Student Guide 2012-2013

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LIST OF CONTENT Wellcome message....................................................................................................3 Campus.....................................................................................................................4

ACADEMIC CALENDARS Academic calendar 2010-2011 Undergraduate studies............................................5 Academic calendar 2010-2011 Graduate studies.....................................................7

ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT Organisational scheme..............................................................................................8 Higher Board ...........................................................................................................9 Senate.......................................................................................................................9 Administrative Board of the University...................................................................9 Ethics Board............................................................................................................10 Administrative Board of the Faculty .....................................................................10 Head of Department...............................................................................................10 6FLHQWL¿F &RPPLWWHH RI 'HSDUWPHQW

ACADEMIC STRUCTURE The Faculty of Architecture and Engineering........................................................12 Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences..............................................20

ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE 5HFWRU¶V 2I¿FH Secretary General...................................................................................................27 Student Affairs........................................................................................................27 5HJLVWUDU¶V 2I¿FH Library....................................................................................................................43 Information Systems Center...................................................................................45 Student Exchange...................................................................................................53

REGULATIONS Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulation........................................56 Regulation of the second level study programs......................................................66 Summer School Regulations..................................................................................85 Double major programs..........................................................................................87 Student discipline regulation...................................................................................89 Epoka University general exam rules.....................................................................99

NECESSARY CONTACTS .........................................................................101



Dear students, We are delighted that you have chosen Epoka University to start, or continue, your higher education journey. All the academic and administrative staff is committed to assisting you in starting your way to academic success. $W (SRND ZKLFK LV D QRQ SURÂżW VHHNLQJ 8QLYHUVLW\ ZH SULGH RXUVHOYHV ZLWK D unique knowledge environment and with the provision of high quality education and exceptional professional training. Currently, we are offering numerous undergraduate and graduate programs, in line with the Bologna system of education, but at the same time compatible with the American system, in order to facilitate the mobility of students and staff. We have implemented the latest management technology in our new modern campus to facilitate the learning process and information accessibility and accountability. With programs wholly in English language, 70% of our academic staff coming from abroad, our students originating from 11 different countries, double degree programs and nearly 40 agreements with universities in the US, Germany, UK, Turkey, Italy, Macedonia etc. covering student and faculty exchange programs, we constitute a truly international academic environment in the heart of Albania. Programs offered at the University aim not only at professional recognition, but they also emphasize close working links with business, industry, and other professions. All of our graduates are currently working in the public or private sector. , DP FRQÂżGHQW WKDW LQ \RXU WDNLQJ DGYDQWDJH RI HYHU\WKLQJ (SRND KDV WR RIIHU \RX from attending lectures, to participating in student clubs and sports, to cultivating lasting relationships with students, staff and faculty, these will be some of the great times you will remember for years to come. On behalf of the Epoka University community, I welcome you to the Epoka family and wish you absolutely the best in your educational and personal growth.

Prof. Dr. Remzi ALTIN Rector


Campus The Epoka University`s Campus is located in the Tirana-Rinas Highway, at the 12 km. The Campus is projected to have 7 faculty buildings, in a total surface area of 67.000 m2. The current bulding has a surface of 7365m2. Each faculty building has been designed to incorporate the natural surroundings and to facilitate student learning and community life. The new campus will also include residential spaces (apartments or residential buildings), dining facilities, a library, a medical center as well as indoor and outdoor venues for sport activities.


Academic Calendar 2012-2013 Undergraduate Studies





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Academic Calendar 2012-2013 Graduate Studies "*58*2'*6


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8 Economics European Studies

Administrative Affairs

Student Selection & Admission

Human Resources


Information System


Instructional Technologies & Support

Epoka University Press

ICT Coordinations

Banking & Finance

Legal Affairs

Life Long Learning & Carear Planning

Pol.Sci.&Int. Relations


Economics & Adninistrative Sciences

Const.& Tech. Affairs

Student Affairs

Financial Affairs


Vice Rector

Vice Rector

Dean of Students

Quality Management Board

Research and Development Coordinating Unit

Media & Public Relations


International Relations Office

Quality Management Research & Apps. Center


Civil Engineering

Computer Engineering

Architecture and Engineering

Earthquake & Con. Technologies

Administrative Board Ethics Board


Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvment Board


Epoka University Organizational Scheme

The Higher Board The Higher Board is the highest collegial decision-making body of the University and has legal personality. The Higher Board oversees and controls the activities of WKH ¾(SRND´ 8QLYHUVLW\ UHODWHG WR DGPLQLVWUDWLYH ¿QDQFLDO HFRQRPLF DQG SURSHUties management.

Senate 7KH 6HQDWH LV D FROOHJLDO GHFLVLRQ PDNLQJ ERG\ RI Âł(SRND´ 8QLYHUVLW\ ,W GHÂżQHV development policies of the Institution, schedules, coordinates, directs and controls the activities of teaching and research and assesses their effectiveness, and decides RQ LPSRUWDQW SUREOHPV RI WKH HGXFDWLRQDO DQG VFLHQWLÂżF LQVWLWXWLRQ 7KH 6HQDWH LV chaired by the Rector and meets periodically. Composition of the Senate: ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡


Administrative Board of the University Administrative Board of the University is a collegial decision-making body, consisting of the Rector, Vice Rector, Deans of faculties and three academic staff members elected by the Senate for a four-year period, representing different units and university areas. Provost has the task of rapporteur at the Administrative Board of the University. Administrative Board of the University is chaired by the Rector and conducts meetings periodically and extraordinary.

Composition of the Board ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡



Ethics Board The Ethics Board discusses the ethical problems of higher education live and makes proposals to the Rector for these issues. Ethics Board members are selected by the Senate, for a four-year period. The Board examines and takes decisions on matters submitted to academic and administrative staff of the University and students regarding student ethics and relevant academic and administrative staff. The Ethics Board takes decisions based on internal regulations on academic and administrative staff and in the student’s internal regulations. Composition of the Board: Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Oztas Assist. Prof. Mustafa Uc M.A Mustafa Erdem M.A Niuton Mulleti

Administrative Board of the Faculty The Administrative Board of the Faculty is a collegial decision-making body that sets and schedules according to the proposals of departments, the use of human and material resources available to the faculty.

)DFXOW\ RI $UFKLWHFWXUH DQG (QJLQHHULQJ The Administrative Board of the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering is composed of the following members:

$VVRF 3URI 'U $KPHW g=7$ù Head $VVLVW 3URI 'U + VH\LQ %ø/*ø1 Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Yavuz YARDIM - Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Oguz ALTUN - Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Sokol DERVISHI - Member Mr. Klodjan BEQOLLARI – Rapporteur Head of Department The Head of Department is the highest authority for the base educational-research unit. The Head of Department is responsible for the teaching and research activity DW HYHU\ OHYHO RI WKH GHSDUWPHQW DQG IRU WKH RUGHUO\ DQG HI¿FLHQW FRQGXFW RI DQ\ activity in that department. The respective Heads of Departments at Epoka University are as follows:


Dept. of Computer Engineering - Assist. Prof. Dr. Oguz ALTUN Dept. of Civil Engineering - Assist. Prof. Dr. Yavuz YARDIM Dept .of Architecture - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sokol DERVISHI Dept. of Economics - Prof. Dr. Güngör TURAN Dept. of Banking and Finance - Prof. Dr. Güngör TURAN Dept. of Business Administration - Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÜÇ Dept. of Pol. Science & Inter. Rel. - Assist. Prof. Dr. Salih ÖZCAN

'HSDUWPHQWDO 6FLHQWL¿F &RPPLWWHHV (DFK 'HSDUWPHQW VHOHFWV D 6FLHQWL¿F &RPPLWWHH IRU HYHU\ 0DVWHU¶V 3URJUDP SURvided by the department, which consists of no less than three members of the acaGHPLF SHUVRQQHO 7KH 6FLHQWL¿F &RPPLWWHH LV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ RI the corresponding Master’s Study Program, and selects the Coordinator of the Program from its members. 7KH 6FLHQWL¿F &RPPLWWHH RI 'HSDUWPHQW RI $UFKLWHFWXUH LV FRPSRVHG DV EHORZ


1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet ÖZTAS 2. Assist. Prof. Dr. Yavuz YARDIM 3. Assist. Prof. Dr. Huseyin BILGIN 7KH 6FLHQWL¿F &RPPLWWHH RI 'HSDUWPHQW RI &LYLO (QJLQHHULQJ LV FRPSRVHG DV EHORZ

1. Assist. Prof. Dr. Oguz ALTUN 2. Assist. Prof. Dr. Elton DOMNORI 3. Assist. Prof. Dr. Albana HALILI


ACADEMIC STRUCTURE THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING 'HDQ $VVRF 3URI 'U $KPHW g]WDĂş Vice Dean: Assist. Prof. Dr. Huseyin Bilgin Faculty Secretary: Mr. Klodjan Beqollari Departments Secretary: Mr. Tekim Peza Our vision is to uniquely position the Faculty as a leader in innovation and excellence in engineering and Architecture through education, research and scholarship LQ D SURIHVVLRQDO IUDPHZRUN UHĂ€HFWLQJ RXU VRFLDO UHVSRQVLELOLW\ The Faculty believes its prime driver for success in all these areas should emanate IURP WDUJHWHG UHVHDUFK WKDW DWWUDFWV KLJKO\ TXDOLÂżHG IDFXOW\ DQG JUDGXDWH VWXGHQWV and enhances the attractiveness and quality of the undergraduate program. The Faculty will promote a strong focus on inter-disciplinary research in highinterest and impact areas as perceived by governments and industry as follows: * Earthquake resistant structures * Effective management of projects * Critical infrastructure design and survivability * Sustainable design and environmental technologies


DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 7KH ¿UVW WZR \HDUV RI WKH XQGHUJUDGXDWH SURJUDP LV GHGLFDWHG WR WKH VWXG\ RI EDsic sciences and mathematics which provide the student with engineering fundamentals. The study of mechanics and materials which is basic to civil engineering begins in the second year. The third year involve the study and application of the principles of geotechnical engineering (behavior of soils, design of foundations), structural engineering (analysis and design of reinforced concrete and steel strucWXUHV K\GUDXOLFV HQJLQHHULQJ ÀRZ RI ZDWHU LQ SLSHV RSHQ FKDQQHOV ZDWHU UHsources), and the general systems approach to engineering problems. The students are also exposed to an introduction to construction management and economics which are essential to every practicing engineer. The requirements for a Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering include the completion of minimum of 180 credits of formal course work and 30 days of approved practical training.


Curriculum of Department of Civil Engineering

Second Semester CE 402 CE 490

First Semester MTH 101 3+< CHM 101 CE 101 ENG 101 CEN 101

Calculus I *HQHUDO 3K\VLFV , General Chemistry Introduction to Civil Engineering Development of Reading and Writing Skills in English I Information Technologies and Applications

Third Semester CE 560 CE 591

CEN 102 CE 102

Calculus II *HQHUDO 3K\VLFV ,, Civil Engineering Drawing Development of Reading and Writing Skills in English II Introduction to Computers and C Programming Geology for Civil Engineers

CE411 CE412 CE 414 CE 421 CE 446 CE 451 CE 452 CE 461 CE 462 CE 471 CE 481 &( CE 491 CE 492 CE 493 CE 494 CE 489 CE 451 CE 448 CE 495 Design CE 402 CE 515

Differential Equations Surveying Engineering Mechanics I Engineering Economics Materials Science Non-technical elective

Mathematics for Engineers Engineering Mechanics II Mechanics of Materials Introduction to Construction Materials Development of Oral Presentation Skills 3ULQFLSOHV RI 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ DQG 7UDIÂżF Engineering

Fifth Semester CE 300 CE 303 CE 391 CE 361 CE 341 CE 304

Summer Practice Computing Methods in Civil Engineering Structural Mechanics Introduction to Geology and Soil Mechanics Fluid Mechanics Probability and Statistics for Engineers

CE 514 CE 520 CE 521 CE 525 CE 526 CE 533 CE 534 CE 535 CE 540 CE 542 CE 543 CE 544 CE 550 CE 552 CE 553 CE 554 CE 555 CE 556 CE 557 CE 558 CE 559

Sixth Semester CE 312 CE 362 CE 352 CE 392 CE 394 CE 399

Construction Engineering and Management Foundation Engineering Engineering Hydrology Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals Structural Analysis Microthesis

Master of Science in Civil Engineering First Semester CE 489 CE 401

Master Thesis


Fourth Semester MTH 202 CE 232 CE 234 CE 222 ENG 202 &(

Master Thesis

Fifth Semester CE 500

Third Semester MTH 201 CE 281 CE 231 CE 211 CE 221

Term Project Special Studies In Civil Engineering Technical Elective

Fourth Semester CE 500

Second Semester MTH 102 3+< CE 100 ENG 102

Supervised Independent Study and Research Special Topics In Civil Engineering Technical Elective Technical Elective

Fundamentals of Steel Design Supervised Group Study and Research Technical Elective Technical Elective Technical Elective


Legal Aspects In Construction Works Construction Site Techniques Construction Planning Properties of Fresh And Hardened Concrete Intermediate Fluid Mechanics Groundwater Engineering Statistical Techniques In Hydrology Foundation Engineering 2 Ground Improvement Coastal Zone Management Highway Design 7UDIÂżF 6DIHW\ $QG $FFLGHQW ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ Reinforced Concrete Structures Advanced Structural Analysis Prestressed Concrete Structural Design: Concrete Structures Fundamentals of Steel Design Water Resources Engineering Intermediate Structural Dynamics Introduction To Earthquake Resistant Supervised Independent Study and Research Computer Applications in Construction Management Special Topics in Data Collection, Analysis and Modeling in Construction Industry Modeling in Hydrology Fundamentals of River Engineering Computational Fluid Dynamics Water Resources Engineering Soil Improvement Techniques Geotechnical Investigations Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Advanced Materials Science Durability of Building Materials Advanced Concrete Technology Materials Testing and Measurements Advanced Mechanics of Materials Structural Design Nonlinear Problems in Reinforced Concrete Prestressed and Prefabricated Systems Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis Advanced Steel Structures Advanced Reinforced Concrete Structural Dynamics

DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE 7KH FXUULFXOXP RI GHSDUWPHQW RI DUFKLWHFWXUH LQ WKH ÂżUVW WKUHH \HDUV %DFKHORU LV conceptualized to be design-centered. Comprehensiveness is available through introductory coursework in the subject areas and substantial breadth and depth in the advanced courses. The integration of subjects is aided by the design process practiced in studio. The department encourages students to acquire the purist sense of ‘style’ as architecture in an expression of the values, aspirations and character of the society that produces it. ,Q WKH ÂżQDO WZR \HDUV 0DVWHU WKH VWXGHQWV DFFRUGLQJ WR WKHLU UHVXOWV DQG DVSLUDWLRQ FDQ EH VSHFLDOL]HG LQ RQH RI WKUHH VSHFLDOL]DWLRQ ÂżHOGV WKDW ZHUH PHQWLRQHG DERYH 7KH VSHFLDOL]DWLRQ ÂżHOGV KDYH EHHQ VHOHFWHG EDVHG RQ WKH DFWXDO QHHG RI DUFKLWHFWXUH market in Albania and abroad. The students have the possibility to focus and in HDFK RI WKH ÂżHOGV E\ WDNLQJ WKH UHVSHFWLYH FRXUVHV $UFKLWHFWXUDO 'HVLJQ VSHFLDOL]DWLRQ ÂżHOG RULHQWV VWXGHQWV WKURXJK WKHRU\ FULWLFLVP and different issues of architecture. Building Technology program includes a range of courses that are related to architectural construction project, construction process, building elements and installations. The program of Urban Planning and DeVLJQ VSHFLDOL]DWLRQ ÂżHOG VWXGLHV WKH LVVXHV RI XUEDQ SODQQLQJ DQG GHVLJQ XUEDQ ODZ and transportation design Curriculum of Department of Architecture First Semester

Fifth Semester

ARCH 101 ARCH 103 ARCH 121 MTH 101 ENG 101

ARCH 300 ARCH 301 ARCH 311 ARCH 321 ARCH 331 ARCH 381 ARCH

CEN 101

Basic Design Graphic Communication I Introduction to Architecture I Calculus I Development of Reading and Writing Skills in English I Information Technologies and Applications

Second Semester ARCH 102 ARCH 104 ARCH 106 ARCH 122 ARCH 152 ENG 102

Elective Courses

Introduction to Architectural Design Graphic Communication II Free- Hand Drawing Introduction to Architecture II Building Construction Technology I Development of Reading and Writing Skills in English II

Architectural Design I History of Art and Architecture I Statics and Strength of Materials Building Construction Technology II Building Materials Academic Research Writing

Geometry and the Elements in Design 3D Modelling Issues and Problems in Modernism Advanced Moulding

Sixth Semester


Architectural Design IV Urban Design II Theories of Architectural Design Historical Environment And Conservation Building Construction Management and Economics Elective

Elective Courses ARCH 306 ARCH 318 ARCH 324 ARCH 352

Fourth Semester ARCH 202 ARCH 222 ARCH 232 ARCH 240 ARCH 280

ARCH 325 ARCH 341 ARCH 357 ARCH 371

ARCH 302 ARCH 312 ARCH 320 ARCH 322 ARCH 332

Third Semester ARCH 201 ARCH 221 ARCH 231 ARCH 251 ARCH 261 ENG 201

Summer Practice at Architectural Studio** Architectural Construction Project Urban Design I History of Art and Architecture III Building Systems Structural Design Elective

Architectural Design II History of Art and Architecture II Structure Analysis Landscape Design Environmental Control Studio Non-Technical Elective


Architecture and City Parametric Modeling- Rhinoceros 3D Albanian Architecture Design Principles on Building Elements

MODULE I MODULE II Master of Architecture Program with Master of Architecture Program with an emphasis on an emphasis on ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FIELD BUILDING TECHNOLOGY FIELD YEAR: 4 AND 5 Seventh Semester ARCH 400 ARCH 401 ARCH 411 ARCH 421 ARCH ARCH

Summer Practice at Construction Site** Advanced Design Studio I Studio of Conservation and Restoration Design Methods Elective Elective

Seventh Semester ARCH 401 ARCH 411 ARCH 431 ARCH ARCH

Advanced Design Studio I Studio of Conservation and Restoration Advanced Structural Systems Elective Elective

Elective Courses ARCH 423 ARCH 415 ARCH 433 ARCH 435 ARCH 463 ARCH 465

Domestic Architecture Digital Design in Architecture Structural design strategies History of structural design GIS Applications for Planners Environmental Planning

Eighth Semester ARCH 402 ARCH 418 ARCH ARCH ARCH

Advanced Design Studio II Case Studies in Architectural Criticism Elective Elective Elective

Elective Courses ARCH 420 ARCH 426 ARCH 430 ARCH 434 ARCH 436 ARCH 438 ARCH 464 ARCH 466 ARCH 468

Understanding Tectonics Architecture and Utopia Discourse in Modern and Contemporary Architecture Climate and Building Envelope Design Acoustical Design of Halls For Speech and Music Materials Selection Methods in Construction System Culture and Urban Space Environmental Design Statistics for Planners

Elective Courses ARCH 423 ARCH 415 ARCH 433 ARCH 435 ARCH 463 ARCH 465

Domestic Architecture Digital Design in Architecture Structural design strategies History of structural design GIS Applications for Planners Environmental Planning

Eighth Semester ARCH 402 ARCH 432 ARCH ARCH ARCH

Advanced Design Studio II Sun lighting in Architecture Elective Elective Elective

Elective Courses ARCH 420 ARCH 426 ARCH 430 ARCH 434 ARCH 436 ARCH 438 ARCH 464 ARCH 466 ARCH 468

Understanding Tectonics Arch. and Utopia Discourse in Modern and Contemporary Architecture Climate and Building Envelope Design Acoustical Design of Halls for Speech and Music Materials Selection Methods in Construction System Culture and Urban Space Environmental Design Statistics for Planners

Ninth Semester ARCH 501 ARCH 503 ARCH 531 ARCH ARCH ARCH

Research Methods Seminar in Thesis Research Users’ Requirements and Built Environment Standards Elective Elective Elective

Elective Courses ARCH 511 ARCH 523

ARCH 525 ARCH 533 ARCH 535 ARCH 537 ARCH 563 ARCH 565 ARCH 567

Social and Cultural Themes in Urban Architecture Architectural and Different Modes of Presentation: Orthographic Set, Perspective, Axonometric, Model and Photography Architecture, Politics and Space Sound Insulation in Buildings Building Element Design Installations in Certain Building Types Introduction to Transportation Planning Introduction to Planning Theory Economic Development Planning

Ninth Semester ARCH 501 ARCH 503 ARCH 531 ARCH ARCH ARCH

Research Methods Seminar in Thesis Research Users’ Requirements and Built Environment Standards Elective Elective Elective

Elective Courses ARCH 511 Social and Cultural Themes in Urban Arch. ARCH 523 Arch. and Different Modes of Presentation: Orthographic Set, Perspective, Axonometric, Model and Photography ARCH 525 Architecture, Politics and Space ARCH 533 Sound Insulation in Buildings ARCH 535 Building Element Design ARCH 537 Installations in Certain Building Types ARCH 563 Introduction to Transportation Planning ARCH 565 Introduction to Planning Theory ARCH 567 Economic Development Planning

Tenth Semester

Tenth Semester

ARCH 500 M. of Arch. Thesis in Arch. Design/Building Technology/Urban Planning and Design

ARCH500 M. of Arch. Thesis in Architectural Design/ Building Technology/Urban Planning and Design


MODULE III Master of Architecture Program with an emphasis on URBAN PLANNING AND DESIGN FIELD Seventh Semester

Ninth Semester



Advanced Design Studio I Studio of Conservation and Restoration Urban Planning Elective Elective

Research Methods Seminar in Thesis Research Introduction to Planning Law Elective Elective Elective

Elective Courses ARCH 423 ARCH 415 ARCH 433 ARCH 435 ARCH 463 ARCH 465

Elective Courses

Domestic Architecture Digital Design in Architecture Structural design strategies History of structural design GIS Applications for Planners Environmental Planning

ARCH 511 ARCH 523

ARCH 525 ARCH 533 ARCH 535 ARCH 537 ARCH 563 ARCH 565 ARCH 567

Eighth Semester ARCH 402 ARCH 462 ARCH ARCH ARCH

Advanced Design Studio II Housing Systems Elective Elective Elective

Social and Cultural Themes in Urban Architecture Architectural and Different Modes of Presentation: Orthographic Set, Perspective, Axonometric, Model and Photography Architecture, Politics and Space Sound Insulation in Buildings Building Element Design Installations in Certain Building Types Introduction to Transportation Planning Introduction to Planning Theory Economic Development Planning

Elective Courses ARCH 420 ARCH 426 ARCH 430 ARCH 434 ARCH 436 ARCH 438 ARCH 464 ARCH 466 ARCH 468

Understanding Tectonics Architecture and Utopia Discourse in Modern and Contemporary Architecture Climate and Building Envelope Design Acoustical Design of Halls For Speech and Music Materials Selection Methods in Construction System Culture and Urban Space Environmental Design Statistics for Planners

Tenth Semester ARCH 500 M. of Arch. Thesis in Arch. Design/Building Technology/Urban Planning and Design

DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING The Computer Engineering program is based on three year Bologna Bachelor DeJUHHV 7KH 多UVW \HDU RI WKH SURJUDP LV GHGLFDWHG WR WKH VWXG\ RI EDVLF VFLHQFHV DQG mathematics which provide the student with engineering fundamentals. The second and third year are mainly composed of basic engineering courses besides fundamental courses of computer engineering. Summer Practice at the end of the second year aims to provide a Computer Engineering perspective to students. The Curriculum of the program includes elective courses, which give an opportunity to students to improve their professional skills according to their interests. Some of them are nontechnical and free elective courses, the remaining are technical electives. The requirements for a Diploma in Computer Engineering include the completion of minimum of 180 ECTS credits of formal course work and 30 days of approved practical training.


Curriculum of Department of Computer Engineering

Program of Master of Science in Computer Engineering

First Semester

First Semester

CEN 100 CEN 111 MTH 101 3+< ENG 101


Introduction to Computer Engineering Introduction to Algorithms & Programming. Calculus I *HQHUDO 3K\VLFV , Development of R. & W. Skills In English I

Software Project Management Computer Architecture Elective Elective

Second Semester Second Semester MTH 106 CEN 112 MTH 102 3+< ENG 102

Discrete Mathematics C & C++ Programming Calculus II *HQHUDO 3K\VLFV ,, Development of R. & W. Skills In Eng. II

Third Semester CEN 213 CEN 283 CEN 281 MTH 201 MTH 203

Object Oriented Programming with Java Computer Organization Digital Design Differential Equations Probability and Statistics for Engineers Non Technical Elective

Fourth Semester CEN 222 CEN 252 CEN 282 CEN 254 MTH 204

Web Technologies Database Management Systems Electrical & Electronic Circuits Data Structures Numerical Analysis Non Technical Elective

Fifth Semester CEN 300 CEN 361 CEN 303 CEN 323 CEN 381 CEN

Summer Practice Computer Networks Analysis of Algorithms Web Programming Microprocessors and Microcomputing Technical Elective

Sixth Semester CEN 306 CEN 302 &(1 CEN 344 CEN 390 CEN

Operating Systems Software Engineering $UWL多FLDO ,QWHOOLJHQFH Computer Graphics Senior Design Project (Thesis) Technical Elective

Technical Elective Courses Fall Semester CEN 313 CEN 377 CEN 305 CEN 351 CEN 383


Third Semester CEN 590 CEN CEN CEN

Term Project Elective Elective Elective

Fourth Semester CEN 500


ELECTIVE COURSES CEN 405 CEN 411 CEN 418 CEN 421 CEN 423 CEN 425 CEN 461 CEN 501 CEN 504 CEN 506 CEN 513 CEN 516 CEN 519 CEN 531 CEN 543 CEN 552 CEN 563 CEN 564 CEN 571 &(1 &(1 CEN 574 CEN 575 CEN 576 CEN 583 CEN 584 CEN 585 CEN 592

Programming Languages Introduction to Management Info. Systems Software Testing and Quality Assurance Multimedia and Graphic Design Embedded Systems

Spring Semester CEN 314 CEN 342 CEN 378 CEN 304 CEN 382

Network Security Research Methods Elective Elective

Introduction to Logic Programming User Interface Design Introduction to E-Business/E-Commerce Fundamentals of System Administration Signal Processing for Computer Eng.


Operating System Design Advanced Object Oriented Programming System Administration I Web Engineering XML and Web Services E-Business and E-commerce Network Programming Special Topics in Software Engineering Object Oriented Software Engineering Distributed Systems Formal Languages & Compilers Mobile Applications Programming System Administration II Information Security and Comp. Forensics Digital Image Processing Adv. Database Management Systems Adv. Concepts in Computer Networks Wireless Networks Data Mining 6SHFLDO 7RSLFV LQ $UWL多FLDO ,QWHOOLJHQFH $UWL多FLDO 1HXUDO 1HWZRUNV Fuzzy Logic Computer Vision Machine Learning Advanced Computer Architecture Design of Embedded Systems Parallel Computing Knowledge Management

PROGRAM OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING, BACHELOR PROGRAM (3 YEARS) The Electronics and Communication Engineering program is based on three year Bologna Bachelor Degrees 7KH ÂżUVW WZR VHPHVWHUV RI WKH XQGHUJUDGXDWH SURJUDP are designed for students to acquire a sound knowledge of the basic sciences, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and algorithm, computer programming together with an understanding of economics, social sciences and humanities before specialization takes place. The third and fourth semesters cover the fundamental engineering subjects such as Fundamentals of the Electrical Circuits, Electromagnetic Field Theory, and Introduction to Electronics. All the major subjects of the (OHFWURQLFV DQG &RPPXQLFDWLRQ (QJLQHHULQJ DUH FRPSOHWHG LQ WKH ÂżIWK DQG VL[WK semesters. Among these subjects, Electronics, Microprocessor-Systems, Analog and Digital Communication, Logic Circuits, Microwave Theory can be considered. In addition, the Professional English is given during all these three years. Summer Practice at the end of the second year aims to provide an Electronics & Communication Engineering perspective to students. The Curriculum of the program includes elective courses, which give an opportunity to students to improve their professional skills according to their interests. Some of them are nontechnical and free elective courses, the remaining are technical electives. The students PD\ VSHFLDOL]H LQ WKH ÂżHOGV RI FLUFXLWV DQG V\VWHPV HOHFWURQLFV SRZHU HOHFWURQLFV FRPPXQLFDWLRQV VLJQDO SURFHVVLQJ HOHFWURPDJQHWLF ÂżHOGV PLFURZDYH WKHRU\ and techniques. The requirements for a Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering include the completion of minimum of 180 ECTS credits of formal course work and 30 days of approved practical training.

Program of Electronics and Communication Engineering First Semester

Fourth Semester

CHM 101 ECE 101 MTH 101 3+< ENG 101

ECE 284 ECE 252 MTH 204 ECE 260 ECE 272

General Chemistry Information Technologies and Applications Calculus I *HQHUDO 3K\VLFV , Development of Reading and Writing Skills in English I

Logic Circuits and Laboratory Electromagnetic Field Theory Numerical Analysis Electronic Circuits II Computer Organization Non Technical Elective

Second Semester

Fifth Semester

MTH 106 ECE 104 102 3+< ENG 102

ECE 300 ECE 317 ECE 329 ECE 333 ECE 341

Discrete Mathematics Introduction to Algorithms and Prog.MTH Calculus II *HQHUDO 3K\VLFV ,, Development of Reading and Writing Skills in English II

Summer Practice Signals and Systems Microprocessor Systems Digital Electronic Circuits Power Electronics Technical Elective

Third Semester

Sixth Semester

ECE 215 ECE 221 ECE 235 MTH 201 MTH 203

ECE 370 ECE 364 ECE 382 ECE 356 ECE ECE 390

Basics of Electric Circuits Electronic Circuits I Electronic Measurements and Laboratory Differential Equations Probability and Statistics for Engineers Non Technical Elective


Television Technique Data Communications & Networks Mobile Cellular Communication Systems I Electromechanics Technical Elective Senior Design Project (Thesis)

PROGRAM OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING The Master of Science (M.Sc.) program at the Program of Electronic and Communication Engineering is designed to meet the demands for specialized computer scientists and engineers in industry and in higher education. Program also gives RSSRUWXQLW\ WR TXDOLÂżHG VWXGHQWV IURP YDULRXV DFDGHPLF GLVFLSOLQHV IRU IXUWKHU HGXcation at an advanced level in Computer Engineering and Software Engineering. M.Sc. students may specialize in Advanced Mobile Cellular Communication 6\VWHPV $GYDQFHG 2SWLFDO &RPPXQLFDWLRQV $UWLÂżFLDO ,QWHOOLJHQFH 1HXUDO 1HWworks, and Electronics for Bioengineering Applications, Automatic Control Systems, Industrial Electronics, Digital Data Transmission, Mechatronics, Microwave Circuits, Designing Embedded Systems, Computer Vision, and Advanced Antenna Theory. 7KH SURJUDP SURYLGHV D VWDWH RI WKH DUW Ă€H[LEOH FXUULFXOXP WKDW RIIHUV D ULFK VHW of M.Sc. courses crafted by faculty members specializing in the area each course emphasizes. The contents of the courses are prepared bearing both academia and LQGXVWU\ LQ PLQG *UDGXDWH VWXGHQWV LQ WKHVH SURJUDPV PXVW GHPRQVWUDWH VXIÂżFLHQW knowledge of Electronic and Communication Engineering by satisfying an enhanced coursework requirement. The “M.Sc. in Electronic & Communication Engineeringâ€? program includes 120 ECTS hours coursework, and the preparation of a M.Sc. Thesis based on original research. Master of Science Program

First Semester

Elective Course


ECE 433 ECE 439 ECE 445 ECE 464 ECE 468 (&( ECE 478 ECE 483 ECE 533 ECE 537

Advanced Communication Theory Object Oriented Programming Elective Elective

Second Semester ECE 426 ECE 402 ECE ECE

Digital Data Transmission Research Methods Elective Elective

ECE 541

Third Semester ECE 513 ECE 527 ECE ECE

Microwave Circuits Mechatronics Elective Elective

Fourth Semester ECE 500



Introduction to Neural Networks Electronics for Bioengineering Applications Advanced Optical Communication Automatic Control Systems Computer Vision 6SHFLDO 7RSLFV LQ $UWLÂżFLDO ,QWHOOLJHQFH Industrial Electronics Computer Architecture Advanced Antenna Theory Advanced Topics in Mobile Cellular Communication Systems Design of Embedded Systems

THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE Administrative Board of the Faculty The Administrative Board of the Faculty is a collegial decision-making body that sets and schedules according to the proposals of departments, the use of human and material resources available to the faculty.

)DFXOW\ RI (FRQRPLFV DQG $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 6FLHQFH The Administrative Board of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is composed of the following members:

Prof. Dr. Güngör TURAN - Head Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÜÇ - Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Salih ÖZCAN - Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Bekir CINAR - Member Mr. Ervin SULIKA – Rapporteur Head of Department The Head of Department is the highest authority for the base educational-research unit. The Head of Department is responsible for the teaching and research activity DW HYHU\ OHYHO RI WKH GHSDUWPHQW DQG IRU WKH RUGHUO\ DQG HI¿FLHQW FRQGXFW RI DQ\ activity in that department. The respective Heads of Departments at Epoka University are as follows: Dept. of Economics - Prof. Dr. Güngör TURAN Dept. of Banking and Finance - Prof. Dr. Güngör TURAN Dept .of Business Administration - Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÜÇ Dept. of Pol. Science and Inter. Relations - Assist. Prof. Dr. Salih ÖZCAN

'HSDUWPHQWDO 6FLHQWL¿F &RPPLWWHHV (DFK 'HSDUWPHQW VHOHFWV D 6FLHQWL¿F &RPPLWWHH IRU HYHU\ 0DVWHU¶V 3URJUDP SURvided by the department, which consists of no less than three members of the acaGHPLF SHUVRQQHO 7KH 6FLHQWL¿F &RPPLWWHH LV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ RI the corresponding Master’s Study Program, and selects the Coordinator of the Program from its members. 6FLHQWL¿F &RPPLWWHH RI WKH %DQNLQJ DQG )LQDQFH DQG (FRQRPLFV 'HSDUWPHQWV 1.Prof. Dr. Güngör TURAN (Coordinator) 2.Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Üç (Member) 3.Dr. Urmat RYSKOLOV (Member)


6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH RI WKH %XVLQHVV $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 'HSDUWPHQW 1. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ăœç (Coordinator) 2. Assist. Prof. Dr. YĂźksel KĂ–KSAL (Member) 'U $OL øKVDQ g='(0ø5 0HPEHU

6FLHQWL¿F &RPPLWWHH RI WKH 3ROLWLFDO 6FLHQFH DQG ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 5HODWLRQV 'HSDUWment: 1. Assist. Prof. Dr. Salih ÖZCAN (Coordinator) 2. Assist .Prof. Dr. Bekir ÇINAR (Member) 3. Prof. Dr. GßngÜr TURAN (Member)

ACADEMIC STRUCTURE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences’ mission is to provide superior educational opportunities for our students through effective instruction, relHYDQW FXUULFXOD DQG DFDGHPLF FRXQVHOLQJ WR HQJDJH LQ VFKRODUO\ SXUVXLWV WKDW DLG WKH FRQWLQXHG SURIHVVLRQDO JURZWK DQG GHYHORSPHQW RI WKH IDFXOW\ DQG WR DFWLYHO\ participate in the service activities for the University and the business community. Our faculty will engage in research to create and disseminate new knowledge, develop quality-teaching skills, maintain high professional standards, and actively serve the University and community. Departments ‡ 'HSDUWPHQW RI %DQNLQJ DQG )LQDQFH ‡ 'HSDUWPHQW RI %XVLQHVV $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ ‡ 'HSDUWPHQW RI (FRQRPLFV ‡ 'HSDUWPHQW RI 3ROÕWLFDO 6FLHQFH $QG ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 5HODWLRQV

DEPARTMENT OF BANKING AND FINANCE 7KH 'HSDUWPHQW RI %DQNLQJ DQG )LQDQFH DLPV DW WKH TXDOLÂżFDWLRQ RI QHZ VWDII ZLWK JHQHUDO NQRZOHGJH DOHUW WR WKH FKDOOHQJHV LQ ÂżQDQFH DQG DEOH WR ZRUN LQ WKH EDQNing sector as well as in the administration of local and foreign private companies. The students will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge to operate in Albania and abroad due to the learnt theoretical framework, banking system, Albanian HFRQRP\ DFFRXQWLQJ HWF 7KH GHSDUWPHQWÂśV REMHFWLYH LV WR TXDOLI\ QHZ ÂżQDQFHUV DQG EDQNHUV ZKR DUH NQRZOHGJHDEOH DERXW WKH ÂżHOG E\ EHQHÂżWLQJ IURP DOO WKH achievements of this discipline at the international level.


Curriculum of Banking and Finance First Semester

Third Semester

ECO 101 BUS 103 BUS 105 BUS 131 BUS 101 ECO 111

BAF 501

Introduction To Economics I Introduction To Business Introduction To Law Behavioral Sciences Math. For Economics And Business I Information Technologies and Applications

BAF 503

Research Techniques in Banking and Finance Seminars in Banking and Finance Elective I Elective II Elective III

Second Semester

Fourth Semester

ECO 102 SOC 102 BUS 114 BUS 132 BUS 102 BUS 108

BAF 500

Introduction To Economics II Sociology Communication Skills Introduction To Accounting Math. For Economics and Business II Business English

ELECTIVE COURSES BAF 331 ECO 321 BUS 323 BUS 335 BUS 337 ECO 332 BAF 312 BAF 314 BAF 338 ECO 322 BUS 322 BUS 346 BAF 403 BAF 413 BAF 415 BUS 405 BUS 419 BUS 423

Third Semester ECO 201 ECO 203 BUS 211 BUS 203 BUS 201 BUS 231

Microeconomics I Macroeconomics I Management and Organization Business Law Statistics I Financial Accounting I

Fourth Semester ECO 202 ECO 204 ECO 222 ECO 252 BUS 202 BUS 232

Microeconomics II Macroeconomics II Public Finance Labor Economics Statistics II Financial Accounting II

BUS 451 ECO 415 ECO 421 ECO 433 BUS 425 BAF 404 BAF 436 BUS 406 BUS 434 ECO 402 ECO 416 ECO 422 BAF 505

Fifth Semester BAF 321 BAF 301 BUS 333 ECO 331

Financial Institutions And Markets Principles Of Banking Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Monetary Theory and Policy I Elective I

Sixth Semester BAF 322 BUS 334 BAF 336 BAF 300

Loan Management and Credit Analysis Financial Management Bank Accounting and Reporting Graduation Thesis Elective I Elective II

BAF 507 BAF 509 BUS 517

Master of Science in Banking and Finance - 2 Years First Semester BAF 411 BAF 421

Portfolio Management Risk Management and Insurance Elective I Elective II Elective III Elective IV

Second Semester BAF 432 BAF 434

Master Thesis

Bank Management Inter. Banking and Financial Management Elective I Elective II Elective III Elective IV


Banking Operations and Services International Economics E-Marketing Human Resource Management Total Quality Management Monetary Theory and Policy II Management of Financial Institutions Quantitative Techniques in Finance Capital Markets Law International Economics Organization Theory Management Information Systems Project Evaluation And Finance I International Finance Financial Analysis Albanian Labor Law Financial Issues In Entrepreneurship Small Business Management And Entrepreneur International Marketing Albanian Economy I Development And Growth I Economic Integrations And EU Quantitative Methods and Decision Making Project Evaluation and Finance II Monetary Stability in Financial Markets Albanian Tax Law Auditing Seminars on Economics Albanian Economy II Development And Growth II Albanian Banking System and Central Banking Applied Macroeconomics Advanced Monetary Theory and Policy Advanced Managerial Accounting

DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION The Department of Business Administration offers BA and MBA degrees. The TXDOL多FDWLRQ IURP WKLV GHSDUWPHQW SURYLGHV WKH VWXGHQWV ZLWK NQRZOHGJH LQ PDQagement and in business administration, as well as with organizational skills to serve both in the public and the private sectors. The objective of this department is WR IXO多OO WKH QHHG IRU TXDOL多HG PHPEHUV LQ WKLV 多HOG DQG WR SUHSDUH VNLOOHG SHRSOH to work in different managing sectors. Curriculum of Business Administration

Master of Science in Business Administration - 2 Years

First Semester

First Semester

ECO 101 BUS 103 BUS 105 BUS 131 BUS 101 ECO 111

BUS 421 BUS 423

Introduction To Economics I Introduction To Business Introduction To Law Behavioral Sciences Math. For Economics And Business I Information Technologies and Applications for Economics

Strategic Management Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship Elective I Elective II Elective III Elective IV

Second Semester

Second Semester

ECO 102 SOC 102 BUS 114 BUS 132 BUS 102 BUS 108

BUS 422 BUS 434

Introduction To Economics II Sociology Communication Skills Introduction To Accounting Math. For Economics and Business II Business English

Current Topics in Management Auditing Elective I Elective II Elective III Elective IV

Third Semester

Third Semester

ECO 205 BUS 221 BUS 211 BUS 203 BUS 201 BUS 231

BUS 501 BUS 505

Microeconomics I Marketing Management and Organization Business Law Statistics I Financial Accounting I

Research Methods Seminar on Business Administration Elective I Elective II

Fourth Semester BUS 520


Fourth Semester BUS 222 ECO 206 BUS 224 ECO 252 BUS 202 BUS 232

Marketing II Macroeconomics Organizational Behavior Labor Economics Statistics II Financial Accounting II

Fifth Semester BUS 321 BUS 335 BUS 333 BUS 331

Production Management Human Resource Management Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Cost Accounting Elective I Elective II

Sixth Semester BUS 336 BUS 334 BUS 300 BUS 324

Managerial Accounting Financial Management Graduation Thesis Operations Research Elective I Elective II

ELECTIVE COURSES BUS 323 BUS 351 BUS 337 ECO 321 ECO 331 BAF 321 BUS 346 BAF 338 ECO 322 ECO 332 BUS 348 BUS 407 BUS 425 BUS 451 ECO 421 BUS 451 BUS 411 BUS 414 BUS 432 ECO 422 BUS 406 BAF 432 BUS 517 BUS 503 BUS 507 BUS 513 BUS 515


E-Marketing Consumer Behavior Total Quality Management International Economics I Monetary Theory and Policy I Financial Institutions and Markets Management Information Systems Capital Markets and Law International Economics II Monetary Theory and Policy II Customer Relationship Management Business Ethics Comparative Business Law International Business Development and Growth I International Marketing Portfolio Management Strategic Analyses on Business Advertisement Management and Creativity Development and Growth II Albanian Tax Law Bank Management Advanced Managerial Accounting Advanced Organizational Behavior New Concepts and Trends in Business Management Strategic Marketing Operations Management

Curriculum of Business Informatics

First Semester

Bachelor of Science in Business Informatics

ECO 101 BUS 103 BUS 105 BUS 131 BUS 101 ECO 111

First Semester ECO 101 BUS 101 BUS 103 CEN 113 CEN 100 ENG 105

Introduction To Economics I Math. For Economics And Business I Introduction To Business Introduction to Algorithms and Prog. Introduction to computer Engineering Development of Reading and Writing Skills in English I

Second Semester ECO 102 BUS 102 BUS 132 CEN 114 ENG 102 BUS 114

Introduction To Economics II Math. For Economics and Business II Introduction To Accounting C and C ++ Programming Development of Reading and Writing Skills in English I Communication Skills

Third Semester BUS 201 ECO 205 CEN 251 CEN 213 CEN 281 BUS 211

Introduction To Economics II Sociology Communication Skills Introduction To Accounting Math. For Economics and Business II Business English

Third Semester ECO 205 BUS 221 BUS 211 BUS 203 BUS 201 BUS 231

Microeconomics Marketing I Management and Organization Business Law Statistics I Financial Accounting I

Marketing II Macroeconomics Organizational Behavior Sales Techniques and Management Statistics II Financial Accounting II

Fifth Semester

Statistics II Macroeconomics Database Management System Web Technologies Computer Organization Introduction to E-Commerce/E-Business

BUS 321 BUS 357 BUS 353 BUS 355

Production Management Internet and Social Media Marketing Marketing Research Strategic Logistic Management Elective I Elective II

Sixth Semester

Web Programming Computer Networks International Business International Economics I International Finance Business Law

BUS 300 BUS 350 BUS 352 BUS 324

Sixth Semester CEN 302 CEN 306 BUS 334 BUS 346 BUS 322 BIF 390

ECO 102 SOC 102 BUS 114 BUS 132 BUS 102 BUS 108

BUS 222 ECO 206 BUS 224 BUS 234 BUS 202 BUS 232

Fifth Semester CEN 323 CEN 361 BUS 451 ECO 321 BAF 413 BUS 203

Second Semester

Fourth Semester

Statistics I Microeconomics I Data Structures Object Oriented Programming with JAVA Digital Design Management and Organization

Fourth Semester BUS 202 ECO 206 CEN 252 CEN 222 CEN 284 CEN 378

Introduction To Economics I Introduction To Business Introduction To Law Behavioral Sciences Math. For Economics And Business I Information Technologies and Applications for Economics

Graduation Thesis Product Distribution Logistics International Marketing Operations Research Elective I Elective II

Elective Course

Software Engineering Operating System Financial Management Management Information Systems Operations Management Thesis

Curriculum of International Marketing and Logistic Bachelor of Science in International Marketing and Logistic


BUS 335 BUS 351 BUS 333 BUS 331 BUS 337 ECO 321 ECO 331 BAF 321 BUS 346 BUS 432 BUS 354 BAF 338 ECO 322 BUS 336 BUS 334 ECO 332 BUS 348

Human Resource Management Consumer Behavior Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Cost Accounting Total Quality Management International Economics I Monetary Theory and Policy I Financial Institutions and Markets Management Information Systems Advertising Management and Creativity Branding and Brand Management Capital Markets and Law International Economics II Managerial Accounting Financial Management Monetary Theory and Policy II Customer Relationship Management

DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS The degree conferred upon the completion of the undergraduate program is Economist/Bachelor of Arts in Economics. The students graduated from this department will be able to serve in the public administration, in the private sector and in nongovernmental organizations. Curriculum of Economics

Master of Science in Economics - 2 Years

First Semester

First Semester

ECO 101 BUS 103 BUS 105 BUS 131 BUS 101 ECO 111

ECO 421 ECO 433

Introduction to Economics I Introduction to Business Introduction to Law Behavioral Sciences Math. for Economics and Business I Information Technologies and Applications

Development and Growth I Economic Integrations and EU Elective I Elective II Elective III Elective IV

Second Semester

Second Semester

ECO 102 SOC 102 BUS 114 BUS 132 BUS 102 BUS 108

ECO 402 ECO 422

Introduction to Economics II Sociology Communication Skills Introduction to Accounting Math. For Economics and Business II Business English

Seminar on Economics Development and Growth II Elective I Elective II Elective III Elective IV

Third Semester

Third Semester

ECO 201 ECO 203 BUS 211 BUS 203 BUS 201 BUS 231

ECO 501 ECO 505

Microeconomics I Macroeconomics I Management and Organization Business Law Statistics I Financial Accounting I

Research Techniques in Economics Applied Econometrics Elective I Elective II Elective III

Fourth Semester Fourth Semester ECO 202 ECO 204 ECO 222 ECO 252 BUS 202 BUS 232

Microeconomics II Macroeconomics II Public Finance Labor Economics Statistics II Financial Accounting II

Fifth Semester ECO 311 ECO 321 ECO 331 ECO 313

Econometrics I International Economics I Monetary Theory And Policy I History of Economic Thought Elective I Elective II

Sixth Semester ECO 312 ECO 322 ECO 332 ECO 300

Econometrics II International Economics II Monetary Theory And Policy II Graduation Thesis Elective I Elective II

ECO 500


ELECTIVE COURSES ECO 343 ECO 345 ECO 355 ECO 365 BAF 321 BUS 337 BUS 351 ECO 342 ECO 344 ECO 346 ECO 348 ECO 354 BAF 338 ECO 401 ECO 411 ECO 415 BUS 405 BUS 451 BAF 413 BAF 415 ECO 412 ECO 416 ECO 444 ECO 452 BUS 442 BAF 436 ECO 503 BAF 505 BAF 507 BAF 509


Economics of Innovation Industrial Economics Eco. of Education and Human Capital Urban Economics Financial Institutions and Markets Total Quality Management Consumer Behavior Fiscal Policy Comparative Economic Systems Natural Resources and Environment Eco. The Economics of Income Distribution Labor Market Studies Capital Markets Law International Political Economy Applied Economics I Albanian Economy I Albanian Labor Law International Marketing International Finance Financial Analyses Applied Economics II Albanian Economy II Agricultural Economics International Monetary Policy Supply Chain Management Monetary Stability in Financial Markets Applied Managerial Economics Albanian Bank. System & Central Banking Applied Macroeconomics Advanced Monetary Theory and Policy

DEPARTMENT OF POL. SCIENCE AND INTER. RELATIONS The Department of Political Science and International Relations offers BA and MSc degrees. The undergraduate program is based on a four-year study and the graduate program is based on a two-year study. A core training in the study of Political Science is combined with the theoretical, global and multi-disciplinary perspective provided by International Relations modules. Its academic program FRYHUV WKH IRXU PDMRU VXE多HOGV LQ WKH GLVFLSOLQH 3ROLWLFDO 6FLHQFH DQG ,QWHUQDWLRQDO Relations Curriculum of Political Science and International Relations

First Semester PIR 423

First Semester PIR 111 ECO 101 BUS 131 BUS 103 ENG 105 BUS 105

Introduction to Political Sciences I Introduction to Economics I Behavioral Sciences Introduction to Business Advanced English I Introduction to Law

World Politics Elective I Elective II Elective III

Second Semester PIR 422

Balkan Politics Elective I Elective II Elective III

Second Semester PIR 112 PIR 114 PIR 116 ENG 106 ECO 102 PIR 108

Introduction to Political Sciences II Civilization History Constitutional Law Advanced English II Introduction to Economics II Sociology

Third Semester Elective I Elective II Project

Fourth Semester PIR 598

Third Semester PIR 213 PIR 221 PIR 223 PIR 215 BUS 201

History of Political Thought I Political and Diplomatic History I International Relations Administrative System in Albania Statistics I Elective (Foreign Language)


Fourth Semester PIR 214 PIR 216 PIR 222 PIR 224 BUS 114

History of Political Thought II Political History of Albania Political and Diplomatic History II International Law Communication Skills Elective (Foreign Language)

Fifth Semester PIR 301 PIR 311

Research Methods in Social Sciences Theory of Democracy Elective Elective Elective (Foreign Language)

Sixth Semester PIR 312 PIR 322


Comparative Politics Albanian Foreign Policy Elective (Foreign Language) Project

Master of Science in Political Science and International Relations - 2 Years


FL 201 FL 203 FL 205 FL 207 FL 209 FL 202 FL 204 FL 206 FL 208 FL 210 PIR 323 PIR 313 PIR 315 PIR 317 PIR 319 PIR 325 PIR 327 PIR 329 FL 301 FL 303 FL 305 FL 307 FL 309 PIR 332 PIR 320 PIR 328 PIR 322 PIR 324 PIR 342 PIR 326 PIR 334 FL 302 FL 304 FL 306 FL 308

Turkish I German I Italian I French I Spanish I Turkish II German II Italian II French II Spanish II History of European Integration Political Sociology Albanian State and Society Political Parties Politics in Developing Countries Theories of International Relations Social Movements in the World Foreign Policy Analysis Turkish III German III Italian III French III Spanish III Contemporary Political Ideologies Media and Politics Ethics and Politics EU Institutions and Policies Current International Issues International Terrorism Globalization and Public Policy Gender in International Relations Turkish IV German IV Italian IV French IV

ELECTIVE COURSES FL 310 PIR 411 PIR 425 PIR 413 PIR 421 PIR 427 PIR 441 PIR 443 PIR 424 PIR 426 PIR 428 PIR 442 PIR 444 PIR 446 PIR 448 PIR 462 3,5

Spanish IV Political Behavior European Union Law Nationalism and Ethnic Studies Diplomatic Behavior and Correspondence European Security Current Issues in Albanian Foreign Policy Human Rights and Humanitarian Interven tions Debates on European Union International Political Economy United States Foreign Policy Middle East Politics & Societies Migration Policies Energy Politics International Politics of Environment Debates on International Relations 1HJRWLDWLRQ DQG &RQĂ€LFW 5HVROXWLRQ


Prof. Dr. Halil Murat Ozler


Secretary General Secretary General: Mr. Hamza Aksoy The Secretary General is the head of the University administrative structure and responds before the Rector for maintenance of the activity of this structure. The 6HFUHWDU\ *HQHUDO PDQDJHV WKH HFRQRPLF ÂżQDQFLDO DQG DGPLQLVWUDWLYH DFWLYLW\ RI Epoka University. He organizes and controls the internal audit and makes ecoQRPLF Âą ÂżQDQFLDO DQDO\VHV ZKLFK KH VXEPLWV WR WKH 5HFWRU IRU FRQVLGHUDWLRQ 7KH Secretary General has the task of rapporteur at the Higher Board, Senate and Administrative Board of the University.

Student Affairs 7KH 'HDQ RI 6WXGHQWVÂś 2IÂżFH LV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU SODQQLQJ FRRUGLQDWLQJ DQG LPSOHmenting a variety of programs and services which are designed to assist and support students in achieving academic and personal success. We engage students and cultivate opportunities for academic and personal achievement through service, education, advocacy and community building.


Student associations are one of the primary means by which students can relate meaningfully to the institution. By providing a liaison with and support to student groups and their governing bodies, the Dean of Students encourages students in the conduct of their own collective affairs and facilitates the growth of student associations and the active involvement in them by students.

Career Planning One of the biggest challenges university students face is making a career decision. At Epoka University, we offer a variety of career-related services, resources and opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, employers and faculty. In addition to giving seminars on different areas, the Center gives counseling services for the students that are planning to go abroad for graduate studies. These services include about a c c e p t a n c e , examinations and scholarships of foreign universities. Advisors identify the tendencies and interests of t he students during their university time and assist in students` job search and professional development needs. This centre analyses successful companies in our country, determines work- force TXDOLÂżFDWLRQV GHPDQGHG DQG DUUDQJHV VHPLQDUV FRXUVHV FRQIHUHQFHV LQ RUGHU WR make the undergraduate students improve themselves accordingly. The Center also prepares a company catalogue In order to inform students about their favorite work places and sectors.


2IÂżFH RI 6WXGHQWVC &OXEV DQG 2UJDQL]DWLRQV 7KH 2IÂżFH RI 6WXGHQWVC &OXEV DQG 2UJDQL]DWLRQV LQ (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ LV GHGLFDWHG to providing students the opportunity to build community, gain leadership and interpersonal skills, and contribute to the campus community and beyond.


Students’ involvement in diverse clubs and organizations can be one of the most enriching aspects of the university experience. Clubs and organizations are a wonderful place to make friends, build leadership skills, and meet people who share interests similar to yours. For such reasons, Epoka University sponsors a variety of clubs and organizations that meet a broad range of interests. The Club Guide, a University publication, includes a description and contact information for most clubs and organizations.

Student Council The Student Council is composed of student representatives elected democratically in order to forward demands from students to University Administration and to contribute to educational activities at the university. The fundamental objective of Epoka University Students’ Council is to ensure both the academic development of students and their social and personal growth. Therefore, the university environment is designed to enhance the students’ academic performance while also advancing their social, artistic, athletic, cultural and intellectual skills. To meet this objective, the Students’ Council organizes and encourages the students’ participation in a wide range of activities. ‡ 6WXG\ DQG &RPPXQLFDWLRQ 6NLOOV :RUNVKRSV ‡ &RPPXQLW\ 6HUYLFH DQG 9ROXQWHHU :RUN ‡ 6WXGHQW &OXEV DQG 2UJDQL]DWLRQV ‡ 6WXGHQW 6RFLDO (YHQWV ‡ &DUHHU 'HYHORSPHQW DQG 3ODFHPHQW 3URJUDPV ‡ (QKDQFLQJ &DPSXV /LIH ‡ 6WXGHQW 'HYHORSPHQW DQG &RXQVHOLQJ 6HUYLFHV

,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6WXGHQW 2IÂżFH 7KH PLVVLRQ RI WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6WXGHQW 2IÂżFH LV WR DVVLVW LQGLYLGXDO LQWHUQDWLRQDO students and foreign academic staff and their families by advising them concerning residency, tax and labor regulations, and by providing counseling on personal, academic and cultural matters. In addition, we try to promote cross-cultural awareness in the Epoka community through educational programming, such as orientation, cultural adjustment, and cross-cultural communication.

Alumni Students 7KH UROH RI WKH $OXPQL 2IÂżFH LV WR HVWDEOLVK DQG HQKDQFH D FRQWLQXLQJ UHODWLRQVKLS between the University of Epoka and its alumni. We build new relationships and strengthen old ones and encourage volunteers and donors to get involved in our PDQ\ LQWHUQDWLRQDO HYHQWV DQG DFWLYLWLHV 7KH RIÂżFH VWLPXODWHV WKH LQWHUHVW DQG SDUticipation of students and alumni in the life of the University by fostering interaction between the two groups by involving them in common activities and projects. 7KH $OXPQL 2IÂżFH HQFRXUDJHV WKH FXUUHQW (SRND VWXGHQWV WR EHFRPH DFWLYH OR\DO and supportive alumni following graduation


'RUPLWRULHV %UDQFK 2I¿FH There are dormitories for female and male students at our university. The student dormitories of our University offer accommodation opportunities to our students and are organized in such way as to facilitate students’ success both in academic work and in social life. New students may apply for a place in the dormitories as soon as they have completed their registration. Dormitories provide students with: ‡ $Q LQWHUQHW URRP ZKHUH VWXGHQWV FDQ PHHW DOO WKH FRPSXWHU QHHGV ‡ $ FDQWHHQ ZLWK D ZLGH UDQJH RI IRRG DQG GULQNV WR IXO¿OO WKH VWXGHQW QHHGV ‡ 5RRPV IRU RU UHVLGHQWV ‡ 7ULSV DQG H[FXUVLRQV ‡ %LOOLDUG DQG WDEOH WHQQLV ‡ 2SSRUWXQLW\ WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ FXOWXUDO DQG VSRUW DFWLYLWLHV ‡ &DU SDUN

Counseling Service Epoka University Counseling Service enables students to achieve their academic DQG SHUVRQDO JRDOV E\ SURYLGLQJ FRQ¿GHQWLDO FRXQVHOLQJ DQG VXSSRUW IRU DQ\ GLI¿FXOWLHV HQFRXQWHUHG ZKLOH DW (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ The aim of this service is to help our students in solving their individual, social, familial and similar problems that they might face during their education. Besides, in order to know themselves better, students take tests in accordance with their needs and individual and collective counseling sessions are carried out. We work closely with other support services to provide an integrated service depending on the needs of our users. <RX PD\ FRQVXOW WR RXU *XLGDQFH DQG &RXQVHOLQJ &HQWHU LI \RX ZDQW WR ‡ DQDO\]H \RXU SHUVRQDOLW\ ‡ LPSURYH \RXU VHOI FRQ¿GHQFH ‡ H[SUHVV \RXUVHOI EHWWHU ‡ XVH WLPH HI¿FLHQWO\ DQG GH¿QH \RXU SULRULWLHV ‡ FRSH ZLWK WKH GLI¿FXOWLHV RI XQLYHUVLW\ DWPRVSKHUH DQG DYRLG EHLQJ SHVVLPLVWLF and alone, ‡ RYHUFRPH WKH WHVW DQ[LHW\ DQG VWUHVV ‡ FRPPXQLFDWH ZHOO ‡ PDNH GHFLVLRQV DERXW \RXU IXWXUH ‡ PDNH SODQV WR VWXG\ DQG WR EH VXFFHVVIXO

Health Centre The University Health Centre at Epoka aims to deliver comprehensive health services that are accessible, compassionate and innovative to promote the health and well-being of the University students and staff. We aim to provide services that are affordable, accessible and of high quality.


Students and staff of Epoka University can use the Health Centre during the day for general medical problems, and should call for urgent medical matters. This center soon will announce the discount of services in hospitals, medical centers, dental clinics and other health care providing units.

6SRUW %UDQFK 2IÂżFH This unit organizes sports activities at our University, intra-university and interuniversity tournaments, arranges university teams and trains them, and arranges sports courses for our students and personnel. 7KH 6SRUWV 2IÂżFH RI (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ WDNHV FKDUJH RI DUUDQJLQJ VSRUWV DFWLYLWLHV in the university and forming sports teams for our University to represent it at intercollegiate events, preparing training areas for the teams, and operating the sports IDFLOLWLHV ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKH VSRUWV DFWLYLWLHV WKH 2IÂżFH LQYLWHV VXFFHVVIXO VSRUWVPHQ WR WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ VR WKDW VWXGHQWV FDQ EHQHÂżW IURP WKHLU JXLGDQFH


5HJLVWUDUCV 2I¿FH 5HJLVWUDUCV 2I¿FH 52 LV DQ LQWHJUDO SDUW RI WKH HGXFDWLRQDO SURFHVV 7KH PLVVLRQ is to provide services for the University’s undergraduate and graduate students. These services include maintaining all students’ records, transcript processing, enUROOPHQW YHUL¿FDWLRQV VFKHGXOLQJ FRXUVH UHJLVWUDWLRQ PDLQWDLQLQJ UHFRUGV RQ WKH student database, diploma mailings etc. RO facilitate the academic experience of students enrolled in the University, from the time of registration to graduation.

I-Enrollment Procedure All students must be registered before commencing a course of study at the University. Registration refers to a formal process whereby a student enrolls at the start of his/her period of study to become part of the Epoka University student community. The student has to complete the registration procedures, before the beginning of the semester and signed the Education Agreement.


REGISTARS OFFICE Submission of Registration Documents All the applicants must have the required documents to register nearby Epoka University. Undergraduate Students ‡ 2ULJLQDO +LJK 6FKRRO 'LSORPD DQG 2ULJLQDO +LJK 6FKRRO 7UDQVFULSW (with apostille seal, notarized and translated into Albanian Language required for foreign students) ‡ 3DVVSRUW 3KRWRFRS\ RU ,GHQWLW\ FDUG QRWDUL]HG DQG WUDQVODWH UHTXLUHG IRU foreign students) ‡ 5HVLGHQFH 3HUPLW UHTXLUHG IRU IRUHLJQ VWXGHQWV


Registration Renewal Epoka University students shall renew their registration for each semester at the faculties they are enrolled pursuant to the procedure laid out by the Executive Board of the relevant faculty. Registration renewals are to be made within the time VSHFLÂżHG LQ WKH DFDGHPLF FDOHQGDU ,Q FRQWUDU\ VWXGHQWV IDLOLQJ WR UHQHZ WKHLU UHJLVWUDWLRQ DW VSHFLÂżHG WLPH ZLOO EH VXEMHFW WR HXURV ÂżQH IRU HYHU\ ZHHN GHOD\ LQ WKH course registration decided by the Administrative Board of University. Delaying of registration is allowed until the ending of adding and dropping period which lasts 3 weeks, otherwise such students shall not be able to attend courses and take exams. Failure to renew registration for two consecutive semesters shall cause the student to be dismissed from the University. 8SRQ IXOÂżOOPHQW RI WKH UHJLVWUDWLRQ SURFHGXUHV WKH FDQGLGDWH EHFRPHV DQ (SRND University student and is entitled to all students` rights. Students who do not comSOHWH WKH GHÂżQLWLYH UHJLVWUDWLRQ ZLWKLQ WKH GHÂżQHG WLPH SHULRG DUH FRQVLGHUHG


retired and are unprivileged to any right. Uncompleted documentation causes the interruption of the relations between the student and the university.

(SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ ,GHQWLÂżFDWLRQ ,' &DUG 6WXGHQWV ZKR FRPSOHWH WKHLU ÂżQDO UHJLVWUDWLRQ VKDOO EH JLYHQ LGHQWLÂżFDWLRQ ,' card. Epoka ID cards contain a photograph and basic personal details, demonstrating that they are students of University.

Course Selecting (SAIS) Student Affairs Information System (SAIS) is an interactive system where you can manage most of your procedures within the computer medium. <RX FDQ DFFHVV \RXU 6$,6 SDJH IURP 85/ KWWSV VDLV HSRND HGX DO RU VLPSO\ E\ the following the SAIS link present within the Quick Links of Epoka Home Page. From the login page using your Student ID number and password (you can get your SDVVZRUG IURP 5HJLVWUDUÂśV 2IÂżFH \RX FDQ DFFHVV \RXU 6$,6 SDJH <RXU +RPH 3DJH LQFOXGHV LQIRUPDWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ \RXU FUHGHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ \RXU messages, your registered courses and etc. Using Academics link you can access Registration, Transcript, Grade Calculation, Weekly Schedule, Attendance and similar page which are related with your academic status. Registration Page Registration page is the page where you can access following information and register your courses to be taken. Interim Grades Grades entered into the system for courses the student has taken during the year are displayed. Attendance Attendance records entered into the system for courses the student has taken during the year are displayed. Curriculum Table indicating courses the student is required to take during studies.


Courses i am Required to Take Includes main courses the student has failed, main courses the student has not taken in previous semesters, and main courses of the current semester respectively as well as a link for area and nonarea elective courses. Courses i Have Selected /LVW RI FRXUVHV WKH VWXGHQW KDV VHOHFWHG DQG VHFWLRQ IRU ¿QDO DSSURYDO $IWHU FRXUVH registration has been approved, the student cannot make any changes in the program. In case of probable mistakes, advisors have an option for cancelling course registration. Departmental Courses The student uses this section to select nonarea elective courses and obtain information about courses offered by departments.

Course Registration Approval The relevant department assigns a lecturer as an advisor to each student. Such advisor assesses the student throughout his/her training at the University. The student is responsible for renewal and registration for each semester and after completing registration for any semester, the student meets with his Advisor in order to have approved his course registration. The course registration form is signed by the Advisor and student.

-Submission of Course Registration Form The Student selects the courses at his personal SAIS page after he/she requires the approval of the Advisor. Finally the student submits one copy of the course regisWUDWLRQ IRUP WR 5HJLVWUDU¶V 2I¿FH

Adding and Dropping Courses The student may add one or more courses, and/or drop other courses from their 6$,6 SHUVRQDO SDJH ZLWKLQ WKH GH¿QHG SHULRG LQ DFDGHPLF FDOHQGDU 7KH VWXGHQW¶V courses will appear automatically in the system. 7KH VWXGHQW VKRXOG VXEPLW WR WKH DGYLVRU¶V RI¿FH LQ RUGHU WR WDNH KLV KHU DSSURYDO and after he/she submits the registration form

II-EDUCATION An academic year consists of the fall and spring semesters that approximately at last two 14-week semesters for Bachelor Program and two 15- week semesters for Master Programs including the registration and examination periods


If necessary, the University Senate may extend the duration period of the semester. The starting and ending dates and examination periods of each semester are announced in the academic calendar determined by the Senate. No classes and exams DUH KHOG RQ RIÂżFLDO KROLGD\V %XW LI QHFHVVDU\ WKH HGXFDWLRQ DFWLYLWLHV SURSRVHG E\ the relevant unit and by Senate approval can also be conducted on Saturdays and Sundays.

Method and Language The education program includes theoretical and applied courses, applications, projects and studios, laboratories and workshops, practical studies, applied land studies, seminars, graduation projects.

Language The medium of instruction at the University is the English language. Some courses at the certain programs can be held in other language by the proposal of the Senate and approval of the Higher Board of the University.

Period of study Bachelor`s Degree (First Cycle Diploma) can normally be obtained on completion of 3 academic years-at least 180 ECTS. The maximum education period is 10 academic years. Integrated Program Diploma`s Degree (Second Cycle Diploma) can normally be obtained on completion of 5 academic year – at least 300 ECTS. The maximum education period is 10 academic years. Professional Master Diploma`s Degree (Second Cycle Diploma) can normally be obtained on completion of 1 academic year – at least 60 ECTS. The maximum education period is 3 academic years. Master of Science Diploma`s Degree (Second Cycle Diploma) can normally be obtained on completion of 2 academic year – at least 120 ECTS. The maximum education period is 4 academic years. In case of overpassing this period the Institution of Higher Education interrupt the relations with the student.

Attendance Each student must attend the courses, applied studies, laboratories, projects, seminars, workshops, graduation projects and other studies of the semester she/he enrolled for. Bachelor Students who have not attended at least 70% of theoretical courses and RI DSSOLHG DQG ODERUDWRU\ VWXGLHV DUH QRW DOORZHG WR WDNH ÂżQDO H[DP RI WKRVH course.


Master`s Students have the obligation to attend at least 80% of the research curriculum held in class of the theoretical courses and the research courses held in laboratories and practice. Students who surpass these standards are obligate to retake the course with all the relevant obligations.

III-EVALUATION OF STUDENTS SUCCESS Grades System Students, for each course they have taken, are awarded the following grades in letWHUV E\ WKH OHFWXUHU RI WKH FRXUVH DV WKH ÂżQDO JUDGH RI DFKLHYHPHQW IRU WKDW FRXUVH


GPA Value

Points Description

4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00

90-100 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 50-59 0-49


10 9 8 8 7 6 5 4 0

System Grade over 100, the grade equivalence in transcript Grades not included in the averages are the following: I- Incomplete S- Satisfactory T- Transfer U- Unsatisfactory P- Progressive EX- Exempt NI- Not Included NA- Non-Attendant

New Grade The (I) grade is awarded by the instructor to a student who failed to complete the requirements of a course due to illness or other valid reason although s/he was successful during the term. In the event that a student receives an (I) grade for a course, V KH PXVW UHFHLYH D JUDGH E\ FRPSOHWLQJ WKH SUHYLRXVO\ XQIXOÂżOOHG UHTXLUHPHQWV ZLWKLQ ÂżIWHHQ GD\V IURP WKH DQQRXQFHPHQW GDWH RI WKH JUDGHV 2WKHUZLVH WKH , grade will automatically turn into an (FF). However, in the case of long-lasting illness or a similar situation, the term for the (I) grade may be extended till the beginning of the following registration term, upon a proposal by the relevant department and subject to the approval of the relevant faculty executive board.


The (S) grade is given to students who pass the courses not included in the averages. The (T) grade is given to the students who transfer from a national or international institution of higher education to the University or do a lateral transfer in the institution, or attended student exchange programs or preparation schools of undergraduate programs to indicate equivalence with respect to previously taken courses, upon a proposal by head of relevant department and subject to approval of the relevant executive board. The (T) grade is not included in students’ averages. The (U) grade is awarded to students who fail to pass courses taken as non credit courses, which are courses not included in point averages and courses taken at preparation schools or during the student exchange program. The (P) grade is given to students who successfully pursue courses not included in point averages. The (EX) grade is given to students who have passed the exemption tests adminisWHUHG E\ WKH UHOHYDQW GHSDUWPHQW ZLWK UHJDUG WR FRXUVHV VSHFL¿HG E\ WKH 6HQDWH 7KH (EX) grade is not included in GPAs. The (NI) grade is given with respect to non-credit courses taken within the academic program(s) the student is enrolled at. This grade is indicated on the student’s transcript along with the grade in letters the student has received from the relevant course. This grade is not taken into account in enrolled program or related point average calculations. Courses in which students have scored (NI) cannot be repeated. 7KH 1$ JUDGH LV JLYHQ WR VWXGHQWV ZKR KDYH IDLOHG WR IXO¿OO WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV of attending a course or course applications. The (NA) grade is treated as an (FF) when calculating GPA.

Determination of Grades a) Final grade of a course includes all the studies (mid-term exams, quizzes, land studies, practices, assignments, projects, workshops, seminars, attendance, laboratory studies, etc.) within a semester with respect to such course and the result of the ¿QDO H[DPLQDWLRQ DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH SHUIRUPDQFH HYDOXDWLRQ V\VWHP RI WKH FRXUVH The relevant lecturer announces the achievement evaluation system regarding the courses to be offered within one week following the beginning of each semester. b) The achievement grades of a course are submitted to the relevant administraWLYH XQLW ZLWKLQ WKH WLPH VSHFL¿HG LQ WKH DFDGHPLF FDOHQGDU DQG WKH UHVXOWV DUH announced at personal page of each student provide by


Semester and Cumulative GPA A student’s Semester Point Average is computed by multiplying the numerical grade received in each course by the number of credits offered for each course, then dividing by the total number of credit hours studied during the term. Two digits after the comma in the division are rounded to the next whole number. A student’s GPA is computed by multiplying the numerical grade received in each course by the number of credits offered for each course, then dividing by the total number of credit hours studied. However, only courses on the instructional program are considered when GPA is computed.

Failure, Achievement, Honor and High Honor a) A student passing a course with CC is considered as successful. A student who takes FD and FF from a course, is considered as unsuccessful and has to repeat that course. A student with a grade point average of 2.00 and above and without a FD or FF grade in a course in the program is considered as successful. Students should pass all the courses in the program in order to satisfactorily complete the undergraduate preparation program. b) Students whose GPA is below 1.80 are put on probationary status. Students on SUREDWLRQ VWDWXV DW WKH HQG RI WKH IRXUWK VHPHVWHU FDQQRW WDNH FRXUVHV IURP WKH ¿IWK semester until student meets the conditions of the probation. In order to leave the probation status student principally repeats some of the courses with a grade below CC. Otherwise student can not take the courses of the proceeding years. c) At the end of each semester, students who have achieved all the courses of that semester and whose semester GPA is between 3.00 - 3.49 are placed in the honors list, and students whose semester GPA is between 3.50 - 4.00 are placed in the high honors list.

Increasing Grade Point Average Students wishing to increase their grade point averages (GPA) can take the courses they took in previous semesters again. The last grade received by the student with respect to any course will be valid when calculating the GPA.

-Education Programs a) Education at the faculty/vocational school departments of Epoka University is conducted pursuant to the academic programs agreed upon by the faculty boards and accepted by the Senate, taking into consideration the common, obligatory and HOHFWLYH FRXUVHV VSHFL¿HG E\ WKH &RXQFLO RI +LJKHU (GXFDWLRQ DQG DSSURYHG E\ WKH Senate and by also getting the opinion of the departments. b) From the beginning of the third semester onwards, students who have successIXOO\ IXO¿OOHG WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI DOO RI WKHLU FRXUVHV LQ SUHYLRXV VHPHVWHUV DQG ZKR


have a minimum GPA of 3.00 may take one course from a semester of the following year with the approval of the advisor, or those who have a GPA of 3.50 or above may take two courses from a semester of the following year with the approval of the advisor. F $IWHU WKH ¿QDO UHJLVWUDWLRQ LI WKH VWXGHQW VXEPLWWHG D FHUWL¿FDWH WKDW KDV DWWHQGHG another undergraduate program successfully has the right to be exempted from the courses taken before during the add-drop week. The decision for the exempt courses is taken by the related Faculty Executive Board after having analyzed the courses. d) In the event that any student has not been able to complete the normal course load due to being exempted from some courses, not being able to pass prerequisite courses, having used the semester leave, or being in a position to participate in the international exchange programs, then the student can be given courses from two following semesters by the decision of the Faculty Executive Board. But the total course load in within the semester cannot exceed the normal course load. He/ she can continue to add the courses with no prerequisites, unsuccessful courses or courses never taken of previous semesters.

Prerequisite Courses $Q\ SUHUHTXLVLWHV ZLWK UHVSHFW WR WDNLQJ DQ\ VSHFL¿F FRXUVH VKDOO EH LPSOHPHQWHG according to the education program made by the boards of relevant departments which are determined by the faculty Board.

IV-GRADUATION AND DIPLOMA Undergraduate Students A student who has been successful in all courses through pursuing the faculty’s academic program, increased his/her grade point average to at least (2.00), without having a FD or FF grade and shall be deemed to have met the requirements of graduation by the relevant board decision and be awarded undergraduate diploma stating the name of the faculty/high school and the name of the program. Students at the graduation stage but who have FD or FF grades from a maximum of two courses and a GPA below 2.00 despite having no failed courses are given the right to take additional examinations. Additional examinations are given for courses from which they have received FF, FD, DD and DC at the end of the relevant semester, the last grade received by the student with respect to any course will be valid when calculating the GPA. In order to meet graduation requirement, a student is permitted to exercise his right to take additional exams once during his/her education. Students entitled to a diSORPD VKDOO GHOLYHU D QRQ DI¿OLDWH GRFXPHQW WR EH REWDLQHG IURP WKH UHOHYDQW XQLWV to be able to receive their diplomas.


The student who successfully completes the credits required must have gathered 180 ECTS credits, is granted the Bachelor Diploma. The student who successfully completes the credits required must have gathered 300 ECTS credits, is granted the Integrated Diploma of Second Level.

0DVWHUCV 6WXGHQWV In order to meet the graduation requirements students must complete the minimum required course load and must reach or surpass Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) level 2.00 without having the marks FD and FF. The student who successfully completes the credits required as well as the microthesis must have gathered 60 ECTS credits, is granted the Professional Master Diploma. In the second semester the student may start the micro thesis, only after he/she has VXFFHVVIXOO\ IXO多OOHG DOO WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH SURJUDP 7KH PLFUR WKHVLV LV HYDOXated with grade and credits ECTS which is valued no less than 12 ECTS. The student who successfully completes the credits required as well as the Thesis must have gathered 120 ECTS credits, is granted the Master of Science Diploma. In the fourth semester the student may start the thesis, only after he/she has sucFHVVIXOO\ IXO多OOHG DOO WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH SURJUDP 7KH WKHVLV LV HYDOXDWHG ZLWK grade and credits ECTS which is valued no less than 30 ECTS.

V-REQUEST FORM OF STUDENTS TOWARD 5(*,675$5C6 2)),&( All the Epoka Students are kindly requested to apply themselves to receive the needed documentation. All the necessary forms are found below: $SSOLFDWLRQ IRU 6WXGHQW &HUWL多FDWH Application for Transcript Final Term Exam Right Request Form Student Final Exam Absence Excuse Form Student Absence Excuse Form Original Diploma Withdrawal Form Grade Appeal Form Intra University Transfer Application Form Inter University Transfer Application Form Course Exemption Form Leave of Absence-Freeze Form Education Restart Request Form Minor Program Permission Request Form Minor Program Application Form Double Major Permission Form Double Major Program Application Form Student Summer School Course Form Bachelor Education Termination Document Form


Master Education Termination Document Form Special Student Application Form Termination Of Enrolment Request (Special Students) Student’s Personal Information Form (For Diploma) Delivery Order of Diploma and Diploma Supplement Form

Grade Appeal Request A student may object to the result of examination by completing grade appeal reTXHVW WR WKH 5HJLVWUDUCV 2IÂżFH within one week following the announcement of exam grades. The objection is assessed by the relevant instructor in terms of mateULDO PLVWDNHV DQG WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ LV ÂżQDOL]HG E\ WKH UHOHYDQW H[HFXWLYH ERDUG XSRQ a proposal by the board of the department offering the course.

Absence Exam Excuse (Make-up Exam) Students who cannot take the mid-term examinations on account of their excuses shall provide documentation in support of their excuses and apply to the Registrar`s 2IÂżFH E\ FRPSOHWLQJ WKH DEVHQFH H[DP H[FXVH ZLWKLQ DW WKH ODWHVW RQH ZHHN IROlowing the date of the exam, together with a petition. A make-up exam shall be given to students whose excuses have been accepted by the relevant executive board.

Double Major and Minor Programs 7KH VWXGHQW PD\ DSSO\ IRU '03 WR 5HJLVWUDUCV 2IÂżFH E\ FRPSOHWLQJ WKH UHOHYDQW IRUP HDUOLHU WKDQ WKH WKLUG VHPHVWHU DQG QR ODWHU WKDQ WKH ÂżIWK VHPHVWHU DQG VKRXOG have successfully completed all subjects taken in the previous semester, average JUDGH RI DW OHDVW DQG WR EH UDQNHG DPRQJ WKH ÂżUVW RI VXFFHVVIXO VWXGHQWV LQ the classroom. The student may not register in more than a Double Major Program nor attend both Double Major Program and Minor Program.

Absence Freeze Request a) In the event that a leave of absence is demanded, the student shall apply to the 5HJLVWUDUCV 2IÂżFH E\ FRPSOHWLQJ WKH UHOHYDQW IRUP ZLWKLQ WZHQW\ GD\V DW WKH ODWHVW following the occurrence of such reason and prove it by documentary evidence. The continuity of the said reasons is grounds for the extension of leave of absence by the executive board. b) The student can be granted a leave of absence at the most for 4 semesters, and two at once at the most, (on valid and acceptable reasons) subject to a decision by the Faculty Executive Board provided that he/she applies at the latest within 30 days after the beginning of the academic year. The student has to pay one third of the tuition fees for each semester for which he/she has been granted a leave of absence. c) On account of epidemic, detention, economic reasons, imprisonment and abolition of the suspension of military obligation, such leave of absence can also be


granted in mid-term, subject to a decision by the relevant Faculty Executive Board. However, the tuition fee paid by students in these conditions is not refunded. d) A student on a leave of absence during a semester cannot attend classes and take WKH ÂżQDO H[DPLQDWLRQV RI VXFK VHPHVWHU

Termination of Enrollment Students wishing to leave the University at their own discretion shall apply in writLQJ WR WKH 'HDQCV 2IÂżFH RI )DFXOW\ E\ FRPSOHWLQJ WKH UHOHYDQW UHTXHVW ZKLFK LV SURYLGHG E\ 5HJLVWUDUCV 2IÂżFH 8SRQ UHTXHVW E\ WKH VWXGHQW DOO GRFXPHQWV GHPonstrating academic status and diplomas and other ones that are submitted when registering shall be given back to the student by RO, except that tuition fees paid until then are non-refundable.

Intra-University Transfers Students who have completed at least one semester in their programs may apply WR WKH 5HJLVWUDUCV 2IÂżFH GXULQJ WKH SHULRG VSHFLÂżHG LQ WKH DFDGHPLF FDOHQGDU IRU WUDQVIHUULQJ WR DQRWKHU SURJUDP ZLWKLQ WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ $SSOLFDWLRQV DUH ÂżQDOL]HG E\ the proposal of the department the student wants to transfer to and the decision of the relevant executive board.

Inter-University Transfers Students who want to be transferred at Epoka University may apply to the 5HJLVWUDUCV 2IÂżFH GXULQJ WKH SHULRG VSHFLÂżHG LQ WKH DFDGHPLF FDOHQGDU $SSOLFDWLRQV DUH ÂżQDOL]HG E\ WKH SURSRVDO RI WKH GHSDUWPHQW WKH VWXGHQW ZDQWV WR WUDQVIHU WR and the decision of the relevant executive board.



LIBRARY 7KH (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ /LEUDU\ ZKLFK LV ORFDWHG RQ WKH ¿UVW ÀRRU RI WKH 5LQDV &DPpus, was founded to support the education and research activities of the university by providing and organizing the needed documents. With a seating capacity of 100, our library covers 234 square meters. Our University Library is composed of entrance, book and reading hall. In the entrance, there is a check out desk. The periodicals, including the exhibition of new arrivals, are also shelved in this section. The reading hall is equipped for students to study and to do research. Epoka University is a member of Balkan Libraries Union which was founded on 29 July 2009 with the participation of 10 institutions from 6 Balkan countries. Collection. Our library collection is enriched by purchases and donations. The books to buy are chosen in accordance with the needs and requests of the students, administrative and academic staff. Under the Department of Library and Documentation, the library has a total of about 10000 printed books.

Electronic Resources Epoka University is a subscriber of EBSCOHOST. Electronic Databases can be DFFHVVHG WKURXJK DOO FRPSXWHUV RQ WKH FDPSXV DQG LQWHUQHW <RX FDQ FRQYH\ \RXU questions and requests to the e-library through the email address library@epoka.

Access to the Publications Our library works on the open shelf system enabling you to reach the books directly. The books in the open shelves are topically sorted in the book hall accordLQJ WR /& FODVVL¿FDWLRQ PHWKRG 7R ¿QG WKH ERRN \RX DUH ORRNLQJ IRU \RX VKRXOG follow these steps: 7KURXJK WKH FDWDORJ VHDUFK FRPSXWHUV LQ WKH OLEUDU\ \RX FDQ VHDUFK author name, book name, publisher, topic, or keyword areas. 7R JHW WKH ERRN \RX FDQ JR WR WKH VKHOYHV ZLWK WKH FODVVL¿FDWLRQ and location numbers of the books appearing on the screen as a result of your search. Important Notes ‡ 3OHDVH GR QRW UHVKHOI WKH ERRNV \RX WDNH IURP WKH VKHOYHV MXVW OHDYH WKHP RQ the desks near the shelves so that we reshelf them correctly. This will help you WR ¿QG WKH ERRNV WKH QH[W WLPH \RX JR WR WKH VKHOI ‡ )RU WKH PDWHULDOV WKDW DUH QRW RQ WKH VKHOYHV ZKHUH WKH\ DUH VXSSRVHG WR EH please see the staff at the Check Out Desk.


Membership-Lending Students of Associate Degree, Bachelor’s Degree and Master Students and academic and administrative personnel are the members of the library. They can borrow library materials in accordance with the rules. A registration process is required DW WKH ¿UVW DSSOLFDWLRQ WR WKH OLEUDU\ 5HODWHG SHUVRQ KDV WR LQIRUP WKH /LEUDU\ /HQGing Service about the ID number and email address with extension. For membership, you can get information from email address or ??? Extension number. 5HVHDUFKHUV FRPLQJ IURP RXWVLGH WKH XQLYHUVLW\ DUH QRW OHQW ERRNV WKH\ DUH RQO\ allowed to use and copy the materials in the library. Readers in this group are reTXHVWHG WR ¿OO XS WKH UHODWHG /HQGLQJ 6HUYLFH IRUP

Circulation Rules and Regulations Resource


Loan period (days)

Pre-undergraduate/Undergraduate students Graduate students Staff

Maximum number of check-outs (items)



15 20

5 5

Graduate students Staff



Visual/Audio Pre-undergraduate/Undergraduate Resources students Graduate students Staff




Bound Journal

Purchasing Information Source <RX FDQ IRUZDUG \RXU UHTXHVW RQOLQH DERXW WKH ERRN MRXUQDO HOHFWURQLF MRXUQDO CD, etc. that you want it to be purchased by the library by sending a request. Request Form for Purchasing Information Source for the Library (Personnel): <RX FDQ UHTXHVW IRUP IRU SXUFKDVLQJ ERRNV E\ VHQGLQJ HPDLO WR OLEUDU\#HSRND

Request Form of Buying Library Information Source (Student): By using your student number written on your ID and password you can open a special session from and then you can forward your requests in electronic environment by e-form at Book Request section.


Working Hours During the academic year; Weekdays: 08:30 to 16:30 hrs Saturday: 09:00 to 13:00 hrs On Summer vacation: Weekdays: 08:30 to 16:30 hrs Weekends are not served.

Our staff Eduina Dushaj, email: Melita Devole, email:

Contact Address: Epoka University Library, Rinas Campus. E-mail:

INFORMATION SYSTEM CENTER ,QIRUPDWLRQ DQG &RPPXQLFDWLQ 7HFKQORJLHV 2I¿FH The Information Systems Center (ISC) provides informatics services needed in the University. It plans the informatics infrastructure of the University, provides its security and ensures the continuation of its functions. ISC works on the project for effective, legal and extensive usage of the informatics services for students and personnel.

Order of Precedence of Information Technologies 3ODQQLQJ RI LQIRUPDWLFV QHHGV VRIWZDUH DQG KDUGZDUH



ISC is also responsible for the maintenance of personnel and PC Lab computers in respect to software and hardware. Its staff monitors the personal computers within the frame of distribution of duty and authority and brings the issues to a conclusion. At the same time, ISC plans servers and cabling services of the University. University web pages and automation software are prepared. Informatics Projects and Informatics. Agenda are discussed and brought in a verdict in the Board of Informatics Technologies of Epoka University. Planning is based on terms. Everyone ZKR KDV UHJLVWHUHG IRU FRXUVHV RU EHQH多WV IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RSSRUWXQLWLHV LV FRQsidered to have accepted the Informatics and Communication Media Guidelines. Users are personally and legally responsible for all their acts.

Other Informatics Services for Students Photocopying Scanning documents

Communication Opportunities Epoka University allocates an e-mail address to each student. Announcements are principally sent to this address. The University opens an account for each student and allocates a username and a password. Academic information such as course registration, courses taken or not taken, examination places and results are anQRXQFHG WR WKHVH DGGUHVVHV 6XUYH\V DUH DOVR 多OOHG DQG PRQLWRUHG YLD WKHVH DGdresses.

Software Opportunities When it is possible, the University provides the students with the software programs which are taught in courses. At the same time, the University takes into account the facilities provided by the software companies and can grant prior access to these programs. We do not use illegal programs.

Hardware Opportunities University classes are equipped with computer and projection devices. There are classes where interactive whiteboards are available and also student PC rooms with wireless access points for the academic studies of our students. When the devices that belong to the University are damaged, the ones who cause the damage or prevent the usage of these devices are expected to make amends to the University for these damages or to help in investigating the disruption caused by them. Students are responsible for the equipments under their liability.

Network Opportunities The University allocates a username and a password to each student for use on the campus, Students shall log onto the computers that are allocated to them or in common usage in campus with these usernames.


General Provisions Informatics crimes and access to personal records has become an important subject and have gained more importance day by day. Misuse of the University’s communication opportunities and employing them unnecessarily or illegally have been prohibited by the Informatics Guideline. The persons who are involved in such activities are monitored by various institutions and the penalties received during this period constitute an obstacle for the period after graduation. Please do not be engaged in such activities that will also give harm to our University. <RX FDQ VKDUH \RXU RSLQLRQV RQ HYHU\ VXEMHFW UHODWHG WR LQIRUPDWLRQ WHFKQRORJLHV and informatics with and you can also write your complaints and suggestions for a better campus life. The only competent authority in our UniYHUVLW\ WR ZKLFK VWXGHQWV FDQ ZULWH D SHWLWLRQ LV WKH 6WXGHQW $IIDLUV 2I¿FH <RX VKRXOG IRUZDUG \RXU ZULWWHQ GHPDQGV WR WKLV 2I¿FH

Student Affairs Information System The Student Affairs Information System (SAIS) is an interactive system where you FDQ PDQDJH PRVW RI \RXU SURFHGXUHV ZLWKLQ WKH FRPSXWHU PHGLXP <RX FDQ DFFHVV your SAIS page from URL or simply by following the SAIS link present within the Quick Links of Epoka Home Page. From the login page using your Student ID number and password (you can get your password form 6WXGHQW $IIDLUV 2I¿FH \RX FDQ DFFHVV \RXU 6$,6 SDJH

<RXU +RPH 3DJH LQFOXGHV LQ formation regarding your creden tial information, your messages, your registered courses and etc.


Using Academics link you can access Registration, Transcript, Grade Calculation, Weekly Schedule, Attendance and similar pages which are related with your academic status.

The Registration page is the page where you can access following information and register your courses to be taken.

Interim Grades Grades entered into the system for courses that the student has taken during the year are displayed.

Attendance Attendance records entered into the system for courses the student has taken during the year are displayed.

Curriculum Table indicating courses the student is required to take during 8 semesters.

Courses I am Required to Take Includes main courses the student has failed, main courses the student has not taken in previous semesters, and main courses of the current semester respectively as well as a link for area and non-area elective courses.

Courses I Have Selected /LVW RI FRXUVHV WKH VWXGHQW KDV VHOHFWHG DQG VHFWLRQ IRU 多QDO DSSURYDO $IWHU FRXUVH registration has been approved, the student cannot make any changes in the program. In case of probable mistakes, advisors have an option for cancelling course registration.

Departmental Courses The student uses this section to select non-area elective courses and obtain informa-


tion about courses offered by departments.


Transcript The student may use this section to view the transcript.

Grade Calculation The student may use this section to recalculate the GPA or the credits if he takes another grade after he redoes the exam.

Weekly Schedule It gives an overview of the weekly schedule and also may help to organize your time.

Exam Dates The student may use this section to see when he will have the exams.

New Grades The student may use this section to view the new grades that he has taken.

Personal Information In this section the student may access his personal information and change it where he can.

My Settings In this section the student may change the language of the sais application, his password and the e-mail address.

Smart Campus Project Epoka University aims to give innovative services to its users. Smart Campus EpoKAmpus is one of these projects.


Epoka University encourages use of hi-tech automation to ensure better performance. The Institution has been working on latest cutting-edge technology with the implementation of a complete solution—a comprehensive system that integrates all activities of the Institute from the point of admission and fees collection to information consolidation. Epoka campus integrates with the smart cards issued to Students and Staff. Smart card readers are installed at various locations in the campus to use this card. Epoka campus also facilitates other in-campus operations like library books issue /return, Exam application submission, exam fees payment, etc. through the smart FDUG 6WXGHQW DQG VWDII FDQ YLHZ WKHLU DFDGHPLF ¿QDQFLDO DQG SHUVRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQ through Smart Cards.

Advantages of Smart Campus for the Students Students become tech savvy the moment they get a unique ID-Card called EpoKard that has personal information printed on it. Student Affairs information System (SAIS) is exclusively provided to students. Information kiosks are setup within the campus for students to access SAIS. Access to Academic Calendar. Access to schedule of fee payments. Access to Syllabus and Topics Covered in the class. No need for the students to go to Library to check the availability of Books, or to block a particular book (if issued). They can do these through SIS.

Epoka University Information Technology Resources Use Policy 'HÂżQLWLRQV Epoka University IT Resources: The concept of “Epoka University IT Resourcesâ€? covers Epoka University’s ownership rights and Epoka University’s licensing or leasing privileges upon, or Epoka University’s possession of the rights to use every computer/computer network, hardware, software and related services. Users of Epoka University IT Resources: They are natural and legal persons for whom authorization procedures, which entitle them the use Epoka University IT resources, have been carried out on the system resources. Epoka University Users: The concept of “Epoka University Usersâ€? designates the current permanently or temporarily employed personnel in academic or administrative positions within the departments and units under Epoka University’s administrative structure and all the current undergraduate and graduate students pursuing their educational life at Epoka University. These users own the core right to use the full array of Epoka University IT Resources. Special Users: The natural and legal persons to whom the University provides speFLÂżF OLPLWHG DQG RU VSHFLÂżF WHPSRUDU\ LQIRUPDWLRQ WHFKQRORJ\ VHUYLFHV DUH GHÂżQHG DV Âł6SHFLDO 8VHUV´ 6XFK QDWXUDO DQG OHJDO SHUVRQV DIÂżOLDWHG WR (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ are entitled to use Epoka University IT Resources in a limited and/or temporary fashion under the explicit authority and approval of the Presidency .


Excluded Users: The individuals or organizations that do not possess the similar ULJKWV WR XVH (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ ,7 5HVRXUFHV DV WKH ULJKWV GH¿QHG DERYH IRU (SRND University Users and Special Users who are only entitled to use those commonly available services or resources (e.g. Epoka University web pages, Epoka UniverVLW\ (OHFWURQLF /LVW 6HUYLFH IWS VHUYLFH HWF DUH GH¿QHG DV ³([FOXGHG 8VHUV´

2. Use of Epoka University IT Resources Primary Use: The use of Epoka University IT Resources in ways precisely related with such missions of the University as instruction, education, research activities, providing social service and with such administrative/managerial activities are deÂżQHG DV Âł3ULPDU\ 8VH´ Secondary Use: The “Secondary Useâ€? of the resources covers the use that is excluded in the Primary Use. Secondary Use of the resources is acceptable only insofar this type of use consumes the part of the resources that are not needed essentially by the Primary Use and that would otherwise not be utilized. When Secondary Use of the resources starts to burden or hinder the Primary Use of the resources that Secondary Use then is deemed as an infringement of the General Provisions and is no longer acceptable.

3. General Provisions 1. Epoka University IT Resources are rendered available by the University to proYLGH HVVHQWLDO VHUYLFHV IRU WKH DSSOLFDWLRQV GH¿QHG ZLWKLQ 3ULPDU\ 8VH VHFWLRQ Therefore, wasting of the resources should be avoided. 2. The departments that render Epoka University IT Resources available must, ‡ HQVXUH WKH SULYDF\ DQG FRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\ RI WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ WKDW EHORQJ WR XVHUV ‡ PDQDJH WKH UHVRXUFHV LQ D IDLU PDQQHU ‡ WDNH VHFXULW\ SUHFDXWLRQV DFFRUGLQJ WR ULVN OHYHOV WR PLQLPL]H WKH WKUHDWV DJDLQVW resources, ‡ UHJXODUO\ EDFN XS UHVRXUFHV DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH SULRULW\ RI WKH FULWLFDO RQHV ‡ NHHS WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ WKDW SURYLGHV PDWHULDO HYLGHQFH IRU VHFXULW\ FRQFHUQV V\Vtematically so as to assist in determining the identity of the users of the resources. 3. The users of Epoka University IT Resources should implement the reasonable personal precautions pertaining to the security of the resources allocated to them/ resources that belong to them within the scope of the Primary Use. It is the users’ responsibility to make backups of the information available on these resources according to the priority of that information. 4. Epoka University IT Resources should be used under the framework of the reguODWLRQV VSHFL¿HG E\ WKH RI¿FHV WR ZKLFK (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ JUDQWHG DXWKRUL]DWLRQ 7KH LPSOHPHQWDWLRQV RI WKH DXWKRUL]DWLRQ JUDQWHG WR WKH RI¿FHV VKRXOG QRW EH FRQWUDGLFWRU\ ZLWK WKH LQLWLDO REMHFWLYHV RI JUDQWLQJ WKDW VSHFL¿F DXthority. Appropriate authorization should be implemented for each task to be carULHG RXW 7KH UHJXODWLRQV VSHFL¿HG E\ WKH RI¿FHV VKRXOG QRW EH FKDQJHG RU DOWHUHG or annulled without appropriate permission of the relevant authority. 5. While using Epoka University IT Resources, the users should respect the copyright and intellectual property rights of all the resources created by using Epoka


University IT resources and all the resources (such as software, hardware, network resources) kept or used on Epoka University IT resources (by carefully observing such rules and procedures as obtaining permission/approval, adhering to licensing terms, complying with networking ethics etc.). 6. Epoka University IT Resources should not be used, ‡ WR WUDQVIHU WR H[WHQG DQG WR OHDVH WKH ULJKW WR XVH (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ ,7 5HVRXUFHV directly or indirectly to others, ‡ WR XVH (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ ,7 5HVRXUFHV IRU FRPPHUFLDO SXUSRVHV RU IRU SHUVRQDO monetary gain, without the explicit approval or authorization of the University Presidency . 7. Epoka University IT Resources should not be used, ‡ WR GLVWULEXWH WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ UHVRXUFHV ZLWKLQ (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ DQQRXQFHPHQWV QHZV GRFXPHQWV HWF WR WKH WKLUG SDUWLHV XQOHVV VSHFL¿FDOO\ DXWKRUL]HG RU SHUPLWted to do so, ‡ WR JDLQ XQDXWKRUL]HG DFFHVV WR WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG UHVRXUFHV FRPSXWHU FRPSXWer network, software and services) belonging to Epoka University or third parties, ‡ WR SHUIRUP DSSOLFDWLRQV DQG DFWLYLWLHV LQWHQGLQJ WR SUHYHQW WKH XVH RI WKH UHsources by other users, ‡ LQ PDQQHU WKDW GDPDJHV WKH UHVRXUFHV MHRSDUGL]HV WKH VHFXULW\ RI WKH UHVRXUFHV 8. Epoka University IT Resources should not be used, ‡ WR JHQHUDWH NHHS RU GLVWULEXWH PDWHULDO WKDW LV LQFRQVLVWHQW ZLWK WKH JHQHUDO FRGH of conduct or ethical/moral behavior, ‡ WR VSUHDG SROLWLFDO SURSDJDQGD ‡ WR VHQG UDQGRP DQG XQVROLFLWHG H PDLO PHVVDJHV 63$0 PHVVDJHV 9. It is forbidden to use Epoka University IT Resources for the purposes of carrying out activities that breach the University regulations, the laws of the Albanian 5HSXEOLF DQG DI¿OLDWHG UHJXODWLRQV 10. Disclaimers do not render the cases/incidences that violate General Provisions of this policy acceptable.

4. Authorization and Responsibilities The University makes Epoka University IT Resources available to the users and maintains the operation and continuity of the services in conformity with the primary purposes and missions of the University. The users of Epoka University IT Resources are themselves solely responsible from the activities they perform on Epoka University servers with the “User Code/Passwordâ€? pairs and IP (Internet Protocol) addresses that are assigned to them, all kinds RI UHVRXUFHV GRFXPHQWV RIÂżFLDO SDSHU VRIWZDUH HWF WKH\ KDYH FUHDWHG E\ XVLQJ RU keep on the Epoka University IT Resources, providing authorized personnel with accurate and intact facts/information about the use of resources when required in compliance with the usage terms of those resources, with the Regulations of the 8QLYHUVLW\ ZLWK WKH /DZV RI WKH $OEDQLDQ 5HSXEOLF DQG DIÂżOLDWHG UHJXODWLRQV The Epoka University administration reserves the right to take sides in the issues causing disputes between Epoka University Users/Special Users and the third parties.


The Epoka University Presidency and/or the departments that Epoka University Presidency authorized are entitled to specify the all-encompassing rules, regulations and policies about Epoka University IT Resources, review and revise them regularly according to the demands of the emerging new technologies, implement and enforce the required amendments. The changes committed shall be announced publicly via the general announcement mechanisms.

5. Procedures and Sanctions If one or more of the General Provisions of this policy are violated and Epoka University IT Resources are inappropriately used, this may result in one or more of the following actions ‡ 7KH XVHU PD\ EH ZDUQHG YHUEDOO\ RU ZLWK D ZULWWHQ QRWLÂżFDWLRQ ‡ 7KH (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ ,7 5HVRXUFHV DOORFDWHG WR WKH XVHU PD\ EH UHVWULFWHG IRU D VSHFLÂżHG WHUP RU LQGHÂżQLWHO\ ‡ 7KH XVHU PD\ EH UHIHUUHG WR WKH DFDGHPLF RU DGPLQLVWUDWLYH GLVFLSOLQDU\ SURFHHGings of the University. ‡ /HJDO DFWLRQ FDQ EH WDNHQ DQG WKH XVHU FDQ EH UHIHUUHG WR WKH VWDWH FRXUW GHSHQGing on o the misconduct’s severity, o the magnitude of the resulting damage (on the resources and persons/organizations), o recurrence of the misconduct ,I LQ DQ\ FDVH WKH 8VH DQG WKH 8VHU GHÂżQLWLRQV VHW IRUWK ZLWKLQ WKLV SROLF\ FDQQRW JRYHUQ FHUWDLQ FLUFXPVWDQFHV RU LI WKH WHUPV DQG GHÂżQLWLRQV RI Âł(SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ ,QIRUPDWLRQ 7HFKQRORJ\ 5HVRXUFHV 8VH 3ROLF\´ GR QRW VXIÂżFH WR H[SODLQ VRPH VSHcial or exceptional incidences, such cases shall be evaluated and settled by Epoka University authorities.

Student Exchange Epoka University is proud of its academic partnership agreements that have been established with some of the most reputable and internationally recognized universities. These partnerships are established to further the mutual interests and to foster and develop cooperation between institutions especially in respect of internationalisation. Parallel to the cooperation in the promotion and facilitation of teaching, research and other activities, Epoka University maintains a number of student exchange agreements in order to offer its students the opportunity to study abroad as part of their education. The University is also setting up opportunities for students to participate in internships abroad.


Agreements now exist with partner institutions in United States, Europe and Balkans such as: - University of Texas at Austin – USA - Sam Houston State University – USA - Polytechnic of Bari – Italy +RFKVFKXOH I U 7HFKQLN = ULFK =XULFK 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $SSOLHG 6FLHQFHV ± Switzerland - Trakya University – Turkey - Fatih University – Turkey 6 OH\PDQ 'HPLUHO 8QLYHUVLW\ ± 7XUNH\ - Gaziantep University – Turkey $WDW UN 8QLYHUVLW\ ± 7XUNH\ %LQJ|O 8QLYHUVLW\ ± 7XUNH\ - Dumlupinar University – Turkey - Afyon Kocatepe University – Turkey - American University in the Emirates – Dubai - Mediterranean University – Montenegro - International Balkan University – Macedonia - International Burch University – Bosnia and Herzegovina - International Black Sea University – Georgia - Qafqaz University – Azerbaijan 6 OH\PDQ 'HPLUHO 8QLYHUVLW\± .D]DNKVWDQ - Bolashak University – Kazakhstan ,QWHUQDWLRQDO $WDW UN $ODWRR 8QLYHUVLW\ ±.\UJ\]VWDQ - Ishik University, Erbil – Iraq - University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi” – Albania - Institute of Geosciences, Polytechnic University of Tirana – Albania



REGULATION UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION AND EXAMINATION REGULATION General Principles ARTICLE 1 - This directive covers the provisions pertinent to Epoka University’s faculty and Departments, undergraduate education, exams and assessments. Legal Base ARTICLE 2- This Regulation has been prepared on the basis of Albanian Higher Education laws in force and the Statute of Epoka University. Diploma ARTICLE 3- This regulation explains all the Faculties in Epoka University of those ¿QLVKLQJ WKH OHDUQLQJ SURFHVV VXFFHVVIXOO\ E\ H[SODLQLQJ WKH GH¿QLWLRQ GHJUHH RI faculties and the departments, if necessary also other academic programs, the diploma of engineering providing faculties, other undergraduate programs provided by faculties and departments are given the undergraduate diploma. The degree of XQGHUJUDGXDWH VWXGHQWV RI QHZ IDFXOWLHV DQG GHSDUWPHQW DUH WR EH GH¿QHG E\ WKH Senate of the University.

Student Affairs ARTICLE 4 – The Administrative Board of the Faculty determines the student lateral transfers, education and exam issues. The student can object to the AdministraWLYH %RDUG RI WKH )DFXOW\ UHJDUGLQJ WKHVH GHFLVLRQV ZLWKLQ ¿IWHHQ GD\V Issues of student discipline and proceedings will be conducted according to “Epoka University Student Discipline Regulation”.

Student Acceptance and Enrollment ARTICLE 5 – Students are accepted to the faculties of Epoka University according to the results of the Entrance Examination. Albanian students are accepted in a ascending order according to Entrance Examination results and high school GPA. Foreign students are accepted according to Rectorate decision upon proposes of Faculties for foreign students quotas. Foreign students are accepted upon, success at different exams at their countries. 6WXGHQWV TXDOL¿HG E\ WKH (QWUDQFH ([DP DQG LQWHUQDWLRQDO VWXGHQWV RI WKH IRUHLJQHU TXRWDV LQ WKH XQLYHUVLW\ FDQ DWWHQG WKH (QJOLVK SUR¿FLHQF\ H[DP 6WXGHQWV VXFFHVVIXO LQ LQWHUQDWLRQDO (QJOLVK /DQJXDJH ([DP DUH H[HFXWHG IURP WKH (QJOLVK 3UR¿FLHQF\ ([DP 7KH VWXGHQWV IDLOLQJ WR SDVV WKH (QJOLVK 3UR¿FLHQF\ ([DP VKRXOG attend the English Preparatory School. During registration period students are required to sign the education contract with the University. The student during the education period is committed to adapt to the regulation, directives and to related laws of Albanian Republic. Moreover, it is required that candidates not be registered at any other institution of higher learning. Final registration dates, required documents and guidelines are determined and anQRXQFHG E\ WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ $GPLQLVWUDWLYH %RDUG 8SRQ IXO¿OOPHQW RI WKH


registration procedures, the candidate becomes an Epoka University student and is HQWLWOHG WR DOO VWXGHQWVÂś ULJKWV 6WXGHQW WKDW GRQÂśW GR WKH GHÂżQLWLYH UHJLVWUDWLRQ LQ WKH IDFXOW\ LQ WKH GHÂżQHG WLPH SHULRG DUH FRQVLGHUHG UHWLUHG DQG FDQQRW SUHWHQG DQ\ ULJKW 6WXGHQWV WKDW DUH H[FXVHG E\ REH\LQJ WKH DERYH LQVWUXFWLRQV FDQ GR WKH ÂżQDO registration by the mean of the relatives. Uncompleted wrong or partial documentation, make the student and the university relation being interrupted.

Advising ARTICLE 6: To each student, the relevant department assigns a lecturer as an advisor. Such advisor assesses the student throughout his/her training at the University. Student is responsible for renewal and registration for each semester and when FRPSOHWLQJ RU UHQHZLQJ UHJLVWUDWLRQ IRU DQ\ VHPHVWHU WKH VWXGHQW ÂżOOV LQ WKH UHJLVtration form and obtains the approval of the advisor.

Registration Renewal ARTICLE 7: Epoka University students shall renew their registration for each semester at the faculties they are enrolled pursuant to the procedure laid out by the Administrative Board of the relevant faculty. Registration renewals are to be made ZLWKLQ WKH WLPH VSHFLÂżHG LQ WKH DFDGHPLF FDOHQGDU 6WXGHQWV IDLOLQJ WR SD\ WKH WXLWLRQ IHH DV Âż[HG E\ WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ VKDOO QRW EH DOlowed to renew their semester registrations. Such students shall not be able to attend courses and take exams. Delayed tuition fees shall be charged from the student QH[W VHPHVWHU ZLWK WKH DGGLWLRQ RI D ÂżQH $Q\ VHPHVWHU IRU ZKLFK QR WXLWLRQ fee has been paid shall be deemed to be within the overall academic terms to be completed at the University. Failure to renew registration for two consecutive semesters shall cause the student to be dismissed from the University.

Identity Card $57,&/( 6WXGHQWV ZKR FRPSOHWH WKHLU ÂżQDO UHJLVWUDWLRQ LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK Article 5 herein or who renew their registration in accordance with Article 7 herein shall be given an identity card with photo remaining valid for one year, demonstrating that they are students of the University.

Lateral and Vertical Transfers at Higher Education Board ARTICLE 9: Transfers to the faculties of Epoka University are subject to the quotas WR EH GHÂżQHG E\ WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH %RDUG RI WKH UHOHYDQW )DFXOW\ ZKLFK DOVR FDUries out the matriculation activities. In accordance with this Article, students matriculated at the faculties of Epoka University are awarded a diploma only after completing two semesters at the least.


Education ARTICLE 10: An academic year consists of the fall and spring semesters. The normal period of the fall and spring semesters is fourteen weeks. If necessary, the University Senate may extend such time with the approval of the Higher Education Board. The starting and ending dates and examination periods of each semester are announced in the academic calendar determined by the Senate. No classes and exDPV DUH KHOG RQ RIÂżFLDO KROLGD\V %XW LI QHFHVVDU\ WKH HGXFDWLRQ DFWLYLWLHV SURSRVHG by the relevant unit and by senate approval can also be conducted on Saturdays and Sundays.

Period of Study, Method and Language ARTICLE 11: The maximum period of study granted to students enrolled at the undergraduate programs of the University is the normal education period multiplied by two. The education program includes theoretical and applied courses, applications, projects and studios, laboratories and workshops, practical studies, applied land studies, seminars, graduation projects, and internships and so on as set forth in academic programs. Unless otherwise agreed, the duration of each course is one semester. The medium of instruction at the University is the English language. Some courses at certain programs can be held in other language by the proposal of the Senate and approval of the Higher Education Board.

Education Programs ARTICLE 12: a) Education at the faculty/vocational school departments of Epoka University is conducted pursuant to the academic programs agreed upon by the faculty boards and accepted by the Senate, taking into consideration the common, obligatory and HOHFWLYH FRXUVHV VSHFLÂżHG E\ WKH %RDUG RI +LJKHU (GXFDWLRQ DQG DSSURYHG E\ WKH Senate and by also getting the opinion of the departments. b) From the beginning of the third semester onwards, students who have successIXOO\ IXOÂżOOHG WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI DOO RI WKHLU FRXUVHV LQ SUHYLRXV VHPHVWHUV DQG ZKR have a minimum GPA of 3.00 may take one course from a semester of the following year with the approval of the advisor, or those who have a GPA of 3.50 or above may take two courses from a semester of the following year with the approval of the advisor. F $IWHU WKH ÂżQDO UHJLVWUDWLRQ LI WKH VWXGHQW VXEPLWWHG D FHUWLÂżFDWH WKDW KDV DWWHQGHG an other undergraduate program successfully has the right to be exempted from the courses taken before during the add-drop week. The decision for the exempt courses is taken by the related Faculty Administrative Board after having analyzed the courses.


d) In the event that any student has not been able to complete the normal course load due to being exempted from some courses, not being able to pass prerequisite courses, having used the semester leave, or being in a position to participate in the international exchange programs, then the student can be given courses from two following semesters by the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board. But the total course load in within the semester cannot exceed the normal course load. He/ she can continue to add the courses with no prerequisites, unsuccessful courses or courses never taken of previous semesters.

Prerequisite Courses $57,&/( $Q\ SUHUHTXLVLWHV ZLWK UHVSHFW WR WDNLQJ DQ\ VSHFL¿F FRXUVH VKDOO EH implemented according to the education program made by the boards of relevant departments which are determined by the Faculty Board.

Registration, Adding and Dropping Courses ARTICLE 14: a) Each student must attend the courses, applied studies, laboratories, projects, seminars, workshops, graduation projects and other studies of the semester s/he is enrolled for. b) Students must primarily take the courses which they have failed in previous semesters, FD and FF, and those which they have not taken until then. These courses will be given in the time order of the previous semesters. c) The student, with his/her advisor’s approval, may withdraw from one or more courses, or register for other courses within two weeks following the beginning of each semester d) Students who have not attended at least 70% of theoretical courses and 80% RI DSSOLHG DQG ODERUDWRU\ VWXGLHV DUH QRW DOORZHG WR WDNH WKH ¿QDO H[DP RI WKRVH courses.

Graduation Project ARTICLE 15: The competent of the Higher Education Administrative Board take decision for students to submit a thesis, project, seminar, practice, research etc. ZKHQ ¿QLVKLQJ WKH XQGHUJUDGXDWH VWXGLHV GHPRQVWUDWLQJ WKDW KDV FRPSOHWHG WKH educational cycle and is formed professionally. The rules, submission, exam, and HYDOXDWLRQ RI WKH FRPSOHWLRQ VWXG\ LV DOVR SUHGH¿QHG E\ WKH PHQWLRQHG ERDUG 7KH completion study is to be performed in the eight semester of the academic program. 7KH WKHVLV DERXW WKH FRPSOHWLRQ VWXG\ UHO\LQJ RQ WKH SUHGH¿QHG FRQGLWLRQV FDQ EH announced to the students in advance.


Grades, Examinations and Achievement ARTICLE 16: Students, for each course they have taken, are awarded the followLQJ JUDGHV LQ OHWWHUV E\ WKH OHFWXUHU RI WKH FRXUVH DV WKH ÂżQDO JUDGH RI DFKLHYHPHQW for that course.



AA 4.00 90-100 10 BA 3.50 85-89 9 BB 3.00 80-84 8 CB 2.50 75-79 8 CC 2.00 70-74 7 DC 1.50 65-69 6 DD 1.00 60-64 5 FD 0.50 50-59 4 FF 0.00 0-49 0 * System Grade over 100, the grade equivalence in transcript Grades not included in the averages are the following: I- Incomplete, S- Satisfactory, T- Transfer, U- Unsatisfactory, P- Progressive, EX- Exempt, NI- Not Included, NA- Non-Attendant The (I) grade is awarded by the instructor to a student who failed to complete the requirements of a course due to illness or other valid reason although s/he was successful during the term. In the event that a student receives an (I) grade for a course, V KH PXVW UHFHLYH D JUDGH E\ FRPSOHWLQJ WKH SUHYLRXVO\ XQIXO¿OOHG UHTXLUHPHQWV ZLWKLQ ¿IWHHQ GD\V IURP WKH DQQRXQFHPHQW GDWH RI WKH JUDGHV 2WKHUZLVH WKH , grade will automatically turn into an (FF). However, in the case of long-lasting illness or a similar situation, the term for the (I) grade may be extended till the beginning of the following registration term, upon a proposal by the relevant department and subject to the approval of the relevant faculty Administrative board. The (S) grade is given to students who pass the courses not included in the averages. The (T) grade is given to the students who transfer from a national or international institution of higher education to the University or do a lateral transfer in the institution, or attended student exchange programs or preparation schools of undergraduate programs to indicate equivalence with respect to previously taken courses, upon a proposal by head of relevant department and subject to approval of the relevant Administrative board. The (T) grade is not included in students’ averages. The (U) grade is awarded to students who fail to pass courses taken as non credit


courses, which are courses not included in point averages and courses taken at preparation schools or during the student exchange program. The (P) grade is given to students who successfully pursue courses not included in point averages. The (EX) grade is given to students who have passed the exemption tests adminisWHUHG E\ WKH UHOHYDQW GHSDUWPHQW ZLWK UHJDUG WR FRXUVHV VSHFL¿HG E\ WKH 6HQDWH 7KH (EX) grade is not included in GPAs. The (NI) grade is given with respect to non-credit courses taken within the academic program(s) the student is enrolled at. This grade is indicated on the student’s transcript along with the grade in letters the student has received from the relevant course. This grade is not taken into account in enrolled program or related point average calculations. Courses in which students have scored (NI) cannot be repeated. 7KH 1$ JUDGH LV JLYHQ WR VWXGHQWV ZKR KDYH IDLOHG WR IXO¿OO WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV of attending a course or course applications. The (NA) grade is treated as an (FF) when calculating GPA.

Failure, Achievement, Honor and High Honor ARTICLE 17: a) A student passing a course with CC is considered successful. However, a course passed with an FD grade is considered satisfactory as prerequisite. A student with a grade point average of (2.00) or over and without a failing grade in a course in the program is considered satisfactory. Students should pass all the courses in the program in order to satisfactorily complete the undergraduate preparation program. b) The student whose GPA at the end of the fourth semester is less than 1.80 cannot WDNH FRXUVHV IURP WKH ÂżIWK VHPHVWHU DQG LV FRQVLGHUHG RQ ÂłSUREDWLRQDU\´ VWDWXV ,Q order to overcome the probationary status the student repeats the course/courses with grade under CC and meanwhile cannot take course from the following sePHVWHU $IWHU WKH ÂżIWK VHPHVWHU WKH VWXGHQW LV QRW UHTXLUHG WR IXOÂżOO WKH *3$ condition to take courses of the following semester. In the context of the abovementioned paragraph, the GPA of the transferred student is calculated based on his/her courses at Epoka University, if after the fourth semester at Epoka University the general average is under 1.80 the transferred student is considered on “probationaryâ€? status. c) At the end of each semester, students who have achieved all the courses of that semester and whose semester GPA is between 3.00 - 3.49 are placed in the honors list, and students whose semester GPA is between 3.50 - 4.00 are placed in the high honors list.


Increasing Grade Point Average ARTICLE 18: (1) Students wishing to increase their grade point averages (GPA) can take the courses they took in previous semesters again. The last grade received by the student with respect to any course will be valid when calculating the GPA.

Determination of Grades ARTICLE 19: a) Final grade of a course includes all the studies (mid-term exams, quizzes, land studies, practices, assignments, projects, workshops, seminars, attendance, laboratory studies, etc.) within a semester with respect to such course and the result of the ÂżQDO H[DPLQDWLRQ DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH SHUIRUPDQFH HYDOXDWLRQ V\VWHP RI WKH FRXUVH The relevant lecturer announces the achievement evaluation system regarding the courses to be offered within one week following the beginning of each semester. b) The achievement grades of a course are submitted to the relevant administraWLYH XQLW ZLWKLQ WKH WLPH VSHFLÂżHG LQ WKH DFDGHPLF FDOHQGDU DQG WKH UHVXOWV DUH DQnounced by the Student Affairs Division.

Examination Period ARTICLE 20: There is a period of examinations at the end of the courses of each semester. The period of examinations is extended to cover the number of days in which examinations could not be held due to reasons acceptable to the relevant Administrative board. 7KH JUDGXDWLRQ SURMHFW H[DPLQDWLRQ LV KHOG ZLWKLQ WKH ZHHN IROORZLQJ WKH ÂżQDO examination period. The examinations regarding the laboratories, applied and land studies, and others where the results of such studies shall be considered with a view to granting the right to take exams, can also be held after such studies are over.

Programs and Locations of Examinations, Make-up Exams $57,&/( 7KH ÂżQDO H[DPLQDWLRQ SURJUDPV LQ D VHPHVWHU DUH GHFLGHG XSRQ DQG announced at least two weeks before the beginning of the examination period by the relevant Administrative boards. The exams are held in the University buildings DW WKH GDWH YHQXH DQG WLPH VSHFLÂżHG LQ WKH SURJUDPV +RZHYHU H[DPV ZLWK UHJDUG to courses and practices held on land can take place on land and in extramural venues. ,Q FDVH VWXGHQW PLVV WKH ÂżQDO H[DP LW LV LPSRVVLEOH D PDNH XS H[DP 6WXGHQWV ZKR FDQQRW WDNH WKH ÂżQDO H[DPLQDWLRQV RQ DFFRXQW RI WKHLU H[FXVHV VKDOO SURYLGH documentation in support of their excuses and apply to the Student Affairs Division within at the latest one week following the date of the exam, together with a petition. A make-up exam shall be given to students whose excuses have been accepted by the relevant Administrative Board in the proceeding semester.


Examination Method ARTICLE 22: Examinations are generally in written form. However, the instructor of the course may decide to conduct the exam in the form of an oral exam, project or assignment on condition that s/he states it on the course information form (syllabus) within two weeks after the semester begins. (2) Examinations are arranged and conducted by the instructors teaching the courses. In the event that the responsible lecturer is not at the University on the exam day, by whom the exam shall be supervised shall be determined by the head of the relevant academic unit on recommendation of the course lecturer.

Objections to Examination Results $57,&/( $ VWXGHQW PD\ REMHFW WR WKH UHVXOW RI D ¿QDO H[DPLQDWLRQ E\ VXEmitting a petition to the Student Affairs Division within one week following the DQQRXQFHPHQW RI ¿QDO JUDGHV 7KH REMHFWLRQ LV DVVHVVHG E\ WKH UHOHYDQW LQVWUXFWRU LQ WHUPV RI PDWHULDO PLVWDNHV DQG WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ LV ¿QDOL]HG E\ WKH UHOHYDQW $GPLQistrative Board upon a proposal by the board of the department offering the course.

Summer Term Training ARTICLE 24: The summer school shall be carried out in accordance with the “Epoka University Regulations for Summer School”.

Graduation ARTICLE 25: The credit value of a course consists of all of the weekly theoretical class hours plus half of the weekly class hours of practices, laboratories, projects and workshops.

Semester and Cumulative GPA ARTICLE 26: A student’s Semester Point Average is computed by multiplying the numerical grade received in each course by the number of credits offered for each course, then dividing by the total number of credit hours studied during the term. Two digits after the comma in the division are rounded to the next whole number. A student’s GPA is computed by multiplying the numerical grade received in each course by the number of credits offered for each course, then dividing by the total number of credit hours studied. However, only courses on the instructional program are considered when GPA is computed.

Graduation and Diploma ARTICLE 27: A student who has been successful in all courses through pursuing the faculty’s academic program, increased his/her grade point average to at least (2.00), without having a FD or FF grade and shall be deemed to have met the requirements of graduation by the relevant board decision and be awarded undergraduate diploma stating the name of the faculty/high school if necessary the name


RI WKH SURJUDP GH¿QHG LQ DUWLFOH 6WXGHQWV DW WKH JUDGXDWLRQ VWDJH EXW ZKR KDYH FD or FF grades from a maximum of two courses and a GPA below 2.00 despite having no failed courses are given the right to take additional examinations. Additional examinations are given for courses from which they have received FF, FD, DD and DC at the end of the relevant semester. In order to meet graduation requirement, a student is permitted to exercise his right to take additional exams once during his/her education. 6WXGHQWV HQWLWOHG WR D GLSORPD VKDOO GHOLYHU D QRQ DI¿OLDWH GRFXPHQW WR EH REWDLQHG from the relevant units to be able to receive their diplomas.

Miscellaneous and Final Decisions Reservation of Permissions and Rights ARTICLE 28: a) The student can be granted a leave of absence at the most for 4 semesters, and two at once at the most, (on valid and acceptable reasons) subject to a decision by the Faculty Administrative Board provided that he/she applies at the latest within 30 days after the beginning of the academic year. The student has to pay one third of the tuition fees for each semester for which he/she has been granted a leave of absence. b) On account of epidemic, natural disasters, detention, economic reasons, imprisonment and abolition of the suspension of military obligation, such leave of absence can also be granted in mid-term, subject to a decision by the relevant Faculty Administrative Board. However, the tuition fee paid by students in these conditions is not refunded. c) In the event that a leave of absence is demanded, the student shall apply to the Student Affairs Division within twenty days at the latest following the occurrence of such reason and prove it by documentary evidence. The continuity of the said reasons is grounds for the extension of leave of absence by the Administrative board. d) A student on a leave of absence during a semester cannot attend classes and take WKH ¿QDO H[DPLQDWLRQV RI VXFK VHPHVWHU e) The usage in cultural and art activities of university and faculty symbols or names by the students is related to the permission of the Rectorate.

Leaving the University ARTICLE 29: Students wishing to leave the University at their own discretion shall apply in writing to the Deanship of Faculty. Such students’ registration shall be UHPRYHG VXEMHFW WR WKH GHOLYHU\ E\ WKHP RI D QRQ DI¿OLDWH GRFXPHQW WR EH REWDLQHG from the relevant unit. Upon request by any such student, a document demonstrating academic status and diplomas and other documents submitted when registering shall be given back to the student, except that tuition fees paid until then are nonrefundable. y.


Students Sent to Partner International Institutions ARTICLE 30: Students can be sent to universities abroad for a semester or two through exchange programs based on agreements between Epoka University and international universities. Meanwhile student shall remain registered, and this shall be deemed to have completed part of his overall training at Epoka Universit

Intra-University Transfers ARTICLE 31: Students who have completed at least one semester in their programs RWKHU WKDQ WKH SUHSDUDWRU\ VFKRRO PD\ DSSO\ WR WKH 5HJLVWUDUVC 2IÂżFH GXULQJ WKH SHULRG VSHFLÂżHG LQ WKH DFDGHPLF FDOHQGDU IRU WUDQVIHUULQJ WR DQRWKHU SURJUDP ZLWKLQ the University. $SSOLFDWLRQV DUH ÂżQDOL]HG E\ WKH SURSRVDO RI WKH GHSDUWPHQW WKH VWXGHQW ZDQWV WR transfer to and the decision of the relevant Administrative board.

Double major and minor programs ARTICLE 32: Students, starting from the third semester, may pursue courses offered within a program at a department other than and in addition to their own, in compliance with the principles laid out by the University Senate. In addition to a diploma to be received upon completion of their registered program, students shall be entitled to a diploma if they achieve courses of a double major program, and WKH\ VKDOO EH HQWLWOHG WR D FHUWLÂżFDWH LI WKH\ DFKLHYH FRXUVHV RI D PLQRU SURJUDP

Associate Diploma $57,&/( 6WXGHQWV ZKR KDYH DFKLHYHG DOO FRXUVHV RI WKH ÂżUVW IRXU VHPHVWHUV as well as the obligatory courses are granted an associate diploma of the relevant department, subject to having a grade point average of at least 2.00 and without having a FD or FF grade.

Scholarship-Holding Students ARTICLE 34: In order for a scholarship student enrolled at faculty to continue UHFHLYLQJ EXUVDU\ IRU WKH IROORZLQJ \HDU 1. Having no disciplinary records, 2. Study period should be completed within maximum 5 years including preparatory class )XOÂżOOLQJ WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI DWWHQGDQFH LQ DUWLFOH RI WKHVH 5HJXODWLRQV 4. Issues regarding scholarships to be granted to students are determined by the Rectorate. Performance in contrary manner shall result in the abolition of the said status as of the end of the relevant academic year


Effective Date ARTICLE 35: These regulations shall take effect on the date of approval by the Higher Board of Epoka University.

Enforcement ARTICLE 36: The provisions herein are enforceable by the Rector of Epoka University.

REGULATION ON SECOND CYCLE STUDY PROGRAMS General Provisions Target of the By-laws ARTICLE 1: The Regulation of the Second Level Study Programs determines the way these study programs function and the relationships that get established among participating entities, in the activities of these programs. The Regulation determines the target of the study programs for the second level, their inner structure and the way they function, the rights and the obligations of the administrative apparatus, the academic and administrative personnel, students, the interrelations among them, regulations and requirements of prospective students, lectures, research, practice, evaluation, graduation, and it predicts sanctions in case of violation.

Legal Basis ARTICLE 2: The Regulation of the Second Level Study Programs of Epoka University is based on the Law No. 9741, dated 21.05.2007, “On Higher Education in the Republic of Albania”, as amended, in the given license by the decision of the Ministers’ Board No. 281, dated 12.03.2008, “Licensing of Private Educational Institutions “Epoka University”, in the Guidelines of the Education and Science Ministry No. 14, dated 03.04.2008 “Establishing and organizing study programs of the second level in the public institutions of higher education”, in the Guidelines of the Education and Science Ministry No. 15, dated 04.04.2008 “Establishing and organizing study programs in public institutions of higher education”, and also in the Statute and Fundamental By-Laws of this institution.

Purpose ARTICLE 2: This Regulation intends to determine the main mission and objectives of the Study Programs for the Second Level as offered by the Departments as a basic unit, and to maintain aspects of establishment, organization, management, pursuance of academic and research studies, according to national and international standards.


'HÂżQLWLRQV $57,&/( ,Q WKLV 5HJXODWLRQ WKH IROORZLQJ DEEUHYLDWLRQV DUH GHÂżQHG DV School: Epoka University 5HFWRU (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ 5HFWRUÂśV 2IÂżFH The Senate: Epoka University Senate Department: Faculty Department as a basic unit Credits: Course Credits according to the American System ECTS: European System of Accumulating and Transferring of Credits TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language IELTS: The International English Language Testing System CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average

Purpose of the Study Programs of the Second Level ARTICLE 5: The purpose of the second level study programs is the deepening of WKHRUHWLFDO DQG SUDFWLFDO NQRZOHGJH RI VWXGHQWV LQ WKH ÂżHOG RI FRPSXWHU HQJLQHHULQJ FLYLO HQJLQHHULQJ DUFKLWHFWXUH HFRQRPLFV ÂżQDQFH DQG EDQNLQJ EXVLQHVV DGministration, and also that of political science and international relations, through DGYDQFHG VWXGLHV DQG WUDLQLQJ DQG VFLHQWLÂżF UHVHDUFK LQ WKHVH ÂżHOGV $W WKH HQG RI WKH VWXG\ SURJUDP VWXGHQWV ZLOO EH FDSDEOH WR XQGHUWDNH VFLHQWLÂżF UHVHDUFK LQ WKH ÂżHOG RI FRPSXWHU HQJLQHHULQJ FLYLO HQJLQHHULQJ DUFKLWHFWXUH HFRQRPLFV ÂżQDQFH DQG EDQNLQJ EXVLQHVV DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ DQG DOVR WKDW RI SROLWLFDO science and international relations, valid for the Albanian and international speciÂżFDWLRQV The Second Level Study Programs are conceptualized and established to offer students not only the most recent theoretical knowledge and information, but also to SURYLGH WKHP ZLWK WKH SUDFWLFDO DVSHFW EDVHG XSRQ FRQWHPSRUDU\ VFLHQWLÂżF UHVHDUFK in order to enable the students complete the professional knowledge and also to encourage and urge them to use the abilities and knowledge they possess.

Study Programs for the Second Level and their structure ARTICLE 6: Through its departments, Epoka University offers study programs of the second level at the end of which a Master of Science or Professional Master degree is granted. 7KH QRUPDO SHULRG RI WLPH LW WDNHV WR ÂżQLVK WKH DERYH PHQWLRQHG SURJUDPV LV WZR academic years or four semesters, being full-time, and no less than 60 ECTS credits a year for the Master of Science programs and at least one academic year and two semesters, being full-time, and no less than 60 ECTS credits a year for the Professional Master programs. The student accomplishes no less than 1500 academic hours each year. The educational activities are organized through theoretical and practical hours: lectures, seminars, coursework, labs, research projects, practice. Each class lasts 60 minutes.


The study programs for the second level of the Engineering and Architecture FacXOW\ DUH FRPPLWWHG WR RIIHU IXQGDPHQWDO VWXGLHV LQ WKH IROORZLQJ ¿HOGV Architecture Department - Master of Science in Architecture (2 years) - Professional Master in Architecture (1 year) Civil Engineering Department 0DVWHU RI 6FLHQFH LQ &LYLO (QJLQHHULQJ ³6WUXFWXUDO (QJLQHHULQJ´ 3UR¿OH years) 0DVWHU RI 6FLHQFH LQ &LYLO (QJLQHHULQJ ³&RQVWUXFWLRQ 0DQDJHPHQW´ 3UR¿OH years) - Professional Master in Civil Engineering (1 year) Computer Engineering Department - Master of Science in Computer Engineering (2 years) The study programs for the second level of the Economic and Administrative Sciences Department are committed to offer fundamental studies in the following ¿HOGV Banking and Finance Department 0DVWHU RI 6FLHQFH LQ %DQNLQJ DQG )LQDQFH \HDUV 3URIHVVLRQDO 0DVWHU LQ %DQNLQJ DQG )LQDQFH \HDU Business Administration Department 0DVWHU RI 6FLHQFH LQ %XVLQHVV $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ \HDUV 3URIHVVLRQDO 0DVWHU LQ %XVLQHVV $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ \HDU Economics Department 0DVWHU RI 6FLHQFH LQ (FRQRPLFV \HDUV Political Science and International Relations Department 0DVWHU RI 6FLHQFH LQ 3ROLWLFDO 6FLHQFH DQG ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 5HODWLRQV \HDUV 3URIHVVLRQDO 0DVWHU LQ 3ROLWLFDO 6FLHQFH DQG ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 5HODWLRQV \HDU - Professional Master in European Studies (1 year).


THE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SECOND LEVEL STUDY PROGRAMS 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH $57,&/( (DFK 'HSDUWPHQW VHOHFWV D 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH IRU HYHU\ 6HFRQG Level Study Program, which consists of no less than three members of the acaGHPLF SHUVRQQHO 7KH 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH LV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ RI the corresponding second level study program, and selects from its members the Coordinator of the Program. 7KH 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH DOVR GHVLJQDWHV WKH RWKHU SDUW RI WKH DFDGHPLF DQG DVsistance personnel, with whom it will cooperate in order to accomplish the study program. 7KH 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH SUHSDUHV DQG SURSRVHV WKH GHYHORSPHQW VWUDWHJ\ WKH study plan and structure, the research program, the criteria on which students are admitted and also every year prepares a report of all second level study programs activities.

Academic Personnel ARTICLE 8: The academic personnel, which performs lecturing/teaching in the second level study programs, consists of academic staff which holds at least the PhD degree (doctorate). External lecturers are accepted based on terms of bilateral agreements. The lecturers who are involved in teaching second level study programs have the right to: a) Use all the equipment and the settings of the institution for activities related to the study programs of the second level. b) Participate in various committees and activities of the second level study programs. F *HW TXDOLÂżHG DFFRUGLQJ WR H[LVWLQJ SURMHFWV RI WKH VHFRQG OHYHO VWXG\ SURJUDPV The lecturers are obliged to: a) Comply with the Regulation of the second level study programs at Epoka 8QLYHUVLW\ b) Act jointly and to collaborate with colleagues, students, and all those who FROODERUDWH LQ WKH VHFRQG OHYHO VWXG\ SURJUDPV F $FKLHYH WKH VWXG\ SURJUDPV DFFRUGLQJ WR GHWHUPLQHG UHTXLUHPHQWV G )XOÂżOO WKHLU REOLJDWLRQV DQG UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV LQ FRQGXFWLQJ WKH WKHVLV e) Evaluate the students in a professional method and in a timely manner as decided.


The secretary for the second level study programs ARTICLE 9: In order to achieve successfully the second level study programs, the secretary for this level of study programs has the following responsibilities: a) Works under the leadership of the Program Coordinator and is responsible to FDUU\ RXW DOO WKH RUGHUV JLYHQ IURP WKH 3URJUDP &RRUGLQDWRU VXFK DV YHUEDO DQG written communications with other inner structures of the University, with corresponding departments, with academic personnel, with students, with other collaborators of the University. b) Performs the technical set up for the meetings of the Program Coordinator and keeps meeting minutes. c) Assists with the preparation of materials for the Program Coordinator. d) Receives the mail and other materials that are sent in the address of the Program Coordinator. H 6DYHV LQWR D ÂżOH RU DUFKLYH DOO WKH GRFXPHQWDWLRQ RI WKH VHFRQG OHYHO VWXG\ SURgrams, of the pedagogues and of students. f) Types and prints out/photocopies memos and other study materials. g) Keeps track of the pace of the study process related to the study structure, course schedule, exam date and time, the development of practice and maintains all the related documentations of these processes. h) Announces the study structure, the course schedule, examination dates, practice dates, thesis dates and other different announcements and activities.

5HJLVWUDUœV 2I¿FH ARTICLE 10: In order to achieve the second level study programs, the Registrar’s 2I¿FH IRU WKHVH SURJUDPV KDV WKH IROORZLQJ UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV a. Performs the registration process for new students during the acceptance preliminary tests, and also performs the registration process for those who are already accepted. b. Provides all newly admitted students with IDs (Identity Cards), and also answers WR WKHLU UHTXHVWV IRU VLPSOH SDSHUZRUN VXFK DV WUDQVFULSWV DQG RWKHU GRFXPHQWV c. Prepares the student evaluation reports with their names, and presents those reports to the Committee for signature. d. Takes over the completed evaluation reports. e. Gives out information about students’ evaluation. f. Carries out the transfer of grades into the primary register as per course and subject listings, prepares the diplomas and transcripts for graduating students. J 0DLQWDLQ WKH UHODWLRQVKLSV ZLWK 'HDQœV RI¿FH DQG WKH 6FLHQWL¿F &RPPLWWHH DQG reports statistical data of the second level study programs in corresponding instances.

The Language of the Study Program ARTICLE 11: Based on the Statute of the Regulation of Epoka University all the second level study programs will be in English language. The Usage of different ODQJXDJH LQ VSHFLÂżF VXEMHFWV ZLOO EH DOORZHG RQO\ ZLWK WKH SHUPLVVLRQ DQG GHFLVLRQ RI WKH 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH


Admission Quotas ARTICLE 12: The admission quotas for students in the second level study programs will be approved by a decision of the Senate based on the proposal of the )DFXOW\ $GPLQLVWUDWLYH %RDUG DIWHU WKH RSLQLRQ RI WKH 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH LV SUHsented for each study program.

Admission Criteria ARTICLE 13: All persons who posses one of the following diplomas have the right to apply for admission: First Level Diploma evaluated from the University, Second Level Diploma, Second Level Integrated Diploma, Diploma of a previous system not separated in study cycles, or any other university diploma received from a foreign institution but evaluated from the University, or a diploma approved by a decision of University Senate. All applicants who apply for admission must have good command of English lanJXDJH FHUWLÂżHG E\ LQWHUQDWLRQDO FHUWLÂżFDWHV VXFK DV 72()/ ,%7 &%7 PBT 520), IELTS grades 5.5 or above may start second level study programs withRXW WDNLQJ (QJOLVK SURÂżFLHQF\ H[DPLQDWLRQ FRQGXFWHG E\ WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ ZKHUH WKH passing grade is 70%. Candidates who have performed university studies in English language are not required to evaluate their English language skills. Prior to graduation, all second cycle students have to submit one of the following LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ UHFRJQL]HG (QJOLVK ODQJXDJH FHUWLÂżFDWHV -

Cambridge ESOL IELTS TOEFL TOEIC Michigan Test PTE General

as envisioned in the Directive of the Minister of Education and Science No. 14, dated 28.03.2011, “On the recognition of English language exams for the second and third cycle study programsâ€?, with the following minimum language competencies: D % /HYHO VXIÂżFLHQW RSHUDWLRQDO ODQJXDJH FRPSHWHQF\ IRU WKH 3URIHVVLRQDO Master Programs b) C1 Level (effective operational language competency) for the Master of Science Programs.


Admission Evaluation ARTICLE 14: The admission of a candidate is done based upon the evaluation of university study results, results of the foreign language examination, results of the interview or the test of special personal skills. During an interview, special emphasis is put on reference letters, the short essay about the reasons of pursuing second OHYHO VWXGLHV DQG WHVW FHUWLÂżFDWHV RI LQWHUQDWLRQDO VWDQGDUGV Students who have graduated from Epoka University will be evaluated based on university studies results, reference letters of the corresponding Head of Department where the student graduated from, his/her adivisor and his/her short essay about the reasons of pursuing second level studies. 6WXGHQWV ZKR KDYH HDUQHG D ÂżUVW OHYHO GLSORPD PXVW HYDOXDWH WKHLU VWXG\ SURJUDP WKH\ KDYH SXUVXHG 7KH )DFXOW\ $GPLQLVWUDWLYH %RDUG DVVLJQV WKH 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH ZKLFK ZLOO HYDOXDWH WKH ÂżUVW OHYHO GLSORPD ,I WKH HYDOXDWLRQ VKRZV WKDW WKH student has incomplete parts, the students must complete all missing credits in all QHFHVVDU\ ÂżHOGV VXEMHFWV UHTXLUHG WR SXUVXH WKH VHFRQG OHYHO VWXG\ SURJUDPV 7KH highest possible number of missing credits to be completed cannot be more than 60 ECTS credits. $W WKH VDPH WLPH LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH FXUUHQW OHJLVODWLRQ WKH 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWtee may recognize up to 40 credits earned in previous activities from the student to EH DSSOLHG IRU WKH VHFRQG OHYHO VWXG\ ZKLFK DUH DOVR FRPSDWLEOH ZLWK WKH VSHFLÂżF objectives of the corresponding study program.


1RWLÂżFDWLRQV $57,&/( 5HFWRUÂśV RIÂżFH UHOHDVHV DOO QRWLÂżFDWLRQV UHODWHG WR WKH DGPLVVLRQ RI students in the second level study programs, assign the admission quotas and deals ZLWK RWKHU DIIDLUV 7KLV QRWLÂżFDWLRQ PD\ EH UHOHDVHG WR WKH VWXGHQW SULRU WR EHJLQning of admissions in the institution. All issues that are related to the admission criteria, examinations and evaluations of candidates for the second level study programs are dealt with by the Senate. The list of the successful candidates for the second level study programs, is deterPLQHG E\ WKH 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH DQG DUH DQQRXQFHG E\ WKH 3URJUDP &RRUGLQDWRU


STUDENT REGISTRATION AND THE PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Registration in the Study Program $57,&/( ,I WKH FDQGLGDWH KDV EHHQ VXFFHVVIXO DQG LV TXDOLÂżHG WR VWDUW WKH VHFond level study programs, then he/she will comply with all registration procedures as prescribed by this Regulation. Registration is done in compliance with all requirements and timeframes described in the released announcement. The successful candidate, who has the right of registration, must present to the 5HJLVWUDUÂśV 2IÂżFH ZLWKLQ WKH VSHFLÂżHG WLPH RQ WKH QRWLÂżFDWLRQ WKH IROORZLQJ GRFXmentations in addition to a cover letter: Necessary documentations for registration are mentioned below: D &RPSOHWHG DSSOLFDWLRQ E 1RWDUL]HG SKRWRFRS\ RI FDQGLGDWHÂśV GLSORPD RU DQRWKHU GRFXPHQW WKDW FHUWLÂżHV JUDGXDWLRQ F 2IÂżFLDO WUDQVFULSW IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RU +LJKHU ,QVWLWXWLRQ ZKHUH DOO WKH FRXUVHV DQG JUDGHV UHFHLYHG DUH LQGLFDWHG d) If the candidate has graduated from a foreign institution of higher education, WKHQ WKH KH VKH PXVW SUHVHQW D GRFXPHQW WKDW FHUWLÂżHV WKH HYDOXDWLRQ HTXLYDOHQFH RI WKH GLSORPD H 3RLQWVÂś FHUWLÂżFDWH RI 72()/ RU ,(/76 f) Photocopy of the identity card (for foreign candidates, the photocopy of the SDVVSRUW PXVW EH QRWDUL]HG DQG WUDQVODWHG LQ $OEDQLDQ J 7ZR UHIHUHQFH OHWWHUV K %DQN UHFHLSW ZKHUH WXLWLRQ VFKRRO SD\PHQWV DUH VKRZQ i) 6 personal photos with measurements 4.5x6 cm (photos must be in appropriate dress/clothes)

Student’s Status ARTICLE 18: The winning/successful candidate has the right to pursue the studies in the respective academic year if the student gets registered in the Registrar’s 2IÂżFH ZLWKLQ WKH HQYLVDJHG WLPHIUDPH 'XULQJ UHJLVWUDWLRQ WKH VWXGHQW DJUHHV DQG signs the educational contract with Epoka University. When registering, the student gains the “student statusâ€?, with all the rights and privileges that are derived by that status. Student’s status ends when the student obtains the diploma, or when the person is expelled from the program study.



The Advisor ARTICLE 21: An advisor for each student is appointed by a decision of the SciHQWL¿F &RPPLWWHH EDVHG RQ WKH SURSRVDO RI WKH 3URJUDP &RRUGLQDWRU 7KH DGYLVRU serves as a consultant of the student and provides guidelines to the student on what course to select and also by determining semester’s plan. The advisor is a professor of that particular department and holds a PhD degree. The advisor is a consultant with students who are found to have missing credits, VR WKDW WKH VWXGHQWV FRXOG FRPSOHWH WKH PLVVLQJ SDUWV LQ VSHFL¿F ¿HOGV VXEMHFWV LQ order to be able to pursue their second level study programs. The advisor serves also as a consultant for students in deciding their career path and its proper management in the second level study programs.

Attendance ARTICLE 21: In the second level study program, the student is required to attend at least 80% of educational research activities of theoretical subjects held in auditoriums, and of research activities of practice held in laboratories. Students who do not adhere to these requirements are obligated to re-take the course with all appropriate requirements. The compliance or non compliance with the attendance requirements is presented to Program Coordinator by the subject’s lecturer every month, and is checked by the Head of Department.

The Study Duration (length in time) ARTICLE 22: The normal duration of second level study programs is two academic years or four semesters for the Master of Science programs and one academic year or two semesters for the Professional Master programs, and the study method is being full-time. The longest duration of second level study programs is six semesters. In case this period of time is extended more, the University interrupts the relationship with the student.

Course Registration ARTICLE 23: Students who pursue the second level study programs at Epoka University are required to register for courses they will be taking during a particular VHPHVWHU DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH SULQFLSOHV GHWHUPLQHG E\ WKH 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH 5HJLVWUDWLRQ IRU FRXUVHV QRUPDOO\ WDNHV SODFH GXULQJ VSHFLÂżF WLPHIUDPHV LQ WKH


academic calendar before the beginning of each semester. If students have not redeemed the appropriate tuition/school payments according to the conditions and requirements assigned by the Epoka University, they will not be able to re-register for courses. Students who could not re-register for courses can neither take any classes nor can they take any exams. The courses selected for registration by the student should before be approved by the advisor.

Transfers ARTICLE 24: The quotas for horizontal transfers within the University or from RXWVLGH RI LW DUH GHWHUPLQHG E\ WKH 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH DQG DUH DSSURYHG E\ WKH Faculty Administrative Board, based upon the principles assigned by this Board. Students who are transferred into the second level study programs are granted a diploma with the condition of having completed at least one semester at Epoka University. Students who have completed one semester of a second level study program, can DSSO\ WR WKH 5HJLVWUDUÂśV 2IÂżFH ZLWKLQ SHUPLVVLEOH WLPHIUDPHV RI WKH DFDGHPLF FDOendar, to be transferred horizontally into another program within the same main unit of University, in accordance with the principles assigned by the Senate. 7KH UHTXHVW LV DQDO\]HG E\ WKH 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH RI WKH SURJUDP ZKHUH WKH student wishes to get transferred and the Faculty Administrative Council decides on the matter.

The Academic Year $57,&/( 7KH DFDGHPLF \HDU KDV WZR VHPHVWHUV VSULQJ VHPHVWHU DQG IDOO VHmester. The normal duration of each semester is approximately 15 weeks. In necessary conditions, the duration of semesters may be extended by the University Senate. The academic year si organized in semesters with at least 20 hours lectures, seminars and labs a week. The beginning of the academic year and exam calendar is scheduled each year and JHWV DQQRXQFHG E\ WKH 6HQDWH 7KHUH DUH QHLWKHU FODVVHV QRU H[DPV GXULQJ RIÂżFLDO holidays. Nevertheless, if it is considered necessary, classes and exams can be held on Saturdays and Sundays only with a proposal from the Faculty and the approval of the Senate.


Educational Process ARTICLE 26: 1. Second level study programs consist of 7-8 subjects and diploma thesis for the Professional Master programs and 10-14 subjects and the diploma thesis for the Master of Science programs , which is developed at the end of the second level VWXG\ SURJUDPV 'HSHQGLQJ RQ WKH ¿HOG RI WKH VWXG\ SURJUDPV DQG LQ DFFRUGDQFH with the objectives of these programs, with a decision of the Senate of Epoka University, the total number of second level study program subjects could be higher. The educational process consists of lectures, projects and studio work, laboratory and parlor work, practice, terrain work, seminars and other similar works as predicted by the educational planning. 2. Epoka University offers study programs based on the American System, in accordance with Article 45, clause 1.b) of the Higher Education Law nr. 9741, dated 21.5.2007, as amended, and Chapter XII, clause 1 of the Guidelines nr. 15, Dated 04.04.2008. The University uses the American system to determine course credits and other educational activities. Courses/subjects and other activities are also accompanied by credit evaluations according to the European System of Accumulating and Transferring Credits (ECTS), in order to enable the recognition of diplomas and the transfer of students. In an academic point of view, the evaluation of lectures, applications, labs, projects, seminars, parlors is performed based upon the unit measurement of hours done in auditoriums. According to the American system, the credit value of a particular course or educational activity consists of the total weekly hours of theoretical lectures and half of weekly hours of applications, labs, projects and parlor work, during a semester which normally lasts for 15 weeks. Again, according to the American system, credits measure only the work performed in auditorium, labs, parlor, etc., and not the work hours necessary for individual study with the intention of mastering the subject. According to the European System for Accumulating and Transferring Credits (ECTS , the credit value of a subject or an academic activity measures the coursework necessary to successfully complete a particular course and not only the load in the auditorium, lab, parlor etc., emphasizing also on the work hours necessary for individual study with the intention of mastering the subject. At least 60 ECTS credits should be taken in one academic year. It is the responsibility of the Epoka University’s academic staff which teaches a particular course to assign the coursework and/or academic activities and to grant the ECTS credit for that course or academic activity. 3. The success level of a student is based on the evaluation of exams each semester DQG RU \HDU H[DPV LQ WKH HQG RI WKH DFDGHPLF \HDU FRXUVH KRPHZRUN SUHVHQWD


WLRQV SDUWLFLSDWLRQ DQG SURMHFWV :LWK WKH SURSRVDO RI WKH VSHFLÂżF SURJUDP &RRUGLQDWRU DQG ZLWK D GHFLVLRQ RI WKH 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH WKH VWXGHQW KDV WKH ULJKW WR take an exam if for reasonable causes documented within three days the student did not take the exam during the academic year.


Exam Proceedings ARTICLE 28: Exams, course homework and presentations are performed within the assigned timeframe in the structure of the academic year. The dates for these DFWLYLWLHV DUH DQQRXQFHG DW OHDVW IRXU ZHHNV EHIRUH WKH ¿QDOV H[DP VHDVRQ In case of extraordinary circumstances if exams or presentations cannot be given on the scheduled date, the Dean – with a proposal of the Program Coordinator and subject’s lecturer - assigns in a written memo a postponed date, which is announced to the students and the committee. Courses taught by one lecturer are evaluated only by him/her, however, when courses are taught by more than one lecturer, then, all of them are members of the evaluating team. Exams are normally in writing. The lecturer of the course may also decide to conduct a verbal exam, project or homework. In this case, the decision must be announced by the Program Coordinator within two weeks from the beginning of the semester. Exams are prepared and conducted by the lecturers responsible for teaching that particular course. If the lecturer teaching the course is not present at Epoka University on the day of the exam, then, the Program Coordinator assigns someone else to conduct the exam.

Appeal of the Exam Results ARTICLE 29: Exam results are released immediately. Within three days of the release of exam results, students have the right to make a UHTXHVW WR WKH 5HJLVWUDUœV 2I¿FH WKURXJK ZKLFK WKH\ GHPDQG WKDW WKH H[DP VKHHWV be reviewed. The Program Coordinator along with subject’s lecturer forms a committee of three members. The committee, then, reviews student’s response sheets whether there are any errors during the evaluation or not and makes a decision. The VWXGHQW LV QRWL¿HG RI WKH GHFLVLRQ QR PRUH WKDQ GD\V IURP WKH GD\ WKH UHTXHVW for review is submitted.


Re-taking a Course ARTICLE 30: If the student is not successful or does not meet the terms to be VXFFHVVIXO LQ D VSHFLÂżF FRXUVH KH VKH LV UHTXLUHG WR UH WDNH WKH FRXUVH 7KRVH ZKR intend to improve their GPA may also re-take a course even if they have passed the course successfully. 7KH SHUPLVVLRQ WR UH WDNH D FRXUVH LV EDVHG XSRQ WKH GHFLVLRQ RI WKH 6FLHQWLÂżF Committee with the proposal of the Program Coordinator.

Documentation of Evaluation $57,&/( 7KH UHVXOWV DUH UHÀHFWHG LQ WKH HYDOXDWLRQ UHSRUW DQG DUH UHFRUGHG LQ the results’ register. The evaluation report is completed by the lecturer at the end of the evaluation process and is submitted to the secretary no later than two weeks from the day of the exam, or the day of the course presentation, etc. Under no circumstances, the evaluation report could have any corrections made and no one has the right to add any names on it. The report must have the signature of subject’s lecturer and also that of the Head RI WKH 5HJLVWUDUœV 2I¿FH A reported evaluation may get changed only if there is a formal mistake made during the registration or during the transfer/tabulation into a computer. The person responsible for the mistake should testify in writing the circumstances of the mistake. 7KH FHUWL¿FDWLRQ JHWV DSSURYHG E\ WKH 3URJUDP &RRUGLQDWRU 7KH FKDQJH ZLOO WDNH place during three days from the day the mistake was noticed.

Diploma Thesis ARTICLE 32: In the second semester of the Professional Master program and in the fourth semester of the Master of Science program the student may start the GLSORPD WKHVLV RQO\ DIWHU KH VKH KDV VXFFHVVIXOO\ IXOÂżOOHG DOO WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI the second level study programs. The Diploma Thesis is evaluated with a grade and with credits ECTS, and is valued no less than 12 ECTS for the Professional Master program and 30 ECTS for the Master of Science program.

Thesis Preparation and Proceedings ARTICLE 33: The Department proposes to the Faculty a thesis supervisor for each student by the end of the semester and a thesis topic assigned by the thesis supervisor no later than the end of the second semester. The supervisor and the proposed topic are determined by a decision of the Faculty Administrative Council. The Council may make any changes to the supervisor and/or the topic, or may assign a second supervisor if necessary. Thesis supervisor is selected from the academic staff who holds at least a PhD degree. The student is required to register for the diploma thesis by the time it is offered. The student must register for the thesis by the beginning of the second semester for


the Professional Master programs and by the beginning of the third semester for the Master of Science programs.

Completion and evaluation of thesis ARTICLE 34: Completion of the second level study program thesis is performed as explained below: The student must prepare and write the thesis in accordance with the writing guidelines compiled by the Faculty and approved by the Senate. The student defends the thesis verbally in front of the jury. The jury is assigned or changed by a decision of the Faculty Administrative Council based on the Department proposal. The jury consists of no less than three members and one substitute, one of whom is the thesis supervisor. The jury assembles to hear thesis defense no later than 30 days from the day the thesis is submitted. Thesis defense should take no less than 45 minutes and no more than 90 minutes, including the oral exam. The jury enables the participation of an audit during thesis defense. By the completion of thesis defense, the jury votes overwhelmingly within closed GRRUV RQ WKH JUDGH DQG UHOHDVHV WKH GHFLVLRQ LW KDV PDGH 7KH 'HSDUWPHQW QRWL多HV the Faculty through a report within three days when the decision is made. If the student has received a failing grade, then, student must make the necessary corrections and should defend the thesis in front of the same jury within three months. If the student fails again, despite the corrections made, then, his/her relationship with the school comes to an end.

STUDENT EVALUATION Evaluation ARTICLE 35: 1. The quantitative evaluation of the coursework of students in Epoka University is performed by credits according to the American and ECTS systems, calculated according to Article 26 of this Regulation. 2. The qualitative evaluation of the coursework of students is performed by letter grades. The letter grade evaluation of subjects and that of the thesis in the second level study programs is performed according to the following table:





4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00

*UDGH DFFRUGLQJ ([SODQDWLRQ to the Albanian System

90-100 85-89 80-84 5-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 50-59 00-49 00-00

10 9 8 8 7 6 5 4 0 0

Excellent Excellent Successful Successful Successful In Probation In Probation Not Passed Not Passed Absences in Courses

*This is a 0-100 point system. Grades which do not count in the average I - Incomplete S - Satisfactory T - Transfer U - Unsatisfactory P - Progressive EX - Exempt NI - Not Included a) If a student gets a CC (2.00) or one grade higher, he/she is considered as passing successfully. If in one subject the student receives a (FD & FF) then, he/she has not passed successfully and is obligated to repeat the subject. If the general point average is at least (2.00) and the student has no (FD & FF), then, the student is considered successful. b) If the general grade point average is less than 1.80 by the end of the second semester, the student is considered to be on a probationary status. Within the third semester, the student who is on a probationary status must achieve or exceed the level of (2.00) of the general grade point average without having FD & FF grades. In order to accomplish this, the student must repeat all subjects in which he/she received less than CC, otherwise the student could not present the diploma thesis. The usage and the explanation of the letter grades: a) The grade (NA) is given by the subject’s pedagogue to students who have not complied with the rules of attendance or those who have not met the requirements in relation to practices or the application of subjects. When calculating the grade point average, the grade (NA) is considered as (FF). b) The grade (I) is given by the subject’s pedagogue to that student who because of an illness or another reasonable excuse has not been able to meet the requirements


of the subject although the student might have been successful during the rest of the \HDU ,I LQ D VSHFL¿F VXEMHFW D VWXGHQW KDV UHFHLYHG WKH JUDGH , WKHQ ZLWKLQ GD\V from the day the grades were submitted to the Educational Secretary the student is obligated to receive another grade in order to complete the missing part. The grade which will be given instead of (I) gets approved by a decision of the Faculty Council. Otherwise, the grade (I) gets converted into a (FF). Nevertheless, in cases of long term illnesses or in similar excuses, the grade (I) could last unchanged up to the time when the registration for the coming semester begins, due to a proposal by the Head of the Department and an approval of the Faculty Council c) The grade (S) is given to a student who has passed the subjects which do not count on the grade point average. d) The grade (T) is given in cases of horizontal transfers from another higher education institution or in cases when the evaluation of a subject passed successfully before the registration at Epoka University, the equivalence of which is accepted by a proposal of the Department Head and by the approval of the Faculty Administrative Council. The grade (T) does not count when calculating the grade point average. As far as those subjects taken during programs of exchange students, the corresponding Faculty Administrative Council decides on the equivalence of the credits and the grades received in these subjects. e) The grade (U) is given to a student who has not passed those subjects which do not count on the grade point average. f) The grade (P) is given to a student who is still taking the subjects which do not count on the grade point average. g) The grade (EX) is given to student who gets expelled from a subject in progress of an exam which is scheduled and organized by the department in those subjects assigned by the Senate. In this case, the credits received from this subject will not be recognized. The grade (EX) does not count on the grade point average, but it gets displayed on the transcript. h) The grade (NI) is given to describe the subjects in which the student is registered, but which do not count on the grade point average. This grade is displayed on student’s transcript together with the letter grade the student has received in that subject. Subjects which have this status are included in the list of subjects and are not used in the calculation procedures of the program’s subjects in which the student is registered. The subject in which the student has received a (NI) may not be repeated.

Grade Point Average (GPA) $57,&/( 7KH JUDGH SRLQW DYHUDJH LV FDOFXODWHG E\ PXOWLSO\LQJ WKH ¿QDO JUDGH received from the subject or from the lab, projects, parlors, seminars or other similar coursework which has the value of the subject with the corresponding subject’s credit hours, and the total will get divided by the total sum of credits. The sum that results from the division is rounded by two digits after the comma and it makes the general grade point average.


STUDENTS Students’ Rights ARTICLE 37: Students of the second level study programs have the following rights: a. To be led from rules and procedures which are clearly formulated and are fully MXVWL¿DEOH LQ WKH DFDGHPLF DVSHFWV b. To be protected from any type of discrimination or from any inappropriate criterion of academic evaluation. c. To be informed and have available all they need to know for all academic affairs and second level study programs’ activities. d. To use institution’s equipments, according to corresponding regulations in order WR DFKLHYH WKH DFDGHPLF SODQQLQJ DQG WKH SURJUDPPHG ZRUN LQ WKHLU VFLHQWL¿F DFtivities, library, and internet. e. To express their viewpoints freely. f. To participate in the evaluation of academic and professional activities of the second level study programs.

Students’ Responsibilities ARTICLE 38: Second level study program students have the following responsibilities: a. To recognize and to comply with the Regulation of the second level study programs and the university, the requirements of the educational planning and they should be fully aware of the compliance, otherwise, the institution does not have any liabilities and/or responsibilities on the consequences that derive from non acknowledgement and non-compliance. b. To manifest their ethical manners, professionalism and civil attitudes in all their relationships with managers, academic and administrative personnel and with other students. F 7R IXOÂżOO DOO UHTXLUHPHQWV DQG REOLJDWLRQV RI HGXFDWLRQDO SODQQLQJ SUDFWLFH DQG of thesis in a timely manner. d. To contribute in the successful achievement of the second level study programs and the establishment of a positive climate and environment in the institution. e. To pay the registration and tuition fees in time. f. To hold themselves responsible for any violations of rules of the second level study programs. Any material damages caused to the institution by them are compensated in the degree judged by the university administration. In case of any violations, disciplinary actions taken against the students are predicted in the Regulation “Student Discipline at Epoka Universityâ€?.


Suspension of the Student’s Status ARTICLE 39: In case of completion of the reasonable causes as explained below, a registered student may be suspended from the student’s status. He is entitled to continue education again at a later time as decided to be appropriate by the Faculty Administrative Board. The student may request a leave for reasonable excuses within 30 days from the beginning of the academic year. The leave must get approved by the Faculty Administrative Board. The student may be awarded a leave up to two semesters. Reasonable causes are explained below: a) In case military service becomes a must and there is no way the student can avoid it or postpone it for a later time despite the condition in which the student is. b) In case of an illness, natural disaster, getting arrested as explained by the University Regulation “On Student Disciplineâ€?, economic reasons which are considHUHG DV DSSURSULDWH DQG MXVWLÂżDEOH UHDVRQV E\ WKH )DFXOW\ $GPLQLVWUDWLYH %RDUG the student may be given a right of leave even within a semester. In this case, the student does not get reimbursed for the tuition payments he/she has made. c) In case of simple schizophrenia, paranoid schizophrenia, disassociative synGURPH ERUGHUOLQH FDVHV ZKHQ WKHVH FDVHV WHVWLÂżHG E\ RIÂżFLDO GRFXPHQWDWLRQV When the student requests a leave with conditions explained in section (b) he/she PXVW SUHVHQW WR WKH 5HJLVWUDUÂśV RIÂżFH DOO GRFXPHQWDWLRQV WKDW SURYH WKH H[LVWHQFH of the condition within 20 days from the day of occurrence. In case the abovementioned conditions continue, the Faculty Adminsitrative Board may decide to extend the leave. Long-term leaves are not included in the educational timeframe, with the condition that this fact be explained in the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board.

The Expulsion from the Program ARTICLE 40: Students who willingly want to leave the study program must preSDUH D ZULWWHQ UHTXHVW DQG SUHVHQW LW WR WKH SURJUDP 6FLHQWLÂżF &RPPLWWHH ZKHUH they are studying. The registration of these students stands behind the documentaWLRQ ZKLFK WHVWLÂżHV WKDW WKH\ GR QRW KDYH REOLJDWLRQV WRZDUGV WKH FRUUHVSRQGLQJ units of the University as decided by the Fculty Administrative Board. The student whose registration is cancelled may, however, request a document certifying the pursued education up to that period. At the same time, he will be given back all GLSORPDV DQG RWKHU GRFXPHQWV KH VXEPLWWHG ZKHQ KH ÂżUVW UHJLVWHUHG


SECOND LEVEL STUUDY PROGRAMS QUALITY EVALUATION Quality Evaluation ARTICLE 41: At the end of each year, the second level study programs perform internal evaluations and demand for accreditation within the timeframes predicted by law.

EVALUATING DOCUMENTATIONS Diploma ARTICLE 42: Thse student who successfully completes all the credit subjects and the diploma thesis, and who has accumulated 120 ECTS credits, is granted a second level studies diploma (DND). The program and the title proposed by the program Science Committee are noted on the second level studies diploma.

Diploma Supplement ARTICLE 43: The second level studies diploma is accompanied by the diploma supplement, the contents and the shape of which are designed by the Senate in accordance with the guidelines of the Education and Science Ministry. The Diploma Supplement contains the nature and the level of the studies, its contents, student’s results and other regulations assigned by the University Senate in accordance with legal and sub-legal dispositions.

FINAL PROVISIONS Application ARTICLE 44: The Regulation “On graduate studies at Epoka University”, as approved by Decision Nr. 1, dated 21.09.2007 of the High Council, is repealed. This Regulation enters into force on the day it gets approved by the Higher Board. The Rector ensures and guarantees the compliance with this Regulation.


SUMMER TERM REGULATION Aim ARTICLE 1: D 7R KHOS VWXGHQWV EHQH多W IURP WKH HGXFDWLRQDO IDFLOLWLHV LQ VXPPHU WHUP In this respect, to increase the educational productivity, b) To provide students with a new facility of taking the courses that they were unsuccessful in Spring and Fall semesters and the courses that they take to increase their GPA, Also, it alms to get prevent the accumulations of course enrollments in the Spring and Fall semesters, F 7R EHQH多W IURP WKH $FDGHPLFLDQV ZRUNLQJ LQ WKH FRXQWU\ DQG DEURDG EXW DYDLOable only in summer, d) Help the students in other higher education institutions and public and private sector personnel from the educational facilities of our university, e) Give chance to bright students to graduate earlier,

Scope ARTICLE 2: These regulations are applied to the students of all the Faculties and Institutions with Graduate Education of Epoka University. Application Principals ARTICLE 3: Summer term is determined to start at least to weeks after the completion of the regular exams of Spring Semester by the Senate of the University. ARTICLE 4:Educational term for Summer School is 7 weeks. This term covers VXPPHU VFKRRO PLGWHUP DQG JHQHUDO H[DPV ,W GRHV QRW FRYHU WKH 多QDO H[DPV ARTICLE 5:The must and elective courses to be opened during a semester and not opened for different reasons cannot be suspended to be open during summer term. In special cases, with the decision of the Rectorate, these kinds of courses can be open but the students are not charged to pay any fee for these courses. ARTICLE 6:The courses to be opened during summer term with the advice of academicians in respective department are decided and must be announced in a period at maximum 45 days after the spring semester has started. While the head of a course is determined, the academician responsible for the same course for the previous periods is preferred. ARTICLE 7:The enrollment of the students who take courses in the summer school is done in two phases as pre-enrollment and enrollment. The registration procedures of enrollment are mentioned in the academic calendar. ARTICLE 8:In summer school a student can take maximum 3 courses in condition of not exceeding 12 credits. In summer school enrollment cannot be suspended, course adding and cancellation of the process cannot be done,


ARTICLE 9:To open a Bachelor’s Degree course at least 10 students are required to be enrolled. If the number of students is more than 20, more than one section can be opened. ARTICLE 10:In the summer school courses at least one mid-term and one general exam are held. In determination of achievement notes related dictums of “Undergraduate Education and Exam Regulationsâ€? of Epoka University are applied. ARTICLE 11:In the summer school, exams can be held only for the courses of summer school and for the students enrolled to these courses. ARTICLE 12:For the students who have the passing grade but repeat the course in summer school to increase his/her GPA, no matter what the previous grade is, his/her last grade will be valid. ARTICLE 13:The grades achieved at the end of summer school are added to the GPA average of the regular notes. In the transcripts, it is shown that these courses are taken in the summer school. ARTICLE 14:In the Preparation classes summer education is the make up and support of the students failed in the regular semesters. ARTICLE 15:The graduation of the Bachelor’s Degree students who have the right to be graduated after the courses taken and succeeded in the summer school is carried out. Moreover, the students who have the right to have additional time for the course/s during the Bachelor’s Degree education and take and succeed the courses LQ WKH VXPPHU VFKRRO DUH FRQVLGHUHG DV WKH VWXGHQWV IXOÂżOOHG WKH FRQGLWLRQV WR EH graduated. The summer school term is not added to education duration. ARTICLE 16:The summer school registration procedure of the students who are dismissed from the university by the end of the Spring semester is cancelled. ARTICLE 17:The tuition fee for the summer school that should be taken from the students and payment to academicians for these courses are determined by the Board of Trustees. The students who have the GPA below 2.30 and have scholarships can join the summer school courses free of cost only once. $57,&/( 7KH VLWXDWLRQV WKDW DUH QRW HVSHFLDOO\ VSHFLÂżHG LQ WKLV UHJXODWLRQ WKH dictums of “Undergraduate Education and Exam Regulationsâ€? of Epoka University are applied.

Effect ARTICLE 19: This regulation is in effect from the date of publication. Execution


ARTICLE 20: The Rector of Epoka University executes the dictums of this regulation.

DOUBLE MAJOR PROGRAMS DIRECTIVE Purpose ARTICLE 1: Purpose of Double Major Program of Epoka University, is offering the opportunity for successful students to attend at the same time a second study program in the university and thereby obtain a second degree. Application ARTICLE 2: DMP contingent is published a month before the start of the semester in the academic year by the concerned Faculty Board. Annual contingent cannot exceed over 20% of the number of students registered that year in that program. ARTICLE 3: The student may apply to DMP no earlier than the 3rd semester and QR ODWHU WKDQ WKH ¿IWK VHPHVWHU DQG VKRXOG KDYH VXFFHVVIXOO\ FRPSOHWHG DOO VXEMHFWV taken in the previous semester, average grade of at least 3.50 and to be ranked DPRQJ WKH ¿UVW RI VXFFHVVIXO VWXGHQWV LQ WKH FODVVURRP 7KH VWXGHQW PD\ QRW register in more than a Double Major Program nor attend both Double Major Program and Double Minor Program. ARTICLE 4: The application for Double Major Programs should be done two weeks before the start of the semester, in written manner, by the faculty to whom the second program of study belongs. The application is reviewed by the Administrative Board of the Faculty and the accepted students are announced. Accepted students should register in both the programs of study. The accession process to the Double Major Program is administered by the Program Advisor. Schedule ARTICLE 5: The advisers of the Double Major Program prepare a joint program for students admitted to the Double Major Program. During preparation of the program the following criteria should be considered: ‡ 7KH VWXGHQW ZKR DWWHQGV D 'RXEOH 0DMRU 3URJUDP LV REOLJHG WR WDNH DOO VXEMHFWV RI WKH ¿UVW SURJUDP ‡ $IWHU VWDUWLQJ WKH 'RXEOH 0DMRU 3URJUDP D VWXGHQW PXVW WDNH DOO RI WKH FRPPRQ subjects that have the highest credits.) ‡ ,I WKHUH LV QR FODVK ZLWK WKH ¿UVW SURJUDP WKH VWXGHQW LV REOLJHG WR WDNH DOO FRPpulsory subjects of the second program. ‡ 7KH VWXGHQW JHWV WKRVH HOHFWLYH FRXUVHV LQ WKH WZR SURJUDPV LQ WKH DPRXQW MXGJHG necessary by the programs advisors. ‡ 7KH ¿QDO SURMHFW RI WKH VWXGHQW LQ ERWK SURJUDPV DQG WKH UHDOL]DWLRQ RI WKH FRXUVH SUDFWLFH LV GH¿QHG LQ WKH SURJUDP ‡ 7KH VWXGHQW FDQQRW UHFHLYH OHVV WKDQ FUHGLWV DQG QRW PRUH WKDQ FUHGLWV LQ WKH second program of study. If the program does not meet the maximum credit limit the student cannot attend a second program. ‡ 7KH SURJUDP ZKLFK LV SUHSDUHG IRU HDFK VWXGHQW VHSDUDWHO\ LV UHYLHZHG LQ DGvance by the two Boards of the Departments, and later by the Faculties Administrative Board.


vance by the two Boards of the Departments, and later by the Faculties Administrative Board. ARTICLE 6: Double Major Program are determined by the proposal of the concerned Faculty and approval of the Senate. ARTICLE 7: Undergraduate students must have an average grade of at least 3:50, in order to continue a Double Major Program. Students who have an average grade under 3.50 (to be provided not less than 3.00) gain the right to continue their DMP in the next semester. To those students is given permission to continue DMP provided to achieve an average over 3:50 in the subjects of their primary program. If the student’s average grade falls below 3:00 the DMP student registration is canceled. ARTICLE 8: Students can leave the Double Major Program at any time after havLQJ ¿UVW VXEPLWWHG D ZULWWHQ UHTXHVW 6WXGHQWV ZKR IDLO WR FRPSOHWH WKH SURJUDP ZLWKLQ WKH WLPH VSHFL¿HG DUH H[FOXGHG IURP WKH '03 E\ WKH SURSRVDO RI WKH 'Hpartment that provides the main or second program and the approval of the Administrative Board of the Faculty. The decision to exclude a student from the DMP is QRWL¿HG WR WKH 'HDQœV 2I¿FH RI WKH VHFRQG SURJUDP $GGLWLRQDO FRXUVHV WDNHQ E\ WKH VWXGHQW XQWLO WKH H[SXOVLRQ IURP '03 DUH UHÀHFWHG LQ WKH WUDQVFULSW DORQJ ZLWK other grades, but these grades are not taken into account in calculating the graduation average grade. Some of these subjects by the decision of the Administrative &RXQFLO RI WKH )DFXOW\ RI WKH ¿UVW SURJUDP FDQ EH FDWHJRUL]HG DV HOHFWLYH VXEMHFWV taken by the student.

Graduation $57,&/( 7KH VWXGHQW ZKR KDV HDUQHG WKH ULJKW WR JUDGXDWH IURP WKH ÂżUVW SURgram, is provided with a degree in this program and recorded as transferred to the second program of study. The student registration process is followed by the Faculty of the second program of study and continues for most two semesters. This term may be extended by the Administrative Board of the Faculty. The above mentioned students, under the main program may apply to graduate studies programs. The student after gaining the right of graduation in the second program of study is provided with the second degree. The student who has failed to successfully JUDGXDWH IURP WKH ÂżUVW SURJUDP RI VWXGLHV FDQQRW EH SURYLGHG ZLWK D GLSORPD LQ the second program. $57,&/( $OO FRXUVHV DWWHQGHG E\ WKH VWXGHQW LQ WKH '03 DUH UHĂ€HFWHG LQ D VLQJOH VWXG\ GRFXPHQW ,Q WKLV GRFXPHQW LV UHĂ€HFWHG WKH DYHUDJH JUDGH RI DOO WKH DWWHQGHG FRXUVHV LQ WKH ÂżUVW SURJUDP RI VWXG\ DQG WKH DYHUDJH JUDGHV RI DOO WKH FRXUVHV DWWHQGHG LQ WKH VHFRQG SURJUDP RI VWXG\ WKH ÂżUVW DYHUDJH UHJXODWHV WKH UDQNLQJ LQ WKH ÂżUVW PDMRU SURJUDP DQG WKH VHFRQG DYHUDJH UHJXODWHV WKH UDQNLQJ LQ the second major program.


Other provisions $57,&/( ,I WKH VWXGHQW KDV EHQHÂżWHG VFKRODUVKLSV IRU WKH ÂżUVW SURJUDP RI study, the scholarships may be extended for a period of 5 years due to the DMP. ARTICLE 12: Double Major Program students due to the second branch do not earn the right to make horizontal transfer to the second program. ARTICLE 13: This directive enters into force after the acceptance by the Senate and the approval by the Higher Board. ARTICLE 14: The implementation of this regulation is ensured by the Rector of Epoka University.

STUDENT DISCIPLINE REGULATION General Provisions Purpose $57,&/( 7KH SXUSRVH RI WKLV UHJXODWLRQ LV WR GH¿QH GLVFLSOLQDU\ UXOHV VWXGHQWV must obey to, procedures, authority in charge for setting out the penalties and sanctions, in case of student misconduct towards obligations charged from Albanian Law, Statute, Regulations and Directives of Epoka University, inside and outside University’s premises. Students are subject to disciplinary sanctions also for forbidden acts or not in accords with student integrity and qualities.

Scope ARTICLE 2: This regulation contains disciplinary rules, disciplinary sanctions, disciplinary misconduct, authorities for setting out the penalties that may be applied where misconduct by a student is substantiated, disciplinary councils, disciplinary investigations, appeal against disciplinary sanctions and rules and procedures for sanctions execution, students of Epoka University are subject to.

Legal Basis ARTICLE 3: This Regulation is made under “Higher Education Law of Albanian Republic� and Statute of Epoka University and its operation.

'HÂżQLWLRQV ARTICLE 4: Epoka University`s that are mentioned in this regulation: 5HODWHG WR 8QLYHUVLW\ )DFXOWLHV (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\CV SUDFWLFH DQG UHVHDUFK FHQWHUV Student: People who study at an associate, undergraduate, graduate, doctorate proJUDP VSHFLDOW\ LQ PHGLFLQH RU SURÂżFLHQF\ LQ DUW


Rustication from Epoka University: Means prohibiting any student from entering into buildings, gardens, annexes and establishments of Epoka University within a VSHFLÂżF SHULRG RI WLPH

Disciplinary Punishments $57,&/( 'LVFLSOLQDU\ SXQLVKPHQWV DUH VWDWHG EHORZ Warning: It is announced to student by an inscribed letter implying the student that he is required to be more cautious on his behaviors and duties. Condemnation: It is announced to student by an inscribed letter implying the student that he is in fault on his behaviors and duties, Rustication from the Epoka University for one week to one month: It is announced to student by an inscribed letter implying student that he is rusticated from Epoka 8QLYHUVLW\ IURP RQH ZHHN WR RQH PRQWK DQG FDQQRW EHQHÂżW IURP VWXGHQW ULJKWV during this period. Rustication from Epoka University for one or two semesters: It is announced to the student by an inscribed letter implying the student that he is rusticated from higher education (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ IRU RQH RU WZR VHPHVWHUV DQG FDQQRW EHQHÂżW IURP VWXGHQW ULJKWV during this period Dismissal from Epoka University: It is announced to the student by an inscribed letter implying the student that he is dismissed from Epoka University without any forgiveness

Disciplinary crimes requiring warning punishments ARTICLE 6: a) Involving in improper attitudes and behaviors against student dignity, b) Behaving people disrespectfully, yelling, singing, playing an instrument, making noise in such a way to disturb others, and pollute his environment, F 1RW UHSO\LQJ GXO\ WKH TXHVWLRQV RI DXWKRULWLHV ZLWKRXW DQ\ MXVWLÂżHG UHDVRQ d) Occupying the places that are reserved for academic staff and guests in meetings and ceremonies. Disciplinary crimes requiring condemnation punishment

Disciplinary crimes requiring condemnation punishments ARTICLE 7: a) Behaving improperly as a student in terms of esteem and trust, E 'UDZLQJ SLFWXUHV DQG ÂżJXUHV RQ ZDOOV DQG PRYDEOH SURSHUWLHV DW (SRND 8QLversitys, c) Submitting incomplete or wrong documents to higher education authorities or


not submitting at all. Hanging posters or bills in places apart from those determined by higher education authorities, d) Interrupting academic activities such as lectures, seminars, practice, labs, workshops and conferences, e) Attending such activities stated above as drunk or gambling.

Disciplinary offences requiring rustication punishment from one week to one month ARTICLE 8: a) Disturbing study, peace and welfare in Epoka University, restricting the right of learning and teaching directly and indirectly, b) Involving in behaviors violating order and program of ceremonies, c) Participating political activities at Epoka University, d) Occupying the seats reserved for academicians or guests at ceremonies and meetings even after warning, e) Preventing executions of disciplinary investigations in a reliable environment, I 'LVWULEXWLQJ OHDĂ€HWV RU KDQJLQJ EDQQHUV RU SRVWHUV DW (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ g) Allowing someone to use a document taken from the Epoka University providing rights to him/her or using a document which belongs to someone else, h) Inscribing unethical writings, drawing or sticking amoral pictures on walls, GRRUV Âż[WXUHV DQG HWF LQ (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ i) Tearing out, ripping, changing, scratching or staining the announcements, programs etc hanged by institution or by authorization of it.

Disciplinary offences requiring rustication punishment for one or two semesters ARTICLE 9: a) Threatening administrators, academicians or other staff of Epoka University, attacking their honor and self-esteem in a written or oral way, or insulting them, b) Talking offensively against personalities or decisions of administrators in Epoka University individually or collectively, making publications as such and provoking students against them or attempting to do such activities, c) Except for political or ideological purposes, attempting to activities such as boycott, invasion, obstruction or involving in such activities hindering services in higher education, d) Involving in activities which lead to polarizations in terms of language, religion, race and sect, e) Assaulting students and Epoka University staff, f) Writing ideological or political words, drawing such pictures, emblems or etc, DQG VWLFNLQJ WKHP RQ Âż[WXUHV ZDOOV GRRUV RU HWF LQ WKH (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ g) Stealing, h) Drinking alcoholic beverages in Epoka University, i) Provoking students or other people for an activity hindering work in Epoka University,


j) Organizing or attending meetings at open or closed places belong to Epoka University without any permission, making statements as if a student representative, attending meetings or ceremonies in such a way, k) Entering into building of the Epoka University although it is prohibited, violating this decision or entering into buildings closed by authorities, and damaging or harming them, l) Keeping, copying or distributing all kinds of publications which are prohibited in Epoka University, m) Cheating, attempting to cheat or allowing someone to cheat in exams.

Disciplinary Punishments requiring dismissal from University ARTICLE 10: D 5HPRYLQJ VWXGHQWV DQG RIÂżFLDOV RXW RI WKH (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ E\ XVH RI IRUFH DQG YLROHQFH SUHYHQWLQJ ZRUN RU IRUFLQJ VWXGHQWV WR EHKDYH DV VXFK b) Disturbing peace and working order for political and ideological purposes in Epoka University, or attending activities such as boycott, invasion, hindering, slowing down work of personnel and provoking such kind of activities, F .HHSLQJ FRS\LQJ DQG GLVWULEXWLQJ SROLWLFDO DQG LGHRORJLFDO OHDĂ€HWV SRVWHUV EDQners, tapes in Epoka University, and writing and exhibiting these on walls and furniture of buildings, making verbal or written propaganda, d) Forcing someone by threatening, to organize an activity regarded as a crime or to attend such an activity or to make a false statement or to make a false declaration or to take the blame, e) Becoming a member of illegal organizations, organizing activities or affording assistance on behalf of these organizations, f) Using, carrying, keeping or dealing narcotic drugs, g) Being punished for the offenses against the government, h) Carrying arms, knives, explosive substances and other instruments designed especially for attacking and defending, keeping them in Epoka University or being sentenced for these offenses, through violating the law on “Firearms and knives or other materialsâ€?, i) Founding open or secret clubs, societies and etc, in the buildings or annexes of Epoka University without any permission, j) Cheating in an exam by threatening, preventing removal of cheating students out of the class, making someone to enter an examination instead of him or entering for an examination instead of someone, k) Preventing work related to disciplinary Investigations or work of disciplinary board by using force or threatening, l) Raping, m) Sheltering or hiding somebody wanted by security forces, n) Preventing lessons or entering examinations in any way, moving students out of the class, and involving in activities provoking or forcing to do so, o) Torturing or making someone to torture someone else or a group for whatever reason it is.


Unforeseen Disciplinary Crimes $57,&/( 6DPH GLVFLSOLQDU\ SXQLVKPHQWV DUH LQĂ€LFWHG RQ VWXGHQWV ZKR KDYH done similar actions, mentioned above and requiring disciplinary punishments, in terms of character and graveness.

Repetition of a Disciplinary Crime ARTICLE 12: A severe punishment graver for one degree is applied when a disciplinary crime repeated during his studentship. As for third appliance of disciplinary punishments that require same degree of punishment but are given for different actions and situations, a severe punishment graver for one degree is given.

Disciplinary Proceeding Authorities for Proceeding ARTICLE 13: a) Rector of the university regarding students’ actions in collective or common places, b) Dean due to disciplinary crimes of faculty students, c) Institute Director due to disciplinary crimes of institute students, Conservatory director due to disciplinary crimes of conservatory students. Authorities for proceeding can do the investigation by themselves or assign some other investigators to do. Concerning collective or permanent student actions, a board of adjustment and investigation, including as many members as required by the scope and content of the action, is established under presidency of the rector or vice rector assigned by him including other academician members from faculties, institutes, colleges or, if any conservatories. This board presents to the Rector the reasons of students’ actions and the measures to be taken to prevent repetition in a report. Besides, regarding students who have been found guilty after proceedings, authorized disciplinary chief is offered to give warning, condemnation or rustication from one week to one month punishments, and university disciplinary board is offered for rustication punishment for one or two semesters or punishment of dismissal from Epoka University.

Duration of the Proceeding $57,&/( 'LVFLSOLQDU\ SURFHHGLQJ LV EHJXQ RQ WKH ÂżUVW ZRUNLQJ GD\ IROORZLQJ the day when event is learned. If the proceeding is to be carried out by assigning an investigator, then relevant investigator shall be informed about this proceeding decision without any delay, the proceeding is concluded within 15 days latest since the date of approval. In the case that the proceeding can not be completed within WKLV SHULRG RI WLPH WKH LQYHVWLJDWRU VKDOO GHPDQG DGGLWLRQDO WLPH MXVWLÂżDEO\ 'LVFLplinary chief who has given the proceeding order may extend the time for proceeding if he considers that necessary.


Method of the Proceeding ARTICLE 15:The investigator listens witnesses, can make survey or consult an expert or prefer to make these done by rogatory if it is necessary. Each proceeding RSHUDWLRQ LV FRQÂżUPHG E\ DQ RIÂżFLDO UHSRUW 2IÂżFLDO 5HSRUW LV SUHSDUHG DV WR VWDWH ZKHUH DQG ZKHQ WKH RSHUDWLRQ ZDV GRQH what was the content of it, who involved in it, and to specify questions and answers if any statements taken. And it is signed by the investigator, clerk, witnesses or experts or by responsible people for the document in ragotary letter, ID, address and similar info about the witness is clearly stated. The witness is duly administered an oath and the form of this oath is written down, $OO WKH VWDII LQ (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ KDYH WR VXEPLW DOO NLQG RI LQIRUPDWLRQ ÂżOH DQG other documents to Investigators without any delay and have to provide assistance when asked.

Right of Defense ARTICLE 16:The inquired student is informed in writing about the crime he/she is attributed to at least three days before his/her date of defense. In this written QRWLFH WKH VWXGHQW LV DVNHG WR EH SUHVHQW IRU SOHDGLQJ DW WKH GDWH DQG WLPH VSHFLÂżHG ,I VHQGLQJ D ZULWWHQ QRWLFH LV LPSRVVLEOH WKHQ LW LV DQQRXQFHG LQ VSHFLÂżF SODFHV RI the Epoka University concerned that the student must apply to the investigator to defend himself/herself. ,Q WKH ZULW UHFHLYHG E\ WKH VWXGHQW LW LV QRWHG WKDW KH ZLOO EH FRQVLGHUHG WR UHQRXQFH his right of defense and be decided upon through depending on other evidence if KH VKH GRHV QRW DELGH E\ WKH FDOO ZLWKRXW DQ\ MXVWLÂżHG UHDVRQ RU QRW PDNH KLV H[cuse on time. Additional time is given to the student who has a valid excuse or found out to be not able to abide by the writ due to force majeure, or he/she asked to send his/her GHIHQVH VWDWHPHQW LQ D VSHFLÂżHG WLPH $UUHVWHG VWXGHQWV DUH DQQRXQFHG WR VHQG WKHLU defense in written form. $UWLFOHV DQG RI WKLV UHJXODWLRQ DUH DSSOLHG IRU HYHU\ VRUW RI QRWLÂżFDWLRQ ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ LV FDUULHG RXW WKURXJK DOORZLQJ VWXGHQW WR GHIHQG KLPVHOI KHUVHOI properly. But it is not allowed to extend the investigation on the ground of defense.

Proceeding Report ARTICLE 17:A report is prepared when the proceeding has been completed. In this report, proceeding approval, beginning date of proceeding, identities of inquired students, subject of the crime, stages of investigation, proofs and received defense are summarized. Each crime item is analyzed one by one and discussed whether WKH FULPH LV FRQÂżUPHG RU QRW ORRNLQJ DW WKH HYLGHQFH DQG QHFHVVDU\ GLVFLSOLQDU\ punishment is suggested for it if any, originals or copies of the documents are attached to the report, Proceeding report is submitted to the authority who conducted this investigation.


Measures To Be Taken During the Investigation ARTICLE 18: If it is found to be necessary by the investigators, they may ask inquirers may ask authorities for disciplinary investigation to come to a decision on keeping accused students out of the higher education departments during investigation. The decision of the authorities is applied. That the student changed his department in the Epoka University or preferred to study in another Epoka University or left the Epoka University for any reason after he had committed that disciplinary crime does not hinder conducting an investigation, its process and taking necessary decisions about it.

Co-execution of Penal and Disciplinary Investigation ARTICLE 19: That a penal prosecution has already been conducted about a student for the same action does not delay a disciplinary investigation, defendants being sentenced or not in accordance with the penal law does not impede execution of any disciplinary punishment.

Finalization of the Investigation $57,&/( ,QTXLU\ UHSRUW DQG ÂżOH DUH VWXGLHG FDUHIXOO\ DQG ÂżQDOL]HG GLUHFWO\ E\ deans of faculties and directors of Institutes immediately. Required investigations are handled within three days at the latest by Disciplinary Board. If it is found to be necessary by the dean, director or disciplinary board, same inYHVWLJDWRU RU D PHPEHU RI GLVFLSOLQDU\ ERDUG PD\ DVNHG WR FRPSOHWH VRPH VSHFLÂżF LQYHVWLJDWLRQ SURFHHGLQJV WKDW DUH FRQVLGHUHG GHÂżFLHQW

Chiefs and Boards Authorized to Impose Disciplinary Punishment ARTICLE 21: Disciplinary punishments such as warning, condemnation, and rustication from one week to one month are imposed directly by dean of faculty, directors of institution, conservatories or colleges. Disciplinary punishments such as rustication for one or two semesters and dismissal from Epoka University are imposed by the authorized disciplinary board. Administrative board of the university, faculty and institute also serve as the disciplinary board of their own institutions.

Assembling of Disciplinary Board $57,&/( 'LVFLSOLQDU\ %RDUG PHHWV DW WKH SODFH GDWH DQG WLPH VSHFL¿HG XSRQ the invitation by the President. ARTICLE 23: The President of the board executes preparation of meeting agenda and proper execution of board’s work.


Meeting Quorum ATICLE 24: Meeting quorum of Administrative committee as a disciplinary board is more than half of the whole number of board members.

Spokesman ship ATICLE 25: Duty of spokesman ship is carried out by a member charged by the 3UHVLGHQW 7KH VSRNHVPDQ FRPSOHWHV DQDO\VLV RI WKH ÂżOH LQ GD\V DW WKH ODWHVW DQG presents his report to the president

Discussion Method ATICLE 26: In the board, after listening statement of the spokesman, the issue is begun to be discussed. The board may also listen investigators if necessary. When it is concluded that the LVVXH KDV EHHQ FOHDUHG DQG GLVFXVVLRQV DUH VXIÂżFLHQW YRWLQJ LV GRQH DQG WKH GHFLsion is declared by the President.

Voting ATICLE 27: Each member of disciplinary board is charged with voting against or for. Abstaining vote is not acceptable. Decisions are taken by absolute majority. In the case of equal votes, president’s vote is decisive. Summary of the decision is determined by a minute signed by members.

Decision ATICLE 28: The Chiefs or disciplinary board authorized to impose disciplinary punishment are autonomous about accepting or refusing the punishment suggested in investigation report, and they can impose another disciplinary punishment proYLGHG WKDW WKH\ JLYH MXVWLÂżFDWLRQ

Duration of Decision ATICLE 29: Authorities for disciplinary punishment have to decide within 5 days at the latest since the completion date of investigation about punishments concernLQJ ZDUQLQJ FRQGHPQDWLRQ DQG MXVWLÂżFDWLRQ IURP RQH ZHHN WR RQH PRQWK ,Q FDVHV ZKHUH RWKHU GLVFLSOLQDU\ SXQLVKPHQWV VKRXOG EH LPSRVHG WKH ÂżOH LV LPmediately referred to disciplinary board. The Board has to decide within 10 days at the latest from the date of receive.

Points to be Taken into Account While Imposing a Disciplinary Punishment ATICLE 30: Authorities for disciplinary punishments, while determining and as-


sessing one of these punishments, shall take into consideration the graveness of crime, intention and purpose of accused student, whether he had a disciplinary punishment before, whether he regrets for his crime. Punishment shall be one degree graver when a disciplinary crime is committed in his/her own institution along with students from other institution. As for collective disciplinary crimes, in the case that criminals can not be detected individually, each student shall be punished suitably by authorized chiefs and boards.

Implementation and Objection 1RWL多FDWLRQ RI 3XQLVKPHQWV $7,&/( 3XQLVKPHQW IROORZLQJ WKH GLVFLSOLQDU\ LQYHVWLJDWLRQ LV QRWL多HG E\ WKH authority for investigation: To the investigated student, To his/her parents or to his/her closest family member in case of their absence, To public or private organization or people granting scholarship or credit to that student. 'LVFLSOLQDU\ SXQLVKPHQWV FDQ DOVR EH QRWL多HG E\ DQQRXQFHPHQW LQ UHOHYDQW KLJKHU education Epoka University or connected establishments if necessary.

Implementation ATICLE 32: Disciplinary punishments are applied since the date of imposition unOHVV RWKHUZLVH VSHFL多HG E\ WKH DXWKRULWLHV

Objection Period and Administrative Procedure ATICLE 33: It is impossible to apply to any superior authority for making an objection to punishments such as warning, condemnation, decided by disciplinary chiefs and rustication from university from one week to one month or for one or two semesters. It is possible to apply to an administrative court for the punishments stated in this regulation. It is possible to make an objection to the administrative board of university in 15 days against the decision of dismissal from Epoka University taken by disciplinary board. In case of objection, administrative board of the university shall assess the decision and either accept the same or reject it in case of rejection, disciplinary board or authorized disciplinary chief shall take a decision again considering ground for rejection. As for decisions taken by administrative board of the university against the student, it is possible to apply administrative procedure.


Prescription ATICLE 34: In this regulation, about the students involving in acts or situations regarded as disciplinary crimes, from the date when such crimes are learned by authorized people for investigation, prescription is: One month for punishments such as warning, condemnation and rustication from the Epoka University from one week to one month, Six months for punishments VXFK DV UXVWLÂżFDWLRQ IURP WKH (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ IRU RQH RU WZR VHPHVWHUV RU GLVmissal from the Epoka University, and if disciplinary investigation does not begin, authorization to impose disciplinary punishment drops due to prescription. If disciplinary punishment is not imposed within two years since the date of involving in disciplinary crimes, authorization to impose punishment drops due to prescription. However, when disciplinary chief or board needs a judicial decision, this SUHVFULSWLRQ SHULRG VWDUWV IURP WKH GD\ RQ ZKLFK WKDW GHFLVLRQ KDV EHHQ FRQÂżUPHG The mentioned need is determined by a decision taken by authorized disciplinary chief or board.

Miscellaneous 1RWLÂżFDWLRQ DQG $GGUHVV 'HFODUDWLRQ $7,&/( $OO VRUWV RI QRWLÂżFDWLRQ FRQFHUQLQJ GLVFLSOLQDU\ LQYHVWLJDWLRQ LV FRQsidered to be done by delivering in writing to the address stated by the student at the time of registration or by announcing it in relevant institution. If a student changed his address given at the time of registration and does not inform their institution about that or give wrong or incomplete address, he/she cannot FODLP WKDW QR QRWLÂżFDWLRQ KDV EHHQ PDGH IRU WKHP ZKHQ LQ VXFK D QRWLÂżFDWLRQ KDV already been done to their address registered in the institution.

File Submission ATICLE 36: Files concerning disciplinary investigation are submitted and received along with the delivery ticket. Signatures of deliverer and recipient exist under delivery ticket.



Prohibitions ATICLE 38: Privacy is essential in each stage of investigation. In addition to administrative proceedings, provisions of this regulation or of “Disciplinary RegulaWLRQ IRU $GPLQLVWUDWRUV ,QVWUXFWRUV RU 2IÂżFLDOV RI (SRND 8QLYHUVLW\ VKDOO EH DSplied for those people violating this rule.

Effective Date ATICLE 39: These regulations shall take effect as of the date of their publication.

Enforcement ATICLE 40: The provisions herein are enforceable by the Rector of Epoka University.

Epoka University General Exam Rules 1. The students must be present in the examination room at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination. Students must listen to the course professor or invigilator and follow their instructions quietly untill the start of the examination. 6WXGHQWV DUH QRW SHUPLWWHG WR HQWHU WKH H[DPLQDWLRQ URRP ODWHU WKDQ ÂżIWHHQ PLQutes after the beginning of the examination. The course professor or invigilator is not obligated to give any extra time. Students are not allowed to leave the examination room until thirty minutes after the commencement of the examination. The students may leave the examination only with the permission of the course professor or invigilator and must hand in his/her examination papers. If the student leaves WKH H[DPLQDWLRQ URRP ZLWK DQ\ H[FXVH EHIRUH LW KDV ÂżQLVKHG KH VKH ZLOO QRW EH allowed to continue the examination. 3. Every student is responsible in person for any kind of information, document, book or notes or blank paper (apart from the materials distributed for that examination), and piece of paper or anything that can be used for cheating, found at his desk or around. In such case the student, before the examination starts, must check his desk and ask the course professor or invigilator to change the assigned desk, in opposite case any of the pretensions raised by the student will not be accepted. 4. In the case of “closed-bookâ€? examinations, it is not allowed to take any book or other written or printed matter or blank paper or non- approved electronic devices like, pagers of any kind, cameras of any kind, IPODs, MP3 players, personal computers, Personal Digital Assistants (i.e. Palm Pilots), wristwatch computers or any other equipment which might give the student an unfair advantage, to their desk or a reachable place in the examination room. 5. Any annotations made by students on their examination question sheets, (including annotations indicating a choice of answer) must be made in a manner which ensures these notations are not visible to any other student. 6. Cell phones are to be switched off during the exam. Earplugs are not to be worn in the examination room.


7. Pens, rubbers, rulers, calculators, etc., must not be shared. Electronic manager/diar y devices with a calculator function are not allowed. Students may use a calculator approved by the course professor in the examinations that requires the use of calculator. Calculators must not be in cases. 8. Bags and books are to be deposited in areas designated by the course professor or invigilator and are not to be taken to the examination desk or table. 9. In the case of “open book” examinations, any written or printed material including books, acts, etc is permitted. Rough working is to be done in the examination book or on the sheet provided, and clearly crossed out. 10. Possession of unauthorized material constitutes a breach of rules, whether intended to be used or not. In such case, the student will be subject to penalty a QG SRVVLEOH GLVTXDOL¿FDWLRQ 11. Epoka University’s standard exam sheet is the examination answer sheet to be used. When considered as rational for the course, the course professor or invigilator may give permission for usage of additional answer sheets. Additional exam sheets are not to be used when answers must be written in the questions sheet. 12. Students must write their name and ID number clearly on each answer sheet. 13. The course professor or invigilator has the authority to assign the seats to the students, and change their seats without any further explanation in order to keep examination integrity. 14. The course professor or invigilator must check students’ ID cards. Students are not allowed to enter to the examination room and take the exam addressing some other student. Students must place their identity cards in a position on their desk where they are clearly visible to the course professor or invigilator. 15. The course professor or invigilator has the authority to request the immediate departure from the room by any student who in his/her opinion is guilty of misbehavior. 16. Besides the explanations made by the course professor or a person authorized by him/her, invigilators are not obliged to give any explanation related to exam questions. 17. Students must not communicate with each other in the examination room or copy from each other’s answers. 18. Students shall not continue writing an answer or add anything to their answers after the invigilator has announced the time termination. The course professor or invigilator may refuse to accept the sheets of students who fail to obey to this requirement. 19. Students may not pass off the work of others as their own or quote the work of others without acknowledgement. Such action will be liable to academic penalty and may also be liable to severe disciplinary action. 20. Food must not be brought into the examination room. Caps or hats are not to be worn in the examination room. 21. In the unlikely event that the examination room needs to be evacuated, the student must follow the instructions issued by the course professor or invigilator in the room. Any infringement of these rules and related regulations may entail the penalty of WKH FDQFHOODWLRQ RI WKH VWXGHQW¶V H[DPLQDWLRQ $Q RI¿FLDO UHSRUW ZLOO EH VXEPLWWHG under which the necessary procedures will start.


NECESSARY CONTACTS Telephone Central :

+355 4 2232 086 +355 4 2222 077 +355 4 2222 117 Epoka University, Tiranë - Rinas, Km. 12, Tirana, Albania

Fax : Address: E-mail: 5HFWRUCV 2I¿FH

Hamza Aksoy Provost



Ms. Manjola Hoxha Student Affairs

3URI 'U * QJ|U 7XUDQ JWXUDQ#HSRND HGX DO Dean of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Mr. Ervin Sulika Faculties’ Secretary

$VVLVW 3URI 'U <DYX] <DUGÕP \\DUGLP#HSRND HGX DO Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering Mr. Klodjan Beqollari Faculties’ Secretary

Mr. Ahmed Fatih Ersoy ,QIRUPDWLRQ 6\VWHPV 2I¿FH

Mr. Roland Hoxha Career Planning Center

Mr. Halil Buzkan )LQDQFLDO $IIDLUV 2I¿FH




Address: Rr. TiranĂŤ - Rinas, Km.12 Tel: +355 4 22 32 086 +355 4 22 22 077 Fax: +355 4 22 22 117

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