The Archmerean “Living Our Mission”
Volume LXXVIV Winter 2014
The Archmerean
“Living Our Mission” The cover of this issue of The Archmerean depicts several views of The Oratory in Saint Norbert Hall, including a student reading at a daily Mass; a student blessing herself in the Oratory’s entryway which features a flatscreen television that displays feast days, prayers and an activity and Mass schedule for the Oratory; Archmere Chaplain and Director of Mission and Heritage, Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. leading prayer during a liturgy; and a photograph of Theology teacher Matthew Chominski leading students in “Kenosis,” a three-minute prayerful retreat offered to students during each lunch period. We celebrate not only the wonderful ministry activities, unique liturgies and opportunities for spiritual reflection the Oratory has brought to life for our students, but we also recognize how this sacred space serves as an inspirational visual reminder of our Catholic Norbertine heritage. Archmere community is truly “living our mission” each and every day – bringing to life the tradition, heritage and core values on which the Academy was founded.
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
Managing Editor and Layout
Matthew J. Bastian ’83, CP ’15 ’17
Rev. Joseph Serano, O.Praem., Ph.D.
Colleen Sabatino
Richard M. Beck ’82, Chair, Strategic Planning Committee
Robert E. Shields ’60, PP ’97 Chair, Board of Trustees
Communications Manager
James F. Bonner, M.D., PP ’01 ’06 ’11
Mary Ann E. O’Brien Slowik ’79, PP ’04 ’09
Andrew S. Thomson, PP ’08 ’11
Angela Marinelli ’90
John S. Gerard, PP ’10 ’13 Chair, Finance & Facilities
Barbara A. Wasik, Ph.D., PP ’09 ’11 Chair, Mission & Heritage Committee
Yellow Sky Consulting
Kevin J. Gilroy, PP ’08 ’11 ’13
Kathleen E. Wunner, Ph.D., Chair, Academic Affairs Committee
Victoria C. Yatzus
Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ’76
Rev. Andrew D. Ciferni, O.Praem., Ph.D.
William F. Githens ’64, PP ’88 ’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 Chair, Advancement Committee Thomas C. Grimm, Esq. ’73, PP ’04 ’08 ’12 Francis J. McKee ’68, PP ’94 ’97 ’04 Debra Whitby-Norman, PP ’04 ’07 Douglas R. Quaintance, PP ’05 ’08 Elaine C. Fry Reilly, Esq. ’83, CP ’17, PP ’13
Rev. Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. Legal Counsel
Rebecca W. Baeurle, CFRE , CP ’14
Anthony G. Flynn ’69, Esq., PP ’03 ’04
Katherine Ball-Weir, CFRE, CP ’17 John J. Jordan, III ’80, CP ’15, PP ’12 Amber Combs
Executive Officer
Allison McCord
Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ’76, Headmaster
Erin P. McNichol ’92 David Oswinkle Joseph Marinelli
The abbreviations “CP” and “PP” after each name indicate the individual’s status as a “Current Parent” or a “Past Parent” with their child(ren)’s graduation years following.
If you are interested in submitting an alumni note, or would like to add your e-mail to our database, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at: 3600 Philadelphia Pike, Claymont, DE 19703; by phone: 302-798-6632 ext. 708; or by e-mail:
“Our Nativity” – Michael A. Marinelli ’76, Ed.D., Headmaster...................................................................... 4 Achieving Our Vision: A Planning Study....................................................................................................... 7 Daylesford Abbey’s 50th Anniversary........................................................................................................... 8 New Board Members.................................................................................................................................... 9 Archmere Named Apple Distinguished School........................................................................................... 10 Student Spotlight: Brian Zhang ’14............................................................................................................. 11 Keepers of Our Home: The Archmere Facilities Crew................................................................................. 12 Perserving Our Heritage: The Archmere Academy Archives....................................................................... 14 Introducing John J. Raskob, The Catholic Capitalist: An Interview with David Farber............................... 15 Homecoming 2013...................................................................................................................................... 18 2013 Fall Sports Review.............................................................................................................................. 20 John O’Meara’s Bulletin Board.................................................................................................................... 21 December Happenings................................................................................................................................ 22 Alumni Mastersingers “Come Home” to Perform in Reunion Christmas Concert...................................... 23 Madame Presidents: Maria and Rebecca ’14 Peet ..................................................................................... 24 The Senior Class Gift and Pledge Program.................................................................................................. 25 A New Challenge: The 2013-2014 Archmere Fund..................................................................................... 26 Ways to Invest in Archmere......................................................................................................................... 26 Unique Giving Opportunities...................................................................................................................... 27 Alumnus Profile: Dr. Phillip B. “Jay” Storm ’86........................................................................................... 28 News and Notes.......................................................................................................................................... 29 In Memoriam.............................................................................................................................................. 35 Auk Snapshots............................................................................................................................................. 38 Archmere Academy Prayer.......................................................................................................................... 39
Mission Statement Archmere Academy is a Catholic, Norbertine college preparatory school, valuing community, respect, zeal, reverence and wisdom. Nurturing body and soul, mind and heart, Archmere focuses on the whole person through academic excellence, faith reflection, social development and service to others. Inspired by its heritage, Archmere cultivates empathetic leaders – young men and women prepared for every good work.
A Message From the Headmaster
A Message From The Headmaster: “Our Nativity” Dear Members of the Archmere Academy Community: In 1854, Hector Berlioz wrote “L’Enfance du Christ” – The Childhood of Christ. It is a musical piece in which he includes “The Shepherds’ Farewell,” the moment when the shepherds bid farewell to Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, as they leave for Egypt, because of Herod’s decree to find and kill Jesus. The shepherds sing:
Thou must leave Thy lowly dwelling, The humble crib, the stable bare. Babe, all mortal babes excelling, Content our earthly lot to share. Loving father, Loving mother, Shelter Thee with tender care! Blessed Jesus, we implore Thee, With humble love and holy fear. In the land that lies before Thee, Forget not us who linger here! May the shepherd’s lowly calling, Ever to Thy heart be dear! Photo by Erin McNichol ‘92 Follow Dr. Marinelli’s blog at: http://blogsandpubs.archmereacademy. com/headmaster/
Blest are ye beyond all measure, Thou happy father, mother mild! Guard ye well your heavenly treasure, The Prince of Peace, The Holy Child! God go with you, God protect you, Guide you safely through the wild!
In reflecting on this lovely work, I thought about how the image of the Nativity is a visual representation of the mission of Jesus and a blueprint for creating our own life’s purpose. The quiet, rugged, and simple Nativity scene accentuates the loving and sacrificial relationship between parents and a child, and the deep faith to accept, without full knowledge or anticipated hardship, God’s call in our lives. The Holy Family’s departure for Egypt, depicted in Berlioz’ work, reminds us of the course of events – the actions required – that advanced Jesus’ mission and purpose. The salvation story begins to unfold with the efforts of the Holy Family, until it culminates with Christ’s resurrection and thousands of followers that continue to advance the story.
At Archmere, we have paused to develop a snapshot or our Nativity – our original purpose as a Catholic, Norbertine school that is part of that salvation story. And we have, in some ways, recreated a picture of who we are and what we strive to become as an educational community of faith and values. We have done so through a strategic planning process that has created conversation and understanding, and has set goals for us to learn more about that which we know less. Our planning process has become a cohesive blueprint for the Archmere community, bringing together different talents and varying points of view to arrive at best next steps toward solid actions that advance the mission of the Academy.
“At Archmere, we have paused to develop a snapshot of our Nativity - our original purpose as a Catholic, Norbertine school that is part of that salvation story.�
In January, we celebrated Catholic Schools Week by reflecting and discussing our own Catholic, Norbertine heritage. This year, we also dedicate our newly renovated Oratory in Saint Norbert Hall, which features nine stained glass windows, donated by individual benefactors. These windows depict the life of Saint Norbert, and serve not only as inspirational images for prayer, but as religious art that will teach generations of Archmere students about the life of Saint Norbert. After a generation of priests from our founding Abbey, Saint Norbert Abbey in DePere, Wisconsin, administered and taught at the Academy, Norbertine priests from Dayleford Abbey in Paoli, PA staffed Archmere. During their years at Archmere, the school evolved and grew, maintaining its reputation of being a top-flight academic institution. This year, we celebrate with the Abbey as they commemorate their 50th anniversary and we thank them for their years of service and support of the Archmere mission. Today, the leadership of independent schools understands the need to demonstrate value and communicate the fulfillment of mission with qualitative and quantitative measures, particularly focused on student achievement. While Archmere continues to provide challenging and successful academic programs, the administration and staff acknowledges the need to continually assess, innovate, and improve, as an ongoing cycle of enhanced learning requires.
At the same time, we recognize our valuable legacy as a Catholic, Norbertine school, which embodies a shared understanding of community and operates under the motto of pietate et scientia – reverence and wisdom. Our faith-based tradition enhances our academic excellence, and our high academic standards support our quest for being our best selves, accomplished through our collective and individual faith journeys. I encourage readers to visit the Strategic Plan blog in which I provide quarterly updates on various aspects of our Strategic Plan, including our work on articulating, promoting, and living our mission, and continuous review and improvement of our academic and co-curricular programs. Follow the blog by going to: In this issue of the Archmerean, I hope you find evidence of the incredibly important work we are accomplishing at Archmere and take away a sense of the vitality and relevancy of our mission. On the next page, you will see a piece focused on one of the steps we have taken to move forward with our vision for the school – the launch of a comprehensive feasibility and planning study that will provide valuable insight into our priorities as we advance the goals of the Strategic Plan. I also hope you realize what an important part the members of our extended Archmere family play in the day-to-day work at the Academy. Our alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, and benefactors assist our students, parents, teachers, and staff in presenting the best possible experience each day. My wish in the New Year for each of you is in the words of Berlioz’ prayer by the shepherds to the Holy Family, “God go with you, God protect you, Guide you safely through the wild!”
Blessings to You and Your Families with Gratitude,
Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ’76 Headmaster
Strategic Plan 2012 Focus 5: Financial Sustainability
Achieving Our Vision: A Planning Study Archmere Embarks on a Comprehensive Feasibility and Planning Study For eighty-one years, Archmere has been committed to sustaining a vision of academic rigor and excellence, while embracing our Norbertine roots and educating the whole student. As we reflect upon our rich history, celebrate our successes, and prepare for our future, we look forward to upholding our mission and cultivating generations of empathetic leaders.
The 2012 Strategic Plan for Archmere was developed to build upon our strong history and chart a vision for the school’s future. Achieving this vision will require growing the school’s endowment and undergoing a variety of renovations and enhancements in Saint Norbert Hall, the Performing Arts Center, The Manor, and The Patio. Archmere Academy is implementing a comprehensive feasibility planning study to determine the next steps in achieving our vision for a bright future. Community Counseling Service Co., LLC (CCS), an international fundraising firm, has been engaged to assist us with this study to help us assess the perception of Archmere Academy and the school’s capacity for launching a major fundraising effort. We are enthusiastic about the future of the school and are hopeful that this planning study will help to guide us in the right direction as we strive to meet the goals set forth by the Strategic Plan. We are grateful for the support of our Archmere community members and look forward to sharing more information about the path forward in the coming months.
For questions about the Comprehensive Feasibility and Planning Study, contact one of the Institutional Advancement Directors at Archmere Academy: Rebecca W. Baeurle, CFRE, CP ’14 302-798-6632 ext 709 or
Katherine Ball-Weir, CFRE, CP ’17 302-798-6632 ext 857 or
Daylesford Abbey’s 50th Anniversary Daylesford Abbey : 50 Years of Service and Sponsorship This year, Archmere’s sponsoring religious community, Daylesford Abbey, celebrated its 50th anniversary. Located in Paoli, Pennsylvania, Daylesford Abbey is a Roman Catholic religious community of priests, brothers and lay associates of the Norbertine Order. The Abbey’s milestone was celebrated with a Mass and reception with Archbishop Charles Chaput on Sunday, November 3, 2013, and a 50th Anniversary Gala and Dinner Dance on Friday, November 22, 2013. Many priests from Daylesford Abbey have served Archmere Academy as members of the faculty, staff and administration through the years, including Headmaster Emeritus and current Chaplain and Director of Mission and Heritage, Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. Archmere is grateful for the support and guidance provided by the men of Daylesford Abbey over the past 50 years.
From left to right: Abbot Joel Garnder, O.Praem. of Santa Maria De La Vid Abbey (New Mexico), Deacon Joseph Bauser, Abbot Robert Rossi, O.Praem., Abbot Emiertus of Daylesford Abbey, Archbishop Charles Chaput of the Archdiocease of Philadelphia, Abbot Richard Antonucci of Daylesford Abbey.
Norbertines of Daylesford who served at Archmere Academy: Justin E. Diny, O.Praem. + 11/11/1989
Maurice C. Avicolli, O.Praem.
Cletus L. Wagner, O.Praem. + 12/05/1971
Joseph P. McLaughlin, O.Praem.
Roger W. Paider, O.Praem. + 10/13/1985
Richard J. Antonucci, O.Praem.
Marinus J. Verwey, O.Praem. (Berne) + 01/18/1982
Michael T. Collins, O.Praem.
Robert J. Sliben, O.Praem. + 08/05/1996
Blaise R. Krautsack, O.Praem.
Anthony W. Polini, O.Praem. + 09/23/1977
Thomas J. Rossi, O.Praem.
Alexander R. Arendt, O.Praem. + 02/05/1988
Theodore J. Antry, O.Praem.
Charles T. Urban, O.Praem. + 03/09/2012
Thomas O. Meulemans, O. Praem. + 12/04/2012
Hubert N. Beaudoin , O.Praem. + 06/26/2003
John C. Zagarella, O.Praem.
Francis X. Cortese, O.Praem.
Steven J. Albero, O.Praem.
Paul J. DeAntoniis, O.Praem.
William R. Craig, O.Praem. + 03/20/2013
Vincent F. Freiberg, O.Praem. + 06/09/1993
Joseph W. Mulholland, O.Praem.
+ indicates deceased Norbertines. All of the deceased are buried at Daylesford. Not listed are members of Saint Norbert Abbey (WI) or Immaculate Conception Priory (DE).
New Board Members Introducing Archmere’s Newest Board Members: Kevin J. Gilroy A Global P&L executive with experience in both computer hardware and software, Kevin J. Gilroy is the Senior Vice President of Global Indirect Channels for SAP Americas in Philadelphia, PA. Kevin earned his bachelor’s degree from Long Island University and his M.B.A. in Finance at St. John’s University. Kevin and his wife, Rosemary, are the parents of three Archmere graduates – Jamie ’08, Michelle ’11, and Sarah ’13.
Thomas C. Grimm ’73 A 1973 graduate of Archmere Academy, Thomas C. Grimm, Esq. ’73 is a partner with Morris, Nichols, Arsht and Tunnell LLP in Wilmington, Delaware, and a member of the Intellectual Property and Corporate and Business Litigation Groups. Tom is a trial attorney who represents primarily corporate clients in complex commercial and intellectual property litigation. He received his bachelor’s degree in business from the University of Notre Dame and his law degree from the Villanova University School of Law. Tom is an active community service volunteer, serving on the Board of Directors for Delaware Special Olympics since 1985 and providing legal services pro bono to children in family court proceedings. Tom previously served on Archmere’s Board of Directors from 2001-2006 and was a member of the Facilities Committee. He and his wife, Janet, have three children, all of whom are Archmere graduates – Kasey ’04, Meghan ’08 and Tori ’12.
Andrew Thomson Andrew has enjoyed a 30+ year career in finance and entrepreneurial management, including the co-founding of two successful start-up companies. He is a graduate of The University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. He and his wife Carol ’79, have three children – Scott ’08, Christopher ’11, and Amy.
Victoria C. Yatzus The Head of School at The Independence School in Newark, Delaware, Victoria C. Yatzus’ career in education has spanned more than 32 years. Victoria received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne in England, and earned her Master’s of Education from the University of Delaware. A member of the Red Clay EDtv Advisory Board and the Board of the Association of Delaware Valley Independent Schools (ADVIS), Victoria is also a State Chamber of Commerce Superstars in Education Committee Member and a past president of the Delaware Association of Independent Schools (DAIS.)
Archmere Named Apple Distinguished School Strategic Plan 2012 Focus 2: Best Practices in Learning Archmere: A Leader in Innovative Learning This past November, Archmere Academy was recognized as an Apple Distinguished School for its successful implementation of the 1:1 MacBook Laptop Program and for its innovative integration of technology in the classroom. The honor, which designates Archmere as a Distinguished School for two full academic years (at which time the school will be invited to reapply), is reserved for programs that meet Apple’s criteria for “innovation, leadership, and educational excellence,” and “which demonstrate a clear vision of exemplary learning environments.” Since its implementation in the fall of 2011, the 1:1 Program at Archmere has allowed the Academy to broaden the curriculum to include interdisciplinary classes, promote both independent and collaborative learning, and offer new and customized learning resources for both teachers and students. Archmere’s vision, set forth by its 2012 Strategic Plan, commits the academy to enhancing its exceptional academic tradition with 21st century best practices for learning. “The 1:1 Laptop Program provides students and teachers with a powerful tool to develop and refine critical thinking skills and collaborative work methods that contribute to invaluable experiences for students’ college preparation and teachers’ professional growth alike,” says Headmaster Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ’76. “This innovative technology encourages life-long learning for all who participate.”
“This innovative technology encourages life-long learning for all who participate.”
Student Spotlight: Brian Zhang ’14
AP Student Earns A Perfect Score Senior Brian Zhang ’14 was sitting in class when he received an email from his mother informing him that he had earned a perfect score on the AP Computer Science A Exam. “I didn’t believe it at first,” Brian said. While he felt that some of the practice tests had been challenging, Brian said the actual exam felt easier, crediting his teacher Mr. Jared Campbell for helping him to be so prepared on test day. Brian is one of just 19 students worldwide to earn every possible point on both the multiple choice and free response sections. Over 31,000 students sat for the AP Computer Science A Exam last May. “I feel proud to have taught a student who reached such a level of distinction,” said Mr. Campbell. Brian humbly acknowledged his achievement this fall, saying he had Brian Zhang ’14 quickly turned his attention to college applications. Wherever he chooses to enroll next fall, the future looks very bright for Brian who is considering biomedical engineering as a possible major. “My father always tells me it isn’t about the name of the school, as long as I use my time and opportunities wisely,” he said. A talent for computer science runs in the Zhang family. Brian’s father moved to the United States from China after receiving a scholarship from the University of Kentucky, where he studied computer science and statistics. A member of the Robotics club and Tech Wizards, Brian has made the most of his extracurricular and academic opportunities while at Archmere. He recently qualified as a finalist at the Delaware Valley Science Council exam, earning top scores on both the Math and Physics exams. After the college application period ends, Brian plans to dedicate more time to working on his true passion, robotics. “Cooperatition is the ideal,” Brian said of robotics’ competitive yet cooperative nature. “Everyone involved is helping each other to become better engineers in the future.” Clearly, perfection has not dampened Brian’s desire to improve. Rather, he said it has motivated him to keep getting better as he prepares to move on to the next chapter of his life in college.
The Archmere Facilities Crew Strategic Plan 2012 Focus 3: Excellent Teachers & Staff The Keepers of Our Home: The Archmere Facilities Crew The third focus area of the 2012 Strategic Plan for Archmere Academy has been articulated as: “Archmere will attract, retain and develop excellent teachers and staff to preserve the Archmere experience for its students.” It is easy to see why Archmere would want to focus on bringing in and retaining the best and brightest teachers to educate our students in the classroom. But what many may not realize is that to sustain the unique atmosphere and exceptional learning community that is Archmere Academy, it is equally as important to have the best quality staff members. From left to right: Dan Lutz, Jim Tosi, John Grace and Rob Graham. Not pictured:
Among those perhaps lesser known Larry Osborn and Gail Foth. Archmere staffers are the hard-working members of the Facilities crew. Headed by Director of department was considered more of a “maintenance Facilities and former Archmere football coach, James (Jim) crew,” tasked only with the daily upkeep of campus. Since J. Tosi, the Archmere Facilities crew consists of six full-time 2008, however, the department has grown into a fully professionals with a combined 80 years of service to functioning Facilities staff, responsible not only for campus Archmere. upkeep, but for major construction projects as well. In 2006, Jim Tosi, then a retired teacher, coach and counselor, and owner of a small construction company, was brought to Archmere to help oversee the construction of the capital campaign projects. His attention to detail and efficiency re-shaped the campus-wide renovations, and his efforts led to him becoming a permanent addition to the Archmere Facilities staff. He was named Director of Facilities in 2008. Prior to the capital campaign projects of 2004-2008 and Jim’s arrival at Archmere, the 12
“The members of our team who have been here for many years were instrumental in making the shift from a
“We all take pride in what we do because this is our community.”
maintenance crew to a real Facilities team. They know the campus well and they want to make it look and function the best that it can,” says Jim. “We all take pride in what we do because this is our community.” Among the crew are Larry Osborn, a certified electrician, Dan Lutz, a former golf course superintendent and grounds specialist, John Grace and Robert Graham, both certified HVAC specialists with training in carpentry and plumbing, and Gail Foth, a full-time porter who has been with Archmere for almost 30 years. Larry Osborn celebrated 20 years with Archmere last year, and John Grace will reach the 20-year mark with the close of this school year. “With the expertise of my staff, and the work we’ve been able to complete in house, we have been able to save the school money, reduce energy usage, and make aspects of the campus more functional and improved,” says Jim. Larry’s installation of sensors and energy-efficient lights throughout campus and John and Rob’s work to convert the HVAC systems and implement a computerized control system has saved the school thousands in energy costs; Dan’s grounds expertise has reduced the school’s need for contracted landscappers; and Gail’s diligent work keeps the campus sparkling.
Over the past two summers, the Facilities crew has completed projects on virtually every inch of campus. The projects involved everything from revamping previously existing spaces on campus and updating electrical and plumbing systems, to creating new spaces for students and faculty. Among the projects completed by the Archmere Facilitites team was the creation of the Tech Center in Saint Norbert Hall, the new Saint Norbert Oratory and Spirituality Center, and the administrative offices in Saint Norbert Hall; the new Canteen and Student Council offices in the Student Life Center; the Meditation Garden between The Patio and Science Center; new bathroom facilities in the basement of The Patio; and the Student Piazza in front of the Manor. The undertaking of such projects, in addition to the daily upkeep and improvement of Archmere’s 38-acre campus is no small task. If not for the expertise and the unwavering work ethic of this six member crew, Archmere might not quite be the place that so many Archmere students, parents, faculty, staff and alumni are proud to call “home.”
In terms of their construction work, the projects started in The Patio. The crew completed major renovations to the once storage room on the first floor of the building, transforming it first into an office space and then into a classroom. They also revamped the eleven administrative offices that now reside in the mansion. Originally bedrooms and office spaces used by the Raskobs and later the Norbertine priests, many of these rooms had been neglected or used as unkempt storage or archive spaces before the renovations. “My interest is in taking the existing buildings on campus and making them like new – there is so much history here, and it’s important to restore and improve upon these structures while keeping that history,” says Jim.
The new lounge area in the women’s bathroom in the basement of The Patio, rennovated by the Archmere facilities crew and positioned beside Mrs. Raskob’s fur closet, with its original door. 13
The Archive Project Strategic Plan 2012 Focus 1: Mission Preserving Our Heritage: The Archmere Academy Archives The new Archmere Academy Archives represent the second major effort to establish a professionally organized, in-house archive collection dedicated to preserving the school’s rich history and heritage for current and future generations. Former faculty member Father Steve Rossi, O.Praem., began Archmere’s initial archive collection in 1982 on the second floor of the then newly-constructed library in Saint Norbert Hall. The collection was relocated in the early 2000s to the second floor of The Patio where it remained until this past spring when the Facilities Department renovated the third floor of The Patio into an acceptable storage space. “It was a big job putting new windows in, re-plastering and painting the walls, and installing climate controls,” said Director of Facilities Jim Tosi. “It improved the building, and it looks clean. It marks just another step toward fully utilizing space in The Patio.” Funding for the rennovations were provided by the Raskob Foundation, in memory of former Foundation president Gerard S. Garey ’36, and funds raised by the Friends of The Patio. In the summer of 2012, project manager Jennifer West ’04 with Ezlufon, Austin, Reardon, Tarlov & Mondell, P.A., led a group of student interns in cataloguing the archive materials on the second floor in preparation for their move to the permanent space on the third floor. Head archivist and assistant librarian Kerry Annos ’97 is now in charge of properly maintaining and storing the collection. “There are four rooms on the third level that have been specifically reserved for archival storage,” Kerry said. “One of the rooms will be used for students, faculty, alumni, and other visitors for research, and the remaining rooms will serve as storage for the collection material.” Climate controls, proper storage on open rack shelving units, and specific handling guidelines ensure the long-term care and integrity of the collection, and the permanent space provides hands-on, convenient access to archive material on campus. “The archive collection adds tremendous historical and administrative value to the school,” said Kerry. “It is an ongoing and living project that will continue to collect, preserve, and make materials of historical value accessible for students, faculty, staff, alumni and visitors.” Headmaster Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D., ’76 agrees that the school’s archives are historically invaluable for the Archmere community today. “We can often learn how the course and impact of past events relates to present circumstances,” said Dr. Marinelli. “It offers insight into how people’s ideas were shaped and formed.” While this recent work marks a great start to the in-house archive initiative, Kerry said there is a significant amount remaining to be done. She mentioned drafting formalized collection development policies, long-term digitization plans, and item-level cataloging standards as future steps for the new Archmere archives project. “We are looking forward to making the collection available to the Archmere community,” said Kerry. 14
A Interview with David Farber
Introducing John J. Raskob, The Catholic Capitalist By: Joseph Marinelli Temple Professor of History David Farber uses the word “pluck” to describe the character of John J. Raskob in his recently published biography of Raskob titled, Everybody Ought To Be Rich. “John Raskob had pluck in spades,” Farber writes on page two of the only published biography of John Raskob, who died in 1951. But what exactly does Farber mean by that antiquated phrase? “He was a devout philanthropist. But the bigger part was, I think, making Capitalism work for the many,” Farber said during a visit to The Patio in August. Farber spent the last eight years researching the life of the very Catholic, extraordinarily wealthy Raskob, who “sort of fell through the cracks of history.” Farber began to develop an interest in Raskob through previous David J. Farber research projects about General Motors. Raskob was truly unique in the way he lived the virtues of his Catholic faith on the grand stage of Capitalism during its nascent years in early 20th century America. His faith was the anchor in his life. “He had tremendous faith in God,” said Farber, “I found it amazing. He never seemed to have that dark moment of the soul.” If Catholicism was Raskob’s anchor, then Capitalism was his ship and finance his compass. His approach “not to Catholicism as a religion, but as a lived institution in the United States” transformed the role of laity in the Church said Farber. “He looked here in Wilmington at the diocese,” Farber said in charismatic manner, “and he said, ‘I’ve got nothing to say about the teachings of the Church, but, um, you guys don’t really seem to know how to manage financially and organizationally this institution. Listen, let us Catholic laity who know this kind of stuff, this temporal stuff, let us help – let us help manage the Church’s finances.’” Having modest success, Raskob offered his financial advice and support to the Church, said Farber. Within the United States, however, he had sparked a change in the way middle to upper class Catholic families thought about their responsibilities and involvement within the Church.
“So what,” Farber said, “is a rich Catholic to do in a system that produces gross economic inequality?” Raskob sought to answer this question his entire life. With his wife Helena, Raskob founded the Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. in 1945 to ensure that his commitment Jonh J. and Helena Raskob to charity and lay involvement in the Church would continue after he died. “He wasn’t going to be corrupt. He wasn’t going to seek special favors from the government. But he believed so wholeheartedly in the virtue of Capitalism that he thought…Capitalism could serve the many, not just the few,” Farber said. From both an economic and ethical perspective, Raskob viewed it in the best interest of one’s self to help others – not just give blindly, but help. In a 1946 letter to Helena, Raskob writes, “A test of real charity is whether one is teaching people to help themselves or helping people to help themselves. Thus one is on guard every minute lest things done may be the reverse of charity.” At the time of this letter, Raskob had long ago entered the realm of the elite. Once he had arrived at the top, he committed his efforts to helping others get there too – not by simply handing them money, but by using his wealth, power, and wisdom to try to create an economic system which gave others the same opportunity to succeed. 16
“He tried to think of a system that would enable a great many people to benefit from Capitalism,” said Farber, “... how it will work, this is still an open question. But he certainly believed it. And he certainly tried to implement it – a way of life, in which the most people possible could benefit from Capitalism,” said Farber. Such sense of equitability and charity, as Farber writes, requires pluck. It is fitting that Raskob’s “dream house,” The Patio, has become home to a Catholic college preparatory school – Archmere Academy. Although “pluck” may not be included as one of Archmere’s core values, it echoes the Norbertine charism upon which the school was founded. “Raskob was a man of credos. And I think he would have loved the idea of Archmere having that particular credo,” Farber said in regard to the school’s five core values of Community, Respect, Zeal, Reverence, and Wisdom. “I think he would feel that those are essential truths to a good life, and a socially valuable one,” Farber said. Raskob lived with zeal. He exercised wisdom. He respected the notion of community, and he revered with passion the two most influential constructs of his life - Catholicism and Capitalism. In addition to a financial acumen and public profile that few other men on the planet possessed, Raskob demonstrated a rare combination of elite humility. The Patio perhaps reflects this trait most tangibly. “It wasn’t treated as if it was this place of princes and princesses,” Farber said. “This was a family home.”
“This was a family home.”
things from your own humanity, your own memories, your own experience.” This ability to relate from personal experience is that which continually unfolds the narrative of human history. The shared Archmere experience, like Raskob’s philanthropic vision, continues to make its mark on history, unfolding its legacy through the lives and hearts of each community member. “I hope young people, when they come in here, look at it and go, ‘Wow, this place is amazing.’ Because it is,” Farber said.
The Raskob children in The Patio Courtyard.
“They lived here. They played here. One of the great letters I found was John Raskob describing ‘pogoing’ – pogo stick, up and down, right here in the middle of The Patio.” From Archmere’s first headmaster, Father Michael McKeough, O.Praem., to its current and first lay headmaster, Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ‘76, the school has made The Patio its home, creating its own legacy while also preserving Raskob’s for over 80 years.
“I hope young people, when they come in here, look at it and go, ‘Wow, this place is amazing.’ Because it is.’”
“I think all acts of writing history are acts of imagination,” Farber said, reflecting on his experience of constructing an historical narrative of Raskob’s legacy. “It isn’t like we just go out there and find the facts, and they fall into patterns all by themselves. …You have to envision a character. But to connect to that character sometimes…you have to draw Copies of “Everybody Ought to be Rich” are available for purchase through Archmere Academy. Part of the proceeds from the book will benefit restoration projects in The Patio. Contact Ally McCord at or 302-798-6632 ext. 706 for more information or to order. Pictured to the right: David Farber held a lecture and book signing in The Patio last spring. 17
Homecoming 2013 Events Recap HOMECOMING 2013: For more photos go to
Upper left: Bill Christopher ‘67, Joseph “Skip” Kuhn, M.D. ‘65, Ryan Barbacane ‘99 and Matt Lagoy ‘99 pause for a photo opp at the 26th Annual Archmere Academy Alumni Golf Outing. Upper right: Members of the Class of 1963 gather in The Patio Library for a class photo during their 50th reunion. Middle left: Sangho Byun ‘91 and Shelly Gilbride ‘93 pose with Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ‘76 at the Alumni Social. Bottom right: Members of the Archmere band added some pep to the Homecoming game, performing from the stands under direction of band leader Mr. Damian Demnicki ‘86. Bottom left: JM Nocket ‘15 runs the ball downfield against Conrad during the Homecoming game. 18
Homecoming 2013 in Review The 2013 Homecoming celebrations kicked off with the 26th Annual Archmere Alumni Golf Outing on Monday, October 14, at the beautiful DuPont Country Club in Wilmington, Delaware. This year’s outing sold out a month in advance with a record 146 golfers. After an ideal autumn day on the greens, a cocktail reception was held in the evening on the terrace of the clubhouse followed by dinner and the awards program. The outing was made possible by our 80 generous sponsors. On Friday, October 18, 103 members of the Golden Alumni and their guests gathered for their annual luncheon in The Patio. The event included a performance from the Archmere Academy Mastersingers and the formal induction of the members of the Class of 1963 as the newest “Golden Alumni.” On Friday evening, the Archmere Volleyball team started the Homecoming contests with a 3-0 win over Conrad. Saturday, October 19 saw more Auk victories with Football defeating Conrad 54-2, Field Hockey tying Conrad 1-1 and boys’ Soccer defeating Conrad 3-0. Campus was buzzing on the beautiful Saturday afternoon, with families enjoying fare in the Auk Athletes’ Village, and alumni gathering for the All Alumni Social following the home games. Over 100 alumni and friends joined us at the social to enjoy classic Dixieland music, refreshments and cocktails. In the evening, Archmere alumni from class years ending in three and eight gathered to celebrate their reunion milestones. The evening began at 6 p.m. with Mass celebrated by Father Joseph P. McLaughlin, O.Praem. in the newly renovated Saint Norbert Oratory, and continued with the reunion reception in The Patio. More than 250 Archmere alumni and guests were in attendance. Alumni in attendance ranged from Archmere cheerleaders perform as students, parents, alumni and friends gather to watch the 1958 through 2008. Homecoming football game from The Patio lawn, in front of the “Auk Athlete’s Village” tent.
2013 Fall Sports Review The Auk athletic teams worked hard this Fall, with a few enjoying trips to the State Tournament. To keep up with AUK sports scores and rosters, go to For the latest in athletic news, check out our new Athletic’s Blog, managed by Athletic Trainer Jim Malseed at
Boys’ Cross Country The boys’ Cross Country team shared a dual meet record of 3-1 and the title of DSAC Champions with the girls’ team this season. The team earned second place in the State for DII teams. Highlights of their season included a second place finish at the Salesianum Invitational, a fourth place finish at the Marymont Invitational and a fifth place finish at the New Castle County Championship. All-State: Colton Takata ’14 (3rd team)
Girls’ Cross County The girls’ Cross Country team finished in fourth place at the DIAA DII State Meet and shared a dual meet record of 3-1 and the title of DSAC Champions with the boys’ team. Highlights of the season include a second place finish at the University of Delaware Invitational, a third place finish at the Salesianum Invitational and a fourth place finish at the Marymont Invitational. All-State: Colleen Carney ’14 (2nd team)
Colton Takata ’14, Principal and Cross Country coach John J. Jordan III ’80 and Colin Graef ’14 pose at the state meet.
Field Hockey The Varsity Field Hockey team ended their regular season with a 4-8-3 record. All-Conference: Caroline Rath ’14 (1st team); Eileen McAlonan ’14 (1st team); Maura Corsini ’14 (2nd team); Laura Jogani ’14 (2nd team); and Katie Dempsey ’15 (2nd team); Presley Conaty ’16 (honorable mention); and Kennedy Murphy ’16 (honorable mention)
All-State: Caroline Rath ’14 (2nd team)
This year’s Cheerleading squad was 25 spirited members strong and led by captains Alexis Ulmanis ’14, Kelly Hutt ’14 and Melissa Bellew ’14.
Football The Varsity Football team ended the regular season with a 7-3 record. The JV team finished 8-1. All-Conference: Conor Furey ’14 (1st team offense, 1st team defense); J.M. Nocket ’15 (1st team offense, 2nd team defense); Jack Malloy ’14 (1st team offense); Connor Speidel ’14 (1st team defense, 2nd team offense); Christian Conaty ’14 (1st team defense); Kenan Hilyard ’15 (1st team defense); Francis McVey ’14 (2nd team offense); Michael Ford ’14 (2nd team offense); Matthew Gallagher ’15 (2nd team defense); Ryan Beatson ’14 (2nd team defense)
Cheerleading captain Kelly Hutt ’14. 20
All-State: Conor Furey ’14 (1st team offense, 1st team defense)
John O’Meara’s Bulletin Board
Boys’ Soccer The boys’ Varsity Soccer team had an impressive year, culminating in a 8-6-1 regular season record and a final record of 8-7-1. The team made it to the DIAA State Tournament but lost in the first round. The JV Soccer Team finished the season 5-5-4. All-Conference: Brian Canfield ’14 (1st team); Luke Pinto ’14 George Tsaganos ’14 (1st team); Geoff Merz ’14 (1st team); Tyler Burns ’14 (2nd team); Matt McCurnin ’16 (2nd team); Sean Murray ’17 (2nd team); Mark Dombroski ’17 (honorable mention)
John O’Meara’s Bulletin Board You can acquire a good habit now and then without worrying about becoming an addict.
Women deserve to have more than twelve years between 28 and 40. - Glenna Sipe.
Records are made to be broken. Tape recordings are a little more difficult.
All-State: Brian Canfield ’14 (2nd team); George Tsaganos ’14 (2nd team); Geoff Merz ’14 (3rd team)
Volleyball The girls’ Varsity Volleyball team were the DSAC Champions with a regular season record of 12-3 and a final overall record of 13-4. The Auks won their first round game of the DIAA State Tourney before losing in quarter finals. The JV team ended the season with a 12-3 record. All-Conference: Alexa Maddie Kelly ’14 Spence ’14 (1st team); Amanda Olsen ’14 (1st team); Maddie Kelly ’16 (1st team); Sarah Donnelly ’14 (2nd team); Justine Pantaleo ’15 (2nd team); Regan Bice ’15 (honorable mention) All-State: Alexa Spence ’14 (1st team)
There may have been a time when a penny saved was worth writing an adage about.
Behind every successful man is a surprised mother-in-law. - Hubert Humprey
It can’t cost much to make “R”-rated movies. They keep using the same words.
It’s tough to have such poor health that you waste your sick leave on illness. 21
December Happenings
“Christmas at Archmere” On Friday, December 13, we celebrated the holiday season on campus with our annual “ Christmas at Archmere” celebration. This is the second year that the Archmere community has gathered together in the spirit of the holiday season. Over 120 alumni families, current and past parents, faculty and students kicked off the festivities with arts and crafts, refreshments and a visit from Santa Claus in The Patio. Santa then led a procession of our guests to the Quad for our tree lighting ceremony led by Headmaster Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D ’76 and members of Student Council. The Christmas tree in the center of the Quad is decorated each year by our Student Council students. The evening concluded with the annual Christmas Concert and performances by the Concert Band, Concert Choir and the award-winning Mastersingers. We enjoyed seeing so many familiar faces and happy kids on campus and wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Pictured above: Student musicians perform a song in the Christmas concert. Pictured to the left: An excited child shares his Christmas list with Santa in The Patio.
Young Alumni College Panel
From left to right: Bill Repetto ’12, JR Creekmore ’11, Leigh Henjes ’13, Christopher McCord ’11, Madeline Buckley ’11, Teresa Ceballos ’13, Lindsey Olivere ’11, Tori Zugehar ’12, David Sang ’11, Colleen Brynes ’13, Megan Diggins ’13, Charlotte Rath ’13, Sam Weatherlow ’12 and Sean McMahon ’12. 22
We were excited to welcome back alumni from the Classes of 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 on Tuesday, December 17 for the Young Alumni College Panel and Open House. The graduates were invited to speak to current juniors and seniors regarding the college process and their individual college experiences. Nine graduates from these classes participated in an interactive panel in the Student Life Center. Schools represented on the panel included Duke University, Elon University, LaSalle University, Princeton University, Tulane University, and University of Delaware (honors program), University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), University of South Carolina and the University of Tennessee. The current students had many questions for the recent graduates and their honesty and insight were much appreciated.
Mastersingers Reunion Concert Strategic Plan 2012 Focus 4: Alumni Engagement Alumni Mastersingers “Come Home” to Perform in Reunion Christmas Concert On Sunday, December 15, alumni from the award-winning Mastersingers group performed a selection of Christmas carols as part of the Helen Springer Raskob Green Concert Series. This was the first ever performance of an Alumni Mastersingers chorus. Approximately thirty alums ranging from class years 1983 through 2008 gathered to perform together. More than 100 guests comprised of fellow alums, family members and friends of Archmere attended the concert. The Alumni Mastersingers were accompanied by Archmere Headmaster, Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D ’76 on piano, and current students Daniel Kim ’17 on cello, and Alexander Weir ’17 on violin. The choir was directed by Mary Ellen Schauber, former faculty member (1982-1988), who created the Mastersingers group in 1985. Mr. David Ifkovits, Chair of the Music Department & Choral Director, served as a guest conductor. As is Archmere tradition, the Hallelujah Chorus served as the finale of the performance. Our Alumni Mastersingers received a standing ovation from our guests in attendance. Pictured to the left: Concert director Mary Ellen Shauber and Megan Wozniak Ede ’90 welcomed the audience and kicked off the concert. Among the Alumni Mastersingers Chorus were: Erin Arvedlund ’88, Jennifer Kratsa Bastian ’87, Elizabeth Bock ’08, Chris Bogia ’96, Theresa Carroll ’85, Christa Cahill Cavanaugh ’84, Andrew Crowley ’98, Megan Wozniak Ede ’90, Kelli Quercetti Farrell ’02, Sean Filliben’86, Shelly Gilbride ’93, Brian Gilmore’88, Jennifer Green ’88, Caroline Mancuso Hughes ’94, Jeff Mauriello ’92, Julie Latterner ’93, Ginny Burke Marino ’83, Ryan McKinney ’93, Dr. Alexia Michell Moutsatsos ’96, Kristin Wasnewski Mumford ’96, Kathleen Hartnagel Nasuti ’87, Juliette Dunn Pryor ’89, Brian L. Nagle ’93, Christian Rivera ’06, Christopher Rivera ’02, Christian Ryan ’87, Katie Trotman ’01, Kristine M. Ward ’83, Chris Weir ’91, and Sean Wilkins ’96. For more photos from the performance, and a list of upcoming Green Concert Series events, visit:
Mother-Daughter Leadership
Madame Presidents: Maria and Rebecca ’14 Peet The 2013-2014 school year has undoubtedly been a busy one for the members of the senior class and their families as they finish out their careers at Archmere and prepare for the next phase in their lives. It has been an especially busy year in the Peet household. In her fourth year on Archmere’s student council, Rebecca Peet ’14 is president of the senior class. “I’ve always been someone who liked to be more involved. I liked being part of the decision-making and planning events for the school,” says Rebecca, who also plays basketball, runs cross country and track, participates in Kairos and Concert Band, and holds leadership roles in Archmere’s Model UN and the French Club.“It’s satisfying to be able to communicate with the administration and make things happen on behalf of my classmates,” she adds. “I’m fantastically proud of her,” says Maria of her daughter’s leadership role. “I know it’s a real challenge to have that kind of responsibility, and Rebecca Peet ’14 and Maria Peet I see that she takes it seriously.” Being a leader in the Archmere community is a Peet family trait. For the 2013-2014 school year, Maria has taken on the role this year as president of the Mothers’ Guild, the school’s largest volunteer and fundraising organization. “I had been involved with the Mothers’ Guild in previous years and really feel that it is a wonderful group of women,” says Maria. “And I feel like if you want to see something accomplished, you have to play your part. That’s why I agreed to take on the role of president for this year.” While for both Peets it is their last “official” year as members of the Archmere student and parent communities, the influence they have had, and the impact they have made on Archmere won’t long be forgotten. “There’s a real family aspect here, which sounds cheesy, but it’s true. I like being here after hours, I like being on campus – I will miss being part of the dynamic here,” says Rebecca. “I’m going to miss working with such capable and kind people – both on the Mothers’ Guild and within the administration,” says Maria. “I’m going to miss being involved with Becca’s school, and knowing the teachers and classmates and friends that she talks about.” “But I’ll be back! I’ll help with the Garage Sale and stay involved when I can,” she adds with a laugh. Next year, Rebecca plans to major in engineering or computer science. She hopes to get involved on campus at whatever school she attends next fall. “It’s important to get involved because, though some students may not believe it, you can make a difference on the community that you are in; you can make your school better,” says Rebecca. “That’s really true,” adds Maria. “If you want something to be different or improved, you need to be engaged in the process.”
Senior Class Gift & Pledge Program Strategic Plan 2012 Focus 5: Financial Sustainability Creating a Culture of Philanthropy: The Senior Class Gift & Pledge Program Started in 2011, the Senior Class Gift & Pledge program marks the transition of our graduating seniors from students to alumni of Archmere Academy. The program offers the opportunity for each class to leave a lasting impression by giving back to the school community in honor of the educational, social, and spiritual foundation that Archmere has given them over their four years as students. The goal of the Senior Class Gift & Pledge Program is simple – for each member of the graduating class to donate a monetary value symbolic of their class year (example class of 2014 = $20.14) and to pledge to donate the same amount annually over the next four years. The gift program strives to build a culture of philanthropy that our graduates will carry with them Students enjoying the Tech Center. throughout their lives. The designation of the funds is decided annually by class leaders in cooperation with Headmaster Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D ’76. The funds raised from the class of 2011 helped to establish the Tech Center in Saint Norbert Hall. The class of 2012 chose to support the renovation of the Canteen in the Student Life Center. Last year’s funds, raised by the class of 2013, created a new “Student Piazza” in the alcove of the Manor. The year 2013 saw record-setting participation with over 84% of the seniors pledging their involvement. The entire student body has benefitted from the generosity of their former classmates and each gift is marked with a commemorative plaque. The campaign for the class of 2014 will kick off in the spring and we look forward to seeing the continued legacy that the class of 2014 will leave on campus through the Senior Class Gift & Pledge program!
Principal John J. Jordan III ’80, Headmaster Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ’76 and Student Body President Camryn Hicks ’14 at the ribbon cutting ceremony opening the Manor Piazza this fall.
Plaque acknowledeging the Manor Piazza as a gift of the class of 2013.
A New Challenge!
Your Gift Now will have DOUBLE the Impact Inspired by the success of last year’s matching gift challenge, which helped the Archmere Fund reach a record-setting high, a current family has stepped forward to challenge us yet again. “Just as Archmere expects our students to strive for excellence and challenge themselves through their academic experience, we too, should challenge ourselves to support that experience. As parents and alumni we must lead by example, set our sights high and strive towards distinction.” This generous family will match all new gifts and gift increases to the Archmere Fund this year 1:1 up to $75,000. The success of the Archmere Fund benefits every current student and family today while ensuring the Archmere legacy for the students of tomorrow. So, the more you give, the more Archmere will receive. Help us meet this challenge by making a new gift or increasing your current gift to the Archmere Fund before the close of the fiscal year on June 30, 2014. Your gift now will have DOUBLE the impact! You can make a gift using the envelope provided, or by going online to
Thank you for your support!
Ways to Invest in Archmere Gifts of Cash - write a check to Archmere Academy or use a credit card to make a secure gift online at You can even make your gift in automatic monthly installments. Gifts of Appreciated Stock/Securities - avoid capital gains taxes and receive an income tax deduction. Matching Gifts - visit to see if your/ your spouse’s company will double or even triple your gift! Memorial and Honorarium Gifts - celebrate or pay tribute to a loved one by making a gift in their honor or memory.
Gifts-In-Kind - make a gift of goods or services. Endowment Gifts - when you give to the endowment, the principal remains intact while the income supports Archmere in perpetuity. Planned Gifts - there are numerous creative gift planning techniques that allow donors to use a variety of assets to make larger gifts than they could from their income, while reducing taxes. To learn more about giving options, go to:
Unique Giving Opportunitites Commemorative Gifts Program There are a variety of ways to honor, celebrate and memorialize friends and loved ones while supporting and enhancing the Archmere experience. Commemorative gifts have special meaning and lasting impact.
The New Saint Norbert Oratory and Spirituality Center The new centerpiece of Saint Norbert Hall, the Oratory is a place for members of the Archmere Community to be enriched in faith and encouraged in spiritual growth. A limited number of opportunities are available for permenant recognition within this sacred space: Oratory Vestibule and Entry Way.............................$10,000 Musical Instrument..................................................$ 7,500 Reconciliation Room................................................$ 7,500 Altar..........................................................................$ 5,000 Ambo........................................................................$ 2,500 Crucifix......................................................................$ 1,000 Credence Table.........................................................$ 750 Presider’s Chair.........................................................$ 750 100 Congregational Chairs are available..................$ 500 each
100 congregational chairs are available for naming. Commemorative plates will be individually inscribed and attached to the back of each chair that is named. This is a beautiful and lasting way to honor someone you love within this special space.
Commemorative Benches on Campus There are two types of and locations for commemorative benches on campus. Full granite benches are located throughout the main Quad that connects the central school buildings. Backless stone benches will be added to the new Patio Meditation Garden that connects the Patio to the Science Building and the main parking lot. This beautiful space has functional pathways and, with the addition of commemorative benches, will be a quiet space for reflection.
Full Benches............................................................................................................... $5,000 Backless Benches........................................................................................................ $3,500
Named Scholarships and Endowed Funds Build a lasting legacy with a Named Scholarship or Endowed Gift for a minimum of $15,000 payable over a period of up to five years. The principal will remain intact, while the income will support Archmere in perpetuity. You may also contribute to any of our existing named scholarships or endowed funds at any time. To take advantage of any of these unique gift opportunities, visit or contact either of our Institutional Advancement Directors: Rebecca W. Baeurle, CFRE, CP ’14 302-798-6632 ext 709 or
Katherine Ball-Weir, CFRE, CP ’17 302-798-6632 ext 857 or 27
Alumnus Profile
Dr. Phillip B. “Jay” Storm ’86 Archmere alumnus Phillip B. “Jay” Storm, M.D. ’86, has been helping children with complex brain and spine issues from all over the world for over ten years. An attending surgeon at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) since 2004, Dr. Jay Storm ’86 is nationally recognized for his research and surgical treatment of complex brain and spine tumors. Recently, he was appointed chief of the Division of Neurosurgery at CHOP. A 1986 graduate of Archmere, Jay was a three-year starter on the varsity Auk Football team, playing the position of half back and serving as team captain his senior year. He also ran track. A number of teachers made an impression on Jay, particularly former science teacher Vince Stumpo. “He truly changed the way I think and it made me a better student and better physician,” says Jay. After attending Archmere, Jay graduated summa cum laude from Wake Forest University and earned his medical degree at the Johns Hopkins University School Dr. Phillip B. “Jay” Storm ’86 of Medicine. He completed his neurosurgery residency and his fellowship in neuro-oncology research at Johns Hopkins Hospital before joining CHOP in 2003 as a pediatric neurosurgery fellow. Jay’s surgical practice is primarily focused on brain tumors and complex spine tumors and he is a recognized leader in endoscopic skull base surgery and complex reconstructive spine surgery. Over the years, he has hosted Archmere students at CHOP for Career Experience Day – some of them even had the opportunity to witness brain surgery. “I have always said that whatever ‘successes’ I have had in life are a result of the friendships I made and the academic foundation I built at Archmere,” says Jay. “The teachers, coaches, students, and teammates I met while at Archmere, as well as the successes and failures I experienced had a profound effect on me and made me a better person. I am grateful for my four years at Archmere.” He has certainly had much success at CHOP. His laboratory has received over $5 million in NIH grants, foundation grants and private donations. He has authored more than 100 publications, including articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Science, Nature, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “Every year more than 2,000 children are diagnosed with brain tumors,” said Jay in an interview posted on CHOP’s web site. “There are very few funds out there for pediatric brain tumors, so it’s very important for us to educate the community and families to build philanthropic support.” In addition to his role at CHOP, Jay is also an associate professor of neurosurgery in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Stacey, and their daughter, Anna, reside in Philadelphia, PA.
News And Notes 1946
Dick Rowe, Ph.D. retired in 1990 from ICI Americas and duPont in 1970 as Patent Counsel. D. Laine Santa Maria, Ed.D. served as a faculty member in the Kinesiology Dept. of the Unversity of Maryland for thirty years. He is currently retired and living in South Carolina.
Joe Ferrari, Jr. and his wife Carol are still residing in the Manassas/ Gainesville, Virgina area where they have lived for the past 34 years. Carol has started her own business providing enterprise architecture support to Government agencies. Their daughter Carol is an attorney in Concord, NH. Joe has no plans for retirement yet.
Julie Micallef Baron and her husband, Michael, have relocated to Hong Kong. Two of their sons are in college at the University of Delaware and Santa Clara University. Their oldest son is an electrical engineer working with DuPont in Mobile, AL. Julie is able to travel with Mike, often to San Francisco. Julie would welcome visitors to their home in Hong Kong.
Art Kearns recently signed a two-book deal for sequels to his espionage/thriller The Riviera Contract. In October, Riviera will be available in print format from bookstores and Amazon, Apple and Barnes & Noble. Some fellow alums have chuckled at the indirect reference to Archmere in the novel.
Joseph A. Kuhn, M.D. retired from Nephrology Associates in 2012. He is working as a senior consultant to the Chief Medical Officer at Fresenius Medical Care. He rejoined the Alumni Council in 2013.
1962 Kevin Martin retired from coaching wrestling for 11 years at St. Joseph’s Prep in Philadelphia with a record of 378-256. Kevin helped to organize the original wrestling team at Archmere in 1966. He will continue to coach in several developmental clubs and summer camps. Kevin also won his weight class in the USA Wrestling Veterans collegiate style champions held in Cedar Falls, Iowa in April 2013.
1963 Mark J. McGovern retired after 27 years at Bishop Ford C.C.H.S. in Brooklyn, NY. He currently is an adjunct at Baruch College (CUNY) for 28 years and at St. Francis College in Brooklyn for 2 years. He is married to Chris Curran and has a daughter, Mia Curran McGovern (32) and a son, Ian Curran McGovern (29).
1967 Charles Sibre is still enjoying retirement with golf, genealogy research, reading, and auditing graduate classes.
1969 Anthony G. Flynn, Sr., Esq. was elected president of the St. Thomas More Society of the Diocese of Wilmington.
1971 Al Fierro, Jr. is the co-owner of Olevano Oil. Olevano Oil is the first cold-pressed extra virgin oil imported from the rolling hills of Olevano sull Tusciano in the Campania region of Italy. Olevano Oil recently won “Best in Class” and Gold Medals at the New York International Olive Oil competition. Olevano Oil has also received QVC’s coveted “Customer Top Rated” designation and was one of five items selected to compete in the Best Cooking Staple category as part of QVC’s 2012 Customer Choice Food Awards.
1981 Edmond M. Ianni, Esq. presented at the Center for Community Leadership Development & Entrepreneurship in Pennsylvania last October. He served on a panel with the President & CEO of Sun Center Studios and two other CEOs addressing how corporations and entrepreneurs can partner in emerging industries.
Submit Your News! Alumni news is regularly posted online in addition to being published in The Archmerean. Submit your news at www. alumninews, email your updates to alumni@ or call 302-798-6632 ext. 637.
News And Notes 1983
Frank Wickersham and his band, Class Action, recently competed in Fortune’s 13th Annual battle of the Corporate Bands held at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. The Fortune Battle of the Corporate Bands is an annual music competition for amateur company-sponsored bands in the US, Europe, and Australia. Frank and his bandmates from the law firm of Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman & Coggin were one of only eight bands selected to perform for the title of best corporate band. Frank got his first break performing an outdoor concert in front of the Manor with his Archmere classmates and former faculty member, Paul Pomeroy as part of a DFRC Blue Gold fundraiser in 1982.
Hyunjoo (HJ) Byun Fleming and husband, Dean, live in Alexandria, VA and keep busy with son David (13) and daughter Sarah (10). HJ works as a Federal Budget Analyst and completed her second Komen 3-Day/60 mile walk in October, and enjoys playing flute at church. She loved catching up with fellow ‘88 Auks at reunion.
1984 Joseph P. Egan recently enjoyed a short visit with his family in Folcroft, PA while in town for a nearnby business meeting. Joe and his wife, Becky, have lived in South Korea for the last six years.
Nathan Andrisani, Esq. and Allyson Miller Andrisani ’88, along with their three daughters, Alexa (16), Olivia (14), and Sophia (11), spearheaded a children’s choir performance in Philadelphia’s LOVE Park to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Their daughters launched the effort in 2006 as a way to spread Christmas cheer and support the foundation. The annual performance now includes dozens of children and has raised more than $130,000 for Make-A-Wish. The money they have raised has helped to grant wishes to fellow children fighting life threatening illnesses.
1985 Lisa Penrod Frankel recently started the Delaware Chapter of Decoding Dyslexia, a grassroots movement driven by parents interested in promoting dyslexia awareness in Delaware. Craig Marvel ‘85 runs Judi Marvel Charities (www.judimarvelcharities. com) in honor of his late wife and has kept the organization going strong for almost 15 years. Many of his classmates and fellow alumni have served on the organization’s board and supported its mission since its inception. Every year JMC provides funding to organizations who serve families with special needs. Craig’s son William is a freshman at Archmere. 30
Bob Quercetti and his wife Diane and had their third child on January 26, 2013. Santino Paul (photo below) weighed 8lbs. 2 oz. He joins his brother Bobby (14) and sister Marissa (11). They live in Aston, PA, and Bob is the President and Owner of American Floor Systems.
1992 David Kubacki currently serves as President of Nativity Prep School in Wilmington, DE. David attended Archmere’s graduation last June to celebrate the graduation of alum, Kenny Screven ’13. Kenny is a member of the 2009 Nativity Class and now attends DeSales University studying political science Carl Deirmengian, M.D. is an orthopedic surgeon with the Rothman Institute in Philadelphia. He was recently interviewed by AARP Magazine regarding knee replacement surgery.
George Gioffre coached his son Max in the Cal Ripken U12 World Series last summer (photo above). Max’s Piedmont DE team placed third nationally. Max was awarded the “Most Outstanding Player” in the semifinal game against New England.
1992 (cont.) Michael Matassino and his wife Jaime welcomed their first child, Emily Ann Matassino on May 19, 2013 (photo below). She weighed 6 pound 11 ounces. She was baptized on August 4, 2013 at St Mary Magdalen Church.
Joseph Angelini and his wife Amanda welcomed their second child, Liv Elliott, on December 29, 2012. Liv weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 20 inches. Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. baptized Liv on September 7, 2013 at Saint John Fisher Church, Boothwyn, PA. Liv has an older sister, Rory, who is four. Joe is a senior account manager for Kelly Associates Insurance Group in Baltimore, MD. Joe and his family live in Parkville, MD.
1993 Thomas Coyne and his wife Allyson welcomed their second child, Caroline Grace, born on June 27, 2013. Caroline weighed 9 pounds 1 ounce and was 20 inches. Caroline was baptized on November 3, 2013 at Saint Francis Xavier Church, The Oratory, in Philadelphia. Caroline has an older sister, Maggie. Tom is an assistant professor of English at Saint Joseph’s University; he will spend the coming summer in Scotland working on his next book which has already been accepted by Simon & Schuster.
1994 Brian Lee married Holly Wolfe on June 15, 2013 in Kennett Square, PA. The couple live in the borough of Kennett Square. Many Archmere friends and classmates were in attendance. Brian is the son of Ron Lee ’61 and Rita Lee (Archmere School Nurse 1995-2013), and brother of Michael Lee ’89 and Meghan Lee ’97.
Christopher Donnelly and his wife Kelly welcomed their first child, Gavin Martin, born on January 6, 2012. Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. baptized Gavin on January 26, 2014 at Saint Catherine of Siena Church, Horsham, PA, along with Gavin’s cousin, Ryan. Christopher’s brother, Michael Donnelly ’91, is the godfather. Angela Chien has been working for Google for the past five years and has spent the last two years in Google [x], an experimental research group. Angela served as lead counsel for Google Glass and two other early stage projects. Angela and her boyfriend recently bought a house. They travel in their free time alternating between visiting friends in Europe and diving in Asia.
1996 Jeffrey Devido and wife Catherine welcomed daughter Annette Violet on June 10,2013. Annette joins older brother Jason Jasper (3). After completing both a psychiatry residency and an addiction psychiatry fellowship at Massachusetts General and McLean Hospitals, Jeffrey has taken a faculty position at the University of California, San Francisco.
1997 Anne Marie Mancuso Gerhart and her husband Lee welcomed baby Lia Marie Gerhart on May 28, 2013. Lia was baptized at Saints Simon & Jude Church in West Chester, PA by Abbot Richard Antonucci of Daylesford Abbey on September 1, 2013. Caroline Mancuso Hughes ’94 is the godmother. Maggie Arvedlund Cassidy and her husband Adam welcomed their first child on June 12, 2013. Svend Joseph Cassidy was recently baptized at Saint Francis Xavier in NYC with Erin Arvedlund Beattie ’88 in attendance as proud godmother.
1999 Kristin Gallagher Chambers and her husband James welcomed their twin boys Jason Christian and Lucas James (photo below) on February 27, 2013. Kristin, James, and their two sons live in the Trolley Square area in Wilmington, Delaware.
2000 Rajbir Singh recently moved to San Francisco, CA where he is now the Finance Director for Google’s consumer hardware business.
News And Notes 2000 (cont.) Brian Donnelly and his wife Erin welcomed their second child, Ryan Patrick, born on October 20, 2013. Ryan was 8 pounds 8 ounces and was 20.5 inches. Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. baptized Ryan on January 26, 2014 at Saint Catherine of Siena Church, Horsham, PA; Brian’s brother, Michael Donnelly ’91, is the godfather. Brian is a history teacher at Archmere.
2001 Alexandra Sowa-McPartland, M.D. is living in NYC with her husband, Peter. She will be completing her residency in Internal Medicine at NYU in July 2014 and plans to practice in NYC after graduation.
2002 Michael Reichert proposed to his long-time girlfriend Christina Golio in October 2013. Michael and Christina currently live in Wilmington. He is pursuing an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership at the University of Delaware and teaching social studies at Saint Edmond’s Academy. Both families are eagerly anticipating the wedding in New York in late Spring 2015. Megan Healy Corey ’02 and Amy Trelenberg Kanzleiter ’02, owners of online apparel and accessories store opened thier first retail location in Wilmington’s Trolley Square in August 2013.
2003 Lauren Lawless has been selected as one of the 30 Under 30 recipients by The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA.) The goal of the NKBA 30 Under 30 Program is to acknowledge outstanding young professionals, while helping these individuals to immerse and apply themselves to new opportunities for 32
growth and development in support of the industry. Lauren is engaged to be married to Fred Voelker. They will marry on August 16, 2014 St. Anthony of Padua church in Wilmington, DE. Daniel Joseph Brooks married Dana Lauren Fiore on October 5, 2013 at Saint Hedwig Church, Trenton, NJ. Joseph (Jay) Brooks ’05 was Best Man for his brother. In the wedding party were Dan’s sister, Katelyn Brooks ’07 and Ryan Washall ’03. Dan’s uncle, Gerald Brooks ’69, was a lector and Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. officiated at the Nuptial Mass. Dan and Dana are living in Chesterfield, NJ. Dan is an investment management associate for BlackRock. David Jamison, IV, Ph.D. successfully defended his doctoral dissertation and received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Drexel University (Aug 2013). He started working at Villanova University this fall as a Visiting Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering.
Catherine Therese Bartels married John Allen McGuire on August 3, 2013 at Saint Agnes Church, West Chester, PA (photo above). Catherine’s sister Elizabeth Bartels ’08 was Maid of Honor. Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. officiated at the Nuptial Mass. Catherine and John are living in Raleigh, NC. Catherine is doing acquisition and new project development for a real estate development company.
2004 Nicole Phillips married Miquel McDonald ’01 on September 13, 2013 in Georgetown, DE. Ryan Paul Emptage married Jamie Catherine Wohlhagen ’04 on August 31, 2013 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Wilmington, DE. Kelly Wohlhagen ’06 was Maid of Honor for her sister. In the wedding party were Jamie’s brother, Jonathan Wohlhagen ’09 and Dara Troise ’02. David Ifkovits was organist and vocalist and Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. officiated at the Nuptial Mass. Jamie is an optometrist at Delaware Ophthalmology Consultants. Ryan, who received his doctorate in May from Duke University, is a post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. The couple lives in Wilmington, DE.
Megan Fusco married John Caruso on June 1, 2013 at St. Anastasia Parish in Newtown Square, PA (photo above). Jaclyn Newton ’05 was the Maid of Honor. Rachel Stellini, D.V.M. received her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from Oklahoma State University in June 2013. She is practicing equine medicine in Tryon, NC.
Karla Senior, who previously studied pastry arts at the French Culinary Institute in Manhattan (now the International Culinary Center) and worked at the Hotel du Pont’s Green Room, is the author of a cookbook featuring recipes using Lékué silicone pans. Karla demonstrated some of her recipes at the sixth annual Meals on Wheels Delaware “Stock Up for Seniors” warehouse sale this month. Brittany Killion was crowned the 2013 Philadelphia Rose of Tralee where she competed internationally in Ireland. Brittany traveled to Ireland twice over the summer after succeeding in the Regional Selection. While in Ireland she performed “Part of Your World” in front of thousands of attendees and an international TV audience. Brittany continues to represent the Philadelphia Irish Community and will be featured in the Philadelphia Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. Brittany is engaged to Michael Carter. They plan to marry in December 2014.
2010 Samantha Reis was recently inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa, Nu Chapter of Virginia. Samantha is currently a Senior at Roanoke College. Phi Beta Kappa inducts the most outstanding arts and science students at America’s leading colleges and universities. Thomas Mengers will be working as an intern this spring with Saint Vincent College Archabbey and Parish under the supervision of Sharon Bogusz. Tom, son of David Mengers ’83 and Patricia Mengers, is a senior at Saint Vincent College majoring in theology with a minor in criminology, law and society.
Help Find “Lost Auks!” A list of all of Archmere’s “Lost Auks,” graduates for whom we are missing contact information, can be found online at:
Matthew Sowa married Melanie Farrell on September 28, 2013. Jack Quindlen ’06 served as Best Man and Henry Ball ’06 was also in the wedding party.
Corrine Rapone is an associate producer at the “Bethenny” talk show in New York City.
2009 Steve Stellini, Jr. graduated from the University of Miami in May 2013 with a double major in Political Science and Public Relations. He now works as a Marketing Specialist at Assurance Media, LLC in Wilmington, DE.
Niko Karolidis, a Widener student, is currently studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Karolidis, a hospitality management major, is participating in the school’s Global Leadership Program, which was created to better prepare hospitality management students to be leaders in the multicultural international environment of the global economy.
Madeline Buckley scored the opening goal in NCAA DIII Women’s Soccer Championship for the William Smith Herons, in a 2-0 victory against the hometown Trinity (Texas) Tigers Saturday in front of more than 1,000 fans at Toyota Field.
www.archmereacademy. com/alumni/lostauks. Christopher McCord was honored with The George B. Wood Legacy Sophomore Prize at Princeton’s Opening Exercises in 2013 (Chris is the first from the right, standing, in the photo above). The George B. Wood Legacy Sophomore Prize is presented each year to a member of the junior class in recognition of exceptional academic achievement during the sophomore year. J. Wesley Maxwell is majoring in English at Texas State University and enjoys playing guitar in his band.
If you recognize an Auk on the list and can share contact information with us, you can help bring them back into the Archmere community by providing us with any updates you can. Fill out the online form on the Lost Auks Web page, e-mail alumni@
2013 Ben Murray, a freshman at Emory University, helped guide the university’s men’s soccer team to an 8-3-1 start. Murray, a former standout at Archmere, recently played 26 minutes in a 2-0 victory over No. 23-ranked University of Chicago to remain undefeated in University Athletic Association play this season. Mary Tobin, a freshman at the Stevens Instituite of Technology, was one of six student-athletes to be named to the honorable mention team within the New York region, while 14 others were voted to the region’s first-team. She helped lead the Stevens women’s volleyball team to a 27-7 overall record and a trip to the Empire 8 Conference Championship match last weekend.
Aaron DaCosta, a freshman at saint Michael’s College, completed his first soccer season with the varsity men’s team, securing a pair of postseason honors, including becoming just the second first-year in program history to earn a Northeast-10 Conference All-Conference laurel. DaCosta landed on the second team and also became the fourth Purple Knight in five years to draw a nod to the NE-10 All-Rookie Team. DaCosta led all NE-10 first-years by totaling six goals and 13 points during conference action, tying for third among all players in goals in league play. He tied for seventh in goals and tied for 10th in points among all NE-10 players.
John Mascioli, a freshman at Saint Joseph’s University and member of the men’s track and cross country team, was named Men’s Rookie of the Year by the Atlantic 10. Mascioli posted a time of 25:12 (8k) at the Princeton Invitational as the Hawks recorded a fourth place team finish.
Get Involved with the Archmere Alumni Program! Your insight and participation is key to continue the momentum of an active alumni program. Our goal is to offer professional networking and social opportunities for our alumni and contribute to a stronger and more spirited Archmere community. We are looking for volunteers to serve in the following capacities: • THE ALUMNI COUNCIL: Nomination for Council membership is open to all alumni. Elections will be held in May of 2013. Candidates for Council should have an interest in serving the needs of the Academy, and be willing to serve as ambassadors of the alumni. • ALUMNI CLASS REPRESENTATIVES: Class representatives connect with their classmates and encourage their attendance at alumni event and support of the Alumni Association as well as the Archmere Fund. This role offers the opportunity for alumni to serve as a “voice” for their classes within the school. • ALUMNI COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Serving as a committee volunteer provides an opportunity to reconnect with long lost friends and influence the strategic direction of Archmere’s alumni programming in your area of interest. Interested in serving in one or more of these capacities? Please contact Erin P. McNichol ’92, Alumni Relations Officer at 302-798-6632 x637 or for additional information.
In Memoriam
We remember and pray for those who passed away since the last Archmerean; August 2013 - January 2014
Mrs. Nelda McLaughlin August 19, 2013 Wife of Mark McLaughlin ’56 Mr. John Bernhart August 25, 2013 Father of W. Andrew Bernardt ’82
Mrs. Kathleen Allston August 27, 2013 Mother of Peter Allston ’92 Mrs. Naomi W. Carroccia August 30, 2013 Mother of Cara Carroccia ’79 Mr. Jack W. Coopersmith ’84 September 1, 2013 Brother of Amy B. Coopersmith ’84, Father of Ryan W. Coopersmith (attended Archmere August - December 2011) Hon. Joseph T. Labrum, Jr. September 4, 2013 Father of Maria Labrum Hare ’81 Mr. Selvino Cericola ’56 September 8, 2013 Father of Charles ’85 and Kate (attended Archmere 1978-1980) Cericola Mr. Edward J. Peters ’41 September 9, 2013
Mr. Robert E. Whitney, Sr. September 9, 2013 Father of Jennifer Witney Bugano ’86 and Robert E. Whitney, Jr. ’90 Whitney and James ’77 and Jonathan ’81 Prendergast
Dr. Arthur P. Coogan October 8, 2013 Paternal grandfather of Catherine ’07, Anna ’10, Joseph ’12, and Lillian ’16 Coogan
Mrs. Donna Scott September 12, 2013 Wife of James B. Scott, Jr. ’70
Mr. Joseph E. Gerber October 9, 2013 Paternal grandfather of Lauren Gerber, Archmere religion teacher
Mr. Thomas “Ted” F. Haupt ’47 September 21, 2013 Mr. William C. Rogers September 21, 2013 Paternal grandfather of Kristin ’93, Kevin ’98, and Timothy ’05 Rogers Mr. William L. Nester ’43 September 24, 2013 Brother of the late Francis L. ’40 and Thomas J. ’45 Nester and the maternal grandfather of Danielle J. Antalffy ’98 Mr. Walter R. Taplin, Jr. September 27, 2013 Father of the late Dennis G. Taplin ’78
Mr. William E. Eppridge ’55 October 3, 2013
Mr. Michael J. Goodrick ’67 October 9, 2013 Husband of Chris Goordick (former Archmere teacher) and father of Sean ’97 and Liam ’01 Goodrick Mr. Franklin J. Visek October 19, 2013 Father of Steven D. Visek ’88 Mrs. Rosanne Lucchese October 19, 2013 Maternal grandmother of Claire ’14 and Andrew ’16 Orzel
Mr. George A. Green October 21, 2013 Father-in-law of Michael Burdziak, current Archmere faculty member, and maternal grandfather of Christian ’03 and Jillian ’06 Burdziak
Mr. Robert A. Alfieri, Sr. ’59 October 4, 2013
In Memoriam
Dr. John J. Wasniewski, Sr. October 22, 2013 Father of Kristin Wasniewski Mumford ’96, current Director of Admissions at Archmere and John Wasniewski, Jr. ’99
Mr. John W. Lafferty ’72 October 22, 2013 Mrs. Ann Marie Crisconi October 23, 2013 Maternal grandmother of Ernest Nepa ’11
Mrs. Lina Dellagiacoma October 25, 2013 Mother of Rosalba Bellen and maternal grandmother of Melissa (attended Archmere 1990 1992), Julia ’95, Matthew ’98, and the late Adam ’00 Bellen
Mr. Stanley J. Farenski November 8, 2013 Father of Jill Farenski Ponzio ’92 Mr. James H. Houser, Jr. ’38 November 13, 2013 Mrs. Mary E. Troise November 13, 2013 Paternal grandmother of Bree ’99, Dara ’02, and Cole ’05 Troise
Mrs. Beatrice F. Shields November 16, 2013 Wife of the late Daniel F. Shields, III ’42, mother of Daniel C. Shields ’85 (mother-in-law of Brenda Czerwinski ’93) and Virginia Shields Slattery ’86, maternal grandmother of J. Spencer ’10, Caroline ’12, and Heather ’13 Slattery, and aunt of William D. Shields ’77
Mrs. Hedwig Corsi November 16, 2013 Paternal grandmother of Gerard ’01, Stephanie ’05, and Christopher ’13 Corsi Mr. Henry James Harkins ’63 November 19, 2013 Brother of Michael E. Harkins ’59
Mrs. Dora Lucy Filippone November 22, 2013 Paternal grandmother of Lea Filippone ’01 Mrs. Eileen L. Mengers November 23, 2013 Mother of Charles ’68 and David ’83 Mengers, paternal grandmother of Thomas ’10, Ian ’15, and Samantha ’16 Mengers and aunt of Thomas ’81 and Karl ’88 Boettcher, John Kovatch ’78, and Margaret Kovatch Rayzis ’79
Mr. Henry P. Ogonowski November 23, 2013 Paternal grandfather of Julie Ogonowski Bickel ’96
Mr. Thomas E. Blackburn, Jr. November 25, 2013 Maternal grandfather of Allyssa ’09, Amanda ’12, and John ’16 Vaile
Mrs. Grace L. Gunnip November 28, 2013 Mother of Frank ’60, Robert ’62, and the late Thomas ’67 Gunnip, paternal grandmother of Laura Gunnip Barnes ’86, and maternal grandmother of Kathryn Slomski ’17
Mr. John A. Mazza December 3, 2013 Father of Anthony J. Mazza ‘76
Mr. John Nide December 11, 2013 Maternal grandfather of Jessica Zbranak ’16 Mrs. Dorothy L. Falkenstein December 19, 2013 Mother of Kenneth D. Falkenstein ’84, father-in-law of Lori Lopresti Falkenstein ’84 and paternal grandmother of Michael ’12, Brian ’15 and Catherine ’17 Falkenstein
Mr. Henry Winchester, Jr. ‘40 December 22, 2013 Brother of David (attended Archmere 1944-1947) and the late Richard C. ’53 Winchester
Mr. Richard C. Winchester ‘53 December 23, 2013 Brother of David (attended Archmere 1944-1947) and the late Henry ’40 Winchester
Mrs. Joyce S. Coogan December 30, 2013 Paternal grandmother of Catherine ’07, Anna ’10, Joseph ’12 and Lillian ’16 Coogan
Mrs. Edith E. Abessinio December 24, 2013 Paternal grandmother of Emily Abessinio Cain ’01, Allison ’04 and Lauren ’09 Abessinio
Mr. Eugene F. Citrone January 12, 2014 Father of Eugene F. Citrone, Jr. ’78
Mrs. Pierina D. Corrieri December 27, 2013 Maternal grandmother of Thomas P. ’02, Peter S. ’04 and Catherine ’06 McBride
Mrs. Regina Cassidy Abernethy January 13, 2014 Wife of the late James H. Cassidy, Jr. ’44, mother of Thomas K. Cassidy ’83, paternal grandmother of Alexandra ’14 and Anna ’17 Cassidy, and the aunt of Raymond ’79 and the late John ’76 Donovan
Alumni Memorial Mass Join the Archmere Academy Alumni Association in remembering all of our deceased alumni and former faculty/staff at the Alumni Memorial Mass on Sunday, March 9, 2014. Mass will be held at 10:00 a.m. in The Patio. Father Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem. will serve as celebrant. As part of the mass, the names of the deceased will be read aloud by alumni and faculty and staff members of Archmere. A breakfast reception will follow. Registration is available online at
Auk Snapshots
Prospective families gathered in The Patio following the Open House on Sunday, November 17. Over 230 families attended the annual Admissions Event. A 7th Grade Open House will be held on Wednesday, April 30 at 7 p.m.
During halftime of the last Archmere home Football game on Saturday, November 9, the Armed Forces Tribute was officially dedicated by Larry Cylc ’73 in memory of his parents. Representatives from each branch of the armed forces, including Archmere alumnus Colonel (Ret.) Martin J. Devine ’74 helped to raise the flags.
Seniors Kelly Hutt and Charlie Collins walk the run way at the Mothers’ Guild Fashion Show on Sunday, December 8. The event, held at The Waterfall Banquet Center in Claymont, DE and was sold out this year and raised over $25,000 for Archmere.
Members of the sophomore class band together for a team-building activity during their class retreat in Sandy Hill, Maryland on Thursday, December 5, 2013. The freshman class participated in retreat activites on campus while the junior attended a retreat at Daylesford Abbey. Above, from left to right: President and CEO of W.L. Core & Associates Terri Kelly (CP ’14), Headmaster Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ’76, Principal John J. Jordan III ’80, former teacher, coach Admissions Director and Principal of Archmere Paul Pomeroy (PP ’88, ’90), Alumni Council President and former trustee Mike J. Hare ’79 and Archmere Alumni Relations Office Erin P. McNichol ’92 pose at the first “AUK Talks” event in The Patio on Thursday, January 16. The event, for which Terri Kelly and Paul Pomeroy were the featured speakers, was attended by over 80 Archmere alumni and parents.
- Pietate et Scientia God, you call us to walk in unity of mind and heart intent on you. Give us that reverence for one another that will make us apostles of peace. Grant that the knowledge of this day may flow into our worship of your Name and our service for the life of the world. Inspiring Students to Distinction 39
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Mark Your Calendars!
For more information on upcoming events, go to FEBRUARY
Winter Musical
7th Grade Practice Exam
“Anything Goes”
Green Concert Series
Performances Award-Winning Students
7th Grade Open House
Winter Musical
“Anything Goes”
Green Concert Series
Pops Concert
A Mardi Gras Celebration
Spring Concert
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Closing School Liturgy
Alumni Memorial Mass
31 Baccalaureate
Alumni Sports Banquet
Mothers’ Guild Garage Sale
Fine Arts Festival
3600 Philadelphia Pike • Claymont, DE 19703 • 302-798-6632 • 610-485-0373 •