Annual Report 2017-2018 | UIC Barcelona School of Architecture

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Annual Report 2017-2018

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya School of Architecture

Annual Report 2017-2018

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya School of Architecture Campus Barcelona Alfa Building Immaculada, 22 08017 Barcelona T. +34 932 541 800

Index The School


Double Degree & Mobility Programmes


Vertical Workshop








Sustainability • CEIM


Barcelona Ceramics Chair










The School


The School

The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture was founded in 1997 —initially known as ESARQ-UIC—, and its DNA, identity and distinctive model have been evolving from that moment onwards. By DNA, we refer to subjects that belong to the School’s own specific model, subjects that define and reaffirm its spirit and philosophy, based on three cornerstones: individual attention, innovation and contact with the industry, and also commitment. In other words, innovation at the service of the people. Out of these subjects, workshops and courses we highlight the compulsory Cooperation, Accessibility and Sustainability subjects, the latter subject having been created by the CEIM Chair; the Vertical Workshop, which consists of a week-long workshop at the beginning of the academic year where all the students work together on a project intended to benefit the community; and lastly, the Foros cycle, a series of lectures that offers students the chance to gain first-hand knowledge of the different methods and philosophies in every facet of the field of architecture.


The School

Committed to Society with Compulsory Classes on Cooperation, Sustainability and Accessibility The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture aims to train architects to know and care about the needs of society, the environment and people in general. It is the only architecture school in Spain that teaches compulsory modules on coopertaion, sustainability and accessibility. It offers students a holistic approach to architectural education, improving competitiveness by encouraging mutiple skill sets, teamwork, responsibility, and entrepreneurship. Individual Attention, Guidance and Coaching Individaul attention for students and a holistic approach with a focus on social impact are considered key elements of this programme. The university has a unique teaching method, Integrated Project-based Teaching (DIP), where each student is tasked with undertaking a project at every step of the process. The subjects are taught in a cross-disciplinary way in order to ensure that projects are worked on at all different levels: therefore students learn to work on a project starting from a territorial level all the way down to the construction details. Cultural Activities with International Lecturers and Renowned Architects The academic format is enriched by several workshops and lectures. During the Foros series, students attend various lecturers delivered by prestigous national and international architects. During the week-long and intense Vertical Workshop, students from all five years of the programme are divided into teams. These teams create socially-oriented projects using models built on a real scale, under the supervision of renowned Spanish architects.


The School

Cutting-Edge Technology The School has a modeling studio filled with all types of analogical and digital machinery (lasers, numerical controls machines and rapid prototyping 3D machines) that are operated by an expert who guides the work processes. Architectural prizes Students from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture won first prize in the latests editions of the Muestra de Proyectos Final de Carrera (Final Degree Projects Show) at the Spanish Bienniale on Architecture and Urbanism (BEAU) as well as various prizes at the Cevisama Lab international architectural competition. Classes Taught in English Having an international outlook, mobility and exchange programmes with universities abroad are some of the School of Architecure’s main priorities. Our degree programmes are eligible for recognition in any European Union country and many of the subjects are taught in English. Work Placements at Internationally Prestigious Architectural Firms, with an Employability Rate of 85% The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture has an active work placement programme that helps recent graduates find employment in the field of architecture. In recent years, 85% of our students have found a job after they graduated. The fact we have three Company-Sponsored University Chairs means there are more opportunities to work at companies in different fields of architecture.


Double Degree & Mobility Programmes Belgium Hogeschool Voor Wetenschap en Kunst / Sint-Lucas Université Libre de Bruxelles Université de Liège Université de Mons Katholieke Universiteit Leuven France École d’Architecture de Normandie École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Montpellier École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris Malaquais Université Pierre-Mendès-France, UPMF Finland Oulun Yliopisto Germany Technische Universität Darmstadt FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences Italy Politécnico di Milano Politécnico di Torino

Argentina Universidad Católica de Santa Fe, UCSF Universidad de Belgrano Brazil Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado, FAAD Universidade Católica de Goiás, UCG Universidade Católica do Rio Grande Do Sul, PUCRS Chile Universidad del Desarrollo Colombia San Buenaventura Seccional Cali Universidad Nacional de Colombia Mexico Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Universidad de Monterrey, UDEM Universidad Valle Tlaxcala Panama Universidad Sta. María La Antigua, USMA The United States University of Califronia, Berkeley University of Texas at San Antonio New York Institute of Technology Boston University University of California Los Angeles Harrisburg University, Pennsylvania


Lithuania Vilnius Academy of Arts Norway Bergen School of Architecture The Czech Republic Brno University of Technology The United Kingdom University for the Creative Arts, UCA Canterbury Architectural Association London (AA) Dublin Institute of Technology University of Coventry

Doble Degree & Mobility Programmes

Thanks to the agreement signed between the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture and the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Belgrano (Argentina), students from both universities will be able to study an International Double Degree (PMDT) and obtain two degrees that will enable them to work both in Argentina and in Europe. In addition, the qualification from the University of Belgrano is accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), the most prestigious international architecture institute in the world. This accreditation will ensure that students are eligible to continue to study at a postgraduate level or work in the United Kingdom. The School also holds mobility programme agreements with several universities worldwide.

Australia Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, RMIT Japan Chiba University Kazakhstan Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering, KazGASA Syria Arab International University South Korea Seoul Women’s University United Arab Emirates Manipal University Dubai


Vertical Workshop


Vertical Workshop

The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture’s Vertical Workshop, is a workshop held over approximately ten days, undertaken during the first week of the academic year. It has been one of the most important and emblematic events held by the School since it was founded in 1997. The Vertical Workshop in the School of Architecture brings together students from the first through to fifth year who are mixed up into different teams, each led by a couple of renowned national young architects, who together create a real architecture project based on social aims.


Vertical Workshop

Vertical Workshop 2017: Exhibition Spaces For “Exhibition Spaces”, the 21st edition of the Vertical Workshop, students from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture built flexible structures capable of adopting distinct forms or configurations in order to accommodate works of different natures or mediums. Following the presentation of the projects in the CCCB Sculpture Garden, the jury, which consisted of art expert Dr Concepción Peig; architect and professor of Urbanism at the Barcelona School of Architecture, Maria Rubert de Ventós; and Guillem Carabí, professor of Composition at UIC Barcelona, deliberated and announced the winners in a ceremony presided over by the directors of this year’s Vertical Workshop, Manuel Arenas and Maria José Díaz. First prize was awarded to the prototypes “Billy” and “Land2Stand”, while the Audience Award went to the project “Exhibition Scap”.

The Vertical Workshop has always been an important event that represents the spirit of the school, so much so that over the years, it has consolidated and extended its innovative nature.


Vertical Workshop


Vertical Workshop


Vertical Workshop

The “Billy” project, directed by School graduates Guillermo Santomà and Marta Esqueu, involves the systematisation and creation of a method to control apparent disorder. This method consists of identifying, listing and narrowing down materials to, by ordering them on a coordinate access, pinpoint the position of each element and thus determine their exact location. The result allows for full control of versatile projects displayed on their own and also offers numerous possibilities to adapt exhibitions to the space and lend them their own distinct character. “Land2Stand”, a project developed by a group of students led by lecturer Iñaki Baquero and former UIC Barcelona School of Architecture student Oriol Anglada, generates exhibition space based on arte povera. According to the students: “On the one hand, the objective was to maintain the concept of arte povera and leverage the materiality available to us, generating something that is at once container and content. On the other, we wanted to explore the constraints of exhibition spaces; our project is based on concepts such as transportability, malleability and modularity, generating three-dimensional spaces from a two-dimensional element: the frame.” 15




The Foros subject is part of the academic teaching programme in the School. It is a subject that involves debating and reflecting on the reality of architecture and consists of a series of conferences that are open to the public. The main objective of this subject is to exchange knowledge, approaches and contrasting views between students and teachers, it represents a tool to approach and perceive the disciplineof architecture, as well as a platform for events relating to the theory and criticism of the work of architects. Our Foros series, through open lectures given by nationally and internationally renowned guest lecturers, aims to provoke questions and talk about topical issues as well as reflect and debate matters of vital importance to architects.

With support from:





The 2018 edition of Foros featured the following speakers: Alejandro Haiek, (Caracas, Venezuela, 1971), lecturer at Umeå University, Sweden. Distinction in the Masters of Science Degree in Architectural Design from the Central University of Venezuela, where he is also a lecturer. His research explores the relationship between public landscapes, post-industrial ecologies and network governance policies. He was recently commended at the 2017 Architectural Review Housing Awards and nominated for the 2016 Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize for Emerging Architects, the 2016 Oscar Niemeyer Award for Latin American Architecture and at the 2016 Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. His work was recently exhibited at the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale in 2016. Itziar González, (Barcelona, 1967), holder of a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the ETSAB (UPC), 1995. She completed her Final Degree Project on Christiania at the School of Architecture in the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen. She founded her own professional studio in Barcelona in 1996 and, since 2002, she has specialised in mediation and conflict resolution between the general public and public authorities. She was elected councillor for the Ciutat Vella district of the city of Barcelona, a position she held from June 2007 to May 2010. Since October 2012, she has been actively engaged in social movements, and is a founding member and president of the advocacy group ParlaMent Ciutadà and director of the ReVolta Cartographic Institute. She recently won an international contest to draft the urban development project for La Rambla. Aleksandar Ivancic, (Belgrade, 1964), BSc in Mechanical Engineering; PhD in Thermal Science. His main professional interests lie in the field of energy systems and their environmental impact, with a particular focus on buildings and cities. He is currently a senior consultant at Aiguasol Engineeriing and also serves as a member of the International Institute for Architecture and Urbanism at Keio University (Tokyo, Japan). During his professional career, he has worked for public authorities all over the world, as well as big companies such as Acciona, Gas Natural, Fenosa and Siemens. Ivancic has published more than sixty scientific and technical papers and he has also published a book entitled EnergyScapes (2010, Gustavo Gili). Toni Cumella, (Granollers, 1951). Toni Cumella’s workshop was founded by his grandfather, Josep

Regàs, a potter from Breda, home to a long tradition of ceramics workshops. Later, his son, Antoni Cumella, moved to Granollers and transformed the family workshop into a factory at the service of architecture. Toni Cumella, a third generation member, studied industrial engineering and photography and learned the trade by working alongside his father from a young age. Today, Toni Cumella boasts an extensive catalogue, in which his most notable work corresponds to the restoration of architectural heritage. His collaborations include: Santa Caterina Market in Barcelona; the Spanish Pavilion at the World Expo in Aichi (Japan); Casa Menorca (by Enric Sòria); or more recent projects, such as the Lisbon Oceanarium (by Pedro Campos Costa); the façade of DSDHA in London and the Botín Art Centre in Santander (by Renzo Piano). In 2016, Toni Cumella was named honorary member of the International Academy of Ceramics in Geneva (Switzerland). Eric Allodi, (Paris), is an international speaker and consultant, expert in eco-innovation, Cradle to Cradle™, collective intelligence, alternative governance systems and risk management. In 2007, Allodi founded the Integral Vision agency, after having worked for twenty years in multinational companies and international institutions such as NATO and the European Commission. His specialty: using an integral approach based on cutting-edge technologies and philosophies to help companies become part of the solution and develop new innovative strategies and products capable of responding to the human and environmental problems of the 21st century. Jordi Pimàs, (Barcelona, 1984), founding partner of Studio 1984 Architectes, which includes a team of four architects. Studio 1984 is firmly committed to innovation, with an approach that takes into account architectural, social and environmental issues. The studio’s philosophy is based on the need to minimise the environmental impact while attending to the daily needs of the people who live there, and not just in terms of environmental comfort (heat, noise, light) and spatial comfort (free space, views, ergonomics), but also in terms of social comfort (cordiality, privacy, bonds). In 2014, alongside the other three members of the team, Pimàs won the Albums of Young Architects and Landscape Architects, a distinction awarded each year by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. 19




UIC Barcelona School of Architecture aims to offer subjects with a clear commitment to society, both on the bachelor’s degree in architecture and on its master’s programmes. For this reason, we offer our compulsory Cooperation I and Cooperation II subjects in fourth year. The Master’s Degree in International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture, a member of the Erasmus Mundus Urbano consortium, is an advanced master’s degree programme that prepares architects to develop and rebuild communities affected by rapid urbanisation, poverty, conflict and natural disasters. It is delivered jointly by four European universites: Technische Universität Darmstadt (TU-Darmstadt) —as the coordinating university for the consortium—, Université Pierre Mendès France (UPMF), the Università degli Studi Roma Tor Vegata and the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture.



Master’s students conduct first-ever urban study of Casa Bloc refugees in Barcelona With more than 65 million displaced people in the world, and of these, 60% living in cities, one of the real challenges cities face today is how to develop strategies and methods for their migrant reception process, while ensuring they are compatible with urban contexts and do not threaten the smooth functioning of the host cities. In the case of urban refugees, it is crucial that there is an equitable distribution across the city to prevent the creation of ghettos. Acknowledging this urgent need, for two weeks in December 2017, the Master’s Degree in International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture teamed up with Barcelona City Council’s Ciutat Refugi office which handles the reception, accommodation and care of asylum seekers in Barcelona. The Master’s workshop entitled “Mapping Mobility and Relocation”, undertook a socio-spatial analysis of refugees currently being temporarily housed in Barcelona’s Casa Bloc to track their use of neighbourhood services and facilities, especially in terms of mobility and displacement. It is the first study of its kind in Barcelona to collect data on the relationship between refugees and the urban context. “Without a record of how refugees interact with their urban surroundings, it is very difficult to make changes to the current system. Our analysis contributes to the city’s objective of improving the urban integration of refugees and asylum seekers,” explains co-director Carmen Mendoza Arroyo.



Our workshop focused on analysing and visualising how refugees experience a neighbourhood at a physical level in order to expose their state of exclusion, illustrate how displacement affects the integration of refugees, and inform policies that improve integration and aspire to more permanent housing solutions. Working in groups, students produced a series of socio-spatial maps that reflect the experiences of five refugees or families living in the Casa Bloc, including the building’s performance as a temporary shelter, how refugees use open spaces, public facilities and transport services, and the level of access to and participation in culturalcivic activities and organisations in the area. Students presented their findings and proposals to the City Council and the Red Cross at Ateneu L’Harmonia, serving as the first in a series of studies made to improve the urban integration of asylum seekers in Barcelona.





One of the subjects we teach that is committed to society is Accessibility. The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture is a pioneer nationally in terms of the incorporation of this subject into the curriculum of the Degree in Architecture as a compulsory subject in third year and as a working area for student’s Final Projects. This initiative is led by renowned architect Enrique Rovira-Beleta, who also directs the Postgraduate Degree in Accessibility and Design for All (online). This course is the first formal academic initiative that looks at Accesibility from a global perspective and within a cross-disciplinary framework.



Architecture students help improve accessibility in the Barcelona district of Horta-Guinardó This year, twenty third-year Architecture students delivered 19 projects to local retailers in HortaGuinardó and representatives from a number of entities to ensure improved access to 15 facilities. The aim of these projects is to improve the physical access to numerous municipal facilities in the Horta-Guinardó district, such as shops, bars and restaurants, for people with functional diversity. The students carried out their projects under the guidance of Professor Enrique Rovira-Beleta, the lecturer in charge of the compulsory Accessibility subject, the only such course offered by a school of architecture in Spain. During the ceremony held in the Casa Groga Community Centre, Professor RoviraBeleta pointed out that, “this is the decade of accessibility, because society is ageing. The objective of initiatives such as this is to help establishment owners in Sant Genís see that small gestures can make a big difference for people with mobility problems”. The students completed their projects in several stages starting last October. They first took part in a tour of the neighbourhood alongside local


residents, organisations from the field of functional diversity and City Council representatives to detect current accessibility needs. The students were even given a guided tour of the district in a wheelchair. Once the needs had been identified, the students analysed each case in-depth and used the criteria of efficiency and sustainability to find specific solutions. The proposals were computerised and supervised by Professor Rovira-Beleta, before being applied to each of the spaces and establishments examined. “This district is a challenge, because it’s very hilly. The students worked extremely hard and found concrete solutions. We’re very pleased”, confirmed Professor Rovira Beleta. This initiative is part of a larger project entitled “Comerç Amic Sense Barreres” (CASBA), promoted by Barcelona City Council in partnership with numerous neighbourhood organisations, trade associations and university institutions. The CASBA project began in 2013 and, since then, has helped improve accessibility in several districts including Zona Franca, Creu Coberta and Vallespir.


Accessibility is not only necessary for people with disabilities, but is in fact an advantage for all citizens.


Sustainability CEIM


CEIM • Sustainability

Another compulsory subject in our architecture programmes, in line with the philosophy of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, is sustainability. This subject blends environmental commitment and links between universities and companies, enabling students and companies from different sectors of sustainable construction to work together. The area of sustainability is supported by the CEIM (Chair in Industrial Construction and the Environment). The School, in supporting the CEIM, helps provide a cross-disciplinary dimension and knowledge transfer to its studies. The cross-disciplinary approach seeks to involve representatives of stakeholders from the building sector. Knowledge transfer is achieved through interaction between the University and manufacturing, engineering and architectural companies, as well as between the different companies. The subjects of Sustainability I and II cover the concepts of energy efficiency, user comfort and the environmental impact of construction.


CEIM • Sustainability

Sustainability I: Encouraging green roofs The purpose of the Sustainability I subject is to provide an introduction to the world of sustainability in construction, and provide a broad overview to students. Felip Pich-Aguilera and Alex Parella coordinate the course content, which is divided into theoretical sessions, a course exercise and a field trip. The theoretical sessions deal with the main environmental issues related to architecture and urbanism, and are taught by well-known professionals from the sector. Vegetation in the urban context (Andreu Massoni), territory, mobility and the urban model (Jordi CastellĂł), water (Jordi LluĂ­s Huguet), residues (Albert Sagrera), health (Elisabet Silvestre), the decarbonisation of urbanism (Dani Calatayud), and energy (Pep Puig). A visit was made to the Rockwool factory in Caparrosso (Navarra), two buildings that are benchmarks in energy rehabilitation in Pamplona and one of the first Passivhaus certified multi-family dwellings in Spain. This year, they have opted for a new type of course focusing on urban green roofs. Taking advantage of 30

a competitive call set up by Barcelona City Council on green roofs, the students proposed various interventions on roofs of urban buildings. The social, economic, environmental and landscape benefits of the nature-filled roofs were worked on in the workshop and the students have incorporated the environmental concepts learned during the academic year via their proposals: urban vegetable patches, green spaces, spaces for social uses, rainwater harvesting systems, the incorporation of renewable energy, etc. 18 proposals, organised into panels, that synthesise all of these concepts and put forward various approaches.

CEIM • Sustainability

2018 CEIM Awards The CEIM sustainability awards are part of the final degree project event held for UIC Barcelona School of Architecture students. The first prize, handed out by architect Josep María Puigdemasa, went to the project “Barcelona Electrics: transforming TMB’s Current Bus Depots” by Anna Mirapeix. This project stands out since it makes use of an existing building and breathes new life into it. It also stands out due to the coherence of the new structure which has been designed as a set of large adjustable containers which may be altered based on their use over time. Another aspect taken into account was the proposed shell and the personalised response based on the purpose of the building.

The second prize went to Sergi Viñals for his project “Void Front. Marginal Spaces as an opportunity for all”. The jury chose his work due to his ability to ask questions, to document and to look for exact answers, all of which are the basis of research and conscious architectural design. The jury was made up of Toni Solanas and Mauro Manca, lecturers in Sustainability for the final degree projects, Teresa Batlle from Pich-Aguilera Arquitectos, and Jordi Guivernau from Rockwool Peninsular, along with architect Josep María Puigdemasa from Puigdemasa Arquitectes as a special guest. Together, they picked out the projects which best apply sustainability principles in their architecture.


Barcelona Ceramics Chair


Barcelona Ceramics Chair

The Barcelona Ceramics Chair at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture offers a Ceramics Chair Subject, which is optional. It offers an opportunity for meetings and engagement between architecture students and ceramics manufacturers. The goal is to undertake a research project in which students deliver an innovative ceramic material that is applied to the field of architecture. At thre end of the year, a jury of four prestigious architects and a representative of ASCER will award three prizes to the best projects of the year. Meanwhile, students are also encouraged to present their work at the Indistile CEVISAMA (Feria Valencia), international compettiton where our School has always managed to be represented among the winners. Every year the Barcelona Ceramics Chair creates a publication containing a compilation of our students’ work.


Barcelona Ceramics Chair

The LITEIS Research Group and Rosa Gres form a partnership to study and develop new architectural ceramic products UIC Barcelona and the company Rosa Gres have entered into a research agreement to develop new construction systems with ceramic materials, in efforts to promote industrialisation and sustainability in Architecture. The agreement sets out areas for collaboration between UIC Barcelona’s LITEIS (Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Industrialised and Sustainable Construction) Research Group and this leading company in the manufacture of ceramic pavements. According to Vicenç Sarrablo, coordinator of the LITEIS group and driving force behind the agreement: “This is a major first step in what we hope will be a long-standing relationship in the development of innovative architectural products. Rosa Gres already has extensive experience in this field, which now includes the LITEIS group”. In recent years, the LITEIS (Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Industrialised and Sustainable Construction) Research Group has undertaken a great deal of scientific activity, focusing on the development of new construction systems capable of meeting the sector’s current needs. Developments stemming from the group’s three Business Chairs (Barcelona Ceramics Chair, CEIM Chair and hARQware Chair) include ceramic fabrics, porous cement façade panels and new models of collective housing with built-in ICTs.


Rosa Gres is a company specialising in the design and manufacture of porcelain stoneware, with over 180 years of history. It employs over 100 professionals and, at present, has projects deployed in more than 70 countries around the world. Part of its business strategy consists of working closely with architects and industry professionals to find high added value ceramic solutions. Present at the signing of the agreement were the president and managing director of Rosa Gres, Marcelino Sugrañes and Jesús Tejero, respectively, and the rector of UIC Barcelona, Xavier Gil, accompanied by members of the LITEIS Research Group and lecturers from the Barcelona Ceramics Chair, Vicenç Sarrablo and Jordi Roviras, who will lead this partnership as principal investigators.

Barcelona Ceramics Chair

The UIC Barcelona Ceramics Chair, award recipient at the CevisamaLab Design Competition for the 14th straight year The UIC Barcelona Ceramics Chair, through its students, once again occupied a place of prominence in the latest edition of the Ceramic Design Competition, organised each year by the Cevisama Idea Lab, the ceramics sector’s international trade show in Valencia. In the category “Ceramic Products Formed by Other Methods”, the jury awarded joint first place honours to the projects “Ceramic Squama”, by Guillermo Marfà Permanyer, and “Neo Blind”, by Ariadna Rodríguez de San Gregorio, both students at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture. In the case of “Neo Blind”, the jury distinguished the project’s reinterpretation of a roll-up blind with a combination of laminated ceramics and wood, “putting thin ceramics to new use”. As for “Ceramic Squama”, a system that uses ceramics to make façades mobile, the jury praised “the versatility it gives ceramic material, which opens the door to future hi-tech applications”.

In addition, Kay Curtis, another School of Architecture student, was awarded second prize in the “Semi-Dry Pressed Ceramic Products” category for her project “Tritela”. In the same category, the jury, by unanimous decision, decided to award runner-up honours without economic compensation to student Ignacio Morente-Gemas for his project “Pla/cer”. Fellow student Nieves Blackstead was also part of the creative team behind the aforementioned award-winning projects. The projects were assessed by a multidisciplinary jury made up of Pablo Peñín, from the Regional Association of Architects of Valencia; Rafa Muñoz, from the Association of Interior Designers of the Community of Valencia; designer Vicent Clausell; researcher and trend watcher Pepa Casado, founder of the company future-A; and journalist Eugenio Viñas. The project analysis took place on 25 January at the Feria Valencia Expo Centre.





Throughout the year, the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture participates and even organises exhibitions in well-known venues in the city, promoting the social transfer of architecture to wider cultural environments and open to society. Through projects developed in classrooms and then exhibited, this institution supports the central role played by schools of architecture in reflection on cities and contemporary landscapes. This also confirms the commitment of the School to disseminate its students’projects beyond the realm of academia.

With support from:


Exhibitions • Barcel/on/a/line. Green urban strategies from river to river

UIC Barcelona School of Architecture inaugurates the final degree project exhibition of Architecture students in the Museu Marítim The exhibition of the final degree projects from UIC Barcelona School of Architecture was inaugurated on Thursday, 19 July 2018, in the Museu Marítim, one of the most important civil gothic-style buildings in Barcelona. Entitled “Barcel/on/a/line. Green urban strategies from river to river”, the exhibition made up of 16 projects by fifth-year Architecture students proposes a reimagining of the public spaces on the 10-kilometre stretch of coastline connecting the rivers Besòs and Llobregat with the aim of safeguarding the civic nature of the seafront and its connection with the neighbouring urban fabric. Taking the reference of a seafront, which up until now has only been reclaimed in sections, the future architects are proposing a unitary, metropolitan reimagining of the seafront to allow it to fulfil its social, environmental and economic functions. In order to do this, some of the proposals include constructing greenhouses and basins on the former bed of the river Llobregat for the intensive production of seaweed, aquaculture and agriculture; creating a drug development and research centre

for alternative and natural medicine in the Costa i Llobera gardens in Montjuïc; or reconverting Barcelona Zoo. The projects were led this year by Iñaki Baquero, Marta García-Orte, Eva Damià, Mamen Domingo and Ernest Ferré. The public opening included an institutional welcome given by the director of UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, Josep Lluís i Ginovart. Afterwards, an inter-expert dialectic meeting took place which sought to encourage reflection on the present and future of the Barcelona coastline. Participating in the event were Itziar González Virós, architect and activist; Jordi Julià, coordinator of the Knowledge Area of the Civil Engineers of Catalonia Association; Francesc Muñoz, lecturer in Urban Geography at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; and Maria Sisternas, co-founder of Mediaurban and contributor to Ara newspaper. A number of topics were discussed during the debate, such as the appropriateness of involving the academic world in actions providing a real stage for the territorial problems of today.

Once again, the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture has assumed the role of schools of architecture to reflect on the contemporary city and landscape and has confirmed its commitment to display the work of its students outside academic circles. 38

Barcel/on/a/line. Green urban strategies from river to river • Exhibitions


Exhibitions • Barcel/on/a/line. Green urban strategies from river to river

This publication includes the work done during the 2017-2018 course at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture in the workshops of projects by final year students. It analyses the concept of “BARCEL/ON/A/LINE: Green urban strategies from River to River”. Teachers: Iñaki Baquero, Eva Damiá, Mamen Domingo, Ernest Ferré, Marta García-Orte, Álvaro Cuéllar, Pere Vall.


Barcel/on/a/line. Green urban strategies from river to river • Exhibitions


Exhibitions • 20 Years of the Vertical Workshop: 20 Years Committed to Architecture

UIC Barcelona School of Architecture celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Vertical Workshop with a retrospective This year, the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture is celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Vertical Workshop, one of the School’s most unique events, which has been held during the first week of every academic year since its creation. Over a period of seven days, students from the School of Architecture are divided into teams led by prestigious architects and charged with carrying out a project that, in each edition, revolves around a specific topic and is evaluated by a jury of professionals.

Viñals. According to exhibition curator and School lecturer Manuel Arenas, “the purpose of the exhibit is to revisit and underscore the educational and experimental value of the Vertical Workshop. Over the past 20 years, we have been privileged enough to have worked at the School alongside internationally renowned figures such as Winny Maas, Duncan Lewis, Dennis Dollens and Karl Chu; and nationally renowned figures such as José Luis Mateo, Carmen Pinós, Carlos Ferrater and Tuñón-Mansilla”.

To commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Vertical Workshop, the School inaugurated an exhibition entitled “20 Years of the Vertical Workshop: 20 Years Committed to Architecture”, curated by Manuel Arenas, Marta Delgado and Sergi

The success of the workshop has been magnified thanks to the involvement of internationally renowned architects, who have taken on the role of directors of the various editions.


Viu la riera! • Exhibitions

A travelling exhibition is poised to bring the “Viu la riera!” project to towns along the Caldes Stream On Thursday 22 March 2018, which is also World Water Day, La Llagosta hosted an event organised to inaugurate the “Viu la riera!” exhibit, a travelling exhibition that would pass through the four towns that have taken part in the project aimed at enhancing the Caldes Stream. The project began in 2016 and, since then, has been promoted by the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture’s Research Group in the Regeneration of Intermediate Landscapes (RIL), alongside researchers from the University of Girona’s Institute of the Environment. The exhibition provides a graphic summary of the various stages of the project and the main results of the citizen involvement process organised with a view to improving the Caldes Stream. It therefore revolves around a selection of photographs and audiovisual material compiled during the participation process (interviews, workshops, outings, talks, etc.), with the aim of sparking increased interest among local residents and the public in general in this riparian landscape.

Early on, the Caldes Stream restoration process led to the creation of a network of citizens committed to protecting, promoting and rehabilitating the Caldes Stream. The initiative has also received support from the four town councils and other supramunicipal entities, such as the Besòs-Tordera Consortium, the Provincial Council of Barcelona, the Catalan Water Agency and the Association of Caldes Stream Municipalities. The travelling “Viu la riera!” exhibition started in the town of La Llagosta and, from there, moved its way up the stream until it reached Caldes de Montbui, with stops in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda and PalauSolità i Plegamans.





Over the years, students, alumni and professors and lecturers from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture have been honoured with numerous and prestigious awards from both the national and international scene. The School celebrates each of these achievements and regularly publishes projects that demonstrate the crativity and talent of its community.



Archikubik Depósit del Rei Martí

Arquitectura-G Empordà Masia

TdB Arquitectura CDS1 House

Blur Arquitectura Concéntrico 01 Caja Mágica

Pich-Architects Col·legi Teresianas de Gaudí

Mariona Mayol Batlle Ladrillo (L)Ona

BCQ Arquitectes Joan Maragall Library

UIC Barcelona School of Architecture XII BEAU Research Awards “Examinarse en el Museo Nacional de Arte de Cataluña”

Vicenç Sarrablo + Jaume Colom La Llena Horse Riding

Archikubik Parking Saint-Roch

Blur Arquitectura Catedral restaurant


Basile Ribas Steiner Origami


Flexo Arquitectura Existing Housing Pavilion

Barcelona Ceramics Chair “Barcelona Ceramics” exhibition

Arquitectura-G Luz House

Archikubik 253 Housing at Ivry-Sur-Seine

Agora Arquitectura Caballero House

Jorge Vidal + Victor Rahola + Marcos Catalán Alegre House

Victor Bergnes + Marcos Catalán Mariano House

Addenda Architects Bauhaus Museum Dessau

Albert F. Jové Hestia Brick

Vicenç Sarrablo Flexbrick

José Ahedo Wheelwright Prize 2014

Sergi Serrat Guillén + José Zabala Rojí Carmel Plaza Zone 0

BCQ Arquitectes Plaça de Madrid

UIC Barcelona School of Architecture Urban Plunge: Floating Water



Alumni José Luis Cisneros and Joan Casals Pañella, honoured at the 11th AJAC Awards for their project “Casa Caballero” Alumni José Luis Cisneros and Joan Casals Pañella, both of who earned an undergraduate degree from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture in 2005, were recently named winners of a Young Architects’ Association of Catalonia (AJAC) Award. The submitted project, titled “Casa Caballero”, earned the pair recognition in the Interior Renovation category. The project, which consists of a flexible thirtyfive-square-metre ground floor home, involved salvaging an abandoned interior courtyard located in the Barcelona district of Les Corts. The proposal, replete with ingenious construction solutions aimed at ensuring damp control, programme availability and easy facility operation, is an act of reflection, through the prism of materiality, on how to vividly convey the exterior experience inside.


José Luis Cisneros and Joan Casals Pañella are founding partners of Agora, a studio that, in their own words, “was created for the purpose of joint contemplation on the difficult matter of reconciling architecture with the social and physical context”. In recent years, the studio has received several distinctions, and its work has been published in major media outlets such as Metalocus, Domus and Tectónica. “For us at Agora, receiving this honour is confirmation that, as young architects, we are on the right path; a path we are excited to keep treading”, admitted Cisneros and Casals.


Former Architecture student Marta Delgado earns a grant from ‘la Caixa’ to study at UC Berkeley Marta Delgado (Paris, 1994), a graduate of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, was recently awarded one of the prestigious postgraduate grants given each year by the Obra Social “la Caixa”. This grant will enable Delgado to study a Master of Science in Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, between August 2018 and May 2020. “I will attend classes in the departments of Environmental Sciences and Architecture, as well as the departments of Psychology, Cognition and Neuroscience”, she explains. UC Berkeley is one of the world’s leading universities in terms of both teaching quality and contributions to research in the fields of Psychology, Cognitive Sciences and Neuroscience. “My aim is to acquire knowledge in disciplines that may not seem to have

a connection with Architecture, but which will provide a complementary understanding of the role of built environments in the development of the brain functions on which people’s physical and mental wellbeing depend”, she points out. Marta Delgado studied the Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture at UIC Barcelona from 2012 to 2017, complementing her time at the School of Architecture with a mobility stay at the renowned Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Following her undergraduate studies, she completed the Postgraduate Degree in Health and Habitat Harmony at Escola Sert in Barcelona. “More than in spaces, I’ve always been interested in people; in understanding who we are and how we satisfy our need for well-being and happiness”, she concludes.





The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture is regularly a protagonist in today’s national and international architectural scene, thanks to its teaching body, its students and its alumni members. Exhibitions, projects and awards, lectures, interviews: all of this is reflected on a regular basis on the school’s website, containing a selection of the most significant news throughout the year. Follow @ArchitectureUIC for daily updates:     






Architecture students travel to Switzerland to test new properties of cement

A delegation from Chiba University (Japan) visits the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture

UIC Barcelona collaborates with the 48H Open House Barcelona volunteer programme

For the second year in a row, 10 students from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture travelled to the Swiss city of Biel to take part in a week-long workshop at the headquarters of CEMEX, a world leader in the construction materials industry.

The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture welcomed representatives from the School of Sciences and Engineering at Chiba University (Japan). The visit was organised to mark the signing of a new academic cooperation agreement between the two universities, with the goal of shedding further light on the School’s methodology and facilities.

Over the course of two days, 48H Open House Barcelona will open the doors to dozens of public buildings, workplaces, residences and art and architecture studios that cannot normally be visited or that, thanks to architecture, can be seen from a fresh viewpoint. The event, which aims to enhance knowledge of the city and appreciation for urban space, will be free for all members of the public.

The visit, which marks the end of the subject Climate Concrete, took place from 11 to 17 January 2018. The students were supervised by lecturer Oriol Paris and were accompanied by several workers from the Swiss company, who discussed the features that make concrete, subject to a continuous process of innovation, such a fundamental construction material. The workshop began with a general presentation on cement as a construction material, with emphasis on the different types of cement, shuttering, additives, pigments, etc. Students then had the opportunity to design and develop a model façade from porous concrete, based on its use in the restoration of façades.


On 24 July 2017, the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture signed an academic cooperation agreement with Chiba University. By entering into this agreement, the universities open up avenues for joint cooperation on research projects and the exchange of lecturers, researchers and students. Chiba University, founded in 1949, is one of Japan’s largest universities. It is a private institution with close to 11,000 students, 800 of whom are international students.

This year’s edition features a new section, Open Social, a meeting point for the city’s urban, human and social landscapes which sheds light on how architecture can help improve people’s lives. A key part of this event is volunteer support. Each year, the festival receives help from close to one thousand volunteers. Thanks to their help, the festival is able to include over 150 buildings and provide guides for all tours, activities and events organised as part of this event.





The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture co-organises the Design, Disaster & Development Research Forum at RMIT Barcelona

UIC Barcelona organises the symposium Towards the Frontiers of Architecture

Rivka Oxman and Pierpaolo Donati, new doctor honoris causas at UIC Barcelona

The symposium explored the latest developments and theories concerning the application of new biological and digital techniques in Architecture and Design, which is precisely what defines today’s architectural avant-garde.

With this appointment, UIC Barcelona recognises the professional merits of these two individuals, internationally renowned in the fields of architecture and sociology.

The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) and Oxford Brookes University institutions took part in organising the international forum entitled “Design, Disaster & Development Research Forum” that sought to bring to Barcelona the most prominent European scholars in the field of emergency architecture and industry to discuss aspects such as practical experience, teaching and research in areas such as disaster risk reduction, mass immigration, city resilience and recovery processes in both industrialised and developing countries. How do we deal with the pedagogic, spatial and research challenges of global mobility, migration and social inequality? Such was the leitmotif of an event featuring representatives from a dozen academic and non-governmental institutions, including the universities of Oslo, Lisbon, Westminster, Aalto and ETH Zurich, as well as UNHabitat and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

The event was opened by Alberto T. Estévez, full professor at UIC Barcelona and director of the University Master’s Degree in Biodigital Architecture. In his address, Estévez cited the most recent studies, projects and works carried out by the Genetic Architectures Office in the field of Biodigital Architecture. Afterwards, Bob Martens, an architect and lecturer at TU Wein specialised in simulation and interior design, presented the speakers. This was followed by speeches by Maria Mallo and Daniela Frogheri, architects and former University Master’s Degree in Biodigital Architecture students. The symposium was brought to a close by architect and designer Neri Oxman, director and founder of the Mediated Matter Group at MIT’s Media Lab.

Dr Rivka Oxman is known for her research on Artificial Intelligence in Design. In this area, she has explored experimental methods based on the concepts of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, as a basis for developing design systems. She is currently performing research on theories of digital design and exploring the contribution of digital technologies to novel paradigms in design and architecture. Dr Pierpaolo Donati, on the other hand, is a full professor in the Faculty of Sociology at the University of Bologna. During his professional career, Donati has been president of the Italian Sociology Association, member of the Executive Board of the International Institute of Sociology and director of the Italian Government’s National Family Observatory.






Estel Ortega co-curates the Catalan Pavilion at the 16th Venice Architecture Biennale

Carmen Mendoza Arroyo presents the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture at the annual EAAE Congress

Juan Trias de Bes, a new member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors

The project, which represents Catalonia at the international exhibition, finished first in a contest organised by the Ramon Llull Institute to select a curator for the pavilion dedicated to Catalonia, included in the international exhibition’s Collateral Events section. The team of architects from Olot, RCR Arquitectes, winner of last year’s Pritzker Award, will occupy a place of prominence in the space entitled “Catalonia in Venice”, with a proposal focused on the studio’s creative universe: “RCR: Dream and Nature”. The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture’s presence in the Catalan Pavilion will also be bolstered with the involvement of five of the School’s students in the parallel exhibit “Schools in Venice”. In this regard, projects by Lara Pérez, Cristina Coll, Carlota Aluja, Marta Delgado and Oriol Anglada will be on display at this venue.


Dr Carmen Mendoza Arroyo took part in the annual congress and general assembly of the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) as representative of the Faculty Board, entitled “Learning with the World”. In a series of workshops, the participants discussed the teaching and research activities organised outside of Europe, with particular focus on emerging countries. Dr Mendoza Arroyo talked about the unique nature of the academic curriculum at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, which integrates this vision by making cooperation, sustainability and accessibility compulsory subjects. She also manifested the importance of this social perspective in current world issues through the School’s Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture.

Dr Juan Trias de Bes, director of the hARQware Chair and lecturer in the Area of Architectural Design at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, was recently invested as a numerary member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED). The ceremony took place on Thursday 26 October in the function room at Fomento del Trabajo. During the event, Dr Trias de Bes gave a speech entitled “Barcelona, Urban Gallery”. On behalf of the RAED, numerary member Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea, holder of a PhD in Law and Nautical Engineering, was charged with responding. Dr Trias de Bes is director of the hARQware Chair, which aspires to innovate and develop new architecture-related information and communication technologies (ICTs), and a lecturer in the Area of Architectural Design at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture.





Iñaki Baquero donates part of his family archives to the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture

First-year Architecture students visit the Breinco pavement factory

The donated materials consist of several hundred specialised magazines on Architecture, design and urbanism, which date to the time period between the early 1950s and present day. The items, therefore, hold great historical value and, from now on, will be a fantastic source of reference for the teaching staff and students at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture.

First-year students from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture were given a tour of the Breinco factory, a company located in the town of Llinars del Vallès, in the province of Barcelona, which specialises in the manufacture of concrete products and urban pavements. The students were accompanied by School of Architecture lecturer Jordi Roviras, supervising professor of the subject Introduction to Architectural Construction.

The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture takes part in the Fifth Annual Conference on Construction History at the University of Cambridge

“I think this is the best tribute we could pay to someone who dedicated so much effort to collecting these publications. You have to bear in mind that, 40 or 50 years ago, access to information wasn’t as easy as it is now, and he would have to go to specialised bookshops every month to get the magazines. Discovering what were the sector’s latest developments or newly created projects in the fields of design and Architecture through these magazines is an exciting experience”, remarked lecturer Baquero.

During the visit, students were given a tour of the facilities by Gemma Pagès, director of the Technical and Communications Department at Breinco, who gave them a first-hand look at the innovative process of manufacturing concrete urban paving products. Students also had the chance to visit the granite quarry, located near the factory, and the laboratory of the company, one of the first to promote new solutions for improving urban spaces.

On 7 April 2018, the director of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, Josep Lluis i Ginovart, and assistant lecturer and member of the Architectural Heritage Research Group Mónica López Piquer took part in the fifth edition of the prestigious Annual Conference on Construction History, which took place from 6-8 April in Queens’ College, University of Cambridge. Both delivered a lecture entitled “Trace Methods of the Romanesque Churches of Val D’Aran (11th-13th centuries). Orientations”, in which researcher Mónica López Piquer explained to the audience some of the lines of research covered in her thesis on Romanesque heritage in Val d’Aran, “Topologia dera Arquitectura Romanica dera Val d’Aran” [Topology of Romanesque Architecture in Val d’Aran], which she is currently completing under the supervision of Josep Lluis i Ginovart.






Josep Lluis i Ginovart, new full professor at UIC Barcelona

Guillem Carabí takes part in the congress “Modern Spanish Architecture Pioneers” in Madrid

Diego Navarro and alumnus Anna Naomi, selected to participate in the 63rd edition of “Temps de Flors” in Girona

Dr Josep Lluis i Ginovart, director of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, defended his position as full professor at UIC Barcelona in the Area of Architectural Heritage, Department of Architecture, in an event held on 9 November 2017. In doing so, Dr Lluis i Ginovart received the highest academic recognition at university level, having previously achieved academic, professional, teaching and research honours. “Preparing the project for the Architectural Heritage Intervention Chair has been, without a doubt, one of the most significant moments of my life. On 9 November, it will be 59 years, 4 months and 4 days since I was born in Tortosa, 35 years and 5 days since I finished my degree in architecture and 14 years, 11 months and 25 days since I earned my PhD. Getting to where I am has been no easy task, as I don’t come from the academic world. Nor am I a high-profile architect in my professional field, in which I would define myself as more of a rural architect”, declared Dr Lluis i Ginovart.


On 18 May 2018, in Madrid, Guillem Carabí, lecturer and director of the Area of Composition in the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, took part in the fifth edition of the International Congress of Modern Spanish Architecture Pioneers, organised by the Alejandro de la Sota Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. As part of this event, Carabí presented the paper “Signos de ocupación: 13 apartamentos de Barba Corsini en La Pedrera de Gaudí” [Signs of Occupation: 13 Apartments by Barba Corsini in Gaudí’s La Pedrera], in which he analysed Barba Corsini’s strategies in the project carried out between 1953-1955, his references and his link to the review of the Modern Movement in the 1950s. A project that found, in Català-Roca’s photographs from 1955, an invaluable ally that helped raised the profile of the apartments and their historiographic construction.

The submitted project is one of over 200 installations displayed during the most recent edition of the festival, which featured 157 venues around the city. Their intervention was targeted at a small crevice in the city’s urban fabric, “a residual space magnified by the presence of the historical wall”, explained the lecturer. The aim of the installation was to emphasise the space’s vertical nature, both in terms of geometry and layout. “The coloured strips hanging 6 metres above the ground and the mirror at its base encourage onlookers to look up and admire the height and depth of its narrow walls. The floral and plant elements positioned on top also complement the wall’s composition. This way, the whole installation seems to float between the wall”, he explains.





Enrique Rovira-Beleta, honoured at the 13th edition of the Randstad Awards

“Crítica de Choque”, new book by Fredy Massad

Vicenç Sarrablo participates as a jury member in the Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial

Lecturer Enrique Rovira-Beleta Cuyás was recently named winner of the Commitment and Inspirational Leadership Award at the 13th edition of the Randstad Awards, which the foundation presents each year to acknowledge the work of people, companies, institutions and media outlets that facilitate the workplace integration of people at risk of social exclusion. In the words of the organisation, “Enrique Rovira-Beleta is a leading figure in the field of accessibility and creator of the so-called unnoticed accessibility concept”. In this regard, the jury, in an official statement released by the Randstad Foundation, underscored his professional pursuits at the helm of RoviraBeleta Accesibilidad Architecture Studio and Consultancy Firm, “recognised nationally and internationally for its work promoting accessibility”.

Fredy Massad, professor of Architectural Theory and Criticism in the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, has published a book entitled “Crítica de Choque” [Shock Criticism]. This book, Massad’s third, focuses on the crème de la crème of contemporary architecture. It is co-edited by Bisman Ediciones and the University of Palermo. Fredy Massad is an architecture critic for the newspaper ABC and contributor a number of other international media outlets. Since March 2013, he has been in charge of “La viga en el ojo” [The Beam in the Eye], an architecture blog for ABC.

On 9 May 2018, UIC Barcelona School of Architecture lecturer Vicenç Sarrablo took part as a jury member in the 14th edition of the Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial (BEAU), which took place in Madrid under the slogan “Más Habitar, Más Humanizar” [More Inhabiting, More Humanising], in the Product and Publications categories. This year, the Biennial emphasised the idea of inhabiting as the basis of Architecture and the humanisation of the city. A statement released by the organisers explains that this “entails improving relationships to make daily life easier”. Sarrablo was honoured in the Product category in the previous edition, as part of the Biennial’s 1st Call for Research Projects and, as a result, was asked to serve as jury member this year along with other prestigious and renowned professionals from the world of Architecture.






Alberto Estévez, Ana Cocho and Diego Navarro take part in the 17th edition of the EGA International Conference

Carmen Mendoza takes part in the Design for Humanity Summit in New York

Alfons Puigarnau takes part as a speaker in the MoMoWo Symposium 2018 in Turin

This international summit was coorganised by Fordham University’s Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs, the UN Migration Agency and the Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations. During the event, prominent designers and humanitarians explored the intersection between design and humanitarian action in an effort to provide a crisis response to contemporary humanitarian challenges.

On 15 June 2018, Alfons Puigarnau, a lecturer in Critical Thought in the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, took part in the MoMoWo International Symposium, held in the Italian city of Turin from 13-16 June under the title “Women’s Creativity Since the Modern Movement (19182018): Toward a New Perception and Reception”.

Ana Cocho and Diego Navarro featured on the first day of the congress with a talk entitled “Colourimetry as a strategy for geometry conversion: Evo-Devo patterns”. Afterwards, lecturer Alberto Estévez took part in the speakers’ panel on 1 June with a talk entitled “Digital tools for architectural conceptions”. The results of the congress were compiled into a book published by the American publisher Springer, which specialises in academic books and journals. In addition, the proceedings of the congress were published in two volumes titled “De trazos, huellas e improntas”. The volumes set out the research findings of the lecturers who participated in the conference, including the project conducted by the director of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, Josep Lluís i Ginovart, and researcher Mónica López Piquer, entitled “La simulación de las trazas góticas de la catedral de Tortosa” [Simulation of the Tortosa Cathedral’s Gothic tracery].


Dr Carmen Mendoza took part in the panel entitled “From Public Interest Design to Humanitarian Design: How Design Compels an Inclusive Humanitarian Response”. In her talk, she emphasised the need to do away with refugee camp design, as, according to the lecturer, “the only thing [these camps] accomplish is to keep refugees in a state of emergency that, unfortunately, becomes permanent”. With a view to mitigating this reality, Carmen Mendoza proposed finding alternative physical and social measures to integrate refugees within cities.

Lecturer Puigarnau’s participation involved a talk entitled “The Woman Architect Grete Lihotzky”, which looked at an Austrian architect who is mainly remembered as the designer of the Frankfurt kitchen in the 1920s, considered the forerunner of the modern kitchen. The talk touched on one of the main themes of the School of Architecture’s Consolidated Research Group on the Historical (In)visibility of Creative Women, which is directed by Professor Puigarnau and features researchers from a number of national and international universities. According to the lecturer, “it was a great academic, human and institutional event”. “We put our name in the running to become a new institutional partner for a research group with European funding”, he added.




The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture and Elisava team up to give Design students the chance to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture

Architecture students now have the opportunity to extend their studies at UCLA

The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture and the Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering have signed a cooperation agreement which will give graduates with a Bachelor’s Degree in Design or a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in Industrial Design from Elisava access to the Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture at our university. This is the only agreement of its kind in the Catalan university system, as, for the first time, students from the Elisava School of Design will have the opportunity to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture from UIC Barcelona via a system of validations, under which students will only be required to complete 180 of the programme’s 300 credits. This agreement will benefit graduates who major in Space Design as part of the Bachelor’s Degree in Design or complete the Product Design track of the Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in Industrial Design. The number of places will be decided prior to each academic year by mutual accord between the two centres and based on availability at the School of Architecture.

UIC Barcelona and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have entered into an agreement whereby students from the School of Architecture may earn extension certificates from this North American university. Thanks to this agreement, students from the School will also receive a 15% discount on these certificate programmes. The agreement offers a number of advantages. In addition to the reduced cost, students will also benefit from the programmes’ unique opportunities and gain professional experience in the United States. On the one hand, the agreement opens the door for internships in the US for the duration of the programme. On the other, students may apply for a 12-month work permit at the end of the academic programme and stay on working in the United States. According to School lecturer Carmen Mendoza Arroyo, “the agreement with UCLA offers graduates from our university the chance to further their education at the 17th best university for Architecture in the world. Our students will be able to extend their studies in areas that complement their training, earn a specialisation from this prestigious university and gain work experience at big-name studios”.


Credits Publication

With support from:

UIC Barcelona School of Architecture Editors Marcos Doespiritusanto Anne-Sophie de Vargas Editorial Design Anne-Sophie de Vargas Translations and proofreading Mhairi Fiona Bain Andrew James Rance Communications Department at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture Marcos Doespiritusanto Selena Ramos

All rights reserved © Publication and texts, 2018 School of Architecture de UIC Barcelona Immaculada 22, 08017 Barcelona © Images, 2018 Their authors Cooperation © Russell Watkins/Department for International Development Accesibility © ONCE Barcel/on/a/line. Green urban strategies from river to river © Aitor Estévez Exhibitions’ graphic design: Eva Minguella Estudi 60

The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture is committed to the intellectual, professional and personal growth of all those who form part of it. The School of Architecture has strongly invested in a teaching model based on individual attention, practical learning based on bringing in all areas of knowledge, cutting-edge technology and teaching staff with international experience in order to train architects to be able to tackle the challenges posed by society.

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya School of Architecture Campus Barcelona Immaculada, 22 08017 Barcelona T. +34 932 541 800

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