LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners
Lezione 1 – Unit 1
Saluti e presentazioni Greetings and presentations
In Italy, when you meet and leave somebody you have to consider the following aspects in order to select the most appropriate greeting: 1. Is it morning (mattina), afternoon (pomeriggio), evening (sera) or night (notte)? 2. Is it a formal context/situation (conference, concert, official meeting..) or an informal context/situation (friends/family, party, markets) 3. Do you know the person you are addressing to or not? Are these people being formal or informal with you? 4. Is he/she a child/teenager or an adult? Is he/she older then you?
BUON POMERIGGIO (Often substituted with BUONGIORNO)
1. Any time of the day: mattina, pomeriggio, sera 2. Informal context. 3. You use it with people you know well or when somebody you don’t know addresses you informally. 4. You use it with children and teenagers 1. Daylight: mattina e pomeriggio. 2. Both formal and informal context. It is the appropriate greeting in formal situations, but it is often used with friends and family members. 3. You can use it with people you don’t know as well as with people you know well. 4. You use it with adults and older people. 1. Afternoon: pomeriggio. 2. Both formal and informal context. It is the appropriate greeting in formal situations, but it is often used with friends and family members. 3. You can use it with people you don’t know as well as with people you know well. 4. you use it with adults and older people
Use this column to mark the pronunciation of the word. Try to match each Italian sound with an equivalent sound in your
language. Example (for English speakers): the group of letters sci in Italian is always pronounced/read as the English word she.
Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture © September 2012