Archetech - Issue 12 2013

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ARCHETECH Turning Dreams into Reality

Issue 12


The Shard

The Giants Causeway

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in Archetech Magazine, however, the publishers accept no responsibility for the claims or opinions made by contributors, manufacturers or advertisers. No part of the publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic (including printing), recording or stored in any information retrieval system without the express prior written consent of the publisher.

Detailed planning granted for Liverpool’s £150m ‘Project Government Jennifer’ launches trial Planning consent has been awarded for a £150m mixed-use project to transform part of north Liverpool to start next year.The Great Homer Street development, known locally as ‘Project Jennifer’, being developed by St. Modwen has planning been granted detailed planning by Liverpool City Council. guidance website The 45-acre scheme will see the creation of 110,000 ft2 Sainsburys’, which will become the largest food store in the The Government has launched a trial version of its streamlined planning guidance online. The launch follows an external review which looked into slimming down approximately 7,000 pages of planning practice guidance to make it more accessible. The new National Planning Practice Guidance online resource is being opened initially in a test mode for six weeks for public comment with a final go-live planned for the autumn. None of the current planning practice guidance will be cancelled until the final online guidance is in place. Planning Minister Nick Boles said: “Having stripped away outdated advice, our new user friendly website brings together a simplified set of clear, concise guidance and publishes it altogether in one place. This will make the planning system much easier to navigate for everyone involved.” Copyright Press Association 2013

city. There will also be 80,000 ft2 of additional retail units, alongside 80,000 ft2 of light industrial units, 480 new houses and 40,000 ft2. Work on site is expected to begin in Spring 2014, with the entire scheme due to complete in Autumn 2016.

Stephen Prosser, regional director at St. Modwen, said: “We are delighted that this scheme, which is both needed and wanted by the local community, is moving forwards towards actual delivery on site. “The attainment of this detailed permission is the next important step forward and is testament to the positive support the scheme continues to enjoy. We are committed to delivering this scheme for the people of North Liverpool and will be working hard to finalise the details over the next few months in the build-up to starting on site.” Copyright Press Association 2013

Midlands ‘best practice’ hub The Built Environment Hub, the new organisation for the construction industry in the Midlands, has announced that some of the region’s most prominent companies have joined its ranks. GF Tomlinson, Keepmoat, MITIE Property Services, Morgan Sindall, Pick Everard, Saint Gobain, Seddon Contractors, Speller Metcalfe, Stepnell and WSP together are uniting under the banner of the Built Environment Hub to drive best practice in the Midlands’ construction sector. The Built Environment hub has launched a website, www., which is designed to be a resource and information portal for the industry, as well as a platform for members to showcase innovation in construction, network, exchange ideas and information,

access technical updates from BRE and benefit from specific forum activity. Chairman David Bucknall OBE, former chairman of Rider Levett Bucknall and the RICS Quantity Surveyors and Construction Professional Group commented: “We believe it is crucial for the Midlands construction industry to speak with one voice and have strong regional representation. It is vitally important for the Hub to engage at a national level with government and major public sector bodies, to influence policy and industry initiatives to safeguard the interests of the Midlands construction sector and the associated supply-chain. “The Built Environment Hub website offers members vital intelligence on grants, technical information, business development opportunities together with knowledge exchange and forum areas - providing platforms to strengthen improvement throughout the industry.” Copyright Press Association 2013

Across the UK, fires cause hundreds of deaths every year, in addition to immense material damage. When designing equipment, it is vital to know what materials can slow the spread of fire, as they allow fire-fighting services to have more time, thus limiting the damage. Flame retardant (FR) wood panels even when in direct contact with flames for more than 20 minutes, do not end up inflaming. On the 1st of July 2013 a new regulation by the European Union has come into force to harmonize all codes across the EU. All FINSA FR products are rated as Class B and comply with the new Construction Products Regulation (CPR).

Archetech - Issue 12 [Page 4]

FINSA range of woodbased FR panels is the most comprehensive product line available in the UK market. The wide array of FR solutions that FINSA offers includes raw particleboard Fimapan, MDF Fibrapan, structural panels Superpan Tech, melamine faced boards Fimaplast and Fibraplast, lightweight Greenpanel (a unique product that combines strength, lightweight and FR properties in one panel), laminate flooring FINfloor, machined or grooved components and many other products combining fire resistance, functionality and aesthetics. FINSA FR products have been chosen by architects, designers and builders worldwide in public buildings, hospitals and health centres, hotels, theatres, schools, corporate headquarters, shopping centres, trade shows, sport facilities. FINSA flame retardant boards were used in panelling, wall and ceiling coating, doors, bed headboards, cabinet doors, flooring, etc.


As with all FINSA products, they are available with FSC or PEFC certifications and inventories are kept at their Birkenhead main warehouse as to ensure a prompt delivery to every customer. Whenever the best protection against fire in a woodbased panel is needed, you can always count on FINSA, the market leader in flame retardant solutions. For further information: or (0151) 651 2400.

First Green Deal plan goes live The latest statistics on the Green Deal released by the Government have revealed that the first Green Deal plan went ‘live’ before the end of July. The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) describes a Green Deal plan as ‘live’ after the measures have been installed in the property, the information the information required to disclose the plan to future bill payers has been attached to the Plan and the energy supplier has all the information required to bill Green Deal charges. DECC’s most recent figures for the Green Deal showed that the number of GD assessments rose to 58,124 at the end of July, up from 44,479 at the end of June.

Complete rainwater harvesting solutions system from Graf

There were 419 Green Deal plans in the system at the end of July, compared to 306 at the end of June. Of these, 286 confirmed they wished to proceed with work after obtaining a quote from a Green Deal provider, and a further 132 had signed a Green Deal plan.

500 homes due for two London sites The regeneration of Elephant & Castle in London is to see more than 500 new homes in the area. These will come partly in the form of a 37-storey tower - One The Elephant, of 284 homes - with 235 other units at Trafalgar Place which is on the site of the old Heygate Estate. The project is the latest stage of a £1.5 billion upgrade of the Elephant & Castle area coming from Lend Lease and Southwark Council.

New dawn’ for housebuilding sector

The forthcoming homes at the two sites have been announced as “some of the most sustainable and energy efficient places to live in Britain” by Lend Britain’s housebuilding recovery has been underlined by new figures suggesting a “new dawn” for the industry. Lease project director Pascal Mittermaier. Lend Lease is the main contractor as well as funding and developing the homes, for which it won planning permission last November.

Last month saw the biggest rise in construction output for over a year, according to the Markit/CIPS construction purchasing managers’ index (PMI). This showed a reading of 51 last month - above the 50 level which divides growth from contraction and the highest rate since May 2012.

Copyright Press Association 2013

Construction movements have now grown for two successive months for the first time in over a year, fuelled by a jump in residential housebuilding. Residential housebuilding activity has risen for five successive months, but growth levels eased from the two-year high seen in May.

Industry strongly in favour of regulation for housing, survey finds A new survey has revealed that the majority of construction professionals favour regulation of environmental and space standards for housing projects. The survey, conducted by Sustainable Homes, saw a broad consensus of around 200 housing and construction professionals voicing support for the existing Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) and Housing Quality indicators (HQIs) standards. The results come in response to plans to phase out the Code for Sustainable Homes, launched by the Government last week. The survey found that the majority of those who opposed the existing regulations did not prefer deregulation but instead wanted regulation via other means, such as compulsory building regulations or the planning system. Only 13% of respondents felt that the environmental impacts and space standards of homes shouldn’t be regulation at all. Key findings of the survey include: r

74% of respondents in favour of regulation thought the life-cycle impacts of building materials should be regulated through the CSH r 65% of those in favour of minimum day light standards were in favour of regulation via the CSH r 77% of respondents felt that space standards should be regulated. 11% felt space standards should not be regulated and 12% did not know r 66% of those in favour of regulation of space standards wanted to maintain the use of Housing Quality Indicators r 81% of respondents felt that ecological enhancements should be regulated, with 65% in favour of these being evaluated through the CSH Andrew Eagles, managing director of Sustainable Homes said: “It was particularly interesting to see the strength of support for regulation of environmental and space standards. These standards are often portrayed as barriers to construction.

CIPS chief executive David Noble said: “A new dawn is emerging in the construction industry.” He said the confidence of a sustained recovery is starting to build, thanks to two months of consecutive output growth and the pace of fresh orders expansion hitting a 13-month high. He added: “Housing is the leading light sustaining last month’s performance”, flooring months of decline during the economic downturn. Kelvin Davidson, property economist at consultancy Capital Economics, said the figures add to other evidence of a pick-up in the wider economy. Copyright Press Association 2013

350 m2 living wall installed at The Rubens hotel to promote biodiversity Urban greening specialist Treebox has unveiled a striking ‘living wall’ at The Rubens at the Palace hotel in London. The 350 m2 living wall on the side of the four star hotel in Buckingham Palace Road has been specially designed to help wildlife – particularly pollinators – flourish in London. Buttercups, crocuses and strawberries have been used to attract butterflies and bees, while asplenium and ferns will give a year-round lime green colour to the wall. Other plants have been chosen to provide seasonal colour. In total, it features 10,000 herbaceous plants and ferns. The wall also includes a number

“Many respondents though were arguing for these standards to be applied to more homes of special features, including (through building regulations) rather than just applying them to affordable housing. Construction irrigation tanks to store rainwater harvested from the roofs. In what professionals clearly support environmental and space standards.” Treebox says is a “world first”, the

wall will also be programmed to respond to heavy rain by slowly pumping water through the wall and increasing storage capacity of the rainwater tanks, taking the pressure of the drains and thereby helping to reduce the risk of surface water flooding in the neighbourhood. Armando Raish, managing director of Treebox, said: “Due to the variety of plants used in its construction, we expect the living wall at The Rubens to significantly increase the number and variety of bugs and bees in this part of Victoria, helping to promote biodiversity and return nature to this urban environment.” Jonathan Raggett, managing director of Red Carnation Hotels, of which the Rubens at the Palace is a part, said: “We take the issue of sustainable tourism very seriously across the entire Red Carnation Hotel collection, and this wall will minimise the hotel’s impact on the environment but also improve the air quality and aesthetic in this part of London.”

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Copyright Press Association 2013

Graf as market leader in Europe specialize in Rainwater Harvesting offering above & below ground tanks from 1,000 to 100,000 litres, with systems for domestic, commercial & industrial applications. Within the product range there are fully integrated solutions to harvest rainwater for toilets, washing machines, vehicle washing as well as garden packages. Graf offer unique products such as the Platin, a flat tank where there is no need of deep excavations reducing installation time, less spoil to dispose of and no requirement for concrete, thereby saving time, reducing materials required & costs. The Platin tank being “Groundwater It is due to deliver roughly 3,000 homes and Stable” there is no need to “bed” the tank in with concrete, even in areas with high water tables. other benefits like shops, restaurants, community facilities and public spaces over 15 years.

Multi-purpose Arena The centrifugal power of the whirlwind is interpreted into this dynamic the Middle East region. The metaphoric Arena generates a strong The ‘jet streams’ from the whirlwind form integrated shaded corridors, which meet and extend the lines of the area and thereby create a close connecting between the building and its surroundings. The bright shapes of the modulated ribbons are seemingly spinning about the bowl – a play on the term whirlwind moving across the desert sand. The double façade makes the building seem light, luminous almost translucent, and allows a hint of the activities going on inside the building. Besides being a decorative barrier between interior and exterior the façade design ensures that all interior spaces are shaded at all times, yet allowing plenty of light to enter the building. Maximizing the amount of natural daylight and at the same secures high quality indoor climate.

Address: Middle East Size: 56.000 m2 Architect: 3XN

The multi-purpose Arena is designed to accommodate the widest range of events from ice

It’s safe to play Many of us played games at school that are now no longer deemed safe by what people commonly refer to as ‘the health and safety police’ – organisations and individuals who are so fearful of litigation that they attempt to remove risk altogether, rather than manage it. This has created uncertainty and fear among those with responsibility for children. However, a recent statement issued by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is already causing positive repercussions for play and leisure industry professionals, and will in turn bring a host of benefits to children, parents, carers and education professionals alike. Darran Hine, who works for leading playground specialist, Sovereign Play Equipment, is delighted by the clarity it has provided: “We have been concerned in recent years that the threat of litigation or criminal

prosecution has led to a culture of fear and confusion regarding risk, particularly in relation to the provision of play and leisure activities for children and young people. “This has led to leisure activities being almost discouraged and has resulted in an increase in the creation of bland and sterile play environments that lack challenge and prevent children from learning through testing their capabilities. This has proved counterproductive to children’s health as it has done nothing to help promote the benefits of play as part of a healthy lifestyle.” The HSE has confirmed its role in promoting a “balanced approach” to children’s play and leisure. It states that it “fully recognises that play brings the world to life for children” and that “play providers should deal with risk responsibly, sensibly and proportionately to safeguard play as it is, in essence, a safe and beneficial activity.” To find out how Sovereign Play Equipment can help your children develop physically, mentally and socially through play, please call us on the number below, email or visit our website:

T: 01702 291129


Is established in 1991 in Cape Town, South Africa; following years of experience overseas; the practice combines experience and new talent in the pursuit to produce well designed and environmentally conscious solutions.

ABOUT US Partners Lillian Revilla Linares Lillian is one of the founding partners, trained at the University Ricardo Palma in Lima-Peru obtaining an Honours Degree in Architecture, post graduated studies in Japan and past Chair Person of the Helderberg Chapter of The Institute of South African Architects; Architecture for Lillian is about connecting with people and creating spaces in harmony with the environment. Adolfo LINARES Adolfo is one of the founding partners, trained at Federico Villarreal University in Lima Peru obtaining an Honours Degree in Architecture, post graduated studies in Urban Design. Adolfo has a particular interest in the aesthetics and the placing of buildings within the landscape.

Associates Wilfred P. Noble “Chilly� received his training and Post Graduated studies at the University of Delft in the Netherlands; he is a key member of the design team and has a significant experience in low energy and low environmental impact buildings. Ada Rodriguez Ada joined the practice in 2008, she obtained her Master Degree in Urban Design in Cuba; her design approach is with close attention to detail. At present she is an Architect in training. Catharina de Bruto Our researcher brings energy together with her inquisitive nature to the practice. Catharina after one year of study at the University of Pretoria is currently working towards her qualification as an architect.


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Electric Privacy Glass from The Electric Glass People

Archetech - Issue 12 [Page 12]

Our electric privacy glass is designed for “Privacy-onDemand” meaning it provides instant privacy with a flick of a switch. All our electric glass panels are bespoke and produced using a proprietary manufacturing process. With the application of a minute electrical current, the glass turns from a translucent (private) state to clear state. Our electric privacy glass is available in various configurations like single laminated glass, Fire-rated glass, Double Glazed Units etc creating instant and precise privacy control. HOW DOES IT WORK? Our Electric Privacy Glass is made of two layers of transparent conductive films sandwiched with PDLC material. The film is then laminated between two pieces Applications: of glass. When electricity is applied to the film the liquid Internal Partitions, En-suite bathrooms, conservatories, doors, windows. crystals line up and the window is clear. When the power Residential is turned off, the liquid crystals return to their normal Commercial Partitions, doors, windows and roof lights scattering positions and turn the glass from clear to Hospitality Hotel room partitions, En-suite partitions, balustrades, roof-lights, conference/ meeting room partitions, bar and restaurant screens, toilet cubicles and balconies translucent. The liquid crystal privacy film is sandwiched between the glass in a way similar to the construction of laminated glass. The outside skins are made up of glass (normally 5 or 6 mm annealed glass) each side, then a PVB interlayer is inserted on each side to trap and hold the liquid crystal privacy film. The liquid crystal privacy film is made up of electrically conductive coatings, a polymer matrix and liquid crystals. This film has electrical wiring to be connected to a transformer to supply power for the “on” (clear state) mode. Our Electric Privacy Glass is available in single form or double glazed units.


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KALIM SIDDIQUI & ASSOCIATES Our Vision: Kalim Siddiqui & Associates has a forward-looking approach towards architecture and design. We provide our clients customized design solutions using state of the art building technology and materials. Our vision of bringing innovation in the building industry comes to the fore through the evolution of construction techniques and customized detail. We do not shy away from experimenting with technology and working procedures; rather face technological challenges forthwith playing around with material, finishes and construction detail. Our design process is based on the idea that “seeing is believing”. From conceptual sketches to renderings, CAD drawings & 3-D modeling, we create visuals that make our designs exceptional.

Our Motto… “To Deliver Quality from Conception to Construction”

Our Aim…

To provide incomparable professional services to the client. To achieve maximum client satisfaction. To foster creativity in an organized framework. To work as a team with clients and contractors.


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The Blue Planet 7 New Denmark’s Aquarium

The Blue Planet

Copenhagen, DK

Address: Kajakvej, 2770 Kastrup, DK Client: The Building Foundation ”Den Blå Planet” (Realdania, Knud Højgaards Fond, Tårnby Municipality) Competition: 1st prize in invited competition 2008 Size: 9.000 m2 Architect: 3XN Engineer: Moe & Brødsgaard A/S

The Blue Planet 7 New Denmark’s Aquarium

Inspired by the shape of water in endless motion, The Blue Planet is shaped as a great whirlpool. The new Denmark’s Aquarium is situated in the borderland between the worlds of Poseidon and Zeus. The walls and roofs form a single, continuous flow and are clad in a way which emphasises the wavy outline of the building, thereby telling a story of this union. The first and longest of the whirlpool’s arms fol- lows the shape of the landscape and the building, moving into the land. As soon as visitors arrive at The Blue Planet, the building will convey a sense of the special experience that awaits them inside. Here, the whirlpool has pulled you into another world - a world beneath the surface of the sea. If you tilt your head backwards, you understand that you are really a part of this aquarium because the roof above the foyer is made of glass, and at the same time it is the bottom of a pool. High above, through the pool water, you can see the sky with sunlight being reflected in the water and forming

flickering, shimmering sunspots on the floor and walls of this light, welcoming and at the same time mysterious entrance area. The Round Room is a centre of navigation in the aquarium, and this is where visitors choose which river, lake or ocean to explore. Each exhibition has its own face towards the Round Room, each with its own entrance, starting with a buffer zone – a platform where sound and images are used to introduce the atmosphere communicated in the ensuing exhibition room. Raised a few metres above the terrain, The Blue Planet is a reflection of strong coherence; greatness in the smallest of things, all water in the world being inextricably linked, from the enormous forces of tsunamis to the infinitely tiny, spinning molecules. Overlooking the Øresund, the building connects land and sea, drawing both the great outdoors and visitors inside.

The Blue Planet 7 New Denmark’s Aquarium In the landscape, the great WHIRLPOOL continues through the terrain, the pools and the sea surrounding the buil- ding. Like watery currents, the building is not static – the movement continues into the future by virtue of always allowing possible extensions to add more, simply by letting the lines of the whirlpool grow further out. Any expansion would cause a minimum of inconvenience to the contempo- rary exhibitions and the existing parts of the building. The extensions can simply be added to an individual arm, solely closing this particular section down during the extension process and not reopening it until completion. Secondly, the key element is that any new building volumes added will be extensions of the architecture, with any expansion of the aquarium simply taking place in a natural dialogue with the building itself. Nature and culture can be mixed, controlled by topics and ideas, on the basis of the stories to be told or in interaction with the audience. The building is flexible enough to ac- commodate it all, and the dominant whirl, with its endless scope for variation, but also repetition and rhythm, holds it all together. The curves which define the absolutely unique and sculptural look of the building must be perceived as part of the backdrops to the sceneries of the exhibitions.

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WaterstationŽ Round has a diameter of 902 mm and provides an unusual, eyecatching, social and practical designer solution. Its 3-tier preparation area provides around 3 metres of work surface on just 0.8 m² of floor space. Can be situated inline, freestanding or in corners. Also available as a sink only.

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Rieber’s CUBIC sink also features multi-level preparation areas in the basin, which save space and provide great flexibility. Cubic fits a 600mm base (540 x 332 x 180mm) and is beautifully manufactured featuring small radii corners for easy cleaning. Tel 01634 258200 Fax 01634 258099

Rieber’s Waterstation CUBIC 980 multi-functional workstation is manufactured in 1.25mm gauge brushed finish stainless steel. Dimensions: 980 x 517 x 175mm.

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Boiling and Chilled Tap

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Technical Helpline: 0870 609 2851 Email: Web:


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The increasing popularity of wet rooms in both domestic and commercial installations has challenged the industry to provide a user friendly waterproof tiling system. Conventional methods can often result in falls in the substrate and/or the tanking system being incorrectly installed, causing expensive leaks. It should be noted that British Standard BS 5385-4: 2007, the code of practice for the design and installation of ceramic and mosaic tiling in special conditions, states that the use of impervious grouts and adhesives are no substitute for a tanked installation.

To overcome these problems, Norcros Adhesives have launched the Pro Board range of tile backer boards and pre-formed wet room shower trays which complement their already comprehensive range of adhesives, grouts and preparation products. The trays and boards are manufactured from high density extruded polystyrene coated with a specially formulated, hard wearing, waterproof, fibre reinforced cementitious coating perfect for the application of ceramic, porcelain and natural stone tiles and mosaics. They are lightweight, easy to install and can be trimmed to accommodate on-site adjustments. Once laid, Norcros waterproof self-adhesive butyl tape is applied at joints between board edges to provide a complete waterproof system. The trays have inbuilt falls to the drain location, and are available in a variety of standard sizes with the option of bespoke sizes and drain outlet positions to suit site specific requirements. The unique drain fitting aid simplifies shower drain installation, ensuring that the drain is located in the correct position at all times. The trays are supplied with both the drain fitting aid and drain. Both boards and trays incorporate a high density foam core which has excellent

thermal insulation properties making the trays ideal for use with undertile electric heating cables and mats. Typically a 20mm thick board has a Thermal Conductivity according to BS EN 13164 of 0.033W/Mk and a U- Value of 1.74w/m2k.

A 10mm thick board is able to support wall tiles weighing up to 85kg/m2, and unlike gypsum plaster or conventional sheets and boards does not require the application of a separate tanking membrane. The boards have a high compressive strength, a Class 0 Fire rating in accordance with BS 476 parts 6 & 7 Surface Spread of Flame, and are suitable for use internally and externally as well as in pool and spa environments. For more information on the Norcros Pro Board range of boards and trays contact the Norcros Adhesives technical helpline on 0870 609 2851 or e-mail



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Lakes Bathrooms expands the Coastline


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tray mounting or in a wet room environment. The various styles work in alcove, corner, straight wallmounted and free-standing situations.

Suitable for a range of situations, the two metre high enclosures are designed to fit with low profile 01684 853870

Retail prices for the 8mm Walk-in range in the Coastline Collection start from £263 plus VAT. The new enclosures are now shipping on the company’s normal 24-48 hour delivery.

TOUPRET FILLERS, Continuous improvement, consistent performance. Archetech - Issue 12 [Page 22]



TOUPRET UK Limited Winchester House 259-269 Old Marylebone Road London NW1 5RA 5FM t 'BY Email :

adopts a more responsible approach to structural integrity, encompassing the

For any orangery or sunroom build to be successful and durable it is imperative that the foundations and core structure have a solid internal core. For this reason Fortra was created. New orangeries can be left vulnerable when built using inferior products as they can have far reaching and expensive consequences in the long term resulting in wall cracks with the potential to weaken the entire structure. Our patented system combines the latest timber engineering technology with galvanised structural steel level upwards. Supplied as a complete kit means Orangery Solutions can guarantee the entire structure. With many years professional building experience Orangery Solutions has developed an original, proven system for premium properties that will last. No other product on the market can provide the same resistance, guarantees or reassurance when a lateral force is applied. Importantly, unlike other orangery supply companies WE DO NOT use disclaimers, as we

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Orangery Solutions

PC HENDERSON GLASS RANGE THE QUALITY IS TRANSPARENT As the current trend for light and airy interiors continues to grow in both the residential and commercial sectors, the P C Henderson range of quality glass door hardware systems has been developed to space. The products sit comfortably alongside the company’s established popular systems for timber, aluminium and composite doors. The P C Henderson glass range offers architects and designers

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suitable for use across all applications, from bookcases through to top-hung glass doors up to 500kg including sliding, folding, and

glass door system, which allows the hardware to be assembled at the top of the door and installed on a corner wall. Lightweight interior straight sliding glass systems include Zenith, Husky, Velaro, Sienna, and Pacer. The GTS Glass Track Slider system is ideal for high-end applications where the aesthetics and ease of operation are equally important. Cilindric is a versatile, solid stainless steel straight sliding system, capable of carrying individual glass panels weighing up to 200kg. This silent, smooth running system offers three possible installation options: wall, ceiling or transom making it suitable for a variety of applications. P C Henderson also supplies a large range of accessories to complement its glass door gear, including locks, lock accessories, WP C Henderson products visit

Salice Soft Close Hinges Are The Ideal Choice For Omega

Salice UK has teamed up with Omega PLC, the UK’s brand leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of high quality fitted kitchens to supply their Silentia 12mm soft close hinge for installation on all their Sheraton and Charles Rennie Mackintosh kitchens. Silentia hinge has been designed by Salice with a shallow cup depth of only 12mm, thereby enabling the use of this hinge in thin doors or with doors with profiled edges. The hinges provide a soft close motion with a consistent 3-5 second closing time starting from a position 30 degree from closed. The hinge is also available in the full range of applications - angled, wide opening and blind corner specification and includes Salice’s lifetime warranty. All Sheraton and Charles Rennie Mackintosh kitchens supplied by Omega PLC are built to order and supplied with all doors, drawers and accessories pre-fitted. In addition, all doors include soft close hinges, and drawers are supplied with full extension drawer runners that include soft close action as standard. Alastair England, Group Purchasing and Operations Director of Omega PLC said, “Our exciting range of modern and classic kitchens incorporate the very latest innovative features. The Silentia 12mm soft close hinge from Salice, now integrated within our Sheraton and Charles Rennie Mackintosh kitchens ensures that we continue to meet the premium standards of performance associated with Omega PLC”. SALICE’s products are specified for use within kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, and offices, and in a variation of domestic and commercial environments. For further information on the SALICE product range please telephone 01480 413831, email or visit SALICE online at

Fine Pewter Hardware

London’s oldest supplier of British & European quality Door, Window and Cabinet Hardware

Locks & Handles

Architectural Components Ltd Unit 2, 25 Effie Road, Fulham, London SW6 1EL close to Fulham Broadway station

Tel 020 7751 3397 Fax 020 7736 1282 BRIO SINGLE RUN OFFERS ZERO CLEARANCE Locks & Handles 45.indd 1

04/10/2011 15:25

Brio, the leading architectural sliding and folding door hardware manufacturer, has developed a wide range of fixings for exterior and interior sliding timber doors with its Single Run portfolio. Now the company has added an option to the range to make floor to ceiling sliding doors more streamlined. Floor to ceiling sliding doors and shutters are becoming more and more popular in domestic, commercial and retail environments, providing in-built flexibility for how the space is used. However, Brio realises floor to ceiling doors present their own challenges when it comes to sliding door hardware. To achieve the modern minimalist look you need unobtrusive hardware that can be discreetly hidden from view. Brio has risen to those challenges by offering its Single Run 100 top hung system with a Zero Clearance option. Single Run 100 Zero Clearance hardware allows minimal gaps between the door panel and hardware, offering a pleasing aesthetic finish on floor to ceiling installations. For more details on the BRIO product range visit

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Tel: (0)1207 500050 Web:

Comprehensive stocks held at the showroom of all associated architectural ironmongery, locks & latches, hooks, brassware, electrical switch & socket plates, taps and bathroom accessories.

Sculptor Cathy Azria Re-Invents the Bonfire Best known for her indoor fire sculptures, now artist Cathy Azria has re-invented her “Bonfire” concept for the garden. Built to special commission, her fires can form the heart of an ‘outdoor room’. Running on mains gas, they can be designed into a chimney or built into fireproof/frost proof “box” vessels or set on a slab. Fire Pit. This outdoor fire looks like a traditional bonfire, but it is made of steel and set into a bed of chippings and a gas burner. Price from £2430; Planes. Tapering steel plates are stacked and leant against each other to define geometric planes through a sculptural form. Added drama is created by the stack’s apparent (but not actual!) instability. Price from £3300.

Cathy Azria B&D Design Unit 2, Park Mews, 213-215 Kilburn Lane, London, W10 4BQ Tel: 020 8964 5355

RAINWATER SYSTEMS Excellence in service

Royalty Range

Aluminium Guttering The new ROYALTY range from Stormguard Rainwater Systems gives Architects and Designers innovative and exciting options on guttering.


ith our ROYALTY range you can transform guttering into an attractive main feature - enhancing the appearance of any property and increasing its value.

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car is the equivalent to a pallet of 20 sandbags that would need a and let the FloodSax® absorb all the water.

popped in the smalles of 20 FloodSax® whic car is the equivalent to forklift to shift and at

forklift to shift and at least a van to transport. getting Save ther inside or outside you have little time to Property act. divert Save Mess ® to be When flooding strikes it’s powerfulFloodSax enough to have send proven water back uphighly into effective as they give instant ch as ®

protection from flooding, have instant protection with FloodSax thatwith arefilthy transformed homes from sewers, flooding bathrooms water. Justleaks one and spills. Just 30 of them built as a wall £360,000 equipment at this warehouse (left). prevents this. Simplyworth placeof them FloodSax popped down the toiletprotected ase to as tough and heavy as sandbags within minutes. can or be washing used as machine highly effective barriers to stop water getting FloodSax under a leaking pipe or appliance such as a boiler

Save Mess When flooding strikes homes from sewers, fl FloodSax® popped do under a leaking pipe o and let the FloodSax®



inside homes or businesses, but can also be used as barriers to divert water. and let the FloodSax® absorb all the water away from properties and into drains or water courses such as like streams and becks. Save Property ndy 2012 it sent an alsostruck be the USA in October FloodSax® have proven to be highly effective as they give instant of debris heading for homes and people. Just look protection from flooding, leaks andSave spills.Clean-up Just 30 of them built as a wall a colossal amount FloodSax® (right) held back protected £360,000 worthofof equipment at this warehouse (left). Sandbags can deteriorate over time and eventually fall apart unlike ® can be used at would have devastatedFloodSax homes alongside theasRiver ® which highly effective barriers to are stopclean, waterdry getting and easy to store. Sandbags can also be FloodSax New Jersey. inside homes or businesses, but canmessy also be to divert to used cleanasupbarriers after the floodwater has subsided. as sand water away from properties and into drains or water courses such as f swiftly streams and becks. Save The Environment

Save Property FloodSax® have prove protection from flood protected £360,000 wo FloodSax® can be used inside homes or busin water away from prop streams and becks.

by any kind of flood can be astronomical, described FloodSax® don’t need to use the earth’s natural resources such as sand Save Clean-up and after they’ve been used can be simply and easily disposed of swiftly nies as “the thief who takes everything in its wake” Sandbags can deteriorate over timeinand eventually fall apart landfill sites where theyunlike will decompose over time. from floods are typicallyFloodSax 30 times® greater than from which are clean, dry and easy to store. Sandbags can also be n awful lot of money, likely to send your messy to clean up insurance after the floodwater has subsided. and it could mean you even struggle to get flood

Save Clean-up Sandbags can deterior FloodSax® which are c messy to clean up afte

Save The Environm FloodSax® don’t need and after they’ve been in landfill sites where

Save The Environment FloodSax® don’t need to use the earth’s natural resources such as sand and after they’ve been used can be simply and easily disposed of swiftly in landfill sites where they will decompose over time.

dSax® is that they come vacuumed-packed so can be est of spaces – in a car or on a fire appliance. A box ® hich can be carried by one person and moved in a to a pallet of 20 sandbags that would need a at least a van to transport. FloodSax® are manufactured

Whento disaster FloodSax hand strikes make sure you’ve FloodSax® to hand

by Yorkshire company Environmental Defence Systems Ltd ntal Defence Systems Ltd When disaster strikes m, email or phone 01484 641009 es it’s powerful enough to send water back up into hone 01484 641009 ® n disaster strikes make sure you’ve FloodSax to hand FloodSax® are manufactured by York

flooding bathrooms with filthy water. Just one down the toilet prevents this. Simply place them ® are manufactured by Yorkshire company Environmental Defence Systems Ltd edSax or appliance such as a boiler or washing machine ® absorb all the water., email or phone 01484 641009

ven to be highly effective as they give instant oding, leaks and spills. Just 30 of them built as a wall worth of equipment at this warehouse (left). sed as highly effective barriers to stop water getting inesses, but can also be used as barriers to divert operties and into drains or water courses such as

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nment ed to use the earth’s natural resources such as sand en used can be simply and easily disposed of swiftly e they will decompose over time.

Archetech - Issue 12 [Page 30]

make sure you’ve FloodSax® to hand

rkshire company Environmental Defence Systems Ltd or phone 01484 641009, email info



FINSA offers a wide range of flame-retardant solutions that limit the development and spread of fire. A wood-based product line ranging from laminate flooring to low formaldehyde boards, decorative, ultralight, compact or structural panels. Whenever the best protection against fire in a wood-based panel is needed, you can always count on FINSA, the market leader in flame retardant solutions.

Terminal 3, Dubai Airport, Dubai Product: Flame-retardant MDF Application: Panelling

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Community Centre, Hewett, Australia Product: Flame-retardant MDF Application: Ceiling acoustic panels

Yeomans House

Practice: AR Design Studio, Winchester, UK Architecture Team: Andy Ramus & Mike Ford Website: Twitter: @ARDesign_Studio Scheme: Private House


ampshire based modern architects, AR Design Studio have designed a highly contemporary four bedroom home located in the heart of the Kent countryside. Secluded and surrounded by mature trees and gardens, Yeomans nestles within the landscape incorporating a sophisticated integration of indoor and outdoor living spaces. Inspired by the building and land topography of Dungeness, located on the south Kent coast, this house is a collection of five modules clustered around a peristyle courtyard, offering a tranquil mixture of sheltered and exposed spaces. These spaces connect the rear of the four blackened timber elements together, which each offer a unique singular view out onto one of four gardens, creating an ever changing seasonal experience. The linear views created are then offset by the fifth two storey element offering an elevated 360 degree view across the whole site. The accommodation is predominantly located on the ground floor with each module providing a different use. This includes an open plan kitchen, living, and dining area, along with three double bedrooms and a master suite, a second living area is located in the tower with a pool and pool house to the west. Access to the house is by a sunken driveway with parking underneath a cantilevered element emphasizing its dynamic relationship to the context.

has the strength & durability required in the industrial environment and is combined with good aesthetic appeal for commercial use. DCP has attended to the needs of market for 85 years. The speed of application, whether by hand or pump, of this self levelling, fast setting, and preblended cementitious screed provides the minimal downtime for new and renovation projects where

exceeds the minimum requirement of the Special is able to cope with the high levels of wear and abrasion in most situations.

most popular colours: Sand, Almond, Chalk, Apple, Brick, Sky, Charcoal, Flint and Pebble, together with the ever popular Natural. Whether specifying for a school, gallery, showroom, hospital or retail outlet,

The integral part of a tried and tested cementitious

to increase the abrasion and chemical resistance requirements. With an application depth of 5 -15 increase the depth of application with an additional Regardless of your needs and requirements, DCP can provide a full range of Modern Flooring Solutions with the necessary expertise and quality to advance your task at hand and put your mind at ease.


apollo monza aluminium column radiator

When the boilers at Holyhead School in Handsworth, Birmingham needed replacing due to age and obsolescence, Baxi Commercial was able to supply an energy efficient alternative: Potterton Commercial condensing boilers which were ideally suited to the installation as they were selected to complement the existing radiator circuits. Holyhead School is a Business and Enterprise Academy formed in 2011 from the previous comprehensive school situated at the heart of multicultural Handsworth, providing secondary education for up to 1,200 11 - 19 year old students. The roll currently stands at 1,110 including 85 in the relatively new sixth form. Efficient space heating and adequate supplies of domestic hot water are essential in any school, and at Holyhead facilities staff were keen to ensure that these were provided in a manner which reduced both carbon footprint and running costs to a minimum. The existing boilers were original to the building and certain spare parts were no longer available so refurbishment of the heating system was essential. The three Potterton Commercial Eurocondense 500kW condensing boilers and three 800 litre calorifiers were selected by consulting engineers for Dodd Group with specialist input from the Baxi Commercial Division technical team. For more information visit

Modern contemporary aluminium column radiator Ideal for low temperature renewable systems Unique design, half the weight of steel Vertical and horizontal in 40 different sizes 3 days delivery for white, 7 days for colour (46 to choose from)

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Radiating Style Ltd. Call us now on 020 8577 9111 Established for over twenty years, at Radiating Style we have a reputation for producing unique radiators and towel rails in traditional and contemporary designs. Our product spectrum is vast, ranging from the conventional and traditional styles through to our designer radiators which are modern masterpieces! We are always thinking ahead in terms of both design and functionality which is reflected in our product offering. We are proud to say that the majority of our designs are exclusive to us and our product portfolio offers maximum variety, both in size and colour including a selection of distinctive metalic shades. Originality is paramount. We ensure that our designs are full of imagination and always practical, providing high thermal efficiency whilst allowing plenty of scope for customisation. We offer outstanding quality and expert advice and a comprehensive aftercare service.





RS Victorian


Trade Prices Available

Baxi Commercial Baxi Commercial, the leading UK single source supplier of high efficiency, low carbon commercial heating and hot water solutions, includes Andrews Water Heaters, Potterton Commercial and BaxiSenerTec UK, with heateam Commercial Service providing continuous support for all products supplied under the three key brands and tailored service contract options for other manufacturers’ heating and hot water plant.

renewable technologies to minimize both carbon footprint and running costs. An Andrews Water Heaters solar water heating system was selected to supply the building’s hot water demand. The system’s flat plate collectors are Solar Key Mark approved and supply pre-heated water to an Andrews Water Heaters condensing water heater with buffer vessel, delivering ultra low NOx and CO2 emissions.

These single source credentials were recently personified at the prestigious Oakham School in Rutland, where Baxi Commercial products were selected for the refurbishment of the heating system serving the swimming pool and sports hall. A Baxi-SenerTec UK Dachs miniCHP (Combined Heat & Power) unit generates electricity to power the swimming pool complex, as well as providing heat as the lead boiler. This is supplemented by three Potterton Commercial boilers, whilst a condensing water heater from Andrews Water Heaters provides the domestic hot water to showers and wash hand basins. Together these energy efficient products have resulted in significant savings in both running costs and carbon emissions.

Baxi Commercial LZC solutions can be integrated with existing or new systems to reduce the call on fossil fuel, helping to reduce a building’s carbon footprint and provide fuel cost savings. The range of LZC technology solutions has recently been added to by the Potterton Commercial Biomass Boiler System that can be configured for both wood pellet and wood chip fuels, depending on the site application.

Baxi Commercial also provides LZC (Low to Zero Carbon) technology solutions that help organizations to actively support the national commitment to the step change away from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. The recently completed Oswestry Leisure Centre was designed to comply with Shropshire County Council’s policy on sustainability, incorporating a number of

Fully integrated controls allow remote access and monitoring, whilst carbon emissions are minimized by the integral five-pass smoke recovery system. A packaged solution is also available, which includes the biomass boiler, fuel store, controls and associated pipework and header kits, all in a containerized plant room for internal or external positioning. For further details on Baxi Commercial go to or contact or call 0845 070 1055

'Safe to touch' at 55째C Low surface temperature radiators

Friendlier thermal comfort solutions with precision control Sharrocks Street, Wolverhampton WV1 3RP Tel: +44 (0)1902 457575 Fax: +44 (0)1902 457797 Email:

One Angel Square Alight With Latest Technologies

At One Angel Square Manchester, stands the landmark building that houses the Co-operative Group’s new headquarters. Striking in its architecture, it is an expression of the Co-op’s values and commitment to the environment: it is a statement for sustainability.The Co-op’s leadership in green architecture is supported by Luxonic Lighting, a leader in quality LED and interior lighting solutions across the architectural and commercial markets. The UK manufacturer has provided over 11,000 luminaires throughout the

One Angel Square

White Glass Fronted Heaters are now available.

Enq No. 182

We change space

KI – CORNERSTONE LAUNCHED AT 100% DESIGN “Uniting 3rd Space…………” KI’s Cornerstone launched at 100% design on stand number 0320, is a new acoustic stacking screen system designed by Craig Jones. It is designed to integrate with the UniteSE workplace collection and other furniture systems. The design brief for Cornerstone was to create a physical link between workstation, storage, and screening to provide a natural progressive link into third space. The design concept was to offer integration and continuation of working areas rather than creating separate product groups. Planning and the ability for expansion and contraction in existing and new areas of workflow were fundamental to the design element. Also high on the design intent for the product was the need for acoustic properties. The use of acoustic materials and ability to offer it on internal and external surfaces was considered of high value to the user and specifiers allowing flexibility in colour, texture, functionality and budget. The range has incorporated accessories, storage and other work tools critical to the use of these spaces. KI’s products are designed locally and manufactured in factories within the UK, providing the benefit of rapid lead times, fit for purpose, design and excellent value. Please visit the KI website on or telephone 020 7404 7441 for more information.

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For more information about interior solutions please contact 020 8877 6656 or

P E R S O N A L : Phototex can be used to create a unique and personalised space, almost anywhere. Design duration is completely flexible—spaces may be transformed for just a single day or up to years at a time. t +44 (0) 1252 624 411

loop3 Interiors

Design Centre Chelsea Harbour’s Premier Contractor Ideally located in the heart of the interior design community at Chelsea Harbour, London, loop3 designs and fits out highspecification retail spaces, commercial environments and residential interiors. Beautiful, sophisticated interiors are our passion. Working closely with architects and designers, our mission is to take care of every aspect of complex design and fit-out projects, from the first surveys, analysis and planning through to ongoing maintenance upon completion. We deliver high quality interior trade and construction work to busy companies and individuals, primarily in London and the South East. Yet, we are more than just contractors: we are an integral part of the design and management of an interior project. Indeed, we often manage the entire project, bringing together the jigsaw of professions needed for its successful completion through our core workforce, regular specialist subcontractors, and strong relationships with architects, designers, planners, engineers, IT consultants and artisans. With a core team of 20 staff, our skills span brief scoping and definition, survey, design, technical and building regulations compliance, project management and full fit out. We are industry-qualified and expert in the latest legislation and technology. Retail Specialists in high-end retail environments, we excel at “putting on a show”, allowing prestigious brands to stand out from the competition: our retail portfolio includes the showrooms of Mulberry Home, GP&J Baker, Cole&Son, Lapicida, and Porta Romana. Commercial / Office We are regularly engaged to create commercial environments that make staff want to come to work every day, maximise productivity and profit, and bring brand values to life. With projects ranging from spruce-ups to complete refurbishments, budgets run from £20,000 to £1,000,000. Residential

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loop3 undertakes work in the homes of successful, affluent individuals across the UK and Europe, with budgets from £150,000 to £2,000,000. Our recent residential contracts include the refurbishment of a private residence along the banks of the Thames and the revamping of a £7,500,000 apartment in Kensington. If you have a retail, commercial or residential project and need assistance, then we’d love to hear from you.

loop3 Interiors Ltd, 103 Design Centre East, Chelsea Harbour, London SW10 0XF +44 (0) 20 7376 5300

ThermoLine Post-formed Worktops in DuPont™ Corian® are the right prescription for Metz General Hospital, France ThermoLine – the perfect fit throughout a hospital ThermoLine worktops made exclusively from DuPont™ Corian® have been specified extensively for the fit out for the new public hospital in Metz, France. The ThermoLine worktops, which offer a cost-effective and convenient post-formed solution, were fabricated by Créa Diffusion. ThermoLine worktops were installed in three key areas of the hospital: t t


Research Laboratories The General Hospital – including nurses’ stations, dispensary worktops, medical staff hygiene areas, staff tea rooms, pharmacy areas, dialysis wards, pneumology wards, oncology wards, ultrasound wards and decontamination units; and Maternity Unit

The hospital was looking for a low cost worksurface solution without compromising on quality and peformance. The project managers also needed installation to align with very tight deadlines for completing the overall build programme. ThermoLine worktops have all the properties you would expect of highperformance Corian® worktops, including the critical factor of being completely non-porous and easy to clean, and therefore extremely hygienic. In addition, the ready-formed seamless features of an elegant 100mm coved upstand combined with a practical anti-drip front edge make ThermoLine the ideal choice for healthcare environments.

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Muraspec leads the way in BRE Ecopoints for Wallcoverings Muraspec is delighted to announce that its wallcoverings are the first to have a ‘BRE Ecopoints’ score determined by BRE Global. Muraspec’s wallcoverings have been given average a score of just 0.2 Ecopoints per m2, relative to the average European person’s environmental impact of 100 Ecopoints per year. The cradle-to-grave life cycle analysis examines 13 categories of impact, including Carbon footprint, use of natural resources and waste disposal. Muraspec’s wallcoverings are now available with an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), meaning that by using Muraspec wallcoverings clients can earn further valuable credits towards their environmentally responsible fit-out schemes. For more information please contact Chris Iredale, Muraspec’s QESH Manager at

As they are formed entirely of ultra-versatile Corian®, ThermoLine worktops can still be tailored to meet all the demands of a building project. Adding integrated basins, cut outs for piping, plus the creation of longer sections or corner units is all easily achievable without compromising on the cost-effectiveness of the solution. For further information about ThermoLine please visit: CD (UK) Ltd, Tel: 0113 201 2240, E: Wakefield House, Thistle Way, Gildersome Spur, Wakefield Road, Morley, Leeds, LS27 7JZ twitter@cdukltd

“Kilim is our passion”

A family-owned and run Cotswold business

Nomad Ideas Started 10 years ago with my eldest daughter Emma, Nomad Ideas is a family business which sources unique and beautiful kilim rugs from Turkey. Using these rugs we create bespoke furniture, home accessories, shoes, bags and many other lovely things for you and your home. Istanbul and our contact there soon became a the business after she gained a distinction in a three year course from The Association of Master Upholsterers. She works using the traditional methods so the beautiful old kilims have a chance to live another lifetime on a piece of furniture.

We also sell the rugs themselves. Nothing looks more beautiful or brightens up a room better than a kilim, each one tells its own unique story through pattern and colour, whilst bringing a warm and homely feel to any space. With the added bonus of being very hard wearing! When needed we use local craftsmen to make the bases, be it the metal frame work for the brushed steel fender seats or the wooden frames for our furniture, they are all designed to be strong and made to last. This allows us to make each piece truly bespoke, whether it’s twisted or straight uprights for your fender or an unusually shaped stool, it’s all possible. are usually antique, depending on the requirements. All are stripped back to the

Nomad Ideas. 01666 500 224 - 07785 963 182

frame which then is treated and strengthened before being traditionally re-upholstered. There is no point putting a precious rug on a piece of furniture that will not stand the test of time. Our business is a family concern so we are very happy to discuss any design ideas you may have. Every detail is carefully thought through and we hope nothing is left to chance. We’ve made furniture and products to send to Greece, France, Germany, America and many other places. Every item is lovingly wrapped and packed in a crate so it arrives in perfect condition. We pride ourselves on going the extra mile to create pieces that will be passed down, with happy family memories, to your grandchildren, as we feel this is no less than these beautiful old kilims deserve.

Penthouse Refurbishment

in London financial district


New-build penthouse apartment by Berkeley Homes built on top of historic Edwardian building on the doorstep of London’s thriving financial district. Thomas Griem, director of TG-Studio, was commissioned by Berkley Homes to design the complete interior for a new-build penthouse in Aldgate, on the doorstep of London’s thriving financial district.

“Our aim was to create a warm, comfortable home whilst still being luxurious, contemporary and organic” says Griem. “As the penthouse is a newbuild on top of a refurbished Edwardian building, the approach to the interior was of particular significance to me. I knew it had to be treated differently in order not to undermine the character of the older parts of the building.” Thomas’s idea for the interior design was based on the concept of photography inspired by the views over the city. He has used the architecture of the windows to frame these vistas with breathtaking effect. This is particularly so in the sitting room where a 12 meter wide window , leads onto an elegantly furnished balcony providing a panoramic view over rooftops. Says Griem “Many pieces I chose are bespoke British made but there are additional items I’ve sourced from Italy and Spain. I am particularly excited about the bathtub in the master en- suite. It’s a large, white freestanding tub that sits in front of a magnificent window so that when you sit in it, you’re essentially a part of the cityscape. It weighs 300 kilograms and it took six men to carry it up seven floors! Another unique feature is the use of wood flooring in the living room – I’ve extended it to run up onto the wall opposite the sliding door to the balcony, which opens the space and adds texture, spontaneity and colour.”

TG Studio

Tel: 020 7636 3838


In the core of the French countryside, in Wingen-Sur-Moder, every single LALIQUE piece is carefully manufactured by talented craftsmen, who pass their knowledge on secrets of the frostedfinish crystal, from generation to generation. Before leaving the factory, every item will pass through the 30 or so pairs of hands involved in their creation by undergoing very strict quality control procedures. Throughout his life, Rene Lalique, fascinated by the transparency of the glass, was commissioned to collaborate on a number of ambitious projects. His sense of balance and harmony combined with his mastery of technique, made him ideally suited to the challenge of creating works on a monumental scale - such as several cabinets for the Orient Express, the doors in the imperial palace of Prince Asaka (Tokyo), different perfume bottles for Coty, Roger & Gallet, Nina Ricci, exclusive jewellery collections for Sarah Bernard and Calouste Gulbenkian. Such alliances continue to the present day with the work Lalique does with Jean Michel Jarre, Yves Klein, Bentley, Studio Putman, Jaguar, James Suckling‌ The inherited high standards along with the very complex traditional skills and innovative drive make LALIQUE the leading international brand when it comes to crystal trends. The essence of this French crystal universe is epitomized in our showroom at 47 Conduit St, Mayfair, where perfume, crystal, jewellery and Interior Design are available together. Our professional team at the boutique offers a personal service to an expanding international clientele and always aims to please the most discerning palates. Following the tradition of our founder, we create and conceive BESPOKE architectural crystal projects – such as doors, panels, chandeliers, handrails. Custom design projects remain at the cutting edge of design, style and technology. We look forward to welcoming you in our boutique.

a global lifestyle brand synonymous with luxury, innovation and know-how.

Allison Armour

Concrete Cushion Landscape Seating with Style

Garden Artwork and Waterfeatures Tel: 0845 0523 796

Concrete Cushion

Contact 01484 860044

Landscape Seating with Style

The Concrete Cushion developed by designer Roel Vandebeek for UrbaSTYLE as part of a bespoke landscape furniture range. For custom made pre-cast architectural concrete in fair faced, polished, grit blasted or exposed aggregate finishes, contact: The Concrete Cushion developed by designer Roel Vandebeek for UrbaSTYLE as part of a bespoke landscape furniture range. For custom made pre-cast architectural concrete in fair faced, polished, grit blasted or exposed aggregate finishes, contact:

Hardscape Resourcing Limited

Concrete Cushion

Architectural Hardscape

Landscape Seating with Style

Prices from ÂŁ3,900

Tel: 01484 860044 Fax: 01484 862859 email: web:

Tel: 01484 860044 Fax: 01484 862859 email: web:

The Concrete Cushion developed by designer Roel Vandebeek for UrbaSTYLE as part of a bespoke landscape furniture range.

Archetech - Issue 12 [Page 52]

Pendlewood are a British street furniture company that design, hand craft, manufacture and construct high quality, award winning street furniture. Founded 18 years ago to fill the gap that many architects craved - true bespoke street furniture from sustainable raw materials. All handcrafted by true British artisans/craftsmen utilising natural and environmentally friendly materials with values and ethics, while delivering the very best in contemporary and cutting edge street furniture. Pendlewood’s passion is to produce creative, imaginative, eco-friendly street furniture solutions based on our clients' needs and desires. Pendlewood have worked on many projects within the UK - Cambridge University, Devonshire Square financial District, Wembley Opening Arena, University of East London, Victoria Park Tower Hamlets, Chelsea Creek Redevelopment and many more.....

For custom made pre-cast architectural concrete in fair faced, polished, grit blasted or exposed aggregate finishes, contact: Pendlewood have worked with many clients including ITV (coronation street), Manchester United Football Club, HSBC, Shell, Astra Zenica and many Landscape Architects including Aedas, TGP, Planit-ie, LDA, Grontmij and Broadway Malyan but to name a few. Tel: 01484 for 860044 Pendlewood are renowned highFax: 01484 862859 email: web: quality, contemporary designs and long lasting products that are kind to the environment and the pocket.

We like to think that whatever is asked for we can deliver on time and on budget. Whether it is locally produced timbers ranging from English oak to larch or exotic timber from sustainable sources. We cover a never ending range of contemporary street seating, curved street furniture and bespoke street furniture solutions including seating, planters, tables, outdoor buildings and bespoke structures

Hand Crafted in Great Britain

Hand Crafted Bespoke Street Furniture Š Pendlewood Ltd 2013. All rights reserved



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combine colour , texture and form. Glass reinforced concrete (GRC)castings moulded gardens etc.

Archetech - Issue 12 [Page 54]

Surfacing specialists for the Installation of: t TigerMulch Resin Bound t Wet pour t Graphic design t Star Kerb t Cap Kerb t Argi-Flex (New product) t Safety Tiles/Matts (For Swing Etc: Wear Areas)

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Acheson & Glover’s paving enhances Derby city centre Acheson & Glover’s (A&G) premium hard landscaping products and unique retaining wall system played a crucial role in the design of the striking new £10m Jury’s Inn hotel in Derby. The building itself is a contemporary structure, surrounded by historic buildings. A&G’s Terrapave natural aggregate flags and Anchor Vertica retaining wall were specified by main contractor McAleer & Rushe to blend the new and the old architectural styles. The natural texture of Anchor Vertica concrete blocks provide a similar appearance to that of a dressed stone wall and create an aesthetically pleasing effect, which complimented the hotel’s contemporary design and traditional styles. The system’s modular dry build construction allowed rapid and cost effective construction. A&G’s Terrapave flag is manufactured from premium granite and other natural aggregates. The textured option gives the appearance of flame finished natural granite stone flags, which is in perfect harmony with the architectural style of the hotel. The flags were framed using A&G’s weathered Country Cobble block paving. Landscape architect David Clarke comments: “We were all delighted with the outstanding quality and appearance of A&G’s Terrapave flag and the easy-build construction of the Anchor Vertica retaining wall.” A&G’s paving products have also been installed at Jurys Inn in Nottingham and Swindon.


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Archetech - Issue 12 [Page 55]

Applications Grass or Gravel surfaces Parking areas Emergency/HGV access routes Walkways & disabled routes

NEW 124 PAGE LIGHTING CATALOGUE OUT NOW! Reserve your FREE copy today Call: 01372 807 661 or email:



stablished in 2003 by Mike Eddowes, Epsom-based Flairlilght Designs Limited is one of the South East’s leading authorities in lighting design primarily for large residential properties. Born to satisfy the demand for aesthetic lighting from property developers, architects and selfbuilders, Flairlight have compiled a team with over 100 years’ experience in lighting design, supply and project management – an impressive figure to say the least. Mike commented: “I have over 27 years in the industry myself, working in many positions within the industry. This we feel, makes us unique as we fully understand the complexities of product installations and seamlessly integrate the design with the installation to ensure that what we specify and design can actually be installed.” In addition to their core strength, the design and supply of innovative and creative lighting and mood lighting for prestigious properties, the Flairlight team have the capabilities to offer an on-site assistance and support service which sees them advise clients on installation techniques and complex scenarios including LED, RGB and Dimming. “This is to ensure that a customer’s design becomes reality,” added Mike. The latest in the Flairlight range is the impressive LED technology that complies with current government legislations and meets building regulation guidelines. “Throughout my many years in the industry I have been involved with many customers that have been told information that is not necessarily true. Just because you are told an application complies with building regs doesn’t mean that its true. But with us, we guarantee that all product meet the required requests,” explained Mike. “The basis of what we do is show and explain, in great detail, everything that a client needs to know before making their final decision. For example, with our state-of-the-art LED technologies, we offer a specialist service that guides clients through the products that we feel will exceed their requirements in regards to aesthetics without compromising on the design aspect. If we feel that another application is more suited, then we won’t hesitate to recommend.” Flairlight have recently launched a New Product Selector – a pioneering application that introduces users on understanding each application, and why & how to achieve their dream lighting effect. With over 300 products available, the product selector is “better than the traditional catalogue”, according to Mike, as it offers a detailed explanation on why each application is used and proposes how to achieve a desired effect.

Products that don’t come back for customers that do!

Mike said: “The Product Selector is a revelation within the lighting industry and is set to guarantee great results for our customers. This coupled with our flawless service is an offering that won’t be matched anywhere else.”

Call 01372 807661, visit or scan the QR Code on this page for more information.

Rolf Ockert

In 2011 we were approached by a client we had built a house for to design the new office for his company. In his opinion the house we had designed for him is still “the best house in the world” and he expected nothing less for his new office fit out. Indeed the only design brief other than the number of workstations to be accommodated was that it had to be “funky”.

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Red Rock


The new office was to be on levels 2 and 3 of an old heritage listed warehouse in the centre of Sydney. Both levels were to be connected internally by a new stairs to be cut into the heritage fabric. While this was not an easy idea to get past the heritage authorities we did in the end convince them that a modern stair will only enhance the heritage character of the building and received planning approval. The existing warehouse structure featured prominent, strong brick arches, painted white, enormous 1900s steel beams, all still imported from England at the time, also painted white, and hardwood floors. Our approach to building in a heritage context is generally to make all new elements clearly legible as new while treating the existing with all the respect it deserves. Together with the requirement in the brief to be “funky” we therefore developed a bright colour concept for all new elements, from the stairs to joinery, carpets, workstation dividers and meeting room finishes. This was to serve as a contrast to the white and wood heritage background as well as a way to distinguish various functional areas from each other. Red had a particular role in this colour scheme as the company is called “Red Rock Consulting” and obviously had adopted red as its signature colour.


t a point when the stairs, carpet and joinery were installed but workstations and other furniture were still missing we received a very concerned phone call from our client who was extremely worried that the colour concept was more suitable for a pre-school than for his office. We asked him to give us the benefit of the doubt until all, mainly white, additional furniture was installed and the office was filled with all the usual elements of office live, from computers to files, paper, trinkets etc. Thankfully we did receive another phone call from the client when the office was fully occupied, stating that he was absolutely ecstatic with the result. Within that strong white and wood heritage space with its bright insertions a number of elements had been designed as particular highlights. The stair, with its bright yellow steel stringers and pronounced zigzag timber tread line and its bright red carpet cover runs like a lightning bolt through the space, linking the two levels.

kcoR deR

Red Rock

Several meeting rooms are designed as free standing glass pods, some curved, some square, with bright acoustic pinboard material and polychromatic carpet to set them apart from the other, circulation or workstation areas. These meeting rooms have their own ventilation system to ensure climatic comfort even during long meetings. The Boardroom is pronouncedly simple, thus distinguished from the more multihued working areas. A soft coral type carpet is matched with an aluminium aeroplane wing style table and light fitting and bright red chairs to embody the company’s slogan of “having fun, seriously”.

Another meeting room, on the upper level, was suddenly given at some time during the design process the new brief by the vibrant CEO that any visitor taken to that room for the first time had to involuntarily exclaim “What the F…” or something to that effect. We responded with a big, continuous, curvy ribbon of joinery that meanders its way through the heritage room without touching it. This ribbon changes from forming a sheltering backdrop to a comfortable seating area to becoming a canopy to a screen surround to finally a table to seat six. This ribbon element is of course red. The room is officially known as the “WTF Room”.

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Archetech - Issue 12 [Page 61]

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Picture-Perf What is Picture-Perf? – It’s an image made from lots of small holes primarliy in metal. Image detail is controlled by changing the size and spacing of the perforation in relation to the panel size. Additional light sources contribute significantly to its appearance. Light intensity and Colour amplify this effect by creating more contrast. We invite you to email a Picture or Graphic so that we can give you a preview of how it might look. Please go to website search Picture-Perf for more details.

“The 'eye' is now installed at the Sir Robert Woodard Academy in Lancing, West Sussex, outside the Alan Strong Theatre. The theatre is named after an inspirational teacher who taught there and it is his eye which now keeps watch over the budding young actors passing through the school.”

This bandstand which can be seen on the pedestrian section of the London Road in Waterlooville. The roof has aluminium Picture-Perf panels installed under a layer of clear polycarbonate sheeting to waterproof the roof and create shading for the musicians (and members of the public). “The structure is a combination of two different ideas, one historical and one physical. Oak leaves in particular have been used because the whole area was once a vast oak forest. With a combination of creativity and structural know-how we have managed to turn the roof of an outdoor, event space, into a leafy tree canopy. 10,000 points of light, pierced through solid metal, pick out a lacy image of the twigs and leaves of an oak, whilst a layer of rigid plastic keeps out the rain. This creative solution to the Havant Borough Council's practical need brings a unique, thoughtful, robust and innovative structure to Waterlooville."


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Work to start on ÂŁ50m Birmingham Dental Hospital & School of Dentistry

The partners behind the first integrated, stand-alone dental hospital and dental school to be built in the UK for almost 40 years have reached financial close and work will start on site next month. The landmark development, led by Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust, together with its partners the University of Birmingham, Birmingham and Solihull LIFT (BaS LIFT) and Calthorpe Estates, was granted detailed planning permission in December 2012 for the site, which is the former home of BBC Pebble Mill studios. The development is seen as highly strategic for the city, being a key element of the new Edgbaston Medical Quarter and further enhances the city’s reputation as a hub of Medicine, Learning and Life Sciences. The development of the 1.23-hectare (3.05-acre) site will see a new fourstorey dental hospital and school of dentistry constructed, with a build cost of £34m. Totalling 15,465 sqm, it will house a range of services for the public including walk-in emergency dental care, Restorative, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry.

The public will access all dental services in one wing of the building with a second wing providing world-class research facilities and a modern learning environment for more than 600 undergraduate and postgraduate students and trainees. Lead contractor Galliford Try is expected to start on site early September 2013 and it is anticipated the building will open to staff, students and the public in time for the beginning of the 2015 autumn term. The existing dental hospital at St Chad’s Circus is more than 50 years old and the new building, designed by healthcare design specialists One Creative Environments Ltd, will not only provide a state-of-the-art clinical environment for patients’ treatment but also world-class teaching facilities. As an integral part of the University of Birmingham’s School of Dentistry, students will be better located for the main Edgbaston campus and medical school, allowing for improved integration of facilities.

Quotes from project partners: Ralph Minott, Director of Development at Calthorpe Estates added; “Calthorpe Estates has worked with Birmingham City Planning team now for ten years to realise a joint ambition for the strategic framework for Pebble Mill as a key destination for medicine and Life Sciences. Our partnership with BaSLIFT for the new Dental Hospital and School of Dentistry has been a perfect fit to that ambition, and we congratulate BaSLIFT on achieving Financial Close to complete their exciting proposals. Calthorpe Estates will kick start construction at Pebble Mill with £3.5million of infrastructure works to complete the services, estate road and public realm alongside the Dental Hospital construction. We are looking forward to completing the regeneration of Pebble Mill as a world class destination, with the future Circle Health private hospital and further medical and Life Science facilities.” Sean Bowles, Managing Director of Galliford Try Central said: “We thank all our partners for their hard work and determination to see this project through to this point where we can begin construction. We are proud to play our part in providing these excellent new facilities for the benefit of the students who pass through the doors and the wider community in the West Midlands.” Jason Whittall, Associate Director, One Creative Environments Ltd said: “Getting the scheme to this stage has required a huge effort by all the stakeholders. It has been a challenging task but we have been delighted with the enthusiastic input from the wide cross-section of project stakeholders who have worked with us during the detailed design stage to create a strong building identity that will give the new facility visual impact throughout the building’s interior design, wayfinding, signage and colours.” Dr Sarah Raper, Community Health Partnerships Executive Director commented: “The new Birmingham Dental Hospital is one of the largest and most exciting LIFT projects in the country. When it opens, I am certain that the project will be valued by both patients and the health care professionals who will work and study there.”

Plastic Lamination and Encapsulation Specialist plastics company, Arnold Engineering Plastics have developed a process to laminate plastics. Acrylic, PETG and polycarbonate lend themselves to this process, which not only can laminate panels invisibly together but can bond different types of plastic to one another and in different thicknesses. Arnolds developed their lamination process to manufacture ballistic visors for military and police services use, and Arnolds now sell visors worldwide. The visors are created by bonding layers of polycarbonate and acrylic together to create a laminated panel strong enough to withstand the impact of a high velocity bullet. A feature of the lamination process is that other materials and finishes can be encapsulated between the laminated panels, with no real limit to the depth that can be achieved. Arnolds have launched a bespoke lamination service, able to laminate and encapsulate panels up to 2.5 metres long by 1.5 metres wide using from just 2mm thick right up to 25mm thick. Four times lighter than laminated glass, acrylic or polycarbonate panels are ideal for use as partitioning, decorative wall panels, shower enclosures, staircases, balustrades and even for furniture. The encapsulation of materials within the lamination can include print, paint, vinyls, foils, fabrics, metal, wood and other organic materials. Illumination by LED’s can be integral to the encapsulation. Whilst providing interesting design solutions the encapsulation of materials can provide solar glazing protection, structural strength and protection where security matters. Arnold’s Managing Director, Peter Larkins said. “We are one of a handful of companies in Europe offering plastic lamination and encapsulation and perhaps the only one who offer related plastic fabrication services, wherein we can bend and shape the laminated panels even creating curved forms. The bespoke service has been very well received and has an appeal for almost all industries. The architectural market is very much a target for ourselves and we feel we can offer architects and interior designers a fantastic service from start to finish with plastic that is a credible alternative to laminated glass but with the added advantage of substantial cost savings.� Arnold Engineering Plastics have been making bespoke plastic products for over 40 years and have seven separate manufacturing divisions housed in their 30,000 square foot factory in Northampton.

Arnolds accredited to ISO 9001:2008 and BSI certified for manufacture and design have seven manufacturing divisions.



Archetech - Issue 12 [Page 71]

Peter Larkins went on to say. “We as a company are at the forefront of plastic product manufacture, we have the latest in equipment and a very experienced and capable workforce, so whether it be simple plastic lamination, through to complicated machining and moulding we are a one stop shop for client’s needs. The construction of a clean room within our factory has opened up new markets for us in the medical and electronics fields and this combined with our lamination and encapsulation processes has meant we have never been busier�.

Green Orchard by Paul Archer Design Green Orchard is a new 200 sq m carbon neutral house designed by Paul Archer Design. Set within 2,675 sq m of landscaped gardens in the green belt of South Gloucestershire, the house benefits from spectacular views over the Severn Estuary. The project brief called for a Californian case study house with green credentials, which would permit seamless outdoor/indoor living whilst delivering a zero carbon agenda. The house replaces a dilapidated single-storey dwelling with a contemporary low-rise fourbedroom home. Maximising its rural setting, Green Orchard is designed in the round, with all four elevations taking advantage of views out and access to the garden. The exterior is clad in an intelligent skin of bespoke full-height panels, which are electronically motorised to

slide open fully. The panels are highly insulated and allow the occupants to control and vary the thermal performance of the house depending on the time of the day and year. An aluminium coating reflects the surrounding gardens ensuring that the house recedes into its setting. The house and landscape have been designed with specific intention to reduce the consumption and requirement for energy: a wood-burning Stuv stove is the only heat source; water is supplied by a 93 metre bore hole; thermal solar panels on the roof yield heating for 80% of the house’s water; and photovoltaics provide all electric use when taken over the yearly cycle. Whilst unashamedly contemporary in its design, harnessing the latest in green technology, Green Orchard is a sensitive response to its location, integrating appropriate materials and functional details to create an innovative and tangible solution to current environmental issues, and presenting a way forward in designing for a sustainable future.

ELVAL COLOUR is a leading European coated aluminium manufacturer, established in 1981. Subsidiary of the ELVAL Group, the aluminium processing and trading division of VIOHALCO. The company has two manufacturing sites in Greece with state of the art equipment. It operates 4 liquid coating lines and a powder coating line with capacity to paint in excess of 30 million m2 per year. More than 90% of sales are exported to a total of 60 countries.

Power to imagine

Leader in product quality and service, ELVAL COLOUR never ceases to detect customers’ needs and to respond effectively and efficiently to them. Continuous R&D in various fields allows the monitoring of the evolution of technology, quality and environmental standards. ELVAL COLOUR is a member of the European Coil Coating Association (ECCA), the European Aluminium Association, BBA certified, SIKA approved, ISO 9001-2008 and ISO 14001 - 2004 accredited.



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Coated aluminium coils for roofing systems

Romsey Road Architect: Andy Ramus AR Design Studio, Winchester, UK Client: Matt and Amanda McLoughlin Type of project: Residential Photographer: Martin Gardner,

Romsey road is a luxurious 5 bedroom house refurbishment in the city of Winchester. Our brief was to create a sense of space and calm in the tight and complicated layout. By extending at the rear master bedrooms with en suites, as well as liberating space to create a new double height dramatic entrance and stairs leading to a wide functional landing and a new family bathroom. The palette of materials used is limited and muted, white and grey render and tiles to make the experience of the house that of a calm play between spaces and light. area to create our signature minimal open living space; this is fully glazed on to the external glass-covered patio. Our concept was to create continuity between the two and structural glass to cover the external patio. By designing an oversized structural frame at the end of the covered patio we strongly marked the end of this space to create the illusion that the internal living space extends to the external limit of the covered patio. This ambiguous internal and external space creates vitality, in the tradition of modernist spaces like that of Mies van der Rohe’s Barcelona pavilion. On the garden elevation both the client and planners supported us in creating a strong visual identity, which is expressed by the simple play of a dark grey box (the render and glass structure. A simple, but radical look.

Now Manufacturing esigns D e k o s Besp e Idea v i t a v ch Inno al Tou n o s r e P ation Install nce ena Maint

’s Playground Co. L n e r d l i h C td. The

1 George Street, Wolverhampton WV2 4DG Tel: 01902 422 515 Fax: 01902 467 330

Porthtowan Simon Conder Associates by


hese two new houses are located on a dramatic, southfacing hillside overlooking the beach in the village of Porthtowan on the north Cornish coast. The site has particularly fine views down the coast to St Ives. Surprisingly, for such a prominent and relatively remote coastal site, the new houses are surrounded by a suburban estate of bungalows dating from the 1950s. The two new houses are for the same client, a couple with a teenage son. The larger house, Malindi, will be used as the main family home. The smaller house, Providence, will accommodate an artist’s studio at upper ground floor level and an apartment for visitors and family at lower ground floor level. Both houses replace much smaller and substandard houses owned by the client. To reduce the impact of the new houses on the landscape, and avoid blocking the view from the houses further up the hillside, both houses are built into the 1 in 7 slope of the hillside, so the houses are single storey on the road side and two storey on the seaward side. The two adjacent sites face south and this orientation has been used to create two passive solar gain houses to minimize both the use of fossil fuels and energy costs. This has been achieved partly by fully glazing the southern elevations of the two houses and partly by using highly insulated, high mass construction for the remainder of the two houses. To minimize the possibility of overheating in summer the glazed southern elevation is set back behind hardwood verandahs, which provide full width balconies at upper ground floor level and protect the interiors from the high summer sun, while allowing the much lower winter sun to penetrate deep into the two houses. The external cladding, roof decking and verandah structures are all made from FSC certified hardwood which has been left unfinished to weather naturally to a silvery grey. The design proposals were enthusiastically received by the local planners and there were no local objections.


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Pro Auction Limited

The Client:

Tower Marketing Suite. St George plc which is part of the Berkeley Homes Group. The company specialises in redeveloping brown field sites in London, including some very high profile locations.

Project Background:

Disposal of redundant assets via commercial auction to enable the client to improve their financial performance, demonstrate commitment to their sustainability policy, and gain competitive advantage. St George uses show homes / marketing suites to promote the properties, and once the sale process is complete, these are dismantled / demolished. Traditionally the Furniture, Fixings and Effects (FFE) and Mechanical and Electrical engineering equipment (M&E) are left to the demolition contractors to deal with, adding to the expense of the demolition process.

The Challenges:

As the client had never used commercial auction as a disposal method before, they had some reservations about its suitability. Once the marketing phase is complete, the demolition contractors move in, and the site becomes CDM regulated, the disposal strategy had to comply with these regulations. How to market FFE & M&E redundant assets from a residential development, within a short time frame from operational closure of the suite to demolition.


Using strategic influencing skills Pro Auction created and presented a proposal demonstrating the key benefits of the auction route providing the client with supporting evidence and reassurance on all key points for the project . Acting as technical lead throughout, attending meetings and providing technical expertise as required to ensure the project ran both efficiently and within the agreed time frame. This necessitated working closely with third-party contractors and other stakeholders, using leadership and influencing skills to create an acceptance of the change in disposal method. Our ability to think strategically and form long-term objectives enabled us to meet the client’s concerns and identify and avoid potential risks. The requirement to conform to CDM regulations, observe site rules and effectively manage the sale logistics required me to think in thematic, conceptual and master planning terms, being able to take an overview of the whole process, while also effectively managing each aspect. Client procedures necessitated working within tight time constraints at all stages of the sale, from preparing inventory right through to final loading of goods onto buyer transport. I therefore had to identify and allocate appropriate resources effectively for the project to be a success. Developed clear and transparent communication with all stakeholders throughout the process creating a strong team culture with a “can do� attitude resulted in the achievement of deliverables. Developed a Go-To-Market strategy to guide customer interactions from initial contact through to fulfilment.

Results: t t t t t

Significant sale of assets that would otherwise have incurred disposal expense. Through successful leadership of a multi-faceted team who were new to the auction process, senior management have committed to considering use of this process for future developments. Potential opportunities in other areas of their business. Project was delivered in accordance with appointment documentation, and within budget. We succeeded within very tight timescales, all while fully conforming to CDM regulations and third party contractor requirements.

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And, with the exclusive holiday home on sale for £500,000, it’s hardly surprising that only the best materials were specified throughout the contemporary design. The holiday home was sold within days of being placed on the market.

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The aesthetics and low maintenance benefits of Marley Eternit’s Cedral Weatherboard made it the perfect choice for prestige leisure home manufacturer Lissett Homes at The Warren in Gwynedd.



Lissett Homes was initially drawn to the appearance of fibre cement Cedral Weatherboard because the textured surface echoed the aesthetic characteristics of timber. However, being made from fibre cement, means that it provides a long term low maintenance solution, which was particularly beneficial as The Warren is located on the coast at Gwynedd. The visual and performance benefits offered by Cedral Weatherboard are a key part of making a Lissett holiday home an excellent investment that can be enjoyed by owners all year round.� For more information about Lissett Homes, visit: or telephone 01759 302801.

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Archetech - Issue 12 [Page 80]


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Archetech - Issue 12 [Page 82]

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