Pavilion Skin System 01

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Red Tinted Acrylic Steel Sexbolts

Team: Ingrid Campo-Ruiz Jose Luis Perez-Griffo

ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS: Bend Angle Calibration For Folding And Assembling Flattened Cells

STUDY MODEL PROCESS: The primary cells are generated from 2 rotated squares which twist in opposing directions forming a

+ ++

vortexical cell with triangulated faces. The cells are connected by diamond shaped plates with folded edges. The primary cells are static and remain the same size while the connector plates allow the system to bend and conform

a.Center a. Cells Center a.Cells Center Cells b.Intermediate b.Intermediate b. Cells Intermediate Cells Cells -.All the -.System All -. the isSystem All created theis System by created triangules is by created triangules in by thetriangules three in the dimensions three in the dimensions three dimensions

to any surface form.

in order in to order allowin to more order allow flexibility to more allow flexibility more and Rigidity flexibility and Rigidity as well and Rigidity as well as well

CNC MILLING DIAGRAM: Contour Cuts For Flattened Geometry

Intermediate Intermediate Cell Intermediate Cell Cell Type A

Type A

Center Cell

1. Old L 1. configuration Old L configuration 1. Old 2. L configuration Doble L 2. configuration Doble L2. configuration Doble 3. L configuration triangulation 3. triangulation of each 3.Conextion triangulation of each of each -. Conextion -. Type A Type A Intermediate Intermediate Cell Intermediate Cell Cell

of the Cell unit of the Cell unit of the Cell unit Around a square Around opening a square Around opening arectangle square opening generating rectangle a generating newrectangle a new generating a new Type B Type B Type B Cell Cell Cell

Paper Paper Aproach Aproach

-.Six Cells -.Six -. Cells Six Cells

Developing Developing first first cells cells models models

Center Cell Center Cell

Type A

-.Conextion -.Conextion Type B Type


-.Sixteen -.Cells Sixteen -.Cells Sixteen Cells

Ingrid Campo Ingrid Ruiz Campo Ingrid + Jose Ruiz Campo Luis + Jose Ruiz Perez-Griffo Luis + Jose Perez-Griffo Luis Viqueira Perez-Griffo Viqueira Viqueira


+ ASSEMBLY PROCESS: After Contour Cutting The Flattened Cellular Geometry On The Cnc Mill, Each Cell Is Folded In The Appropriate Sequence Using The Plastic Strip Heat Bender

a.Center Cells b.Intermediate Cells -.All the System is created by triangules in the three dimensions in order to allow more flexibility and Rigidity as well

This rigid skin system is composed of a series of panels which are tiled consecutively by mirroring each panel about the x and y axis Creating Architecture

Center Cell

Envolving the Spaces

Intermediate Cell

Center Cell

to produce a seemingly random array of cells.

Type A

The random array allows the cells to be read as a complex overlapping pattern rather than a

Intermediate Cell Type B

simple tiling of square units. Creating Architecture-.Exterior

-.Six Cells


-.Sixteen Cells

Envolving the Spaces

-.Top view

The system is applied to a non-structural

-.We’ll duplicate 4 times the 16 cells to generate our final Architectural

Campo Ruiz + Jose -.Ingrid The red points will be move 5 meters

Luis Perez-Griffo Viqueira

height to created an interior habitat for human interactions

the finished form. The scaffold can be removed

-.The deformation won’t deform the top

after the assembly is complete or remain as a

view of the pattern

-.Exterior view -.Top view -.We’ll duplicate 4 times the 16 cells

Ingrid Campo Ruiz + Jose Luis Perez-Griffo Viqueira

to generate our final Architectural


The red points will be move 5 meters height to created an interior habitat for human interactions

-.The deformation won’t deform the top view of the pattern

scaffold (next page) that acts as a skeleton for

means for mounting lights and equipment. I+P


FINAL ASSEMBLY: Four Cell Cluster with Connective Diamond Geometry



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