La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture Lesson Material, Level 2
LEZIONE 1 -‐ UNIT 1 Topics: greetings; verb chiamarsi; negative clauses; interrogative clauses. Activities: speaking; reading comprehension. Let’s read dialogue A page12. Leggiamo il dialogo A pagina 12. 1. Is it a formal or informal exchange? 2. Which are the main cues to understand whether an exchange is formal or not? 3. Circle the greetings – and expressions that are appropriate in a formal situation. BUONGIORNO -‐ SIGNORE -‐ CIAO -‐ SIGNORINA -‐ BUONASERA -‐ ARRIVEDERCI -‐ SALVE -‐ SIGNORA -‐ A PRESTO -‐ A DOPO -‐ A DOMANI – BUONANOTTE Come presentarsi: il verbo CHIAMARSI. How to introduce yourself: the verb CHIAMARSI. 1. 2. 3.
Circle the subject pronouns. Are they necessary in English? And in Italian? Underline the reflexive pronouns. ITALIAN
ENGLISH (to call yourself)
Io mi chiamo
Tu ti chiami
Lui si chiama
Lei si chiama
X Si chiama
Noi ci chiamiamo
Voi vi chiamate
Loro si chiamano
Exercise 1 -‐ Come ti chiami? – What’s your name? Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture © September 2012
La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture Lesson Material, Level 2 Leggi il dialogo -‐ Read the dialogue a. b. a. b. a. b. a. b. a. b. a. b. a. b.
Buongiorno/ Buonasera Buongiorno / Buonasera Come ti chiami? Lisa Lisa? Come si scrive? Elle-‐i-‐esse-‐a Così? (write the name) Si/No Grazie. Io mi chiamo Paolo. Paolo? Come si scrive? Pi-‐a-‐o-‐elle-‐o Così? Si/No Grazie. Arrivederci.
Ora parliamo -‐ Let’s talk! Work in pairs. Each student has received a paper with 3 different names. One student reads part a and the other one reads part b. Repeat the dialogue four times, the first time say your real name, then use the names you’ve been given. Make sure thet your partner writes your name correctly. Each time choose between Buongiorno or Buonasera (day time or evening time). Student a
Student b
Name 1
Name 1
Name 2
Name 2
Name 3
Name 3
Negative and interrogative clauses Frasi negative: Soggetto + NON + verbo coniugato (Subject + NON + conjugated verb) Example 1: (affirmative) La ragazza mangia una mela – (negative) La ragazza non mangia una mela Example 2:
Frasi interrogative (yes/no questions): Verbo coniugato + complemento + soggetto –se espresso-‐ (Conjugated verb + objects + subject-‐if expressed-‐) Example 1: (affirmative) La ragazza mangia una mela – (interrogative) Mangia una mela la ragazza? Example 2:
Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture © September 2012
La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture Lesson Material, Level 2 Exercise 2 Turn the affirmative clauses into a negative clause and then into a question. Frase affermativa
Frase negativa
Frase interrogativa
(Loro) vanno a scuola tutti i giorni
(Loro) non vanno a scuola tutti i giorni
Vanno a scuola tutti i giorni (loro)?
a. La casa è grande
b. Ho una mela c. Sono Lisa c. Ho un libro d. Valentina ha la chiave e. Il treno arriva
Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture © September 2012
La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture Lesson Material, Level 2 Reading “Spaghetti aglio, olio e pepperoncino” Work in pairs and try to rely on what you already know to get the meaning of the text. Do the comprehension exercise and then we’ll translate/explain the text. La ricetta degli spaghetti aglio, olio e peperoncino è molto semplice ma buona. E’ una ricetta antica e non si conosce la sua regione di origine. Preparazione: in una pentola, fate bollire molta acqua salata. Aggiungete la pasta quando l’acqua bolle, non prima. Gli spaghetti devono nuotare nell’acqua. Se gli spaghetti non nuotano nell’acqua, la pasta diventa scotta, cioè cuoce troppo. La pasta che cuoce bene è al dente, cioè rimane ferma tra i denti, ma non è troppo dura. Mentre la pasta cuoce, soffriggete un po’ di aglio e peperoncino in una padella. Spegnete solo quando l’aglio è dorato. Dopo, unite la pasta all’aglio, all’olio e al peperoncino; fate saltare in padella per pochi secondi, e… buon appetito! Comprehension: 1) What is the meaning of gli spaghetti devono nuotare nell'acqua? The spaghetti have to be horizontal It is necessary to use a lot of water The spaghetti have to be broken 2) What is the meaning of pasta scotta? It used to indicate when the pasta has been overcooked; you can also say pasta lessa It used to indicate when the pasta has not been cooked enough; you can also say pasta al dente It is used to indicate that the pasta is very hot 3) How is the pasta al dente? It is scotta It is tough but not too hard It is raw 4) What is the meaning of soffriggete? Frying in boiling oil Gently fry with a bit of oil Fry the garlic 5) The garlic is dorato ... ... when it has been cooked and turned yellow ... when it is raw and it has turned yellow ... when it has been cooked and turned brown Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture © September 2012
La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture Lesson Material, Level 2 6) What is the meaning of fate saltare in padella? Fry gently Stir fry over a high flame and add the ingredients one after the other Briefly stir fry over a high flame Revision: Here is a list of words. Use them to write 4 clauses (negative, questions or affirmative) which contain at least one of these words each. CAMERA – DOMENICA – BUONA/BUONO -‐ ALBERGO – DOPPIA/DOPPIO – NOME – OGGI – CHIAVE – AUSTRALIANA/AUSTRALIANO – SORELLA – FRATELLO -‐ PASSAPORTO – CHIAMARSI – LIBRO – TRENO – CASA – GIORNO – IDEA – FRATELLO – LUNEDì – STUDENTE/STUDENTESSA – ITALIANA/ITALIANO – COME – MARITO – MOGLIE – PASTA – GIORNO – SETTIMANA – BELLO/BELLA – PADELLA – ACQUA – RICETTA – PENTOLA -‐ SEMPLICE
1. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture © September 2012