LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners
Lezione 3 – Unit 3
I Negozi Shops
In Italy, small traditionally specialised shops are still very common. The name of these traditional and local shops is: IL NEGOZIO. However, on the outskirts of cities big supermarkets and shopping malls are increasingly popular. As a result, each town has at least one main supermarket, which is called: IL SUPERMERCATO. Many times, big supermarkets are surrounded by a variety of different stores and become a proper shopping mall. The name of these commercial areas is: IL CENTRO COMMERCIALE. In supermarkets you will find all the products sold in traditional shops, as well as wines and drinks, household items and some beauty products. Finally, each village, town and city has a market day: IL MERCATO. At the market you can find fresh local products, clothing and household items. I NEGOZI POSSO AVERE LO SCONTRINO PER FAVORE? AL FORNO/AL PANIFICIO COMPRO: IL PANE LE BRIOCHES LE PIZZE DAL FRUTTIVENDOLO COMPRO: LA FRUTTA LA VERDURA
COMMENT You use this question to ask for a receipt.
At the bakery you can buy: bread, croissants, pizzas and all kinds of sweet and savoury pastries. Sometimes you will find fresh pasta, gnocchi, cheese and dairy products.
At the greengrocer you can buy: fruits and vegetables. These places sell local and seasonal products. They may have organic vegetables and packaged products (pasta, preserves, vines, oils)
Use this column to mark the pronunciation of the word. Try to match each Italian sound with an equivalent sound in your language. Example (for English speakers): the group of letters sci in Italian is always pronounced/read as the English word she. 1
Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture. September 2012 ©