linda Verduin, Judie Teraspulsky,ҟ Anita Herring, Barbara McCammon, Darlene Potrzebowski. FOURTH ROW: John Kondrath, Bruce Smith, Dave Stone, Becky Mittendorf, Diane PeHaag, trakis, Scott Ackerson, Garyҟ Duane Goheen, Dave Moltz,ҟ Ernie Campbell, Mike Hamilton, FIFTH ROW: Kathy Hunn, Shae Delaney, Patricia Palmer,ҟ Michaelҟ Berry, Myra Heintzelman, Cathy Deal, John Bahr, Karen Delehanty, Alicia Gramkow, Patricia Wick.
Willkie WILLKIE NORTH I1, SOUTH 1 I —FRONT ROW: Richard Knight, Kathy Schulze, Carl Roach, Catherine Land, Don Ryszka, Debbie Bishop, Dave Kelleher, Susan Yoset. SECOND ROW: Kathie Sue Corrigan, Ginny Jones, Cathy Hacker, Gail Pluta, Patsy Hussey, Susan Dunkle, Roberta Marchese, Cathy Del Prete, Brenda Ragen. THIRD ROW: Chris Church, Monte Smith, Jim Williamson, Jim Thayer, Debbie Bechler, George Rector, Mary Beth Hyland, Charlotte Burgess. FOURTH ROW: George Peterson, Doug Smith, Kerry Borders, Jack Schroeder, George Dudzik, Dennis Stevens, Phillip Lutes, David Wakeland, John Dabel.
Willkie WILLKIE SOUTH 2—FRONT ROW: Al Blake, Hugh Hanlin, Frank Degler (Vice Gov.), William Baron (Gov.), Lee Strawhun, Tom Gorseline. SECOND ROW: Harold Best, Steve Lantz, Joe Schroeder, Terry Usrey, Terry Thompson, Al Brands, Jim Berger.
WILLKIE CO-OP, NORTH AND SOUTH—FRONT ROW: Darrel Heide, Larry Hankins, Donald Bevis, Kenny Bevis, James Berndt, Thomas Bach, David Moss, Elliott Taylor, Bradley Pfaller, Mike Broome. SECOND ROW: Keith Patrick, Linda Patrick, Judy Campbell, Cathy Welsh (Vice Gov.), Sharon Walsh (Gov.), Sharyl Welsh, Bob Majewski, Bob Ford, Tom Broyles, Alan Cartwright (Vice Gov.). THIRD ROW: Geneva Hunsucker, Joyce Fish, Janice Wilhelm, Martha Bohler, Stanford Chen (Gov.), Neil Trout, Yen Phan, Linda Kachert, Margaret Boyd, Becky Papgitt, Karen Parchem. FOURTH ROW: Teresa Bottorff, Elizabeth Havenstein, Helena Ruhelhoff, Madonna Nowviskie, Kathy Puh, Deborah McKinney, Carolyn Jean Vick, Eloise Butor, Sue Bratton, Alice Zarkin. FIFTH ROW: Janet Schaber, Pauline Hasksm, Sheryl Michelson, Pat Leahy, Mary Streicher, June Ann Ladd, Marti O'Tain, Malinda Yoder, Larry Slaton, Ed Dettmer. SIXTH ROW: Roger Glasgow, Cliff Shockney, William Fettig, James Kapsa, John Eels, Jim Hickman, Michael Gostola, Rick Bangert, Dan Gettinger, Joseph Kapsa, Thomas Adams, Douglas Wood, Martin Lindahl, Bob Moss.
Wright Quadrangle Wright Quadrangle has traditionally been an all male domain. This year things were entirely different. By decree of the University, females became a vital part of life at Wright. There appeared to be few problems for the males to become accustomed to having the girls around, however, rumor has it that for a time etiquette books were high on the reading lists of Wright men; running a close second were lists of names of new residents of Todd, Hall, Ruter and Campbell houses. Along with females came elegance to the quad. Carpeting now covers the hallways, making happenings in the halls much quieter. Also contributing to the new image was the addition of phone boxes. Nothing like a gaping hole in the wall to insure privacy! Need it be said that Wright Quadrangle still possesses an atmosphere all its own. 404
Board of Governors WRIGHT BOARD OF GOVERNORS—FRONT ROW: John Heckman, Debbie Hartlage, Mary Elizabeth Rudd, Irish Wright, Karen Wells, John Smith. SECOND ROW: Robert Kuzman, Pete Hamang, Gerald Thomkins, Tim Yeager. THIRD ROW: McClellan Cox, Dennis Curry, Don Corbin, Pete Wade, John Sheehan, Doug Cregor.
Board of Vice Governors WRIGHT BOARD OF VICEGOVERNORS—FRONT ROW: Bill McConnehey, Judy Malone, Barbara Sayre, Helen Heicher, Barney Maynard. SECOND ROW: Douglas Templeton, Michael Johannes, Russ Havens, Bruce Conley, Terry Fancil, Don Spillman.
Executive Council WRIGHT EXECUTIVE COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Karen Wells, Sheryl Shipman, Marty Hasz, Nancy Sharp. SECOND ROW: Bill McConnehey, Ron Jourdan (Pres.), John Silvestri, Bruce Conley (Vice-Pres.), Barney Maynard, Jim Widner. THIRD ROW: Charles Mooer, Michael Shaw, Pete Wade, Tim Yeager.
Judicial Board WRIGHT JUDICIAL BOARD— FRONT ROW: Jackie Smith (Adviser), Jane Woodward, Jenni Fogelberg. SECOND ROW: Jennifer Stein, Nancy Newsom, Marcia Bibler, Becky Dunnuck. THIRD ROW: Pat Stetzel, Mark Maxwell, Serge Barrios, Dan Rushing, Wayne Boswell (Adviser), Charles Moore.
Dewey and Hall DEWEY AND HALL—FRONT ROW: James Barnes (Gov.), Trish Wright (Gov.), Doug Flint, Judy Malone (Vice Gov.), Lynne Chazanof (Sweetheart), Stephen King, Anne Gowan, John Trent, Barb Walcrko. SECOND ROW: Don Pelsor, Stephan Miller, Charles Moore, Stephen Hammel, Jansen Chazanof, Paula Hill, Doug Baker, Mark Goodman, John Hallanger, Robert Kuzman. THIRD ROW: Nancy Newsom, Kajsa Berg, Debbie Corcoran, Kay Raschke, Marcia Bibler, Kathy O'Brien, Christine Lucterhand, Jan Kubiniec, Steve McBride. FOURTH ROW: Yuen Sek Yuen, Adelene Mabry, Sue Billion, Randy Green, Kathy Smock, Connie Mitchell, Karen Wells, Sheryl Shipman, Karen Brallier, Marcia Prucy.
Dodds DODDS—FRONT ROW: Jerry Potnick, Terry Dininger, Frank Kyle, Evan Cooper, John Heckman (Gov.), William Long, Jim Engledow, Don Spillman (Vice Gov.), John Spiros. SECOND ROW: Frank Scheer, Richard Felty, Mike McKnight, Leon Miller, Jeff Morse, Ken Minnis, Ted Goetz, John Milner, Larry Boller, Jerry Bolanowski. THIRD ROW: Phil Whisler, Barry Glick, Charles Koch, Tom Hanna, Howard Detamore, Tom Keck, Jerry Sturgis, Scott Lloyd, James Hays, John Lagarde, Steve Hanna. FOURTH ROW: Paul Argyelan, John Helzer, Nick Weyland, Jeff Willsey, Bryan Bernstein, Tom Baldwin, Doug Jones, Ping Chung Cheung Wong, Mark Cole, Mark Maxwell. FIFTH ROW: Tom Bennett, Richard Nix, Pat Dailey, Greg Gifford, Ted Petranoff, Jim Stroud, Mike Howard.
Dunn DUNN—FRONT ROW: Stephen Bangert, Randall Polk, Tim Kulik, Shirley Burgi (Sweetheart), John Pont (Adviser), Helen Heicher (Sweetheart), Rick Daniel (Vice Gov.), Ken Moss, Gene Sanford. SECOND ROW: Terence Bays, Robert Louda, Mark Patty, John Hyatt, Danny Chapman, Steve Higgins, Jim Wright, Jon Bixel, John Sutton. THIRD ROW: Philip Schafer, Thomas Weintraut, William Lee, Gregg Holycross, George Kiracofe, Bill Gorrell, Mark Allison, Ed Given, Roger May.
Elliott and Harney
ELLIOT AND HARNEY—FRONT ROW: Jimmy Mazurkiewicz, Bill Shipton, Carl Cindric, Bob Clawson (Gov.), Linda Kirk (Sweetheart), Mark Maynard (Vice Gov.), Ken Garrett, Bill Ketcham, Jim Muntz (Gov.). SECOND ROW: Jim Graham, Gordon Wright, David O'Neal, John Haste, Glenn Rose (Vice Gov.), Jack Humphrey, Bill O'Neal, Mike Johannes. THIRD ROW: Larry Wargel, Steve Williams, Mike Trbovich, Don Smith, Lee Cochard, John Bodenhamer, Mike Vandiver, Mike Guest, Steve Dugan. FOURTH ROW: Carl Williams, Narbert Welch, Larry Davis, Dan Elliott, Sam Burrows, Kerry Dalzotto, William Huhn, Jack Allen, Rod Kinney. FIFTH ROW: Jim Robinson, Bruce Edgeman, David Jakush, Tom Benson, Kevin Van Bentler, Eddie Blue, David Adams, David Mann, Gary Davis.
Ferguson FERGUSON—FRONT ROW: Mike Kras, Todd Cook, Mike Lingis, Doug Templeton (Vice-Gov.), Dennis Curry (Gov.), Austin Caswell (Adviser), Judith Caswell (Sweetheart), Tim Elliott, Timothy Stites, Stuart Grankel. SECOND ROW: Bob Long, Steve Jones, Ed Hudelson, Ken Carnnhan, Mike Martindale, Brad Williams, John Stromberger, Dorsey Ketzenberger, Jim Finegan, Terry McBride, Frank Witecki, Ron Peercy, Dave Deaton.
Harding H A RDI NG—FRONT ROW: Steve Wilson, Ken Johnson, Paul McAuliffe, Pam Wilson (Sweetheart), Pete Flamang (Gov.), Barney Moss (Vice Gov.), Ralph McCaw. SECOND ROW: Paul Hillis, Steve Hall, Frank Kritsch, Ernie Bott, Rick Jolliff, Graham Hill, Dean Abbott, Rick Mount. THIRD ROW: Floyd Shewmake, Greg Smith, Gary Broling, Bruce Evans, Hugh Wyrick, Larry Norris, Don Mauk. FOURTH ROW: Ken Ritchie, Tom Ringelspaugh, Tom Quayle, Larry Botz, Dave Roach, Milt Hicks, Mike Taffe, Robert Barnes.
Hummer HUMMER—FRONT ROW: John Horst, Bill Pritchett, Dave Walling, Gerald Thompkins (Gov.), Jeff Alexander (Vice Gov.), Tim Leslie, Rick Grigsby, Frank Hoover, Joseph Toma. SECOND ROW: Darrell Wittmer, Eric Dils, Toni Rottinghaus, Nick McCoy, Clark Kaufman, Ken Keppen, Ken Dolezal, Dave Himm. THIRD ROW: Eddie Tressler, Scott Scheibler, Geoffrey Schacht, Steven Schacht, Robert Vote, Patrick Smith, John Davis. FOURTH ROW: George Aoki, Larry Shields, Gary Taylor, Jim Frets, Howard Schwartz, Timothy Watson, Roger Campbell, Tim Thomas, Lou Grothaus.
Jenkins JENKINS—FRONT ROW: Wayne Bostwell, Mike Horvath (Vice Gov.), Bob Evory, Lyndon McCurdy, Dave Frohman, Tom Cameron, Mike Wroblewski, Pete Wade (Gov.). SECOND ROW: John Lambros, Jim Touloukian, Phil Updike, Theodore Tetzie, Bob Guignon, John Neil, Craig Kibbe, Ronald Landin, Joe Dominik. THIRD ROW: Robert Shwetz, Timothy Chan, Tony Cheung, Bob Shoemaker, Greg Vaught, Dennis Hardin, Bob Perry, Bill Nalle. FOURTH ROW: Dave Schweitzer, Tom Alton, Dennis Turner, Rod LeDrew, Terry Dugar, Steve Feldman, Art Miller, Fred Oppenlander, Chuck Waggoner.
Lowe LOWE—FRONT ROW: Richard McClelland, George Crossland, James Brown, Steve Marion, Bob Peters, John Sheehan (Gov.), Ross Havens (Vice Gov.), Robert Brito, Ron Pyland. SECOND ROW: Jerry Decker, Scott Welty, Lorin Kitch, Kyle Hudson, George Young, Robert Kwong, Thomas Niehaus, Jack Davids, David Anderson, Terry 'Stauffer. THIRD ROW: Scott Kingcon, Roy Adams, Ray McCarty, Bill Turner, Marty Sabo!, David Overgaard, Arnold Braun, David Sproull, Mike Johnson, Richard Brooker, Richard Engelking.
grsb Ile AI.' "
Nichols NICHOLS—FRONT ROW: Jeff Cheung, Pakale Fernandes, Tom Lappie, Bruce Beatty, Rob Lenicheck, Phil Mac Harg, John Berry, Tim Yeager, Mike Shaw. SECOND ROW: Dennis Checkley, Charlie Haviza, Mike Mattasits, James Ferguson (Gov.), Bob Krause (Vice Gov.), Tom Pope, Ted Proctor, Stanley Berg. THIRD ROW: Glen Eash, Bill Failey, William Bussell, Wesley Ferrell, Jim Brown, Larry Kuszmaul, Steve Buck, Tim Cordell, Marion Roglich.
Parks PARKS—FRONT ROW: Boyd Hahn, Arland Reinhard, McClellon Cox (Gov.), Barbara Sayre (Sweetheart), Bill McConnehey (Vice Gov.), Dwight Smith, Steve Cates. SECOND ROW: James Mott, Frank Kubla, John Petrie, Alan Oliver, Bill Scott, Mark Harvey, Eric Crosley, Steve Hartman. THIRD ROW: Colley Knerr, Parker Brandley, Larry Butt, Joe Fiscel, John Fisher, Jim Eggleston, Bill Eigelsbach, Pedro DeJesus, David Tutacko. FOURTH ROW: Tom Kelly, John Bleicher, Sidney Marks, Bob Delph, Mike Arata, Don White, Carlton Reinhard, Martin Nehring, Bob Funcannon, Mike Savell.
Rollins ROLLINS—FRONT ROW: Robert Doran, Jay Rigsley (Gov.), John Gilmore, Eileen Pruett, Steven Fink, Bob Holmquist, Ralph Peters. SECOND ROW: Paul Craven, Jerry Johnson, Scott Allman, Steve Allen, Steve Sinclair, John Hoffman, Bruce Clevenger, Charles Manning, David Pierson, Bob Schimp.
Ruter RUTER—FRONT ROW: Toni Heiney, Helen Heicher (Vice Gov.), Patricia Tyson (Gov.), Linda Huckleberry, Carol Mysse, Lynette Bevers. SECOND ROW: Ann Thompson, Katherine Jones, Diana Bright, Karen Hester, Kathy Enslen, Connie Peters, Kathy Kuhn. THIRD ROW: Gloria Berlanga, Julie May, Terry Mendenhall, Margaret Hart, Nancy Sharp, Sandy Gradle.
Stockwell STOCKWELL--FRONT ROW: Barney Maynard (Vice Gov.), Steve Higdon. Gary Morgan, Tom Connolly, Don Corbin (Gov.), Dean Harriss, Dave Wallace, Pat Stetzel, Jerry Crowe, Larry Clifford. SECOND ROW: Bruce Wheeler. David Gross, Terry Johns, Tom Brown, Larry Gottell, Tim Byrd. Don Yarnell, Silas Warner. THIRD ROW: LaMar Peterson, Hector Fernandez, Dennis Stalter, Tim Wade, Bruce Conley, Bruce Whitinger, Richard Palmer, C. W. Yeager, Larry Sutlan, Daniel Bowling. FOURTH ROW: John Robinson, Steve Tokarski, Bill Hameetman, Ron Fields, Jim Widner, Craig Hartzer, Al Demovich, Mike Schriefer, Greg Johns.
Todd FRONT ROW: Jennifer TODDҟ Cox, Donna Maschino, Marty Hasz, Gail French, Erma Schafstall, Peg Ann Robison. SECOND Haznedl,ҟ ROW: Christine Falewicz, Barbara Craig, Marilyn Platte, Debbie Hartlage (Gov.), Gail Zilla (Vice Gov.), Linda Fetter, Sharon Edwards. THIRD ROW: Carole Masters, Amanda Whittemore, Kathy Roach, Stretch, Carol Hutchison, Debbieҟ Margaret McKenzie, Connie Newsone, Sister John Mary Lippert, Susie Curl, Becky Dunnuck. FOURTH ROW: Kathy Manville, Linda Hutchison, Eileen Purett, Debbie Marshall.
Arts and Sciences
Abood, Patricia A. A.B. Psychology; Toledo, Ohio; Alpha Omicron Pi, Pledge Tr. Abram, Robert NI. A.B. Zoology, Anatomy and Physiology; Bloomington. Acltva-Antrung, Porncluilee A.B. Government; Bangkok, Thailand; Sigma Kappa; I.U. Foundation; Angel Flight; Senior Council; Cosmopolitan Club, Pres.: International Affairs Commission; Social Service Club.Achu, Thomas A.B. Economics; Bamenda, W. Cameroun; African Studies Association, Sec. Akron, Michael S. A.B. Mathematics; Oak Ridge. Tenn; Board of Aeons; Blue Key, Vice-Pres.; LUNA. Pres.: Great Issues, Pres.; Student Senator. All!y in, Eric A. A.B. English; Munster; Alpha Tau Omega; Junior Class, Male Dir.. Council; Sophomore Class Council; Foster Quad, Gov.; Shinner Scholar. Alhaek, Hanne A.B. German; Odense, Denmark; Delta Gamma; Foreign Scholarship Student; Denmark-America Foundation Honorary; Institute of International Education Scholarship Student. Alexander, harry J. B.S. Optometry; Plainfield; Omega Delta; I.U. Foundation; Little 500 Rider. Alger, Maridon L. A.B. English; Wabash; YWCA; Teter Quad, Head Cult. Co-ord.; I.U. Sing. Alldredge, Linda Eon A.B. Textile Merchandising; Evansville; Marketing Club; YWCA; Sailing Club. Allen, Mary E. A.B. Government; Bedford. Allen,Nolan W. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; Kappa Delta Rho; Scabbard and Blade Military Honorary; Senior Class Council; YMCA; Redbook; Union Board Committees.Allen Steven A.B. Economics; Fort Wayne; Alpha Tau Omega; YR; YAF; YMCA. Allman, Jeanne E. A.B. French; Gary; Kappa Alpha Theta. officer; YWCA Executive Council. Anderson, Arthur D. A.B. Psychology; Arlington, Va.
Anderson, Elijah A.B. Sociology; South Bend. Anderson, Kristin M. A.B. Journalism; South Bend: Theta Sigma Phi; Tau Beta Sigma; Resident Scholar; Indiana Daily Student; Oceanides Synchronized Swimming Club, Pub. Ch. Applegate, Sue A. A.B. Speech and Theatre; Indianapolis. Armstrong, Kenneth A.B. History; Indianapolis; Scabbard and Blade; Briscoe Quad, Vice-Pres.: IRHA, Vice-Pres.; Board of Aeons, Vice-Pres. Arpan,Jeffrey S. A.B. Economics; Bloomington; Dept. Honors; Undergraduate Advisory Board for Economics; Economics Club; Merit Scholarship, Malott Scholarship. Arterburn, William N. A.B. Slavic-Studies; Jeffersonville. Austin,Allen A. A.B. Psychology; Logansport; Phi Epsilon Kappa; Phi Sigma Kappa Acting Chapter Adv. Ayom, Paul M. A.B. Government; Rumbek, Sudan. Bache, William K. A.B. Economics; Kokomo; Acacia Fraternity. Badell, Michael C. A.B. Mathematics; Rushville; Beta Theta Pi; Senior Class Council; I.U. Flying Club.
Baer, Bette Charlene A.B. Sociology; Chicago Heights, Ill.; Dean's List. Baez, Manuel A. B.A. Spanish; Bloomington; Latin American Students Association, Sec. Baier, Bruce 0. A.B. Zoology: Remington; I.U. Water Polo Club; I.U. Young Republicans; McNutt Quad, Ath. Dir.; Cutco College Counselor. Bailey, Becky Jane A.B. Spanish; Linton; Pi Beta Phi. Philanthropies Ch.; Sophomore Class Council; Junior Class Council; Senior Class Council; Impact. Bain, Robert W. A.B. History; Lisle, Ill.; WIUS Radio, Sports Dir., News Dir. Baker, Danny L. A.B. Mathematics; Garrett. Baker,Lesley J. A.B. Sociology; Indianapolis; Sigma Delta Tau; Junior Class, Treas., Council; Class Council, Freshman, Sophomore; YWCA; Freshman Advisory Commission; Freshman Camp. Ball, Kathleen Anne A.B. Spanish. Upper Montclair, NJ.; Pom Pon Girl; Oceanides. Ballage, Margaret Jane B.S. Medical Sciences; Clarksville; Alpha Lambda Delta; Mortar Board. Vice-Pres.; YWCA; Residence Scholar Unit, Vice-Gov., Gov. Balough, Richard C. A.B. Journalism; South Bend; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Sigma Delta Chi. Pres.; Indiana Daily Student, Ed.; Freshman Class Council. 418
Bamashmous, Said M. A.B. Government; Saudi Arabia; Sec. of Islamic Circus. Banich, Rosanne A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis. haranowski, Paul W. A.B. Mathematics; South Bend; Pi Mu Epsilon; Marching 100.Baringer, Terry Joanne A.B. Radio and Television; Defiance, Ohio; Pho Tau Sigma; Willkie Quad, Gov.; Founders Day Award. Barker, Ronald A. A.B. Government; Mishawaka; Phi Epsilon Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Scabbard and Blade; I.U. Foundation; Little 500; Dean's List.
Barnard, Judy, C. A.B. French; Indianapolis; Little 500 Tricycle Rider.Barnes, James E. A.B. Chemistry; New Carlisle; Redbook Sales.; Student Government. Barnes, Lawrence R. A.B. Zoology; Terre Haute; Alpha Epsilon Delta, Pres.; Committee on Student Health Services, Ch.; House Vice-Gov.; Sailing Club; I.U. Sing. Barr, James F. A.B. Government; Bloomington; Acacia; Student Foundation; YMCA; Union Board Committees; Student Government.Baumann, Sally E. A.B. French; Wilmett, Ill.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Foreign Study Program in Strasbourg, France. Baumgardt, Douglas R. B.S. Geophysics; Indianapolis; Delta Chi; Marching Hundred. Baumgartner, Susan E. A.B. English; Fort Wayne; Alpha Lambda Delta; Eta Sigma Phi. Baxter, Robert C. A.B. Slavic Language and Literature; Bloomington; Little 500 Scholarships.Beams, John Michael A.B. Government; Fort Wayne. Beauregard, Rebecca D. A.B. Government; Columbus; Alpha Phi; Angel Flight, Commander, Operations Off.; I.U. Foundation; Young Democrats. Becker, Larry E. A.B. Chemistry; New Haven; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Union Board; Senior Class Council; I.U. Foundation, Young Democrats, Sigma Phi Epsilon Executive Board. Bednar, Colleen F. A.B. Spanish; South Bend; Sigma Kappa, Alpha Lambda Delta; Metz Scholar; I.U. Program for Undergraduate Study in Peru Participant. Behl, Dennis Lorman A.B. Radio and Television; Lakewood, Ohio; I.U. Student Foundation; Foster Quad Players, Dir.; Production Staff IMU Showtime. Benefield, Anjeanette A.B. Economics; Mt. Morris, Mich.; Briscoe Quad, Gov., J-Board; Stemple Hall Planning Committee.Benjamin, Dee. A. A.B. Speech and Theatre, Radio and Television; Monticello; Pho Tau Sigma, Sec.; Theta Sigma Phi; Varsity Debate Team; Steering Committee Great Issues; Student Speakers' Bureau; WIUS and WFIU Newscasters. Berg, Walter W. A.B. Zoology; Alex, Va.; Delta Tau Delta: Skull and Crescent. "Keeper of the Skull"; Varsity Cheerleading; YMCA.Bergstrom, Christine Dawn A.B. Home Economics; East Gary; Navigators, Christian Organization. Berndt, James Anthony A.B. Zoology; South Bend; Young Christian Students, Pres.; Willkie Co-op, Sec.-Treas.Berry, John W. A.B. Government; Indianapolis; MRC, Vice-Gov.; Young Democrats.Bewley, George N. A.B. Economics; Hammond; Kappa Delta Rho; JIFC; IFC; I.U. Foundation; Senior Class Council; Kappa Delta Rho, First Vice-Pres. Bierly, William E. A.B. Sociology; Walkerton; IAC.Bizer, Jerry L. B.S. Optometry; Louisville, Ky. Blackwell, Alan M. A.B. Chemistry, Terre Haute; Intramural Sports. Blake, Terri L. A.B. English; Indianapolis. Blasdel, Brenda Rose A.B. German; Lawrenceburg; Eta Sigma Phi; German Honors House resident.
Bodnar, Gail Ravenscroft A.B. Speech Pathology; Munster; Sigma Alpha Eta, Vice-Pres.; Medical Student Wives; Candy Striper; Sailing Club; Dean's List. Bogert, Carolyn V. A.B. Japanese, Englewood, NJ.; Alpha Lambda Delta; I.U. Foundation; Yamatoji Association, Pres.; Sailing Club; Briscoe Quad, Gov. Bonifas, Jeannette M. A.B. Zoology; St. Ann. Mo. Borgmeier, Paul J. A.B. Zoology; Arlington Heights, Ill.; Delta Upsilon, Scholarship Ch., House Mgr., Pres.; IFC President's Council; Dean's List. Boudreau II, Leroy J. B.S. Astrophysics; Brookfield, Ill.; Founders Day; Marching 100. Bowers, Noel J. A.B. Government; Indianapolis; Kappa Delta Rho; Scabbard and Blade; YMCA. Bowman, Patricia 0. A.B. German; Louisville, Ky.; Officer Elkin I. Branstetter, Paula Jean A.B. Radio and Television; Crawfordsville; Pi Beta Phi; Freshman Affairs; WFIU News reporter; Miss I.U. finalist; Arbutus Queen finalist; Dean's List. Breitengross, Sandra A. A.B. Sociology; Andover, Mass.; Alpha Gamma Delta; YWCA; Union Board Committee; House Pledge Tr.; House Membership Ch.Brewer, James A. A.B. Psychology; Brazil; Alpha Phi Omega Executive Officer; President's Council; Freshman Class Council; Little 500; Center Judicial Board.
Brewer, Sue Anne I. A.B. Psychology; Wilmington, Del.; Psi Chi; YMCA; Willkie Quad, Treas. Briganti, Robert J. A.B. Police Administration; Brooklyn, N.Y.; Pi Kappa Phi; Phi Sigma Lambda. Briggs, Nancy J. B.A. Mathematics; Goshen; Read, Gov.; Junior Class Council; I.U. Foundation. Briney, Mark D. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; Intramurals.Brizius, George M. A.B. Economics; Evansville; Dean's List.
Brock, Mary Louise A.B. Social Service; Whitewater, Wis.; Zeta Tau Alpha,
Soc. Ch.; Standards Ch.; Phi Alpha Nat'l Soc. Serv. Hon.; Dean's List; Soc. Serv. Club, Pres.; Senior Class Council; Panhellenic Rush Counselor.Brodsky, Diane Lynn B.A. French; St. Louis, Mo. Brodsky, Donna L. B.A. French; St. Louis, Mo.; Sigma Delta Tau; Pi Delta Phi French Hon.; Jr. Yr. Abroad Honors Prog., Strasbourg, France. Brown, James William A.B. Zoology; Gary. Brown, Janice A. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; Alpha Chi Omega; Angel Flight.
Brown, Jim D. B.A. Zoology; Decatur; Lambda Chi Alpha, Vice-Pres.; Sophomore Class Treas.; Student Council; I.U. Foundation.Brown, Linda C. B.S. History; Muncie; Oceanidies; Bloomington Swim Club. Brown,Mel A. B.A. Zoology; Gary; Zeta Beta Tau; Alpha Epsilon Delta; I.U. Foundation; Union Board; Pop Concerts, Gen. Ch.; Great Issues Senator. Bruce, Jeanne M. A.B. Government; Tell City;Great Issues; Sophomore Class Council; Sailing Club; Junior Class Council; Young Democrats.Bruder, Patricia A. A.B. Police Administration; LaCrosse; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Omega; Org. of Police Administration Students, Sec.; Foster Quad, Sec.-Treas.; Student Advisory Comm. to Dept. Police Administration. "st
Brunt, Barbara A. B.A. French; Indianapolis; Delta Sigma Theta.Bruyn, Nelleke A. B.A. Linguistics; Cosmopolitan Club; Linguistics Club. Buckley, James E. A.B. Government; Crown Point; Young Democrats, Nat'l Comm.; I.U. Northwest Campus Student Government, Vice-Prës., Treas.Bunnell, Charles A. A.B. Chemistry; Peru; Phi Eta Sigma; IRHA, Steering Comm., Council Member; Honors Undergrad Research in Chemistry. Burbridge, Julie A. B.A. Fine Arts; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Delta Delta Delta, Executive Sec.; Little Sigmas.
Burkhart, Randall R. A.B. History; Kokomo; Delta Chi; Pershing Rifles; IMU Quiz Bowl. Bush, Cheryl A. A.B. Spanish; New Albany; Alpha Lambda Delta; Read, House Mgr. Butler, Beverly A. A.B. English; Goshen. Bychinsky, Margaret B.A. Social Service; Indianapolis; Delta Zeta, Vice-Pres.; Phi Alpha, Treas.; Jr. Panhellenic; Student Elections Commission; Social Serv. Club; YWCA, Fr. Camp Counselor; I.U. Foundation. Cahill,Holly J. B.A. Spanish; Rockford, Ill.; Young Republicans; YWCA; Campus Crusade for Christ; Sailing Club.
Callahan, H. l'atrick B.A. Government; Seymour; Delta Chi; I.U. Foundation, Steering Comm.; Student Senate; Blue Key; Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Councils; Fr. Camp Steering Comm. Campbell, Virgene E. B.S. Journalism and Psychology; Muskegon, Mich.; Kappa Delta, Soc. Ch.; Theta Sigma Phi: I.U. Foundation; Jr., Sr. Class Council; Women's Editor of the Daily Student. Carmichael, Morton L. A.B. Psychology; Rushville; Beta Theta Pi. Carnahan, Dean A.B. Mathematics; Washington; Scabbard and Blade; Pi Mu Epsilon; Union Board; Folk Song Club; General Motors Scholar. Carroll, Martha S. B.S. Radio and TV; Greensburg; Zeta Tau Alpha; Rho Tau Sigma; Young Republicans; Youth for Nixon. Carter, Gregory S. A.B. Government; Vincennes; Acacia, Pres.; I.U. Foundation; Sr. Class Council; Union Board Comm.; Student Leader. Cattell, Larry D. A.B. Mathematics; Bloomington; IMU Sailing Club, Fleet Captain. Cech, John P. A.B. Chemistry; Skokie, Ill.; Phi Delta Theta. Cecrle,Shareen R. B.A. Psychology; Indianapolis; Gamma Phi Beta, Treas.; Student Leader; Cosmopolitan Club, Soc. Ch.; Luna, Delegate Ch.; Sailing Club; Chess Club. Cenova, Nicholas G. A.B. Mathematics; South Bend.
Chaddock, Christie Ann A.B. Sociology; Elkhart; Alpha Omicron Pi; Sr. Class Council; Steering Comm.; I.U. Students for Bayh. Chadwick, Diana L. A.B. English; The Plains, Va.; Delta Delta Delta, Pres. Chalfant, Hope S. A.B. Journalism; Montgomery, Ala.; Theta Sigma Phi. Channel!, Carol A. A.B. English; Ft. Wayne; Kappa Delta, Efficiency Ch.; AWS; Alpha Lambda Delta, Eta Sigma Phi; Org. Female Dir. of Sr. Class.Chen, Stanford A.B. Journalism; Willkie Co-op, Gov.; Daily Student Reporter; Chinese Students Assoc.
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Childress, Gloria J. A.B. Mathamatics; Spencer; Alpha Xi Delta, Arbutus Staff. Choitz, Nancy L. A.B. Zoology; South Bend. Christenson, Philip R. A.B. Zoology; Bloomington; I.U. Student Foundation, Chmn. of Bike Control Committee; Gov. of Dunn House. Christopher, Eugenia C. A.B. Spanish; Forest, Ill.; Alpha Omicron Pi; Pleiades; Pres. of Alpha Omicron Pi; Student Leader; Freshman Camp Counselor; I.U. Foundation; External Vice-Pres. of Panhellenic. Clancy, Kathleen M. A.B. Social Service; Angola; Social Service Club. Claphan, Michael H. A.B. French; Albion; Tau Kappa Epsilon, Soc. Ch. of Tau Kappa Epsilon; Rugby Club; Sailing Club; Little 500.Clark, George B. A.B. Government; Golden, Tex.; Phi Kappa Tau; Vice-Gov. of Briscoe IV; Chap. of Phi Kappa Tau. Clark, Janet E. A.B. Spanish; Danville; Alpha Phi at Butler U.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Cosmopolitan Club; Wilkie Chorus; "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities." Cloutier, Michael G. A.B. Zoology; Bartlesville, Okla.; Alpha Epsilon Delta; I.U. Student Foundation; Gov., Edmondson IV M.R.C.Coan, Dietlind A. A.B. English; Western Springs, Ill.; Alpha Phi; 1968 Arbutus Queen; AWS VicePres.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Freshman Affairs; I.U. Foundation. Cohen, Linda F. B.A. Sociology; Indianapolis; Sigma Delta Tau; Union Board Publicity Committee; YWCA. Cohen, Maxine A. B.A. Zoology; Louisville, Ky.; Senior Class Council; Sailing Club, Little 500 Mini Team.Coleman, John 0. A.B. Chinese; Elgin, Ill.; Dean's List;Hamburg Program Cosmopolitan Club. Colions, Michelle A. B.A. Slavic Language and Literature; Lincolnwood,
Ill.; Alpha Epsilon Phi; Alpha Lambda Delta; 3-Year Masters Program Scholarship; Dean's List; House Hist.; Rush Ch. of Panhellenic Executive Council. Combs, Lana L. A.B. Spanish; Manchester, Mo.; YWCA; Arbutus Personnel Manager. Combs, William E. A.B. Physics; Bloomington. Conley, Patrick C. A.B. His-
tory; New Albany; Board of Aeons; Phi Eta Sigma; Student Government; Campus Quiz Bowl; Resident Scholarship Unit.Connan, Sharon A. A.B. English; Bloomington; Alpha Omicron Pi.Conti, Michael P. A.B. Government; Richmond; Delta Upsilon; Air Force ROTC; Inter-Fraternity Council; I.U. Foundation; Varsity Football.Cooper Susan Jo A.B. Government; Indianapolis; I.U. Foundation; Union Board, 100 hr.; Sophomore, Freshman, Senior Class Council; YWCA Comm.; S.A.B. Comm. Correa, George E. B.A. Spanish; Berne. Cottingham, Sarah Rachel A.B. Span-
ish; Tallahassee, Fla.; Gov. of Boisen 11; Head of Gov. Boisen Hall; Teter JBoard. Cottom, Irene M. B.A. History; Indianapolis. Counihan, Nancy A. B.A. Russian; Memphis, Tenn.; Alpha Lambda Delta;ASIS. Couts, Charles L. A.B. Economics; Elkhart; Organization of Police Administration Students.
Cowling, John F. A.M. Economics; Delmar, N.Y.; Phi Omega; Campus Computer Club. Cox, David L. A.B. Government; Loogootee. Craig, David A.
B.A. Zoology; Indianapolis; House Officer of Lowe House; G.R.C. Upperclass Council Officer. Craig, Donna R. B.A. Sociology; New Albany. Cravens, Russell W. A.B. Religion; Indianapolis; Alpha Sigma Phi; Circle K; Student Advisory Board, Communications Coordinate Teter Quad.
Crawford, Lynn D. A.B. German; Bloomington. Critchlow, James A. B.S. Astrophysics; Bloomington. Crosell, Pamela M. B.A. Government; Glenview, III.; Alpha Omicron Pi; Student Athletic Board Steering Committee.Crossland, George 0. B.S. Radio and TV; Palatine, Ill.; Operations Director WIUS Campus radio; University Theatre. Crouse, Constance A. A.B. English;
Topeka; McNutt J-Board.
Cruser, Timothy M. B.S. Physics; Westport; Sigma Pi Sigma.Culp, Stephen F. A.B. Math; Nappanee; Sigma Alpha Epsilon.Cummings, Beverly L. A.B.
English; Clarksville; Alpha Delta Kappa; Student Election Commission; Daily Student Staff; Briscoe, Treasurer of floor; Southeastern Student Staff; Student National Education Association; I.U. Sing.Curtin, Jane E. A.B. Math; Lexington, Ky.; Kappa Delta; Omicron Delta, Vice Pres.; Fresh., Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Councils; I.U. Foundation; Candy Stripers, Treas; Argonne House, Treas. Curtis, Janis K. A.B. French; Elwood; Alpha Phi; Card Section, Publicity; YWCA, Religious Committee; Young Republicans; Tryus Party; Union Board Committee, First Fling.
Cwidak, Paulette E. A.B. English; South Bend.Dahl, Peter S. A.B. Chemistry: Bloomington; Briscoe Cult. Co-ord.; Intramural Softball and Basketball; Resident Scholar. D'amato, John G. A.B. Zoology; Knox; I.U. Foundation; Pledge Tr.; Ath. Dir.; Little 500. Davidson, Patricia M. B.A. French; Indianapolis; Porn-Pon Girl; Mini Team. Davidson, Susan L. B.A. Spanish; Indianapolis.
Davis, David L. B.S. Physics; Marion. Davis, James Ni. A.B. History; Indianapolis; Theta Xi. Davis, Jamie R. A.B. Psychology; Louisville, Ky.; Sigma Chi, Hist.; Union Board Steering Committee; SAB Steering Committee; Jr. and Sr. Class Council; YMCA Freshmen Orientator; Young Republicans. Davis, Patricia J. A.B. Mathamatics; Greensfork; Delta Gamma; Phi Mu Epsilon; Alpha Lambda Delta; Vice-Pres. of Delta Gamma House Campus Crusade for Christ; Candy Striper. Day, Ralph C. A.B. Zoology; Vincennes; Newman Foundation; Young Democrats. Diamond, Susan H. A.B. Zoology; Waukegan, Ill.; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Sailing Club; YWCA. Dicker, Carol A. B.A. Speech and Theater; Detroit, Mich.; Theater Honorary. Dickhaus, Steven M. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; I.U. Foundation; Teter Gov.; Teter Head Gov.; Head Communication Co-ord.; Ed. of Teter Quad Newspaper. Dickinson, Diane T. A.B. Theater; Highland; Willkie Quad Center Council; Ed. of Willkie Newspaper; Dean's List Student; Technical Assistant in Theater at N.W. Campus; Teaching Assistantship at N.W. Campus. Dingle, Sharon Louise A.B. Microbiology; Richmond; Sigma Kappa, 1st Vice-Pres. Disler, .Jennifer A.B. French; Oakland City; Alpha Gamma Delta; Sr. Class Council; Union Board Committees. Dixon,Cheryl K. B.S. Mathematics; Indianapolis; Alpha Gamma Delta; Alpha Gamma Delta Artruistic Chmn. Doades, Gail S. A.B. English; Washington; Willkie Officer; I.U. Sing; Student NEA. Dock, Maurice J. A.B. Chemistry; Indianapolis; Sigma Alpha Mu, IFC Committee; Little 500 Committee. Dolde, E. Douglas A.B. Mathematics; South Bend.
Donald, Robert A. III. B.A. Government; Bloomfield; Young Democrats. DonneIlan, Anne Keene B.A. English; Carmel; Delta Gamma; I.U. Foundation: YMCA; Union Board; Sec. of Cheerleaders Conf.; Executive Board. Donnelly, Judith Anne A.B. Home Economics; Huntington; Foster Quad; Resident Asst; Young Democrats; McNutt, J-Board; Teter, Soc. Co-ord. Douglas, Stephen C. A.B. Economics; Falls Church, Va.; Delta Sigma Pi, Governor; Sen. Class Council; Dowdy,Robert L. A.B. Spanish; Winona Lake; Varsity Soccer; Young Republicans. Downs, Stannye L. A.B. English; New Albany; Young Republicans; LUNA. Doyle, Gordon, I'. A.B. Economics; Indianapolis; Phi Eta Sigma; Eta Sigma Phi; Intercollegiate Debate. Draizar, Phyllis D. B.S. Radio and TV; Miami, Fla. Drake, Joan B. B.A. Home Economics; Bloomington; Alpha Lambda Delta; American Home Economics Association, Journalist and Vice-Chairman; Interior Design Club, Chairman. Drake, Kevin G. B.A. Economics; Bloomington.
Dreshach, Michael E. B.A. Psychology; Indianapolis; Beta Theta Pi; Young Republicans; YMCA. Drew, Jenifer Dawn A.B. Sociology; Huntington; Pi Beta Phi. Drury, Rebecca S. A.B. Sociology; Tell City; Beck House, ViceGov.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Alpha Kappa Delta; YMCA; Student Government; Sen. Class Council. Dubois, Linda M. B.A. Art; Hardinsburg; Teter Quad, Gov.; Cosmopolitan Club, President; International Affairs Comm., Director; LUNA. Du lin, Julia L. ,A.B. Zoology; Anderson; Women's Academic Unit; Cosmopolitan Club. Dull, Daniel F. A.B. Geography; East Chicago; Gamma Theta Upsilon; Counter Insurgency Detachment; Soccer Team; Little 500 Bike Rider.Dumas, Sarah R. A.B. Classics; Ft. Wayne. Dunn, George Locke A.B. Psychology and Religion; Indianapolis; Alpha Phi Omega, President; Tolkien Society, LoreMaster; MENSA; Cosmo; AHCTSST. Dunwoody, Sharon L. A.B. Journalism; Marion; Sigma Kappa; Arbutus, Residences Editor, Managing Editor, Editor, in Chief; Mortar Board, Editor; Alpha Lambda Delta; Sen. Class Council; Theta Sigma Phi. Dyson, Richard S. A.B. Government; Anderson; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Briscoe, Board of Gov.; Phi Omega; Senior Class Council; I.U. Foundation; Sec. of Student Services.
East, Robert D. B.A. Fine Arts; Seymour; Founder's Day Award; Dorm Award for Scholarship Achievement. Egler, Dan L. A.B. Journalism; Noblesville; Alpha Sigma Phi, Vice Pres., Social Chairman; Sigma Delta Chi; Jr., Sr. Class Council; Indiana Daily Student, City Editor, Night Editor, Associate Editor, Managing Editor; I.U. Foundation.Eichhorn, Rebecca A.B. French; Bluffton; Kappa Alpha Theta, Vice Pres.Eisert, Sandra 1.. B.A. Theta Sigma Phi; Arbutus, Academics Editor, Art Editor; Indiana Daily, student Night Editor, Photo Editor; Willkie Quad Student Government and Orientations, Head Comm. Co-Ordinate; Foundations of College.Ekanem, Ikot Alfred A.B. Religion; Nigeria, W. Africa. Ellis, Nancy P. A.B. Microbiology; Indianapolis; Delta Zeta, Pres.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Mortar Board; AWS, Pres.; I.U. Foundation; IFC—Panhellenic Self Study Comm. Ellisun, Jon G. A.B. Zoology; Fountain City; I.U. Foundation; Alpha Epsilon Delta. Eltzroth, John B. A.B. Zoology; Wabash; I.U. Rugby Club, Sec., Captain. Emig, Robert W. A.B. Economics; Evansville; Senior Class Council; Dorm floor.officer.Engdahl, Kathleen J. A.B. Journalism; Minneapolis, Minn.; Theta Sigma Phi; Student Senate; Student Affairs Comm.; Jr. Class Council; Daily Student Night Editor.
Engelbrecht, Mary Lloyd A.B. Journalism; Ten City; Sigma Kappa, Rush Ch.; Soph., Jr. Class Council; I.U. Foundation.Engle, Cynthia S. A.B. Journalism; Knoxville, Tenn.; Theta Sigma Phi; Indiana Daily Student, Associate Editor. English, Marcia A. B.A. French; Evansville. English, Sandra L. A.B. Design; Peru; Angel Flight; I.U. Foundation Leadership Development Seminar; Foster, Head Comm. Co-ord. Epst, Ellen M. A.B. Biology; Western Springs; Ill.; Delta Delta Delta.
Erwin, J. Michael A.B. English; Elkhart. Etter, Deborah Elizabeth B.A. French; Whiting. Evans, Gary W. B.S. Physics; Bloomington; Society of Physics Students, Pres.; Sigma Pi Sigma, Treas.; General Motors Scholar.Evans, Judith A. A.B. Biology; Union City. Farian, Janice E. A.B. Psychology; Stamford, Conn.
Fein, Martin J. B.A. Government; Louisville, Ky.; Sigma Alpha Mu.Feitelson, Maxine E. B.A. English; Louisville, Ky.; Sigma Delta Tau; Dean's List. Ferguson, Jeffrey H. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; Pi Kappa Alpha, Executive Council, Sec.; Young Republicans; I.U. Sing; Dean's List; Zoology Honors Program. Ferling, Ronald F. A.B. Math; Bloomington; Phi Eta Sigma; Pi Mu Sigma; Dean's List; Computer Club. Fichter, Gregory D. A.B. Psychology; Muncie; Kappa Delta Rho, Athletic Ch.; I.U. Karate Club. Field, Alfred E. A.B. Economics; Bourbon; Phi Kappa Psi; Blue Key; Phi Eta Sigma: I.U. Rose Bowl Steering Comm.; I.D. S. Top Ten Sophomore; Director of Mid-American Model United Nations; I.M.U. Board of Directors, Pres. Fife, Eugene M. Ill A.B. History; Indianapolis; Sigma Chi; Young Republicans, Director. Finley, John M. A.B. Zoology; Kendallville; Wright Quad, Photo Club; Sailing Club; Honors Zoology Student.Fisher, James R. A.B. Psychology; South Bend; Phi Eta Sigma; Varsity Debate; Floor Officer; DSRTKA. Fisher, Virginia A. A.B. Sociology; Indianapolis; Alpha Gamma Delta, Soc. Ch.; Pleiades; Alpha Kappa Delta; Organized Female Director Singing Hoosiers; Jr. Class Council.
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Fitzpatrik, Cheryl Lynn B.A. Zoology; Washington; Zoology Honor Program. Fleetwood, Gerald B.A. Anthropology; Bloomington.Fleischman, Nancy S. A.B. Anthropology; Park Ridge, Ill.; Kappa Alpha Theta, Rush Ch.; YWCA; Arbutus Staff; Student Leader; Dean's List. Flint, Stephen I.. A.B. Economics; Indianapolis. Flesher, Clifford E. A.B. Economics; South Bend; Little "500" Ticket Representative; Intramurals.
Fodora, Margaret A. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis.Foley, Mairin T. A.B. Art History; Bloomington. Forsyth, Steven E. A.B. Journalism; Indianapolis; Theta Xi, Vice-Pres.; I.U. Foundation; Organized Male Director of Junior Class. Foster, Robert D. A.B. Government; Indianapolis; Pi Kappa Alpha; Skull and Crescent; YMCA. Frank, Michael J. A.B. Government; Valley Stream, N.Y.; Alpha Epsilon Pi.
Frederick, Richard G. A.B. History; Ft. Wayne; I.U. Sing. Freeman, Barbara J. A.B. Microbiology; Evansville; Alpha Lambda Delta; Intramural Sports, Recr. Co-ord. Freeman, Timothy I.. A.B. Economics; Elkhart; Pi Kappa Alpha, Soc. Ch.; Skull and Crescent; I.U. Foundation; YMCA. Treas.; Jr. Class Council; Little 500 Rider. Fremder, Edwin J. A.B. Government; University City, Mo.; Alpha Epsilon Pi, Pres.; I.U. Foundation; IFC J-Board, Chf. Just. French, Richard L. A.B. Economics; Lebanon; Sigma Chi.
Frey, Bruce E. A.B. Zoology; Bloomington. Frick, Barbara A. A.B. Biology;
Indianapolis; International Student Orientation; Enomone; AFS; YWCA Sisterhood Committee. Friend, Diane C. A.B. Sociology; Ft. Wayne; Sociological Honorary; Res. Asst.; I.U. Foundation; Newman Club, Pub..Ch. Friedman, JoAnn A.B. Russian; St. Louis, Mo.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Dean's List; Boisen JBoard. Frye, Sarah W. A.B. Government; Phoenix, Ariz.; Fr. Class Council; Candy Stripers; Foster Quad Government; Hershey-Stempel Council; IMU Ski Club. Fuchs, Gary L. A.B. Zoology; Louisville, Ky.; Sigma Alpha Mu, Sec. Fullbright, Pamela E. A.B. English; Covington. Gage, Albert A.B. Psychology; E. St. Louis, Ill.; Kappa Alpha Psi; Football, Tri-Capt.; I-Men, Vice-Pres.Ganyard, Rebecca A. A.B. Government; Belleville, Ill.; Sigma Epsilon Sigma; Eta Sigma Phi; Sr. Class Council; Willkie Quad J-Board. Garry, Patricia G. A.B. Zoology; New Milford, N.J.; Sailing Club.
Gander, John I'. A.B. Zoology; East Chicago; MRC J-Board; I.U. Foundation; IMU Sailing Club. Gazel, Christine E. A.B. Radio and Television; Park Ridge, Ill.; Zeta Tau Alpha; YWCA Drama Comm.: IURN Contin. Dir.; WIUS Contin. Dir.; Rho Tau Sigma; Union Board. Gelling,Jane A.B. French; Anderson; AFS; Foster Quad Government.Genier, Suzanne A.B. French; Indianapolis. George, Constance B. A.B. Psychology; Muncie.
(;eorgiou, George L. A.B. Biology; Paphos, Cyprus; Cosmopolitan Club; Willkie Quad Board of Governors; Christian Orthodox Fellowship. Gerard, Donna J. A.B. Latin; Bloomington; Mortar Board; Read Cntr. Pres.; Eta Sigma Phi, Pres.; Fr. Camp Counselor; Honors Div. Advisory Comm.Gerber, Lynne A. A.B. Psychology; South Bend; Comm. Co-ord.; Res. Asst.; Psychology Asst. Gibson, John M. A.B. Spanish; Elkhart. Gilbert, Fred C. E. A.B. Zoology; Churubusco; Cult. Co-ord.; Afro-American Project; Spelunkers Club; Outing Club; Young Republicans. Gilmore, Sidney B. A.B. Economics; Vincennes; Pi Kappa Alpha; Phi Omega; Skull and Crescent; YMCA. Gines, James L. A.B. East Asian Languages and Literature; Bloomington. Glisinski, Martin J. A.B. Economics; South Bend. Gluckman'', Harriet R. A.B. Spanish; Louisville, Ky.; Alpha Epsilon Phi, Hist.; Candy Stripers; Campus Chest Pub. Ch. Goad, John D. A.B. Sociology; Indianapolis.
Goldberg, David H. A.B. Government; Lima, O.; Cult. Co-ord.; Comm. Coord.; Hillel Student Board. Golinko, Barry E. A.B. Zoology; Gary; Student Leader; Sailing Club; Arbutus, Contracts Mgr., Business Mgr.Gonzales, Mario A. A.B. Spanish; Hammond; Phi Epsilon Pi; I.U. Foundation; Theatre; Union Board. Goodloe, Samuel L. A.B. Biology; Greenfield. Gookins, William L. A.B. Psychology; Attica; Student Government; Union Board; Sr. Class Council; Sailing Club; I.U. Sing.
Gossard, Jane E. A.B. Spanish; Tipton; Kappa Alpha Theta. Graff, Jill A.
A.B. English; Huntington; Honors English; Arbutus, Staff Writer. Graves, Jewell K. A.B. Government; Crawfordsville; Alpha Lambda Delta; Psi Chi; YWCA, Live Y'er Pres.; Sr. Class Council. Greenberg, Bruce A. B.S. Zoology; Indianapolis; Sigma Alpha Mu, Homecoming Ch.; Campus Chest Drive, Ch.; Bike Control, Ch.; I.U. Foundation; Little 500, Bike Mechanic; Intramural sports. Greenfield, John R. A.B. English; Kokomo.
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Griffin, Rebecca S. A.B. English; New Albany; Alpha Delta Kappa, Treas.; SNEA: Briscoe Quad. Floor Treas. Griffith Carol A. A.B. Sociology; Indianapolis; Alpha Gamma Delta, Stand. Ch.; Sailing Club; Cosmopolitan Club; McNutt Quad, Soc. Ch. Griffith, Richard S. A.B. Police Administration; Bloomington; Beta Theta Pi; Organization of Police Administration Students. Grigsby, Janet S. A.B. English; Shelbyville; Kappa Kappa Gamma; I.U. Foundation; Enonome; YWCA Cabinet; Fr. Camp Counselor. Grove, 0. Graham A.B. Psychology; Ft. Wayne; "The Chosen Ones". Gutierrez, Theresa A.B. Spanish; Gary. Guttman, Robert J. A.B. Government; Connersville; Great Issues; LUNA; Sr. Class Council; Sailing Club Students for McCarthy. Hageman, Cynthia K. A.B. History; Bloomington. Halfman, Timothy W. A.B. Sociology; Crown Point; I.U. Sing; Scuba Club; Sailing Club; Floor Governor; Intramural sports. Ham,Jo Ellen A. A.B. German; Bloomington; Kappa Alpha Theta; Alpha Lambda Delta; YWCA Executive Board. Hamilton, William H. A.B. History; Terre Haute; Sigma Chi; Skull and Crescent; I.U. Foundation; YMCA; Little 500 Rider; Young Republicans. Hamm, Robert J. A.B. Psychology; Franklin; Kappa Alpha Psi, Keeper of Exchecher; Afro-Afro-American Students Association. Hampshire,Steven R. A.B. French; Indianapolis; Sigma Chi, Rush Ch., Vice-Pres.. Pres.: I.U. Foundation; YMCA Chimes of Christmas Pub. Ch.; SAB Homecoming Comm.; Young Republicans. Handley, Richard D. A.B. Chemistry; La Porte; Phi Gamma Delta, Pres.; Phi Eta Sigma; Blue Key; Union Board of Directors, Vice-Pres.: Singing Hoosiers; I.U. Foundation. Hann, Dwayne G. A.B. Zoology; Marion; Pi Kappa Alpha; YMCA. Harding, Leland D. A.B. Police Administration; Attica; Phi Sigma Lambda, Founder; Phi Omega; Arnold Air Society; Briscoe 5, Governor; Dean's List. Hardy, William J. A.B. Spanish; Martinsville; Phi Eta esigma; Spanish Club. Harmening, Ann L. A.B. French; Skokie, Ill; Delta Delta Delta, Rush Ch.; I.U. Foundation; Oceanides; Student Leader; SAB Card Section Comm.; Union Board Comm. Harnisch, Carolyn D. A.B. English; Noblesville; Chi Omega, Pres., Asst. Rush Ch.: Student Leader; YWCA; Student Elections Commission. Harpe, James A. Jr. A.B. Physics; Jeffersonville. Harris, Carol L. A.B. History; Rolling Prairie. Harris, William C. B.S. Chemistry; Indianapolis. Harrison, Steven L. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; Wright Quad Board of Governors; Marching 100; Parks House Scribe, Ed.; Parks House Outstanding Grenadier; Parks House Outstanding Freshman, 1965-1966. Hart, Mary Ann A.B. Biology; Milton, Read Center Student Government. Hastings, Thomas C. A.B. History; Linton.
Haviza, Peter D. A.B. Government; Winchester: Sr. Class Council; Phi Omega, Pres.; Residence Hall Government; Freshman Baseball Team.Hayes, George S. A.B. Zoology; Bicknell; Pi Kappa Alpha; I.U. Student Foundation; YMCA International Affairs, Vice-Pres.: YMCA B4B Foreign Work Camp, Ch. Hayes, Reginald S. B.S. Chemistry; Gary: Omega Psi Phi, Pres., VicePres., Treas.; I.U. Foundation; JIFC, Treas.; Indiana Greek, Copy Ed. Heard, Frances A. A.B. French; Port Lavaca, Tex.; Kappa Delta. Heckman,John E. A.B. Mathematics; Indianapolis; Phi Mu Epsilon; I.U. Foundation; Dodds House, Gov.; Little 500 Bike Rider. Heffelman, Philip E. A.B. Slavic Languages; Bloomington. Heise, Gloria L. A.B. Psychology; Jeffersonville. Hendrickson, Rolla B. A.B. Government: Bloomington. Hengstebeck, Mary Frances A.B. Psychology; Valparaiso.Herron, Rita L. A.B. French; Lapel; Young Democrats; Unit Social Officer: Union Board Committee.
Hershman, Scott H. A.B. Sociology; Brook; Young Democrats; Intramural Athletics; Sailing Club. Hertzberg, Susan P. A.B. French; Northbrook, Ill.: Delta Gamma, Hist.; I.U. Foundation; Angel Flight; SAB, Steering Committee. Heston, Ellen R. A.B. Speech Therapy; Indianapolis; Pi Beta Phi. VicePres.: 1.U. Foundation: Sigma Alpha Eta Honorary. Hicks, Alfred G. B.S. Government; Evansville; Theta Xi, Sr. Steward, Vice-Pres. Hicks, Donald A. A.B. Sociology; South Bend; Alpha Kappa Delta: Phi Eta Sigma; Eta Sigma Phi; Bob Hope Scholar; I.U. Merit Scholarship.
Hicks, Donna C. A.B. Government; Coatesville. Hicks, Sheryl L. A.B. Spanish
and Portuguese; Vincennes; Sigma Kappa; YWCA, Foreign Sister Program; Young Republicans Club. Hiestand, I'hillip D. A.B. Mathematics; Brook; Pi Mu Epsilon, Math Honorary. Hilburn, Jeffrey W. A.B. Anthropology; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Epsilon Delta Premedical Honorary; Fr., Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Councils; YMCA; Fr. Camp Counselor;I.U. Foundation. Hile, Alan I). A.B. History; Albion.
Hilles, Kermit R. A.B. Government; Plymouth; Little United Nations Assem-
bly Delegate; Mid America Model United Nations Steering Committee; Unit Newspaper, Ed. Hilton, Kenneth R. A.B. Mathematics; Indianapolis. Hinckley, James C. A.B. Economics; Youngstown, N.Y.; IM U Sailing Club; Student Advisory Board. Dept. of Economics. Hogan, Susan A.B. French; Park Forest, III; I.U. Foundation; McNutt Quad. Floor Gov., Sec.; Colloquium Series Steering Committee; Honors Study Program in Strasbourg, France: Dean's List. Holdt, Cathy A. A.B. Psychology; Falls Church, Va.; Va.; Alpha Phi, Hist., Pub. Ch.; Mini Team; Social Service Club. Holm, Byron M. Jr. A.B. Chemistry; Knox; Residence Hall Floor Gov.; Dean's List. Horvat, Francine C. A.B. Economics; Highland. Hoskam, Peter L. A.B. History; Michigan City; Cult. Co-ord.; Housing unit, Vice-Gov.Hosier, Joyce A. A.B. French; Huntington; Alpha Omicron Pi, Vice-Pres.: J-Board. Howard, Elizabeth A. A.B. English: Bloomington; Young Christian Students;
English Honors Program.
Howard, Patricia A. A.B. Spanish; Monticello; Alpha Omicron Pi; Arbutus, General Staff; Dean's List. Howe, Kathleen Kuen- Keen A.B. English Literature; Don Mills, Toronto, Canada; Chinese Student Association, Vice-Pres., Treas., Soc. Ch., Public Relations.Hoyt, Beverly A. A.B. French; Indianapolis. Hrpka, Marilyn G. A.B. English; Whiting; YWCA; YIA: Young Democrats; Card Section: Leadership Conference.Hueber, Thomas F. A.B. Spanish; Ft. Wayne; Alpha Tau Omega; Little 500 Scholarship; Dean's List; JIFC; Spanish Club; Sociological Theory Club, Vice-Pres. Huffman, Gregory A. A.B. Government; Eaton; Phi Sigma Kappa, Sec.; I.U. Foundation; Phi Omega; Great Issues Senate;I.U. Greek, Co-Ed.; Class Councils. Huffman, Philip D. A.B. Psychology; Kokomo; Phi Sigma Kappa,
Rush Ch., Inductor, Pledge Tr.; Varsity Rifle Team; I-Men's Club, Board of Dir. Humbaugh, Marcia L. A.B. Government; Plainville; Zeta Tau Alpha; YWCA; Sr. Class Council; LUNA; International Affairs Commission.Hummel, Dennis J. A.B. History; Louisville, Ky.; Sigma Alpha Mu. Hist.; Phi Omega; Student Election Committee; Little 500 Scholarship; Dean's List; Intramural sports. Huse, Richard L. III A.B. Police Administration; Alpha Tau Omega; OPAS; IFC, Dr. of Pledge Tr., Steering Comm., Self-Evaluation. Husk, Robert E. A.B. Mathematics; Evansville; Sigma Nu; Steering Comm., I.U. Sing; Red Book; Orientation Student Leader; Sr. Class Council;I.U. Foundation. Huston, Patricia K. A.B. Psychology; Social Service Club; I.U. Sing. Inglis, Linda I.. A.B. Government; Hammond; Sr. Class Council.Ingram, Linda G. A.B. Radio and Television; Zeta Tau Alpha, Asst. Rush Ch.: Rho Tau Sigma; Union Board; Sr. Class Council; Impact.Irick, Max L. A.B.
Zoology; Louisville, Ky.
Jack, Mary L. A.B. German; New Albany; Sr. Class Council; German Floor. Jackson, Gregory D. A.B. Zoology; South Bend. Jackson, Kathleen M. A.B. Sociology; Peru; I.U. Foundation; Wing Gov.: Orientation Committee.Jansen, Evolyn L. A.B. French; Wheaton, Ill. Jarvis, Joseph C. A.B. Government;
Indianapolis; Alpha Sigma Phi. Rec. Sec.; Arbutus Staff; Kiwanis Club, Sec.; Phi Omega; Sr. Class Council.
Jefferson, Charles L. A.B. French; Indianapolis; Black Theatre Workshop, "Lysistrata." Jens, Lunda Sue A.B. Psychology; Griffith; Alpha Lambda Delta; Psi Chi. Jensen, Kristine J. A.B. Theatre; Laurel. Md.: Belles of Indiana; Cosmopolitan Club: University Players. Jessup, Charles Aulcott B.S. Optometry; Shoreham, L.I., N.Y.: Band. Johns, Michael Reed A.B. Physics; South
Bend; Delta Tau Delta, Soc. Ch.; Sr. Class Council; I.U. Foundation.
Johnson, Carole A. A.B. English; Media, Pa.; Pi Beta Phi; Sr. Class Council; Jr. Class Council; Student Elections Commission; Steering Committee. I.U. Sing; AWS, WRA, Butler U. Johnson Steven R. B.S. Chemistry: Kokomo; 1.U. Sing; Thompson 4, Vice-Gov.Jones Catherine M. A.B. Philosophy; Indianapolis; Enomone; Student Senate; Angel Flight; Class Council.Jones, David E. A.B. Sociology; Bloomington; Dean's List. Jones, Florence M. A.B. Chemistry; Peru; Delta Gamma; Alpha Epsilon Delta, Sec.; Union Board Committees; Candy Striper; I.U. Sing; Dean's List. Jones, Judith C. A.B. Chemistry; New Albany; Student Government.Jones, Juliet Ann A.B. Art History; Pi Beta Phi, Asst. Soc. Ch.; Pleides; Enonome; Union Board. Steering Comm.; Student Leader Program, Ch.; Fr. Camp Steering Comm. Jones, Richard V. A.B. Mathematics; Anderson. Jorgensen, Charles Conrad A.B. Psychology; Glenview, Ill; Psi Chi.Joseph, Louis L. A.B. Government; Indianapolis; Sigma Alpha Mu, Sec.; Student Government; Student Elections Commission; Campus Chest; Intramural sports.
Jung, Vicky W. K. A.B. Mathematics; Indianapolis; Mathematics Club; Chinese Student Association, Treas., Sec.; Cosmopolitan Club. Kabisch, Stephen B. A.B. Zoology; Ft. Wayne; Phi Gamma Delta; I.U. Foundation; Rugby Club. Kaehr, Pamela W. A.B. German; Bloomington. Kahn, Lilo A.B. Psychology: Indianapolis; J-Board, Ch. Kallembach, Carol A. A.B. Journalism; Jeffersonville; Rifle Club; Marketing Club.
Kasuba, Ronald J. A.B. Spanish; Pittsfiled, Mass. Katz,Marcel A.B. Government; Gary; Arbutus, Promo. and Sales, Business Mgr. Katz, Michele M. B.S. Sociology; South Bend. Kaufman, Lisbeth A. A.B. English; Shaker Heights, Ohio; Alpha Epsilon Phi, Treas.; I.U. Sing. Kazwell, Richard D. A.B. Zoology; Cedar Lake; Phi Kappa Psi; Young Republicans; Ski Club.
Keeshan, Millicent E. A.B. Government; Hartford City; Kappa Delta; Student Government; YWCA: McNutt Quad, Floor Gov. Kennedy, Lucy E. A.B. English; Hammond; Floor Officer. Ketchen, Betty Lou A.B. English; Princeton; Board of Student Publications; Convocation Committee; Ballantonian, Ed., Managing Ed.; I.U. Voters Union; Young Democrats.Kidwell, Michael R. A.B. Zoology: Indianapolis; 1.U. Foundation; Sr. Class Council; Student Government. Kiel, Gregory A. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; Fencing Team, Capt.: Wright Quad Vice-Gov.; JFIC. King, Ardella L. A.B. Biology; Bloomington; Zeta Tau Alpha: Union Board; AWS; Campus Crusade. King, Mark A.B. History; Reddick, Ill. Kiracofe, George R. A.B. Zoology; Richmond; Delta Chi; Cosmopolitan Club. Kirtley, Edward Alan A.B. History; Shipshewana; Phi Omega Prelaw Fraternity, VicePres. Klatch, Carol A. A.B. Psychology; W. Lafayette; Freshman Orientation, Steering Committee.
Kleinhans, Virginia A.B. Philosophy; Marion; Pi Beta Phi: Fr. Camp Steering Committee; Dean's List; PRP, Publicity. Kleymeyer, Robert J. A.B. Sociology; Evansville: Scabbard and Blade. Kluender, Susan J. A.B. Anthropology: Rapid City, S.D.; Spelunking Club. Knah, Douglas J. B.S. Geology; South Bend; Honor Student; Geology Club. Knapp, Donald 0. B.S. Astrophysics; Dallas, Tex.; Varsity Basketball Mgr.; Student Advisor; Center Government.
Knecht, Marsha A. A.B. Spanish; Brookville; Dean's List. Knierint, Dennis W. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; Lambda Chi Alpha. Knutson, Karen .1. B.S. Radio and Television; Judo Club; Young Republicans. Kobrin, Jerry L. B.A. Zoology; Gary; Zeta Beta Tau. Koeneman, Diane L. A.B. Communicational Business; Ft. Wayne; Zeta Tau Alpha, Rush Ch., Activities Ch.; Gamma Delta, Sec.-Treas.; Great Issues, Parliamentarian, Steering Committee, Pub. Ch.: Sr. Class Council; I.U. Foundation; Union Board.
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Komasinski, Mary C. A.B. Russian; Michigan City; Delta Delta Delta; Union Board Committees. Konen, Joseph A. A.B. Economics; Glenview, Ill.; IRHA Floor Sec.-Treas.; Marching 100.Kopp, Keith A. B.S. Physics; Madison; IMU Amateur Radio Club, Pres., Vice-Pres.Koskie, Donna A. A.B. Psychology; Lincoln Park, N.J. Kraegel, Pamela A.B. Sociology; Munster; Delta Delta Delta. Kriegbaum, Marsha L. A.B. English; Indianapolis; Alpha Gamma Delta, Corr. Sec.; International Affairs Commission; International Week, Steering Committee; YWCA Fr. Camp Commission. Clerical Committee; Student Leader. Krier, Beth A. A.B. Journalism; Indianapolis; College of Arts and Sciences Advisory Board; Theta Sigma Phi; Willkie Quad, Gov., Treas.; The Indiana Daily Student, Women's Ed., Night Ed. Krier, Judith K. A.B. French and Russian; Columbus, Ohio; Kappa Delta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Briscoe Quad, Floor Gov.; Student Government Elections, District Ch.Kroll, William C. A.B. Government; Shrewsbury, N.J.; Briscoe Quad, Vice-Pres., Floor Gov., JBoard Co-Ch.; Foster Quad, Res. Asst.Kubiak, Diane M. A.B. English; Portage; English Departmental Honors Program; I.U. Northwest Campus Mental Health Association, Pres.; I.U.N.C. Aurora staff. Kunkle, Elaine S. A.B. Mathematics; Peru; Pi Mu Epsilon; Dean's List. Kuntz, Linda A. A.B. Journalism; Huntington, W. Va.; Sr. Class Council; Indiana Daily Student, Night Ed., Assoc. Ed.Kwee, Lily Sioe- Lie A.B. Zoology; Kowloon, Hong Kong. Lacy, Sharon L. A.B. Mathematics; Valparaiso; Alpha Lambda Delta; Briscoe Quad Floor Sec.Lagenaur, Mary Beth A.B. Journal-
ism; Indianapolis; IMU Sailing Club; IMU Kiva Committee.
Landis, Frederick III A.B. Zoology; Logansport; Pi Kappa Alpha, Treas.; Tryus, Action, Dist. Ch.; Soph. Class Council.Landskroener, Linda L. B.S. Journalism; Bernardsville, N.J.; Stempel, Fem. Dir.; Orientation Committee. Lang, Mary Constance A.B. Government; Mishawaka; Zeta Tau Alpha: Jr. Class Council; Sr. Class Council; Great Issues, Steering Committee Ch.: Phi Omega; AWS Women's Week Comm., Little Sister-Big Sister Program. Langley, Linda B. A.B. Social Service; Tulsa, Okla.; Pi Beta Phi: Phi Alpha.Lanz, Ellyn E. A.B. French; St. Louis, Mo.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Eta Sigma Phi; Enomene, Sec.; Mortar Board, Hist.; I.U. Student Foundation. Larsen, Robert Eric A.B. History; Evansville; Alpha Phi Omega; Dean's List; Dean of Students' Staff; Intramural sports; Rugby Club. Lateste, Monique M- L A.B. French; Indianapolis. Lawrence, Charles H. A.B. Zoology; Bryan, Ohio. Laycock, Steven William A.B. Philosophy; Indianapolis; Christian Science Organization, Treas., Reader, Pres., Vice-Pres.Layton, Joanne R. A.B. Psy-
chology; Indianapolis; J-Board; Social-Recreational Committee; Freshman Orientation Ch. Lea, Lucinda A.B. English; Westwood, Mass. Leet, Gary B.S. Chemistry;
Indianapolis; Intramural golf, basketball; American Chemical Society Student Affiliate. Leiter, Jane A. A.B. French; Bringhorst. Leitner, Ramona N. A.B. History; Cannelton; Mini Rider; Christian Science Organization.Leland, Thomas J. A.B. History; Wabash; Delta Chi; Little 500; Union Board Committees; Quiz Bowl; Emphasis.
Leming, William H. A.B. English; Beta Theta Pi; Fr., Sr. Class Council; Young Republicans. Lemler, Kathleen E. A.B. Spanish; Bourbon; Crimson Cadettes. Lever, Karen L. A.B. Fine Arts; Bloomington; ; Communications Comm. Lewallen, David I). A.B. English; Goshen; Phi Eta Sigma; McAutl Academic Co-ordinate; Student Leader. Lewis, Norman M. Jr. B.S. Geology;
Clarksville; Delta Chi.
Lewis, Richard Wayne B.S. Chemistry; Bedford; WOAD, Continuity Staff; Willkie Quad, Communications Committee; John Newsletter, Ed.; Pub. Comm.; Willkie South 8, Gov.Lewis, Rosalind Brenman A.B. German; Bloomington. Li, Shiaomay A.B. Anthropology; Bangkok, Thailand; Chinese Student Club. Lichtman, Irwin D. A.B. Spanish; Richmond; Freshman Orientation, Head of Communications; Shea Hall Treas.; Intramural Sports; IMU Activities. Lindemann, Jon P. A.B. Biology; Batesville; Lambda Chi Alpha; SAB; Kappa Kappa Psi Band Honorary, Pres.; Marching 100; Young Republicans; Little 500.
Lipps, Louisa M. A.B. Mathematics; Cincinnati, Ohio; Pi Mu Epsilon Honor-
ary, Sec.-Treas.; I.U. Foundation; Teter Quad, Treas.; Sr. Class Council; Dean's List. Lisec, Gloria D. A.B. History; Crown Point; ASIS. Lisher, James R. A.B. Government; Indianapolis; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Water Polo; Union Board Steering Committee, Ch.; Sr. Class Council; I.U. Young Democrats. Listenberger, Michel D. B.S. Optometry; South Bend; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Omega Epsilon Phi; YMCA; Outing Club; IFC.Listwan, Roger L. A.B. Economics; Milwaukee, Wis. Little, Christine J. A.B. Sociology; Crawfordsville; Willkie J-Board, Ch.; McNutt Center J-Board; I.U. Sing; YWCA Executive Council, Faith and Life Coord. Littlejohn, Brenda Kay A.B. Mathematics. Lockhart, Walter F. A.B. Government; Connersville. Loh, Robert B.S. Physics; Bloomington; Swimming Team; Sigma Pi Sigma. Loh, Rosalind A.B. Textile Merchandising; Bloomington; Mason Hall, Cul. Ch.; Chinese Student Club, Vice-Pres.
Long, T. Brian A.B. Government; Bloomington.Lookabill, Sarah J. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis. Loyal!, Larry D. A.B. Zoology; Willkie South II, Gov., Sec.-Treas.; Willkie Quad, Treas.; Intramurals; Judo Club.Love, Cheryl D. A.B. Sociology; South Bend; Kappa Alpha Theta.Loving, Constance L. A.B. History; Indianapolis; Kappa Delta, Sec., Pres.
Luender, Pamela L. A.B. Psychology; Chicago Heights, Ill.; SAB; Teter Quad J-Board. Luetzelschwab, Earl F. A.B. English; Highland; Phi Eta Sigma; I.U. Rugby Club; English Honors Program; Teaching Internship.Lungren, J. Keith A.B. Economics; Frankfort; I.U. Sing.Lynch, David K. B.S. Astrophysics; Bloomington; Chess Club; Outing Club.Lynn, Gari L. A.B. Government; South Bend; Residence Unit Gov., Soc. Co-ord., Vice-Gov., Recr. Co-ord.
Lyon, Richard K. A.B. Psychology; Ft. Wayne; Varsity Gymnastics Team; Psi Chi; Karate Club; Psychology Asst. Maburn, Gerald J. A.B. History; Evansville; Sigma Nu; Phi Omega; YMCA, Pres., Red Book General Ch.; Sr. Class Council Comm. Ch.; Fr. Camp Steering Comm.; I.U. Foundation.Macy, Warren L. A.B. Mathematics; Berne; Unit Ath. Dir.; I.U. Foundation; Dean's List. Maidenberg, Anthony C. A.B.Government; Marion; Zeta Beta Tau, VicePres.; Phi Omega; YMCA; Chess Club.Malecek, Nancy L. A.B. Economics; Ft. Wayne; Alpha Lambda Delta; Young Democrats; Economics Advisory Board, Sec. Manford, Robert E. A.B. Government; South Bend.Manley, Sharon M. A.B. English; Sellersburg; Alpha Phi; Willkie Quad, Pres.; Angel Flight; Singing Belles; I.U. Foundation; Dean's List. Mantilla, America A.B. Sociology; Bogota, Colombia. Marcus, Joyce R. A.B. English; Indianapolis. Marsh, Christine A. A.B. English; Alpha Omicron Pi, Corr. Sec.; YWCA, Fr. Camp Coun., Exec. Council, Cabinet; I.U. Foundation; Sr. Class Council; Panhellenic Pub. Rel. Comm.
Marsh, Daniel J. A.B. Economics; Paragon. Marsh, Dorothy R. A.B. Journalism; Northbrook, Ill.; Kappa Alpha Theta, Schol. Ch.; Theta Sigma Phi; Union Board Comm.; Indiana Daily Student.Marshall, Jeffrey C. B.S. Optometry; Indianapolis; Pi Kappa Alpha; Omega Delta; YMCA; Fr. Camp Steering Comm.; Div. of Optometry Class of 1971, Treas.Marshall, Marilyn Alice A.B. History; Portage. Marschand, Lyly W. A.B. Psychology; Gary; Psi Chi.
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Martellaro, A. John B.S. Astrophysics; South Bend; Arnold Air Society; Chess Club. Martin, Beverly Ann A.B. Sociology and Library Science; Dale; Alpha Kappa Delta; Residence Scholarship Program.Martin, Carol Y. A.B. Zoology; Hebron. Martin, Richard D. B.S. Radio and Television; New Albany; WFIU, Sportscaster; Rho Tau Sigma.Mathews, Denise S. A.B. French; Germantown, Tenn.; Delta Delta Delta; Union Board Committees For Children's Parties.
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Mau, Marcia K. A.B. Government; New Delhi, India; Gamma Phi Beta, Asst.
Scholar. Ch.; Enomene; Fr. and Soph. Class Councils; Student Elections Commission; Dean's List; Union Board. May, Darlene R. A.B. Linguistics; Canal Fulton. Ohio; Cosmopolitan Club; Linguistics Club; studied abroad in Colombia, South America. May, James E. A.B. Zoology; Connersville; Briscoe Quad, Pres., Head Soc. Co-ord. Mazur, Kathleen M. A.B. Spanish; Hammond; Briscoe Quad, Comm. Co-ord.; LUR for Student Ath. Bd.; Dean's List. McCloud, Ronnie A.B. Zoology; Jacksonville, Fla.; Sr. Class Council; SAS; President's Ball; Usher Corps.; I.U. Philharmonic. McCrosky, Julia R. A.B. Speech and Theatre; Rochester; Speech Assoc. of America; Indiana Speech Assoc.; I.U. Sing; Young Republicans; SNEA.McCubbin, Barbara J. A.B. Psychology; Elkhart. McCullough, David A. A.B. Government; Floyd Knobs; Pi Kappa Alpha. McDermott, Clune W. A.B. History; Indianapolis; Acacia Fraternity; Young Republicans; Intramurals.McDonald, John S. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; Lambda Chi Alpha; Young Republicans.
McCaha, James C. Jr. A.B. Microbiology; Covington; Phi Delta Theta, Soc. Ch.; I.U. Student Foundation; SAB Steering Corn.McGinnis, William A. A.B. Zoology; Connersville; Sigma Pi, Rush Ch., PR Ch.; JIFC Dir.: IFC, Rush Corn. McKee, Janet B. A.B. Journalism; Muncie; Theta Sigma Phi; Daily Student, Willkie Quad. McKee, Janet E. A.B. Government; Richmond; Phi Omega; Spelunking; New Politics Party.McOuat, Wallace, G. A.B. Mathematics; Indianapolis; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Pi Mu Epsilon; Phi Eta Sigma; I.U. Student Foundation; Class Council; Wrestling. Mead, Katy A.B. Spanish; Macomb, Ill.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Briscoe Quad, Sec.-Treas.; Sr. Class Council; Jr. Year Abroad in Madrid.Meador, Charles D. A.B. Geography; Navarre, Ohio; Alpha Phi Omega; I.U. Student Foundation; Foster Quad., Gov. of Martin III; Little 500 Rider, Coach.Meador, Thomas E. A.B. Economics; Bloomington; Dean's List. Mears, Terry J. B.S. Astrophysics; Hammond. Menaker, Ellen Sue A.B. Russian; Lincolnwood, Ill.;
Sigma Delta Tau; Slavic Club; IMU Sailing Club.
Mendel, Alice K. A.B. Government; Indianapolis; Resident Scholar.Mollies, Susan Kay A.B. Anthropology; LaPorte. Merritt, John Donald Jr. A.B. His-
tory; Chagrin Falls, Ohio; Rugby; Foster Quad, Gov.; Cosmopolitan Club; Intramurals. Mervis, Roger A.B. History; Kokomo; Sigma Alpha Mu; Greek Magazine, Co-Ed.; LUNA; Daily Student, Sports Writer; Union Bd. Attivities. Meshberger, Frank Lynn A.B. Zoology; Columbus; NSF Undergraduate Research Scholar; Honors Zoology; American Field Service Returnee—India.
Messman, Jane E. A.B. English; Hammond; Zeta Tau Alpha: Alpha Lambda
Delta; AWS, Women's Week Steering Corn.; Union Bd., Summer Activities Steering Corn.; Card Section Corn. Meyer, Thomas M. A.B. Zoology; Bloomington; Pi Kappa Alpha, Rush Ch. Meyers, John H. A.B. Government; Evansville; Beta Theta Pi; Fr. Class Officer; Student Body Attorney General; Foster Quad, Gov. Mier, James W. A.B. Chemistry; Anderson. Miller, Beverly A. A.B. Social Service; South Bend; Social Service Club.
Miller, Laura S. A.B. History; Wheaton, Ill.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Soph. Class, Sec.; Class Council; Student Elections Commission, Sec.Miller, Linda A. A.B. Psychology; Bloomington, Alpha Gamma Delta; AWS, Legislative Board; YWCA. Miller, Nancy Louise A.B. Spanish; Hurley, N.M.; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Alpha Lambda Delta; Foreign Study in Madrid, IMU Quiz Bowl; Dean's List. Miller Susan C. A.B. German; Cincinnati, Ohio; Alpha Lambda Delta; German Honorary; McNutt Quad, Gov., Steering Corn. of Leadership Seminar. Miskus, Thomasin E. A.B. Spanish; Whiting. Mohler, Howard H. A.B. Zoology; Gary; Acacia; Sr. Class Council; Acacia Scholar. Ch. Monk, James R. A.B. History; Bloomington; Dean's List. Montague, Cynthia A. A.B. Spanish; North Syracuse, N.Y.Moore, Andrew C. O.D. Optometry; Evansville; Omega Delta; Student Council.Moore, Darien Greigh A.B. Social Service; Lynn; Sailing Club; Social Service Club.
Moore, James H. A.B. Psychology; Auburn. Moore, Robert A. A.B. Radio and Television; Dallas, Tex.; Pho Tau Sigma; WQAD, Announcer, Music Dir.; I.U. Residence Network, Announcer, PR Dir.; WIUS, Announcer.Morgan, Gary A. B.S. Chemistry; South Bend; Intramural Sports; Stockwell House Senator. Morgan, Jane Elizabeth A.B. Speech and Theatre; Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. Morris, David Lynn A.B. Psychology; Park Forest, Ill.; Dean's List; Graduate with Honors; Sailing Club.
Morris, Marjorie L. A.B. English; Indianapolis; Mortar Board; I.U. Foundation; Delgado 2, Gov.; McNutt Quad, Sec., Pres.; Lumen,Ed. Morris, Susan Elaine A.B. Mathematics; Marietta, Ga.; Alpha Phi, Bus. Rush Ch.Morrow, Jon S. B.S. Chemistry; Fort Wayne; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Sigma Pi Sigma; Blue Key; Sr. Class Council; Alpha Chi Sigma; Pitney-Bowes Scholar.Morse, Rita M. A.B. Mathematics; Nashville, Tenn.; I.U. Foundation.Morse, Toni B. A.B. Sociology; South Bend; Sigma Delta Tau; Daily Student; LUNA; Arbutus.
Moss, Pat L. A.B. Optometry; Corydon; Omega Delta; Arthur Metz Scholar. Moy, Mary W. A.B. Optometry; Madison; Omega Epsilon Phi; I.U. Student Foundation; Fr. Student Orientor; Campus Chest Unit Ch.Mueller, Gayle K. A.B. French; Park Ridge, Ill.; Alpha Gamma Delta; Foreign study in Strasbourg. Munson, Robert Jones A.B. Mathematics; Lafayette; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Pi Mu Epsilon, Pres.; Scabbard and Blade, Treas.; Golf team.Murphy, David Porter A.B. History; Indianapolis; Alpha Tau Omega; Scabbard and Blade; YMCA; Student Elections Commission. Myers, Thomas E. A.B. Zoology; Danville; Briscoe Quad, J-Board; I.U. Flying Club; AFROTC Honor Flight. Najam,Edward W. Jr. A.B. Government; Bloomington; Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Beta Kappa; Student Body Pres.; Board of Aeons; Chief Justice, Student Supreme Court; Blue Key.Nanos, John Michael A.B. Government; Elkhart. Narmore, David M. A.B. Psychology; Trafalgar, Dean's List. Neander, Christine L. A.B. Government; Valparaiso; Student Com. for Victory in Vietnam; Students for Nixon; Partners in the Alliance; Sr. Class Council; Briscoe Quad, Acad. Co-ord. Neddo, William Joseph A.B. Sociology; Terre Haute; Judo Club.Neff, Lucianne M. A.B. Anthropology; Shelton, Conn.; Lambda Eta; Union Board; Young Republicans; Dean's List; Newman Club. NeLson, Cynthia J. A.B. Sociology; Lafayette; Zeta Tau Alpha; JR Panhellenic; SAB Card Section Com.; Young Republicans. Newkirk, David M. A.B. History; Columbus; Alpha Sigma Phi; Young Republicans; YMCA; Little 500; Intramurals. Newland, Gerald E. A.B. Anthropology; Columbus; Cosmopolitan Club; Sailing Club. Newmann, Charles F. A.B. Zoology; Hobart. Nichols, Patrick A. A.B. Government; South Bend. NichoLson, Jane S. A.B. French; Jasper; Teter Quad, Gov., Sec.; YWCA; Fr. Orientation Leader. Nilsson, Karin M. B.A. Fine Arts; Oconomowoc, Wis.; Sailing Club; Christian Science Organization, Sec., Pres. Norman, Craig R. A.B. Economic Geography; Indianapolis; Pi Kappa Alpha.
Norris, Sandra L. A.B. Spanish; Indianapolis; IRHA, Vice-Pres.; Homecoming Indian, Dean's List. Nottingham, Roger C. A.B. Government; Muncie; Phi Eta Sigma; Newman Foundation, Executive Bd.; Dean's List. Nunn, Sandra L. A.B. Social Service; Gary; I.U. Foundation; Harper II, Gov.; Angel Flight; IRHA Discrimatory Bd., Co-Ch.; Social Service Club.O'Brien, Thomas E. B.A. Government; Ft. Wayne; Floor Sec.-Treas.O'Bryan, Rory A.B. Economics; Hammond; Arnold Air Society; I.U. Foundation; Briscoe Quad, Pres., Gov.; Bob Hope Scholar; Little 500 Scholar. O'Connor, James W. B.S. Zoology; Michigan City; Sigma Nu.Okada, Patricia G. A.B. Psychology; Moui, Hawaii. Orgill, James Rockford B.S. Astrophysics; Paducah, Ky. Orme, Jan D. A.B. Spanish; Indianapolis; Alpha Lambda Delta; Dean's List; Young Republicans; YAF. Oshiro, Komelia Hongja A.B. Fine Arts; Honolulu, Hawaii.
l'almer, Patricia L. B.S. Social Service; Indianapolis; Willkie, Orientor, Cultural Comm.; IU Sing. Pampalone,Dominic A.B. French; Gary; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Young Democrats. Panian, Judith D. A.B. Fine Arts; Hammond; McNutt, Dejoya 2 Sec-Treas.; Cosmopolitan Club; NAEA. Paris, Allen L. B.S. Zoology; Franklin; Transfer Student From Purdue; Soph. Class Council; Young Democrats, State Sec.; Pre-Med Club; Fr. Council, Sec-Treas., Pres., Cultural Director, President's Council, Hall Senate. Park, Michael, A. A.B. Anthropology; Northport, N.Y.; Phi Eta Sigma. Pattengale, Cynthia A. B.A. Speech and Hearing Therapy; Alpha Phi; YWCA; Enomene; Oceanidies. Paul, Iris L. A.B. Alpha Lambda Delta; Fr. Advisory Commission; 3 Year Masters Program.Paul, Stephen H. A.B. Government; Indianapolis; Zeta Beta Tau; Phi Omega; LUNA; Arbutus Staff; Sr. Class Council. Peacock, Norman F. A.B. Zoology; Crawfordsville; Phi Delta Theta; IU Foundation Steering Comm. Pearson, Pamela A. A.B. Government; Jacksonville; Zeta Tau Alpha, Vice-Pres.; Mortar Board, Pleaides; Alpha Lambda Delta; Union Board of Directors; IU Foundation. Peoples, Richard S. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; Delta Tau Delta, Song Ch., Rush Ch., Pledge Tr.; YMCA; Skull and Crescent.Perry, James C. A.B. Psychology; Phi Kappa Psi; Union Board Steering Comm.; IFC; Board of Aeons; Blue Key; Arnold Air Society, Executive Officer.Person, Patsy Linn B.S. Medical Science; Warsaw; Alpha Lambda Delta; Student Government. Peters, Marcia E. B.A. Spanish; Gary. Phillips, Douglas C. A.B. Government; Columbus; Phi Kappa Psi; Judo Club; LUNA.
Phillips, Richard .1. I,. A.B. Chemistry; Defiance, Ohio; Soc. Service Club; Karate Club. l'ieschala, Judith L. A.B. English; LaPorte; Zeta Tau Alpha, Treas., Rec. Sec.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Candy Stripers; Arbutus, Seniors Editor; Sr. Class Council. Pinnell, Georgia G. A.B. Radio and TV; Bloomington; Pi Beta Phi; Theta Sigma Phi; IU Foundation; YWCA; Enomene; Emcee of IU Sing. Plant, Barbara E. A.B. Russian; Alexandria, Va.; Slavic Club; IU Slavic Tour. Pleak, Dale D. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; Theta Xi, Hist., VicePres., Rush Ch.; Intramurals; IU Sing. Pillion, Bonnie A.B. Psychology; Plainfield; Alpha Lambda Delta; Psi Chi. l'okorski, David A. B.S. Optometry; Bloomington; Omega Epsilon Phi; Writer for AOSA. Poracky, Mary Ann B.A. Latin; Whiting; Kappa Delta, Treas.; Sr. Class Council; Union Board, General Ch. of Pop Concerts and Kiva; IU Foundation; Eta Sigma Phi. Porter, John M. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; Lambda Chi Alpha; YMCA; IU Sing; Sr. Class Council.Porter, Louisa A.B. Sociology; Ft. Wayne; Sr. Class Director; Young Americans for Freedom, Sec.; Crimson Cadettes, Executive Officer; Young Republicans; Impact Party. Predd, Paul A.B. Zoology; LaPorte. Prible, Larry R. A.B. Government; Bluffton. Price, Andrea Kay A.B. Social Services; Bluffton. Rader, Carolyn A. A.B. English; Hamburg, N.Y.; N.Y.: Alpha Xi Delta, Rush Ch., House Mngr.; Young Republicans; Sr. Class Council. Rader, John A. Chemistry; Indianapolis; Delta Tau Delta, Treas., Pledge Tr.
Rajsic, Milenko A.B. Theatre; Gary. Rakes, James A. B.S. Zoology; Hammond; Kappa Delta Rho; WFQR-WIN Disc Jockey.Ramirez, Lourdes M. A.B. Spanish; Ft. Wayne. Randall, Ralph E. A.B. History; Indianapolis; Transfer from Olivet Nazarene College; Foster Quad, Rec. Co-ord.; Phi Omega. Raney, Kyle E. A.B. Zoology; Marion.
Read, Rodney B. B.S. Radio and TV; Speedway; Pi Kappa Phi; Rho Tau Sigma; IU Foundation; IFC; Public Relations; Crimsonaires.Reafsnyder, Charles B. A.B. Government; Dayton, Ohio; Debate; College Curriculum Comm. Rector, George W. B.S. Optometry; New Castle; 1RHA J-Board, Ch.; Omega Epsilon Phi. Reed, Sally A. B.A. History; Ft. Wayne. Reiss,Miriam F. A.B. Fine Arts; Lafayette; Kappa Alpha Theta.
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Restrepo, Ivan A.B. Economics; Medellin Colombia, S. A.; Latins Student Assoc., Pres. Rew, Karen L. A.B. Journalism and Government; LaPorte; SAB, Sec.; Indiana Daily Student; YWCA; Sr. Class Council; Impact Party. Reynolds, Anita Hinkle A.B. French; Salem. Reynolds, Harvey L. B.A. Japanese; Bloomington. Reynolds, Mary J. A.B. History; Owensboro, Ky.; Angel Flight; IU Foundation.
Rhodes, Ralph W. A.B. Speech and Theater; Bloomington.Richardson, Charles T. A.B. Government; Bedford; Beta Theta Pi, Pres.; Blue Key, Pres.; Board of Aeons; Impact Party, Board of Directors; IU Foundation.Richwalski, Donna A. B.S. English; Delta Delta Delta, Rec. Sec.; Mortar Board; Pleides; IU Foundation Steering Comm.; Treas. Panhellenic Executive Council, Jr. Panhellenic; Student Senator. Riddle, Mary Ellen A.B. Journalism; Goshen; Student Senate; Student Supreme Court; Indiana Daily Student. Riedeman, Hubert J. Jr. A.B. Government; Indianapolis; Phi Eta Sigma; Sailing Club. Riley, Sharon P. A.B. Journalism; Annandale, Va.; Clark House Mngr.; Student Advisor; Modern Dance Performing Group.Ritchie, Morris C. A.B. English; Lebanon; Delta Tau Delta; IU Foundation; Arbutus; YMCA; Sr. Class Council. Robbins, Donald Eston B.S. Optometry; Anderson. Roessler, William D. A.B. English; Frederick, Md;IU Soccer Team. Rohan, Patricia A. A.B. Dietetics; Middletown, N.Y.
Rome, Carolyn Audrey A.B. Chemistry; Danville, Ill.; Alpha Gamma Delta; Singing Hoosiers; Student Leader; Cosmopolitan Club; IMU; Alpha Lambda Delta. Roodman, Karen L. A.B. Biology; St. Louis, Mo.; Alpha Epsilon Phi; IU Foundation; Sr. Class Council; Porn Pon Girls; Activities Ch.Rosner, Shirley Lee A.B. Psychology; Anderson. Rothstein, Ira M. A.B. Government; Chicago, Ill.; Zeta Beta Tau. Rumple, Kathy L. A.B. Biology; Bloomington; Kappa Kappa Gamma; YWCA; AWS.
Runner, Peter A.B. Mathematics; Boulder, Colo. Ruzycki, Michael P. A.B. Government; Hammond. Ryszka, Donald L. B.S. Optometry; Michigan City; Quad Gov. Salner, Sherri B. A.B. Psychology; Bala-Cynwyd, Pa.; Alpha Epsilon Phi, Pres., Rush Counselor; IU Foundation; Arbutus, Copy Editor, Personnel Mngr.; International Bazaar Steering Comm.; Sr. Class Council.Salstrom, Larry A. A.B. Government; Anderson; Phi Eta Sigma; Foster Quad, JBoard; IRHA J-Board; IU Foundation.
Sanders, Katherine A.B. Spanish; Ft. Wayne; Alpha Omicron Pi; Sr. Class Council; Card Section Comm.; Young Democrats;IU Foundation. Sanz, Timothy L. A.B. Slavic Languages and Literature; Hobart; Slavic Club; Young Republicans. Saunders, Mary L. B.A. Government; Libertyville, Ill.; Great Issues Forum; Forest Quad, J-Board, Sec. Sautter, Richard Craig B.A. Philosophy; Mishawaka; Eta Sigma Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; Intramural Basketball. Savich, Marjory Ann B.A. Mathematics; Rensselaer; Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Lambda Delta, Treas.; Board of Academic Review, Sec.; Women's Academic Unit, Vice-Gov.; AWS, Legislative Board. Sawyer, Rober E. B.A. Spanish; Osgood; Cosmopolitan Club, Treas.; VicePres.; International Affairs Commission, National Group Council; Outing Club; Spanish Club. Sayler, Michael D. A.B. Social Service; Birmingham, Mich.; IU Foundation; Social Service Club.Schisler, Barbara L. A.B. French; Dayton, Ohio; Resident Assistant; McNutt Quad, Dean's List; Cultural Co-ord, Vice-Gov.; Gov. Schmitt, Peter J. B.A. History; Ft. Wayne; Kappa Delta Rho, Sec., Scholarship Ch.; LUNA; IFC Scholarship Comm.Schneller, Linda S. B.A. Sociology; Bloomington; Sigma Delta Tau; Foster Quad, Vice-Gov.'s Council. Schori, Roba Lee A.B. English; Plymouth; Alpha Lambda Delta.Schulze, Dan H. A.B. Zoology; Hamilton, Ohio; Wissler V, Academic Co-ord.; Teter Quad, J-Board. Schwartz, Emily M. A.B. English; Clarendon Hills, Ill.; Chi Omega, Soc. Ch., Rush Ch.; Alpha Lambda Delta.Schweickart, Linda R. A.B. Design; Goshen. Scifres, Jean E. A.B. English; Zionsville; McNutt Choraliers; Arbutus Staff.
Scott, Darrell J. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; Tau Kappa Epsilon, Pledgy Tr., TKE Chariot Race, Ch. Segneri, Wayne H. A.B. Speech and Hearing Therapy; Chicago Heights, Ill.; Theta Xi; Sigma Alpha Eta, Pres.Selke, William L. A.B. Psychology; Connersville. Serafin, Mary Kathryn A.B. English; LaPorte; Delta Zeta, Soc. Ch.; AWS Mass Meeting.Sexton, Byron R. A.B. Economics; Ft. Wayne; Spanish Club, Pres. Shah, Hasmukh ChampaklalM.A. Journalism; Bombay, India; YMCA; The Indian Students Association, Sec-Treas., Acting Pres.; Newspaperman.Shapiro, Jerry A.B. History; Gary; Zeta Beta Tau, Soc. Ch.; YMCA; LUNA Delegation Ch.; Union Board Comm.; Russian Club.Shapiro, Rita L. A.B. Psychol-
ogy; South Bend; Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Councils; Impact, Area Ch.; Action, Area Ch. Sheehan, Susan M. A.B. Sociology; Indianapolis; Pi Beta Phi, Scholarship Ch., Program Ch.; Student Leader; Alpha Lambda Delta; Alpha Kappa Delta; Dean's List. Shepherd, Michael C. A.B. Chemistry; Chesterfield; Alpha Tau Omega, Rush Ch., Pres.; IU Foundation; IFC President's Council; Little 500 Bike Rider. Shewmake, Floyd F. A.B. Zoology; Western Springs, Ill.; McNutt, Gov.,
Director of Facilities, Vice-Pres.; Wright, Resident Assistant; Dean's List; Honor Student; Fr. Class Council.Shine, Lawrance E. A.B. English; Ft. Wayne; Sigma Nu, Vice-Pres.; IU Foundation Steering Comm. Ch.; IMU Pop Concerts; Sr. Class Council; YMCA.Short, Gail Elaine B.A. Sociology; Indianapolis; Alpha Kappa Alpha; IRHA, Sec.Shortridge, Thomas J. A.B. Chemistry; Bedford. Shoulders, David I. A.B. Psychology; Elwood. Shriner, Thomas L. Jr. A.B. History; Lafayette; Chi Phi, Vice-Pres., Treas.;
IFC, Internal Vice-Pres., Sec. of Self-Evaluation Comm.; Advisory Comm. to the Study of Religion; IU Foundation; Great Issues Forum, Minority Whip; Member of IU Team On G.E. College Bowl.Shultz, Nancy H. A.B. Psychology; Rockford, Ill.; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 2nd Vice-Pres., -Kappa Pickers;" Alpha Lambda Delta, Vice-Pres.;IU Foundation; Campus Chest Steering Comm.; Sr. Class Council. Silverman, Sara R. B.A. Advertising; Terre Haute; Sigma Delta Tau; Theta Sigma Phi; Union Board Steering Committees; Jr. Class Council; Arbutus General Staff.Simmons, Deborah J. B.A. Psychology; Rochester, N.Y.; IU Foundation; Sr. Class Council;IU Student Mental Health Assoc.; Briscoe, Soc. Co-ord., Cultural Co-ord.Simonds, David Randall A.B. Psychology; Evansville; Delta Epsilon; Singing Hoosiers;IU Sing; Scuba Club; Intermural Football. Sims, Stephen M. B.A. Government; Ft. Wayne; Honor Student. Simpson, Elizabeth L. A.B. Fine Arts; Vincennes; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Transfer Student. Singer, Carol L. B.S. Radio and TV; Hammond; Alpha Omicron Pi,
Pres., Rush Ch.; Theta Sigma Phi; Rho Tau Sigma; IU Foundation; Young Democrats. Singleton, Richard R. B.A. Mathematics; South Bend; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Singleton, Timothy J. B.S. Radio and TV; Decatur; Alpha Phi Omega; Rho Tau Sigma. Sjoquist, John (Jack) P. A.B. Geography; South Bend; Intramurals.Slatterly, Susan Margaret A.B. Home Economics; Western Springs, Ill.; Sigma Kappa, Corr. Sec.; Home Economics Assoc.Sloan, Cynthia Dianne A.B. Government;
Marion; Phi Omega, Sec.; Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Council; LUNA; Sailing Club; All-Class Council. Slofkosky, Jeanette Veronica B.A. French; Gary; Newman Club. Sluss, Kathy L. B.A. English; Greenwood; Alpha Lambda Delta; Willkie, J-Board, Sec., Leadership Commission, Election Commission; Sr. Class Council; IU Foundation, Sec. Alumni Comm.; IMU Student Activities Service Steering Comm.; Student Leader. Small, Ben F. A.B. Government; Scarsdale, N.Y.; Phi Delta Theta;IU Foun-
dation; Fr. Class Council, Treas.; Union Coard Comm.; Young Republicans; Tyronian Ch. Smith, Bruce E. B.A. Government; Osceola; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Omega; Wright Quad, J-Board, Gov., Cultural Ch.Smith J. Harold II A.B. Government; Phi Gamma Delta, House Manager;IMU Activities; Flying Club; Pre-Med. Smith, Karen J. A.B. Journalism; Evansville; Gamma Phi Beta, Cor. Sec.; Student Leader; Union Board Activities; YWCA; Impact Convention Delegate. Smith, Rod J. A.B. Journalism; Sigma Delta Chi; Indiana Daily Student, Associate Editor, Night Editor. Smith, Susan E. B.A. History; South Bend; Forest Quad, J-Board; Fr. Orientor; Dean's List; National Council for Social Studies. Snow, Richard E. A.B.
Zoology; Indianapolis; Phi Delta Theta; IU Foundation; Rose Bowl Comm.; IFC; IMU Steering Comm. Snowden, Calvin R. A.B. Sociology; Washington, D.C.; Football Team. Snyder, Clark L. A.B. Government; Indianapolis; Delta Tau Delta; Union Board Steering Comm., Publicity Ch. for Kiva Comm.; IFC Publication Comm.; News Editor for Indiana Greek; Sr. Class Council. Snyder, Dean A. A.B. Biology; Mishawaka.
Snyder, Martin R. A.B. Government; Louisville, Ky.; Sigma Alpha Mu, VicePres., Pres., Rush Ch.; IFC President's Council; Phi Omega IU Foundation; Skull and Crescent; Dean's List. Somers, Penelope Firman A.B. Microbiology; Indianapolis. Spicer, Lynn A. A.B. Psychology; Cincinnati, Ohio; Chi Omega, Pledge Tr.; Pleiades; Mortar Board; Panhellenic Executive Council; Rose Bowl Comm.; IU Foundation. Spoolstra, Gail A. A.B. German; Indianapolis; Delta Zeta; Delta Phi Alpha. Sprunger, Erick S. B.S. Radio and TV; Berne; Rho Tau Sigma. Staff, Donna L. A.B. French; Birmingham, Ala.; Sigma Delta Tau, Rec. Sec.; Sr. Class Council; Activities Fair; Students for Nixon; Social Service Club; American Field Service Club. Stahl, Carol L. B.A. Microbiology; Bloomfield; Alpha Gamma Delta. Stamper,John W. B.A. Philosophy; New Castle; Hamburg Study Program; 3 Year Masters Program; Philosophy Honors Program; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa. Stanley, Susan M. A.B. Sociology; Logansport; Alpha Phi, Rec. Sec.; Psi Chi, National Psychology Honorary; Student Leader; Angel Flight; Fr. Camp Counselor; Dean's List. Stasey, Joseph I'. A.B. English; Gary; McNutt, Lumen Staff, Floor Soc. Ch.; Dean's List; French Student-Faculty Undergraduate Advisory' Board, Pres. Steinhauer, Helene R. A.B. English; Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.; Forest Quad, Vice-Gov. of Sherwood House; IU Foundation; Hoosier Host; Baha'i Club; Arbutus Staff. Sterner, Susan Elizabeth A.B. French; Indianapolis; Kappa Alpha Theta; Alpha Lambda Delta, Pleiades; Mortar Board; IU Foundation Steering Comm.; YWCA, Vice-Pres.Stevens, Michael D. B.S. Chemistry; Indianapolis; Marching 100; Auditorium Usher Corps. Stewart,John C. A.B. Sociology; Richmond; Flying Club; Skiing Club; Spelunk Club; International Inc. Stewart, Sharon M. A.B. Zoology; Wyoming, Ohio; Chi Omega; Crimson Cadettes; Pershing Rifle Sponser; Sailing Club; Union Board Comm.; SAB Comm. Stine, David B.S. Optometry; Dayton, Ohio; Zeta Beta Tau, Sec.; LUNA Delegate; YMCA; Union Board Comm. Stoller,Steven E. A.B. Zoology; Ft. Wayne; Phi Eta Sigma; Wilkie Quad, Treas.; WFIU Newscaster; IU Sing; IU Foundation; IRHA Soc. Co-ord. Stoneburner, James Louis A.B. Psychology; Mishawaka; Marching 100; IU Sing. Stonger, Tristan V. A.B. Zoology; Bunker Hill; Wright Quad, J-Board, Hummer Pres.; IU Foundation; Little 500 Coach; Dean's List. Storms, Pamela S. A.B. Biology; Evansville. Stout, Jerry A. B.F.A. Fine Arts; Ft. Wayne; Dean's List. Strain, Barbara Ober B.S. Biology; Bloomington; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tryus. Strain, Clarence Claude A.B. Spanish; Bloomington; Tryus; Youth for Nixon. Stronow icz, Elizabeth A.B. Russian; Boonville; Sr. Class Council. Stroud,Darlene A. A.B. Social Service; Dale; Social Service Club; Young Republicans.
Strueh, William P. A.B. Zoology; Evansville, Sigma Pi; Intramurals. Stucky, Paul E. B.A. Economics; Berne; Economics Club; Soccer Team, Co-Captain; Mennonite Fellowship; Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship.Sturzenberger, Susan C. A.B. Psychology; Milford, Ohio; Psi Chi; McNutt, J-Board, Ch., Cultural Co-ord. Summers, Mareda Ann A.B. Speech and Theatre; Warsaw; Speakers Bureau; Teter Quad, Gov., Boisen Hall Treas.Summerville, Gregg T. A.B. Zoology; Beech Grove; Kappa Sigma, Grand Master of Ceremonies; Jr. Class Council. Suppan, Elise Claire A.B. Sociology; Reading, Pa.; Alpha Chi Omega, Rush Ch., Song Leader; Union Board Steering Comm.; Young Republicans; Singing Hoosiers; IU Foundation; Miss IU Pageant.Surges, Kathleen Ann A.B. History; South Bend; Teter Quad Government; Union Board Comm.; Auditorium Series Comm.; IU Foundation. Sutton,Dennis D. B.A. Pre-Law; Waterloo; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Omega; Sr. Class Treas.; Sr. Class Council. Swartz, Dennis J. B.A. Psychology; Mishawaka. Taylor, Phyllis A. A.B. Biology; Bloomington. Telander, Marci A. B.A. English; Peoria, Ill.; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Dean's List; Fr., Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Councils; Student Government; YWCA Volunteer Bureau Ch.; Impact Party Rep.Tereba, Allan M. B.S. Chemistry; Elmhurst, Ill.; Alpha Chi Sigma, Pres.; Foster Quad J-Board; Student Leader; Great Issues; Fr. Orientator. Terkhorn,John Stephen A.B. History; Bloomington; Phi Eta Sigma; McNutt Quad, Soc. Director. Terkhorn, LorleiRaymond A.B. English Bloomington; Delta Gamma; Eta Sigma Phi.Terell, Mervin Dale B.A. Psychology; Earl Park; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Phi Eta Sigma; Blue Key; LUNA; Quiz Bowl; Arthur Metz Scholar.
Thompson, David F. A.B. Zoology; Indianapolis; Cheerleading; SAB, Steering Comm.; Miss IU, Steering Comm.; Model United Nations.Thompson, Janet B.A. German; Speedway; Sigma Kappa; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Beta Sigma, Sec.; Read Center, Gov., Judicial Board.Thompson, Karen E. A.B. Mathematics; Rensselaer; Pi Beta Phi, Treas., Activities Ch.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Enomene; Pleides; Mortar Board, Pres.; Pi Mu Epsilon.Thorbecke, Lyn Anette A.B. Textile Merchandising; Springfield, Mass.; Card Section; Campus Chest; Angel Flight; Tryus Party.Thorp, Susan A.B. Social Service; Tipton; Alpha Omicron Pi; YWCA; Social Service Club. Tiber, Jeanne R. A.B. French; Dayton, Ohio; Sigma Delta Tau, Hospitality Ch.; Sr. Class Council; Student Faculty Relations Steering Comm.Tiley, Mary Gay B.A. Spanish; St. Louis, Mo.; Alpha Gamma Delta, Rec. Sec., Vice-Pres., Pledge Trainer; Alpha Lambda Delta; YWCA, Ch.; Student Leader.Todd, Carolyn Sue B.S. Radio and TV; Cincinnati, Ohio; YWCA; Fr. Camp Counselor; University Showtime; Foster Quad, Rec. Co-ord.Togikawa, Tim K. B.S. Optometry; Honolulu, Hawaii; Omega Delta; Divison of Optometry, Pres. Tomchin, David L. A.B. Government; Princeton, W. Va.; PRP, Pres., VicePres., Treas.; Student Government. Tomes, Charles M. A.B. Mathematics; W. Lafayette; Phi Eta Sigma.Toney, David L. A.B. Mathematics; Carmel; Phi Mu Epsilon; Mathematics Club; Computer Club. Toney, Wallace A. A.B. Slavic Languages and Literature; University City, Mo.; Fr. Camp, Steering Comm.; Sr. Class Council; Slavic Club; Card Section Comm. Tool, Barbara C. A.B. English; New Albany; Dean's List. Torcom, Landis D. A.B. Spanish; Wood Dale, Ill.; Delta Gamma.
Toth, Mark E. A.B. Zoology; South Bend; Sigma Nu; Phi Eta Sigma; Golf Team; I-Men's Club; Dean's List. Trahan, L. Janelle A.B. Government; Plymouth. Troyer, Gary K. B.A. English; Elkhart. Turner, Mary Ann B.S. Geology; Indianapolis; Sigma Gamma Epsilon; Geology Club; Spelunking Club. Uchal, Barbara A. B.A. Sociology; Rochester, N.Y.
Ulrey, Pauline LaJune A.B. Social Service; Indianapolis; Social Service Club; Dean's List. Unser, Robert L. B.S. Optometry; Bloomington; Omega Epsilon Phi. Uslan, Paul C. A.B. Zoology; Deal Park, N.J.; Sigma Alpha Mu; Student Athletic Board Comm.; Intramurals; IU Sing.Vanderplough, John R. A.B. Linguistics; Michigan City; NDFL Fellowship Recipient to African Institute, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh; Wright Quad, Student Government; Linguistics Club. Vane, Gregg A. B.S. Geophysics; Martinsville; Delta Chi, Treas.; Sr. Class Council; Geology Club; Sailing Club; Student Leader; YMCA. Van Winkle, Douglas E. A.B. Government; Richmond.Veysey, Catherine Ann A.B. Speech and Hearing; Downers Grove, Ill.; Gamma Phi Beta; YWCA, Pres., Vice-Pres.; Campus Chest, Sec.; Bureau of Philanthropic Affairs, Ch.; IU Sing, Stage Director; IU Foundation.Vint, Peter David Prescott B.S. Mathematics; Bloomington; Phi Mu Epsilon; Rugby Club, Equipment Mngr. Vogel, Steven H. B.A. History; South Bend; Zeta Beta Tau; Pledge Class Pres.; Outstanding Fr.; Fr. Advisory Commission; History Advisory Board. Volk, Edwin H. A.B. Government; Takoma Park, Md.; Alpha Epsilon Pi, Sec., Rush Ch.; IFC, Publications Dir.; Marching Hundred; Student Senator. Vrouvas, Micholas B.S. Optometry; Anderson; Chi Phi; Omega Delta; Sailing Club; Sr. Class Council. Wackowski, Bruce E. A.B. Government; Gary; McNutt Quad, Gov.; WIUS. Waggoner, Charles E. Jr. B.S. Radio and TV; Indianapolis; University Showtime; Christian Science.Wagner, Mary C. A.B. Government; Rushville; Phi Omega; Student Leader.Wagner, Patrick A. A.B. Psychology; Shelbyville.
Wall, Dennis D. A.B. Chemistry; Indianapolis; Alpha Chi Sigma, Vice-Pres.; Ski Club; Teter Quad, Board of Gov. Walsh, Jeffrey T. A.B. Psychology; Washington; Chi Phi, Sec.; Psi Chi; Young Republicans.Waltemath, William A.B. Physics; Griffith; Phi Eta Sigma.Walter, Michael A.B. Government; Auburn; LUNA; Daily Student; Great Issues Senate; Government Dept., Student Advisory Comm.; Student Interest Commission.Warmoth, Kristine L. A.B. History; Indianapolis; Briscoe Quad, Gov., Sec.; IU Foundation; IU Sing.
V '+ 1 , .1 1 \/*''
Warner, Lisa Lynn A.B. Spanish; Evanston, Ill.; Delta Gamma; YWCA, Comm. Ch.; Freshman Advisory Commission; Student Government.Warner, Sally C. A.B. Government; Evansville; Foster Quad J-Board Ch., Leadership
Seminar Ch.; IRHA J-Board; College of Art and Sciences Advisory Board; Mortar Board Project Ch.; Wendell Willkie Award.Warner, Stephen C. B.S. Geology; South Whitley; Sigma Alpha Epsilon.Waterman, Judith L. B.A. English; Poland, Ohio; Alpha Omicron Pi.Waters, Mary Lynn B.A. Sociology; Hammond; Alpha Xi Delta, Soc. Ch., Public Relations Ch.; IU Foundation; Jr., Sr. Class Council; Marketing Club. Watrous, Thomas L. B.A. Sociology; Winamac. Webb, Elaine M. A.B. Span-
ish; Hobart; Alpha Phi; Angel Flight; Freshman Camp Counselor; Student Leader; YWCA; Military Ball Queen Finalist.Weber, Terence C. A.B. Zoology; Kokomo; Alpha Tau Omega; Young Americans for Freedom.Weiland, June Stack A.B. Speech and Theatre; Martinsville; Zeta Tau Alpha; AWS Mass Meeting, Steering Comm. Weisz, Peter A.B. Psychology; Indianapolis; Theta Xi, House Officer; I.M. Football.
Weith, Robert A. A.B. English; River Grove, Ill.; Intramurals.Weldy, Samuel
B.A. Government; Noblesville; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Indiana International Study Program; Little 500 Foundation Scholarship Recipient; Action Party. Wentland, Pamela J. B.A. English; Bloomington; Teter, J-Board. Whaley, Jeffrey D. A.B. Mathematics; Evansville; Intramurals; Geology Club. Wheeler, Mary Catherine A.B. Biology; Moorestown, N.J.; Mini Teams, Winner '68. D. III
White, Cynthia A. A.B. Zoology; Anderson; Gamma Phi Beta, Pres., Soc. Ch.; YWCA; 1968 Homecoming Comm.; Union Board Comm.White, Rita Jan
A.B. Classics; Crawfordsville; Alpha Gamma Delta; Eta Sigma Phi; Sr. Classical League. Whiteside, Sara A. A.B. Psychology; Atlanta, Ga.; Kappa Alpha Theta; Alpha Lambda Delta, Vice-Pres.; IU Foundation; Fr. Class Council. Whitham, Kathleen K. A.B. French; Indianapolis; Pi Beta Phi; Alpha Lambda Delta; Enomene; Pleiades; Mortar Board; IU Foundation.Whittaker, Charlene K. A.B. Physical Anthropology; Zionsville; YWCA. Whittemore, K. K. A.B. Zoology; Evanston; Pi Beta Phi, Treas., Pres.; IU Foundation, Steering Comm.Wiatt, Christine A. A.B. Zoology; Knightstown;
Alpha Lambda Delta; Young Republicans; Baptist Student Union; Campus Girl Scouts, Pres.; Resident Advisor.Wickes, Jack A.B. Government; Mendham, NJ.; Phi Kappa Theta, Pres.; IFC, Pres.; IU Foundation; Great Issues Senator; Student Senator; Phi Omega. Wiley, Donna C. A.B. Spanish; Hammond; Harper, Students Activities Co-ord.Wilson, Mary E. A.B. French; Corydon; Gamma Phi Beta; YWCA.
Winders, Robert L. B.A. Physiology; Bloomington; Married Student's Council. Winfield, Steve N. A.B. Spanish; New York, N.Y.; CEWV;SDS. Wingrove, Margaret ELsie A.B. Zoology; Elwood; Teter Quad, Resident Assistant; Foster
Quad, Female Vice-Pres., Harper 5 Gov.; Mini Rider; Sr. Class Council.
Winsche, Barbara E. A.B. French; Bellport, N.Y.; Student Government; Usher Corps; German Floor. Witt, Marlene R. A.B. German; Indianapolis; Alpha
Phi; Alpha Lambda Delta.
Witucki, Barbara A. A.B. Sociology; South Bend; Newman Club; McNutt Quad, Council Member. Wolf, Susan Hantz A.B. Radio and TV; Mt. Wolf, Pa.; Sales Director and Announcer for WIUS.Wood Ray 0. III B.A. Psychology; Hammond; Judo Club, Pres.Woodrow, Lynda D. A.B. Spanish; Evans-
ville; Delta Gamma, Rituals Ch.; IU Foundation Ch.; Arbutus Staff; Union Board; YWCA. Wortley, George Edward A.B.Chemistry; Carnegie, Pa.; Beta Theta Pi; Sr. Class Council; Indiana Varsity Football.
Wozny, Lawrence .1. A.B. Psychology; Lansing, Ill.Wright, David B. A.B.
Economics; Warsaw; Delta Upsilon, Vice-Pres.; Phi Eta Sigma; Kiva Comm.; JIFC. Wright, David M. A.B. Zoology; Kokomo; Sigma Nu; Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Delta; IU Foundation; Little 500 Bike Rider; National Science Foundation Scholar, Dean Fernanches Payne Scholar in Zoology.Wright, John R. A.B. Art History; Gary; Foster Quad, Floor Officer; Teter Quad, Floor Officer; Dean's List. Wright, Roderick W. A.B. French; Cockeysville, Md.; Sailing Club.
Wynne, David D. A.B. Anthropology; Norfolk, Va.; Delta Tau Delta.Wyno, James W. A.B. Psychology; Portage. Wyrick Roger K. B.S. Physics; Cocoa, Fla.; Phi Eta Sigma; IRHA J-Board; Campus Computer Club.Yates, C. Daniel B.A. Government; Indianapolis; Teter, Gov.; Jr., Sr. Class Councils; Phi Omega; Dean's List; I.U. Foundation. Zeck, Cheryl .1. B.S. Home Economics; DeMotte; Home Economics Assoc.; Dean's List: Briscoe 5A, Acad.Cult. Co-ord.
Zerr, Mary Josephine A.B. English; Hamilton, Ohio. Zimmer, Diane G. B.A. English; Cincinnati, Ohio; Board of Acad. Review.Zimmerman, Elizabeth Huddleston B.A. Journalism; Bloomington; IU Dames Club; Daily Student, Women's Editor, Editor-in-Chief; Theta Sigma Phi, Archivist; Sr. Class Council, Newsletter Editor. Zwierzynski, Suann L. B.A. Psychology; South Bend.
Business Aldrich, G. Kenneth B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Sigma Pi, Pledge Tr., Treas., Rush Ch.; Sailing Club; Falcon Club; Skull and Crescent.Alexander, Richard A. B.S. Management; Bloomington.Allen, Benjamin Joseph B.S. Business Economics; Bloomington; Phi Eta Sigma, Beta Gamma Sigma; Intramural Sports; Dean's List. Allen, Linda C. B.S. Textile Merchandising; Bloomfield Hills, Mich.; Alpha Gamma Delta; Young Republicans, Marketing Club, YWCA; Home Economics Assoc.; Ski Club.Allen, Robert W. B.S. Accounting; Bloomington; Accounting Club. Anderson, Andy J. B.S. Statistics; Anderson. Anderson, Steven J. B.S. Management and Administration; South Whitley; Delta Tau Delta, Rush Ch.; YMCA; Camp Counselor; Cabinet Member; Young Republicans; Class Council; Student Leader; Gov. Andres, Stephen W. B.S. Marketing; Bloomington; Phi Gamma Delta. Aronson, Barry L. B.S. Marketing; South Bend; Phi Gamma Delta; Union Board, General Ch.; Student Athletic Board, Ch.; Campus Chest, Ch.; Rugby Team. Artman, Richard E. B.S. Management; Sheridan; Leadership Development Seminar; Dean's List; Foster Quad, Gov.; Buildings and Grounds Comm.. Ch.; Card Section, Steering Comm. Ayer, Philip E. B.S. Marketing; Evansville. Ayoubi, Zaki Mousa B.S. Management and Administration; Amman, Jordan; Organization of Arab Students, Pres.; IU Comm. for Middle East Affairs, Treas.; Marketing Club; Cosmopolitan Club. Baganz, John R. B.S. Management and Administration; Bloomington; IU Flying Club; Seven Leagues Adventurers Club; Sky-Hi Skydivers, Pilot. Ballard, David R. B.S. Marketing; Vincennes; Marketing Club.Banwart, Gerald B.S. Accounting; LaCrosse; Phi Eta Sigma; Accounting Club; I.B. Accountancy Award; Beta Alpha Psi; Beta Gamma Sigma. Barker, Joseph 0. B.S. Management; Richmond; Sigma Pi, House Mngr., Intramural Football; Young Republicans, Publicity Ch.; Skull and Crescent; Student Marketing Club. Barns, Benjamin C. B.S. Finance; Ft. Wayne; Young Democrats; Kennedy Action Corps Co-ord.Barrett, Raymond V. B.S. Finance; Deputy; Phi Epsilon Pi.Barton, Walter L. B.S. Management and Administration; Indianapolis; Chi Phi. Pres., Vice-Pres.; YMCA Redbook; Skull and Crescent. Bartoszek, Katherine A. B.S. Office Management; Hammond. Basney, William C. B.S. Management; Cherry Hill, N.J.; Dean's List; McNutt Quad, Scholastic Award, Soc. Ch.; Intramurals.Batalis, Ike G. B.S. Marketing; South Bend; Chi Phi; Sr. Class Council; Marketing Club.Bateman, Richard E. B.S. Accounting; Washington; Accounting Club.Bates, John R. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Phi Sigma Kappa, Treas., Auditor, Pledge Tr.; IU Chapter of The American Society of Personnel Admin.; Circle K Club. Bawden, William J. B.S. Accounting; Lansing, Mich.; Beta Gamma Sigma; Beta Alpha Psi; Delta Sigma Pi; Accounting Club, Treas.
Bayer, Nancy J. B.S. Finance; Mt. Vernon; Omicron Delta; Beta Gamma Sigma; Dean's List. Baynes, Robert M. B.A. Marketing; Indianapolis.Beall, Laurence T. B.S. Finance; Logansport; Kappa Sigma; IU Foundation.Beasley, James L. B.S. Insurance; English; Insurance Club; Floor Council.Beets, Stephen Eugene B.A. Accounting; Bloomington; Accounting Club; Weightlifting Club.
Benton, Robert S. B.S. Marketing; Corydon; Phi Kappa Theta, P.R. Ch., Soc. Ch.; IFC, Special Affairs Comm.; IU Foundation. Bergman, William FL B.S. Accounting; Bloomington; Accounting Club; Judo Club; Intramurals. Berkowitz, Ira B.S. Finance; Ardsley, N.Y.; MRC. Treas., Homecoming Ch, Little 500 Ticket Rep. Bibbins, James W. B.S. Management; Tipton; Pi Kappa Alpha. Bilunas, Thomas C. B.S. Marketing; Gary; I Men's Club, Treas.; IU Football Team; Marketing Club.
Binkley, Stuart M. B.S. Management and Administration; Star City; Army ROTC Band; Intramural Bowling, Basketball. Black, Deborah A. B.S. Textile Merchandising; Seymour; Pi Beta Phi, Assistant Treas.; Omicron Delta; Sec. of Sr. Class 1969; Fr., Jr., Sr. Class Councils; IU Foundation; Student Athletic Board Steering Comm. Blankenship, Bradford L. B.S. Management and Administration; Indianapolis; LUNA Delegate. Boarman, Carol A. B.S. Business Education; North Liberty; Forest Quad, Treas., Pres.; IRHA President's Council; Omicron Delta, Computer Club; Dean's List; SNEA. Borcherding, David L. B.S. Management and Adminstration; Seymour; Teter Quad, Treas.; Little 500 Ticket Rep.; Homecoming Lawn Display; Intramural Sports. Borto, Ronald W. B.S. Accounting; Munster; Chi Phi, Assistant Treas., Treas.; Skull and Crescent. Bosse, John R. B.S. Management; Troy, Ohio; Theta Chi; Skull and Crescent; Action; Young Republicans; Impact; Computer Club. Bostick, James A. B.S. Real Estate; South Bend. Bowen, Craig A. B.S. Management; New Albany. Bradley, Michael J. B.S. Economics; Bloomington.
Bresler, David L. B.S. Management; Ft. Wayne; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Sr. Class Council; Freshman Camp; Student Leader; YMCA; Tyronian Dance, Sr. Advisor. Brezinski, Gerald B.S. Marketing; Hammond. Britton, Barry R. B.S. Accounting; Kokomo; Accounting Club. Brown,John .1. B.S. Accounting; Indianapolis; Beta Alpha Psi; Accounting Club. Brown, l'hillip E. B.S. Management; Ft. Wayne; Intramurals.
Brown, Ronald E. B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis. Browne, Douglas V. B.S. Administration and Management; South Bend; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Marketing Club; Sr. Class Council; Vice-Gov. Brownlee,Joseph L. B.S. Business Economics and Public Policy; Penn; Phi Omega Arnold Air Society, Chaplain; Air Force ROTC, Group Staff Chief, Accounting and Finance, Group Chaplain. Buckner, Andrew B. B.S. Management; Indianapolis. Burgette,Dennis R. B.S. Marketing; Ft. Wayne; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Union Board, Hoosier Host, Student Leader; Student Assembly; Student Activities Board. Bush, Vernelle J. B.S. Finance; LaPorte; Young Republicans, Baptist Student Union; Crimson Cadettes; Marketing Club.Butler, David D. B.S. Business Economics and Public Policy; Bloomington. Baldwell, Bruce M. B.S. Management and Administration; Libertyville, Ill., MRC, J-Board. Camferdam, Margaret Lynn B.S. Marketing; Moline, Ill.; Delta Gamma; Omicron Delta, Young Republicans; LUNA Delegation Ch.; YWCA; Marketing Club. Cantrell, Marvin C. B.S. Accounting; Huntington; Sigma Pi, Soc. Co-Ch.; Accounting Club.
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Chandler, Kenneth H. B.S. Accounting; Bloomington; Army ROTC Distinguished Military Student; Accounting Club; Athletic Director, Housing Unit. Chapel, William E. B.S. Management; Warsaw; Acacia; Alpha Sigma Pi; IU Young Republicans; Intramural Sports. Chappell, John S. B.S. Finance; Petersburg; Teter Quad, Gov.; Student Gov. Chasey, Patrick R. B.S. Finance; Ft. Wayne; Dean's List; Young Republicans. Chrispyn, Larry A. B.S. Marketing, Goshen; International Organization of Business and Economic Students; Marketing Club; Little 500 Bike Rider; Community Service Comm.
Christophel, John W. B.S. Marketing; Ellettsville; Pi Kappa Phi; Marketing Club; Young Republicans. Chumbley, Gary E. B.S. Management; Owensboro, Ky.; Phi Delta Theta; Lettermen's Club; Varsity Track and Field. Cisco, Walter S. Jr. B.S. Management; Evanston, Ill.; Alpha Tau Omega; Varsity Club; Golf Letterman, Capt.; NCAA All American Golf Team, Honorable Mention. Clelland, Phillip C. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Dean's List. Cline, Peter J. B.S. Marketing; Michigan City; Phi Delta Theta; Marketing Club. Clouser, Charles E. B.S. Management; Colfax; Intramural Football; Teter Quad, Gov. Cochrane, William R. B.A. Production Management; Bloomington; Phi Kappa Theta, Public Relation Ch.Cohee, Richard A. B.S. Marketing; Carmel; Singing Hoosiers; Marketing Club. Cohen, Alan H. B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis; Zeta Beta Tau; YMCA; Sr. Class Council; AIESEC.Cohen, William Scott B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Zeta Beta Tau; Sr. Class Coun-
cil; Student Athletic Board Comm.
Coleman, Larry J. B.S. Marketing; Martinsville; Marketing Club.Comerford, James E. B.S. Marketing; Gary; Red Book Steering Comm., Finance; Sr. Class Council; Marketing Club; Intramurals.Cook, Candace L. B.S. Marketing and
Textile Merchandising; Chesterton; Marketing Club; Action Party Floor Rep.; McNutt Quad Scholarship Award. Cook, Judd R. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Kappa Delta Rho; Fr. Baseball Manager; Sr. Class Council; Kiva Steering Comm.; Little 500 Regatta Rider; IU Foundation.Coonrod, David L. B.S. Marketing; Kokomo; Delta Sigma Pi.
Cooper, Michael D. B.S. Real Estate; Zanesville, Ohio; Delta Chi; Delta Sigma Pi. Coyle, William C. B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis; Phi Omega; IU Bowling Team, Captain; Intramurals; Dean's List. Crayden, Anthony W. B.S.
Accounting; New Albany; Delta Tau Delta; Fr. Football Team; Dean's List. Dalton, Barbara L. B.S. Textile Merchandising; Indianapolis; Jr. Class Council; IU Sing; Young Republicans. Dann, N. Stephen B.S. Management and Real Estate; New Castle; Sigma Alpha Mu; Phi Omega; Rho Epsilon; Great Issues Senator; IU Debate Forum.
Daugherty, Daniel R. B.S. Management; Paoli; Sigma Chi, Pledge Trainer;
IMU Board of Directors; IU Foundation; Little 500 Bicycle Rider; Skull and Crescent. Davidson, Arthur Lynn B.S. Marketing; New Salisbury; Pi Kappa Alpha, Soc. Ch., Ass't. Treas.; Student Athletic Board Rep.; Marketing Club; IU Sing. Davis, Crissy A. B.S. Management; Corydon; Kappa Delta; Omicron Delta; Marketing Club; Sr. Class Council; Candy Striper.Dean, Gary L. B.S. Finance; Ithaca, N.Y.; Intramurals; Y.A.F.De La Croix, Clifford J. B.S. Management; W. Lafayette; Delta Upsilon, Vice-Pres., Rush Ch.;IU Foundation; Little 500 Rider and Coach. Deneke, Marilyn S. B.S. Management and Administration; Louisville, Ky. Derloshon, Thomas P. Jr. B.S. Finance; Ft. Wayne; Sr. Baseball Mngr.; Student Government. Derr, John R. B.S. Management; Booneville; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Young Democrats; Sr. Class Council.Dewey, Albert L. Jr. B.S.
Insurance; Whiting; Phi Epsilon Pi, Treas.; Alpha Kappa Psi; Pub. Relations; Insurance Club. Diehl, David J. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Beta Theta Pi; IU Foundation; Sr. Class Council; Marketing Club; Personnel Club.
Dill, Dennis C. B.S. Transportation; Brownsburg; Alpha Phi Omega, Pres., Pledge Master, Rec. Sec.; Transportation Club, Vice-Pres.Dittmer, Karen S. B.S. Business Education; Indianapolis; Omicron Delta; Beta Gamma Sigma; IMU Bowling Team. Dobrow, Edward J. B.S. Marketing; Muncie; Sigma
Alpha Mu; Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Councils; Skull and Crescent; Student Athletic Board; Marketing Club; Co-chairman Homecoming.Dolatowski, Thomas E. B.S. Accounting; Highland; Accounting Club; Sr. Class Council.Druckamiller, Arden L. B.S. Marketing; Syracuse; Marketing Club. Duke, Robert W. B.S. Management; Bloomfield; IMU Bridge Club; Young Republicans; Marketing Club. Dunbar, Patrick M. B.S. Management; Bedford;
Beta Theta Pi; YMCA; Impact; Young Republicans; Sr. Class Council;IU Foundation. Duncan, Steven A. B.S. Finance; Anderson; Little UN, Head Delegate of Austria. Dunn, James M. B.S. Business Economics and Public Policy; Beech Grove; Sigma Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Beta Gamma Sigma; IFC, Judicial Board Justice, Rush Comm.; Union Board, Gen. Ch.Dzeparvos, Resod B.S. Accounting; Dearborn Heights, Mich.
Eberly, David William B.S. Business Administration; Brazil; Delta Tau Delta; AIESEC. Eckert, William J. B.S. Real Estate; South Bend; Rho Epsilon; IUSB Forrensic, Treas.; Sailing Club.EelLs, John L. B.S. Marketing; South Bend; Marketing Club; Transportation Club; Willkie Quad, Residence Officer, Pub. Relations; Young Republicans. Eikelberner, Ike K. B.S. Accounting; Bloomington; Accounting Club; Intramural Basketball and Bowling.Einfalt, Robert M. B.S. Accounting; Mishawaka; Accounting Club; Foster Quad, Soc. Co-ord.; Intramural Softball. Ekblad, Julie E. B.S. Textile Merchandising; Elmhurst, Ill; Pi Beta Phi, Rush Ch.; IU Foundation, Steering Comm. Elgin, William D. B.S. Management; Lafayette; Willkie Quad, Judical Board, Damage Comm. Ch.Ellerman, Joseph E. B.S. Accounting; Warren. Elliott,James C. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Arbutus, Photo Editor; Daily Student, Staff Photographer.Elliott, Mildred E. B.S. Accounting; Eaton; Alpha Gamma Delta, Treas.; Omicron Delta; Accounting Club; AIESEC: Willkie Quad, Judicial Board, Homecoming Co-chairman; Impact. Ellis, Darrell F. B.S. Management; Paoli; Delta Sigma Pi; Young Republicans; Student Senate; Dean's List. Emmons, James Alexander B.S. Management and Administration; Marion; Lambda Chi Alpha; Student Senate; Skull and Crescent; Impact, Board of Directors; YMCA; Young Republicans. Engebretson, William F. B.S. Business Economics; Clarksville; Lambda Chi Alpha; IU Foundation; Student Election Commission; Young Republicans, Director; LUNA, Delegate Ch.; SAB, Ch. Band Day. Erickson,Dale C. B.S. Marketing; Michigan City. Ernst, Richard H. B.S. Marketing; Naperville, Ill.; WIUS; Young Democrats; Personnel Club; Marketing Club; Foster Quad, Gov. Esmay, John R. B.S. Management; Bristol; Sigma Pi, Rush Ch., Pledge Trainer; IFC, Rush Comm.; Daily Student, Staff Photographer; Arbutus, Staff Photographer; Skull and Crescent; Young Republicans.Estes, David B. B.S. Finance; Bloomington; Chi Phi, Sec., Hist.; Alpha Kappa Psi; Varsity Golf Team. Etchison, Michael J. B.S. Management; Muncie; Sigma Nu; IU Foundation; IU Sing; Steering Comm. Ewing,Leslie Lee B.S. Personnel; Dayton, Ohio; Delta Gamma, Pres., Treas.; IU Foundation; Miss IU Pageant Steering Comm.; International Bazaar Steering Comm. Fast,Larry E. B.S. Management; Winchester; Delta Chi, Pledge Class Pres., Rush Ch.; Arnold Air Society, Pledge Class Executive Officer; Sr. Class Council; Intramurals; Little 500 Rider. Feeney, Michael James B.S. Accounting; Goshen; Delta Chi; Accounting Club. Feichter, Jacob H. Jr. B.S. Real Estate; Ft. Wayne; Tau Kappa Epsilon, Pres., Treas., Rush Ch.; Student Government Charter, Dir., Treas.; Flights; IFC; IU Foundation; Rho Epsilon. Felkins,Douglas R. B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis; Tau Kappa Epsilon, Pledge Trainer, Soc. Ch.; Marketing Club; Intramural Football, Basketball, Golf, Spelunking. Fess, Richard A. B.S. Management; New Albany; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Marshal, House Mngr.; 1U Foundation; Sr. Class Council; Little 500, Ch.; Action Party; Young Republicans. Fields, Nancy Ellen B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis; Alpha Phi; International Bazaar Steering Comm.; AWS Big Sister; YWCA; Young Democrats. Fingleton, Thomas D. B.S. Accounting; Kokomo; Beta Gamma Sigma; Beta Alpha Psi; Accounting Club; Dean's List; Intramurals. Fisher, David L. B.S. Finance; Butler; Lambda Chi Alpha, Vice-Pres.; Blue Key, Sec.; Alpha Kappa Psi, Vice-Pres.; IMU Board of Directors; IU Foundation. Fisher J. Frank B.S. Management and Economics; Bloomington; Sigma Nu; Campus Chest Steering Comm.; IFC, Publications; Flying Club; Redwood and Ross, Ass't Mngr. Flick, Winnifred J. B.S. Marketing; French Lick. Forcum,James R. Jr. B.S. Marketing; Greenfield; Phi Eta Sigma; Delta Sigma Pi, Sec.; Marketing Club; Transportation Club; Dean's List. Forst, Dorothy H. B.S. Accounting; Elwood; Delta Gamma, Corr. Sec., House Mngr.; AWS; Omicron Delta; IU Foundation; Accounting Club. Fraps, John R. B.S. Management; Indianapolis. Frazier,Rodney D. B.S. Management; New Orleans, La.; Pi Kappa Phi, Warden, Steward; Sr. Class Council; Young Republicans. French, Larry J. B.S. Marketing; LaCrosse; Chi Phi; Marketing Club; Dean's List. Friedman, Daniel P. B.S. Quantitative Business Analysis; Lafayette; Zeta Beta Tau; Student Athletic Board; Beta Gamma Sigma; IMU Duplicate Bridge Team; Intramural Football. Fry, Thomas P. B.S. Accounting; Indianapolis; Accounting Club; Water Polo Team, Captain. Fulton, John R. Jr. B.S. Business and Journalism; Indianapolis; Sigma Delta Chi, Vice-Pres., Sec.; Daily Student, Photographer, Photo-Editor, Night Editor, Managing Editor; Rose Bowl Comm.; YMCA. Fushelberger, Steven R. B.S. Marketing; Columbus; Sigma Chi; Student Senator; Jr., Sr. Class Vice-Pres.; IU Foundation; Fr., Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Councils. Galles, John Paul B.S. Management and Administration; Michigan City; Action Party, Ch.; Impact Party, Campaign Ch.; President's Cabinet, Sec. of Student Services; Outstanding Fr. Class Councilman; Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Councils.Gallette, Peter .1. III B.S. Management Administration; Culver.
Gangi, Barry D. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Wright Quad, Judicial Board; Marching Hundred Band; Parks House Newspaper, Sports Editor; Intramurals; K. P. Williams History Award. Ganz, David B. B.S. Business Economics; Marion; Transportation Club. Gardiner, Edwin W. B.S. Public Utilities; Connersville. Garman, Steven R. B.S. Management; Goshen; Theta Chi, VicePres.; Impact, Board of Directors, District Ch.; Young Republicans; IU Foundation; PTI Comm. Garrett, Robert S. B.S. Management; Bluffton; Sigma Chi; Young Republicans; McNutt Quad, Judicial Board; Marketing Club. Garzolini, Kathryn Alexa B.S. Textile Merchandising; Indianapolis. Gauck, John W. B.S. Management; Greensburg; Delta Sigma Pi: Intramural Football and Basketball. Gaunt, Steven R. B.S. Administration and Management; Alexandria; Dean's List; Phi Sigma Lambda; Young Republicans; Soccer Team; Pistol and Rifle Club. Gayle, Richard A. B.S. Production Management; Indianapolis; Production Management Club, Pres., Pub. Comm., Executive Council. Gaylord, Steven K. B.S. Accounting; Ft. Wayne: Accounting Club; Delta Sigma Pi; Foster Quad, Sec., Treas. Gemmer, John P. B.S. Accounting; Columbia City; Young Democrats; Accounting Club; Comm. to End the War in Vietnam; Students for a Democratic Society. Gilbert, Judy L. B.S. Textile Merchandising; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Alpha Gamma Delta, House Mngr.; Marketing Club; Candy Stripers; YWCA. Glass, Larry L. B.S. Insurance; Manachester; Insurance Club, Vice-Pres.; Dean's List. Glazer Jay Martin B.S. Business Economics and Public Policy; Anderson; Sigma Alpha Mu; Jr. Class Pres. Candidate; Attorney General; Union Board Comm.; Sr. Class Council; Pres. of Student Body's Cabinet. Goldstein, Steven H. B.S. Accounting; Indianapolis; Zeta Beta Tau, Treas.; Accounting Club; Miss IU Comm.; YMCA. Gomez, Jose Edomar B.S. Marketing; Columbia, South America; Marketing Club; Latins' Student Asso. Good, Merikay B.S. Textile Merchandising; Columbus; AIESEC, Reception Officer, Traineeship. Goodman,David L. B.S. Insurance; Indianapolis; Phi Omega; Insurance Club; Intercollegiate Debating Team. Goot, Stephen R. B.S. Real Estate; Bloomington; Marketing Club; Accounting Club; Fr. Basketball.Gorrell, Larry J. B.S. Accounting; Ft. Wayne; Accounting Club, Pres.; Beta Alpha Psi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Great Issues Senate. Grahants, Vilis Jr. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Production Management Club; Scuba Club; Karate Club. Grace, Charles W. B.S. Management and Administration; Sarasota, Fla.; IU Flying Club. Graf,Paul J. B.S. Finance; Kenilworth, Ill.; Kappa Sigma; Dean's List; IU Gymnastics Team, Varsity Letter; Kappa Sigma Scholarship Award. Grant, Beverly S. B.S. Office Management; Falls Church, Va.; AIESEC, Trainee, worked in Helsinki, Finland; Foster Quad, Cult. Co-ord., Vice-Gov., Planning Comm. Ch.; Campus Chest Solicitor. Gray, Charles J. B.S. Marketing; Bloomington; Marketing Club.
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Green, Harold L. B.S. Business Education; Columbus.Green, John R. B.S. Management; Richmond; Marketing Club; Student Government. Gregory, Starke J. B.S. Marketing; Wilmington, Del.; Marketing Club; Gamma Delta; Intramurals; Foster Quad, Ath. Ch. Gresham, Patricia L. B.S. Office Management; Munster; Delta Zeta. Gretz, Michael W. B.S. Marketing; Marion; Marketing Club; Newman Club; Teter Quad, Res. Asst., Treas., Soc. Ch.; Intramural Football and Baseball.
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Gurwitz, Norm H. B.S. Finance; South Bend; Zeta Beta Tau; Finance Club; Sr. Class Council. Haffey, Mark D. B.S. Business Economics and Public Policy; Cocoa Beach, Fla. Hahn, Richard S. B.S. Finance; Washington, D.C.; Dean's List; Gun Club. Hanna, Thomas J. B.S. Management; Burlington; Marching Hundred Band; Wright Quad, Sec., Newspaper Editor.Harrell, Rinda S. B.S. Accounting; Madison; Accounting Club; Great Issues Senator; YWCA; Young Republicans; Children's Matinees, Steering Comm.
Harris, John A. B.S. Management and Administration; Indianapolis; Sigma Chi; IU Flying Club; Transportation Club; Young Republicans. Harrold,Dennis E. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Acacia; Arnold Air Society; Sr. Class Council; Impact. Hartman, Alan F. B.S. Marketing; Rushville; Kappa Sigma, Soc. Ch.; Phi Omega; Scabbard and Blade; Rugby Club; Marketing Club, Asst. Vice-Pres.; Singing Hoosiers.Hartman, David E. B.S. Production Management; Mishawaka; Production Management Club, Pres.; Marketing Club; Willkie Quad, Business Mngr.; Intramurals. Hary,Gregory A. B.S. Management; Auburn; McNutt Quad, Board of Governors; Young Republicans.
Haskett, Sarah E. B.S. Textile Merchandising; Indianapolis; YWCA; AIESEC; Foster Quad, Gov., Soc. Co-ord.; Mini Team Alternate. Haverkamp, William C. Jr. B.S. Production Management; East Northport, N.Y.; Production Club. Haworth, Brent L. B.S. Marketing; Fountain City; Marketing Club; Intramurals. Hayes, Jeffery E. B.S. Management; Washington; Theta Chi. Hebert, William A. Jr. B.S. Real Estate; Indianapolis; Delta Tau Delta; Young Democrats; Jr., Sr. Class Councils.
Hillery, John C. B.S. Business and Journalism; Indianapolis; Chi Phi; Sigma Delta Chi; JIFC, Public Relations; Daily Student, Photographer, Photo Editor, Night Editor. Himsel, Thomas E. B.S. Marketing; Jasper; Sigma Pi; Marketing Club; Young Republicans. Hirschberg, Edward P. B.S. Accounting; Indianapolis; Alpha Epsilon Pi, Treas.; Accounting Club; Intramural Football and Softball; Campus Chest. Hites, Earle F. B.S. Marketing; Shelbyville; Phi Delta Theta, Sec.; IU Foundation; Scabbard and Blade, Vice-Pres.; Sr. Class Council; Marketing Club. Rocker,Ronald J. B.S. Management; Indianapolis. Hokanson, Stephen P. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Beta Theta Pi; Ski Club; Young Republicans; YMCA; Fr. Camp Reunion Steering Comm.Hollo, Robert J. B.S. Accounting; Ft. Wayne. Horn, Kevin H. B.S. Transportation; Bergenfield, N.J.; Transportation Club; Willkie Quad, Board of Governors. Howard, Glenda K. B.S. Marketing; Tell City. Howard, William A. B.S. Management; Bloomington; Kappa Sigma.
Fluff, Adrian L. B.S. Personnel Management; Anderson; IU Chapter of the American Society for Personnel Administration, Co-Ch., Speakers Comm.; Championship Intramural Basketball Team.Hunt, Roger H. B.S. Management; Oakland City. Hux, Clyde T. II B.S. Management; Bloomington; Alpha Tau Omega; Singing Hoosiers; Marketing Club. Hyde, William E. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Accounting Club; Chess Club.Imm, Ralph W. B.S. Production; Bloomington.
Janco, Howard L. B.S. Business Economics and Public Policy; Gary; Hillel; Daily Student; Personnel Club; Sr. Class Council; Dean's List. Janowiak, William M. B.S. Marketing; South Bend; Marketing Club; Dean's List; Wright Quad, Gov.; Auditorium Usher. Jaroll,Edward J. B.S. Personnel and Organizational Behavior; Chesterton; American Society for Personnel Administrators; WIUS, Personnel Dir.; Comm. Co-ord. Jefvert, Warren K. B.S. Management; Fowler; Marketing Club; Willkie Quad, Soc. Comm.; AIESEC. Jendreas, Gregory L. B.S. Production Management; Hammond; Production Management Club; Sailing Club. Jessup, Joy E. B.S. Business Education; Spiceland.Johnson, James A. B.S. Management; Valparaiso; Phi Delta Theta, Sec.; Marketing Club.Johnson, Michael K. B.S. Accounting; Memphis; Accounting Club; Circle K Club; Athletic Club, Treas. Johnson, Robert A. B.S. Accounting; Trenton, Ill.; Accounting Club. Jones, Karen E. B.S. Marketing; Monticello; Alpha Phi, Treas.; AWS Big Sister; Union Board Comm.
Jordan, Dennis D. B.S. Personnel Management; Bloomington; Phi Sigma Kappa, Pledge Tr.; IU Chapter of American Society of Personnel Administrators; Personnel Club, Communications Ch.; The Wine Cellar.Joyce, Paul R. B.S. Accounting; Owensboro, Ky.; Marching Hundred; Teter Quad, Student Government; IU Sing. Kaehr, Jerry W. B.S. Marketing; Bloomington; Marketing Club. Kanning, Myron G. B.S. Marketing; Napoleon; Marketing Club; Teter Quad, Vice-Gov. Katz Donald P. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Alpha Epsilon Pi, House Mngr.; Alpha Kappa Psi; IU Water Polo; Intramurals; Little 500 Rider. Katz, Judith T. B.S. Accounting; Indianapolis; Homecoming Comm; Sailing Club. Kelley, Lynn G. B.S. Management; New Albany. Kemper, James D. B.S. Finance; Evansville; Phi Eta Sigma; Beta Gamma Sigma; Delta Sigma Pi, Sr. Vice-Pres.; Little 500 Scholarship; Phi Omega.Kenney Philip M. B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis; Phi Delta Theta; Sr. Class Council; Marketing Club, Vice-Pres.; Accounting Club; Sailing Club. Keough,John Thomas B.S. Marketing; Bloomington; Marketing Club.
Kern, Lawrence A. B.S. Finance; Indianapolis; Alpha Tau Omega. Phi Eta Sigma; Beta Gamma Sigma; IU Foundation.Kintzele, Philip L. B.S. Accounting; Michigan City; Beta Gamma Sigma; Delta Sigma Pi; Beta Alpha Psi; Accounting Club; Dean's List. Kirtland, Raymond C. B.S. Management; Gary; Tomahawk; Teter Quad, Pres.; IRHA Presidents Council; Sailing Club.Kistner, Karen L. B.S. Textile Merchandising Marketing; Easton, Conn.; Omicron Delta. Kitchell, William D. Jr. B.S. Business Marketing; Kokomo; Alpha Tau Omega; Marketing Club. Klain, Bradley Richard B.S. Management and Administration; Indianapolis; Finance Club; Dean's List. Klaper, Martin J. B.S. Management and Administration; Hammond; Beta Gamma Sigma.Klepfer, Steven L. B.S. Accounting; Oaklandon; Delta Chi; Sr. Class Council; Accounting Club; Marching 100; Little 500 Rider. Kline, Dannie R. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Delta Chi, Vice-Pres., Pledge Tr.; IU Foundation; Sr. Class Council; Fr. Adviser; Little 500 Rider. Kockentiet, George A. B.S. Real Estate; Clarksville; Rho Epsilon, Pres.; Marketing Club; Real Estate Club; Intramurals. Kodicek, Allan S. B.S. Marketing; East Chicago; Student Government; Wright Quad, Officer of Ruter House; Sailing Club; Flying Club.Koehler, Gene B. B.S. Personnel; Hammond; American Society for Personnel Administration, Hist.; Management Club. Kominiak, David A. B.S. Management; Hammond. Kramer, Robert M. B.S. Accounting; W. Lafayette; Phi Kappa Psi; Scabbard and Blade; Young Republicans; Dean's List; Sr. Class Council. Krause, Timothy E. B.S. Accounting; Mishawaka; Beta Gamma Sigma; Beta Alpha Psi.
Kritsch, Frank D. B.S. Real Estate; Indianapolis; Rho Epsilon.Lamey, Dennis Patrick B.S. Management; Evansville; Sr. Class Council; IU Foundation; Young Democrats; SAB; Impact Party.Lanz, Jerry L. B.S. Accounting; Star City. Lathrop, James Patrick B.S.Accounting; Indianapolis; Accounting Club; Intramural Football; Dean's List; Beta Alpha Psi. Law, Roy A. B.S. Marketing; Charlestown; Delta Sigma Pi; Marketing Club.
Lee, Richard D. B.S. Accounting; Bloomington; Accounting Club; Bands.Lee, Terry D. B.S. Finance; Elwood. Leets, Peter J. B.S. Marketing and Administration; Crown Point; Delta Chi, Soc. Ch.; Marketing Club; Water Polo. Lemen, Bill E. B.S. Management and Adminstration; Bedford; Transfer Student. Lemen, John C. B.S. Management; Osgood; Pi Kappa Phi; Sr. Class Council; Young Republicans.
Lenz, Robert Thomas B.S. Management and Administration; New Albany; Alpha Delta Kappa. Lester, David N. B.S. Accounting; Bloomington; Alpha Phi Omega; Lowe House, Sec.-Treas.Lenenthal, Richard A. B.S. Finance; Zeta Beta Tau, Rush Ch., Sr. Rep; IFC J-Board, Justice; Phi Eta Sigma; Dean's List. Lewis, Larry D. B.S. Management; Bloomington; Sigma Pi, Pledge Class Pres., Soc. Ch.; Dean's List; Marching 100. Lewis, Robert G. B.S. Management and Administration; Monticello; Alpha Sigma Phi, Treas., Prudential Board, Pledge Comm.; Sr. Class Council; Gamma Delta; Univ. Lutheran Church, Sec.; Dean's List; Wright Quad, Treas. Exec. Council. Lewis, Stephen R. B.S. Management; Speedway; Sailing Club; Marketing Club. Lewis, William F. B.S. Management; Berne. Liette, Paul H. B.S. Accounting; Culver; Accounting Club; Martin I, Gov.Lipner, Max B.S. Marketing; East Chicago; Zeta Beta Tau; Phi Omega; Marketing Club; IU Foundation; Fr. Advisory Commission, Ch. of Applications; Dean's List. Logan, Dennis A. B.S. Personnel; Indianapolis; Little 500; Intramural Sports; American Society for Personnel Administration.
Logan, Philip Allan B.S. Accounting; Indianapolis; Zeta Beta Tau, Hist; IU Foundation; Accounting Club; Arbutus Photo Staff; Union Board Comm. Lukemeyer, Louis C. B.S. Management; Huntingburg; Delta Sigma Pi; Student Government. Lytton, Jeffrey J. B.S. Management and Administration; Bedford; Beta Theta Pi; YMCA; Marketing Club.Madden, James E. B.S. Marketing; Ft. Wayne; Marketing Club. Magurean, John H. B.S. Marketing; Bloomington; Sigma Alpha Sigma; Marketing Club; Personnel Club.
Maines, Patricia E. B.S. Business Education; Centerville. Malinka, Stephen W. B.S. Management; Dean's List. Mallett, Thomas R. B.S. Transportation;
Munster; Transportation Club. Malman, Robert L. B.S. Finance; Cincinnati, Ohio; Sigma Alpha Mu; Phi Omega; Sr. Class Council; Little 500 Rider. Malsbury, Frank H. II. B.S. Management; San Jose Calif.; Beta Theta Pi, Scholastic Ch., Initiation Ch.; Sr. Class Council; Student Leader; Impact Party, District Ch.; Intramurals.
Marcellino, David L. B.S. Accounting; Camden; Phi Kappa Psi. Marley,Howard B.S. Business Education; Shoals; Marketing Club; SNEA. Martin,Nancy K. B.S. Management; Fortville. Marts, Patrick M. B.S. Marketing; Bloomington; Dean's List. Maxwell, Marilyn J. B.S. Textile Merchandising; Brownsburg.
McCormick, George N. B.S. Management; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Phi Kappa Theta,
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Public Relations Manager, Pledge Council; WIUS Disk Jockey; IU Radio Club; IU Sing. McCullough, Ann B. B.S. Business Education; Pass Christian, Miss.; Chi Omega; Beta Gamma Sigma; Alpha Lambda Delta; Omicron Delta; Angel Flight, Comptroller, Delegate; Sr. Class Council.McDonald, Marian Carolyn B.S. Marketing; Bethel Park, Pa.; Jr., Sr. Class Councils; Marketing Club; Union Board Comm.; Young Republicans; IU Foundation. McGregory, Sandra B.S. Personnel Management; Gary; AAAFA; Personnel Management Club. McIntyre, Roger B. B.S. Finance; Ft. Wayne. McKinney, Linda B.S. Business Education; Lawrenceburg; YWCA; SNEA; Sailing Club; Young Republicans.Meahl, Dennis H. B.S. Management; Seymour. Meeks, Robert E. B.S. Marketing; South Bend; Phi Kappa Psi, Officer; Fr., Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Councils; Marketing Club, Vice-Pres., Treas.; Student Info Bureau; Young Republicans.Meeks, Robert T. B.S. Marketing; Evansville; Lambda Chi Alpha; SAB, Spring Sports Steering Comm.; Kiva Entertainment Comm., Ch.; Sr. Class Council;IU Foundation. Mehlmen, Jay J. B.S. Marketing; Long Island, N.Y.; Marketing Club. Mercer, Duane Carroll B.S. Business Administration; Indianapolis; Alpha Kappa Psi, Pres., Master of Rituals; Student Government; McNutt Quad, Gov.; Orientation, Steering Comm.; Radio Announcer for WQAD.Mercer, Duane C. B.S. Accounting; Indianapolis; Theta Chi, Pres., Sec., Rush Ch.; IU Foundation; Accounting Club; Fr., Soph. Class Councils; IFC.Merritt, John S. Jr. B.S. Management; Bloomington; Sr. Research Assistant; Dept. Police Administration. Mervis, Allan J. B.S. Finance; Kokomo; Campus Chest; YMCA. Meshberger, Harry A. B.S. Management; Nashville. Michaels, Ronald E. B.S. Marketing; Fountain City; Sr. Class Council; Marketing Club; Geology Club. Miller, DanielK. B.S. Accounting; Michigan City; McNutt Quad, Scholarship Award; NW Grd. Fl. Ath. Ch.; Accounting Club; Dean's List. Miller, David J. B.S. Management; South Bend.Miller, Michael R. B.S. Personnel; Indianapolis; Personnel Club; Jackson Club.Miller, Richard A. B.S. Business Economics and Public Policy; Indianapolis; Alpha Tau Omega. Miller, Thomas E. B.S. Accounting; Indianapolis; Accounting Club; Computer Club; Dorm Unit Officer. Mills, David H. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Phi Delta Theta, Treas.; IU Foundation; Sr. Class Council; Marketing Club. Minderman, William M. B.S. Personnel and Labor Relations; Delta Sigma Pi; Young Democrats; American Society for Personnel Administration, Vice-Pres. 1U Chapter; Student Government; Dean's List. Morgan, Ronald Clark B.S. Marketing; Colonia, N.J.; Delta Tau Delta; Alpha Kappa Psi; Young Republicans; YMCA; Marketing Club; Sr. Class Council.Morgan, Sharon D. B.S. Management and Adminstration; Bloomington; Marketing Club; Cosmopolitan Club. Moser, Joseph I). B.S. Marketing; Woodburn; Marketing Club; Young Democrats. Mucha, Jeffrey J. B.S. Management; Rockford, Ill.; Vice-Gov.; LUNA; PEMM Club; Transportation Club.Mull, Larry A. B.S. Management; Rushville; Sigma Phi Epsilon; YMCA Board Member; Sr. Class Council; Young Republicans; Little 500 Trainer. Mullett, Cheryl K. B.S. Marketing; Nappanee; Alpha Xi Delta, Corr. Sec.; Marketing Club, Vice-Pres. of Special Affairs; Jr., Sr. Class Councils; Redbook Steering Comm.; IU Sing; YWCA.Murphy, Patricia R. B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis; Delta Gamma; Union Board Comm.; AWS, Steering Comm., Women's Week, Sec.; YWCA, International Bazaar, Publications, P.R. Comm.; Student Leader.
Musgrave, Marilyn Jean B.S. Accounting; Springfield, Ohio; Kappa Delta, Treas.; Emphasis; Omicron Delta, Pres., Publicity Ch.; Accounting Club. Mutchler, Jerry V. B.S. Personnel Management; Brazil; Sigma Pi, Pledge Tr., Rush Ch., Activities Ch.; Alpha Kappa Psi; IFC, Vice-Pres., Rush Director; JBoard; Union Board Steering Comm.; JIFC; IU Foundation.Myers, Larry A. B.S. Finance; Marion; Sigma Nu, Treas., Sec.; IU Foundation; IFC Intramural Ch.; YMCA; Freshman Camp Counsellor; Student Leader.Myers, Sigmon W. B.S. Management; Lebanon; Sigma Chi, Treas.; YMCA; Young Republicans; Intramurals. Nattkemper, Clyde DonnellyB.S. Marketing; Terre Haute; Marketing Club; Young Republicans. Nickels, Steve 1. B.S. Management; Plainfield; Personnel Management Club. Niemeyer, Michael L. B.S. Accounting; Seymour; Accounting Club. Nolan, Susannah J. B.S. Accounting; Arlington, Va. Notting, Mike B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Phi Kappa Psi, Officer; YMCA.Norris, Maria A. B.S. Account-
ing; Lafayette; Kappa Delta, Corr. Sec., Rush Ch.; Card Section Comm.; Accounting Club; Arbutus Staff.
Ogle, Jerry D. B.S. Marketing; Kokomo; Marketing Club.Olson, John D. B.S. Personnel; Gary; Personnel Club.Olszewski, James J. B.S. Management; Highland. Osborn, Sherry J. B.S. Textile Merchandising; Connersville; Jr., Sr. Class
Councils; Bachelor of the Year Dance, Ch.; IU Foundation; Marketing Club; Little 500 Mini Rider. Page, James M. B.S. Management; Jeffersonville; Marketing Club; Personnel Management Club; Alpha Delta Omega.
Pate, Rickey R. B.S. Personnel Management; Indianapolis; Delta Sigma Pi; American Society for Personnel Administration, Co-Ch. of Ill's Speaker Comm.; Students For Kennedy; Dean's List; Honor Roll. Patterson, Blair C. B.S. Marketing; Griffith; Alpha Kappa Psi; Marketing Club.Patterson, Robert Bruce B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis. Paulin, Edward J. B.S. Marketing; Nashville; Debate Team; J-Board. Pendleton, Larry R. B.S. Real Estate; New Middletown; Rho Epsilon; Intramural Sports.
Perry, John Michael B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Varsity Football; Marketing Club; IU Foundation; I Men's Club. Pfleging, Daniel J. B.S. Business Economics; Terre Haute; Sigma Nu, Commander, Rush Ch.; Jr., Sr. Class Council; IU Foundation; IFC J-Board.Phan, Yen Hong B.S. Marketing; Saigon, Viet Nam; Cosmopolitan Club, Soc. Ch.Pickard, Beverly A. B.S. Quantitative Business Analysis; Indianapolis.Pidhirny, William P. B.S.
Accounting; Stamford, Conn.; Varsity Cross Country; Varsity Track; Accounting Club.
Pierchala, Phillip J. B.S. Management; Kenilworth, Ill.; Sigma Chi, VicePres., Rush Ch.; IU Foundation; IFC Rush Comm.Plisky, Clarence J. B.S.
Management; Chesterton; Alpha Kappa Psi; IU Foundation; YMCA; Homecoming Comm.; MRC, Ch. Poellein, Ronald K. B.S. Management; Boonville; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Alpha Phi Omega; Student Government Flight Project, Treas.; Sr. Class Council; Gov. of Floor. Popp, Jerome L. B.S. Transportation; South Bend; Transportation Club; Elliot House, Soc. Ch.Pressler, Susan R. B.S. Marketing; Hammond; Marketing Club; Sr. Class Council; Young Republicans; YWCA. Pritzke, Ronald R. B.S. Finance; Omaha, Neb.; Alpha Tau Omega; Varsity Baseball Team. Rackham, Michele B.S. Marketing; LaPorte; Delta Gamma,
Rush Comm.; YWCA, Freshman Camp Counselor; Student Leader; LUNA Delegate; Tyronian Queen Finalist; Arbutus Queen Finalist.Rankin, Larry J. B.S. Accounting; Muncie; Phi Eta Sigma; Beta Gamma Sigma; Delta Sigma Pi, Treas., Vice-Pres.; Beta Alpha Psi, Vice-Pres.; All-Campus Table Tennis Doubles, Co-Ch. Rasmussen, Harold A. B.S. Finance; Indianapolis; IFC, Scholarship Comm.; Young Democrats; Phi Sigma Kappa, Vice-Pres.Ratliff, Charlene M. B.S. Management; Bloomington; Gamma Phi Beta, Scholarship Ch., Rec. Sec.; Mortar Board; Omicron Delta; Pleiades; Panhellenic Executive Council, Scholarship Workshop Ch.; IU Foundation. Reel, Leonard R. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Beta Theta Pi; Skull and Crescent; Board of Directors I Men's Club; Little 500 Bike Rider; Wrestling Team; Young Republicans. Reiners, William A. B.S. Real Estate; Washington; Pi Kappa Phi, Hist., Sec.; Rho Epsilon; Young Republicans, Director; Sr. Class Council; IU Foundation. Reuille, Martin E. B.S. Accounting; La Porte; Phi Sigma Kappa, Sentinel, Rush Ch., Pres.; IU Foundation.Rice, Clifford J. B.S. Management and Administration; Wanatah.Rice, Donald W. B.S. Management; Wanatah.
Richard, Thomas D. B.S. Marketing; Ashtabula, Ohio; Marketing Club; Ski Club, Vice-Pres. Rice, Roy R. B.S. Accounting; Evansville; Lambda Chi Alpha, Pledge Tr., Treas.; IFC; Young Republicans; YMCA; Impact Party; Director of Rush, Delegate to N.I.C.Richards, William A. B.S. Management; Cincinnati, Ohio; Theta Chi; Arnold Air Commander, Info. Services Officer; Union Board Comm.; IFC, Scholarship Comm.Riehm, Thomas P. B.S. Management; Kendallville; Beta Theta Pi; Sr. Class Council; Marketing Club. Riggs, Russell A. B.S. Business Administration; Rushville. Riley, David M. B.S. Accounting; Lafayette. Ringer, William E. B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis; Tau Kappa Epsilon; Marketing Club; Emphasis-The World; Young Republicans; Intramural Sports; Sailing Club.Robertson, James D. B.S. Accounting; Bloomington; Accounting Club; Student Traffic Court, Ch.Robeson, Robert Paul Jr. B.S. Accounting; Ft. Wayne; Phi Kappa Psi; Student Elections Commission; Accounting Club; lntramurals.Robinson, Joe D. B.S. Management; Vincennes; Hand Ball; Bowling. Robling, Robert Michael B.S. Management and Administration; Indianapolis; Indianapolis Campus, Treas. of Student Government, Student Affairs Comm.; Homecoming Rules and Regulations Comm.; Floor Gov.Rodeen, Gerald P. B.S. Accounting; Paxtion, Ill.; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Pres.; Fr. Track; Fr., Sr. Class Councils; Parliamentarian Sr. Class; IU Foundation; UG Dubach Award for Scholastic Improvement. Rodenbeck, Daniel A. B.S. Administration; Ft. Wayne; German Club. Rogers, Douglas A. B.S. Production Management, Industrial Engineering; Marketing; Business Administration; Indianapolis; Dean's List; Production Management Club; Marketing Club.Rome, Robert S. B.S. Accounting; River Forest, Ill.; Kappa Sigma, Pres., Vice-Pres., Rush Ch.; JIFC, IFC J-Board; Student Body Supreme Court; Student Conduct Comm.; Fr. Class Council; Dean's List. Romine, Max W. B.S. Marketing; Columbus; Marketing Club.Rose, Lawrence C. B.S. Finance; Indianapolis; MRC, Ath. Ch.; Wright, Ath. Comm.; Varsity Rugby Team, Letter; Union Dance Series, Ch.; First Fling; Intramural Sports, Referee. Rose, Michael B. B.S. Management; Meadowbrook, Pa.; Sigma Alpha Mu; Sr. Class Council; SAB Comm.; JIFC; Little 500 Comm.; Intramural Golf Champion 1967. Rose, Roger L. B.S. Accounting; Nashville. Rosenberg, Adrienne B. B.S. Textile Merchandising; Valparaiso; Alpha Epsilon Phi; Marketing Club. Rosenblum, Robert E. B.S. Management; Flossmoor, Ill.; Sigma Alpha Mu; Marketing Club; Management Club. Ross, William R. B.S. Accounting; Paragon; Card Section Comm.; Accounting Club. Ruckriegle, William T. B.S. Insurance; Kokomo; Intramural Sports; Sec., Treas., Floor Council; Little 500 Tryouts. Rutkowski, Richard A. B.S. Business Economics and Public Policy; Ft. Wayne; Sr. Class Council; Briscoe, Vice-Gov.Saft, Paul H. B.S. Quantitative Business Analysis; Bloomington; Tau Kappa Epsilon; Pershing Rifles, 3rd Regimental Headquarters, Operations Officer, Regimental Commander. Sahm, J. Daniel B.S. Accounting; Indianapolis; Briscoe Quad, Vice-Gov., Quad Recreation Co-ord.; Accounting Club.Sapp, George D. B.S. Finance; Indianapolis; Kappa Delta Rho. Schalliol,Susan A. B.S. Accounting; Mishawaka; Sigma Kappa, Treas.; Omicron Delta; Accounting Club; YWCA; AWS Big Sister Program; Cosmopolitan Club.Schan ferman, Barbara S. B.S. Marketing; South Bend; Omicron Delta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Marketing Club. Schnakenburg, Barry A. B.S. Management and Administration; Evansville; Theta Xi, Sec., Treas., Pres.; Alpha Kappa Psi; Intramural Football.
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Schuckard, John D. B.S. Finance; Wabash; Intramural Basketball, Football. Schuetter, Douglas J. B.S. Management and Administration; Jasper. Schull, Benjamin C. B.S. Insurance; Terre Haute; Insurance Club.Schumacher, David R. B.S. Business Statistics; Indianapolis; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Exec. Council; Marketing Club I Men's Club; Varsity Tennis. Schwartz, Alan J. B.S. Finance; Indianapolis; Teter Floor Gov.; Hillel Foundation.
Scott, John B. B.S. Management; Bloomington; Phi Epsilon Pi; Pershing Rifles; Alpha Kappa Psi; Sailing Club; Christian Science College Organization. Selig, Larry B. B.S. Management and Administration; Indianapolis; Marketing Club; Insurance Club. Shafer, Bonnie L. B.S. Business Administration; South Bend; Accounting Club. Shea, James R. B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis; Marketing Club. Shepard, John R. B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis; Marketing Club.
Shiplett, David A. B.S. Marketing; Bloomington; Marketing Club.Shockney, David A. B.S. Real Estate; Atlanta, Ga.; Alpha Sigma Phi, Treas., Pledge Comm., Standards Board, Intramural Ch.; Judo Club; Sigma Delta Psi.Shultz, John C. B.S. Management and Administration; Richmond; Dean's List. Sievila, David M. B.S. Finance; Martinsville; Marketing Club.Sisley, Mary K. B.S. Accounting; Tell City; Accounting Club.
Slagle, Henry F. B.S. Accounting; Mt. Vernon; Pershing Rifles Co. A, 3rd Reg't Headquarters, Executive Officer; IU Foundation; Accounting Club. Smith, David L. B.S. Management; Ft. Wayne; Sr. Class Council.Smith, James Russell B.S. Quantitative Business Analysis; Bloomington; Dean's List; Highest Achiever (4.0 average) Spring 1967.Smith, Michael C. B.S. Management; Michigan City. Smith, Richard W. B.S. Accounting; Washington; IU Foundation; Scabbard and Blade, Pres.
Smith, Thomas W. B.S. Finance; Indianapolis; Foster Quad, Floor Ath. Coord.; Intramurals. Snider, Sue B.S. Business Education; Indianapolis. Snyder, Jeffrey A. B.S. Marketing; Goshen; Alpha Sigma Phi. Somers, John W. B.S. Management; Winamac. Spangler, William L. Jr. B.S. Management; Evansville; Delta Chi, Treas.; Sr. Class Council.
Spaulding, Melvin Pierre B.S. Marketing; New Albany; Kappa Alpha Psi; Kappa Kappa Psi Pledge; Marketing Club; Educational Opportunities Foundation, Exec. Sec.; Marching 100; Pres. Comm. on Racial Discrimination.Spiece, James Richard B.S. Management and Administration; Wabash.Sramek, Donald C. B.S. Marketing; LaPorte; Phi Sigma Kappa, Soc. Ch., House Mngr.; Union Board; Marketing Club; Young Republicans; Intramurals.Stafford, Gary L. B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis. Stansell, Janet K. B.S. Real Estate; Griffith. Steiner, Donald L. B.S. Accounting; Berne; MRC, Soc. Ch.; Accounting Club; Young Democrats. Stevens, John H. B.S. Marketing; Richmond; Marketing Club. Stewart, David C. B.S. Statistics; Richmond; Delta Sigma Pi; Gov. of Unit; Freshman Orientation.Stipp, Norman J. B.S. Accounting; Winamac; Phi Eta Sigma; Accounting Club; Marching 100; McNutt Quad, Gov., Board of Gov. Stovall, Ros E. Jr. B.S. Management and Administration; Bloomington; Alpha Tau Omega, Vice-Pres.; Freshman, Sophomore Class Presidents; Executive Director, Student Legislative Co-ordinating Comm.; Impact! Party President; IU Foundation; Named to President's Comm. to Select a Dean of Students. Straub, Terrence D. B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis; Young Democrats, VicePres.; Inter-Collegiate Federation Young Democrats, Pres. in Ind.; Marketing Club; IU Students for Senator Bayh, Ch.; Great Issues Senator.Street, Ted I'. B.S. Management and Administration; Bloomington; Arbutus Staff.Strom, Merle 'F. Jr. B.S. Marketing; Muncie; Delta Upsilon; Dean's List; Skull and Crescent; Jr. 1FC; Marketing Club; YMCA.Suelzer, Stephen M. B.S. Accounting; Ft. Wayne; Accounting Club. Sutton, David J. B.S. Management; Bloomington; Beta Theta Pi, Rush Ch.; Intramurals. Tabor, Charles A. B.S. Accounting; Huntingburg; Sigma Nu; Vice-Pres., Exec. Council; Jr. Class Council. Talley, Elizabeth A. B.S. Marketing; Lowell. Tam, Kevin R. B.S. Marketing; Elwood; Sigma Nu; Marketing Club; IU Foundation; Skull and Crescent. Tarlton, Donald Lee B.S. Management and Administration; Garrett; Circle K; Personnel Club; Cult Co-ord.; Ft. Wayne Campus, Golf Team, Intramurals. Taylor, Philip E. B.S. Production Management; Bloomington; Production Management Club.
Teibloom, Eugene J. B.S. Management and Administration; Wilmette, Ill.; Sigma Alpha Mu, Initiation Ch., Ath. Ch.; WFIU Sports Staff; Skull and Crescent; Student Athletic Board Comm.; Homecoming Comm.; JIFC Rep. Todd, Ruth Ann B.S. Textile Merchandising; Bloomington. Todderud, James C. B.S. Accounting; Indianapolis; Accounting Club; Intramural Football, Basketball, Softball. Tomber, Karen E. B.S. Personnel Management; South Bend; American Society for Personnel Admin.; Student Conduct Comm.; Arbutus Staff. Topper, Stephen P. MBA Marketing; Evansville; Delta Upsilon; Marketing Club; Dean's List; Graduate Assistant, Marketing Dept.
Townsley, Darryl L. B.S. Management and Administration; Chalmers; Floor Vice-Gov.; Intramurals; Dean's List; Management Club. Troxel, Bradley H. B.S. Management and Administration; Mulberry; Dean's List: Intramural Football. Tubbs, James K. B.S. Finance; South Bend; Little 500. Vandoski, Joseph E. B.S. Personnel; Indianapolis; Delta Sigma Pi; I.U. Chapter of American Society for Personnel Administration, Pres.; Marching 100; Student Interest Commission Steering Comm.; Dean's List; Highest Achievement (4.0) VanLandingliam, William E. II B.S. Finance; Frankfort; Acacia; Sr. Class Council; Skull and Crescent; Little 500 Bike Rider; Young Republicans. Von Burg, Douglas L. B.S. Accounting; Indianapolis.Voris, John E. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Beta Theta Pi; Marketing Club, Vice-Pres.; IU Foundation; Sr. Class Council. Vorm, Kathy B.S. Marketing; North Judson; Alpha Chi Omega; Marketing Club.Vosmeier, Michael G. B.S. Production Management; Centerville; Arnold Air Society, Admin. Office; Pershing Rifles, Admin. Office. Wade, Philip B. B.S. Accounting; Columbus; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Recorder; IU Foundation; Sr. Class Council; IFC Intramural Comm.
Wade, Timothy L. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Sigma Nu, Sec.; IU Sing Program Comm.; Model United Nations. Wagner, Gary M. B.S. Production Management; Bloomington. Walker,Wendall F. B.S. Production Management; Bloomington; U.S. Air Force, Active Duty. Walters, Lawrence E. B.S. Quantitative Business Analysis; Gary; Beta Gamma Sigma, Vice-Pres.; Production Management Club; Student Gov't. Waltke, Shirley Ann B.S. Business Education; Bloomington; SNEA; Marketing Club.
Waltman, John C. B.S. Accounting; Lancaster, Pa.; Accounting Club; Beta Alpha Psi. Waits, Terence A. B.S. Marketing; Corydon; Acacia, Rush Ch., Alumni Sec.; IU Foundation; Marketing Club; Skull and Crescent; Jr., Sr. Class Councils. Warner, Dennis P. B.S. Business Education; South Bend; Sigma Pi, Pledge Tr., Ath. Ch.; SNEA; Dean's List. Watson, Clarence L. B.S. Insurance; Speedway. Watson, Jon S. B.S. Marketing; Bloomington; Lambda Chi Alpha; YMCA; Young Republicans; Union Board.
Weaver, Warren I. B.S. Management; Indianapolis; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Arnold Air Society; Air Force ROTC; Sr. Class Council; Young Republicans. Weilemann, Jon William B.S. Management; Ft. Wayne; Arnold Air Society, Operations Officer. Weinberger, Marvin J. B.S. Management; Louisville, Ky.; Alpha Epsilon Pi, 2nd Vice-Pres.; Alpha Kappa Psi; Phi Eta Sigma. Weisenberger, John T. B.S. Management and Administration; Carmel; Union Board Steering Comm.; Marketing Club. Weldy, Kevin S. B.S. Management and Administration; Warkarusa; Intramural Sports. Wheat, Robert G. B.S. Accounting; Carmel; Accounting Club; Young Republicans; Little 500. Whitlock, Jay H. B.S. Marketing; Indianapolis. Whiteside, Steven Lee B.S. Finance; Indianapolis; Phi Omega; Little 500 Team, McNutt. Whitney, Roger VI. Jr. B.S. Production Management; Sarasota, Fla. Wilkerson, Robert E. Jr. B.S. Personnel Management; Vincennes; Delta Sigma Pi; Personnel Club.
Williams, James S. B.S. Management; Western Springs, Ill.; Kappa Delta Rho; Little 500 Bike Rider; Sr. Class Council. Wilson, Gary W. B.S. Management; Crawfordsville; Kappa Delta Rho, Pres., Rush Ch.; Sr. Class Council; IFC. Wilson, John L. B.S. Management; Scottsburg; Floor Officer.Wilson, Johnny J. B.S. Marketing; Lowell; Marketing Club. Wilson,Thomas J. B.S. Management and Administration; Indianapolis; Undergraduate Policy Comm.; Curriculum Comm.; Young Americans for Freedom; Soc. Ch. in Housing Unit.
Windell, Robert J. B.S. Personnel; New Albany; Lambda Chi Alpha, Rush Ch.; Alpha Kappa Psi; IRHA J-Board; Campus Chest Steering Comm.; 1969 Class Councils. Winheim, Cynthia J. B.S. Personnel; Phoenix, Ariz.; Alpha Chi Omega; IU Chapter of American Society of Personnel Administration, Sec.-Treas.; IU Foundation; Sr. Class Council; Campus Chest; Bureau of Philanthropic Affairs. Wolf, Robert G. B.S. Transportation; Munster; Transportation Club, Pres. Workman, Sue A. B.S. Personnel Management; Indianapolis; Alpha Gamma Delta; Omicron Delta; Ski Club; Personnel Club; YWCA; IU Sing. Workman, Thomas D. B.S. Management; Bloomfield.
Wruble, Donald J. B.S. Marketing; Ft. Wayne; Alpha Kappa Psi; Sr. Class Council; Young Republicans; Marketing Club; AIESEC.Wujcik, Ronald R. B.S. Management and Administration; Mishawaka; Transportation Club. Yamaguchi, Yoshiaki B.S. Management; Musashino City, Tokyo, Japan; Transportation Club; Baptist Student Union.Yentes, Clifford H. B.S. Management; Michigan City; Sigma Chi.Young, David A. B.S. Quantitative Business Analysis; Ft. Wayne; Insurance Club; Intramural Bowling; Campus Crusade; Inter-Varsity. Zamboloi, Mary Barbara B.S.Business Education; Columbus. Zeedyk, Mary R. B.S. Management; N-ew Carlisle; Accounting Club; Omicron Delta.Zimmerman, John M. B.S. Accounting; Hinsdale, Ill.; Phi Delta Theta, Vice-Pres.; Diving Team.
Education Abramson, Rochelle M. B.S. Elementary Education; Dayton, Ohio; Sigma Delta Tau; Union Board Comm.; Little 500 Ch.Alstott, Ronda K. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Gamma Phi Beta; YWCA.Anglin, Gary J. B.S. Mathematics; Lexington, Ky.; Delta Sigma Pi; Great Issues.Anstett, Cheryl May B.S. Elementary Education; Earl Park; Alpha Chi Omega.Arndt, Mary Lee B.S. Special Education: Mental Retardation; Highland; Alpha Omicron Pi.
Ash, Virginia M. B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington; NEA; Briscoe Quad, Vice-Gov. Atteberry, Marcia E. B.S. Elementary Education; Fort Branch; Delta Gamma. Baardsen, Nancy (Kira) Ann B.S. Elementary Education; Hammond; SNEA; Student Gov't., Residence Hall; McCarthy for President; Flying Club; NSTA. Bailey, Diane B.S. Alexandria; IU Foundation; Sr. Class Council; YWCA. Baim, JeraLynn F. B.S. Elementary Education; Gary; Sr. Class Council; Union Board Comm.
Baird, Jeannette H. B.S. School Library and Audio-Visual Services; Indianapolis; Alpha Lambda Delta; Navigators.Baker, Corinne A. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Sr. Class Council; YWCA; IU Foundation; Union Board Comm.; Student Government P.R.Baker, Julia K. B.S. Elementary Education; Bluffton; Clark House Treas., Read Center; SEA, Vice-Pres., Inter Varsity Member. Ballard, Victoria L. B.S. Elementary Education; French Lick. Ballenger, Farrell K. B.S. Social Studies; Shivley; Organization of Police Administration Students, Pres. Banser, Michael NAEA, B.S. Art; Crown Point; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Wrestling; Sr. Class Council; NAEA, Vice-Pres. Barker, Mark A. B.S. Elementary Education; Peru. Barnes, Willeam R. B.S. Radio-TV; Bloomington. Barnhouse, Carol J. B.S. Elementary Education; Greenwood. Bartel, Laura Patricia B.S. Special Education; Geneva; Jr. Class Council; IU Foundation; IU Sing.
Bartley, Deborah B.S. Elementary Education; Palatine, Ill.; Alpha Chi Omega; Young Republicans; YWCA; Student Athletic Board.Baumgartner, Stephen J. B.S. Social Studies; Tipton; McNutt Quad J-Board, Ch.; Phi Omega; IU Foundation; Sr. Class Council; Great Issues Forum.Beard, Maryland Beth B.S. Elementary Education; Greensburg; Pi Lambda Theta.Becker, Marlene Ann B.S. Elementary Education; St. Louis, Mo.; Alpha Epsilon Phi.Becker, William A. American History; Warsaw.
Beda, Judith A. B.S. Elementary Education; Whiting; SNEA; Newman Club; Dean's List. Beeching, Richard W. B.S. Biology; Ft. Wayne.Bender, Ireta J. B.S. Speech Therapy; Auburn; Pi Beta Phi; Sigma Alpha Eta; Sr. Class Council; Young Republicans. Bender, Richard E. B.S. Biological Sciences; Bloomington; Pi Kappa Phi; Dean's List. Bennett, Judy L. B.S. English, Brownsburg.
Renter, Janet E. B.S. Biology; Seymour; Willkie J-Board. Bergin, Feryl J. B.S. English Jeffersonville; Alpha Delta Kappa Honorary. Blackketter,Daniel Leroy B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington. Blake, Joseph Edward B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis. Blankenship,Connie L. B.S. Elementary Education; New Albany; Dean's List; Alpha Delta Kappa Honorary.
Bledsoe, Kenneth L. B.S. English; Bloomington. Blust, Stephen Nicholas B.S. English; Indianapolis. Boatman, Mona Maria B.S. Mathematics; Jeffersonville; Alpha Omicron Pi. BoBeck, Connie C. B.S. Social Studies; Gary; Sigma Alpha Sigma; Young Democrats; Social Service Club. Rogue, Linda Foss B.S. Spanish; Crown Point; Honors Program in Spanish.
Bolitho, Jeanne E. B.S. Elementary Education; Mt. Home, Ark.; Alpha Omicron Pi, Pledge Class Pres.; SNEA; YWCA; Card Section Comm. Boozer, Carole L. B.S. Speech and Hearing Therapy; Mishawaka; Pi Beta Phi; Sigma Alpha Eta; YWCA; Young Republicans. Bowles,Rita M. B.S. Elementary Education; Depauw; Assoc. for Childhood Education. Boyd, Nancy K. B.S. Special Education; Indianapolis, Transfer Student. Brafford,Anne E. B.S. Social Studies; Indianapolis; Kappa Alpha Theta, Pres.; Mortar Board; Pleiades, Pres.; Enomene, Rec. Sec; Alpha Lambda Delta; IU Foundation Steering Comm. Brandenburg, Nancy E. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Council for Exceptional Children; Card Section. Bratcher, Debra Lynn B.S. Elementary Education; South Bend; Alpha Xi Delta; NEA; ACE; Sr. Class Council. Breitenbach, Robert J. B.S. Social Studies; Madison; Young Republicans. Brighton, Carol Ann B.S. Special Education; Gosport; Pi Lambda Theta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Floor Communication Co-ord., Teter; BREWT Newspaper Staff. Brinker, Linnette A. B.S. Elementary Education; Evansville; SNEA; National Science Teachers Assoc.; Mini-rider in Little 500. Brinkmann, Carole M. B.S. Elementary Education; Munster; Zeta Tau Alpha, Pres.; Mortar Board; IU Foundation; Student Senate; Jr. Class Council; AWS, Legislative Board, Transfer Tea Ch., Mass Meeting.Britt, Brenda K. B.S. Speech and Hearing Therapy; Markle. Brocksmith, Jeanette B.S. Elementary Education; Bicknell. Brodbeck, Patricia A. B.S. English; Bloomington; Alpha Chi Omega; YWCA; Campus Crusade for Christ, Intl.; "The New World Singers." Brown, Linda L. B.S. Elementary Education; Munster; IU Foundation; Bocobo House, Gov. Brown, Pamela G. B.S. Elementary Education; Borden; SNEA; Sailboat Club. Brown, Ross Allen B.S. Fine Arts; South Bend; NAEA, Steering Comm. Brown, Thomas A. B.S. English; Odon. Brown, Tom Allen B.S. Social Studies; Niles, Mich.; Debate; IU S.B. Forensic Assoc., Pres. Browne, Barbara Lynn B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington; Floor Gov., Soc. Ch.
Bruce, Beverly S. B.S. Elementary Education; New Castle.Bryant, Barbara L. B.S. Speech and Hearing; Indianapolis; Sigma Alpha Eta. Bullian, Cynthia R. B.A. Elementary Education; Bloomington.Burch, Sandra Kay A.B. Speech; Indianapolis; Willkie Quad Sec., Floor Sec.-Treas. Burroughs, Roxanne B.S. Elementary Education; Crawfordsville; AWS; Union Board Rep.
Butts, Helen L B.S. Elementary Education; South Bend.Cain, Janice L. B.S. Elementary Education; Northbrook, Ill.; Alpha Epsilon Phi, Soc. Ch.; Sailing Club; Ski Club. Cambre, Janet M. B.S. Elementary Education; Gary. Caplin, Julie L. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Alpha Epsilon Phi; Activity Fair Comm.; Monte Carlo Comm.Carney, Kathleen G. B.S. Social Studies; Cicero.
Carrico, Nancy J. B.S. Elementary Education; Beech Grove.Carter, Sue B.S. Home Economics; Bloomington; Alpha Xi Delta; Omicron Nu, Treas.; Home Economics Club, Hist.; DBA Wives, Pub.Catron, Terri V. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Hanover College 1-2.Chamberlain, Cheri L. B.S. Elementary Education; Palatine, Ill.; Kappa Delta, Vice-Pres., Treas., Assistant Treas.; YWCA. Chapman, Danny L. B.S. General Science; Clarksville; SNEA.
Chazanof, Jansen A. B.S. Social Studies; Bloomington; IRHA Judicial Board; Willkie Board of Governors; AFS Club; Dewey House Counselor.Chazanof, Lynne Jackson. B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington; I.U. Sing.Chentnik, Maxine Rodgers B.S. Elementary Education; Unionville.Chew, Ann C. B.S. Art; Union City; NAEA; Social Service Club.Childers, Susan D. B.S. Elementary Education; Kokomo; Alpha Omicron Pi.
Chreist, Ann K. B.S. Elementary Education; South Bend; YWCA.Clawson, Robert E. B.S. Mathematics; Peru. Claybourn, Carol Anne B.S. English; St. Louis, Mo.; Delta Delta Delta, House Officer; Young Republicans; NEA; Impact Party. Clymer, Myra B. B.S. Elementary Education; Ft. Wayne. Collins, Jerry V. B.S. Social Studies; Jeffersonville; Sigma Phi Epsilon; I.U. Gymnastics; Senior Class Council; "I" Men Association.
Conrad, Nancy L. B.S. Elementary Education; Hanover; Willkie Quad, Pres.; Student Activities Comm. Cotterman, Cheryl A. B.S. Elementary Education; Columbia City. Crandall, Patricia 1. B.S. Social Studies; Eagle River, Wis.; SNEA; Great Issues Senator; Purdue University; Wisconsin University. Cronk, Stephen R. B.S. Social Studies; Hammond. Cruser, Mary Ann Hite B.S. Social Studies; Westport.
Cullen, Susan K. B.S. Elementary Education; Morgantown; Teter Quad, Floor Gov.; SNEA; Operation Presentation Comm.Cunningham, Kay Condra B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington; NEA; House Council; Mini 500 Race. Cunningham, Marjorie A. B.A. Elementary Education; Brownsburg; IU Sing; Sailing Club. Cunningham, Nathaniel B.S.Physical Education; Danville, Ill.; Kappa Alpha Psi; Varsity Football, 3 years; Intramural Fraternity Basketball, 3 Year All-Star. Dahlkamp, Janie Lee B.S. Home Economics; Munster; McNutt, Soc. Comm.; HEA. Dassel, Diana L. B.S. Elementary Education; Evansville.Datzman, Margaret E. B.S. English; Fowler; Willkie Quad, Sec, Elections Comm.; IU Sing; Quad Gov. Davies, Mary !Joey B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington; Dames Club. Davis, Sandra L. B.S. Elementary Education; Otwell.Deckard, Beverly K. B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington.
Deckard, Philip D. B.S. Elementary Education; Bedford.Denker, Debbie H. B.S. Education; Indianapolis; SNEA; Social Service Club.Dennison, Cheryl C. B.S. Biology; Ft. Wayne. Deno, Evelyn A. B.S. Mathematics; Fowler; Zeta Tau Alpha, Ritual Ch.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Senior Class Council; J-Board; AWS Transfer Tea Steering Comm.; WIUS, Asst. Traffic.DeVries, Bernice Miller B.S. Business; South Bend.
Dobis, Judith Ann B.S. English; Munster; AWS Big Sister; Soc. Co-ord.; Student Orientator. Dolen, F. Laraine B.S. Home Economics; Mooresville;
Alpha Omicron Pi; Omicron Nu Home Economic Honorary, Vice-Pres.; Home Economics Assoc.; YWCA.Dominici, Paula Jean B.S. Elementary Education; Somerville, N.J.; Donald, Jerutha B.S. Business; Gary; IU Dance Performance Group; IU Usher Corps; Jiu Jitsu Club.Dorman, Debra L. M.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Sigma Delta Tau.
Drake, Ojutta J. B.S. Special Education; Bloomington; Senior Class Council; Black Arts Theater Players. Drake, Wanda F. B.S. Elementary Education; Paragon. Duke, Robert J. B.S. Speech; Indianapolis; Alpha Sigma Phi, Pres.; ROTC, Counter Guerrilla; Intramurals.Dunham, Dorothy Edwards B.S. Special Education; Kempton. Dunn, Gary M. B.S. Social Studies; New Albany;
Delta Upsilon; SEA; NROC.
Dwyer, Jack H. B.S. Social Studies; Kokomo. Eichenseher, Mary Susan B.S.
Elementary Education; Ft. Wayne; Alpha Omicron Pi; Class Council; Mini 500 Race; House Functions, Ch.; Student Leader.Ellet, Jeanne E. B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington. Emmons, Suzanne Shields B.S. English; Nashville. Essendreis, Carole Black B.S. Spanish; Speedway; Alpha Omicron Pi.
Evans, Jennifer J. B.S. Elementary Education; Munster; Pi Lambda Theta;
SNEA; Cosmopolitan Club; Hospitality Co-ord.; Communication Co-ord.
Evans, Richard L. B.S. Art; Kokomo. Evett, Donald H. B.S. Physics; Linwood, N.J. Fair, Louisa M. B.S. Elementary Education; Clarksville; Zeta Tau
Alpha, Executive Comm.; AWS; International Affairs; Standards Comm., Social Sorority. Falls, Sheryl R. B.S. Home Economics; Danville; Home Economics Assoc., Pres.
Fanning, Becki A. B.S. Home Economics; Plymouth; Home Economics Assoc.; Interior Design Club; YWCA; IU Sing. Ferree, Rebecca J. B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington; Cosmopolitan Club; Rifle Club; Campus Life.Field, Katherine V. B.S. Speech; Indianapolis; Alpha Chi Omega; Miss Indiana 1968;
Miss IU 1967; IU Foundation; Singing Hoosiers; Union Board Steering Comms., Lycea Dinners, Broadway Dinners.Firestone, Debbie E. B.S. Art; Highland Park, Ill.; Alpha Epsilon Phi; IU Foundation; Art, Soc. Ch.Fisher, Norma Wright B.S. English; Columbus. Fisher, Susan M. B.S. Elementary Education; Peru.Fishman, Jo Anne A.B.
Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Sigma Delta Tau, Songleader; IU Sing; Junior Class Council; Senior Class Council; Campus Chest Drive, Captain; Union Board Steering Comm.; Student Interest Commission.Flusser, Wendy S. B.S. Elementary Education; St. Louis, Mo.; Alpha Epsilon Phi; Assoc. of Women Students; Impact Party; Activity Fairs Pub. Comm.Folck, Sharon Sue B.S. Social Studies; Bloomington. Foley, William A. Jr. B.S. Social Studies; Bloomington; Young Democrats; Students for Kennedy, Married Housing Ch.; Student Comm. for Victory in Vietnam, Vice-Pres.; Students for McCarthy; Laverne Noyes Scholarship Award. Forbes, Penelope A. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Alpha Chi Omega, Ohio Wesleyan; YWCA; McNutt Choraliers.Foster, Mary Beth B.S. Speech and Hearing Therapy; Evansville.Fouch, Marla L. B.S. Art; Indianapolis; Sailing Club. Fountaine, Suzanne W. B.S. Speech Pathology; Bedford; Alpha Phi; YWCA; AWS; Freshman Student Leader. Fox,Janet K. B.S.
Journalism; Mishawaka; Kappa Delta; Theta Sigma Phi Journalism Honorary; Rose Bowl Comm.; "Operation Cheer-up." Ch.; Indiana Daily Student. Franck, Shirley A. B.S. Elementary Education; Ft. Recovery, Ohio.Franz, Juanita Carol B.S. Elementary Education; Clarksville.Fraps, Judith Canada
B.S. Elementary and Special Education; Bloomington; Kappa Alpha Theta; YTeens; Council for Exceptional Children; Student Leader; Campus Chest. Freund, Barbara E. B.S. Home Economics; Alhambra, Calif.; Home Economics Assoc.; Pom-pon Girl. Fuzy, Barbara R. B.S. Elementary Education; Ft. Wayne; SEA.
Gaines, Darlene S. B.S. English; Indianapolis; Chi Omega. Gambel, Glenn.
B.S. English; Gary; Willkie Quad, Pres., 1967-68; Willkie Homecoming Displays, Co-Ch. 1967-68; IRHA Presidents Council 1967-68. Gangloff, Caren Sue B.S. Elementary Education; Camden; Gamma Phi Beta; Junior Class Council; Senior Class Council; Angel Flight; Student Leader; YWCA. Garreason, Laura R. B.S. Elementary Education; New Albany. Gaskill, Rebecca L. B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington; Delta Delta Delta; Singing Hoosiers; YWCA. Gemmill, Gloria B.S. English; Ligonier; French Club; AWS; SNEA. Giddings, Nancy Charlene B.S. Elementary Education; Greencastle; IU Foundation. Gill, Sharon M. B.S. Elementary Education; Vincennes. Giltner, Patricia J. B.S. Home Economics; Nabb; IU Home Economics Assoc. Glowacki, Diane Marie B.S. Elementary Education; Hammond; Judo Club; SNEA; Young Democrats; Floor Gov.
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Gooch, Linda Marie B.S. Mathematics; Lafayette; Landis House, Treas.; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Graham,Bonnie I. B.S. English; Indianapolis. Graper, Cynthia J. B.S. Speech and Hearing; Indianapolis; Sigma Alpha Eta; Foster Quad, Sec.-Treas., J-Board; Teter Quad, Resident Assistant. Gray, Virginia A. B.S. Biology; Pleasantville, N.Y.; Kappa Delta, Homecoming Ch.; Senior Class Council; Young Republicans; Ski Club; Student Government. Greig, Margaret E. B.S. Biology; Charleston, W.Va. Griffin, Cynthia 1,. B.S. Social Studies; Michigan City; Senior Class Council; Ski Club; McNutt, J-Board; Union Board Comms., Card Section Instruction Comm. Grodzicki, Carol A. B.S. Biology; South Bend; IU-South Bend, SNEA, Young Christian Students; Alpha Mu Gamma; Briscoe Quad, Cultural Co-ord. Gruesbeck, Jacquelyn K. B.S. Special Education; South Bend; SNEA; Council for Exceptional Children; Young Republicans; American Assoc. of Mental Deficiency. Grueter, Maureen Ellen B.S. Elementary Education; Auburn; Alpha Phi, Vice-Pres., Pledge Trainer; YWCA. Hackbirth,Robert L. B.S. Art; Pierceton; Willkie Quad, Briscoe Quad, Communications Co-ord., Vice-Gov.; Leadership Development Seminar; NAEA; Young Democrats; Impact Party. Hallett, Donald Ray Jr. B.S. Social Studies; Seymour; Foster Quad, Floor Officer; Little 500. Hambleton, Sandra K. B.S. Business Education; Columbia City. Hamm, Laura Elizabeth B.S. Elementary Education; Franklin. Hancock, Sonja L. B.S. Mathematics; Sandborn.Hand, Barbara J. B.S. Elementary Education; Marion; Kappa Delta; NEA; Union Board Comm.
Hanna, David E. B.S. Elementary Education; Monticello; Chi Phi; SNEA. Hanna, Jennifer E. B.S. Secondary Education; Logansport; Zeta Tau Alpha; Great Issues; Sailing Club; Senior Class Council; Usher Corps. Harding, Frances J. B.S. Elementary Education; Greenville; Earlham College; IU Richmond Campus, Student Senate; Editor of Extension Line.Harris, Charles W. B.S. Biology; French Lick. Hartman, Louanna M. B.S. Elementary Education; Granger; McNutt SE, Wing Gov., Comm. Co-ord; SAB Card Comm.; Mini 500 Race; Senior Class Council. Hasler, Gloria .1. B.S. English; Bloomington. Hays, Linda K. B.S. Biology;
Muncie; Teter Quad, Hospitality Co-ord.; 1RHA Election Comm. Hedrick, Shirley S. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; SNEA; ACE; SAB of Education; McNutt Bocobo, Gov. 1968. llegwood, Carol A. B.S. Elementary Education; Greencastle. Heinsen, Nancy A. B.S. Mathematics; Kokomo; Pi Beta Phi; Oceanides.
Helm, Nancy H. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Sigma Nu Sweetheart; Cheerleading Conference Comm. Hemrick,Joan L. B.S. Elementary
Education; New Haven; IRHA Judicial Board; Social Services Club; SNEA.
Hendricks, Jacqueline J. B.S. Social Studies; Kokomo. Henning, Jan Elizabeth B.S. Fine Arts; Anderson; Pi Beta Phi; Corr. Sec., Historian; YWCA.Herreman, Henry Robert B.S. Social Studies; South Bend; Redbook; McNutt Lead-
ership Seminar; Campus Chest; YMCA.
Hickman, Jean Swickard B.S. Elementary Education; Decatur. Hilgers, Barbara J. B.S. Elementary Education; Tell City; Young Republicans.Hill, Marilyn Jane Mohler B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis.Hilsmier, Joyce S. B.S. Special Education; Ft. Wayne; Kappa Delta; Pi Lambda Theta Education Honorary; AWS; NEA Publicity Comm.; Student Chapter of Council for Exceptional Children; YWCA. Hodler, Thomas W. A.B. Earth Science; Bloomington.
Hollander, Ronni J. B.S. Special Education; Wilmette, Ill.; AWS Freshman \ffairs; IU Foundation; Senior Class Council; Foster Quad, Gov., Head Coord. Hope, 0. C. A.B. Social Studies; Indianapolis; AFROTC Group Commander; Pershing Rifles; Arnold Air Society. Hopkins, Carol Norman B.S. Junior High Science; Martinsville; Chi Omega; Oceanides, Sec.; YWCA. House, Maggie Victoria B.S. General Science; Ann Arbor, Mich.; Chi Omega, Vice-Pres.; AWS; Enomene; Student Athletic Board, Vice-Pres.Howell, Joy B.S. Home Economics; East Chicago; Alpha Xi Delta, Pledge Trainer; YWCA; NEA; AHEA. Howerton, Jon C. B.S. Mathematics; Milltown. Hudson, Connie J. B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington. Hudson, Karen S. B.S. Biology; Kokomo; Alpha Phi, Pres.; IU Foundation; AWS, Treas.; Student Leader; Panhellenic Rush Counselor. Hudson, Merrellen B.S. Elementary Education; Anderson. Huey, Sally Wardall B.S. Special Education; Joliet, Ill.; Delta Gamma, First Vice-Pres., Hospitality Comm.; Union Board Steering Comms.; YWCA; Arbutus; AWS.
Hughes, Lydia Ann Edie B.S. Elementary Education; Ft. Wayne; Zeta Tau Alpha; Candy Striper; Angel Flight. Hughes, Victoria L. B.S. Elementary Education; Butler. Hulen, Judith L. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Hanover College. Hulse, Frances B. B.S. Elementary Education; Elizabeth. Humm, Lynn A. B.S. Home Economics; Ft. Wayne; American Home Economics Assoc.
Hunt, Debbie B.S. Elementary Education; West Lafayette; Gamma Phi Beta; Soc. Ch.; Union Board Comms.; Mini 500 Race; YWCA; AWS Hunt, Mary Burnett B.S. Mathematics; Mishawaka; SNEA. Huntington, Barbara A. B.S. Elementary Education; Lighthouse Point, Fla.; SNEA; Oceanides, Publicity Ch. Hutchings, John T. B.S. Special Education; West Lafayette; YMCA, Executive Board; Foster Quad, Vice-Pres.Inebnit, Rebecca Ann B.A. Elementary Education; Goshen; Alpha Gamma Delta; SAB Representative; NEA; Candy Stripers.
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Irvine, Patricia Jean B.S. Social Studies; Hobart. Isenhart, Patricia A. B.S. Art; Marion. Jackson, Brenda J. B.S. Elementary Education; Alpha Lambda Delta. Jackson, Claudia L. B.S. Elementary Education; Plainfield; Stephens College; YWCA; IU Sing Steering Comm. Jankovich,Jonni H. B.S. Speech and Theatre; Gary; Kappa Kappa Gamma; YWCA, Drama and Choral Group; SAB, Lures Comm.
Jarvis, Jane E. B.S. Elementary Education; Speedway; Alpha Omicron Pi; ACE; IU Sing. Jedd, Carolyn E. B.S. Home Economics; South Bend; SNEA; IMU Outing Club, Sec.; Home Economics Assoc.; Sailing Club; Junior Class Council. Jennings, Margaret E. B.S. Special Education; Indianapolis.Jerden, Charles A. B.S. Education; Indianapolis; Student Advisory Board; Gov. Johns, Paulette Putler B.S. Speech and Hearing Therapy; Evansville; Sigma Alpha Eta; Impact Party Delegate.
Johnson, Kathryn E. B.S. Social Studies; Bloomington; Kappa Alpha Theta; AWS, Vice-Pres.; Stephens College. Johnson, Teresa A. B.S. Biology; Louisville, Ky.; Delta Sigma Theta.Johnston, Julia Ann B.S. English; Pearl City, Hawaii; First Runner-up to Miss IU.Jones, Robert C. B.S. Biology; Bloomington; Delta Chi, Pledge Tr.; Scabbard and Blade; Jones, William R. B.S. English; Indianapolis.
Jorda, Diane B.S. English; Indianapolis; Dean's List; Senior Class Council. Jordan, David M. B.S. Elementary Education; Milan; IU Singing Hoosiers; Spelunking Club; Foster Quad, Student Supervisor. Joseph, Karen H. B.S. Speech and Hearing; Bedford; Pi Beta Phi; Read Center, Soc. Ch.Joyce, Kathy L. B.S. Special Education; Evansville; Alpha Gamma Delta; Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Councils; Soph. Class Organized Female Dir.; IU Foundation; YWCA, Executive Council, Sec.Judd, Patricia R. B.S. Fine Arts; Indianapolis; Honors Day Program Participant, 1968. Julian, Joanne, E. A.B. Elementary Education; Indianapolis. Kalver, Alan .1. B.S. Physical Education; Decatur; Zeta Beta Tau; Falcon; Arbutus. Kalver, Linda Manuel B.S. Elementary Education; Decatur; SNEA; ACE; Briscoe Quad, Student Gov. Kapsa, James M. B.S. Social Studies; South Bend. Kapsa, Joseph D. B.S. Elementary Education; South Bend; IU South Bend, Treas, Student Affairs Comm.
Kelley, Nancy G. B.S. English; Gary; Willkie Quad, Election Comm, Gov.; IU Sing; Asst Ch. of Quad Orientation; Daily Student. Kendall, Susan R. B.S. Elementary Education; Kokomo; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pi Lambda Theta; Forest Quad, Soc. Co-ord, 1965; YWCA. Kent, R. Joy B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington; Little Sisters, Alpha Sigma Phi; WRA Swimming Team. Kenyon, Dorothy Oppliger B.S. Physical Education; University City, Mo.; Delta Psi Kappa; Pemm Club. Kerr, Georgianne B.S. English; Indianapolis; Kappa Delta, Rush Ch.; Alpha Lambda Delta; IU Pom-Pon Girl; IMU Children's Parties Comm.; Candy Striper. Kerr, Steven M. B.S. Social Studies; Indianapolis; Purdue. Kesling, Carolyn S. B.S. Special Education; Huntingburg; Council for Exceptional Children; Mini 500 Race. Ketrow, Phyllis J. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis. King, Carol Ann B.A. Elementary Education; Falls Church, Va.; Kappa Alpha Theta, Rec. Sec.; Angel Flight; IU Sing. Kirkendall, Carolyn S. B.S. Elementary Education; Russiaville; Pi Lambda Theta.
Klinkenberg, Nancy A. B.S. Elementary Education; Kendallville; Alpha Xi Delta; Senior Class Council, SNEA; Pledge Class President; Junior Panhellenic Assoc.; Outstanding Pledge Award. Koch, Darryl Gene B.A. Government; Lafayette; Phi Kappa Theta; IU Foundation; Young Democrats; Great Issues; Phi Omega. Kovecsi, Marie H. B.S. Elementary Education; Gary. Kraay, Larry M. B.A. Special Education; Class Council, 1965-69; Council for Exceptional Children, Vice-Pres. Kranc, Frances A. B.S. Mathematics; South Bend; SNEA; Young Democrats; IMUSC. Krippner, Kathleen Jane B.S. Social Studies; Ft. Wayne; Alpha Phi; Olympic College, Pep Club, Sec. Kuhn, Duane D. B.S. English; Kendallville; SNEA. Kurzenberger, Linda S. B.S. Social Studies; Horseheads, N.Y.; Alpha Chi Omega; Singing Hoosiers; Student Senate; AWS; Special Projects; IU Foundation. Kuster, Carolyn A. B.S. Elementary Education; Centerville; Senior Class Council; Council for Exceptional Children; Sailing Club; YWCA; Beck House, Treas. Lacey, Barbara J. B.S. Special Education; North Bend, Ohio; Alpha Omicron Pi, Scholarship Ch.; Senior Class Council; Mini 500 Race; Union Board Comms.; SAB Card Section. Each, Margaret L. B.S. Elementary-Special Education; Brownsburg. Lancaster, Richard C. B.S. Social Studies; Ft. Wayne; J-Board; IU Sing.Lange, Linda L. B.S. English; Kenton, Ohio; Zeta Tau Alpha, Con. Sec; IU Foundation; Freshman Camp Counselor; YWCA; Willkie Quad, J-Board; Senior Class Council. Laurel!, Karen J. B.S. Fine Arts; Batesville; NAEA; Sailing Club; McNutt Choraliers. Lawrence, Lennie R. B.S. Fine Arts; Bloomington.
Lear, Janet Sue B.S. Mathematics; Kokomo; IRHA J-Board, Vice-Ch., 196768; Resident Assistant; IU Foundation; SNEA.Lee, Rogena L. B.S. Biology; Oakland City. Lee, Shirley Kay B.S. Mathematics; South Bend. LeGarie, Suzanne M. B.S. Speech and Theatre; Detroit, Mich.; University Theatre Productions. Leightly, Julia Noelker B.S. Elementary Education; Seymour; Alpha Chi Omega; Oceanides; YWCA; IU Foundation.
Lennon, Carol M. B.S. Elementary Education; South Bend.Lentz, Sharon L. B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington.Leopold, Patricia A. B.S. English; South Bend. Leslie, Barbara J. B.S. Sociology; Whiting; Alpha Lambda Delta; Dean's List; National Council for Soc. Studies; AISEC. Levy, Holly M. B.S. English; Wilmette, Ill.; Alpha Gamma Delta, Second Vice-Pres.; Sigma Alpha Iota; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pleiades; YWCA Redbook, Ch.; Belles of Indiana.
Lewsader, Barbara A. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Willkie Quad, Sec.; IU Sing. Linderman, Nancy B. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Sigma Delta Tau, Assistant Scholarship Ch.; Transfer Student from Univ. of Oklahoma. Link, Jacqueline M. B.S. Elementary Education; Kokomo. Livingston, Michael J. B.S. Social Studies; Indianapolis; Phi Kappa Theta; Skull and Crescent; Falcon Club; IU Foundation; Sailing Club.Loeper, Carolyn S. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Student Council for Exceptional Children. Loman, Virginia Green B.S. Elementary Education; Rushville; Pi Beta Phi, Standards Officer; YMCA; ACE. Loonsten, Nancy K. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; YWCA; Card Section Comm.; Outing Club.Lucas, Danny J. B.S. English; Freetown; Alpha Sigma Phi; Little 500 Mechanic.Ludlow, Brandt L. B.S. Mathematics; Bloomington; Kappa Delta Rho, Intramural Ch.; President of Class of 1969, Senior Class Council; 1U Foundation; YMCA; Freshman Camp Counsellor; Redbook Steering Comm.; Student Senator; IFC Intramural All-Star Basketball Team.Lundin, Madelyn L. B.S. Social Studies; Oak Ridge, Tenn.; Sigma Delta Tau; Union Board Secretarial Comm.; Arbutus Staff. Lunte, Pamela B.S. Elementary Education; Seymour; Pi Lambda Theta. Mader, Suzanne K. B.S. Elementary Education; Richmond; McNutt Quad, JBoard, Gov., Soc. Ch. Majewski, Robert L. B.S. Business Education; South Bend; Unit Sec., Treas. Maloney, Molly Ann A.B. Home Economics; Indianapolis; Kappa Alpha Theta; YWCA; S.A.C. Steering Comm. for Union Board; IU Chapter of American Home Economics Assoc.Manley, Marquita M. A.B. Elementary Education; Bloomington; SEA; Usher Corps, Assistant Orchestra Manager. Mann, Shirley K. B.S. Elementary Education; Lansing. Ill.; CEC.; Alpha Lambda Delta. Manoski, Kathleen J. B.S. Elementary Education; Gary. Martin, Barbara A. B.S. English; Crown Point. Martin, Micki J. B.S. Chemistry; Clarksville; Dialogue I; Chess; Dean's List; Chem. Lab Assistant. Mason, Fern E. Genie B.S. Special Education and Elementary Education; Terre Haute; Forest Quad, Vice-Pres.; Deseret Club, Sec.; CEC; Cosmopolitan Club.
Matthew, Barbara M. B.S. Speech and Hearing; North Babylon, L.I., N.Y.; Sailing Club. McCarthy, Carol E. B.S. Elementary Education; Highland. McClelland, Marcia Lee B.S. Elementary Education; Bluffton; McNutt Quad, Floor Council; Crimson Cadettes; Young Republicans.McMillan, Norma B.S. Elementary Education; Portage; SNEA; ACE; Teter, Gov.Mead, Evadine L. B.S. Biology; South Bend.
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Meadors, Margaret S. B.S. English; Otwell. Meece, Janet L. B.S. English; Richmond; Willkie Quad, Resident Assistant; Dean's List. Merrell, Janet S. B.S. Elementary Education; Evansville; Alpha Phi, Treas., Efficiency Officer; IU Foundation; Merit Scholarship; Dean's List; YWCA, Live Y'ers. Meyer, Donna Bnigh B.S. Biology; Bloomington; Alpha Omicron Pi, Vice-Pres. Michel, .lo A. A.B. Elementary Education; Milan; Driver Education.
Mingle, Deborah A. B.S. Elementary Education; Speedway; YWCA.Mitchell, Catherine M. B.S. Elementary Education; Mishawaka.Moeller, Nancy M. B.S. Home Economics; Adams. Moore, Debarah D. B.S. Special Education; Jeffersonville; Council for Exceptional Children, Membership and Program Ch.; YWCA. Moore, Pamela K. B.S. English; Elkhart.
Moore, Richard N. B.S. Spanish; Greenfield; Delta Sigma Pi, Sec.Morgan, Jacqueline M. B.S. Elementary Education; Kokomo; Alpha Kappa Alpha. Morganett, I.arry L. B.S. Social Studies; Alpha Phi Omega; Young Democrats. Moritz, Nora B. B.S. Elementary Education and Special Education; Seymour. Morris, Linda M. B.S. Elementary Education: St. Louis, Mo.; Dance Comm. Ch. of Jr. Class Council; Gov. of McNutt, DelgadoI; Community Service Ch. of McNutt; General Ch. of Children's Parties, IU Foundation; Service Award, Union Board. Moskowitz, Nancy R. B.S. Elementary Education; Lexington, Ky.; Alpha Epsilon Phi, Pledge Tr.: Monte Carlo Activities Fair;IU Sing. Moussallam, Martha A. B.S. Speech; Mentone; IU Sing; Action Convention, Delegate; Social Service Club. Nluirhead, John D. B.S. Social Studies; Danville, Ill.; Varsity Basketball. Mundy, Kelli B.S. Elementary Education; Youngstown, Ohio; Chi Omega; Sr. Class Council; Union Board, Children's Parties, Miss IU Pageant; SAB Card Section; YWCA. Murad, Jacqueline R. B.S. Latin; Hammond; Zeta
Tau Alpha, Asst. Ritual Ch.; Eta Sigma Phi; Sec. of Candy Stripers.
Murphy, Kathleen A. B.S. Special Education; Indianapolis; SCEC; Willkie, Sec., Treas. Murphy, Linda L. B.S. Elementary Education; Cincinnati, Ohio; Alpha Chi Omega; Angel Flight; Alpha Lambda Delta.Myars, Lanna D. B.S. Mathematics; Bargersville; SNEA: NCTM.Myers, Craig E. A.B. Social Stud-
ies; Lowell; Beta Theta Pi; Singing Hoosiers; McNutt, Vice-Pres. of Organization. Myers, Donald L. B.S. Biology; Selma; YMCA.
Myers, Marilynn R. B.S. Biology; Indianapolis; Alpha Gamma Delta, Membership Ch.; Sr. Class Council; YWCA; SEA; Union Board Comm.Niblick, Susan Jane B.S. Social Studies; Bluffton; Landes House, Sec., House Council; YWCA. International Bazaar, Building for Brotherhood, Dorm Extension. Nicholson, Brenda C. B.S. Mathematics; Borden; Teter, Communications Coord., Vice-Gov.; NCTM.Nickless, John E. B.S. Mathematics; Bedford. Niehaus, Jon J. B.S. Biology; Connersville.
Niksch, Donna D. B.A. Social Science; Hobart.Nordlund, Marcy B. B.S. Social Studies; Valparaiso; Delta Delta Delta.Norris, Jeanne H. B.S. English; Bloomington; Alpha Chi Omega.Norris, Roger A. B.S. Biology; Hobart; Phi Kappa Psi; Varsity Track Team, 2.Nottingham, Norma A. B.A. Elementary Education; Anderson; Alpha Chi Omega;1U Foundation, Vice-Pres.; Pres. of
Jr. Panhellenic; Fresh. Camp Counsellor; University Rose Bowl Committee, Sec. of Jr. Class; Fr., Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Council.
Novotny, Diana L. B.S. Elementary Education; Prospect Heights, Ill.; Sr. Class Council. Nugen, Byron R. B.S. Social Studies; Lewisville; Alpha Sigma Phi; Intramurals; Prudential Board.Nye, Mary Lou B.S. Elementary Education; South Bend; Alpha Xi Delta; SNEA; Cheerblock.Nyhus, Nancy A. B.S. Special Education; Evanston, Ill.; Forest Quad, J-Board; Freshman Orientor; SCEC; Dean's List; Candy Striper. Oberly, Charles M. B.S. Biology; Wyatt; Alpha Phi Omega; Ch. Willkie Election Commission.
O'Brien, Ann F. B.S. Elementary Education; Bedford; Alpha Omicron Pi, B.O.S. Member; Young Democrats, Impact; SNEA.Olson, Christine L. A.B. Elementary Education; Indianapolis. Olson, Lynn Ellen B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington; SNEA.Olson, Patricia S. B.S. Elementary Education; Dyer; McNutt Quad, Gov., Hall Council. O'Neal, Garry W. B.S. Social Stud-
ies; Madison.
Ongert, Sharon L. B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology; Sigma Alpha Eta; Teter Quad, Hospitality Co-ord.; IRHA Election Comm.Opsahl, Marcia J.
B.S. Elementary Education; McNutt, Delgado Communications Ch.; McNutt Choraliers. Orphan, Maria V. B.S. Elementary Education; Gary; Dean's List. Orsini, Patricia A. B.S. Elementary Education; Manasquan, N.J.; Chi Omega, Soc. Co-ord.; Sr. Class Council; Union Board. Pop Concerts; Arbutus General Staff; Card Section of SAB; IU Sing. Overman, Adrianҟ B.S. Social Studies; Westfield; MRC Student Government; Intramurals.
Owens, Lynn L. B.S. School Library Science; Franklin; Delta Delta Delta, Treas.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pi Lambda Theta; Children's Matinee Steering Comm.; Metz Scholar. Pallo, Barbara E. B.S. Elementary Education; Olivette 32, Mo. Pankiewicz, Ted B.S. Speech and Hearing; Gary; Circle K International, Vice-Pres., Lt. Gov.; Student Council Treas. at IU Northwest. Papacek, Jerry J. B.S. Mathematics; Kokomo. Patterson, Karen L. B.A. Art; Toledo, Ohio; Chi Omega; Angel Flight Officer; Miss IU Pageant Steering Comm.; First Fling Dance Steering Comm.; Enomene; Pleiades; Chairman Of Display Cases. Paul, Nlyrene E. B.A. English; Canton, Ohio: Union Board Comm.; NSEA; Young Democrats; Student Election Commission Co.rn.Payne, Rebecca J. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis. Pekarsky, Judith Esther A.B. Radio and TV; Gary; Rho Tau Sigma; Student Government, Public Relations; Action Party; Arbutus Staff; Head Writer For WQAD and WIUS.Pence, Barbara B.S. Elementary Education; Akron, Ohio; Jr., Sr. Class Councils; Student Elections Commission, Ch.; IU Foundation Steering Comm.; Mini Rider. Perryman, Janice L. B.S. Social Studies; Indianapolis; Alpha Lambda Delta; Wesley Foundation; AWS Legislative Board; INSITE. Petroff, Elenore B.S. Social Studies; Ft. Wayne. Piccirillo, Carol L. B.S. Elementary Education; Dayton, Ohio. Piller, Patricia M. B.S. Fine Arts; South Bend. Pinney, Kaylyn B.S. Speech and Theatre; South Bend; University Productions. Pipher, Richard E. B.S. English; Elkhart.
Pletcher, Jacqueline L. B.S. English; Nappanee; Kappa Kappa Gamma; IU Foundation Steering Comm. Poffenbarger, Retta Jane B.S. Education; Anderson; Little 500 Ticket Representative; McNutt Floor Gov.; SAB Floor Representative. Poffenberger, Cynthia L. B.S. English; Ft. Wayne; Alpha Omicron Pi; Honor Student; Founder's Day Award; Undergraduate Leadership Conference. Polley, Barry G. B.S. Biology; Seymour; Pi Kappa Phi; Sr. Class Council; Young Republicans. Pontius, Sharon J. B.S. Social Studies; Ft. Wayne; YWCA; Social Service Club.
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Pope, Sharon Lynn B.S. Speech and Theatre; Hobart.Porter, Beth E. B.S. Elementary Education; Arcadia; Zeta Tau Alpha; YWCA; SNEA; Union Board Comm., Children's Parties Steering Comm. Porter, George H. B.S. Biology; Indianapolis. Powell, Jerry L. B.S. Mathematics; Griffith. Powell, Katherine Elaine B.S. Speech and Theatre; Greenwood; Alpha Xi Delta, Song Leader; Arbutus Staff; Singing Hoosiers; Sr. Class Council; IU Sing.
Procopio, Laura J. B.S. Elementary Education; Hobart.Proudfit, Linda E. B.S. Elementary Education; Osceola. Quandt, C E B.S. Biology; Indianapolis; Theta Xi, Sec.; Founder Theta Xi Colony. Rand, Susan L. B.S. Elementary Education; Hobart. Ray, Judith M. B.S. Social Studies; Chesterton.
Reber, Rita D. M.S. Speech and Hearing; Huntington.Redsecker, Jeane A. B.S. English; Goshen. Reece, Martha L. B.S. Social Studies; Kokomo.Reed, Connie M. B.S. Social Studies; Anderson; Alpha Chi Omega.Reed, Dennis L. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis.
Rehiling, Stephanie K. B.A. English; Martinsville.Renz, Vicki K. B.S. English; LaPorte. Rice, Rudy W. B.S. Social Studies; New Albany; Circle K, Pres.; Sr. Advisor; SNEA; Student Council.Richards, Shirley Shields B.S. English; Columbus. Ridenour, Judith K. B.S. Elementary Education; Eckerty; Navigators; NEA.
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Ridings, David W. B.S. Biology; Syracuse. Riess, Mary M. B.S. Elementary Education; Connersville. Ripperger, Jo Ann B.S. Elementary Education; Green-
field; Alpha Xi Delta, P.R. Co-ord.; Jr., Sr. Class Councils; LUR Steering Comm.; IU Sing; Editor of Quad Newspaper. Rittenhouse, Larry J. B.S. Social Studies; Auburn; Phi Sigma Lambda; SEA; Dean's List; Little 500 Scholarship. Roberts, Jimmie L. B.S. Social Studies; Pekin.
Roberts, Pamela J. B.S. Elementary Education; South Bend; Alpha Kappa Alpha. Robinson, William A. B.S. Social Studies; New Albany; Varsity Track Team; I-Man's Club. Rochman, Janis K. B.S. Elementary Education; Indian-
apolis; Sigma Delta Tau. Corr. Sec.; Phi Lambda Theta; Union Board, Activities Fair; Student-Faculty Relations Comm.Rodda, Jane D. B.S. Elementary Education; Munster. Rosenbarger, Barbara A. B.S. English; Indianapolis; IU Foundation; Teter Quad, J-Board, Academic Co-ord., Soc. Co-ord.
Rosenberg, Patricia R. B.S. Biology; Louisville, Ky.; Alpha Epsilon Phi, VicePres. Ross, Nancy S. B.S. English; Jeffersonville. Roth, William G. B.S. Speech and Theatre; Buffalo, N.Y.; Theta Chi, Pres.Roush, Rhonda R. B.S. Elementary Education; Morgantown; Mini Rider; SNEA.Rowe, Kathryn Joyce B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Alpha Kappa Alpha, Soc. Ch.;
Sr. Council; Quad Center Council; Student Council of Exceptional Children.
Rowland, Morris B.S. Radio and Television; Bloomington.Royalty, William E.
B.S. Biology; Georgetown; Thompson Hall Fifth Floor, Gov.; Intramural Sports; Little 500; Regional Campus, Sec., Vice-Pres.; Basketball; Baseball; Circle "K." Rudolph, John D. Jr. B.S. Mathematics; Seymour; Dean's List. Rudolph, Laura I.. B.S. Elementary Education; Deerfield, Ill.; Delta Gamma, Assistant Rush Ch.; Angel Flight; Miss IU Pageant Steering Comm.; IU Foundation; Foreign Student Steering Comm.: Mortar Board-Blue Key Retreat Rep. Runyan, Deedra Farr B.S. Elementary Education; Sturgis, Mich.; ACE, Pres.; Union Board, Children's Matinees, Sec.; 1U Foundation. Saltzgaber, Robert L. B.S. Art; South Bend; NAEA; Psychology Club at South Bend Campus, Vice-Pres. Salzman, Rachelle A. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; NEA. Sanders, Alice C. B.S. Elementary Education; Speedway; YWCA. Sanders, Paula D. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Union Board Comm.; Floor Rep. Sarantos, Mitzi A. B.S. Elementary Education;
Elkhart; Alpha Omicron Pi, Pledge Tr.; Soc. Ch. of Jr. Panhel; IU Foundation; Sr. Class Council; SNEA.
Sawyer, Tina J. B.S. Elementary Education; Bedford; Alpha Omicron Pi,
House Mngr.; Sr. Class Council; Card Section Comm.; Hoosier Host; Student Leader. Sax, Nancy J. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; SNEA; Dean's List; Action Party Delegate. Saxtion, Ann G. B.S. Elementary Education; Northbrook, Ill.; Delta Gamma. Schenk, Charlene D. B.S. Speech and Hearing; Evansville; Sigma Alpha Eta, Sec.; Speech and Theatre Student Advisory Board; IU Foundation; Floor Treas., Sec.-Treas. of Wing.Scherer, Aimee A. A.B. Journalism; Ft. Wayne; Indiana Daily Student Staff Writer.
Schneider, Bonnie S. B.S. Art; Shelbyville; Sigma Delta Tau; YWCA, Treas.; NAEA, Treas. Schoettmer, Lura Bayless B.S. Elementary Education; Columbus. Schroeder, Jack F. B.S. Social Studies; Terre Haute; Roger Williams Foundation. Scott, Beverly Dine B.S. Elementary Education; Speedway; Resident Scholar; YWCA. Seeger, Jeannene A.B. Journalism; Decatur; Pi Delta
Epsilon; Indiana Daily Student Staff Writer.
Seely, Diana Jean B.S. English; Nashville; J-Board, Ch.; Unit Gov.Segal, Patty F. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Sigma Delta Tau, Standards, Pledge Tr.; Union Board Secretarial Staff.Shafer, Laura Lee B.S. Elementary Education; Portage. Shake, Nancy J. B.S. Art; Olney, Ill.; Children's Matinee; NAEA. Shaw, Pamela A. B.S. English; Knox; Alpha Gamma Delta.
Sheetz, Kenneth L. B.S. Social Studies; South Bend; Head Rec. Co-ord.; Exec. Council. Shipley, Catharine A. B.S. Elementary Education; La Porte; Delta Gamma; YWCA; Candy Striper; Young Republicans.Siler, Carl R. B.S. Social Studies; Kokomo; Honor Student.Silver, John S. B.S. Social Studies; New Albany. Siri, Linda L. B.S. English, Mishawaka; IU Foundation; SNEA; Sailing Club.
Slater, James P. B.S. Biology; Concord, Calif.; Dean's List; J-Board, Ch.; Intramurals. Smiley, Beth Christina B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology; Rochester; Sigma Alpha Eta; Dean's List. Smith, Brenda J. B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington. Smith, Janet Claire M.S. Special Education; Atlanta, Ga.; Sigma Delta Tau, Rec. Sec. Smith, Joyce Anne B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington.
Snead, Helen Nankivell B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington; Kappa Kappa Gamma; YWCA; Student Government. Snead, Sarah M. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; YWCA; Transfer Student, Gulf Park Jr. College. Sneed, Carol A. B.S. Elementary Education; Gary; Alpha Kappa Alpha; Faculty-Student Sub-comm. on Discrimination Practices for the School of Ed. Snyder, Robert J. B.S. Social Studies; Ft. Wayne.Solomon, Peggy Beth B.S. Speech and Hearing Therapy; Norwalk, Conn.; Sigma Alpha Eta; J-Board Floor Rep.; Children's Matinee, Steering Comm.; Four Lively Arts, Steering Comm. Somsel, Michael A. B.S. Biology; Kokomo; Alpha Phi Omega, Vice-Pres., Soc. Ch.; Rugby Club, Soc. Ch.; PEMM Club; Student Council at Kokomo Campus; Intramurals. Soverly, Ronald A. B.S. Social Studies; Griffith. Spak, Virginia D. B.S. Social Studies; East Chicago. Springer, Cynthia K. B.S. Elementary Education; Ft. Wayne; Zeta Tau Alpha, Vice-Pres.; Mortar Board; Panhellenic, Rec. Sec.; IU Foundation; Pleiades, Vice-Pres.; Alpha Lambda Delta, Hist. Spurlock, Patricia A. B.S. Social Studies; Martinsville.
Stair, Joanna Floyd B.S. Elementary Education; Louisville, Ky.; SNEA. Staser, Linda C. B.S. Elementary Education; New Albany; SNEA.Stasey, Elizabeth J. B.S. Elementary Education; Jasper; Dean's List. Steele, Brent E. B.S. Elementary Education; Bedford; Little 500 Rider; Center Council; SNEA.Steele, Elizabeth M. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis.
Stern, Evelyn Frances B.S. Speech and Hearing Therapy; St. Louis, Mo.; Read Center Student Government; Sigma Alpha Eta, Treas.; IU Foundation; Alpha Lambda Delta; IU Sing. Stevens, Susan L. B.A. Elementary Education; Michigan City. Stewart, Carl Hays B.S. Mathematics; Bloomington. Stewart, Lana J. B.S. English; Bloomington. Stillabower, Faye E. B.S. Social Studies; Shelbyville; Alpha Xi Delta, Pledge Tr.; AWS, SNEA.
Stinson, Peg J. B.S. English; Anderson; Delta Gamma; Alpha Lambda Delta; IU Foundation Steering Comm.; Dean's List. Stone, Karen Sue B.S. Social Studies; Evansville. Stout, Michael B. B.S. Biology; Fern Creek, Ky.; I Men's Club; Varsity Track and Field; Cross Country Team; PEMM Club. Strauss, George F. B.S. Social Studies; New Albany; Phi Kappa Psi, Vice-Pres.; IU Foundation; Student Elections Commission; IU Speaker's Bureau; Regatta Comm.; IFC Rep. to Homecoming Rules and Regulation Comm. Strawser, Sherri C. B.S. Elementary Education; Ft. Wayne; Alpha Xi Delta; University Singers; IU Foundation; Sr. Class Council. Striby, Joanie E. B.S. Elementary Education; Jeffersonville. Stroud,James L. B.S. Social Studies; Gary; SNEA; Young Democrats. Sutton, Terry J. B.S. Mathematics; Attica; Pi Kappa Alpha. Swain, Pamela S. B.S. Elementary Education; Arlington. Swan, Leslie J. B.S. Speech and Hearing; Rye, N.Y.; Sigma Alpha Eta; McNutt Choraliers.
Swanson, Marilyn J. B.S. Elementary Education; LaCrosse; NEA. Swenson, Laurel V. B.S. English; Gary; Sailing Club. Swift, Ellen Sherby B.S. Elementary Education; Hammond; Chi Omega, Rush Ch.; Fr. Camp Counselor; Student Athletic Board, Treas.; IU Foundation.Swoveland, Mary Louise B.S. English; Hartford City. Szabo, Christine E. B.S. Elementary Education; South Bend; SNEA; Gov.; Homecoming; Little 500.
Tabor, Nina B.S. Elementary Education and Special Education; Decatur, Ill.; YWCA Cabinet; Belles of Indiana; Cosmopolitan Club; Council for Exceptional Children. Talbott, Daniel F. B.S. English; Warsaw. Tamaribuchi, Katherine Takeko B.S. Secondary Education; Wahiawa, Oahu Hawaii; Delta Zeta, Vice-Pres.; Arbutus Staff. Taylor, James L. B.S. Secondary Education; Gary; Kappa Alpha Psi; Scrollers Club; Flying Club; Photography Club; Intramural Sports. Taylor, Kathleen A. B.S. Elementary Education; Gary; Zeta Tau Alpha, Rush Ch.; AWS Transfer Tea; Union Board Steering Comm., Children's Parties. Thompson, Barbara A. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Alpha Omicron Pi, Assistant Corr. Sec., Rush Counselor. Thompson,Jane A. B.S. Elementary Education; Carmel. Thompson, Sandra K. B.A. Elementary Education; Galveston; Ushering Corps; Orientation Staff; NAEYC; IAEYC; NEA. Thornton, Linda J. B.S. Special Education; Tipton; YWCA; IU Sing; ViceGov. Ticen, Barbara J. B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington.
Toby, Angela V. B.S. Elementary Education; Floyd Knobs; Alpha Delta Kappa; Student Government; Little 500 Unit Rep.; SNEA, Vice-Pres.; Dean's List. Tomlin, Linda I.ee B.S. Education; Jeffersonville; Willkie North Five, Sec.-Treas. Tomlinson, Cathy E. B.S. Biology; Indianapolis. Torikai, Sharon M. A.B. English; Hilo, Hawaii. Tucker, Jane E. B.S. Elementary Education; Ft. Wayne.
Tucker, Melody S. B.S. Social Studies; Carbondale, Ill.; Briscoe Quad, JBoard; Student Leader. Turajlic, Millie B.S. Social Studies; Gary. Ulrich, Sally A. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Delta Delta Delta, Transfer; Sr. Class Council; Dean's List; Union Board Comm.; YWCA Comm.; SAB Comm. Underwood, Diana I.. B.S. Elementary Education; Springfield. Underwood, Gayle L. B.S. English; Griffith; Delta Delta Delta, Soc. Ch.; Panhellenic Exec. Board; President Soc. Ch.'s Workshop; Angel Flight, Military Ball Queen Finalist; Delgate to Blue Key-Mortar Board Leadership Conference. Unger, Barbara Kendall B.S. Elementary Education; Bloomington. Van Kirk, Kathryn J. B.S. Elementary Education; New Haven.Van Matre, George Harmon Jr. B.S. Biology; New Castle. Vargo, Rosemary B.S. Elementary Education; South Bend; ACE; SNEA; Sailing Club; Dorm Gov., Soc. Ch. Vaughn, Carol A. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Student Council for Exceptional Children; YWCA.
Vaughn, Larry E. B.S. Biology; Bloomington; Student Government; Intramural Sports. Villarreal, Linda L. B.S. Social Studies; Gary. Vincent,Brenta L. B.S. Elementary Education; Dunkirk; Kappa Delta; YWCA; Sr. Class Council; SAB; SNEA. Wagner, Katy L. B.S. English; Porter; Alpha Phi, Soc. Ch.; Jr. Class Council; YWCA; AWS Steering Comm. Walke,Beverly J. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; Alpha Omicron Pi, Pledge Tr.
Walker, Carolyn M. B.S. Elementary Education; Salem. Wall, Barbara Ann B.S. English; Kendallville. Wallace,David L. B.S. Elementary Education; Cicero; Hoosier Host; Soc. Director of Stockwell College.Waller, Ann B.S. English; Washington. Walls, Patricia M. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis.
Walsmith, Virginia S. B.A. Speech and Hearing Therapy; Indianapolis; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Purdue University Transfer Student.Walter, Patricia Lee B.S. Elementary Education; Columbia City; Delta Gamma; Union Board Comm.; YWCA; Sr. Class Council. Waits, Margie Gray Adams B.S. Social Studies; Corydon; Phi Mu At Hanover College.Warrick, Linda K. B.S. Social Studies; Pittsboro. Warriner, Robb K. B.S. Speech Pathology; Salem; Floor Treas.; IU Sing.
Wartenbe, Robert S. B.S. Social Studies; Ft. Wayne. Wasowski, James A. B.S. Social Studies; South Bend; Intramural Sports; Little 500 Rider.Watson, Carol F. Elementary Education; New Albany; Dean's List; SNEA; ACE. Watson, Kenneth E. B.S. Social Studies; Ft. Wayne. Wayman, M. Katherine B.S. Speech and Theatre; Plainfield; Alpha Gamma Delta, Pres.; Mu Phi Epsilon; IMU Board of Directors; Mortar Board; Singing Hoosiers; Student Elections Commission.
Weddell, Edna J. B.S. German; Goshen; SEA. Wehrly, Cindy A. B.A. Speech and Theater; Portland; Zeta Tau Alpha; Union Board; YWCA; Young Democrats; Harper V. Treas.; Sr. Class Council.Weir, Mary L. B.S. Art; Pitman, NJ.; Pi Beta Phi; Fr., Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Councils; Student Leader; YWCA; Fr. Advisory Commission; Action District Ch. Weitzel, Mary E. B.S. English; Lancaster, Pa.; Chi Omega; Alpha Lambda Delta; Angel Flight; Children's Parties; Campus Chest, Publicity; Student Leader.Werner, Carol A. B.S. Elementary Education; Silver Lake. West, Linda K. B.S. Elementary Education; Carmel.West, Sandra K. B.A. Elementary Education; Bloomington.Westerman, Sandra Kay B.S. Education; Ft. Wayne; Willkie Quad, Gov.; Sr. Class Council.Whetstone, Helen D. B.S. Education; Clayton. White, William Alan B.S. Social Science; Indianapolis.
Whiteman, Phillip L. B.S. Social Studies; Indianapolis; Student Senate Rep.; Ath. Ch.; Sr. Class Council; IU Foundation Finance Comm.Wierciak, Donna B.S. Elementary Education; Ft. Wayne; Alpha Omicron Pi.Wilder, Judith Shives B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; ACE; SNEA.Wilkins, Monta B.S. Elementary Education; Leavenworth. Williams, Mary Lynne B.S. Biology; Chesterton; Teter, Gov.; J-Board, Sec; IMU Pop Concerts Comm.
Williams, Raelynn A. B.S. Elementary Education; Springfield, Ohio; McNutt, Gov.; SEA; YWCA. Williams, Steven Owen B.S. Social Studies; Logansport. Williamson, Jane A. B.S. Special Education; Angola; YWCA; Mini Rider; Dean's List. Willis, Nancy L. B.S. Elementary Education; Indianapolis; SNEA; Fr. Orientation Staff; Transfer from Indianapolis Regional Campus.Wilson, Jane A. B.S. Elementary Education; Dale; IU Sing.
Winslow, Martha E. B.S. Elementary Education; Franklin; YWCA, Bazaar Steering Comm.; ACE, Sec.; Union Board; SEA.Winters, Candice Dianne B.A. Elementary Education; Greensburg.Wishard, Elizabeth Cumming B.S. Elementary Education; Martinsville. Witte, Karen S. B.S. Elementary Education; Decatur; ACE, Publicity Ch.; Forest, Orientation Steering Comm., Soc. Comm. Wood, Charles A. B.S. Mathematics; Washington; Great Issues Senator; Student Government Senator.
Wood, Donna Marie B.S. Elementary Education; Hobart; SNEA.Woods, Marjorie L. B.S. Elementary Education; Winchester; Cedar Hall, Soc. Ch.; Dean's List. Woodward, Ronald Lee B.S. Social Sciences; New Albany. Wozny, Elaine E. Noland B.S. English; Lansing, Ill. Wright, Boyd W. B.S. Business Education; Borden.
Wright, Linda M. B.S. English; Indianapolis; Sigma Kappa, Pres., Rush Ch.: IU Foundation: IU Speakers Bureau; Arbutus, Organizations Editor; LUNA. Wright, Luanne B.S. English; Linton; Alpha Phi; Student Leader; Arbutus Staff; IMU Sailing Club; SEA; IMU Comm. Wright, Martie Lynn B.S. English; Louisville, Ky.; Zeta Tau Alpha; YWCA; International Affairs Commission. Wyland, Carol Lynn B.S. Art Education; Indianapolis; IU Sing; NAEA. Yoder, Martha A. B.S. Elementary Education; Whiting; ACE; Cosmopolitan Club; IU Sing; SEA. Zeck, Craig A. B.S. Biology; DeMotte; Phi Eta Sigma; Residence Scholar, Vice-Gov.; Intramural Sports.Ziessman, Penny L. B.A. Elementary Education; Bloomington; Sigma Delta Tau, Vice-Pres., Pres.; IU Foundation; Dean's List. Zmirski, Jo Ann B.S. Math; East Chicago. Zondor,Charles A. B.S. English; Whiting: Phi Epsilon Pi, Vice-Pres.; Sigma Delta Chi; SEA; Indiana Daily Student Staff.
Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Allega, Daniel R. B.S. Recreation; Vincennes; Undergraduate Recreation Society. Anderson, Diana J. B.S. Physical Education; Greenwood; Delta Psi Kappa; PEMM Club. Arvin, James B.S. Physical Education; Indianapolis; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Epsilon Kappa, Vice-Pres; IU Foundation; Normal College; Class Pres. Fr., Soph. Bendure, Sherry Lee B.S. Recreation; Ft. Wayne; Delta Delta Delta, Song Leader; Union Board, Monte Carlo, Christmas Eve on Campus, Steering Comm. SAB: IU Sing Steering Comm.; Undergraduate Recreation Society; IU Foundation.Benedict, Victoria J. B.S. Physical Education; Winchester; Alpha Xi Delta; Oceanides, PEMM Club; WRA, Publicity Ch.; Union Board Rep.; Crimson Cadets. Brown, Harry D. B.S. Physical Education; Akron, Ohio; Pi Kappa Alpha; Phi Epsilon Kappa; PEMM Club; Feature Twirler with Marching 100; Sr. Class Council; Dean's List. Bugel, Susan B.S. Recreation; Nashville, Tenn.; Baptist Student Union, Sec.-Treas., Vice-Pres., Pres.; Undergraduate Recreation Society; Speakers' Bureau. Burd, Alan F. B.S. Recreation; Spencer; Judo Club; Rugby Club; Christian Science Org.; Undergraduate Recreation Society. Burns, Donald J. B.S. Physical Education; Green Bay, Wis.; Phi Epsilon Kappa, Pres.; PEMM Club; Judo Club, Vice-Pres.; Sailing Club; Dean's List. Conwell, Judy L. A.B. Physical Education; Westport; LUNA. Corey, Sharon B.S. Physical Education; Indianapolis; Delta Psi Kappa; PEMM Club. Donnelly, Anne M. B.S. Physical Education; Ft. Wayne; WRA Sports Head; IU Women's Tennis Team; Community Chest; PEMM Club; IU Foundation. Donovan, Patricia E. B.S. Physical Education; Indianapolis. Edgar, Regina A. B.S. Physical Education; Arcola, Ill.; PEMM Club; Arbutus Staff; IU Foundation; Floor Gov., Vice-Gov. Freeman, Judith G. B.S. Physical Education; Crown Point; PEMM Club WRA Board. Friesner, Susan Frances B.S. Physical Education; Osceola; WRA; PEMM Club. Coot, Becky Anderson B.S. Physical Education; Bloomington; PEMM Club. Grubb, Karen J. B.S. Physical Education; Hammond; Kappa Delta, Activities Ch.; Outstanding Jr. Woman's Award; PEMM Club, Sec. YWCA; SAB Comm.; Sr. Class Council. HaLsted,Ann C. B.S. Recreation; Dayton, Ohio; Pi Beta Phi, Sec., House Mngr.; IU Foundation Steering Comm.; International Bazaar Steering Comm.; Undergraduate Recreation Society, Sec.; IU Sing Program Comm.; Sr. Class Council. Hammond,Chris L. B.S. HPER; Indianapolis; PEMM Club; Delta Psi Kappa; Normal College. Hensley, Nancy Ann B.S. Physical Education; Anderson; WRA, Board of Directors; PEMM Club; WIUS, Traffic Director. Herrman, Bud B.S. Recreation; Alexandria, Va.; Undergraduate Recreation Society; IMU Outing Club, Pres.; Ski Club; Flying Club. Hieber, J. Elaine B.S. Physical Education; Cold Spring. Ky.; Dean's List; PEMM Club; McNutt Floor Gov.; J-Board, Ch.; WRA, Pres.; Sullins Junior College Graduate. James,Janelle B.S. Physical Education; Russiaville; Pi Beta Phi, Soc. Ch.; PEMM Club; WRA Exec. Board; SAB Dad's Day Steering Comm. Jaquess, Cinda Rice B.S. Physical Education; Pushville; WRA, Sporthead; PEMM Club; IU Sing; Women's Basketball Team; Women's Softball Team.
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Kain, Donald J. B.S. Physical Education; Orland; Intramurals; Little 500 Rider; Unit Treas.; PEMM Club.Kenyon, Donald Rick B.S. Physical Education; Liverpool, N.Y.; Phi Epsilon Kappa; Gymnastic Team; Normal College. Klein, Bari A. B.S. Physical Education; Shawnee Mission, Kan.; Sigma Delta Tau; PEMM Club; Sr. Class Council; Arbutus Staff; Union Board Comm.; Student Elections Comm. Kleinschmidt,Dean L. B.S. Health and Safety; Morgan, Minn.; Phi Gamma Delta; l'hi Epsilon Kappa, Treas.; IU Foundation; Sr. Class Council; PEMM Club; Treas., Pres.; SHEMM Club.Kline, Donald J. B.S. Physical Education; Camillus, N.Y.; Phi Epsilon Kappa, Sargeant of Arms. Leinart, Kay Tyree B.S. Physical Education; Bloomington.Lorene, E. Gale B.S. HPER; Langhorne, Pa.; Pi Beta Phi; House Mngr.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Mortar Board; Oceanides, Pres.; PEMM Club, Vice-Pres.Luherda, Mary Ann .1. B.S. Physical Education; East Chicago; Kappa Delta; Student Government Flight Program; Sr. Class Council; PEMM Club; YWCA, Publicity Ch. Marquart, Michel R. B.S. Physical Education; Liverpool, N.Y.; Phi Epsilon Kappa; Varsity Gymnastic Team. Marshall, Carolyn Rickard B.S. Physical Education; Greenville. Marten, Bruce W. B.S. Recreation; Bloomington; Undergraduate Recreation Society, Treas.; Little 500 Scholarship Winner. McCahill, Carol A. B.S. Recreation; Bloomington. Montgomery, Kofie L. B.S. Physical Education; Greenwood, Ind.; Delta Psi Kappa; Dean's Advisory Board; PEMM Club, Pres.; WRA Board; Oceanidies. Neuendorf, Mary E. B.S. Physical Education; Ft. Wayne; WRA; PEMM Club; IU Foundation; Foster Quad, Floor Gov., Cult. Co-ord. O'Hara, Georgia Jean B.S. Therapeutic Recreation; Osceola; Undergraduate Recreation Society. Oliver, Gary A. B.S. Recreation; Nashville; Undergraduate Recreation Society. Orr, Madeleine B.S. Physical Education; Indianapolis; PEMM Club.Owens, Betty Sue B.S. Physical Education; Cincinnati, Ohio; PEMM Club Board; WRA Board; Women's Field Hockey, Basketball, Softball, Volleyball Teams; Judo Club; Scuba Club; Outing Club.Petrone, Alberta R. B.S. Recreation; Wanatah; Undergraduate Recreation Society.Pond, Barbara A. B.S. HPER; Indianapolis; PEMM Club; Delta Psi Kappa; Normal College.
Prieur, Dorisanne B.S. Physical Education; Tonawanda, N.Y.; NCAGU; PEMM Club; Young Republicans; McNutt, Rec. Ch.Reed, Paula Jean B.S. HPER; Batavia, N.Y.; Delta Psi Kappa, Sec.; PEMM Club; Intramurals.Reid, Nancy B. B.S. Recreation; Adelphi, Md.; Undergraduate Recreation Society, Hist.; Sailing Club, Treas.; IU Sing; Mini. Sixsmith, Martha I,. B.S. Physical Education; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Sigma Kappa, Pledge Tr.; Marching 100, Twirler; PEMM Club; YWCA; Young Republicans. Smith, Karen Jo B.S. Physical Education; Petersburg; PEMM; WRA. Smothers, Donald W. B.S. Health and Safety; South Bend; Kappa Alpha Psi. Stark, Dale E. B.S. Recreation; Indianapolis; Delta Gamma, Rush Ch.; Pleiades; Mortar Board; IU Foundation Steering Comm.; YWCA-YMCA Freshman Camp, Co-Ch.; Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Councils. Stidham, Susan J. B.S. Physical Education; Richmond; IU Foundation; Women's Tennis Team: PEMM Club; YWCA. Stillhammer, Sharon Kay B.S. Physical Education; Hanover. Stoermer, Terry A. B.S. Physical Education; Evansville; Phi Sigma Kappa, Vice-Pres., Student Trainer; Phi Epsilon Kappa; Pledge Tr.; Scabbard and Blade. Snicker, Ricke P. A.B. HPER; Kokomo; Track; Cross Country; I-Men's Club; PEMM Club; Arbutus Sports Writer. Underwood,Cynthia A. B.S. Physical Education; Kokomo; Gamma Phi Beta. Unger, T. Kent B.S. Physical Education; Bloomington. Walden, Sandra L. B.S. Physical Education; Greenfield; Alpha Phi, Treas.; Little 500 Extravaganza Comm.: Panhellenic Rush Counselor; WRA, Treas.; Student Leader; PEMM Club. Whiteleather,Jill E. B.S. Physical Education; Columbia City; Delta Gamma, Cor. Sec.; PEMM Club; YWCA; WRA. Wiseman, Terry L. B.S. Physical Education; Michigan City; Chi Phi; IU Swimming Team; Water Polo Club. Wolf,Gail E. B.S. Physical Education; Indianapolis; Delta Psi Kappa; IU Foundation. Yaffe, Jody B.S. HPER; St. Louis, Mo.; J-Board; Recreation Co-ord.; Co-Ch. Freshman Fling; WRA Board. Zeiss, Dorothy Jane B.S. Physical Education; Noblesville; Willkie, Orientor, Soc. Comm.; PEMM Club; Sr. Class Council; IU Sing. Zike, Sandra Gerdts B.S. Physical Education; Mooresville.
Alvarez, Ronald J.D. Law; Gary; Alpha Tau Omega; Student Bar Assoc.; IU Foundation. Dyson, Sandra J. Hurt J.D. Law; Bloomington; Undergraduate Degree in History A.B. Fogarty,Robert E. J.D. Law; South Bend; Student Bar Assoc. Son, James R. J.D. Law; Evansville; Phi Alpha Delta; Student Bar Assoc.; Grad. Academic Advisor, Phi Kappa Theta, Sigma Phi Epsilon. Sposeep, Michael I.. J.D. Law; Wabash; Phi Delta Phi; Student Bar Assoc.
Music Alexander, Michael R. B.M.E. Piano; Bedford; Kappa Kappa Psi; Marching 100. Anderson, Robert P. B.M. Double Bass; West Hartford, Conn.; Pi Kappa Lambda; IU Philharmonic. Ballowe, William R. B.M. French Horn; Arlington, Va. Bates, Susan Marie B.M. Piano; Indianapolis; Mu Phi Epsilon; Soph., Jr., Sr. Class Councils; Resident Assistant. Bialon, Stanley Van B.M.E. Education; Whiting; MENC; IU Bands; IU Jazz Band.
Bond, Janet A. B.M.E. Music Education, Violin; Greens Fork; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pi Kappa Lambda; MENC; Mu Phi Epsilon, Sec. Brumfield, Alice B.M.E. Music Education; Princeton; Alpha Omicron Pi; Alpha Lambda Delta; IU Foundation; Singing Hoosiers. Buettell, Susan H. B.S. French Horn; Cleveland, Ohio; Mu Phi Epsilon. Dunnick,D. Kim B.M. Trumpet; Goshen; Pi Kappa Alpha, Pres.; Kappa Kappa Psi, Treas.; Skull and Crescent. Eicher, Paul S. B.S. Opera Stage Direction; Orchard Lake, Mich.; IU Philharmonic; IU Opera Theatre, Stage Manager; Dean's List; National Merit Letter of Commendation. Farrell, Brian I). B.M.E. Voice; Closter, N.J.; Phi Gamma Delta, Song Leader; IU Sing; Singing Hoosiers; Opera Chorus. Friedman,Shereth I. B.S. Voice; Calumet City, Ill.; Acappella Chorus; Singing Hoosiers; IU Sing; Willkie Quad, Chorus. Geller, Michael L. B.M. Double Bass; Chicago, Ill.; IU Philharmonic Orchestra; IU Double Bass Ensemble.Gould, Mary Ellen B.S. Voice and Psychology; Wilmington, Del.; Sigma Alpha Iota; McNutt Choraliers; McNutt Fr. Orientation. Heide, Darrel P. B.S. Voice and Psychology; Mt. Lake; IU Singers; Campus Crusade for Christ. Heller, Ronald H. B.M. Percussion; University Heights, Ohio; Alpha Epsilon Pi; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia; Phi Eta Sigma. Hopping, Mary Jean B.M.E. Music Education, Clarinet; Indianapolis; Alpha Lambda Delta; Mu Phi Epsilon, Chaplain. Kersey, Carol L. B.M.E. Organ; Martinsville; Alpha Omicron Pi; Sigma Alpha Iota; American Guild of Organists; Singing Hoosiers. Kirkpatrick, Ian Blair B.M.E. Organ; State College, Pa.; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia: Culture Comm. McNutt Comm.; Auditorium Usher Corps, Manager; Marching 100. Kocman, Martin A. B.M.E. Music; Hammond; Marching 100. Kunze, Dennis A. B.S. Organ and Philosophy; St. Louis, Mo.; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia; Campus-Inter-Religious Commission, Delegate, Executive Comm.; Draft Counselling Service, Counsellor; Owl Coffee House Worker; Sailing Club. Lively, Donna Carol B.M.E. Viola; Indianapolis; Mu Phi Epsilon, Pres.; MENC; IU Philharmonic Orchestra. Loheide, Sara L. B.S. Music Therapy; New Albany; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pi Kappa Lambda; A.G.0.; Student Mental Health Assoc. Long, Virginia K. B.M.E. Choral Music; Mishawaka; University Singers; Alpha Omicron Pi. Chaplain. Marsh,Diane E. B.M.E. Piano; Grand Island, Neb.; MENC.
Miedema, Harry F. B.M.E. Music Education; Bloomington; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. Montgomery, Alan G. B.M.E. Piano; Liberty; Wright, Campbell Gov.; Orchestra; Chorus. Moore, David W. B.M.E. Music Education; South Bend. Olsen, Victor H. B.S. Percussion and Radio-TV; Hicksville L.I., N.Y.; Alpha Tau Omega; "Groovey and the Electra's" Member. Otte, Russell L. B.M.E. Choral Conducting; Seymour.
Philips, Robert I. B.S. Music and Radio-TV; Clayton, Mo.; Rho Tau Sigma; School of Music Bands and Orchestras; WFIU News; McNutt Quad, Intramural Ath. Director. Popp, Mary Jane B.M. Theatre and Voice; Bloomington; Rho Tau Sigma, Sec., Soc. Comm.; Delta Omicron. Richmond, LanaS. B.M.E. Music; Evansville; Alpha Omicron Pi, Pres.; Delta Omicron; University Chorale; A. Capella Choir. Sinclair, James B. B.M.E. Trumpet; N.W. Washington, D.C.; Card Section, trumpeter; Rho Tau Sigma.Smith, Lynn E. B.M.E. Secondary Choral; Liberty; YWCA. Stachelski, Darell T. B.M.E. Music Education; Milwaukee, Wis.; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia; Foster Quad, J-Board; University Orchestras; Symphonic Wind Ensemble. Stickler, Larry W. B.M.E. Music Education; Mishawaka; Singing Hoosiers; Sr. Class Council; Student Leader; Phi Eta Sigma; MENC. Szymczak, Patricia B.M.E. Music Education; South Bend; Tau Beta Sigma; Intercollegiate Band; IU Bands.Tristano, Rosemary Ann B.M.E. Piano; Paddock Lake, Wis.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Mu Phi Epsilon, Alumnae Sec.; Pi Kappa Lambda. Troy, Jane C. B.S. Oboe and Art History; Tipp City, Ohio; University Ensembles; Action Comm. for Middle Eastern Affairs. Ward, Ellen E. P. B.S. Music Therapy; Bloomington; Delta Omicron. Wasson, Rita J. B.S. Music and English; Boonville; IU Orchestra; Tri Kappa. Waters, Donna L. B.S. Cello and French; Bloomington; Delta Gamma.Wickes, Jean Kim B.M. Voice; Dayton; Mu Phi Epsilon Chorister; Pi Kappa Lambda; InterVarsity Christian Fellowship; Campus Crusade.Woolsey, Dee Daphne B.M.E. Music Education; Avon Lake, Ohio; Jr., Sr. Class Council; MENC; Student Leader; Orientation Steering Comm., J-Board.; IU Sing Auditorium Comm.
Yeldell, Carolyn A. B.M. Voice; Hot Springs, Ark.; Sigma Alpha Iota, Pledge Pres.; Baptist Student Union, Soc. Ch., Program Ch.; University Singers.
Optometry Federoff, Alan Lee B.S. Optometry; Lincoln Park, Mich.; Omega Epsilon Phi; Resident Assistant. Hawkins, Ronald R. O.D. Optometry; Bloomington; Omega Delta. Hensley, Gerald J. O.D. Optometry; Tipp City, Ohio; Omega Delta; IU Amateur Radio Club. Kennedy,Dennis Ray B.S. Optometry; Tipton; Omega Delta; Dean's List; Soph. Jr. Class Councils; Fr. Camp Counselor; JIFC; Student Leader. Logan, Jerry W. O.D. Optometry; Bloomington; Omega Epsilon Phi.
Proudlit, Robert L. O.D. Optometry; Bloomington; Phi Gamma Delta; Omega Delta. Walter, Peter A. O.D. Optometry; Wabash; Omega Delta.Wright, Dean A. O.D. Optometry; Marion; Omega Delta.
Events And Organizations 284 Acacia 363 A delyotte 116-119 Administration 217 Aeons, Board of 285 Alpha Chi Omega 256 Alpha Epsilon Delta 286 Alpha Epsilon Phi 287 Alpha Epsilon Pi 288 Alpha Gamma Delta 289 Alpha Kappa Alpha 262 Alpha Kappa Psi 223 Alpha Lambda Delta 290 Alpha Omicron Pi 291 Alpha Phi 272 Alpha Phi Omega 292 Alpha Sigma Phi 293 Alpha Tau Omega 294 Alpha Xi Delta 121 Alumni Office American Society for Personnel ҟ 273 Administration ҟ 265 Angel Flight ҟ 242-249 Arbutus ҟ 351 Arden House ҟ 351 Argonne House ҟ 266 Arnold Air Society Arts and Sciences, College of 128-129,418-438 Association for Childhood Educationҟ260 125 Athletic Administrationҟ Auditorium Theater Series 102-103 ҟ 256 Ballantonian ҟ Baptist Student Union 275 ҟ 198-199 Baseball ҟ 172-177 Basketball ҟ 382 Beck House ҟ 219 Beta Gamma Sigma ҟ Beta Theta Pi 295 ҟ Birnam Wood House 352 ҟ Blue Key 220 ҟ Bocabo 369 ҟ Boisen 391 ҟ Bordner 368 ҟ 344-347 Briscoe Quadrangle Brown County Playhouse 40-41
Aalta, Linda Abbott, Dean Abbott, John Abdon, Carol Abel, Rosamund Abernethy, John Abood, Patricia Abram, Robert Abramowitz, Paul Abramson, Rochelle Abramson, Sheilah Adams, Sally Adams, Sue Adams, Thomas P. Addison, Roger Addy, Ronald Adler, Marcy Adley, Susan Agness, Kent Agron, Michael Ahlf, Roger Ahlvin, Eric
370 Bryanҟ Business, School of 130-131,438-450 255 Candy Stripersҟ 171 Cheerleadersҟ 296 Chi Omegaҟ Chi Phiҟ 297 Christian Science Organization 259 383 Clarkҟ 230-231 Class of 1969ҟ 232 Class of 1970ҟ 233 Class of 1971ҟ 234 Class of 1972ҟ 259 Cosmopoliton Clubҟ Counter-Insurgencyҟ 268 Cravens Hallҟ 376-377 265 Crimson Cadettesҟ 371 Croneҟ ҟ 164-165 Cross Country ҟ 384 Curry House ҟ Dejoya House 372 ҟ Delgado House 373 ҟ Delta Delta Delta 299 ҟ 300 Delta Gamma ҟ 263 Delta Sigma Pi ҟ 301 Delta Tau Delta ҟ Delta Upsilon 302 ҟ 303 Delta Zeta ҟ 407 Dewey House ҟ 408 Dodds House ҟ 408 Dunn House ҟ Edmondson 377-378 Education, School of 132-133,450-464 ҟ Elkin Hall 392 ҟ 409 Elliott House ҟ 221 Enomene ҟ Fencing 190 ҟ Fergason House 409 ҟ Football 156-163 ҟ Forest Quadrangle 348-355 ҟ Foster Quadrangle 356-362 ҟ Freshman Affairs 222 ҟ Freshman Camp 42-43 ҟ Gamma Phi Beta 304 ҟ Golf 196-197
Graduate Residence Center 363-364 144-145 Graduate Schoolsҟ 186-187 Gymnasticsҟ 122 Halls of Residenceҟ 410 Harding Houseҟ 409 Harney Houseҟ 358-359 Harper Hallҟ Hersheyҟ 364 54-55 Homecomingҟ HPER, School of 136-137,464-466 ҟ 410 Hummer House ҟ 282-283 IFC ҟ 268 I-Mens Club ҟ 238-241 Indiana Daily Student ҟ 104-105 International Week ҟ 192 Intramurals ҟ 262 Insurance ҟ 342 IRHA ҟ 120 I.U. Foundation ҟ 86-89 I.U. Sing ҟ I.U. Student Foundation 204-211 ҟ 98-99 I.U. Theater Company ҟ 411 Jenkins House ҟ 360 Jenkinson Hall ҟ 170 Judo ҟ 142-143 Junior Division ҟ 305 Kappa Alpha Psi ҟ 306 Kappa Alpha Theta ҟ 307 Kappa Delta ҟ 308 Kappa Delta Rho ҟ 309 Kappa Kappa Gamma ҟ 258 Kappa Kappa Psi ҟ 310 Kappa Sigma ҟ 311 Lambda Chi Alpha ҟ 285 Landes House ҟ 138-139,466 Law, School of ҟ 30-37 Little 500 Weekend ҟ 411 Lowe House ҟ 70-71 Magrigal ҟ Dinners 90-91 MAMUN ҟ 56-57 Marching 100 ҟ 360 Martin Hall ҟ 365-374 McNutt Quadrangle ҟ Men's Residence Center 375-379 ҟ 399 Mizer's Manorҟ 216 Mortar Board
Music, School ofҟ 134-135,466 Nichols Houseҟ 412 Oceanidesҟ269 Omega Psi Phiҟ 312 Omicron Deltaҟ 263 Operaҟ 96-97 Optometry, Division of 140-141,467 Panhellenicҟ 280-281 Parks Houseҟ 412 Pershing Riflesҟ 267 Phi Beta Kappaҟ 218 Phi Delta Thetaҟ 313 Phi Epsilon Kappaҟ 257 Phi Epsilon Piҟ 314 Phi Eta Sigmaҟ 223 Phi Gamma Deltaҟ 315 Phi Kappa Psiҟ 316 Phi Kappa Tauҟ 317 Phi Kappa Thetaҟ 318 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfoniaҟ 264 Phi Omegaҟ 260 Phi Sigma Kappaҟ 319 Pi Beta Phiҟ 320 Pi Kappa Alphaҟ 321 Pi Kappa Phiҟ 322 Pleiadesҟ 221 Porn Pon Girlsҟ 270 Pop Concertsҟ 60-63 President's Ballҟ 72-73 Quiz Bowlҟ 94-95 Rabb Hallҟ393 Read Centerҟ 380-385 Regional Campusesҟ 148-149 Registrationҟ 48-49 Rifleryҟ 191 Rho Tau Sigmaҟ 253 Rollins Houseҟ 412 Rugbyҟ168-169 Ruter Houseҟ 412 Sailing Clubҟ 255 Scabbard and Bladeҟ 266 Shea Hallҟ358 Sherwood Houseҟ 353 Sigma Alpha Epsilonҟ 323 Sigma Alpha Etaҟ 258 Sigma Alpha Iotaҟ 264
ҟ Sigma Alpha Mu 324 ҟ Sigma Chi 325 ҟ Sigma Delta Chi 250 ҟ Sigma Delta Tau 326 ҟ Sigma Kappa 327 ҟ Sigma Nu 328 ҟ Sigma Phi Epsilon 329 ҟ Skull and Crescent 222 ҟ 378-379 Smith Hall ҟ 166-167 Soccer ҟ Social Service Club 273 Society for Personnel ҟ Administration 273 ҟ 274 St. Paul's Catholic Center ҟ Stemple 364 ҟ 414 Stockwell House ҟ Student Athletic Board 271 ҟ Student Government 224-229 ҟ Student Marketing Club 261 ҟ Student Personnel 126 ҟ Summer Opera 38-39 ҟ Summer Sessions 146-147 ҟ Swimming 178-185 ҟ Tanglewood House 352 ҟ Tau Kappa Epsilon 332-333 ҟ Tennis 200-201 ҟ Teter Quadrangle 386-395 ҟ Theta Chi 331 ҟ Theta Sigma Phi 255 ҟ Theta Xi 334 ҟ Thompson Hall 390 ҟ Todd House 414 ҟ Track 193-195 ҟ Union Board 212-215 ҟ University Relations 127 ҟ University Theater 100-101 ҟ Verdun House 354 ҟ Wilkieҟ Quadrangle 396-403 WIUS 250-252 ҟ Wissler Hall 388-38') ҟ Women's PEMM Club 257 ҟ Wrestling 188-139 ҟ 404-414 Wright Quadrangle ҟ 235 YMCA ҟ 236-237 YWCA ҟ Zeta Beta Tau 335 ҟ Zeta Tau Alpha 336
Personal Index 218 410 272 391 393 328 418 418 287 326,450 391 309 327 403 330 266 369 221,381,383 234,316 217,220,418 334 293,418
310 Aker, Frankҟ 303 Aker, Lindaҟ 291 Akers, Leslieҟ 418 Albaek, Hanneҟ 358 A Ileman n, Reneeҟ 438 Allen, Bennyҟ Allen, Donald L.ҟ 297 Allen, Gregoryҟ 295 409 Allen, Jackҟ Allen, Jerryҟ 235,376,377 Allen, Karen R.ҟ 373 351 Allen, Kathleenҟ Allen, Lindaҟ 438 418 Allen, Maryҟ Allen, Michael H.ҟ 321 Allen, Nolandҟ 266,418 Allen, Robert J.ҟ 358 438 Allen, Robert W.ҟ Allen, Roger G.ҟ 209,293 Aburn, Donnaҟ 360 Achava-Amrung Pornchulee 230,265,273,327 233 Acher, Kathleenҟ 418 Achu, Thomasҟ
ҟ Ackerman, Jacqueline 232,327 ҟ Ackerman, Michael 298 ҟ Ackerson, Scott 402 ҟ Acton, Rebecca 290 ҟ Adair, Perry 321 ҟ Adams, Charlotte 289 ҟ Adams, David B. 409 ҟ Adams, Mike 157,268 ҟ Adams, Nancy 304 ҟ Adams, Royҟ 411 Alber, Vicki 336 ҟ Albert, Michael 268,390 ҟ Alberty, Linda 383 Aldrich, George K.ҟ 438 ҟ Alexander, Jeffrey 410 ҟ Alexander, Larry 418 Alexander, Michael R.ҟ 258,466 ҟ Alexander, Richard A. 438 ҟ Alexander, Rona 381 ҟ Alexander, Thomas 324 ҟ Alger, Maridon 418 ҟ Aljian Richard 166 ҟ Allard, David 208,302 ҟ 418 Alldredge, Linda
Allega, Daniel Allen, Sandra Allen, Steven B. Allen, Steven D. Allen, Steven F. Allen, Thomas Allen, Victoria Allenduff, Jane Alles, Debby Ailing, Elaine Allison, Joan Allison, Mark Allman, Jeanne Allman, Scott Alltop, Sharon Allyn, Emily Almmagra, Francisco Alport, Lawrence Alstott, Ronda Alter, Katherine Altman, Bette Altman, Richard Alton, Thomas Altschuler, Joanne
464 241 413 418 368 390 307 296 208 304 306 408 306,418 234,413 288 401 325 358 450 374 326 399 411 357,359
Altum, Susan 393 Alvarez, Ronald 466 Aman, Barbara 290 Amaral, Joseph 318 Amick, Sue 208,232,320 Ammerman, Donald 315 Amsden, Julia 346 Anders, Arthur 268 Anderson, Andy 438 Anderson, Arthur 418 Anderson, David K. 411 Anderson, David W. 282,319 Anderson, Diana 464 Anderson, Elijah 418 Anderson, James A. 319 Anderson, James J. 368 Anderson, James R. 313 Anderson, Jeffrey 378 Anderson, Jenalyn 392 Anderson, Judy 385 Anderson, Kristin 255,418 Anderson, Lisa 392 Anderson, Magdalyn 290 Anderson, Michael 379
302 Anderson, Randell 319,466 Anderson, Robert P. 310 Anderson, Scott 230,301,438 Anderson, Steven 301 Anderson, Thomas 373 Anderson, Verdell 267 Anderson, Walter 320 Andorn, Nena 284 Andreoli, Michael 438 Andres, Stephen 399 Andrews, Barbara 306 Andrews, Deborah 157,366 Andrews, John M. 304 Andrews, Marcia 316 Andrews, Stephen 268 Andrus, Charlie 218 Andry, Elaine 218 Andry, Michael 376 Angle, Steven 450 Anglin, Gary 285,450 Anstett, Cheryl 286 Antis, Alison 364 Antkowiak, Judith 328 Antrim, John 410 Aoki, George 392 Apostol, Patricia 262 Applebaum, Harold 208,364 Applebaum, Stephen 345 Applegate, Ray 364 Applegate, Roy 157 Applegate, Steven 418 Applegate, Sue 400 Arany, April 412 Arata, Michael 291 Arate, Nancy 234 Arbeiter, Connie 233,285 Arbeiter, Joyce 192,194,268 James Arbuckle,ҟ 188,295 Arbuckle, John 369 Arch, Kathleen 399 Archer, Cheryl 334 Archer, Michael 313 Ardapple, David 408 Argyelan, Paul 367 Aripoli, Don 264 Arment, Linda 312 Armistead, Darryl 409 Armstrong, Alan 381 Armstrong, Janet Armstrong, Kenneth 217,220,418 308 Armstrong, Larry 347 Armstrong, Virginia 450 Arndt, Mary 297 Arnholt, Michael Arnold, David 370 364 Arnold, Margaret 363 Arnold, Marina Arnold, Mary 371 Arnold, Richard 331 Arnold, Thomas 322 438 Aronson, Barry Arpan, Jeffrey 418 Arrowsmith, Bobby 376 418 A rterbu rn, William Arthur, Daniel 331 Arthur, Gerald 292 438 Artman, Richard Artusi, Susan 218 464 Arvin, James Asay, Carlos 401 310 Asdell, Charles Ash, Virginia 450 Ashby, David 318 Ashby, James 234,367,370 Ashcraft, Kathleen 364 Ashenfelter, David 222,238,325 223,302 Askinazi Clifford Asmus, Charles 313 Assiff, Robert 311 Aston, Richard 302 Atkin, Allan 223,321 Atkins, Edith 296
Atkinson, Dave Atkinson, Roy Atteberry, Marcia Atz, Deborah Atz, Diane Atz, Thomas Auble, Larry Auffart, Joan Augenbergs, Gunta Aukerman, Allen Aukerman, Nancy Ault, Gary Aunins, Edgar Ausich, Mary Austin, Allen Austin, Bentley Avers, Richard Ax, Jane Axelrod, Leonard Ayer, Philip Ayom, Paul Ayoubi, Zaki Ayres, Ralph Azen, Arthur Azevedo, Susan
Baardsen, Nancy Baatz, Eric Babb, .Jerry Babcock, Chris Babcock, George Babcock, Steven Bach, Thomas Bache, William Bacon, Marilyn Badanes, Nancy Badell, Michael Badger, Edward Baer, Bette Baer, Karen Baez, Manuel Bafaloukos, Irene Bagan, Howard Baganz, John Bahr, John Baier, Bruce Bailey, Barbara Bailey, Becky Bailey, Charles Bailey, Diane Bailey, Jack Bailey, Mark Bailey, Richard Bailey, Stephan Bailey, William Baillie, Susan Bailor, Chester Bairn, Jeralynn Bain, Robert Baines, Ronald Bair, Mark Baird, Jeannette Baird, William Baiw, Bob Baiz, Thomas Bajusz, Cathleen Baker, Anne Baker, Barbara Baker, Corinne Baker, Danny Baker, Deanna Baker, Douglas Baker, Harold Baker, Lesley Baker, Lincoln Baker, Susan Balaban, Mary Balash, Richard Baldwin, Paula Baldwin, Thomas Ball, Frederick
194 268,328 450 327 351 324 330 400 401 378 264,336 293 292 249,269,369 319,418 240 292 211,304 324 368,438 418 438 208-232 335 383 450 223 328 377 256,329 222,325 403 418 296 240 230,418 284 418 280 418 391 317 438 223,402 418 264 320,418 273 208,230,450 329 328 325 313 319 398,399 387,390 230,450 418 305 308 450 313 240 301 374 230 280,307 209,450 418 257 407 267,345 418 316 291 304 378 372 408 378
418 Ball, Kathleenҟ Ballage, Margaretҟ 216,218,418 Ballard, Davidҟ 438 Baker, Juliaҟ 383,450 Ballard, Michaelҟ 240,241 Ballard, Victoriaҟ 450 Ballenger, Farrellҟ 450 Ballentine, Rhondaҟ 359 Ballinger, Carolҟ 249,360 Ballowe, Williamҟ 466 Balough, Richardҟ 418 419 Bamashmous, Saidҟ 317 Bamford, Williamҟ 403 Bangert, Richardҟ 408 Bangert, Stephenҟ Banich, Rosanneҟ 419 Banks, Arthurҟ 235,376,379 Banks, Barbaraҟ 285 Banks, Dairҟ 157 Banks, Robertҟ 317 Bannon, Pamelaҟ 309 230,450 Banser, Michaelҟ 342 Banta, Michaelҟ 438 Banwart, Geraldҟ 392 Bapst, Sarahҟ 326 Barab, Jacquelineҟ Baran, Edmundҟ 330 419 Baranowski, Paulҟ 331 Barco, Clarkҟ Bard, Johnҟ 238,329 273 Bardes, Graceҟ 241,400,419 Baringer, Terryҟ 370 Barker, Carltonҟ 268 Barker, Felixҟ 288 Barker, Florenceҟ 286 Barker, Janeҟ 330,438 Barker, Josephҟ 450 Barker, Markҟ 390 Barker, Rogerҟ 419 Barker, Ronaldҟ 241,368 Barker, Tomҟ 209,232 Barkhau, Deborahҟ 370 Barksdale, Johnҟ 368 Barlow, Stevenҟ 329 Barnaby, Richardҟ 188,268,313 Barnard, Everetteҟ 390 Barnard, Johnҟ 218,419 Barnard, Judyҟ 407,419 Barnes, Jamesҟ 256,419 Barnes, Lawrenceҟ 312 Barnes, Leeҟ 410 Barnes, Robertҟ 291 Barnes, Sharonҟ 314 Barnes, Stephenҟ 450 Barnes, Williamҟ 345 Barnett, Maryҟ 328 Barnett, Stephanҟ 208 Barnhorst, Howardҟ 450 Barnhouse, Carolҟ 438 Barns, Benjaminҟ 403 Baron, Williamҟ 208,284,419 Barr, Jamesҟ 391 Barrett, Addaҟ 280,281 Barrett, Anneҟ 372 Barrett, Bethҟ 391 Barrett, Joanҟ 374 Barrett, Lorraineҟ 438 Barrett, Raymondҟ 406 Barrios, Sergioҟ 450 Bartel, Lauraҟ 290 Bartell, Sandraҟ 369 Barth, Margaretҟ 313 Barthold, Williamҟ 369 Bartholomew, Dianaҟ 311 Bartholomew, Richardҟ 304 Bartle, Sarahҟ 295 Bartlett, Davidҟ 285,450 Bartley, Deborahҟ 166,379 Bartolai, Lucioҟ 283,297,438 Barton, Walterҟ 438 Bartoszek, Katheҟ 383 Basande, Elizabethҟ
325 Bash, Johnҟ Basney, Williamҟ 438 Bass, Gailҟ223 324 Bass, Markҟ Bass, Rogerҟ 368 233,300 Bass, Susanҟ Bass, Williamҟ 323 286 Bassemer, Rebeccaҟ 230,438 Batalis, Ikeҟ Bateman, Barryҟ 368 438 Bateman, Richardҟ Bates, Danielҟ 321 Bates, Janҟ304 Bates, Johnҟ 319,438 Bates, Susanҟ 466 325 Batkin, Kermitҟ Bauer, Anneҟ 326 Bauer, Vickiҟ 364 Baughman, Judyҟ 401 Baughman, Michaelҟ 157,198 Bauman, Dallasҟ 390 218,419 Baumann, Sallyҟ Baumann, Stephanieҟ 351 Baumeister, Barbaraҟ 349,351 Baumer, Maxҟ 254 Baumgardt, Douglasҟ 298,419 Baumgartner, Frederickҟ 308 Baumgartner, Stephen 208,230,450 Baumgartner, Susanҟ 218,419 Bawden, Williamҟ 438 Baxter, Robertҟ 419 Bayer, Nancyҟ 263,438 439 Baynes, Robertҟ Bays, Terenceҟ 262,408 Beach, Barbaraҟ 400 Beach, Edwardҟ 171,308 Beach, Evaҟ 364 Beach, Terryҟ 316 Beall, Laurenceҟ 310,439 Beall, Marilynҟ 303 Beals, Sherrylҟ 372 Beams, Johnҟ 419 Beams, Rebeccaҟ 327 Beard, Marylandҟ 450 Beardshear, Craigҟ 325 Beardshear, Grantҟ 325 Beasley, Cherylҟ 170 Beasley, Jamesҟ 439 Beatty, Bruceҟ 412 Beatty, Johnҟ 370 Beauregard, Rebeccaҟ 265,419 Beaver, Janetҟ 299 Beaver, Walterҟ 323 Bechler, Davidҟ 399 Bechler, Deborahҟ 402 Becht, Anitaҟ 392 Bechtel, Terranceҟ 331 Beck, Davidҟ 241 390 Beck, Gerardҟ Beck, Nobleҟ 358 Beck, Williamҟ 328 Becker, Larryҟ 208,231,329,419 Becker, Lynnҟ 286 Becker, Marleneҟ 450 Becker, Williamҟ 450 Becktold, Lindaҟ 303 Beda, Judithҟ 451 Bednar, Anneҟ 327 Bednar, Colleenҟ 419 Bedwell, Frankieҟ 288 Bee, Connieҟ 391 Seething, Richardҟ 451 Beelke, Christineҟ 307 Beeman, Edwardҟ 157 Beeman, Gordonҟ 292 Beers, Richardҟ 310 Beesley, Krisҟ 209,306 Beets, Steveҟ 439 Behl, Dennisҟ 419 Behrendt, Cherylҟ 372 Behrman, Kristineҟ 352 Behrman, Saraҟ 208,349,351
Beitman, Bruceҟ 324 Belcher, Johnҟ 317 Belker, Susanҟ 326 Bell, Garyҟ334 Bell, Kentҟ370 Bell, Leeҟ 326 Bell, Lindaҟ 400 Bell, Thomasҟ 284 Bella, Susanҟ 260,369 Belson, Markҟ 218 Benas, Tobeyҟ 208,357 Bender, Iretaҟ 230,320,451 Bender, Janeҟ 391 Bender, Patrickҟ 198 Bender, Paulҟ 322 Bender, Richardҟ 322,451 Bender, Trudyҟ 303 Bendure, Sherryҟ 94,299,464 Benedict, Tomҟ 378 Benedict, Victoriaҟ 294,464 Benefield, Anjeanetteҟ 419 Benford, Susanҟ 290 Benjamin, Dee 230,240,241,398,419 Benjamin, Judyҟ 211,221,326 Benmour, Maxineҟ 347 Bennett, Barbara J.ҟ 401 Bennett, Barbara L.ҟ 285 Bennett, Christopherҟ 332 Bennett, Hollyҟ 210,285 Bennett, Janice L.ҟ 392 Bennett, Janice S.ҟ 254 Bennett, Jeanetteҟ 385 Bennett, Judyҟ 451 Bennett, Keithҟ 168,292 Bennett, Thomasҟ 408 Bennett, Williamҟ 334 Bennington, Sueҟ 399 Bennington, Tommyҟ 317 Bennin, Allanҟ 311 Benschoter, Joyҟ 265,300 Benson, Harryҟ 330 Benson, Williamҟ 409 Benswanter, Lisaҟ 233,265 Benter, Janetҟ 451 Benter, Lindaҟ 351 Benton, Robertҟ 318,439 Benton, Sharonҟ 383 Bere, Jamesҟ 377 Berebitsky, Michaelҟ 335 Berg, Kajsaҟ 407 Berg, Stanleyҟ 412 Berg, Walterҟ 419 Be rgdoll, Nancyҟ 303 Berger, Jamesҟ 403 Berger, Marcҟ 287 Berger, Michaelҟ 287 Berger, Susanҟ 373 Bergin, Ferylҟ 451 Bergman, Williamҟ 439 Bergstrom, Christineҟ 419 Bergstrom, Sandraҟ 360 Bergum, Lesterҟ 293 Berguson, Janeҟ 400 Berkowitz, Iraҟ 208,439 Berlanga, Gloriaҟ 413 Berlin, Anneҟ 360 Berman, Josephҟ 376,378 Bern, Donaldҟ 324 Bernacchi, Michaelҟ 313 Berndt, Jamesҟ 402,419 Bernikowicz, Lindaҟ 385 Bernon, Carlaҟ 358 Bernstein, Bryanҟ 408 Bernstein, Jamesҟ 324 Bernsten, Brockҟ 324 Berry, Douglasҟ 234 Berry, John L.ҟ 412 Berry, John W.ҟ 419 Berry, Karenҟ 208,232,381,383 Berry, Michaelҟ 402 Bertrand, Cynthia ҟ 309
Berzinis, Frankҟ 263 Bess, Sherryҟ 359 Bessler, Maxҟ 402 Best, Barbaraҟ 385 Best, Haroldҟ 403 Betner, Nathanҟ 194,323 Bettner, Jillҟ 249 Betz, Jamesҟ 293 Beumer, Toniҟ 345 Bevers, Lynetteҟ 413 Bevis, Donaldҟ 403 Bevis, Kennethҟ 403 Bewley, George 208,230,283,308,419 Beyer, Thomasҟ 302 Bezold, Clementҟ 323 Bialon, Stanleyҟ 466 Bibbins, Jamesҟ 439 Bibler, Marciaҟ 406,407 Bibler, Stephenҟ 401 Bickhaus, Garyҟ 293 Bicknell, Donaldҟ 223,292 Biehl, Donnaҟ 400 Bienko, Dorothyҟ 401 Bierbaum, Garyҟ 332 Bierly, Williamҟ 419 Bigelow, Kirkҟ 379 Bigham, Bernardҟ 346 Billings, Barbaraҟ 234 Billman, Bettyҟ 288 Billman, Williamҟ 315 Billups, Christieҟ 336 270,407 Bilton, Susanҟ 285 Biltz, Brendaҟ Bilunas, Thomasҟ 157,268,439 Binkley, Stuartҟ 439 Binswanger, Lisaҟ 436 Bircheff, Joyceҟ 360 Bird, Bonnieҟ 234 Bishop, Deborahҟ 402 Bishop, Larryҟ 198 Bishop, Markҟ 259 Bishop, Ronaldҟ 379 Bishop, Susanҟ 336 Bishton, Markҟ 287 Bitzer, Robertҟ 330 Bixby, Rogerҟ 208,328 Bixel, Charlesҟ 408 Bizer, Jerryҟ 419 Bizzell, Johnҟ 157,400 Black, Deborahҟ 209,230,320,439 Black, Susanҟ 208,232,320 Blackketter, Danielҟ 450 Blackmore, Judithҟ 291 Blackwell, Alanҟ 419 Blair, Jeffreyҟ 310 Blair, Robertҟ 376 Blake, Albertҟ 403 Blake, Jeffreyҟ 293 Blake, Josephҟ 451 Blake, Terriҟ 419 Blank, Lindaҟ 369 Blankenship, Bradfordҟ 439 Blankenship, Connieҟ 451 Blasdel, Brendaҟ 419 Bledsoe, Kennethҟ 451 Bleicher, Johnҟ 412 Blitz, Gregoryҟ 192,293 Bloch, Timothyҟ 292 Block, Debbieҟ 263 Blodgett, Wendyҟ 291 Blom, Danielҟ 328 Blomquist, Christineҟ 366 Bloom, Stewartҟ 402 Blue, Eddieҟ 409 244,272 Blume, Jimҟ Blust, Stephenҟ 451 Blythe, Thomasҟ 310 Board, Wandaҟ 336 Boarman, Carolҟ 349,439 Boatman, Monaҟ 451 Bobeck, Constanceҟ 451
303 Bobo, Lindaҟ 384 Bock, Barbaraҟ 409 Bodenhamer, Johnҟ 258,419 Bodnar, Gailҟ 323 Bodwell, Frankҟ 392 Boehm, Tannaҟ 401 Bogan, Johnҟ 324 Bogart, Andrewҟ 419 Bogert, Carolynҟ 302 Boggs, Garyҟ 168,325 Bognanno, Paulҟ 336 Bogner, Katherynҟ 451 Bogue, Lindaҟ 403 Bohler, Marthajaneҟ 391 Bohlin, Cindyҟ 291 Bohrer, Robinҟ 370 Bokelman, Gordonҟ 408 Bolanowski, Jeromeҟ 240 Bolding, Neilҟ 393 Bolen, Karenҟ 393 Bolinder, Sigridҟ 314 Bolinger, Williamҟ 290,451 Bolitho, Jeanneҟ 310 Boll, Davidҟ 309 Bollei, Annҟ 408 Boller, Larryҟ 316 Bolos, Michaelҟ 287 Bolotin, Alanҟ 358 Bonacorsi, Johnҟ 373 Bonczek, Maryҟ 264,466 Bond, Janetҟ 269 Bond, Lindaҟ 234 Bone, Stevenҟ Bonfield, Margaret 208,232,249,369 Bonham, Barbaraҟ 385 419 Bonif as, Jeannetteҟ 369 Bonomo, Vedaҟ 371 Boone, Cherylҟ 270 Booth, Claudetteҟ 357 Booth, Louiseҟ 368 Booth, Raymondҟ 290 Booton, Beverlyҟ 451 Boozer, Caroleҟ 310 Bopp, Jamesҟ Borcherding, Davidҟ 208,439 402 Borders, Larryҟ 296 Bordner, Ameeҟ 157,323 Bordner, Williamҟ Borgmeier, Paulҟ 208,283,302,419 324 Borman, Robertҟ Born, Marilynҟ 336 Borne, Kathyҟ 232 234,329 Borneman, Terryҟ 351 Borst, Carolynҟ Borto, Ronaldҟ 297,439 Boruff, Johnҟ 208,292 Bosse, Johnҟ 331,439 Bostick, Jamesҟ 439 401 Boston, Royҟ 319 Bostrom, Paulҟ 406,411 Boswell, Hughҟ 331 Boswell, Michaelҟ Bothwell, Roseannaҟ 391 Bott, Ernestҟ 410 Bottorff, Teresaҟ 403 410 Botz, Larryҟ Boudreau, Le Royҟ 419 Boughman, Joannҟ 222,223,291 Bouslog, Garyҟ 313 Bouvy, Robertҟ 302 Bowden, Billҟ 263 Bowen, Craigҟ 439 Bowen, Karenҟ 384 Bowerman, Judithҟ 321 Bowers, Davidҟ 262 Bowers, Judithҟ 257,327 Bowers, Marshaҟ 383 Bowers, Noelҟ 419 Bowie, Jamesҟ 325 Bowles, Ritaҟ 451 Bowles, Stephenҟ 316
414 Bowling, Daniel 319 Bowman, Fred Bowman, Michael 268,347 Bowman, Patricia 419 387,388 Bowser, Stephen 369 Boyce, Susan 309 Boyd, Barbara Boyd, Carolyn 300 358 Boyd, Karla 403 Boyd, Jargaret 451 Boyd, Nancy 168 Boyer, Kenneth 208 Boyewsky, Jason 307 Boyle, Susan 323 Boyles, William 330 Braaksma, Martin 398 Brachulis, Gail 439 Bradley, Michael Brafford, Anne 204,219,281,306,451 367 Braitman, Robert 407 Brallier, Karen 325 Bramblett, Brent 285 Bramlett, Janice Branaugh, Michael 174,305 384 Branch, Constance 377 Brandenburd, Milton 451 Brandenburd, Nancy 412 Brandley, Parker 293 Brandon, Marcus 403 Brands, Allan 304 Brandt, Charlynn 294 Brannen, Margaret 302 Branson, Malcolm 419 Branstetter, Paula 230,294,451 Bratcher, Debra 360 Bratton, Jennifer 403 Bratton, Sue 315 Brauer, James 371 Brauer, Keith 221,265,296 Brauer, Martha Braun, Arnold 411 284 Brawley, Larry 263 Brawthen, Daryl 221 Brazina, Constance 234,391 Brazina, Marguerite 222,233,325 Brechbuhl, Larry 315 Bredle, Donald 266 Breece, Robert 223 Breed, Thomas 269 Breeden, Susan 293 Breeding, Charles 387 Breitenbach, Mary 451 Breitenbach, Robert 288,419 Breitengross, Sandra 372 Brennan, Jane 372 Brennan, Jean 369 Brennan, Judith 371 Brenneman, Mary 387 Brenner, Howard 290 Brenner, Jacqueline 359 Brenner, Shelley 230,329,439 Bresler, David 419 Brewer, James 346 Brewer, Marilyn 399,420 Brewer, Sue 439 Brezinski, Gerald 273 Brian, Michael 248,249,384 Bricker, Elizabeth 270 Bricker, Janette 326 Brickman, Ann 369 Brier, Theresa 322,420 Briganti, Robert 273,373 Briggs, Janice 420 Briggs, Nancy 413 Bright, Diana 451 Brighton, Carol 364 Brindley, Rita 293 Briney, Bruce 420 Briney, Mark Briney, Pamela 296 385 Brinker, Elizabeth
Brinker, Linnette 451 Brinkman, Jack 284 Brinkmann, Carole 209,216,281,336, 451 Brinson, Joyce 402 Brito, Roberto 411 Britt, Brenda 451 Brittain, Juanita 358 Brittain, Thomas 305 Britton, Barry 439 Brizius, George 420 Brochin, Charles 402 Brock, Mary 230,273,336 Brockman, Ronald 166 Brockman, Steven 298 Brock smith, Jeanette 451 Brodbeck, Patricia 451 Brodsky, Diane 420 Brodsky, Donna 420 Broling, Garold 409 Brondage, Pam 364 Bronstein, Jerome 324 Brooker, Richard 411 Brooker, Wesley 192,194 Brookins, Janice 289 Brookins, Lionel 305 Brooks, Anne 385 Brooks, Carol 351 Brooks, Cleve 305 Brooks, David 401 Brooks, Edwin 371 Brooks, Jane 398 Brooks, Jeanine 290 Brooks, Marsha 383 Brooks, Richard 258 Brooks, Samuel 305 Brooks, Thomas 293 Broome, William 403 Brougher, Martha 299 Brougher, Nancy 299 Browder, Phyllis 346 Brown, Cathleen 364 Brown, David F. 268 Brown, David W. 200 Brown, Gary L. 157,198,268 Brown, Gary L. 168 Brown, Gregory A. 157,328 Brown, Gregory G. 311 Brown, Harry 464 Brown, James H. 399 Brown, James L. 412 Brown, James W. 411,420 Brown, Janice 265,285,420 Brown, Jerry 234 Brown, Jimmy 420 Brown, John 436 Brown, Jonathan 377 Brown, Judy 257 Brown, Linda C. 420 Brown, Linda L. 451 Brown Linda R. 269 Brown, Lorin 335 Brown, Melvin 420 Brown, Nancy 360 Brown, Pamela 372,451 Brown, Peggy 346 Brown, Phillip 439 Brown, Rebecca 359 Brown, Richard 399 Brown, Ronald E. 256,439 Brown, Ronald S. 284 Brown, Ross 451 Brown, Stephen 157 Brown, Susan G. 286 Brown, Susan M. 209,232,294 Brown, Thomas A. 451 Brown, Thomas S. 414 Brown, Tom 451 Browne, Barbara 451 Browne Douglas 439 Browne, Michael 360 311 Browne, Stephen
Brownell, Nancy 254 Brownlee, Joseph 260,266,439 Brownlee, Sheryl 320 Broyles, Thomas 403 Brubeck, Georgia 300 Bruce, Beverly 451 Bruce, Dean 302 Bruce, Jeanne 420 Bruder, Patricia 420 Brumfield, Alice 466 Brunenkant, Edward 377 Bruner, Ralph 378 Brunfild, Mark 370 Bruno, Barbara 369 Brunoehler, David 313 Brunsman, William 378 Brunt, Barbara 420 Bruyn, Nelleke 420 Bryan, John 322 Bryan, Ronald 209 Bryan, Scott 322 Bryant, Barbara 451 Bryant, Gregory 268 Bryant, Janis 399 373 Bryant, Julia Bryant, Marsha 347 Bryant, Richard 329 Bryer, Andrea 391 Bubenzer, Brenda 296 370 Bubnovich, Robert 288 Bucci, Virginia Buchanan, Paul 316 317 Buchanan, Walter 400 Buchanan, William 352 Bucher, Vicky 412 Buck, Stephen 240 Buckler, Susan 420 Buckley, James 283,322 Buckley, Thomas 234,401 Buckmaster, Richard 439 Buckner, Andrew 234,392 Buckner, Kamala 402 Budzik, George 294 Budzinski, Sandra 232,304 Buechele, Mary 222,284 Buechler, John 466 Buettell, Susan 329 Buford, Craig 313 Bugbee, Jeffrey 275,464 Bugel, Susan 325 Buhr, James 166 Bull, George 259 Bullard, Thomas 451 Bullian, Cynthia 400 Bullock, Jane 347 Marionnette Bullock,ҟ 170 Bullock, Marshall 385 Bundy, Annabelle 300 Bundy, Patricia 420 Bunnell, Charles 391 Burack, Cheryl 347 Burbee, Richard 420 Burbridge, Julie 234,325 Burbrink, Roy 451 Burch, Sandra 351 Burcham, Jane 464 Burd, Alan 373 Burford, Katie 402 Burgess, Charlotte 392 Burgess, Kathryn 248 Burgett, John 323,439 Burgette, Dennis 408 Burgi, Shirley 222,284 Burk, Kevin 377 Burke, John 310 Burket, Jack 283,298,420 Burkhart, Randall 311 Burnett, Barry 157,331 Burnett, Ernest 168 Burnham, William 334 Burnore, Paul 265 Burns, Barbara
Burns, Donald Burns, James Burns, John Burnstein, Marlene Burries, Steve Burris, Linda Burroughs, Roxanne Burrous, Sammy Burton, Bruce Busch, Nancy Buschmann, Thomas Bush, Cheryl Bush, Vernell Bussard, David Bussell, William Butcher, Jade Butler, Barbara Butler, Beverly Butler, David Butler, Joseph Butler, Paul Butor, Eloise Butt, John Butt, Larry Butts, Helen Butz, Carol Butzer, Jerry Bychinsky, Margaret Bye, Nelson Byers, Lili Byrd, J ohn Byrd, Richard Byrd, Timothy Byrne, David
310 263,313 358 368 209,221,327 451 409 378 265 301 420 391,439 234,368 412 157,311 208,232,306 420 439 295 292 403 240 412 452 304 345 273,303,420 358 218 323 317 414 234,249
Cade, Beverly 209,290 Cadwell, David 389 Cahill, Hollis 420 Cain, Janice 286,452 Cain, Karen 346 284 Caine, Robert Cairns, Susan 374 Caldemeyer, Judith 209,221,336 Calderon, Gary 335 Caldwell, Bruce 439 273 Caldwell, Elaine Callahan, Hugh 220,230,298,420 372 Callahan, Mary 204 Callahan, Philip Callahan, Theresa 209,290 241 Callaway, Nancy 241 Callaway, Tracy 307 Callen, Elizabeth 324 Callen, James 285 Callinan, Barbara 300 Calvert, Patricia 452 Cambre, Janet Cameron, Thomas 411 300,439 Camferdam, Margaret ᵬ 288 Cammack, Judith 319 Camp, John 208,284 Camp, Rex 402 Campbell, Ernie 310 Campbell, Howard 328 Campbell, James D. 328 Campbell, James P. 255 Campbell, Janet 263 Campbell, Jerry 403 Campbell, Judy 257,269 Campbell, Julie 291 Campbell, Linda 232,306 Campbell, Pamela 234 Campbell, Patricia 410 Campbell, Roger 250 Campbell, Susan 420 Campbell, Virgene 313 Canaan, Richard 157,188 Canarecci, Frank 327 Canfield, Nancy 157,366 Canfield, Stephen 402 Cannon, Claudia
311 Cannon, Thomas 439 Cantrell, Marvin 321 Canull, Douglas 286 Caplan, Roberta 286,452 Caplin, Julieᵬ 372 Capp, Janet 241,307 Caras, Cheryl 399 Carbro, Diane 208,291 Carey, Maureen 381,384 Carlile, Joyce 254 Carlin, Charles 260 Carlson, Beth 157 Carlson, John 378 Carlson, Merritt Carlton, Nancy 366,369 420 Carmichael, Morton Carmichael, Sharon 399 Carmichael, Sheryl 345 Carnahan, Donald 266,420 409 Carnahan, Kenneth 399 Carnes, Rhana 452 Carney, Kathleen 385 Carney, Marcia 313 Carney, Patrick 398 Carpenter, Karen 370 Carpenter, Max 325 Carr, Charles Carr, James B. 325 Carr, James G. 222 Carr, James M. 234 270 Carrico, Gedrjean Carrico, Nancy 452 Carrigan, Linda 270 385 Carroll, Barbara Carroll, Marilyn 391 Carroll, Martha 241,336,422 401 Cart, Rosann Carter, Gregory 208,283,284,420 Carter, Margo 265 Carter, Patricia 244,336 452 Carter, Sue Cartwright, Donald 319 Cartwright, Jess 268,403 Cary, Richard 401 Casner, John 293 Casper, Joan 373 Cassady, Stephen 368 Cassidy, Craig 399 Cassidy, Patrick 267 Cassman, Douglas 323 Castle, Frederick 313 Cates, Steven 412 Catron, Terri 452 Catt, Danny 325 Catt, Jacqueline 294 Catt, Mark 390 Cattell, Larry 420 Cech, John 420 Cecil, Karen 364 Cecrle, Shareen 420 Cellini, Susan 366 Cenkle, Jim 316 Cenova, Nicholas 420 Cergizan, Carolyn 294 Chabot, Lorraine 304 Chabraja, Theodore 311 Chaddock, Christie 230,290 Chadwick, Diana 420 Chadwick, John 218 Chai, Alexander 378 Chalfant, Hope 420 Chamberlain, Cheri 307,452 Chamberlin, Deborah 382 Chamber, Charles 399 Chambers, Jeff 222,284 Chambers, Kathleen 359 Chambers, Linda 263 Chambers, William 317 Champion, Richard 298 Chan, Ting 411 Chandler, Kenneth 439 Chandler, Mary 359
400 Chaney, Claudia 308 Chaney, James 292 Chaney, John 368 Chanley, David 230,420 Channell, Carol 292 Chapel, Larry 263,284,439 Chapel, William 260,305 Chapman, Carlyle 408,452 Chapman, Danny 298 Chapman, Mark 307 Chapman, Roberta 357,360 Chapman, William 439 Chappell, John 359 Chappuis, Mary 259 Charters, Duncan 313 Chase, Steven 439 Chasey, Patrick 359 Chatmon, Katherine 325 Chatterton, Thomas 316 Chattin, Dale 407,452 Chazanof, Jansen 407,452 Chazanof, Lynne 412 Checkley, Dennis 263 Chen, John 403,420 Chen, Stanford 196 Cheney, Jim 332 Chenoweth, Steven 452 Chentnik, Maxine 370 Cherry, Stephen 412 Cheung, Jeffery 411 Cheung, Tony 452 Chew, Ann 234 Chiddister, Diane 318 Chiesa, Jim 346 Childers, Melinda 452 Childers, Susan 320 Childress, Deborah 421 Childress, Gloria 331 Chitwood, Larry 421 Choitz, Nancy 209,221,264,400 Chong, Susie 273,364 Chrastil, Roger 452 Chreist, Ann 358 Chrisman, Carol 439 Chrispyn, Larry 421 Christenson, Philip 440 Christophel, John Christopher, Eugenia 209,280,281,290,421 194,268,440 Chumbley, Gary 402 Church, Christopher 390 Cicarella, Thomas 409 Cindric, Carl 293 Cisco, Robert 196,268,293,440 Cisco, Walter 371 Cissel, Sally 291 Ciula, Christine 373 Claeson, Linda Clancy, Kathleen 273,392,421 421 Claphan, Michael 301 Clapp, Gerald 317,421 Clark, George 325 Clark, Gregory Clark, Janet 421 Clark, Karen 304 Clark, Kathryn 358 Clark, Lynn 294 Clark, Melinda 383 Clark, Richard A. 329 Clark, Richard C. 332 Clark, Susan 269 Clark, Thomas B. 330 Clark, Thomas D. 170 Clarke, Arlinda 296 Clary, Brent 223 Clason, Stephen 389 Claus, Christopher 325 Clavio, James 298 Clawson, Robert 409,452 Claybourn, Carol 452 Claybourn, Marilyn 299 318 Clayton, Michael
256,389 Clayton, Robert 310 Clegg, Robert 440 Clelland, Phillip 304 Clem, Linda 267 Clem, Telmage 263 Clements, Cynthia 266 Clements, James 391 Clements, Vanita 413 Clevenger, Bruce 209,293 Clevinger, Brian 313 Clifford, David 414 Clifford, Lawrence 358 Clifford, Richard 313 Clift, Martin 257 Cline, Betty 198,328 Cline, Charles 368 Cline, Daniel 170 Cline, Linda 440 Cline, Peter 198 Cline, Vernon Clippinger, Aline 209,280,281,300 323 Clops, Richard 352 Close, Janet 275 Close, Patricia 309 Closson, Christine 295 Cloud, Dennis 268 Clouse, Stephen 440 Clouser, Charles 421 Cloutier, Michael 452 Clymer, Myra 218,421 Coan, Dietlind 377 Coburn, Gary 368 Coburn, Samuel 400 Coburn, Susan 409 Cochard, Lee 336 Cochran, Richard 390 Cochran, Roddy 267,305 Cochran, Ronald 440 Cochrane, William 401 Cockett, Penny 363 Cocquyt, Judith 347 Coe, James 331 Coffey, Phillip 391 Coffland, Sandra Coffman, David 346 Coffman, John 313 Coffman, Norma 372 Coffman, Richard 332 Coffman, William 232 Coget, Pamela 398 Cohee, Richard 440 Cohen, Adele 374 Cohen, Alan 440 Cohen, Barry 324 Cohen, Cathy 401 Cohen, Ellen 286 Cohen, Linda 421 Cohen, Maxine 421 Cohen, William 440 Cohn, Mark 324 Cohn, Richard 234 Colantonio, Corinne 221,290 Colburn, Pamela 327 Colby, Elizabeth 391 Cole, Judith 208,232,306 Cole, Mark 408 Coleman, Carolyn 401 Coleman, Gretchen 373 Coleman, Johan 359 Coleman, John 218,421 Coleman, Larry 440 Coleman, Mark 328 Coles, Donald 302 College, C arol 359 Collier, David 209 Collier, Gary 223 Collins, Claudia 211,288 Collins, Dennis 346 Collins, George 263 Collins, Jerry 186,230,268,329,452 Collins, Marcia 307 Collins, Mary 384
Collins, Melvin 388 Colliver, Keith 268 Collons, Michelle 218,421 Colter, Cheryl 391 Colyer, Charles 233,318 Coman, Lawrence 379 Combs, Lana 246,421 Combs, Linda 233,296 Combs, William 421 Comerford, James 230,261,440 Comerford, Sharon 401 Comingore, Beverly 218 Compton, Thomas 234,295 Conard, Nancy 342,398,452 Conet, Margaret 398 Conger, Dale 261,313 Congleton, Richard 409 Conkin, Bill 325 Conley, Bruce 405,406,414 Conley, Deborah 402 Conley, George 301 Conley, Margaret 209 Conley, Patrick 218,421 Conn, Joseph 266 Conn, Judith 209 Conn, Michelle 209,265,299 Connan, Sharon 421 Connell, Robert 387 Conner, Bruce 170 Conner, Ellen 254 Conner, Gary 377 Conner, Jack 358 Conner, Ronald 263 Connolly, James 263 Connolly, Susan 299 Connolly, Thomas 414 Connor, Catherine 352 Conrad, Anita 291 Conrad, Janis 294 Conti, Michael 209,266,302,421 Conti, Ralph 370 Contino, Frederic 329 Contino, Lisa 300 Conway, Hudon 325 Conway, Stanton 322 Conwell, Janice 208,257,349 Conwell, Judy 464 Cook, Beverly 299 Cook, Candace 440 Cook, Dennis 368 Cook, Judd 230,308,440 Cook, Kathryn 383 Cook, Mary 263 Cook, Michael 292 Cook, Michael 210,261,313 Cook, Susan 209 Cook, Todd 409 174,305 Cooke, Joseph Cooksley, Susan 264,382 Cooley, Ricky 390 Cooley, Robert 166 Coonrod, David 263,440 Coons, Cheryl 359 Cooper, Brad 377 264 Cooper, Debbie Cooper, Evan 408 Cooper, Glenn 346 Cooper, Kathleen 391 Cooper, Linda 307 Cooper, Mark 335 Cooper, Michael D. 298,440 Cooper, Michael T. 399 Cooper, Rex 308 Cooper, Robert 325 Cooper, Sally 265,306 Cooper, Susan 208,230,421 Cooper, Terrence 368 Copeland, Karen 258 Copeland, Randall 315 Coplen, Daniel 325 Copper, Michael 316 Corbin, David 301
Corbin, Donald 405,414 Corcoran, Deborah 407 330 Cord, Noel Cordell, Timothy 412 Cordry, Michail 370 464 Corey, Sharon Cornea, Zachary 209,232,311 Cornelius, Carole 170,265 Cornish, Cynthia 327 Cornwell, David 284 Corona, Stephen 358 Correa, George 166,421 Corrigan, Kathie 402 300 Corum, Linda Costa, Gary 321 Costino, James 368 209,257 Cotter, Linda 452 Cotterman, Cheryl 368 Cottingham, Joseph Cottingham, Sarah 421 Cottom, Carol 245 421 Cottom, Irene Cotton, Sharon 369 285 Couch, Elizabeth Couch, Phyllis 303 Coughlan, David 379 Coulehan, William 399 Coulis, Paul 316 Counihan, Nancy 421 Cousilman, James 313 Counts, Sharon 221,232,280,281,289 421 Couts, Charles Covell, Marjorie 392 Cowan, Craig 218 Cowan, Rex 311 Cowling, John 421 Cox, Catherine 300 Cox, David 421 Cox, Jennifer 414 Cox, Larry 329 Cox, Maribeth 209,327 Cox, McClellon 405,412 Cox, Pamela 299 Cox, Robert 266 Cox, Sharon 288 Coyle, William 368,440 Craft, John 302 Craig, Barbara 414 Craig, Cathy 345 Craig, David 364,421 Craig, Donna 421 Craig, James 301 Craig, John 295 Craig, Ryta 352 Crail, Gregory 401 Cramer, Susan 290 Crandall, Barbara 309 Crandall, Caryn 306 Crandall, Gregory 234 Crandall, Patricia 452 Crandall, Thomas 311 Crane, Linda 364 Crary, Patricia 369 Crask, Donald 192,194 Craven, William 413 Cravens, Russell 292,421 Cravey, Georgia 234 Crawford, Gregg 293 Crawford, Lynn 421 Crawford, Nancy 372 Crawford, Stanley 266 Crawford, Thomas 400 Crayden, Anthony 301,440 Creasey, Steven 302 Creek, Michelle 291 Creer, Margaret 257,269 Cregor, Douglas 209,405 Creveling, Jay 311 Creviston, Carol 304 Crider, Betty 285 Cripe, Glenn 347
209 Cripe, John 382 Cripe, Nancy 327 Crippen, Suzanne 421 Critchlow, James 240 Cmovich, George 325 Crnovich, Richard 378,452 Cronk, Stephen 398 Crooks, Glenna 289 Croom, Gwendolyn 421 Crosell, Pamela 412 Crosley, Eric 411,421 Crossland, George 265 Crossman, Catherine 421 Crouse, Constance 414 Crowe, Jerry 399 Crowe, Thomas 452 Cruser, Mary Ann 421 Cruser, Timothy 384 Csetenyi, Magda 287 Csillag, Alex 326 Csillag, Rose 452 Cullen, Susan 402 Cullnane, Chris 254 Culloden, Clifford 309 Culloden, Deborah 234,316 Culp, David 421 Culp, Stephen 301 Culver, James 421 Cummings, Beverly 308 Cummings, Robert 286 Cunix, Nadine 352 Cunningham, Julia 452 Cunningham, Kay Cunningham, Marjorie 452 Cunningham, Nathaniel 157,452 374 Cunningham, Pamela 308 Cunningham, Ronald Curl, Susan 414 Curley, William 328 Curnutt, Terry 310 Curran, Glen 323 Curran, Jane 351 Currens, Timothy 211,261,313 Curry, Dennis 405,409 Curtin, Jane 209,230,263,307,421 Curtis, Glen 284 Curtis, Janis 291,421 377 Custard, Scott Cutler, Deborah 399 Cuttington, Uthant 268 Cwidak, Paulette 422 Cytron, Paula 326 Czecowski, Jo Anne 294
• D'Amato, Gerard Daane, Arthur Dabel, John Dabel, Christie Dabrowski, Evelyn Dagley, Virginia Dahl, John Dahl, Peter Dahlknap, Janie Dahlkamp, William Dailey, Kathleen Dailey, Patrick Daily, Dennis Daily, Michael Dal Hasen, Pamela Dalby, Robert Dale, Nancy Dale, Teresa Daley, John Dalton, Barbara Dalton, Donald Dalzotto, Kerry Danda, David Danda, Patrica Daniel, Richie Daniels, Eddie Daniels, Maurice
318,422 234 402 383 391 303 232,322 422 452 370 285 233,408 357 266 285 376 232 270,359 293 440 222,325 409 329 290 408 377 379
300 Danielson, Mary 363 Danks, Ronald 324,440 Dann, Neal 326 Dansker, Anita 401 Darnell, Patricia 302 Darst, Michael Van 452 Dassel, Diana 262 Dassel, Larry 402,452 Datzman, Margaret 440 Daugherty, Daniel 275,351 Daugherty, Sherry 318 Davenport, William 315 David, Craig 157 David, John 331 David, Steven 305 David, Vincent 411 Davids, Jack 440 Davidson, Arthur 358 Davidson, Jefrey 335 Davidson, John 218 Davidson, Pamela 290,422 Davidson, Patricia 422 Davidson, Susan 273,452 Davies, Mary 310 Davies, Richard 171,300 Davies, Roberta Davis, Carol 270,296 357 Davis, Charles Davis, Cheryl 265,391 209 Davis, Craig Davis, Crissy 307,440 Davis, Darrel 192,223,389 Davis, David 422 306 Davis, Deborah Davis, Diane 309 Davis, Douglas 318 Davis, Gary Dean 301 Davis, Gary Robert 409 Davis, Hugh 208 Davis, James M. 334,422 Davis, James R. 209,267,302 Davis, Jamie 231,422 David, Jay 287 Davis, John 410 Davis, Larry 409 Davis, Linda 392 Davis, Nancy 285 Davis, Patricia 300,422 Davis, Richard 314 Davis, Rochelle 234 Davis, Sameul 301 Davis, Sandra 364,452 Davis, Sharalyn 351 Davis, Thomas 297 Dawson, Dallas 170 Day, Kenneth 240,241 Day, Linda Jo 372 Day, Ralph 422 Dayhuff, George 330 Dayton, Maureen 391 Dazey, Richard 275 DeCamp, Richard 315 DeDapper, Joyce 359 DeFrantz, Robert 305 DeJesus, Pedro 412 DeLaCroix, Clifford 209,302,440 DeLaney, Craig 321 DeMik, Ann 288 DeMoss, James 409 DeToma, Janet 264 DeVries, Bernice 452 DeWell, Dennis 377 DeWitt, Allen 223,358 DeWitt, Susan 307 Deal, Cathryn 402 Deal, Michael 157 Dean, Gary 440 Dean, Judith 400 Dearholt, Vicki 371 Dearing, Harry 317 Deaton, David 409
233,328 Deek, Karl 452 Deckard, Beverly 452 Deckard, Philip 331 Deckard, Roger Decker, Hal 192,194 411 Decker, Jerry 330 Decker, Robert 209,309 Deckman, Susan 383 Deeb, Amelia 315 Deems, William 403 Degler, Frank 363 Degraff, Margaret 211,288 Dehn, Cheryl 285 DelVecchio, Barbara 402 Delaney, Sharon 402 Delehanty, Karen 308 Delinger, Daniel 211 Della Chiesa, James 256 Delph, Diana 412 Delph, Robert 402 Delprete, Catherine 414 Demkovich, Allen 249 Demkovich, Diane 232,294 Demkovich, Joan 331 Demorotski, David 267 Demos, Charles 440 Deneke, Marilyn 254 Denesuk, Michelle 400 Deniston, Marianne 452 Denker, Debbie 368 Denney, Thomas 360 Denning, Basil 293 Denning, Lawrence 286 Dennis, Carol 452 Dennison, Cheryl 345 Denniston, Mary 234,393 Denny, Anne 230,452 Deno, Evelyn 392 Deputy, Pamela 218 Derbeck, Jeanne 268,440 Derloshon, Thomas 230,329,440 Derr, John 157,268 Desalle, Donald 372 Desits, Suzanne 408 Detamore, Howard 317 Detmer, Delbert 403 Dettmer, Edmund 376 Deuring, Stuart 286 Deutch, Rita 330 Deutsch, Samuel 170 Devereaux, James 401 Devetski, Greg 371 Dewers, Deanna 262,314,440 Dewey, Albert 264 Dexter, Paula 232 Deyton, Daniel 256,422 Diamond, Susan 307 Diaz, Marie 168 Dibble, Daniel 233 Dick, John 392 Dickensheets, Diana 422 Dicker, Carol 321 Dickey, Dan 387,422 Dickhaus, Steven 379 Dickinson, Charles 422 Dickinson, Diane 358 Dickmeyer, Richard 234 Dickson, Vincent 388 Dicus, David 285 Didday, Katherine 295,440 Diehl, David 315 Diekmann, John 281,299 Diekmann, Peggy 254 Diener, Sharon 302 Diesslin, David 371 Dietrich, Beverly 297 Dietz, Tom 297 Differding, David 209 Diggins, Dianne 272,389,440 Dill, Dennis 309 Dillon, Nancy
383 Dillon, Teresa 410 Dils, Eric 372 Dimich, Dianne 327,422 Dingle, Sharon 209,308 Dingman, Robert 408 Dininger, Terry 261 Dinn, David 230,288,422 Disler, Jennifer 440 Dittmer, Karen 332 Dittrich, Terrence 288,422 Dixon, Cheryl 331 Dixon, Paul 422 Doades, Gail 453 Dobis, Judy 271,440 Dobrow, Edward 422 Dock, Maurice 328 Doepker, John 272 Doglione, Paul 285 Dolan, Janice 440 Dolatowski, Thomas 330 Dolch, David 422 Dolde, Edward 290,453 Dolen, Frances 410 Dolezal, Kenneth 373 Doll, Diana 453 Dominici, Paula 411 Dominik, Joseph 209,263,360 Domkowski, Judy 360 Donagher, Colleen Donald, Jerutha 453 422 Donald, Robert 422 Donnellan, Anne 464 Donnelly, Anne 422 Donnelly, Judith Donner, Julia 327 Donohue, Beverly 385 Donovan, Deborah 232,327 464 Donovan, Patricia 218 Dooley, Martin 413 Doran, Robert 373 Dorey, Daron 233,326 Dorfman, Laura 453 Dorman, Debra 358 Dorman, Thomas Dome, Deborah 209,263 Dorr, Jim 256 Dorsett, Linda 209,221,271,309 Dorsey, Deborah 366,373 Doswell, Florence 264 Dotlich, Donald 188,308 Dougherty, Ann 369 Dougherty, Robert 293 Douglas, Rebecca 400 Douglas, Robert 157 Douglas, Stephen 230,422 Douglass, Jean 264 Dovo, Humberto 316 Dowdy, Robert 166,409,422 Dowell, James 198,302 Dowery, Butler 312 Dowman, Susan 303 Downard, Michael 401 Downard, Rita 239,391 Downey, Charles 346 Downing, Joseph 260 Downing, Nancy 304 Downs, Paul 346 Downs, Stannye 422 Downs, Stephen 329 Downs, Thomas 301 Dowty, Gary 258 Doyle, Gordon 370,422 Doyle, Mark 370 Doyne, Sylvia 351 Drabecki, John 390 Draizar, Phyllis 422 Drake, Daniel 331 Drake, Joan 422 Drake, Kevin 170,422 Drake, Ojetta 230,453 Drake, Wanda 453
ҟ 249,384 )rennen, Becky ҟ 422 Dresbach, Michael ҟ 320,422 Drew, Jenifer ҟ 295 Drew, Paul ҟ 328 Dro, Daniel ҟ 286 Drohlich, Lynne ҟ 373 Droza, Codylo ҟ 249,372 Drozda, Valerie ҟ 440 Druckamiller, Anden ҟ 209,364,422 Drury, Rebecca ҟ 370 Dryer, Bruce ҟ 422 DuBois, Linda ҟ 294 DuBois, Susan ҟ 385 Dubec, Joanne ҟ 360 Dubinsky, Donna ҟ 230,284 Dudley, Mark ҟ 300 Duey, Sally ҟ 389 Duffin, David ҟ 384 Duffin, Sherry ҟ 411 Duga, Terry ҟ 409 Dugan, Steven ҟ 385 Dugle, Janis ҟ 198 Duhamel, Peter ҟ 368 Duhamell, Larry ҟ 233 Duke, Barbara 283,292,453 Duke, Robert J.ҟ ҟ 440 Duke, Robert W. ҟ 310 Dukie, Jack ҟ 422 Dulin, Julia ҟ 266,268,422 Dull, Daniel ҟ 422 Dumas, Sarah ҟ 324 Dumes, Robert ҟ 359 Dumitru, Marilyn ҟ 295,440 Dunbar, Partickҟ 313 Duncan, Robert ҟ 273,400 Duncan, Shirley ҟ 440 Duncan, Steven ҟ 360 Duncan, Timothy ҟ 363 Duney, Carlene ҟ Dunham, Dorothy 453 ҟ 402 Dunkle, Susanҟ Dunlap, Cheri ҟ 249,265 Dunn, Deborah 309 ҟ Dunn, Donna 209,309 ҟ Dunn, Gary 302,453 ҟ Dunn, George 272,422 ҟ 359 Dunn, Jacqueline ҟ Dunn, James 330,440 ҟ Dunn, Peggy 373 ҟ 221,233,280,320 Dunn, Sally ҟ Dunn, Steven 334 ҟ Dunn, Warren 313 ҟ Dunn, William 234,325 ҟ Dunne, David 241 ҟ Dunnick, D. Kim 321,466 ҟ Dunning, Daniel 293 ҟ Dunnuck, Rebecca 406,414 ҟ Dunton, Jake 390 Dunwoody, Sharon 216,255,327,422 ҟ Durfee, Steven 198 ҟ Durnell, Julie 393 ҟ Durr, Larry 325 ҟ Dust, Larry 329 ҟ Duthie, Anne 291 ҟ Dutilly, John 166 ҟ Dwenger, Kennethҟ 334 Dworecki, Michael 347 ҟ Dwyer, Jack ҟ 453 Dyar, Deborah 300 ҟ Dyer, Calvin 293 ҟ Dyer, Jane 288 ҟ Dyer, Patricia 392 ҟ Dyke, John 166 ҟ Dyson, Richard 230,329,422 ҟ Dyson, Sandra 466 ҟ Dyszkiewicz, Carl 370 ҟ Dyszkiewicz, Paul 209 ҟ Dzeparovs, Resod 440
-E ҟ
Eagleson, John 368 ҟ Earhart, Judith 369
ҟ 235,262,316 Earhart, Thomas ҟ 186,329 Earle, Charles ҟ 359 Earle, Virginia ҟ 257,393 Earley, Ellen ҟ 412 Eash, Glen ҟ 423 East, Robert ҟ 346 Easterday, Gregory ҟ 364 Easterday, Jim ҟ 346 Easterday, John ҟ 324 Eastman, William ҟ 262,388 Eastridge, Thomas ҟ 390 Eaves, Greg ҟ 383 Ebbinghouse, Jane ҟ 285 Eberle, Lindaҟ 301,441 Eberly, David ҟ 371 Ebert, Julia ҟ 359 Ebert, Walda ҟ 325 Eberwein, Samuel ҟ 249,372 Eck, Cynthia ҟ Eckert, John 315 ҟ 441 Eckert, William ҟ 234,329 Ede, Edward ҟ 464 Edgar, Regina ҟ 409 Edgeman, William ҟ 370 Edkins, John ҟ 308 Edmonds, David ҟ Edwards, Gary 379 ҟ 234 Edwards, Joyce ҟ 363 Edwards, Karen ҟ Edwards, Sharon 414 ҟ 238,381,385 Edwards, Susan ҟ 403,441 Eells, John ҟ Egan, Patrick ҟ157 Eger, Gail 393 ҟ Egger, John 209,295 ҟ Eggleston, James 412 ҟ Egler, Danny 292,423 ҟ Ehereman, Linda 385 ҟ Ehman, Jo 296 ҟ Eichenseher, Mary 230,290,453 ҟ Eicher, Paul 399,466 ҟ Eichhorn, Rebecca 306,423 ҟ Eigelsbach, William 412 ҟ Eikelberner, Ike 441 ҟ Einfalt, Robert 441 ҟ Einhaus, James 329 ҟ 238,255,423 Eisert, Sandra ҟ Eisler, Millard 234,376 ҟ Ekanem, Ikot 423 ҟ Ekblad, Julie 204,263,320,441 ҟ Eklund, Nancy 221,223,280,285 ҟ Eldred, Terry 379 ҟ Eldredge, Joan 264 ҟ Eldredge, Karen 304 ҟ Eley, Cheryl 94,209,309 ҟ Eley, Paula 391 ҟ Elgin, William 441 ҟ Elibasich, Christine 371 ҟ Elkins, Larry 319 ҟ Ellars, Harvey 241 ҟ Ellerman, Joseph 441 Ellett, Jeanneҟ 453 ҟ Elliott, Daniel 409 ҟ Elliott, James 238,441 ҟ Elliott, Jamie 280 Elliott, Jenniferҟ 304 Elliott, Leslyeҟ 270 ҟ Elliott, Mark 301 ҟ Elliott, Mildred 288 Elliott, Phillipҟ 377 Elliott, Timothyҟ 409 Ellis, Andrewҟ 390 ҟ Ellis, Darrell 441 ҟ Ellis, Eleanor 223,273,302 ҟ Ellis, Janet 209,221,265,300 ҟ Ellis, Madelaine 209,306 ҟ Ellis, Nancy 216,219,303,423 ҟ Ellis, Philip 330 Ellis, Susanҟ 373 ҟ Ellis, William 328 ҟ Ellison, Elaine 358 ҟ Ellison, Jon 423
ҟ 383 Elrod, Maurita ҟ 384 Elsner, Ann ҟ 345 Elston, Marjorieҟ 334 Elston, Richard ҟ 168,423 Eltzroth, John ҟ 218 Emerson, Joe ҟ 392 Emery, Jean ҟ 230,423 Emig, Robert ҟ 347 Emmelman, Karen ҟ 359 Emmerth, Linda ҟ 311,441 Emmons, James ҟ 453 Emmons, Suzanne 358 Endsley, Douglasҟ 238,255,423 Engdahl, Kathleenҟ 209,441 Engebretson, Williamҟ 287 Engel, Ronaldҟ 423 Elgelbrecht, Maryҟ ҟ 285 Engelbrecht, Virginia ҟ 411 Engelking, Richard ҟ 255,423 Engle, Cynthia ҟ 382 Engle, Margaret ҟ 292 Engle, Robert ҟ 408 Engledow, James ҟ 331 Englert, Steven ҟ 267 Englin, Robert ҟ 423 English, Marcia ҟ 423 English, Sandra ҟ 318 English, Terry ҟ 293 Enoch, Mark ҟ 330 Enochs, Thomas ҟ 413 Enslen, Kathy ҟ 310 Ensor, Thomas ҟ 209,363 Epple, Mary ҟ 299,423 Epst, Ellen ҟ 263,299 Epst, Merrilynn ҟ 304 Erdel, Kathryn ҟ 315 Erdel, William ҟ 323 Erhardt, Bruce ҟ 441 Erickson, Dale ҟ 387 Erlacher, Andrew ҟ 261,441 Ernst, Richardҟ Ernst, Ronald 329 ҟ Errington, Sandra 211,232,304 ҟ Ertel, Gary 262 ҟ Erwin, James 423 ҟ Eschenbach, Teresaҟ 366,371 Eschenbaum, Keith 329 ҟ Esenwein, Mark 389 ҟ Esmay, John 330,441 ҟ Esposito, Patricia 336 ҟ Essendreis, Carole 453 ҟ Esserman, Terry 268,346 ҟ Estes, David 297,441 ҟ Estes, Jeff y 188,302 ҟ Etchison, Marjorie 391 Etchison, Michaelҟ 328,441 ҟ Ethridge, Lindaҟ 221,222,223,374 Etter, Deborah 423 ҟ Etter, Joyce 373 ҟ Evans, Bruce 410 ҟ Evans, Carlton 301 ҟ Evans, Gary 423 ҟ Evans, Jennifer 363,453 ҟ Evans, Jill 359 ҟ Evans, Judith 423 ҟ Evans, Richard 453 ҟ Evans, Virginia 291 ҟ Everett, William 308 ҟ Evernham, Sandra 306 ҟ Eversman, Philip 400 ҟ Evett, Donald 453 ҟ Evinger, Joseph 318 ҟ Evory, Robert 411 ҟ Ewan, Mary 307 ҟ Ewing, Leslie 300,441 ҟ Exner, Susan 327 ҟ Ezri, Marilyn 336
ҟ Fagan, John 364 ҟ Fagan, Michael 295 ҟ Fagersten, Larry 302
262,412 Failey, Williamҟ 336,453 Fair, Louisaҟ 401 Fairleigh, Katherineҟ 414 Falewicz, Christineҟ 453 Falls, Sherylҟ 371 Falvey, Maryҟ 405 Fancil, Terryҟ 453 Fanning, Rebeccaҟ 266 Farone, Robertҟ 286 Farber, Deborahҟ 358 Farek as, Bethҟ 364,423 Farian, Janiceҟ 310 Faris, Grantҟ 364 Farmer, Ralphҟ 157 Farone, Bobҟ 293 Farquharson, Donaldҟ 315,466 Farrell, Brianҟ 208,232,296 Farson, Margaretҟ 349 Fasick, Lyndaҟ 209,230,266,298,441 Fast, Larryҟ 233,265,285 Fasules, Margueriteҟ 329 Fath, Daleҟ 378 Fatula, Michaelҟ 330 Faulkner, Johnҟ Faut, Kenҟ284 315 Fay, Frederickҟ 261 Fay, Jamesҟ 322 Feanagan, Tomҟ 210,398,467 Federoff, Alanҟ 237,265 Feenster, Elizabethҟ 441 Feeney, Michaelҟ 293 Feeney, Michaelҟ 364 Feffer, Dorisҟ 311 Fehd, Donҟ 324 Fehr, Donaldҟ 209,283,332,441 Feichter, Jacobҟ 324 Feigenbaum, Davidҟ ҟ 234,370 Feighner, Lance ҟ 423 Fein, Martin ҟ 423 Feitelson, Maxine ҟ 286 Feldman, Ann ҟ 411 Feldman, Steven ҟ 222,233,286 Feldman, Valerie ҟ 378 Feliciano, Ruben ҟ 209,232,294 Felker, Susan ҟ 441 Felkins, Douglas ҟ 378 Feller, William ҟ Felsher, Doris ҟ 249,369 335 Felstein, David ҟ 302 Feltner, Nancyҟ 408 Felty, Richard ҟ 298 Fenney, James ҟ 391 Ferguson, Betty ҟ 234,385 Ferguson, Brenda 371 Ferguson, James R.ҟ 412 Ferguson, James S.ҟ ҟ 321,423 Ferguson, Jeffrey ҟ 423 Ferling, Ronald ҟ 412 Fernandes, Pakala ҟ 414 Fernandez, Hector ҟ 364 Ferraro, Deborah ҟ Ferree, Rebecca 453 ҟ 332 Ferrell, Danielҟ 382 Ferrell, Judith ҟ 412 Ferrell, Wesley ҟ 368 Ferries, Kenneth ҟ 294 Ferris, Teresa ҟ Fess, Frederick 210 ҟ Fess, Richard 231,329,441 ҟ Fessler, Tanya 383 ҟ Fetsch, William 318 ҟ 414 Fetter, Linda ҟ 347 Fetters, Glen ҟ Fetters, John 358 ҟ 272,403 Fettig, Bill ҟ Feuquay, Russell 368 ҟ Fiandt, Kathryn 400 ҟ Fichter, Gregory 423 ҟ Field, Alfred 423 ҟ Field, Katherine 208,285,453 ҟ Field, Robert 262,287 ҟ Fielder, Leslie 399
378 Fields, Johnҟ 291,441 Fields, Nancyҟ 414 Fields, Ronaldҟ 291 Fields, Wendyҟ 302 Fienning, Johnҟ 423 Fife, Eugeneҟ 390 Fife, Kennethҟ 369 Filderman, Laurieҟ 209,232,351 Filippini, Maryҟ 291 Findlay, Janiceҟ 409 Finegan, Jamesҟ 441 Fingleton, Thomasҟ 351 Fink, Margaretҟ 294 Fink, Paulaҟ 413 Fink, Stevenҟ 351 Finke, Lynnҟ 391 Finkel, Cydneyҟ 222 Finkel, Marshaҟ 157,315 Finlayson, Douglasҟ 218,423 Finley, Johnҟ 94,232,313 Finley, Michaelҟ 381,383 Finn, Ethelҟ 234 Finnegan, Thomasҟ 303 Finney, Donnaҟ 286,453 Firestone, Deborahҟ 412 Fiscel, Josephҟ 315 Fischer, Carlҟ 313 Fischer, Robertҟ 403 Fish, Joyceҟ 324 Fish, Marvinҟ Fisher, Dave 209,220,262,311,411 441 Fisher, James F.ҟ 423 Fisher, James R.ҟ ҟ 387 Fisher, Jane 412 Fisher, John A.ҟ ҟ Fisher, John C. 223,342,376 319 Fisher, John W.ҟ ҟ 390 Fisher, Lawrence ҟ 358 Fisher, Lynette ҟ 453 Fisher, Norma ҟ 334 Fisher, Paul ҟ 256 Fisher, Stephen ҟ 453 Fisher, Susan ҟ Fisher, Virginia 211,288,423 ҟ Fishman, Jo 326,453 ҟ 326 Fitterman, Susan ҟ 325 Fitz, John ҟ 328 Fitzgerald, Michael ҟ 384 Fitzner, Berenice ҟ Fitzner, Beverly 232,307 ҟ Fitzpatrick, Cheryl 423 ҟ Flanagan, Dan 234,332 ҟ Flanigam, John 323 ҟ Flannagan, Duane 321 ҟ Flannagan, Michael 321 ҟ Flaten, Lawrence 297 ҟ Fleagle, Daniel 347 ҟ Fleetwood, Gerald 423 ҟ Fleischman, Nancy 306,423 ҟ Fleming, Thomas 157 ҟ Flesher, Clifford 423 ҟ Fletcher, Thomas 311 ҟ Flick, Cheryl ҟ 399 Flick, Winnif red 411 ҟ Flicker, Connie 263 ҟ Fleigeltaub, Teresa 383 ҟ Flint, Douglas 407 ҟ Flint, Stephen 423 ҟ Flora, Craig 302 ҟ Florchak, Judith 296 ҟ Florjancic, Ronald 234,308 ҟ Flowers, Charles 370 ҟ Flowers, Janie 360 ҟ Floyd, William 234,315 ҟ Flum, Robert 409 ҟ Flummerfelt, Pamela 349 ҟ Flusser, Wendy 286,453 ҟ Flynn, Maureen 300 ҟ Fodora, Margaret 423 Foellinger, Patriciaҟ 233,280,336 Fogarty, Robertҟ 466 Fogel, Robertҟ 287
409 Fogelberg, Jennieҟ 334 Foisyte, Steveҟ 453 Folck, Sharonҟ 198 Foldenauer, Geneҟ 295 Foley, Arthurҟ 423 Foley, Mairinҟ 208,221,237,306 Foley, Sallyҟ 453 Foley, William Albertҟ 220,315 Foley, William Allenҟ Folk, Ronҟ168 240,347 Folson, Burton IIҟ 384 Foltz, Barbaraҟ 293 Footer, Chipҟ 453 Forbes, Penelopeҟ 393 Forbess, Lindaҟ 263,441 Forcum, Jamesҟ 267 Ford, Davidҟ 332 Ford, Dennf§ Josephҟ 297 Ford, Dennis Michaelҟ 308 Ford, Donaldҟ 204 Ford, Jeanҟ 208,403 Ford, Robert Haroldҟ 303 Foreman, Patriciaҟ 358 Forgianna, Dominicҟ 257 Forkner, Jillҟ 209,290 Forkner, Judithҟ 441 Forst, Dorothyҟ 306 Forste, Jeanneҟ 373 Forster, Lynnҟ 423 Forsyth, Stevenҟ 234,359 Fortinberry, Pennyҟ 232,330 Fortuna, Michaelҟ 290 Foster, Karenҟ 258,453 Foster, Maryҟ 321,423 Foster, Robertҟ 318 Foster, Williamҟ 254,453 Fouch, Marlaҟ 273,360 Foulke, Margaretҟ 273 Foulke, Sharonҟ 306 Foulkes, Jillҟ 291 Fountaine, Suzanneҟ 290 Foust, Lee Annҟ 390 Fouts, Stephenҟ 289 Fowler, Danny Kayeҟ 208 Fowler, Danny Rayҟ Fowler, Donnaҟ 304 326 Fox, Brendaҟ 401 Fox, Danielҟ Fox, Jackҟ322 250,307,453 Fox, Janetҟ Fox, Janiceҟ 240,241 170 Fox, Jeanneҟ Fox, Marthaҟ 307 Foy, Francesҟ 363 Franceschini, Michaelҟ 334 Francik, Phillipҟ 267,292 Francis, Lesterҟ 330 Francis, Reneeҟ 367,369 Francisco, Johnҟ 234,313 Franck, Shirleyҟ 453 Franey, Wendyҟ 171,209,320 Frank, Alanҟ 346 Frank, Harryҟ 335 Frank, Michaelҟ 423 Frankel, Stuartҟ 409 Franklin, Cynthiaҟ 400 Franklin, Marshaҟ 400 Franklin, Stanleyҟ 390 Frankowiak, Robertҟ 317 Franson, Stuartҟ 39,399 Franz, Juanitaҟ 453 Fraps, Johnҟ 441 Fraps, Judithҟ 453 Fraser, Bruceҟ 401 Fraser, Rebeccaҟ 398 Frass, Karenҟ 399,264 Frazer, Teresaҟ 170 Frazier, Rodneyҟ 322,441 Frech, Janiceҟ 384 Frederick, Caryҟ 377 Frederick, Phillipҟ 347 424 Frederick, Richardҟ
326 Freed, Marilynҟ 234,384 Freedman, Pennyҟ 218 Freels, Sandraҟ 424 Freeman, Barbaraҟ 209,263 Freeman, Carolynҟ 464 Freeman, Judithҟ Freeman, Randallҟ 166 Freeman, Sheridaҟ 306 424 Freeman, Timothyҟ Freemas, Jeffreyҟ 324 Freiberg, Judithҟ 286 Freiberger, Susanҟ 391 Fremder, Edwinҟ 424 441 French, Larryҟ French, Melbaҟ 414 French, Richardҟ 424 Freshner, Gregoryҟ 308 Frets, Jamesҟ 410 Freund, Barbaraҟ 453 Frey, Bruceҟ 424 Frey, Maryҟ 230 Frey, Thomasҟ 389 Frey, Virginiaҟ 209,357,358 Frick, Barbaraҟ 424 Fridh, Danielҟ 388 Friedberg, Richardҟ 368 Friedlander, Davidҟ 283,317 Friedman, Danielҟ 441 Friedman, Dayleҟ 286 Friedman, Jillҟ 326 Friedman, Jo-Annҟ 424 Friedman, Michaelҟ 335 Friedman, Sherethҟ 466 Friedman, Stephen J.ᵬ 293 Friedman, Stephen M.ҟ 324 Friedmann, Tomҟ 287 Friend, Dianeҟ 424 Friend, Richardҟ 401 Friesner, Susanҟ 464 Frischkorn, Jayҟ 360 Friss, Randyҟ 264 Fritz, Janelleҟ 304 Fritz, Jerryҟ 387 Fritz, Markҟ 263 Frohlich, Ronniҟ 286 Frohman, Davidҟ 411 Fromm, Garyҟ 218 Fruehwald, Michaelҟ 331 Fruit, Davidҟ 378 Frushour, Johnҟ 370 Fry, Markҟ368 Fry, Richardҟ 324 Fry, Thomasҟ 441 Frye, Sarahҟ 424 Fuchs, Garyҟ 324,424 Fuehrer, Pamelaҟ 351 Fuhs, Richardҟ 192,194,218,268 Fullbright, Pamelaҟ 424 Fullenwider, Juliaҟ 400 Fuller, Carolҟ 363 Fuller, Richardҟ 293 Fulmer, Jeffreyҟ 311 Fulton, Johnҟ 239,441 Fulton, Robertaҟ 336 Funcannon, Robertҟ 412 Funk, Georgetteҟ 327 Funkhouser, Julieҟ 385 Furbee, Robertҟ 316 Furlong, Vickieҟ 269,385 Fushelberger, Bethҟ 371 Fushelberger, Stevenҟ 230,325,441 Fuson, Bonnieҟ 209,336 Fuzy, Barbaraҟ 453 Fyte, Lindaҟ 241
Gaalema, Grantҟ 198,268 Gable, Cynthiaҟ 402 Gage, Albertҟ 157,268,305,424 Gage, Jeffreyҟ 323 Gagle, Sandraҟ 366,367,372 Gaier, Johnҟ 329
296,454 Gaines, Darleneҟ 360 Gaither, Pennyҟ 398 Gajda, Lindaҟ 371 Gale, Johnҟ 441 Galles, Johnҟ 441 Gallette, Peterҟ 324 Gallinger, Kennethҟ 383 Gallivan, Bonnieҟ 317 Gallo, James ,ҟ 383 Gallup, Deborahҟ 218 Galster, Judithҟ 287 Galvin, Martinҟ 370 Galvin, Timothyҟ 454 Gambel, Glennҟ 232,368 Gambill, Gilbertҟ 309 Gamble, Pollyҟ 442 Gangi, Barryҟ 265,304,454 Gangloff, Carenҟ 221,222,223,306 Gangstad, Susanҟ 230,424 Ganyard, Rebeccaҟ 442 Ganz, Davidҟ 287 Ganz, Philipҟ 260 Gard, Maryҟ 442 Gardiner, Edwinҟ 368 Gardiner, Samҟ 391 Gardner, Bonnieҟ 269,373 Gardner, Janetҟ 400 Gardner, Lindaҟ 198,284 Gardner, Timҟ 233,304 Garity, Susanҟ 331,442 Garman, Stevenҟ 318 Gamier, Thomasҟ 364 Garrett, Johnҟ 409 Garrett, Kennethҟ 442 Garrett, Robertҟ 305 Garrett, Wilkinsҟ 402,454 Garrettson, Lauraҟ 308 Garrison, Jamesҟ 209,286 Garrison, Janaҟ 336 Garritson, Sandraҟ 371 Garrott, Janetҟ 424 Garry, Patriciaҟ 288 Garvey, Donnaҟ 442 Garzolini, Kathrynҟ 454 Gaskill, Rebeccaҟ 401 Gasko, Michaelҟ 358 Gaspar, Maureenҟ 324 Gassel, Alanҟ 295 Gast, Georgeҟ 171,186 Gatti, Alfredҟ 263,442 Gauck, Johnҟ 424 Gauder, Johnҟ 442 Gaunt, Stevenҟ 267,330 Gawthrop, Peterҟ 192,194,268 Gaydos, Paulҟ 390,442 Gayle, Richardҟ 263,442 Gaylord, Stevenҟ 209,241,336,424 Gazel, Christineҟ Gear, Johnҟ 368 265 Gearet, Myraҟ 223,383 Geder, Judithҟ 157,313 Geers, Robertҟ 359 Geesken, Terryҟ 357,360 Geffen, Royҟ Gehret, Myraҟ 294 Gehring, Deborahҟ 234 329 Geiger, Davidҟ Geil, Ronaldҟ 166 Geile, Charlesҟ 368 Geiman, Thomasҟ 313 Geller, Michaelҟ 466 424 Gelling, Janeҟ 442 Gemmer, Johnҟ 454 Gemmill, Gloriaҟ Genier, Suzanneҟ 358,424 Gennard, Josephҟ 399 Gentner, Sandraҟ 286 Gentry, Garyҟ 311 Gentry, Pamelaҟ 342,398 George, Constanceҟ 424 George, Cynthiaҟ 307 George, Ericҟ 378
331 George, Kenneth 358 Georgion, Art 424 Georgiou, Georgios 210,285 Gerald, Linda 269 Gerald, Cynthia 219,424 Gerald, Donna 352,424 Gerber, Lynne 360 Gergacz, John 357 Gerig, Kathleen 392 German, Marilyn 372 Gerometta, Kathryn 287 Gersh, Wesley 358 Gescheidler, Janice 265 Getchell, Laura 383 Gettinger, Cheryl 403 Gettinger, Dan 168,316 Gettle, David 336 Getz, Jennifer 268 Geyer, Mark 164,192,194 Gibbens, Mark 424 Gibson, John 377 Gibson, Michael D. 284 Gibson, Michael T. 171 Gibson, Myra 222 Gibson, Thomas 454 Giddings, Nancy 364 Gidley, Cynthia 408 Gifford, Gregory 234 Gilbert, Debra 424 Gilbert, Fred 442 Gilbert, Judy 319 Gilchrist, Gilbert 234,369 Gill, Marilyn 454 Gill, Sharon 284 Gillaspie, Michael 300 Gillett, Wayne 349 Gilley, Wilma 313 Gilmore, Harvey 413 Gilmore, John 424 Gilmore, Sidney 359 Gilmore, Carol 325 Giltner, David 454 Giltner, Patricia Giltner, Steve 368 Gimberling, Gloria 217 401 Ginder, Darlene 267 Ginder, Wesley Gines, James 424 Gines, Robert 267 Girk, Nan 232,285 168 Gist, Gary Givan, Sandra 309 Given, Ed 408 Glabman, Paula 286 Glad, Wayne 308 Gladden, James 399 Gladden, Vivian 364 Giant, Robert 328 Glascock, Pamela 309 Glaser, Cheryl 209,359 Glaser, Sherry 393 Glasgow, Roger 403 Glass, Carol 210,285 Glass, Larry 262,442 Glass, Sheryl 383 Glawe, Philip 318 Glazer, Jay 442 Glay, Bob 310 Glick, Barry 408 Glick, Susan 260,392 Glim, Bernard 371 Gilsinski, Martin 424 Glock, James 314 Glogowski, Diane 372 Glover, Allen 308 Glowacki, Diane 385,454 Gluckmann, Harriet 286,424 Gluff, Stephen 208 Glynn, J. Patrick 168,400 Goad, John 424 Goar, Deborah 372 Gobdel, Bruce 204,220
295 Goddard, Alan 358 Godfrey, Janet 360 Godwin, Linda 332 Goens, Bruce 408 Goetz, Theodore 402 Goheen, Duane 335 Goldberg, Bruce 424 Goldberg, David 286 Goldberg, Eloise 324 Goldberg, James 286 Goldberg, Sue 286 Goldboss, Beth 324 Goldboss, Lester 291 Golden, Diane 335 Golden, Edward 301 Golden, Max 324 Goldenberg, Richard 335 Goldenberg, Sherman 324 Goldfarb, Benjamin 324 Goldman, Jay 359 Goldschmidt, Juliet 286 Goldstein, Ellen 166 Goldstein, Gordon 400 Goldstein, Larry 442 Goldstein, Steven 424 Golinko, Barry 291 Goll, Karen 286 Gollub, Claire 324 Golper, John 442 Gomez, Jose 401 Gond, Rob 369 Gonder, Jacqueline 157,198,209 Gonso, Harry 424 Gonzalez, Mario 325 Gonzenbach, Gary 249 Gooch, John 454 Gooch, Linda 299 Good, Kathryn 442 Good, Merikay 260 Goodin, Robert 424 Goodloe, Samuel 290 Goodman, Barbara 262,442 Goodman, David 407 Goodman, Eldon 398 Goodman, Jonathan 272,286 Goodman, Lynda 287 Goodman, Mason 326 Goodman, Roslyn 326 Goodman, Sharyn 315 Goodman, William 264 Goodrich, Deborah 359 Goodrich, Judy 192,312 Goodrich,ҟ Michael 370 Goodrum, Stephen 390 Goodwin, Craig 382 Goodwin, Deborah 424 William Gookins,ҟ 464 Goot, Rebecca 442 Goot, Stephen 280,290 Gora, Marjorie 385 Gordon, Bonnie 286 Gordon, Daryl 218,392 Gordon, Patricia 292 Gordon, Steve 302 Gordon, Thomas 311 Gordson, Jon 366 Gore, Debbie 369 Goren, Gaylene 372 Gorman, Karen 269 Gorney, Cynthia 414,442 Gorrell, Larry 408 Gorrell, William 403 Gorseline, Thomas 389 Gorski, Michael 371 Goss, Louise 306,424 Gossard, Jane 268,403 Gostolo, Michael 377 Gottman, Rocky 264,466 Gould, Mary 324 Gould, Richard Gourley, Thomas 293 407 Gowan, Anne
295 Gowdy, Bruce 442 Grabants, Vilis 359 Grabarek, Sandra 373 Grabbe, Katherine 442 Grace, Charles 413 Gradle, Sandra 392 Gadolf, Stephanie 391 Grady, Yvette 352 Graessle, Lucinda 267 Graf, Allen 186,310,442 Graf, Paul 218,424 Graff, Jill 358 Graft, Luann 454 Graham, Bonnie 194 Graham, Edward 293 Graham, Ivan 409 Graham, James 299 Graham, Linda 377 Graliszak, Larry 402 Gramkow, Mary 400 Granfield, Meg 358 Grandy, John 285 Granger, Sharon 263 Grannan, Ronald 442 Grant, Beverly 209,302 Grant, John 230 Grant, Robert 210,258,454 Graper, Cynthia 323 Graub, John 424 Graves, Jewell 363 Graves, Rebecca 442 Gray, Charles 314 Gray, Christopher 377 Gray, David A. 323 Gray, David L. 198 Gray, Gary 266 Gray, John 301 Gray, Robert 307,454 Gray, Virginia 234,328 Greathouse, James 328 Greathouse, Larry 157 Grecco, Gerald 407 Green, Alan 359 Green, Barbara 310 Green, Dwight 262 Green, Edwin 442 Green, Harold 310 Green, Jeffrey 442 Green, John R. 316 Green, John W. Green, Julie 306 398 Green, Nancy Green, Stephen 324 307 Greenwalt, Anita 424 Greenberg, Bruce Greenberg, Lynne 209,286 Greenblatt, Philip 287 287 Greene, Glenn Greene, Howard 263 Greene, Joe 334 Greene, Kathleen 299 Greene, Susan 306 Greene, Thomas 168,323 311 Greener, Michael 424 Greenfield, John Greenleaf, Christopher 376 Greenwell, Thomas 267 Greenwold, Sally 326 Gregg, Larry 282,322 Gregg, Scott 241 Gregorczyk, Richard 368 Gregory, Robert 308 Gregory, Starke 261,442 Greig, Margaret 454 Gresham, Patricia 261,442 Gretencord, David 398 Gretz, Michael 261,442 Grier, Thomas 209 Griffin, Cynthia 230,454 Griffin, Marcia 374 Griffin, Michael 239,315 Griffin, Rebecca 218,425
Griffith, Carol Griffith, Richard Griffith, Tamara Griggs, Steven Grigsby, Janet Grigsby, Richard Grimes, Jennifer Grimsley, Kevin Grinstead, Charles Grissom, Robert Grobauskas, Angela Grodner, Goeffrey Grodrian, Martha Grodzicki, Carol Groeninger, Constance Grogg , Tim Groman, Julia Gronau, Thomas Groscost, Mary Grosenbacker, Debbie Gross, David Gross, Elise Gross, William Grosse, Eileen Grossman, Christopher Grossman, David Grossman, Jill Grothaus, Louis Grove, 0. Graham Grover, Monty Groves, Lauren Groves, Martha Grovich, Susan Grubb, Karen Gruber, George Gruesbeck, Jacqueline Grueter, Maureen Grumbacher, Ronald Grummell, G. Gregory Guber, William Guess, Nyla Guest, Michael Guffey, Kenny Guignon, Robert Gulaboff, Alexander Gunn, Wayne Gunther, Michael Gurecki, Rebecca Gurwitz, Norman Gustayson, Thom Gutierrez, Theresa Gutterman, Andrea Guttman, Robert Gutzwiller, Anthony Guy, Martha Guy, Pamela Guzinya, Peter Gwyn, Cynthia Gwyn, Douglas Gysin, Janice Gyure, Ronald
Haag, Gary Haag, Mary Beth Haas, Mountfort Haas, Stephen Habeney, Loren Hachlica, Janice Hackbirth, Robert Hacker, Cathy Hackworth, Jennifer Hadley, Phillip Hadsall, Judith Haffrey, Mark Hageman, Cynthia Haggard, Thomas Haggerty, Thomas Hague, Diana Hahn, Boyd Hahn, George Hahn, Herbert
288,425 425 393 388 309,425 410 391 192,194 330 267 364 234,240 383 454 373 198,293 249 298 304 385 414 369 310 385 295 295 320 410 425 409 374 234 359 257,464 284 454 291,454 324 389 379 234 223,409 322 411 377 241,319 218 299 442 379 425 392 425 317 260,363 400 221 304 358 393 234,293 402 359 259 358 301 369 399,454 402 401 308 364 442 425 332 317 320 412 314 328
249,442 Hahn, Richard 402 Haiff, Lynn 351 Hain, Kathleen 358 Hake, Edward 264,352 Halevy, Beth 425 Halfman, Timothy 269 Hall, Alice 303 Hall, Anita 290 Hall, Betty Jo 273,384 Hall, Bonnita 391 Hall, Carol 318 Hall, Frank 311 Hall, James Duncan 234,410 Hall, James Steven 310 Hall, Jon 391 Hall, Karen 192,194 Hall, Kenneth 296 Hall, Linda 267 Hall, Lloyd 382 Hall, Lucinda 373 Hall, Rebecca 322 Hall, Richard 388 Hall, Roger 382 Hall, Sue 285 Hall, Susan 407 Hallanger, John 290 Haller, Julia 454 Hallett, Donald 263 Hallo, David 320 Hallworth, Linda 324 Halper, Steve 204,320,464 Halstead, Ann 259 Halvorson, Roberta 218,425 Ham, Jo Ellen 405,410 Hamang, Peter 230,454 Hambleton, Sandra 414 Hameetman, William 304 Hamer, J oyce 329 Hamilton, Craig Hamilton, Frank 222,325 382 Hamilton, Mary 402 Hamilton, Michael 369 Hamilton, Nancy 384 Hamilton, Pamela 256,370 Hamilton, Stanley Hamilton, William 325 382 Hamm, Jordan 454 Hamm, Laura 311 Hamm, Mark 263 Hamm, Michael 305,425 Hamm, Robert 317 Hammack, William 267,407 Hammel, Stephen Hammersly, Sally 294 464 Hammond, Chris Hammond, Randall 387 Hammond, • Robert 297 Hampshire, Jeffrey 325 Hampshire, Sally 352 Hampshire, Steven 283,325 294 Hamsley, Barbara Hanak, Mark 157,370 Hancock, Mary 302 Hancock, Marsha 304 Hancock, Sonja 351,454 Hand, Barbara 307,454 Hand, Jerald 360 Handler, Bonnie 326 Handley, David 315 Handley, Richard 218,220,315,425 Hanig, Kenneth 379 Hankins, Larry 403 Hanley, Dennis 168 Hanlin, Hugh 403 Hann, Dwayne 321,425 Hanna, David 454 Hanna, Jennifer 230,336,454 Hanna, Ronald 188,313 Hanna, Sharyn 400 Hanna, Stephen 399 Hanna, Thomas 408,442 Hannah, James 292
378 Hannigan, Terrence 308 Hanou, Frank 264 Hanscom, Mary 309 Hansell, Vicki 234,414 Hansen, Glenda Hansen, Karen 280,288 328 Hansen, Steve 267 Hanson, Gregory 311 Hantzis, Steven 314 Happe, William 347 Harden, Mary 369 Harderty, Marcia 411 Hardin, Dennis 360 Hardin, Kent 345 Hardin, Mary 299 Hardin, Sonia 454 Harding, Frances Harding, Leland 218,266,425 294 Harding, Margaret 383 Hardman, Janet 425 Hardy, William 275 Hardymon, Donna Hargan, Sharon 209,232,285 322 Harlan, Carl 301 Harlan, Christopher 329 Harlan, James 331 Harlan, John 372 Harlan, Linda 347 Harlan, Roger Harlow, Van 293 Harmening, Ann 299,425 310 Harmon, Richard Harnisch, Carolyn 209,296,425 Harpe, James 425 Harper, Gary 331 360 Harper, Sylvia Harrell, Mary 382 442 Harrell, Rinda Harris, Ann 359 Harris, Barbara 372 Harris, Carol 425 454 Harris, Charles Harris, Dean 414 Harris, Douglas 319 Harris, Earlene 288 Harris, John 325,442 Harris, Paul 267 Harris, Richard C. 328 Harris, Richard M. 305 Harris, William 425 Harrison, Anne 327 Harrison, Barbara 290 Harrison, Candace 349 Harrison, Debra 385 Harrison, Edward 157 Harrison, Elizabeth 264 Harrison, Steven 425 Harrison, Sue 204 Harrod, Bennie 198 Harroff, Cynthia 218 Harrold, Dennis 230,266,284,442 Harshman, Kemp 316 Hart, Jessica 401 Hart, Margaret 413 Hart, Mary 425 Hartke, Donna 392 Hartlage, Deborah 234,405,414 Hartleroad, Pat 243 Hartley, Robert 267 Hartley, Sharon 320 94,285 Hartlove, Lucy Hartman, Alan 168,266,310,442 Hartman, David 442 Hartman, Henry 401 Hartman, Louanna 230,454 Hartman, Sally221,223,320 Hartman, Steven 412 Hartman, Theodotia 385 Hartmann, Pamela 300 Hartsaw, Robert 318 Hartwell, Kathleen 373 Hartzer, Craig 414
305 Harvey, Alandrous 412 Harvey, Mark 259,284 Harvuot, Charles 373 Hary, Elizabeth 366,442 Hary, Gregory 313 Hasbrook, Charles 372 Hasch, Kim 403 Haskam, Pauline 401 Haskell, Sandra Haskett, Laurence 234 443 Haskett, Sarah 454 Hasler, Gloria 330 Hass, Robert 351 Hassell, Barbara 384 Haste, Andrea Haste, John 409 Hasting, Dennis 379 Hastings, Thomas 425 Hasz, Martha 406,414 335 Hatcher, Michael 164 Hatfield, Jack Hatfield, Joy 381,385 Hatfield, Nancy 306 Hatfield, Nina 303 Hatfield, Stephen 390 Hatfield, Steven 401 Hathaway, Cecilia 273,372 Hathaway, David 330,367 Hattendorf, Richard 376 Haugk, David 401 Havely, Louis 345 Havens, Ross 405,411 Havenstein, Elizabeth 403 Haverkamp, William 443 Haviza, Charles 412 Haviza, Peter 209,230,364,425 Hawblitzel, Kathleen 258 Hawk, David 321 Hawke, Susan 299 Hawking, Ellen 299 Hawkins, Charles 325 Hawkins, John 360 Hawkins, Linda K. 307 Hawkins, Linda L. 218 Hawkins, Linda S. 352 Hawkins, Ronald 467 Hawley, Michael 209,301 Haworth, Brenton 261,443 Hay, Charles 368 Hay, Ellen 210,320 Hay, Nancy 401 Hayashi, Kichiro 170 Hayden, Curtis 318 Hayden, Geraldine 265 Hayes, George 321,425 Hayes, Jeffrey 331,443 Hayes, Michael 325 383 Hayes, Patricia Hayes, Reginald 312,425 Hayes, Sharon 347 Haymond, Gary 314 Haynes, Richard 267 Hays, James 260,408 Hays, Lena 360 Hays, Linda 454 Haznedl, Peggy 414 Heald, Maurice 241,249,378 Healy, Kathleen 389 Heard, Frances 307,425 Heard, Thomas 329 Heath, Deborah 392 Heaton, Joseph 323 Heavenridge, Craig 292 Heavrin, John 321 Hebert, Robert 301 Hebert, William 301,443 Heck, Nancy 364 Heckman, John 405,408,425 Heckman, Sylvia 401 Hedden, Philip 311 Hedge, William 232 Hedrick, Shirley 454
425 Heffelman, Philip 399 Heffelmire, Steven 364 Heflin, Ruth 454 Hegwood, Carol 405,408,413 Heicher, Helen 403,466 Heide, Darrel 413 Heiney, Toni 284 Heins, Thomas 320,454 Heinsen, Nancy 402 Heintzelman, Myra 382 Heiny, Mary 425 Heise, Gloria 211,271,326 Helfert, Carole 287 Heller, Neil 466 Heller, Ronald 454 Helm, Nancy 359 Helmberger, Nancy 209,217,316 Helmke, Walter Helmken, Sue 373 359 Helt, Elaine 408 Helzer, John 454 Hemrick, Joan 399 Hemstreet, James 325 Hendee, Craig 373 Henderson, Kathryn Henderson, Robert 329 454 Hendricks, Jacqueline 284,301 Hendricks, Larry 372 Hendricks, Patricia 391 Hendrickson, Jannette 425 Hendrickson, Rolla 370 Hendrix, Eli 330 Hendry, Donald 284 Hendryx, Thomas 358 Henesy, David Hengstebeck, Mary 425 Henley, Robert 284 Hennessy, Tom 342 Henning, Jan 320,454 Hennon, David 302 Henrie, Georgia 369 Henry, Don 209,332 Henry, Harold 321 Henry, Melinda 240 Henry, Mildred 240 401 Henschen, Carl Henshilwood, Sharon 385 Hensley, Gerald 467 Hensley, Michael 322 Hensley, Nancy 240,464 Hensley, Sharman 383 Herd, Jerry 393 Herdman, Deborah 402 Heredia, Manuel 377 Herman, Adabeth 264 Herman, Cheri 336 Herman, Mary Lou 247,294 Hermann, Donald 316 Hermann, Marcia 364 Hermanson, Janet 359 Hermes, Mark 399 Hernandez, Ramona 240,387 Herr, Susan 399 Herreman, Henry 454 Herrick, Bruce 240 Herring, Anita 402 Herrington, Randall 308 Herrman, George 464 Herrmann, Sara 304 Herron, Rita 425 Hershberger, Rodney 301 Hershberger, Peter 268,358 Hershey, Judy 369 Hershman, Scott 425 Hertel, Patricia 372 Hertzberg, Susan 265,425 Herzberg, Joan 326 Herzeg, Allyson 216 Hess, Ilona 360 Hess, Steven 262,345,346 Hesselgrave, Roberta 263,294 Hessong, Gregory 334
413 Hester, Karenҟ 385 Hester, Virginiaҟ 210,320,425 Heston, Ellenҟ 209,282 Heubi, Jamesҟ 293 Hevron, Robertҟ 313 Hey, Henryҟ 188,230 Hey, Martinҟ 294 Hickerson, Sandraҟ 301 Hickey, Johnҟ 455 Hickman, Donnaҟ 403 Hickman, Jamesҟ 303 Hickman, Ruthҟ 334,425 Hicks, Alfredҟ 425 Hicks, Donaldҟ 426 Hicks, Donnaҟ 384 Hicks, Juanitaҟ 410 Hicks, Miltonҟ 327,426 Hicks, Sherylҟ 464 Hieber, Judithҟ 157,295 Hienton, Jackҟ 426 Hiestand, Phillipҟ 414 Higdon, Stephenҟ 301 Higdon, Timothyҟ 303 Higgins, Maryҟ 234,408 Higgins, Stephenҟ 157,192 Highbaugh, Larryҟ 210 Highfill, Susanҟ 368 Hilbrich, Charlesҟ 288 Hilbrich, Maryҟ 230,323,426 Hilburn, Jeffreyҟ 218 Hildebrand, Lindaҟ 209 Hildebrandt, Wesleyҟ 426 Hile, Alanҟ 267 Hiles, Davidҟ 455 Hilgers, Barbaraҟ 400 Hill, Bethanyҟ Hill, Jerryҟ358 368 Hill, Larryҟ 455 Hill, Marilynҟ 357 Hill, Michaelҟ 407 Hill, Paulaҟ 284 Hillenberg, Jackҟ 238,443 Hillery, Johnҟ 285 Hillery, Pamelaҟ 410,426 Hilles, Kermitҟ 334 Hillier, Johnҟ 410 Hillis, Paulҟ Hilsmier, Joyceҟ 307,455 426 Hilton, Kennethҟ Hilton, Marcҟ 324 Himes, Julieҟ 371 410 Himm, Daveҟ 443 Himsel, Thomasҟ 170 Hinata, Johnҟ 426 Hinckley, Jamesҟ 310 Hindman, Richardҟ 308 Hindsley, Williamҟ 336 Hines, Janetҟ Hines, Nancyҟ 299 Hinkle, Dennisҟ 211,282,297 Hinkle, Marthaҟ 291 Hinkle, Susanҟ 399 378 Hinz, Garyҟ Hinz, Richardҟ 331 Hipskind, Jeffreyҟ 331 Hirons, Williamҟ 256,295 Hirschberg, Edwardҟ 443 Hirschberg, Williamҟ 287 Hirschman, Jillҟ 327 401 Hitchcock, Melanieҟ Hitchcock, Ruthҟ 381 Hite, Robertҟ 262 Hites, Earleҟ 209,266,313,443 Hixson, Elizabethҟ 288 Hlinka, Craigҟ 357,358 Hobbs, Jamesҟ 292 Hobley, Brendaҟ 265,309 Hobson, Davidҟ 301 Hobson, Larryҟ 358 Hocker, Dianneҟ 285 443 Hocker, Ronaldҟ Hockett, Stevenҟ 315
Hodgdon, Thaddeus Hodge, Jeffrey Hodges, Bruce Hodgson, Robert Hodler, Robert Hodler, Thomas Hoehn, David Hoehn, Gilbert Hoeltje, Becky Hoerr, Robert Hofer, Stephen Hoff, James Hoffar, Barry Hoffman, James Hoffman, Jeffrey Hoffman, John Hoffman, Lawrence Hoffman, Robert Hoffman, Thomas Hoffner, Mary Hofman, George Hogan, Daniel Hogan, Mark Hogan, Michael Hogan, Susan Hohmann, Elaine Hokanson, Stephen Holaday, Charles Holdcraft, Beverly Holdeman, Valerie Holderbaum, Craig Holdt, Cathy Holinga, George Hollander, Ronni Hollars, Margaret Hollars, William Hollenbeck, Craig Hollis, Gerry Hollman, William Hollo, Robert Hollo, Thomas Holloman, Joyce Holloway, Deborah Holm, Byron Holm, Sue Holman, James Holmberg, Doris Holmes, David Holmquist, Robert Holsapple, Linda Hoist, Mary Holt, David Holtz, Pamela Holycross, Gregg Homan, Marjorie Hood, Robert Hooper, David Hoopingarner, Kay Hooson, Christopher Hoover, Frank Hope, Oscar Hopkins, Carol Hopper, Elodee Hopping, Mary Hopple, Craig Hopple, Leslie Horan, Jeffrey Horn, Brenda Horn, David Horn, Janet Horn, Kevin Horn, Marc Hornaday, James Hornbacker, Terry Hornbostel, Charles Hornung, Janie Horsewood, Arlan Horst, John Horton, Donna Horton, Phyllis Horvat, Francine Horvath, Loretta
198 323 329 310 346 455 157 301 285 223 318,234 297 330 331 325 249,413 324 330 331 233 322 390 301 301 426 440 443 263,310 385 291 267 291,426 329 455 346 284 330 378 329 443 295 358 352 426 294 312 364 284 413 369 401 331 320 408 383 267 329 209 240 410 266,267 269,455 384 264,466 328 300 293 363 318 358 443 378 368 316 166 264 311 410 256,364 364 426 383
Horvath, Michael Hoshaw, Kathleen Hoskam, Peter Hosier, Joyce Hostetler, Emory Hostetler, Mary Houdeshel, Jo Ann Houghton, James Houghton, Mary Houlihan, Thomas House, Margaret House, Mark Houser, Dean Houser, Vincent Houts, Don Houze, Gayla Hovanec, Timothy Howard, Alice Howard, Denny Howard, Elizabeth Howard, Glenda Howard, Michael Howard, Patricia Howard, William Howe, Kathleen Howe, Susan Howell, Christie Howell, Jean Howell, Winfred Howenstine, Thomas Howerton, Jon Howes, Ralph Howton, Jill Hoy, Shelley Hoyt, Beverly Hoyt, Michael Hric, Michael Hrpa, Marilyn Hubartt, Kerry Hubbard, Oliver Hubers, Sharon Hubler, Howard Huckleberry, Linda Hudelson, Edward Hudson, Andrew Hudson, Claudia Hudson, Connie Hudson, Karen Hudson, Kyle Hudson, Merrellen Hudson, Michael Hueber, Rebecca Hueber, Thomas Huelsebusch, Susan Huey, Sally Huff, Adrian Huff, Joseph Huffer, Duane Huffine, David Huffman, Connie Huffman, Dale Huffman, Gregory Huffman, Marilyn Huffman, Philip Hugentober, Paul Hughes, Elaine Hughes, Herbert Hughes, Jacqueline Hughes, Jan Hughes, John Hughes, Lydia Hughes, Vickie Hugon, Brian Huhn, William Hulen, Judith Hulse, Frances Hulseman, Douglas Humbaugh, Marcia Humm, Lynn Hummel, Dennis Hummel, Kenneth Humphrey, Robin
411 257,358 426 426 399 363 299 316 358 325 271,296 302 330 292 295 351 358 281,285 305 426 443 408 290,426 443 426 359 294 294,455 368 272 401,455 358 209,300 304 426 399 287 426 301 319 240 234,301 413 409 370 260,363 455 291,455 411 455 298 393 426 218 455 443 389 208,232 301 294 322 283,319 296 268,319 272,389 265 248,272,377 391 372 310 336,455 455 272 409 455 455 400 230,336 455 426 324 284
368 Humphrey, Haroldҟ 267,409 Humphrey, Jackҟ 399 Humphrey, Jacquelineҟ 310 Humphrey, Johnҟ 310 Hundley, Russellҟ 265,296 Hungate, Karenҟ 402 Hunn, Kathleenҟ 290 Hunn, Lindaҟ 403 Hunsucker, Genevaҟ 304,455 Hunt, Deborahҟ 302 Hunt, Jamesҟ 232,313 Hunt, Lorenҟ 363,455 Hunt, Maryҟ 293 Hunt, Robertҟ 443 Hunt, Rogerҟ 209,322 Hunt, Thomasҟ 301 Hunt, Williamҟ 346 Hunter, Brendaҟ 303 Hunter, Diana Joyceҟ 260 Hunter, Diana Nadineҟ 290 Hunter, Saraҟ 269 Huntington, Barbaraҟ 223,317 Hurd, Cordellҟ 400 Huren, Dianeҟ 383 Hurley, Patriciaҟ 295 Hurrle, Patrickҟ 210,290 Hurst, Beverlyҟ 383 Hurst, Carolynҟ 287 Hurwitz, Barryҟ 313 Huse, Frankҟ 426 Huse, Richardҟ 325 Huse, Stephenҟ 359 Hush, Margaretҟ 210,328,426 Husk, Robertҟ 402 Hussey, Patsyҟ 270 Huston, Kathrynҟ 426 Huston, Patriciaҟ 455 Hutchings, Johnҟ 414 Hutchison, Carolҟ 393 Hutchison, Catherineҟ 414 Hutchison, Lindaҟ 385 Hutchison, Nancyҟ 318 Hutton, Johnҟ 311 Hutton, Ralphҟ 443 Hux, Clydeҟ 358 Huynh, Trucҟ 408 Hyatt, Johnҟ 332 Hyde, Samҟ 443 Hyde, Williamҟ 402 Hyland, Maryҟ 313 Hylant, Danielҟ
371 Ice, Suzanneҟ 157 Ijams, Michaelҟ 304 Ilgenfritz, Maryҟ 331 Imboden, Gregoryҟ 443 Imm, Ralphҟ 288,455 Inebnit, Rebeccaҟ 267 Ingels, Robertҟ 231,426 Inglis, Lindaҟ 377 Ingram, Larryҟ 230,336,426 Ingram, Lindaҟ 400 Ingram, Rosemaryҟ 234 Inskeep, Juliaҟ 210,301 Ireland,ҟ Philipҟ 209,426 Irick, Maxҟ Irie, Robertҟ 295 327 I rmscher, Sandraҟ 221 Irvin, Beckyҟ Irvine, Patriciaҟ 455 Irwin, Annҟ 221,222,223,306 272 Irwin, Paulҟ Irwin, Sandraҟ 392 Isaace, Danҟ 272 157 Isenbarger, Johnҟ Isenbarger, Williamҟ 331 455 Isenhart, Patriciaҟ 399 Ison, Richardҟ Ivancich, Lindaҟ 347 Ivey, Lindaҟ 265
Jablonski, Beth Jacikas, Arthur Jack, Mary Jacks, Jan Jackson, Brenda Jackson, Claudia Jackson, Daniel Jackson, George Jackson, Gregory Jackson, Jay Jackson, Kathleen Jackson, Lecester J ackson, Stephen Jackson, Suellen Jackson, Susan Jackson, Thomas Jackson, William Jacobs, Burt Jacobs, Howard Jacobs, James Jacobs, Lauri Jacobs, Linda Jacobs, Marilyn Jacobson, Edward Jacobson, Jo Jacobson, Melvin Jacoby, Daniel Jacoby, John Jagger, Geraldene Jakubowski, Frank Jakush, David Jalovec, Steven James, Donna Janes, Janelle Jamison, Charles Jamison, Leslie Jamrose, Mary Janco, Howard Janes, Mickey Jankovich, Jonni Jankovich, Judy Janowiak, William Jansen, Evolyn Jaquess, Cinda Jared, Judy Jaremko, Steve Jarnecke, Stephen Jaroll, Edward Jarvis, Jane Jarvis, Joseph Jasinoski, Jari Jasperson, Judy Jaynes, Yvonne Jedd, Carolyn Jefferson, Charles Jeffrey, Robert Jeffrey, Sam Jefvert, Warren Jeggle, Terry Jendreas, Gregory Jenkins, Alvin Jenkins, Jo Jenkins, Sean Jennings, Bruce Jennings, Mamie Jennings, Margaret Jens, Lynda Jensen, Alan Jensen, Jill Jensen, Kristine Jensen, Steven J erden, Charles Jerre', Cynthis Jessup, Charles Jessup, Joy Jobes, Steve Jodessky, John Joest, Nicholas Johannes, Michael John, Michael
400 318 426 392 455 455 317 310 426 360 426 305 209 398 249,391 168 331 324 292 390 358 372 358 335 208,221,306 186,390 331 331 285 267 409 329 398 320,464 293 392 285 231,443 188,328 309,455 309 261,433 426 464 392 166 302 240,443 290,455 231,292,426 249 233 240 373,455 426 317 377 443 256 443 234,371 265,300 319 357,358 392 455 218,426 295 296 426 233,295 455 273 379,426 433 234 347 330 409 316
414 Johns, Gregory 210,301,426 Johns, Michael 258,455 Johns, Paulette 414 Johns, Terry 305 Johns, Wendell 351 Johnson, Barbara 231,427 Johnson, Carole 313 Johnson, Charles 357 Johnson, Gregory 443 Johnson, James A. 313 Johnson, James R. 304 Johnson, Jane 400 Johnson, Jeanette 413 Johnson, Jerry 306 Johnson, Judith 216 Johnson, Katherine 455 Johnson, Kathryn Johnson, Kenneth 174,305 410 Johnson, Kenneth R. 329 Johnson, Mark 307 Johnson, Mary S. 443 Johnson, Michael K. 405,411 Johnson, Michael S. 369 Johnson, Michelle 265 Johnson, Monia 382 Johnson, Natalie M. 392 Johnson, Penni Johnson, Richard W. 234,328 443 Johnson, Robert A. Johnson, Robert W. 157 Johnson, Sally 400 Johnson, Sandra 345 Johnson, Stanley 308 Johnson, Stephen M. 310 427 Johnson, Steven R. Johnson, Susanna 364 Johnson, Ted 329 Johnson, Teresa 455 Johnson, Terry 265 Johnson, Walter 342,363 Johnson, Wendy 299 Johnson, William F. 210,284 Johnston, Christina 234 J ohnston, Don 297 Johnston, Donna 275 Johnston, Julie 455 Johnston, Karen 275 Johnston, Larry 358 Johnston, Marylou 369 Johnston, Robert 328 Johnston, Sandy 286 Johnston, Thomas M. 316 Johnston, Walter 370 Jolgern, Verner 164,192 Jollief, Susan 369 Jollief, Richard 410 Jolly, Marilyn 217 Jones, Catherine 427 Jones, Dan 295 Jones, David E. 427 Jones, David L. 234 Jones, Dewey 272 Jones, Douglas 408 Jones, Florence 427 Jones, Frederick 284 Jones, Jacqueline 400 Jones, Jan 221,223,309 Jones, Jeremy 290 Jones, Joseph 345 Jones, Judith 427 Jones, Juliet 427 Jones, Karen 291,443 Jones, Katherine 273,413 Jones, Marsha 383 Jones, Mary C. 299 Jones, Ola 289 Jones, Peggy 309 Jones, Richard D. 330 Jones, Richard V. 427 Jones, Robert C. 298,455 Jones, Robert E. 157,305 Jones, Roger K. 232
Jones, Ronald Jones, Stephen Jones, Virginia Jones, William C. Jones, William R. Jordan, David M. Jordan, Dennis Jordan, Diane Jordan, Judith Jordan, Michael Jordan, Stephen Jordan, Sue Jorgesen, Charles Jorgensen, Sally Joseph, Karen Joseph, Linda Joseph, Louise Jourdan, Ronald Jovanovich, Peter Jowers, Marshall Joy, Joseph Joyce,ҟ Kathleen Joyce, Paul Judd, Patricia Julian, Joanne Jung, Vicky Justice, Nancy
292 409 402 293,360 455 456 443 456 211,221,285 325 266 265,300 427 264 456 232,307 427 342,406 330 379 330 288,456 443 456 456 209,427 285
Kaade, Robert 261,313 Kabisch, Stephen 168,427 285 Kackley, Sally 347 Kado, Alan Kaehr, Jerry 443 Kaehr, Pamela 427 Kaehr, Timothy 323 Kaelin, Bertha 346 Kaelin, Sharon 346 Kafoure, Michael 317 Kafoure, Steven 210,317 Kahn, Marshall 287 Kahn, Lilu 427 Kahn, Patricia 320 Kahn, Susan 414 Kahn, Walter 324 Kain, Donald 465 Kaiser, Elaine 273,327 Kalberer, Linda 392 Kalikow, Leonard 282,324 Kallembach, Carol 427 Kallimani, Kathryn 210,265,300 Kalver, Alan 456 Kalver, Linda 456 Kami, Diane 398 Kamin, Burton 262 Kamin, Sherri 326 Kamm, Katherine 296 Kamman, Janet 346 Kamp, Gregory 315 Kamradt, Allan 157 Kane, Sharon 209,239,294 Kanne, Cynthia 299 Kanning, Myron 443 Kanode, Emerson 360 Kaplan, Kerry 232 Kaplan, Richard 260,389 Kaplan, Susan 234 Kapsa, James 403,456 Kapsa, Joseph 403,456 Kapsa, Judy 232 Kapszukiewicz, Mary 260 Karanda, Deidre 671 Karn, Robert 170 Kasuba, Ronald 427 Katterhenry, Ann 359 Katunich, Shirley 372 Katz, Barrie 232,326 Katz, Beverly 286 Katz, Donald 262,443 Katz, Irvin 287 Katz, Judith 443 Katz, Marcel 243,427
427 233,331 Kersey, Charlesҟ Katz, Micheleҟ 287 456 Kesling, Carolynҟ Katz, Richardҟ 287 Kessler, Barryҟ 377 Katzman, Alvinҟ 332 409 Ketcham, Williamҟ Kauffman, Douglasҟ 335 256,427 Ketchen, Bettyҟ Kauffman, Keithҟ 410 296 Ketner, Pamelaҟ Kaufman, Clarkҟ 456 286,427 Ketrow, Phylisҟ Kaufman, Lisbethҟ 290 232,310 Kettle r, Cherylҟ Kaufman, Nancyҟ 322 409 Ketzenberger, Dorseyҟ Kaufman, Robertҟ 313 376 Key, Rogerҟ Kautzman, Steveҟ 411 427 Kibbe, Craigҟ Kazwell, Richardҟ 321 389 Kichler, Paulҟ Kearney, Stephenҟ 210,290 323 Kickley, Daveҟ Keaton, Lindaҟ 223,336 211,231,427 Kidwell, Michaelҟ Keck, Katherineҟ 408 427 Kiel, Gregoryҟ Keck, Tomҟ 372 210,232 Kiep, Carolҟ Keckley, Davidҟ 308 Keeler, Joҟ322 Kiernan, Johnҟ 329 194 Kight, Markҟ Keenan, Thomasҟ 264 323 Kilgore, Barbaraҟ Keene, Brettҟ 334 307,427 Keeshan, Millicentҟ Kilgore, Danielҟ 360 303 Keesling, Debiҟ Kill, Cherylҟ 311 321 Killen, Jamesҟ Keever, Stevenҟ 321 263 Keiser, Williamҟ Killingbeck, Davidҟ 295 209,232,309 Ki Ili ns, Thomasҟ Keith, Kristenҟ 211,323 364 Kilmer, Jamesҟ Keithly, Jayҟ 309 323 Kilrain, Kathyҟ Keithly, Toddҟ 352 377 Kellam, Stevenҟ Kimbrell, Leslieҟ 369 402 Kime, Merryҟ Kelleher, Davidҟ 263 234,357 Keller, Johnҟ Kincaid, Danaҟ 211,232,304 315 Kincaid, Marthaҟ Keller, Josephҟ 223 368 Kindig, Johnҟ Keller, Margaretҟ 371 336,427 King, Ardellaҟ Keller, Nancyҟ 383 342 Keller, Rhondaҟ King, Bonnieҟ 360 306,456 King, Carolҟ Keller, Robertҟ 373 309 King, Donnaҟ Kelley, Barbaraҟ 381 King, Elizabethҟ 263 Kelley, Lornaҟ 314 443 King, Jeffreyҟ Kelley, Lynnҟ 269 402,456 King, Judithҟ Kelley, Nancy Gloҟ 232,282,301 Kelley, Nancy Sueҟ 265 King, Lonnieҟ 427 Kellum, Peggyҟ 171,209,296 King, Markҟ 270 305 Kelly, Georgeҟ King, Marshaҟ 290 316 Kelly, Karenҟ King, Robertҟ 407 Kelly, Kathleenҟ 371 King, Stephenҟ 234,301 Kelly, Patriciaҟ 363 King, Stevenҟ 307 King, Terryҟ 364 Kelly, Roseҟ 316 Kelly, Thomasҟ King, Timothyҟ 315 411 291 Kelsey, Jenniferҟ Kingdon, Victorҟ 347 Kemper, Jamesҟ 263,443 Kingsbury, Pamelaҟ Kendall, Susanҟ 456 368 Kingsley, Kathrynҟ Kendall, Toddҟ 220,342 Kinney, Rodneyҟ 409 325 Kendall, Williamҟ 345 Kintigh, Richardҟ 359 Kendrick, Katherineҟ 291 Kitner, Milneҟ Kennedy, Charlesҟ 234 263,444 Kintzele, Philipҟ 377 Kennedy, Davidҟ 94,301 Kiovsky, Richardҟ 467 408,427 Kennedy, Dennisҟ Kiracofe, Georgeҟ Kennedy, John Michaelҟ 332 322 Kirby, Michaelҟ 272 Kennedy, John Thomasҟ 360 Kirchhoff, Stephenҟ 409 390 Kirk, Lindaҟ Kennedy, Keithҟ Kennedy, Lucyҟ 427 157,268 Kirk, Robertҟ Kennedy, Robertҟ 164,192,194 Kirkdorfer, Susanҟ 392 Kennedy, Timothyҟ 456 325 Kirkendall, Carolynҟ 301 Kenney, Philipҟ Kirkpatrick, Alexanderҟ 231,261 370,466 Kennon, Kathyҟ 265 Kirkpatrick, Ianҟ Kent, Rhodoroҟ 456 Kirkpatrick, Jayҟ 209,366,367,370 Kenworthy, Josephҟ 194 313 Kirschner, Ericҟ 414 Kenyon, Donaldҟ Kirstein, Daleҟ 257,465 Kenyon, Dorothyҟ 444 456 Kirtland, Raymondҟ Keough, J. Thomasҟ 443 260,427 Kirtley, Edwardҟ Kepley, Carolynҟ 249,382 Kiser, Michaelҟ 316 Keppen, Kennethҟ 410 Kishman, Patriciaҟ 265 328 Keppler, Kathleenҟ 300 Kistler, Michaelҟ 444 Kerby, Ronaldҟ 315 Kistner, Karenҟ 441 Kern, Gerouldҟ Kitch, Lorinҟ 293 444 Kern, Lawrenceҟ 209,444 Kitchell, Williamҟ 308 Kern, Larryҟ Kitterman, Randallҟ 293 309 Kerner, Doraҟ Kivett, Katherineҟ 326 171,186 Kerr, Georgianneҟ 456 Kivland, Patrickҟ 444 Kerr, Ivanҟ Klain, Bradleyҟ 318 444 Kerr, Michaelҟ 330 Klaper, Martinҟ 427 Kerr, Steven Eugeneҟ 331 Klatch, Carolҟ Kerr, Steven Michaelҟ Klaucher, Joyҟ 372 456 370 Kersey, Carolҟ Klaybor, Michaelҟ 466
335 Kleban, Kenneth 370 Kleeman, Alan 359 Kleiber, Linda 231,326,465 Klein, Bari 286 Klein, Ruth 369 Klein, Ruth 376 Kleine, Edward 388 Kleiner, Robert 427 Kleinhans, Virginia 262 Kleinman, David 209,231 Kleinschmidt, Dean 376 Klemm, Dennis 284 Klenfoth, John 231,298,444 Klepfer, Steven 266,323 Kleymeyer, Robert 210,298,444 Kline, Dannie 257,465 Kline, Donald 210,263 Klingelhoffer, Calvin 294,231 Klinkenberg, Nancy 249,391 Kliphardt, Jill 326,257 Klitzky, Rochelle 325 Klueh, Douglas 427 Kluender, Susan 331 Klusmeier, Donald 427 Knab, Douglas 174,427 Knapp, Donald 311 Knauer, Harold 427 Knecht, Marsha 412 Knerr, Colby 311,427 Knierim, Dennis 383 Knight, Deborah 402 Knight, Richard 390 Knoop, Edward 324 Knopf, Paul 254,267,358 Knopp, Ruth 346 Knowlton, Elaine 323 Knudsen, Erik 325 Knue, Charles 170,427 Knutson, Karen 427 Kobrin, Jerry 408 Koch, Charles 456 Koch, Darryl 263 Kocher, William 318 Kochis, John 444 Kockentiet, George 358,466 Kocman, Martin 331 Kocoshis, Thomas 331 Koday, Edward 444 Kodicek, Allan 249 Koebbe, Carol 273,444 Koehler, Gene 210,231,336 Koeneman, Diane 234,311 Koeneman, Larry 249,410 Koerner, David 254 Koerner, Paula 346 Koester, Peggy 401 Koestner, Mary 272 Koher, Clayton 360 Kohl, Jacquelyn 379 Kohne, Anthony 378 Koleszar, Richard 204 Killmar, Patricia 299 Komasinski, Mary 231,444 Kominiak, David 157 Kominiarek, Richard 401 Komisars, Margaret 374 Kompier, Mary Kondrath, Jim 402 Konen, Joseph 428 Konke, Joyce 400 Konzelman, Nancy 369 Koontz, Everett 272 Kopinski, Sharon 360 Koplow, Michelle 232,326 Kopp, Keith 428 Kopp, Melisande 256 Korich, Nadine 241 246,315 Kosarko, Joseph Kotora, Janis 234,367 311 Kotora, Jeffrey 311 Kotora, Michael Kotz, Alan 335
456 Marieҟ Kovecsi,ҟ 298 Kowalski, Carlҟ 371 Kowalski, Christinaҟ 400 Kowalski, Lydiaҟ 231,456 Kraay, Lawrenceҟ 428 Kraegel, Pamelaҟ 223,325 Kraft, Robertҟ 231,266,316,444 Kramer, Robertҟ 359 Kramer, Sharonҟ 385 Krampe, Janetҟ 456 Kranc, Francesҟ 233,240,241 Krane, Joҟ 409 Kras, Michaelҟ 364 Krathwohl, Kristenҟ 412 Krause, Robertҟ 444 Krause, Timothyҟ 302 Kreegar, Williamҟ 166 Kreeger, Peterҟ 292 Kreiter, Frederickҟ 292 Kreiter, Theodoreҟ 368 Kreizenbeck, Randyҟ 373 Kress, Karenҟ 372 Kress, Sherriҟ 309 Krieble, Gailҟ 288,428 Kriegbaum, Marshaҟ 234,360 Krieger, Nancyҟ 324 Kriegshaber, Stevenҟ 428 Krier, Bethҟ 218,307,428 Krier, Judithҟ 291,456 Krippner, Kathleenҟ 364 Krisko, Nicolaҟ 273 Kristoff, Johnҟ 410,444 Kritsch, Frankҟ 264 Krogman, Diannaҟ 295 Kroh, Charlesҟ 428 Kroll, Williamҟ 157 Kropf, Paulҟ 291 Kruchten, Sueҟ 285 Krueger, Karenҟ 372 Krueger, Sharonҟ 290 Krug, Caroleҟ 374 Kruse, Candaceҟ 370 Kruyer, Thomasҟ 241 Ksobiech, Kennethҟ 428 Kubiak, Dianeҟ 407 Kubiniec, Janҟ 412 Kubla, Frankҟ 325 Kubley, Jamesҟ Kuhlman, Cynthiaҟ 299 302 Kuhn, Danielҟ Kuhn, Duaneҟ 456 413 Kuhn, Kathleenҟ Kuhn, Richardҟ 325 Kuhs, Donaldҟ 210,325 Kuklenski, Edwardҟ 368 408 Kulik, Timothyҟ Kunkin, Craigҟ 284 Kunkle, Elaineҟ 428 231,239,428 Kuntz, Lindaҟ 359 Kuntz, Margaretҟ Kunze, Dennisҟ 466 Kirtz, Cynthiaҟ 351 Kurzenberger, Lindaҟ 456 Kuster, Carolynҟ 456 Kuszmaul, Larryҟ 412 378 Kutt, Lawrenceҟ Kuwaye, Stellaҟ 398 Kuzman, Robert 405,407 Kwee, Lily 351,428 Kwong, Robert 411 Kyle, Frank 211,408 La Chapelle, Linda 373 La Tourette, Marsha 371 Lacey, Barbara 231,290,456 Lacey, Douglas 390 Lach, Margaret 456 Lacy, Philip 297 Lacy, Sharon 428 403 Ladd, June Ladson, Deborah 345
408 Legarde, Johnҟ 371 Lagenaur, Carlҟ 428 Lagenaur, Naryҟ 360 Lahey, Charlesҟ 314 Lahne, Michaelҟ 292 Lahr, Johnҟ Lair, Johnҟ292 400 Lair, Deborahҟ 264 Laird, Laurieҟ 360 Lake, Richardҟ 293 Lamar, Donaldҟ 293 Lamar, Stephenҟ 411 Lambros, Johnҟ 231,364,444 Lamey, Dennisҟ 263,294 Lammert, Sharonҟ 332 Lamp, Larryҟ 400 Lampert, Susanҟ 210,221,232,327 Lanam, Lindaҟ 456 Lancaster, Richardҟ 232,402 Land, Catherineҟ 293 Landefeld, Charlesҟ 264 Landgren, Karenҟ 411 Landin, Ronaldҟ 271 Landis, Bruceҟ 321,428 Landis, Frederickҟ 363,364,428 Landskroener, Lindaҟ 373 Lane, Dianaҟ 262,376 Land, Donaldҟ 234 Lane, Maxҟ 305 Lane, Richardҟ 381 Lane, Susanҟ Laney, Garyҟ 316 Lang, Donaldҟ 401 314 Lang, Johnҟ 230,336,428 Lang, Maryҟ Lange, Lindaҟ 210,231,336,456 Lange, Nancyҟ 269,392 297 Lange, Robertҟ 301 Langfitt, Davidҟ Langille, Paulҟ 188,313 428 Langleys, Lindaҟ 391 Langner, Veraҟ 359 Langohr, Lisaҟ Lanier, Cherilynҟ 289 Lanier, Hardinҟ 305 263 Lanigan, Geraldҟ 295 Lanigan, Williamҟ 198 Lanning, Georgeҟ 372 Lannom, Agnesҟ Lantz, Stevenҟ 403 216,358,428 Lanz, Ellynҟ 444 Lanz, Jerryҟ 364 Lappie, Carolҟ 364 Lappie, Maryҟ 412 Lappie, Thomasҟ Largey, Michaelҟ 292 Larkin, Gregoryҟ 223,342,387,390 324 Larmore, Richardҟ 332 Larrick, Harryҟ 94,309 Lindaҟ Larrick,ҟ Larsen, Beverlyҟ 359 218 Larsen, Peggyҟ 428 Larsen, Robertҟ Larson, Lindaҟ 303 Larson, Susanҟ 254 330 Lasher, Steveҟ 363 Lasota, Rosemaryҟ Laswell, Carolҟ 309 444 Lathrop, Jamesҟ 304 Latraverse, Ritaҟ Lattak, Josephҟ 329 Laurell, Karenҟ 456 Lauritzen, Jonniҟ 270 Lavens, Susanҟ 285 Law, Royҟ 263,444 Lawrence, Charlesҟ 428 Lawrence, Karlҟ 319 Lawrence, Lennieҟ 456 Lawrence, Williamҟ 311 323 Lawson, Davidҟ Laycock, Stevenҟ 259,428 263 Laymon, Michaelҟ
329 Laymon, Terrance 428 Layton, Joanne 399 Lazar, Ronald 364 Lazarus, David 170 Lazor, John 370 LeBris, Christian 290 LeDrew, Janis 411 LeDrew, Rodney 456 LeGarie, Susanne 428 Lea, Lucinda 378 Leach, Frank 301 Leach, Robert 403 Leahy, Patricia 210,371,456 Lear, Janet 385 Leavitt, Lois 254 Lechner, Suzette 359 Leclere, Mary 198 Lee, James 364 Lee, Jennifer 168,325 Lee, Mark 444 Lee, Richard, Duane 301 Lee, Richard Parsons 196 Lee, Rickey 456 Lee, Rogena 456 Lee, Shirley 444 Lee, Terry 401 Lee, William 303 Lee, Yin-May 233,310 Leeman, William 363 Leer, Barbara 371 Leer, Mary Anne 323 Leerkamp, Randolph 428 Leet, Gary 444 Leets, Peter 324 Leffel, Joseph 314 Leffers, Mark 401 Leffew, Sharon 164,192 Legge, Robert 329 Lehman, John 373 Lehman, Katherine 370 Lehman, Robert 374 Lehman, Sandra Lehr, Robert 302 223 Lehrner, Lawrence 304 Leibrock, Kathryn 211,456 Leighty, Julie Leinart, Sharon 257,465 301 Leininger, Todd 336 Leisey, Louise 428 Leiter, Jane 290 Leiter, Marilyn 364,428 Leitner, Ramona 298,428 Leland, Thomas 358 Leman, Deborah 310 Leman, Philip 385 Lemen, Candice 231,322,444 Lemen, John 444 Lemen, William 320 Lemert, Helen 428 Leming, William 428 Lemler, Kathleen 444 Lementhal, Richard 412 Lenicheck, Robert 457 Lennon, Carol 320 Lenox, Sarah Lenox, Than 234,301 Lentz, James 188,268 Lentz, Jeffrey 360 Lentz, Sharon 457 Lenwell, Chris 378 Lenz, Robert 444 Leonakis, Thomas 370 Leonard, Diana 286 Leopold, Patricia 457 Leopold, Susan 369 Lerner, Bonnie 326 Lerner, Scott 217,218,220 Leslie, Barbara 457 Leslie, Timothy 410 Lester, David 444 Lettelleir, Janinne 384 Levenberg, Ronnie 324
Levenduski, Gregoryҟ 329 428 Lever, Karenҟ 382 Levi, Harrietҟ Levin, Barryҟ 287 335 Levin, Williamҟ 324 Levine, Martinҟ Levy, Alanҟ 222,335 266,274 Levy, Elanaҟ Levy, Hollyҟ 457 Lewallen, Davidҟ 218,428 Lewallen, Larkҟ 304 Lewchanin, Shariҟ 234,249 Lewis, Gregoryҟ 321 171 Lewis, Jamesҟ 444 Lewis, Larry Douglasҟ Lewis, Larry Eugeneҟ 334 Lewis, Linderҟ 234 Lewis, Marilynҟ 391 Lewis, Marshallҟ 287 Lewis, Normanҟ 298,428 Lewis, Richardҟ 401,428 Lewis, Robertҟ 231,292,444 Lewis, Rosalindҟ 428 Lewis, Stephenҟ 444 Lewis, Wayneҟ 263 Lewis, Williamҟ 444 Lewsander, Barbaraҟ 457 Li, Shiadmayҟ 428 Lichtman, Irwinҟ 428 Lidikay, Marilynҟ 261 Lieber, Catherineҟ 384 Lieberum, Donҟ 332 Liechty, Jasonҟ 302 Lienhart, Johnҟ 390 Liette, Paulҟ 263,444 Lifschultz, Lindaҟ 273,400 Light, Julieҟ 400 Lillis,ҟ Paulҟ 331 Lind, Karenҟ 363 Lind, Warrenҟ 322 Lindahl, Martinҟ 403 Lindemann, Jonҟ 258,271,311,428 Linden, Jamesҟ 399 Lindenschmidt, Deborahҟ 320 Linderman, Nancyҟ 326,457 Linderman, Richardҟ 168 Lindle, Stevenҟ 266 Lindsay, Gregoryҟ 210,232,298 Lineburgh, Nancyҟ 264 Lingis, Michaelҟ 409 Lingle, Williamҟ 293 Link, Jacqeulineҟ 457 Likner, Alanҟ 324 Linkimer, Richardҟ 335 Linn, Mickeyҟ 325 Linnemeier, Allenҟ 297 Lipkaman, Christianҟ 346 Lipner, Maxҟ 444 Lippert S. John Mary Anneҟ 414 Lipps, Louisaҟ 210,231,382,429 Lira, Joseҟ234 Lisarelli, Lynnҟ 385 Lisby, Terryҟ 296 Lisec, Gloriaҟ 429 Lisher, Jamesҟ 210,329,429 Lisher, Johnҟ 363 Lissey, Kennethҟ 210 Listenberger, Michaelҟ 429 Listwan, Rogerҟ 429 Litterst, Christieҟ 300 Little, Christineҟ 429 Little, Johnҟ 370 Littlejohn, Brendaҟ 429 Lively, Carolҟ 264,466 Livingston, Michael J.ҟ 457 Livingston, Michael L.ҟ 302 Livingstone, Deanneҟ 398 Llmas, Venjieҟ 373 Lloyd, Beverlyҟ 222,309 Lloyd, Sandraҟ 299 Lloyd, Scottҟ 408
392 ,obert, Karenҟ 198,268 ,obus, Johnҟ 311 ,ocke, Tomҟ 429 ,ockhart, Walterҟ 457 ,oeper, Carolynҟ 267 .ofland, Johnҟ 286 ,oftus, Kathleenҟ 293 ,ogan, Carloҟ 444 ,ogan, Dennisҟ 357 .ogan, James N.ҟ 284 .ogan, James P.ҟ 467 .ogan, Jerryҟ 444 ..ogan, Philipҟ 335 ..ogan, Stevenҟ 322 -oh, Andrewҟ 429 ,,oh, Robertҟ 429 ..oh, Rosalindҟ 466 ..oheide, Saraҟ 275 _ollar, Donaldҟ 385 roman, Catherineҟ 457 roman, Virginiaҟ -ong, Davidҟ 399 313 -ong, Georgeҟ 328 -ong, Gregoryҟ .ong, Jayҟ323 .ong, Jeffreyҟ 194,268,316 314 -ong, Jerry B.ҟ .ong, Jonҟ368 157,318 .ong, Kennethҟ 409 ._ong, Robert L.ҟ 331 ..ong, Rogerҟ ...ong, Stephenҟ 249,377 383 ._ong, Susan M.ҟ 429 Long, Terryҟ Long, Theodoreҟ 314 Long, Virginiaҟ 290,466 408 Long, Williamҟ 329 Longacre, Larryҟ 311 Longer, Dennisҟ Lookabill, Sarahҟ 429 Loonsten, Nancyҟ 457 Looper, Elenaҟ 345 324 Lopata, Lorenҟ Lopez, Jeromeҟ 325 Lopez, Richardҟ 325 Lopp, Nancyҟ 233,309 Lopp, Sylviaҟ 222,304 Lorch, Basilҟ 301 Lorenc, Gale 211,216,257,269,465 Lorenz, Davidҟ 293 Lorton, Williamҟ 329 Louda, Robertҟ 408 Louder, Wendyҟ 400 Lovall, Larryҟ 429 Love, Cherylҟ 306,429 Love, Gordonҟ 323 Love, Shirleyҟ 211,289 Loverich, Richardҟ 368 Loving, Constanceҟ 281,307,429 Lowe, Yvonneҟ 391 Lowell, Sethҟ 256 Lowery, Gregoryҟ 399 Lowes, Richardҟ 310 Lualdi, Brendaҟ 385 Luberda, Mary Annҟ 465 Lubker, Glenҟ 310 Lubow, Markҟ 398 Lucas, Blazҟ 301 Lucas, Cherylҟ 387,392 Lucas, Dannyҟ 292,457 Lucas, Kathyҟ 373 Lucas, Patriciaҟ 384 Luchtman, Williamҟ 399 Lucterhand, Christineҟ 407 Ludlow, Brandtҟ 211,230,308,457 Luegers, Jerylҟ 321 Luender, Pamelaҟ 429 Luetkemeier, Jamesҟ 371 Luetzelschwab, Earlҟ 168 Luff, Richardҟ 330 Luger, Maryҟ 351 Lukacsek, Patriciaҟ 363
ҟ 263,444 Lukemeyer, Louise ҟ 288 Luken, Marie ҟ 393 Lundgren, Alana ҟ 194 Lundgren, Kenneth ҟ 308 Lundgren, Mark ҟ 326,457 Lundin, Madelyn ҟ 383 Lundy, Janet ҟ 429 Lungren, John ҟ 234,398 Lungren, Rebecca ҟ 291 Lunsford, Katherine ҟ 390 Lunsford, Michael ҟ 457 Lunte, Pamela ҟ 321 Luros, John ҟ 170 Lutes, LaVon ҟ 402 Lutes, Phillip ҟ 329 Lutterbach, Rickey ҟ 198,328 Lutterman, Randall ҟ 306 Lybrook, Lettitia ҟ 234 Lykins, Elaine ҟ 315 Lyman, Stephen ҟ 374 Lynch, Cynthia ҟ 429 Lynch, David ҟ 264,286 Lynch, Nancy ҟ 313 Lynch, Theodore ҟ 392 Lynch, Tracy ҟ 429 Lynn, Gari ҟ Lyon, Richard 429 ҟ 268 Lytle, Michael ҟ 444 Lytton, Jeffrey Mabry, Adeleneҟ 270,407 Maburn, Gerald 210,220,230,231,235,328,429 ҟ MacHarg, Philip 412 ҟ 259 MacKenzie, Rebecca ҟ MacKenzie, Vicki 296 ҟ MacLennan, Gregory 390 MacWatt, Alexander 235,262,378 ҟ Macaulay, Jean 309 ҟ Macke, Sharon 382 ҟ Mackett, Linda 307 ҟ Macy, Warren 429 ҟ Madaras, Debra 296 ҟ Madden, James 444 ҟ Maddock, Joanne 398 ҟ Maddox, James 444 ҟ Mader, Suzanne 457 ҟ Magel, Stephen 301 ҟ Maggard, James 293 ҟ Magid, Laurie 326 ҟ Magner, Candace 401 ҟ Maguire, Edward 157,188 ҟ Maguire, James 444 ҟ Magurean, John 261 ҟ Mahoney, Stephen 283,321 ҟ Mahrewold, Donna 358 ҟ Mahuren, Nancy 369 ҟ Miatico, Marc 370 ҟ Maidenberg, Anthony 335,429 ҟ Maidenberg, David 335 ҟ Mailloux, Pamela 208,291 ҟ Maines, Patricia 445 ҟ Majewski, Robert 403,457 ҟ Makielski, Katherine 364 ҟ Malangoni, Mark 316 ҟ Malecek, Nancy 429 ҟ Malik, Linda 372 ҟ Malinka, Steve 445 ҟ Malinovsky, Victor 157,313 ҟ Mallett, Thomas 445 ҟ Mallik, Janice 261,358 ҟ Mallor, Andrew 233,282 ҟ Malman, Robert 324,445 ҟ Malofsky, Charlene 210,232 ҟ Malone, Judith 405,407 ҟ Maloney, Edward 308 ҟ Maloney, Molly 306,457 ҟ Malooley, James 310 ҟ Malooley, Jerry 249 ҟ Malott, Barbara 208,280,291 ҟ Malsbury, Frank 445
ҟ 210,265,280 Maltby, Wendy ҟ 268,302 Manalo, Robert ҟ 234,401 Mandell, Melinda ҟ 429 Manford, Robert ҟ 379 Mangone, Dominic ҟ 363 Mangus, Larry ҟ 457 Manley, Marquita ҟ 210,429 Manley, Shari ҟ 364 Manlief, Dorothy ҟ 409 Mann, Julius ҟ 457 Mann, Shirley ҟ 166 Mannaa, Ibrahim ҟ 413 Manning, Charlesҟ 315 Mannweiler, Paul ҟ 347 Manor, Jacquelyn ҟ 457 Manoski, Kathleen ҟ 429 Mantilla, America ҟ 198 Manuszak, Robert ҟ 414 Manville, Kathryn ҟ 379 Mao, Richard ҟ 373 Maple, Linda ҟ 445 Marcellino, David ҟ 402 Marchese, Roberta ҟ 429 Marcus, Joyce ҟ 286 Margolin, Ilene ҟ 323 Marianos, Donald ҟ 234,318 Marias, Daniel ҟ 351 Marik, Delores ҟ 411 Marion, Stephen ҟ 313 Marker, Dave ҟ 385 Markowitz, Mary ҟ 336 Marks, Georgianna ҟ 222,286 Marks, Jill ҟ 412 Marks, Sidney ҟ 445 Marley, Howard 166,232,249,329 Marlin, Jeffreyҟ 308 Marlow, Timҟ 234 Marlowe, Nieshaҟ 281 Marnisch, Carolynҟ 264 Marovich, Donnaҟ 465 Marquart, Michelҟ 429 Marschand, Lyleҟ 391 Marschke, Elizabethҟ 208,231,290,429 Marsh, Christineҟ 429 Marsh, Danielҟ 466 Marsh, Dianeҟ 250,255,306,429 Marsh, Dorothyҟ 265 Marsh, Jeanneҟ ҟ 455 Marshall, Carolyn ҟ 414 Marshall, Deborah ҟ 305 Marshall, Edwin ҟ Marshall, Jeffrey 429 ҟ Marshall, Marilyn 429 ҟ 372 Mart, Alyce ҟ Martellaro, John 266,429 ҟ 465 Marten, Bruce ҟ 358,457 Martin, Barbara ҟ 429 Martin, Beverly Martin, Beverly J. 372 ҟ Martin, Carol 351 429 Martin, Carolҟ Y.ҟ Martin, David 323 ҟ 371 Martin, Debra ҟ Martin, Danis 267 ҟ Martin, James 263 ҟ 166,210,313 Martin, John ҟ 373 Martin, Katherine ҟ Martin, Micki 232,457 ҟ Martin, Nancy 263,445 ҟ 391 Martin, Pamela ҟ 391 Martin, Peggy ҟ 429 Martin, Richard ҟ Martin, Robert 302 ҟ 401 Martin, Rosie ҟ 270 Martin, Susan ҟ Martin, Teresa 291 ҟ Martindale, Michael 409 ҟ 319 Martindale, Robertҟ 210,389 Martlage, Kenneth ҟ Matrlage, Mary 342 ҟ 445 Marts, Patrick ҟ 280,281,326 Marver, Betty
ҟ 377 Marvin, William ҟ 414 Maschino, Donna ҟ 457 Mason, Fern ҟ 287 Mason, Kenneth ҟ 262,321 Mason, Stephen ҟ 398 Mason, Vicki ҟ 290 Massa, Judith ҟ 285 Massey, Katheryn ҟ 264,275 Mast, Paula ҟ 168 Mastalerz, Stephen ҟ 414 Masters, Carole ҟ 377 Maternowski, Christopher ҟ Mather, David 368 ҟ 221 Mathews, Judy ҟ 329 Mathews, Michael ҟ 157,315 Mathias, John ҟ 376 Mathias, Lew ҟ Mathis, Eugene 368 ҟ Mathis, Pamela ҟ 263 368 Matlock, Merrill ҟ 390 Matt, Gregory ҟ 234,392 Mattasits, Janet ҟ 412 Mattasits, Michael ҟ 399 Mattern, Alan ҟ 457 Matthews, Barbara ҟ Matthews, Denise 299,429 ҟ Matthews, Pamela 398 ҟ Mattingly, Nancy 363 ҟ Mattz, Michael ҟ 295 Matulis, Norbert 317 ҟ Matus, Robert 316 ҟ 304,430 Mau, Marcia ҟ 409 Mauck, Donald ҟ Mauk, Jeff 316 ҟ Mauk, Pamela 288 ҟ Maurer, John 308 ҟ Maus, Ronaldҟ 292 Maute, Judith ҟ 306 295 Mauzy, Rusch ҟ 445 Maxwell, Marilyn ҟ Maxwell, Mark 406,408 ҟ Maxwell, Susan 285 ҟ May, Danny 196,268 ҟ May, Darlene ҟ 430 May, Deborah 208,265,291 ҟ May, Donald 168 ҟ May, Elaine ҟ 304 May, Frederick 401 ҟ May, James 342,345,430 ҟ May, Julie 413 ҟ May, Richard 345 ҟ Maybin, Pete 210 ҟ Mayer, Nancy 401 ҟ Mayer, Peggy ҟ 290 Mayes, Deborah 270 ҟ Mayes, Steven 242 ҟ Mayhew, Kurt 379 ҟ Mayhew, Lawrence 379 ҟ Maynard, Barney 405,414 ҟ Maynard, Mark 409 ҟ Mazur, Kathleen 430 ҟ Mazurkiewicz, James 409 ҟ McAllister, Linda 307 ҟ McAuliffe, Paul 410 ҟ McBride, Lois 399 ҟ McBride, Steven 407 ҟ McBride, Terry 409 ҟ McCahill, Carole 465 McCallister, Jane 393 ҟ McCallum, Margo 289 ҟ McCammon, Barbara 402 ҟ McCart, Larry 222,284 ҟ McCarthy, Carol 457 ҟ McCarthy, Julianne 259 ҟ McCarthy, Michael 240 ҟ McCarthy, Tonya 383 ҟ McCarty, Raymond 411 ҟ McCauley, Larry 370 ҟ McCaw, Ralph 410 ҟ McClain, Michael 293 ҟ McClain, Stephen 293 ҟ McClelland, Marcia 457
ҟ McClelland, Richard 411 ҟ McClintic, William 210,322 ҟ McClintock, Janis 291 ҟ McCloud, Ronnie 231,377,430 ҟ McClung, Stephen 292 ҟ McClure, Cynthia 307 ҟ McClure, Dianne 364 ҟ McColly, Timothy 284 ҟ 412 McConnehey, William ҟ McConnell, John ҟ 310 McCord, Michael 232 ҟ McCormick, Charles 370 ҟ McCormick, George 318,445 ҟ McCormick, James 377 ҟ McCoy, Nicholas 410 ҟ McCrea, Allan 328 ҟ McCroskey, Michael 313 ҟ McCrosky, Julia 383,430 ҟ McCubbin, Barbara 430 ҟ McCullough, Ann 231,296 ҟ McCullough, David 321,430 ҟ McCullough, Frances 398 ҟ McCullough, Pam 247 ҟ McCurdy, Lyndon 411 ҟ McDaniel, Michael 188,302 ҟ McDaniel, Sara 364 ҟ McDaniels, John 322 ҟ McDermott, Edward 409 ҟ McDermott, William 284 ҟ McDonald, Barbara 304 ҟ McDonald, Bruce 368 ҟ McDonald, Eugene 312 McDonald, John Patrickҟ 230 McDonald, John Sanford 311,430 ҟ McDonald, Marian 210,231 ҟ McDonald, Stephen 284 ҟ McDonald, Wayne 196,268,315 ҟ McDowell, Lynn 296 ҟ McDurmon, John 302 ҟ McEachern, Marilyn 304 ҟ McElwee, William 310 ҟ McFadden, James 358 ҟ McFall, Cinda 359 ҟ McFall, Larry 313 ҟ McFarland, William 389 ҟ McGaha, James 313,430 ҟ McGee, James 315 ҟ McGinnis, Don 263 ҟ McGinnis, William 430 ҟ McGregory, Sandra 445 ҟ McHaffie, Joan 304 ҟ Mcllroy, Elizabeth 400 ҟ Mcllroy, Joan 281,309 ҟ McIntire, James 325 ҟ McIntire, Viann 254 ҟ McIntyre, Roger 445 ҟ McKay, Timothy 295 ҟ McKee, Janet B. 430 ҟ McKee, Janet E. 255,430 ҟ McKee, Marsha 216,218 ҟ McKeel, Karen 296 ҟ McKenzie, Margaret 414 ҟ McKeon, Michael 370 ҟ McKibben, Alan 302 ҟ McKinley, Cynthia 351 ҟ McKinney, Deborah 403 ҟ 445 McKinney, Linda ҟ McKinney, Susan 304 ҟ McKinney, Timothy 325 ҟ McKinnis, Sharon 275 ҟ McKitrick, Jeff 267 ҟ McKnight, Michael 368 ҟ McKnight, Paul 408 ҟ McLaughlin, Cynthia 393 ҟ McLaughlin, Martha 299 ҟ McLaughlin, Tony 240 ҟ McLean, Pierson 293 ҟ McLean, Vicky 234 ҟ McLeish, Gerald 292 ҟ McMahan, Joyce 238,304 ҟ McMahan, William 316 ҟ McMann, Raymond 402
223,264,351 McManus, Barbaraҟ 457 McMillan, Normaҟ McMurtrey, Michaelҟ 322 McNair, Donnaҟ 402 McNamara, Cynthiaҟ 363 310 McNamara, Michaelҟ McNeil, Tomҟ 256 McNichols, Pamelaҟ 259 McNichols, Stephenҟ 234,295 McOuat, Wallace 210,231,329,430 364 McPheron, Lolaҟ 320 McQueary, Katherineҟ McQueen, Jayҟ 263 McReynolds, Christopherҟ 399 McTaggart, Lindaҟ 294 240 Meacham, Terryҟ Mead, Evadineҟ 457 430 Mead, Maryҟ Meador, Bradfordҟ 267 360,430 Meador, Charlesҟ Meador, Thomasҟ 430 457 Meadors, Margaretҟ 445 Meahl, Dennisҟ 430 Mears, Terryҟ Medich, Catherineҟ 372 303 Medlock, Constanceҟ Medlock, Johnҟ 313 Medlock, Rudyҟ 168 Medwell, Stevenҟ 335 400,457 Meece, Janetҟ Meek, Josephҟ 399 Meek, Tedҟ 329 327 Meeks, Dianneҟ Meeks, Melodeeҟ 309 Meeks, Patriciaҟ 402 Meeks, Robert E. 210,230,261,445 311,445 Meeks, Robert T.ҟ Mehlig, Andreaҟ 351 Mehlmen, Jayҟ 445 Mehne, Bethҟ 359 Meinzer, Kathleenҟ 222,286 Meis, Mikeҟ 200 Meissner, Williamҟ 370 Melchior, Tobyҟ 286 Melick, Janeҟ 401 Melnyk, Julianaҟ 264 Melove, Nanciҟ 291 Melton, Deniseҟ 384 Menaker, Ellenҟ 326,430 Mendel, Aliceҟ 430 Mendenhall, Teriҟ 413 Menkes, Susanҟ 430 Mensch, Jamesҟ 332 Menzies, Maryҟ 385 Mepote, Mattҟ 311 Mercer, Colleenҟ 391 Mercer, Duane C.ҟ 331,445 Mercer, Duane C.ҟ 445 Merchant, Cherylҟ 391 Meredith, Keithҟ 358 Merrell, Janetҟ 291,457 Merrell, Lindaҟ 265,267 Merren, Stephenҟ 287 Merritt, John D.ҟ 430 Merritt, John S.ҟ 445 391 Mersereau, Janeҟ Mervis, Allanҟ 445 Mervis, Rogerҟ 324,430 Meshberger, Frankҟ 430 445 Meshberger, Harryҟ Meshberger, Kurtҟ 268,378 Messenheimer, Michaelҟ 368 Messersmith, Garyҟ 262,316 Messman, Janeҟ 336,430 Messman, Stevenҟ 170,388 Messner, Richardҟ 389 Metz, Garyҟ 347 Meyer, Carlҟ 234,328 Meyer, Donnaҟ 457 Meyer, Douglasҟ 210,232,284 Meyer, Janetҟ 402 Meyer, Jeanneҟ 382
382 Meyer, Laura Meyer, Mary 347 430 Meyer, Thomas 284 Merers, John F. Meyers, John H. 430 Meyers, Stephanie 383 Michael, Edward 335 391 Michael, Nancy Michaels, Ronald 231,261,445 Michalos, Gregory 293 Michel, Jo Ann 457 403 Michelson, Sheryl Mickelson, Kenneth 223,399 Middendorf, Diana 265,309 Middleton, Nancy 373 Middleton, Talmadge 358 Miedma, Harry 467 430 Mier, James 377 Mierzwa, Henry Mignogna, Jerry 319 308 Mike, Rich 234,383 Mikkelsen, Kimberly 222,240 Miko, Richard 230 Milburn, Jeffrey 287 Miles, Stanley 324 Milgram, Marc 332 Mill, Bob 393 Millar, Judith 256 Millbren, S. Michael 411 Miller, Arthur 258,334 Miller, Ben Miller, Bernard 310 273,430 Miller, Beverly 392 Miller, Bonnie Miller, Catherine 372 Miller, Charles B. 166 313 Miller, Charles, R. 445 Miller, Daniel K. 445 Miller, David J. 367 Miller, David W. 233,306 Miller, Deborah 392 Miller, Diana 328 Miller, Glenn 307 Miller, Gwendolyn Miller, James 295 310 Miller, Jeffrey 301 Miller, Jerome 313 Miller, Jerry 329 Miller, John E. 328 Miller, John M. Miller, Josephine 400 Miller, Judith 218 Miller, Kathleen 285 Miller, Laura 430 408 Miller, Leon Miller, Linda 288,430 Miller, Lucinda 401 Miller, Marcia 346 Miller, Mark 254 283,305 Miller, Maurice Miller, Michael B. 198,323 445 Miller, Michael R. Miller, Mindy 385 Miller, Nancy J. 232 Miller, Nancy L. 208,430 Miller, Pamela 303 Miller, Patrick 370 315 Miller, Reed 445 Miller, Richard Miller, Robert D. 364 Miller, Robert E. 313 359 Miller, Ronda Miller, Sandy 234 267,302 Miller, Stephen F. Miller, Steven A. 331 Miller, Steven R. 407 399 Miller, Susan E. 430 Miller, Susan L. Miller, Suzanne 373 257 Miller, Tereasa Miller, Thomas E. 157,455 234,295 Miller, Thomas M.
301 Miller, Tomҟ 293 Miller, Tonyҟ 400 Millhoff, Brianҟ 399 Millholland, Elizabethҟ 385 Million, Dianeҟ 295 Mills, Abbotҟ 308 Mills, Barryҟ 313,445 Mills, Davidҟ 296 Mills, Maryҟ 218,307 Mills, Robinҟ 408 Milner, Johnҟ 223,303 Milos, Margaretҟ 401 Mindala, Thomasҟ 263,273,445 Minderman, Williamҟ 457 Mingle, Deborahҟ 408 Minnis, Kennethҟ 430 Miscus, Thomasinҟ 364 Misner, Deborahҟ 457 Mitchell, Catherineҟ 407 Mitchell, Connieҟ 232 Mitchell, Douglasҟ 392 Mitchell, Evelynҟ 323 Mitchell, Lowellҟ 399 Mitchell, Lynnҟ 382 Mitchell, Sandraҟ 264 Mitchell, Saraҟ 258,262,389 Mlynarski, Richardҟ 330 Mobley, Lloydҟ 331 Mock, Stephenҟ 306 Mock, Wandaҟ 303 Modrowski, Pamelaҟ 210 Moe, Barbaraҟ 400 Moehlman, Sueҟ 306 Moeller, Janetҟ 345 Moeller, Marieҟ 204,293 Moeschl, Dennisҟ 392 Moffett, Susanҟ 306 Mogle, Merrileeҟ 323 Mohar, Jamesҟ 230,284,430 Mohler, Howardҟ 369 Mohler, Maryҟ 323 Mohrman, Michaelҟ 285 Molder, Sallyҟ 372 Moll, Patriciaҟ 170 Mollenkopf, Danaҟ 402 Moltz, Davidҟ 257 Monahan, Eugeneҟ 168,316 Monahan, Michael V.ҟ 272 Money, Richardҟ 298 Mongin, Lawrenceҟ 430 Monk, Jamesҟ 346 Monroe, Beverlyҟ 330 Monroe, Dennisҟ 293 Monroe, Robertҟ 291 Monroe, Teresaҟ 326 Monroe, Wendyҟ 430 Montague, Cynthiaҟ 467 Montgomery, Alanҟ 322 Montgomery; Jamesҟ 257,465 Montgomery, Kofieҟ 401 Moody, Maryҟ 323 Mooney, Jeffҟ 313 Moor, Williamҟ 430 Moore, Andrewҟ 374 Moore, Annҟ 406,407 Moore, Charlesҟ 329 Moore, Craigҟ 430 Moore, Darienҟ 467 Moore, Davidҟ 457 Moore, Debarahҟ 315 Moore, Douglasҟ 328 Moore, Garyҟ 390,431 Moore, Jamesҟ 401 Moore, Janetҟ 379 Moore, Johnҟ 265 Moore, Karlaҟ 373 Moore, Lindaҟ 392 Moore, Marianneҟ 323 Moore, Markҟ 398 Moore, Martyҟ 327 Moore, Maryҟ 457 Moore, Pamelaҟ
263,458 Moore, Richard 431 Moore, Robert 401 Moore, Ronald 302 Moore, Stephen D. 233,295 Moore, Stephen L. 198 Moore, Steven 313 Moore, Thomas 368 Moorhead, Jan 234,305 Moreland, Ronall 241,358 Morgan, David 414,431 Morgan, Gary 289,458 Morgan, Jacqueline 431 Morgan, Jane 360 Morgan, Janice 331 Morgan, John 233,385 Morgan, Linda 231,445 Morgan, Ronald 445 Morgan, Sharon 458 Morganett, Larry 327 Morgason, Etta 458 Moritz, Nora 286 Morose, Marjorie 358 Morr, Christine 267 Morra, Richard 299 Morreale, Carol 259 Morrill, Patricia 157 Morris, Chris 266 Morris, David L. 431 Morris, David Lynn 363 Morris, Jane 211,231,458 Morris, Linda 369 Morris, Marjorie 284 Morris, Mark 309 Morris, Melissa 327 Morris, Nancy 351 Morris, Ramona 291,431 Morris, Susan 332 Morrison, Scott 231,329,431 Morrow, Jon 408 Morse, Jeffrey 431 Morse, Rita 431 Morse, Toni 329 Morton, William 328 Moseley, Mark 308 Mosemiller, Alfred 237,307 Moser, Jean 445 Moser, Joseph 352 Moser, Mary Jane 401 Moser, Mary Joanne 335 Moses, Larry 270 Mosier, Patricia 458 Moskowitz, Nancy 410 Moss, Barney 403 Moss, David 399 Moss, Jamie 372 Moss, Jill 408 Moss, Kenneth 431 Moss, Pat 403 Moss, Robert 332 Mossman, Dan Moster, Gregory 409 Mott, James 412 Mould, Beatrice 367 Moussallam, Martha 458 Moxley, Marion 369 210,431 Moy, Mary Moy, Miriam 371 Moyer, Sandra 286 Moynahan, Roger 328 Moynihan, Robert 157 Mrzlock, Marcia 351 Mucci, Susan 288 445 Mucha, Jeffrey Muegge, Judith 232,327 Mueller, Gayle 288,431 Mueller, Kathryn 382 Mueller, Michael 366,370 Mueller, Robert 399 Mugge, Judy 269 Muha, Steven 262,368 Muir, Jeffrey 325 174,268,458 Muirhead, John
37 Mula, Frankҟ 210,231,32 Mull, Larryҟ 32 Mullee, Markҟ 32 Mullee, Michaelҟ 37 Muller, Lucindaҟ 231,261,29 Mullett, Cherylҟ 26 Mullin, Barbaraҟ 34 Mullis, Jamesҟ 32 Mundt, Bruceҟ Mundy, Caroleeҟ 29, 32: Mundy, Frederickҟ 45: Mundy, Kelliҟ 38: Mundy, Lynnҟ 381 Munger, Danielҟ 29( Munro, Lindaҟ 31, Munse, Williamҟ 266,43 Munson, Robertҟ 40! Muntz, Jamesҟ 45/ Murad, Jacquelineҟ 28/ Murchi, Sueҟ Murdock, Ronaldҟ 39! Murphy, Alfredҟ 15' 29£ Murphy, Allanҟ Murphy, Davidҟ 431 Murphy, Fronaҟ 29( 45/ Murphy, Kathleenҟ Murphy, Lindaҟ 265,285,45£ Murphy, Maryҟ 30( Murphy, Patricia J.ҟ 291 Murphy, Patricia R.ҟ 300,44! 28f Murphy, Robinҟ 301 Murphy, Williamҟ Murphy, Gregoryҟ 29; Murray, Kathyҟ 391 234,391 Murray, Janeҟ 334 Murray, Davidҟ 311 Murray, Allenҟ Murrell, Jamesҟ 208,23! Musgrave, Marilynҟ 441 Musika, Terryҟ 194 Muskin, Lindaҟ 358 Musselman, Marilynҟ 401 Muslin, Stephenҟ 328 Mutchler, Jerryҟ 262,33C Myars, Lannaҟ 458 Myers, Brentҟ 316 Myers, Craigҟ 295,458 Myers, Donaldҟ 458 Myers, Jeffreyҟ 295, Myers, Keithҟ 34", Myers, Kennethҟ 321 Myers, Larryҟ 328,44( Myers, Linda Carolҟ 35£ Myers, Linda Catherineҟ 38! Myers, Linda R.ҟ 26' Myers, Margaretҟ 30! Myers, Marilynnҟ 231,28/ Myers, Sherylҟ 223,331 Myers, Sigmonҟ 325,44( Myers, Thomasҟ 43 Myers, Wayneҟ 28' Mylet, Rosemaryҟ 301 Mysse, Carolҟ 41.
Nachtigall, Donaldҟ 27. Nagel, Bruceҟ 33 Nagel, Richardҟ 33 Nagler, Stephenҟ 209,28 Nagy, Deborahҟ 36' Nagy, Lindaҟ 35 Nahrwold, Donnaҟ 35 Najam, Edwardҟ 220,29 Nalle, Williamҟ 41 Nally, Peggyҟ 265,37 Nance, Minetteҟ 35 Nands, Johnҟ 43 Nardi,ҟ Clarine 94,221,223,237,36 Narmore, Davidҟ 43 Nattier, Janiceҟ 41 Nattkemper, Clydeҟ 44 Nawrot, Thomasҟ 366,367,3-,
ҟ 381 Neal, Pamelaҟ 364 Neal, Sharon ҟ 210,328 Neale, William ҟ 431 Neander, Christine ҟ 265,296 Neary, Janis ҟ 310 Neary, Walter ҟ 351 Nebolsky, Rita ҟ 292 Neddo, Leon ҟ 431 Neddo, William ҟ 374 Needle, Carol ҟ 265 Neely, Cynthiaҟ 296 Neely, Patricia ҟ 157 Neff, David ҟ 431 Neff, Lucianne ҟ 378 Neff, Phillip ҟ 412 Nehring, Martin ҟ 398 Neibert, Connie ҟ 411 Neil, John ҟ 401 Nelson, Albertҟ 364 Nelson, Carol ҟ 304 Nelson, Claudiaҟ 209,336 Nelson, Cynthia ҟ 294 Nelson, Deanna ҟ 307 Nelson, Donna ҟ 246,265,291 Nelson, Janet ҟ 295 Nelson, Robertҟ 234 Nelson, Sheryl ҟ 294 Nelson, Valerie ҟ 351 Nelson, Virginia ҟ 332 Nemeth, Edward ҟ 391 Nemeth, Janis ҟ 359 Nemeth, Susan ҟ 383 Nethery, Susan ҟ 299 Neucks, Jayne ҟ 465 Neuendorf, Mary ҟ 364 Neuenschwander, Steven ҟ 370 Neuschwanger, Dennis ҟ 385 Nevel, Linda ҟ 287 New, James ҟ 264 Newber, Alice ҟ 391 Newberg, Judith ҟ 328 Newburg, Jeffreyҟ 384 Newby, Deborah ҟ 360 Newcomb, Donald ҟ 292,431 Newkirk, David ҟ 431 Newland, Gerald ҟ 335 Newman, Alan ҟ 384 Newman, Bonnie ҟ 330 Newman, Gregg ҟ Newman, John 376,378 ҟ 292 Newmann, Charles ҟ 406,407 Newsom, Nancy ҟ 414 Newsome, Connie ҟ 321 Newton, Carl ҟ 364 Newton, Mary ҟ 318 Newton, Ronald ҟ 458 Niblick, Susan ҟ Nicholas, Charles 310 ҟ 310 Nicholas, Steven ҟ Nicholls, Charles 317 ҟ Nicholls, Eugene 275 ҟ Nicholos, Georgeҟ 328 Nichols, Michael 366,370 ҟ Nichols, Carol 391 ҟ 245,360 Nichols, Linda ҟ Nichols, Pamela 347 ҟ Nichols, Patrick 431 ҟ Nichols, Robert 157 ҟ 233 Nichols, Ronda ҟ Nicholson, Brenda 458 ҟ Nicholson, Jane 431 ҟ Nickel, Barbara 234 ҟ Nickels, Steve 446 ҟ Nickless, John 458 ҟ Nicolai, Sandra 264 ҟ Nicolle, Christina 392 ҟ Niehaus, Jon 458 ҟ Niehaus, Thomas 411 ҟ Niemeyer, Michael 347 ҟ Nierengarten, Arlene 360 ҟ Niesse, William ҟ 329 Nietfeldt, Cheryl 400
303 Nighfill, Sueҟ 458 Niksch, Donnaҟ 357 Niles, Danielҟ 174,328 Niles, Michaelҟ 259,431 Nilsson, Karinҟ 249,265 Nisenbaum, Judithҟ 398 Niwao, Geraldineҟ 393 Nix, Carolҟ 393 Nix, Carolҟ 254,408 Nix, Richardҟ 367,373 Noblet, Paulaҟ 230 Nolan, Allenҟ 313 Nolan, Johnҟ 446 Nolan, Susannahҟ 221 Noland, Margaretҟ 316,446 Nolting, Michaelҟ 284 Nonte, Leoҟ 308 Noppa, Raymondҟ 299,458 Nordlund, Marcyҟ 157 Norman, Benjaminҟ 321 Norman, Christopherҟ 431 Norman, Craigҟ 360 Norman, Garyҟ 288 Norman, Nancyҟ 399 Norman, Pennyҟ 300 Norman, Shirleyҟ 458 Norris, Jeanneҟ 230,307 Norris, Marieҟ 458 Norris, Rogerҟ 431 Norris, Sandraҟ 330 Norton, Jamesҟ 286 Norton, Lindaҟ 267 Norton, Michaelҟ 359 Nosko, Deborahҟ Nottingham, Norma 204,216,231,458 364,431 Nottingham, Christopherҟ 258,389 Novak, Bruceҟ 400 Novak, Pollyҟ 324 Novick, Jamesҟ 231,458 Novotny, Dianaҟ 265 Nowak, Martinaҟ 293 Nowak, Robertҟ 403 Nowviskie, Madonnaҟ 373 Nudi, Maryҟ 292,458 Nugen, Bryonҟ 384 Nugent, Marthaҟ 330 Nulton, Johnҟ Nunn, Sandra 210,265,357,358,430 Nusbaum, Imogeneҟ 218 316 Nusbaum, Richardҟ Nusbaum, Timothyҟ 210,232,298 287 Nussman, Marcҟ 294,458 Nye, Maryҟ 458 Nyhus, Nancyҟ 270,372 Nyland, Dorothyҟ ҟ 458 O'Brien, Ann ҟ 387 O'Brien, Caryl ҟ 332 O'Brien, James 358 O'Brien, James J. ҟ 407 O'Brien, Kathy ҟ 431 O'Brien, Thomas ҟ 232,323 O'Bryan, John ҟ O'Bryan, Rory 210,266,431 ҟ O'Connell, Michael 390 ҟ O'Connor, James 328,431 ҟ 211,238,382 O'Connor, Margaretҟ O'Connor, Margaret 218 ҟ O'Hair, Judith 306 ҟ O'Hara, Georgia 465 ҟ O'Hara, Patricia 296 ҟ O'Haver, Nancy 291 ҟ O'Malley, Susan 391 ҟ O'Neal, David 267,409 ҟ O'Neal,Garry 204,458 ҟ O'Neal, James 313 ҟ O'Neal, William 409 ҟ O'Neal, Shay 392 ҟ O'Tain, Martha 403 ҟ Oakes, Julia 294
331 Oakes, Ronaldҟ 384 Oatess, Leeҟ 259 Oatts, Heleneҟ 458 Oberly, Charlesҟ 318 Obremski, Thomasҟ 314 Obringer, Paulҟ 295 Ochsenschlager, Scribnerҟ 327 Oddi, Nancyҟ 310 Oehmich, Arthurҟ 210,221,303 Oesch, Margaretҟ 316 Ogden, Alanҟ 443 Ogle, Jerryҟ 257,265,358 Oglesby, Reginaҟ 431 Okada, Patriciaҟ 328 Olds, Williamҟ 263 Olive, Jamesҟ 241,412 Oliver, Alanҟ 290 Oliver, Darbyҟ 465 Oliver, Garyҟ 198 Oliver, Larryҟ Oliver, Leslie 221,222,233,268,280,309 Oliverio, Gabriel 174,208,268,308 ҟ 392 Olsen, Carolyn ҟ 467 Olsen, Victor ҟ 458 Olson, Christine ҟ 446 Olson, John ҟ 458 Olson, Lynn ҟ 369,458 Olson, Patricia ҟ 300 Olson, Sue ҟ 446 Olszewski, James 372 Olszewski, Janice ҟ 458 Ongert, Sharon ҟ 411 Oppenlander, Frederick ҟ 458 Opsahl, Marcia ҟ 383 Organ, Karla ҟ 431 Orgill, James ҟ Ormand, Richard 324 ҟ 431 Orme, Janis ҟ 322 Orment, Gary ҟ 458 Orphan, Maria ҟ 399 Orr, Charles ҟ 254,345 Orr, David ҟ 257,465 Orr, Madeleine ҟ Orsini, Patricia 296,458 ҟ Ortiz, Narciso 317 ҟ 210,231,446 Osborn, Sherry ҟ Oshiro, Komelia 431 ҟ Osmon, Mary 320 ҟ Osovski, Priscilla 372 ҟ Osterburg, Walter 196 ҟ Ostronsky, Joan 294 ҟ Otlewski, Susan 369 ҟ Otte, Russell 364,467 ҟ 284 Otterman, Harry ҟ Oursler, Charlotte 294 ҟ Overgard, David 411 ҟ Overman, Adrian 458 ҟ Overman, Linda 398 ҟ Overman, Linda A 303 ҟ Overmyer, James 293 ҟ Overton, Lois 347 ҟ Owen, Chip 234,329 ҟ Owens, Betty 465 ҟ Owens, Donna 359 ҟ Owens, Lynn 299,459 ҟ Owens, Stephanie ҟ300 Oxley, Jill 249 ҟ Ozborn, Judy 249 ҟ Ozols, Valdis 301
ҟ Pacific, John 318 ҟ Paddleford, Nancy 222,290 ҟ Padgett, Donald 297 ҟ Page, James 446 ҟ Paige, Stephen 301 ҟ Palguta, James 368 ҟ Pallo, Barbara 459 ҟ Palmer, Cynthia 364 ҟ Palmer, Patricia 402,432 ҟ Palmer, Richard 414
ҟ Pampalone, Dominici 432 ҟ Pampalone, Michael 368 ҟ 331 Pampe, Robertҟ Panian, Judith 432 ҟ Pankiewicz, Theodore 459 ҟ Pankowski, Wally 324 ҟ 157 Pankratz, Karl ҟ Papacek, Jerry 459 ҟ Papacek, John 257 ҟ 265 Papai, Kathleen ҟ Papa, Patricia 210,232 Paper, Janet 286 ҟ Papgitt, Becky 403 ҟ Parchem, Karen 403 ҟ Parhm, John 305 ҟ Paris, Allen 432 ҟ Paris, Nancy 391 ҟ Park, Michael 432 ҟ Parker, David 170 ҟ Parker, Steven 366 ҟ Parker, Thomas 302 ҟ Parmele, Margaret 383 ҟ Parnell, Marie 327 ҟ Parnell, Paulette 211,300 ҟ Parrish, Frank 282 ҟ Parrish, Julie 291 ҟ Parson, Charles 200,268,315 ҟ Partlowe, Sylvia 392 ҟ Parkash, Lorraine 392 ҟ Passage, Bard 358 ҟ Paggage, Jerry 240 ҟ Passo, Murrayҟ 335 Passo, Samuel 399 ҟ Pate, Rickey 263,273,446 ҟ Patrick, Gregory 347 ҟ Patrick, John 310 ҟ Patrick, Keith 403 ҟ Patrick, Linda 403 ҟ Patrick, Miles 310 ҟ Patryas, Mary 371 ҟ 94,370 Patten, John ҟ Pattengale, Cynthia 291,432 ҟ Patterson, Blair 446 ҟ Patterson, Janice 320 ҟ Patterson, Karen 265,296 ҟ Patterson, Kathleen 371 ҟ Patterson, Patricia 326 ҟ Patterson, Robert 446 ҟ Patton, Frank 379 ҟ Patty, Mark 408 ҟ Paul, Iris 218,432 ҟ Paul, Michael 335 ҟ Paul, Myrene 459 ҟ Paul, Stephen 432 ҟ Pauley, Ann 218 ҟ Paulin, Edward 446 ҟ Paulsen, Daniel 292 ҟ Paulus, Thomas 157,313 ҟ Pavach, Sharon 384 ҟ Pvalikaski, Doris 241 ҟ Pawlowski, John 330 ҟ Paxson, Terry 311 ҟ Paxton, Deborah 392 ҟ Paxton, Jerry 313 ҟ Payne, Rebecca 459 ҟ Payne, Richard 295 ҟ Peach, Richard 368 ҟ Peacock, John 313 ҟ Peacock, Norman 204,313,432 ҟ Peak, John 310 ҟ Pearl, Barry 324 ҟ Pearson, Lee 223,400 Pearson, Pamela 209,216,336,432 Pearson, Peggyҟ 360 Peck, Jamesҟ 240 Peck, Phyllisҟ 257,359 Peckat, Joanneҟ 383 Peckham, Rogerҟ 331 Peckingpaugh, Williamҟ 316 Peercy, Rollinҟ 409 Pegg, Robertҟ 328 Pekersky, Judithҟ 459
ҟ 263,407 Pelsor, Donald ҟ 231,459 Pence, Barbara ҟ 323 Pence, Gary ҟ 94,233,237,291 Pence, Linda ҟ 400 Pence, Teresa ҟ 359 Pendergast, Sally ҟ 346 Pendleto, Alice ҟ 384 Pendleton, Carol ҟ 446 Pendleto, Larry ҟ 331 Pennaped, Bruceҟ 332 Pennington, Bret ҟ 376 Penrod, Larry ҟ 232 Penrose, Tamra ҟ 432 Peoples, Richard ҟ 318 Perconti, Paul ҟ 371 Peregrine, Sharon ҟ 366,370 Perez, Manuel ҟ 310 Perfetto, Donald ҟ 299 Perkins, Janis ҟ 292 Perkins, Jerry ҟ 363 Perkins, Kerry ҟ 351 Perkins, Melinda ҟ 349 Perkins, Revetta ҟ 288 Perkins, Terre] 233 Perko, Judd ҟ 367,369 Perna], Claudia ҟ 157 Pernell, Robert ҟ 275 Perpingon, Sharon ҟ 314 Perry, David 217,220,266,282 Perry, James C.ҟ ҟ 316,432 Perry, John ҟ 157,268,446 Perry, Michael ҟ 283 Perry, Jon ҟ 351 Perry, Natalie ҟ 411 Perry, Robert ҟ 459 Perryman, Janice ҟ 336 Persinger, Joanne ҟ 379 Persinger, Terry ҟ 432 Person, Patsy ҟ 381 Personett, Bonnie ҟ 379 Peschel, Andrew ҟ 398 Pessemier, Patricia ҟ 413 Peters, Connie ҟ 432 Peters, Marcia ҟ 413 Peters, Ralph ҟ 390 Peters, Randall ҟ 411 Peters, Robert ҟ 310 Peterson, Gary ҟ 402 Peterson, George ҟ 302 Peterson, James ҟ 345 Peterson, Jeffrey ҟ 322 Peterson, John ҟ 303 Peterson, Karen ҟ 257,414 Peterson, La Mar ҟ 234 Peterson, Robert ҟ Peterson, Stephen 267,388 ҟ Petrakis, Diane 402 ҟ Petranoff, Theodore 408 ҟ 412 Petrie, John ҟ 372 Petrie, Lynda ҟ Petroff, Elenore 459 ҟ Petrone, Alberta 465 ҟ 387 Petrucce, Kathryn ҟ Petry, Pamela 400 ҟ Pettit, Stevenҟ 319 Petty, David 234,308 ҟ Peyrot, Lynn 304 ҟ Peyton, Linda 369 ҟ Pfaff, Daniel 319 ҟ Pfaller, Bradley 403 ҟ Pfeifer, Johnҟ 263 Pfeifer, Ted 316 ҟ Pfenninger, John 301 ҟ Pfenninger, Paul 295 Pfitzenmaier, Marianneҟ 300 Pfleging, Danielҟ 220,328,446 Pfium, Richardҟ 256 Pfrang, Michaelҟ 329 403,446 Phan, Yenҟ Phebus, Lindaҟ 359 Phelps, Johnҟ 317 Philbrook, Cynthiaҟ 385
364,467 Philips, Robertҟ 330 Phillips, Davidҟ 316,432 Phillips, Douglasҟ 305 Phillips, Kerryҟ 273 Phillips, Michaelҟ 432 Phillips, Richardҟ 330 Phillips, Robert D.ҟ 302 Phillips, Robert S.ҟ 316 Phillips, Wilburҟ 327 Philpot, Rachelҟ 372 Philpott, Cathyҟ 459 Piccirillo, Carolҟ 446 Pickard, Beverlyҟ 275,351 Pickens, Raenaeҟ 400 Pickhardt, Maryҟ Pidhirny, William 164,192,194,446 321 Pielemeier, Jamesҟ 260,316 Piepenbrink, Markҟ 392 Piepenbrok, Maryҟ 389 Peiper, Stephenҟ 297 Pierce, Harryҟ 446 Pierchala, Phillipҟ 413 Pierson, Davidҟ 332 Pierson, Michaelҟ 231,336,432 Pieschala, Judithҟ 304 Pihulic, Jusanҟ 359 Pike, Rebeccaҟ 459 Piller, Patriciaҟ 347 Pilman, Johnҟ 210,232,373 Pineur, Jennyҟ 223,306 Ping, Nyraҟ 371 Pingleton, Janetҟ 308 Pink, Garyҟ 326 Pinkus, Eileenҟ 211,320,432 Pinnell, Georgiaҟ 459 Pinney, Kaylynҟ 218 Pinnick, Sharonҟ 459 Pipher, Richardҟ 401 Pirkle, Stephenҟ 363 Pitz, Janeannҟ 400 Plank, Deborahҟ 432 Plant, Barbaraҟ 334 Plant, Walterҟ 310 Platner, Johnҟ Platt, Jayҟ322 240 Platt, Richardҟ 414 Platte, Marilynҟ 334,432 Pleak, Daleҟ Pleatman, Michaelҟ 324 358 Pletcher, Clintonҟ 309,459 Pletcher, Jacquelineҟ Plisky, Clarenceҟ 208,262,446 401 Ploetner, Margaretҟ Ploski, Patriciaҟ 346 Plumb, Deborahҟ 401 Plummer, Janetҟ 359 402 Pluta, Gailҟ Plymire, Donnaҟ 357 Pock, Stephenҟ 398 Pockros, Sandraҟ 400 Poehler, Robertҟ 330 Poellein, Ronaldҟ 231,329,446 Poellein, Sheilaҟ 369 Poffenbarger, Rettaҟ 459 Poffenberger, Cynthiaҟ 459 Pogue, Henryҟ 157 Pogue, Thomasҟ 321 Pohlenz, Candiceҟ 320 Poillion, Bonnieҟ 432 Pokorski, Davidҟ 432 Poland, Raymondҟ 234 Pole, Patriciaҟ 290 Policinski, Markҟ 310 Poling, Nancyҟ 254 Polk, Priscillaҟ 304 Polk, Randallҟ 408 Polland, Garyҟ 287 Polley, Barryҟ 231,322,459 Pollom, Stephenҟ 315 Pomeranz, Barbaraҟ 286 Pomp, Katherineҟ 209,300 Ponce, Felipeҟ 233,295
465 Pond, Barbaraҟ 307 Pond, Elizabethҟ 288 Pontius, Joanҟ 459 Pontius, Sharonҟ 360 Pool, Gregoryҟ 302 Poole, Johnҟ 263 Popa, Rodneyҟ 290 Pope, Pattyҟ 210,289 Pope, Sandraҟ 459 Pope, Sharonҟ 412 Pope, Thomasҟ 390 Popescue, Michaelҟ 324 Popkin, Michaelҟ 446 Popp, Jeromeҟ 240,241,467 Popp, Maryҟ 210,230,307 Poracky, Maryҟ 336,459 Porter, Bethҟ 401 Porter, Davidҟ 459 Porter, Georgeҟ 234,317 Porter, John D.ҟ 432 Porter, John M.ҟ 230,231,432 Porter, Louisaҟ 269,369 Porter, Saraҟ 390 Post, Jamesҟ 335 Potasnik, Alanҟ 233,408 Potnick, Jerryҟ 402 Potrzebowski, Darleneҟ 269 Potter, Cynthiaҟ Potter, Janeҟ 300 321 Potter, Johnҟ Potts, Johnҟ 311 Poulos, Rossҟ 295 289 Powell, Charlaҟ Powell, Georgeҟ 240 Powell, Jerryҟ 459 Powell, Josephҟ 308 Powell, Katherineҟ 294,459 Powell, Lindaҟ 21 0,280,281,289 Powell, Michaelҟ 267 Powell, Ronaldҟ 390 Power, Samuelҟ 322 Powers, Carolҟ 234 Powers, Nancy D.ҟ 391 236,296 Powers, Nancy M.ҟ Powers, Pamelaҟ 371 Poythress, Normanҟ 218 Pozulp, Napoleonҟ 284 Prall, Williamҟ 329 Prange, Richardҟ 329 Prather, Cynthiaҟ 291 Prather, Richardҟ 322 Pratt, Jamesҟ 368 Pratt, Williamҟ 295 Prebys, Henryҟ 377 Predd, Paulҟ 432 164,192 Press, Jamesҟ Pressler, Susanҟ 231,446 Preston, Jayneҟ 371 Prible, Larryҟ 432 Price, Andreaҟ 432 Price, Clarenceҟ 157,268 Price, Pamelaҟ 264,400 Price, Randolphҟ 315 Price, Susanҟ 358 Priddy, Stevenҟ 316 Pride, Sandraҟ 273 Prieur, Dorisҟ 257,465 Primrose, Johnҟ 301 Prince, Susanҟ 360 Principato, Joyҟ 393 Principe, Micheleҟ 346 Priscipate, Joyҟ 387 Pritchett, Billҟ 410 Pritzke, Rogerҟ 368 Pritzke, Ronaldҟ 198,293,446 Probst, Marthaҟ 392 Procopio, Lauraҟ 459 Proctor, Janeҟ 309 Proctor, Theodoreҟ 268,412 Profitt, Susieҟ 270 Prosser, Raymondҟ 321 Proud, Garyҟ 297
Proudfit, Linda Proudfit, Robert Prucy, Marcia Prude, Polly Pruitt, Jane Ptak, William Ptucha, Sandra Puh, Kathy Pupper, Sargeant Purdum, Carol Purdum, David Purdum, Debbie Purky, Janet Pursiful, Cecelia Pylant, Kenneth Pytynia, Thomas
Quakenbush, Janet Quant, C. E. Quayle, Thomas Queener, Dan Quilty, Charles Quilty, Robert Quinn, Jeffrey
459 467 407 359 359 318 210,385 403 240 299 170 240 241 232,289 411 218,363 309 459 410 321 331 331 328
346 Raab, Ricki 336 Rabin, Ronald 369 Racich, Louise 387,391 Racine, Joetta 300,446 Rackham, Michele 332 Rademaker, John 231,294,432 Rader, Carolyn 432 Rader, John 262,366 Rader, Kenneth 293 Rader, Nicholas 286 Radow, Judith 220,283,313 Raff, Jeffrey 170,402 Ragen, Brenda 370 Rahe, William 247 Rainey, Larry 360 Rains, Beverly 351 Raitzin, Donna 432 Rajsic, Milenko 295 Rake, Paul 308,432 Rakes, James 391 Rakow, Roberta 360 Raman, Cheryl 432 Ramirez, Lourdes 302 Ramsay, Janet Ramsey, Bruce 358 302 Ramsey, Patrick Rand, Susan 459 315 Randall, Clarke 368 Randall, Jeffery Randall, Ralph 432 298 Randolph, William 188,358 Ranieri, Anthony Rankin, Larry 263,446 Rankin, Lynn 306 Ransel, John 262 240,241 Ransom, Elsa Ransom, Gail 221,223,290 Ransom, Jack 204,315 Rarey, Kyle 377,432 Raschke, Daniel 267 407 Raschke, Kay Raskin, Leslie 286 Raskin, Todd 234,284 446 Rasmussen, Harold Rasmussen, John 368 Rasmussen, Timothy 330 Rasor, Robbin 234 Rath, William 240,259 Ratliff, Charlenne 304 Ratliff, Velda Mae 367,369 Raub, Joseph 268 Rauch, Peggy 267 Rawley, Susan 352 Ray, Alan 218 Ray, Deborah 383
459 Ray, Judithҟ 310 Raymond, Edwardҟ 301 Raynor, Georgeҟ 268 Rea, Jamesҟ 240 Read, Bettyҟ 210,241,432 Read, Rodneyҟ 432 Reaf sny der, Charlesҟ 459 Reber, Ritaҟ 294 Record, Lindaҟ 402,432 Rector, Georgeҟ 363 Redden, Patriciaҟ 459 Redsecker, Jeaneҟ 459 Reece, Marthaҟ 401 Reed, Carolҟ 459 Reed, Connieҟ 459 Reed, Dennisҟ 307 Reed, Elizabethҟ 302 Reed, Garyҟ 284 Reed, Michaelҟ 465 Reed, Paulaҟ 292 Reed, Phillipҟ 313 Reed, Ruddellҟ 432 Reed, Sally A.ҟ 306 Reed, Sally B.ҟ 311 Reed, Williamҟ Reedy, Dennisҟ 262,347 268,295 Reel, Leonardҟ 295 Reel, Williamҟ 363 Reese, Lydiaҟ 331 Refakis, Paulҟ 459 Rchling, Stephanieҟ 192,194,318 Rehmer, Jamesҟ 306 Reichart, Marciaҟ 311 Reid, Johnҟ 306,465 Reid, Nancyҟ 157,315 Reider, Davidҟ Reifeis, Johnҟ 319 Reiko, Vickieҟ 360 364 Reiling, Micheleҟ 260,322 Reilly, Johnҟ Reiners, Williamҟ 231,322 Reinhard, Arlandҟ 412 Reinhard, Carltonҟ 412 318 Reinhart, Ronaldҟ 211,293 Reiser, Henryҟ 273,330 Reising, Philipҟ 298 Reisinger, Randallҟ 298 Reisinger, Stevenҟ 414 Reisman, Estaҟ Reiss, Miriamҟ 432 Reiswerg, Josephҟ 334 Reller, Scottҟ 346 Remington, Michaelҟ 267 Rench, Jerryҟ 370 Renner, Williamҟ 210,262 Renuart, Victorҟ 325 Renz, Vickiҟ 382,459 Resmussen, Haroldҟ 319 Restrepo, Ivanҟ 433 Restrick, Cynthiaҟ 392 Reuben, Lawrence 210,232,282,335 Ruille, Martinҟ 319,446 Reusser, Carolҟ 393 Reuthe, Susanҟ 209,269,300 Rew, Karenҟ 211,231,271,433 Rex, Cynthiaҟ 288 Reynolds, Anitaҟ 433 Reynolds, Harveyҟ 433 311 Reynolds, Ianҟ Reynolds, Jackҟ 315 Reynolds, Janiceҟ 303 Reynolds, Maryҟ 210,433 Rhamy, Janetҟ 290 Rhetts, Christianҟ 321 Rhetts, Cynthiaҟ 296 Rhinehart, Lewisҟ 368 Rhoades, Johnҟ 325 Rhoades, Marilynҟ 210,306 Rhoderrick, Normanҟ 267 Rhodes, Ralphҟ 433 Rhodes, Stuartҟ 232 Rhodes, Terrelҟ 223
293 Rhuland, Jeffreyҟ 446 Rice, Cliffordҟ 446 Rice, Donaldҟ Rice, Lindaҟ 359 311,447 Rice, Royҟ 459 Rice, Rudyҟ 299 Richard, Cathyҟ 447 Richard, Thomasҟ 268,389 Richards, Ericҟ 298 Richards, Rickiҟ Richards, Ronaldҟ 297 459 Richards, Shirleyҟ 266,331 Richards, Williamҟ Richardson, Chuck 210,217,231,447 Richardson, David G.ҟ 292 267,364 Richardson, David L.ҟ Richardson, Deborahҟ 391 379 Richardson, Edwardҟ 233 Richardson, Janҟ Richardson, Ronaldҟ 292 Richardson, Russellҟ 328 330 Richardt, Markҟ Richmond, Lanaҟ 290,467 Richmond, Robertҟ 328 324 Richter, Nevilleҟ Richwalski, Donnaҟ 204,216,433 Richwine, Stevenҟ 314 Rick, Shirleyҟ 260,351 211 Rickard, Marciaҟ Ricke, Judithҟ 385 Ricke, Phillipҟ 315 Rickert, Markҟ 388 Ricks, Davidҟ 259 Ricks, Jamesҟ 192,312 Riddle, Maryҟ 239,433 Ridenour, Candaceҟ 351 Ridenour, Judithҟ 459 265,300 Ridgeway, Laurenҟ 392 Ridinger, Jeannieҟ Ridings, Daveҟ 460 Riedeman, Hubertҟ 433 447 Riehm, Thomasҟ 210 Rieke, Ottoҟ 287 Rieser, Louisҟ 460 Riess, Maryҟ Riester, Deborahҟ 327 Rietdorf, Sallyҟ 309 Rigdon, Patriciaҟ 263,359 Riggs, Dennisҟ 376 447 Riggs, Russellҟ 413 Rigsby, Jayҟ Rikard, Williamҟ 370 447 Riley, Davidҟ 303 Riley, Elaineҟ Riley, Lindaҟ 393 Riley, Patrickҟ 168 Riley, Sharonҟ 433 Rimstidt, Davidҟ 325 Rinehart, Jenniferҟ 387 Riney, Kennethҟ 360 Ringelspaugh, Thomasҟ 410 Ringer, Deborahҟ 391 447 Ringer, Williamҟ 267 Ringmacher, Nelsonҟ 299• Rinne, Jeanneҟ Ripperger, Joҟ 231,294,460 Ripple, Beverlyҟ 392 383 Rippy, Janetҟ 324 Riskin, Robertҟ Risner, Davidҟ 310 410 Ritchie, Kennethҟ Ritchie, Morrisҟ 220,231,242,433 Rittenhouse, Katherineҟ 273,392 Rittenhouse, Larryҟ 460 Ritter, Barbaraҟ 307 232,307 Ritter, Christineҟ 232,269,352 Ritter, Loisҟ Ritter, Marilynҟ 233,309 299 Ritter, Rosalindҟ 373 Ritz, Janiceҟ 286 Rivin, Anneҟ
Roach, Carlҟ 263,402 Roach, Daveҟ 410 Roach, Kathrynҟ 414 Roache, Robertҟ 211,271,293 Robards, Ramonaҟ 371 Robbins, Donaldҟ 433 Robbins, Gordonҟ 223,347 Robbs, Ernieҟ 323 Roberson, Timothyҟ 305 Roberts, Candaceҟ 288 Roberts, Ennisҟ 302 Roberts, Jimmieҟ 460 Roberts, Karenҟ 352 Roberts, Pamela Joҟ 281,289,460 Roberts, Peterҟ 310 Roberts, Pollyannaҟ 358 Roberts, Ritaҟ 296 Roberts, Robertҟ 400 Roberts, Stephenҟ 311 Roberts, Terryҟ 378 Robertson, Carolҟ 275 Robertson, Davidҟ 360 Robertson, Jamesҟ 447 Robertson, Marthaҟ 327 Robertson, Nevilleҟ 168 Robeson, Robertҟ 447 Robey, Suzanneҟ 391 Robin, Roryҟ 286 Robinson, Constanceҟ 288 Robinson, Davieҟ 301 Robinson, Forrestҟ 301 Robinson, Gayleҟ 157 Robinson, Jamesҟ 409 Robinson, Joeҟ 447 Robinson, Johnҟ 240,414 Robinson, Lindaҟ 291 Robinson, Williamҟ 194,460 Robinson, Annҟ 414 Robison, Bradleyҟ 370 Robling, Robertҟ 357,447 Roblinski, Dickҟ 332 Rochman, Janisҟ 326,460 Rockwood, Lynnҟ 385 Rodda, Donaldҟ 298 Rodda, Janeҟ 460 Rodeen, Geraldҟ 211,231,329,447 Rodenbeck, Danielҟ 447 Rodenberg, Ericҟ 298 Rodgers, Melindaҟ 401 Rodholm, Karmaҟ 300 Rody, Jo Anneҟ 210,299 Roe, Emoryҟ 262 Roeder, Lindaҟ 296 Roe11, Phyllisҟ 381 Roesch, Johnҟ 325 Roessler, Jamesҟ 379 Roessler, Williamҟ 433 Rogers, Donaldҟ 400 Rogers, Douglasҟ 447 Rogers, Greggҟ 311 Rogers, Lewisҟ 330 Rogers, Patrickҟ 368 Rogers, Scottҟ 301 Rogers, Stevenҟ 328 Rogers, Susanҟ 285 Roglich, Marionҟ 412 Rohan, Patriciaҟ 433 Rohleder, Timothyҟ 321 Rohrabaugh, Teresaҟ 400 Rohrer, Leeҟ 332 Roller, Randolphҟ 366 Rollins, Bonitaҟ 241 Roman, Jamesҟ 222,321 Romanowsky, Jamesҟ 223 Rome, Carolynҟ 288,433 Rome, Robertҟ 283,310,447 Romine, Maxҟ 447 Roodman, Karenҟ 231,286,433 Roscoe, Lindaҟ 336 Rose, Glennҟ 409 Rose, Jerryҟ 347 Rose, Lawrenceҟ 447
324,447 Rose, Michael 447 Rose, Roger 391 Rose, Rosemary 309 Rosebrough, Sue 351 Rosen, Candy 326 Rosen, Suzanne 319 Rosenau, James 460 Rosenbarger, Barbara 331 Rosenbarger, Dwight 286,447 Rosenberg, Adrienne 286,460 Rosenberg, Patricia 409 Rosenberry, Thomas 210,232,265 Rosenblatt, Terry 447 Rosenblum, Robert 326 Rosenblum, Ruth 326 Rosenthal, Julie 287 Rosenthal, Martin 330 Rosenwinkel, Edward 372 Rosenwinkel, Kathleen 335 Roskin, David 287 Rosmarin, Abraham 433 Rosner, Shirley 295 Ross, Alan 400 Ross, Barbara 346 Ross, George 369 Ross, Lynne 347 Ross, Mona 460 Ross, Nancy 447 Ross, William 268 Roszkowski, Thomas 401 Roth, Andrew 285 Roth, Anita 326 Roth, Barbara 288 Roth, Carolyn 287 Roth, Elliot 157,268 Roth, Michael 401 Roth, Pamela 401 Roth, Philip 383 Roth, Susan 460 Roth, William 347 Rothbauer, Francis 373 Rothchild, Frances 269 Rothhaar, Gayle 433 Rothstein, Ira 410 Rottinghaus, Thomas 295 Roudebush, James 382 Roudebush, Thetis 393 Rouser, Minnie 460 Roush, Rhonda 231,289,460 Rowe, Kathryn 460 Rowland, Morris 401 Roy, Margaret 387,390,460 Royalty, William 400 Rozdelsky, Mary 258 Rozzi, Suzy 233 Rubinstein, Marcy 233,318 Rucinski, Thomas 310 Ruckman, James 262,447 Ruckriegle, William 405 Rudd, Mary 366 Rudd, Robert 385 Rudie, Ruth 235 Rudolph, Harold 460 Rudolph, John 211,300,460 Rudolph, Laura 326 Ruekberg, Florence 310 Rufatto, John 403 Ruhelhoff, Helena 401 Ruhl, Stephen 211 Ruley, Linda 211,232,285 Rumbley, Mary 94,221,306 Rumple, Cindy 309,433 Rumple, Kathy 260,385,460 Runyan, Deedra 433 Runner, Peter 384 Ruppert, Patricia 211,285 Ruppert, Suzanne 351 Rupright, Rebecca 260 Rus, Nancy 370 Rush, Robert 406 Rushing, Daniel 231 Rusk, Robert
267 Russell, Johnҟ 209,232,263,351 Russell, Judithҟ 295 Russell, Marshallҟ 322 Russell, Terryҟ 323 Russo, Stevenҟ 306 Rust, Deborahҟ 218 Rust, Judithҟ 309 Rutherford, Lynnҟ 231,447 Rutkowski, Richardҟ 433 Ruzycki, Michaelҟ 387,393 Ryan, Lindaҟ 308 Ryan, Michaelҟ 265 Ryan, Terranceҟ 294 Ryden, Claudiaҟ 307 Rykhuizen, Bethҟ 398 Rynearson, Glendaҟ 218 Rypa, Marikkaҟ 402,433 Ryszka, Donaldҟ 401 Rzepka, Dianeҟ 391 Sabel, Joanneҟ 335 Sablosky, Larryҟ 314 Sabol, Frankҟ 411 Sabol, Martinҟ 358 Sachar, Janeҟ 223 Sacks, Marvinҟ 267,447 Saft, Paulҟ 335 Sagalowsky, Arthurҟ 288 Sage, Saraҟ 447 Sahm, Johnҟ 359 Sahm, Lucindaҟ 288 Salek, Karenҟ 313 Salge, Stevenҟ 331 Salisbury, Williamҟ 267 Salmon, Janetҟ 281 Salner, Sherriҟ 433 Salstrom, Larryҟ 460 Saltzgaber, Robertҟ 324 Saltzman, Martinҟ 460 Salzman, Rachelleҟ 324 Samet, Russҟ 336 Sand, Bonnieҟ 460 Sanders, Aliceҟ 298 Sanders, Garyҟ 357 Sanders, Janeҟ 231,290,433 Sanders, Katherineҟ 382 Sanders, Maritaҟ 322 Sanders, Michaelҟ 460 Sanders, Paulaҟ 377 Sanders, Richardҟ 358 Sanders, Robertҟ 319 Sandleben, Lanceҟ 288 Sands, Sandraҟ 408 Sanford, Geneҟ 286 Santock, Bonnieҟ 235,272 Santos, Joelҟ 433 Sanz, Timothyҟ 308,447 Sapp, Georgeҟ 231,290 Sarantos, Mitziҟ 310 Sargent, Earlҟ 198 Sargent, Garyҟ 238,390 Sargent, Glenҟ 269 Sargent, Margaretҟ 389 Sarioglu, Hifziҟ 326 Sass, Marilynҟ 320 Satterblom, Yvonneҟ 433 Saunders, Maryҟ 433 Sautter, Richardҟ 412 Save11, Michaelҟ 218,433 Savich, Jarjoryҟ 335 Savitz, Jamesҟ 306 Sawin, Sarahҟ 259 Sawyer, Rogerҟ 231,290,460 Sawyer, Tinaҟ 460 Sax, Nancyҟ 299 Saxe, Coreenҟ 300,460 Saxton, Annҟ 433 Sayler, Michaelҟ 267 Saylor, Maxҟ 405,412 Sayre, Barbaraҟ 359 Scammahorn, Lucretiaҟ
301 Scanlon, Jamesҟ 403 Schaber, Janetҟ 287 Schabler, Williamҟ 410 Schacht, Geoffreyҟ 410 Schacht, Stevenҟ 368 Schaefer, Haroldҟ 385 Schaekel, Cherylҟ 288 Schaekel, Marieҟ 318 Schafer, Franҟ 284 Schafer, Jamesҟ 218,408 Schafer, Philipҟ 398 Schaffner, Anneҟ 414 Schafstall, Ermaҟ 232,360 Schalliol, Charlesҟ 292 Schalliol, Dennisҟ 327,447 Schalliol, Susanҟ 263,398 Schankerman, Barbaraҟ 400 Schapmeyer, Joelҟ 302 Scharlow, Larryҟ Scharnowske, Robertҟ 328 210,217,315 Schatzlein, Michaelҟ 345 Schaum, Jamesҟ 329 Schauss, Markҟ 408 Scheer, Francisҟ 382 Scheffers, Laurenҟ Scheiber, Donaldҟ 324 410 Scheibler, Scottҟ Scheidt, Donҟ 324 329 Schellsmith, Richardҟ Schenk, Charleneҟ 258,460 Schenk, Markҟ 360 360 Schenkel, Barbaraҟ Scherer, Aimeeҟ 460 Scherer, Julieҟ 291 Scherschel, Markҟ 368 291 Schick, Ritaҟ 292 Schieber, Allenҟ Schiff, Bethҟ 326 398 Schildcrout, Debraҟ 311 Schimmel, Garyҟ 413 Schimp, Robertҟ Schisler, Barbaraҟ 211,373 Schisler, Beverlyҟ 392 Schlanser, Janeҟ 285 Schlegel, Nychaҟ 221,223,280,303 Schlensker. Charlesҟ 321 Schloemer, Lewisҟ 370 Schlossberg, Paulaҟ 232,249 Schmidt, Alvinҟ 157 Schmidt, Cherylҟ 369 Schmidt, Darwinҟ 370 Schmidt, Karlҟ 166 Schlib, Richҟ 198 Schmidt, Robertҟ 157 Schmitt, Peterҟ 308,443 Schmitt, Richardҟ 266 Schnakenburg, Barryҟ 283,334,447 Schneider, Bonnieҟ 460 Schneider, Lindaҟ 296 Schneider, Margaretҟ 265,307 Schneider, Thomasҟ 335 Schnell, Bruceҟ 321 Schneller, Lindaҟ 433 Schnur, Davidҟ 297 Schoatz, Robertҟ 317 Schock, Maryҟ 391 Schoenherr, Danielҟ 263 Schoettmer, Luraҟ 460 Scholl, Janeҟ 391 Schomaum, Gregҟ 315 Schoof, Garyҟ 222,284 Schori, Robaҟ 218,433 Schornstein, Dorisҟ 393 Schottenstein, Charlesҟ 287 Schragman, Steveҟ 324 Schramm, Donaldҟ 328 Schreiner, Barbaraҟ 369 Schriefer, Michaelҟ 414 Schroeder, Jackҟ 402,460 Schroeder, Josephҟ 403 Schuckard, Johnҟ 447 Schuer, Janetҟ 372
Schuette, William S23 447 Schuetter, Douglas Schulak, William 347 Schuldt, Bradley 284 Schuler, Teri 326 Schulkin, Jeff 335 Schull, Benjamin 293,447 Schull, Harry 293 Schultz, Janet 398 Schultz, Jean 376 210,286 Schultz, Leslie Schultz, Nancy 309 379 Schultz, Stephen Schultze, Dianne 290 Schulz, Marc 377 Schulze, Dan 433 Schulze, Kathryn 402 Schumacher, Ann 320 Schumacher, David 200,323,447 Schumacher, Muffet 391 Schutz, Ronald 368 Schwartz, Alan 447 Schwartz, Daniel 330 Schwartz, David 287 Schwartz, Emily 433 Schwartz, Howard 410 Schwartz, Jon 297 Schwartz, Larry 347 Schwartz, Linda 392 Schwartz, Sue 400 Schweickart, Linda 433 Schweitzer, David 411 Schwenk, Earl 170 Schwier, Richard 301 Schwietert, Sharon 400 Schwimer, David 324 Schwinghammer, Ann 223,352 Scifres, Jean 433 Scifres, Mary 366,372 Scott, Beverly 460 412 Scott, Bill Scott, Charles 330 Scott, Dale 398 Scott, Darrel 332,434 Scott, Gregory 210,232 Scott, John 314,447 Scott, Karen 299 Scott, Martin 308 330 Scott, Michael Scott, Peter 218 393 Scott, Sheila Scott, Shelley 401 Scott, Thomas 301 Scott, Valerie 285,222 320 Scrivener, Patricia Seals, Sandra 288 Searcy, Thomas 316 Searles, Richard 328,211 Seeger, Jeannene 238,460 Seehausen, Tim 390 Seely, Diana 460 Segal, Patricia 326,460 Seger, Randolph 262 Segneri, Wayne 334,434,258 Seguin, Lana 307 Selfridge, Gary 377 262,447 Selig, Larry 434 Selke, William Selvaggi, Daniel 318 Semich, David 308 232 Senes, Christine 383 Senior, Teri 351 Senzell, Sally Serafin, Mary 303,434 Sergianni, Gary 292 Serynek, Charlene 369 Sexton, Byron 434 Seybert, Paula 374 Shaban, Issam 390 Shadwell, Jack 332 399 Shady, Rebecca Shafer, Ann 304
Shafer, Bonnieҟ 447 Shafer, Kennethҟ 370 Shafer, Lauraҟ 460 Shafer, Stanleyҟ 328 Shaffer, Robert M.ҟ 308 Shaffer, Robert S.ҟ 210,387,389 Shaffner, Gailҟ 392 Shah, Hasmukhҟ 238,434 Shake, Nancyҟ 460 Shallington, Jackieҟ 330 Shambaugh, Jenniferҟ 288 Shambaugh, Timothyҟ 308 Shank, Kendaҟ 320 Shank, Terrenceҟ 267,409 Shapiro, Jerryҟ 434 Shapiro, Ritaҟ 231,434 Shapiro, Robertҟ 233,324 Shapiro, Sandraҟ 364 Sharkey, Lindaҟ 352 Sharp, Garyҟ 368 Sharp, Nancyҟ 265,406,413 Shaw, Davidҟ 208,316 Shaw, Jeanҟ 304 Shaw, Michaelҟ 406,412 Shaw, Pamelaҟ 460 Shaw, Rogerҟ 329 Shaw, Sandraҟ 241,240 Shaw, Stevenҟ 267 Shawwaf, Farhanҟ 370 Shea, Jamesҟ 261,447 Sheehan, Johnҟ 405,411 Sheehan, Sallyҟ 371 Sheehan, Susanҟ 320,434 Sheets, Carolҟ 399 Sheetz, Kennethҟ 461 Sheetz, Royceҟ 316 Shelby, Robertҟ 370 Shelton, Christopherҟ 198 Sheneman, Thomasҟ 368 Shepard, Johnҟ 447 Shepherd, Michaelҟ 293 Sher, Paulҟ360 Sherif, Sueҟ 218 Sherill, Pierceҟ 298 Shewmake, Floydҟ 210,410,434 Shields, Karenҟ 346 Shields, Larryҟ 410 Shimkin, Alexanderҟ 168 94,204,220,434 Shine, Lawrenceҟ Shinners, Constanceҟ 299 Shipe, Susanҟ 270,299 Shiplett, Davidҟ 448 Shipley, Catharineҟ 300,461 Shipman, Sherylҟ 234,406,407 Shipton, Williamҟ 409 Shircliff, Wayneҟ 328 Shirkey, Jackҟ 211,295 Shockney, Cliffordҟ 403 Shockney, Davidҟ 263,292,448 Shoemaker, Robertҟ 234,411 Shonk, Lowellҟ 328 Shore, Johnҟ 222,321 Short, Eleanorҟ 289 Short, Gailҟ 434 Shorter, Theresaҟ 360 Shortridge, Thomasҟ 434 Shoulders, Davidҟ 434 Shoup, Virginiaҟ 369 Showley, Sonyaҟ 294 Shreiner, Bruceҟ 302 Shriner, Dianaҟ 264,288 Shriner, Thomasҟ 211,282,297,434 Shuck, Johnҟ 292 Shue, Stephanieҟ 360 Shuer, Marjorieҟ 254,373 Shula, Timothyҟ 377 Shultz, Johnҟ 448 Shultz, Nancyҟ 211,434 Shumaker, Deborahҟ 270,320 Shumard, Alanҟ 334 Shumard, Markҟ 398 Shutt, Jerryҟ 262
411 Shwetz, Robertҟ 166 Siassi, Feridounҟ Sickels, Jesseҟ 370 391 Siders, Jeanҟ 383 Sieb, Marjorieҟ Siefker, Thomasҟ 370 287 Siegel, Josephҟ 287 Siegel, Philipҟ 300 Siegesmund, Janeҟ 330 Siegfried, Jamesҟ 366 Sierkey, Jaryҟ 448 Sievila, Davidҟ Sigal, Katherineҟ 286 313 Sigler, Georgeҟ 371 Sikora, Jeanҟ 157,305 Silas, Donaldҟ Siler, Carlҟ461 296 Silke, Gayliaҟ 461 Silver, Johnҟ Silver, Susanҟ 269 335 Silver, Terenceҟ Silverman, Martinҟ 287 250,255,434 Silverman, Saraҟ Silverman, Tobyҟ 326 223,233 Silvers, Williamҟ Silverstein,ҟ Joanneҟ 326 Silvestri, Johnҟ 406 216,280,281 Silvey, Anitaҟ 400 Simanton, Davidҟ 290 Simes, Sandraҟ 335 Simkin, Donaldҟ 316 Simmonds, Timothyҟ 231,434 Simmons, Deborahҟ 209,263 Simmons, Joyceҟ 295 Simmons, Rossҟ 211,360 Simmons, Kandraҟ Simon, Earlҟ 308 336 Simon, Normaҟ Simon, Richardҟ 331 157,323 Simon, Williamҟ Simonds, Davidҟ 302,434 269 Simpson, Anneҟ 400 Simpson, Dianaҟ 323 Simpson, Donaldҟ 309,434 Simpson, Elizabethҟ Simpson, Jamesҟ 331 Simpson, Jayҟ 211 368 Simpson, Johnҟ Sims, Stephenҟ 434 232 Sims, Suzanneҟ 317 Simstad, Daveҟ Sinclair, Jamesҟ 467 413 Sinclair, Steveҟ 382 Singer, Barbaraҟ Singer, Carolҟ 210,281,290,434 334 Singer, Michaelҟ Singleton, Richardҟ 434 Singleton, Sandraҟ 291 Singleton, Timothyҟ 434 292 Sintich, Danielҟ 211 Sipe, Barbaraҟ Siri, Lindaҟ 461 Siskind, Karenҟ 360 Sisley, Maryҟ 448 Sixsmith, Marthaҟ 327,465 Sjoquist, Johnҟ 364,434 315 Skafish, Peterҟ Skarich, Markҟ 331 Skelton, Beverlyҟ 374 Skelton, Williamҟ 211 Skillman, Sherylҟ 392 Skonieczny, Roseҟ 374 Skufca, Frankҟ 170 Skupas, Shannonҟ 285 Skurow, Richardҟ 324 Skvara, Michaelҟ 157 Slagle, Francineҟ 309 Slagle, Henryҟ 267,448 Slagle, Suzetteҟ 309 Slama, Thomasҟ 168 Slater, Jamesҟ 461 Slaton, Dannyҟ 234,370
Slaton, Kathleen Slaton, Larry Slatter, Linda Slatterly, Susan Slavich, John Slifer, Any Slingerland, Susan Sloan, Cynthia Slofkosky, Jeanette Slosson, Cheryl Sluss, Kathy Slusser, Carol Small, Arthur Small, Ben Small, Carolyn Small, Mary Small, Richard Smart, Peter Smiley, Beth Smith, Anthony Smith, Barbara Smith, Brenda Smith, Bruce A. Smith, Bruce C. Smith, Bruce E. Smith, Byron Smith, Carolyn Smith, Charles Smith, Charlotte Smith, Cynthia Smith, David Smith, Debra Smith, Dennie Smith, Donald Smith, Donna Smith, Douglas Smith, Dwight Smith, Ellen Smith, Florence Smith, Gail Smith, Greg Smith, Gretchen Smith, Harold Smith, Steven Smith, Jacquelen Smith, James Smith, Jane Smith, Janet Smith, Jay Smith, Jeffrey Smith, John D. Smith, John R. Smith, Joyce Smith, Karen Jean Smith, Karen Jo Smith, Karen Sue Smith, Lana Smith, Laurie Smith, Lawrence Smith, Linda Smith, Lynn Smith, Malcolm Smith, Marilee Smith, Michael A. Smith, Michael G. Smith, Michael Smith, Monte Smith, Nancy Smith, Patrick Smith, Philip Smith, Randy Smith, Richard Smith, Rickey Smith, Rod Smith, Russell Smith, Sandra Smith, Ray Smith, Sharon Smith, Stephen Smith, Steve Smith, Susan Smith, Susan
366,372 403 393 327,434 257 288 234,351 260,434 434 336 218,434 358 262,314 209,434 383 296 313 297 258,461 332 232,285 461 317 402 238,434 210,240,241 296 377 382 232,273,336 231,448 296 315 409 371 402 412 363 259,264 358 410 336 434 220 406 448 300 326,461 217 211,329 302 405 461 304,434 257,465 326 265,392 300 325 346 467 314 211,299 311 448 316 402 336 410 311 310 266 298 238,434 387 400 194 304 325 301 434 351
Smith, Susan Smith, Tana Smith, Theodore Smith, Thomas Smith, Thomas Smock, Katherine Smolensky, Lester Smothers, Donald Snapp, Jean Snead, Helen Snead, Sarah Sneed, Carol Snelling, Dietrich Snelson, David Sniadecki, James Snider, Janet Snider, Sue Snively, Darrel Snook, Carol Snow, Bruce Snow, Penelope Snow, Richard Snow, William Snowden, Calvin Snyder, Clark Snyder, Dean Snyder, Jack Snyder, Jeffery Snyder, Linda Snyder, Martin Snyder, Nancy Snyder, Robert Snyder, Susan Sobat, William Sobeck, Bernadette Sobecki, Linda Sobieski, Kathleen Sobraske, Melinda Sockrider, Margaret Sockrider, Robert Solan, David Sollars, Karen Sollohub, Josephine Solomon, David Solomon, Ivan Solomon, Peggy Solomon, Robert Somers, John Somers, Penelope Somers, Roberta Sommer, Barbara Somsel, Mike Son, James Sonafrank, Russell Sottong, James Souders, Gary Southerton, Joan Southwick, Jerlyn Soverly, Ronald Spain, William Spak, Virginia Spalazzi, Dennis Spangler, William Sparks, Michael Sparks, Stephen Spaulding, Craig Spaulding, Douglas Spaulding, Melvin Spence, Wesley Spencer, Michael Spencer, Michael Spicer, Lynn Spicer, Steven Spickard, Richard Spiece, Jim Spiers, Gregory Spillman, Charles Spillman, Donald Spingola, Laura Spiropoulos, John Spitznogle, Rebecca Spivack, Lawrence
291,367 241 209,311 399 448 407 287 305,465 264 461 461 289,461 377 367 157,268 358 448,263 200,268 381 331 358 211,434 170 157,268 231,301,434 434 335 292,448 327 324,435 309 416 211,357,359 332 393 288 347 387 398 347 308 218 336 370 334 258,461 334 448 435 385 307 168,461 466 399 379 328 359 358 461 329 461 240 298 328 260 401 295 305 200,268 316 292 280,281,296 390 157 448 308 260 405,408 399 408 369 194,324
297 Speltzer, William 303,435 Spollstra, Gail Sposeep, Michael 466 360 Spradley, Pamela 309 Sprenger, Cathy 336 Springer, Cynthia 411 Sproull, David Sprunger, Erick 435,389 401 Spur, Sara 460 Spurlock, Patricia 254 Sputh, Theodore 291 Squier, Caryl 328 Sramek, Jerome 467 Stachelski, Darell 231,435 Staff, Donna 379 Stafford, Benny 448 Stafford, Gary 401 Stafford, John 311 Stagmaro, Gilbert 435 Stahl, Carol 364 Stair, Gary 461 Stair, Joanna 414 Stalter, Dennis 258 Stamper, James 218,435 Stamper, John 323 Standlee, Russell Stang, Dolores 327 398 Stangle, Jeanne Stanley,ҟ Marilyn 265 Stanley, Susan 265,291,435 448 Stansell, Janet Stanton, Chris 322 347 Starck, Colleen 204,465 Stark, Dale 310 Starr, Don 311 Starr, Michael 398 Starr, Richard 398 Starr, Richard Starr, Sandra 306 Starzynski, Ann 359 461 Staser, Linda 461 Stasey, Elizabeth 435 Stasey, Joseph 293,234 Staudt, Gregory 411 Stauffer, Terry 296 Stebbins, Judith 211,315 Steck, William Steckol, Karen 381,342 216 Steele, Anne 461 Steele, Brent 461 Steele, Elizabeth 313 Steele, Raymond 360 Steele, Sally Steep, Linda 109,263,300 358 Steffel, Barbara Stefnik, James 324 406 Stein, Jennifer 287 Stein, Larry 321 Steinberger, Stephen 448 Steiner, Donald 322 Steiner, Terry 349,211,435 Steinhauer, Helene 306 Steinkamp, Ann 240 Steinke, Dale 174,268,328 Stenberg, William 391 Stenholm, Sally 303 Stepanek, Theresa 211,315 Stephens, Doyle Stephens, Erma 392 302 Stephens, Mark 264,350 Stephens, Susan 296 Stephens, Vicki 310 Sterling, Thayne 461 Stern, Evelyn 326 Stern, Judy 262 Stern, Larry 287 Stern, Mark 401 Sternberg, Kenneth 216,435,204 Sterner, Susan 317 Sterrett, Dean 291 Sterritte, Kathy 406,414 Stetzel, Patrick
ҟ Stevens, Craig ҟ 266 Stevens, Deborah 352 ҟ Stevens, Dennisҟ 402 Stevens, Freddi 270 ҟ 448 Stevens, John ҟ 400 Stevens, Leslieҟ Stevens, Markҟ 157,223,295 Stevens, Mark ҟ 240,318 435 Stevens, Michael ҟ Stevens, Pamela 384 ҟ Stevens, Robertҟ 313 323 Stevens, Ronald ҟ 461 Stevens, Susan ҟ Stevens, William 376,378 ҟ 264 Steward, Victoria ҟ 461 Stewart, Carl ҟ Stewart, Charlesҟ 399 233,325 Stewart, Danielҟ Stewart, David 263,448 ҟ Stewart, Donna 294 ҟ Stewart, John 435 ҟ 290 Stewart, Karen ҟ 461 Stewart, Lana ҟ 267,296,435 Stewart, Sharon ҟ Stewart, Sherry 265 ҟ Stewart, Steven 334 ҟ 269 Stickels, Barbara ҟ 467,231,364 Stickler, Larry ҟ Stidham, Susan 309,465 ҟ 308 Stilahower, John ҟ 461,294 Stillabower, Faye ҟ 392 Stillabower, Linda ҟ Stillhammer, ҟ Sharon 465 256 Stilz, Richard ҟ 256 Stim, Richard ҟ 435 Stine, David ҟ 196 Stinnett, William ҟ 204,461 Stinson, Peggy ҟ 448 Stipp, Norman ҟ 409 Stites, Timothy ҟ 254 Stockholm, William ҟ 174,328 Stocksdale, Jeffrey ҟ 347 Stocksdale, Philip ҟ 327 Stoelting, Judith ҟ 166 Stoeppler, Charles ҟ 319,465 Stoermer, Terry ҟ 400 Stokes, Cheryl ҟ 157 Stolberg, Ericҟ 335 Stolkin, Mark ҟ 401 Stoller, Sara ҟ 211,435 Stoller, Steven ҟ 377 Stoller, Thomas ҟ 233,288 Stollery, Christine ҟ 402 Stone, David ҟ 461 Stone, Karen ҟ 254 Stone, Sandra ҟ 368,435 Stoneburner, James ҟ Stoner, Susan 218 ҟ 211,231,435 Stonger, Tristan ҟ 309 Stookey, Snowden ҟ 435 Storms, Pamela ҟ 280,281,285 Stoughton, Sue ҟ 358 Stout, Daniel ҟ Stout, Jerry ҟ 435 192,194,268,461 Stout, Michael ҟ 383 Stout, Susan ҟ 374 Stovall, Jeanette ҟ 231,448 Stovall, Roscoeҟ 330 Stover, Donald ҟ 313 Stover, Richard ҟ 319 Stowe, James ҟ 435 Strain, Barbara ҟ 435 Strain, Clarence 210,221,299 Strange, Janetҟ 323 Stratigos, Spyridonҟ 329 Stratton, Harlanҟ 288 Straub, Aliceҟ 448 Straub, Terrenceҟ 316,461 Strauss, Georgeҟ 316 Strawbridge, Stevenҟ 403 Strawhun, Le Royҟ 461 Strawser, Sherriҟ
Street, Theodoreҟ 448 Streicher, Maryҟ 403 Streicher, Suzanneҟ 211,232 Stretch, Debrahҟ 414 Striby, Joanҟ 461 Strini, Dennisҟ 210,298 Strom, Merleҟ 448 Stromberger, Johnҟ 409 Stronowicz, Elizabeth 230,391,435 Stroud, Darleneҟ 435 Stroud, Donaldҟ 301 Stroud, Jamesҟ 408,461 Struckman, Janeҟ 211 Strueh, Williamҟ 336,435 Stucker, Rickeҟ 465 Stuckey, Johnҟ 284 Stucky, Paulҟ 166,435 Studle, Jamesҟ 331 Stults, Gregҟ 302 Sturgeon, Williamҟ 322 Sturgis, Jerryҟ 408 Sturzenberger, Susanҟ 211,435 Stutsman, Williamҟ 258 Suelzer, Stephenҟ 448 Suggs, Pauletteҟ 289 Suitts, Lindaҟ 285 Sukel, Stephenҟ 378 Sukup, Nancyҟ 360 Sullivan, Donaldҟ 310 Sullivan, Eileenҟ 366,369 Sullivan, Garyҟ 310 Sullivan, Georgeҟ 390 Sullivan, Harveyҟ 301 300 Sullivan, Margaretҟ Sullivan, Maureenҟ 391 Sullivan, Nancy A.ҟ 352 Sullivan, Nancy J.ҟ 391 Sullivan, Robertҟ 302 287 Sultan, Larryҟ Summers, Maredaҟ 435 310 Summers, Richardҟ Summerville, Greggҟ 310 Sumner, Pamelaҟ 326 Sunday, Robinҟ 233,320 Sunderland, Christineҟ 352 208,269,296 Sunderman, Kristenҟ Suppan, Eliseҟ 208,285,435 Surges, Kathleenҟ 435 Suroviak, Carolҟ 369 Susatt, Nancyҟ 208 198 Suskiewich, Jamesҟ 232,286 Susman, Susanҟ Susott, Nancyҟ 291 363 Suthard, Catherineҟ Sutherland, Julieҟ 223,233,306 368 Sutherlin, Robertҟ 364 Sutphin, Agathaҟ 238,244,287 Sutton, Alanҟ 448 Sutton, Davidҟ 230,231,435 Sutton, Dennisҟ 408 Sutton, Johnҟ 414 Sutton, Larryҟ 321,461 Sutton, Terryҟ 351 Swaby, Lindaҟ 461 Swain, Pamelaҟ Swan, Leslieҟ 258,461 373 Swanson, Emilyҟ 462 Swanson, Marilynҟ 315 Swanson, Thomasҟ 435 Swartz, Dennisҟ Swartz, Lowellҟ 268 364 Swartz, Mari Joҟ 462 Swenson, Laurelҟ Swickard, Nancyҟ 364 462 Swift, Ellenҟ 391 Swinney, Barbaraҟ 370 Swonder, Jamesҟ 288 Swope, Cynthiaҟ 223 Swope, Richardҟ 462 Swoveland, Maryҟ Swoveland, Timothyҟ 332 307 Syrk, Janeҟ
ҟ 398,462 Szabo, Christine ҟ 316 Szarmach, Ray ҟ 372,467 Szymczak, Patricia
ҟ 328,448 Tabor, Charles ҟ 462 Tabor, Nina ҟ 284 Taborn, Jamesҟ 410 Taffe, Michael ҟ 363 Tailor, Nancy ҟ 210,317 Talarek, Dennis ҟ 329 Talbert, Charles ҟ 329 Talbert, Glenn ҟ 383 Talbert, Janice ҟ 462 Talbott, Daniel ҟ 321 Talkington, William ҟ 263,448 Talley, Elizabeth ҟ 321 Tallmadge, John ҟ 328,448 Tam, Kevin ҟ 303,462 Tamaribuchi, Katherine ҟ 377 Tanner, David ҟ 262 Tape, David ҟ 317 Tapper, Normanҟ 448 Tarlton, Donald ҟ 349 Tarrant, Barbara ҟ 290 Taseff, Patricia ҟ 335 Taslitz, Neal ҟ 287 Tasman, Maury ҟ 311 Tatara, Wallace ҟ 360 Tatlock, Carol ҟ 360 Tavel, Lawrence ҟ 373 Taylor, Amy ҟ 372 Taylor, Ann ҟ Taylor, Charles 192,194 ҟ 403 Taylor, Elliott ҟ 410 Taylor, Gary ҟ 378 Taylor, Gerald ҟ 305,462 Taylor, James ҟ 283,316 Taylor, Jeff ҟ 298 Taylor, John 336,462 Taylor, Kathleen A.ҟ 285 Taylor, Nancy C.ҟ 448 Taylor, Philip E.ҟ ҟ 435 Taylor, Phyllis ҟ 400 Taylor, Sandra ҟ 372 Taylor, Susan 307 Taylor, Susan M.ҟ ҟ 314 Taylor, Thomas ҟ 263 Teach, Wilma ҟ 168 Tegart, Joseph ҟ 448 Teibloom, Eugene ҟ 286 Teitel, Diane ҟ 309,435 Telander, Marcie ҟ 297 Tellman, David Tellman, Nancy 216,280,281,294 ҟ 275 Temple, Thomas ҟ 308 Templeton, Leonard ҟ 405,409 Templeton, Robert ҟ 373 Tepas, Susan ҟ 402 Teraspulsky, Judith ҟ 435 Tereba, Allan ҟ 435 Terkhorn, John ҟ 435 Terkhorn, Lorelei ҟ 294 Terlep, Cynthiaҟ 329,435 Terrell, Mervin ҟ Teter, James 157,192,315 ҟ 411 Tetzie, Theodore ҟ 222,223 Tewes, Madelaine ҟ 387,391 Thacker, Eileen ҟ 290 Thamann, Marcia ҟ 379 Thamann, Thomas ҟ 402 Thayer, James ҟ 359 Thews, Susan ҟ 247 Thiel, Kathleen ҟ 299 Thiel, Kathryn ҟ 368 Thistlethwaite, William ҟ 310 Thomas, Brian ҟ 294 Thomas, Cathrynҟ 349 Thomas, Cynthiaҟ 330 Thomas, Dennis ҟ 211,232,382 Thomas, Donna ҟ 328 Thomas, Gregory
Thomas, Johnҟ 389 Thomas, Josephҟ 313 Thomas, Michaelҟ 331 Thomas, Timҟ 410 Thompkins, Geraldҟ 405,410 Thompson, Annҟ 413 Thompson, Barbara A.ҟ 231,462 400 Thompson, Barbara J.ҟ Thompson, Charlesҟ 311 Thompson, Curtis F.ҟ 233,295 ҟ Thompson, Curtis R. 322 Thompson, David F.ҟ 436 ҟ 171 Thompson, David P. ҟ 370 Thompson, Gary ҟ Thompson, Gayle 211,232,296 ҟ Thompson, Gregg 401 ҟ 174,194 Thompson, Harry ҟ Thompson, Jan 327 ҟ 462 Thompson, Jane ҟ Thompson, Jane 294 ҟ Thompson, Janet 436 ҟ Thompson, Karen E. 320,436 Thompson, Karen S.ҟ 391 ҟ 401 Thompson, Mary ҟ Thompson, Rick 157,313 ҟ 261 Thompson, Robert ҟ Thompson, Ronald 329 ҟ 462 Thompson, Sandra ҟ 402 Thompson, Sharon ҟ 403 Thompson, Terry ҟ 211 Thompson, Victor ҟ 390 Thompson, William ҟ 323 Thomson, William ҟ Thorbecke, Lyn 265,436 ҟ 259 Thorelli, Irene ҟ Thorgren, Richard 367 ҟ 157 Thorn, Peter ҟ 285 Thorn, Willoughby ҟ 402 Thornburgh, Joan ҟ 265 Thorne, Jacqueline ҟ 269,336 Thorngate, Christine ҟ 462 Thornton, Linda ҟ 436 Thorp, Susanҟ 374 Thrapp, Gail ҟ 346 Thurman, Saundra ҟ 377 Thwing, William ҟ 231,326,436 Tiber, Jeanne ҟ 462 Ticen, Barbara ҟ 267 Tichenor, Arthur ҟ 269 Tieman, Leslie ҟ 310 Tierney, Robert ҟ 211,288,436 Tiley, Mary ҟ 370 Tiller, David ҟ 198 Tillotson, Andy ҟ 377 Timm, Nicholasҟ 249,400 Timpe, Michael ҟ 369 Tinder, Margaret ҟ 216 Tingley, Catherine ҟ 359 Tingley, Joyce ҟ 296 Tinsley, Teresa ҟ 222,284 Tischendorf, Stephen ҟ 168,324 Tobias, Jay ҟ 317 Tobin, John ҟ 462 Toby, Angela ҟ 436 Todd, Carolyn ҟ 168 Todd, Ernie ҟ 330 Todd, Robert ҟ 448 Todd, Ruth ҟ 448 Todderud, James ҟ 436 Togikawa, Tim ҟ 414 Tokarski, Steve ҟ 401 Tolmen, Lindaҟ 410 Toma, Joseph ҟ 448 Tomber, Karen ҟ 436 Tomchin, David ҟ 436 Tomes, Charles ҟ 400 Tomich, Patricia ҟ 234 Tomlin, Gary ҟ 400,462 Tomlin, Linda ҟ 309 Tomlin, Sharon ҟ 462 Tomlinson, Cathy ҟ 369 Tompkins, Terry
ҟ Toney, David 436 ҟ Toney, Wallace 231,436 ҟ Tonner, Pama 385 ҟ Tool, Barbara 436 ҟ Toole, Terri 393 ҟ Topper, Stephen 448 ҟ Toppin, Alleyne 264,401 ҟ Torcom, Landis 300 ҟ Torgerson, Kimberly 369 ҟ Torikai, Sharon 462 ҟ Tormoehlen, Constance 304 ҟ Torrens, Mark 267 ҟ Torrieri, Joan 401 ҟ Toth, Mark 268,328,436 ҟ Touloukian, James ҟ 411 Townsend, Michael 328 ҟ Townsley, Darryl 449 ҟ Tracy, Dianne 351 ҟ Trager, Carla 369 ҟ Trager, Margaret 307 ҟ Trahan, Linda 436 ҟ Trask, David 399 ҟ Traster, Sue 359 ҟ Trattner, Robertaҟ 233,286 Trbovich, Michail 409 ҟ 368 Treat, John ҟ Trebing, Randel 308 ҟ Trees, Craig 211,284 ҟ 308 Trent, Gary ҟ 371 Trent, Iris ҟ 407 Trent, John ҟ 309 Tresselt, Polly ҟ 410 Tressler, Charles ҟ Tretheway, Barton 220 ҟ Trier, Dana 323 ҟ Trigg, Donald 284 ҟ Trinkle, Mary 263 ҟ 269,296 Triplett, Linda ҟ Tristano, Rosemary 264,467 ҟ 336 Trockman, James ҟ 374 Troup, Christie ҟ 403 Trout, Neil ҟ Trowbridge, James 399 ҟ Trowbridge, William 399 ҟ 448 Troxel, Bradley ҟ 467 Troy, Jane ҟ 436 Troyer, Gary ҟ 364 Truax, William ҟ 382 Trudeau, Annҟ 331 Truitt, David 448 Tubbs, James K.ҟ ҟ 401 Tubesing, Morris ҟ 462 Tucker, Jane ҟ 233,300 Tucker, Karen ҟ 462 Tucker, Melody ҟ 383 Tucker, Priscilla ҟ 256,287 Tuckman, Drew ҟ 308 Tudor, David ҟ 284 Tuesley, Malcolm ҟ 297 Tunis, Randallҟ 357 Tunis, Ronald ҟ 462 Turajlic, Mildred ҟ 306 Turgi, Suzanne ҟ 265 Turley, Priscilla ҟ 310 Turley, Rickney ҟ 391 Turnbaugh, Carolyn ҟ 400 Turner, Barbara ҟ 411 Turner, Dennis A. ҟ Turner, Dennis L. 368 ҟ 254,352 Turner, Elizabeth ҟ 436 Turner, Mary ҟ Turner, Williamҟ 238,411 412 Tutacko, David ҟ 392 Tweedle, Abigail ҟ 307 Twynham, Martha ҟ 329 Tydeman, David ҟ 314 Tyler, Lester ҟ 288 Tylicki, Jane ҟ 314 Tyree, Charles ҟ 413 Tyson, Patricia ҟ 283,324 Tzucker, John
436 Uchal, Barbaraҟ 359 Uecker, Jacquelineҟ 306 Uhl, Anthonieҟ 358 Ulicni, Laurenҟ 372 Ulm, Nancyҟ 273,436 Ulrey, Paulineҟ 260 Ulrich, Jerryҟ 231,259,383,462 Ulrich, Sarahҟ ҟ 465 Underwood, Cynthia ҟ 462 Underwood, Diana ҟ 265,299,462 Underwood, Gayle ҟ 389 Underwood, Steve ҟ 462 Unger, Barbaraҟ 465 Unger, Thomas ҟ 436 Unser, Robert ҟ 411 Updike, John ҟ 334 Uppman, Gary ҟ 324,436 Uslan, Paul ҟ 403 Usrey, Terry ҟ 311 Utken, Gregory ҟ 359 Utter, Linda ҟ 370 Vaidik, Terry ҟ 392 Van, Antwerp ҟ 171 Van Arsdall, Kenneth ҟ 400 Van Ausdall, Charles ҟ 409 Van Benten, Kevin ҟ 292 Van Dermay, Francis ҟ 378 Van Dyke, Charles ҟ 298 Van Guyse, Eddy ҟ 293 Van Horn, Peter ҟ 381,383 Van Hoy, Susan 462 Van Kirk, Kathrynҟ Van Landingham, William 261,231,449 462 Van Matre, Georgeҟ ҟ 297 Van Treese, Michael ҟ 379 Van Valin, Kent ҟ 436 Van Winkle, Douglas ҟ 372 Vanatta, Lynn ҟ 299 Vance, Beverlee, Diane ҟ 296 Vance, Patriciaҟ 311 Vance, Robert ҟ 211,436 Vanderplough, John ҟ 409 Vandiver, Michael ҟ 325 Vandiver, Jon ҟ 273,263 Vandoski, Joseph ҟ 231,298,436 Vane, Gregg ҟ 221 Vann, Roberta ҟ 462 Vargo, Rosemary ҟ 230 Varis, John ҟ 316 Varner, David ҟ 313 Vaughan, Alfred ҟ 462 Vaughn, Carol ҟ 462 Vaughn, Larry ҟ 385 Vaughn, Sara ҟ 391 Vaught, Carolyn ҟ 411 Vaught, Greg ҟ 330 Vealoney, Richard ҟ 339 Vega, Nora ҟ 249,364 Vehe, Katherine ҟ 300 Vehling, Gloria ҟ 281 Velker, Susan ҟ 383 Velkoff, Victoria ҟ 303 Venick, Shelley ҟ 402 Verduin, Linda ҟ 358 Veron, Carla ҟ 400 Vest, Linda ҟ Veysey, Catherine 236,436 ҟ 403 Vick, Carolyn ҟ 284 Vickery, Mark ҟ 301 Vignolo, Robert ҟ 232,265,307 Vilet, Donna ҟ 462 Villarreal, Linda ҟ 307,462 Vincent, Brenta ҟ 351 Vincent, Valdeana ҟ 436 Vint, Peter ҟ 308 Vint, Roger ҟ 332 Voelker, Dennis
Vogel, Howard Vogel, Lisa Vogel, Richard Vogel, Steven Vohden, Jane Voliva, Shirley Volk, Edward Volk, Edwin Volk, William Vollmer, Joseph Vollmer, Kathleen Volpe, Vincent Von Burg, Douglas Vorgang, Carolyn Vorhies, Carl Voris, John Vorm, Kathy Vorris, Larry Vosmeier, Michael Votaw, James Vote, Robert Vradenburg, Sarah Vrouvas, Nicholas
318 392 329 436 234,401 360 436 211,282 401 322 260,303 318 449 299 315 449 285,449 410 266,267,449 323 410 269 231,436
Wachel, Susan 270 Wackowski, Bruce 240,436 Wade, Felix 405,406,411 Wade, John 329 Wade, Philip 211,231,449 Wade, Thomas 414 Wade, Timothy 328,449 Wade, Vles 315 Wadsworth, Donna 378 Waggoner, Charles 259,411,436 Wagley, Linda 392 Wagman, Sue 326 Wagner, Gary 449 Wagner, Katy 291,462 Wagner, Kenneth 364 Wagner, Mary 436 Wagner, Nancy Jeanne 393 Wagner, Nancy Jo 296 Wagner, Patrick 436 Wagner, Robert 335 Wagner, Susan 392 Wagoner, Jalna 372 Wagoner, Lee 370 Wagonseller, Linda 391 Wahlman, Gregory 297 Wahlman, Mark 297 Waite, Kathy 387 Waits, William 377 Wakeland, David 402 Wakeland, Sally 392 Walda, John 234,370 Walden, Jerry 308 Walden, Sandra 208,291,465 Waldman, Steven 324 Walerko, Barbara 407 Walke, Beverly 462 Walker, Carolyn 462 Walker, Chris 360 Walker, Elizabeth 359 Walker, Kevin 316 Walker, Kim 234 Walker, Lynette 392 Walker, Teresa 384 Walker, Wendall 449 Wall, Barbara 462 238,308 Wall, Dennis C. Wall, Dennis D. 436 Wall, James 254 Wallace, David 414,462 Wallace, Jane 309 Wallace, Martha 358 Wallace, Melinda 382 Waller, Ann 462 Waller, Elizabeth 291 Wallgren, Evelyn 392 Walling, David 410 Walls, Ann 320
ҟ Walls, Patricia 462 ҟ Walsh, Dennis 323 ᵬ Walsh, Jeff rey 297,436 ҟ Walsh, Sharon 403 ҟ 258,463 Walsmith, Virginia ҟ Waltemath, William 436 ҟ Walter, Michael 436 ҟ Walter, Patricia 300,463 ҟ 401 Walter, Patrick ҟ Walter, Peter 467 ҟ Walters, Douglas 323 ҟ Walters, Lawrence 449 ҟ Walters, Nancy 384 ҟ Walters, Patricia 303 ҟ Walters, Virginia 358 ҟ Waltke, Shirley 449 ҟ Waltman, John 449 ҟ Walton, Cynthia 385 ҟ Walton, Dennis 346 ҟ Walton, Suzanne 296 ҟ Waits, Margie 463 ҟ Walls, Terenceҟ 231,261,284,449 Waltz, Gerald ҟ 398 157 Waltz, Richard ҟ Walz, Janyce 263 ҟ Wampler, Pamela 391 ҟ Warburton, Thomas 313 ҟ Ward, Douglas 293 ҟ Ward, Ellen ҟ 467 Ward, Michael 198,268 ҟ 301 Ward, Robert ҟ Ward, Willie 305 ҟ Ware, Nancy 391 ҟ Wares, Florence 346 ҟ Warfel, Robert 315 ҟ 400 Warfield, Verlee ҟ Wargel, Larry 409 ҟ Warmoth, Kristine 436 ҟ Warner, Dennis ҟ 449 157 Warner, Donald ҟ Warner, Lisa 300,437 ҟ 216,437 Warner, Sally ҟ 414 Warner, Silas ҟ 437 Warner, Stephen ҟ Warner, Susan ҟ 212,320 Warren, Bradford 301 ҟ 390 Warren, Steven ҟ Warrick, Linda 463 ҟ Warriner, Robby 463 ҟ 463 Wartenbe, Robert ҟ Warton, John 313 ҟ 370 Washington, Charles ҟ Wasowski, James 463 ҟ Wasson, Gregory 368 ҟ Wasson, Rita ҟ 467 284 Waszak, David Waterman, Geraldҟ 262,287 211,290,437 Waterman, Judithҟ 300,467 Waters, Donnaҟ Waters, Jeniferҟ 392 Waters, Maryҟ 211,231,261,437 Waters, Robertҟ 328 359 Waters, Terryҟ Watkins, Anneҟ 298 Watrous, Thomasҟ 437 Watson, Carol A.ҟ 369 Watson, Carol F.ҟ 463 449 Watson, Clarenceҟ Watson, Connieҟ 389 Watson, Jonҟ 449 463 Watson, Kennethҟ Watson, Thomasҟ 388 410 Watson, Timothyҟ Watters, Davidҟ 390 260 Watts, Warrenҟ Watts, Wendyҟ 234 Wayman, Maryҟ 211,217,281,463 Weakley, Sybilҟ 309 399 Weatherford, Fredrickҟ Weaver, Richardҟ 298 270 Weaver, Susanҟ 231,266,329,449 Weaver, Warrenҟ
ҟ 291,437 Webb, Elaine ҟ 329 Webb, Michael ҟ 371 Webb, Rita ҟ 211,283,318 Webb, Russell ҟ 401 Webb, Thomas ҟ 307 Webber, Beth ҟ 322 Weber, Davidҟ 392 Weber, Kathy ҟ 285 Weber, Martha ҟ 401 Weber, Patricia ҟ 293,437 Weber, Terence ҟ 283,330 Webster, Jeffrey ҟ 330 Webster, Patrick ҟ 463 Weddell, Edna ҟ 400 Wedow, Gary ҟ 408 Weentraut, Thomas ҟ 234 Wegener, Pamela ҟ 370 Wegner, James ҟ 336,463 Wehrly, Cynthiaҟ 360 Weichert, Ward ҟ 370 Weichsel, William ҟ 437 Weiland, June ҟ 266,449 Weilemann, Jon ҟ 391 Weiler, Diana ҟ 364 Weiler, Sharon ҟ 267,370 Weimer, Michaelҟ 393 Weimer, Rebecca ҟ 352 Weinberg, Ellen ҟ 332 Weinberg, Wayne ҟ 262,287,449 Weinberger, Marvin ҟ 324 Weiner, Llwell ҟ 286 Weiner, Marsha ҟ 330 Weinraub, Howard ҟ 320,463 Weir, Mary ҟ 335 Weisberg, Alan ҟ 328 Weisbrod, Charles ҟ 449 Weisenberger, John ҟ287 Weiss, Ira ҟ 324 Weiss, Steven ҟ 437 Weisz, Peter ҟ 387,390,437 Weith, Robert ҟ 265,296 Weitzel, Bette ҟ 265,296,463 Weitzel, Mary ҟ 296 Welage, Linda ҟ 409 Welch, Norbertҟ 347 Welch, Sherrill ҟ 329 Weldon, Chuck ҟ 307 Weldon, Katherine ҟ Weldy, J ohn 192,323 ҟ 370,449 Weldy, Kevin ҟ 437 Weldy, Samuel ҟ 306 Welib, Joyce ҟ 297 Wellman, John ҟ 194 Wells, George ҟ 405,406,407 Wells, Karen ҟ 171,271 Wells, Marabeth ҟ 211,232,358 Wells, Richardҟ 164,192,323 Wells, William ҟ 234,360 Welsch, Marcia ҟ 403 Welsh, Cathy ҟ 358 Welsh, Jennifer ҟ 403 Welsh, Sharyl ҟ 296 Welty, Marcia ҟ 411 Welty, Scott ҟ 377 Wendling, Don ҟ 401 Wendt, Carol ҟ 357 Wendzonda, Paul ҟ 391,437 Wentland, Pamela ҟ 234 Werber, Sharon ҟ 312 Werderr, Norman ҟ 318 Werling, Gregg ҟ 463 Werner, Carolyn ҟ 349 Werner, Cheryl ҟ 295 Werner, D. ҟ 285 Werner, Patricia ҟ 358 Wernick, Stacey ҟ 267 Wernicke, Steven ҟ 308 Wertheimer, Stephen ҟ 249,291 Wertz, Pamela ҟ 261 West, Jamesҟ 463 West, Linda ҟ 463 West, Sandra
ҟ 463 Westerman, Sandra ҟ 315 Westerfall, David ҟ Westfall, Jade 237,309 ҟ 285 Westlake, Nora ҟ 399 Westland, Christopher ҟ 357 Westman, Susan ҟ 414 Wethington, Elaine ҟ 302 Wethington, Paulҟ 293 Wethmueller, Bill ҟ 331 Wetnight, David ҟ 249,366,373 Wetzel, Mary ҟ 310 Wetzel, Michael ҟ 310 Wetzel, Thomas ҟ 408 Weyland, Paul ҟ 370,437 Whaley, Jeffrey ҟ 336 Whallon, Diane ҟ 449 Wheat, Robert ҟ 209,263,320 Wheatley, Cheryl ҟ 414 Wheeler, Bruce ҟ 327 Wheeler, Evelynҟ 262 Wheeler, J oseph ҟ 315 Wheeler, Mark ҟ 400,437 Wheeler, Mary ҟ 463 Whetstone, Helen ҟ 372 Whisler, Melissaҟ 241 Whisler, Michael ҟ 408 Whisler, Phillip ҟ 360 Whitaker, Connie ҟ 391 White, Beverly ҟ 315 White, Bruce ҟ 281,304,437 White, Cynthia ҟ 285 White, Cynthia ҟ 401 White, David ҟ 412 White, Donald ҟ 268,328 White, Eugene ҟ 288 White, Hattie ҟ 400 White, Judy ҟ 233 White, Kathryn ҟ 437 White, Rita ҟ 157 White, Robert ҟ 372 White, Tonja ҟ 463 White, William ҟ 194 White, William ҟ 309 Whitehead, Jane ҟ 300 Whiteleather, Jill ҟ 463 Whiteman, Philip ҟ 377 Whitesel, Jeffery ҟ 208,218,437 Whiteside, Sara ҟ 449 Whiteside, Stevenҟ 339 Whitefield, David ҟ 297 Whitford, Jeffery ҟ 320 Whitnam, Cynthia ҟ 320 Whitnam, Kathleen ҟ 414 Whitinger, David ҟ 449 Whitlock, Jay ҟ 320 Whitlow, Linda ҟ 320 Whitlow, Mary ҟ 286 Whitman, Abby ҟ 391 Whitmore, Barbara ҟ 449 Whitney, Roger ҟ 369 Whitney, Sherrill ҟ 437 Whittaker, Charlene ҟ 414 Whittemore, Elizabeth ҟ 281,320 Whittemore, Kathryn ҟ 329 Whitten, William ҟ 211,307 Whittenbaugh, Jeri ҟ 292 Whitton, Tommy ҟ 437 Wiatt, Christine ҟ 400 Wibbler, John ҟ 402 Wick, Patricia ҟ 467 Wickes, Jean ҟ 282,318 Wickes, John ҟ 325 Wickland, David ҟ 285 Widdis, Jean ҟ 398 Widduck, Maureen ҟ 406,414 Widner, James ҟ 293 Wiechman, Craig ҟ 463 Wierciak, Donna ҟ 372 Wiesjahn, Vonnie ҟ 329 Wightman, John ҟ 233,357 Wilchins, Marcҟ 330 Wilcox, Daniel
Wilder, Judy 463 Wilder, Nancy 211,257,358 Wilder, Vivian 309 Wildman, Robert 310 Wildman, Susan 392 Wiley, Donna 358,437 403 Wilhelm, Janice Wilhelm, Thomas 378 Wilhlmus, Kirk 316 Wilhite, Allen 378 285 Wilhite, Kathryn 260,364 Wilk, Kenneth Wilke, Kathryn 391 449 Wilkerson, Robert 463 Wilkins, Monta 211 Wilkins, Sandra Wilkinson, Barbara 336 Willard, Janet' 357,359 297 Willard, William 254 Willet, James 256 Williams, Albert Williams, Alexander 400 210,303 Williams, Bonnie Williams, Bradley 409 Williams, Bruce 302 409 Williams, Carl 305 Williams, Carl Williams, David 346 305 Williams, Emery Williams, James 231,308 259 Williams, Janice 256 Williams, Jay 368 Williams, John 383 Williams, Karen 392 Williams, Karen 391 Williams, Linda 398 Williams, Mary 463 Williams, Mary 257 Williams, Mildred 284 Williams, Noel 311 Williams, Norman 463 Williams, Raelynn 401 Williams, Robert 218 Williams, Sandra 409 Williams, Stephen 463 Williams, Steven 334 Williams, Thomas 313 Williams, Thomas 297 Williams, Tinsley 232 Williams, Vicki 288 Williamson, Deborah 272 Williamson, Dennis 402 Williamson, James 463 Williamson, Jane 385 Williamson, Rebecca 209,300 Williamson, Shelli 347 Willis, Hubert 281,463 Willis, Nancy 366,367 Willoughby, Mark 259 Wills, Laurie 360 Wills, Nancy 408 Willsey, Jeffery 211 Wilson, Carolyn 328 Wilson, David 347 Wilson, Ellen Wilson, Eugene 234,298 Wilson, Gary 231,308,449 Wilson, James 310 Wilson, James 332 Wilson, James 315 Wilson, Jane 463 Wilson, John 449 Wilson, Johnny 449 Wilson, Kathleen 304 Wilson, Kenneth 399 Wilson, Larry 399 Wilson, Mary 300 Wilson, Mary 304,437 Wilson, Pamela 410 Wilson, Philip 211,287 Wilson, Rebecca 306
Wilson, Sandy 369 Wilson, Steven 410 Wilson, Thomas 315 Wilson, Thomas 449 Wiltshire, Mariann 232,352 Wince, Patricia 387,392 Windell, Robert 311,449 Winder, Gary 204,308 Winders, Robert 437 Windier, Thomas 330 Winer, Bonita 357,360 Winerman, Abbie 286 Winfield, Steven 437 Wingrove, Margaret 211,437 Winheim, Cynthia 208,231,449 Winkler, Roger 284 Winsche, Barbara 437 Winscott, William 389 Winslow, Martha 463 Winston, Kenneth 198 Winter, Cheryl 296 Winter, Dianne 320 Winter, John 310 Winters, Candice 260,463 Winters, Cynthia 391 Winters, Pamela 291 Wise, Charles 298 Wise, Irvin 324 Wise, Jacqueline 392 Wise, Pamela 369 Wisely, Deborah 223,306 Wiseman, Jerry 157,313 Wiseman, Terrence 465 Wishard, Elizabeth 463 Wisher, Howard 329 Wissel, Marilyn 402 Wissing, Douglas 321 170,409 Witecki, Frank Withers, Dianna 401 Witniki, Barbara 373 Witt, Barlene 291,437 Witt, Pamela 371 Witte, Hazel 326 Witte, Karen 463 Wittenborn, Nancy 210,232,307 Wittmer, Darrell 410 Witucki, Barbara 437 Woessner, Vicki 291 Wohlford, Debora 359 Wolf, Beverly 264,327 366,367 Wolf, Dorothy Wolf, Gail 465 449 Wolf, Robert 401 Wolf, Susan E. 240,437 Wolf, Susan H. Wolfcale, Constance 234,383 284 Wolfcale, Jeffrey 400 Wolfcale, Vicki 307 Wolfe, Carol B. 385 Wolfe, Carol M. Wolfe, Dianne 223,238 157,217,268 Wolfe, William 369 Wolff, Nora 287 Wolfson, Larri 263 Wong, John 408 Wong, Ping 463 Wood, Charles 308 Wood, David 463 Wood, Donna 403 Wood, Douglas 267 Wood, George 211 Wood, James 170,437 Wood, Ray 157 Wood, William 309 Woodard, Joan 312 Woodford, James 300,437 Woodrow, Lynda 322 Woodruff, Robert 393 Woods, Marcia 467 Woods, Marjorie 289 Woods, Sandra
399 Woodward, Albertҟ 198 Woodward, Bobҟ 406 Woodward, Janeҟ 352 Woodward, Janetҟ 308 Woodward, Johnҟ 463 Woodward, Ronaldҟ 299 Woodworth, Patriciaҟ 300 Woolcott, Warrenҟ 302 Wooldridge, Michaelҟ 325 Woolery, Jamesҟ 325 Woolery, Markҟ Woolsey, Deeҟ 94,230,467 318 Workman, Lynnҟ 288,449 Workman, Sueҟ 449 Workman, Thomasҟ 260 Worth, Barbaraҟ 401 Worth, Davidҟ 301 Worth, Stanleyҟ 391 Worthington, Cathyҟ 325 Worthington, Johnҟ 157,437 Wortley, Georgeҟ 463 Wozny, Elaineҟ 437 Wozny, Lawrenceҟ 316 Wrege, Ferdҟ 463 Wright, Boydҟ 391 Wright, Carolynҟ 231,437 Wright, David B.ҟ 216,437 Wright, David M.ҟ 467 Wright, Deanҟ 297 Wright, Donaldҟ 328 Wright, Edwinҟ 409 Wright, Gordonҟ 322 Wright, Jamesҟ Wright, Jamesҟ 408 305 Wright, Jobyҟ Wright, John L.ҟ 328 Wright, John R.ҟ 437 281,327,464 Wright, Lindaҟ 291,464 Wright, Luanneҟ Wright, Marthaҟ 336,464 401 Wright, Maryҟ 303 Wright, Pamelaҟ 405,407 Wright, Patriciaҟ 336 Wright, Phyllisҟ 211 Wright, Randallҟ 437 Wright, Roderickҟ 211,303 Wright, Sarahҟ 234 Wright, Teresaҟ 263 Wright, Terryҟ 273 Wroblewski, Judithҟ 411 Wroblewski, Michaelҟ 450 Wruble, Donaldҟ Wuertz, Johnҟ 401 450 Wujcik, Ronaldҟ 318 Wulff, Frederikҟ Wyckoff, Haroldҟ 298 464 Wyland, Carolҟ Wyllie, Robertҟ 234 389 Wynn, Daleҟ 301,438 Wynne, Davidҟ 438 Wyno, Jamesҟ 410 Wyrick, Hughҟ 438 Wyrick, Rogerҟ 465 Yaffe, Jo-Ellenҟ 168 Yagodnik, Arthurҟ 450 Yamaguchi, Yoshiakiҟ 170 Yamamoto, Akiraҟ 312 Yancey, Melvilleҟ 166,370 Yaprak, Attilaҟ 414 Yarnell, Donaldҟ 323 Yary, Ronҟ 211,231,262,438 Yates, Charlesҟ 382 Yates, Judithҟ 387 Yates, Nancyҟ 285 Yates, Robbieҟ 234 Yde, Frederickҟ 414 Yeager, Charlesҟ 405,406,412 Yeager, Timҟ 264,467 Yeldell, Carolynҟ
210,232,271,308 Yelton, Ernest 450 Yentes, Clifford 301 Yeoman, Paul 318 Yeoman, Richard 302 Yinger, Lawrence 403 Yoder, Malinda 260,363,464 Yoder, Martha 302 Yoder, Peter 390 Yoder, Richard 315 Yoder, Thomas 303 Yoedicke, Jan 391 Yokel, Susan 294 Yorkling, Sherry 402 Yoset, Susan 336 Young, Cassie 260,450 Young, David 411 Young, George 316 Young, John 264 Young, Marjorie 398 Young, Patricia 372 Young, Sally 233 Young, Sandra 370 Young, Stanley 392 Young, Stephanie 170 Young, Suzanne 368 Young, Wayne 284 Young, William 300 Younghaus, Ellen 370 Youngman, James 407 Yuen, Sek 307 Yurgilas, Kathleen Zabel, Lynna Zamboldi, M. Zarkin, Alice Zeabart, Leonard Zeck, Cheryl Zeck, Craig Zeedyk, Mary Zeiger, Richard
358 450 403 223,390 438 464 450 346
322 Zeigler, Stephen 402 Zeiher, Pamela Zeilengold, Stephen 260,368 231,257,465 Zeiss, Dorothy 316 Zeller, Thomas 324 Zellinger, David 325 Zerve, Robert 438 Zerr, Mary 401 Ziara, Barbara 400 Ziegler, Cheryl 318 Ziegler, Jack 366 Ziegler, Sandy 363 Ziering, Carol 464 Ziessman, Penny 464 Zike, Sandra 414 Zilla, Gail 438 Zimmer, Diane Zimmerman, Beth 255,438 Zimmerman, David 257 234,393 Zimmerman, Jane Zimmerman, John 260,450 358 Zimmerman, Judy 257 Zimmerman, Patricia 230,231,25(1 Zimmerman, Polly 313 Zimmerman, Richard 280,327 Zimmerman, Roberta 358 Zimmermann, Judith 310 Zink, Michael Ray 308 Zink, Michael Reed 360 Zink, Phillip 328 Zirkle, Roy 363,464 Zmirski, Jo 336 Zobel, Susan 320 Zoeller, Martha 321 Zoercher, Charles 217,220 Zohn, Martin 464 Zondor, Charles 157 Zoss, Robert 335 Zuckerman, Mark 372 Zulich, Genevieve 400 Zurawik, Rita 438 Zwierzynski, Suann
Specifications The 1969 ARBUTUS was printed on 80pound Velva Dull enamel stock by Wm. J. Keller Inc. of Buffalo, New York. Page size is 11 inches by 11 inches. Body type is 10 on 12 Times Roman and captions, group identifications, and senior liners are 8 on 10 Times Roman. Headlines were set in 24 pt. Times Roman on regular pages and 36 pt. Times Roman on Division pages. The S. K. Smith Co. of Chicago, Illinois produced the cover. The color is royal blue base with a light blue flat silkscreen applied on artificial leather in a sand grain over 160 pt. binder's board. End sheets are 65-pound Hammermill blue stock. Ink throughout the book is black. All photographs have been reproduced in a 150 line screen by Keller. A special line conversion effect was reproduced on all division page photographs. Also a circular line conversion was added on page 156.
A note of thanks When we started out this plot to produce the 1969 ARBUTUS, it was evident that we were in an "in between" year of spirited student involvement; but I'm sure that if someone could have forseen what was in between us and the end, they never would have believed it (I know I wouldn't have). No one ever worried about us putting a nude girl in the book; in fact, for a while in October, the closest thing we had to a nude was Harry Gonso after a murderous Chuck Kyle tackle. With a little ingenuity and lots of work by Dave Repp, we did manage to put together a great essay on the campus co-ed. Some people thought they had the Arbutus staff psyched out when the office came up brown in the fall, but the only person that got psyched out was Carol when that ingenius Fiji pledge told her Joe's room number was 19. 488
We'll never forget New York and the ACP convention. Sardi's will never be the same after the Arbutus staff got through throwing dinner across the table while trying to decide which fork to use. Nor could we forget the cherry jubilee that nearly singed everybody's eyelashes. There were dozens of business sessions to choose from, but by far the hardest choice was which party was the best (was it 2543, or 617, or maybe 956, or . . .?) Going with Keller proved quite an adventure, too, as at our first meeting, we managed to upset the representative so much that he ran over his briefcase with the car. Then when we went to Buffalo, little did we expect to spend 24 hours trying to make a 2-hour trip home. Side-lights were fun, but by far the most enjoyment was to be gained in our own little bungalow. With a revitalized appearance and one less mouth to feed with Charlie gone (he's the plant that got the Arbutus through 1968), we utilized 20 inquisitive minds to make paper dolls for the editor's desk and plan a boress Christmas party that even John got grossed out at (Congrats, Kathy, he had it coming). But as all good things must come to a close, I guess we're nearing our finale. Before I drop the curtain on the final act, however, I feel a curtain call is only in order. Guest stars for this year's performance included: —Tom Reid of Wm. J. Keller who finally introduced us to New England lobster at the Skylon. Stan Lieberman of Root Photographers in Chicago whose open invitation to visit their plant cost Marcel a dollar as the inhabitants of Old Town didn't seem as happy to see us as Stan was; Jack Bundy of S. K. Smith whose unending cooperation helped us produce a cover which we hope tells the story of 1969 itself; Dave Repp whose group photography and residence hall informals allowed us to make the January deadline.
Permanent stars for the 1969 ARBUTUS included 16 of the best major staffers I could have hoped for, several of whom I'll never forget, such as: —Jenny Pinneur, whose unceasing energy and spirit contributed greatly to the best and by far the largest seniors' section in Arbutus history; Pat Carter who always had problems; —Larry, John and Paul who continually amazed us with new sounds from the depths of the darkroom; —Arch Sutton who managed to get his very own deadline, two days after classes ended for spring break (you didn't really want to go south for the vacation, did you Arch?). Lana Combs who managed to have our banquet invitations printed up with R.S.P.V. —and Linda Nichols whose letter of discouragement during finals week made me realize the editor's job isn't always the hardest (who could be expected to work at 3:30 a.m. when Clovis wants to wax the floor). —Joe who never gave up when our opening essay was at one of its lowest points and who finally made the essay into a unified story. Compatriots in this production besides the major staffers are several people whom I can't thank enough for their help and advice. —Mr. Will Counts, our new faculty adviser, who was always around when we needed his help on a problem; —Marcel whose fabulous negotiating ability got us through many contract sessions with exceptional results; —Pat, sleepy as she was by 1 a.m. was worth more than her weight in gold. My only wonder here is how she can take another year of this funfilled madhouse we call home. —Sharon, whose urgings got me into the job and whose bubbling spirit gave me courage to carry it through. Last, but far from least, are my parents who were more than understanding when I didn't write all year or come home for vacations often. Without their understanding and trust my job would have been many times harder. Finally, in closing, I would like to make an informal dedication of this book to the main characters of the story—the students of Indiana University who were interested enough to "give a damn" about something or someone. Oftentimes your ideas were wrong by some standards, but at least you cared enough to formulate an opinion on major issues of the day. You called the plays and we have only tried to record the story—the story of 1969. STEVE MAYES Editor-in-chief
1969 Arbutus Staff STEVE MAYES Editor-in-chief
PAT HARTLEROAD Managing Editor
Business Manager
CUSTER RITCHIE Associate Editor
JIM BLUME Index Editor
Dennis Dill Paul Hugentober Sally Moore Tom Moore Margaret McKenzie Erma Schafstall
Promotions Manager
Sales Manager
Sales and Promotions Staff Mary Ausich Jacque Bell Katina Burgess Jay Burke Lynn Clark Janis Conrad Theresa Delp Bob Ford John Gooch Bob Guignon
Richard Hahn Larry Hankins Jessica Hart Susan Jackson Beverly Katz Bari Klein Karen Landgren Harriet Levi Linda Lowrence Pam Mitchell Alice Pendleton Gail Shandler Jim Sitterding Barb Woodling PAT CARTER
Academics Editor
Margie Brazina Candi Brunk Linda Glick Susan Glick Dan Niles Linda Plummer Linda Roscoe Bob Scott Sally Senzell Marian Schulin Shelly Shor Gloria Slonaker Marilyn Stanley Susan Strols Lynne Tatlock Chuck Van Dyke Cassie Young
Personnel Manager
CAROL COTTOM Residences Editor
Nikki Angel Barbara Armson Herb Baumeister Dave Byrne Valerie Drozda Cindy Eck Judy Ozborn Dan Paulsen Julie Saiter
Sue Fink Christie Howell
Scheduling Manager
Kris Behrman Irmgarde Berzins Peggy Bonfield Marla Brumley Vivian Buell Jay Burke Valerie Drozda Cheri Dunlap Maurice Heald Margret Komisars Shari Lewchanin Steve Long Jerry Malooley Georgianne Marks Jeff Marlin Nikki Martin Jane Murray Clarine Nardi Judy Nisenbaum
Paula Schlossberg Susie Susman Hazel Witte JOE KOSARKO Narrative Editor
Debbie Goar Carol Hutchinson Alexandria Juskin Linder Lewis Gail Patterson Paula Summerton
JANET NELSON Layout Editor
Organizations Editor
Jill Bettner Diane Demkovich Bob Lowe Bob Marks Sharon Stahl Jeff Zaring JENNY PINNEUR Seniors Editor
John Hoffman Carolyn Kepley Carol Koebbe David Koerner Peggy Mayer Clarine Nardi Jean Scifres Kathy Vehe Mary Jo Wetzel Hazel Witte LARRY RAINEY
Photo Staff John Esmay Head Photographer
Paul Coulis
Contributing Photographers John Bard Bill Bennett Todd Curless Jim Elliott Sandy Eisert Dick Parren John Fulton Dan Knapp Charles Larsen Vin Lee Charlie McCormick Alan Marks Brian Millhoff Joe Nixon Charlie Sachs ALAN SUTTON Sports Editor
Cheri Dunlap Julie Groman Jari Jasinowski Judy Nisenbaum
KATHY THIEL Office Manager
Contracts Manager
Photo Editor
' I haven't seen you in a long time Why don't you show your face and i nd my mind? These clouds stick to the sky like floating questions, why? And they linger there t9 die. They don't know w e they're going, and, my friend. Neither do 1. Cloudy. on
As the present now will later be past, The order is rapidly fadin'. And the first one now will later be last, For the times they are a changin'. Bob Dylan
At the hour when we are Trembling with tenderness Lips that would kiss Form prayers to broken stone. T. S. Eliot
And when the morning of the warning's passed, the gassed and flaccid kids Are flung across the stars. The psychodramas and the traumas gone The songs are left unsung and hung upon the scars. Tandyn Almer 496
Try to realize it's all within yourself no-one else can make you change. And to see you're really only very small and life flows on within you and without you. George Harrison 498