Liquefaction architecture

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Liquefaction Architecture

cork powder rejuvenation

Researcher: Chung Kai. Hsieh Tutor: Marcos Cruz

MAA 02 Thesis

2013-2015/ Barcelona, Spain .“Thesis presented to obtain the qualification of Master Degree from the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalunya�. 1

Liquefaction Architecture cork powder rejuvenation

Researcher: Chung Kai. Hsieh Tutor: Marcos Cruz

Association of Catalan Cork Entrepreneurs - AECORK



Contents 01

.abstract. cork powder rejuvenation  4 time/ location/ material 


.acknowledgements. credits



.chapter 1. sustainability






.chapter 2. by-product







.chapter 3. swelling






.chapter 4. liquefaction


3D fabrication



.form follows nature. innate architecture






cork powder rejuvenation


uercus super (Cork) can only be got from

and point, line constraints. We determine the speed

the bark of oak tree and harvested even only

of material revolution. Retaining the advantages of

decade or longer up to fifteen years. It is a absolute-

cement/plaster, makes up a cork deficiency. By the

ly environmental material that owns several features

gradually replaced process, cork not only strong-

like sound Insulation, decay resistance, biodegrad-

ly displays the major added-value, but will stand

able, recyclable and renewable. Overall, in addition

the priority place of largely use material in several

to be used in furniture industry, it also displays the

manufacturing fields. On the other hand, through

powerful ability to be applied into architecture field.

the mixing process, unexpectedly, result display the

However, there is only a few cases we could come

fantastic patterns as a result of cork powder shows

out with architectural usage - sound insulation. Why

the great buoyancy ability.

so less? Have been trying several proportions and casting, Therefore, Which elements of architecture that

we understand that priority never be replaced short-

cork is able to be used? In the material view, Ce-

ly, but there is a way which can always be found to

ment and Plaster are both the mostly used materials

figured out gradually. Intersection defines the way of

through entire the architectural construction field.

two substances reaching each other. Pattern is the

They have features of accessibility, instantly fabrica-

result of showing intersection point. In this research,

tion method and structure stability. However, there

I redefine the manner of conventionally layered

is no doubt any benefit which can be compared to

overlap method. Instead, sensational graphic pattern

Cork usage whatever in terms of reused, non-flexibil-

gives the new idea of material combination which is

ity or decay resistance but in structure way.

called Liquefaction combination.

Cork itself is able to become the main role of structure? No. But, what if we mix up the cement (plaster) and cork with specific proportion? The answer is yes. Therefore, I propose that the main interesting point of entire research is to find out the proportion of two element. In addtion to focus on mixing fabrication process, these experiments also bring about he pattern parameters. In the material matter, I called this situation while soft (Cork) and hard (plaster or cement) are compounding at the same time. On one hand, during the mixing process, as long as controlling the flow, splash, dynamic parameters




time/ location/ material


n the beginning of finding the thesis project, I divided the idea into three aspects: Time,

Location, and material. In terms of hue development, I was able to find out what I need to focus on this era, where I am living could bring me the most benefits for research, last but not least, how I could improve on the material usage in the current Architecture field. Time is the key in my thesis because it makes all the matters changing, or rather saying that it forces matters generating a development into greater types in order to adapt into all around environmental changes. Time is also a linear movement like each sequent image connects each other tightly, while substance could be deformed with curved movement which is what I am fascinated with. We say that Architecture should be an intelligent box which is able to be responded to severally environment situations such as sun light and ventilation based on daily weather changes . However, secondary elements (door, window, light....etc.) are more able to reach the standard responsive system while primary ones (column, beam, wall) are much more difficult due to considering structure issue. Overall, my proposal is to rethink, redefine and then forwards to generate the several practical models which could present the time passing concept and discussing not only in the fabrication process but material hue adapting condition.


time/ location/ material

Location is in Barcelona, Spain where I was do-

pattern and air pumping point. To sum up, foam

ing research. The best idea of mine is to choose

has the similar porous system to sponge organ-

the local material from where I am experiencing

ism which allows the entire body structure to

currently according to temperature conditions

be swell and deflated. By combining different

and cultures. In terms of climate, there are

densities foam compounds, those elements

53% of cork are supplied from Portugal and

provide features that foam is able to be de-

49% come from Spain, which provide the most

formed into irregular shapes with controlling the

sustainable products go through the world as a

inner air volume. However, foam essentially is

result of Spain is in a mediterranean Sea re-

not a environmental material to earth, human

gion. In culture point of view, Spain is also the

and architecture usage. Therefore in order to

third largest winery producer in the world which

maintain the same foam properties, but seeking

produce the stopper for any kind of wind. As a

more sustainable way. “ Cork “ absolutely is the

result, Oak trees (as known as Quercus super)

best one to be chosen. Apart from those foam

own the most amount of abilities for winery in-

features, cork has a touchable hue, and soft

dustry field. From this point, I was starting to get

adaptability which are able to be merged with

inspiration why cork could only could be used

other hard material.

in winery stopper? As architect, we always try to find better sustainable materials in order to contribute to earth. There are must some great abilities of cork which are able to apply into building parts, but some not. To end, cork starts giving me a huge motivation to use any tools on it in order to discover a mysterious and unknown world. Before taking about Cork, there is an inspiration coming before cork stands out which is the project I did in DMIC (digital matter intelligent construction) studio of IAAC, in 2014, Barcelona. The project called the breath [0.7] is discussing how foam could become the intelligent material which is able to respond to environment changes by controlling the parameter in terms of combination proportions, cellular inside


time/ location/ material

So far, Cork is not just the wine stopper, bulle-

potential factor into next step. In the conclusion

tin boards and chaise lounges. It is a unique

chapter, we will have a catalogue showing the

and healthy method of farming and material

material proportion, pattern parameter, form

sourcing. It is a model for efficiency, re-use and

finding factors to determine what seamless joint

even large-scale power generation. What other

and merge condition it will be. I purpose to give

material offers opportunities like this?

the totally new concept of inversely sandwich thought with building surface component. Inten-

In the architecture view, Cement and Plaster are

tional form finding is hard to adapt to natural, so

both the mostly used materials through entire

why not let all the natural factors determine the

the architectural construction field. They have

result we should have.

features of accessibility, instantly fabrication method and structure stability. However, there is none any benefit which can be compared to Cork usage whatever in terms of heavy weight, non-flexibility or decay resistance. Cement becomes solid and strong as it is a concrete. Solid means it is not able to obtain more when the content is full. As same as cork, both could only be shaped by using exterior power such as rub, hammer or other extreme method. However, theoretically, we could fabricate any shape of concrete as long as there is module and casting way, whereas, cork could start to be controlled by rubbing cork into powder state which is the most flexible substance with granule or liquid mode. Therefore, research issue is more observing on the combination process after two elements hit each other, time makes two substances keeping mixing and moving, also continuously shape the form with both innate weight behavior. It is a practical research process, everything will begin by testing the cork properties and then go deeper finding the most


Acknowledgments credits


irstly of all, I have to thanks my tutor: Marcos Cruz. He always gives me so huge

support behind me and ever feel tired of travelling UK and Barcelona. We together found out material and guided me on the right track as I got lost. He not only takes care of my research progress, but also more excited in my future career somehow could connect tightly between thesis and career. Lastly, he makes me take research as different aspects, it is not just study but playing in a unknown world instead. Secondly, I would like to give my regards to As-

sociation of Catalan Cork Entrepreneurs, whom is also doing PHD: Patricia Jovè. She gave me holistic information of cork when I visited laboratory in Girona. I got more encouragement as I was talking my notion of applying cork into architecture usage. What is more, she provided all the cork material which I used during all experiments. Last but not least, I would like to thanks some IAAC classmates: Raphael Libonati for borrowing me 3d printer, Luis Leon Lopez and Sebastian Alvarado Grugiel for accommodation support, finally special Wenita for all the experiments favor.



.Chapter 1.

Sustainability Sensibility Spontaneousness


Sustainability foam/ cork


ork is famous for winery stopper. Because

ters some dangerous situations. Therefore, we

of its cellular structure, allows oxygen

thought it could be a chance to use that idea

slightly goes into bottle for extend wine age

into architecture elements such as wall, ground,

and also gives the special aroma during time

even in structure way. In the wall and floor view,

past. Apart from it is a cheaper option, there is

it could take advantage of dynamic shaping

a number of company have switched to alter-

modes follow certain spacial needs in exhibition

native wine products such as synthetic plastic

area or commercial stadium. In the other hand,

stoppers, screw caps, or other closures.(wikipe-

the conventional idea the structure that it must


be as much strong as possible in order to pro-

However, second reason because of

there is specific substance like richloroanisole

tect from any natural situations. However, egg

(TCA) has chance to make natural cork taint.

shell never defeat rock, we started to inverse

In mid-1990s, the amount of cork usage was

the idea which instead of using encountering

dramatically reduced, disadvantage of natural

thought, absorbing energy could be better and

factors became the main influence for stopper

dissolve the power into another mode. As a

industry, and inspired unfriendly environmen-

result, we hope that structure foam idea could

tal material field being stronger. Look back to

be working like the tree branches which swing

material usage in architecture era, people have

the direction from where the wind comes. For in-

been trying to explore the potential elements

stance, each foam column has ability of absorb-

and find the opportunities applying into building

ing air volume and releasing which make foam

parts. I seemed to understood that renovation

structure being squeeze mode and expan-

is a progress of human being, we seemed to

sion. Building could be inclined towards to the

make artificial matter imitating to natural, but the

certain direction and then somehow create the

truth is an inversely result.

specific gap allows wind pass through instead of direct hit building, at the same time releasing

Therefore, the first research question of my the-

the wind pressure as much as possible. But,

sis which I started to hit is as I rethink the foam

why do not just continuously using foam as

project (the breath [0.7]). We got excited while

main research material?

the project reached the biological imitation level which it is able to activate into the breath

Answer is just because it is not a sustainable

movement. As I mentioned before, there is


cellular structure inside the foam, we got inspiration of natural sponge that organism is able to

We produced three types of firmness foam in

deform the exterior shape stage in to second or

terms of different proportions mixing compo-

more stages for protecting itself while it encoun-

nents. The structure of the polyurethane foam


foam/ cork

has a very open internal structure, creating spaces voids within which are filled with air from the outside, therefore the combination of air and the same porosity give the foam structure. Hence, we decided to suck air into the foam and control the extraction to deform element in different ways an d turn it back to the original state.




A Component

B Component

Density: weight/ length x width x height

Typical density ranges for different foam applications (pcf)

seat cushions seat backs furniture backs automotive seat cushions mattress cores mattres topper pads carpet underlay
















Suppot facter: Firmness (65% IFD)/ Firmness (25% IFD)

















foam/ cork

Spaces voids within which are filled with air from the outside, therefore the combination of air and the same porosity give the foam structure. Hence, we decided to suck air into the foam and control the extraction to deform element in different ways an d turn it back to the original state. Although the result of project was full of potential for further architecture bio-imitation development, we end up in finding out that this material anyway is not the sustainable material which could be used for earth. As a result, we started to search a similar one could be replaced with foam but still have the same features as sponge organism. The way I did, in the beginning, seeking what the bio-plastic is and then go deeper what bio-plastic is made of. Bio-corn is the main material of result. After that, Cork started standing out among those natural choices. Next step is to know what cork is and what tools could be used in cork fabrication process. Last but not

ing research, are reviewed, beginning with its

least, through those several advantage of cork

histology, growth and morphology (at macro-

properties, how I to discover and what I can pick up to go into forward experiments.

and microscales). The chemical structure is

Cork is a natural, renewable, sustainable raw

that form the wall structure and the low molecu-

analysed in detail, covering both the materials lar weight, extractable components. The unique

material that has been used for many centuries.

properties of cork are discussed and correlated

As a result of this very long term interest, the

with current knowledge on morphology and

scientific literature on cork is extensive. The

chemical structure. Finally, the important indus-

present review focuses on the chemical com-

trial applications of cork are reviewed, in the

position, physical and mechanical properties

context of research to provide cork with novel,

of cork and on its products and sub-products.

high added-value applications.(Cork: properties, capabilities

The substantial efforts to fully characterise

and applications, Patricia Jovè

cork, as well as new developments and evolv-




cork/ touching


ll the cork must be harvested by hand,

ry of responses in terms of innate behavior

using special tool to peel it off from tree.

growth condition, or climate changed. Every

However, all the harvesting process does not

single of them, deserved to be sensed, rather

hurt tree’s skin but displays entire appropriate

than only using sight sense, but touching, hear-

green idea from the cork utilized circle from

ing and smell can get more natural feedback

the beginning of harvest. In the past period,

more than just look on beside the fence.

wood expressed the most comfortable material

Architecture emotions

to human being. Therefore, it is easily guide people that cork is also the touchable matter for

The idea that the material experiment starts with

sensibility. Right now these generation, visibility

an awareness of the emotional character

has been replacing the function for many years.

of buildings. Buildings have a character drawn

For example, concrete is not just being used in

from the associations of their form and the

structure purpose, also a visible performance

materiality of their fabric. Obviously, we can

along the building facade and interior wall.

never predict what someone’s reaction to a

However, it causes people started staying way

building will be, but above all we are trying to

from building. No doubtfully, it originally was

get away from an abstract or a diagrammatic

for people’s appreciation with these beautiful

architecture, and to get towards an architecture

human being construction, but gradually people

that is richly associative. The modernist pursuit

is not going to feel it, touch it. We are always

of the ideal and the new for its own sake seems

thinking that architecture is built for residence,

to us both hopeless and pathetic.

for people who live in it, but who never thought that the desire of architect have been making

And also propose that the notion of mentioning

inverse result for more than decade years.

human sense is that living inside the shell not only take it for asking protection, but there is

By this opportunity, I would also like to use cork

the connection between building an residence.

material as a matter to record people start to

Imagine house is a character as doll which you

remind the truly sensibility between building

will get along with by activating each sense to

and materials.

feel every single feedback the architecture or material gives. What is more, through the exper-

Cork absolutely is a touchable and sustainable

iments so far, “ touching ” will be the notion of

material. At the same time, it reveals naturally

thesis because that it can be feel most obvious

diverse appearances, periderm displays a lot of

and also is able to used directly and frequently

interesting texture, likes tight-smooth, scaly

in every day life.

and fissured. Each texture seems to tell the sto-



soft & hard


n terms of touching sensibility, what we can

Anto plays created his own identity by finding

feel by hand?

out the specific pattern called .........., which

I divided all the conclusions into two factors:

is extremely smooth, with few holding holes

soft and hard. Soft means you are able to feel

displaying certain over modernism atmosphere.

something comfortable, can be compressed,

People could stay so calm with that a cold and

be shaped, even feel safety as you all body

quite space but at the same time, display the

immerse in it. There are all positive feedback

style without too much decorated elements with

from the soft matter so I personally connect this

it. However, some people then argue that this

to cork’s one of properties. Because of cellular

kind of space does not fit to human being for

structure, cork is able to keep certain moisture

living here. We could either use it with exhibition

inside and keep it slightly soft. And also of that,

space or temple some need silence moment for

it gives cork more flexibilities and stretches

art or people. In the positive saying, we could

which is able be bend and compressed. What

argue that the spacial atmosphere which is

is more, wood nearly does not absorb heat with

built by around concretes is too beautiful, it is

it, neither cold, so people could always touch-

a art, people fancy appreciating it by sight, but

ing the wood and enjoy that closely warmth

hardly get closer to touch it or stay with that for

closer to space and people. In sum up, I would

long time. And, concrete gives us a cool feeling

like to use this simple but fantastic of cork

that in winder season, it is impossible to lie on

material into facade or wall elements. However,

it without carpet covers under floor. I admit that

it hardly becomes a priority option with struc-

concrete and plaster absolutely are the great

ture consideration, in the other hand, we need

material for structure issue, but not for living.

another strong and hard one to be a support factor. That is why the hard material come from:

However, what if I could somehow this hard

cement & plaster.

substance with soft one, and take certain balances between sensitivity and structure view, it

I mentioned before that cement is on of the

might be a great combination in the future archi-

most used material in architecture field. No

tecture thought. People could enjoy appreciate

doubtfully, it has the great properties of shape

the space by sight with great structure issue,

into any forms as long as there is also a fine

but at the same time, you will be unconscious of

casting system. After moulding, cement turns

being attractive to touching it, even listening it

into hard, strong, and solid substance. On the

by lie your ear on it

surface, of course we could fabricate some special pattern with moulding panel like wood, paper or any types of panel texture. Taoto


soft & hard

Above previous summary, I quickly made a conceptual model. The ides of this model is comes form the spring tail skin which the bay between two studs (calledgranules), supplying the second defence and creating a network of air-filled cavities over the springtail’s entire body that keep water out. Therefore, I take the advantage of these waterproof system converting into air ventilation thought and then applying to cork material. Gradually, the main notion starts to argue the two features between springtail skin and seat cushion, because I presume that Cork the amazing texture which should be felt by sense of touching, to experience by sitting, lying or even hugging with body. At the same time, by combining another hard material to emphasize the great difference between them. Cork has the lightness and buoyancy properties, but as the normal wood, it will turn to sold status as it is in dry condition. Therefore, creating the certain pattern such as the simple grid texture which will provide the transformation feature so that the cork will start to be bended. In the other hand, in order to making cork bend, it has to be softened. The method is that soaking the cork into boiling water for 10 to 15 mins, and then put it in to vacuum bag with the mould or skeleton which cork could follow along the surface, then extracting air from the bag so that the cork can attach the surface evenly.


soft & hard

Another description of soft and hard was in-

being touching. In this case, I researched a case

spired by British Pavilion in 2008 in EXPO. The

of British pavilion to express the visible idea and

facade of building was decorated by tons of

thinking how to use this logic with cork decoration

acrylical stick with seed inside. If we look into

on building’s facade if there is opportunity that

each single stick, it will be subdivided into hard

cork will be used as a facade material. Finding

items because it is lack of flexibility and bend-

the pattern and copy in a order might be a way to

able feature. However, architect used highly

apply the cork into specific pattern by using some

intense densities stick to display the idea of

technical help or material innate behavior .

EXPO, at the same time, it also successfully softened an entire building and make it looks like a sponge substance just floating in the air. Of course, it is referred this visible image to one of sensibility: Sight. We probably know that cork is a quietly soft material for people to touch it but in some situation, cork does not display a rule of 21

soft & hard

By imitating the waterproof interface of spring-

What is more, by creating highly intense pattern

tail, inverting the idea into architecture facade

, responded to British pavilion, presenting the

system. As we look back to the conventional

soft interface above the cork basement. There

way, we used the painting layer, or certain

are few pages expressing the result of model

insulation sandwich system to protect from

by using 3D printer creating plastic model and

heavy raining and windy climate. Therefore,

bending cork basement.(

having started looking into microscope scale


of organism such as springtail learning how


natural animal use pattern or bristles to respond to global environment, building will get closer to naturalizing thinking .


conceptual experiment


n the beginning of the fabrication process, I started using milling machine to generate the

grid pattern. The propose of this is to create the bending condition so that the cork is able to bend or twist. However, in this experiment, we can see some of pieces are broken due to some reasons, probably the piece between is too small so that it is too fragile to stand. What is more, the cork milled status milled was too dry, therefore I might try to soak the cork in boiling water before we doing any technique on it. These two photos besides display the two status, the right side one was milled into grid texture and ready to deform. But we still cam notice that some column are broken during the milling process. In the other hand, soaking cork into boiling water for an hour to soften the cork converting into flexible status, so that it has the transformable ability to be bend and twist. But after this process, cork will be expanded because absorbing water in and also put one some weight at the same time. In the second fabrication process is too make flexible cork follow the skeleton in order to deform the flat surface into curved status. The way I used is putting both elements into vacuum bag, extracting air, making environment compressing the cork so that it could attach the curved skeleton evenly. However, in order to return the cork into solid condition, the issue is how to make water evaporate in the vacuum condition circumstance.


conceptual experiment


conceptual experiment

As a result, I did not notice that cork will be expansion status which skeleton could not be fixed in a really good condition. The second failure, cork should be milled in both sides, because of that, is able to make cork be bended much easier. However, in the right side picture rather showing the proper joining condition which skeleton and cork attach each other in the evenly way, although they did not fit all, at least I found out that it is the fascinating material combination. By making this conceptual model, I also tried to use digital fabrication to see how and how many tools it could be applied into cork fabrication process. It also is a new way to test the limitation of cork material in these few years. There are so many technique I could think of— cut, glued, turned, cast, compressed, stretched, moulded, laminated and broke the material over and over. I began to see one new form after another. For the first time in my life, I was seeing a material perform in entirely new ways. I felt as if I had woken up in a new, uncharted world.


Spontaneousness Mixed equilibrium/ gravity


he mainly shaping notion of thesis is in-

decide to use this property as a main one to go

spired by P-wall series, designed by Mat-


sys and his approach about the innate material behaviour. By placing the positions of dowels

In conclusion of first chapter, there are some

which constrain the elasticity in the fabric form

important factors what we need. I will use these

work. In terms of material its own weight, form-

elements start to combine them by trying sev-

ing the shape end up in the balance between

eral experiments and then find out the proper

gravity and structure.

balance between hard and soft. Hoping these hypothesis will help cork could apply into archi-

In the previous sections, I was more focus on

tecture field and gradually make cork as a main

research problem of less use of cork material,

rule as in many building elements. In addition

and research question of cork properties and

to convince people that cork is not only used in

sensibility between building and human. So

wine stopper, it also has great feature could be

far, we all agree with that cork is a fantastic

apply in some structure matter. But the greatest

substance for using in building. However, I

purpose of mine is that using cork’s recycle

personally do not thick that cork will be the layer

and reuse features, use them as a by-product

system exits inside the wall or even in any sand-

idea, create the different ways of fabrication.

wich insulation system. So I was seeking some

Not try to invent new technology, but just want

method which could use material innate be-

to introduce cork this sustainable and environ-

havior and then apply into shaping fabrication

mental material to people, for those forgetting

process. That is why I found P-wall project. The

cork also could be a sensational substance if

reason of P-wall is similar to as the start point

we know how to use its fine features and find

of research because I also would like to use

the proper fabrications. It will again record

cement and plaster as my second combination

not only people’s awareness of earth climate

materials. Both them have it own load which is

changes, but also make architect rethink the

able to use as gravity shaping method. There-

boundary among environment, substance, box,

fore, I hypothesized the hard material (cement

and people.

& plaster) uses itself weight of forming shape purpose and cork will display the soft matter of insulation or acoustic layer goes through inside and out the hard one. However, how does cork could present the dynamic form goes through the hard material as floating feature? I will explain of process how I find out and


Mixed equilibrium/ gravity





.Chapter 2.

By-product Buoyancy Behavior


By-product bark/ powder


ased on the cork status, it can be subdi-

the initial stage of whole fabrication process. It

vided into natural form, block, granule and

is a basic unit for all the matters like bee. Bee

powder—before going deeper into experiment,

is all the basic agriculture farm of the world.

I had tried cutting, gluing, turning, casting,

Therefore, I would like to take this idea of bee

compressing, stretching, laminating and broke

as cork powder, start with granule and fabricate

the material over and over. I began to see one

up to further scales. What is more, cork dust is

interesting status --- powder. For the first time

the by-product after manufacturing process. In

in my test process, I was thinking what the pure

addition to burn them as bio-fuel, it has some

stage is for cork. Of course, we could argue

potentials that is still waiting to be revealed to

that bark peeled from tree is the original status

the uncharted material world.

for fabricating process, but there is few methods we could use for keep the great properties. That is why the cork stopper is always being produced by just compressed without too much artificial process. However, what if I could discover a specific type which keep the great features what I want but which some potential of full of shaping? I was seeing a material perform in entirely same feature as its largely different scale ranges. I tried through all tools into three statuses of block, granule and powder. In block testing, among them is a gaseous mixture which allows it to be compressed to around half its thickness,

cork dust & water

without losing any flexibility, and to be decompressed and return to its original shape. This is what is called an “elastic memory�. Cork is the only solid which when compressed on one side, does not increase in volume on the other. This feature enables it to adapt to variations in temperature and pressure, without compromising its integrity as a stopper. However, although powder is the tiny visible cell, it comes back to


bark/ powder

Cork dust/ microscope

The structure of cork is revealed in more detail in a modern electronic micrograph

Hooke was the first to use the word “ cell� to describe the tiny compartments that together make up an organism. The cells in these piece of cork have died-all that remain are the outer walls. The living cell, however, is filled with a variety of substances, organized into distinct structures and carrying out a multitude essential process. (


Buoyancy consistency


uoyancy is a mysterious one among cork’s

can be sure the cork can performs like this, in

properties. In these tests, basically I found

the structure way, it is still to fragile as structure

out that cork powder performed the best rule

to support the whole weight of plaster. So far,

in buoyancy factor. It could easily be mixed up

I continuous tested to see how much I could

with mushy plaster, meanwhile dust was spread

control the buoyancy of cork, to see apart from

evenly as it stayed with plaster. Inversely, both

its dynamic floating matter, how I can place the

fabric and strip showed the unstable condition

position of cork, and how much amount cork

due to the contact area at the interface by cork

with different positions. Between cork powder

and plaster. To sum up, in the end of solidifica-

and plaster, I have to create dialogue showing

tion, by controlling consistency of compound,

the proper combinations to adapt to different

cork powder somehow is able to end up gath-


ering together and floated on the top of mixture because of its own buoyancy property. Sec-

From the section image below, I make sure that

ondly, the unpredictable pattern of cork which

cork could exactly stay in the middle of plaster.

stand on the surface is just the natural behav-

However, it seemed express that cork powder

iour what I would like to point out later.

was floating as entire parallel status, not with vertical tube performance. To sum up with these

Look through these experiments, we could say

tests, I would like to purpose that cork might be

that all the cork dust ( cork strip ) still keep their

controlled its buoyancy with tubular organism

own buoyancy. All the granule somehow stayed

patter in order to fix to current vertical architec-

on the surface, or gathering and maintained

ture development.

between middle position. However, although we



cork dust plaster : water = 2/1

cork fabric plaster : water = 3/1

cork dust plaster : water = 4/1

cork fabric plaster : water = 4/1

cork strip plaster : water = 4/1

twice pouring plaster : water = 5/1

cork strip plaster : water = 4/1

twice pouring plaster : water = 4/1 34


In order to continuous the experiments which

cork dust

prove that buoyancy is able to function in any cork status. I used three different types of cork for each test such as solid, stripe and granules.


For each status, it performed different level of buoyancy. For instance, apart from the great

twice pouring

performance of cork powder, stripe and solid


both did not show the obvious condition due to there is a wider area which surface does inter-


fere with the plaster consistency. That is also an another reason to express that I picked up cork powder as my final element. More smaller area

cork strip

activate buoyancy much better as long as that liquid consistency is controlled. What is more,


powder is also the most simple element just like cell, it could be use as one unit, assembled into larger scale, or cast it into several free form. But so far, there is lack of the method or logic which

cork dust

helps these cells merge to each other and also emphasise on the process of merging or rather

top middle

saying the method of joining cells is also the process of deforming. This way must be related to the natural behavior, but how? I will show you how I do it which simple tools

cork fabric

and skills. middle

cork dust

top middle


Behavior shaper

frozen bubble/ methane/ temperature The images show ice bubbles in Abraham Lake, located at the foot of the Rocky Mountains in Canada. The rare phenomenon occurs each winter in the man-made lake, as the plants on the lake bed release methane gas, which freezes as it comes closer to the cold lake surface.(

erosion/ wind/ rock In geomorphology and geology, erosion is the action of exogenic processes (such as water flow or wind) which remove soil and rock from one location on the Earth’s crust, then transport it to another location where it is deposited. Eroded sediment may be transported just a few millimetres, or for thousands of kilometres (

stalactite/ soluble material/ time A stalactite, from the Greek stalasso, (σταλάσσω), “to drip”, and meaning “that which drips”) is a type of formation that hangs from the ceiling of caves, hot springs, or man-made structures such as bridges and mines. Any material which is soluble, can be deposited as a colloid, or is in suspension, or is capable of being melted, may form a stalactite. Stalactites may be composed of amberat, lava, minerals, mud, peat, pitch, sand, and sinter. (http://www.wikiwand. com/de/Stalaktit)



innate deformation


n the innate behavior experiments, cork sub-

harder to fix to hard materials.

stance was subdivided into three types, solid

form, stripe and powder. I would like to test

So, I mixed these three elements with plaster,

these three different types of cork to see if each

with fabric which a method inspired from P-wall

of them is able keep the great buoyancy or

project is a most simple way to behave plaster

even better. In summary, three of them still have

property even in cement. Fabric has stretch to

a great floating ability, which could be keep in

limit the range of plaster gravity load, and then

the water for at least 1 day before the cork ab-

shaped it into such swelling form. Constraint is

sorb whole water into body.(

a parameter of playing with geometry, which push plaster form into next level deformation.

The next step, I started mixing cork with plas-

However, I only use fabric and cork as main

ter. The reason of this is because during the last

parameter in this seamless experiment, but con-

test, although the solid and stripe element could

straint factors will appear in the further chapter.

both perform the great floating feature, but there is a weakness through them, lacking in elasticity. Why I want to take more attention on it, cork in next step, will be mixed with another material such as plaster and cement in order to reach the goal of gradually replacing major one. Therefore, in this case, I would like approach a seamless joint between two different materials. It will be like imitating the natural behavior of mixing process during the time pass. In order to reach this purpose, I need to see how three cork types go when they start merge with plaster (cement). Both solid and stripe elements provided the stable status as they are floating in the water, they are gathering together, not easier to be separated, not spread everywhere. However, water shaped the form followed by sold or stripe, on the other hand, they are not able to fix properly into water. If water is replaced with plaster or cement, it will be hard to be so flexible, what is more, during the plaster or cement solidify process, cork will be much 38

innate deformation

This constraint plays between the pressure of the liquid versus the tension in the fabric fibres mirrors the dynamic conflict that exists within every cell of organic bodies.

Cement weight-gravity deformation

In a first experiment, I used soild cork as a

tion, but I am not able to replace it. Therefore, in

constraint to restrict the fabric area and plaster.

this situation, I preferred looking next status of

It was kind of idea of cork and water. During

cork to develop and fix this issue: stripe.

the solidify process, plaster was flowing around the cork constraint, and then deform the shape limited by fabric and gravity. As a result, plaster did not fit properly with cork because of the fabric restriction. When fabric reached the stretch limitation, it is not possibly able to create the seamless joint between hard material and cork even in the beginning the fabrication plaster was displaying a liquid status. Fabric had limita39

innate deformation

Stripe status was the main point of this exper-

I was expecting, and seamless joint was quite

iment, as stripe was peeled form solid cork, it

obvious in this experiment. However, It gave me

created the wider area. However, it also showed

a result of non-natural process. Stripe seemed

the opposite benefit of great buoyancy. Wider

had stable status, but it still was limited in

area provided the floating feature, but also it

certain area by it own feature. It inspired me to

created more pressure for plaster to lift it up.

break down the wall of stripe into more granule

From the section of cutting this model, I found

status into order to see more natural situation:

out that strip was slightly appear up to the


surface of plaster and also inside it. Although, it kind showed the proper performance of what 40

innate deformation

In the last test, cork performed both fine fea-

this, but at least I knew what to do in the further

tures of buoyancy and elasticity. Seamless joint

experiment and which parameter I could started

between two materials displayed the proper

to control with.

mergence. Cork powder appeared on the surface is the sign of great buoyancy, pattern is a result of merging process in terms of plaster weight and cork floating feature. Both opposite performances expressed the unpredictable pattern among the surface. Although in this step I did not know how to explain the result of 41


.Chapter 3.

Swelling reaction growth behavior swelling

Acupucture meridian



Swelling reaction


n the chapter 3, I would like talk two main

We understood that P-wall used innate behav-

researches of my thesis, among those exper-

ior to form the shape by material it own weight.

iments, swelling effect and liquefaction are the

However, it has itself weakness which it is not

most interesting topic worthy to show. Briefly,

able to do it in inverse direction. Therefore,

swelling presents the up function prototype, in

main prototype was starting in this idea, what

the other hand, liquefaction presents the gravity

if plaster is able to grow as bread? What if the

effect. By talking both them, we are able to un-

architecture material could be performed as the

derstand and also compare the opposite effects

food ingredient? That is where the idea com-

and potential in the future architecture field.

ing from. I mixed the plaster with yeast in the beginning and then thinking when and how cork

First of all, in this stage, I would like to know

powder involved in, creating that unpredictable

how the batch starts to expand with leavening

pattern. I never thought that architectural could

agents. All the reactions displays the deforma-

also be a eatable material, like bread. Although,

tion of process after mixing up those materials.

it maybe could not become entire eatable

Then give them the geometries to generate the

substance, but it might open another new world

form. The objective is to provide the materials

of architecture material usage and potential for

behaviour of growth, responding the methodol-

the future, and responding to sustainability and

ogy of P- wall with counter force methodology.

environmental issue.

On the other hand, to investigate the interactive system among building, material and environment. 44


Components: Plaster. Yeast. cork. Double-acting : 1. Cold- cream of tartar and monocalcium phosphate 2. Hot- sodium aluminium sulfate ( > 180 degree)

NaHCO3 + H+ -> Na+ + CO2 + H2O




he process from batch to bread, it needs two steps and each step is strongly con-

nected to temperature. It rises twice in terms of two different temperature, the first dough actives at around 25~40 degree, second time rising happening as temperature reaches 180 degree. This dough in research was mixed with flour, yeast and plaster with less density in order to avoid too fast to solidify. In the bread point of view, the porous structure offers the soft texture when you are eating it, at the same time it also provide the ability of flexibility which is able to return the shape after pressing it. This porous system is made of from the process of chemical progress when yeast is releasing Co2. What is more, thank to it hollow structure, the weight is much decreased and provide the light option for take consideration.







8/8 7/8 6/8 5/8 4/8 3/8 2/8 1/8






he result of this experiment, achieved the purposes of lightness and porous features. P: 2 cups, F: 1 cup, W: 3 cups, B: 1/8 cups

Plaster is able to float on water as a result of porous supply the tubular structure to stabilize the plaster. And also, more bubble generated during the expansion, more weight was cut down. I controlled the proportion of yeast, flour, plaster, and water to test the different proportion of different reaction. The result showed the positive feedback that more yeast of dough logically rise more while weight decreased as I expected. Before plaster turned into the solid status, dough could be touched, shaped and pressed. It has a great elasticity like dough to be shaped into any form. Porous structure provides the light weight

in order to reach this standard. However, this hollow system has a weak structure, less plaster is not able provide the strong ability of compression and stretchability, extremely decreased the protection from outside environment if it will be used as facade of architecture. Therefore, I had chosen the proper proportion depends on what purpose this material will do, (P: 2 cups, F: 1 cup, W: 3 cups, B: 3/8 cups) is fine for facade usage while (P: 2 cups, F: 1 cup, W: 3 cups, B: 1/2 cups) might be the sculpture purpose because of the less compression, and finally (P: 2 cups, F: 1 cup, W: 3 cups, B: 1/8 cups) is strong enough for facade, but still is not able to reach building structure standard.


P: 2 cups, F: 1 cup, W: 3 cups, B: 1/2 cups

P: plaster of paris, F: flour, W: water, B: baking powder ( double-acting)

proportion, I cut down the amount of plaster

P: 2 cups, F: 1 cup, W: 3 cups, B: 3/8 cups

and increases the volume while in the mixing


Briefly, porous and light structure give the float-

floating 20 secs

ing ability but not longer enough exist in the water. This time I used plaster as a main structure material, so it could be easily decomposed and turned into powder status. I recorded the process of putting the small piece of material into

sinking 30 secs

water and see how long it is able to last in the entire liquid environment. The result of experiment expressed that it only could last in 1 min, and will be dissolved completely. Therefore, in this task I would replace the plaster with cement

dissolving 45 secs

to prevent the same problem in next step.




ach material has its own behaviour limita-

natural thought. I took cork as my main materi-

tion. Bark displays the innate fissured or

al research of thesis, and now I saw the same

scaly appearance in terms of climate condition

feature of tree inspired from different material.

or the speed of growth , size...The same as cork

Therefore, I was thinking what if I could take

compound. In the fabrication methodology way,

this opportunity and used the buoyancy of cork

heating process like temperature, moisture, time

putting inside the plaster. When the dough was

determine the certain percent of final fissured

mixing, cork powder will gradually rise on the

feature. It exactly shows the material behaviour

top of dough and after leaving for first rising,

during the fabrication period, also progress the

then I put it into oven, as the top one start break

way how material leads form. In this step, I start-

out as a gap, cork will be appear and show

ed considering the timing of putting cork with

the unpredictable result during the fabrication

dough and what rule cork will be. Is cork a layer

process. The size of gap is able to control if the

of insulation purpose, or is cork able to spread

leavening height is under calculated, the length

around the dough when it is mixing with those

and width is connected to each other. Thinking

ingredient and create some beautiful pattern. I

about the tree bark, gap came out because it

just kept thinking while I was doing the experi-

need to grow up, as it becomes bigger, bark

ment, til I was almost lost the main point of cork

needs more area for bigger body. The same

powder, features of buoyancy, consistency ....

idea of leavening issue in dough, as long as I could set up the parameter, I could create the

I noticed the break gap or rather calling fissured

sensational pattern on the product.

character on the top of plaster til once I took the product out from oven . It reminded me of the bark character of tree, and gave ma a punch on my face. It was a sign of taking me back to the 49





rimary issue of going to parameter setting is

even each part of building should act the same

to know how to arrange the swelling fac-

rule as sustainable idea. Wall, floor, ceiling are

tor. Swelling components could create beau-

all the interface between people and materi-

tiful pattern, also if we look back to the British

als, what if they are not just the materials, but

pavilion project, they use really high densities

clothes of body. See what happen.

of sticks create the atmosphere of softening the whole structure into comfortable visible filed. As same as what I was going to attempt, layout the intense swelling components on the surface

second acting: 1/3 bubble released

with fissured appearance. Therefore, I measured the height changed between two differ-

first acting: 2/3 bubble released

ent timing acting, the first rising in the normal temperature, which height is about 2/3 of total change, release approximate also 2/3 Co2 bubble while the second rising happen when

Thirst rising determines the majority of height changes, but in smooth and stable way while second rising although changes only 1/3, but the extreme heating system make the plaster turn solid and then break the surface, creating fissured appearance.

the dough is putted into oven with as least 180 degree heat, provides only 1/3 height changes. However, instead of mixing yeast with other ingredients in the beginning, I separated the one of containing yeast. I used the method of injection, inject the yeast component into the first layer, in this case, I was able to control the position of leavening, and then create the beautiful pattern with parameters. What is more, I divided the swelling idea into two part of prototypes. Thirst of them, is to connect the surface with

the factor of touching mould determined the matter of shape and texture

touching sensibility which I would like to welcome people start to touch the swelling pattern,

Before using injection, I tried making boundary (line) between each dough, creating the pattern by layout. However, in this experiment, it was unable to create kind of unexpected result what it might happen during fabrication process.

and experience the completely unique feeling. Secondly, as same as seat cushion, joining the oriental therapy concept: acupuncture which is more familiar to living style. Architecture

90% of controlling, 10% of natural effect is what I am always seeking.

should be a healthy box for the people who live in, not only the spacial usage, I proposed that 51




Touching is one of six sensibility, experiencing the material of building could start the bridge between substance and environment and forwards to human body




he meridian network is typically divided into 2 categories, the jingmai or meridian

channels and the luomai or associated vessels (sometimes called “collaterals�). The jingmai contain the 12 tendinomuscular meridians, the 12 divergent meridians, the 12 principal meridians, the 8 extraordinary vessels as well as the Huato channel, a set of bilateral points on the lower back whose discovery is attributed to the famous physician in ancient China. The collaterals contain 15 major arteries that connect the 12 principal meridians in various ways, in addition to the interaction with their associated internal organs and other related internal structures. The collateral system also incorporates a branching expanse of capillary like vessels which spread throughout the body, namely in the 12 cutaneous regions as well as emanating from each point on the principal meridians. There are about 400 acupuncture points (not counting bilateral points twice) most of which are situated along the major 20 pathways. (https://


fore, in this prototype, I would like to use this wisdom acknowledge with touching sensitivity into cork wall system. First of all, chose one part of body part as a module, andf then analyse the acupuncture points of this area, pop up into different heights according to the each point has specific pressure on it. Therefore, in this case, I chose the biceps area as my experiment wall, in addition to the muscle here is more obvious than others, the height of the wall is more closer to human standard height. 54


form was reflected with pattern mould, texture displayed the controls of temperature (reaction), expansion (growth), and material (behavior)

1, texture of surface represented the size difference 2, closed and opened surface 3, the expansion height determined where split gap is

the drawback of bubble sells structure caused fragile hue of matter in plaster material but in lightness and buoyancy



biceps area contains around 2 primary and 4 extraordinary channels

there are also 5 acupuncture points which could be pressed and reach the therapy outcome

swell the muscles area and adjust the height in terms of different pressure level

render the image and export the line which will be the boundary of leavening fabrication

At design steps, there are four images above

or floor, they could truly experience the amazingly

express the method of how I converted 2D im-

warm cork with skin and believe that cork is grad-

age from meridian pattern. In the legend phase,

ually replaced the carpet decoration with environ-

there are five meridians, fire, earth, metal, wood

mental friendly material.

,water ans also prime vessel. Firstly, at biceps area, there are three pass through, in terms of 1st, 2nd fire phase meridian and metal phase meridian. In specific position, there are few acupressure points, such as sedation acupressure points in biceps muscle. As a result of that, next step of swelling pattern layout, I will emphasize this acupressure area, adjust the height so that as people touch the wall, they could understand the legend of human body. Although this time it only demonstrate some certain area, I would like in the future to subdivide every single part of body meridian around walls, even in the floor

in the legend phase, there are five meridians, fire, earth, metal, wood ,water. At biceps area, there are three pass through, in terms of 1st, 2nd fire phase meridian and metal phase meridian

area, so that whatever people lean on the wall 56

The scenario of wall installation show the scale between human and wall area, by pre-fabrication wall in the factory provide the efficient production. Cork pattern appear around the swelling component, people start touching them, experience the warm temperature of cork and opposite cold one of plaster(cement), rethinking the new usage of cork powder (by-product) into a new architecture world





Bead is a skill of traditional way to make necklace by beadwork factory. In here, converted the craft work into Kuka fabrication




t the chapter of behavior, nature intro-

intensely high densities pattern which was in-

duced the innate behavior of fissured

spired from springtail skin system. This system

appearance during the growth process. I took

has waterproof system in it so that as a building

the inspiration from the tree bark while the plas-

facade purpose, it could be used to avoid water

ter was taken out form the oven, it appeared

remaining on the wall and extend the resistance

the same feature as bark. Therefore, I made a

of facade material.

catalogue of fissured gap, in terms of length, width and height, which determined the different gap appearances. These fissured holes are charming and catch my attention, it is kind of unpredictable result and need natural factors involved such as time and temperature. This time, instead of using handmade technical skill, Kuka is the primate tool of this prototype. Kuka acted a rule of beading the position of yeast

Incredible skin helps springtails to keep dry underwater and always stay clean

dough, and place on the basement. In this step, it needs more accurate method to reach the 60


Bristles form the first layer of defence. They trap

way as the bristles but on a much smaller scale,

a thin layer of air that keeps water at bay. Large

creating a network of air-filled cavities over the

droplets sit on top of the bristles without touch-

springtail’s entire body that keep water out.

ing the skin underneath. The third protective feature is, as far as HelBetween the bristles, most of the springtails

big knows, unique to springtails. The primary

have small studs called ‘secondary granules’.

granules have an overhang all the way around

When Helbig zoomed in even closer, he saw

their rim; in cross-section, they look like mush-

even smaller studs called ‘primary granules’,

room clouds. Because the overhang curves

each just a few hundred nanometres wide.

downwards, it pins a bubble of air between the

They’re shaped like squares or triangles and

granules. Consider what happens if you push

they are connected by thin bars, in either a

an inverted cup into a full bathtub: you trap

grid or a hexagonal honeycomb. The grids are

a bubble of air inside. The overhangs do the

found on parts of the skin that need to be more

same thing.

elastic, while the honeycombs are sturdier.The primary and secondary granules provide the second layer of defence. They work in the same 61





Before settling beading bit on Kuka arm, I used

yeast could start to be leavened and create the

hand to try the time and position when and

swelling pattern. At this moment, before send

where I should put the yeast dough in which it is

into oven, Kuka will spread the cork powder on

able to leaven much more obvious. I divide the

the position of top yeast dough, and use the

whole tile into five layers which each layer has

liquid status, absorbing the powder with dough

it own function. The fist base is made of cement

together. Finally, in the oven, cork will release

which support the strong base for rest of lay-

as plaster break apart the gap and shows the

ers. Second and third ones are the nursery bed

fissured features.

for yeast to active the first rising. On the top, inject the yeast dough into third layer so that 62


cement base This layer is the base element which gives stronger support for attach to another surface or structure

nursery layer/ plaster Nursery layer provides the unmodified (liquid) status for putting beading dough

cork/ cork powder, Kuka Kuka will bead the doughs into nursery layer with intense pattern

heating system Kuka will also spread cork powder with Fermat’s Spiral on the surface of dough

final status After 20 mins, whole piece will be put into oven to activate swelling up process 63


Beading System

Robotic fabrication By using the KUKA robotic arm to swell the compound into base, with computational calculation to generate the swelling pattern. In addition to the amount of yeast, Heating system is the matter of yeast starts to be activated and swelling.


30 mins

ultimate surface

1 hour

cork powder

10 mins

10 mins

yeast dough

2 hours

cement base nursery

Heating System

scenario of Kuka technology could be used to build architecture in outer space, combine with acoustic concept of insulation property of cork



cork coding/ robot Beading process is composed of two phases, firstly, place swelling elements on a cloud of points which is generated based on the acupuncture image. Secondly, parametrize the cork powder on each top surface of elements by gradient spreading from inside outwards

normal plaster swelling compound

cork parameter

Kuka in here is a main tool of beading. In the

intense pattern, and then gradually spread out

conventional idea of beading, was making

the boundary among each component.

in linear structure, like necklace. However, in the pre-fabrication wall process, beading was in 2D way, which is separated into two parts, one of them is putting yeast dough inside the basement, and secondly is spread around from central of dough outwards to aside. Cork powder is controlled with gradient method, in order to approach the result of touching purpose. People touch the top of swelling component, which cork will release out to environment when plaster was sent to in the oven. Therefore, cork

boundary line between each swelling component, beading process determine the distance among them so that have enough space for leavening

powder will be gathering in the center, the most 66


top view of two layers beading prototypes, connected each other with leavening spots

render after Kuka placing cork powder on the top of yeast dough



Cork in the acoustic view, is the fine material with insulation purpose, and also a good transmit path. Scenario in the forest with peacefeul atmosphere 69


.Chapter 4.

liquefaction 3D fabrication


Liquefaction liquefaction



hese three mixture ways followed the soft-

progress will show the two complete load di-

hard purpose, tested what appearance and

rections, create the splashy pattern at the same

how buoyancy it displays on the surface. By

time discover the new method of seamless joint

learning the P-Wall fabrication, firstly combine

between both status substances.

the plaster with three different cork status ( natural form, strip and powder ) into elastic fabric. Then attempted specific combine condition according to cork status, test 1: use rubbed cork into dowels, constrain fabric into certain stage. Test 2: placed strip in the bottom of fabric, then poured plaster into mould test 3: similar method to test 2, but gave more random spread cork on fabric. All the prototype of this chapter is more focus

flexible fabric, as a material of limiting the range of plaster form

on using the buoyancy of cork which the mixing 72


cork splash/ top view

During the mixing process, liquefaction ex-

ing on the top of surface, most of them do, but

presses the fabrication idea of two different

some not. The moment while liquid unmodified

material status in terms of powder and liquid.

plaster was poured into fabric, it is the time of

Buoyancy feature flows of liquid plaster (ce-

starting controlling the position of hitting cork

ment), then cork powder run into the unpredict-

powder where I placed. There are three factors

able pattern, a uniform one.

which will determine the sensational pattern. First is constraint stick, it not only make fabric

In the beginning of research, I have already talk

deformed, but active plaster using its own in-

about the natural merging method. It is not the

nate weight behavior shaping into natural form.

easy and quick result which we could witness

Secondly, the position of cork, where cork is will

immediately, on the other hand, time is the key

decide the direction when hit by liquid plas-

for all the natural substances. Firstly, waiting for

ter go splash around, up, down, and also the

the plaster solidifying need time to consume, in

gradient level. Because, all the factor so far will

the progress, is manufactured as a dry powder

show if cork powder will appear on the surface

and is mixed with water to form a paste when

or not. Lastly, plaster consistency, it is the one

used. The reaction with water liberates heat

will make cork powder float easily or not, of it

through crystallization and the hydrated plas-

is too dense, powder might not be able to float

ter then hardens.( Through

smoothly, probably will gathering together while

the all process from the setting of unmodified

it is too less, cork will go over around and not

plaster starts about 10 minutes after mixing

under control.

and is complete in about 45 minutes. Therefore, for my research, in 10 mins, even shorter is the period of mixing with cork powder, it will be splashed with liquid plaster and keep float73


cork splash/ side view

Using realflow to simulate the outcome of cork pattern, some factors the software could support such as plaster consistency, merging time, hitting situation. What is more, realflow also is able to set the size of cork granule which is having influence on the rebound effect between plaster and cork powder. Of course, the flexibility of fabric is involved in setting parameter as well.



strain like the image above will limit the area and make fabric cave holes while other side became the mountain shapes which was naturally deformed by its own weight gravity. Of course, the size of swelling component will be decided according to where the constrain sticks placed and the distance between each other, lastly the

flexible fabric

densities of sticks. Three of them are the most considerable factors when I was thinking the shape and placing them. Overall, the pattern of what I was thinking is just like previous prototypes, try to make highly intense appearance in

curvature/ weight

flowing direction

order to create a soft atmosphere so that even

In the fabrication process, firstly will be the fab-

it places as a wall, it will be a pleasure experi-

ric setting. I used wooden structure to support

ence. After placing sticks, I used the fabric sim-

the fabric outline so that fabric is not going to

ulation software to check the shape with load

over stretch, also plaster could under control

parameter and then to predict the flow direction

and be deformed inside the fabric. And then I

of cork powder. Cork powder could be placed

placed the constraint sticks under fabric which

on the top of constraint or the bottom of fabric.

the whole structure has clear two levels in order

Each of them has different effect after pouring

to give enough space as fabric was stretched

the plaster in the fabric. There are catalogue of

down by certain weight of plaster. The height of

images I tested in next few pages to express

lower level was about 30cm with the top level

the parameter setting and results.

of fabric in 20cm by 40cm which is the perfect size for experiment brick. The position of con75


cork place position pouring position stretch constraint- linear effect

dowel constraint- curvature effect

In the constraint point of view, I subdivided the

the rotating direction. Be honest, it is more

methods into two parts, one is stretch constraint

attractive to me because the outcome it showed

and another one is dowel constraint which

is more closer to natural behaviour. The reason

each one will cause different boundary result.

is that each dowel constraint has two direction,

At stretch constraint, the result is more equal

clockwise and anticlockwise, whatever one of

divided and the boundary the line creates was

them, I am not able to control it because some-

more obvious and straight, clearly express the

times it was influenced by gravity, sometimes

direction of pattern going. It will be used as

by the way I pour, or situation happen as two

while I need the cork powder spread evenly and

flowing cork hitting each others. There are too

clear. Therefore, in this situation, I will choose

many unsure factors determine the final pat-

to place the cork powder more closer to the

tern result of product, but it is what I want. Just

bottom of fabric so that when liquid plaster was

like what I mentioned in the previous chapter,

pouring into module, the result will present the

through all the fabrication, 95 percent of con-

gradient graphic which is evenly layout to the

trolling factors I could settle in any equipment,

edge. What is more, I also tried the cork pattern

but the rest of 5 percent will be decided by the

of two or three swelling components connect-

natural conditions. Truly, the most charming

ed to each other, the beautiful seamless joint

design always is connecting tightly with environ-

gave the unpredictable merge situation as they

ment and natural factors, cork comes from bark,

touched together.

outcome should also back to nature as well.

At the second constraint way of dowel, it gave



stretch constraint- linear effect

By tightening the fabric to create the linear boundary of fabric which plaster will be divided and deformed into swelling geometry but in controlling the height way. And cork pattern tests in terms of pouring collision with cork powder or non. The results show the most experiments has evenly swelling component and also the pattern of cork is proper spread around the each sides. Apart from the number 4th test displayed different outcome due to the force I poured the plaster in was stronger the others, so that is why cork powder was splashing more dramatic.



dowel constraint- curvature effect

dowel constrain is the way to generate the curvature form and continuous linear patten with merging the different angle each dowel effect. I am more satisfied of the result because it gave me a imagination of continous pattern will flow through the all wall decoration, nonstop one, like liquefaction concept. What is more, cork pattern is more fit to the plaster form condition. We can understand the joints between each cork edges, whatever it is split condition or merge together, they all bring me the sensational shock.



Realflow simulated the situations in terms of cork placed and plaster pouring position. At the same time, both things happen together, cork floating, and plaster flowing towards to lower area, this two factors determined the final pattern of seamless joint.


HY-Domain 1 Particles 54.019

HY-Domain 1 Particles 54.784

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Fabric V:943 F1.739

Gravity 1

Gravity 1

Noise-Field 1

Noise-Field 1

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.580 F:11.220

HY-Mesh 2 V:8.923 F:11.382

HY-Domain 1 Particles 52.763

HY-Domain 1 Particles 52.024

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Gravity 1

Gravity 1

Noise-Field 1

Noise-Field 1

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.462 F:13.467

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.752 F:14.124


HY-Domain 1 Particles 53.354

HY-Domain 1 Particles 52.267

HY-Domain 1 Particles55.533

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Gravity 1

Gravity 1

Gravity 1

Noise-Field 1

Noise-Field 1

Noise-Field 1

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.320 F:12.245

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.580 F:15.565

HY-Mesh 2 V:6.133 F:15.753

HY-Domain 1 Particles 55.124

HY-Domain 1 Particles 54.756

HY-Domain 1 Particles 56.076

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Gravity 1

Gravity 1

Gravity 1

Noise-Field 1

Noise-Field 1

Noise-Field 1

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.540 F:11.775

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.230 F:11.750

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.580 F:11.264



After using software imitating the cork innate buoyancy property, I went into real model experiment. The result showed the fine conditions which rendering and real product are almost closer to each expectation.


HY-Domain 1 Particles 54.019

HY-Domain 1 Particles 54.784

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Fabric V:943 F1.739

Gravity 1

Gravity 1

Noise-Field 1

Noise-Field 1

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.580 F:11.220

HY-Mesh 2 V:8.923 F:11.382

HY-Domain 1 Particles 52.763

HY-Domain 1 Particles 52.024

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Gravity 1

Gravity 1

Noise-Field 1

Noise-Field 1

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.462 F:13.467

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.752 F:14.124


HY-Domain 1 Particles 53.354

HY-Domain 1 Particles 52.267

HY-Domain 1 Particles55.533

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Gravity 1

Gravity 1

Gravity 1

Noise-Field 1

Noise-Field 1

Noise-Field 1

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.320 F:12.245

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.580 F:15.565

HY-Mesh 2 V:6.133 F:15.753

HY-Domain 1 Particles 55.124

HY-Domain 1 Particles 54.756

HY-Domain 1 Particles 56.076

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Emitter V8 F:12

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Fabric V:935 F1.750

Gravity 1

Gravity 1

Gravity 1

Noise-Field 1

Noise-Field 1

Noise-Field 1

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.540 F:11.775

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.230 F:11.750

HY-Mesh 2 V:5.580 F:11.264


apart from using plaster as a mixing material, I also tried merging cork powder with cement together. Surprisely, it displayed this sensational appearence, althrough I did not put to much effort on it this time, but I am sure it will be next level of continous research




puzzle is made of fifteen different pieces of plaster blocks with cork patterns


through all the experiments, I made approximate 20 pieces of flowing brick with ocrk pattern. Puzzle is the best way to express the patterrn layout, according to different cork graphic, connenct to each other with joint edges so that people could easier experience the sensational cork shock. By playing with the puzzle logic, I more understood the game rule of my thesis, not only calculate the load analysis, but play with the natural system with innate behaviour of both materials






not using 3d printer techology, but Kuka starts involved into architecture fabricaiton process

3D fabrication


he idea is to convert the dowel constraint

Next step is to set the Kuka arm weaving the

into string constraint so that the fabrication

string in the position as same as dowel does but

process is able to be assenbled from 2d to 3d.

in 3 dimension way. After checking all the struc-

In the previous experiments, I used dowel stick

ture support and string is stable, Kuka starts to

as a constraint factors, but there is a drawback

place the cork powder in the fabric and another

of those sticks need to be placed on one sur-

Kuka pours plaster(cement) into the module

face level so that they are able to support the

with rotating at the same time. All the process

weight of gravity. Therefore, this method just

needs three assemble lines go together so that

only be used in 2D direction, not 3D one. So I

make sure anything is flowing smoothly and no

was thinking what fabrication could conver 2D

any chance to be broken. This method could

into 3D. String was coming out from my brain, it

make pre-fabrication goes more mature, floor,

could be placed in any positions and no limita-

wall, and celing go together, or imagine like

tion in any angle.

metro channel, all the circle building could be done in high speed way.

All the fabrication is able to progress by Kuka arm work environment, just like pre-fabrication system. In the beging of frame work, and place the fabric membrane on it, and then calculate the load analysis to see if the form and the whole structure is able to hold by itself weight. 90

cork pattern

load analysis

fabric stretch

3D fabrication


before going into the robotic fabrication step, I divided the analysis into three three parts. First is the fabric with string constraints, different positions will determine various cork pattern, distances between each constraint, or spot constraint or linear constraint. Secondly, use software support the load analysis to see if fabric is strong enough to hold the weight of plaste, also all the string constraints. Lastly, simulate the direction of cork powder and just the position of placing powder to reach the best result of ultimate appearence.

the fabrication of real model, scale 1:1, approximate 6-- mm length of each side of pentagon with six string constraints in the wooden frame

fabrication area in the iaac roof, the site of SUF garden project


3D fabrication

By tightening the fabric to create the linear boudary of fabric which plaster will be divided and deformed into swelling geometry but in controlling the height way. And cork pattern tests in terms of pouring collision with cork powder or non. Although the quality of test is not precise to generate the proproate surface, it still has potential to combine with robot systm in order to get the stable and systemly fabrication process. The attempt on 3 dimension fabrication is try to break the way of conventional construction system. There is already Kuka, robotic arm system involved in architecture field, the main idea of that is try to improve and rethink the way we used to do. Although fabrication method is the key of my thesis, but cork is always the primary in the future. The cork powder I used was provided by Association of Catalan Cork Entrepre-

neurs, is also the by-product after factory took out of the wine stopper. Cork still is a mystery material for people because it is lack of designing and promote the benefits of cork. Therefore, creating a fabrication system, and then introduing the cork to public is the best and direct way for people to understand how to use it and cherish this beautiful material from earth.


3D fabrication


wooden structure for the temporary support usage

exterior fabric wire consrtraint

string constraint here is the way to modify the shape and no angle limitation

interior fabric

design the shelter in the forest or farm area, by using total natural material, modified with plaster and cork, try tocut down as much as damage to earth


3D fabrication

At the experiment step, instead of using Kuka, fabricated all by hand, so that I noticed that the weight of plaster is quite heavy enough to break the wooden frome if I do not calculate the load analysis properly



senario at oak forest, Dehesa , Spain which is one of the biggest free range iberico farm in Europe. Contribute cork back to totally environmental area, sustainability and recycle notion 97

innate architecture


ouis Sullivan’s phrase “form (ever) follows

public so that people could just chosse types

function” became a battle-cry of Modern-

of house and floor what they want and adjust

ist architects after the 1930s. The credo was

the slider of more sunlight or less in terms of

taken to imply that decorative elements, which

season or habit to build up the customization

architects call “ornament,” were superfluous in

architecutre. Although some people argued that

modern buildings.(

it was too straight to think about living area, for me, it rather expressing the single idea of form

In spired by Louis Sullivan, I believed that form

follows function.

is the form because it must has some analysis to be follow or leaded. In different scale, din-

To me, P- wall by Matsys, just focus on form

ing tools has the shape for hand to hold it and

how to shaped by its own innate behavior, apart

easy to fill liquid substance in it or vase has

from using hard panel as a module mould, he

defferent height, width and length due to there

used the flexible nylon fabric and wooden dow-

are various of flora to be contained inside. In

els as form-work, the weight of the liquid plaster

architecture point of view, look back to past,

slurry causes the fabric to sag, expand, and

we analized peope pathway to extend or wider

wrinkle.( Something

the corridor, we drill the hole for window to fit

like these natural deform fabrication is what I

in because we need view and ventilation. Right

am fascinate, so that is why I imitated the P-wall

nowm thanks to technology, we have powerful

fabrication process, inherit and add another

software for us to analyze any environmental

material to develop it . I argured single material

factors like solar path so that we know where

like P-wall is charming and elegant, in ornament

we can place the solar panel in which solar

view it works but in real architecture view, it is

has the mose strong and direct light. Or talking

not able to fit to specifc climate condition.

about the wind flow direction, which change according to the season or climate, could have

When I read the article about cork by dan-

huge database from climate station updating

ielmichalik, Cork is a sustainable material,


regenerating every 9 years for harvest. The Portuguese regions of cork production hold cen-

Vertical village project leads by MVRDV statrt-

turies-old farming and manufacturing traditions

ed from 2008, they proposed that these urban

that can teach us how objects can be made

villages form mostly intense and socially highly

more responsibly.( I decided

connected communities, with enormous individ-

to pick this mysterious material as my primary

ual identities and differentiations.(http://www.vertical-village.

research substance. And then I was seeking


In the radical view, they created a inter-

deeper with one of the biggest cork company:

active system with computational software for

Amorim, noticed the country where I was study, 98

innate architecture

Barcelon, Spain at the moment is one of the

inform the overall form of each panel, but the

biggest cork supplier over the world, so this

specific curvature is determined solely by the

gave me more confidence to use this local and

system finding a state of equilibrium between

accessibly material here, right now.

mass and elasticity. (

In the beginning of reseach, I found out that

My proposal that cork is possible to replace

cork powder has great buoyancy, I used this

with cement and plaster which the most com-

benefit to merge with heavy load plaster, by

mon used material currently in architecture

testing the floating and load, these two com-

industry. However, it is impossible to chagne

pletely opposite created the sensational pattern.

the world in the short time, so I looke back to the history how to create the mixing materials

Although this research just the end of thesis,

together but in the seamless way so that cork

but I believed that this discovered a new cork

could be used by people but still keep the

application in architecture or even in industry

structural system materila such as cement or

design field. Hoping by this thesis, not the end,


but just the starting point of exploding cork advantages to public.

Nature architecture(自然的建築)by Kengo

Kuma, he argued that natural matural has lack possibility of resistance because it is nature. So how to use these certain natural materials into architecture field must be modified with human craft or technology support to reach the living standard. I am totally agree with this point of view because mose people are always think that using natural material must be raw nature, but it is not. How to modify the raw materila by using the limit artificial technology is the key of future. Therefore, I combined the cork by-produect: powder with plaster(cement) together and seeked the balance among them with 90% controll and 10% unpredictable result, quoted from P-walll: the designer has control over the locations of the constraints on the fabric which 99

If concrete could talk, it wouldn’t be the priority. If cork still be silence, we make it primary.



Materials/ Cork Composites: A Review, Luís Gil Cork: properties, capabilities and applications, Patricia Jovè Biodigital Architecture & Genetics (2015), Alberto T. Estévez The Feeling of Things: Towards an Architecture of Emotions, Peter St John Digital Fabrications: architetural and material technologies, Lisa Iwamoto FAB, Neil Gershenfeld Vertical village, MVRDV Nature architecture (自然的建築), Kengo Kuma Defeated architecture (負建築), Kengo Kuma Fundamentals 2014, Architecture Biennale


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cork material research studio


If concrete could talk, it wouldn’t be the priority. If cork still be silence, we make it primary.


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