Re-engagement: Achieving a Higher Level of Integration through Façade Design
James Doerfler, AIA
Collaboration vs. Silos
Integrated Building Envelopes
Integrated Building Envelopes
Architectural Engineering
Landscape Architecture
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
City and Regional Planning
Construction Management
CAED (now)
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
CAED (future)
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Model for Integration: What does the future bring? How can systems be used in the 21st century? • Can they be applied across a broad range of projects? Rather than a one-off? • How can architects be involved in building systems innovation? • How can architects stay relevant professionals in the process? More than just designers? Be part of an integrated project team.
Integrated Building Envelopes
Kieran Timberlake, Model for the Future, from Refabricating Architecture
Integrated Building Envelopes
Kieran Timberlake, Model for the Future, from Refabricating Architecture
Integrated Building Envelopes
Kieran Timberlake, Model for the Future, from Refabricating Architecture
Integrated Building Envelopes
Integrated Building Envelopes
Warren Weaver’s Three Stages of Modern Science, from Science and Complexity, 1948
Integrated Building Envelopes
from Lima, Visual Complexity
Integrated Building Envelopes
Integrated Building Envelopes
Synthe9c or Atomized nodes
from Lima, Visual Complexity
Integrated Building Envelopes
The Class: Integrated Building Envelopes
James Doerfler, AIA and Kevin Dong, PE
Inspira9on • How do you teach best prac9ce with a integrated framework in a single disciplinary curriculum? • A way to link structures and architecture • AEC integra9on • Explore design issues not possible in core curriculum • U9lizing the instructors extensive industry experience
Integrated Building Envelopes
Learning Outcomes and Goals • Develop an understanding of interdisciplinary teams • Develop communica9on and nego9a9on skills • Understand the process of design and construc9on sequencing • Understand the rela9onship of the skin to the building frame and performance issues • Provide projects that emulate real world situa9ons • Create awareness, then understanding of façade systems
Integrated Building Envelopes
3 Releases Version 1: Analog (unstructured) year 1 Version 2: Digital (specific tool: Revit) years 2‐5 Version 3: Synthesis (performance based) years 6‐7
Integrated Building Envelopes
Class structure • Lectures and round tables • BIM Training Sessions • Project 1: Shopfront Design • Project 2: Case Study Envelope Analysis • Project 3: Envelope Design
Integrated Building Envelopes
Project 1: Shopfront
Project 1: Shopfront Design
Propose a design for an breezeway area being renovated on campus
Integrated Building Envelopes
Project 1: Curtain Wall Mock-up
Revit model
Integrated Building Envelopes
Project 2: Case Study
Integrated Building Envelopes
AGGRESSIVE GOALS REQUIRE A TRUE TEAM “…in9mate interac9on is essen9al to the realiza9on of a successful naturally ven9lated building, as each discipline’s design proposals have an impact on all the other disciplines in a cascading fashion “ – Erin McConahey, Ove Arup.
Integrated Building Envelopes
Natural Ven>la>on •
As the southeast façade is heated by the sun, the warm air in the interstitial space rises and draws cool air from the shaded northwest façade, aided by the northwesterly winds
• The low vents on the north side, with the high vents on the north side, create a stack effect Northwest Façade
Southeast Façade
Integrated Building Envelopes
3d Cutaway – North Facade
Integrated Building Envelopes
3d Cutaway – South Facade
Integrated Building Envelopes
The Façade at Work
Integrated Building Envelopes
Energy Usage
Integrated Building Envelopes
IPD Schema vs Design Assist WHAT
HOW Design-assist
WHO Predesign
Schematic Design
Architect Engineers
Owner Architect
Criteria Design
Agency Engineers GC
Integrated Building Envelopes
Design Developmen t
Constructio n Documents
Agency Permit / Bidding
Detailed Design
Constructio n
Implementatio Agency Coord / n Documents Final Buyout
Constructio n
Construc>on issues • Two contractors: Permasteelisa + Curtain wall Systems USA • Steel congestions was not part of the original intent
Integrated Building Envelopes
True Structural Integra>on • Structure that truly reflects the natural ven9la9on program, the need for cavity floors for chases, services, data, and future building modifica9ons. • Upstand beams, an unusual structural solu9on, slabs hung from beams • Allows airflow across the boeom of the cooling thermal mass • Slabs with integrated sensors as part of the B.A.S. system • Cast in Place Halfen Channel anchors for truly 4 way adjustment • Thick concrete columns & special waved slabs for thermal mass
Isolated Thermal Mass
Unrestricted Airflow
Restricted Airflow
Thermal Mass
Upstand Beam Integrated Building Envelopes
Downstand Beam
Nearly Iden>cal Façade Structure
Concrete Cores With Slab Beams
Waved Slab & Upstand Beam Integrated Building Envelopes
Large Concrete Columns
Halfen Channel – T‐Bolt System • Halfen Channel allows for precision connec9ons from the main slab edge to the gravity/lateral connec9on systems.
Visible Channel Edge
Solid Concrete Embedment Integrated Building Envelopes
• Channel with T/bolt allows for horizontal movement while ver9cal slots combine for four way movement. • Curtain wall systems top and boeom aeached with same system, for maximum adjustment • Small gaps between the glass curtain wall system require precision installa9on
Suspended Facade From The Edge Of Slab • Waved slabs hang from the upstand beams • Halfen channel anchors connect the tension rods to the walkway supports. • Exterior façade provides weight to prevent upward buckling of the tension rods in an E.Q. • Upstand beams connect to perimeter concrete columns
Tension Forces Compression Forces Bending Forces Integrated Building Envelopes
Suspended Facade From The Edge Of Slab • Wind pressure creates out of plane bending on the skin façade, which is transferred to the secondary structure. • The walkway support angles act in compression or tension (suc9on or pressure) • Load is transferred to the slab, and gravity from the skin prevents tension rod bucking
Out‐Of‐Plan all Wall Forces Resul>ng Lateral Forces Integrated Building Envelopes
Walkway/ Façade Framing Support L‐Angles
Gap Between Angles For Connec>ons
Bolted Adjustable Tension Rods Integrated Building Envelopes
Fin Side Nearly‐Iden>cal Framing Scheme
Wind & EQ Forces
Integrated Building Envelopes
Torsion & Lateral Load
Perforated Exterior Metal Skin Aluminum Support Clips
Metal Scrim
Bolted & Welded Angles
Secondary 3x3 Stainless Steel Tube Integrated Building Envelopes
Typical Aluminum Clip To Support Bar To Scrim ALUMINUM
Integrated Building Envelopes
Perforated Exterior Metal Skin Aluminum Support Clips Vent Motor Supports
Metal Scrim Tube Spacers w/Screws Bolted & Welded Angles Aluminum Guide Bars For Structure
Aluminum Clips & Bars Integrated Building Envelopes
Project 3: Envelope Design
Project 3: Envelope Design Project
Project Team 4 analog v.1
Integrated Building Envelopes
Project 3: Envelope Design Project
Project Team 4 analog v.1
Integrated Building Envelopes
Project 3: Envelope Design Project
Project Team 4
Integrated Building Envelopes
Project 3: Envelope Design Project
Project Team 4
Integrated Building Envelopes
Project 3: Envelope Design Project
Project Team 4
Integrated Building Envelopes
Project 3:Building Envelopes John Vierra Mike Burke Michael Vachon Leigh Guggemos
Integrated Building Envelopes
Uni>zedGlazing System Architecture Benefits • Custom designed one with operable vents, the other fixed. • Ensures durability (maximum service life) of installa9on • Double glazed system – higher R‐value • Low‐e to reduce energy loads and • Improve comfort close to wall. • More reliable seals achievable from factory construc9on and the reduced cost of labor in the factory versus that of field labor.
Integrated Building Envelopes
Uni>zedGlazing System Construc>on Sequencing • Schedule prior to the release of shop drawings for window produc9on, so that there is an opportunity to make design changes based on the test performance of the field mock‐up • Aler test, units are completely assembled in a factory and shipped to site for installa9on. Units are placed on the floors bundled in crates, using a tower crane. • Units can be be assembled in a factory while the structural frame of the building is being construc9on. Where s9ck systems require mul9ple steps to erect and seal the wall, uni9zed walls arrive on the site completely assembled allowing the floors to be closed in more quickly. • Require mul9ple test with the first test on ini9al installa9ons and later tests at approximately 35%, 70%, and at final compe99on to catch problems early and to verify con9nued workmanship quality. Require addi9onal tested aler second skin gets aeached.
Integrated Building Envelopes
Uni>zedGlazing System Construc>on Sequencing
Integrated Building Envelopes
Uni>zedGlazing System Structure In Detail
Interlocking male and female profiles provide good resistance to seismic movements. Integrated Building Envelopes
South Double Skinned Façade: Vented Cavity
Integrated Building Envelopes
South Double Skinned Façade: Structure In Detail
Integrated Building Envelopes
South Double Skinned Façade: Structure In Detail
Integrated Building Envelopes
EastGreen Facade: Sustainability
100`2 green panels = 13 foot‐high tree Summer air condi>oning reduced Buffer City Noise and Vibra>on Natural Healing and Relaxing Greenery
Heat and UV Ray Protec>on
Integrated Building Envelopes
EastGreen Facade: Construc>on Sequencing 1 ‐ Exterior Support Arms by Hand 2 – Uni>zed Glazing System by Crane 3 – Horizontal Steel Bracing 4 – Green Louver by Crane
Integrated Building Envelopes
CostEs>mate: Complete Construc>on Cost
Integrated Building Envelopes
Integrated Building Envelopes
Lessons Learned + Group Dynamics ‐ More Construc>on Management involvement + Guest speakers ‐ Needed more mechanical engineer involvement ‐ Reinforce sustainability issues +/‐Provide training and a mechanism for stronger collabora>on and increasing communica>on using BIM + Expose students to the en>re process of an integrated project from schema>cs to installa>on +/‐Using digital informa>on across disciplines increases communica>on Integrated Building Envelopes
Outcomes Student feedback has been posi>ve for 7 years Increased detailing knowledge and drawing evidence was an issue with BIM interface BIM student comments: • Training and >me issues • Design and crea>vity • Documenta>on and extrac>on of informa>on • Communica>on
Integrated Building Envelopes
Influence on the Curriculum The success of this class spurred on other interdisciplinary Ini>a>ves: Collaboratory Design Studio – a 2 quarter (20 week) interdisciplinary design studio team‐taught ( Doerfler, Dong, Fowler, Cabrinha), NCARB Prize winner Graduate Research Studio – grant supported real world interdisciplinary design studio for master of science students in two disciplines Other departments in the College have changed their curriculum to require an interdisciplinary experience. Thanks to Kevin Dong, Mike Montoya, and many guest lecturers and reviewers
Integrated Building Envelopes