AIESEC in Indonesia September newsletter for LCP

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September Edition

Exchange Operation

Incoming GCDP July - August 1314



359 260 Available Form 56 Matched Form





80 39

29 Raise


8 Realize

Incoming GCDP July - August AIESEC in Indonesia has to put BIG CONCERN in iGCDP 60% LCs that have Target in both Adhoc or Project find difficulties to meet the goals WHY? 6 out of 9 LCs in Adhoc & Project 3 out of 5 LCs Possible Solutions : Adhoc : 1. Allocate more people for short period to do sales 2. Give RnR focusing on Raising Adhoc and create urgencyby putting short deadline in the competition Project : 1. don’t wait until OCP is selected, VP or manager that responsible for project has to raise learning partner now in order to prevent late raising because of OC Selection 2. If none can help raising learning partner as help from ER&BD to focus on raising learning partner

Additional Raising Feedback 1. Manager empowerment & close tracking for all selling activities, there are several cases that LCVPs are the one who handle and do a lot of raising (sales activities) since they need to achieve target. once again please remember all those activities only a tool for us to develop urself and others and taking over other’s job means you didn’t give any opportunities for others to learn. 2. Focus on Re-Raising June and July Realized TNs. 3. Please be proactive in revising your TN form, since we have quite a lot of TNs in new status but because it’s not yet in the ideal state so it makes raising process slower !

GCP from Surabaya : Make cold/warm call day in Monday and Tuesday in office so LCVPs can directly review and evaluate how the managers do the sales call + increasing sales intensity + sales culture in your LC

Incoming GCDP July - August Good Job for your effort in Matching,! please pass my recognition to your VPs :) Possible solution for UNDIP, UGM and PMBS :! UNDIP! 1. Please go to ur TN realisation !

UGM & PMBS :! 1. There is no other option rather than raising new TNs since you guys only have one TN available in the system. (you can follow what i suggest in the previous slide) 2. Make sure your focus for first week is optimise the process of raising and go directly to matching.

Incoming GCDP July - August

OUTGOING GCDP July - August 1314



113 Available Form 59 Matched Form


82 60 30




18 Raise

3 Match


OUTGOING GCDP July - August Possible solution for UI, Bandung, UGM, UPN, UNS and Surabaya:! !

UI, Bandung, UGM, UNS! There is no other option rather than raising the off peak based on IR (you can use LC2LC or CY2CY partnership – ma-ra-re system) For national IR partner, please check the sheet that given to you. Make sure that you do synergy with your progmar for buzzing off peak promotion and market differentiate. !

UPN :! Make sure this week you focus on selection and sign contract and start to raising the EPs from ongoing recruitment. !

Surabaya :! 1. Directly review and check the form of the EPs in system and raise them in the tracker.

OUTGOING GCDP July - August Possible solution for Bandung, UGM, and UNS:! !

Bandung, UGM and UNS Make sure your focus for first week is promotion and raising based on the IR information (issues and country). And go directly to fast matching process from your LC Partner or national partner (especially for the off peak matching target). Check for the matching one, If your EPs status don’t change yet while he/she already matched, ask the TN manager or LCVP iGCDP to change it soon.


Incoming GIP July - August 1314



59 112 Available Form 9 Matched Form

34 26 15






22 12 Realize

Incoming GIP July - August Almost all LC has difficulty to achieve the goal, some even! don’t meet at all. This indicate 2 things :! 1.  Lack of Capacity as sales person ! 2.  Lack of Sales Culture ! Solutions :! ! 1.  Set a cold call day, where every sales team has to do col d call! 2.  Regular tracking, evaluation, and re-invention! 3.  Weekly RnR for TOP Sales! 4.  Set Short term deadline for every Raising target! 5.  Always bring JQ n MoU even in the first meeting to fasten raising!

Incoming GIP July - August

The notable problem in matching is we do not eager enough to promote our TNs followed by EXPLANATION on why we l isted our allowance as 0. Other than that, we do not yet use GCTM for matching, though its important to know who we sh ould promote to and how.! Solution :! 1.  Maximize potential suitable EP from country partner! 2.  Join Matching Mania! 3.  Create Special promotional tool for your TN! 4.  Remember to set expectation so as to avoid break match / or even break re!

Incoming GIP July - August

Outgoing GIP July - August 1314



20 29 Available Form 18 Matched Form






7 4

0 Raise



Outgoing GIP July - August

Outgoing GIP July - August

For UNDIP :! since we focus on Ma-Ra-Re Process currently so this matching are related to promotion, be more specific in terms of promotions message & target market based on your TNs need, to make sure we not only achieved Raising but can help to simplify the matching process and time.

Outgoing GIP July - August

Program Marketing

Program Marketing ProgMar You can find it here! Digital r e k c ra rT a M g ro /P y .l it /b :/ p tt h Physical & Virtual Marketing Content Promotion “Nat.Promo” Tracker Please ask your LCVP to fill the information every Friday. So that from MC side we can know exactly the current state and what we can help based on your condition.

We aim to create a collaborative environment by creating digital marketing content Nationally. ProgMar already agree to divide the LC’s responsible every week to submit content but UB, UPN, Sby (GCDP) and PU, UB, UGM (GIP)

“GCDP Autumn“ and “GCDP Winter” Sheet

“GCDP Content” and “GIP Content” Sheet

External Relation Business Development

Boa & alumni management tf or ? ha

Have you meet your BoA or Key Alumni?



! n o i t s Que

Get Suggestion Maintain Relation

Link that can help our Direct Support operation

Present LC Planning

Main Benefit

ER & BD support ICX Do you know that your ER&BD already have target for % contribution to ICX Operation?

ER & BD support ICX 30%












Average Target contribution ER&BD AIESEC in Indonesia to ICX Bandung











ER & BD support ICX Do you know about that before?

ER & BD support ICX If yes, Have you track them based on this KPIs as well?

Talent Management


Average LnD implementation is 40ish 1. LCP Please review LnD implementation with LCVP TM 2. Create Implementation plan framework based on LnD left after u review it with VP TM 3. Put LnD Implementation as one of the agenda in the meeting and ask them to set implementation plan directly based on their availability but has to be align with framework that u create with VP TM 4. Make sure before 10th September all LnD planned are implemented.

Monthly TM report Why it’s important for me as LCP to open and read those 48 pages report ??? It’s provide you with informations such as : 1. HR Availability Analysis & Suggestion 2. Re-structured suggestion based on current condition 3. Complete LnD Deliverables analysis & Suggestion You can find it here!

Fast & Focus challenge This is basically recruitment challenge,! the MAIN Objective is to make recruitment and allocation time faster and more efficient New Recruitment System :! Recruitment will be based on role, so once member get selected they directly selected based on role that they’re applying for. What you need to know :! Recruitment has to happen in 4 weeks, means by the latest 30th September all new member has to be allocated to function or project.

unand ui bandung uns ugm upn undip unibraw


Youth talk! apa idemu Don’t forget our deliverables : 1. Minimum attendante 600 2. OC Team 3. All the logistical for the event 4. Online Promotions

Remember this is our open gate to have bigger partnership with Pertamina in the future.! so i do really hope that we can deliver our promise

UI UGM UNDIP Surabaya Padang Makasar

PR & IM analysis What is PR&IM Analysis? it’s a new initiative from PR&IM to analyze the effectiveness & efficiency of your PR activities and IM in your LCs based on data. The result will be analysis and suggestion from MC level.

UI Bandung UNDIP UNila Unibraw DONE

What we need you to do?! Ask your LCVP PR&IM or Marcomm to fill this spreadsheet regularly by the end of the month so that we can give you analysis on time. ! e r e h it d in f n You ca

s i s y l a n a M I R P / y l . t i b / / : p t t h




Organization development

! e r e h it d a lo n w o d d n a n e p O ? it d Can’t fin

t n e m s s e s s A C L / y l . t i b / / : p t t h

LC Assessment

LC Coaching Visit it is V C L r fo y it il b a il a v a C L r u o y m r fi n o c Please h c a o C C L r u o y o t r e b m e t p e S h t 7 t s e t la by the

LC Co a c hing V 10th isit Ti - 21s melin t Sep e: temb e r 20 14



LC Partner


Official Expansion

MC will play bigger role in terms of managing and developing expansion

LC Partner will play 90% role to educate, manage and developing expansion


LC Partner


Expansion Initiative

EXPANSION Role Current Role of VP Expansion


Performance Management


Ask Update My Biggest Concern is about Performance Management The end KPIs of VP Expansion isn’t only about number of education delivered but if we see the bigger picture than Sustainability and Performance Management is the end result from good education. so instead of focusing on Education only VP Expansion has to understand and drive Sustainability and Performance of your expansion. !

VP Expansion is simply 2nd LCP of Expansion entities


President Coaching & Consulation


Exchange Management

Ask Update


Expansion alignment LC Partner

Expansion Tracker


Bridging to LC Partner

Ideal Role of VP Expansion

EXPANSION visit Please ask your VP Expansion to talk to MCD Expansion create alignment between LC Partner and MC Visit to Expansion in order to get the best result

LC Partner Operation Visit

10th - 14th Sept

Align it with MC Expansion Visit


17th-21st Sept

UNSRI in confirmation


WHY Operational Visit??? 1. a Part of Service that Partner has to give to Expansion 2. Physical touch point with expansion 3. Operational Audit to check the result of education through practical implementation 4. Winter Operation Support

Winter is Coming

your expansion new stages Legislation 3rd October 2014 Based on compendium 14 days before

Submission of Expansion Criteria 19th September 2014





from EI to OE

to EA & EI

from SU to EA&EI

from SU to EA&EI

Interview Expansion Team Please do ask your VP Expansion to make sure this expansion will do interview with MCD Expansion soon!


Invoice & deadline Exchange Management Fee July ddl : 22th September Exchange Management Fee June ddl : 11th September ODF Fee Q4 ddl : 3rd September

Spreadsheet invoice 1415 : Spreadsheet invoice 1314 :

Financial Statement August Collection 15th September 2014

Conference bidding 2015

Deadline, 4th September at 10 pm

WHY We open 7 conference bidding in a row?

1. to keep the minimum time for preparation by hosting entities 2. to sell it as a package for National product 3. to start preparing and saving money for the hosting LC


2016 NEC NSC

But how if i can’t predict my money and my LC condition for a year ahead???? This a GCP from other countries which when you bid conference it can trigger you to plan your LC long term plan as well, include financial condition that you have to save or exchange to be achieved or BD contribution to your entities, so don’t worry :)

! e r e h e n i l e d i u G e h t d Fin e n i l e d i u G g n i d d i B / y l . t i http://b o f n I f n o C t s o H / y l . t i b http://

President’s Business

GLOBAL INFORMATION SYSTEM ! e r e h t i d a o l n dow

d n a e n n i l e p e O d i ? t i u d G n i f S I t G / y Can’ l . /bit

/ : p t ht

Compendium Review

Timeline Compendium Review Timeline Revision

**Thank you dedek for being super detail and remind me about legislation time

Can ’t fin d it? http O ://b pen an d do wnlo Com ad it pend he r e ium2 ! 013

Happy September Archer :)

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