Master Planning
Architecture 519 has extensive experience of process driven masterplan delivery and stakeholder engagement within private and public sectors. We pride ourselves on our client service and adding value through our in depth understanding of developing residential led masterplans. Page 2
PREMIER MODULAR| Concept Perspective
Capability Statement | Master Planning
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Foreword This presentation has been prepared by Architecture 519 to provide an overview of our business, our experience and our professional capability in relation to the design and
masterplans. We pride ourselves on delivering a
professional service which focuses
Who we are...
What we do...
What we’ve done...
on our client and their brief. The Architecture 519 team has a wealth of experience designing and delivering a wide range of residential led masterplans including highly constrained
industrial land, large scale housing developments and also strategic master planning including military sites. We work collaboratively and openly to identify the key project aims and aspirations. We listen to our Clients and the stakeholders to establish a clear brief. Architecture
delivering places and spaces which balance
constraints, requirements, masterplans
budgetary stakeholder
to which
develop inspire
create attractive environments to live, work and relax. Some recent examples of relevant projects have been included to demonstrate our experience along with information on key members of the Architecture 519 team.
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Centenary Quay | External Photograph
Capability Statement | Master Planning
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Architecture 519 | Design Workshop
Capability Statement | Master Planning
Who We Are 519 brings together a powerful combination of old heads and agile young minds dedicated to providing excellent customer service to our clients, in their pursuit of great buildings and spaces.
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1.1 Company Profile We operate throughout the UK from our creative studio in the heart of Leeds. Our team has been brought together because of its’ combinded expertise, work ethic and for the passion it brings to each project.
UK Central location
A creative practice that thrives on challenges
We have all the badges... We employ 30 dedicated staff
50 50 Page 8
50 / 50 ratio of Architects to Technologists
Capability Statement | Master Planning
1.2 Culture & Core values Architecture 519 maintains three simple principles that guide the way we do business. These principles allow us to provide an excellent service.
Listening to our Client’s Requirements; Agreeing what a successful project means to them, and; Ensuring that we deliver that success
Client First
Individual pride and professionalism; Collective pride in effective team working, and; The pride that only comes from a job well done
Pride in our work
Where trust and respect in the team is key; Where excellence is recognised as the norm, and;
Great company to work with
Where effective and open communication thrives
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Marine Wharf | Residential Development
Capability Statement | Master Planning
What We Do Architecture is a unique response to site, brief, budget and aspiration. No two projects are the same and each new commission is treated as such. Through interrogation of the site constraints, innovative and appropriate solutions are produced. Designs are tested, and undergo thorough review and critique by our team to continually refine proposals. Page 11
2.1 Developing the Client Brief Site Assessment; • • •
Establish likely developable area Assessment of the constraints, opportunities Local policies which may affect the development identified early
Context Analysis; •
Massing is a key driver
Establishes the likely building heights etc
Defines the number of possible units
We understand project briefs evolve
We work in a collaborative way with our Clients
Briefs are developed from first principles through to project completion
2.2 Feasibility Studies Master Planning; •
Development of strategic plans.
Establish likely densities / dwelling numbers.
Inform detailed financial viability assessments
Massing Studies; •
Early assessment of visual impact / appearance
Preliminary solar studies
Detailed context analysis
We understand the priorities when establishing financial viability
Identify and investigate site constraints and opportunities
Facilitate early LPA engagement
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Capability Statement | Master Planning
2.3 Design Optimisation Harrogate Road; •
Optimisation of site layout
Standardisation of individual unit types
Accommodate listed buildings & existing site features
Northdale Ends; •
Optimisation of site layout
Rationalisation of commercial areas
Incorporation of sustainable drainage proposals
Maximise development potential
Incorporation of design change to meet a changing client brief within existing approvals
Improve buildability
2.4 Pre- Application Consultation Chocolate Factory; •
18 month consultation period
Interactive workshops
Incorporation of community requested facilities
Fully collaborative process
Willesden Green; •
Identify community aspiration for new development
Explain site constraints which have influenced the design proposals
All stakeholders fully informed and engaged
Promote ownership and pride through working collaboratively
Allows better informed designs to be developed
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2.5 Planning Application Process Middleton; •
Worked proactively to validate application within agreed, tight timescales
Consultee queries resolved quickly & efficiently
Chocolate Factory; •
Local Authority collaboration - Planning Case Officer workshops
Consultee queries resolved quickly & efficiently
Our work does not stop once an application is submitted
We work in a collaborative way with the LPA
Assist in the development of committee presentation information
2.6 Detailed Tender Design Kidbrooke Village; •
Fully coordinated packages to suit Clients procurement programme
Clash detection of federated models to ensure coordination of all disciplines
Willesden Green; •
Full coordination of 3rd party supplier detailed designs
Regular detailed design workshops
Limited issues on site
Tender packages developed to suit procurement programme
3rd party design information coordinated
Use of latest BIM software to minimise potential clashes during construction
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Capability Statement | Master Planning
2.7 Construction Information Centenary Quay; •
Different construction methodologies for houses & apartments
Close collaboration with Clients supply chain to efficiently resolve coordination issues
Rowan Park; •
Detailed design developed with specialist timber frame designer
Regular design workshops to resolve on-site coordination issues
Designs developed to suit procurement
Fully collaborative approach including 3rd party designers / suppliers ensuring compliance throughout
Extensive experience of NHBC and others
2.8 On-Site Support Leeming Farm; •
Traditional contract administrator
Full site inspection role
Working with the contractor to resolve on-site issues
Marine Wharf; •
Regular site progress visits / reports
Dedicated resource to respond to site queries quickly & efficiently
Support role tailored to suit clients exact requirements from Contract Administration to remote architectural support
Quickly & efficiently resolve on-site coordination issues
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Wilesden Green| Residential Development, London
Capability Statement | Master Planning
What We’ve Done We undertake work throughout the UK for both private and public sector clients delivering a wide range of residential led developments
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Where we work... Architecture 519 undertakes work throughout the UK for both private and public sector clients. Key Master Planning Experience; Willesden Green | Brent Elizabeth Shaw | Bristol
Acton Bus Depot | London Centenary Quay | Southampton Archery Road | Hastings Lightmoor Village | Telford Repton Park | Surrey Middleton | Leeds
Site Disposal | RAF Brampton Hale Road | Farnham Northdale Ends | Raunds Weir Valves Site | Huddersfield Southam Road | Banbury
Stone Cross | Rattle Road Braydon Mead | Swindon Penarth Heights | Cardiff Nutricia | Sumerset Harrogate Road | Bradford MIDLANDS / EAST ANGLIA
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Capability Statement | Master Planning
Who we work with...
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Relevant Projects
Hale Road | Farnham
Harrogate Road | Bradford
Architecture 519 was appointed by Danescroft Land to design a residential led masterplan for a site at Farnham in Surrey to create 105 new homes set within an existing mature landscaped setting.
Architecture 519 was commissioned by Keepmoat Homes to develop a masterplan for c.600 dwellings on this challenging site in Bradford. The topography of this former quarry site presented the opportunity to create a unique environment particular to its location.
As part of the proposed scheme a large area has been set aside for Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) which links with the adjacent Grade II Listed Farnham Park and enhances the existing external amenity space already enjoyed by the wider community. A range of family houses and apartments have been designed to reflect the unique characteristics of the locality. A key driver for the development of the design proposals was to respect the relationship with the surrounding existing properties which includes a number of listed buildings. Page 20
The masterplan is configured around a series of attractive open spaces designed to capitalise on the natural and man-made features together with a rain water attenuation scheme. The site also includes listed former farm buildings which have been carefully integrated into the masterplan and which add to the richness of the various character areas. Architecture 519’s role also involved the preparation of a pre-application submission and a presentation to the design panel from which, positive feedback was received.
Elizabeth Shaw Chocolate Factory | Bristol The former Elizabeth Shaw Chocolate Factory site in Bristol is being regenerated to create a vibrant new mixed use community which incorporates residential, commercial and community uses. Where appropriate, the existing factory buildings have been retained for reuse. These are supplemented with new houses and apartments arranged around a series of landscaped public spaces. The site has been opened up with new links to the city’s existing cycle network supported by cafÊ and retail facilities located within key buildings to provide a focal point for the wider community. The design has been developed through extensive local consultation including a series of local workshops and celebrates the strength of the local materials and the former industrial building forms.
Elizabeth Shaw Chocolate Factory | Bristol
Capability Statement | Master Planning
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Archery Road | Hastings
Northdale Ends | Raunds
Stone Cross | Rattle Road
The site located in a Conservation Area was used historically as the Archery Grounds to support the seaside development by Decimus Burton.
Northdale Ends is part of an urban expansion area on the edge of Raunds in East Northamptonshire.
Architecture 519 was appointed by Bellway Homes to redesign the existing masterplan for this site near Stone Cross to provide 120 new homes and submit a detailed planning application for this sensitive site.
The brief was to create a sustainable residential development which maximised the development potential of the steeply sloping site for Gladedale Special Projects and Laing Developments. A number of existing Grade II former school buildings are to be renovated to create 24 unique apartments with the remainder of the site laid out to provide a further 105 family houses and apartments. The character and appearance of the development was carefully considered following a detailed analysis of the local area to ensure that the design approach reflects the local vernacular. Page 22
The site is split over two adjacent parcels of land and Architecture 519 was appointed by Barwood Land & Estates to design the masterplan following the principles set out by the Local Authority. The masterplan incorporates 310 new homes with the focus upon high quality family housing. Existing farm buildings are refurbished to create community facilities and characterful mews houses. A 65 bed care home and commercial units are also incorporated to create a mixed use development. The detailed planning approval which was obtained working closely with the Local Authority was based on detailed design code which described a series of character areas.
The masterplan incorporates an attractive public open space adjacent to an existing Grade II* Listed windmill and a World War II pill box which has been preserved as part of the proposals. The design of the new two, three, and four bedroom houses draws on the character of Stone Cross and the nearby Pevensey village for inspiration and includes the use of brick, weatherboarding and hanging tiles. The masterplan was carefully developed to create attractive frontages overlooking green spaces and way-finder buildings at key locations.
Wilesden Green| Residential Development, London
Capability Statement | Master Planning
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Relevant Projects
Weir Valves Site | Huddersfield
Site Disposal | RAF Brampton
Centenary Quay | Southampton
Architecture 519 was appointed to development the masterplan for the former Weir Valves Factory site in Huddersfield.
Architecture 519 was appointed by Defence Infrastructure Organisation to develop a masterplan to support the redevelopment of this former RAF site.
Architecture 519 designed the first phase of the masterplan for Centenary Quay; the regeneration of the former ship works on the River Itchen in Southampton.
Initial assessments of the site near Brampton in Cambridgeshire suggested a development of 1000 residential units, alongside a new school with commercial and employment uses and a new village centre was possible.
A sustainable mix of family homes and apartments were arranged around landscaped courtyards to create a strong community feel. Excellent fabric performance was designed in to the houses to enhance the environmental performance of the scheme.
Architecture 519 worked in close collaboration with The Birkby Residents Group, English Heritage, Yorkshire Housing Association and a team of specialist consultants to obtain a planning approval for a mixed use residential and commercial masterplan for the site. The detailed planning application package was developed in close conjunction with Kirklees Council, who have since used the application as an ’Exemplar’ project resulting in detailed planning approval being granted within 13 weeks due to the close working relationship established with the key stakeholders and in particular the Local Planning Authority.
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An Outline Planning application was prepared following extensive public consultation. Ecological, ground condition and arboricultural constraints along with a desire to develop a lower density solution, reduced the final housing numbers to 400. The final masterplan created a series of residential character areas arranged around extensive public playing fields and woodland areas.
A central heat and power plant was constructed to serve the houses. Detailed planning approval was obtained and Architecture 519 provided support throughout the build programme through to occupation. During the process, we engaged with development agencies and all other interested stakeholders.
Capability Statement | Master Planning
Centenary Quay | Southampton, Site Analysis Page 25
Lightmoor Village | Telford
Braydon Mead | Swindon
Architecture 519 was commissioned to develop the masterplan for a new village centre of a 2000 unit masterplan at Lightmoor near Telford for Crest Nicholson.
Architecture 519 was appointed by Crest Nicholson South West to develop the masterplan for Phase 4 of the Priory Vale development at Braydon Mead near Swindon.
The scheme was developed alongside the HCA and implemented a mix of uses designed around a central village square incorporating offices, a family restaurant, minisupermarket, other small scale retail units and a primary school.
Phase 4 occupied a central location within the overall development and formed a link between the residential areas around the perimeter of the site and the mixed use areas at the heart of the development.
The masterplan incorporated 223 EcoHomes rated ‘Excellent’ dwellings, which were carefully designed to create intimate streets and neighborhoods. Following a successful bid with Crest Nicholson for this HCA site Architecture 519 worked closely with English Partnerships, The Bournville Village Trust, the Local Authority and community groups to deliver this exemplar development. Page 26
The masterplan incorporated 170 family houses arranged around sensitively designed public open squares and individual neighbourhoods which has been cited as being a flagship design for the overall Priory Vale development. Careful coordination was required with the wider site masterplan which required a fully collaborative approach from all design team members and key stakeholders.
Willesden Green Cultural Centre | Brent Architecture 519 supported Linden Homes in their HCA competition winning bid to design and deliver a new library and cultural centre with an enabling residential development comprising of 95 contemporary apartments arranged in four blocks with extensive landscaped communal gardens and undercroft car parking. The working drawing package was delivered using REVIT 3D Building Information Modelling software. This delivered improved coordination with other design disciplines and sub-contractors to avoid potential clashes. Architecture 519 was appointed as lead consultant responsible for achieving planning for the residential elements of the scheme and were novated across to Galliford Try Construction to deliver the works on site.
Capability Statement | Master Planning
Wilesden Green| Residential Development, London Page 27
Key Personnel Nick Baker | Director As a Director and co-owner of Architecture 519, Nick is charged and
maintaining both
and technical standards and for motivating the team to
Andrew Brown | Director Andy is a chartered architect. He is Director and co-owner of
519 a
with broad
range of public and private
consistently deliver high quality design solutions to a
sectors. Andy has designed and delivered schemes for
wide range of private and public client bodies.
small, niche developers and large commercial operators.
Nick has extensive experience in the design and delivery
Working throughout the UK, Andy has more recently
of complex, mixed use, and residential projects with
been at the forefront of larger regeneration projects
particular expertise in urban regeneration projects, large
and mixed-use developments with the emphasis on the
scale private residential schemes and master planning.
delivery of sustainable communities. His public sector
He has worked with residential developers throughout
expertise includes the master planning of Ministry of
the UK to deliver a wide range of projects and, in
Defence disposal sites to establish open market values,
particular, he has considerable expertise in working
working closely with public bodies such as the Homes
with local authority officers and other consultants to
and Communities Agency.
develop robust and deliverable planning applications and construction stage information.
He is actively involved with the design projects in the studio and ensures that each project assignment is
Above all, Nick constantly uses his years of experience to ensure that Architecture 519 provides an excellent level of client service. He is, therefore, always involved throughout the life of each project.
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delivered to the highest design standards.
Capability Statement | Master Planning
Dan Copley | Studio Director
Alan Ramsay | Design Associate
Dan is a Studio Director with
Alan is a Chartered Architect
with experience in the design,
wide range of projects in the
Public, Private and Government
running of a wide range of
master planning of residential led developments and
Ministry of Defence sites, refurbishment of listed
education, leisure and urban regeneration schemes. His
buildings and technical delivery of a number of high
primary focus is on the front end feasibility and master
density housing schemes throughout the UK.
planning of complex sites for development.
Dan leads a team of architects and technologists to
Alan is also a qualified Architectural Technologist which
develop and deliver a wide range of project types and
adds to his design strengths.
has experience of advising and supporting construction
experience in developing concept and initial scheme
teams on site.
Alan has significant
drawings through to completion on site. Recently, Dan has been responsible for the design of a number of large scale residential led masterplans of
Alan’s hand drawn sketches and presentation skills
sensitive sites which have required extensive consultation
enable Architecture 519 to deliver planning applications
with the Local Planning Authorities and local community
which are well received by Panel Members and the
general public.
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Closing Summary This
capabilities in
masterplans. We believe in a holistic approach to the design and delivery of every project and through our proven track record of completed works, we are in a strong position to offer added value to the process. Our
concept modelling to completion facilitates fully coordinated project delivery, along with our strengths in Stakeholder engagement, design and technical delivery. Architecture 519 would welcome the opportunity to discuss potential projects and where we can align ourselves to work together in the future.
Other sector documents avliable on request;
The Studio, Candle House, 1 Wharf Approach, Leeds, LS1 4GH
0113 213 56 56