Conference bidding guideline based on compendium updated

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Bidding Guideline based on Compendium Updated 1. The bid evaluation panel should be comprised of The Conference Manager and MC VP Finance. 2. A conference mandate can only be withdrawn By the following criteria: 1) 1) Withdrawn by maximum 5 months before the national conference or meeting held 2) 2) Having another LC host agreed to conduct national conference or meeting 3) 3) Transfer 20% from the total budgeted delegates accommodation expense of the previous LC Host to the next 4) LC host. 3. In the case of unexpected emergency occurred in the host LC (for example: natural disaster, etc) the conference mandate can be withdrawn without the criteria. 4. In the case of a withdrawal, the LC who submits the second best bid offer shall be offered to host the conference or the meeting by the MC and the announcement shall be made to all members of AIESEC Indonesia. 5. In a situation where there is no bid for the national conference or meeting 6 months before it is being held. MC will mandate it to LC with the sequential of UA, UI, UD, UB, Bandung. National Conference Mandate 6. Entity of each national conference or meeting is chosen by a conference bidding procedure. 7. The bid shall be opened in January for national conferences in the next 2 years by any means 8. All bids for national conferences and meetings should be submitted 6 months before the national conference or meeting held to MC VP TM and MC VP Finance 9. MC shall evaluate and give the result to LC by not more than 1 month after the submitting date. 10. Main topics in a national conference or meeting bid should include; 1) Proposed conference dates (adjust the dates with all LCs timeline) 2) Number of delegates 3) Proposed draft budget a. Profit Loss Budget : 1. Pessimistic budget 2. Realistic budget 3. Optimistic budget. b. A cash flow plan, including : Cash flow budget, divided into months, which clearly states the incomes and expenses incurring within each period c. Solutions to solve any expected cash flow challenges 4) Proposed local and international (if applicable) delegate fees

5) 6)

Profiles of potential OCP candidates Time line for OCP selection and OC formation Including Propose CC structure and provide an analysis of the expected CC pipeline. 7) Information about potential venues (Plan A, Plan B and Plan C) i. Proposed venue(s) for pre-meeting and conference. ii. Outline the availability of IT facilities, including access and stability of wireless Internet connection. iii. Accessibility by partners and guests, including possible means of transportation and prices of each transportation option 8) Proposed tentative working timeline i. In detail with A sales plan outlining products, prices, timeline of raises, person(s) responsible, and a list of high potential partners 9) Contacts of the responsible person in the EB 10) LC financial condition. i. Amount fund raised in the last 1 year divided by project. ii. Names of LC partners and amounts raised, listed rupiah (rp) iii. An official bank statement as proof of the reserves of the entity within a month of the bid submission date. 11) Special events planned during the conference by host LC 12) External Reality i. A list of visa requirements for all territories where AIESEC is present (It is mandatory for the entity that will bid IYLC) ii. Currency exchange rate history from the past 1 year divided in each month. 13) Internal Reality i. Historical data of local committee goal achievement from the last two years. ii. List of National Conference hosted in the last 3 years (State the BCP, GCP and Financial Report of the conference). 14) Supporting documentation. i. A letter from the University Rector or Board of Advisors of the bidding entity, stating that they support and approve the entity’s bid. ii. A letter signed by at least 50%+1 of the Full member of the entity, stating they are aware of the bidding process, and that dthey support the realization of the event iii. Quotation(s) from proposed venue(s), with variable prices according to the delegate numbers outlined based on the delegates estimation in AIESEC Indonesia Conference Guideline. The quotation(s) must be in English.

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