Water came rushing in till the edge was reached, and yet it stayed afloat. Everything about this said they should sink, but somehow it had a sense of lightness to it.

What feature of the face persuades interaction? As kids, we look at the world through naive eyes, without assumptions and judgmental first impressions. We only see the option to greet with a smile.

A campfire, perfect for ghost stories in the dead of night. The glow of the fire creates the scene.

Construction sites are known to show the “in the making” process. A spot for the exploration of materials.

The scale is very different than a human, but yet the proportion of every insect matches the rules of the golden ratio. Nature follows the golden ratio at different scales based on a varying purpose.

An all-weekend event that gathered a massive crowd. The interchanging parts consistently switched out before your heat is up.
By the end of it, exhaustion would set in and we would do it all again.