2 minute read
Deep Interlock & Ambiguity
Two regions can overlap in a permeable interacting space, allowing transmission from one region to another. There is ambiguity when reading which side of the interactive space belongs to which region (within the transitional region) and this is considered a good advantage, as in the sudden transition, as in a completely straight line, the converging shapes are not related to each other.
First, Deep Interlock: When the design of the block cannot be separated from its surroundings in any way Second, Ambiguity: When the building harmonizes with its neighborhood within their own rhythm
Ornamentation can be interpreted as “roughness” in a polished geometric form. Reducing the rigor of geometric shapes allows defects to appear, making them more tolerant. These defects distinguish between repeating units to make them similar but not identical.
The roughness is the strangeness of the shape. Changing the pattern in an element to adapt to the surrounding environment without arrogance or deliberate creativity Although it may seem strange from the outside to a person accustomed to order and perfection, it comes with the aim of drawing attention to what matters most and avoiding the attraction of what is less important.
The void
A living structure cannot be limited to details, saturation to the point of intoxication destroys the structure.
The need here is calm to reduce the noise of details.
The goal of the idea of void here is to reduce the intensity of the details that saturated the outer plaza of the station
NON - Separation
Non-Separartion is the degree of interdependence of an element with everything around it .. We achieve non-separation after reaching coherence, Cohesion is an emerging property that does not exist in the individual elements, In the greater total cohesion no element can be abandoned, the disintegration is neither apparent nor possible when each element contributes to support the total cohesion, nothing seems separate and nothing It draws attention to itself, and that is the goal of adaptive design: the seamless blending of a vast number of complex components, this is the opposite of intentional detachment and inseparability that transcends internal coherence because the form as a whole is connected as closely as possible to its Environment.