The Archmerean “Charting a Vision for Archmere’s Future”
Volume LXXVII Winter 2013
The Archmerean
Charting a Vision for Archmere’s Future: The 2012 Strategic Plan In November 2012, the Board unveiled The 2012 Strategic Plan for Archmere Academy: “a blueprint for Archmere that builds upon its strong 80-year foundation and charts a vision for the school’s future.” As you will see in the pages of this Archmerean, work has already begun to bring Archmere closer to this vision. In the cover photo, (taken by Steve Lemak ‘89), several young students are talking with one another as they walk along the colonade of the McLaughlin/Mullen Student Life Center together toward Saint Norbert Hall. As we continue on this journey of realizing the goals of The Plan, let us remember that our ultimate goal is to continue to walk together, upholding our mission and heritage, and working in community with one another to maintain an educational experience that inspires “young men and women prepared for every good work.”
Board of Trustees
Editor & Layout
Barbra Frank Andrisani, Chair, Academic Affairs Committee
Douglas R. Quaintance
Colleen DeFruscio Communications Manager
Matthew J. Bastian ’83
Elaine C. Reilly, Esq. ’83 John W. Rollins, III ’88
Richard M. Beck ’82 Chair, Strategic Planning Committee James F. Bonner, M.D.
Rev. Joseph A. Serano, O.Praem, Ph.D.
Design Angela Marinelli ’90
Linda M. Branco
Robert E. Shields ’60, Chair, Board of Trustees
Charles J. Ciarrocchi, Jr.
Mary Ann E. Slowik ’79
Rev. Andrew D. Ciferni, O.Praem., Ph.D.
Barbara A. Wasik, Ph.D.
Kathleen E. Wunner, Ph.D.
Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ’76
John S. Gerard, Chair, Finance & Facilities Committee William F. Githens ’64, Chair, Mission & Heritage Committee Michael J. Hare ’79, Chair, Advancement Committee Francis J. McKee ’68 Debra Whitby-Norman
Yellow Sky Consulting
Robert E. Shields ’60 Legal Counsel
Rev. Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem.
Anthony G. Flynn ’69, Esq.
Rebecca W. Baeurle, CFRE Katherine Ball-Weir, CFRE
Executive Officer
Amber Combs
Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ’76, Headmaster
Allison McCord Erin P. McNichol ’92 David Oswinkle Kathryn (Kate) Baeurle ’14 Kathlyn Carney ’13 Maddie Cowperthwaite ’13
If you are interested in submitting an alumni note, or would like to add your e-mail to our database, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at: 3600 Philadelphia Pike, Claymont, De. 19703; by phone: 302-798-6632 ext. 708; or by e-mail: 2
“Our Epiphany” – Michael A. Marinelli ’76, Ed.D., Headmaster................................................................... 4 The 2012 Strategic Plan: Pursuing Our Goals............................................................................................... 6 Breaking Open Archmere’s New Mission Statement.................................................................................... 7 The Archmere Trust....................................................................................................................................... 8 New Plans for the Alumni Association........................................................................................................ 10 Alumni: Opportunities to Get Involved....................................................................................................... 11 The Archmere Student’s Global Perspective............................................................................................... 12 Archmere Night School............................................................................................................................... 14 Mastersingers Head to Carnegie Hall.......................................................................................................... 15 Homecoming 2012...................................................................................................................................... 16 December Happenings................................................................................................................................ 18 Alumni Profile: Mark D’Onofrio ’71 Receives Papal Honor........................................................................ 19 2012 Fall Sports Review.............................................................................................................................. 20 Alumni Run in Memory of Classmate ........................................................................................................ 21 Alumni Sports Hall of Fame Inductees....................................................................................................... 22 John O’Meara’s Bulletin Board.................................................................................................................... 23 Help Us Meet the Challenge! The 2012-13 Archmere Fund....................................................................... 24 Ways to Invest in Archmere......................................................................................................................... 24 Memorializing Loved Ones Through Scholarships...................................................................................... 25 News And Notes.......................................................................................................................................... 26 In Memoriam.............................................................................................................................................. 32 Auk Snapshots............................................................................................................................................. 34 Archmere Academy Prayer.......................................................................................................................... 35
Mission Statement Archmere Academy is a Catholic, Norbertine college preparatory school, valuing community, respect, zeal, reverence and wisdom. Nurturing body and soul, mind and heart, Archmere focuses on the whole person through academic excellence, faith reflection, social development and service to others. Inspired by its heritage, Archmere cultivates empathetic leaders – young men and women prepared for every good work.
A Message From the Headmaster
A Message From The Headmaster: “Our Epiphany” Dear Members of the Archmere Academy Community: The New Year was just a few days old when we celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6. In the homily of one of the parish priests at Saint Joseph’s on the Brandywine that day, he asked the congregation, “What is your epiphany?” In the Catholic Church, Epiphany is the name given to the feast commemorating the manifestation of Christ, but we also use this word in its dictionary definition: “a sudden insight into the reality or essential meaning of something” – a moment of revelation. The Magi who visited the Christ Child had such an experience after leaving their homelands and travelling by way of a star. These men of power and substance took great risks and made leaps of faith to complete the journey. In asking the question, “What is your epiphany?” Father was asking us if we are prepared to find Christ in our lives, even if it means leaving our comfort zones and relying more heavily on our faith. This is our calling as Christians, Photo by Erin McNichol ‘92 especially in The Year of Faith, proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI. This missionary spirit to find Christ in the world is fundamental to the mission and charism of Archmere Academy. In 1893, it was the missionary zeal of the Norbertine Fathers of Berne Abbey in Holland that responded to the call for help by the Bishop of the Catholic Church in Wisconsin. That same missionary spirit encouraged Abbot Pennings to purchase Archmere Academy in 1932 from John and Helena Raskob to start a Norbertine school in the East. It is that same motivating spirit that infused the Board of Trustees and leadership of Archmere Academy to engage in the creation of a Strategic Plan and vision for the Academy, most recently presented to the Archmere community last Fall.
“We have begun the journey of faith to improve and enrich the Archmere experience.”
The Strategic Plan rearticulates our mission and the measurable goals to achieve it, requiring us to stretch our thinking, enhance our creativity, challenge the familiar, and begin our “journey” like the Magi, to a find a deeper manifestation of Christ in the world. In the pages of this issue of The Archmerean, you will read about the initiatives already begun in each of the five areas of focus identified by The Plan. We have begun the journey of
faith to improve and enrich the Archmere experience. But we need to define, with all of your help in the coming months and years, what improvements and what enrichments will take place and to what ends. In his book, The Pilgrimage, Paul Coelho recounts his journey along the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Toward the end of his journey, before reaching Santiago de Compostela, he writes, ”Throughout our time on the Strange Road to Santiago, the only thing I had wanted to know was where it [his sword] was hidden. I never asked why I wanted to find it or what I needed it for. All of my efforts had been bent on reward; I had not understood that when we want something, we have to have a clear purpose in mind for the thing that we want. The only reason for seeking a reward is to know what to do with that reward. And this was the secret of my sword” (p.248). His time on the road allowed Coelho to open his mind to deep questions about himself, his purpose, and consequently his goals. He left his familiar environment to grow in experience, and, in a sense, the final destination of reaching Santiago de Compostela, was not the end of his journey. The same was true of the Magi. After they had visited the Christ Child, “they departed into their own country another way” (Matthew 2:12). They changed course to avoid King Herod, who was troubled by the birth of a “King of the Jews” (Matthew 2:2). Similarly, we must change course sometimes to align ourselves with our clear purpose. For Archmere Academy, our purpose has been clarified in a mission statement that is built with deliberate words and phrases that acknowledge our roots and challenge our hearts and minds to continually journey to deeper understandings and manifestations of service to know and love God and one another. I am grateful for so many people who journey with me to the Nativity each day with the hope of refining or reaffirming the route of our pilgrimage.
Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ’76 Headmaster
Strategic Plan 2012 The 2012 Strategic Plan for Archmere Academy
Pursuing Our Goals In November of 2012, the Archmere Academy Board of Trustees unveiled and distributed copies of The 2012 Strategic Plan for Archmere Academy, approved September 21, 2012, which included five key areas of focus: 1. Archmere will articulate, promote and live its unique mission 2. Archmere will enhance its exceptional academic tradition with 21st century best practices for learning to attract and advance motivated and talented students 3. Archmere will attract, retain and develop excellent teachers and staff to preserve the Archmere experience for its students 4. Archmere will engage its alumni to become more involved in the Archmere community 5. Archmere will ensure financial sustainability by assessing and articulating the Academy’s needs and priorities Under each area of focus, the strategic planning committee members, trustees and school administrators identified three to six goals that will help Archmere achieve the objectives set forth by The Plan. To accomplish each of these goals, school administrators developed numerous action plans – initiatives and strategies with timelines for implementation, estimated staffing and resource requirements outlined for each. These action plans will help to benchmark Archmere’s progress in realizing the vision of The 2012 Strategic Plan. Progress has already been made on many of these initiatives, and the Board is confident that The 2012 Strategic Plan will continue to be a living document – providing direction and guiding Archmere into the future. As we continue to move forward, making strides toward achieving our goals and objectives, Dr. Marinelli ’76 will provide quarterly updates reporting on our progress and the evolution and impact of The Plan. These updates, as well as details about each area of focus and outlined goals of The Plan, and a downloadable PDF copy of the document, can be found online at
The New Mission Statement Plan 2012 Focus 1: Mission Breaking Open Archmere’s New Mission Statement One component of The 2012 Strategic Plan for Archmere Academy is a revised mission statement for the school that embraces the values at the heart of the Archmere experience. The mission statement reads: Archmere Academy is a Catholic, Norbertine college preparatory school, valuing community, respect, zeal, reverence and wisdom. Nurturing body and soul, mind and heart, Archmere focuses on the whole person through academic excellence, faith reflection, social development and service to others. Inspired by its heritage, Archmere cultivates empathetic leaders – young men and women prepared for every good work. Each line of the mission statement is purposeful and contains significant meaning.
Five key words identified by faculty & staff in discussions on the Norbertine tradition, Archmere’s history and their experiences
From the words of Mrs. Helena Raskob in The Raskob Green Record Book stating that every real home should have four rooms to nourish the body (dining room), soul (music room), mind (library), and heart (living room)
The school’s motto “Pietate et Scientia” translates to “with reverence and wisdom”
Archmere Academy is a Catholic, Norbertine college preparatory school, valuing community, respect, zeal, reverence and wisdom. Nurturing body and soul, mind and heart, Archmere focuses on the whole person through academic excellence, faith reflection, social development and service to others. Inspired by its heritage, Archmere cultivates *empathetic leaders – *EMPATHY (n): the action young men and women of being understanding, being prepared for every good work. aware of, being sensitive to, and From 2 Timothy 2:21, the phrase in Latin “ad omne opus bonum paratus” is on the coat of arms of Abbot Crets, O.Praem, Abbot General when Archmere was founded in 1932, and can be found on the graduation rings of Archmere students
vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts and experiences of another
The Archmere Trust Plan 2012 Focus 5: Financial Sustainability Archmere’s Board of Trustees Establishes ‘The Archmere Trust’ Maintaining a sustainable financial model for Archmere Academy is not only one of the five key areas of The 2012 Strategic Plan for Archmere Academy, but has been a top priority of the administration and the Board of Trustees for many years. One important step that the Board has taken to ensure this stability is to approve the creation of ‘The Archmere Trust.’ Made effective near the end of 2012, The Archmere Trust is a new entity that will hold the school’s real estate and its endowment. Creating the Trust was the Board’s response to the recommendation of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) that each Catholic institution carefully consider its structure to ensure that the civil law structure it has chosen comports with the canon law requirement that donated property be administered in accordance with the expectations of the donors. Decisions of bankruptcy courts in the reorganization of the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, and the Diocese of Spokane, Washington, cast serious doubt on whether traditional civil law structures were adequate in this regard and pointed the way to improved structures, including the use of trusts. At its essence, any trust is simply the separation of legal and beneficial ownership. Archmere Academy, Inc., is the sole beneficiary of The Archmere Trust, entitled under the trust agreement to the exclusive benefit of the Trust assets but any actions that the law requires be taken by the legal owner of the Trust assets cannot be taken by the beneficial owner – they can only be taken by the trustees. The Archmere Trust has five trustees who will serve staggered terms – the Board Chair and Headmaster ex officio and three other trustees appointed by the Archmere Board. These trustees have a fiduciary duty to see to it that the property and funds held in the trust are applied in the best interests of Archmere Academy, Inc., the sole beneficiary. In this way, the creation of The Archmere Trust ensures that Archmere’s real estate, plant and endowment will continue to be used to pursue Archmere’s mission. The three initial trustees of the trust, in addition to the ex officio trustees Mr. Robert E. Shields ’60 (Board Chair) and Dr. Michael A. Marinelli ’76 (Headmaster,) are alumni and former board members Dr. Clifford Anzilotti ’59, Dr. John V. Flynn , Jr. ’60, and Mr. Anthony A. Latini, Jr., CFA ’82. “Archmere is pleased to have been able to put this new trust structure in place,” says Board Chair Robert E. Shields ’60. “It should make all of us in the Archmere community even more confident in the future of the school.” The Board and the administration believe that not only will the new trust structure help to ensure the financial sustainability of Archmere, but will be able to provide for potential donors an increased confidence that their gifts to Archmere Academy will be used as they intend.
‘The Archmere Trust’ Founding Trustees: Clifford Anzilotti ’59, DMS. Dr. Clifford Anzilotti ’59 received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Notre Dame and his Doctorate of Dental Medicine degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. Following two years of dental residency in the U.S. Army, he returned to the University of Pennsylvania for his Post-Doctoral study in orthodontics. He continued on the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania as an orthodontic clinical instructor while opening his private practice in Wilmington in 1970. His Middletown office was opened in 1983. Dr. Anzilotti is an active member of the American Association of Orthodontists, the American Dental Association and a lifetime member of the Delaware State Dental Society. Dr. Anzilotti was named Archmere’s Alumnus of the Year in 1985 and served on the Academy’s Board of Trustees from 1989 to 1995. He and his wife Sandra live in Wilmington, and are the parents of two Archmere graduates, Dea Anziolotti Zufelt ’82 and Dr. Clifford Anziolotti Jr. ’85, and the grandparents of three young alumni – Michael ’05, Kevin ’07 and Joseph Zufelt ’10.
John V. Flynn, Jr. ’60, Ph.D. Dr. John V. Flynn, Jr. ‘60 received a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Princeton University and a B. S. with honors in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware. From 1973-1977, he served as the COO of the city of Wilmington, and in 1977 he joined Touche Consulting. He served as Managing Director of the Philadelphia office and led it through the merger with the Deloitte firm. Dr. Flynn served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Rollins Environmental Services, Inc. from 1995-1997, before returning to Deloitte Consulting as Managing Director in Philadelphia and a Global Practice Director. Recently retired, Dr. Flynn is still active on a number of public and private boards. He currently serves as Chairman of the State of Delaware Cash Management Board, member of finance committee of the Nature Conservancy, member of the Boards of both Schramm Inc and Biovid Inc., a member of the Biomedical Engineering Advisory Council at the University of Delaware and a member of the strategic planning committee of the Archmere Academy board of trustees. Dr. Flynn was a founding member and the first president of the Archmere Alumni Association (1986). He was named Alumnus of the Year in 1989 and served on Archmere Academy’s Board of Trustees from 1988 -1994 and 2006-2012. He and his wife Mary Lou have two sons who graduated from Archmere, Jeffrey ’86 and Brian ’89.
Anthony A. Latini, Jr., CFA ’82 A past member and chairman of the Archmere Academy Board of Trustees (2004-2010, chair 2007-2010,) Mr. Anthony (Tony) Latini, Jr., CFA ‘82 has over 20 years experience providing corporate finance and investment banking services to middle market and large corporate clients. At Boenning & Scattergood, he focuses on merger and acquisition advisory services and capital-raising for clients in a variety of industries. In his professional capacity, Mr. Latini has authored and delivered numerous presentations for industry conferences, corporate planning sessions, trade associations, the Pennsylvania Bar Institute and the Federal Reserve Bank. Mr. Latini received his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics with a concentration in Finance from the University of Pennsylvania. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and the FINRA Series 7, 24, 63, and 79 licenses. He currently serves on the board of Fireman’s Hall Museum and the Finance Committee at Neumann University and is a past board member, member of the executive committee and chair of the finance committee of the Crime Prevention Association (now known as the Caring People Alliance) in Philadelphia. Mr. Latini was named Archmere’s Alumnus of the Year in 2009. He and his wife Eileen have two daughters, Elena ’14 and Deanna (8th grade) Latini.
New Plans for the Alumni Association Reinvigorating the AUK Spirit: New Plans for the Alumni Association Our alumni are our living history – carrying with them the traditions and heritage that make Archmere Academy unique. Because of this, they are valuable ambassadors for the school and one of the main focuses of The 2012 Strategic Plan. “We want to build an alumni program that will serve as a valuable resource for graduates, an integral and highly visible part of the Archmere community, as well as a strategic partner in support of the Academy’s mission, vision and goals,” says Alumni Relations Officer, Erin P. McNichol ’92. The first step towards this commitment was the creation of Erin McNichol’s role as Alumni Relations Officer on the Office of Institutional Advancement team. Erin’s full-time focus is on supporting and listening to our alumni as we continue to strengthen existing programs and look for new opportunities to connect. The next step was the formation of a committee of alumni to review the current structure of the Archmere Alumni Association and its executive branch, the Alumni Council, and to brainstorm ways to get more alumni involved. One of the primary goals of this group is to ensure that the new structure of the Association offers multiple ways for interested alumni to get involved in their specific areas of interest, including the creation of several new alumni committees. These committees, each chaired by an elected member of Council, will provide all of our alumni with opportunities to make an impact on the school’s alumni program by sharing their individual talents and working in the areas that interest them. The new committees include: 1. Class Representatives Committee: Class Reps keep the school spirit alive in their graduating classes by connecting with their classmates and inviting them to come back to campus or participate in the virtual community online. 2. Professional Development & Networking Committee: The Archmere Alumni is a group bursting with talent, drive and success. This committee will help to develop a beneficial community of professionals for all alumni by coordinating networking events and promoting the use of social media outlets (like the Archmere LinkedIn group) for networking. 3. Golf Outing Committee: This committee is a hole-in-one! Members help to organize the Association’s signature fundraising event – the Annual Alumni Association Golf Outing, which supports the Alumni Legacy Scholarship Fund. 4. Young Alumni Committee: In an effort to engage alumni who stepped off the yellow brick road not too long ago, members of this committee will work to develop meaningful programming for young alumni (defined as graduates of up to 15 years) including networking opportunities, mentoring with established fellow alumni in fields of interest, etc. 5. Mission & Service Committee: With a focus on the tradition and founding values of Archmere, this committee will work to promote opportunities for alumni to engage with students in service projects and to ensure Archmere’s Catholic, Norbertine values are reflected in the design of Alumni Association activities and communications. 6. Student-Alumni Relations Committee: The students of today are the alumni of tomorrow! This committee will work to build a lifelong relationship between future alumni and the school, helping to coordinate student/alumni programming. 10
Ways to Get Involved Plan 2012 Focus 4: Alumni Engagement Opportunities To Get Involved: Your insight and participation is key to continue the momentum of an active alumni program that will offer you, our alums, professional networking and social opportunities, and will contribute to a stronger and more spirited Archmere community. Currently we are looking for volunteers to serve in the following capacities: • THE ALUMNI COUNCIL: Nomination for Council membership is open to all alumni and a nomination form will be made available soon. Elections will be held in May of 2013. Candidates for Council should have an interest in serving the needs of the Academy, and be willing to serve as ambassadors of the alumni.
Damian Andrisani ’91, Marc Albero ‘91, Mike Dogum ’91, Kellie-Ann McNichol Davis ’90 and Christopher Davis ’90 at the “Get Involved” Alumni BBQ in the SLC last summer
Keep an eye out for commmunications about the Alumni Council nomination & voting process soon! • ALUMNI CLASS REPRESENTATIVES: As social liaisons between their classmates and Archmere, Class Reps will assist with recruitment for alumni events, encourage classmates to participate in the Archmere Fund, and serve as a conduit for alumni communications. Representatives will also provide a “voice” for their class within the Association. Ideally two alumni volunteers will serve as representatives for each graduating year.
Amy Trelenberg ’02 spoke to students on Junior Career Day last year. She was also as a 2012 Reunion Class Rep.
• ALUMNI COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Serving as a committee volunteer provides an opportunity to reconnect with long lost friends and influence the strategic direction of Archmere’s alumni programming in your area of interest. Interested in serving in one or more of these capacities? Please contact Erin P. McNichol ’92, Alumni Relations Officer at or 302-798-6632 x637 for additional information. Carts of alumni, current and past parents and friends prepare to take to the course at the 25th Annual Archmere Alumni Golf Outing at DuPont Country Club
The Archmere Student’s Global Perspective Archmere Students and Alumni Gain Global Perspective Through Education & Travel Article contributors: Maddie Cowperthwaite ‘13, Kathlyn Carney ‘13 Archmere Academy’s tradition of academic excellence has always been focused on ensuring that our mission is reflected in the design of academic and extracurricular programs. In creating an educational experience that prepares students for college and for the personal and professional futures that lie ahead of them, the Archmere curriculum focuses on strengthening several student core competencies – including developing global perspective. The Academy continually presents a number of opportunities for students and faculty to connect with other cultures and develop their sense of world community. Recently, several Archmere families have hosted exchange students from Germany and last Spring we welcomed student visitors from Haiti. This past summer, three faculty members accompanied Dr. Michael A. Marinelli ’76, Headmaster, and Board Chair Robert E. Shields ’60 on a Heritage Tour, exploring Norbertine Abbeys in Belgium and France and collaborating on ways to infuse Archmere’s rich Norbertine heritage into our classroom curriculum and use it to shed light on our global connections. Additionally, travel opportunities are offered to Archmere students each year. Some of the most recent student trips included excursions to Mexico, Peru, Spain, Germany, France, the Galapagos Islands, and Jamaica. Last summer, a number of students traveled to France through the World Languages and Cultures department. They lived with host families and toured the country with faculty members. “Going to the country of the language I’ve been taking was indescribable,” says senior Olivia Garcia. “I definitely got a sense of culture and learned the language better by simply being immersed in it. This past November, seventeen Archmere band students
Eleanor McNamara ’15 demonstrates proper embouchure to a beginner Trumpet player at Belmont Academy in Jamaica.
traveled to Jamaica to help start a music program at Belmont Academy, a school located in West Moreland Parrish, a rural and isolated area of Jamaica. The students took part in a two-day intensive peer-teaching program designed to teach 60 Belmont Academy students the basics on various band instruments. The Archmere band donated several instruments, two series of method books, and many other supplies to the school. “The trip to Jamaica let me experience the poverty that exists in other areas of the world first hand – it opened my eyes and humbled me,” said senior Nick Acciaviati ’13. This spring break, a group of students will travel to the Galapagos Islands with the science department, to walk the path that Charles Darwin travelled as he made discoveries about evolution by natural selection. These trips, in conjunction with the global focus that each department includes in their classroom curricula, make an immediate academic and cultural impact on the Archmere students – but they also have lasting effects on our students that help to build global perspectives that they will carry throughout their lives. For many of them, this will aid them as they interact with others in the business world, travel, or meet new people. For others, an understanding of other cultures will spark interests and start careers that take them across the globe.
Plan 2012 Focus 2: 21st Century Best Practices Christian Burdziak ’03 began teaching English in Japan in 2007 through the JET (Japanese Exchange and Teaching) Programme following his graduation from Notre Dame University, where he had majored in Physics with a sub-major in Japanese, and studied abroad in Japan. “I had initially planned to go for a year, and then come back to the US for graduate school,” says Christian, “but I loved it.” During his four years in the JET program, Christian taught junior high students in a rural area of Japan, coached tennis, helped moderate the English club, and became involved with a drumming group. “I was encouraged to explore and learn about other cultures at Archmere,” says Christian, who attended the science trip to the Galapagos Islands as a student and comments that Archmere teachers across the disciplines helped to form his global perspective. Still living in Japan, Christian has enjoyed observing the differences and similarities between the cultures and finds “it’s rewarding to work toward mutual understanding and bridge the culture gaps” with his students, peers and new friends in Japan. “Being immersed in another culture presents a huge personal challenge,” he says. “But facing that challenge is enlightening – it makes you more independent, helps you grow.”
“it’s rewarding to work toward mutual understanding and bridge culture gaps” Likewise, Katherine (Katie) Schultz ’06 has been spending her post-collegiate career gaining a unique global perspective in Austria. Selected by the Fulbright program, Katie is employed by the Austrian Education commission as a teaching assistant in two Linz high schools.
Katie (third from the left) and friends pose with local musicians on the streets of Austria
Katie began taking German at Archmere with the goal of being able to de-code the conversations between her grandmother and mother. The more she learned, however, the more her interest in the language and the cultures of German-speaking countries matured. She went on to major in German at Penn State University and studied abroad in Vienna. Even more valuable than the exposure to the language for Katie has been the cultural exchange that she experiences every day. “Our understanding of globalization and what is taught in Austrian schools is very different,” she says. “To us, it’s about sharing in the cultures of all different countries, but to them it’s synonymous with ‘Americanization.’” In learning this from her students, Katie says it allowed her to better understand the different viewpoints she encountered, and helped her see the meaning behind certain popular trends (like young people incorporating traditional Austrian clothing items, such as lederhosen, into their style.) Inspired by a curriculum that incorporates a global perspective, or taken abroad by the pursuit of language proficiency, science research, service, education, or career opportunities, Archmere students and young alumni are aspiring to be informed and contributing citizens of the world – and becoming leaders in the process. 13
Archmere Night School Plan 2012 Focus 3: Excellent Teachers & Staff Archmere Night School Have you ever wanted to enroll in an interesting night class, but just don’t have the time to commit to multiple meetings? Are you curious about the contemporary high school classroom experience? Ever want to return to the halls of Archmere and be taught by one of your former instructors? Wouldn’t you like to learn from one of your child’s teachers? Well, with a new opportunity designed for parents and alumni, Archmere just may be able to make that happen for you. From February through May, the Archmere classroom lights will be on a little later as parents and alumni fill the seats for “Archmere Night School.” In its inaugural semester, Archmere Night School is a program of single-night classes on a variety of subjects and topics offered by Archmere teachers and administrators. Tailored exclusively for the adult members of the Archmere community, these 60-90 minute classes will give you a chance to go back to school and learn something new from Archmere’s excellent faculty: throw clay pots with art department chair Jody Hoffman; learn the history of The Patio from Archmere Headmaster, Dr. Michael Marinelli ’76; discover the Catholic imagination of J.R.R. Tolkien with religion teacher Matt Chominski; discuss a 20th Century American short story with Principal John Jordan ’80….and more!
“...a chance to go back to school and learn something new from Archmere’s excellent faculty”
“I always wanted to give teachers a chance to demonstrate their teaching abilities and expertise to an adult audience, and to let parents and alumni experience Archmere’s current learning culture,” says Mr. Tim Dougherty, Director of Curriculum and Instruction and Director of Archmere’s Night School program. “The teachers who are participating in Archmere’s Night School are volunteering their time because they want to share their knowledge with the Archmere community.” And they certainly have a lot of expertise to share. Check out this semester’s course list, available online now at There you can read course descriptions, register for classes, and download any materials you might need for your class. Be sure to check the site regularly for any class updates. All classes are free of charge. Start and end times will vary, but all offerings will be scheduled between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. and will be held on Archmere’s campus. Questions? Contact Mr. Tim Dougherty at
Mastersingers Head to Carnegie Hall
Archmere Mastersingers To Perform at Carnegie Hall Article Contributor: Kate Baeurle ’14 This April, Archmere Academy’s very own Mastersingers will take the stage at New York’s famed concert venue, Carnegie Hall. In August the Mastersingers received an invitation to be a part of a massed choir (seven choirs total) to perform at Carnegie Hall under the direction of Dr. Henry Leck, Chorus Master for the Indianapolis Symphony Chorus and Indianapolis Children’s Choir, and were also selected to give the only solo choir performance at the April 14 concert. The Mastersingers practice twice a week regularly, but plans to increase the number of weekly practices will be implemented as the debut at Carnegie Hall approaches. Mastersinger Liam Freeh ’14 says “We all have been working so hard and can’t wait for the big day. It will be something none of us will ever forget.” The competition to be a featured choir at Carnegie Hall is selective and earning a spot is an extremely prestigious honor for the Mastersingers. Along with their application, the Mastersingers had to submit past recordings of their best work from the last 3 years. Three adjudicators listened to the recordings, scoring and evaluating them with the utmost detail. Based on the judgment of these three adjudicators (of whom were the Choral Director from the Manhattan School of Music, the Chorus Master of the New York Philharmonic, and the Choral Director from Julliard,) the Archmere Mastersingers were then selected not only to perform with the larger group, but to be the only solo choir to perform in the concert.
Members of the Archmere Academy Mastersingers performed in The Patio this past October at the Golden Alumni Luncheon.
The concert is set to begin at 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 14, and will be open to the public. The Archmere Alumni Office will be facilitating the purchase of tickets for our constituents. All tickets are general admission, and are priced at $75 (a 3% service charge will be added when using a credit card to purchase.) All pre-sale tickets must be purchased by March 1. Tickets will also be available at the box office the day of the performance at a higher cost. Be sure to check the Website and your e-mail for more information on tickets, transportation options and details about a possible reception preceding the show. E-mail with any questions.
“This is one of the highest honors that any musician at any level can receive, let alone a high school choir,” says Mr. David Ifkovits, choral director. “Being one of only a few high school choirs in the nation that have been honored with a featured performance at Carnegie Hall is an enormous accomplishment for the Mastersingers.”
Homecoming 2012 HOMECOMING 2012: For more photos go to
Upper left: AUK Athletes’ Village Middle left: Alumni Natasha Halenda ‘89, T.J. Voell ’88, Mike Logothetis ’89 and Karl Boettcher ’88 enjoying the All Alumni Social on The Patio Terrace Bottom left: Members of the Class of 1987 gather in The Patio for a class photo at their 20th reunion Upper right: Members of the class of 1962 after being inducted into the Golden Alumni at the Golden Alumni Luncheon Bottom right: As alumni and family fill the hill and the Archmere cheerleaders look on, the football team huddles on the field. 16
Homecoming 2012 in Review by: Kate Baeurle ’14 On Saturday October 6, 2012, Archmere Academy hosted its annual Homecoming day of events. Students, faculty, family, friends, and fellow and future Auks came together to support the sports teams and enjoy a day of fun for all ages. The Friday of Homecoming weekend, (Oct. 5) members of the the class of 1962 were inducted into the Golden Alumni during the annual luncheon in The Patio, while the student body held a pep rally in the fieldhouse to kick off the weekend. Both varsity and JV girls’ volleyball proved victorious Friday night with wins against Diamond State Conference opponent St. Thomas Moore. On Saturday, the festivities had a later start due to the athletic schedule, with games beginning at 1 p.m. The AUK Athletes’ Village, a large tent with sections for each team, was a new feature this year that provided all of Archmere’s athletes with a place for well-deserved relaxation. Food and seating were available for the athletes and their families to refuel and relax after difficult games. On Saturday, the varsity field hockey team took home a victory over St. Thomas Moore with a final score of 0-1 scored in overtime by Archmere junior Caroline Rath, while boys’ soccer played Charter on The Patio field. The Auks played a hard game and stuck with Charter 1-1 throughout the 1st half until the 2nd half when Charter scored and won the game. Archmere senior Eamon Dunleavy scored for the Auks with an assist by Tyler Morales ’13. JV boys’ soccer also lost to Charter in a hard-fought game, 0-3, while JV girls’ field hockey defeated St. Thomas Moore, 1-0.
ended with a 26-7 final score made possible by a four-yard pass to junior Francis McVey from fellow quarterback Brian Rogers ’14, resulting in a touchdown. In addition to all of the athletic contests, activities for younger children included a moon bounce and pumpkin painting, while alumni and parents enjoyed shopping at the Varsity Shop or attending the All-Alumni Social on The Patio Terrace. The social, which followed the football game, returned as a favorite tradition among alumni and preceded the annual Mass. Approximately 85 people attended the Social and reconnected with old classmates. A Dixieland Band was featured, bringing musical delight to the buzzing Auk atmosphere filled with chatter and cheer. Next, Father McLaughlin concelebrated Mass at 6:00 p.m. in the Student Life Center with Fr. Tony Pileggi ’87, followed by a blessing of the Commemorative 80th Anniversary Mural in the Student Life Center (SLC) hallway. The mural, created by Terry Newitt and several art students and alumni, depicts milestones, memories and influential members of the Archmere community. The Homecoming festivities concluded with reunions held in The Patio for all graduating classes ending in 2’s and 7’s while the current student body enjoyed a Homecoming Dance in the SLC. Approximately 300 alumni attended reunion. The graduates from each class enjoyed reminiscing with one another, exploring The Patio, and gathering for class photos in The Patio Library.
In a 4 p.m. game, the Archmere football team was defeated by Caravel Academy. The Auks played a great game and
December Happenings
“Christmas at Archmere” On Friday, December 7, the Archmere community kicked off the holiday season on campus with the first ever “Christmas at Archmere” celebration. Over 100 alumni families, current and past parents, faculty, and students participated in the festivities which began with a visit with Santa Claus in The Patio. The community then joined together for the tree lighting ceremony in the quad led by Dr. Marinelli ’76 and student council. The evening concluded with performances by the Mastersingers, Concert Choir and Concert Band in front of a full house in the Performing Arts Center at the annual Christmas Concert.
Young Alumni College Panel
Left to right: Nathan Graf ’12, Sean McMahon ’12, JR Creekmore ’11, Christine Clark ‘’1, Erica Dillman ’12, Bill Repetto ’12, Orcel Kounga ’12, Ethan Robinson ’12, Pat Bastian ’12, Sam Weatherlow ’12, Dan Hoopes ’12, Gabby Fortunato ’12, Kathy Huang ’12, Christine Holmes ’12, Ali Hazel ’12, Mary Henjes ’12, Tori Zugehar ’12
On December 17, Archmere welcomed back alumni from the classes of 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 to speak to current juniors and seniors regarding the college process. Six graduates from the classes of 2011 and 2012 participated in an interactive panel in the Student Life Center. Panelists gave advice and answered questions from the students and shared their firsthand experiences from their respective schools. To kick off the event, Principal John Jordan ’80 hosted an Open House in his new office in St. Norbert Hall where the alumni enjoyed visiting with teachers and friends.
Alumni Cast Performed Amahl and The Night Visitors On Sunday, December 16, The Friends of The Patio hosted a performance of Gian Carlo Menotti’s Amahl and The Night Visitors as part of The Green Concert Series. Archmere Alumni performers along with a guest choir from St. Joseph on the Brandywine presented the famed holiday opera, which tells the story of a crippled shepherd boy who experiences the miracle of Christmas when the Magi knock at his door. The performance was directed by Mary Ellen Schauber (former Archmere faculty member) and featured oboist Susan Nowaczyk Ritter ’89. The cast included Megan Wozniak Ede ’90 as Amahl’s mother, Sean Filliben ’86 as the page, Brian Gilmore ’88 as King Balthazar, Christian Ryan ’87 as King Kaspar, Antonio Sacre ’86 as King Melchior, and Anthony Penna (son of Rob ’85 and Melanie Penna) as Amahl.
Left to right: Brian Gilmore ’88, Mary Ellen Schauber, Sean Filliben ’86, Antonio Sacre ’86 & Christian Ryan ’87 For more photos from the performance, and a list of upcoming Green Concert Series events, visit
Alumni Profile
Alumnus Mark D’Onofrio ’71 Received Papal Honor In this, The Year of Faith, one Archmere alumnus is showing us what it means to “renew [our] baptismal call by living out the everyday moments of their lives with faith, hope and love.” This summons, in part a description of the meaning of ‘The Year of Faith,’ comes from the US Conference of Bishops, and is a perfect description of Archmere alumnus Mark D’Onofrio’s consistent dedication to the Catholic Church, and to Catholic education in particular. This past Fall, Mark D’Onofrio ’71 was honored by Pope Benedict XVI for his dedication and service to the Church of Camden. The title of Knight of the Order of St. Gregory was conferred upon him by Bishop Joseph Galante of Camden, NJ in a prayer service on November 4 at St. Agnes Church in Blackwood. Secretary/Treasurer of his family’s construction firm, Stanker & Galetto, Inc., Mark and his wife Sandy are longtime benefactors of Catholic schools and Mark is extremely active in local Catholic educational organizations. Chair of St. Mary’s School Board and the Cumberland County College Foundation, Executive Board member of St. Augustine Preparatory School, and a member of the Camden Society of Stewards, Mark was also a founding member of Our Lady of Pompeii’s parish council. He is also a past president of the Camden Diocesan School Board, and served eleven years as president of St. Mary’s Regional School Parent Teacher Organization. “These organizations and boards are pretty much my hobbies,” says Mark, who was nominated to the order of St. Gregory by Bishop Galante. “I didn’t even know I had been nominated until I was notified that I would be receiving the award. It’s truly an honor.” Initially founded to reward commendable civic or military service to the Papal States, the Order of St. Gregory is
Mark D’Onofrio ’71 and wife Sandy with Bishop Joseph Galante of Camden
currently awarded for prominent service to the Catholic Church. Nominations are made by diocesan bishops and the selection process is lengthy and prestigious. Mark’s involvement in Catholic education began largely when his daughter was a student at St. Mary’s and the principal asked him to get involved in the School Board and PTA. But his dedication to service and the Catholic Church began much earlier. “Service to the community is something that was instilled in me by my parents and by my Catholic education, including my experience at Archmere, and it’s something that I’m proud to say each of my children have continued to make a priority in their own lives,” says Mark. After graduating from Archmere, Mark went on to Drexel University where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Commerce and Engineering. He and Sandy have been married for 36 years and have three children and two grandchildren.
2012 Fall Sports Review The AUK athletic teams worked hard this Fall, earning several DSAC Championships, trips to State Tournaments and All-State player accolades.
Boys’ Cross Country The boys’ cross country team had a great season, with first place finishes at the Lake Forest Invitational, The Blue and Gold Invitational, and the DSAC Championship. The boys came in third at the New Castle County Championship and second in the DIAA DII State Meet. Senior John Mascioli set the state and course records at the DIAA State Meet and was named the N5CTA 2012 Vic Zwolak State Cross Country Runner of the Year.
Field Hockey The varsity field hockey team went 4-11 in the regular season, with the JV team finishing 5-5-3. Despite a difficult season, the team had several players earn DSAC all-conference recognition. All-Conference: Caroline Rath ’14 (1st); Sam Voge ’13 (1st); Katie Dempsey ’15 (1st); Eileen McAlonan ’14 (1st); Delaney Leonard ’14 (2nd); Allie Sullivan ’14 (2nd); Claire McDermott ’13 (2nd); Laura Jogani ’14 (Honorable Mention) All-State: Caroline Rath ’14 (1st)
All-County: John Mascioli ’13, Evan Guerin ’13, Colton Takata ’14 All-State: John Masciloli ’13 (1st); Evan Guerin ’13 (3rd)
Girls’ Cross County The girls’ cross country team finished the season strong, coming in first at the Delaware Blue and Gold Invitational and the DSAC Championship, and fifth at the DIAA DII State Meet. All-County: Colleen Carney ’15 All-State: Colleen Carney ’15 (2nd)
Cheerleading The Archmere cheerleading squad is 24 members strong, led by senior captains Abigail Filliben and Olivia Grace.
Archmere’s varsity football team went 7-3 in the regular season with a final overall record of 8-4. The boys defeated the #1 seed St. George’s in the opening round of the DIAA State Tournament before losing to Hodgson Tech in the semi-finals. Senior Alex Willin was awarded the DIFCA Sportsmanship Award and Sam Mattern ’13 was a Blue-Gold Participant. The JV team finished with a 3-4 record. All-Conference: Conor Furey ’14 (1st, Offense, Defense); Jack Malloy ’14 (2nd Offense); Francis McVey ’14 (2nd, Offense); Conor Speidel ’14 (2nd, Offense and Defense); Sam Mattern ’13 (2nd, Offense); Ryan Beatson ’14 (2nd, Defense); Alex Willin ’13 (2nd, Defense) All-State: Conor Furey ’14 (2nd, Defense; 3rd, Offense)
Alumni Run in Memory of Classmate
Boys’ Soccer The boy’s varsity soccer team was the 2012 DSAC Champion, with a final overall record of 12-5. The team made an impressive run to the State Tournament before losing in the quarter final to eventual champion, Salesianum. Head coach Bob Bussiere and assistant coach BJ Sturdivant received “Coaches of the Year” honors by the DSAC, NSCAA Private/Parochial Division COY. In addition to all-conference and all-state honors, Mike McCurnin ’13 was named a Regional All-American. All-Conference: Mike McCurnin ’13 (1st); Pat Fallon’15 (1st); Aaron DaCosta ’13 (1st); Ben Murray ’13 (1st); Eamon Dunlavey ’13 (1st); George Tsaganos ’14 (1st); Brian Canfield ’14 (2nd); Geoff Merz ’14 (2nd); Patrick McBride ’13 (Honorable Mention) All-State: Mike McCurnin ’13 (1st, Top XI); Aaron DaCosta ’13 (1st, Top XI); Ben Murray ’13 (1st); Eamon Dunlavey ’13 (1st); George Tsaganos ’14 (3rd); Pat Fallon ’15 (3rd)
Volleyball The girls’ varsity volleyball team went 12-3 in the regular season, with a final record of 12-4. They were the 2012 DSAC Champions, making it to the State Tournament but losing in the first round to Tower Hill. The JV team also had a great season, finishing 14-1. All-Conference: Brooke Ruditys ’13 (1st); Mary Tobin’13 (1st); Madeline Kelly ’14 (1st); Emily Gerard ’13 (2nd); Sarah Donnelly ’14 (2nd); Alexa Spence ’14 (3rd) All-State: Brook Ruditys ’13 (3rd); Mary Tobin ’13 (3rd)
Alumni Spotlight: Running in Memory of Thomas K. Simpers ‘83, Lt.Col, USMC Robert ’85 and Melanie Penna and Stephanie Penna Lutz ’83 finished the 2012 Marine Corps Marathon on October 28, 2012. They ran in memory of their former classmate and friend, Thomas K. Simpers ’83, Lt.Col, USMC, and raised over $4,500 for the Wounded Warrior Project. They received donations and support from several fellow Archmere alumni and families. Robert and Melanie were surprised at the starting line by Jarod Zweier ’85 (a 2-time Ironman Finisher), and his family who together with the Penna family and the Lutz family cheered them on throughout the 26.2 mile course that passed through Arlington, VA, Georgetown, the Washington DC Monument Plaza, and Crystal City, VA. Tom’s sister, Julie Baxter, her children, Anna ’16 and Brian, and Tom’s mother, Margaret Simpers, also traveled to D.C. to support Stephanie, Rob and Melanie in their run. Before the race began, Anna surprised Rob and Stephanie with photographs of the Archmere varsity and JV girls’ field hockey teams (pictured to the right) and boys’ soccer team holding signs that read “Go Steph!” and ‘Go Rob!” After the marathon, they visited Tom’s marker in Arlington National Left to Right: Anna ’16 and Julie Baxter, Cemetery with his family and friends. Stephanie Penna Lutz ’83, Brian Baxter and Margaret Simpers 21
Alumni Sports Hall of Fame Inductees
Each year, the Archmere Alumni Association inducts notable former Archmere athletes into the Alumni Sports Hall of Fame. Below are clips from the bios of this year’s honorees, inducted at the banquet in The Patio on Friday, February 1. A full recap of the event can be found at
Marcy Aitken In 1975 Archmere Academy went co-ed and Mrs. Marcy Aitken, then already a mother of eight, was hired and tasked with starting a girls’ sports program and a physical education curriculum for both boys and girls. Marcy coached girls basketball from 1975-1982, in addition to cheerleading from 1975-1986 and girls softball from 1976-1980. She also taught hundreds of students in physical education and health. Though her coaching career gave way to an even longer and more prosperous stint as the school’s alcohol and drug counselor, Marcy never lost her enthusiasm for Archmere sports, always participating in the school’s pep rallies. After 37 years, Mrs. Aitken retired from Archmere Academy in 2012. She is the proud mother and grandmother of several alumni and current students at Archmere.
Allison DeMuzio Sheppard ’91 Allison DeMuzio was captain of the varsity volleyball team and earned Second Team All-State honors her senior year. She was the starting varsity pitcher for the Archmere softball team and during her junior year pitched a 5-0 shut-out to win the Delaware State Softball Championship, earning Archmere’s only banner for that sport to this date. Allison held First Team All-State and First Team All-Catholic honors in softball and was named “female athlete” of her graduating class. Allison went on to graduate from the University of Delaware and received a Master’s Degree at Wilmington College. She is now an 8th grade counselor, married to husband Robert, and the mother of two beautiful children, Madelyn and Eric.
Southard Jones ‘91 Southard Jones captained the cross country, winter track, and spring track teams, earning First Team All-State recognition in cross country his senior year and leading the team to a second place finish in the State Meet. Southard set four school records including individual times for the 1600, 3200, and 800 meter and a sprint medley relay record. He placed first in two distance events at the State Track and Field Championship and anchored the winning 4X800 relay team. Southard was awarded the Archmere medal as a senior and continued his undergraduate studies at Cornell University, where he participated in many intramural sports. He earned his graduate degree at Northwestern University. Southard continued to run competitively, taking 5th place in his age group at the Marine Corps Marathon in 1992. Southard now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, with his wife Shelly and daughter Stella.
Marcy Aitken
Allison DeMuzio Sheppard ’91
Southard Jones ’91
Nominate an AUK Athlete! To nominate an alumnus/a or coach for the Sports Hall of Fame, e-mail or visit
John O’Meara’s Bulletin Board Kevin Lagasse ‘80
James Lanahan ‘61
During his years at Archmere, Kevin Lagasse was a three-sport athlete, participating in football, basketball, and track, and earning a total of nine varsity letters. Kevin served as co-captain of all three teams in his senior year. In his senior season, the varsity football team rallied in the State Final to defeat Indian River, and Kevin was recognized as Second Team All-State and participated in the Delaware Blue-Gold All-Star football game. He was awarded the Jim Williams Award by the Delaware Interscholastic Football Coaches Association. Kevin also helped to lead the 1979-1980 Varsity Basketball team to the State Tournament, averaging 10 to 14 points per game. On the track, he set school records for the high jump in his senior year and also served as a member of the record-setting two-mile relay team. Kevin was awarded the Archmere Athletics Medal at graduation and went on to Swarthmore College where he played on the college’s football team for three years and was the leading scorer in his freshman year. Kevin lives in Hopkinton, Massachusetts with his wife Nancy and their four children.
Jim Lanahan played center field on the baseball team for four years at Archmere, serving as team captain in his senior year and earning All-Conference and MVP recognition. He played basketball for four years and served as co-captain his senior year leading the team to a 15-1 record; the best record in Archmere’s history at the time. He averaged 15 points per game as a point guard and was selected All Quindepent Conference and to the All-State Second Team. Jim received a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from St. Bonaventure University and worked for 45 years in several Higher Education positions. Jim was also a high school basketball official for 20 years (IAABO), Director of Athletics at Mercyhurst North East for two years, and women’s basketball coach at Mercyhurst North East for two years. He has resided in North East, PA and he and his wife of 38 years, Jule Pitarresi Lanahan, have three children.
Kevin Lagasse ‘80
James Lanahan ‘61
John O’Meara’s Bulletin Board The Lord loveth a cheerful giver, but He also accepteth from a grouch. A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking. Those who think it’s alright to tell white lies soon go colorblind. Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family – especially if they live in another city. – George Burns Remember the good old days when anyone who predicted the end of the world was a crackpot?
Help Us Meet the Challenge
The $75,000 Archmere Fund Challenge THANK YOU! As of December 31, 2012, we were well past the half-way point in achieving the 2012-2013 Archmere Fund goal of $550,000 – and well on our way to meeting the $75,000 funding challenge! And it’s all thanks to the continued support of generous donors like you. A special benefactor will match all new gifts and gift increases to the Archmere Fund this year 1:1 up to $75,000. So, the more you give – the more Archmere will receive. Please help us meet the challenge and reach our goal. Your gift to the Archmere Fund will have an impact on every piece of the Archmere student experience - from our premier academics and talented faculty, to our state-of-the-art technology, college-like campus, spiritual programs and retreats, and the numerous fine arts, athletic and extra-curricular activities that are supported by a community of faith and values. You can make a gift with the envelope provided, or online at or even pledge now and pay anytime before June 30, 2013. Thank you for your support!
Ways to Invest in Archmere Gifts of Cash - write a check to Archmere Academy or use a credit card to make a secure gift online at You can even make your gift in automatic monthly installments. Gifts of Appreciated Stock/Securities - avoid capital gains taxes and receive an income tax deduction. Matching Gifts - visit to see if your/your spouse’s company will double or even triple your gift! Memorial and Honorarium Gifts - celebrate or pay tribute to a loved one by making a gift in their honor or memory. Gifts-In-Kind - gifts of goods or services.
Endowment Gifts - when you give to the endowment, the principal remains intact while the income supports Archmere in perpetuity. Planned Gifts - there are numerous creative gift planning techniques that allow donors to use a variety of assets to make larger gifts than they could from their income, while reducing taxes.
To learn more about giving options, go to:
Memorializing Loved Ones with Scholarships
Giving for Joan: Named Scholarship Funds Over the years, the losses of family members and friends, classmates and former teachers have touched the lives of each and every member of the Archmere community. Together, we mourn their passing and do what we can to honor their memory. We list them in The Archmerean, pray for them at the Memorial Mass each March, and sometimes a donor will memorialize them with a bench or brick on campus, or by starting a scholarship in their name. For Dan Gatti, husband of the late Joan Gremminger Gatti ’81, there was no question that establishing a scholarship was the way he wanted to honor his wife’s memory. “The thing I remember Joan saying about Archmere the most, particularly to our Joan Gremminger Gatti ‘81 children, was how well Archmere helped shape her faith and prepared her for college and life,” he says. “Over the past several months, I’ve spent a great deal of time reflecting on Joan’s life and our life together and how much Archmere has meant to our family. I think about how Joan would talk about her years at Archmere as some of the best years of her life; about the many wonderful classmates she had and how many of them became our life-long friends. I think about how, on a beautiful day in June of 1988, Father Michael Collins officiated our wedding and we held our reception at The Patio. Finally, I think about Father McLaughlin attending her funeral mass and the outpouring of support our family has received from the Archmere community, many sharing their memories of Joan and how she was, to many, ‘quintessential’ Archmere.” Joan passed away unexpectedly on April 19, 2012. Sister of Brian ’76 and Carl Gremminger (attended Archmere 1975-1976), she was a beloved member of the Archmere community, seen by her classmates as a “peacemaker” and a friend of the friendless. Beside a photo of her in the 1981 yearbook, a caption reads: “The brains, beauty, and talent of Joan Gremminger make up the All-American senior girl.” Joan was captain of the girls’ cross-country team, played basketball and softball, and ran track. She received the honorable mention award for women’s athletics and was a member of the Spanish Honor Society.
“My hope in creating this scholarship is that others will have the opportunity to experience Archmere the same way Joan did – creating warm, loving memories, making life-long friendships and receiving a quality education which not only prepares them for college, but for life,” says Dan. “I have no doubt that she would be very pleased and humbled to know we are honoring her memory this way.” Joan’s Archmere classmates and longtime friends, Judy Kweder Meeks ’81 and Jill Savoy Renninger ’81 have joined Dan to help raise funds for her scholarship. Dan lives in in Holland, PA, with the couple’s two children, Evan (19) and Kristen (17). Your continued support of Archmere’s scholarships and endowment helps us to attract the best and brightest students. To make your contribution to the Joan Gremminger Gatti ‘81 Scholarship Fund or any of our endowed funds, go to or use the envelope provided o mail a check with the scholarship name in the memo line. ESTABLISH A NEW FUND: A minimum of $15,000 is all that is needed to create your scholarship or endowment to memorialize or honor a loved one – and the payments can be made in multiple installments over a period of up to five years. For more information about scholarship giving opportunities, contact Katherine Ball-Weir, Institutional Advancement Director, at 302-798-6632 ext. 857 or 25
News And Notes 1940
Henry Winchester celebrated his 90th birthday with family and friends in September.
Joe Janssen Jr., his wife Eileen, and daughter Paula recently celebrated the 60th Anniversary of Janssen’s Market in Greenville, Delaware. The Greenville landmark was founded by Joseph Janssen Sr. in fall 1952. The business is still family-owned and operated. Their focus is on fine food and top-notch customer service (photo to the right)
1955 Bob Dunn (photo to the left) was recently profiled nationally for his enthusiastic work as a “Santa” for the past eight years. Bob returned to the Sooner Mall in Norman, Oklahoma this Christmas. Last year, he was included in 17,000 photos. “The job is pure joy,” Dunn said. “For 46 weeks out of the year, you’re just another old man with a white beard, but for that six-week period, you’re Santa Claus! Can’t beat that.” Rich Benoit, Phil King, and Bob Dunn recently got together for a nostalgic luncheon at the Claymont Steak Shop. They were joined by one of Archmere’s original cheerleaders, Betsy Plowman Rushie. Betsy recounted how she had purchased the original cheerleading uniforms worn by the Ursuline/Archmere cheerleaders at the Archmere Mothers’ Guild Garage Sale. Each uniform was still marked with the original names and she was able to return each to the original owners. Rich Benoit and his wife Debbie just returned from a 55-day motor coach tour of the Canadian maritime provinces and recently traveled to Ireland for the Notre Dame/Navy game in Dublin in August 2012. Gonzalo Palacios, Ph.D. is finishing book #4 The Virgin Mary’s Revolution, publisher to be announced.
1961 Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. was reelected to the Vice Presidency of the United States on November 6, 2012. His second term began at the presidential inauguration on Monday, January 21, 2013. His wife, Jill, and children Joseph III (Beau) ’87, Hunter ’88, and Ashley ’99 were there on election night in Chicago as the poll results were announced. As a student at Archmere, Biden was Vice President Biden ‘61 and wife Jill president of his class, played football celebrate reelection in Chicago on and basketball and was a member of November 6, 2012 the Varsity Club. Biden received his bachelor’s degree, a double major in history and political science, from the University of Delaware in 1965, and received his juris doctorate from Scranton University of Law in 1968. Elected to the United States Senate in November 1972, Biden served as a Senator from Delaware for 36 years, and held the role of Chairman or Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee for 17 years. He was elected the 47th Vice President of the United States alongside President Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election. He is the first Roman Catholic and the first Delawarean to hold the office of Vice President. The Vice President and his wife, Jill, have five grandchildren.
1967 Charles Sibre and his wife Ellen celebrated the marriages of both of their children this year: daughter Kelly in June 2012 in Grand Junction, CO, and son Brendan in November 2012 in Front Royal, VA. They celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in April 2012 with a trip to Bermuda.
was disabled in a boating accident the summer following his senior year. After a career in banking, Fred has followed his passion of community service. Currently, Fred is responsible for the strategic leadership of Comcast’s national partnerships with organizations including City Year, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, and Teach For America.
Joseph Piorkowski and his wife have a newly adopted daughter named Mila, a 14 year-old girl who was living in an orphanage in Demidov, Russia.
Kevin Kelly and wife Shari celebrated the arrival of their first-born child on June 28, 2012. Baby Kaitlyn Marie (pictured below) is a happy little girl.
Irv Brockington was recently elected President of Cheltenham Little League. His daughter, Krysten Brockington-Smith and her husband Steven Smith welcomed twins on Oct 16, 2012, Joi and Justin Smith.
1980 Stephen Kushner, M.D. assumed the role of President of the Medical Society of Delaware as of October 20, 2012. He and his wife Pamela are also the parents of recent alums Abigail ’10, Kelsey ’12, and current student Nicole ’15. Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. gave the invocation at the installation ceremony. Fred Maahs came to campus to speak to students about Resilience and Giving Back in an assembly. Fred
1987 Claire Coggins, M.D. is a musculoskeletal radiologist living in Wilmington. After getting her medical degree from Duke University, Claire completed her radiology residency at the University of Pennsylvania where she met her husband, Dr. Daniel Leung, an interventional radiologist, Claire and Dan have a son, Kieran (5), and a daughter, Lily (4).
1975 Robert Hannigan lives in Flemington, NJ, with his wife, Laura. His son, Corey, graduated from Tulane in 2012 and now teaches English in Japan.
Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. concelebrated at the Mass of Installation. John was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Wilmington in 2002 and after completing graduate studies in Washington, DC taught at Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ until his assignment to New Castle.
1982 John Stephano is the Dean of the School of Continuous Quality Improvement for Prince William County Government. He also teaches Group Dynamics at the George Mason University School of Public Policy and Project Management at ITT Tech. He lives in Centreville, VA with his lifelong love Shelli and their five cats.
William Githens and wife Michele welcomed Liam Henry, born on June 22, 2012. Liam weighed 7lbs. 3oz and was 20 and 1/2 “ long. Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. baptized Liam on September 15, 2012 at St. Bernadette Church, Drexel Hill, PA. Bill’s brother, Matthew ’96 was godfather. Liam joins older sister Ava (4) and older brothers Patrick (17) and Sean(13). Bill and his family live in Drexel Hill.
1989 David Voell and his wife, Tara, joyfully announce the birth of Jonah Paul Voell on May 25, 2012. Jonah was 4 lbs. 1oz. and was 16.5” long. Jonah has an older sister, Vivienne, who is 2 and 1/2. David and his family live in Wilmington.
Father John S. Grimm, brother of Thomas Grimm ’73, was installed as pastor of Holy Spirit Parish, New Castle, DE on July 22, 2012. 27
News And Notes
1989 (cont)
David Zakielarz and his wife, Kelly, welcomed their third son, Harrison David Zakielarz on August 1, 2012. He weighed 4lbs 12oz. Though he was 5 weeks premature, he is doing remarkably well and is very healthy and active! He joins two older brothers, Benjamin (8) and Andrew (5). Benjamin is in 2nd grade and Andrew is in Pre-Kindergarten. Harrison was baptized at St. Cornelius in Chadds Ford, PA. The family lives in Wilmington, Delaware.
1991 Anthony S. (T.J.) Voell married Amanda Stephens on September 8, 2012 – the Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Mother –at St. Joseph’s on the Brandywine Church in Greenville, Delaware (photo above). Amanda and T.J.’s wedding reception was held at the Hotel DuPont in the Gold Ballroom. David Voell ’89 was best man for his brother. Michael J. Hare ’79, Dr. Nathan Poleck ’01 and Justin Freeh ’02 were groomsmen. T.J.’s sister Jocelyn Voell-Wells ’90 was a bridesmaid. Dr. Michael Marinelli ’76 provided the music and was the soloist for their wedding mass. Jerry Ambrogi ’76, Larry Cylc ’73, Bruce DiNardo’82, Coach Bill Doyle, Patrick Hare’81, Bianca Fraser-Johnson ’98, Michael Mattasino ’92, Brian McGlinchey’87, and Dr. Aaron Poleck ’96 were also in attendance. Martin Cosenza and wife Stefanie welcomed Natalie Elizabeth, born on January 10, 2012. Natalie weighed 8lbs. 7oz. and was 22’ long. Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. baptized Natalie Elizabeth on June 10, 2012 at Saint Joseph on the Brandywine Church, Wilmington, DE. Natalie joins brother James (7) and sister Ashley (4). Martin and his family live in Fairfax Station, VA.
Albert Cozenza and his wife, Grace, welcomed the birth of their daughter, Giada Grace, on March 22, 2012. Giada was 7lbs. 1oz. and 20” long. Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. baptized Giada on September 15, 2012 at Sacred Heart Church, Royersford, PA. Giada’s older sister, Francesca, is three. Albert and his family live in Royersford.
1993 Stephanie Taylor and her husband, Mark Ervin, are delighted to announce the birth of their daughter, Magdalen Dear, on December 21, 2012. Maggie’s godfather is Michael Taylor ’91.
1994 Brigid (Coghlan) Johnson and her husband, Christian, welcomed their first child, Claire Rose, on September 30, 2012. Brigid’s brother, Ray Coghlan ’90, is Claire Rose’s godfather. Brigid and her family reside in West Chester, Pa. Julie Barbone McKinnon and her husband Rich welcomed a son, Chase Richard, on February 27, 2012. Chase joins big sisters Kate (5 1/2) and Brynn (2). Kristin Weldon Peri, owner of Divine Cakes in Glen Mills, PA, will appear on The Food Network’s show “Sweet Genius” which premiered Jan. 17.
1995 Benjamin Hill and wife Christina Hill celebrated the birth of their first child, Tyler Jonathan, on September 23, 2011. Erin (Dickens) Grace and her husband Joseph welcomed a son, Colton James, on April 19, 2012. Colton joins big sister Cecilia (5) and big brother Ryan (3). The family resides in Chadds Ford.
1992 Timothy Nanni and Olga Maria Nanni welcomed the birth of their first child, Timothy John, Jr. on April 14, 2012 (6 lbs, 12 ounces.) At his baptism on September 16, 2012 at Saint Agnes Church, West Chester, Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. was godfather. Tim and his family live in West Chester.
1997 Christopher Kestner has joined an orthopedic practice in Charleston, SC, after graduating from Middlebury College and Jefferson Medical College and completing a residency at Temple University Hospital and a fellowship at Duke
Kristen Doyle Highland, husband Ryan and two-year-old daughter Anna Grace welcomed baby sister Niamh (pronounced Neeve) Catherine on December 17, 2012. They currently reside in Brooklyn where Kristen is working on her PhD dissertation in 19th Century American Literature from New York University. R William J. Mannella, III has moved to Incline Village, NV, at Lake Tahoe. Jennifer Rodzvilla married Scott Brion ’96 (photo below) in a ceremony at St. Agnes Church in West Chester. Their reception was held at The Patio. Kate Brion ’95, John Rodzvilla ’93, and Kevin Donohoe ’95 were all members of the wedding party. Fellow alumni Dominic Pileggi ’72, Brian Nagle’93, and Gretchen Nagle ’95 were also in attendance. Jennifer and Scott currently reside in West Chester, PA.
was a bridesmaid. Bianca Fraser-Johnson’98 was a lector and Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. was the celebrant of the Nuptial Mass. Kathy and Rick live in Millsboro, DE. Nicholas Francis Quercetti,III married Danielle Elise Manter on November 2, 2012 at Saint Isidore Church, Quakertown, PA. Nicholas’ father, Nicholas F. Jr. ‘74 was best man and uncle, Robert Quercetti’89, was a groomsman. Also in the wedding party were cousins Courtney’04 and Kyle’09 Slowik, Jason Hartman ’98, Michael Messina ’98, Brendan Moran ’98, and Nicholas Sanna’98. Mary Ann Slowik ’79, aunt and godmother of the groom, was a lector, and Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. was the celebrant. Nicholas, a physician, and Danielle live in Magnolia, NJ. Michael DiMuzio married Candice MacFadyen on July 21, 2012. Adam DiMuzio ’02 was best man for his brother. Kevin Rogers ’98 was a groomsman. The ceremony took place at St. Anthony of Padua Church. John Matarese ’98, Shaun Conway ’98, and Kate Santino ’98 were in attendance.
1999 Jacy Kline Briggs and her husband Michael welcomed a daughter Lucy Jane on March 15, 2012. Lucy was 9 pounds 5.3 ounces and was 21 inches long. She joins big sister Molly (4) and big brother Adam (2).
1998 Kathleen Ann Kirby married Richard John Dressel III on September 29, 2012 at Saint Edmond Catholic Church, Rehoboth Beach, DE. Kathy’s brother, Albert Kirby ’95 was a groomsman, and Alicia Haupt Connors’98
Erin M. Mannella is a nurse practitioner working at Crozer Chester Medical Center as a hospitalist. Clinton Protack and his wife, Tricia, joyfully welcomed the birth of Andrew David Protack on June 16, 2012 at 1:50AM. Andrew was 6lbs. 1oz. and was 18” long. Clinton and his family live in Branford, CT.
2002 Alexandra Konetski Graham and her husband Mark Graham welcomed their 5th child on December 2, 2011. Ryder Rome was 6 weeks early and weighed 4lbs. 6oz. and was 17”. He joined sisters and brother Alexia Rose (7), Mark Ryan (5), Cassidy Rayne (2), and Camryn Rylee (1). They are very blessed and the siblings love their new brother!
Matthew Campion son of Joyce and Carl ‘76 Campion, married Dana Karlsson on September 1, 2012 in Boston, MA (photo above) Andrew Campion ’07 was best man. Michael Flynn ’03 was a groomsman. The ceremony was held at Old South Meeting House with a reception on the waterfront at the Exchange Conference Center. The couple are both graduates of Providence College. In attendance were Paul and Trish Pomeroy, Diane and Michael ’76 Marinelli, Jay ’76 and Anne Marie ’77 Borneman, Susan and Robert ’77 Ursomarso, Noreen and John ’80 Jordan, Brit Eichner ‘03,Robert and Judith Cahill and Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. Matthew is director of business development for Social Sphere, Cambridge, MA and Dana is office manager for Cedar Tree Foundation in Boston. The couple live in Cambridge, MA. 29
News And Notes
2003 (cont) Daniellie Thomson graduated in May with a Master’s of Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. After graduating, she accepted a position at the Harvard Medical School on the Harvard Catalyst team. The Harvard Catalyst is dedicated to improving human health by enabling collaboration and providing tools, training and technologies to clinical and translational investigators.
Carly Ciarrocchi recently joined the cast of the Sunny Side Up Show on PBS’ Sprout, a program for preschoolers. She, along with the other members of the cast, performed in the Macy’s Day Parade on Thanksgiving Day. Lauren Soltani is currently in her final year of law school at Villanova University and is commuting weekly to Washington, D.C. where she works as a legal fellow for Congresswoman Anna Eshoo of California’s Silicon Valley. Lauren is enjoying working on Capitol Hill and looks forward to living in D.C. full-time after completing her JD.
2009 Ryan Smith was accepted into the US Navy’s NUPDC program (Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate). He will attend OCS after graduation from Boston University in May 2013 and be commissioned as an officer (Ensign) upon graduation. He then will go through about a year’s training and then serve on a nuclear submarine as a nuclear engineering officer.
Laura Severance received her Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology from the University of Maryland in the fall of 2012.
Izzie Steele was a guest star on the Wednesday, October 31 2012 episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. The episode was entitled “Friending Emily.”
Jamie (Tosi) Vanaman and her husband Norman welcomed their first child, Scarlett Murphy Vanaman, on December 21, 2012.
Matthew Coogan graduated from the University of Delaware in May of 2012, a year early, earning numerous academic honors. Matt earned a degree in Foreign Language and Literature with concentrations in Modern Standard Arabic, French, and Spanish and a minor degree in Islamic Studies. While at UD, Matt traveled and studied in Morocco, Martinique, and Panama. Matt is currently living in Manhattan and is enrolled in NYU’s Near Eastern Studies Graduate Program.
Joseph Branco and his wife Kate welcomed a baby girl, Abigail Rose Branco on August 21, 2012.
Katherine “Kasey” Grimm, daughter of Tom ’73 and Janet, married Ryan Ford on June 9, 2012 at St. Joseph’s on the Brandywine in a ceremony officiated by Kasey’s uncle, Fr. John Grimm ’83. Kasey’s sisters, Meghan ’08 and Tori ’12 were her maids of honor and Megan Shotzberger ’04 was one of Kasey’s bridesmaids. Kasey and Ryan live in Arlington VA where Kasey teaches first grade at St. Veronica’s Catholic School and Ryan is an associate at the law firm Hogan & Lovells. (photo above)
Lauren Stepanski (Villanova University class of 2009) was awarded a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree by Drexel University in 2012. Lauren is a practicing Physical Therapist at Jefferson University Hospitals and will begin teaching an undergraduate class at Drexel in 2013. Together with Sara Bussiere ’05, Lauren coaches a club volleyball team at Brandywine Volleyball Club..
2007 Katherine Schultz is teaching English at a high school in Linz, Austria, through the Fulbright program.
Hillary Fitts is a Division I field hockey player for Fairfield University and was instrumental in wins against Yale University, 4-0 and Monmouth University 5-4 in overtime. While at Archmere she earned eleven varsity letters. (She is number 22 in the photo above)
Ty’ron Rasul Gorman was named to The National Society of Collegiate Scholars in July, 2012, because of his outstanding academic performance at The Pennsylvania State University.
Joe O’Connell plays lacrosse at Marywood University. He enjoyed playing in the scrimmage against the alumni during Family Weekend. He is working hard in school and on the field.
Elyse Andrews is attending the University of Delaware, is in the Honors Program and plays lacrosse. Her workout schedule is rigorous, as well as her studies, so she is keeping busy!
Maddie Buckley scored the game winning goal in the 108th minute for the William Smith soccer team in their match against the University of Rochester. Madeline (currently a sophomore) notched the game winner with two minutes remaining in the second overtime period. Madeline scored both goals for the team that day and leads William Smith with 16 points on a team-high seven goals and two assists. She ranks first in the Liberty League in points, goals, and goals per game (0.88) and was recently named the Liberty League Women’s Soccer Offensive Performer of the Week. JR Creekmore was named to the 2011-2012 SEC First-Year Academic Honor Roll at the University of Tennessee. To be honored, each student-athlete must have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or above; be on scholarship or a letter winner; have completed 24 semester hours of non-remedial credit; and have been a member of the varsity team for the sport’s entire NCAA Championship segment. JR competes on the Volunteers’ men’s cross country and track teams.
2012 Devon Malfitano is currently playing soccer for Franklin & Marshall. The nationally ranked Diplomats are 10-4-0. Devon has seen action in every game and provided the game winning assist vs. Stevenson University.
Alexa Tsaganos is currently playing soccer for Catholic University, averaging 70 minutes of playing time per match. Alexa is a biology/ pre-med major, so balancing her schedule can be a challenge, but the lessons she has learned at Archmere about time management have proved to be invaluable.
Submit Your News! Alumni news is regularly posted online in addition to being published in The Archmerean. Submit your news online at www.archmereacademy. com/alumninews email your updates to alumni@ or call Alumni Relations Officer, Erin McNichol ’92 at 302-798-6632 ext. 637
Bryan Garrahan was awarded a $500 scholarship from the Duke’s Lacrosse Club in honor of the late Ricky Whelan. Bryan is an All-State and Northern Delaware pick. He is a freshman midfielder at Saint Joseph’s University.
Help Us Locate “Lost Auks!” A list of all of Archmere’s “Lost Auks,” graduates for whom we are missing contact information, can be found online at If you recognize your son or daughter, brother or sister, cousin, neice, nephew, friend or classmate on that list and can share contact information with us, you can help bring them back into the Archmere community by providing us with any updates you can. Fill out the online form on the Lost Auks Web page, e-mail their information to or call it in at 302-798-6632 ext 708.
In Memoriam We remember and pray for those who passed away since the last Archmerean; August 2012 - January 2013 Mrs. Barbara A. Hall August 19, 2012 Mother of Nancy Cooper, current Archmere faculty member, and maternal grandmother of Andrew ’04 and Justin Cooper ’08 Mr. Robert Urban August 24, 2012 Maternal grandfather of James ’01, William ’03, Ryan ’06 and Miles ’11 Bonner Mr. Thomas Q. Ryan, Jr. ’71 August 27, 2012 Brother of Michael J. Ryan ’74 Mrs. Phyllis Skibicki September 4, 2012 Mother of David Skibicki ’78, maternal grandmother of Kathryn ’98, Thomas ’02, and Andrew ’08 Collins and Colin ’10, Claire ’13, and Christine McDermott (attended Archmere 2010-2011), and aunt of James ’77 and Jonathan ’81 Prendergast and Jennifer ’86 and Robert ’90 Whitney Mr. Thomas J. Galvin, Sr. September 6, 2012 Father of Thomas J. Galvin, Jr. ’79 and maternal grandfather of Matthew ’00 and Andrew ’02 Gibson and Jessica’03, Daniel ’05, and Sarah ’09 Meany Mr. Harry Freiberg September 18, 2012 Father of Joseph Freiberg ’80 and brother of the late Father Vincent Freiberg, O.Praem., former Archmere faculty member (1966-1993) Mrs. Dolores W. Oravis September 23, 2012 Mother of John Oravis ’70 and Patrick W. Oravis (attended Archmere 1968-1969)
Mrs. Genevieve T. Giovannozzi September 26, 2012 Wife of the late Attilio J. Giovannozzi, Jr. ’51 Mr. Thomas C. Shea, Sr. September 26, 2012 Father of Thomas ’72 and William ’76 Shea, and charter member of Archmere’s Board of Trustees (1980-1986) Mr. Dipak Gupta September 29, 2012 Father of Dawn ’91 and Tina ’92 Gupta Mr. Eugene T. Duszak October 1, 2012 Paternal grandfather of Lisa’94 and David ’97 Duszak and Alexandra’07 and Emily ’10 Duszak Mrs. Anne Marie Hertrich October 2, 2012 Mother of Carl Hertrich, former member of Archmere’s Board of Trustees (2006-2012), and paternal grandmother of Carl (CJ) ‘02, Eric’04, and Ainsley ’05 Hertrich Mrs. Cecilia (Tillie) Poleck October 2, 2012 Maternal grandmother of Anthony S. (T.J.) Voell ’89 David Voel ’89 and Jocelyn Voell Wells ’90, and paternal grandmother of Aaron’96 and Nathan ’01 Poleck Mr. John Thomas Pembroke October 3, 2012 Father of Michael Pembroke ’71 (former president of the Archmere Alumni Association and former member of the Corporate Board) and paternal grandfather of Matthew E. Pembroke ’04
Mr. Joseph W. Cylc October 4, 2012 Father of Lawrence J. Cylc, Sr.’73 (former Archmere faculty member and football coach) Dr. John T. Hogan October 7, 2012 Father of William ’81, Michael ’84, David ’87, Maureen ’89, and Sean ’94 Hogan, and paternal grandfather of Kaeleigh ’14, Kathryn ’16, and Michael (attended Archmere 2008-2010) Mr. Austin D. White October 11, 2012 Paternal grandfather of the late William A. D. White ’04 Mrs. Amelia Y. DeBonaventura October 13, 2012 Mother of Neal J. DeBonaventura ’66 Dr. Earnest A. Tremblay October 13, 2012 Father of Earnest A. II ’67 and Geoffrey P. ’74 Tremblay, and paternal grandfather of Daniel P. Tremblay (attended Archmere 2000-2002) Mr. Michael Hyland October 15, 2012 Former husband of Rosemary Conway-Bauer, Archmere Academy librarian Mr. Charles H. Porter, Jr. ‘66 October 15, 2012 Father of Emily Porter (attended Archmere 1993-1995) Mr. Paul R. Carey October 20, 2012 Father of Thomas A. Carey ’86 and Kristen Carey O’Rourke ’88
Mrs. Margaret French October 23, 2012 Mother of Mark ’71 and Stephen ’80 French Mrs. Sadie Cofrancesco October 25, 2012 Mother of the late Nicholas A. Cofrancesco ’67 Mrs. Mary Jane Manerchia November 12, 2012 Mother of Louis N. Manerchia ’65, parental grandmother of Anthony’92 and Tracey ’95 Manerchia and aunt of Thomas Manerchia ’61 Mrs. Carol J. Canfield November 22, 2012 Paternal grandmother of Joseph ’12 and Brian ’14 Canfield Mr. Jerome Broussard November 25, 2012 Maternal grandfather of Geoffrey Merz ’14 Father Thomas Meulemans, O.Praem. December 4, 2012. Former speech teacher and Dean of Finance at Archmere (1979-1992) Ms. Karen Ann Edwards ’79 December 5, 2012 Sister of Leslie ’81, Dana (attended Archmere 1979-1981), and Jessica ’85 Mrs. Mary Louise Maucher December 10, 2012 Mother of Archmere head chef Hugo Michael Maucher Mrs. Sabina Holland December 15, 2012 Mother of T. Keating ’78, Sabina ’79, and Hillary ’81 Holland
Mr. William S. Sims December 15, 2012 Father of Marianne Yeager Sims’92, paternal grandfather of William Yeager (attended Archmere 1987-1989)
Mr. Donald E. Monagle January 1, 2013 Father-in-law of Francis Lucey ’80, and maternal grandfather of Katie ’11, Connor ’12, and Kelly ’15 Lucey and Kelly ’11 and Andrew ’12 Sibiski
Mr. John N. Zufelt December 14, 2012 Father-in-law of Dea Anzilotti Zufelt ’82 and paternal grandfather of Michael ’05, Kevin ’07, and Joseph ’10 Zufelt
Mr. Leon Wojciechoski ’38 January 7, 2013
Mr. Martin B. Flynn ’51 December 17, 2012 Brother of John Flynn ’51 Mr. Terrence Baer ‘66 December 18, 2012 Mr. Terence Stone December 26, 2012 Paternal grandfather of A. Terence Stone ’05, Matthew’06 and Andrew ’09 Stone Mr. Paul M. Parchinski ’60 December 29, 2012 Mrs. Eleanor R. McNally December 30, 2012 Mother of Edward M. McNally ’65 and the late Kevin McNally ’71, and paternal grandmother of Jennifer ’92 (married to Brian Johns ’92), David’96, and Elizabeth ’00 McNally
Mr. Donald F. Parsons January 7, 2013 Paternal grandfather of Elliot R. Parsons ’99 (married to Melissa Bristow Parsons ’99) Mr. Carl E. Blair January 11, 2013 Father of David Blair (former staff member), father-in-law of Carl Campion ’76, and maternal grandfather of Matthew ’03 and Andrew ’07 Campion. Mrs. Catherine McNamara January 16, 2013 Mother of Peter ‘74 and Patrick ‘81 McNamara (married to Joan Lucey McNamara ‘84), paternal grandmother of Margaret ‘13 and Eleanor McNamara ‘15. Recently notified Archmere: Mrs. Judy Buchanon July 26, 2012 Wife of Michael Buchanon ’65, step-grandmother of Corey Slatts ’12
Alumni Memorial Mass
Join the Archmere Academy Alumni Association in remembering all of our deceased alumni and former faculty/staff at the Alumni Memorial Mass on Sunday, March 10, 2013.
Mass will be held at 10:00 a.m. in The Patio; the names of the deceased will be read aloud as part of the mass. A breakfast reception will follow. Registration is available online at 33
Auk Snapshots
Alumni John Rollins ’88, Hunter Biden ’88, Beau Biden ’87 and Thomas Holmbeck ’88 on the golf course at The DuPont Country Club during The 25th Annual Archmere Alumni Golf Outing.
Senior, junior and sophomore members of the student council were inducted in a ceremony on August 28. Front row (seated): Corrine Sullivan ’13, Priya Bhadaiswala ’13, Kurt Hill ’13, CJ Kraft ’13, Kate Fosbenner ’13 2nd row: Olivia Arasim ’14, Savannah Quinn ’15, Maddie Guido ’15, Raylin Xu ’15, Dave Sullivan ’15, Megan Diggins’13, Trish Churchill ’13 3rd row: Rebecca Peet ’14, Camryn Hicks ’14, Colton Takata ’14, Zach Pease ’15, Derek Calabrese ’14, Chris Corsi ’13, Andrew Mascioli ’13 Not pictured: Nathan Beatson ’14, Payas Parab’15
Archmere freshman Jessica Casino, daughter of Cheryl Wiechecki Casino’81 and the late Fred Casino ’81, poses with her paternal grandfather Fred Casino and maternal grandmother Mary Wiechecki at the Grandparents’ Day breakfast on Oct.10 in the Student Life Center.
Charlotte Rath ’13 is joined by her sister Caroline ’14 and parents Daniel and Monica as she signs her letter of intent to play varsity women’s lacrosse at Lafayette College next year.
Above: Joe McAlonon ’16, Jon Gazzillo ’14, John Luke Pileggi-Fraguada ’16 (son of John Pileggi ’77) and Sam Wayne ’16 gather in the quad for the activity fair on September 19, 2012. Left: John J. Jordan III ’80 was installed as Archmere’s first alumni principal in a ceremony on October 24.
- Pietate et Scientia God, you call us to walk in unity of mind and heart intent on you. Give us that reverence for one another that will make us apostles of peace. Grant that the knowledge of this day may flow into our worship of your Name and our service for the life of the world. Inspiring Students to Distinction 35
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Mark Your Calendars!
For more information on upcoming events, go to FEBRUARY
Alumni Sports Banquet
7th Grade Practice Exam
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
7th Grade Open House
22-23 Winter Musical
“You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown!”
Pops Concert
Green Concert Series
1-2 Winter Musical
Performances by Award-Winning Students
“You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown!”
9-10 Senior Showcase
Alumni Memorial Mass
Green Concert Series
A Program of Irish Traditional Music
Mothers’ Guild Garage Sale
Fine Arts Festival
Spring Concert
3600 Philadelphia Pike • Claymont, DE 19703 • 302-798-6632 • 610-485-0373 •