Student Portfolio
ARCH 473/3522 - DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIO AND WORKSHOP Mohammed Metawa 900181640 Fall 2022
The American University in Cairo (AUC)
School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture
ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Fall 2022)
Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including research, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realisation and analysis.
Student name: Mohammed Metawa Student ID: 900181640
© The American University in Cairo (AUC), May 2019
Mohammed Metawa Architecture Student
My name is Mohammed Ashraf Abdel Khalek Metawa, I major in Architectural Engineering and intending to minor in Business Administration. I aspire to graduate to open an architectural firm or a company within the same field. I was influenced by my dad who coincidently works as an Architect and a Consultant Engineer. I was born and raised in the United Arab Emirates until the age of 14 and moved to Egypt to continue my studies. I used to be a squash player for five years, however due to an injury I stopped, however it was an experience that taught commitment and ways to succeed. I currently invest in the Egyptian Stock Market, learning and profiting through the experience. In addition, I own a 3d printing business, making different kinds of products from clay cutters to cartoony figures. I believe
to be an independent, self-aspiring human being.
Description of photo in a couple of lines, including explanation and/or references
1: The Blank Façade Canvas
The Initial try of creating a form with the gympsum was a trail and error basis, where the mixture of the gypsum was not the finest ratio, keeping the mixture in a liquid state. The surface used beneath the gypsum was composed of “nasebyan” and required orange mesh used for electrical works to avoid the sliding of the gypsum. The mixture’s ratio was not the best which resulted in a form that was not fully stable and breaking.
The attempt showed on the left was a better attempt of the material exploration phase, in which the gypsum was placed directly on a wire mesh allowing for a bit of a structural support. The texture of the mixture was not the best, due to poor support of the weight of the gypsum. The support underneath was easily removed, while maintaining the form itself.
Chapter name Portfolio
Final Material Exploration Attempt which shows a gypsum model that has different parameters and went through a series of iterations.
This attempt was the most successfull creating a texture which is supported by wire mesh. The form had petrusions, and voids created by the foam parts to create an irregular form.
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The photo on the left shows the process of perfecting the gympsum process, to ensure a proper result towards the targeted form. Foam was picked as it is a material that is malleable and easily removed.
Chapter name Portfolio 8
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Mohammed Metawa
Trying a completely different approach is shown here, in which a foam of a semi sephere was filled with stones, in a trail to create interesting voids with the gypsum, however as seen on the right the final result was not as initially planned. The stones remained inside the gypsum, creating a textured semi-sphere.
Chapter name Portfolio 10
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Mohammed Metawa
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Parametric Building Block
Portfolio 14
Chapter name Portfolio 16
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Global Parameters
Waverbird Mesh - Affects the overall texture of the mesh Points of Surface Scaling
Dividing Surface - Deconstructing Mesh
Linear Array / Polar Array ( Clustering )
Local Parameters
Pipe - Creates pipes around a specific area in which the mesh boundary is located.
Pull Points - Mesh Boundaries - Defining a certain area in which change in happening Deconstruct Faces
Description of photo in a couple of lines, including explanation and/or references
Project 2: Research
Double Skin Facade
Types / Classifications
The research phase was an important phase to determine how to understand the parameters of a double skin facade. In addition, find precedents that reflect the material explorations, to be able to do the digital transition in which it is designed and upgraded to suit the site and environmental analysis.
Project 2: Implementation of Cluster on Building Facade
The procedure I followed was carried followed a series of steps, which composed of creating the panel itself, while maintaining a constant size of the panels. The panels also had to have a mechanism to follow through in which they are operable. The structure of the panels had to be supported by panneling to have a concrete structure in which the double skin facade is carried out.
Designing the Facade
Structure: The panels are surrounded by pipping to hold the alminium panels in place and allow the mechanism to move smoothly according the to the sun movement.
Piping: The piping on the right picture shows the structure in which the double skin facade is attached to the actual building, connecting each 4 sets of panels to the structure of the building.
Panelling: The paneling is designed to reflect and minimize the high solar exposure due to its ability to orient in different direction based on the sun path.
Openings: Openings created on the existing panels were designed in a way to allow and maximize sufficient ligthting and wind to cope with ventilation and the southern facade. Such design would optimize the human experience within the spaces inside the building. Such openings are also designed to follow the suns rotation around the building throughout the day.
I believe I have successfully created a kinetic double skin facade with a structure that holds it together. The facade is environmentally functional and asthetically pleasing, transforming the building according to the spaces in each of the different floors. Creating the form was a bit of a challenge as it required tweaking and adjustments after each of the different analysis and conditions given.
Solar Analysis
Through solar analysis of the facade it shows, that the kinetic facade ability to move where the sun hits the most, allows for the facade to absorb the solar radiation to be reflected by the facade. The analysis is based on the nearby buildings and the facade itself, alongside the slabs. Through the plans, it shows the majority of the space shaded with little sunlight going through.
Project 2: Visualizing the Facade
*Elevations showing the kinetic movement of the facade through different times of the day.
The materials and rendering of the facade are important elements of the project, which define the project, egyptionize it and show the different elements of the facade.`
VR Experience
The VR Experience is a method for the facade work to be represented in a virtual reality word where we could experience the building. This experience was carried out during the development of the facade, which allowed for the identification of the issues within the facade, relation of the facade and the building, etc.
Several issues included the scale of the panels themselves, which could not be identified through the screen of a device, the connectiions of the panels, and the accuracy of the structure. The overall experience of the interior of the building had to be visualized through virtual reality to be able to conclude the feelings of the user inside the building.
The process if the fabrication is a trail and error basis, in which I was able to successfully create a file for the facade to be 3d printed and hand held for inspection and visualization. The process requires different tweakes and adjustments, such as adding supports.
• Pintos, Paula. “Cube Berlin Smart Office Building / 3XN.” ArchDaily, ArchDaily, 18 Mar. 2020,
• “Berlin Cube.” 3xn.Com,
• Solar bytes pavilion: Design lab. (2020, October 21). Retrieved December 17, 2022, from