La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture Lesson Material, Level 2
LEZIONE 3 – UNIT 3 Topics: verbs conjugations; regular verbs; irregular verbs; present tense. Activities: listening; writing; language comprehension. Conversation C Page 22
Verbs – Present tense Subject Pronouns IO TU LUI/LEI – LEI (you formal) NOI VOI LORO- LORO (you formal)
É Abbiamo Siete Hanno
ABIT-ARE Abit-o Abit-i Abit-a
LAVOR-ARE LavorLavorLavor-
Abit-iamo Abit-ate Abit-ano
A. Which are the three possible endings of Italian verbs, in the infinite form? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. To which conjugation group the following verbs belong? Class their infinitive forms correctly: VEDERE (to see) PARLARE (to talk) DORMIRE (to sleep) MANGIARE (to eat) PARTIRE (to leave) CHIAMARE (to call) VIVERE (to live) IMPARARE (to learn) SCRIVERE(to write) GUARDARE (to watch) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 1 Read conversation C page 22 again and do exercise 4 page 23 Exercise 2 Ascolta il dialogo e completa con I verbi mancanti - Listen to the dialogue and fill the gaps with the missing verbs In treno Paolo: Scusa! _________ libero questo posto? Sara: Si, prego. Paolo: Grazie. Dove __________? Sara: Io? Paolo: Si. Sara: ___________ a Roma. E tu? Paolo: Anch’io __________ a Roma. Sara: Ah. _______ di Roma? Paolo: No, non ___________ di Roma. __________ di Napoli. Però, _________ a Roma. E tu? Sara: __________ di Milano, però anch’io _________ a Roma adesso. Paolo: Io ___________ uno studente di ingegneria. E tu, _________ o __________? Sara: _________, _______ un’insegnante di storia.
8 Created by New Realm Media per La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture © September 2012