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Over the years, students, alumni, professors and lecturers from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture have been honoured with numerous and prestigious awards from both the national and international scene. The School celebrates each of these achievements and regularly publishes projects that demonstrate the creativity and talent of its community.


Archikubik Dipòsit del Rei Martí

Blur Arquitectura Concéntrico 01 Caja Mágica Arquitectura-G Empordà Masia

Pich-Architects Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau Research Centre

UIC Barcelona School of Architecture XII BEAU Research Awards “Examinarse en el Museo Nacional de Arte de Cataluña” TdB Arquitectura CDS1 House

UIC Barcelona School of Architecture LlumBCN, Verd Botella

BCQ Arquitectes Joan Maragall Library

Vicenç Sarrablo + Jaume Colom La Llena Horse Riding

Flexo Arquitectura Existing Housing Pavilion

Kathrin Golda-Pongratz “Autoconstrucción. Por una autonomía del habitar“

Victor Bergnes + Marcos Catalán Mariano House Barcelona Ceramics Chair “Barcelona Ceramics” exhibition Arquitectura-G Luz House

Agora Arquitectura Caballero House

Addenda Architects Bauhaus Museum Dessau Jorge Vidal + Victor Rahola + Marcos Catalán Alegre House

Albert F. Jové Hestia Brick

BCQ Arquitectes Plaça de Madrid José Ahedo Wheelwright Prize 2014

Student Sandra Bravo and former student Francesca Palandri win second prize in the European architecture competition

Together with the architect Anna Gutiérrez, the students presented a project that updates the traditional Catalan farm masoveria system, based on self-management of the land. Their project sets out the creation of five micro-residential units formed by a main building, the traditional Catalan farmhouse or mas, shared spaces and facilities, as well as private homes located in the metropolitan town of Sant Climent de Llobregat. The group of buildings will be laid out around productive land for the exploitation of natural resources, solar energy and reuse of rainwater. Each unit includes one hectare that the residents themselves can use.

The challenge posed by the organisers of the EUROPAN prize focused on how to create residential areas that boost the productive sector and adapt to social and urban synergies. The project submitted by the team formed by the students and the lecturer Anna Gutiérrez was valued for the development of productive and social landscape. Alumni José Luis Cisneros and Joan Casals take home the silver Emporia Award

Former students José Luis Cisneros and Joan Casals from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, and founders of the studio Ágora Arquitectura, have won the silver Emporia Award for best assembly of an ephemeral, portable and travelling exhibition with their project, PRONAOS. This installation was designed by UIC Barcelona’s Alumni & Careers management team for the 2019 Promise events.

The project is a metaphor for the struggle faced by recent graduates who are trying to access the job market. The creation is made from a platform that features 170 vertical black tubes and was inspired by the vestibules to gain access to Greek temples, known as pronaos.

“At first glance, the structure looks completely impenetrable”, explain the architects, “then when you look a bit closer, it seems to reveal its entrance with floating words that remind us of the values we learn during our formative years”.

Jordi Costa is ex aequo winner of the annual Association for Sustainability and Architecture competition with his restoration project for Ca l’Illa

His project, called “Barcelona Fashion Foundation”, puts forward an idea for the restoration and extension of the large textile building called Ca l’Illa in Barcelona. He was named ex aequo winner of the “Restoring neighbourhoods. Restoring cities” competition which is held annually by the Association for Sustainability and Architecture (ASA). The proposal for tackling this building, which was built in 1930 in the Poblenou neighbourhood, was developed as part of a Final Degree Project (TFG) by UIC Barcelona School of Architecture graduate, Jordi Costa, along with lecturer Mauro Manca.

The proposal involves the restoration and extension of this industrial group of buildings from the beginning of the 20th century and its return to the fashion sector. In their resolution on the project, the jury for the ASA competition underlined the “excellent mix of usages, reconversion of a heritage site, productive ambition and the inclusion of transformational concepts”. Nerea Amorós Elorduy wins the 2020 Alumni Awards for Best Social Transformation Project

Nerea Amorós Elorduy, a 2010-2011 graduate from the Master’s Degree in International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture, has won the 2020 Alumni Awards in the category for Best Social Transformation Project for her project “Early Childhood Development Centres (ECD)” in Rwanda, which began in 2011 with the support of the Government of Rwanda and the NGO UNICEF.

The former UIC Barcelona student worked for UNICEF Rwanda developing the building standards for new early childhood development centres. She designed the prototypes, prioritising a holistic approach to children’s development and basing her designs on a study of the country’s traditional construction methods, accessible building materials and specific building regulations for earthquake zones. The first ECD prototype was built in Nyabiondo in 2011. Over the next four years, Nerea Amorós Elorduy helped build a total of 28 centres, which daily help over 450 children between 0 and 6 years old.

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