Archetech - Issue 13 2013

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ARCHETECH Turning Dreams into Reality

Issue 13

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21/11/2013 19:17


The Shard

The Giants Causeway

Guide visitors and display artwork in style Absolute design and manufacture products to protect and display artworks, and inform and guide visitors. Our designs are simple and robust with clean lines that sympathetically complement their architectural environment. Our products fit interior and exterior applications, and are produced with modularity and technology in mind enabling them to be combined in a broad range of applications. Absolute’s products thoughtfully blend into a wide range of settings, including museums and galleries, commercial and leisure facilities, heritage sites and residential buildings.

Absolute design and manufacture: • Queuing Barriers • Art Barriers • Museum and gallery grade Hanging Systems • Label and Signage Systems • iPad Displays Designed and built in Great Britain, the majority of our products are unique to Absolute and we would be happy to share our knowledge and expertise in assisting you with your project.

For further information contact: Tel: +44 [0] 1598 710010

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museum & gallery products

21/11/2013 15:21

Archetech Media Ltd Tel: 01843 347 013


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H C E T E H C R e A n i z a g Mae 13

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21/11/2013 20:00


Meadowview is situated on the edge of a rural village in Bedfordshire and was designed as a family home for a retired couple. The plot, enclosed by hedgerows and mature trees, borders onto an expanse of arable areas by the house and hard landscaping, setting up an interplay between the building, gardens and distant landscape.

To the rear of the house, swathes of long grasses and meadow flowers are animated by the breeze giving the terrace a wharflike feel.

The abstract nature of the surrounding agricultural landscape and vernacular buildings has informed the design, resulting in a house with a simple linear form with a horizontal

to what you can see in a datums were struck across the site expressed in bands of slate, white render and timber cladding to mark the viewing platforms. areas of glazing set up close, sensual relationships with the detached experience of the landscape with long views framed like pictures on the wall. The sweet chestnut clad box overhangs the


The deep recessed balcony acts like a lens hood, framing sunsets over the countryside

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21/11/2013 14:55

The concept of a hovering building is continued into the details of the ash wall in the entrance hall. The lightness of the timber box is juxtaposed with the heavy ironstone gabion wall that encloses the private walled garden. A meandering route through the house creates a sequence of gradually more private internal and external views straight through the house to the pavilion in the back garden whilst space expands into a double height living room that is overlooked by the you can gain access to the courtyard garden where more delicate plants can grow protected from the wind and are animated by the breeze giving the garden is given over to food production household’s fruit and veg over the summer months. with photovoltaic panles and also incorporates mechanical ventilation with heat recovery to reduce heat losses whilst a rainwater harvesting tank supplies water to the WC’s and the garden irrigation system.

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20/11/2013 22:52

Government launches Detailed planning granted for trial planning guidance Liverpool’s £150m ‘Project Jennifer’ website part of north Liverpool to start next year.

The Government has launched a trial version of its streamlined planning guidance online. The launch follows an external review which looked into slimming down approximately 7,000 pages of planning practice guidance to make it more accessible.

developed by St. Modwen has been granted detailed planning by Liverpool City Council.

The new National Planning Practice Guidance online resource is being opened initially in a test mode for planned for the autumn. None of the current planning online guidance is in place. Planning Minister Nick Boles said: “Having stripped away outdated advice, our new user friendly website guidance and publishes it altogether in one place. This will make the planning system much easier to navigate for everyone involved.”

Stephen Prosser, regional director at St. Modwen, said: “We are delighted that this scheme, which is both needed and wanted by the local community, is moving forwards towards actual delivery on site. “The attainment of this detailed permission is the next important step forward and is to delivering this scheme for the people of North Liverpool and will be working hard

Construction firms join Midlands ‘best practice’ hub GF Tomlinson, Keepmoat, MITIE Property Services, Morgan Sindall, Pick Everard, Saint Gobain, Seddon Contractors, Speller Metcalfe, Stepnell The Built Environment hub has launched a website,, which is designed to be a resource and information portal for the industry, as well as a platform for members to showcase innovation in construction, network, exchange ideas and information, access Chairman David Bucknall OBE, former chairman of Rider Levett Bucknall and the RICS Quantity Surveyors and Construction Professional Group commented: “We believe it is crucial for the Midlands construction industry to speak with one voice and have strong regional

Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 8]

400,000 unbuilt homes with planning permission, research shows 400,000 homes in England which have been granted planning permission are still waiting to be built, new research published today has shown. The study, commissioned by the Local Government Association (LGA) and carried out by Glenigan, demonstrates the extent of the backlog in the housing market. Developers are also submitting fewer planning applications and taking longer to complete work on site, the study found.

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350 m2 living wall installed at The Rubens hotel to promote biodiversity. Urban greening specialist Treebox has unveiled a striking The 350 m living wall on the side of the four star hotel in Buckingham Palace Road has been specially designed to Buttercups, crocuses and strawberries have been used to have been chosen to provide seasonal colour. In total, it features 10,000 herbaceous plants and ferns. The wall also includes a number of special features, including irrigation tanks to store rainwater harvested from the roofs. programmed to respond to heavy rain by slowly pumping water through the wall and increasing storage capacity of the rainwater tanks, taking the pressure of the drains and thereby neighbourhood.

First Green Deal plan goes live The latest statistics on the Green Deal released by the Government have revealed that the first Green Deal plan went ‘live’ before the end of July. The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) describes a Green Deal plan as ‘live’ after the measures have been installed in the property, the information the information required to disclose the plan to future bill payers has been attached to the Plan and the energy supplier has all the information required to bill Green Deal charges.

21/11/2013 15:21

It’s safe to play Many of us played games at school that are now no longer deemed safe by what people commonly refer to as ‘the health and safety police’ – organisations and individuals who are so fearful of litigation that they attempt to remove risk altogether, rather than manage it. This has created uncertainty and fear among those with responsibility for children. However, a recent statement issued by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is already causing positive repercussions for play and leisure industry professionals, and will in turn bring a host of benefits to children, parents, carers and education professionals alike. Darran Hine, who works for leading playground specialist, Sovereign Play Equipment, is delighted by the clarity it has provided: “We have been concerned in recent years that the threat of litigation or criminal

prosecution has led to a culture of fear and confusion regarding risk, particularly in relation to the provision of play and leisure activities for children and young people. “This has led to leisure activities being almost discouraged and has resulted in an increase in the creation of bland and sterile play environments that lack challenge and prevent children from learning through testing their capabilities. This has proved counterproductive to children’s health as it has done nothing to help promote the benefits of play as part of a healthy lifestyle.” The HSE has confirmed its role in promoting a “balanced approach” to children’s play and leisure. It states that it “fully recognises that play brings the world to life for children” and that “play providers should deal with risk responsibly, sensibly and proportionately to safeguard play as it is, in essence, a safe and beneficial activity.” To find out how Sovereign Play Equipment can help your children develop physically, mentally and socially through play, please call us on the number below, email or visit our website:

T: 01702 291129

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20/11/2013 14:23

Winn & Coales International Ltd celebrated their 130th Anniversary with a visit from HRH The Duke of York, KG Winn & Coales International Ltd, specialist ‘Denso’ anti-corrosion and sealing product manufacturers based in West Norwood, London, celebrated their 130th Anniversary with a visit on Wednesday 16th October by HRH The Duke of York. Also in attendance were Deputy Lord Lieutenant Major David Hewer OBE and the Mayor of Lambeth, Councillor Mark Bennett.

commemorative plaque specially commissioned for the occasion and congratulated the company on its success over 130 years of trading due to a combination of innovation, commercial nous and sound manufacturing practices, all resulting in continuous growth both in the UK and worldwide. Denso’ corrosion prevention and sealing products are well known and used all over the world for the protection of steel and concrete and are also manufactured by subsidiaries in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. The company’s other well known brands include SeaShield, Protal, Archco-Rigidon, Densostrip and Sylglas.

During the visit, His Royal Highness unveiled a

EPR Architects at the forefront of integrated technology

Union Square for AEC Professionals is a web-based system that manages documents, drawing, emails, contacts and projects centrally, as well as automating and supporting business processes. Financial Controller, Ben Bacchus, explains the system’s appeal. “Rather than working across

EPR Architects is a major UK ago, the practice has a wealth of experience across a range of hotels and leisure to mixed-use, period buildings, master planning forefront in technological innovation, and having made considerable investment in BIM, EPR Architects now choose Union Square to integrated future.

Square will allow us to do everything from one place. It encompasses project accounting, resource planning, CRM, email archiving, a drawing register and much more. This will allow us to operate more

Denso Steelcoat Protects Scottish Water Aqueducts Scottish Water plc has recently completed a £7m project to upgrade aqueducts conveying water from Loch Katrine to Glasgow. The company says it was the biggest improvement to the aqueducts since they were ago. The main contractors were George Leslie Ltd, with Jacobs being the Consulting Engineers. Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd’s Steelcoat 400 system was chosen to give long-life protection on the 48in diameter pipes used at three structures which were virtually reconstructed along the aqueduct system. These carry two twin million litres of water per day to 1.3 million people. 01869 232 989

The Winn & Coales Steelcoat system, applied by sub-contractor Interserve Industrial Services Ltd, in each case comprised of: Denso Hi-Tack Primer, Denso Tape, Denso Ultraseal Tape and a Denso Acrylic Topcoat. Scottish Water’s project manager, Simon Renton, said: “Strict adherence to constraints and restrictions was necessary to ensure that the character of the historic structure was preserved. Reconstructed areas of masonry on every part of the structure had to match the existing stonework in terms of appearance and painting and protective coatings systems were carefully chosen to blend with the surrounding

Delightful dividers from Draks

With space a costly premium in all new build and refurbishment properties, room dividers provide a viable – and good-looking – solution to zoning areas and creating temporary walls. Perfect for studio apartments, city living in tight spaces, and sectioning existing large,

Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 10]

creating the real feature pieces of a space. They provide an ideal solution for all interior spaces, whether kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, going down in popularity. partitions. They are frequently employed by both local and national housebuilders which are keen to maximise space while maintaining chic aesthetics. An example is Draks’ Cantos range of stylish wooden or aluminium room dividers, which are – like all Draks products - manufactured in the purpose-built, Oxfordshire factory. The durable room dividers run in a

One of the Scottish Water aqueducts carrying water from Loch Katrine protected with Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd’s Steelcoat 400 system.

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room. Draks uses a spring-loaded, bottom-weighted track system so even large doors have great stability. With the top track acting only as a guide, the dividers can be installed in places with problematic ceiling construction.

21/11/2013 15:22

anufacturing sites in Greece with state of the art equipment. operates 4 liquid coating lines and a powder coating line with pacity to paint in excess of 30 million m2 per year. More than 0% of sales are exported to a total of 60 countries.

Power to imagine

ader in product quality and service, ELVAL COLOUR never ases to detect customers’ needs and to respond effectively ELVAL Continuous COLOUR isR&D a in leading European coated d efficiently to them. various fieldsinallows aluminium manufacturer, established 1981. e monitoring of the evolution of technology, quality and Subsidiary of the ELVAL Group, the aluminium processing and vironmental standards.

trading division of VIOHALCO. The company has two manufacturing sites in Greece with state of the art equipment. VAL COLOUR is Itaoperates member ofcoating the lines European Coil coating Coating 4 liquid and a powder line with sociation (ECCA), the European Aluminium Association, capacity to paint in excess of 30 million m2 per year.BBA More than 90% of sales exported to aand totalISO of 60 countries. rtified, SIKA approved, ISOare 9001-2008 14001 - 2004

Power to imagine


Leader in product quality and service, ELVAL COLOUR never ceases to detect customers’ needs and to respond effectively and efficiently to them. Continuous R&D in various fields allows the monitoring of the evolution of technology, quality and environmental standards. LVAL COLOUR BRANDS:


ELVAL COLOUR is a member of the European Coil Coating Association (ECCA), the European Aluminium Association, BBA certified, SIKA approved, ISO 9001-2008 and ISO 14001 - 2004 accredited.



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20/11/2013 14:38

Green Screens at lister hospital


Green screen installation company Hedera Screens is working to improve the UK’s towns, cities and interiors through the innovative application of green screening and to maintain and environmentally friendly by their nature, green screens are being used by a huge variety of clients both indoors and out to bring instant green wow factor into compact or challenging spaces. and living walls extend well beyond their aesthetically pleasing looks. Pollutants can be absorbed, artists deterred, and general mental wellbeing enhanced. owned by Eastlands Homes housing association in east Manchester was given a green facelift by Hedera Screens with a living wall that stretches the full height of the nine-storey building. Installed by the Leicestershire based company in the space of just three days, the ivy WallPlanters will help to improve air quality near the bus corridor with high pollutant levels. A 23 sq m Hedera green screen will in fact remove the same number of pollutant particulates from the air as an average sized city tree but take up a fraction of the space. The combination of practical appeal has seen a wide and varied demand for green screens. Hedera Screens has installed living walls at a hospital’s multi-storey car park in

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pollutants, and a luscious LivePanel store in Bracknell. Interior projects include living walls for the Radisson Blu Hotel at East Midlands Airport and the Radisson Edwardian Hotel at Heathrow. Another of Hedera’s recently completed projects is the installation of over 500 screens at the mixeduse Trinity Square development in Gateshead, which includes a Tesco store and student accommodation. Hedera screens have also been used in further education colleges, hospital grounds and residential schemes. When used in a targeted way, green junctions, prompting drivers to slow down so they can observe other roadusers and in particular, pedestrians. Hedera’s green screens are easy to maintain and can be installed with a simple timed drip irrigation system, the plants just requiring the occasional required, a full, low cost maintenance programme. Established since 2007, the company is a family run to the highest standards paying close attention to detail. Hedera’s dedicated within budget to meet all targets. A low maintenance product with a hugely diverse range of applications, the ultimate eco-friendly way to dramatically enhance the appearance of both existing buildings and new developments.

20/11/2013 14:39

Morse Watchmans Morse Watchmans’ state-of-the-art automated

key control and storage across a broad range of

Morse Watchmans KeyWatchers are constructed

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20/11/2013 14:40

FINSA COMPACMEL : better than compact laminate FINSA says that their mission is to produce solutions in wood and arguably their high-tech COMPACMEL products is one of their best examples. All FINSA developments are aimed at providing products excellent performance along with additional value. to solid laminate used in so many public usage and contract situations. It is technically very high grade high synthetic resins.

SIMPLE SMOKE ALARM CONTROL FROM AICO AICO LAUNCHES UNIQUE RADIOLINK ALARM CONTROLLER Aico, one of the UK’s market leaders in domestic Fire and Carbon Monoxide (CO) detection, has launched an innovative new wireless Controller for its RadioLINK Professional alarms. RadioLINK allows Smoke, Heat and CO alarms to be interconnected using Radio Frequency (RF) signals, eliminating the need for interconnection wiring. As with previous Aico Alarm Control Switches, the new Ei450 Controller allows residents to simply test and silence all the alarms on the system and quickly identify and locate the exact unit which has triggered the system (visually identifying if the

UGINOX stainless steel replacement for listed church


For the £5m restoration of St Barnabas Church Erdington, architects Brownhill system in UGINOX FME ferritic stainless steel. English Heritage endorses such products as they take on the matt grey appearance and traditional aesthetic of aged lead sheet through natural patination. The sweeping roof ‘fuses’ a glass-fronted extension with the restored Victorian structure.

location. Aico is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ei Electronics the UK. All alarms are designed and built in Europe more information, please visit

seam or roll batten detailing. It can be installed using lengths of up to 20 metres at gauges far thinner than other metals can withstand and at a fraction of the weight of lead.

Winner: Best Invention 2013 at the Ideal Home Show

Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 14]

Building Regulations

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21/11/2013 15:22

Bespoke Architectural Metal work FSE Foundry, based in Braintree in Essex and close to London's Stansted Airport, is one of the best known suppliers of short run and prototype iron and non-ferrous castings in the South of England and has dealt with architects, designers and sculptors for various projects around the World as well as English Heritage and lottery funded and local council projects. FSE Foundry has worked on many projects throughout the UK, such as a new shop front for Paul Smith at 11 Albemarle Street London, designed and tendered by 6a Architects, which shows the capabilities and expertise that FSE

Paul Smith Shop front – Albemarle Street

By using the traditional sand moulding technique, but incorporating CNC pattern manufacture, FSE cast 60 Spheroidal Graphite Iron panels that were creating an interlocking pattern of circles. Due to the moulding techniques employed and the expertise at hand, texture, depth and creativity can be explored, resulting in very bespoke and distinctive artefacts being created.

Charles Hadcock Harry Grey

Arper Showroom

FSE Foundry has worked with 6a Architects on a number of projects, including cladding at Raven Row Art Gallery, 56 Artillery Lane London and bespoke aluminium handrails at Arper Showroom, 11 Clerkenwell Road London. Not only has FSE Foundry produced structural cladding for prestigious designers, but has also helped numerous sculptors, such as Harry Gray and Charles Hadcock, convert their ideas into reality.

FSE Foundry also takes part in major brass alloy grilles and grates that enhance their elegance, as can be found at the Tate Britain. FSE Foundry is also well known for its ability to produce bespoke castings to match original Listed Building features such as railings, balustrades, window frames, columns and many more.

Tate Britain

Selhurst Station

The casting process allows creativity to be at the forefront of design, so if you have an idea and want to see if it is feasible then get in touch, we would be more than happy to discuss your ideas. FSE Foundry Limited | 11 Swinborne Drive | Springwood Industrial Estate | Braintree | Essex | CM7 2YP TEL: +44 (0) 1376 321170 | WEB: | EMAIL:

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02/12/2013 09:58

The Medic’s House

Commissioned by two Winchester based Doctors; The Medic's House is the latest extension project by AR Design Studio.

additional bedrooms.

Upon the arrival of their new baby daughter, the need for additional family space meant that the client’s existing 1950s three bed house desperately needed extending. The brief called for two additional bedrooms upstairs and a large open-plan family space with light, views and access to the beautiful garden

contains a utility, WC, kitchen, dining

AR Design Studio’s solution was to create a large charcoal grey living box at ground level with a full height glazed opening elevation to the garden. A timber clad sleeping pod is perched

The walls are constructed from super insulated block and oversized insulated cavities ensuring a very thermally

eco-friendly sliding glass panels creating an uninterrupted view of the garden. with the garden by allowing the internal warmer days.

panels to the sides allow etch light to

enter deep into the plan of the space. The structure is hidden in strategically within the open-plan space. Upstairs, the western red cedar clad addition consists of a generous master suite with a separate dressing area and one other additional bedroom. This upper box is also fabricated in timber, allowing for a light weight structure that reduces the need for unsightly columns beneath. The construction contains over 250mm of insulation which AR felt was important at the upper level. This approach to construction was also carried through into the over insulated single-ply roof.

AR Design Studio’s solution was to create a large charcoal grey living box at ground level with a full height glazed opening elevation to the garden. A timber clad sleeping pod is perched additional bedrooms. contains a utility, WC, kitchen, dining eco-friendly sliding glass panels creating an uninterrupted view of the garden. with the garden by allowing the internal warmer days.

The walls are constructed from super insulated block and oversized insulated cavities ensuring a very thermally panels to the sides allow etch light to enter deep into the plan of the space. The structure is hidden in strategically within the open-plan space. Upstairs, the western red cedar clad addition consists of a generous master suite with a separate dressing area and one other additional bedroom. This upper box is also fabricated in timber, allowing for a light weight structure that reduces the need for unsightly columns beneath. The

construction contains over 250mm of insulation which AR felt was important at the upper level. This approach to construction was also carried through into the over insulated single-ply roof. The fenestration was resolved as a series of verticals that celebrate the depth of the walls with a combination of by the ancient Greek theory of the ‘Golden Section’ in order to provide a well-balanced and proportioned rear elevation.

AR Design Studio is a

Photos courtesy of Martin Gardner,

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22/11/2013 10:22

Conceptual Art Gallery The Conceptual Art Gallery is the outlet set up

Conceptual Art Gallery, York House Studios 22 Old Shoreham Rd, Tel Website email

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21/11/2013 15:23

As a systems provider; HEWI supplies innovative, award winning universal solutions including the iconic door hardware, multi-use detachable railing systems and shower seats together with the acclaimed handrail and balustrades solutions.

stainless steel & polyamide, available in a These award winning systems have been designed to the universal design criteria which can be individually adapted to the user. By supplementing the classical sanitary accessories, the bathroom not only

HEWI System Expertise Architecture and Demographic Change

HEWI UK, are currently involved with many hotel and care groups across Europe where they are providing non stigmatised bathrooms.

any bathroom into a stylish, accessible

support is required by users, or remove the rail and replace with the cover plate. HEWI active + | sanitary products with

hygiene requirements; HEWI has introduced against bacterial contamination. This is achieved by using microsilver, which is It discharges silver ions, which inhibit the

HEWI is committed to proving that accessibility and luxury can work as one and continue to launch exciting, innovative, stylish HEWI products across their ranges.

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Within 24 h, any unwanted germs on the

bonds the additive with the product and makes it insensitive to UV light and cleaning methods. HEWI active+ impacts neither the environment nor the human organism. handles, sanitary accessories and care products are available in the classic round tubular design in the colour signal white.

20/11/2013 15:43



s op kt r or be lw m al ece on D nt d in ou re sc e Di ord

20/11/2013 15:43

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9:43 AM

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Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 24]

Abacus Elements raises the bar in wet room kits

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21/11/2013 15:23

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20/11/2013 15:52

Edwina Hart AM Praises Cardiff University’s New Science and Innovation Centre

IBI Nightingale Designed Hadyn Ellis Building Officially Opens

Edwina Hart AM, Welsh Minister for Economy, Science and Transport the £30m Hadyn Ellis Building. Designed by IBI phase of the exciting and emerging new Science and Innovation Campus at Maindy Road being University. The 9,000 m sq building is the home to the institution’s world leading University Research Institutes: the European Cancer Stem Cell and Neuroscience and Mental Health Research

Institutes as well as the established Medical Research Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. The Hadyn Ellis building is also the new home for the University Graduate College and space for Public Health Wales; bringing leaders in science, education and health together within one single building. Acting as a ‘front-door’ to the campus, the Hadyn Ellis building is welcoming, spacious and inclusive. The colourful exterior and landscaping complement its

surroundings; while the transparency of the glass façade provides an enticing view into the bustling foyer and exhibition area. The design establishes an interactive and collaborative space where researchers and the wider community can come together, either to enjoy refreshments in the atrium café, discuss an exhibition in the stunning double height exhibition gallery or attend a conference in the comfortable 150 seat lecture theatre. Architect and Project Director, Richard Golledge said: “Collaboration and interaction is very important to a successful science building such as the Hadyn Ellis Building. research conducted by IBI THiNK called ‘4 Labs 4 Cities’. A comparable study of laboratories across three countries, it explores those factors, contribute to the design of research science and our clients a wealth of knowledge about the success of these buildings and will allow us to optimise laboratory design, adding

“ This is one of the most beautiful buildings I have seen, the quality of design and construction is fantastic.”

investment.” The Hadyn Ellis building is an inspiring place to work and learn. A feature concrete staircase rises through the four storey balconies allow visual connection between those visiting and those working within the building and link bridges striding across the atrium provide a physical relationship between dry and wet laboratory spaces. A controlled use of construction materials and colour create identity and act as a researchers to their destination. At the ceremony Edwina Hart AM said: “ This is one of the most beautiful buildings I have seen, the quality of design and construction is fantastic.” Owen added: “IBI Nightingale has created this marvellous building which is perfect for our mission to conduct multidisciplinary research into the causes of mental illness and dementia. The design not only gives us a superb working environment, but also allows us to interact with patients, members of the public and each other. Also this iconic building will show disorders and gives the public a clear and optimistic message that these conditions can be tackled by modern research methods.”


Highly sustainable (BREEAM Excellent), the design considers the wellbeing of its users as well as its impact on the environment and was awarded Best Higher Education Building in Wales at the BREEAM awards earlier in the year.

…Residential Design Software…REIMAGINED Free tec hnical help for c urrent vers ions…Free Forum…Free ReV iew Rea der…Free SoftPlan S tudio for c onsumers

Softplan, the world’s most advanced residential design software, introduces SoftPlan 2014, the ideal residential and light commercial building design solution. SoftPlan 2014 has all the tools of previous platforms and adds powerful new features and an attractive, interactive 3D display.

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SoftPlan 2014 includes a new multi-threaded ray tracing rendering engine. This new engine affords realistic graphics using features such as photon mapping, improved shadows, ambient occlusion, better reflections and emissive surfaces. All these improvements and still this new release yields faster rendering, smoother, single-click navigation tools and real time fly-bys of a model. This cements SoftPlan 2014 as the superior design presentation tool. Hundreds of other features have also been added to SoftPlan: Within the roof framing section, purlin, energy heel truss, and collar tie commands have been added. Even more automation is provided through the use of "auto railings", a feature that adds railings with a single click of the computer's mouse. Cabinets can be customised with more accuracy and cabinet frame style can be selected from an exhaustive list of styles. Polyline section lines have been added allowing for the inclusion and exclusion of certain features in the resulting cross sections. The addition of Neighbourhood houses gives the ability to quickly create stunning streetscapes. These are just a few of the timesaving and essential features which team up with SoftPlan's veteran tools to provide the most advanced and comprehensive tool set in the industry.

Forinformation information please Telephone For Telephone01382 01382532837 532837 Or Email Or Email

DBB Enq No. 000

DBB January/February 2 011

DBB January/February 2011

SoftPlan's interface includes the new Navigation Menu. This multi-file management tool streamlines and supplements previous tools used to organise drawings. The Navigation Menu uses drag and drop drawing management in order to perform tasks such as assembling floors. Cross sections, Elevations, 3D views, materials lists and more can all be accessed using this menu. Consequently, fewer steps are necessary in order to perform essential tasks. Users can configure SoftPlan to their exact requirements and those of their clients, both in Metric and Imperial measurement. SoftPlan 2014 allows multiple drawings to be opened simultaneously either in separate windows or tabs. Child windows are particularly useful when using multiple monitors. The floorplan can be opened on one screen while a 3D model is opened on another. Changes made to the floorplan will automatically update the 3D model and changes made to the model will be applied instantaneously to the floorplan. Almost all items that can be added to the 2D floorplan can now be drawn within the 3D model. Over 1,500 all new, high quality 3D symbols are available, including up to date manufacturer's symbols. Various dimension, edit, adjust and move commands are all available within the 3D model making the design process even more free flowing.

21/11/2013 08:39

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20/11/2013 01/08/2013 16:03 12:52

Fine Pewter Hardware

LEADING THE FIELD Latest developments from leading hinge manufacturer SIMONSWERK include the new TECTUS TE 526 & 527 3D fully Exova, the benchmark for products used in safety critical

with concealed bearings and 25 year performance guarantee hinges maintain their original good looks, can stand up to the most aggressive conditions, have high temperature resilience,

Tel: (0)1207 500050 Web:

adopts a more responsible approach to structural integrity, encompassing the

For any orangery or sunroom build to be successful and durable it is imperative that the foundations and core structure have a solid internal core. For this reason Fortra was created. New orangeries can be left vulnerable when built using inferior products as they can have far reaching and expensive consequences in the long term resulting in wall cracks with the potential to weaken the entire structure. Our patented system combines the latest timber engineering technology with galvanised structural steel

Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 30]

level upwards. Supplied as a complete kit means Orangery Solutions can guarantee the entire structure. With many years professional building experience Orangery Solutions has developed an original, proven system for premium properties that will last. No other product on the market can provide the same resistance, guarantees or reassurance when a lateral force is applied. Importantly, unlike other orangery supply companies WE DO NOT use disclaimers, as we

Orangery Solutions Address: Unit 13 The Forum, Rose Avenue, York Business Park, York YO26 6RU Tel: 01904 786629 Fax: 01904 786633 Email:

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Orangery Solutions

21/11/2013 15:24

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20/11/2013 16:13

SHAPED ARCHITECTURAL ALUMINIUM WINDOWS & LOUVRES The RadiAl range of shaped aluminium windows & louvres are purpose designed and manufactured by metal section bending specialists Midland Alloy Ltd, who have been established for over 40 years and are centrally located in Telford, Shropshire, UK.

The RadiAl window & louvre range can be manufactured to many various shapes and sizes including round, radius-cornered, arched, curved-head, elliptical, trapezoidal and curved-on-plan. All the windows and louvre products are bespoke, designed and manufactured to suit the customers’ exact individual requirements and they can be supplied to commercial, industrial and domestic clients in the UK and internationally. The technical team are always pleased to assist with any queries. The RadiAl TB51 aluminium window system is thermally broken to comply with today’s building regulations and accommodates sealed double glazed units of 28mm thickness. The system is strong and has a high performance rating. Fixed, pivot or top hung opening windows are manufactured. Main joints they cannot be seen after polyester powder coating. Cleaning is also easier as there are no protruding edges or joints that will collect dirt. are available including dual colours enabling the inner colour to the outer faces.

RadiAl TB51 Horizontal Pivot Round Window

The RadiAl 3000 Louvre system can also be manufactured to shapes such as circular, arched or radial cornered. In addition 3-dimensional curved-onplan aluminium louvers are manufactured to customers required sizes and shapes to suit specialist architectural styles.

For further details go to

RadiAl 3000 Curved-on-Plan Louvres

ARCHITECTURAL METALWORK Aluminium and Stainless Steel metal forms and fabrications are undertaken for specialist architectural applications such as interior or exterior furniture, lighting, gates, railings and sculptures etc. Midland Alloy work very closely with architects to produce all types of very specialist architectural shaped products.

For further details go to

Bodleian Library, University of Oxford chair competition. Stainless steel chair side frames by Midland Alloy Ltd. Image © 2013 Jamie McGregor Smith and courtesy of AL_A and Herman Miller

Midland Alloy Ltd, Stafford Park 17, Telford, Shropshire, UK TF3 3DG Tel: 01952 290961

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04/12/2013 13:00

Fresh air and a good indoor climate are important For our:

International studies show that productivity and learning can be increased by 10-15% when the right air quality and temperature are present. Natural Ventilation is the economically attractive and sustainable solution for a good indoor climate. Analysis has shown a CO2 saving of up to 40% compared to traditional mechanical ventilation systems. WindowMaster offers three different ventilation solutions, depending on the requirements of your project:

NV Advance™ The advanced indoor climate solution for larger buildings with many individually controlled climate zones, based on both purely natural ventilation as well as hybrid ventilation - with advanced user interface software and logging of climatic data. The system can be fully integrated with other building management solutions.

NV Comfort™ N E W ! The cost effective indoor climate solution for smaller projects, such as zones, based on both purely natural ventilation as well as hybrid ventilation - with easy adjustment via touch-screen panel.

NV Solo™ The simple solution for ventilation of projects with a single climate controlled zone - based on pure Natural Ventilation. WindowMaster has been involved in over 1,000 projects with Natural and Hybrid Ventilation, and has built a strong competence and experience in For further information please contact us on: Tel. 01536 510990 info@ ©WindowMaster - Solutions for Natural Ventilation

A4-Ad-girls-in-grass.indd 1 Page33.indd 1

28-09-2009 08:08:26 20/11/2013 23:37

The city of London Information Centre Location: Opposite the south transept of st paul’s cathedral

In form, the building combines structure with a distinctive visual impact. The triangular plan has evolved from analysis of principal pedestrian establish an intriguing dialogue with St Paul’s as the building looks up to its prestigious neighbour and opens out to welcome people approaching it. A folded metallic envelope evokes

paper aeroplane, seamlessly wrapping 140m2 of internal accommodation and formed by a steel frame braced with structural ply and clad in 220 panels. The building meets exacting environmental standards and has been engineered to exceed current Part L targets for C02 emissions by 20 per cent. The structure’s envelope is highly insulated, the interior environment is regulated using borehole cooling and the sloping roof facilitates the collection of rainwater which irrigate planting nearby.

The City of London Information Centre introduces a dynamic contemporary structure to an area of exceptional architectural and urban heritage.

Make is a studio of highly creative and talented architects and designers who have acquired considerable professional experience designing advanced, complex and iconic buildings.

Page34.indd 1

20/11/2013 23:36

New Page Temp ad_Durable Alternative Leaflet 27/11/2012 14:13 Page 1


DESOWOOD RAP SPECIFIED ON WILLIAM MORRIS GALLERY – A GRADE 2* LISTED BUILDING. CONSERVATION OF SASH WINDOWS The William Morris Gallery built in the 1740’s has undergone extensive repair and refurbishment. The windows showed typical problems of in-situ wood decay around the joints and particularly the horizontal cills, open construction joints, and breakdown of putty. “The essence of conservation is to keep as much of the original timber as possible” The Desowood Repair System allowed the removal of wood decay in insitu – so that as much of the original timber can be retained and helped to maintain the original character of the windows. The Desowood SAP / RAP allow any size repair – horizontal or vertical to be completed in one application. The Desowood Repair System proved particularly effective on the arch / round shaped windows. Any mouldings can be matched to retain the original character of the windows. The Desowood DAP – a durable alternative to linseed oil putty is particularly effective in preventing or minimizing the incidence of wood decay.

Tel: 01767 682446



20/11/2013 16:14

t sent an ple. Just look amount of side the River

FloodSax® On The Flooding Frontline When flooding strikes either inside or outside you have little time to act.

ical, described g in its wake” ater than from ur insurance o get flood

But now families and businesses can have instant protection with FloodSax® that are transformed from being as light as a pillowcase to as tough and heavy as sandbags within minutes.

loodSax® On The Flooding Frontline Save Lives When Hurricane Sandy struck the USA in October 2012 it sent an horrendous amount of debris heading for homes and people. Just look When flooding strikes either insideatorhow outside have little time act. ® (right) held to back a colossal amount of this wallyou of FloodSax water and debris that would have devastated homes alongside the River But now families and businesses can have instantDelaware protection FloodSax® that are transformed close towith New Jersey.

from being as light as a pillowcase to as tough and heavy as sandbags within minutes.

ked so can be pliance. A box moved in a need a

back up into Just one lace them hing machine

Save Money The damage caused by any kind of flood can be astronomical, described Save Lives insurance companies as “the When Hurricane Sandy struck the by USA in October 2012 it sent an thief who takes everything in its wake” as insurance claims from floods are typically 30 times greater than from horrendous amount of debris heading for homes and people. Just look burglaries. an awful lot of of money, likely to send your insurance held backThat’s a colossal amount at how this wall of FloodSax® (right) premium spiralling and it could mean you even struggle to get flood water and debris that would have devastated homes alongside the River Delaware close to New Jersey. insurance again.

FloodSax® On The

When flooding strikes either insi

But now families and businesses can have inst from being as light as a pillowcase to as

Save Lives When Hurricane Sandy struck horrendous amount of debris h at how this wall of FloodSax® ( water and debris that would ha Delaware close to New Jersey.

Save Space Save Money The damage caused by any kind ofThe floodbeauty can beofastronomical, that they come vacuumed-packed so can be FloodSax® isdescribed by insurance companies as “the thief who takes in spaces its wake” popped in theeverything smallest of – in a car or on a fire appliance. A box as insurance claims from floods areoftypically 30 timeswhich greater than 20 FloodSax® can be from carried by one person and moved in a burglaries. That’s an awful lot of money, likely to send your car is the equivalent to ainsurance pallet of 20 sandbags that would need a premium spiralling and it could mean you to even struggle get flood forklift shift and attoleast a van to transport. insurance again.

Save Money The damage caused by any kind by insurance companies as “the as insurance claims from floods burglaries. That’s an awful lot o premium spiralling and it could insurance again.

Save Mess Save Space When flooding strikes it’s powerful enough to send water back up into ® comefrom vacuumed-packed so can be The beauty of FloodSax is that they homes sewers, flooding bathrooms with filthy water. Just one popped in the smallest of spaces – in a car or® on a fire appliance. A box FloodSax popped down the toilet prevents this. Simply place them of 20 FloodSax® which can be carried by one person and moved in a under a leaking pipe or appliance such as a boiler or washing machine car is the equivalent to a pallet of 20 sandbags that would need a and let the FloodSax® absorb all the water. forklift to shift and at least a van to transport.

n The Flooding Frontline

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protection from flooding, can have instant protection with FloodSax thatwith arefilthy transformed homes from sewers, flooding bathrooms water. Justleaks one and spills. Just 30 of them built as a wall protected £360,000 worth of equipment at this warehouse (left). FloodSax popped down the toilet prevents this. Simply place them lowcase to as tough and heavy as sandbags within minutes. can or be washing used as machine highly effective barriers to stop water getting FloodSax under a leaking pipe or appliance such as a boiler

Save Mess When flooding strikes it’s powe homes from sewers, flooding ba FloodSax® popped down the to under a leaking pipe or applian and let the FloodSax® absorb a



inside homes or businesses, but can also be used as barriers to divert water. and let the FloodSax® absorb all the water away from properties and into drains or water courses such as art unlike streams and becks. Save Property anecan Sandy 2012 it sent an gs alsostruck be the USA in October FloodSax® have proven to be highly effective as they give instant mount of debris heading for homes and people. Just look protection from flooding, leaks andSave spills.Clean-up Just 30 of them built as a wall a colossal amount all of FloodSax® (right) held back protected £360,000 worthofof equipment at this warehouse (left). Sandbags can deteriorate over time and eventually fall apart unlike ® can be used bris that would have devastatedFloodSax homes alongside theasRiver ® which highly effective barriers to are stopclean, waterdry getting and easy to store. Sandbags can also be FloodSax se to New Jersey. inside homes or businesses, but canmessy also be to divert to used cleanasupbarriers after the floodwater has subsided. such as sand water away from properties and into drains or water courses such as osed streams and becks. y of swiftly Save The Environment

Save Property FloodSax® have proven to be h protection from flooding, leaks protected £360,000 worth of eq FloodSax® can be used as highl inside homes or businesses, but water away from properties and streams and becks.

caused by any kind of flood can be astronomical, described FloodSax® don’t need to use the earth’s natural resources such as sand Save Clean-up and after they’ve been used can be simply and easily disposed of swiftly companies as “the thief who takes everything in its wake” Sandbags can deteriorate over timeinand eventually fall apart landfill sites where theyunlike will decompose over time. claims from floods are typicallyFloodSax 30 times® greater from which arethan clean, dry and easy to store. Sandbags can also be hat’s an awful lot of money, likely to send your insurance messy to clean up after the floodwater has subsided. ralling and it could mean you even struggle to get flood Save The Environment ain.

Save Clean-up Sandbags can deteriorate over FloodSax® which are clean, dry messy to clean up after the floo

Save The Environment FloodSax® don’t need to use th and after they’ve been used can in landfill sites where they will

FloodSax don’t need to use the earth’s natural resources such as sand ®

and after they’ve been used can be simply and easily disposed of swiftly e in landfill sites where they will decompose over time. ® f FloodSax is that they come vacuumed-packed so can be e smallest of spaces – in a car or on a fire appliance. A box ® ax® which can be carried by one person and moved in a uivalent to a pallet of 20 sandbags that would need a ft and at least a van to transport. FloodSax® are manufactured by Yorkshire company

Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 36]

Whento disaster ve FloodSax hand strikes make sure you’ve FloodSax® to hand

Environmental Defence Systems Ltd nmental Defence Systems Ltd When disaster strikes make, email or phone 01484 641009 ng strikes it’s powerful enough to send water back up into rhen phone 01484 641009 ® disaster strikes make sure you’ve FloodSax to hand FloodSax® are manufactured by Yorkshire

sewers, flooding bathrooms with filthy water. Just one opped down the toilet prevents this. Simply place them ® are manufactured by Yorkshire company Environmental Defence Systems Ltd FloodSax ng pipe or appliance such as a boiler or washing machine ® absorb all the water. loodSax, email or phone 01484 641009

erty ave proven to be highly effective as they give instant om flooding, leaks and spills. Just 30 of them built as a wall 60,000 worth of equipment at this warehouse (left). n be used as highly effective barriers to stop water getting or businesses, but can also be used as barriers to divert rom properties and into drains or water courses such as Page36.indd 1 becks., email info@eds

21/11/2013 15:26

RAINWATER SYSTEMS Excellence in service

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Aluminium Guttering The new ROYALTY range from Stormguard Rainwater Systems gives Architects and Designers innovative and exciting options on guttering.


ith our ROYALTY range you can transform guttering into an attractive main feature - enhancing the appearance of any property and increasing its value.

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The aesthetic beauty of the king and queen brackets complete with Tudor Rose Emblem, together with our new ClipFit Aluminium guttering has the following benefits:

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For more information, phone us on 01625 665096 Page37.indd 1

20/11/2013 16:23

House 1005

The brief is for a family house providing the range of accommodation generally recognised as being appropriate and aspiring to a high quality design and execution. The proposed alterations have been made to a c c o m m o d a t i o n responding to family life. This has involved the creation of a more open plan internal arrangement terrace to the rear to better address the garden and blur the line between inside and outside. It is proposed once the conservatory is demolished

the ‘corner’ to the south open plan kitchen, dining and living space with full height glazing facing the garden, much of which can be opened up to bring the garden into the house. The terrace is a continuation of the living space with outside and is overhung by a stone clad cantilevered ‘frame’ which partially encloses the terrace and makes use of space in the garden. The canopy will

provide shading in summer in the afternoons and allow in the low winter sun. The new living area and space above for the new master bedroom forms the corner of the building which sits on a brick plinth and is bisected by has been rationalised and will contain three good sized bedrooms, two with ensuites.

EWI SYSTEM PROVIDES ASSURED THERMAL PERFORMANCE Knauf Marmorit’s Warm Wall Energy is an external wall insulation system that incorporates an innovative tongued and grooved expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulant that not only makes it simple to apply but also provides assured thermal performance by eliminating the risk of cold bridging between joints. Warm Wall Energy is a multi-layered system that can be applied to virtually any substrate. Available in a range

of thicknesses, it enables U-values as low as 0.15 W/m2K to be achieved while providing a bright, durable, lowrefurbishment project. A typical system comprises a layer of Knauf’s versatile SM700PRO used as an adhesive below the tongued and grooved insulation. A basecoat of SM700PRO is then applied and reinforced with a 5mm x 5mm mesh, prior to an aqueous emulsion and quartzsand primer, completed by a top coat from a choice of Knauf Marmorit’s Noblo or Conni-S renders, depending on

of silicon or marble-based throughcoloured renders in a variety of grain sizes and a choice of over 500 colours. The tongued and grooved EPS insulation

a level surface for the application of renders. It is CFC and GCFC free and B1 system. It is available in thicknesses from 40mm to 200mm and with thermal conductivities of 0.032 W/mK or 0.038 W/mK, depending on the thermal performance required. Applied to a 225mm solid brick construction, a Warm Wall Energy system with just 90mm of high performance insulation will achieve a U-value of 0.30 W/m2K. A complete insulating façade system, Warm Wall Energy also includes a wide range of associated components

render beads and trims. For further information on Warm Wall Energy, visit

Knauf Marmorit’s Warm Wall Energy incorporates tongued and grooved insulation that eliminates cold bridging.

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20/11/2013 16:24

For 26 years we have worked to create beautiful textures, weaves and designs using the finest natural materials. Our small, dedicated team of designers is always experimenting with new materials, interesting textures and beautiful patterns to help fuel your imagination and breathe new life into your home. Our fabulous, functional and utterly eyecatching statement wool floorcoverings are available in a palette of vibrant shades, divine textures and unmistakable patterns including signature stripes, bold colours and dynamic designs to give you the perfect excuse to indulge. Or if you are looking for a relaxed, uncomplicated and stylish environment, our calm wool floorcoverings offer exceptional warmth, feel and function. Choose from a sumptuous palette to create a calm and above all comforting environment to relax in. Our plant fibre floorcoverings feel as good as they look. From humble beginnings as coconut husks, plants or grasses, coir, jute, seagrass and sisal have been transformed into an irresistible selection of floorcoverings that will enhance your home and seduce your senses. Choose any of our floorcoverings and team with a border to design a statement rug designed to your exacting specifications. Your choice is only limited by your imagination. Our experienced craftspeople ensure every rug is produced as if it was their own with the utmost attention to detail throughout. All our borders are lined enhancing the feeling of luxury, and for that perfect finish our internal stitching to create a seamless mitred corner.

Expression is Crucial Tel: 01562 743 747

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20/11/2013 16:26

Remmers Provide Anti-Slip Protection at Snowdome Snowdome, Remmers were again contacted to provide a

RAW BEAUTY FROM OSMO… an original, untreated appearance product guarantee an even colour spreading and an overall pleasing

retailer, contractor and contract

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Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 42]

Global carpet innovator Milliken is launching its new Light Trails collection. Inspired by the photographic light effects caused by the speed and movement of traffic against a night sky, Light Trails brings a vibrant new colour direction to Milliken’s portfolio.

Through extensive research, sourcing and testing, we have introduced a bamboo flooring system that meets the EN14904 standard specific for sports floor and dance use. Bamboo is an attractive alternative to wood flooring but has the added benefits of being eco-friendly, sustainable and durable in addition to being resistant to insects and moisture. Bamboo has received hardness (strength) ratings higher than many hardwoods. This means it “bounces back” after most impacts and doesn’t dent. This resilience is also better for the feet and back of users since the floor will tend to “give” slightly.

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Light Trails features vivid punctuated lines of bright and even neon colour cutting across the darkness of a night black or dusk grey background to create a collection of powerful contrasts and fascinating illusions. As luminous highlights contrast with the subtly textured background the overall design effect is powerful and complex. Colours include Zest lime, Neon orange, Rosso red, Glamour pink, Titanium white and Turbo yellow. The collection offers the perfect solution for designers seeking to create impact by bringing small quantities of bright accent colour into a corporate environment. Light Trails is supplied in 457mm tile format and is produced using highperformance ECONYL® yarn with 100% regenerated nylon. The collection also includes Comfort Plus® cushion backing with 90% recycled content. For further press information, please contact: Lucy Brice / Alison Owen, Barrett Dixon Bell, Craig Court, 25 Hale Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2EY, UK Tel: +44 (0)161 925 4700 | Fax: +44 (0)161 925 4701 E-mail: or

21/11/2013 15:27







since 1930


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Junckers Industrier A/S 20/11/2013 16:58 18-11-2013 15:03:22 $=5+769*/ < >,* < *32&50

The Boathouse

Location: Cotswolds, UK

The Boathouse was conceived to serve as a

tranquil retreat away from the main house – an 18th century lake and provide a quiet hide- away with calming views over the still water.

The building is situated in the beautiful Cotswolds and consists of a 4-legged steel frame structure sitting on concrete piles sunk into the lake bed. The construction and appearance is highly contemporary, but the use of traditional materials such as neutral oak and slate acknowledges its rural setting.

spectacular, uninterrupted views of the surroundings and the overhanging roof provides ample shade on a hot summer’s day. Page48.indd 1

21/11/2013 15:41

ercol offers stylish dining for leading restaurateurs Celebrated British furniture company ercol, has been designing and creating quality furniture since 1920. Still family run and based in Buckinghamshire, the brand is synonymous with great design combined with excellent functionality. Designs are predominantly created by its skilled in-house team, however ercol also continues to collaborate with leading British designers such as Matthew Hilton, Terence Conran and Russell Pinch.


rcol is renowned for its mid-century furniture and today’s Originals range still boasts iconic

launched in this era. In addition, ercol continues to introduce new collections that combine visual appeal with functionality, whilst ensuring consistent and uncompromised quality. Throughout its 90 year history ercol has supplied the contract market and has seen a resurgence of interest of late. ercol continues to develop its presence in

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the hospitality sector by becoming chair supplier of choice with leading eateries across the country. Most recently, the ercol Holland Park Chair has been selected for both Hugh FearnleyWhittingstall’s River Cottage Canteen in Bristol and The Perkin Reveller, a fantastic new restaurant located at Tower Wharf outside the Tower of London. Designed for ercol by renowned British furniture designer Russell Pinch, the Holland Park Chair is making an impact on the restaurant scene. Cleverly combining striking modern design with practicality, the chair is designed to stack and is handcrafted out of beech at

ercol’s Buckinghamshire factory. The popular café in Heals London store has been kitted out with ercol’s signature Originals furniture; adding to the eatery’s ambience, are the Stacking Chair, Chairmaker’s Chair, Plank Table and Nest of Tables. Originally created in the 1950’s, these pieces are beautiful in their simplicity creating a homely, timeless charm for customers. chosen for three recent Las Iguanas Cambridge and the South Bank whilst the Stacking chair was selected for Le Bistrotheque in London and by American restaurant chain Chipotle for their new ShopHouse Southeast Asian restaurants. Nick Garratt, ercol Managing Director comments: “We are delighted to see so many of our chairs being chosen for such prestigious establishments. Leveraging our strong reputation in the hospitality sector, we look forward to many more projects of this calibre as we continue to champion innovation and craftsmanship in British furniture design both for the contract and domestic market.”

Ercol Furniture Ltd

20/11/2013 17:09

Mitsubishi Electric expands delivery fleet to match Ecodan growth Mitsubishi Electric has begun operating

Temple, Marketing Manager for the company’s heating systems division. will allow us to ensure we can get our heat pumps out to our installers, especially in

Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 50]

The three 7.5 tonne and three 18 tonne trucks are all decked out in the distinctive Ecodan branding to help promote the heat pump’s energy saving and low carbon credentials. “Now that the Government’s plans for the domestic Renewable Heat Incentive have been announced, we are seeing a real growth in demand,” explains Graham

PAGE50X.indd 1

Ecodan has led the emerging market in renewable heating market for over four years because of its performance, ease of installation and use, reliability, and the comprehensive technical company. It also remains the only air source heat pump to be endorsed by the Noise Abatement Society with its prestigious Quiet Mark. The popular 8.5kW Ecodan unit and a speciallydesigned hot water cylinder are manufactured at the

logistics specialist Norbert Dentressangle on behalf of Mitsubishi Electric and delivers the heat pumps to installers right across the nation. Mitsubishi Electric has recently gained Associate Membership of the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS), a voluntary scheme in and their associates. Norbert Dentressangle is also accredited under this scheme. Its purpose is to raise the level of quality within to demonstrate which operators are accomplishing its high standards. The funded, voluntary scheme

operators work lawfully and to best practice by meeting the FORS standard. Mitsubishi Electric has also invested in a purpose-built exhibition vehicle which is currently touring Britain to take the renewable message out to Housing Associations and social housing providers, that the combination of the exhibition van and the new trucks will help raise awareness on the roads. “We are starting to see interest in renewable heating, especially from people looking to switch from oil and LPG and these vehicles will also increase our presence in the market as more and more people see them travelling around the country,” he adds.

Six new Renault trucks join the existing DAF-LF hybrid vehicle to speed delivery of the market leading brand to renewable heating installers around the country.

Mitsubishi Electric plant in Livingston, Scotland and production is also being increased as sales grow.

21/11/2013 15:35

Enq No. 182

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20/11/2013 17:11

Stobhill Hospital is first of its kind for scotland Stobhill Hospital, designed by Reiach and Hall Architects for NHS Greater Glasgow to open in Scotland. Procured under PPP, the brief was for a true ACAD (ambulatory care and diagnostic) facility. The ethos behind the project is that the patient comes

The arcade is the civic heart a day and provide around

achieved. Lighting systems

out on the same day on the

room hot air.

date there and then. maintain an orientation


departments accommodating ahead easing the transition. and therapy care.

Springburn Park in North

Page52.indd 1

department can be pointed at the centre of the space.

21/11/2013 00:02

A curated collection of the best of contemporary design for your projects

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20/11/2013 17:13

Bishop Edward King Chapel Ripon College, Cuddesdon It’s very rare for any construction magazine to feature a chapel 6 in the Stirling prize this is no ordinary building. It will be many years before a project comes along that showcases the levels of design and craftsmanship that have been displayed in abundance here in such a modest structure. “Exquisite detailing abounds in all six projects, perhaps most potently in the Bishop Edward King Chapel in Oxfordshire whose rich stone façade and timber interior provide some of the best examples of craftsmanship the judges have seen for some time.” Ripon College is one of the world’s leading theological colleges set in leafy Cuddesdon after a past principal who went on to

Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 54]

comfortably within expansive grounds surrounded by buildings dating back to the colleges foundation in the 1850’s. The brief went out to competition and attracted entries from over 120 architects from all over the world. It says much about the winning design when it was unanimously chosen by the board of judges given the huge number of possibilities. Niall McLaughlin Architects presentation more than met the brief from the college which included the rather daunting request for “not just a building but a work of art which would touch the spirit”

early stages that the chapel was destined to become a ‘portfolio’ project.” of souls’ which again comes to the fore internally with the roof representing the upturned hull of a boat. The surrounding buildings are all predominantly Natural Stone and the original design called for a three tiered

contractors were bought on board as they have over 150 years experience with stone

section again representing an old sailing vessel. The original source of stone was no longer available so Harrison Goldman Stone Consultants were engaged to advise on a feasible alternative that would match the existing structures concluding that the most viable option was Clipsham

Contracts Director at Szerelmey went on to “Szerelmey worked very closely with the Architects on the design of this very complex construction, individually templating all the elliptical stones to ensure the desired accuracy was achieved.”

Stamford Stone Company quarry just outside Peterborough. Peter Harrison

The foresight also greatly assisted The Stamford Stone Company who had detailed

“Taking into account the geographic location, frost resistance was a key factor and the Clipsham Limestone was the only stone Harrison Goldman found

A further slight complication was added by English Heritage who ruled out the basket weave timber by insisting that the whole of the building should be of Natural Stone in keeping with the surrounding listed buildings on the campus. The rather ingenious option employed by the were seeking turned out arguably even more stunning than anything the original proposal could have achieved. After a competitive tender process based engaged as main contractors. Their Pre

Niall McLaughlin Architect’s design was

was under no illusions “We appreciated

of sources from Rudolph Schwarz to the

required and it became clear at the very

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and design were always going to be paramount and Beard Construction should be commended for assembling their team at the earliest possible opportunity.

Manager of Stamford Stone revealed “Because of the forward planning our quarry team were so far ahead of the game that any replacements or alterations could be made and delivered to site almost instantly.”

with a 3.5 metre high section consisting of hand cut Clipsham Limestone ashlar blocks which are gently curved with each unique section referenced as to its exact position within the structure. The beauty of this is immediately apparent showing the grain within each section giving it both a uniformity of colour and texture whilst paradoxically allowing each piece to be individually distinctive.

For more information visit

21/11/2013 15:43

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20/11/2013 17:24

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Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 56]

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21/11/2013 15:45






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We have a passion to create landscapes and gardens that give inspiration and enjoyment to the people that use them, but at the same time are logical and satisfy all the functional requirements.



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20/11/2013 17:34

Prefabricated Nature Designed by MYCC, built in three months and assembled in three days, this vacation house located in the Galician municipality of Cedeira is a good example of the many possibilities that modular construction, up to now associated with catalogue houses, The program demanded by the client, along with the unique site of the house and modulation and transportation needs of prefabricated construction, inspired the design of this house built by the young Madrid studio MYCC, formed by Carmina Casajuana, Beatriz G. Casares and Marcos Gonzålez. The house is located on a steep slope, in a remote location in the northeast corner of the Iberian Peninsula, an area dominated by the imposing presence of the ocean and the slender forest of eucalyptus trees surrounding it. The terrain and pitched roof houses. This image, protected by the area’s building codes, determined the point of evoking the basic house, was conceived as an autonomous piece that sits as a landscape observer and that speaks, with new terms, about the traditional language of the place. The volume was wrapped with two materials with the purpose of setting up a dialogue with the landscape. The roof and the side facades were covered with VirocŽ, a prefabricated mixture of cement and wood shavings that, because of its gray color, recalls the wood of eucalyptus is easy to maintain and move. The two main facades of the house were clad with perforated Cor-ten trays following the schematized image of a forest silhouette, recreating the image of the surrounding vegetation. This material was chosen because it is part of the local tradition construction of boat hulls, and the gradual and controlled oxidation of which gives the material self-protecting qualities. Its patina and changing color create a lively image that relates with the natural environment. This interplay between interior spaces, where the light that crosses through these silhouettes casts shadows of Being a vacation house, the interior spaces

with a double facade that opens up to the sea views towards the southwest and to the forest out onto the living room without a designated use, and that can perform as a guest bedroom, tai-chi room or playing area for kids. prefabricated construction (2D) for the attic and modular construction (3D) for the ground the construction company IDM in the Madrid town of Valdemoro. These modules were built with a structure of beams and galvanized steel composite decking with reinforced concrete. The facade walls are dovetail sandwich panels formed of two sheets of lacquered aluminum and an 80-millimeter-thick polyurethane web beneath the furring strips to which the exterior ventilated air cavity of 20 centimeters lets the structure go through, and there is a perimetral panelling of plasterboard with 46 millimeters of rock wool. The result is a 30-centimeter-thick wall with a ventilated facade cavity, interior cavity and 12 centimeters of total insulation. After an assembly trial in the factory, and after were taken apart to be packed and moved in trailers the whole 700 kilometers separating the factory from the remote seaside site where its was to be installed. All the parts were put together again on the designated site in just done in the following two weeks. The end result is a high-quality product, designed with high standards of energy a contribution to environmental balance, because the generation of polluting residues and emissions is controlled. The very name of the piece stresses its main assett: a house that is manufactured, not built. Something that of the industrial warehouse, covered and controlled, unlike traditional construction that is at the mercy of external elements that can that this type of manufacturing moves towards a sustainable architecture which makes a responsible use of the limited resources available.

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landscape, turning it into the protagonist. The six modules that make up the house, of approximately 6 meters in length and 3 in width (the maximum reasonable width to enable their transportation by trailer) organize the program

which can be divided into two thanks to a blind concealed in the ceiling, and which becomes a partition wall when more rooms are needed; the second contains the bathroom and stairs; the third the kitchen; and the last three the

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21/11/2013 12:15

The Water Feature Company

We specialise in Water Feature design, Installation and the all-important maintenance. We welcome you to look over our website and portfolio, if you’re looking for that something uniquely special - you’ve just found it!

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For well over 25 years we have been designing and creating some of the most amazing corporate bespoke water features & commercial water features. Our contracts include large corporate clients, retail giants as well as displays for some of the world’s largest sporting events.

21/11/2013 15:46


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With all the warmth of porcelain and a wide range of bright colours the ceiling lamps in the Belle de Nuit collection update the classic chandelier in a new language. Belle de Nuit Chandelier 24 porcelain shades · Multicolor 100 x Ø80 cm

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20/11/2013 18:10

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Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 61]

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22/11/2013 10:47

Prince’s wharf dockfront site, former home to the bristol industrial museum

Funded by Bristol City Council and a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the M Shed takes over the Prince’s Wharf dockfront site, formerly the home of the Bristol Industrial Museum before it closed in 2006. Housed in a refurbished steel-framed cargo shed, the two-story industrial building was consideration has been given to respecting the industrial heritage of the existing building and site without compromising the operation of a modern museum.

which houses a function space and a temporary gallery. Central to the project has been the creation of two dramatic foyer spaces: the West Foyer and the spaces will act as orientation spaces for visitors, as well as break out spaces and additional exhibition spaces. They provide breathtaking views out over Bristol, taking full advantage of the extraordinary location of the museum. When compared to similar projects in size and aspiration, the budget for this project was extremely tight from the outset, even without the conservation requirements. The project has achieved a good balance between quality and cost and here is hope that the building will

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The main exhibition areas utilise the dramatic warehouse spaces, integrating

the required environmental services and lighting in a sympathetic way. An

The Museum of Bristol M-Shed

The Museum of Bristol, M-Shed, is positioned on the waterfront adjacent to the city’s commercial centre and emerging cultural and leisure facilities. M-Shed completes the regeneration of the city’s historic docks.

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21/11/2013 12:24

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20/11/2013 19:42

FROM PIN-SHARP LINES TO QUALITY COLOUR: WHAT ARCHITECTS WANT FROM THEIR PRACTICE PLOTTERS It’s not surprising that a key component of many architect practices is the large-format plotter. Often overlooked, it should never be undervalued. The plotter plays an important role at every stage of a build’s design, presentation, and planning process and has to be plotter today also needs to incorporate high-end quality colour print capabilities to produce the widest range of printed materials compared to any other professional environment. Not only does the printer need to have the ability to deliver highly accurate 2D drawings and plans, but also 3D renderings, presentation material and, often, vibrant colour images and photographs. Keeping up to date with the latest technology can be a challenge for architects. A recent Epson 20|20 Vision survey, based on in-depth interviews with 100 small, technology infrastructure needs urgent attention. The survey revealed that architects’ investment in versatile, multi-format printers that can print everything from black and white CAD drawings up to photo quality colour their high-end presentation materials, this is predicted to fall to 15% by 2020 as architects bring colour printing solutions. Responding to the industry’s needs, Epson has developed a range of large-format printers which encompass everything you need to produce both mono plans and colour graphics in one system. The Epson SureColor SC-T Series of 24, 36 and 44-inch wide large-format

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printers are ideal for the precise world of architectural Line work is pin-sharp and the printers’ ability to precisely in the preparation of production drawings where clarity is essential for safety reasons as well as aesthetic ones. Also important to architects is the ability to print on demand, in-house and under tight cost and quality controls. As a result, when Epson developed the high-speed, highquality SureColor SC-T range, it was important that they

paramount for architects printing plans, renderings and maps. Consequently, the four-colour Epson SureColor SC-T printers provide the capability to print A0 formats working scale if they wish, and to produce an A1 print in draft mode on plain paper in just 28 seconds. Epson has also taken the environmental impact of the SC-T series printers into account; they use water-based environment, the printers feature sleek styling, small footprints and low noise levels, and are operated from the front to allow convenient placement against a wall. Architects take pride in the visual quality of their colour and monochrome drawings and images which Epson SC-T series printers enable them to reproduce. They realise processes, print a range of products and, ultimately, boost their competitive advantage in a highly competitive sector. Explore the power of Epson SureColor SC-T printers:

21/11/2013 18:16

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06/09/2013 19:44 17:20 20/11/2013

Kamvari Architects design terraced housing for modern day living. The Leeds Housing design by Kamvari Architects proposes terraced housing which meets the criteria of modern day living. The proposal refers to the context and the interesting site surrounded by canals and a waterway. This was seen as an opportunity to generate a central hub for the community which would separate them from vehicular routes and create a sanctuary for the entire community to enjoy. More images and architects’ description after the break. Typical terraced housing as seen historically can lead to some quite unpleasant issues, despite this the typology is one which points towards a communal way of living with a strong sense of community and neighborhood. The challenge for us was to understand and take into consideration the positives from this typology and update them to bring them into the 21st century. An algorithm and advanced computation were used to

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aspects such as parking,a amenity and vehicular access.

21/11/2013 15:47

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20/11/2013 19:45

Created by

Increasing exercise through good design New research recently published in the medical journal BMJ Open has revealed that almost half of the country’s seven year olds live such inactive lives that they do less than an hour of exercise a day. On its own, this research from the Millennium Cohort Study doesn’t mean a lot, but when tied in with the recommendations of the UK’s Chief Medical Officer, that children should do at least an hour of exercise a day, to reduce obesity and health problems, the report is seen as a stark warning.





Darran Hine, Sales Director at Sovereign Play equipment, welcomes the research: “Although we are obviously a commercial enterprise, we are passionate about what we do, because we feel a duty of care to children. It is because of this that we welcome any research which underlines the physical, mental and social benefits of play and communicates how being active can help boost health and stop children becoming overweight or developing health problems. “It is our hope that findings such as those published by the BMJ, will encourage specifiers to think more seriously about the way playgrounds are designed, and which equipment should be selected to encourage and enable the children to be more active whilst playing.”

Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 68]

The Association of Play Industries, which works hard to secure support for and investment in high-quality, accessible and fun play spaces, echoes Sovereign’s understanding that active play, both outdoors and indoors, has a vital part to play in supporting the development of healthy children. Darran concluded: “By encouraging children to be active from an early age you are laying the foundations for them to grow into active adults. Children take the majority of their cues from their parents, so if you live a sedentary lifestyle, the chances are your children will too. Active play is beneficial to adults and children alike and is a bonding exercise for families too. There really is very little to recommend being inactive.” To find out how Sovereign Play Equipment can help your children develop physically, mentally and socially through play, please call us on the number below, email or visit our website:

The range features the stylish Shield® profile design and same coordinated colourways. All manufactured in the UK to the highest specifications, with competitive prices and fast lead times. View full Shield® range online @ For more information and to discuss your requirements... phone 01539 730 103 e-mail

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18/10/2013 15:55

21/11/2013 18:23

Pentland Wholesale started trading in January 1993, and is one of the market’s leading providers of great value, commercial refrigeration & catering equipment to the trade. Pentland Wholesale has built its reputation on outstanding customer service, fantastic value and reliability and sourcing over 700 products lines from national & international manufacturers.

canteens, cafes, bars, patisseries and delicatessens to name a few.

We distribute nationwide with our

As you can see from the examples, as an interior designer they are a dream come true, no more compromise on your chosen colour scheme,

through our network of service partners. We aim to deliver the highest standard of service to all our customers large and small, and to be continually looking to improve our products and services to remain a UK market leader.

MAFIROL of Europe’s leading manufacturers of bespoke and modular display solutions. Featured here are some examples of the increasingly popular RAVEL range. Supplied exclusively to Pentland Wholesale in the UK this partnership is going from strength to strength, providing excellent quality cabinets, with the service to match them that they deserve. Pentland Wholesale are pleased to full design, delivery, installation and ongoing service support to you, as we have been doing for years very

Page69.indd 1

There is the option of any colour you can think of, and heated plate and bain marie models available, counters not only for the excellent the quality, reliability and versatility of the range.

installed by experts and a wealth of experienced service engineers on standby to ensure everything runs smoothly afterwards. As well as the variety of styles in the including fresh meat counters, refrigerated multideck displays and rear shelving solutions to complement the existing counters. To learn more about the MAFIROL range or to learn more about our complete range of commercial refrigeration and catering equipment why not request a catalogue from or call and speak to one of our design and installation team on 0845 2306444. We look forward to hearing how can help with your installations.

Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 69]

About Pentland Wholesale

21/11/2013 18:47

Louvretec are pleased to announce their arrival

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Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 70]


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21/11/2013 18:50

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20/11/2013 19:57

EQUITONE SUITS MODULES AT NEWCASTLE COLLEGE Being a modern and durable material that retains its appearance made fibre cement EQUITONE [natura] and [textura] from Marley Eternit the ideal choice for Newcastle Sixth Form College’s modular architectural facade. The 11,000m² new building designed by RMJM Architects opened in March and is the only dedicated sixth form college in Newcastle city. EQUITONE [natura] panels allow the through, which gives the building a unique, attractive visual appearance. Light coloured EQUITONE [natura] panels were predominantly used for the facade along with feature panels of EQUITONE [textura] with its An aluminium framing system was used to carry the Marley Eternit hanger method used for the panels. An unusual aspect of the design was a 55mm gap used to accentuate the facade modules. The facade design consists of an engaging non-linear layout with randomly arranged windows, which required a planned and methodical approach by the installers European

The architectural layout developed a crisp, clean alignment of the panels that integrates with the extremely close measured tolerances of each of the window locations. David Murphy, Director at European to work to extremely accurate tolerances both in the carrier system of the random spatial arrangement of the windows. The EQUITONE materials suited the modular approach and could be sized to extremely accurate tolerances, which ultimately resulted in us being able to recreate the architect’s innovative facade design.” For further information on Marley Eternit’s full range of EQUITONE facade materials just ask ME at or call ME on 01283 722588. You can also follow ME on Twitter @MarleyEternit. If it matters to you it matters to us, that’s why with ME it’s all about you.

MARLEY ETERNIT EQUITONE CREATES A WORK OF ART EQUITONE [tectiva] has helped turn an Information Kiosk into a work of art at the Edinburgh Art Festival. Four-by-Two

focal point at the UK’s largest annual festival of visual art. EQUITONE [tectiva] in Pebble, with sanded lines and natural occurring hues, to create a wrap-around skin for the 4m x 3.6m x 3.6m lightweight laminated plywood frame, with clear polycarbonate inner layer. The kiosk was designed with large windows and a part glazed entrance area to allow a maximum amount allowed the architects to form perforations in the skin, controlling the daylight entering the space, and casting layered shadows into the interior.

drawn to the natural aesthetic of EQUITONE [tectiva] and the fact that it could be CNC cut, allowing us to create an opaque patterned skin that covers the walls and the roof. It @MarleyEternit Page72.indd 1

was vital for the material to be easy to use so that our joiners could reassemble the panels on site. The kiosk was built by B-spoke in their joinery workshop in Edinburgh and then dismantled, transported where it will be used for 28 days during the Edinburgh Art Festival. The organisers of the festival intend to re-use the kiosk over at least the next three years.

frame using colour matched screws For further information on EQUITONE from Marley Eternit just or call ME on 01283 722588. You can also follow ME on Twitter @ MarleyEternit. If it matters to you it matters to us, that’s why with ME it’s all about you.

20/11/2013 20:20


A roof with a twist LouvreTec opening roofs create year round useable spaces. Infinitely adjustable and waterproof when closed, aluminium louvre roofs provide protection from any weather, at the flick of a switch.

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20/11/2013 20:22





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21/11/2013 18:25

05/09/2013 09:46:06

company has increasingly partnered with its architect/developer client base to produce more interesting and in

Modern retail structures requiring hidden gutters, anti-climb down pipes and intricate roof edge detail represents the main activities of the company. More recently however, the

In recognition of this change in direction, a sister company Fusion Facades Limited was formed to concentrate on this growing and challenging engineering sector. Mike McKee, managing director stainless steel window liners were end result is truly a landmark building and we are proud to say that the liners we supplied, many of which project out from the face of the structure, have helped make this award winning building the most exciting mixed use structure in London today”. Looking at the company’s involvement in St. Georges Battersea Reach developments, Guttermaster brought its roof edge engineering skills to bear on the faceted capping detail which lends style to a busy roofscape. awarded by developer Mount Anvil, to aluminium rainscreen panels involves it once again in an exciting landmark project.

PAGE75.indd 1

practical weather proof answers to securing the building envelope, from many years to come” suggests Mike design and manufacturing capabilities of Guttermaster and Fusion Facades can be brought to bear in this exciting and challenging arena”.

21/11/2013 11:26

New Changi Airport Terminal 4

designed by SAA and Benoy, unveiled

‘The planning agenda has centred on introducing efficiency and comfort to the travel experience’, Meeta Patel, Director at Benoy


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stakeholder engagement, fast-track scheduling and value engineering.’

Finalising the overall design of T4 for the Main Contract Tender within the time frame we had is a feat in itself for the industry, especially with over ten consultants and specialists collaborating intimately in the intricate work scope, keeping the project on schedule.

Yeo Siew Haip, Managing Director of SAA Architects, explained the complexity of the large-scale project, ‘Since winning the project in mid February 2013, the SAA-led Consortium worked hand in hand with CAG and Benoy to bring the design of T4 from concept to commencement of piling works on-site. SAA provided the Consortium leadership in managing

‘Finalising the overall design of T4 for the Main Contract Tender within the time frame we had is a feat in itself for the industry, especially with over ten consultants and specialists collaborating intimately in the intricate work scope, keeping the project on schedule.’ ‘The planning agenda has centred on introducing

to the travel experience’, explained Meeta Patel, Director at Benoy. ‘State-of-the-art facilities including self check-in kiosks and self bag-drops will provide travellers with a quick and easy airport journey. To shape the boutique atmosphere of T4, Benoy has created walk-through retail zones, Peranakan-inspired shop fronts and mezzanine dining hubs which will interior gardens.’ The main focal point of the building is the ‘Central Galleria’; a glazed, open space that visually connects the departure, check-in, arrival and transit areas across the terminal. at Benoy said, ‘We are extremely excited about Terminal 4 at Changi Airport. We believe in the concept that has embraced energy and

motion; creating a dynamic yet timeless design in a welcoming environment. The terminal has been designed to provide visitors access to a new level of travel comfort outside their traditional airport experiences’. ‘SAA’s role as lead consultant and architect is not unlike a music conductor in orchestrating all processes to bring the design of Terminal 4 at Changi to reality. With CAG and Benoy, we strive to create a unique T4 experience that pushes the boundaries and inspires the traveller like never before,’ said Yeo Siew Haip. The Consortium comprises a number of members responsible for various aspects of T4 including: architecture, design, civil & structural engineering, mechanical & electrical engineering, landscaping, acoustics and safety.

20/11/2013 21:50 |

Metroplan Metroplan Limited Lake District Business Park Mintbridge Road Kendal LA9 6NH T: 01539 730 103 W: E:

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Metroplan has been a leading supplier of display and presentation products to the Educational Sector since the early 70’s, more recently they have turned their attention to the Corporate Sector. Their latest range contains many exclusive products aimed at the commercial environment and in particular their new range of contemporary glass writing boards has attracted much attention.

of vibrant colours are ideal for a messages to the cafeteria menu. The clean lines of these boards from the wall. All boards accept dry wipe or wet wipe pens and will associated with conventional whiteboards after heavy use.

The full Metroplan range can be viewed online at or in The Write-OnÂŽ Glass boards come their comprehensive 216 in a range of sizes and colours and page catalogue, a copy can be have a steel back to facilitate the requested from sales@metroplan. use of magnets. The larger sizes If required, a member of are ideal for board or meeting their sales team will be happy to rooms, whilst the smaller versions visit you to discuss any particular project further.

20/11/2013 20:29

Exclusive Contemporary Staircases characterized

Stairkraft Ltd Unit 2 March Street S9 5DQ

Archetech - Issue 13 [Page 80]

0114 243 0259

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21/11/2013 16:09

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21/11/2013 16:15

Simon Conder associates Black rubber beach house

Simon Conder Associates Nile Street Studios 8 Nile Street London N1 7RF T +44(0)20 7251 2144 F +44(0)20 7251 2145


u n g e n e s s Beach in Kent is a classic example of ‘Non Plan’ and the houses that populate the beach have developed through improvisation and bodge. This scheme develops this tradition in a way that responds to the drama and harshness of the landscape. The original building, which itself is the product of a series of changes and extensions since it was built as a 1930s, has been stripped back to its timber frame, re-structured, extended to the south and east to capture the extraordinary views, and clad both internally and externally in Wisa-Spruce

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plywood. This plywood provides all the internal and joinery. Externally both walls and roof are clad in black rubber, a technically more sophisticated version of the layers of felt and tar found on many local buildings. The bath is cantilevered out over the beach giving dramatic views to the sea. Internally priority has been given to maximising the living areas and the house only has one small bedroom. Visitors are accommodated in a 1954 Airstream caravan which is parked next to the house, the silver of the aluminium caravan providing a striking visual contrast to the black rubber.

21/11/2013 11:46

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Archetech - Issue 13 [Page *]


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20/11/2013 20:34

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20/11/2013 20:35

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