Architects Choice

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ArchitectsChoice £3.75



THE PATH IS CLEAR Signbox lead us down the road of wayfinding in the education sector






Cover Photo: Philips features on page 11.

December 2009 Welcome to the last issue of the year. 2009 has flown by and people are already looking forward into the New Year and wondering what 2010 will bring. I myself have some ideas looming on the horizon, so watch out for next years issues as we will be challenging more Architects for their valued opinions in Question Time and exploring the latest projects rising up from the foundations. For December, we asked our panel of four professionals to discuss what may be in store for 2010 and what their own Architectural New Year resolutions might be. Dickon Hayward, Phil Richards, Jack Pringle and Conrad Smith are all on hand to give their valued opinions and predictions. Across our news pages we focus on contracts and projects in the industry, specialist bathroom

EDITORIAL: Editor: Jade Tilley PRODUCTION: Graphic Designer: Kerri Cuthbert

products and news from architects across the board. We have White Rose awards, Sustainable Housing awards and Architect of the Year awards, with the winners from all, showing their triumphant projects as well as some dates in our diary section to take us well into the New Year. Signbox feature this issue with the recent completion of the Into University of East Anglia project. Signbox were tasked by creative agency Into, to create dynamic and creative signage and lay a clever wayfinding solution for the Universities International students. The finished effects show a colourful and modern take on sign direction throughout the International Centre. Our Last Word takes an unusual turn as Tim Lobb of Thomson Perret Lobb Architects takes to the stand to discuss their very specialist area of golf course landscaping. The emergence of buildings and vast


An architecture news update - all the latest developments by some of our most respected designers


All the goings on in the industry

structures in the Middle East has been part of a shift in golf course architecture, a return to the classic style of the range and upgrading and modernising them. So, what is in store for the New Year? What will be the main product launches for 2010? and will we start to see a recovery in the state of architecture? If you have any questions you would like to put to our panel in the New Year or any new product innovations you would like to share with us, email me at, I would love to hear from you! On one final note- Merry Christmas!

Jade Tilley, Editor


Signbox discusses effective signage in educational spaces.


Featuring the best designs

SALES: Sales Manager: Donna Jenkins Account Executive: Karen Hill Online Edition: Karli Edmondson ADMINISTRATION: Accounts: Carole Todd Reception: Joanne Cluer Data control:


Commercial projects with planning permission

Published by onecoms, a trading division of Media One Communications Ltd. Geneva House, Park Road, Peterborough, PE1 2UX. Telephone 01733 756555. Copyright 2009, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher. All views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.

24 HOME GROWN INNOVATIONS Talent from the West Midlands



By Tim Lobb,TPL Architects


An architectural guide to the world wide web

Architects Choice 3


News brief... ARK APPOINTMENT ARK Design & Architecture Ltd has expanded its team with the appointment of top flight graduate Carl Thomas to the position of Architectural Assistant. Carl graduated in the summer of 2009 from the University of Liverpool’s Master of Architecture course with a 1st Class Honours along with a Bachelor of Architecture (BAHons) from the school in 2006. He was nominated for the Presidents Medals awards 2009 for his Thesis Project titled: The Promenade – Drift to Stanley Dock. Carl was also awarded the Peter Tyson prize for: Best engagement with technology in a design project, at the 2008 School of Architecture Degree show for Gorton Towers.

Double Win for Eric Parry at Architect of the Year Awards Eric Parry Architects has reigned triumphant at the Architect of the Year Awards, winning both the Richard Fielden Architect of the Year Award and the Office Architect of the Year Award.


he Richard Fielden Architect of the Year Award, which celebrates the “best of the best” in the industry, goes to the firm considered to have made the most significant contribution to architecture in the last year. The judges, who included a range of leading figures in the architecture industry admired the body of work undertaken by Eric Parry Architects, ranging from the renewal of

St-Martin-in-the-Fields to 23 Savile Row, a six-storey office and retail building in the West End. Of the buildings, they said, “(Eric Parry) had to deal with a fantastically complex set of challenges, and are indicative of the architects’ skill in combining new with old in a highly technical, yet thoughtful manner.” Commercial projects such as the Stirling-shortlisted 5 Aldermanbury Square and cultural projects like the new wing for the Holburne Museum of Art in Bath were said to display an “intensity” that “has the power to move people,” and the judges commended the firm for being one of few working today that dis-

plays a deep concern for the urban context of a building and the quality of the surrounding public realm. Office Architect of the Year was awarded to Eric Parry Architects for the inventiveness of approach demonstrated in several buildings, including 60 Threadneedle Street and a recently completed project in New Bond Street, where the designs are distinctive, but not forced, and are carefully woven into the existing urban fabric. The judges felt that these are important buildings, which, while highly regarded now, will also be highly regarded by future generations.

mixed use block in Wembley City. It covers 21,000m2 of residential space for 286 high quality residential apartments, 47 per cent of which are mixed tenure affordable housing. The block also provides 1,350m2 of retail and 750m2 of community space, with a basement car park for 132 cars and 286 secure bicycle storage spaces. Forum House is also the first UK residential development to adopt the ENVAC system for waste disposal, eliminating the need for residents to use noisy and smelly rubbish chutes. Residents collect waste in their builtin kitchen bins to ensure the

quantity fits easily into the system when they come to dispose of their waste at collection points positioned on each floor and in the courtyard at exit points. Recycling figures for the first six months are 41.5 per cent, which is actually double what LB Brent achieve elsewhere in the borough (they achieved 20.98 per cent in 2008) and waste collection costs are reduced by 80 per cent, along with vehicle movements and CO2 omissions in the process. The Sustainable Housing Awards celebrate the projects and organisations at the vanguard of housing sustainability best practice.

HRH PRINCESS ALEXANDRA OPENS NEW HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE CENTRE The new £3m Health and Social Care Centre in Teddington by Nightingale Associates, has been officially opened by HRH Princess Alexandra. The 1326msq L-shape centre is a modular building under P21 and replaces the existing clinic facilities. The metal clad building accommodates four consult and examine rooms, community nurses, occupational therapists, mental health services and a specialist dental clinic. Emphasis was placed upon user consultation throughout the project with presentations, interior design workshops and two public consultation meetings. As well as landscaping, way-finding and signage work, the team worked with Nightingale Associates Architect and Director of Design Research and Innovation, Richard Mazuch, to explore how to best use art in the building, providing a fully integrated design service to the client. Repeat work has been secured from the Trust.

4 Architects Choice

Forum House wins sustainable housing award PRP in collaboration with Quintain, has won the prestigious Best Waste Initiative Award at this year’s Sustainable Housing Awards.The Award was presented to PRP and Quintain for their work in designing and developing Forum House, the first completed block in the Wembley City development. Forum House is the first completed

december Eric Parry said, “We are delighted to have been awarded both the Richard Fielden Architect of the Year award and the Office Architect of the Year Award. This year has marked the completion of a group of important projects. We have been fortunate to work with great clients and contractors and I think that these awards are also a tribute to those ongoing and successful relationships.” This double win marks the culmination of an impressive year for Eric Parry Architects, who were nominated for the Stirling Prize for 5 Aldermanbury Square and also won the RIBA London & English Heritage Award for Sustaining the Historic Environment and the RIBA London & Design for London Public Space Award for St Martin-in-the-Fields.

Ticket office task

diary dates December 2009 24 - 27 JANUARY Interiors event NEC, BIRMINGHAM

Above & Beyond were recently tasked with carrying out refurbishment projects on two of Yorkshire’s iconic station buildings. The client for this project is First, one of the UK’s largest rail and bus operators. First are a step ahead in leading the transformation of the way people travel and the way they feel about public transport First’s aim is to invest in and create the highest levels of passenger service and safety. The task for Above & Beyond came about as a result of The National Station Improvement Programme (NSIP); a joint industry initiative funded primarily by the Department for Transport. It aims to deliver £165 million worth of station improvements to a minimum of 150 medium-sized stations in England and Wales. Above & Beyond was con-

tracted to tender for two of the Yorkshire’s iconic station buildings under the National Station Improvement Programme. Huddersfield and Dewsbury stations are both listed buildings and the designs created by Above & Beyond are for refurbishment and internal reorganisation. The projects undertaken by Above & Beyond include improvements to passenger flow, ticket areas and at Huddersfield a disused stable block is to be converted to staff accommodation. The designs are in line with NSIP guidelines for safe, modern, comfortable facilities whilst maintaining the architectural integrity of the two listed buildings. Both projects are at tender stage and are due for completion in 2010.

New York policing re-design New York recently saw Mayor Bloomberg join members of the New York Police Department and other key figures to celebrate the groundbreaking of Rafael Viñoly Architects’ 121st Police Precinct Station House. Responding to the borough’s rapidly growing population, the 121st Police Precinct will fill the need of an expanded law enforcement presence, cutting response times and relieving the workload of existing precincts. The 121st Police Precinct Station House’s design responds to the challenges of an irregular site with two distinct building volumes: a two-story linear bar, gently arcing in plan and gradually increasing in height as it approaches the commercial district of Richmond Avenue, and a separate one-story volume where the site flares outward to the south. The second floor cantilevers over toward Richmond Avenue symbolically reaching out to engage the community. This cantilever defines the main entrance

and creates a visual link between the main lobby and Richmond Avenue. The Station House’s two building masses are distinguished by varied heights, differing surface treatments— horizontal stainless steel cladding on the long bar, gray brick on the onestory volume—and a skylight over the interstitial space between them. The long bar structure also shields the residential neighbourhood to the north from the police parking lot to the south. Outdoor mechanical services are concealed within the form, integrated into an enclosure clad in the same stainless steel. Acting as a model for buildings within the city of New York, the 121st Precinct incorporates a number of green building techniques. Site-related interventions such as brownfield reclamation, stormwater management, bio-retention areas, and drought-resistant landscaping are all in evidence and the east-west orientation of the building is ideal for energy conservation.

The Interiors event is designed specifically for retailers, interior designers, architects and contractors to source the very latest interior products from new and up-and-coming design talent as well as established brands. This year, the show will be displaying the ‘Thinking space’, inviting visitors to explore the specialist area, which aims to inspire and invigorate.

3-4 FEBRUARY The arc show EARLS COURT TWO, LONDON The ARC Show is a unique exhibition of the world’s leading lighting brands, promoting their products and services at the heart of the most influential architectural and design community, London. New products and technologies wil be on show as well as the latest trends and legislation information.

2-4 MARCH Ecobuild EARLS COURT, LONDON Ecobuild is the ultimate sustainable construction show. With over 850 exhibitors showcasing their products and more than 100 conferences and seminars aimed directly at the construction industry, Ecobuild is one not to be missed. In 2010 Ecobuild visitor registration is sponsored by The Energy Saving Trust, who will also be highlighting its services to the industry; The annual British Home Award winners will be announced and the Ecobuild Fringe Programme will be bringing together a variety of eventsm making the show a very worthwhile visit.

21-24 MARCH KBB NEC, BIRMINGHAM The all-important Kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms show is back with a vengeance for 2010. Gathering industry experts and influential product innovators, KBB brings together the best in the industry for hot tpoic seminars and the best networking opportunities.

To publicise your event, please send details via email to

Architects Choice 5


Futuristic home takes shape under ground Design and Construction Specialist, RJ Lewis Project Ltd were recently tasked with creating a state-of-the-art “underground” home in Cheshire. RJ Lewis had to satisfy stringent planning regulations while creating the 15,000 square feet of living space required by its prospective owner. Amongst other restrictions, local planners decreed that the visible part of the hillside home should mirror the footprint of an old cottage formerly occupying the site.The result has been the creation of a futuristic, four-storey property where 85 per cent of the development – including the vast majority of living space, a luxurious swimming pool and parking for multiple vehicles – is carved into rock. The completed home, whose location at stun-

Westminster City Council deploys 21st Century street lights Keen to eliminate wasted energy and to cut pollution, Westminster City Council is taking steps to make savings from its street lighting with the deployment of a revolutionary new system it has been trialling as a part of its SMART Lights project. Savings of up to £46 per streetlight per year and 100kg of carbon emissions per streetlight per year can be made from the Council’s energy bill thanks to a ground breaking street lighting solution called LeafNut. The technology has been developed over a six year period by Harvard Engineering, a UK based Technology Company. With the

6 Architects Choice

ning Helsby Hill falls within Green Belt as well as an Area of Special County Value, is due to be handed to its new owner early in 2010. RJ Lewis Projects’ Director Simon Lewis explained: “The plot’s owner had been looking to create a large family home that caused minimal environmental impact, both on the surrounding countryside and in its day-to-day running. “Having previously worked on everything from offices and laboratories to retail centres and leisure complexes, RJ Lewis Projects is extremely experienced in marrying innovative design with the exacting requirements of planners. However, at Helsby Hill we’ve needed to create completely new design features while also negotiating a planning mine-

field. We’ve worked extremely closely with the local authority to design and create a 15,800square-foot home that offers the expansive, low-energy living space required while having minimal impact on the surrounding countryside. Local councillors, planners and neighbours have all been involved in the consultation process.” The main structure of the new building is a steel frame, with timber-framed and panelled walls then being used to create four levels of stunning living space, two of which are below ground. Features include a swimming pool and family space on the lower-ground floor and a large lounge area and open-plan kitchen in the heart of the house on the ground level, with two additional floors of en-suite bedrooms. The highly innovative features

introduced by the RJ Lewis team include an internal courtyard which allows light into the ground floor without being visible from the surrounding area. There are also anti-glare windows, a vertical “light tower” to carry natural daylight below ground, a specially designed energy-free ventilation system and a cutting-edge security system. Full home automation ensures that energy consumption is controlled whilst delivering a truly 21st-century, contemporary living experience. The house is served by its own water borehole, uses bio-fuel energy and features its own waste-water treatment plant. Its environmental impact has also been reduced by using sustainable building materials and, by being below ground, incorporating a lawned roof.

City Council managing around 15,000 street lights the SMART Lights project is expected to make savings of up to £420,000 per year and reduce its carbon emissions by over 1.5 million kg. The savings are achieved by using modern electronics to replace old systems in the lamp heads - existing street lighting is up to 30 years old and very inefficient. These are connected to innovative wireless technology providing remote access and control to individual or groups of streetlights. The system manages the light output allowing the dimming of the streetlights to match the specific requirements of a location at different times of night. This reduces energy wastage due to over lighting, saves electricity and cuts costs, whilst also reducing carbon consumption and light pollution. A junction or area of all night activity

can remain fully lit, whilst reduced lighting levels may be sufficient for adjacent housing, industrial or park areas. Even then, such is the flexibility of the system that at the press of a button the lighting can be brought back to full intensity. This safety aspect can be maintained in conjunction with the city’s CCTV monitoring service. Westminster City Council requires lighting solutions that help enable the highways to be illuminated to meet the specific needs of its diverse and ever changing environment. The LeafNut system allows designed lighting solutions to be operated at dimmed lighting levels and only increased when required to meet environmental needs which may be daily/weekly such as a theatre opening and closing or monthly/annually for known events. The solution also cleverly provides a

daily maintenance report for each light. This not only identifies bulbs, which have failed, but also ones which are about to fail. No longer will costly inspections be required as maintenance can be accurately scheduled and managed via the Internet.


News brief...

Triumph at RIBA White Rose Awards

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S ENTERPRISE CENTRE SECURES PLANNING PERMISSION Earlier this year, Nightingale Associates secured a contract to design the £5m Women’s International Centre for Economic Development (WICED), to be situated in Liverpool’s city centre. The project has now taken a significant step forward after Liverpool City Council approved the plans. The 2,000sqm centre is the first of its kind in the UK and will be located in the heart of Liverpool. Expected to help 3,000 women set up businesses, creating 4,500 new jobs over the next ten years, the planners congratulated Nightingale Associates on their design. Kier North West have been appointed to head up the construction of the scheme that begins later this year.

ABU DHABI HOTEL WELCOMES F1 The Abu Dhabi-based Aloft Hotel designed by RMJM recently welcomed its first guests in time for the Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Formula One Grand Prix. With less than a year scheduled for the main construction of the hotel, RMJM implemented a meticulous planning programme to ensure the doors would be open for the last race in the Grand Prix season on 1st November. RMJM is also designing the iconic ‘Capital Gate’ tower on the same micro city site being constructed around the thriving Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre. The tower has been submitted to the Guinness Book of World Records for being the most inclined building in the world, which, with a lean of 18 degrees, inclines 14 degrees more than the famous leaning tower of Pisa.

HLM Architects swept the board at the recent RIBA White Rose Awards, for its excellent design of The Queen's Centre for Oncology and Haematology at Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham, East Yorkshire. The project won four major awards including: The RIBA Design Award - Best New Building; The White Rose Award Gold Medal; Best landscape Award - Commendation and Best Client Award. Completed in June 2008, The Queen's Centre for Oncology and Haematology at Castle Hill Hospital, which was designed by HLM Architects (architecture, interiors and landscape) and built at a construction cost of £42 million, has already been recognised as a centre

of excellence for the treatment of cancer and blood disorders. Nick Beecroft, Director at HLM Architects, said: “We are thrilled with the awards, which truly position this hospital as a UK Centre of Excellence. This project is a great example of what can be achieved with collaboration and teamwork between the client, project team and all other stakeholders. It has created a ‘healing environment’ that complements its beautiful surroundings, that shows innovation, and which will make a real difference to 1.2 million people. Winning so many awards for such a high profile project also reinforces HLM’s growing design profile and our reputation for high quality Healthcare and Public Buildings.

It shows that good design in PFI/PPP Projects is thoroughly achievable.” The Queen's Centre for Oncology and Haematology has also been short-listed for the Public Private Finance Awards 2009, for the Best community / user involvement in a project category. Project team Architect: HLM Architects; Client: Hull & East Yorks Hospitals NHS Trust; Structural Engineer: White Young Green; Services Engineer: Hulley & Kirkwood; Environmental Consultant: Enviros Consulting; Project Manager: Gleeds; Contractor: Shepherd Construction; Construction Contract Value: £42m and Gross internal area: 19,900 sqm.

John McAslan + Partners celebrates dual win at Architect of the Year Awards John McAslan + Partners received the World and Transport Architect of the Year Awards. Tony Skipper, Managing Director at John McAslan + Partners, who accepted the awards on behalf of the practice, said, “We are thrilled to have John McAslan + Partners’ work recognized by the AYA and it is wonderful for our teams who have all been working incredibly hard. It has been a tough time for the architectural profession over the past year, so it is also important to congratulate everyone on the shortlist, which displays a fantastically diverse range of quality architecture.” JMP’s most challenging recent pro bono project, set up through the $100m Clinton Hunter Development Initiative in Malawi, supports the Malawi government’s scheme to develop free primary education for all children in well-designed buildings. The first target was to provide 10 buildings across three sites, with a typical classroom block budgeted to cost a maximum of $20,000. The schools are now set to be rolled out across the country. In many of its projects, John McAslan + Partners -

using up to 10 per cent of its pretax profits - has set up linked pro bono schemes, some working in partnership with the Clinton Global Initiative, including a Strategic Development Framework for the School of Genocide Studies in Kigali, Rwanda, as part of the worldrenowned Kigali Memorial Centre. Of the World Architect of the Year award, the judges said that JMP “stood out in particular for the strong connection that was evident between the architecture, the place and the people. The world in 2009 is

a very different place to the world in 2007 and the work submitted by John McAslan’s office exemplified a real commitment to sustainable development at every level. The accolade for Transport Architect of the Year was given for a portfolio of projects. The practice is currently working on the £450M development of the Grade I listed King’s Cross station in the heart of London, a project that forms the centrepiece of what will be the most significant piece of urban regeneration in Europe.

Architects Choice 7

industry news

Renewable energy in community housing Nebula Court, the new development in Plaistow, East London, is setting the trend for using renewable energy in community housing with the installation of 63 ModuSol solar collectors from Hamworthy Heating. M&E contractors chose Hamworthy’s heating products as they provided a space saving solution whilst significantly reducing the building’s carbon footprint. Through Hamworthy Heating’s Technology Partner Programme, the solar collectors were installed by one of its approved installers, Natural Power Wales. Solar energy is absorbed using the high efficiency solar collectors, which are tested and certified to EN 12975. The solar arrays are used to provide pre-heated feed water via six Hamworthy Powerstock PS 1000 calorifiers. The solar collectors are complemented by three Purewell VariHeat 180kW gas fired condensing boilers, including a boiler sequencing cascade controller, to supply heating and

Yorkshire rewarded for environmental practices Yorkshire Copper Tube, has been rewarded by Knowsley Borough Council for ‘Best Contribution to the Environment’ at the recent Knowsley

Grand designs, minimal budget West Midlands eco kitchen company Chamois is going from strength to strength – accessing new markets, opening a new demonstration facility and appearing at Grand Designs Live later this month thanks to its innovative products and business ethos. The business has operated ecologically throughout its 28 year history but some ingenious product innovations and an endorsement from One Planet Products has recently enabled it to capture the hearts and minds of physically impaired customers as well increasingly environmentally-conscious consumers. Chamois Managing Director Andy Jones-Dutt commented: “With an ageing population and the desire of most people to live independent lives in their own homes, we identified the need for a user-friendly

top up for the hot water when demand is extra high. Operating as a fully pumped system, the community heating is driven by a series of risers from the basement plantroom to the top floor, which each service five or six flats, working via a hydraulic interface unit in each dwelling. For further information telephone 0845 450 2865

Business Awards.Yorkshire was nominated by Groundwork Merseyside, the largest environmental charity on Merseyside, who work in partnership with people and organizations in the local community. Groundwork Merseyside have been working with Yorkshire to help the company improve its environmental impact in areas including power consumption and waste management. Lavinia Cooke, from Groundwork Merseyside, said: “We nominated Yorkshire because of its on-going commitment to reducing its environmental impact, not only for improvements already made but also for work in the pipeline.” Alan Ogilvie, Yorkshire’s Facilities Manager, commented: “We are delighted to have won this award. Our work with Groundwork Merseyside has been invaluable and has enabled us to make significant reductions both environmentally and financially.” For further information visit

Denmark - A working laboratory for energy technologies Energy efficiency in Denmark has been created by a range of new technologies and solutions, and this can today serve as an example of how one can create a high level of growth without a corresponding increase in energy consumption or greenhouse gas emissions according to Ministry of Climate and Energy of Denmark. A good example of the Danish way of approaching the climate challenges is the tap manufacturer VOLA A/S. The company produces its taps in Denmark using a perfect mixture of the most modern engineering technology and old Scandinavian craftsmanship. Conscious use of natural resources such as energy saving is one its goals according to its ISO 14001 environmental management system. VOLA has decided to reduce the consumption of electricity in its factory in 2010 by eight per cent compared to 2008 - and in 2011 by 15 per cent, which corresponds to a CO2 reduction of 130 t. VOLA recycles all the brass and stainless steel used in the factory. Furthermore the company has committed itself to reduce the scrap percentage by 30 per cent by a conscious use of natural resources and introduction of more efficient production methods. The first VOLA tap was designed in 1968 by Arne Jacobsen. All VOLA taps are produced in Denmark. For further information visit

kitchen solution for the less able-bodied and set about creating a product range to meet those needs. Our new Elan range incorporates all of the aids and adaptations available in one platform.” For further information 01902 864685 or email Chamois Eco-Kitchens, Units 1-7 Showell Road, Bushbury,Wolverhampton WV10 9LN.

A FORUM FOR THE FUTURE The latest output from the Medite2016 Forum - a unique timber and construction ‘think tank’ of industry leaders and academics - is a forecast for 2010 and beyond. The forecast takes the form of a survey report and is essential reading at a time when most companies are looking at likely market demand for next year. The survey of the membership of the Medite2016 Forum sought their views on issues including prospects for 2010 and beyond, the nature of any recovery, the impact on the construction &

8 Architects Choice

timber industries and where the best market opportunities might be. The Medite2016 Forum is an informal organization, which currently has some seventy members; most of its membership hold senior executive roles either within the timber industry or have governmental, business or academic involvement with the industry. Facilitated by Medite, the 2016 Forum serves as a conduit for the publishing and exchange of ideas and views on issues that will shape the future of the timber industry both in Europe and globally.

For further information visit

industry news

Sign the window scrappage scheme The Glass and Glazing Federation has petitioned the Government to introduce a scrappage scheme, whereby householders are encouraged to scrap their old, poorly insulated windows in return for a £1,000 grant towards the installation of new, professionally installed, energy efficient ones. The petition has been set up through the ePetition

Scheme on the Official website of the Prime Minister’s Office at The benefits of this scheme for window manufacturers, suppliers and installers would be increased sales and a reversal in the downward trend in the number of installed windows and doors. Consumer would save £1,000 and enjoy a facelift to their homes, along with lower fuel bills and more energy efficient homes. The government would benefit from reduced emissions from the existing housing stock, helping it to meet the necessary green house gas emission targets. The government would also reclaim some of the grant money in VAT. Five hundred signatures are needed to take the petition to the next stage. Given the size of the industry, and the popularity of WER’s, the GGF expects the petition to receive many more signatures than that. For further information visit

Protecting luxury homes

Charter Integr8’s architecturally advanced security shutters have been installed in the £1m redevelopment of a prestige residential property overlooking London’s Richmond Park. Built-in shutters (which feature a mechanism housed within a structural lintel, making the shutters almost invisible when open) were fitted to eight potentially vulnerable windows and French doors on the 320sqm property at a cost of £15,000. “This is the first time we have used built-in shutters in this way. It’s something we would definitely do again and I would think there will be demand for this type of product on other high-spec housing projects,” the leading architect commented. “Charter provided good design and technical help throughout. The shutters fit discreetly into the cavity - in fact the product does exactly what it says on the tin! We were impressed by its quality too.” This view was echoed by the contractor: “The shutters were delivered on time and fitted well by Charter. We experienced no problems. It’s a sturdy, quality product and Charter supplied good back-up.” For further information telephone 0845 0508705 or visit

Urbis in Westminster

For further information email or visit

The German way to sustainability Ceiling and floor panels from Heradesign are helping to improve the environmental performance of two landmark public buildings in Germany, which are set to provide inspiration for UK architects and public building contractors. The company’s wood-wool panels have been used in the entrance of the dramatic Climate House® in Bremerhaven, and the Citizens’ Advice Bureau in the New Town Hall in Gotha, thanks to their environmental credentials and acoustic performance. Heradesign’s panels are developed from 100 per cent renewable raw materials: wood-wool, water and magnesite. They are also recyclable and pollutant-free, making them the ideal choice for building designers looking for more sustainable materials. Not only do the panels have proven environmental credentials, they also have excellent acoustic properties helping to generate a quiet and calm atmosphere in potentially noisy public spaces such as entrance halls and lobby areas, benefits that will appeal to designers of public buildings. For further information telephone 01375 675504, email or visit

A new LED lighting scheme has provided a successful step towards meeting the city council’s carbon reduction targets, as well as delivering a complaint lighting solution for a public space. Dave Franks, Public Lighting Manager for the Council, explained, “the original lighting throughout Westbourne Green in Westminster was in need of updating, particularly for an area with a perceived ‘fear of crime’. We approached Urbis to see if they could fit an LED solution into their decorative Haydon lantern. This proved no problem for their design team.” The main pedestrian routes through Westbourne Green are lit with thirty of Urbis’ Haydon units, each fitted with 12 white LEDs. The use of LED technology means that light can be directed so that the majority falls only on the paths. The servicing interval of the units should be around 13 years and they will also reduce the Council’s energy bills.

Stirling walls The glazed walls below the spectacular “floating” roof of the new Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centre, London, the winner of the RIBA Stirling Prize 2009, were manufactured and installed by Structura UK Ltd, curtain wall engineering specialist. The raised roof allows light to flood into the building and appears to “float” because no columns or framing can be seen supporting it. Structura’s work involved installing curtain walling 6m high x 60m wide in overall length to four elevations, and fixing clerestorey glazing above. The curtain walling is

made up of 30mm glazing laminated (exterior) and toughened (interior), and Schüco’s jansen steel profiles. The clerestorey glazing is fixed into the curtain walling transom below and to a steel angle above the ceiling, and consists of 30mm thick, Pilkington Optiwhite, non-reflective glass in sizes approximately 3.6m wide x 1 m high. Inside the 370m² Centre, Structura has supplied and installed internal glazed screens, two sets of sliding doors, seven sets of swing doors and several oversize windows. The main contractor was ROK. The structural engineer was Arup. For further information telephone 020 8397 4361 or email

Architects Choice 9

industry news Geze’s Canterbury tale

‘Aluminium in Renovation Awards’

GEZE UK, has helped Canterbury’s Age Concern day centre out of tight spot with a space-saving folding automatic door to enable access for all. Retrofitting automatic doors into existing buildings can be a squeeze, but for Age Concern, easy access to their day centre for their elderly and disabled visitors was essential. GEZE UK specified its Slimdrive SF automatic sliding doors to provide an elegant, effective solution that maximised the available opening width. Part of GEZE’s Slimdrive range, the SF operator is just 7cm high, which enables the drives to be discreetly located while operating within limited space. Using state-of-the-art control technology, the Slimdrive SF has a high performance motor that ensures the doors open smoothly, while being highly efficient and quiet. Its excellent safety features include built-in finger guards and an electro-mechanical locking system as standard. For further information telephone 01543 443 000.

Pinnacle announces rebranding Civil and structural engineering company, Pinnacle Consulting Engineers has announced a comprehensive rebrand. From November 2009,

The ACDC experience The ACDC Experience shocked and amazed visitors to 100% Design with its sheer audacity. The company’s ‘mobile exhibition stand’ – which started life as a double-decker bus, brought the future of LED and Cold Cathode lighting literally into the heart of the Earl’s Court show. Featuring all of ACDC’s latest products, designed and manufactured by the innovative lighting specialist here in the U.K, the bus lived up to the 100% Design Show’s mantra of showcasing the very ‘Best of British’. Next stop for the bus is the Love Light event, being held at the Royal College of Physicians in London’s Regents Park, where over 200 architects and interior designers will be invited to ‘hop on board with ACDC’ whilst being given a tour of the future of lighting. ACDC are also planning to hold a number of CPD presentations on-board the bus in the very near future, where architects, specifiers along with interior and lighting designers will be given an opportunity to

Pinnacle Consulting Engineers will be known as Pinnacle. Eager to ensure its name and brand remains visibly high in the current economic climate, Pinnacle has also worked with branding agency, Black Pig to revitalise its web site, corporate brochures, logo, stationery. A new marketing strapline, ‘Advice you can build on’ has also been incorporated into the marketing materiel and has become the company’s new web site address With offices in Norwich, Chippenham, Welwyn and Dublin, Pinnacle has grown to be a leading provider of comprehensive construction related services, from project inception through to completion. The company advises on property acquisition throughout the UK, and works with a number of multinational blue chip companies. For further information visit gain an insight into the innovative world of LED and Cold Cathode lighting. For further information telephone 0845 862 6421, email or visit

INAUGURAL SCHÜCO OPEN A HUGE SUCCESS As the final putt dropped, more than 2000 thrilled spectators, experienced international stars and ambitious amateurs were united in adjudging the first ever Schüco Open a resounding success. The high-quality invitational tournament, held to mark the expansion of the Bielefeld Golf Club to a full 18-hole course, included German sporting legend Bernhard Langer, Scottish maestro Colin Montgomerie, Andalusian star Miguel Ángel Jiménez, and French professional Grégory

10 Architects Choice

Havret. These four top golfers – all Schüco brand ambassadors – were teeing off for sustainable climate protection. Together, they represent the Schüco corporate vision of “Energy2 – Saving energy and generating energy”. The best performance of the day on the new course at the Bielefeld Golf Club came from Miguel Ángel Jiménez. The Spaniard fired a new course record of 65 shots to become the first winner of the Schüco Open. For further information telephone 01908 282 111.

The Council for Aluminium in Building (CAB) recently hosted the UK’s Aluminium in Renovation Awards at the National Motorcycle Museum, Solihull. This was the second time the event had been run in the UK and despite the economic climate a record 41entries were received and an audience of over 150 were entertained by BBC Commentator, Garry Richardson who was compere for the evening. Justin Ratcliffe, CAB Chief Executive introduced the awards to an audience of CAB Members and their guests, architects, specifiers and Main Contractors. He explained that the Awards consisted of eight national competitions followed by a European final in Brussels in November 2009 to reward the best use of aluminium in renovation, a sector where the qualities of the light metal were often underestimated. The Awards helped bring awareness of how aluminium could be used to preserve a piece of national heritage or to upgrade the environmental performance of residential or utility buildings. The overall winner who also received prize money of £5,000 was Amanda Levete Architects for 10 Hills Place, Off Oxford Street. For further information telephone 01453 828851 or visit

industry news

Pool pump action Calorex Heat Pumps and its UK distributors Certkin, are celebrating a major pool industry coup after two Calorex products were confirmed as the first and only specialist swimming pool heat pump heat recovery machines to be included in a Government cash back scheme, known as the ECA scheme, to encourage energy efficiency in commercial indoor pool projects. Inclusion into the energy technology list, which lists machinery that is complaint with the ECA scheme, means that the Delta 14 and 16 are recognised as able to provide low carbon and energy efficient environ-

Lighting at the heart of architecture

mental control solutions for swimming pool halls. The ECA scheme allows compliant machinery to benefit from a 100 per cent write off against taxable profits in the first year- a major cash flow boost for the commercial sector. The compact, yet powerful Calorex Delta machines work as a combined heat pump dehumidifier with automatic heat recovery. Typically, for every unit of power that a Calorex Delta consumes, it will convert three times this amount to useable heat. The potential energy savings are huge. For further information telephone 01621 856611, email or visit

A 60s landmark is transformed New life has been breathed into one of Manchester’s most iconic city centre landmarks of 50 years, the Ramada Piccadilly Hotel, following an extensive refurbishment. It was the largest of the refurbishment projects undertaken as part of the Jarvis Hotels rollout programme, with nearly 300 bedrooms and four levels of public areas including reception areas, bars, restaurant, function rooms, conferencing and back of house areas, needing attention. The refurbishment has dramatically transformed the image, appearance and performance of this well-known city centre hotel as Stuart Prior, Project Associate for the project at JWA Architects, explained: “As it’s a huge concrete structure we had to come up with innovative ways of installing new mechanical and electrical equipment, using conduits, and bringing fire regulation requirements up-todate. We also refitted the hotel’s kitchens, which alone cost £1.1m. To complement our architecture services, we offer a creative, yet cost-effective interior design service, so it’s much easier for clients knowing that both stages of a refit and refurbishment project are being managed at a single point.” For further information telephone 01858 525343.

Royal Philips Electronics is delighted to have sponsored “LoveLight” held in October this year at the Royal College of Physicians in central London. This unique event is the first of its kind and aims to put lighting at the heart of architecture. The event, initiated by the Professional Lighting Designers’ Association and Emap, the business to business media group, lived up to its billing as one of the most innovative and inspiring events on lighting ever staged. The event provided the ideal platform to discuss how LEDs have truly revolutionized the way architects and designers think about light. Clearly, LEDs are beginning to create a new lighting landscape. They offer full economic and environmental benefits but they also offer a chance to open up a world of endless creative possibilities creating lighting solutions in places and ways that were never possible before. In the area of media facades, here too, LEDs offer many benefits, not least of which is the seamless integration with architecture at concept and installation stage. For further information telephone 0845 601 1283 or email

IMPRESSIVE INVESTMENT FROM C-TEC C-TEC, has expanded its R&D department by recruiting three additional specialist design engineers and a dedicated technical author. Graham Williamson is C-TEC’s new senior PCB layout engineer. With over 30 years’ experience in the electronics industry, most recently at Baxall Security, Graham will head up all new PCB design projects. Audio-acoustic specialist, Ann Fomukong has been appointed design engineer and will assist in the design of voice

alarms and induction loop amplifiers. As technical author, Ian Fox will be responsible for producing instructions, technical documentation and online help files at the company which specializes in the UK manufacture of fire alarm control panels, power supplies, call systems and disability equipment. Paul Sannant joins C-TEC’s team of mechanical engineers. For further information telephone 01942 322744 or email

Architects Choice 11

question time


This month’s question: Discusses predictions for the New Year and our Panels’ New Year resolutions for 2010.

Figures of late have shown a small increase in starting projects and it seems that construction is in recovery mode for the New Year, after all, buildings still need to accommodate and designers will always be needed for crucial, urban enhancing designs. It will be a refreshing change to see buildings being erected for cultural, societal and artistic pleasure as well as just the necessity. With a slight increase in activity brings greater hope for the future of the built environment, we can begin to lift the country and in fact, the world out of this comatose state of building affairs. With the New Year horizon in sight, what do you predict we will be seeing in 2010 in terms of Architectural design? Will we see a move away from our recent style and change in perspective for architects? And, what is your architectural new years resolution?

12 Architects Choice


Following the patterns of time, architecture has always responded to the good and bad economic situations. In the pre-recession, we experienced some architectural gems, iconic and small scale. Unfortunately these gems were engulfed by a mesa of architectural nightmares, designed by ‘form follows investment’ which now scar the skyline and urban environment, reminding us of the good old boom time. Post- recession with 2010 around the corner, it is difficult to predict the future course of architectural design, one can just be optimistic. The gloom of the post war era gave us some great straight forward modernist buildings by some daring

what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.’ I think the reference to the cuckoo clock and post-modernist architecture is quite apt and hopefully the post recession will encourage a new perspective for architects to produce designs that will become timeless and engrained into the urban environment. With any luck some of the well designed schemes that got put on hold due to the down turn will re-emerge and inject a positive feel to the urban environment and the up and coming architectural community. The others hopefully will remain in the filing cabinet. With the grounding of the iconic buildings, perhaps a new modest architecture will emerge, which will stand the test of time and not display the architectural excess we have experienced in the last couple of years, before it all went a bit

“With any luck some of the well designed schemes that got put on hold due to the down turn will re-emerge and inject a positive feel into the urban environment.” Phil Richards architects only to be followed by the concrete high rise estates that now blot the urban landscape. The boom time in eighties provided us with post modernism, creating a new form of circus architecture. Architecture, recession and boom time in this current world situation always reminds me of the quote by Harry Lime in the 1948 film ‘The Third Man’ directed by Carol Reed. Set in Vienna after the Second World War. ‘In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and

pear shaped. It will be good to see the new emerging buildings that will be built next year to contain a fine balance of modesty, modernity and tradition that will kick start and set an precedent for the next generation of buildings to come. This kick start has happened before, but unfortunately did not have the impact and momentum that is required, right now! My architectural new year’s resolution will consist of a simple rational architectural diet with no added trimmings and absolutely no ornamentation, combined with a large side platter of green sustainability. No architectural excess and no architectural saccharine. A Healthier menu, combined

with uncomplicated healthy ingredients and more importantly, without any aftertaste. In terms of a new horizon – Let’s hope that people don’t look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits; the new year is another chance for us to get it right.


New Decade, New Blood. Indicators do suggest that things have stopped getting worse, but that still leaves us at the bottom of a recession and the climb out may be more painful than the descent. On the ascent, architects will inevitably be relying on difficult new jobs won at super competitive rates. Unfortunately, there won’t be much public, cultural work as state spending gets tightly squeezed by the Tories. There won’t be much commercial new build either because, with occupiers reducing their space take up by about 25 per cent per employee, we’ve got as many offices as we need for the near future. But, barring a double dip, there will be urban regeneration probably led by housing, imaginative refurbishment, new build and infill as leases come to an end and opportunities and needs reappear. Emerging IT trends including small cool, often wireless kit at the user end and remote powerful data centers accessed through fiber optic or cloud networks will mean that old buildings can perform just about as well as new buildings for IT-dependent occupiers. These smaller projects will be good news for new practices to cut their teeth on. Clients will feel that it’s less of a risk commissioning young architects on refurbishments and infill and will be attracted by the promise of something new and fresh to

“Personally, I’m hoping that the ubiquity of the word ‘luxury’ on every hoarding in London along with ‘designer lifestyle’ will become synonymous with the decade that crippled the economy by maxing out the credit card, and be buried forever among the foundations a brand new wind farm. ” Dickon Hayward give them a commercial or cultural edge. This project diet will also be more exciting to new practices than to the old guard, which has been spoilt by a decade or more of big new projects. Is this where will the next generation of heroic British practices come from, the Fosters

Our industry experts provide a compelling insight into the design issues surrounding today’s architecture

and Rogers of the future? My New Year’s resolution is to remember that everything is possible; architects are kids at 40 so I’m still a teenager.


Planning applications are down again this quarter compared to a year ago. In April reports announced a staggering 40 per cent drop over the last tax year compared to the previous one. It’s a situation that has to give, property prices are bottoming out and cash rich developers –

Our panel of architects are experts in their field and have experience in a vast area of architectural design including; landscape, public sector and private residencies. If you would like to contribute as a panelist email:





Philip has been involved in a diverse array of architectural projects including several high profile mixed-use developments. Most recently, Philip was incolved from design through to development of the TFL site in Hammersmith and was joint co-ordinator of the Gateway buildings to the National Stadium, Olympic Way, Wembley. Currently, Phil is working on a Grade II landmark hotel and residential scheme in the City of London.

Jack studied architecture at the University of Bristol and began his career at Powell Moya. He set up Jack Pringle Architects in 1981 before founding Pringle Brandon in 1986. Jack has run many successful major fit-out and new build projects. He is very experienced in strategic brief taking and assisting clients in understanding the benefits of alternative design solutions. Jack is the immediate past president of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

Architects Choice 13

question time yeas there are still some out there – are eagerly waiting to pounce. Meanwhile, the rhetoric from Tory party HQ seems to be easing away from the ‘axe all spending’ mantra, giving hope that when they take over, as they probably will, there will still be some form of government subsidized construction. So perhaps we are finally seeing some of the fabled green shoots that have obsessed construction industry gossip for the last year. They may just be visible, but I fear it will be a long and tentative gestation period before we ever see the rich fruits of the early ‘Noughties’ again. Alongside the unemployment, frustrated dreams and downsized ambitions that characterise a recession, comes also a desire for change both in terms of how architects are work as well as their ambitions and philosophies as designers. The post war recovery was marked by the advent of brutal modernism as an austere and necessary remedy to misplaced village nostalgia. In turn the 1980s saw the birth of brightly coloured post-modernism as anathema to the dreary modernism that had come to represent the failings of socialism in the 1970s. So what will the post recession 2010s look like? Personally, I’m hoping that the ubiquity of the word ‘luxury’ on every hoarding in London along with ‘designer lifestyle’ will become synonymous with the decade that crippled the economy by maxing out the credit card, and be buried forever among the foundations a brand new wind farm. Secondly, lets hope that governments now realise PFI is an unachievable long-term strategy to construct and manage public buildings. The credit crunch has hi-lighted clearly that the tax payer bore the risks and the private sector made the money - a more old

Our industry experts provide a compelling insight into the design issues surrounding today’s architecture

14 Architects Choice

fashioned and directly accountable approach to public spending would be a relief. As to what it looks like, I suspect it will get a lot less shiny and a lot more considered. There are a lot of good architects with plenty of time to spend on the next project that comes our way, most of them fluent in an abstracted minimal post-crunch eco-chic – the style that will undoubtedly now become prevalent throughout the industry.


Trends in architectural design during 2010 and beyond will revolve around sustainability. At ReardonSmith, we specialise in hotel and resort architecture and, certainly within this sector, the integration of eco-responsible building solutions continues to be one of the most thought-provoking elements of our designs. Next year, we’ll see a continuation of the underlying objectives of hotel architecture, which remain consistent from projectto-project: design that achieves the optimal asset for the building’s owner, maximum ease of operations, a pleasurable guest experience and a good working environment for staff. The escalating trend in 2010 will be the implementation of these goals in a sustainable manner. Driven primarily by legislative requirements, but also by the growing demand from travellers for ecologically-sound practices, ReardonSmith’s challenge will be to provide creative building designs that also offer environmental and cultural value not just for the hotel, but also for the property owners and the local community – now and

into the future. Resorts are growing increasingly community-focused, with private residences as well as shopping, wellness centres, equestrian facilities and upscale restaurants. Our architecture responds to this through the inclusion of open, adaptive spaces that can share resources in a symbiotic manner. We’ve been anticipating the demand for sustainability in new ways – beyond the actual building materials and into methods for minimising the impact of a building on the environmental landscape. One example where this has been achieved is our resort project in the French Alps, in which the new usage plan of the building serves to support a longer season than previously considered possible. As local building regulations required the new plan to fit within the existing footprint, our design solution was to

aging the land. ReardonSmith is planning the UK’s first fivestar underground hotel, with 120 guestrooms, a restaurant and a suite of conference facilities. This is not some kind of architectural conceit on our part but quite simply the only option, in our judgment, that offered a realistic scheme for planning consent. The site is in London’s Green Belt, with currently uninterrupted views over rolling countryside. By building just one storey above ground and the rest below, we intend to create public areas and terracing at ground level, although fully submerged by green roofing, with all other spaces constructed beneath. This is, in fact, not the first time we have looked at such a design; the difference now is that legislative, business and consumer interests are coalescing to the demand for eco-solutions that only a few years ago

“My architectural New Year’s resolution is to bring back drawing boards! The quality of work that results from hand-drafted drawings is quite different from that of CAD. ” Conrad Smith carve into the adjacent mountain to house the medical spa and large wellness centre, and thus preserve the integrity of the surrounding natural environment. In addition, of course, by remaining open a longer portion of the year with new on-site services such as residential accommodation and a speciality restaurant, there is a shorter “down time” in which resources are expended on an unoccupied hotel. In other words, we are aiming to provide a resort that satisfies many demands while being harmoniously woven into the surrounding landscape. Architects are increasingly required to build without dam-

would have been deemed too radical by the hotel industry. My architectural New Year’s resolution is to bring back drawing boards! The quality of work that results from handdrafted drawings is quite different from that of CAD; hand-drawing tends to evoke a thinking process that leads to greater detail in the solution itself as well as a drawing that is more likely to delight and engage the client.





Dickon studied at Manchester University and the Royal College of Art. He has worked as Project Architect on a wide range of projects from large-scale residential and commercial developments to luxury penthouses, clothing stores and restaurants. Currently, he is mainly working in the hotel and travel sector, building a large marina and hotel development in Grenada.

Conrad has practised as an architect and interior designer specialising in the leisure sector for over 20 years. He joined ReardonSmith in 1992 and became Managing Director in 1996 since when he has played a key role in steering the business into new geographic markets and sectors within the hotel and resort mix. Today, Conrad continues to lead the teams handling some of our most prestigious and challenging work, both newbuild and restoration, in the UK and overseas

contracts and projects

Integrity voice alarm brings order SigNET’s powerful Integrity voice alarm/public address system has been installed at a prestigious Crown Court building in the Borough of Hounslow in London as part of a multi-million pound expansion project. The existing Court building in Isleworth has been extended to accommodate six new Crown Courts, a development which will increase custodial capacity and the infrastructure necessary for the courts to function. The ambitious project called for a complete overhaul of the life-safety equipment and SigNET’s Integrity was approved for the site. Integrity

Silent acoustics by STO Ltd StoSilent, the light and rigid suspended acoustic system, is specified for use on the new wing of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. It required a system

combines a voice alarm system with a high specification public address system and is incredibly flexible. Consisting of two networked 42U racks, supporting a combination of 331 BS 5839-compliant vandal resistant ceiling speakers across 18 separate PA zones, the system also includes a custom-paging panel in the main reception and a firefighter’s microphone in the main security control room for the day-to-day management of the site. Fully compliant with BS5839 Part 8, BS7827 and BS-EN60849, Integrity’s unique PC software enables a VA/PA system to be designed and demonstrated prior to purchase. Its capacity for all cause and effect scenarios to be tested and auditioned gives site management unrivalled confidence and control over site evacuation strategies. For further information telephone 0191 417 4551.

ACO draining expertise ACO Building Drainage was recently involved in the design and installation of a complex drainage solution for Paradise Street, a major regeneration project in the centre of Liverpool. An effective drainage system was essential to ensure the vast walkways spanning the entire length of South John Street would remove the rainwater efficiently and quickly. Building Services Consultants WSP Building approached ACO Building Drainage for a workable solution, having collaborated with the drainage specialist on a number of successful projects previously. ACO began to develop a unique drainage system, following detailed architectural drawings showing where the drainage channels would be required, as well as working closely with the WSP and Crown House public health engineer to ensure compliance with the latest regulations and Client requirements. Taking these requirements into consideration, ACO offered a solution that would be effective, safe and pleasing to the eye. The system was purpose designed and manufactured, made from 316 grade stainless steel and incorporating proven ACO AS301 drainage channels. For further information telephone 01462 816666, email or visit

that would work alongside this challenging design, providing high levels of acoustic absorption and achieving the desired aesthetic appearance. The StoSilent Panel Robust acoustic system is used in the vaulted area of the building to create individually designed curved panels, which run the length and breadth of the room. These acoustic panels are fixed to purpose designed metal framing systems, which curve to a 5m radius. StoSilent Panel Robust, with its tough mesh reinforcement is ideal for curved substrates, and provides an impressively high average acoustic absorption level of 0.70 NRC - 0.65 αW (250-2000 Hz). The non- accessible ceiling is slightly suspended because it needed to house the lights, smoke detectors and wiring, whilst the curved panels follow the shape of the vaulted roof. Sto approved installation contractors Baker Stickland created the original metal work grid, with a bespoke design that allowed the boards to be curved and attached to the ceiling. The 32 panels, 16 on each side of the ceiling are finished with the acoustically transparent coating, StoSilent Superfine, spray applied in white. For further information telephone 01256 337 602.

KEYMER GIVES STAR QUALITY TO NASHVILLE MANSION Keymer Tiles have recently completed a project on a stunning mansion situated on a secluded hilltop in Nashville. Over 90,000 Traditional Restoration tiles from hand made clay roof tile specialist, Keymer were used. Nothing provides a roof with greater aesthetics than the Traditional hand made clay tile range from internationally renowned manufacturer, Keymer – producing tiles that look as good today as they did 400 years ago, when they were first

made. The Restoration tile gave the Nashville mansion an aged look that reflected a typical oldfashioned English design, despite the fact that it was a new construction. The prestigious Traditional tile range ensures the client’s exact vision is met. To produce the distinguished look – recognised throughout the UK and overseas – the production of these clay tiles is 100 per cent hand made, giving every single tile personal attention. For further information visit

Architects Choice 15

contracts and projects

Excellent outdoor facilities Kader Primary School is located in a residential suburb of Middlesbrough and has more than 380 pupils. Although there is a large playing field attached to the school, its use for curriculum activities often has to be restricted, thanks to the British weather. When the school decided to extend their building, a key requirement was to provide an inside/outside teaching and play area that would not be restricted by poor weather. Extensive discussions were held with the architect and much research was undertaken by the school before a

Keston’s period heating Keston Boilers’ unique solvent weld waste pipe flue system, coupled with a bespoke rig incorporating a Keston Duet with C55 boiler and 210 cylinder, has provided the perfect solution to a lack of heating and hot water in a large, three-storey Cheshire home. The challenge was to retain cast iron radiators and place the new boiler and cylinder in a cellar having a low ceiling and accessible only via steep steps with tight corners. The solution was a bespoke rig incorporating break points in the frame, pipework and wiring so it could be partly dismantled to get it down the staircase. At the client’s request a twin coil cylinder was fitted to enable the installation of solar heating at a later date. A black, solvent weld waste pipe flue was run vertically between existing rainwater and soil down-pipes, terminating above the eaves of the house. The flue is self-coloured, eliminating

Net2 secures multi-sites As one of the largest sport, leisure and entertainment companies in Europe, Sheffield International Venues (SIV) now operates 14 venues in Sheffield alone. This includes the English Institute of Sport, Ponds Forge International Sports Centre and Don Valley Stadium. The nature of these facilities means they are open to the public every day of the

16 Architects Choice

decision was made to employ “Inside2Outside” to provide a Pocca canopy as part of the works. Inside2Outside quickly arranged for one of their representatives to visit the school to discuss costs and requirements. It was quickly evident that the company had extensive experience of providing canopies to schools and an appropriate design was chosen which met the school’s needs. Inside2Outside provided details of the canopy and arrangements were then put in place for it to be installed. The resulting canopy has provided excellent outdoor facilities, which are used every day by the Early Year Foundation pupils. For further information telephone 01480 498297, email or visit

the need to paint it to blend in with the exterior of the building. An outside temperature sensor was fitted to actuate the weather compensating capability, which is a standard feature of all Keston boilers. For further information telephone 0208 4620262 or visit

week. Ponds Forge, which boasts an Olympic sized swimming pool, amongst the other great facilities, was the first venue to have Net2 installed. The system has been gradually rolled out to Don Valley Stadium, Concord Sports Centre, iceSheffield and the English Institute of Sport. Sheffield City Hall is also on the Net2 system, as an SIV-managed facility. Net2 now controls access on 82 doors for over 1000 users across SIV’s venues. The management of the system is carried out by the security team at Ponds Forge. The systems are all connected over the existing IT network. For further information telephone 01273 811 011.

Access all areas Access Self-Storage Ltd has recently specified Knauf AMF’S Thermatex Mercure ceiling tiles for its new facility in Southampton. 800m2 of the 1200 x 600mm square edge tiles have been fitted throughout the individual storage units, including those on all five-mezzanine levels. As a structural feature, mezzanine floors require fire protection, which can be provided by a suspended ceiling system. BS476 requires that a complete floor assembly, consisting of a suspended ceiling and floor structure, achieve a minimum of 60 minutes fire protection. Finding a high quality ceiling system is a key factor for customers. S & L United Storage Systems Ltd carried out the installation at Access. Knauf AMF’S Thermatex range of high density mineral wool ceiling tiles provide in excess of 60 minutes fire protection to mezzanine floors, timber joists and steel beams in accordance with BS476: Parts 20 to 23. Warrington Fire Research Centre carried out specific tests on AMF Thermatex ceiling tiles installed in a fire-rated exposed grid system under a mezzanine floor and found that they gave 90 minutes of load-bearing capacity, 89 minutes of integrity and 89 minutes of insulation. For further information telephone 02088923216 or email

contracts and projects

SURESPAN PROVIDES BIOMASS SOLUTIONS Leading access hatch manufacturer Surespan Limited is helping to achieve Biomass solutions by manufacturing access hatches used in Biomass plants. One client who has recently benefitted from this is the National Star College in Cheltenham. Surespan designed and manufactured two hatches for the college’s new Biomass plant. Each hatch measures 2800 x 3750mm, can take up to 2.5 kN/ m2 loading and has a simple switch to operate the 24v DC Actuators. Their frames were specially built to incorporate a flashing mechanism which prevents rain water from getting in. They also include a motorised safety grid to protect personnel whilst allowing

wood chippings being delivered, to fall through to the storage units below. Security being a requirement, a purpose designed interface control was provided offering security access only for authorised personnel to access the fuel stores and deliver the wood chippings. A smaller maintenance access hatch to the Biomass store was also provided along with four stainless steel ventilators to ventilate the biomass store pit. Surespan custom manufactures access hatches to fit all biomass plants, which are becoming increasingly popular as people move to more sustainable, environmentally friendly heating alternatives. Wood chip Biomass is a low carbon fuel which is both sus-

tainable and energy efficient. Surespan designs and manufactures access hatches to suit all types of internal and external applications. Ranging from FACTA Class A to F loadings, their hatches are available in standard sizes or can be custom made to suit your needs. They also

Sika-trocal’s schooling With the continued commitment to invest in schools throughout the UK, South Ayrshire council has used the opportunity to replace the roof at Symington School in Ayr with a little expertise from Sika-Trocal and local contractor WM Skinner. Given the state of the existing roof, and the school’s location on the West

Coast of Scotland, the council wanted a long lasting and proven solution that could withstand the severe winds and high levels of rainfall. With a BBA certification, which states a life expectancy in excess of 30 years, this was ample proof that the Sika-Trocal concept would be a perfect solution for the school.

provide smoke release dampers, roof lights, floor ducting, handrail fittings and a comprehensive range of ladders, which can all be built to order. For further information telephone 01922 711185, email or visit,

Completed in spring 2009 by SikaTrocal licensed contractor WM Skinner, who also acted as main contractor for the project, the project involved the installation of 2,000m2 of Sika-Trocal Type S membrane on to the school roof using the SikaTrocal disc system to help speed up and simplify the installation process. For further information telephone 01707 394444 or email

College gets curtain walling Comar Architectural Aluminium Systems and their approved fabricator Alimatic Ltd; have recently completed a full refurbishment project to provide a whole new building envelope to Collingwood College, Camberley, Surrey. Intensive consultations took place as the brief for this project required Alimatic to specially design many elements, including the corner panels to ensure the smooth installation. For the sleek modern façade Comar 6 Curtain Walling was specified. Comar 6 curtain walling is a versatile thermally efficient system designed to integrate panels and glass of different widths into the façade with special profiles to include opening vents and doors. For the opening vents, Comar 5P.i. thermally efficient polyamide insu-

lated aluminium windows were installed, offering outstanding weather performance and low Uvalues. Comar 5P.i is a 60mm window system that reduces heat loss through the trademark P.i thermal break ensuring low U-values so energy bills are minimised. In a busy educational environment Comar 7 commercial door sets are a natural choice. For safety, the Comar 7 swing doors were fitted with antifinger trap stiles, Axim soft touch panic exit device and Axim concealed transom closers, which were hung directly from the Comar 6 frame. All aluminium systems were finished in Hipca White RAL 9910 (semi gloss) polyester powder coat. For further information telephone 0208 685 9685 or visit

Architects Choice 17

signbox Q&A

A QUEST THROUGH CAMPUS Signbox signage solutions prove effective at new International Study Centre for University of East Anglia.

NAME: Signbox PROFESSION: Signage company PROJECT: INTO University of East Anglia BRIEF: Create signage concept for International students to lead throughout the campus.

Wayfinding and signage company Signbox have worked on some impressive projects during their company history. Their end solution is always to the highest standard and their design concepts are nothing short of innovative and stylish. Recent projects have required close work with Architects at the heart of the project to come up with the clearest solutions for each project. Wayfinding is incredibly important in public sector buildings and the project at the University of East Anglia is a perfect example of this. Using clever colour-coding and simple techniques, the interior has been lifted using a very practical tool.

B 18 Architects Choice

right, stimulating and creative signage now welcomes International

“The modular signing system is a very high quality extruded engineered product that is both durable and robust. It is also sustainable due to its future proof design. �

students to the brand new stateof-the-art INTO Centre at the University of East Anglia. The new INTO University of East Anglia international study centre has recently opened its doors to a new intake of students who will be studying pre-university courses and undertaking English language training. The inspiring building, occupying a 1.3 acre site, offers 700 teaching spaces and accommodation for 415 students, and has been designed to provide a social, innovative and inspiring environment, with the highest levels of personal care and support. INTO's communications design team designed a wayfinding and signage system that Signbox was able to interpret and advise on effective manufacturing methods. The first phase of the project was the creation of a vibrant internal signage scheme: this took priority

signbox Q&A Floor plans and images were then digitally printed on the reverse of acrylic panels, button-fixed within the coloured area. In areas where information changes on a regular basis, Signbox supplied their Modular Sign System, an elegant, robust and flexible solution which featured extruded interchangeable aluminium profiles. To animate internal areas and introduce a fun element to the signage, Signbox manufactured to INTO’s designers’ specifications, a range of large format graphics including a knife and fork for the cafe area, and giant graphics to help identify the toilets’ locations. Fret-cut lettering is used applied directly to walls to supplement the modular signage panel system, identifying facilities and principal areas within the Centre. To meet the tight deadline for the handover of the building from the contractor to INTO, Signbox completed the manufacturing of all the signs within three weeks. The second phase of the project for external signage is now under way and is due for completion in February.

works have only consisted of changing names to major facilities that have been moved within the facility.


Talk us through the importance of the vibrancy in the scheme for the college building. Into recognised and stressed that the decor/ambience was considered pivotal in making the student ‘offer’ attractive.



How have sustainable products been used in this project? The modular signing system is a very high quality extruded engineered product that is both durable and robust. It is also sustainable due to its future proof design.


Signbox For more information... CONTACT Signbox Limited 3 Egham Business Village Crabtree Road Egham Surrey TW20 8RB Tel: 01784 438 688 Fax: 01784 471 694 Email:

We asked Signbox a little more about the brief, why they were chosen and how accessible this signage has made the campus.


What were the reasons for Into choosing to work with Signbox? The tender selection process was based on an indicative package of signs , besides cost and quality , Signbox were elected on the basis of their better understanding of works and previous education experience.



over the external signage due to the tight timescale leading up to the official opening. To create a friendly welcome for both students and staff within the atrium area, bright orange environmental graphics are set on a curved wall, displaying the INTO Centre’s logo. The effect embraces the students within a comfortable seating area. So that students can quickly recognise the different areas of the building and locate which floor they are on, a colour coding system integrates with the rest of the décor used in the building. This was achieved using elements of the INTO logo in large format, providing a colourful background for wayfinding decision points.

What were the specifications for the project? Into provided a very elegant overall design and Signbox contributed to the material specification. Signbox advised how the design could encompass the modular signing system to accommodate the ongoing changes that occur in education facilities with digitally printed acrylics and how to achieve the required keyplans which were provided at all floor levels to ensure students could easily progress all facilities.


How has the Signbox product been successfully implemented? Detailed formal drawing approval process and samples ensured the client was well informed. The appointed Signbox PM attended site and checked all sign locations before providing sign location drawings for the client’s approval.



Accessibility- how accessible is the campus now? The way finding scheme was entirely successful, additional

Architects Choice 19

bathroom designs

Showering safe in the knowledge The award-winning Selectronic range of showers from Redring are the most technologically advanced instantaneous showers available and exceed the stringent safety requirements for the care sector, less able and elderly. The Selectronic and Selectronic Plus combine thermostatic water temperature control with simple-to-use push button operation. The showers are pre-programmed to provide hot water at both a comfortable and safe temperature. In lock mode, the temperature is capped at 40ºC and safety features eliminate accidental temperature increase, offering protection against scalding. Accredited by the RNIB, the Selectronic range is the only elec-

tric shower to have gained ‘inclusive design status’, making it the best option for the blind, partially sighted, young children, elderly and less able. In addition to the RNIB endorsement, the Selectronic range also carries the BEAB CARE mark and meets the strict criteria of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). Key features of the Selectronic range include fully thermostatic controls, large LED display with audible feedback, easy one-touch operation, phased shutdown to reduce scale, whilst ensuring a cool-start for the next user and matt antiglare label backing. For further information telephone 01733 456944 or visit

Distinctive rapture The Abode Rapture range of distinctive bathroom taps and showers offers the very best contemporary styling in this unique and stunning design. Smooth curves and flat planate expanses are the very essence of this product range. Cool to the touch and easy on the eye this Rapture four

piece bath filler with shower and diverter offers the very latest in design-led styling with low-pressure functionality and is ideal for new build or refurbishment projects. For further information telephone 01226 283434 or visit

Hotel Chic from Bristan Bristan has extended its value for money Capri range with the addition of a manual shower valve with push button diverter. Ideal for the hotel and hospitality sector, the Capri Manual Shower with Diverter offers designer looks at an affordable price. Available

20 Architects Choice

as part of Bristan’s Pick n Mix range and can be coordinated with shower accessories and bath spouts. Matching taps and mixers are also available. For further information telephone 0844 701 6273 or visit

bathroom designs

Maxxus and Minimax by Wetroom Innovations A winning combination for wetrooms, new to the UK after two years of development, resolving the issue of high quality and value. Maxxus wet floor facilitates level-access showering, relieving floor space and offering mobility with freedom and easy access. One of the strongest products of its kind, Maxxus sustains a 470kg load over 400mm joist centres. Only 23mm thick, it reduces installation time to one hour. No under-boarding required. No lease agents to inhibit

bonding of adhesive, tanking or vinyl. The unique Minimax drain, for vinyl or tiling, projects only 62mm below Maxxus, yet flows 48 litres/min. The Maxxus has the patented NOOD noodour trap without a water seal, being well received by the NHS. BBA approved, both the Minimax and Maxxus have a 25year warranty. For further information telephone 01629 815500, email or visit

TRY SOMETHING NEW Impulse Bathrooms is a new force in the “Complete Bathrooms” marketplace. Manufacturing its own suites, baths and brassware, Impulse controls the product designs and quality of the products made. It adopts the highest of the standards applicable across the various markets its products are sold into around the world. Top quality and high standards are of the utmost importance. There are 12 plus suites to choose from; contemporary suites include Intrigue, Odessa, Zeto, Serene, Impala, Tribune, Impact, Monica, Kapello

and Radius and traditional suites Hadrian, Genevieve and Rochester for those customers looking for something to suit a period style. Most of the suites have multiple options. For example there are 25 WC’s to select from including wall hung, back to wall, close coupled and close coupled back to wall. There are also many basin options including vessel, semi recessed, recessed and semi pedestal versions. Impulse Bathrooms are also committed to the issue of saving water and supporting environmental policies and do not just have a

‘token’ water saving eco friendly suite, in fact ten of their WC’s are available in 4.5/3 litre options proving their commitment whilst ensuring that stylish designs are not forsaken. Six modern style baths designed specifically for the UK market complement the suites range. They all conform to relevant British Standards and are produced from sanitaryware grade composite acrylic sheet, precisely colour matched to Impulse Bathrooms vitreous china. Designed specifically for the UK market there are also five different ranges of brassware available from Impulse. For further information visit

PEGLER INVESTMENTS Pegler Yorkshire Group has revealed new product launches planned for this year, including a new Thermostatic Mixing Valve (TMV) range, backed by millions of pounds of investment in new machinery throughout the business. The TMV’s are branded under the Prestex name and manufactured and assembled completely in the UK. Improving design and quality have been key drivers for the new product, while basing everything in Doncaster is also delivering environmental benefits too. Over £300,000 worth of investment in new machinery has gone into the latest part of the facil-

ity dedicated to the manufacture of TMV’s. This includes spending some £250,000 on new manufacturing equipment and a further £80,000 on new additions to the testing laboratory. The performance of the products remains as high as ever, but the Prestex TMV is designed to be more compact and lightweight. With less material used in manufacture, the TMV is more environmentally friendly than ever before, costing less to produce and transport: in both money and emissions. For further information 0870 1200 284 or visit

Architects Choice 21

luxury with a conscience

Luxury with a conscienceTM Water-efficient high-spec bathrooms no longer a pipe dream. By Graham Fisher

Graham Fisher is Business Development Director for Ecoplay.

Bathrooms and en-suite bedrooms offer a range of contemporary and sleek design options. But what about meeting the Code for Sustainable Homes? Will this reduce design scope? By investing in innovative microrenewable technologies, such as greywater management systems, luxurious bathrooms can be created without the need for compromise, says Graham Fisher, Business Development Director at CME Sanitary Systems.


reywater management systems work by recycling the water used in baths and showers to flush one or more WCs. It is a simple idea, but a highly effective one, considering that this type of domestic water consumption accounts for over 60 per cent of total household water usage. As a result, water consumption, just like energy use, is now a pressing environmental issue when looking to meet the Code for Sustainable Homes. The ‘water’ category offers five credits within the Code, which is the second highest behind the ‘energy/CO2’ category and is therefore having a palpable effect on bathroom design considerations. In Britain, we are a long way away from becoming a waterefficient nation. It is calculated that each person in this country uses on average 150 litres of water per day, with over half our water

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consumed for domestic use. Of this, a surprisingly high percentage – 33 per cent - is used for baths and showers and 30 per cent for WCs. The benefit of an Ecoplay greywater management system is that it targets these appliances which are the biggest offenders of excessive water consumption and re-uses this water to dramatically reduce waste. Architects should not just be interested in greywater recycling from a ‘green’ perspective. It has many practical benefits too, as there is no need to restrict product choice for bathrooms, which may have previously been hindered by the need to reduce water consumption down to 105 litres per person, per day, as demanded by CFSH level 3/4. What a greywater management system means is that water can be recycled, but crucially, without the need to make sacrifices on the overall designs of bathrooms and comfort they provide. It is a blueprint for the development of other sustainable technologies, as it combines the ideals of environmentalists, with the pragmatic requirements of designers whose primary motive is specifying high quality products. For instance, a greywater management system allows for traditional water-thirsty cistern toilets to be replaced with more contemporary options like wall hung toilets. This is because the grey water tank is boxed into a metal frame, which can be simply

mounted on a wall and then concealed from view using plasterboard. When it comes to baths, architects do not need to specify shallower and smaller baths to reduce water consumption. A greywater management system can allow for free standing cast iron baths to be fitted into homes to meet high-spec criteria outlined by clients. Power showers can also be used, despite the fact that they use around 12 litres of water per minute, because, ultimately, all this water is being fed along hidden pipe work into the greywater management system to be re-used to flush up to two toilets. As for the toilet itself, a typical flush from traditional cistern toilets uses approximately six litres of water. A greywater management system negates the need to use fresh water for each flush by recycling the high amounts of water used in baths and showers. The beauty of this system is that the more a bath and shower is used, the more water is recycled and the more water efficient a household becomes. It is also low maintenance and self-cleaning, highlighting it as a user-friendly renewable technology. Rather than forcing householders to use less water, greywater management systems’ focus on recycling water, creating a more sustainable system without the need to compromise on luxury in the bathroom. ■



product news The Horne Group, which has more than 40 years experience in the building industry, is launching a fully-portable state-of-the-art ultrasonic leak detector kit that uses digital technology to identify precisely where water and air penetrates in buildings and claddings. The technology can also be transferred to boats, motor vehicles, aircraft, trains and sealed components. Filon Products is the first British Glass Reinforced Polyester (GRP) sheeting manufacturer to recycle its GRP back into its product ranges, ensuring its products are fit for the future green demands of the industry. A supplier to the roofing and cladding industry for more than 50 years, the company also recently launched its Fixsafe system, which enables damaged roof sheets to be replaced from the underside, significantly reducing risk to operatives.

Home grown innovation Eleven businesses from the West Midlands came together to showcase some of the region’s most innovative products and services for the building sector at this year’s recent Interbuild show, the UK’s largest construction event. From a revolutionary solar PV system to a wind turbine installed for this year’s Glastonbury music festival, the companies were brought together as part of a three-year programme being undertaken by the West Midlands Centre for Constructing Excellence (WMCCE) and Advantage West Midlands. ‘Building on Advantage’, the name of the project, aims to promote the capabilities and specialist expertise of the region - which already represents a turnover of £6 billion and 260,000 jobs in the building technologies sector. Here are the companies that took part: The Coleshill SolarTile ® is a revolutionary new ‘plug-in’ integrated solar PV system manufactured in the UK that can both contribute to achieving sustainability and reduce running costs of the home or business. Using proven technology, it has no moving parts and has a 25 year power output guarantee. SolarTile® can be easily installed into Marley Modern and similar concrete tiled roofs without additional changes or disruptions to the build program, making it ideal for both refurbishment and new build projects. Sitec Infrastructure Services made headlines earlier this year when it successfully installed one of the revolutionary Skyrota 5kW verti-

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cal axis wind turbines next to the Pyramid Stage at the Glastonbury festival. The company claimed further headlines when it completed the first residential Skyrota installation, which is set to be featured on a forthcoming episode of Channel 4s ‘Grand Designs’. Sitec is committed to the development of renewable energy and was joined on its stand by Mr Richard Chadwick, inventor of the Skyrota wind turbine.

HiBar Flood Systems Ltd has developed a unique new concept for flood defence. The HiBar system is a free-standing, automatic, selferecting flood barrier that is installed around the property’s perimeter but unlike other solutions it does not rely upon the structural strength of the property and instead uses the floatation power of the floodwaters themselves. W Barratt Contractors Ltd, commercial coating specialists, has more than 21 years of contracting experience and provides a ‘one stop shop’ for refurbishments. Specialising in the public sector including educa-

LED (UK) Ltd designs, develops, and manufactures solid state (light emitting diode) white power energy efficient lighting for the 21st century. Its products, which are supplied to both the private and public sector, provide light energy savings of up to 80 per cent compared to traditional lighting methods and are non-toxic and completely recyclable. Hazlin of Ludlow Limited is one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of bespoke architectural veneered fire doors, panels and doorsets. The company has a proven record in the education, heritage and restoration and healthcare sectors and has supplied products for projects such as the John Radcliffe Hospital, The Queens Gallery and The Royal Society – to name but a few. Dimart has developed a new steelarmoured cable stripping tool that can cut into the outer insulation and the protective steel strands underneath, something that until now has not been possible for electrical engineers. The SACS tool (Steel Armoured Cable Stripper) launched in November 2009 is the brainchild of local electrician Martin Barratt.

HiBar floor system

Coleshill SolarTile®

tion, social services, public buildings and public areas the company’s customers also include Slough Estates Group, Birmingham Hippodrome and the Highway’s Agency.. smartroof® is a first-of-a-kind interlocking panel system that, unlike other rooms-in-the-roof products on the market, spans from gable end to gable end. A complete eco-friendly structural timber insulated system it creates instant room space with a comprehensive back-up infrastructure to support all requirements. Micklewrights Structures Ltd is a family-owned steelwork fabricator that has been operating for more than twenty years. The company started manufacturing secondary steelwork for all sectors progressing into long-term contacts for power stations and then the open market with numerous builders in the agricultural, commercial, industrial, leisure and local authority sectors. The company recently completed two projects – the Champions Church in Netherton and bridge-strengthening at the waterfront near Merry Hill. For further information, telephone Victor Tsemo on 0121 688 4050.

product news

Helping you become upwardly mobile Tim Wakeley of Premier Loft Ladders promotes the use of loft ladders to gain access in domestic and commercial buildings. By Tim Wakeley More and more homeowners and commercial businesses are increasing storage space through the use of mezzanine floors and the utilisation of roof space. For homeowners, the loft is an ideal storage solution for both unwanted and wanted items, keeping them out of sight and freeing up space in the rest of the house. Many businesses use mezzanine floors for storage and utilise the space afforded by flat roofs to locate such things as plant, motor and boiler rooms.


hatever the application, access is paramount and loft ladders have proved to be the most practical and convenient access solution because, unlike fixed stairways, they take up no floor area. At Premier, our ladders are specified by architects and designers throughout the construction industry for use in new buildings and refurbishments and they lead the field in the domestic market. Their products, which are available with a host of energy efficient and fire resistant options, include three concertina style aluminium loft ladders - the Supreme, the Elite and the Piccolo together with a selection of 3 part folding and 2 part wooden ladders. For CAD drawings for most products please visit Three of our most popular models are highlighted below. The Supreme can be offered with several options including a weatherproof roof hatch, 30 or 90 minute fire resistant casings, electrical operation and vertical access.

The Classic Type 50 is a 3-part folding wooden stairway which, when folded, sits on top of a spring loaded trapdoor. A 2 part sliding model is also available. The Classic Twinsafe offers a 30 minute fire resistant trapdoor. At Premier, they offer a free service to help architects, specifiers and contractors choose the right ladder for their specific needs. All they need to know is: The floor to underside of ceiling height (or in the case of a suspended ceiling, the floor to underside of the suspended ceiling together with the suspended ceiling to underside of the ‘fixed ceiling’ height) • The hatch opening length and width • The distance from the underside of the ceiling through to the floor level in the loft or wherever • All other relevant dimensions When deciding on a position for the ladder, be aware of the likely touchdown point to ensure safe and easy access. For example, avoid blocking a doorway or climbing on/off next to a stairway. For further information telephone 0845 9000 195, email or visit Premier Loft Ladders 2 Dawson Drive Trimley St Mary Felixstowe IP11 0YW

SAFETY FIRST A Safe, the safety barrier manufacturer is making a move to encourage the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to legalise increased safety standards for pedestrian and vehicle segregation across the manufacturing industry. The move will change the law that currently states that road and pedestrian walkways should be demarcated, but this can be interpreted widely to include physical barrier systems to lines painted on factory floors. A Safe are professionals in providing pedestrian and vehicle barrier systems, utilising their highly visible, patented plastic systems. A Safe have produced a product that is tough, durable and can withstand high impacts from factory vehicles of up to 304KN- this equates to a 3.5 tonne vehicle with a speed of 10mph causing a head-on impact into the barrier. Changes to the weight and speed of the vehicle can change the impact. For further information telephone 01422 344 402 or visit

Architects Choice 25

product news

XLS, more than just lighting

Superior interior surfaces

Kingfisher Lighting introduces the XLS, an express lighting solution for exterior lighting projects. A brand new catalogue and innovative e-catalogue is available online at, providing essential details of all of the lighting ranges and associated columns and brackets. Given the importance being placed on sustainable building design Kingfisher Lighting have certainly made it easier for you to choose energy efficient lighting. All of the featured lighting ranges include relevant information to illustrate their compliance with BREEAM, a code of practice aimed at encouraging sustainable building design. A practical product selector provides at a glance guide to the ranges on offer. The project gallery demonstrates the versatility of the range and provides a useful reference of the products in situ. Many of the familiar lighting ranges such as Evoluta, Sloane and Kaos are still included. In addition to a full compliment of exterior lighting, XLS will also feature industrial lighting with a defined range of Highbay luminaires and T5/T8 based non-corrosive luminaires suitable to a wide range of applications. For further information, telephone 01623 415915.

Lincoln ready to paint doors Mereway Kitchens have taken their successful new Lincoln range one step further; giving customers unlimited freedom of colour choice to paint their kitchen cabinet doors whatever colour they like! Lincoln Ready to Paint (RTP) presents this already hugely popular door style in a primed format, opening up endless colour possibilities for showroom displays

AKW Launch Doc M Pack As a leading provider of specialist showering, kitchen and daily living solutions AKW MediCare are continually developing new products. The recent addition is the new extensive Doc M range available to purchase in a number of formats. Offered either as a standard pack or fully compliant (with BS8300:2009), there is also the opportunity to purchase items individually. Items include a 2tap hole

26 Architects Choice

and paving the way for consumers to be as creative with colour as they wish. The hugely popular New Lincoln range features a solid timber shaker style door in a warm Oak finish and features a veneered centre panel with a distinctive lively grain. The new RTP doors are ready primed for consumers to splash on their colour choices using any leading brand paint. To accompany Oak and RTP are a collection of five prepainted pastel Ash doors launched earlier this year, that come in popular tones chalk white, pebble blue, willow green, pantry cream, and fennel green. For further information telephone 0121 706 7844 or visit

wall mounted washbasin, raised height WC and the AKW exclusive natural grip grab rail. Two very unique features to the range consist of the easy operational spatula flush handle which offers water saving dual flush operation; along with the ergonomic soft close toilet seat which is a benefit rarely featured on other similar products. Many items are also available in high visibility blue for visually impaired. Providing superiority of service and next working day delivery, AKW’s products are at the forefront of delivery to meet the demands of more accessible living. For further information telephone 01905 823298 or visit

Granite Transformations’ agglomerate surfacing is specified for diverse commercial installations around the globe. Now, the manufacturer’s Kentbased UK head office is keen to extend its architectural use over here. Granite Transformations’ material has a distinctive manufacturing process, making it much lighter and slimmer without sacrificing strength, and it offers a number of unique benefits to architects, specifiers, interior designers, developers and builders. Composed of around 95 per cent natural material blended with a high performance polymer resin, it is offered in a choice of granite, quartz, recycled glass and mosaic materials, each with its own distinctive aesthetics. Many installations can be carried out by factory-trained fitters in a single day, minimising downtime and enabling overnight fit-outs. The agglomerate material’s light weight, slim profile, inherent flexibility, technical performance and a palette of more than 60 colours and patterns, make it a strong choice for new-build projects, for both horizontal and vertical applications. ASTM tested and UNI ES IS0 certificated for heat, impact, scratch and stain resistance, Granite Transformations’ surfaces are tough enough to withstand the consistent wear and tear associated with commercial buildings and domestic locations. For further information telephone 08700 427 450 or visit

product news

Solar shading - to infiniti and beyond Levolux has challenged the laws of physics with its new Infiniti Fin® solar shading system. This groundbreaking innovation in solar shading provides a unique aesthetic of continuous, fixed aerofoil fins with concealed, stainless steel fixings. The Infiniti Fin® system is the latest addition to the range of solar shading systems available from Levolux and features a unique, patented integral stainless steel locking plate, concealed within an extruded aluminium Aerofoil Fin or section. The innovative design allows the maximum possible span capability with the minimum visual footprint and allows Aerofoil Fins to be cantilevered to overhang past the carrier arm without the need for end plates. The development of the new Infiniti Fin® system was a natural evolution. Levolux strives to push the boundaries of design, to engineer new solutions that can deliver real benefits to architects and developers. The Infiniti Fin® system is the only such system with concealed, integrated fixings and makes it possible to create continuous clean lines, without compromising on structural integrity. The Infiniti Fin® system has a

Reliability and safety in metalworking FEIN is presenting the new compact angle grinders from the WS 14 series. These angle grinders for industry and trade applications are extremely robust, high-performing, practical and safe. Compact FEIN grinders for metalworking are available in different equipment variants, offering individual solutions for professional users in industry and manual trades. The manufacturer is presenting two new series: angle grinder models with a classic on/off switch and angle grinders with a special safety package. To make

sleek appearance and weighs up to 30 per cent less. The system also boasts an extremely strong and reliable fixing method, which has been tested well in excess of the loads likely to be applied and has been engineered to accommodate thermal expansion. For further information visit

sure FEIN WS 14 angle grinders last a long time, the motor and gear head form a single stable unit. The field coil and armature are fitted so as to prevent them twisting. The low-maintenance high-power motor delivers high torque levels and can withstand permanent loads up to 1800 watts so the disc is not damaged during operation. The very ergonomic shape, enables fatigue-free working with little effort even in tough continual use. All FEIN compact angle grinders are equipped with soft start and restart lock. The safety angle grinders featuring the TipStart function with AutoStop, developed and patented by FEIN, are very safe and comfortable to use. For further information telephone 01327 308730 or email

Expanding their portfolio The newest product to be launched by Everbuild is Exact Gap Minimal Expanding Foam. Featured heavily in the new Everbuild catalogue, Exact Gap Foam does exactly as its name suggests; it fills gaps exactly. There is an ongoing demand for foam with minimal expansion which has been fuelled by local authorities keen to reduce the amount of excess foam that is cut off once cured, and that inevitably gets blown away in the wind, causing litter. There is also the additional problem of the excess foam damaging / staining the surrounding substrates. Therefore the launch of Exact Gap Foam, exactly meets this demand in the market place. Due to the controlled application of the product, the foam itself only expands around 5-10 per cent more than the bead that is extruded from the nozzle, therefore reducing the mountains of excess foam! It is also the ideal product to use where it is important not to impact too much stress onto the item being installed. For further information telephone 0113 240 2424.

CRYSTAL CLEAR CONCEPT BASF has launched its new Crystal Speed Hardening™ concept for contractors and precast producers. The core product of the concept is X-SEED® 100, a unique hardening accelerator. It helps to speed up concrete hardening significantly at early ages (6-12 hours), supporting at least double strength at low, ambient and heat curing temperatures. In contrast to traditional acceleration methods such as heat application or normal accelerators, X-SEED® 100 does not interfere adversely with the final engineering properties

of the concrete. In addition, it helps to save time and has a positive impact on energy efficiency, offering an attractive overall cost saving potential. X-SEED 100 consists of synthetically produced crystal seeds in liquid form, which boosts the hardening properties of the concrete mix. It improves the quality of the hardened cement paste and provides durability benefits. A video illustrating the properties of the new accelerator is available at For further information visit

Architects Choice 27

product news

Safe skirting heating Climaboard skirting board heating systems are ideal where a low surface temperature is required for safety reasons. Powerful enough to work with low energy systems such as heat pumps and solar tubes, the system can be used for quite large rooms without running out of wall space as can often happen with less efficient systems. The clever design ensures that all 15mm pipework, connectors and valves are safely concealed within the skirting profile so that the system when properly installed complies with NHS Estates Health Guidance Notes 1998 which stipulates that the surface temperature should be less than 43 degrees C with inlet water at 83 degrees C. Compliance with this requirement has been verified by independent tests carried out on behalf of the company Frog srl, official producer of Climaboard skirting board heating system. The Climaboard system is highly efficient as the skirting distributes heat very evenly around a room, allowing it to be heated at approximately 30 per cent lower input water temperature to achieve the same feeling of comfort as a comparable radiator system. For further information telephone 020 8144 9597 or visit

TAKING THE LEAD WITH DRAKA Draka is an international cable manufacturer with a turnover of two billion Euros and 9,000 employees. As part of the Energy and Infrastructure division of Draka Holding NV, they are a leading UK supplier of halogen free, lowsmoke fire performance cables, power cables and building wires. Draka claims to have become the only cable manufacturer in the UK to be able to offer installers a full range of third-party approved SWA [Steel Wire Armoured] power cables down to 4mm2. The newly enhanced LPCB [Loss Prevention Certification Board] approved 600/1000V Firetuf Powerplus cable offering is available in two, three and four-core options with nominal conductor areas spanning from 4mm2 to 400mm2. The range also includes a 2.5mm2 sevencore cable. Firetuf Powerplus is

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designed to provide enhanced circuit integrity performance to meet the demanding requirements of BS 73466: 2005 (Components for smoke and heat control systems: specifications for cable systems). It incorporates high-performance materials to achieve the maximum 120-minute rating when subjected to the integrated testing of BS 8491: 2008 (Method for assessment of fire integrity of large diameter power cables for use as components for smoke and heat control systems and certain other active fire safety systems). This demanding regime involves flame irradiation exposure, direct impact and highpressure water spray testing. For further information telephone 01332 345431, email or visit

product news

The Pendle

New ADS door range

Pendle is the latest ‘British made’ handcrafted, single bowl fireclay sink with original weir overflow from Shaws of Darwen. It is manufactured in a lighterweight fireclay with finer lines for those seeking a combination of contemporary design and traditional hand-built quality. Pendle is created from the great design lines of the original Shaws Classic Belfast sink. It has slimmer walls and comes complete with a 1½” waste outlet to accommodate a slotted waste, weighs 45kg and is available in the popular and traditional, white and biscuit finishes. The tap featured is the Helmshore Monobloc in chrome from the exclusive range of traditional style taps from Shaws. For further information telephone 01254 775111 or visit

Dickies pukka parka Dickies (UK) Limited, one of the country’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of safety and protective work wear helps you to look good and keep out the cold with their comfortable and practical, Eisenhower Parka Jacket. (Code No: EH60200). Made from Oxford Polyester with a PVC coating, stitched and taped seams and a 280gsm microfleece and quilted nylon, the jacket provides superb weather protection; features include a strong main plastic zip with a stud fastened storm flap, elasticated sleeve cuffs with Velcro tab adjusters and an internal, elasticated drawcord waist adjuster, for maximum comfort. Keeping everything safe and dry and immediately to hand are Velcro flap fastened, chest pockets with reflective piping, spacious lower pockets, an inside pocket and one for a mobile phone. Available in sizes M, L, XL and XXL and a colour choice of either Navy or Olive with black trim. For further information visit

Schüco International GB is augmenting its recently launched range of ADS aluminium doors by the addition of a new ADS fireresistant glazed door and wall unit range. Designed with an outer frame depth of 80mm and flush vent sections, the doors and units are available in two types, ADS 80 FR 30 offering 30-minute integrity and insulation (E130) and ADS 80 FR 60 offering 60-minute protection (E160). Equally suitable for internal and external applications, both versions of the Schüco ADS fire-resistant door are made from identical aluminium profiles and to achieve its higher rating, ADS 80 FR 60 includes special additional insulating material. Architects will welcome the fact that whatever their rating, all ADS fire-resistant doors can have the same narrow outer frame/vent sight line of 137mm. The doors may be specified with face-fitted or barrel hinges and basic or security locking options (up to Class 3 of ENV 1627) while standard hardware available includes panic exit fittings. For further information telephone 01908 282111 or visit

Advanced alarms The Series 200 Advanced has been recently launched by System Sensor Europe. This new product offers substantial cost savings for installers, enhanced configurability, improved management and control for fire systems integrators. Outstanding detection performance and false alarm immunity for end users are also big benefits of this product. The Series 200 Advanced is in support of the previous systems used; the new generation maintains full electrical and mechanical backwards compatibility with previous versions. It also consists of six new fire detectors: three heat detectors (58 and 78 degree fixed temperature rate of rise) ; optical smoke; photo-thermal multi-sensor and the PTIR detector. The Star. For further information visit

Less waste, more speed Liquid Plastics, pioneer of cold applied roofing systems, has launched its Decotherm pre-mitred tapered insulation as part of the Cold Fusion Bonded Built-Up Roof System. Waste on site can be reduced by up to 50 per cent using pre-mitred boards, which also helps to lower waste disposal costs as there are no off-cuts. In addition, this

helps to minimise the environmental impact of the project and allows for quicker installation – ultimately also reducing labour costs. The Cold Fusion Bonded Built-Up Roof System provides a zero flame, zero heat roofing solution with a liquid applied Decothane waterproof membrane and guarantees of up to 25 years. And now with the pre-mitred tapered insulation, installation just got even easier. Liquid Plastics’ Decotherm PIR tapered insulation is available in 1:60, 1:80, and 1:120 falls providing a full range of options for all types of flat roofs. For further information telephone 01772 255022 or visit

Architects Choice 29

products news

Aquasonic reveal

Revolutionary management tool

Tyco Fire Suppression & Building Products has unveiled its new ANSUL® AQUASONIC™ fire suppression system that is aimed at Class B fires that involve flammable liquids such as petrol, diesel, solvents, lubricants and spirits. The new system utilises non-toxic and readily available extinguishing media – water and nitrogen. AQUASONIC is specifically engineered to cover a wide spectrum of special-hazard industrial and commercial applications in defined-area protected spaces. The key to the effectiveness of the system is the patented AQUASONIC atomizer nozzle. It uses what is described as “supersonic” technology to break down water particles into trillions of smaller droplets that are uniform in size. As these droplets reach their target they extract heat from the fire and suppress it. Significantly, the AQUASONIC system uses one-third of the water of comparable high-pressure water-mist systems, produces a higher volume of smaller water droplets than traditional watermist solutions, and projects them farther across the combustion zone than was possible with previous technology. For further information telephone 0161 875 0402, email or visit

Simeio™ the ground-breaking site personnel management tool, that will revolutionise the construction industry, has announced the launch of the first truly mobile site personnel management system designed to manage onsite attendance and Health and Safety information, in real-time. The Simeio handset is a rugged and truly mobile device that uses a combination of finger print scanning, electronic signature and mobile GPS technology to verify a person’s identity and location. This removes the opportunity for data manipulation whilst ensuring that all people on a particular site have agreed to the site rules including, if relevant, acknowledging that they have the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This information can be accessed in real-time, 24/7, by appropriate personnel using the secure Simeio web portal. Introducing Simeio onto a site makes site management much more efficient. The Simeio handset operates like a mobile phone contract with no capital expenditure required, making it an accessible and affordable solution for use by small building companies through to large contractors. For further information telephone 0845 474 6346 or email

Firelink Nano detection Hochiki has extended its FIRElink high-sensitivity smoke detection offering with the introduction of FIRElink-Nano. It incorporates advanced semiconductor laser and electronics technology into a package that shows substantial savings in wholelife cost when compared with other systems on the market. The new FIRElink-Nano is a single-pipe system with a sampling pipe length for still air of 50 metres, with either two, six or ten sampling holes, depending on whether the fire risk is Class A, Class B or Class C. It comes as an extremely compact, low cost and easy to install package that uses what is called Perceptive Artificial Intelligence. This ensures that it operates constantly at optimum sensitivity for the particular protected environment, without having to resort to complicated and expensive setting up. The system configures itself to provide the high sensitivity required for a “clean” environment. For further information 01634 266 566, email at or visit

A TOUCH OF LUXURY One of the latest façade systems from Kingspan Insulated Panels, which combines all the benefits of insulated panel construction with the beauty of a durable natural wood veneer, is bringing a touch of luxury to a new community facility in Newcastle upon Tyne. In partnership with Prodema, Kingspan has produced and is the sole supplier of the Kingspan WoodTherm complete wall and façade system. The system’s strong, pleasing finish is sup-

30 Architects Choice

ported by built-in regulation compliant insulation, making it suitable both practically and aesthetically for a whole range of buildings. Kingspan WoodTherm can only be installed as a secret fix system, which allows a smooth façade with all panel fasteners hidden from view. As with all Kingspan systems, the cladding is extremely fast and simple to install, reducing build times.. For further information telephone 01352 717251 or email

product news

From strength to Strength In January 2009, AccentHansen re-introduced the improved FYRESPAN™ product range to the market under the new name GlazeShield™ FL. Taking on the glass fire door, previously sold by another HansenGroup company was a bold step for AccentHansen, moving away from their traditional strength of steel doorsets in a challenging market. The risk has paid off and since the launch of GlazeShield™ FL, both sales and enquiries have been booming. Mark Mallen, Managing Director, AccentHansen, commented, “We took on the FYRESPAN product as we knew there was still demand for it in the market place and it complemented our existing steel fire doorset products well. We made it our own by adding a few features and making improvements and are excited to see the reaction from customers. From a standing start we are doing better than we could have hoped for.” As a result of the company’s success with GlazeShield FL, AccentHansen launched two additional glass door products in September 2009; AlGlaze™ is a glass door with extremely thin aluminium profiles and ClearGlaze™ is the only totally frameless double glazed door on the market. For further information visit

Energy-Efficient Lighting from Cooper The eco-friendly headquarters building of architects Watson Batty in Guiseley, Leeds, employs a lighting scheme comprising a variety of energyefficient luminaires from Cooper Lighting. For the lighting scheme, the firm of architects recognised the importance of minimising energy consumption while at the same time creating a well-lit working environment, and different luminaires were selected according to the requirements of each individual area. Because the building utilises a geothermal heating and cooling system, there are no conventional suspended ceilings, so it was decided that the main open-plan offices would be illuminated by Cooper’s Crompton Synthesis range of suspended fluorescent luminaires. These attractively styled luminaires aid compliance with the CIBSE LG7

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guide by providing the requisite balanced lighting using a wide-distribution lens for uniform upward illumination, combined with a choice of louvres for direct downward illumination. In addition, Synthesis luminaires use twin T5 lamps (28W or 35W) and high-frequency control gear to maximise energy efficiency.Featuring an elegantly curved, slim-line profile that measures only 66mm in depth, Synthesis luminaires are constructed from extruded aluminium with a choice of finishes. They are supplied with two 1.5m-long yoked suspension wires, which are easily adjusted to length by means of an ingenious yet simple clutch mechanism. For further information visit

product news

ECO® by Cosentino The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), has certified ECO® by Cosentino as a safe material for direct contact with any kind of food and liquid. With this certification ECO® by Cosentino is industry approved for installations in commercial projects including hospitals, schools, restaurants and hotels. Composed of 75 per cent recycled raw materials, including mirrors, glass, porcelain and crystallised ashes, ECO® by Cosentino is a revolutionary new decorative recycled surface available in an array of beautiful colours. Achieved through state-of-the-art technology, the worktops are extremely durable with a high stain,

Specialist wetroom drainage installation Leading specialist in drainage systems and corrosion resistant building products, ACO Building Drainage, has recently launched their latest range of Wetroom drainage solutions, which have been specifically designed to eliminate design risk, reduce costs and provide exceptional finish and performance. As part of

the range ACO Building Drainage has included shower drain channel and gully systems, which make designing and installing a luxury Wetroom simple and affordable. The popularity in Wetroom applications in the home and in commercial spaces has evolved because of their many benefits including efficiency

scratch and scorch resistance and unlike more traditional materials, they are non-porous and do not require sealing. ECO® by Cosentino is composed of 75 per cent post-industrial and post-consumer recycled raw material, including: mirrors salvaged from houses; glass from windows and bottles; granulated glass from consumer recycling practices; porcelain from china, tiles, sinks and decorative elements; and industrial furnace residuals from factories in the form of crystallised ashes. For further information telephone 08700 118 788 or visit or

and cleanliness. Effective drainage is essential to a successful Wetroom and ACO’s latest innovation provides safety of use, simplicity of installation and a discreet system. The product also has a long service life and is a reliable performer. ACO Building Drainage is a division of ACO Technologies plc that specialises in drainage systems and building products manufactured from corrosion resistant materials. For further information telephone 01462 816666, email or visit

A GREEN CHRISTMAS WISH This year Danfoss is launching an advent calendar on their website,, where visitors can win prizes by answering questions on energy-efficient heating solutions. CO2-emissions and global warming might put a definitive end to a white Christmas in large parts of Europe in years to come. And this would also mean a definitive goodbye to snowmen, sleighing and other traditional family entertainment during the winter months. The savings potential in the cold winter months is considerable, both when it comes to the environment and to heating bills; for instance by installing new radiator thermostats

or chrono-proportional room thermostats. Every day from December 1st and until Christmas Eve, visitors to the Danfoss website will have the chance to win some great prizes, such as hampers, games consoles, wine, iPods, digital cameras, camcorders and supermarket vouchers. Entry is straightforward and free and all answers to questions can to be found somewhere on the website. Correctly answered entries will be put into a random draw and a winner will be picked for each day. Winners will be notified by e-mail and prizes will be sent immediately. For further information visit

Architects Choice 33

the last word

The last

WORD A different perspective on the landscape. By Tim Lobb There has been significant change in golf course architecture in the past 20 years. While much of the golf construction boom of the 1980s and 1990s was driven by demand for private golf clubs – similar to the original golf boom of the late 19th century – recent development has been driven by tourism, hotels and real estate.

Tim Lobb is a Principal of Thomson Perrett & Lobb, the golf course design practice founded by five-times Open Champion Peter Thomson and Australian architect Ross Perrett.

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oday, the golf course design business is effectively divided into two – creating golf courses for resorts and new communities, predominantly overseas in emerging and developing markets such as the Middle East and Asia, while also returning to the established and classic courses that now require upgrading and modernising. While the golf course architect was once simply given a piece of land on which to design a course, our role has changed considerably and the importance of a high quality golf course design is crucial in the marketing of a development. It also means we are now part of the design team for a development, working closely with other agencies including masterplanners and the clubhouse architect. In practical terms, more land is now required for golf courses, not just as a consequence of modern golf balls travelling further, but increased safety areas and buffer zones between the golf course and its housing or resort facilities. The demand from developers – and the challenge facing architects – has been to maintain the traditional, enjoyable golfing experience in a broader, manmade landscape. Some developments achieve this successfully, however there are also stories of indiscriminate design and environmental vandalism that has tainted the industry. The greatest golf courses, in our view, are those that blend into their natural

landscape and use resources in a sustainable way. While grass requires water, and irrigation systems are significantly more efficient than they used to be, we take great pains to limit the grassed areas of our golf courses to tees, fairways and greens, leaving scrub and sand as an integral part of the challenge, where appropriate. At Carya Golf Club in Turkey, we have integrated indigenous heather into our design to create a heathland-style course that is in keeping with the sandy soil and surrounding pine forest. To supplement the naturally occurring heather, more than one million heather plants have been propagated on site in glasshouses and planted out, creating a natural and unique course. This is in contrast to the typical resort courses that neighbour the property, whose expansive, grassy courses largely look the same and are out of context with their surroundings. At the other end of the spectrum, many established and historical courses now require upgrading and modernising. We are currently working at The Berkshire Golf Club, ranked among the Top 100 Courses in the UK and a natural heathland gem. The golf course is a living organism that changes over time and, at The Berkshire, we are undertaking an audit of the course reviewing what has changed over the past 80 years and providing a road map for the next 80 years. Restoring an old building and restoring an old golf course is similar in that you are trying to find the original design detail and maintain its integrity. Whether we are creating a new golf course or upgrading an old classic, the challenge is to create something that is part of its landscape, is sustainable and is enjoyed by golfers – achieve this and the business aspect takes care of itself. ■

TPL’s Carya Golf Club, Turkey, was ranked in Golf World magazine’s Top 100 Courses in Continental Europe and is among TPL’s portfolio of upmarket projects in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. TPL has offices in the UK, China and Australia. Picture is of Carya Golf Club, Turkey. Photography Credits: Thompson Perrett & Lobb


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