Archetech - Issue 10 2013

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ARCHETECH Turning Dreams into Reality


Issue 10

Issue 10


go Cate

Archetech Media Ltd Tel: 01843 228399

1 4-1 ews rk 19 N y r o st Indu rt & Artw dia & e A m i t 21 ul al, M rencing 27 u s i nfe 2io V Aud ideo Co chens 2 s 28 e t i V c i K & 7 erv oms ction S s 29 - 3 o r h u 8 w r t 3 o s Bat nd on ng & C and Wi Plumbi s 39 g n i k r & rs Build Doo ainage lasterwo n 43 o P i t Dr s n u 5 e Fibro & Prev ishing 4 in 47 on i F t c & 6 e ting oring 4 - 49 Prot Fire g, Grou 48 Flo n 53 zing rs & Fixi Floo s & Gla ion 50 - 9 s t Gla Ventila n 57 - 5 62 tio & 60 oma ting Hea me Aut Design - 67 Ho nterior 1 g 63 apin al 68 - 7 &I c s s r d 2 o i c n i 7 r r a t e g t L c In Ele l Makin 73 & n ting Mode latio Ligh apsu 75 - 79 ell c n akew & E Leisure on 81 B n e o h i .T w vati n& inat 82 isers b ne Lam creatio & Reno rgan a super and the c i o t s t e 3 w R 8 o as rs Pla men 2 urity ell Sh ety h ecto rbish Sec es 85 g - 1 or Bakew ural Soci staff, dir o & l Refu e y d t f f n lt Safe Balustra ays 87 Pi rticu eds o ffices ew o ural & Ho ts the ne mittees. & pl N s i s 8 t f D 8 i ee cle ult om s, L igns & ework torcy re Agric which m ll Show c o Stair 9 S n 8 m o t o S ra age 0 facility Bakewe - 14 e& nt fo the m . Stor e9 us Ston cts velopme ction to t o c e i m t r e i j a a r h v arc ntial de tive rea ntial pro er F S b and O m OD rna l reside ide rtful ed s e & Ti t a e l r r a n e l w a liz Timb A ne siast is an entre infi sent , sty c u o pre s unique t a r enth onal city 20 a Cla hat i ti tradi Clara - of Ziett roduct t n p a t tes in Ziet e missio quality socia kind s h A t h g s i It i bes lh oRM iona g. ed F Daniel Li t s c 6 a n 3 b fu n y rin inspi ociates by Londo North b and ss m d u A e e n s d uate FoRM ide desig l War Mu s nt sit a c. a r u a Quay f Imperi he publi st o t n ry re front open to pora d, Londo m e t r w n o how o f o t n c a 0 is Str - 4 tchen a rated ting t n i n s i n k k r i i o a m dK Da ic Pa er co ly de ’s Yar ymp cent of powd nish. e Dane to the Ol 4 r s ha l fi m 4 close ertech - rby) Ltd ng syste ate meta o i i r d C h ( p s w i Po ech etal fin ly appro dert at Pow uplex m is a high 74 w th d eel tures - te for the ltural sho t s the d nize ticu itec he si galva er Arch sen as t nnial hor o i e i h h Det nz was c hau, a b o c enet e Kobl sgartens visitors. cts - 80 ittorio V tablished V e s n e Bund .6 millio i Archit ocated in a well- e 3 l e e drew a Maff place is na), insid e n re e o i d d t n th i o n t A pe wn i will o (M l m o l t o e c n w The in Mara c. park a ne i t ithin that this from the w stree ntial fabr n ite e ctio 4 ted resid udio - 8 constru anticipa and resp r t s e e i S r d it isu TM k is un , and r for le A pa District c space own. risov g m t li of Bo e progra n Jadin e a pub nse new y t i c h d e o i e i T d v t . h a t o 2 d 1 n pr oc as pen sary in 20 s of the l ining rise a o h o g i t a r e h t e - 86 is set ntag main nniv OFIS stadium ificant a ural adva terrain, le. n t e w A ne ates a sig nt the na ions in th as possib of r t u e one , celeb into acco interven es on sit n i d e g re at umi takes e existin xisting t is loc ty of Bat nal Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability e z e h 1 d t i of material published in Archetech Magazine, however, the and ny of the dze - 9 i Khmala easide c recreatio , s a la g publishers accept no responsibility for the claims or opinions as m i Khma om Gior s of the Donald’s made by contributors, manufacturers or advertisers. r t c g f r r t a M o c , i p e n G d No part of the publication may be reproduced or oj statio w pr anize transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, A ne wly urb des fuels . l e electronic (including printing), recording or stored in any u the n ia. It incl ctive poo information retrieval system without the express prior written e g r fl consent of the publisher. Geo s and re e spac

H C E T E H C e AR n i z a g a M e 10 Issures u


Construction sector takes a hit Construction output shrank last month, for the fifth time in a row. Heavy snowfall and flagging demand in March have heightened fears the UK is heading for a triple-dip recession. Economists have said the only hope of preventing this from happening is to be optimistic about Britain’s dominant services sector, after worse than expected figures were released in the manufacturing sector - in addition to construction.

Green schemes keep power bills down

Households are seeing smaller rises The latest Markit/CIPS purchasing managers index (PMI) recorded a in gas and electricity bills thanks to reading of 47.2 last month for construction output - below the 50 mark Government-sponsored schemes to which separates contraction from expansion. help people insulate their homes and buy energy efficient heating systems, a While March construction output was an improvement on February’s new report claims. 46.8, it continues to be much weaker than the average reading of 54. The Department for Energy and Climate Tim Moore, senior economist at Markit, said weak construction output Change (DECC) says savings already “leaves the service sector as the last great hope for avoiding another slide made by the Coalition’s energy-saving in UK gross domestic product”. Copyright Press Association 2013 policies and sustainable projects are

Glass academy set to transform the industry The glass industry is set to be “transformed” by the creation of an academy, a multi-million pound initiative to set new standards of training and re-evaluate recruitment. Thousands of employees in the sector will benefit from the boost in apprenticeships and career progression the academy aims to provide. The industry’s trade body, British Glass, says that glass now has a number of high-tech

applications in addition to the traditional use for windows and ornaments. Now smart phones and tablets use glass for touch screens and glass is also used for solar and wind energy products. Dave Dalton, chief executive of British Glass added:”It is now vital that businesses begin to take the lead in helping Britain fight back and improve our global competitiveness. We must ensure we are doing everything possible to attract the best new talent and help our existing workforce to fully realise their potential. The Glass Academy has been created to ensure we can compete internationally with a workforce that is world class.”

keeping utility bills down and the trend is likely to continue for the next 10 years. The report suggests that fuel bills are 5% lower than they would have been without the energy efficiency schemes, meaning households are spending £64 less on average. Although prices are expected to rise by 6% by 2020, the prediction would have been 11% and £166 more without the Government policies, it is believed. The rising price of gas is “beyond any Government’s control”, according to Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey, but he said this Government is looking to do all it can to continue to “cushion” consumers from price hikes. Copyright Press Association 2013

Matthew Hancock MP, Skills Minister, said the Glass Academy was a fantastic example of businesses working in collaboration with the Government to help an industry thrive. At the same time it was giving thousands of young people an opportunity to start a career in a thriving sector. Employing 7,000 direct and 45,000 indirect workers, the glass industry produces around four million tonnes of glass per year. Copyright Press Association 2013

ELVAL COLOUR’s etalbond® Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) was used to achieve the

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completed at the end of 2012 and was nominated by the world architectural festival (WAF)

same construction principles apply to the etalbond® facade cassettes of the interior with the

Interactive and Participative – the 2013 NEC Solutions Showcase gets personal NEC Display Solutions announces its plans for the forthcoming Solutions Showcase which, in its fifth year and having firmly established its relevance and unique value in the Pro-AV calendar, will take place at Tobacco Dock, London on Thursday 16th May 2013. This year, the Showcase aims to offer even greater relevance, by inviting visitors to become participants in an event which focuses on providing first class support for their challenges and projects and delivering handson experience with the latest Display Solutions innovations. By engaging with NEC, participants will benefit from a more interactive experience, with greater relevance to their daily work and opportunities to achieve greater success. Collaborating with technology to create solutions, the NEC Solutions Showcase is dedicated to presenting the latest advances in display technology across key vertical sectors. “The NEC Showcase fulfils the need for an integrated display solutions show where the industry market leaders can work together in showing fully integrated solutions to both the channel and end customers,” says Simon Jackson, VP for NEC Display Solutions. Follow @NECShowcase on Twitter for the latest updates. Register on-line and submit your questions at

£75m project gains innovative flooring Cutting-edge flooring for a major building project at South Cheshire College is being provided by a UK company, it has emerged.

“Deep concern” has been expressed at government plans to change the use of BAM Construction is developing the £75 million energy certificates. project at the college’s Dane Bank wing, with the The concern was raised in an open letter from the UK-Green Building Council’s (UK-GBC) Paul King to Don Foster, Under Secretary of State at the Department for Communities and Local Government.

Altro safety flooring has been fitted in the campus complex, with Suprema flooring also added to busy servery and corridor areas.

Copyright Press Association 2011

The shortlist for Scotland’s distinguished architecture awards includes a café on the south side of Glasgow and a temporary building that no longer stands.

Among the 25 buildings shortlisted for the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) awards is the Glad Café in Glasgow, the new reception building for Sir Walter Scott’s home in Abbotsford close to Melrose, the restored Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh, and the Beacon The letter said: “The current set up will Arts Centre in Greenock.

Copyright Press Association 2012

A design by architect Jefferson Sheard will see the building model a look similar to that of a traditional village street. The facade of shop fronts will be given to the complex’s different teaching units.

It says non-domestic EPCs “seriously lack credibility” but says buildings displaying them rather than DECs will appear to be performing in a “greener”way than others. neither minimise the burden on business, nor drive energy efficiency improvements. This whole policy area is crying out for a serious shake-up, so that we achieve carbon and energy reductions in a way that provides benefits for business.”

The products have been selected for the kitchen because of their slip-resistant nature and the ease with which they can be cleaned.

revamped building set to encompass 27,000 square metres.

Architecture awards Since October 2008 larger public buildings have had to show a display energy shortlist revealed certificate (DEC) but the government is proposing these be replaced by what the UK-GBC describe as “inaccurate” and “misleading” energy performance certificates (EPCs).

In addition to these flooring products, the site’s kitchen area is expected to benefit from Altro Stronghold materials. These products will have a measurement of 3mm.

The shortlist also includes the The Ghost of Water Row by Edo Architecture, commemorating the late artist and sculptor George Wyllie in Water Row in Govan. The building was up for only one night on 5 November 2012. It was based on four buildings that once existed on Water Row between 1700 and 1929.

The president of RIAS, Sholto Humphries, said a total of 75 submissions from all over Scotland had been received. The range of construction product information was huge, with buildings costing only a few thousand pounds to over £30 million. “This number of entries is a tremendous vote of confidence and confirms this new award, in only its second year, is now the single most important recognition of architectural achievement in Scotland,” Mr Humphries said. “While we are considering an extra- ordinary range of projects of different scale and type, from a modest house extension to a multimillionpound new secondary school - and, unusually, one project that doesn’t even exist - we will be rewarding those projects which we feel best address the key role of architecture: to improve people’s lives.” The RIAS winners will be announced on 12 June. Copyright Press Association 2013

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Worry over energy

Epson supports students’ creativity with new large-format printers at University of Huddersfield The University of Huddersfield has taken delivery of four new Epson large-format aqueous inkjet printers to keep up with increasing demand for high quality colour and mono digital print work within the School of Art, Design and Architecture. The School offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses including subjects such as Architecture, Contemporary Art, Graphic Design, Illustration, Product Design, Fashion and Textiles and Photography. Explains George Stewart, IT Technician, School of Art, Design and Architecture Print Bureau: “We were already using Epson printers, including a 64-inch wide-format Stylus Pro 11880, to print students’ course and degree show work. The printers were performing well, giving us excellent quality mono and colour reproduction and were very easy to operate but with demand increasing we had to look at investing in more technology. We looked at other brands but decided we wanted to stick with Epson. It’s a brand we trust and we had been very impressed with the printers’ reliability and cost-effectiveness.”

The Safe Solution for Fixing Ceramic, Porcelain & Natural Stone Tiles to Calcium SulfateScreeds Anhydrite screeds are being regularly used on large commercial contracts and by major house builders under names such as Gyvlon and Flow screed

Introducing the ‘J’ Range of Access Panels for Part J Regs Select Products are extending their already wide range of access panels with the new ‘J-Air’ and ‘J-Pan’ plastic access panels. Designed and manufactured by Select specifically with Part J Regulations in mind, the new ‘J-Air’ and ‘J-Pan’ plastic access panels both measure 300x300mm, are reversible to be fit surface or flush, are professional quality for wall and ceiling applications and can be decorated over. The only difference is the ‘J-Air’ offers the additional feature of a rubber seal to give it air-tight finish reducing heat loss, improving energy efficiency and acoustics.

Norcros Adhesives have developed Tile to Gypsum, a fibre reinforced, fast setting, flexible adhesive, designed to overcome many of the issues experienced with conventional cementitious adhesives. Tile to Gypsum removes the need for sanding and sealing the screed and allows tiles to be fixed earlier. It achieves comparative strengths to a C2 cement-based adhesive, and has excellent non-slip properties, making it also ideal for fixing tiles onto gypsum plaster and plasterboard walls without having to prime. ROBUST DETAIL

E-FC-16 Approved Document E compliant

3mm ISORUBBER 3CC is made with recycled waste rubber

Contact SPI for their newest Merchant Catalogue, Access Panel Spec Sheet and list of resellers.

Thermal Economics has launched E-FC-16, the latest and 6th addition to their formidable Robust Detail portfolio. E-FC-16 is a fixed resilient surface treatment which provides 3 Code for Sustainable Home Credits upon registration with Robust Details Ltd.,. It is compatible with the full range of precast plank floors and all block densities can be used in the associated external walls.

For more information visit or call 01803 540154

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GED LAUNDRY CHUTES FOR THE STARS A laundry chute may not be the first thing that comes to mind when designing a home, being often viewed in the UK as a costly or luxury addition. However, it may well be one of the best investments you make, adding considerable comfort and value for the homeowner. Regardless of the size of the building, GED laundry chutes can be quickly, inexpensively and easily installed, and will continue to deliver noticeable benefits over the lifespan of the house. GED Laundry Chutes offers a full design, installation and maintenance service. For further information please contact: GED Laundry Chutes | +44 (0)161 300 1375 |

The acoustic components consist of the Isorubber 3CC resilient layer, which is adhered to the screed surface and the Isosonic MF ceiling hangers. E-FC-16 probably, offers the simplest and cheapest way of obtaining 3 Code Credits in flats construction; which can provide a significant cost saving over renewable energy solutions. For further information refer to the Company’s Technical Department tel: 01582 544255

S+H Technical Support

Fit Out Strictly Come Dancing Studio Devon, UK based drapes, starcloth, LED and visual effects specialist S+H Technical Support (S+H) supplied 1100 square metres of lush red velvet PeaLight Starcloth containing approximately 6000 inbuilt lights, plus an additional 6000 Pea Lights integrated into the set walls for ‘Strictly Come Dancing’, staged in BBC TV’s TC1 studio, Wood Lane, Shepherd’s Bush, London. These elements were a vital component of Patrick Doherty’s set design, and helped set the mood for the tenth season of the consistently popular show broadcast live each week on BBC1’s Saturday evening prime time. Around the bottom half of the set (below the balcony) the individual Pea Lights were fastened in neat rows so they lined up, with more also used to line presenter Tess Daly’s interview area on the balcony. The drapes wrapping around the set / studio on the upper level were all free-hung using a hook-and-loop system specially designed by S+H to make seamless coverage of large areas quick and efficient to rig. The rich, deep red velvet backing cloth and the twinkling Pea Lights – under the control of the show’s lighting department – added a distinct dancehall vibe to the space. S+H has supplied various draping and soft goods to Strictly Come Dancing ever since it started in 2004. The amount of this type of kit has grown and diversified as Strictly’s visuality has evolved. For the latest UK series of BAFTA Award winning games show, The Cube – via producers Objective Television S+H is again supplying its innovative LED Video Floor product. Presented by Philip Schofield, Cube contestants can win up to £250,000 of prize money by completing straightforward tasks within a 4 x 4 metre Perspex cube, which becomes extremely challenging with the addition of disorientating visuals and sonic effects coupled with the pressure of performing in front of a live audience.

‘Strictly Come Dancing’, staged in BBC TV’s TC1 studio, Wood Lane, Shepherd’s Bush, London.

The video floor is an integral element of the show’s overall concept. S+H also supplied the same quantity of 36 x Video Floor panels making up a 3.6 square metre surface area to the latest Ukrainian series of The Cube filmed in Kiev. The set design for both UK and Ukraine versions was created by Julian Healey who specified the S+H floor. The UK series is recorded at Fountain TV Studios in Wembley, London and broadcast on ITV 1. Video Floor is a completely bespoke 18.75 mm video tile product available only through S + H Technical in the UK.

The Set of ‘The Cube’ in Kiev fitted with 36 video floor panels

For more information, please visit or call 020 8451 5840

Armstrong Atelier tops a world-class study space. Bespoke wall and ceiling panels from Armstrong Atelier feature 24/7 at the University of Manchester. A new world-class, 21st Century, 24/7 study space at The University of Manchester features the first use in the UK of Armstrong Atelier’s hookon metal wall panels. Perforated WH-1000 tiles feature on the top half and plain WH1000 tiles feature on the bottom half of the vertical elements of the balcony floors lining the fourstorey atrium at the £24milion Alan Gilbert Learning Commons.

‘Senior’s Make an Entrance at Norfolk’s Largest Indoor Venue’

Curtain walling provided by Senior Architectural Systems now adorns the main foyer at Norfolk’s premier indoor venue. Located on the Norfolk Showground, the impressive aluminium two storey curtain wall is faceted on plan and includes Senior’s high performance windows and entrance doors.

Installed by Harrier Aluminium of Newark, Senior’s SMR900 curtain wall

Archetech - Issue 10 [Page 8] | 01709 772 600


John Brash Anti-Slip Decking Solution for Herons Quay, Canary Wharf. The striking and complex decked pontoon at Herons Quay, Canary Wharf was designed by the landscape architect with three key specification challenges, slip resistance, durability and aesthetics. The finished project needed to have a high aesthetic appeal as the pontoon was visible from the high buildings surrounding the site. A finish similar to the look of a hardwood was required for visual appeal, but at a lower cost. As the deck was for a pontoon in the Thames, durability and resistance to salt water was very important; as was the need for superior performance in a high slip risk area. The solution was John Brash AntiSlip Plus timber decking, European redwood slow grown for the best quality timber, which was preservative treated with a brown pigment to replicate the finish of a hardwood. The deck boards were treated to ‘Use Class 4’ to cope with the demands of a challenging salt water location on the Thames. Two JB Anti-Slip inserts were used to give a superior non-slip finish exceeding the HSE requirements for ‘extremely low slip risk’ requirement for BS7976 by 25%. For further information on specifying decking for your project visit www.john

NPS Transforms The Passmore Edwards Centre NPS was responsible for the design, project management and complex structural engineering on The Passmore Edwards Centre to transform this Grade II listed building into a 21st century flagship development. The building, formerly known as Newton Abbot Library, is owned by Devon County Council and the extensive redesign is part of their commitment to providing residents with better community facilities to meet their changing needs in a rapidly growing town. The ground floor of the building now provides a spacious open plan modern library with a new IT suite and children’s library. The first floor provides a combination of teaching spaces for adult community learning, along with the reference library and railway studies collection. The second floor has been adapted to accommodate the local adult disability group along with a number of staff offices. An extension to the rear of the building provides a cafe with relaxation space and back office accommodation for book sorting. The first floor provides the railway studies archive, in an environmentally controlled room, along with additional flexible offices spaces. Each floor was designed to meet the needs of the varying user groups whilst maintaining an holistic and sympathetic approach to the listed building. The footprint of the rear extension was partly determined by the site constraints, which in turn assisted in establishing the final design. In common with many buildings of this era both materials and detail placed the emphasis on the front elevation, with very little attention being paid to the rear. The new extension has been used to breathe life back into an underused and somewhat forgotten space, with a simple palette of copper cladding and white render offering a contemporary solution to both compliment and enhance the existing context. During the construction additional works had to be undertaken when it was discovered that the existing concrete ground floor was potentially not sound enough to support the temporary bracing. This bracing was required in order to remove existing internal walls and to increase the size of openings. Although these additional works delayed the completion of the scheme, they were progressed with great skill and care, with due consideration being given to the age and historical significance of this landmark building. NPS Architect Michila Wilks says “There were many challenges throughout the project in both the visual and physical aspects of its design and delivery. Early consultation with English Heritage was essential due to the building’s listing and prominence within the town and they were fully supportive.”

For more information visit

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Boiling and Chilled Tap t t t t t








T: +44 (0) 2392 808 192 E: W:

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NEW OFFICES FOR BAKEWELL SHOW ORGANISERS The Bakewell Agricultural & Horticultural Society has a superb new facility which meets the needs of staff, directors and the various Bakewell Show committees, beginning a new chapter in the story of one of the oldest and greenest agricultural events. The Bakewell Agricultural & Horticultural Society organise the annual Bakewell Show – a show with nearly 200 years of history and one which has evolved over time from a simple agricultural display to the diverse event it is today. Affectionately known as ‘the chicken shed’ the 60-year-old wooden offices used to organise and manage the Bakewell Show had deteriorated so badly they were becoming unusable. Although replacement offices on the showground were proposed in 2008 and plans drawn up, the project was considered too expensive and shelved. Pinelog, who specialise in architecturally designed leisure buildings has its offices and factory just under a mile away, so the Society realised that if anyone could help them with a new building and bring it in on budget, Pinelog could. The plans were passed to Pinelog who, rather than cost out existing plans, submitted alternative proposals. These were for a contemporary structure which reflected the traditional agricultural roots of the show. It would be built using local labour and locally sourced ‘green’ materials to minimise the carbon footprint. Most importantly, Pinelog’s proposals meant that new offices could be built for half the cost of the original scheme. As the site is within the Peak Park planning area, the new building was sympathetic to stringent policies and with Pinelog’s technical assistance and experience of designing buildings for sensitive areas, planning permission was obtained.

The new timber-framed building is entirely in keeping with the Society’s ethos, being built to the highest possible ecological standards and incorporating many environmental features. The showground is on a flood plain which meant the building had to be raised by two feet. It has large sloping buttresses which echo the nearby limestone escarpment. The imaginative use of windows makes the roof appear to be floating. The two side elevations are clad in stone from a local quarry and the rear elevation constructed from sustainable larch. Inside are offices for staff and directors and a meeting room which can be sub-divided to meet the needs of the various show committees. Redwood boarding, again from a sustainable source has been used for ceilings and other fittings. Low maintenance aluminium windows together with the timber-framing ensure that the building exceeds the statutory energy efficiency requirements and each room is fitted with energy efficient lighting and sensors which automatically turn the lights off if there is no-one in the room. Most of the people who worked on the contract were from the Bakewell area. Some 50 tons of stone and five tons of timber were used in construction – all from sustainably managed sources and as far as possible, Forestry Stewardship Council secured. “We are absolutely delighted with the new building”, said Show Manager Janet Bailey. “We have worked very closely with Pinelog, the planners and the Peak Park to create a Bakewell Show office which will not only serve our needs now, but for many years in the future. It not only provides a new facility for meetings but also reinforces our commitment to developing this prestigious venue to the benefit of the county’s agricultural economy.”

01629 814481

Home Offices from

Dunster House Lienne Garden Office.


he 1990’s saw a lot of talk about home working and telecommuting but witnessed very little movement towards the changing work attitude. In the last ten years, telecommuting, along with self-employment have really taken off.

Alexander Garden Office.

The images used for this article were provided by Dunster House and show models of the Lienne and Alexander Garden Offices.

For those that work from home on a regular basis there’s always the problem of space. Not everyone has the spare room readily available to work in from home, and those that do may find that the room soon becomes unavailable with the arrival of children. Moving home is stressful and expensive, and the same can be said about extending your property. So, why not purchase a Garden Office? Roald Dahl wrote his children’s stories in his own Garden Office and look at the success he created! Garden Offices are more cost effective than many realise. It is cheaper to

purchase a garden office than it is to extend your home or move; there’s also less worry, hassle and stress involved. Moving your office out of your home and into your garden ensures a stronger division from home and work, as well as keeping you away from your television or household chores. Cutting down the commute will also allow you to be more visible at those crucial family and school events. With the advances in technology you can move your office to the bottom of the garden with ease. Your home wi-fi can be extended across your garden and the majority of Garden Offices have the option for electrical installation. Many Garden Offices are available fully insulated with double glazed windows and doors, a significant improvement from the conditions Mr Dahl would write in. For examples of great value full insulated Garden Offices starting from under £5,000, contact Dunster House on 01234 272 445 or visit us at

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Before the end of 2012 over 4.2 million people were registered as self employed. Now over 3.7million people in the United Kingdom work from home on occasion or use their home as a base for work. This is no surprise considering in 2011, the then Business Secretary, Vince Cable, announced his aim for employees to request a more flexible working pattern by 2013, whether it was the use of flexi-time or telecommuting from home.



This new residential development, for a motorcycle enthusiast, adjacent to No.10 Grangegorman Villas, Grangegorman, Dublin 7 is an alternative reaction to the more traditional city centre infill residential projects; an unapologetic piece of architecture sitting within a strong urban context defined by both site and planning constraints. The building is essentially two living plates over a workshop connected by a vertical service and circulation core. While the character of this new structure is unmistakeably contemporary it has been designed to sit discreetly within its more traditional context, while giving the end of the terrace the strong presence it deserves.


he break up of the buildings main elements, defined in elevation by the horizontal structural lines, help to identify the structure and functions contained behind. The building profile is further strengthened with a deliberately weighted treatment to the openings at first and ground floor level adding to the aura of secrecy as to what’s contained within. An external terrace area has been provided at the front section of the upper floor, increasing the visual and physical depth of the open plan living accommodation. This is further emphasised by the full height frameless fixed glazing sections, visible on the front and rear elevations. The external screen to the deck area has been fabricated using vertical aluminum fins to match the satin-anodised aluminium cladding to the fixed and opening sections below. The irregular spacing of these fins gives this screen a semitransparent appearance, particularly when viewed from a westerly direction and during the evening when it is illuminated from behind. This reduces the perceived bulk of the building, depending on the viewers position and alters the appearance of the structure over a twenty four hour period. The elevations become more transparent as you move from the ground floor up terminating in the upper floor external terrace.

The building is entered under a canopy, which extends internally to create a ‘suppressed’ area inside the front door, emphasising a triple height stairwell beyond. The experience of this space is further enhanced through the introduction of a full width rooflight running the full length of the building, flooding this volume with natural light. Accommodation comprises of a second floor open plan living, dining and kitchen space linked to the first floor bedrooms and bathroom by the triple height circulation zone. This circulation volume extends down to the ground floor providing access to the lower garage area the walled back garden behind and the paved front garden facing the street. The enclosed back garden, to the rear of the property, is seen as a landscaped courtyard which opens directly into the ground floor volume and is partially sheltered by the cantilevered structure above.

ODOSarchitects 37 Drury Street Dublin 2 Ireland T: 00353 1 672 5300 F: 00 353 1 672 5301 E:

open gallery Open Gallery is an innovative contemporary art gallery and design team specialising in creating exceptional installations using the very latest video technology. From private residencies, office spaces and specific events to exhibitions at The Hayward Gallery, The Institute of Contemporary Arts and Art Miami we can transform any space into something unique. The artists we work with create stunning Video Paintings in which the camera must be stationary; there is no subsequent editing, no dialogue and no sound. This new form of video art is at once both visually powerful and contemplative to add value to a space and enhance any environment.

Open Gallery, Private Residence, Slone Square

Open Gallery can provide the artwork, the software and the technology to ensure a seamless consultation, design and installation process. Contact our team to see how we can help you make your project stand out with an artistic and modern video installation. Telephone +44 (0)20 7837 3000

Open Gallery, Sketch, Mayfair, London

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Open Gallery, Asset Management Company, Mayfair

Luscious little pieces of art for your home… It is the mission of Zietta Clara to present an artful and functional high quality product that is unique, stylized and inspiring. The Zietta Clara product speaks to many moods and styles, from old world to contemporary and mod. With three collections: ORIGINALE, ICE and PEBBLE, they strive to assist in the personalization of any home. They offer door knobs, cabinet knobs and closets pulls. They are fully custom made to order and can modify size, shape and color of our standard collections, as well as custom design from scratch with inspired designers and home owners.

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The designs by Stacie Isabella Turk are inspired by everything from the way cream looks being dropped into her coffee, to buttons she sees on a vintage sweater, to her mother’s tortoise shell sunglasses sitting on the dash of the car of life encapsulated in glass. Her life long love of glass and her desire to touch glass, rather than to just look at it, is what has inspired the door knobs. “Do not touch” signs in glass galleries are her nemesis and she has always guessed they are for others as well. The Zietta Clara solution is luscious little pieces of art for the home that are functional. Their metal is offered in black

iron, antique

silver and polished nickel but can also be produced in a match a provided sample if necessary. Their hardware is compatible with Baldwin Hardware for easy installation and arrives with simple installation instructions. Each piece is made by hand, shipped in an embossed velvet Zietta Clara pouch as the piece of jewelry that it is, etched with the Zietta Clara signature on the back for authenticity. A student of glass blowing herself and by her travels throughout Italy, Stacie works closely with experienced glass sculpting artists and bronze artisans to bring the designs, bubbling up in her mind, into form. Many years of design and research occurred before the launched and now they have assembled a team of craftsmen who help to create a well made and strongly engineered consistent product. The unusual place where art and function meet is Zietta Clara. The company works with interior designers, architects and home owners. Trade and quantity pricing available with retail pricing starting at $175 per cabinet knob.

Zietta Clara

SAVILLE MAKE-OVER FOR SAMSUNG BOARDROOM Saville Audio Visual was commissioned to design and install a range of integrated systems and furniture in the London headquarters of Samsung SDS Europe at Fleet Place House. The videoconferencing installation in the boardroom included a bespoke table, manufactured in-house by Saville to Samsung’s specifications. The V-shaped table houses inlaid Extron table interfaces, allowing for selection of nine VGA/audio inputs, with a further VGA output at each interface for future addition of on-desk repeater monitors. The main display is provided by a 4x2 HD videowall or via a ceiling recessed projector and a motorised dropdown screen. The video wall is configured to group the screens in two layouts, selectable on a touch panel for conferencing or presentation purposes. A nine-screen videowall was also installed in the reception area. The conferencing technology includes a Polycom

HDX8000 codec with a high spec Biamp Nexia digital audio system, incorporating seventeen beyerdynamic table microphones plus inceiling and program sound speakers. Push-button logic on the microphones controls the active speakers, whilst zooming the Polycom HD Eagle Eye camera to the current active participant. All audio switching and control is via the Biamp Tesira digital sound processor. The existing VC system was completely re-engineered and re-programmed by the Saville technical team and is now operated from an AMX touch panel on the table, or via a ‘virtual’ AMX Modero package which can be used on PC or Mac computers. The installation is featured in the new Saville solutions brochure - Communicate 2013. This can be viewed online, downloaded for tablet or ordered as hard copy at

Stunning Glass Splashbacks from Steve Robinson Glass Steve Robinson Glass Ltd create handmade fused glass splashbacks of the highest quality. Equally suitable for kitchens or bathrooms, the splashbacks are perfect for creating a special feature or focal point. Clients can choose from a wide range of ‘stock’ designs, or commission their own unique design. be delivered safely anywhere in the UK or overseas. If required, a templating and installation service is also available. Steve Robinson is an experienced glass artist and designer, and the winner of several national awards. Clients include John Lewls plc, Hilton Hotels and NHS trusts. Visit the website to see numerous examples of splashbacks insitu, and the wider range of products available which include glass wall hangings and architectural glass panels.

CCL WETROOMS UNVEILS INNOVATIVE DRAINAGE SOLUTIONS DESIGNED FOR USE ON CONCRETE FLOORS CCL Wetrooms, the UK’s leading wetroom specialist, is extending its popular Linear Screed Drain range, to include a new wall drain option, which offers architects and specifiers a sleek, contemporary finish to wetroom installations. At a market leading height of only 67mm, the drain ensures that even the highest of water flow rates can be achieved and managed effectively on concrete floors, which are widely used in the construction of modern houses.

floors of a building where the insulation and concrete screed is much shallower in depth than the ground floor foundations. The drain incorporates a unique waterless trap, which is formed of a spring-loaded mechanism and keeps the trap sealed when not in use. This ensures that even when the shower is left unused for prolonged periods, the trap cannot dry out, making it ideal for situations such as guest en-suites, holiday properties or student accommodation.

With the shallowest trap available in the UK, the Linear Screed Drain is ideal for the upper

For more information call CCL Wetrooms on 0844 327 6002 or visit

Tel 0845 450 7684 Fax 0845 017 7685 Email Web


Astracast offers excellent ‘Value’ for money

Archetech - Issue 10 [Page 22]

Market leading kitchen sink and tap manufacturer, Astracast, is pleased to introduce its recently launched Value range. This selection of new affordable products have been designed to offer customers the high quality synonymous with the Astracast brand, but at an entry level price point. Developed with contractors and property developers in mind, Astracast’s Value range is ideal for those looking to purchase a high quantity of products at a reasonable price. Consisting of a selection of stainless steel, composite and ceramic designs there is a model to suit any requirement ranging from sleek, contemporary sinks to more traditional farmhouse styles. Offering excellent value for money, the value range also provides a number of combined stainless steel sink and tap packages starting from a trade price of just £47.50 Ex VAT. Each of these sink and tap packs in Astracast’s Value range comes boxed complete with waste kits and pipework; everything you need for immediate installation.

For further details on Astracast or its Value range, please visit, or call 01274 475 179.


Semi-Precious Stone From Translucent Creations CREATIONS

Our Ammonite range of semi-precious stone combines the timeless beauty of real natural stone usually found in jewellery, such as Amethyst & Quartz with rare fossils to create extraordinary unique designs. Our semi precious stone slabs are non-porous, food safe as well as heat and scratch resistant and are extremely hard wearing making them suitable for a wide range of LED lighting systems to enhance the depth and characteristics of these truly wonderful natural materials.

For more information please visit 0203 292 0616




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The future of tiling

iles have been around for over 5000 years, but they crack, go mouldy and are expensive to install and maintain. So are they still the best product for the job?

Archetech - Issue 10 [Page 26]

Not according to Reco, ‘We wanted to design something that would change the way people thought about covering their walls, a panel that would bring tiling into the 21st century’ says Robert Fleet MD.

winning Gabbertas Studio was commissioned to create a range of designs, ‘we saw this as a great opportunity to work with a new process and material which can transform the way we think about the aesthetic and efficacy of waterproof surfaces……our job is to create intriguing and compelling designs that could only be realised using this innovation.’ says Mark Gabbertas.

Reco have designed the world’s first moulded Acrylic capped ABS tile panels and their latest products ‘Reco Tile’ and ‘Reco Space’ really do demand attention.

The ‘Reco Designer Range’ draws upon collaborations with illustrators and photographers, further demonstrating the breadth of this new medium’s flexibility.

At just 3mm thick these profile-free panels can be attached to any reasonably level surface, even existing tiles. The new patented system is designed to create totally seamless joints without the need for profiles. As there is no grout the panels are more hygienic than tiles and virtually maintenance-free.

Reco’s panels have a low carbon footprint and are 100% recyclable, making them perfect for both commercial and domestic applications. They can also be installed in around a quarter of the time it would take to tile the same area and are guaranteed for 10 years. So say goodbye to grout and hello to the future.

Not only are they practical but Reco have also developed the technology to print any design or photograph onto their panels. The award

Barber Building Services have been

trading since 1962 completing many commercial and domestic projects throughout the years, we are constantly recommended and have built up successful relationships with Architects, Surveyors and Structural Engineers.

We specialise in Bespoke one off builds and have vast experience in many building techniques, we are constantly striving to improve our versatility and ability to provide services that are adapted and dedicated to client and end

user satisfaction. With new house builds we have experience in timber frame and traditional construction methods, our services will see a clients vision through to the end. We have completed many one off building projects including award winning projects, as NHBC registered house builders we are dedicated to provide excellence in service and finishes for all projects large or small. Our website offers more information on our services: 01603 304457

Easy Price Pro producers of estimating software are pleased to announce the release of the New Houses & Extensions Plus 6 program. The program has a proven track record in producing accurate professional quotes for new building works in a short space of time but Easy Price Pro are on a continuous mission to improve. They have spent the last year going through the entire program with a fine tooth comb and the end result… a robust, intuitive program that is even easier to use. Like its predecessor, it can price an average house or extension within an hour, it still produces a full set of professional reports… but with its improved layout, additional pricing options and interactive diagrams there has never been a better time to start estimating the easy way. To learn more about what’s new or to have a no-obligation demonstration call 0845 612 47 47 or visit

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Swarvoski Crystal Elements available as an Inlay

Bespoke carving detail


Why not call us and be pleasantly surprised by our expert service and amazing value Doors of Distinction are delighted to announce their new range from ‘Lebo’ doors & frames from Germany. Not only does the portfolio offer an incredible array of choice, from the traditional to the contemporary, The perfect answer to both design and function. We have ‘Lebo’ doors and frames on display in our Devon and Dorset showrooms.

Doors of Distinction Ltd Dorset - 63 - 91 Cobham Road - Ferndown - Dorset - BH21 7QF - Tel: 01202 872211 Devon - 1 & 10, The Old Sawmills - Hawkerland Road - Colaton Raleigh - Devon - EX10 0HP - Tel: 01395 568400

London’s oldest supplier of British & European quality Door, Window and Cabinet Hardware

NRG+2 Tourniket: Energy Generating Revolving Door The NRG+2 Tourniket is equipped with a power generating unit that produces electricity from kinetic energy conversion, when people enter. Like our other revolving doors, a significant saving on heat loss is achieved over standard sliding or swing doors.

t human powered energy t conserves energy & generates power t innovative energy generation, using super capacitors t always open, always closed t unique environmental design

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Architectural Components Ltd Unit 2, 25 Effie Road, Fulham, London SW6 1EL close to Fulham Broadway station

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Comprehensive stocks held at the showroom of all associated architectural ironmongery, locks & latches, hooks, brassware, electrical switch & socket plates, taps and bathroom accessories.

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‘The Automatic Doors People’ supply and install Automatic Doors Nationwide. Experts in Automatic Doors, Access Control, Architectural Glazing, Disabled Access and Service and Maintenance they are the preferred choice for major brand name clients across the UK.

Archetech - Issue 10 [Page 30]

Covering nationwide with hubs in London, Newcastle, Cardiff, Leeds, Leicester and Exeter they offer high quality products at fantastic prices. They have a unique instant quoting tool on their website which is a fresh and modern approach to the industry.

The Automatic Doors People, Kemp House, 152 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX |

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OPEN YOUR EYES TO INTEGRAL BLIND SYSTEMS With discerning customers always looking for something new and different, integral blinds could help architects and interior designers give domestic rooms and commercial spaces that all important wow-factor. When the key considerations are to maximise privacy, light and solar control then it’s time to open your eyes to Uni-Blinds® integral blinds systems from Morley Glass and Glazing. Uni-Blinds is a system of integral blinds, available as Venetian or pleated styles, which are assembled and permanently sealed within the double glazing cavity so can go almost unnoticed until they are activated manually or by remote control. That delivers great looking interiors with less clutter and uninterrupted sightlines. Integral blinds are an innovative product and should be considered at the design stage when formal specification decisions are being made as they are cost comparative when fitted at the time of the initial window or door installation. One specific area in which the use of Uni-Blinds are increasingly becoming viewed as the only viable option is with bi-folding doors, a popular solution to high quality replacement doors, newbuilds and interior partitioning.

Uni-Blinds offer many advantages over traditional conservatory or window blinds. Once sealed in this totally dust free environment, the blinds always appear new and require no cleaning – unlike traditional blinds. With today’s accent on improved insulation characteristics of double-glazing, the application of integral blinds can further improve the U-Value performance of the window or door - with consequential savings on the heating and air-conditioning requirements. Blinds which are encapsulated within a double glazed unit will perform better than traditional blinds in terms of solar heat gain and shading characteristics. This is especially the case with UniBlinds thanks to the use of high performance solar-control glass from GLASSOLUTIONS Saint-Gobain, to create the sealed unit. Finally, a primary consideration of family living space must always be safety. As would be expected from the UK’s largest supplier of integral blinds all Uni-Blinds fully conform to the guidelines laid down by the British Blind and Shutter Association and none of the products are installed with free hanging cords. Uni-Blinds sealed units are supplied in the same way as standard sealed units with just 10 day lead times and Morley Glass provides an excellent after sales service. Find out more about Uni-Blinds from Morley Glass & Glazing at



To celebrate their 21st year in business, leading Gloucester based aluminium door and window manufacturer CDW Systems launched a new product into the market in 2012– the ‘EasySecure’ commercial door. The EasySecure door is an evolution of one of CDW’s best-selling products, the Sapa Stormframe Easyway door. Developments to security and performance mean CDW Systems will be the only fabricator in the country to manufacture EasySecure, giving their trade customers a distinct advantage over the competition. CDW Systems modified the Sapa Easyway door, in conjunction with Sapa who are the systems company, to make it even more secure and high-performing. Any hardware can be fitted to the new door in order to offer extended customer choice and improve its security credentials, while a co-extruded bead makes the glass more secure within the door leaf.

Senior Architectural Systems are now integrated into the NBS Product Specification Service under Section L10. Allowing Specifiers to select registered manufacturer’s products, NBS Plus offers a quick and effective way of completing specification clauses using Senior’s extensive range of Fenestration Systems. The wide range of Windows, Doors and Curtain Wall Systems from Senior’s are available in various material profiles which include, High Performance thermally broken Aluminium, ‘Hybrid’ – an Aluminium Timber Composite Profile System, and Senior’s latest ‘Fibre’ system, these profiles are produced using the latest Glass Fibre Pultrusion Technology.

Door Canopies by Dusar

Further information can be found on the company’s website or by phoning 01709 772600

For further information –T: 01452 414853 F: 01452 41486

Enq No. 129

Enq No. 128

Brio Single Run Offers Zero Clearance


Brio, the leading architectural sliding and folding door hardware manufacturer, has developed a wide range of fixings for exterior and interior sliding timber doors with its Single Run portfolio. Now the company has added an option to the range to make floor to ceiling sliding doors more streamlined. Floor to ceiling sliding doors and shutters are becoming more and more popular in various environments. However, to achieve the modern minimalist look you need unobtrusive hardware that can be discreetly hidden from view. Brio has risen to those challenges by offering its Single Run 100 top hung system with a Zero Clearance option. Single Run 100 Zero Clearance hardware allows minimal gaps between the door panel and hardware, offering a pleasing aesthetic finish on floor to ceiling installations. All Brio Single Run systems offer quiet finger-tip control through the combination of track profile, precision bearings and nylon tyred wheels. For more details on the BRIO product range visit –

Enq No. 130

˳ ˳ ˳ ˳ ˳ ˳

- Secco canopy. Solidaward clear winning polycarbonate shield and OverBV5,000 SIMONS WERK TECTUS hinges, model TE 528 3D satinaluminium stainless steel, were fitted throughbrackets out the 2012 London Olympic Village venue, primarily in Wide range stylishharmonised contemporary canopies corridor areas toofensure aesthetics for athletes by concealing all the electrical ducting and service piping behind Strong. Will support static snow loads up to 100 Kg/Sq m jib door panels manufactured by Leaderflush Shapland. Screens made from glass, polycarbonate or acrylic TECTUS hinges are completely hidden from view and provide perfect door come alignment a flushLED fitting clean line design. Created for Some models withand inbuilt lights safety, with minimum pivot gaps to prevent finger injury, these maintenance Easy3Dtoadjustable fit. No flashing required. the fitting accessories free, hinges were an idealAllsolution for this prestigious Olympic project. Now the Games is over work has started on the refurbishment develincluded. opment programme to create around 1,400 affordable homes and again Special prices forquality, architects, builders,TECTUS developers andhave tradebeen SIMONSWERK high fully concealed 3D hinges specified and will be fitted to doors throughout the new scheme.

Interland Trading Ltd/Canopy Store TECTUS – “Winning” Hinges Tel: 01223 265598 Fax: 01223 265673 E: T: 01215222848


Enq No. 131

is proud to hit a new low!

The newly launched TwinSash can achieve a U-value of just 0.38. Halo’s new window system is unlike anything else currently available on the UK PVC-U market. The pioneering window system supplier has unveiled the ‘TwinSash’ which can achieve a U-value of 0.38 W/m²K and reduce noise levels by around 50dB. This level of performance is reached by using triple-glazed, krypton-filled units and foam-filled sections.

DBB January/March Archetech - Issue 10 2013 [Page 32]

Amazingly, it can even achieve extremely low U values using what is considered to be the industry’s most costeffective combination of components; using two 28mm double glazed IGUs (air filled, float glass and aluminium spacer bar) the TwinSash can still achieve an impressive U-value of just 1.2.


Enq No. 132

Enq No. 133

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TECTUS – “Winning” Hinges Over 5,000 SIMONSWERK award winning

TECTUS hinges are completely hidden

Brio, the leading architectural sliding and folding door hardware manufacturer, has developed a wide range of fixings for exterior and interior sliding timber doors with its Single Run portfolio. Now the company has added an option to the range to make floor to ceiling sliding doors more streamlined. |

Floor to ceiling sliding doors and shutters are becoming more and more popular in domestic, commercial and retail environments, providing in-built flexibility for how the space is used. However, Brio realises floor to ceiling doors present their own challenges when it comes to sliding door hardware. To achieve the modern minimalist look you need unobtrusive hardware that can be discreetly hidden from view. sales@

GEORGIAN FARMHOUSE GETS THE VENTROLLA TOUCH Sash window renovation and repair experts Ventrolla have once again weaved its magic on a beautiful Grade II listed building, freeing a family farmhouse from their tired and draughty windows.

Archetech - Issue 10 [Page 34]

Wimbrick House in Ormskirk, Lancashire, had fallen into disrepair and was in dire need of some TLC. Luckily Mr and Mrs Marsters saw the farmhouse as the perfect family home and decided to bring the property back to life, ready to spend Christmas together. In total fourteen sash windows received a complete renovation by Ventrolla Lancashire, including new sash cords, shutters and casings to ensure the sashes open freely. The windows were then stripped, re-pointed and decorated to complete the job. Four windows were completely replicated as the originals could not be rescued. This included the two classic arched windows to the sides of both elevations and two Lancashire sliders to the front of the Boot Room. Additionally the planners were very accommodating in allowing the introduction of patio doors to the rear garden. Ventrolla provided classic 2.6 metre patio doors matching the design of the original windows.

If all you’re being offered is basic spec and you need “Outer Space” spec...

German engineering excellence improved with British know-how

Security doors Tested in accordance with EN 1627, Resistance class 2-4 Fire doors Fire Tested BS EN 1634-1 up to 240 minutes integrity Acoustic doors Tested according to EN 20140/717-1, up to Rw 57 dB

Tested in accordance with DIN EN 1522, Class FB 4 Floodwater protection doors Tested as “watertight” to 1500 mm water column

Teckentrup Steel door range. forest in the Klimahaus®

Archetech - Issue 10 [Page 35]

Bullet-proof doors

Trafford Wharf Promenade - FoRM Associates Quayside designed by London based FoRM Associates in front of Imperial War Museum North by Daniel Libeskind is now open to the public. The new quayside completes the first section of the Irwell River Park masterplan, an 8km long river edge park linking Salford, Manchester and Trafford developed by FoRM Associates in 2010. With the adjoining new Media City foot bridge by Wilkinson Eyre Architects the quayside delivers an important new strategic circulation loop in the Quays, a key regeneration zone in Greater Manchester. The loop helps to transforms the experience of walking in the area through linking Media City UK – the new home of the BBC, with the IWMN, Manchester United Stadium and Lowry Arts Centre.

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FoRM’s design of the quayside plays with convex and concave geometries, creating an imaginative public realm complementing the designs of both the IWMN and the new Media Bridge. Importantly the project also actively orientates the IWMN towards its water edge with its newly constructed additional entrance now admitting over 50% of the museums visitors. The original severance to movement along the Manchester Ship Canal was resolved by a newly constructed deck and stepped area built over water, delivering generous pedestrian and cycling connectivity as well as a series of public realm spaces that serve as informal performance/educational resource for the museum. Terraced seating leading down to the water’s edge provides excellent views of the area making the new quayside already a popular destination both during the day and the evenings. “FoRM Associates were not known to Peel before the Trafford Wharf commission. They proved to be one of the most innovative and professional consultants I have worked with. The project was delivered not just on time and entirely within a tight budget but with great flair and imagination. FoRM clearly understood their brief and delivered not just a visual delight but, in concert with the structural engineer produced a technically sound and simply constructed solution.” Ed Burrows, Property Director, Peel Media

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The A. Proctor Group is pleased to announce that their The A. Proctor Group is pleased to announce that their Silverwood timber cladding is now being used by the Accord Silverwood timber cladding is now being used by the Accord Group. Group.

SILVERWOOD SOLUTION FOR ACCORD GROUP The A. Proctor Group is pleased to announce that their Silverwood

Accord timber Groupcladding have set up being an award-winning factory is now used by the Accord Group.called AccordAccord Group have set up an award-winning factory called have set up antheir award-winning factory called LoCaL LoCaL HomesGroup to manufacture own timber frame houses. to manufacture their own timber houses. At Pattern LoCaL Homes Homes to manufacture their ownframe timber frame houses. At Pattern Gardens in Darlaston, Westthe Midlands, the Silverwood Gardens in Darlaston,West Midlands, Silverwood Biseau profile was At Pattern Gardens Darlaston, Midlands, Silverwood factory fitted on in a 200mm frameWest to almost 100 new the homes. Additional services provided by the A. Proctor Group included routed cladding to allow site fit at the wall and floor junctions by the contractor on-site.

With 20 years experience in the industry, Silverwood is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of PaintedTimber Cladding and as such is regularly specified by architects & contractors. Silverwood offers a wide exterior cladding product range including a diversity of colours, appearances and profiles - provided with ease of installation and maintenance as standard. It also offers a comprehensive 10 year of Europe’s leading free manufacturers of Painted Timber maintenance guarantee against timber decay and isCladding durable for up to 50 years asmanufacturers a result of the combined timber treatment and the of Europe’s leading of Painted Timber Cladding Silverwood factory applied paint finish.

For further information related to the A. Proctor Group’s range of Timber Cladding, or any of their other product providedranges, with ease of visit installation and maintenance as standard. please

provided with ease of installation and maintenance as standard.

YEOMAN RAINGUARD ears as a result of the combined timber treatment and the MAKES A SPLASH WITH NEW years as a result of the combined timber treatment and the BROCHURE Yeoman Rainguard, the UK’s market leader in Rainwater

For further information related to the A. Proctor Group’s range Systems has launched a new sixty page brochure packed full of Quality Drainage Products information including details on its Aluminium, GRP, Cast Iron, further information toother the A.product Proctor ranges, Group’splease range ofFor Timber Cladding, or anyrelated of their and Copper, Zinc & Stainless Steel rainwater systems, stunning product images, case studies on new build and renovation of Timber Cladding, or any of their other product ranges, please isit projects and technical fixing details. visit The brochure also provides customers with the opportunity to

Should you wish to publish this article, please contact us fortake a closer look at Yeoman Rainguard’s exciting new range of Should you wish to publish this article, please contact us forproducts, accessories and colours. high resolution images. Also included are details on high resolution images.

an impressive range of Turrets and Clocktowers, along with complementary Yeoman For more information and technical details please visit our website Rainguard products such as and Cornice and For more information and technical details please visit Anticlimb our website Fascias - adding those allimportant ‘finishing touches’ to Issued by Michelle MadeDiamond at our factory at Halstead, Essex, any building. Archetech - Issue 10 [Page 38]

Email - bronze floral gratings. Issued by Michellenickel Diamond a FREE copy of the full The A Proctor Group, The Haugh, Blairgowrie, Perthshire, PH10 For 7ER Email - colour Yeoman Rainguard Tel: 872 261 01250 872 727 For with Wade The01250 A Proctor Group,Fax: Theuse Haugh, Blairgowrie, Perthshire, PH10 brochure 7ER please email floor gullies or drainage channel. Tel: 01250 872 261 Fax: 01250 872 727

For further details on Yeoman Rainguard products visit

ribbon & reed Est. 1980

Specialist Fibrous Plaster, Lime Plaster & GRG Contractors

We manufacture and install custom made products to Architects design in GRG (Glass Reinforced, Gypsum), columns, ceilings, barrel, vaulted ceilings etc., FIBROUS PLASTER - new and match to existing, cornices, mouldings, centrepieces etc., Paint Stripping to all backgrounds including Restoration and Refurbishment to old ceilings, GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) custom made products, LIME PLASTER new and repairs, internal and external to all backgrounds including old timber laths, GRC (Glass Reinforced Cement) new and match to existing external mouldings, cornices, architraves, including external render covering projects from shopping malls, departments stores, hotels, theatres, prestigious offices and high class residential houses to all areas. In addition to that we manufacture over 100 standard Fibrous Plaster products as show in our catalogue which is also available on our website

We guarantee competitive quotations, high quality products, quick delivery times and excellent site backup with all current requirements in Constructions Industry. Ribbon & Reed (London) Ltd., Unit 4 Gateway Trading Estate, Hythe Road, London NW10 6RJ Tel: +44 (0) 208 969 1526 Fax: +44 (0) 208 968 4131 Email: Website:

Archetech - Issue 10 [Page 39]

We also provide a design and CAD drawings service for more complex products to assist Architects, Designers and Main Contractors.

Dane’s Yard Kitchen

Contemporary restaurant, Dane’s Yard Kitchen situated close to the Olympic Park in Stratford, London, was part of the first redevelopment phase at the site known as ‘Strand East’, incorporating a 40m high illuminated tower in a public square. Dane’s Yard Kitchen, which opened in time for the Olympics, is situated in an old warehouse built around the turn of the twentieth century. Following extensive modernisation, diners can relax and enjoy a casual meal in comfortable, renovated surroundings. Exposed brickwork in the main restaurant is a key feature retained from a bygone era in stark contrast to the opulence of the rich leather upholstered cosy booths, which create a sense of warmth. An inviting restaurant with a modern day international cuisine has been added to the culinary scene in Stratford.

Renewable energy was at the heart of the programme to provide an efficient heating and hot water system, thereby making savings on ongoing running costs, cutting carbon emissions, and being part of the sustainable redevelopment of the ‘Strand East’ project. A Daikin VRV heat recovery system was chosen to deliver optimum climate control. In a restaurant it is important to deliver heating, cooling and ventilation, as required, to enable customers to enjoy the perfect ambience, whatever the external temperature may be. Hot water is also provided for the kitchen, wash rooms, and some radiators. The installation was carried out by e2ecoheat, a division of e2 Environmental Engineering, of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, which is a Daikin UK D1 accredited partner. Mark Burton, Development Manager at e2 explained: “We selected the Daikin VRV system to provide an engineered, innovative solution for climate management that optimises comfort and control, whilst reducing environmental impact and delivering significant energy savings”. A three pipe heat recovery heating and cooling system has been installed to provide heating and cooling to the main entrance, washrooms and seating area adjacent to the main bar. Heating and cooling can be provided simultaneously. In the conservatory area a two pipe system has been fitted purely for heating and cooling purposes. An external condensing unit recovers heat from the Daikin Round Flow cassettes when they are in cooling mode. Extracted heat is either used with Daikin Round Flow cassettes requiring heating in other areas of the building or the Daikin Altherma High Temperature hot water module to generate hot water for the kitchen, or released externally via the external unit when maximum energy use has been achieved. The use of a full heat recovery system enabled the incorporation of the hot water module which could generate hot water in the Daikin Altherma 260 litre hot water tank at up to 80 degrees Celsius. The hot water cylinder was connected to the heat recovery system via the hot water module. This provides the restaurant with some ‘free’ hot water for customers’ and staff use.

“We selected the Daikin VRV system to provide an engineered, innovative solution for climate management that optimises comfort and control, whilst reducing environmental impact and delivering significant energy savings”.

Prior to the installation Daikin UK was able to produce Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) figures, which gave an accurate measure of annual energy consumption and efficiency in typical day-to-day use. In the longer term, fluctuations in temperature and standby periods were accounted for to provide a clear and reliable indication of the typical energy efficiency over an entire heating or cooling season.

VRV Heat Recovery Technology VRV technology has won widespread acclaim as being a highly efficient solution for integrating a building’s heating, ventilation, air conditioning and even refrigeration requirements and is perfect for a restaurant environment. It has come a long way since its introduction 30 years ago, and its energy efficient capabilities are still improving. The heat pump varies the refrigerant volume within the air conditioning system to match precisely the building’s requirements at any moment. This means that each area is able to continually maintain its desired temperature, thus avoiding fluctuations in the internal climate while minimising energy consumption. As a result, the efficiencies VRV delivers typically COPs of three to five - are among the highest currently being achieved in the industry. Every day many hundreds of tonnes of CO2 are released by waste heat being rejected into the air. It is easy to see that if we capture this waste heat and reuse it where it is needed then we will achieve the highest levels of efficiency. We need to embrace a “whole building thinking” approach in which heat recovery becomes a vital part of a “virtuous circle” of climate control, rather than taking a piecemeal approach to individual elements of a system. The principle is simple. By taking heat that is rejected from cooling areas such as the restaurant and reusing it elsewhere in the building or to heat water, heat can be generated at a much lower cost as well as drastically reducing carbon emissions. However, excess heat can only be used when cooling is required so it is important to evaluate the building’s cooling, heating and hot water requirements accurately. The aim must be to reject heat only after every avenue of where it can be re-used has been explored. The reclamation of heat can be achieved by certain heat pumps that divert heat from indoor units in cooling mode, to areas that require heating. Air source heat pumps can be used in both new build and renovation projects to provide a highly energy efficient solution. They can achieve significant energy cost savings, compared with traditional fossil fuel boiler systems, by producing 65-75% of heat from renewable sources heat for buildings and services. The effectiveness of heat pumps can be maximised by the use of multiple zones on one circuit. Flexibility allows the design of every project to be optimised, so IT and server rooms can be cooled, while other areas and water for washrooms etc can be heated.

For more information visit

Galvanized Steel Enhances a Prestigious Heritage Development Powdertech (Corby) Ltd has recently demonstrated how the duplex metal finishing system of powder coating galvanized steel is a highly appropriate metal finish for decorative architectural steel on a 19th century building now converted for residential use. Gresham Mill in Old Woking was a paper mill, and used by Unwins Brothers Ltd, the ‘Gresham Press’, as a printing works from the late 17th century until 2007. Set in extensive lake-side grounds, the building is being converted into 70 apartments and 18 town houses. Powdertech (Corby) has powder coated Juliette balconies and ‘Table Top balconies’ set against the old red brick of the building exterior. The metal will need to withstand all weather conditions, maintaining a smooth and attractive appearance. “This building has looked impressive for over 100 years - the architectural metal work can’t afford to let the side down now,” said Powdertech Sales Director, Richard Besant. After fettling, Powdertech uses a 9-stage immersion pre-treatment system during which the metal is cleaned, etched and given a chrome phosphate-based film to seal the surface and provide a corrosion resistant finish even before the high performance architectural powder coating is applied. This is an ideal finishing system providing a combination of low maintenance, great protection and longevity. Specialist “degassing” before powder coating forces out any moisture within the galvanized zinc layers which could cause tiny rough craters. This ensures that all surfaces are covered smoothly and evenly. “The building has a fascinating history,” continues Richard, “It saw pioneering electricity production using water turbines. It is fitting that this majestic building has been sympathetically converted using the most up-to-date materials and technologies and we are very pleased to have been part of this aesthetically pleasing project.”

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For more information on Powdertech’s Powergalv service visit or contact Richard Besant on 01536 400890,

THE TOTAL SOLUTION FOR TILE FIXING The advancement in construction methods, materials and tile technology have put increased demands upon the specifier to recommend the best preparation and fixing products for ceramics, porcelain, mosaics and natural stone tiles to ensure a successful installation. To meet this demand Norcros have created a total package solution including technical site visits and NBS M40 specifications, which supports a comprehensive range of professional products for surface preparation, fixing, grouting and finishing. The full system is covered by the Norcros Lifetime guarantee. Surface preparation products include a Rapid Repair Mortar, our new thermal construction boards, Permalayer antifracture membrane, acoustic matting and an SBR primer. Requirements for floor levelling are met with one part and 2 part levelling compounds which can be used up to 50mm depth in one application. Waterproofing is achieved with tanking systems which are suitable for both internal and external use. The Norcros adhesives have been developed to conform to BS EN 12004, and allow tiles to be fixed to a wide range of backgrounds, from steel and timber to concrete and anhydrite screeds in all types of installations such as sterile environments, swimming pools, domestic housing and industrial buildings. Cement-based and epoxy grouts are manufactured to BS EN 13888 in a comprehensive palette of colours. The range includes anti-bacterial and fast setting grouts suitable for both walls and floors. There is even a Pro Grout sponge for the easy removal of grout residue. The provision of movement joints within the tiled installation is also fully covered with both the Norcros Mould Resistant Silicone and the recently launched range of expansion joints and trims. By providing this total package solution, Norcros Adhesives are able to make the whole design and specification process easier with the additional peace of mind that a lifetime guarantee provides.

For more information visit the Norcros Adhesives website at or call the technical helpline on 01782 524 140

Since opening in 1939, Birmingham airport has grown to be the UK’s seventh largest airport with around 9 million passengers passing through the terminal each year and has been awarded “2012 Airport of the Year” in

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of Birmingham Airport, LGM Ltd of Kidderminster was asked to put forward

for further details visit

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reson Associates create beautiful, original and innovative stained glass features in any period style. With over 25 years experience, Ireson Associates have created features within the private and commercial sectors and have built up a significant portfolio of work in London, the Home Counties, throughout the UK and abroad. Stained glass can be integrated within any interior or exterior space, including door openings, windows, skylights and domes. It can also be utilised to create partitions and backlit panels to illuminate darker areas. It can be used as a focal point, obscure an unattractive view, divide rooms, change spaces, introduce or emphasise specific motifs or corporate logos and reflect the client’s identity. These unique designs enhance any space by creating a feature in the form of a work of art. From single panels to larger schemes, Ireson Associates will interpret your personal requirements in any residential or commercial environment.

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For further information please contact Neil Ireson - 01932 853318

At Delta Ventilation we provide Smoke Control and Ventilation System Designs to meet every brief, however challenging. Together with our manufacturing partner, The Brakel Group, we have a world-class portfolio of smoke, fire and day-to-day ventilation products to complement every design. Our latest product launch is the Lumera smoke and day to day ventilator. It is unique in the market place with its planar glazing, allowing horizontal installation on flat roofs. The Lumera consists of cold bridge-free aluminium profiles with double glazing between 28 and 37mm thick, achieving U values as low as 1.1 W/m2degK, with air leakage at 50Pa of less than 0.1m3/hr/m2 The Lumera is designed with an eye for detail and is therefore ideally suited for use in buildings with very stringent aesthetic requirements. It has concealed 24v dc controls and is available in various finishes; anodized or powder-coated in any RAL colour.

LUMERA - JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED At Delta, we recently completed the installation of a stunning, sustainable smoke and day to day ventilation scheme at The Royal College of General Practitioners, Euston, London. On the Royal College project the Lumera’s were not only installed as smoke ventilators to remove hot smoke and gases in a fire scenario from the atrium, but also used for day-to-day ventilation. Incremental opening and closing is achieved, signaled by the BMS system linked to thermostats. During inclement weather the ventilators automatically close via a rain sensing system and during strong winds via wind sensors The Lumera is designed, tested and certificated to EN12101-2 and is CE marked. The Lumera marks the completion of our glazed range of smoke and day to day ventilators which also includes louvres and casements for walls and roofs both electrically and pneumatically controlled In addition Delta offer AOV’s and SHEV’s, together with installation and service.

T: 023 9286 3888 E: W:

THE NEW BBS BIOMASS BOILER SYSTEM FROM POTTERTON COMMERCIAL New from Potterton Commercial, the Biomass Boiler System (BBS) is a totally new technology being incorporated into the portfolio of Low/Zero Carbon solutions offered by the Baxi Commercial Division “One-Stop-Shop”. The new Potterton Commercial BBS is constructed from high grade steel and includes fully integrated controls that allow remote access and monitoring of the system via a web wood pellet and also wood chip fuels, depending on the site the correct fuel must be used. Emissions are minimised by the integral 5 pass Distinctive features include a pipe, water cooled combustion chamber and up to 2,000kW output.

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Responding to an increasing number of enquiries from architects and specifiers, BMF now offers a free service to help professionals find the right stove or fireplace for their project. Ben Freeman, co-owner at BMF, explains: “If you are looking for a large format, balanced flue gas fire, a substantial wood burning stove or a pellet stove that still makes a statement, we have a wealth of knowledge to help you. Whether it’s a commercial or domestic project, BMF can specify and supply fires and stoves from a wide selection of the world’s top manufacturers. This includes products suitable for the most eco-friendly of developments.” BMF can also help design and supply the appropriate flue system, taking into consideration necessary regulations and health and safety requirements, as well as designing, supplying and, if required, installing custom-made fireplaces and surrounds, made from steel to stone.

For more information visit or call 0113 2660096.

MERRIOTT HAS DESIGNS ON NUMBER ONE POSITION Choosing designer radiators manufactured in Britain gives specifiers and contractors supply chain, quality and environmental benefits, according to Merriott Radiators, the only manufacturer of designer radiators in the UK. Merriott Radiators has launched a drive to become the number one manufacturer of bespoke designer radiators to the UK & Ireland markets by using the advantages of its British manufacturing base and the introduction of a range of innovative new products.

New magnetic sludge filter from Scalemaster New from Scalemaster is the i-Mag magnetic sludge filter, which helps maintain heating system efficiency and increase component lifespan. The natural build up of black iron oxide sludge (magnetite) reduces the performance and efficiency of both new and old central heating systems within homes. The sludge is a caused by dissolved oxygen in the water corroding steel radiators to form magnetite which becomes water-borne and then deposits in pumps and valves. Even a small amount of sludge can have a significantly impact on the overall heating system performance and reduce component lifespan. For more information go to:

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The spark of inspiration from BMF

Calor LPG – low carbon energy beyond the Gas Main Why not LPG? Why do so many specifiers and businesses not replace old inefficient oil boilers with modern high-efficiency LPG boilers? Historically there have been a number of reasons. However, there have never been so many financial, social and operational benefits that an LPG heating solution can now offer, over oil. Setting the story straight Calor is on a mission to set the story straight for LPG by revealing its advantages over oil, to off-mains gas businesses. Any business or heating consultant intent on reducing heating costs and lowering carbon output need look no further than the cost effective, environmentally friendly option of a modern LPG-based heating system. Thanks to recent developments in technology certain LPG boilers solutions can now offer much higher ‘heating system’ efficiencies, and therefore, greater savings than new oil boilers. Before we consider these, let’s first tackle some of the reasons why LPG has too easily been dismissed in favour of oil. LPG myths Calor’s experience suggests that LPG has often not been the specifier’s first option when considering replacements options for an existing oil boiler. As a consequence LPG’s benefits are not even considered or compared. We have also found that when LPG was given consideration, it was regularly dismissed based on historical views about the product, rather than the modern energy solution that Calor can now offer. Supply contract, tank and pipework installation, plus the physical heating solution, can now all be offered in one simple end-to-end process. Calor can even arrange removal of your existing oil tank and boiler. With many old oil boilers running at below 50% efficiency, the temptation has been to simply upgrade the appliance to a modern, high efficiency, oil boiler and financially benefit from a sizable efficiency gain. However, switching to certain LPG boiler systems can deliver even higher efficiency gains that more than cover the costs associated with switching to a new fuel.

Save even more by switching to Calor LPG In conjunction with a specialist heating partner, Blades Low Carbon Systems, Calor has the potential to propose LPG heating solutions that operate at even higher efficiencies than new oil systems. Higher efficiencies result in lower year-on-year fuel costs and swifter paybacks. Through Blades Calor can also provide access to finance subject to terms and conditions. An LPG boiler solution from Calor and Blades can, in many circumstances, deliver fuel bills reductions that more than cover both fuel switching and lease costs – thereby easing a client’s monthly cash flow and improving monthly profits. The savings are achieved by delivering heightened efficiency to a building’s whole heating system i.e. without the need to replace the building’s existing radiator system or pipe work. Indeed, the savings occur within a fairly broad LPG price band, meaning that savings, to a greater or lessor extent are still maintained in spite of price fluctuations. Oil prices fluctuate significantly throughout the year compared to LPG prices, so switching to LPG enables clients to budget more accurately. As already intimated, the overall running costs of a system, its capital cost and true operating efficiency is more important than the price of the fuel. Unlike many heating systems, a Blades system has designed-in elements that both boost efficiency and ensure the system’s peak efficiency is maintained at all times. Many oil or LPG condensing boilers seldom run anywhere near their quoted efficiency limits as they are not fully compatible with the building’s existing radiator system. This is not the case with a Blades system installation which is designed to run efficiently with old radiator systems. Indeed, when calculating operating efficiencies and fuel savings, the Blades team always leans towards conservative estimates, so that quoted fuel and carbon savings are achieved, if not bettered, in practice. Take a look at the example energy table which compares an old oil boiler with a new replacement oil boiler; a replacement air-source heat pump and a Blades LPG boiler system. In addition to the Blades’ solution, Calor works with other carefully selected partner organisations. In particular Rinnai - to supply instant water heating solutions, and the AmbiRad Group for commercial warm air heating of large, hard to heat spaces such as factories, churches, wedding venues, food processing plants, agricultural sites and sports halls. These LPG-fuelled technologies, just like that of Blades, offer more flexible, secure and cost effective solutions than oil. Switching from oil to LPG is still a hassle? NOT ANYMORE Having established that an LPG system can actually be cheaper than oil, CalorForce, Calor’s in-house engineering and installation team, will be on hand to complete any necessary work to switch from oil. Wherever your business is based, CalorForce can manage the installation of the new LPG installation and if required, we will arrange for the removal of the old oil tank. The team will also take care of the appliance installation and commissioning. What is more, when an LPG supply contract is signed, the storage tank remains the property of Calor, which is also liable for its insurance and continued maintenance. Calor also offers variable direct debit payments to minimise administration, and will happily install its ‘ThinkTank’ technology free of charge. ThinkTank is a remote tank contents monitoring system that keeps an eye on your LPG level. Top-ups are instigated by Calor so clients do not have to worry about ordering or running out of fuel. This service, combined with Calor’s vast storage and distribution capabilities, gives clients huge energy supply security when compared to ad-hoc and vulnerable oil deliveries.

Dispelling the myths – what else does LPG offer over oil? So, we’ve hopefully dismantled the perceived cost barriers of switching from oil to LPG and similarly reduced the perceived hassle associated with changing tanks and signing supply agreements. But this is not the end of the story. LPG offers up a few more long term benefits for businesses: o Lowest carbon, off-gas mains fossil fuel: LPG emits 11.7% less CO2 per kWh than oil, which can represent a carbon saving running into thousands of kilograms per year. For companies that fall within the reach of the government’s Carbon Reduction Commitment tax (CRC), any carbon reduction is a blessing. If anything, CO2 output penalties are likely to increase over time, so businesses should be mindful of the types of boilers and fuels they choose. A cheap boiler today could result in hefty indirect carbon taxes across the useful (10 to 15 year) life span of a boiler. o Is LPG dirty? On the contrary, LPG is much cleaner than coal, oil and combustible renewables such as wood. If burnt effectively, LPG omits only CO2 and H2O plus minute trace elements of NOx and particulates. Air quality is becoming a big issue in the UK, and it can only be a matter of time before businesses come under closer scrutiny for their impact on local air quality. o Ground pollution: Oil leakage is becoming a major concern for commercial clients and has cost some businesses many thousands of pounds in clean-up costs and fines. A bulk LPG installation removes this risk, as the fuel is carbon neutral in its un-burnt state, and simply evaporates into the atmosphere. o Fuel theft: This leads us to the major issue of fuel theft, which is on the rise. Oil is relatively easy to steal, near impossible to trace once stolen, and the criminal siphoning methods frequently result in the oil tank being damaged beyond repair. Replacements tanks will cost upwards of £1,000 and insurance premiums against theft can only rise over time. Some incidents also result in costly spillages. Theft of LPG is extremely rare because the fuel is difficult to steal and handle. Conclusion So there we have it; LPG uncut and revealed in its true light. Once flared off as a waste by-product, LPG is now being recognised as the most appropriate fuel for modern, low carbon, off-gas mains industries and businesses.

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A commercial LPG supply, in conjunction with the right choice of appliance, can undercut equivalent oil heating solutions. The product itself is both lower in carbon and much cleaner burning than oil and indeed other fossil fuels and combustible renewables. What is more, there are plentiful global supplies of LPG with new fields and extraction sources opening up all the time. Consequently, the supply economics for LPG are beginning to change and these changes bode well for sharper pricing over the medium to long term.

Blades low carbon systems energy example …for a typical 75 bedroom hotel

Existing System

Standard Boiler System

Renewable System

Blade System


Oil Boiler

Oil Boiler

Air Source Heat Pump

Heating and Hot Water






Annual Gross Energy Input

931,500 kwh

657,529 kwh

279,450 kwh

576,186 kwh

System Operational Efficiency





558,900 kwh

558,900 kwh

558,900 kwh

558,900 kwh




162,410 kgs

152,021 kgs

123,304 kgs

Estimated 10 year Cumulative Fuel Cost Savings




Estimated 10 year Cumulaive CO2 Emissions Savings

676,707 kgs

780,597 kgs

1,067,768 kgs

Annual Net Energy Requirement Existing Fuel Cost


Estimated Fuel Cost for Year 1 Annual CO2 Emissions

230,081 kgs

Summary Figures - Fuel Price Inflation 10% Project Notes: Replace the existing Traditional HEATING boilers with Blade Heating Servers (see Project Summary) Summary Figures - Fuel Price Inflation 10% and replace the existing DHW Cylinders system with a new Hot Water Server, including Energy Notes: Recovery System for the DHWProject system which supplies hot water to 75 ensuite rooms - 30 of which Replace the existing Traditional HEATING boilers with Blade Heating Servers ( see Project Summary) and replace the existing have baths with 45 having showers. DHW Cylinders system with a new Hot Water Server, including Energy Recovery System for the DHW system which supplies hot water to 75 ensuite rooms - 30 of which have baths with 45 having showers.

Energy Model Notes: Information regarding estimated gas usage and savings comparison derived from calculated Energy Model Notes: efficiency increase and client supplied gasestimated usage billing information and assume similar Information regarding gas /usage and savings derived from calculated efficiency increase and operational loads / patterns. comparison client supplied gas usage / billing information and assume similar operational loads / patterns

Bearing in mind that many new heating appliances will serve their business owners for well over 10 years, businesses would be wise to consider the long terms implications of their fuel and appliance choices when investing in new capital equipment. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions, but for the future LPG’s credentials look pretty good - from a broad variety of perspectives.

708342 behind workstation.indd 1

To find out more about LPG and Calor’s solutions partners, call 0800 121 4561 – quoting ‘SpecifiersGeneral’. 25/02/2013 15:39


he site for these three mews dwellings is located on an industrial laneway in Dublin 8, previously devoid of domestic life. This industrial setting was instrumental in informing the architectural language of these dwellings. From the outside, the three dwellings appear as a mysterious, robust and impenetrable mass. The cantilevered upper section is a composition of powder coated metal industrial flooring planks arranged in a structural steel frame. These voile like planks have been laid out in varying widths to create a rhythm to the street elevation and have been periodically doubled in depth creating a moirĂŠ or interference pattern. At night the front elevation comes alive; its transparency is realised when each property is lit from within. Views of foliage and tree tops coming through and over the front screen hint at what lies beyond and it is only as you pass under the front cantilever through the powder coated metal plinth that the warm, light filled heart of the building is exposed. The interior of each dwelling is an experience of colour, light and shadow.

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The colouration and detail of the surfaces combined with the lighting strategy results in a series of internal spaces one would not normally associate with domestic architecture. This initially throws the visitor but later implores them to question the status quo – our owner-occupier clients and we as architects see this as a worthwhile experiment. The floor plan for each of the three bedroom dwellings is conceived as a flexible pattern or weave of built and unbuilt spaces stitched together by a central circulation route linking the split level accommodation (seven plates in total). These unbuilt or trapped spaces become a series of outdoor rooms (in some cases vertical rooms), which bring the experience of landscape and foliage into the core of each dwelling and stimulate a strong spatial dialogue between opposing areas.

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These secret gardens vary in orientation and ensure every room has direct access to natural

daylight and ventilation while developing a carefully controlled relationship between inside and outside. They also play host to a variety of plant species ensuring a blossomed and scented environment all year round. At night, the lighting strategy for these external rooms provide a lit backdrop to the internal spaces and provide a variety of outlooks as one moves from space to space within the dwelling. The split or shift in floor levels allows easier connections between floor plates and swift navigation throughout each dwelling. It also affords views between plates affording a dual aspect to most of the spaces within each dwelling. This is particularly noticeable as the sun moves throughout the day and each space catches indirect sunlight from external rooms beyond. The material palette in each dwelling, while kept to a minimum offers abundant contrasts. Polished concrete floors contrast against coloured soft velvet curtains and voiles. Warm black stained timber

courtyards contrast against green foliage/ planting. A white pebbled courtyard floor contrasts against its warm black rendered walls. Timber fins internally and externally offering obscured views contrast against frameless glazed openings offering unimpeded views. Solid walls contrast against open balustrading and mirrored walls internally and externally creating reflectance and shadow castings. Sustainable elements such as a grey water harvesting system and a boiler linked to an air to water heat pump have been incorporated into the design of each dwelling to maximise the use of renewable energy. All external courtyards drain to this grey water harvesting system located below the upper courtyard to the rear of each dwelling. This harvested grey water is used to feed the irrigation systems to all courtyard planting, WC’s and washing machines.



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High gloss, acrylic Parapan is now being specified for prestigious installations in both retail and commercial sectors.

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design team brings the unimaginable to life! The development of their unique

“I had to convince my local community, the Parish Council

their home and garden, exploring 3D renders of the

Cotswolds, and it was without

about a development proposal

which clinched unanimous approval for the scheme. They loved it” - (Stephanie Ayres, independent property developer).

Focusing on the intricacies of form, texture, colour and successful in making designs All Weather Jointing Mortar for Natural Stone Paving


“It is amazing to take some inert clay and form an animal full of life and energy then turn it into a bronze sculpture for posterity” Jan works in Zimbabwe and Somerset in England . She specialises in animals and wildlife and is outstanding at portraying the strength and power ready to explode unto movment that characterises her single and group sculptures.

This driveway was designed with concentric circles of Black Limestone and Raj Green Sandstone setts surrounded by Indian Sandstone slabs, with an edge band of the same black setts. The paving was all pointed using GftK’s vdw 800, the unique epoxy resin bound sand, paving jointing mortar from NCC Streetscape. The vdw 800 jointing material was selected to accommodate regular large 4x4 traffic and visiting delivery vehicles up to 20 Tonnes; plus the jointing work had to be completed to enable access to the property, without delays due to the cold, wet and damp weather that was forecast. |

Granite Sett Driveway

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Not just ‘Good as New’, But Better! GftK’s vdw 850 Paving Joint Mortar has been used to refurbish this prestige driveway near Bury in Lancashire by repointing and grouting the joints to replace and improve the long term performance and durability.

bronze life size cheetah 01278 722023

The driveway was originally pointed with sand and cement, but as so often happens due to water damage during the original pointing or subsequent frost and de-icing salt damage, this quickly broke down. Initially it was repaired by well-known brands of pre-packed air dried polymer sand jointing and then gun applied cement based pointing – All of which failed because of problems in application and service – working in wet weather, shrinkage cracking, staining & cleaning, frost damage etc. |

Underground Housing for LED Drivers For more than 20 years GIFAS ELECTRIC has been producing Floor Pits used for the underground distribution of electrical power, compressed air and water. The use of solid rubber distribution boards, stainless steel housings, and gas pistons means that the system is completely maintenance-free. The product was initially designed for use on market places and town centres for weekly markets, Christmas markets, and many other open air events where electrical power is required. But as you can see from the photos attached this product has been used in many other places, including the Base Court in Hampton Court Palace, Corporate Headquarters, as well as for private dwellings. NOTE: The Floor Pit is designed to be used in closed position. That is to say connection is made and the lid is closed again, leaving everything out of sight, out of mind. Load rating of lid D400 (40 T). More recently GIFAS was asked to design the Floor Pit so that it could house LED drivers to run 3 x 12m high LED illuminated letters. Those letters being R U N mounted outside of the Copper Box Handball Court at the London Olympics. A total of 70 x MeanWell CLG 150W LED drivers were used to power the 3 letters, and those 70 LED drivers were housed inside of 5 x GIFAS Floor Pits. What you see is of course are the illuminated letters, what you don’t see are the 5 x Floor Pits installed directly in-front of the 3 letters. Out of sight, out of mind For further info please go to or visit us on Stand H40 at the Street Design/Traffex exhibition NEC Birmingham 16 – 18 April 2013

EUROLUCE Hall 11 Stand M27

KURT FAUSTIG KG Kraillinger Strasse 12 D-82131 Stockdorf / Munich Tel: +49 (0) 89 89 56 31 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 89 89 56 31 - 72

Modern Crystal Lights Moderne Kristall-Leuchten Lampadari in Cristallo moderni Lustres en Cristal contemporaines AraĂąas de Cristal contemporĂĄneas

OEM Consultants Ltdtheir havefamily extended OEM Consultants Ltd have extended “Line Of Light” Continuous LEDof the Consultants Ltdprofiles have extended their extruded aluminium lighting profiles to extrudedOEM aluminium lighting to include as family Lighting Systems aluminium an lighting LED lightprofiles include standard,extruded an LEDstandard, light source. standard, an LED light source.their family of OEM Consultants Ltd have extended The slim profile, 60mm wide xasis80mm in lighting profiles to The slimextruded profile,aluminium 60mm wide x 80mm in include depth standard, anmanufactured LED light 60mm source. from The slim profile, widehigh x 80mm depth is gradeinextruded manufactured from high grade extruded manufactured frominhigh gradefinish extruded aluminium ax 80mm natural AA10with anodised f aluminium in aprofile, natural AA10 anodised The slim 60mm wide in depth is aluminium in a high natural AA10 anodised finish extruded opal PMMA diffuser, andwit is manufactured from grade extruded aluminium an extruded opalan PMMA diffuser, and is available an extruded opal PMMA and is availabl a natural AA10 anodised finishdiffuser, with extruded as wire suspended, surface mounted or as wire in suspended, surface mounted oranrecessed opal PMMAsuspended, diffuser, and issurface available as wire as wire mounted (70mm wide including bezel).or recesse (70mm suspended, wide including bezel). surface mounted or recessed (70mm (70mm wide including bezel). wide including bezel).

LOL-B-LED -B-LED Lighting System Lighting System LOL-B-LED Lighting System LOL-B-LED Lighting System For aesthetically pleasing reasons, a flush screw-less end plate is fitted to

aesthetically reasons, a end flushplate screw-less plate is and fitted to su sthetically For pleasing reasons,pleasing a flush screw-less is fittedend to surface surface and suspended versions. Forversions. aesthetically pleasing reasons, a flush screw-less end plate is fitted to surface an suspended versions. nded suspended versions. Bespoke systems are a speciality including mitred angles, DALI dimming, systems arecircuits a speciality including mitred angles, DALI integrated emergency and 240v AC 3-circuit track. All can be dimming, int ke systemsBespoke are a speciality including mitred angles, DALI dimming, integrated incorporated within the system. Bespoke systems arecircuits a speciality including mitred angles,AllDALI emergency and 240v ACAll 3-circuit candimming, be incorporated with ency circuits and 240v AC 3-circuit track. can be track. incorporated within theintegrated circuits and 240v AC 3-circuit track. All can be incorporated within the system. m. emergency All “Line Of Light” (LOL) products are designed and engineered in the system. UK. “Lineproducts Of Light”are (LOL) products designed in and in the UK. ne Of Light”All(LOL) designed andare engineered theengineered UK. All “Line Of Light” (LOL) products are designed and engineered in the UK. For further information please contact:

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For further information rther information please contact: please contact: For further information please contact:

Tel. 01277 365 000 Fax. 01277 363 423 Email. Web.

1277 365 Tel. 00001277 365 000 Tel. 363 01277 000363 423 Fax. 01277 01277 423365 Fax. 01277 363 423 Email. . Email. Web. Web.

Kingfisher Exterior Lighting LED Floodlight installed at new Co-Op distribution centre Kingfisher Lighting has released ALUDRA, a new high specification, low profile die-cast floodlight, perfect for large area illumination such as car parks or retail. Aludra is available with a wide choice of lamp and gear packages including energy-saving, long life 45w and 90w CosmoPolis. Aludra is Kingfisher’s first LED available floodlight, with 20w, 30w and 60w LED options available. Kingfisher have recently installed nearly 200 Aludra LED floodlights at a brand new £22m distribution centre for Co-Op situated just off junction 28 of the M1. The floods illuminate the whole loading bay area of the centre, plus the car park area. The centre has created around 500 new jobs for the local area. To view the new Kingfisher catalogue online visit For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Kingfisher Lighting by: T: 01623 415900 | F: 01623 415910 | E: | W: xicato specification

Xicato Offers Lighting Industry’s First Color Consistency Warranty Unprecedented Warranty Backed by Munich Re Fosters User Confidence in LED Lighting

Xicato, a leading developer of LED modules for retail, hospitality and architectural environments, today announced a new warranty program that sets an entirely new benchmark for the lighting industry. The Xicato “Five-Year Color Consistency and Lumen Maintenance Warranty” is the first industry warranty that guarantees modules in an installation will deliver visually consistent light from luminaire to luminaire for a five-year period. End users and specifiers alike can now act with confidence knowing that, finally, there is legitimate backing for the long-term performance of an LED-based lighting installation.

For more information go to:

MODERN LIGHTING SOLUTIONS Lighting Catalogue with style shots available on request.

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0208 123 7914

Detailed model making made quick and easy – with Trotec laser systems Despite the complexity and power of 3D CAD or modelling software the journey from concept to design often starts with imagination. While it’s possible with software to render and display structures around 360 degrees it’s often desirable to use physical models to show clients and planners your ideas and results. As such, a laser machine can be an invaluable tool to any architectural model maker. In practice, much of the “hard work” is already being carried out by virtue of the fact that the design work is created on your computer. Rather than printing it and using time-consuming knive-cutting, a laser enables you to cut and engrave directly from your CAD or design software package, saving you both considerable production time and costs. Trotec lasers are also able to engrave fine detail from images onto a vast array of materials. This makes an important distinction between a laser cutter which can only follow vector lines to cut, and a laser engraver, which will cut and engrave detail to produce the most desirable models. Perfect cutting and engraving results Trotec lasers can be used for both cutting and engraving with maximum precision. High-quality axis drives and intelligent air flow of the Trotec lasers ensure that the results are always optimal. Engrave surface textures, façade structures and cut building models with maximum quality and detail. Fine detail With Trotec laser technology, you can produce even the finest geometries with maximum precision. This gives you complete freedom when designing your models. And through high precision engraving, you can produce first- class presentation and competition models. One tool for all geometries Milling requires a different tool head for different materials, geometries and material strengths. The laser beam is the universal tool for all geometries and material strengths.

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Flexibility - in material and application Many different materials can be used with a Trotec laser in architectural model making, such as textiles, wood, veneer, MDF, synthetic materials, plastics, PMMA, cardboard, paper, foam, polystyrene, foils and films, acrylic, and many more. In order to achieve optimum results on different materials, Trotec offers a wide range of useful tools: vacuum table, pass-through, different lenses, gas kit, and many more. Easy to use and reliable Operating a Trotec laser system is as easy as operating a printer. Layouts for architectural models are printed directly from the design program and the laser parameters are indicated. Furthermore, sensitive components like the lens, mirrors, moving parts and electronics in Trotec’s laser machines are protected against dust, thanks to Trotec’s InPack Technology. They also offer a Protection Plan in the UK which also enables their clients to virtually extend their machine’s warranty to up to 10 years. This also covers the laser tube. You can thus be certain that Trotec lasers will cut your models quickly, efficiently and work reliably for many years. Visit or email to for more information or call 0844 800 0020.

Plastic Lamination and Encapsulation Specialist plastics company, Arnold Engineering Plastics have developed a process to laminate plastics. Acrylic, PETG and polycarbonate lend themselves to this process, which not only can laminate panels invisibly together but can bond different types of plastic to one another and in different thicknesses. Arnolds developed their lamination process to manufacture ballistic visors for military and police services use, and Arnolds now sell visors worldwide. The visors are created by bonding layers of polycarbonate and acrylic together to create a laminated panel strong enough to withstand the impact of a high velocity bullet. A feature of the lamination process is that other materials and finishes can be encapsulated between the laminated panels, with no real limit to the depth that can be achieved. Arnolds have launched a bespoke lamination service, able to laminate and encapsulate panels up to 2.5 metres long by 1.5 metres wide using from just 2mm thick right up to 25mm thick. Four times lighter than laminated glass, acrylic or polycarbonate panels are ideal for use as partitioning, decorative wall panels, shower enclosures, staircases, balustrades and even for furniture. The encapsulation of materials within the lamination can include print, paint, vinyls, foils, fabrics, metal, wood and other organic materials. Illumination by LED’s can be integral to the encapsulation. Whilst providing interesting design solutions the encapsulation of materials can provide solar glazing protection, structural strength and protection where security matters. Arnold’s Managing Director, Peter Larkins said. “We are one of a handful of companies in Europe offering plastic lamination and encapsulation and perhaps the only one who offer related plastic fabrication services, wherein we can bend and shape the laminated panels even creating curved forms. The bespoke service has been very well received and has an appeal for almost all industries. The architectural market is very much a target for ourselves and we feel we can offer architects and interior designers a fantastic service from start to finish with plastic that is a credible alternative to laminated glass but with the added advantage of substantial cost savings.� Arnold Engineering Plastics have been making bespoke plastic products for over 40 years and have seven separate manufacturing divisions housed in their 30,000 square foot factory in Northampton.

Arnolds accredited to ISO 9001:2008 and BSI certified for manufacture and design have seven manufacturing divisions.



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Peter Larkins went on to say. “We as a company are at the forefront of plastic product manufacture, we have the latest in equipment and a very experienced and capable workforce, so whether it be simple plastic lamination, through to complicated machining and moulding we are a one stop shop for client’s needs. The construction of a clean room within our factory has opened up new markets for us in the medical and electronics fields and this combined with our lamination and encapsulation processes has meant we have never been busier�.

Belvedere For Koblenz : Dethier Architectures In 2011, Koblenz was chosen as the site for the Bundesgartenschau, a biennial horticultural show that drew 3.6 million visitors.Various structures were erected for the occasion, including a belvedere designed by Dethier Architectures. In addition to providing a lookout point, the belvedere has become a symbol of the city.

The horticultural show

The Bundesgartenschau is a large-scale event, and the city of Koblenz needed an infrastructure capable of meeting the challenge. Part of the preparations involved an international competition for the construction of a belvedere, to be built on the site of the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, which overlooks the outstanding site that became a popular tourist attraction after the First World War, and it has been placed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

A hollow triangle

The belvedere is in the shape of a hollow triangle positioned on the plateau overlooking Koblenz. A walkway, accessible to visitors with limited mobility, leads from a gallery – a potential exhibition space – to the roof, along a pathway offering, by turns, views of the park, the city and the belvedere itself. The cantilever symbolises the project: it extends more than 15 metres out over the valley, and rises 10 metres above the ground. The choice of materials (native wood species for the structure and walkway, and Cor-Ten steel for the structural elements), meant that the entire construction could be pre-fabricated. The marriage of architectural research, and engineering to ensure stability, have resulted in a lightweight structure with dynamic visitor circulation. The lateral trusses create a mosaic of the surrounding countryside and allow the structure to be relatively free-standing.

A symbol of the city of Koblenz

With its formal, high-tech design, the belvedere offers a vision of modernity. The integration of a maximum number of contextual of nature. A correct solution needed to be found so that, in a completely unostentatious manner, the structure could stand

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each visitor to have a meaningful, subtle encounter with the and above all an examination of the site’s morphology – allowed this “architectural object” to encompass these concerns. As a largescale construction, the structure can be seen from afar, but its grace and horizontality allow it to blend harmoniously into the valley’s landscape. The surrounding park’s features were also determining factors. In response to the organisers’ request that the project respect the historic nature of the site, the belvedere’s location and angular foundations and the garden pathways, which appear to cantilever out over the valley and the Deutsches Eck.


The Citybox has a very high life span because high quality stainless steel is used to make them. Vandalism does not stand a chance! Therefore the youth can enjoy and attractive product for a long time. Furthermore the maintenance costs are very low. IJslander offers a 20 year warranty on the posts and a 10 year warranty on all movable parts and parts that wear.

The Citybox is very transparent and fits perfectly in every neighbourhood. Because of the stainless steel cable system the Citybox has a high hit noise reduction. The cable system absorbs the noise and bounces the ball back in the field.

Everything IJslander makes, can be reused. Ever heard of the slogan ‘Waste is food’? The idea is that all products are designed in such a way that they can be reused 100%. If desired, IJslander will buy the supplied products after the ‘depreciation period’ back. IJslander then re-uses the parts and materials to make products of the same high quality. IJslander takes care of taking back the product from start to finish.

Bespoke Spa Service Dalesauna specialises in the design and development of spa and wellness areas. Our expertise extends more than 30 years in both the commercial and residential sector providing bespoke solutions for a diverse range of clients from luxury private residences and hotels through to premium day spas and health and fitness facilities. With proven technical experience in all aspects of wellness facilities and continual research and implementation of new design developments, we take pride in delivering service and product excellence to meet our clients’ objectives. We work closely with project partners to create spa and wellness facilities of the highest standards. We were recently invited by interior fit out specialist Beck Interiors to assist them on a magnificent new property under development within the Wentworth Estate in Surrey, one of Europe’s premier residential areas and home to the internationally renowned Wentworth Club. We supplied and installed a range of wellness features for a stunning spa and relaxation area, designed by Oak Industria of Italy, and housed in the lower ground floor of the property. The luxurious subterranean spa features a steam room, sauna and an exhilarating feature shower.


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The bespoke steam room, which boasts a large Hamman slab tiled in tumbled marble in natural beige with an inlaid motif, also incorporates touch screen technology for temperature control. The sauna was also designed as a bespoke unit and is manufactured entirely from cedar wood from the walls and bench seating to the infill and trims. The feature shower is thermostatically controlled to provide relaxing hot or invigorating cold water. We installed the interior curved wall into the shell of the shower using a specialist pre-formed tiling board, before tiling the walls and floors. We also completed all of the other tiled areas in the spa. All rooms benefitted from a variety of lighting features, from attractive fibre optics in the steam room to a mood enhancing colour changing lighting system in the sauna. Given the nature of the project and its prestigious location, the standard of finish and quality throughout the spa was of the very highest standard. And thanks to our experience and expertise, the project was delivered on time and within budget. Please contact us to discuss your spa and wellness requirements.


Changing Places, Changing Lives

As an environmental regeneration charity, protecting and transforming green spaces is a cause Groundwork UK has consistently championed during its 30-year history. Groundwork’s activity comprises three main strands; promoting greener living and working, creating better living spaces and improving people’s employment and life prospects. Groundwork is passionate about helping people to work collectively to make their surroundings greener, safer and healthier and to get more involved in decisions that affect the quality of their neighbourhoods. And the scope of its work is far-reaching. In 2011/12, Groundwork helped improve or maintain 40million metres squared of land, planted 60,000 trees, supported 450,000 days of volunteer action and engaged with 2,000 community groups. The charity also helped almost 13,000 people to gain skills, qualifications or jobs in the process. Groundwork works with statutory bodies, major private sector partners and fellow charities to deliver these projects, worth around £135 million a year. Some of its major initiatives have included working with Marks & Spencer, Cadbury, Britvic and Dulux to transform bleak spaces into ones for use by communities. We want to change places and change lives, and we see green spaces as central to this goal. The social and economic case for effectively using green space is backed by clear evidence, which Groundwork urges decision-makers to note when planning future towns and cities. Transforming and protecting these spaces is key to the work of Groundwork, so that these valuable assets can add real value to communities across the UK.

It’s safe to play Many of us played games at school that are now no longer deemed safe by what people commonly refer to as ‘the health and safety police’ – organisations and individuals who are so fearful of litigation that they attempt to remove risk altogether, rather than manage it. This has created uncertainty and fear among those with responsibility for children. However, a recent statement issued by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is already causing positive repercussions for play and leisure industry professionals, and will in turn bring a host of benefits to children, parents, carers and education professionals alike. Darran Hine, who works for leading playground specialist, Sovereign Play Equipment, is delighted by the clarity it has provided: “We have been concerned in recent years that the threat of litigation or criminal prosecution has led to a culture of fear and confusion regarding risk, particularly in relation to the provision of play and leisure activities for children and young people. “This has led to leisure activities being almost discouraged and has resulted in an increase in the creation of bland and sterile play environments that lack challenge and prevent children from learning through testing their capabilities. This has proved counterproductive to children’s health as it has done nothing to help promote the benefits of play as part of a healthy lifestyle.” The HSE has confirmed its role in promoting a “balanced approach” to children’s play and leisure. It states that it “fully recognises that play brings the world to life for children” and that “play providers should deal with risk responsibly, sensibly and proportionately to safeguard play as it is, in essence, a safe and beneficial activity.” To find out how Sovereign Play Equipment can help your children develop physically, mentally and socially through play, please call us on the number below, email or visit our website:

T: 01702 291129

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Traditionally, the value of green spaces has been underestimated and the true cost to society of failing to sustain and improve them has not been fully appreciated. But during the last decade there has been a shift in the wellbeing agenda towards promoting healthy lifestyle behaviour and choices. There has also been greater recognition of the role the outdoor urban environment can play in this process, with a number of studies providing clear evidence of the true worth - both economically and socially - of well-used green spaces to communities.

A national sports facility in a historic landscape – the making of St George’s Park It’s been over a decade coming. But today, the National Football Centre at St George’s Park in Burton upon Trent is a truly world class destination for training and sporting facilities. A £100 million development set in 143ha of parkland, it’s the training home for Club England which runs all 24 England representative sides. It’s also an inspirational centre for coach education, a Hilton and Hampton hotel complex, a conferencing hub for business and sporting communities, a leading centre for sports medicine and science, and a training magnet for teams, individual players and athletes. Engineering and environmental consultancy Wardell Armstrong was selected by the FA to be the project landscape architects to support their vision for world class sporting facilities within a quintessential English parkland setting.

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With English football in the relative doldrums ever since the glory days of the 1966 World Cup, and the national team always seeming to be chasing the tail of more lavishly resourced countries, the FA had long cherished an ambition to create such a world class facility. So in 2001 they bought a large area of land in the historic landscape of Byrkley Park, a former home of the Bass brewing family in the ancient forest of Needwood.

Maranello Library Andrea Maffei Architects


he competition place is located in Vittorio Veneto street in Maranello (Modena), inside a well- established residential fabric. The building borders with a residential court on the north, with a public green area on the west, with a residential building on the south built in adherence and with other residential buildings on the East and partially in adherence. The project we propose presents a surface equal to 1175 mq. It is the existing building renovation trough the existing north perimeter walls maintenance, east and south confining with some residential offices, the demolition of the central part of the prefabricated and the construction of a library as a volume contained within the old building’s height limits and devoloped partly outside the earth and partly under the earth. The access to the new library is situated on the west side. The project has developed starting from the definition of three main spaces, corresponding to a consulting area, a great reading room and to the multipurpose rooms, these last rooms usable independently. Inside these three main spaces the consulting and library patrimony storage areas, the newspaper library, the sound archives and video library, the game room, the multi – functions room, the study hall, the historical local archive, the exposition and temporary exhibitions room are foreseen. Some service spaces have been foreseen inside these rooms which foresee some stations for catalogues consultation and for internet access, users’ loan desk, administrative offices for library’s staff and the library warehouse. A division of reading spaces has been foreseen according to possible users’category and a particular attention has been paid to 0 – 6 aged children’s spaces, for those children between 6 and 10 years and for those between 11 and 14. High school and university students

instead have consulting and study areas which don’t interfere with the others. The building is composed by three main volumes conceived to satisfy the functions contained in them in the best way. A transparent volume which hosts the coffee house is located at the ground floor, with a service space and a wide counter, expositive spaces for the association “Maranello myth’s land and all the library consultancy and reading areas. The volume mirrors on the water surface which surrounds it and water reverberates the deep green colour which enriches the boundary walls preserved by the project. A platform roof juts towards public spaces and acknowledges architecture from the street ; inside the absolute white of the resin floor and of furniture shines with external green reflected through the continuing glass wall, which runs along the curvilinear shape. The light which pervades the library open space performs in a reflection game which bounces from the furnitures’ white elements, the floor’s elements and the structures’ elements, to water and to the continuing transparent glasses. A single opaque volume is positioned on the south side, also pure white coloured, to contain service spaces, the stairs going down to the basements and to the game room, provided with a window to allow natural light. The basement floor consists of a parallelepiped accessible by a stair and an elevator for invalids, with a function of goods lift for books. We immediately find in a free space constituted by multifunction room and by the expositive space, which can be set up at one’s pleasure. In this underground area also storage spaces for library patrimony find a collocation, as well as the historical local archive which has little apposite consultative areas.

LANGLOW’s PAINT REMOVER plays major role on Historic Restoration project.... LANGLOW STRIP AWAY LV





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-The ‘Must have’ Gutter System!


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ROOF PENETRATIONS AT NEW £6M SCHOOL M.R. Site Services has just completed the weatherproof sealing of roof windows, vents, flues and sun pipes at the new Cleddau Reach primary school at Llangwm, near Haverfordwest. The new £6 million school building project provides high quality modern school buildings to house the pupils of the amalgamated Llangwm and Burton VC schools. Working with roofing contractors Coverstructures South West Ltd., M.R. Site Services used its innovative Roll-A-Flex product as a fully reinforced waterproofing system to seal all the penetrations in the building’s steel roof. There were some 87 roof windows to seal as well as some 20 other penetrations such as wind catchers, soil and vent pipes, boiler flues and sun pipes. The school building project was one of the first schemes conducted by M.R. Site Services under its approval on the TATA Platinum scheme. In addition to Roll-A-Flex, M.R. Site Services are now approved and specified by TATA for its Quantum walkways and handrail systems, access hatches and solar panel systems. |


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Securikey, a leading supplier of physical security products, has enhanced its best-selling Mini Vault range of freestanding safes. Offering a highly reliable and robust security solution for safekeeping valuables such as cash, documents and electronic tablets, Mini Vault safes are the ideal choice for a range of commercial and domestic applications including hotel rooms, offices and homes. There are two Mini Vault ranges available to meet a variety of needs; the Mini Vault Silver and the Mini Vault Gold Fire Resistant. Both ranges are manufactured in a choice of three sizes and are incredibly hard wearing, with an 8mm anti-bludgeon door that is laser-cut to fit flush to the sides of the safe and is also mounted on concealed hinges, to prevent prying and chisel attack. 25mm locking bolts keep the door securely closed and hardened steel plates are built into the design of each safe to protect all vulnerable areas. Reversible shelves are an added feature, with a thick felt finish on one side to allow for storage of delicate items such as jewellery, watches and electronic tablets. For more information, please contact Securikey on 01252 311888, email or go to

Heriot-Watt University opens door to student bedroom smart access control Effective campus security is a difficult assignment for any university as it mostly depends on knowing who is on campus and where and when they have access. But when your on-site student accommodation is located in 5 buildings spread over two campuses’ that are almost 40 miles apart, it becomes even more of a challenge. That was the problem facing Scotland’s Heriot-Watt University, one of the top UK universities for business and industry with an established reputation for world-class teaching and practical, leading-edge research, when they decided to upgrade their housing offering. The university knows how important good quality accommodation is to the student experience and has 1,600 residential self-catering places available at its Edinburgh campus, 300 of which are in a new student residences development, while 218 residential places in a £12 million new state-of-the-art student village are available at the Galashiels campus.

To avoid such a scenario we were asked to put together two access control system designs for the university. Both would run across 5 buildings over two sites, two buildings on the Riccarton campus in Edinburgh and 3 buildings at Borders campus in Galasheils, using the SALTO Virtual Network (SVN) and SALTO Wireless Network (SWN). Both sites would also use the Mifare DESfire card. The SALTO Virtual Network (SVN) allows stand-alone locks to read, receive and write information via SALTO Data-on-Card technology. With this, user related access information is stored in an encrypted format on the smart card with on-line wall readers able to update (and receive information from) the cards at any time anywhere in the building.

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With regard to security, the university were looking to future proof both sites for expansion. Andy Crichton, SALTO Systems Scotland Area Manager, says “The key to gaining and keeping cost-effective control of all buildings across a campus is to get all the buildings running the same contactless smartcard system, eliminating the multitude of different security systems that typically get installed and added to over time. This can include an almost unmanageable mix of keys and pin-code locks that present both estate and security departments with an impossible task of keeping on top of what is secure, controlling keys and codes not to mention the cost of having to replace locks where keys have been lost and security has been compromised.

The Lotus Courtyard TM Studio

A park is under construction within a new town in the Jading District, and it is anticipated that this park will provide a public space for leisure and respite from the high rise and dense new town. This development is being constructed rapidly in an empty site that has hardly any context. As the whole town is constructed upon tabula rasa, this lack of context has been translated over to our project, a small building within the park. The first design intent was ambiguous, as the function of our project was undecided at this point, however, there were three minimum functions of the interior spaces – a teahouse, public restrooms and park management office. Although non-existent yet, the seedlings of camphor trees were to be planted soon

after the completion of our project, and thus it was within this shady knowledge of a ‘future’ site hat we begun the design process. The areas of the project however was controlled, the teahouse being 250HERE, the restrooms 50HERE and the office was to be 130HERE. This posed unfavorable with our site conditions, and we took the opportunity to divide the volumes and have clusters of smaller structures rather than one building, and the arrangement of the various volumes allowed for complex spaces. The spaces were further developed by organizing human circulation. A perforated wall creates the boundary of our project, the fenestrations are at eye level to allow for visual connectivity of the exterior park and the interior, yet maintain a peaceful and quiet interior atmosphere. The space between wall and buildings was filled with water, forming a pond and courtyard that we filled with lotuses. this eventually became the focal point of the whole building. Accordingly, we designed a long horizontal window beside the water from 1.4m to the ground level. Together with the volumes of the building, this horizontal window framed a view of dynamic lotus courtyard.

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quality and is recognised as being the foremost supplier of concertina style aluminium and folding or sliding style wooden loft and access Prices are extremely competitive, in fact the company will match the price of any like for like product found at a lower price elsewhere! For further details plus advise and quotations, please contact Premier Loft Ladders by any of the following: T: 0845 9000 195 F: 01394 214413

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choice of architects and building industry professionals throughout the

FC Bate Borisov Football Stadium by OFIS The stadium is set to open as the city of Borisov celebrates a natural advantages of the location and the existing interventions in the terrain, maintaining as many of the existing trees on site

Extending all around the inner stadium arena, this space contains

of a fragile stretched perforated textile pulled over the stadium

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encourages an extrovert atmosphere from the players and the fans


Pointing you in the right direction was prompted in my mind by the response given by an architect when asked what he was looking for in the signage scheme being designed for his project. ‘It needs to be iconic’ was his

that make a good sign are: clarity, consistency and simplicity. Certainly good guidelines but each of

what makes a good sign, have made them the

material should the sign be made from? Will it


perhaps we should start someplace else.

The Legible London project is a good example of where signs have been designed to take account

The purpose of a sign, any sign is to convey a message and it should do that clearly and concisely. It should be easy to understand. This

designed to work well with other Transport for London systems providing a more integrated

where the pictogram should communicate clearly the safety message being delivered.

font should be used? The list goes on.

have Legible London installed which has begun to city.

to stand out yet be discrete.

It should have

of products from design to manufacture and

We need to consider who the sign is intended for experience in all aspects of producing signs from board. A shop is recognisable by the brand logo it displays; it is a message without words which speaks volumes.

London Underground signs through to large hi Working on a wide range of projects, from

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From an architectural standpoint, the sign should

Caithness Stone Industries Ltd Caithness Flagstone

Caithness Stone Industries Ltd supplies Caithness flagstone, an attractive and resilient stone proven by its extensive use worldwide for nearly 200 years. The company’s Caithness quarry has an annual output of up to 30,000mSQUARED of paving. Church precinct with contrasting stones - Dundee

t $BJUIOFTT nBHTUPOF Experienced workmen carry out the important initial quarrying, choosing the right place in the layers to make a split. Stone is produced for cutting and dressing to customer specifications. Stone working facilities include CAD, computer controlled straight and circular diamond saws, and a guillotine that crops the slabs to produce a rounded edge that is highly suitable for kerbing. New equipment includes water-jet cutters, CNC machinery for worktops and a Vytec laser for decorative features. Finishes such as polishing and sign writing are available. The stone is used for paving, kerbing, setts, cobbles, cladding, coping, crazy paving, channelling, walls, tiles, slates, fireplaces, memorials, worktops and tables, and is supplied for public, commercial, civil engineering and residential developments.

Detail - Caithness stone used at The British Memorial Gardens

British Memorial Gardens at the Roosavelt statues, London

Caithness stone cropped setts and sawn paving - Hilton Belfast

The British Memorial Gardens Hanover Square, New York

The British Memorial Gardens Hanover Square, New York

Caithness stone setts - Hilton Belfast

Finish and appearance Colours range from light to dark grey, while some strata have a warm ochre hue.

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Caithness stone in house and driveway

Caithness stone dry stone wall

World Leading Accoya® Wood Rises to the Challenge Accoya®, the world’s leading modified timber, has successfully met the demands of a highly technical architectural project in the Netherlands. Reconstruction of the Pro Persona medical clinic on the outskirts of rural Stuwwalbos, Nijmegen, was designed in a joint project by BogermanDill in Amsterdam and SBH Architects and Consultants in Arnhem. The impressive plans for a distinctive wooden superstructure required curved boards as long as 4.4 kilometres - the equivalent of 2.7miles - to be created out of sustainable timber.

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Accoya wood, manufactured by Accsys Technologies, is one of the most advanced wood products on the market today, using wood modification technology to deliver outstanding levels of performance, stability and durability. It is created by using a proprietary process called acetylation on sustainably sourced woods. This results in a non-toxic, attractive wood which matches or exceeds the properties of tropical hardwood, which is perfect for a variety of uses from windows to doors to external cladding. It is almost impossible to create the curved shape out of most wood species, but Accoya was able to rise to the challenge, thanks to the technical process and the wood’s flexible and durable makeup, which is modified through to the core. Following the acetylation process, the pieces were curved into specially shaped blades that were steamed and bent by De Jong’s Houtwaren in Drogeham, the Netherlands. Unlike other timber treatments on the market, acetylation does not affect the flexibility of the wood’s cells. Accoya is FSC certified and is a high performance sustainable wood solution which matches and exceeds many of the properties of most unsustainable tropical hardwoods. For more information visit

Design with Storage in Mind – a Specifier’s Guide Link 51

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Wood Coatings Experts Join Remmers UK Remmers UK Ltd, leading wood coatings specialists, are pleased to welcome Dave Christie (left) to our Wood Coatings team as a Technical Sales Manager to partner his fellow Technical Sales Manager Brian Priestley (right). With over 40 years of experience between them in the UK timber industry, both Brian and Dave have worked with a number of major companies and are equipped with the specialist knowledge of wood treatments and coatings. Their aim is to greatly expand the future growth of Remmers timber section and win competitive tenders with Joinery Manufacturers, Clients, Consultants and Specifiers, in today’s challenging marketplace. | 0845 373 0103

the kit company | In the world of timber frame construction the kit company acknowledges that all individual houses are indeed individual to the people building them. An important point often overlooked is that these buildings will not just be houses personal preferences of the owner.

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In this modern day with the issues we face, the kit company ensures that where possible, when asked to assist you in the evolution of your home, we taking your architects plans


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Fuel Station & McDonalds by Giorgi Khmaladze The project is located in one of the newly urbanized parts of the seaside city of Batumi, Georgia. It includes fuels station, McDonald’s, recreational spaces and reflective pool. Given the central location and therefore importance of the site, it was decided to give back as much area as possible for recreation to the city by limiting the footprint of the building and vehicular circulation. This resulted in one volume with all programs compressed within. Spaces are composed in such way, that two major programs – vehicle services and dining are isolated from one another, both physically and visually so that all operations of fuel station are hidden from the view of the customers of the restaurant. Because of the predefined, small building footprint, most of the supporting and utility spaces are grouped and located on the ground level to be close to all technical access points. Public space of the restaurant starts from the lobby and its separate entrance on the ground floor . From where, as a way to naturally connect to the upper floor and to offer customers the experience of smooth transition between levels, the floor steps upwards and creates inhabitable decks on intermediate levels to be occupied as dining spaces.

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Part of the dining space offers view towards outside water features, while the rest seamlessly transitions into open air patio on the upper level. The patio, enclosed from all sides to protect the space from outside noise, provides calm open air seating. The vegetation layer, which covers the cantilevered giant canopy of the fuel station adds natural environment and acts as a “ecological shield” for the terrace.

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