La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture Lesson Material, Level 2
LEZIONE 1 -‐ UNIT 1 Topics: greetings; verb chiamarsi; negative clauses; interrogative clauses. Activities: speaking; reading comprehension. Let’s read dialogue A page12. Leggiamo il dialogo A pagina 12. 1. Is it a formal or informal exchange? 2. Which are the main cues to understand whether an exchange is formal or not? 3. Circle the greetings – and expressions that are appropriate in a formal situation. BUONGIORNO -‐ SIGNORE -‐ CIAO -‐ SIGNORINA -‐ BUONASERA -‐ ARRIVEDERCI -‐ SALVE -‐ SIGNORA -‐ A PRESTO -‐ A DOPO -‐ A DOMANI – BUONANOTTE Come presentarsi: il verbo CHIAMARSI. How to introduce yourself: the verb CHIAMARSI. 1. 2. 3.
Circle the subject pronouns. Are they necessary in English? And in Italian? Underline the reflexive pronouns. ITALIAN
ENGLISH (to call yourself)
Io mi chiamo
Tu ti chiami
Lui si chiama
Lei si chiama
X Si chiama
Noi ci chiamiamo
Voi vi chiamate
Loro si chiamano
Exercise 1 -‐ Come ti chiami? – What’s your name? Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture © September 2012